Budget - 1987 PROPOSED ANNUAL BUDGET OF THE CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 1987 CITY COMMISSION Mayor Joseph M. Ritter Commissioner John F. Burgess Commissioner Merle A. Hodges, M. D. Commissioner Stephen C. Ryan Commissioner Sydney S. Soderberg City Manager Rufus L. Nye TABLE OF CONTENTS BUDGET MESSAGE T AX LEVY Tax Levy Tax Levy Computation General Fund Revenue GENERAL FUND General Fund (Summary) City Commission Office of the City Manager City Clerk and Finance Department Legal Department Municipal Court Buildings Division Engineering Department Fire Department Permit and I nspection Division Park Division Police Department Street Division Human Relations Department Emergency Medical Service Traffic Division Swimming Pool Division Administration and Planning Division Non-Departmental Fund Salina Arts and Humanities Commission Gypsum Hill Cemetery General Improvement Division II V 1 2 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 22 24 26 30 32 34 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 Smoky Hill Museum Flood Works Division Neighborhood Centers Division Capital Improvements - Sales Tax SPECIAL FUNDS Special Funds (Summary) Employee Benefits Fund Utility Fund Bond and Interest Fund Special Liability Expense Fund Risk Management Reserve Fund Equipment Reserve Fund Special Parks and Recreation Fund Special Alcohol Programs Fund ENTERPRISE FUNDS Enterprise Funds (Summary) Sanitation Division Data Processing Fund Parking Meters Division Golf Course Division Special Gasol ine Tax Division Business Improvement District Solid Waste Disposal Division Tourism and Convention B icentenn ial Center Water and Sewerage OTHER FUNDS Central Garage Division Revenue Sharing Fund 52 54 56 58 61 62 66 70 74 78 82 86 90 95 97 103 109 115 123 129 135 141 147 155 167 169 * * * * * * * THE BUDGETARY PROCESS The annual budget for the City of Salina is a one year plan for financing the operation and programs of the city government. The most significant elements in the budgetary process are: 1. The Salina Code requires the City Manager to prepare and present to the City Commission a proposed budget for the succeeding fiscal year. It is the responsibility of the City Commission, based upon the City Manager's proposed budget, to deliberate upon and to adopt an annual budget for the forthcoming fiscal year. The City's fiscal year coincides with the calendar year. 2. The City Commission approves the annual budget by city ordinance which authorizes the City Manager to proceed with the budget based upon the ordinance. Also, the Commission must adopt the annual tax levy which establishes city taxes for the coming year. The tax levy must be certified and filed with the Saline County Clerk by August 25th each year. It is characteristic of governmental accounting that the many and diverse activities of the city government are financed from a number of separate sources. This is the result of legal restrictions placed upon the use of public monies by State and local laws which, in essence, require that funds raised for one purpose cannot be used for another. The General Fund is the primary and parent revenue fund of the City and it provides monies for the operation and financing of most governmental programs. The Enterprise Funds include resources received from users of the sanitation, data processing, parking meter, golf course, special gasoline, solid waste, and water and sewerage operations and does not include tax funds. Other special funds of the city, such as special assessments and debt service funds, are used for specific purposes detailed in law. Many of these relate to the repayment of debt obligations of the city. The annual budget translates the city's municipal services into accounting terminology. Appropriations are divided into funds, departments, and divisions. These broad function and operation areas are further subdivided into personal services, contractual services, materials and supplies, sundry expenditures, and capital outlay. The City of Salina operates on what is commonly called a "line item" budget; however, the emphasis in the budgetary process is to analyze each program by its impact upon the citizens of the city. Once adopted, the annual budget serves as the work program for the city government for the forthcoming year. It also serves as a tool for evaluating the continuity of city programs and services as well as a continual measurement of organization and efficiency. I I I I I I I I I -'~ / '.\ 1/ I I I I I I I - ~ I CITY OF SALINA - COMMISSIONERS JOSEPH A. RITTER, MAYOR JOHN F. BURGESS STEPHEN RYAN MERLE A HODGES SYDNEY SODERBERG CITY-COUNTY BUILDING 300 WEST ASH STREET PO BOX 736 SALI NA, KS 67402.Q736 CITY MANAGER RUFUS L NYE AREA CODE 913 823.2277 July 3, 1986 The Honorable Mayor and Commissioners City of Salina 300 West Ash Salina, Kansas 67401 Mayor Ritter and Commissioners: In conformance with the requirements of K.S.A. 12-1014, I am pleased to submit to you the proposed 1987 Annual Budget. In addition to the General Fund, budgets for the Special Funds and the Enterprise Funds are included. Public presentation of the proposed Annual Budget is scheduled for Monday, July 21, 1986, a regular City Commission meeting. A public hearing should be held at the City Commission meeting on August 11, 1986. Once the City Commission approves a proposed budget for publication, which you should do on July 21, 1986, it may be reduced; however, it may not be increased. Kansas law requires the City Commission to certify the tax levy to the County Clerk. The deadline for certification is Monday, August 25, 1986. The annual budgetary process offers the City Commission an opportunity to review critically the City.s existing programs, services and priorities. This review allows an evaluation of the relative values and priorities of the present level of municipal services. It also provides an opportunity to examine, in a comprehensive way, proposed new public services. A discussion of significant budgetary modifications is contained in this budget message. Each individual budget account includes a description of the activity, the proposed budget for the coming year with supporting statistical and written data and comments on specific items of interest. Budget In Brief The City of Salina is a very complex organization consisting of many different and oftentimes unrelated programs and services. Because of that fact and the need to conform with state laws and generally accepted municipal accounting principals, the City's budget contains numerous complexities and subtleties that are not easily reduced to simple statements, percentages or slogans. MEMBER. . . KANSAS LEAGUE OF MUN.CIPALITIES - NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I The Honorable Mayor and Commissioners July 3, 1986 Page 2 The proposed 1987 Annual Budget as contained herein anticipates total expenditures for all funds, programs and activities of $24,269,830. After adjusting for interfund transfers, primarily transfers into the Risk Management Fund and the Equipment Reserve Fund, a net increase of $309,450 or 1.3% is proposed. The General Fund, the major fund of the City which provides monies for most operating departments, is recommended for an increase of $105,560 or 1.0%. However, approximately $130,000 of insurance premium expense has been transferred to the Risk Management Fund. Thus, more realistically, the increase in the General Fund is approximately 2.3%. For the fifth year in a row, the City of Salina will maintain the ad valorem property tax rate at 36.36 mills on each dollar of valuation. The City has eight Special Funds, which finance activities specifically authorized either by state statute or home rule ordinances. The funds are Employee Benefits, Utility, Bond and Interest, Special Liability, Special Parks and Recreation, Special Alcohol Programs, Equipment Reserve and Risk Management Reserve. These funds are proposed to increase $744,170 or approximately 17.1%. Most of this increase is attributable to the creation of the Risk Management and Equipment Reserve Funds and to the modification of the utility and insurance budgets for the Bicentennial Center. The City's ten Enterprise Funds generate either all or a significant portion of their revenue from fees charged for services. These funds are: Sanitation, Data Processing, Parking Meters, Golf Course, Special Gas, Business Improvement District, Solid Waste Disposal, Tourism and Convention, Bicentennial Center and Water and Sewerage. In 1987, these funds will experience a $178,970 or 2.1% increase. 1987 Budget Problems & Prospects The proposed 1987 Annual Budget for all City programs and activities is a frugal one. The Budget continues City services at a level and a quality similar to the present. It anticipates no significant expansion of or addition to City programs and services. In the August 1982 referendum on the countywide 1% sales tax, the City promised to maintain the property tax rate at approximately 36.36 mills. This Budget will meet that objective. 1987 will mark the fifth anniversary of maintaining that rate. In fact, the City mill rate has been quite constant for many years. For example, in 1979, the rate was 38.27 mills. Achieving the 1987 Budget objective -- not to increase the tax rate -- was especially difficult for several reasons. The most significant of these is the termination by the United States Congress of General Revenue Sharing, effective October 1, 1986. In 1986, GRS provided the City $430,000. If GRS had been continued in 1987, the City would have I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I The Honorable Mayor and Commissioners July 3, 1986 Page 3 received nearly $500,000. In 1987, the City will assume joint financing responsibilities with Saline County for the Smoky Hill Museum. The City's share is $71,580. The full impact of the U.S. Supreme Court decision that the Fair Labor Standards Act applies to cities will be felt in 1987. The budget cost is $50,000. The spiraling premiums for general liability and other insurance is another major burden. The added cost is almost $120,000. Thus, even before the start of work on the full Budget, the City faced a combination revenue shortfall and new obligatory expenses of about $675,000. This condition was compounded by the promise of little growth in other revenue sources. Assessed valuation will continue the recent trend of modest expansion. Sales tax receipts appear to be flat, if, in fact, not actually declining. Given these realities and limitations, the preparation of the 1987 Budget was unusually challenging. Budget Highlights The following pages of the proposed 1987 Annual Budget detail in statistical and narrative form a suggested program of municipal services for the calendar year commencing January 1, 1987. The Budget contains certain recommendations and assumptions, among which the following are the most significant: * The continuation of the property tax rate. This Budget anticipates continuation of the City's mill rate at 36.36. The 1987 tax levy of $4,067,090 is $93,932 less than the 1979 tax levy of $4,161,022. The 1987 tax levy is approximately $116,000 larger than the 1986 levy. Adjusting for 55% inflation from 1979 through 1986, the current tax levy in terms of 1979 dollars is worth approximately $1,830,000. Thus, the City property tax levy has declined in both real and absolute terms. * A 2% cost-of-living adjustment in the City's pay plan for all classified employees. In addition to the 2% across-the-board increase, certain employees will be eligible for in-grade and other adjustments depending upon job performance and length of service. * The loss of General Revenue Sharing is compensated for in several ways. Nearly 70% of the GRS $430,000 budget has been a subsidy for the operation of the Bicentennial Center. This Budget continues the subsidy for the Bicentennial Center but from different sources. $200,000 will be transferred from sales tax in the General Fund to the Bicentennial Center. In addition, the Center's cost for electricity, gas, water and insurance will be budgeted in the Utility Fund and the Employee Benefit Fund respectively. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I The Honorable Mayor and Commissioners July 3, 1986 Page 4 * Approximately $115,000 of General Revenue Sharing has in the past been used to replace machinery and vehicles for the various City departments. With the demise of General Revenue Sharing, this Budget recommends the City create an Equipment Reserve Fund. This Fund will provide for the financing of the long-term replacement of City machinery and equipment. This Budget proposes undertaking a comprehensive approach to risk management. Risk management1s most popular euphemism is insurance. However, a risk management program encompasses far more than just buying insurance. It provides for risk identification, evaluation, treatment and financing. This Budget proposes a risk management program with the long-term objective of self-insurance, to the maximum amount feasible, for the various risks associated with municipal government. This program will take approximately six years to become fully operational. However, at the end of that time, the City should be insulated from the shocks that periodically occur in the insurance industry and should be better able to control the costs of risk management. This Budget proposes that the Housing Investigator in the Department of Human Relations be made a regular employee. This position is authorized because offsetting funds are available from the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development. Also, the position of Electrical Inspector in the Permits and Inspection Division is deleted and those duties assumed by others. * * * Economic development is a continuing responsibility and concern of the City. Since 1983, the City has contributed $40,000 a year fer this purpose to the Salina Area Chamber of Commerce. This Budget proposes that amount be increased from $40,000 to $50,000 a year. * The Salina Area Chamber of Commerce contracts with the City to operate the Tourism and Convention Bureau. Bureau activities are financed by a 2% tax on motel rooms. The Chamber of Commerce plans to request that this be increased. This Budget includes an additional $40,000 from this source. However, this entire matter is, of course, subject to revision by City Commission action. The General Fund The General Fund finances most traditional City programs and services. The 1987 Budget recommends expenditures of $10,440,280. This is $105,560 or 1% greater than the 1986 Budget of $10,334,720. TABLE I compares the 1986 and 1987 Budgets for the General Fund. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I The Honorable Mayor and Commissioners July 3, 1986 Page 5 TABLE I 1986 - 1987 Genera 1 Fund Budget Comparison 1986 1987 Do 11 a r Percent Description Budget Budget Difference Difference Personal Services $ 4,983,530 $5,178,620 $195,090 3.9% Contractual Services 797,130 870,280 73,150 9.1% Materials & Supplies 632,460 615,740 (16,720 ) (2.6%) Sundry Expenditures 229,430 260,970 31,540 13. 7% Capital Outlay 3,692,170 3,514,670 (177 ,500) (4.8%) $10 ,334, 720 $10,440,280 $105,560 1.0% Assessed Valuation, Property Taxes At the August 1986 primary and the November 1986 general election, several ballot proposals could have a significant impact upon City property taxes. In August, voters will be asked to decide a constitutional amendment on property tax abatement for economic development. This amendment would permit cities and counties to exempt all or any part of buildings and tangible personal property used exclusively by a new business for manufacturing, research and development or the storing of materials which are sold or traded in interstate commerce. The exemption could be granted for new buildings or for expansions to existing buildings and associated equipment. The exemption could extend for up to ten years. In some ways, this constitutional amendment is similar to the present law relating to industrial revenue bonds. The proposed amendment applies only to manufacturing, research and development or warehousing facilities. Because this is a constitutional amendment, it is doubtful that the law would later be expanded to include other properties as often happens with ordinary legislation. Two constitutional amendments at the general election deal with classification of property for taxation purposes and an exemption for merchant inventory and livestock taxation. The property classification amendment could have a significant impact upon reappraisal of property. Needless to say, the outcome of these constitutional amendments is unknown. Furthermore, even if the issues pass, how they will be administered and interpreted is even more uncertain. With the passage of the sales tax in 1982 and other changes in revenue sources, the City has been able to decrease its dependence on the property tax. Thus, the effect of these constitutional amendments and reappraisal would probably be less on the City of Salina than on other governmental units that are more dependent on the property tax. In 1987, I I I ~~~~~~~~~OFLf:SES - 5.6% I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I REVENUES - GENERAL FUND - 1987 CASH BALANCE - 9.6% INTEREST-6.5% TAX - 31.1 % PROPERTY TAXES - 15.8% REIMBURSEMENT - 5 401 OF EXPENDITURES . 10 STATE AIDS - 5.1 % FRANCHISE a MOTOR -154 olc VEHICLES TAX . 0 LICENSES, FEES a FINES- 5.5% EXPENDITURES - GENERAL FUND-1987 ADMINISTRATION - 9.2% CAPITAL -31801 IMPROVEMENTS . 10 PUBLIC SAFETY - 38.3% COMMUNITY -3501 DEVELOPMENT . 10 COMMUNITY SERVICEs-a.oo/o I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I The Honorable Mayor and Commissioners July 3, 1986 Page 6 the City's dependence on the property tax will follow the trend of recent years and decline to 24% of the total estimated property tax collected in Salina. This compares to 34% of the total property tax levy going to City purposes in 1980. Salina Arts and Humanities Commission In 1987 the Salina Arts and Humanities Commission will reach full maturity -- it will be 21 years of age. This is a significant milestone, not only because of longevity but also because of the quality and impact of the programs and services developed by that Commission over the years. The Arts and Humanities Commission has become a dynamic force in Salina through the utilization and encouragement of arts and humanities resources. The 1987 Budget will continue that effort. However, several significant changes are recommended in this Budget. For many years, the Municipal Band contribution was budgeted in the City Commission account but in 1982 was transferred to the Arts and Humanities Commission. However, the Municipal Band allocation of $9,000 is not a discretionary matter for the Arts and Humanities Commission. Rather than continue including it in the Arts and Humanities Commission discretionary funds, the Band allocation has been transferred back to the Salina City Commission account to better reflect its entitlement nature. In order to more clearly show the costs associated with the Smoky Hill River Festival, the Arts and Humanities Commission has decided that $21,000 or 13% of the gross festival receipts, whichever is less, will be transferred to the City's General Fund. This money will in turn be utilized for the grants programs administered by the Commission. These include not only the well established, such as Art a la Carte, but also the new Horizons, a special grants program for local artists and arts organizations. Smoky Hill Museum The Smoky Hill Museum will be open to the public in October 1986. The initial exhibit is titled "Folk Heritage of Handcrafts." The opening is the culmination of three years of community planning and effort by many citizens of Salina and Saline County. In conformance with the Intergovernmental Cooperation Agreement adopted by the City and Saline County, 1987 is the first year of joint funding for the facility. In order to arrive at the data for funding, consideration was given to the fact that approximately 20% of the building is devoted to the Arts and Humanities offices and the Smoky Valley Genealogical Society. The net result is that both Salina and Saline County will each contribute $71,580 in 1987 toward the Smoky Hill Museum. Forestry A need long unmet is a comprehensive and aggressive City forestry program. A forestry program consists of proper maintenance and replanting of trees and shrubbery on City property. It also encourages I I I I I I I I I ;1 I I I I I I I I I The Honorable Mayor and Commissioners July 3, 1986 Page 7 plantings on private property and public ways. The City has had neither the funds nor the opportunity to establish such a program in the past. This Budget proposes a first step in that direction. Included in the Park Department budget is $4,000 for a part-time seasonal employee to handle tree complaints and to begin a survey of community forestry needs. Also, $4,000 is set aside to purchase appropriate tree species to be placed in the City nursery adjacent to the golf course. In the future, the forestry program should be expanded with an adequate program budget of approximately $150,000. Public Information Program In my opinion, the City Commission and City staff do an exemplary job of providing public services. Unfortunately, we have not always done the best possible job of informing the public of the work we do and the services we offer. The experience of other cities demonstrates clearly that an effective public information effort can increase awareness of programs and services, citizen involvement in City activities and the use of revenue-producing City services. It has been shown that such a program can also help foster civic pride, attract tourists and new citizens, promote economic development, win support for issues and clarify misunderstandings. This Budget provides the staffing and funding for a basic City public information program. The program1s overall goal will be to maintain effective, comprehensive and honest communication between the City and its citizens by disseminating regular and accurate information about the City's many services, achievements and activities. It is important to make full use of appropriate public-sector marketing techniques in communicating the "City's story" and evaluating the responses and needs of the citizenry. The budget is $10,000 and is in the City Commission account. The current Administrative Assistant to the City Manager will be promoted to Public Information Officer, and the Administrative Assistant position will be deleted. Bicentennial Center The Bicentennial Center continues to prove its value to the City and the wisdom of those who advocated its construction. The Bicentennial Center receives an operating subsidy from City funds. In the past, these have come from General Revenue Sharing. GRS will not be available in 1987, and thus the Center's financing must be altered. This Budget recommends transferring a $200,000 subsidy from sales tax proceeds from the General Fund to the Bicentennial Center. Water, electric and gas service have previously been budgeted in the Bicentennial Center account. In 1987, it is recommended that those utilities be budgeted in the City's Utility Fund. Also, $28,000 for liability, vehicle and casualty insurance will be financed by the Risk M~nagement Fund. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I The Honorable Mayor and Commissioners July 3, 1986 Page 8 The net result is that although the Bicentennial Center account shows a reduction of $136,430, comparing 1986 with 1987 budgets, the reduction is illusory, because certain expense items -- utilities and insurance -- have been transferred to other funds. The Bicentennial Center continues to operate with a minimal staff. Two additional personnel were requested for 1987 but deleted from the Budget for lack of funds. Certainly the inclusion of these personnel should be a priority in 1988. Emergency Medical Service The Fire Department's Division of Emergency Medical Services continues to be distinguished by its exceptionally high level of competence and administrative excellence. However, certain concerns are on the horizon and should be given attention in 1987 and 1988. Although not yet a problem in Salina, experience in other EMS programs suggests paramedic personnel suffer high levels of stress and "burnout." Also, Saline County has a 2 mill tax limit for financing EMS. It appears that in 1987 the County will be within the 2 mill limit. However, given the low growth of assessed valuation, the County will likely exceed this two mill limit in 1988. This Budget proposes an additional Emergency Medical Intensive Care Technician to bring the total paramedic force to 13. This position will, to a major extent, be financed by lowered overtime costs and is intended to reduce the stress and other psychological problems inherent in EMS. In consultation with the City and County Commissions and the medical community, an Emergency Medical Task Force should be created to investigate any areas of concern with Emergency Medical Service. That task force should reach conclusions and recommendations to be incorporated in the 1988 budget. Enterpri se Funds This Budget proposes that the rates charged by the City's Water and Sewerage utility be increased approximately 5%. Good management practices and covenants of the bonds for the water and sewerage utility require that the City maintain adequate rates. This fall, Wilson and Company, the City's utility consultant, will prepare a report detailing recommended rate adjustments. The Sanitation Service's "walk in" charge is recommended to increase from $1.00 to $2.00 to reflect the actual cost of this special service. Other than these two adjustments, there are no other increases recommended in the fee-supported services. Capital Improvements The 1987 capital improvements are based upon recommendations in the City's five-year Capital Improvement Program. Some of these projects were begun in past years, and 1987 will see their continuation or completion. The most significant single project on the capital I I I I ,I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I' The Honorable Mayor and Commissioners July 3, 1986 Page 9 improvement list is $800,000 for the downtown redevelopment project. In 1988, the revenue requirement for the downtown development project should drop to approximately $500,000, depending upon the structure of the bond issue and interest rate. Acknowledgements I wish to express my heartfelt appreciation and thanks to all City department heads who have been ever so helpful and cooperative in the preparation of this Budget. I would like to give special recognition to Don Harrison, Director of Finance, Jackie Shiever, Administrative Aide to the City Clerk and Kathleen Tremblay, Data Processing Operator/ Bookkeeper. They were most helpful on all matters of analysis and preparation of the various tables and exhibits. I also want to thank Peter Brown, Administrative Assistant to the City Manager, for his invaluable help in every area of the Budget. But a special thanks is due to Tyra Hansen, Administrative Secretary to the City Manager, for her invaluable assistance in typing the Budget and making sure it all got done. In my opinion, the proposed 1987 Annual Budget will continue the City of Salina on a solid and sure financial basis. At the same time, I believe it will allow the City to continue to provide an excellent level of municipal services to our citizenry. I present it to you for your thoughtful review, consideration, modification and adoption as you determine to be in the best interests of the-City of Salina and its citizens. Rufus L. Nye City Manager RLN:th 1987 ANNUAL BUDGET 1985 T AX LEVY PER $1,000 13.8413 10.4893 3.9758 7.7400 0.3136 36.3600 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 986 TAX LEVY FOR 1987 BUDGET 1986 1986 TAX T AX LEVY FUND DOLLARS PER $1,000 General $1,643,730 14.6950 Employee Benefits 990,818 8.8580 Utility 451,571 4.0371 Bond and Interest 784,686 7.0151 Special Liability 196,284 1 .7548 TOTAL $4,067,089 36.3600 Estimated Tangible Valuation for Fisca Year 987 $111 ,856,170 COMPUTATION OF AGGREGATE TAX LEVY LIMITATION STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form C 1987 Check Base Year Used: (Taxes levied in 80 for base year 1981) (Taxes levied in 81 for base year 1982) 1981 1982 X 1. Aggregate Levy Limitation computed for base year 1981 or 1982. . 2,030,044 2. Estimated assessed tangible valuation for 1980 or 1981 (WS #2, Col. D, Line 4) . . . . . . . . . . . . + 99,238,903 3. Tax Levy Rate o~ the Base Year (Line 1 divided by Line 2). . . . 20456 4. Net Change from Base Year of Personal Property (From Page 3a, WS #2, Line 10). . . . . . . + 6,347,887 5. Increase by New Improvements on Real Estate (From Page 3a, WS #3, Line ~ + 5,063,740 6. Total Assessed Tangible Valuation (Lines 2 + 4 + 5) 110,650,530 7. Basic Aggregate Tax Levy Limitation for Budget Year v~g~ (Line 3 x Line 6) 2,263,467 8. Adjustment for Territory Added .07233 x Line 7. . . . . . . . . (From WS #4, Line 5 ) 9. Adjustment for Territory Excluded x Line 1. . . . . . . . . (From WS #4, Line 10) 1 ,637 -0- 10. Adjustment to Basic Aggregate Limitation for (See form C2 for possible adjustments) -0- 11. Functions exempted from Aggregate Tax Levy Limitations by Charter Resolution/Ordinance: Function CR/CO No. Amount . Total. . . . Attach copy to budget. Use this only if the exempt function is included in a fund under the aggregate limit. -0- 12. AGGREGATE TAX LEVY LIMITATION FOR BUDGET YEAR 1986. (Lines 7 + 8 - 9 + 10 + 11) Show this amount on Certificate, page 1. 2,265,104 Suspension of Aggregate Tax Levy Limitation authorized by: Election held , 19_ Charter Resolution/Ordinance No. (Attach copy to budget.) of , 19 WORKSHEETS WS #1 - Assessed Tangible Valuation of Territory Added (Excluded) ABC -0- -0- -0- (WS#2, Col B WS#2, Col C (To WS #4, Lines 6 & 7) Lines 6 & 7) Lines 1 & 6) Year 1. 1981* 2. 1982 3. 1983 4. . 1984 5. . . . . 1985 6. . . .. 1986 7. TERRITORY ADDED 8. TERRITORY EXCLUDED Real Estate Personal Property 40,520 11,090 4,740 24,430 -0- 70 -0- 70 * Don't fill in if 1982 is the Base Year State Assessed -0- -0- since D Total Tangible Valuation 40,520 11 ,1 60 4,740 24,430 -0- 80,850 WS #2 - Net change from Base Year of Personal Property ABC I I I Estate 1986 Estimated Assessed Valuation I 69,906,890 1980/1981 Valuation from Farm Machinery 1980/1981 Valuation of Business Aircraft 1980/1981 Est. Assessed Valuation 62,591,050 Difference (Lines 1 + 2 + 3 - 4) . . . . . . Adjustment for Territory: Added (WS #1) . . Excluded (WS #1). Subtotal (Lines 5 - 6 + 7) . . . . . . . . . Add State Assessed . . . . . . . . . . . . . NET CHANGE FROM BASE YEAR OF PERSONAL PROP. (Lines 8 + 9) ** If this is negative, see instructions. Real 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. I I , I I I , I , I I 286 .087 I (----, 6,347,887 ** I (To Page 3, Personal Property 31,405,020 -0- 1,046,530 26,389,680 6,061,870 70 -0- 6,061,800 State Assessed 10,544,260 10,258,173 286,087 -0- -0- 286,087 WS #3 - Increase by New Improvements on Real Estate STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form Cl 1987 the Base Year E INew Improve-I I ments on I 'Real Estate I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -0- I (WS #3, Lines n &~) 8 9 D Total Tangible Valuation 111,856,170 99,238,903 Line 4) 1. . . . . 1981* I I 2. . . . . 1982 I 982,160 I 3. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1983 I 573,590 I 4. . . . . . . . . . 1984 I 1 .063.730 I 5. . . . . . 1985 I 1 .097 .470 I 6. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1986 I 1,346,790 I 7. Subtotal. . . . . . I 5,063,740 , 8. Adjustment for Territory: Added. I -0- I (From WS # 1 , Col. E, Line 7) 9. Excluded . I -0- '(From WS # 1 , Col. E, Line 8 ) 10. INC. BY NEW IMP. ON REAL ESTATE (Lines /ff-f7lM) I 5,063,740 I (To Page 3, Line 5) 7-8+9 STATE OF KANSAS Budget Form C2 1987 WS #4 - Computation of Adjustment for Territory Added, Excluded 1. Valuation of Territory Added (From WS #1, Col D, Line 7) . . . . . . . 2. 1985 Est. Assessed Valuation (From WS #2, Col D, Line 1). 111,856,170 3. Valuation of Territory Added (Same as Line 1) ...... 80.850 4. Total Valuation excluding Territory Added (Line 2 - 3) . . . . . . . . 5. AJUSTMENT FOR TERRITORY ADDED (Line 1 divided by Line 4) = 80,850 111,775,320 .07233 (To Page 3, Line 8) 6. Valuation of Terri tory Excluded (From WS # 1, Col D, Line 8). -0- 7. 1985 Estimated Assessed Valuation (Same as Line 2) -0- 8. Valuation of Territory Excluded (Same as Line 6) . . . . . -0- 9. Total Valuation including Territory Excluded (Lines 7 + 8) . . . . -0- 10. ADJUSTMENT FOR 'l'ERRITORY EXCLUDED (Line 6 divided by Line 9) = -0- (To Page 3, Line 9) POSSIBLE ADJUSTMENTS TO BASIC AGGREGATE LIMITATION: New cities having no Base Year or cities which levied no tangible taxes in the Base Year. Amount determined by the County Clerk (See K.S.A. 79-5010) . . . . + Increase authorized by election ____years, voted , 19____: first levy year (See K.S.A. 79-5012) . . .. + Increase authorized by Board of Tax Appeals Order No. for years: first levy year _____ (See K.S.A. 79-5013). + Functions transferred: In (from another taxing s~bdivision). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Out (to another taxing subdivision) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Amount levied for any function or service for which a tax levy is specifically authorized and provided by law in the year preceding the transfer. See K.S.A. 79-5009) + Elimination of Tax on Intangible Personal Property pursuant to an election (not to exceed the amount received in the year prior to elimination) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Note: The General Fund Levy may be increased by this amount. See K.S.A. 79-5020.> + TOTAL POSSIBLE ADJUSTMENTS = -0- (to Page 3, line 10) > 987 REVENU REQUEST I:~EVENUI 1986 TU,"1 98!.:'j 987 I~C 1 OF~ T 1~,CTI.J,t.il. 1984 j:;:EQUEf 1:;:E~)EN CITY D ~:;p,Ln'Jtl ACCOUNT DE: ;f<:IPTIOi'-I ACCT 643,730 22,000 16,000 14,000 357,800 250,000 203,400 46,000 266,800 3,100 25,000 6,800 6,800 200 200 900 1,600 2,150 1,300 100 1,000 2,400 1,800 500 1,900 4,000 600 4,000 1,400 700 4,000 1,500 500 4,400 700 300 . o..} 504,243 25,000 15,000 12,000 323,300 100,000 176,480 45,000 245,280 3,100 25,000 7,000 7,000 200 200 900 1,600 15,000 1,400 100 1,000 2,500 1,200 500 1,900 4,000 500 ,600 ,500 600 ,000 ,800 500 ,400 600 400 4 1 :~ 1 :~ "J ...1 ? 553,404 22,109 15,362 13,766 301,589 ,205,156 165,704 45,382 223,980 3,090 24,540 6,300 6~555 165 150 925 1,470 12,600 1,300 100 1,025 '") ,.)~.(., ~.t~~J7 2,745 485 1,826 3,817 634 4,136 1,116 "723 3,750 1,830 320 4,457 703 311 3 326,021 57,918 19,412 12,335 331,817 140,349 165,076 49,613 223,920 3,090 28,478 6,720 6,475 55 o 1,150 1.,62() 15,2:1.5 1,350 100 1,025 2,650 1,830 495 2,105 4,209 696 3,587 1,463 625 4,000 1,678 480 435 5E~O 380 :'5 ":s ON CURI:~ENT TANGIBLE T(WES DELINQUENT TANGIBl.E TAX ; BINGO GROSS RECEIPTS AUTO DEALERS TAX STAMPS ~)EHICLE TI~'X LOC(.,L GALE!:> T r~X STATE GHAR ED TAXES CITY LIC.H.JOI:~ TI~'X LOCAL AD VALOREM TAX REDU H I GI..n,lt~, Y Mt. I NTEt,U~INCE CEREAL MALT BEVERAGE I:~ETAII... LIC~Unl:;: LICENE~ES AMUSEMENT DEVICE-PINBALL & ENTERTAINMENT LICENSES CIRCUG,CARNIVAL,TENT SHOWS D(,~,NCES _u PUBl.. I C MUGIC MACHINE LICENSES MIN. POOL TABLE & SHUFFLEBOARI POOl... H(,),LI... /'. llD\.JL I NO (.\I...I...EY SKATING RINK LICENSES TI..IEtdT.:E LICEN!:;ES r~IUCTIONEEI:~ ~( ('~UCTION S{:IL.E~:) LIQUIDATION SALE LICENSE BILLBOARD ADVERTISING CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION ELECTRICAN LICENSES MDBILE HOME CRAFTSMAN MECHANICAL CONTRACT(~~ LICENS GAS FITTERS LICENSES TREE TRIMMING & SPRAYING PRIVATE CLUB LICENSES JUNK DEALERS. AUTO & PARl Pr~il,.)Nnl:~DKEr~S PI...UNBERE; L:r C T{iXIC('~B LICE TtIXICI,B D1:~IV TC T r-m EN!:;ES N!:;E~:; Er~!:; GENI:;}~tll 30-110 30-130 30-150 30-170 30-180 30-190 30-205 30-215 30-240 30-260 30-311 30-313 30-321 30-323 30-325 30-327 30-333 30-334 30-335 30-338 30-339 30-341 30-342 30-343 30-345 30-347 30-349 30-350 30-351 30-353 30-355 30-357 30-359 30-361 30-363 30-365 v 987 REVENU REQUEST I:,:EVENUI :I. (;.'B6 .., f I~ICTUPII. :1. (;"B~.:; 9 em T h~EnUE~ ACTI.J.::i 1984 F~E'.)EN CITY 0 SALINA ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 400 200 4,000 200 2,500 500 95,000 200 2,600 200 1,000 15,000 365,000 240,000 300 2,500 600 4,700 670,000 50,000 :1.2,000 17,000 700 100 18,000 57,000 156,000 28,000 22,000 15,000 12,000 8,000 500 200 5,000 154,000 5,000 400 300 200 4,000 300 3,000 500 90,000 400 2,000 200 900 18,000 340,000 170,000 300 2,000 500 4,200 530,460 o 15,000 18,000 900 100 21,000 47,000 165,000 30,000 27,000 12,000 10,000 :1.0,000 600 300 6,000 140,000 9,000 400 4~~ ~.~J 165 3,963 135 3,131 460 86,466 175 2,604 184 1,000 :1.3,290 3:1.8,389 ,154,385 258 2t532 585 4,680 673,:1.99 o 10,339 16,445 610 50 17,020 53,917 133,238 22,133 32,785 :1.0,918 12,406 7,431 359 112 4,891 136,710 3,205 360 1 330 165 4,213 415 21993 426 6,688 400 6t965 140 895 15,964 343,377 :1.65,927 306 2,833 270 4,610 735,658 o 13,215 17,945 770 70 20,540 47,933 168,911 29,757 o 11,975 9,684 10,824 520 206 5,482 149,236 1.0,103 330 T fY STREET ADVERTISING ELEVATOR CONTRACTOR LICENS MOBILE HOME COURT LICENSES VENDOR,PEDDLER & ITINERANT REFUSE HAULERS LICENSES CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION PERM BUILDING & INSPECTION FEES HOUSENOV I NG PERM In:) FOOD PERMITS BAIL BONDSMAN LICENSES MERCHANT POLICE LICENSES tIN I Ivjf~II... I... I CEN!:;EE; MUNICIPAL COURT - FINES FI:~tINCHISE TAXES INCOME FROM LEASED LAND [WFICE SPACE REN'fAL RENT - CONMUNITY TI~EATRE RENT - LAKEWOOD PARK It-fH:REEn FFWt1 INVEtrn'lEN'n ENGINEERING FEES It-1PDUNDING FEE!:; F~ENOVAI... b: Bl.mI{'~L FEE!:> GRAVE MARKER PERMITS 'rITLE TRANSFER FEES ADMISSION - SWIMMING POOl. ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES FIRE PROTECTION nUl'SIDE ( STREET CUT REPAIRS ALARM MONITOR FEE WEED CUTTING SERVICES PLA1'S & REZONING FEES SALE OF COMMODITIES !:;t.l...E OF BOOI<~:; Btll...E OF SAI...VI~IGI ~:;PILE OF LOTS Plt.mUI...PI/'-.ICE FEE~ i'1I !3C . S(~ll...ES & 1"lI~3C. SEI:~VICE~ y ICEE OUN'Y EF~V ... C p,CCT . :n; 30....36."1 30....3c,9 30....3."11 3()....37~5 30....~377 30....379 30.<3B1 30....3B3 :30....3(! :I. 30....393 30.<39~5 30,,,,3 (! (! 30...A:l.O 3()...A40 30....~'.'j08 ~30....~::;:1. :1. 30....~.:j:l. :3 :.30 .... ~:j;;.~ 4 30....6:1.0 :.30.........01 :~0....7()2 30...."{.03 30.........04 ::~O.... 70~:; 30......i'09 ~30....7:1. :I. 30.... 7 :1. ::.~ 30....7:1.3 :30....71~j ~30.....l:l. (,;' 30....720 30....72:1. 30....723 3()....72~.:j 30....727 ~30....729 30....73:1. 30.... 732 v 987 REVENUE REQU ;T I:~EVENUI :1.9Bb 1(/87 i~ICnJ{.11 :I.(/B~.:; Ol:~ F;:Em.JEBT tICTU,~,1 :1.904 \')EI',!UF.: ; I T Y 01 ~::';:)II... I Nt, ACCOUNT DEGCHIF'TION .11. ... ACCT :1.9,000 21,000 65,070 251,730 15,000 196,000 o o 83,000 219,990 10,000 :1.95,000 o o 83,000 230,lbO 111,289 195,000 () o 83,000 227,710 43,912 200,000 REIMBURSE FAIR HOUSING EXPENSE 1:~EIlvmUW3E ART" COMl'iI~;>GION EXPEN REIMBURSE MUSEUM EXPENSES REIMBURSE AMBULANCE EXPENSES REIMBURSEMENT OF EXPENDITURE TRSF FROM OTHER FUNDS 3()....94D 3()....949 3().-.(ji!50 3()....9~.:j :1. :5 () .... <"; ~:j ::~ 30....9~'j7 80 100 1HO ::!.BO 2BO o , , , t 9,44 999 9,441 10,440 10,440 3~:.:;3 ,610,467 ,723,353 ,333,820 ,334,720 999,100 723, 8 ") A'_ a 1 o 1 1 1.8B ,ro8 ,188 #226 ,759 ,467 8, 9B;;!. ,7b4 ,982 ,746 1~~ t .~.)~) ,610 ::.~ 8 1 <y ,1"', B.I'j.4, b~:.:;O ,187,106 ,844,650 ,031,756 ,267,718 ,764,038 ::.~ p .:1 1. B :~:: FUND To'rAL~ ANCE JANUARY 1ST BEGINNING BALANCE BALANCE [ MBER 31 BEGINNING CAffi BAr TOTAL REVEN~~ TOTAL REVENUE AND LESS EXPENDITURES UNENCUMBERED CASH v CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 1987 ANNUAL BUDGET GENERAL FUND SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES BUDGET REQUEST 1987 BUDGET 1986 ACTUAL 1985 ACTUAL 1984 ,590 ,610 ,300 ,460 ,450 ,000 ,110 ,780 ,100 ,940 ,620 ,640 ,470 ,400 ,290 ,850 ,200 ,360 ,860 ,720 ,900 ,200 ,980 ,450 ,000 388 74 202 56 60 108 144 715 101 437 ,782 592 74 436 84 43 123 165 117 57 58 153 60 79 320 1 $ ,270 ,020 ,770 ,110 ,310 ,470 ,670 ,430 ,330 ,900 ,880 ,300 ,200 ,600 ,430 ,600 ,430 ,000 ,370 ,270 ,580 ,500 ,630 ,400 ,250 316 74 197 53 58 135 140 6Ll4 107 426 ,800 582 52 406 83 44 113 189 96 56 58 118 61 75 441 1 $ 310,492 74,057 188,252 50 , 1 06 59,537 122,225 143,299 538,542 92,791 396,605 ,638,534 553,122 50,614 353,983 79,651 43,502 92,904 139,575 93,192 53,609 58,191 94,295 59,869 73,428 775,384 1 1 280 3 $10.440 $ ,940 ,229 ,642 ,891 ,009 ,097 ,548 ,835 ,795 ,596 ,303 ,405 ,496 ,676 ,983 ,305 ,198 ,540 ,407 ,477 ,734 ,409 ,274 ,012 ,917 285 74 180 47 58 127 134 ,499 79 367 ,608 526 47 383 79 38 104 182 69 50 50 16 57 70 ,126 1 1 3 $10.334.720 $ CITY COMMISSION CITY MANAGER CITY CLERK LEGAL MUNICIPAL COURT BUILDINGS ENGINEERING FIRE PERMITS AND INSPECTIONS PARK PO LI CE STREET HUMAN RELATIONS EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICE TRAFFIC CONTROL SWIMMI NG POOLS ADMINISTRATION AND PLANNING NON-DEPARTMENT AL ARTS AND HUMANITIES COMMISSION CEMETERY GENERAL IMPROVEMENT SMOKY HILL MUSEUM FLOOD WORKS NEIGHBORHOOD CENTERS CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT - SALES TAX 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 24 27 28 29 ,759 135 2 $ 9 2 $ 8.267.718 GRAND TOTAL CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 2 1987 ANNUAL BUDGET SSION As the elected representatives of the community, the City Commission exercises the legislative power of the City government. The City Commission meets regularly to consider ordinances, resolutions, and other actions as may be required by law or circumstance. The various concerns brought before the Commission for consideration may be initiated by Commission members, advisory commissions, administrative staff, other political entities, or the general public. CITY COMM The Budget Annua the <ldoption of an es and commissions through authorit control boards budgetary to various exercises appointments The City Commission Commission also makes are elected The third serve as to at large on a nonpartisan basis. Three Commissioners receiving the most votes each receive four-year terms. Annually, the Commission elects one of their members is elected two candidates two-year term. The five-member Commission every two years. The member is elected to a Mayor staff and administrative prepared by s agendas ng meet sSlOn ty Comm media in support of regular C to citizens and the news Information is available The City Commission meets at 4:00 P.M. the first, second, third and fourth Monday of each month in Room 200 of the City - County - Board of Education Building. Items for the agenda of the City Commission meeting are to be submitted in writing to the City Manager by noon of the Thursday preceding the Monday City Commission meeting. All City Commission meetings are public, except at those times when the Commission recesses from a regular meeting into an executive session for a specified purpose meetings such as the National League of Kansas League of Municipalities meetings Comments professional and various Budget ssioners at of Mayors; #207 provides for attendance of Comm Cities Congress; the U. S. Conference that are not Emergency Gand and Account 211 provides funding for City contributions to a wide range of programs and services provided directly by the City staff. These include City contributions to the City-County Preparedness Department, the Salina-Saline County Department of Community Health, the Municipa Saline County for providing process-serving and bailiff services in the Municipal Court. is operated jointly by the City and the County total 1987 budget is $129,940. $101,500 is are received from the State of Kansas and are Department will provide funding for the new The Salina-Saline County Emergency Preparedness Department The request this year is for $50,750. The Department's shared by the City and the County. The other funds estimated to be $43,440. The Emergency Preparedness 90(' BI..JnG h:EUUEST ~.=.;O() ~:.:j()() ;?6, 2!.:.'jO :326, ll:.:)() :1.0,000 l(),()()O :::~ , 000 700 376,nnO :1.:1.,2:1.0 11.:~:::l.O :'":)B~ ~.:j lj> 0 BUDGET 1986 500 500 24.250 265.320 0 10.00() 3.000 700 303.270 12,500 12.500 316.270 ;:ny ( ~:;{ll... I N(.) "BI..JDGET F~EU bT )1=,: :1.901 f~,CC"r . :~: P,! OUNT DESCRIPTION p,CTUPd... (."CTUAL. :1.904 190~.:=i CITY COt1MISSION PERSONAL SERVICES () :1. ....:1. 20 ~:)AI...Ar~ I ES ~:.:jO() ~:.'i () 0 (iCCT....TOT(.)L~:; ~::j () 0 :~jOO CONTRACTUAl... SERVICES 0:1.....207 EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT 13.40l1 ;;.~:L t 7 ::!.:I. 0:1.....2:1. :I. CONTF;:IBUTIm..J!:) 242. B:W 2::56, B60 0:1. ....::~:I.~:.'i PUBLIC INFORMATION 0 0 () :1. ..-:~ ::.~ ~:.:; L.EGAI... ADVERTISING :l.3.91~.:j 1. ~:'l. n;.~ll O:I.....2l?B REVISION OF ORDINANCES 4, 1;;~4 ::':;.7?!.:=i o 1. ....::.~99 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 4B? 1 , 4~:S4 tICCT....TClTAL~ ;?74, T54 297.649 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 0:1 43~'.'i DF::G(:lf.~ I ZJi T I ClN{.1 DlJES :1.0,606 :l.2,:::S43 1:~,CCT''''TOT{.II...~: 1. () . c)Ob :I. 2. 3./L:~ r T....T(]TAl...~. ?B~.:5. 940 :.310.4'?;? 3 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 4 1987 ANNUAL BUDGET effect nued) Merlin Emergency Telephone System at the Police and Sheriff Departments. This will have the net of reducing the cost of telephone services in the Police Department budget by approximately $10,000. ( cont CITY COMMISSION The Salina-Saline County Department of Community Health provides health services in the community and is funded by the City, County and federal and state governments. In 1987, the Department is requesting from the City and County $119,500 each. This compares to approximately $114,270 in 1986. The City and County fund approximately 15% of the total Department budget. The balance comes from fees, grants, contracts, interest and cash carryover. Also, the City-County Health Department, under a 1982 agreement with the City, operates the Animal Shelter. The 1987 budget for the Animal Shelter is $77,700 compared to $74,270 in 1986. better than three-quarters of a century. The City . From 1980 through 1986, the City contribution to budget. However, since this is a grant, not a to the City Commission budget. The Arts and The Salina Municipal Band has been in existence for contribution, $9,000, has not changed for several years the band was in the Arts and Humanities Commission discretionary item, it has been decided to transfer it Humanities Commission budget has been offset the same amount to provide agreement with ne County for the County Sheriff This is an intergovernmental with Sa Court. an agreement the Municipa n In June 1986, the City entered nto process-serving and bailiff services an annual expense of $20,000. be of Account 215 is the cost for the implementation of a public information program. This program will under the direction of the Public Information Officer, whose salary is budgeted in the Department Community Development. The $10,000 is for other expenses related to the publ ic information program. Since 1982, the City has contributed $40,000 to the Chamber of Commerce for industrial promotion This budget for 1987 includes $50,000 or a $10,000 increase. The funds will be used to assist in an expanded industrial promotion and employment program for the City. This program will include aggressively seeking new industries and encouragement and assistance to local industries to expand their employment opportunities. The objective is to increase employment opportunities for Salina residents and also to broaden the City.s industrial and commercial tax base. awarded, at etc. Some I be keys il 40 w cards, s estimated nameplate, It and #299 s for plaques for retiring board and commission appointees $10 each. This also includes funds for the Mayor's plaque, gave of these items have previously been charged to Contingencies. ), Nationa Information Planning Commission ($250 $8,300) and Management I ( the North Centra Reg lona League of ,'v1uniclpalities City n Kansas the the #435 includes membership for League of Cities ($1,900) , Service ($500). 5 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 1987 ANNUAL BUDGET The City ty's chief C the City government and serves as the E CITY MANAGER The Office of the City Manager is the office of the chief executive of Manager is appointed by the City Commission for an indefinite term executive and administrative officer. As provided by State statute and City ordinance, the City Manager supervises and di rects the administration of all City departments to ensure that the laws, ordinances and resolutions of the City are enforced. Activities include providing liaison between the City Commission and the administrative staff, preparing and distributing informational documents for the Commission agenda, processing citizen inquiries and service requests, maintaining effective public relations with the news media, working with other governmental, school district and State and County governments and representing the City at official meetings and conferences The City Manager is responsible for the appointment and removal of all City employees As chief executive officer of the City, the City Manager s responsible for recommending measures for adoption by the City Commission which are deemed necessary for the welfare of the citizens and the efficient administration of the municipal government. Recommendations to the Commission relate to specific legislative issues, financial programs, capital expenditures and improvements, as well as other administrative matters. The City Manager prepares a proposed budget for the City Commission. Once the Commission adopts the budget it becomes the responsibility of the City Manager to see that it is properly administered. Comments Budget ve Secretary ty Manager and Admlnlstrat conferences meetings training specra seminars and maintenance of office equipment OFFICE OF TH C me employees n professlOna such as tems ne on n other -t nCludes 2 fl particlpat nCluded not tems #299 covers 6 budget provides for Manager Account #207 sessions. ty C The 1987 BUDGET ~UEST 63,280 63,280 4,000 2,890 400 7,290 800 2,000 2,800 1,240 1,240 74,610 BUDGET 1986 62,600 62,600 4,000 3,000 400 7,400 800 2,000 2,800 1,220 1,220 74,020 ;:ny 0 Gt"... I Nt'! BUDGET r;:EW.JES'I ell:;: :l.9B7 ACCT. ::: ~CCOUNT DESCRIPTION (iCTUt,L ;:~CTl.Jr-,1 :I.?84 :l.98~5 CITY Mp,NI:;GER PERSONAL SERVICES 02.... :1.20 SALARIES - REGULAR EMPLOYEE~ 63,007 1.,:1.,279 (-~,CCT""TOTtILS 63,007 6:1. t ::.~7(, CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 02....:::.~0~5 TELEPHONE 4,:1.09 4 , ~:536 02....207 EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT 2, (,44 3,12B 02....299 OTHER CONTRACTUAL f~RVICES :~~ ~'3 ~5 23(, f0CCT....TOTI~L~. "(',2BB 7 , 9():-s MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 02....:.320 OFFICE SUPPLIE~:; 64::5 :1. , 42:~ 02....3:.5:1. BOOKS & PERIODICALS ;.:2 t OB4 ::.~ t ::.~.4 (!) f0CCT....TOTAL~ ;.:!. , '729 :.~)' 6C1B SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 02....43::.:; OI:~(3(~,N I ZA T I ONf~' DUES :I. , 20::5 1,201 (-~,CCT"" TClT{.iL~: 1, :W~:'j :1. ,20'7 DEPT....TOTAL~ 14, 2;;!.(, 14, O:::i"l 7 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 8 1987 ANNUAL BUDGET NANCE DEPARTMENT Clerk, this department provides the proper City. Accounts payable, accounts receivable, are processed by this department. City the lings CITY CLERK AND F Under the supervision of the Finance Director and planning, accounting and control of all fiscal matters in investment income, contracts, payroll, purchasing and bil governmental with generally reports are also disseminated to other and transactions is in accordance Flsca records statements are prepared periodically The documentation for all fiscal governmental accounting procedures. Financial agencies accepted Various applications for City requirements and forwarded to approval, a formal license is issued. registration with code After Election Officer in voter audited for compliance the City Commission The City Clerk assists the County licenses are submitted to this office, the proper approving authority, such as as of The City Clerk is also responsible for taking the minutes of the City Commission meetings and acting depository for all official City records. Central personnel records, advertising and processing applications for City employment are handled by this office, as well as the central purchasing positions: Principal Comments full-time employees in 1987, which includes the following Director of Personnel, Administrative Aide/Word Processor Administrative Aide, Account Clerk and Senior Clerk. Budget This Department is budgeted for 7 Director of Finance and City Clerk, Data Processing Operator / 1300kkeeper or services. The two major and #320, which provides for n programs equipment, changes the Xerox not reflect significant which is for rental of paper and supplies. The line items i this account do expenditures are reflected in #274, the purchase of Xerox and computer n of office chairs 7 provides for replacement #51 Account ?B)' BUDGET I:~EPUEST 155,000 7,000 162,000 1,500 3,000 2,400 2,500 1,900 14,700 6,000 3,000 35,000 4,000 4,000 700 200 900 400 400 202,300 BUDGET 1986 1511750 4t500 156,250 2t600 2,500 2,400 2,500 2,800 15,000 6,000 2,800 36,600 3,620 3,620 600 300 900 400 400 197,770 CIT'y ) ~:~t,1... I Ni~1 BUDGET h:EP n 01:;: 1987 f.",CCT .:, ("Ie )l.JNT D1::):)cr~IPTION (:iCTU(:iI... ,~CTUAI :1.904 :1. 98!5 CITY ( ERIO;: PERSONAL SERVICES 0:3..--:1. 20 SALARIES - REGULAR EMP YFEG 141,041 14!;5,494 03.... :I.:!)O SALARIES - PART TI~~ EMPLOYEE 0 0 i~,CCT .... TOTAI...S 141,041 :1. 4!;5, 494 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 03....2 () ~:.:; TEI...EPHONE 2 , :..~34 ;.:~ t f.., C) ~7j 03....207 EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT 2 , 4~511 ~3 t ~);:H 03.... :.:.~O9 P(]~:;T(.iGE 1t996 119:1.7 03....22:1. PRINTING OFFICE FORMS :~~ t 6T~ 2,481 () ::-S .... 2 ~:5 ::.~ REPAIR-FURNITlmE & OFF. EW..JIP ::.~ t ;.:~ :I. ;;.~ :I. t :1. ~)I.) 03....274 RENT - MACHINERY & EQUIP 1~:;,117 :1.4,404 O:-S .... 2 II :1. AUDITING & ACCOUNTING SERVICE ~:::; , 400 6, !500 03....29~.) OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 2,36B :3 t ~::j <j):3 I~CCT""TOTAl...S 34, !::;~59 :36,247 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES () ;'5 ....:-3 :..:~ 0 OFFICE SUPPLIES 3,879 ~5, 4~:;1 (.~CCT""TOTAI..S 3,879 ~5 , 4~5:J. SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 03....43~:; ORGANIZATIONAL DlES ::.:;70 f.: ,;:.,.) .)...}.t:.. ():-5 ,,--4;'5 9 F<EFUNDS ;;.~'? Lf 33 i:-:,CCT .... TOT (.iLS 1344 68:':i ;i~PITAI... OUTLAY O;.5....::;j 17 ) CE MECHANICAL EQUIP 3:1.9 37~5 t,CCT....TOT,~I..S :.:S1 (I 37~:::; DEPT....TCrT"ri ) 1.130,642 :I. 88 , :~~~::i:? 9 1987 ANNUAL BUDGET CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS Commission, City Manager, adminis- These services include: legal The City Attorney represents LEGAL DEPARTMENT services are provided by the egal department to the City and advisory commissions on a variety of municipal matters preparation of ordinances, resolutions, contracts and agreements n litigation including condemnation action and prosecution. egal work connected with City are rendered at an hourly rate. for norma services City Prosecutor work on a part-time basis Court prosecutions. Other specific legal The City Attorney and business and Municipa Commission, Planning Commission and Board of request The City Prosecutor is the attorney meetings of the City commission meetings upon a The City Attorney normally attends Zoning Appeals and attends advisory for Municipal Court basIs retainer a compensated on s Comments The City Attorney City may be a party legal staff Genera trative opinions the City Budget There are no full-time personner in this account. $6,000 is included in #296 for lawsuits in which the o 1987 BUDGET REQUEST 0 16,740 16,740 37,720 37,720 2,000 2,000 56,460 BUDGE'r 1986 28,700 16,410 45,110 6,000 6,000 2,000 2,000 53,110 CITY ( nrtl...IN(.:i BUDGE'r 1:~EW.JEST F(:m :I. (jl87 I~CCT . :, tiC UNT nEBCF~IPTIDN (~CTlj{."~L r,CTI.J(.:lL. 1.984 1.9S:::i I...EG(~I. PERSONAL SERVICEB 04....120 SAI...ttF~ I EG .... m::GUL.t,,:~ Et'IPI...OYEE: 2b , 8(/3 27 , (jI~.'iB 04....:1.30 S{.iI...AF\IES .... PART" TH1E El'iPI...ClYi ~: :1. ::.:i, ~:i:l.:I. 1. b , :I. ~'50 (~,CCT"'.TDTI':":)I...S 4::~, 404 44,088 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 04-...296) 1...EGp,L ~:":RVICES 3 t 60~.:.'i 4,O:::iO t,CCT....TClTAI...S :3 , 6()~'i 4 , ()~.'i() MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 04....:.53:1. BOClI{S l~ 1:~IcmICtII...S 1,8B2 1.,968 f~CCT.... TDT I~L..S 1,882 1,968 r: T....TOTAL~ 4""(',89:1 ::.'iO, 1. () 6 11 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 1987 ANNUAL BUDGET sdemeanor m hears me basIs MUNICIPAL COURT presided over by the MUnicipal Judge serving on a part-t ty of the cases are traffic offenses The full-time personnel are under the supervision of the Police Department's Administrative DIvIsion. Process serving and bailiff services are provided by the Saline County Sheriff1s Office under an agreement between the City and County adopted in 1986. Funds for this agreement are in the City Commission budget account 211. fees costs and court fines n y n excess of $340.000 annua COllects Court Munlclpa The Comments Budget Clerk Clerk and Senior Prlnclpa nClude me personne -t Fu the to go funds These Court. tness fees District The Municipal Court, cases A great major the and w $85 is collected and remitted to Alcohol and Chemical Dependency Judge Pro Tern of a for periodic services #430 On each DWI conviction, Central Kansas Foundation for provides #295 2 T 901 nlJ[JG F~EnlJEST 43,170 43,170 2,100 1,200 2,600 5,980 400 0 400 10,900 10,900 0 0 60,450 BUDGET 1986 42,350 42,350 1,400 1,200 2,600 5,200 400 900 1,300 8,660 8,660 800 800 58,310 ;ITY 0 EAI... I Nt. Id...IItCiFT I:;'FW.. b T F ClI:;~ :1.(/07 ACCT. :, ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION i~CTU{il... (:;lCTU,~1 19f:l4 198!.:.:j ivlUNICIPPl1... COUI:~T PERSONAL SERVICES o !.::j -.. 1 20 SALARIES - REGULAR EMPLOY ~:) 4:1. , 44;:!. 41,3("/7 (,CCT....TOTt, 4:1. , 44::.~ 41,3(j>7 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES o ~:j .... 2 () ~:j TEl..EPI..IONE :I. , 0::50 1,281 0~:5"-221 PRINTING OFFICE FORMS 8;;?O 968 0~.:j""29:::j ()THEF~ PI:WFEW;; I ON(.~,L f:;ERV I C: 2,!:.'i62 2,78<; ACCT....TOTi;I...S 4,4:.":S:':? ::5,O:."5f.l MATERIALS & SUPPLIEE ()~:;.... 3::?() OFFICE SlJPPLIE~:; 248 267 05.<344 MAINT - VEHICLE & EQUIP 1, 18!::; 1,000 i~,CCT".'TOTAI...~:; 1,433 1,267 UNDRY EXPENDITURES 0~:.:j""4:30 FINE REMITTED-DISTRICT COURT 8,::58:::; :1.1,3D!.:.:; (.~CCT""TDT(:lLS 8, ::.:jB!.':; :1. :I. , 3B!5 ,!:JI Tf.11... H.JTI...t-, Y ()~::j.<:j03 QUI 2,117 4:::;0 (1 T....TOT,~IL~:; ;?,117 4 ::~i () r T....TOTtl ) ~m , 009 ~.:N , ~.:i3 7 13 1987 ANNUAL BUDGET DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICES BUILDINGS DIVISION CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS This account includes the City's share of operating and maintaining the City - County - Board of Education Building. The building is operated and maintained by a Building Authority comprised of elected representatives of each of the three agencies, plus one member-at-Iarge selected by the other members. Operation and maintenance costs are. shared by the three agencies prorated on the basis of square footage of floor space which each occupies. Saline County utilizes 61,016 square feet or 59.4%, the City of Salina 26,806 square feet or 26.1% and USD #305 14,910 square feet or 4.5%. The Water and Sewera~e Department pays ! of the City's 26. 1 % the ty Theatre and Commun na on of the Sa mamtenance and operat the The Building Fund also provides for Police Building exclusive of utilities Comments Budget for $68,000 or The City's 26.1 % appears in #299 Custodians provides for normal maintenance of al City buildings maintenance of the City-County-Board of Education Building 987 for fund to a risk management transferred been nsurance has #228 Account 4 me -t two fu nCludes Account #251 operation and fund The 1987 BUDGET REQUEST 27,200 27,200 0 6,140 2,000 70,000 78,140 600 750 510 500 300 2,660 108,000 BUDGET 1986 26,670 26,670 25,000 7,000 2,200 72,000 106,200 600 510 590 600 300 2,600 135,470 CITY ( ~:).~L I Nt. BUDGET 1:~I:::W...lE~:n OF, 19B7 f-,CCT . ::: (~ OUNT DEBCf~IPTInN ,-:')CTUAL p-.CTUAI. 1984 198~:'i BI.)] lIINGf PERBONAL SERVICES 06....120 SP-,L.{.il:~IES .... 1:<EGULtll:~ Ei'-IPI...OYEEG :~~ 4 t <;1 ;.~~ ~5 ;~~6 , 016 t,CCT....TOT,~I...~:; ::.~ 4 t c;.> ::! ~::j ~~b, O:l.l) CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 06.... ::.~28 I NSUF~p.NCE .... F I F~E 1n, '/06) ::.~ ::.~ t :I. :~~:? Oc)....2~:5:1. REPAIR - BUILDINGS 9,770 ~:.:; , 6~3~5 06....29!:.'i OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 79::~ :1.,:1.:1.7 06....299 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 70,7:1.4 64,B68 t.CCT....TOT(.~LS :l.OO,2b3 93,742 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 06....;H3 ~ANITOR & TOILET S~~PLIES 4:.:'i7 499 0(;.)....3~59 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES ~) <j> ~::j 486 06....;36.l LECTRICAL & LIGHTING PARTS 497 :.:'i83 O(;')....]"'? :1 UMBER & LUMBER PRODUCTS 169 707 06....38 (d: tH & AINTING MATERIALS 191 :I. 9;~~ .~ICCT""TDT(iL!3 1, 'iO'i 2,467 I: T....TOT{~I...~ :l.ZI,097 :L :~~ ;.:.~ t ;~~ :~~!5 5 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 1987 ANNUAL BUDGET and mprovements munlclpa a that NG DEPARTMENT The Engineering Department protects the public interest by assuring facilities are constructed in accordance with established standards The Engineering Department coordinates a engineering services related to development projects during both planning and construction stages. Direct supervision and review of work performed by consulting engineers are also done by the City Engineer and department staff. Proper engineering data is formulated to meet the requirements of project feasibility reports, design considerations, final plans and specifications and other planning and engineering procedures. Engineering supervision is given to municipal improvement projects which involves analyzing bids, supervising construction, certifying progress of construction and recommending acceptance of work done by a contractor. Depending upon the size of an improvement project, these services may be performed in-house or rendered by engineering consultants or by a combination of the two Comments The Department has 6 full-time employees: Assistant Director of Engineering and Utilities, Traffic Engineer, Senior Engineering Technician, Engineering Technician, Senior Engineering Aide and Senior Clerk. The City Engineer's salary is included in the Water and Sewerage Department because he also is Director of Utilities. The Assistant City Engineer also serves as Assistant Director of Utilities and a portion of that salary s included in that utility's budget range chains survey as such equipment engineering aneous replacement of mlsce lettering equipment provides for the survey rods and #503 poles 16 ENGINEER Budget T 907 BUVG i=~EnUFb'"! 130,980 130,980 1,920 1,250 550 560 4,280 540 2,200 4,660 7,400 750 750 700 700 144,110 BUDGET 1986 126,600 126,600 1,920 1,250 550 500 4,220 540 2,000 5,960 8,500 900 900 450 450 140,670 (,:,CTU'~:IL. 1. '/8:=:; 907 Ol:~ I~":)CTU(:'I 1.'/04 ~I..JEST T BUDD NI:) TION BpI I. T'I DFscr~ (,CCDUNT I~CCT CE! F~EGU\...(~I:~ I SEF~V ~:f) NC:l Fl:~SON{.II. ;ALI~,I:~ NEEF~ Ef-1G ,309 30 3 ri 1:- Z3, YEE~ t11 20 07 ,38'1 2,000 1,061 377 526 1::5C .1 .J 60 000 443 ;;.~~.':i :1 :~? ;;.?:.3 1. 1. 1. n TOTt~'L CONTRACTUAl TELEPHON~ EMPLOYEE I VE MENT REPAIR - FURNITURE, OFF THER CONTRACTUA SERV t,CCT B BEI;;:l) 07....20~:; 07....207 07...2::.:;2 07....299 'NA ~::;7b :I. ,80:3 ~.i , ~:j 1. :1. :.3 ::.~(;1!5 4~::;8 867 :1.76 -;( '..1 t 1. , 4, )TI~I T ) FUUl (.~CC.l MATERIALS & l _S OFFICE SUPPL.IES DRAFTING & ENGRS MAINT VEHICL . /;, 07-320 07-335 07-344 (/70 I :::;0 6 TOTttl...S (,.ceT SUNDRY EXPENDITURES ORGANIZATIONA DUE! ~597 74!5 07....43~) 5(/7 ::579 TIC) :';~()iS\ 4:';} l ~i~) 94 19'f !548 "'J I ~:H TOT,~Ll:) r(II...~ TOTtll...S TC I~ICCT (:,CCf DE...."! nu OUTLI~ Y NEI~R I NG Cf::iP I T ,~I ~:NG ()7..-~;();'3 7 1987 ANNUAL BUDGET CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS FIRE DEPARTMENT The Fire Department shares n the oca responsibility for protection of ves and property Through n- spections, public education programs and enforcement of various codes, many hazardous conditions are prevented or detected and corrected. The prevention of fires and explosions is the utmost priority of the Fire Department. The Fire Department maintains high-level readiness for prompt and efficient response to fires. emergency medical calls and other types of emergencies The Fire Department operates from four fire station ocations, providing rescue and fire suppression city- wide and into certain areas of the county by contract and on special assistance. The Emergency Medical Services, a paramedic level of care, is operated by the Fire Department on a county-wide basis providing both nonemergency and emergency care. Primary response. units are located in 2 stations, and the department assists with a fire first responder on life-threatening calls to reduce run time and for additional manning within the city The Fire Department is nto five divisions to carry out its mUltifaceted roles. The DivIsion of Fire Prevention enforces , conducts inspections and reviews plans. The Division of Emergency Medical Services ensures proper medical patient care and acts as liaison with state and local medical groups for compliance with Emergency Medical Service standards, laws and local responsibilities. The Division of Training ensures the training of all employees, both in-service and by attendance in out of department schools and seminars. The Division of Operations includes the daily delivery of rescue, fire suppression and emergency medical services to the citizens of Saline County and the City of Salina and the maintenance and care of buildings, equipment and vehicles. The Division of Administration coordinates all of these activities into a unified effort. All divisions are supportive of the public education role of the Fire Department organized fire codes Comments Budget e d Administrative ^ Public Educator Senior Clerk 42 me personne Division Chiefs (3 Lieutenants (18) Engineers & Firefighters the of outside programs training and conferences severa n clpation part for provides Account #207 department fund risk management to transferred s nsurance #232 Account 8 -t Fire Chief Administrative Officer Fire Prevention Officer Training Captain has 70 fu The Department 1987 BUDGET REQUEST BUDGET 1.986 .11. 'n. ACCT ~:.:j;?4, liBO f.J,OOO 1 443,750 6,000 1,449,750 1.358,895 3,045 1,361 940 1 , ;30B, 999 2,478 1. ,:.3:1.:1 477 CES 1;:EGULt)I:~ 1::.r'1PI...OYEE~:; PART TIME EMPLOYEES I:;: PERSONAL SERV SALARIES - SALARIES - FI 20 ~3() :1 :I OEl 00 ~.:5::30, 980 6,000 8,000 650 700 o 34,900 1,800 3,400 5,800 8,:1.50 8,150 600 700 9,600 31,100 2,200 3,400 5,800 5,537 8,422 ~8 396 10,237 34,693 6~o . ...1 ~ 2,404 5,997 ~ ~:.:j ~::! ~:;.; , :'57~:j 461. 44li ,1.!5:.":S ,4<;'8 , :.36)(,) ,840 ,B87 ~:5 ~:) 6 ~)O 1. 1. ;~~ TPII...~ H :: T OF p SEF<V T CONTRACTUAL CES TELEPHClt"1 EMPLOYEE DE~ OPMENT POST ('KJE PRINTING OFFICE FORMS I NSl.mp,NCE REPAIR - BUILDINGS 1:;:EP(.1Ii=~".+lJr~NITI.J/:~E & REPAIR - RADIO EQUI OTHER PROFESSIONAL tiC( SEI:~V 08-205 08-207 08-209 08-221 00-232 08-251 08-252 08-257 08-295 61 , 2~.:jO 1,800 1,300 1,000 5,000 31,000 2,300 2:1.,200 3,600 900 1,000 3,300 700 800 6,000 7,350 800 69,('O() 1,800 1,300 1,000 5,100 33,100 2,300 21,200 3,600 900 1,000 3,300 700 800 4,500 6,500 800 ~'5 1 , 4::38 :1.,321. <';"94 4,c):.r:s 30 , 1 ~56 :1. ,789 18t740 2,966 13:.37 896 ::.~ t t> :~~ ~:.:; 6011 7("7'~5 3, :.348 ~::; , 6;20 7!:.'jO '1 1.)8 ~.:j!j4 1,558 2,113 966 3,675 28,023 823 16,789 3,013 1,679 1,001 2,966 620 1,033 3t'769 5,440 700 fJ4 TOT {ll...~:; supp ON t,CC"T MATERIALS & SUPPLIE EXPENDP,BI...E T()()I...H OFFICE f:;UPPI._IE~:; BOOKS & PERIODICALS JANITOR & TOILET SUPPLIE! MAINT - VEHICLES & EQUIP SEDDS, PLANTS, TREES, LAWN WE{-~l:~ I NG (~IPPAt=(EI... ern.IEI::: OPERA T I NG SUPPI... I E~:; ELECTRICAL & LIGHTING PARTS LUMBER & LUMBER PRODUCTS MACHINERY & EQUIP. METAL & METAL PRODUCTS PAINT & PAINTING MATERIALS TRAINING EQUIP & SUPPLIES FIRE PREVENTION & IN~~ECTI I,.JEI...DING SUPPLIE~ 08-310 08-320 08-331 08-343 08-344 08-35:1. 08-355 08-359 08-367 08-371 08-373 08-375 08-381 08-383 08-384 08-393 9 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 20 1987 ANNUAL BUDGET south and remodel kitchen, replace replace hot water heater ion #4. replace front apron I ightrng, ne in basement in Station #1, and repair brick veneer on Stat nued the following projects: replace main sewer I #2, install new roof (cont Account #251 includes shop door, repair and remodel kitchen in Station FI RE DEPARTMENT n0 s advert shers ngu fire ext paks and such as testing of air for employment. Account #295 provides for several services, personnel vacancies and testing of applicants Fire personnel. This is established for a two-year replacement of jackets for al funds insignia i ncl udes brass account clothing allowance and In addition, the a year Account #355 provides at $200 per person per es Ii supp on nspect prevention and #384 provides for fire Account and pment too hurst toolS and other equipment. adaptors replacements of sma ows for replacement fi re hose #507 allows for and chlorine kit #503 a accessories dryer clothes #4 and eql on Stat for es refrrgerator nozz TV rs ngs tchen-table cha coup k of replacement for #509 provides and washer. for fire personne ve equipment protect Personne 4 #51 and calculator e cabinet fi ter of typewr ows for replacement 7 a #51 basis to commercial and residential I generate approximately $160,000. services on a contract these fire contracts w protection In 1987, fire ts. Purchase of portable radios provides City Iim The Fire Department pror;>erty outside the 9 #51 987 BUDGET REQUESl BUDGET :I.'/B6 ,000 <.;;0 () , O!.:':; 0 ~.:.:iOO ::.:j () () 3,lf.:iO 1.4,000 4,30() 8, :1.00 :I., ::.:i~50 :I.,90() :33, 000 '"('BO ~~~ ~::.i ...) ( 2,000 89, <100 ~500 ~5 () () 3,150 14,610 5,350 8,120 1,55() 1,800 ~:=iB() ,1.>44 , 4~5() 34. 1. CITY ) ; (,I... I j"!r~1 BUDGET REQUES1' FOR :I.'/B7 fir OUNT I:tE~:;Ch:IPTION (.:,C'T'Ur;L .!:)CTUr;', :1.</84 1 <JB~5 OTHER REPAIRS - MAINTENANCE :L 1 004 :1.,::5::54 (.1CCT....TDT(.~I...S 7~.'i, :l.7::~ 78, 8::';1. SUNDRY EXPENDITURES ORGANIZATIONAL DUES 290 260 (.:iCCT....TOTAl...~:; :?90 260 Cf~IPIT(:Il... OUTLAY EW.JIP,- :? . 'I\)3 :I. , I70 FIRE FIGHTING EQUIP :I. (), <103 U. , :1.42 FLmNITURE & FIXTURES .'h 096 41744 PERSONNEL PROTECTIVE EQUIP. t> 1 <y'03 7 1 2()~.'i DFFICE NECH. WJIP. 3-:';"8 81 I:~ADIO W.J :3, :1.39 3 t iB6 t,CCT....TDTp.,l...~:; :?8,342 28. ."(.l8 r T....TDTI~ ) :J. 14<19, 83!,'5 :1., :::i3 !::j4::.: .11. .v' r;CCT 00....399 OO"-A3~5 08-503 08-507 08-509 08-514 00-517 00-5:1.9 21 1987 ANNUAL BUDGET T DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMEN PERMIT AND INSPECTION DIVISION CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS This Division was previously called the Permit and Inspection Department n 1982, this program became a part of the Department of Community Development in order to provide a more effective level of supervision and administration and to increase coordination between the permit and inspection activities and related func- tions. The Division is responsible for the administration and enforcement of the City.s zoning ordinance, mechanical, housing, building, plumbing, electrical and related codes. The Permit and Inspection Division issues construction permits, reviews plans for proposed buildings, recommends revisions in codes, inspects construction sites to insure code compliance and maintains complete records on permits and applications. The Division works closely with Police, Fire and Health Departments and other public agencies in the area of public safety The activities of this Division are under supervision of the Director of Community Development. waiver of $15.000 a In 1983, the City created an enterprise zone. One of the ncentives n the enterprise zone is the building permit fees. We estimate these waivers will reduce building permit fees from $12,000 to year This will vary considerably depending upon the building activity in the zone Comments There are 4 full-time employees: Chief Building and Zoning Inspector, Building Inspectors (2) and Senior Clerk. Although each of the inspectors specializes in a particular field, all are cross-trained to reduce travel throughout the City and to best utilize staff time. The position of Electrical Inspector has been vacant since 1980 and is deleted from this budget with the understanding that, if conditions warrant, it will be reinstated in the future t perm financed by bui Iding and other s 9ll% $95.000 or y Of this department.s $101,100 budget, approximate fees. The rema i nder comes from the Genera I Fu nd II be paid a transportation be sold and not replaced w II Field personne three vehicles w City use only. in 1987. The #344 Reduced to allowance for one vehicle for allowance from Account 18-447. contingencies 22 Budget 1987 BUDGET REQUEST 84,300 5,000 89.300 3,000 1,700 500 500 500 1,800 8,000 1,200 750 800 . 750 300 300 '750 0 750 10: 100 BUDGEl 1986 93,730 0 93,730 3tOOO 1.200 450 ~O 500 700 6t350 1,200 500 4,350 6t050 300 300 0 900 900 107.330 ,~CTUI~1 1 <i8!.'.'i l 'It FOI:~ tICY'U,~1 :1.984 ':~EUUEST DI.JDGE'T i'.Jt::, ON (:1 T T"j DE!;;CF~ j~,CCOUNT (~,CCT "i' :~~ f.) () ")':;' ( ...J 03:1 o 70 AR ~MPLOYEES TIME EMI OYEEI M CES ,:;:EGU (.:,I:<T NSPECT ~:;I::RV > , ) & PE:J< N(~I BP,L.(;F~ j~ll...t,F~ TS PEra.1 20 30 :/. :1 09 09 726 3 , 40:::; 3:.37 4:.~2 3!5:::j 1 ::!. 1 o '''/1::' ( ...J 3 t ~:5 (.~\ ~:) Ii (i B 4:1.:1. o 93 () 'lO. Y'DTtlI...B CONTRACTUAL SERVIC TELEPHONE EMPLOYEE DEVEl.OPMENl POSTAGE PRINTING OFFICE FORM~ REPAIR - RADIO EQUIP. OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERV t,CCT 09-205 09-207 09-209 09-221 09-257 09-299 730 3,7:1.0 1,3:1.2 7,063 4, 79~5 797 671 4</1 A.. TUTi;/ r=~CCT (~,I...B '& & ! H.JF IE!: Pf.:RIlJD: ''on; H ~, MATERIA__ OFFICE BOOKS MAINT 09-320 09-331 09-344 4 EUU , 08~5 r) ,:.. t (?~::j9 ~:.:; ,~I T'"'T T j;CC UNDF~Y EXPENDITUF:U: OF;:G(.:,N I ZPIT I DNA! [II II::'!;> ;.:.~~:.=;() () ,.) ,.... 0<i....43~.:.i :;~ ~:5 () o () o o o 2 Tj; T (:~,c I m; :::m. :~P,:C O(i....~503 09....~'.'i:l. <;> o "'l:) ( , 9: o '"( <;' ~.:5 79 Tt, TOTI~'I T T r......T ."' ,.., 23 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 1987 ANNUAL BUDGET DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES PARK DIVISION grounds and andscaping, including caring for the grounds, the Division parks. These include the Lakewood and Sunset Parks, the former Stimmel and playground equipment The Park Division is responsible for the maintenance of all park parkways and landscaped median strips, in the City. In addition to operates and maintains all buildings and facilities related to the Lodge, the Kiva in Thomas Park, maintenance buildings in Oakdale School and numerous facilities such as tennis courts picnic shelters the the supervision of the neighborhood centers, swimming pools and maintains the grounds of the Salina Bicentennia Center and The Division has the responsibility for Municipal Golf Course. The Division Smoky Hi Museum acres 630.61 ng tota parks y owns 23 ty present C The ntendent, Garage a great deal of personnel are Super Because part-time Comments This Division has 13 full-time employees: Parks Superintendent, Assistant Park Mechanic, Lead Maintenance Worker (4), Maintenance Worker (3) and Laborer (3). the park work must be done during the spring and summer months, seasonal or used extensively and awn sel f-propelled mower riding trencher self-propelled of pick-up sprayer. for replacement and 200 gallon #503 provides leaf sweeper temporary salaries of the City trees under survey s a various park projects ,000 is a much-needed forestry program. $4 nts relating to trees Also planned and planting program Budget s $120.000 for Project mprovement $8,000 handle This account includes for tree inspectors to and development of a tree ta the Cap n nCluded 24 987 BUDGET REQUEST 222,740 88,200 310,940 1,200 600 2,000 1,400 1,100 4,400 10,700 1,500 400 7,000 2,100 31,400 4,000 13,000 8,000 3,000 1,000 1,200 2,200 1,200 76,000 38,800 1,500 40,300 437,940 BUDGET 1986 215,100 84,200 299,300 1,200 600 2,400 1,500 1,000 4,000 10,700 1,500 400 6,000 2,100 34,400 6,000 8,000 8,000 5,000 1,000 1,000 2,000 1,200 76,600 39,600 100 40,300 426,900 .u. ... ACC'1 209,00] 86,409 295,410 8~:.'.i, 6:~~ 1 80, :I. 4~'j :I. P(.:',I:,~I'{ PEl;: NAL SERV I ( 10....:1.20 Sf':-,L(.ir:;: I ES 1:~EGUl...r,F~ Ei~l lYEE: :1.0....:1.30 1~1...p,r:;: I E B PART TIME EMPLOYEES f:~,CCl""TOTti ) 0(~)2 60 9:.56 2:.30 010 :1.8;.:~ :I. :1. ~:.:; l66 924 ;?74 23~.'5 ~:.'.i:l. 9 67~.:i 4f:A ;.~::l)~::.; t ::.~ ::.~ DNTFMClUAI... TELEPHONE EMPLOYEE DEVl OPMENT GI~f; SEr:~VICE REPAIR - BUII...DINGS SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL JTHER CONTRACTUA SERV CES fW},: V o i7- (~,./~ 237 857 841 329 342 186 386 678 184 270 204 374 9,4 , (:) t ") ,;.. , 3~:.:i , 4, 9, (/ , .") ,:... 1 ;.:~ 7,09 1,090 376 4,681 1,929 35,202 6,151 7,874 6,130 , , ,... ( O,O~O 780 1 ::~ :'.~~::j 1. ;.:~ 1;? 8~58 ;[5 n:rrl~I...S ~:;U f:~'CC MATERIALS & SUPPLIE~ EXPENDp,BLE TDDLS OFFICE SUPPLIES CHEMICALS, DRUGS & ETC. ....I(-INITOI:~ t.... TOIl..FT SUPPL.I MAINT - VEHICLES & EQUIf 1:;:ECJ~Er, T I ONr,1... ~:H..IPPL I ES SEEDS, PLANTS, TREES, l.AWN OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES CEMENT & CEMENT PRODUCTS EI..J::CnnC(.:11... & 1...IGHTING P(:,b:T LUMBER & LUMBER PRODUCTS PAINT & F'p,INTING Hr,TERI(~I...~ St-INO ~ GF~I~IVEL t F;;UCI< t.., Cl../() T 10-205 10-207 10-241 10-251 10-297 10-299 10-310 10-320 10-333 10-343 10-344 10-349 10-351 10-359 10-365 10-367 10-371 10-381 10-387 ~5::~ 13,735 1,459 15,194 396,605 /6 '7'0 19,387 162 19,549 367,596 /!.:'j ;CCT-TOTAL~ ACCT-TOTAL~ ru T.-T01'A ; H.JTI...(.W EOUII CAPITAL EQUIP RADIO 10....~:50:.5 1 () .... ~:'j :1. 9' 25 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 26 1987 ANNUAL BUDGET POLICE DEPARTMENT The Police Department is responsible for the protection of life and property. The prevention of crime and traffic offenses is the Department1s first obligation. Investigation of crimes, apprehension of offenders, enforcement of laws and ordinances, control of traffic and crowds, maintaining reliable records and the operation of an elaborate communication system are other important responsibilities. I n addition to these primary activities, the Department performs innumerable services in the interest of protection, safety and convenience to the public. The Department maintains close liaison with other law enforcement agencies throughout the state, Saline County and neighboring communities. Pol ice personnel respond to calls for medical assistance, industrial accidents, natural disasters, aids to other departments, house checks and other calls for service or aids to the public The Department's Administrative Division supervises the non-judicial personnel in the Municipal Court. In striving to make Salina a safe community, police personnel maintain high visibility and frequent contact with the general public. The success of the Department is dependent to a great extent on the degree of support, cooperation and assistance it receives from the general public. 80th the public and the Department deserve credit for a good working relationship, one which continues to make Sal ina a safe and enjoyable community in which to live, work and play. Comments Budget ce officers Lieutenant (6 Sergeant (7) Pol ice Officer Ii po 58 nCluding me personne Chief -t II ce has 65 fu Police Chief Assistant Po Captain (3) ce Department The Po or Sen Operator (40) pment Processing Equ Data Senior Aide (2 ). -time personne include: Administrative and Data Processing Equipment Operator ful (2) Other Clerk rement requ a s training s Th officers of training hours 40 for re funds Legislatl i ncl udes the State Account #120 established by temporary and the of months 9 for guard ng schOOl-cross one provides for ng the summer #130 dur Account personne clerlca per $5 s That amount the prisoners year the feeding of prisoners. sheets and pi 1I0w cases for Saline County Sheriff for ncludes clothing, blankets, to the snow paid Th #217 s prisoner Account day per 987 BUDGET REQl~ST T BUDG :1.986 ACTU,"1I. 1 (7\0~.'5 9B7 em ACTI...l(il. 1'104 OUEST I:~ r':~UDGE'T CITY F SALINA ACCOUNT DESCR:-TION ACCT 1,411f2BO 3,4BO 1,414,760 :I. , 3'"10 , O()O 3,480 1,316f913 3,832 lf320,745 1,254,970 1,696 1,256.666 POLIf ::J:6 (,I... SEm.l I ( f) 1:L :1.20 !:)AI...(.ir~ I E 1:~EGI.!IJ,P I. 'I. YE :1.:1.....1:30 SI11...t,I=~ I E PAR'r TIME EMPLOYEE~ i:~'( T TDT.~l ) :l.f373,400 9,900 5,000 3,000 7,000 5,000 9,000 9,000 5,000 0,000 2,000 7,000 0,000 1 :I. 2:1.fOOO 5,000 4,000 7,000 4,000 14,300 12,200 17,000 9,200 2,000 4,000 5,000 21,740 2,528 2f590 7,338 7,216 7,935 9,693 13,058 10,348 1,906 7,400 7,268 99,020 19,496 5,486 2,868 4,201 3,446 21,802 7,969 17f243 8,786 544 12,361 3,754 I GI...l CE ES I v :1 F ("' " ..;) , ~:)ERV ;ONTF~N:;TUAL TELEPHONE EMPLOYEE DEVl OPMENl POST(::.GE FEED PF:':ISONEF,S PRINTING OFFICE FORMS REPAIR - BUILDINGS REPAIR-F~~NITURE & OF r~EP(::,Ir~''''F'i::'DIO EUUIP. RENT-MACHINERY & EQU~ MED I CAL. BE:Rl,.l I CEE; OTHER PROFESSIONA OTHER CONTRACTUAL CE~ ll::R\"l 11-205 11-207 11-209 11-217 11-221 11-251 11-252 11-257 11-274 11-290 11-295 11-299 700 1,000 7,500 1,500 2,000 90,300 39,800 3,500 300 1,500 400 !.':j()O 000 ~5 :,l ::.~o , 90 700 , 1,500 7,000 :1.,400 1,700 98,000 34,800 3,50() 300 :1.,600 300 ~:5 20 ~50() 000 04 1,021 8,417 1,622 2,247 10,419 22t59() 3,324 170 754 741 5,780 16,138 :I. 07 , 9!.'5(~ 1,499 7,231 1,591 1,446 93,534 17,238 1,9'17 513 279 010 4,088 16,628 TDT'~11 MATERIALS & SUPPLIE EXPENDABLE TOOLS OFFICE SUPPLIEf; BOOKS & PERIODICALS ,.Ji::INITm~ & TOILET SUPPl...IE~ i"lAINT .... VEHICI...ES /:, EOUTP IAEt,I:~ING t,PPAr~EL OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES ELECTRICAL & LIGHTING PART~ LUMBER & LUMBER PRODUCTS PAINT & PAINTING SUPPLIES PHOTOGRAPHY MATERIALS TRAINING & TRAINING SU T (.~i 1-310 1-320 1-331 1-343 1-344 1,,-355 1-359 1-367 :1.-371 1-381 1-382 1-383 :1 :I. :I. :L 1 1. :I. :I. 1 :I. 1 :I. '"13, 300 600 , , 17~.:j :~:: :~~ ~5 73 :I. :1.46 , (~)6() Ttil..S T (.~I.,l.>r 27 1987 ANNUAL BUDGET CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS nued cant POLICE DEPARTMENT for officer per shower area year for cOlleges oca of attending the cost th w ng items, piUS assistance criminal justice degree n r tra the ncludes normal working toward Account #383 Police Officers 988 n te vehicles black-and-wh of 8 replacement for fund reserve equipment ) #447 Transfer of $50,000 to (purchased every other year the County th w County ne th Sa to be shared w equipment m #503 Purchase of copying machine and mlcrofi paying one-half of cost unmarked vehicles of 3 Replacement #505 vests 40 bUlletproof and gear replacement eather for Provides #514 th County to be shared w of three cycle radios per $250 and and printer Replacement ocker room uniforms of Computer #517 9 #51 n officers replacement 28 e of floor t Officers the replacement POlice for $350 nCludes Account #355 provides cleaning of uniforms #25 Account T 907 Bunf? 1:;:EUUEST X-::UDGET 1.906 9~:.'j0 ~:.:jO , 000 ::.; () , <T'!:.:j 0 1550 ,000 o ,040 ,500 ,020 ~.'j;?, 910 :I. . 7B;.:.~ . 620 :1.4 2i:l !5 ,.) ::.. 4 9~50 o <)~) () ,750 ,000 400 ,000 ,000 ,000 146,150 1,EWO,880 ~::j 99 17 :? ~.~:.:.~ CITY F :::;{~II... I t'H~ BUDGET I:;:EW.JEST OF~ 1 <187 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION I~CTUt,l... ACTl.h~1 :J.<)84 1 <ji8::.:j UNDRY EXPENDITURES ORGANIZATIONAl... DUES 87B 8~:.;O TRSF TO TOHER FUNDS () () f)CCT....TDTti :; 87B B~:50 ;APITAL. OUTLAY EmJIP. :/.l,2b6 :1.4, ::~74 r-lIJrDt'lClB I 1...Ff:> Bl,3'if:l. 6,400 FUm-lITUr~E & FIXTl.mES () <;:.59 OFFICERS SERVICE EQUIP. 2, :1. :/'::.:j "{' , b:::j~:j OFFICE MECHANICAL EQUIP 1. ,4::.:::1. 2,701 I~:,~DI() EW.JIP () :1.;;!.,627 (='iCCT....TOTtll...S </6,14:3 44,6<)1.) r T....TClTf.1 :1 60f ::503 1 , 6:":m , !'::j:.34 .11. .U. (:)C(: 43~=:j 44"1 -503 -505 -509 -514 -517 -519 1. :1 1.1 1.1. :1.:1. :L1. 1. :1. 11 1.1. 29 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 30 1987 ANNUAL BUDGET DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICES - STREET DIVISIOt~ The Street Division is the largest of the several divisions within the Department of General Services and frequently assists or supplements other divisions with personnel and equipment. Responsibilities include all aspects of street cleaning and maintenance. Street, bridges and storm sewers are costly to construct. The cost of maintaining and protecting these facilities has become increasingly burdensome. However, neglect results in far greater costs when replacement or major repair becomes necessary During winter months, snow removal and ice control are the primary concerns of the Division. Snow removal is handled on a systematic basis. Arterial and main trafficways are cleared first, followed by the collector streets, which connect residential streets with the arterial and main trafficways. Finally, as time permits and conditions require, residential streets are cleared of snow. Intersections, hills and bridges are watched closely for the formation of ice.. Salt and sand are applied as conditions dictate in an effort to help motorists start and stop as safely as possible. The first concern of the Street Department in coping with snow and ice on the streets has to be to clear the way for ambulances, pol ice and fire vehicles so they are able to reach various areas of the community. ntendent, Super Street Comments -time employees in this Division: Director of General Services (4), Equipment Operator (6), Maintenance Worker (12) and Clerk. Budget There are 25 fu Concrete Finisher nCludmg mamtalners power saws, pumps of 50 pieces of roiling equipment, and numerous other items such as The Street DIvision has an inventory in excess street sweepers, trucks, tractors, mowers, etc snowplows and miscellaneous small equipment the of much Other than equipment. s street street th maintenance of of a street budget may be transferred to a be continued in order to provide funds for and on operat from DiVISion comes the unspent balance, up to 25%, recommended that this practice the n expense SalarieS Under K.S.A. 68-141g, machinery fund. It is equipment replacement. rotary mowers 2 ackhammer and radios e mob of 7 for replacement Provides #503 O~l 198'/ BUDGET REQUEST 426,990 426,990 850 1,000 1,270 3,120 2,740 1,790 115,440 5,230 1,200 4,300 1,600 7,020 5,410 144,730 6,960 6,960 5,100 5,740 10,840 592,640 BUDGET 1986 412,650 412,650 770 940 11,910 13,620 2,620 630 127,450 5,000 1,200 3,990 1,600 4,860 5,400 152,750 0 0 0 3,280 3,280 582.300 .11. 'u' f.ICCT 396,896 396,896 837 1,463 1,894 4,194 21525 504 125,086 4,801 530 3,714 116 3,298 3,958 144,532 7,500 7,500 0 0 0 553f122 368,252 368,252 539 633 195 1,367 1,199 105 102,342 1,269 441 1,709 1,050 2,819 3,852 114,786 42,000 42,000 0 0 0 526,405 ~:)TI:~EET E:RElDNri nE};:~)ICEf 12....1 :~() i~:IL(.11=;: I EB F\i::'I'.)I...II...tll:~ r'l y ~ iY" "'"}" n:n (H...;3 H/::'T rrN..~ T,~I TOTtI T "- ,.., TOTA MATERIALS & SUPPLIES EXPENDf.,BI..,E TDOI,..S CHEMICp.LG MAINT - VEHICLES & EQUIP OTHEF.: OPEl:~P,TING mJPPLIES LUMBER & LUMBER PRODUCTS MACHINERY & EQUIP. PARTS METAL & METAL PRODUCTS SAND, GRAVEL, ROCK, SALT Bl,JEEPEF.: Pi~.I:a~;) I T T CONTRACTUAL SERV: S TELEPHONE REPAIR - RADIO EQUIP. OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERV T C......T T T t.CC'I EXPENDITURES TO OTH~R FUNDS CAPITAL OUTLAY EQUIP RADIOS (.\C 1-', (. SUNm:;y .n:.:n 2....447 :l.2....~::i03 12....~:i:l.9 12-310 12-333 12-344 12-359 12-371 12-373 12-375 12-387 12-390 12-205 j.2._.2S"7 12-299 :I. 31 CITY OF SALINA, 1987 ANNUAL BUDGET KANSAS ~JS DEPARTMENT prevIous ordinances dealing with human relations The sex, rei igion , color, national origi n, ancestry, age housing, public accommodations and public contracts Human Relations Department and defined me limits and procedures for the filing t ons Commission and the It further set forth Relat ities the Human responsibi The ordinance established their respective roles and and processing of complaints Comments This Department has 3 full-time employees: Director of Human Relations, Housing I nvestigator and Senior Clerk. The Housing Investigator is included as a full-time budgeted position in 1987. The cost of this position is offset by funds received from the Department of Housing and Urban Development. housing programs n three areas: and tenants. This contract race, color, sex age and $19,000 in 1987. Through a contract agreement with H. U. D., the Department has developed education, enforcement, and technical assistance to landlord, realtors establishes a referral agreement in processing housing complaints based on national origin The contract provides $500 per case for a total of approximately typewriter of Replacement #509 32 HUMAN RELATIO #8488, passed May 24, 1976, repealed a prohibits discrimination based on race, handicap or marital status in employment, Ordinance ordinance physical Budget ?87 BUDGEl ~EQUEST 59,320 59t320 3,200 4,000 1,000 1,200 2,500 11,900 700 1~050 1~750 1,500 1,500 14~470 BUDGET 1986 40,020 40,020 3,500 4,000 1,000 800 1,220 10,520 700 960 1,660 0 0 52.200 ACTUAl :l.9B!.:) 9B""i' Ol:~ t,c'r'I...I':11. 1904 )"T" 1:~Enu T DUDG Il',!(l ON )i:'11 T TY DEDCF: (.},CCCH.JNT .d. ... p,CCT ( F~EGl..I ONB 1=<IJ F~EI...AT 1:~BONt, p.,LAI:~ Hut1AN :'50, 009 ')37 :3~;S !~ )" . , HPI. i:~l": 1.20 :3 00<) :~~, f:l79 4,1.)97 84~!. BOO 909 30 :.Y.:.;j . 937 3,496 4-,6:1.::!. 291. 1. 7 ~.~ <Y::i(/ rOTi:'1L~ ONTRACTUAl TELEPHONE EMPLOYEE DEV OPMENT POBTAGE PRINTING OFFICE FORMD THER PRO SIONAl SERV t,e( .~En I.' F~ 3-205 3-207 3-209 3-221 3-295 :1 1. :1. 1. ., .1 CE~ 207 129 1 ':i>~::i 0, :1. 9,630 7/)0 994 T (II... 6 T (.)CCT & Bl. S ;upr: PEI:~I(]DICi:'11...~ l1t, T E:R I tll. DFFIC BorH,s 3....320 3.<B:1 :1. j t.... :~~ .!~ 474 9 :I. "'<,"') 1<:>.... 1.67 1. C) 7 1 (,I :n T I:~ICCT XTI..II=<E~ OUTl...i:'1 Y TUI:~E & f'1PITt, Fl.mN ~j()? ~) 474 4- 6 ~:;O , 4')c) "'J I 4 TOTtd...S TOT(i i~iCCT DEP'T 33 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 1987 ANNUAL BUDGET FI RE DEPARTMENT EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES The City and Saline County signed an interlocal cooperation agreement December 111, 1982, to transfer the operation of the emergency medical system to the Fire Department. This service is funded by fees and a tax levy by Saline County. The operating cost of the Emergency Medical Service is included in this account. This account has been established to more clearly identify the cost of this program. In addition, employee benefits are budgeted in the Employee Benefits Fund All costs are paid by fees or by Saline County Comments Budget ( 13 Captain and EMS Personne me personne -t 4 fu The DivIsion has medica and other S pants A censlng MAST EMS personne for ve equipment protect Personne #514 radio The salaries have ncreased because al EMS employees are eligible for both cost-of-living and in-grade increases, which average 8%. In addition, as additional skills are gained, more personnel become Emergency Medical Intensive Care Technicians (EMICTs). It is planned to have all the personnel become EMICTs or, as they are better known, paramedics. A continuing problem is the staffing needed to provide transportation to out-of-town hospitals. This requires paying overtime and also bringing back other qualified personnel to man the in-town services n employee benefits made a tota E'v1S budget of and a contribution by Saline County of $348,000 ambulances are on a replacement program financed In addition to the $436,400 operating budget, $107,900 $544,300. This is financed by fees collected, $154,000 and the balance is cash carryover. I n addition, the by Sal ine County at an annual cost of about $36,500 34 director and EMS certification and of sets two suction units portable medica ohneda provides for four for #295 #507 provides equipment. Account Purchase of portable #519 987 BUDG~T REQUEST 335,000 335,000 3,700 1,000 5,800 1,900 1,700 18,000 0 700 3,600 15,800 52,200 9,100 1,100 600 16,200 4,600 600 2,100 3,400 1,100 400 39,200 0 200 BUDGET :1.906 3 :1.2, b()O :312,600 ;5 , ::.'.iOO 900 6,000 1.,BOO :1.,700 1. 0 , f.)OO () 7()O 3, :'500 1. 6 , :1.00 44,BOO 8,100 :1. , 1. 00 700 1::5, BOO 4,600 600 2,BOO 3 , <tOO :1.,:1.00 ~.'.i 0 0 39.200 0 :WO CITY 0 ~;[~IL. I N{..) .... .... .... ........ BU DGET I:;:EUU n FCm 19B7 N:;CCH..INT DE: ;j=~IPTION (.iCTUA ACTI.J(il :1. </B4 198!.::j (~,CC'I 262,412 262,412 2,B92 695 4,055 1,035 971 24,690 0 360 3,368 14,628 52,694 2::k) , Bf.>O ,,)..,.. '" ("1' .... :.. ,:H:) , c> (.>~) 270 931 ,538 ,177 ,610 ,341 ,029 245 743 842 ~:) EMERGENCY M~Dl A SERVICES PERSONAL SERVICES SALARIES REGULAR EMPLOYEE! TUT(iL~ T AC ~:,EF~V CUNTl:~(",CTU(..iL TELEPHONE TF~(:'1NSFEI:~ Ei'1PLOYEE 2() ~5 :I. :I. 7 1 2 4 7, :1.~:.:j1 924 7 :1.1 ~.'.i , 4BB 4,;?03 B63 B~5B l;:U> ,7T:.'.i 383 ::.~1 :, 822 618 762 ,054 ,14:1. ,404 ,200 ,321 774 275 40, !.:s ~:.=; 4 1 ::! ".r ,., 1 t'lt,Tt::}n,~.J..s c< SUPPl...IE:B t:::>~PEN[lr.-,r:lI...E SUPPL. I U OFF I CJ:: BDCH\~;; Mr.-, I NT SUPPLIES PERIODICAL VEHICL ~S & u SUPPLIES P REPAIR W.JI IONAL 3ERVICE~ ALCT TOTAL~ & WEARING APPARE_ OTHER OPERATING MACHINERY & EQUl TRAINING PUBLIC EDUCATION OT~~R REPAIRS & IMBURSE~ENT VELOPMENT C)I=a'i~ i'ib OFF I.., .. l4....;?0:::j 14....206 14....207 :1.4....209 :l.4....2::~1 :1. 4.... 2:3 :~~ :1.4....239 :l.4....2~:j2 :l.4....2'::j7 :1. 4-".29~:5 14....3:1.:1. l4....3:?O 14....331 :1.4..--:344 :I. 4....3~5~:5 :l.4-"3::'i9 14....T?3 :1.4....383 :l.4--<5B4 14....399 14 PC)l:;T r.-,Dt::: PF~INTING OFFIC I i\mUI:~ANCE DI:~OUP Ii'../SUF..:(:'1NCE F;~EP(.:lIR"'FUI:;:NITUj=~E ~, REPAIR - RADIO EQU OTI"IEI:~ Pj=~ E~:;S I:~E D1:: i'n ~..i"'i""T [..i. '( o o ~:5;.:.~ :.~;.:!. '( 20 70 ':!' 0..1 34, 4 TAL.~ TC 4...-404 4."A3:~j :1 :1. 35 36 987 BUDGET REQUEST 3()() 00 6,400 o 1,100 o 2,000 :::;00 400 ~5 (., ;' ..r::V: BUDGET 1986 300 500 6,700 0 1,100 0 1,700 9,500 406.600 CITY ( )i~L I N(i .E:UDGET F:E()I., ST FOF~ :1.(/87 ACCOUN1' DESCRIPTION N::TUAL. N::TUr-,I, :1.?B4 :l.98~5 1:~EFUNDf:) :1.00 () (~,CCT""TOTAL.~:; 4,990 0 Cf-,P I TAL OUTI...f-, y EMERGENCY MEDICAL EQUIP !.'.:i, ~=:j69 4, ::'j3.";, VEHICL.ES ~;5"(1 t "., ~::; :~~ 0 PERSONNEL PROTECTIVE EQUIP 74;? 449 OFFICE t1ECHANICtd... EUU:n:' 10~.'j 0 F~:r-,D I ( QUII :?, ~.':i61 :I. ,:"164 (iCCT....TOTt,U:; 66,729 6 t 3~=:jO r: r....TOT,~I...~, :.:m;3,676 3~::i3 , 9Ef.3 .n. Oil. 4',,-439 4-507 4-510 4-514 4-517 4-5:1.9 (-,ce'I :J. :J. 1 :J. :J. 1 37 CITY OF SALINA. KANSAS 1987 ANNUAL BUDGET DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICES TRAFFIC DIVISION of a mUltitude of traffic contro maximum utilization of trafficways are 79 electronically controlled and maintenance are essential for Presently, there City. The Traffic Division is responsible for installation devices, signs and signals. These controls and guides and for the safety of pedestrians and motorists. intersections school zones and mid-block crossings in the Comments Budget 2 Light School sponsored ey I nstitute of Traffic the traffic synchronization of the n needed nes telephone ease of Account #295 provides for downtown area n signals radio strrpper and one paint 963 portable generator of Replacement #503 38 Worker State Signal (Missouri Va Maintenance Account #207 provides for the I\\aintenance Supervisor to attend the Solid by the Eagle Signal Company in Austin, Texas, two trips to MOVITE Engineers) and three trips to the Kansas Uniform Traffic Code meetings Senior Maintenance Supervisor me employees -t The DivIsion has 3 fu 987 BUDGET REQU ;T 53,770 53,770 600 800 3,500 5,620 10,520 550 8,760 440 6,000 15,750 4,250 4,250 84.290 BUDGET 1986 52,750 52,750 600 770 3,400 8,200 12,970 550 9,000 500 6,810 16,860 850 850 83.430 CITY ( ~::. fill... I 1"--1 (, BUDGET h~EW.J rr II:~ 1987 rIcer . ~: 1~1CCOUNT I)E~:;( IPTIUN PiCTUi:)1... 1~'1CTUAI 1984 198~::i 'n~AI I C CONTi=WI... PERSONAL SERVICE~ :1.~:.:i"":1.20 SALARIES - REGULAR EMPLOY ~:; 4(?,981 51, 94~) f'iCCT....TOTtiLs 49, (T'81 ~5 :1. . 9 4 ~.:5 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 1 ~::i'---:W~=:i TELEPHONE !.:5:?4 ~:5 () ~:~ I. ~::i .... 2 () -1 EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT ~586 7 !:.'j (,"J :L~:.)".':~61 ru~PAIR - TRAFFIC LIGHTS 1 , 62~.:i ::.~ t <~) ~'5 :1. :1. ~::i....:~~;> ~::j OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 7,:1.10 ~::i , 93~:i f'iCCT....TDTtiLS 9 , B4~.:i 9.82B MATERIALS & SUPPLIES :J.~:i""3:1.() EXPENDi~iBLE TOClL.~:; 1"/4 ~::i83 1 ~:.'i"'.344 MAINT - VEHICLES & EQUIP 7,700 :I. 0 , IT'T.? :I. ~:;"..3~59 OTHER rn~ERA1'ING SUPPLIES 148 446 1~:.:i'."367 EI...ECTF~IC'{;iL TI:~(1 'IC L.IGHT Pt:II:~T:: 4 , ~::i 11.) ~:5,9:1.7 (i,CCT....TOTtl :i :1.2,!:.'j3B 17.818 i:'1PITti JT L. J~1'" :I. ~:i""~.'i()3 EUU 7,61 (T' 0 (,CCT....TOTI~ ., 7,6:1.9 () ') 1"' T....TDT( ) 79.1j.'l:r::s 79 , I::'~.H 39 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 1987 ANNUAL BUDGET DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES SWIMMING POOLS SWimming Munlclpa two the and operate maintain to necessary Center. This appropriation includes expenditures Pools located in Kenwood Park and Carver this of the cost of half thus about fees n 000 $2ll, $20.000 generate POOlS The sWImming paid by users s on ope rat are as fOllows 981 n sSlons adopted adm Current No O1arge Center Carver 2th grade an o 987 Day through Labor 30 May Hours of operation are as fOllOWS SWim y : 00 to 8: 00 P. M., dai Iy 0:00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M. - Mother-Child Wednesday and Saturday Cashier Manager Poo Comments part-time seasona employees: Pool Manager [2), Assistant Also included in #130 llre break and substitute guards deck of replacement and Poo Carver for generator ozone the purchase of replacement furniture for wading pool #503 provides for furniture and new 40 $1 f accompanied by $1.25 plus tax. admission tickets nCluding and dren Students up 754 plus tax. Pre-school ch adult: free. AI I other persons Books of twenty plus tax. to 2 3 4 Kerwood Poo da P.M 00 5 to 00 Center Kenwood Poo Carver Budget 16 9) division has and Lifeguard This (4) 1987 BUDG~T REQUEST 27,750 27,750 500 0 1,000 1,200 800 3,500 100 2,600 600 300 800 800 5,200 7,400 7,400 43,850 BUDGET 1986 27,750 27,750 500 750 1,000 1,200 800 4,250 1,000 2,600 1,200 300 800 800 6,700 5,900 5,900 44,600 t,CTU,~1 198!.:-, ::?'~.'.:j , 10f 2~.'i, 108 49:3 () 6,860 '7:33 :1. .296 () , 382 1.676 ::.~ t ::~ \,=i <)i 0 04 4,6(/4 1~:59 9.01.2 () () 4;3 , ~;50 :~~ '/07 FfJl=< {lC T I..Ji::-,1 :1.(/84 26,777 26,777 441 0 21 403 "182 1,647 437 2,958 13 16 3,991 2,466 9.881 0 0 "7 305 \~ T F;~EnUE~ T BUDG hPLOYEE3 TOTA & EW.JI F' SERV I CE CITY OF bALIN~ ACCOUNT DE8CR:-TION y t,CC"T" 'I ~, I I(;~IBII... DINGS INEI:~Y I o N {:, I... T CES p(~F(r ;EI:<V CON1'RACTUAL TELEPHON~ INSURANCE - I... REPAIR - BUll, REPAIR P MACH OTHER PROFESS 001...8 SEF~V ES .... NG PEI=<SON(~ll... SALM~ SWIMN .11. 'u. 130 16-205 16-227 16-251 16-253 16-295 (~,CC"I L6 TOTri MA'fERlALS & SUPPl...l CHEMICALS. DRUGS & ETC OTHER OPERATING SUPPl.IES CEMENT & CEMENT PRODUCTS LUMBER & LUMBER PRODW:TS MACHINERY & EQUIP PARTS P....UNT & PAINT NfYn::I<[(~I...!:; (~,I (~,CC"f Ol.JTI.J, Y ITf) EmJ 6-333 6-359 6-365 6-371 6-373 6-381 ~:.:;03 Cl 1 1 1 1 1 :I. 41 CITY OF SALlNAt KANSAS 1987 ANNUAL BUDGET DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATION AND PLANNING DIVISION This Division provides planning and enforcement services related to various aspects of community development. The planning function provides staff support to the Salina Planning Commission and the Zoning Board of Appeals. Their goal is to help these bodies and the City Commission guide the growth and development of the City in order to assure a more orderly and attractive community. The planning division assists other departments as a I ink between the planning function and the administrative structure, advises engineers, developers and citizens on various planning matters such as zoning and subdivision regulations, minimum requirements for subdivisions and traffic, plus a wide range of other services for the well-being of the community Development ty Commun Comments this division: Director of Planning and nformation Officer and a Principal Clerk the of members for cation Pub Planning the the Planning Advisory Service, Community Development Reporter #331 This account Includes Planning Commission and the chair of secretarJa replacement and Purchase of file cabinet #509 42 Budget in IC There are 4 fUll-time employees Assistant Director of Planning, Pub 987 BUDGET REQ ST 10&,750 3,000 111,750 800 2,350 1,300 800 1,200 6,450 1,600 1,000 800 600 4,000 600 600 400 0 400 123,200 BUDGET 1986 98,980 3,000 101,980 800 2,350 1,200 1,000 1,200 6,550 1,700 1,300 600 400 4,000 500 500 400 0 400 113,430 CITY ) ~;it,l... I I"H~ BUnG....T F;:EPU ;T 01:;: 1.987 ACCT. :, ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 1~ICTl.J/~1... N:;TU(.1 19B4 198~::i ADMINISTRATION & PLANNING PERSONAL SERVICES :L 7"..:1. 20 SALARIES - REGULAR EMP )'11 S 86,128 B;;~, 06!.'.:j 1. 7....130 SALARIES - PART TIME EMPLOYEEf 7,760 720 (\CCr....TOT(,t..B 9:3,888 B2 , "78~:; CONTRACTUAL SERVICES :1. "7....20~::j TELEPHClNE ;.2, :.367 1,649 :1.7....207 EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT 1,~:i1!.'5 1,40B 1."'1....209 POSTAGE 820 1,lB:? 17....2~:.:j2 REPAIR-FURNITURE & OFF. EQUII (/9 42B 1 "7-"':':.~9~:5 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 1 , ::?S:3 1,486 ('~ICCT""TOTi;I..S 6,084 6 , 1 ~::i~3 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 1..?...3::.~0 OFFICE m..IPPI...IES 1t621 1t499 17....331 BOOKS & PERIODICALS 1. , 1':;;3 B21. 1 "7-<~ ~::j? OTHER OPERATING 8UPPl.IES 1~)(1 1.09 :\.7....382 PI../OTOGI1:t,PH I C SUPPI... I ES 3'1 :\. :L ~::j 2 (.)CCT .... TOT ,~.J...f;; 3t364 2,!.':j81 SUNDRY EXPEN"I)ITURES :1. 7....4:.:')~~.i Cm(?it,NIZttTI[)Nt.J... DUE:S 6~:):I. 6f:H t,CCT....TOTAI...S 6!.'.:j1. 68:1. Ct,PITt,1... OUTLAY :I. "'I .... ~:.:j 0 9 FURNITURE & FIXTURES ;;?1 :I. () :1.7....::'j:l."'I [) , MECHANICAL EQUIP 0 704 , (\CCT....TOTr.J...::;; :2 :J.l 704 DEPT....T[lT,~l ) 104,198 92,904 43 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 1987 ANNUAL BUDGET ON-DEPARTMENT AL N be available for emergency situa- time. The $60,000 is equal to Comments Account #404 is the City Contingency Fund. These contingency funds w tions or essential expenditures which cannot be anticipated at the present less than 0.6 of 1 % of the total General Fund Budget. for for of General Services - Central Garage Division for transfers to Data Processing Fund and to the Department the General Fund, earned leave Account #447 provides for transfers transportation costs associated with transfers to Employee Benefits Fund for 44 Budget 1987 BUDGET REQl~ST 1,200 1,200 60,000 104,160 164,160 165.360 BUDGET 1986 1,500 1,500 90,000 97.500 187,500 189,000 CITY t ~:;(.~IL I N{i BI..JDGET F;:ECH ST FClI:~ 1(187 I~CCT . :=: ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION I~CTU(-\I... ,~,Cll.JAI, 1984 :1.(18~:=i NON-DEPARTMENTAL CONTRACTUAl... SERVICES :1.8....2()lO NED I [:(11... 8ERV I CE~:; 1,047 699 tlCCT .., TOTti :1..047 6()>9 UNDRY EXPENDITURES :I. 404 CONTINGENCIES 49 t 0~::i3 44,376 1 447 'n~ TO OTI"IEI:~ FUi'm~:~ L32 , 440 (14, ~.:;()O t',CCT....TOTtILY; HLI. . 493 1.:38,871.1 DEPT....TDT(ll...S 182 t ~.:;40 :1. ;39 . ~:i7~:j 45 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 46 1987 ANNUAL BUDGET 1966 The Director of Arts all employees are City staff ES COMMISSION established by City ordinance in . The Director of Arts and U MA NIT H t~A ARTS AND Humanities Commission was officer for the Commission SAL The Salina Arts & is the administrative members. b the further to programs ty. lumanities Commission promotes and encourages public interest in the artistic and cultural development of the C ~- The Arts and awareness of and c 211 pl at ocated Museum Arts & Humanities Commission is responsible for the operation of The Smoky H Iron. The Commission offices are located in The Smoky Hil Museum. The West City contribution to the Also, to better reflect the receipts, whichever is and wil help to fund annual 211. the gross account 21 Comments In 1987, two accounting changes affect this account The $9,000 Salina Municipal Band has been transferred to City Commission account City contribution to the Smoky Hill River Festival, $21,000 qr 13% of less, will be transferred to the City. This amount will be budgeted in Horizons, a grants program to local artists and arts organizations. Budget The City contribution to the Commission in 1987 is $117,860 and is approximately 88% of the total Arts and Humanities Commission budget of $132,670. I n addition to the City contribution of $117,860, $10,000 is received from USD #305 and $4,800 from the Kansas Arts Commission. The Smoky Hi II River Festival wi II reimburse the general fund account #30-949 $21,000 in 1987. Clerk musica funding Coordinator and Senior carte, have la wi ng/poetry series, art a Some of these programs Projects Arts newsletter, arts blitz, creative Writ and the Horizons program. and service/project support Educator Coordinator Arts rector programs include artist-in-education program sources, secondary-AIR D me employees are The 1987 arts and from various -t Fu The annual Smoky Hill River Festival is the of the Commission's programs. It is financed from several sources including numerous local and patrons, sale of space and sale of Festival buttons. The Festival's budget varies from year to year and is approximately $165,000. No City funds are directly involved in the Smoky Hill River Festival. However, City crews do contribute to the Festival indirectly through park maintenance, police protection and administrative overhead most visible businesses 1987 BUDGET REQUEST 81,710 3,800 85,510 32,350 32,350 117,860 BUDGET 1986 76,370 0 76,370 20,000 20,000 96.370 ;1"l"Y ( :3PIL J N{.) BUDGET F~EW.JEST o I=\: :1.987 f~,CC.l .:, ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION {.)CTU()L (.~ICTUAI. :I. (}84 :1. <JO!.'5 Aran & l"IUMtINIT:rE~;; COJ"if'iJ~;)~;)JDN PERSONAL SERVICES 19,,--:1.20 ~:;AI...t-":~ I ES .... 1:;:Er;l.JLtlr~ Er-iF'l...OY ~: ~5::.~ t O"l~:S l>7,0(}3 :1.9....:1.30 f)r-:iLt-,I:nEB .... Ptil:;:T TTi'.IE Ei'1PLCJYI ~. 6 , ;'~:.32 :3 t ~:'j(l<j.' tICCT....TOTI~~LS ~.:'jB t .-'f07 70,6(':'>2 INTRACTUAL SERVICES :1.9....2:1.:1. ;ON'lRIBUTTONf :1.1.,000 22 , ::.'iOO t,CCT....TOTt,I..S :I.:I.,O()() ;':.~2, ::'iOO DEPT....TOT(iL~; 69,407 93 , 1. 92 47 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 1987 ANNUAL BUDGET DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICES GYPSUM HILL CEMETERY Hill Cemetery, situated at than 12,000 graves at the east another 25 - 30 years maintenance and operation of Gypsum The cemetery contains 70 acres and more usage space is expected to be available for at the care Avenue present This activity provides for Marymount Road and Glen present time. Based on $5.000 of the from and $17.800 are collected from interment the General Fund Fees from financed s remaining the ots sale Services Genera of Department DivIsion of the s a Cemetery Gypsum H Comments Budget 2) ty C Worker the spaces for resale by Maintenance Sexton and bUYing back unused me employees provides for -t The DivIsIOn has 3 fu #501 Account 48 987 BUDGET REQUEST 48,540 48,540 390 390 4,220 3,070 700 7,990 800 0 800 57,720 BUDGEl 1986 46,740 46,740 380 380 5,730 1,970 700 8,400 750 0 750 56,270 CITY ) ~:;i~,L I NI~i .BUDGET 1:~EW...l lT FOI=;: 19H7 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ,~CTUP,L. ACTUI~I :1.984 1. (?n~5 ;Er1ETERY PERSONAL SERVICES SALARIES - REGULAR EMPLOYEE 4:1.,781.> 42,3:::j6 t,CCT"....TOTf-,I..S 4:1.,706 4 :.::' , 3 ::.:ic) CONTRACTUAL SERVICES TELEPHONE 31.>9 :384- I:~,CCT .... TOT riLS 369 304 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES MAINT - VEHICLES & EQUIP 2 , ~.:j46 4,067 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES 640 4,988 SAND, GRAVEL, ROCK & CHAT 710 0 (,eCT.... TOT{.:iL~ 3,096 9,O!.':j!5 CAPITf-,I... OUTI...AY l..(.~Ii'H :;.~:~~:; :1.,800 :::nu 4 , :.:.~o 1. 1.4 (ICCT....TOT,~L~. 4,426 :J. ,8:1.4 I T....TOTri ~5() , 4"'('7 ~5:-) , 609 ACCT.~ 20-120 20-205 20-344 20-359 20-387 20-501 20-503 49 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 1987 ANNUAL BUDGET DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICES GENERAL IMPROVEMENT DIVISION ty- the C various part of This fund accounts for the norma maintenance and minor improvement activIties for the owned buildings and properties not provided for elsewhere. These activities are programs of the Department of General Services Comments Budget (2 Maintenance SupervIsor and Maintenance Worker months employees for a period of three me employees me or seasona -t part-t DivIsIon has 3 fu #130 provides for The 50 T 19B.? BUDG F;:EI]UEST ~H() 3:1.0 H20 , 3~5() ,730 4,000 .:; () 0 ::51 , :::S, ~.:i4 2 :I. ~:5fj BUDGET 1986 50,540 3,310 53,850 3,130 1,600 4,730 5f 580 ~ITY ) ~;)I::IL I Nt, BUDGET I:,~EW. n Ol:,~ 1.987 ACCT. :U: AC UNT DE ;F~ I F'T I ON tICTl.J(~1... (-~CTUAI. 1<.7'84 :I. 98!,'5 GENERAL IMPROVEMENT PERSONAL SERVICES ::.~ :1. .... 1. ::.~ 0 8(.,1...(.,1;: I ES .... 1:~E[-)lJl..fIJ~ ENPI...DY (". 47,767 4<9,762 ,:) 21. ....130 SALARIES-PART TIME EMPLOY : 1, !.:.:i4~:j 6,274 i.~CCT""TOT{~I..S 49,312 ::51.> , 0~:S6 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES :~~ 1....344 MAINT - VEHICLES ~ EUIP 76:1. 1,7BB ")-1 3~.:j9 (]Tl"IF.:}~ DPERi~l T I NG mJPF'I... I E!3 661 ;361 ,A....I (~CCT.'''TOT(1I...S :I. , 42::.~ :~~ t :I. ~::i ~::j DEPT....TOTF,I..S !.:.'iO, T34 ::50, :1.91 51 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 1987 ANNUAL BUDGET LL MUSEUM Resolution #83-3640, passed Apri I 18, 1983, authorized the purchase of the Post Office at 211 West I ron at a price not to exceed $250,000 for the purpose of establishing a museum. The Resolution also authorized an Interlocal Cooperation Agreement between the City of Salina and Saline County As part of the agreement, the County agreed to provide $83,000 annually during Fiscal Years 1984, 985 and 986 for initial start-up expenses of the museum 985 The Smoky Hill Museum is financed jointly by the City of Salina and Saline County. Based on an engineering study, approximately 20% of the Museum's first two floors is used by the City. This space is primarily used as offices for the Arts and Humanities Commission staff. Approximately $3,000 for City use of the museum is budgeted directly in the Utility Fund and is not included in this budget. However, custodial services and janitorial suppl ies total ing $6,140 are included in this budget and must be subtracted before costs are shared. 40 of by the City building expense of $6, This is funded by a cash balance s amount County. Reducing th the City and The tota departmental budget s $169,100. leaves a net of $162,960 to be funded by $19,800 and $71,580 from both City and County Comments Curator and Other history for system fire-alarm a for $19.800 and these services tables SMOKY H 7 June museum on for a the building ty acqUl red The C Budget Director Aide 1986 loca work files pay for chairs of the for 20 #1 Account Custodian ve for general maintenance and repair to the museum buildmg during the anticipated costs to convert the Post Office Building into a to the purchase of folding Admmlstrat ts Exhib of a SalarieS allows #200 and #300 accounts allOW expenses in this budget are museum ty Fund the Ut to transfer for #509 allows the museum s a #447 52 BUDGET :l.9B6 ('~CTU('~L. 1. 9B~:5 fl <;' FOh: ~lcn.Jt, 1.9B4 T h:EUUES T f:1.J:i t..Ji::, TJON [~t='11 o DU:;CF~ TY (;CCOl.JNT .11. ... {~CCT l BUDGET W.JEST ?~ I... .\, '(0 ~ :WO 4,200 c)B? :.390 :.3 , 3()O 37,047 ::3, 40B ~:'j() 0 o B ~R EMPL.OYf ~ rIME ~MF OYEES t1USEUt1 CE 1:~EGi p(.:,Fn )EF~V HI PEF~SONAJ. B('~I.J11:~ I !:; (=11... (.i I::': J t101{Y ;~~ 0 ::W 24 24 ~3 '(4,400 ,OO() ,()()O , ::.~ () () 2 ::.:: :I. 690 000 BOO 400 2 :1. "( 40 , 4!:.:j!.:'j , , () , ~:'jO() I) , ;.:.~ 0 0 3,700 ""1 , ~'iOO 2 t ~500 1,000 994 (/48 :1.:1.3 :WO 0:37 ::5~5 :I. 30, 3, '.X ,.) , ~:500 :1.03 f:""....) .)...J^- (' .J o ~:~ ~~~ 4 no B, TOTI~I...~ T f-iCe GEl::': I.) CONTRACTUAl. TELEPHONE EMPL.OYEE POSTAGE R ....20~::; ....207 VEl...OPf'JI::.i'-JT I WRV: F~\.J I ( BUILDINGS f ORESSIONA CONTRACTUAL m::pp, :r OTHER HI"Il::R 24 24 24-209 24-251 24-295 24-299 ~:5 ,600 1,500 2,000 7,500 900 ::.~!5 ;;!.OO 2,000 71.0 5,000 900 4,500 , ~:) ~33 129 /(/4 :.J';J 7,OB9 o o () ::.:~ .(~ 196 rOT f-i T tiC ~:~ (., ..:> MATERI^Lf & SUPPI. EXf NDABLE T o C SUPPL r SUPP & TO ~RAT , , ,000 o ,000 !5 ~500 :1.,000 i"C:'I~' ?J~ 005 285 128 627 4 1. 4 o o F(T" ~: I: ~: ~~. I ..IPPL .< T :r NCi 3\ c. ....~ ~: ," ..:;. T NG LIe:: INn & N BI'I Tm:.: IC(.:,I.. & p,~ EXH ..J(,:,N OTHEE E I:::CTF~ INT 24-3:1.0 24-320 24-325 24-343 24-359 24-367 24-381 T (.:i (j.' 0 () l :I. 61.0 4 :I. :~ t (.?:~~:':} ~20 Tlyrti (:~".",I..~T XPENDITI.mES TO or ....l~ ~UND!::; SUNDF~Y rl:;:!31:~ ,()O() :~~ 1. ,000 &:" ,.J 1. o () 24....447 ,O()O ::.~ 000 ~:s o o T(ll...~ T t.cel" o UTI... f.", y n. E to, TP, um~ C(~, :.300 :?3 ,000 ;.:.~ ,OB4 o XTUF;:F! ~:5() 9 ?4 ~:H) () 2()() 23 ~::;:::') , ,O()() ~::.i () () B, .. tOB4 94, 29!.'5 () ,40'1 6 T{~I Tt,l...~ T T( (,CCT T I 53 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 1987 ANNUAL BUDGET DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICES FLOOD WORKS DIVISION The flood of 951 affected about 50% of the residential area of Salina. More than 3,000 residences, 122 commercial firms, 2 schools and 3 churches were inundated. Approximately 13,500 persons were evacuated. In the previous 50 years Salina had been subject to some 40 to 50 periods of high water, including 6 major floods The flood of 951 provided the impetus for the construction of the City's present flood protection system designed to protect the built by the Corps of funds and the balance replacement of 12 bridgp.s 1, are It was ocal The flood protection works, many years in the planning and completed in City from twice the volume of flood water which occurred during 1951. Engineers at a cost in excess of $6,000,000, approximately $2.3 million n Federal. The project included 17.1 miles of levee, 12.2 miles of channel change and thousands of acres of land involved in rights-of-way easements 96 The function of the Flood Works and Levee account is to maintain, patrol and keep in good repair at all times the flood dikes, gates, pumps and related equipment that comprise the flood protection system for the City of Salina. The Division has been repeatedly commended by the Corps of Engineers for the excellent condition of the system Comments 8udget 2) Worker Mallltenance Worker and ntenance Lead Ma me employees Replace mobile radio. -t DivISion has 3 fu The #503 54 1987 BUDGET REQUEST 48,470 48,470 710 710 2,690 7,700 300 290 10,980 820 820 60,980 BUDGET 1986 48,420 48,420 600 600 2,260 8,820 300 400 11,780 830 830 61,630 CITY ( ~:;;{i,L J Nt, BUDO"'T I:~EW.JEST FOI:;: :1.907 ,~CCT + :r.: ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION {.:iCTUt,I... M;TlJAL :1.</84 :I. </8~::j FI...OClD \...Iom"s PERSONAL SERVICES ::.!7....120 S(.~IJ)I:~ I E~:)...+<EGUL(:,J=~ Ei'IPI...OYI ~::; 44, 64~:.'i 4~:-j , ~::j:L 9 {,~,CCT."'TCrrp,I..S 44, /l4~::j 4~:-j, ~:-i:l. 9 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES ;':.~7""299 OTHER CONTRACTUAL ~~RVICES J.07 408 t,CCr....TDT(.)I..S :1.01 408 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 2..1....333 CHEl'1 I CAI...S 1,:1.40 :I. , 1:~!6 27....::~44 MAINT - VEHICl.ES & EQUIP 9,80B :1. (), 238 27....3!::;9 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES :L,039 :1.,978 27....307 SAND,GRAVEL,ROCK & CHAT ~:=j :.~ ~.:j 0 (.)CCT....TOTAl.. S :I. ::.~ ~ !5 ;~~ :;.~ L3, 94:.:~ C(~,PITt,1... OUTLAY :;! 1.... ~::.; 0 3 E(~ P 0 0 (.~,f T....TOTI::.,L~:) 0 0 r T....TOT,~L~ ').(',274 ~::j9 . 869 55 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 1987 ANNUAL BUDGET DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES NEIGHBORHOOD CENTERS The three Neighborhood Centers provide meeting and recreational facilities for those people ving in the areas in which they are located. The largest Neighborhood Center is Memorial Hall, which was constructed in 1921 and provides numerous meeting rooms and recreational facilities. Both Carver Center and Friendship Center were constructed in the late 1970's and provide meeting places and limited recreational facilities for persons living in those neighborhoods. The Neighborhood Center facilities are available for use by community groups at no charge, on a first-come, first-served basis. The Recreation Commission frequently uses the Centers for conducting programs the staff reduce to been possible has t 981 n ty Services Commun of on of the Department n this program. With the creat and overhead Clerk Senior Worker Maintenance Comments Recreation Supervisor TV cable ngUlshers fire ext Ha Memoria n the elevator on service contracts Account #295 provides for and pest control services the purchase of 20 and a Memoria n system ng to heat nes #503 Replacement of steam and condensation tables and 100 folding chairs 56 Budget nClude fund this n The 4 full-time employees and Custodian 987 BUDGET REQUEST 62,450 0 62,450 900 200 1,200 500 3,600 6,400 1,800 1,000 2,800 7,800 7,800 79,450 BUDGET 1986 58,770 3,600 62,370 900 200 1,200 500 3,600 6,400 1,800 1,000 2,800 3,830 3,830 75,400 CITY ( BpI'... I NP, BUDGET !=,:EW.J ;T OF;: :1.98'"(' ACCT . :~: ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 1~,CTUtil... ACTUAl, 1';84 :J.98~5 NEIGHBORHOOD CENTERS PERSONAL SERVICES 2El.... 1 ::~() St-II...AI:~ I ES .... I:~E[-)UJ...(~F~ EFlPI l,( ::.:;4 , 632 :::i6,187 28.... :1. 30 S(.:il...(.il=(IE~:) .... PAr:n TIi'iE EI1PLOY: :3,::.:;20 2, L36 f.,CCT....TOT,~1I..Y; :::;~~i, 1 ::52 ~.m t 323 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 2 B.... 2 O:::j TEI...EPHONE 936 1 , 0:::;8 2B....207 EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT 0 :1.60 2B....2::51 REPAIR - BUILDINGS ::50 6 , 93'/ 2B....::.~~:j3 REPAIR-MACHINE & EQUIP ;l. , !54:::; 37 ::.!8....29::.'.i OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 4, (/06 3,304 (.:,CCT....TClTf.ILS B,437 1:1. ,4</6 MP,TE:RIAI...S c, SUPPLIEB 2B....343 JANITOR & TOILET SUPPLIES 1 , 73~.:j :I., :::;83 28....3:::;9 Ol'HER OPERATING SUPPLIES 1 , llB8 :~~ t o:~(~) (.:,CCT....TOTr~I...~: 3,42:.!) 3,609 CPII::O:[Tr; H.JTl...A Y 2{: :::j()~5 ]LJ 0 0 (.~ICCT""TOT(.:iL~ 0 0 r T....TOTt,L~. /0,0 :L! 7:3,428 57 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 58 1987 ANNUAL BUDGET The State began ection in March of MPROVEMENT PROGRAM County approved a 1 % county-wide sales tax. with the city receiving its first monthly col CAPIT AL Saline 1982, 1982, the voters of tax on November 1, On August 3, collecting this 1983 Saline County and all incorporated municipalities share in the countywide sales tax. The tax is distributed to the governments based 50% on relative population and 50% on relative tax levies. The county receives credit for all persons living in the unincorporated areas. The City deposits the sales tax in its General Fund. The bulk of these funds are used to finance the City's Capital Improvement Program (CI P). The City adopts a 5 year Capital Improvement Program. The current program was adopted in 1986. Each year, or when funding and conditions permit, projects are pulled from the CI P to be included in the budget Comments Budget Center arena Bicentennra fans for Exhaust #565 s 80% s Th 987 n channe Broadway overpass ver the r the 986 to the slough KDOT will fund the improvements to The plans were contracted for in the extensIOn of work for t is anticipated that and 20% City funding design nCludes This #568 '#569 State the on-going street annua maintenance projects. A tota of $800,000 is spent annua from the CI P and $400,000 from the Special Gas Tax Fund received from the State of Kansas. For 000 #570 $400 y tch checks and other areas two d projects Flood contro #571 Fund Reserve to Equipment Transfer #578 last phase of , first phase neighborhood planning for for operations #580 Park improvements are for general improvements of the Salina park system and include: the senior citizen area construction at the East Crawford Fami Iy Recreation Area ($25,000 of the construction of the playground and picnic area ($30,000), development for three parks -- South Park, Phillips Park and Centennial Park ($60,000) -- and additional nei9hborhood parks ($5,000). Center account to Bicentennla Transfer #579 9B'I BUnG F~EnUE~:)T T BUnGI 19B6 t,CTlJ,{), 1 (I B!.::i (/B'I rm {.1CTU/~'IL. 191:34 ;T C~ BUDGET Nt" ON I b(, T TY Ii E ~:;( C ACCOUNT (~C T o o 5,000 o 125,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 o o o o o 150,000 200,000 120,000 o o o o 60,000 124,250 BO,OOO 400,000 o o o 200,000 180,000 o T{.))( (., . ,:>i") t1pmJMI{T ITAL OUTLAY PEDESTRIAN B C CENTER 1Tt, Ct. cri 579 ~..~~. ~,t~ 562 200 o 46, 30, '."'1 ':.J.. , 33, o o o o () () t.f"'~ <I::.,"'-t,:, '.HiUSl OVERPAS~ SIDEWALK AT & EX B C CENTEF:: FLOOD STUDY 4TH ST SLOUG 29....::564 :~~ <y .... ~:=j c> ~.:j 29-566 29-567 29~568 29-569 o ;?76, O:.3<~) () o o () I:;:EPI...,~CENENT BROADWAY OVERPASS STREET MAINTENANCE FLOOD CONTROL PROJECT !.::.i, :1.92 o ::.~3 4, ~~4 1 () o o () o 120,000 ,000,000 o o ()4~5 o () ;?7c) 6b1 686 o (~) (~.. <;> (!) DG CHANN nR] FIRE STATION RESERVE FUN I (:i 29-572 29-574 29-575 29-576 29-577 29-578 4 ON (., .:) .1 01..1:[( :U:;:ON :U"TERf C"I !:;ElI.JEr~ SEI::'E:J=i:t, T I ON B C CENTER-RESTROOMS II:~DN T 4TH & 29....::570 29....~.:j71 !;;m.J'l TI=::SI:: o 119,999 925,0'10 o o 833 o O()() St.1... I Ni~1 TO EW.JII TO B ( CENTER I t1PF~OVEMENTS STREET IMPROVEMENTS MUSEI.Jf-1 TFmF Pf~I=W OHIO 29-579 29-580 29-582 16 :~ ;? ~.:.) t 200,()OO o RCHAS - EAST TO CI FUND TRANSFER ~.~9".'~:iB3 29....!51:3.4 29...{:jB::.:j ,()()O ,O()() "11::" (...J 1~:; 6 O()() () () o 7::5 6 () o () () o o () () () () () () o :30 , 000 BOO,OOO o o o () o o o () 400,000 7,000 13,000 77,000 40,000 65,000 45,537 27,177 49,191 35,870 55,409 797,580 o o 22,099 40,612 o o o t.1IT TY CI:;:t,\,JFOI=~I GENEJ=<:(.iL CEMETERY SHED JOB 83-713 INSTAL_ F POLICE ALARMS SYSTEM ROAD IR 29-586 29-587 29-588 29-589 ;ONDU fWEf1EN""f ( t1HUN: MAI:~I<I...EY I:;:ODF FIJ=i:E 29....::.:j<iO 2<j>,<:j9:1. () 12,900 41,670 o o THEAT COM TER & TELEPHONE EQUIP REHAB - OAKDALE FOOT BRInG DO\.oJNTO\.IlN 1:~EDEl..JEL.OPi'1ENT C B D-SIREN EMERGENCY GENERAT SALT STORAGE SHEr TER LOBB ONVERS: TY ;:EPt. ::nI.JI 29--592 29-593 29-594 29....595 29,,-596 29-597 (I () () :::i~.:j4 o () o I' /. r: m OFi: FWD v I ON B C CEN HI.JSEUi"! ~.~(/.'..::5?{;l :~~9"":::i(;;'? ~.::; 000 320,000 ::5,320, 3, ;.::~ ~:5 () ::.~ ~:) () 441. :I. 44 3 "X '..1 304 ::504 "1"')1:;' ( (...J no/'''})::' ( (-./ ") ,.... ::.~ (' <;;' 26.<; ') , ~.(~) :> ") ...... T CHI; TOT(:iLS T I".....'.T (Ie! 59 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 1987 ANNUAL BUDGET CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS SALES TAX {continued #585 This is a General Fund transfer to make up for the revenue lOSS caused by the elimination of the intangible tax. In 1983, the last year the intangible tax was in effect, $869,298 was collected. This transfer is $675,000. #586 Allows for the building of a storage shed and garage for cemetery equipment #593 Replacement of the west footbridge in Oakdale Park. #594 For downtown development as authorized by the City Commission. 60 1987 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET REQUEST 1986 1987 $ 1,680,000 $ 1,720,000 569,000 671,000 1,966,000 2,040,000 50,000 293,920 196,250 86,000 45,000 46,000 45,000 46,000 $ 4,355,000 $ 5,099.170 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS SPECIAL FUNDS SUMMARY OF EXPEtJDlTURES ACTUAL ACTUAL 1984 1985 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS $ 1,802,040 $ 1,468,766 UTI L1TY 477 ,876 452,598 BOND AND INTEREST 2,077,233 1,871,448 SPECIAL LIABILITY 31,742 34,948 RISK MANAGEMENT RESERVE EQUIPMENT RESERVE SPECIAL PARKS AND RECREATION 50,000 45,000 SPECIAL ALCOHOL PROGRAM 49,667 45,000 GRAND TOTAL $ 4,488,558 $ 3,917 ,760 61 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 62 1987 ANNUAL BUDGET EMPLOYEE BENEFITS FUND a clearing fund and permits Public Employee Retirement compensation and earned was the practice in past to support the various n 1978. Essentially, it is to Social Security, Kansas compensation, unemployment benefits instead of several as the levy or funds necessary This Fund was authorized by the State Legislature consolidation of employer and employee contributions Systems, group health and life insurance, workers leave. This permits one tax levy for all employee years. The consolidated fund has no effect on activities. This is a revolving fund. The fee-supported funds, Water They make payments from their transfer payment to this Fund Fund streamlines administrative tation and Solid Waste, are excluded from this fund rectly to the State. All other special funds make a in the appropriate account The Employee Benefits accounting responsibilities. and Sewerage, San separate budgets d to cover their costs procedures and defines Comments for City remittance of Social Security and Kansas Public Employee the past, these were sent to the State on a quarterly basis; thus, warrant was prepared. These funds must now be remitted or received to account for them in this manner. Because of the nature of municipal a reduction in the budgeted expenses for this fund of $455,900 is Budget schedule In State legislation changed the Retirement Systems contributions. they were held in this Fund until a by the City; thus, there is no need accounting and relevant State laws possible. sSlons (estimated) per individual salary employees hired in Police and Fire .45% employee contribution and a errors and om ng maximum of $44,000 Apri I 1, 1986, new which requires a nsurance for elected officials and employees cover #236 is based on an employee1s share of 7.15% up to a The employer and employee each pay 7.15%. Beginning Depa rtmen ts are req u i red to be covered by Med ica re , matching 1. L15% paid by the City. ty ab provides #227 the employee 7%. and 4% 20 ty contri butes C The #237 Account the employee 4%. the City's contribution to employee health insurance was modified. The City now makes a contribution of $72.91 toward the individual employee premium and of $157.91 to the ium The additional premium cost is paid by the employee. This provides motivation for by individual employee contracts to better utilize health insurance. This plan will and 9% 3 butes ty contr C The Account #239 In maximum dependent prem those covered continue in 1987 986, dollar #238 987 BUDGET REQUEST fH.JDGET 1.986 CIr'( ) SALINA.-----BUDGET REQUEST FCffi 19B7 tlCCT . ::: ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION tICTUt-II. 1t.',CTUr-i1 :I. <.>'04 :I. <!B~::i Et1PI...Oy.... BENEF I n UNI ~ooo ,000 ,000 ~OOO ,000 ,000 tOOO ,000 ~.'.iO :.:.~;?!.:.:j b:3B :I.~':=;O 470 ;;~~5 :I.2;.~:: 40 32,<!00 220,300 620,400 :1.60,:1.00 475tOOO 201000 11:1.t300 401000 20B 0~.'.'i3 <lOO 000 B99 .'We> t.l<lb ~:5 :~~ 4 32, :l.B9: ~.:.'j7B t :1.14, 4 ::.:: 0 1 9, "7'9t 24, 9t367 151,695 914,437 220:829 385,442 14,416 B3tl<!2 22,662 :ON'fRACTUAL SERVICES OFF-EMPLY LIAB INS !;;OCltrl.., BECl..Jr~ITY POLICE & FIRE RETIREMENT EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT cmoup INSl.mf.INCE UNI::J1PI...OYMENT I NSUr~I~NCE WORKERtS COMPENSATION FtiF:.:NED L..E('~VE 38-227 38-236 38-237 3B-238 38-239 38-292 38-294 38-297 lt720,OOO 1,720,000 :Lt6BOtOOO t6B01()OO :Lt468~766 1~468,766 1~802t040 j 802,040 ACCT-TOTALS DEPT l'OTALE 63 1987 ANNUAL BUDGET CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS nued It is estimated the OIue Cross/Blue Shield premium will be $86.51 compared to $81.61 in 1986. The optiona dependent coverage is estimated to total $153.55 in 1987, as opposed to $144.86 in 1985. On March 1, 1981l, Health Care Plus was made available to all City employees. About 32% of the employees changed from Blue Cross/ Blue Shield to Health Care Plus. The Health Care Plus premium for 1987 is estimated to be $67.56 compared to $63.74 for 1986 for the employee. The optional dependent coverage for 1987 will be $146.99 compared to $138.67 in 1985. The City contributes $85 toward dependent coverage. Along with the group medical insurance coverage, the City also provides life insurance coverage for the employee equal to annual salary, at a minimum of $10,000. It is estimated the City's total contribution for group medical insurance coverage would amount to $439,630 with an additional $30,370 for the life insurance 984 n 26% o 983 for 52% o 982 n 12% rates, 1987 Unemployment Insurance 0.29% for 1986 and 0.42% Kansas for 1985 #292 0.17% or resignation upon eave sIck unused for employees pay to for fund cont D EFITS FUN EMPLOYEE BE~ reserve a for s $40.000 #297 The retirement 64 987 REVENU REQUEST I:~EVENU :I. (7'H6 :L I~:. (") "? f:iCTUt-l... :l.9B~.'i Ol:~ T RJE~ ACTU(:I :l.9iH I:~ ~El)ENUE CITY OF jALINA ACCOUNT DESCRIP'fION .u. .n' I~CC'I 990,818 15,000 271,100 18,000 o 15,000 :1.2,000 o :1.,000 103,000 40,000 1,139,954 15,000 235,400 18,000 o 14,000 20,000 o :1.,000 95,000 40,000 125,757 15,533 257,474 15,008 7t258 16,242 11,884 6,392 397 186,105 40,000 43,325 34,328 91,159 16,176 73,428 18,157 9,078 26,531 728 26,564 40,000 1 UNI Cl.JJ=mENT T(.:iNGIBLE TtlXEG DELINQUENT TANGIBLE TAXES l)[}'IICL.E TI~X INTEREST ON INVES1~EN'rs P & F RETIREMENT-EMPLOYEE SOCIAL SECURITY-EMPLOYER EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT..-EMPLOYER Et1PI...DYEES r;:ET I 1:~ENENT""Ei"lPl...[)YEE UNEMPLOYMENT INS-EMPLOYER REIMBURSEMENT OF EXPENDIT\ ES TRSF FROM OTHER FUNDS T BENEFI Et1PI...OYE 38-110 38-:1.30 38-180 38-610 38-941 38-943 38-945 38-946 38-947 38-952 38-957 Ii> 254,082 465,918 720,000 720,000 o (.1::" (.>...J 4 1 :I. 1. ~.'i78, ::~~:54 :3 ~:5 ~:5 ? .f ;;.~ ~:~ ~.:j 7 B , ::~~;.'i4 934, OS;? C:180, O()O 2~:)4 , 08;;.~ , , , , 0~.'i0 142,444 682,050 824,494 468,766 355,728 ,682 :l :l :I 87<7',474 ,010 ,474 ,484 ,040 ,444 L ,... C).:) PUO,("> ..I (')' 944 80;? :1.42 :I. :I 1 UND TOTALS ANUARY 1ST BEGINNING BALANCE BALANC [ EMBER 3: BEGINNING CASH BALANl TOT(.:',L 1:,:ElJENUE TOTAL REVENUE AND LESS EXPENDITURES UNENCUMBERED CASH 65 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 1987 ANNUAL BUDGET under home 18, 1979, to finances the UTILITY FUND A separate tax levy to cover gas, electric, water, traffic, and street lighting is possible rule provisions of the Kansas Constitution. The City adopted Charter Ordinance #17 on June provide for this levy. The levy is outside of the City's general tax lid. This Fund utilities for all General Fund bui Idings and programs and the Bicentennial Center Kansas ghts Comments Account #245 provides for street lights in the City and includes approximately 2,641 Power and Light Company installs and maintains the street ighting system for the City Center Center Budget Bicentennra Bicentennla nClude electriC service for nClude gas service for to to ncrease of $23.000 ncrease of $90.000 #241 #242 Account Account 66 T '/n7 Bl.JDG 1:~EC!UEG'1 BUDGET 1901.) CITY 0 ~:)t,l... J Nt,...................:UI...IliCiET h:FW..I ;-J" FOF< 11187 ,~CCT . :~: (.-ICCoUNT II ';F~IF'TION (~ICTU{iL t"~CTU(.) 19B4 19B~:'j "TIL.ITY FUNI 80,000 210,000 43,000 3B,000 300,000 671,000 671,000 67,000 133,000 42,000 37,000 290,000 44,693 89,739 21,106 33,387 263,673 48,392 9B,652 33,575 34,792 262,465 CE GNtil. ~:f.) ONTRACTUAL SERVICES GAG SERVICE LIGHT & PO WE WATER SERVIC TRAFFIC CoNT STREET LIGHT r' r" F,:OL INC -241 ....242 --243 -244 -245 4:1. 4:1. 4:1. 41 4:1. ~~j69 t 000 000 ~:.'j69 ,~'j98 ~:.:i(/8 .1 ~:5 ::.~ 4'::"') ....1,;.. fU) n76 47"i 47"7 (.:,cC"r....TOTI~i1...~ DEPT T erTI, I... 67 68 ~)ENU n _h, ( 9 1:<E~)ENU 1906 (y07 1~,C.I'Ut, 1. 90::'='; (m 1:;:EnUE~:;T t,CTl.Jt" :l.(j.'B4 NU \) CITY Of SALINA ACCOUNT DE--RIPTION ACCT I:~EW.JE ~57:J. O()O BOO 000 000 , , , , , 4~51. !.:5 1.02 r) I.:. :l. ~.:) ,079 ,000 ,700 ?OOO ,000 4:.":')2 I::" ,.1 n:j ,.) ...... :1.:5 ,804 ,301 ,101 ,067 o 409 !.:.:j 7B ::? ,741. ,1.U6 ,06:J. ?641 o 344 12 70 ~.:! (". ,:) T{iXI CURRENT TANBILE DELINQUENT TANGI VEHICLE TAXES INTEREST ON INVESTMENT TRSF FROM OTHER FUNDS Tt,XF BI...E UNI: y UTI -110 -130 -180 -610 -957 1 :1. 1 :1. :1. 4 4 4 4 4 "7 94,629 576,371 671,000 671?000 o 3 ~;5'l t> t 779 :1. ::1):.3 , O~:jO ~.:i :?'i , Tl (i /)1.):.3 , ,~) :6' ~569? 000 94, 6::.~9 ~::j;.;~9 Zl::5 :1.7~'i 27:3 448 :;590 B::'i() 49:;;; 91, 495, 586, ~~~ ~~},' 133, "'L:SO? 4::~9 138,622 430,429 569,051 477,B76 91,175 JND TOTALS JANUARY 1ST BEGINNING BALANCE B'~IL{~INC [ ;ENHt::J:: 3: BEGINNING CASH BALAN( TOTAL REVENUE TOTAL REVENUE AND LESS EXPENDITURES UNENCUMBERED CASH 69 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 1987 ANNUAL BUDGET NTEREST FUND Interest Fund provides for the payment of principal and interest on the various bonds the General Fund or under the City's general obligation bonding authority. The principal corne from a variety of sources, including the property tax levy, special assessment (#607 and #611) and transfers from other funds. In 1987, $114,000 will be pay for the poly-kart system. This is the last year of payment on this into one refunding issue for a total amount of shortening the maturity date from October 1997 genera obligation bonds were combined the bond indebtedness by $599.500 and 1986, all reducing In October $8,115,000, to April 1996 The City's bonded debt includes such projects as the Bicentennial Center, numerous parks and street improvements, the City-County Building, the Library, many special assessment projects, the poly-kart system and three new fire trucks. The Bicentennial Center is the largest si ngle project. $325,000 principal and $178,91 0 interest, a total $503,910. Approximately 4.5 mills of the City's anticipated 36 mills is due on this project. This is equa to 12% of the total City property tax levy n 1987, total principal payments will be $1,270,000, with the City's share $767,000, and property owners' $503,000. I nterest payments wi II be $495,000, with the City's share $298,400 and property owners' $196,600. Debt service payments for outstanding debts total $1,765,000 in 1987. This is equal to approximately 1.6% of the City.s assessed valuation. The City's authorized and outstanding bond indebtedness may not exceed 30% of the assessed valuation ssue of anticipated bond an from 987 n due principal and interest n the fall of 1986. r Account #42-623 IS increased fo special assessment projects issued 70 nOND AND The Bond and financed out of and interest payments payments by property owners transferred from Sanitation to system 9B? IH.JDGET I:~EW.JEBT BUDGE.r 19B6 ::ITY t SALINA---'--BUDGFT REQU T F C)/:~ :l.9B7 (-"1CCT ^ :=: ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION {iCTU{',L. rlc.rUtll :1.904 9f:l~:.'i BOND t.... INTEI:~ T tOOO ,000 ,000 ,900 ,400 ,700 ,000 ,000 635 247 132 5()2 51 195 1 275 672,000 270,400 :1.27,800 552,300 121,900 18:1.,100 500 40,000 000 618 844 156 270 023 537 o L ..z.... e>--:> ( t 347, 99, ~:.:jT? t ;?~.::; t 162, ~.~~ :;~ t 740,000 309,585 114,896 634tl04 33,573 244,611 400 64 DEBT & INTEREST GENERAL BOND PRINCIPAL GENERAL BOND INTEREST C, G & P PRINCIPAL CS C, G & P PRINCIPAL POS C, G & P INTEREST CS C, G & P INTEREST POS FISCAL AGENCY COMM & POSTAGE EST INT - BONDS TO BE ISSUEI 42-601 42-603 42-605 42-607 42-609 42-6:1.1 42-621 42-623 ,040,000 000 ,040, :2 .. 966,000 000 966 , 1 :1. 1.B71,44 l 71.448 2,077,233 2,077.233 r,CcT....TOT(II...~: [ 'oT TCrrtiLS 71 N r-.... 987 REVENUE REQUEST VENUE 1986 l:~l TU(.i (18~:.:; '''J I ,{:i{ :1 '} I:~ T ~)CT\Hil :1.904 ~EUU r~E~JI::'i'"'J CITY ( ALINA ACCT.. ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION BOND ~ INTERrrT 784,686 15,000 625,000 40,000 200,000 20,000 2,000 6,000 126,000 841,169 20,000 625,000 30,000 144,700 20,000 2,000 4,000 134,200 692,093 12,631 632,111 55,325 194,865 20,229 23,119 8,723 142,200 857,789 34,189 681,742 45,275 191,980 20,033 2,667 3,891 233,700 CURRENT TANGIBLE TAXES DELINQUENT TANGIBLE TAXES CURRENT SPEC ASSMNT TAXES DELINQUENT SPEC ASSMNT TAX VEHICLE TAXES INTEREST FROM INVESTMENTS ACCRUED INTEREST SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS TRSF-P M, W & S, G 42-110 42-130 42-150 42-160 42-180 42-610 42-630 42-929 42-957 6e6 221,314 818,686 040,000 040,000 o n <:) 1 '... ::.~ ,01.)9 366,245 821,069 187,314 966,000 221,314 82 1 :~~ 1 296 4~':;f.>, 397 781,296 2:37,1.)9::5 871.,448 :366, 24!.:':; 701. :1. ;.:? 1 26c";. 364 266 6:.30 2:3:3 397 (Y'" ., ( 46;~~ , 07:1., ~:.:i33 , 01"/, .I~!.:.:;(~) ;) :? :? ") ,:.. I". FUND TOTALS ANUARY lS"r BEGINNING BALANCE IUiL(..NCE DECEMBEr~ 31. BEGINNING CASH BALAN TOTAL REVENUE TOTAL REVENUE AND LESS EXPENDITURES UNENCUMBERED CASH 73 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 1987 ANNUAL BUDGET defense, claims and a "Special Liability ega from SPECIAL LIABILITY EXPENSE FUND the cost of of this act" The act provides that a governing body which has created a Specia Liability Expense Fund may "levy a tax therefor, without limitation as to rate" and outside the property tax lid. In addition, monies received by the municipality "from any source whatsoever which may be lawfully utilized for such purpose" may be placed in the fund. The special fund may be a reserve fund, and monies once budgeted into the fund would not need to be annually rebudgeted for expenditure in the future Comments The creation of the Risk Management Reserve Fund to centralize the City's risk management programs and services has a direct effect on this account. Kansas statutes permit the Risk Management Reserve Fund to receive interfund transfers from other funds and accounts of the City. However, the Risk Management Reserve Fund has no authority for a tax levy. The $293,920, #447, wi II be transferred to the Risk Management Reserve Fund Those funds will be utilized for the City.s liability insurance and related expenses The 1979 Kansas Tort Claims Act authorizes municipalities to pay "other direct and indirect costs resulting from the implementation Expense Fund." Budget 74 987 BUDGET REQUEST 0 () 0 2?:3,9;;?O ::.~(1'3 ~ 9:.?0 ;~~(?:.5. 9::.~() BUru3ET 1986 30,000 20.000 50,000 0 0 50,000 CITY J Std...INt, BUDGET REQL_ST FOR :1.9B"l p,CCT . :r,: ACCOUNT DESCRIP1'ION ?~ICTl.Jtd... {.lCTl.J,~J. :1.?~:l4 1':':>8!.:'j BP ;IP-.L LJ:(lBII...ITY CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 4:3....227 INSURANCE - LIABILITY :.:.~7 . 703 28,1. ::'j4 4:.3....29::'i ern R PROFESSIONAL SERVl ("' -1,O:3<l 6.794 ..:;. i:'~ICCT""TDT,~I...s 3:1.,742 34,948 43"u44""(' TF,:~ TO en ~ ND~:; 0 () t,CCT'''TOT,~l...f 0 0 DEPT....TOT(.~L~ :.3:, 74:;.: :34, <i4f 75 76 987 REVENUE REQUEST 1:~E~)[J..HJ 1. (.>'86 1987 t,CTUp,L. :I. IlB!:.'j m~ T TUt,1 <Y'B4 h:EW.JE~ t,( :1 ~) E Nt CITY ( SALINA ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACCT ;.~::84 bOO :.:)()O o 96, 34,084 600 7,000 7,000 33,505 636 9,310 6,640 40,800 1,815 10,307 6t900 Ti~XEB Ell...F T(~,XEG TY CUI:;:r~FNT TANGIBLE DEI... I NmJENT T PINei I VEHICLE T(.:\XES .n~SF FRm.1 UTI..lI::};; r:"1F,l l. SPECIl'Jl 43-110 43-130 43-180 43-957 I.JND~3 ~4 88,736 205,184 293,920 293,920 o ~;.~ ()!:5 48,684 190t052 48,684 238,736 150,000 88,736 ~::jO , 0<;> 174t909 50,091 225,000 34,948 190,052 822 146,829 59,822 206,651 31,742 174,909 ~:j9 UND TDTi~IL~ ..Ji::-'NUAHY :1. !;n BEG I NN I NG Bi;I...(.:-,NCE BALANCE DECEMBER 31 BEGINNING CASH BALANC TOTAL REVENUE TOTAL REVENL~ AND LESS EXPENDITURES UNENCUMBERED CASH 77 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 78 1987 ANNUAL BUDGET SK MANAGEMENT RESERVE FUND I n recognition of the growing problems with municipal insurance, the 1986 Kansas legislature authorized the establishment of a Risk Management Reserve Fund. K.S.A. 12-2616 authorizes that the monies in this fund to be utilized for any risk which might otherwise be insurable by a municipality. The act does not authorize a special tax. However, it provides that "monies may be paid into such Risk Management Reserve Fund from any source which may be lawfully utilized for such purposes, including transfers from the General Fund, any special liability expense fund established in accordance with the provisions of K. S. A. 75-6110 or from any other fund or grant program account of the governmental unit in reasonable proportion to the estimated cost of self-insuring the risk losses covered by such reserve fund. II The word "reserve" in this fund's title means that the fund is authorized to accumulate from year to year the fund balance and to spend that balance without annual rebudgeting. Most funds are not reserve funds and the fund's cash balance must be reappropriated in order to be spent. R In addition to providing centralized accounting for the City's insurance and risk management expenses, another purpose of this fund is to permit the efficient and proper management of the City's risks. Risk management entails not only insurance but also efforts to minimize the potential exposure of the City, its employees, its patrons and the general publ ic to various conditions and situations which could result potentially in damage to persons or property. Comments This is a new account and concept for the City. Thus, all of the details and procedures relating to thIs activity are not completed at this time. Municipal risk management programs are in their infancy and are still in the process of growth and development. However, the concept and vision here is to have a risk manager and one clerical position responsible for administration of the risk management program. Budget extent feasible, for all risks. However, this will For example, during 1987, reserve funds will be combination of conventional insurance and excess the maximum nterim steps. Thus, some The ultimate objective is self-insurance, to take several years to develop and several insufficient to protect the City properly liability insurance will be necess<lry $3,000, Special The funding for risk management, #447, is from several sources: Sanitation $28.500, Golf Course Solid Waste $3,850, Data Processing $300, Bicentennial Center $700, Water and Sewer $109,700, Liability Fund $293,920 and Employee Benefits Fund $172,000. 1907 BUDGET F\EC~UEST :::'>6, 000 ::5<~), 000 900 BOO 300 ::.:jO,OOO 3:::j t OO() B7,OOO ltO()O ltOOO 2,000 "lO,OO() 4:1.~5 t 720 4B~5 , 'l;.:.~O ., 2::.:jO :1 2~:.i() 6:1.: 970 BUD(3ET :l.9B6 o () () o o o () () () o () () o o () o o CITY ( :;(iLI,-.!(:! DI..JDGET h~EC!U >T OF~ :I.'JB"l ,~CCT ~ :U: ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION {ICTU'-:"L. (-,CT/.H, :l.9U4 9n::.:j RISK MANAGEMENT RESERVE PERSONAL SERVICES 44....:l;?O SALARIES - REGULAR EMPLOYEE () () j:~,CCT'...TOTtll...S () 0 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 44....20:::i TELEPHONE 0 () 44....207 EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT () 0 44-...20? P()ST,~,GE 0 0 44....;22"7 INS~~ANCE - LIABILITY () () 4-4....29::'i OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICEE () 0 (.:)CCT....TOT(.=lL~: 0 () MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 44....320 OFFICE SUPPLIEB () 0 4 -4 .... 3 :::j <y OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES () () (.~ICCT.... TOT t'IL~: () () UNDRY EXPENDITURES 44....43;.:? CLAIr1S Pi4ID () 0 44...-4::'jO 1:<ESEF~\vJE () 0 t,CCT....TClT,~)L::: () 0 (;PIT(~'IL OUTL..f~IY 44....:::j:I."7 ( ( 1.1 t'IN I C tll... ::W.JIF' () 0 (.~I ::T....TOT(.il...~ 0 0 1: T....TUT,~ 0 () 79 80 987 REVENU REQUEST 1:~EVENUE: :I.?B6 611,970 6:1.1,970 0 611,970 6:1.1,970 196,250 415,720 o o () o () () () 1987 ANNUAL BUDGET CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS EQUIPMENT RESERVE FUND Revenue Sharing, the City has annually financed most General Fund capita It appears that General Revenue Sharing will no longer be available as In order to provide for orderly replacement of equipment primarily Reserve Fund is established. Equlpmen.t an sh e s ta b to cities specifically authorizes which provides, in part Legislature A.12-1,177 law passed by the Kansas Funrl This is found in K. S A 1985 Reserve the governing body of any city may provide, by adoption of an ordinance, for a municipal Equipment Reserve Fund to finance the acquisition of equipment. Moneys may be budgeted and transfered to such fund from any source which may be lawfully utilized for such purposes, including equipment use charges on the various departments and agencies of the city to finance new and replacement equipment. For the purposes of this act, equipment shall include machinery, vehicles and any other equipment or personal property including, but not limited to, computer hardware and software, which the city is authorized to purchase for municipal purposes This fund serves both accounting and planning purposes. The fund will "ownll the major pieces of machinery and motorized equipment. Each department, in turn, will be "charged" for the use of the equipment over the equipment's expected lifetime. The annual charge will accumulate and when the equipment is replaced, the funds will be available. This allows orderly financing of equipment replacement and prevents large budget distortions caused by sporadic purchases. The word "reserve" in this fund's title means that the fund is authorized to accumulate from year to year the fund balance and to spend that balance without annual rebudgeting. Most funds are not reserve funds. and the cash balances of such funds must be reappropriated in order to be spent Comments This Fund wil become fully operationa on January 1, 988 During 1987, depreciation and life expectency schedules and use rates will be established for all equipment. The $200,000 reserve, #957, is $50,000 from the Police Department for 50% of the replacement for eight marked police cars which are replaced on a two-year cycle. Also, $150.000 is from the General Fund to finance initially this activity Since the adoption of Genera equipment needs from that source. a funding source for municipalities. machinery and vehicles the Equipment Budget 82 T 907 BUDG h:EW.JEf:;T BUDGET :1.9B6 (:.CTUP,L. :L <;i B !.:;j I <;if m~ ::,CTUP,L. 1.'104 1:~EnUEbT Bl.mU CITY ( ~t"... I Nt, (.lCCT . :ii: ACCOUNT DEbCRIPTION E(~U I PI-lENT F~E I:~\,.J UNI: o () () ,()()() ,()()() to()() 47 ::5(/ c":) o o o o () () o () () () () () o o o CAPITAL OUTLAY EQUIPMENT AUTOMOBILEf MOWERb TRUCKS TRACTOR & I 45-503 45-505 45-516 45....525 45--527 ,O()() [k o o () () () o (.,I,.JY OUIt==' t,CCT.... Tl:rr("L~:; DEPT....TDT(.:il...f 83 84 F;:F~. N F\:EC~UEST 1:~)CI'(' I;:E~)ENU :J.9BI., n..Ji::1 ()B~:.:.; ()U? n :J. U h:Fnl.JE~:)'I ~,CTI...I(, 01 (.;' ~:~.tt ~)EN ,.., ... Nt, ON ~;:;(':, CFt: TY I tICcm..IN .. .11 (-lCCT BrO()O ;.~O(), 000 o () o o () C F;:Dh .J. N~)[:GTi"lENT n"IER I...INI: UNI NTEREST TR FROM FN F~ ("'lENT n 4~:'j".'6:1. () 4~:.'j."'(?~::i7 000 o 208,000 208,000 86,000 22,000 ?O~ o () () o o o () () C- .) o o () () o o o o o :-3 t, ~1BER td-l T Bt,l UNr: ....I(:li.-lUtlr~y tiNe NO 1: NN (,N BEC:; Di~11 BEGINNING AS BAt TOTAL REVENUE TUTAL REVENUE AND LESS EXPENDITURES UNENCUMBERED CA 85 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 1987 ANNUAL BUDGET that this tax has and a reallocation SPECIAL PARKS AND RECREATION FUND This tax continues to be a subject of Legislative attention. The net result has been not generated the funds anticipated, as a result of inadequate enforcement by the State of some of the funds to the State nhially, the funds went solely to local governments be w which of a revenue n receive an estimated $45,660 the Park Department budget Parks and Recreation Fund wil to the General Fund to supplement The Specia transferred 86 987 BUDGEl REQUEST ,O()O 4f.1 , 000 46,()()O 46 BUDGET 1986 45tOOO 45,000 45,000 CITY ) ntlLI i'H1' BUDGET j:;:FPI...IEST FOI:;: :1.</87 p.CCT . :~: ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION p,CTlJAL i~CTUI-:':-II. :1.<.h~4 :I. 98!;5 SPECIAL PARKS & RECREATION NDF({ XPEND I Tl.n~U;; 47....447 TF~S TO rr r~ Ui',ln~;:; ~.:;O , O()O 4::':; , 000 t,CC.r....TOT(.:iLS ::50 , 000 4:::; , O()O r T....TDT(II..);> ~:jO t 000 4~':; t 000 87 88 987 REVENU REQUEST J=~E"'JENU :l.9B6 ( (") (.)(.),:.. 4~5 307 44, ;;.~ 33B L~!5 oj <~~ (:> :.:':; 46,O()() 46,000 o 1.>6 4";' ,.J BB7 451 44,887 45,338 45,000 338 , 4 4 r II CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 90 1987 ANNUAL BUDGET ALCOHOL PROGRAMS FUND The 1982 State Legislature made substantia changes in this fund. The primary changes were that the State now receives 25% of the funds collected and the means of enforcement was tightened. Despite the State receiving 25% of the revenues, when before they received none, the more strict enforcement should provide greater revenues to cities and counties SPECIAL ..J Salina will activities City of related to revenue. The and services $45,660 in programs receive an estimated agencies to finance The Special Alcohol Programs Fund wil enter into contracts with local socia allowable under this program L 1987 BUDGET REQUEST 46,000 46,000 46tOOO BUDGET 1986 45,000 45,000 45tOOO CITY ( {.:"..,INf~' I.:.:I..JDGFT F~EnUEST I r' :J.''7''''7 '\ f'1CCT . ,g: (-) ;OUNT DESCRIPTION {~IC Tl.Jf.il... t.( Jt.'. :1.984 :I.'hl~:.:j SPEC I f:11... f.iI...CDHOI PI:~O[m{~,i'1E CDNTF;:f.iCTUt,L. F<:ljICES 4p....2(i~:5 c:n F<: I:W N(.~1... r;EF<VICES 49, /167 4~::j , 000 1~ICCT''''TOTt,I...G 49,61.17 4~:'j t 000 DEPT....TOTI~ ) 49.667 4~:5 t 000 91 92 987 REVENl REQUEST 66:3 4!.:'j , 663 337 4!.::j, 66:::~ 46,()()0 46,()()O () 4~:5 1 m::VENUE :/'<jiB6 ("\1::'1:;- 7...)...J ("\1:;'1::' },...J-.J 3B2 44, 9~:.'i~:j 4!5 , :::r:~."1 4~:; t 000 ::B7 44 44 CITY ( )(:/1... I N(~ ........-. F;:E~)ENUE F,:EOI...I T FOI=\: :/. 9B7 I~ICCT . :n: p., ~OlmT DESCRIPTION {~CTU('~I... ,~CTU{.11 :/. <jiB4 :/.9B~:.:j SPEC I AI... AI. l )1... PI:~OGI=~(:lMS 4B....2:/.~.:i CITY LHH.JOF~ TI~X 49t61~~) 4::.:j , 3B;'~~ FUND TOTtrl...i:; 49,613 4!.:.'i,:::m2 BEGINNING CASH BALANCE JANUARY 1ST ~':=;4 () TDTp.I... m::IJENUE 49,6:L::~ 4~:'j t 3B2 TDTAL REVENUE AND BEGINNING BALANCE 4<jit667 4!:.; , 313:2 LESS EXPENDITURES 49, <S67 4~.'i , 000 UNENCUMBEF;:ED C,~~ BAI..J~N DE m:-:ER 3:1. () 382 93 94 1987 ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET REQUEST 1986 1987 $ 732,400 $ 738,060 181,520 192,700 47,750 41,400 284,460 310,530 762,860 801,740 35,970 35,100 204,050 257,660 145,000 210,000 681,170 544,740 5,476,230 5,598,450 $ 8.551.410 $ 8.730.380 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ENTERPRISE FUNDS SUf\1MARY OF EXPENDITURES ACTUAL ACTUAL 1984 1985 SANITATION $ 667,732 $ 684,941 DATA PROCESSING 190,858 162,287 PARKING METERS 43,923 44,400 GOLF COURSE 219,995 249,975 SPECIAL GAS TAX 719,484 725,163 BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT 48,721 31 ,660 SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL 240,805 173,191 TOURISM AND CONVENTION 143,271 141,200 BICENTENNIAL CENTER 660,607 595,701 WATER AND SEWERAGE 4,622,057 4,581,799 GRAND TOTAL $ 7.557.453 $ 7.390.317 95 96 1987 ANNUAL BUDGET $704,000 $738,060 $(34,060) 6,000 $C28.060 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ESTIMATED GAIN (LOSS STATEMENT SANITATION 987 SERVICE FEES LESS OPERATING EXPENSES: PERSONAL SERVICES $301,500 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 164, 130 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 91 ,180 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 134,000 CAPITAL OUTLAY 117 , 250 OPERATING EXPENSES SUBTOTAL OTHER INCOME GAIN LOSS 97 98 1987 ANNUAL BUDGET DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICES - SANITATION DIVISION CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS This Division of the General Services Department is responsible for the efficient, systematic collection and disposal of all garbage, rubbish, trash and similar waste materials originating within the residential areas of the City of Salina. Commercial collections, including apartment houses, are handled by licensed, private haulers or by the individual business. The Division is supervised by the Sanitation Superintendent, who is responsible to the Director of General Services. The weekly refuse collection service is available to all single, duplex and triplex residential units on an optional basis. The Division operates four 20-cubic yard packer trucks, each with an assigned route to be served each day, Monday through Friday. These are supplemented by two shuttle trucks, which permit the crews to remain on the routes while a driver takes a loaded truck to the landfill. One dump truck makes special pickups of piles of tree limbs and items too bulky for the packer trucks at an additional cost above the monthly service fee. The service fee is $5.40 a month and was adjusted January 1, 1984. are mOnies tax property No service the of users paid by fees from ng This Division is self-support devoted to this activity. walk monthly $1 the that proposed s t However 1987 increase in per container I rate month There is no proposed genera in" fee be increased to $2 a Maintenance Aide ve strat Admin Comments Sanitation Superintendent (2) and Laborer (10). Budget Full-time employees for the Division include: Worker (5), Laborer Assigned as Relief Driver month 104: per in #291. Department, and This is reflected Water and Sewerage nistrative services. the adm ling by general The DIvision IS charged 104: per monthly bi per account is paid to the General Fund for This andfi to cover cost of purchasing poly-karts sh a poly-kart replacement fund. use of the transfer to Bond and Interest Fund of $114,000 ast of six payments and includes $20,000 to estab for DivIsion the paid by #297 reflects charges #447 allowS will be the dumpers 2 sets of cart and system fire alarm 20-cubic-yard packer radios two-way th Ford w e mob two 979 of of ts replacement ts replacement perm perm #503 #525 <;'B7 BUDGET I;:EPI...IEST 281,270 20,230 301,500 1,100 6,500 21,560 12,060 27,600 26,400 <;'10 14,000 52,<;'00 1,100 164,130 450 3,400 B2,800 4,530 <;'1,180 134,000 134,000 12,250 35,000 47,250 738,060 BUDGEl 19B6 275,130 20,200 2<;'5,330 1,200 800 21,160 12,110 27,520 25,000 900 11,000 52,<;'00 1,0<;'0 153,680 550 3,400 86,760 4,180 94.890 122,200 122,200 3,300 63.000 66,300 732.400 252,19E 15,122 267,320 1.044 700 18,846 12,906 25,891 22,470 456 10,000 49,000 1,063 142,376 26"7 2,476 79,805 3,312 85,860 130,200 130,200 7,719 51,466 59,185 684.941 239,637 18.376 258,013 957 800 18,061 10,355 24,771 12,466 746 9,<;'13 46,500 1,000 125,569 16 3~295 89,405 4,<;'88 97,704 132,800 132,800 0 53,646 53,646 667 732 VI YI Ei"i Et.; SERVICES ES - REGULAR ES-PART TIME ON ERSONAL SALAR SALAR Tf~)IT Sr.-IN 20 30 ACCT ::;'"( ~:;1 T{.,LS f.'( ..1.. ON T CONTRACTUAL SERVICE~ TELEPHONE INSURANCE - LIABILITY SOCIAL SECURITY EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT GROUP INSURANCE BILLING & ADMINISTRATI UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE WORKER'S COMPENSATION DISPOSAL CHARGES OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERV f:~1 C"."1 57-205 57-221 51-236 57-238 57-239 57-291 57....292 51-294 51-297 57-299 Ttil..S (\ EUUIP UPF'L.IES Tf CT (, MATERIALS & SUPPLIES EXPENDABLE TOOLS OFFICE SUPPLIES MAINT - VEHICLEE OTHER OPERATING 57-310 51-320 51-344 57-359 TOTti tll.,I.::T SUNDRY EXPENDITURES TRSF TO OTHER FUNDS "- ,.., TOl ^ I'" .JTI...,~,Y ~ PIF' I T P,I... (: EClUIP TI:;:UCI\8 ~':;7""447 !::,7....::.:jO:3 ~::j ..1....~:; ::.~ ~:.:.; 99 00 9B7 I:~EI".JENUF.: I:~EW.JEST I:~EI"JENU 19B6 9B7 t:,C"n.Jf~1 :l. (/B~5 n:m T Tl.J(.~11 9B4 h:EW.J tl( ~,JENU :Il'Y OF SAl.INA ACCOUNT [ RIPTION .11. ... ACCT 3,000 2,000 704,000 1,000 3,000 2,000 104,000 1,000 lOB :':'>61 () ~.:j~:; :I.!.::;O 1 , :1. , 676. 6, ,lOB ,470 , ::n~::; 6:1.1. :I. :I. <; l...<;' NVESTi'IEi'..J'I F~~)ICE I: INTEREST FROM MISC SALES & SERVICE FEES REIMBURSEMENT ON BANnAI 57-610 57-131 51-133 51-952 O.()OO 317,248 710,000 ,021,248 738,060 289,188 ...} ( 0,000 339,648 110,000 ,049,648 732,400 317,248 7 684,674 339,915 6B4.674 ,024,589 684,941 339,648 702,464 305,283 702,464 001,741 667,B32 339,915 1. TI..JI=< UND TOTAL! JANUARY 1ST BEGINNING BALANCE BALAN! DECEMBER 3: EXPENI: BAL.I~NCE BEGINNING CASI TOTAL REVENUE TOTAL REVENUE AND LESS EXPENDITURES UNENCUMBERED CASH 101 N o ..... 1987 ANNUAL BUDGET $164,250 $192,700 $(28,450) CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ESTIMATED GAIN LOSS STATEMENT DATA PROCESSING 987 SERVICE FEES LESS OPERATING EXPENSES: PERSONAL SERVICES $ 75,600 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 112 ,100 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 5.000 OPERATING EXPENSES GAIN LOSS 103 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 1987 ANNUAL BUDGET DATA PROCESSING DEPARTMENT The City's data processing unit provides data processing and programming services to Saline County and the County Sheriff in addition to various City departments. The Department operates an I BM System 31~ computer with 2 printers and 14 data entry terminals, an I BM System 36 computer with 8 printers 24 data entry terminals and an IBM 5525 word processor with 4 printers and 7 entry terminals means operators have direct access to the computer record keeping is performed simultaneously, thus facility is located on the first floor in the This necessary computer ne." The The All of the computer programs are on- and the various functions and programs providing up-to-the-second accuracy City-County Building which IS overly expensive to maintain an IBM System 38 system by 1989 and be expanded in 1987 to eliminate the System 34, Also, the Department is planning to upgrade to The System 36 wil and is at capacity. retire the System 36 Comments Budget and Programmer equipment Programmer support Processing Manager maintenance contracts on computers and Data department this provides for me employees for #299 Account -t Fu 04 987 BUDGET REQUEST 75,600 0 75,600 1,000 3,000 5,500 3,100 4,000 250 250 95,000 112,100 2,500 2,500 5,000 192.700 BUDf T :1.981.> 7:1. , 3::.~() () 7:1.,320 1,000 3t()()() ~.'i , 000 3tl00 4,000 ;;?~'.'iO 200 88 t 6::';0 :I. O!j , 200 ;? , ~;:;OO ;.? , ~;; 0 0 !j. 000 :1.0:1 :'.';;.:?O I:~C TlHl :I. 98!:.:; 6:1 184 260 62,044 588 3,120 4,314 2,234 3,131 105 200 82,115 95,867 2,490 :1.t~~~36 4,376 :1.1.>2.287 (/8 cn:< f~ICTUtll :1.984 49,400 0 49t400 652 1,385 3t458 1,616 3,096 143 0 127,353 137,703 2,483 1,272 3,155 190,858 F<EUUE~:)'T BI...IDGET CDNTF:tICrl.Jt-lI... BERV I ( TELEPHONE EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT BOCI{..I... SEClmITY EMPLOYEE RETIREMENT GI:mup :r NBUI:-.:t.NCE UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE WORKERtS COMPENSA1"ION OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERV .u. On" 58-205 58-207 58-236 58-238 58-239 58-292 58-294 58-299 f~ICC'1 .lTtlL.S AI...:; T""'T(.~I r T T f:~,r'''T & SUPPLIE~ SUPPLIES PERATING SU ,.;C"'T r.......T MATERIALS OFFICE OTHER :.::;8....3;;.~O ~:.;8._.3:'.'j9 105 106 987 REVEM REQUEST 1;:E~)ENU( 1. <).'06 907 (~ICTUtl :1.90:::; em F,:Ee~UE~:)-i 'ICTurll :l.9B4 VENU F<l CITY OF SALINA ACCT.. ACCOUNT I SCRIPTION DATA PROCES~ING 750 o 54,500 55,000 50,000 4,000 1,000 o 54,500 50,000 50,000 8,000 1,136 29,220 54,500 63,885 47,000 5t6e~ 1,234 17,252 54,500 52,014 85,000 9.691 SALE OF COMMODITl S FEE~:; .... ~:)CHOClI... FEES - WATER & SEWERAG FEES .... COUNTY FEE~;; .... GENERf~1... COMPUTER PROGRAMMING 50-721 58-140 50-142 58-144 58-146 58-748 ~:;[R',) 2~:iO o <'J:? :~~ ~:; 0 :'::'92 700 ~.:.:;(.~;.:.~ f.A 50, 164, 214, 192, 21, :::jOO 062 ::.:;00 ~.:56:.:.~ ~520 042 63 68, 163, 231. 181, 50. 4'"lP 1....7 , 9:?O ,429 ,349 t :?B7 t 0(,:2 20 ::.~~:3 20:1. ::!30 162 68 L<;/ <:), 81 219,691 219,7'/8 1<;'0,858 2~3t920 9 ::.~ FUND TOTAL~ JANUARY 181 BEGINNING BALANCE BALAN( DECEMBER 3: BEGINNING CASH BALAN( TOTAL REVENUE TOTAL REVENUE AND LESS EXPENDITURES UNENCUMBERED CASH 07 08 1987 ANNUAL BUDGET $ 38,300 $ 41 $ CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ESTIMA TED GAl N LOSS STATEMENT PARKING METERS 1987 SERVICE FEES LESS OPERATING EXPENSES: PERSONAL SERVICES $ 35,000 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 800 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES OPERATING EXPENSES GAIN L.OSS) 09 1987 ANNUAL BUDGET POll CE DEPARTMENT - PARKING METER DIVISION CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS all by and maintenance of Division is supervised The Division provides for the collection of monies, parking enforcement municipally owned parking facilities within the Central Business District The the Police Department with assistance provided by the Traffic Engineer parking meters were removed from streets and parking lots. The only source of permits which are available for purchase at the City Clerk's Office and the Office for $10 per month. All other parking s for 2 hours On December 1, 1982, a income is from parking Greater Downtown Salina aw parking decided 3 Checker Comments Violations state Severa different they have not yet Budget Meter required by as Fund account. Board, but fund n this me employees -t 3 fu There are 110 Genera on this District the to goes The Downtown Improvement Project could have an effect proposals have been discussed by the Business Improvement upon a final recommendation parking vIolations for fines from derived revenue A 1981 BUDGET REQUESl 35,000 35,000 800 0 0 0 0 0 0 800 4,500 <;'00 200 5,600 41,400 Burn3ET 1986 34,300 34,300 900 2,400 1.350 2,200 100 0 100 7,650 4t500 900 400 5,800 41.750 CITY 0 SALINA-----BUDGET REQUEST OR 1987 ACCOUNT D :Rr-TION ACTUAL ACTUAL 1984 1985 .11. ... Acc'r 33,490 33,490 721 1,168 957 2,971 28 0 0 5,845 4,084 852 129 5,065 44.400 3:2,09:;.:: 3::';~ , 092 BO:l. :.~~ , ()6~.:'i :I.,:I.()2 :2, :1.20 7() :I. 0:::; 0 6, :~~63 ":1- t :'5 ;.:.~ ~:.:.; 8:.:~4 409 ~.:5 , ~:5 l~) H 4 :.:') , Ii-' :.r:5 PARKING METERS ERSONAL SERVICE~ 60-120 SALARl E REGULAR MI OYE ACCT-TOTAI! NTRACTUAL SERVICES PRINTING OFFICE FORMS SDC:U~I... SECUFUTY EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT GI:;:DUP IM:)l..IF<I~INCE UNEt1PI...DYIviENT I N~:;URf~INCE WORKER'S COMPENSATION OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERV 6()-221 60-236 6()-238 60-239 60-2<;'2 60-2<;'4 60-299 C1 ACCT-TOTALf ~(~ ...'.J S & EQUIP SUPPLIes ACCT-TOTALS I .f-TOTALf MATERIALS & SUPPLI MAINT - VEHICLE WEARING APPAREL OTHER OPERATING 60-344 60-355 60-359 111 112 ?B7 1:~El.,IENUE F~EnUEST F~EI"IENUI :1.986 TU{..I 9B!.:5 l tit :J 9~. em F,:EUUEb'T TU{.. 9B4 A( ., I)ENU F~ CITY ell ~::;(,I...JNf:":) (.lCCT . :, (.,LI..:OI...lNT Ii F;:JPTIDN P{"I:~I\ I 1'''0 I1ETEF~S o ,()()O 300 o :"5~. o 47,200 300 o 921 36,972 243 9,000 9"13 t~ ;;.:~ ~5 ;? 7~:5 o 40, PARKING METER REVENL~ PARKING METER PERMITS ONE DAY PARKING PERMIT REIMBURSEMENT OF EXPEN[ 60....4:::;0 60....707 60....70B I.) 0 .... I)~:;? :':~a, ~;)oo 1"::"') t . ...J,:.. ,300 , 4~.:5;? ,400 ~5~:~ ::s ~;~B 4:1. 4:1. :::;00 3,402 41,500 50,902 47,150 3,152 47 47,136 666 41,136 47,802 44,400 3,402 'f;~~, 073 ::.~,!:.'j:l. 6 42,073 44 , ~58(.;> 43, 1)::.~3 666 Tl.Jr~E~ ~uND TOTALS E JANUARY 1ST BEGINNING BALANCE BALANCE DECEMBER 3: Bf~lI...ANC BEGINNING CAS. TOTAL REVENUE TOTAL REVENUE AND LESS EXPENDITURES UNENCUMBERED CASH 113 114 1987 ANNUAL BUDGET ~289,500 $310,530 $(21,030 5,000 $(16,030 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ESTIMATED GAIN LOSS STATEMENT GOLF COURSE 1987 SERVICE FEES LESS OPERATING EXPENSES: PERSONAL SERVICES $124,400 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 46,900 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 50,200 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 54,460 CAPIT AL OUTLAY 31l,570 OPERATING EXPENSES SUBTOTAL OTHER INCOME GAIN LOSS 115 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 1987 ANNUAL BUDGET DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES GOLF COURSE DIVISION The Salina Municipal Golf Course, opened in 1970, s ocated on 137 acres of and It s a modern, well maintained 18-hole golf course. Several recent improvements, including complete renovation of the clubhouse in 1984, make this one of the finest municipal courses in the state. The Salina Municipal Golf Course is operated by the City's Department of Community Services. The Golf Course Manager oversees the entire operation of the facility including maintenance Approximately 48,000 rounds of golf are played there each year has paid supports financed by tion. initial Cv such as The Golf Course s for the land acquis the operating expenses Course Superintendent Golf Manager Course Comments Golf ows ncreased This budget is up about $26,000 as a result of increased expenditures for salary adjustments and equipment costs. Other increases are a result of normal increases in operating costs. y should be approximate fairway mower revenue therefore $295,000 Budget Four full-tIme employees of the Division are as fo Senior Maintenance Worker and Garage Mechanic sweeper and 1987 and Golf Course for between $290.000 greens aerifier and the 986, of be no change in fees at the adjusted figure for replacement the for allow There wi I the same as w #516 6 11 9H7 BUDG 1:~:E()UEf:lT T BUDG :1.<iB6 (.1jCTt.h~1 :L 9B~:':; <;>B)' FOI:~: nJr~:\1 :)4 ~:E()I..",...f:l'I i~1 T nunc, rH~, ON f:;P, T fY DE~:;C1::.: I ,;CCOl..lNT .11. 'u' ACCT T ()> ~_:'=;OO 900 B6, 37, :.~~ b 0 900 f:l:1 Tl 64 , bB~~j 30, ""(()>7 , 6;.:.~6 ,0:1. ()> 76 :l.B YEEf. LOYEI::.~:; Ft.- f f~E(:;Ul...t,f;: Pt"~(r T I l[J~:I) :: ~:) ES COtH< l:mONAI. ~:;{"l...r~f~ :I S(':\I...,o,I:~ I (., .1 :L20 130 6:1. 61. j"1 ~'i ;?4, 400 ,900 ,200 ,800 .000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 :I. :I. :I. ? ~:.:j :~::;,;,:: :I. ::~ 6>0 ,900 ,000 400 ,200 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 q , , :I. ~:.:j :~~ :~~ ,~. ~:j ;.~~ 13;.:?' :1.44 (,~':.33 1,140 3,638 21,020 903 12.250 9!.:'=; 1. 64~::; 1. o o 600 3,180 22,004 1,655 11.574 (~) 94 ~:: T(.\ n ~'ICCT 'j' CI UF'i'1FNT FDf~i"1 II...IT 1:'.1 \ ,. CEB PIn C .1 ClNTI:;:r~/CTUr::-'l. TEI...EPHONI ENPI...DYEE Pf;:INTING I Nntm{.,NCI: GAS EEHVICE I...IGln c. POl".JER SERl,) I CE CONTf~{.IC'I f:)[R l.) DEVE I L f: l"l('d'Ef~ ClT ;: .... ;.~~ () ~:.:i ....207 .... :~ ~~~ 1 ....22..(' ....24:1. ::.~ .4 ::.~ ::?4:'3 2()>9 cd 6:: :I. :I. 6 6 61 r.1 CI ~) SEF\l,) Uf-:-'1. <)loa 600 16,000 25,000 8,000 600 46 ::'=;00 400 ~:.:; () () 600 :1.4. :~~t.') t 4,000 6()O 40. 60 ~::jfJ:? 16,364 26, ()<;>~::; cl , 6:39 4":' ,.J 4 ;;.~24 55 4,206 7,441 B,112 60 4 TUU1jLf bU :. PAI:af ,~ ~:) VEl Ef:l t:< EOI..I:I PLANTS, TREES, LAWN OPEF\r::-'TING f:HJPPl...I I(:;(.:\1... \~ LIGHTING CT (.' TOO leI.. mJ MATERIAL~ & EXPFNDAB MAINT SEEDS OTHER E CT -310 -344 -351 -359 -367 6:1. c"l1. 6:1. CI :1. 6:1 I:~ 20() 0,260 2,500 7,500 3,000 1,200 ~.:;o 46 , 100 O,OO() () , ~:jO() , !5()O ,200 1.7 ,.) ,:.. ::.~ : 7;.;~~::i ,700 ,478 ,521 ,509 ,164 ~::j::.~ ~:s "1 I.... <) :.:!' BOO o ::.~ :.:~ <~: ,O:l.B ,09(;) .B:I.:I 39 9 :1. <; i~1l...b T TO (.:,C"'T T I. BAr~ NG r;: (),N Ci ;::: c{.,I:a UNDRY EXPEN[ CDNTINGENf PRO S SNACK fll:;:1I)] ELECT 61-404 6:1.-420 61-425 61-430 61-435 4,460 :~~ ~::; 2()O c:- d ''', ~5B, ',:;o7;;!. 6 :'-:SO, TOT(11...f p" p,cer r~ENT 117 co .... .... 1987 BUDGET REQUEST 34,570 34.570 310.530 BUDGET 1986 21,500 21.500 284.460 ;rry c :.(,LIN(, ...BUDGET h:EW..J T FCm 1(l87 {.,CC( NT D1:::~:;Cl:;:IF'TION ('~CTl.h~1... (.:iCTU(, :1.904 1 (lB!.::; c{.,prr{.11... OUTI.Jd MOWER & t.U S nUIP :1.4 . ()B~::; :1. , 6:.3/) t,CCT''''T(JTI~~II..S :I. 4 . ()B~5 :1. ,636 DF...T.... TO T(.:ll... :;~ :1. (y , <; 9 ~.:i 249, (;>7::) ACCl. :Jl: 1.):1. ....::'i :1.1.., 9 20 1981 REVENl REQUEST j:<E,.JENU 1906 987 fiCTU{.:lL. :l.90~.':j 01:;: I:;:EQUEST 1-::,CTUt,1 :1. ()B4 VENU ACCT ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,500 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 :1.6 ?;!S ~':;O 3 ~:.:; ~5 <;> :LO "'"II::' 1>.:.....1 :.30 :I. ~:) 23,000 145,000 44,000 2,400 5,000 5,000 9,000 10,000 13,100 30.000 700 4,800 23,867 33,331 46,449 2,876 5,830 3,723 8,817 4,901 o 26,558 4,485 5t352 ,714 ,964 1256 ,169 ,6:1.6 ?355 ,269 40- . . ,,~ o ,844 ,171 ,803 :1.7 108 40 2 3 :::li 6 4 ;;.~::~ :1. 4 ANNUAL MEMBERSHII GREEN FEES ELECTRIC CART RENTA PULL CART RENTAl CART STORAGE CART USER FEES DRIVING RANGE MEMBER SURCHARG TEN PLAY CARDS SNACK BAR SALE~ MISCELLANEOUS OIL WELL LEASE C[)l.m~ F -550 ....I=.~.~ ~}~J\.) -560 -56:1. -565 "-5'75 -580 -582 -584 "-5~35 -590 -599 (., :J :I. :1. :1. 1 :I. :1. :I. :1. :I. :L l 1 6 6 6 6 6 6 c> 6 6 6 6 6 :::jO() '/::50 ~5()0 230 ~::i ~':~ () 700 ()4, 40, 294, :::~:.3!.':j , 3:1.0, ;?4, :~~ 000 33,190 292,000 325,190 284,460 40,130 292 ::.~ ~;.)~) 16,910 266,255 283,165 249,975 ~3,190 ::.~66 , 4 2!5:1. 6!.:54 9 v::; 99!.':j 9:1.0 t (S~:5 :;~o , ::.~16 , ;.:.~::.l)(:) , :?:I. (,:), :1,6, 6 ;.~~ UND lOTALci JANUARY 1ST E JINNING BALANCE BALAN [ MBER 31 Htll...j~lNC BEGINNING CASH TOTAL REVENUE TOTAL REVENUE AND LESS EXPENDITURES UNENCUMBERED CASH 21 122 1987 ANNUAL BUDGET $780,000 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ESTIMATED GAIN LOSS STATEMENT SPECIAL GAS 1987 SERVICE FEES LESS OPERATING EXPENSES: PERSONAL SERVICES $ 69,390 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 400,000 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 165,350 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 150,000 CAPIT AL OUTLAY OPERATING EXPENSES CAIN LOSS) 23 24 1987 ANNUAL BUDGET DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVI CES - SPECIAL GASOLl NE TAX DIVISION CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS the gas tax starting July 1, 1983, is dedicated to the special city and 1936, will be divided with 65% going In 1983 the State Legislature provided for a 2ct: per gallon increase in followed by an additional 1 <t: increase on January 1, 1984. The first 2ct: county highway fund. Any other increase in the gas tax after July 1, to the State and 35% going to the city-county fund from this source is used in street maintenance, such as asphalt overlay and slurry sealing, asphalt repair work and for the purchase of traffic control equipment. This activity is the general supervision of the Director of General Services as a part of the overall street Revenue derived in concrete and performed under maintenance program an ve rece w also anc 987 n payments rect in d 987. will receive an estimated $16.91 per capita $1.73 per capita from the County's share in The City additional Comments Budget the Capital by private comprehensive (3) $400,000 is provided in are mostly performed selected based upon a Worker Worker and Maintenance streets. Another These services Streets are Lead Maintenance Account #299 provides for resurfacing and sealing of Improvement Program, making a total of $800,000. contractors who do the work on a competitive bid basIs analysis of street needs and condition. me employees -t The DiVIsion has 4 fu Account #447 is a transfer to the General Fund for street maintenance work performed by street crews and to offset other administration and technical services related to street maintenance performed by other General Fund departments. four of replacement and torch gnal light controller at 9th and Republic Purchase of acetylene welding and cutting s Account #503 s for replacement of older controllers with sol id state units 1987 BUDGET 1J1.JEbT 64 . :TlO ::'=;,020 Ny,390 400,O()O 400,O()O :1.7,000 40,O()() ::50, 000 3B , 3~'=;() 20,O()O 16 ~:.=; , :3 ~:.'iO :I. ~:'j() , 0 () 0 :I. !:'=;O, 000 17,000 :1.1,000 :::0:. 'l40 BUDGET 1986 65.490 5,020 10,510 400,000 400.000 13,080 34,150 36,300 36,820 10,000 130,350 150,000 150,000 12,000 12,000 76: 860 CITY )(: r~)II...INtl BUDGET REQUEST FOR 1907 r~ICCT . :i ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION PICTU('~I... (.ICTUI~I. :l.9B4 :I. <jiB:':'; !;,PEC I r::'L. GM> T P.IX PERSONAL SERVICES c)::.~'.":I. 2() SAI...M;;IES .... r;;EGUL.[.~IJ=~ ETIPi JV ~:) ~57. OB:I. 6:~~, 2;.W <:)::.~'''':I.::30 SALARIES - PART .rIME EMPLOYEE :1.,:1.40 :I. , 32;? 1:~ICCT''''TDTtlI...S ~::; ~:1 t :~~ :.:.~ :1. (.',3, ::';42 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 62....299 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 4:1.:.:';, :';~Lk:) ~WB , 7~Yl tlC;CT .... TOT P-II...! 4:1.!5,;':!'43 39B , 7~::j"l MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 6;?....3~:53 !:>IGN!:; B,:3.::);2 :1.6 , ::r::fl (,2....36:1. ASPHALT & ROAD OIL :~~9 , 08-1 3::.~, 94~.j 6> 2 .... 31.) :::; CEMENT & CEMENT PRODUC1S 3:1. , 4:;~2 :.30,1.3:.3 c):~""38 I Pr~INT \~< PI~INTING h,yrERIAI...S :I. 9, 38<';;- ;.t.3 , 6~5 :1. b2....3B7 S(lND, GRAVEL, ROCK & CHAT 7,'l1.d <;;' , 198 tICcr....TOT(~I...:: 96,0;.:!.O :1.12,86)4 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 1.)2....447 TRANSFER TO OTHER FUNDS :I. ::'=;0. O()O :I.!50,000 p-,eel .... TOT (ll...! :I. ~50 , 000 1 !:.';O , 000 t~ Tt,l... OUTI..JW 6>::.~""~:;()3 CH.J () () {.ICCT....TDT(lL! 0 0 r I rOT I~'II...! 7:1.<J.4H4 'l2~.:j, :I. C):.:} 25 126 h:E~)ENU OUEST 000 ,000 591829 780,000 8391829 801,740 38,089 lIB""?' I:~E 780. 780 HE',)ENUE :I. <7'86 OO() l;~~() 1 000 102,689 'l20,000 8221689 7621860 591829 720, C:, y ( btll...JNr~1 ........... h:E')Fi'.lUF W.JEbT FCm :I. 98/ ACCl . :; ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION r~~ICTU('~"... tICfl.JtiL. :1.9B4 1 9 8 ~.:.:j SPECIAL 3tlS lr~X (~)::.~.... 2::.~() ~:;lfYrE G.;S T{.IX (~~ (~.) ~2 t :L:3 ~'5 672 1 9~:.:;8 FUND TOTt,1 662,:1.33 6 T.;~ , 9::':;8 BEGINNING CASH BALANCE ~ANUARY 1ST 2:1. 2? 24~.:.:j :1.::.';4.894 TDTr::'1... F,EVFNUE 662 t :1.33 672., <7'~::;8 Tc)Tf~1... I:~F~)ENUE PIND BEGINNING r-::AI..'{~NCE 874 f ;;57B HZl1O::.:;2 LESS EXPENDITURES 7:1.9,4B4 7::!.:::;, :l.t13 UNENCut'iBEr~EI PI nAI...I~N( 1: i"iBEJ< 3:1. :I.~54, 894 :1.02,609 27 28 1987 ANNUAL BUDGET $ 20,000 $ 35,100 $ ( 1 5 , 1 00 ) - 5,000 $ ( 1 00 ) CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ESTIMATED GAIN LOSS STATEMENT BUSINESS MPROVEMENT DISTRICT 987 ASSESSMENT FEES LESS OPERATING EXPENSES: PERSONAL SERVICES $ 24,000 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 8,650 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 1,600 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 350 CAPIT AL OUTLAY 500 OPERATING EXPENSES SUBTOTAL OTHER INCOME GAIN LOSS) 129 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 1987 ANNUAL BUDGET MPROVEMENT DISTRICT Business established a the district. nance strict will raise approximately $24,000 the General Fund in accordance with The construction work n the the BID's interest and energy 1987 w witness significant changes in the BID's activities and programs improvement project is scheduled to be completed in June-July. At that pOint will shift toward maintenance promotion and marketing 30 BUSINESS adopted August 25, 1983 reviews and activities for Ordinance #83-8971 created boundaries, This ord District. mprovement Di rector. The 0 activity are from The District has one staff member: BID Development from assessment fees. The remainin9 funds for this Resolution #84-3734, adopted September 10 1984. {.ICTL.I('~I :J.9n~::j ., ( 9f.l Fcm r~icrU(")1 1984 h:EUUEGT BUDGET N"~I ON ~::'(II T Cf~ TY I (ICCOUNT {.,CCT 987 BUDGEl REPUEST BUDGET :I. 986> 1. <;~:j o 23 o () 6 ;?O, 'fEE OY T rn< NPI. 1 r:~lf< T Ti"II::: t1PI:<0~)Et'iEN I ! r<EGU (11:0 1=<1) BUSINES RscmA SALARII. SALARIE 1.20 :1.30 63 6>:'5 (jOO () ;~~4 ~::;70 () ~2::5 , 24 70 2:.3, ~'j :I. (,:)~5 :.:.~:'5 1.0 6 :~O , Ttll..S T t,C""1 O()() 750 ,500 900 ,'100 ,100 o 20() 500 :1 :I. 500 000 500 700 100 200 200 500 t ;? , f , 1 :I. :1. 731 :I. f.>~::; B~':;9 , 6>:3 ~::; , :L~7 ,031 () B~53 L I. I. 4:.:r3 , 1 ::.~3 "/ ~'; :~? ]03 o (~ ";:' GE:J<I) CONTI=<t:,CTU'~1 TEI.I"ION 63-205 63-201 63-209 OPNENl DEVI El1PI...OYI pm;TAGE 933 () ()91. nu CE ICE ~:;ECUI:<ITY :!:> f<ETIf<EhENT :r ~::;Ef<'.) & : TUf<E ;t;Im--l() GROl NSURANI REPAIR-FURN THER PRO BOCI(lL ENPI...OYE: :I 63...<:~:'56 63....2:3B 63-239 63-252 63-295 :~~ , ;;~ ,.> I.".. ~ B , 6~:;() :':~OO :? 0 0 1.,()()O 1.0() 700 ~:~()O ;?()() 000 :J.()O 9 4 206> ;~~4 4:J.9 4() 7, I'" '::J 0~5 ::!'a ~:.~~:.) o ..., ( 26 TI~II...S T T (.:1 (h... <3 UI: ] lEi: 0[1] ING ~ MATERIA OFFI( BOOK! & R OTHER OPE RAT OTOGRAPHII & 63-320 63-331 63-359 63-382 ,600 1. , 6()0 300 o 689 ~'3c)~::; o ::k> 7 () ::::~.'50 ^ 1"1 en T r (.~Ji:;C ~, r: 1:<1 IT ON (II... UNDRY EXPENI ORGANIZATJ REFUNDS 43~:5 439 6::5 63 3:~jO () :::~!.'.:j() 300 36!.::; 2~::.;0 rri; T T (,CC TI...(IY MECHr:lJN j IT(.i OFF C(.l ~5 0 () 800 o 79 "OJ ( nu .., ....~:j 63 ~:'; () () 3!.':;, :I. 00 800 o 9'"(' :::~~:.:j o 660 :.31. 7"19 '?:~~ 4B T(.)I...~ n t,1.. Tl T (.lcc'r [".......T 131 32 9tfl F~EVEh!UE: 1:~EUUEbT ;':;:0 , 000 :I. ::5, 000 ~ooo 6,613 35,000 41,673 35,100 6,573 :":)!.:.:j I:~EVENU :I. ()B6 :1.:1.,000 24,()()() ,O()O 7,643 35,000 42.643 35,910 6,673 ;3~5 CITY ( f;(ll... I Nt,... ---. REVENUE REUUEST FOR 1981 {.,CCT. :U ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION '~ICn.J,~I... {..CTU(.:I 1984 1 (j.'W5 BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT 63....734 ,~SSE!:;f:)!...jENT FEES 4:2,4:1.1 ::58,6:1.3 6:.:-5....9~:;7 TRSF FROM OTHER DEPTS 7,000 0 FUND TClT{.,1..5 49~411 38,613 BEGINNING CASH BALANCE JANUARY 1ST 0 690 TDT AI... m:::~.JE::NUE 49,4:1.1 ;':S8,6:1.:::S TDTAL REVENUE ANI BEGINNING BALANCE 4(7',41:1. 39, ~:S03 LESS EXPENDITURE 4B,7:.~1 ;31,660 UNENCUMBEI:~Er r:ljS Br~,Lr..t.H DECE~1BER :;:1. 6()0 7 , 64::~ 33 134 1987 ANNUAL BUDGET 00 $265, $257, $ CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ESTIMATED GAIN LOSS STATEMENT SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL 1987 SERVICE FEES LESS OPERATING EXPENSES: PERSONAL SERVICES $ 86,000 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 34,420 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 77,240 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 60,000 OPERATING EXPENSES GAl N (LOSS 35 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 36 1987 ANNUAL BUDGET DEPARTMENT OF GaJERAL SERVICES - SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL DIVISION The City-owned and operated landfill, located southwest of Salina on Burma Road, provides solid waste dis- posal facilities for all of Saline County. The location and operation of the landfill are in accordance with the Saline County Solid Waste Collection and Disposal Plan as provided by the Saline County Commissioners and subsequently approved by the State Board of Health. The service is solely financed from gate fees collected from users of the landfill and income realized from leasing farm land not needed for landfill operations No property tax monies are devoted to this activity self-support The landfill this activity to devoted on Super funds are tat San the tax sed by No users superv from s on ected of the General Services Department, the ope rat s responsible to the Director of General Services. co fees from enterprise ng s a As a Division tendent, who n- Comments Budget II fund has 5 fu This (2) . Gate Attendant and 2 Operator Equipment Worker Lead Maintenance me employees -t to new trees tend to pick up paper and me employees part-t 30 adds #1 services sory superv ve and strat for admln Fund the Genera reimburses #291 purposes aid supp first eased for farming paint ngUlshers and fire ext taxes on the estate the service of supplies. rea nsurance and #359 provides for fire extinguishers, propane tanks and other miscellaneous crop ha for provides #299 on rent es roads done under andfi to extend and maintain work Th in 1988/1989 ion Fund. ton $10 per landfill pits the Construct rock at of to tons of township #447 provides for funds for digging contract. The monies are transferred for 400 provides #387 ve competit s s replacement equipment for reserve fund #450 provides for a BUDGET :1.9B6 ACTU'~II 19B::5 7 (0'1 7 Ol:~ F;~EUUEST {;ICTl.J'~1 :1.904 T nUDG Nr0 ON r:-:, T TY [IEBCF~ I c {.,CCOUNT {.Icel 987 BUDGET REUUEST 77, B, 430 o 76 730 o 6B IlO o <"I::' (.)...J AR ~MPLOYEES TIME EMPLOYEE~ PO*;il~ CEf I:;:EGUI. PI~rn n SERl) I:~f) EB Wtl(:i'l :::I:~!:)ONtIL S{11...M~ Br:11...(.11:~ II ~ 64..--:1.20 64..--:1.30 000 ;? () 0 ,000 320 1,500 6,150 3,440 1,650 1,400 1,800 2,000 260 2,000 1,900 $6 4~:H) , , , , , , 300 400 410 360 650 780 100 060 300 500 300 :I. , ~.:} 1 76 ~:5 :.3 '.OJ ( :J. :I. ;.:? 6B, 'T30 :::~:I. 0 3()O 4, 3, 7, :1. , :I. , :.:.~ t 845 368 057 198 110 000 111 500 638 I/O :1 (~) 268 400 4,604 21"7"75 6,933 1,413 1,144 2,000 191 1,436 3,267 ( I::' (.h.) TOTtil...B dEH'.) I CI NJnTI:~tJT : NGUF~r:-:,NCE CT r'y (.~( ~ LIABILl SOCIA SECURITY EMPLOYEES HETIREMENT GROUP INSURANCE GAG SERVICE LIGHTS & POWER SEF;:l.1 CONT/:~I~CTUAI... TEI...EPHONI NSUF;:I~NCI 64-205 64-221 64-236 64-238 64-239 64-241 64-242 64-291 64-292 64-294 64-299 ON :I :I WORKER'S COMPENGATION UTI..IEF: CONTF\t',CTI.U~11... E;;Eh:V BILLING & ADM JNEMPLOYMENT , , :::s 4;;.~O 34 ~20 ::n, O:::s 2() ,03 :~~!.:5 ~ T (J' rr-~ (,ce-r ::'C' ......J ( MATE ALS & EXPENDABLE T OF~ICE SUPPL 6 ::j 0 :::;:3 () BOO 760 :::iOO 70 500 1,050 12,150 1.500 4,000 ::~~53 B10 49,111 1,003 4,021 20 498 46,115 463 4,008 I t::: CH(, & .QU SUPP I ,SAL t It MAINT .- VEHICLE Ol'HER OPERATING SAND,ROCK,GRAVE 64-310 64-320 64-344 64-359 64-387 4, T ::.~ 4 0 40,000 ;.:.~o , 000 77 800 o 000 79 :::~::S8 o ;.:.~O, 000 ~:;~:s :1.04 nB,<;IOO :I. ():> 000 ::5 :I. JT{.:' T (:,CCT Sl.JNDF~Y EXPFNDITUF~ES T/:;:BF TO OTHER FUND(:) I:;: I::S E I:;: l.,.ll::: FOI:~ EW.JIP r;: 64--,-447 64....4::.:;0 20, (lCEr"jENT OO() (~)60 60 ::.~ ~:=j"'1 t :W , O()O :.?04 , O~.':iO 20,000 91. "'J"" ("~ , ,90C BV'.:i (;1 40, ;.:.~ Ttl I~ l{ T T T -, I'" I 37 38 1<;'87 REVENU REQUEST :1.00 ,000 () ;.::~ 6 ::.:;, l () () 276, 265~ 541, 257, 283, 2B:I. lO() 3D:I. 660 72:1. r) , I::' ....(;)...1 I:~EVENUI. :1.986 :1.00 ,000 o 00 2::H :1.00 ~:B:I. ()!:5 0 20:1. :~~ l) ~:) 26~:i , 2:1.:5, :':.~6::5 t 4BO, 204, :t"? 6 , C:I Y ( ~3{.:11... I ;\!(l REVENUE REPUEST Fm~ :1.987 ACCT. :G ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION (.lCTUt.l... ACTU(:l :1.984 :l.9B!.:'j SOl... I D "'lAST I) I SPClBAI... 64....:=.:;OB INCOME FROM LEASED LAND 3</ led 64....733 SEr:~ljICE FEES :?tL~ . V56 :301. , :::';67 64....</:::i2 REIMBURSEMENT OF EXPENDITURES :1.,288 :l.2!.:'j FUND TDTtll...~:) :?8:3 , ~3H::3 301 , 0~:5~5 BEGINNING CASH BALANCE JANUARY lST 43,989 86 t !567 TOT{.,I... I~EVENUE 28::5, 383 30:1. t 8:::.;~.'5 TOTAL REVENUE AND BEGINNING BALANCE 327.37:? :'388,422 LESS EXPENDITURES 240, no!:.=; :1.7:.3, :1.9:1. UNENCUMBEREI) CAS Br:ljI...{.,NC DECENBEF< 3:1. ~6, ::567 :2 :1. ::'j, ::~3 39 40 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ESTIMATED GAIN LOSS STATEMENT TOURISM AND CONVENTION 987 SERVICE FEES LESS OPERATING EXPENSES: CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 1210,000 OPERATING EXPENSES CAIN (LOSS L 141 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS . 142 1987 ANNUAL BUDGET I1g accommodations Sleep hotel-mote o CONVENTION A 2% transient guest tax is levied upon the gross receipts derived from The revenue is for the promotion of convention and tourism business. TOURISM AN operates the Convention by the City Commission th the City of Salina, the Salina Area Chamber of Commerce A ten-member Convention and Tourism Committee appointed on the use of the funds. w E3y written contract and Tourism Bureau advises the Chamber ---J Convention and Tourism Bureau. the for ng budget operat ty an annua the C to ts subm The Chamber IL 1981 BUDGET REQUEST 210,000 210,000 210,000 BUDGET 1986 145,000 145,000 145,000 CITY ( ~:)r~1... I NPI nUDe-JET h:EU ST FOF~ 1(/07 {.If l .:, r~1 OUNT DESCF~IPTION fiCTUt.J.. I;CTl.JI~I. 1?B4 1 <;>a::5 TOUR & CONVENTION PROMO CONTRACTUAL SERVICES ..i'2....2<y:~j nHEI:~ PFWFE!;)GIONtll... SERl,.JI( 143,:;~71 141,200 t)CCT....TOTI~I..S :I. 4~3, :.01 141,200 I T .... TOT (iL.S :1.4:3,271 141,200 43 44 981 REVENU REQUEST ,()()O ,000 161 ()()O 16:1. 000 1/)1 , , , , t ~:~~::j pI'" .:>...J 63 1B:::; ;.:.~ Lf t:J ::.:: 1 0 30 REVENUE 1986 145,000 145tOOO 63,161 145,000 208,161 145,000 63,16] CITY OF ~:;til... I i'!t. ,,,.-- REVENUE REPl~ST FOR 1981 {.,cer <. :U: {., OUNT DEfiCFUPTION I~CTU.~L I~CnJI~1. :1.':.;;a4 :1. (Y' n !:.:j TOUR & CONVENTION PROMO 7:;.?....240 STATE SALES TAX - MOTELS 133,O'(,!5 120 , 4~;54 FUND TOTr~ll...!:) 13::'>;, ()7~:j 1:W, 4~:)4 BEGINNING CASH BALANCE JANUARY 1ST <i> -4 , :L():::') B3, <Y07 TDTtl!... F\E~)ENUE :I. ~53, 07::) 120 , 4~.:;j4 TOTAL REVENUE AND BEGINNING BALANCE :~?::.?7 , 1 7B 204. :'56:1. LESS EXPENDITURES 14:;~, 271 141. :.WO UNENCUt'lBEF,EI: ;f.l~: BALANCE D8~EMBER 31 B3,907 f.d , 161. 45 46 1987 ANNUAL BUDGET $ 348,000 $ 544,740 $(196,740) 200,000 $ 3,260 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ESTIMATED GAIN (LOSS STATEMENT B ICENTENN IAL CENTER 987 SERVICE FEES LESS OPERATING EXPENSES: PERSONAL SERVICES $324,050 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 64,600 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 44,200 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 86,600 CAPITAL OUTLAY 25,290 OPERATING EXPENSES SUBTOTAL OTHER INCOME GAIN LOSS 47 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 1987 ANNUAL BUDGET and exhibition hall, a maximum seating s ideally suited for types of sporting feet for exhibition BICENTENNIAL CENTER 979. The bui Idi ng consists and other facilities. The feet of unobstructed floo. and meetings, circuses provides in excess of The responsibility of the Manager and the staff is to see that the property is well maintained, contract for usage of the facility and keep operating costs to a minimum. The Center endeavors to provide good service to users of the building and to maintain a reputation where businesses, individuals and organizations will want to return repeatedly for various functions. The Park Division of the Department of Community Services is responsible for the care and maintenance of the grounds surrounding the building Comments The. Bicentennial Center s funded from both direct and indirect sources The direct sources include rent, $130,000, food and beverage sales, $215,000. The other indirect sources include financing the benefits for the employees from the City's Employee Benefit Fund. In the past, General Revenue Sharing has provided a subsidy of $300,000. General Revenue Sharing apparently will end in 1986 and will not be available in the future. Needless to say, this requires significant changes in the funding for the Bicentennial Center. To replace General Revenue Sharing, the utility services accounts 242 and 243 will be transferred to the City Utility Fund. The insurance account 227 in the amount of $28,000 will be transferred to the City's Risk Management account. In addition, $200,000 will be transferred from the Genera Fund, with the source heing local sales tax, to the Bicentennia Center fund to balance this account. The Bicentennial Center has 13 full-time employees: Assistant City Manager/Bicentennial Center Manager, Assistant Manager/Event Coordinator, Operations Manager, Food and Beverage Manager, Food and Beverage Supervisor, Stage Manager/Building Engineer, Lead Maintenance Worker, Senior Maintenance Worker Office Supervisor, Secretary and Senior Custodian (3) 48 The Center was formally opened on June 2, along with supporting offices, meeting rooms capacity exceeding 8,000 and over 21,000 square concerts, trade shows, expositions, conventions events. The exhibition hall, measuring 120' X 153 space and will seat 2,000 for a banquet. Budget .n. ... r~lccr 987 BUDGET REQUEST BUDC3E"f :l.c.;.'B6 1 ::.:;6:1. ,976 261.> ::.~2 ~:)(:')t) .?~?t:) :~~ ~;.:; C) :1.9 BICENTENNIAL CENT ( RSONAL SERVIC 3 13-120 SALARIES REGULAR EM lY 13-130 SALARJ E PART TIME EMPLOYEES ArCT-TOTA 1 ~~~:.'jO ,BOO ".Je.....} ,,:..'7 ( :U) :1. '"/0 000 2B9 ;.:.~!.:.:.; :"5::.~4, O!50 6,500 5,5()O 2,000 600 7,000 o 314,1.70 1,000 5,500 1,600 600 15,000 28,000 o o !.~i:37 5,409 4,160 1,885 485 l8,342 21,907 o o 2B<y :~~ ,of' i) t ~:.~ <;- ::.~ o () o o o o o 31500 o o 4,500 25,000 o 25,000 2,300 o o 3,500 o o 3,500 25,000 () :?41 66;';~ 2.003 () o 2,496 () () 3.B3<;' 14,427 1. 5,464 5,083 1,260 518 2.924 1,991 9,340 0,653 8,1B4 1,897 2,184 1,168 412 3,278 801 2,397 3,106 1,773 CE F(~~MS PROMOTION INSURANCE lIAB,FIRE,V SOCIAL SECURITY EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT GROUP INSURANCE ELECTRIC SERVIf WATER SERVICE ClPMENT l E:R I) DE VI CONTRACTUAL TELEPHONE EMPLOYEES PO PR AD STAGE INTING VERTIS 13....2 0 !::i 73."':W7 73-209 73-221 73....225 :I. :1. 1. 1. 1. :I. OFFJ ING & :I. W.JII P, VEI../If ICE~ 1:~EPr:~II:~ FUF::I'-JITl m::T'~IIr;~ .... r~f,:)DIOS I::~ENT .... ht.CI,.IINI::RY t EW.L UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE WORKER'S COMPENSATION D I SPOSM.. CHN;:GES n ::F: cCH.rn;:'~lcrUr~" 1:, 13-227 13-236 73-238 13-239 73-242 13-243 73-252 13-257 13-214 13-292 73-294 13-291 13-2<;'9 )fR'-.J ;.:.~ .600 1,500 3,000 100 9,000 2,000 2,000 1,000 64 000 :1..000 2,600 900 9,000 2,000 2,000 1,000 217 1. I~' ..J 582 147 531 361 45~~~ 997 552 1 200,2 :1 4 "'J ( (I 1 03:3 08:3 ~::j~.:.~::? 6:1.:1. (~):.:.~;.:.:: !:.'i71 l.i::.~'? 617 c) , c) c) 2;'59 1 '? j"' (;) :LO :1. :~~ Y' TDTI~~\ .11 :'C' .....1 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES EXPEND{.,BLE TClOL.S OFF I CE ~:)l.JPPL I Ef; FUEL & LUBRS - ~~AVY E ..Jr~NITOF~ & TcnLET sur'pl.. MAINT - VEHICLEf & EQU: LAWN,LANDSCAPE,r MIC~ l-<JE:{.lr~ I NG {"PF'(.~lr~EI. '~ICCT 13-310 73-320 73-341 73-343 13-344 73-351 13-355 149 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 1987 ANNUAL BUDGET nued #225 While the Chamber of Commerce, through the use of Transient Guest Tax funds provides the bulk of the advertising related to conventions and trade shows, the Center needs to advertise in national publications and incurs other types of promotional expenses related to the entertainment field. This account includes expenses for filming of events to be used in a periodic update of the promotional video. It also includes rental of equipment to be used in public presentations of the video. Reprinting of postcards used in the computerized direct mailing to concert attendees is also included the and gross concession stand sales. This arrangement by which has proven to be very beneficial to both the service clubs 0% of the personne #490 - Service clubs are paid service clubs provide concession the Center concession supplies and for receptionist concession stands and two portable storage of beverage pitchers and panel with counter shelf moveable counters to expand arena wall-mounted kitchen cabinets for for divider panels for office entrance for for and fj509 - Provides stands, $12,890; cookware, $2,470 desk, $2,275. 50 cont BICENTENNIAL CENTER 1987 BUDGEl REQUES'r O()O ;?OO 10,000 1,600 0 65,000 10,000 86,600 7,650 17,640 25,29() 544,740 !.:.:; 44, I~UDGET :1.<7'86 11.) t 000 44, !.::jOO 10,000 :I. , ~:)()O 0 70,()()O 1. !.'5, 000 96, :.30() 9,20() 0 9,20() bBl,170 CITY ( S(il... TNt, BUDGE"!" F~FW...1 n FOb~ 1Wr;;- ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION tiC TU{.II... ACTUI~I. :/.</84 1 98~:; MIse REPAIRS & MAINT 14,7()!:S :/,4, ~54! (,CCT....TC)l{.)I...Fi 4;?, 3~:SB :39,976 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES CDNT I NOENC I E~;; :l.O,O()O 4 , ~:':;1.)6 ORGANIZATIONAL DUES 1 , :Y)2 1 , ::j64 I:~EFUNDS 0 63!.:':; CONCESSIONS - MIse 6~.:j , S;?O 4~:j , 921 CONCESSIONS CONTRIBUTIONS 0 8,679 tiCC"r....TOT,~il...~;; 7"7 , ()82 I.):/. , :.:V,!.::; :(.IPrrl~1... Ol..rn..r-d EW.JIP :/,8,488 4, 0::5:.3 FURNITURE & FIXTURES ol t ~3~::;.i. ~:.:j"l~) r~ICCT."'T[)TI~II...S ;.:.~~:j, 042 ':f, l)()8 I T....TDTI~I...S 660,1.>07 ::/;.' ~::j , 70:1 .11 ." ~3<?9 73-404 73-435 73-439 13-480 13-490 1:3....::.:;03 73....~::j()9 f~ICC"l 7::~ 51 N Ln 987 REVENW~ REQUEST I:;:EVENUI :1.906 TUt, 9n~.::j <j r~ 'l {.:;( cm .~U[ST ''''-Utl ?B4 PIC :I. l)1 ACCT 130,000 215,000 3,000 200,000 :1.30,000 215,000 3,000 300,000 L33,426 L83,889 2,037 265,000 127.131 2:1.4,370 3.167 265,000 TUF;~E~ EXPENf UNDS CENTEF~ RENT FOOD/BEVERAGE REIMBURSEMENT 0 TRSF FROM OTHER {./I BICENTENN 13-50:1. 73-505 13-952 73-957 !54tl , 000 44,931 548,000 592,931 544,740 48,191 64B,000 18,101 648.000 126,101 681,170 44,931 ~584 , ~5!.;52 89,450 584.352 613,802 595,70:1. 78,101 660 :l.40,3tl9 60<;',668 750,057 660,607 89,450 609 FUNI TOTALS JANUARY 1ST BEGINNING BALANC BALANCE DECEMBER 31 BI~I...AN( BEEiINNING CASI TOTAl... I:~EVENUE TOT{ll... 1:~El)ENUE AND LESS EXPENDITURES UNENCUMBERED CASH 53 154 1987 ANNUAL BUDGET $3,719,600 $3,694,450 $ 25,150 400,000 $(374,850) 241,400 $( 133 ,450) CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ESTIMATED GAIN LOSS STATEMENT WA TER AND SEWERAGE 1987 SERVICE FEES LESS OPERATING EXPENSES: WATER SUPPLY $ 97,400 SOFTENING AND TREATMENT 852,950 PUMPI NG EXPENSES 215,990 DISTRIBUTION EXPENSES 364,240 CUSTOMER ACCOUNTING AND COLLECTION EXPENSES 323,350 ADMINISTRATIVE AND GENERAL 805,720 SEWAGE TREATMENT AND COLLECTION 645,200 BOND AND INTEREST 389,600 OPERATING EXPENSES SUBTOTAL CAPIT AL OUTLAY SUBTOTAL OTHER INCOME GAIN (LOSS 55 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 156 1987 ANNUAL BUDGET Zlnd The accounting. City's bond D SEWERAGE DEPARTMENT utility responsible for operating the City's water lIects revenue for the City's sanitation service. somewhat different than general municipal procedures required by covenants in the \VATER A treatment purification, softening and distribution for the City of or exceed standards of the Kansas State Department of standards is assured by continual testing in the plant on and ect sewerage co customer service and water supply Water Supply Division is composed of supply The water is chemically treated to meet and Environment. Compliance with those as well as throughout the complete system. slons three div has Department The Salina. Health proper s Th Salina obtains its water from two sources: the Smoky Hill River and 15 wells. Approximately 42% of the water is pumped from the river and the balance from wells. Well water is utilized to temper the river water. However, it is the more expensive to process because it requires additional chemicals for softening and electricity to operate the wells. The water treatment plant is capable of producing 15 million gallons of water per day. The peak demand has been 14.6 million gallons. The plant has the capability of being expanded to produce 24 million gallons per day. Such an expansion will have to be undertaken in the not too distant future in order to keep abreast of Salina's growth and demands for water. service lines at the utility's if the meter is set on private The Water Supply Division is also responsible for maintenance of all water expense. This obligation extends from the water main through the curb stop, property, or the meter set, if the meter is set on publ ic property. Customer Service Division reads meters each month, computes account charges, provides service assistance to individual customers and collects all Wc:lter and sewer use fees The Division also bills and collects for refuse collection service to residential users of that service. maintains all sewage collection mClins and aterals, sewerage It is responsible for the treatment of all sanitary wastes the Kansas State Department of Health and Environment. Sewerage Collection and Treatment Division pumping stations and the two treatment plants. generated by the City to standards specified by T ()~Ti' BI.JDC'; 1:~:EnUEbT BUDGET :I. (?[~l) (P T (:.CTl.Jr::-'l. 1 ()B~.::; 1:< E 01..)1::::: fH.JDG ..I(iG t,CTU(:i 1 <.;.(:~,;'~. I~:\; hl(:YrEh~ Nt, ON f;{.i T y DESCh: (:lCCOUNT .n. '11' T A 000 000 000 :I ~~'i J. . , 9 , , 000 400 () "', :::. 7 i I 10,000 59,000 11,000 10,000 1,400 ., , , 14'.':j 7B2 9'/:1. 114 <)II;;;' :.:.:~ :I. :1. ~i :/. l'j. ,,~ , , , 9 744 :/.78 (')"~1::' (:)(~.) f:~55 122 ..~) ~.:.:.; <,;' :1.3 .., .- H. t., Ui'1 I,J EXPEN MAINTENANC WELL POWER WEL.L HOUSE y Wr~iTER 1:1.0 120 :1.30 :1.4() :I. ::.=iO \::0 < GN{' RIVER INTAKE POW MAINTENANCE-BLDG :JI:<I: t \.,. '-H)O '17 400 (I'l 0::.~4 ()3 14 ~4 rrti T UI 4~.:iO 000 000 000 000 O()() o o 196, 84t 11, 525t 18, 7 J, () ::.:j()O 000 :39 ::.' , 95,630 69,000 11.000 10,000 :l.8,()OO 6,000 15.000 40,000 1,000 3,500 24,000 4 975 551 972 105 403 14:1. 573 043 275 038 692 199, B4, 9, 48B, ::.~(I , :I. :' ,..\ 0, 10, !.:.:j ., :."5 t :> t 924 023 774 677 915 405 864 ~'r'(~ ~.J7C) :1.56 834 143 , , , , , , , , , , , ]q. . ~ .1 68 10 420 '1- ..~ 7 J r) ~ ,.~ 4 2 J " I I ,...) EDUIP BUILD ....[;(.I...C " ..... SALARIES ELECTRIC POW < GAS SERVICE CHEMICALS MAINTENANCE MAINTENANCE - ELECTRIC POWER (i'ri"'IENT TF< t.. HE; N tiNT (.~tH i'" I GriG !:;EJ;:Vl( Ctd...C:WH.JU I. !:H.JPPLIES .... C(.:;LCTNING PI.J1NT ELECTRIC SERVICE - SLUDGE MAINTENANC ; D L.IN NUS i'.JINU 210 215 220 230 235 240 255 ")"~ ,ov 210 275 280 BDF'Y , (?~50 ~:~ ~:.:j :~~ 30 (:~~.~j~;' 'J l6 B4::5 '.:> :.~; C') 1:'::: T T UE 590 000 000 000 500 900 :I. Ci , B4~ ,.\ 1::.)"- l) ? 4, ';i. A.. , 114,110 85,000 2.100 6,000 49500 3,800 90,619 69,2E39 1,705 4,133 6,711 2,829 '~f"/,(f ;?::.=.;:1. :/.01 !.:.=.;<?/> :..:~; (:> ~;.:~ i;~:.:~~.;:j ~:~~:s t ~:~.4 t :.:.: , (~I t ;.:.:~ ;) 1, ~:) Ui'l 01<[ I... t;., Iil...DCi WEI:~ GA~:; bl::Rl) I ( BUILDING OPERATING Sl i.1tIINTI:::NtINCE....FLEC EW..!: MAINTENAN( TATION C. ....' c XPEN !:;(iLr~il:<I EI...ECTF< NG o ~5 320 330 ~3:'5~::j 340 Ut1 ::5 ;3 990 I:: ;? o 6, ::.~ ;;.::~:J(~' m}I::" i ...J 3(/ c ;.:.~ (~"- Ttd T LIE 157 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 58 1987 ANNUAL BUDGET nued (cont WATER AND SEWERAGE DEPARTMENT Department No tax monies are d.- of taxes to the Genera s th of and programs cOllected from its customers a $104,000 payment in lieu tax payers in the City. es t v act a for self-supporting from user charges Rather, the Department makes utility one of the largest property responsible s ty Engineer C est t This Department is verted to the utility Fund which makes the Ut of rector o The Comments The Department has 66 full-time employees: Softening and Treatment - Water Systems Superintendent, Laboratory Technician, Water Plant Operator (8) and Maintenance Worker; Pumping - Water Plant Supervisor, Lead Water Plant Operator and Water Plant Operator (4); Distribution ~ater Distribution Supervisor, Maintenance Worker (9), Lead Maintenance Worker (2) and Water Meter Repair Technician; Customer Accounting and Collection - Office Supervisor, Senior Clerk (5), Clerk (3), Principal Data Processing Equipment Operator, Senior Data Processing Equipment Operator and Water Meter Readers (4); Administrative and General - Director of Utilities and City Engineer and Principal Clerk; Sewage Treatment and ----COllection - Sewage Systems Superintendent, Laboratory Technician (2), Waste Water Supervisor, --sewage Plant Operator (7), Maintenance Worker (7) and Sewerage Maintenance Supervisor. Budget on n ope rat onger no s the calcmer 1985 smce over 7% by ncreased chemicals #230 ona onger funct no s me calClner the 270 are deleted because 260 and 255 Accounts ess deposits fewer caused by ty Engineer's salary s s Th trend exhibited a decreasing refunding deposits sooner es and C t Ut of Director #643 Meter deposit refunds have customer mobility and a policy of Assistant of 25% nCludes o #61 City's share for the operation and maintenance of the City-County-Board of Education Iity pays $12,000 toward retirement of the bond issue that financed the Center 1987 #685 Pays 25% of the Center. Also, the ut is the last payment. ity be bond covenants require that the City maintain adequate ut appropriate 5% increase in water and sewer rates as will ty's water and sewerage system consultant Good utility management practices and the rates. Accounts 910 and 915 assume an recommended by Wilson and Company, the C m..lDC1 :1.906 I (Jf:~ T r~iCTU{'), 19B~.:5 F;:EWJ BUDGET W(.:IG j::iCTI.J{.:i l'?B4 (~"= I:;~ l t.Jt ...J,.:-:, N ". ,.\ n" T c DF~;;CF~ TV t,CCCH..II'-.1T r~ICCT r -'") 17,240 4,500 30,000 6,500 35,000 3,000 ~0,000 6,000 2,000 4'. 215,480 4,500 31,000 6,500 30,000 4,500 70,000 6,000 2,000 ::~<?4 :.:!.B'f 46(,) 4:1.? B23 :::')46 :1.84 :1.46 442 ;.W6 l:I 4.. "J f 3B ;;.~ I......' ;.)..:> t :1.3, 861634 5,011 30,463 3,474 28,6'75 325 ~:.'j::.~4 :1.70 3(~):i 'I'" {~)..:J t ~3 t :1. , :I. M ~1tl U XPEM:) BUTIDN Tt,NI<~ LIi",n: T~ i'HiN EOUII JPPl..lF~ :0 I ~:;TP, STc)F~(IG ;ERVIC ....HYDF~AN I:;~G (.,[{OF NT NG N"fENr:l,N( NTENtlNC NTENC NTENANC R[ AI XPEi'..m ) i"lr; ; G{,"."t,,:~ HET/::R .1 :I :I :I ~-: 1,)1 T'~I t-!{., ~'jtl i"l,~, i'-1tl f.il ON T E rR 10 20 4 4 4:~~~:':; "t::50 43~5 440 .44:::; .. 4 :::;0 ~.:5~:S ::.~40 364, ,'/00 369 ,404 ~'5t;':: 'Z''',' if / t;: :,3:?4, rCrrtl fH.JE h<IO noo 000 ~ , 000 :1.:1. ,060 60,000 30,000 :?O',".i :1, ~.~~ 2()5,540 1,800 2,000 B,OOO 9,000 60.000 35,000 80;'~; ,~~::54 1:::jB 6,690 10,377 59,010 27,179 9<1, 1, 85,5E~5 1,759 1,532 7,637 9,087 58,544 33,443 1 \"1 " hIS XPFi'../G ~;)(:,I...(,:,F~ :I I ON ~:n NTFN{.,NCE ...{) I ( f;UPPI... I I( FXPENSE~ 11 P EOU Tt,G I ,~,T ,.., .. C' ....) ..~( DI CDL.I...FC"f Hti:l OFI IJI r:lt rV;CT HyjFF~ ~::;:l.O ~:.:.; :~~ ~.;j ::.:j30 ~:5 :'3 ~5 ~'::;4() ~:5.4~':; ~::.;!.:.:.;() UGT 3:?3, :::~~.'50 3:? 1 , ;':'S40 ( ,4 :::H)~.'5 ~::jB7 :~~(;;I"? TOTti!. UUI lO,4<?O 10,000 10,000 81,200 32,000 42,000 5,000 20,000 68,800 10,000 10,000 79,300 30,000 40,000 10,000 40,000 <;'85 5'73 372 623 509 705 376 285 5G, 7, 7 I , "73, ~')"~ ~. ( , 46, ;"\ C)t 3B, !.'.:.;6, 4130 10, :?::?k) ::.~ [1 ::.~ !.:'=;O:.:.:: 714 1::.1::....' ...h.J ( :3:3!,:.'j ~:;j ::5 () , , , (~~: ::::4 4t';') :I. !.=:;O IT:::;; NEt Of'1 METEh: II/: )~:) NETI::l< DEPOG IT" j'..J 1: x GENEr::,-::'1 ;A TE OFFIC SUPP SOCIA SECUR INSURANCE SALES TAX INTEREST ~ NDED r.iF~IES PHONI VI ~3TF:r:ltT N 6:1.0 (S:l. ::5 620 <S:30 63::5 cAO (:)4::~ 64::5 {.,m'1 59 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 1987 ANNUAL BUDGET (continued The line item identified uS Capital Expenditure includes a variety of equipment, supplies and improvements for all divisions of the Water and Sewerage Department. Some of the major items include: tractor and backhoe with front end loader, 2 compressors, jack hammer, mole (boring machine), 2 3/4 ton pickups to replace #633 and #627, pipe saw, 1 set cutting shells, concrete work, restroom faci lities, generator, toledomachine, replace walky talky, 12" electric valve for checkered tower, pipe locater, autoclave (replace old model), still (replace old model), control center No. 8 hi service pump, large pump, varidrine for softening basins, flash mixer (Riner Basin), purchase, installation and possible structure modification for replacement of 1969 model drive-up window facility, 1 medium sized pickup to replace 1969 Chevy, 1 van to replace 1953 jeep, 4" portable trash pump, 2 refrigerated sequential wastewater samplers, 3 electric garage door openers for Building #8, atomic absorption spectrophotometer replacement of one complete trickling filter unit. WATER AND SEWERAGE DEPARTMENT 60 T 9H7 BUD[i F<FUUEnT T BUDG :I. (?B6 {;.~:~..;. I", ". bT t,CTl.Jt, :I. (?B~.:5 o BUnGI I,.J (:1 G t,CTUi~ 190,1} i\ r l,.)f' :: I T Y l: ;)(11,.. H,U~I (:,t,t:OUN'f r: :~I:dF'TION r~ICCT 04,000 10,000 11,030 4,000 40.000 25,700 17,000 10,000 60,000 4,000 35,000 43,300 6,000 5,000 00,940 10,000 65,790 4,000 4,700 19,000 11,000 10,000 60,000 4,000 22,100 42,440 5,000 4,500 98,000 32,683 10,391 1,167 4,500 18,000 103,859 <;',098 12,019 10,097 30,766 41,200 5,003 5,406 000 664 087 841 100 935 152 068 484 502 805 201 261 E~9'7 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 4 1 o ..':. :,,:. !.:5 :J. ~::j 01 (;- ;.:.>6 ':l 34 :::~(? it :3 .:) (, I r' T ~:) pr::DPEPTY T r~XEB ACCOUNTB CHARGED ) EMPLOYEEB RETIREMENT UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANC 1.,.1 (:IBII... ITY I i'-.lbUI'<P.1',!CF WORKER'S COMPENSATION Ur::Ol.H:' I NSUr;:(.',W:::E AUDITING EXPENSES CONTRACTING SEPVICES Or;:GflN I Z(I T I ONt, I... DI..JE~:;"'dEj"lnEh:S MAINTENANCE-GOVERNMENT CENT SERVICES PERFORMED-OTHER DE CAR MILEAGE & TRAVEL EXPEN~ TRAINING PROGRAMS f.A~::; C)~:.:.;() (:."y) 6l);:~ 6c)4 .' .II'" C)(;).::.r 6<::.6 (~)'lO ;. .,,,... .:) ( .:,) 6)DO f.)~:}~:S .1)?0 69~:.:j (;,S";'l) , "l::.:.::() (y'~j ~~j7 0 7, i'...~:5 100 000 000 200 000 000 000 000 000 000 900 :.:~;?!.:.:j t :1.70, :':'>4, <!i? 3:1. , ~:.:; ., 30, 11 , 31, 4, .n) { , ,400 .600 ,000 ,400 ,000 .000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,900 317 :1.7B ~.~ 1 ;':~ :.30 ~.:5 3:.3 1 :1. 31 ::.~ ...". { 64~:.:j ,200 ::.:: :1. 0,000 640,300 0,000 3 71l 2:1.7 2~~~3t669 :1.54,009 23,191 4,505 32?523 4,155 30,088 7,102 39t2~~15 2,070 7,156 592.753 0 ':'>33 67 Tt JE 480 505 I'\"~i'\ ~(O 357 129 850 475 E~9'7 225 839 16~ , . , . , , , , , 2"72 167 20 " ~.J 28 3 ~u 13 37 ..~ { GI:;:.tH STt,TION bEI.JEF\: EXPEi"! OPERATING SALARJ ELECTRIC POWER GAS SERVICE PLANT OPERATING SU MAINTENANCE-EQUIP. MAINTENANCE-BLDG & MAINTENANCE-PUMPING MAINTENANCE-SANITARY VEHICLE EXPENSES Q'S TV EXPENSES PUMP STATION MONIT < ,.. \'::r ~o T Tr<EpIT~'lEN Wr~IGE: 710 715 720 725 730 -?"7C:' (~~J 740 745 750 160 "765 () \;;. ~:5 I: B TOTN BOND ORD RES REQUIREMENT ~10 BOND PRINCIPAL PAYMENT! 61 62 987 BUDGET REQUEST <i> , 400 lO,200 <~)OO ;,'jO 704,000 400,000 o 400,000 400,000 598,450 4 :::';BS;' 694, 3 ~:.:j CITY 0 ( INA ---- WATER & SEWAGE BUDGEl EQUEST FOR 1987 , ALCT.i A( JNT DESCRIP1'ION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET 19B4 1985 1986 835 J ;UANCE COSTS 9,420 17,3B8 9,400 840 INTEREST EXPENSES 256,326 209,007 191,000 SUB TOTAL, 265,746 226~395 510,400 SUB TOTA 3,138,127 3,309,318 3,712,230 CASH REMI1'TED TO SANITATION D I 680,000 676,000 704,000 CAPITAL EXPENDITURES 220,608 0 400,000 DEPRECIATION EXPENSE 5B3,322 596,481 0 EXTENSION AND BOND RETIREMENT 0 0 400,000 D RECIATION AND EMERGENCY 0 0 200,000 ;RAND TOTA 4t622,05'7 4,581 199 5,416,230 63 64 987 REVENl REQUESl 1:,:EI,,JENl :I. 981.;. Clr)"'} 1 (:J i Oh~ '"1 f:1CTU'~11 :l.9B!.:.'j m..II: I;~ F,:EI,,JEi'.l l.,.I"::IG Tutl E:4 tiC :1.9 > T I"J('I CITY [) SALINA ACCOUNT DESCRIPJr-N .{;ICCT 989,200 730,400 30,000 46,000 10,000 34,000 :1.5,000 12,500 <;'3,900 ;? 041,760 732,160 10,000 46,000 10,000 38,000 25,000 :1.2,000 93,900 :3 450 584 027 564 280 885 965 717 891 , , , , , , , , , H1:.:!. .:~! (1' ~.:5 6?:' 4~:5 ;?O :.:}:~~ :I.:':') 10 ('\1'" 'J'..') .. 556 8<;'5 002 894 065 950 441 "~'7'7 C...I..J 046 E~!.::j :I. e:!j 7'~:'=; /"', (:, 44 ;?1 :.34 ....,..:' ....:. ( .;!) :1. ':?(';) ;? T j:; NE r~EI,.. ION DE T NG :I I L r~ WATER REVENUE SEWERAGE REVENUE MISC INCOME & RECONN SALES TAX REVENUE FRON'r FOOTAGE & TAP METER DEPOSITS METER REPAIR & SERV SERVICE CHARGE-SAN I INTEREST INCOME T 910 915 <;'20 925 930 935 C~Al~ 74J 970 <;'<;'0 000 000 O()() 000 o ,000 '~) /04 400 400 46!5 <? :..:~ ') n:.?o 104,000 400,000 200,000 o 820 oon ;.:.~ "J: , ,.) 4 ~5 790, :,36<.;;- ,000 o o (/'l::_~ 34:1. 67{ ~':~ (;;1 :::;06 :3, 4 ~.:.:;B;? ()()() I) o o !.:'jB:? j(~)(~) ,:A:lO, ~5.4(': :.3 4, Tt, ON FEES COLLECTED EXTENSION AND BOND RETIREMENT FOR DEPRECIATION AND EMERGENCY INCREASE ON CURRENT ASSEfS GRAND TOTAL I... .1', SANITAT RESERVE RESERVE NET CAS 329fE~63 465,000 794,863 598,450 196,413 , , , ~.:5 !.=.:i !.::j 493,273 312,820 806,093 476,230 329,863 ~:.;j ~.::; ~.;5 ,131 ,341 ,072 ,'799 ,273 568 4,506 5,075 4,581 493 206 5~~~2 788 0~~ .,...} ( 731 . , , t , 644 !.:.=.;..:tt-.::. 190 ." "..1....' .;:)..::..':. ~.:.:j (~) ~:~ 4 ~.:5 4 JtlNU(lr~"r BEGINNING BALANCE BALANC: DECEMB 3: BI:~II...r~IN BEGINNING Ct"IE;1 TOTr~ll... r~E~)ENUE TOTAL REVENUE AND LESS EXPEND I TUr~ES UNENCUMBERED CASH 65 66 1987 ANNUAL BUDGET DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICES CENTRAL GARAGE DIVISION CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS The Central Garage account is a "housekeeping" fund. All of the City's motorized and vehicular equipment, except that of the Fire Department, is maintained by the Central Garage. This includes repair work, gasoline and oil, tires and similar items and service. The various departments are charged through this fund for the services performed at the Central Garage or specialized service done by contract. Each individual budgetary unit has a line item for parts, labor and fuel. The full cost of operating the Central Garage, including fuel, parts, labor and overhead is recovered from the various departments and is included here for accounting purposes 3 Mechanic Garage Clerk Senior Comments Garage Supervisor amount to $104,700. SUMMARY OF VEHICLE AND EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION EXPENSES 82 4 16 70 12 72 800 500 000 800 000 860 960 630 $ Div Sanitation Parking Meter Golf Course Solid Waste Disposa Bicentennial Center Water and Sewerage $258 265 Enterprise Funds General Fund Tota Tota 700 660 800 400 300 440 760 220 350 590 $524, GRAND TOTAL 630 $265 Fund Genera Tota Budget Six full-time employees operate the Centra Garage and Laborer The 1986 salaries for these personne or Dept $ 7 4 31 90 15 8 4 2 Flood Works Engineering Permit & InspectIOn Park Police Street Traffic Cemetery General Improvement Div or Dept 67 168 1987 ANNUAL BUDGET CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS to that and REVENUE SHARING FUND Revenue Sharll1g IS the common name for the State and Local Fiscal Assistance Act of 1972, as amended. This program was originally conceived as a method of sharing the progressive Federal income tax with state and local governments which traditionally have had to depend upon more regressive taxes. Its major goal is to disburse Federal monies with minimum restrictions on their use permitting the local decision-making process to determine the programs and activities where the money is most needed. The 1976 amendments to the original Act authorizes the expenditure of approximately 25.6 billion dollars to the nearly 39,000 eligible states, counties, cities, towns, townships, Indian tribes and Alaskan native villages. The Revenue Sharing extension was signed by the President in November of 1983 for three years September 30, 1986 for local governments. Revenue Sharing is an "entitlement" program. This means no application is necessary to receive the funds. Based upon data furnished by the Census Bureau other sources funds are distributed by the Federa Treasury to eligible governments. A complex of data and formulas are used to determine the exact allocation to each government. Each government competes with all other eligible units for a portion of the total funds to be distributed. Because of the complexity of the formula and the relative impact of the data upon the allocation, each government's share is computed simultaneously with all other eligible governments. Population, per capita income, local taxing efforts and intergovernmental transfers are the elements that go into the allocation formula Comments At the time the proposed budget was prepared, Genera Revenue Sharing was scheduled to expire on October 1, 1986. No legislation nor appropriation has been passed by either house of Congress, although there is some sl im hope that the General Revenue Sharing wi II continue in some form. Because the U. S. Congress has passed legislation to terminate General Revenue Sharing in October 1986, no budget is presented for this account. Programs and services financed in prior years by General Revenue Sharing are either discontinued (United Way appropriation) or funded from other sources. The Bicentennial Center, which received a $300,000 allocation in 1986 from General Revenue Sharing, is budgeted in the General Fund and Utility Fund. Replacement of miscellaneous equipment, approximately $113,000 allocated in 1986, is provided by the authorization of an Equipment Reserve Fund authorized by the 1985 Kansas Legislation. Budget 69