Budget - 1980 PROPOSED ANNUAL BUDGET OF THE CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 1980 CITY COMMISSION Mayor Karen M. Graves Commissioner Roy W. Allen Commissioner Dan S. Geis Commissioner Keith G. Duckers Commissioner Merle A. Hodges City Manager Rufus L. Nye CITY OF SALINA f KANSAS 1980 ANNUAL BUDGET TABLE OF CONTENTS Page BUDGET MESSAGE TAX LEVY Tax Levy Tax Limit Computation Assessed Valuation Computation General Fund Revenue I II III IV GENERAL FUND General Fund (Summary) City Commission Office of the City Manager City Clerk and Finance Department Legal Department Municipal Court Buildings Division Engineering Department Fire Department Permit and Inspection Department Park Division Police Department Street Division Human Relations Department Traffic Division Swimming Pool Division Administration and Planning Department Insurance and Contingencies Fund 1 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 19 21 24 28 31 33 35 37 39 TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) Band Fund Page 40 41 43 44 45 46 47 48 50 Cemetery Division General Improvement Division Public Health Industrial Development Fund Noxious Weeds Fund Tree Maintenance Fund Flood Works Division Human Resources Department SPECIAL FUNDS Special Funds (Summary) Employee Benefits Fund Utili ty Fund Bond and Interest Fund Special Liability Expense Fund Special Parks and Recreation Fund Special Alcohol Programs Fund 52 53 56 58 61 63 65 ENTERPRISE FUNDS Enterprise Funds (Summary) Sanitation Division Paper Recycling Division Parking Meter Division Golf Course Division Special Gasoline Tax Division Solid Waste Disposal Division Water and Sewerage Department 67 68 72 76 80 84 87 91 TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) Page OTHER FUNDS Central Garage Division Revenue Sharing Fund Human Resources Department 99 100 102 THE BUDGETARY PROCESS The Annual Budget for the City of Salina is a one year plan for financing the operation and programs of the City government. The most significant elements in the budgetary process are: 1. The City Code requires the City Manager to prepare and present to the City Commission a proposed budget for the succeeding fiscal year. It is the responsibility of the City Commission, based upon the City Manager's proposed budget, to deliberate upon and to adopt an annual budget for the forthcoming fiscal year. The City's fiscal year coincides with the calendar year. 2. The City Commission approves the annual budget by City Ordinance which author- izes the City Manager to proceed with the budget based upon the ordinance. Also, the Commission must adopt the annual tax levy which establishes City taxes for the coming year. The tax levy must be filed and certified to the Saline County Clerk by August 25th of each year. It is characteristic of governmental accounting that the many and diverse activities of the city government are financed from a number of separate sources. This is the result of legal restrictions placed upon the use of public monies by State and local laws which, in essence, require that funds raised for one purpose cannot be used for another. The General Fund is the primary and parent revenue fund of the City and it provides monies for the operation and financing of most governmental programs. The Enterprise Funds include revenues received from users of the sanitation, paper recycling, parking meter, golf course, special gasoline, solid waste, and water and sewerage operations and does not include tax funds. Other special funds of the City such as special assessment and debt service funds are used for specific purposes detailed in law. Many of these relate to the repayment of debt obligations of the City. The annual budget translates the City's municipal services into accounting terminology. Appropriations are divided into funds, departments, and divisions. These broad func- tion and operation areas are further subdivided into personal services, contractual services, materials and supplies, sundry expenditures, and capital outlay. The City of Salina operates on what is commonly called a "line item" budget. However, the emphasis in the budgetary process is to analyze each program by its impact upon the citizens of the City. Once adopted, the annual budget serves as the work program for the City government for the forthcoming year. It also serves as a tool for evaluating the continuity of City programs and services as well as a continual measurement of organization and efficiency. July 13, 1979 The Honorable Mayor and Commissioners City of Salina 300 W. Ash Salina, Kansas 67401 Mayor Graves and Gentlemen: In accordance with the provisions of K.S.A. 12-1014 and Sec. 2-77(6) of the Salina Code, I am pleased to submit the Proposed 1980 Annual Budget. In addition to the General Fund, budgets for the Enterprise Funds and Special Funds are included. Public presentation on the proposed budget is scheduled for July 16, 1979, a regular Commission meeting, with a subsequent hearing at the regular Commission meeting on August 6, 1979. Once you approve a proposed budget for publica- tion, which you should do on July 16, it can be reduced, but it may not be increased. Kansas law requires the City Commission to certify the new budget and the revenue required to be raised from property taxes to the County Clerk. The deadline for certification is Saturday, August 25, 1979. Preparation of the annual operating budget provides the City staff the opportunity to review critically existing programs and services. This review allows comparisions of the value and priority of each operation with new programs or improved levels of service. Comments on each of the budget activities are included in the following sec- tions of the budget message and on the pages of each individual activity account. Goals Used to Formulate Proposed 1980 Annual Budget The limited funding available for 1980 makes it difficult to provide much flexibility in the preparation of the Budget. Within that limi- tation, the Proposed 1980 Annual Budget has been prepared in accor- dance with the following objectives: 1. to continue to provide an adequate level of services and programs in the basic municipal functions of general government, public safety, utilities and general services. The Honorable Mayor and Commissioners Page Two 2. to meet and attempt to contain the inflationary pressures on the cost of goods and services purchased by the City. 3. to adjust employee compensation to partially keep pace with in- flation. 4. to reduce dependence upon Federal Revenue Sharing to finance con- tinuing, ongoing programs. 5. to upgrade the Fire service, both in terms of equipment and in training. These objectives are interrelated and act in several combinations on any major budget proposal or need. However, all the objectives were kept in mind. In essence, the goal is to maintain at least the same level of services in 1980 as in 1979, not withstanding increasing costs and rising expectations. The Budget in Brief The Proposed 1980 Annual Budget is balanced between revenues and ex- penditures. The total expenditure level for all City Funds and ac- tivities for fiscal year 1980 is proposed at $13,749,680. These are divided as follows: TABLE I Proposed Expenditures for 1980 Fund Proposed Budget General Enterprise Special Revenue Sharing Total $ 4,502,090 4,916,300 3,925,090 406,200 $13,749,680 The Proposed 1980 General Fund Budget of $4,502,090 is partially fi- nanced from a property tax levy of $1,892,752. This provides 42% of the revenue necessary to operate the General Fund. In addition, special property tax levies for employee benefits, utilities, lia- bility and bond and interest in the total amount of $2,210,742 are recommended. The estimated total property tax levy of $4,103,494 spread on a tax- able assessed valuation of $105,233,894 will produce a mill rate of 38.994. This is an increase of 1.1740 mills over the 1979 mill rate of 37.820. The Honorable Mayor and Commissioners Page Three In 1980, property taxes will provide 30% or $4,103,494 of the City's $13,749,680 budget for all funds and activities. The Proposed 1980 Annual Budget requests no significant adjustments or growth in City programs or level of services. Approximately $705,000 in department head requests were deleted by the City Manager. These were deleted after careful evaluation and determination of pri- orities and also in the belief that in the current anti-government spending atmosphere, growth in governmental programs is not well sup- ported by the citizens. Other adjustments in the budget reflect an upward adjustment in the City's pay plan, merit salary adjustments granted to City employees, increased insurance costs and larger expenses for goods, services and other commodities necessary for the functioning of the City. The increased costs in these commodities is caused primarily by inflation. Gasoline, as an example, is budgeted at $1.00 per gallon for 1980 as opposed to 609 per gallon in 1979. During 1978, the City consumed a total of 165,400 gallons of motor vehicle fuel. General Fund Revenues Projected revenue sources and amounts in the General Fund will be similar in 1980 to 1979. Certain revenues will grow moderately in response to greater economic activity and inflation. However, there are 2 significant new sources of revenue proposed for 1980. The 1979 State Legislature adopted a 10% tax on all liquor sold in Kansas' private clubs. Receipts from that tax will be divided equally between the City's General Fund, a Special Parks and Recreation Fund and a Special Alcohol Programs Fund. Because the law is effective on July 1, 1979, and the timing of the fiscal year, Salina will re- ceive a modest windfall in 1980. The estimated 1980 receipts are $210,000. The General Fund will receive $70,000. In addition, I have placed one-half, $35,000, of the special parks and recreation allotment in the General Fund to offset park expenditures. The Budget contains an appropriation of $35,000 for the Special Parks and Recreation Fund and $70,000 for the Special Alcohol Programs Fund. The Commission must decide how to utilize those monies. Governmental revenue theory suggests it is a good practice to have persons benefiting from a governmental service to pay for it. Unfor- tunately in many cases, police, fire, street for example, it is dif- ficult if not impossible to attain that objective. However, in the case of plumbing, electrical and building inspections, those benefit- ing are more closely defined. The Honorable Mayor and Commissioners Page Four The City charges for inspectional services. charges are insufficient to support the cost net effect is that the property taxpayer has inspection services. Unfortunately, the of the service. The been subsidizing The common practice in communities is to have the inspections depart- ment self-supporting from fees charged for their services. I suggest this be done in Salina. The mechanism to do so is already at hand. The City operates under the Uniform Building Code. That Code has a fee schedule which is periodically updated to reflect rising con- struction costs. I believe the City should adopt that fee schedule. I will present a recommendation to you later this year to be effec- tive January 1, 1980. Staffing Levels The City has a total of 369 full-time employees. This Budget pro- poses 6 additional full-time employees. I am transferring the two personnel from the Noxious Weeds and Tree Maintenance accounts to the Parks and Street Divisions of the Department of General Services. I will also transfer one Laborer from General Improvement to the Parks Division. These transfers will improve the operating effi- ciencies of the departments. Currently the Police Department and Municipal Court share a Clerk. The work load in both the Court and Police Department necessitates additional personnel. I recommend that each department have ~ an additional full-time Clerk, making a total of one. The personnel employed in the Department of Human Resources have been funded from Revenue Sharing and the Comprehensive Employment and Train- ing Act (CETA). It will no longer be possible to finance these em- ployees from CETA. I propose that the Director of Human Resources, presently financed from Revenue Sharing, be financed from the General Fund. Of the other 4 employees currently financed from CETA, I recom- mend that the 3 Neighborhood Center Coordinator positions be continued and financed from Revenue Sharing. The other position is dropped. Finally, I recommend that there be two additional Laborers authorized for the Sanitation operation. These positions are necessary in order to keep up with the growing volume of refuse and the longer routes caused by development. Employee Compensation The most important and continuing asset of the City government is its full-time employees. The 369 employees working for the City have a combined total experience of 2,795 years with the City of Salina. And in addition, of course, they have technical expertise in a wide range of areas, ranging from A to Z, from animal control to zon- ing. It is important that the compensation for municipal employees The Honorable Mayor and Commissioners Page Five be at a competitive level. This is essential in order to recruit and retain valued employees. Qualified and capable employees more than earn their compensation by increased production and efficiency. The Consumer Price Index, the most widely accepted indicator of in- flation, has increased for the year ending May, 1979 by 10.8%. It is, of course, self-evident that inflation affects public employees in the same manner as employees in the private sector. Inflation is probably the nation's major domestic concern. President Carter has attempted to address inflation by his suggested guidelines for wages and benefits for both the public and private sector. Virtually all settlements of which I am aware have exceeded the Presidential guide- lines which, depending on how it is interpreted, can be either 7.2% or 7.8%. I recommend the City's pay plan be increased upwards 7.0%. That ad- justment in the City's compensation plan will affect individual em- ployees differently. Some employees will be eligible during 1980 for an in-step salary adjustment depending upon length of service with the City and position on the City's compensation plan. At the present time, the City pays the full cost of hospitalization and medical insurance for the individual employee. The individual employee is responsible for providing, at his option, medical insur- ance for dependents. The cost is approximately $87.00 per month, or $1,044 annually. I recommend the City assume part of the cost of dependent medical insurance. The recommendation is $25.00 per month, or $300 annually. The effect on employees of this benefit will de- pend upon their personal circumstances and how much salary they earn. For example, some employees who are single or those who do not carry dependent medical insurance will not share in this benefit. Also, the higher an employee's salary, the smaller percentage impact. It is the concensus in the life insurance industry that term life in- surance is the cheapest life insurance to buy. In fact, term life insurance is strictly insurance, it is not a savings program as are many other forms of life insurance. I recommend the City provide each full-time employee with a term life insurance policy equal to the annual salary with a minimum policy of $10,000. Medical insurance for fire personnel is handled separately from other City employees. The City pays approximately 15% of the cost of in- surance for an individual employee. The remaining 85% is paid from the receipts of a State tax on casualty and fire insurance. Also, fire personnel receive dental insurance which is not available to other employees. Both dependent coverage and dental insurance pre- miums are paid by the individual employee. The Honorable Mayor and Commissioners Page Six The receipts of the State tax on casualty and fire insurance have grown insufficient to cover the cost of individual medical insurance. This Budget contains funds to increase the City's contribution from 15% to 25%. Federal Revenue Sharing The State and Local Fiscal Assistance Act, better known as Revenue Sharing, is scheduled to end on September 30, 1980. The future of the program in the U.S. Congress is unknown. There is some pressure to discontinue it in its entirety. I believe Revenue Sharing will continue after September 30, 1980; however, the amount of funding and limitations are not known at this time. Revenue Sharing should be available for the Commission to allocate each year without previous commitments on the funds. It is partic- ularly unwise, given the uncertainty of funding, to use Revenue Sharing to fund ongoing operating programs. In recognition of this philosophy, I recommend that a portion of the operating cost of the Department of Human Resources be included in the General Fund and Utility Fund. However, $71,200 to operate the Department of Human Resources in 1980 will be derived from Revenue Sharing. I will pro- pose in 1981 that the General Fund assume a still larger portion of that Department's cost. The goal is to provide the Department of Human Resources with a permanent source of funding from the General Fund. The City has financed a portion of the City's share of the City - County Health Department from Revenue Sharing. That amount in 1979 was $60,000. I recommend that the General Fund consume the entire cost of this continuing obligation. The 1980 budgeted amount is $100,000, which is $66,000 more than the General Fund's 1979 contri- bution of $34,000. The other operating function financed out of Revenue Sharing is the Salina Bicentennial Center. The Salina Bicentennial Center will con- tinue in the foreseeable future to be a major financing challenge. The Commission should seek, in 1980, to provide a permanent funding source other than Revenue Sharing for the Salina Bicentennial Center. Enterprise Funds The financial health of the City's 3 major Enterprise Funds - Sanita- tion, Solid Waste, Water and Sewerage - is critical. These funds contain no tax monies, but are fully supported by fees collected from users. They are the same as any private venture business in that they do not enjoy the backdrop of tax funds to cover operating losses. Table II illustrates the cash balance of these three funds: The Honorable Mayor and Commissioners Page Seven TABLE II Cash Balance - Selected Enterprise Funds Estimated Estimated Balance Balance Fund 12/31/79 12/31/80 Difference Sanitation $ 90,260 $ 54,960 $ 35,300 Solid Waste 36,500 11,180 25,320 Water and Sewerage 440,440 217,910 222,530 TOTAL $567,200 $284,050 $283,150 During 1980, these three funds will have operating losses as follows: Sanitation - $35,300; Solid Waste - $25,320; and Water and Sewerage - $286,530. Water and Sewerage will realize nonoperating income of $64,000 mainly reimbursements which will reduce the net loss to $222,530. The bleak financial condition of these funds demands corrective ac- tion in 1980. That action must be in the form of rate schedule in- creases. The cash balance of $283,150 will sustain these activities for only 1 more year at the present rates. I will present you with recommendations on this matter in early 1980. Local Sales Tax This Budget does not contain provision for a local sales tax as per- mitted by Kansas statutes. However, I will present to the Commission in early 1980 a proposal for either a 1/2% City or 1% county-wide sales tax. This would be voted on a referendum at the November 4, 1980 General Election. It is self-evident that ad valorem taxation as practiced in Kansas does not provide sufficient flexibility to keep pace with inflation and the increased revenue needs of the City. Furthermore, the property taxes hits unfairly upon one group of citi- zens - those owning property. It is quite apparent that Salina is a major cultural, retail and medical center for a much larger area than the City. It is, further- more, self-evident that the capital needs of the City have been long neglected because of the lack of a revenue source of significant size and continuity to permit long-range financial planning for capital improvements. The recent Capital Improvement Program adopted by the Commission cannot be implemented in any meaningful degree without an- other source of revenue. It seems to me that a local sales tax is the best source. Although the local sales tax is not part of the 1980 Budget, I suggest it should weigh heavily upon your deliberations over the next year. The Honorable Mayor and Commissioners Page Eight Property Tax Impact The average residence in the City of Salina has an assessed valuation of $3,003. If the City Commission approves the tax levy as proposed, it will increase the 1980 tax mill rate by 1.174 mills. This means that the average residential property taxpayer will pay $3.53 more for City services in 1980 than in 1979. It should be kept in mind in speaking of property taxes that they vary enormously. Many citizens will pay more, some as much as $10.00 and others much less. This will, of course, depend on the assessed valuation of residential property. The final mill rate will be estab- lished by the Salina County Treasurer based upon various final deter- minations of technical questions of property taxation. These figures are, of course, estimates. However, the final figures should not vary significantly. The City government is only one of several taxing authorities in the City of Salina. The other 3 major taxing authorities are, of course, USD #305, Saline County, and the Public Library. Approximately 31% of the property taxes of the Salina residents goes to the support of City government. The City's estimated 1980 popula- tion is 41,000. Based upon the tax levy of $4,103,494, the 1980 per capita cost of City government is $100.08. Acknowledgements The 1980 Annual Budget document is the result of the work of many staff members. All the City department and division heads have been particularly helpful and cooperative during the preparation of the Budget. This has certainly been a trying time, especially in view of the need "to educate" the new City Manager. Special recognition is due to Bill Harris, Assistant City Manager, for his help and guidance in all areas; and to Don Harrison, City Clerk and Director of Finance, who prepared the statistical tables. My thanks go to Becky Hall, Secretary to the City Manager; to Linda Webb, Secretary to the Assistant City Manager; and to Jackie Shiever, Secretary to the City Clerk, who shepherded the whole process and corrected the errors and oversights of the rest of us. For all of these faithful staff members, I am most thankful and express my profound appreciation. I present the Proposed 1980 Annual Budget for your critical review, careful consideration and adoption as you determine to be in the best interests of the City of Salina and all of its citizens. .----. RLN:bh 1979 TAX LEVY FOR 1980 BUDGET 1979 Levy Total Taxes 1979 Net Ad Valorem Ad Valorem Per Tax Funds Tax Dollars Levy Mills $100.00 Levy General $1,892,752 17.9861 1.7986 18.4194 Employee Benefits 752,510 7.1508 .7151 5.3558 Utility 398,530 3.7871 .3787 3.3679 Bond and Interest 999,702 9.4998 .9500 10.6769 Special Liability 60,000 0.5702 .0570 -0- TOTAL $4,103,494 38.9940 3.8994 37.8200 City of Salina, Kansas Tangible Valuation $105,233,894 I STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form II (80) AGGREGATE TAX IJMIT COMPUTATION (Sehedule A) Check Base Year Used: Taxes levied in 1968 for budget year 1969 ~ Taxes levied in 1969 for budget year 1970 1. Total tangible taxes levied for the Base Year for purposes included within the aggregate limitation. $1.175,634 2. Assessed tangible valuation for 1968 or 1969. $ 62,717,142 3. Rate (Line 1 divided by Line 2). 18,745 4. Assessed valuation for 1979 of: a. New improvements to real estate since the Base Year. (Exclude values in added territory.) b. Increased personal property since the Base Year. (Exclude values in added territory.) 5. Net increase in Total Valuation. 18.745 96 + 17.356.426 + 27.360.192 96 X 107,433,760 6. Basic aggregate limitation for 1979 7. Assessed tangible valuation for 1979: a. Before addition or exclusion of territory since the Base Year. b. Territory added since the Base Year. c. Territory excluded since the Base Year. 8. Percentage of Adjustment: a. Territory added (Line 7b divided by 7a). b. Territory excluded (Line 7c divided by 7a). 9. Amount of adjustment in aggregate limitation: a. Territory added (Line 6 multiplied by Line 8a). b. Territory excluded (Line 1 multiplied by Line 8b). 10. New cities having no Base Year or cities which levied no tangible taxes in the Base Year. (Amount determined by County Clerk. See K.S.A. 79-5010.) 11. Increase authorized by election. years, voted ,19_, first levy year 19_. 12. Increase authorized by Board of Tax Appeals. _ years authorized, first levy year 19_. 13. Functions transferred: a. In b. Out (Add or deduct the total amounts levied for any function or service that were levied in the year preceding the transfer.) 14. TOTAL AGGREGATE TAX LIMITATION FOR BUDGET YEAR 1980 (Sum of Lines 6, 9, 11, 12 and 13. Cities qualifying under K.S.A. 79-5010 should start with Line 10.) II 101.927.154 3.306.740 -0- 3.2442 -0- $ 2,013,846 96 96 65,333 -0- NA None None None None $2.07Q.179 Q '"" Q ~z Q ""~<~cz:: 0< ~ < zE-><><,"" of3tcz::>< e:...:l~g~ <<ocz::< E-,""..-cz::CC ;:lcz::....'""'"" c.oc.E-QCC ~Fo...:lliloc~CI) 8g:~0~:@ cz::z55:Z~l! ~~ffi~s~ ti~c.~...:l ,""grs~~ ;$c.r3>l:.l ::'::~l'I.lQCZ: cz::-<l:.l0 0~'""S'; ~,""cz::~ :Z~fa -< en~ <:a> en 10- z~ <:= ::.:: E ... .. O~ w.... E- Cl.l <:~ E- ::l en co Cl.l x I I . .... X 0.'" X , EU;~ x x -wo x .... x :0 ~-~ x CI) CIS X CI) Z~ X '0 X ~ ~ :; "'''' ::l ~ := 0 ~ 0 X '" '" -4" ';t;:;::~ X N .... >J;) CO .... X x e: ....ct:a> X ~ ::: CO .... 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No. Description 1977 Actual 1978 Actual 1979 Budgeted Projected 1980 Manager Commission: 110 Current Tangible Taxes $1,665,806 $1,860,229 $1,797,559 $1,761,460 $1,892,752 120 Current Intangible Taxes 288,588 337,445 290,000 340,000 347,000 130 Delinquent Tangible Taxes 67,594 23,934 27,000 27,000 27,700 140 Delinquent Intangible Taxes 535 1,343 600 600 600 150 Bingo Gross Receipts 8,259 8,060 8,200 9,180 9,300 205 State Shared Taxes -0- -0- 112,445 112 , 45 5 128,460 210 State Cigarette Tax 80,379 77 , 736 -0- -0- -0- 215 City Liquor Tax -0- -0- -0- -0- 70,000 230 State Liquor Enforcement Tax 37,664 33,263 -0- -0- -0- 240 State Sales Tax 134,000 150,108 169,255 169,255 186,42C 260 Highway Maintenance 2, 735 2,935 3,000 3,00C 3,000 311 Cereal Malt Beverage Licenses 15,252 14,330 16,000 15 ,OOC 15,00C 313 Retail Liquor Licenses 9,000 10,250 9,300 10,50C 11 ,OOC 315 Wholesale Liquor Licenses 2,500 1,250 2,500 2,500 2,50C 321 Amusement Device - Pinball & Etc. 2,541 2,871 2,900 2, 90C 3,00C 323 Entertainment Licenses 700 982 1,000 50C 60C 325 Circus, Carnival & Tent Show Licenses 700 792 500 500 60C 327 Dances - Public 927 1,180 1,000 1,00C 1,10C 333 Music Machine Licenses 1,240 1,160 1,450 1,20C 1,20C 334 Miniature Pool Table & & Shuffleboard 4,686 4,422 5,100 4,50C 4,60C 335 Pool Hall & Bowling Alley Licenses 793 793 850 80C 80C 338 Skating Rink Licenses 66 66 70 7C 7C 339 Theatre & Opera House Licenses 798 798 800 95C 95C 341 Auctioneer & Auction Sale Licenses 847 1,195 1,000 1,00C 1,10C 342 Liquidation Sale Licenses 400 200 400 40C 40C 343 Billboard Advertising Licenses 265 298 300 30C 30C 345 Concrete Construction Licenses 1,042 1,000 1,100 1,00( 1,10C 347 Electrician Licenses 2,337 2 , 536 2,500 2,50( 2,60C 349 Mobile Home Craftsman Licenses 638 394 650 40( 40C 351 Gas Fitter Licenses 783 828 850 85C 85C CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS IV 1980 ANNUAL BUDGET FUND DEPARTMENT FUND NO. General SUMMARY OF REVENUE Acct. 1977 1978 1979 1980 No. Description Actual Actual Budgeted Projected Manager Commission: 353 Tree Trimming & Treating Licenses 345 287 350 350 350 355 Private Club Licenses 2,500 2,250 2,750 2,500 2,500 357 Junk Dealers, Auto & Parts Licenses 1,100 1,000 1,100 1,000 1,000 359 Pawnbroker Licenses 100 100 100 100 100 361 Plumber Licenses 3,184 2,728 3,350 3,000 3,10C 363 Taxicab Licenses 311 220 300 22C 25C 365 Taxicab Drivers Licenses 195 211 200 20C 20C 367 Street Advertising Licenses 30 80 50 5C 6C 369 Elevator Contractor Licenses 70 70 70 7C 70 371 Mobile Home Court Licenses 2,447 2,464 2,500 2,50C 2,70e 373 Truck & Transfer Licenses -0- 40 -0- 4C 4e 375 Vendor, Peddler & Itinerant Canvasser 299 -0- 300 100 10e 377 Refuse Hauler Licenses 1,332 1,729 1,400 1,40C 1,50C 379 Concrete Construction Permits 909 819 1,000 1,00e 1,00C 381 Building & Inspection Fees 63,507 58,148 68,000 60,00C 110,00e 383 House Moving Permits 650 720 700 70e 80C 391 Food Permits 2 , 502 2,653 2,500 2,50e 2,70C 393 Bail Bondsman Licenses 73 105 100 10e 10C 395 Merchant Police Licenses 666 464 700 50C 50C 399 Dog Licenses 4,546 6,577 4,800 5,00C 6,50C 410 Municipal Court - Fines 153,565 262,120 195,000 235,00C 255,240 440 Franchise Taxes 501,135 582,374 651,000 653,91C 746,500 508 Income from Leased Land 248 188 250 20C 20C 511 Qffice Space Rental 2,930 3,330 3,330 3, 33C 3,33C 512 Auditorium Rental 2,765 490 200 40C -0- 513 Rent - Community Theatre 760 850 850 85C 85C 514 Rent - Tables & Chairs 527 519 200 5C -0 522 Concessions - Oakda1e Park 20 -0- 25 5e 5C 523 Concessions - Swimming Pools 62 144 100 15C 15C 524 Rent Lakewood Park 3,120 3,775 3,200 3,50C 3,60C 610 Interest from Investments 24,402 34,708 30,000 35,00C 40,00C CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS V 1980 ANNUAL BUDGET FUND DEPARTMENT FUND NO. General SUMMARY OF REVENUE Acct. 1977 1978 1979 1980 No. Description Actual Actual Budgeted Projected Manager Commission. 701 Engineering Fees 15,000 20,000 40,000 40,000 60,000 702 Impounding Fees 5,099 4,953 5,500 5,000 5,500 703 Removal & Burial Fees 8,553 7,738 9,600 8,000 8,000 704 Grave Marker Permits 860 645 850 700 700 705 Title Transfer Fees 45 90 50 150 150 709 Admissions - Swimming Pools 9,525 9,078 10,000 10,000 10,000 711 Administrative Service - Other Dept 32,610 32,751 38,965 38,965 41,000 712 Fire Protection Outside City Limits 109,949 126,540 40,000 42,000 45,000 713 Street Cut Repairs 11,080 8,234 11,500 9,000 9,000 719 Weed Cutting Services 6,507 4,260 6,700 4,50C 4,500 717 Upkeep Services -0- 5 -0- 10 10 720 Plats & Rezoning Fees 4,297 3,495 4,100 4,10( 4,10C 721 Sale of Commodities 5,048 5,620 5,000 5 , OO( 5,50C 723 Sale of Books 526 466 550 550 550 725 Sale of Salvage 60 494 400 400 500 727 Sale of Lots 3,803 3,330 4,000 4,000 4,00C 731 Miscellaneous Sales & Service 3,760 2,358 4,000 3,00C 3,10C 732 Miscellaneous Services County 330 410 360 50C 500 810 Sale of Real Estate -0- 600 10,600 50C 50C 917 Public Address System 340 105 25 -0- -0- 952 Reimbursement of Expenditures 15,146 15,469 16,000 l6,00C 17,000 957 Transfer from Other Funds 147,374 160,000 180,000 l80,00( 2l5,00( Grand Total $3,485,287 $3,916,202 $3,818,954 $3,855,96~ $4,331,50; Beginning Cash Balance January 1st $ 367,109 $ 320,08 $ l70,58E rotal Revenue 3,916,202 3,855,96c 4.33l.50~ Total Revenue and Beginning Balance 4,283,311 4,176,04~ 4,502,09( Less Expenditures 3,963,228 4,005,46( 4.502.09( Unencumbered Cash Balance December 31 $ 320,083 $ l70,58~ $ -0 CITY OF SALINA t KANSAS VI 1980 ANNUAL BUDGET FUND DEPARTMENT FUND NO. General 30 SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES Acct. 1977 1978 1979 1980 No. Description Actual Actual Bud eted Pro'ected Mana er Commission City Commission $ 59,935 $ 70,576 $ 79,265 $ 78,880 $ 83,170 Office of City Manager 52,767 67,023 65,340 61,210 77 , 640 City Clerk & Finance 126,700 132,970 152,330 140,510 171,230 Legal 27,802 32,037 33,810 36,910 37,630 Municipal Court 28,511 42,284 51,210 47,240 47,840 Buildings 87,575 92,785 80,975 81,040 87,930 Engineering 138,942 153,004 163,010 142,040 152,250 Fire 678,993 827,704 892,275 892,870 1,056,530 Permit & Inspection 64,793 80,910 85,700 87,300 96,170 Park 183,573 204,957 225,305 220,120 269,780 Police 906,685 1,079,258 1,120,105 1,115,600 1,304,490 Street 336,759 394,832 413,855 426,950 496,860 Human Relations -0- 28,875 30,195 29,840 34,400 Traffic 64,659 71,162 58,945 57,660 65,290 Swimming Pools 31,035 31,500 37,820 38,570 29,960 Administration and Planning 94,236 104,815 106,655 106,650 127,080 Insurance and Contingencies 185,201 137,914 178,355 222,730 61,300 Band 19,000 19,000 14,215 14, 210 15,210 Cemetery 33,564 , 37,411 37,980 37,680 40,370 General Improvement 32,738 47,679 60,420 51,240 55,100 Public Health 26,250 29,380 34,000 34,000 100,000 Industrial Development 20,568 20,860 15,000 15,000 20,000 Noxious Weeds 13,295. 14,601 14,950 14,790 -0- Tree Maintenance 10,390 9,780 13,245 12,070 -0- Flood Works 34,688 39,331 40,500 40,350 45,000 Human Resources -0- -0- -0- -0- 26,860 Street Lighting 157,466 170,015 -0- -0- -0- Memorial Hall 17,653 22,565 -0- -0- -0- Grand Total 3,433,778 $3,963,228 4,005,460 4,005,460 4,582,090 CITY OF SALINA t KANSAS 1 1980 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET COMMENTS CITY COMMISSION As the elected representatives of the community, the City Commission exercises the legislative power of the City government. The City Commission meets regularly to consider ordinances, resolutions, and other actions as may be required by law or circumstance. The various concerns brought before Commission for consideration may be initiated by Commission members, advisory commissions, administrative staff per- sons or residents of the community. The City Commission exercises budgetary control through the adoption of an Annual Budget. The Commission also makes appointments to various boards, authorities, and commissions. The five member Commission is elected at large on a nonpartisan basis. Three Commissioners are elected every two years. The two candidates receiving the most votes each receive four-year terms. The third member is elected to a two-year term. Information in support of regular City Commission meeting agendas is prepared by administrative staff and are available to citizens and the news media. The City Commission meets at 4:00 P.M. the first, second, third and fourth Monday of each month in Room 200 of the City - County - Board of Education Building. Items for the agenda of the City Commission meeting are to be submitted in writing to the City Manager by noon of the Thursday preceeding the Monday City Commission meeting. All City Commission meetings are public except at those times when the Commission re- cesses from a regular meeting into an executive session for a specified purpose. * * * * * * #207 provides for attendance of Commissioners at professional meetings such as the National League of Cities Congress; the U. S. Conference of Mayors; and various Kansas League of Municipality meetings. #211 includes $500 to the National Guard; $120 to the Americanization Center; $30,000 to the Arts Commission; and $18,125 to the City- County Emergency Preparedness. #299 provides for printing of the Annual Report. It is recommended to go to a tabloid-type of report for 1979 rather than the calendar- type we have used for the past several years. #435 includes membership for the City in the North Central Regional Planning Commission, the National League bf Cities, the Kansas League of Municipalities, Management Information Service, and Mo-Ark Flood Control and Conservation Association. CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 2 /980 ANNUAL BUDGET FUND DEPARTMENT FUND NO. General City Commission 01 SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES Acct. 1977 1978 1979 1980 No. Description Actual Actual Budgeted Pro;ected Manager Commission PERSONAL SERVICES 120 Salaries $ 500 $ 500 $ 500 $ 500 $ 500 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 207 Employee Development 7,774 5,608 9,300 9,300 9,500 209 Postage 30 1 30 30 30 211 Contributions 27,620 38,950 42,620 42,620 48,750 225 Legal Advertising 8,047 7,671 8,000 8,000 8,000 233 Insurance - Surety Bonds 315 -0- 315 350 -0- 298 Revision of Ordinances 1,000 809 1,500 1,200 1,500 299 Other Contractual Services 5,179 6,804 6,820 6,700 3,800 Subtotal 49,965 59,843 68,585 68,200 71,580 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 435 Organizational Dues 9,470 10,233 10,180 10,180 11 , 090 Grand Total $ 59,935 $ 70,576 $ 79,265 $ 78,880 $ 83,170 - CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 3 1980 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET COMMENTS OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER The Office of the City Manager is the general administrative unit of the City govern- ment. The City Manager is appointed by the City Commission for an indefinite term and serves as the City's chief administrative officer. As provided by State Statute and City Ordinance, the City Manager supervises and directs the administration of all City departments to ensure that the laws, ordinances and resolutions of the City are enforced. Activities include providing liaison be- tween the City Commission and the administrative staff, preparing and distributing informational documents for the Commission agenda, keeping the Commission fully advised as to the financial condition and needs of the City, processing citizen inquiries and service requests, maintaining public relations with the news media, working with other governmental, school district and State and County governments, and representing the City at official meetings and conferences. The City Manager is responsible for the appointment and removal of all city employees. As chief administrative officer of the City, the City Manager is responsible for recommending such measures for adoption by the City Commission which are deemed necessary for the welfare of the citizens and the efficient administration of the municipal government. Recommendations to the Commission relate to specific legis- lative issues, financial programs, capital expenditures and improvements, as well as other administrative matters. The City Manager prepares a proposed budget for the City Commission. Once the Commission adopts the budget it becomes the respon- sibility of the City Manager to see that it is properly administered. * * * * * * The City Manager account includes 3 full-time employees: City Manager, Administrative Assistant and an Administrative Secretary. #207 provides for participation in professional meetings, conferences, seminars and special training sessions. CITY OF SALINA t KANSAS 4 1980 ANNUAL BUDGET FUND DEP~TMENI FUND NO. Of ice 0 General City Manager 02 SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES Acct. 1977 1978 1979 1980 No. Description Actual Actual Budgeted Pro;ected Manager Commission PERSONAL SERVICES 120 Salaries - Regular Employees $ 46,977 $ 60,428 $ 59,710 $ 52,450 $ 70,520 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 205 Telephone & Telegraph 1,598 1,694 1,600 1,600 1,700 207 Employee Development 1,419 1,975 1,500 2,000 2,000 209 Postage 167 161 225 250 250 231 Insurance - Motor Vehicle 124 158 160 320 320 233 Insurance - Surety Bonds 20 20 20 20 20 252 Repair - Furniture & Office Equipment 59 31 50 100 100 253 Repair - Motor Vehicles 382 362 425 350 350 255 Tire Repair -0- -0- -0- 20 20 Subtotal 3,769 4,401 3,980 4,660 4,760 MATERIALS &. SUPPLIES 320 Office Supplies 474 ' 479 500 500 530 331 Books & Periodicals 335 430 300 400 400 345 Motor Vehicle - Fuel & Lubricants 299 354 375 600 750 379 Motor Vehicle - Tires 100 76 75 200 200 Subtotal 1,208 1,339 1,250 1,700 1,880 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 435 Organizational Dues 418 436 400 400 480 CAPITAL OUTLAY 509 Furniture & Fixtures 395 419 -0- 2,000 -0- Grand Total $ 52,767 $ 67,023 $ 65,340 $ 61,210 $ 77,640 - CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 5 1980 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET COMMENTS CITY CLERK AND FINANCE DEPARTMENT Under the supervlslon of the Finance Director and City Clerk, this Department provides for the proper planning, accounting and control of all fiscal matters in the City. Accounts payable, accounts receivable, investment income, contracts, payroll, pur- chasing and billings are processed by this Department. Financial statements are prepared on a periodic basis. Fiscal reports are also dis- seminated to other governmental agencies. The documentation for all fiscal records and transactions is in accordance with generally accepted governmental accounting procedures. The City Clerk is responsible for voter registration. Various applications for City licenses are submitted to this office, are then audited for compliance with code re- quirements and are forwarded to the proper approving authority, such as the City Commission. After approval, a formal license is issued. The City Clerk is also responsible for taking the minutes of the City Commission meetings and acting as depository for all official City records. This Department also has charge of the electronic data processing equipment and supervises the computer operation. Cen- tral personnel records, advertising and processing of applications for City employment are handled by this office. * * * * * * The Department is budgeted for 9 full-time employees in 1980. The position of Trea- surer and Purchaser is discontinued. Although budgeted for 1979, this position was not filled. The responsibilities intended for this position are and will continue to be handled by other personnel. The 1980 Budget provides for the following full- time positions: Director of Finance and City Clerk, Director of Personnel, Data Processing Manager, Principal Data Processing Equipment Operator, Administrative Aide (2), Account Clerk, and Senior Clerk (2). The line items in this account do not reflect significant changes in programs or services. Other than salaries, the two major expenditures are reflected in #274 which is for rental of the xerox equipment and #320 which provides for the purchase of xerox and computer paper and supplies. CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 6 ~80 ANNUAL BUDGET FUND DEPARTMENT FUND NO. City Clerk General and Finance 03 SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES Acct. 1977 1978 1979 1980 No. Description Actual Actual BudQ:eted Pro;ected Mana2:er Commission PERSONAL SERVICES 120 Salaries - Regular Employees $ 94,035 $ 98,763 $119,660 $106,830 $138,270 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 205 Telephone & Telegraph 1,783 1,786 1,800 2,200 2,000 207 Employee Development 1,569 1,209 1,200 1,200 1,200 209 Postage 1,193 1,323 1,400 1,400 1,400 221 Printing Office Forms 1,920 1,929 2,300 2,300 2,400 231 Insurance - Motor Vehicles -0- -0- 140 150 150 233 Insurance - Surety Bonds 266 252 270 270 270 252 Repair - Furniture & Office Equipment 1,329 1,526 1,500 1,500 1,500 253 Repair - Machinery & Equipment -0- 87 50 200 200 274 Rent - Machinery & Equipment 12,097 10,634 12,500 12,500 12,500 291 Auditing & Accounting Services 3, 800 ' 3,800 4,000 4,000 4,500 295 Other Professional Services 652 2,150 700 900 700 Subtotal 24,609 24,696 25,860 26,620 26,820 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 320 Office Supplies 3,368 4,421 3,500 4,000 4,200 331 Books & Periodicals 157 215 150 200 200 345 Motor Vehicle - Fuel & Lubricants -0- 91 150 250 300 379 Tires -0- -0- -0- 70 70 Subtotal 3,525 4,737 3,800 4,520 4, 770 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 435 Organizational Dues 435 470 450 470 470 439 Refunds 667 146 300 -300 300 Subtotal 1,102 616 750 770 770 CAPITAL OUTLAY 509 Furniture & Fixtures -0- 1,080 1,500 1,510 600 517 Office Mechanical - Equipment 3,429 3,078 760 260 -0- Subtotal 3,429 4,158 2,260 1,770 600 Grand Total $126,700 $132,970 $152,330 $140,510 $171,230 CITY OF SALINA t KANSAS 7 1980 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET COMMENTS LEGAL DEP ART~'1ENT General legal services are provided by the legal department to the City Commission, City Manager, administrative staff and advisory commissions on a variety of municipal matters. These services include: legal opinions, preparation of ordinances, resolu- tions, contracts and agreements. The City Attorney represents the City in litigation including condemnation action and prosecution. The City Attorney and Assistant City Attorney work on a part-time basis for normal legal work connected with City business and Municipal Court prosecutions. Other specific legal services are rendered at an hourly rate. The City Attorney normally attends all meetings of the City Commission and will attend advisory commission meetings upon request when possible legal questions may be antici- pated. The Assistant City Attorney is the City prosecutor and advises the Planning Commission and Board of Zoning Appeals. * * * * * * There are no full-time personnel in this account. #296 is difficult to predict as it depends on court cases appealed and lawsuits filed by or against the city. CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 8 1980 ANNUAL BUDGET - FUND DEPARTMENT FUND NO. General Legal 04 SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES Acct. 1977 1978 1979 1980 No. Description Actual Actual Budgeted Projected Manager Commission PERSONAL SERVICES 120 Salaries - Regular Employees $ 23,069 $ 26,031 $ 29,310 $ 28,260 $ 30,930 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 296 Legal Services 4,083 5,335 4,000 8,000 6,000 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 331 Books & Periodicals 650 671 500 650 700 Grand Total $ 27,802 $ 32,037 $ 33,810 $ 36,910 $ 37,630 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 9 1980 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET COMMENTS MUNICIPAL COURT The Municipal Court, presided over by the Municipal Judge serving on a part-time basis, hears misdemeanor cases. A great majority of the cases are traffic offenses. * * * * * * Full-time personnel include: Principal Clerk and Senior Clerk. #295 provides for periodic services of a Judge Pro-Tern and witness fees. CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 10 /980 ANNUAL BUDGET FUND DEPARTMENT FUND NO. General Municipal Court 05 SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES Acct. 1977 1978 1979 1980 No. Description Actual Actual Budgeted Proiected Manal?er Commission PERSONAL SERVICES 120 Salaries - Regular Employees $ 25,345 $ 29,927 $ 28,135 $ 2 7 , 960 $ 28,290 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 205 Telephone & Telegraph 772 727 775 770 770 221 Printing Office Forms 278 1,020 350 550 550 231 Insurance - Motor Vehicles 87 155 160 160 160 233 Insurance - Surety Bonds 20 20 20 20 20 253 Repair - Motor Vehicles III 130 225 230 230 255 Repair - Motor Vehicles - Tires 3 6 20 20 20 295 Other Professional Services 1,178 777 900 900 1,000 Subtotal 2,449 2,835 2,450 2,650 2,750 MATERIALS &, SUPPLIES 320 Office Supplies 230 286 200 200 200 345 Motor Vehicles - Fuel & Lubricants 354 294 400 400 500 359 Other Operating Supplies 15 -0- -0- -0- -0- 379 Motor Vehicles - Tires 118 -0- 25 30 100 Subtotal 717 580 625 630 800 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 430 Assessment Remitted to State -0- 8,602 20,000 16,000 16,000 CAPITAL OUTLAY 509 Furniture & Fixtures -0- 340 -0- -0- -0- Grand Total $ 28,511 $ 42,284 $ 51,210 $ 47,240 $ 47,840 - CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 11 1980 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET COMMENTS BUILDINGS DIVISION This fund includes the City's share of operating and maintaining the City - County _ Board of Education Building which was completed in 1969. The building is operated and maintained by a Building Authority comprised of elected representatives of each of the three agencies, plus one member at large selected by the other members. Operation and maintenance costs are shared by the three agencies prorated on the basis of square footage of floor space which each occupies. Saline County utilizes 61,810 square feet or 60%, the City of Salina 27,776 square feet or 27% and USD 305, 13,802 square feet or 13%. The Water and Sewerage Department pays ~ of the City's 27%. The Community Development Department, which is operated on funds received from the Federal Department of Housing and Urban Development, reimburses the General Fund for the office space utilized by the Department. The Building Fund also provides for the maintenance and operation of the Salina Com- munity Theatre and the Police Building, exclusive of utilities. * * * * * * The Fund includes 2 full-time Custodians. Fire insurance on all city buildings, except those belonging to the Water and Sewerage operation, is included in #228. The reduction in insurance from 1979 to 1980 is due to increasing the deductible from $100 to $500. The City's 27% share, $46,250, for operation and maintenance of the City - County - Board of Education Building appears in #299. CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 12 ~80 ANNUAL BUDGET FUND DEPARTMENT FUND NO. General Services General Buildings Division 06 SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES Acct. 1977 1978 1979 1980 No. Description Actual Actual Budgeted Proiected Manager Commission PERSONAL SERVICES 120 Salaries - Regular Employees $ 16,947 $ 17,812 $ 18,505 $ 18,480 $ 19,810 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 205 Telephone & Telegraph 70 72 80 80 90 228 Insurance - Fire 16,791 17,138 17,640 17,640 15,700 241 Gas Service 2,026 2,420 -0- -0- -0- 242 Light & Power Service 9,577 10,481 -0- -0- -0- 243 Water Service 564 595 -0- -0- -0- 251 Repair - Buildings 928 8,390 2,000 3,060 2,000 284 Laundry & Towel ServicE 148 60 150 80 80 295 Other Professional Services 1,362 5,034 1,500 1,500 1,500 299 Other Contractual Services 34,452 27,255 37,500 37,500 46,250 Subtotal 65,918 71,445 58,870 59,860 65,620 MATERIALS & SUPYLIES 310 Expendable Tools 88 50 100 100 100 343 Janitor & Toilet Supplies 1,890 408 1,500 600 800 367 Electrical & Lighting Parts 555 175 500 500 500 371 Lumber & Lumber Products 1,016 2,449 700 700 700 381 Paint & Painting Materials 1,161 446 800 800 400 Subtotal 4,710 3,528 3,600 2,700 2,500 Grand Total $ 87,575 $ 92,785 $ 80,975 $ 81,040 $ 87 , 920 - CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 13 1980 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET COMMENTS ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT The function of the Engineering Department is to protect the public interest by assuring that all municipal improvements and facilities are constructed in accordance with established standards. The Engineering Department is responsible for coordinating all engineering services related to development projects during both the planning and construction stages. Direct supervision and review of work performed by consulting engineers is also done by the City Engineer and department staff. Proper engineering data is formulated to meet the requirements of project feasibility reports, design considerations, final plans and specifications, and other planning and engineering procedures. Engineering supervision is given to municipal improvement projects which involves analyzing bids, supervising construction, certifying progress of construction, and recommending acceptance of work done by a contractor. Depending upon the size of an improvement project, these services may be performed in-house or rendered by engineering consultants, or a combination of the two. * * * * * * The Engineering Department has 9 full-time employees: Assistant City Engineer, Traffic Engineer, Engineering Technician (3), Senior Engineering Aide, Engineering Aide (2), and a Senior Clerk. The City Engineer's salary is included in the Water and Sewerage Department because he also is Director of Utilities. This is the primary reason for the reduction in this account from 1979. CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 14 /980 ANNUAL BUDGET FUND DEPARTMENT FUND NO. General Engineering 07 SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES Acct. 1977 1978 1979 1980 No. Description Actual Actual Budgeted Pro;ected Manager Commission PERSONAL SERVICES 120 Salaries - Regular Employees $123,421 $135,478 $151,055 $129,540 $139,880 130 Salaries - Part Time Employees 1,139 -0- 1,500 1,500 -0- Subtotal 124,560 135,478 152,555 131,040 139,880 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 205 Telephone & Telegraph 1, 110 1,043 1,200 1,240 1,330 207 Employee Development 857 981 1,000 1,000 1,000 209 Postage 124 119 150 150 150 220 Blueprints -0- -0- 100 100 240 231 Insurance - Motor Vehicles 313 441 440 480 500 252 .Repair - Furniture & Office Equipment 478 317 550 550 300 253 Repair - Machinery & Equipment 1,260 1,743 1,300 1,700 1,500 255 Repair - Tires 88 199 100 100 280 257 Repair - Radi.o Equipment 289 , 206 250 250 210 Subtotal 4,519 5,049 5,090 5,570 5,510 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 320 Office Supplies 280 500 400 370 400 331 Books & Periodicals 153 192 150 150 150 335 Drafting & Engineering Supplies 1,849 1,506 1,600 1,600 1,700 345 Motor Vehicles - Fuel & Lubricants 1,961 1,909 2,200 2,500 3,400 347 Motor Vehicles - License Tags 15 8 15 10 10 371 Lumber & Lumber Products -0- 40 -0- -0- -0- 379 Motor Vehicles - Tires 33 58 200 -0- 400 Subtotal 4,291 4,213 4,565 4,630 6,060 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 435 Organizational Dues 426 422 450 450 450 CAPITAL OUTLAY - 503 Engineering Equipment 151 1,103 350 350 350 505 Automobile 4,858 5,871 -0- -0- -0- 509 Furniture & Fixtures 137 868 -0- -0- -0- Subtotal 5,146 7,842 350 350 350 Grand Total $138,942 $J.53~004 $163.010 $142,040 $152,250 I CITY OF SALINA t KANSAS 15 1980 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET COMMENTS FIRE DEPARTMENT The Fire Department shares in the local responsibility for protection of lives and property. Through inspections, public education programs, and enforcement of various codes, many hazardous conditions are prevented or detected and corrected. The pre- vention of fires and explosions is the first priority of business with the department; second is to provide a prompt and efficient response to fires and other types of emergencies. Routine fire inspections are conducted periodically to check for code compliance. Fire investigations are conducted in cases where arson is suspected. The Fire Department reviews plans with the Planning Department, Engineering and Building Inspection on all new development projects. Records are kept of every activity in the Fire Department. Rescue and first aid are rendered to affected parties, requiring highly trained per- sonnel. The fire service is a complex, multi-skill and hazardous occupation. Firefighers must be knowledgeable in hydraulics, certain chemistry, the use and limitations of various equipment. The better trained and more highly skilled a firefighter becomes, the more value he will be to the public, his fellow firefighters and the better he will be able to protect himself. For the benefit of the public and the firefighters, more emphasis is being placed on training. * * * * * * The Fire Department has 70 full-time firefighting personnel, Senior Clerk and ~ time Clerk. Firefighting personnel include the following: Fire Chief Assistant Fire Chief Fire Marshall Captain (4) Lieutenant (18) Firefighter Engineer (16) Firefighter (29) #207 and #383 totaling $14,300 reflect the increased priority which has been placed on both basic and advanced training. $13,000 for the installation of a central cooling and heating system for the head- quarters station was transferred to the Revenue Sharing Request Fund. #507 - The $20,910 provides for the purchase of fire hose, rescue equipment, breath- ing apparatus, protective suits and firefighting chemicals. The Department is in need of additional and replacement of firefighting apparatus. $350,000 requested by the Department for one pumper and one aerial truck will have to be financed through some other source, such as local sales tax or the issuance of bonds. CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 16 1980 ANNUAL BUDGET FUND DEPARTMENT FUND NO. General Fire 08 SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES Acct. 1977 1978 1979 1980 No. Description Actual Actual Budgeted Proiected ManaQ:er Commission PERSONAL SERVICES 120 Salaries - Regular Employees $608,766 $645,446 $838,870 $822,630 $946,890 130 Salaries - Part Time -0- -0- -0- 1,500 3,600 Subtotal 608,766 645,446 838,870 824,130 9.50,490 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 205 Telephone & Telegraph 3,407 3,896 3,800 4,250 5,250 207 Employee Development 2,018 2,349 2,600 4,050 5,800 209 Postage 69 66 95 240 250 221 Printing Office Forms 97 88 150 300 500 231 Insurance - Motor Vehicles 1,907 2,588 3,000 4,000 4,000 241 Gas Service 5,783 7,936 -0- -0- -0- 242 Light & Power Service 8,231 9,350 -0- -0- -0- 243 Water Service 1,545 1,693 -0- -0- -0- 251 Repair - Buildings 2,128 9,575 750 1,480 2,700 252 Repair - Furniture & Office Equipment 779 268 300 580 580 253 Repair - Machinery & Equipment 2,782 3,264 400 880 880 254 Repair - Motor Vehicles 518 678 500 1,800 6,500 255 Repair - Tires 9 470 50 50 80 257 Repair - Radio Equipment 3,016 3,199 3,000 1,330 2,500 284 Laundry & Towel Servicl 118 115 115 100 120 295 Other Professional Service 2,797 1,218 1,000 1,560 2,000 Subtotal 35,204 46,753 15,760 20,620 31,160 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 310 Expendable Tools 691 748 800 1,240 1,000 320 Office Supplies 191 376 225 560 750 331 Books & Periodicals 862 773 1,020 1,050 1,050 343 Janitor & Toilet Supplies 1,898 1,444 2,000 1,700 2,000 345 Motor Vehicles - Fuel & Lubricants 4,615 5,574 5,250 5,790 7,300 351 Seeds, Plants, Trees & Lawn Supplies 134 76 150 200 258- 355 Wearing Apparel 7,095 8,091 7,000 8,000 9,000 359 Other Operating Supplies 1,782 1,906 1,500 2,500 1,700 367 Electrical & Lighting Parts 497 418 800 800 1,280 CITY OF SALINA t KANSAS 17 1980 ANNUAL BUDGET FUND DEPARTMENT FUND NO. General Fire 08 SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES Acc t . 1977 1978 1979 1980 No. Description Actual Actual Budgeted Proiected Manager Commission 371 Lumber & Lumber Products 235 309 500 700 1,000 373 Machinery & Equipment Parts 827 1,277 1,000 1,530 1,000 375 Metal & Metal Products 629 48 100 590 500 377 Motor Vehicles - Parts 1,625 2,955 2,800 3,500 3,500 379 Motor Vehicles - Tires & Tubes 1,511 158 400 680 450 381 Paint & Painting Producrs 370 157 450 680 600 382 Photograph Supplies 498 418 500 630 630 393 Welding Supplies 233 168 125 160 150 399 Other Repairs & Maintenance 779 627 500 780 780 383 Training Equipment & Supplies -0- -0- -0- 450 8,500 Subtotal 24,472 25,523 25,120 31,540 41,440 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 435 Organizational Dues 122 194 145 180 350 CAPITAL OUTLAY 503 Equipment 1,013 14,229 4,735 5,580 3,480 505 Automobile -0- 17,249 -0- -0- -0- 507 Fire Fighting Equipment 5,163 52,529 5,545 5,950 20,910 509 Furniture & Fixtures 1,521 2,553 500 1,000 3,200 514 Personnel Protective Equipment 2,437 8,495 1,000 2,790 3,000 517 Office Mechanical Equipment 295 186 600 1,080 2,500 519 Radio Equipment -0- 14,547 -0- -0- -0- Subtotal 10,429 109,788 12,380 16 I 400 33,090 Grant Total $678,993 $827,704 $892,275 $892,870 1.056,530 - I CITY OF SALINA t KANSAS 18 1980 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET COMMENTS PERMIT AND INSPECTION DEPARTMENT The primary responsibility of the Permit and Inspection Department is protection of life, property, and property values by uniform and reasonable administration and enforcement of the zoning ordinances, mechanical, minimum housing, building, plumbing, electrical and other related codes. The Department issues construction permits, reviews plans for proposed buildings, recommends revisions when not in accordance with the codes and public safety, inspects construction sites to insure that all the standards of the City are being complied with, and maintains accurate records of all permits issued and inspections made. The Department works closely with the Police, Fire and Health Departments and other public agencies in the areas of health and safety. * * * * * * There are 6 full-time employees: Chief Building and Zoning Inspector, Plumbing Inspector, Electrical Inspector, Structural Inspector, Mechanical Inspector, and Senior Clerk. Although each of the inspectors specialize in their particular field, they are all cross-trained to fill in for each other to reduce travel through- out the city and to best utilize staff time. This Department has previously been designated the Inspection Department and has been under the general supervision of the City Engineer. In the future, the Chief Building and Zoning Inspector will have charge of the Department. #519 will permit the replacement of one mobile radio unit. It is proposed in 1980 to adopt the fee schedule contained in the Uniform Building Code. This will result in significantly higher building permit fees. It will also permit this Department to be self-supporting from fees collected and will, if adopted, end the partial dependence of this Department upon the tax levy for funds. CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 19 /980 ANNUAL BUDGET FUND DEPARTMENT FUND NO. Permit & General Inspection 09 SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES Acct. 1977 1978 1979 1980 No. Description Actual Actual Budgeted Proiected Mana2er Commission PERSONAL SERVICES 120 Salaries - Regular Employees $ 57,806 $ 66,657 $ 77,220 $ 77 ,800 $ 85,390 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 205 Telephone & Telegraph 1,269 1,434 1,400 1,450 1,500 207 Employee Development 650 568 500 500 500 209 Postage 247 313 300 300 300 221 Printing Office Forms 227 279 300 300 300 231 Insurance - Motor Vehicles 520 644 915 920 920 253 Repair - Machinery & Equipment 433 993 600 1,050 800 255 Repair - Tires 22 20 20 20 20 257 Repair - Radio Equipment 270 270 340 340 340 Subtotal 3,638 4,521 4,375 4,880 4,680 MATERIALS & SU~PLIES 320 Office Supplies 409 294 400 400 400 331 Books & Periodicals 682 552 600 920 600 345 Motor Vehicles - Fuel & Lubricants 1,586 1,749 2,000 2,200 3,350 347 Motor Vehicles - License Tags 8 12 10 10 10 359 Other Operating Supplies 16 3 25 30 30 379 Motor Vehicles - Tires -0- -0- 400 400 400 382 Photograph Supplies 199 328 -0- -0- -0- Subtotal 2,900 2,938 3,435 3,960 4,790 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 435 Organizational Dues 234 250 270 260 260 CAPITAL OUTLAY 505 Automob1ie -0- 4,649 -0- '-0- -0- 509 Furniture & Fixtures 215 1,245 400 400 400 519 Radio Equipment -0- 650 -0- -0- -0- Subtotal 215 6,544 400 400 1,050 Grand Total $ 64,793 $ 80,910 $ 85,700 $ 87,300 $ 96,170 CITY OF SALINA t KANSAS 20 1980 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET COMMENTS PARK DIVISION The Park Division is responsible for the maintenance of all park grounds and land- scaping including parkways and landscaped median strips in the City. In addition to caring for the grounds, the Division operates and maintains all buildings and facilities related to the parks. These include the Lakewood Lodge, the Kiva in Thomas Park, maintenance buildings in Oakdale and Sunset Parks and numerous facilities such as tennis courts, picnic shelters, playground equipment, etc. The Division has the responsibility for technical supervision of the cemetery, swimming pools and the Municipal Golf Course. The Division will also have the responsibility for maintenance of the grounds at the Salina Bicentennial Center. The City presently owns 20 parks totaling 612 acres. * * * * * * This account has 16 full-time employees: Park Superintendent, Maintenance Supervisor, Lead Maintenance Worker, Maintenance Worker (5), and Laborer (8). The 1980 Budget includes 2 additional Laborers. One position was budgeted in the Tree Maintenance account which has been discontinued. The other position is necessary to provide staffing for the expanded responsibilities of this Division and was transferred from General Improvement. The Division also relies on the use of seasonal help through the spring and summer months. 5 part-time positions are provided for this purpose in #130. The Tree Main- tenance Fund #26 has been discontinued for 1980 and absorbed by the Park Division. #503 provides for the replacement of two riding mowers, two lawn mowers and the pur- chase of one Weed Eater, and one snow blower for mounting on a small John Deere tractor. CITY OF SAUNA t KANSAS 21 ~80 ANNUAL BUDGET FUND D~PART~~ FUND NO. enera ervices General Park Division 10 SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES Acct. 1977 1978 1979 1980 No. Description Actual Actual Budgeted Proiected Manager Commission PERSONAL SERVICES 120 Salaries - Regular Employees $113,479 $123,299 $146,700 $1 8,890 $180,880 130 Salaries - Part Time Employees 12,282 15,301 21,200 19,990 24,800 Subtotal 125,761 138,600 167,900 158,880 205,680 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 205 Telephone & Telegraph 597 572 775 780 850 207 Employee Development 84 17 100 280 300 227 Insurance - Liability 405 273 300 300 450 231 Insurance - Motor Vehicles 652 1,194 1,200 1,200 1,200 241 Gas Service 2,229 3,177 -0- 1,600 2,000 242 Light & Power Service 5,846 6,133 -0- -0- -0- 243 Water Service 2,880 3,717 -0- -0- -0- 251 Repair - Buildings 140 91 1,000 500 500 253 Repair - Machinery & Equipment 9,875 11,845 9,790 9,790 10,890 255 Repair - Tire,S & Tubes 500 544 360 360 540 257 Repair - Radio Equipment 162 162 200 200 200 297 Disposal Charges 350 400 600 600 600 299 Other Contractual Services 1,171 4,210 600 600 750 Subtotal 24,891 32,335 14,925 16,210 18,280 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 310 Expendable Tools 945 863 1,450 1,450 1,200 320 Office Supplies 50 67 40 250 250 331 Books & Periodicals -0- -0- -0- -0- 150 333 Chemicals, Drugs & Etc 2,318 1,952 2,940 2,940 3,310 343 Janitor & Toilet Supplies 166 912 250 600 1,000 345 Motor Vehicles - Fuel & Lubricants 4,361 4,481 4,520 6,500 7,560 347 Motor Vehicles - License Tags 20 20 20 20 20 349 Recreational Supplies 2,677 951 1,780 1,780 2,370 350 Schilling Baseball Diamond -0- -0- -0- -0- 500 351 Seeds, Plants, Trees & Lawn Supplies 2, 721 3,210 2,990 2,990 3,640 359 Other Operating Supplies 2,263 2,161 2,300 2,300 2,500 365 Cement & Cement Produc 461 725 200 200 2,500 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 22 1980 ANNUAL BUDGET FUND DEPARTMENT FUND NO. General Services General Park Division 10 SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES Acct. 1977 1978 1979 1980 No. Description Actual Actual Bud2eted Proiected Mana2'er Commission 367 Electrical & Lighting Parts 1,824 475 450 450 600 371 Lumber & Lumber Products 727 996 600 600 800 379 Motor Vehicles - Tires & Tubes -0- 106 300 300 580 381 Paint & Painting Materials 437 970 1,000 1,000 1,000 387 Sand, Gravel, Rock & Chat 1,234 54 100 100 500 Subtotal 20,204 17,943 18,940 21,480 28,480 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 435 Organizational Dues 200 47 85 90 100 CAPITAL OUTLAY 503 Equipment 1,087 10,0 0 13,455 13,460 17,240 516 Park Equipment 11,430 5,351 10,000 10,000 -0- 519 Radio Equipment -0- 650 -0- -0- -0- Subtotal 12,517 16,031 23,455 23,460 17,240 Grand Total $183,573 $204,956 $225,305 $220,120 $269,780 - CITY OF SALINA t KANSAS 23 1980 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET COMMENTS POLICE DEPARTMENT The Police Department is responsible for the protection of life and property. The prevention of crime and traffic offenses is the Department's first obligation. In- vestigation of crimes, apprehension of offenders, enforcement of laws and ordinances, control of traffic and crowds, maintaining reliable records, and the operation of an elaborate communication system are other important responsibilities. In addition to these primary activities, the Department performs innumerable services rendered in the interest of protection, safety and convenience to the public. The Department maintains close liaison with other law enforcement agencies throughout the State, Saline County, and neighboring communities. Police personnel respond to calls for medical assistance, industrial accidents, natural disasters, aids to other departments, house checks, and other calls for service or aids to the public. In striving to make Salina a safe community, police personnel maintain high visibility and frequent contact with the general public. The success of the Department is depen- dent to a great extent on the degree of support, cooperation and assistance it receives from the general public. Both the public and the Department deserve credit for a good working relationship; one which continues to make Salina a safe and enjoyable community in which to live, work and play. * * * * * * The Police Department has sixty-two sworn police officers: Police Chief Assistant Police Chief Captain (2) Lieutenant (7) Sergeant (10) Police Officer (41) Other full-time personnel include: Principal Clerk, Clerk (7), and Humane Officer (3). The Police Department and Municipal Court had been sharing one Clerk. The 1980 Budget provides for an additional ~ full-time Clerk. The 1979 Budget provided for 4 Humane Officers. At the present time there are 3 and 1 CETA Trainee. The 4th position is not authorized for 1980. #130 provides for 2 School Crossing Guards for 9 months and for compensation of the Police Reserve Officers when they are used at special events. The Department had recommended hiring 4 additional Police Officers in order to establish a police patrol beat in the Schilling Manor Area. Salaries alone for these 4 officers amounted to approximately $46,400. Limited resources prohibit undertaking this type of an expansion program. Also, the need for an additional beat in that area is some- what questionable until the area becomes considerably more populated. #247 - Utilities for the Animal Shelter have been included in the Utility Fund for 1980. The 1979 Budget provides $200 per Officer for uniforms for the year and $75 for each Humane Officer. It is estimated approximately $400 will be required to outfit each new recruit in 1980. Otherwise available funds dictate uniform allowance remain at the same level in 1980. CITY OF SALINA t KANSAS 24 1980 ANNUAL BUDGET FUND DEPARTMENT FUND NO. General Police 11 SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES Acct. 1977 1978 1979 1980 No. Description Actual Actual Budgeted Pro;ected Manager Commission PERSONAL SERVICES 120 Salaries - Regular Employees $715,313 $745,516 $938,990 $912,660 1,028,250 130 Salaries - Part Time Employees 2,985 2,470 2 , 720 3,100 3,250 Subtotal 718,298 747,986 941, 710 915,760 1,031,500 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 205 Telephone & Telegraph 10,773 11,634 11,000 11,000 12,000 207 Employee Development 835 1,131 850 850 900 209 Postage 2,630 3,231 3,000 3,000 3,300 217 Feeding Prisoners 2,634 2,190 2,400 1,500 1,500 221 Printing Office Forms 1,738 3,019 3,000 3,000 3,500 231 Insurance - Motor Vehicles 1,582 2,385 2,400 2,920 2,920 233 Insurance - Surety Bonds 167 267 200 270 270 241 Gas Service 5,169 3,345 -0- -0- -0- 242 Light & Power Service 9,222 9,352 -0- -0- -0- 243 Water Service 430 477 -0- -0- -0- 247 Animal Shelter Utilities 2,014 2,180 2,200 3,000 -0- 251 Repair - Buildings 3,170 1,805 1,500 1,500 2,000 252 Repair - Furniture & Office Equipment 1,842 1,983 3,300 3,300 3,300 253 Repair - Machinery & Equipment 35,636 41,707 35,000 35,000 40,000 255 Repair - Tires 393 482 400 400 400 257 Repair - Radio Equipment 6,921 10,079 8,000 10,500 11,760 274 Rent - Machinery & Equipment 4,580 4,410 4,600 4,500 4,500 284 Laundry & Towel Servic 22 39 100 50 50 290 Medical Services 1,781 1,021 300 400 400 295 Other Professional Services 2,436 2,200 2,000 21000 2,000 297 Disposal Charges 300 400 400 400 400 299 Other Contractual Services 2,037 1,850 1,800 1,800 1,800 Subtotal 96,312 105,187 82,450 85,390 91,000 - CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 25 1980 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET COMMENTS POLICE DEPARTMENT (continued) #503 is to purchase certain laboratory equipment, an air compressor, siren speaker and red light for one motorcycle and the replacement of 8 nine-year-old sirens for black and white patrol cars. The patrol fleet and some of the plain cars were replaced near the end of 1978. The new units were actually received in early 1979. Revenue Sharing Funds were utilized for most of that expense. No funds were budgeted for vehicle replacement during 1979. In the 1980 Budget, eight black and white units will be replaced. Two are station wagons and six are sedans. The estimated cost for these eight units is $53,500. Also, 3 unmarked units, at an estimated cost of $19,500 and one motorcycle at $3,000, are budgeted for replacement. CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 26 /980 ANNUAL BUDGET FUND DEPARTMENT FUND NO. General Police 11 SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES Acct. 1977 1978 1979 1980 No. Description Actual Actual BudQ:eted Proiected ManaQ:er Commission MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 310 Expendable Tools 1,271 1,342 1,000 1,700 1,700 320 Office Supplies 2,812 3,333 2,600 2,600 2,600 331 Books & Periodicals 693 810 680 680 1,500 339 Animal Shelter Food & Supplies 1,460 1,509 1,500 1,500 1,500 343 Janitor & Toilet Supplies 314 1,221 700 1,500 1,500 345 Motor Vehicles - Fuel & Lubricants 35,434 ~5,373 40,000 45,000 56,000 347 Motor Vehicles - License Tags 75 39 75 60 60 355 Wearing Apparel 13,261 15,281 14,000 14,000 14,000 359 Other Operating Supplies 637 678 600 700 700 367 Electrical & Lighting Parts 219 183 200 200 200 371 Lumber & Lumber Products 245 52 1,000 1,000 300 379 Motor Vehicle,s - Tires 5,362 5,704 5,500 5,500 5,500 381 Paint & Painting Supplies 227 670 300 300 600 382 Photograph Supplies 2,183 2,383 3,000 2,000 2,000 383 Training Equipment & Supplies 8,089. 2,972 3,600 6,800 7,500 Subtotal 72,282 71,550 74,755 83,540 95,660 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 435 Organizational Dues 545 998 600 500 1,000 CAPITAL OUTLAY 502 Buildings -0- 92,400 -0- -0- -0- 503 Equipment 7,590 11,609 7,965 7,090 6,740 505 Automobiles -0- 28,146 2,500 1,800 76,050 509 Furniture & Fixtures 2,388 1,098 275 530 820 514 Officers Service Equipment 3,566 7,624 450 1,500 1,320 517 Office Mechanical Equipment 2,301 9,763 1,600 -0- -0- 519 Radio Equipment 3,403 2,897 7,800 19,490 400 Subtotal 19,248 153,537 20,590 30,410 85,330- Grand Total $906,685 $1. 079,258 61.120.105 1,115.600 1,304.490 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 27 1980 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET COMMENTS STREET DIVISION The Street Division is the largest of the several divisions within the Department of General Services and frequently assists or supplements other divisions with personnel and equipment. Responsibilities include all aspects and activities of street cleaning and maintenance. Streets, bridges and storm sewers are costly to construct. The cost of maintaining and protecting these facilities has become increasingly burdensome. However, neglect results in far greater costs when replacement or major repairs be- come necessary. During the winter months, snow removal and ice control is the primary concern of the Division. As was the case during the past winter, this can become extremely costly and demanding upon both the manpower and equipment. Snow removal is handled on a systematic basis. Arterial and main trafficways must be cleared first, followed by the collector streets which connect residential streets with the arterial and main trafficways. Finally, if time permits and conditions require it, residential streets are cleared of snow. Intersections, hills and bridges are watched closely for the formation of ice. Salt and/or sand are applied as conditions dictate in an effort to help motorists start and stop as safely as possible. The first concern of the Street Department in coping with snow and ice on the streets has to be to clear the way for emergency vehicles such as ambulances, police and fire vehicles so they are able to reach various areas of the community. Noxious Weeds Fund has been incorporated with the Street Division for 1980. * * * * * * There are 30 full-time employees in this Division: Director of General Services, Street Superintendent, Concrete Finisher, Equipment Operator (6), Maintenance Worker (18), Laborer, Custodian, and a Clerk. The Street Division has an inventory of 54 pieces of rolling equipment including maintainers, street sweepers, trucks, tractors, mowers, etc., in addition to num- erous other items such as power saws, pumps, snow plows, and miscellaneous small equipment. Maintenance and operating costs for this equipment accounts for a good share of the Division's budget and is reflected in Accounts #253, #255, #257, #345, #373, and #390. The $16,210 increase for motor vehicle fuel in 1980 as' compared to the original 1979 budget is a 62% increase. Cleaning and maintenance of over 200 miles of streets within the city places a considerable amount of stress on the equipment and requires it be well main- tained. #333 - The budget for chemicals previously carried in the Noxious Weeds Fund has been transferred to this account. #387 is used primarily for maintenance of alleys and for snow and ice control. #525 will permit the replacement of a 1979 Ford cab and chasis. CITY OF SALINA t KANSAS 28 1980 ANNUAL BUDGET FUND DEPARTMENT FUND NO. General Services General Street Division 12 SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES Acct. 1977 1978 1979 1980 No. Description Actual Actual Budgeted Proiected Manal?er Commission PERSONAL SERVICES 120 Salaries - Regular Employees $235,816 $279,775 $322,455 $324,290 $367,040 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 205 Telephone & Telegraph 401 399 455 430 490 231 Insurance - Motor Vehicles 2,144 3,969 3,860 3,710 3,710 241 Gas Service 2,144 1,920 -0- -0- -0- 242 Light & Power Service 898 999 -0- -0- -0- 243 Water Service 130 112 -0- -0- -0- 253 Repair - Machinery & Equipment 42,251 46,720 42,000 46,000 50,500 255 Repair - Tires & Tubes 3,528 2,801 5,335 5,340 5,840 257 Repair - Radio Equipment 617 476 940 940 970 284 Laundry ,& Towel ServicE 64 43 100 50 70 295 Other Professional Services 217 59 100 100 100 Subtotal 52,394 57,498 52,790 56,570 61,680 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 310 Expendable Tools 1,141 1,762 1,205 1,210 1,340 320 Office Supplies 29 129 100 100 100 333 Chemicals -0- -0- -0- -0- 640 341 Fuel & Lubricants (Except Motor) 161 177 420 420 450 343 Janitor Supplies -0- -0- -0- 20 -0- 345 Motor Vehicles - Fuel & Lubricants 19,572 23,695 26,250 33,350 42,460 347 Motor Vehicles - License Tags 42 47 50 40 40 359 Other Operating Supplies 1,603 1,410 1,645 1,650 1,760 371 Lumber & Lumber Products 279 289 450 ,450 550 373 Machinery & Equipment Parts 1,161 2,995 1,490 1,490 1,500 375 Metal & Metal Products 239 140 520 520 480 379 Motor Vehicles - Tires 151 1,489 400 400 920 387 Sand, Gravel, Rock & Chat 1,868 4,598 2,300 2,700 3,500 390 Sweeper Parts 2,833 2,833 2,980 2,940 3,400 Subtotal 29,079 39,564 37,810 45,290 57,140 CITY OF SALINA t KANSAS 29 1980 ANNUAL BUDGET FUND DEPARTp:~T . FUND NO. Genera erVlces General Street Division 12 SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES Acct. 1977 1978 1979 1980 No. Description Actual Actual Budgeted Proiected Manager Commission CAPITAL OUTLAY 503 Equipment 493 1,395 -0- -0- -0- 519 Radio Equipment -0- 698 -0- -0- -0- 525 Trucks -0- -0- -0- -0- 11,000 527 Street Equipment 18,977 15,902 800 800 -0- Subtotal 19,470 17,995 800 800 11 , 000 Grand Total $336,759 $394,832 $413,855 $426,950 $496,860 . CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 30 1980 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET COMMENTS HUMAN RELATIONS DEPARTMENT Ordinance #8488 passed May 24, 1976, repealed all previous ordinances dealing with human relations. The ordinance prohibits discrimination based on race, sex, religion, color, national origin, ancestry, age, physical handicap, or marital status, in employ- ment, housing, public accommodations, and public contracts. The ordinance established the Human Relations Commission, the Human Relations Depart- ment, and defined their respective roles and responsibilities. It further set forth time limits and procedures for the filing and processing of complaints. * * * * * * 2 full-time staff members are in this Department: Director of Human Relations and Senior Clerk. No significant changes are anticipated in this Department or the level of services which it provides. CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 31 1980 ANNUAL BUDGET FUND DEPARTMENT FUND NO. General Human Relations 13 SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES Acct. 1977 1978 1979 1980 No. Description Actual Actual BudlZeted Proiected ManalZer Commission PERSONAL SERVICES 120 Salaries - Regular Employees $ 21,255 $ 23,718 $ 25,360 $ 25,400 $ 28,820 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 205 Telephone & Telegraph 880 936 1,000 860 950 207 Employee Development 718 2,095 2,000 1,250 2,000 209 Postage 140 211 200 160 200 221 Printing Office Forms 261 -0- 50 100 150 231 Insurance - Motor Vehicle 95 139 140 140 150 252 Repair - Furniture & Office Equipment 59 65 75 30 100 253 Repair - Machinery & Equipment 407 509 400 400 400 255 Repair - Tires -0- -0- 10 10 10 295 Other Professional Services 14 -0- 25 50 70 Subtotal 2,574 3,955 3,900 3,000 4,030 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 320 Office Supplies 346 115 125 150 180 331 Books & Periodicals 628 443 450 450 450 345 Motor Vehicle - Fuel & Lubricants 201 189 210 380 450 379 Motor Vehicle - Tires -0- -0- -0- 70 70 Subtotal 1,175 747 785 1,050 1,150 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 435 Organizational Dues 100 100 150 150 150 447 Transfer to Other Fund 941 -0- -0- -0- -0- Subtotal 1,041 100 150 150 150 CAPITAL OUTLAY 509 Furniture & Fixture -0- 354 -0- 240 250 Grand Total $ 26,045 $ 28,875 $ 30,195 $,29,840 $ 34,400 - CITY OF SALINA t KANSAS 32 1980 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET COMMENTS TRAFFIC DIVISION The Traffic Division is responsible for installation and maintenance of the multi- tude of traffic control devices, signs and signals. These controls and guides are essential for maximum utilization of trafficways and for the safety of pedestrians and motorists. Presently there are 60 controlled locations. In addition, 20 lo- cations have flashing beacons, such as at school crossings, railroad crossings, and dangerous intersections. Other intersections have been recommended for signalization during 1980 and 1981 as a part of the proposed Capital Improvement Program now under consideration. * * * * * * The Division has 4 full-time employees: Maintenance Supervisor, Senior Maintenance Worker, Maintenance Worker and Laborer. There are no significant changes in the line items of this fund other than the increase reflected in #295. This is for telephone lines utilized in synchroni- zation of the signal system in the Central Business District. Electricity for operating the signals is included in the Utility Fund at $24,500. CITY OF SALINA t KANSAS 33 ~80 ANNUAL BUDGET FUND DEPART~NT FUND NO. Genera Services General Traffic Division 15 SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES Acct. 1977 1978 1979 1980 No. Description Actual Actual Budgeted Proiected Manager Commission PERSONAL SERVICES 120 Salaries - Regular Employees $ 37,476 $ 38,787 $ 44,060 $ 42,780 $ 47,330 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 205 Telephone & Telegraph 272 255 300 240 300 207 Employee Development 157 410 400 200 400 231 Insurance - Motor Vehicles 215 318 320 500 500 242 Light & Power Service 15,978 17,348 -0- -0- -0- 253 Repair - Machinery & Equipment 1,529 3,003 2,000 1,800 2,000 255 Repair - Tires 74 144 80 60 80 257 Repair - Radio Equipment 197 162 200 200 200 261 Repair - Traffic Lights 1,137 1,082 2,500 1,500 2,000 295 Other Professional Services 2 , 859 4,034 3,200 4,500 5,350 Subtotal 22,418 26,756 9,000 9,000 10,830 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 310 Expendable Tools 220 422 225 230 230 345 Motor Vehicles - Fuel & Lubricants 1,643 1,928 2,360 2,550 3,600 365 Cement & Cement Produc1 -0- 20 100 100 100 367 Electrical Traffic Light Parts 1, 710 3,213 3,000 2,500 3,000 371 Lumber & Lumber Produc -0- -0- -0- 200 -0- 379 Motor Vehicles - Tires & Tubes -0- -0- 100 200 100 399 Other Repairs & Maintenance 135 36 100 100 100 Subtotal 3,708 5,619 5,885 5,880 7 , 130 CAPITAL OUTLAY 503 Equipment 445 -0- -0- -0- -0- 519 Radio Equipment 612 -0- -0- -0- -0- Subtotal 1,057 -0- -0- -0- -0- Grand Total $ 64,659 $ 71,162 $ 58,945 $ 57,660 $ 65,290 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 34 1980 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET COMMENTS SWIMMING POOL DIVISION This appropriation includes expenditures necessary to maintain and operate the two Municipal Swimming Pools located in Kenwood Park and Carver Center. Current admissions are as follows: general admission - 14 and over - 50~, 13 and under - 25~; with $2.00 Season Ticket - 14 and over - 25~, 13 and under - 10~. During 1978, revenue derived from concessions and admissions accounted for 34% of the expenses experienced in operating and maintaining the two swimming pools. * * * * * * The reduction in the 1980 proposed budget from the 1979 budget is reflected primarily in line items #251 and #381. The Kenwood Pool was sandblasted and painted and some other major maintenance items performed prior to opening the pool for the 1979 season. The 1980 proposed budget does not include any major maintenance items. These are being considered in the proposed Capital Improvement Program. The pools are supervised by the Park Superintendent. CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 35 1980 ANNUAL BUDGET FUND DEPARTMENT FUND NO. General Services General Swimming Pool Division 16 SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES Acct. 1977 1978 1979 1980 No. Description Actual Actual Budgeted Proiected ManaQer Commission PERSONAL SERVICES 120 Salaries - Regular Employees $ 17,423 $ 18,508 $ 21,510 $ 21,510 $ 23,070 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 205 Telephone & Telegraph 292 225 300 300 330 227 Insurance - Liability 1,109 679 680 680 680 241 Gas Service 42 51 -0- -0- -0- 242 Light & Power Service 1,397 1,427 -0- -0- -0- 243 Water Service 3,194 .4,126 -0- -0- -0- 251 Repair - Buildings -0- 425 5,300 5,300 500 253 Repair - Machinery & Equipment 313 1,599 400 500 750 295 Other Professional Services 232 149 400 400 450 Subtotal 6,579 8,681 7,080 7,180 2,710 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 310 Expendable Tools 360 45 200 200 200 320 Office Supplies 215 6 230 230 250 333 Chemicals, Drugs & Etc 1,418 638 500 500 750 343 Janitor & Toilet Supplies 161 207 150 150 200 365 Cement & Cement Products 110 354 100 100 100 367 Electrical & Lighting Parts 13 5 50 50 80 371 Lumber & Lumber Products 457 487 400 650 500 373 Machinery & Equipment Parts 413 1,096 400 400 450 381 Paint & Painting Materials 1,507 1,473 7,200 7,600 1,650 Subtotal 4,654 4,311 9,230 9,880 4,180 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 421 Sales Tax 223 -0- -0- -0- -0- CAPITAL OUTLAY 503 Equipment 2,156 -0- -0- -0- -0- - Grand Total $ 31,035 $ 31,500 $ 37,820 $ 38,570 $ 29,960 CITY OF SALINA t KANSAS 36 1980 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET COMMENTS ADMINISTRATION AND PLANNING DEPARTMENT This Department provides staff support to the Salina Planning Commission and Board of Zoning Appeals in guiding the growth and development of the City in order to achieve a more orderly, convenient and attractive community. The Department assists other municipal departments, serves as the link between the planning function and the administrative structure, advises engineers, developers and citizens on various planning matters such as zoning and subdivision regulations, rezoning requests, minimum requirements for proposed subdivision plats, traffic requirements, plus a multitude of additional services to influence the well-being of the community. The staff also provides professional assistance for the Citizens' Advisory Committee and coordinates the federally funded Community Development Program. * * * * * * There are 6 full-time employees in this Department: Assistant City Manager, Director of Planning and Community Development, Assistant Director of Planning, Planning Technician, Secretary and Senior Clerk. The request for one additional Planning Technician was denied due to insufficient funds. #130 provides for part-time stenographer and drafting work. #295 provides for map reproduction, aerial photo copies, and various services which will be utilized in conjunction with the 1980 census. #517 allows for the purchase of a desk calculator, replacement of a flash unit for the cameras and a 50 page external pluggable loop for the memory typewriter. CITY OF SALINA f KANSAS 37 /980 ANNUAL BUDGET FUND DEPARTMENT FUND NO. Administration & General Planning 17 SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES Acct. 1977 1978 1979 1980 No. Description Actual Actual Budgeted Pro;ected Mana2:er Commission PERSONAL SERVICES 120 Salaries - Regular Employees $ 85,420 $ 86,512 $ 97,275 $ 97,930 $113,170 130 Salaries - Part Time Employees 188 73 500 500 1,000 Subtotal 85,608 86,585 97,775 98,430 114,170 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 205 Telephone & Telegraph 1,161 1,139 1,300 1,300 1,400 207 Employee Development 1,742 524 1,500 1,600 1,800 209 Postage 501 686 650 600 900 221 Printing Office Forms -0- 58 100 100 200 231 Insurance - Motor Vehicles 199 282 300 280 300 252 Repair - Furniture & Office Equipment 157 537 600 450 500 253 Repair - Machinery & Equipment 927 1,400 800 640 910 295 Other Professional Services 169 10,064 510 880 1,000 Subtotal 4,856 14,690 5,760 5,850 7,010 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 320 Office Supplies 972 909 1,000 700 1,200 331 Books & Periodicals 1,086 621 700 300 1,000 345 Motor Vehicles - Fuel & Lubricants 507 634 575 620 1,000 359 Other Operating Supplies 16 95 50 100 250 379 Motor Vehicles - Tires 60 102 50 50 150 382 Photography Supplies -0- -0- 200 200 250 383 Training -0- -0- -0- -0- 200 Subtotal 2,641 2,361 2,575 1,970 4,050 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 435 Organizational Dues 440 386 545 ,400 600 CAPITAL OUTLAY 503 Equipment 691 -0- -0- -0- -0- 509 Furniture & Fixtures -0- 420 -0- -0- -0- 517 Office Mechanical Equipment -0- 373 -0- -0- 1,250 Subtotal 691 793 -0- -0- 1,250 Grand Total $ 94,236 $104,815 $106,655 $106,650 $127,080 CITY OF SALINA t KANSAS 38 1980 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET COMMENTS INSURANCE AND CONTINGENCIES FUND The $181,430 reduction in this account for 1980 below the Projected 1979 is due to the following: #227 is included in the Special Liability Expense Fund #43; #239 has been transferred to the Employee Benefits Fund; #290 includes the cost of providing flu shots for employees, examinations for police and fire tests and employment physicals. The bulk of this account appears in #404. These contingency funds will be available for unforeseen emergency situations or for desirable or essential expen- ditures which cannot be anticipated at the time of preparing the budget. A $50,000 Contingency Fund for a $4~ million General Operating Fund is very minimal. It is equal to 1.1% of the General Fund Budget. #406 continues the effort to provide total coverage of the City with an effective and reliable siren warning system. FUND DEPARTMENT FUND NO. Insurance & General Contin2:encies 18 SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES Acct. 1977 1978 1979 1980 No. Description Actual Actual Budgeted Proiected Mana2:er Commission CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 227 Insurance - Public Of ficials & Employees Liability $ 9,046 $ 7,004 $ 7,000 $ 6,810 $ -0- 239 Group Insurance 67,006 77,172 84,685 95,250 -0- 250 Tort Liability Insurance -0- -0- -0- 34,000 -0- 290 Medical Services 826 1,435 1,250 1,250 1,300 Subtotal $ 76,878 $ 85,611 $ 92,935 $137,310 $ 1,300 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 404 Contingencies 94,938 42,303 75,420 75,420 50,000 406 Civil Preparedness Warning System 8,385 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 407 Paper Recycling Supplement 5,000 -0- -0- -0- -0- Subtotal 108,323 52,303 85,420 85,420 60,000 Grand Total $185,201 $137,914 $178,355 $222,730 $ 61,300 CITY OF SALINA t KANSAS 39 1980 ANNUAL BUDGET FUND DEPARTMENT FUND NO. General Arts Commission 19 SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES Acct. 1977 1978 1979 1980 No. Description Actual Actual Budgeted Projected Mana2:er Commission CONTRACTUAL SERVICES , ! 219 Appropriation Arts Commission $ 13,500 $ 21,195 $ 26,000 $ 26,000 $ 30,000 Silver Sabres 7,500 7,500 6,000 6,000 6,420 Municipal Band 11,500 11,500 8,215 7,215 8,790 , Grand Total $ 32,500 $ 40,195 $ 40,215 $ 40,215 $ 45,210 I I I I I I I I Note: Arts Commissic n previousl funded in Ci ty Commi~ sion budget. Silver I Sabres and Mur icipal Band previously included it Band budgE t. I I I I ! I I I I I I I CITY OF SALJNA t KANSAS 40 1980 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET COMMENTS CEMETERY DIVISION This activity provides for the care, maintenance and operation of Gypsum Hill Cemetery, situated at Marymount Road and Glen Avenue. The cemetery contains 70 acres and more than 12,000 interments at the present time. Based on present usage, space is expected to be available for at least another 25 - 30 years. The cemetery is a Division of the Department of General Services, supervised by the Director of General Services. * * * * * * The Division has 3 full-time employees: Lead Maintenance Worker and Maintenance Worker (2) . #501 permits the City to buy back unused spaces for eventual resale. A request to replace a 1965 Dodge one ton truck at a cost of $6,500 has been transferred to Revenue Sharing. CITY OF SALINA t KANSAS 41 1980 ANNUAL BUDGET FUND DEPARTMENT FUND NO. General Services General Cemetery Division 20 SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES Acct. 1977 1978 1979 1980 No. Description Actual Actual Budgeted Pro;ected Mana~er Commission PERSONAL SERVICES 120 Salaries - Regular Employees $ 29,699 $ 31,698 $ 33,100 $ 32,930 $ 35,420 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 205 Telephone & Telegraph 245 211 245 250 280 231 Insurance - Motor Vehicles 136 285 285 180 180 241 Gas Service 632 1, 110 -0- -0- -0- 242 Light & Power Service 144 159 -0- -0- -0- 243 Water Service 107 109 -0- -0- -0- 251 Repair - Buildings 160 238 330 330 150 253 Repair - Machinery & Equipment 1,037 1,309 1,550 1,500 1,730 255 Repair - Motor Vehicles - Tires 20 20 30 30 30 Subtotal 2,481 3,441 2,440 2,290 2,370 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 310 Expendable T~ols 12 -0- 20 30 30 320 Office Supplies 18 25 25 30 30 345 Motor Vehicles - Fuel & Lubricants 639 574 680 680 1,090 351 Seeds, Plants & Trees 126 124 125 130 130 359 Other Operating Supplies 206 127 200 200 200 365 Cement & Cement Products 3 7 100 100 50 371 Lumber & Lumber Products 15 -0- 50 50 30 379 Motor Vehicles - Tires 72 52 80 80 170 381 Paint & Painting Supplies 18 51 50 50 50 387 Sand, Gravel, Rock & Chat -0- 787 400 400 400 Subtotal 1,109 1,747 1,730 1,750 2,180 CAPITAL OUTLAY 501 Land 275 525 400 400 400 503 Equipment -0- -0- 310 310 -0- Subtotal 275 525 710 710 400 Grand Total $ 33,564 $ 37 , 411 $ 37,980 $ 37,680 $ 40,370 CITY OF SALINA t KANSAS 42 1980 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET COMMENTS GENERAL IMPROVEMENT DIVISION This fund accounts for the normal maintenance and minor improvement type activities for the various city-owned buildings and properties not provided for elsewhere in the budget. These activities are part of the program of the Department of General Services. * * * * * * The Division has 4 full-time employees: Maintenance Supervisor and Maintenance Worker (3). One full-time employee is being transferred to the Park Department. #130 provides for 2 part-time or seasonal employees for a period of three months. FUND DEPARTMENT FUND NO. General Services General General Improvement Division 21 SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES Acct. 1977 1978 1979 1980 No. Description Actual Actual Budgeted Proiected Manager Commission PERSONAL SERVICES 120 Salaries - Regular Employees $ 28,819 $ 44,846 $ 54,200 $ 46,750 $ 48,080 130 Salaries - Part Time Employees 2,121 741 4,000 2,000 4,000 Subtotal 30,940 45,587 58,200 48,750 52,080 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 231 Insurance - Motor Vehicles 121 199 200 230 230 253 Repair - Machinery & Equipment 837 737 1,200 1,200 1,380 255 Repair - Motor Vehicles - Tires 21 6 30 30 70 Subtotal 979 942 1,430 1,460 1,680 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 310 Expendable Tools 345 466 230 230 260 345 Motor Vehicles - Fuel & Lubricants 469 548 500 750 1,030 359 Other Operating Supplies 5 58 60 50 50 379 Motor Vehicle - Tires -0- 78 -0- -0- -0- Subtotal 819 1,150 790 1,030 1,340 Grand Total $ 32,738 $ 47,679 $ 60,420 $ 51,240 $ 55,100 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 43 1980 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET COMMENTS PUBLIC HEALTH Community Health is supported jointly by the City and County. Its primary role is the maintenance of optimal health for all residents through services, education, and awareness. Major areas of operation are personal health and environmental health. Programs and services offered through these divisions include: Home Care Program, Home Health Aide Program, Daycare and Boarding Home Licensure, School Health, Venereal Disease Clinic, Well-Child Clinic, Family Planning Clinic, Immunization Clinic, Pap Smear Clinic, Child Abuse and Neglect Investigation/Follow-up, Pregnancy Testing, Expectant Parent Classes, Nuisance Complaint Investigation, Water Supply Testing and Evaluation, Sewerage Disposal Consultation and Permits, Food Service Establishment Inspection and Licensure, Mosquito and Rodent Control, and Health Education. Those City and County regulations dealing with health and sanitation are enforced by the Department. * * * * * * The Department's 1980 Budget approved by the Joint Board of Health totals $482,674; $100,000 of which has been requested from each the City and County. The balance of the revenue to meet the expenditures will come from fees, grants, contracts, interest, and the year end cash balance. In 1979 and prior years nearly 2/3 of the City's share has come from Revenue Sharing Funds. FUND DEPARTMENT FUND NO. General Public Health 23 SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES Acct. 1977 1978 1979 1980 No. Description Actual Actual Budgeted Pro;ected Mana2:er Commission CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 210 Appropriation - City $ 26,250 $ 29,380 $ 34,000 $ 34,000 $100,000 Grand Total $ 26,250 $ 29,380 $ 34,000 $ 34,000 $100,000 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 44 1980 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET COMMENTS INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT FUND This fund's purpose is to assist the Joint Economic Council of the Chamber of Commerce in industrial promotion. The intent is to provide employment for Salina residents and to broaden the tax base. FUND General DEPARTMENT Industrial Deve100ment FUND NO. 24 SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES Acct. 1977 1978 1979 1980 No. Description Actual Actual Budeeted Proiected Manaeer Commission CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 295 Other Professional Services $ 20,568 $ 20,860 $ 15,000 $ 15,000 $ 20,000 Grand Total $ 20,568 $ 20,860 $ 15,000 $ 15,000 $ 20,000 CITY OF SALINA t KANSAS 45 ~80 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET COMMENTS NOXIOUS WEEDS FUND This account has been transferred to the Street Division for 1980. FUND DEPARTMENT FUND NO. General Noxious Weeds 25 SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES Acct. 1977 1978 1979 1980 No. Description Actual Actual BudQ:eted Proiected ManaQ:er Commission PERSONAL SERVICES 125 Salaries - Regular Employees - Other Departments $ 9,984 $ 11,966 $ 10,370 $ 10,370 $ -0- CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 253 Repair - Machinery & Equipment 1,942 1,625 2,300 2,300 -0- 255 Repair - Tires & Tubes 77 164 135 140 -0- Subtotal 2,019 1,789 2,435 2,440 -0- MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 333 Chemicals, Drugs & Etc 507 -0- 790 620 -0- 345 Motor Vehicles - Fuel & Lubricants 753 846 1,160 1,160 -0- 373 Machinery & Equipment Parts -0- -0- 75 80 -0- 379 Motor Vehicles - Tires & Tubes 32 -0- 120 120 -0- Subtotal 1,292 846 2,145 1,980 -0- Grand Total $ 13,295 $ 14,601 $ 14,950 $ 14,790 $ -0- CITY OF SALINA t KANSAS 46 /980 ANNUAL 8UDGET BUDGET COMMENTS TREE HAINTENANCE FUND This account has been transferred to the Park Division for 1980. FUND DEPARTMENT FUND NO. General Tree Maintenance 26 SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES Acct. 1977 1978 1979 1980 No. Description Actual Actual Budgeted Proiected Mana\!er Commission PERSONAL SERVICES 125 Salaries - Regular Employees $ 8,947 $ 8,751 $ 10,460 $ 10,460 $ -0- 130 Salaries - Part Time Employees 1,312 742 2,000 1,200 -0- Subtotal 10,259 9,493 12,460 11,660 -0- CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 228 Insurance - Equipment 50 158 160 150 -0- 253 Repair - Machinery & Equipment 56 103 500 110 -0- Subtotal 106 261 660 260 -0- MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 333 Chemicals -0- -0- 75 100 -0- 345 Motor Vehicles - Fue 1 & Lubricants 25 26 50 50 -0- Subtotal 25 26 125 150 -0- Grand Total $ 10,390 $ 9,780 $ 13,245 $ 12,070 $ -0- CITY OF SALINA t KANSAS 47 ~80 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET COMMENTS FLOOD WORKS DIVISION The flood of 1951 affected about 50% of the residential area of Salina. More than 3,000 residences, 122 commercial firms, 2 schools, and 3 churches were inundated and approximately 13,500 persons were evacuated. In the previous 50 years Salina has been subject to some 40 to 50 periods of high water, including 6 major floods. The flood protection works, many years in the planning and completed in 1961, is de- signed to protect the city from twice the quantity of flood water which occurred during 1951. It was built by the Corps of Engineers at a cost of over 6 million dollars, approximately 2.3 million in local funds and the balance federal. The project included 17.1 miles of levee, 12.2 miles of channel change, replacement of 12 bridges, and thousand of acres of land involved in rights-of-way and easements. Thousands of us who do not recall the 1951 or earlier floods might not appreciate the value of the project. That 6 million dollars and the 40 thousand or so we spend for maintenance each year has brought relief to thousands of people, increased property values and made it both feasible and profitable to develop many acres of land which previously were in constant threat of flooding. The function of the Flood Works and Levee account is one of maintaining, patroling and keeping in good repair at all times the flood dikes, gates, pumps and related equipment that comprise the flood protection system for the City of Salina. The Division has been repeatedly commended by the Corps of Engineers for the excellent condition of the system. * * * * * * The Division has 3 full-time employees including: Lead Maintenance Worker and Maintenance Worker (2). CITY OF SALINA t KANSAS 48 /980 ANNUAL BUDGET FUND DEPARTMENT FUND NO. General Services General Flood Works Division 27 SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES Acct. 1977 1978 1979 1980 No. Description Actual Actual Budgeted Proiected Mana\!er Commission PERSONAL SERVICES 120 Salaries - Regular Employees $ 28,110 $ 32,135 $ 33,195 $ 32,100 $ 34,980 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 231 Insurance - Motor Vehicles 199 355 360 350 350 242 Electric Service 222 229 -0- -0- -0- 253 Repair - Machinery & Equipment 2,395 3,506 2,550 2,550 2,800 255 Repair - Tires & Tubes 65 222 190 190 200 257 Repair - Radio Equipment -0- -0- -0- 60 110 284 Laundry & Towel Service 7 9 20 20 20 295 Other Professional Services -0- -0- 100 100 100 299 Other Contractual Services 91 91 170 170 150 Subtotal 2,979 4,412 3,390 3,440 3,730 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 310 Expendable Tools 9 -0- 50 50 50 333 Chemicals 1,077 -0- 1,005 750 750 345 Motor Vehicles - Fuel & Lubricants 1,918 2,348 2,000 3,140 4,260 347 Motor Vehicles - License Tags 8 8 10 10 10 359 Other Operating Supplies 20 80 150 150 200 365 Cement & Cement Product -0- -0- 100 100 100 379 Motor Vehicles - Tires & Tubes -0- -0- 125 130 150 381 Paint & Painting Supplies 59 51 75 80 80 387 Sand, Gravel, Rock & Chat 508 297 400 400 420 Subtotal 3,599 2,784 3,915 4,810 6,020 CAPITAL OUTLAY 503 Equipment -0- -0- -0- -0- 270 Grand Total $ 34,688 $ 39,331 $ 40,500 $ 40,350 $ 45,000 CITY OF SALINA t KANSAS 49 1980 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET COMMENTS HUMAN RESOURCES DEPARTMENT Human Resources is a relatively new Department and replaced the previous Memorial Hall account in the General Fund. Personnel and other requirements have risen as a result of renovation and conversion of Memorial Hall to a neighborhood center and Office for Human Resources, as well as construction of two additional centers. A fourth neighbor- hood center will be taken over by the Department effective the first of 1980. This is the cottage-type building situated at 615 South 11th presently operated as the Salina American Community Center. The city acquired the building several years ago from USD 305 along with the adjacent neighborhood park land; site of the former South Park Elementary School. In addition to Memorial Hall located at 9th and Ash, the other three neighborhood centers are: Carver Center, 315 North 2nd; Friendship Center, 746 Commanche; and South Park Center, 615 South 11th. The Department is responsible for operating neighborhood centers, for both group and individual activities and for persons desiring virtually any type of social service. The Department has a working relationship with various agencies, departments and volunteer groups which provide such services and can refer individuals to groups which best meet their needs. The neighborhood centers also provide meeting rooms for neighborhood and community organizations. * * * * * * Up until now, the Department has relied heavily on Revenue Sharing Funds. Also, CETA employees have provided some of the staffing of the centers, particularly Memorial Hall. Present CETA contracts expire in August and September of 1979. During 1980, the Department will be relying on Revenue Sharing Funds for $71,200 for salaries. The uncertainty of Revenue Sharing Funds beyond 1980 is a serious concern. In an effort to become less dependent on Revenue Sharing Funds for on-going expenses, $26,860 for the Director's salary, Contractual Services and Materials and Supplies has been included in the General Fund. Utilities were included in the Utility Expense Fund. Continuing operating expenses should be financed by a permanent or dependable source. Programs such as revenue sharing, particularly when authorized and funded for a limited period, are not reliable. Funds derived from such programs should be utilized for one time activities or capital improvements. The full-time staff for the Department includes: Director, Neighborhood Center Super- visor, Senior Clerk, Senior Custodian, Custodian (2), and Neighborhood Center Activity Coordinator (3). CITY OF SALINA t KANSAS 50 ~80 ANNUAL BUDGET FUND DEPARTMENT FUND NO. General Human Resources 28 SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES Acct. 1977 1978 1979 1980 No. Description Actual Actual Budgeted Proiected Manager Commission PERSONAL SERVICES 120 Salaries - Regular Employees $ 15,700 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 205 Telephone & Telegraph 1,250 207 Employee Development 500 209 Postage 70 221 Printing Office Forms 50 231 Insurance - Motor Vehicles 70 251 Repair - Buildings 2,000 252 Repair - Furniture & Office Equipment 300 253 Repair - Machinery & Equipment 430 255 Repair - Tires 70 295 Other Professional Services 3,000 Subtotal 7,740 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 310 Expendable Tools 200 320 Office Supplies 100 331 Books & Periodicals 50 343 Janitor & Toilet Supplies 2,000 345 Motor Vehicle - Fuel & Lubricants 150 359 Other Operating Supplies 500 367 Electrical Supplies 200 371 Lumber & Lumber Produc s 50 379 Motor Vehicle - New Tires 120 381 Paint & Painting Materials 50 Subtotal 3,420 Grand Total $ 26,860 CITY OF SALINA t KANSAS 51 1980 ANNUAL BUDGET FUND DEPARTMENT FUND NO. Special Funds SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES Acct. 1977 1978 1979 1980 No. Description Actual Actual Budgeted Proiected Manager Commission Employee Benefits $ 483,621 $ 721,008 1,171,000 il,055,370 1,410,260 Utility Fund 240,061 266,802 312,155 312,000 402,450 Bond & Interest 870,454 1,678,166 1,742,000 1,650,140 1,896,380 Special Liability -0- -0- -0- -0- 76,000 Special Parks & Recreation -0- -0- -0- -0- 70,000 Special Alcohol Program -0- -0- -0- -0- 70,000 Grand Total $1,594,136 $2,665,976 ~3,225,155 3,017,510 3,925,090 CITY OF SALINA t KANSAS 52 1980 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET COMMENTS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS FUND This is a new fund which the state legislature made optional for cities in 1978. Essen- tially, it allows cities to create such a fund to consolidate employer payments for those employee benefits the city's enabling ordinance or resolution describes, exclusive of salaries, wages, or other direct payments. This permits us to make only one tax levy for all of the benefits instead of several as has been our past practice. The change has no effect on levy or funds necessary to support the various activities. The self-supporting funds - Water and Sewerage and Sanitation - are excluded from this fund. They make payments from their separate budgets directly to the State. All other special funds make a transfer payment to this fund to cover their costs in the appropriate accounts. In this way, one check is sent to the State to cover all activities other than Sanitation and Water and Sewerage. * * * * * * #227 provides for the continuation of a liability policy covering errors and omissions. As the new State law covering Tort Liability is clarified, it may be determined this par- ticular coverage is not necessary; however, at this time there is considerable uncertainty surrounding the new law and just what steps cities need to take to protect their officials, employees, and the public. #239 has been transferred from the Insurance and the City pays $35.93 per month for all full-time medical insurance and $4,000 in life insurance. through payroll deduction. A 10% rate increase Contingencies Fund. At the present time, employees, except Firefighters, for group An employee may insure his/her dependents is anticipated for this coverage in 1980. The Firemen's Relief Association presently pays 85% for each Firefighter's premium through a 2% rebate of all fire insurance premiums paid in Saline County. The City pays 15% or $7.75 per month for their group health insurance coverage. Group insurance coverage for employees for fee supported departments is budgeted in their respective departments. In 1980, the City will contribute $25 p~r month toward dependent coverage for all full- time employees. It is estimated 70% of the full-time employees will participate in this particular benefit. The City will also pay $25 of the Firefighter's monthly insurance premium with the balance to be paid by the Firemen's Relief Association. Employees will be provided term life insurance equal to their annual salary with a mlnlmum of $10,000. The rate for this coverage is 55~ per thousand dollars and will cost an esti- mated $19,000. #294 - The 1980 cost for this coverage exceeds the Projected 1979 by 10%. This is due to the State increasing minimum benefits from $7 to $25 and 66 2/3% of the State average weekly wages to 72%. CITY OF SALINA t KANSAS 53 ~80 ANNUAL BUDGET FUND DEPARTMENT FUND NO. Employee Benefits 38 SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES Ac c t. 1977 1978 1979 1980 No. Description Actual Actual Budgeted Proiected Manager Commission CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 227 Public Officials & Employees Liability Insurance $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- -0- 9,600 236 Social Security 200,655 239,435 252,000 265,000 286,000 237 Police & Firemen's Retirement (KP&F) 73,881 230,101 626,100 531,500 655,000 238 Employees Retirement (KPERS) 156,244 161,120 186,000 182,600 197,200 239 Group Insurance -0- -0- -0- -0- 178,780 292 Unemployment Insurance -0- '8,358 19,000 11,270 12,180 294 Workmen's Compensation 52,842 81,994 88,000 65,000 71,500 Grand Total $483,622 $721,008 1,171,100 ti1,055,370 1,410,260 CITY OF SALINA t KANSAS 54 1980 ANNUAL BUDGET FUND DEPARTMENT FUND NO. Employee Benefits 38 SUMMARY OF REVENUE Acct. 1977 1978 1979 1980 No. Description Actual Actual Budgeted Projected Manager Commission 110 Current Tax $276,141 $570,664 $496,350 ti 491,140 752,510 130 Delinquent Tax 11,137 7,482 3,700 6,000 7,000 610 Interest on Investments -0- -0- -0- 6,000 8,000 941 Police & Fire Retirement-Employee 28,962 102,007 120,100 115,390 123,390 943 Social Security - Employer 19,358 26,960 22,000 17,990 19,430 944 Social Security - Employee 117,795 137,102 120,000 158,510 167,470 945 Employees Retirement - Employer 13,625 17,368 20,000 16,630 17,960 946 Employees Retirement - Employee 70,756 72,823 83,500 88,620 94,440 947 Unemployment Insurance Employer -0- 350 -0- 300 300 952 Reimbursement of Expenditures 1,759 2,404 2,300 2,400 2,400 957 Transfer from Other Funds -0- -0- -0- 369.750 -0- Grand Total $539,534 $937,160 $867,950 :;1,272,730 ~1,192,900 Beginning Cash Balance January 1st D 217,360 Total Revenue ti 1,272 , 730 1,192,900 Total Revenue and Beginning Balance 1 , 272 , 730 1,410,260 Less Expenditures 1,055,370 1,410,260 Unencumbered Cash Balance December 31 $ 217,360 f;i -0- CITY OF SALINA t KANSAS 55 1980 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET COMMENTS UTILITY FUND The excessive and unpredictable increases in utility costs during the past several years have resulted in cities exercising the opportunity of exempting these expendi- tures from the Tax Lid Law by Charter Ordinance. Salina followed the lead of 28 other Kansas cities in creating this fund. This was done with the passage of Charter Ordinance #16 in May of 1978, amended by Charter Ordinance #17 in June of 1979. All utility costs for tax supported departments and services are included. The 1979 projected budget for gas service was increased 17% over the actual 1978 expenditure; an additional 17% is anticipated for 1980. The 1979 projected budget for light and power service was increased 23% over the 1978 actual expenditure; another 15% increase is anticipated for 1980. The projected 1979 budget for water service is 4% above the 1978 actual cost; an additional 4% is planned for 1980. The increase in the cost of power for operating the traffic control signals for the projected 1979 budget is 23% above the actual 1978 expenditure; an additional 15% is anticipated for 1980. Street lighting cost - for the projected 1979 budget is 16% in excess of the actual 1978 expenditure; another 22% has been projected in the 1980 budget. CITY OF SALINA t KANSAS 56 /980 ANNUAL BUDGET FUND DEPARTMENT FUND NO. Utility Fund 41 SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES Acct. No. Description 1977 Actual 1978 Actual 1979 1980 Budgeted Proiected Manager Commission CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 241 Gas Service $ 21,605 $ 26,590 $ 30,620 $ 31,110 $ 47,400 242 Light & Power Service 35,916 41,705 49,700 51,300 77 ,000 243 Water Service 9,098 11,146 9,775 11,600 13,200 244 Traffic Control Signals 15,978 17,348 20,730 21,340 24,500 245 Street Lighting 157,464 170,013 201,330 196,650 240,350 Grand Total $240,061 $266,802 $312,155 $312,000 $402,450 SUMMARY OF REVENUE Acct. 1977 1978 1979 1980 No. Description Actual Actual Budgeted Projected Manager Commission. 110 Current Tangible Taxes $ -0- $ -0- $312,155 $310,040 $398,530 610 Interest on Investment -0- -0- -0- 2,880 3,000 Grand Total -0- -0- $312,155 $312,920 $401,530 Beginning Cash Balance January 1st Total Revenue Total Revenue and Beginning Balance Less Expenditures Unencumbered Cash Balance December 31 $ 920 $312,920 401,530 312,000 402,450 312,000 402,450 $ 920 $ -0- CITY OF SALINA t KANSAS 57 1980 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET COMMENTS BOND AND INTEREST FUND The second $250,000 Park Improvement Bond was issued in June, 1979. Payment of the principal and interest begin in 1980. A like issue for park improvements was made in December, 1977. The total general bond principal for 1980 is $574,000. $325,000 of this total is principal due on the Salina Bicentennial Center. The total general bond interest for 1980 is $356,570. The Salina Bicentennial Center accounts for $283,502 of this amount. The balance of the bonded indebtedness is in the form of special assessments, to be paid in part by the city and part by the property owners. CITY OF SALINA t KANSAS 58 /980 ANNUAL BUDGET FUND DEPARTMENT FUND NO. Bond & Interest 42 SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES Acct. 1977 1978 1979 1980 No. Description Actual Actual Budgeted Proiected Manager Commission DEBT & INTEREST 601 General Bond Principal $235,000 $545,000 $ 546,000 $546,000 $574,000 603 General Bond Interest 59,021 520,868 360,190 360,190 356,570 605 Curb, Gutter & Paving Principal CS 156,041 166,652 168,173 168,180 158,490 607 Curb, Gutter & Paving Principal POS 317,959 319,348 412,827 412,830 498,520 609 Curb, Gutter & Paving Interest CS 30,399 37,029 33,027 33,030 45,800 611 Curb, Gutter & Paving Interest POS 71,149 87,571 127,907 127,910 216,000 621 Fiscal Agency Commission & Postage 435 1,698 3,876 2,000 2,000 623 Estimated Interest on Bonds to be Issued 450 -0- 90,000 -0- 45,000 Grand Total $870,454 ti1,678,166 1,742,000 1,650,140 1,896,380 CITY OF SALINA t KANSAS 59 1980 ANNUAL BUDGET FUND DEPARTMENT FUND NO. Bond & Interest 42 SUMMARY OF REVENUE Acct. 1977 1978 1979 1980 No. Description Actual Actual Budgeted Projected Manager Commission. 110 Current Tangible Taxes $402,275 $ 885,880 $ 989,594 ~ 979,670 999,702 130 Delinquent Tangible Taxes 16,953 9,305 7,500 8,000 8,000 150 Special Assessment Taxes 333,391 332,997 453,500 450,000 624,000 160 Delinquent Special Assessment Taxes 28,949 26,910 20,000 20,000 21,000 610 Interest on Investment 71,485 363,631 55,000 55,000 30,000 630 Accrued Interest on Bonds Sold 39,008 1,786 -0- 2,000 2,000 929 Special Assessments 12,665 3,210 7,000 4,000 4,000 952 Reimbursement of Expenditures -0- -0- -0- 400 -0- 957 Transfer from Parking Maters, Water and Sewerage and Golf Course 61,705 61,235 65,000 65,000 66,380 Grand Total. $966,431 $1,684,954 $1,597,594 ~1,584,070 1,755,082 Beginning Cash Balance January 1st $ 200,580 ~ 207,368 141,298 Total Revenue 1,684,953 1,584,070 1,755,082 Total Revenue and Beginning Balance 1,885,533 1,791,438 1,896,380 Less Expenditures 1,678,166 1,650,140 1,896,380 Unencumbered Cash Balance December 31 $ 207,367 :; 141,298 -0- CITY OF SALINA t KANSAS 60 1980 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET COMMENTS SPECIAL LIABILITY EXPENSE FUND The new Kansas Tort Claims Act (Sub. SB76) which went into effect July 1, 1979, author- izes municipalities to pay the cost of legal defense, claims, and "other direct and indirect costs resulting from the implementation of this act", from a new "Special Liability Expense Fund". The act provides that the governing body which has created a Special Liability Expense Fund may levy a tax therefore, without limitation as to rate and outside the property tax lid. In addition, monies received by the municipality "from any source whatsoever which may be lawfully utilized for such purpose" may be placed in the fund. The special fund may be a reserve fund, and monies once budgeted into the fund would not need to be annually rebudgeted for expenditure in the future. $56,000 has been budgeted for liability insurance and $20,000 for legal services. * * * * * * #957 - $16,000 has been transferred from fee supported services (Golf Course, Water and Sewerage, Sanitation, Solid Waste, and Parking Meter) to pay their share of liability insurance. All liability insurance can now be paid for from one "Special Liability Expense Fund". CITY OF SALINA t KANSAS 61 1980 ANNUAL BUDGET , . FUND DEPARTMENT FUND NO. Special Liability Expense 43 SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES Acct. 1977 1978 1979 1980 No. Description Actual Actual Budgeted Proiected Manager Commission CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 227 Insurance - Liability $ 56,000 295 Other Professional Services 20,000 Grand Total $ 76,000 I ! i SUMMARY OF REVENUE Acct. 1977 1978 1979 1980 No. Description Actual Actual Budgeted Projected Manager Commission. 110 Current Tangible Taxes $ 60,000 957 Transfer from Other Funds 16,000 I Grand Total $ 76,000 i , I ! CITY OF SALINA t KANSAS 62 1980 ANNUAL BUDGET .. BUDGET COMMENTS SPECIAL PARKS AND RECREATION FUND All monies received by the state from the 10% gross receipts liquor tax goes into a new state "Local Alcoholic Liquor Fund", which is distributed to cities and counties. Cities receive the tax paid by any private clubs within the city. Monies are to be distributed on March 15, 1980, and every 3 months thereafter. Upon receipt of the money, the City Treasurer is to credit 1/3 to the "Special Parks and Recreation Fund". The Special Parks and Recreation Fund will receive $70,000 in revenue, of which one- half will be transferred to the General Fund to offset the Park budget; the balance of the revenue will go to a Park and Recreation Study and miscellaneous park improve- ments. CITY OF SALINA t KANSAS 63 1980 ANNUAL BUDGET FUND DEPARTMENT FUND NO. Special Parks & Recreation 47 SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES Acct. 1977 1978 1979 1980 No. Description Actual Actual Budgeted Proiected Manager Commission CONTRACTUAL SERVICES i 295 Other Professional Services $ 35,000 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 447 Transfer to Other Fund $ 35,000 Grand Total $ 70,000 SUMMARY OF REVENUE Acct. 1977 1978 1979 1980 No. Description Actual Actual Budgeted Projected Manager Commission. 215 City Liquor Tax $ 70,000 Grand Total $ 70,000 CITY OF SALINA t KANSAS 64 1980 ANNUAL BUDGET ~ BUDGET COMMENTS SPECIAL ALCOHOL PROGRAMS FUND All monies received by the state from the 10% gross receipts liquor tax goes into a new state "Local Alcoholic Liquor Fund", which is distributed to cities and counties. ! Cities are to reqeive the tax paid by any private clubs within the city. Monies are to be distriijuted on March 15, 1980, and every 3 months thereafter. Upon receipt of the money, th~ City Treasurer credits 1/3 to the "Special Alcohol Programs Fund". The Special A1co~ol Programs Fund will receive $70,000 in revenue. The Central Kansas Alcoholic Founda~ion will receive funding from this account. CITY OF SALINA t KANSAS 65 ~80 ANNUAL BUDGET . I FUND DEPARTMENT FUND NO. Special Alcohol Programs 48 SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES Acct. 1977 1978 1979 1980 No. Description Actual Actual Budgeted Proiected Manager Commission CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 295 Other Professional Services $ 70,000 Grand Total $ 70,000 SUMMARY OF REVENUE Acct. 1977 1978 1979 1980 No. Description Actual Actual Budgeted Projected Manager Commission. 215 City Liquor Tax $ 70,000 Grand Total $ 70,000 CITY OF SALINA t KANSAS 66 1980 ANNUAL BUDGET I..Iiiiiiiiiiii FUND DEPARTMENT FUND NO. Enterprise Funds SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES Acct. 1977 1978 1979 1980 No. Description Actual Actual Budgeted Proiected Mana\!er Commission Sanitation $ 383,665 $ 413,318 S 504,875 504,350 511,600 Paper Recycling 15,911 16,821 19,290 12,010 13,360 Parking Meters 96,910 91,283 130,965 96,130 103,560 Golf Course 82,942 89,813 98,720 98,720 106,120 Special Gas 362,494 399,186 479,910 470,190 466,310 Solid Waste 99,814 139,965 126,430 126,430 176,320 Water & Sewerage 2,207,318 4,833,122 2,965,445 2,945,440 3,539,030 Grand Total $3,249,054 $5,983,508 :;;4,325,635 4,253,270 4,916,300 CITY OF SALINA t KANSAS 67 1980 ANNUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED GAIN (LOSS) STATEMENT SANITATION 1980 Service Fees Less Operating Expenses: Personal Services Contractual Services Materials & Supplies Operating Expenses Subtotal Other Income Gain (Loss) 68 309,700 159,060 42,840 $ 472,500 511,600 (39,100) 3,800 $ (35,300) BUDGET COMMENTS SANITATION DIVISION This Division of the General Services Department is responsible for the efficient, systematic collection and disposal of all garbage, rubbish, trash and similar waste materials originating within the residential areas of the City of Salina. Commercial collections, including apartment houses, are handled by licensed, private haulers or by the individual business. The Division is supervised by the Sanitation Super- intendent, who is responsible to the Director of General Services. The weekly refuse collection service is available to all single, duplex, and triplex residential units on an optional basis. With the implementation of the landfill gate fee, a high percentage of the refuse previously transported by private individuals to the landfill site is now being handled by the Sanitation Division or by licensed haulers. The Division presently operates six 20-cubic yard packer trucks, each with an assigned route to be serviced each day, Monday through Friday. These are supple- mented by three shuttle trucks, which permit the crews to remain on the routes while a driver takes a loaded truck to the landfill. Two dump-type trucks are utilized for making special pickups for piles of tree limbs and items too bulky for the packer trucks. * * * * * * Full-time employees for the Division include: Sanitation Superintendent, Adminis- trative Aide, Maintenance Worker (6), Laborer assigned as Relief Driver (2), and Laborer (18). This is an increase of 2 Laborers over the 1979 Budget. The Division pays 5~ per month per billing to the Water and Sewerage Department and 5~ per month per account to the General Fund to offset general administrative services. This is reflected in #291. #297 is charges paid by the Division for use of the landfill. #310 is primarily for the purchase of barrels used by the crews for the collection of refuse. CITY OF SALINA t KANSAS 69 /980 ANNUAL BUDGET FUND DEPART~~T FUND NO. Genera ervices Sanitation Division 57 SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES Acct. 1977 1978 1979 1980 No. Description Actual Actual Bud\!eted Proiected Mana\!er Commission PERSONAL SERVICES 120 Salaries - Regular Employees $223,971 $236,199 $262,890 $257,250 $300,970 130 Salaries - Part Time Employees 10,231 8,262 7,465 7,450 8,730 Subtotal 234,202 244,461 270,355 264,700 309,700 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 205 Telephone & Telegraph 430 481 500 500 540 207 Employee Development 131 42 100 130 150 221 Printing Office Forms 79 602 360 390 700 227 Insurance - Liability 1,248 1,668 1,670 1,670 1,670 231 Insurance - Motor Vehicles 2,029 2,418 2,305 3,010 3,010 236 Insurance - Social Security 13,153 14,437 16,570 16,230 18,900 238 Employees Retirement 11,488 11,714 16,290 15,950 16,500 239 Group Insurance 9,579 10,594 12,190 14,250 21,110 243 Water Service 237 214 270 270 280 253 Repair - Mach~nery & Equipment 24,415 24,043 23,100 23,100 25,100 255 Repair - Tires & Tubes 1,902 2,076 2,550 2,550 2,900 257 Repair - Radio Equipment 518 510 760 720 720 284 Laundry & Towel ServicE 619 910 1,500 1,500 1,640 290 Medical Services 146 112 120 120 120 291 Billing & Administration Charges 11,960 12,252 12,240 12,480 12,600 292 Unemployment Insurance -0- 679 1,700 750 1,220 294 Workmen's Compensation 15,000 26,972 25,610 19,000 20,900 297 Disposal Charges 16,830 27,000 31,000 31,000 31,000 Subtotal 109,764 136,724 148,835 143,620 159,060 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 310 Expendable Tools 1,162 1,068 1,520 1,520 1,640 320 Office Supplies 293 538 500 510 630 331 Books & Periodicals 51 56 75 80 80 345 Motor Vehicles - Fuel & Lubricants 20,281 20,176 20,600 29,070 38,860 347 Motor Vehicles - License Tags 858 825 825 830 830 359 Other Operating Supplies 479 423 500 500 600 379 Motor Vehicles - Tires & Tubes -0- -0- 300 300 200 Subtotal 23,124 23,086 24,320 32,810 42,840 CITY OF SALINA t KANSAS 70 1980 ANNUAL BUDGET FUND DEPARTMENT FUND NO. General Services 57 Sanitation Division SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES Acct. 1977 1978 1979 1980 No. Description Actual Actual Budgeted Proiected Mana\!er Commission CAPITAL OUTLAY 517 Office Mechanical Equipment 175 -0- -0- 810 -0- 519 Radio Equipment -0- 650 -0- -0- -0- 525 Trucks 16,400 8,397 61,365 62,410 -0- Subtotal 16,575 9,047 61,365 63,220 -0- Grand Total $383,665 $413,318 $504,875 $504,350 $511,600 SUMMARY OF REVENUE Acct. 1977 1978 1979 1980 No. Description Actual Actual Budgeted Projected Manager Commission. 610 Interest from Investments $ 4,227 $ 4,227 $ 3,200 $ 3,200 $ 3,700 731 Miscellaneous Sales & Services 336 108 100 100 100 733 Service Fees 359,000 403,000 454,500 460,000 472,500 952 Reimbursement of Expenditures 1,061 444 -0- -0- -0- Grand Total $364,624 $407,779 $457,800 $463,300 $476,300 Beginning Cash Balance January 1st $136,846 $131,307 $ 90,257 Total Revenue 407 , 779 463,300 476,300 Total Revenue and Beginning Balance 544,625 594,607 566,557 Less Expenditures 413,318 504,350 511,600 Unencumbered Cash Balance December 31 $131,307 $ 90,257 $ 54,957 CITY OF SALINA t KANSAS 71 1980 ANNUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED GAIN (LOSS) STATEMENT PAPER RECYCLING 1980 Sale of Commodities Less Operating Expenses: Personal Services Contractual Services Materials & Supplies Operating Expenses Gain (Loss) 72 9,910 3,080 370 $ 5,000 13,360 $ (8,360) BUDGET COMMENTS PAPER RECYCLING DIVISION The demand for paper to be recycled is extremely erratic and unpredictable. This had been the situation since the City opened the paper recycling center in June, 1974. Through 1978, $35,000 from Revenue Sharing Funds and $5,000 from the Contingency Fund had been utilized in setting up and operating the center. The conservation effort has also benefited from employees being provided through the CETA Program as well as personnel from our General Improvement Department. In 1978, it was proposed that another $5,000 be transferred from the Revenue Sharing Fund to subsidize the operation. This was not approved by the City Commission. The decision was made at that time to dis- continue paying for paper, but to continue the operation on revenue derived from paper which the public would donate. Our cash balance carried over at the beginning of 1979 amounted to slightly more than $19,000. We are projecting receipts from the sale of paper at approximately $5,000, giving us an estimated total of $24,000 cash to work with during 1979. We are estimating our expenses to be approximately $12,000 for the year 1979, leaving a cash balance of approximately $12,000 to be carried over into 1980. Again, we are estimating our receipts for the year 1980 at approximately $5,000, with expenses exceeding $13,000. This projection would leave us a cash balance at the end of 1980 of approximately $3,900. The present lease on the building being utilized for this operation expires in January, 1981. It appears to be only a question of time until it becomes impractical for the City to continue this operation. Presently, we receive $20 per ton for newspaper and $45 per ton for cardboard, but we are receiving very little of either. Experience has proven if for any reason the demand for paper increases so as to influence the market, as soon as the price becomes attractive, the market is flooded. In a very short time, the price drops again or the market shuts off completely. * * * * * * 1 full-time Laborer is the only employee budgeted for this operation. The recycling center is supervised by the Director of General Services. CITY OF SALINA t KANSAS 73 1980 ANNUAL BUDGET FUND DEPARTMENT FUND NO. General Services Paper Recv1cing Division 58 SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES Acct. 1977 1978 1979 1980 No. Description Actual Actual Budgeted Proiected Mana\!er Commission PERSONAL SERVICES 120 Salaries - Regular Employees $ 5,891 $ 7,239 $ 9,030 $ 9,030 $ 9,910 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 205 Telephone & Telegraph 195 213 200 200 200 227 Insurance - Liability -0- -0- 20 20 20 236 Insurance - Social Security 227 421 555 560 600 238 Employees Retirement -0- 176 560 560 540 239 Group Insurance 261 427 470 470 820 241 Gas Service 206 277 300 250 300 242 Light & Power Service 92 125 155 100 100 253 Repair - Machinery & Equipment 1,738 486 1,000 400 400 299 Other Contractual Services 158 541 200 100 100 Subtotal 2,877 2,666 3,460 2,660 3,080 MATERIALS ~ SUPPLIES 310 Expendable Tools -0- 1 25 20 20 320 Office Supplies -0- -0- 25 -0- -0- 343 Janitor & Toilet Supplies 9 5 10 -0- -0- 345 Motor Vehicles - Fuel & Lubricants 146 178 140 100 150 359 Other Operating Supplies 488 732 600 200 200 Subtotal 643 916 800 320 370 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 460 Purchase of Commoditie 6,500 6,000 6,000 -0- -0- Grand Total $ 15,911 $ 16,821 $ 19,290 $ 12,010 $ 13 ,360 CITY OF SALINA t KANSAS 74 1980 ANNUAL BUDGET FUND DEPARTMENT FUND NO. General Services Paner Recvc1in\! Division 58 SUMMARY OF REVENUE Acct. 1977 1978 1979 1980 No. Description Actual Actual Budgeted Projected Manager Commission 721 Sale of Commodities $ 11,349 $ 15,553 $ 6,000 $ 5,000 $ 5,000 957 Transfer from Other Funds 5,000 -0- 5,000 -0- -0- Grand Total $ 16,349 $ 15,553 $ 11,000 $ 5,000 $ 5,000 Beginning Cash Balance January 1st $ 20,542 $ 19,274 $ 12,264 Total Revenue 15,553 5,000 5,000 Total Revenue and Beginning Balance 36,095 24,274 17,264 Less Expenditures 16,821 12,010 13,360 Unencumbered Cash Balance December 31 $ 19,274 $ 12,264 $ 3,904 CITY OF SALINA t KANSAS 75 1980 ANNUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED GAIN (LOSS) STATEMENT PARKING METERS 1980 Parking Meter Revenue Less Operating Expenses: Personal Services Contractual Services Materials & Supplies Sundry Expenditures Capital Outlay Operating Expenses Gain (Loss) 76 36,280 17,850 10,040 38,810 580 $ 107,000 103,560 $ 3,440 BUDGET COMMENTS PARKING METER DIVISION The Division provides for the collection of monies, parking enforcement, debt service, and maintenance of all municipal-owned parking facilities within the Central Business District. The Division is supervised by the Police Department with assistance pro- vided by the Traffic Engineer. During May and June of 1979, the total number of parking meters in the area increased from 1,458 to 1,565. On-street metered parking spaces was increased from 542 to 647. Metered stalls in the ten off-street parking lots was changed from 916 meters to 918. Long-term parking involving 6 and 10 hour meters was increased by 37 from 487 to 524. Presently there are 1,041 short-term meters; previously there were 968, an increase of 73. The long-term parking is provided on the fringe of the Central Business District for the benefit of employees working in the area as well as shoppers planning to spend several hours in the area. Shorter term parking is available within the interior or core of the Central Business District. The parking meter rate continues at 5~ per hour which is the same as it was when park- ing meters were first installed in Salina around 1946. Monthly parking permits are available for purchase at the City Clerk's Office for $10 per month. The permits can be used at 6 and 10 hour meters for all day parking. The only advantage in the use of a permit is in not having to have a coin to operate the meter. Long-term parking rates are now the same as short-term. The intent of placing short-term parking on the interior of the area is to accommodate the shopper. The basic problem continues to be inadequate parking spaces in the CBD to accommodate the needs of both the shoppers and employees. The cost of land and developing parking facilities continues to escalate. The same is true of expenses involved in supervision, operation and maintenance of the present parking facilities. The City has three more years to pay on the debt for the present off-street parking facilities. $39,000 of the annual parking meter revenue is pledged toward the payment of the principal and interest on this debt. This is in keeping with the commitment made to the people of Salina as the means of paying the city-at-1arge share of the General Obligation Bonds used in financing purchase and construction of the lots. All revenue derived from fines for parking violations goes to the General Operating Fund of the City. * * * * * * 4 full-time employees in this fund include: Parking Meter Repair Technician and Meter Violations Checker (3). The most significant item in the budget for both 1979 and 1980 is in #391. The cost for meter parts is considerably higher than in prior years. In 1980, 317 six-hour meters will be converted to ten-hour meters. CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 77 /980 ANNUAL BUDGET FUND DEPARTMENT FUND NO. Parking Meter 60 SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES Acct. 1977 1978 1979 1980 No. Description Actual Actual Budgeted Proiected Manager Commission PERSONAL SERVICES 120 Salaries - Regular Employees $ 41,422 $ 31,823 $ 34,005 $ 33,540 $ 36,280 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 221 Printing Office Forms 2,156 947 3,060 2,950 3,150 231 Insurance Motor - Vehicles 298 396 450 450 500 236 Insurance - Social Security 2,375 ,2,095 2,300 1,950 2,250 238 Employees Retirement 2,784 2,143 2,000 1,800 2,030 239 Group Insurance 1,934 1,811 2,035 2,080 3,550 253 Repair - Machinery & Equipment 926 2,516 1,200 1,200 1,200 255 Repair - Motor Vehicle Tires 8 52 10 10 10 292 Unemployment Insurance -0- 89 175 110 120 294 Workmen's Compensation 700 529 550 350 470 299 Other Contractual Services 2,186 1,159 4,125 4,200 4,570 Subtotal 14,367 11,737 15,905 15,100 17,850 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 310 Expendable Tools -0- -0- 25 30 30 343 Janitor Supplies 142 68 125 120 140 345 Motor Vehicles - Fuel & Lubricants 720 673 800 990 1,240 347 Motor Vehicles - License Tags 8 43 45 40 50 355 Wearing Apparel 518 803 590 680 670 359 Other Operating Supplies 129 28 300 790 330 367 Electrical & Lighting Parts 255 7 50 50 50 , 379 Motor Vehicle - Tires -0- 153 120 120 470 391 Parking Meter Parts 149 771 15,000 3,170 7,060 Subtotal 1,921 2,546 17,055 5,990 10,040 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 447 Off-Street Parking - Bond & Interest 39.200 39.000 39.000 39,000 38,810 CAPITAL OUTLAY 513 Parking Meters -0- 6,177 25,000 2,500 -0- 503 Equipment -0- -0- -0- -0- 580 Subtoa1 -0- 6,177 25,000 2,500 580 Grand Total $ 96,910 $ 91,283 $130,965 $ 96,130 $103,560 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 78 1980 ANNUAL BUDGET FUND DEPARTMENT FUND NO. Parking Meter 60 SUMMARY OF REVENUE Acct. 1971 1978 1979 1980 No. Description Actual Actual Budgeted Projected Manager Commission. 450 Parking Meter Revenue $ 67,819 $ 61,206 $116,400 $ 75,000 $ 85,000 610 Interest from Investments 661 732 600 -0- -0- 707 Parking Meter Permits 19,626 19,098 35,000 20,000 22,000 953 Reimbursement of Expenditures -0- -0- -0- 1,040 -0- Grand Total $ 88,106 $ 81,036 $152,000 $ 96,040 $107,000 Beginning Cash Balance January 1st $ 17,597 $ 7,350 $ 7,260 Total Revenue 81,036 96,040 107,000 Total Revenue and Beginning Balance 98,633 103,390 114,260 Less Expenditures 91,283 96,130 103,560 Unencumbered Cash Balance December 31 $ 7,350 $ 7,260 $ 10,700 CITY OF SALINA t KANSAS 79 1980 ANNUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED GAIN (LOSS) STATEMENT GOLF COURSE 1980 Membership & Green Fees Less Operating Expenses: Personal Services Contractual Services Materials & Supplies Sundry Expenditures Operating Expenses Subtotal Other Income Gain (Loss) 80 49,550 29,980 11,020 15,570 $ 87,000 106,120 (19,120) 14,350 $ (4,770) BUDGET COMMENTS GOLF COURSE DIVISION The increased cost of fuel and other aspects of tourism appears to be causing many people to spend their vacation and other leisure times closer to home. These con- ditions, along with a growing interest in physical fitness and more time for recrea- tion, has resulted in golfing and other sports gaining in popularity among all age groups. The Municipal Golf Course provides everyone the opportunity to participate in this healthful and challenging activity. The novice or occasional golfer who cannot afford or doesn't care to belong to a Country Club can participate simply by paying green fees. Play continues to increase since the opening of the course in August 1970. Numerous tournaments are held on the course and the schools utilize the course for their organized golf program. Continual praise is heard concerning the layout, condition and quality of the course. As a Division of the General Services Department the Golf Course maintenance is supervised by the Golf Course Manager. He is responsible to the Director of General Services and receives technical advice and assistance from the Park Superintendent. The Golf Professional is responsible for activity on the course, supervising play, scheduling tournaments, operating the Pro Shop and is available for golfing in- struction on a fee basis. * * * * * * Full-time employees of the Division are as follows: Golf Professional, Golf Course Manager, Lead Maintenance Worker and Maintenance Worker. The Division also relies on seasonal part-time employees from spring through the summer months. Well water is used for irrigation. A considerable savings is realized over using treated water. A more effective job of irrigation can be accomplished; however, the well operation is reflected in #242. In order to develop and maintain a quality golf course, the grass, plants, and trees require a great deal of attention. This is reflected in #351, which is used primarily for fertilizers and various chemicals. The proposed use of Revenue Sharing Funds includes $46,000 for the construction of asphalt paths for golf cars in 1980. CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 81 1980 ANNUAL BUDGET FUND DEPARTMENT FUND NO. General Services Golf r.ollr<>e Div;s;nn 61 SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES Acct. 1977 1978 1979 1980 No. Description Actual Actual Budgeted Proiected Mana\!er Commission PERSONAL SERVICES 120 Salaries - Regular Employees $ 34,906 $ 37,836 $ 38,605 $ 41,770 $ 44,140 130 Salaries - Part Time Employees 2,810 3,002 5,555 3,000 5,410 Subtotal 37,716 40,838 44,160 44, 770 49,550 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 205 Telephone & Telegraph 299 276 315 350 380 207 Traveling Expenses 126 81 150 150 170 221 Printing Office Forms 569 102 600 600 600 227 Insurance - Liability 255 730 730 730 730 231 Insurance - Motor Vehicles 243 394 395 390 380 241 Gas Service 1 , 115 2,180 2,365 2,550 2,990 242 Light & Power Service 8,544 11,419 11,895 13,510 16,150 243 Water Service 587 601 1,000 500 1,000 253 Repair - Machinery & Equipment 2,983 6,248 4,290 4,290 4,930 255 Repair - Tire,s & Tubes 369 95 200 100 200 284 Laundry & Towel Service 6 6 20 20 20 292 Unemployment Insurance -0- 115 100 100 200 294 Workmen's Compensation 1,175 1, 334 1,335 800 880 299 Other Contractual Services 3,810 276 1,500 1,200 1,350 Subtotal 20,081 23,857 24,895 25,290 29,980 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 310 Expendable Tools 109 120 100 100 100 343 Janitor & Toilet Supplies 3 200 140 140 60 345 Motor Vehicles - Fuel & Lubricants 1 , 513 1,614 1,945 2,100 2,730 347 Motor Vehicles - License Tags 108 -0- 110 .110 110 351 Seeds, Plants, Trees & Lawn Supplies 4,729 4,901 5,480 4,440 6,020 359 Other Operating Supplies 756 1,366 1,000 1,000 1,100 367 Electrical & Lighting Parts 611 215 660 600 650 379 Motor Vehicles - Tires & Tubes -0- 64 180 100 200 281 Paint & Painting Materials 28 152 50 70 50 Subtotal 7,857 8,632 9,665 8,660 11,020 CITY OF SALINA t KANSAS 82 1980 ANNUAL BUDGET FUND DEPARTMENT FUND NO. General Services Golf Course Division 61 SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES Acct. 1977 1978 1979 1980 No. Description Actual Actual Budgeted Projected Manager Commission SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 421 Sales Tax Remitted $ 2,377 $ 750 $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- 447 Payment to Bond & Interest 10,505 10,235 14,000 14,000 15,570 Subtotal 12,882 10,985 14,000 14,000 15,570 CAPITAL OUTLAY 516 Mowers & Miscellaneous Equipment 4,406 5,501 6,000 6,000 -0- Grand Total $ 82,942 $ 89,813 $ 98,720 $ 98,720 $106,120 i SUMMARY OF REVENUE Acct. 1977 1978 1979 1980 No. Description Actual Actual Budgeted Projected Manager Commission. 550 Membership & Green Fees $ 64,893 $ 67,625 $ 94,240 $ 86,000 $ 87,000 560 Pull Cart Rental 2,089 2,370 3,135 3,140 3,150 565 Car Storage 2,121 2,212 3,180 3,180 3,000 575 Car User Fees 3,549 5,110 3,550 3,550 4,000 599 Oil Well Lease 3,712 4,171 4,000 4,000 4,200 Grand Total $ 76,364 $ 81,488 $108,105 $ 99,870 $101,350 Beginning Cash Balance January 1st $ 15,206 $ 6,881 $ 8,031 Total Revenue 81,488 99,870 101,350 Total Revenue and Beginning Balance 96,694 106,751 109,381 Less Expenditures 89,813 98,720 106,120 Unencumbered Cash Balance De~ember 31 $ 6,881 $ 8,031 $ 3,261 CITY OF SALINA t KANSAS 83 1980 ANNUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED GAIN (LOSS) STATEMENT SPECIAL GASOLINE TAX 1980 Gasoline Tax Less Operating Expenses: Personal Services Contractual Services Materials & Supplies Sundry Expenditures Capital Outlay Operating Expenses Gain (Loss) 84 29,220 155,000 79,590 180,000 22 , 500 $ 400,000 466,310 $ (66,310) BUDGET COMMENTS SPECIAL GASOLINE TAX DIVISION The 1970 State Legislature provided a single formula for the distribution of fuel tax collections to counties, townships and cities. The funds are distributed on a per capita basis. In addition to the Special Gas Tax the State has provided cities some money"; this is reflected in 1122l. 1980 since cities do not know from these funds from the State. receipt included in #220, for the past two years additional funding which has been labeled "pothole Nothing has been budgeted in this line item for one year to the next whether or not to expect All revenue derived from this source is used in street maintenance such as asphalt overlay and slurry sealing, concrete repair work, and for the purchase of traffic control equipment. This activity is performed under the general supervision of the Director of General Services as a part of the overall street maintenance program. * * * * * * The Division has 2 full-time employees: Maintenance Supervisor and Laborer. 2 part-time employees are utilized approximately 65 days out of the year. #299 provides for resurfacing and sealing of streets. #361 provides for material to fill potholes and for sealing cracks and joints in paved streets. #365 provides for material to repair streets, gutters, curbing and sidewalks. #381 provides for painting of lines for traffic lanes, pedestrian crossings, no parking zones on curbs, etc. #447 - This transfer to the General Fund provides relief to the ad valorem tax require- ments. It helps offset the expenses involved in general administration, supervision, and various other aspects of street maintenance. #529 provides for installation of traffic control signals at the intersection of 9th and Otto. CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 85 1980 ANNUAL BUDGET FUND DEPARTMENT FUND NO. General Services - Special Gasoline Tax Division 62 SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES Acct. 1977 1978 1979 1980 No. Description Actual Actual Budgeted Proiected Mana I! er Commission PERSONAL SERVICES 120 Salaries - Regular Employees $ 19,782 $ 21,823 $ 23,625 $ 24,230 $ 25,950 130 Salaries - Part Time Employees -0- 1,491 2,800 2,800 3,270 Subtotal 19,782 23,314 26,425 27,030 29,220 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 299 Other Contractual Services 122,458 135,000 175,000 175,000 155,000 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 353 Signs 7,074 6,803 4,985 9,000 8,765 361 Asphalt & Road Oil 8,512 31,939 15,000 15,000 21,000 365 Cement & Cement Product 15,408 17,473 17,000 17,000 23,000 381 Paint & Painting i Materials 17,781 16,467 16,000 16,000 18,825 387 Sand, Gravel, Rock & Chat 3,794 5,722 5,000 5,000 8,000 Subtotal 52,569 78,404 57,985 62,000 79,590 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 447 Transfer to Other Fund~ 140,000 160,000 180,000 180,000 180,000 CAPITAL OUTLAY 529 Traffic Control Equipment 27,685 2,468 40,500 26,160 22,500 Grand Total $362,494 $399,186 $479,910 $470,190 $466,310 SUMMARY OF REVENUE Acct. 1977 1978 1979 1980 No. Description Actual Actual Budgeted Projected Manager Commission. 220 Special Gas Tax $367,467 $385,483 $384,000 $394,000 $400,000 221 Pothole Money -0- 52,114 -0- 37,400 -0- Grand Total $367,467 $437.597 $384.000 $431.400 $.400,000 Beginning Cash Balance January 1st $ 73,613 $112,024 $ 73,234 Total Revenue 437,597 431,400 400,000 Total Revenue and Beginning Balance 511,210 543,424 473,234 Less Expenditures 399,186 470,190 466,310 Unencumbered Cash Balance December 31 $112,024 $ 73,234 $ 6,924 CITY OF SALINA t KANSAS 86 1980 ANNUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED GAIN (LOSS) STATEMENT SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL 1980 Service Fees Less Operating Expenses: Personal Services Contractual Services Materials & Supplies Sundry Expenditures Capital Outlay Operating Expenses Subtotal Other Income Gain (Loss) 87 69,470 41,800 20,050 10,000 35,000 $ 140,000 176,320 (36,320) 11,000 $ (25,320) BUDGET COMMENTS SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL DIVISION The City owned and operated landfill, located southwest of Salina on Burma Road, provides solid waste disposal facilities for all of Saline County. The location and operations of this activity are in accordance with the "Saline County Solid Waste Collection and Disposal Plant" as approved by the Saline County Commissioners and subsequently by the State Board of Health. The service is financed on revenues from gate fees collected from users of the landfill, and income realized from leasing farm land not needed for the landfill operation. This service is funded from fees paid by users; no tax monies are diverted to this activity. As a Division of the General Services Department, the operation is supervised by the Sanitation Superintendent who is responsible to the Director of General Services. * * * * * * 6 full-time employees are included in this fund: Maintenance Supervisor, Equipment Operator (3), and Gate Attendant (2). #291 reimburses the General Fund for administrative and supervisory services. #299 provides for crop hail insurance and real estate taxes on land leased for farming purposes. In addition to a pickup truck there are three pieces of heavy equipment utilized in this operation: one bulldozer, a scraper and a compactor. This type of work is extremely hard on the equipment. This is reflected in line items involved in operation and maintenance. We presently have $35,000 in #450. The $10,000 originally budgeted in this line item for 1979 has been deleted from the Projected 1979 Budget; however, $10,000 has been budgeted for this purpose in 1980. #503 provides for the replacement of a 1973 John Deere Compactor in 1980. CITY OF SALINA t KANSAS 88 1980 ANNUAL BUDGET FUND DEPARTMEN~ FUND NO. General ervices Solid Waste Disposal Division 64 SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES Acct. 1977 1978 1979 1980 No. Description Actual Actual Budgeted Proiected Manager Commission PERSONAL SERVICES 120 Salaries - Regular Employees $ 46,550 $ 57,857 $ 64,460 $ 62,440 $ 69,470 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 205 Telephone & Telegraph 170 161 175 180 190 221 Printing Office Forms 655 439 805 810 800 227 Insurance - Liability 626 400 400 400 400 228 Insurance - Equipment 618 945 950 1,250 1,250 236 Insurance - Social Security 2,659 3,256 3,955 3,830 4,300 238 Employees Retirement 2,295 3,429 3,995 3,870 3,850 239 Group Insurance 2,756 2,349 2,815 3,240 5,360 241 Gas Service 628 738 680 680 930 242 Light & Power Service 505 600 690 740 850 253 Repair - Equipment 31,833 35,491 16,640 23,150 15,700 255 Repair - Tires & Tubes 347 197 685 690 1,090 291 Billing & Administration -0- -0- 2,000 -0- 2,000 292 Unemployment .Insurance -0- 146 425 180 280 294 Workmen's Compensation 600 4,547 4,330 2,460 2,700 299 Other Contractual Services 1,536 1,957 1,760 1,980 2,100 Subtotal 45,228 54,655 40,305 43,460 41,800 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 310 Expendable Tools 321 188 250 200 620 320 Office Supplies 17 27 25 30 30 345 Motor Vehicles - Fuel & Lubricants 7,259 7,221 7,625 9,430 16,000 359 Other Operating Supplies 338 361 400 400 400 379 Motor Vehicles - Tires & Tubes 101 239 240 240 200 387 Sand, Gravel, Rock, Salt & Chat -0- 1,417 2,400 2,-400 2,800 Subtotal 8 , 036 9,453 10,940 ,12, 700 20,050 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 450 Reserve - Equipment Replacement -0- 18,000 10,000 -0- 10,000 CAPITAL OUTLAY 503 Equipment -0- -0- 725 7,830 35,000 Grand Total $ 99,814 $139,965 $126,430 $126,430 $176,320 CITY OF SALINA t KANSAS 89 1980 ANNUAL BUDGET FUND DEPARTMENT FUND NO. General Services ~()l;r1 Waste Disposal Division 64 SUMMARY OF REVENUE Acct. 1971 1978 1979 1980 No. Description Actual Actual Budgeted Projected Manager Commission. 508 Income from Leased Land $ 2,690 $ 12,521 $ 10,000 $ 10,000 $ 11,000 733 Service Fees 96,352 131,472 140,000 140,000 140,000 Grand Total $ 99,042 $143,993 $150,000 $150,000 $151,000 Beginning Cash Balance January 1st $ 8,903 $ 12,931 $ 36,501 Total Revenue 143,993 150,000 151,000 Total Revenue and Beginning Balance 152,896 162,931 187,501 Less Expenditures 139,965 126,430 176,320 Unencumbered Cash Balance December 31 $ 12,931 $ 36,501 $ 11, 181 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 90 1980 ANNUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED GAIN (LOSS) STATEMENT WATER & SEWERAGE 1980 Water & Sewerage Revenue Less Operating Expenses: Water Supply Softening & Treatment Pumping Distribution Customer Accounting & Collection Administration & General Sewage Treatment & Collection Bond Ordinance Requirements Capital Improvement Operating Expenses Subtotal Other Income Gain (Loss) 91 48,610 572,720 119,980 172,930 248,720 385,610 461,960 396,000 150,000 $ 2,270,000 2,556,530 (286,530) 64,000 $ (222,530) BUDGET COMMENTS WATER AND SEWERAGE DEPARTMENT This Department has three divisions: water supply, customer accounting and collec- tions and sewerage collection and treatment. The water supply division is composed of supply - purification - softening and dis- tribution for the City of Salina. The water is chemically treated to meet or exceed standards established by the Kansas State Department of Health and Environment. Com- pliance with those standards is assured by continual testing in the plant proper, as well as the complete system. Salina obtains its water from two sources: the Smoky Hill River and 15 wells. Approximately 57% of the water is pumped from the river and the balance from the wells. Well water is utilized to temper the river water; however, it is the most expensive to process. Well water requires additional chemicals for softening. Additional cost is incurred for power to operate the wells. The water treatment plant is capable of producing 15 million gallons of water per day. The peak demand has been 14.6 million gallons. The plant has the capability of being expanded to produce 24 million gallons per day. Such an expansion will have to be undertaken in the not too distant future in order to keep abreast of Salina's growth and demands for water. Customer accounting and collections division reads meters each month, computes account charges, provides service assistance for individual customers, and collects all monies due the department for the sale of water and sewer use fees. The division also bills and collects for refuse collection service to residential subscribers as a part of the monthly bill. Sewerage collection and treatment division maintains all sewage collection mains and laterals, sewerage pumping stations and the two treatment plants. It is responsible for the treatment of all sanitary wastes generated by the City to standards specified by the Kansas State Department of Health and Environment. This Department is self-supporting from user charges collected from its customers. No tax monies are diverted to this Department. * * * * * * The Department has 69 full-time employees, including: Softening and Treatment (#210) - Water Systems Superintendent, Laboratory Technician, Water Plant Operator (8), Main- tenance Worker (2), and Laborer; Pumping (#310) - Water Plant Supervisor, Lead Water Plant Operator, and Water Plant Operator (4); Distribution (#410) - Water Distribu- tion Supervisor, Lead Maintenance Worker, Maintenance Worker (6), and Water Meter Repair Technician; Customer Accounting and Collection (#510) - Office Supervisor, Lead Maintenance Worker, Maintenance Worker (3), Water Meter Reader (4), Senior Data Processing Equipment Operator, Senior Clerk (2), Data Processing Equipment Operator, and Clerk (5); Administrative and General (#610) - City Engineer and Director of Utilities and Principal Clerk; sewage Treatment and Collection (#710) - Sewer Systems Supervisor, Waste Water Supervisor, Sewer Maintenance Supervisor, Lead Maintenance Worker, Laboratory Technician, Sewage Plant Operator (8), and Maintenance Worker (8). CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 92 1980 ANNUAL BUDGET FUND DEPARTMENT FUND NO. Water & Sewerage 90 SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES Acct. 1977 1978 1979 1980 No. Description Actual Actual Budgeted Proiected Manager Commission WATER SUPPLY EXPENSE 110 Maintenance - Well Pumps & Equipment $ 8,716 $ 1,510 $ 7,500 $ 7,500 $ 8,000 120 Well Pump Power 15,629 17,028 19,780 20,950 24,100 130 Well House Signals 3,980 6,597 4,000 7,060 7,550 140 River Intake Power 5,195 5,804 6,575 7,140 8,210 150 Maintenance - Bui1ding1 & Grounds 199 291 200 200 250 160 Maintenance - River Basin 1,575 453 1,000 500 500 Subtotal 35,294 31,683 39,055 43,350 48,610 SOFTENING & TREATMENT EXPENSES 210 Salaries 99,523 114,058 146,980 141,550 158,500 215 Electric Power 43,895 49,874 55,550 56,500 65,700 220 Gas Service 11,839 17,238 16,500 20,170 23,570 225 Building Operating Supplies 329 323 350 350 400 230 Chemicals 141,961 185,376 155,000 270,610 220,000 235 Maintenance - Equipmen 8,273 9,107 10,000 10,040 15,200 240 Maintenance - Bui1ding1 295 631 500 9,600 12,450 255 Electric Power 10,747 11,117 13,600 10,000 15,000 260 Gas Service - Ca1cinin~ Plant 30,320 32,247 42,200 28,000 42,000 270 Supplies - Calcining Plant 2,992 6,790 5,500 5,500 3,500 275 Electric Power - SludgE Line -0- 3,425 15,500 15,500 14,400 280 Maintenance - Sludge Line -0- 1,111 2,000 2,000 2,000 Subtotal 350,174 431,297 463,680 569,820 572,720 PUMPING EXPENSES 310 Salaries 61,764 69,706 72,105 72,690 79,270 315 Electric Power 23,006 23,309 29,100 28,670 32,970 320 Gas Service 640 854 900 1,000 1,170 325 Lubricants 194 -0- 200 200 220 330 Building Operating Supplies 585 353 600 600 600 335 Maintenance - Electrical Equipment & Pumps 616 544 700 6,000 3,500 340 Maintenance - Station Buildings & Grounds 334 728 325 600 750 345 Wearing Apparel 1,310 905 1,300 1,550 1,500 Subtotal 88,449 96,399 105,230 111,310 119,980 CITY OF SALINA t KANSAS 93 1980 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET COMMENTS WATER AND SEWERAGE DEPARTMENT (continued) #130 provides for telephone control line signals for all wells. #260 provides for natural gas service for operation of the calcining plant furnace. The reprocessing of lime through the calcining operation used in water softening has saved the City many thousands of dollars over the years. A major renovation of the calcining plant will be undertaken during 1979, in order to comply with state and federal air emission control standards. #525 - For customer convenience, bills for water, sewer, and refuse collection ser- vice may be paid at several business locations throughout the city. The businesses are paid 5~ per account collected. #545 reflects the cost of utilizing the computer system for billing and posting of payments. #625 provides for services of Kansas State Department of Health and Environment for bacteriological and chemical analysis of raw and potable water. #645 being a pro- prietary function, the Water and Sewerage Department pays an in lieu of property tax to the General Fund. #666 provides for group, medical and life insurance for employees of the Water and Sewerage Department, explained in detail in the Employee Benefits Fund. #675 provides for contractual maintenance for two base stations and all mobile radio units of the Department. The Department's bi-annua1 operation and maintenance report prepared by a private engineering consulting firm is included in this line item. #685 - The Department pays ~ of the City's 27% for operation and maintenance of the City - County - Board of Education Building. #690 reimburses the General Fund for in-house engineering and administrative services provided by other offices or depart- ments such as the City Manager, City Clerk, Personnel Department, Planning and Inspec- tion Departments. #760 - Television equipment is utilized to inspect and repair sanitary sewer lines. This provides film, video tapes, and material for sealing cracks and voids in the sewer lines. #765 reflects the phone line rental charge for monitoring 24 sewage pump stations. The main sewage treatment plant is the central monitoring point. #830 - In accordance with a predetermined schedule established in the advance refunding of Revenue Bonds in 1978, this fund is being accumulated to pay bond principal in future years. The line item identified as Capital Expenditures includes a variety of equipment, supplies, and improvements for all divisions of the Water and Sewerage Department. Some of the major items include: over $18,000 for water meters; $24,000 for 48 fire hydrants which will in turn be sold to developers; $35,500 for replacement parts for filters at water plant #2; and $12,000 to replace inlet lines to a sewer pump station. The line items identified as Extension and Bond Retirement and Depreciation and Emergency are reserve funds. A portion of each, along with Revenue Bond money, will be used to finance the rebuilding of the calcining plant, estimated to cost in excess of $600,000. CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 94 1980 ANNUAL BUDGET FUND DEPARTMENT FUND NO. Water & Sewerage 90 SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES Acct. 1977 1978 1979 1980 No. Description Actual Actual Budgeted Proiected Manager Commission DISTRIBUTION EXPENSES 410 Salaries 75,050 88,257 100,150 96,500 109,130 420 Meter Maintenance - Supplies 5,636 3,755 6,200 4,000 4,500 425 Vehicles - Equipment Expenses 10,701 10,449 10,500 12,000 15,500 430 Tapping Supplies 8,971 11,891 9,000 16,380 16,000 435 Maintenance - Distribution Mains 7,088 6,676 9,000 18,000 18,000 440 Maintenance - Storage Tanks 855 2,387 3,000 3,500 3,800 450 Maintenance - Hydrants 868 2,142 1,500 4,090 4,000 455 Miscellaneous Materials & Labor 2,478 -0- 2,000 2,000 2,000 Subtotal 111,647 125,557 141,350 156,470 172 , 930 CUSTOMER ACCOUNTING & COLLECTION EXPENSE 510 Salaries 140,284 143,592 167,070 166,930 186,050 520 Servicemen & Meter Readers Supplies 163 187 300 500 300 525 Collection Stations 1,868 1,834 1,900 1,900 1,900 530 Maintenance - Office Equipment 2,693 1,879 2,200 2,200 2,300 535 Office Supplies 6,685 5,837 6,000 6,000 6,200 540 Vehicle Expenses 6,469 6,142 6,000 8,190 8,270 545 Lease EDP Equipment 13,799 13,103 15,000 15,000 15,000 550 Postage 21,952 25,773 24,500 26,900 27,900 555 Wearing Apparel 636 445 500 770 800 Subtotal 194,549 198,792 223,470 228,390 248,720 ADMINISTRATIVE & GENERAL EXPENSES 610 Salaries 29,632 31,169 32,160 38,700 44,350 615 Telephone Expenses 3,848 4,001 4,200 4,400 4,700 620 Office Supplies 748 1,430 900 . 1,600 1,600 625 Special Engineering 675 1,862 2,350 2,350 1,500 630 Social Security 32,472 36,456 45,600 43,000 51,000 635 Insurance - Buildings 25,281 25,790 27,100 27,100 28,000 640 Sales Tax 1,426 445 1,600 1,800 2,000 645 Property Taxes 55,000 65,000 67,500 67,500 70,250 650 Accounts Charged Off 800 1,487 1,200 3,300 1,200 655 Long & Short Cash 103 20 100 100 100 660 Employees Retirement 35,567 31,272 45,900 38,000 46,000 663 Unemployment Insurance -0- 1,761 3,700 2,800 3,300 CITY OF SALINA t KANSAS 95 1980 ANNUAL BUDGET FUND DEPARTMENT FUND NO. Water & Sewerage 90 SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES Acct. 1977 1978 1979 1980 No. Description Actual Actual Budgeted Proiected Manager Commission 664 Liability Insurance 8,159 9,192 9,500 9,800 10,780 665 Workmen's Compensation 11,629 21,774 20,000 11,500 13,920 666 Group Insurance 22,403 25,917 37,300 30,000 49,500 670 Auditing Expenses 5,150 5,650 5,500 5,500 6,000 675 Contracting Service 2,144 5,161 3,000 3,000 5,000 680 Organizational Dues & Membership 521 599 525 740 740 685 Maintenance - Government Center 11,484 10,221 12,000 12,500 13,750 690 Services Performed - Other Departments 24,060 26,625 27,955 27,960 29,920 695 Employee Development 1,254 434 1,500 1,000 1,000 Training Programs -0- -0- -0- 1,000 1,000 Subtotal 272,356 306,266 349,590 333,650 385,610 SEWAGE TREATMENT & COLLECTION EXPENSES 710 Salaries 156,483 188,253 244,100 211,800 252,960 715 Electric Power 82,588 82,857 104,525 101,920 117,200 720 Gas Service 8,880 11,071 13,800 12,950 15,150 725 Plant Operating SuppliES 1,325 1,799 1,650 1,650 1,820 730 Maintenance - Equipment 11,716 10,529 16,000 14,000 15,000 735 Maintenance - BuildingE & Grounds 741 4,434 1,300 1,050 1,300 740 Maintenance - Pumping Stations 11,821 11,899 15,000 15,000 16,000 745 Maintenance - Sanitary Sewers 4,483 3,780 5,500 5,500 6,570 750 Vehicle Expenses 15,916 20,370 23,000 24,940 27,430 755 Wearing Apparel 584 729 800 980 1,550 760 TV Expenses - Sanitary Sewer Lines 517 601 2,500 1,200 2,500 765 Pump Station Monitor -0- 2,092 3,600 4,180 4,480 Subtotal 295,054 338,414 431,775 395,170 461,960 BOND ORDINANCE REQUIREMENTS 810 Bond Principal PaymentE 150,000 111,500 -0- 1,000 1,000 815 Bond Interest Payments 66,442 30,099 -0- -0- -0- 825 Bond Interest Payments '77 Issue -0- 90,000 -0- -0- -0- 830 Sinking Fund Expenses -0- -0- 386,795 110,000 115,000 835 Issuance Costs -0- 1,116 -0- -0- -0- 840 Interest Expenses -0- 187,445 -0- 290,000 280,000 Subtotal 216,442 420,160 386,795 401,000 396,000 CITY OF SALINA t KANSAS 96 1980 ANNUAL BUDGET FUND DEPARTMENT FUND NO. Water & Sewerage 90 SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES Acct. 1977 1978 1979 1980 No. Description Actual Actual Budgeted Proiected Manager Commission Cash Remitted to Sanitation Departmen 359,000 403,000 454,500 460,000 472,500 Capital Improvement - Bond Money 147,414 1,667,500 -0- -0- -0- Capital Expenditures 136,939 199,063 260,000 136,280 150,000 Extension and Bond Retirement -0- -0- -0- -0- 200,000 Net Cash Transfer to Other current Assets 14,991 -0- -0- -0- Depreciation & Emergency -0- -0- -0- -0- 200,000 Sales Tax Remitted -0- -0- 60,000 60,000 60,000 Customer Deposit Refunds -0- -0- 50,000 50,000 50,000 Transfer to Bond Retirement and Extension Fund -0- 600,000 -0- -0- -0- Grand Total, $2,207,318 ~4.833,122 2,965,445 2.945,440 ,3,539,030 CITY OF SALINA t KANSAS 97 1980 ANNUAL BUDGET FUND DEPARTMENT FUND NO. Water & Sewerage 90 SUMMARY OF REVENUE Acct. 1977 1978 1979 1980 No. Description Actual Actual Budgeted Projected Manager Commission. 910 Water Revenue $1,371,268 $1,530,516 $1,518,400 Sl,570,000 1,620,000 915 Sewerage Revenue 591,959 602,658 634,400 625,000 650,000 921 Miscellaneous Income 4,187 5,361 7,500 8,000 8,000 930 Tapping and Front Footage Service 20,194 19,745 16,000 18,000 19,000 950 Fire Hydrant Reimbursement 81,135 33,702 30,000 30,000 30,000 970 Service Charge - Sanitation Department 5,980 6,634 9,000 7,000 7,000 980 EPA - Grants 7,658 545,100 -0- 40,000 -0- 990 Interest Income -0- 64,513 -0- 50,000 -0- Sanitation Fees Collected 359,000 403,000 454,500 460,000 472,500 Extension and Bond Retirement -0- -0- -0- -0- 200,000 Proceeds from Bond Iss e -0- 1,667,500 -0- -0- -0- Proceeds from Bond Sale - Depreciation & Emergency -0- -0- -0- -0- 200,000 Net Cash Increase on Current Assets 6,813 -0- -0- -0- -0- Sales Tax Collected -0- -0- 60,000 60,000 60,000 Meter Deposit -0- -0- 50.000 50,000 50,000 Grand Total $2,448,194 $4,878,729 $2,779.800 ~2.918,000 3,316,500 Beginning Cash Balance January 1st $ 181,397 $ 422,273. $ 467,880 440,044 Total Revenue 2,448,194 4,878,729 2,918,000 3,316,500 Total Revenue and Beginning Balance 2,629,591 5,301,002 3,385,880 3,756,940 Less Expenditures 2,207,318 4,833,122 2,945,440 3,539,030 Unencumbered Cash . Balance December 31 $ 422,273 $ 467,880 $ 440,440 ? 217,910 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 98 1980 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET COMMENTS CENTRAL GARAGE DIVISION The Central Garage account is a "housekeeping" fund. All of the City's motorized and vehicular equipment is maintained by the Central Garage. This includes repair work, gasoline and oil, tires and similar items and service. The City's departments are charged through this fund for the services performed at the Central Garage. Each individual budgetary unit has a line item for parts, labor and fuel. The full cost of operating the Central Garag~ including fuel, parts, labor and overhead, is recovered from the various departments. * * * * * * Full-time employees to operate the Central Garage include: Garage Supervisor, Senior Clerk, Garage Mechanic (3) and Laborer. 2 part-time employees are utilized to operate the gas pumps. Total 1980 salaries for these personnel amounts to $80,780. SUMMARY OF VEHICLE AND EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION EXPENSES Dept., or Div. Insurance Repair Fuel Other Total City Manager $ 320 $ 350 $ 750 $ 220 $ 1,640 City Clerk & Fin. 150 200 300 70 720 Municipal Court 160 230 500 120 1,010 Engineering 500 1,500 3,400 690 6,090 Permit & Inspection 920 800 3,350 430 5,500 Park 1,200 10,890 7,560 1,140 20,790 Police 2,920 40,000 56,000 5,960 104,880 Street 3,710 50,500 42,460 11,700 108,370 Human Relations 150 400 450 80 1,080 Traffic 500 2,000 3,600 180 6,280 Admin. & Planning 300 910 1,000 150 2,360 Cemetery 180 1,730 1,090 200 3,200 General Improve. 230 1,380 1,030 70 2,710 Flood Works 350 2,800 4,260 360 7,770 Human Resources 70 430 150 190 840 Total Gen. Fund $11 , 660 $114,120 $125,900 $21,560 $273,240 Sanitation 3,010 25,100 38,860 3,930 70,900 Paper Recycling 400 150 550 Parking Meter 500 1,200 1,240 530 3,470 Golf Course 380 4,930 2,730 510 8,550 Solid Waste 1,250 15,700 16,000 1,290 34,240 Water & Sewerage 37,200* 37,200 GRAND TOTAL $16,800 $161,450 $184,880 $65,020 $428,150 * All Expenses Combined. CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 99 1980 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET COMMENTS REVENUE SHARING FUND Revenue Sharing is the common name for the State and Local Fiscal Assistance Act of 1972, as amended. This program was originally conceived as a method of sharing the progressive Federal income tax with state and local governments which tradtion- ally have had to depend upon more regressive taxes. Its major goal is to disburse Federal monies with minimum restrictions on their use permitting the local decision- making process to determine the programs and activities where the money is most needed. The 1976 amendments to the original Act authorize the expenditure of approximately 25.6 billion dollars to the nearly 39,000 eligible states, counties, cities, towns, townships, Indian tribes and Alaskan native villages. The current legislation expires on September 30, 1980. Revenue Sharing is an "entitlement" pro- gram. This means that no application is necessary to receive the funds. Based upon data furnished by the Census Bureau and other sources, funds are distributed by the Federal Treasury to eligible governments. Revenue Sharing is divided between the state governments and the local governments. Approximately 1/3 of the total appropriation is reserved for the states, with the remaining going to local governments. A complex of data and formulas are used to determine the exact allocation to each government. Each government competes with all other eligible units for a portion of the total funds to be distributed. Because of the complexity of the formula and the relative impact of the data upon the alloca- tion, each government's share is computed simultaneously with all other eligible governments. Population, per capita income, local taxing efforts and intergovern- mental transfers are the elements that go into the allocation formula. It is estimated that the City of Salina will receive approximately $384,425 in 1980. Based upon an unexpended balance from the 1979 allotment of $21,775, an estimated $406,200 will be available for 1980. The proposed budget for Revenue Sharing is as detailed in the table on the following page. This proposed allocation is sub- ject to final determination by the City Commission. A public hearing was held June 25, 1979 for public input on proposed uses. * * * * * * The City Commission must make the final decision on the allocation of these funds. On the facing page are my recommendations. For whatever benefit they might have, following are my thoughts on the distribution. The two groups concerned with abused persons have similar goals and they probably should cooperate; thus, I have funded only one. The Occupational Center of Central Kansas is a State institution and funding is a responsibility of the State Legisla- ture. It appears that neither the functions or public benefit of the Free University is clear, nor well defined. The Department of Human Resources is funded by the General Fund at a higher level than anticipated when the request was made. The building fund at St. John's Baptist Church is not eligible for this program. I recommend a modest reserve, $10,220, to allow the Commission some flexibility to meet any unexpected expenses already funded or new requests during 1980. CITY OF SALINA t KANSAS 100 1980 ANNUAL BUDGET Revenue Sharing Fund Condition Analysis 1980 Balance - 12-31-1979 Allotment - 1980 Resources - 1980 Proposed Expenditures Abused Women's Task Force Prevention of Child Abuse Occupational Center - Central Kansas St. John's Baptist Church Free University Department of Human Resources Salina Bicentennial Center Capital Equipment (1) Bikeways Passport to Adventure Reserve Total Balance - 12-31-1980 (1) Capital Equipment Modification dike gates Asphalt paths at Golf Course Air Conditioning Fire Dormitory Pick-up - Cemetery Radio Equipment - Fire Department 101 $ 21,775 384,425 406,200 Requests Recommendations $ 22,500 $ 18,000 5 ,000 -0- 3,000 -0- 100,000 -0- 3,500 -0- 77 , 900 71,200 250,000 250,000 47,500 47,500 6,280 6,280 6,000 3,000 -0- 10,220 $ 521,680 $ 406,200 2,000 6,000 13,000 6,500 20,000 47,500 $ -0- FUND DEPARTMENT FUND NO. Human Resources 69 SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES Acct. 1977 1978 1979 1980 No. Description Actual Actual Budgeted Proiected Manager Commission PERSONAL SERVICES 120 Salaries - Regular Employees $ 6,225 $ 25,081 $ 58,370 $ 52,250 $ 71,200 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 205 Telephone & Telegraph 167 1,319 1,425 1,155 207 Employee Development 262 847 500 630 209 Postage 11 47 150 45 221 Printing Office Forms 60 49 50 50 231 Insurance - Motor Vehicles -0- -0- -0- 70 241 Gas Service -0- -0- 10,000 10,000 242 Light & Power Service -0- -0- 15,000 15,100 243 Water Service -0- -0- 1,400 1,000 251 Repair - Building -0- 6,685 500 500 252 Repair - Furniture & Office Equipment 291 2,310 300 300 253 Repair - Machinery & Equipment -0- -0- -0- 150 255 Repair - Tire,s -0- -0- -0- 15 295 Other Professional Services 244 564 400 2,260 Subtotal 1,035 11 , 821 29,725 31. 275 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 310 Expendable Tools -0- 3 200 185 320 Office Supplies 107 164 200 85 331 Books & Periodicals -0- 3 50 50 343 Janitor & Toilet Supplies -0- -0- 1,000 1,700 345 Motor Vehicle - Fuel & Lubricants -0- -0- -0- 75 359 Other Operating Supplies 274 978 400 395 367 Electrical Supplies -0- -0- -0- 100 371 Lumber & Lumber Products -0- -0- 50 50 381 Paint & Painting Mate.ria1s -0- 22 50 50 Subtotal 381 1.170 1.950 2.690 CAPITAL OUTLAY 509 Furniture & Fixtures 450 145 1,000 -0- 517 Office Mechanical Equipment 666 -0- -0- -0- Subtotal 1,116 145 1,000 -0- Grand Total $ 8,757 $ 38,217 $ 91,045 $ 86,215 $ 71,200 CITY OF SALINA t KANSAS 102 1980 ANNUAL BUDGET --~~----- FUND DEPARTMENT FUND NO. Human Resources 69 SUMMARY OF REVENUE Acct. 1977 1978 1979 1980 No. Description Actual Actual Budgeted Projected Manager Commission 957 Transfer from Other Funds $ 45,000 $ 5,000 $ 90,845 $ 90,840 $ 71 , 200 Grand Total $ 45,000 $ 5,000 $ 90,845 $ 90,840 $ 71 ,200 Beginning Cash Balance January 1st $ 36,248 $ 3,031 $ 7,656 Total Revenue 5,000 90,840 71,200 Total Revenue and Beginning Balance 41,248 93,871 78,856 Less Expenditures 38,217 86,215 71,200 Unencumbered Cash Balance December 31 $ 3,031 $ 7,656 $ 7,656 CITY OF SALINA t KANSAS 103 1980 ANNUAL BUDGET