Budget - 1978 CITY OF SALINA - COMMISSIONERS CITY - COUNTY BUILDING 300 WEST ASH STREET CITY MANAGER KEITH G. DUCKERS, MAYOR KAREN M. GRAVES JERRY SIMPSON DAN S. GElS JACK WEISGERBER P. O. BOX 746 NORRIS D. OLSON AREA CODE 913 823~2277 SALINA, KANSAS 67401 July 18, 1977 The proposed budget for 1978, as submitted by the City Manager, was approved for publication subject to the following amendments: (l) That the appropriation for the Cultural Arts Commission be increased by $1,800.00 - City -Commission Account #211; and that City Commission Account #411 be decreased by $750.00 deleting the membership to the U. S. Conference of Mayors. (2) That Engineering Account #120 be increased by $ll,305.00 for an Engineering Aide III. (3) That a reserve of $68,370.00 be made in Contingencies for salary adjustments as may be necessary to implement the Hay Associates position classification and salary plan now being prepared. (4) That the Street Lighting Account be decreased by $4,000.00. (5) That anticipated revenues for the General Operating Fund be increased in the following amounts: Accounts 110 381 440 702 Current Tangible Taxes Building Permits & Fees Franchise Taxes Engineering Fees $39,225.00 10,000.00 17,500.00 10,000.00 (6) That the following Special Funds be increased to allow reserve for salary adjustments as may be necessary to implement the Hay Associates position classification and salary plan now being prepared. Sanitation Paper Recycling Parking Meters Golf Course Special Gas Solid Waste Water and Sewerage 7,700.00 250.00 1,000.00 1,250.00 750.00 1,800.00 21,500.00 Am~~ D. L. Harrison, City Clerk MEMBER _ . . KANSAS LEAGUE OF MUNICIPALITIES - NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION PAGE Letter of Transmittal---------------------------------- i 1977 Tax Levy for 1978--------------------------------- Aggregate Tax Levy Limitation for 1977----------------- 2 Revenue - General Fund (Summary)----------------------- 4 Expenditures - General Fund (Summary)------------------ 6 Tax Levy Summary for General Fund---------------------- 7 Expenditures - All Funds (Summary)--------------------- 8 GENERAL FUND (Detail-Fund Summary-Commentary-Personnel Data) City Commission---------------------------------------- 9 City Manager------------------------------------------- 12 City Clerk------------------------------------------___ 16 City Attorney------------------------------------------ 20 Municipal Court---------------------------------------- 23 Buildings-------------------------------------------__- 26 Engineering-------------------------------------------- 30 Fire-------------------------------------------------_- 35 Inspection--------------------------------------------- 42 Park------------------------------------------________- 47 Police------------------------------------------------- 53 PAGE Street------------------------------------------------- 60 Human Relations---------------------------------------- 66 Street Lighting---------------------------------------- 70 Traffic------------------------------------------------ 72 Swimming Pools----------------------------------------- 76 Administration and Planning---------------------------- 80 Insurance and Contingencies---------------------------- 84 Band--------------------------------------------------- 87 cemetery----------------------------------------------- 89 General Improvement------------------------------------ 93 Memorial Hall------------------------------------------ 96 Public Health------------------------------------------l00 Industrial Development---------------------------------l03 Noxious Weeds------------------------------------------105 Tree Maintenance---------------------------------------l07 Flood Works--------------------------------------------109 OTHER FUNDS Bond and Interest Expenditures--------------------------------------ll3 Revenue-------------------------------------------l13 Unemployment Insurance Expenditures--------------------------------------l15 Revenue-------------------------------------------l15 Social Security Expenditures--------------------------------------118 Revenue-------------------------------------------118 Employees Retirement Expenditures--------------------------------------120 Revenue-------------------------------------------120 PAGE Police and Fire Retirement Expenditures--------------------------------------122 Revenue-------------------------------------------122 Workmen's Compensation Expenditures--------------------------------------126 Revenue-------------------------------------------126 Sanitation Expenditures--------------------------------------129 Revenue-------------------------------------------130 Paper Recycling Expenditures--------------------------------------135 Revenue-------------------------------------------136 Parking Meters Expenditures--------------------------------------140 Revenue-------------------------------------------l41 Golf Course Expenditures--------------------------------------145 Revenue-------------------------------------------146 Special Gasoline Tax Expenditures--------------------------------------150 Revenue-------------------------------------------151 Solid Waste Disposal Expenditures--------------------------------------l55 Revenue-------------------------------------------156 Water and Sewerage Expenditures--------------------------------------162 Revenue-------------------------------------------166 Central Garage-----------------------------------------177 CITY OF SALINA COMMISSIONERS CITY - COUNTY BUILDING 300 WEST ASH STREET CITY MANAGER KEITH G. DUCKERS, MAYOR KAREN M. GRAVES JERRY SIMPSON DAN S. GElS JACK WEISGERBER P. O. BOX 746 NORRIS D. OLSON AREA CODE 913 823-2277 SALINA, KANSAS 67401 July 6, 1977 Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners City of Salina 300 West Ash Street Salina, Kansas 67401 Gentlemen and Mrs. Graves: The proposed budget for 1978 is herein submitted for your consideration in compliance with the statutes of the State of Kansas. It is your statutory responsibility to review the document; determine if the programs, as proposed, are reasonable or adequate; if certain services should be expanded or reduced; if new projects should be initiated or existing ones eliminated, and to then adopt the document for implementation. In this message I will attempt to at least touch on, and in some cases explain somewhat in detail, those matters which are new or have had a significant impact upon the preparation of this document. Our last three budgets have included cost/benefit data provided by the State Division of Property Valuation for muni- cipal services in the 21 cities of the First Class in Kansas. According to that data, Salina residents continue to receive their municipal services at the lowest rate of all those cities except the three "bedroom" communities of Shawnee, Overland Park and Prairie Village. In these three communities many of the conventional municipal services are performed through special districts or quasi-governmental agencies. It is therefore impossible to make valid comparisons of their delivery costs to those of the other l8 cities. This same study shows that in spite of the fact that state law requires all property to be assessed at 30% of market value, in 1976 t~e state-wide assess- ment/sales ratio was 11%. In 1970 the ratio was 20% (a 45% decrease). From 1970 to 1976 the urban ratio decreased 33 1/3% from 21% to 14%. For the same period the rural ratio decreased 55.5% from 18% to 8%. Urban property owners are assessed at a ratio of 75% more than their rural counterparts. It becomes in- creasingly obvious that the state legislature as well as local assessing jurisdictions refuse to face up to the property tax assessment dilemma. MEMBER. . . KANSAS LEAGUE OF MUNICIPALITIES - NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES Mayor and City Commission July 6, 1977 Page -2- In spite of the above, Salina's assessed valuation made a very healthly increase of $9,444,158.00; more than 11% during the past 12 months. The net levy requirement to support the proposed budget for 1978 is computed to be 35.50 mills compared to the levy of 30.00 for the current year. Following is a table showing the assessed valuations and rates of assessment for the City of Salina during the past 10 years. CITY OF SALINA SCHILLING INDUSTRIAL AREA (Except Schilling) (Personal Property Only) Tax Levy Assessed Tax Assessed Tax Budget Year Valuation Mi II s Valuation Mills Year 1967 61,925,303.00 29.67 489,665.00 l2.75 1968 1968 62,7l7,142.00 3l.90 637,770.00 12.75 1969 1969 64,118,643.00 30.75 758,655.00 12.75 1970 1970 62,020,11 O. 00 32.38 811 ,885.00 12.75 1971 1971 62,260,300.00 31.50 302,700.00 12.75 1972 1972 65,475,933.00 31.38 617,457.00 15.00 1973 1973 68,526,811.00 30.7l 899,52l.00 15.00 1974 1974 71 ,696 ,4l5. 00 31.26 1,467,007.00 15.00 1975 1975 76,913,084.00 30.13 2,680,852.00 19.56 1976 1976 82,561,430.00 30.00 3,266,505.00 19.51 1977 1977 91 ~ 122,060.00 35.50 4,l50,033.00 19.32 1978 Computations reveal that the owner of a home with a market value of $20,000.00 will, in 1978, pay annual property taxes amounting to $85.20 for city services. Taxes on a Salina home valued at $20,000.00 in 1970 amounted to $136.00 for comparable services. Even though the levy requirements to support the proposed budget have increased 5~ mills, none of that increase is found in the funds budgeted one year ago. These levy increases are due to: (1) the initial Bi-Centennial Building obligation, man- dated by Salina residents last November 2 (5.777 mills, see page 114); (2) additional funding for Fire and Police Retirement effective January 1, 1978 as mandated by the State Legislature (1.584 mills, see page 123); and (3) Unemployment Insurance (.019 mills, see page ll6), mandated by Federal Legislation. Without these increases our net levy requirement for 1978 could have been 28.120 mills. The adjusted General Fund revenue for the current year reflects an increase of $140,365.08 over that budgeted 12 months ago. Total General Fund Revenues for 1978 are estimated to be $276,589.10 over that of the present year, of which $182,022.52 of the increase is proposed to be collected from current tangible taxes. Our i i Mayor and City Commission July 6, 1977 Page -3- proposed General Fund Tax Revenue for 1978 of $1,840,494.10 is $39,226.15 below the maximum allowable under the Tax Lid Law (see page 3). Other sources of revenue where moderate increases are anticipated are: Intangible Taxes, Franchise Taxes, and the state-collected locally-shared Sales Tax. The proposed budget relies upon Ad Valorem Taxes to the following extent: 47.0% of the General Fund; 58.2% of all other tax supported funds; and 31.8% of the total budget. Since the future use of Schilling Manor is unknown at this time, we have not budgeted any revenue for providing fire protection to the area beyond the third quarter of 1977 (Line Item 712). In the past two budget messages, we have listed the cost of several commodities and supplies used by the city, and the com- parative cost increases or decreases from the previous year. We are certain that each of you, as a consumer at home or in business, are equally aware of this inflationary syndrome that has so thor- oughly infected the purchase of virtually all goods and services. We have therefore chosen to spare you that analysis this year. Suffice it to say that these inflationary conditions have shown no signs of lessening during the past 12 months. Our most acute example of costs exceeding revenue is in our Solid Waste Disposal Fund. We proposed to you in last year's budget message that fees be increased by 30% effective January 1, 1977. We have permitted time to get away from us and the adjust- ment has not been made. However, it now becomes obvious that had the 30% increase become effective on January l, another much more substantial increase would have been necessary in the near future. We are now recommending an increase in gate fees of 100% effective September 1, 1977. This is a very difficult and unpleasant recommendation to make, but this operation should be self-supporting (as long as gate fees are collected) and it is not~ (See Page 158). Somewhat related to the landfill fee problem, is the need to increase the fees charged by the Sanitation Department for residential refuse collection service. We are recommending the fee be increased 25~ from 3.00 to 3.75 per month for weekly service. This recommenda- tion is addressed in more detail on page 133. Although the increase in landfill gate fees will affect the department (See Line Item 297, Page 129) it is only a fraction of the increase in operating costs being experienced by the department. The service fee was last increased in 1974 from $2.00 to $3.00 Employee salaries have for many years accounted for 70-75% of our General Fund Budget; 1978 is no exception. The figure is exactly 70%. In keeping with a Commission directive of a few months ago, we have contracted with Hay Associates, Chicago, Illinois to do a Position Classification and Pay Study for the City. They have not been able to finalize their report to us for budget purposes but i i i Mayor and City Commission J u 1 y 6, 1 977 Page -4- have advised that their preliminary evaluations have indicated that a large majority of the salaries now being paid to our classified employees appear to be livery much in line", providing we take into consideration the 6.15% Cost of Living experienced during the past 12 months. We have on this basis programmed a 3% increase in the current adjusted budget, effective September 1, and an additional 3% in the 1978 Proposed Budget. Our present budget provides for 355 full time positions with- in our various departments. We are requesting that this number be increased by eight in 1978: one Personnel Director and Safety Coordinator to permit present City Treasurer, Personnel Director, and Purchasing Agent to devote full time to Treasurer and Purchasing duties as well as back up City Clerk. Personnel duties have become a full time job and we have been advised by our insurance carrier that an employee assigned specifically to Safety could, in time, more than pay for that salary through reduced Workman's Compensa- tion premiums; one Mechanical Inspector to assist a department overladen with busy work; one laborer for the Park Department; a Clerk Typist I for the Street Department to assist with the phone and record keeping duties of the Sanitation, Street, Flood Control, Solid Waste, Traffic and General Improvement Departments; one Laborer for Central Garage to free mechanics for more technical duties; one Laborer for Sanitation to reolace a Maintenance Worker transferred to Solid Waste; and two Maintenance Workers for Water and Sewerage to more effectively utilize the TV inspection and maintenance equipment. Personnel changes proposed for 1978 relating to transfers or reclassifications are: transfer of one Maintenance Worker from Parking Meters to General Improvement as a major portion of this job now relates to the latter department; transfer of the Main- tenance Worker from Sanitation to Solid Waste as an Equipment Operator and the reclassification of an Equipment Operator to Labor Foreman II to afford closer supervision of the operation and maintenance of the equipment; and the reclassification of a Clerk Typist II to a Clerk Typist III in the Human Relations Department. You will note that we are recommending the transfer of the Human Relations Department to the General Fund, thus freeing the Revenue Sharing allocation of this obligation. We will be keeping a close eye on the Parking Meter and Golf Course Revenues. It may be advisable for us to consider rate adjustments in both, prior to, or in conjunction with, the next budget submittal. The "caution flag" is up in both funds. The Parking Meter projected cash balance as of 12-31-78 is roughly half of where we stood at the close of 1976 (See Page 142). The projected decrease in the Golf Course cash balance is even more severe (See Page 147). iv Mayor and City Commission July 6, 1977 Page -5- A real "attention getter" for most municipalities today is the tremendous increase in utility costs over the past few years. Our proposed expenditure for 1978 in the Street Lighting account is double the amount spent in 1975. All indications are that these costs will continue to climb sharply in the future; evidenced by the 1977 legislature which authorized school districts to file appeals for increases over their budget lid because of added utility costs. Because of the discouraging outlook for the future we strongly urge you to consider a charter ordinance exempting our street lighting costs from the property tax lid, effective with the adoption of the 1979 budget. The adoption of this ordinance could also afford us the opportunity to pay all of the Fire and Police salaries from the General Fund as opposed to some of them being paid with Revenue Sharing Funds. Another charter ordinance that should receive your serious consideration relates to the present $100,000.00 limit for issuance of Park Improvement Bonds for any given year. It would appear that this restriction should be removed if the Salina Park System is to receive the improved treatment so many of our residents have requested throughout the past few years. The recent change in the Federal Revenue Sharing Law permits those funds to be used for any municipal service for which general tax dollars can be used. The timing for the budgetary process as it relates to both the 8th and 9th Entitlement Period for Revenue Sharing and the 1978 Budget will afford us an opportunity which we have not experienced heretofore. Both can and should be considered in concert. We plan to submit to you our list of suggested uses following the July 11 public hearing concerning Revenue Sharing. Salina continues to be in a much more comfortable posture than many cities, because of our increasing assessed valuation and General Revenue Sharing. Even so, the available resources are limited and will continue to be outweighed by the needs and desires of our community as they relate to municipal services and facilities. It is incumbent upon us to be alert to, and take advantage of addi- tional and/or alternate sources of income----if and when possible, if and when feasible. It is our philosophy that, in good times or bad, the prerequi- site of sound fiscal management for municipal government operations is an annual budget that is conservative, realistic, and at the same time possesses a limited amount of flexibility. Many hours of staff time have been spent to prepare accurate information and in a form that is meaningful and easily understood. We have kept these objectives in mind throughout the preparation of this docu- ment and trust that as you study it, each of you might possibly concur to this end. v Mayor and City Commission July 6, 1977 Page -6- I again want to extend my personal thanks to all department heads for their fine work in preparing the original budget work sheets. A note of special appreciation is extended to Deputy City Manager Bill Harris and Director of Finance Don Harrison for the numerous hours of "overtime" devoted to the refinement of the document and to all of the secretaries that contributed their patience and attention to detail in the typing and reproduction of the document in its finished form. Very truly yours, ~ Norris D. Olson City Manager NDO:mbk vi 1977 TAX LEVY FOR 1978 BUDGET 1977 Levy Net Ad Ad Valorem Sales Valorem Total Taxes 1976 Tax Tax Levy Ad Valorem Per Tax Funds Mills Mills Mi 11 s Tax Dollars $100.00 Levy General 20.9265 1 .6082 19.3183 1,840,494.l0 1.9318 19.5056 Firemen's Pension .0000 0.00 . 0000 1.2429 Policemen's Pension .0000 0.00 . 0000 0.9693 Social Security 0.7328 66,774.57 0.0733 0.9670 Employees Retirement 0.8006 72,951.57 0.0801 0.8494 ( KPFRS) Police & Fire Retirement 4.0833 372,080.35 0.4083 0.5460 (KPFRS) Workmen's Compensation 0.5305 48,340.49 0.0531 l.0067 Unemployment Insurance 0.1921 17,500.00 0.0192 .0000 Bond and Interest 9.8424 896,856.60 0.9842 4.913l TOTAL 35.5000 3,314,997.68 3.5500 30.0000 Tangible Valuation (City of Salina) Tangible Valuation (Schilling Industrial Area) (Applicable to General Fund Only) TOTAL 91,122,060.00 4,150,033.00 95,272,093.00 Do not include any taxes in this part which are exempt from the tax lid. See exemptions listed in K.S.A. 1975 Supp. 79-5011; K.S.A. 2-1318,12-1680,12-1688, 12-4803, 13-10, 143, 1975 SuPP. 44-505c; Supp. 12-1919; House Bill 2042, Defense of Public Employees; Senate Bill 391, Unemployment Compensation; and any other legislation which might apply. w *** Total amount levied within the aggregate levy limitation General Operating Airport. . . Fire Equipment Band. . . . Forestry. . . City Hall Maintenance Special Improvement Cemetery . . Street Lighting Street Repairing (Cannot exceed Line 18 above 1,840,494.10 AMOUNTS LEVIED WITHIN AGGREGATE LEVY LIMITATION FOR THE TAX YEAR 1977 BUDGET YEAR 1978*** ..........._--..._.._...............***********.**.*********.**.*.****.......****.***.....*.**.*.***-...... ** Add or deduct the total amounts levied for any function or service Cities qualifying under K.S.A. 1976 Supp. 79-5010 as amended by Supp. 79-5010 should start with Line their aggregate limitation on Line 18. that were levied in the year preceding the transfer of such function or 16 plus or service. * Total aggregate tax minus Line 17) 14 and add Lines 5& minus Line $_1.879 7 to determine 720.25 18. mitation for 1977 Line 8 plus Line 13a, mmus Line 13b, plus Lines 15 and 16, plus or Plus or minus functions transferred amount deducted)** $. 17 Receiving subdivisions get increase and sending subdivisions get ike 16. ncrease authorized by Board of Tax Appeals. voted _ (_ years authorized, first levy year 9_ 19_) $. $. o o - 15. ncrease authorized by election New cities having no base year, or cities which levied no tangible taxes by county clerk, see K.S.A. 1976 SuPP. 79-5010)* (_ years, 19_ first levy year $. 14. n the base year. (Amount determined o 13. .b\mount of adjustment a. For territory b. For territory n aggregate levy lirMtation for territory added (Line 8 x Line 12a) excluded (Line 1 x Line 12b) CITY added or excluded since the base year. $ 21~003 50 CITY 5* FORM NO S TO BE MADE A PART OF BUDGET THIS FORM STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form No. 5B Salina CITY OF 1978) (BUDGET YEAR ncluded within the aggregate 1971 AGGREGATE TAX LEVY LIMITATIONS FOR TAX YEAR Total adjusted tangible taxes levied for the base year 1969 or 1970 for purposes limitation. ** (Line 3, Page 1, 1973 supplemental budget form) (Check year used: Taxes levied in 1968 or for 1969 -K-; Taxes levied in 1. 1.175.634.39 $. 1973 supplemental for 1970 Line 4, page 1969 used above year 1968 or 1969 whichever Assessed tangible valuation for budget form) 2. 142.00 mills 745 18 Excluding such new divided by Line 2) real estate since the base year. 0) Line 1971 of new improvements to n added territory. see Line to produce amount on Line 1 Assessed valuation for improvements to real estate Rate necessary 3. 4. 12.013.836.00 (Excluding such increased since the base year. Assessed valuation for 1977 of increased personal property personal property in added territory, see Line 10) 5. 941. 00 personal property and increased real estate to new improvements 1971 of for Total assessed valuation (Line 4 plus Line 5) 6. 00 777 Line 6 x real estate and increased personal property to limit for new Improvements Increase in aggregate Line 3) 7. 082.36 75 716. 1,858 $. plus Line 7) Line for 1977 Basic aggregate levy limitation (dollar amount) 8. 94.209.863.00 $, since the base year Total assessed tangible valuation for 1977 before addition or exclusion of territory 9. 230.00 tangible valuation for 1977 of territory added since the base year Assessed o. % % o 1.13 -0- Assessed tangible valuation for 1977 of territory excluded since the base year Percentage of adjustment in aggregate limitation for territory added or excluded since the base year. a. For territory added (Line 10 divided by Line 9). b. For territory excluded (Line 11 divided by Line 9) 11 12. N 1976 (See K.S.A. to 79-5017 inclusive. such as library boards or recreation commissions. 1976 Supp. 79-5001 "tax-lid" contained in K.S.A. the for political subdivisions not under This form has been prepared for use in applying the so-called "tax-lid law' taxes levied by the city Do not include on Line Supp.79-5015) * ** FUND DEPARTMENT GENERAL ANNUAL BUDGET Page 4 DETA I L Actual Adjusted ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Current Proposed Year Budget Budget 1976 1977 1978 REVENUE CITY TREASURER BALANCE January 1st 234,317.17 309,325.90 253,060.90 110 Current Tangible Taxes 1,468,500.09 1,578,300.00 1,760,322.52 111 Current Tangible Taxes (AIA) 59,099.79 62,330.00 80,171. 58 120 Current Intangible Taxes 295,767.48 272,000.00 290,000.00 130 Delinquent Tangible Taxes 24,809.42 22,000.00 22,000.00 140 Delinquent Intangible Taxes 0.00 200.00 200.00 150 Bingo Gross Receipts 4,432. 13 8,260.00 8,260.00 210 State Cigarette Tax 77 , 671. 00 79,000.00 82,000.00 230 State Liquor Enforcement Tax 27,912.43 28,000.00 30~000.00 240 State Sales Tax 117,705.00 134,000.00 153,220.00 260 Highway Maintenance 0.00 2,735.00 3,000.00 311 Cereal Malt Beverage Licenses 15,717.50 15,000.00 15,500.00 313 Retail Liquor Licenses 8,700.00 9,000.00 9,000.00 315 Wholesale Liquor Licenses 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 321 Amusement Device - Pinball and Etc. 2 , 112 . 00 2,400.00 2,400.00 323 Entertainment Licenses 233.50 500.00 500.00 325 Circus, Carnival and Tent Shows 165.00 200.00 200.00 327 Dances - Public 831. 00 800.00 840.00 333 Music Machine Licenses 1,340.00 1,400.00 1,400.00 334 Miniature Pool Table and Shuffleboard 5,247.00 5,300.00 5,400.00 335 Pool Hall and Bowling Alley 793.00 800.00 800.00 338 Skating Rink Licenses 66.00 70.00 70.00 339 Theatre and Opera House 798.00 800.00 800.00 341 Auctioneer and Auction Sales 1,230.30 900.00 1,000.00 343 Billboard Advertising 198.00 400.00 400.00 345 Concrete Construction 845.30 900.00 950.00 347 Electrician Licenses 1,987.50 2,200.00 2,200.00 349 Mobile Home Craftsman 1,017.50 900.00 1,000.00 351 Gas Fitters Licenses 837.50 800.00 850.00 353 Tree Trimming and Spraying 292.00 350.00 350.00 355 Private Club Licenses 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,750.00 357 Junk Dealers, Auto and Parts 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 359 Pawnbrokers 100.00 100.00 100. 00 361 Plumbers Licenses 2,998.25 2,800.00 2,900.00 363 Taxicab Licenses 338.00 300.00 340.00 365 Taxicab Drivers Licenses 233.00 300.00 300.00 367 Street Advertising 193.13 200.00 200.00 369 Elevator Contractor Licenses 70.00 140.00 140.00 371 Mobile Home Court Licenses 2,647.15 2,800.00 3,000.00 375 Vendor, Peddler and Itinerant 482.00 120.00 150.00 377 Refuse Haulers Licenses 1,704.40 1,700.00 1,750.00 379 Concrete Construction Permits 891. 00 900.00 900.00 381 Building and Inspection Fees 69,247.00 60,000.00 60,000.00 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS FUND DEPARTMENT GENERAL ANNUAL BUDGET Page 5 DETAIL Actual Adjusted ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Current Proposed Year Budget Budget 1976 1977 1978 REVENUE - continued 383 House Moving Permits 950.00 600.00 600.00 391 Food and Milk Permits 2,370.00 2,370.00 2~400.00 393 Bail Bondsman Licenses 115.00 115.00 115 . 00 395 Merchant Police Licenses 159.00 600.00 600.00 399 Dog Licenses 5,273.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 410 Municipal Court - Fines 134,337.59 155,000.00 155,000.00 440 Franchise Taxes 414,452.68 489,600.00 551,000.00 508 Income from Leased Land 348.00 70.00 70.00 511 Office Space Rental 4,385.00 3,330.00 3,330.00 512 Auditorium Rental 2,240.00 2,300.00 2,300.00 513 Rent - Community Theatre 790.00 850.00 850.00 514 Rent - Tables and Chairs 673.25 400.00 300.00 522 Concessions - Oakdale Park 46.04 50.00 50.00 523 Concessions - Swimming Pools 176.80 200.00 200.00 524 Rental - Lakewood Park 3,050.00 2,900.00 3,000.00 610 Interest from Investments 20,534.06 22,000.00 23,000.00 701 Engineering Fees 15,000.00 30,000.00 30,000.00 702 Impounding Fees 4,946.00 5,900.00 6,000.00 703 Removal and Burial Fees 8,730.00 8,200.00 8,400.00 704 Grave Marker Permits 970.00 800.00 850.00 705 Title Transfer Fees 50.00 40.00 40.00 709 Admissions - Swimming Pools 9,872.57 11 ,000.00 11 ,000. 00 711 Administrative Services - Other Depts. 36,037.13 32,575.00 37,525.00 712 Fire Protection Outside City Limits 110,970.72 119,500.00 65,000.00 713 Street Cut Repairs 9,705.07 10,000.00 10,000.00 714 Concrete Sawing 124.90 100.00 100. 00 719 Weed Cutting Services 7,201.48 8,000.00 8,000.00 720 Plats and Rezoning Fees 2,090.00 3,500.00 3,500.00 721 Sale of Commodities 4,490.80 4,500.00 4,500.00 723 Sa 1 e of Books 390.50 200.00 200.00 725 Sale of Salvage 241. 90 150.00 150.00 727 Sale of Lots 2,160.00 2,400.00 2,400.00 731 Miscellaneous Sales and Services 2,888.40 5,000.00 5,000.00 732 Miscellaneous Services - County 960.00 360.00 360.00 810 Sale of Real Estate 500.00 1,000.00 500.00 917 Public Address System 540.00 500.00 400.00 952 Reimbursement of Expenditures 13,588.37 15,000.00 15,000.00 957 Transfer from Other Funds 165,000.00 140,000.00 160,000.00 TOTAL 3,188,570.63 3,388,015.00 3,664,604.10 TOTAL REVENUE AND CASH BALANCE 3,422,887.80 3,697,340.90 3,917,665.00 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS FUND DEPARTMENT GENERAL ANNUAL BUDGET Page 6 DETAIL Actual Adjusted ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Current Proposed Year Bud7et BUd,et 1976 19 7 19 8 EXPENDITURES City Commission 56,271.50 59,000.00 65,100.00 City Manager 43,409.85 52,875.00 60,530.00 City Clerk and Treasurer 116,414.17 121,240.00 141,235.00 City Attorney 24,599.17 27,365.00 28,520.00 Municipal Court 27,065.23 28,350.00 30,010.00 Building 77 ,201. 58 88,250.00 93,790.00 Engineer 124,338.95 142,505.00 145,765.00 *Fi re 680,637.24 706,350.00 831,575.00 Inspection 62,232.98 66,920.00 85,785.00 Park 143,704.24 180,400.00 203,175.00 *Pol ice 818,568.50 899,185.00 1,026,130.00 Street 283,922.72 372,260.00 400,130.00 Human Relations 0.00 0.00 28,890.00 Street Lighting 111,313.01 167,150.00 190,550.00 Traffic 55,523.56 70,315.00 76,525.00 Swimming Pools 26,079.98 30,235.00 30,900.00 Administration and Planning 84,811. 97 93,735.00 100,295.00 Insurance and Contingencies 174,897.41 121,610.00 129,885.00 Band 15,000.00 19,000.00 19,000.00 Cemetery 34,063.52 35,005.00 36,815.00 General Improvement 36,918.65 39,655.00 52,710.00 Memorial Hall 13 ,681. 41 16,470.00 26,475.00 Public Health 24,050.00 26,250.00 29,380.00 Industrial Development 25,682.32 20,000.00 20,000.00 Noxious Weeds 11 ,630. 53 14,480.00 15,310.00 Tree Maintenance 7,407.21 9,180.00 9,380.00 Flood Works 34,136.20 36,495.00 39,805.00 TOTAL 3,113,561.90 3,444,280.00 3,917,665.00 *Fire Department expenditures reduced $62,785.( 0 Police Department expenditures reduced $71,06~ .00 by Revenue Sharing Appropriation. CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS FUND DEPARTMENT GENERAL ANNUAL BUDGET Page 7 SUMMARY Actual Adjusted CLASSIFICATION Previous Current Proposed Year Budget Budget 1976 1977 1978 EXPEND ITURES PERSONAL SERVICES 2,151,033.68 2,423,215.00 2,743,060.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 596,698.80 710,175.00 787,710.00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 160,754.54 183,785.00 192,925.00 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 130,046.55 57,155.00 52,695.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY 75,028.33 69,950.00 141,275.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 3,113,561.90 3,444,280.00 3,917,665.00 BEGINNING BALANCE January 1st 234,317.17 309,325.90 253,060.90 TOTAL REVENUE 3,188,570.63 3,388,015.00 3,664,604.10 TOTAL REVENUE AND BEGINNING BALANCE 3,422,887.80 3,697,340.90 3,917,665.00 Less Expenditures 3,113,561.90 3,444,280.00 3,917,665.00 UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE December 31 309,325.90 253,060.90 0.00 Tax Do 11 ars 1,557,057.25 1,674,129.92 1,840,494.10 Tax Levy Mills 19.5635 19.5056 19.3183 Taxes Per $100.00 1.9564 1. 9506 1. 9318 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS FUND DEPARTMENT ALL FUNDS CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ANNUAL BUDGET DETA I L Page 8 Actual Adjusted ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Current Proposed Year Budget Budget 1976 1977 1978 EXPENDITURES FUNDS INVOLVING PROPERTY TAX REVENUE General 3,113,561.90 3,444,280.00 3,917.665.00 Firemen's Pension 88,619.12 93,890.00 0.00 Policemen's Pension 46,650.94 48,755.00 0.00 Social Security 191,932.78 225,000.00 248,000.00 Employees' Retirement (KPERS) 148,979.95 161,000.00 1 72 ,000. 00 Police and Fire Retirement (KPFRS) 45,059.01 70,000.00 307 ,115.00 Workmen's Compensation 47,625.61 55,000.00 82,000.00 Unemployment Insurance 0.00 0.00 17,500.00 Bond and Interest 905,003.16 869,970.00 1 ,710,000.00 No-Fund Warrants - Fire Equipment 41,000.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL 4,628,432.47 4,967,895.00 6,454,280.00 FUNDS SUPPORTED BY USER FEES Sanitati on 335,418,72 387,485.00 422,395.00 Paper Recycling 5,862.10 12,550.00 16,380.00 Parking Meters 102,337.63 98,010.00 93,445.00 Golf Course 72,280.28 83,120.00 90,270.00 Special Gasoline Tax 305,585.03 366,050.00 40l,175.00 Solid Waste 85,693.45 102,465.00 l47,325.00 Water and Sewerage 2,005,959.89 2,115,035.00 2,810,280.00 TOTAL 2,913,137.l0 3,164,715.00 3,981,270.00 GRAND TOTAL 7,541,569.57 8,132,610.00 10,435,550.00 ANNUAL BUDGET Page 9 DETA I L Actual Adjusted ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Current Proposed Year Budget Budget lq7fi 1977 1 q78 PERSONAL SERVICES 110 Salaries 500.00 500.00 500.00 TOTAL 500.00 500.00 500.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 207 Traveling Expenses 5,405.97 6,600.00 6,600.00 209 Postage 412.4l 25.00 25.00 211 Contributions 24,270.00 28,270.00 35,015.00 225 Legal Advertising 6,782.76 7,000.00 6,000.00 233 Insurance - Surety Bonds 0.00 315.00 0.00 298 Revision of Ordinances 6,162.93 2,500.00 2,500.00 299 Other Contractual Services 5,587.98 5,000.00 5,500.00 TOTAL 48~622.05 49,710.00 55,640.00 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 435 Organizational Dues 7,149.45 8,790.00 8,960.00 TOTAL 7,149.45 8,790.00 8,960.00 GRAND TOTAL 56,271. 50 59,000.00 65,100.00 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS FUND GENERAL DEPARTMENT l-City Commission CLASSIFICATION FUND GENERAL DEPARTMENT l-City Commission CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ANNUAL BUDGET Page lO SUMMARY Actual Adj us ted Previous Current Proposed Year Budget Budget lQ7h 1 q77 lq7R 500.00 500.00 500.00 48,622.05 49,710.00 55,640.00 7,149.45 8,790.00 8,960.00 56,27l.50 59,000.00 65,100.00 PERSONAL SERVICES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES SUNDRY EXPENDITURES TOTAL Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay FUNCTION The City Commission serves as the legislative and policy-making body of the City. Their role is quite similar to that of the Board of Directors of a large corporation. They are elected representatives of the stockholders, the citizens of Salina. As such, it is their responsibility to approve the annual budget, control the expenditures of public funds and pass local laws (ordinances) to protect the health, safety, and welfare of the general public. The Mayor serves as Chairman of the City Commission and is annually selected by fellow Commissioners. Public commission meetings are held in Room 200 of the City-County-Board of Education Building at 4:00 p.m. each Monday. BUDGET COMMENTS Account #207 - Provides for attendance at such professional meetings as National League of Cities, U. S. Conference of Mayors, State and Regional Kansas League of Municipalities, etc. Account #209 - This account provides for postage required by the various appointed Boards and Commissions as well as the City Commission. 1976 figure allowed for mailing Bicentennial materials. CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS FUND GENERAL DEPARTMENT1-Citv Commission ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY Page 11 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay BUDGET COMMENTS (continued) Account #211 - Includes contributions to the following: National Guard - $500.00; Americanization Center - $120.00; Arts Commission - $13,500.00 in 1977 and increased to $19,395.00 in 1978 proposed; Emergency Preparedness - $14,150.00 in 1977 and increased to $15,000.00 in 1978 proposed. Account #233 - Current budget provides for bonding of City Commissioners elected in April. Account #298 - Provides for the printing of supplements to the City Code Book. 1976 expenditure high due to the revisions of the Code Book in Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action, Zoning, and Mobile Home Ordinances. Account #299 - Provides for the printing and delivering of the city's calendar type annual report. Account #435 - Includes renewal of memberships for the City as follows: North Central Regional Planning Commission - $4,000.00; National League of Cities - $700.00; U. S. Conference of Mayors - $750.00; Kansas League of Municipalities - $3,000.00; Management Information Service - $160.00; and Mo-Ark Basin Flood Control and Conserva- tion Association - $350.00. CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ANNUAL BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION PERSONAL SERVICES 110 Salaries - Department Head l20 Salaries - Regular Employees TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 205 Telephone and Telegraph 207 Traveling Expenses 209 Postage 231 Insurance - Motor Vehicle 233 Insurance - Surety Bond 252 Repair - Furniture and Office Equip. 253 Repair - Motor Vehicle TOTAL MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 320 Office Supplies 33l Books and Periodicals 345 Motor Vehicle - Fuel and Lubricants 379 Motor Vehicle - Tires TOTAL SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 435 Organizational Dues TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 509 Furniture and Fixtures TOTAL GRAND TOTAL Actual Previous Year 1976 29,103.20 9,353.86 38,457.06 FUND DEPARTMENT GENERAL 2-City Manager Page l2 Adjusted Current Budget 1977 Proposed Budget 1978 30,865.00 l6,380.00 47,245.00 32,410.00 22,825.00 55,235.00 1 ,396.85 l,450.00 1,600.00 1,413.98 1,500.00 1,500.00 159.27 170.00 200.00 93.00 125.00 125.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 83.78 lOO.OO 100.00 121 .48 375.00 200.00 3,288.36 3,740.00 3,745.00 399.18 400.00 400.00 234. 14 425.00 425.00 315.61 300.00 325.00 0.00 150.00 50.00 948.93 1,275.00 1,200.00 329.00 329.00 386.50 386.50 43,409.85 350.00 350.00 350.00 350.00 265.00 0.00 265.00 52,875.00 0.00 60,530.00 CLASSIFICATION FUND GENERAL DEPARTMENT 2-City Manaqer CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ANNUAL BUDGET Page 13 SUMMARY Actual Adj us ted Previous Current Proposed Year Budget Budget 1 q7 fi 1977 1978 38,457.06 47,245.00 55,235.00 3,288.36 3,740.00 3,745.00 948.93 1,275.00 1,200.00 329.00 350.00 350.00 386.50 265.00 0.00 43,409.85 52,875.00 60,530.00 PERSONAL SERVICES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES SUNDRY EXPENDITURES CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay FUNCTION The City Manager, as the chief administrator, is responsible for executing all. administrative affairs of the City in accordance with federal and state laws, city ordinances and policies established by the City Commission. He sees that all laws and city ordinances are reasonably and equitably enforced; appoints and removes heads of departments and subordinate employees; negotiates and administers agreements and contracts; represents the City at meetings, conferences, and on committees as directed. The Manager prepares the annual budget for the City and administers the details of same after its approval and adoption by the City Commission. BUDGET COMMENTS Account #207 - Provides for attendance at professional meetings, conferences and seminars conducted by the International City Management Association, Kansas League of Municipalities, etc. Account #435 - Includes renewal of memberships as follows: International City Management Association, Chamber of Commerce and Kansas City Management Association. FUND DEPARTMENT GENERAL 2-Citv Manaqer CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY Page 14 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay CAPITAL OUTLAY Account #509 - Adjusted 1977 request is for the purchase of a chair for the newly appointed Administrative Intern. ANNUAL BUDGET Page 15 PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Adjusted POSITION TITLE EMPLOYEES RANGE Current Proposed Current Proposed Budget Budget BudGet Budqet 1977 1978 City Manager 1 1 \ Unclassified 30,865.00 32,410.00 Administrative Intern 1 1 Unclassified 6,466.00 12,430.00 Clerk Steno III 1 1 708 - 858 9,914.00 10,295.00 Overtime 100.00 TOTAL 47,245.00 55,235.00 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS GENERAL 2-Clty Manager FUND DEPARTMENT FUND DEPARTMENT GENERAL 3-City Clerk ANNUAL BUDGET Page 16 DETAIL Actual Adjusted ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Current Proposed Year Budget Budget 1976 1977 1978 PERSONAL SERVICES 110 Salaries - Department Heads 34,846.40 36,965.00 50,665.00 120 Salaries - Regular Employees 53,132.24 55,505.00 58,475.00 TOTAL 87,978.64 92,470.00 1 09, 1 40.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 205 Telephone and Telegraph 1,504.07 1,650.00 1,700.00 207 Traveling Expenses 1,070.37 1,325.00 900.00 209 Postage 1,051. 02 1,100.00 1,200.00 221 Printing Office Forms 1,790.89 1,800.00 2,000.00 233 Insurance - Surety Bonds 223.50 225.00 225.00 252 Repair - Furniture & Office Equip. 1,481.30 1,500.00 1,500.00 274 Rent - Machinery & Equipment 12,477 . 43 13,000.00 13,500.00 291 Auditing and Accounting Service 3,400.00 3,800.00 3,800.00 295 Other Professional Services 558.30 500.00 500.00 TOTAL 23,556.88 24,900.00 25,325.00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 320 Office Supplies 3,127.32 3,000.00 3,200.00 331 Books and Periodicals 121. 92 l20.00 120.00 TOTAL 3,249.24 3,120.00 3,320.00 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 435 Organizational Dues 450.00 450.00 450.00 439 Refunds 273.30 300.00 300.00 TOTAL 723.30 750.00 750.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY 509 Furniture and Fixtures 436.51 0.00 500.00 517 Office Mechanical Equipment 469.60 0.00 2,200.00 TOTAL 906.11 0.00 2,700.00 GRAND TOTAL 116,414.17 121,240.00 141,235.00 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY CLASSIFICATION Actual Previous Year 1976 PERSONAL SERVICES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 87,978.64 23,556.88 3,249.24 723.30 906. 11 116,414.17 CAP IT AL OUTLAY TOTAL FUND DEPARTMENT GENERAL 3-City Clerk Page 17 Adjusted Current Proposed Budget Budget 1977 1978 92,470.00 109, 140.00 24,900.00 25,325.00 3,120.00 3,320.00 750.00 750.00 0.00 2,700.00 121,240.00 141,235.00 FUNCTI ON Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay The Director of Finance and Treasurer are responsible for the financial administra- tion of the City in accordance with legal requirements and general policies established by the City Commission. The Department maintains all records of financial transactions. It also issues authorized bonds, invests all surplus funds, processes all payrolls and purchase orders and issues all City licenses. The department registers voters and records all births and deaths occurring within Saline County. City purchasing and personnel matters are also a function of this department. BUDGET COMMENTS Account #llO - Added position of Personnel Director and Safety Coordinator. Account #207 - Provides for attendance at City Clerk, Finance Officer and Personnel Seminars and meetings. The 1978 Proposed shows a reduction as the 3rd year Certification School for City Clerks at Kansas University was completed in 1977. FUND DEPARTMENT GENERAL 3-Citv Clerk CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY Page 18 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay BUDGET COMMENTS (continued) Account #221 - 1976 provides for printing of timesheets, payroll checks, requi- sitions, and journal book for City license applications and food permits. 1977 pro- vides for the purchase of receipts, warrant checks, purchase orders and ordinance book. Modest increase in 1978 proposed reflects the increased costs of printing. Account #252 - Allows for maintenance on calculators, typewriters and data recorder. Account #274 - Rental for a memory typewriter was included in 1976. Increases in the volume of xeroxing are reflected in both the 1977 adjusted and the 1978 proposed. Account #295 - Normal expenditures in this account include Armored Car Service, Bank Box Rentals, Credit Bureau Reports, and Bank Box Rentals. Account #320 - In addition to normal office supplies, this account also includes thf purchase of xerox paper, dog tags, computer paper and cards, etc. Account #435 - Includes renewal of memberships as follows: National Personnel Management Association - $250.00; American Society of Personnel Administration - $40.00; International Institute of Municipal Clerks - $60.00; Municipal Finance Officers Association - $85.00; and Kansas Clerks and Finance Officers Association - $15.00. CAPITAL OUTLAY Account #509 - Allows a desk and chair for a Personnel Director and Safety Coordinator. Account #5l7 - 1978 proposed provides for the replacement of one typewriter and 40% of the replacement cost of a postage machine (60% of the machine to be paid by the Water and Sewerage Department). ANNUAL BUDGET Page 19 PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Adjusted POS I T I ON TITLE EMPLOYEES RANGE Current Proposed Current Proposed Budget Budget Budget Budqet 1977 1978 Director of Finance 1 1 1206 - 1610 20,198.00 21,204.00 City Treasurer and Purchasing Agent 1 1 1089 - 1467 16,766.00 17,604.00 Personnel Director and Safety Coordinator 0 1 988 - 1334 0.00 11 ,857.00 Bookkeeping Machine Operator III 1 1 708 - 858 9,814.00 10,296.00 Cl erk Steno II I 1 1 708 - 858 9,814.00 10,296.00 Cl erk Typi st I II 1 1 672 - 817 9,337.00 9,804.00 Account Clerk 1 1 640 - 780 8,914.00 9,360.00 Clerk Typist II 2 2 576 - 708 15,887.00 16,994.00 Overtime 1,740.00 1 ,725.00 TOTAL 92,470.00 109,140.00 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS GENERAL 3-Clty Clerk FUND DEPARTMENT ANNUAL BUDGET Page 20 DETA I L Actual Adjusted ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Current Proposed Year Budget Budget 1976 1977 1978 PERSONAL SERVICES 110 Salaries - Department Head 12,082.40 12,815.00 13,465.00 120 Salaries - Regular Employees 9,648.00 10,250.00 10,755.00 TOTAL 21,730.40 23,065.00 24,220.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 296 Legal Services 2,383.65 4,000.00 4,000.00 TOTAL 2,383.65 4,000.00 4,000.00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 331 Books and Periodicals 485.12 300.00 300.00 TOTAL 485.12 300.00 300.00 GRAND TOTAL 24,599.17 27,365.00 28,520.00 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS GENERAL 4-Clty Attorney FUND DEPARTMENT ANNUAL BUDGET Page 23 DETAIL Actual Adjusted ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Current Proposed Year Budget Budget 1976 1977 1978 PERSONAL SERVICES 110 Salaries - Department Head 8,302.40 7,920.00 8,280.00 120 Salaries - Regular Employees 15,640.80 17,425.00 18,300.00 TOTAL 23,943.20 25,345.00 26,580.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 205 Telephone and Telegraph 646.09 750.00 750.00 22l Printing Office Forms 349.10 350.00 350.00 231 Insurance - Motor Vehicles 87.00 90.00 90.00 233 Insurance - Surety Bond 20.00 20.00 20.00 253 Repair - Motor Vehicles 242.28 225.00 225.00 255 Repair - Motor Vehicles - Tires 3.00 20.00 20.00 295 Other Professional Services l,163.38 900.00 700.00 TOTAL 2,510.85 2,355.00 2,155.00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 320 Office Supplies 248.98 200.00 200.00 345 Motor Vehicles - Fuel and Lubricants 362.20 450.00 500.00 379 Motor Vehicles - Tires 0.00 0.00 125.00 TOTAL 611 .18 650.00 825.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY 509 Furniture and Fixtures 0.00 0.00 450.00 TOTAL 0.00 0.00 450.00 GRAND TOTAL 27,065.23 28,350.00 30,010.00 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS FUND GENERAL DEPARTMENT 5-Municipal Court CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY CLASSIFICATION Actual Previous Year 1976 PERSONAL SERVICES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 21,730.40 2,383,65 485.12 24,599.17 TOTAL FUND GENERAL DEPARTMENT 4-City Attornev Page 21 Adjusted Current Proposed Budget Budget 1977 1978 23,065.00 24,220.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 300.00 300.00 27,365.00 28,520.00 FUNCTION Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay The Legal Department provides advice and assistance to the City Commission, appointed boards and commissions and the municipal staff. The attorneys prepare ordinances, resolutions, contracts, agreements, deeds, leases, bond indentures, legal actions, miscellaneous documents and serve as prosecutors for police cases heard by the Municipal Court. The City Attorney also defends the City of Salina in any legal action which might be brought against it. BUDGET COMMENTS Account #296 - Provides for services not included in the scope of the basic responsibilities handled by the City Attorney or his assistant, both of whom serve on a part-time basis. This includes such services as representing the City in civil actions and cases appealed from Municipal Court. The account is subject to extreme fluctuations from year to year and extremely difficult to budget for with any degree of accuracy. CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY CLASSIFICATION Actual Previous Year 1976 PERSONAL SERVICES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL 23,943.20 2,510.85 611 . 18 0.00 27,065.23 FUND GENERAL DEPARTMENTS-Municipal Court Page 24 Adjusted Current Proposed Budget Budget 1977 1978 25,345.00 26,580.00 2,355.00 2,155.00 650.00 825.00 0.00 450.00 28,350.00 30,010.00 FUNCTI ON Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay The Municipal Court, presided over by the Municipal Judge hears misdemeanor cases. A great majority of the cases are traffic offenses. BUDGET COMMENTS Account #295 - The decrease in 1977 adjusted request is due to discontinuance of payment to the County for the Parole Officer due to the Court Reorganization Program. Account #379 - The 1978 request provides for the purchase of new tires for the Bailiff's vehicle. CAPITAL OUTLAY Account #509 - The 1978 request is for the purchase of a large file cabinet with dividers in each drawer. ANNUAL BUDGET Page 22 PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Adjusted POS IT I ON TITLE EMPLOYEES RANGE Current Proposed Current Proposed Budget Budget Budget Budget 1977 1978 City Attorney 1 1 Unclassified 12,815.00 13 ,465.00 Assistant City Attorney 1 1 Unclassified 10,250.00 10,755.00 TOTAL 23,065.00 24,220.00 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS FUND GENERAL DEPARTMENT 4-City Attorney ANNUAL BUDGET Page 25 PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Adjusted POS IT I ON TITLE EMPLOYEES RANGE Current Proposed Current Proposed Budget Budget Budget Budget 1977 1978 Municipal Court Judge 1 1 Unclassified 7,920.00 8,280.00 Clerk Typist III 1 1 672 - 817 9,338.00 9,804.00 Clerk Typist II 1 1 576 - 708 8,087.00 8,496.00 TOTAL 25,345.00 26,580.00 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS FUND GENERAL DEPARTMENT b-MunlClpal Court FUND DEPARTMENT GENERAL 6-Buildings ANNUAL BUDGET Page 26 DETAIL Actual Adjusted ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Current Proposed Year Bud~et BudPle t 1976 19 7 19 8 PERSONAL SERVICES 120 Salaries - Regular Employees 15,542.16 16,980.00 17,830.00 TOTAL 15,542. 16 16,980.00 17,830.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 205 Telephone and Telegraph 69.84 70.00 100.00 227 Insurance - Fire 15,318.60 16,800.00 17,000.00 241 Gas Service 1,334.89 1,710.00 2,670.00 242 Light and Power Service 5,828.20 7,855.00 8,640.00 243 Water Service 549.65 600.00 600.00 251 Repair - Buildings 1,618.75 1,650.00 1,700.00 284 Laundry and Towel Service 176.34 150.00 150.00 295 Other Professional Services 747.28 500.00 700.00 299 Other Contractual Services 32,217.00 37,935.00 40,000.00 TOTAL 57,860.55 67,270.00 71,560.00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 310 Expendable Tools 75. 12 100.00 100.00 343 Janitor and Toilet Supplies 1,746.55 2,200.00 2,500.00 367 Electrical and Lighting Parts 799.90 700.00 700.00 371 Lumber and Lumber Products 50.04 700.00 700.00 381 Paint and Painting Materials 105.43 300.00 400.00 TOTAL 2 , 77 7 . 04 4,000.00 4,400.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY 503 Equipment 1,021.83 0.00 0.00 TOTAL 1 ,021. 83 0.00 0.00 GRAND TOTAL 77,201.58 88,250.00 93,790.00 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY CLASSIFICATION Actual Previous Year 1976 PERSONAL SERVICES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL 15,542.16 57,860.55 2,777 . 04 1,021.83 77 ,201. 58 FUND DEPARTMENT GENERAL 6-Buildinqs Page 27 Adjusted Current Proposed Budget Budget 1977 1978 16,980.00 17,830.00 67,270.00 71,560.00 4,000.00 4,400.00 0.00 0.00 88,250.00 93,790.00 FUNCTION Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay This fund includes the city's share of operating and maintaining the City-County Building except for the portion utilized by the Water and Sewerage Department. It also provides for the maintenance of the Salina Community Theatre, the Police Building, Carver Center and the former South Park School Cottage, presently being used as the Americanization Center. BUDGET COMMENTS Account #205 - Provides for additional charges, for which the city is responsible on a pay telephone installed in the lobby of the Community Theatre. Account #227 - Increase in Adjust 1977 and 1978 requests is due to the cityls share of insurance premium for the booking addition to the Police Building. Account #295 - This account provides for testing and servicing of fire extinguishers; also, electrical and plumbing repairs for city buildings. FUND DEPARTMENT GENERAL 6-Buildinqs CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY Page 28 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay BUDGET COMMENTS (continued) Account #299 - Provides for the city's share (27%) of operating and maintaining the City-County-Board of Education Building. The Water and Sewerage Department pays ~ of the 27%. Community Development reimburses the General Fund for the office space used by their activity. Account #371 - The 1977 Adjusted increase over 1976 is due to installing partitions in the basement of the Community Theatre. Account #38l - Provides for purchase of paint for repainting Salina American Center at 615 South 11th, and other city buildings as needed. FUND DEPARTMENT GENERAL 6-RI1 il di ngs ANNUAL BUDGET Page 29 PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Adjusted POSITION TITLE EMPLOYEES RANGE Current Proposed Cu:r>rent Proposed Budget Budget Budget Budqet 1977 1978 Custodian I 2 2 607 - 743 16,980.00 17,830.00 TOTAL 16,980.00 17,830.00 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS FUND DEPARTMENT GENERAL 7-Engineering ANNUAL BUDGET Page 30 DETAIL Actual Adjusted ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Current Proposed Year Budget Budget 1976 1977 1978 PERSONAL SERVICES 110 Salaries - Department Heads 20,870.40 22,135.00 23,245.00 120 Salaries - Regular Employees 94,866.82 103,085.00 109,200.00 130 Salaries - Part Time Employees 0.00 3,500.00 3,500.00 TOTAL 115,737.22 128,720.00 135,945.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 205 Telephone and Telegraph 940 . 31 975.00 975.00 207 Traveling Expenses 748.33 900.00 900.00 209 Postage 84.53 110.00 11 0 . 00 220 Blueprints 121. 50 100.00 100.00 231 Insurance - Motor Vehicles 230.00 315.00 315.00 252 Repair - Furniture and Office Equipmen~ 234.27 300.00 300.00 253 Repair - Machinery and Equipment 1,135.81 1,300.00 1,300.00 255 Repair - Tires 206.33 100.00 100.00 257 Repair - Radio Equipment 204.00 250.00 210.00 TOTAL 3,905.08 4,350.00 4,310.00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 320 Office Supplies 315.88 300.00 320.00 331 Books and Periodicals 183.61 150.00 150.00 335 Drafting and Engineering Supplies 1,124.97 1,400.00 1,500.00 345 Motor Vehicles - Fuels and Lubricants 1,552.26 1,800.00 2,000.00 347 Motor Vehicles - License Tags 8.00 15.00 15.00 371 Lumber and Lumber Products 28.47 50.00 50.00 379 Motor Vehicles - Tires 24.06 100.00 100.00 TOTAL 3,237.25 3,815.00 4,135.00 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 435 Organizational Dues 770.00 375.00 375.00 TOTAL 770.00 375.00 375.00 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS FUND DEPARTMENT GENERAL 7-Engineering- ANNUAL BUDGET Page 31 DETAIL Actual Adjusted ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Current Proposed Year Budget Budget 1976 1977 1978 CAPITAL OUTLAY 503 Engineering Equipment 142.00 250.00 1,000.00 505 Automobil e 0.00 4,860.00 0.00 509 Furniture and Office Equipment 547.40 135.00 0.00 TOTAL 689.40 5,245.00 1,000.00 GRAND TOTAL 124,338.95 142,505.00 145,765.00 I CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS CLASSIFICATION FUND GENERAL DEPARTMENT 7-Enqineerinq CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ANNUAL BUDGET Page 32 SUMMARY Actual Adj us ted Previous Current Proposed Year Budget Budget 1976 1977 1978 115,737: 22 128,720.00 135,945.00 3,905.08 4,350.00 4,310.00 3,237.25 3,815.00 4,135.00 770.00 375.00 375.00 689.40 5,245.00 1,000.00 124,338.95 142,505.00 145,765.00 PERSONAL SERVICES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES SUNDRY EXPENDITURES CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay FUNCTION The Engineering Department is responsible for the preparation of plans, specifica- tions, estimates and field surveys for all public improvements. This includes sewers, water mains, streets, etc. The department determines needs for rights-of-way and super- vises the installation of all municipal improvements, whether performed on a contract basis for the City or privately by subdividers. In addition, the Engineering Department is responsible for the maintenance of all master maps of the City which includes the City Limits and land record maps, the complete sanitary and storm sewer systems, water system and fire hydrant locations. The department also performs technical work related to traffic control. BUDGET COMMENTS Account #130 - 1977 Adjusted and 1978 Requests include allocation for summer help to eliminate overloading Engineering Aides during peak work periods. Account #207 - Provides for City Engineer's attendance at American Public Works Association Convention; Traffic Seminars; Engineering Society and League of Municipalities Meetings. FUND DEPARTMENT GENERAL 7-Enqineerinq CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY Page 33 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay BUDGET COMMENTS (continued) Account #435 - Previous practice was to pay organizational dues the year following their billing date. The 1976 appropriation provided for correction of this practice. Memberships maintained in the following associations: American Society of Civil Engineers - $56.00; Kansas Section of American Society of Civil Engineers - $4.00; Kansas Engineering Society - $160.00; and Institute of Traffic Engineers - $37.00. The American Public Works Association membership dues for all departments are paid by this department. CAPITAL OUTLAY Account #503 - 1977 expenditure provides for replacement of chains, rods, etc. for field party. The 1978 request is for the purchase of a new level for survey and con- struction control. Account #505 - 1977 expenditure is for replacement of 1965 station wagon. Account #509 - The 1977 request is for the purchase of a chair for drafting table and a heavy duty stapler. ANNUAL BUDGET Page 34 PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Adjusted POSITION TITLE EMPLOYEES RANGE Current Proposed Cu:r>rent Proposed Budget Budget Budget Budqet 1977 1978 City Engineer 1 1 1467 - 1937 22,135.00 23,245.00 Assistant City Engineer and Traffic Engineer 1 1 1206 - 1610 18,394.00 19,320.00 Design Engineer 1 1 1206 - 1610 16,771.00 18,420.00 Engineering Aide II! 1 1 942 - 1268 14,482.00 15,216.00 Construction Inspector 1 1 900 - 1206 13,789.00 14,472 .00 Engineering Aide I! 2 2 780 - 942 21,530.00 22,608.00 Engineering Aide I 1 1 672 - 817 9,208.00 9,804.00 Clerk Steno I 1 1 640 - 780 8,911 .00 9,360.00 Part Time 3,500.00 3,500.00 TOTAL 128,720.00 135,945.00 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS GENERAL / -I:.ngl neen ng FUND DEPARTMENT FUND DEPARTMENT GENERAL ~-t-lre ANNUAL BUDGET Page 35 DETA I L Actual Adjusted ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Current Proposed Year Budget Budget 1976 177 1 78 PERSONAL SERVICES 110 Salaries - Department Heads 16,031.62 15,450.00 17,000.00 120 Salaries - Regular Employees 580,719.72 623,850.00 695,235.00 TOTAL 596,751.34 639,300.00 712,235.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 205 Telephone and Telegraph 3,041. 13 3,300.00 3,400.00 207 Traveling Expenses 1,253.05 2,250.00 1,945.00 209 Postage 62.17 70.00 80.00 221 Printing Office Forms 1 44. 1 0 170.00 180.00 231 Insurance - Motor Vehicles 2,249.56 1 ,900.00 2,000.00 241 Gas Service 4,794.87 6,760.00 7,000.00 242 Light and Power Service 5,858.39 8,400.00 9,250.00 243 Water Service 1,145.81 1,600.00 1 , 600 . 00 251 Repair - Buildings 2,553.16 1,500.00 3,900.00 252 Repair - Furniture and Office Equip. 118. 83 950.00 200.00 253 Repair - Machinery and Equipment 188.52 550.00 400.00 254 Repair - Motor Vehicles 398.67 500.00 500.00 255 Repair - Tires 97.66 100.00 100.00 257 Repair - Radio Equipment 3,338.82 2,800.00 3,000.00 284 Laundry and Towel Service 35.49 75.00 75.00 295 Other Professional Services 5,157.26 2,690.00 1,000.00 TOTAL 30,437.49 33,615.00 34,630.00 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS FUND DEPARTMENT ANNUAL BUDGET Page 36 DETAIL Actual Adjusted ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Current Proposed Year Budget Budget 1976 1977 197R MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 310 Expendable Tools 644.61 1,150.00 1,350.00 320 Office Supplies 232.75 200.00 225.00 331 Books and Periodicals 638.33 970.00 750.00 343 Janitor and Toilet Supplies 1,887.42 2,000.00 2,000.00 345 Motor Vehicles - Fuel and Lubricants 4,471.51 5,000.00 5,200.00 351 Seeds, Plants, Trees & Lawn Supplies 134.34 150.00 150.00 355 Wearing Apparel 7,036.53 6,500.00 6,500.00 359 Other Operating Supplies 1,088.97 1,400.00 1,400.00 367 Electrical and Lighting Parts 623.56 480.00 500.00 371 Lumber and Lumber Products 137. 13 375.00 520.00 373 Machinery and Equipment Parts 911 .27 1,000.00 1,000.00 375 Metal and Metal Products 75. 14 600.00 100.00 377 Motor Vehicles - Parts 2,521.60 2,600.00 2,800.00 379 Motor Vehicles - Tires and Tubes 1 ,134.66 1,700.00 250.00 381 Paint and Painting Supplies 415.65 450.00 450.00 382 Photograph Supplies 453.07 500.00 500.00 393 Welding Supplies 132.77 125.00 125.00 399 Other Repairs and Maintenance 452.48 500.00 500.00 TOTAL 22,991. 79 25,700.00 24,320.00 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 435 Organizational Dues 127.50 130.00 130.00 TOTAL 127.50 130.00 130.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY 503 Equipment 973.93 1,050.00 2,330.00 505 Automobile 0.00 0.00 4,500.00 507 Fire Fighting Equipment 27,445.70 3,085.00 38,050.00 509 Furniture and Fixtures 135.30 1,600.00 2,165.00 514 Personnel Protective Equipment 1,774.19 1,600.00 6,600.00 517 Office Mechanical Equipment 0.00 270.00 0.00 519 Radio Equipment 0.00 .0.00 6,615.00 TOTAL 30,329.12 7,605.00 60,260.00 GRAND TOTAL 680,637.24 706,350.00 831,575.00 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS GENERAL 8-Fire CLASSIFICATION FUND GENERAL DEPARTMENT 8-Fire CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ANNUAL BUDGET Page 37 SUMMARY Actual Adjusted Previous Current Proposed Year Budget Budget 1 Q7?; 1977 1978 596,751.34 639,300.00 712,235.00 30,437.49 33,615.00 34,630..00 22,991.79 25,700.00 24,320.00 127.50 130.00 130.00 30,329.12 7,605.00 60,260.00 680,637.24 706,350.00 831,575.00 PERSONAL SERVICES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES SUNDRY EXPENDITURES CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay FUNCTI ON The Fire Department shares in the local responsibility for protection of lives and property. Through inspections, public education programs, and enforcement of various codes many hazardous conditions are prevented or detected and corrected. The prevention of fires and explosions is the first priority of business with the department; second is to provide a prompt and efficient response to fires and other types of emergencies. The key to preventing injuries, fatalities and property loss due to fires is and will continue to be a safety conscious public. Salina's good record is an indicator of the efforts put forth and a credit to both the public and the department. However, that record still leaves room for much improvement. BUDGET COMMENTS Account #120 - Revenue Sharing Funds are again being utilized for a portion of our firefighters salaries as they have been since 1975. Those are in addition to the amount provided in this account. $60,155.00 has been allocated from Revenue Sharing for 1977 and $62,785.00 for 1978. Account #207 - 1977 Adjusted and 1978 Request reflect the sending of department personnel to various training sessions and professional conferences. FUND DEPARTMENT GENERAL 8-Fire CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY Page 38 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay BUDGET COMMENTS (continued) Account #251 - 1976 expenditure included repair of hose tower roof. 1977 includes miscellaneous repair and the installation of a 500 gallon underground gasoline storage tank. 1978 request will allow for roof repair and installation of ventilator in roof of Station #2; roof repair for Station #3 and other miscellaneous repairs. Account #252 - 1977 allocation provides $700.00 for repair of furniture in Station #3 and office furniture in Station #2. 1976 and 1978 figure reflects service contracts on typewriters; adding machines and repair of machines not on contract. Account #253 - Provides for repair of equipment which the department is not able to service in its own shop, such as Scott Air Packs, hose bed tarp, camera and projector, protective gear, etc. Account #254 - Provides for work which the department is not equipped to perform, such as alternators, radiators, brake drums, wheel balancing, air conditioners, align- ment, upholstery, etc. Account #257 - Includes: General Communications Contract - $1806.00; Communications Service Contract - $900.00; balance of the account is for other equipment not under contract. 1977 decrease reflects a decrease of 4 radios in the General Communications Contract. 4 Plectron Alert Receivers now serviced by Civil Preparedness. Account #295 - For 1976, expenditure includes legal services related to Civil Rights case heard in Federal Court. These cases were concluded in 1977 when the U.S. Supreme Court refused to hear the last appeal. 1978 request provides for hydrostalitic tests of breathing apparatus, fire extinguishers, etc. This account also pays for MMPI tests and physicals for recruits. Account #310 - Provides for the replacement of shop and other maintenance tools, flashlights and batteries, kitchen utensils, Carbon Monoxide testing equipment and 1978 provides for the replacement of 600' of 3/4" manila life line. Account #331 - Provides for the purchase of the City Directory, training manuals, fire prevention educational materials, newspaper and professional magazine subscriptions. 1977 allows for a one time purchase of 5 copies of the 14th Edition of NFPA. Account #345 - For the 20 vehicles it is estimated that 7,800 gallons of gasoline will be required, along with 1000 gallons of diesel fuel, one 55 gallon barrell of motor oil, 6 cases of anti-freeze and various greeses. Account #355 - Provides for replacement clothing of personnel and clothing for recruits, also brass products, badges, etc., are provided by this account. Account #359 - Provides for oxygen, flags, dry chemical service, wax, sponges, chamoi , furnace filters, etc. FUND DEPARTMENT GENERAL 8-Fire CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY Page 39 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay BUDGET COMMENTS (continued) Account #371 - 1978 will allow a formica top for the table at Station #1. Account #375 - 1977 Adjusted figure high due to unexpected expenditure on E #21 tank. Account #379 - 1976 and 1977 expenditures provided replacement tires for 5 vehicles. Account #399 - Used primarily for maintenance of the four stations, such as replace- ment of glass, plumbing supplies and other repairs not contracted for. Account #435 - Includes memberships in Kansas State Firemans Association, Inter- national and Kansas Association of Fire Chiefs, National Fire Protection Association and International Society of Fire Service Instructors. CAPITAL OUTLAY Account # 503 - The 1976 expenditure included the purchase of a portable resusci- tator to be carried on Engine #1; replacement of a lawn mower; a 1951 model floor buffer at Station #3 and replacement of bench grinders at Stations #2 and #4. The 1977 Adjusted provides for replacement of lawn mowers at Station #1 and #3; purchase of one lawn edger; pressure testing equipment for hydrant flows; and 1 - 18,000 BTU air conditioner (replace- ment item) for Chief's office. 1978 request is for 4 exercisers; 1 - 26,000 BTU air conditioner replacement for Station #1; 1 - floor buffer for Station #1; new range top for Station #2 kitchen; 1 metal cutting band saw for the shop; 1 bench grinder and 1 - 5 ton floor jack. Account #505 - The 1978 request will permit the purchase of a new compact station wagon to replace a 1971 Ford, used by Inspection Bureau. Account #507 - The 1976 figure included purchase of a Probeye Heat Detector @ $4,995.00; an Automated Flow Control System @$12,000.00; foam; hose replacement; nozzles; exhaust fan and exhaust duct chutes. The 1977 figure includes the purchase of 100 gallons of foam - $1650.00; 1 Robert Shaw Resuscitator - $235.00; 450 lbs. fire extinguisher dry chemical for Station #3 - $290.00; 1 Kohler hand lantern and charger - $110.00; 1 portable radio, charger and case - $800.00. 1978 will permit the purchase of 2,000 feet of 3 - inch hose @ $5,300.00; 500 feet of l~ inch hose @ $750.00 and one attack pumper to replace 1957 Dodge at Fire Station #4 - $32,000.00. Account #509 - 1977 allows for the replacement of ten-twin sized beds and mattresses, anQ bedspreads for Station #1. 1978 will allow for 2 chairs for Station #4, new chair for chief's office and washer and dryer for Station #1. FUND DEPARTMENT CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS GENERAL 8-Fire ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY Page 40 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay CAPITAL OUTLAY (continued) Account #514 - We are suggesting that all protective gear which has become deteriorated due to age be replaced over a two year period. We are proposing that the first half of these items be acquired in 1978. Account #517 - The 1977 allocation provides for a mechanical typewriter for Chief's office. Account #519 - This request provides for the purchase of 6 pocket pagers used by Chief officers and Fire Prevention personnel, replacing units at least 15 years old. This fund will also permit us to replace a number of our old Emergency Call-Back Home Receivers that are also beginning to create repair problems because of their age. FUND DEPARTMENT ANNUAL BUDGET Page 41 PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Adjusted POSITION TITLE EMPLOYEES RANGE Current Proposed Cu:r>rent Proposed Bud~et Bud71e t Budget Budqet 19 7 19 8 Fire Chief 1 1 1206 - 1610 15,450.00 17,000.00 Assistant Fire Chief 1 1 1036 - 1400 5,378.00 16,008.00 Fire IAspection and Equipment Chief 1 1 942 - 1268 14,156.00 15,216.00 Fire Training Officer 1 1 942 - 1268 5, 11 2 . 00 14,472.00 Fire Captain 3 3 900 - 1206 41,319.00 43,416.00 Fire Inspector 3 3 858 - 1036 34,980.00 36,864.00 Fire Lieutenant 15 15 780 - 942 161,440.00 169,560.00 Fire Equipment Operator 18 18 743 - 900 187,540.00 194,400.00 Firefighter 27 27 708 - 858 221,729.00 254,024.00 Clerk Steno I 1 1 640 - 780 8,841. 00 9,360.00 Overtime 3,510.00 4,700.00 Less Salaries Paid by Revenue Sharing -60,155.00 -62,785.00 TOTAL 639,300.00 712,235.00 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS GENERAL 8-Fire FUND DEPARTMENT GENERAL 9-Insoection ANNUAL BUDGET Page 42 DETAIL Actual Adjusted ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Current Proposed Year Budget Budget 1976 1977 1978 PERSONAL SERVICES 110 Salaries - Department Head 13,656.80 14,485.00 15,215.00 120 Salaries - Regular Employees 39,745.10 44,075.00 54,755.00 130 Salaries - Part Time Employees 1,300.00 2,600.00 TOTAL 53,401.90 59,860.00 72,570.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 205 Telephone and Telegraph 1,288.59 1,620.00 1,700.00 207 Traveling Expenses 604.38 500.00 500.00 209 Postage 284.07 350.00 350.00 221 Printing Office Forms 508.28 350.00 400.00 231 Insurance - Motor Vehicles 292.00 650.00 650.00 253 Repair - Machinery and Equipment 1,233.40 400.00 800.00 255 Repair - Tires 135.25 20.00 20.00 257 Repair - Radio Equipment 452.21 270.00 270.00 TOTAL 4,798.18 4,160.00 4,690.00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 320 Office Supplies 361.64 400.00 400.00 331 Books and Periodicals 452.30 360.00 200.00 345 Motor Vehicles - Fuel and Lubricants 1,425.38 1,500.00 1,800.00 347 Motor Vehicles - License Tags 22.00 10.00 10.00 359 Other Operating Supplies 14.38 25.00 25.00 379 Motor Vehicles - Tires 0.00 50.00 50.00 382 Photograph Supplies 137.87 150.00 150.00 TOTAL 2,413.57 2,495.00 2,635.00 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 435 Organizational Dues 255.00 230.00 240.00 439 Refunds 207.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL 462.00 230.00 240.00 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS FUND DEPARTMENT GENERAL 9-Inspection ANNUAL BUDGET Page 43 DETA I L Actual Adjusted ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Current Proposed Year Budget Budget 1976 1977 1978 CAPITAL OUTLAY 505 Automobil e 0.00 0.00 4,500.00 509 Furniture and Fixtures 842.88 175.00 400.00 519 Radio Equipment 314.45 0.00 750.00 TOTAL 1,157.33 175.00 5,650.00 GRAND TOTAL 62,232.98 66,920.00 85,785.00 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS CLASSIFICATION FUND GENERAL DEPARTMENT 9-Insoection CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ANNUAL BUDGET Page 44 SUMMARY Actual Adjusted Previous Current Proposed Year Budget Budget 1976 1977 1978 53,401.90 59,860.00 72,570.00 4,798.18 4,160.00 4,690.00 2,413.57 2,495.00 2,635.00 462.00 230.00 240.00 1,157.33 175.00 5,650.00 62,232.98 66,920.00 85,785.00 PERSONAL SERVICES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES SUNDRY EXPENDITURES CAP IT AL OUTLAY TOTAL Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay FUNCTION The primary responsibility of this department lS protection of life, property,.and property values by uniform and reasonable administration and enforcement of the zoning ordinances, minimum housing, building, plumbing, electrical and other related codes. To achieve this goal, the department issues construction permits, reviews plans for proposed buildings, recommends revisions when not in accordance with the codes and public safety, inspects construction sites to insure that all the standards of the City are being complied with, and maintains accurate records of all permits issued and inspections made. The Inspection Department works closely with the Police and Fire Departments, and other public agencies in the areas of Health and Safety. BUDGET COMMENTS Account #120 - New inspector, classified as a Mechanical Inspector, to begin work January, 1978. Account #130 - Part-time office employee for the balance of 1977 to free Building Official to perform field work in all inspection areas. Account #207 - Provides for inspectors to attend various training schools and Building Inspector to attend one conference. FUND DEPARTMENT GENERAL 9-Insoection CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY Page 45 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay BUDGET COMMENTS (continued) Account #253 - 1976 expenditures reflect age of vehicles. 1977 budget decreased because of the warranty on the new cars. 1978 proposed increased beca~se vehicles will be out of warranty. Account #257 - 1976 Budget was higher due to the installation of radios in 4 new cars. Account #331 - Covers the adoption of new code document purchased for resale to contractors. Copies of the New Electrical Code, published in 1978, will be purchase only for office and file use. Account #435 - Provides for renewal of memberships in: International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials; International Conference of Building Officials; International Association of Electrical Inspectors and the Kansas Inspector Association. Account #439 - 1976 figure provided for refund due to cancellation of two permits prior to expiration date. CAPITAL OUTLAY Account #505, #509, #519 - The 1978 request in these accounts are for the purchase of an automobile, desk, chair and radio for the new inspector. FUND DEPARTMENT GENERAL 9-Inspection ANNUAL BUDGET Page 46 PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Adjusted POSITION TITLE EMPLOYEES RANGE Current Proposed Cu:r>rent Proposed Budget Budt:et Budaet Budqet 1977 19 8 Building Inspector 1 1 942 - 1268 14,485.00 15,215.00 Structural Inspector 1 1 858 - 1036 12,059.00 10,464.00 Plumbing Inspector 1 1 858 - 1036 11 ,846.00 12,432.00 Electrical Inspector 1 1 858 - 1036 10,865.00 11 ,952.00 Mechanical Inspector 0 1 858 - 1036 0.00 10,547.00 Clerk Steno I 1 1 640 - 780 8,750.00 9,360.00 Overtime 555.00 0.00 Part Time 1,300.00 2,600.00 TOTAL 59,860.00 72,570.00 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ANNUAL BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION PERSONAL SERVICES 110 Salaries - Department Head 120 Salaries - Regular Employees 130 Salaries - Part Time Employees TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 205 Telephone and Telegraph 207 Traveling Expenses 227 Insurance - Liability 231 Insurance - Motor Vehi cl es 241 Gas Service 242 Light and Power Service 243 Water Service 251 Repair - Buildings 253 Repair - Machinery and Equipment 255 Repair - Tires and Tubes 257 Repair - Radio Equipment 297 Disposal Charges 299 Other Contractual Services TOTAL MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 310 Expendable Tools 320 Office Supplies 331 Books and Peri odi ca 1 s 333 Chemicals, Drugs and Etc. 343 Janitor and Toilet Supplies 345 Motor Vehicles - Fuel and Lubricants 347 Motor Vehicles - License Tags 349 Recreational Supplies 350 Memorial Park Stadium 351 Seeds, Plants, Trees & Lawn Supplies 359 Other Operating Supplies 365 Cement and Cement Products 367 Electrical and Lighting Parts 371 Lumber and Lumber Products 379 Motor Vehicles - Tires and Tubes 381 Paint and Painting Materials 387 Sand, Gravel, Rock and Chat TOTAL Actual Previous Year 1976 12,970.73 78,485.40 9,076.85 100,532.98 689.45 30.57 385.00 762.00 1,676.51 3,337.84 3,136.45 3,320.59 11 ,026.64 216.53 192.00 250.00 488.54 25,512.12 934.91 21.28 12.60 2,228.13 60.56 3,264.86 20.00 1 ,105. 16 357.55 3,084.24 1,652.40 166.94 305.42 486.64 122.57 784.89 4.88 14,613.03 FUND DEPARTMENT Adjusted Current Budget 1977 15,010.00 100,430.00 12,090.00 127,530.00 750.00 85.00 400.00 655.00 2,090.00 3,680.00 2,740.00 1,000.00 8,000.00 450.00 190.00 350.00 600.00 20,990.00 900.00 40.00 20.00 3,000.00 200.00 4, 1 00 . 00 25.00 2,625.00 400.00 2,660.00 1,600.00 450.00 1,900.00 400.00 75.00 700.00 100.00 19,195.00 GENERAL 10-Park Page 47 Proposed Budget 1978 16,010.00 120,600.00 12,500.00 149, 11 0.00 750.00 85.00 400.00 700.00 3,350.00 4,600.00 2,740.00 1,000.00 8,900.00 400.00 200.00 525.00 600.00 24,250.00 800.00 40.00 20.00 2,560.00 200.00 4,305.00 25.00 1,350.00 0.00 3,000.00 1,600.00 450.00 450.00 400.00 400.00 700.00 100.00 16,400.00 FUND DEPARTMENT ANNUAL BUDGET Page 48 DETAIL Actual Adj us ted ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Current Proposed Year Budget Budget 1976 1977 1978 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 435 Organizational Dues 75.00 85.00 85.00 TOTAL 75.00 85.00 85.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY 503 Equipment 143. 11 1 ,350.00 8,085.00 516 Park Equipment 2,828.00 11 ,250.00 4,650.00 519 Radio Equipment 0.00 0.00 595.00 TOTAL 2,971 . 11 12,600.00 13,330.00 GRAND TOTAL 143,704.24 180,400.00 203,175.00 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS GENERAL 10-Park FUND GENERAL DEPARTMENT 10-Park CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ANNUAL BUDGET Page 49 SUMMARY Actual Adjusted CLASSIFICATION Previous Current Proposed Year Budget Budget 1976 1977 1978 PERSONAL SERVICES 100,532.98 127,530.00 149, 11 O. 00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 25,512.12 20,990.00 24,250.00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 14,613.03 19,195.00 16,400.00 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 75.00 85.00 85.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY 2,971.11 12,600.00 13,330.00 TOTAL 143,704.24 180,400.00 203,175.00 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay FUNCTION This department is charged with the supervision and maintenance of all park grounds, facilities, buildings, and equipment as well as all parkways and landscaped median strips in the City. The department also has the responsibility for technical supervision of the cemetery, swimming pools and Municipal Golf Course. The City presently owns 20 park areas totaling 612 acres. BUDGET COMMENTS Account #120 - Reflects the addition of one laborer. Account #205 - Provides for telephones in Sunset, Oakdale, and two telephones in Lakewood, one of which is a pay telephone. Account #207 - Registration fee for superintendent and foreman to attend Turf and Shade Tree Conference at Kansas State University. Account #227 - Provides for liability insurance at Lakewood Park Lodge and Ball Park Stadium. FUND DEPARTMENT GENERAL IO-Park CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY Page 50 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay Account #241 - 1977 adjusted increased as Kansas Power and Light has advised that gas service rates for 1977 will be 25% higher than 1976. 1978 proposed increased as Kansas Power and Light advised that expected gas rates for 1978 will double those of 1975. Account #242 - 1977 adjusted reflects a 10% increase of power rates over those of 1976. 1978 proposed includes an anticipated rate increase of 25% over 1977. Account #243 - Covers water for park buildings and Sunset Park irrigation system. Account #251 - 1976 provided for replacement of carpet and drapes for Lakewood Lodge and roof repairs to Sunset Storage Building. Account #297 - Provides for landfill fee for disposing of refuse collected in city parks. Account #299 - This account used principally for equipment rental, equipment and repairs due to vandalism, technical services, electrical repairs, etc. Account #333 - Provides for purchase of such items as fertilizer, insecticides, herbicides, week killers, diesel fuel, etc. 1977 adjusted and 1978 proposed recognizes increased costs and expanded areas of treatment. Account #349 - This account provides for the replacement of such items as tennis court nets, trash cans, plastic liners and trash can stands, picnic table frames, repairs to playground equipment, and wind screens for tennis courts in Sunset and Southeast Park. Account #350 - By agreement between the City and County, this facility has been transferred to Saline County for use as a rodeo arena at the conclusion of the present baseball season. Account #359 - This account provides for replacement of such items as plumbing parts for restrooms and irrigation system, fence repairs, safety cones, signs, plus many other items. Account #365 - Provides for repair of pond and creek in Sunset Park, and cement work at Lakewood Lodge. Account #367 - In addition to replacement of defective or damaged fixtures, the 1977 figure provides for replacement of 8 incandescent fixtures in Oakdale garden area with sodium vapor fixtures to provide more light, with less maintenance and energy. Account #379 - Increase covers purchase of 2 rear tires for tractor at $150.00 each; and 4 tires for mower at $25.00 each. Account #435 - Membership dues for the Turf Grass Foundation. FUND DEPARTMENT ANNUAL BU DG ET Page 52 PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Adjusted POS I T I ON TITLE EMPLOYEES RANGE Current Proposed Cu:r>rent Proposed Bud~et Budget Budqet Budqet 19 7 1978 Park Superintendent 1 1 988 - 1334 15,010.00 16,010.00 Labor Foreman I! 1 1 780 - 942 10,765.00 11 ,304.00 Labor Foreman I 1 1 743 - 900 10,293.00 10,488.00 Maintenance Worker 5 5 708 - 858 45,506.00 48,943.00 Laborer 5 6 640 - 780 33,466.00 49,465.00 Part Time 12,090.00 12,500.00 Overtime 400.00 400.00 TOTAL 127,530.00 149,110.00 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS GENERAL 10-Park FUND DEPARTMENT CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS GENERAL 10-Park ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY Page 51 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay CAPITAL OUTLAY Account #503 - 1976 provided for 3/4 H.P. grinder for Oakdale Shop. 1977 adjusted includes purchase of 2 weed cutting machines and 3 - 20" lawn mowers. 1978 proposed allows purchase of 1 Hustler mower; 1 grass drill; and 1 Weed Eater. Account #516 - 1976 expenditure provided for purchase of spiral slide and arch swing to replace older units in Oakdale Park. 1977 adjusted covers the purchase of a 5" tree spade. 1978 request provides for an additional riding mower. Account #519 - 1978 proposed allows the purchase of a 2-way radio for the dump truck used to service all city parks. ANNUAL BU DG ET Page 53 DETAIL Actual Adjusted ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Current Proposed Year Budget Budget 1976 1977 1978 PERSONAL SERVICES 110 Salaries - Department Head 19,899.20 22,135.00 23,245.00 120 Salaries - Regular Employees 626,041.21 693,985.00 779,275.00 130 Salaries - Part Time Employees 3,308.39 2,620.00 2,620.00 TOTAL 649,248.80 718,740.00 805,140.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 205 Telephone and Telegraph 9,019.53 10,690.00 11 ,000.00 207 Traveling Expenses 734.70 850.00 850.00 209 Postage 2,442.66 2,500.00 2,500.00 217 Feeding Prisoners 5,519.35 4,500.00 5,000.00 221 Printing Office Forms 2,995.34 2,500.00 3,000.00 231 Insurance - Motor Vehicles 1 , 518 . 00 1,585.00 1,600.00 233 Insurance - Surety Bonds 99.50 130. 00 130.00 241 Gas Service 4,465.56 4,200.00 5,700.00 242 Light and Power Service 6,402.23 7,200.00 8,000.00 243 Water Service 394.62 550.00 550.00 247 Animal Shelter Utilities 1,178.83 1,400.00 1,600.00 251 Repair - Buildings 890.89 2,500.00 2,800.00 252 Repair - Furniture & Office Equipment 1,802.61 1,900.00 3,400.00 253 Repair - Machinery and Equipment 25,129.15 34,000.00 30,000.00 255 Repair - Motor Vehicles - Tires 297.51 350.00 350.00 257 Repair - Radio Equipment 4,199.97 5,200.00 7,650.00 274 Rent - Machinery & Equipment 4,029.90 4,000.00 4,100.00 284 Laundry and Towel Service 17.74 100.00 100.00 290 Medical Services 1,581.25 1,600.00 1,600.00 295 Other Professional Services 1 ,344.67 1,500.00 1,500.00 297 Disposal Charges 300.00 400.00 400.00 299 Other Contractual Services 3,124.39 1,800.00 1,800.00 TOTAL 77,488.40 89,455.00 93,630.00 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS GENERAL 11- Po 1 ice FUND DEPARTMENT ANNUAL BUDGET Page 54 DETAIL Actual Adjusted ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Current Proposed Year Bud~e t Bud917et 1976 19 7 1 8 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 310 Expendable Tools 840.63 1,200.00 1,200.00 320 Office Supplies 2,455.30 2,600.00 2,600.00 331 Books and Periodicals 635.71 580.00 680.00 339 Animal Shelter Food and Supplies 854.60 1,500.00 1,500.00 343 Janitor & Toilet Supplies 190.65 200.00 200.00 345 Motor Vehicles - Fuel & Lubricants 32,292.29 37,000.00 42,000.00 347 Motor Vehicles - License Tags 64.00 40.00 40.00 355 Wearing Apparel 11,573.78 14,000.00 14,000.00 359 Other Operating Supplies 560.78 600.00 600.00 367 Electrical and Lighting Parts 103.61 150.00 150.00 371 Lumber and Lumber Products 228.67 200.00 200.00 379 Motor Vehicles - Tires 5,366.75 5,000.00 6,000.00 381 Paint and Painting Supplies 565.89 300.00 300.00 382 Photography Supplies 1 ,509.33 2,200.00 5,000.00 383 Training and Training Supplies 3,170.48 4,500.00 3,300.00 TOTAL 60,412.47 70,070.00 77,770.00 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 435 Organizational Dues 645.00 500.00 650.00 TOTAL 645.00 500.00 650.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY 502 Buil di ngs 0.00 0.00 37,500.00 503 Equipment 948.35 6,400.00 5,100.00 509 Furniture and Fixtures 1,025.57 3,565.00 480.00 514 Officers Service Equipment 2,133.96 3,950.00 2,720.00 517 Office Mechanical Equipment 23,793.95 2,305.00 550.00 519 Radio Equipment 2,872.00 4,200.00 2,590.00 TOTAL 30,773.83 20,420.00 48,940.00 GRAND TOTAL 818,568.50 899,185.00 1 ,026,130.00 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS GENERAL 11-Police FUND DEPARTMENT FUND DEPARTMENT GENERAL Il-Pollce CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY Page 55 CLASSIFICATION Actual Previous Year 1976 Adjusted Current Budget 1977 Proposed Budget 1978 PERSONAL SERVICES 649,248.80 718,740.00 805,140.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 77,488.40 89,455.00 93,630.00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 60,412.47 70,070.00 77 , 770.00 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 645.00 500.00 650.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY 30,773.83 20,420.00 48,940.00 TOTAL 818,568.50 899,185.00 1,026,130.00 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay FUNCTION The Police Department shares in the local responsibility of protecting lives and property. The prevention of crime and traffic offenses is the department's first ob- ligation. Investigation of crimes, apprehension of offenders, enforcement of laws and ordinances, control of traffic and crowds, maintaining reliable records, and the opera- tion of an elaborate communication system are other important responsibilities. The success of the department is dependent to a great extent on the degree of support, cooperation and assistance it receives from the general public. Both the public and the department deserve credit for a good working relationship; one which continues to make Salina a safe and enjoyable community in which to live, work and play. BUDGET COMMENTS Account #120 - Again in 1978 as has been done since 1975, revenue sharing funds are being utilized for a portion of our police salaries. That is in addition to the amount provided in this account. $67,520.00 has been allocated from revenue sharing for 1977 and $71,065.00 for 1978. Account #130 - Provides for School Crossing Guards at two locations for 9 months @ $90.00 per month each, and $1,000.00 for compensation of reserve officers. FUND DEPARTMENT CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS GENERAL ll-Police ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY Page 56 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay BUDGET COMMENTS (continued) Account #207 - Includes allowances for private cars used for police activities, travel on investigations, return of prisoners and attending professional meetings. Account #217 - Provides for payment to the Sheriff's Office for feeding of prisoners @ $2.50 per day per prisoner. Account #221 - This account is subject to fluctuation from year to year because some of our forms are ordered in multiple year quantities. Account #247 - An increase in the cost of propane gas is anticipated. Account #251 - The increase for the adjusted budget and 1978 over 1976 is due mainly to roof repair. Due to the construction of the roof it appears we can expect to spend several hundred dollars each year on it. Account #252 - The increase for 1978 provides for a service contract on the micro- film equipment which includes a camera, reader-printer, four readers and a processor. Most of the mechanical office quipment is serviced under contract. In addition to funding those contracts, this account also provides for maintenance on a call basis of other equipment and furniture. Account #253 - Provides for maintenance of 20 vehicles assigned to the Police Department and Animal Shelter. The increase for 1977 and 1978 reflects the continuing increase in parts prices and Central Garage operating costs. The 1978 reduction from 1977 is due to replacement of ten cars in mid-1977. This account also includes main- tenance of building mechanical equipment. Account #257 - Provides for service contract for all high band radio equipment and Dictaphone equipment, labor and parts for all radio equipment on low-band frequency, and work not included under high-band contract, such as moving equipment when vehicles are replaced. In 1978 the Dictaphone equipment will require six (6) new heads at $300.00 each. Service contract to be added for 9 Walkie-Talkies at $54.00 per month. Account #274 - Primarily this fund is for xerox rental. Account #284 - Provides for cleaning of blankets used in the patrol cars. Account #290 - Reflects cost involved in blood alcohol tests at $7.50 each and medical attention for prisoners who are unable to pay. Account #295 - Provides for various services such as mental evaluations for police applicants, classified ads, observation of animals involved in bite cases, servicing of fire extinguishers and polygraph tests. Account #297 - Animal Shelter charges for use of landfill. FUND DEPARTMENT GENERAL ll-Pnlirp CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY Page 57 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay BUDGET COMMENTS (continued) Account #299 - The 1976 expenditure was higher than usual due to plumbing, electrical and carpentry work done in remodeling the laboratory. Recurring annual costs include: elevator service contract @ $1,038.00; Cable TV @ $80.00; and $600.00 to the City-County Building Authority to supervise operation and maintenance of the building mechanical equipment. Account #310 - Provides for miscellaneous items such as flashlight batteries, evidence and laboratory supplies, first-aid supplies, etc. Account #331 - Provides for subscriptions to newspapers, professional publications, City Directories, License Tag Registration books, articles on Supreme Court Rulings and various books. Account #355 - Provides outfitting new officers with uniforms and allows up to $200.00 per year per officer for uniform replacements, and $75.00 per man for Humane Officers. Account #359 - Provides for yard and building supplies, investigation supplies, etc. Account #379 - This account tends to fluctuate according to when the patrol fleet is replaced. A set of tires for a patrol car will average about $160.00. Account #381 - Provides for continual upkeep of painted surfaces on interior and exterior of the building. Account #382 - The increase reflects the introduction of microfilming equipment. Processing and supplies for the system are estimated at $3500.00. Other photography expense runs about $1500.00 per year. Account #383 - Provides for all recruits to attend the Basic Law Enforcement Training School and for other officers to attend advanced and specialized schools. Also provides ammunition to qualify every four months. The 1977 figure also includes funds for physical fitness exercise equipment and outdoor range equipment. Account #435 - Includes renewal of memberships in Kansas Association of Chiefs of Police, International Association of Chiefs of Police, National Safety Council, Kansas Peace Officers Association, Kansas Law Enforcement Radio Association, Kansas Council for Children and Youth, and the International Juvenile Officials Association. CAPITAL OUTLAY Account #502 - Provides for improvements to the Animal Shelter and pistol range area. Improvements will include restrooms, lab facilities, office, storage area, a new water well, some plumbing work and a wood fence to separate the shelter and range. I FUND DEPARTMENT CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS GENERAL 11-Police ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY Page 58 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay CAPITAL OUTLAY Account #503 - The 1977 adjusted budget includes an evidence collection kit for use by shift Lieutenants and $5,000.00 for specialized investigative equipment which includes a two week training session for one officer who would in turn train others in use of the euqipment, known as a Psychological Stress Evaluator. These items were approved in the original 1977 budget. The other $1,300.00 request is for a Crime Prevent~on Program, 95% of which would be reimbursable by a federal grant. The 1978 request provldes for purchase of a Speed Radar Unit at $2400.00. Also 8 Con-so-trol units at $300.00 each. These are a console unit to be mounted in police cars to house radio controls, microphones, receivers and other equipment. These are a compact unit which conserves space in the car and facilitates transfer of the equipment from one vehicle to another. The request also provides for purchase of a finger print kit, some laboratory and evidence collection equipment and material. Account #509 - The adjusted budget includes a file cabinet for mug shots, a type- writer desk attachment, and replacement of one chair for the Desk Sergeant and two for secretaries. Additionally, the 1977 adjusted provides for furnishings that are needed for the new booking area: one electric typewriter; one chair and equipment for mugging and printing. Also one double chair and two single chairs are included to replace old wood furniture being used at the Information Desk. The 1978 request provides for a Xerox machine table at $50.00, replacement of a secretarial chair at $80.00 and ten chairs in the squad room and juvenile office at $35.00 each. Account #514 - The adjusted request provides for replacement of part of the revolvers and helmets in addition to the rifles for patrol cars which were authorized in the orig- inal budget and have been purchased. The 1978 request will replace ten more revolvers at $100.00 each, twenty helmets at $36.00 each. This account also provides for equipping new officers with holsters, belts, handcuff and ammunition cases, badges, etc., and replacement of worn articles for other officers. Account #517 - The 1976 figure reflected the purchase of micro-film equipment. The 1977 budget reflects the cost of 4 electric typewriters purchased earlier this year. The 1978 request will permit replacement of one adding machine and one standard typewriter. Account #519 - The adjusted budget includes ten pager units, authorized in the original budget and to be purchased on a 50-50 Civil Preparedness Grant. Another $1200.00 is being requested for use with a 50-50 Civil Preparedness Grant to replace an old and very troublesome low band base station. The Police Department uses the low band frequency to communicate with the ambulance service, Civil Preparedness, Sheriff' cars and other law enforcement agencies. The 1978 request will provide for two machines which will permit immediate replay of recorded telephone conversations. One unit will be used by the dispatcher and one by the Desk Sergeant. FUND DEPARTMENT GENERAL 11-Pollce ANNUAL BUDGET Page 59 PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Adjusted POSITION TITLE EMPLOYEES RANGE Current Proposed Cu:r>rent Proposed Budget Budget Budqet Budqet 1977 1978 Police Chief 1 1 1467 - 1937 22,135.00 23,245.00 Assistant Police Chief 1 1 1206 - 1610 18,394.00 19,320.00 Police Patrol Captain 1 1 1089 - 1467 16,771. 00 17,604.00 Police Records Captain 1 1 1036 - 1400 15,706.00 16,800.00 Patrol Lieutenant 4 4 988 - 1334 58,913.00 63,438.00 Juvenile Lieutenant 1 1 988 - 1334 15,238.00 16,008.00 Detective Lieutenant 2 2 988 - 1334 27,685.00 30,452.00 Juvenil e Offi cer 2 2 858 - 1036 23,693.00 24,864.00 Police Detective 3 3 858 - 1036 35,539.00 37,296.00 Police Sergeant 5 5 858 - 1036 58,370.00 61,824.00 Dispatcher 4 4 817 - 988 45,139.00 47,424.00 Police Officer 37 37 780 - 942 340,468.00 396,747.00 Clerk Steno II 1 1 672 - 817 9,183.00 9,804.00 Clerk Typist I! 1 1 576 - 708 8,087.00 8,496.00 Clerk Typist I 5 5 523 - 640 32,853.00 35,605.00 Humane Officer 3 3 672 - 817 26,938.00 29,042.00 School Crossing Guard 1,620.00 1,620.00 Police Reserves 1,000.00 1,000.00 Overtime 28,530.00 35,615.00 Less Salaries Paid by Revenue Sharing -67,522.00 -71,064.00 TOTAL 718,740.00 805,140.00 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS FUND DEPARTMENT , ANNUAL BUDGET Page 60 DETA I L Actual Adjusted ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Current Proposed Year Budget Budget 1976 1977 1978 PERSONAL SERVICES 110 Salaries - Department Head 19,039.20 20,200.00 21,205.00 120 Salaries - Regular Employees 192,735.84 256,495.00 293,085.00 TOTAL 211 ,775. 04 276,695.00 314,290.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 205 Telephone and Telegraph 344.04 390.00 390.00 207 Traveling Expenses 18.00 100.00 100.00 231 Insurance - Motor Vehicles 2,345.00 2,105.00 2,200.00 241 Gas Service 1,777.18 2,225.00 2,420.00 242 Light and Power Service 459.83 590.00 730.00 243 Water Service 103.02 135.00 135.00 253 Repair - Machinery and Equipment 24,781. 99 32,000.00 32,000.00 255 Repair - Tires and Tubes 1,930.03 3,270.00 2,860.00 257 Repair - Radio Equipment 636.95 830.00 830.00 284 Laundry and Towel Service 95.90 100 . 00 100 . 00 295 Other Professional Services 9,679.51 130.00 100.00 TOTAL 42,171. 45 41,875.00 41,865.00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 310 Expendable Tools 934.03 850.00 1,040.00 320 Office Supplies 47.92 25.00 25.00 341 Fuel and Lubricants (Except Motor) 588.47 400.00 400.00 345 Motor Vehicles - Fuel and Lubricants 15,791.61 24,000.00 25,000.00 347 Motor Vehicles - License Tags 57.50 40.00 40.00 359 Other Operating Supplies 1,508.76 1,460.00 1,415.00 371 Lumber and Lumber Products 2,756.36 300.00 300.00 373 Machinery and Equipment Parts 871.55 1,200.00 1,200.00 375 Metal and Metal Products 513.87 400.00 400.00 379 Motor Vehicles - Tires and Tubes 2,363.46 580.00 470.00 387 Sand, Gravel, Rock, Salt and Chat 938.20 2,000.00 2,400.00 390 Sweeper Parts 2,791.50 2,835.00 2,890.00 TOTAL 29,163.23 34,090.00 35,580.00 CITY OF SALINA KANSAS GENERAL 12-Street FUND DEPARTMENT GENERAL 12-Street ANNUAL BUDGET Page 61 DETA I L Actual Adjusted ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Current Proposed Year Budget Budget 1976 1977 1978 CAPITAL OUTLAY 503 Equipment 813.00 0.00 1,590.00 519 Radio Equipment 0.00 0.00 1,305.00 527 Street Equipment 0.00 19,600.00 5,500.00 TOTAL 813.00 19,600.00 8,395.00 GRAND TOTAL 283,922.72 372,260.00 400,130.00 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS CLASSIFICATION FUND GENERAL DEPARTMENT 12-Street CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ANNUAL BUDGET Page 62 SUMMARY Actual Adj us ted Previous Current Proposed Year Budget Budget 197fi 1977 197R 211 ,775.04 276,695.00 314,290.00 42,171 .45 41,875.00 41,865.00 29,163.23 34,090.00 35,580.00 ~ 813.00 19,600.00 8,395.00 283,922.72 372,260.00 400,130.00 PERSONAL SERVICES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay FUNCTION The Street Department, being the largest of the several sub-divisions within the Department of Service, frequently assists or supplements other divisions with manpower and equipment. Responsibilities of the department include all phases and degrees of street cleaning and maintenance. Streets, bridges and storm sewers are costly to con- struct. Once they are in existence we become very dependent upon them. The cost of maintaining and protecting such facilities continues to become increasingly burdensome. However, to neglect them results in far greater costs when it becomes necessary to re- place them or make major repairs; not to mention the cost of abuse to motor vehicles, hazards to motorists and the affects upon property values. Unnecessary demands are made on the time of the department to mow or remove trash and debris from private properties which are neglected by owners. This work is per- formed on orders of the City-County Health Department with a charge assessed against the property. BUDGET COMMENTS Account #207 - Provides for participation in state American Public Works Association Meetings. FUND DEPARTMENT GENERAL 12-Street CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY Page 63 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay BUDGET COMMENTS (continued) Account #253 - 1977 and 1978 increased to allow for anticipated increase in cost of parts and labor. Account #255 - Most of this request provides for recapping of truck and equipment tires. It is estimated 54 tires will be recapped in 1978 at a cost of $2,857. Account #257 - 14 mobile units on service contract totalling $756.00; balance for maintenance not covered by contract. Account #295 - The 1976 expenditure was unusually high due to the city paying Saline County for asphalt overlay on a portion of West Crawford and East Pacific. Account #310 - Includes 15 snow shovels, 24 dirt shovels, 6 ensilage forks, 36 street brooms, 24 bits for pavement breaker and other misceallaneous tools. Account #341 - Primarily for kerosene used in flare pots. Reduced due to more use of flasher lights on barricades. Account #359 - Includes 75 traffic cones, 25 flasher lights, 18 cases of batteries for lights, 9 ice books, 4 rotary beacon lights, 6 lenses for rotary beacons, safety equipment, first aid supplies, flashlight batteries, and miscellaneous supplies. Account #371 - The 1976 expenditure reflects cost of material used to redeck the Lakewood Park bridge. Provides for: form lumber for sidewalks and curb and gutter repair; truck side boards and lumber for stakes. Account #373 - Provides for 5 concrete saw blades at $200.00 each and 20 abrasive saw blades at $10.00 each for sawing asphalt. Account #375 - Provides for replacement of broken or stolen manhole and storm inlet lids and casting. Account #379 - Provides for the purchase of 2 tractor tires at $170.00 each and 4 at $31.76. The 1976 expenditure included 4 tires for a 545 loader at $530.00 each. Account #387 - Provides for 200 tons of salt at $7.50 per ton and 600 tons of sand at $1.50 per ton. CAPITAL OUTLAY Account #503 - Two 61 rotary mowers to be replaced at $650.00 each and one Weed Eater to be purchased at $290.00. FUND DEPARTMENT GENERAL 12-Street CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY Page 64 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay CAPITAL OUTLAY (continued) Account #519 - This request will permit the installation of two-way radios in two motor graders at $653.00 each. Account #527 - The adjusted budget includes two mowing tractors which were authorized in the original budget and have been purchased. The balance will permit replacement of the 1971 Chevrolet 4 door used by the Director of Services. The adjusted budget also includes 2 - 10ft. truck mounted snow plows and the replacement of a salt spreader. The 1978 request provides for a back-hoe attachment to be used on a tractor owned by the department. FUND DEPARTMENT ANNUAL BU DG ET Page 65 PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Adjusted POS I TI ON TITLE EMPLOYEES RANGE Current Proposed Cu:r>rent Proposed Budget Budget Budget Budqet 1977 1978 Director of Services 1 1 1334 - 1767 20,200.00 21 ,205.00 Street Superintendent 1 1 988 - 1334 15,094.00 16,008.00 Concrete Finisher 1 1 743 - 900 10,293.00 10,800.00 Equipment Operator 6 6 743 - 900 60,608.00 64,091. 00 Maintenance Worker 18 18 708 - 858 152,849.00 172,035.00 Laborer 1 1 640 - 780 6,197.00 9,360.00 Custodian I 1 1 607 - 743 5,904.00 8,916.00 Clerk Typist I 0 1 523 - 640 0.00 6,275.00 Overtime 5,550.00 5,600.00 TOTAL 276,695.00 314,290.00 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS GENERAL 12-Street CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS FUND GENERAL DEPARTMENT 13-Human Relatlons ANNUAL BUDGET DETA I L ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION PERSONAL SERVICES 110 Salaries - Department Head 120 Salaries - Regular Employees TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 205 Telephone and Telegraph 207 Traveling Expenses 209 Postage 221 Printing Office Forms 231 Insurance - Motor Vehicle 252 Repair - Furniture and Office Equip. 253 Repair - Machinery and Equipment 255 Repair - Tires 295 Other Professional Services TOTAL MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 320 Office Supplies 331 Books and Periodicals 345 Motor Vehicle - Fuel and Lubricants 379 Motor Vehicle - Tires TOTAL SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 435 Organizational Dues TOTAL GRAND TOTAL Actual Previous Year 1976 14,357.60 6,024.99 20,382.59 733.06 1,412.00 160.97 0.00 73.00 54.50 753.08 0.00 17.50 3,204.11 169.99 573.70 182.62 97.92 1,024.23 100.00 100.00 24,710.93 Adjusted Current Budget 1977 15,240.00 6,320.00 21,560.00 900.00 1,000.00 80.00 265.00 95.00 60.00 400.00 1 O. 00 25.00 2,835.00 125.00 630.00 185.00 70.00 1,010.00 100.00 100.00 25,505.00 Page 66 Proposed Budget 1978 16,010.00 8,065.00 24,075.00 900.00 2,000.00 100.00 50.00 95.00 60.00 400.00 10.00 25.00 3,640.00 125.00 630.00 200.00 70.00 1,025.00 150.00 150.00 28,890.00 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY CLASSIFICATION Actual Previous Year 1976 PERSONAL SERVICES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 20,382.59 3,204. 11 1,024.23 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES TOTAL 100.00 24,710.93 FUND _EE~ERAL DEPARTMENT 13-Hl1man Rplatinn~ Page 67 Adjusted Current Proposed Budget Budget 1977 1978 21,560.00 24,075.00 2,835.00 3,640.00 1 ,01 O. 00 1,025.00 100.00 150.00 25,505.00 28,890.00 FUNCTION Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay Ordinance #8488 passed May 24, 1976, repealed all previous ordinances dealing with Human Relations. The ordinance prohibits discrimination based on race, sex, religion, color, national origin, ancestry, age, physical handicap, or marital status, in employ- ment, housing, public accommodations, and public contracts. The ordinance established the Human Relations Commission, the Human Relations Department and defined their respective roles and responsibilities. It further set forth time limits and procedures for the filing and processing of complaints. BUDGET COMMENTS Account #205 - The increase for 1977 and 1978 over 1976 reflects a rate increase and change in telephone equipment. Account #207 - Provides $1,000.00 travel expense for members of the Human Relations Commission in addition to the allowance for the Director to attend professional meetings and conferences. Account #221 - The adjusted budget reflects the cost of printing an informational brochure for community distribution concerning the duties of the Department. CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS FUND GENERAL DEPARTMENT13-Human Relations ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY Page 68 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay BUDGET COMMENTS (continued) Account #253 - The 1976 expense was higher than usual due to having the Director's vehicle repainted and body work done on it. Account #331 - Subscription to Commerce Clearing House information related to Civil Rights - $585.00. The balance provides for other books and publications related to the subject. Account #435 - Dues for Kansas Human Relations Association. FUND GENERAL DEPARTMENT13-Human Relations ANNUAL BUDGET Page 69 PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Adjusted POSITION TITLE EMPLOYEES RANGE Current Proposed Cu:r>rent Proposed Bud~et BUdr:e t Budqet Budget 19 7 19 8 Director of Human Relation 1 1 988 - 1334 15,240.00 16,010.00 Clerk Typist I! 1 0 576 - 708 6,320.00 0.00 Clerk Typist III 0 1 672 - 817 0.00 8,065.00 TOTAL 21,560.00 24,075.00 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ANNUAL BUDGET Page 70 DETAIL Actual Adjusted ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Current Proposed Year Budget Budget 1976 1977 1978 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 242 Li ghting and Power Service 111,313.01 167,150.00 190,550.00 GRAND TOTAL 111 ,313.01 167,150.00 190,550.00 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS FUND GENERAL DEPARTMENT 14-Street Lighting CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS FUND GENERAL DEPARTMENT 14-Street Llghtlng ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY Page 71 CLASSIFICATION Actual Previous Year 1976 Adjusted Current Bud.get 1977 Proposed Budget 1978 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES TOTAL 111,313.01 111 ,313.01 167,150.00 167,150.00 190,550.00 190,550.00 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay FUNCTION This fund pays the cost for electricity, as well as pole and fixture rental, for all street lights within the corporate limits of the City. Kansas Power and Light Company installs and maintains all street lights which are rented to the City in accordance with a contractual agreement. BUDGET COMMENTS Account #242 - A 30% increase in street lighting rates became effective in March, 1977. 1978 rates are expected to increase 10% over 1977. The 1977 adjusted budget includes $1600.00 for additional lights in new developing areas and $4100.00 to increase the level of lighting on Ohio Street between Elm Street and Wayne Avenue. The 1978 proposal includes $3,200.00 for additional lights in new developing areas and $8,200.00 for the improved lighting on Ohio Street, expected to go in the latter part of 1977. CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ANNUAL BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION PERSONAL SERVICES 120 Salaries - Regular Employees TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 205 Telephone and Telegraph 207 Traveling Expenses 231 Insurance - Motor Vehicles 242 Light and Power Service 253 Repair - Machinery and Equipment 255 Repair - Tires 257 Repair - Radio Equipment 261 Repair - Traffic Lights 295 Other Professional Services TOTAL MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 310 Expendable Tools 345 Motor Vehicles - Fuel and Lubricants 347 Motor Vehicles - License Tags 365 Cement and Cement Products 367 Electrical Traffic Light Parts 371 Lumber and Lumber Products 379 Motor Vehicles - Tires and Tubes 399 Other Repair and Maintenance TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 503 Equipment 519 Radio TOTAL GRAND TOTAL Actual Previous Year 1976 29,795.62 29,795.62 280.83 300.28 237.00 9,697.67 3,237.81 235.01 201.45 1 ,362.35 2,683.28 18,235.68 136.90 1 ,152.47 10.00 19.80 2,496.15 27.44 17.52 23.33 3,883.61 3,608.65 0.00 3,608.65 55,523.56 FUND DEPARTMENT Adjusted Current Budget 1977 38,490.00 38,490.00 300.00 400.00 250.00 17,200.00 2,000.00 50.00 175.00 2,500.00 3,090.00 25,965.00 275.00 1,700.00 10.00 100.00 2,500.00 35.00 25.00 100.00 4,745.00 500.00 615.00 1 , 11 5 . 00 70,315.00 GENERAL 15- Traffi c Page 72 Proposed Budget 1978 41,160.00 41 , 1 60 . 00 300.00 400.00 250.00 21,500.00 2,000.00 130. 00 200.00 2,000.00 3,090.00 29,870.00 225.00 2,000.00 10.00 100.00 3,000.00 35.00 25.00 100.00 5,495.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 76,525.00 CLASSIFICATION FUND GENERAL DEPARTMENT 15-Traffic CITY OF SALI NA , KANSAS ANNUAL BUDGET Page 73 SUMMARY Actual Adjusted Previous Current Proposed Year Budget Budget lO7?; 1977 1978 29,795.62 38,490.00 41,160.00 18,235.68 25,965.00 29,870.00 3,883.61 4,745.00 5,495.00 3,608.65 1 , 11 5 . 00 0.00 55,523.56 70,315.00 76,525.00 PERSONAL SERVICES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay FUNCTI ON The Traffic Department is responsible for instaliation and maintenance of the multitude of traffic control devices, signs and signals. These controls and guides are essential for maximum utilization of our trafficways and for the safety of pedes- trians and motorists. Our present count of controlled locations total 58. In addition, 19 locations have flashing beacons, such as at school crossings, railroad crossings, and dangerous intersections. BUDGET COMMENTS Account #207 - 1977 and 1978 allows for two employees to attend Traffic School. Account #242 - Power rates were increased 30% in March 1977. expected to increase 10% over 1977. The adjusted budget provides signals at the intersection of Broadway and Republic and flashing and North Street. 1978 rates are for installation of signals at Broadway Account #253 - The 1976 figure was high due to major overhaul work performed on two trucks and in rebuilding the rear end of the striping machine. Account #255 - Provides for recapping of 4 truck tires in 1978 in addition to other tire repair work. FUND DEPARTMENT CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS GENERAL 15-Traffic ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY Page 74 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay BUDGETS COMMENTS (continued) Account #261 - Electrical work performed on installing new signals as well as those damaged by storms and vehicles is charged to this account. The adjusted budget includes installation of signal equipment at Broadway and Republic and Broadway and North Street. Avvount #295 - Provides for renewal of annual contract for synchronization of signal timing in the Central Business Area. CAPITAL OUTLAY Account #503 - Provides for rebuilding of the ladder mounted on truck #1700 in 1977. Account #519 - The adjusted budget provides for a 2 way portable radio for use by the foreman to maintain contact with the Police Department. FUND DEPARTMENT ANNUAL BUDGET Page 75 PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Adjusted POSITION TITLE EMPLOYEES RANGE Current Proposed Cu:r>rent Proposed Budget Budget Budqet Budqet Traffic Control Foreman 1 1 858 - 1036 11 ,648. 00 12,432.00 Maintenance Worker 2 2 708 - 858 18,319.00 19,432.00 Laborer 1 1 640 - 780 7,778.00 8,601.00 Over Time 745.00 695.00 TOTAL 38,490.00 41 , 160.00 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS GENERAL 15-Tratflc ANNUAL BUDGET Page 76 DETAIL Actual Adjusted ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Current Proposed Year Budget Budget 1976 1977 1 78 PERSONAL SERVICES 120 Salaries - Regular Employees 16,313.73 18,705.00 20,595.00 TOTAL 16,313.73 18,705.00 20,595.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 205 Telephone and Telegraph 293.07 225.00 225.00 227 Insurance - Liability 545.00 550.00 550.00 241 Gas Service 17.63 40.00 50.00 242 Light and Power Service 968.38 1 , 065 . 00 1,330.00 243 Water Service 2,615.96 3,600.00 3,600.00 251 Repair - Buildings 455.50 300.00 500.00 253 Repair - Machinery and Equipment 0.00 250.00 300.00 295 Other Professional Services 217.86 400.00 400.00 TOTAL 5,113.40 6,430.00 6,955.00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 310 Expendable Tools 294.48 150.00 150.00 320 Office Supplies 123.57 220.00 220.00 333 Chemicals, Drugs and Etc. 387.13 400.00 400.00 343 Janitor and Toilet Supplies 54.08 150.00 150.00 365 Cement and Cement Products 0.00 50.00 50.00 367 Electrical and Lighting Parts 5.42 50.00 50.00 371 Lumber and Lumber Products 85.75 60.00 60.00 373 Machinery and Equipment Parts 405.45 300.00 300.00 381 Paint and Painting Materials 3,013.15 1,500.00 1,650.00 TOTAL 4,369.03 2,880.00 3,030.00 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 431 Sales Tax Remitted 283.82 320.00 320.00 TOTAL 283.82 320.00 320.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY 503 Equipment 0.00 1,900.00 0.00 TOTAL 0.00 1,900.00 0.00 GRAND TOTAL 26,079.98 30,235.00 30,900.00 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS FUND GENERAL DEPARTMENT 16-Swimminq Pools CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY CLASSIFICATION Actual Previous Year 1976 PERSONAL SERVICES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 16,313.73 5, 11 3.40 4,369.03 283.82 0.00 26,079.98 CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL FUND GENERAL DEPARTMENTl6-Swimmi nq Pools Page 77 Adjusted Current Proposed Budget Budget 1 q77 1 q7A 18,705.00 20,595.00 6,430.00 6,955.00 2,880.00 3,030.00 320.00 320.00 1,900.00 0.00 30,235.00 30,900.00 FUNCTION Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay This appropriation includes expenditures necessary to maintain and operate the two Municipal Swimming Pools located in Kenwood Park and Carver Center. Current admissions are as follows: general admission - 14 and over - 50~, 13 and under - 25~; with $2.00 Season Ticket - 14 and over - 25~, 13 and under 10~. On an average, revenue derived from admissions and concessions offset roughly 50% of this budget. BUDGET COMMENTS Account #251 - 1978 reflects repair to the filter building at Carver Pool. Account #253 - 1977 relfects pump repair and a chlorine meter. 1978 proposal includes the repair of the recirculation line in filter building at Kenwood Pool. Account #295 - This account provides for moving of chlorine bottles by wrecker service, welding, electrical work and state laboratory tests. 1978 will allow welding on recirculation lines in filter building at Kenwood Pool. CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS FUND r,FNFRAI DEPARTMENTlh_~wimmin9 Pools ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY Page 78 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay BUDGET COMMENTS (continued) Account #365 - This account varies with need. Account #381 - 1976 figure high because state law required changes in color of pool from blue to white. 1977 Adjusted covers recoating of Kenwood Pool floor and sidewalls, in addition to crack filling and patch painting. 1978 includes painting Carver Pool and bathhouse inside and outside, and repainting of the floor at Kenwood Pool. CAPITAL OUTLAY Account #503 - 1977 Adjusted covers the purchase and installation of new ladders and diving towers at Carver Pool. ANNUAL BUDGET Page 79 PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Adjusted POSITION TITLE EMPLOYEES RANGE Current Proposed Current Proposed Bud~et Bud71e t Budqet Budqet 19 7 19 8 Superintendent 1 1 2,000 Season 1,890.00 2,000.00 Kenwood Manager 1 1 1,335 Season 1,260.00 1,335.00 Lifeguards 7 7 2.30 per hr. 5,923.00 6,487.00 Cashiers 2 2 1.50 per hr. 1,217.00 1,404.00 Basket Attendants 4 4 1.45 per hr. 2,340.00 2,714.00 Pool Maintenance 3 3 1. 75 per hr. 2,176.00 2,457.00 Carver Manager 1 1 1,170 Season 1,105.00 1,170.00 Lifeguards 1 1 2.30 per hr. 819.00 892 .00 Basket Attendants 2 2 1.45 per hr. 975.00 1,131.00 Extra Time 1,000.00 1,000.00 TOTAL 18,705.00 20,595.00 I CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS FUND GENERAL DEPARTMENT16-Swimming Pools CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS FUND GENERAL DEPARTMENT 17-Administration and Planning ANNUAL BUDGET DETA I L ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION PERSONAL SERVICES 110 Salaries - Department Heads 120 Salaries - Regular Employees 130 Salaries - Part Time Employees TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 205 Telephone and Telegraph 207 Traveling Expenses 209 Postage 231 Insurance - Motor Vehicles 252 Repair - Furniture and Office Equip. 253 Repair - Machinery and Equipment 255 Repair - Tires 295 Other Professional Services 221 Printing Office Forms TOTAL MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 320 Office Supplies 331 Books and Periodicals 345 Motor Vehicles - Fuel and Lubricants 359 Other Operating Supplies 379 Motor Vehicles - Tires TOTAL SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 435 Organizational Dues TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 503 Equi pment 509 Furniture and Fixtures 517 Office Equipment TOTAL GRAND TOTAL Actual Previous Year 1976 41,025.60 36,114.39 469.59 77,609.58 1,238.39 118.56 473.48 144.00 60.67 1,720.13 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,755.23 560.43 839.62 370.88 8.50 51.66 1,831.09 352.68 352.68 0.00 702.99 560.40 1,263.39 84,811 .97 Adjusted Current Budget 1977 44,490.00 41,010.00 500.00 86,000.00 1,100.00 1,500.00 500.00 200.00 150.00 700.00 10.00 300.00 50.00 4,510.00 850.00 750.00 450.00 50.00 50.00 2,150.00 425.00 425.00 650.00 0.00 0.00 650.00 93,735.00 Page 80 Proposed Budget 1978 47 , 71 O. 00 44,890.00 500.00 93,100.00 1,200.00 1 , 500 . 00 600.00 200.00 150.00 700.00 10.00 300.00 100.00 4,760.00 700.00 500.00 500.00 50.00 50.00 1,800.00 485.00 485.00 0.00 150.00 0.00 150.00 100,295.00 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY CLASSIFICATION Actual Previous Year 1976 PERSONAL SERVICES 77,609.58 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 3,755.23 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 1,831.09 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 352.68 CAP IT AL OUTLAY 1,263.39 TOTAL 84,811 .97 FUND GENERAL DEPARTMENT 17-Administration and Planninq Page 81 Adj us ted Current Proposed Budget Bud~et 1977 197 86,000.00 93,100.00 4,510.00 4,760..00 2,150.00 1,800.00 425.00 485.00 650.00 150.00 93,735.00 100,295.00 FUNCTION Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay The department provides staff support to the Salina Planning Commission and Board of Zoning Appeals in guiding the growth and development of the City in order to achieve a more orderly, convenient and attractive community. The department assists other muni- cipal departments, serves as the link between the planning function and the administrative structure, advises engineers, developers and citizens on various planning matters such as zoning and sub-division regulations, rezoning requests, minimum requirements for proposed sub-division plats, traffic requirements, plus a multitude of additional services to influence the well-being of the community. The staff also provides professional assistance for the Citizens' Advisory Committee and coordinates the federally funded Community Devel- opment Program. BUDGET COMMENTS Account #207 - Provides for the fOllowing: Attendance of Kansas League of Municipality meetings; one staff member and one Planning Commissioner to attend the national conference of American Society of Planning Officials; one staff member and two Planning Commissioners to attend a Regional ASPO training seminar and the Planning Commission annual meeting. The 1976 expense was extremely low due to non-attendance at the ASPO national conference. CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS FUND GENERAL DEPARTMENT 17-Administration and Planninq ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY Page 82 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay BUDGET COMMENTS (continued) Account #253 - The 1976 expense was high due to major overhaul of two vehicles transferred from the Police Department. Account #221 - This is a new line item which will cover such items as printing of forms for zoning applications and Board of Zoning Appeals forms. Previously, printing costs had been charged to Account #295. Account #295 - Provides for map reproduction, film processing etc. This account is apt to fuctuate considerably from year to year, depending on the studies or projects being conducted. There did not happen to be a need for any of this type of service in 1976. Account #331 - Includes Planning Advisory Service (PAS) - $175.00; Planning Magazine (9 copies @ $15.00 ea.); Salina Journal - $48.00; and miscellaneous books and publications - $140.00. The Housing and Development Reporter previously budgeted here will now be paid for by Community Development. Account #435 - Provides for renewal of memberships in Management and Planning Associations. CAPITAL OUTLAY Account #503 - 1977 allows for purchase of a transparency maker and screen for use with existing overhead projector. Account #509 - Provides for 1 unit of library bookshelves. , n annlng ANNUAL BUDGET Page 83 PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Adjusted POSITION TITLE EMPLOYEES RANGE Current Proposed Cu:r>rent Proposed Budget Budget Budget Budqet 1977 1978 Deputy City Manager 1 1 1610 - 2114 24,151.00 25,368.00 Director of Planning 1 1 1467 - 1937 20,339.00 22,342.00 Assistant Planning Director 1 1 988 - 1334 13 , 1 82 . 00 14,534.00 Planning Technician 1 1 780 - 942 10,342.00 11,304.00 Clerk Steno I! 1 1 672,- 817 9,336.00 9,804.00 Clerk Steno I 1 1 640 - 780 7,360.00 8, 138.00 Part Tine 500.00 500.00 Overtime 790.00 1 , 11 O. 00 TOTAL 86,000.00 93,100.00 CITY OF SALINA KANSAS FUND GENERAL DEPARTMENT17-Administration a d Pl FUND DEPARTMENT GENERAL 18-Insurance and Continqencies ANNUAL BUDGET Page 84 DETAIL Actual Adjusted ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Current Proposed Year Budget Budget 1976 1977 1978 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 227 Insurance-Public Officials and Employees Liability 7,992.72 8,175.00 8,500.00 239 Group Insurance 55,921.11 67,835.00 80,785.00 290 Medical Services 467.50 600.00 600.00 TOTAL 64,381.33 76,610.00 89,885.00 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 404 Contingencies 102,837.58 30,000.00 30,000.00 406 Civil Preparedness Warning System 7,678.50 10,000.00 10,000.00 407 Paper Recycling Supplement 0.00 5,000.00 0.00 TOTAL 11 0 , 51 6 . 08 45,000.00 40,000.00 GRAND TOTAL 174,897.41 1 21 ,61 0 . 00 129,885.00 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS FUND GENERAL DEPARTMENT 18-Insurance and Contingencies ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY Page 85 CLASSIFICATION Actual Previous Year 1976 Adjusted Current Proposed Budget Budget 1977 1978 76,610.00 89,885.00 45,000.00 40,000.00 121,610.00 129,885.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES SUNDRY EXPENDITURES SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 64,381.33 11 0 , 51 6 . 08 174,897.41 I Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay BUDGET COMMENTS Account #227 - Provides liability insurance coverage for public officials and employees. Account #239 - The City is currently paying $32.63 per month group insurance pre- mium for medical insurance and $4,000.00 life insurance, for all full time employees except firemen. The employee has the option of insuring his dependents through payroll deduction. We are anticipating a 21% increase in premiums for 1978 with the same level of coverage. We had expected a 20% increase from 1976 to 1977, however, it actually amounted to about a 17% increase. The Firemen's Relief Association pays 85% for each fireman on their premium through a rebate of 2% of all fire insurance premiums paid in Saline County. The City pays 15% (exclusive of the dental rider) for their group health insurance coverage. Group insurance coverage for employees in fee supported departments is budgeted in their respective departments. Account #290 - This account includes the cost of physicals required of applicants for employment @ $13.50 each. CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS FUND GENERAL DEPARTMENT18-Insurance and Continqencies ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY Page 86 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay BUDGET COMMENTS (continued) Account #404 - With budget projections spanning an 18 month period and covering a broad range of municipal services, the contingency fund serves as a shock absorber for unforeseen emergencies or needs which cannot be determined, or anticipated, at the time of budget preparation. Some examples of past uses of this fund include: Rental of equipment for snow removal, cleanup after severe wind storms, demolition of unsafe structures, contract for updating the City's zoning structure, Actuarial Study of the Police and Fire Retirement Funds, funding of the Bicentennial Commission and Phase I of the United Way Study on community services, land appraisals, purchase of weather radar equipment, advertising job vacancies, city election, tennis court improvements, an unanticipated increase for 1976 in Workman's Compensation Insurance. Other unbudgeted expenses have included: Aerial Topography Photos for drainage study in south Salina; settlement of a Civil Suit in the downtown beautification project for which HUD would assume no responsibility; pedestrian crossing signal at Ohio & Shalimar; funds for Salina Child Care Association; physical stress testing for fire and police personnel; and the personnel classification and compensation study which is currently underway. Account #406 - In accord with a recommendation of the Salina-Saline County Civil Preparedness Board, we are improving and increasing the coverage of the warning system in five phases between 1975 and 1980. This includes the purchase of new equipment, relocating some of the present equipment and using some for replacement parts. The intended goal is to provide total siren coverage of Salina including recently developed projected areas of growth. Account #407 - Provides for a supplement to the Paper Recycling operation in 1977. The recycling operation had the benefit of salaries paid by the CETA program during 1976, and continues to be far from self-supporting. FUND DEPARTMENT ANNUAL BUDGET Page 87 DETAIL Actual Adjusted ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Current Proposed Year Budget Budget 1976 1977 1978 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 210 Appropriation - Municipal Band and Silver Sabres 15,000.00 19,000.00 1 9 , 000 . 00 GRAND TOTAL 15,000.00 19,000.00 19,000.00 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS GENERAL 19-Band FUND DEPARTMENT CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS GENERAL 19-Band ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY Page 88 CLASSIFICATION Actual Previous Year 1976 Adjusted Current Budget 1977 Proposed Budget 1978 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES TOTAL 15,000.00 15,000.00 1 9,000. 00 19,000.00 19,000.00 19,000.00 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay FUNCTION This appropriation provides support to the Salina Municipal Band and Salina Silver Sabres Drum and Bugle Corps. Annual activities of the band normally include approximately 14 concerts held in the park and free of charge to the public. The Silver Sabres will provide up to five free public performances per year for special occasions upon request of the City, with a minimum of 45 days advance notice. For 1977 and 1978 we are recommending the appropriations for both groups be increased. Band from 10,000.00 to 11,500.00 and the Sabres from 5,000.00 to 7,500.00. FUND DEPARTMENT GENERAL 20-Cemetery ANNUAL BUDGET Page 89 DETA I L Actual Adjusted ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Current Proposed Year Budget Budget 1976 1977 1978 PERSONAL SERVICES 120 Salaries - Regular Employees 28,005.12 29,690.00 31,160.00 TOTAL 28,005.12 29,690.00 31,160.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 205 Telephone and Telegraph 207.23 230.00 230.00 207 Traveling Expenses 0.00 10.00 10.00 231 Insurance - Motor Vehicles 223.00 140.00 140.00 241 Gas Service 473.55 590.00 780.00 242 Light and Power Service 41.26 70.00 85.00 243 Water Service 78.00 11 0 . 00 11 0 . 00 251 Repair - Buildings 53.55 200.00 200.00 253 Repair - Machinery & Equipment 1,432.17 1,300.00 1,400.00 255 Repair - Motor Vehicles - Tires 36.39 30.00 30.00 TOTAL 2,545.15 2,680.00 2,985.00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 310 Expendable Tools 16.62 30.00 30.00 320 Office Supplies 73.68 80.00 80.00 345 Motor Vehicles - Fuel and Lubricants 632.73 775.00 815.00 351 Seeds, Plants and Trees 118.52 125.00 125.00 359 Other Operating Supplies 156.23 200.00 200.00 365 Cement and Cement Products 1 35.97 100.00 100.00 371 Lumber and Lumber Products 658.70 80.00 50.00 379 Motor Vehicles - Tires 116.16 1 20.00 120.00 381 Paint and Painting Supplies 191. 08 50.00 50.00 387 Sand, Gravel, Rock and Chat 305.50 700.00 700.00 TOTAL 2,405.19 2,260.00 2,270.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY 501 Land 750.00 375.00 400.00 503 Equipment 358.06 0.00 0.00 TOTAL 1,108.06 375.00 400.00 GRAND TOTAL 34,063.52 35,005.00 36,815.00 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS CLASSIFICATION FUND GENERAL DEPARTMENT 20-Cemetery CITY OF SALI NA , KANSAS ANNUAL BUDGET Page 90 SUMMARY - Actual Adjusted Previous Current Proposed Year Budget Budget 1976 1977 1978 28,005.12 29,690.00 31,160.00 2,545.15 2,680.00 2,985.00 2,405.19 2,260.00 2,270.00 1 , 108.06 375.00 400.00 34,063.52 35,005.00 36,815.00 PERSONAL SERVICES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES CAP IT AL OUTLAY TOTAL Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay FUNCTION This department, is responsible for the maintenance and operation of Gypsum Hill Cemetery. Area of the cemetery approximates 70 acres and contains more than 12,000 interments at the present time. Space is expected to be available for sale for at least another 30 years, based on our average of 42 spaces sold annually in recent years. The cemetery serves approximately 115 burials each year. BUDGET COMMENTS Account #207 - 1977 and 1978 allows for expenses for 2 employees to take examinations for license and permit renewal under the Kansas Pesticide Use Law. Account #231 - The reduction for 1976 reflects the actual premium paid early in 1977. Account #241 - The increase from $590.00 for 1977 Adjusted reflects an anticipated increase in the rates for 1978. Account #242 - Increased approximately 10% over 1977 Adjusted due to anticipated rate increases for 1978. CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS FUND GENERAL DEPARTMENT ?O-rpmptpry ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY Page 91 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay BUDGET COMMENTS (Continued) Account #251 Allows for normal repairs to house, shop and other buildings at the cemetery. Account #345 Reflects an anticipated 5% increase in gasoline prices in 1978. Account #371 - 1976 included lumber to construct a small storage shed for equipment. Account #381 - 1976 included the painting of the Sexton's House. Account #387 - 1977 and 1978 allows a continuing program of systematically scarifying and adding rock to cemetery roads. Account #501 - Provides for buying back unused spaces for eventual resale by the City. Account #503 - 1976 allowed for the purchase of a lawn mower and a chain saw. FUND DEPARTMENT GENERAL 20-Cemeterv ANNUAL BUDGET Page 92 PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Adjusted POSITION TITLE EMPLOYEES RANGE Current Proposed Cu:r>rent Proposed Budget Budget Budqet Budaet 1977 1978 Labor Foreman II 1 1 780 - 942 10,765.00 11 ,304.00 Maintenance Worker 1 1 708 - 858 9,815.00 10,296.00 Laborer 1 1 640 - 780 8,910.00 9,360.00 Overtime 200.00 200.00 TOTAL 29,690.00 31 ,160.00 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS FUND DEPARTMENT GENERAL 21-General Improvement ANNUAL BUDGET Page 93 DETAIL Actual Adjusted ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Current Proposed Year Bud7et BUd,et 1976 19 7 19 8 PERSONAL SERVICES 120 Salaries - Regular Employees 29,617.54 29,425.00 41,210.00 130 Salaries - Part Time Employees 5,280.00 8,095.00 8,625.00 TOTAL 34,897.54 37,520.00 49,835.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 231 Insurance - Motor Vehicles 170.00 125.00 125.00 253 Repair - Machinery and Equipment 1,125.22 1,300.00 1,500.00 255 Repair - Motor Vehicles - Tires 3.00 25.00 30.00 TOTAL 1,298.22 1,450.00 1,655.00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 310 Expendable Tools 150.78 175.00 680.00 345 Motor Vehicles - Fuel and Lubricants 547.36 450.00 480.00 347 Motor Vehicles - License Tags 6.00 10.00 10.00 359 Other Operating Supplies 18.75 50.00 50.00 TOTAL 722.89 685.00 1,220.00 GRAND TOTAL 36,918.65 39,655.00 52,710.00 . CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY CLASSIFICATION Actual Previous Year 1976 PERSONAL SERVICES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES TOTAL 34,897.54 1,298.22 722.89 36,918.65 FUND DEPARTMENT GENERAL 21-General Improvement Page 94 Adjusted Current Proposed Bud.,et Bud7'et 19 7 19 8 37,520.00 49,835.00 1,450.00 1,655.00 685.00 1,220.00 39,655.00 52,710.00 FUNCTION Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay This fund accounts for the normal maintenance and minor improvement type activities for the various city-owned buildings and properties not provided for elsewhere in the budget. BUDGET COMMENTS Account #253 - In addition to continually increasing costs for parts and labor, part of the increase in this account is for maintenance of a trenching machine purchased in 1976. Account #310 - Miscellaneous hand tools, saw blades, sandpaper, etc. are provided for in this account. 1978 will allow the purchase of a radial arm saw, router and bits. FUND DEPARTMENT GENERAL 21-General Improvement ANNUAL BUDGET Page 95 PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Adjusted POS I T I ON TI TLE EMPLOYEES RANG E Current Proposed Current Proposed Budget Budget Budget Budaet 1977 1978 Building Repair Foreman 1 1 858 - 1036 9,385.00 10,324.00 Maintenance Worker 2 3 708 - 858 19,590.00 30,436.00 Overtime 450.00 450.00 Part Time 8,095.00 8,625.00 TOTAL 37,520.00 49,835.00 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS FUND GENERAL DEPARTMENT 22-Memorial Hall ANNUAL BUDGET Page 96 DETA I L Actual Adjusted ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Current Proposed Year Budget Budget 1976 1977 1978 PERSONAL SERVICES 120 Salaries - Regular Employees 7,220.64 8,185.00 8,915.00 TOTAL 7,220.64 8 , 185 . 00 8,915.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 205 Telephone and Telegraph 142.62 200.00 400.00 227 Insurance - Liability 513.00 460.00 460.00 241 Gas Service 3,579.95 5,000.00 9,000.00 242 Light and Power Service 379.37 600.00 2,000.00 243 Water Service 249. 15 400.00 800.00 251 Repair - Buildings 536.90 500.00 3,000.00 253 Repair - Machinery and Equipment 364.50 300.00 700.00 TOTAL 5,765.49 7,460.00 16,360.00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 310 Expendable Tools 48.04 150.00 1 00.00 343 Janitor Suppl i es 35.94 75.00 200.00 359 Other Operating Supplies 126. 30 150.00 400.00 371 Lumber and Lumber Products 0.00 50.00 100.00 381 Paint and Painting Materials 0.00 200.00 200.00 TOTAL 210.28 625.00 1,000.00 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 413 Public Address System 485.00 200.00 200.00 TOTAL 485.00 200.00 200.00 GRAND TOTAL 13,681.41 16,470.00 26,475.00 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY CLASSIFICATION Actual Previous Year 1976 PERSONAL SERVICES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 7,220.64 5,765.49 210.28 485.00 13 , 681 . 41 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES TOTAL FUND GENERAL DEPARTMENT 22-Memori a 1 Hall Page 97 Adjusted Current Proposed Budget Budget 1977 1978 8,185.00 8,915.00 7,460.00 16,360.00 625.00 1,000.00 200.00 200.00 1 6 ,470. 00 26,475.00 FUNCTION Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay Memorial Hall will serve as a neighborhood community center and a service center for non-cost social service organizations. It will also have several meeting rooms for local people orientated organizations. The office of the Director of Human Resources will be housed there. The responsibility of the office will be to coordinate the function at the various neighborhood centers and to review request for social organizations given to the city. Memorial Hall will continue to be used as a multi-use facility byaccommo- dating a few of the various entertainment, civic and service programs available to the area until the Salina Bi-Centennial Community Center is built. A section of the building is used for practice for the Municipal Band. The Veterans' Administration Office is located adjacent to the lobby. BUDGET COMMENTS Account #205 - This request includes costs for additional telephone service which will be needed when renovation is completed. Account #242 - The building will be open daily from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. In addition to the anticipated rate increases, 7 meeting rooms and one office will be air conditioned. The lights will also be used much more. FUND GENERAL DEPARTMENT 22-Memorial Hall CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY Page 98 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay BUDGET COMMENTS (continued) Account #243, #251, #253 - Because of the additional usage of the building there will be an increase in water consumption as well as maintenance of the building and mechanical equipment. FUND GENERAL DEPARTMENT 22-Memori a 1 Ha 11 ANNUAL BU DG ET Page 99 PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Adjusted POSITION TITLE EMPLOYEES RANG E Current Proposed Cu:r>rent Proposed Budget Budget Budqet Budqet 1977 1978 Custodian II 1 1 672 - 817 8,085.00 8,815.00 Overtime 100.00 1 00. 00 TOTAL 8,185.00 8,915.00 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS FUND DEPARTMENT GENERAL 23-Public Health ANNUAL BUDGET Page 100 DETA I L Actual Adjusted ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Current Proposed Year Budget Budget 1976 1977 1978 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 210 Appropriation - City 24,050.00 26,250.00 29,380.00 GRANT TOTAL 24,050.00 26,250.00 29,380.00 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS FUND GENERAL DEPARTMENT 23-Public Health CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY Page 101 CLASSIFICATION Actual Previous Year 1976 Adjusted Current Budget 1971 Proposed Budget 19/8 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES TOTAL 24,050.00 24,050.00 26,250.00 26,250.00 29,380.00 29,380.00 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay FUNCTION Community Health is supported jointly by the City and County. Its primary role is the maintenance of optimal health for all residents through services, education, and awareness. Major areas of operation are personal health and environmental health. Programs and services offered through these divisions include: Home Care Program, Home Health Aide Program, Daycare and Boarding Home Licensure, School Health, Venereal Disease Clinic, Well-Child Clinic, Family Planning Clinic, Immunization Clinic, Pap Smear Clinic, Child Abuse and Neglect Investigation/Follow-up, Pregnancy Testing, Expectant Parent Classes, Nuisance Complaint Investigation, Water Supply Testing and Evaluation, Sewerage Disposal Consultation and Permits, Food Service Establishment Inspection and Licensure, Mosquito and Rodent Control, Health Education. Those City and County regulations dealing with health and sanitation are enforced by the department. BUDGET COMMENTS Local funding is shared on a 50-50 basis with Saline County. The department's 1978 budget approved by the joint Board of Health totals $324,362.00 with $101,000.00 realized through grants, contracts, fee~ and interest on CD1s. A year end cash FUND GENERAL DEPARTMENT 23-Public Health CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY Page 102 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay BUDGET COMMENTS (Continued) balance of $38,600.00 is presently being estimated. The remalnlng $184,762.00 request would be shared equally by Salina and Saline County. The 1978 figure represents the balance of the City's obligation with $63,000.00 to be provided from our 8th entitlement period of Revenue Sharing. FUND DEPARTMENT GENERAL 24-lndustna I Development ANNUAL BUDGET Page 103 DETAIL Actual Adjusted ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Current Proposed Year Budget Budget 1976 1977 1978 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 295 Other Professional Services 25,682.32 20,000.00 20,000.00 TOTAL 25,682.32 20,000.00 20,000.00 GRAND TOTAL 25,682.32 20,000.00 20,000.00 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS FUND DEPARTMENT GFNFRAI ?4-Tnrlllc:;trii'l1 Development CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY Page 104 CLASSIFICATION Actual Previous Year 1976 Adjusted Current Bud.ge t 19/7 Proposed Budget 1978 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES TOTAL 25,682.32 25,682.32 20,000.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay FUNCTION This fund has been established for the purpose of assisting the Economic Development Committee of the Chamber of Commerce for use in industrial promotion. The intent being to help provide employment for Salina residents and to broaden the tax base. FUND GENERAL DEPARTMENT 25-Noxious Weeds ANNUAL BUDGET Page 105 DETA I L Actual Adjusted ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Current Proposed Year Budget Budget 1976 1977 1978 PERSONAL SERVICES 125 Salaries - Regular Employees - Other Departments 7,214.88 9,630.00 10,175.00 TOTAL 7,214.88 9,630.00 1 0, 1 75 . 00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 253 Repair - Machinery and Equipment 2,268.83 2,500.00 2,700.00 255 Repair - Tires and Tubes 126.63 150.00 150.00 TOTAL 2,395.46 2,650.00 2,850.00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 333 Chemicals, Drugs, and Etc. 587.70 760.00 765.00 345 Motor Vehicles - Fuel and Lubricants 1,227.87 1,280.00 1,345.00 373 Machinery and Equipment Parts 23.90 75.00 75.00 379 Motor Vehicles - Tires and Tubes 45.72 85.00 1 00. 00 TOTAL 1,885.19 2,200.00 2,285.00 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 439 Refunds 135.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL 135.00 0.00 0.00 GRAND TOTAL 11 ,630.53 14,480.00 1 5 , 31 O. 00 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY CLASSIFICATION Actual Previous Year 1976 PERSONAL SERVICES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES SUNDRY EXPENDITURES TOTAL 7,214.88 2,395.46 1 ,885. 19 135.00 11 ,630.53 FUND GENERAL DEPARTMENT 25-Noxious Weeds Page 106 Adjusted Current Proposed Budget BUd,et 1977 19 8 9,630.00 10,175.00 2,650.00 2,850.00 2,200.00 2,285.00 0.00 0.00 14,480.00 15,310.00 FUNCTION Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay This fund, under the supervision of the Director of Services in cooperation with the Health Departmen4 provides for the control and mowing of rank grass, weeds and other nuisance vegetation on lots and pieces of land within the City of Salina. ANNUAL BUDGET Page 107 DETAIL Actual Adjusted ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Current Proposed Year Budget Budget 1976 1977 1978 PERSONAL SERVICES 125 Salaries - Regular Employees - Other Departments 6,569.14 6,000.00 6,000.00 130 Salaries - Part Time Employees 610.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 TOTAL 7,179.14 8,500.00 8,500.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 228 Insurance - Equipment 98.00 55.00 55.00 253 Repair - Machinery and Equipment 117.27 500.00 700.00 TOTAL 215.27 555.00 755.00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 333 Chemicals 0.00 75.00 75.00 345 Motor Vehicles - Fuel and Lubricants 12.80 50.00 50.00 TOTAL 12.80 125.00 125.00 GRAND TOTAL 7,407.21 9,180.00 9,380.00 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS FUND GENERAL DEPARTMENT 26-Tree Maintenence FUND GENERAL DEPARTMEN~6-Tree Maintenance CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY Page 108 PERSONAL SERVICES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES TOTAL 7, 179 ~ 14 215.27 12.80 7,407.21 Adjusted Current Budget 1977 8,500.00 555.00 125.00 9,180.00 Proposed Budget 1978 8,500.00 755.00 125.00 9,380.00 CLASSIFICATION Actual Previous Year 1976 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay FUNCTION Administered by the Director of Services, this fund provides for treatment, main.- tenance, or removal of dead, damaged, diseased and undesirable trees located on City owned property. Owners are responsible for removal of dead trees on their property, including those situated on adjacent parkings. When owners neglect that responsibility, and in particular where dead trees overhang sidewalks and streets, the Director is authorized to order their removal for public safety. If the owner fails to comply with an order to remove a tree, the Director contracts to have it removed by a licensed tree surgeon; the cost is then assessed against the property. BUDGET COMMENTS Account #228 - 1977 and 1978 reduced over 1976 because of a change in insurance coverage for the stump cutter and the brush chipper. Account #253 - 1977 and 1978 considerably higher than 1976 because of replacement costs for cutting bits at $500.00 per set. Account #333 - 1977 and 1978 funds allow for the purchase of chemicals for spraying trees on non-park City property. FUND DEPARTMENT GENERAL 27-Flood Works ANNUAL BUDGET Page 109 DETA I L Actual Adjusted ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Current Proposed Year Budget Budget 1976 1977 1978 PERSONAL SERVICES 120 Salaries - Regular Employees 27,198.69 30,045.00 32,750.00 TOTAL 27,198.69 30,045.00 32,750.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 231 Insurance - Motor Vehicles 261.00 200.00 200.00 242 Electric Service 0.00 200.00 220.00 253 Repair - Machinery and Equipment 1,942.75 2,200.00 2,400.00 255 Repair - Tires and Tubes 103.49 170.00 170.00 284 Laundry and Towel Service 2.40 20.00 20.00 295 Other Professional Services 65.00 100.00 1 00 . 00 299 Other Contractual Services 31. 26 1 55.00 155.00 TOTAL 2,405.90 3,045.00 3,265.00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 310 Expendable Tools 188.80 85.00 100.00 333 Chemicals 1,055.70 960.00 1,200.00 345 Motor Vehicles - Fuels and Lubricants 1,462.34 1,650.00 1,730.00 347 Motor Vehicles - License Tags 8.00 1 O. 00 10.00 359 Other Operating Supplies 809.64 100.00 150.00 365 Cement and Cement Products 23.75 100.00 100.00 379 Motor Vehicles - Tires and Tubes 131.89 125.00 125.00 381 Paint and Painting Supplies 0.00 75.00 75.00 387 Sand, Gravel, Rock and Chat 851.49 300.00 300.00 TOTAL 4,531.61 3,405.00 3,790.00 GRAND TOTAL 34,136.20 36,495.00 39,805.00 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY CLASSIFICATION Actual Previous Year 1976 PERSONAL SERVICES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES TOTAL 27 ,1 98.69 2,405.90 4,531.61 34,136.20 FUND GENERAL DEPARTMENT 27-Flood Works Page 110 Adjusted Current Proposed Budget Budget 1977 1978 30,045.00 32,750.00 3,045.00 3,265.00 3,405.00 3,790.00 36,495.00 39,805.00 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay FUNCTION The flood of 1951 affected about 50% of the residential area of Salina. More than 3,000 residences, 122 commercial firms, 2 schools, and 3 churces were inundated and approximately 13,500 persons were evacuated. In the previous 50 years Salina had been subject to some 40 to 50 periods of high water, including 6 major floods. The flood protection works, many years in the planning and completed in 1961, is designed to protect the city from twice the quantity of flood water which occurred during 1951. It was built by the Corps of Engineers at a cost of over 6 million dollars, approximately 2.3 million in local funds and the balance federal. The project included 17.1 miles of levee, 12.2 miles of channel change, replacement of 12 bridges, and thousands of acres of land involved in rights-of-way and easements. Thousands of us who do not recall the 1951 or earlier floods might not appreciate the value of the project. That 6 million dollars and the 30 thousand or so we spend for maintenance each year has brought relief to thousands of people, increased property values and made it both feasible and profitable to develop many acres of land which previously were in constant threat of flooding. FUND GENERAL DEPARTMENT 27-Flood Works CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY Page 111 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay FUNCTION (continued) The function of the Flood Works and Levee Department is one of maintaining, patroling and keeping in good repair at all times the flood dikes, gates, pumps and related equipment that comprise the flood protection system for the City of Salina. The department has been repeatedly commended by the Corps of Engineers for the excellent condition of the system. BUDGET COMMENTS Account #242 - Prior to 1977 this was charged to Street Department. The electricity is used for operating gates and pump stations on the Flood Control System. Account #253 - The increase in this account is due to rising cost of parts and labor. Account #295 Provides for repairs to electrical motors and switches at the two pump stations. Account #299 - Account provides for renting equipment for removing sludge and logs from flood gates and structures plus a maintenance contract for a radio at 54.00 per year. Account #310 - 1976 Actual was high due to a replacement of a chain saw at $149.95. 1977 and 1978 provides for purchase of replacement hand tools. Account #333 - Provides for 2-4-D and 2-4-5T used for the control of weeds and brush on the dike system and in drainage ditches. 1977 figure low because of inventory carry-over from 1976. Account #359 - Provides for padlocks, lumber for free boards, sandbags and other miscellaneous small items. 1976 expenditure was extremely high due to purchase of post and wire to fence off the rights-of-way on the flood control system where people were driving and loosening sod. This was a Corps of Engineer's request item. Account #365 - Cement is used to reset fence posts knocked down by vandals and repair of drainage flume damaged by heavy rains. Account #381 - Provides for the purchase of paint used for upkeep of pump stations, free boards and gates. Nothing spent in 1976 because of inventory carryover from 1975 and very little painting needing to be done. Account #387 - 1976 figure high to allow for regravelling road bed on top of dike at Corps of Engineer's request. Since that time, we have been maintaining a continuing yearly program of systematically replacing a portion of the top surface of the entire dike. FUND DEPARTMENT GENERAL 27-Flood Works ANNUAL BUDGET Page 112 PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Adjusted POSITION TITLE EMPLOYEES RANGE Current Proposed Cu:r>rent Proposed Budget Budget Budaet Budaet 1977 1978 Flood Control Foreman 1 1 817 - 988 11 ,287.00 11 ,856.00 Maintenance Worker 2 2 708 - 858 18,508.00 20,594.00 Overtime 250.00 300.00 TOTAL 30,045.00 32,750.00 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS FUND 42-BOND AND INTEREST DEPARTMENT ANNUAL BUDGET Page 113 DETAIL Actual Adjusted ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Current Proposed Year Budget Budget 1976 1977 1978 EXPENDITURES DEBT AND INTEREST 601 General Bond Principal 228,000.00 235,000.00 545,000.00 603 General Bond Interest 67,313.75 59,430.69 521,280.00 605 Curb, Gutter & Paving Principal (CS) 160,569.28 157,114,18 156,768.68 607 Curb, Gutter & Paving Principal (POS) 324,430.72 315,885.82 290,231.32 609 Curb, Gutter & Paving Interest (CS) 37,012.84 30,658.86 24,919.59 611 Curb, Gutter & Paving Interest (POS) 86,741.79 70,928.16 59,004.18 621 Fiscal Agency Commission & Postage 934.78 952.29 2,796.23 623 Estimated Interest on Bonds to be Issued 0.00 0.00 11 0 ,000.00 TOTAL 905,003.16 869,970.00 1,710,000.00 GRAND TOTAL 905,003.16 869,970.00 1 ,710,000.00 REVENUE CITY TREASURER BALANCE January 1st 149,919.54 104,603.40 170,813.40 110 Current Tangible Taxes 385,003.80 397,550.00 896,856.60 130 Delinquent Tangible Taxes 7,165.48 5,000.00 5,000.00 150 Special Assessment Taxes 329,196.88 331,000.00 349,780.00 160 Delinquent Special Assessment Taxes 56,836.70 20,000.00 22,000.00 610 Interest on Investments 15,225.36 75,500.00 196,400.00 630 Accrued Interest on Bonds Sold 0.00 36,825.00 0.00 929 Special Assessments 7,498.80 6,000.00 6,000.00 957 Transfer from Parking Meters, Water and Sewerage and Golf Course 58,760.00 64,305.00 63,150.00 TOTAL REVENUE 859,687.02 936,180.00 1,539,186.60 TOTAL REVENUE AND CASH BALANCE 1,009,606.56 1,040,783.40 1,710,000.00 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS FUND 42-BOND AND INTEREST DEPARTMENT CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY Page 114 CLASSIFICATION Actual Previous Year 1976 Adj us ted Current Budget 1977 Proposed Budget 1978 BOND PRINCIPAL 713,000.00 708,000.00 992,000.00 BOND INTEREST 191,068.38 161,017 . 71 605,203.77 FISCAL AGENCY 934.78 952.29 2,796.23 INTEREST ON BONDS TO BE SOLD 0.00 0.00 110,000.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 905,003.16 869,970.00 1,710,000.00 Beginning Cash Balance January 1st 149,919.54 104,603.40 170,813.40 TOTAL REVENUE 859,687.02 936,180.00 1,539,186.60 TOTAL REVENUE AND BEGINNING BALANCE 1,009,606.56 1,040,783.40 1,710,000.00 Less Expenditures 905,003.16 869,970.00 1,710,000.00 UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE December 31 104,603.40 170,813.40 0.00 Tax Dollars 394,549.13 405,667.94 896,856.60 Tax Levy Mills 5. 1309 4.9131 9.8424 Taxes Per $100.00 .5131 .4913 .9842 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay 5.7770 of the 9.8424 mill levy for this fund is attributed to the principal and interest due in 1978 for the 6~ million dollar Bi-Centennial Bond issue. These bonds were issued on April 1, 1977, thus necessitating the payment of 21 months of interest (from April 1,1977 plus 1978) plus the 1978 principal obligation. Interest earned in accounts 610 and 630 reduced the total obligation by $268,777.00. It appears that future mill levies will continue to be below the $6.42 levy advertized at the time of the Bi- Centennial election and the 20 year average levy substantially below this amount. Account #623 - The amount of 110,000.00 is the estimated principal and interest payment due in 1978 on a bond sale to be held late in 1977 for street, sewer and water improvement jobs presently under contract. FUND44-UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE DEPARTMENT ANNUAL BUDGET Page 115 DETA I L Actual Adjusted ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Current Proposed Year Budget Budget 1976 1977 1978 EXPENDITURES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 292 Unemployment Insurance 0.00 0.00 17,500.00 TOTAL 0.00 0.00 17,500.00 GRAND TOTAL 0.00 0.00 17,500.00 REVENUE CITY TREASURER BALANCE January 1st 0.00 0.00 0.00 110 Current Tangible Taxes 0.00 0.00 1 7 , 500. 00 TOTAL REVENUE 0.00 0.00 17,500.00 TOTAL REVENUE AND CASH BALANCE 0.00 0.00 17,500.00 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS FUND44-UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE DEPARTMENT CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY Page 116 UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE December 31 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0000 .0000 Adjusted Current Proposed Budget Budget 1977 1978 0.00 17,500.00 0.00 17,500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 17,500.00 0.00 17,500.00 0.00 17,500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 17,500.00 0.0000 0.1921 .0000 .0192 CLASSIFICATION Actual Previous Year 1976 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES TOTAL EXPENDITURES Beginning Cash Balance January 1st TOTAL REVENUE TOTAL REVENUE AND BEGINNING BALANCE Less Expenditures Tax Dollars Tax Levy Mills Taxes Per $100.00 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay Beginning January 1, 1978, local units of government will be required to finance unemployment insurance coverage. This was brought qbout by federal legislation in the form of Unemployment Insurance Amendments of 1976 P.L. 94-566. There are three options available for cities to consider for financing the coverage: (1) CONTRIBUTING EMPLOYER: (2) REIMBURSING EMPLOYER and (3) RATED GOVERNMENTAL EMPLOYER. Without going into the lengthy ramnifications of each we are recommending exercising option No.3. This is also the recommendation of The League of Kansas Municipalities. During calendar year 1978 and 1979 employers will be assigned the benefit cost rate of all reimbursing employers (cost rate for 1978 and 1979 would be approximately .65%). For calendar year 1980 the assigned rate will be based upon the benefit cost experience of only the Rated Governmental Employers and is estimated to be approximately .40%. Beginning with calendar year 1981 the assigned rate will be the benefit cost experiencE of individual employers plus the computed adjustment factor that relates to non-charged benefit payments. No employer's rate will be less that .10%. Under this option we will elect to be a Rated Governmental employer for a minimum period of four (4) complete calendar years. FUND 44-UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE DEPARTMENT CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY Page 117 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay (continued) Although this option provides for lower initial rates, the employer's benefit cost experience, if unusually high, could require a rate exceeding 3.6% (the maximum assigned rate under option (l)). We are advised this option should be considered by employers with normal employee turnover and season employment that does not have immediate benefit claim potential, i.e. students hired during the summer months who will enroll in school upon completion of employment. FUND 45-S0CIAL SECURITY DEPARTMENT ANNUAL BUDGET Page 118 DETAIL Actual Adjusted ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Current Proposed Year Budget Budget 1976 1977 1978 EXPENDITURES SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 426 Deductions Remitted 191,882.02 225,000.00 248,000.00 439 Refunds 50.76 0.00 0.00 TOTAL 191,932.78 225,000.00 248,000.00 GRAND TOTAL 191,932.78 225,000.00 248,000.00 REVENUE CITY TREASURER BALANCE January 1st 39,606.20 55,175.43 42,325.43 110 Current Tangible Taxes 75,131.33 78,250.00 66,774.57 130 Delinquent Tangible Taxes 1,106.25 900.00 900.00 941 Contributions by Employees and Employer 131,264.43 133,000.00 138,000.00 TOTAL REVENUE 207,502.01 212,150.00 205,674.57 TOTAL REVENUE AND CASH BALANCE 247,108.21 267,325.43 248,000.00 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY CLASSIFICATION Actual Previous Year 1976 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 191,932.78 191,932.78 39,606.20 207,502.01 247,108.21 191,932.78 55,175.43 76,873.30 1 . 0000 .1000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES Beginning Cash Balance January 1st TOTAL REVENUE TOTAL REVENUE AND BEGINNING BALANCE Less Expenditures UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE December 31 Tax Dollars Tax Levy Mi 11 s Taxes Per $100.00 FUND 45-S0CIAL SECURITY DEPARTMENT Page 119 Adj us ted Current Proposed Budget BUd,et 1977 19 8 225,000.00 248,000.00 225,000.00 248,000.00 55,175.43 42,325.43 212,150.00 205,674.57 267,325.43 248,000.00 225,000.00 248,000.00 42,325.43 0.00 79,833.80 66,774.57 0.9670 0.7328 .0967 .0733 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay During 1977, the City and each employee contributed 5.85% of the employees salary, to a maximum salary of $16,500.00. For 197~ both the employer and employee will pay 6.05%. However, at this time we have not been advised by the federal government as to what the maximum salary will be. Although indications are that it may be increased over the $16,500.00. FUND 46-EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT DEPARTMENT ANNUAL BUDGET Page 120 DETAIL Actual Adjusted ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Current Proposed Year Budget Budget 1976 1977 1978 EXPENDITURES SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 428 Deductions Remitted 148,943.60 161,000.00 172 ,000.00 439 Refunds 36.35 0.00 0.00 TOTAL 148,979.95 161,000.00 1 72 ,000.00 GRAND TOTAL 148,979.95 161,000.00 1 72 ,000.00 REVENUE CITY TREASURER BALANCE January 1st 15,801.21 13,548.43 8,148.43 110 Current Tangible Taxes 66,115.35 68,700.00 72,951.57 130 Delinquent Tangible Taxes 1,005.64 900.00 900.00 941 Contributions by Employees and Employer 79,606.18 86,000.00 90,000.00 TOTAL REVENUE 146,727. 17 155,600.00 163,851.57 TOTAL REVENUE AND CASH BALANCE 162,528.38 169,148.43 1 72 ,000 . 00 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY CLASSIFICATION Actual Previous Year 1976 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 148,979.95 148,979.95 15,801. 21 146,727.17 162,528.38 148,979.95 13,548.43 67,557.38 0.8784 .0878 TOTAL EXPENDITURES Beginning Cash Balance January 1st TOTAL REVENUE TOTAL REVENUE AND BEGINNING BALANCE Less Expenditures UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE December 31 Tax Dollars Tax Levy Mills Taxes Per $100.00 FUND 46-EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT DEPARTMENT Page 121 Adjusted Current Proposed Budget Budget 1977 1978 161,000.00 172,000.00 161,000.00 172,000.00 13,548.43 8,148.43 155,600.00 163,851. 57 169,148.43 172,000.00 161,000.00 172,000.00 8,148.43 0.00 70,128.79 72,951. 57 0.8494 0.8006 .0849 .0801 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay Upon the completion of one year of employment, all full time employees, with the exception of Police and Fire Commissioned Personnel" are automatically enrolled in the Kansas Public Employees I Retirement System (KPERS). During 1977, the City will contribute 6.7% of the employees annual salary; the employee's share is 4.0%. During 1978, the City will contribute 6.2% and the employees share will remain 4.0%. ANNUAL BUDGET Page 122 DETAIL Actual Adj us ted ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Current Proposed Year Budget Budget 1976 1977 1978 EXPEND ITURES SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 428 Deductions Remitted 45,059.01 70,000.00 307,115.00 TOTAL 45,059.01 70,000.00 307,115.00 GRAND TOTAL 45,059.01 70,000.00 307, 115.00 REVENUE CITY TRESAURER BALANCE January 1st 24,838.24 21,875.89 19,075.89 110 Current Tangible Taxes 23,272.68 44,800.00 372,080.35 130 Delinquent Tangible Taxes 389.85 400.00 1,000.00 941 Contributions by Employees 18,434.13 22,000.00 11 0 ,246. 50 TOTAL REVENUE 42,096.66 67,200.00 483,326.85 TOTAL REVENUE AND CASH BALANCE 66,934.90 89,075.89 502,402.74 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS FUND 47-POLICE AND FIRE DEPARTMENT RETIREMENT FUND 47-POLICE AND FIRE DEPARTMENT RETIREMENT CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY Page 123 CLASSIFICATION Actual Adj us ted Previous Current Proposed Year Budget Budget 1 q7f) 1977 1978 45,059.01 70,000.00 307,115.00 45,059.01 70,000.00 307,115.00 24,838.24 21,875.89 19,075.89 42,096.66 67,200.00 483,326.85 66,934.90 89,075.89 502,402.74 45,059.01 70,000.00 307,115.00 21,875.89 19,075.89 195,287.74 23,831.86 45,081. 76 372,080.35 0.3098 0.5460 4.0833 . 031 0 .0546 .4083 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES TOTAL Beginning Cash Balance January 1st TOTAL REVENUE TOTAL REVENUE AND BEGINNING BALANCE Less Expenditures UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE December 31 Tax Dollars Tax Levy Mi 11 s Taxes Per $100.00 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay On December 18, 1972, the City Commission passed Resolution Number 3135 to affiliate with the Kansas Police and Firemen's Retirement System (KPFRS), for all Policemen and Firemen hired on or after January 1, 1973. The employees covered under KPFRS contribute at the rate of 7% of their salary. The City contributes at the rate of 13.1% of the covered employee's salary during 1977. Beginning January 1, 1978, this will be decreased to 12.5%. At the present time, we have twenty-seven Policemen and twenty-two Firemen under this plan. Under K.S.A. 12-5001 to 12-5007 (passed by the 1976 State Legislature) cities that presently have local police or fire pension plans may either: (1) continue to maintain the local plans and, beginning January 1, 1978, fund the plans in accordance with prescribe~ minimum funding standards; or (2) merge the local plans with the Kansas Police and Fire- men's Retirement System (KP&F) and discontinue the administration of the local plans. CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS FUND 47-POLICE AND FIRE DEPARTMENT RETIREMENT ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY Page 124 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay If the local plans are maintained, the city must make minimum annual contributions to the plans beginning in 1978 equal to the amounts required to: (1) amortize unfunded liabilities for active members over 40 years, plus (2) amortize unfunded liabilities for retired members over 20 years, plus (3) meet the normal or ongoing cost of pension benefits for active members. Until the unfunded liabilities of the plans are amortized, the city's annual contributions may in no event be less than the total amount of pension benefits paid during the year. If a city participating in KP&F elects to merge its local police or fire plans with the statewide system, the city's contribution rate for the first year after merger is the same as previously certified by the Board -- and that same rate is applied to the compensation of all active members of the former local plans who become regular or special members of KP&F. The city's contribution rate for subsequent years is certified by the Board of Trustees and is equal to the normal cost plus the amount required to amortize all unfunded liabilities over not more than 40 years. Based on actuarial calculations, prepared by the Martin E. Segal Company, the Kansas Employees Retirement System certified the following minimum annual contributions for the City of Salina beginning in 1978: If the local plans are maintained, 40.6% of the compensation of active members of the police plan and 44.0% of the compen- sation of active members of the fire plan, or 42.5% of the total compensation of active members of both plans; but in no event less than $171,700 to the police plan and $215,800 to the fire plan, or a total minimum annual contribution of $387,500 to both plans. If the local plans are merged with KP&F on January 1,1978, the City of Salina's contribution rates to KP&F will be as follows: For 1978 - the rate previously certified by the KPERS Board of Trustees, 12.5% of compensation (or $114,100 based on the total payroll of police and firemen covered ,by the local plans as of December 31,1976). For 1979 and subsequent years - the rate certified by the KPERS Board of Trustees (the rate required under KP&F to meet the normal cost and to amortize all unfunded liabilities over 40 years from January 1,1978 was calculated to be 37.2% of the total payroll of police and firemen covered by the local plans as of December 31, 1976). In summary, the City of Salina's contribution rates as a percentage of the total payroll of police and firemen covered by the local plans as of December 31,1976 are: (1) 42.5% beginning in 1978 if the local plans are maintained; and (2) 12.5% in 1978 and 37.2% beginning in 1979 if the local plans are merged with KP&F. CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS FUND 47-POLICE AND FIRE DEPARTMENT RETIREMENT ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY Page 125 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay After considerable study and many calculations, we are recommending that Salina merge our local plans with KP&F on January 1,1978. It appears, over the long run, that the cost to finance either plan will be essentially the same, however by merger we would be able to defer the time and effort necessary to administer the plan to the State. Employees covered by the local plan have an individual option to become regular members of KP&F or retain the benefits of the local plan and become special members of KP&F. FUND48-WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION DEPARTMENT ANNUAL BUDGET Page 126 DETAIL Actual Adjusted ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Current Proposed Year Budget Budget 1976 1977 1978 EXPENDITURES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 294 Workmen1s Compensation 47,625.61 55,000.00 82,000.00 TOTAL 47,625.61 55,000.00 82,000.00 GRAND TOTAL 47,625.61 55,000.00 82,000.00 REVENUE CITY TREASURER BALANCE January 1st 680.71 5,609.51 32.859.51 110 Current Tangible Taxes 47,013.32 81,450.00 48,340.49 130 Delinquent Tangible Taxes 565.89 500.00 500.00 952 Reimbursement of Expenditures 4,975.20 300.00 300.00 TOTAL 52,554.41 82,250.00 49,140.49 TOTAL REVENUE AND CASH BALANCE 53,235.12 87,859.51 82,000.00 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY CLASSIFICATION Actual Previous Year 1976 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES TOTAL EXPENDITURES 47,625.61 47,625.61 680. 71 52,554.41 53,235.12 47,625.61 5,609.51 48 , 72 5 . 00 0.6335 .0633 Beginning Cash Balance January 1st TOTAL REVENUE TOTAL REVENUE AND BEGINNING BALANCE Less Expenditures UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE December 31 Tax Dollars Tax Levy Mills Taxes Per $100.00 FUND 48-WORKMEN' S COMPENSATION DEPARTMENT Page 127 Adjusted Current Proposed Budget Budget 1977 1978 55,000.00 82,000.00 55,000.00 82,000.00 5,609.51 32,859.51 82,250.00 49,140.49 87,859.51 82,000.00 55,000.00 82,000.00 32,859.51 0.00 83,119.29 48,340.49 1. 0067 0.5305 .1007 0.0531 FUNCTION Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay This fund involves coverage for personnel in tax supported departments. Proprietary operations such as Water and Sewer, Sanitation, Parking Meters, and Solid Waste Disposal budget independently for coverage of their employees. House Bill #1715 passed July 1, 1974, increased the level of benefits and included the Fire Department along with all other employees. Members of the Fire Department are also covered by benefits under the Fireman's Relief Association as they were prior to the passage of House Bill #1715, for injuries received on the job. The above mentioned legislation also permitted cities to establish a separate Workmen's Compensation Fund outside those affected by the Tax Lid Law. The fund is not subject to any levy limitations. The cost is based on our injury experience, payroll, benefits allowed by law and national rates set for the various types of occupations. Some of our injuries could be avoided through taking proper precautions. The department heads and supervisors are responsible to see that all personnel are properly trained and exercise safe working practices in performing their jobs. The loss of a police officer in the line of duty, which we experienced in 1975, is an example of an unavoidable incident that weighs very significantly on determining future rates. FUND 48-WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION DEPARTMENT CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY Page 128 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay BUDGET COMMENTS Account #294 - Our rate for coverage in 1976 was 99% of the "standard rate" with no assigned risk surcharge. Our rate was increased in 1976 to 144% of the "standard rate" + 8% for being an assigned risk. We were billed on that basis by the Salina Insurance Board. As a result we had to use $18,910.00 from the Contingency Fund in addition to what we had budgeted. However, the insurance carrier did not bill the Insurance Board at that rate until 1977, even though they had previously notified the Board of the rate increase. An adjustment was then made in 1977. As a result the actual cost for our coverage in 1977 was $71,752.00. We are anticipating that the rate for coverage in 1978 will remain at the 144% + 8% assigned risk level. CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ANNUAL BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION EXPENDITURES PERSONAL SERVICES 120 Salaries - Regular Employees 130 Salaries - Part Time Employees TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 205 Telephone and Telegraph 207 Traveling Expenses 221 Printing Office Forms 227 Insurance - Liability 231 Insurance - Motor Vehicles 236 Insurance - Social Security 238 Employees Retirement 239 Group Insurance 243 Water Service 253 Repair - Machinery and Equipment 255 Repair - Tires and Tubes 257 Repair - Radio Equipment 284 Laundry and Towel Service 290 Medical Services 291 Billing and Administration Charges 292 Unemployment Insurance 294 Workmen's Compensation 297 Disposal Charges TOTAL MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 310 Expendable Tools 320 Office Supplies 331 Books and Periodicals 343 Janitor Supplies 345 Motor Vehicles - Fuel and Lubricants 347 Motor Vehicles - License Tags 359 Other Operating Supplies 379 Motor Vehicles - Tires and Tubes TOTAL Actual Previous Year 1976 196,188.22 5,730.70 201,918.92 428.93 105.82 901.35 706.00 2,594.00 11 ,676.28 1 0 , 180. 64 7,471.82 189.39 23,170.39 1,187.71 675.45 2,599.00 11 7. 00 11 ,641 .06 0.00 20,756.00 13,125.00 107,525.84 1 ,179.74 608.90 51.00 17.88 18,417.56 558.50 401.38 44.00 21,278.96 FUND DEPARTMENT 57-SANITATION Adj us ted Current Budget 1977 232,975.00 8,600.00 241,575.00 500.00 100.00 600.00 700.00 1 ,91 5 . 00 14,085.00 13,500.00 10,425.00 270.00 17,500.00 1,360.00 590.00 1,400.00 120.00 11 ,850. 00 0.00 15,000.00 17,000.00 106,915.00 1,675.00 400.00 75.00 25.00 18,700.00 855.00 390.00 300.00 22,420.00 Page 129 Proposed Budget 1978 250,240.00 7,500.00 257,740.00 500.00 100.00 600.00 700.00 2,000.00 15,500.00 14,900.00 12,420.00 270.00 19,250.00 1,405.00 675.00 1,500.00 120.00 12,000.00 1,700.00 21,000.00 27,000.00 131,640.00 1 , 1 20.00 450.00 75.00 25.00 19,635.00 855.00 400.00 300.00 22,860.00 FUND DEPARTMENT 57-SANITATION ANNUAL BUDGET Page 130 DETAIL Actual Adjusted ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Current Proposed Year Budget Budget 1976 1977 1978 CAPITAL OUTLAY 517 Office Mechanical Equipment 0.00 175.00 0.00 519 Radio Equipment 0.00 0.00 655.00 525 Trucks 4,695.00 16,400.00 9,500.00 TOTAL 4,695.00 16,575.00 10,155.00 GRAND TOTAL 335,418.72 387,485.00 422,395.00 REVENUE CITY TREASURER BALANCE January 1st 1 34,149.29 155,887.51 125,402.51 610 Interest from Investments 3,174.40 3,000.00 3,200.00 731 Miscellaneous Sales and Services 12.19 0.00 0.00 733 Service Fees 353,483.40 353,700.00 446,250.00 952 Reimbursement of Expenditures 486.95 300.00 0.00 TOTAL REVENUE 357,156.94 357,000.00 449,450.00 TOTAL REVENUE AND CASH BALANCE 491,306.23 512,887.51 574,852.S1 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY CLASSIFICATION Actual Previous Year 1976 PERSONAL SERVICES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL EXPENDITURES 201,918.92 107,525.84 21,278.96 4,695.00 335,418.72 134,149.29 357,156.94 491,306.23 335,418.72 155,887.51 Beginning Cash Balance January 1st TOTAL REVENUE TOTAL R~VENUE AND BEGINNING BALANCE Less Expenditures UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE December 31 FUND 57-SANITATION DEPARTMENT Page 131 Adjusted Current Proposed Budget Budget 1977 1978 241,575.00 257,740.00 106,915.00 131 ,640. 00 22,420.00 22,860.00 16,575.00 10,155.00 387,485.00 422,395.00 155,887.51 125,402.51 357,000.00 449,450.00 512,887.51 574,852.51 387,485.00 422,395.00 125,402.51 152,457.51 FUNCTION Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay This department is responsible for the efficient, systematic collection and disposal of all garbage, rubbish, trash and similar waste materials originating within the residential areas of the City of Salina. The weekly refuse collection service is available to all single, duplex, and triplex residential units on an optional basis. With the implementation of the landfill gate fee, a high percentage of the refuse previously transported by private individuals to the landfill site is now being handled by the Sanitation Department or by licensed haulers. The department presently operates six 20 cubic yard packer trucks, each with an assigned route to be serviced each day, Monday through Friday. These are supplemented by three shuttle trucks, which permits the crews to remain on the routes while a driver takes a loaded truck to the landfill. A tenth truck is utilized for making special pickups for piles of tree limbs and items too bulky for the packer trucks. BUDGET COMMENTS Account #207 - Expenses for attending the annual American Public Works Association Meeting. Account #221 - Tends to fluctuate yearly primarily because most forms are purchased in quantities large enough to last two or more years. FUND DEPARTMENT 57-SANITATION CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY Page 132 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay BUDGET COMMENTS (continued) Account #231 - Includes insurance for 10 packer trucks, 1 dump truck, 1 winch truck and 1 pickup truck. Account #236 - Rate of 6.05% of employee's salaries as opposed to 5.85% in 1977. Account #238 - 1977 increase reflects merit steps and Cost of Living Adjustments and time and one half for all time over 40 hours per week. The rates were 7.3% of all eligible employee's salaries in 1976, 6.7% in 1977, and 6.2% in the 1978 proposed. Account #239 - Coverage by Blue Cross-Blue Shield for 26 full time employees has increased each year. The 1978 proposed shows an expected 22% increase over 1977. Account #253 - The 1976 expenditure is higher as it included the overhauling of 3 trucks. The 1978 proposed reflects a 10% increase over 1977 due to cost of parts and labor. Account #257 - Includes the maintenance contract for 10 mobile units, and other service not covered by the maintenance contract. Account #284 - 1976 expense was high as uniform service was discontinued and new uniforms were purchased for each eligible employee. The 1977 adjusted is considerably lower than 1976 because new uniform requirements will be primarily on a replacement basis. 1978 proposed reflects a continuation of this replacement policy. Account #291 - The department is charged 5~ per monthly billing by the Water and Sewerage Department and 5~ per month per account is paid to the General Fund for general administrative services. Account #292 - Department's share of unemployment insurance which the City is now required to fund as of January 1, 1978. Account #294 - The increase results somewhat from additional employee benefits established by state law, but primarily reflects the increase in premiums as established for various occupations according to the level of hazards and on the job injury exper- ience. Refuse collection and disposal continues to rank as our most hazardous municipal occupation. An overcharge in 1976 was adjusted in 1977 thus accounting for the lower figure appearing in the adjusted budget. Account #297 - 1978 increase based on proposed increase in gate fees at the land- fill. Account #310 - This account provides for the purchase of barrel carts, barrels and hand tools. Account #359 - Provides ice coupon books, paper drinking cups, water coolers, first aid supplies and other miscellaneous supplies. FUND DEPARTMENT 57-SANITATION CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY Page 133 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay BUDGET COMMENTS (continued) Account #379 - Replacement of tires that cannot be repaired or recapped. Recapping is covered by Account #255. CAPITAL OUTLAY Account #517 - 1977 adjusted reflects the replacement of a printing calculator worn beyond repair. Account #519 - Provides an additional 2-way radio for 3rd shuttle truck placed in operation this year. Account #525 - The current year's expenditure provided for the replacement of a 1969 packer unit. The 1978 request allows replacement of a 1963 International winch truck now being used primarily for special pick-ups. REVENUE Account #733 - The adjusted budget indicates the expenses for the year will exceed the revenue derived from service fees by $33,785.00. Unless the fees are increased the expenses appearing in the 1978 proposed budget will exceed the anticipated revenue from fees by another $65,419.00. We are recommending a 25% increase in the service fee, effective 1-1-78. This would increase the monthly fee, per residential customer from $3.00 to $3.75 for weekly collection. Our anticipated expenses for 1978 exceed those appearing in the adjusted 1977 budget by $34,910.00, and the actual 1976 expenses by $78,240.00. The proposed increase should generate approximately $89,000.00 more in revenue for 1978 than if the fee were to remain at $3.00 per month. Account #952 - 1977 adjusted reflects Workman's Compensation check to the City for an employee who was injured on the job. FUND 57-Sanitation DEPARTMENT ANNUAL BU DG ET Page 134 PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Adjusted POS IT I ON TI TLE EMPLOYEES RANGE Current Proposed Current P!'oposed Budget Budget Budget Budqet Sanitation Superintendent 1 1 988 - 1334 13,648.00 15,092.00 Clerk Steno II 1 1 672 - 817 9,336.00 9,804.00 Maintenance Worker 7 6 708 - 858 67,102.00 61,776.00 Relief Driver 3 3 672 - 817 24,007.00 27,960.00 Laborer 14 15 740 - 780 109,647.00 126,578.00 Overtime 9,235.00 9,030.00 Part Time 8,600.00 7,500.00 TOTAL 241,575.00 257,740.00 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS FUND 58-PAPER RECYCLING DEPARTMENT ANNUAL BUDGET Page 135 DETA I L Actual Adjusted ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Current Proposed Year Budget Budget 1976 1977 1978 EXPENDITURES PERSONAL SERVICES 120 Salaries - Regular Employees 0.00 5,920.00 8,000.00 TOTAL 0.00 5,920.00 8,000.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 205 Telephone and Telegraph 194.08 200.00 200.00 236 Social Security 0.00 435.00 495.00 238 Employees Retirement 0.00 0.00 505.00 241 Gas Service 127.98 160.00 205.00 242 Light and Power Service 83.33 100.00 125.00 253 Repair - Machinery and Equipment 1,215.40 1,000.00 1,000.00 294 Workmen's Compensation 137.00 0.00 0.00 299 Other Contractual Services 0.00 150.00 150.00 TOTAL 1,757.79 2,045.00 2,680.00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 310 Expendable Tools 41.45 25.00 25.00 320 Office Supplies 0.00 25.00 25.00 343 Janitor and Toilet Supplies 18.06 10.00 10.00 345 Motor Vehicles - Fuel and Lubricants 124.54 125.00 140.00 359 Other Operating Supplies 420.26 400.00 500.00 TOTAL 604.31 585.00 700.00 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 460 Purchase of Commodities 3,500.00 4,000.00 5,000.00 TOTAL 3,500.00 4,000.00 5,000.00 GRAND TOTAL 5,862.10 12,550.00 16,380.00 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS FUND 58-PAPER RECYCLING DEPARTMENT ANNUAL BU DG ET Page 136 DETAIL Actual Adjusted ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Current Proposed Year Budget Budget 1976 1977 1978 REVENUE CITY TREASURER BALANCE January 1st 14,352. 12 20,104.81 24,554.81 721 Sale of Commodities 11,614.79 1 2,000.00 1 2 ,000. 00 957 Transfer from Other Funds 0.00 5,000.00 0.00 TOTAL 11,614.79 17,000.00 12,000.00 TOTAL REVENUE AND CASH BALANCE 25,966.91 37,104.81 36,554.81 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY CLASSIFICATION Actual Previous Year 1976 PERSONAL SERVICES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES SUNDRY EXPENDITURES TOTAL EXPENDITURES 0.00 1,757.79 604.31 3,500.00 5,862.10 14,352.12 11 ,614. 79 25,966.91 5,862.10 20,104.81 Beginning Cash Balance January 1st TOTAL REVENUE TOTAL REVENUE AND BEGINNING BALANCE Less Expenditures UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE December 31 FUND 58-PAPER RECYCLING DEPARTMENT Page 137 Adjusted Current Proposed Budget Budget 1977 1978 5,920.00 8,000.00 2,045.00 2,680.00 585.00 700.00 4,000.00 5,000.00 12,550.00 16,380.00 20,104.81 24,554.81 17,000.00 12,000.00 37,104.81 36,554.81 12,550.00 16,380.00 24,554.81 20,174.81 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay This operation has been a serious effort on the part of the City of Salina, and interested citizens, to help conserve and reuse at l,east one product which heretofore has found its way to the trash can and eventually ended up being forever wasted, along with millions of tons of other discarded resources, in landfills or incinerators. Acting upon the recommendation of citizens who were concerned about this disgraceful waste, both individuals and a number of organizations, the City Commission approved the establishment of a center for receiving, baling and selling cardboard and newspaper for recycling. Revenue Sharing Funds in the amount of $25,000.00 were appropriated for setting up the operation in a leased structure at 401 N. 3rd St., and getting the venture underway. There was a good demand for both newspaper and cardboard, the country over as there had been for several years, for use in manufacturing many different products. Ironically though, the doors hadn't much more than opened for business on June 3, 1974, until the demand hit the skids. The foreign export demand dropped to zero, and between inflation and recession the market for packaging materials wilted like a cut rose in the August heat. The clincher came when housing construction ground to a virtual halt. A tre- mendous amount of the demand for recycled paper had been related directly or indirectly to materials used in housing and construction. FUND 58-PAPER RECYCLING DEPARTMENT CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY Page 138 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay Near the close of 1974 the City Commission gave the operation a transfusion of $10,000.00 from Revenue Sharing Funds in hopes of keeping it alive until the market took an upswing. We regret to report that even though the demand for recycled paper has improved, the outlook for the operation to become self sufficient is not promising. Even though the price has increased, we are receiving a very limited amount. For a while supermarkets were a good source for cardboard. Now that the price is up some of them are baling it themselves and hauling it directly to Hutchinson for sale. Much of the newspaper we have received has been donated by schools, the League of Women Voters and others. Unless the paper is donated we are not able to acquire a sufficient quantity or have a wide enough margin between purchase and selling price to pay for the manpower and other operating expenses. In addition to the cash support above mentioned the operation has also been supplemented with labor from other departments, no administrative or supervisory services have been charged to it and we have utilized employees paid by the CETA Program thru 1976 and until March 1977. We still may be able to use CETA people from time to time. The baling process requires two people working on the equipment. The practice of using men from other departments obviously helps keep the recycling program alive, but at the same time, it results in other work being postponed, schedules interruped etc. For that reason we have budgeted one laborer for the balance of 1977 and one for 1978. We began 1977 with a cash balance of $20,104.81. Our adjusted budget for expenses totals $17,000.00. We are guessing our revenue from the sale of paper to be $12,000.00 for 1977, and the same for 1978. If the decision is to continue the operation as a resource conservation effort, it appears we will have to continue to subsidize it to some degree. For that reason we have allowed $5,000.00 to be transferred in 1977 (if necessary) from the Contingency Fund. FUND 58-Paper Recycling DEPARTMENT ANNUAL BUDGET Page 139 PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Adjusted POSITION TITLE EMPLOYEES RANGE Current Proposed Current P!'oposed Budget Budget Budqet Budqet Laborer 1 1 640 - 780 5,920.00 8,000.00 TOTAL 5,920.00 8,000.00 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS FUND 60-PARKING METERS DEPARTMENT ANNUAL BUDGET Page 140 DETAIL Actual Adjusted ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Current Proposed Year Budget Budget 1976 1977 1978 EXPENDITURES PERSONAL SERVICES 120 Salaries - Regular Employees 38,428.39 41,475.00 33,995.00 TOTAL 38,428.39 41,475.00 33,995.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 221 Printing Office Forms 2,774.20 2,180.00 3,160.00 231 Insurance - Motor Vehicles 484.00 300.00 325.00 236 Social Security 2 ,185. 72 2,425.00 2,725.00 238 Employees Retirement 2,460.14 2,890.00 2,975.00 239 Group Insurance 1,642.55 1,935.00 2,340.00 253 Repair - Machinery and Equipment 1 ,372.87 1,200.00 1,320.00 255 Repair - Motor Vehicles - Tires 55.84 10.00 10.00 292 Unemployment Insurance 0.00 0.00 295.00 294 Workmen's Compensation 415.00 700.00 500.00 299 Other Contractual Services 7,579.94 3,580.00 3,960.00 TOTAL 18,970.26 1 5 , 220 . 00 17,610.00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 310 Expendable Tools 2.78 25.00 25.00 343 Janitor Suppl ies 1 29.65 100.00 100.00 345 Motor Vehicles - Fuel and Lubricants 724.62 755.00 900.00 347 Motor Vehicles - License Tags 38.50 10.00 10.00 355 Wearing Apparel 667.27 525.00 585.00 359 Other Operating Supplies 262.50 300.00 300.00 367 Electrical and Lighting Parts 31.77 50.00 50.00 379 Motor Vehicle - Tires 0.00 0.00 1 20.00 391 Parking Meter Parts 81.89 350.00 350.00 TOTAL 1,938.98 2 , 11 5 . 00 2,440.00 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 447 Off-Street Parking Bond & Interest 43,000.00 39,200.00 39,000.00 TOTAL 43,000.00 39,200.00 39,000.00 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS FUND 60-PARKING METERS DEPARTMENT ANNUAL BUDGET Page 141 DETAIL Actual Adjusted ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Current Proposed Year Budget Budget 1976 1977 1978 CAPITAL OUTLAY 513 Parking Meters 0.00 0.00 400.00 TOTAL 0.00 0.00 400.00 GRAND TOTAL 102,337.63 98,010.00 93,445.00 REVENUE CITY TREASURER BALANCE January 1st 38,095.29 26,371.69 17,886.69 450 Parking Meter Revenue 66,873.69 67,000.00 67,000.00 610 Interest from Investments 1,845.52 525.00 0.00 707 Parking Meter Permits 21,894.82 22,000.00 22,000.00 TOTAL REVENUE 90,614.03 89,525.00 89,000.00 TOTAL REVENUE AND CASH BALANCE 128,709.32 115,896.69 106,886.69 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY CLASSIFICATION Actual Previous Year 1976 PERSONAL SERVICES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES SUNDRY EXPENDITURES CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL EXPENDITURES 38,428.39 18,970.26 1,938.98 43,000.00 0.00 102,337.63 38,095.29 90,614.03 128,709.32 102,337.63 26,371.69 Beginning Cash Balance January 1st TOTAL REVENUE TOTAL REVENUE AND BEGINNING BALANCE Less Expenditures UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE December 31 FUND 60-PARKING METERS DEPARTMENT Page 142 Adjusted Current Proposed Budget Budget 1977 1978 41,475.00 33,995.00 15,220.00 17,610.00 2,115.00 2,440.00 39,200.00 39,000.00 0.00 400.00 98,010.00 93,445.00 26,371.69 17,886.69 89,525.00 89,000.00 115,896.69 106,886.69 98,010.00 93,445.00 17,886.69 13 ,441. 69 FUNCTI ON Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay This department provides for the collection of 'monies, enforcement, debt service and maintenance for all municipal owned parking facilities, within the central business district. BUDGET COMMENTS Account #221 - Provides for printing of parking permits, overparking tickets, and purchase of plastic envelopes for parking permits. Due to certain forms being purchased in multiple year quantities, this account tends to fluctuate. Account #294 - Overcharge in 1976 and adjustment made in 1977. Account #299 - The 1977 Adjusted and 1978 Proposed are lower due to a substantial decrease in the transfer for administrative expenses to the General Operating Fund. Account #359 - Includes meter posts, chemicals, and coin bag seals. Provides for improved restroom maintenance and chemicals for better weed control around parking lot shrubbery. FUND 60-PARKING METERS DEPARTMENT CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY Page 143 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay CAPITAL OUTLAY Account #513 - 1978 will allow for the replacement of 10 fine payment boxes. These boxes have become a priority target for vandals during the past year. REVENUE Account #610 - Due to increasing inflation revenue is not sufficient to allow any for investment purposes. FUND 60-PARKING METERS DEPARTMENT ANNUAL BUDGET Page 144 PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Adjusted POSITION TITLE EMPLOYEES RANGE Current Proposed Current P!'oposed Budget Budget BudC/et BudC/et 1977 1978 Parking Meter Repairman 1 1 708 - 858 9,817.00 1 0,296.00 Maintenance Worker 1 0 708 - 858 9,817.00 0.00 Meter Maid 3 3 551 -672 21,691.00 23,549.00 Overtime 150.00 150.00 TOTAL 41,475.00 33,995.00 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS FUND DEPARTMENT 61-GOLF COURSE ANNUAL BUDGET Page 145 DETA I L Actual Adjusted ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Current Proposed Year Budget Budget 1976 1977 1978 EXPENDITURES PERSONAL SERVICES 120 Salaries - Regular Employees 37,609.72 34,425.00 37,730.00 130 Salaries - Part Time Employees 0.00 3,040.00 3,555.00 TOTAL 37,609.72 37,465.00 41,285.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 205 Telephone and Telegraph 237.03 290.00 300.00 207 Traveling Expenses 75.30 150.00 150.00 221 Printing Office Forms 194.25 620.00 620.00 227 Insurance - Liability 255.00 305.00 305.00 231 Insurance - Motor Vehicles 178.00 245.00 245.00 241 Gas Service 983.37 1,230.00 1,970.00 242 Light and Power Service 7,654.72 8,420.00 10,525.00 243 Wa ter Servi ce 726.37 1,000.00 1,000.00 253 Repair - Machinery and Equipment 3,462.95 3,000.00 3,300.00 255 Repair - Tires and Tubes 28.00 50.00 100 . 00 284 Laundry and Towel Service 7.36 20.00 20.00 299 Other Contractual Services 815.26 1,500.00 1,300.00 TOTAL 14,617.61 16,830.00 19,835.00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 310 Expendable Tools 50.21 120.00 100.00 343 Janitor and Toilet Supplies 89.66 100 . 00 100.00 345 Motor Vehicles - Fuel and Lubricants 1,359.76 1,760.00 1,850.00 347 Motor Vehicles - License Tags 36.00 110.00 11 0 . 00 351 Seeds, Plants, Trees and Lawn Suppliec 3,717.13 6,180.00 6,315.00 359 Other Operating Supplies 1,536.51 1,000.00 1,000.00 367 Electrical and Lighting Parts 28.17 600.00 600.00 379 Motor Vehicles - Tires and Tubes 0.00 100 . 00 100.00 381 Paint and Painting Materials 0.00 50.00 50.00 TOTAL 6,817.44 10,020.00 10,225.00 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS FUND DEPARTMENT 61-GOLF COURSE ANNUAL BUDGET Page 146 DETAIL Actual Adjusted ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Current Proposed Year Budget Budget 1976 1977 1978 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 421 Sales Tax Remitted 2,332.56 2,300.00 2,300.00 447 Payment to Bond and Interst 10,760.00 10,505.00 10,235.00 TOTAL 13,092.56 12,805.00 12,535.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY 516 Mowers and Miscellaneous Equipment 142.95 6,000.00 6,390.00 TOTAL 142.95 6,000.00 6,390.00 GRAND TOTAL 72,280.28 83,120.00 90,270.00 REVENUE CITY TREASURER BALANCE January 1st 19,855.62 21,784.70 14,564.70 550 Membership and Green Fees 66,934.58 69,000.00 70,000.00 560 Pull Cart Rental 658.22 600.00 700.00 565 Car Storage 1,538.82 1,500.00 1,500.00 575 Car User Fees 2,253.91 2,300.00 2,300.00 599 Oil Well Lease 2,823.83 2,500.00 2,500.00 TOTAL REVENUE 74,209.36 75,900.00 77,000.00 TOTAL REVENUE AND CASH BALANCE 94,064.98 97,684.70 91,564.70 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY CLASSIFICATION Actual Previous Year 1976 PERSONAL SERVICES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES SUNDRY EXPENDITURES CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL EXPENDITURES 37,609.72 14,617.61 6,817.44 13,092.56 142.95 72,280.28 19,855.62 74,209.36 94,064.98 72,280.28 21,784.70 Beginning Cash Balance January 1st TOTAL REVENUE TOTAL REVENUE AND BEGINNING BALANCE Less Expenditures UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE December 31 FUND DEPARTMENT 61-GOLF COURSE Page 147 Adjusted Current Proposed Budget Budget 1977 1978 37,465.00 41,285.00 16,830.00 19,835.00 10,020.00 10,225.00 12,805.00 12,535.00 6,000.00 6,390.00 83,120.00 90,270.00 21,784.70 14,564.70 75,900.00 77 ,000. 00 97,684.70 91,564.70 83,120.00 90,270.00 14,564.70 1,294.70 FUNCTION Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay The increased cost of fuel and other aspects of tourism appears to be causing many people to spend their vacation and other leisure times close to home. These conditions, along with a growing interest in physical fitness and more time for recreation, has resulted in golfing and other sports gaining in popularity among all age groups. The Municipal Golf Course provides everyone the opportunity to participate in this healthful and challenging activity. The novice or occasional golfer who cannot afford or doesn't care to belong to a Country Club can participate simply by paying green fees. Play continues to increase since the opening of the course in August 1970. Numerous tournaments are held on the course and the schools utilize the course for their organ- ized golf program. Continual praise is heard concerning the layout, condition and quality of the course. BUDGET COMMENTS Account #207 - Provides expenses to attend the area Golf Course Superintendent's meetings. Account #221 - Printing of green fee receipts, score cards and golf car trail receipts. FUND 61-GOLF COURSE DEPARTMENT CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY Page 148 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay BUDGET COMMENTS (continued) Account #241 - 1977 adjusted reflects an expected 25% rate increase during 1977. 1978 proposed anticipates a doubling of the 1975 rate as advised by Kansas Power and Light. Account #242 - 1977 adjusted covers an expected 10% increase over 1976 rates. 1978 proposed anticipates a 25% increase over 1977 rates. Account #299 - Primarily for electrical work on clocks and related electrical circuits on the automatic watering system. Account #351 - 1977 adjusted is significantly higher than 1976 because: (1) there was an inventory carryover from 1975, and (2) increased product costs thereafter. This account provides for purchasing of grass seed, fungicide, pesticide, insecticide, and fertilizer. Account #359 - Provides for the purchase of flags and cups for greens; tile for greens and sand trap sub-drainage; pipe and fittings for irrigation line repair; golf ball washer supplies, sand trap rakes; sprinklers; flow control valves and other miscellaneous supplies. Account #367 - This account provides for purchase of replacement parts for timers (clocks) and complete new timers used for automatic watering system. CAPITAL OUTLAY Account #516 - The 1977 adjusted budget provides for the purchase of a 3 gang mower for mowing fairways and roughs. 1978 proposed includes replacement of mower for greens, a mower sharpener, and a Weed-Eater. FUND 61-GOLF COURSE DEPARTMENT ANNUAL BUDGET Page 149 PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Adjusted POSITION TITLE EMPLOYEES RANGE Current Proposed Current P!'oposed Bud7et Bud~et Budqet Budaet 197 197 Golf Professional 1 1 Unclassified 4,576.00 6,000.00 Labor Foreman I 1 1 743 - 900 10,293.00 10,800.00 Maintenance Worker 2 2 708 - 858 18,356.00 19,730.00 Part Time 3,040.00 3,555.00 Overtime 1,200.00 1,200.00 TOTAL 37,465.00 41,285.00 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ANNUAL BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION PERSONAL SERVICES 120 Salaries - Regular Employees 130 Salaries - Part Time Employees TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 299 Other Contractual Services TOTAL MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 353 Signs 361 Asphalt and Road Oil 365 Cement and Cement Products 381 Paint and Painting Materials 387 Sand, Gravel, Rock and Chat TOTAL SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 447 Transfer to Other Funds TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 529 Traffic Control Equipment TOTAL GRAND TOTAL Actual Previous Year 1976 18,184.89 540.00 18,724.89 78,052.04 78,052.04 FUND 62-SPECIAL GASOLINE TAX DEPARTMENT Adjusted Current Budget 1977 19,760.00 3,960.00 23,720.00 114,780.00 114,780.00 Page 150 Proposed Budget 1978 21,555.00 3,260.00 24,815.00 155,000.00 155,000.00 4,878.84 5,000.00 7,485.00 8,355.67 17,000.00 12,875.00 15,026.76 15,000.00 20,000.00 12,338.61 15,550.00 16,000.00 3,208.22 5,000.00 5,000.00 43,808.10 57,550.00 61,360.00 165,000.00 165,000.00 0.00 0.00 305,585.03 140,000.00 140,000.00 30,000.00 30,000.00 366,050.00 160,000.00 160,000.00 0.00 0.00 401,175.00 FUND 62-SPECIAL GASOLINE TAX DEPARTMENT ANNUAL BUDGET Page 151 DETAIL Actual Adjusted ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Current Proposed Year Budget Budget 1976 1977 1978 REVENUE CITY TREASURER BALANCE January 1st 32,004.27 68,639.57 37,589.57 220 Special Gasoline Tax 342,220.33 335,000.00 370,000.00 TOTAL REVENUE 342,220.33 335,000.00 370,000.00 TOTAL REVENUE AND CASH BALANCE 374,224.60 403,639.57 407,589.57 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS FUND 62-SPECIAL GASOLINE TAX DEPARTMENT CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY CLASSIFICATION Actual Previous Year 1976 PERSONAL SERVICES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES SUNDRY EXPENDITURES CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL EXPENDITURES 18,724.89 78,052.04 43,808.10 165,000.00 0.00 305,585.03 32,004.27 342,220.33 374,224.60 305,585.03 68,639.57 Beginning Cash Balance January 1st TOTAL REVENUE TOTAL REVENUE AND BEGINNING BALANCE Less Expenditures UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE December 31 Adjusted Current Budget 1977 23,720.00 114,780.00 57,550.00 140,000.00 30,000.00 366,050.00 68,639.57 335,000.00 403,639.57 366,050.00 37,589.57 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay FUNCTION Page 152 Proposed Budget 1978 24,815.00 155,000.00 61,360.00 160,000.00 0.00 401,175.00 37,589.57 370,000.00 407,589.57 401,175.00 6,414.57 The 1970 State Legislature provided a single formula for the distribution of fuel tax collections to counties, townships and cities. Basically, the funds are now dis- tributed on a per capita basis. Previously, a portion of the revenue returned to cities had to be used for the construction, reconstruction, alteration and repair of main trafficways and trafficway connections, through highways and major street or highways. Under the present law, all revenue received from the state (except for connecting link payments) must be credited to a separate fund. This revenue must be used for the "construction, reconstruction, alteration and repair of streets and highways." The net effect being a relaxation of the rules for the use of the money. It still must go for the same purposes but can be used on all streets and highways within the City. BUDGET COMMENTS Account #299 - Provides for the construction, resurfacing, and/or resealing of streets FUND 62-SPECIAL GASOLINE TAX DEPARTMENT CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY Page 153 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay BUDGET COMMENTS (continued) Accounts #353, #361, #365 and #381 - All reflect the continual cost of materials utilized in the maintenance of streets and traffic control devices. A concerted effort to seal cracks and joints in concrete and asphalt pavement appears to be the best "preventive maintenance" type of program we can provide. Moisture is the main villan in street deterioration. Seeing that street surfaces remain in a condition where water will not reach the base is the key to prolonging the life of the pavement. Account #447 - This transfer to the General Fund provides this amount of relief to the ad-valorem tax requirements. CAPITAL OUTLAY Account #529 - 1977 adjusted provides for installation of flashing signal at Broadway and North, and to replenish existing stock. FUND 62-Special Gasoline Tax DEPARTMENT ANNUAL BUDGET Page 154 PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Adjusted POSITION TITLE EMPLOYEES RANGE Current Proposed Current P!'oposed Budget Budget BudC/et Budaet Laborer Foreman II 1 1 780 - 942 11 ,458.00 12,431.00 Laborer 1 1 640 - 780 7,602.00 8,424.00 Part Time 3,960.00 3,260.00 Overtime 700.00 700.00 TOTAL 23,720.00 24,815.00 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS FUND 64-S0LID WASTE DISPOSAL DEPARTMENT ANNUAL BUDGET Page 155 DETA I L Actual Adjusted ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Current Proposed Year Budget Budget 1976 1977 1978 EXPENDITURES PERSONAL SERVICES 120 Salaries - Regular Employees 33,313.37 47,215.00 60,130.00 TOTAL 33,313.37 47,215.00 60,130.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 205 Telephone and Telegraph 144.15 165.00 165.00 221 Printing Office Forms 251. 50 600.00 600.00 227 Insurance - Liability 351. 00 400.00 400.00 228 Insurance - Equipment 504.00 610.00 610.00 236 Social Security 1,889.63 2,730.00 3,640.00 238 Employees Retirement 2,366.66 3,200.00 3,750.00 239 Group Insurance 1,314.04 2,005.00 2,390.00 241 Gas Service 640.91 600.00 600.00 242 Light and Power Service 360.56 540.00 540.00 253 Repair - Equipment 22,489.64 33,625.00 38,000.00 255 Repair - Tires and Tubes 640.55 700.00 700.00 291 Billing and Administration 1,800.00 0.00 2,000.00 292 Unemployment Insurance 0.00 0.00 425.00 294 Workmen's Compensation 1,393.00 600.00 2,100.00 299 Other Contractual Services 1,401.47 1,400.00 1,400.00 TOTAL 35,547.11 47,175.00 57,320.00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 310 Expendable Tools 58.38 270.00 200.00 320 Office Supplies 6.36 25.00 25.00 345 Motor Vehicles - Fuel & Lubricants 6,361.87 6,000.00 7,350.00 359 Other Operating Supplies 230.31 500.00 500.00 379 Motor Vehicles - Tires and Tubes 0.00 280.00 300.00 387 Sand, Gravel, Rock, Salt and Chat 1,176.05 1,000.00 1,500.00 TOTAL 7,832.97 8,075.00 9,875.00 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 450 Reserve for Equipment Replacement 9,000.00 0.00 20,000.00 TOTAL 9,000.00 0.00 20,000.00 GRAND TOTAL 85,693.45 102,465.00 147,325.00 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS FUND 64-S0LID WASTE DISPOSAL DEPARTMENT ANNUAL BUDGET Page 156 DETAIL Actual Adjusted ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Current Proposed Year Budget Budget 1976 1977 1978 REVENUE CITY TREASURER BALANCE January 1st 4,180.43 9,675.21 15,535.21 508 Income from Leased Land 15,567.83 7,500.00 8,000.00 733 Service Fees 75,620.40 100,825.00 151,240.00 TOTAL REVENUE 91,188.23 108,325.00 159,240.00 TOTAL REVENUE AND CASH BALANCE 95,368.66 118,000.21 174,775.21 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS FUND 64-S0LID WASTE DISPOSAL DEPARTMENT CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY Page 157 Actual Adjusted CLASSIFICATION Previous Current Proposed Year Budget Budget 1976 1977 1978 PERSONAL SERVICES 33,313.37 47,215.00 60,130.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 35,547.11 47,175.00 57,320.00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 7,832.97 8,075.00 9,875.00 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 9,000.00 0.00 20,000.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 85,693.45 102,465.00 147,325.00 Beginning Cash Balance January 1st 4,180.43 9,675.21 15,535.21 TOTAL REVENUE 91,188.23 108,325.00 159,240.00 TOTAL REVENUE AND BEGINNING BALANCE 95,368.66 118,000.21 174,775.21 Less Expenditures 85,693.45 102,465.00 147,325.00 UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE December 31 9,675.21 15,535.21 27,450.21 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay FUNCTION The City owned and operated landfill, located southwest of Salina on Burma Road provides solid waste disposal facilities for all of Saline County. The location and operations of this activity are in accordance with the 'Saline County Solid Waste Collection and Disposal Plan" as approved by the Saline County Commissioners and subsequently by the State Board of Health. The service is financed primarily on revenues derived from gate fees collected from users of the landfill, and income realized from leasing farm land not needed for the landfill operation. BUDGET COMMENTS Account #236 - Currently the rate is 5.85% paid on the employee's total salary up to $15,300.00, and will be 6.05% in 1978. Account #238 - 1977 and 1978 increases reflect merit steps and cost of living adjustments and time and one half for all time over 40 hours per week. The city's share in 1977 is 6.7% of the employee1s total salary and 6.2% in 1978. Account #239 - Group Health & Life Insurance paid on the employee by the city will increase from $32.63 in 1977 to $39.61 in 1978. FUND 64-S0LID WASTE DISPOSAL DEPARTMENT CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY Page 158 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay BUDGET COMMENTS (continued) Account #253 - As of May 20th, we had spent over $23,000.00 for equipment mainten- ance and repair. We will be fortunate to get by on $7,000.00 the rest of 1977. The 1978 request provides for major repairs to both scrapers and the 955 Caterpillar tractor. The balance of the request is for other normal and unforseen repairs. Account #255 - Most of the expenditures from this fund are for recapping heavy equipment tires. The balance is for tire and tube repairs. Account #291 - This fund is intended to reimburse the General Fund for administra- tive and supervisory services performed by various other offices and departments such as City Manager, City Clerk, and Director of Services. Due to lack of funds, nothing has been included in the adjusted budget for this purpose. Account #292 - Beginning January 1, 1978, cities, by federal law, are required to pay Unemployment Insurance. Account #294 - The 1977 adjusted figure is low due to an overpayment in 1976, which was adjusted in 1977. As pointed out in the Workmen's Compensation Insurance Fund, we are paying at the rate of 144% + 8% as an assigned risk. Account #299 - Provides for payment of real estate taxes on land leased for farming purposes. Account #310 - As of the end of April we had spent nearly the full amount of the adjusted 1977 budget; most of which was for a welder. Account #359 - Provides for servicing of fire extinguishers, first aid supplies, safety equipment, propane tanks, etc. Account #379 - Provides for replacement of a front tire on a scraper in 1977 and one in 1978. Account #387 - 1977 and 1978 provides for materials to maintain and extend the interior road. REVENUE Account #733 - The present landfill, serving all of Saline County, went into operation in October, 1973. The facility is operated on revenue derived from those who transport refuse there for disposal and income received by leasing farm and pasture land not needed for landfill purposes. I FUND 64-S0LID WASTE DISPOSAL DEPARTMENT CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY Page 159 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay REVENUE (continued) Like nearly everything else, the cost of operation is continually on the increase, i.e., diesel fuel in 1973 was 18~ per gallon, today it is costing us 40~. Our proposed budget for 1978 provides for six employees, with salaries totaling $60,130.00. Our 1973 budget at the old site near Sewage Treatment Plant #1 included four employees with salaries totaling $26,690.00. That is an increase of $33,440.00 (125%). At the previous landfill site, which was tax supported, we did not need gate attendants. We were also filling an abandoned stretch of river channel, and only digging what dirt was needed for cover. At the present site every foot of space needed for burying refuse has to be excavated. The increase in the costs of equipment and parts is almost un- believable. As an example, a compactor purchased in 1973 at $37,250.00 would cost us $83,000.00 today. A muffler for that compactor recently cost us $300.00 and an overhaul of the unit, $14,000.00. We are still charging the same fees as when we opened the landfill in 1973. Those fees were based on the volume of traffic we were receiving at the old, tax supported landfill. Due to the gate fee and increased hauling distance, we are not getting much of the tree limbs and other combustable materials we were at the old site. Revenue from gate fees are not sufficient to keep up with the rapidly increasing costs of operation. Prices for crops being what they are, the income from the farm land hasn't proven to be of much help. Without an increase in the fees, our anticipated expenditures for 1978, exclusive of any transfer to the equipment reserve fund, will exceed our estimated income by $43,705.00. For the three year period, 1974 through 1976, our income totaled $246,159.87; with $220,307.40 of that generated by fees and $25,852.47 from the leased land. For the same period expenses totaled $241,342.25 ($17,000.00 of which remains in the equip- ment reserve fund). The adjusted 1977 budget does not allow for any transfer to the reserve fund, but we are recommending $20,000.00 be transferred in 1978 (Account #450). In addition to the $60,000.00 piece of equipment, we are proposing to acquire with Revenue Sharing Funds, the 1973 compactor mentioned previously is in poor condition and should be replaced by 1979. With that machine costing $83,000.00 today, it may well be $90,000.00 or so within another two years. The compactor operates 10 hours per day, seven days per week (providing it is in running condition). There are also two scrapers used in the operation. These are in fair condition and will need to be replaced between 1980 and 1982. One is a 1967 nine cubic yard, which we purchased used, and placed in service in 1969. The other is a 1970 eleven cubic yard, which was also purchased used in 1976. We are recommending $60,000.00 of the city's 9th Entitlement Period Revenue Sharing Funds be used to purchase a track type loader to replace a 1962 model. We have gone through all types of mathematical exercises in an effort to come up with a recommendation for an increase in the fees that is palatable, but yet sufficient. It appears the only realistic course of action is to double the current rates, effective September 1, 1977. A lesser increase simply will not generate sufficient revenue to FUND 64-S0LID WASTE DISPOSAL DEPARTMENT CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY Page 160 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay REVENUE (continued) permit us to keep abreast of the steadily increasing costs of operation, much less to build a reserve for equipment replacement. We have been attempting to accumulate such a reserve, but were only able to transfer $8,000.00 to the fund in 1975 and $9,000.00 in 1976. Even with the 100% increase we are recommending now, we can look for another increase within a couple of years if we expect to finance the purchase of this very expensive equipment from fees paid by county-wide users of the landfill and income from the leased land. It should be recognized that although the recommendation is to double the landfill fees, the resident or business hiring someone to transport their refuse to the landfill, should not experience a hundred percent increase in their fee for collection service. The recommendation to increase the monthly fee for weekly service provided by the Sanitation Department, by 25%, is only attributable in part to the necessity to increase landfill user fees. As pointed out elsewhere in this budget, most of that increase is required to offset other operating costs. FUND 64-So1id Waste Disposal DEPARTMENT ANNUAL BUDGET Page 161 PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Adj us ted POSITION TITLE EMPLOYEES RANGE Current Proposed Current P!'oposed Budget Budget BudC/et BudC/et Labor Foreman II 1 1 780 - 942 9,477.00 10,548.00 Equipment Operator 2 3 743 - 900 20,586.00 30,792.00 Gate Attendant 2 2 576 - 708 15,652.00 16,990.00 Over Time 1,500.00 1,800.00 TOTAL 47,215.00 60,130.00 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ANNUAL BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION WATER SUPPLY EXPENSES 110 Maintenance - Well Pumps - Equipment 120 Well Pumps 130 Well House Signals 140 River Intake Power 150 Maintenance - Buildings and Grounds 160 Maintenance - River Basin TOTAL SOFTENING AND TREATMENT EXPENSES 205 Supervision 210 Salaries 215 Electric Power 220 Gas Service 225 Building Operating Supplies 230 Chemicals 235 Maintenance - Equipment 240 Maintenance - Buildings 255 Electric Power 260 Gas Service - Calcining Plant 270 Supplies - Calcining Plant 275 Electric Power - Sludgeline TOTAL PUMPING EXPENSES 305 Supervision 310 Salaries 315 Electric Power 320 Gas Service 325 Lubricants 330 Building Operating Supplies 335 Maintenance - Electrical Equipment and Pumps 340 Maintenance - Station Buildings and Grounds 345 Wearing Apparel TOTAL Actual Previous Year 1976 5,421.39 11 ,304. 38 3 , 467 . 1 4 4,558.28 18.47 427.93 25,197.59 38,594.00 59,137.58 38,161.96 7,388.21 178. 79 137,428.79 7,129.86 264.47 8,685.49 28,952.00 2,560.76 0.00 328,481.91 22,709.06 42,937.63 20,749.53 562.76 144.60 726.61 0.00 190.00 412.99 88,433.18 FUND 90-WATER AND SEWERAGE DEPARTMENT Adjusted Current Budget 1977 7,500.00 12,500.00 3,955.00 5,100.00 100.00 1,500.00 30,655.00 33,365.00 81,525.00 42,000.00 9,700.00 300.00 160,000.00 1 0 ,000 . 00 500.00 9,600.00 35,000.00 4,000.00 0.00 385,990.00 19,600.00 39,100.00 22,800.00 700.00 200.00 700.00 600.00 250.00 1,300.00 85,250.00 Page 162 Proposed BudJJet 1978 7,500.00 16,500.00 4,270.00 6,300.00 200.00 1 .500.00 36,270.00 38,950.00 109,290.00 52,300.00 10,600.00 300.00 165,000.00 10,000.00 2,400.00 12 , 1 00 .00 40,000.00 5,000.00 8,625.00 454,565.00 23,900.00 41,735.00 30,200.00 800.00 200.00 850.00 700.00 600.00 800.00 99,785.00 FUND 90-WATER AND SEWERAGE DEPARTMENT ANNUAL BUDGET Page 163 DETAIL Actual Adj us ted ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Current Proposed Year Budget Budget 1976 1977 1978 DISTRIBUTION EXPENSES 405 Supervision 14,231. 79 16,305.00 21,985.00 410 Salaries 49,203.44 58,310.00 62,735.00 415 Meter Maintenance - Salaries 9,723.99 10,365.00 10,900.00 420 Meter Maintenance - Supplies 4,897.51 4,900.00 5,000.00 425 Vehicle - Equipment Expenses 9,571 .92 9,575.00 9,800.00 430 Tapping Supplies 6,523.18 9,000.00 9,000.00 435 Maintenance - Distribution Mains 8,046.78 11 ,000.00 11 ,000.00 440 Maintenance - Storage Tanks 961.20 1,000.00 1,000.00 450 Maintenance - Hydrants 4,423.82 1,500.00 1,500.00 455 Miscellaneous Materials and Labor 1 ,775.80 2,000.00 2,000.00 TOTAL 109,359.43 123,955.00 134,920.00 CUSTOMER ACCOUNTING AND COLLECTION EXPENSES 510 Office Salaries 60,531.98 74,200.00 80,840.00 515 Servicemen and Meter Readers Salaries 70,002.01 74,795.00 79,000.00 520 Servicemen and Meter Readers Supplies 280.48 400.00 400.00 525 Collection Stations 1,944.85 1,900.00 1,900.00 530 Maintenance- - Office Equipment 2,997.90 3,000.00 3,000.00 535 Office Supplies 5,522.52 5,500.00 5,500.00 540 Vehicle Expenses 6,834.65 5 , 11 0 . 00 5,000.00 545 Lease Electronic Data Processing Equi pment 13,355.10 14,700.00 14,700.00 550 Pos tage 21 , 117 . 37 21,000.00 23,400.00 555 Wearing Apparel 201.43 300.00 300.00 TOTAL 182,788.29 200,905.00 214,040.00 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS FUND 90-WATER AND SEWERAGE DEPARTMENT ANNUAL BUDGET Page 164 DETAIL Actual Adjusted ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Current Proposed Year Budget Budget 1976 1977 1978 ADMINISTRATIVE AND GENERAL EXPENSES 605 Supervision 19,039.20 20,200.00 21,205.00 610 Salaries 8,906.81 9,335.00 9,805.00 615 Telephone Expenses 3,365.40 4,000.00 4,000.00 620 Office Supplies 867.95 900.00 1,000.00 625 Special Engineering 675.00 750.00 1,000.00 630 Soci al Security 32,367.95 39,000.00 44,000.00 635 Insurance - Buildings 22,659.40 24,000.00 25,000.00 640 Sales Tax 721.65 1,000.00 1,000.00 645 Property Taxes 50,000.00 55,000.00 65,000.00 650 Accounts Charged Off 793.75 1,000.00 1,000.00 655 Long and Short Cash 33.75 100.00 100.00 660 Employees Retirement 36,945.27 41,000.00 45,000.00 663 Unemployment Insurance 0.00 0.00 5,000.00 665 Workman's Compensation and Liability 25,195.03 20,000.00 23,500.00 666 Group Insurance 19,500.00 22,000.00 27,200.00 670 Auditing Expenses 4,750.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 675 Contracting Services 2,633.22 2,700.00 4,700.00 680 Organizational Dues and Memberships 943. 13 500.00 500.00 685 Maintenance - Government Center 10,734.00 12,000.00 13,200.00 690 Service Performed - Other Departments 22,700.00 24,060.00 26,625.00 695 Car Mileage and Travel Expense 4,157.40 1,500.00 1,500.00 TOTAL 266,988.91 284,045.00 325,335.00 SEWERAGE TREATMENT AND COLLECTION EXPENSES 705 Supervision 27,336.54 38,555.00 48,315.00 710 Operating Salaries 138,432.48 141,980.00 172 , 1 05 . 00 715 Electri c Power 60,687.55 67,750.00 84,600.00 720 Gas Service 7,701.88 9,700.00 11 ,500.00 725 Plant Operating Supplies 1,387.58 1 ,500.00 1,500.00 730 Maintenance - Equipment 13,696.87 15,335.00 18,000.00 735 Maintenance - Buildings and Grounds 1,308.03 1,500.00 1,500.00 740 Maintenance - Pumping Stations 8,247.48 11,000.00 12,000.00 745 Maintenance - Sanitary Sewer 4,101.84 5,000.00 5,000.00 750 Vehicle Expenses 18,372.19 19,770.00 21,750.00 755 Wearing Apparel 755.93 800.00 800.00 760 TV Expenses - Sanitary Sewer Lines 1,242.42 1 ,150.00 3,000.00 765 Pump Station Monitor 0.00 0.00 1,600.00 TOTAL 283,270.79 314,040.00 381,670.00 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS FUND 90-WATER AND SEWERAGE DEPARTMENT ANNUAL BUDGET Page 165 DETA I L Actual Adjusted ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Current Proposed Year Budget Budget 1976 1977 1978 ORDINANCE RESERVE REQUIREMENTS 810 Bond Principal Payments 140,000.00 150,000.00 155,000.00 815 Bond Interest Payments 71,386.42 66,195.00 60,945.00 820 Bond Principal Payments - 1977 Issue 0.00 0.00 0.00 825 Bond Interest Payments - 1977 Issue 0.00 0.00 261,500.00 TOTAL 211 ,386. 42 216,195.00 477,445.00 GRAND TOTAL 1,495,906.52 1,641,035.00 2,124,030.00 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ANNUAL BUDGET DETA I L ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION EXPENDITURES Water Supply Expenses Softening and Treatment Expenses Pumping Expenses Distribution Expenses Customer Accounting and Collection Expenses Administrative and General Expenses Sewerage Treatment and Collection Expenses Bond Ordinance Reserve Cash Remitted to Sanitation Department Capital Improvements Net Cash Transferred to Other Current Assets TOTAL EXPENDITURES City Treasurer's Balance January 1st Less: Unpaid Purchase Orders Actual Previous Year 1976 25,197.59 328,481.91 88,433.18 109,359.43 182,788.29 266,988.91 283,270.79 211 ,386.42 353,000.00 143,696.84 13,356.33 2,005,959.69 311,294.16 133,548.03. REVENUE UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE January 1st 177,746.13 Water Revenue Sewerage Revenue Miscellaneous Income Tapping and Front Footage Service Service Charge - Sanitation Environmental Protection Agency Grants Sanitation Fees Collected Improvement from Depreciation and Emergency Fund TOTAL REVENUE TOTAL REVENUE AND BEGINNING BALANCE Less Expenditures UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE December 31 1,110,577.78 417,572.50 10,018.77 16,959.84 5,820.53 48,800.00 353,000.00 46,861. 43 12,009,610.85 2,187,356.98 2,005,959.69 181,397.29 FUND 90-WATER AND SEWERAGE DEPARTMENT Adjusted Current Budget 1977 30,655.00 385,990.00 85,250.00 123,955.00 200,905.00 284,045.00 314,040.00 216,195.00 354,000.00 120,000.00 0.00 2,115,035.00 181,397.29 1,488,000.00 565,000.00 55,000.00 15,000.00 5,800.00 0.00 354,000.00 0.00 2,482,800.00 2,664,197.29 2,115,035.00 549,162.29 Page 166 Proposed Budget 1978 36,270.00 454,565.00 99,785.00 134,920.00 214,040.00 325,335.00 381,670.00 477,445.00 446,250.00 240,000.00 0.00 2,810,280.00 549,162.29 1,520,000.00 579,200.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 5,800.00 0.00 466,250.00 0.00 2,601,250.00 3,150,412.29 2,810,280.00 340,132.29 FUND 90-WATER AND SEWERAGE DEPARTMENT CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY Page 167 CLASSIFICATION Actual Previous Year Adjusted Current Budget Proposed Budget WATER SUPPLY EXPENSES 25,197.59 30,655.00 36,270.00 SOFTENING AND TREATMENT EXPENSES 328,481.91 385,990.00 454,565.00 PUMPING EXPENSES 88,433 . 18 85,250.00 99,785.00 DISTRIBUTION EXPENSES 109,359.43 123,955.00 134,920.00 CUSTOMERS I ACCOUNTING AND COLLECTION EXPENSES 182,788.29 200,905.00 214,040.00 ADMINISTRATIVE AND GENERAL EXPENSES 266,988.91 284,045.00 325,335.00 SEWERAGE TREATMENT AND COLLECTION EXPENSES 283,270.79 314,040.00 381,670.00 BOND ORDINANCE RESERVE 211,386.42 216,195.00 477,445.00 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 1,495,906.52 1,641,035.00 2,124,030.00 Cash Remitted to Sanitation Department 353,000.00 354,000.00 446,250.00 Capital Improvements 143,696.84 120,000.00 240,000.00 Net Cash Transferred to Other Current Assets 13,356.33 0.00 0.00 GRAND TOTAL 2,005,959.69 2,115,035.00 2,810,280.00 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay FUNCTION The water supply, softening, treatment, pumping and distribution units compile the Water Division in the Water and Sewerage Department. It is responsible for the maintenance repair and operation of all the facilities necessary to provide safe, potable water throughout the distribution system of the City, which also includes the overhead and ground storage tanks. The Customer Accounting and Collection Division processes and completes all customers. service orders, computes monthly water and sewerage charges and is responsible for the collection of all revenues due the combined utility. The Sewerage Treatment and Collection Division is responsible for maintaining and keeping in good operating condition all sanitary sewer mains, laterals and sewage pump stations within the collection system. In addition, it provides proper treatment and disposal of all the sewage generated by the City of Salina, through its sewage treat- ment plants. FUND 90-WATER AND SEWERAGE DEPARTMENT CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY Page 168 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay BUDGET COMMENTS Account #110 - Service calls for all wells and provides for the pulling and inspection of two well casings and tailpieces in 1977 and two in 1978. Account #120 and #140 - Reflects an anticipated 10% rate increase over 1976 for year 1977 and approximately 25% rate increase over 1977 for 1978. This provides for 14 active wells and varies with climatic conditions. Account #130 - Telephone line used in "off-on" control of well field and anticipate an 8% rate increase in 1978. Account #160 - Provides for repair and maintenance of river desilting basin, river pump, flocculator paddles and drive chains. Account #210 - This reflects transferring two pump plant operators, previously paid from Account #310, into this account for 1977. 1978 provides for two maintenance worker positions for the new sludge line pumping operation for disposal of lime sludge from the softening operation. Account #215 - Electricity for the chemical and filter buildings plus Hi-service pumps No. 7 and 8. Reflects a 10% increase of 1976 and a 25% increase in 1978 over year 1977. Account #220 - Provides gas supply for carball (C02) machine, chemical and filter building. Expect 25% increase over 1976 for 1977 and additional increase for 1978. Account #230 - Includes freight and cost of all chemicals for softening water. Account #235 - Repair of softening equipment, including new heater in chlorine room for 1977. 1978 would include replacing original plumbing in chemical building. Account #240 - 1978 includes new roof for furnace building which houses calcining operation. Account #255 - Operation of equipment and furnace for recalcining lime product for softening operation. 10% increase over 1976 and 25% increase over 1977. Account #260 - Reflects a 25% increase in price over 1976 for 1977 and in 1978 an anticipated increase more than double over 1975. Account #275 - New operation for pumping softening wastes to lagoon areas from water plant to comply with Environmental Protection Agency regulations. Account #310 - Reflects transferring two employees from this account to Account No. 210. FUND 90-WATER AND SEWERAGE DEPARTMENT CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY Page 169 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay BUDGET COMMENTS (Continued) Account #315 - Power supply for high-service pumps in distribution system. Includes 10% increase in adjusted budget for 1977 and approximately 25% increase for 1978 over 1977. Account #320 - Heating buildings which houses hi-service pump and meter repair shop. Reflects price increase of approximately 25% over 1977 for 1978. Account #335 - Reflect new bearings and electrical repair work to switch gear on No.1 and No.6 high service pumps. Account #340 - 1978 request includes purchasing a low trailer to move riding mower from water plant to overhead towers, wells and plant No.2. Account #345 - Clothing for plant personnel plus purchasing rainsuits for washing and maintaining interior of calcining operation and furnace. Account #420 - Maintenance and repair parts for water meters. Also includes supplying meter tile and lids to customers moving meters outside. Account #430 - Provides for large tapping sleeves and valves, conporation cocks and tapping machine parts. Account #450 - Actual 1976 reflected relocating fire hydrants in Downtown Beautification Project. Also includes repair parts for all hydrants in system. Account #455 - Repair of streets. opened during water main break repair and valve installation. Account #525 - Payment of 5~ per account collected by collection stations at Fal1eys, Elmore, Sears and Hi-Way Sundries. Account #530 - Service contracts on office equipment in water department, including Lektrakard file, drive-up window and data recorder. Account #535 - Purchasing all printed forms including water bills and stock paper for billing operation. Account #540 - Provides maintenance and fuel for seven vehicles used by water servicemen and meter readers. Delivery of three new water service trucks due in J~ly or August 1977. Account #545 - Provides for monthly maintenance contract for System/3 computer. Includes leasing of data recorder and account for system revision and equipment modification. FUND 90-WATER AND SEWERAGE DEPARTMENT CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY Page 170 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay BUDGET COMMENTS (Continued) Account #550 - Reflects postage increase for mailing 15,000 water bills per month, plus dial card postage. Estimate rate increase to $0.11 in 1978. Account #555 - All uniforms and rainsuits for water service foreman and four servicemen and four meter readers. Account #615 - Includes all telephone service for water office, water plant and two sewerage treatment plants. Account #620 - Includes department's share of xerox supplies, publication of legal notices, etc. Account #625 - Provides for the bacteriological and chemical analysis of finished water supply by Kansas State Board of Health. Additional organic/inorganic testing will be required by new water quality act. Account #630 - Department's share of Social Security based on 5.85% of payroll total for 1977 and 6.05% for 1978. Account #635 - Increase for 1977 reflects a 1.063% increase over last years appraised value of buildings for water plant, two sewerage treatment plants and sewage pump stations. Account #645 - Utility is a proprietary function and provides an in lieu of tax for property to the City's General Operating Fund. Account #650 Provides for charging off old outstanding accounts. Account #655 - Department's costs of employees retirement plan at 6.7% of salaries for 1977 and 6.2% for 1978. Account #663 - Unemployment insurance at 0.65% of total payroll for department. Required by federal regulation beginning 1 January 1978. Account #665 1977 account reduced due to overpayment in 1976. Account #666 - Increase in premium rates for 1978 of 22% over 1977. Account #675 - Biennial Operations and Condition Report required by Bond Ordinance is due in 1978, also provides maintenance and service for all mobile radio units. FUND 90-WATER AND SEWERAGE DEPARTMENT CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY Page 171 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay BUDGET COMMENTS (Continued) Account #680 - Provides for memberships in professional organizations, Credit Bureau dues and collection. 1976 figures reflects large amount turned over to Credit Bureau when changed billing procedures in water office. Account #685 - Department's share of City expenses for building maintenance costs. Account #690 - Transfer of funds to General Funds for all engineering and administrative services. Account #695 - Attending various meetings and seminars during year. 1976 includes attending Kanopolis irrigation hearings. Account #705 - See personnel sheets, includes one superintendent and three foreman positions. Account #710 - 1977 provides for all sewerage treatment plant and collection system personnel plus part time men. 1978 reflects two additional personnel to properly utilize the TV inspection equipment. In addition, these personnel will be assigned to a preventative maintenance program for the collection system. Account #715 - Provide for all electrical service to two treatment plants and 43 sewerage pump stations throughout the system. Expect a 10% increase over 1976 budget for 1977 and a 25% increase over 1977 for 1978. Account #720 - For heating buildings at both sewage treatment plants and digestors at plant No.1. Expect a 25% increase in costs for 1977 over 1976 and another increase in rates for 1978. Account #725 - Includes costs of all reagents used in testing at plant laboratory for Environmental Protection Agency and state board requirements. Account #730 - Includes general maintenance and upkeep of all pumping and treatment equipment of both treatment plants. Also replacement sand for drying beds at plant No.1 along with electrical repair. Account #735 - Includes all painting, roof repair, glazing of windows, etc. at both treatment plants. Account #740 - Include repair and upkeep of bearings, seals, pump shafts, sump pump, compressors and tools for 43 pump stations in the system. FUND 90-WATER AND SEWERAGE DEPARTMENT CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY Page 172 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay BUDGET COMMENTS (Continued) Account #745 - Includes deodorant blocks, degreaser compounds for odor control, replacement of high pressure hose for sewer cleaning operation, replacement of sewer pipe, upgrading manholes, etc. Account #750 - All fuel, tags, repairs and insurance for rolling stock in pump station maintenance, collection system and plant proper. Account #760 - This item includes chemical grouting material for faulty sewer lines and film for closed circuit TV inspection. Account #765 - Telephone line rental charges for continual monitoring of 24 sewerage pump stations in 1978. Delivery of monitoring equipment requires 8 to 10 months. CAPITAL OUTLAY 1977 Water Treatment Plant - Water meters for balance of 1977 - 5/8" - 200 @ $34.45/ea = $6,890.00; 111 - 6 @ 76.00/ea = $456.32; 1 1/2" - 6 @ 165.00/ea = $990.00; 2" - 6 @ 233.06/ea $1,398.54;total expenditure-$9,734.86. Aluminum shoring rails for tenching safety (hydraulic shoring)-two units 28" to 46" width at $350.00 each - total $700.00. With hydraulic pump for operating rails/release tool $300.00 for combined total $1,000.00. One 1977 3/4 ton pickup $4,000.00. Customer Service and Accounting - Two fire proof meter book housing units $1,300.00. Electronic validator $2,000.00. Three 3/4 ton pickup trucks $15,900.00. Sewage Collection and Treatment System - One air compressor $6,500.00. One 1977 1/2 ton pickup $3,500.00. CAPITAL OUTLAY 1978 Water Treatment Plant - Water meters: 5/8" - 200 @ $34.45/ea = $6,890.00; 3/4" - 6 @ $49.60/ea = $297.60; 1" - 6 @ $76.00/ea = $456.32; 2" - 6 @ $233.06 = $1,398.00;total $9,041.92. Laboratory equipment; replace one 20 year old battery operated pH meter with new electrical 110 volt pH meter $425.00. FUND 90-WATER AND SEWERAGE DEPARTMENT CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY Page 173 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay CAPITAL OUTLAY 1978 (Continued) Customer Service and Accounting - One electronic validator to replace second mechanical unit purchased in 1971. New machine offers positive audit trail. $2,000.00. One electronic calculator replacing one mechanical model purchased in 1963 - $400.00. Sewaqe Collection and Treatment System - Emergency alarm panel for monitoring 24 sewage pump stations. 110,000.00. 6" water line extension from 600 feet south of North Street on Eastborough to Sewage Treatment Plant No.1. $30,000.00. Asphalt surfacing around new storage building at Sewage Plant No.1 - 1,000 yards at $9.00/yard $9,000.00. One 15' x 40' extension building to be built on east end of present storage building for office and locker room. $20,000.00. One power wrench for TV unit. $2,600.00. Video tape for TV unit. $3,200.00. One pH meter and 24 hour automatic recorders with permanent record on paper to be used in pump stations. $950.00. Trade in one 1967 1/2 ton chevy pickup No. 638 (86,530 miles) $4,800.00. Trade in one 1963 1/2 ton Ford pickup No. 618 (71,535 miles) $4,800.00. Trade in one 1967 John Deere riding mower No. 631. $2,500.00. One 3 ton truck with 2,000 gallon tank for flushing. $14,000.00. One communications radio for jeep. $655.00. FUND 90-WATER AND SEWERAGE I DEPARTMENT ANNUAL BUDGET Page 174 PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Adjusted POSITION TITLE EMPLOYEES RANG E Current Proposed Current P!'oposed Budget Budget BudC/et Budaet 1977 1978 605 Director of Utilities 1 1 1 334 - 1767 20,200.00 21,205.00 610 Clerk Steno II 1 1 672 - 817 9,335.00 9,805.00 510 Office Manager 1 1 858 - 1036 11 ,846.00 12,432.00 510 Bookkeeping Machine Operator II 1 1 640 - 780 8,911.00 9,360.00 510 Bookkeeping Machine Operator I 1 1 576 - 708 6,675.00 7,191.00 510 Clerk Typist II 2 2 576 - 708 15,870.00 16,992.00 510 Clerk Typist I 5 5 523 - 640 30,398.00 34,365.00 515 Water Service Foreman 1 1 780 - 942 10,765.00 11 ,304.00 515 Maintenance Worker 3 3 708 - 858 29,444.00 30,886.00 515 Water Meter Reader 4 4 576 - 708 30,486.00 32,710.00 Overtime 4,600.00 4,600.00 TOTAL 178,530.00 190,850.00 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS FUND90-WATER AND SEWERAGE II DEPARTMENT ANNUAL BU DG ET Page 175 PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Adjusted POSITION TITLE EMPLOYEES RANGE Current Proposed Current P!'oposed Budget Budget Budqet Budaet 1977 1978 205 Water System Superintendent 1 1 1089 - 1467 9,063.00 13,421.00 205 Water System Foreman 1 1 900 - 1206 13,789.00 14,472.00 205 Laboratory Techni ci an II 1 1 743 - 900 10,293.00 10,800.00 305 Water Plant Foreman 1 1 858 - 1036 6,920.00 10,548.00 305 Labor Foreman II 1 1 780 - 942 10,765.00 11 ,304.00 210 Water Plant Operator 8 8 708 - 858 71,197.00 80,067.00 210 Maintenance Worker 2 2 708 - 858 0.00 17,412.00 210 Laborer 1 1 640 - 780 7,533.00 8,316.00 310 Water Plant Operator 4 4 708 - 858 38,230.00 40,545.00 405 Water Distribution Foreman 1 1 858 - 1036 11 ,846.00 12,434.00 410 Labor Foreman I 1 1 743 - 900 4,289.00 9, 1 01. 00 410 Maintenance Worker 6 6 708 - 858 56,560.00 60,495.00 415 Water Meter Repairman 1 1 743 - 900 10,290.00 10,800.00 Overtime 7,795.00 9,780.00 TOTAL 258,572.00 309,495.00 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS FUND90-WATER AND SEWERAGE III DEPARTMENT ANNUAL BUDGET Page 176 PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Adjusted POSITION TITLE EMPLOYEES RANGE Current Proposed Current P!'oposed Budget Budget Budaet Budqet 1977 1978 705 Sewage System Superintendent 1 1 988 - 1334 15,238.00 16,008.00 705 Waste Water Foreman 1 1 858 - 1036 8,238.00 11 ,304.00 705 Sewer Foreman 1 1 858 - 1036 10,501.00 11,534.00 705 Labor Foreman I 1 1 743 - 900 4,288.00 9,138.00 710 Laboratory Technician II 1 1 743 - 900 10,293.00 10,800.00 710 Sewage Plant Operator 9 9 708 - 858 80,368.00 88,917.00 710 Maintenance Worker 5 7 708 - 858 44,979.00 66,199.00 Part Time 3,000.00 3,000.00 Overtime 3,630.00 3,520.00 TOTAL 180,535.00 220,420.00 . CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS FUND 50-CENTRAL GARAGE DEPARTMENT CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY Page 177 CLASSIFICATION Actual Previous 1~~~ Adjusted Current BudJ]et 1977 Proposed Budget 1978 TOTAL 53,854.35 53,854.35 59,370.00 59,370.00 71,120.00 71,120.00 PERSONAL SERVICES Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay Personal services for this department do not represent a budgetary item. They are paid by the various departments using the services of the Central Garage on a prorated basis. Appropriations are budgeted by each department for both parts and labor under Account #253. FUND 50-GENTRAL GARAGE DEPARTMENT ANNUAL BUDGET Page 178 PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Adjusted POSITION TITLE EMPLOYEES RANGE Current Proposed Current P!'oposed Budget Budget Budaet Budqet 1977 1978 Garage Foreman 1 1 900 - 1206 12,442.00 13,777.00 Garage Mechanic 3 3 780 - 942 32,295.00 33,912.00 Laborer 0 1 640 - 780 0.00 7,680.00 Clerk Typist II 1 1 576 - 708 8,087.00 8,496.00 Part Time 5,346.00 5,955.00 Overtime 1,200.00 1,300.00 TOTAL 59,370.00 71,120.00 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS