Budget - 1964 * ~.. ~ -iJ " ~t Tax Ad Valorem Tax Dollars Lev -07 lJ } I 7, (, '3 -$681,-4-7-7-.-30-- 1L505 11)180.01 0.195 12)093.66 0.167 47)343.33 0.72~ 8) 193.00: O.OOi Add 2% Delinquent Ifi'/,tj.p3 .$-1-3-;-3 ~..30 219.22 237.13 928. 30 160.65 Net Ad Valorem Levb Dollars o 1''( J. l " $ft68,l-lS-;OO 10)960.79 11)856.53 46)415.03 8)032.35 BUDGET 1964 Net Ad Valorem LevyMi lls / /;.jJIJ- cli:-U~P 0.1932 0.2090 0.8180 0.1416 1964 Sales Tax Mills and LEVY Ad Valorem Tax Mills 1963 TAX Fund Levy Limit FUNDS Tax lcs s 0.7772 0.0132 0.0113 0.0489 0.0005 12.5512 0.2064 0.2203 0.8669 0.1421 13.500 0.500 0.2500 2.0000 0.2500 General Operating Band Cemetery General Improvement Memorial Hall $44)985.28 765.94 656.45 2,826.84 28.14 12.595 0.05f o . 09C 0.23C O. 43~ 0..47~ o . 20C 0.46 ..$7-6O-r2S7-.-30 3)172.29 9)623.09 16)608.98 25)640.80 22)838.47 11)220.00 30) 600 .00 39)780.00 Ind Fund $-1-4,90-7-;-60 20 69 67 76 81 00 00 00 62 188. 325. 502. 447. 220 600 780 $1-4-5--,3-7-9-;70 3)110.09 9)434.40 16)283.31 25)138.04 22)390.66 11)000.00 30)000.00 39)000.00 -+3..-1-3-58- 0.0548 0.1663 O. 2870 O. 4403 0.3946 o . 1938 0.5287 0.6873 o . 8511 0.0040 0.0061 0.0155 0.0297 0.0322 0.0135 13.9869 0.0588 o . 1724 0.3025 0.5000 0.4268 0.2073 16.5000 1.0000 2.0000 2.0000 0.5000 1.0000 1.0000 F.I.C.A Retiremens Weeds s Pension Levee Aggregate Noxious Firemen Policemen's Pension Public Health Flood Tree So ci a 1 Public Works and Maintenance Security $49,262.65 230.28 355.01 899.29 718. 77 857.97 782.76 1 1 Employees 14.55 8.36 8'3 40 "f-- ')...-- ,-7- 7 0-.9-3- 504)759. 85;-l18~ ]. 'I (f 1, $91-9 -$-t8,o-3~; 7 3 9)897.25 -l-f968-r99- ,)(..10.(,.>( $90-1.-,.7-36020 494)862.58 8-3=;44-904-1= J-5'tfl{fl.{" 1-5-;-$886 8.7208 --l-..4-706' e-. JO 1 f 9521 o Improvements Total Bond and Interest General and Special Sub 73 106 $55 22.92,( $-2-9-;-600.-97 $1) ~09-;'649 .,16- 7-f 6 iV.7 / It t/4(i~? 0 ,iff $.l--;-4-80-;448-rl:-9- r/4-f4( f.r.rS"G. -26...0.800-- TOTAL r i(jTJ 11 1 $57,879,992.00 649 800 $ 7,278,320.00 City 40 County 47 Valuation Tangible Valuation Population Population Intangible ~i '---_.! --jJ TY ~ ~"''l~ _ ~ \,.;1.'1-0..:.,) BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year 1964 nct. IXlrt ll1cnt lJ111ittcd By lte 1964 2. '::P Page ... - ...." .,,- - - - . -.-.. 1963 1963 Ace't, Actual CURRENT YEAR Current Budget No. Account Previous Actual Estimate Total Budget RequeS1 Summary General Operating Fund Year 4 Months 8 Months 1 City Commission 15,874.05 4,639.25 17,050.00 17,050.00 20.250~0 2 City Manager 25,491. 91 6,662.03 22,350.00 23,060.00 22,500.0 3 City Clerk and Treasurer - 60,304.25 20,198.56 52,911.00 54 , 170. 00 '50,040.0 - 4 City Attorney 12,088.85 4,655.70 13;130.00 13,150.00 12,930.lJ 5 City Court 30,132.29 10,237.48 32,635,.00 32,770.00 32,060.0 6 City Police Court. 3,329.01 1,141.27 3,555.00 3,690.00 3~515.0 . 7 City Buildings 22,702.93 5,267.70 18,005.00 18,143.00 20,280.0 8 City Engineer 65,419.65 23,160.23 71,582.50 67 ,877 . 50 70,482.5 9 Fire Department 278,333.56 89,549.05 278,3'00.00 278,300.00 300,285.0 . 10 Inspection Department 18,836.81 6,701.08 .. 20,990.00 20,825.00 23,740.0 -- . 11 Park Department '54,537.45 18,448.29 68,890.00 75,005.00 73,140.0 12 Police Department 261,158.59 92,937.75 300,987.00 301,165.00 333,530.0 13 Street Departme~t 109,785.31 37 ,468.32 121,975.00 121,725.00 133,225.0 - 14 Waste Di~posal Department 25,710.12 5,469. 14 22,325.00 22,325.00 21,725.0 -- -- IS Street Lighting - 54,746.30 18,874.12 60,000.00 60,000.00' 62,000.0 16 Traffic and Parking 50,808.75 10,033.59 40,875.00 42,145.00 41.]75.0 . 17 Airport 33,570.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 25,000.0' 18 Swimming Poo'ls 14,531.00 733 . 16 16,425.00 16,950.00 '17,275.0' 19 Planning Department .00 945.12 7,040.00 9,175.00 8,740.0' '. 20 Insurance Group .00 2,057.35 8,500.00 .00 .9,500.0 .-..-.- --------- .-----_. - " .....~ --- -" . 1 I I 1 1 I -r;:;../..r. , <.. . C,D " 2 'irl. 4flllII 2'i'l " D 1963 '12, S2S 1. 4t2. .525 .50 1 1962 l?>7 3ft).e3 2. ~ -..--. .-.-.------- ( ~y S. [N j_~U , :~:::J ' BUDGET REQUEST . 1964 For the Fiscal Year - - I1ct\ \1';_ OPE_TNCi ___ ,xut ment )11litted By: te ___ _.__.___ Page. _____. " __ __ .u___ -,---.- -~---..-------- Aec't. Actual 1963 CURRENT YEAR 1963 Current Budget No. Account Previous Actual Estimate Total Budget Request SUHHARY ALL FUNDS Year 4 Months 8 Months ~------- General Operating 1.137 360.83 1.192525.50 1.192 525 50 1 281 QQ? --- --.... . Band 11,600.00 4,150.00 11 750.00 11 7 50.00 11 890.' ----..,- on ~_emetery 15,701. 00 8.996.49 21 325.00 :1 325.00 21. 995.' ---'- --- ~.(;.nel:~l Improvement 49,939.80 14,273.93 51 000.00 51 000.00 51 000. .- '. Jvl~mor ia 1 Ha 11 8,579.85 3,755.50 10,205.00 10,635.00 10,805. N()~ious Weeds 2,161.03 .00 3 500.00 3 500.00 3 '500 . Firemen's Pension 11,383.83 4,169.00 13,932.00 21 020.00 24.132. Policemen's Pension 17,660.55 6,710.58 20,704.00 27,248.00 29.204. P'..;')lic Health 16,030.21 .00 27,865.00 55.730.00 57.026. --- ---- Flood Works and Levee 19,135.59 5,768.85 . 27,100.00 29.785.00 29~580. , ." . . .. '. Industrial Fund .00 849.23 27',650.00 27.650.00 8 230. Bond and Interest 994,150.21 460 406.03 1 185.134.56 1 218.600.00 '1.175;130. . .. Genera!....and Special Improvement 85,000.00 .00 .00 00 86100.' . ,. ... .. ~arking Meter Fund 109.321.67 12.973.55 90,000.00 112 33000 106,731 ----- . , Airport - Revolving Fund 217,927.05 84,492.30 267,197.50 203,857.50 280.657., - Refuse Collection - Fee Ba3is 158.081.63 48 653.24 167.75000 171 1AQ nn 1 ,,~ ?77 , {.Ja ter and Sewage Department 967,862.85 ' 263 867.26 888 955.00 905 444 52 1 903 11I. Tree Maintenance .00 389.60 11 .000.00 11 000 00 11 782 ~()cial Se.curity (F I C A ) ~on ~OQ nn .00 63 000 \ .. . -- . .... . . - ~OOq.'( 1 Public Employees Retirement System .00 .00 .00 - 1964 1963 1962 ---- --------- , r" " f ..---' =:J ..-:..J. .., CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year 1964 .1_ ~~~ I VJ.'1. ..J....L'1\J 1(\______ GEN~~lAL OPERATING 1(ti\-'il~_. - p:n\ !l1ent - b;nitlcd By - ltc Page .L 0.0..... ,..---- 1962 1 963- 1964 - I Aec't. Actual 1963 CURRENT YEAR 1963 Current Budget No. Account Previous Actual 8 Esti11late Total Budget Reques1 Year 4 Months Months -- 573 Concessions - Swimming Pools 85.97 .00 100.00 100.00 200.00 100.C --.- 531 Rent - Street Department Equipment .00 .00 . .00 .00 .00 .C ---- 51+1 Blue Jay Park Rental 465.00 .00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.( 701 Engineering Fees, .00 .00 50,000.00 80,000.00 70,0,00.( - 702 Impound ing Fees 1,337.00 585.00 165.00 750.00 750.00 550.( ---- 709 Admissions - Swimming Pools 11,320.87 .00 10,000.00 10,000.00 10.000.00 10.000.( ---- I--. 712 Fire Portection-Outside City Limits 2,336.92 1,635.40 364.60 2,000.00 2,000.00 2 . 000 . ( 713 Street Cut Repairs 3,988.46 2,248.52 751.48 3,000.00 1,000.00 1,500.( .. '., 714 Concrete Sawing 272 .00 141. 50 . 58 . 50 200.00 200.00 ~ 200.( , . " - 715 Sewer Fees 150.00 .00 .00 .00 100.00 .. 150.\ 720 Plats and Rezoning Fees 1,415.00 545.00 205.00 750.00 500.00 500.' 721 Sale of Commodities 998.40 403.80 96.20 500.00 200.00 200.' 723 Sale of Ordinance Books .00 4.00 46.00 50.00 . 50.00 25. 725 Sale of Salvage 677 .30 10.00 90.00 100.00 100.00 100. . 731 Hiscellaneous Sales and Service 147.28 22.50 27.50 50.00 50.00 50. ., 91') -::'lumbers Excavating Deposit 125.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 . ..-. 952 Reimbursement of Expenditures 18,580.14 1,396.45 603.55 2,000.00 4,000.00 2,362. -.-- -- - -c _... - ------- -' --.-- ----_.--- - - -----. . -..--- --.._------ i"'r =:J .---.., ...,.-j J CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year ] 964 GNU UP t;i LNG lnd.._____ _.GENERAL OPERATING lnctic\n _..__J~;L<;:<;J:lses ,Fees & Permits 'p_l1't l1wnt. - Ibl11ittcd By - ute Page .&. 0&..... 1962 196:5 l.~O'+ Actual 1963 CURRENT YEAR 1 Q(;1 I I Acc't. Current Budget Account Previous Actual Estimate ' No. Year 4 Months 8 Months Total Budget ' RequesJ 111 ~~l M",l f- ~ .~ c; 025,00 4.475.00 4 475.00 4 ?C;O 00 4 500 OC 313 Retail Liauor Licenses q 000 00 3.300.00 4 500.00 7.800.00 7 000,00 7,500~0 . , 315 Wholesale Liquor Licenses 3 750.00 1. 250 .00 1.250.00 2.500.00 ? c;oo.oo 2.5'00.0 321 Amusement Devices-Pinball and Etc. 2.050.00 1.075.00 425.00 1.500.00 1, 500 .00 1 500.0 32.7 Dances Pub lie 246.00 57.00 43.00 100.00 100.00 100.C _3.3J.._ Music Machine Licenses 952.50 480.00 320.00 800.00 850 00 800.C ....13...4 Minature Pool Table and Shuffleboard 937.50 350.00 450.00 800.00 1 000.00 850.( _112._ _ Pool Hall and Bowling Alley 1.200.00 557.50 142.50 700.00 850.00 750. ( , _33L- Skatin~ Rink License '. 100.00 100.00 . .00 100.00 I (l(). ( 100.00 ., r _3.39 Theatre and Opera House 375.00 300.00 .00 300.00 300.00 300 . ( , '\41 A"rf-;onppr and Auction Sales 200.00 100.00 .00 100.00 100.00 100.< ....- . '\4'\ 'R;l1h""....rl A' '''~nn- 175 00 50.00 .00 50.00 7'1.00 50.( ~.. r.nnc rp f-p r.. . on 300 00 250.00 .00 250.00 2'50,00 250.( .....3.4.7 ];'1 C>f' f-r; r;::ln T.; r",n<::p (;78 00 705.00 .00 705.00 'i'1.Q...:nO 600.1 14q Firpwork<:: 1.375.00 .00 750.00 750.00 500 00 500.1 351 (:;:l<:: 'F'if-ter<:: 160.00 120.00 00 12'0 00 150.00 125 1 ,'. / ? .\"" I)) 357 Junk Dealers, Auto and Parts 461. 00 451.00 .00 451.00 450.00 400.1 359\~~a~:r"ker' , gOO 00 750.00 .00 750.00 600 00 600. ..JGl ___._E.lumbers lM.Qn5~s 940.0Q 751.00 .00 751. 00 750.00 700. - _...2J __..J CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year 1964 ,_GENEfu.\ILD~lNG - ---- ----- ,City, CommLs.s.ion __.__ Page_ nd 'Ii.'\. 1 ! ~ ! -1 ~ bJ-ll~i L.' " l3 .--- ,,--..--- .----.' - 1 ~o t; 1..7VJ .L.J\J~ Acc't, Actual lqn1 CURRENT YEAR lqn1 Current Budget No, Account Previous Actual Estimate Year ~Months ~Months Total Budget Request -~--'- ., ' -. ,. PERSONAL S~:I~\f /'1.'<.;. HO. Salar.ie.s.=Qfficia1s and Dent Heads 500.00 .00 500.00 500.00 <;00 on 500.0( ---- -.. - ---. TOTAl. ')00.00 .00 500.00 500.00 ')00 nn 500 .01 ~ . ..._- "- - ----- CQNTRACTUAL SERVICES: 207 Traveling Expense 1 611 41 29026 1,970.74 2,000.00 2 <:;1111 1111 2 , 500 .0' _2.1.1. _ _. Contributions 7 120.00 3,050000 3,100.00 6,150.00 6 150.00 8,600.0- 225,___ ~dvprt;~in~ 3.398.14 1 121099 . 2,378.01 3,500.00 1 00000 3,iOO.0 . 23.3 I nsur.iJJ].ce -Sure tv Bonds .00 308000 42.00 350.00 1')0,00 350.0 ! 299. 01her ContrActual Services 33.50 30 000 2.970.00 3,000.00 2 000,00 3.000.0 . 2.99:-:A_ 1.Jlf'vision of 0....r1~~~~~~~ 893.00 00 .00 00 1 000 00 . 0 -.----."- . ------- . 'T'(yrA T. 11 056 07 6. <; 1q 2'1 10 460.75 15 000 00 1') nnn nn 17 950 0 -------- - . n.___ ..l-'1ATERI.8LS AND SlTPPLTES: 331 Books Qn~~riodicAls 00 on 50 00 50 00 ')0 00 50 0 I' . ,.. .-.-.--.---- I _.- .,-----..------- _. ---- I ' .. ., , . 9. 00 1"11"1 ~I"I 1"11"1 <::1"1 1"1" c;n nn <:;11 (' L-.J 11.0 .-J CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year 1964 ( 11l1dion ____._.__ (~ . t (' .~-'_... C;:;lrtI:lcnt ___~:'.}:..':Y_...l..~tn1111S S lO!l__ llblJ1ittcd By __ ilte P Clge OPERATING GENERAL , ... _.. .. Aec't. Actual 1963 CURRENT YEAR 1963 Current Budgel Aceount Previous Actual Estimate No. Year 4 Months 8 Months Total Budget Reque: =---== . SUNDRY EXPENDITURES: 435 Organization Dues 2,317.98 100.00 1,400.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,750.( . TOTAL 2,317.98 100.0q 1,400.00 1,5QO.00 1,500.00 1,750. ( / TOTAL EXPENDITURES 15,87.4.05 4,639.25 12,410.75 17,050.00 17,050.00 /20) 250.( /" ... " . . ,,' ~ -. . -.---- . , . ----..---- --. ,- .-_..., -"''''.--...-- -- In 1964 1963 1962 ~ .~ CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year 1964 Jl1 ,___~JlliEl.~ .:\L.._aJ.:ERA.1'llJG .111CllOn __ .___________ - :IJ;11'l111l'11t ______G.Lty_H<}J.lage r !1ll.littcd By lit' Page__ 2,570. DO ~---~_.- .. l"1UL .l.J~_~ ...."""'-,.. Aec't. Actual 1963 CURRENT. YEAR 1Q61 Current Budget Account Previous Actual . Estimate No. Year ~Months ~Months Total Budget Reques - ... PE~~~~A1 SERV1~ES: ..nO Salaries-Officials and De~ Heads 12.540.00 4,260000 8,520.00 12,780.00 12 540.00 12,780.0 120 Sa1aries-Reeu1ar Emplovees 7.845.00 1,220000 2,580.00 3,800.00 4 020.00 4,000.0 . 110 Salaries-Part-Time Emnlovees .00 .00, , 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.0 195 Other Professional Services 589.50 000 250.00- 250.00 1.200.00 1.200~O 1wrAT 20 g74 ')0 5,480.00 11.850.00 17,330.00 1R.?n0.00 18 480.C ------- .- , CONTRACTUAL SERVICES: . -- _2_Q1 Automobile Use Allowance 600.00 250.00 350.00 600.00 300 00 600 C .. .205. .__ , ,..Tel.e.ph.Ql1~ o....."',,}, 1 10L...2Q. 298093 801 07 1 100 00 1 000 00 I 1100.( .202._. ._J)::aYQ.Li..l}g~E.~pe nse 95.41 16.46 483.54 50000 ')00 00 500 C . 209___ ~s.t.a9'e 35.32 000 50 00 50 00 ')0,00 50 ( 221 Printine Office Forms 34.35 16010 83.90 100.00 100.00 100 C .2~_ f--.....In suran.c..e.-.futrat. v R nn rl <:: 20,00 .00 ' 20.00 ?O 00 ?<; 00 ' 20,C 236 .__.lnslll:.anc.e.::.S.ocia 1 Securi ty %,),77 148.75 201 25 350 00 12<; 00 C 1.38 u. .__ .EmplQ.y.c..~e.tir:empnt- L>.o59~_QS 170.93 ' 77 9.07 950 00 hOO 00 0 252 1_ _Rcpuir~EurnHur.e cmd_OH5.c"- R<Jl,j.Rment ?t? .00 . 47.50 152.50 . 200..90 200 ...QO 200.C -.----. ~n~~T 11 100.00 '-3 o .3.5/10 ~~ 2.. Q'2.1 ."7 qlf "l .!, ~~2..!I'D L-:.J .:2ilJ ..J ~ CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year 1964 nd GENERAL., Q): r:g A'l'ULG. net Ion ------... - pH rt mcnt _,_,.c,Lt;:-y_llQJJ~1t~L-_ bmitted By ,tc _ Page .~ l':Jbl J..7y"J .I...Jv-r Aee't. Actual 1963 CURRENT YEAR 1963 Current Budget, Account Previous Actual Estimate No. Year ~Months -.8 Months Total Budget Request --. -- _MATERI/}LS.....Aill2 SUPPLIES: 311)__ _~:L~Q. Supplies zq6. 16 67.41 182.59 250.00 250 00 250.0C 3'{1 Tl"oks ",nrl PAr; "rH ~n1 ~ 1 0:;1 o:;q 105.95 94.05 200.00 200 .00 200.0C 399 f'lth~n"'r"'!-; nO'C:l1nn 1; A" ?O:;R R1 .00 200.00 200.00 400 00 200.0C . ~ , . .....---, -.---------..- 'l'OTAL 704.76 173.36 476 . 64 650.00 850.00 650.0< -_. ------ "------- . --------- ---- SUNDRY EXPENDITURES: . . ~.15 Organization Dues 134.85 60.00 90.00 150.00 150.00 ' 100.01 . .' ., ------- ------ -- .. ------- ---- f'hPT'l'AL..QUTLAY: 509 Furniture and Fixtures 110:; nn .00 350.00 350.00 10:;0 00 350.0' .. 51.1..-,_ .._..a'ffice Hechanica1 Equipment ,-'..- _._-,--, .00 .00 .00 350.00 350.0' .-.--- - ------ --- ------ -_._-- ~._-- ---- ~- - . .... ." . ._TOTAl,___..,.... 315.001 .00 - 350.00 350.00 7-P9-c.QQ 1,. -,..-:J.!J-9. 0' - '1 _,.(,.,-" '''r" "Ql'T'rrTl''''''''.. I -- 12. .. I 2.2.500.()) 00 2.3.060, 2.2..350.00 ep 66 15 0. j~2, 03 q qq .~' -,:.:..I CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST i GEN lc:t Ion '}'<1 rtn\l'l1t .__Cit.Y-._G.ll l)tnitt(~d By: ltc _ Page ---" - ---.--- - 1962 1963 1964' -.-. .----- Ace't. Actual 1%1 CURRENT YEAR 1961 Current Budget Account Previous Actual Estimate No, Year ~Months ----8- Months Total Budget Req ues -' . . .....---- __ ......PF,R,'iOlJAL SER VT CES . 11(L_., Salaries-Officials and Dept. Heads 7 ')00 00 2,580.00 5,160.00 7,740.00 7 c;nn 00 7,740.0 _12CL Salaries-Re~ular Em?loyees 18.945.00 7) 36L 60 15,688.4,0 23,050.00 20.820.00 23,050.0 130 Salaries-Part Time Emplovees .00 .00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.0 . J.40 Accounting and Auditing Service 6 000 00 .00 5,000.00 5,000.00 7.000,00 6,000.0 .17_0 __ ..,_.Jug,g.es and Clerks -Ci ty F,lpc. tion .00 4)321~OO .00 4 321.00 nn .. .0 -11') Tudae~ and Clerks-Countv & State Elec. 10.603.50 .00 .00 .00 .00 .0 J.9.~..._, Other Professional Services 294.70 18.00 132.00 150.00 2.500.00 2.500.0 ..--- .._--~ " .-.. -_. -......-- - . ,. TOTAL 43 343.20 ' 14,280.60 26 480.40 40.761.00 38 320.00 39.790.C ., -' ._--~.- r.'T'lTA T. ~17Q1TT I"'J;'~. ...2 0 l. ---E..r.eighL.amLExpre s s .00 .00 100.00 100.00 100,00 100.C ..20.5. Te le12honp and 1'1'> 1 I'>ap>nh R60 98 271.94 628.06 900.00 onn,OO 900. ( . ?07 '1'rave1ing Exnen~e 26.84 78.94 271. 06 350.00 1')0 00 300.C . _209.._ Pr\cf-::!Ol'> 711 nL.. 248.39 451.61 700 00 7nn nn 750. ( 22L-.. ~rinting Office Form~ 1 328.65 378.06 621. 94 1.000.00 1 250.00 1 250. ( ..22? Printing,JU,.e.cJ:.i on Supplies 00 703.90 46.10 750.00 350.00 .( ? 25 ._ ..-LcgaL.6dvcr. U;; j,DK 109 38 .00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.( .. ,'. I 'Z"flS U yC\.V\(' ~ -~ <Sv.~ (\;;j, . &'""" 'S 13. ~6rl , i'/i. 17. ')0 11?. ')0 150.00 1')0.00 ' 2 50. ( 1964 Year For tlle Fiscal . ......c.:..L J C3 ...~ :- l ,.,j ~. ~ ,_,I CITY OF SALINA OPEH NG OPERATIN( - ---- Page ______ :ili E R GENERAL -c;iT:yc:;rcrK'- .- ..----..--.----. By: on llC tc hi t B'UDGET REQUEST 1964- 1'\; 1 ~ 1 1964 Budget Request 1963 Current Budget 1963 Total Year CURRENT YEAR 8 Estiq13te _Months Foe the Fiscal 1::10"'> Actual ~Months 1962 Actual Previous Year Lc ---_._-----~-~_._------------- ._----- .'--=r= - Aec't, No. --- Account .00 900.00 900.00 .31 632 69 267 660.43 Security Insurance - Social 236 .00 00 ,750 1 00 750 1 58 422 1 42 327 01 477 1 Ret iremen t Employees 238 250.01 ...Jf1.10.0{ -500.0" 00 00 500 400.00 . 7 5 288 25 111 48 582 Repair-Furniture & Office Equipment 252 200.00 .25 7 . 7 5 192 00 Machinery and Equipment Rent - 274 ----- 299 100.0 4 JOO .01 100.00 00 150 7 100.00 .00 400 7 00 16 100 802 4 .00 .84 597 2 65 30 151 272 6 Services Other Contractual TOTAL HATE RIALS AND SUPPLIES -.--.f-.,--- 000.0 2 500.00 3 .00 500 1 .20 522 80 977 5: 162 3 Supplies- Off ice 320 250.6 400.00 00 250 .00 18~ 00 69 92 563 and Periodicals.. Books 331 500.0 1 00 000 3 200.00 500.00 1 .38 80 62 119 1 62 688 5 Election Supplies 337 750.01 01 500 4 350.00 00 250 7 450.00 3 .75 33 92 876 407.25 67 573 2 81 --t_, 90 345 760 9 Other Operating Sup~lies ----t TOTAL 359 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 0- 100 250.00 .00 100 00 25 .00 75 00 60 Organization Dues 435 0, 0' 100 200 00 ---,-,--.---4-- 100 350.00 .00 200.00 100 00 00 100 125 __; .00 00 75 00 00 145 205 Refunds ,],OTl\ L Lt39 L---.-J ~ -~ CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST _u.__Q.)iliVI.'\L OPERATING llii:lion ____._ 1'.::. t 11 L \:y AttorneY-____ 1 :1"1 1 \ t 'L By -- l t(~ Page 1964 ... - ......., -- - . - l~'~ 1963 Acc't, Actual CURRENT YEAR Budget Account Previous Current No, Actual Estimate Total Budget Reques1 Year 4 Months 8 Months - - PERSONAL SERVICES: _n_~ __ ,. 110 Salaries - Officials and Department Head3 5,400.00 1, 880.00 3,760.00 5,640.00 5,400.00 5 , 640 .O! ------ 120 Salaries - Regular Employees 4,200.00 1,480.00 2,960.00 4,440.00 4,200.00 4,440.01 --'--. 180 Legal Services 1,445.00 725.00 475.00 1,200.00 1,200.00 1,200.01 195 Other Professional Services 373.75 336.93 663.07 1,000.00 1,500.00 1,500.01 -+-- __u' .. TOTAL 11,418.75 4 421.93 7 . 858 . 07 12 280.00 12.300.00 12 780.0' ..------.-.. --~.,------ . I if :ONTl~ACTUAL SERVICES: _.._--_._- ---------- -- ._;~~~;~. J.~~~ :;~lr~~ :-~--so cia 1 Sec u r i t~ 285.02 91 .14 208.86 300.00 300.00 .00 , 238 _~1l11~]:.c:yces Retirement 345.08 105.13 294.87 400."00 400.00 ' .0 .-.-,-----.--- --- ,- IOTA L 630.10 196.27 503.73 700.00 700.00 .0 _._-----. - -- _.---- ,. HATERIALS AND SUPPLIES: e-- .~.. -- .----- 320 ~J.:Lice Supp1~es .00 .00 . 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.0 ----- .- _._--~--_._-- 331 Books and Periodicals 40.00 37 .50 62.50 100.00 100.00 100.C TOTAL 40.00 37.50 112.50 150.00 150.00 150.C . ._~- ---..------- -- - -_.- ,... 'l'OTAL j':XPI::NDI'1URES 12,088.85 4,655.70 8,474.30 13 150.00 // ..-----.-- -------- 13,130.00 /12 ,93~ - - --- . 16. -------. -_.'.' .--.---.-- ----. 1964 1963 Year For the Fiscal 1962 ~ .c....J CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST _..G EllEllt\lLi2t.E1\A'l-'lJiG )Il d It .._,_ _.Ci ty. .GQurt,__. By 1 QhL.. Budget Reques' 1 q(,'-l Current Budget - 1.2U Total 1 q64 .l..9..6.l CURRENT YEAR 4 Actual 1 Estimate _lV(onths_i .-!L- Months Year For the Fiseal .1.9..6.2. Actual Previous Year Page____._ Account Acc't, No, ::=.:':':="'::':'1==-- -- -------- ----- ..J.2W\S OIhU<--.SE1\YLCES 16.020.0 1'1.'140.00 16.020.00 00 10,680 .00 340 5 15,540.00 ---_.- Heads and Dep,t c1.r-1-..~i? -0 f f ic ia 1 s .SZl no 8.Q4.0.0 R.?RO,OO 8.9-4,0.00 500.00 .00 .00 5.385 500 655.00 .00 2) 5 ...9..5.Ll R S.,11c)Iies-Regular Emp10vees I--- o 500.0 000'00 1 ')00,00 1, 000 .00 00 500 385.00 .00 us _~o.o 00 Time Emp10vees Services ~~_th.e] Profe.s_siona1 _Salaries-Part 30 9 '-j 25,560.0 ._, 25.320.00 ....~-, 25,060.00 00 ~....-.... .-.1-_6,950 .~--.....,,,,, 110.00 8 - 3.850.C 18 21,497 --+-.-:rgTh1.___, --+-- 1,093. SO SERVICES CONTRACTUAL 3.600,00 00 3.600 50 2,506 3.947.71 ----I:lu.tDlJlQ~_U.se A 1 1 roT,Em,.. t> 20L_ .c 1.050 850.00 00 975 650.41 59 324. 74 1, 100 'l'P 1e.i2hone and Te 1e,gI:i:l12h 205_ 50.C ..- 500.C '10.00 50.00 50.00 .00 65 83 __~os t<!~,___ )9 7. 500.00 450.00 00 274 00 176. '_4.L 1. 85 7. 21._--l_f>:r_:i,nti ng 0 f f ice__F OI.m,Q.____.______.____ .C .C .C 75 .00 650~QO 75 00 00 00 75 800 650 50 16 79 29 583 so 216.84 45 00 28 605 Insurance-Suretv Bonds 136_ -J Ins u r anc.c..=.fu2.ci..a.LS..c.c.J.u:i tv ---EnJP~Q~~~.J:_i rem 2n ( '1.5?S 650.00 00 ':17') h -- 0.600,00 516 .-...~c -----==1__________ .~ f. Cf8'q.~ 4.6'0,361 21 133. I ___ :5.29_..3_3 gq,;n --------- F 7. 17 ~n..t. ~t. 23~ ....J "-...--... _..d CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST Ii' or the Fiseal Year 1964 d CEI\'ERAL OPERATING 1I1<:\;on __" T'I"\nH'llt,.~_i tv Court - l~~!:nittlld i3y: -- t Page .~---~_.--- ' . - ~A~~tf --------- ... 1 SlbJ Aetual CURRENT YEAR 1963 Current Budget , Account Previous Actual Estimate Year 4 Months 8 Months Total Budget Request - , ~1i\Tr :~li\LS AND SUPPLIES: --~-~ --- ---- .. :-PO 0[[ Lei'. S\\ppl ies 1,238.08 102.59 447 .41 550.00 800.00 600.0( -------~. ___TO .- ----_...--"--- ._. -. ----- ~_.. 331 Books and Pe.riodicals 69 .50 35.25 39.75 75.00 75.00 75.01 -----".- - ._. _n___..________ COTAL 1,307 .58 137.84 487 .16 625.00 875.00 67 5 ~Ol -.---"-.- --------.-.- -- ---- ...---- - -_._-~-- Cl\PIT'AL aU'j'LAY: -..- -----_.._--~_.__._-- ...-.... 'j09 Llurniture and Fixtures 188.20 .00 350.00 350.00 200.00 300.0 rOTA L 188.20 .00 350.00 350.00. 200.00 300.0 ------_.. ------- - -.-.- -_.------- . .. ~--_._----- .. . . .. , ,- .. --- -- _.- .--- TOTAL EXPENDITURES: 30,132.29 10,237.48 22,397.52 32,635.00 32,770.00 1A'2,060.0 ----~ ---.-- -- __To ._.____ ~_._._----- .. --------" ---- -- - ------- -_.._._----~~ f--' .' ------- ._.~--- - .. ---..-- -~----- '--..-- --- ----- ..--_._~ ----- ... ----- ------- _._-~-~-_._--- _.~.~_._. ----- .-----_.------_. ._-.__.--.-._._---------~.-,._-- --.---------. ~ -- - -- ----.- --. -------------..- _.._--~ 18. . . 1964 1963 1962 -----J -~] SALINA CITY OF BUDGET NG_ Ol:'El~A'l "--- .c 0 It J:l~ i:\FH,\ Lee tl c REQUEST L .12M Budget Request 1963 Current Budget ~._-- -~--_.~-- ~-------_.._------ R 50j;'11~1~~}:;'R VI C E. S 180 . Of 3 'i )-0.6..0... n n 180.00 3 .00 120 2 00 060 1 3,060.00_ Heads___. aI!LDe Et es-Officia1s ~- ad .01 01 250. 3.430.0 'L 310.00 .00 180 3 00 O_0_--+~~120 1 ,060 __.___3_,Q60.00 1.'0)'1\1._ ALL't I No. r LlU I I i'- 01 L () {)L_ Other I i I _ __._--l y: 1!llll Total 1964 CURRENT YEAR Estimate _8.,-- Months Year For the Fiseal l2.Q.2 Actual ~Months l262. Actual Previous Year --~---- Aeeount p p ill. s 00 ?c;n nn .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .,DL LegaL,S('~rvices Professional Services ._CON'TIZACTI,JAL SJ;RVI CE8,: 75.0 . 75.0Q .00 75 00 ..-T.1:'~..li.n~'pens1L- 75 .00 00 ?O} 10.0 00 5 .00 10 00 10.00 10.00 .I.ll~ur ance -Sure tv Bonds 2]3 .0 .0 .00 00 100 200 115.00 .26 86 28.74 __-.22.29 Securi.ty__ ....In,Qj)ran_ce -,Sac ia 1 :J.J(J .00 175 .47 132 42.53 -~~-_.~ ______.1- 6 3..!.TL. EI:np_loye~ Re t irem~~___..__.._.__.._, 1.38 85.0 'iRQ.nn .00 375 293.73 81..27 _. _ _...2.6 9 _._Q..L --.T.Ol'AL-___,_______ --I .0 .0 - 515 -~~ 1/ 3, 690.00 3 .00 00 555 3 .00 .73 413 2 -._!.Q.Q---- 27 141 1 C,",,-=-= ,.Q2--== 1 :1?9.0 .1 () J-.1J1'l'EEIM!.S ANTLSUPPLIES :__ DP~ S,11 P rJiell 'n)lc~TnT1 C(' ..DU 320 L-:.:--J .~ CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year 1964 i ':ill~RM-,_ OPERA Tl0[Q '1.10n ;r1.Il1l'l1t ._,_, Cl.t.)'.JlltLlsli.DlL- Fllit.tL',1 By: .....' ------- tc P nge._____ _. u__ _____.__________~___.__._...__._ ._._.__._~___._______.____ --- .--..--- .--.-- Ace't, Aetual 1963 CURRENT. YEAR 1%1 Current Budget No, Account Previous Actual Estimate Year 4 Months ~ Months Total Budget Reques1 .--.--- . .. ----- F-' ---~- _XEE..S.QNl~L _SERVICES ~ 120.___ f----.J'3cJJart.e_3. -RegllL'lr Emf> loyee s 5,942.24 2)060.00 4,120.00 6,180.00 h nnn nn 6,180.01 .,. J.IQ__ ~~0]~rjes-Part Time Employees nn .00 400.00 400.00 <;nn nn 500.01 .l95,_ ,_,Ol:hc.r. Proff'ssiDnaJ Servi ces 41h A1 20.00, 230.00 250.00 <;nn nn 500 .01 . -- .. .., . -, .. -- . '['O'CI\L. -----------_.~-,-_._-- -------~-_._-~ h , 31..9....D.5..... 2,080.00 41.750.00 6,830.00 7 0.00. nn 7,180.0 .u.__....__. --- ------.- . c..QNTRi:.\CTfJ61.,SERVICES ~ . )0.5 ___ ,1_TelephQll.Q._AD.cl Te1egraoh . ' ....9---D..L .00 .00 .00 1Q nn 7./.7 I Insurance-Fire . _. __._3_, 3l5...2L _. 249.88 2,250.12 2,500.00 1 7<:n nn 3,500.0 ;(J6 - 1_-TnSllr~~:lC-C':S~'~t[lJ.,_s.e_CUl:J_ty .. 18LL...2Q... 56.04 168.96 225.00 17') 00 ., .0 .. ., ng .. Emp 1 QY0 C S Eo l:i.:t::~me n t ____?8Ei.. 4~_ 82.66 24 2 .34 325.00 2')000 .0 2!fl ...-- ---- Gas Ser'ficil._,_____, __.1." 754.32.__ 1,069.24 1,180.76 2.250.00 2 "inn nn 2,500.0 2112 _J4.g1Lt and POI-ler Service 784.40 240.00 460.00 700.00 700 00 700.0 -. ---.-.. ?!,:J _ , .U11t'-'( ,SP1:vJCC.__,_____ _.._..__..__ 1----_.2.2.6...0A 201.88 398.12 600.00 40n.nn 600.0 i 'i I ]\ C' p:1 L r ..jll1i lcl i nf~ s ___._.~n 3 7lf3, 8.1._ _ ._._2V _..4 6 972 .54 1,500.00 2 500 00 2,500.0 _____H__ ) -j? R (> pi L ( -1111 )' 111 I'll TC_ .0] )(1.0 fJic e E qui pmen 1:,___. 1,396.07 53.60 221.40 275.00 500.00 500.0 ._-~._- - 1A1.lMI"Y o.m To..!. SeyvLce ., . .,,__~.4.J32._. ..__._ 5,83 44.17 50.00 50.00 50.0 ..-,._._~-----_..-. -_.- ,-- -- ~.-.~-_.- . -'I .. , I ~~ 1964 Jl.O , 3 0() 1963 1?" 1J!I. ~ ~ .It '2.5 ' 00 5,q~W,lt'1J 2.1M&.5(!) 1962 35.~ 111T, ,~ c........-J 1963 1964 ~ t':":""'...W: CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiseal Year 1964 (' NEHMJ..QI'-E_E,f,\,U NG '~ i i Y i '>11 tl<Jing_,_____ PaGe ~ ---- ..-.-------.. -----_._------~-~---- ,.--- -~~- Ace't, I Actual 1 QF, 't CURRENT YEAR 1963 Current Budget Aeeount Previous Actual Estimate No. Year 4 Months 8 Months Total Budget Reques I ---- -~ ._---.~--~_._-- ---~---- tiATea!t\J...s_~lliL~lJ.P PLI E S ~ I _.-._----------- J II) _Expcn(L8,QJf:\_I.9(),t~__.___ .---- ,...,..........-.106.....9.3.. .30 99.70 100.00 100 00 100.( .3!f3. _JOfi Lt or._ancLT oiJ.C,t...sllP.plie..s -.---- _---....-..2..).61.L..%...... 461. 61 1,538.39 2,000.00 1 C:f"\f"I f"lf"\ 2 000. ( ..367_._. , _~ncctr.icaLand_J,igh.ting-..E.ar.t.s l8.8.....3 0 .. 19.68 230.32 250.00 'inn nn ? "n.....o _37.1___. .-Lumhe L....aucLL.umb_e.r:....Px_Q dJ.1C t s q7R 6" 122.21 27.79 150.00 I')Q.OO . 150.0 .3.BL. I Pa~vnt and.P,;linl:il1g_Hsl:erio0.L13..._______ -...- 242.71._ . 97.31 1.52. n q 2')0 00 250.00 .,c;n (1 ~-------. .. , -- --.-..--- ----"---.- -_.---._-- .-.- ._-~- _. I I " ------------. I ,_. .. .'I9TAL 41.188.55 701.11 ~.0_I1.a.....8.9 2.7')0.00 ., 'tnn nn ? 7 "or ___n___n__ _._ -~-- ._----~ -.-.-.. .'- -. , ------- . ... ___ __.._.__h____.___,___ -..--- . . . --~- ------------ ------ ---'- ._~.--- --.--.-- - -- ---_._~.~-------- ..-------- , -'-"'- ----- -.-.---.- --.------ ---.-.---...----- ----.--.- ---- --_.- -_.~._--_. .. ---------- -.-- - ---.. ---.--.-.., --_..~. '- .. . - ---._~--~ --- / ., - .--- -.------ ,XO.280.C .... __.T0.1'MLJ~X.rrill'pITURES : ._._.__.._~--------._--- _ ..2.2,,1 0 2. .,92 5 ~ ~ 6 L....ZQ..... .-_.. 12~.Z.37 .30 1 8".Q.Q5 ,00 18,143.00 .., ---- -....-.-. - -. .-.- .---------- .. .- -. - - . -_.- 21. J..262 __............J .~ CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST 1964 OIJERATI1':lG ~ ,\ T 1',1 'l' G " "ent Leed By: ,I I.<' 1964 Budget Request 1.963__ --. ---.--- Current Budget llfi.l Total Year -----. -------- CURRENT YEAR Estimate -.8._ Months Fiscal For the 1963 Actual 4 M.onths_ _----=---=--.1 2.9 2 _ Actual Previous Year -----" -- t}CQ.:c_________ _.---~-- ---..--..----- Aecount 1 ~-; p i -- -" -'-J- - Acc't. No, _ _u____ .--.-~-~ --~------- 1, .' y i c _..---- 00 740 ~L: c S Fl~V .___._XEES_QN,f., 7 52.74'O.OC 500 7 ,5QQ.OO 00 42.750 740.00 .00 7 52,740 160.00 238.00 5 35 .___1-..-----1.., 500. ~Q.._ __.~80, 00 46,786.1i_J 17l502.00 .<::j~Q.ll? nnd_Dept JIE'aqs .120_- --.S.alari.e..s...::R.egulaLJ~lu.],21.Q.ye e s uQ_I-.-Sa.1nrieS::I'.aLLTj me Emp_l.9_)l.e.e,L~__ .Q(L ~__S.a.lar.ieJi' 1 1 .oc .oc 500 2 00 2,000.00 5.00 .00 2'00.00 500 .00 200.00 500 00 00 22 L8.0 273.05 Q,thr:LPrQ f(".5.9jO-Qt1lLLQ.ervj~~1L 63,480.0C 750.00 57 .00 61,180 00 " Ld.098 ,1-9.5___ 00 20,082. ,781.00 54 TOTAL .. ~ OC .O( 00 00 00 00 22 00 .s,Ll:l~JS;BA~.__.___._ Use Allowance ~AL Ohi.1.8 l\C .1.~ i\l1,tOl ..205__.CTc..lep WI c 350 300 350.00 350.00 242.78 107 1??,?I) h 0 ne._and ...T.e.1 e.graph.. .0< 300.09--\-__ 2 ')0.00: .86 180 --------- 14 119. 11 351 t1g,..E~J2.eJlse li 1 \f(~ Tl" _'2.01_~ 25.0 ?').OQ .00 25 .00 25 __.00_, _____17.85 80 l? _2.Q9..__. 500.0< 650.00 .00 __500 50 487 __12..50 -l .___.__467.73 i.J1J: s <"]1) 1. n _220__,_ 100.0 00 100 100.00 56.30 70 43. 00 _l2l Printil~fice Forms .0 50 ')0.00 50.00 .00 50 00 .00 ng l.e.SI1LJ:,ll1l1 .225__ 200.0 ___~--2 .0 .0 2 2.5..&Q .__.1.'L.2.Q.. 00 2 00 GOO 500 1 200.00 ....9.2.....1--__)7 .~ (A5._n__~___ 1 ,30L~ .67 '170 .00 .00 850 500 1 L 42 .66 51 929 1 '1R 34 1 Z~50 _148 1..72.....3..7. 5_Q__ :n 2. j 03tiP. 74 'j % (! 22 .d('~s See n 'ft t-A-{ Y\. t i 'iT~~b LQ.1y_12.9.ml~,? or ) L' lCQ'':0l ',')c,. :-~ Il'\suy'""l'I!( I VII$I.lY, 231 ? 33__ ? 31) "23~ ~_-l ..:..:.:....0 CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST I' hI'" 1 Y 1964 . , or t e . lsea ear \; \ :\L ~c ."__...'__' ~.___ - ___.. '.__n_.__.___ __ ~~__--1__~..;....c Il.. ______~_ -- . --------. ------.. -~--_._----- ---. Actual 1963 CURRENT YEAR lq63 Current Budget Aecount Previous Actual Estimate Year 4 Months 8 Months Total Budget Request ___.u__....._._________~_._ _ -~,. ...,. . !::-. - ------- ---------~----_. .. . -. .-- ~-ll~~_~.~)E~.l,c~ ,r,~C)_l~!~mcn t 202.25 .00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.0' ._-.--- ~~c~'Z_.a~~~~'(P,:,~p.i~~n t 62.25 .00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.0 -- ,- -.. r V(c;~lic lcs L~98 .49 312.14 187.86 500.00 350.00 500.0 --------------- ,.-. ------------_.- r Vchic les, Tires and TubeE 20.35 .00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.0 ------------ L'Y col1J:(; J~.s) \\u~~J:l_cmd Lub. 67.27 .00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.0 . - ,- . ---,-_..-. .--- -- -'.._...- 5 732.4,4 ,_l1-~7~,.lJ:.2.. f-----,..LJ:..,. 916 0 s n 7q? "in n "i17 "in 2 ,44? S . --. . PPI,TE~) : f----- ---.-,-, . ----.- ,--- .. ._-._-- .-. ---.-.~- ---...----,. 172.9LI, -., - 126.12 123 .88 2"i0 00 ?5n nn ?SOO . icals 151.00 20.09 79.91 10000 lnn nn 100_0 -----. ---- in~.(;r ing,,:?~lJ~,Le.~_,__ 1,747:27 517041 582.59 1 100 00 1,100.00 . 1 .200.00 Pue 1 .E:!lQ..r,~lbJ:),0.imts 789 A3_. 285.55 , ___,._514.45 8 o O..J) 0 n"in nn RSO 0 3 - L~,~~E..S_~'d]~~~;~_____.___ 60.00 60000 .00 60.00 60.00 . 6000 ------. .----- Iw1:' ProdlW ts 605.12 92.87 57 .13 150.00 300.00 200.C ._-.-~~_._---~----_. ------ --...------------- Equipment Parts 86.38 5.80 69.20 75.00 75.00 75.C 122.66 30 .7L~ 69.26 100.00 . 100.00 100.( ~._-_._- - --- ubes 186 .L~l 38.20 161.80 200.00 200.00 ' 200.C .----- "- .. ---- . '-'"'-- ...... .C':' ..:':'C. .__ c 3,921021 I. ,17 Ii . 7 8 1,658.22 2,835.00 2,835.00 3 , 035 . ( _.__._--~-----_._- ------.-.--.- r--'-" ,,-- ,. . ... --------.-- . ~- --'- -------- " -.-.----.-----.--" 23, 1964 1963 ~..9 IS /. ,) .,. E 3]~_,_ t,lo t.!Lt:..J.'~:h Lsl.~ 179 r Vc:ld.c Ie:> -------- --------- 331 Books and Perl -~--------.....-._------_._--- __l~Q._~ Off ice 0~~PpJ,js __..l.?1-....l.1ac h ine 1.::Y and n .' - (.lach ------- Hotor 1\ t-lotor -. 1'10 to L o I:<H' ,'ni.chl l'!,\bcr clnd u !'JOtor Vcllic1e -------- iOTA l- >~' n and D1.'8 1. Rep:l i. r 1~2pair ---,.----- Rcp.':0~E.. ,aT'AL ):} n' A. l. '.--1 :No. 252- 2.$3 254 2.55 25~ 335 3L\, 5 3!l7 37 f CITY OF SALINA BUDGET HEQlJEST __,19G~-l-_ ~---- Budget Request ._1. 9G'3 Current Budget rt2~ ,.----- -l963--cl:TRREi'rT YEAR '1963 Actual I' Estimatel -- ~Months ____~Months. Total -~------- ._----_._--~ Yc< en For tl 1962 Actual Previous Year oc 25 00 25 25.00 ....--.-1 .. .00 ,00 --}---~- 750.00 750.00 00 750 .00 -'- 00 50 or SDQ"iJ ,--- Lj.!l2.....') 25 - 00 40 500 ,. ---. .:3 .Q...~'-Z Q ,-l-. ------ 1 0.7.7... " 67 582,50 --~--' 71 1.~22.)? -...--- 23-,.160.., 23_.1-~_~1~3 --,-+- -----t.--- ..:c:::-:::-..::c:..:==."ll.Q. .00 __I20,;;r _~ 20 .PO .:-..::....-:;.-..:::.-.=;-_.- -.-- :.:--.:::.:.:: ~~ \ ___.9,Q -.--...--..--.- _ 7 50 ._Q.Q___, -+-- 65 ,L~ 1 9 65 24 CJ i , L... L_ Id_ GENERAL OPE HATING - Iction _ - Jartment city fnginee.r - lmitted By: - te., _ Page_ - - A.cc't. Account No. SUNDRY EXPENDITURES: -,. 435 Organization Due.s - - ':\CAPITAL OUTLAY: - ,/1509 ':Furniture and Office Equipment "i: 52 5~'TrUc ks _M.__'_ ~ "(;?,: ""':. ~:Y'IDTAL !,': -,- 'IDTAL EXPEW)ITURES: --.- -- - - - - - ._-_.__.~- -- ------..-----.-- ,-- _....-- -.-.--..--.. ---.-.. ."- --. .-,-0 9,+c~'- ,_ .00 00 00 ==-1- 895 945 SALINA OF BUDGET CITY c L-. ~,-----' r"" ': c....... ,. 1(\ _...._ GENER,\L-O.P. Jet ion _ );u1.11lcnt_ )11l d:tcd By: te HEQUEST ')()IL_ Budgct r~cq nest % Current Budp,et \ _19.fllL CiJii4E~~:!~~Rl'-7= -Y~~=--'==7[' . 8 _ :r-./fonths 0 .... _.____ ~.-_.~:::--:-~==~~----~.I-:::.._:: -- --.... Year II'isc(. ~I'or 1.5Hi2, -- Actual 1963 Previous Actual'''' y ear ~~_ r,,/[onths -==--=.-'----:1::..--==::::::..... -., --- Page Account ------ Acc't. No. SERVICES PERSONAL 7L~0.00 L, '?",}..6.2... OQ_.___._?2.~,'O .00..,.__.1.,. 580,00 -........--.---.---. 2 u.QQ....OQ and Dep_t.,......fu:'.'.lds__ Salari~s-O~ficials DiL- QO._..~~L~ 1, 88Q....Q.9 _lJi'G 3 2 ~lQ_.-.._JL~ 6.L?0 0 ~__..-7-..3.8..,1/fQ 79,276.80 -------- 2 2 2..,,1.4.9......Q) tilar Eml1loyees...., 50.00 --------- __~.Q2....._.______.__42 "..9L___~Q~-.-,-.5.Q..00 ____15......0.0_ 00 . <)60 fj I t_ 00 00 000 , .G9_0 5 .00 .---+----- .._. _~ 00._.__ 00 ____...QO Professional Services ~;0-c:1~li t~~.~lJlc.l?::,lg:f~es __ " - ~ ------- )() 2. LLl.'2.Q__..90 o L'J. r' ,) I.;i.o. -, ,---" 00 390 !. 5'!, :=-===:.r:=_-:~. '3)5, ~.2..CL___ /'J. fJ5~...-8;' 86~&O _L...229_,..82if. GO.NTRA,CTU i\I...SERVl.CES_~_ ___..Ji.Q9~ OC 600,00 __.......l2Q.. 00 ~__,___Q.OO. 00 250000 60Jl....OD AJ-Lo.willll:. ..2.0. 500.0C J'iO.OC 1 00 00 500 '\'i0 1, J .2.90._Q9 350.00 91 07 ~..L12 9 370.09 ,.5B.L.6.6 - phone....an.d...Tele.gra.ph eling....Exp.e n g e . 323 26,93 ._--~---_._- 3_8.5..J_1.._. .2.D.1 so.oo o 50 00 50 00 00 91 38 Postagg 209 o 00 50.00 L20.00 00 51 00 69 ---~- Office F.orms in Print 221 _____ .OC .1.9.9,..QC .00 .00 7.QQ_o_Q.~__ 00 .0 00 If 41..!.!lZ,_._ 00 s Insurance-Buildin 227 ._7_0D...OO 25? 9., _35..o...Q( f) .___350_.0 ,J'50.00 . .------- 21 251 95,76 .__..3.35_..1il 350.0 o n 00 000 ,OD 0,00 .125 6 .___xs,Q.!.Q.9_. DO ..1. Q,Q_O,..Q.Q, 0aY. 1 ___.___..1, 7 O...Q~_ .__..,_ JJ6.2_...0.6.... 65fD.LiO .98 3tl3 I 6fl!) ____L>.:n5..a2_.__Z~..!.l.:.'. 1 79 2.(;~,j_3_ ()2:b .00 2!S C~ , ~ ..-.Emplo..~ti.D;. Gas Serri.c.e... ~'(\J dr 1'OW.Q V' U ~"'t 2.~ 242 SALl1"1 A ".-' l' CITY ()f BUDGl':'! -- , 'oP'ifRA TINd"- L GENERAL F 1. re ion pnrtment bmitted By te L---j nd, net QUEST n ()I~ Budget HCCjuest 9 C!)(i3, Current 13 udget _)963 Total ::.=-=.,==-.___,__l=. 964 Ycnr Sl' CUIU~ 1, , 1963 Actunl L~ Months -~-=-~-=--'-=='=='=IC: ll'or 1962 Actual Previous Ycnr -_.-.._--,._---._~_.._- Page Account Acc't. No. o )0 (1) 450 50.00 l~ 94 ::2% -, 06 153 28 460 Water. Service 243 ---- 80000C ()O 150.0C -.--t-----_~__~_ 800.00 ---------- 500.00 500.00 00 00 25 Repair - Buildings ----- 251 150 150.00 00 150 .00 .------ 92.73 Repair. - Purniture and Office Equipment 252 500.00 .00 500.00 .------------------._----- .75 31~7 and Equipment _LRcpair - Machinery 253 ,00 ___,.........!.QQ____ .00 ___ ij 5 1. 00-' 2 ~~'~-- .-,-,-- ----i--~~-~..~-, - ;~:2.~.- ' ~.~ =~-==.:::::..::.I.=-.. 250.0C -----~---_.- 250.00 ~----~---_._--------- 250.00 228.50 50 21 96 LLL~ _ 2.?,~~epair - Motor Vehicles 00 ~D.. 00 50 00 ____.__.Q.oL.____, __..........'iJ)Q...Q~ '37. 'j 00 ,.__,n 5. 00 ,S:iL2..,Q( o ) -------------:. -=-.-!::...-:: ---::':..:...::=":--=":'::-~-- ___2.,ZS_Q.oo DO C\ ./ o 00 _.~~L~_O_Q._ 50.00 ----- ---- 762.79 .25 1. & Tubes --f---- - Morot Vehicles. Tires _.... ,l~ 5f$..'i.:.:B-S:J2.Cl i r: '> 7l::~~~, Repair - Radio Equipment 257 () ')00 :325 O? rn N '2.1 ~BS!-!,1j:, _-= F' i. re Hid ran ts i~' Service .pJaUllckY and To~.;rel ,2/3 ...! 284 " 6 _~, 1 0 1....6~L_-----..1.J?~~~21-l__. TOTAL .., MAr~RIALS ^ND_~UPPLIES 1 Q9 .OC iO 3 (iO _ 3..0 o. QQ.. n.2.!~L ,0 Q....E~_.._. _ _ -...----- ..__..],O},_52 310 I EXP''"Jndable Tools ..3 5 O..!_Q_Q_____}.29...!..~ __)50.00 230.07 ----. 119.93 L~ 7 323 and Supplies Off ice F0l111S 320 00.00 00 o 00.00 100.00 00 13 130 and Periodicals Books 331 00.00 I ~ 00.00 L~ Ij.OO .00 00 371 .00 29 62 3015 and Etc Drugs Chemicals 333 600.00 00 00 "/ 00.00 00.00 (j "/ 600.00 700.00 54 81 423 635 86 176.L~6 ---->-~---_.__. 728.92 64.19 ___-1-_________ 408 1 26 & Etc Janitor and Toilet Supplies Lubr, - Fuel Motor Vehicles 31~3 345 196'.j. -~. ----- ----- ..- ---- Budget Request ~, ~_._-~--- ._--~ .00 200.00 --.---_... 00 '5.800.00 550.00 -- 375.00 250.00 L~7 5.nO j 00. U , -- L~50.00 500.00 200.0C 50.0r: ------- L~OO ,or -- 600.0C ----- - -.. 13,000.01 ---------- _._---.-. 60.Ur ----_._~--.- 9 - l"7UL .~ -~. -~ - ---- - . .. .cc't. Actual 1963 CD H.H.ENT YEAR 1963 Current Aecount Previous Actu:al Estimate No. Year 4 Mon~~ 8 ' Total Ducl~r",t .-c::::.:.'::.:=.:::=.1l1ont~ .-_..- 351 Seeds. Plants Trees and Lawn Supplies 16.52 .00 200.00 200.00 200 -------..--.---- ---.'--------- n__ 355 wearing Apparel 5,158.25 3,092.31 2,307.69 5,400.00 5,(500. 1--' "~------ - . 359 Other Operating Supplies 268.12 88.06 L~61. 94 550.00 550, +- --------.....-- 367 Electrical and Lighting Parts 3L~6.07 51.31 323.69 375.00 375. -~----,._.- '; 371 ,'Ltnnber and Lumber Products 526.52 .00 250.00 1.50.00 250. ----- .__.-. --,---_._- -.-,---- ..---.--- ._- --.-.--" ,:':, .373 .?}1achinery and E@pment})arts 305.97 15>.62 459.38 1~7 5 .00 1,/ c; . '~'.'.t --_._,-- __.....n__.~_. . ----- - -----..------ --~._.- -~. -- ---' -- --- .1~ 377 ~~otor Vehicles - Parts 400.75 206.57 493 .L~3 700.00 - - 379 ~;klotor Vehic les - Tires ~ll(~_'Fl:~~es, 77 5. 6L~ 53.'/.9 396.71 L~50 .00 If SC - __'.____n___. -_._-~._---- ---... --. - .-..- -_..._._---~-- .. 381 ,':'paint and Painting Hater 7als 1,115.68 51.95 448.05 500.00 50( -_.~-- .. -----.----- .- --~- ---- 382 Photograph Supplies 163 .75 18.48 181. 52 200.00 20( ------- -------------.. .--.-..---- ---------------.---. --- .~_..._- 385 "Radio Parts .00 18.22 31.78 50.00 5C - -,--- ,....---. --"." --_.__.'0'_' .-----..---.- --. - ..----- 393 We1din!L:.~lies 273.23 75.52 3 21~ .LF8 LlOO .00 L~oe .. ----_._-----. --.--.-....-...".-.- _____,_,___,.._u" , .-_._~-- 399 Other OpeJ~ating Supplies 175.60 14.95 585.05 600.00 coe -- -----.-------- ----..- ----..---.-.--..--- _.- .--..----- ---- ---_.. -- -----.---- --_.__._~------~ ----.. --..-- - ---- .. _______._.o~_ .. ~-_.._.~_._.._-._,._---_.. -_.~-_. --..----- , ,. -, TOTAL 12,527.62 4,136.00 8,464.00 12,600.00 l3,00( ...---- - ------~.- ---- . ---y- SUNDRY EXPENDITURES: -~~----,._--- --, , ----- - ------- 435 OJ~g,~~l.: ~_?, a t ion Dues 25.00 10.00 30,00 L~O .00 60 -- ----- ~~---=~~~-=-r---~~=--- . . ..-----." -.---.".--.....-. "-' ----.-----.- 77 00 00 - 00 ' ._- --- .00 .00 ----I.~ .00 __---'1__ .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 --- 00 CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For th(; Fisc81 Year1964 L -- _._-_.._---- Page __----;---_ ..-."""'\ ~ L.---J GENERAL OPERA1~~~ FIRE r-'~ d ction artment mitted By '" SALINA CITY OF BUDGET L,_ L_._ L_ L....... GENERAL OPERATING l.re 0:::= Id_ lction _ lartment .__._ 'mitted By :e REQUEST 1964 ._.,._196.4___ --.----- Budget Request J..9..61 Current Budgd ---_.-- 1963 Total Year CURRENT YEAR Estimate ---1L Months For the Fiseal 1963 Actual ~Mon!hs 19..6.2- Actual Previous Year Page Account -...- --'------ \cc't. No. GAPITAL OUTLAY: 00 .00 .29 870 5 l-Iotorcycles and Automobiles 505 00 000 3 000.00 ---j--- 3 .00 675 .21 664 79 10 65 967 19 Fire Fighting Equipment ----- 507 00 800 00 800 .00 150 71.00 79.00 .68 345 1 Furniture and Fixtures 509 00 ---.-.--- 4,800000 000 1 000.00 -t-----=c-, 625.00 4,800 1 .00 800 .75 ==--=--==:==':1=-== 968.96 233 .25 566 00 ~--------- 27,854.62 671 Radio Equipment J,;"c " ~t. . ';!~'IDTAL 519 o o 285 ----- 300 o o - ,30 278 1 -_._---.--~ - _m"__._._.____. 278,300.00 -_._--_._._~--_._--_._- ----_._-_.._--~... - ~----- 188,750.95 04 -1-- --=----------"=J:='==:....--,--.- c, 278,33S.56 89,549.05 656 'IDTAL EXPENDITURES , 1~ .~ -- 28 CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST -.., ;L:....:L.. c.".."_ ,_~ ld GE.J:n~M1 OPERATItlQ lction Jar t rn e n t I M.p.c.cJ:iill.L.-...... lmitted By: __ te -.196 J__....__,_._ .-- -" _..- - Current Budget - -,.....-.----- ------- ------- 196], Total J.9_6iL_ CURRENT YEAR EstimateI ....8_ Months _ _. ~-- Year For the Fiseal 1963 Actual ~Months ---.!.ill__ Actual Previous Year -~~ ,",.. Page__ --.--..- Account ,- !\cc't. No. ------....:T.=- - _ PERSONAI,_SERVICE~ L20_l-s.alatie.s.::.Rc.gu1aLErn~~ O~hpr Pr.afRsBlDn~1 ~~r~;c~~ 00 380 19 15 ,42Q~OO 00 380. 16 ~_990.00 00 390 5) :)...4].66 . lO .IQIAL -'-1%,';"--- I:~~~~.:' i!<,:xCQNTRACTUAL SERVICES: 14tA~tomobile Use Allowance 'rcle.phona..and.....T.el.e O'r ~ n h 00 850 900_,..Q.O.. 250.00 -- 630.00 250.00 00 2RO......06 195 230.00 20, 16, 240.00 11, 00 390 5, 16 15,446 lQ.,32Jl._QQ.. -.---l---.....----,..-~-_..- __~L500.00 1,1..QO.00+-_LJQQ.....QO 00 775 o5Q__t-u_.2 25. ~ 163.79 _~l.~242 201 00 600 550.00-J__..,,___6Q.Q....QQ 21 386 450...LL. li&.2..8 2.05 150.00 150.00__ 00 150 82 81 18 68. 'rr,!nrp 1; no ~ 2.OL lUg 75 .OC ---~ 00_ ..____.........J..5,' ? 5 . 00 7 ~ .O.Q.+-._.., .00 1 9 L.Q2 n. OC 350 00. ___400 3.2Q_...Q9-i __,.__J2fL,.2.Q_ 153.50 -------- 340.40 Exint.i.I1e Off; ra.1?n,.mc T n .8..lll:an.C p - ~ 22.1 10.OC 5.00 __10.00 <..__ 10.00 .00 10.00_ B.Qnd~ 23.l,.. OC _~9..9. 00 ~__-2.00.JlQ 454.26 ---- 145.74 --.-------.- 429_....65 Securitv Insurance-Social 2.16 .OC 62Q..OO 650.00 499.13 87 150 549.44 Rmnl n,u>pc J~pt'i rpmpnt' 23& ?'i? OC 700 250.00 5_thOO 1 . QO._ +___--..l.Q.~_.. 00 If~ 2_L 14 and_Office. Eauioment "R p n.<1 il:.::F.JJJ:.l1i.tJJ r ~. ('> " ---~-- ? ._--~-,------_.,-_. .--- -------. ..------------- __"..._.3 ,2.3Q!.QQ. ~_,.?12!.9..Q, ---- .~-,..-:-:;:-:.:::-:~I 2 5 b..OJL~~_____~J ,~ 8 2 .2.~J_ 1 - 22 175. 3 ?q -- 'rom CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year ~_~L [---' L_ _____A' ...----.; ; ld_ 9~~RAL OPERATING lction _ - )artment_ Ins Rec tion >mitted By: - te Page - n -- -- .-.--. -- _..-- \cc't. Actual 1963 CUr~RENT YEAR 1963 Currc1.,t Budget No. Account Previous Actual Estimate Total BudL;d Request Year 4 Months 8 Months ...__._.__.__~m .- ----- .. .--..----- ~~TERIALSAND SUPPLIES: -..'-- -. 320 Office Supplies 65.11 2.50 72 . 50 75.00 100.00 75.00 331 Books and Periodicals 52.50 6.50 68.50 75.00 75.00 75.0C - -----...--- 367 Electrical and Li~htin~ Parts .00 .00 75.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 . ,- 'c ------- , ;,';,TOTAL 117 .61 9.00 216.00 225.00 250...QO _~25.00 '.".'; --- , ~ ~t ~". -i),SUNDRY EXPENDI TURES: ----- ----.-- I ... l~35 ,Organization Dues 97.82 50.00 50.00 100.00 25,00 100.00 .. +- -. . ---'--~ ---- . CAPITAL OUTLAY .. --~----- 509 Furniture, Fixtures and Office Equipment .00 .00 200.00 200~00 300.00 300.0C -- ---,-_..,.. .-----.----.- ---- . .. --- n TOTAL EXPENDITURES: 18,836.81 6,701.08 14,288.92 20,990.00 20,825.00 v23,740.00 .' - -_.. .- --~. _ --- --- ----..-.--- . . . . -- ---. I 30. I 1964 1963 1962 CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year 1964 -- -----~ 1962 196,3 -- ---- . Acc't. Actual 1963 CURRENT YEAR 1963 CUrrl'llt Account Previous Actual Estimate No: Year ~Months 8 Months Total Budget _.___...._u____..__ ----------- . ------- 7 500.00 2)580.00 5 160.00 7 740.00 7 j 5_00",.QQ. 18 907.50 6>900.00 13 850.00 20 750.00 21 750.00 .00 .00 250.00 250.00 500.00 Time Em 10 ees 2)144.30 12 355.70 14 500.00 &..5JlQ..Q.O _ _ "------ S'ervices 208.00 , 92.00 300.00 1,000.01 ...6 , 1 ,000 .QO._ 37 528.37 11) 832.30 31,707 .70 43,540.00 't '47 ,340 .O( .__41.,. 2..S.o..LQ.Q : '. -. --.- ,"" . A CES' , nee ' .00 .00 .00 .00 .go .01 56 141. 76 208.24 350.00 350.00 350.01 00 .00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 00 .00 25.00 25.00 25.0.0_ 25.01 - 213 55 186.00 14.00 200.00 200.00 225.00 . sllrarl('p -Mntnl:- 208.43 16.57 225.00 , OJL.QJ 225.0 1 085.11 264.60 835.40 1-'.1:00.00 1 100_.&0 .0 ----...-----. 1......444.91 322.60 1,177 .40 1,500.00 --L 500 . 00 .0 --- ------..----- 540.59 ___"_.1.l2..~..L 330.67 550.00 475.00 550,0 ---_._-~------- T,; ('rhf-' nno 'PnHPr Sprvice 3l. 777,11 115.21 634.79 750.00 If SO .00 7 ':;0.0 o 9 o 00 L-: L-_ L_ L_ i1d_ G~RERAL OPEMTING 1ction _ - - ,)artment~._]?ark - lmittcd By: - te Page CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year 1964 c:J I l__...... ~~~~ ' ,.' ~----' ld_ GENERAL OPE flATING lction _ ---- Jartmentyark ~--'- >mitted By .-.------ te _ Page , -- - -------_.-._-- A.cc't. Actual l~O.j CURRENT YEAR 1963 Current Budget No. Account Previous 4 Actual 8 Estimate Total Bl1c1[~et Request Year Months Months -.'..- .--- .- --- 251 Repair - Buildin~s 1.360.80 106.36 2 893 61.!. 3 OOO.QO_ __,4 ..onl}. 0.0.. ll,OOO.OO 253 'Repair - Machinery and Equipment 516.37 141.21 358.79 500.00 500,00 .. 800.00 254 Repair - Motor Vehicles 106.43 7.64 92 .36 100.00 159.go_. 150.00 255 Repair - Motor Vehicles, Tires and Tubes 21.10 5.50 L~4 . 50 50.00 50.00 50.00 --- . '\',TOTAL 6.532.33 1.718.64 6.731.36 8 .450.00,_ _---.2.,.lQQ .9 () 7 ,225.00 , - I '~'; JiJ:1ATERIALS AND SUPPLIES: --- -,-,.--_.- ------.------.--, -- -.--. --. ._- "-. 310 t~xpendable Tools 4.72 86.90 213 . 10 300.00 30Q.OI) 300.00 .... 331 Books and Periodicals 7.00 .00 25.00 25.00 25.()') 25.0C .. 333 Chemicals, Drugs and Etc. 14.75 35.47 39.53 75.00 ~._-12. 9_9 ' __,_7 5 .O~ 343 Janitor and Toilet Supplies 58.00 .00 100.00 100: 00 200.0_0 100.OC '----,_.,--.,-- -_.,-,., 345 ,Motor Vehicles, Fuel, LU1?r, and Etc. 687.68 173.03 726.97 900,00 800,0_Q... _ 900.0C r---'---,- 347 Motor Vehic les - License Tags 71.25 75.00 .00 7 5 .00 80.00 75.0C - 349 Recreational Supplies 50.71 .00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.0C 350 BlueJay Park .' 378.24 529,82 ___....=2....1+70.18 4 000 00 5 000 00 2,.5 .QO.....QC 351 Seeds, Plants, Trees & Lawn Supplies 368.05 216.26 283.74 500.0Q., 500.00 5QQ"j)J ---- -...-..----- 359 Other Operating Supplies 106.60 106,63 393.37 ----._?_QiL...Q.Q.- 500,00 500.0C .. n_______~~. _______.__ -------~_._--_._-- ---... 365 Cement and Cement Products 25.39 1 'l . (j 'j 8'1.3'3 190.0.0 , ')00,00 __ _,___,3__00.'OC --. --.,. -...----- --- , ,- 70,00 I - ___on 11)7 171""j-(';0:'11 :'1llr] T,;,,'htinq- PArts 32. 113,03 30,00 100,00 20~ ,00 (') 1961.). 1%3 1962 CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST , 1964 For the FIscal Year_ [- F I' ' - l L-_ ;1d_ GENERAL 0 PERA TI NG - 1ction _ - )artment ya rk - )mitted By - te Page 1964 -..-----. A.cc't. Actual 1963 CUI~RENT YEAR 1963 Current Budget Account Previous Actual 8 Esti~ate No. Year 4 Months Months Total Budget nequest .. __-0 .. ----- -. 371 Lumher and Lumber Products 195.48 960 90 39.10 1 000.00 600.0Q_ __ ....6_0JL 00 373 Machinery and Equipment Parts 653 .76 339.96 260.04 600.00 600.00 700.00 --,,_.. 377 Motor Vehicles - Parts 56.55 40.11 109.89 150.00 150.00 150,D!] 379 Motor Vehic les - Tires c\:1d Tubes 11.75 7 1 .64 78.36 150.00 150.9~ 150.0C -- -..- 381 Paint and p'ainting Hated:0ls 161.18 493.75 306.25 800.00 800.00 800.0C ._- .. 387 ',;'Sand. Gravel. Rock and Chat 36.57 .00 100.00 100.00 lQO.90, _--..1..00 . 0 C Kf ;l'.TOTAL 3,000.71 3 . 17 4__~ 12 6,450.88 9.625.00 ~Q '-')} o. qg_ _~125.0C ~<t -.;~ .... , - ----.- . , . SUNDRY EXPENDITURES: .. 435 '..OrQ:anization Dues 15.00 .00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.0C --_._- . CAPITAL..OUTIA Y: ,-, -- 502 Bu ilc1 inQ:s 3 648.08 .00 2.000.00 2 000.00 2 LOOO. 00 . 2_.>..900 ~ 509 Furniture and Fixtures 1,219.16 39.17 260.83 300.00 300.00 100.0( 515 Park Erluloment - Hewers 50.00 .00 477 .00 477 .00 1, 000 . 00 '.L~ILQ~ , 521 Ree reational Equi.2!!l.~t:!.t..... 723.19 211.06 7 88 . 94 1,000.00 ......lLOOO. OQ_ __ 1,1~?(2.'O( 525 True ks 1.545.80 1.473.00 .00 1 473.00 _,_... ,..LS .90.,,00 1 , 500 .O( -~------_. - -- ---_.~- 575 'L_~I)( l~~ilJ?.Q._ T\!lPl'(2.y,:n\~t} t 2 7 L~ . 8 1 .00 1,000.00 ..L 000 .00 1,000.00, ---..:L 000. O( :n. 1963 1962 CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year 1964 ~. ~ r-' ~----' ~ GENERAL OPERATING ld lction )ortmenLXark Jmitted By: te l~ 1964 - - -- '. -- ,<\cc't. Actual 1963 CURRENT YEAR 1963 Curren t Budget Account Previous No. Actual Estimate Total Budget Request Year -.!:! Months 8 Months ,. .--.-" ! ____u .. Asphalt for Playground .00 .00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 2,500.00 1--- -. -. -~-.-. . , TOTAL 7 , L~ 61 . 04 1,723.23 5,526.77 ,7,2501.00 8,100.00 10,425.00 . _ u__ _ ---., , -. ,. . ~ -_.. ... ,- .- - .. .. . ,---- TOTAL EXPENDITURES: 54,537 .45 18,448.29 50 , L~41. 71 68,890.00 75,005.00 '/73,140,OC .. --.---<------- .. " ~-_.-- -_.- .~-- ". , .. ,-. .. ---.--..----- .. . - -------- . . , , --------- . ~--- ----~-_. . ------- ---~ . -~.-. . -.---_. ------ ---- .. .. 1/l 1963 1962 Page 1964 e ~ db~ 1962 19(j 3__._ __. ..."' ~ . \'cc't. Actual 1963 CURRENT YEAR 1%1 Current Budget Account Previous Actual Estimate No. Year 4 Months 8 Months Total Budget Request ,-- . .,'---= : - ~Rl:nTH~E~' ----- . LI0 Salaries-Officials and Dept. Heads 7 ')00 00 2, 58Q. 00_ 5,160.00 7 ,7L~0.00 7 5.0.iL.~ 7,740.00 -, .,- L20 Salaries-Re~ular Emplovees 175 264.95 62,360.20 140.796.80 203 ~ 157.00 199,000.00 231,000.00 110 ~a1~ries-Part Time Emp10vees 21 503.35 9.880.00 16.120.00 26,000.00 26,000,00 26,000.00 L90 Medical Services 1,054.90 185.00 815.00 1,000.00 1 000.00 1,000.00 lQ') J.;tQ.th~ r ~ r '1"\1'1,,1 ~prvice~ 1 1..2Lf. 80 36.70 963.30 1 000.00 5_,DQO....Q0 _?...,. 500.00 ,.",'_1 , .(:' yit;TOTAL . '" :':" 206,518.0Q.._ 75 041.90 ,)9 3,J:l?5__~J 0 2381.89L.Q,Q_ ._118...L2().Q~. O.Q . 7,11..,240.00 ;~< \':' :, ."., ._-~---_. --.- - --~_._--- u__ ----, C'I'TTAL SERVTCES' .' ._- ._~----- ?Ol '. . . '1p TT~p A11nwance 1 163.03 413.51 836.49 1 250 00 1 250,....00_ -L.2.5..0...J...Q~ 2Q5 '1'",1 ... '"nil '1',,' ,. 1 n')~ AA 1,101.01 2 OQR QQ 3 :JOO'OO 1 ...2iHl.Jl0_ _3_...z.Q_O_~O_C 2117 '1'.- '"'''' 1 in P' H'vn""'" '" ~ 704.58 18.54 481.46 500.00 1 2.5_0_~OO_., 1,250.0C ?OQ ,p~ ~ I- ~~" 1 9 .5.....9JL ___55_..1}}.. _ 244.26 300.00 400.00..... 1---_ 300 .Q.C -..---.---------. 217 l"p"di nil' Pri~oners 3 526.80 1.172.15 2,327.85 3,500.00 3 000.00 3,500.0C ??() "" "~rl~' i, 00 ..Q..Q, 100.00 100.00 1 () Q..ilO 100.0C ---- ??1 . 'Pr; 1'1 t' i nO' rHO -F; "" '!i'nrmR 2 524.99 V . 5.0,_ 922.50 1,000.00 1.500.00 1 J2..00 .OC -- . __.__,n__ _ ??') T~al Adv~rtising .00 .00__ 75.00 75.00 75 .09_ l5.0C ._" _.,..____cc_ -~----- 221_ 'T, -Bui1dinp'~ 47.30 5 7 . 30 42./0 ~_.lQ.q.OO ,. . . , _.".SQ" 00 . lOO.OC I -- , __.__ n. _.,__.~ '2,3\ -- ':1<; ~50. 00 60C>.'OO t50. DO CITY OF SALINA BUDGET lZEQUEST For the Fiscal Year--19..6J.L 1() 7 732 ,q 0 2.'8' tl6S. c V~y\ic..'.e ~ Page t-AOto'f c c~ ld_ lction _ Jartment Po mitted By: e (:. l.:.... CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Yenr 1964 CJ ~ .._.~ r' -. -- L-....J L.... d GENERAL OPERATING - ction _ - artment _ Po lic e - mittcd By - e Page - --- -- ..__n_ Icc't. Actual 1963 CURRENT YEAR ,0,,1 Current Budget No. Account Previous Actual Estimate Total Budget Request Year 4 Months 8 Months .. . 233 Insurance - Surety Bonds .00 .80 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 0'_-- 236 Insurance - Social Security 1,337.99 1+80~78 1,519.22 2,000.00 1,500.00 .00 238 Employees Retirement 359.04 9.90 390.10 400.00 650.00 .00 241 Gas Service .00 .00 .00 .00 100.00 .00 2.42 , .Light Service 859.75 .2,43.54 606.46 850.00 800.00 850.00 - :(251 ~Repairs - Buildings 132.61 1,211.37 288.63 .,___.~~~~~ 00_, 500.00 750.00 "." ~---_._---_._._---- -.. ,i, :m " , .252 ~Repairs - Furniture & Office Equipment L~78 .45 62.89 137 .11 200.00 200.00 200.00 } 2.53 iWepairs - Hachinery ard Equipment 5'+2.1.1 71 . 3t~ 228.66 300.00 300.00 300.00 ~'r.. - ---- -- ---.-----------.-------. ..~ n.. ...___m__.______ .----.....---- -"---.---'-" .1---.---.. .'\, ~:254 RRepairs - Motor Vehicles 5,626.27 2,536.09 5,963.91 8,500.00 9,000.00 8,500.00 .,' <255 Repairs ~ Motor Vehicles, Tires & Tubes 35.20 9.33 240.67 250.00 250.00 250.00 "C' '256 Rep~irs - Wash and Lubricants 4.00 38.91 61.09 100.00 100.00 100.00 - -----_.._--~_. 284 Laundry and Towel Service 16.20 9.06 40.94 50.00 50.00 50.00 .- 1-----,--- - .-. ,.--,.-- -,-.------.-- 1-------- , .. '-',,-'~""'" '.- -'" ...'....:.." -------- -- ---.------------ ==.:"-;;.====~"o=.= -~-_.- ------.---..-.---.--. ..- --. -~.....- . "...,., - .. -- ,..'"'.~~---- ..._.._-.__0 ,_,___",__,'~~"_L__' .,._. TOTAL 21,098.46 8,301.86 16,738.14 25,040.00 24,890.00 22,640.00 . ,._---,..._--' -~--,- -- -, __'''_ ..- ___n ~,__. --. _._---~_...-.- ..'_.'. ,.--..., ---,--_..~------ -..-, . --.,-.-- ._.u-__.~_..______._.,___,_.._ . .- --- ---_._,-------~ --- - .---- r-----.-------- ._-- ~ .- -.- - -....- ----- --..-------- ---.-,-.,., I I 11';, 96l~ 1963 1962 CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST 19.Q..L Budget Req uest ..6.3 Current Budget 1963 Total 1964 CURRENT YEAR Estimate _8-.. Mon~ Year For the Fiscal 1963 Actual ~Months l~Ji2. Actual Previous Year [___ L___ L._ ~---: L. md GENERAl. QEEllATING mction 'partment :e, bmitted By: _ lte ___ Acc't. -r=' No. -- ' _ Page Account _lOO.OO ___ 10CL., __1.,20_0.....00 --.-3..0..0..-J Q_O o .Q,.,<1.Q .1 ~ 37 62.07 19.25 500.00 - -.----.,.-.- 3 __~.083. 96 1.416.04 25 200.00 00 50 8.2,L 200.00 450,rlO 500.00 o 13,.000 .O,Q 000 12 _~lO-,-tl~,.I? _ 25 .~_...-_.....~~ J }_8_81 8.,13A5..,%__ ..illl.d._Q i 1 250.00 5,000.00 3 SQ.....Q 0 .3.0 Q_~O.o.... 350.00 .31 156 69 193. I.~. 300.00 3.0..0_....00.... .00 300 130.~ ~_lp.9. 16_ flU __300.0D JOiL.ill .00 300 70 119 18.0......30 ____.1J,8....,39-_ __,____--1:!.ATERIALSJUID SUPPLIEB ...-Exp_e.nd..ahle_'too ~ 200.00 102.23 77 97 188.34 Periodicals pm;(',ql ~, nrlle~ ,q _F...oorl for Ariim 2 0 Q.!..Q.Q, 450.00 ,_.!.C~~....$_Q+_.. 44 127 35 . 20 ~--~- 56 322. ___lS.Q,.36._ ~fi5.""; 150.00 ___5..).00.0_..0.0_ 2~.9..Q0 __..2.>_QQ.Q.,.QQ . 5 66 112 629 1 137.50 ----------.-. 2_._l~.lQ.!....3_4..._,_._._ 9..L6iL lQO_...OD 100,.00 _.....l.00 .00 ___..Jl?......2.2... ____l24'OS_ 5.~40 er.:y-and-Rqu.ipme.i1.. 200.00 200.00 ~--7-:-:::-._._~-t__~"""-CC-=--~~ --,--~QQ......Q.Q ~,500.00 58 -AJ,..l.L.. 13 94 ~otor Vehicles-Parts 377 500.0D 1 50Q.,_00 1 91 582.83 251. 34 1 and Tubes Motor Vehicles-Tires 379 00 o _..2_Q..cL 0.0 .00 L~50 6 71 383. 305.09 Materials and Paint in Paint 381 000.00 .00 :..=~~-= 2(.,. Lf SO. 00 Q- 25 LOQ=>= 2.0.515 00 SO-' __._8 00 Of) 00 000 25.%50 1 513.41 .00 ',Jf6~, 2'2- 59 .00 ~===t-:=:..- " . 31f 7 & 486. 89 ________~ . 8_~_ 1__ 'l'2,4- 53. 00 279 1 37 lies and Su Photograph M~teria1s Radio Parts 'T'n'T'^T 382 385 .. ._1.2..QI!. Budget Request -------.- ------- 00 oc .00 200 200 00 ~_ 1963 Current Budget 200 .OD 00 2100 00 00 00 1963 Total 200 200 CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST ---_._" CUI<H,ENT YEAR 8 Estimate -==,__ Months 1964 .00 .00 .00 151 151 Year Fisc -..::.,.---,-+-- L~9 .00 1963 4 Actual _Mon~.~.. For th{,~ 00 00 49 00 00 379.00 1962 Actual Previous Year 154 225 OC ....O.Q.cLDC ..Q,C >- OO.C2...ool-uJ20_Q&C c.... ..1=.,....:"",,"'----== 530 '~ 3'3 OD Jr) 'S "-----. ..~tQQ~-8L.o..lLt__3Q 00,.,.3__.000 _,1 o () ~QO__._ ll, 00 00 --',==--====' 2 O.~ 04 9 ~,~2__L_ o _1,..000" __L1._900 .,_L2_ 836 00 163 . 21 -I---~o ------- -- -.. .- 75 92,937 59 261,158 38 r u___... L...J E ,- ld GENERAL OPERATING - Iction Police - .artmcnt - mitted By: - e Page_ - - \cc't. Account No. SUNDRY EXPENDITURES: 435 Organization Dues 439 Refunds '.u TOTAL " _. t-' ----- u _, ,:CAPITAL OUTLAY: . ... - 50S ,ji:i).lllrl!TIobiles and Motorcyc les ~ .~_.,,--- --~._---- 509 :,'Furniture and Fixtures - ._--- --- 519 Radio. Equipment ---- TOTAL TOTAL EXPENDITURES: - - - --- }, 10 1 QJ.Q.QQ~.Q.9 ~,.OOO ,-00 ,00 836.79 .00 _._.10.,,9.00 16.!_:,?..1_-t-___ 00 7 61. 08 09 949 9 00 ---- ------ _,~lO.J} -------.--- -.-.--- .--1-- CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Y ear ~L L ' , L. ,_._---~ L--....; ,d GENERAL OPERATING etion-,-- - artment...:.... ~treet - mittcd By '- e Page ~_\JL- -------- .cc't. Aetual 1963 cur~RENT YEAR 1963 Current Budget Account Previous Aetual Estimate No. Year 9: . Months 8 :Months Total Budget Request .- . -~~_._-_.. -. ---._---.-----" -- . PERSON.AL SERVICES: _____.___.___u ----- 20 Salaries-Regular EmglQYees 64 766.54 26,812.25 50,187.75 77 , OUO .00 75.1. 000-,.00 80,000.00 30 Salaries-Part Time Emo1ovees .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 gO Medical Services 629.00 .00 500.00 500.00 850.00 600.00 [95 Other Professional Services 500.00 -. - u TOTAL 6S,395.54 26,812,25 ...__-.5.D7(,87 .7') .__ ,. .77, 500.0Q. _ ..7.5..,850, QQ ._8_L 100.... 00 ;' -----.-.-.-- '" "CONTRACTUAL SERVICES: -_.._----~.._-_..__._-- - .:.{t-; ,. ----,----- -----------. -- ---._----- .._". .------- .--- < Teleohone and Telegrauh " 95 254.14 80 . 0 3 ___ . .._,219~27 300.00 ..,__.. ,_...,)..00.00 ___100 ~ 00 .. '21. Printing Office Forms .00 66.45 _ _...__....J.}_!..~5. __J..9..0-,.9..0 100,QO 100.00 - --- -- -. --- --- ~31 Insurance-Motor Vehicles 740.37 852.36 22.64 875 . 00 850.00 875 .00 ~36 Insurance-Socia1Securitv ._.f .1Q..0.3.., 77 737.00 2 OU. 00 2 ~O . 00 2 250.00 .00 ~8 Emo1ovees Retirement 4->.177 .2L _.L.Q__3ft. 34 3,965.66 5,000.00 6 000.00 .00 ,- ~41 Gas.Service 435.71 _____12_8....82_ 171 1.1 .5..0..D.......o 0 500.00 ..... 5(J0 .O() . ~42 Light Service 87.55 38 . 14 36 8(, 75 00 75.00 75 .00 '41 W,qtpr Sprv;C'p . 354.28 8.l..Ji~ ?('8 1(, 3..5..0 00 350.00 3 5_0-,,,0_Q ~.5.1. Repairs-Buildings .00 ..DO ___LOO.OO 100.00 __._----1.Q0 .00 100.00 ----- ---- ~ ')2 Rpnai~urniture & Office Eauioment 27.16 nn 50.00 50.00 . ,__..20.....0_0,_ n. 50.00 ---:-. . -. :.5.1 Rpp..air.s..::M.a..clline~nd Equipment 1 444.46 118.02 881. 98 11.900 ~.9.9_ __ 1,5.00,00 I 000.00 __ 1,._. lr:.1 T),..., .",; "\..,... '.1'r-.I~(""\'\" iT___t.,-i ro1 ("I~ 39. 'lOR ,1,(, 317 ,98 1 8~ ,02 SOO.OO 2.SO. DO 300,00 1964 963 ..J.9. CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST ---' OPERArIN.('"'-___ --,-- -------- c ~ F , L:.:........_ nd GENERAL nction p;1rtment 'Jn1itted By te -=~~~~= Current Budget ------ --- -t-- QOL_~~~o __liM_ Budget Request 1963 Total ...l9.6.L 1963 CURRENT YEAR 4 Actual Estimate _Months LMonths -------. - Year For the Fiseal L2..iL2. Actual Previous Year Page Account Acc't. No. --- __2,00 LOO.OO 00 173 27.00 301.80 cJ..e~r_e.s & Tubes Rf' PRix.s.::MoJ:..Qy~Veh ~'1'1 00 --.--..QQ-- .00 00 .00 20 ....QQ R f' p.<.'Li.r s,.:::S e.';'le. r q ?'1A 00 2.1,Q_OiL_QO___....--L500 .00 200 20~QO__~ 00 __l,?.9_CL. 00 LOO 00 ----1..~..s_u~.f_- 200 00 so 47 .~ 24 70 1,006 Bridges R p J.2air.s..::S.tr_eJ~.t_s_J~.alk.s___& ~ac.hinery and Eqliip-ment Rpnt-MQ.t.Qr Vehi~l,gs ?C;q 2JJJ. 00 SOu __.__~OO~9_Q .ou 500 500,00 .__",0.9._- 97 230 00 ___._70..IL.... 'rLaund~and Towel Service ~;~:~~. ~ ------ - - _._---------:.---~._---- :' 21.C; ~ OC 0;~r--~~=;-;5 o';~ 75 50,00 00 _----<.-~-------:...- - --.---- __ ]11-,075.00 i5 03 -'-~I5),~.3~'T~) 3;~~ ~~ 51 .----:-=,-'--'"="=~,-_"-'_;:::__c._,__,o_==="'=---..- tU,o,Q.} 3 _ ._J5..,.2.7.5 ~:tQTAL - --- MA 'T'RRIAL.8.-At:JILSlIP'PT.r R~ . loo.oe 1QO,OO 100.00 42 97 58 2 70 206 Rxnf'ndab1e Tools 110 .oe 50 .___.__.2Q",Q0 .00 50 56 1+8 1.44 18 47 Office Supplies 12Q * 141 .oe 150 __.__200-'--0..0.. .00 150 40 129 20 " 60 7L~.3L Jani tQrnand~let Sup-plies 7 ,000. oe Q 0 0 ",QQ... 7 _~oo.oo 16 ~~.!..~? 9 84 2,020 .._..iL. 9Ll~JQ __ and Oil Motor Vehicles-Gas 345 400.0e 450.00 00 400 35.00 00 365 409.50 Motor Vph;~lpq-License~aes 16.7 300.00 --6...QQ LOO__ .00 300 9~,:'..9~f-____ 205.10 __,.._100...5.9_ ()t-npr ()npr.<lt;no ~l1nnl;pq 1C;q 00 o ,.?_O _,__~'__QDD_'__QiL~__? 000.00 2 90 696 1 303 . 10 ------- Q61.u,03__~___. AsphRlt Rnd Road Oil C~m~nt And Cempnt n, 3.61 2,DOO.OO .uc .oe 50 LOO _~L.OOO,OQ 5O.0(J) 00.00 50.02...1__p 500.00 100.00 1 L~4 1.\ 65 393 tt- ~.~ 2L~ 106,56 -_.- .- _...~------- 4~_I--_' 75 3Ci .2 1. --.- .5tf_ ?') 50.08 41 4L,6 2 40 ts E le.c.tri.caJ-1llliligh t j. nlLl'a r t s ~TZf_1"'e .1. ..165 '3.67 '>';0 CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year 1964 ----~--- -. - - --------- .., Acc't. Actual 1963 CURRENT YEAR 1963 Current Budget No. Account Previous 4 Aetual 8 Estimate Total Budget Request Year Months Months ---~- - -~-~~._-- MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES (Continues): ---- 371 Lumber and Lumber Products 149.01 44.62 155.38 200.00 200.00 200.0C 373 Machihery and Equipment Parts 6,483.13 1,712.63 1,787.37 3,500.00 . 3, 500.00 3,500.00 -- - 375 Metal and Metal Products 20.66 .00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 --~-- -... 377 Motor Vehicles - Parts 1,059.58 226.25 773.75 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000,00 379 :.Motor Vehicles - Ti res and Tubes 288.52 46.03 453.97 500.00 1,000.00 500.00 ___u____.__.___...___."_ I--- '-.'--.----.--- -----.---- i,t:' ,381 ~;Paint and Painting Materials 34.40 14.90 85.10 100.00 100.00 100.00 387 ~tSand, Gravel, Rock Salt and Chat 863.65 1.92,98 2,307.02 2,500.00 2,000.00 1,000.00 ... ----.---.- ____ ____~_ - - '_'-0'__.'_- -._- .., ------- .- --- -_.._- ----- ---,._~----- ., ~i~ . 389 ~:Sewer Pipe and Tile " .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 --------------'.+- -,--_..'--- --'.. , --_.._-~~-- .. '390 . Sweeper Parts 1 , 8 5l~ . 2 5 53L~ .04 2,465.96 3,000.00 3,000.00 2,000.00 ----.-.. --_._--~ 393 'We1ding Materials 221. 77 42.96 107.04 150.00 150.00 150.00 1< 333 Chemicals, Drugs and Etc 290.63 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 -- .. ,,- i----"----,--..--- .. _~__"1.._.,;.....---., ._--~------ -~ -~-- TOTAL 22,654.02 6,809.57 15,890.43 22,700.00 22,600.00 25,700.00 0- ______ _.____._.___ . . .. . . SUNDRY EXPENDITURES: ,-, -----'- ..-- 447 Transfer to Street Ma0.hinery Account 7,000.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 ,.___]3, oor). OC - -"-' --.-..---.-. .. -------.- .. --.- -.----------_0 I --- _ ___ou _ ___ _ ___ ________ I'-~---" '. 41. o 1964 963 1962 C'I" V f).!' ,., ^ J I1\. TA .v'.lJ t \. {I 0(.".1 l"'j , BU1X;L' r J~ i~QUEST For the Fiscal Year, .1-26,4,_ _____._______.~.6.3. ,-....-.J L_. L:,_~ L':"= lIld _n (:;:rUmM~ OPERLlT.'IN.G~__ ncti01l _, _~_.. ,_ ,,,____.. _, __ par~~l\cnL-,.s tr.c.C'_L,___, . n_ bmiUcd By: ,________.,____. ,___ lte ' Page __ ,___._ --""'"-....-~_._,._-~_.._---,---_._.__. -_. ----- -.... -- -- \,....-~. -'-- _. 1-- - ,....-----_.~-- ---- Acc't. Actual 1963 CURRENT YEAR 1963 Current Budget No.. Account Previous Actual Estimate -"-'-"l-~ -'"- -,...~----_.-.'----_..- Year ~Months 8 Months Total Budget Request _...~- ..~--~ --~-...~_.,._-~-,..~ , ---_.--.--.. ;.:.-- -.,.. .._. --"... - -_.- - _n'__ I -_.~.'-- ..---.-------- -....---- -- ----. -- ---.- .." ---- "'-. ~---'-~- ._, .----- -. __. __..____m ___~1 I; 1.\ P.lf M__illJ.TI ,A Y . ------.-- '. ._ . l 509~. " Office Equinml'>nt' 28.63 .00 .00 .00 100.00 100.0( .5.11,-,. _ ;4_GU. -cage_Eq.1,,1 i nml'>n t' 243.92 45. 10 ~54.90 500.00 lD_CL.Q_Q 500.0r ,-~?~5_-,,, ~;. TX".,U.cJS.s .00 .00 2,000.00 2,000.00 2.200.00 3 ,000 .O( ,- .." r:..?-7 '.k," ~ .~-.. 2~.0L.l ') .00 5,000.00 5,000.00 ') ,000 QO 3 , 500 .01 '. ,;. .v - .:.sJ~bc....;. .~..Street and Side\va1k Imp'rovem~J1tJL__,__. 60.12 48 . 10 151. 90 200.00 .00 .0 "~" '.,' . ---.._----~_. -_..-.._- .- .._---- '"' . " ~ ~~ ","-" -.--.-.------- :'.' ..., . .. . - -- "). .. L.T.QTAL 2 834.82 93.20 7,606.80 7,700.00 8 000.00 7,100.0 --- " -.....-".. - ., -. -, .. .- _._,----,. .._-,--- --,. -, . ' ~",.-..:.- .,.. --~.- ..._----. ----- .. y .... ------- . , .. ,., -:.:...-;.~.~:.;.:~.,::.:...;...... ...~~. ,- ",~..~,,~~ 'rO'rA T. liX E~' 109 785.31 37.468.32 84,506.68 121,975.00 121 725.00 ,133,225.C . . . -..------- --_. .' -.----- .--._----.,~~- +..-.._--- -.--.-+---- ---------_._- ,..... ". .. . .__.____._.___.__""__n _ ...-- f-... .-------- --------,- -+ ..-.-----.". _.-. ... .. .~-_._.-. . c;;". ' I:) ---.,. , --. . -.--.. -- --.-.. --.- _."- - .--..... - - -- --_.~-_.- . I....' --.. 'I') ____196..4._ 19.62... SAlINA 17J':QUEST 1964 CITY OF BUDGET 19..63 -=-=--..~'t~ Current Budget Budget Request -- - 1963 Total the Fiscal Year ----- 1963 CURRENT YEAR Actual Estimate ~Months.__ .JL-Months For 1962 Actual Previous Year ~ ,----" nd _ CENERAL..QPERATING nction _ _...._._, ,_ partment _..-.1,zas..tc_.D Ls.p.o.s.aJ~ bmitted By: _ ,___ rte Pa~ Account Acc't. No. PERSQNAL SERVICRS~ 11J0J)....Ql 50.0 00 0-....9 0 12 lLJ-.l:5.Q..._Q..Q _ 500.....QQ 1.Q1'1_10 9,884.00 Emo1ovees ~a1aries-Regu1ar ~s..<llilries -Reg. 120 01 500.0 00 00 SQD. 300.00 102.00 31.00 60 30 483 33 Other Deots 1? LL c;n 0., 1 ~,~ SO ...o.oJ l2..~Q nn 4,Q48.3.Q 10.400,90 :~Q.t.ber Profes s iona_LServices i[,TDTAL-- Emo1ovees 125 l..9..S.. 1~''irlE,' 1:,f;U;.9NTRACTUAL SERVICES: '1jf:, .22.8' .i.., In_s.JJrance-E<ltIipmEmt 200.0 __lJ2.tLllO 150.00 -16...._ 126 124 :D3 o 3.00 .00. 450.00 10'1.08_ 29 323 Securitv In~urance..Social o 0.0 10..0 450.00 111.<)6 57 _333 t mpt Employees Rei 'RpT'll'ti l"-"Rm,; T'lmpT'lt- _.._}.J..Q90~g 200.0 L~OO . C ? 5..Q..Q....Q O. 200.00 ,(10 _J..~QQ .00 100.00 650.00 500 1 330 .. 0 '1 .00 25 675. 1, 529.8...3... ---1.60.00 _._~1SJ..J..2_ 43 RPT'lt-M!ll"h;npIV and_Eduiome~_t... '1'n'1'AT. n6... m .2..U 274 CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST 1964 ... Jl'lG .._QEJD.~l~{\L OPEj{A'J --_.~--~- H aJ? t e D i ~l?_Q.~i.ll, i L___ \d .._____,__ lction ___. )artment_ lmitted By: te Page_,.. ,__126Ji_ ---~._--- Budget Request --- Current Bu<lf~et -"'===--""...~_:::....-=:_-_.~. 1961 li6..1 Total Year CURRENT YEAR Estimate .....8..- ]/tonths For the Fiscal 1.2.U Actual ~Mo!lths l2Q2. Actual Previous Year __,_,__,n - ----- Account ----~._,---. A T,~ A Nl) SUE.PLIJ<: --.- A.cc't No. s...:.. ,-.-....QQ QO 00 00 00 11 555 Cll e.IIl.li.als.. Dru g,LQ.O d---E.tc 333 ,2_,.Q.. 00 ....0 0 -2....'OOQ,QO 000.00 2 09 383. 130..2R 2 1;",,--&Jtc ..M.Qt:pr Vehic Ie s -Fue~...J,1JI) ()t-h",. ()",,,,.<1rincr Sup-p.lies 345__ .... 175 .00 .... .00 4 J 00 0...Jll) 00 00 __...5..00.00 ___11.5 1 7 S . 00 00 SO 0.....0.0 34.44 00 32 230. 1 SR , 71 4. ?n R sn , ql 159- i 3.6..Y:... ~'ic .aru:LCement.....P.r.oduc.t.s... r.1'. " -,.,',' '\'7 3 I~;' MA c.hine.ry-B.l1.cLE.q.uip.m.enL.furt.c: ;, 'i-' -."i-.{ 3R~ 1~p~~"'t- <1nrl PAinting MRtpriA1R 50.00 L~ 50 .00 -50 , 00 .00 500 .00 500.00 ------ 50 .00 97.74 ---.-- 17.17 94 861 Chat and RoC' k. ..Gr a...Y~S.aJ t: .8.and 3a4:- l -1'- .. . --....- 3....22.5......0..0 ~~-- TOTAL .OC 675 6 .00 3.225 59 745 5.0 4,594. I'\TTmT A '7 . 1"1 A "'Tm"'T, 200.0C ----.2.QQ...QQ. .00 200 .00 9'5.00 503 E' . qUll2ffian t OC QQ. I 5,000 000.00 5 .00 00 149. 8 and Heavv Eauipment T.r_aC tors 522 --_..._~ --~._~ 200.JLQ-+,_..5...2.QQ...OQ --I 200_ili .--- 725.0 21 -. 00 325 22 00 325 5 --==0.'.=' 1'=="'::-.0 !.2 .00 14 L~69 5 ~~O ~'~,710 .12 -, 44 JRES EXPEN '!wr AT, TOTAL CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year 1964 1962 _ _ 1 C)() 3 - ~._' ___12.6~ .- -..- \cc't. Actual 1963 CURRENT YEAR 1963 CUfll_'l1t Budget Account Previous Actual Estimate Total Budget Request No. Year 4 Months 8 Months ,.. _. ........ ---- -~.. , . . IAI, - . ~--_...- }I,? "F,; ah t- 'Ann p('I.J p't" ,., .1 ~e ')4 746.30 18,874.12 41 . 12 5 . 88 60.000.00 6.Q , OO_Q..,_Q0 , _.-- 62.000.00 .._----,-- ..:'. -_._---- !;)' , ,,;, ---~- ,.;e". ~. - ,S ,....;7 :."'" ',;}: ;:;~.\i":;' . 1i~i ""'004'._"''''..,.." _ "','_.' -, )<'. '. ... i . ,,6. ,746 i() 18,874 ..l~. 41.125.88 60.000.00 60.0QQ...OQ 62 000 00 'T'('I'T'A rtfS' . . i~i'J . . .'. '. ... " .. ,':' -------- +_.~- .. : .. - .. . -._. _n____.__ - -.---..-- ---- . -- 1---.. "'~-'.. .. . , .-. h, --.------- 4-5. ~--- ld ~ lction - Jartment_Street Lig lmitted By: - :e _ Page CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year 1 %4' 1962 1963.. ,~_.~-19.~ Actual 1%1 CURRENT YEAR lqf)1 ..-- .--.- ---- \cc't. Current Budget Account Previous ' Actual Estimate No. Year 4 Months 8 Months Total Bud Get Request ----~-- ...---- 'P'Im <::()NAT. . ~---- - -- ?O ~,q'aries-Relm1ar Emn10vees 14,600.00 5)407.03 11,092.97 16,500.00 15 42.Q.OQ . 16,500.00 2<; Sa1aries-Emn1ovees Other Depts. ,00 .00 250.00 250.00 1 QOiL.OQ. 500.00 ,........- 0<:: .t'I+-h"'''' on, ,. , ,,,,,, 1 ~ . 1,OOR 7q 1,231.05 2,768.95 4,000.00 4 J1OO...oO 4,000.00 ...i. ,{ . - .',' . ., ., TlITA I. 17 608.79 6,638.08 ~111.92 20,750.00 20 420.0n __~l ,000.00 , ....i ,. ,~r . L.> ~CONTRACTUAL SERVICES: ;~i ... .-. - . --.. , ... ~Automobi1e Use Allowance 31.00 31.00 44.00 75.00 125.00 75.00 /. ~ . I. 207 Trave1inl!: Exnense. " ,00 .00 .00 .00 ----.t..O..O .00 ~2' 'Pri ntin!! Office Forms .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 ., ~. - -~()('i,q' Securitv 455.10 147.70 302.30 450.00 400 . Q.Q.. .00 ~1R F.mn'ovpp~ Retirement 387.60 97.10 302.90 400.00 500.00 .00 n.? T.i O'nt ~pnTi('e 2 991.19 966.18 2.533.82 3,500.00 3.750.00 3 500.00 2')1 Rpnair-Machinerv and Eauinment 19.50 .00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 .. ~ r:..11 'R"'pa; 'l"-Mnl"rn", Vpni t" 1 '" <> 117M 4.87 245.13 250.00 250.00 250.00 ~r:..r:.. Re.p.a.i..1:::11Dt.Qr Vehicles, Tires & Tubes :1-,_QQ.. .00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 )<:,7 -.Re.p.air.~Ra<li,Q F.r111 i nmpn t .00 .00 100.00 100.00 1 0_Q,~9_0 100.00 . -~.__._- 2..6J.____ 'R"'pair..s -TrafJj~ J,ighJ:.Q., Blll,b!Lc$c Etc. 510.98 .00 500.00 500,00 500,00 500.00 _._.._- '".- .. ---- mTAl, I, h 4,'517.18 , I!~ I, 8 '5 4.7?R,15 5,475,00 5,8?5,OO l~ . fi 25 .00 , , L, ~ ----..J L:EEA1.I arulJa _ Page ld ,ction lartment mitted By e 1_, CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST [=-.J ' L_, .l_, ~__.~......J L.....__ ld_ __GENERAL OPERATIN - lction _ - - Jartment_ nd Parki_ng ,mitted By: - te Page 1962 1963___._ . 196L- Actual 1%1 CURRENT YEAR 1q{;1 --..---.-------. A.cc't. Current Budget Account Previous Actual Estimate No. Year ~Months 8 Months Total Budget Request '- MA'1'1mTAL~ AND SUPPLIES: -- ---- --- ~1 n . . 1 <3 '1'..........1., 1A S6. 3.67 96.33 100.00 100.00 100.OC -. ------ 't?n flF- t'A ~11n'11ip!'l .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .oe -, 345 . Motor Vehicles-Gas and Oil 300.00 300.00 .80 .00 QO. 300.0C " ~i7 I':'T,~ t'An"'A '1''''0''' nn .00 25.00 25.00 .~..oO 25.0C ~~;~~ OM ~c;~ .Q.Q Q? .00 300.00 300.00 1--.._-3.50~OO 300.0C ~'....:;,-, ~6 '\> f'Cement and Cement Products 9,00 5.85 44.15 50.00 100. Q.Q 50.0C .. ~h7> '\ ' {R1A"r...it'",l Tr!'lffit' T~~l-... P"'rf"!'l 1 020 16. 690.85 1.809.15 2 500.00 ~OO.On 2 500.0C ,- . 1;;.,/ ;':'J 371 SLumber and Lumber Products 24.38 1.57 73.43 '. 75.00 00 75.0C ,: ~<'. ',," - 373 Machinerv and Equipment Parts 169.58 1.26 298.74 300.00 10n.....O_Q 300.0C 't77 .:'M"""'" "Ahi"lA",-P",...r", .Q7 1,7 .00 100.00 100.00 ') Q...o.Q 100.OC o. 17Q: . .M.....r'... "Ahi"1A",_'N...;;',,, <lnrl '1'11hA'" 71 11 .00 100.00 100.00 lon nn 100.OC 'tQ1 'D~.inr <Inri P",inri~~ M~"eri I'll ~ 1 1Q.Q 7(\ 216.10 3,283.90 3.500.00 1 ,)OO~Q<l.. 3,500.0C 1---'-- , ~A'1 'Radio Parts 50.13 5.79 94.21 100.00 300.00 100.OC 391 Parkino Meter Parts 12.66 .00 .00 .00 .00 .OC 199 'Other Reoairs and Maintenance 55.74 14.60 185.40 100.00 100.00 200 .OC .- . . ----- .. - TOTAL 4 919,39 ----. 9~92,69 6,710.31 7,650.00 -.1L..2.Q,Q.00 7,650.00 . -- ~ 47. 1%4 Year For the Fiscal L-., L__ J :: L__. md_ GENERAL <5PERATiNG - CITY OF SALINA mction _ - ~partment Tt'!;lf f i (' ::lnci p,q r ~ BUDGET REQUEST bmitted By: - For the Fiscal Year 1964 lte Page - 1962 1963 1964 ---,-~- -- - ----- -- Acc't. Actual 1963 CURRENT YEAR 1963 Current Budget Account Previous - No. Actual Estimate Total Budget Req ues; Year 4 Months 8 Months ..__._---- -- --------- ....- 'CAPITAL OUTLAY: ,- 515 Motorcycles .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .0 4,790.47 1,107.61 2,392.39 3,500.00 2,000.00 3,500.0 --------_.__._- Control Equipment 18,972.92 101.36 3,398.64 3,500.00 5,000.00 5,000.0 - - -....- ".----- 23,763.39 1,208.97 5,791.03 7,000.00 7,OOO.CO 8,500.0 - - --- _._. - -~- -- - ,-- ~._~ ~- TOTAL EXPENDITURES 50,808.75 10,033.59 30,841.41 40,875.00 42,145.00 .41,775.0 - - - - - -- - -- - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -_. - - - - - - ---- - - -----. ._, - ..-'-t---.. ------ 48. Page - 1%2 ~..96.3. .. _ 1964 Ace't. Actual 1963 CURRENT YEAR 1961 Current Budget Account Previous Actual Estimate No. Year ~Months ~ Months Total Budget Request _. .- ---- Transfer to Airport Revolving Fund 11 ')70.00 .00 15,000.00 15,000.00 15> 00.0.00 25,000. or .. . --"- ._~ - , -- .- ,.c:. 'c.. <L 'i .. _ou_ '/ i,. ,'; ?~ ~," -----.-~- , 'c: _ __. _h_ ~~; ., ':0' , 't.. -----, ,- ---- ---- .. .: " '0;,. '. ',.' ,.., /'. ,.. - TOTAl . 11 ')70.00 .00 15,000.00 15,000.00 15 000.00 /25 000.0' ::' ....... , . . - ,. ......, (. . . ---. . . "___.0'_- . _. ~----- 49. CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year 1964 L_. nd nction partment )mitted By te .~ CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST .... L.__. ,d GE lction _ ,artment_ mitted By e Pools 1964 - 1962 _1 96 3 ---,--' --..--.l2.6~ Actual lqh1 CURRENT YEAR _u"n_u ------- \'cc't. 1961 Current Budget Account Pr.evious Actual Estimate No. Year -1L. Months 8-- Months Total Budgc.t Request .. .--.-.. .-~~ PERSONAL SERVICES: '--~--'- ,20 Salaries-Regular Emp10vees 9 547.29 .00 10,000.00 10,000.00 10.0_00.00 .~9 ,000.00 ?" ~<>'<>'l"1"<l_()/-hO'" no.../-o "?h n" .00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1. 000...00, 1,000.00 iQ" ()..",^... 'D,-"f"<l<l1 "no' ~O"'''1 "O<l Qh nn 80.00 120.00 200.00 ?QQ~.DO , 200.00 .. ;(' ... . . ",.' ~ "" 'T"('\I'I'l ^ T , n , <;q ~LL 80.00 11 , 120.00 11 ,200 .00 lL2.00.00. 11,200.00 . o ,i '.. ----- ;:~~', . '. '{CONTRACTUAL SERVICES: c fi , - 0-__- __ . . 205 :; Te1enhone and Te1ee:ranh .00 .00 25.00 25.00 ~5_,. 00" 2 5 . 00 ....., 20i ' Trave1ine:Exnenses .00 .00 75.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 221 . .. Printing and Bindine: 23.50 67.00 33.00 100.00 100.OC 50.00 .. . 236 Ingurance-Socia1 Securitv 312.90 .00 300.00 300.00 275.00 ' .OC 241 ' Gas Service 29.47 .00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.0C . 242 Li2:ht Service 588.00 .00 600.00 600.00 600.00 600 .OC 243 Water Service .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .OC ? ", n . -R\1i.1din~~ 1 657.16' no 300.00 300.00 800.00 800.0C 2')1 n -Marhinerv and EQ.uirment Z68.42 .00 800.00 800.00 800.00 800.0C ?R4 ~ T..<lllndrv and Towel Service .00 LO..Q.._ .00 .00 100.00 50.0C ---, -.-. .. . - -. -~ -.------- . . ., .~u..,-, ,-, _.- . .--- .__._.._. - ______,. u. ..._ 'T"r-,"f""'l ^ T ~(\ ?,R79.L~5 67.00 2,183.00 2,250.00 2,77 5.00 2 , 500. O( Year For the Fiscal Page SALINA CITY OF BUDGET , 1"'1 G .-".-- ~ c:: I[ GENE. ld lction S~.;rimmin REQUEST P 001 s )artment lmitted By. te 1964 Budget Request 1963 -+-- --------..- Current Budget 19Ji3.. Total 1964 CURRENT YEAR Estimate ~ Months Year For the Fiseal 1963 Actual ~Months 1962 Actual Previous Year Page Account <\'cc't. No. AND SUPPLIES MATERIALS oc 25 no 00 25. 50. 00 25 00 25 .00 28 70 Expendable Tools 310 oc 50 00 50 43 45 57 4- 95 10 Office Supplies 320 400.0C 1-1-00.00 - -_._--- 400.00 00 400 .00 48 256 an d E tc Drugs Chemicals 333 .OC 50 .00 50 50.00 .00 50 .00 05 47 Janitor and Toilet Supplies 343 .oc 50 00 50 00 100 52 34 48 65 85 29 Supp 1 ies ;:Recreational 349 365 oc 300 00 00 100 00 100 .00 545 . 26 Cement and Cement Products 50.0C .00 50 50.00 50.00 .00 .00 55 and Lighting Parts Electrical -~; ,.367 ;" . OC 50 .00 50 50.00 .00 50 .00 42 23 Machinery andEquipment Parts 373 OC o 750 725 1 300.00 .00 975 800.00 .00 625 1 .89 84 283 038 1 11 16 516 586 93 22 106 145 1 Paint and painting Materials TOTAL 381 o 350 00 500 350.00 00 350 00 05 278 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES and Admission Taxes Sales 421 o 500 1 500.00 1 000.00 1 00 000 1 00 68.94 CAPITAL OUTLAY --- /.7 ') ,0 17 / 00 o fi,9') 00 4:.?S n 84 fig ') _.~_.~- 1 fi 711 I() 0 53}, lLt --..-- S1 Equ ipmen t TOTAL €~NDTTU~eS 503 CITY OF SALINA HUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year 19f16. c...:.' - ---~ L, nd G]NERAL OPERATING nction partment_ Ci I:y P1artn~ bmittcd By: - te Page - -0- l':ltJ,! - ~..IV-'_ -"--'''''' I Acc't. Actual 1963 CURRENT YEAR 1963 Current Budget No. Account Previous Actual Estimate Total Budget Request Year .A- Months 8 Months -- . 1 ?O ~nlnr;p~-'D^~,,1"'r Emn10vees .00 3.300.00 3 300.00 6 ..2_0_0_~_Q9. , 7 ,200.01 Part of 1961 "H) ~",l ",r; I'>~-'P"'rf- 'T';mo 1;'m,..,1 ("'01'>'" and all of .00 1 000.00 1 000.00 50g.0il .0 1962 included lQ~ ~ .,. - ~ '1"\,..,,,,1 ~I'>r";('o'" . in City Mer. 870.00 630 00 1 500 00 50.9...00 500.0' . _. .. > , --- - ._.. ._u -- ,":, I;"'. 'T'()'T'AT 870.00 4.930.00 5. 800 ~QQ.. _---L...6QO....OQ . 7,700.0 , '. .' "". I., ' ~~"AL SERVICES: . I ",;c! ?() " I "iN."I'> 1 ~nc1 'T'e1egraph 52.62 147.38 200.00 200.00 225.0 . ' ,. 2c17.' "'r~171'>1;nO' - e .00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.0 . ??1 . .00 350.00 350.00 350.00 350.0 . .. ?~j:; T- _~n(';",1 ~ 'f-v .00 22 5 . 00 22 5.00 225.00 .0 ?1R TO .00 .00 350.00 .0 . - -"~~.'W'< 4" ~ '1'()'1'^ T 52.62 922.38 975.00 112C;.()() 77 5.0 -- . , .- ' . -~-"--- -- . -------- . ._--~-~- --- ,-.-, 1964 CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiseal Year 1964 .-. L_ i L..__ ~----~ md_ 9ENE~~L OPERATING met ion - Cit :partment .:..... Planning Ibmittcd By lte Page_ .... -......... Acc't. Actual 1 Q f>'l CURRENT YEAR 1963 Current Budget No. Account Previous Actual Estimate Total Budget Reques Year 4 Months 8 Months . . .:--'- ~. -- - -. HATE RIALS AND SUPPLIES: 310 Expendable Tools .00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.0( +-_.- 320 Off ice Supp 1 ies , 7.50 192.50 200.00 200.00 200.0( .... - ---- . ------ TOTAL 7.50 242.50 250.00 7.50.00 250.0( - ..--- ------+ .-' SUNDRY EXPENDITURES: -.--.----- .. 435 Organization Dues 15.00 .00 15.00 ,00 '. l5.0( .;' . . .. .. , CAPITAL OUTLAY: . . 517 Office Equipment .00 .00 . TOTAL .00 .00 -. .- '.-. I TOTAL EXPENDITURES: 9/-1-5.12 6,094.88 7,040.00 9, 17 5 .00 !8,740.0C '- -- , . ----- -- ---.-- --. -.-- '- .-----------.-----.--- ' -. ~._----- _.___.. d.. ~._._- ----.. -.. 53. 1964 1963 1962 CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST [=-- r' ..........., Id_ (L lction _ - .nrtment G~lL1nsurance mitted By: - e Page 1964 - -'0- 1.'10L ..---I-J_v.J.____.. __------..~ Actual CURRENT YEAR 1961 ---~.__...- \cc't. . 1963 Current Budget Account Previous Aetual Estimate No. Year ...1L-Months -8-.. Months Total Budget Request _.----~ CONTRACTUAL SERVICES: ,-- New Benefit nq Groun Insurance - Citv Share beginninQ: :ion 2)057.35 6,442.65 8,500.00 .00 9,500.00 ,. 1963.. .. :, ' . .';",1 . " ...'~~ /,' " :,- , " .'..',< :Ii {' . '" " .. -- -- ,. TOTAL EXPENDITURES: / /' 2,057.35 6,442.65 8,500.00 ~.oJL ~/9, 500 .00 .' . . '. _... ----- -~._-~--- .,. . -. . - ---- --_.._~ ---.----- _._n_ ---------- 5l~ . Year For the Fiseal CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST L.. L._--..-.i L d ction artment mitted By e [--"-1 1964 Budget Request -1-96.3====---- Current Budget -- --- I. l2..6 1 Total -l9..6..4- CURRENT YEAR 8 Estin;1ate _Months Year For the Fiscal m Actual ~Months 1962 Actual Previous Year Page Account .cc't. No. EXPENDITURES 00 750 11 00 750 11 00 750 11 00 150 4 00 600 11 Card Appropriation and Conctrol Miscellaneous 00 140 RECEIPTS 27 163 29 85 56 158 40 239 1st BALANCE January TREASURER CITY ;1~ Current :{:L , , Delinguent - 79 960 10 09 763 10 09 10,763 47 430 7 36 462 10 Taxes Tangible 00 50 00 140 75 126 Taxes 765.94 --- 62 851 62 851 62 851 05 930 Tax Sales 'T'0'l' AT; - - 73 726 11 71 664 11 71 754 11 09 8.282 16 519 11 'R F.e: F. T"P ~ 00 00 890 890 11 11 1!'22Q..~Q.2- 00 750 11 27 00 913 750 11 11 56 600.0J2 758 11 11 AND_BEGINNING BALANCE .:'I;T"rp~ 'I'()TA L T,e.ss ..... ,00 00 27 163 56 158 e:ASH ~AT.ANe:F. nF.GEMRF.R 31st 79 10,.260 09 763 10 84 10.465 Mo~ Tax Reauired 22 219 26 215 209.32 +.---. De linquent Tax 01 1932 180 o 11 35 1959 978 o 10 -I.. 16 2002 675 o 10 55 Tax Dollars Tax Levy Mills CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST 1964 L_, L___ odCJ nction partinent nnitted By te Year .).. /v 6- -, .............. , . ' Actual 1 q6 'l CURRENT YEAR 1961 A.cc't. Current Budget Account Previous Actual Estimate No. Year .iL..... Months ~Moni:hs Total Budget . Request RXPENDlTURES' . SERVTCES' , . ";",_'R",o-111 0"" Rmn10vpp!'l 1?() ,~ . 12.581.85 4,317.50 12 100,,00 12.500.00_ , 12,300.00 SJ'l I'?" ~J'llJ'l' 'p~_'R",,,,"1,,.,.. Rmn1nvpp!'l Other Dents. .00 122045 500.00 500.00 ')00,00 UO S~laries-Part Time Emn10vees .00 .00 1,635,00 1 750.00 1 500.00 1Q" .^ ",. T'L 1:. '",,,,,1 <:!"'.,.."4...."',, nn 286050 no 500.00 fiX' .. . TOTA T. 12 581.82.__ 4,726,45 14.435.00 14 750.00,__. 14,800.0C ;:tY 1-" .". " . '. ;'~"..::' , - - :" ~~;~ .. SK~VI :~:S, >. :m') '1'01 ' .<:Inn 'I'plpP'r.<:lnh 232.83 74.92 225.00 200.00 225 00 ;, . ?()7' ;" '- ;, 27.01 24.36 50.00 .00 50,00 '1'...J'l"",i llg-Exn",n"'e> . " ;,., ~.:.. ??1" . '.' 'P.,..in/"inO' O.f.f.is'''' 1<'n1"'m~ 35.50 00 50.00 100.00 50.00 ??') . T ,,,, 0' J'l1 'I'd h.tin 21.00 .00 50.00 75.00 50.00 g 227 Insurance-Bui1din~s .00 103. q5 125.00 100.00 125.00 - ?':\1 - -Mn/-"''''' ~T",l,-d....1Q" ':\1 ?q ~ ~ .?U- tfO.OO, 50.00 __ ~~,_OJL ?':\(; Tnsur....c;'1.D.ce-So~iR.l Sect11"'irv 392.29 1 1 ') ?I.J. ~, 450.00 450.00 .00 ?':\A --Em~UQY~~s R~tirement 218.82 .00 250.00 750.00 .09__ -_.--- ?':lQ ~r.oupJn.sur.anc.'" ,_-,-00 5 6.10 225.00 ._'..00_ m.OQ, ... -_.-.---_..---- 2!t1 (!!1 S __. S e..r.'li c ~ %. _____.,.._..00.. __.._____...l9.89 ________ __.. n J-_?~--,-Q5L__ ,00 12.5.00 --.- ----------. -- 1964 963 For the Fiscal 1962 Page CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year 1964 C~_ ~--.J L_ ~_-= CEMETERY Page .. ,.--- \cc't. Actual l~bj CURRENT YEAR 1963 Current Budget No. Account Previous 4 Actual Estimate Total Budget Request ,. Year Months 8 Months _. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES (Continued): 243 Water Services 92.40 30.80 200.00 35.Q....QQ. ___250.0C 251 Renairs - Buildings 55.96 384.50 500.00 500.._0_0. --2o.~ 00. 253 Repairs - Machinerv and Equipment 210.86 76.56 300.00. 5o.Q",.0_O, 30.0.00 254 . Repairs - Motor Vehicles 152.85 75.38 100.00. 100..00 100.00 255..... I> Repairs - Motor Vehicle. Tires & Tubes 2.50 210 16 100 00 LOO..OD _Lo..o_."<2.o_ .. I~ - , ... I', TOTAL ~ - .--.-- 1)473.31 1,0.36.28 2.790.00 3.275,09 ___~,-145, 00 ,. 1ft --". ~-,- . ,. . 'MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES: .' 310 . Expendable Tools 72.20 42.28 75.00 10.0.00 75.00 --- . . 320 Of fice Supp lies ,00 24.14 50.00 .00 50.00 . . , 341 Fuel) Lubricants (Except Motor Fuel) .00. .00 .00 50.00. .00 343 Janitor and Toilet Supplies 7.60 .0.0. .00 .00 25,0.0 .. 345 Motor Vehicle - Fuel, Lubr. & Etc. 299.06 198.74 350.00 185.00 350.00 347 Motor Vehicle - License Tags 15,00 15,00. · 15.00 15.00 15.00 351 Seed, Plants) and Trees 11. 62 .0.0 .00 75.00 .00 ,.,---- ------ -~ --- ,- 359 Other Onerating Supplies 45Lf.67 123.36 150.00 .00 150.00 ---- .--, .-- 365 Cement and Cement Products . 37.88 87.59 -. _10_0...0.0. __.7.5,,0.0 ___1JlQ...D.O ---- ~----_..._---- <71 T 1,,,.,1... rI "14 "" (-l r, ".,1. n Y' P.,....flrl11 (' t- ~ 57. 10 g, 12 515.0Lf 550.00 .00 500.00 1964 1963 1962 .~ CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year lQ64 c L- i,~, ~ - - ------- CENETERY nction partment )mitted By: te _, c.=; nd Page .L ./VL.- , .. Actual 1963 CURRENT YEAR 1963 , Ace't. Current Budget No. Account Previous Actual Estimate Total Budget Request Year 4 Months 8 Months - .:::-- .--.-. . MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES (Continued): - .. 373 Machinerv and Equipments Parts 266.54 308.60 375.00 375.00 300.00 \ 377 Motor Vehicles - Parts 33083 85.51 100.00 100.00 100.00 379 Motor Vehicles - Tires and Tubes 75.86 33.95 75.00 7 5...!-,OQ. 75.00 381 . Paint and Painting Materials 51.01 61.40 200.00 200,00 200.00 . 387 J Sand, Gravel, Rock and. Chat .00 29.31 150.00 1_50.00 I 150.00 .. .- ... .- ~~_. --- .--- - - .. -. , f---.. .. . TOT AL 1,434059 1) 52tJ. 92 2,190.00 I 2,090.00 1,400.0~_ .. , ., .,..'-- f-----. "---..,..-.,- -.....-.. -_.~- .-._~_._---- .. , .. SUNDRY EXPENDITURES: ----, ....,'. . -~._- ------ , 435 ' Organization Dues 10.00 10.00 10.00 . .00 10.00 .- --..--- .- 439 Refunds .. . 110 000 80.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 . -- . TOTAL 120.00 90.00 210000 200.00 210.00 , , , CAPITAL OUTLAY: 527 Machinerv and Equipment 91.50 1)457.37 1, 500.00 1 500.00 1,700.00 528 Tractor Rentals .00 000 .00 .00 950.00 575 Landscape and Improvements .00 161.47 200.00 200.00 100.00 .. ';0= ~. -~_.._------ ..-.. -.- --- no.. . . ... -.." . .n_._.__ ... . <..--'.--.. -. n_ _ .. ., .. ., .- . -.....--'..--.-. TOT AL 91. 50 1,618.84 1,700.00 1,700.00 2,750.00 ._- .-----. .. ---- --~_..... ---.'-.--'.---- .--- ..- ------------- --.' ----- r -- 58. 15,701.25 8,996.49 21,325.00 l 2\,995.00 1'()1',hT, EXTJENDT1'IJRRS: 21,325.00 1964 1963 1962 CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST L_ E--CEMETERY lction )artment ,mitted By: te [....., ld_, ____1-~ Budget Request L9~J_ Current Budget 12U Total 1964 CURRENT YEAR Estimate -8-- Months Year For the Fiscal 1963 Actual ~Months ll62.. Actual Previous Year Page Account <\cc't No. "RRr.RTPTS' AND BEGINNING BALANCE RECEII>.TS 98 704 3 18 773. 5 1st TREASURER BA~CE January CITY 72 156 15 97 Purchase Orders Less 132.02 ------- ~. L..8.Sji....5..L 606. 2/1 9_..2.21J.V 2 26 77 548 221 3 9 10 368 6 03 ,183.64 676. 5 5 1st Unencumbered Cash Balance January Taxes Tang..ible Delinouent 00 45 _ _656 ~~o 4 21......2 9 99 421 00 42L99 22 35 55 406 Taxes Sales Tax '.,'rc -::.,Remova1 and Burial Fees Wl. UQ. 240 , 18'i -L.Q.O..Q....Q,O_j-L., 000.00 25.00 800000 _ 00 6,500 00 485 1 5.952,QQ _5_Q,..Q..Q. 00 15 00 7 8~QQ_ Grave Marker Permits 381 6 7 5 . 00_ 00 775 .00 _....l 00. OQ ,..+-_ on Investments Interest 510 70'i ? 'i . nn 25.00 ? 'i. no .00 -- ,{f2-...Q.o, _ LEge...a r Tit1;:' ~ 00 150 LOD...DO_ 00 150 so 145 1-2Q...iLO_ U n..lree.p-.S.e. r v iJ;_e. 717 00 000 1 Q.iliL...QQ 1 00 600 320.00 QO 555 Sale of Lots 727 00 350 20_Q", 00 00 200 80.00 425.00 Sale of Grave Space 729 00 00 ..00 00- Pernetual Care H3 00 00 .00 __Jl.2L Exnenditures of R,Q.tmbursement 952 98 ~L21?__.,99_ _ 1 00 )1,862 995 76 325.00 00 718 325 18 21 21 76 02 00 908 457 325 17 21 21 _,..".. I 59 8,827 5,n-,--~~.L. 249.51 25 701 13 19 15 TO'.!'06.JLRECJ<;IPTS TO'J:'A.l/J3..E~J';J.J:J:,S....bNDJ EGINNING BALANCE 59 rr>s no Ex " T CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year 1964 ~-- !'C. '~._-- ~ CENETERY CJ nd nction partmcnt !Jmitted By te Page -- ~~ ...----- ,-, - Acc't. Actual 1963 CURRENT YEAR 1963 Current Budget Account Previous Actual 8 EstiqIate No. Year 4 Months Months Total Budget Request ... RECEIPTS (Continued): - Unencumbered Cash Balance December 31s 3)548.26 132.02 .00 " Net Tax Reouirements 5 188.86 9.221.77 11.856.53 ,-. . Delinouent Tax 103.78 184./14 237.13 ';> , -_.---.- -- ." , Tax Dollars 5 ) 2 92 . 64 -- -, 9,406.21 12,093.66 . . Tax Levy Mills 0.0992 0.1679 0.2090 .., ._._----_._-~_._.- --.-..... .. _._------------- _______" . u___ _____ ..,. , ,-- --.. .--. , : -- --.--- . " .. " .. .. - . --- - --_... ----.-.-- ~--- ..- _.+_O'___"h -------- -, -".. -.-.------- .- ---~_..._--- -_._----- ._~-------- ---- -- -- ---- fin 1964 1963 1962 CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST '--"~ re' ndL-.....! "-'---.:,r:~ I1ction _____ ;>artment_ )mittcd By: te 1 qn4 .L.-'V~ ....."''-''~ ......,...,..- 1 Qh~ ... "" Acc't. Actual CURRENT YEAR 1963 Current Budget Account Previous Actual Estimate No. Year -A-Months -LMonths Total Budget Request r.At" . ,T. SERVICES' .. - , L20 ~",l ",,...i ";<:l-R",a"l "',. .", .,1 6 305.85 3.505.00 6,500.00 6.000.00 6,500.00 1.?'1 ~",1 ",,.i ","!-R",a"1 a" Rmnlovees-Other Dent.s 31 720.36 8.177.71 30 500.00 30 000.00 ~O, 500 .00 1':\0 Salaries-Part Time Emn10vees .00 .00 .00 1.000.00 1,000.00 ,. .'. , .. :;.' 'I'O'l'AT. ...... ! ;. 1R 026.21 11.682.71 37 000.00 37 000 ,_QQ. 38 000.00 "'. .. .. I?: '.. UAL SERVTCES' '. " 216" .' Tn~urance-Socia1 Securitv ,1 156.72 313.85 1 000.00 1 000.00 .00 21R F.mn1ovees Retirement 311.36 79.45 500.00 ..L.Q 0 0-, 0.9, , .00 ?1Q (!r.oup.J. . .00 25.50 150.00 .Q.Q- 150.00 . ?C;l ' 'R",n.<li ,.,,-Rlli 1 ,,. 1 279.50 926.59 1 500.00 5Q(h,0.(L -1,,200.00 ?C;1 Rep~Lk~achinery and Equipment ..-L...082.49 245!32 750.00 1 300.00 1,000.00 254 R~~airs-Motor Vehicles 141.48 .00 200.00 200.00 200.00 . ?C;C; R",n.<li,.,,-Mn!"n,. U",hi"l","! '1'i,.",,,! ~ '1'111,,,,,, O() O() .. 100.00 lClO..J)~ 100.00 ?S8__. --Re..p.airS-Sp.Wp.TS ,_ -t.!1() .00 .00 .O() .00 2.5.9 R (> pllir.s.::.S.tr.e.e.ts..-Si-desw 1 k "l ~ R r; tl a", .:: 6 7 4....5..6 LiliL.., 1, 500 . 00 .. ...1,.~_0 Q.....QQ_ .1,500.00 ?.1!L_ f-. R.!',nt..::~~c:lliE:.e.:s~n~~~pm(:nJ 1 () 00__ --- -- .....__.12Q__ -,. 1 500.00 __ _~.~goc,'gQ- __Lj.o.Q.~ 00__ ._.._____.....____u._. - . . . ,.... -------._-~~-- ~-- ,_rQ.'t6L.._, . 61. ~.85 Q~.l.L_,_ I L ! 2.Q~ 71 7 ,,200,.00 .....1,JO_Q.OO , 5_~9j Q,.,O.Q__ -"_._- --.------- ...--.._- -~. ---- -,-------- -- -.-- -...-.. Year For the Fiscal Page CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST L, lL_.__ ~ fa..._) GENERAL IMPROVEMENT iC- i1d ,lction ?artment )mitted By: te 1964 Budget Request 1963 Current Budget 1ill Total 1964 CURRENT YEAR 8 Estin;1ate _ Months Year For the Fiscal 1963 - Actual ~Months 1962 Actual Previous Year Page Account Ace't. No. SUPPLIES MATERIALS AND 00 100 00 100 00 100 10 7 59 l Expendable Tools 310 500.00 1 00 500 1 500.00 1 00 094.46 1 and Drug,s Chemicals 333 200.00 00 200 00 200 00 92 145 and Lubricants Fuel Motor Vehicles - 00 000 1 00 00 00 00 and Road Oi 1 00 00 00 00 00 Masonry and 00 400 .00 00 400 82 208 14 361 Products and Cement 00 00 00 ____,~_O,Q 88 175 Bricks Cement Hardware Lumber 345 Asphalt 361 363 365 369 '371 00 400 00 500 00 400 262,07 10 512' Lumber Products and 300.00 00 500.00 .00 00 .00 250 42 00 2 87 40 00 25 136 Parts Products Tires and Tubes Machinery and Equipment Metal and Metal Motor Vehicles 373 -375 379 00 00 00 00 00 350 00 00 350 50 66 46 701 Supplies Paint and Painting 381 387 00 00 6;950.00 ------- 700 000 2 00 .00 800.00 000 000 2 2 6 00 00 700,00 000 500 2 1 6 60 125.00 -"'---- 966.51 294 193.83 -- s & Etc 1,178,27 -=-=-t-------. 4,525.92 Rock and Chat Material Gravel Other Repairs~aint TOTAL Sand 399 _._._- oc 100 00 100 -- 00 100 34.00 43.00 62 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES Refunds 439 ir:.--_/I! ~-1 ~. ~--~ ~ GENERAL IMPROVEMENT Page Il(e .L 0.6"-" ,. 1962 1.9 6.3 1964 I Actual 1963 CURRENT YEAR 1963 Acc't. Current Budget Account Previous Actual 8 Estiqlate No. Year 4 Months Months Total Budget Request ... CAPITAL OUTLAY: 503 Fixed Equipment 2,688.56 .00 .00 .00 .00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES: 49,939.80 14,273.93 51,000.00 51,000.00 Iii. )000 .00 : " . ... RECEIPTS: .--- " CITY TREASURER BALANCE Januarv 1st. 12,146.36 10,820.49 :,,',. > Less Unpaid Purchase Orders 4,898.58 ..-.---.---- 3,299.45 ,------- :-- Unencumbered Cash Balance Januarv 1st. 7,247.78 7,521.04 6,612.91 758. 13 ,- --------.-- _._,- . 110 Current Tangible Taxes 44,407.80 27,424.12 39,722.19 39,722.1:2_, 46,415.03 130 . De1inauent Taxes 527.71 .00 .00 50.00 50.0C 240 ,Sales Tax 3,879.55 3,614.90 3,614.90 3,614.90 2,826.8L 719 Weed Cutting Service 1,398.00 894.75 900.00 1,000.00 950.0C . -- . -- ---- ---- -..------.- .-.... ----~ -..- -.. -.. ----- -_._~._-_. - ----..----.- - . . .-----.----- TOTAL RECEIPTS 50,213.06 31,933.77 44,237.09 44,387.09 50, 241. 8~ TOTAl, RECEIPTS AND BEGINNING BA~ANCE 57 ,Lt60.8Lt -' 51 758.13 51,000.00 51 ,000. OC Less EXQenditures 49 , 939. 80 __ ---_.,----- ,-, 51,QOO.OO 51 , OOQ~_O 'j' ,QQ.O.OC Unencwn~ered Cash Balance December 31s 7.L22J !. 9 L:, 758.13 .00 ---- ---.-.. -- .. .-~_._---------_._.- - .- - ~ --------~ --- __'0 __ _.________~_ -... ___._'_.m ----- 1';1 CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year 1964 L c nd nction partment bmitted By lte CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST 1964 c::.J · '~,. ' .. [H'J C, :::,' .'~'- Hi,':-~' L- nd GENERAL IMPROVEMENT nc - pa - m - te Page Year A.cc't. Actual 1963 CURRENT YEAR 1963 Current Budget Account Previous Actual Estimate No. Year -1L Months 8 Months Total Budget Request .... Net Tax Requirements 44)431.58 39,722.19 46,415.03 . DelinCluent Tax 888.63 794.44 928. 30 Tax Dollars 45)320.21 40,516.63 47)343.33 . Tax Levv Mills 0.8498 o . 72 30 0.8180 " 1&: -.- . > 1\ ,---.-,--.-.- 1--.-.-.----. ;. . .-- -~ , : .--- -------- . . __0._- ,.- f---- . .---- -. ,- ----_._-~---- .- - .-.. .' .' -..-- ------ --- '-'--- ---------- -.-.--., ,~- ., " ----~ 64. 1964 1963 the Fiscal For 1962 CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST 1964 c .~ :[~__ ; r----; r..--: c_ ~ nd MEMORIAL HALL - nction _ - partment_ - bmittedBy: - Ite Page Year -- ~- Ace't. Actual 1963 CURRENT YEAR 1963 Current Budget Account Previous Actual Estimate No. Year 4 Months 8 Months Total Budget Request EXPENDITURES: ----- PERSONAL SERVICES: -----~--- 120 Salaries - Regular Employees 3)965.00 1)260.00 3)780.00 3,660.00 3,780.00 130 Salaries - Part Time Employees 138.15 .00 .00 1,000.00 250.00 195 . Other Professional Services 16.56 28.50 100.00 300.00 300.00 --- -- , -. == ~... . ---. f-. .. ~. 'l'()T AT, 4 119.71 1,288.5_Q_ 3,880.00 4,960,00 4,330.00 ; --._-.-_. ), -- - , ,..' ',' CONTRACTUAL SERVICES : ... - _._-- -- -,----.-..- ......... 205 .. Telenhone and Telegraph 185063 60.76 200.00 200.00 200.00 .. ---- ------ --.,------.-,.. .. 221 PrintinQ Office Forms .00 .00 100.00 .00 100.00 227 Tn~urance - Buildings 249.37 .00 .00 .00 .00 ? ~h - C:o.ci.aLS.e..CjJr; tv 123.75 34.20 150.00 150.00 .00 . -~~--- ._, .- ?~R Emp10vees Retirement 97.90 .00 200.00 250.00 .00 -.------------ -- __u__.________._ ___ '?L.l r.,'1" .s e.J.'Xi.c.e _-LJ42.89 ~OO~.J.~ 2 000.00 2,0.00.00 2,000.00 .~ --_._----~-- 242 T,;o111" <:er"il"e 288.40 177 . 90 600.00 350.00 600.00 243 Water Service 286.80 87.54 300.00 275.00 300.00 251 Repaiq_-=-ll~d.1.dings 406.88 721. 26 ~__J_-,--~Q.9..!...Q~ 750.00 uL~9g,.QQ. .. - ~---_.- ----..--.-----.. .-..---- 252 Renairs - Furniture and Office EquiD. .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 -.---.- ---- ------- ----------~------ f------.---.--- ....,..,. . ------- -- ---- 253 Renairs - Nachinerv and Equipment 802.32 .00 .00 SOO.OO 500,OC -- . .. , .F' -:4 .1~3~9!fl' -- - ---- - . 5 ,~';~,=~lcc:'C::==C~~~:Lf~5 ,00 I .- .----- - .- T()'l'M, 65. 2,OR0.n ),:()O.OO 1964 1963 For the Fiscal 1962 CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST L,_ ~: ,._____ L-.-.-..J MEMORIAL HALL 'l__. nd_ nction partment bmitted By lte 1964 -- -- . Actual 1963 CURRENT YEAR 1963 Acc't. Current Budget Account Previous Actual Estimate No. Year 4 Months 8. Months Total Budget Request MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES: 310 Expendable Tools 13. 32 .00 50.00 50.00 50.00 .--. 343 Janitor and Toilet Supplies 70.00 41. 61 100.00 100.00 100.00 351 Seed. Plants. Trees and Etc. .00 .00 50.00 50.00 50.00 .. 367 i.~ Electrical and Lighting Parts 19.59 3.65 100.00 100.00 100.00 ,.-...-- 1hQ 'I.'. Hardware 7.00 6.53 25.00 25000 25.00 I, 371 Tumber and Lumber Products .00 52.54 150.00 175.00 150.00 - 381 1< Paint and Painting Materials 44.29 145.89 300.00 100.00 300.00 - - - "~._~~ ----+.~-_.~->_._~.- .- .- - -. --. ~- -. ~....- " .~... TOTAL " 154.20._ 250.22 77 5.00 600.00 77 5.00 -. '.0,. -.-.---... ... .. .. STTNDRY EXPENDITURES: 413 Pl1hli" Addre~~ Svstemand Timekeener 122.00 127.00 500.00 600.00 500.00 lUg Rp fund fl .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .'-..."--- ---'--, --. -- - ---'.'- - ..- -~-- - .. ' , _. -..--.- .. , ' '- - .--- -- ...- .--- TOT AL___ . 122.00 127.00 500.00 600.00 500.00 'I---'--~---- CAPITAL OUTLAY: 1---' 509 Fur.niture 3nd Fixtures .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 ---~- .- .------ ----- -------- - -------_._- ___u .._..__ 1--------.---, --------.. -..-- ---..---- .. - ---~~ 'l'IYT' AT EXPENDITURES: 8,'J79.?3S 3,755.50 iO)205.00 10 , 635.00 I ----.----'-_..__...-. - - -.-.---- ------ . .' 10,805.00 I 1'- '----- ---_.._-----_.~-_. -- - -- ----- __._____m_______. __. __ _ __ _ u _ _ ___.__~_ f)rj. 1963 1964 Year For the Fiscal 1962 Page CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiseal Year J9..6..L L-J .::1m10RIAL' HAiL' L_. ld_ lction _ - - lartment_ - 'mitted By:_ - :e Page 1964 -... -- ---" -- ---- \ce't. Actual 1963 CURRENT YEAR 1961 Current Budget No. Account Previous Actual Estimate Total Budget Request Year ...A-Months -1L- Months -- 'RRr.EI PTS' -.-- ---- .- RECEIPTS AND BEGINNING BALANCE ., _._-~- CITY TREASURER BALANCE Januarv 1st. 13)454.93 6,239.97 -.--.. Less Unoaid Purchase Orders 1,666.90 284.78 ----. ._- . ---. - . 11)788.03 5,955.19 4, 58,~,..25 Unencvrnbered Cash Balance Januarv 1st, ,_~340 51 110 '1'.<1 ug.i.lliJaxe!':: 7R--il-3_ 272.97 3R7 Q4 .l~879. 37__ 8....01?^ 1'1 . ___.__._.__u UL. De lin~uent ...1..gxe s 31. 77 .00 50.00 5D,,,QO , 50.00 _._,_u. 240 Sales Ta}{ 23 5 ~_2..2._ 6.38 6038 ,_, ..6., 38 28014 -- ,. .. - , 511 ' Office Rental Space 360. QO, 120.00 .- -------_._.. 360000 . ___.____3.6,0,.00. 360.00 '512 Auditorium Rentals 1 805.00 1,395.00 2,500.00 _LDQ.Q_.QO_. 1 ,500000 513 Conce.~.~t~ms 33.47 .00 .00 100-,--0.0.. _. o 00 5.1.4 'R e.nt.a.L-T.<lp.le..s. and ChSl i r s___,__ 15.....15, .00 --._..---------- .00 ___5.0~O.o n() 72L Sa 1 ~_9.f,_c:,Q.ll}lTlod it i e s JEt e r i gl_~. & E t c . 1 5...._Q 0..,_ .____..l9_~QQ_ -..--"--- 30.00 , ,.O.Q_ .illL 917 PL~QU.~Addr~~Sys tem_2.:__1'.;i.J1le kee rier 172,.00 _ 130 .00 500.0Q _J.&Q~QO_ _..20Jl...0_Q... -- ----- .----~------- -.-.- - --- ------- Miscellaneous 750.00 ..0.0. .00 -.--- ---.-----.--- ---.--.-- ----- .. _..---- ..--- -_._.__.._~--- ---.--------- - -. ------------- --------~- ~--~----- -,._------~ -.------------- -"--.----------- -~._----- f-----u.-,-,-, ",---,. TOr ALJ~ECEJP,r s______,,, ,...,__ ._" __.. ___w47"J)L_ ...._....1 -,~!.t+.~2_ -----~- f-_ir.,.~J3~..._3L. _. ___L_otI5" 75 .. .0, 4Z0.....49__ TOTA.L...RE_CEllTB__AND B..EGJ_Rl'U1J.G BALANCE 14,535 -,-04.__ .... "---,, . ..- ... .--"'---.- ----- 10,539.51 nu " ,"' 10., 635..00. 10, 80 5.~..O_0_ --------- --L.c.s.sJ:xp,e.n.di...t.1,1~ 8--,.21.~ "~ 5. _ '" . .----- __JJL.~Q2.._Q Q... 10, Cll'). 00 10 , ,')QS,.QQ.. 67. _. , , ..Un e nc lH!he.):" eciC<l sb_J1a.lanc<;; .D~.<;:<;;1!lh<;;_L319J: ., __.21.2..5_5. 19..., ,...-.- ____.3)Ao.2L u! '" ,00 , ------- --~-~- -- 1963 1962 CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST 1964 ~ ._~ L,_.... '--_ HEMORIAL HALL ~ Ind_ ,nction _ partment bmittcd By lte Year -.., -- - Acc't. Actual 1963 CURRENT YEAR 1963 Current Budget Account Previous Actual Estimate No. Year 4 Months 8 Months Total Budget Request . ,Net Tax Requirements 765.63 3 )87J~37_ 8,032.35 . Delinquent Tax 22.97 77.59 160.65 Tax Dollars 788.60 3,956.96 8,193.00 Tax Levy M~l1s 0.0015 0.0072 0.1416 - _...--~--- ._, .--- -----.--. -- " , .. ;', . . .. . -. _. .- -~--- ---.'" --- ----~--------_._.- .- --.-- -" -- -- . ----~..- --.------. ... --~_.._._- - ---. -- 1----- .- ...--.-...--,- - .__._.-,-- --.~ _._______..__ _. ___u~~__..___ ~. - ._------~-- 1--.---- .- -__ 68. -.-------- "------- ---_._--," - .-- --. -...+"- ____.__..___._u ---._------- -,..._---- ._------ --. -._---- ---..----.------ 1.2.64 ),.2.63 For the Fiseal 1962 Page CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST -19.6.L I :J\..IL.. __""'-"'_V .J~__.___~~ Acc't. Actual 1963 CURRENT YEAR 1961 Current Budget No. Acc04nt Previous Aetual Estimate Total Budget Request Year -A- Months _ 8 Months EXPENDITURES: . ,- -~- . , PERSONAL SERVICES: ---.-. 120 .~::Il,qrie~-Rep'u1ar EmR10vees 317.50 .00 . Q,Q .00 L25 Salaries-Regular Emp~ees Other Depts. 1 778 01 .00 1. 500 0 00 1 5.0Q~O.o_ _ 1, 500 000 -. .. -- TOTAT. .2"D,9.5.....51 .00 L5..0JL..o 0 ,_,1,500,.00 l,SOO,OO --_._.__..~~._- --_..- --_._-- ------ ---- CONTRACTUAL SERVICES: -- .- ,..----- ---...._- .-. .....-.. . -.-. .. - . - .--- )1h' ~ nce-Socia1 Security ,.,....._65_...5Q_ ___, .__._PO__ 75000 , u._.___h 75_,.00.., oOQ --.....--.-. 238 Employees Retirement .0.0 .00 .00 7.5.....0 n 00 )<;1 'R",,..,,, ; "'~M,qr hi ne.r..y......and,..Equipm"',.., t- nn .00__ ___0_- 300.00 _-300_0.0., 300.~ . )')') 'Re:Mirs..:l:1otor VehiQE_~..:l'_ires & Tubes ,_...'Oil_ _ .. .._.__,,,.,,00.0. '_" ----~- 75.00 ,- -,.."..QQ- .----L5..Q..illL .- --..-..- ------- -- ---- --_.--~ -------~--------- _u_ , ". _. __ _ . __ ..__.__n_ _._.h__ -..---"'''.. '- TOTAL ____ 2..~_.,5 0 _. _ ..,_.___.,.00..._ - - - -.---_.._" 450.00 450.00 __AS"O.......QQ..... . ,----~_._- MATERlALS_Jl.,N.D SUPPLIES' ----- .--------..-- --',--,--- 333 '. Chemic::alsJD.IL~g,s__~J1.d SU2Q..lie~u.." .,--- .00 - --- __.__~_~O..Q.__ -~._---~----~-~-- ...__.L9.QQ.....QQ.__ ___LQQ.Q-'-.QO_, ,__LOOO.QO_ 345 Motor V~~~l~s~Fl~l & Lubricants _.-- 00 d _._ .0,0 , ,.. ._----,-- f------ __.2.5Q_._0_Q_____~_250_LQO.. , 2.SO .OD... 173 .Machinery and ~~uiQment Parts ,00 I .00 i =~:>Qj)~ QQ~-r .=JOQ.P2 ,. 300 .OO.u -----~._-- ---->---------- " ... - ..... - -------.-------- l I ______0__.___-- ~-> . .----- TOTAL 69. .00 00 1.5')0.00 1 'i'in.oo 1,S',n.nn ~ Year Fiscal For the CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST L---e L. . ,,_,~ L.........-.; ~ ld_ NOXIOUS WEEDS_ lction _ _ _ )artment..:...- _ lmittedBy: _ te Page 1964 .......,...,- ~cc't. Actual 1963 CURRENT YEAR 1963 Current Budget Account Previous Actual Estimate No. Year 4 Months 8 Months Total Budget Request (:AP ....AT. OlITLAY: 503 Machinerv and EquiDment .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 ~.__.. . --- - , ,. ... . TOTM EXPENDITURES: 2,161.03 .00 3,500.00 3,500.00 3,500.00 RECETPTS: ----~~ - .. CITY TREASURER BALANCE January 1st 180.90 255.31 . --- .. _._____.h.,. Less UnDaid Purchase Orders .00 2.31 --, .-- , Unencumbere~ Cash Ba~ance January 1st 180.90 253.00 93037 159063 . ._- --~--~ ---------- ---- no ...Current Taneible Taxes 2,095.79 2,234.28 3,236.05 3,236.05 .3, nOo09 --.- - - ------- 130 Delinquent Taxes 16081 000 .00 .. .00 000 .- f--, .--. 240 Sales Tax 120.53 170.58 170.58 170.58 230,28 -.. --'~'----- 1:::-' -,.----.. -.- ," ----- ~._____. ____~_.. _u__. ' , ,- __n_u__.. __.._.. . , .. TOTAL RECEIPTS . ,_.. 2, 2~~.1~_ 2,401+.86 3,406.63 3,406,63 3 , 340 0 37 1----. .. . TOTAL RECEIPTS AND BEGINNING BALANCE 2,414.03 3)659.63 3,500000 3,500000 ,-- ---- Less Expenditures 2,161.03 3,500.00 3,500000 3,500.00 -.----- Unencumbered Cash Balance December 31s 253.00 159.63 .00 000 ~---,_. _...,-.- ---. Net Tax Requirements 2,096.94 3,236.05 3,110009 .-. -.-~.- -..-.----- ..--...... -,-_...,._----, Delinquent Taxes, 41. 9L~ ..__ _." ~:~-;21- "'-~2 0 20 Tax I)oJlars 7.0C_ 2~:~:_~_~.~:~_- ..... .~____ _ . ..__~ ~~~'.:::~7i-3~~~:~:: -- __1'.~J.evy H.i 118 - . ._,-,----~----" 1964 1963 Year For the Fiseal 1962 CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year 1964 L.._, -.------ ~ FIREMEN'S PENSION L L- Illd_ mction _ ~partment. Ibmitted By lte 1962 ..-19. 63 1 9(,4 Acc't. Actual , Qh~ CURRENT YEAR 1963 Current Budget Account Previous Actual Estimate No. Year ~Months -8- Months Total Budget Request -- IlK f'i:S. SUNDRY EXPENDITURES: 412 r.1",im", and Awards .00 .00 .00 . A37 PF>n",inn", PAid 10 525.00 4 148.00 13,132.00 10 020.00 13,132.00 439 Refunds . 858.83 21.00 800.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 , _. .00 .00 .00 10,OQQ.00 10,000.00 - . ,.- 1- TOTAL EXPENDITURES: 11. 383.83 4,169.00 13.932.00 21.020,.00 24 ,~? nn --_.~._----- --. - -.- ..., 'R 'F.C.EI:ITS : '. . x AND BEGINNING BAIANCE .---- r.T'1'Y P.A T .ANf"cE..J::1nll::1l"V 1 ~t' 11.012.02 , 10,380.67 9.926.08 8,292.59 :---_... 110 .~ t' '1'::1 nO'ihle-'!axP ~ 1 777.7 r::, 3 444.41 4,986.35 4 986.35 9,434.40 '10 TIp'i '1':lVP~ i')F, ')R .00 50.00 150.00 50.00 . 240 . S:llp~ 'I':lX 48.89 30 7 . 57 307.57 307.57 355.01 Q41 ,., -Q'\l1ri nn", 1'1" Rmn' nVPpQ (; ')(;9 ?(; 2 34Q 2') 6.500.00 ') 7')0.00 6 000.00 . Mi ~N>' , .00 .00 .00 ,00 .00 .. '1'mAT. RECEIPTS 10 752.48 6.101.23 ~_.~ .,-. 11 843.92 11,093.92 15,839.41 'I'm A L-RRCnn.Ulil;LJ?EDJN.Nl N(LJiALANCE . 21,764.50 .-- -. --. ,---- 221...224.59 21,Q'?Q~Q_. JiG1.n....Q.9. T.f> ~ ~ :.xpe.ndLtJ.trg"s..-,--.u._u ,,__ ... 11,383.83 13,932.00 21"".92Q.'.()9_ ]~J 132 ._99. 71. Uneneu~be\"ed Cash &1C\nc~ n"rpmhpr 11 Qt', 10 , 380. 67 R,292,59 ,00 no Page CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST ,. L, }~Il{EMEt{Trg-p EN SIUN lction )artment lmitted By te 1964 l"7UL A.cc't. Actual 1963 CURRENT YEAR 1963 Current Budget Account Previous Actual Estimate No. Year 4 Months 8 Months Total Budget Request Net Tax Requirements 3,777.48 4,986.35 9)434.40 Delinauent Tax 75,54 99.72" 188.69 Tax Dollars' 3,853.02 5,086.07 9,623.09 ..... Tax Levv Mills . 0.0723 0.0908 0.1663 ... . , ---- - '----" , ' ; , . . . . . ,,, ----- !-- ------ ".-.._~ ,,,' .., .----.---- 7/.. -------- --..-- - -,-.-.-- - --- -- -- 1964 1963 Year For the Fiseal Page CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST 1964 l_.__, " .......--. L____.-.J , Id_ - P_OLI CEHEN' S-RENSION lction _ - - lllrtment_ - ,mitted By: - :e Page Year J.:;7VL. - - - - \cc't. Actual 1%1 CURRENT YEAR 1 c}l11 Current Budget No. Account Previous Actual Estimate Total Budget Request Year -4.-Months -&-- Months EXPENDITURES: .- SUNDRY EXPENDITURES: ~32 Claims and Awards .00 .00 ,00_ i17 ' 'Pon"~t"\n" 'P<o~~ 1F, ?L..~,OO 5.416.00 17,704.00 1 F, ?4 a...o.o _17,704.00 'c1Q n" . 16.12.55 1.294.58 3,000.00 . 1 OOO-,-QQ. 1,500.00 . 'Q ese..r:'.~ ()o. QQ .00 10 OOQ.DO LQROO .00_ , ,.---.-- -- - ..- 'I'O'l'Al, RXfENIlI 'III{~:S 17 F,F,()')') 6.710.58 20)704.00 2 7 2.il8.....QQ 29,204,00 .. , -_._---_._-_.,-~ --..--..--- --..-.... .. -.--.---.. -.,.-.-- -- 'R RC.EI.IT.5 . .- 'Qlu'EIPTS AND BEGINNIlliLBAI.ANr.R --.-- r.T'I'Y --- RALANCEJanu",rv 1 Qt- 14 083.57 ___~/+..46. ~..L _.~(j,9, 26 6 . 971. 40 11() - 'I'<onO';1-.1" 'I'd"o.. 7 ?R!L..'j7 H 7?6. ()Q , 1bi>35.97 __ ~_12+6,3.5......2 7 16,283,31 D() nelinr11,on t- '1'<0""",, 1 na....D.L ___---.0..0__ -- .00 49.FW 50.00 . 26.0 ~",1"" '1'<0" 72.2.....6.9: 592.9L_ 592.97 ') 92.....9 7 899,29, .., -----. .. 941 Contributions bv Employees 4.838.18 1 71 1 "Q 5)000.00 4 500.00 5,000.00 . Miscellaneous .00 ---,0,0_. .00 .00 .00 -- .. n _ , ..-- 'T'O'T'A1 RECEIPTS ,_...J-~ 023.44 1 1 il2.a~65 ,. ._-"-" 18,228.94 1 L1L~?!J_ 22,232.60 'I'OTA T. R F.CEI.ET.LANIl....BEGINNI.NG.J3ALANCE_. __~L1.1Q1,~1 --- 27,675.40 27 ,248_",9,9_ 29,204.00 -. . .--.-- - .-._----- ....--..,--" .. --------------.- -Le.s s,Ex pendit.u.r.e.s..-'--._. ____ lL}.6~9..!_5 5 20 , 70.~~ _.1L..1~t..8_.__Q.o _ 29,204,00 73. -----.-----~ I- o LtL..(,. L~() 6 , 97 1. 40 .00 ,00 1964 1963 For the Fiscal 1962 once Com ~I'ICUMY> CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST , 1964 For the FIscal Year , I PEN'S'ION L..._ s 'r,' le'POLIC EBEN" lI1ction ~partment Ibmitted By ate L....J md Page u. -- ---- -... - . Acc't. Actual 1963 CURRENT YEAR 1q63 Current Budget No. Account ~revious Actual Estimate Budget Request Year 4 Months 8 Months Total ,1/ Net Tax Reauirements 7,291.05 l2,63~.97 16 283.31 ,De1inauent Tax 145.82 252.72 325.67 Tax Dollars 7,436.87 12,888.69 16 608.98 Tax Levv Mills 0.1394 0.2300 0.2870 T .., . . , ----_. -_._- .---- : <. ' . ._, . " ------- -'-' -.-- --- -----_.- -----,- --- - . -...--.. '--""--.-- .. -- "-_.-- --- 74. 1964 1963 1962 CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST L.:.J 'L - --. Public Health - :tion_ - - lrtment _ - -- nittcd By: _ - - l Page_ --1.964 1964 - - - Actual , 1963 CURRENT YEAR 1963 cc't. Current Budget ~o. Account Previous Actual Estimate Total Budget Request Year --.iLMonths ---8.. Months --.- EXPENDITURES: Appropriation-City 16,030.21 .00 27,865.00 27,865.00 26,460.00 County .00 .00 .00 27,865.00 26,460.00 Miscellaneous .00 .00 .00 .00 588.72 ._-- -. ~0rAL EXPENDITURES 19,030.21 .00 27,865.00 55,730.00 ,/ 53, 508.72 - ,.- ~, ----- RECEIPTS : RECEIPTS AND BEGINNING BALANCE ._-~._-_._- CITY TREASURER BALANCE January 1st 501. 52 378.67 168.76 191.91 Current Tangible Taxes 14,056.50 16,674.44 26,348.96 26,348.96 25 , 139. OLJ Delinquent Taxes_ - 220.90 .00 185.00 203.00 Sales Tax 1,629.96 1,144.28 1, l4!~ ~ 28 . 1,144.28 1,718.71 Miscellaneous-County & Others .00 .00 27,865.00 26,460.00 . TOTAL RECEIPTS 15,907.36 17,818.72 27,678.24 55 561.24 53 31~ TOTAL RECEIPTS AND BEGINNING BALANCE 16,408.88 28,056.91 55,730.00 53.508.72 .. Less Expenditures 16,030.21 -. 27,865.00 55.730.00 53,50~....l1.. UnencumLered Cash Balance December 31st. 378.67 . 191.91 -- ----.---.- -- ,.- 75, ,~;ill I I'.' 17/, ,'. lliJ Year For the Fiscal 1962 CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year 1964 l..._ '~------' '---~""""" HEALTH ' L......: L PUBLIC tion rtment litted By - --.... :c't. Actual 1963 CURRENT YEAR 1963 Current Budget Account Previous Actual Estimate roo Year 4 Months 8 Months Total Budget Request Net Tax Requirements 14,067.49 26,348.96 25,138.04 Delinquent Tax 281.35 526.98 502.76 ---'I. Tax Dollars 14,348.84 26 875.98 25 640,80 ._----~ Tax Levy Mills 0.2690 0.4796 0.4403 .. - --' ----- , ' ,. --------...---- ---' ----- . ' ,. '. . -- .. .. ,. . . . . - .... .------ --. ..._-- , ----- ---- I--, ,-- - H_ 76. .-.----- -_.~.._~-- - -----.--.,-- ----- 1964 1963 1962 Page CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST Foe the Fiscal Year _.1.9.6.L L____ L.___~ L._~,_ FLOOD WORKS AND DIKES l~, ld_ lction )artment lmitted By te - -...... .L;1UL " ,--.L.:1.U .J.- ....../'J-r ....cc't. Actual , Q(,."t CURRENT YEAR 1963 Current Budget No. Account Previous Actual Estimate Budget Request Year 4 Months .....8 Months Total EXPENDITURES: PERSONAL SERVICES: ---" 20' ~"""''l''ip~_'Q",.,,,l.,... 'Rmpl.Qyee.~ " ,,<; 7n 4.360.00 13 080.00 1 Lr9.G.0 ,.00. 13,080.00 i.1L Sa1aries-Reeu1ar Emo1ovees. Other Depts. 166.11 .00 1,500000 ? ~_~OO. _2,000000 \ 1,,2,5 Otnl"r l''l''nfp q~iona1 S..el'li~~ 7Q6. q, 15.00 300000 _0.0 750 .00 .----...------ 1---- " .- .. _..~-_._----- .-r----..-- - '. TOTAL 12..J)76 . 72 4.375.00___ c-_..,__. 14,880.00 , <; ,31l0~OO 15,830.00 .' ---._-- --- --.---. _.----.. -- -_._~ -,,,---,.. " . .. , CONTRACTUAL S~RVICES: ----._- -..'''........-.,-,-- ------- .--- ---.------- W5 Te1eohone and Te1eeraoh .00 .00 .00 ,.0_0." 000 ._------ ~31 Insurance-Motor Vehicles 114.34 164.31 200.00 15 0_..0 Q 200.00 .----- Q,6 I~sur~n~~~socia1 Security 342.91 118.37 500.00 1ClO...J)n .00 ~38 Employees Retirement 481. 52 125.19 600000 flilil L.or 00 ~39 GrOUD Insurance , .00 2.Q..40 100.00 .~,QO", 100.00 ~42 Light and Power Service 151. 20 92 .40 300.00 nn 300.00 . ~53 Renai~~~M~chinery and E~~iUIDent AI) 02 t... c;n 100.00 JOO..D.O_ ~___La..Q.LQ{L ~55 . 'Rep_aLr.s..:.1:19tor Vehi<; 1es-.1-'J'iLe.s_~,5ubes 15......l.5,__ 14 .00 100.00 100.00_. "JOO--'-..Q.lL.. -------.--- ~99 o t h~r_.,g.Q..l}j::X,g~...tt!<lU~ rv ic..e s 366.00 30.00 ~~.O.OO 350..00 !L_QO 0 . Q.!L __u_ .-...---.--.------ ..-._-_.--------~.._..~ >-----.- -.-.- ' ._..._---- -~------ ...- _.-.. -- -.-------.--- n. . --.--...--- --------.-- _.- ---_._--- ---~ --, TOTAL 77. 1,556074 569.1.7 2,150000 ',(,00,00 6.,800,00 Page CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiseal Year 1964 L-_ lFLOOD ~~()RKS ANJ5-DIKE~- \d__ - - lction _ - - lartment_ - mlitted By: - :e Page Actual 1963 CURRENT YEAR 1963 I \'cc't. Current Budget Account Previous 4 Actual 8 Estiq>.ate No. Year Months Months Total Budget Request MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES: 310 Expendable 'Tools .00 .00 50.00 50.00 50.00 333 Chemicals and Drugs 464.13 80.00 500.00 600.00 2,000.00 --~ - 345 Motor Vehicles - Fuel, Lubr. & Etc. 462.38 179.45 500.00 200.00 500.00 347 Notor Vehicles - License Tags 35.00 86.00 86.00 35.00 100.00 - 359 . Other Operating Supplies 62.76 13.44 50.00 .00 50.00 365 Cement and Cement Products 93.60 144.40 200.00 .00 200.00 -------- .. 373 Machinery and Equipment Parts 706.59 184.05 300.00 300.00 300 .00 -'.--'- -.----. ---- - ._. --.-- -.. - -. _.-. 377 Motor Vehicles - Parts 35.09 11.44 100.00 100.00 100.00 n.___.._..___.. h_H ,-. 379 Motor Vehicles - Tires and Tubes 142.09 .00 100.00 100.00 100.00 . 381 Paint and Painting Supplies 16.21 3.23 50.00 .00 50.00 387 Sand. Gravel, Rock and Chat 163.02 27.20 3,000.00 3,500.00 __ ),500.00 . TOTAL .- 2,180.87 729.21 4 936.00 4.885.00 4,950.00 , . SUNDRY EXPENDITURES: 435 Organization Dues .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 ., .._--- CAPIT AL OUTLAY: .- -- - ,. ----- - -~-_..- ----- 503 Hachinery and Equipment__,___,,____ 3,321.26 95.47 5,134.00 8,000,00 4,000.00 ...~-_._--_..~.. - --..--. -- .- .-- , TOTAL EXPENDITURES 78. 19,135.59 5,768.85 27 , 100 .00 29,785.00 ;29,580.00 ,_ ...n____.___._,__ ,____.____..,__.__._____ ,. _._----_._- ~ _.__._._._-----------~_.- -- 1964 1963 1962 CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year 1964 ~ ~_____~ __ ___.H"-.l L___~ nd _......-ELOOD_H.ORlZS-...AND.....DIKE.8-- nction _ _ partment_ _ bmitted By _ ,te Page -, --------- ------_.- Acc't. Actua 1 1963 CURRENT YEAR 1963 Current Budget Account Previous Actual Estimate No. Year ~Months Jl. Months Total Budget Request - " RECEIPTS: .~.- ---- .RECEIPTS AND BEGINNING BALANCE .., .. .~_..... CITY TREASURER BALANCE Januarv 1st. 4,893.40 8,404.45 Less Unpaid Purchase Orders 77 .86 3,566.63 - ..,.. ~ ----- Unencumbe~ed Cash Ba1~~~e December 31st. 4,815.54 4,837.82 2,291.LI5 ),231.37 DO Current Tangible T~xes 1.2, 807.91 18.024.56 --...- 26,106.78 26.....106.,7..8 b2,J9Q.~.Q.6_ I,: 130 I,' Delinquent Taxes 120.12 .00 100.00 1 Q.Q.....Q 0 100.00 ,_._,--,,_._------ -. ------- 240 Sales Tax ._---- 884.84 1,286.77 1,286,77 1 ~18..Q-,) L __t,,857.97 - "-- ---.-----,.--,.... _. -_._~.._-- .. ---.---- ., 'it 731 ' Miscellaneous Sales andService 2,345.00 .00 .00 .00 ,00 "-----,-.---- .--- .': , .. , ~ . 'T'OTAL RECEIPTS 19 t51.J~L n __1~, 311. 33 -..---- .. ----- 27.493.55 27,493.55 ...2.4 , 348, 63 . ---_._-~ TOTAL RECEIPTS AND BEGIN~NG BALANCE 23)973.Lf1 -- 32.331. 37 29,785.00 _2.9_080.00 ------~- --_.. ---._-~- Less Expenditures 19,135.59 27)100.00 29,785.00 29.580.00 Unencumbered Cash Balance Dec. 31st. 4,837.82 5,231.37 .00 .00 . ------- Net Tax Requirements ----.--- 15,821. 91_. 1--................. 26,106.78 22,390.66 ",- -----~----_._- .---.--- Delinquent Tax 316.42 522.14 4!f 7 .81 ~ ...- . 0-0 ___ _..__.___._ .- <------- - .n~. Tax Dollars 16,137.49 26,628.92 21. ,:U8. Lf 7 -_._._~ ----' --------- - .-.. .- .. _. Tax Levy Hills __________..,,'_____.J 2..!.. 0,3025 0.4752 O. 3946 ---~ --,------- ~-----_.~-. ------.,--.--- ._---- --- -~----_.-- --- ---------- --.. - ~------ ---.. 1 9.61L- .....l963 1262 CITY OF SALINA Bl.JDGET REQUEST For the Fiseal Year 1964 L. ~._- 1<. __._~ ~-'-_ L_-----' TREE ~~INTENANCE t:on rtment litted By - - - l'LO...) - ' ..I.. '" v-.- :c't. Actual 1963 CURRENT YEAR 1963 Current Budget To. Account Previous Actual Estimate Total Budget Request Year 4 Months 8 Months EXPENDITURES: Salaries - Employees Other Departments .00 389.60 5,000.00 .00 782.76 Removal and Treatment of Trees .00 .00 6,000.00 11,000.00 11,000.00 -- TOTAL EXPENDITURES: .00 3K9.60 11 000.00 11 000.09_ .11. . 7 8 2,. 7 6 . RECEIPTS : .- --------- --- - -- ------ -- CITY TREASURER BAlANCE January 1st .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 ,. Current Tangible Taxes .00 7,592.17 1---,--.--- 11,000.00 11 ,OOQ.~_go .'- 11,000.00 - .------------ 1-..... --,------ Sales Tax .00 1-.. .00 .00 .00 782.76 ----~.- --- __u . . 'T'!")'T' AT. IJ ANT"I P.A T ,A Nr."R . .00 7.592.17 11,000.00 11 000.00_ 1,L782.76 Less Exoenditures .00 .00 11 000.00 11 000.00 11,782.76 Unencumbered Cash Balance December 31st .00 .00 .00 .00 .2L Net Tax Reouirements 11 000.00 11 LOOO. 00 . De1inrruent Tax. 22 0 ~O_Q. 2 2Jl~ . Tax Dollars - 11~2..Q...J1JL_ _lJc..>12.Q...QL Tax Levv Mills 0.2.~ __jLL9~ -.-- 80. .--------..---- ----. . .., -------" -- --- 1962 __Page_ CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year 1964 L,_ , ~ L-,.. .d OLD AGE ~_SU!WIVORS INSURANCE ,ction _ SOCIAL SECURITY ---- .nrtment ..:- ---- mitted By: e Page_ .. ---..- ----- --_._-~- .-. ~cc't. Actual 1963 CURI~ENT YEAR 1963 Current Budget Account Previous Actual Estimate No. Year -4-Months 8 Months Total Budget Request EXPENDITURES: I;l Payment to Social Security .00 .00 .00 63)000.00 :.1 ' ----- ---- ..- . .... ._- -_.~.. ."-. ,_. ' ...- -- -" TOTAL EXPENDITURES: .00 .00 .00 63,000.00 '.. ' .- "-"-.-- RECEIPTS: ,_..-- -- -----~- - ----_.~~ City Treasurer Balance January 1st .00 .00 .00 .00 --.-,----.- --, ----- ---, 110 Current Tangible Taxes .00 .00 .00 30,000.00 ... _.___~_..u_____ __. _______ --.,..-.,.--,....-.-.. . ~M~ Employees Contribution .00 .00 .00 ._~3"QQO. 00 _.-_._..~ , .. . . -, - . ..--- --- ---. -. .._---~-- TbTAL RECEIPTS AND BEGINNING BALANCE .00 .00 .00 ._..(j} ~QOO. 00 .. . '. Less Exnenditures .00 .00 .00 f-?3 , ()_O"O. 00_ . Unencumbered Balance December 31st .00 .00 .00 .00 Net Tax Requirements .00 30,000.00 Delinduent Tax .00 600.00 Tax Dollars .'00 30 ,600.00 Tax Levv Mills .00 0.5287 1--._--, 8l. ..., --- .....--..- ------ - 1964 1963 1962 CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiseal Year 1964 [ - "~--"",,, ..---...... [._d d_ STATE RETIREHENT SYSTEM - - ction _ - - artment_ -, mitted By:_ -..- e Page ,ec't. Actual 1963 CURRENT YEAR 1963 Current Budget Aeeount Previous Actual Estimate Total Budget Request No. Year 4 Months 8 Months EXPENDITURES: ----_. {j~ Payment to State .00 .00 ] 21,000,00 . - ,. ----~-~ - - TOTAL EXPENDITURES: ,00 .00 .11.J.9.o0 . 00 ,. ..' . -------- RECEIPTS: '.. -------- CITY TREASURER BALANCE ]anuary 1st .00 _. .00 -. .- ,00 110 .' Current Tangible Taxes ,00 .00 }9__, 000,00 ,---,-_..----_._-- -- __ _ .. u -- -----.. ----. Employees Contribution " ,00 ,00 }3,000,OO .. . h__'_ __ -- , -... TOTAL RECEIPTS AND BEGINNING BALANCE .00 ,00 72,000,00 ------.----- 1--..,-_... .. Less Expenditures ,00 ,00 72~O,OO - Unencumbered Balance December 31st ,00 .00 .00 -_.~ ---- ----- Net Tax Requirements ,00 39,000,00 < De lii1quent Tax .00 .___ _ _1.80 . O.Q.. . Tax Dollars .00 ]<L) 780-'.00 Tax Levy Mills .00 0,6873 ----- ., . ..- -----,---------~_.- 8,2, 1964 1963 1962 l.~ 1'.,;"" ~ BOND AND INTEREST ---..--- ::-i...l.;.J d CITY OF SALINA etion artment mitted By e REQUEST BUDGET 1964 Budget Request 1963 Current Budget 1963 Total 1964 CURRENT YEAR 8 Estimate _ Months Year For the Fiscal 1963 Actual ~Months 1962 Actual Previous Year Page --------------- Account .cc't, No. -==1" EXPENDITURES 00 703,000 000.00 204 00 000 20L 00 000 98 00 000 220 Bond Principal General 601 55,009.41 ------ 75,490059 --- 89 96 60,336 ------ 130,177 89 336 60 02 815 30 94 444 78 Bond.Interest General 603 28 440 168 234.55 67 11 l~ 323 ) (cs Gutter & Paving PrinciEa1 Curb 60S 60 192 1105 7() 71 I.f 335 80 858 389 064061 150 63 787 298 ) (ps Gutter & Paving Principal Curb 607 49 50..>.131 27 953 , 32 5~? 784.46 02 _~029 95 010 37 2 (cs Curb '._9~~~er & Paving Interest 609 74 597 7 2 2,~f?uLI_,!} 86 12 618 123 26 043 49 39 394 96 2 (PS & Paving Interest Gutter Curb, 611 20 591 Vf 13008 -" 74 83 130 74 89 107 15 74 ---f---~~' 264 ) (cs Pr:incipa1 Se\,er Bond 613 80 Lf08 40 77 166 63 77 166 63 --- 71 189 18 40) 7 3~. 26 ) (ps Bond Principal Sewer Sewer ., 615 617 76 243 6 84 306 8 84 306 8 70 538 3 10,291040 ------- ) (cs Bond Interest 06 728 8 491.57 10 ~2.~~.?-4- 10 59 713 10 11,811 ---- ) (ps Sewer Bond Interest 619 00 000 2 00 000 2 00 2,000 22 593 & Pos_~,g~_CE,g,__.~h.?70 o~_ Agencv Commission Fiscal 621 35 00 136 82 67 700.00 82,141 128 00 00 000 25 46 00 76 43 00 Boni.s. to b.E:,-+-,_,~~16 Issued/ Parking Bond and Interest Interest on Miscellaneous Off - -- Street 00 1J1.5 130 00 600 218 1 56 134 185 1 03 406' 460 21 150 994 EXPENDITURES TOTAL 81 I , CITY ()F SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year 1964 L- ,< ''7 ~--' d BOND AND INTEREST - ction -'-- -, artment--"- -., mitted By:. ---- e Page 1964 ---_._~---_._--- ----.-y---- ,ce't. Actual 1963 CURRENT YEAR 1963 Current Budget No. Aeeount Previous Actual Estimate Total Budget Request Year 4 Months 8 Months .. RECEIPTS: ------ CITY TREASURER BALANCE Januarv 1st. 221,955.26 ,- ----.-.' --. ---..-- 216 884.31 L8.Llt9LS5 ,62..,A14.....l.<L 110 Current Tangible Taxes Lf 64 606, 96 3l7,242.....$~ -_._-_...-,--------_._~- __4..5.2, Lf97 , OS LfS.9.."..Lt9LL05 If 9il ,8.62.~5..8_ 130 Delinquent Taxes 5 816,50 .-QQ -..-.....-- 6....J..5L..30 1 .500_,-00 _S,OD.o.....iliL . 150 Current Special Assessment Tax Lf8Lf,064,03 382 ,407,35 .--_..---_..------ r---2_2l~0 "00 51l"Q55...00 5.5'Qo OQ_QLQO_ 160 f Delinquent Special Assessment Tax .00 , ----~Q..Q ,00 500.00 ,--......QQ... ..~---- -_.__.-.._--~--- --.----- 630 Accrued Interest on Bonds Sold .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 929 'c Special Assessments 33)313.24 L,690.87 2,000.00 .00 ? ,.000,00 ,--- ----- --- .., -.----..- - -------.---. - "'._- -.-. ..----.-.. .. i 957 ,Transfer from Parking Meter Fund .00 .00 41,150.00 64, 350 .00 I 2L.706,17 ..-- -.. .. ..' . Sidewalks 1,278.53 .00 ,00 .00 ,00 ---.-. n' Miscellaneous .00 .00 .00 .00 ...-l..Ll!,+ 7 . 1 ~ - --- ----.-.--....-.-..-- TOTAL RECEIPTS: 989)079.26 701 , 341. 07 1,030,664.35 1 , 0 36 , 90 2 . 0.:5. lJ)2,lJ..5 . 9C TOTAL RECEIPTS AND BEGINNING BALANCE 1 , 211 , 0 34 . 5 2 1,247,548.66 1,218,600.00 .1175,,130, OC iess Expenditures 994,150.21 1,185,134.56 1,218,600.00 .L175 , 130 .OC Unencumbered Cash Balance December 3ls 216,884.31 62,414.10 ---- NET TAX REQUIREMENTS 465,351. 21 459,497.05 Lt9.~~ ,..86L~jlL Delinquent Tax 9 , 307 . 0 2 ..- i---. 9,189.94 9,897.25 0-__'_'-----' ________ Tax Dollars L~74 658.23 ~- 4 6 ~.2.~.2.~,2 9 .s,O~ ~ 7 c?2.~$J 1','1'( T,pvv Mi 11 s 84. 8.8909 8.3636 8. 7208 1963 1962 CITY OF Si\t{j\T A BUDGE'I REQUEST For the Fiscal Year 1964 L-~_...J L,~. S l'EC IAL IHPROVEMENT -_._-- _.._- --- i\~iD GENERAl i :tion lrtmcnt nitted By 196~__ get uest 00 00 }H 0.00 00 DO 00 59 ,J.i J L~ 1. .' 1Jf) 00 --- 00 ~ q. '-/ ) 41 D) 99 'V'2- 110 ~I 06 00 0'0 00 Page ---- .- -- .~----_.~-~.._.--- - ------_._------- - cc't. Actual 1963 CUI~r.(ENT YEAR 1963 Currcnt Bud ~o. Account Previous Actuai Estimate Total Budget Req Year 4 Montl1.~ 8 Months - EXPENDITURES: . .. /, / D~ Street Surfacing 60,000.00 .00 ~O , GOO. 00___ ~, 1 OO~ ---" ---'- Buildings 25,000.00 .00 L~ 5 , 000 , 00 30 000. --- Prescott and 8th Project .00 .00 ,30',000. ( - -== -- - .u._ ~ ~__ ~._~._..- .. TOTAL EXPENDITURES: 85,000.00 .00 85,000.00 , /~ €J , 100; ( . ..---- 3/, I ()/>, " ._---- -_......- \---.._,- ._--,-,-- .. ---~----~- -_.---- -- -..- --~- RECEIPTS: . - ----. ----- , CITY TREASURER BALANCE January 1st 1 , 7 LtS . 94 1,475.59 853,,68 .. --...--.------..-- -,,-.....-- -..,...---....-- ._------_..-. ' .-' .---. Current Tangible Taxe~ 83,986.64 .00 .00 SL~ , Q?}.J 2 --- ----- --+------..--"--.--- ~_.._.-....., ,..--.. _. ,-' -_..-- - , . . Delinquent Taxes 7 L~O. 01 .00 1,100.00 75.00 7 S. ,--- -, . , ------- - .. .- ---.~-~~.- TVl'ALRECEIPTS: 84,726,1')5 .00 1,100.00 81+,146.32 83, 52!!. -$Tio( TOTAL RECEIPTS AND BEGINNINU BAlANCE 86,475.59 2,575.59 85,000.00 I 86,100. ,- 31',100. Less Expenditures 85,000.00 .00 85,000.OQ__._ _~~JO..O_. Unencumbered Cash Balance December 31st 1,475.59 -, 2,575.59 .00 '3iaf&.l c Net Tax Requirements 84,054.34 84,071.32 83;lfl~9; '7D.' Delinquent Taxes 1,681.09 1, 681.43 1 668. -.'-.-.- Tax Dollars 85,735.43 'J..1 / I 'f , , 85,752.75 '8 5 , 118 , -.--, 0.50 Tax Levy Mills 1. 6072 1. 5302 1 , if 7 ._, --.- 85. 1963 1962 SALINA CITY OF BUDGET L_.~ INb'us TRIAt---mVEL'OPHENT - ------ 'tiOIl_ Irtl11ent. 11itted By 1964 --- .- - Budget Request 1963 Current Budf~d -------- _'i-________ --- 1963 Total REQUEST 1964 1962 --- -_._-~-- - -1--'-----_.._'----'-- ,-.-----'-'--- ...~~ =to~cc~~~~~~' = ._~.i;;~~cu:~:~;~~~~R Yea! the Fisc< FOl Page Account cc't. -roo EXPENDITURES: ----- PERSONAL SERVICE 8,230.62 -.--------- - _._--~_._~ 62 230 8 27,650.00 27,650.00 __='C-'.---=-_I~::=..-:c:=-==':'. . o 27,650 00 650 27 __. __.. ,!?~:~_~ 2~-=k:_._=--=__ 23 849 00 -_._.~--- Services 1 Qther Profess iona 1 & _~ecia -----....---- TOTAL EXPENDITURES --_.- -~-- RECEIPTS 62 230 8 20 8 1 82 150 26 20 23 1st January TREASURER BALANCE CITY 00 00 00 122 18 00 Unpaid Purchase Orders -_.. ---- Less 82 028 8 1st ;1nce January ). Unencumbered Cash B3 00 90 374 25 90 374 25 35 520 1'1 62 127 26 Current Tangible Taxes 00 350 Delinquent Taxes 00 2 126.90 -+---::_~-=::--==- 2L.-S.Q.L.Jill._._ 90 126 2 --- 2,126 ._-, 1 Q F.1.17 ? c; 90 00 ,-- Tax Sales .JL2.3 O.L62- __8...,2.3..o-,~ ')7 QC;1 Q(,\ 26,127.6? 'l'()'T'A T, RF:r:F:TET..S 650.00 27 .35,880....92 150,82 BAlANCE RECEIPTS AND BEGINNING TOTAL 650.00_ 27 00 650 27 00 Expenditures Less 62 230 8 82 150 26 December 31st . Balance Unencumbered Cash 40 882 25 50 647 26 'l'ax Dollars ~.2~1. 4 . 9 9~___ 507.50 Lf6l9 o 00 50 5000 26.1 125 522 o 86 Tax Requirements Tax Levy Mills Delinquent Tax Net CITY OF SAIJNA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year 1964 I~_. C-' ld. \etion lartment Imitted By :e Page .J.../V~ _.-~ ---- \cc't. . Actual 1963 CURRENT YEAR 1963 Current Budget Account Previous No. 4 Actual 8 Estimate Total Budget Request Year Months Months - .. EXPENDITURES: - .., .. - -. PERSONAL SERVICES: _. - ---------~---.. ----.-- 20 Salaries-Regular Employees 119,861.57 41,561.54 123,000.00 l?L~, 000.00 12).) 000 . O~ ~----_._"--- -. 25 Salaries-Regular Emplovees, Other Dept. 11.25 .00 .00 .00 ,___,_J)~ ---.----- ---, ., 90 Medical Services . 61. 91 .00 500.00 500.00 :;00.00 ..----.-.- -_..~._,-- 95 ~Other Professional Services 124.28 .00 .00 3 , 250 . g.O _ __._7.5_L...5D_ , - c :','T'n'T'AT 120 059.01 Lf 1 , 5 6 1 ~l.~~._ 123,500.00 127 750 LQQ__ lli..15 2 . SO -'';'t-. -_._------ , -------.---- ., r;~SJlRYlc.E~ . . nt; 'l',., 1 "'~.hnn.~nr'l 'T'", 1 '" ..." nh 'i6? 26 183.75 625.00_, 62'i nn 625.00 ()7 - - {~'" - 77 2.83 24.00 _-2.50_...QP_ __-2..5.0.....00__ LfOO . 00 ,-- no Pos tal!e 3,56 .00 50.00 50.00'_1--' 25.00 21 Printinrr Office Forms __)45~~ 47 . 20 100.00 100.00 f---15.Q.~_ --.- f------. '-- 7 Insurance-Fire 249.88 .00 250.00 250.00 250.00 (1 . Tnsllrance-:..Motor Vehicles 5 7 Lj.....1l 591. 51 ~_~Q..o.OO__ ___6 00 ...Q.O__~ 600.00 i ------ ------------- , , . 16 Tnsurance-Socia1 Security 3 654.03 1, 135. 50 4,500.00 4 LO_QP. 0.0 ,~_ !I,OOO.OO .~---.- -- 38 "Emn10vees Retirement 4 295.55 1,172.59 5,500.00 6000._Q,Q____. 5,500.00 39 Groun Insurance ..0..9__, ______LL3_.,l!O___ --. 700.00 ,_.00 700.00 . - .' -~- lt1 n..,oQ Q('ol~'I"~;r(1 87, ~o.co .. IDtJJ.IhO 63-. 19..6iL 'C> f) CJ 1962 3.~ CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiseal Y ear ~~ L-.J ,......~- ~--- L'._., 1d__ - RE/U$1L- -------- 1Ction _ - _.__._~-~--~_.- )urtment _ --_..._~--- )mitted By: -, te Page 1964 ---~ -- Budget Request 300000 ----- 300.00 ------ 200.00 -------- 200000 ------ 1,000.00 -- 300.00 -----.--.-.-...- 50.00 .~--- -------- 15 , LfOO 0 00 __.._n ~--_.. 300,00 500.00 ----- 50.00 ----..-----,- 200.00 --------~--- 5,500000 C,60Q.o 00 700.00 _..------ 50,00 --.--------~ 200.00 ------ 500,00 --------..-...-.---.....-------- J...;JVL- ____no __~____.. .u._.____....... ~cc't. Actual 1963 CUI-<.RENT YEAR 1963 Current Aceount Previous Actual Estimate No. Year 4 _ Months 8 Months Total Bucl~ct - -- ~ , ' . - -_.-- ,--_.. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES (Continued): - -..-----.-- 242 Light Service 219.80 92.00 300.00 L,OO.OO --.---. -------- ---, 243 Water Service 268074 79.42 300.00 200.00 - -~--- -_._- ..-.--.-.. .- 251 Repairs - Buildings 181. 00 .00 200.00 200.00 ----_..- ____ n'_' .__._._ - 253 Repairs - Machinery and Equipment 90 0 13 21.65 200.00 350.00 -.,.----.- '--"'-'- --, -- ---- - ~ ---.... i ~' I ~ . '-. :~ Repairs -. Hotor Vehicles I 254 710.79 30.10 1,000.00 1,250.00 - ._-~- __ 'n __ _ .__ - ' ,~; 255 ~i Repairs - Hotor Vehicles, Tires & Tube 185.45 56.00 300,00 LIOO.OO .~~ --'---'-'- .~---~--~----_.__._-+ - - ..._u_o _____..~__. ...- 284 r Laundry and Tmve1 Service 71. L~8 32.21 50.00 50.00 -- -+ ~.., _. , 12,689.04 3,9/+9019 15,525.00 15,225,00 z,;. TOT AL -..--.--.---'-'. '- .- ---"~.----_._- _._._-_.~- - --~--_.._---.- ..r ,~ ., .~ -- _._----- - .-- ..:;. .. / MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES: . _.-+--- ~ 310 Expendable Tools 216.42 700 36 300.00 Lf39.66 , - --..-. m 1?O nff'{I"C> C::upplies 665.21 _--29.84 500.00 -L.99Qu~OQ. .-- ..-_.._- 111 . P.MlrCO ::In~ill.d~.ls 73.95 7.00_ 50,00 50.00 343 Janitor and Toilet Supplies 150.67 60.26 200.00 200.00 'e----.------ '-'--- 345 Motor Vehicles - Fuel and Lubricants 5,346.33 1,476.13 5,500.00 6,500,00 . 347 Motor Vehicles - License Tags 600.00 590,00 600000 600.00 359 Other Operatine Supo1ies 528.32 151. 18 700.00 700.00 _._._----- 367 Electrical and Liehtine p~rts 3.25 .00 50000 50.00 . . 371 Lumber and Lumber Products 293.51 94.20 200.00 200.00 ----~-~-- 171 M"rh;nprv Ann P.nlli.nment .Parts ' 88. 670001 24,20 500.00 500.00 1963 1962 CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST , 1964 For the FIscal Year L_ , ,- L REFUSJ Id lction lartment mitted By .e --- Page___ --- ---~_.----_._---------- ------ -~-- . _.~._- -~---- ------.-- -----~-~._-- - ---- -- -- ---- ._--------~-~ \.cc't. Actual 1963 CURRENT YEAR 1963 Current Budget Aceount Previous Actual '----estima te No. Year _fL-:Mon~hs _ 1-=8 Months Total Buclgt:t Request -- --- ----- - - , ...-- ------~ ~ .. . . _"0 ---~ MATERIALS AIm SUPPLIES ~ontinued : ...- ~. - --------- 377 Motor Vehicles - Parts 2)412.01 396025 3,00~Q2.. 3,000,00 3,000.00 --- ,- -_._--_.~-- 379 Motor Vehicles - Tires and Tubes 1,632~? L,3.39 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 ---------.-----. ---,-- -.-----.-.---.- - - _.--..-- . 381 Paint and Paintin Materials 161.93 38.05 200.00 LIOO.OO 200.00 -- ----~ ----..-.----- --,~-,.. -..... - 387 Sand Gravel, Rock and Chat .00 .00 -~--'-~"'------'- .00 100.00 .00 --_.~--_._- ______________u ------ - ---.- _._---~ 393 Wc1dinK-R,~lies .- _-.-J. 91 . l1-:_____..,__J.LQ!...Q()_ 300.00 250.00 300.00 ----.------..-- .---. .---------- -....". --.-------------.--- -~.- ----- --~_..." - -.... .-- -..-. .- -----. "."._,". -- , -....--..-- -..---'---'- ,--_.. ..-.----. -.--- ----.-. -... .-----.-.. I.. ' ._, TOT AL - - -1],)..9,450 L,l__ ___ ......_}.L.~Q(L~2..2_ 1.3 , 100. OC _.,.}!f,,989..().G.. 13, 100.00 --...-----,. - ...---,.--- -------..-.- ----_.._-----.,----~-- -----.------.----- -------_.._---,- .-.-----.----- .-_.- ----------~-_._-- -- 1------.-.- SUNDRY EXPENDITURES: ___.___ ..__________._._ __..___.__'M' ____________.~_ ---..--..-.... 1----------,.,....- -.-<-- 435 Dues .00 .00 25000 25.00 25000 -- -~------_.__._..._~ -----.-- ._-- 43 Refunds 10.00 .00 100000 100.00 100,00 --- --...--.---- -..-----------.-- - ---..--.-- --- -------- --- - - -,.. --.-----.-.. -.....--- ,- . , ... . . ~ ._----~.._._-- , ..__,______ ___, _, 1.0. ~.9.Q_ .00 125.00 _,_..125.00 _.____.l~~ 00 -- _.._..__. .____~. ___.__0. ___.___.._ -----.-.--- C ITAL OUTLAy: --- - -~~ -_...~-_._...- .._- -- 509 Furniture and Fixtures 21. 18 .00 100,00 100.00 100000 25,S;. 87 , ..._.,..1 Q..~2L ,-, 400.00 1 },9JLO_...QQ.. e-- _30 Q,.9_Q_ 12 001.12 oQQ. r=-. . 15 000.00 12,000.00, .00 ---- --------- - _un -'-"~--- -... --.---.-- _.-1..2 278.17 36.59 15 500.00 e-_.Jl.,)O~QO_ LfOO . 00 ..- ---...-------.----- -------------- ----_._-~-- 89. . 'TY'1' ^ T PY"PF:NnT1'T1RF:S~ 158.081. 63 48,653.24 167,750.00 171,189.6G ).53, 2 77~5 0 , " .. 96L, - %5 1962 ~3ALINA REQUEST )'11 .( A,~ ~r_r j'TY H) DC; l_. ....---- [-:-"'P l d'_ ld ____ __P-EEUSE..., let ion _______. )artment __ lmitted By: te ._____196.L.... ........~.._--~~~ Budget Request ---- % _li61L E=.==j}t~I;-CUi~RJf~~~R ~;J:11 ~-._. ._~,_Months~I;L,___Moni:hs ;-j 0 a Ii ______ _.__.____.._.___~__L__==___ __J._ ___ Year c Flsca tl F' ______._____._._1.96..2_. ---_.- - -~. Actual Previous Year ---'~_._--- __._____ Page _ ===- ----=--=====.=-----=- Account <\'cc't. No. -- -- --------- RECJ<;lPJ1;.:._,_. -t..:..-.------.-~.-}_-- RE,gEII:1.~ AND BEGINNING BALANCE 74 16,264 45 679 13 BALANCE January 1st. CITY TREASURER 26 3,109 79 1,71Lf. Purch?se Orders_ Less 50 277 GG 189 9 L~8 155 13 964.66 11 Unencumbe re,g.___GE_~h Ba 1i!!l.~~J a.nuC!.IY-l.:;; t 00 00 ____~illL () o ___ .__.!...O_Q_...,.. ---,"- .._OQ L2.L.-j_._-S-<!.1-L.Q.LC-o.mmoQ i ti..~~ 5_}.L. 00 !h,OQ... 00 _l.6_2,.000 _1..~{f,_5,OO. 00 000 372 51, . .7!.+... _ __~L5__9...,.Q~Z Service FSl.Q..S 733 ,~Q... " .....!.QQ.... 00 00 372002 .02 00 .7J. ____._._,25L. EX~ll<;1J .~llI5'_Ii_,___ of ..,-.B~~~1?~rsement .T.r.a.n t?X~.I.~ ~52 )'17 ____..Q.<L+--___ ---._-- ___~D_ o the LFunQ..E._ -- ,..".u.__+ ---"-- ----- OODp..O.a..Jl5J .J,OD_O ..!_O_~ ,. 1.24.-,-W....Jl..2_,_162 1.1:..> }l~ 02 __L5_~:L.,..212.-',~__ l'Q.TAL.RE.CEI P.1'.S _.lQ.a.."Q.2 7 2....2Q-+-_l.LL__l8~L__h 0__~_2l.L 2..zL_,5__~ 11 171, 237 TO.1'A LJl:KCEJl'.T,~L 1\llD,..BEG.lf\1NJ NG_J3..t.1AllG.E.._ 7 5Q..~QQ_.,...J.J.1..,J, 8_9_0 Q2 __ Jl..2.l.L2 D.:!..'sSL .___ __.~_O_ ___nL..'jJ)_;.......___..DD_. 167 63 .....13 , 155..08 158,081 90 31st De_c Less U neM.ll.lllb.er..e.Q._C.a..s.h-.J3,Q, lone e, Expend iture s SALINA CITY OF BUDGET HJ.:n:R' ,\ I Nt; L-: ld_ lction _ J3rtment_. ,mittcd By: '-.__ te L" ,. P !\l.; REQUEST 19G!f ~t9~~ ---- Budget Request -, 191 CUl'l"Cnt Budget ----~ 1963 Total -..-- Ycm - ---_..-----.--------- 1963 CURHENT YEAR , 4 Aetual ~ Estima.te __-=--~o..!!.~ __B MontJ:l.s_ -_.._~---~_._. Fisca the For ____. _JJ.!?)__ --'...-------- ----_.----- Actual P cevious Year ___ Pagc_____ ------ Account t..cc't. No, -- -----. --------- ----l--- EXPENDITURES SERVICES PERSONAL 950.00 g <),500.0 1 17,750.00 610 -,-_0.Q...l....-- ____ 4 60 947 16 Regua1r Em~~~es Salaries - 120 500.00 --_._-~- 00 500.00 17 00 __1---_369 Employees .otl~~E.J2(~Eartments Salaries - 125 00.00 -------- 00 500 .00 ,..19_).]..") 0 ~-QQ...f- ,500 J. 086.83 .. oc 1 6,066 00 - ____17 ,.l.~ 9 . 6L 422. ces Serv Other Professional 195 ,9 ,-~5...9~ (JOO 20 --+-- TOTAL -t----- .' SERVICES: ---_.~- CONTRACTUAL __)7~00_ () o 375 00 375 00 124 341. 00 , Automobile Use Allowance 201 _lSQ.-"O~Q.. 00 150.00 150 ----, ,~--------+-._,-----_.. 3~f.~.~) ~o_ 2]~. in~inR-Office SU~R1ies pr 221 ..__J2~L 00 __,QQQ_&Q_t--___.__60_O . 2 7__02..3 _2..25_...l2 _._.__ t Y _.___ Secllri Insur3nce - Social 2..16. 238 __.J2..Q.. O_QQ.00-+-__J."Q.8..0_....0Q _._1 9_~..___ __~_.___...J3.9_ 3 ..n-1_______JJ~!t Emp~pye~~Retirement .GxOUJ2. 5.Q_&0_ -QQ. t2S-,-Q.Q _~9 . 60 _.....-!..O 0 J,nSllrance 2..3.2 _.J)~__J.OO. 00 500~00 .00 300 .00 Services Oth~r ConJractua1 299 -------- - _._- 772_.00 -~--~~-~ -----.-.--..- _ 2_~?Q_~.O,O_ -. 2.>2.2_0_...<2Q....__ =====t==. 80..L.14 ~L 780 1 91 TQTAL .~ ~- c=- SALINA CITY OF BVDGET tb1\KTJ"lQ Hru.ER d..,. etion REQUEST nrtment______.._ ___ mitted By: -- -- Page e .-----.l.2_~_ Budget Request ---- ent get 1%3 --.-....-.---. Curl' Bud 1.964 CURRENT YEAR 1963 Estimate T t 1 --==8 Months 0 a Year Fiseal For the 1962 _ Actual E 1963 Previous -Achlal Year ..i!:.__:rvlonths --.--.. -~. ._.-=-~===-..--=--:-- ---=----===-..::..:======..--==== Aecount .ec't, No. ------~- ----- -------... -1--- - SUPPLIES: AND MATERIALS 00 75 00 75 00 75 48.40 90 109 Supplies Office 320 300,00 300.00 00 300 00 94 425 Wearing Appare11 )2L 00 75 50.00 00 75 37 5l~ . 11. 2lf. Supplies Other Oper~ting 359 50.00 00 00 1.50 25 95 00 Products Cement and Cement 365 00 75 1 00 00 75, ,00 222, y+ Machinery and E9.~ipmen.~___. 373 25.00 00 25 25 00 75 1 ---..---.. ing Materi.::-.~~_ and Paint Paint 381 600.00 __~.J. l+ 00 .l.9.-9_ 500,00 ,!f,7.5 ,,00 1 -- 00 00 700 1,500 412.29 -----.-----:-:----.=:--=1-.~.-" 31 195.97 ~--- --~~--.-.--.- - 980 , 0 1 Park ing__~~~_~~rt s 391 610 _____L_ TOTAL ..-12-., 000.00 00 CJI)O <3 _~~,OO ~OO'l--_' __s_,.~t.2.Q.!_00 ~__.. --...j 16,~88.00 CAPITAl. OUTLAY Parking Meters 502 ,.:35,Qo.0_O~,J3-,-900 "00 ~~Q.....QQ.__._..lQ -....J)-t4--. Revenue Bond P ayme-P-t.- 72, 703.08 Bond and Interest - s ~JO 6 . 17 350.00 ,OQI~ 6lt, 41,J:.50 0 001-, ~O 00 00 & Interelst to Bonds Street Off - Payment ,__._,-'.0..0.. 60Ji~l7. 17 ! S!fJ u ._0.0 o o o J3l ,-ZQ ,. _t33 12 __..9 6.,QQQ...QQ.I-._ 29 ,_ooo_,~g.o -- 5, 496 QO~__ ___1~L9.7.]~.:;_? _.-,-.0.0 .00_ 08 67 91 J09_L321 1 89 92 Miscel1.an.e~l1" TOT AT-!._~IiliDJ Tl111E S ~TOTAI, OF SALINA J1)CE'l CITY 1( '-. 1"l]~'fER Y A.t\.l(I NG l~___ ld_ let ion lartment 'mitted By :e HEQUEST 1.9G!f -~-- -- Budget Request _.~--- ---..----- .- '- t ')(>'3 (T" Idi~' C J ---- Total =-=--=-=.r-~ -, ~9..2.1_~ Year }96L 962 Ael~181 -1,963_______ CUl<.RENT YEAR PrevIOus I-~' Aetuali- Estimate I _._ ~..:r:.=:.~~~~l!!Q~=c:ck-=-~=-~__~}i.<?l1ths! lSC~1 i?o ------ Aceount Page_ ,- \ee't, No. .---....-----1----..,... .E.E.G,!<;l.]? T S : Lf6 ~2QO_.~ 4 1. ~~f..!J 33 00 !i 'j 'J o c ) 9J I. _____,_-..21,LO 0 Q.o,QQ_ _~~Q9..0_Qg .._~2....,}3..!..51 00 ,l.f70 1 71 00 75,638. 3,675 Heter Revenue Parking Meter Permits Parking ~50 707 _. 01.,955.33 98,514.46 -~-----~---..--~---- 1. 0.00 75 51 ~-~.~-----~ 2Lf, 257 71 3 3] 79 RECEIPTS TOT AL .~_~,2_L6_~ 71 Q,1J.Z(I.'_67.. 71 216 23 1- 224.67 ----- 53 January 1st Balance ': Cash #Meter 7 3 06-, (' 2,330 1 71 6 ,2 J. 98 71 79,3130 Revenue -- 2,330,OOj106,731.l7 -- -----~--- 71 6 1. 98,2 38 132,538 L06,73L17 ------_._.~-_. 00 .. -------- Cash Ba1ance_..::.1].~~ece.:iJ~~s Total ,- '4'.' 112,330.00 -----_._._-~----- 00 00 71 90,000 8,216 67 71 Q2,,--~?l 23,216 E~,ndi.s.~E.es Balance December 31st Less Cash _n__ ----+-.-, --f---"----- 93 SALINA OF BUDGET y ClT ~, l nd AlR.J'_OR' 1ction __ lzEQUEST pnrtm en t bmitted By te t%~f__ ~------- Budget Request '3 J<)() eu BI -- ------- . _..._~- _1.9j2.fL -----..'~--..-1---.'--. -. ---.-..-.-.~ ..~-c-. ,- '-. .._--.~---"._.,..-.. Actllal_~l..2.6JnC~!3~~~~I'!T Y~~\1~I-,-L9.6.3---- Previous Actual, Estimate , Year ..iJ:,_Months __8___ Months fatal ---'-..=:-' -=====-=--==--=------::-...:.:-.=--=--=---==--=- ---==.:~==----::.-----._- -===-~=-=:......-_--~.:.::....-=- Year the Fisc For ~-- Parte -----. 0 -- -~.. ---- Account ---_.- Aee't, No, (I rr. ,> -----_._~--~.._-.- -~-_._-----_.~._. EXPENDITURE~..._____, .2A.,..83.5..<JJL[__ 9-,2]). Lf5 ---~~,~,--- PERSONAL __s...EJ~VI CE~;_ OOO.OC '~ <) o o 1.4,0 .00 __..______,__.___J.1...19 9 Q Sa laDes -1~glll;;:tL,]mp10yecs 12.0_ jOO,OC o so 500.00 ------------ --,-QO.__,~__.-lL 35. ts Other De Sa laries..:.E.I11E19'y(2~rom o () I) n o n )0 500 ,__22~:..<QO...._~____15 J.."!::9_ Services ~--------- anal Other Professi --..------ o ) 00.. 3D ..325.,liO I I )1 ?QQ.,OQJ ') :~5 ?i3-',9..9_0...._Q.Q 20 ..2'L 129 . 3 0______9.)_~.2_'2 12.5_. 195 f~\t......;'lE.B. VI G..E.S.J____ TR.i:.\.GT ')~ 32 82.01 "-.----..---.. 2.32;..0.0_ and Telegraph___ 2CLL- LQQ,-9..0 _~.-l.00 ._9.0 .00 -------.------- _3l.._4<L___ YBJinUxp-e n~ -20:1- __l09,..!_O_0__..____ ..__1~..0 .,..0_0 0_0 o ____--.1.2,0--'-0,0_. _.-,'L3.QQ.....Q.9 0..0_0 150.00 150.00 150 ---~'~-"-l---".-.--,...-,u~.~---.... 17.50 17.50 17.50 -------- -------.------- ------- I ~ ---- - , ___:2., QQQ..!..Q 0._ _.QO___ ,..J.,_{f.32....!.2,s,_ L? ,s.....z.a__ JA 7.....2..3_ 8l,9.2_ __~____._.___2..,19 L_28 50 17 17.50 Bond9 nce~Suret OD 00 () O{) 00 o 15 o 00 o () ______7..5..0"..0 O. .00 850.00 500 00 ___ ____1 ,..Q.QQ.JlO 3, __1,000.00, 17 5 . 00 --.--.----- --.- 000.00 850.00 500.00 1 3 2~,..15_.. LfQ,,50_ _....J...10.....ft.L, 371.85 2.16 . 2$ _Q...il?_ 1].1,...2.1. 6qq. 0:; 3. ~53, 75 00 9L~ s u r..anc:e::. S,QciaL...8..ec.1J.r.:Lty_ S(~,Lv.ice___ LI C:i HT ~POWG~'" St.rVjc~ s G 2lf2. SAJ..1NA REQUEST OF BUDGET CITY L, ld__ :ction __ ,artl1lent__ ________ mittccl By: --.---== Pngc___. e _____ = I.ee't. ..AI L..,.. ~_..l ~6~__ -.----. -_.._._-~-- Budget r~cq ucst - ._.- ._--~-- _.~_.~_._-- 96:1 1 Cun Burl _,19.6...4,_ ..__-.J,_2_6_L______.____..,.___,..____.____________ "-.- .._---~--------~---- Actual 1263 CUl~RENT YEAR 1961 Previous --;\cttiar--C'-'-Estimate -- " - . Y ear L~ Months 8 Months Iotal .-=r.:-====--- -- .=.'C.-= ",,:::,===---====---==- Yea Fisc< tlle FOI Account No. -, -- _. 00 375 00 00 750 000 00 375 -----.-.--- -- ..,)_1000.00 J.'-Q..GQ.,.QQ..___._ 00 .5.Q.Q!.QQ '300.00 00 30r) 00 300 ~t~,L_. 4~0L, GDtrrl\ADTJJ~L_ SER VICE.$ J g.9Jltil}.lJe 41.L, H.H.tCJ::_Ss;.r:~j c..e L __---1i2.L.l.9___,____ 319 -'-~____ ?5. ~OO , 1 () LfOO.O 0.0 2 ~.Q9. Q9.., 200,00 -------------- ..5.l.3....ZC3_.____.___.....!..90 _ _l_'--n..L.9.L.~_,____.513-'AL c p_<1J.r.::.F_llIJl i t_\IT e and _0 ff i ~_J~ill! i pme D...L chiD.fJ:.Land Eill1.:lpmGn t paiL-:1:1otor, Vehicles-_ ep.a.iJ':.:1'l< L5 2..5.. 5.2 Lf_5 _57.3_..9.2... 00 nn 'If) n'~ _ _'.0 Q_ ._.J.lL8JL.__" ,e,l}a.i.r.3.1QJ 0 r_\t'.~hi_c_l e s-~rjXQ~L<Y'-'J'JJ.Q.s:1L-_ 00 00 2.000 )50 000 ' 00 DO I. =~-~~~l;~:~:;=~;;~ r-:C'L~,~_) 00 L~OO . 00 ---~------_._-- se)Q 90 ~"l'.'- . .--.--- --~.~._.~------ ...2.iL., ._. 203, 177.76 -~~._--_._--~ ..6 %,3.o_~ .pJ.}5clJ;;.q~\ip.ill.~D_t.__ J,'lllDd ry anL(C)'\i7el s.Q.rv1.~.Q..... ij_Ll2_,.5Jl f- ---- ---- --------- _.-lQ0 ,00 _____lQQ-'-Q_O__~_J,OO ..Q.Q_ ......J5 50 7 It? ,632 6 1.1f>J8Q,,8~ HATERIALS AND ~U]?PJ,I:[~_ Expendable Tools OL,__ 62..Q.Q_ no _____2D.Q-'-OO 200.00 ----~-_.,_.- -- -_.- 200.00 27.88 184.66 ---.-..-..- lies Toile t ...-S2..U ice _ Jani t9L and Su 320 __, 60_Q...Q..Q. 1:,00 ,00 .__.__.~OO ...9.9__.__ 321.96 ------.-..---- 36_ II/I.g Su~pliel' 341..... 5_Q.Q,L,QD. 000.00 ()() soo 170 00 00 r.:nn fin 300 .1-40.> 00 0, I _.__._._-'5QO_!..Q,Q~ ,500.00 ..._----.........:._.:-.. ,<::00 ,no 173 9) __5.1..11..0..1...,--66.. th~ ,<4'7 _____32 5 0 5-'-..1.1.. -.lilJ 012....213__ (172.55 95 --.-- ...J:!",:xs::l1.glJ.d.i s e f oL..s_,~,tl~__ .-AJ,-Tp_laD.<3".G.cLS,()jj, [19_ Moioy Ve'h, c..\ e -C.,,, ~ 40/ I 3li4,__ 3i!5__ ?fI~ s _..Q.O o 00 JC OC OC OC lOO.OC 26A___ Dudgct Heq ucst 200.0C ~-_._._------ -.- c 1,500.00 WQ.Q..QQJ.__ 1-.--- -~-----~----- o 500.00 o o 00 I) 50 o 200 ,SOD ')]5 r ( ) .J 'I 17L ___._______. .oQ_ 500LOQ, Ot) _,1{f_1L1L~,~.QQ 00.00 )0 )1) cu pO.OO 3.00 .00 o ( ~~ -_.._--~._--------.. I-'-"-,~--" __.'. .. .______ _.,_..----_.._-,-~."-------_...__._. ----- -- '--..----- - - 00. 50 25? 7IJO (' J o ( (Jt :_) ~, J 1 3 1 ., .---- Cll ,19.63-1. 13, Total _.._ .:::~"_' --...-.-.-- ~-- ---0:.__. 1 '_H_",'_' 200.00 ----------.-- 177 ,665.00 . -------.---.-~----- _.~~~-- ,00 ___1. ~...9()__ J50.00 ----.-----...-- 250.00 ----~---- 100.00 ____.___________..__.n. 50,,00 00.00 00 o 200.00 ---..----.---------- () 100 GO ? LI "__,_____.___._196_~ ._-=---- -.- Actual 1963 CUI-?R,ENT YEAR , Previous Actual ----Estimate ,---. _ ___._.y r:r:~__ ........=-!!:_ Mon~ --8-=.c.-= M9..!~i}l~__ _... ~.....~...... ~.....~.~.. . L=.~...~~~l.....~.~.~.I .:;:-~=;:-=,=;;r=r: ALINA EST __19J~."':" .L 6 [)..!.. 23_._______..QQ._,_.___,_____ ~QU YCf ~., ,,) lU {).T, ,A, UDGE'J Fisca __,_~2.'_.9.9___,___. --- CITY B 5!f 25Lf 073 .~,._c_~"2~ __ .~c "~_ .~~~ 15.00 ------ 00 05 ',"':.,",,"""'-'.,~:' 05 tl 15 85 __3{}._60 I fj 37. 00 For ') 381 07 30 381 ....~.~,.,='"'"~~.r::.::;;.;:;:::;._:_:::.;:.:;;_:::_,7 ..1....3..0.2.....2_9,___.__ ._1&,2.!-8..2____ __,ll.Q__ .....OQ_ ______.!.10~~_._1.~_ _.u_ ____,3.9_2. ,Jjjs.,_ ~J6 6.:..~9. 1_2- 2/f _____1.2.8_..3,2 9 ..~.~1()_~l-8_2~ 35 .Yf2 :7.55 ---.- AND SUPPLIES: (continued) - --~---------- 96 Hot_or Vehicles-TJ.res.-3J).d Tubes laclli..~Y._il n~L.J<:5-J.u i pme n t 11.iJr.t.s. --------.. --.--- ---'-'"--~~----"--- ._~-------_._-,._._-_.... . c' " ~c.ctr..i.C.a1,_[\11.d......1.igb.tiJ1~'1 r ~l T aJ.", S Lumbe...L.<lJ1~LL!.!m.ber ProcllJ..<;J; S Lth.e.r.....D.p_e rat i n~R 1 ig,1L,__ ---~-- ,(O.:-J)JI r 1:.8____, --~--_._--- e 8.and......G.r.a3Le.lJQ...cJLH 1.1cl. J'[o. Motor Vehic1e-J,~cense Aeeount 43 5 _.:....0 r g a!1 i ~<:LU...Q.1.L.P_V.gll__. --.--.-.. .....-- _...,_-. -.--,.-- TO'l'i\L ----.----- ----+-.- - - Par:;e__ SUNDRY EXPENDITURES W Ii e_s HA TE RIALS -_. nd__ AIRPOI~T lct ion )artmcnt }mittcd By te _,___,. ------"--' -.-----.. Tax TQ.T6IJ ~~-.fu11es i\ce't. No. , 1.47 .31.1 .1D .193 3.81 3.9, 3.6 /\. ~0T 9 6L~ l' ! "'1 .' JA 1. U 1 (' '" ,,}C\ ~ (~) 'II ITY I ' .J '( /\ c () l.__ ___..........;J tion _ rtment___,,__ ___. litted By: --- _ Pa(;f' AIRPORT 96L~ Budge I\cC[ ucst 1 Cur T~tU 'Ie Actual 1963 CU l\.l<~!:NT YEAR 1963 Previous i\ctll~ll"-J---------I':s tima te.--.-- y car -.!:~ Months..u~__ ]\,Jonths Total :::.,:::.:c::::.:.====--==,=:.:::.cc=:=c:::c-==--.-..-.---- :~:=-=',:" =-..:::::=-.::.c:::.-==c:=.:::..-=~=.:::.::==::=.:::.::__==_:_~c:~_-,c: .F'isc Ir!) ._-- Account cc't, -l'o. CAPITAL OUTLAY: ----_._. 20.000.00 } () on (J( 15.000.00 25 18L~ 4 57 309 7 Buildings 502 000.00 10 o (} 3 3.000.00 796.00 90 771 Equipment 503 00 !) .00 00 --------------------- Pennanent Sign s 523 000.00 o () o 5%" 50-0 (' .J 1 27 (J )() 18 00 00 }O }O 1.!,3 J 000 o ,) r:: /, J 00 .~~~.r~. '::10 u 8,8 .~: --------~ -----_._---~-_.__._--< (1 9 00 .-----.>-------.- { 32 :3 SLj, .47 _~,07J 10 ;;,. TmpLovements Impcove.ments Runwo.y 8[ lks langar Si.de\-! Landscape 575 581 -------- .:-:-~::-=:-::-:=...~-;::-;:::::::::!-.-::-- .- ---- .~-- ."--"--. ....' - '.~.. .. . -----,--~----~- ~_._M _~__._,_.__ 50 57 6 ?~_O_, 50 - ?(~.!??? ,2 6~ l?2....?~__ 30 !) 2 O'::i 927 217 q7 'nJRES TOTAL EXPENDl 0Al 11\.JA. -.) "..h i', OF BUDGET y ell' A-lRPQR..'f___ In_ Iction lurtmellt mitted By .e zEQUEST %If Budget r~eqllcst 1 t ,t %3 :t2Ji3aCUI'r'EC~T ~YEAl'[ ~%3 ~-~-'J Curre ^ctual l!.,stllnate ~ . _ ~,_J~o" th,=~~&_~,gont",=- ___..2013 ~c,~~, _=. I~'''g _1.9_6.L Yea the Fis For Actual Previous Year ..------------------- ~-._.~- -_. ----,._.__._-.....---~-----_._----- ~C~. Aeeount F' \ec't, No. - liEG.ElfM: _,_ ____ RECEIPTS AND ].E_GI"NNI.NG~AL,,\.t'l<:;_E __,_,.?.?Ll2..~~ ,~,E) 3 ?).(iQL~_8.9.. CITY TREASURER BAu\NCE JanuQ~Y lst~____ _.J.:.L7~_0-'!:!_~ 1~~3..J.~__ L Unpaid Purchase Orde~ 9.Q 6. ') () eoo ..____.___~~,!_~Q ~..~fQ_ 15 !fS8 21 J a nua rL1..~!..~ Cash Balance 00 iJO in 3 W~()O () ') -.'!, ,f).0 .f) 76 50 2. 810 "~_____.,____._____.,1..:_... ._ 00 o ()O jO 00 10'5 __..JJ:Q.._OO ,______.lQ.:j_,.Q9_ 00 DtX> ~, 000.00 l, 000,00 ----.-- -.---- Ij 00 /0 'J n .3_J5 () n,oo 00 ') , , 500 .Ll .L~LC!.29_._02. 2-,~~10_.?..QO__. 00 1..,-~JQ5_ ooo.oc 185 QQO ,00 311 )0 000 , r) .__3L.9.2.L.<2..8. _ ___15 9.-,].ll.~.:3__ 500.00 1,] '20,00 )() on ___ 276...31.__ ..__.-2.2~,9 7._ 000.00 I~O 00.00 500.00 00 25,000 ----._"-~- 000.,00 ., 37. )0 o " 5 3 12__,__ L2, Q9.2 _2 i3. ,.1,_8_h2.~t ,_ n <:L<:LQ1L.G as f LQ)JLS.t.9...t.~ 300,00 300.00 -~-----_.._----- ____L2_9 "..2..5.. i}7Q.J_~ Less <:;:,,~RenJ:.Q.l._ Ground Rental and Oil o )Q ---- () 00 . 500 -~--_...- 92__ '. ___._ t55) 18 /19 s :e eJl( Q.f J\2(]? Re_imbtlr.s_"'.m~llL J5....0_0.Q,,--QO. ___~_'.Q9.2.,.Q9_ 10 ,000.9..<2....._.___ 20,000.00 from Other Funds Transfer 157 o 6 90 5 'j 8 'j() ,---- "----..-.- --------. _.-- o 6 5L~0 775 2.b3JJS~ . ~5 ________?-_L~ 5,Y9 50 50 657 () ') 7 80 :;0 2 ) ,) / '\ ? ( ~O 50 90 c?l..2 ,~y~ 97 I 6 /. 00 . .::- .:.:,-:~ ::~'f::~';;~~'__,,_ _:::::-:~~:_.:...7~_:::;=.=..=::: --~. ..._,~_..<~ ..,--.. 00 n"'.___ s____ .1lll!1J2_0 J. )0 9 7l 878.30 - ---_._---~ /. TOTAL RECEIPTS ------_._._.__.~---_._- .?-!!'~--,}:3 !S.~~~,~. .05 (fa _,2_lZ. ~(2.~7 ~,l.Ioq )'!.\!,~NC E _.,__ ---_...__..._-- 98. PeceJlber 31st AND BECINNUI lures (fnen'c..u~;i")(r<d C"s.h eo.tance ElPTS d ]. Xl) 1< ,TOTAl Less ..- Ai"JD SElvAGE ----. , HATER L~_~~ SAJ__U\T A I ~~ .J J. ell"Y \d lction 'artment 'mittcd By .0 HEC2 UEST ET UDG B 96 If Budget fzcq ucst 1. III ,:1 ') ( ,; t.) 961 l.'),iJ 2 ,______n__....__..._. .",__,_,__, ___.__'_____'_ _____._.__.,.._ --"^"ctl~'T _____.19,~1.__ c;YL~l;~ji01' YE~~ ______Jc2...6}..n_ Cl Previous L Actunl'l 8 Estimate [ T t'l ] D _1=,~=::~,c~==-~='-'=:1=-,-=:.,:,=lc=}/I(!t~Hl~:,,=J::,:::::,,l::-:,,:::.Jy~~:~n1-bL.::; '=''-=-:::--:.0 a .:::==--== =:.::.,:::= 1. Yec F .F'or ---- . PaB;"--- -------- --------- Account \.ce't. No. -- ----~---,- - ----.--.- --------- 00.00 1 or 500 .00 200 00.00 00 ':iOC 00 o o ~L~QD 00 o (3) 0 00 o 00 Ut,700 00 ~..1.QOO ] 8~? ~~~J~~ l._ 12 8.32 ---.. .'~'~ r-- ,J,,' ~J~;~,~';~ J'" 'J'i': ('. r) I .. /.. , i (111(\ ('() I j \. ,~~ ;"J ) ..------- :-' .'1'-' ,(,,] , I)CJ I -------..-,, ,I __:~~;;.~;'...5.2_,1_ --.-RAJE....IL..S~UPJ?J..Iy._E.XJ:E.N.SE.s____ Hell Pum'p~______ Well E1ec!:.ric P:quiJ2. I.Q.O 2.27 Maintenance L10 1. SO() o () 5 r; , J 1,0 00.00 -~- -.---------.--. ),,500.00 ,.. ..__.----_. ------- 1,,,r'l00 .9_0. 20 ,-~f.~~~}.3__.___ 90 ment - Maintenance POIver Hell 00 81.0 anal s .'.J_~__"___._~ Si c C' .) Hall Hell ~ 5 .!2.2.~~L~___ River Po\Ver 000 2)Ooc.> 9)9..~J.Q.__ 15 TOTAL L20 L30 (j 00 )00.00 00 C' .., 00 00 ctUy.c c' ,) lC (' o )U Intake /\/ Lng & n 1.( i Bui River Bas 1 \-leI Mainteni.lncc Maintenance oc DO I c' l) 000,00 9 8,580,00 _._-~----_.._. -_.~..~ 2S,200.0C ----~_.._~----- ~ ) , 0 ~.9...:.~2...~,___}2.,--OQ9_...QQ_ :J .0\) I ),::::~I-- nPENSES _.~---- TREf\THENT 01: SOFTENING 200 ? 370.00 (3 Su 205 8 OC 000 " ) 00 ..h5,.o...0 _~-' Q.20.......o.Q 00 so 7 __1..,500000 ..._.?1.5~()_._~0 LfLi 6J.l, I. ) 00 000 If ,. 000 o 1..,500'.00 L., 000 . ()()) )() . 00 o o 00 2 ,'IIJO .00 000 L I) 87 70 l~5..1(' n5~ 8 :39 r " (, I I --1---- I 15 31. 620 Salaries 210 o o E1ec t r i~pO\'l~r_~__, 215 '- 9 01, <) ~e_~YJc_ e. Gas 220 768,29 (,Lf.S1 (,3.18 ccso '2. 99 les p Building 01J..gI,<l~ing_.51 Che,micalfl.____ 225 230 SALlt\IA OF ) UDGET y err J ~----l (;E\'/ACl L___ d _..___'___..,\Vl~~~j~:.~~i; ction EEQUEST 1.964 partment bmitted By lte 9 6L~ Budget r<cqucst -------~----- 1. ~I Year .---:E'- --'--..'..-.--. - ---."-."..-. -'.'-. '.',-- -----'-. - ..'...--' Actual 19 63 CUI~i-(ENT YEAR 1963 P , ---.,,---'-...-.-..-"--..----~--..,---..--. revlOUS Acttwl Estimate, Y ~~r:....=~ ==-=.:--L~-=-.,.,~II_~~Eh;;= :::=,:::::.~..~=:::::.~II 0 ~tJl.:?=: r otal F'isca For the Pagc____.___ -~---- --'-. --"- --- Account Acc't, No. ----------- --- ---- ,..9.0 000 000,00 L.OOO 229,33 -.- _......_---_._,---~ 80 2 11 13ui.ldi!~.~. Hainl:c~nance 240 o 100000 ':l".' 30 __________[_.._. ->'J , .[ - __m--.._J -._- ---~ l:~ .::::..:..:::-:-.--: :.-==-"::'::_ ."__ n. __.. 00 Off ice SupJ2lies.... 250 ',:'~.=.:.":._j."'::': \(,2. ,1il~O. OC 14';'2.j500. 00 ,t 5 ~J 3~j~~_ ,1,0 83 -' 39 70 ~2.~?.2,22? TOTAL --- POWER & PUNPING EXPENSES -----_.~_._-- --- ""', 300 o ;00 I) _~..I..~.QQ.~.Q Q.. }'j SS7 I. ol1O 305 .,~,. 310 ~300 .OC 500. 0(1) 17 9 ______,__,__JJJ.l.9Q9_:_C!..O,. _. .______Ll.9,}..Q.9_Q~QQ_. - -- , GCO.,OO _ _h., _._.____.~____ 5 00 J 6 ') , .J rics n If }9.19.Q.0~QS co 500 ..~,<.Q}lo.?..L+_ L~.2. 7 8,1, ,':.,Q.9_ ic Pm,](:r E1ectr 315 _-..l:2..2..99 ~.9 00 ,__..+_.~_OO. OO__.__._~OO 373,53 366.62 --+--~----,-,------._--._. Service Gas 320 __Q.9.__~__lOO. Qi 00.00 _._----~ 37 '35 00 ~__ Lubricants 325 OC _50.Q....QQ.... ___-.l1.Q. 99 ' 0 Q_ L_l , OO_Q.~.QQJ____?OO ~ 00 00 208.84 ~--_._---,-------_. & EXJ)ense lies Pum 330 500.00 -----..--------.- _?OO_,OO , _____._00 1],OOO...QJ __-..l:,J.~Q_O. 00 J_---1J..QQ.Q....Q.Q],_ O( ,'10 129.86 ---~I- 55 00 382. EquipE~~nt __ s Service Pum Electric h Hi Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance 335 340 ) I -' leOO 9 500,00 JO ------.---+-.--------. ----.--------.-- 39,800.UO ~-~-- ------~------ 2 _..l,~ ' 5 2Lf ~~_['- ;;~~g~__?~,.. qil~. 422.90 ~--_.- _.~~~-~------_.- - ---- ._.-----~._.- 1 & Grounds 100 s Station B1d TOTAL ~--- 350 '.-- ,- liAIEJUJilLS.EI,JAGE L..-... A S, A'!I'l"[ , . ." J-'c,L' 01:' 1~'~[ y UDG 11 C I') ) ,lei lction ):Jrtment )[nittcd By te I.<.EQUEST ..__.L29_4~ Budget Request 500.0 4 1Q,00Q....Q! 3L~g?Q 5 , 000.01 8 500, O( .------,--.---.----- .?:..J,9..0,O..~ Q o )0 o [j J. 96Lt ,-- 1962 l\.ct~;j, !963 -~CURl~ENTYEAR..-.-]~9-63~ Clll'f('nt PrcvlOUS Aetual ESti~ . .. ___...__..__yc~~._..______=_4 MO!:lth<; _ _ 8_ Months _~ Tot~ ~l=~ll~':t _..__.._._..,-_..,-,-_.,._.__..~----_.. -------'-'---_._----_.._'---- ') Yet the Fisc; For Page Account -- Acc't. No. ----- 400 -- EXPENSES DISTRIBUTION 000.00 5 L~,500,OO ------ _~ __!:.~,C? 9 0 0 70 . I !,__-.l,..12.?~.?:.O 4,0 170 5, Supervision 405 000,0 00 )0 .5 10 7 10.000.00 000.00 ! 2 78 6M .--1.,it 16 , 55 Maintenanc~ Distribution Mains ,__~__:'Ll.~.2,~ 60__ Maintenance and Repair of Valves Meter Maintenance 'Salaries Salaries 410 415 417 420 0.00 500.00 ------- - c 5 8 .1,,/:fQO,,',C)9. _,...2, 22L,_~~__ 500 . vI) OuJ,GU I 2 00 0(2.9,__9.9 000. ,. /. 2 76 795,76 ,..,..,--'_....-"..-...1..' --..--, - , 2/:l" 92- ------- .-..--.-, . ---','-- 533 ..L.2.1,O.."J.2 3 437,30 - ..,'....-.-.,-------..- n I: enaIlce _~P-R..Lti~2-__, Vehic1g...lL.E.9.uipmeILt Expen~e 425 000 3 0') 5 ,'00 800.00 if ies 1. P i nlL~l!lJ'p o ,000 1. 2 () (, 'l.IODD 000.00 , 3 497,00 _~.!?9 L~ OQ____ Elevated Tanks )00,0 00 500 500.00 ,00 5Lf9,00 ____---i_._______._ Reservoirs 000.0 3 00 5,000 000.00 5 ..J...lIJ.!:....,_ OQ..__.____.?-'-,~Q?~__l,~. Hvdrants o 00.0 )00 (' ) 00.00 500,00 -------------..- " 47 .----..-.-- 500.00 .~--_._----~- _______}_~L~OO. og, . Li6 213,70 ..-"-------.-- .____.9.0.'5 +__..__ .,__u J 1 00 62 }.L'jif],, ----- -_..----..-. -----.. %3 Lf5 Q: Labor Hgteria1s 5!,j, 0 .0 39 W() .0 :j 000 _ 00 () 50, t,Y) o n EJS;~E'S ACCOUNTING & COLLECTION CUSTOMERS I 500 _~35+0D.o"OO~ __~3.~LO~O. aD.. ..JLt_,J.f.2J2.....J5 '30 959 37 Salaries Office 510 ___}}".909 . 00" OOO,~QO.._ ____.u .05 0.~L 9 :2 _____.__..1-:. . o '5 (, J (,8<9 Sa1arie2..__ Heter Reader -----. & Servicemen ----.---. 515 00 flJO 00 L..500 51)0. SOO.DO .- ---.-------- 500.00 5'O,O() ----- __,..___2~1_"D.6 _ 35 53, Cf4 6 tl-6 o 1,39g.00 ---_._~~.._-_._._--_. 1 4'f1.QQ S ll.I),Q Ii e~_ c:d:ion Stations -- -~_.~------~_.__._-~------ c.~ & Mc.Un-te'f' ance- S ~~r:,!.b ~,~~ ui P l1].Q.n t Col of+- 520 525 53'0 CITY or SALINA BUDGET REQUEST Fol' the Fiscn! YC8f .l2.2.L ~ L ---- nd_ 1-lATER AND SElVAGE ----_._~._--- :lctioll_ - - ,)artment __ -- )!l1itted By: -._--- te Page_ 196LI Budgct r~cqucst ----~- L,.Q.OO .OC }.,.29O.0C ~~_~..1 509. OC 225.0C 50.0C 665.0C __l~.I1.'2_0, OC __,~~_L9.2.9 .OC I. } 7. qq...9.C '1, ,OUO.QC 500.0 000.0 r )00.0 : !l)O~).O I ,000. Ql O.OOO.C " E3! Q.Q.o,QO Q_Q,.J)O_,___~? o 1t };t _,00 00 00 0.0. 00.00 ~----'---' --- () 00000 00 00.00. 00 00.00 00 00 00 o -. --- )0 00 00 0.0. 00 10 -- -------, ----. ----. ------- ~-_._~-----~-------~.._--_._---~._------ .------. ----_. ._._~--_.- Acc't. Aetual 1963 CUH.I<.ENT YEAR 1963 Cu No. Account Previous Actual Estimnte Total D' Year 4 MO~1 th~__~_c=,==.M.()~tl1s ------.----- -----..- . .- -- .-- ...........- -----.--- ---_._-~----_._--- ._--- 535 Office Supplies 9,536.00 ___2_l..032.~L. _._._____n_..___._~~QOO...QQ, __._) 540 Vehicle Expense .00 551.06 __L_~9.Q_~QQ_ 7. ._- ._------,- 545 Car & Travel Expense 2,869.94 688.53 ________ _'_ __.J_L~.9.Q...Q.Q.. ..__2, 550 Maintenance - Office Equipment. 126078 70080 225.00 ~---------- ---_._._---~-~-- Re,nta1 Expenses 50.00 000 ,_______.___. __.___~__.5,Q.1. 00_ _.__._, ------- ----- ~. ~- ___ _.._.________._._~_._.._n__.__.. .._ ___-'_ __..______ __~._~_. ________.__,,________ ___. _ __~__ .n. _ _ . "____._...__.___._...__ _____ _____ .69,127001 --------.12..L~5?~~~ 1+5 ,.________ ~ _~1.~_!:~'i~2.... .__ JlJ., --.--.--..-- ----_._---------- -------..--..----..-..-- -..--.-. .--- -----.-----.------- ----------.- ---_..__._--~--- ADMINISTRATIVE & GENERAL EXPENSES .-._- --------_._~ ---------- -------- 50S Supervision &,Engineering .___._..1), Lf8.Q..'...~___. Lf,568.00 ..,_1~->2QD_._Q..Q_. - --- 510 General Office Salaries ,00 95.5000 II. 500.00 ._,,------------.-.~ ----_.-- ..---- ------.-- ..-.-.- ---- -~----------- 515, Telephone Expense 90 '), 60 394069 1..,]00.00_ . .-----"..-. ----- .-.---- -------.. '''-- 520 Off ice Supp lies __'.. . ___ _,... ___~~_~/+ 7, 95 97.16 __~,Q.OO-,_Q..Q_ . -. ------------_.._-~-- 525 Special Engineering 599oLfO 52'050 500.00 ---.--.--------.. - ----- -------..-----.--------..-..---.---. - ------.- ---- - ----- -------.---------- - 530 Social Security 6,287.36 1,989.12 ___~LO_O!). 0.9_ ---~----- 535 Insurance Lf, ZQQ..-:.99.. ____ .,__.._l,60r) ,00 _,_~ ,Q~)Q.,.OO~ .------.- - --_.. ,,----.--------..- -- 540 Pr~~~~LI2t~. ~.,~(?~~.,~~,e 7) 200.'.99..__. _ .. . I. ,<)> : , !. () _ .,. _ __s.LQ.Q9.....Q..0 _ ----------- 545 Sales TilX 6JLf.72 27.38 , 0 QO....o9, -.----..-- -.----,-----.- ._.~----------_._-_._.. -- ---.------------.--- .-._- -----~ ... --- -~ -.-----------.------. i_~9.__ --.R!:<2 p.~~ !~~.Y.<I' n x I:' .0>. .,_.____. _.-1:'L OOJ2...o.QQ.~.__ _ .u.___3,.:3Q[J..,O.Qu .. '__uun ,_,____ 10,OOO.QQ, lO?, ') 1962 CITY OF SAIJl'JA BUDGET IZEQUEST For the Fiscal Year ._196Lf L-J ,. t:.. ---- In_ HATER AND SEHAGE .'- letion _ )artmcnt~ lmitted By te __ Page__ ____ .1.9J2~"._ .,".------- Budget r-<.cqucst - ----~--- .,... ~---- ) 500.00 00 100.00 00 8,000.00 ()() . ~~.OO_' 00 I~) . ul+,OOO. 00 Uo t 0,000.00 .- - ._~--~-~ (1) 100.00 I ...~= 00 I ..1.'? ,J 'J. 0, ()O 000000 000.00 +---------- Q.._O Q____E~_'_C2..0 0_..9..9 0.00 _ /. ,O(jQ_.O_Q ') ,(jilil. 00 I ') l ,)()() .00 I I,OOO.()O I .500,06 16 0.00 LI6 __'" _~____J, Q,-".o_O 0.00 0.00 0,00 500,00 t t o. o o o ----------------_.- ----.--......-.---..-..---- -.-..-------. --.- ,-\cc't. Actual .I. S! 6 J CU~~RE"fTJ yr-<:AR -----r96J-- ... -~llrr(,l N Account Previous Actual Estimate D l' o. Year ~Months _,iLMonths Total :'U( :,~' - .-------..,---- __=-_::::::-..= -=...:c.::::::=.. ADMINISTRATIVE fu~D GENERAL EXPENSE CON~ I ----.--. ......-_. -'.-'-- .---..... 665 Accounts Charged - Off ,00 .00 500.00 1,00 -"- ,-.- ... ---.- ....---.--- -, -.-- ,-- -------- ---.-..... 670 Long & Short Cash .,,_ . "l.:!-},}7 - 6.19 ___ 100.00 1.0 675 Employees Retirement 7,651,60 2,029.34 7,500.00 7}00 -. ,...,""- -- ------ --,- --.-. 680 Accident Insurance 000 97r.'}.68 3,000.00 --,,--..--.---, - -----_..-- --,-.. 685"AuditinLLE~~ns~~.__._____.____.__..._, __,~,,2D9_._QQ 1 L20.Q. 00..... __._____,_,___, ,__,.!J..J o QQ.. 00 . ___~QOC ;'1':: 690 Contractual Services ,00 362.68 5,000.00 -, --"...----.,..-- ---.....,......-..- ------- 695 Organization Dues & Memberships ,00 49.17 100.00 -.. ,- .._",----,---,-,-_._._--_.... ..---- ---.--.----- ......,-.,.-...-....--.. ----,-,_.. , '. . , ..----.---..-::=-::::::::-==~-=:-c--=:___' ----....---.. ---..--- -'''.C'''''';:-,-'-:-'C:=:-::' '--'-,~'.=,- ..-...... TOTAL ______. 55,122.00 20,?_?O_,'l.~ _______----..Z?~'OO.OO_.__.......J?l,}Q..C - ..-----,.. ,-------.-.-,.., .. ---,-,-- , , . SEWAGE 700 ,TREATMENT & COLLECTION [<;XPENSES ...._,...._._____.....'__'_h '.._,_..... ...c.... ......__ _,_ 705 'Supervision 15,120.00 5 260000 15,000.00 ,., .." ___, _L ............... _,......__,_...."....'_ ___. 710 Oneratimr Salaries 33, 32h02_____.JZ.,H9 0_65. m_n .._.__ ----.l2..!..Q9.Q~90 _ 715 Electric Power 12 219,19 3,959,93 _ lL~,OOO.OO -.-l~...Q.Q 720 Gas Service ,__..__._.. 529,20 2, 2I(~,.?~f_ .....__ .._,....__.___.--.1.,.9._00 .~ -.----1..1..00 725 Plant Operating SUE}2lies 3,061.74 539.70 2,000.00 6,50 . ...........-..-, -'-------......- .............-...---. ---..-.,.- 7 30 Mainten~~nc~___::..l.<;guipment ,,_~_~}.Q.~)l._n__l, 52.:?, 22. ______,___u._.. ____ ?LOO..O~_Q..Q.....__2.1g..0_, 735 Maintenance - Il1dg s .,..1<, r; r(;Hmc1 s ,_____ ?/: 7 , C) 1 ,_._.._}_~2...'..2~..,__........__.._...___ _...._...,1,,,.. 963 500.00 0'0'2. 5 S 62 llft./. %5 1, (l <j 5tcrl\0t'\~ "P\Av.Af ~i v\' ..tV\(lY\CCL 7/1'0 CITY OF SAIJNA BUDGET ""~- '-----' SEHAGE L__ ,nd nction partmcnt____ bmitted By: ________~ lte AND R HATE __..__~..J__9_~~. [Budget Request _.__._--- 00 F~>O~~.~( lZEQUEST 9.63 i rrcnt llcl::ct 1964 --- CUI<I.".'ENTYEAR ---l%3-~t- Estimate I ! - Months ___~~2==----= -------- --_.~.------- c Year Fisc;:] For the 1963- 4 Actual ~l--:.._.:-:-=:=~?n~~s 962 Actual Previous Year ;:;e -- Account --- p -------- -. - Acc't. No. 000 _---.2.>-Q9j)_. 00__-_---- 3. } 2,239095 1--_ ___~!+_2:.~__"_~2 Haintenanc~Sanitary Se\'?~s 745 _~L_9_QO_~Q~ 00 -r---L.9.9Q_,_O_~__ 03 201 77 843 Vehicle Expense 750 5_011...9J: z 00 000 5 ___5,OO..o...0..Q______ 00 00 Equipment --- OC 000 98 500 .I; 9 87 500.00 __.__~ 1_._ _______, 8 o 393 27 14 73, 602 TOTAL =-"'-":='=';;;:'-=== TOTAL 2~~.L~1~~~ OPERATING EXPENSES " - .~+ ----~- jL,. LiO ,,- RESERVE:~~gyrR~MENTS BOND ORDlNi\j\ICE r~ 900 " 910 ,000.0 j I! ?OO 93 00 105,000 00 103, 200000 _.~-..__..-- - Bond Prin~aLPayments_ OC ,020 21 136,000,0 00 12 9.-!l~g 00 o o Lf8,0 )0 1t'j.Lf } 000 Bond Ineterest P~~nents 9i5 OC 000 '12 00 000 72 000.00 72 00 000 24 00 72,000 Bond Reserve Account 920 925 000.0 30 00 52,500 3L-':.J.QOO . 00 00 lL~} 009 00 57 ,l.QO Depreciati~~_& Eme~~ncy Account QL?Z.9 . 00 _1-_ 35 3 , 7....00 0 O~l., 02 9_~ 3L 00 [fOO 120 - 00 376,700 TOTAL 50 b " .) 277 ~i3 0 53 5 Qncous s j i>l and !<-efuse 1ieJ ;:, to Bond Payment 1961 l~uOf f.eIlf2.~_~f&, o o gO ,1 o 83 g 5 5.00 28 26 861 63 2 ____+__z.~_~_~_18 . :~ lOLl s , ENS EX!.' NG PAT] OPE ^LL r, TOTA SALINA CITY OF BUDGET ~- L~. L~ ~_-..J HATER AND SEHAGE L-J :ld lction Jartment _ Jluitted By te REQUEST ---- Page ______12JSiL Current Budget Budget Request =="==-...::=1= ::::--- __~96 .3 1963 Total 1964 --. CUI<RENT YEAR 8 Estimate I _=- MonthL.! Year For the Fiscal 19J)l -A~tual-~-1963 Previous 4 Actual Year _Months -.-- Account !\.cc't. No. 70 f.c.P8-'-P?? . ?O) . . I (~ ,~ - . '. 320,000.00 I' (,' ,/.Y "L C 'c , ? ,_O_O.D~QQ _..--2J,O_90 . 00 00 ___~()(~~OO 00 _..00 8G _2~)l, (3 ~j RECEIPTS 303 ..81 ~52 000.00 000,00 97 _.l5_iLlQ....__..5.3..SL4 Il 525 , , 320 1 535.000.00 000.00 325 148,451. 62 13 112,614 ~2~64.52 12 31 555,359 333,160 1st Treasurer Balance Januar Revenue f': ~ ',' 1'. ~ '-:-.- Revenue () 50 ...14.SQQ_.00 0.000.00 1 87 756.88 722 1 8, 06 38, 7 Lf4. O/f ~ Income 00 00 00 IfA,'u4:3L.~Q.._ Jobs Interest from Investments ~l:f cf i.<<v 1l-!lW.t-vi t-"b L/1'tJ"/1-96-rl3orrd--Monie.sAl11d ~ Refuse-Fee-s-' from Construction ,Footage --- ------.--- ---.-----. - ----~ .-==::::==========----===-===-i______..________ l321 H()L~.~ 00 . .______.__~L'2_QO .00 _,__$51L5QQ 271. 545.50 .5E i3,Jll 9 _~~f4U2 70 258 970 il0.Wj!12 ,--Q~ __________._~1.iL.9 55 .Jl~,__~~~ 90Q.o.QQ Li. 2 L~ 68 . 7 C ~---_.,-------- ,___...1~i:J_5 If~..,52 +__IL?1!l@~1S ') 0 ~Ll'<2 9Z.0..>gS 7.."-0 3_ RECEIPTS TOTAL O_E>:S-,_ () 21 Total Re~eip~~~~?la~ce S9 8 If 79Lf Ex Less If. 52 11~ l_LlQ_~_.} 0 _ .__~..Jl_ 60.000.00 202.96 '- 7 3 Ij./tJf _u...~ . .... 271 Cash Balance December 31st (~ s L\ J&S_.fi.J~ el.P_ itF~J_I):;(~Jld t j ~___ 9/ 05 J er b a18l.lcc Dccen p, Cash