Budget - 1988 PROPOSED ANNUAL BUDGET OF THE CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 1988 CITY COMMISSION Mayor Stephen C. Ryan Commissioner Robert E. Frank Commissioner Vi Justus Commissioner Sydney S. Soderberg Commissioner Joseph A. Warner City Manager Rufus L. Nye TABLE OF CONTENTS BUDGET MESSAGE T AX LEVY Tax Levy Tax Levy Computation General Fund Revenue GENERAL FUND General Fund (Summary) City Commission Office of the City Manager City Clerk and Finance Department Legal Department Municipal Court Buildings Division Engineering Department Fire Department Permit and I nspection Division Park Division Police Department Street Division Human Relations Department Emergency Medical Service Traffic Division Swimming Pool Division Administration and Planning Division Non-Departmental Fund Salina Arts and Humanities Commission Gypsum Hill Cemetery General I mprovement Division II V 2 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 22 24 26 30 32 34 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 Smoky Hill Museum Flood Works Division Neighborhood Centers Division Capital Improvements - Sales Tax SPECIAL FUNDS Special Funds (Summary) Employee Benefits Fund Utility Fund Bond and I nterest Fund Special Liability Expense Fund Risk Management Reserve Fund Equipment Reserve Fund Special Parks and Recreation Fund Special Alcohol Programs Fund ENTERPRISE FUNDS Enterprise Funds (Summary) Sanitation Division Data Processing Fund Parking Meters Division Golf Course Division Special Gasoline Tax Division Business Improvement District Solid Waste Disposal Division Tourism and Convention Bicentennial Center Water and Sewerage OTHER FUNDS Central Garage Division 52 54 56 58 61 62 66 70 74 78 82 86 90 95 97 103 109 115 123 129 135 141 147 155 167 * * * * * * * THE BUDGETARY PROCESS The annual budget for the City of Salina is a one year plan for financing the operation and programs of the city government. The most significant elements in the budgetary process are: 1. The Salina Code requires the City Manager to prepare and present to the City Commission a proposed budget for the succeeding fiscal year. It is the responsibility of the City Commission, based upon the City Manager's proposed budget, to deliberate upon and to adopt an annual budget for the forthcoming fiscal year. The City's fiscal year coincides with the calendar year. 2. The City Commission approves the annual budget by city ordinance which authorizes the City Manager to proceed with the budget based upon the ordinance. Also, the Commission must adopt the annual tax levy which establishes city taxes for the coming year. The tax levy must be certified and filed with the Saline County Clerk by August 25th each year. It is characteristic of governmental accounting that the many and diverse activities of the city government are financed from a number of separate sources. This is the result of legal restrictions placed upon the use of public monies by State and local laws which, in essence, require that funds raised for one purpose cannot be used for another. The General Fund is the primary and parent revenue fund of the City and it provides monies for the operation and financing of most governmental programs. The Enterprise Funds include resources received from users of the sanitation, data processing, parking meter, golf course, special gasoline, solid waste, and water and sewerage operations and does not include tax funds. Other special funds of the city, such as special assessments and debt service funds, are used for specific purposes detailed in law. Many of these relate to the repayment of debt obligations of the city. The annual budget translates the city's municipal services into accounting terminology. Appropriations are divided into funds, departments, and divisions. These broad function and operation areas are further subdivided into personal services, contractual services, materials and supplies, sundry expenditures, and capital outlay. The City of Salina operates on what is commonly called a "line item" budget; however, the emphasis in the budgetary process is to analyze each program by its impact upon the citizens of the city. Once adopted, the annual budget serves as the work prog ram for the city government for the forthcoming year. It also serves as a tool for evaluating the continuity of city programs and services as well as a continual measurement of organization and efficiency. I I I City-County Building 300 West Ash Street I P.O Box 736 Salina, KS 67402-0736 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY COMMISSION STEPHEN C. RYAN, MAYOR ROBERT E. FRANK VI JUSTUS SYDNEY SODERBERG JOSEPH A. WARNER CITY MANAGER RUFUS L. NYE (913) 823-2277 July 2, 1987 The Honorable Mayor and Commissioners City of Sal ina 300 West Ash Salina, Kansas 67401 Mayor Ryan and Commissioners: In conformance with the requirements of K.S.A. 12-1014, I am pleased to submit to you the proposed 1988 Annual Budget. In addition to the General Fund, budgets for the Special Funds and the Enterprise Funds are included. Public presentation of the proposed Annual Budget is scheduled for Monday, July 13, 1987, a regular City Commission meeting. A public hearing should be held at the City Commission meeting on August 3, 1987. Once the City Commission approves a proposed budget for publication, which you should do on July 13, 1987, it may be reduced; however, it may not be increased. Kansas law requires the City Commission to certify the property tax levy to the Saline County Clerk. The deadline for certification is Tuesday, August 25, 1987. The annual budgetary process offers the City Commission an opportunity to review critically the City's existing programs, services and priorities. This review allows an evaluation of the relative values and priorities of the present level of municipal services. It also provides an opportunity to examine, in a comprehensive way, proposed new public services. A discussion of significant budgetary modifications is contained in this budget message. Each individual budget account includes a description of the activity, the proposed budget for the coming year with supporting statistical and written data and comments on specific items of interest. Budget In Brief The City of Salina is a very complex organization consisting of many different and often unrelated programs and services. Because of that fact and the need to conform with state laws and generally accepted municipal accounting principals. the City's budget contains numerous complexities and subtleties that are not reducible to simple statements, percentages or slogans. MEMBER .. KANSAS LEAGUE OF MUNICIPALITIES . NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES The Honorable Mayor and Commissioners July 2, 1987 Page 2 The proposed 1988 Annual Budget as contained herein anticipates total expenditures for all funds, programs and activities of $25,101,790. This is a net increase of $416,240 or 1.7% over the adopted 1987 Annual Budget. The General Fund, the major fund of the City which provides monies for most operating departments, is recommended for an increase of $77,580 or 0.7%. For the seventh consecutive year, the City of Salina will maintain the ad valorem property tax rate at 36.36 mills on each dollar of real property valuation. In 1980, the City received $4,161,022 from property taxes. In 1988, the property tax receipts will be $4,163,321. The City has eight Special Funds, which finance activities specifically authorized either by state statute or home rule ordinances. The funds are Employee Benefits, Utility, Bond and Interest, Special Liability, Special Parks and Recreation, Special Alcohol Programs, Equipment Reserve and Risk Management Reserve. These funds are proposed to increase $140,510 or approximately 2.5%. Most of this is attributable to principal and interest payments for the downtown improvement project. The City's ten Enterprise Funds generate either all or a significant percentage of their revenue from fees charged for services. These funds are Sanitation, Data Processing, Parking Meters, Golf Course, Special Gas, Business Improvement District, Solid Waste Disposal, Tourism and Convention, Bicentennial Center and Water and Sewerage. In 1988, these funds will experience a $198,150 or 2.3% increase. Official Pay Plan and Longevity Plan I recommend that the Official Pay Plan be raised across the board by 2% to reflect, partially, the rise in the consumer price index. The 2% salary adjustment, in grade increases and other minor adjustments to the Plan, will cost $168,296 for the General Fund and $62,528 for other funds, a total of $230,824. In addition to a 2% general salary increase, I recommend that the City Commission authorize a Longevity Plan. Innumerable forms and formulas for longevity systems exist. However, all are designed to recognize, in some way, the length of service an employee has given to an organization. Longevity plans seem unique to government and are, perhaps, a response to the inability of government to provide bonuses and other cash incentives offered by private enterprise. The proposed Longevity Plan will reward employees for length of service to the City. Employees will become eligible after 5 full years of employment. The employee will receive $2.00 for each full month of consecutive City service as of December 1 of every year. Following are some examples of longevity benefits: five years, $120; ten years, $240; fifteen years, $360; twenty years, $480. The payments will be made annually in early December and be subject to all Federal and State withholding regulations. The Honorable Mayor and Commissioners July 2, 1987 Page 3 The Longevity Plan does not depend upon the employee's current position or salary. Employees with the same length of service will receive the same amount of longevity compensation, regardless of current salary. In 1988, the Longevity Plan will cost $61,140 for the General Fund and $32,245 for all other funds, a total of $93,385. The 263 employees--72% of all full-time employees--will receive average longevity payments of $355. These employees average nearly 15 years of uninterrupted and faithful City service. Staffing Patterns This budget assumes that three full-time positions will be deleted: Clerk, Risk Management; Downtown Coordinator, Business Improvement District; and Custodian, Smoky Hill Museum. The duties of the Clerk have been assumed by other personnel, the Downtown Coordinator position has been transferred to a private corporation, Salina Downtown Incorporated, and the custodial services have been let to a private contractor. I recommend that four positions be added to the City staff, for a net increase of one full-time employee. The Environmental Protection Officer position, now a temporary appointment in the Police Department, will be given regular status. A City Forester position is proposed in the Department of Community Services. This employee will oversee both the City's forestry program and the care and maintenance of the downtown project. A Maintenance Worker is recommended for the Traffic Division of the Department of General Services. This position is necessitated by the burgeoning number of City traffic control devices and signs and the rise in liability for traffic accidents. An additional Emergency Medical Intensive Care Technician (EMICT) is recommended for the Fire Department's Division of Emergency Medical Service. This position is needed to reduce overtime and help accommodate the added work load. The EMICT will be funded entirely by Saline County. Program Expansion This budget provides only marginal program expansion in 1988. It will continue essentially the same level of service the City has enjoyed during the past few years. However, there are some significant changes. With the completion of the downtown renovation project, the City will assume responsibility for the care and maintenance of the improvements. This involves not only snow removal and alley cleaning but also upkeep of the four plazas, three crosswalk covers and numerous plantings and trees. The Department of Community Services will oversee these activities. The City will be compensated partially for these services by $17,000 from assessments paid by members of Business Improvement District No.1. Also, this budget continues the development of the City's forestry program, begun in 1987, with the appointment of a full-time Forester. The arborist will be responsible for the forestry program and the upkeep The Honorable Mayor and Commissioners July 2, 1987 Page 4 of downtown Salina. In addition, approximately $15,000 is budgeted for forestry materials and supplies. In 1988, the City will develop and begin to implement a comprehensive program of tree care, maintenance and replacement on public property. The City Commission has authorized an agreement with the Salina Art Center for the City to assume responsibility for the upkeep of the new Art Center at 243 South Santa Fe. The City has a similar agreement for the Community Theatre, 303 East Iron. These agreements reinforce the City's committment to the arts and recognize the vital part the arts play in community life. Capital Improvements and Utility Fund This budget provides for the eighth consecutive year of a significant Capital Improvement Program. That Capital Improvement Program, adopted by the City Commission in July 1987, has been incorporated as a part of the proposed Annual Budget. 1987 marks the first year of a multiyear construction program to upgrade and expand the City's water treatment and supply facilities. This program is the largest single item in the Capital Improvement Program and, when completed, will cost approximately $15 million. Like almost all water and sewerage projects, these improvements will be financed by revenue bonds which will be repaid by the patrons of the system. These improvements should meet the demands on the system into the next century. Although the final financing plan is not yet completed, I anticipate that we will recommend a total increase in Water and Sewerage revenues of approximately 20%. Depending upon the bond schedule, an increase could become effective in 1987, with the remainder in 1988. This budget anticipates that the increases will be equally divided between 1987 and 1988. This budget anticipates that rates for the City's sanitation, landfill and golf course services will remain the same. Golf Course and Bicentennial Center Municipal budgeting and state laws and regulations pertaining to budgeting assume that future revenues and expenditures are highly predictable. For many municipal operations, particularly those financed by property taxes, this is a correct assumption. However, commercial activities such as the Municipal Golf Course and the Bicentennial Center do not conform easily to standard municipal budgeting practices. This is because the level of activity at the Golf Course and Bicentennial Center is difficult to predict. Fortunately, in recent years, the City has enjoyed consistent growth in golf course patrons and some, although very much unpredictable, growth at the Bicentennial Center. Unfortunately, the successes have caused The Honorable Mayor and Commissioners July 2, 1987 Page 5 overexpenditure of certain accounts in those activities, despite the fact that sufficient funds were on hand to pay all expenses. This is upsetting to the City auditors and is in technical violation of various regulations. In order to correct this problem, certain line items for both the Municipal Golf Course and the Bicentennial Center have been adjusted upward to reflect the potential for higher levels of activity. For example, the budget for temporary employees at the Bicentennial Center has been increased approximately 87%. In a like manner, the concession budget has been raised 46%, from $65,000 to $95,000. The budget for part-time employees at the Golf Course has been increased 32%, from $37,900 to $50,000. If the Golf Course or Bicentennial Center does not attain the expected levels of activity, the expenditures for these items will be reduced accordingly. This strategy is intended to minimize budgeting problems. Tax Levy and Valuation As I have mentioned in several previous budget messages, the State Legislature and the voters of Kansas continue to tinker with the property tax system. The Legislature seems bent upon granting exemptions. The voters have approved elimination of merchant and business inventory valuations. In addition, the administration of the property tax in Kansas can best be described as chaotic and archaic. The net result is that the property tax does not reflect adequately the level of economic development in a community. For example, the City typically shows an annual increase of about 2% in valuation, whereas the level of construction and economic activity in recent years indicates a much more dynamic economy. I see the situation getting worse rather than better. I base this pessimistic view upon the phasing out of the business and merchant inventory tax and on the current property reappraisal. This trend has been apparent for several years, and, based partially upon it, the City has reduced its dependence upon the property tax as a source of revenue. In fact, the dollars levied for City purposes are virtually the same in 1988, $4,163,000, as they were in 1980. During that period, the property tax has declined from about 1/3 of City revenues to less than 1/4. Unfortunately, other factors are at work that limit funds available to the City. The well publicized demise of General Revenue Sharing cost the City approximately $500,000 in 1987. Grant monies from the federal government for whatever purpose have either been eliminated or drastically reduced in recent times. Other major revenue sources such as franchise tax receipts and income from investments are either declining or not growing significantly. I think these trends will continue. The Honorable Mayor and Commissioners July 2, 1987 Page 6 It seems to me that if Salina is to keep up with its capital improvement needs, to continue to provide the level and quality of services expected by its citizens, to become more active in economic development and to meet any of the larger objectives suggested by Goals for Salina, it is imperative that the City Commission seek, in 1988, additional funding sources. I recommend to the Commission that you undertake study of alternate revenue sources with an objective of having one or more of them in place by January 1, 1989. Acknowledgements I appreciate the guidance, cooperation and understanding of all the Department Heads and other staff members who assisted in the preparation of the proposed 1988 Annual Budget. Jackie Shiever, Deputy City Clerk, has again been extremely helpful in all matters related to this process. Peter Brown, Public Information Officer, has helped make the document more understandable and readable. Tyra Hansen, Administrative Secretary, has provided support and assistance beyond expression. This is the last of 37 budgets that Don Harrison, Director of Finance and City Clerk, will help prepare. At the moment, it seems unthinkable that the 1989 budget can be assembled without Don's ever present encouragement and advice. We certainly all wish him well in a most deserved retirement. Finally, this is the budget proposal that your City staff presents to you. We believe that it will continue the high level of municipal services and programs that our citizens have come to expect from us. We submit it to you for your review and revision and adoption in what you see to be the best interest of the City and its citizens. Rufus L. Nye City Manager RLN:th 1988 ANNUAL BUDGET 1986 T AX LEVY PER $1,000 14.6950 8.8580 4.0371 7.0151 1 . 7548 36.3600 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 987 TAX LEVY FOR 1988 BUDGET 1987 1987 TAX T AX LEVY FUND DOLLARS PER $1,000 General $1,867,627 16.3108 Employee Benefits 994,333 8.6839 Utility 450,196 3.9318 Bond and Interest 783,986 6.8lJ68 Special Liability 67,179 0.5867 TOTAL $4,163,321 36.3600 Estimated Tangible Valuation for Fiscal Year 1987 $114,502,579 COMPUTATION 01' AGGREGATE TAX LEVY LIMITATION Auditor's Copy STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form C 1988 Check Base Year Used: (Taxes levied in 80 for base year 1981) (Taxes levied in 81 for base year 1982) 1981 1982 x 1. Aggregate Levy Limitation computed for base year 1981 or 1982. $2,030,044 2. Estimated assessed tangible valuation for 1980 or 1981 (WS 12. col.. D. line 4) . _. ... . . . . . . . . ... . + 99,238,903 3. Tax Levy Rate of the Base Year (line 1, divided by line 2). . . 20456 4. Net Change from Base Year of Personal Property (From page 3a. WS 1# 2. line 10). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . + 6,834,226 5. Increase by New Improvements on Real Estate (From page 3a. WS 1#3. line 11). + 7,194,300 6. Total Assessed Tangible Valuation (lines 2 + 4 + 5). . 113,267,429 7. Basic Aggregate Tax Levy Limitation (lin. 3 x line 6). 2,316,999 8. Adjustment for Territory Added (From WS 1#4. line 5) .070660 x line 7 1 ,637 9. Adjustment for Territ~ry Excluded (From WS 1#4. line 10) x line 1. . . . . . . . . . -0- 10. Adjustment to Basic Aggregate Limitation for (See Form C2 for possible adjustments) -0- 11. Functions exempted from Aggregate Tax Levy Limitations by Charter Resolution/Ordinance: Function CR/CO No. Amount 'it Total. Attach copy to budget. Use this only if the exempt function is included in a fund under the aggregate, limit. -0- 12. AGGREGATE TAX LEVY LIMITATION FOR BUDGET YEAR 1988 (lines 7 + 8 - 9 + 10 + 11) Show this amount on Certificate. page 1. .......... 2.318.636 Suspension of Aggregate Tax Levy Limitation authorized by: Election held . 19 . - Charter ReSOlution/Ordinance No. (Attach copy to budget.) of . 19 STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form Cl 1988 WORKSHEETS WS #1 - Assessed Tanaible Valuation of Territory Added (Excluded) since the Base Year 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. TERRITORY AD TERRITORY EX Total New Improve- Real Personal State Tangible ments on Year Estate PrODertv Assessed Valuation Real Estate 1981* 1982 40.520 40 520 1983 11.090 70 11 1 60 1984 4.740 4 740. 1985 24.430 24 430 1986 -0- -0- 1987 -0- -o- DED 70 -0- RO RC:fl CLUDED -0- -0- -0- -0- A B C D E 1. 2. 3. 4. (WS '2, col B (WS '2, col C lines 6 & 7) lines 6 & 7) * Don't fill in if 1982 is the Base Year. (To WS #4, (WS #3, lines 1 & 6) lines 9 & 10) WS #2 - Net Chanae From Base Year of Personal Property A B C D 1. 1987 Est. Assessed Valuation 2. 1980/1981 Valuation from Farm Mac 3. 1980/1981 Valuation of Business A 4. 1980/1981 Est. Assessed Valuation 5. Difference (lines 1 + 2 + 3 - 4) 6. Adjustment for Territory: Added ( 7. Exclude 8. Subtotal (lines 5 - 6 + 7) . 9. Add State Assessed. . . . . 10. NET CHANGE FROM BASE YEAR OF PERS (lines 8 + 9) ** If this is negative, see instructions. Total Real Personal State Tangible Estate PrODertv Assessed Valuation 72.066.960 31,552.430 10.884.189 114,502.579 hinery I -0- ircraft 1 ,046,530 62.591.050 26,389,680 10 258_173 99 238 903 . . . . . . 6.208,280 626 016 WS Hi). . . 70 -0- d (WS Hi) . -0- -0- . . . . . . 6 208.210 626 016 . . . . . . 626.016 <----, ONAL PROP . 6,834,226 **(To page 3, line 4) WS #3 - Increase by New Improvements on Real Estate 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. . 1981* . . . . . . 1982 . 1983 . 1984 . 1985 . 1986 . . . . 1987 982.160 573.590 1.063.730 1.097.470 1.346,790 2.130.560 7,194,300 -0- -0- 7.194,300 (From WS #1, col E, line 8) (From WS #1, col E, line 9) (To page 3, line 5) Subtotal . ... . . . . . . . . . Adjustment for Territory: Added. . . Excluded . . INC.BY NEW IMP.ON REAL ESTATE (lines 8-9+10) STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form C2 1988 WS #4 - Computation of Adiustment for Territorv Added. Excluded 1- 2. 3. 4. 5. Valuation of Territory Added (From WS 11, col D, line 8). 1987 Est. Assessed Valuation (From WS '2, col D, line 1) Valuation of Territory Added (Same as line 1) Total Valuation excluding Territory Added (line 2 - 3). . ADJUSTMENT FOR TERRITORY ADDED (l~ne 1 divided by line 4) 114,502,579 80,850 6. Valuation of Territory Excluded (From WS '1, col D, line 9) 7. 1987 Estimated Assessed Valuation (Same as line 2). 8. Valuation of Territory Excluded (Same as line 6). . 9. Total Valuation inclUding Territory Excluded (lines 7 + 8). . 10. ADJ11STMENT FOR TERRITORY EXCLUDED (line 6 divided by line 9) POSSIBLE ADJ11STMENTS TO BASIC AGGREGATE LIMITATION: New cities having no Base Year or cities which levied no tangible taxes in the Base Year. Amou~t determined by the County Clerk (See K.S.A. 79-5010) . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . Increase authorized by election years, voted first levy year (See K.S.A. 79-5012) . . . 19 Increase authorized by Board of Tax Appeals Order No. years; first levy year (See K.S.A. 79-5013) for 80,850 114,421,729 - 070hhO (To page 3, line 8) -0- -0- -0- _ -0- (To page 3, line 9) + + + Functions transferred: In (from another taxing Subdivision) . . . . .. .. .... + Out (to another taxing subdivision). . . .. .... .... (Amount levied for any function or service for which a tax levy is specifically authorized and provided by law in the year preceding the transfer. See K.S.A. 79-5009) Elimination of Tax on Intangible Personal Property pursuant to an election (not to exceed the amount received in the year prior to e 11m! na t i on ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Note: The General Fund Levy may be increased by this amount. See K.S.A. 79-5020.) TOTAL POSSIBLE ADJUSTMENTS + _ -0- (To page 3, line 10) > 1988 REVENUE REQUEST HEVENUE j, 'i>B7 19DB ACTUf.iL i9B6 Fm~ n f,CTUrf:)1 j.9B:~i HECHJf.: I;~EVENUE CI1Y ( SALINA ACCOUN'f DESCRIPTION .11. 'u. ACCT L '.)"1 ~),:_ I 0(:)(.) () 0 (-) 000 100 000 6~50 000 Bf.l0 100 000 0(-)0 000 200 20(-) 00(-) 30(') 100 ~i00 500 ~i0(-) 500 800 50(-) 6(-)0 000 200 BOO 00(-) 3(-)(-) 400 400 ~.'.i () () 300 400 200 I I I , I I , J I I , , , 067 r)c:' 10"-....1 16 15 3:'::i8 ~3 () (0) ;2::!4 45 292 3 ")r.:' ...:'....J 6 20 j ~~ 1 4 j, 4 :i. 4 :I. :I. i 4 :l. :5 730 000 ()OO 000 800 0(-) 0 400 000 H(:)O ;\.00 000 800 ~5~:jO 20() 200 900 ;.~(-)0 1 (-)() 000 400 B00 ~j()O 9(')0 000 c)00 0(-)0 400 7(:)0 ()(-)(-) ~j00 ~500 400 700 300 4(-)0 200 I , , , , , , , , , , , , 4 643 2:~ 16 14 ~3~'.'i7 250 ~!0:5 4b 266 ~5 '")~:. .......1 6 20 1. 2 :l. 4 1 1 t 4 4 1 :l. ~:~ 63::.'i ::~ ::~ .., 042 :::j:i.B 214 ;'~;36 58:::j 496 0~5j. ';)90 t7~:j 4()(-) 47~) ::.~:? 0 o ~)9(.) 300 H)(.) (')2b ::52(-) 2~!0 440 57fj T1:1. 393 :~74 97'7 742 BOO 220 -<lBO ~~.(:::; 4~.:jO 2~50 3t.iO iC)~5 4'10 ~r:;<; u. :1.,4 :3::56 i42 tT~ 4,(l :~3(l ;;S "'',C' 10......1 1::- ..J 19 1 ::! 1 :3 :i. 4 :l. -4 4 i i t 3, 40A1 i 0\jI 3~,2 766 t'iB9 156 704 382 '180 090 540 ;:mo ();?~S :1.65 j.~.:;0 9,.)~:. o'~'..~ 3(-)0 100 025 2:'::j9 745 405 l126 8:\.7 6;54 L36 U.6 723 7::':i0 tk~0 :320 4t'j7 7<;);, 311 425 i .l.:' .:.l'-J . , , , , , , , , , , , , ~5 , i. , 4 5~5~5 ,:).., .-;....... 15 :1.3 3(-)1, 20~i 165 4~5 2:;.~~3 :3 24 6 :W i '-1 A.. 2 i 3 .. 1 1 1 3 CLJI:mENT TANGIBI...E TI~XEU DEL.. I N(~l.JENT TANG I BLE TAXES BINGO GHOSS HECEIPTS AUTO DE::ALEHS TAX STAMPS VEH rr.:u:: TAX LOCAL SALES TAX STATE SHARED TAXES CITY LI(~LJOR TAX LOCAL AD VALOHEM TAX REDUCTION HIGHWAY MAINTENI~INCE CEREAL MALT BE:~VERAGE RETAIL LIQUOR LICENSES AMUSEMENT DEVICE & MACHINES ENTERTAINl'1ENT LICENSEf:I CI1:;:CUS, CARNIVAL I TENT SHGW~3 I)ANCES .-. PUBL.IC POOL.. HALL ~ BOWLING ALLEY SKATING HINK LICENSES THEATRE LICENSES ALJCTIONEEI:~ 6: AUCTION SALES LIQUIDATION SALE LICENSE BILLBOARD ADVERTISING CONCRETE CONSTm.JClION ELECTRICAN L.ICENSES MOBILE HOME CRAFTSMAN MECHANICAL CONTRACTCH~ LICENSE GAS FITTERS LICENSES TREE .HUMMING h. ~jPI;\:AYING PRIVATE CL.ute L..ICENSEfj ..JUNI< DEALEHS, ~IUTO ~ PAI~~Tf;) PAWNBFmKERS PLUMBERS LICENSES TAXICAB LICENSES TAXICAB DfUVEFW L..ICF.:~r.k;ES STREET ADVERTISING ELEVATOR CONTRACTOF; U. j~GES GENI::]:;:AL 30-110 30-130 30-150 30-:1.70 30-i80 30-190 30-205 30-215 30-240 30-260 30-311 30-313 30-321 30-323 30-325 30-327 30-335 30-338 30-3:59 30-341 30-342 30-343 30-345 30-347 30-349 30-350 30-351 30-353 30-355 30-357 30-359 30-361 30-363 30-365 30-367 30-369 v i 9aa f~I!::VENl.JE HEQUEBT HE VENUE 1 <j>87 19B8 ACTUA j <lab FOI~ F~~::m.JEBT ACTUi=lL. :1.<T8~i 1:~EVENUE CITY f St='~L..INA""-' ACCOUN'r DES(~IPTION =ll- AceT 50(-) 2(-)0 000 ~j(-)0 0(-)(~ 300 000 4(~0 100 000 (~00 000 ~300 00(-) 50(-) 500 (-)0(-) 000 000 000 '700 100 000 000 ~500 60(-) 000 000 (-) 0 (-) 000 500 20(~ 000 0(-)0 000 40(-) 500 (.) 0 (-) :3) ~3 18, :7;7, :1.41, 4~:L 24, ~ L" d. '-J , 12, El, 19 19 6 tc!,0 9 to(') 4 i ~ ~:. .....;) ~r((-) 2~::i(-) 3 3 600 i.00 11 18 1 (-)(-)0 200 ~;i00 ~;00 0(-)0 200 1.)00 2()0 000 (-)0(-) 000 000 3(-)0 t'iO(-) 60(-) 7(;)0 000 000 000 000 700 :1.00 000 000 00(-) 0(')0 000 000 0(-)0 000 500 2(')0 (-)00 000 0(-)0 400 o 000 4 2 9L" .J, ~) .:.. , ::! , 4, 67(-), 50, 1") ..., 17, 19, j.8 t';i7 156 28 22 15 4 ':) .1._ 8 ..... '-' j.!54 "'. ~, 1 ~ "'" .t. ...J 36~j 240 j 06:;!. 1 :5 :~j BS>1 f.'jj, :1. 74::.'; 478 HI? :3~W 095 :W9 578 765 o BElt 420 40~5 :~71 o :3~.~0 !500 690 ~.:;(-) 1"('2 ~!20 43:'5 -14::'; 'l9E-i (-)"'( 1 4f.l4 41~~ ~34(-) ~~:I. "7:~O :':r76 4::52 302 (:) o 4 ::~ :I. :1.4 :379 1.90 3 455 :1.8 f."i7 30 49 2~5 ~ ",. .a.....J U 8 6 j4B :1.3 j. 4 ..) ... 10 :1.7 :l.3~3 :i 1 (/63 j. 3 r'5 131 4f.J0 ".66 17~i 604 184 (-)()0 2<;0 389 ~~B5 ~~~:;8 532 5B5 680 199 o 3;39 4.45 6:1.0 ~:i0 O:?0 917 2~38 1.:33 785 SitS 406 4 ;'~)j, 3:'.:j9 U.2 B91 7:1.0 2()5 360 o o ::~ I :~ , Elf.) '") ..., j. I 1~:L 3H3, 1,j.54, 2 1 l7 $3 133 22 :52 1(') 12 "( H) 1c) 4 :36 :3 4 673 s EXPEl mE: y t10BILE l.iOME COUHT LICENBEB ve:NDOR, F'EDDl..EH & JTINEf~t1NT 1:~EHISE Hf..ULE:HS L.ICENSES CONCRETE CONS1RUCTION PERMI BUIL.DING ~ INSPECTION FEES HrnJSEMOVING PERMI1S FOOD PERM 1 H; BAIL BONDSMAN L.ICENSES NEF~CHANT POL..ICE LICENSES ANIMAL LICENSES MUNICIPAL.. COURT - FINES FRANCHISE TAXES INCOME Hi:OM LEASF.~D L.(.'IND OFFICE Sf'ACE Fi:ENTAL. F~ENT ~.. COMMUNITY THE?\dRE RENT - LAI<EW()()l) PARI< INTEREST FROM INVESTMENTS ENGINEERING FEE:S IMPOUNDING FEES I=i:EMOVAL 6c BUI=i:IAL FEES GRAVE MARKER PERMITS TITLE TRANSFER FEEt) ADMISSION .- SWIMMING POOLS ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES FIRE PROTECTION OUTSIDE eIT STHEET CUT REPAIF<S ALARM MONITOR FEE WEED CUrfING SERVICES PL.ATS & REZONING FEES SALE OF COMliDDITIES SALE OF BOOKS SALE OF SI~L.VAGE SALE OF LOTS AMBUL.ANCE FE:E~S MISC. SALES & SERVICES li1SC. SERVICES .... COUNTY TRSF FROM BID HE 1 NBURSE~ FA:r R HOUSING 30....371 ~50....375 30...3"7'7 30....~5'79 30-"3B i 30-~~El~"5 3(')"~39i 3(-),,<593 30-'~595 30....;399 30....4:1.0 30..-A40 30....5(-)t:l 3().-511 30....~'j t 3 ~50....~j24 ~50....<!i 10 30.-70 i 30....702 3~:)....703 30....704 30,,,,705 30....709 3()....'"(1 i 30...."(j.2 :30.... 71 ~5 30'~'7H5 30.-'719 30....720 30....72 i :30.... '1;!~5 30....'72~5 ~50...."('27 :30....7~~9 3(-)....7~H 30....732 :'')0,-947 30-,,948 v 1988 REVENW~ REQUEST 21 6~j 2~.:jB 20 :i.9~'i (1, B09 , 667 'lOB, 1 '1'3 9 , ~309 , 66-' i 0 , ~H 7 , 860 i 0 , :;':j 1 7 , B60 (.) (-)00 0(~0 530 000 000 F~EVE:NUE 19B7 ::.~ i , 000 6~5 , 070 2~5 i , 73(-) i~), f.)00 196 , ~)O0 9,441,iB0 1 , 707 , :;~9~3 9,44i,iB(~ 1 L 148, ~H:3 10,4.40,280 "708,193 CITY OF S(~LIN(~' I:~EVENUE REOUF.:GT FOF~ 1988 ACGT 4 ::: ACCOUNT I)ESCI:UFTION ACTUAL . ACTUt-,1 19B~.'.i i.</at> 30-"(149 I~EIMBUf~SE ART COMMISSION EXf'EN 0 ;'5 , ~.'ji 4 30-,950 I~EIMBURSE MUSEUM EXPEj,j8E~:) 8:3, 000 8:;~ , (:)00 30'-'9~) 1 Rf.:IMBURSE AMBULANCE EXPEN!3EG 230, :1.60 219,991 30....9:.:';2 RE: I ~1BLJRSEi'1ENT OF EXPEND 1 TUF\~ES 111 , ~~a9 8'" , 272 ~30""9~f7 TRSF FROM OTHER F~NDS 19::'; , (,)00 194,947 FUND TOTALS 8,9fQ.188 8,882,493 BEGINNINC. CASH BAL.ANCE ,JANUAf~Y HrJ" 2,770,295 2, cd. 6 ,724 TOTAL REVENUE 8,9H2.1B8 8, 882, 49~5 TOTAL. REVENUE ANI) BEGINNING BI~L..ANCE 11,752,483 11,499,217 LESS EXPENDITURES 9, 1. ~'5~:; , '7t:;9 9, 7'/j , 9::~4 UNENCUMElERED CASH BALANCE l>ECEMf:.Ef~ :-'~:1. 2,616,724 1,707,293 V 1988 ANNUAL BUDGET CITY OF SALINA. KANSAS GENERAL FUND BUDGET REQUEST 1988 BUDGET 1987 SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES ACTUAL 1986 1142,920 76,650 206,730 62,600 73,410 123,190 136,610 ,745,510 104,030 472,410 ,829,790 613,750 78,700 454,690 100,910 43,850 127,920 204,420 119,260 58,690 61 ,710 155,950 61,950 84,210 078,000 1 $ 388,590 74,610 202,300 56,460 60,450 108,000 144, 11 0 ,715,780 101 ,100 437,940 ,782,620 592,640 74,470 436,400 84,290 43,850 123,200 165,360 117,860 57,720 58,900 153,200 60,980 79,450 320,000 1 $ 320,468 75,260 198,244 55,578 72,345 136,505 141,429 627,019 99,194 424,004 836,411 579,980 51,390 379,673 80,321 50,566 107,111 177 ,917 99,852 56,094 58,143 118,184 58,600 70,464 917,172 1 $ 310,492 74,057 188,252 50,106 5~,537 122,225 143,299 ,538,542 92,791 396,605 ,638,534 553,122 50,614 353,983 79,651 43,502 92,904 139,575 93,192 53,609 58,191 94,295 59,869 73,428 775,384 1 1 ,860 7 3 $10.51 ACTUAL 1985 $ CITY COMMISSION CITY MANAGER CITY CLERK LEGAL MUNICI PAL COURT BUILDINGS ENGINEERING FIRE PERMITS AND INSPECTIONS PARI< POll CE STREET HUMAN RELATIONS EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICE TRAFFIC CONTROL SWIMMI NG POOLS ADMINISTRATION AND PLANNING NON-DEPARTMENT AL ARTS AND HUMANITIES COMMISSION CEMETERY GENERAL IMPROVEMENT SMOKY HILL MUSEUM FLOOD WORKS NEIGHBORHOOD CENTERS CAPITAL IMPROVEMHIT - SALES TAX 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 24 27 28 29 ,280 3 $10,440 ,924 2 $ 9.791 ,759 135 2 $ 9 GRAND TOTAL 2 ANNUAL BUDGET 1988 BUDGET COMMENTS CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS CITY COMMISSION As the elected representatives of the community, the City Commission exercises the legislative power of the City government. The City Commission meets regularly to consider ordinances, resolutions and other actions as may be required by law or circumstance. The various concerns brought before the Commission for consideration may be initiated by Commission members, advisory commissions, administrative staff, other political entities or the general public. The Budget. Annua through the adoption of an authorities and commissions. The City Commission exercises budgetary control Commission also makes appointments to various boards, Three Commissioners arc elected are elected to four-year terms. The , the Commission elects one member to a nonpartisan basIs the most votes term. Annually The five-member Commission is elected at large on every two years. The two candidates receiving third highest vote-getter is elected to a two-year serve as Mayor. ve staff and admlnlstrat prepared by s agendas in support of regular City Commission meeting to citizens and news media representatives. Information is available The City Commission meets at 4:00 p.m. the first, second, third and fourth Monday of each month in Room 200 of the City - County - Board of Education Building. Items for the agenda of the City Commission meeting are to be submitted in writing to the City Manager by noon of the Thursday preceding the Monday City Commission meeting. All City Commission meetings are public, except at those times when the Commission recesses from a regular meeting into an executive session for a specified purpose. the National League of Municipalities meetings. meetings such as League of Kansas Comments professional and various Budget ssioners at of Mayors #207 provides for attendance of Commi Cities Congress, the U. S. Conference #211 provides funding for City contributions to a wide range of programs and services that are not provided directly by the City staff. These include City contributions to the City-County Emergency Preparedness Department, the Salina-Saline County Department of Community Health, the Municipal Band, Saline County, Salina Area Chamber of Commerce and Salina Downtown Incorporated. Preparedness Department is operated jointly by the City and the for $52,000. The Department's total 1988 budget is $138,270. County. The other funds are received from the State of Kansas The Salina-Saline County Emergency County. The request this year is $104,000 is shared by the Ci ty and the and are estimated to be $34,270 i 9BfJ fcUI>GET HE:QUEST ~500 500 2t!> , =~~50 376.200 j.~5. 000 j. (;) . 000 ~5. 000 760 4~H, ::!to 11,21<:) 11,210 442.920 ElUX>GET 1987 ~':I00 500 26,250 ~326 , 930 10.000 10.000 3 I 00(') 7(~0 3"l6, B80 j.1,~:?'10 11,210 3B8 , ~;9(-) CITY () SALINA' -Etl.IDGET I,=ECJUEBT Fon .l.9lIB ACCT.::: ACCOUNT I)E:SCI:~If'Tlm,1 t-,CTlJAL. f..CTUt1L 1985 1986 CITY COMMISSION PERSONAL SERVICES (-)1-"120 SAl.AF~ I ES 50(-) 5(')0 ACCT....TOlAI...8 50(-) 500 CONHMCTlJAL SEJ-<VICES 01.-20'7 EMPI..OYEE DEVEI...OPMENl 21,721 2;3.616 01,,-211 CONTRIBUTIONS ::!56 , 860 :;~6ej I 320 0:1. ...215 F'lJBLIC INFORMATION 0 0 01...225 LEGAL ADVERTISING :1.3,839 13,299 0i-:'~9a REVISION OF ()RDINI~NCf.:S 3,795 4, :?O;;! 0:1."-299 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 1,434 7~51 ACCT"'TOTALS 297.649 307,248 SUNDRY EXPEND r TUF~ES (-)1....43~'5 ORGAN I ZA T I ONAL !)UF'::S 12 I ;:S4~5 i. ::! , 720 ACCT-'TOTAI...B 12, ~543 12,7:W DEPT.- TO T ALS 310,492 3~-!0, 468 3 4 1988 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET COMMENTS CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS (continued) The Salina-Saline County Department of Community Health provides health services in the community and is funded by the City, County and federal and state governments. In 1988, the Department is requesting from the City and County $119,500 each. This is the same as requested in 1987. The City and County fund approximately 15% of the total health budget. The balance comes from fees, grants, contracts, interest and cash carryover. Also, the City-County Health Department, under a 1982 agreement with the City, operates the Animal Shelter. The 1988 budget for the Animal Shelter is $77,700, which is the same as 1987. CITY COMMISSION The Salina Municipal Band has been in existence for better than three-quarters of a century. The City contribution, $9,000, has not changed for several years. From 1980 through 1986, the City contribution to the band was in the Arts and Humanities Commission budget. However, since this is a grant, not a discretionary item, it has been decided to transfer it to the City Commission budget. ne County for the County Sheriff to provide This is an intergovernmental agreement with Ii with Sa Cou rt. an agreement n the Municipa I n June 1986, the City entered into process-serving and bailiff services i an annual expense of $20,000. $48,000 is included to help fund commercial development programs with the Salina Area Chamber of Commerce and Salina Downtown Incorporated. $25,000 is for the Chamber and the remainder for Salina Downtown Inc. Each program has approximately a $50,000 budget with the di fference between the City's contribution and the budget provided by the respective organizations Since 1982, the City has contributed $50,000 annually to the Chamber of Commerce for industrial promotion. The funds are used to assist in an expanded industrial promotion and employment program for the City. This program aggressively seeks new industries a:1d encourages and assists local industries to expand employment opportunities. The objectives are increased employment opportunities for Salina residents and a broader industrial and commercial tax base. #215 is the cost for the City's public information program. This program is under the direction of the Public Information Officer, whose salary is budgeted in the Department of Community Development. The $15,000 is for other expenses related to the public information program. awarded, at etc. Some I be keys 40 w cards, It is estimated and nameplate, #299 is for plaques for retiring board and commission appointees. $10 each. This also includes funds for the Mayor's plaque, gavel of these items have previously been charged to Contingencies. Planning Commission ($250), National $8,300) and Management Information City n the North Central Regional League of Kansas Municipalities ( the the #435 includes membership for League of Cities ($1,900), Service ($500). LO 6 1988 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET COMMENTS CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS The City City's chief of City government. and serves as the OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER of the chief executive for an indefinite term As provided by State statute and City ordinance, the City Manager supervises and directs the administration of all City departments to ensure that the laws, ordinances and resolutions of the City are enforced. Activities include providing liaison between the City Commission and the administrative staff, preparing and distributing informational documents for the Commission agenda, processing citizen inquiries and service requests, maintaining effective public relations with the news media, working with other governmental, school district and State and County governments and representing the City at official meetings and conferences. The City Manager is responsible for the appointment and removal of all City employees. As chief executive officer of the City, the City Manager is responsible for recommending measures for adoption by the City Commission which are deemed necessary for the welfare of the citizens and the efficient administration of the municipal government. Recommendations to the Commission relate to specific legislative issues, financial programs, capital expenditures and improvements, as well as other administrative matters. The City Manager prepares a proposed budget for the City Commission. Once the Commission adopts the budget, it becomes the responsibility of the City Manager to see that it is properly administered. The Office of the City Manager is the office Manager is appointed by the City Commission executive and administrative officer. Comments Budget and Administrative Secretary. City Manager me employees -t II fu 2 nCludes budget ty Manager C The training specla and nars sem conferences meetings professlona for #207 provides sessions. maintenance of office equipment. such as terns ne Ii n n other partiCipation nCluded not terns #299 covers 19BB BUDGET I:~E(~\UEST 64, C<.J2~) 64,620 4 , 0()~) 2,890 400 '7,290 1, ~500 2 , (-)00 3 , ::j(-)~) 1,240 1,240 76), 6~50 F:cUDGET j.9H7 6:3, 200 63 , ~~B(') 4,000 2,890 400 '7 , 29~) B~)0 2 , O(.)~) ~! . 000 1, :;!40 j. , 240 ..14,610 CITY ( SALINA-----.BUDGET REQUEST FOR 1900 ACCT. =II: r~CCOUNT DE::SCRIF'TION 1:,\CTUAL.. ACTl.J.::IL. i9B5 i'lBc!, CITY MANAGER PEI:<SONAL SEI:WICES 02....i20 SALARIES - REGUl..,clf~ Ei"jPI...OYEES 61,279 62,416 ACCT....TO.fAL~; 61, ;;t79 6,2,476 CON'Hi:ACTlJAL SEFWICEf:l (-)2,,-2(:)5 TEL.EPHONE 4 , ~::j36 :'5 I 525 02....20-1 EMPLOYEE DE:VELOF'MENT 3,:128 ~5 . 804 02....299 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SE~f<VICES 239 629 ACC.......TCHALS 7,903 "I . (t'~j8 MA TER I AL.S l!. SUPPl..:t E:S 02....320 OFFICE SUF'PLIES 1.422 j. . B~)2 0~~-'. :.5::'~ j. BOOKS & PERIODICALS 2.246 l,B30 ACCl....TOT..)L.S :"5, 668 :'5.632 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 0:2....4:3~.'.i ORGANIZATIONAL DUEB 1,207 1,194 ACCT....TOlAl..G j. , ~~07 i, j.94 IIEPT .... TO T ~)LH 14, (')~:'j7 15,260 7 8 1988 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET COMMENTS CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS CITY CLERK AND FINANCE DEPARTMENT Under the supervision of the Finance Director and City Clerk, this department provides the proper planning, accounting and control of all fiscal matters in the City. Accounts payable, accounts receivable, investment income, contracts, payroll. purchasing and billings are processed by this department. reports are also disseminated to other governmental and transactions is conducted n accordance with Financial statements are prepared periodically. Fiscal agencies. The documentation for all fiscal records generally accepted governmental accounting procedures. Various applications for City requirements and forwarded to approval, a formal license is issued. Election Officer in voter registriltion audited for compliance with code the City Commission. After The City Clerk assists the County licenses are submitted to this office, the proper approving authority, such as and acting as processing of City Commission meetings records, advertising and as the central purchasing. The City Clerk is also responsible for takmg the minutes of the depository for all official City records. Central personnel applications for City employment are handled by this office, as we positions: Personnel which includes the following City Clerk, Chief Accountant, Comments n 1988, Deputy i , Budget This Department s budgeted for 7 full-time employees Director of Finance and City Clerk, Director of Personne Clerk, Account Clerk and Senior Clerk. or services. n programs ficant changes sign of office chairs reflect do not this account provides for replacement n terns ne Ii The #517 19BB BUDGET 1:i:E(;)UEST 171, :WO "7 , (-)(')0 :1.70,200 i , BO(~ ~~ , 000 3, 00(') 2 , ~.'jOO 2, 7~!)0 0 6,400 ~~ , ~;OO 22 , (.f~!)0 4,000 4 , (~O0 700 :W0 900 7(~0 700 206, 7:'!)0 BUDGET 1(107 1 ~55 , (-)00 "7 , O(X) 1C12,000 1, ~.'.'i0(-) 3,(-)00 2,400 2, ~:.:i(-)0 '1 , 90<:) i 4, 7f;)(~ 6,000 3, ()0(.) ~~~5 , 00(') 4, (->0<:> 4 , 0(~0 700 20(-) 900 400 400 :1.02, :300 CITY ( S(:il... I NA. .........BUDGET RCmJEBT FOH i9BB t~CCr . :II: ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION (.~CTl.JAl.. ACTUI~I 1 (y8~:.'j 1. (tt~c:, CITY CLERK PERSONAL SERVICES 0:'5....120 SALARIES .... F~EGULr-lR E::i'1PI...OYEES i.-'5,494 1 :j4 , (H C:l 03....:1.30 SALARIES -' PAFi:T TIME EJ1PI...OYEES 0 4,921 ACCT....TOTAI...S i 4~::i, 494 i ~"jB , 937 CONTFi:ACTUAL SERV 1 CES 0;3'<~0~.'i TELEPHONE 2 , (.'>6~j 2,47::S 0:.5....20-(' EMPLOYEE: DEVELOPME::NT 3,531 :."5, 290 03....2<->9 POSTAGE 1,9:1.7 2,716 (-):5 .... 2 ~?1 PRINTING OFFICE FCmMS 2,48t i. , 53(11 ()3"<~52 F~r:::PAIf~-Fl.IRNITUf~E ~.. OFF. E(~UIP 1,156 :,:.I,4:\.2 0:'5''''2'14 RENT - MACHINERY & EQUIP 1.4,404 11.,Bi.9 03'-~!9i AUDITING 6s ACCOUNTING BERVICI: 6,~j00 6,(-)00 03....295 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 3 , 59~~ 4, U.tl ACCT....TCHfiL.S :36,247 34,36:'.'i MATERIALS 1.. SUPPLIE8 0;5....320 OFFICE SUF'F'I...IEB ~5, 451 ;5, 79~i ACCT....TOT(-~LG ~5, 451 3,"195 SUNI>f~Y EXF-'END 1 Tl.IFi:E::S 0;3-'A~55 OI:<:GANIZATIONAI... DUES 6 "'"PI ~:,7 6 . ...J,.:,.. (-)~5 .... 43 (7 REFUNDS 33 0 ACCT....TOTALS 685 ~H6 CAPITAL OUTLAY 0;:~""~5i 7 OFFICE MECHANICAL EQUIP ;'!i75 ~'i"l1 ACCT....T(]TAJ...~J ~n5 571, DEPT....TOlAI..B 1 au J ~:~52 i'tB,244 9 o ANNUAL BUDGET 1988 BUDGET COMMENTS CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS LEGAL DEPARTMENT services are provided by the legal department to the City Commission, City Manager, adminis- and advisory commissions on a variety of municipal matters. These services include legal preparation of ordinances, resolutions, contracts and agreements. The City Attorney represents n litigation, including condemnation action and prosecution. General legal trative staff opinions, the City The City Attorney and City Prosecutor work on a part-time basis for normal legal work connected with City business and Municipal Court prosecutions. Other specific legal services are rendered at an hourly rate. Planning Commission and Board of The City Prosecutor is the attorney The City Attorney normally attends all meetings of the City Commission Zoning Appeals and attends advisory commission meetings upon request. for Municipal Court. basIs retainer s compensated on a Comments The City Attorney City may be a party. Budget There are no full-time personnel in this account. $6,000 is included in #296 for lawsuits in which the #296 is increased by $5,000 to reflect the cost of appeals from decisions by the Municipal Court. With the greatly increased attention given to the drunken driver problem, including stronger sentences, the number of appeals to District Court of driving-while-intoxicated convictions has grown substantially. For example, approximately a dozen cases are now appealed annually, with about half that number going to trial. The City Prosecutor is paid separately for these appeals. t 9BB BUDGE:T F~Er.H.JEST (-) i 7 , i O() i .., , i 00 43 , ~mo 43, f-iOO 2 , (,)(=)0 2 , (-)00 62,600 BUDGE'} i 9f:l7 0 :1.6,"'140 16,740 ;~7 , 720 ~5'( ,720 ~! , 000 2 , (~00 t'i6 , 460 CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST FOR 1980 ACCT.::: ACCOUNT l)E8CI;~II:'n:(]N (-)CTUAL. ACTUAL 190::;; 1<7B6 L..EGAI. PERSONAL SERVICES 04....:1. :;'~f;) SALARIES .... Fi:EGULAF< EI-iPUIYEES :27, 958 0 04....130 SAL.ARlES '''' PI-lRT TIME EI'1PLOYEES 16,130 ic),6i!.'.'j ACCl.... TOTALfJ 44.088 ib,6j.5 CONTfi:ACTLJAL SEHVICES (-)4....296 I...E:GAL. SEJ:i:V I CE:S 4,050 ;'57, 3:'56 ACCT....TOIALS 4,05(0) ;'5'1 , ::~!.'.:i6 MATEFUALS Ix SLJPF'l..IE:S 04....~33i BOOKS ~ PERIODICALS :I. ,968 j, , 6~)7 ACCT....TOTALS 1,968 1,607 DEPT....TOTALS ~'j(~, :t 06 5~::; , ti78 11 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 1988 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET COMMENTS misdemeanor hears me basIs, MUNICIPAL COURT The Municipal Court, presided over by the MUnicipal Judge serving on a part-t cases. A great majority of the cases are traffic offenses. The full-time personnel are under the supervision of the Police Department's Administrative Division. Process-serving and bailiff services are provided by the Saline County Sheriff's Office under an agreement between the City and County adopted in 1986. Funds for this agreement are in the City Commission budget account 211. fees. costs and cou rt fines, Y In of $360,000 annua n excess collects Court Municlpa The Comments Budget Clerk Aide and Prlnclpa Administrative nClude me personnel -t Fu These Cou rt. District the tness fees. #430 By state law, on each DWI conviction, $85 is collected and remitted to funds go to the Central Kansas Foundation for Alcohol and Chemical Dependency and w periodic services of a Judge Pro Tern provides for #295 2 19BB BUDGET m::(JUEST 4'1 , 4~'S~) 47,430 ::.~, 100 1,20(-) :3 , 0(-)0 61, 300 400 j. , 00(-) 1,400 :1.8,200 :I.B, :'WO (~ (.) 7:5.410 Bun GET j,90'i' i~3, 1 '7(~ 43, j.70 2, i 80 i,;.WO 2,600 ~5 , 900 400 0 40(-) 10,90(') 10,900 (-) 0 60 , 4~50 CITY OF S('"LINI~'" BUnGET F~EQUEBT For~ 1.9BD (.:'teCT 4 :ll: (.iCCOUNT DE:GCF~ I P T ION (.iCTUAL t.C"t I~L j. 9fJ~i t <jiBcI MUNIClf'AL COURT' PERSONAL SERVICES Ot:j....:I.:w SALAR:rf~S -- HEGULAR EJ'W'I...OYEES 41,397 43. 9'~l2 AceT....rcn.Al...b 4j" 397 43,962 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 0:.'.';",,2(-)5 TELEPHONE 1. ::.!81 1,0'14 0~:5""::!::!1 PRINTING OFFICE FC)l:~Jv\S (.?68 1,~'ic)1 05....295 OTHER PROFESS r UNAL SEI--;:V I Cf:"~;) 2,/89 :..~, B:I.6 AeCT.... TOTr-il...b 5,038 ~5, 4~H MATERIALS ~ SLJPt-:'l..IES (~~:.'j""~520 OFFICE SUPPLU:S :":~67 ~5~j7 0::5....~~44 MAINT - VEHICLE & EQUIP 1,000 i , ;3,~4 ACCT....TOTAL.S 1.267 j" 7;~!1 SUNDR Y EXPEND r HIRES 0~:.:i ---4 ;30 FINES REMITTED-DISTRICT C~URT 11, ;'~85 20,375 ACe....... Tc:rr(.\l..b i. 1 , ~~85 20 " :.:r(~~ CAPITAL OUTLAY o :'.'i .... ~~ (.) ~5 EQUIP 450 F.l3 Cl ACC1....TDl(.:lLS 4~j(~ K36 DEPT....TOTAI...H ~:.'.i9 . t:i ~5-' 72, ::'~45 3 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ANNUAL BUDGET 1988 BUDGET COMMENTS DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICES BUILDINGS DIVISION The Buildings Division is for the cost, except utilities, of operating the Police Station, Community Theatre ilnd Art Center. The account also includes the City's share of operating and maintaining the City - County - Board of Education Building. The structure is operated and maintained by a Building Authority comprised of elected representatives of each of the three agencies, pi us one member-at-Iarge selected by the other members. Operation and maintenance costs are shared by the three agencies prorated on the basis of square footage of floor space which each occupies. Saline County utilizes 61,016 square feet or 59.4%, the City of Salina 26,806 square feet or 26. 1 % and USD #305 14,910 square feet or 14.5%. The Water and Sewerage Department pays t of the City's 26.1%. In June 1987, the City Commission authorized an agreement between the City and the Salina Art Center for a private-public partnership. The Center purchased and raised $250,000 in private funds to renovate the Art Center at 243 South Santa Fe. The Center retains ownership of the building and oversees programming. The City is responsible for the routine maintenance and upkeep of the building including utilities. The City has a similar agreement, adopted in 1970, for the Community Theatre at 303 East Iron. Although in this case, the City owns the bui Iding which was built with private funds. The care and maintenance of the Police Station, 225 North 10th, is also in this account. The utilities for the three buildings--Police Station Community Theatre and Art Center--are ncluded in the Utility Fund. Center. reflect the anticipated needs at the Art to ncreased Materials and supplies are Comments Bud_get -time Custodians. two fu The fund includes Engmeermg the n carpeting and buildings City a of maintenance #251 provides for norma Plannmg and Inspection area of City-Cou nty- Boa rd the of maintenance and operation for #299 The City's 26.1 % or $68. OOG Education Building appears here. 4 1908 BUDGET F:t:::r.H.lr:::ST 2(3,590 4,000 32 , ~;~")0 0 1.0,000 2,500 70,000 82 , ~i(')0 :2, I.l00 2,600 j,,600 500 800 8,100 12:3, ~. ~j.l(.) BUDGET i.98'7 '.:?,'7, 200 ~) 27,200 0 6,1.40 2,000 70 , (~00 78,l40 600 '750 510 500 ;'~00 2,660 1(-)8,000 CITY OF SALINA. .-:BUDGI::T F\J:QUEnT FOR :1.9"30 AeCT . ::' ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL 1.985 1. 98<!) f.IU I 1...1) I NG 8 PERSONAL SERYICES o f.)"" j, ::?0 SALARIES - REGlLAR EMPLOYEES ~~~f.), (-) 16 :;>f), 768 0b-'j, ;'50 SALARIES - PART TIME EMPLOYEES 0 (-) ACCT....TDTAI...S 26,01.6 ~:,lt:), 768 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES (.) 6"-::.~ ::.~ f:) INSURANCE -. FIRE :~;;~ I 12::~ 2<)>,679 06'-'~)~.:i 1, REPAIR - BUILDINGS 5 , 6;'~5 ~:;. 704 (.)6"<'~9~5 OTHER PROFESSIONAl... SERVICES :1.,117 2,406 (-)6-,2<19 OTHER CONTF<ACTUAL. SERY ICES 64,068 69,409 ACCT,..TOTAI...S 93, '"142 1.07, :ISO MATERIAL.S & Sl~PLIE8 (')6"-;34~5 ,JANITOR f:.. TOILET BUPPL1E:S 499 840 0b'-:3!.'.'i9 OTHEr, OPERATING SlJPPL.IES 486 ~'S~57 0<!1"-:-~67 ELECTRICAL & LIGHTING PARTS 58:3 ~j90 06....371 I...UMBER & LUMBER PRODUCTS 707 ;'520 06....::,.H:l1 PAINT & PAINTING MATERIALS 1.92 ~?:"5 2 ACC1....TOTALt; 2,467 2 , ~.:;39 I>EPT.... TOT AI..~. 12~.~ , ;;?25 1. 3 6 , ~;()~.'; 5 1988 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET COMMENTS CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS mprovements and munlcipa a that GINEERING DEPARTMENT The Engineering Department protects the public interest by assuring facilities are constructed in accordance with established standards. The Engineering Department coordinates all engineering services related to development projects during both planning and construction stages. Direct supervision and review of work performed by consulting engineers are also done by the City Engineer and department staff. Proper engineering data is formulated to meet the requirements of project feasibility reports, design considerations, final plans and specifications and other planning and engineering procedures. Engineering supervision is given to municipal improvement projects: analyzing bids, supervising construction, certifying progress of construction and recommending acceptance of work done by a contractor. Depending upon the size of an improvement project, these services may be performed in-house or rendered by engineering consultants or by a combination of the two. Comments The Department has 6 full-time employees: Assistant Director of Engineering and Utilities, Senior Engineering Technician, Engineering Technician, Senior Engineering Aide (2) and Senior Clerk. The City Engineer's salary is included in the Water and Sewerage Department. because he also is Director of Utilities. The Assistant City Engineer also serves as Assistant Director of Utilities, and a portion of that salary is included in that utility's budget. range survey chainS as such equipment engineering #503 provides for the replacement of miscellaneous poles, survey rods and lettering equipment. 6 EN Budget 190B BUDGET I:~EQLJEST :I, 2;.~ , 400 0 122.4BO 2,920 :i. , 400 600 480 ~:j , 400 ~340 2, 1 :30 4.710 -, , 3El0 B00 BOO 5~:.'iO ~"5 ~~j 0 136,610 BUJ)GL~~T 19137 1 ~50 , 9€l0 0 L50, 'JB(-) 1 , 9~!0 1 , 2~:;0 ::,:;50 ~.'jl)O 4,2B0 ~540 2, 2(')(-) 4,660 7,400 n5(,) 750 70(-) 70H 144,110 CITY OJ StiLl N(:'.\, ...........,Bl.WGET RErJUEBT FUji: :t9f:l8 FICCT . :;: ACCOUNT DESU;:IPTIOi'~ ACTUAL (:ICTW~L. 1. 9B~j j, (h~ (.) ENG 1 i-.JEEIi: ING PERSONAL SERVICES 07,-,120 SALARIES - I;;:E:GULM~ ENPUJYEES 130, 3~19 129 , ~j06 0'7--130 SALAFUES -. PART TIME L:;:NPLOYEES 0 0 ACCT....TOTALS i :'50, 389 j, ~~~9 , ~:j06 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 07'-:;~05 TELEPHfJNI:: 2,000 1. , 40'" 07-"''2,(H E~1PLOYEE DEVELOPHENT 1,061 1,:1.1.>2 O'7....2~j2 F~E:PAIR - FURNI TURI:., OFFICE E(;~l.JI ....~TI ~:j~59 o "("":?99 OTHER CONTF~ACTl.JAL SEfNICES 526 ....~,~9 ACCT....TO.fAI...S 3,964 3,497 MA TEFU AU) a. SUPPL. I ES 07-.<520 OFFICE SUPPLIES 5'76 ~;jfJ2 07....3:.55 DRAFTING & ENGRS. S~~PLIES 1,083 :I. , 901 0'('-"344 MAINT - VEHICLE & EQUIP ~j , t'i11 4, 9i:~ ACCT....TOTAI...S '7 , 9'70 7,:':W5 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 0./....435 Of~GANrZATIONAL DUES 597 6~S7 AceT.... Hrr.~I..S ~59'7 (.; ::)"7 CAPITAL OUTL.AY 07....503 ENGINEERING EQUIP. :579 3'/4 ACCT....TO.I.AI..~; 379 ~514 DEf.T....TOTAU 143,299 14l J 42(1 7 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 1988 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET COMMENTS FIRE DEPARTMENT The Fire Department shares n the oca responsibility for protecting of lives and property. Through n- spections, public education programs and enforcement of various codes, many hazardous conditions are prevented or detected and corrected. The prevention of fires and explosions is the utmost priority of the Fire Department. The Fire Department maintains high-level readiness for prompt and efficient response to fires emergency medical calls and other types of emergencies The Fire Department operates from four fire station locations, providing rescue and fire suppression city- wide and into certain areas of the county by contract and on special assistance. The Emergency Medical Services, a paramedic level of care, is operated by the Fire Department on a county-wide basis providing both nonemergency and emergency care. Primary response units are located in two stations, and the department assists with a fire fir'st responder on life-threatening calls to reduce run time and for additional manning within the city. The Fire Department s organized into five divisions to carry out its multifaceted roles. The Division of Fire Prevention enforces fire codes, conducts inspections and reviews plans. The Division of Emergency Medical Services ensures proper medical patient care and acts as liaison with state and local medical groups for compliance with Emergency Medical Service standards, laws and local responsibilities. The Division of Training ensures the training of all employees, both in-service and by attendance in out of department schools and seminars. The Division of Operations includes the daily delivery of rescue, fire suppression and emergency medical services to the citizens of Saline County and the City of Salina and the maintenance and care of buildings, equi-pment and vehicles. The Division of Administration coordinates all of these activities into a unified effort. All divisions are supportive of the public education role of the Fire Department. The Fire Department provides fire protection services on a contract basis to commercial and residential property outside the City limits. In 1988, these fire contracts will generate approximately $141,500 Comments Budget Administrative Aide Public Educator Senior Clerk me personne Division Chiefs (3) Lieutenants (16) Engineer (20) -t has 70 fu Fire Chief Captain (3) Inspector (3) Firefighter (21 The Department 8 T 1988 BUDGE REQUEST BUDGET 19E17 CITY OF SALIllf~''''''''''--'-'Bl.Jl)GET I;:EQUE8T FOR i9b8 ACCOUNT DESCIUPTION ACTUAL. ACTU(.iL 19B5 1'186 .R. 'II' ACCT 1,569,070 o 1,569,070 1,524,980 6 , (')(-)0 i , 5:30 , 980 000 00(-) 6~,'j0 700 o 900 800 400 550 () 8 .f')J::' ..~."",I , 1, 3, ~:. ,;J , 0(')(-) (-)0(-) 6 ~;(-) 700 o 900 a00 400 fJ0(-) 6 8 ;34 1 3 ~) i , 44~3, 905 461j. i, 444, 3,'!>6 4,960 6,541 ~;10 "169 2,(J, ~~(Ul 2t3, ~AO :I. ,41.6 2,660 ~;j , 486 74,88B j, , ~35t3 , (;)1j/5 :3 , (:}45 L :361 '140 F' Ifi:E PEHSONAL SEJWICES SAL.ARIES .- 1~E:GULAr~ E:i.1PLOYEES SALARIES - PART TIME EMPLOYEES 0B.... i 20 08....1::5(-) TOT(~L t'1CCT 537 422 368 396 23'( 693 659 404 99'7 ~3 o 10 34 2 r::- .J EGJU]: P CONTFi:ACTUAL SEr-i:VrCES H::LEF'HONE e:MPLOYEE DE:VELOj='MENT POSTAGE PRINTING OfFICL~: FORMG INSURANCE REPAIR - BUILDINGS fi:EF'AIR--FURNITUFi:E & OFF REPAIR - RADIO EQUIP OTHER PROFESSIONAl.. BI::J=i:VI 08-205 0B-207 08-209 0B-221 08-232 08-251 08-252 OB-257 08-295 :r;;:s 0(-)0 800 ~.l)00 000 000 000 ;300 20(-) 600 900 (;)()O ::W0 "(<:)0 800 000 ~3 ~:j0 8(-)0 &:;"') ..J.... , 1. , i, i, I'" .:II ~H , ") .:.., 21, :-5, i ;3 ,oS '7 2~50 f:~00 300 000 000 000 :300 ::?00 ,.; 0 (.) '100 ()00 ~500 '700 800 ()OO ;350 800 61 1 1 1 ",. ", :'5:1. 2 2:1. 3 6 7 1 ~5 0~!O 230 13~5 (-):'~9 164 2(-)5 OEl8 74:':'; 698 7B9 ~;~55 40B 774 () ~'j 4 c!194 774 :I. , 1, i, "'. 10.1 I :~~ t:) I ':l ...:.. I ~~~ j. I ") .,<- I i. 4 1;;4 ,J 713 438 321 994 633 156 789 740 966 83'7 896 .( '")C:' \to),:..__' 609 19~i ~~4f.1 ,~20 150 618, '") ..., 4 30 1 i8 2 1 1 ;3 I::' ,;J TOTAL!; nup ON Acel MATEfUAL.S lx SUPF'LIES EXPE:NDABLE TOOLS OFFICE SUPPLIES BCmKS & PERIODICALS JANITOR lx TOILET SUPPLIES MAINT - VEHICLES & E:(~UIP SEDDS, PLANTS, TREES,L~MN WEAfaNG APF'I~REL OTHER OPf'::RATING SUPPLIES ELECTRICAL & L.IGHTING PARTS LUMBER lx LUMBEI=i: Ph:ODUCTB MACHINERY & EQUIP. METAL & METAl.. PHODUCT!:) PAINT 6. PAINTING MATEHU~LB TRAINING EQUIP 6. BLJPPL..IES FIRE PREVENTION & INSPECTJ WELDING S~~PLIES 08....3:1.0 08"-3~!0 0a-"~Bi (-)O....~543 08"-~i44 08,...351 (-)8....3:7i5 0B"<5~59 08-';J6 -{ 08,,-371 0a....:37~5 0a"-~5't'5 08"-~581 (}B....38~5 00-;384 08'-39~5 9 20 1988 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET COMMENTS CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS conferences (continued FIRE DEPARTMENT for #207 provides department. the upstairs of outside carpet programs tchen k ng refloor n tra overhead doors in Station 12. and severa #251 includes the following projects: replace front hallway in Station #1, replace refrigerator and generator n on particlpat slllg advert ngUlshers, fi re ext and paks air such as testing of cants for employment #295 provides for several services, personnel vacancies and testing of app This is established at replacement of jackets. for all Fire personne.. udes funds for a two-year Ii lowance and brass insignia In addition, the account inc a provides a clothing per person per year. #355 $200 nspection suppl ies. 1384 provides for fire prevention and and accessories tool equipment hurst es nozz toolS and other equipment. adaptors, COUPI IIlgs replacements II of sma lows for replacement #507 allows for fire hose and exhaust fans. a #503 and dryer and clothes #1 Stat for refrigerator TV, chairs tchen k of replacement for #509 provides washer on for fire personne protective equipment 1514 provides lows purchase of recorder and computer termma portable radios ows purchase of a a #517 #519 1988 BUDGET REQ~~ST Ol;)0 05G ~.'i00 500 ~5(-)0 2(-)0 390 100 ~'j00 ~~ () 0 890 ::H 0 ., 90, ") ~'.. , H, 6, '7, :3, ,S I :'~~'5 74-~:.'i j. BUDGET t9Br 2,0(-)0 90,050 :..::;00 t'j0~) 3,150 14,000 4,300 8, j,00 1 , ~:j~5(-) 1, 9(~0 :33, ()O~) j. , 715,780 CITY f SAL.. I NA,.. BUDGET REQUEST FOR j. 98~1 ACCOUNT Df.::SCFi:IPTI0N (..CTUAL I~CTl.J(~IL. :1.98:::; 1986 OTHEF~ REPAIF~8 -.. MAINTEN(:~NCE 1,334 :2,1tI0 ACCT....TOTALS 78,05i 79, ~,:;:lO SUNDI~Y EXPE:NDITLJHES OHGANIZATIONAI... I)UES 260 ~533 ACCT....TDTALS 260 ~~:j:3 :'5 CAF'ITt'iL OUTLAY EQUIF' . 1 , 7"70 69B FIRE FIGKrING EQUIP j.1,142 1:'5,149 FUI=<NITlJRE ~ FIXTURES 4,744 3,940 F'EI~SONNEL F'fmTE:~CTrVE E:QUlf'.. 7 , :'~0e; 8 , ';,.~(n OFFIce: MECH. EQUIP. 8t ::r-?O RADIO Ef,)t.JIP 3 , f336 i , 3~:jO ACCT...TOTAL.S 28, TlfJ 27, '/14 I>EPT....TOTf.,LB 1, 538, ~542 j" 6::n, 011J .... T 08....399 08"-4:35 OO-~3 08-507 08-509 08-514 00-517 08-519 21 Acel CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 1988 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET COMMENTS DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PERMIT AND INSPECTION DIVISION This Division was previously called the Permit and Inspection Department. n 1982, this program became a part of the Department of Community Development in order to provide a more effective level of supervision and administration and to increase coordination between the permit and inspection activities and related func- tions. The Division is responsible for the administration and enforcement of the City's zoning ordinance, mechanical, housing, building, plumbing, electrical and related codes. The Permit and Inspection Division issues construction permits, reviews plans for proposed buildings, recommends revisions in codes, inspects construction sites to insure code compliance and maintains complete records on permits and applications. The Division works closely with Police, Fire and Health Departments and other public agencies in the area of public safety. The activities of this Division are under supervision of the Director of Community Development. One of the ncentives in the enterprise zone IS the waiver of building permit fees from $12,000 to $15,000 a year. This building activity in the zone. In 1983, the City created an enterprise zone. building permit fees. These waivers reduce amount varies considerably depending upon th~ Principal Clerk. to reduce travel Inspector (2) and are cross-tramed Building field, al Comments There are 4 full-time employees: Chief Building Official, Although each of the inspectors specializes in a particular throughout the City and to best utilize staff time. arid other financed by building s 97%, or approximatelY $100,000 the General Fund. Of this department's $102,800 budget, permit fees. The remainder comes from transportation a be paid w Field personne ty use onlY. C #344 is reduced to allow for one vehicle for allowance from Contingencies in 1988. 22 Budget 988 BUDGEl REQlH~ST t38, 4;'50 5,200 93, 6:30 2 I El~:.'iO j, , ~~j()O 4 eiO 400 2~i0 2,700 8, 1 ~'i0 1,000 700 3(')0 2/000 2~5(~ ~~~50 0 0 0 104, (-):30 1 BUDGET j.9f.fl B4 , ~500 ~') , (')00 B9 , 30~) :3 I (;)00 1,700 ~:.'jOO ~;.:iO 0 ~.'j0(;) :I. , nO(-) Ell (-)(-)0 1,::.!00 7~j(-) B00 2 , 7~:j0 :"500 ::~ (;) (-) 7~S0 () 750 101,iOO CITY (] SAl.. I NA. BUDGET 1:;:1:::f~lUF~:;T FOH i9f.lH ACCT.:U: ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION I~CTUAL tICTU(ljL. 198~:i 1986 PERMITS & INSPECTIONS PERSONAL SERVICES 09-..j.20 SALARIES - REG~_AR EMPL.OYEES 15,726 F.lO, T:5~5 09....1~50 SALARIES -. F'Af,T TIME EMF'L.UI'EE8 (:) 0 ACCT....TOT(.ltL.S 75, 7~?6 HO,733 CONTF;:ACTUAl. SE}WICES 09...-:W5 TELEF'HONE ~5 , 485 2,EH6 09....~W7 EMPLOYEE DEVELrn~MENT 3:37 j, , 878 09-2011 POSTAGE 432 .126 09-"~!2i PtUNTING OFFICE Fmi:l"H:; 355 38:5 09"<~57 REPAIR - RADIO EQUIP. 121 0 09....:;:(79 OTHER CONTRACTUAL.. SEfNICE(; 0 4,079 ACCT....TOTAL.b 4,730 9, f.jB4 MATEFUALS & SLJPF:'I...IES 011--320 OFFICE SUPF'I._IES 3,71<-) 1,634 09....;331 BOOKS & PERIODICAL.S :I., 31::! L010 09,,-344 MAINT - VEHICLES & EQUIP -, , 063 4,423 ACCT....TCl'j"f.lll...f :\.2,0at; 7,067 SUNDRY EXF'ENDITtJRI:::S 0IY....4:..55 ORGANIZATIONAL DUES 2f.i0 ::!.:.W ACCT....TO.'...'iU 250 22(-) 09"-~:i(X5 E(;'\lHP 0 (-) ()9-"~'i19 ~l:ADIOS 0 j , :'.:,90 ACCT....TOT(.l\l...f 0 i.,:;':i90 DEPT....TOTAI..~ 92,791. 99, 194 23 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 24 1988 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET COMMENTS DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES - PARK DIVISION The Park Division is responsible for the maintenance of all park grounds and landscaping, including parkways and landscaped median strips, in the City. In addition to caring for the grounds, the Division operates and maintains all buildings and facilities related to the parks. These include the Lakewood Lodge, the Kiva in Thomas Park, maintenance buildings in Oakdale and Sunset Parks, the former Stimmel School and numerous facilities such as tennis courts, picnic shelters and playground equipment. The Division has the responsibility for supervising the neighborhood centers, swimming pools and the downtown public areas. The Division maintains the grounds of the Salina Bicentennial Center, Community Theater and the Smoky Hill Museum. In 1987, this Division assumed the major responsibility for the care and maintenance of the Downtown Improvement Project. This project requires extensive maintenance for its many plants, trees, lights and public places. This amount will fund of an expanded tree and care of the forestry program begun last year. seasonal help and the continuation $17,000 to help finance the maintenance expand the modest some part-time also includes This budget includes $35,000 to a full-time forester position, planting program. The fund downtown public areas. acres. 61 630 ng Ii tota parks y owns 23 ty present C The Comments This Division has 15 full-time employees: Parks Superintendent, Assistant Park Superintendent, Forester I Garage Mechanic, Lead Maintenance Worker (5), Maintenance Worker (3) and Laborer (3). Because a great deal of the park work must be done during the spring and summer months, seasonal or part-time personnel are used extensively. For 1988, a full-time Forester is provided to oversee the care and maintenance of the downtown project and the City's forestry program. Budget ty forestry program. the C nCludes supplies for #359 edgers and pump. 2 weedeaters I 4 m mowers, of radio. tr of 3 provides for replacement #519 provides for replacement #503 1988 BUDGET REQU~BT 2'71,7:1,0 9~:'i, c!)0H ~56~.'j. 310 i,20(-) 6(-)0 2,<100 ~.:;,000 1,100 4,400 14,300 :l , 00~) 4(-)0 7,000 :2, j.00 ~~3 , (-)00 4 , 0(-)0 24, 0~)0 9,4(-)0 1 , 0(:>0 i , 0(~0 1,200 2,200 1. , 200 87 , ~500 4, 100 i , 2(-)0 ~3 , 30(-) 472,4H) BUDGE'} 19B7 222,740 B8, 2(')(') 310, ')4(-) 1,200 600 2,000 1, 40(') 1,100 4,400 10,"100 1, ~5(~O 400 7,000 2, 100 3:1., 4(~0 4,000 13,000 8 , ~)OO 3 , 0(~0 j" (-)00 1 , 2(-)0 2 , ;~~00 1, :,:!00 7Cl,000 311 , O(~O 1 , ~;j0(') 40, ;'500 4~:S7 , 940 CITY OF SALIHA--- BUDGET REQUEST FOR 19813 ACCl.:Jl: ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION f),CTlJAL FICTU(,L. 1'YB5 il/B6 f'ARK PERSONAL SERVICES 10....120 SALARIES - REGULAR EMPLOYEES :->09,001 221, 07(') 1. 0....1 :3(-) SF.l...ARIES -. f'ART TIME Et1F'I..UYE:U;) 86,409 B~:.'i , '7B4 F.CCT....TOTAL. S 2(15,410 306,O~4 C(JNn~ACTUAL SEFW ICES 1 0....~!O~5 TELEF'HUNE 1,062 i ,2;30 i0"-~~(H EMF~OYEE DEVELOPMENT 60 ~572 10....241 GAS SEFWICF.~ 1 , ()36 j, , 4114 10"-2~5i REPAIR - BUILDINGS 2~50 1,894 10....217.7 S.OLID WASTE: !HSF'OSAL 1 , ~)i0 ~'j~.'j0 i 0....299 OlHE:~R CONTRACTUAl.. SEf~VICES 5,182 ::~ I ~5t)~-:; ACCT,.. TOT fiLS 9,4B0 B, :125 MATEJi:IAl.S ~ SUPPI...IEH 10..<51 0 EXPENDABLE TOOLS 1,633 i. I ~2~:.)5 10....:3:20 OFFICE SUPPLIES 23'7 563 :I, O-"3~5~5 CHEMICALS, DRUGS lx ETC. 6,057 :5, 72:3 i 0-,,34:5 .JANITOR ~ TOIL.ET tiLJF'PI...IES 2,B41 2,30(-) 10....344 MAINT - VEHICLES & EQUIP :'55, 329 ~~:;:; , 068 iO..<H9 fi:E:CREA T IONAL. SLJPF'L. I E S 4, ~542 i } (19'7 i0....3~H SEEDS, F'LANTS, THE:E~S, LIll,JN SUF 9, 186 B, 3(jl;3 10,<559 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES 9,386 1 () } 3~";~,'j i. (-)....365 CEMENT & CEMENT PRODUCTS 678 ::ii 2 10-..367 ELECTRICAL & LIGHTING PARTS :"~,HH 1,31(0) 10....3.71 LUMBEf~ ~ LW1E<<Eli PF~()DUCT!;; 1,270 :t.,OB9 j,(~"-:381 PAINT ~ PAINTING MATERIM_S 2,2(H i.,9i;':! 1 ~)'''';'587 S?)ND, Gfi:AVEI... , Fi:OCI( & C 1-1 1'1 T 374 :I. , ~~(-)6 ACCT....T(]TAI...~) 76,521 bH, BB:3 CAPITAL OUTL..AY 1 0'-'50~5 EQUIP 1:5 , '(~5~.'j 3<1 , 9a~::; i o-..ej j, ''/ RADIO EQUIP 1, 45<y :1.5'7 ACCT....TOTALS 15, j,94 '10,142 25 DEPT...,TDTAL.G 396,605 4::'~4 , 004 26 1988 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET COMMENTS CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS POLICE DEPARTMENT The Police Department is responsible for the protection of life and property. The prevention of crime: and traffic offenses is the Department IS first obligation. I nvestigation of crimes, apprehension of offenders, enforcement of laws and ordinances, control of traffic and crowds, maintaining reliable records and the operation of an elaborate communication system are other important responsibilities. In addition to these primary activities, the Department performs innumerable services in the interest of protection, safety and convenience to the public. The Department maintains close liaison with other law enforcement agencies throughout the state, Saline County and neighboring communities. Police personnel respond to calls for medical assistance, industrial accidents, natural disasters, aids to other departments, house checks and other calls for service or assistance to the public. The Departmentls Administrative Division supervises the non-judicial personnel in the Municipal Court. In striving to make Salina a safe community, police personnel maintain high VISibility and frequent contact with the general public. The success of the Department is dependent to a great extent on the degree of support, cooperation and assistance it receives from the general public. Both the public and the Department deserve credit for a good working relationship, one which continues to make Salina a safe and enjoyable community in which to live, work and play. Comments Budget (40) ce officers Lieutenant (6) Sergeant (7) Police Officer po 59 nCluding me personne Police Chief Assistant Police Chief Captain (3) Environmental Protection Officer -t has 66 fu Department The Police ble respons additional officer, the Environmental Protection Officer, who s that relate to the upkeep and maintenance of private property. The budget includes funds for 1 for enforcing the City ordinances Senior Operator Processing Equipment Data Senior Administrative Aide pment Operator (2). full-time personnel include: (2) and Data Processing Equ Other Clerk State the by required the ng dur personne s Clerlca training temporary This and officers. months 9 of for training guard hours rlg 40 SChool-cross for funds one for #120 includes LegiSlature. #130 provides summer. :I. <inB BunGEr I:~E(~UEST BUDGET i.98'7 1,474,560 3,480 1.478,040 (-) (-) 0 (')00 000 000 0(-)0 4~:'j0 000 0(,)0 4(-)0 0(,)0 ~)00 700 1:'~ I ~5 , :5, '7, ~:5 , 11., 10, 1~.'i , ::~ 9 :3 :I, , 411, 2f.W 3,48(-) 1 , 4:1.4 , '760 9 , 90(-) 5 , 00(-) 3 , ~)0(-) ., , (-)(')0 5,000 9,00H 9,BOO :1,5,000 1.0,000 2,000 7,(-)00 B,OOO 90, 70() ~j50 000 00(-) ~j00 000 000 5~50 500 :':'~00 500 400 ~:.;00 000 :I.~:,'j0 j, ly9 300 i.'l3 ACTUAL i9H6 j ,419, (.)"('8 2, C;'07 1,421,985 1B,534 4,447 286 6, 1 Tl 4, '716 l::;,360 i.0,738 1. 1,67'7 i. j , 424 i , :1..34 1. 1 ,5tH U. , i.~'j4 10"1,234 i. , 60~5 6,670 1,970 2,lH2 102,0'19 :~'(, 41,9 3,483 ....)1::. ..:......J 1 , :~:'58 :?>O5 4, (,71 16,66B 16't,265 19E$8 FUR 83, 1 U. :I. ':1 ,... 1:1,0 ~~7 "7 ,m ;;, 2~:~ HE(;:'UEST ACTUAL :1.985 1,316,913 ~!),83:2 i,320,745 21,740 ~~ , ~j2a :2 , ~j90 .., , 338 7,216 7,935 9,693 13,058 :1.0, :348 1,906 7,400 7 , ;':.~68 99,020 1,021 8,417 :I . "lr) .,0.-...._ 2,247 1i0,419 22,590 :3,:'524 170 154 741 5,''(80 i 6, i 38 i 7~5 , 22~5 SAL.. I Uf1.-..............., fllJDGET DEBCIUF'TION OF CITY ACCOUNT .... 'II' f:1CCT POL.ICE PEHSONAL SEFi:V I ce:s 1 :1.....:1.20 SALARIES - REGUL.AR EMPLOYEES 11.....130 SALARIES F'AFn TIME EHPI...OYEES ACCT....TOTAL.B n: E(~ll. :CE :Etl P. SEfi:V SEJi:V I CONTf~ACTUAL TE1..EPHONE EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT POSTAGE FEED PRISONERS PRINTING OFFICE FOF~MS REPAIR - BUIL.DINGS F~EPAIR"-FlJRNITl.JI:;:E & OFF REPAIR-RADIO EQUIP. RENT""MACHINERY & EQLJ: MEDICAL SERVICES OTHER PROFE:SS I DNAL (JTHEF~ CONTR.e.CTUAL SEHVICES 11-205 11-207 11-209 11-217 11-221 11-251 11-252 11-257 11-274 11-290 11-295 11-299 ,00(:) , ~:;00 ,~.'j00 ,000 , ::~0(-) ,BOO , t:j(-)0 :3(-)0 , ~::j0<:) 400 ~,'jOO 000 1 -, 1 2 90 ~39 3 1:.- .,.) 20 1 AU3 MATE~UAL.S & SUPPLIES EXPENDABLE TOOL.S OFFICE SUPPLIES BOOKS & PERIODICALS JANITOR & TOILET SUPPLIES MAINT -' VEHICLES to [:W.lIP WEAFUNG AF'F'AI~EL. OTHER OF'E:RATING SUPf:'I...IEB ELECTRICAL & LIGHTING PAR' L.UMBER & LUi'1BEJ~ PI:WDUCTS PAINT 6. PAINTING BUFPLIES F'HOTOGRAPHY MATERIALS TRAINING & TRAINING SUPPLI T TO f:1CCT 11-310 11-320 11-331 11-343 11-344 11-355 11-359 11-367 11-371 11-381 11-382 11-383 ~:s AU, TOT AceT 27 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS BUDGET COMMENTS 1988 ANNUAL BUDGET POLICE DEPARTMENT (continued) #217 is paid to the Saline County Sheriff for the feeding of prisoners. That amount is $5 per day per prisoner. #251 includes the $4,000 to improve the venting of the copying room and restrooms. #355 provides $350 per officer for replacement of uniforms and $250 per year per officer for cleaning of uniforms. #383 includes normal training items, plus assistance with the cost of attending local colleges for Police Officers working toward a criminal justice degree. #447 transfers $50,000 to equipment reserve fund for replacement of 8 black-and-white vehicles in 1988. New vehicles are replaced in alternate years at an estimated cost of $100,000. #503 allows purchase of copying machine and microfilm equipment to be shared with Saline COllnty, with the County paying one-half of cost. #514 provides for leather gear replacement and 40 bulletproof vests. #517 provides for typewriter for Detectives and chair replacement. #519 allows for replacement of 10 walkie-talkies and one-half cost of satellite dish to be used for training purposes (shared with Saline County Sheriff's Office). 28 lliBl3 BUDGET F~E[JUEfn 950 ~50 , 0()(-) 5(~ , 9~':;0 0 0 0 B,100 2,000 B,000 ~U3, 100 j. , B21;> , 7<"10 BUDG i (j)Bl 9~50 ~jO , (.)(~0 t:i0 , 9:.:'iO 14, ~:j50 26,000 0 5,040 2 , ~:j(-)O 4,020 :52,91<-) 1,7U2,620 .II. .... 11'.-435 1 j, --44-' 11-503 11-505 11-509 11-514 11-517 11-519 29 AceT 30 1988 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET COMMENTS DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICES - STREET DIVISION CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS The Street Division s the largest of the several divisions within the Department of General Services and frequently assists or supplements other divisions with personnel and equipment. Responsibilities include all aspects of street cleaning and maintenance. Street, bridges and storm sewers are costly to construct. The cost of maintaining and protecting these facilities has become increasingly burdensome. However, neglect results in far greater costs when replacement or major repair becomes necessary. During winter months, snow removal and ice control are the primary concerns of the Division. Snow removal is handled on a systematic basis. Arterial and main trafficways are cleared first, followed by the collector streets, which connect residential streets with the arterial and main trafficways. Finally, as time permits and conditions require, residential streets are cleared of snow. Intersections, hills and bridges are watched closely for the formation of ice. Salt and sand are applied as conditions dictate in an effort to help motorists start and stop ilS safely as possible. The first concern of the Street Department in coping with snow and ice on the streets has to be to clear the way for ambulances, police and fire vehicles so they can reach various areas of the community. Comments Director of General Services, Street Superintendent, (2), Equipment Operator (5), Maintenance Worker (11) Budget employees in this Division Senior Maintenance Worker There are 25 full-time Concrete Finisher (4), and Clerk. mamtainers, pumps, Division The Street Division has an inventory in excess of 50 pieces of rolling equipment, includlllg street sweepers, trucks, tractors and mowers and numerous other items such as power saws, snowplows and miscellaneous small equipment. Other than salaries, much of the expense in the comes from operation and maintenance of this equipment. the unspent balance, up to 25%, of a street budget may be transferred recommended that this practice be continued in order to provide funds Under K.S.A. 68-1tl1g, Act 12-447, to a street machinery fund. It is for street equipment replacement. ts. jack un mud 2 jackhammer and mobile radios of 6 provides for replacement #503 19BB BUDGET 1:i:E(;)UEST 443,B10 44~L 810 900 700 1,2"10 ;,:! , B70 2,4:1.0 i,8bO il~5, 740 1.1, 160 t , 2<;)0 4 , ~i<:) (.) i , 4f.,0 ~'.'i, 91.10 6 I ~~B(-) i 4~:) , 6:.'50 12,930 :1.2, 9~50 ~:j, 710 4 , B(-)O H), ~'ji0 61:3,7::'jO BUDGET j.9t:r'? 426,990 426,990 BfjO 1, (-)0(:) 1 , :n0 :3, i 20 2, 'l4~) 1 , ""11';0 j.15,440 5,230 1, ;~00 4/:300 1,b00 7,020 S,4j,(-) 144, '7~5(-) 6,960 6,960 ~j, 100 5,""140 iO,040 5(jl2,640 CITY (: St'lL I NI~ BUDGET REQUESl FOR 1900 PlceT . ;1: ACCOUNT !)ESCI:<IF'TION I~CTUAL ACTUAL. 19B5 11i"fJc, STREET PERSONAL SERVICES 12....120 SALARIES - REGULAR EMPLOYEES 396,896 ~5~~9 , ~:i84 ACCT....TOTAI...S 396, E:196 :5B9 , 5B~l CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 12,,-2(-)5 TELEPHONE 8~57 i , ~~:~2 12....25..' REPAIR - RADIO EQUIP. j. , 463 b59 12-..~~99 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SEJi:V I CE~; 1,a94 11,48:3 ACCT....TOTi~L..B 4, 194 13,364 MA H::R I ALa l.. Sl,JPPL I ES 12....310 E>WENDABI...E TOOLS 2,525 2 , ~5::.!8 i.2"-333 CHEMICALS 504 700 12,,-344 MAINT - VEHICLES & EQUIP 125,086 104,979 12,-359 OTHER OPERATING SUPPl..IEH 4,801 6,705 12....3.71 LUMBER ~ l.W.1BER F'ROI)UClS 530 036 12....:3'73 MACHINERY 6. EfJUIP. F'Mn~;; 3,714 3,914 12....3..,5 METAL ~ METAL PRODUCTS 116 1,660 i 2....3B7 SAND, GRAVEL, ROCK, SALT, CHAT 3, ::.~98 3,090 12....390 SWEEPER PARrs 3,958 5,3<12 ACCT....TOTALS 144,532 129,604 SUNDRY EXPENDITL~i:ES 12'''-44'7 H;:SF TrJ OTHER FUNDS 7,500 40,000 ACCT...TOl(."LE 7 , ej(')0 4<:) , OO() CAPITAL OUTL.AY i 2....~j0:3 EQUIP 0 4,1.99 12-'5i.9 I;:AI)lOS 0 ~-5 .. ~~29 ACCT""TClT(~II.S 0 'I, 42t:! l)EFf .... TO Tt-ILS ~:~:53.. 12~~ b"79, Ijlf:lO 31 1988 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET COMMENTS CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS T Ordinance #8488, passed May 24, 1976, repealed all previous ordinances dealing with human relations The current ordinance prohibits discrimi nation based on race, sex, religion, color, national origin, ancestry, age, physical handicap or marital status in employment, housing, public accommodations and public contracts. ons Commission and the Human Relations Department and defined It further set forth time limits and procedures for the filing Relat ities. the Human responsibil The ordinance established their respective roles and and processing of complaints Fair Housing Investigator and received from the Department Comments Human Relations, is offset by funds n three areas: This contract sex, age and 988. programs tenants. color, 000 in Through a contract agreement with HUD, the Department has developed housing education, enforcement, and technical assistance to landlord, realtors and establishes a referral agreement in processing housing complaints based on race, national origin. The contract provides $500 per case, for a total of approximately $19, 32 HUMAN RELATIONS DEPARTMEN Budget This Department has 3 full-time employees: Director of Senior Clerk. The cost of the Fair Housing Investigator of Housing and Urban Development. 1988 BUDGET REQUEST 6~'5, 320 6:3 , 3~~0 :'5, 000 7,000 -"':30 000 2,500 :1.4,030 7(-)0 6t:i0 i , 3~;;0 0 0 78,700 BUDGET 1987 59 , ~520 59 , ~~2(-) ~5 , 200 4,000 1 , (')(-)0 1,200 2, :::j00 11,900 7(-)0 1,050 :I., "15(-) 1, ~j00 1, ~.'j00 74,470 CITY 01 l3AL. I i'JA BUDGET REQUEST FOR ;J,9BB ACCl.:;: ACCOUNT ru~SCRIPTION .::.CTlJAL ACTUAL. i. I.i>B~.'.i i986 HUMAN f~ELATIONS I::'EHSONAL SEHVICES 1~5""i20 SALAFaES .-. f~EGULAI=~ EMPUJYEElJ :'58 I 00Cy :39 , 48(~ ACCT....TOTt-.U:) :~8 , ()09 :39, 4HO CONn~ACTUAl. SEfi:V 1 CES 1 ~5'''':':'~O5 TEl..EF'HONE: 2,B79 ~5 , 0a4 1:3....20'7 ENPU1YE:E DEVELOPMENT 4,69', 4,328 13,-,209 POSTAGE (142 1.)09 L3"-~~21 PRINTING OFFICE FORMB B(-)0 L 112 L5"-~~95 Oll-lER F'1i:OFESSIONAL SERVICES 9E}9 892 ACCT....TOTI~LS i.(-),207 ;.0 1025 MATERIAl.S ~ SUPPLIES 1:3,,-320 OFFICE SUPPLIEB "~!9 726 13,-331 BOOKS & PERIODICALS 1 , 1 1/5 B20 ACCT-... TOT AI.J:1 1,924 1, ~j46 CAPITAL.. OUTLAY :I. 3....~j(-)9 FURNI1URE ~ FIXTL~i:E6 474 :'S~;S9 ACCT....TOTP.LH 474 :'539 DEPT ,...TO T ~.U3 ~5~), 614 ~.'ii J 390 33 1988 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET COMMENTS FIRE DEPARTMENT EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERV CES The City and Saline County signed an interlocal cooperation agreement December 14, 1982, to transfer the operation of the emergency medical service to the Fire Department. This service is funded by fees and a tax levy by Saline County. The operating cost of the Emergency Medical Service is included in this account. This account has been established to more clearly identify the cost of this program. In addition, employee benefits are budgeted in the Employee Benefits Fund. All costs are paid by fees or by Saline County. provides for an budget This (14 ) Comments EMS Personne censtng mill for replacement of capital equipment, which will permit the orderly and planned budget in the EMS account. $454,690 operating budget, $97,520 in employee benefits and $41,000 in This is funded 27% by service fees, $160,000; 60% by Saline County a Saline County capital equipment tax levy, $41,000 and 6% by a cash budget includes the a total of $593,210. levy, $356,050; 7% by , 160. The tota I EMS capital items, ambulance tax balance of $36 34 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS Budget The DivisIOn has 15 full-time personnel: Captain and additional Emergency Medical I ntensive Care Technician. has decided to earmark 1/4 provide a revolving account there is no capital equipment director and EMS certification and Effective n 1988, Saline County including ambulances. This will replacement of these items. Thus, medica provides for #295 19BB BUDGET f~Em.lEST 3~'j7, 510 357,510 ~5, "(00 1,000 ~3 , B(~0 1,900 i , 7<:)0 22,000 0 700 ~!S , 600 1 ~:j , 9(-)0 56 , :~00 j,0,100 :1.,000 600 16,200 .4, ElBO cl(,)0 2, 1 O(~ 3,400 i, :1.(;)0 4(-)0 40 , ~mo 300 200 5(')(.) BUDGET 1987 ~5~~S , (')0(-) ~~3::.i , 000 3,700 1,000 5,000 1 , 90(') 1,700 :1,8 , 00(-) 0 '700 3,b00 15,B00 52, 20(-) <y, :1.00 1,100 60(.) :1.6,200 4 , c!)O(-) 600 2,100 3,400 1,100 400 39,200 200 :300 ~:'.iO(-) CITY (l SM.. J Nf~l BUDGET I:;:E(~UEST FClH 198f.l AceT . :11: ACCOUNT m~SCRIPTION I~CTUAL ACTl.Jj~L. :1.90:.'.:; 1lj.>86 EMERGENCY MEIHCAI... SEHVICEEl F'ERSONAL SEJN:r CES 14....i~!0 SAL.MUES .M' HEGUL~)H ENPL.UYEES 262,412 28(1, :l.02 ACCT....T()T~lL.H 262,412 ~!89, 1132 CONHi:ACTUAL SEI=\:VICEB :I. 4"M20~'5 TELEPHONE 2,892 3,OBB 14 .-<~(-)6 TRANSFER REIMBURSEMENT 695 c) ~~ ~:j 14,...207 E:MPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT 4,055 ~5 , 020 14,,-209 POSTAGE 1,035 1,0i9 1,4'-'221 PRINTING OFFICE FORMS '171 1 , 3(')'7 14....232 INSURANCE 24,690 12,814 14....~~39 Gf~Ot.JF' INBLJRI~NCE .-, El-1B 0 0 14"-2~.)2 f<EPAIR'-FURNITljF~E tl. OFF ,. E(WIP ;~60 c)iU 14,,-257 REPAIR - RADIO EQUIP 3, 36fJ ;3,261 14-...295 OTHER PROFJ::SSIONAL SEF~VJCEB 14,62i3 1!.I, 09'7 ACCT....TOTALB ~i2 , cl94 43, 9:l,:';~ MATERIALS ~ SUPPLIES 14,-<H 1 EXPE::NI>ABl...E SUPPLIES '1,151 B, 684 :lA'-~520 OFFICE SUPPL.IES 924 ~539 1 4--' ~53 j. BOOKS ~ PERIODICAL.S '7ii -(04 14..<544 MAINT - VEHI(~ES & E~UIP 15,488 :l ~:i , ~5~i4 :lJ.....355 WEARING APPAREl., 4,203 4, 7~:j:l. 14...,359 OTHER OPERATING SUPPI...IEti 863 366 :l,4--;'H3 MACHINEF<Y ~ E:(;)UIP HE:PAH~ H58 2, .(.06 14..<"m:3 n~AINING 1 , "13~5 3,400 14..,.384 F~BLIC EDUCATION 383 :l , 0(-)(~ i 4..<5(19 OTHER REPAIRS & MAINf ::,~11 492 ACCT....TOTI:iLB :"52 , ~:.i27 ;37, 'lOt.} SUNDRY EXPENDI1VRES 14"-435 ORGANIZATIONAL.. DUES 0 B~j 14....4~59 RE::FUNDS 0 60 ACCl....T()TI~I..H <-> 145 35 U) M :I,9BB BUDGET I;:E(;)UEST <:> o o <:> <:> <:> t.190 4f:'j4 BlJDGEl 1987 6,4(-)0 (-) 1,1(-)0 (.) 2,(-)(-)0 (jl , ~.'j0(-) 436,400 CITY 01 SALIN,;' ...BUDGET I=\:EQUEST FOR :I.9Bfl ACCOUNT DESGF~IPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL i9B5 f'JBcl c;APIT{o\L OUTLAY EMERGENCY MEDICAL EQUIP 4 , ~,'i37 b. 68'( VEHICLES (0) 0 F'EF~SONNEL PROTECTIVE EQUIF' 449 1,j,64 OFFICE MECHANICAL EG)UIP 0 0 RADIO EQUIP 1, ;'564 877 Acel' '... TOTAU3 6,350 B,72B DEF.T....TOTALB 3~:i3 , 9f.J3 :379. 6 "7~5 .... ... 14-501 14-510 14-514 14-517 14-519 37 ACCT 1988 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET COMMENTS DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICES TRAFFIC DIVISION of a multitude of traffic contro maximum utilization of traffic ways are 79 electronically controlled The Traffic Division is responsible for installation devices, signs and signals. These controls and guide!.. and for the safety of pedestrians and motorists. intersections, school zones and mid-block cros~ings in and the Comments The Division has 4 full-time employees: Maintenance Supervisor, Senior Maintenance Worker (2) Maintenance Worker. The 1988 budget provides for an additional Maintenance Worker to help handle increasing work load in this division. Light School sponsored Valley Institute of Traffic #207 permits the Maintenance Supervisor to attend the Solid State Signa by the Eagle Signal Company in Austin, Texas, two trips to MOVITE (Missouri Engineers) and three trips to the Kansas Uniform Traffic Code meetings. the n SignalS traffic of synchronization the n needE'd nes telephone of ease for #295 provides downtown area. of one radio. #503 allOWS replacement 38 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS Budget j,9BB BUDGET fi.'EQUEBT 72,620 72,620 600 8(-)0 :3 , 5(')0 ~'j , 600 H) , 5(-)(-) 500 :1.0,000 4(10 6,000 16,990 800 800 100,9i0 BUDGET 1987 5~5 , 77(;) ~:53, 7"70 1.100 0<->0 3 ; ~.'i(-)0 r"5 , 620 1.0, ~j20 ~.:j~50 8,'760 440 6,000 15, 75(-) 4 J :,:'!~.'jO 4,250 84,290 CITY 0 !3i~L I NA. - BUDGET Fi.'EQUEST FOH 1.900 ACCTA:;: ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTlH.)L. i <1'B5 j <}8e'l lHAFF I C CONTFi.'OL PERSONAL SERVICES 15,.,.j,::!0 SALARIES - REGlLAR EMPLOYEES ~'ji , (y4~j 5~3, 7(B ACCT....TOTAI...S ::'j1 ,945 ~.'i3 , 783 CON" RACTUAL SE:FN ICES i. ~5-";?0r:i TEl.EPHONE ~.:jO:3 5 ::5 (-) i~;''''2(-)-' EMPLOYEE DEVEl.OPME:NT "159 'Z71 1 ~.'i-"261 REPAIR - TRAFFIC LIGHTS 2,631 2 , 8.48 1::,j"-2(/::,j OTHER PROFESSIONAL SEI':VICES 5,935 4,445 ACCT... TOT AL.G 9,828 8, (-)94 MATEFUALS t:c SUPPI... n::s 1::j-"~510 EXPENDABLE TOOLS 583 ~.'.i44 15--:344 MAINT - VEHICLES & EQUIP 10,932 H); 442 i ~.:;''''~5~,~9 On.IER OPERATING tlUPPl...IEb 446 4~::j3 1 ~5'-'36 7 ELEC1RICAL TRAFFIC LIGHT PARTS 5,11'17 6, :I ~7jO ACCT.... TO'f ALS i7,878 11,589 CAPITAL OUTLAY i. t'.'i-{':;0~5 EfJlHP 0 f:355 ACCT...TOTALS 0 f..~I::' .ld'-l DEPT....TOTAL.B '79,651 BO, 3:;.~j. 39 40 1988 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET COMMENTS DEPARTf\1ENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES SWIMMING POOLS CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS SWlmmmg MUnlclpa two the operilte and mamtalll to necessary Center. This appropriation includes expenditures Pools located in Kenwood Park and Carver s operation this of the cost half of about thus, fees n 000 $24, $20,000 generate The sWimming pOOlS paid by users are as fOllows 98 n admissions adopted Current 2th grade an $10 by tax. tickets accompanied nCluding $1. 25 plus admission No Charge Students up to and 754 pillS tax. Preschool chi Idren adult: free. All other persons: Books of twenty plus tax. o o o o Center Kenwood Pool Carver 1987 Day through Labor 30 May .10urs of operation are as fOllOWS daIlY 1 :00 to 8:00 p.m., daily 10:00 a.m. to 1 :00 p.m. - Mother-Child SWim Wednesday and Saturday m. 00 p. 5 to 00 1 Center Kenwood Poo Carver Cashier Manager, Poo Comments part-time seasonal employees: Pool Manager (2), Ass Istant Also included in #130 are break and substitute guards. Budget 16 (9) This division has (4) and Li feguard deck of replacement Poo Carver for generator ozone #503 provides for the purchase of replacement furniture and new furniture for wading pool. - 1988 BUDGET REQUEST 2'7 , 7~50 27 , 7~:'i0 f.i50 0 i , 0(-)0 i. J 200 l , ~W0 :5 , 9~'.i(~ 4,500 2 , 6(:)0 600 300 i, :::j00 80(~ 10,300 j, J 8~:j0 i , 8~::j0 4~'5 , 8~,'j0 BUDGET i.9B'l 27,750 27 , 7~:'j0 ~:j00 (-) 1 , (:)00 1,200 O(~0 3 , ~'j(-)0 100 '2 , 6(~0 600 3 (-) () B00 B00 t:i , :20(-) 7,400 '7 , 4<.~(') 43 , B~j0 CITY () SfiLJNA, BUDGET REQUEST f~JR i988 ACCl.:;: ACCOUNT DESCHIF'TION ACTU~IL. ACnJP.L.. j, I1B~j jl)136 SWIMtlING POUL.S F'EHSONAL SEFWICES 16,,-1:50 SAL.ARIES - PARr TIME EMPLOYEES 25, 108 ~~8 , ~~2.'l ACCT....TOTALG 2~j, lOB ::~~;ll 2::!-7 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 1 c)...,20~.i TELEPHONE 493 e:d. (1 16)'-22-' INSURANCE - L.Ip,IHLITY 0 0 16-'251 REPAIR -. BUlL..DINGS 6,860 3,00(-) 16'-:;~53 I:;:EPArr~ P MACHINERY 6: E(;)lIIP 73:i 2,431 1 6"-29~5 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 1,296 1,214 ACCT....TUTAL~) 9 , ~38=~ ~:j, j.64 MATERIALS 6c SUf-F'LIES 16"-~53;3 CHEMICALS, Df~LJGS & ElC 1, 6'76 4,03::! i 6...,35(1 OTHER OPERATING 8UPFt..H.tl 2, ~~99 "*, tHl 16-..~565 CEMENT & CEMENT PRODUCTS 0 j,,200 i(!)-37i LLJMaER & L.LJMBER PRODUCTS 84 ::~9 161,,-373 MACHINERY & EQUIP PARTS 4,694 j, , :'~119 11.>'-381 PAINT & PAINT MA1'ERIALS 159 4~54 ACCT..TOTALS 9,012 13,275 CAPITAL OUTLAY 16'-~i03 E(;JU I F' 0 ~.:j , 90(-) ACCT'''TOT(.:II...~ 0 ~:i , 900 I>EF'T'. '} rAL.~: 4:3, 502 50,566 41 1988 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET COMMENTS DEPARTMENT OF COMMUN ITY DEVEL.OPMENT - ADMINISTRATION AND PLANNING DIVISION This Division provides planning and enforcement services related to various aspects of community development. The planning function provides staff support to the Salina Planning Commission and the Zoning Board of Appeals. Their goal is to help these bodies and the City Commission guide the growth and development of the City in order to assure a more orderly and attractive community. The planning division assists other departments as a link between the planning function and the administrative structure, advises engineers, developers and citizens on various planning matters such as zoning and subdivision regulations, minimum requirements for subdivisions and traffic, plus a wide range of other services for the well-being of the community. Comments in this division: Director of Plmming and Community Development, Community Development, Public Information Officer and Secretary Planning the of members for Publication Plannmg #331 Includes the Planning Advisory Service, the Commission and the Community Development Reporter. carpeting reception I of chair and allows for the way and a portion of the replacement offices, ha table and including office areas #509 allows purchase of file cabinet, of the Community Development office secretarial area. 42 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS Budget There are 4 full-time employees Assistant Director of Planning and :l. lia8 F.~UDGET F;~E(;)l.JEST 1 1:3 , :340 3,000 116,340 900 2 , :300 l. , ::W0 400 1,600 6 , ~)00 1,600 80(~ i , ~500 300 4,000 :':!B0 2BO B00 0 800 12"1,920 mJDGET 19H7 108,750 :"5 , 0 (~(.) 111,750 B00 :2 , :'5t'.iO 1,300 B00 i , 20(-) 6 , .(~~:i0 1 , 60(') 1 , 0~)0 800 600 4,000 600 60(-) 400 0 400 123,200 CITY OF 8.!iL1 NI!i.-......... BUDGET REQUEST F(~ j.9BU t1CCT A :I: ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION (.;C"fUAL AClUt~1 i 9(.,~:'i 1.9Bel ADMINISTRATION & F~ANNING F'E}~f:i()NAL. SEr';:V ICES 1'7",,120 SAI...AFo:IES .- F~E:GULAR ENPI..OYEES 02 , 06~:; <)1"( , :'503 i. 7-'"13(-) SAI...AFo:IE8 -. PAI:;:T TIME EHPL..OYEES 720 j,424 ACCT....TOTAI_S E~2 J '(85 9B,727 CONTFo:ACTUAL SERVICES 1 "("-~!.05 TEL.EPHONE 1,649 ~:'i41 1 ,('<~0'7 EMPLOYEE DEVEl..OF'MENT 1,40f:l 1,348 :1.7....;20'1 pmrrAGE 1,182 901 17....2~:;2 REPAIR-FURNI'T'Um::: & OFF. E(~UIP 428 :1,:'55 i.7"-2<}l5 OTHEFo: PROFESSIONAL.. SERVICES i,486 :3,1"+4 ACCT....HHALG 6,153 6, (-)6<y MATER:[ALS lx SUPPLIES i 7,,-:320 OFFICE SUPPL.IES 1,499 1,OB4 1.7....331 BOOKS & PERIODICALS 821 6;':!5 17....359 OTHEf( OPERATING ~IUF'f'Ln::G :1.09 0 17"-~582 PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPI...IEG :I '='''1 :37 -".1... ACCT....TOTAI..Ei 2,581 :},,746 SUNI)Fi:Y EXPEND I nn:i:EB 17-"4~55 ORGANIZATIONAL DUES 681 ~:i69 ACCT....T()T(~LB 681 e'i!.>(; CAPITAL OUTLAY i '7....~.'i(-)9 FURNITURE & FIXTURES 0 0 :I.7....~.'ji 7 OFFICE Mf.::CHANICAI... E(;}UJP 704 (-) ACCT....TOTALS 104 (0) DEPT....TOTi;LB 92,904 107, 1. :1,1 43 1988 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET COMMENTS CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ties v act or contingencies for to provide NON-DEPARTMENT AL This account is basically an accounting and c1earlllg account that are not clearly attributable to any other specific activity. or 1% be available for emergency situations time. The $90,000 Is equal to about Comments These contingency funds wll be anticipated at the present for for Central Garage Division, Data Processing Fund and General Services, for transfers to #447 provides for transfers to the Department of transportation costs associated with the General Fund transfers to Employee Benefits Fund for earned leave. 44 Budget #404 is the City Contingency Fund. essential expenditures which cannot of the total General Fund Budget. 1908 BUDGET F~E(;:'UEST i , 20(-) 1. , 200 90,000 11 ~5 , 220 ~~0;'5 , 220 204,420 BUDGET j.90", 1,200 1 , ;;!00 60,000 1(-)4,160 i64,j,60 165,:360 CITY OF Sfi.LH../A. -'BUD~~T REQW:ST Fru~ 1. 'TBB ACCT.:;: ACCOUNT lJESCI=i:IPTION I~CTUAL t.ICnJ;~L i (j>O::'j 1.986 NON'.' !>EPAf<TMENT AL CONTRACTUAL SEFWICES 18....290 MEIH CAL.. 8EFN I CE8 6911 819 ACCT....TOTI~U:) 699 019 SUNDRY EXF'ENDITUF~ES j,8"'-4~)4 CONTINGENCIES 44, ~:rUl '"(9, t',()>8 iH"-44'7 TRSF TO OTHER FUNDS 94,500 97 , ~::j~)0 ACCT....T()T(~LS 1:38,076 177,098 DEF'T....TOTAl..H i 39 , ~:)"{5 177, 9 j, -, 45 46 1988 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET COMMENTS CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS SALINA ARTS AND HUMANITIES COMMISSION The Salina Arts & Humanities Commission was established by City ordinance in 1966. The Director of Arts is the administrative officer for the Commission. The Director of Arts and all employees are City staff members. The Arts and Humanities Commission promotes and encourages public programs to further the public awareness of and intere5t in the artistic and cultural development of the City and serves in an advisory capacity to the City Commission, City Manager and Director of Arts in matters relating to the promotion of arts and humanities. The Smoky Hill Museum, jointly funded by the City and Saline County, is a responsibility of the Commission. The City contribution to the Commission in 988 is $119,260 and is approximiltely 88% of the total Arts and Humanities Commission budget of $135,260. In addition to the City contribution of $117,860, $10,000 is received from USD #305, $4,400 from the Kansas Arts Commission and $3,000 from Horizons and the Smoky Hill River Festival. ron. West 211 Museum ill n The Smoky H sSlon offices are located The Comm Coordinator and Projects Arts Comments Program Coordinator/Educator Budget Arts rector of ,A.rts D Full-time employees are: Principal Clerk. la ill The 1988 programs, account #211, include newsletter, arts blitz, creatIve writing/poetry series, art a carte, musical arts and artist-in-education program and the Horizons program. Some of these programs w have funding from various sources, secondary-school artist-in-residence and service/project support. The annual Smoky Hill River Festival is the most visible Commission program. It is financed from several sources, including numerous local businesses and patrons, sale of space and sale of Festival buttons. The Festival's budget varies from year to year and is approximately $165,000. No City funds are di rectly involved in the Smoky Hill River Festival. However, City crews do contribute to the Festival indirectly through park maintenance, police protection and administrative overhead. 1988 BLn~;ET REQUEST 87,900 4,200 92,100 27,160 27,160 119,260 BUDGET j.9B7 81, "11(-) ;3,800 8~5, ~jH) 32 , ~5:::;~) 32 I ;'550 11.7,060 CITY OF SAL:[i"I~"-'."."-"'''HUDGET RE(~UEST Fm~ 19E18 (-.CCT . :a: ACCOUNT l)ESCI~rVrI[)N P,CTlJAL f.)(,;TlML i9f.ltj ~.9B6 AHTS 6. HUMANITIES COMMIS~:n()N PEJ;:SONAL.. SEFW I ce:s i 9-,,120 SALARIES - REGULAR EMPLOYEES 61,093 '76, :1);3~3 19....130 SALARIES - PAI:;:T TIME EMPLOYEES 3, t.W9 ;.5 , t514 ACCT....TOTfiL..b 70,692 79,B52 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 19....2:1.1 CONTRIBUTIONS 22 , t:i00 20,000 ACCT....TOlAU3 22 , ~:;00 :;~O , ~)OO I)EPT....TOTAL.f 93, i 92 99, Bt.'i2 47 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 1988 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET COMMENTS DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICES GYPSUM HILL CEr...1ETERY care, maintenance and operation of Gypsum Hil Cemetery, situated at The cemetery contains 70 acres and more than 12 ,000 graves at the space is expected to be available for at least another 25 - 30 years This activity provides for the Marymount Road and Glen Avenue. present time. Based on present use, financed the $6,000 ots of sale the from and 800 $18, are collected from interment the General Fund. Fees from s remaining Services. Genera of Department DivISion of the Cemetery is a Gypsum H Comments Budget 2) Sexton and Maintenance Worker ty the C spaces for resale by -time employees provides for bUYing back unused Division has 3 fu The '501 48 19f:lB BUDGET REr')UE~3T :'.'iH,4:':W 50 , 4~~0 4~50 450 4 , ~j0(-) 2,0:1.0 3~.:i0 6,860 9f.j0 0 9~.'i0 :'.'iB,690 BUDGE'{ i I~B'7 48 , ~54(-) 48, ~54() :":WO ~~90 4 , 22(') 3, 0'70 700 7,990 800 0 BOO 57,720 CITY OF B.:"L..INA BUDGET 1:~EQUE8T Fm~ i9ElD ACCT~+ ACCOUNT DES(~~IPTION (..)CTlJAL ACTUAl. i 98::j j 9f3f.> CEME:TEFi:Y PERSONAL. SE I:;: V r CES 20"-120 SALARIES - REGULAR EMPLOYEES 42,356 4'" ,284 Acel... TC),T'i~I...H 42, ~~56 47 , ~184 CONTRACTUAL SEFNICES 20--~!(-,}~5 TELEPHONE :3f34 4':1':) 6._""- ACCT...,TOTr,l.s :!)84 4::!2 MA TER I ALS 6. SUf:'PL I ES :~(-)"-:34 4 MAINT - VEHICLES 6. EQUIP 4,06"7 4 , ~353 20,...3~59 OTHER OPERATING Sl.lPF'I...IEG 4,988 2, (1(-)0 20,-,:387 SAND, GRAVEL., ROCI< & GHAT 0 8:3:'.'j ACCT....TClTAl.S 9,055 '( , 1 Be CAPITAL OUTLAY 20,-,501 LOT RE -,PLJRCHASf':: i,800 i , :~~OO 20....503 E(~U I P 14 0 ACCT....lOTt~t S t,a14 i. , :.:.~(-)o DEF'T.... TOT AL S ~,:i:3 , 609 ~'ili , 0'74 49 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS BUDGET COMMENTS 1988 ANNUAL BUDGET DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICES GENERAL IMPROVEMENT DIVISION This Division is responsible for the normal maintenance and minor improvement activities for the various City-owned buildings and properties not provided for elsewhere. These activities are part of the programs of the Department of General Services. Budget Comments The Division has 3 full-time employees: Maintenance Supervisor and Maintenance Worker (2) #130 provides for part-time or seasonal employees for a period of three months. 50 19B~: BUDGET I:~E(;)UEST ~:;3 , 890 ~:S , 300 57, i 9(0) 420 420 2,600 1,500 4 , i 00 6:1.. 7i0 ).'-;lUDGET 190"1 ~;.'jj. , ~j10 3,310 :'54 , a2(-) ~) 0 2 , :5~j0 1,730 4 , (')8(-) :58 , 9(-)1;) CITY m ~iAL I f4A BUDGET REQUEST FUR t9tl8 (.l)CC' .... ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL f;CTUAL ... j. 9E}~5 19B6 GENEJ~AL IMPROVEMENT PEI~S()NAL SERVICES 21--120 SALARIES - REGULAR EMPLOYEES 49,762 ~,'j:l. ,2<!)9 21....1~50 SALARIES-PART TIME EMPLOYEES 6,274 2 I 2:~8 ACCT...,T()TI~iL..S ~'.'j6 , <:)~56 ~.'i:3 , ~j0"? CON1RACTUAL SERVICES :"~i".205 TEL.EF'HONf':: 0 210 ACCT....TOTALS 0 2jO MATF.~RIAl..S ~ SlJl::'f'l..IES 2j,"-;344 MAINT -- VEHICLES 0. EUIP 1,788 2, 1.100 21"-3:59 OTHER OPERATING SUF'Ft..IEb ;367 i,f.l26 ACCT...,TOii4LG :=!.. 155 4,426 I)EF.T....TOTALB ~:'j8, 191 ti8,143 51 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 52 1988 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET COMMENTS SMOKY HILL MUSEUM Resolution #83-3640, passed April 18,1983, authorized the purchase of the Post Office at 211 West Iron at a price not to exceed $250,000 for the purpose of establishing an historical museum. The Resolution also authorized an Interlocal Cooperation Agreement between the City of Salina and Saline County. As part of the agreement, the County agreed to provide $83.000 annually during Fiscal Years 1984, 1985 and 1986 for initial start-up expenses of the museum. Based on an This space use of the However, must be 1985. The Smoky Hill Museum is financed jointly by the City of Salina and Saline County. engineering study, approximately 20% of the Museum's first two floors is used by the City. is primarily used as offices for the Arts and Humanities Commission staff. $3,370 for City museum is budgeted directly in the Utility Fund and is not included in this budget. custodial services and janitorial supplies totaling $6,720 are included in this budget and subtracted before costs are shared. 17, June for a museum on ding il the bu The City acquired the use, Employee benefits for this activity are included in the Employee Benefits Fund and total $9,890. Thus total Smoky Hill Museum budget is $165,840. Adjusting the total budget by the space devoted to City $6,720, leaves a budget of $159,210 to be jointly funded by the City and County or $79,560 each. Budget Comments from Exhibits and Administrative Aide. been deleted me custodian has -t fu Curator of A firm. Museum, torla jan Smoky H oca a from Di rector service me employees are torla jan #299 includes account 1120. -t II Fu hanging Center. services. #509 is for purchase of a one-person hydraulic lift for changing light bulbs, painting and exhibits and for one-third of the cost of highway signs advertising the Museum and Salina Arts The balance of the funds are from the Chamber of Commerce, Salina Arts Center and private sources ty for ut to pay ty Fund the Ut transfer to a s #447 i <j.l~:l8 nUI)GET m::(;:JUEf.H ~}9 , 7:'50 4,400 64, i~50 2,0(-)0 2,000 2,420 H) , 500 4,9BO :1.4,320 3Cl,220 2 , 3(-)0 2,(-)00 j, ~5 , 0(:)0 1,500 6,000 1,500 800 21J,100 j. :'5 , ~j(-)0 j.:3 , ~j(~(-) 13,000 1;5, 000 j, :::j~'j , (t~:.'j0 BUDGET 198'1 70,20(-) 4,200 '74,400 :2 , (.)0(-) :~ , (-)(')0 :1.,200 10, :7jOO 6,200 3, "('00 2L"i , 600 1 , ~:j00 2,000 7 , ::';00 900 5.000 () 1,000 17,90(-) 12..000 12,000 23, ::!)(-)O 23 , ~500 :1.53,200 CITY OF S(.%L.JNA DUI~;ET REQUEST FOR 1980 FiCGr . ~ ACCOUNT DESCIUPTION ACTUAL fiCTU(il. 1 9B~5 1986 BMDI< Y HILL MUSEUM PEHSONAL SERVICES 24....120 SALARIES -- m::GULAI:;: E./,'iPLOYEFG :37,04'7 6:3.968 24,,-130 SAL.ARIES - PART TIME Et.iPur.'EES 3,408 3 , ~':W6 ACCT....TOTAl..H 40,455 67,274 CONTRACTUAL SE:F(VICES 24--~~0~5 TEl.EPHONE 994 i I (-)C"l0 24....207 EMPl.OYEE DEVELOPME:NT 1 , 1148 (;l(-)(-) 24"-209 POSTAGE 3.1~5 495 24....251 REPAIR - Bun.DINGS 30,390 2,:304 24"-29~'j OTHE~R F'FORESS I DNAL BEFW I GEB 3 , (,);37 3 , 7~'i0 24-,,299 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES ~5 , 351 :\.,004 ACCT....TOT~iLS 3(1, 833 <;> , ~59:5 MA TE:R I Al.S t:. SUPF'L 1 ES 24--310 EXF'ENDABLE TOOU.:; 1, i.29 5, ::~:1.2 24,...3:~0 OFFICE 5UF'F'I...IES 794 j, , 0(.)6 24"-:325 EXHIBIT SUPPLIES 4,955 6,984 24....343 JANITOR & TOILET SUF~LIE8 i , 00f,i :I., ~179 2,4'<~59 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES 4,285 7.0~.n' 24-'36-' ELECTFUCAL be LIGHTING P/W,TS 128 3, 1. 93 24-'~58i PAINT & F'AINTING SUF'I::'LIES 627 462 ,eleCT... TO T I:iL~:> i,2,923 2~:i , cJ~:.:;:3 SUNDRY EXPENDITLJfi:ES 24'-447 TRSF TO OTHER FUNDS (;) :\'3,600 ACCT"hTOTAI...~;) (;) L3, c:,BB CAPITAL OUTL.AY 24,,-509 FUHNITURE t:. FIXTUfi:EB 1 , 0fJ4 2, l76 ACCT-"TOTI~LG :t , 084 2, j'l6 DE:PT....T(]T(~L~ ''>>4, 295 j.HI,184 53 1988 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET COMMENTS DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICES FLOOD WORKS DIVISION The flood of 1951 affected about 50% of the residential area of Salina. More than 3,000 residences, 122 commercial firms, 2 schools and 3 churches were inundated. Approximately 13,500 persons were evacuated. In the previous 50 years, Sal ina had been subject to some 40 to 50 periods of high water, including 6 major floods. The flood of 1951 provided the impetus for the construction of the City's present flood protection system. The flood protection works, many years in the planning and completed in 1961, are designed to protect the City from twice the volume of flood water which occurred during 1951. It was built by the Corps of Engineers at a cost in excess of $6,000,000, approximately $2.3 million in local funds and the balance Federal. The project included 17. 1 mi les of levee, 12.2 miles of channel change, replacement of 12 bridges and thousands of acres of land involved in rights-of-way easements Flood Works and Levee account is to maintain, patrol and keep in good repair at all gates, pumps and related equipment that comprise the flood protection system for the Division has been f'epeatedly commended by the Corps of Engineers for the excellent The function of the times the flood di kes , City of Salina. The condition of the system. Comments Budget (2) Worker Lead Maintenance Worker and Maintenance me employees radio. CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS mobile of -t ows replacement The DiVISion has 3 fu a #503 54 1 S'B13 BUDGET F~EOLJE8T ~j0 , 4(-)0 ~j0 , 400 f:l(-)~) 800 2,470 6, 7~50 :5~;j0 200 <;> , (1~50 800 80(-) 61 , 9~jO BUDGET j.9B7 48,470 48,47(0) 710 710 2,b9(O) 7,700 ::3 (-) 0 290 10,980 B20 020 60,980 1988 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET COMMENTS DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES NEIGHBORHOOD CENTERS The three Neighborhood Centers provide meeting and recreational facilities for those people living in the areas in which they are located. The largest Neighborhood Center is Memorial Hall, which was constructed in 1921 and provides numerous meeting rooms and recreational facilities. Both Carver Center and Friendship Center were built in the late 1970s and provide meeting places and limited recreational facilities for persons living in those neighborhoods. The Neighborhood Center facilities are available for use by community groups at no charge, on a first-come, first-served basis. The Recreation Commission frequently uses the Centers for conducting programs. staff the reduce to been possible has t 1981 n Community Services of With the creation of the Department and overhead in this program. Comments Budget Secretary and Custodian. Mamtenance Worker Recreation Supervisor me employees are -t The 4 fu TV cable extinguishers Lakewood Lodge. fire 50 folding chairs. tables and 12 of #503 allows replacement 56 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS Ha Memoria nterior of n elevator drapery and pamt the on contracts of provides for replacement #295 provides for service and pest control services. #251 j,908 BUDGET I:,:EQUEST 6b, .710 0 66,710 900 200 7,000 500 :'5, 600 12,200 t,800 1,000 2,800 2,500 2,500 E14,2l0 BUDGET 1907 62, 4~j(.) 0 62 , 4~.';0 9(~0 2(-)(-) 1 , 20(~ ~;.:j (-) (-) 3,6(-)0 6,400 1,nOO 1 , ~)(-)0 2,B00 7,BOO 7,000 79, ,450 CITY OF S('~LH~A-- BUDGET REQUEST FOR i9BO ACCT.:II: ACCOUNT I>t:::SCRIF'TION ACTUAI_. ACTUI!)L 1985 1906 NEIGHBORHOOD CENTERS PEHSONAL SEti:VICE:S 28,-1 ~~0 SALARIES - f~EGULAF~ E:I"iPI...OYEFS ~.'i6, 18'7 60,805 28..,. i 30 SAL.ARIES - F'AFH TIME EI'lF'I...OYEES 2,i3b 0 ACCT..TOTAI. B ~'58 , 323 60,885 C()NTf~ACTUAL. SERVICES 28,,-2(-)5 TELEPHONE: 1,058 9t:j0 2fl-207 EMPLOYEE DEVEl_OPMENT 160 0 28....~~51 REPAIR - BUILDINGS 6,937 j,178 28-"2~.'i3 REF'AHi:-MACHINE ~ EfJUIP 37 :1.4 28'-'29~::; OTHER PROFESSIONAl... SEr~VICES 3,:,04 4,035 ACCT....TOTAL.S i 1, 496 ii, :1.77 MATEfUAL.S ~ SUPPl.IES 2t3._.34;3 JANITOR & TOILET SUPPLIES 1,583 2,361 2[;)....359 OniER OF'E:RATING 6UPF'I...IEB 2,026 :1.,(->41 ACCT.,.,TOTALb :~ , 609 :3, .'W2 CAP I TAL OUTl.A Y 2B....503 EliRJIF' 0 0 ACCT....rOTAI...b 0 0 DEPT....TUTALS 73, 4;';!B 7(-), 464 57 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 58 1988 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET COMMENTS MPROVEMENT PROGRAM line County approved a 1 % county-wide sales tax. The State began 1982, with the City receiving its first monthly collection in March CAPITAL Sa the voters of on November 1982 tax 3, this On August collecting 1983. Saline County and al incorporated municipalities share in the county-wide sales tax. The tax is distributed to the governments based 50% on relative population and 50% on relative tax levies. The county receives credit for ull persons living in the unincorporated areas. The City deposits the sales tax in its General Fund. The bulk of these funds is used to finance the City's Capital Improvement Program (CIP). The City annually adopts a 5-year Capital Improvement Program. Each year, or when funding and conditions permit, projects are selected from the CIP to be included in the budget. The projects are detailed more fully in the CIP document, which is adopted by the Commission in July of each year. Comments #570 provides for the ongoing street annual maintenance projects. A total of about $800,000 is spent annually, $400,000 from C I P and $400,000 from the Special Gas Tax Fund received from the State of Kansas. Budget on of at ron Avenue ntersection and insta from Greeley Avenue to Elm Street. allows for widening all four lanes of Ohio Street and y activated signal system, also the widening of Ohio Street #572 a fu #574 provides $100,000 for a sidewalk reconstruction program. The City provides 50% matching funds for petitioned segments on a first-come, first-served basis. The account also allows $65,000 for curb and gutter replacement on older streets within the City. This wi II rebuild about 0.8 mile of curb and gutter. Oakdale Center. and replacing the concrete deck on the the Kansas Department of Transportation. the Bicentennla for staging equipment $30,000 for the City's share of removing The balance of $115,000 is to be funded by the purchase of additiona 000 for $43 provides #577 provides Park bridge. #575 for operations. Reserve Fund Center fund to EqUipment to Bicentenma transfer transfer provides provides 1578 1579 198B BUDGET REQUEST BUDGET 19B7 CITY m S/il... J. N.~ ---BUDGET REQUEST FOR i9BB ACCT.:lI: ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION f~CTUAI. ACTW11. i 9a~5 1986 CAPITAl. IMPRVMNTS SfiLEt TAX o o o o o o 000 o (-)00 o 000 000 o 30 , (-)00 150,000 200 , 0(~0 ~~4~), 00(~ 20,000 o 675,0(-)0 o 100,0(-)0 o o o o 495,000 o ~:;0 , 000 o o o 40(-) ~50~;j 1~)5 4:3 (-) o :';j,00t) (-) 12~'j , (.)00 40(-) , (-)(')0 400,000 4(-)0 , (')00 o o <:> (-j <:> o it:;0,000 200,000 120,000 (~ (-) 6'75, 00(-) :t.~~, 000 o o o (.) :'!)0, 000 800,000 o (.) (-) (.) o (-) o o :'560 o ~)00 c!l26 o o '/:32 (-) -192 131 o (-) o 0B2 o B'('A\ o o (-) o :'U,8 ElH2 <:> 0<->0 375 o 4:::!2 1 ;':S(~ <l98 2..... 10B, j.1::!, :'54 (-) , 144, 33, 1~!.9, 1,;:H0, CiS :;'~~7j 400 19 "'7 28 93 46,579 :30,575 51,562 :'".)3, 200 o o ;'~21, 5'73 o o o (:) (:) '2'76,045 o o o 119,999 o 92~:; , 0-'0 o o o 2'/ , j. Tl 49,191 :3~':.i , 870 :.7i5, 401l '197 , ~7j80 o o (-) o 5,554 CAPITAL. OUTl..AY PEDESTRIAN OVEF;:PASS Ie C CE;:NTER tHDEWAI...K f~EPAIE B G CENTER HEAT ~ EXHAUST FANS FLOOD STUDY 4TH ST SL.OUGH BROADWAY OVERPASS F;:[PL..?ICEi"lENT STREET MAINTENANCE FU)OD CONTf,OL pfm,JECTS OHIO - IRON INTERSECTION JOB 86-746 DRESSING ROOM B e CURB, GUTTE:Fi: ~ S II)EW(.'"L.I( 1:;:Ef'A IF~ Be CENTEI~ RSTROM ~ STAGE El~lUIP IRON AT 4TH ~ CHANNEL BRIDGES OAK DALE BRIDGE RENOVATIUN TRt:;F TO EQUIP r;:ESERVE FUND TRSF TO B C CENTEI:;: PARK IMPROVEMENTS MAGNOLIA/SCHILLING/I-135 DESIG OHIO STREET JMF1~)VEMEN1'S GENEt~AL FUND TRANSFEJ~ CENETERY SHE!) RUBBEf~IZE:J) I;:AII...ROAD CFWb~3It~G ROOF REPAIR -- COMMUNITY THEATE FIRE EQUIP COMPUTER ~ TELEPHONE E(~lUIF' REHAB - OAK DALE FOOT BRIDGES DOWNTOWN R~::l>E:VEL()F'MENT C B I)-SIREN & PD GENERATOR PAVE PARI<ING LOT....9TH ~ lfWN SALT STORAGE SHED Ii C CENTER LOBBY fmOF hEPt. If;: MUSEUM CDNVERSION 29,,-564 29-,,565 29..-~j66 2 <Y....56 '7 29....568 29...{'i69 2'y-"570 211....5-li 2'1....572 ~;!9..-ej7;.~ ~l9-..tj74 29,-,575 29-..576 29-"5'7'7 29-578 29....579 29....5BO 29-,50 i 29--58:':~ 29....5B5 =-!9....5B6 29....589 29-,,590 29....5(jI i 29"-~:'i92 29'-':.:'i93 29"-594 29,,-595 29,,-596 ~~9'-'597 :';'~9"-598 2.1....~i99 ;.~ , 07B, 0~)0 3,070,000 ~5 , 3:':.~0 , OO(~ 3,320,000 2,917,172 2,9:17, 17;;! 2,775,384 2,775,384 Ace TorAl.t DEPT-T01Al.S 59 1988 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET COMMENTS CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS zation study ding, $5,000 for condition and future util public recreation center and $10,000 for a (continued '580 provides $80,000 for Golf Course Maintenance Bu study for Memorial Hall, $150,000 for design of an indoor on parks and improvement in north Salina. -135. Fund transfer to make up for the revenue loss caused by the elimination of the the last year the intangibles tax was in effect, $869,298 was collected. This downtown the on 1988 road crossings on major streets. for nterest and prmClpa of ron Ninth Street and at the parking lot pay to pave MPROVEMENT PROGRAM CAPITAL ng/Magnolial Sch study on Interchanges at allows $20,000 for a design concept Genera 1983, #585 provides for a intangibles tax. In transfer is $675,000. nstallation of rubber ra share ty's C the 1596 provides $50,000 60 #581 #589 provides $100,000 for to $495,000 project. #594 allows redevelopment 1988 ANNUAL BUDGET nUDGET BUDGET REQUEST 1987 1988 $ 1,720,000 $ 1,548,000 671,000 675,000 2,040,000 2,451,000 293,920 155,000 611,970 510,700 86,000 225,700 46,000 45,000 46,000 45,000 $ 5.514,890 $ 5,655,400 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS SPECIAL FUNDS SUMMARY OF EXPEIJDITURES ACTUAL ACTUAL 1985 1986 EMPLOYEE IJENEFITS $ , LI68 ,766 $ 1,523,585 UTI L1TY 452,598 480,404 BOND AtJD INTEREST ,871,448 1,954,691 SPECIAL LIABILITY 34,948 147,444 RISK MANAGEMENT RESERVE -0- -0- EQUIPMENT RESERVE -0- -0- SPECIAL PARKS AND RECREATION 45,000 44,947 SPECIAL ALCOHOL PROGRAM 45,000 44,878 GRAND TOTAL $ 3.917,760 $ 4,195,949 61 62 1988 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET COMMENTS CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS FUND This Fund was authorized by the State Legislature in 1978. Essentially, it is a clearing fund and permits consolidation of employer and employee contributions to Social Security, Kansas Public Employee Retirement Systems, group health and life insurance, workers compensation, unemployment compensation and earned leave. This permits one tax levy for all employee benefits instead of several as was the practice in past years. The consolidated fund has no effect on the levy or funds necessary to support the various activities. This is a revolving fund. The fee-supported funds, Water and Sewerage, Sanitation and Solid Waste, are excluded from this fund. They make payments from their separate budgets directly to the State. All other special funds make a transfer payment to this Fund to cover their costs in the appropriate account. The Employee Benefits Fund streamlines administrative procedures and defines accounting responsibi lities. n 04% 3 to Comments The reduction from 20.4% to 15.0% to the Kansas Police and Fire Retirement System and from 3.9% I<ansas Public Employee Retirement System makes possible the reduction of $172,000 in this fund. Budget salary. nsurance for elected officials and employees covering errors and omissions. ndividua per mated) (est $44,000 maximum of to a % up 51 ty #236 is based on an employee's share of 7. The employer and employee each pay 7.51%. iabi provides #227 the employee 7%. 0% and 15. butes City contr The #237 the employee 4%. #239 The City offers employees the option of either standard Blue Cross and Blue Shield group medical insurance or a local health maintenance organization, Equicor. Under either plan, the City contributes a maximum $72.91 toward an individual employee monthly premium and $157.91 toward the family premium. Approximately two-thirds of the employees are covered by Blue Cross. 04% and The City contributes 3. #238 1988 BUDGET REQUEST (')00 ~)OO 000 (~00 000 (~O(-) 0(-)0 000 O()(o) 000 c)0, ::.~4() , 49i:}, 9~:j , 4~j(-) , '.)C:" ":'.~.J I 140, 40, 54H ~:j4B 1 :1. :BUDGET jlhi"? 50 , 00(-) 22=j , 000 6:3B,000 1 ~50 , ()(~O 470,(-)00 25,0(-)0 122, (-)00 40,000 1,720,0(-)0 1,720,000 CITY 0 Sr-lL:[ N(-~' ....BUDGET f~E(Jl.JEST FOf~ :1.9l:lH p.Cel . ::;: ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL PI C Tl.Jr:~1 i 98~::j :I.':,;;.a6 EMf'LOYEE BENEFITS FUND CON" RACTUAl. SE:f<VICES 38-"::'~27 OFF-"EMPLY 1...IAf.t INS :3:~ , 208 40, 194 38-,,236 SOCIAL SEClJ~UTY 1 f:~9 , 05:~ 2~)~,~ , B45 :38"-2~57 POLICE ~ FIF~E F~ETn~EtjENT :::;'78, 'J00 60:'~, 915 38-"2~58 EMPLOYEES RETIFi:EMENT 114,080 j.04, :;'j66 3B"-23Ijl GFWUP INSURANCE 4:W, B99 4 i. (:1, 33~:; 38....292 UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE 9,406 1"1 , (')54 38....294 loJOF~J<ER' S COMPENSATION 9<jl, 696 lU.,437 3B"-297 EARNED LEAVE 24 , ~524 11)1, 2:'59 ACCT....TOTAL.G :I. , 468, '761.) 1. ,523,585 DEJ?T"-TOTALB :I. , 4c!)8, 766 1 , 52:3 , ~jt:15 63 - CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS BUDGET COMMENTS 1988 ANNUAL BUDGET EMPLOYEE BENEFITS FUND (continued) #292 Kansas Unemployment Insurance rates 0.52% for 1983, 0.26% in 1984, 0.17% for 1985, 0.29% for 1986, 0.42% for 1987 and 0.26% for 1988. #297 The $40,000 is a reserve to pay employees for unused sick leave upon resignation or retirement. 64 1988 REVENUE ~~QUE8T 333 000 800 000 (-) (-) o o 000 000 (-)0~) 1:3~5 E367 13:'5 000 000 o 9(;'4 1:::; :;~1~:; 18 i. 90 40 :':n4 1'7~5 3"74 ~;,:j48 ~:i48 1 i 1 1 F~E:VENl.JE: 19(37 990,018 1 ~j , 0(')0 2'7:1., i,00 :1,8,000 (-) i :;:j , 0()0 12,000 0 j. ,000 1.0:3,000 40,000 1,4b5,918 427,949 1,465,918 1,893,00'7 1,720,000 17:3,8617 CITY [} Sr-lL:I: NA-' F~EV.ENUE RE(~IUEBT Ftm j.900 ACCT.::!: ACCOUNT DESCI:i:IPTION ACTUAL AC Tl.J?IL 1985 19t:.l6 E::MPUJYEE BENEF'ITS FUND 38'--110 CURr-<ENT TANGIBLE TAXES i, 12:::;, 7~:;7 j, , i.2~L j.46 38,-130 DELINl;)UENT TANGIBl.E TAX!::!:) 1 ~i , ~;:':B ~~~:j ; B~~c) 38,-Hl0 VEHICl,E TAX 257,474 26i,246 30"-6i0 INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS i ~5 , 00B i.8 , 04(') 38,,-941 P & F RETIREMENT-EMPLOYEE 'l , 2~j8 H 3f:i'-943 SOCIAL SECURITY....EMPL.OYEI;: 16, ::'~42 i.'7,604 ~5B'-'9 45 EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT-EMPLOYER :1.1 , 884 9,10~'5 :.58....9.46 EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT-EMPLOYEE 6,392 (-) 38....947 UNEMPUJYMENT INS-'E:MPI...OYEr~ ~~97 531;) 3a'-'9~52 F~E I MBURSE:t-1ENT OF EXPENI> I TU C' 18b, H)5 <.i>B J :U () ;:) 38-..ln:)'7 Tf.:SF FROM OTHER FUNDS 40,000 40,000 FUND TOTALS i. , 6fJ2 , 0~')0 1 , ~.:;9:::j , 8(H BEGINNING C(.~SH BALANCE JANUARY HIT 142,443 3~:;ei , 727 TOTAL. t~EVENUE 1 J 6B2 , O~.:;(~ 1, ~:.:;(t5, 807 'TOTAl.. REVENUE AND BEfaNNING BALANCE j" 824, 493 1 , '9~:j 1 , ~:j34 LESS EXPENDITURES :1.,468,'766 1 , ~523 , 5(35 UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE DECEMBER 31 ~55~.'j, "(2'7 42'7, (]49 65 1988 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET COMMENTS CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS under home 18, 1979, to the utilities UTILITY FUND A separate tax levy to cover gas. electric, water, traffic, and street I ighting is possible rule provisions of the Kansas Constitution. The City adopted Charter Ordinance #17 on June provide for this levy. The levy is outside the City's general tax lid. This Fund finances for all General Fund buildings and programs and the Bicentennial Center. fund this thus, zed stabi to have appear Comments rates ~ and s nsta Service Gas KPL ty. C the n ights 2,650 street the City. 1245 provides for the approximately maintains the street lighting system for 66 ity Budget uti ncreases, steady 1988. After more than a decade of has only a moderate increase in L 1988 BUDGET REQUEST 00(~ 000 000 000 000 0(~0 000 ElO, 2j.0, 47, 3B, ~50t.:) , 67~~j, 675, BUnGE'. 19lrl E~0 , (:)00 2l0,000 43,000 38, 00(-) ::~00 , O(~0 671, 000 671,000 CITY (: SAI...li'lA' ... BUDGET RE~JUEST FOR 19118 ~\CCT . t ACCOUNT DE6Q~rp'rION (.},CTUAL PIC lUAI i 9B~; j (i>86 UTILITY FUND CONTRAC1UAL SERVICES .U-'~!41 GAS SERVICE 44, ~'>93 ~5Ci, 693 41,,-242 LIGHT ~ POWER SERVICE 09,739 :l HJ, 6:U3 41....~!4~5 WATE:R SEJ';:VICE :':!.t, 106 2~'5, 699 4i-'244 TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNALE 33, :38-;' ;34 , 303 41....245 STREET LIGHTING ~:,~63, 6"73 26~:5, 091 ACCT....TOT,;LG 452 , ~jge 480,404 DEP1....1OTALS 4~.'j2 , 598 4B0,4(-)4 67 68 1. 9aa r;'EVENUE m'::GH,JEST 1:i:EVENUE j,907 196 00(') 400 (-)00 00(') 596 404 596 0(-)0 000 o 4~)O 1:.- ..., <1 fJ 2 15 ~'j'70 1.04 ::';70 67~j 675 4~i:l., t:;71 ~,'j, (-)(o)C:) 10::,~, BOO 2,000 1 ~5 , 000 1 0;33 3-11 404 (-)()0 404 576.3'1' 199, 576, T1~.'j, 67 :t., 104, CITY ( ~)AL 1 NA. .-- REVENUE REQUEST FOR 1988 ACCT.:;' ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION r.ICTl.JI~L. ACTlJP.L t 98~:'j 1.906 UTILITY FUND 4:L"oU.0 CURRENT JANBILE TAXES 409,B04 426, 4(?c!) 4 j, "-1 ~30 DELINQUENT TANGIBLE Tf.IXEB 5. ~~(-)j, B, 7~.:i1 4i"-HJ0 VEHICL.E TAXES 7B, 101 (;4,376 4j,'""610 INTEREST ON INVESTMEJ./T8 ~~ , 0\'5'" 2 I 2"(!:i 41--9so7 TRSF FROM OTHER FUNI>G 0 13,688 FUND TOTALS At95 , :;~73 :j4~o'j , 50 c) BE:GINNING CASH BALANCE ,JANUARY Hrr 91,1'('6 L3~5., m5jo TOTAL REVE:NUE 495, ~-!7:3 54~) , 506 TOTAL. REVENUE ANI) BEGINNING B(.~L.r-1NCE 586,449 679,43"'" L.ESS EXPENDITURES 452,598 4BO,404 UNENCUMBE:RE:D CASH BALANCE I>ECEMI-:;F.:R 31- 13~5, 851 199,033 69 70 1988 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET COMMENTS CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS the various bonds ty. The principal special assessment NTEREST FUND for the payment of principal and interest on under the City's general obligation bonding author variety of sources, including the property tax levy, and 1#611) and transfers from other funds. BOND AND The Bond and Interest Fund provides financed out of the General Fund or and interest payments come from a payments by property owners (1607 In October 1986, all general obligation bonds were combined into one refunding issue, for a total amount of $8,115,000, reducing the bond indebtedness by $599,500 and shortening the maturity date from October 1997 to April 1996. The City's bonded debt includes such projects as the Bicentennial Center, numerous parks and street improvements, the City-County Building, the Library, many special assessment projects and three new fire trucks. The Bicentennial Center is the largest single project, estimated at $325,000 principal and $163,960 interest, a total of $488,960. Approximately 4.3 mills of the City's anticipated 36 mill tax levy is due on this project. This is equal to 12% of the total City property tax levy. In 1988, total principal payments will be $1,490,010, with the City's share $820,500, and property owners' $669,510. Interest payments will be $919,350, with the City's share $549,070 and property owners' $370,280. This is equal to approximately 1.6% of the City's assessed valuation. The City's authorized and outstanding bond indebtedness may not exceed 30% of the assessed valuation, according to Kansas statutes. share and property owners City's project. 1#607, #609 and 1611 reflect basically the in 1988 on the downtown redevelopment The increase in accounts #605, of the principal and interest due 1988 BUDGET REQUEST 0(')0 120 500 510 9~50 ~?80 6.(f0 000 000 000 51(-), 207, 31(-), 6t.19, :'54:1, . 370, :i. , 40, 451 45:1, "1 ... } 2 f.IUDGET :i.9B"," 6;35. (')0(~ 247, (')0(~ 1~52, 000 502,900 t3:1. I "'0(') i. 95, '700 1.000 275 , 0(~(-) 2, (-)40 , (-)0~) 2,040,000 CITY OF S(.lIL.INi~........_.._....[fU[)GE:T RE(;)UEST FC:lI:~ i.988 ACCOUNT DESCRIP1'IUN ACTUAL. (-il.;TIJr11... j.9f.l5 3.986 ~j00 4El4 080 4;':!0 ~501 :1.83 '723 (~ 697, 2.75, 145, ~C~"') ~.)\~~, ~..~ \..1 t , 218, 8. 691 t)9:1, 9~54 9:.'.'i4 :I. 1 6::57 , 00~) 347,618 99,844 5Tl, 156 25 , 27(~ 162, 02:~ 22, 53'7 0 :1.,871,448 :l. I fHl , 440 INn::REST DEBT ~ INTEREST (;ENERAL.. ElOND f'fUNCIf'I~1... f;ENE~~AL [iONI) INTEREST C, G & P F~INCIPAI... CS C, G & P PRINCIPAl... POS C, G & P INTEREST CS C, G & P INTEREST PUS F I SGAL AGENCY COMN b POi3T fiGE E:ST INT -. ElDNDS TO fIE ISSUED BOND & ACCT~:ll: 42-601 42-603 42-605 4~6~ 42-609 42-611 42-621 42-623 TOTALS DEPT"-TOT?)I...S ACel' 71 72 1988 REVENUE REQUEST 986 000 00(-) 000 cj) 0 (-) 000 0(-)0 000 (')0(-) (3B6 13-',114 ::513 , B86 451,'000 4::'j 1 J 000 (-) 783 15 1'7(-) ~jO 170 2(-) 3 6 495 :313 :2 ") ......J 2.. 2, Fi:EVENUE :i.9B7 6BIS 000 000 000 000 (-)00 000 0(-)0 0(')0 6B6 428 c!iB6 j,j,4 000 114 "/El4, j,5, 6")1::' ,...1, 40, ::!00, 2(-), ") ..... .. I.) I 126, 81B, 3~if3 81B 177 040 13'" 1 1 ::! 2 CITY OF SI~iLlh!A-' REVENUE Fi:n;)UEST Fl:U:~ 1 (ifJB t,CCT . :~ ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION (.lcn,,~1... I~CTl.U;l i C/(~~~j 1'186 l;iONX> &: INTEF~EST 42'-110 CURRENT TANGIBLE TAXES 61/2, (-)93 B~50, 262 42,-130 DELINQUENT TANGIBLE T(.,XFf.: :i~~,631 17,413 42....1~j0 CURRENT SPEC ASSMNT TAXES 632,111 632, 25cl 42-160 DELrNt~UENT SPEC ASSMNT T{)XES ~j~.:; I :"525 j 0~~:;, "/13 42'-H10 VEHICLE TAXES 194,865 162,175 42"-6i0 INTEREST FROM INVESTMENTS :~0 , ::.~:29 20, 6:37 4:':~--b30 ACCI;:UED INTE:r~EST 23, j,19 1.1, 'ni 42-929 SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS 8,'723 '3'/,507 42....95.7 Tfo:SF Ffo:OM OTHER FUNDS j.42, 200 i 34, 20(') FUND TOTALG 1, 78i. , 296 1,946,874 BE:GINNING CASH BALANce: JANUARY :U:)l 4 ~:.it!i , ::~~.r? 366, 24f.) TOTAL. REVENUE 1 # 781, 296 1,946,87-4 TOTAL.. REVENUE AND BEGINNING BAL.PINCE 2,237,693 2,313,119 LESS EXPENDITURES 1, 871, 448 1 , 954 , 69:1. LJNENCUMBEf<E:I) CASH BAL.ANCE DECEMBER :U 366,245 :3~:jB, 42t3 73 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 1988 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET COMMENTS egal defense, claims and from a "Special Liability SPECIAL LIABILITY EXPENSE FUND the cost of of this act" The act provides that a governing body which has created a Specia Liability Expense Fund may "levy a tax therefor, without limitation as to rate" and outside the property tax lid. In addition, monies received by the municipality "from any source whatsoever which may be lawfully utilized for such purpose" may be placed in the fund. The special fund may be a reserve fund, and monies once budgeted into the fund need not be annually rebudgeted for future expenditure in the future. ize the City's risk management programs and permit the Risk Management Reserve Fund to However, the Risk Management Reserve Fund will be transferred to the Risk Management insurance and related expenses. Comments The creation of the Ri sk Management Reserve Fund to centra services has a direct effect on this account. Kansas statutes receive transfers from other funds and accounts of the City. has no authority for its own tax levy. The $120,JOO, 1#447, Reserve Fund. Those funds are utilized for the City's liability The 1979 Kansas Tort Claims Act authorizes municipalities to pay "other direct and indirect costs resulting from the implementation Expense Fund." Budget 74 1988 BUDGET REQW~ST o o o ~)00 000 00(-) 000 j,20, 3~,'j, 1~1::' ...J",' I lfj~j BUDGET j,9El'l (~ C;) 0 2(13 , 9:W 0 :;~(1~5 , 920 2(,:3, 920 CITY OF S,~~L.. n~i~'" BUDGET f~EmjEST Fm'( i9BfI f~CCl 4 :II: ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION (~ICTUAL.. t;CTUAL :i.9B~.:; i98tl SPECIAL LIABILITY CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 43,,-227 INSURANCE - LIABILITY 28,154 j.4 ::~ , ~:if.l i 4~5'-295 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVI(~S 6,794 4, t:l6:3 ACCT...TUlfo)LS :34, 94B 147.444 4;3,--44-' Tfi:SF TO OTHER FUNDS 0 0 .'l;5....4~50 RE:SEf(VE 0 0 ACGT...TOTAJ...H 0 0 l)EPT....TOTALS :34,948 :1.47,444 75 76 1988 REVENUE REQUEST 67, 17(i> 600 42,800 (.) i. iO, 579 44,421 j,10,579 ;\, ~'j5 , ~)00 :I. ~5t:j , 0(')(-) (-) m::VENUE j,907 196.2B4 6(')0 B , :~(-)o 0 205,184 t::S~5, :I, ~57 20~). 184 33B , ~i.l 1 2(13, <120 44,421 CITY () bPIL I Nr~' .-- REVENUE REQUEST FOR 1988 ACCT. :Il: ACCOUNT I)Et:ICI;~ I PT ION 1!:ICTU,~L. ACTUAl. i 9t.i~:j 19B6 SPE:CI~~L LIABILITY 4:5,..,1 :1,0 CURRENT TANGIBLE TAXES 3:3, :.:'j05 :5:3,60'1 43..- i :'50 DELINQUENT TANGIBL.E T,~XES '!,36 a~~~.! 4:'~"-lBO VEHICLE TAXES '1,:310 "l , ~H4 4:5"-9~H TRSF FROM OTHt~R FUNDS 1.1, 640 .10. 18t, FUND TOTALS (5(-) , 0'/1 90,54<1 BE;:GINNING CA~:;H BAL..ANCE ,JANUA)=W lST :1,74,909 i 9(') , 052 TOTAl... REVENUE ~50, (:)(l1 90,5.49 TOTAL ~(EVENUE AND ICEGINNING l{f1I...ANCE 22(','j, (-)00 ~~ao , 6(:) i LESS EX~~NDITURES 34,948 147,444 UNENCUMBEFi:E:D CASH BAL.ANCE DE:CEMIIER 31 190,052 13:5,157 77 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 78 1988 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET COMMENTS RISK MANAGEMENT RESERVE FUND In recognition of the growing problems with municipal insurance, the 1986 Kansas legislature authorized the establishment of a Risk Management Reserve Fund. K.S.A. 12-2616 authorizes that the monies in this fund be utilized for any risk which might otherwise be insurable by a municipality. The act does not authorize a special tax. However, it provides that "monies may be paid into sllch Risk Management Reserve Fund from any source which may be lawfully uti'ized for such purposes, including transfers from the General Fund, any special liability expense fund established in accordance with the provisions of K.S.A. 75-6110 or from any other fund or grilnt program account of the governmental unit in reasonable proportion to the estimated cost of self-insuring the risk losses covered by such reserve fund. II The word "reserve" in this fund's title means that the fund is authorized to accumulate from year to year the fund balance and to spend that balance without annual rebudgeting. Most funds are not reserve funds; as a result, their cash balance must be reappropriated in order to be spent. In addition to providing centralized accounting for the City's insurance and risk management expenses, this fund also permits efficient and proper management of the City's risks. Risk management entails not only insurance but also efforts to minimize the potential exposure of the City, its employees, its patrons and the general public to various conditions and situations which could result in potential damage to persons or property. relating to this nfancy and are Thus, all of the detai Is and procedures risk management programs are in their new account and concept for the City. not completed at this time. Municipa process of growth and development. This is a activity are still in the The ultimate objective is self-insurance, to the maximum extent feasible, for all risks. However, this will take several years to develop and several interim steps. For example, during 1988, reserve funds will be insufficient to protect the City properly. Thus, some combination of conventional insurance and excess liability insurance will be necessary. budget 1987 the from deleted s tion Comments One pos Budget Risk Manager. staff members 1 fUll-time employee: were assumed by other The Department has because these duties Sanitation $27,500, Solid Waste $3,850, $18,000, Museum $2,200 and Employee from several sources: Fund $120,000, EMS is Iity #957, Liab The funding for risk milnagement, Water and Sewer $108,400, Specia Benefits Fund $200,000. 19B8 BUDGET I:~EQUEST 3~j 1 7(;)(:') ~5~;.'j, 700 i , 0(~0 1,800 200 ~j(-) , 000 35,000 80,000 1 , 0()0 BOO 6 (,)(~ 500 2,900 80,000 400 ~5(-)3 , 200 :3R3, l)(-)0 500 Ej00 ~.ao, 700 BUDGET 190'7 36 , OO(~ ;'56 , 000 90(-) 80(-) 300 ~~jO 1 000 3~5 , 00(') Err, 000 1 , (')0(-) (-) 1,000 (-) 2 , 0(~0 7<-> , (')(-)0 0 415,720 4B5, '72(~ 1 , 2t'iO 1, 2~::;0 6:1.1, (17(-) CITY (}l SP.I N(~ ,-.nUlJGET I~Em.JEBT FDI:~ t9B8 ACCT.:::: ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION I~CTUAL (~CTU(.:IL j, 9 H::.:j i9f:l6 RISK MANAGEMENT RES8~VE PERSONAL SERVICES 44,-,120 SAL.ARIES - HEGULAH EHPI NEEB () 0 ACcT....TurALs 0 0 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 44....~~05 TELEPHONE 0 0 4.,}--20-1 EMPLOYEE DJ;::VELOPMENT (-) 0 44....209 POSTAGE 0 0 44"-22'7 INSURANCE - LIABILITY 0 (~ 44"-:~95 OTHEf~ PROFE:SSIONAL.. Sf:.RVICES 0 0 Accr'''TOTf~LS 0 0 MATf~Fi:IAI.S ~ SUPPl.IES 44-';'520 OFFIce: SUF'PL..IE~3 0 (:) 4 .q ,--:3 ~51 BOOKS & PERIODICALS 0 0 44,...359 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES (-) (-) 44..-382 PHOTOGRAPHIC SlJPPLIEG (:) 0 ACCl....'JUH.)LfJ () 0 St.JNDfi:Y EXPE;:ND r TURES 44'''-43:~ CL.AIMS PAID 0 0 4.1,-435 DFi:GANIZATIONAL.. DUES (:) (-) 44--4~:50 RESE~(VE (.) 0 ACCT....TOT.i'i)L.G 0 (~ Cf'iPITAL OUTL.AY 44....51 -( OFFICE MECHANICAL.. EOUIF 0 (-) ACCl,"TOTAL..S (-) 0 DFP TIJTfo)LS 0 0 79 o CO 988 REVENUE REQUEST (-) 479, 9~;0 479 , (,t"5(-) 32,770 479, ge;0 ~:;i2, 720 ~~jiO, 700 2,020 i I:~EVENUE i 9tfl (~ 61:1, ,970 6:1.:1.,970 0 61:1, <-;70 611,970 579 , :WO :3::?,7"10 CITY [) S(.11... I NA. REVENUE REQUEST n~~ 1988 ACCT.:;: ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL AC TLJt:i i9f.ltj 1(;86 RISK MANAGEMENT RESERVE "+4-,,9:)2 REIMBURSEMENT OF EXPENDITURES 0 (-) 4.1....957 TRSF FROM OTHER FW~DS 0 6U, , 97<;} FUND TOTALS 0 ..sU.,I'Fi'0 BE:GINNING CASH BALANCE ..JANUARY j.ST 0 0 TOTAl... REVENUE 0 6j,:l ,9"10 TOTAL REVENUE ANI> BEGINNING BAL..t-.NCE: 0 (,) 1. 1. , 970 LESS EXPENDITURES 0 () UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE l>E::CE:t1E:EH ;'H (:) 6:1.j,970 81 '- CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 82 1988 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET COMMENTS EQUIPMENT RESERVE FUND Since the adoption of General Revenue Sharing, thf' City has annually financed most General Fund capital equipment needs from that source. General Revenue Sharing is no longer available as a funding source for municipalities. In order to provide for orderly replacement of equipment, primarily machinery and vehicles, the Equipment Reserve Fund is established. Equipment an sh estab to cities Kansas Legislature specifically authorizes in K.S.A. 12-1,177 which provides, in part, A 1985 law passed by the Reserve Fund. This is found the governing body of any city may provide, by adoption of an ordinance, for a municipal Equipment Reserve Fund to finance the acquisition of equipment. Moneys may be budgeted and transfered to such fund ftom any source ~hich may be lawfully utilized for such purposes, including equipment use charges on the various departments and agencies of the city to finance new and replacement equipment. For the purposes of this act, equipment shall include machinery, vehicles and any other equipment or personal property including, but not limited to, computer hardware and software, which the city is authorized to purchase for municipal purposes. This fund serves both accounting and planning purposes. The fund will "own" the major pieces of machinery and motorized equipment. Each department, in turn, will be IIcharged" for the use of the equipment over the equipment's expected lifetime. The annual charge will accumulate and when the equipment is replaced, the funds will be available. This allows orderly financing of equipment replacement and prevents large budget distortions caused by sporadic purchases. The word "reserve" in this fund's title means that the fund is authorized to accumulate from year to year the fund balance and to spend that balance without annual rebudgeting. Most funds are not reserve funds, and the cash balances of such funds must be reappropriated in order to be spent. Comments Fund became fully operational on January 1, 1988. The $200,000 reserve, #957, is $50,000 from the Department for 50% of the replacement for eight marked police cars which are replaced on a two-year Also, $150,000 is from the General Fund for the replacement of a wide variety of equipment. Budget This Police cycle. i988 BUDGET REQUEST ~jOO 0(-)0 o , ~~()O o 100 700 41 100 El4 ")4':>C:' ".......'\:J ,:>-":),:r- ......'\.J BUDGET 1987 0 0 0 47,000 39,000 86,000 86,000 CITY or: SP.L I NA BUDGET REQ~~ST F~]R 1.91;)8 fleeT. :::: ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ~:lCTUI:1L. j9H5 j, ().l8Cl EQUIPMENT RESERVE FUND CAPITAl. OUTl.AY 4~j--503 EQUIPMENT (.) 0 4~j'-505 AUTOMOBILES 0 0 ".~'j'"'516 MOWERS 0 (-) 45....~.'j25 Tf<UCK E) 0 0 45"-52'7 TRACTOR ~ HEAVY EOIHP 0 0 ACCT....TOTAI...S 0 0 DEPT--TOTAL.S 0 0 83 1988 ANNUAL BUDGET $ 41,500 24,000 60,200 $225.700 16,000 20,000 55.000 $ BUDGET COMMENTS mowers tractor/bucket cushman truckster 100.000 000 000 12 12 000 000 200 000 000 000 7 8 9 4 o 2 1 1 $ Replace 1977 I nternationa Dump Truck Replace 1973 air compressor Replace 1958 concrete saw Purchase 400 gallon chemica Purchase 1/2 ton pick up Replace 1978 3/4 ton Dodge sprayer pickup 2 1 1 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS Park Department #503 $ Purchase of 8 police vehicles International pickup Chevrolet Van Tota 1972 1976 Replace Replace Police Department Fire Department Department Services Genera 84 #505 #525 988 REVENUE RmU~T 8,000 200, 00(-) 208,000 i:-!2 20E~ 3:30 ")":>1::" 10.....'.) j,04 000 000 000 70(;) 300 1 HEVENUE i.I,B7 a, 00(-) 200,000 20B,000 (0) 2(-)0 , 0(~0 20B,0(')0 ail, 00(-) 122,0()0 1988 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET COMMENTS CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS that this tax has and a reallocation SPECIAL PARKS AND RECREATION FUND This tax continues to be a subject of Legislative attention. The net result has been not generated the funds anticipated, as a result of inadequate enforcement by the State of some of the funds to the State. Initially, the funds went solely to local governments. be which w of all revenue, n Parks and Recreation Fund will receive an estimated $45,000 to the General Fund to supplement the Park Department budget The Specia transferred 86 j.9HB BUDGET r~EQl.JE~)T 4~5 , 000 4~5, 000 4t'j I 000 BUDGET i. lilU"1 46 , 0(1(-) 46,000 .46, 00(') CITY () Sj!~I...INI!'1 -BUDGET REQUEST FCffi i,9BH ACCT.=lI: ACCOUNT DE8C~~IPTION ACTUAL (.ICTUi~ i.985 j.(986 SPECIAL PAF~K8 6. RE:CREATHlN SUNDRY EXPENDITUFl:E::S 4.'('....44./ rRSF TO OTHER FlJNDS 45,000 44,947 ACCT....TOTALB 45,000 44,947 DE~~'T""TnTALf.) 45,000 4"+, ly4'7 87 88 1. 9aa ~I:EVENUE 1:~EG:IUE8T 4~:5 , 000 4~:; , 00(~ 66)2 4~j , 000 45,662 45 , ~)00 662 HE VENUE t9B"1 45, .!162 4~j, 6l):~ 0 45, ll62 4t:;,662 45, (;)00 (;,"12 CITY OF SFlI...H.JA" -- REVENUE REQUEST FOR 1988 ACCT.:;' ACCOUNT DEE~RIPTION ('ICTtJAL ACTU.~IL j, 9B~:) t986 t)PE::C I ~,I, PAHI<S ~ RECREATION 4I'.~U5 CITY LIQUOR TAX 45,382 44,496 FUND TOTALb 45, :":m2 44,496 BEG1NNING CASH BAL.ANCE~ ...JANUARY :un l)9 4~;jj, TOTAL.. HI:::VENUE 45,3B2 44,496 TOTAL. RE:VENUE AND BEGINNING l-)Al..(~NCE 4~'.'i, 451 44,941 LESS EXPEND I "n.II=i:ES 4~j , 000 44,947 UNENCUMBERED CASt BALANCE DECEMBER 31 451 0 89 ANNUAL BUDGET 1988 BUDGET COMMENTS CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS SPECIAL ALCOHOL PROGRAMS FUND changes in this fund, directing 25% of the funds collected enforcement. Although the State now receives 25% of the the more strict enforcement is intended to provide greater ~ $45,000 in revenue. The City of Salina will programs and services related to activities receive an estimated agencies to finance The Special Alcohol Programs Fund wi enter into contracts with local socia allowable under this program. 90 The 1982 State Legislature made substantia to the State and tightening the means of revenues, when before they received none, revenues to cities and counties. 1908 BUDGET 1:i:E(~UEST 4~:;, 000 4~:5, ()OO 4~j , 000 BUDGET 1. <)I Wi" 46,00(-) 46,000 46, OO{) CITY OF SALINA. BUDGET REQUES1' FOR i9{:JB ACCT.:;: ACCCnJNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAl... .:'iCTUAL j,90::'i 1. <)IBc~ SPECIAL ALC~)HOL PROGRAMS CONTF<ACTlJAL Se:fi:V I CE~) 4B-"295 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 45,000 4.(4 , ~:r7H ACCl .-. TUft-II...!;> 4~5 . 000 44.078 DEPT..-TOTALU 45. (0)00 4." , B'l8 91 N en 1988 REVENU~ REQUEST 000 0(-)0 663 000 6c)~5 0(-) (-) 663 45 4~; , 45 45 45 REVENUE J 9El'l If~.~, 663 4~.:;, c,e)3 0 4~.'; , c,c!):5 4~5, b6):3 4~.:; , 000 663 CITY OF SI~LINA ........ I=i:EVENUE REQUEST Fm~ i 9BB ACCT.* ACCOUNT l)ESCRIPTIUN {.ICTUAL ACTUAl 1 <jl85 i986 S~-;'ECIA1. ALCOHOl.. f'Fmr;R.!:lMS 4t:$''''2 i 5 CITY L.IQUOR TAX 4~7j , 382 114 , 496 FUND TOTAl...b 4~j, 302 .14 ; 496 BEG-INNING CASH BALANCE ,JANUARY :Hn (-) :5B2 TOTAl... REVENUE 4~:; , ~'502 4.4,496 TOTAL REVENUE AND BEGINNING BAl..tlNCE 'l~7;, 382 44,B'l8 l..E:S8 EXPENDITURES 4~,) , (-)00 44 I EnB UNENCLJMEfERED CASH BALANCE DECEMBER ;3 j, 382 (-) 93 .::t en 1988 ANNUAL BUDGET I3UDGET BUDGET REQUEST 1987 1988 $ 738,060 $ 648,550 192,700 167,970 41,400 42,410 310,530 420,820 801,740 803,000 35,100 19,500 257,660 259,210 210,000 266,000 544,740 667,510 5,598,450 5,633,560 $ 8.730,380 $ 8.928,530 CITY OF SALINA. KANSAS ENTERPruSE FUNDS SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES ACTUAL ACTUAL 1985 1986 SANIT A TIOl'l $ 684,941 $ 717 ,580 DATA PROCESSING 162,287 181,296 PARK I NG METERS 44,400 39,535 GOLF COURSE 249,975 365,731 SPECIAL GAS TAX 725,163 752,989 BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT 31,660 33,339 SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL 173, 191 197,784 TOURISM AND CONVENTION 141,200 131,500 BICENTENNIAL CENTER 595,701 668,908 WATER AND SEWERAGE 4,581,799 5,011 ,395 GRAND TOTAL $ 7.390.317 $ 8,100.057 95 Y:l Cl 1988 ANNUAL BUDGET $704,000 $648,550 $ 55,450 6,000 $ 61,450 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ESTIMATED GAIN (LOSS STATEMENT SANITATION 988 SERVI CE FEES LESS OPERATING EXPEt~SES: PERSONAL SERVICES $309,870 CONTRACTUAL SERVI CES 65,720 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 00,700 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 30,000 CAPITAL OUTLAY 42,260 OPERATING EXPEtlSES SUBTOTAL OTHER INCOME GAIN (LOSS) 97 8 1988 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET COMMENTS DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICES SANITATION DIVISION CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS This Division of the General Services Department is responsible for the efficient, systematic collection and disposal of all garbage, rubbish, trash and similar waste materials originating within the residential areas of the City of Salina. Commercial collections, including apartment houses, are handled by licensed, private haulers or by the individual business. The Division is supervised by the Sanitation Superintendent, who is responsible to the Director of General Services. The weekly refuse collection service is available to all single, duplex and triplex residential units on an optional basis. The Division operates four 20-cubic-yard packer trucks, each with an assigned route to be served each day, Monday through Friday. These are supplemented by two shuttle trucks, which permit the crews to remain on the routes while a driver takes a loaded truck to the landfill. One dump truck makes special pickups of piles of tree limbs and items too bulky for the packer trucks at an additional cost. The service fee of $5.40 a month was last adjusted January 1, 1984. There are approximately 10,500 residential refuse customers. tax mOllles are property No service. the of by users paid fees from This DiviSion IS self-supporting devoted to this activity. 1988. n ncrease rate no proposed genera s There Aide, Administrative Comments Sanitation Superintendent, (3) and Laborer (10). Budget The 19 Full-time employees for the Division nClude: Maintenance Worker (4), Laborer Assigned as Relief Driver by the Water and Sewerage Department, and 10C/; per month general administrative services. These changes are reflected The Division is charged 10C/; per monthly bil per account is paid to the General Fund for in #291. s tern this n reduction 000 The $104, n 1982 II #447 allows $30,000 to establish a poly kart replacement fund. caused by the maturing of the bonds issued to purchase poly karts DivISion for use of the landfi the paid by #297 reflects charges radio base station 20-cubic-yard packer. radios and two-way th Ford w of two mobile 1979 of ts replacement ts replacement perm perm #503 #525 t9BB BUDGET HEQUEBT 2m~ , 640 20,230 309, Er70 2,2(-)0 6 , ~"500 22 , 6~50 12,060 26,600 26,400 9j,0 14,000 5:'5, 000 :1.,400 :I.6~:=j, 720 4~50 2 , 5~)0 93,000 4,750 :1.(-)0, 7(0)0 30,000 30 , 0(.)0 9,2f.l0 33,000 42,260 64B , 5~,)(-) BUDGET j,9B7 2a 1 , 27(:) 20,230 301 , ~)OO 1 . j, 0(0) 6 , ~'j(')0 21 , ~;.'j60 i ::.~ , ()60 27, 6(')0 26,400 91(~ j,4 , (-)0(~ :::j:2 , 900 1 , j,OO 164, i.3(-) 450 3,400 f:}2, B0(O) 4 , ~j30 91, :1.8(') 1 ~!)4 , 000 134, ()OO 12 J ~~5(~ 35, 00(') 47,25(') 7~~ 060 CITY 0 St..1... J N(~ -BUDGET REQUEST FOR 19BB ACCT.::;: ACCOUNT DEBCI:i:lPTIOi-l i~CTUAL.. f'.tCTUAL. 1 9B~5 1986 SF~NITATI()N PEI=i:SONAL SEHVICES 5-'--120 SALARIES - REGln_AR E~~LOYEE8 2~:=;2, 19B 2.::/2,124 5'7--13(0) SALARIES-PART rIME EMPLOYEES 1~i.. 122 22, f:~<:")j. ACCl"-TOTALB 26''( , ~!)20 ~:~B4, \y2~; CONTRACTUAL SERVI(~~S 57'-'2~)5 TEl.EPHONE: 1,044 2, (:;,'('1 5"'--22'7 INSURANCE - LIABILITY 700 (;~ , 4~!)0 57-,,236 SOC I AL SECUF~ I T Y j.8,846 ;20, ;360 :::j7'-':':'~3B EMPLOYEES r~ET J.f(EMENT 1.2, '706 H) , 968 5'7-..;23'1 GROUP INSUF(ANCE: ::,~5, 891 ::~6 , 2.79 5'7-291 BIL.LING 1:. AI)MINISTR~,TI01~ CHGS ~~2 , .no ;;"~5, 6:H 5'7....29:2 UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE 456 827 5'7--294 WORKER'S COMPENSATION 10,000 L3, (-)00 5'7"-29'7 D I Sf'OSAL CHAF(GES 49,000 ~'j2 , t7j00 5'7'~'299 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SEI:WICES 1,063 i,4"18 ACCT....TO'rr~LS 142, 37c) 1~j9, ~j34 MATEFUALS ~ SUPPLIES 5'('''-310 EXPENDAllLE TOOI..$ 267 :.280 5'('....320 OFFICE SUPPLIES 2,476 :2,O:tl 5'7....=H4 MAINT - VEHICLES & EQUIP 79,80S 8"1,069 57....3~.'.i9 OH'IER OPERATING SUPPLIES 3 , ~512 3, 40~-S ?iCCT,-.TClTAL.S 8~j , 860 92, 'lB'l SUNDRY EXPENDITlW~ES 5.,....447 Tt'i:Sf' TO OTHER FUNDS j.~50, 200 12;.:,~, 200 ACCT-"TOTAI...S 1~50, 200 122,2()(-) CAPITAL OUTLAY 57-"~50=5 EQUIP 71719 2 1 '/(-)4 5'7-.t'j~!5 TRUCKS ~;1, 466 5:::; , 2::'~0 ACCT...,rOTALEl ~.'.i9, tee; ~;8, j.34 99 DEPT....nrrALs 6f.l4,941 717, ~5BO (;) (;) 1. 9BB REVENl. 1:~ErJUEST f~EVENUE: 1. 98"'" 000 (~00 000 000 3 2 704 1 (')00 000 0(-)0 ()()0 :.-S 2 704 1. 7:1.0,000 086 000 0B6 550 53<!) ::'>'-'j. 7:1.0 9B1 648 332 000 146 (:)()O :1.46 ~)bO 0El6 710 29'1 710 009 '730 271 j, 102 1988 ANNUAL BUDGET $140,650 $167,970 $(27,320) CITY OF SALINA. KANSAS ESTIMATED GAIN LOSS STATEMENT DATA PROCESSING 988 SERVICE FEES LESS OPERATING EXPENSES: PERSONAL SERVICES $ 83,860 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 59,110 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 5,000 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 20,000 OPERATING EXPEI~SES GAIN LOSS) 103 04 1988 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET COMMENTS CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS DATA PROCESSING FUND The City's data processing unit provides data processing and programming services to Saline County and County Sheriff in addition to various City departments. It operates an IBM System 36 computer with 6 printers and 31 data entry terminills, 3 IBM Personal Computers and an IBM 5525 word processor with 5 printers and 8 entry terminals. Data Processing houses and perfol-ms system management of Saline County's computer, an I BM System 36 with 5 printers and 19 data entry terminals. ne. II This means operators have direct access to the computer The necessary record keeping is performed simultaneously, thus The computer facility is located on the first floor of the All of the computer programs are on- and the various functions and programs. providing up-to-the-second accuracy. City-County Building. 1986. n mode 36 mproved System th a larger and was replaced w 34 The old System Comments Budget ned dec and Programmer 1299 provides for maintenance contracts on computers and support equipment. It has approximately $55,000 from 1986 and 1987 because obsolete equipment was replaced in those years. Programmer I Analyst Data Processing Manager, -time employees are Fu of such the cost out leve II w for the replacement of equipment. This arger year-to-year budget fluctuations. a reserve preventing 1450 is to provide replacements, thus, i S'BB BUDGET I:(HH.JEST 81.860 2,000 S~5 , 860 1. , 000 :5 , 5(')0 I.> , ~?(-)0 ~5 , 200 4 , ~3(0)0 500 400 39,51.0 59,110 2 , ~5(-)0 2,500 :::i , 000 :W, 000 2(),000 167,9'70 BUDGET i,987 '(~'j , 6(')0 0 75,bOO 1,00(-) 3 , (>)00 :','i, ::.'i00 3,100 4 , (')00 ::.~50 250 95 , 00~) U.2,100 2,~.'.i00 :2 , ~j0(') 5,000 () (-) 192, 7~)(-) CITY OF SALINA' -BUDGET REQUEST FOR j,9B8 ACCT.# ACCOUNT DES(~~IPTION f~CTUAL ?,CrU(~II. 1. 9B~5 19B6 DATA PROCESSING PERSONAL SERVICES 58.-. i 20 SAl.ARIE:~S - f~EGUL..;-lI;~ EMPLOYEES 61, 784 "('0, 6(-)(3 58,,-130 SAL.ARIES -. PART TIME EI'lPLOYEES 260 0 ACCT....rDTFII...S ,'S2 , 044 '7(~, 1.,08 C()NTF~ACTUAL SEfWICES 5B'-;':'~05 TELEPHONE 588 6:56 50'-'207 EMPLOYEE: DEVEL.OPMENT 3, 120 3,423 58....2:~6 SOCIAL.. SECUIUTY 4,374 ~i , (-)48 58....238 EMF'LOYEE RE:TIRE:MENT :2, 2~54 2,430 ~'j8-"2:59 GROUP INSURANCE 3,131 3 , 9<:)6 5fl-'292 UNEMPLOYMENT INSUf(ANCE 105 20~5 ~:i8-"294 WOF~KER I S COt'1PENSATION 200 300 58,,-299 On-IER CONTRACTUAL Sl::J~VICES 82,115 90 , Elljl~i ACCT,..TOTALG 95,867 106,843 MATERIALS & SUPPL.IES 5f3--320 OFFICE SUF'Ft_IES ;':!,490 2 I ~326 5($,,-:559 Dl~ER OPERATING Sl~~PLIES 1,886 :1.,519 ACCT....TOTALS 4, :3'16 :',,845 SUNDI=i:Y EXPENDITURES ~'i8--450 RESERVE (-) (~ ACCT,-.TOTALS 0 (-) DEPT....TOTAL..H ll)2 I Z.~8.7 HLi. , :296 05 06 988 REVENUE REQUEST "750 (-) =i00 400 000 00(-) 610 65(-) 260 97(') 290 54 32 ~-;0 3 t40,650 I , , I " 37 140 j.78 167 10 i HEVENUE j. (lB7 '(~.'j0 (~ 54 , ~'j00 ~;;5 , 000 50,000 4,000 i 64 , ~~~50 66,060 164, 2~)0 23(-), :510 19;?,700 37,61.0 CITY OF S(lLINA r~EVENUE F.:EbH.JEST FOI:i' i 9li8 ~lGCT. :;;: ACCOUNT l>ESCRlf:'TION ACTUAL f"1CTW,1 1. 90~j i.(?86 DATA PI=-':OCE8~nNG 58-,,721 SAL.E OF COMMODITIES 1, i.36 ~)95 58....740 FEES .- SCHOOl... 29 , ::.~20 ~3 J 4~:iO 58-:742 FEES - WATER & SEWERAGE 54,500 54, ::'j(-')() 58-,,744 FEES - COUNTY c!,:3, fJt15 66 , ~3:l ~j 51:)...."746 FEES - GENf~F.:tiL.. 47,0(:)0 ~50 J 000 58-748 CONPUTER F'ROGRAMM J: NG SEIi:V I CE 5,6B8 ;.~, 57::) FUND TOTALB 20i J 42'7 i. 78, 43::'; BEGINNING CI~SH BALANCE .JANU,.~RY :iST ?9, 7"79 6B J 9~:!:1 TOTAL REVE:NUE 201,429 1 '78 , 4::'~~:j TOTAL.. RE:VENUE AND BEGINNING BI~~L..ANC[ 23:1.,208 247 1 :5~:if.; LESS EXPENDI1URES 16;:;!,287 181,296 UNE:NCUHBEI=i:E:I> CASH BALANCE DECEHfll~Ji: ~51 68,921 (,t, J 06(~ 07 08 1988 ANNUAL BUDGET $ 0 $(42,410) $(42,410) $42,000 $ 410) CITY OF SALINA. KANSAS ESTIMATED GAIN LOSS) STATEMENT PARK I NG METERS 988 SERVICE FEES LESS OPERATING EXPENSES: PERSOtJAL SERVICES $ 36,520 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 800 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 5,090 OPERATING EXPENSES SUElTOTAL OTHER INCOME GAIN (LOSS 09 1988 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET COMMENTS POLICE DEPARTMENT PARKING DIVISION and maintenance of all Division is supervised by The Division provides for the collection of monies, parking enforcement municipally owned parking facilities within the Central Business District. The the Police Department with technical assistance provided by the Traffic Engineer. removed from streets and parking lots. All other parking is for parking violations goes to the General Fund as required 982, all parking meters were revenue derived from fines , 1 AI On December for 2 hours. by state law. Several parking proposals have but a final recommendation has account. Advisors The Downtown Improvement Project could have an effect on this been discussed by the Business Improvement District Board of not yet been proposed. (3) Comments Parking Attendant CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS Budget fund this n -time employees 3 fu There are 110 19aB BUDGET HEQUEST 36,520 36, 5~.~0 B00 0 0 (;) 8(-)0 4,200 790 H)0 ~5 , 090 42.4:t.0 BUDGET :i.9B"(' 35,000 ;'5~5 . 000 B(;)O (;) 0 (;) BO(-) 4 , ~~;Of) ijl(.)O 200 ~:5 , b00 4i.,400 CITY OF SI~L.. I NA BUDGET REQUEST FOR j'jl8B p,CCT . === ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION f~CTl.JAL (.:,CTl.JF.L. i (~El~:; i i/fJ,fl PARKING METERS PERSONAL.. SERVICES 6(:>--120 SALARIES - REGULAR EMPLOYEES :33, 4'10 34,433 ACCT....TOTf:lL.S ~,:)~3, 490 34 I 4~'53 CONTF.:ACTlJAL SEFW ICES 60'-221 PRINTING OFFICE FORMS 721 0 60,,-236 SOCIAL SECLJFUTY 1,16l=i 0 60....23t3 EMPL.OYEES RETIF.:EMENT 957 0 60"-::!39 Gf<OUP INSURANCE 2 , 99(j) 0 ACCT....TOTf.LS 5,845 0 MATERIAL..S & SUPPL.IES 60-,344 MAINT - VEHICLES & EQUIP 4,084 .... , i ''12 60....3t'i5 WEARING APP"'~REL. 852 890 60,,-359 OTHER OPERATING SlWPLIES 1.2(;' 4(-) ACCT...TOTAL.S 5 I 06~j ~:'j, 102 I>EPT.... TOTALS 44,400 ~"3(~ . 5~5~5 111 112 19B8 I=<EVENLJE 1:~EQl.lE8T F~E:\jENUE :i.9B7 0 (-) 0 42,000 42,000 440 4::.~ , 00(:) 42,440 42,4H) 3(.:} o 000 ~'5(;)0 o ~3(-)0 1.~0 ~500 AH0 000 440 ~~~ 30 j. , 30, ~~9 , 39, 114 1988 ANNUAL BUDGET $389,000 $420,820 $(31,820) 4,000 $(27,820) CITY OF SALINA. KANSAS ESTIMATED GAIN LOSS) STATEMENT GOLF COURSE 1988 SERVICE FEES LESS OPERATING EXPENSES: PERSONAL SERVICES $140,420 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 59,400 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 76,000 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 104,000 CAPITAL OUTLAY 41,000 OPERATING EXPENSES SUBTOTAL OTHER INCOME GAIN LOSS) 115 116 ANNUAL BUDGET 1988 BUDGET COMMENTS DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES - GOLF COURSE DIVISION CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS The Salina Municipal Golf Course, opened in 1970, is located on 137 acres of land. It is a modern, well maintained 18-hole golf course. Several recent improvements, including complete renovation of the clubhouse in 1984, make this one of the finest municipal courses in the state. The Salina Municipal Golf Course is operated by the City.s Department of Community Services. The Golf Course Manager oversees the entire operation of the facility including maintenance. Approximately 48,000 rounds of golf are played there each year. The Golf Course is financed by both the General Fund and the golfing public. The General Fund has paid for the land acquisition, initial construction and major capital improvements. The golfing publ ic supports the operating expenses, such as manpower and supplies needed to maintain the course. The Municipal Golf Course is a venture business. As such, it is difficult to operate within standard municipal budgeting policy. This is because the level of expenditures is directly related to the level of income generated from the play at the course. This budget provides for a realistic level of expenditures based upon the expected level of play. However, if the level of play is below expectations, the expenditures will be adjusted accordingly. Course Supermtendent, Golf Manager, Course Comments Golf follows Budget Four full-time employees of the Division are as Senior Maintenance Worker and Garage Mechanic. of and tee and mower riding green carts, golf electrica 4-whee 5 1 replacement the Ilows for mower. #516 a fringe be s hou Id revenue Course for 1988; therefore, between $360,000 and $390,000. Golf 987, There is no expected fee adjustment at the approximately the same as the adjusted figure for 1988 BUDGET REQUEST 90,420 ~jO , 0(:')0 i.40, 420 2, 20(') :5 , 20<-) 3 , 00(-) 2 , ~j00 4,000 22, (-)00 '7,500 j.5,000 59,400 1 , ~j00 2~.'i , 000 40,000 B,000 1,500 76 , 0(-)0 50,000 :3, 000 20,000 ~5 , (~00 26,000 104,000 BUf>GET 1987 86 , ~500 37, (100 124 , .40(-) 1 , 9(:)(~ 1,200 1 , i3(-)0 2 , (-)00 5 , 00(~ 22,000 1 , 00(-) 12,00(1 .46 , 900 600 16, (-)00 25,000 8,000 6<->0 ::-;0 , 200 10, 2~)0 2 , ~'j00 :\"7,50<-) ;3 , (~00 21.2(-><-) ~j4 , "i60 ~:nY () Bf.il...l NA.....-.-...." BUDGET f.:E(;:'UEST FDH :\.90n ACel A:/l; ACCOUNT D~~SeHIF'TIOi'1 f'iCTUAL. AC TlH, i (~8~:; ;1,986 GOLF COURSE PERSONAL SERVICES 6i....120 SAL.ARIES ". f~EGULMi: U1PLOYEES 64,685 7;'~, ~.'i71 6:i....j.30 SALARIES .... PART TINE EMPLOYEES ;~0 , 797 4 i , 186 ACCT....TOTAU, 9ti..482 114, n.:j? CONTHACTUAL SERVICES 61'-;W5 TEl..Ef'HONE i,132 1, ~:i44 6:1. '-::W'7 EMPLOYE:E: DEVELOPMENT :1.44 1, 12.' 6i....221 PRINTING OFFICE FORMS 933 1, sai 61....22.7 INSURANCE - LIABILITY 1,140 i. , fJi '7 61...241 GAS SERVICE 3,638 2, 5'17 61--242 LIGKr & POWER SERVICE 21, 020 SO. ~j~i1 6l".2.43 WATER SEfWICE 90~'5 ~::; , 398 ~>:i. ....299 on.IER C()NTF~ACTLJAL.. SEfNICES i.2,250 23, 2::'N F.ceT...TOTAL..B 41,i60 ~:;6, i.74 MATEFUAL..S & SUPPLIES 61...310 EXPENDABLE: TOOL.S 5a:~ j ,011 61...344 MAINT - VEHICL..ES & EQUIP i6,364 :~4,411 6:1.'-351 SEEDS, PLANTS 1 TF.:E:EB, l...(.il..JN tJUPP 26, (')9E'j 4 i, , :i. f,i9 6:1.-359 OTHEti; OPE:r~ATING SUPPLIES 9, 6:-S9 ~) I ~~.(+2 6:1. .-36.( ELECTRICAL & L.IGHTING PAR'fa 45 4Bt'.'i ACCT.... TOTPII...S ::.';2, 125 72, 6(:)B SUNI>RY EXPEND I TURE:S 61...404 CONTINGENCIES 15,700 29,061- 61--4~~0 PRO SHOP 2,478 1,978 6 j, ...-425 SNACl< IlAR (1 J ~:;2i. 1.4,605 6 i "'-4 ~50 DRIVING t=\:ANGE 2,509 j. , 5B2 61...435 ELECTRIC CART RENTAL.. 28,764 :;.~ i. , <!):'~5 ACCT'''T(jTI~L.S ~:j8 , 972 68,94j. 117 118 i9BB BUDGET HEQUE!3T 43,.000 4 L 000 420.020 BUDGET 1987 34,570 34,570 310,530 ACCT.=#: 6i.....5i6 9 120 988 REVENUE REQUEST 000 0(~0 000 500 000 000 000 ~,'iOO 0(~0 ~)()0 500 50(:) (~Tl 00(:) 077 820 2~j.7 , , , , , , , , 1 , , , 3(13, 000 6)8 3 <,i) 3 461 420 40 ")C:- .:..0.;} 11.) ~5 7:.:'i 4 6 6 1"'" ..J 17 30 45 1 ::.~ 1 F.:E VENUE 1987 (')00 000 (')\;)0 000 80(,) 700 ~.'j00 000 0(')0 00(-) 000 ~'i00 ~:;O0 fO"l 500 607 ~'j30 077 2:)) 16(-) 7(,) 4 r.:." ,.J ~:; 12 13 26 40 i 2 363 It'i, 363, 3'78. 310, 6El, CITY OF S{.\L:U~PI '.d' r~EVENUE I=i:E(;:tUEST FOf~ j, S'BB ACCT_:ll: ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTtlt)L f;CTU,~,L. j, (lB~i j.9B6 GOt..F CUURSE: 61".5::";0 I~NNUAL MEMBERSHIP FEL~: ~?;,j, 867 4<1 J 12~i 61....~555 GF(E:EN FEES 1::.n, ;~~H 1.:-i3, :Hl6 61,,-560 EL.ECTRIC CART RE:N"I"':\L 46,449 6~~ , 49~::i 6i....ei61 PULL CART RENTAL.. ;,?',876 3,940 61..~565 CART STORAGE :i, 830 1,), BH) 61'-5"15 CART lJSEf( FE:E::S ~5 . 7~~;"5 :'::;,609 6 i .,,580 DRIVING RANGE: 0,B77 10,928 61...582 l'1EMIIER SU~-;:CHARGE 4,90"' 11 J 6~:;i3 61...5E:l4 TE::N PLAY CAfmS 0 0 61....5(:$5 SNACK BAR SALES 26. ~i58 39,816 6 i ..~";(/0 M ISCELLANE:OUS 4.4B5 ~'jj, 0 61'.,599 OIL WELL LEASE ~.~ I 352 2 J 5'7~'5 FUND TOTAU 266 , 2~i5 347,645 BEG I NN I NG CASH BALANCE ,.JANUAI=i: Y :I. B T 16, (>)13 :,:n,i93 TOTAL. REVENUE 2t,6 J ~~55 347, cA~'.'i TOTAl... REVENUE AND BEGINNING Bj~L{')NCE 2tB, j,68 ;:50(-) , fJ3B LESS EXPENDI1URES 249.9ns 36~:; 1 731 UNENCUt-1BERED CASH BALANCE I)ECEI'mEl:~ ;3 j. 33, :1.93 1~j, 10'7 21 22 1988 ANNUAL BUDGET $780,000 $803, CITY OF SALINA. KANSAS ESTIMATED GAIN LOSS STATEMENT SPECIAL GAS 1988 SERVICE FEES LESS OPERATING EXPENSES: PERSONAL SERVICES $ 69,160 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 400,000 MA TERIALS AND SU PPLI ES 61 ,490 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 50,000 CAPITAL OUTLAY 22 OPERATING EXPENSES GAIN (lOSS) $(23, 23 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 24 1988 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET COMMENTS DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICES - SPECIAL GASOLINE TAX DIVISION In 1983, the State Legislature provided for a 24 per gallon increase in the gas tax starting July 1, 1983, followed by an additional 14 increase on January 1, 1984. The first 24 is dedicated to the special city and county highway fund. Any other increase in the gas tax after July 1, 1986, will be divided, with 65% going to the State and 35% going to the city-county fund from this source is used in street maintenance, such as asphalt overlay and slurry sealing, asphalt repair work and for the purchase of traffic control equipment. This activity is the general supervision of the Director of General Services as a part of the overall street Revenue derived in concrete and performed under maintenance program. $1. 73 tiona add an and 1988 n payments rect n d ta cap per The City will receive an estimated $16.91 per capita from the County's share in 1988. Comments Budget (3) Another $400,000 is in the Capital Improvement are performed by private contractors who are awarded selected based upon a comprehensive analysis of street Worker and Maintenance Worker Lead Maintenance seal ing of streets. These services Streets are me employees .299 provides for resurfacing and Program, making a total of $800,000. projects on a competitive bid basis. needs and condition -t The DivIsion has 4 fu .447 is a transfer to the General Fund for street maintenance work performed by street crews and to offset other administration and technical services related to street maintenance performed by other General Fund departments. of older Crawford, 9th and Cloud and replacement and Crawford and Santa Fe and device 1503 allows replacement of the signal light controller at controllers with solid state units at 9th and Claflin, Front plus purchase of an asphalt tamper and a trailer-mounted signa j. <tOB BUDGET 1:~Er~UEST 64,140 ~;i , 020 69,160 400,0(-)0 40(-) , 000 21,6(')0 34, .'00 44 , ~'500 42,700 18,190 i6j.,490 1~)0, 000 150,0()(-) 22, 35(-) ::!::! , :':~50 8(:)~:~ , 0(-)0 BUDGET 1987 (;14 1 3'70 5, (-)20 69 , :~590 400, 00() 400,000 i 7 , 0(-)0 40,000 ~50 , 0(-)0 38, ;'5~50 20, (')(-)0 i65,3S0 i ~.'i0 , 0(:)0 i ~j(-) , (,)(-)0 17 , (?00 17,000 ElHL '"('40 CITY OF Sf.lLINA BUDGET Fi:ECJUEST FOH :I,I/BB ACCT.:;: ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION t~CTUAL t-ICTUAI. i98~5 j,986 SPECIAl. GAS TAX F'EI:;:SONAL. SE:RV ICES 62.~i;.:!0 SAl.ARIE:S .. 1:i:EGULAI:i: Et1PI..OYl::j:::S 62,220 ~.:,'I, 34 i 62-130 SALARIES -' f-~Afa TIME Ei'iPL.OYE:E:S 1,322 4,621 FICCT-"lOTAI...!:1 63,542 63,962 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 62.-299 Ol~ER CONTRACTUAl. SERVICES 398, 15"' 394,900 ACel.... TOT AL.G 398, '/';.;7 394, 9()0 MATERIAL.S & SUPPLIES 62~-3f5~"5 SIGNS 16,337 i~5, (-)29 62-,361 ASP~'IAL T llc ROAD OIL 32 , 94~:i 32,9fJ6 62'.';365 CEMENT & CEMENT F~ODUCTS 30,733 4~5 , 125 62-<5E~1 PAINT & PAINTING MATERIALS ~~3, 65j. 3~.:i , 980 6:2....387 SAND, GRAVEL, FmCI< & CHf.iT ''I , 19f:1 c,,411 ACeT....TOlf~IL.S j,j,2,864 i 3;.:.~, i 39 SUNDRY EXPEND 1 TUfi:ES 6:2..447 TRANSFER TO OTHER FUNDS 1~iO, 000 150 , 0(-)(') ACCT....TClIAL.H 150,000 150, 0~)0 CAPITAL. OUTLAY tl;;!"" 5~) ~5 e:QUIF' (-) 11.,9BB ACCT....TUTALS 0 j, :l. , CYB8 I>1:;:PT,...TOTALS 72~.'i, 1. 6;5 7b.:':.~, 909 25 26 1988 REVENUE ~~QUEST 700 , 00(-) 780, 00(?J 48, 0;'52 7t30 , 0(-)0 028,032 B(.>=~ J 000 25 , 03~~ REVENUE 1987 "780,000 780,000 69,772 780,000 849,772 801,740 48,032 (:ITY OF {5f.,U:UA' ...... r.:EVENUE f~E(;:tUE~ST n:m 1 SlUB ACCT.:::: ACCOUNT DE:SCI=\: I F'T 1 Of J ACTl.lfiL AC'fl.Ui 1 98~5 i 9B!.) BF'ECIAL. GAS TAX 6~!-220 STATE GAS T.!\X 67::2 ,(158 720 , 0"1;;.~ FUND TOTAU 67::~, 958 72(-),0'('2 BEGINNING CASH BALANCE ...JANUAf~Y H>T 154,894 3.02,689 TOTAL REVENUE 6 7~:,~ , 958 720 , (n2 TOTAL.. REVENUE AND BEGINNING })AI...~jl''''CE 827 , B~'52 022, '761 L.ESS EXPEND I TUF.:ES .(2~:i, 163 75~~ , 9t19 UNENCUMl.~E.;:ED CASH BAL.ANCE DECEMBER :5 j. j. (')2 , 689 6't 1 7", ;.;.~ 27 128 29 1988 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET COMMENTS CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS MPROVEMENT DISTRICT Ordinance #83-8971, adopted August 25, 1983, established Business Improvement District #1, which encompasses substantially all of the City central business district. BID undertook and accomplished a major physical rehabilitation project in the area. Now that the project is nearly complete, the BID has turned its efforts to maintain the physical improvements and to continue the task of promoting the ar'ea. This account has no full-time employees; the employees in this activity are engaged by Salina Downtown Inc., private organization. The BID assessment level is somewhat less than in 1987, with $17,000 paid the City for upkeep of the improvements. This task is performed by the Department of Community Serv BUSINESS a to ces. 30 1988 BUDGET REQUEST 0 0 0 <:> 0 0 0 0 <:> 0 1 (i' , 500 19,500 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 19,5(')0 BunGE" 19B1 24,000 0 24,(')(-)(-) 150 1 , ~500 900 1,'700 j,,1(-)0 0 ;2(')0 2 , ~:j00 8,650 :'500 200 1, 0(-)0 i.00 1,600 ~'55<-> (-) 350 t:i<->0 ~5(~0 ~5~'5, 1(-)0 CITY () SPIL 1 NA' BUDGET F~EQUEST FOI=i: i9Bi:l ACCT.:lI: ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAl... I~CTU,~L t985 1986 BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT l)JSllUCT PERSONAL SERVICES 63...120 SAL.ARIES -. r~EGUL.Af~ EJiPLrr'(EES 23,19ti 20 , ~U9 6:5...130 SALARIES - PART TIME EMPLOYEES 0 S8B ACCT....TOlAL.G 23, i9~i ~.~ () 1 fJ.!17 CONTRACTUAL. SEJW ICES 6~5""205 TEL.EF'HONE 7 ~5:l. n:;~j 63.'.207 EMPLOYEE DEVEL.OPME::NT 165 :\.,6B4 63...209 POSTAGE 059 707 63".:':!36 SOCIAL.. SECURITY j. , 635 2, '::.~'10 6~5'.'2:38 EMPLOYEE:S RET I m::ME:Nl 1, j.:37 721 cl~5."239 GHOUP INSURANCE 1,031 689 63...252 REPAIf~-FURNITlJF~E & OFFICE E(;.IUr 0 0 63...2115 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 1, 85~5 :5,281 ACCT....TOTAI..B '7,41i, j0,1(-n' MATERIAL.S & SUPPLIES 6;3'-;'520 OFFICE:: SUPPLIES 206 {.l"i'4 6~5.";33i BOOKS & PERIODICALS 24 ;'31 63.,,359 On-lER OPERATING SUPPl...IEB 419 :1.,328 63....382 PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES 40 :l.i ACCT"'TOTAU:i 689 ::! , 050 SUNDRY EXPENDITU~;:E8 6~5""4:35 ORGANIZATIONAL.. DUES :~65 3:1.5 6:3....4;39 REFUNDS 0 0 ACCl....T()TI~I...H :5 6 f.j ;:H~5 CAPITAL OUTLAY 63'-~i1 7 OFFICE MECH,::.NICAL. El.'UIP 0 0 Acel.... TOTAIB (:) 0 DEPl....TOTAL.H 31,66(-) ~33 , :539 31 32 1988 REVENUE REQUEST 1 (jl , 500 ~) 19,500 7,312 19, ~500 26,8:1.2 19,500 7,312 REVENUE i 91:1"'1 ::.~() , 0(-)(.) 1~:;, ~)O0 :"~~:i , (-)00 7,41.2 35,(-)00 42,412 3t"i 1 i. (~0 '7,:312 CITY OF S(-~I...INA ...... F.:EVENLJE I:;:U;:.UEBT FOf~ 1. 9HB Plce..- . =I ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ;:ICTUAL. I~CTUAL 1. 98~:i 1981., BUSINESS IMF~OVEMENT DISTRICT 6~~""734 ASSESSMENT FEES ~~B, 613 B,9tl9 6~3""957 TRSF FROM OTHEF.: I>EPTS 0 24 , 120 FUND TOTALS 313,613 :'53) 109 BEGINNING CASH BALANCE ,JANUAI:~Y j.!;)T 6fJ9 "r,642 TOTAL.. REVENUE 313,613 :3:~ ) 1(19 TOTAL.. F~EVENUE AND BE:GINNING BAL..I~NCf.:. 3<1, :302 4(-) J 751 LESS EXPENDITURES 31,660 ~53 , 3:39 LJNENCUMlIEJi:EI> CASH BALANCE DECEMBER :3 i, '/ , .!)42 7,412 33 34 1988 ANNUAL BUDGET $265,100 $259,210 - - $ 5,890 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ESTIMATED GAIN LOSS) STATEMENT SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL 988 SE RV I CE FEES LESS OPERATING EXPENSES: PERSONAL SERVICES $ 89,000 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 33,030 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 77 , 180 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 60,000 OPERATING EXPENSES GAIN (LOSS 35 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS BUDGET COMMENTS 1988 ANNUAL BUDGET DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICES - SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL DIVISION The City-owned and City-operated landfill, located southwest of Salina on Burma Road, provides solid waste disposal facilities for all of Saline County. The location and operation of the landfill are in accordance with the Saline County Solid Waste Collection and Disposal Plan adopted by the Saline County Commissioners and subsequently approved by the Kansas Department of Health and Environment. The service is solely financed from gate fees collected from users of the landfill and income realized from leasing farm land not needed for landfill operations. No property tax monies are devoted to this activity. As a Division of the General Services Department, the operation is supervised by the Sanitation Superin- tendent, who is responsible to the Director of General Services. Budget Comments This fund has 5 full-time employees: Lead Maintenance Worker, Equipment Operator (2) and Gate Attendant (2). #130 adds part-time employees to pick up paper and are for the the new trees planted along the perimiter of the landfill. #291 reimburses the General Fund for administrative and supervisory services. #299 provides for crop hai I insurance and real estate taxes on land leased for farming purposes. #359 provides for fire extinguishers, the service of the fire extinguishers, paint, first aid supplies, rent on propane tanks and other miscellaneous supplies. #387 provides for 400 tons of township rock at $10 per ton to extend and maintain landfill roads. #447 provides for digging of landfill pits in 1988-1989. This work is done under competitive contract. The monies are transferred to the Construction Fund. #450 provides for a reserve fund for equipment replacement. 36 1988 BUDGET REQUEST -rB I 800 10,2()(:) 89,0(-)0 370 1 , 5(-)0 61,460 :3 , 500 "7 , 6~.'i0 1,400 1,800 2,100 ~~~50 2,000 6,000 3:5, 0:'~0 5()0 ~500 70 , E~aO 800 4,500 T? , 1. 00 :55 , 00~) 25 , (~00 60,000 25(},2:i.0 BUDGET 1 <JfJ7 77,a00 8 , 2(~O 86, (-)00 :"~20 1,5(-)0 6,150 :3,-440 7 , t..~lO 1,4()() 1 , t~00 2 , 0(->0 2b0 2,000 7,900 :34, -l20 6~':;O ~,);':S(-) 70,B00 760 4 , ~.)(~(.) 7'7, 240 40,000 20,(-j()0 60,000 257, 66(-) CITY OF 8(")L.IN(~) B1.JDGFT f~E(;.iUEST FOR i.9B8 ACCT.:;: ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION .;CTUAl.. ,=1CTW1L. 1985 i986 SULID WASTE DISF~SAL PEJi:SONAL. SEFWICES 64-,120 SALARIES .-. HEGULAf~ EMPL.OYEES c:!l8, 730 73, G'IS 64-"1:50 SALARIES "n PARr TIME Et'IPL..OYEH (1 0 ACCT...,TO.I.f~J...S 68, '730 7;3, 0gei CONTRACTUAL SEfW r CES 64"-~.~05 TEl..EPHONF.:. 3i0 :"?6~-; 64-"~~27 INSURANCE - LIADILI1Y 300 1., :'H2 64-"2;36 SOCIAl.. SECUBITY 4,845 ~5 I 226 64,-,238 EMPLOYEE:S F~ET I I:~EMENT 3,368 :3 , 14:3 6~1'-'2:3(] GROUP INSURANCE '7,057 7,074 c)4'-~~41 GAS SERV:r CE:: 1,198 9~:i8 64-00242 LIGHTS & POWER SERVICE i , -no 1, 6"12 64--:';!91 BILLING & ADMINISTfMTION 2,000 2 , (')00 64-,,292 UNEMPL.OYMENT INSUF~ANCE i17 212 64-294 W()RKE:f~' s COMPE:NS(~TrON 1 , t:;00 i , '"((-)0 64-":~'J9 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES I., , 638 4,ej37 ACC'I._.lOTAI...S ::.~() , j, 0:5 ;?rJ , 199 MA TER:[ ALS & SUPPL..l E~:) 64-3j.0 EXPENDABLE TOOL$ ~353 4:1.2 c!I4--320 fJFFICE St.JF'PL. lES 8H) 6, (31 64--344 MAINT - VEHICL.ES & EQUIP 49,171 C) 'I , 9t'i4 64"<~~':;9 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIFB 1,003 i ,46A 64....38'7 SAND,ROCK,GRAVEL,SAL..T,CHAT 4 , (-):~1 ;'5,919 ACCT..,.TOT~.I,..S ~55, :55f:1 OOh,,49(-) SUNDRY EXPENDITUf;;ES 6'.,..-447 TF.:SF TO OTHER FUNDS 0 0 6.4'-4~50 RESERVE FOR EGHHP F~I::Ptoo(.ICEjvIEN' 20, (:)00 ~w , ()O~) ACCT'-TOTAL.S 20,000 :W, 000 I>EPT....TOTf.IL5 j,'l3,19j i97,704 37 38 88 REVENUE REQUEST 10(-) 265,000 <:> 26~i, 100 :"523 1 157 265,100 ~'jB8 , 2~:j'7 259,210 32<;>,047 1.(j F~EVENUE 19f:l7 1(,>0 265,(-)(-)0 <-> 26~5, 100 315, 'r17 265, 10(~ 580 , 81. "7 2:.7i''''' , 660 32:.3, 1~.'.i7 CITY OF SI~L..INA-' REVENUE REQUEST FOR 1988 ACeT . :;' ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTU('~L :I. <)>135 :l (lBtl SOL.ID WASTE I>ISPOSAL 64"-508 I NCOME FROM L.EASE]) !...t-dH> 163 1 } (-)(~2 64- "l~33 BErN I CE: FEE:S 301,51.)-' 297 } ~W3 64....952 REIMBURSEMENT OF EXPENDITURES j ':)1::' 65 ._,.:1 FUND TDr~~I..S ~50 i , f.-J~j5 ~~9t3 J 270 BEGINNING CASH BALANCE ,JANUAF(Y 1ST 86,567 ::.~ 1 ~::i , Z31 TOTAL. REVENUE 3(-)1,855 2()>8 , 2'70 TOTAL REVENUE AND BEGINNING BALANCE 388,-422 ~5t3, 501 LESS EXPEND I TUF.:ES 17::'-5,191 197,784 LJNENCU~mERED CASH BALANCE DECEMf,Ef( :.3 i. 2i.f.i, ~~31 31:.7i, 71.7 39 40 1988 ANNUAL BUDGET $ 266,000 1-266,OOQ $ 0 - CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ESTIMATED GAIN LOSS) STATEMENT TOURISM AND CONVENTION 988 SERVICE FEES LESS OPERATING EXPENSES: CONTRACTUAL SERVICES $ 266,000 OPERATING EXPENSES GAIN LOSS 41 ....., CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 42 1988 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET COMMENTS sleeping accommodations. I mote hote TOURISM AND CONVENTION A 3% transient guest tax is levied upon the gross receipts derived from The revenue is for the promotion of conventions and tourism in Salina. operates the Convention by the City Commission By written contract with the City of Salina, the Salina Area Chamber of Commerce and Tourism Bureau. A ten-member Convention and Tourism Committee appointed advises the Chamber on the use of the funds. ---' Tourism Bureau. This account has increased significantly because of the increase from 2% to 3% of receipts in the transient guest tax effective September 1987. Also, the City Commission has, on occassion, authorized use of the cash balance for special projects. The most recent was the authorization in May 1987 of $26,000 to finance a dog racing feasibility study in Salina. on and Convent the for ng budget ope rat ty an annua the C to ts The Chamber subm :i.<iBa BUDGET 1:~I:;:r~UI:::ST 26C:.,000 266, (;)00 26,6, 000 BUDGET i 'l ~:r'1 2l0, O(~(-) ~!. i. 0 , 000 2i.0,000 CITY OF WiL..INt~i ---BUDGET REQUEST F~ffi 1.9HB ACCT. 'I:: AC(~)UNT DESCRIPTION tICTlJAL. PICTt.JI')L j.9El5 1.'.i>B6 TOUR & CONVENTION PROMO CONTRACTUAL. SF.Ji:VICES 7~!"~295 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 14i,,200 13:\.,500 ACCT..,.TOfAL~: 141,200 1::31., :500 DEF'T.H.TOTAI.. !. 141,200 j. ~H . ~:'i00 143 44 i.9B8 I:;:E:VENUE m:~GH.JE:ST (')(-)0 266,000 :39 :M6 305 ;:~66 39 644 000 644 000 644 :.:!f.l6 REVENUE j. (j)B7 18~:i I 0(-)(-) 18~), 00(-) 64,644 18~"i, 000 249,644 210,00(-) 3'J 1 644 CITY OF Sf)LINA..., ....,- f~EVENUE f~E(;:'UEST Fm~ j, 988 ACGl . :ll= ACCOUNT DESCHIPTIOf'! (~CTl.JI~lL. ACTUtJ t985 i. '186 TOl.U:~ & CONVE:NTION PROMO 72,,-240 STATE SALES TAX -.. 110TI:LB 120,454 1 ~~2 , (J8:~ FUND TO',"AUJ i. 2(:) , 454 1. ~52 , 9B3 BEGINNING CASH BAl.ANCE ~JAN\.JAf.;:Y HiT Ek~ 1 9<:>7 63,161 TOTAL.. REVENUE 120,454 132,903 TOTAL.. REVENUE AND BE:c;rNNING IlAL(.:tNCE 204,361 j, 9.!, , 144 LESS EXPENDITURES 14:i ,200 1 ~3 i , ~'5(:)0 UNENCUMBEm::D CASH BALANCE I>ECEMBER ~:s i. 6~~, 161 64,6-4,4 45 46 1988 ANNUAL BUDGET $462,170 $667,510 $(205,340) ~200,000 $ 5,340) CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ESTIMATED GAIN (LOSS STATEMENT BICENTENNIAL CENTER 1988 SERVICE FEES LESS OPERATItJG EXPENSES: PERSONAL SERVICES $374,670 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 69,900 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 51,700 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 124,600 CAPITAL OUTLAY 46,640 OPERATING EXPENSES Subtotal Other Income GAH LOSS 47 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 48 1988 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET COMMENTS CENTENN IAL CENTER The Center was formally opened on June 2, 1979. The building consists of an arena and exhibition hall, along with supporting offices, meeting rooms and other facilities. The arena has a maximum seating capacity exceeding 8,000 and over 21,000 square feet of unobstructed floor area. It is ideally suited for concerts, trade shows, expositions, conventions and meetings, circuses and various types of sporting events. The exhibition hall, measuring 120 by 153 feet, provides in excess of 18,000 square feet for exhibition space and will seat 2,000 for a banquet. A 4,370 square foot addition was completed in 1987. The addition includes two star dressing rooms and four combination dressing/meeting rooms. B The responsibility of the Manager and the staff is to see that the property Is well maintained, contract for usage of the facility and keep operating costs to a minimum. The Center endeavors to provide good service to users of the building and to maintain a reputation where businesses, individuals and organizations will want to return repeatedly for various functions. While the operation and maintenance of the Center requires a considerable subsidy, it is credited with generating millions of dollars annually for the local economy. The Bicentennial Center is funded from both direct and indirect sources. The direct sources include rent, $197,590, and food and beverage sales, $260,580. Indirect sources include insurance and utilities paid through the Risk Management Fund and Utilities Fund; benefits for employees paid from the City's Employee Benefit Fund; maintenance of the grounds by the Park Division of the Department of Community Services; and parking lot cleaning by the Street Division of the Department of General Services. In addition, $200,000 will be transferred from the General Fund to the Bicentennial Center fund to balance this account. Local sales tax Is the source for that funding. Comments The leve of certain expenditures, primarily part-time salaries and concession expenses, are dependent greatly upon the number and type of events hosted by the Center. This budget includes significant increases in part-time personnel and concess accounts to reflect the anticipated maximum level of events. However, if these events do not occur, level will be adjusted accordingly. Budget on the expense The Bicentennial Center has 14 full-time employees: Assistant City Manager / Bicentennial Center Manager, Assistant Manager/Event Coordinator. Operations Manager, Food and Beverage Manager, Food and Beverage Supervisor, Stage Manager/Building Engineer, Lead Maintenance Worker, Senior Maintenance Worker, Office Supervisor, Secretary-Event Coordinator, Senior Clerk and Senior Custodians (3). 19BO BUDGET I:(E(~UEST ~324, ~,70 ::'jO, 00(-> ~'5'74, 670 7,000 7 , 00<-> 2,000 900 2(:) , 00(-) 0 0 0 3 , ~:j00 4,::'j00 2~5 , 000 69,900 i , ~.'i00 4,000 70(-) 12,0(')0 12, (-)00 2,000 1 , ~:;O0 Hl, 000 :.7;1,700 10,000 1,600 BUDGET j,l181 297, 2:':-;0 :':'!6, ClO(.) ~324 , 050 6. ~:i(-)O 5, ~:i(-)0 2,000 600 1 .., , 00(-) 0 (:) 0 ~'5 , ~:.:; (.) 0 4 , ~:.)00 ;~!5, (')0(') 64,600 1 , 5(:)(-) ~5 , <10(-) 700 9,000 i2,000 2,00(-) i , 0(~O 15,000 44,200 :1.0,000 1,600 CITY 0 S.:\LINA...........,.....BUDGET I:~FQLJEBT For~ :l9BB ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION (:~CTUAL. (,\Cnll~L i9f.l5 j,986 .., ... (-leeT 283,905 34,708 318,613 5,'197 7,154 1,524 2,219 15,104 24,636 100,879 2,061 3,025 4,574 16,267 183,240 1,601 3,159 442 11,761 12,393 2,000 1,084 14,560 47,000 30,000 1,233 2,;.~6, ~:i(H 2~?, 976 2B9,537 5,....09 4 . 7 l)O 1,a85 485 18, ;'54:i!. ~H , 9<r? 124,662 2, 00:3 2,496 3,839 14,427 200,215 1, ~':i82 4,147 ~.';~51 7, :361 9 1 4~:'i8 1,997 ",.,..':) ....1....1,,:.., i4,34E1 3(1,9'76 4,~::i66 1,564 BICENTF.::NNIAL CENTEf( PEh:SONAL SE}'\:VICES 7:5....120 SALARIES - REGULAR EMF~OYEES '7~5""1 :50 SAL.A~~ I ES PARr TINE ENPL-DYEES ~ICC'J rOTALS VEHle y (.-\I...f.i TOTALS CES MATERIALS & SUPPLIEE EXPENDABLE TOOL.S OFFICE BUPPLIES FUEL ~ LUBRS ... I..IEAVY EUIHP ,.JANITOR 6 TOILET ~)UPPLIES MAINT - VEHICL.ES & EQUIP LAWN,LANDSCAPE,CHEMICAL au WEARING APh~HEl.. MIse fi:E.PAIf~S & SUNDRY EXPENDITURES CONTINGENCIES OF~GAN I ZA T IONAL CONTf<ACTUAL TEL.EPHONE EhPU.WEES F'OST AGE PRINTING OFFICE FOHMS ADVERTISING & F~OMOTION INSUf~ANCE '- LIAB, FIf<E, VEl ELECTRIC SERVICE WA TER SEI:<V I CE F<ENT .,. M"~CHINEF<Y, DISPOSAl.. CHAF~GES OTHEFi: CONTRr~C:TlJAL. I HV T( DEVE:LOPl1EI'IT E(~\U N') (.-lcc-r <.~ .., I>UI:::S AC( MflI SEfi:VICES 73-205 73-207 73-209 73-221 73-225 73-221 73-242 73-243 73-274 73-297 73-299 13-310 73-320 73-341 73-343 73-344 73-351 73-355 73-399 73-404 T5....4~5~5 49 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 50 1988 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET COMMENTS nued #120 provides for adding a Senior Clerk to assist in the administrative office, box office and Food and Beverage Department. The Center has operated for seven years with several fewer full-time employees than when it opened. This will be the first full-time position to be added since 1980, when six full-time positions were deleted. (cont BICENTENNIAL CENTER hosted by #130 The need for part-time employees s dictated by the type, number and frequency of events the Center. The growing number of large events requires more part-time personnel. Tax funds, provides the bull< of needs to advertise in national sports and entertainment. The the use of Transient Guest trade shows, the Center promotional expenses related to through and #225 While the Chamber of Commerce, the advertising related to conventions publications and incurs other types of increase for 1988 is for highway signage. be Dressier slacks and vests w events. #355 provides uniforms for Operations and Food and Beverage personnel furnished for F & B personnel staffing receptions, parties and other soci this . a th additiona the building and equipment age of Increasmg tern. #399 line n #480 ApproximatelY 60% of the revenue generated by the Center comes from Food and Beverage. Expenditures for food and beverage supplies are dictated primari Iy by the number, size and type of events hosted. F & B revenue has been steadily increasing as noted in revenue account 73-505. ncrease re an requ area along w the gross sales #503 provides for computerized cash registers for use at the main concession stands. Ten registers at each of the two stands at $2,246 each. This will expedite order tabulation and change making. Registers reduce mistakes, facilitate pricing in five-cent increments, as opposed to the present twenty-five-cent, permit sales tax to be charged separately and provide continuous inventory control. The request includes $6,880 for additional microphones, an automatic washp.r and dryer for use in the dressing rooms, an electric range for the kitchen, replacement table skirting and divider curtain. Electronic data processing equipment to be tied to the IBM System 36 by telephone line is $17 ,300 including software. 10% of who staff the concession stands are paid #490 Service clubs 1 ()iUa l~l.JI)GE:T I:~E(~UEST 0 9~5 . 0(;)0 10,000 124.6(-)0 46,640 0 46.640 667, ~510 BUDGET j <11:r7 C:) 65 , ~)00 :1.0 , O(:}0 B6,600 "l, ,1,:',)0 17,640 25,290 ~i44, 740 CITY (] b{~L. I NA ..BUDGET t:<Em.JEBT FOI:O: i.9BB A(:;COUNT D(;::SCH:[PTION ~)r.;TUAL. rjCTl,J{.~L 1 (j>8~'5 198,-S REFUNDS 635 215 CONCESSIONS - MIse 45,92:1, 61, ~)23 CONCESSIONS CONTRIBllTIONS 8 , 6 -'9 J. i , :;'~2(J ACCT'''-TOrf~I...S 61,365 H>:3, '1'00 CAPITAL. OUTLAY EC.!UIP 4, (')33 :i. ~:j , 93<-) FU~NITURE & FIXTURES 575 425 ACCI'....Tl.1TALS 4,608 16, :5:::';5 I>E:PT '-TD T f'll..t1 595,"101 66B,90a ,... 'II' 73-439 73-480 73-490 '7;'5-~j0;'5 13."~5(->9 ACC'I 5 52 (j'aa HEVENUE REQU~::ST S90 5t3(-) 00<:) 000 662,170 119,436 662,170 781,606 667,510 114,096 197 260 4 200 1 1:i:~::VENl.JE :t9B'l 1 ~30 1 0(-)0 21~.'i, 000 3, 00(-) :.,~(-)(-) , 00(') 540, (-)00 116,1"16 5481000 664,176 544,740 119,436 CITY ClF S,:'LIN(.~' f~EVEi.JUE HECH.JESl For~ 19BB ACCT.4 ACCOUNT !)J::SCfU f'T Hli ~ f.iCnJAL I~CTU,~I J. 9(:l~::; 1986 BICENTENNIAL CENTER '73".501 RENT 133, 4~:!6 j, '74, 8!.'.:i6 7~3."~:)(-)5 F()OD/BEVEJ~AGE 18~3, t:!f.l9 221~ , 578 .73....952 HEIMBURSEMENT (W~ EXPENDln.JRES 2, <:M'7 ~3 , ~iO~:i 7~3""95'7 TRSF FI:;:OM OTHE~R FUND!:) 2,..5, 000 :300 ,. 000 FUND TOTAL.G 584,352 706 , '1~5'1 BEC;nmING CASH BALANCE .JANUAf~Y HIT tl9,494 '78, :l.4t'i TOTAL REVENUE 584 , ~3~.'i2 706,939 TOTAL REVENUE AND BE:GINNING l.lAl..(.1NCE 67:3,846 78~'5 , 084 LESS EXPENDITURES t'i9t'i,701 f.,6f.l . 9(-)0 UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE DECEMBEH 3:1. 7i:J, i Al5 116,1'76 53 54 1988 ANNUAL BUDGET $3,992,000 $3,723,560 $ 268,440 400,000 $(131,560 239,800 $ 108,240 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ESTIMATED GAIN LOSS STATEMENT WATER AND SEWERAGE 1988 SERVICE FEES LESS OPERATING EXPENSES: WATER SUPPLY $ 97,400 SOFTENING AND TREATMENT 852,060 PUMPING EXPENSES 220,700 DISTRIBUTION EXPENSES 374,950 CUSTOMER ACCOUNTING AND COLLECTION EXPENSES 350,640 ADMINISTRATIVE AND GENERAL 800,780 SEWAGE TREATMENT AND COLLECTION 645,290 BOND AND INTEREST 381,740 OPERATING EXPENSES SUBTOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY SUBTOTAL OTHER INCOME GAIN LOSS 55 56 1988 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET COMMENTS CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS WATER AND SEWERAGE DEPARTMENT The Water and Sewerage Department is a combined municipal utility responsible for operating the City's water and sewerage systems. In addition, the Department collects revenue for the City's sanitation service. The accounting for the water and sewerage utility differs somewhat from general municipal accounting. This results from the need to use utility accounting procedures required by covenants in the City's bond ordinances. treatment. purification, softening and distribution for the City of or exceed standards of the Kansas State Department of standards is assured by continual testing in the plant customer servIce and sewerage collection and water supply Water Supply Division is composed of supply, The water is chemically treated to meet and Environment. Compliance with those as well as throughout the complete system. three diVISIons has Department The Sali na. Heal th proper This Salina obtains its water from two sources: the Smoky Hill River and 15 wells. Approximately 42% of the water is pumped from the river and the balance from wells. Well water is utilized to temper the river water. However, it is the more expensive to process because it requires additional chemicals for softening and electricity for operating the wells. South Street, is capable of producing 15 million gallons of water 14.6 million gallons. The plant has the capability of being expanded Such an expansion should begin in 1987 in order to keep abreast The water treatment plant, 4th and per day. The peak demand has been to produce 24 million gallons per day. of Salina1s growth and demands for water. Water Supply Division is also responsible for maintenance of all water service lines at the utilityls This obligation extends from the water main through the curb stop, if the meter is set on private or the meter set, if the meter is set on public property. The utility maintains 263 miles of The expense. property, water main. Customer Service Division reads meters each month, computes account charges, provides service assistance to individual customers and collects all water and sewer use fees. The Division also bills and collects for residential refuse collection service. The utility has approximately 17,000 customers and issues about 204,000 bills annually. Sewerage Collection and Treatment Division maintains all sewage collection mains and laterals, sewerage pumping stations and the two treatment plants. The sanitary sewerage system consists of two treatment facilities, 194 miles of lines and 46 sewer 11ft stations. It is responsible for the treatment of all sanitary wastes generated by the City to standards specified by the Kansas State Department of Health and Environment. 1988 BUDGET REQUEST ~)(-)0 600 000 000 800 4(-)0 560 000 0<-)0 0(')0 000 000 o o o 5(-)0 000 0Cl0 300 000 000 000 5(-)0 900 7(-)0 j.O, 6:2, 1"1, 7, 97, , , , , , , , , , , , , 220, 19(j) 75 10 ~;~3~5 i.a 3 :3 8 8~;2 121 84 2 6 4 2 CITY () SAL.INA. WATEI:i: t:. SE:W,~GE: BUDGET m::Ql.JEST FOI=i: :1.988 ACCT.... ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION (:,CTUAL. ACTUAL BUDGET :1.985 :1.986 1907 WATEf~ SUPPL.Y EXPENSES i.l0 MAINTENANCE-WELL PUMPS & EQUIP 11,145 i."1 , 2He.'i 10,(-)00 120 WELL POWEH ell,782 62 I 2~52 62,000 1:30 WELL HOUSE SIGNALS 14,911 13,4~35 1,7, 000 1.40 RIVER INTAKE POWER 4,114 !." 165 7,000 :1.50 MAINTENANCE-BLDGS. & GRDS. 992 515 1 , 40(:) SUB TOTAl... 92,944 99 , ~i52 97,400 SOFTENING & TREATMENT EXPENSES 210 SAL.ARIES 19'~ , 975 20~7j , 323 196,450 2iti E:LE:CTF~ I C POWER 84,55j. .( ~'5 , ~5 r.l '7 84,000 ::'~20 GAS SERVICE 9,972 0,069 1 L 000 230 CHE:tlICALS 480,105 526, ~3"16 525, 00(:) 2:35 MAINTE:NANCE - EQUIP A 29,403 20,905 j.8,000 240 MAINTENANCE - BUILDINGS 1, :I.4j, 1 1 4~3~5 :3, (:)00 255 E:LECTRIC POWER-'CALCINING PI...r~INT 8 , t'i73 ~3, 821 0 260 GAS SERVICE - CALCINING PLANT :1.0,043 6, B:'58 0 270 SUPPLIES - CALCINING PLANT ~.; I 275 340 0 275 ELECTRIC SERVICE - SLUDGE LINE 3,038 2,905 3 , ~50(-) 280 MAINTENANCE-SLUDGE L..INE ;3, 6(]2 "{', f5B8 12,000 SUB TOTAl... B43,768 8~57 , :I t,5 852, (n50 PUMPING EXPENSES 310 SALARIES 90,619 92,1;U) 1 16, ~'590 315 ELECTR I C POWE:R 69,289 f.l7,981 84,000 ::S::~0 GAS SERVICE 1,705 1,261 2,000 :330 BUIL.DING OPERATING SUPPLIES 4, 13~5 :=:i , j, H~'5 6,000 335 MAINTENANCE'-El..EC E;(i:lUIP 0.: PUMF'S 6,711 i,9b1 4 , :500 :540 MAINTENANCE-,STATION Elt..I>G ~ G~\:D 2,029 2,6:1.0 2,900 SUB TOTAL 175,286 191, i~~4 215, <190 57 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 58 ANNUAL BUDGET 1988 BUDGET COMMENTS (continued) \VATER AND SEWERAGE DEPARTMENT Department. This Department is self-supporting from user charges collected from ts customers. No tax monies are di- verted to the utility. Rather, the Department makes a $110,000 payment in lieu of taxes to the General Fund. This contribution makes the utility one of the largest property tax payers in the City. this of and programs activities a for responsible s ties/City Engmeer Ut of Director The During the next 3-5 years, the utility will undertake significant capital improvements designed to rennovate, modernize and expand the system's supply, processing and distribution facilities. These improvements will be financed by revenue bond issues repayable from user fees. Comments The Department has 67 full-time employees: Softening and Treatment - Water Systems Superintendent, Laboratory Technician, Water Plant Operator (8) and Maintenance Worker; Pumping - Water Plant Supervisor, Lead Water Plant Operator and Water Plant Operator (4); Distribution - Water Distribution Supervisor, Maintenance Worker (9), Lead Maintenance Worker (2) and Water Meter Repair Technician; Customer Accounting and Collection - Office Supervisor, Senior Clerk (5), Clerk (3), Principal Data Processing Equipment Operator, Senior Data Processing Equipment Operator, Water Meter Reader (4), Customer Service Representative; Administrative and General - Director of Utilities and City Engineer and Principal Clerk; Sewage Treatment and Collection-=- Sewage Systems Superintendent, Laboratory Technician (2), Waste Water Supervisor, Sewage Plant Operator (7), Maintenance Worker (7) and Sewerage Maintenance Supervisor. Budqet 1986. ServIce Representative position added in 1510 provides for new Customer nstead of leasmg phones. n Phone system Water office purchased a Merli 4#615 51%. ##685 pays 25% of the City's share for the operation and maintenance of the City-County-Board of Education Center. The final payment on the bond issue was paid in 1987 which reduces this account by $12,000. to 7. 5% 7. ncrease from to rate Security Socia #630 covenants require that the City mamtain adequate utility 10% increase in water and sewer rates to meet these practices and the bond assume an appropriate Good utility management rates. #910 and #915 requirements. (1'08 BUDGET 1:~EQUf'::ST 9~j0 500 000 500 000 0(,)0 0~)~) 000 0(-)0 950 0~10 800 600 2(-)0 000 000 000 640 640 000 000 640 0(:)0 000 (-) (~0 0(~0 2=-!.7 I 4, 30, 6, 3~,:i, ~5 , tl () , 6, ,') .... I :374, , , , , , , , 3E'j0 , , , , , , , , , 237 i 1 B 12 60 30 7~!. 6 H) 86 32 :-;6 4 15 1 CITY () S'~l. H"A WATEH & SEJ.JAGE r-tUDGET I;~EQUEST FOI=<: i 988 ACCT~:;: ACCOUNT DESCHIPTION t.GTUAL ACTUAl.., BUDGE" 1985 1986 i. (187 DISTRIBUTION EXPENSES 4i.0 SALAR Ie:S 206,294 20f.l , ~:;54 21.7,240 420 METER MAINTE:NANCE-,SUPPLJES :I, 1 , ~=!a4 ~.~, ::i(-)7 4 , 50(:) 425 VEHICl.ES - EQUIP EXF~NSES 2l=) , 466 :39, 795 30 , (;)00 430 TAPPING SUPf'LIF.:~S 7,419 12,919 6 , ~.)00 435 MAINTENANCE.-DISTRIBUlJON MI~INS :38 , 823 :'51, fJEr0 :"55 , 0{~0 440 MAINTENANCE-'STClf"..:AGE TANI<S 2,346 :3,:I.1~5 3,000 445 MAINTENCE - SERVICE LINES ~'i3, 184 Tr , 657 60,00() 450 MA I NTENANGE'.'HYDRANTS 1.3,146 H,4j,3 6,000 4""C:- MIse REPAIRS,LABOH 442 1,064 2, (;)00 ,.J\,;I SUB TOTti!.. 361,404 4M3, 702 ~564 , 240 CUSTOMER ACCT & COLL EXPE~NSES :7i10 OFFICE SALARIES 199,803 201.1,714 2(-)9,690 525 COL.LECTION STATIONS 1,654 1,926 1,H00 ~i~50 MAINTENANCE-"OFFICE E(;;'UIP A 75f3 1,409 2,000 535 OFFICE SUPPl.IE:S 6, 69(-) 8, :':.~45 8,000 ::'i40 VEHICLE EXF'ENSES 10,377 i~'Jj,3i.1 i :I. , 060 545 LEASE ELE D P EQUIP 59,010 t:iB, 288 60,000 550 POSTAGE: 2'7,179 30,2:i.8 30,000 SUB TOT tit.. 305,471 3;';'~0, i i i :3:23, 350 ADMINISTRATIVE-GENERAL EXPENSE 610 SALARIES 58, (/a::" 69, j.23 -'0,490 6H5 TELEPHONE EXPENSES '7 , ~.'i73 7,039 10, {'.)00 620 OFFICE SUF'PLIES .., , 3'72 H,8::'i9 10,000 630 SOCIAL SECUFUTY 73,623 79,317 81 , 200 6:35 INSURANCE - BUIl.DINGS 2'7, 50(9 31, ~':j~58 :~2, 000 640 SAl.ES TAX 46, '705 54, 9:33 42,000 642 INTEREST ON METER DEPOSITS 8,3'76 4, 8:'.'i3 5, (,)00 643 f(EFUNDE~D METER DEPOSITS 38,285 ~~~~, 7B0 20 , ~)00 59 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS BUDGET COMMENTS 1988 ANNUAL BUDGET WATER AND SEWERAGE DEPARTMENT (continued) The line item identified as Capital Expenditure includes a variety of equipment, supplies and improvements for all divisions of the Water and Sewerage Department. The major items include: mid-sized pickup to replace 1969 Chevy, Burster to replace 1974 model, 2 additional display stations, quiet writer III printer, workstation and area panels for Data Processing Equipment Operator, turbidity meter, 2 pagers and 1 charger, fluoride feeder with mixing tank, drill press, 2 vent fans, aerator ducts, a new chlorine feeder, drive units for #2 and #3 softening basins, 12 centurion fire hydrants, 3-inch trash pump, 20 by 40 metal shed, pipe locator, pipe saw and utility truck bed for truck #677, 3 pager receiver units and encoder, radio for new van, replacement of 2 complete trickling filter units, 30 HP electric motor and 8-inch pump to replace 1928 model, riding lawn mower to replace tractor mower, siding for buildings at Plant #2 and 1 vacuum pump for lab. 60 1988 BUDGET REQUEST BUDGET 1 CY frl i (lElB OF~ RE:(;:'UEST f-.CTUAL. 1986 I1UDGET ACTUAL j, 98f:i SEWAGE b. w(~.n:Ji: CITY OF Sp.I...INA.., ACCOUNT DESCFUf'TION :t Acel 000 000 000 800 000 -l(;)0 000 000 0(')0 000 0(')0 0(;)0 000 000 o . . . . . . . , , . . , . , 110 10 61 4 40 :;'~5 112 11 60 4 ':).;- ;:...--1 44 6 5 00(-) (~00 0:30 0(~0 ~)00 '700 000 000 000 000 00~) :300 000 000 o 1 , . . , . , 1 , . , . , , H)4 10 71 4 40 2~.:; 11'7 10 60 4 ::~5 43 6 "'- w '140 (-) (-);~5 (-)Tl 1~)0::' .c.w 33~5 443 :302 319 cu 748 440 '7(-)~"j 'l61 444 , , . , , , . . , , , . , 100 56 3 44 26 10:'5 11 ~ii 4 3:3 42 ''', .... .::. ,J 612 000 683 391 76'7 500 000 859 (-)98 019 097 '766 200 003 406 481 , , . , , , , , . , , , . 1 . 9B ;32 70 1 4 18 103 9 j ') .... :1.0 30 41 ~- .:J Il:" ,-;I :::i96 PRCIPERTY TAXES ACCOUNTS CHARGED OFF EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANI LIABILITY INSURANCE WORKER'S COMPENSATION GROUP INSURANCE AUDITING EXPENSES CONTRACTING SERVICES ORGANIZATIONAL DUES-.HEJ1BEHfjHIP MAINTENANCE-GOVERNMENT CENTER SERVICES PERFORMED.,..OTI..IEFo: DEPTS CAR MILEAGE & TRAVEL EXPENSES TI=i:AINING PROC;RAMS Dr::F'~i:EC I AT ION EXPENSES 645 650 660 663 664 665 666 6'70 675 680 685 690 695 696 698 7f;)0 800, 720 805. 2~j'7 386 j 698 ~507, i SUB TOTAl SEWAGE: TREATMENT-,C;OLL EXPENSE 2(10 000 000 000 000 000 000 0(->0 000 0(;)0 000 . , , , , , . . . . . 3j.8 160 24 9 33 7 32 11 3'7 3 U. 100 00(-) 000 200 000 00(;) 000 00(-) 000 000 900 , , , , . J , , , 1 , 3:::!5 170 24 6 31 5 30 11 3j. 4 7 700 1'75 8t")3 ~;80 BO:..2 465 0~7!9 ~i(;)9 cd. 6 '.6~i 019 28~j , ~ 0::'0::' .t. ...)~.., I H1, ::5. 43., t::" ..1, 30, 7, 4(-) , :t. , 7, 669 009 191 505 ~i23 155 088 102 285 0'70 156 , , , , , , , , , . , ~~B8 154 ~.~3 4 32 4 ~50 '7 39 :~ '7 OPERATING SALARIES ELECTRIC POWER GAS SERVICE PL.ANT OPERATING SUPPI...H::S MA I NTENANCE: '..EQU If'. MAINTENANGE-'BI...DG 6. GHDS MAINTENANCE..f'UMPING STATION!:> MAINTENANCE-SANITARY SEWER VEHICLE EXPENSES (~ 'S TV EXPENSf~S PUMP STATION MONITOR 710 715 720 -l25 730 '735 -l40 745 .'50 "160 765 64~'i , 290 200 645, 213 591 753 592 TOT(.:i SUB BOND OFi:D RES REQUIREMENTS 61 62 1908 BUDGET HEC":'UEElT 2;30, 000 0 i~ii I 740 ~58i I 740 3 1 7~!;3 , 560 710,0(:)0 .100 , 000 400,000 400,000 5 I 6:33, :.:'i60 CITY OF SALINA----- WATER & SEWAGE BUDGET REQUEST FW=i: 1988 ACCT. ;1= ACCOUNT DESCHIF'TION r-,CTlJAI... (iCTl.JI~L BUDGET i9El5 1986 :i.9B7 810 BOND F'RINCIPAl.. PAYt1ENTS 0 0 210, (')00 8~~5 ISSUANCE Cl)STS t"7,388 0 9,400 840 INTEREST EXPENSES 209,007 192,i64 :1.70,200 8l.JB lOTi'il... 226 , 39~i 192,164 389 , 6(~(') SUB TOT I;L. 3,905,719 4 , O~j::~ , 28B 3,694,450 CASH REMITTED TO SANITATION DEPT 676,000 691. , (-)00 704 , 0(~O CAPITAL EXPENDITURES (-) 153,993 4(~0 I (')0(-) EXTENSION AND BOND RETIREMENT (-) 0 400,000 DEPRECIATION AND EMEHGE:~NCY 0 11-'., U.4 40(~ , 000 GRAND TOTAl_ .tf 1 ti81 , 719 5,0:1.:1..395 5,590,45(-) 63 64 1 9HB F~E:VE:NUE I:~EQUEST i:EVENlJE: i9B"1 19aa Fcm f~EOUEST ACTl,U~IL j'lBt'. REVENUE ACTUAL 1. 9f.l ~:; SEWAGE 6. WIYfEF.: SALIHflj-......... n'TION OF ACCOUNT DESCf~ CITY ACGT.:lJ: 800 ::~f)0 000 3<:>0 <:>00 000 000 <:> ~500 000 , , , , , , , 2j,<l '7'72 ~50 48 10 32 12 12 9~.'.i 3 200 40f) 00(1 000 (:'>00 000 (,)00 o ~::i00 900 9E.9 730 3(-) 46 10 ~54 15 j.2 9:3 ", -, 062 997 984' ~~t:j2 619'" 925 09:3/ o 'lflO 21.4 (/27 7 (.):\. ~:5~'5 ~j~:! 17 36 i~~ 1", .:.. 97 .., ". 450 584 027 564 280 885 965 o 717 89.(' 812 695 63 45 2(:) 32 13 10 95 :;.~ S ..../ DEPT HEV ~. WATER REVENUE SEWERAGE f.:EVENlJE MIse INCOME & f\:E:CONNECTS SALES TAX REVENUE FRONT FOOTAGE & TAPPING CHG t1ETER DEPOSITS METER REF'Alr.: & SEFN LINE GAIN-LOSS RETIRED ASSETS SERVICE CHARGE."SANITATION INTE-:REST INCOME: 910 915 920 925 930 935 945 960 970 990 231,8(-)0 000 000 000 o 8<:>0 71<:) 400 400 741 4 t:;. ..I, (-)00 000 000 (-)00 o 000 961 704 400 4(-)0 465, :3 a:;" u, 926 000 o 114 o 700,040 894 14 6 (.n i. ~3 "'. '790, 369 (-)00 o o 972 :341 676 39 506 3 4, rOTAI. SANITATION FE:ES COLLECTED Fi:ESERVE EXTENSION AND BOND RETIf~Et1E:NT RESE:~FNE FOR DE:PRECIATION ANI> EMEI=~GENCY NET CASH INCREASE ON CURRENT AStlETS GRAND TOTAL SUB 468 800 268 560 708 48 5, '"141 5,790 5 , 6::'~3 156 918 000 918 4~i(-) 468 181 4c)5 646 598 48 1::' ..J ,... o ..,. ..J :':.~7:3 04(-) :313 395 9H~ 49~:S "'00 193 01:i, 181 -4 5 5 "~31 341 0'1'2- 799 273 ~i68 506 075 ~.;{31 ~l <j) 3 4 c:. ...1 4 ~'~1 BT BAL.(.,NCE: DECEMBER 1 ...JANUARY BEGINNING BALANCE: BALANCE BEGINNING CASH TOTAl.. REVENUE TOTAL REVENUE AND LESS EXPENDITURES UNENCUMBEREI) CASH 65 66 ANNUAL BUDGET 1988 BUDGET COMMENTS DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICES CENTRAL GARAGE DIVISION The Central Garage account is a "housekeeping" fund. All of the City's motorized and vehicular equipment, except that of the Fire Department, is maintained by the Central Garage. This includes repair work, gasoline and oil, tires and similar items and service. The various departments are charged through this fund for the services performed at the Central Garage or specialized service done by contract. Each individual budgetary unit has a line item for parts, labor and fuel. The full cost of operating the Central Garage, including fuel, parts, labor and overhead, is recovered from the various departments and is included here for accounting purposes. (3) MechaniC Garage Clerk, Senior Comments Garage Supervisor, amount to $108,770. SUMMARY OF VEHICLE AND EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION EXPENSES 000 200 000 880 000 000 080 580 $ 93, 4, 25, 70, 12, 79, Div. Sanitation Parking Meter Golf Course Solid Waste Disposa Bicentennial Center Water and Sewerage $284 285 Enterprise Funds General Fund Tota Tota 6,730 4,710 300 33,000 110,000 113,740 1 0,000 4,500 2,600 ,660 $569 GRAND TOTAL $285,580 Fund Genera Tota CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS Budget . I employees operate the Centra Garage The 1988 salaries for these personne Six full-time and Laborer. Flood Works Engineering Permit & Inspection Park Police Street Traffic Cemetery General Improvement or Dept. $ Div. or Dept. 167