Budget - 1973 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION Page Letter of Transmittal ------.-------------------------- i 1972 Tax Levy for 1973 -------------------------- 1 Maximum Operating Expense Budget for 1973 ------- 2 Amounts Budgeted for Operating Expense for 1973 - 3 Aggregate Tax Levy Limitation for 1972 ---------- 4 Amounts Levied Within Aggregate Levy Limita- tion for the year 1972 ------------------------ 5 Revenue - General Operating Fund (Summary) ------ 6 Licenses, Fees and Permits ------------ 8 Expenditures - General Operating Fund (Summary) ~ 9 Tax Levy Summary for General Operating Fund ----- 10 Expenditures - All Funds (Summary) -------------- 11 GENERAL OPERATING FUND (Detail-Fund Summary-Commentary-Personnel Data) City Commission --------------------------------- 12 City Manager ------------------------------------ 15 City Clerk -------------------------------------- 18 City Attorney ----------------------------------- 22 Municipal Court --------------------------------- 25 Buildings --------------------------------------- 28 Engineering ------------------------------------- 32 Fire -------------------------------------------- 37 Inspection -------------------------------------- 43 I I I I I I Page Park -------------------------------------------- 47 Police ------------------------------------------ 52 Street ------------------------------------------ 59 Waste Disposal ---------------------------------- 64 Street Lighting --------------------------------- 68 Traffic Control --------------------------------- 71 Swimming Pools ---------------------------------- 75 Administration and Planning --------------------- 79 I I I I I Insurance and Contingencies --------------------- 83 Band ----------------.---------------------------- 86 Cemetery ---------------------------------------- 88 General Improvement ----------------------------- 93 Memorial Hall ----------------------------------- 96 Public Health ----------------------------------- 100 Industrial Development -------------------------- 102 I I OTHER FUNDS Noxious Weeds Expenditures --------------------------------- 104 Revenue -------------------------------------- 104 I I I I I I Firemen's Pension Expenditures --------------------------------- 106 Revenue -------------------------------------- 106 Policemen's Pension Expenditures --------------------------------- 108 Revenue -------------------------------------- 108 Tree Maintenance Expenditures --------------------------------- 110 Revenue -------------------------------------- 110 Bond and Interest Expenditures ---------------------------------- 112 Revenue -------------------------------------- 112 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Page Flood Works and Levee Expenditures --------------------------------- 114 Revenue -------------------------------------- 115 Social Security Expenditures --------------------------------- 119 Revenue -------------------------------------- 119 Employees Retirement Expenditures --------------------------------- 121 Revenue -------------------------------------- 121 Sanitation Expenditures --------------------------------- 123 Revenue -------------------------------------- 124 Parking Meters Expenditures --------------------------------- 128 Revenue -------------------------------------- 129 Special Gasoline Tax Expenditures --------------------------------- 133 Revenue -------------------------------------- 134 Golf Course Expenditures --------------------------------- 138 Revenue --------------------------------------- 139 Water and Sewerage Expenditures --------------------------------- 143 Revenue -------------------------------------- 147 Central Garage ---------------------------------- 156 I j \ I ['r;:-:'T I -:\ 'Y' .~\ .-., c.:::;'7~\~r'rr"'T~- '7::\ 1 "~.~~;J ljt5_?_J:_~;L,I:,. .-'_-' ~.':."_= ""'~) ~j }",~j,~L.~,~~._ 1{)/ZEu.AlZr'd/z :l';2:fj(JU-;K * d1Ed&l!lt a}uL 1{)E.~t NORRIS D. OLSON I -,""i COMMISSIONERS JACK WEISGERBER, MAYOR LEON L ASHTON NORMA G. COOPER ROBERT C, CALOWELL MIKE LOSIK, JR. CITY MANAGER AREA CODE 913623--2277 CITY - COUNTY BUILDING 300 WEST ASH STREET P. O. BOX 746 SALINA. KANSAS 67401 I I July 7, 1972 I I Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners City of Salina, Kansas Gentlemen and Mrs. Cooper: I In accordance with state statutes and local ordinances, this proposed budget for 1973 is herewith submitted for your consideration and review. It is a policy document, expressed in financial terms, to illustrate past, present, and proposed program standards for this conununity. It has been prepared using the same format and guidelines as have been established during the past eight years. Our effort has been to critically analyze and evaluate existing services, to "hold the line" on those expenditures over which some control can be exercised, and at the same time, strive to maintain the high level of services the residents of Salina presently enjoy. I I I I In our budget message of five years ago, we related to some of these community services, assets and achievewc;nts. Possibly it is time to review and add to that list. It nmy be an inter- esting exercise for each of us to compare Salina's blessings with those of other cities with whom we are acquainted. I I A partial list of the blessings Salina enjoys might go like this-------- I ----------One of the finest municipal airports and industrial complexes in this area. I ----------A flood control system and maintenance program that continues to be the finest in the Kansas City Corps of Engineers District. I ----------Intergovernmental cooperation in facilities and ser- vices, i.e., the City-County-Board of Education Office Building, law enforcement, ambulance service , Civil Defen,;e, health services. I ----------20 beautiful and functional parks of various sizes and characteristics totaling 588 acres. I t':: '\';': t.!</~C');:~ 1...>;- ~...~~I:<lCti':\'.I',';::; - !,':c,,'rl~ I r"F,:-' c':-- ClT ~-<- I I I I I I ----------An 18 hole municipal golf course complete with watered fairways in addition to two private courses. ----------One of the finest organized recreation programs in the state operated on one of. the lowest mill levies. -----------up to date and efficient Water and Sewage Treatment Plan-ts. ----------Adequate parking facilities in our Central Business District. ----------A street surfacing and maintenance program second to none in the state. I I I I I I I I I I I I I ----------A Police Department with one of the finest reputations in the state. ----------A Fire Department that continues to receive recognition for the low property loss by fire. ----------A Sanitation Department which takes pride in providing dependable service. --~-------A beautiful, new public library containing 142,000 volumes. ----------An extremely interesting Smoky Hill Historical Museum. ----------The envy of many conmnmities in industrial and commercial growth. ----------Being a medical center serving a broad area with two fine hospitals, clinics, and a host of physicians and surgeons. ----------Excellent lodging, dining and meeting facilities with 21 motels providing 909 rooms. ----------Being at the crossroads of the nation on 1-70 and 1-35W. ----------A broad range of entertainment, including motion pictures, theatrical productions and numerous sports events. ----------54 churches representing nearly all denominations of the Christian Faith. ----------Superb educational facilities ranging from 20 public and parochial elementary schools to 3 excellent institutions of higher learning. ii I I I ----------Being recognized as the wholesale and retail trade center of north central and northwest Kansas. ----------Being able to drive across town without being delayed by traffic snarls. I I I Quite obviously, not all of the above are municipal respon- sibilities. However, without exception, those that are not--- do have a very direct bearing on services which must be provided by the municipal governmen-t. More important though, they are definite indicators of the overall outlook and attitude of the cOIT@unity. A key point to be made here is that every time a home is built, a business expands, a new industry is acquired, or a public facility is added, additional demands are made on the services.provided by the municipality. I I I I I I I I I I I I I REVENUE For many years local government officials have been pleading with state and federal legislatures to provide alternate sources of revenue to provide relief to local ad valorem tax requirements. Past experiences prove that a community's tax base gro\'ls at a snails pace when compared to the inflationary rate of the past few years that has exceeded 4, 5, and 6% annually. Service improvements which are encouraged and sometimes mandatory by the State or Federal Government add to the increase in property tax requirements. The Federal Revenue Sharing Plan recently passed by the U. S. House of Representatives and now in the Senate, proposes one of the most significant and fundamental changes to our federal system of government ever considered by Congress. Thai: is ---- providing the shared funds are returned to the local units of government under a "no strings attached" concept. The long range impact of such a plan would be to give municipalities: (1) a piece of the "income tax action" that relates to inflationary and economic growth factors and; (2) the opportunity it provides for the de-centralization of government power. The House Passed Version of the Revenue Sharing Bill would distribute approximately $288,836.00 to the City of Salina. The General Operating Revenue sources for 1973 remain the same as for the current year with one exception. The State High- way Maintenance Funds for Broadway (Magnolia to 1-70) as a U.S. 81 By-Pass Route are being discontinued as of December 31, 1972. The adjusted revenue for the current year, after reviewing current data, reflects an increase of $76,510.00 over the estimates submitted to you one year ago. It is estimated that $65,000.00 of this increase will be in the collection of current Intangible Taxes. iii I I I I I I This increase is the result of State Legislation that now requires interest from Kansas Savings and Loan Associations be declared as taxable income. The remaining $11,510.00 adjustment is reflec-ted throughout the plus and minus "guesstimates" for the remaining accounts. Again, we feel obligated to mention the need to increase Gypsum Hill Cemetery Rates, as well as rental rates for Memorial Hall and Lakewood Lodge. I I I I I I I I I I I I I Even though the recommendations of the Water and Sewerage Rate Study have not been received from the consulting engineers, it is evident that an increase in rates cannot be delayed much longer. Water Revenue (see page 147) for 1972 has been inflated by $25,000.00, and for 1973 by $100,000.00 in anticipation of the rate increase. Without the increase, and assuming a 100% budget expenditure for both years, the unencumbered cash balance for 1972 would be reduced to $9,630.62 and a deficit for 1973 of $46,419.38. Another item of Water and Sewerage Department Hevenue for 1973 is the proceeds of $500,000.00 from a new Capital Improve- ments Bond Issue. The same amount is shown as a Capital Improvement Expendi ture. Al though the recommended bond issue could approximat:e four to five times this amount, it is felt that select projects could be accomplished during 1973, if the budgetary provisions were made. EXPENDITURES The proposed budget for all funds for 1973 exceeds that budgeted for 1972 by $704,781.12 (See page 11). Discounting the Water and Sewer Bond Issue of $500,000.00 referred to above, the increase is reduced to $204,781.12 or an increase of 3.45% over the current year. The proposed General Operating Expenditures for 1973 (see page 9) exceeds those of the current year by $111,460.00 or 4.72%. The net mill levy requirements to support the proposed budget is 31.38 mills, a decrease of .12 of a mill when comparcld to the present levy of 31.50 mills. The total assessed valuation of Salina property (excluding the Airport Industrial Area) now totals $65,475,933.00, a healthy increase of $3,215,633.00 over last year. The assessed valuation of the Airport Industrial Area showed a 104% increase over last year's valuation of $302,700.00 to a present valuation of $617,457.00. It is of interest to note that in only one fund did our 1973 levy requirement significantly exceed that of the present year. The Firemen's Pension Fund increased by .5861 of a mill, influenced by three retirements and one death. The .6108 of a mill levy to pay first year Fire Equipment No-Fund Warrants was not, of course, a part of our present year's funding requirement. iv I I I I I Now that the City is levying a significant amount toward building reserves in the Police and Fire Pension Funds, and in view of what other municipal employees contribute to Social Security -- 5.65% beginning in 1973 -- and their retirement program (KPERS), -- 4% -- Police and Fire Personnel contributions should be adjusted. In fact, for the most part, they are expecting and are in favor of an increase. Policemen and Fireffi~n are not covered by Social Security. We would enco.urage the City Commission to adopt the necessary resolution to increase the employee's contribution from the present 3% to at least 7%. Probably the employees would appreciate easing int-:o it .-- possibly 2% August 1 and 2% January 1. I A second recormnendation in this area is for the City Commission to request the Kansas Police and Fire Retirement System Board of Trustees to submit a proposal (actuary study) early in 1973 for enrolling current employees who would elect to be covered by KPFRS. This would permit the matter to be considered in relation to our 1974 budget. The cost of an actuary study is $100.00 plus $5.00 for each employee. Based on 72 firemen and 62 policemen, this would amount to $770.00. I I I I The third related recommendation would be for the City to enroll in KPFRS as of January I, 1973 and automatically enroll all employees hired subsequent to that date in KPFRS. The employee's contLi.but.ion to IZPFRS is set at 7% and the employer's for the first year at 16%. I I I Rewards are few in budget preparations. We refer to the proposed levy of 8.186 mills for debt retirernent, C\ substantial reduction from the 12.138 mills required only 5 short years ago. In keeping with the guidelines of the recently completed Capital Impro~ements Budget, we encourage your consideration of a small Park Improvement Bond Issue to satisfy some of the smaller capital needs we feel necessary but unable to include in recent operating budgets due to rising costs and the Budget Lid-Tax Lid Laws. I The projects to which we relate can be found in the Capital Improvements Budget. For example: heavy tennis demands call for the rehabilitation of our present tennis courts and the construc- tion of possibly two additional courts; increased water filtration from Lakewood Lake to the river requires remedial action; Phase II of the Lakewood Development Project should be initiated soon; the Oakdale Irrigation System Project should be completed; two rest rooms have been requested in the ball diamond areas of Oak- dale and Schilling Parks; a start on the Linear Park Program should be considered, etc. I I I I I No item in the annual budget is more important than the pro- vision made for the compensation of city employees. It is these public servants, who by their collective competence and attitude determine the level of performance, quality of municipal service and the reput-:ation of the community they represent. In a very v I I real sense, the government:: of Salina is the sum total of the commitmenJc and effort of all i-ts ernployees. I The results of the Position Classification and Pay Plan will be presented by the consultant: at next Monday I s City Commission Meeting. Although such a study cannot be considered either an art or a science, it remains the only recognized method of deter- mining salaries comparable to those in other cities and in local private employment. In theory, the results of the study assures the employee of a fair and just wage and the taxpayer that he is not being over charged for a service rendered. I I I After preliminary budget reviews, it was determin~d that salary adjustments for 1973 could not exceed 3% of the December 31, 1972, payroll and still remain within our budget limitations. We have no idea if these amounts will or will not be "within the ball park" of the pay plan to be presented. If the adopted plan is within the 3%, the budget line items can be readily amended. If the adopted pJ.an exceeds the allotted 3%, an alternate approach to implementation will need to be devised. I I In view of the persistent controversy related to the role, and responsibilit~ as well as the need for the Director of Safety Position, no effort has been made to fill the vacancy since his retirement. In fact, you will note the position has not been included in the proposed budget. This position was intended to, and could have resulted in a definite savings to Salina Taxpayers through better utilization of personnel and closer coordination of services provided by the Police, Fire, and Inspection Departments. We apparently have failed to sell the merits of the idea, so we think it is time to ring up a "no sale" and concentrate on other matters of business. I I I I The operations of the Sewage Treatment Plant and ColJ.ection System have been combined under one superintendent, resulting in the elimination of one Foreman II position. The 1973 budget does, however, request two additional plant operators to fill this void, to provide a better distribution of the work load and to accommo- date the increased maintenance programmed for both plants. This change will also provide the opportunity for cross training of all employees within the two operations. I I I With the improvements presently being made to over 1/2 of the 50 acres of land area in Lakewood Park, it appears incumbent that an additional Maintenance Worker be provided to the Park Department to insure that adequate care and attention be given to these improvements. I I I I An additional Equipment Operator for .the Street Department is being requested for 1973. Annexations, land developments, etc., continually place increased demands for services on this department. vi I I Our recent Workable Program commitment provides no alternative than to immedia.tely provide for the second Housing or Building Inspector. This position has been included in our adjusted budget. '1'0 this subject, let me request that inrrnediate consideration be given to providing this department with the tools neccE_;sary to satisfy the compliance requirements called for within the document. In brief, and based on the experience of other communities, it appears the only effective means of bringing about inspections and subsequent compliances is through some type of required occupancy permit to be obtained when properties change tennants or ownership. I I I I As you review the contents of . )is proposed budget, I wish to assure you that the best efforts of staff were directed toward making each entry as accurate, valid, and descriptive as possible. We feel the document is a sound presentation of facts and figures. Upon adoption, we pledge our best efforts to its effective admin- istration. I I Again, my thanks arc extended to the departlilent heads, and especially Bill Harris and Don Harrison, for the many hours each devoted to the preparation of this document. I Very truly yours, "... , ) ...--.- ./ t' -,),- (i. I. /. I Norris D. Olson NDO:mk I I I I I I I I I vii - - -, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1972 Tax Levy for 1973 Budget 1972 Levy Net Ad Fund Ad Sales Valorem Total Levy Valorem Tax Levy Ad Valorem 1971 Sales Tax Funds Limit Tax Mills Mills Mills Tax Dollars Levy - - 59,240.00 General Operating 20.0000 19.5538 0.9048 18.6490 1,221,110.02 18.6399 280.00 Noxious Weeds 1.0000 0.0956 0.0043 0.0913 5,979.75 0.0885 1,118.80 Flood Works and Levee 1.0000 0.4148 0.0171 o .3977 26,040.07 0.3536 467.00 Tree Maintenance 1.0000 0.0652 0.0071 0.0581 3,802.09 0.1476 SUB-TOTAL 19.1961 1,256,931.93 19.2296 3,019.10 Firemen's Pension 2.0000 1. 5864 0.0461 1.5403 100,870.98 0.9542 1,885.12 Policemen's Pension 2.0000 0.5586 0.0288 0.5298 34,687.94 0.5959 2,366.70 Social Security None 0.6701 0.0361 0.6340 41,510.41 o . 7480 1,746.55 Public Employees' Retirement None 0.7097 0.0267 0.6830 44,723.32 0.5520 70.123.27 1.0710 Bond and Interest 8.1860 536,044.36 9.4203 No-Fund Warrants - Fire Equipment .6108 40,000.00 TOTAL 31.3800 2,05L~,768.94 31.5000 Tangible Valuation (City of Salina) 65.475,933.00 Tangible Valuation (Airport Industrial Area-Levy @ 15.00 Mills) 617.457.00 I--' -" -. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - STr,\'I~ 0.-:- K'\NSAS 1973 CITY OF'~ina - Budgc~ Form No. 5B or 8B MAXIMUM OPERATING EXPENSE BUDGET 1 . Total budget of expenditures for 1972. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. "." .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. , .. .. .. . ........... $ ..Q.J2.'; ZJ..6...J 2. Less amounts legally excluded (79-4415 as amended) a. Princ:pal and interest on bonds......................................... ' .. .. .. $ 351,145.45 b. Principal and interest on temporary notes............................... .. . None c. No-fund warrants and interest thereon................................... ' .. . .. None d. Capital improvements from special bu i I din 9 fun d s.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . None e. Cap ita 1 improvements from other non-tax supported funds................. .. .. .. , None f. Capital improvements from federal funds................................. .. .. .. . None g. J u d 9 me n t s .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. t None h. Operation of a municipally owned util ity as defined in K.S.A. 10-1201 if such util ity derives no revenue from tangible property taxes.......... .. .. .. . 391,925.00 i . Expenditure of money derived from gifts or bequests..................... .. .. .. . None J. Rent pledged to retire bonds under K.S.A. 1971 Supp. 12-1757 to 12-1768. . . " 4 None k. S oc i a J see u r it Y . . . . " . . . . , . . . . . . . " . . . . . " . " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .' . . " . . . . . . . . . . . . "." I 155,000.00 I . f<ansas pu b I i c emp loyees ret i rement .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 124,000.00 m. All other employee retirement and pension programs...................... " . " , 135,385.00 n. F edera I grants and aids...."""...""......".........."...."...........".. " . . . None o. Spec ia I assessments..".."..""."... .". " " . . . . . . . " . . . . . . " . " " " . . . . " . . .. " . . . . . " " . " 815,854.55 p. S?n;tation ......" ........ ............." " . . . 240,270.00 q. Golf Course .........".." ......". ... ..... ... , 63,975.00 r. Park i ng Meters ......... ...... .......... .... " . . . 99.935.00 Tota I deduct ions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... , $ 3,377,490.00 3. Total operating expense budget for 1972 (I ine I minus line 2)............... . . " . 2,681,248.88 4. Total operating expense budget for base year 1970 ( line 5, page I, 1971 supplemental budget form)."........."......".........""".......""""."...."..."".""."...."..""... 2,446,374.72 5. Max1mum operating expense budget for 1973 ( line 3 or line 4 wh ichever is greater x 05%> . . . . . . . . . .......... .... ................. . . . . . ..... . $ 2.<D5.3 32 TH IS FORM S TO BE MADE A PART OF BUDGET FORM No 5 or 8 N .. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ,CITY AMOUNTS BUDGETED FOR OPERATING EXPENSE FOR 1973 Genera I operat i ng.. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. . .. .. . .. . .. .. .. .. ~ .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . ,............. , .. .. .. I , .. .. .. I . $~8,610.00 Special city and county highway fu,nd................ ,............. , .. .. .. . , .. .. .. .. . , _304,000. Q.~ Noxious 'Needs ........... , .. .. .. I .. .. .. .. , , 6,350.00- Iree Maintenance _.._~_Z..25. tlL- "TlC 'Narks ........... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. , , - ........... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. , . , 27A25-!.QQ_ - - ......".... ...... .. ...... .. , . \ - - -. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. \ \ - -. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. , .. . - -. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. \ - ........... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . \ - -. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ...... .. . \. \ - -. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. < ...... .. .. .. .. .. . \ ..........., .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . \ - , , - .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. ...... .. . \ - ............ .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . \ - - ............ .. .. .. .. ...... .. . - - ............ .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . Tota amount budgeted for operating expense for 1973 cannot exceed ne 5 page -) $ 2.815.310.00 w - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ... - .. 972 CITY LEVY LIMITATION FOR 973 Budget TAX For AGGREGATE n 969 for purposes included within the aggregate ne 3, page 3, 1971 supplemental budget form).. amount levied I imitation ( Tota levy 29.487.84 $ 62.375.677 JJQ form) budget ementa supp 97 page 3, ne 4, 969 for Assessed tangible valuation 2. base year . the ne 2 improvements ~o rea estate since to real estate n added territory divided by ne ( ne necessary to produce amount on 972 of ne\'1 mprovements Assessed valuation tor (excluding such new Rate 3. 4. $ ) ncreased or decreased personal property since the base or decreased personal property in added territory). 972 of ncreased uation for uding such Assessed va year (exc 5 estate and added to rea Tota net assessed valuation for 972 due to new mprovements persona property (I ins 4 plus or minus line 5)............ 6 316.00 $_5.985 estato and added mprovements to rea evy imit for new ne 6 x line 3) -. aggregate property ( n ncrease persona 7 08.380.9 75 237.868 territory of uSlon or exc ne 7 before addition piUS ne 97f. . ( for 972 Tota assessed tangible valuation since the base year for mitation evy Aggregate 8. 9 64.466.723.00 009.210.00 base year territory added since the 972 of for Assessed tangible valuation O. None base year uded since the territoryexc 972 of "for Assessed tangible valuation 475.933.00 54 None 65 0) uded ne ne 9 piUS territory added or exc . . ( territory on for 12)... ne 9). of 972 after addition Percentage of adjustment In aggregate levy I imitat a For territory added (i ine 10 divided by line b For territory excluded (I ine j I divided by I for uation ble va tang Assessed 2. 3. or exc I uded for territory added . y I i m j tat ion 13a or 13b) aggregate lev i ne 8 x line n ( Amount of adjustment since the base year 4. 8 93 9.063 Q6.93 ~ $. 4 ne nus or m us ne 8 P 972 for tat ion m evy Aggregate 5. ... .. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . CITY AMOUNTS LEVIED WITHIN AGGREGATE LEVY LIMITATION FOR THE YEAR 972 Genera operating... I.." ......"".."""""""""""""..""""""""".."""""""""""" ..."""..""""" " " " " " " " t $-1 ~1,1l0.02 Noxious weed 5" " " " " " " I..."" .....".."" .......""" ..."""..""".."""" ...."""""""""""""""""" " " " " " " " " - 5,979.75 Flood Works .....".. ....." ..."" .... ... ....." ...."..""" " " " " " " " " - 26,040.07 Tree Maintenance ".......... .... ... ....."""""" ...".." ....." " " " " " " " " 3,802.09 ~ - ".." ..."" ..."".."""..""".. .....""..""""""" " " " " " " " " - ...." ........... ...... ......" .... ...." .... " " " " " " " " - - .. ......" ....... ......... ... ....... ......" " " " " " " " " - - "...."""..".."""""""""""".."""""""""""""" III " " " " " " " " - - ..... ......... ............... ...."""" ...".. " " " " " " " " - - .." ....."......... ... ... ......... ...... ...~ . . . . . . . . - - .. ..... .............. ..... ........... .....4 . . . . . . . . - - .................. ... ... ...... ........ ...., , . . . . . . . - - . ..... ... ..... ..... .... .................... , . . . . . . . - - ........ ......... ...... ....... ........ ..... I . . . , . . . . - Tot a amount levied within aggregate levy I im itat ion (cannot exceed line 8 or line /5, page 3) . . . . $ 1.256.931.93 The ind iv idua 1 statutory fund levy I imitations a p plica b I e to any taxing subdivision to which K.S .A. 79-1440 Was appl icable in the base year as a result of an increase or decrease in its total assessed valuation due to a countywide reappraisal are suspended but such city sha II be subject to the aggregate tax levy I imitat ion. All funds that are exempt from the tax lid, which have a statutory evy mit are subject to the provisions of K.S.A 79-1440. U1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FUND GENERAL OPERATllJG DEPARTMENT ANNUAL BUDGET Page 6 DETA I L Actual Adjusted ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Current Proposed Year Budget Budget 1971 1972 1971 REVENUE -- CITY TREASURER BALANCE January 1st 134,146.53 121,981.57 85,742.48 110 Current Tangible Taxes 1,118,212.25 1,156,942.03 1,221,110.02 110A Current Tangible Taxes- Airport Industrial 5,908.04 8,000.00 8,302.50 120 Current Intangible Taxes 59,350.53 121,000.00 121,000.00 130 Delinquent Tangible Taxes 15,048.70 17,000.00 17,000.00 140 Delinquent Intangible Taxes 402.45 1,000.00 1,000.00 210 State Cigarette Tax 66,883.21 69,000.00 69,000.00 230 State Liquor Enforcement Tax 16,656.93 18,000.00 18,000.00 240 State Sales Tax 58,706.86 61,710.00 59,240.00 260 State Highway Maintenance 14,241.48 14,200.00 0.00 310 Licenses, Fees and Permits 67,554.45 68,515.00 70,515.00 410 Municipal Court - Fine s 143,854.05 170,000.00 170,000.00 440 Franchise Taxes 233,982.90 245,000.00 245,000.00 511 Office Space Rental 360.00 360.00 360.00 512 Auditorium Rental 4,200.00 4,500.00 4,500.00 522 Concessions - Oakda1e Park 35.11 50.00 50.00 523 Concessions - Swimming Pool 217 . 24 300.00 300.00 524 Concessions - Lakewood Park 2,580.00 2,600.00 2,600.00 525 Concessions - Lakewood Park- Boat Rentals 910.00 900.00 900.00 541 Memorial Park Stadium 60.00 100.00 100.00 610 Interest from Investments 10,452.92 12,000.00 12,000.00 701 Engineering Fees 30,000.00 37,000.00 37,000.00 702 Impounding Fees 3,778.90 5,000.00 5,000.00 703 Removal and Burial Fees 5,540.00 7,000.00 7,000.00 704 Grave Marker Permits 101.00 100.00 100.00 705 Title Transfer Fees 20.00 20.00 20.00 709 Admissions - Swimming Pools 13,422.14 16,000.00 16,000.00 711 Administrative Services - Other Departments 23,643.26 24,000.00 24,000.00 712 Fire Protection Outside City Limits 16,705.23 18,600.00 18,600.00 712A Fire Protection Outside City Limits - Schilling Manor 52,700.00 55,400.00 55,400.00 713 Street Cut Repairs 3,289.91 5,000.00 5,000.00 714 Concrete Sawing 543.50 600.00 600.00 717 Upkeep Services 3.00 20.00 20.00 719 Weed Cutting Services 5,104.27 6,000.00 6,000.00 720 Plats and Rezoning Fees 740.00 860.00 860.00 721 Sale of Commodities 3,241.35 3,500.00 3,500.00 723 Sale of Books 340.90 300.00 300.00 725 Sale of Salvage 397.19 400.00 400.00 l -- CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I il FUND GENERAL OPERATING DEPARTMENT ANNUAL BUDGET Page 7 DETAIL Actual Adjusted - ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Current Proposed Year Budget Budget 1971 1972 1973 REVE~UE - Continued 727 Sale of Lots 2,180.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 731 Hisce 11aneous Sales and Service 270.50 4,000.00 4,000.00 732 Miscellaneous Services - County 8,760.00 8,760.00 8,760000 810 Sale of Real Estate 52,000.00 2,500000 2,500.00 917 Public Address System 470.00 600.00 600.00 952 Reimbursement of Expenditures 10,460079 11 ,000 000 11,000000 953 Rewards 12000 50000 50000 955 Surplus from Discontinued Funds 681.40 0000 0000 957 Transfer from Special Gas Tax Fund 130,460000 141,023.88 153,180.00 TOTAL REVENUE 2,184,482.46 2,320,910091 2,382,867.52 TOTAL REVENUE AND CASH BALANCE 2,318,628.99 2,442,892.48 2,468,610.00 -- CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS I I I I I I I I I I I ,I I I I I I I I FUND DEPARTMENT GENERAL OPERATING CITY OF SALINA, ~\NSAS ANNUAL BUDGET DETA I L Page 8 ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Actual Previous Year 1971 Proposed Budget 1973 Adj us ted Current Budget 1972 LICENSES, FEES AND PERMITS 311 Cerea 1 Ma 1 t Beverage 9,000.00 9,000.00 9,000.00 313 Retail Liquor Licenses 8,400.00 8,400.00 8,400.00 315 Wholesale Liquor Licenses 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 321 Amusement Device - Pinball and Etc. 755000 750.00 750.00 323 Entertainment Licenses 410.00 410.00 410.00 325 Circus, Carnival and Tent Shows 0.00 75.00 75.00 327 Dances - Public 300.00 300.00 300.00 333 Music Machine Licenses 1 , 111. 50 1,200.00 1,200.00 334 Minature Pool Table and Shuffleboard 2,250.00 2,400.00 2,400.00 335 Pool Hall and Bowling Alley 570.00 570.00 570.00 338 Skating Rink Licenses 50.00 50.00 50.00 339 Theater and Opera House 400.00 500.00 500.00 341 Auctioneer and Auction Sales 350.00 400.00 400.00 343 Billboard Advertising 375.00 350.00 350.00 345 Concrete Construction 360.00 350.00 350.00 347 E1ectrican Licenses 1,082.00 950.00 950.00 351 Gas Fitters Licenses 413 . 50 350.00 350.00 353 Tree Trimming and Spraying 251.00 250.00 250.00 355 Private Club License 500.00 500.00 500.00 357 Junk Dealers, Auto and Parts 750.00 800.00 800.00 359 Pawnbrokers 410000 400.00 400.00 361 Plumbers Licenses 1,328.80 1,300.00 1,300.00 363 Taxicab Licenses 495.00 375.00 375.00 365 Taxicab Drivers Licenses 257.50 130.00 130.00 367 Street Advertising 129.00 100.00 100.00 369 Elevator Contractor Licenses 150.00 150.00 150.00 371 Mobile Home Court Licenses 1,442.20 1,500.00 1,500.00 373 Truck and Transfer Licenses 15.00 15.00 15.00 375 Vendor, Peddler and Itinerant 80.00 100.00 100.00 377 Refuse Haulers Licenses 1,001.00 1,200.00 1,200.00 381 Building and Inspection Fees 28,791.45 28,000.00 30,000.00 383 House Moving Permits 428.00 600.00 600.00 391 Food and Milk Permits 1,282.50 1,300.00 1,300.00 393 Bail Bondsman Licenses 40.00 40.00 40.00 395 Merchant Police Licenses 125.00 200.00 200.00 399 Dog Licenses 1,751.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 TOTAL 67,554.45 68,515.00 70,515.00 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FUND GEtlER..AL OPE~TI~G DEPARTMENT ANNUAL BUDGET Page 9 DETAIL, -- Actual Adjusted ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Current Proposed Year Budget Budget 1971 1972 1972 EXPENDITURES City Commissioners 29,388.32 33,180.00 33,310.00 City Nanager 27,923.21 28,465.00 28,755.00 City Clerk and Treasurer 85,757.10 84,725.00 89,975.00 City Attorney 19,620.40 20,335.00 20,335.00 Municipal Court 17,674.74 18,575.00 18,600.00 Buildings 37,899.71 38,540.00 41,530.00 Engineering 77,849.96 81,725.00 86,100.00 Fire 531,281.18 543,930.00 550,215.00 Inspection 42,566.39 48,215.00 52,860.00 Park 109,673.90 97,565.00 101,200.00 Police 598,702.53 685,420.00 691,520.00 Street 216,343.41 237,OLfO.00 240,610.00 Waste Disposal 40,270.88 41,135.00 44,130.00 Street Lighting 80,824.28 82,900.00 96,380.00 Traffic and Safety 38,229.88 29,955.00 29,845.00 SwiIllil1ing Pools 18,442.53 24,185.00 18,910.00 Administration and Planning 47,826.45 51,330.00 55,240.00 Insurance and Contingencies 60,634.93 79,850.00 138,640.00 Band 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 Cemetery 21,287.98 23,245.00 23,140.00 General Improvement 17,247.09 23,305.00 25,955.00 Memorial Hall 11,492.26 13,785.00 9,625.00 Public Health 37,850.00 39,745.00 41,735.00 Industrial Development _!L860.29 20,000.00 20,000.00 TOTAL 2,196,647.42 2,357,150.00 2,468,610.00 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , I I I I F U ~i D _.________ __ _(; fJmEi.\ I,,-O rZ.R A T I,,: G DEPAKTHEN-i --------..- _____________ (; I TY O~. S/\L I NA, K;\;;Sj~S -~'--_...__._---_.._----_.__....~----"---~._-~-_.._--. ,--- MHlUAL BUDGET Page 10 SUH;\l/\f\Y -'--~---'--'--_._---_._'._----'----_.---'---"----~'----~---'--"~'_________~'__~.M_ - ---;~S I F ~;T I O~------ -[~~-;~~;~s-----A~~m1~~~;:~~~-- ~~:~~!~~~::;':~S -=--==C~=7=~~.~::~-::~~:~ :::~:~:~:~-8~ ~~=I CONTRACTUAL SERVICES LftI3,745.1+1 452,610000 <'i65,035000 Kt..TERIALS AND SUPPLIES 95,695051 %,105000 94,3LIOoOO SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 29,058072 4tl,670000 98,Lf75.00 CAP ITAL OUTLAY --L~_L4..?X.~.~Q. _-2L 5 7 ~~.:-OO __..3.9J 93.Q 0 OQ. TOTAL EXPENDITURES 2,196 ,6LI7. 42 2,357,150000 2,468,610000 BEGINNING BALANCE January 1st TOTAL RECEIPTS 134,1/+6.53 1.....18/1 t.:':!:.8.~~!f6 121,981.57 .?_~!2SL,.21_~~1- 85,7Lt201+8 .0.}.8 2 J.~ 6 Z~.5 2 TOTt\L RECEIPTS AND BEGnTi'iING BALANCE Less Expenditures 2,318,628099 ?=-~}2_~,--0!tL.~? 2 ,442 ,892 .L18 .?..>.l2!Jl.5..9_0_0 0 2,<'i68,610000 2, 4QJ.L 610.-".00 UNENcmlBERED CASH BALANCE December 3] 121,981057 85, 7Lf2 .1+8 0000 Net Tax Requirements Tax Dollars Tax Levy }Iills 1,138,577 . 51 1,138,577.51 18.3622 1,160,527010 1,160,527.10 18.6399 1,221,110002 1,221,110002 18 0 6~190 -----.~----_.".__...,,---~._-_._---~--~---,--_.._---- ..-. Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I I -I FUND DEPARTMENT ALL FUNDS ANNUAL BUDGET Page 11 DETAIL - --- Actual Adjusted AC(OUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Current Proposed Year Budget Budget .-- 12LI 1972 1971. FUNDS INVOLVING PROPERTY TAX REVENUE General Operating 2,196,647.42 2,357,150.00 2,468,610.00 Noxious Weeds 6,182.99 5,200.00 6,350.00 Firemen's Pension 51,880.97 70,425.00 108,415.00 Policemen's Pension 28,338.36 27,750.00 53,750.00 Tree l1aintenance 7 , 136 .88 9,720.00 8,725.00 Bond and Interest 1,205,650004 1,145,740.00 1,112,000.00 No-Fund Warrants-Fire Equipment 0.00 0.00 40,000.00 Flood Works and Levee 22,797.10 24,505.00 27,625.00 Soc ia 1 Secur ity 134,896.20 150,000.00 157,000.00 Public Employees' Retirement 111,820080 124~900.00 128 ,009~.Q TOTAL 3,765,350.76 3,914,490.00 4,110,475.00 FUNDS SUPPORTED BY USER FEES Sanitation 202,320.03 231,160.00 232,230.00 Parking Heters 88,263.70 97,205.00 99,475.00 Special Gasoline Tax 280,277 .90 282,673.88 304,000.00 Golf Course 55,317.29 52,525.00 53,020.00 Water and Sewerage 1?393,977.03 1,357,515.00 1,841,150.00 TOTAL 2,020,155.95 2,021,078.88 2,529,875.00 GRAND TOTAL 5,785.506.71 5,935,568.88 6,640,350.00 I CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -- ANNUAL BUDGET Page 12 DETA I L -- - - = - - - Actual Adj us tecl ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Current Proposed Year Budget Budget -.L9.71 1qn 1Q7l -- PERSONAL SERVICES 110 Salaries 500000 500000 -.2.Q9-,..9 0 TOTAL 500000 500.00 500000 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 207 Traveling Expenses 4,166.42 2,500.00 3,200000 209 Postage 0.00 140.00 280.00 211 Contributions 15,685.00 15,685.00 15,720000 225 Legal Advertising 3 , 9 % . 06 4,500.00 4,500000 233 Insurance - Surety Bonds 354.00 0.00 375.00 299 Other Contractual Services 822.40 5,120.00 4,000000 299A Revision of Ordinances 1,349.74 2,000000 ~Q9-!..Q.Q TOTAL 26,371.62 29,945.00 30,075.00 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 435 Organizational Dues 2,516.70 -.2:...,]]5 . 00 2,735.00 TOTAL 2,516070 2,735.00 2,735000 GRAND TOTAL 29,388.32 33,180.00 33,310000 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS FU N D G EJ1J;;ML-O Pt3.RA T llliL DEPJ\RTHENT Ci~Conl1llLesi~1!-_ I I ------------.-.-----,--- -------,~ C I TV OF S/\L I NA, Kr'\NS.t,S FUND GENER]'jL OPEf:TI,rrING DE P A R TI1 E Nf-cI~i.li.Q,;~_~.L:;;~Io_~1~ ANNU!\L 8UDGET SUWiARY P2g~~ 13 I I I I ~--._._-..-..---.-----.....--~-------.---...---_._..___._____v__'~__.______._____ -----;;-;s~-~ C;\~:; ------ -r p ~~~~~~S---- r- i\~r~~~~~--- - -~ ropos~~--. PERSONAL -~:RV-IC:S----'===~C='" =--\e~~:~~o ., _.~~:~.OO "'- B~';~:::o'l CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 26,371062 29,945000 30,075.00 SmWRY EXPEND ITURES . _~).2]:_~~Q ~ 73 ?_=.QQ _b.L3.:5..!.9.0. TOTAL 29,388.32 33,180000 33,310000 I I I I I --"-----~~-,--------._~~..._------_.-------~._._---~--_..~-,_.~._-_..- ~----------- ~-_._--------- --_._--_._-,~.__.._. Fun c t ion -. 8 u d get C omfik~ n t s - Cap i t Ci IOu t 1 a y I I FUNCrl'ION The City Commission serves as the legislative and policy--making body of the City. Their role is quite similar to that of the Board of Directors of a large corporation. They are the elected representatives of the citizens of Salina. As such, it is their responsibility to approve the annual budget, control the expenditures of public funds and pass local laws (ordinances) to promote the welfare of the City. The Mayor serves as Chairman of the City Cornmission and is annually selected by fellow Co~nissioners. Public Conunission Meetings are held in Room 200 of the City-County-Board of Education Building at 4:00 p.m. each Monday except the fourth Monday of each month when it is held at 7:00 p.m. I I I I I I BUDGET' COr-IMENTS Account #207 - Provides for attendance at such professional meetings as National League of Cities, u. S. Conference of Mayors, State and Regional Kansas League of Municipalities, etc. Account #209 - This is a new account to provide for postage required In corresponding with the various appoi.nted Boards and Cormnissions. I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF SALI NA, KANSAS FUND GENERAL OPERATING DEPARTMENT~itv CJ26misiion ANNUAL BUDGET SUMHARY Page 14 -- Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay BUDGET CO~1ENTS (Continued) Account #211 - Includes contributions as follows: National Guard - $500.00; Americanization Center - $120.00; Cultural Arts Commission - $8,100.00; and Civil Defense - $7,000.00. Account #299 - In addition to the $4,000.00 for printing 12,000 copies of the calendar type annual report, to be distributed by the Boy Scouts, the adjusted figure for 1972 includss $455.00 for 100 keys and boxes for presentation by the Mayor and 50 City flags at $15.00 each. Account #299A - Provides for the printing of supplements to the City Code Book. Account #435 - Includes renewal of memberships for the City as follows' National League of Cities - $200.00; Kansas League of Municipalities - $2,017.00; U. S. Conference of Mayors - $100.00; Management Information Service - $115.00; National Rivers and Harbors Congress - $150.00; Mo-Ark Basin Flood Control and Conservation Association - $150.00. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS FUND GENERAL OPERATING DEPARTMENT City MQ...lh'1g~L ANNUAL BUDGET DETA I L Page 15 ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Actual Previous Year 1971 Proposed Budget 1973 Adjusted Current Budge-t 1972 PERSONAL SERVICES 110 Salaries - Department Heads 120 Salaries - Regular Employees 19,172.21 5,448.00 19,455.00 6,015.00 19,455.00 6,015.00 TOTAL 24,620.21 25,470.00 25,470.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 205 Telephone and Telegraph 207 Traveling Expenses 209 Postage 231 Insurance - Motor Vehicles 233 Insurance - Surety Bonds 252 Repair - Furniture and Office Equipment 253 Repair - Motor Vehicles 255 Repair - Motor Vehicle - Tires 839.22 850.00 900.00 785.73 800.00 900.00 105.70 120.00 130.00 76.00 90.00 90.00 , 18.00 20.00 20.00 51.50 60.00 60.00 317.45 150.00 200.00 18.00 15.00 20.00 2,211.60 2,105.00 2,320.00 TOTAt MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 320 Office Supplies 331 Books and Periodicals 345 Motor Vehicle - Fuel and Lubricants 379 Motor Vehicle - Tires 286.51 300.00 300.00 381.15 225.00 225.00 162.14 160.00 175.00 48.60 0.00 60.00 878.40 685.00 760.00 TOTAL SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 435 Organizational Dues 213.00 205.00 205.00 TOTAL 213.00 205.00 205.00 GRAND TOTAL 2.7 ,923.21 28,465.00 28,755.00 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF SALINl\, f(,I'\NSAS FUND GENERAL OPERATING DEP!\RH1ENT---C\ty ~llii;-w~= ANNUAL BUDGET SU,'1~1.!\R Y Page 16 TOTAL - Adj us ted Actual CLASSIFICATION Previous Current Proposed Year Budget Budget 1971 1972 1972 - ES 24,620.21 25,470.00 25,47 ICES 2 , 211 . 60 2,105.00 2,32 PPLIES 878.40 685.00 76 RES 213 . 00 205.00 20 -- --- --- 27,923.21 28,465.00 28,75 PERSONAL SERVIC 0.00 CONTRACTUAL SERV 0.00 ~ffiTERIALS AND SU 0.00 SUNDRY EXPENDITU 5.00 5.00 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay FUNCTION The City Manager, as the chief administrator, is responsible for executing all administrative affairs of the City in accordance with federal and state laws and city ordinances or policies established by the City Commission. He shall see that all laws and city ordinances are enforced; appoint and remove heads of departments and subordinate employees; negotiate and administer agreements and contracts; represent the City at meetings, conferences, and on co~~ittees as directed. The Manager shall prepare the annual budget for the City and administer the details of same after its approval and adoption by the City Commission. BUDGET COMMENTS Account #207 - Provides for attendance at professional meetings, conferences and seminars conducted by the International City Management AssociationJ Kansas League of Municipalities, etc. Account #435 - Includes renewal of memberships as follows: Inter- national City Management Association, American Public Works Association, Chamber of Commerce and Kansas City Management Association. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF SALIN.''., 10\~;Si\S FUN D _""_--ffu~L13l..\I!_Q}:k~RtDJ NC, Dc P!\r< Tn E NT__~i..t:S_J:l:1l![1 z;~~= ANNUAL GUDGET ----- ----------- pa~e- 17 --- 'l PERSONNEL SCHEDULE --~----_._-_. -,~. --."'----- --~-----_._---_.._---~._---_._._-..------_._._--_.__._---'_._-,.__.._------,--.~- -~_._----~--------------_.~--~-- _._----------"~ -. . -. --. --. ---.-.."------- POSITION TITLE EMPLOYEES I RANGE cw~.enTll:':r.oposeZ'f . " _____ Bl~l2.?tLJ!!:.!.c1H!!L""_____ Adjusted Current Budget 1972 Proposed Budget 1973 City Nanager 1 1 Unclassified 19,455.00 19,455.00 City Nanager's Secretary 1 1 475 - ~o 15~ OQ. ...2..<.9J~~gg_ TOTAL 25 ,!+70. 00 25;470.00 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FUND GENERAL OPERATING DEPARTMENT City Clerk CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ANNUAL BUDGET DETA I L ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION PERSONAL SERVICES 110 Salaries - Department Heads 120 Salaries - Regular Employees TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 205 Telephone and Telegraph 207 Traveling Expenses 209 Postage 221 Printing Office Forms 233 Insurance - Surety Bonds 252 Repair - Furniture and Office Equipment 274 Rent - Machinery and Equipment 291 Auditing and Accounting Services 292 Election Expenses 295 Other Professional Services TOTAL MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 320 Office Supplies 331 Books and Periodicals TOTAL SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 435 Organizational Dues 439 Refunds TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY . 509 Furniture and Fixtures 517 Office Mechanical Equipment TOTAL GRAND TOTAL Actual Previous Year 1971 23,988.00 30,224.22 54,212.22 1,091.12 184.79 727.04 1,468.32 203.00 788.50 16,110.42 2,380.00 4,856.19 625.03 28,434.41 1,804.72 259.75 2,064.47 235.00 244.00 479.00 .00 567.00 567.00 85,757.10 Adj us ted Current Budget 1972 25,090.00 32,960.00 58,050.00 1,100.00 300.00 700.00 1,400.00 200.00 800.00 16,300.00 2,600.00 .00 500.00 23,900.00 2,000.00 150.00 2,150.00 235.00 300.00 -- 535.00 .00 90.00 90.00 84,725.00 Page 18 Proposed Budget 1973 25,090.00 33,075.00 58,165.00 1,100.00 350.00 700.00 1,300.00 200.00 800.00 16,500.00 2,600.00 4,900.00 500.00 28,950.00 2,000.00 150.00 2,150.00 235.00 300.00 535.00 175.00 .00 175.00 89,975.00 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS FU N D _____GR;NJ~Bb)~_ 0 PJ~E~1:"'lN..G__ DEPARHiENT __C.Lt.Y_.c~le_c::k,__ ANNUAL BUDGET SUI.:n'IR'" CLASSIFICATION ----P:ctua I Adj us ted .- Previous Current Year Bud~et -- ----l:2-1.l---==r==-__ l.2.bL-_f-_ PERSONAL SERVICES 54,212.22 58,050.00 28,43Lf.Lf1 23,900.00 2,064.47 2,150.00 479.00 535000 567.0Q. --20.00 85,757.10 84,725.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES }~TERIALS AND SUPPLIES SUNDRY EXPENDITURES CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL ----- -'---- Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay FUNCTION Page 19 Proposed Budget 19I3____ 58,165.00 28,950000 2,150.00 535.00 175.00 89,975.00 '--------------- The Director of Finance and Treasurer are responsible for the financial administration of the City in accordance with legal requirements and general policies established by the City Co~nission. The Department maintains all records of finaricial transactions. It also issues authorized bonds, invests all surplus funds, processes all payrolls and purchase orders and issues all City licenses. The department registers voters and records all births and deaths occurring within Saline County. The City Treasurer also serves as Director of Personnel and Purchasing Agent. BUDGET C0i1MENTS Account #207 - Provides for attendance at City Clerks and Personnel Schools, League of Municipali-ties and Municipal Finance Officer Meetings. Account #274 - Includes rental expense for bookkeeping and Xerox machines. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS FUND GENERAL OPERATING DEPARTMENT CJLtY~J~rk ANNUAL BUDGET SUMI1ARY Page 20 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay BUDGET COMMENTS (Continued) Account #291- This is an estimate for the annual audit, based on the 1971 actual figure. We will not have a firm price until August, 1972. Account #292 - Reflects estimated expense for city general election in April and possibly a primary in March, 1973. Account #295 - Includes: Armored car service - $300.00; bank box rentals - $26.50; P. O. Box rental - $21.60; and Credit Bureau reports on employment applicants - these range from about $1.50 to $IO.OO each and average approximately $3.00. Account #435 - Includes renewal of memberships as follows: Public Personnel Association; American Society of Personnel Administration; International City Clerks Association; Municipal Finance Officers Association and City Clerk and Municipal Officers of Kansas. Account #439 - Permits refund of unapproved beer applications and Lakewood Lodge Reservations, when not used. CAPITAL OUTLAY Account #509 - Provides for purchase of one letter size file for personnel records and one legal size file for expansion of City Clerk's files. Account #517 - Tape recorder for use in City Commission and other Board and Commission Meetings, to be purchased in 1972. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I _I C lTY Of~ Sr''\L UU\, KAt.:Sf\S FUN D _________ J!E.:'il: .HbI,_Q0~P-,~ TI N G o ~ p , ".-".-, IT ------..-.- t_ -1-\;\ I i-'L'" h-_______G:Lt..y~] (r:: ---_.__.__._._--_..._.__._----~------ l\NNUfd_ BUDGET PERSONNEL SCrlEDULE Page 21 .--.--..----,- .~-------,._----.'_._--._-,-- ".__......_-,._._---~_.._"----'-_._------_._--------_.------..------.---------.. -- PO~~O~-~;Tl E-------h t~~Loy~;~=-~I--~ANG;----- Ag~~-~~-~~------ propose:----j' CUL'.!'2,.~t Fl1oF':Jsed Buu92"t Budget ----- ------- BudZ'?..t H~~0;Let -________n___ _1.97._2____ r------L9LL--- City Clerk - Director of Finance 1 1 857 - 1146 13,750.00 13,750.00 City Treasurer - Director of Personnel - Purchasing Agent 1 1 7l~1 - 945 11,31.10.00 11 , 340 . 00 Secretary - Official Records 1 1 37!.j- .. 501 6,012.00 6,012.00 Personnel Clerk 1 1 392 - 501 6,012.00 6,012.00 Bookkeeping l-1achine Operator II 1 1 392 - 501 6,012.00 6,012.00 Accountant Clerk I 1 1 356 .. 433 5,196.00 5,196.00 Clerk Typist II 1 1 340 - Lj-12 !.j-, 9!+!~. 00 4,94/+.00 Clerk Typist I 1 1 322 ~ 37ll- 3,92/:-.00 4,124.00 Extra Time 860.00 77 5.00 -----;.----. -~---~.._----.,...- TOTAL 58,050.00 58,165.00 I I I I 1 I I I 1 I I 1 I I 1 1 1 I 1 ANNUAL BUDGET Page 22 DETA I L Actual Adjusted ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Current Proposed Year Budget Budget 1971 1972 1973 PERSONAL SERVICES 110 Salaries - Department Head 8,340.00 8,725.00 8,725.00 120 Salaries - Regular Employees 6,660.00 6,960.00 6,960.00 TOTAL 15,000.00 15,685.00 15,685.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES c'.-' 290 Legal Services 4,189.40 4,500.00 4,500.00 TOTAL 4,189.40 4,500.00 4,500.00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 331 Books and Periodicals 431.00 150.00 150.00 TOTAL 431.00 150.00 150.00 GRAND TOTAL 19,620.40 20,335.00 20,335.00 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS FUND GENERAL OPERATING DEPARTMENT City Attorncy_ I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS FUND GENERl\L OPERATING DEPARTHENT Ci ty. AttQY_..Jl.E'~i ANNUAL BUDGET SUHMARY Page 23 CLASSIFICATION -Actua I Previous Year 1 q71 Adj us ted Current Budget lqn Proposed Budget lQ7~ PERSONAL SERVICES 15,000.00 15,685.00 15,685.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 4,189.40 4,500.00 4,500.00 ~ATERIALS A~~ SUPPLIES 431. 00 150.00 150.00 TOTAL 19,620.40 20,335.00 20,335.00 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay FUNCTION The City Attorney acts as legal advisor to the City Commission, City Manager and department heads on legality of all actions. In this sup- porting role, the City Attorney and his assistant prepare ordinances, resolutions, contracts, agreements, deeds, leases, bond indentures, legal actions and miscellaneous documents. In addition to the above, he also represents the City of Salina in all actions at law. I I 1 1 I 1 BUDGET COMMENTS Account #296 - Provides for services not included in scope of basic responsibilities to be handled by City Attorney or his assistant. This includes such services as representi.ng the City in civil actions and cases appealed from Municipal Court. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I 1 ~---- -- POSITION TITLE City Attorney Assistant City At"torney TOTAL CITY OF S/-"L I N.';, f(0.,NSJ\S ANNUAL BUDGET PERSONNEL SCHEDULE n1PLOYEES CV:r'Y'ent P1.'oposed Budqet BucZc;et I---'~-- :--- 1 1 1 1 r-- RANGE Unclassified Unclassified FUND GENEP,I\L OPEPJ\TING DE PAR TN {r~T==--Ci.ty A~L~;.2:Y-_ Adj us ted Current Budget 1972 8,725.00 _~J60.:'-00 15,685.00 Page 24 l Proposed Budget 1973 8,725.00 ~2-60 .OQ 15,685.00 .l I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 I 1 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ANNUAL BUDGET DETA I L ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION PERSONAL SERVICES 110 Salaries - Department Heads 120 Salaries - Regular Employees TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 205 Telephone and Telegraph 221 Printing Office Forms 231 Insurance - Motor Vehicles 233 Insurance - Surety Bonds 253 Repair - Motor Vehicles 255 Repair - Motor Vehicles - Tires 295 Other Professional Services TOTAL MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 320 Office Supplies 345 Motor Vehicle - Fuel and Lubricants 359 Other Operating Supplies 379 Motor Vehicle - Tires TOTAL SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 439 Refunds TOTAL GRAND TOTAL . FUND GENERAL OPERATING DEPARTMENT Municipal Court Page 25 Actual Previous Year 1971 Adjusted Current Budget 1972 Proposed Budget 1973 5,700.00 9,116.00 14,816.00 5,965.00 9,685.00 5,965.00 9,685.00 15,650.00 15,650.00 529.70 550.00 550.00 357.90 350.00 350.00 69.00 85.00 85.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 462.10 300.00 300.00 4.00 20.00 20.00 948.39 1,000.00 1,000.00 2,381.09 2,315.00 2,315.00 192.95 125.00 125.00 225.54 225.00 250.00 0.00 50.00 50.00 51.16 60.00 60.00 469.65 460.00 485.00 8.00 150.00 150.00 8.00 150.00 150.00 17,674.74 18,575.00 18,600.00 I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I 1 1 I 1 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ANNUAL BUDGET SUHNARY Actual CLASSIFICATION Previous Year 1971 PERSONAL SERVICES 14,816.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 2,381.09 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 469.65 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 8.00 TOTAL 17,674.74 FUND GENERAL OPEP,r"I.'I'ING D E P ART H E N-T .H\J.J.LLc::.i- P.:'~i=s.Q~~;'_ t PClge 26 - Adjusted Current Proposed Budget Budget 1972 1973 - - ------ 15,650.00 15,650.00 2,315.00 2,315.00 460.00 485.00 150.00 150.00 ~--- ---- 18,575.00 18,600.00 --~- --- Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay FUNCTION The Municipal Court, presided over by the Municipal Judge, hears misdemeanor cases. A great majority of the cases are traffic offenses. A $4.00 court cost is assessed on each case processed by the Court in order to partially offset overhead involved in administration and oper- ation of the Court. BUDGET COMMENTS Account #295 - Provides pay of $50.00 per month for Parole Officer and Judge Pro Tem, if necessary. i:.~~-.' :", I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I 1 1 I 1 CITY OF S,c.,lINA-, K.L\NSAS FUfW GENERAL OI)ERc\ TmG DEPART}lENT --}I1;;;-iciT):;]~-c-~,;~--;=t ______..._...J:_____u.___. .__.._ _....u_ ANNUf1,L BUDGET PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Page 27 POSITI~N ~---~'j~:YEESI-- RANGE-~ Cur:cent Pi'oposed Bud?e t.~pet Adjusted Current Budget 1..2_11_ Proposed Budget ,..2_D-_ Judge 1 1 Unclassified 5,965.00 5,965.00 Accountant Clerk I 1 1 356 - 433 5,197.00 5,197.00 Clerk Typi.st I 1 1 322 - 374 -i~~8.00 ~_~2,~Sl_0. TOTAL 15,650.00 15,650.00 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 I I CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ANNUAL BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION PERSONAL SERVICES 120 Salaries - Regular Employees TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 227 Insurance - Fire 241 Gas Service 242 Light and Power Service 243 Water Service 251 Repair - Buildings 284 Laundry and Towel Service 295 Other Professional Services 299 Other Contractual Services TOTAL MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 310 Expendable Tools 343 Janitor and Toilet Supplies 367 Electrical and Lighting Parts 371 Lumber and Lumber Products 381 Paint and Painting Materials TOTAL CAP ITAL OUTLAY 503 Equipment 509 Furniture and Fixtures TOTAL GRAND TOTAL FUND GENERAL OPERATING DEPARTt1ENT BuiJc:l.:Ll1~ Page 28 Actual Previous Year 1971 Adjusted Current Budge.t 1972 Proposed Budget 1973 9,822082 9,822.82 8,010.00 8,010000 10,680000 10,680000 5,880.20 6,000000 6,000000 530.83 600.00 600.00 1,804.18 1,800.00 1,800.00 156.31 160.00 160.00 360.37 800.00 800.00 , 13 . 56 15.00 15.00 515.87 200.00 200.00 16,100.00 18,400.00 18,400.00 25,361.32 27,975.00 27,975.00 14.28 25.00 25.00 1,769.45 1,800.00 1,800.00 445.40 400.00 400.00 198.14 180.00 200.00 127.75 150.00 150.00 2,555.02 2,555.00 2,575.00 0.00 160.55 160.55 0.00 0.00 0.00 300.00 0.00 300.00 37,899.71 38,540.00 41,530.00 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS FUND GENERP,L OPERA1'ING DEP1,RTli ENY-~-ui IdT~~as __._._ - _____, '-', __ l.____ AWJUAL BUDGET SUr1tl,tJ.R Y Page 29 CLASSIFICATION -~ Actual Adjusted Previous Current Propos Year Budget Budge _--1.2 7 1 1972 lqI.: 9,822.82 8,010.00 10,6 25,361. 32 27,975.00 27,9 2,555.02 2,555.00 2,5 160.55 . 0.00 3 - 37,899.71 38,540.00 41,5 "------- ed t L PERSONAL SERVICES 80000 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 75.00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 75.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL 00000 30.00 I I I I I I I I 1 I 1 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay FUNCTION This department provides for the maintenance and repair of the Police Building, restrooms and pedestrian arcades located in the Central Business District, Carver Center, 2 voting precinct buildings and the former South Park School Cottage, presently being used as the Americanization Center. BUDGET COMMENTS Account #120 - Reduced for 1972 due to the fact one custodian was on disability for six months. Account #295 - Allows for recharging fire extinguishers and other services related to building operation and maintenance. Account #299 - The City's share of maintenance and operation of the City-County Building estimated at $2,108.00 per month. The Water and Sewerage Department will pay $6,900.00 of the total _amount. I I I I I I I I 1 1 I I I CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS FUND GENE.:RAh.....02..El\llTIN.G.. DEPARTNENT BJLUdi~D-~L;;_ ANNUAL BUDGET SUHHARY Page 30 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay CAPITAL OUTLAY Account #503 - Provides for replacement of buffer-scrubber machine for Police Administration Building. I I 1 1 I I . "."<, I I I 1 I I I 1 I I I I I ..--------------..- --- ANNUAL B~DGET ----....----------;~-:e~.;.--l PERSONNEL SCHEDULE _.~~,'-~-._-------~_._-- ---.-~O~~~-~l~-T i-TL:-~-==~r --~:;J~~~~ES-~~=. R:;l~~;------ A~~~~i~~~~~rop::::~--== Cuy;;"9-ntJ Pl'opo.sed Budge t Budget Bw7,.-:ot I R:Jd7ef: 1212 ____122:1__._ Custodian TO~AL ------~=-'~2L-:--396 --~4~--1 ~~::~ ::::~~~~ I CITY OF SIlL IN/'., K.l\NSP..S F U i~ D ____G.ElU~.E.A1......:0.Y_l::0 A'JTi':K',-. DEPART11ENT ____.____.YPl l~U:[:." ("'~ I 1 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I FUND GENERAL OPERATING DEPARTMENT Engin~~ring ANNUAL BUDGET Page 32 DETA I L Actual Adjusted ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Current Proposed Year Budge-t Budget 1971 1972 1973 PERSONAL SERVICES 110 Salaries - Department Heads 12,139.24 13,105.00 13,105.00 120 Salaries - Regular Employees 57,794.96 62,680.00 63,730.00 TOTAL 69,934.20 75,785.00 76,835.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 205 Telephone and Telegraph 760.21 750.00 750.00 207 Traveling Expenses 602.29 700.00 750.00 209 Postage 92.78 75.00 75.00 220 Blueprints 56.05 175.00 200.00 221 Printing Office Forms 41.10 75.00 0.00 231 Insurance - Motor Vehicles 235.00 290.00 290.00 252 Repair - Furniture and Office Equipment 229.50 300.00 300.00 253 Repair - Machinery and Equipment 835.21 600.00 800.00 255 Repair - Tires 45.13 50.00 50.00 257 Repair - Radio Equipment 304.00 200.00 200.00 295 Other Professional Services 10.10 50.00 50.00 -- -- TOTAL 3,211.37 3,265.00 3,465.00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 320 Office Supplies 160.76 200.00 200.00 331 Books and Periodicals 98.35 50.00 50.00 335 Drafting and Engineering Supplies 1,085.37 800.00 900.00 345 Motor Vehicles - Fuel and Lubrs. 689.88 750.00 775.00 347 Motor Vehicles - License Tags 8.00 10.00 10.00 371 Lumber and Lumber Products 59.53 75.00 75.00 379 Motor Vehicles - Tires 164.60 150.00 150.00 TOTAL 2,266.49 2,035.00 2,160.00 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 435 Organizational Dues 178.00 240.00 240.00 TOTAL 178.00 240.00 240.00 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I FUNDGENERA~RATING OEPARTHENT -ED~E:'rjng... CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ANNUAL BUDGET Page 33 o ETA I L . ~ Actual Adjusted ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Current Proposed Year Budget Budget 1971 1972 1973 CAPITAL OUTLAY 503 Engineering Equipment 337.50 200.00 100.00 505 Automobiles and Truck 0.00 0.00 3,200.00 509 Furniture and Office Equipment 1,922.40 200.00 100.00 TOTAL 2,259.90 400.00 3,400.00 GRAND TOTAL 77,849.96 81,725.00 86,100.00 ~ I I I I I I 1 I I I I 1 I CITY OF SAL I NA, KJ.\NSAS FUND __GEN.J;;E8JL-QI?ERe,'l~.IKG_ DE PAR HI E N T__._En.gj..I2_e.e"::"i.n.t;;1- ANNUAL BUDG ET SUNNARY - .,~_.- -..- - -r Actua i . Previous Year . 1971 1AdjUsted Current Budget 1972 CLASSIFICATION PERSONAL SERVICES 69,9%.20 75,785.00 3,211037 3,265.00 2,266.lf9 2,035.00 178.00 2lt.O.OO -1.L2 5 2~Q. ---300 .0 Q. 77,849.96 81,725.00 CONTP~CTUAL SERVICES HATERL'\LS AND SUPPLIES SUNDRY EXPENDITURES CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL Page 34 Proposed Budget 19)3 76,835.00 3, lf6 5 .00 2,160.00 240.00 ....:L.!.!:90 . QQ. 86,100.00 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay .-.------------.- FUNCTION The Engineering Department is responsible for preparing plans, speci-- fications, estimates and field surveys for all public improvements. This includes sewers, water mains, streets, etc. The department acquires rights- of-way and supervises the installation of all municipal improvements, whether performed on a contract basis for the City or privately by sub- dividers. In addition, the Engineering Department is responsible for the maintenance of all master maps of the City which includes the City Limits and land record maps, the complete sanitary sewer system, water system and fire hydrant locations. The department also performs technical work related to traffic control. I 1 1 1 I 1 BUDGET COMMENTS Account #252 - Increased to include maintenance contract on Monroe Computer in 1972. Account #253 - The 1973 increase reflects additional repairs antici- pated due to increased age of equipment. I I CITY OF SALINA, KqNSAS FUND GENERl'.L OPERATING DE PAR TN {to! T =--=-EngL!1~~-e~~T0.g-= I I A"NU~~:~~=-_._~-==C7.=~-~~=l Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay BUDGET CO~~ENTS (Continued) : I Account #435 - Includes renewal of memberships in professional organizations such as: American Public Works Association; Kansas Engineering Society and its Snloky Valley Chapter; the Kansas Association of City Engineers; Professional Engineers in Government; and the Institute of Traffic Engineers. I I I I CAPITAL OUTLAY Account #503 - Provides for replacement of range poles, chains, reels, etc. Account #505 - The 1973 proposal allows for the replacement of a 1965 Ford Station Wagon. Account #509 - Provides for the purchase of LeRoy Lettering Guides in 1972 and'replacement of miscellaneous drafting tools in 1973. I 1 I I I I 1 1 I 1 ..iJ;j;,~..-',..;o. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 I 1 CITY' OF SilL I NA, 1:/,}IS/\S FUl~~ _:::-:-:::;:=_ Gr::}~~E,~~J._QYl:~~01T'~g_ DEPr\R I htd i _________.__En:~ir'.';..:~1 ANNUAL BUDGET PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Page 36 ._--,--_.,-~._--""'----'-----'--"---'-------'-----'-'-~-- ~-~-----'------'-'._-'-'--"--'-----'-~"-~ -- -- -.----. -_.,'----------"-~,---~----_.----- POS IT I OiJ TITLE Et',PLOYEES Cur'1'8/1t 1 Proposed Budcret I Budae [; ._.-.__..1'0___. ~__... RANGE ----------<T----< <-< ----- Adjusted I Current Proposed Budget Budget __.J:97}____ 1272____ City Engineer - Build ing Official 1 1 816 - 1092 13,105.00 13,105.00 Assistant: City Engineer - Traffic Engineer 1 1 741 - 991 11,892.00 11,892.00 Engineering Aide IV 1 1 672 .' 778 9,040.00 9,336.00 Engineering Aide III 1 1 609 - 706 8,268.00 8,4n.OO Engineering Aide II 2 2 552 - 639 l5,156.00 15,336.00 Engineering Aide I 2 2 477 - 552 13,126.00 13 , 2l}8 . 00 Secretary 1 1 374 - 454 -2 ~.19.8. ~.Q_~ _.5 , 44 6..:.9_Q. TOTAL 75,785.00 76,835.00 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FUND. GENERAL OPERAln~ DEPARTMENT Fire CITY OF SALINA, KANSA.S - ANNUAL BUDGET Page 37 DETA I L - - - Actual Adjusted ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Current Proposed Year Budget Budget 1971 1972 1973 PERSONAL SERVICES 110 Salaries - Department Heads 21,316.07 14,420.00 11,895.00 120 Salaries - Regular Employees 448,265.43 492,350.00 506,700.00 TOTAL 469,581.50 506,770.00 518,595000 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 205 Telephone and Telegraph 2,810042 2,980.00 2,980.00 207 Traveling Expenses 294097 500.00 500.00 209 Postage 52.63 95.00 95.00 221 Print ing Office Forms 136080 150.00 150.00 231 Insurance - Motor Vehicles 1,377 .00 1,680000 1,680.00 241 Gas Service 2,777067 2,850.00 3,000.00 242 Light and Power Service 2,002.66 2,100.00 2,200.00 243 Water Service 727.15 750.00 750.00 251 Repair - Buildings 1,465.05 2,300.00 250.00 252 Repair - Furniture and Office Equipment 74.10 135.00 135.00 253 Repair - Mchinery and Equipment 425.90 200.00 200.00 254 Repair - Motor Vehicles 4,936.53 225.00 150.00 255 Repair - Tires 36.50 50.00 50.00 257 Repair - Radio Equipment 2,228.27 2,070.00 2,235.00 295 Other Professional Services 14,155098 2,050QOO 500.00 TOTAL 33,501.63 18,135.00 14,875.00 . I I 1 I I I I I 1 1 I 1 I I I 1 1 -I I FUN D G FN.E.RA LOP F: fll\ T.I.lliL. DEPARTMENT ____Yi~~ CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ANNUAL BUDGET Page 38 DETA I L Actual Adjusted ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Current Proposed Year Budget Budget ,- 1971 1972 1973 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 310 Expendable Tools 353.60 660.00 400<00 320 Off ice Supp lie s 301.03 350.00 350.00 331 Books and Periodicals l~06.85 510.00 380.00 343 Janitor and Toilet Supplies 924.92 900.00 900.00 345 Motor Vehicles - Fuel and Lubricants 1,405.23 1,350.00 1,400.00 351 Seeds, Plants, Trees and Lawn Supplies 41. 71 50.00 50.00 355 Wearing Apparel 5,174.26 6,000.00 6,000.00 359 Other Operating Supplies 907.10 900000 900.00 367 Electrical and Lighting Parts 197.33 325.00 350000 371 Lumber and Lumber Products 251. 74 100.00 150.00 373 Machinery and Equipment Parts 487 . 11 450.00 475.00 375 Metal and Metal Products 113.47 200.00 100.00 377 Notor Vehic 1es - Parts 799.41 650.00 700.00 379 Motor Vehicles - Tires and Tubes 13.37 695.00 640.00 381 Paint and Painting Supplies 346.92 420.00 100000 382 Photograph Supplies 141.31 150000 150.00 393 Welding Supplies 42.10 50.00 50.00 399 Other Repairs and Maintenance 27 4.34 475.00 300000 -- TOTAL 12,181.80 14,235.00 13,395.00 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 435 Organizational Dues 40.00 90.00 100000 TOTAL 40.00 90.00 100.00 CAP ITAL OUTLAY 503 Equipment 1,866.81 480000 150000 505 Automobiles 2,549.00 0000 0000 507 Fire fighting equipment 6,215.40 990.00 1,000.00 509 Furniture and Fixtures 2,956.18 930.00 650.00 '514 Personnel Protective Equipment 1,447.86 800.00 900000 517 Office Mechanical Equipment 486.00 500.00 550.00 519 Radio Equipment 455.00 1,000.00 0.00 TOTAL 15,976.25 4,700.00 3,250.00 GRA1'1D TOTAL 531,281.18 543,930000 550,215.00 - I FU N D _____~.r;:_~~rJ\ ~ OP ~I3-~~.JJ~(,~ DE P f\R Tf'~ E iJ T ___________Ej~Lf~ CITY OF Sl\LIW\, I'Ai':S/\S ,--------.---------------.------- I I I I .1 I I I I I I I ANmJ/\L 8UDGU Page 39 SUI'\HM, Y ----------- CL:S-S-;~.ICATION----===---=========-l-~;~~~f'~~: -1-- - A~~~~~~~ -- . propO-:~d--.. Year Budget Budget _ _ ___________ __LqU__ ___....l2LL.________J,37.3 =..-----.-- - - - --------,,-.----.------- - -[------- PERSONAL SERVICES 469,581,50 506,770000 518,595,00 CONTRA CTlTAL SERVICES 33,501.63 18,135000 14,875.00 HATERI.ALS AND SUPPLIES 12,181.80 1L.,235.00 13,395000 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 40000 90.00 100.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY -1.2.36 . 2 S. 4,700.052- _-1_~2.Q~0 TOTAL 531,2810 18 543,930000 550,215000 ------..---.---.-..-------------------.--.------- -----.--."------.--.- :......_---- '-----.---- Function - Budget COfi'in'3lltS - Capital Outlay FUNCTION I I 1 1 I 1 The Fire Department, being a division of the Department of Safety, shares in the responsibility of hazard control to protect lives and property Through public education, effective inspection programs and code enforcement many hazardous conditions are avoided, or detected, thereby preventing ex- plosions and fires. The Department of Safety 1S responsible for providing the citizens of Salina with fast and reliable sel:vice 1n extingu.ishing fires, rescue, first aid, evacuation and salvage operations. BUDGET CO!vlHENTS Account #110 - The reduction reflects elimination of the Director of Safety Position. Account #120 - Includes extra pay for emergency call backs and holidays to be administered on the same basis as it \Vas authorized in the 1972 budget., Account #205 - Permits installation of an extension phone in Station #3 Officer's office in 1972. I I I I I I I I I I I I I FUND GENERAl, OPERII.TING DE P ARTt\Er,jT'-~'---Flre--'- CITY OF SAL.lNPI, Kl\NS.I\S ANNUAL BUDGET SUt'\HP,RY Page 40 ----.----...----.----.---""" _.. - Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay BUDGET CO~li'1ENTS (Continued) Account #207 - Provides for sending four (4) fire fighters to the 4-day Annual State Fire School in Topeka at $55.00 per man, one (I) officer to Fire Depaxtment Instructor I s Conference -- $152. 50, and one (1) Fire Inspecto:" to Arson and Fire Investigation Seminar - $117.50. Account #251 - The 1972 adjustment provides for major repalr to the roof of Station #3, es.timated at $2100.00. Account #254 - The high figure in 1971 was primarily due to rebuilding a pumper which was heavily damaged in a collision. Account #295 - a major portion of the 1971 expenditure and 1972 adjust- ment includes costs incurred in personnel litj.gations. The account also provides for servicing of equipment such as extinguishers, breathing apparatus, etc. Account' #310 - Increased in 1972 to permit purchase of additional and replacement tools for the shop. Account #331 - The 1972 adjustment provides for the purchase of 6 sets of I.F.S.T.A. Training Manuals - I set for each sub-station and 3 sets for headquarters. The account also provides for other training aids, newspapers and professional publications. Account #379 - 1972: Purchase of tires for Squad #l and for Engine #41 Snow tires on rear or-Inspection #l and rear of Assistant Chief's car. 1973: Purchase of tires for Engine #31 a.nd for Engine #21. 8 tires for car.' and-station wagons. I I 1 1 I I Account #381 - 1972: To provide for vehicle maintenance - trim paint for Station #2. Inside-paint for Station #l offices and second floor. 1973: Exterior trim paint for Stations #4 and #1. Vehicle maintenance, hose rack and shop tool painting. Account #399 - The 1972 adjustment permits repair of the basement wall and sidewalk and installation of fiberglass covers over window wells at Station #4. Also repair of the sidewalk at the rear of Station #l, along with various other maintenance items. Account #435 - Provides for renewal of memberships in the National Fire Protection Association; International and Kansas Associations of Fire Chiefs~ and Kansas State Association of Firefighters. I I I I I I I I I I I I I FUND GENE RI\.I, OPEI\.l\.TING DE P f\F~TT\ E i:lT-------.}, i r.--e-- CITY OF SJ\LIN/\, J<j',NS/\S .----.---------l Page 41 ANNUAl.. BUDGET SU,')IH/l,RY -~----~_._--~_._----_._-------~~-----~----_.._-_.............._._----------.-..--.--,.- -----_._--_._-------~---------_.,-^-_.._-----------_. - Function - Budget Comments - C2pital Outlay CAP rr AL OUTLAY Account #503 - 1972: Pressure washer - $250.00; tool box for pickup - $105. 00; and $125.00 fo-i a used 35mm camera and at_tachments. 1973: Elect.ric drill replacement and a new electric saw. Account #507 - 1972: 100 gallons of 3% foam at $5.50 per gallon. 1973: 150 gallow3 of-J% foam at $5.50 pe:c gallon; and 200 feet of I" booster hose at $1.00 per foot. Account #509 - 1972: Replace old and inoperative alr conditioners at Stations #l and tp3=-$696. 00; new 3-drCl.v7er file for Captain's Office - $105.00. 1973: Replace ten 22 year old cha.irs at Station #1 at $50.00 each. Renew lease --on washer and dryer at. St_Ci. tion :If 1 - $120.00. Account #514 - 1972: To provide for 1 set of perimeter crash, fire and rescue protect.iveequiplflent - $230.00; the balance is for regular protect.ive equipment for recruits and replacement of damaged or deterioratedi equipment. 1973: To provide for replacement of protective equipment and I equipping 3 reci-uits (at_ $140.00 each =c: $420.00). Replacement unpredictable but best estimate - $480.00. Account #517 - 1972: Trade in 3 old typewriters for a long carriage electric. The long carriage to be exchanged for a standard carriage in the City Manager's Office. 1973: Purchase of a 16 mEt project.or for training and use by the Fire Prevc11tlon Bureau. l',ccount #519 - 1972: Purchase 2 "tHO 'd2.Y" portable radios for Assistant Chief and TraIning Officer and Engine #31. I I 1 I I 1 I I I I I 1 1 I 1 I I I 1 FUiJ'j D[:p,/\,r\"U\UiT_______._._ __.__J'; r::; -- ---...----- -_. -. - .--_._-------. - .----.------,. ------ ---.-- ---_. '--, Page 42 I !'i~_~.~;i!_t;.~_ -~:~!! ~.~J~!_~~ J ==:::,::---=---===-::-':::.-- .::::::...::::=:= =.::':. -:::'::'::.:': ':'--1--=:=::" - .::".: ::. ::::...:...::::. -= -:_-::- -: ..:..-- ::. :...:..--- - -- =-..::.::.:.. -::.:..:..:-:--::...::...:::.:. .:. -: ....:. " ':::.: ::.".-::'::'-1-:'=-=-=:-:':::::'-:- ::::::- ~ .:....-- I ,">,dJ LIS c>c'd pos 'T I ON TITLE .___S:.''i.~_L.:.q_YE E_~__ ____ R/\NU': Cur re n t P rOfJosed C1l.!'J)2;_~JP~'opo.].~,3.1 Bu...iset 6udjet B'i(7-~~ I ~-'J?,-'~.t- ]977 197" D~r~::-~I -~::; -- ... .. ~C~ ,~.-"c.:,,"- c.. S'5~-~ ~ ::~---.~-~~:~~:~~- .m. -~.- ~~-1 Fire Chief 1 1 741 - 991 10,920.00 11,895.00 CITY OF St'.L IN,';, ;'J\::S:\'3 A Ww,c\ L BUDGE:r TOTAL 2 2 672 - 816 16~728.00 19,58!f.OO 1 1 639 - 778 9,336.00 9,336.00 4 3 579 - 706 28,135.00 , 25~416.00 3 3 526 .- 639 23,OO!LOO 23,00(.00 14 15 526 .. 639 100~339,OO 11l,870,OO 1!7 47 If 73 .. 566 30 6 , 829 . 00 309~!f36,OO 1 1 3!fO .. 412 4,%/:.00 4,9!}.l1.00 750.00 750.00 ___ ._?,,_?8..2.'_.Q9_ __'?:~~~()Q:_OS~. 506,770.00 513,595.00 Assistant Fire Chief Chief Training Officer Captain Fire Prevention Inspector I L:i.eutenant Firefizhte:cs Clerk Typist II Call Back Holiday Pay 1 I 1 I 1 1 _._.._--------,..~,-----_.._._.--_.......~...-'-'~_._-_..--,~.,.- _.<..~-----_..._._,_.._.,------_."-----_.---.-- I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I 1 1 1 I 1 FUND GENERAL OPERATING-... DEPARTHENT ln~ps&tjD1L CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ANNUAL BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION PERSONAL SERVICES 110 Salaries - Department Head 120 Salaries - Regular Employees TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 205 Telephone and Telegraph 207 Traveling Expenses 209 Postage 221 Printing Office Forms 231 Insurance - Motor Vehicles 253 Repair - Machinery and Equipment 255 Repair - Tires 257 Repair - Radio Equipment TOTAL MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 320 Office Supplies 331 Books and Periodicals 345 Motor Vehicles - Fuel and Lubrs. 347 Motor Vehicles - License Tags 359 Other Operating Supplies 379 Motor Vehicles - Tires 382 Photograph Supplies TOTAL SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 435 Organizat~onal Dues TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 503 Equipment 509 Furniture, Fixtures & Office Equipment 519 Radio Equipment TOTAL GRAND TOTAL Page 43 Actual Previous Year 1971 Adjusted Current Budget 1972 Proposed Budget 1973 8,251.00 28,543.37 8,890.00 33,380.00 8,890.00 38,480.9..9_ 47,370.00 36,794.37 42,270.00 1,034.70 1,100.00 1,100.00 123.92 100.00 200.00 340.11 350.00 350.00 353.05 300.00 300.00 360.00 425.00 425.00 676.21 800.00 900.00 7.50 20.00 20.00 270.00 270.00 270.00 3,165.49 3,365.00 3,565.00 360.82 400.00 450.00 410.54 100.00 100.00 651. 48 700.00 800.00 20.00 10.00 10.00 69.41 70.00 75.00 128.16 200.00 160.00 152.46 150.00 150.00 --_.- 1,792.87 1,630.00 1,745.00 155.00 180.00 180.00 155.00 180.00 180.00 97.48 0.00 0.00 326.18 770.00 0.00 235.00 0.00 0.00 658.66 770.00 0.00 42,566.39 48,215.00 52,860.00 I FUND GENERl'"L OPEEATING - -~-"._._-_._--------_.~------,---~_.~--._- DEPART/'IENT }L~~E~_c;Jj2D CITY OF S/\LlNr~, i"J;NS;\S ------.------------ I I I I I I I I I I I I ANNUAL 8UDGET SU,"\1\t-lR Y P a9 e 44 --~~~=-~l~~l~~=r~~d-= __ __ _ .:::==-=--=-=====-----==--===-..:::.:=-====----=-= ___-=19-Ll==-====----.-J..2l.Z-- __ =__ 1~Z.,,}__-===== PERSONAL SERVICES 36,794.37 l+2,270000 47,370000 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 3,165.lf9 3,365000 3,565.00 ~ TER IALS AND SUPPLIES 1,792087 1,630000 1,745.00 SUNDRY EXPBNDITURES 155000 180.00 180.00 CAPITAL GUTL..^ Y . 658066 __II9_~ 00 0.00 _.--_._-- -_..---,-- TOTAL 42,566039 48,215.00 52,860000 -----------..-----.-- .--.-....-.-'--------.---'------------- Function - Budget Comments - C~pital Outlay FUNCTION I I 1 I I 1 The primary responsibility of this department is protection of life, propert.y and property values by uniform and reasonable administration and enforcement of the zoning- ordinances, mln11l1Um housing, building, plumbing electrical and other related codes. To achieve this goal, tile department issues construction permits, reviews plans for proposed buildings, recom- mends revisions when not ln accordance with the codes and public safety, inspect.s construction sites to lnsure that all the standards of the City are being complied with, and maintains accurate records of all permits issued and inspections made. Being a division of the Department of Safety, the Inspection Depart- ment works closely with the Police and Fire Departments, and other public agencies in the areas of Health and Safety. I I I I I I I I I FUN D _ S:;;t~ T.iI~lY1.["_.Q ~)_I~ f'-c:,,^, 'I' ~~l g__ 0,.. .)^ D T'{' E' '-1- I . .,.-. t.- tV, '"h -'-:ll~~,Lf~ ~tL()J_L.." _'__ CITY OF SJ\LHI/\, K/\NSi\S ANNUI'\L BUDGET SU/IHIV{ Y Page 45 _____.~~.____.____,_.^__'_______~_.___. ___...____,_._.~________...___ __A.._~._._~_. _,___',___...w._._.a _______._~___,______~._._. ______.____..__ Function - Budget Con~nents - Capital Outlay BUDGET COIvlr-I.ENTS Account #120 - Provides for hiring an additional inspector for the remainder of 1972 to work on Mimimum Housing Code Inspections as required by HUD in recertifying our Workable Program. Account #435 - Provides for renewal of memberships in: Int.ernational Association of Plumbing and Hechanical Officials i InternaU.onal Confe:r:ence of Building OfficiaJs; International Association of Electrical Inspectors and the Kansas Inspectors Association. CAPITAL OU'J.'LAY Account #509 - The 1972 adjustment permits replacement of an old desk with a secretarial desk and tYPcVlriter extension, also the purcha~;e of an electric typewriter. I 1 I I I I 1 I I I I I I 1 I 1 1 I 1 1 I 1 1 F U t~ D ________.. _._ _gJ~"N f~B{~I, QfJ: R-\ T DE f) {\[I\ TI\-\ C l,n-_________.-. .__.J)-~:..~ P.~~: c: t J,i~n1 C IlY OF S;'U I Hi\, K{'.!lS(IS I.---------~- ------ ---- Aj~ [\!U/\ l~ St.J DG ET P ERSO;-:iE. L SC H EDJ LE P2gc 46 ----~o-~~'~o~;~~~~~=c :u:;~;~i~i:::r-=C=:::G:-==~-~=Afr~Tff:==-r'~~;;~~;;= _______ _____________________________ __J3ud20-tLl~"!_id!:,L__ ________________n. ____J.2.7.f _____._____J~..:CL.__.. .__ Deputy Euilding Official 1 1 639 - 741 8,890.00 8,890.00 Minimum HousLng Insp2ctoT 1 1 609 - 706 l,,05[+.00 7 ~ 15!:. 00 Plumbing Inspector 1 1 579 .. 639 7,219.00 7,180.00 Electrical Inspector 1 1 579 - 639 7,663.00 7,668,00 Building Inspector 1 1 579 - 639 7,668.00 7,668.00 Secretary 1 1 37L, ... [,54 1+,507.00 4,7/f6.00 Clerk Typist I 1 1 322 ". 37Ll. -1::L.?:..0!.:~: 0 0 _!!_>.Q.?~}.:- 99.- TOT.i\L It.2,270.00 47,370.00 I I 1 I I I -~- --.- -- -------- --------~--------------...--~_.- --_.._-----_.~----- _..- I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ANNUAL BUDGET DETA I L ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION f--- PERSONAL SERVICES 110 Salaries - Department Heads 120 Salaries - Regular Employees 130 Salaries - Part Time Employees TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 205 Telephone and Telegraph 207 Traveling Expenses 227 Insurance - Buildings Liability - Grandstand and Boats 231 Insurance - Motor Vehicles 241 Gas Service 242 Light and Power Service 243 Water Service 251 Repair - Buildings 253 Repair - Hachinery and Equipment 255 Repair - Tires and Tubes 257 Repair - Radio Equipment 299 Other Contractual Services TOTAL 1<1ATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 310 Expendable Tools 320 Office Supplies 331 Books and Periodicals 333 Chemicals, Drugs and Etco 345 Motor Vehicles - Fuel and Lubricants 347 Motor Vehicles - License Tags 349 Recreational Supplies 350 Memorial Park Stadium 351 Seeds, Plants, Trees and Lawn Supplies 359 Other Operating Supplies 365 Cement and Cement Products 367 Electrical and Lighting Parts 371 Lumber and Lumber Products 379 Motor Vehicles - Tires and Tubes 381 Paint and Painting Materials 387 Sand, Gravel, Rock and Chat I I 1 1 I 1 TOTAL -=:" . . Actual Previous Year 1971 8,928.00 48,730.55 13 , 263.lJ.6 70,922.01 452018 76037 316.00 276.00 1,083035 928.22 1,078.34 208.12 3,52t+.48 107.71 81050 ~48.40 8,480.67 335.90 11.62 20.49 243068 1,288.73 16.00 338.86 202.20 2,408.35 596.19 59.44 165.73 391.97 203.86 44L~ . 36 70.33 6,797.71 FUND DEPARH1ENT GENERAL OPE~4TING Park Adjusted Current Budget 1..2.2.2 9,795000 48,800000 14,025.00 72,620000 525.00 100.00 320000 350000 1,100000 950000 1,750.00 100000 3,600000 200.00 85.00 ---1.90000 9,380000 300000 25.00 15.00 450.00 1,250.00 15000 340.00 725.00 1,200000 500000 200.00 200000 300.00 100000 300.00 _10000Q 6,020000 Page 47 Proposed Budget , qr\ -- 10,285.00 53,810.00 17, 36_q.. 00 81,455000 525.00 100000 320000 350.00 1,100000 1,000.00 2,000.00 400.00 3,500.00 200.00 17 5.00 300.00 --..-..--- 9,970.00 300000 25000 15.00 520.00 1,300.00 15.00 400000 500.00 1,200.00 500000 200000 200000 400.00 100.00 300000 100.00 6,075.00 .-cc.=-----. .... -.--. ~c-tua 1 Previous Year lqIL- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I 1 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ANNUAL BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 421 Sales Tax Remitted 435 Organizational Dues TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 502 Buildings 516 Park Equipment - Mowers 525 Trucks 575 Landscape Improvements 576 Tennis and Horse Shoe Court Improvement, TOTAL GRAND TOTAL FUND GENERAL OPERATI~G DEPARH\ENT ___~=- -P.:~~zl;~~ Page 48 --.;= .- Adj us ted Current Budget -1..91 ? == .,.- Proposed Budget 1973 25.lf3 40.00 25.00 45.00 30.00 45.00 65.43 75.00 70.00 998.40 4,000.00 O. 00 562.78 1,375.00 3,625. 00 0.00 3,200.00 O. 00 20,035.43 900.00 O. 00 1,811.LI7 0.00 O. 00 --.. 23,408.08 9, If 7 5.00 3,625. 00 109,673.90 97,565.00 101,200. 00 I FU~! D _____._.~E}\J:r:)}}\J3____Q.~~J~lI,T IN C; DE PM), TIll E N 1_____.________p..C:r t__ I I I I I I I I I I I I C IlY OF SJ1,L1 ~;A, f~\NSI\S ANNUAL BUDGET SUM~\,r,RY Page 49 ----------------------------------..--l---Act"aT1AdTU5 te-J- ---l---.----..--..----..-.-. _~____~^:~ c=~__n_____pr~)~~~{:s____ _c~~:i;~____ _:~mf___ ..--------.--------------.------ ----.--.---.------ .____c.____...________._.______ __________....___._1._________ PERSONAL SERVICES 70,922.01 72,620.00 81,tI55.00 CONTRA CTUl'.,L SERVICES 8,480067 9,380.00 9,970.00 NATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 6,797<71 6,020.00 6,075.00 SUNDRY EXPENDITlJRES 65,43 70000 75.00 CAP ITAL OUTLAY J::l_1~..9_~!...Q2. __2.~!!12~.QQ _l.,-~?2..QQ. TOTAL 109,673.90 97,565000 101,200.00 Function - Budget Cor:;,'::ents -- Capital Outlay FUNCTIO~~ This department is charged with supervising, maintaining and repairing all park lawns and flower beds, planting and maintaining shrubs and trees, repairing park buildings and equipment as well as maintaining all parkways, boulevard and median strips in the City of Salina. 'l.'he department also ho.s the responsibility for technical supervision of the cemetery, swirnming pools and Municipal Golf Course. I I I I I- I BUDGErr COHMENTS Accounts #120 and #130 - Two Foremen I and one Maintenance Worker II will retire in 1972. Lakewood development and other increases in maintenance responsibilities necessitate adding a Maintenance Worker I and use of more part time help. Account #243 - Newly developed areas in Lakewood Park will require heavy watering. Account #251 - Provides for replacement of drapes in Lakewood Lodge and instaliing copper plumbing in Oakc1ale Park restroom near foo-t bridge. I FunD GE~t0E10;I~j Or\}~I~ArTINC~ DE P f, Rfi:,-~tTi - .----------.- .. 15 <,;.r~i(- I CITY Or. SM. I ;U\, 1~/\NSf\S ANNUAL. PUDGU Page 50 SUi-Ht)..i\Y I I I Function - Budget Comments' - Capital Outlay BUDGET COM.HENTS (Continued) Account #253 - Includes replacement of a Cushman motor in 1972. Account #255 - IncJ.udes tire recapping as weJ.l as repairs. I Account #257 - Increase allows for installation of one two way radio this fall for ~Fl305 or #1320. The request for 1973 allows for installatic'\n of one and maintenance of three two-way radios - #1301, #1305, and #1320. I I I . Account #349 - Several tennis nets need replacing. Accou.nt #350 _. Appro:d.nv:J.tely 20% of the out.field fence had to be rebuilt prior .to painting. The 1973 request: provides for paint, wire and a gunnite patch job on face of the stadium. Account #435 - Incl.ude::; renewal of mE~mberships in Nat_ional Recreation and Park Association and Central Plains Turf Foundation. !I I CA1'ITAL OD'1'L1\Y-. Account #502 - The large shelter house in Kenwood Park will have to be replaced this year. The structure is deteriorated from rot to where use beyond this season will be risky. I I Account #516 - 1972: Two 36'1 leaf mulch blades - $140.00; protected tool. grinder, 1/2 H. i>-:---[or Sunset Park -- $1 (I 0 .00; tldO converter outlets for trucks #1305 and #1320 for use of power tools - $70.00; one electric hedge trirruner - $35.00; one two-way radio for truck #1320 -- $425.00. 1973: one hydraulic sprayer for shade tree work. It will also be used as a -p-ressure cleaner and to disinfect shelt.ers, tables and restrooms - $ISOO.OO; one small, portable arc welder - $200.00; onc five foot rotary or 3 gang reel mower for newly devcloped areas of Lakewood--to be self pro- pelled - $1500.00 and one two-way radio for truck #1305 - $425.00. I I Account #525 - The 1972 adjustrnent allows for trade-in of a 1963 Ford Pickup and a 1951 Chevrolet Pickup for a one ton flat bed with sideboards and hydraulic dump for use in Sunset Park. I I I I Account #575 - Provides for installation of drinking fountains in neighborhood parks - $500.00: fence to enclose the marker being installed by the DAR at Chiefs Rock in Indian Rock Park - $300.00; and fence for the north side .of Phillips Park - $100.00. I I I I I I I I I I I I I F Ur,jD 1'J,';C Fa(k DE P Ar,Tr': E ~.~T CITY elF S/\L i i", K~.:JS!\S Foreman I 1 1 706 .. SS7 2 2 501 639 1 2 6.73 .. 517 5 [; [,60 503 13,518.00 12"62!:.00 Maintenance Worker II 6,20!,.00 11,599.00 Maintenance Worker I 29,on.OO 23,937.00 PDrt Time L~~~.Q!:.?_:.9:?_ _?~ g. LQ., gSl. TOTAL 72,620.00 8 1 , if:) 5 . 00 I I I I I I I ..___ ---- - -----~------~------------------~------~-~--~--_.~ ~------- ~- I I - ___ - - ___ __ _____ __ _I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FUND GENERAL OPEfLA.TING DE PAR TM E Nf- --------P ---]-;-- OJ_ce CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ANNUAL BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION PERSONAL SERVICES 110 Salaries - Department Heads 120 Salaries - Regular Employees 130 Salaries - Part Time Employees TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 205 Telephone and Telegraph 207 Traveling Expenses 209 Postage 217 Feeding Prisoners 221 Printing Office Forms 231 Insurance - Motor Vehicles 233 Insurance - Surety Bonds 241 Gas Service 2Lf2 Light Service 243 Water Service 251 Repair - Buildings 252 Repair - Furniture and Office Equipment 253 Repair - Machinery and Equipment 255 Repair - Motor Vehicles - Tires 257 Repair - Radio Maintenance 274 Rent - Machinery and Equipment 284 Laundry and Towel Service 290 Medical Services 295 Other Professional Services 299 Other Contractual Services TOTAL Actual Previous Year 1971 10,948070 458,465.94 12.,] 98.42- 487,213.10 6,6L}7.25 2,623.06 1, llLf. 73 6,472.64 498.56 1,431.00 1l0.00 2,899.89 2,278.83 258.61 1,417.67 1,364.71 18,480.99 319.44 3,390.85 2,433.18 662.24 1,165.66 7L}7.l5 2,044.08 56,360.54 ==-c: --. Adjusted Current Budget 1972 1l,845.00 531,950.00 19,720.00 563,515.00 6,500000 2,500.00 1,200.00 7,700000 1,100.00 1,710.00 100.00 2,900.00 2,200.00 280000 600.00 1,400.00 25,000.00 200.00 3,500.00 2,500.00 750.00 1,100.00 500.00 2,400.00 64,140.00 Page 52 Proposed Budget 1973 12 ,L+45 .00 543,410.00 19,7~Q..00 575,575.00 6,500.00 1,500000 1,200000 8,000.00 1,500.00 1,700,00 100.00 3,000.00 2,300.00 280.00 600000 1,400.00 18,500.00 200.00 3,500.00 2,500000 750000 1,100.00 500.00 3,400.00 58,530.00 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FUND GEKEr\.j\L DPEJ1ATIJ:I.cL DEPARTI1ENT ro_LLc.f'~ CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ANNUAL BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 310 Expendable Tools 320 Office Supplies 331 Books and Periodicals 339 Food for Animals 345 Motor Vehicles - Fuel and Lubricants 347 Motor Vehicles - License Tags 355 Wearing Apparel 359 Other Operating Supplies 367 Electrical and Lighting Parts 371 Lumber and Lumber Products 379 Motor Vehicles - Tires 381 Paint and Painting Supplies 382 Photograph Supplies 383 Training and Training Supplies TOTAL SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 435 Organizational Dues TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 503 Equipment 505 Auto and Motorcycles 509 Furniture and Fixtures 514 Officers Service Equipment 517 Office Mechanical Equipment TOTAL GRAND TOTAL Page 53 Actual Previous Year 1971 Adjusted Current Budget 1972 Proposed Budget 1973 544. 77 900000 500000 1,451.32 1, 600000 1,600000 399063 450000 450000 298.39 350000 400000 17,444.70 18, 000000 18,000.00 89.00 45.00 50000 9,825.23 8 ,750000 8,750.00 677.90 L.OO 000 400000 66.39 75000 75.00 239.88 200000 200.00 3,232.55 3 ,000000 3,000000 177 . 48 300000 500.00 731.81 800.00 800.00 0.00 0.00 -.-h.OOO_o-9..Q 35,179.05 34 ,870.00 37,725.00 382.00 382.00 390.00 390.00 390.00 390000 1,868.17 950.00 1,850.00 It., 741. 74 17 ,500000 15,000.00 393.55 445000 150000 1,987.2Lf 3 ,000000 2,000.00 577 .14 610000 300.00 19,567.84 22 ,505.00 19,300.00 598,702.53 685 ,420.00 691,520.00 I FU 11D ___.___,Gr,;,tJ.;;~B_,~L,J,-!._(}E_C.~~~,j\_T"i,:r ;\1 (~._o DE P ;\fnrl ::n'l Po J. i (' e I CITY OF S/\Ll::t\, i(I\:-'S!\S AtHW/\l. BUDG ET SU!~t\f\!\ Y Pago 54 I I --_--___'_~__.___.________:_~- =:.:::--:"'-:::="'-:-'=:::::::-::=-_= ~:"'-.":~.-==-:---:::::=----":--=-':..'- ==-=~--:.:--..:.-==:.:. ~==.-=====.::-=-'::::"-':::=--=::::-=-:===-=-"' ~-:...:-:= t .____m______. --- ---~~AS~~~: I U..T I ON [ P ~~~Ii~~s ;\~~ ~~~~~ r Proposed Year Budget I Budget '-"'::':"-==::--======::::'=':::::':_~=:::-_::_~":::::=-':::"::::-:.':::::~,::=:"=_=::______._::===::..:::=::.:-=-_=:..___:.. ~ ~:l-] :':::-':::':':.:,:::' -_:::=:::..__-:=:~) ~f::~.___.:...--:: ::::::=- J..:~::.~~l=_-_-=--..::-=:::.: I I TOTAL If 8 7 , 21 3 . 10 563,515.00 575,575.00 56,360.5!: 64,140.00 58,530.00 35,179.05 34,870.00 37,725.00 382.00 390.00 390.00 _1_<0 5 6J.~Ji~ _?1. ,_~~~')-,_Q.o_ _12_,_100 ~Qg_ 598,702.53 685, !+20. 00 691,520.00 I PERSONAL SERVIC1~S CONTRA.CTUAL SERVICES I Ktl..TElZTALS AND SUI'PLIES SUNDRY EXPENDITURES CAPITAl, OUTLAY I I I Function - Budget CO...,:ii:~nts .. Capital Outlay I I F'm\iC'I'ION The Police Department, a division of the Department of Safety, is charged with the responsibility of protecting lives and property within the City of Salina. The prevention of crime and traffic offenses is the department's first obligation. I Investigation of crimes, apprehension of offenders, enforcement of laws and ordinances, control of traffic and crowds, and maintaining reliable records are all important functions involved in the task of keeping Salina a safe and enjoyable community in 'il'ihich people will ...,ant to live, work, and play. I I I I I The department provides numerous other services in the interest of public protection, safety, comfort and convenience such as: maintaining close liaison with other law enforcement agencies; providing effective aid in the event of disaster; .and working with parents and juveniles in an effort to control juvenile delinquency. ------~--_.._--------_._------_._.---_._._-- I F U i: !) ._ G. ~ Nl~lii\.I}.. 9J20 }c: ?}J'J]:1 G DEPi\P.TJ~'lENT l)cJlic:e ---^"-_..- I . r-..--.--.--- ----.--------..-- AtlNUf\L CUDGET -----....---- ---..-.. m.-~2~~:~o~--o- 0 --. SU:\l\'l.!\f~ y "--=--==--==:.=:===-=.-:..-:::.: _-=-::. =--=:-:==-=:-:....-==:..:--.-.-=-==-=-===:::---...:..-:==:-::::::-.=..=-_~..:=..;.:---=. =_::~= ::.:::=. :....:.:::::..::===--=-----=.:===-=--__:.....:.:...-..:=.-::.:.--::.:::-.-:::u _' CITY OF SM.lr!A, f"-J\!!S'\S I I Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay BUDGE'r COM~lEN'I'S I Account #120 - The 1972 increase ovcr 1971 was due to separation of Desk Sergeant and Dispatcher duties a.nd retain the same unifono officer complement as provided prior to moving the department to their new location. In addition to the base salary of thc 62 regular full time employees, the request includes an estinated extra tiTne of 100 hours per man at the inc1i- viduals regular hourly rate - $22,180.00, $5,000.00 for additional compen- sation for personnel assigned to work holidays (three additional hours pay at the individuals regular hourly rate), and $4,000.00 for events sllch as the fair, making a total of $31,180.00 for extra time. 'l'his is in accord with the original 1972 budget. I I I I Account #130 - Includes salaries for nine months for 26 School Crossing Flag'men at $80.00 per month each, and $1,000.00 for compensation of re-' serve officers. Account #207 - The reduction in this account results from some of th? expense heretofore charged as travel expense has now been transferred to Account f383 since it involves training". I I Account #217 - Present cost of feeding prisoners is $1.75 per day which is paid to the Sherjff1s Office. An increase to $2.00 per day is anticipated beginning in 1973. I I Account #221 - Efforts have been made to level printing costs out on an arlnual basis rather than having such a broad fluctuation as occurred between 1970 and 1971 from $3,800.00 dOWll to $500.00. Account. t.~ 251 -- 'l'he unusually high expencH t1~re in 1971 was primarily for maintenance at the Animal Shelter as follows: $800.00 for the sewer, $92.00 for roof repair and $246.00 for concrete runways. I I I I I I Account: #253 - IncH.=asc:d for 1972 in view of the fact that over $ll,OOO.OO had been spent, primarily on vehicle maintenance, in the first one-third of the year. The request has been lowered again for 1973 in anticipation of replacement of several vehicles. Account #274 - Provides for rental of the Xerox Machine at approxi- mately $175.00 per month. Account #284 - Provides for rental of uniforms for Humane Officers at an average of $11.50 per week and $150.00 for cleaning of bla~kets used in the jail and patrol cars: Account #290 - Heflects cost involved in blood alcohol tests at $7.50 each. I I I I I I I I I I I I I FUND GENf:PJ\.L OPERNJ'ING DE D .\ o....T;; '~jT""'-P-"'-"l"-;'--':"--'-" --. -... ..-. ~l t\.\ j ......1 _,._..__-__9_,_..:--l~t:___~,_'h,__~. CITY OF S/^\LltlA, K!\NS.~\S j\NNU/\L BUOG ET SUHHi\i\Y Cor Page ..)0 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Ourlay BUDGET COl'.1l'1ENTS (Con tinued) Account #295 - Includes such professional services as recl1arging fire extinguishers, mental evaluations for police applicants, and observation of animals involved in bite cases. Account #299 - $50.00 per month fo:( 3 ambulance attendants to \'lork part-time in police records offjce and $50.00 per month to the City-County Buildin9 All.thcn:-ity for custodial service. The latter hDc1 p:ceviously been charged to Account #295. In 1973 this account includes an additional $1,000.00 for construction of an outdoor pistol and shotgun range. Account ti310 - Provides for purcha.se of such items as fla.shLight batteries, evidence supplies, a drug analysis kit, and target range supplies. The latter has been transferred to Account #383 for 1973. Account #331 - Provides for subscriptions to the Salina Journal, Topeka Daily Capital, Wicllita Eagle, several professional publications, city directories, and Saline County License Tag Registration Books. Account #339 - Has been increased due to the fact that we now have to keep dogs a m:i.nilcmm of five day:; instead of the previous t:hree d.:::.ys and also, we are now keeping anirna1s at the shelter rather than clinics during rabies observation periods, along with the fact that we are continually handling more dogs. Account tL3 5 5 - Provides a_ clothing' allm.r.::ulce for conunis~3ioned off icers at $125.00 per year per officer. Account #381 - The requested increase for 1973 will permit painting of all of the offices. I I I I I I Account #383 - Thj.s expense has pre~iously been included in Accounts #207 and #310. The basic law enforce:nent training school in Hutchinson costs $150.00 per recruit. The request also includes approximately $2,000.00 for reloading supplies and target equipment for firearms training. Account #435 - Includes renewal of memberships in Kansas Association of Chiefs of Police, International Association of Chiefs of Police, National Safety Council, Kansas Peace Officers Association, Kansas Law Enforcement Radio Association, Kansas Council for Children and Youth, and the International Juvenile Officials Association. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I F U ,\; D C; II"; t~}~ F~l\I! () I) I~ I\l\ 'i' I L,~ c; DE? j\f(! fiU: 1- Po CI.T'i OF SM.li:,i\, f;J,:'!S.'\S !\WlU/\L BUDG[T SLJ;'\tl!\R '{ Pc:~;C 57 Function - Budget COimn:~i1ts - Capitdl Outlay ..-.-- -..-.----.--- ----.....-. ..,.-.-.--. ,'..'-..' ..._- '1 I I CAPI'I'AL OUTLAY Account #503 - The originQI 1972 budget includes $300.00 for one-half the cost of replacing a 16 mm sound projector. We had expected to receiv2 the other 50% through the Highway Safety Act, however, we find that funds ere no longer availClble. 'l'ht2 1972 ac1ju~;trnent covers the entire cost. of the projector. In addition to the six roto rules originally budgeted, thE:; request includes $150.00 for a strobc~ light fo~e laboratory work and $100.00 for repla.cem2n-t~ of a v~)wer lc:nm mo~,':~;r. ~ehe 19"13 request provir}e~; for replacing t.he tarred galvanize.:'!. labo:Cc:tory sink wit:h a stainless stceJ. sink - $350.00, $100.00 for a camera carrying kit, $450.00 for six 35mm cameras to be used in police patrol unjts and $900.00 for dual track recording equipment to be installed in the offices where interviews are conducted. ACCOUllt #505 - 1972: The approved budget provided for repla~cment of a 19G8 Ford Sedctn and-TwO 1971 Pontiac PaLeoJ Cars. The adjusted bUC19'.?t v611 permit replacement of all six patrol vehicles which includes five 1.971 Pont:ic.lc Sedans and one 1971 Pontiac Station V)Q9on, plus the 196B Ford Sedan. The patrol vehicles were placed in service June ]S, 1971. They accumulate approximately 5,000 miles per month. 1973: Provjdes for 1'0- placCElent of three 1971 Amba.ssac1or SCdCCYlS; tV70 19i:r-j"\inbassac1or S"cat..i.on Wa9onE:~ and trade-.j n of the 1964 Dodge' Sec:an as;:;ignec1 to Planning. 'The 196 G Dodge Sedan used by the Chief of Police to be transferred to Planning. Account #509 - Provides for purchase of two regular size file cabinets. Acc01..'.nt i.~514 Provides for purchc::se of 15 r~evolvers, nine for patrol-- men and six for c1etec'U_vo.s. 'rhe bal(~nce is for replacerr.c;nt of: badges and leather gooJs and equipment for reserves. Account #5]7 - Permits replacement of one electric typewriter in the records division. I I I I I I I I I I I . I I I I I CiTY OF Sld.!~:t:, YJ\~:Si':; [- _~~~ um. _~----_._~. .-. _ _ _p[;~~ii:~:\~,~:;~~:,,, _h u__.__ - :O"S I-I--I-O-:~- _~ -I :~-L- -- -- -----.. I -. ~',,, -'~L- ~:," ~, ~ r ., I I f. ~ ~.I,.). ,_.._. 1':";'" 1 Chief: 1 1 Chief 1 p.~Ssist{lnt 1 3 3 Cc'ptain Uni [OJ:'!Tl 1,icutcDi.<nt If If 3 3 Detective Lieutenant U"-rl.i fO~Ll:l SC'.~:gel~lJt 5 5 ? ..J 3 DetectIve Se~'g2al1t 2 JuveniJ.r.: Of:C:5cc'.J: 2 J?ubl:Lc: Safety Office1' 6 c v Ba:Uiff <"l'.d 1 rl'OCC~=) SOl' 1 32 I'a t),'O J.r~'"!.D>n 32 I'o 1 J.CSc,:c:nc-,n 1 1 1 1 SeCTe t<~ !.,'Y Clerk I 1 t\ cc 0 1_).El-~~ art t J Ch'l-k. 'Typist II 1 1 I I I I I I Clerk Typist I 4 L:. H1.i~!1a.r'2 Offi.cer II 1 1 Humane Officer I 2 2 Sc.hool Crossing PatroLnn 26 26 . IJolic.e :R(::;s~r'\'.2~) Extrc:l. rri:-::.~:; TOT i\I, P./\l'.lGE 778 ,.. lO!+ J 706 .. 857 6"--,1('\ 773 ~Jj 5/9 706 579 ~.... 706 552 67/.. .5S? ,. 672 552 G7? 532. .. 637 517 .. 61S 517 " 619 t~GQ .. 550 37/; .. L6!f 356 !33 3":.0 .. !;.J2 322 37Lt L:19 - 460 396 .. L13~f 80 - FU;W D [ fl /\ \~:, T Il)~ C ~.~' f' .---.....--...--. '-1 I I Pc'.:.]'" :.> 8 ",-,.-,."._, t-- ---. ---- -- ...._-~.. ..-.--" -.~ Protyos2d Current gU('~9(~ t 1l ~ 8L:5. O~) 10 ~ 28L: .00 18,917 .00 2S~!d6.0U 25~L:16.00 1,0:> 3:/.0. OD 2!+ ~ J.92. eeJ 16~128.08 Lll,309.00 7,/+28,[;0 239,399.00 4,179.0U 5 ,4Ml .00 5,196.00 4,9/:!;..00 17,023.00 5,520.00 10,356.00 18;720.00 1,000.00 ._.~~~,.~L?.::g.o_ 563,515.00 f3Ud~;8 t _.J 9...13. ___ _ __ __ 12, [/,5, OJ 10,28!:.01 19,0S2.00 25 :/+16. 00 25~!t16,OC) L:O, 320 0 eCl 2/j.,192JI[l 16,128,0(1 38/:.%. on 7,/:n>,(;J 251,3Cl:J..OO 5, 8f;!,. 00 5,4!,3.CO 5,1%,00 L" 9!:-!:.o 00 17 ,588 .00 5,520.00 10 ,L,IG. 00 18,720,00 1,OOO,GO 30 /:0 (1<) 575,575 00 I _. __ ._ _ _.. _._ _ ____ .____ ._'. ._.. ._H ___! I I I I I I I I I I I I I = FU N D _____-BEN.EJ'..L\l-'-_Q1~EIVLC.lN.C''_ DE P J\R TH E r~ T .__----'S_tj .(~('j:,__ CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ANNUAL BUDGET DETA I L ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Actual Previous Year -.l.2 71 PERSONAL SERVICES TOTAL 11,940.00 148 L574~J:.. 160,514.61 110 Salaries - Director of Services 120 Salaries - Regular Employees CONTRACTUAL SERVICES Adjusted Current Budget 1 cJI2. 12,495.00 16lf 2019.9 000 176,795.00 Page 59 J Proposed Budget --.19LL_ 12,495000 179,860.00 192,355.00 205 Telephone and Telegraph 207 Traveling Expenses 231 Insurance - Motor Vehicles 241 Gas Service 242 Light and Power Service 243 Water Service 253 Repair - Machinery and Equipment 255 Repair - Tires and Tubes 257 Repair - Radio Maintenance 284 Laundry and Towel Service 295 Other Professional Services 3L12.89 350.00 350000 188.10 100.00 100.00 1,739.00 2,185.00 2,185.00 1, Ol,O. 25 1,100000 1,100.00 295095 250000 250.00 79.08 100.00 100000 25,171+ .13 24,000000 25,000.00 1,980034 1,800.00 1,400.00 733017 700.00 700000 15.54 20.00 20.00 _15.!-LQ 50.00 50.00 --- --.----- 31,603.90 30,655.00 31,255.00 MATERL<\LS AND SUPPLIES TOTAL 310 320 333 341 %5 347 359 361 - 365 371 373 375 379 387 390 I I I I I I Expendable Tools Office Supplies Chemicals, Drugs and Etco Fuel and Lubricants (except motor) Motor Vehicles - Fuel and Lubricants Motor Vehicles - License Tags Other Operating Supplies Asphalt and Road Oil Cement and Cement Products Lumber and Lumber Products Machinery and Equipment Parts Metal and Metal Products Motor Vehicles - Tires and Tubes Sand, Gravel, Rock, Salt and Chat Sweeper Parts 339.13 21 005 632080 7M~.05 9,294.27 32.00 524088 329.62 1,778.55 90.31 558012 97.16 113055 3,343..49 -b.)83 00Q. 20,281. 98 TOTAL 400.00 35000 660000 600000 8,500000 30.00 300000 0000 2,000000 150000 1,000000 100000 400000 2,500.00 -.b.290.00 19 , 17 5 . 00 lfOO 0 00 35.00 760000 600000 9,000000 30000 300000 0000 0.00 150.00 900.00 300.00 560000 1,250.00 -L29.9-.:.29_ 16,985000 I I I' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FUND GENERAL OPERATING DE P P, R Hl E N T-------=-=--S t.s_E2._~.t._ .- ANNUAL BUDGET Page 6 DETAIL -- . _._,._----_._----~ ~- _:.--== --- - -- -.-- - -- --_.,..._----,'-,._~--- Actual Adj us tcd J ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Current Prop Year Budget Bud 1971 1972 19 r:===-- -- - - - -----=---=--- _-::-- -- SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 435 Organizational Dues 15.00 15.00 -- --- TOTAL 15.00 15.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY 525 Trucks 0.00 4,100.00 527 Street Equipment .b22.L:2.~_ ~~O. 00 TOTAL 3,927.92 10,400.00 GRAND TOTAL 216,343.Ld 237,040.00 2LIO CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS o osed get 73 15.00 15.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ,610.00 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FUtU) GI~Nl~l{?:..IJ OJ?I~_RJ\r.i~I]:JG DE F; f-'.,ft Tn L; J-!" E; t )~:. C~ r~; CITY OF s.'~.L1J'j,'\, l:JJIS;.S --.. _..... .-.---.---. --'.'. - ...... -- '-.---"---.---..- -.. --- .-...-.-..... -----._. ..._, Page 61 _____ .__________ .___........_.. _.. ______________________._.__~=.=-~~~=!=__.. . - ___________.___.____________ __._.._____...._._..____..._ _.. ...1 ----------- -~:::-I-;;;;;I:;i- ---------Tp;~~r~~-:-----A~E-~;~r-II-~;~~~~:~-d- - I 1971. .... 1972. . 1973...1 -=~_.::..:..:=~:~~::.:=__::.=.:_:~~,~_:.:.:.:=__=::.:.:~=:.::,-,:::~::,~:.~=:=.~:=-::.:.:=' :~._-_=:_=:,==:...::...~:::-.:.::.- -'__::=-':':"~~-:_,,' '..:,,:.:,::_::_:=~.::..:...'___::=~..:__=:',:__='~_=._L=_::~==::: .-.::..:...-::-:.::.:.::~_::_:=:=__:~-= r:::::::: :,_:=,::-..:.~.~.:~::.:..::..:_=~~: .:'':'._'=.::: I\Ni'lU!~,\L BUD~~f:T PERSONAL SERVICES 160, SLit. 61 176,795.00 192,355.ClO 31,6Cl3.90 30,655.00 31,255 JJ) 2Cl,281.98 19,175.00 16,985.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 __.}_~9X7_. _92_ __ }.(),~:99_~QQ Cl.ao ----_._-_.~,--.- "-'- --- 216, 3!f 3 .Id 2J7,O!,Cl.OO 2/ICl,GIO.OO CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 1>-lATERIALS AND SUPpr,IES S1.mDlzY EXPEi)DlTLlRES CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL Function -. Budget CO;Htlcnts - Capital OutlcjY FUNc'rION The Street Department, being the largest of the seven suh-.divisionE within the Department of Service, frequently assists or supplemellts oth~r d . .. . } ~. . 1. . 1" .r.,_ ~ ' , l VJ.Slons \'.'J_ t. 1 .fTli'npO'.7cr ano equlpment. P.espono-,lDl...l tJ.CS oJ: tIle CtCp2U:Ui\c"n"C I include all phases and degrees of street cleaning and maintenance. Streets,. bridges and storm sewers are costly to construct. Once they are in ex- I istence we become very dependent upon them. The cost of maintaining and I protecting such facilities continues to become increasingly burdensome. Hovlever, to neglect theTIl resul ts in far g:ceater costs Hhen it. becorncs necessary to replace them or make major repairs; not to mention the cost of abuse to motor vehicles, hazards to motorists and the affects upon property vC:llues. 'l'he departrnent wo:r:ks wi th the Ci ty-County Heal t.h Depcu:t.rrent in the control and elimination of mosquitoes, as well as cuttjng weeds on properties reglecLcd by property owners. BUDGET COj\E.~E;NTS Account fiJ.20 - Provides for one addii.~iona.l :r~cflri..pL2nt Operato:'::" I in 1~73) because of additional highway to be turned over to the City for maintenance I _.9...1)9__)0 rl_s:::.I_"~~lQ..c:s;1___2jr...('c(3.__t').....lf.'sd_ 11.1:"", i rL_QJ1Q_tQ . _aD ['s'Z2c..t ),Q)}'-. _.____________ -_________ ----...--------------- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FUND GENEEAL OPERZ\'l'ING D EP AR TMENT------------ S tr cc t- CITY OF SALINA, ~\NSAS ANNUAL BUDGET SW'H1ARY Page 62 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay BUDGET COMMENTS (Continued) Account #255 - Includes retreading as well as tire repair. Account #361 - This account has been transferred to the Special Gasoline Tax Fund. Account #365 - Beginning in 1973 this account will be included in the Special Gasoline Tax Fund. Account #373 - The 1972 adjustment includes two concrete saw blades - $520.00, ten abrasive blades for sawing asphalt - $100.00, and replacement of a 10" diameter suction hose for the Scavenger vacuum machine - $400.00. The 1973 request includes three concrete saw blades - $780.00, and ten abrasive blades - $100.00. Account #375 - Provides for eight manhole rings and covers at $35.00 each. Account #379 - Provides for the purchase of four new sweeper tires and eight new tractor tires. Account #387 - Provides for purchase of 250 tons of salt at $5.00 per ton. Sand, gravel and material purchases have been transferred to the Special Gasoline Tax Fund. Account #390 - Provides for replacement of pickup and gutter brooms for street sweepers, 345 polyethylene wafers at $4.00 each and 34 sets of plastic gutter brooms at $35.00 each. CAPITAL OUTLAY Account #527 - The increase in the 1972 adjustment provides for the purchase of an additional tractor with attached mower - $4,000.00. This is necessary due to annexation of additional areas and the take over next year by the City of maintenance on certain highways and roads now maintaine9 by the state and county. The original 1972 budget provided $2,000.00 for replacement of a salt spreader and $300.00 for replacement of a rotary mower. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I POS IT! u:i T I-I LE Director of Services Fore'.,,=m 1.1 Eq~_tip~t~(:llt~ O~::'2~:rator II Equipment Ouerator I Labon?r ExLj,"D ffiLne TOTAL CiTY 0 F S/-~'J.! r'~J\, V./I): SP.S f\!,j ;-,-;U':\ L BU DC E-f P [i ~ SO:'.;~'; ~~ L S C H [: D U L. ~ EHPLO\'EES .il , I ~:J_.__ .. I 1. I 1. 1 I ]. 7 7 17 18 2 2 PI i\, ~ ~ i' C 1\1-', 11 '.~ L. 77 8 .. 10": 1 526 6/2 iff.) 6 ~, 5 ~'$2 I:. ri .. 5 J.7 !:~:.S .. /:86 Furii~' Dr:, P /\R l}\ C i;i-i" !\dj us ted Current BudS~c t 1972 - ,~.._-,....,--" .." ,-- -.-.--. - 12,/:95.00 8,OGZ~.OO it2, 219.00 100,37J.00 9,296.00 _.._f~~.1?9_~ C~O. 176, -/9.5.00 s ~'. "; , -2 t Page 63 .,. __.. -0.__.__.-....-...-.... Propc::;eo Budge ~L 1S} 3 _. _. ,_____'^._~.,_.____M_ ..,.,_".__.___ 12,Z:95.00 8 , 0 'Sff . C ,) Z/:, 68(j ,00 111, ~)02. OU 11_ {f56. 00 _~_/1.~. ,~~<5.~~ ..~q.Q. 192,3:)5.00 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FUND DEPARTNENT GENERAL OPERATING l']::l c:; t p n; c:; r () s a J ANNUAL BUDGET Page 64 o ETA I L Actual Adj us ted -'~'- ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Current Proposed Year Budget Budget 1971 1972 1973 PERSONAL SERVICES 120 Salaries - Regular Employees 20,292.32 25,790.00 26,690.0.'2 TOTAL 20,292.32 25,790.00 26,690.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 205 Telephone and Telegraph 0.00 70.00 100.00 228 Insurance - Equipment 268.00 335.00 335.00 253 Repair - Equipment 16,400.28 12,290.00 14,355.00 255 Repair - Tires and Tubes 50.02 100.00 100.00 TOTAL 16,718.30 12,795.00 14,890.00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 310 Expendable Tools 122.93 50.00 50.00 345 Motor Vehicle - Fuel and Lubrs. 2,022.44 1,800.00 1,800.00 359 Other Operating Supplies 590.22 400.00 400.00 379 Motor Vehicle - Tires and Tubes 189.47 100.00 100.00 387 Sand, Rock, Gravel, Salt and Chat 335.20 200.00 200.00 -_._-~ TOTAL 3,260.26 2,550.00 2,550.00 GRAND TOTAL 40,270.88 41)135.00 44,130.00 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS I I I I I I I I I I I I I -_.~_._------ CITY OF SAL I N/\, KANS/\S FUND GBNER.7\L OPERz\TIN(; DE PAR -m E t T-r J,i~:~~t~e.~Di~~~;-~)~;~J~=~ ANNUAL BUDGET SUt-\i~\ARY Page 65 CL:ASS I F I U\T I ON -"_.. .- - l~ Actua I Jl -- Adjusted . Previous Current Proposed Year Budget _____~~0;_~~ ._~- 1971 1972 .. -, . _. -..-- 20,292.32 25,790000 26,690000 16,718030 12,795.00 14,890000 -.L~9-2.}6 ~50.00 2,550.00 40,270088 41,135.00 44,130000 ----- -' PERSONAL SERVICES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES ~ffiTERIALS AND SUPPLIES TOTAL ---------'---.------ ---- Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay FUNC'I'ION The disposal of solid waste in recent years has come to the front as being one of the most challenging problelns facing nearly every comrnuni ty. While land suitable for landfills becomes increasingly scarce, the volume of waste material increases at an almost alarming rate. As a result of abuses of our environment and natural resources we are being confronted with totally new and rigid regulations on methods of waste disposal. I I I I I I Saline County has contracted with a local engineering and planning firm to do a study and prepare a plan for the storage, collection and dis- posal of solid waste for the entire county, as required by state law. The City of Salina within the next few months will have to decide whether to be a part of the county plan or develop its own long-range Solid Waste Manage- ment Plan. The law requires the plans to be submitted to the State Board of Health by mid 1974 and in operation by mid 1976. The problem here is that the plan being prepared for Saline County may not be far enough aloDS for the City to make such a determination prior to the time that we will be forced to acquire another landfill site. '-------------------. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FUND GENER.'\L OPERf"\TING DE P f\ ~~ T i':EtTr i~~it~__pj~ P:Qf; c1.l _~= CITY OF SAL i N(~, KANS;..\S AW-IU!\L BUDGET SUt1t.\l\R Y Page 66 -. Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay FUNCTION (Continued) Salina I S present. landfill facility is expected to accommodate our needs only until mid 1973. We will quite likely be faced with a sizable capital investment in order to acquire a suitable landfill site and possibly some type of incineration or pulverizing equipment in order to reduce the voluwe of material to be buried. Since 1969, Saline County has paid the City $2400.00 per year toward the cost of making the facility available to rural residents and businesses The task of providing essential and economical waste disposal facilities for the residents of Salina and SQline County demands close and undelayed cooperation between the two entities. BUDGE'I' CO.HMEN1'S Account #120 - The increase in the 1972 adjustment provides for an additional Laborer used primarily as a gate attendant in order to direct unloading. The Kansas State Board of Health has forbid us from burning any waste material except tree limbs and brush. This additional Laborer ~ used to see that only this type of waste is unloaded at the burning pit. Account #205 - Provides for installation of a telephone in September, 1972, at the landfill. Account #253 - Increased in the 1972 adjustment in view of the 1971 expenditures and $3,614.00 spent during the first one-third of the year. '----- I I I I I I I I I I I I I FUiiD DE P ('-\K -I (4, E t~T C I'I'Y CF SPI!. 1;:\, f"J\tlSl\S l\~!i!Uf\L Cu:.<; ET P d(' S C::::H L S C di !J '.E Paqe 67 - , ,_.. _____..~_____. _....____ n' ~.___.. ~._ ._._____. ,___.._, _._ -...._. ,..._. _ .___._.._.__..._..__...._._'_... ..-." . ,...---~.--._-,,--. - ,,-,._-_...- _ _._ _ __ __~.___ .. _ _ __ ___._'.._ ____.. __ . __._~ _______m _____. _. .__ .,_ _ ___ ____________ u_' .___ __ __._ ,-:I:_-:~.---- ---. I.u) lb t ,:u pas I T I 0:1 1 i HE EtIPLOyr- S Rf\;lGE Cu rr ent ciFr-;l'C]i~t~ll;rl) I~ (;-;;(/1 Buc1r;L: t n'f'l-rof-I f' I 1";-? .... ~ ~I" v' l.- .' :"I __ ....----- -~~-. ~-------~ "- -------~----~..- -- -~_..---,~. -- ,--' .. _.- -- ---- . ._---.~_.__._-'-----~- ----.--" - - ------ _ _,' _.~~_ .___~_.._':~~;.: I Proposed Bucl9f~ t 1973 Heavy Equipcient Operator 2 2 517 .. 5GG 13,062.00 13,576.0D Laborer 2 2 L:l,S .. ItS 6 11,178.00 11,66!;.00 Extra Time _.1" ._.:'>29 ~g.Q_ __,1~I! rI) , gg. TO Tl\L 25,790.00 26,690.00 I I I I I I ^~."-_._.__._------,---_._--~--...---_..-_., --------_._,..~-----...--.-_...~,-~--~-_._-_.__...---------------~. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FUND GENERAL OPERATING DEPARTHENT Street LfghTing ANNU.l\L BUDGET Page 68 DETA I L - - - Actual Adjusted ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Current Proposed Year Budget Budget 1971 1972 1973 -- _. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 242 Light and Power Service 80,824.28 82,900.00 96,380.0Q_ TOTAL 80,824.28 82,900.00 96,380.00 GRAND TOTAL 80,824.28 82,900.00 %,380.00 . . CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~- CITY Of:' SAL I ~U\, i'J\tlSi\S FU N D _..___GJ'2tITn~'.PJ:'_~ p F~.El?J.~I(J...G_ DE P ilR li\ E r~ -r_-,'itL!;.~E;~t-1.l.igl;t;i,_.lJS ANNUAL BUDGET SUi'\rll\R Y Page 69 ---==~~~p,~ ~:A T I-ON ='~==~=--=:~~~f~~s -l--A~~~r~r==:~~~i~~~~= -- _. ---- ::_._--.==-.:..::.~:==--=----.::=--=:::=====-=====-::_. . .r=-. --"':":::::':'::="-===---'I~====--:--"'------': CONTR...4CfUAT.J SERVICES 80 ...t.9_~,~' 2.8 82.2.2.Q0. 00 2.2..~_~0 ~.9..Q_ TOTAL 80,824.28 82,900.00 96,380000 Function - Bud9st Co~nents - Capital Outlay FUNCTION This appropriation pays the cost for electricity, as well as pole and fixture rental, for all street lights within the corporate limits of the City. Kansas Power and Light Company installs and maintains all street lights which are rented to the City ln accordance with a cOIltractual agree- ment. I I I I I I As .manufacturers have developed better, more efficient and more attractive street lighting fixtures in recent years, we have become more aware of the value and desirability of having well lighted streets. We must keep ln mind that as the demand for a public service, convenience or facility increases, the difficulty of determining priorities lncreases accordingly. Our Engineering Department ln cooperation with K P & L has been for some time, involved in an extensive study in order to make recom- mendations for improving and updating our street lighting throughout the City on a long range basis. That study has now been completed and certain portions of it are reflected in the recommended improvements itemized in Account #242. I FUND GENERAL OPEFZ\1'ING --- .----., - .--..------.-----'----.'''...-----.--.-.. ,.~.."~,- DEPARH\ENT Street Liuht hJrT ____.___"_._~__<.. ," ._.._L. ',,_.__, ___..--L- ANNUAL BUDGET ----------.--;a~:-~~-----l SUI-1tV\R Y --- --------------~-~.-_._--_._~-~------_..._....._- _.._.'._,-_._----...__._-----~ ----------,.__._--------,----- CITY OF SAL IN!'" K,~,NSf.\S I I I I I I I I I I I I Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay BUDGET COlflMEN'rS Account #242 - The 1972 adjusted figure includes upgrading of lighting on North 9th Street from Pacific Street to 1-70 at a net increase of $395.00 per month and on West Crawford between South Broadway and 1-35 at a net increase of $120.00 per month. Both improvements are in accord with tht. above referenced plan and are expected to be installed by October. Improvements proposed for 1973 are as follows: North Broadway, Ash to 9th and Pacific, $172.00 per month; KWU Area *, $170.00 per month; Magnolia, 9th to Ohio, $180.00 per month; Crawford, Broadway to Ohio, $218.00 per month. The amount indicated for each loca- tion is the net mon.thly increase over present costs. The recommended changes are primarily to improve lighting of arterial streets, entrances to the City, and areas adjacent to schools. All of the above proposed improvements were included in the original 1972 budget, but actual authorization for this installatioII was delayed.' * Claflin Avenue from Sant:a Fe Avenue to Osborne Street, Cloud Street from Ninth Street to Quincy Street, Highland 1"--venue from Cla.flin Avenue to CIOllc1 Street, Osborne Street from Claflin Avenue to Cloud Street. I' I -I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ANNUAL BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION PERSONAL SERVICES 120 Salaries - Regular Employees TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 205 Telephone and Telegraph 207 Traveling Expenses 231 Insurance - Motor Vehicles 242 Light and Power Service 253 Repair - Machinery and Equipment 255 Repair - Tires 257 Repair - Radio Maintenance 261 Repair - Traffic Lights 295 Other Professional Services TOTAL MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 310 Expendable Tools 345 Motor Vehicles - Fuel and Lubricants 347 Motor Vehicles - License Tags 365 Cement and Cement Products 367 Electrical Traffic Lights Parts 371 Lumber and Lumber Products 379 Motor Vehicles - Tires and Tubes 399 Other Repairs and Maintenance TOTAL CAP ITAL OUTLAY 529 Traffic Control Equipment TOTAL GRAND TOTAL FUND GENERAL QE.EM1'INf,L DEPARTMENT Traffic Control Page 71 Actual Previous Year 1971 Adj us ted Current Budget 1972 Proposed Budget 1973 18,831.59 19,130.00 20,000000 18,831.59 19,130000 20,000000 224.68 200.00 200.00 0.00 100000 100000 130.00 215.00 215.00 2,092063 2,600.00 2,600000 562.02 725.00 800000 91.83 30.00 50.00 135.50 110.00 110.00 657.09 700.00 800000 2,409.90 ..b500.00 2,500.00 6,303.65 7,180.00 7,375.00 72.97 100.00 100000 426.77 500.00 525000 6.50 5.00 5.00 8.75 0.00 0.00 749.59 1,000.00 1,200000 4.78 35.00 35.00 0.00 50.00 50.00 49.06 75.00 75.00 1,318.42 1,765.00 1,990.00 11,776.22 1,880.00 -..i80 . 00 11,776.22 1,880.00 480000 38,229.88 29,955.00 29,845.00 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FUND GENEfU"\L OPERATING DE r fo.R TTiT,Ii'(-fra"Ei: i (~--C-o;~'t.r-o'f" CITY OF SALINA, K/\NS/\S -----.----.----.--------------:----> ANNU/\L BUDGET SU~H'1ARY Page 72 -> . - - ._-------------_._.-:------------_._._-_._--~.__._----_.--------- =-- _-~~_~~~C::,F~:-:_==~=_~=-Jjlf5~ ~~~~i~!-- r5~~~r~~ PERSONAL SERVICES 18,831.59 19, 130.00 20,000.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 6,303.65 7,180.00 7,375.00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 1 , 318. !~2 1,765.00 1,990.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY }J.l776.22 -.-l.L8_8_Q~QQ. 480.00 -_._------~---- TOTAL 38,229.88 29,955.00 29, 8L,5. 00 ~----_.__._-_._----_._._---------_..._----_. ---.,--.---.----...- --.------.-.--- Function .. Budget COiT:fIl2nts - Capital Outlay FUNCTION The Traffic Department is responsible for installation and of the multitude of traffic control devices, signs and signals. controls and guides are essential, both for maximum utilization traffic ways and to protect pedestrians and motorists. maintenance These of our BUDGET COMMENTS Account #295 - Provides for renewal of annual contract for synchroni- zation of traffic lights in the Central Business District. Account #367 - The increase reflects the fact that we have more signalized intersections and more sophisticated equipment in operation. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FUND GENERAL OPERATING DEPARTt1ENT 'l'rafTic . Con fro 1- -----...-. ~.,,'--~ .._---- CITY OF SALINA, KJI.NS!IS -- ANNUAL BUDGET SUt~t-\ARY Page 73 -- Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay CAPITAL OUTLAY Account #529 - 1972: eight traffic counters - $660.00; a semi- actuated controller, loop amplifier and detector to actuate signal lights at Crawford and Roach - $880.00; one traffic signal unit for back-up equipment - $170.00. 1973: one hand gun for painting crosswalks and parking stalls - $180.00;-one electric portable power generator - $300.00. -- I FUN 0 ____._.___gJ:~iS.E ~~\.r-,-_QX~' :~/ 'rrl':.G__ o EP AR It-\ E m'___.___.Tr2lH i(~__ Ct-" t j-C. 1 I r ------ ------- ---- - --- -.---- ----,--.. --'--' -- CITY 0 f S r\ L. I r: 6" f~;\ i J S ,\.:; _____ -__~_.___._..___ -------------- ----------.------ -- > l'.t; >1'J;\ 1_ B~j ~~c; fT f' '" 9 e 7 L1 I ____________________ __: f_E=S~):~~I;_~~':~~=L_r:______________ _ ___________ I -'- ----p ~~. ~ ~-~ ~ 1- --~~.;~-;- - -----t;",:;;;; ~1' {~~- :J1 - - -R~\ ~~ ,-- - -- ---A ~f~f: ~t~-~------- \ ----~-Bl~U-O~Og- ;~t~ -;- - v~_ _ L-'I .... t.... .i - 1.- '--' ,-,I... ::J........... DlLio'? ~ P;I hct 1972, ] 971 .----.--- . - ..-------------. ------- ----- ~--- -.- - -, ----- ----------------' --------.-------r--- ~---:---- I Foreman III 501 - 639 7,668.00 7,668 00 I I I I I I I I tlaintenc:11C2 Harker I 2 2 L160 .. 503 11,192.00 11,882,00 Extra Time 270.00 -~-->--..--..'.- -.-~' L,50.00 TO'fAL 19,130.00 20,000,00 I I I I I I _.._--_._--~------~-----'------~--- _.~,-------.._-.._----_._-_.,._------._-- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I _I FUND GENERAL OPERATING DEPARTMENT Swimming Pools CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION PERSONAL SERVICES 120 Salaries - Regular Employees TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 205 Telephone and Telegraph 241 Gas Service 242 Light and Power Service 243 Water Service 251 Repair - Buildings 253 Repair - Machinery and Equipment 295 Other Professional Services TOTAL MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 310 Expendable Tools 320 Office Supplies 333 Chemicals, Drugs & Etc. 343 Janitor and Toilet Supplies 365 Cement and Cement Products 367 Electrical and Lighting Parts 371 Lumber and Lumber Products 373 Machinery and Equipment Parts 381 Paint and Painting Materials TOTAL SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 421 Sales Tax Remitted TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 503 Equipment TOTAL GRAND TOTAL ANNUAL BUDGET DETAIL Actual Previous Year 1971 11,920.66 11 ,920.66 47.31 30.52 449.93 1,819.50 0.00 893.07 483.19 3,723.52 88.37 52.73 495.29 135.45 185.29 10.48 8.35 513.09 115.15 1,604.20 398.06 398.06 796.09 796.09 18,442.53 Adjusted Current BudgE:,t 1Q72 12,690.00 12,690.00 50.00 30.00 500.00 1,900.00 625.00 325.00 3,660.00 7,090.00 100.00 100.00 300.00 100.00 350.00 30.00 50.00 400.00 1,400.00 2,830.00 420.00 420.00 1,155.00 1,155.00 24,185.00 Page 75 Proposed Budget ]q71 12,690.00 12,690.00 50.00 30.00 500.00 1,900.00 0.00 100 .00 500.00 3,080.00 100.00 100.00 300.00 200.00 1,500.00 20.00 50.00 400.00 50.00 2,720.00 420.00 420.00 0.00 0.00 18,910.00 I I I I I I I I I I I I I FUND GENEPJ".L OPER..l\T ING DE P t\R Tt1E-rTf--SH i mml ng -fJ 00 3. s-.- CITY OF SAL I ~:A, KANS,'\S ANNUAL BUDGET SUMt.jl\R Y ;.--. - -, p ~~~~~~s - Year -- ~.djUsted Current Bud~et Page 76 Proposed Budget 12,690.00 3,080.00 2,720000 420000 0.00 18,910000 This appropriation includes expenditures necessary to maintain and operate the two Municipal Swimming Pools located in Kenwood Park and Carver Center. I I I I I I CLASSIFICATION PERSONAL SERVICES 11,920066 12,690000 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 3,723.52 7,090000 MATERLi\LS AND SUPPLIES 1,604.20 2,830000 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 398.06 420.00 CAPITAL OUTL.i\Y 796.09 1,155.00 ----- TOTAL 18,442.53 24,185.00 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay FUNCTION BUDGET COH~'lENTS Account #205 - Provides for installation of a desk telephone in the pool manager's office for administrative and emergency use only. Account #251 - The 1972 adjustment includes running of a hot water line from the bath house to the concession stand in order to provide hot water in the concession stand as requested by the Health Department. Also, includes construction of hadite partition walls in the public restrooms and changing of the door to the mens shower room to the east side and closing the present opening. Account #295 - Provides for sandblasting of both pools in 1972 in order to remove thick layers of built up paint. I I I I I I I I I I I I I FUND GENE~b OPEill\TING_ DEPARTMENT swimm.i.ns: _.P..oD_ls_ CITY OF SALINA, K.4NSAS ANNUAL BUDGET SUNMARY Page 77 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay BUDGET COW1ENTS (Continued) A~count #343 - Includes purchase of five 24 gallon heavy duty, dome topped trash cans and liners - $IOO.OO. Account #365 - Provides for replacement of approximately one-third of the deck area damaged as a result of leaks in the recirculation system beneath the deck. The system has been repaired. Account #381 - The 1972 adjustment will permit refinishing the pools with Thoro-Seal and Thoro-glaze during the fall. CAPITAL OUTLAY Account #503 - The $1,155.00 has been used for lavatories, mirrors and diving boards as provided in the original 1972 budget. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF SAL I ~;i\, y,J\iJSr.S F ~ N ~ -;:;-_'_'~~'I-:-___Q.FJ~J:}_~!~I:!._.QX;': '2X!JP.G.. . DcPAf\ ThE.. r _____~\/~.II":ri.xtg.Xq()ls ANNUJ.\L BUDGET PERSONNEL SCHEOULE Page 78 .~-~ P::;;~~ON ;~-;lE- --~'1 :e'~LOYE'E=~.-'-.~C==~:~E =, A~~~~=~~o- p;~:::-~=I C;j,::~:~ ~op'oseci BudgE),t Budge t . uuu<:ret.! L::U",-q'2t 1972 1973 -------.-.... ---- --,--- ------- ------...---- ____...__.__________1 1 1 400 1,200.00 1,200.00 Superintendent Kemvood Nanager 1 1 350 1,050.00 1,050.00 Carver Hanager 1 1 300 900.00 900.00 Lifeguard 8 8 165 3,960.00 3,960.00 Cashier 2 2 125 750.00 750.00 Basket Attendent 11 11 110 3,630.00 3,630.00 Extra Time 1, 20.0 ,-SLQ. _~-,_?.g.9LO_Q. TOTAL 12,690.00 12,690.00 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I :1 FUND GENERAL OPERATING DEPARTMENT Administration ~~d Planning CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ANNUAL BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION PERSONAL SERVICES . 110 Salaries - Department Heads 120 Salaries - Regular Employees 130 Salaries - Part Time Employees TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 205 Telephone and Telegraph 207 Traveling Expenses 209 Postage 231 Insurance - Motor Vehicles 252 Repair - Furniture and Office Equipment 253 Repair - Machinery and Equipment 255 Repair - Tires 295 Other Professional Services TOTAL MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 320 Office Supplies 331 Books and Periodicals 345 Motor Vehicle - Fuel and Lubricants 359 Other Operating Supplies 379 Motor Vehicle - Tires TOTAL SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 435 Organizational Dues TOTAL GRAND TOTAL Page 79 Actual Previous Year 1971 Adjusted Current Budge.t 1972 Proposed Budget 1973 25,188000 15,020.41 4 ,021. 50 25,560.00 22,070000 -1.,d00 .00 25,260000 26,170000 1,200.00 44,229091 52,630000 48,830.00 483.89 450.00 450.00 997.78 100000 150.00 190.90 195.00 200000 65.00 80.00 80000 134.90 140000 150000 327.46 250000 250.00 0.00 10.00 10000 91.32 100.00 100.00 2,291.25 1,325.00 1,390000 397.24 350000 350000 384.07 270000 270000 147.35 200000 200000 187.63 150.00 170.00 0.00 25.00 50.00 1,116.29 995.00 1,040.00 189.00 180.00 180.00 189.00 180.00 180.00 47,826.45 51,330.00 55,240000 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF SALINA, ~\NSAS FUN D __.~fu,{X:;B.ill":!...J2Pf..J:\!)T..:r;.N C'- DEPAFlTl\EN r -A-C}111iJ.1..i ~tr9 t.i..9D_ and Plan.!)in.~.L ANNUAL BUDGET SUM~\AP, Y Page 80 CLASSIFICATION ActUdl Adjusted Previous Current Proposed Year Budget Budget 19V 1972 - 1973 ,--. 44,229.91 48,830.00 52,630.00 2,291.25 1,325.00 1,390.00 1,116.29 995.00 1,040.00 189.00 180.00 180.00 _._-- ---- 47,826.45 51,330.00 55,240.00 PERSONAL SERVICES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES SUNDRY EXPENDITURES TOTAL ---- Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay FUNCTION The Department provides staff support to the Planning Co~~ission and Zoning Board of Appeals in guiding the growth and development of the City in order to achieve a more orderly, convenient and attractive cO~"'11Unity. The department assists other municipal departments, serves as the link between the planning function and the administrative structure, advises engineers, developers and citizens on various planning matters such as zoning and sub-division regulations, rezoning requests, minimum require- ments for proposed sub-division plats, traffic requirements, plus a mul- titude of additional services to influence the well-being of the community. Activities within this department are increasing steadily due to expanded involvement with various Federal Programs. The Department of Administration and Planning is the primary liaison with the Regional Office of Housing and Urban Development in Kansas City, the Kansas State Park and Resources Authority, as well as the local Urban Renewal Agency. In addition the department works continually with planning and engineering firms on projects such as the Community Renewal Program, Neighborhood Development Programs, park development projects and the many routine technical studies as they develop. The department has been quite involved in the formulation of the proposed Metropolitan Planning Commission. Once it is established a great deal more responsibility will be imposed on the Director of Planning anq his st_Qff. I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF SALINA, KJ\rjS!\S FUND GENERAL OPER.NFING D EP ART11 Ern __ ~_q!Tli nJ.~tI.~tT0Q a~d PJ.9nni21~ ANNUAL BUDGET SU~I~\AR Y Page 81 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay BUDGET COMi'vlENTS Account #130 - Permits SUJruner employm8nt of a college student to do general line drafting and data collection work. Account #435 - Includes renewal of memberships in the American Society of Planning Officials, Urban Land Institute, American Public Works Associ~ ation, Kansas Planning Association, and ~~erican Institute of Planners. I I I I I I ____~J I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I F Uti D ___. GE.Ef,11f\ l!.- Ql)~E,t,J: DE P /\ R n~1 E in _J:\..sJrJi.r:li;c,-t:}~.:_ ~jc 0..11 "- __.____..._._______________ CITY OF S':,L I NA, K,'JiS!\S _______...____________-----'-_._..__. Pl9.]Jr:.}.n",;__ ANNU!\L BUDGET Page; 82 PERsor"Ii',J ELse tl cDl! ~~ E C==~P~:;~~:-T I TL~ '-=OC~~~:.;~~~:~~~7'p:~~;===AmHf~ --="~-~~~~~;d--':" r-------.----.---------- Y~{}jJ.!!.i: _!i:::/i.,cr3..~___._n_________ ____1972-_____ __J3.1L__ Director of Administration 1 1 900 - 1205 14,460.00 14,460.00 Planning Director 1 1 71+1 .. 991 11,100.00 10,800.00 Planning Technician 2 2 552 ~ 672 11,888.00 15,733.00 Secretary 2 2 371+ - l,5I, lO, 182 .00 10,152.00 Extra Time. 285.00 TOTAL ---L1.Q.Q.~ 00 48,830.00 -1~00 .:.2Q Part Time 52,630.00 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I - ANNUAL BUDGET Page 83 DETA I L - Actual Adj us ted ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Current Proposed Year Budget Budget lq71 1 qn lq71 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 239 Group Insurance 25,318.80 28,675.00 32,400.00 290 Medical Services 751.00 900.00 950.00 294 Workmen's Compensation 10,668.10 11,275.00 12,500.00 TOTAL 36,737.90 40,850.00 45,850.00 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 404 Contingencies 18,697.03 30,000.00 30,000.00 Demolition 5,200.00 9,000.00 9,000.00 Reserve for 1973 Salary Adjustments (3% of December 31, 1972 Base) --- 53,79Q.00 TOTAL 23,897.03 39,000.00 92,790.00 GRAND TOTAL 60,634.93 79,850.00 138, 6!lO .00 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS FUND GENERAL OPERATING DEPARTMENT Insurance and.. Contingencies I ANNUAl. BUDGET SlJ.''1i'{!\RY FU N D -----GELI.R.E1lL-DPEPJi'l'j .tIG_ DEPII,Rl}lE.tl T _IDs 1J,!c:a.J~c;~ (lnd Con t:inqenr- j C;3 -.-----.-----".----.------- -- ---._- ._-, Page 84 I I I CITY OF S/\LINA, K.'\iJSAS ~-------~---_..-"--- - ----..--..--- ~~~y~~ A~~ ~~~~-J--p ro~se:--- I Year _____HI Budget Budget ._,=--==! 9 J. 1 --==-r--=:=-___~9 7 2-=. _=:: l_~ 3_-=-=-== CLASSIFICATION I CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 36,737.90 40,850.00 45,850.00 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 1l.122l.___Q1 I I I I TOTAL 60,634.93 39, o QQ.. 00 79,850.00 92,790.00_ 138, 6LfO .00 I I ----------~-------_._-~--- ------_..- ._,._-------~- Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay I I BUDGET COMNENTS The Contingency section is designed as a hedge against unforseen emergencies or needs which cannot be determined at the time of budget prepara tion. Present forec2.sts for the 19-/3 budget encompass a period of 18 months. Some examples of past expenditures out of this fund in- clude: excavation and fencing the new landfill site, removal of the voice warning from Old City Hall and reinstallation on the United Building, the demolition of unsafe houses, the electrical repair of the Schilling Ball Park, soil testing for a possible landfill site, taxes on Centennial Park property which was purchased too late to have removed from the tax roll, aerial photographs purchased from the State Highway Cow.mission, court reporter for the City COIDmission investigation of the Fire Depart- ment, rental of equipment for snow removal, supplies and printing of the Personnel Manual, redevelopment plan for the Central Business District. I I I I I I Account #239 - Provides for employee medical insurance paid by the .City. A IO% increase in premiums is expected for 1973. Account #290 - Physical examinations at $IO.OO each, a prerequisite to municipal employment, and flu shots at $3.00 each are paid out of this account. The shots are made available for all employees. I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS FUND GENER.l\L OPERATIlJG -..----- DEPARTI1ENT--1.Dsurange Clil~l__ Contingencies ANNUAL BUDGET SUI1HARY Page 85 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay BUDGET CO~lENTS (Continued) Account #294 - Decreased in 1971 as a result of our experience record over the past 4 years; however, there was a smaIl increase in 1972 and it is expected to increase somewhat in 1973. Account #404 - Provides $9,000.00 again in 1973 for the demolition of unsafe structures. The recomrnendation is the result of increased requests by property owners to have deteriorated structures within their areas removed as a means of maintaining their own property values. I I I I I II I' I I I I I I I I I I' I I I I I I I I ANNUAL BUDGET Page 86 DETAIL Actual Adjusted ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Current Proposed Year Budget Budget 1971 1972 1973 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 210. Appropriation 10.,000..0.0 10., 10 , 0.0 O.?-Q.Q. TOTAL 10.,0.00..0.0 10., 10,0.0.0..00 GRAND TOTAL 10, 10 ,000 .00. 10,000.0.0 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS FUND GENEP~L o.PERATING DEPARTMENT BqD~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS FUND GENERAl, OPE&\'l'ING DE PAR TN E NT------- B.0 pd. ANNUAL BUDGET SUMtlARY ---- -I Page 87 CLASSIFICATION ]Jctual Previous Year 1971 Proposed Budget 1973 Adj us ted Current Budget 1972 CONT~~CTUAL SERVICES 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 TOTAL 10,000.00 10,000.00 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay FUNCTION This appropriation provides support to the Salina Municipal Band. Annual activities of the band normally include 13 to 15 outdoor concerts, participation in the final City Recreation Commission Program, the Tri- Rivers Fair, Memorial Day Parade, Armed Forces Day Parade, Boy Scout Circus Programs, basebal1 games, indoor concerts, and the Independence Day celebration at Lakewood Park. The actual request submitted by the Band Trustees totaled $IO,467.00 for 1973. The policy since 1969 has been to hold this expenditure to the $IO,OOO.OO amount. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ANNUAL BUDGET o ETA I L ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION PERSONAL SERVICES 120 Salaries - Regular Employees TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 205 Telephone and Telegraph 207 Traveling Expenses 231 Insurance - Motor Vehicles 241 Gas Service 242 Light and Power Service 243 Water Service 251 Repair - Buildings 253 Repair - Machinery and Equipment 255 Repair' - Motor Vehicles - Tires 295 Other Professional Services TOTAL ~TERIALS AND SUPPLIES 310 Expendable Tools 320 Office Supplies 345 Motor Vehicles - Fuel and Lubricants 351 Seeds, Plants and Trees 359 Other Operating Supplies 365 Cement and Cement Products 371 Lumber and Lumber Products 379 Motor Vehicles - Tires 381 Paint and Painting Supplies 387 Sand, Gravel, Rock and Chat TOTAL FUND GEN~RAL OPEr~TnJG_ DEPARTMENT Ceme~~ Page 88 Actual Previous Year 1971 Adjusted Current Budget 1972 Proposed Budget 1973 -- 18,117029 18,730.00 18 ,895.00. 18,117 .29 18,730.00 18,895.00 212.14 230.00 230.00 111.74 100000 100.00 76.00 90000 90000 403.25 400.00 400000 18.30 25000 25000 92.40 110000 110.00 22.55 300.00 200.00 743.52 1,500.00 1,300.00 84.59 100.00 100.00 53.36 150.00 ---120.00 1,817.85 3,005.00 2,705.00 26.84 25.00 30.00 39.16 50.00 50.00 339.49 400.00 400.00 104.59 100.00 125.00 126.49 250.00 250.00 4045 200.00 25.00 167.08 25.00 50.00 101.58 25.00 25.00 28.32 125.00 25.00 30.45 50.00 50.00 968.45 1,250.00 1,030.00 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ------ ANNUAL BUDGET Page 89 o ETA I L - Actual Adjusted ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Current Proposed Year Budget Budget 1971 1972 1973 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 435 Organizational Dues 60.00 60.00 60.00 TOTAL 60.00 60.00 60.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY 501 Land 240.00 200.00 200.00 503 Equipment 84.39 0.00 250.00 TOTAL 324.39 200.00 450.00 GRAND TOTAL 21,287.98 23,245.00 23,140.00 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS FUND GENf,RAL OPER.~TING_ OEPARTMENT Cemet~~y- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FUND GENERP~L OPE@~f.JNC__ DEPARHlENT CITY OF SALI NA, KANSAS ('e.me..t.e:.~~_ ANNUAL BUDGET SUMM,l1.RY Page 90 CLASSIFICATION Actual Previous Year 1971 PERSONAL SERVICES 18,117.29 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 1,817.85 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 968.45 1,030.00 1,250.00 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 60.00 60.00 60.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY 324.39 200.00 450.00 TOTAL 21,287.98 23,245.00 23,140.00 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay FUNCTION This department is responsible for the normal routine maintenance of Gypsum Hill Cemetery. Area of the Cemetery approximates 70 acres and contains more than 12,OOO interments at the present time. BUDGET COM1.\1ENTS Account #255 - Provides for recapping as wel1 as repair of tires. Account #295 - The 1972 adjustment permits installation of an addition- al electrical circuit in the kitchen of the caretakers residence and sand- blasting of the ornamental fountain' in the DAR Garden. Account #359 - Permits the use of growth retardant for use on a trial basis around grave markers, both in 1972 and 1973. Account #365 - The 1972 adjustment provides for concrete repair in the basement of the caretakers residence. . I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF SALINA, ~\NSAS FUND GENERAL OPERATING DEP AR TMENT.-----C emeterv -_..-'"~--~-_.,,--, ,- ---- --- ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY Page 91 ._- Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay BUDGET COMMENTS (Continued) Account #381 - Increased for 1972 in order to P?int the interior of the caretakers residence. CAPITAL OUTLAY Account #501 - Is used to buy back lots for resale. Account #503 - Provides for the purchase of a Heckendorn sprayer to be mounted on a Heckendorn riding mower to be used primarily for weed spraying. _--:. I I I I I I I I I I I I .1 c Sexton POS I T I ON T lTLE Extra Time Maintenance Worker I I I I I , I I TOTAL CITY OF SALIN;\, K,tJ,NS!\S ANNUAL B:.JDGET PERSONNEL SChEDULE EMPLOYEES --;:---------.------ Cun1cntj p-~opo. sed Budqet Ndoet ----0--, _.__~ 1 1 2 2 RANGE 454 - 552 460 .. 503 FUND GENEFiAL OPER\TING DC" P ^ p::;.-;-:-c;,'T ------------.------- L.. rlo\ I i'L.." --.________._.c:;~.ID.e t_~.TY.._ ----_._------~~-,- Page 92 -- -- l ----.:= Adjusted Current Proposed Budget Budget 1972 1973 '--.--- 6,465.00 6,624.00 12,075.00 12,071.00 190.00 200.00 _.,---- --........-- 18,730.00 18,895.00 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FUNO GENERAL OPERATING OEPARTMENTGeneral Improvemen~ ANNUAL BUDGET Page 93 o ETA I L Actual Adjusted ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Current Proposed Year Budget Budget 1971 1972 1973 PERSONAL SERVICES 120 Salaries - Regular Employees 16,363.15 17,500.00 20,140.00 130 Salaries - Part Time Employees 122.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 TOTAL 16,485.15 22,500.00 25,140.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 231 Insurance - Motor Vehicle 63.00 70.00 70.00 253 Repair - Machinery and Equipment 376.44 300.00 300.00 255 Repair - Motor Vehicle - Tires 4.00 80.00 65.00 -- TOTAL 443.44 450.00 435.00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 310 Expendable Tools 97.78 125.00 150.00 345 Motor Vehicle - Fuel and Lubrs. 210.29 200.00 200.00 347 Motor Vehicle - License Tags 4.00 5.00 5.00 359 Other Operating Supplies 6.43 25.00 25.00 TOTAL 318.50 355.00 380.00 GRAND TOTAL 17,247.09 23,305.00 25,955.00 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF SAL I N'\, i<;\NSr~S FUND GENERAL OPERATING DEPARTNENTG~~neral . Impr~'{~'::"~ Ii\ent ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY Page 94 CLASSIFICATION Actual Previous Year 1971 - Adjusted Current Proposed Budget Budget 1972 __ 1973 .- 22,500.00 25,140.00 450.00 435.00 355.00 380.00 23,305.00 25,955.00 PERSONAL SERVICES 16,485.15 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 443.4!+ MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 318.50 TOTAL 17,247.09 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay FUNCTION This fund accounts for the normal repairs, maintenance and improve- ment type activities for the various city-owned buildings and properties not provided for elsewhere in the budget. BUDGET COMMEN'l'S Account #130 - In prior years we have participated in various youth employment programs and charged the city's share to the various departments as part-time employees. It is proposed that they be charged to this fund regardless of where we use them. They have~ and will be, utilized on such projects as river cleanup, shelter house construction, installation of park improvement projects, rebuilding Memorial Baseball Stadium Fence, etc. Account #255 - This provides for recapping of tires as well as tire repair. I '1 I I I I I I I I I I I CITY or SALIN,!;, KANSAS, AtHWAL BUDGET PERSONNEL SCHEDULE POS IT I ON TITLE ----.--r------.-.-------.. RANGE Foreman I Maintenance Horker II Extra Time Part Time I I I I I I TOTAL Et1PLOYEES Current PI'Orosed Budqet BZ.id:;et .~--_.__........~- _._~.- 1 1 2 2 501 - 639 473 - 517 FUND GENERAL O}'E;[\i\THTG DE P AR1~::E NfG-engI~~). - -i;p~_;_c~;~~~.t_ Page 95 -:--.--.--------..l Adjusted-- ------ Current Proposed Budget Budget __12..Z2... ____1-212-___ 7,668.00 7,668.00 9,532.00 12,172.00 300.00 300.00 .2, OOO_~ 00 ..2 LQ..OO. 00 22,500.00 25,140.00 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS FUND GENEr~L OPERATIN~ DEPARTMENT Memorial Hall ANNUAL BUDGET DETA I L Page 96 ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Actual Previous Year 1971 Proposed Budget 1972 Adjusted Current Budget 1972 PERSONAL SERVICES 120 Salaries - Regular Employees 4,916.92 5,400000 . 5,400.00 TOTAL 4,916092 5,400000 5)400.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 205 Telephone and Telegraph 227 Insurance - Liability (3 years) 241 Gas Service 242 Light and Power Service 243 Water Service 251 Repair and Building 253 Repair - Machinery and Equipment 114.84 100.00 100000 332.00 0000 0.00 2)454013 2 ,lfOO .00 2,ltOO.OO 346096 350.00 350.00 239.40 250.00 250.00 12.91 4,190.00 100.00 401.65 300.00 200.00 3,901.89 7,590000 3,400.00 TOTAL .MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 310 Expendable Tools 359 Other Operating Supplies 371 Lumber and Lumber Products 381 Pa int and Painting Materials 32.07 120.00 150.00 1,800032 100000 100000 49.12 25000 25000 329 . 4l~ 150.00 150.00 2,210.95 395.00 425.00 TOTAL SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 413 Public Address System 439 Refunds 385.00 77.50 400.00 0000 400.00 0.00 TOTAL 462050 400.00 400.00 GRAND TOTAL 11,492.26 13,785.00 9,625.00 I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS AN NUI-"l.L BUDGET SUMMARY - - _...~.". '--' - Actual CLASSIFICATION Previous Year 1971 ---, - PERSONAL SERVI CES 4,916.92 CONTRACTUAL SE RVICES 3,901.89 }IATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 2,210.95 SUNDRY EXPENDI TURES 462.50 ---- TO TAL 11,492.26 FUND GENE~~L OPERATING DEPARTHENT M0mnr i aLliZl.lJ._ Page 97 -- '.'- Adjusted Current Proposed Budget Budget 1972 1973 --.- 5,400.00 5,400.00 7,590.00 3,400.00 395.00 425.00 400.00 400.00 -- 13,785.00 9,625.00 FUNCTION Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay Memorial Hall serves the community and trade area as a multi-use facility accommodating meetings, entertainment, recreation, civic and service project? A portion of the building is used for practice for the Municipal Band. Offices adjacent to the lobby house the Cultural Arts Commisslon and Veterans' Administration. A Civil Defense fallout shelter occupies most of the basement. Marymount College rents the haIl for basketball practice and hosting home games. I I I I I I BUDGET COrt.1MENTS Account #251 - The 1972 adjustment provides for the replacement of four double doors, two on the east and two on the west sides of the building These will be double glass doors with glass blocks on each side in order to eliminate all wood at these locations. Account #310 - Provides for the replacement of a small hand mower for trimming where riding mower can not reach in 1972 and a power edger for use -along sidewalks in 1973. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I '1 I I I CITY OF' SALINA, KANSAS FUND GENERAL OPER~TING DEPARTMENT MemoriaLH~_l ~ ANNUJ\L BUDGET SUm'ARY Page 98 ~- - --.:. Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay BUDGET COI~1ENTS (Continued) Account #359 - The unusually high expenditure in 1971 included replacement of a spot light at $1,620.00. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF S.!\L I Nf\, K.t\NSi\S FU N D _ GEi'1J~Bi~,L__Q.PE&:\..,(C)1.G_ DE PAR TM E NT ____lL"JTlDJ....if!.LJljJ 1]._ _._-..--_._-----~_.._-._---_._----~_.__.__._~ -_._-_._---~.__._- ANNUAL BUDGET PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Page 99 ---------'_.---_._~_.~----_._._----------_._.- Custodian Extra Time POS IT ION TITLE TOTAL .-----~..~..'P:~-~T- RAN~~-- CU.l:'r'?n~ proposedj --.- __B~et, &!{~i@T~6 _ ',45 --A(jTus-t~.d-~---------.-. Current Proposed Budget Budget 1972 ____1-97:L 5,310.00 5, 3LfO . 00 90.00 --...---- 60.00 ----..---- 5 ,LfOO .00 5,400.00 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FUND GENERAL OPERAT:I~NG DEPARTMENT Public Health ANNUAL BUDGET Page lOa DETA I L Actual Adj us ted ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Current Proposed Year Budg~t Budget 1971 1972 1973 - CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 210 Appropriation - City 37,850.00 39 , 7450 O..Q 41,735.0n TOTAL 37,850.00 39,745.00 41,735.00 GRA1'D TOTAL 37,850.00 39,745000 41,735.00 " CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS I I CITY OF S.4LINA, KANSflS FUND ___GENE HAL OP~El\.T'+.1:I.G_ DE PAR mEN T p u blLG......J:Lc_<:Ll.tlL.... AtWUAL BUDGET SUWl,c\RY Page 101 I CLASSIFICATION ---.--....--.------ ---- -Actua(- Previous Year . 1971 ---..---------------- -.--..-. Adjusted Current Budget 1972 ......::::..= I I -- Proposed Budget 1973 -- -- ..-----.-- CONTP~CTUAL SERVICES 37,850.00 39,745.00 41,735.00 TOTAL 37,850.00 39,745.00 41,735.00 I I I I I I I I .---- -- -- ------ Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay FUNCTION I This is a joint City-County function, designed in the specialty of preventive medical and public health. Its primary function is to prevent disease, prolong life and promote physical and mental efficiency for an organized community. In carrying ou.t its charged duties, the department enforces Citv Ordinances for: unhealthful conditions, eating, drinking and food establishments, meat inspection ln establishments that slaughter, process and package meat. and meat products, milk, milk products, frozen desserts, food and beverage vending machines, as wel1 as sewer connections, cesspools and unhealthful structures. I I I I I During the. summer months the department receives and processes weed complaints on properties neglected by owners. In those cases where owners fail to comply with notices issued by the Health Department, the Street Department does the mowing and the cost is assessed against the property. BUDGET COMMENTS Appropriation represents city share of maintaining the department. Support provided on 50-50 basis with Saline County. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -I ANNUAL BUDGET Page I02 DETA I L '- ..- -- - - ActLJal Adjusted ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Current Proposed Year Budg~t Budget 1971 1972 1973 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 295 Other Professional Services 17,860.29 20,000.00 20,000.00 TOTAL 17,860.29 20,000.00 20,000.00 GRAND TOTAL 17,860.29 20,000.00 20,000.00 . . CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS FUND GENERAL OPERATING DEPARTMENT Industrial D'eve1opment I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF SAL INA, KANSAS FU NO ____G.EN.E.RAI~.JLi\.T.I ioTG DEPARTMENT Tndu.ELt:"'1.;ll n p v eJ...o.plIl.en.t ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMl\R Y Page I03 CLASSIFICATION -- Adjusted -_. [ Actuo I Previous Current Proposed Year Budget ~ Budget -- __ J 9LL- ---. 1972 19L3-__ ---.. --~.__._--..-- 17,860.29 20,000.00 20,000.00 17,860.29 20,000.00 20,000.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES TOTAL ._._L-__..:...._. Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay FUNCTION This fund has been established for the purpose of assisting the Economic Development Committee of the Chamber of Commerce for use in industrial promotion. The intent being to help provide employment for Salina residents and to broaden the tax base. BUDGET COHMENTS Account #295 - The Economic Development Committee has requested the same amount in 1973 as was budgeted in 1972. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ANNUAL BUDGET DETA I L ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION EXPENDITURES PERSONAL SERVICES 125 Salaries - Regular Employees-Other Dept~ . TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 253 Repair - Machinery and Equipment 255 Repair - Motor Vehicles - Tires TOTAL MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 333 Chemicals, Drugs and Etc. 345 Motor Vehicles - Fuel and Lubrs 373 Machinery and Equipment Parts 379 Motor Vehicles - Tires and Tubes TOTAL GRAND TOTAL REVENUE CITY TREASURER BALANCE January 1st 110 Current Tangible Taxes 130 Delinquent Taxes 240 Sales Tax TOTAL REVENUE TOTAL REVENUE AND CASH BALANCE Actual Previous Year 1971 3,734.00 3,734.00 1,187.83 69.75 1,257.58 724.00 401.20 1.08 65.13 1,191.41 6,182.99 1,508.69 4,597.15 84.35 328.05 5,009.55 6,518.24 FUND DEPARTMENT Adjusted Current Budget 1972 3,000.00 3,000.00 1,125.00 100.00 1,225.00 400.00 400.00 100.00 75.00 975.00 5,200.00 335.25 4,600.00 50.00 255.00 4,905.00 5,240.25 NOXIOUS WEEDS Page I04 Proposed Budget 1973 4,000.09_ 4,000.00 1,125.00 100.00 1,225.00 500.00 lf50 .00 100.00 75.00 1,125.00 6,350.00 40.25 5,979.75 50.00 280.00 6,309.75 6,350.00 -- I I I I I I I I I I I I I FUND NOXIOUS ~'mEDS ~---------_..__..._--. DEPARH1ENT ----- CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ANNUAL BUDGET. SUt1~\AR Y Page I05 ------. _.-- - ------- -------=.---- _:--- ----------==:::.:=-::::.-==-----=:::::=:::: .---.-------..-.-~LASS I F I CAT I ON [p~~~~~~s A~~~~~~~ Proposed Year Budget Budget ----- ---.----------::::-....:-::.:::.:_______ :-=-~~.J. '-- -=:==-~9..7.~::..===I-..-_-19-P_::.==_: PERSONAL SERVICES CONT~\CTUAL SERVICES MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES TOTAL 3,734.00 3,000.00 4,000.00 1,257.58 1,225.00 1,225.00 ---LJ._~_!. . 41 975.00 -.lJ.25.0Q ~------ 6,182.99 5,200.00 6,350.00 5,009.55 4,905.00 6,309.75 6,518.2Lf 5,2LfO.25 6,350.00 6,182.99 ~ 20~Q9_ _~ 35Q._o.9_ 335.25 !-10.25 0.00 ~_82~ 31 _~_~9-f?.:2z. _? , 9 ~~~.z.5_ Lf , 689 . 31 5,508.77 5,979.75 0.0756 0.0885 0.0913 TOTAL RECEIPTS TOTAL RECEIPTS AND BEGINNING BALANCE Less Expenditures UNENCUHBERED CASH BALANCE December 31st Net Tax Requi.rements Tax Dollars Tax Levy Hills ----- Function - Budget COI1!Ii1::nts" Capital Outlay FUNCi.'ION This fund, under the supervision of the Director of Services in cooperation with the Health Department, provides for the control and mowing of rank grass, weeds and other nuisance vegetation on lots and pieces of land within the City of Salina. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I. I I I I I I I .1 FUND FIREMEN'S PENSION DEPARTI1ENT - ANNUAL BUDGET Page 106- DETA I L - Actual Adjusted ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Current Proposed Year Budg~t Budget 1971 1972 1973 _. _. EXPENDITURES SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 437 Pensions Paid 48,382.00 69,425.00 81,415.00 439 Refunds 3,498.97 1,000.00 2,000.00 Reserve 0.00 0.00 25,000.00 TOTAL 51,880.97 70,425.00 108,415.00 REVENUE CITY TREASURER BALANCE January 1st 16,905.88 30,044.92 36,709.92 110 Current Tangible Taxes 48,279.29 59,000.00 100,870.98 130 Delinquent Taxes 566.24 400.00 400.00 240 Sales Tax 2,202.78 2,650.00 3,019.10 941 Contributions by Employees 13,951.70 15,000.00 16,000.00 942 Membership and Dues Fees 20.00 40.00 40.00 Interest 0.00 0.00 1,375.00 TOTAL REVENUE 65,020.01 77,090.00 121,705.08 TOTAL REVENUE AND CASH BALANCE 81,925.89 107,134.92 158,415.00 . CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FUND FIro:::HEN I S PENSION DE P AR11:ifNt---------------..--.-- CITY OF SAL I WI., KAilS/\S ANNUAL BUDGET SUNNARY Page 107 ---==="- c~:::;~:1-~~:,-~~==7-17 p~;~r;~'=--A~~m:r-J-- P~~;~~~d ., __ __ _ - _ __ . -:::"-=====-:::':.=-====::"::::: J.9~J-:====-='-__~.9-72.-_==_:.:=: __!:g}..l._ -:::.:-::.-= SUl\TDRY EXPENDITURES TOT AL 51,880 :J.l_ ~425.00 1.Q.~L~ 15 ~_C2 51,880.97 70,425.00 108,415.00 65,020.01 77,090.00 121,705.08 81,925.89 107,131+.92 158,1115.00 2l..L~0. 92 ~! 42 .?-.-:.9_C2 108!41~~C2 30,044.92 36,709.92 50,000.00 49,171.26 59,405.77 100,870.98 49,171.26 59,405. 77 100,870.98 0.7928 0.9542 1.5403 TOTAL RECEIPTS TOTAL RECEIPTS AND BEGINNING BALANCE Less 'Expenditures UNENCUtvIBERED CASH BALANCE December 31st Net Tax Requirements Tax Dollars Tax Levy Hills ~ ._^_________. L....-.... -------- --.^-----.- Function - Budget COnllil8nts - Capital Outlay At the present time there are twenty four retirees receiving monthly pensions from this account. Through 1973, there will be three more employees' eligible for retirement. Refunds represent monies paid to employees who terminate their service with the City. 50% of the total paid into the fund by the employee is refunded upon termination prior to retirement. At the present time, the employees contribute 3% of their salaries to the pension fund. Charter Ordinance #6, effective June 8, 1971, provides whereby the City Commissioners, by resolution, can raise employees contribu- tions from 3% to a high of 10%. Charter Ordinance #7, effective June 8, 1971, discontinued the maximum amount to which the fund can be built. 1971 was the first year in which we levied in order to build a reserve. This was a budgeted figure of $25,000.00. A like amount was budgeted in 1972 and is recommended also for 1973. In the adjusted 1972 budget it is included ln account #110 ln order to collect necessary taxes. It will be- come a cash balance at the close of the year. The actual accumulated reserve will be included in the unencumbered cash balance. At the present time, there is $25,000.00 reserve in certificates of deposit. I I I ;1 I I I I I I I" I I I I I I I I ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION EXPENDITURES SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 437 Pensions Paid 439 Refunds Reserve TOTAL REVENUE CITY TREASURER BALANCE January 1st 110 Current Tangible Taxes 130 Delinquent Taxes 240 Sales Tax 941 Contributions by Employees 942 Membership and Dues Fees Interest TOTAL REVENUE CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ANNUAL BUDGET DETAIL TOTAL REVENUE AND CASH BALANCE FUND POLICEMEN'S PENSION DEPARTMENT Page' I08 Actual Previous .Year 1971 Adj us ted Current Budget 1972 Proposed Budget 1973 26,742.00 1,596.36 0.00 26,750.00 1,000.00 0.00 26,750.00 2,000.00 25,000.00 28,338.36 27,750.00 53,750.00 10,276.18 23,541.94 49,561. 94 27.677 . 69 37,000.00 34,687.94 248.43 230.00 200.00 966.96 1,520.00 1,885.12 12.706.04 15,000.00 16,000.00 5.00 20.00 40.00 0.00 0.00 1,375.00 41,604.12 53,770.00 54,188.06 51,880.30 77,311.94 103,750.00 I I I I I I I I I I I I I FUND POLICEMEN I S PENSION -.-.------- DEPARnlENT CITY OF SAL I r!r\, KANS/\S ANNUAL BUDGET SU1'1I-\ARY Page 10 9 -.--:.... Actual Previous Year 12.l.1 Adj listed Current Budget li7..L Proposed Budget ___ e--_-1.2-l1______ CLASSIFIU,TION ==-- . _.~. ----..--- ----. SUNDRY EXPENDITURES TOTAL ~}8.36 27,750.00 53,750.00 28,338.36 27,750.00 53,750.00 41,604.12 53,770.00 54,188.06 51,880.30 77,311.94 103,750.00 28,338.36 27,750.00 53 , 7 _5Q..s!Q 23,541.94 49,561. 94 50,000.00 28,172.29 37,101. 57 34,687.9Lf 28,172 . 29 37,101.57 34,687.94 0.4542 0.5959 0.5298 TOTAL RECEIPTS TOTAL RECEIPTS AND BEGINNING BALANCE Less Expenditures UNENCUHBERED CASH BALANCE December 31st Net Tax Requirements Tax Dollars Tax Levy Mills -------.- _. Function - Budget COnilTI'iOnts - Capital Outlay At the present there are twelve retirees receiving monthly pensions from this account. Refunds represent monies paid to employees who terminate their service with the City. 50% of the total paid into the fund by the employee is refunded upon termination prior to retirement. I I I I I 'I At the present time, the employees contribute 3% of their salaries to the pension fund. Charter Ordinance #6, effective June 8, 1971, p:-ovides whereby the City Commissioners, by resolution, can raise employees contrib- utions from 3% to a high of 10%. Charter Ordinance #7, effective June 8, 1971, discontinued the maximum amount to which the fund can be built. 1971 was the first year in which we levied in order to build a reserve. This was a budgeted figure of $25,000.00. A like amount was budgeted in 1972 and is recommended also for 1973. In the adjusted 1972 budget it is included in account #110 in order to collect necessary taxes. It will become a cash balance at the close of the year. The actual accumulated reserve will be included in the unencumbered cash balance. At the presen~ time there is $25,000.00 reserve in certificates of deposit. I I I, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FUND DEPARTMENT TREE MAINTENMJCr; CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ANNUAL BUDGET DETA I L Page IIO - ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Actual Previous Year 197L-- Adjusted Current Budget ..ll.1..L Proposed Budget 1971 EXPENDITURES PERSONAL SERVICES 125 Salaries - Regular Employees - Other De ts. 130 Salaries - Part Time Employees 4,893.00 1,971.75 6,000.00 3,000.00 5,000.00 3,000.00 TOTAL 6,864.75 9,000.00 8,000.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 228 Insurance - Equipment 253 Repair - Machinery and Equipment 19.00 227.98 25.00 495.00 25.00 500.00 TOTAL 246.98 520.00 525.00 MATERIALS AND'SUPPT;ES 333 Chemicals 345 Motor Vehicle - Fuel and Lubrs. 2.98 22.17 100.00 100 . 00 100.00 100.00 TOTAL 25.15 200.00 200.00 GRAND TOTAL 7,136.88 9,720.00 8,725.00 REVENUE CITY TREASURER BALANCE January 1st 1,366.48 4,390.91 4,405.91 no Current Tangible Taxes 9,603.55 9,125.00 3,802.09 130 Delinquent Taxes 114.01 80.00 50.00 240 Sales Tax 443.75 530.00 467.00 TOTAL REVENUE 10,161.31 9,735.00 4,319.09 TOTAL REVENUE AND CASH BALANCE 11,527.79 14,125.91 8,725.00 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I FUN D ___----'t.BkE ..MAT N 1'llNlli.iCB_ DEPARTNENT CITY OF SA'- I r~A, KANSAS 'ANNUAL BUDGET SU~H"l.1\R Y Actual Previous Year ____12-ZJ____ Adj us ted Current Budget __.19-7-2__ CLASSIFICATION PERSONAL SERVICES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES ~ffiTERIALS AND SUPPLIES 6,864.75 9,000.00 246.98 520.00 25.15 200.00 7,136.88 9,720.00 10,161. 31 9,735.00 11,527.79 14,125.91 -1-L!.} 6 . 8 ~ -2_~20 .00 4,390.91 4,1+05.91 -2...2..7 76.80 -2,192.0~ 9,776.80 9,192.0/1 0.1576 0.1476 TOTAL TOTAL RECEIPTS TOTAL RECEIPTS AND BEGINNING BALANCE Less Expenditures UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE December 31st Net Tax Requirements Tax Dollars Tax Levy Mills Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay FUNCTION Page III Proposed Budget ___.--1..9...7..3_______ 8,000.00 525.00 200.00 -.--------- 8,725.00 4,319.09 8,725.00 ~.1_5 .00 0.00 ~J?Q?~ ..9_2. '3,802.09 0.0581 Administrated by the Director of Services, this fund provides for study, treatment and removal of diseased and undesirable trees located on City owned property. Owners are responsible for removal of dead trees on their property including those situated on adjacent parkings. When owners neglect that responsibility, and in particular where dead trees overhang sidewalks and streets, the Director is authorized to order their removal for public safety. If the owner fails to comply with an order to remove a tree, the Director contracts to have it removed by a licensed tree surgeon. That cost is paid out of this fund and in turn charged to the property. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .1 I I I I CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ANNUAL BUDGET o ETA I L ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION EXPENDITURES DEBT AND INTEREST 601 General Bond Principal 603 General Bond Interest 605 Curb, Gutter & Paving Principal (CS) 607 Curb, Gutter & Paving Principal (POS) 609 Curb, Gutter & Paving Interest (CS) 611 Curb, Gutter & Paving Interest (POS) 613 Sewer Bond Principal (CS) 615 Sewer Bond Principal (POS) 617 Sewer Bond Interest (CS) 619 Sewer Bond Interest (POS) 621 Fiscal Agency Commission and Postage Estimated Interest on Bonds to be issuec TOTAL SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 439 Refunds TOTAL GRAND TOTAL REVENUE CITY TREASURER BALANCE January 1st 110 Current Tangible Taxes 130 Delinquent Taxes 150 Current Special Assessment Taxes 160 Delinquent Special Assessment Taxes 610 Interest on Investments 929 Special Assessments 631 Accrued Interest on Bonds Sold 957 Transfer from Parking Meter Fund 957 Transfer from Water and Sewerage Fund 957 Transfer from Golf Course TOTAL REVENUE TOTAL REVENUE AND CASH BALANCE Actual Previous Year 1971 225,385.17 103,059.41 200,376.49 469,918.86 55,702.93 118,334.78 5,597.10 24,402.90 292.29 1,347.70 1,196.53 0.00 1,205,614.16 35.88 35.88 1,205,650.04 99,112.24 669,753.23 9,998.00 427 ,188.79 38,189.86 19,617.55 9,917.21 147.30 47,600000 27,027.00 12,000000 1,261,438.94 1,360,551.18 FUND OEPARH'iENT Adjusted Current Budget 1972 225,000.00 94,549.34 191,709.88 441,391.93 53,091.77 108,7lI0.32 5,597.10 23,402.90 124.38 633.74 1,498.64 0.00 1,145,740.00 0.00 0.00 1,145,740.00 154,901. 14 575,000000 7,000.00 373,605.00 20,000.00 12,000000 3,500000 0000 47,200.00 12,900.00 11,800.00 1,063,005.00 1,217,906.14 BOND AND INTEREST Page 112 ...;- - Proposed Budget 1 q 73-..-_ -- 225,000.00 86,933.09 193,059.31 431,801.69 46,993.94 94,796.57 0.00 2,000.00 0.00 100.62 1,314.78 30,000.00 1,112,000.00 0.00 0.00 1,112,000.00 72, 166 0 14 536,044.36 7,000000 396,309.50 15,000.00 12,000.00 3,500000 0000 46,000.00 12,500000 11 ,480000 1,039,833086 1,112,000000 I I I I I I I I I I I I 'I CITY OF Sf\L I Nl\, KL\U SAS FUND BOND AND INTEREST ._-----~--_.._~----_.- DEPf\RH1ENT ANrWAL BUDGET SUNI'lARY Page 113 -~'-~-'--_._--_._-----"-'---------------_._---,--~_.-.----_._-------:--."--~._._----_._--~-_._.._-~-- .~--- C~'ASS I F I CA-;;-o-:-~------'----r--~-~~~~~~s-- Year 1971 - -----~---- _.- --~-- --~ .-------- --_.~-"._--->-~.__._---------_._---~----- --,~ BOND PRINCIPAL BOND INTEREST FISCAL AGENCY INTEREST ON BONDS 925,680,52 278,737.11 1,232.41 0.00 TOTAL 1,205,650.01+ TOTAL RECEIPTS TOTAL RECEIPTS AND BEGINNING BALANCE Less Expenditures 1,261,1138.94 1,360,551.18 1,205,650.04_ UNENCUHBERED CASH BALANCE December 31st 154,901. llf Net Tax Requirements Tax Dollars Tax Levy Hills 682,096.76 682,096.76 10.9999 .No-Fund \-Jarrants - Fire Equipment Tax Levy Hills -Adj us ted Current Budget 1972 887,101.81 257,139.55 1,Lf98.64 0.00 1,145,71fO.00 1,063,005.00 1,217,906.14 1,145 ,}LfO .00_ 72,166.14 586,329.30 586,329.30 9.Lf203 Proposed Budget 1973 851,861.00 228, 82Lt. 22 1,314.78 30 , OQ..Q~ QQ.. 1,112,000.00 1,039,833.86 1,112,000.00 J.-,lliLQ_Q..CG.Qg 0.00 5'36, OM! . 36 536,0/14.36 8 . 1860 40,000.00 0.6108 I --- ------.-.-. --_.--~-- '.-.----.."- BUDGET COlv1HENTS Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay The cash balance at the close of 1971 was $76,735.44 above the which had been estimated at the time the 1972 budget was prepared. was due to unanticipated payment of current and delinquent taxes on veloped properties throughout the city. I I I I I I amount This unde- Special permission was granted by the State Board of Tax Appeals on June 27, 1972 for the city to issue No Fund Warrants in the amount of $150,000.00 to be retired over a 5-year period for an aerial ladder truck and a pumper truck and related equipment for the Fire Department. The no-fund levy of $40,000.00 does not appear as an expenditure on the preceeding page. Payments for such warrants are issued by the lender to the supplier through the city. The County Treasurer then makes annual collec- tions and makes reimbursements direct to the lending institution. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ANNUAL BUDGET DETA I L ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION EXPENDITURES PERSONAL SERVICES 120 Salaries - Regular Employees Reserve for 1973 Salary Adjustment (3% of December 31, 1972 Base) TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 231 Insurance - Motor Vehicles 253 Repair - Machinery and Equipment 255 Repair - Tires and Tubes 295 Other Professional Services 299 Other Contractual Services TOTAL MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 310 Expendable Tools 333 Chemicals 345 Motor Vehicles - Fuels and Lubrs. 347 Motor Vehicles - License Tags 359 Other Operating Supplies 365 Cement and Cement Products 379 Motor Vehicles - Tires and Tubes 381 Paint and Painting Supplies 387 Sand, Gravel, Rock and Chat TOTAL CAP IT AL OUTLAY 525 Truck TOTAL GRAND TOTAL FUND FLOOD WORKS AND LEVEE --_.._~.- DEPARTI-1ENT Page 114 Actual Previous Year 1971 Adj us ted Current Budget 1972 Proposed Budget 1973 19,468.17 20,225.00 20,230.00 600.00 19,468.17 20,225.00 20,830.00 271. 00 340.00 340.00 1,640.18 1,900.00 .1,900.00 50.62 135.00 150.00 0.00 100 . 00 100.00 149.58 200.00 200.00 ----- 2 , 111. 38 2,675.00 2,690.00 0.00 20.00 20.00 0.00 300.00 300.00 878.63 800.00 800.00 8.00 10.00 10.00 61.30 100.00 100 .00 81.00 125.00 125.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 35.28 50.00 50.00 53.52 100.00 100.00 1,217.55 1,605.00 1,605.00 0.00 2,500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,500.00 22,797.10 24,505.00 27,625.00 -- I I I I I I I I I I I" I ,I I I I I I I CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ANNUAL BUDGET DETA I L ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION REVENUE CITY TREASURER BALANCE January 1st 110 Current Tangible Taxes 130 Delinquent Taxes 240 Sales Tax 731 Miscellaneous Sales and Service TOTAL REVENUE TOTAL REVENUE AND CASH BALANCE FUND FLOOD WORKLA.l." DEPARTHENT I_VIm Page 115 --., Actual Previous Year 1971 -_.,-. - ..----- ._~-,~..-- ---_._- Adjusted Current Budget 1972 Proposed Budget 1973 3,393.12 556.13 66.13 18,447.04 22,000.00 26,0!+0.07 271.01 300.00 200.00 1,054.06 1,015.00 1,118.80 188.00 700.00 200.00 _._---- 19,960.11 24,015.00 27,558.87 23,353.23 24,571.13 27,625.00 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FUND FLOOD HOHKS AND LEVEE --.---.----.-, DEPARTt'\EtH CITY OF S.l\LI~U\, KI\NS/\S ANNU}\l. BUDGET sur.\t.j/\RY Pa~le116 -====-====: .-..-,--- --~~~~ ~I~~:-_H' ,..., ---A d j LIS"E ecY-'-' J . _..'H__. ". " C LAS~I~==-______ _~ _J~; ;_____ __ C~~~li;___ . ~p ~~i~~~_.. .... ______ _ ._'.________________.___,__ __......______...H_.. _.. TOTAL 19,468.17 20,225.00 20,830.00 2, 111. 38 2,675.00 2,690.00 1,217.55 1,605.00 1,605.00 0.00 0.00 ..-b2iLQ.JlQ ~------ 22,797.10 24,505.00 27,625.00 19,960.11 24,015.00 27,558.87 23,353.23 2Lf,571.13 27,625.00 22, 797 ~Q. 24-,59,2.00 lZ..L6..~2..~..QQ 556.13 66.13 0.00 1J?12~?_:..~Q 12-LQJ~ 2 -26,0!!..Q.._0]" 18,792.80 22, Cl1Lf . 72 26 , 0 !f 0 . 0 7 0.3030 0.3536 0.3977 PERSONAL SERVICES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES HATERIALS AND SUPPLIES CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL RECEIPTS TO'l'AL RECEIPTS AND BEGINNING BALANCE Less Expenditures UNENCUH13ERED CASH BALANCE December 31st Net Tax Requirements Tax Dollars Tax Levy Hills Function - Budget Comrlcnts - Capital Outlay FUNCTION The flood of 1951 affected about 50% of the residential area. More than 3/000 residences / 122 cornmercial firms / 2 schools, and 3 churches were inundated and approximately 13/500 persons were evacuated. In the previous 50 years Salina had been subject to some 40 to 50 periods of high water, including 6 major floods. The flood protection works, many years in the planning and completed in 1961/ is designed to protect the city from twice the quantity of flood water which occurred during 1951. It was built by the Corps of Engineers at a cost of over 6 million dollars, approximately 2.3 million in local funds and the balance federal. The system included 17.1 miles of levee, 12.2 miles of channel change, replacement of 12 bridges, and thousands of acres of land involved in rights-of-way and easements. Thousands of us who do not recall the 1951 or earlier floods might not appreciate the value of the project. That 6 million dollars and the 25 thousand or so we spend for maintenance each year has brought relief to thousands of property owners and residents of our city. It has enhanced property values and made it both feasible and profitable to develop many ~_______"_~r'_"'" -------.-..-- I I I I I I I I I I I I I FUN D _J:'L.O.QJl..Jy.Ql~Ks....l\.N.D_.I, F YJ~B DEPt,\RTHENT CITY OF SAL I NA, KANS/\S ANI~UAL BUDGET SUHI.\ARY Page 117 ---'--"~-"--'-"~- ~_.~-_._-_._---~.._--- ..-._---,._-_._._-_.'-~--~---~~..- --.---..----.--...-..'--.-.-.- -., --_.. ..-------.-----,..--..---.- Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay FUNCTION (continued)' acres of land which previously were in COIJstant threat of flooding. The function of the Flood Works and Levee Department is one of main- taining, patroling and keeping in good repair at all times the flood dikes, gates, pumps and related equipment that comprise the flood control system for the City of Salina. The department has be(~n repeatedly commended by the Corps of Engineers for the excellent condition of the system. c.API'rAL OUTLAY Account #525 - Provides for replacement of a 1963 Chevrolet ~ ton pickup. I I I I I I I I I I I I POSITION TITLE Foreman I Equipment Operator I Extra Time I I I Re~;(',vC for 1973 Salary Adjust!l,cnts (3% of December 31~ 1972. Base) I I I I I I I I I I CITY Or- S/\LliJ\, Ki\f~Sr..3 I\Nr:U.\L fEWU:T P [RSO:'jii FL. SCH l'[lL.' L E EHPlOYEES ~~;;i~;~n~~2~~~j~~c~, _._'_'., R/\NCE FUilD FLOOI) 1::)j~KS A.ND LEVEr D [P f\R ni r'h" ..., ..---.--. ,., ... ".-.." P<'<JC: 118 ,- .::' :-:-..:..:::::-:"':=:- -':1";; =- :::=:. ' ___,I II cJ j u ,: t c d Current Proposc'd BuclSFi Bu(19~ t ""____._____ __.1 972_ ] 97 3 ----f------ -,- -- --'-,.-.-. 1 1 501 .~ 639 7,668.00 2. If73 2 7,668.00 517 12,Lf07.00 12. ,"fO? CO 150.00 155.00 600.00 20,225.00 20,830.00 ...______....1 _. ~,.._-,-------_._...-.-._-_._--~_.._-_._._--_.._~------' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FUND DEPARTHENT SOCIAL SE.CUlUrr -..,-- ~.~. ~'-"--- ANNUAL BUDGET Page 119 DETA I L _.- -- .: - ..~~ ...._- .- -_.~.-. .., -T~~~ " -. -. --.- ---_..-- Actual Adj LIS ted ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Current Proposed Year Budget Budget ,,,,--- 1971 1972 1973 .. . -- - . ,- -- ' ._- EXPENDITURES -- SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 426 Deductions Remitted 134,896.2(). 150,000.00 157,000.00 TOTAL 13!{, 896.20 150,000.00 157,000.00 REVENUE CITY TREASURER BALANCE January 1st 12,137.87 8,417.89 8,922.89 110 Current Tangible Taxes 31,750.61 46,500.00 41,510.41 130 Delinquent Taxes 515.36 260.00 200.00 240 Sales Tax' 2,004.49 1,745.00 2,366.70 941 Contributions by Employees & Employer ~12Q5. 76 102,000.00 104,000.00 TOTAL REVENUE 131,176.22 150.505.00 148,077.11 TOTAL REVENUE AND CASH BALANCE 1!f3, 314.09 158,922.89 157,000.00 CITY OF SALIN!\, KANSAS I I I I I I I I I I I I I FUND DE P j\WIN SOCIAL SECUiZii{ CITY OF SA!. I ry\, ViJl5:\5 AriNU!\L RiDen SUt\i\PJ~Y Page; 1.:0 _~._<~__<'_. ._~._.~_. _.__.___..,____.___,. _.__ _.______._.".M_.._' . .~.."_ _.~_,._ __._..~__._ __,______._ ._...,._.... ..~.... ~..,__~_~~._ __'___'_'~_ ....,.._.__________., ...._.~.u.___.__~___.___.___"._____. .___~.____..n.__'..__..__,.._.___. ...,.-...---....--. - .----,-.,.--, "-'-"Ac;'t-ll:,I'-" f\cJj us ted' .-._." .--"'----.--".-,... ,.. CLASSIFIC;.\TIOiJ Previous CUI-rent PI-opoc.cd Year Budget Budget ....__,_,.. __,., _, _ ._,__..1.9}_L_ .______ ,__ ". _,_,~,~.n.._____, _______".1 .2)). ,____.__, SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 113? 8 .9.0....1.9" .!.5_().,_O.Q.Q~Jl_Q_ . .L!..Z.! 0 0_9_._0_9_ TOTAL 134,8%.20 150,000.00 157,000.00 TOTAL RECEIPTS TOTAL RECEIPTS AND BEGINNING BALANCE Less 'Expenditures 131,176.22 1 !f 3 , 3 JA . 09 .~~-,.?.9_El..'_~Q. 150,505.00 158,922.89 l2..0.~.Q_Q_Q.'_Qg_ l!+8,on .11 157,000.00 _~.21. LQ.Q,Q..~_O_O UNENCilllBERED CASH BALANCE December 31st 8, !f 17.89 8,922.89 0.00 Net Tax Requirements Tax Dollars Tax Levy Hills 32,353.97 32,353.97 0.5216 !+G,569.71 46,569. 71 0.7!+SO 41,510. !+l 41,510.41 0.63!fO Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay The Cit.y and each employee contribute 5.2% in 1972 and 5.65% in 1973, based on the employee's annual salary up to a maximmn of $9,000.00. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FUND EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT DEPARTMENT CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ANNUAL BUDGET o ETA I L -:==" ---"=--,--- Actual Previous Year 1971 Adj us tCd--- Current Budget 1972 - ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION EXPENDITURES SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 428 Deductions Remitted 439 Refunds 111 ,820.80 0.00 122,990.00 10.00 TOTAL 111,820.80 123,000.00 REVENUE CITY TREASURER BALANCE January 1st 15,166.93 7 ,245.13 110 Current Tangible Taxes 30,675.59 34 ,200.00 130 Delinquent Tangible Taxes 363.79 250.00 2!,O Sales Tax 1,!,15.85 1 ,685.00 941 Contributions by Employees and Employer 71,443.77 80 ,000.09 TOTAL REVENUE 103,899.00 116 ,135.00 TOTAL REVENUE AND CASH BALANCE 119,065.93 123 ,380.13 Page 121 ~-~._-----,._- -...----'"--. Proposed Budget 1973 128,000.00 0.00 -_.~- 128,000.00 380. 1~ 44,723.32 150.00 1, 746.55 81,000.00 127,619.87 128,000.00 I F U t~ D _J~j\))~I'o y r: I~ f),..'., .El~_'J~L) <T<~ tiFF' , DE Pf\f: fl'1 E i,j r I I I I I I I I C! TY OF S/\L ltL'\, Kt\t!SJ\S ArH4U,,1,L BU[)[tT SU,'.'.!U\RY Page l2? Actual Adjusted Previous Currc:nt Proposed Year Budget Budget: "::=::::=::-_-::':::-.'::::::"':"'==,.:. :.:::': :::::=:::":::.:::.=,:::::'::::::~::=:=::::, :::,::-..::. =:_:-::-:::-:::-""::"::::':"'=,' :_ :::..::-d-.:9 Z,l,':::=_::::~::.:I:..::.=:::,=:~_9=~?,,:=,:.=.:_ ,:::::.:-.=,,-.12.b~,::::.::.==::.: CLASS I F I CAT lOr,) SUNDRY EXi)ENDITURES 1.11.~?2_CL..f:.O_ 1.~J_,9QQ_.__QQ l.~~.~..QQ.Q~Q..Q. TOTAL 111,820.80 123,000.00 128,800.00 TOTAl, RECEIPTS TOTAL RECEIPTS AND BEGINNING BALANCE Less Expenditures 103,899.00 119,065.93 1.1}.,Jl,2_C~. 8.Q. 116,135.00 123,380.13 L~~-,_Q QQ~..QQ 127,619.87 128,000.00 .!2_f2.~Q.Q_Q,._0_9_ UNENCUIillElmn CASH Bi\.LANCE Decer"be'C 31st 7,2/15.13 380.13 0.00 Net Tax Requirements Tax Dollars Tax Levy Nilb 31,230.6Lf 31,230.6!, 0.503') 3Lf, 370. J 3 3/1 , 370 . 1 3 0.5520 !ILf, 723.37- !IL1,723.32 O.6~30 I I Function - Budget Co~nents - Capital Outlay I I Upon cornplot.ion of one yea.r employrw.:?nt" all full t:ime ernployees, except Police and Fire commissioned personnel, are automatically enrolled in the Kansas Public Employees' Retirement System (KPERS). During 1972, the city will contribute 6.0% and t,he employees <1.0% of the annual salary of partici-- pating employees. During 1973, the city will contribute 6.4% with the employee's share remaining at 4.0%. The combined contribution is reflected in the expenditure figure. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FUND DEPARTMENT S1\NITAT10,:L CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ANNW'.L BUDGET .DETAIL Page 123 ---_.-..,.._--_._+.--,..~_.~-----_._.- .._-----_._~..~--.-,-" - ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Actual Previous Year 1971 Adjusted Cu rrent. Budget 1972 Proposed Budget -1.~,J~,_ -+" .- EXPENDITURES _. -- PERSONAL SERVICES 120 Salaries - Regular Employees 130 Salaries - Part Time Employees Reserve for 1973 Salary Adjustments (3% of December 31, 1972 base) 143,588.56 4,945.50 150/+00.00 5,900.00 149,710.00 5,900000 0.00 0.00 _...i., 515 000 TOTAL 1Lf8, 534.06 160,815.00 155,610.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 205 Telephone - Telegraph 207 Traveling Expenses 221 Printing Office Forms 231 Insurance - Motor Vehicles 236 Insurance - Social Security 238 Employees Retirement 239 Group Insurance 243 Water Service 253 Repair - Machinery and Equipment 255 Repair - Tires and Tubes 257 Repair - Radio Maintenance 284 Laundry and Towel Service 290 Medical Services 291 Billing and Administration Charges 294 Workmen's Compensation 386.99 400000 400.00 0.00 100.00 100.00 625.70 200.00 200.00 659000 865.00 900000 7,392.14 8,300000 8,800.00 6,618,74 8,000.00 9,620.00 2,850.24 3,150000 3,600.00 176.62 200000 200.00 6,897098 7,500.00 7,000.00 891.67 1,000,00 1,050,00 536.90 550.00 550.00 3,071.10 3,500000 3,500000 51.00 100.00 100,00 6,248.52 6,200000 6,270.00 3,017.90 4,100.00 ~500.0_Q. 39,424.50 44,165000 46,790.00 TOTAL MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 310 Expendable Tools 320 Office Supplies 331 Books and Periodicals 345 Motor Vehicles - Fuel and Lubricants 347 Motor Vehicles - License Tags 359 Other Operating Supplies 371 Lumber and Lumber Products 379 Motor Vehicles - Tires and Tubes 376.87 800000 800.00 94.17 140.00 150.00 60.85 75.00 75.00 6,126.48 6,500000 6,500.00 476.54 470.00 500.00 6!+S .19 300.00 300.00 3.03 0.00 0000 280.24 _}OQ.~OQ __~2-0.0Q 8,066.37 8,585.00 8,625.00 TOTAL I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION r----''. CAPITAL OUTLAY 525 Trucks TOTAL GRAND TOTAL REVENUE -- CITY TREASURER BAL~NCE January 1st 610 Interest from Investments 731 Misce11an~ous Sales and Service 733 Service Fees TOTAL REVENUE C I TV OF SALI NA, Kf\tbAS ANNUAL BUDGET DETA I L FUND DEPARTNENT S Al::ITl:ATlQ):L Page 124 -C.C-=='C'O'=-C',=-_~= =~C'=-.:c=""-.C='==:.=7.~ Actual Adjusted ' Previous Current Proposed Year Budget Budget 19 n:::=:::::: 19Z 2 illL_ TOTAL REVENUE AND CASH BAI~NCE 6,295.10 22,800,00Q 22,800000 16,000_~OO 6,295.10 16,000.00 202,320003 231,160000 232,230000 81,770093 89,991035 66,131.35 1,485.52 1,300.00 1,300.00 54093 0000 0.00 209,000.00 206.~g.9~_90 208,000000 210,540.45 207,300.00 209,300.00 292,311. 38 297,291035 275,431. 35 I I I I I I I I I I I I I FU fi D __.___.'__'.___..__:SAt'I'J 'l\rPI OlL DEFARTl/iEfJT CITY Or' SI\L I f!.f\, Kf: lC r ,- ,\''.:;;.\;) AtiNUr,i. 8UDGET S U ~jf-j/\R Y P C:I 9 e 125 '''.-.--.. ..--., Act LEl I .,. ,,- f\dj lJ st"ccj'---.---.------ ,,"--....... Previous Current f'rOIY1Scd Yec::r Budget Budg(:;t , , 1971 1972 1973 -====--=-''::.:':::::.:::::==-=.-:.::,:,:-::-_::::::=:=--=::'::-'-='-~==::=:.=:'."':- .. :.-=-..:':::=...:,=:...::..::..:'.:::.::.:::::,-;,.. .:::-::'::_::::::':::.:-::'::::==::.":::':::=::::'.:.::::':':::.:' .:_:=:::':'::::::.:'::' '.._ .:.::':_::.: .' I CLASS I F.I Cf\.T I ON TOTAL 1!18,53!1.06 155,610.00 160,815.00 39, !f2!i. 50 Lf4, 165.00 !16,790.00 8,066.37 8,585.00 8,625.00 _6,,22,?_~}Q, _?J.-,--~.~~.OO -.JJ?LQ.Og."._O..Q. 202,320.03 231,160.00 232,230.00 210,5LI0.Lf5 207,300.00 209,300.00 292,311.38 297,291.35 275,!dl.35 .?Q?:.lJZ9..'..Q}. 11L~ ~iig.~.QQ 2:.~~_,2}g_~ 0 Q. 89,991.35 66,131.35 !f3, 201. 35 PERSO;HL SERVICES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES HATERIALS AND ::UPPLIES CAPITAl, OUTLAY TOTAL RECEII'TS TOTAL RECEIPTS i\~m BEGINNING BALANCE Less ExpenJjtulC'. UNENCUtn'.I':IUm CASH BALANCE DeC('.!'11cr 31st Function -- Budget COr:::ik;liLs - CCl;1ital OutlClY FUNC'rrON This department is responsible for the efficient, systematic collec- tion and disposal of all garbage, rubbish, trasll and similar waste materia]s originatj.ng within the residential areas of the City of SaJ,ina. The service is available to all single, duplex and triplex residential units on an optional basis at $2.00 per month for once per week collection service. I I I I I I BUDGET COt.HvIEN'l'S Account #130 - Provides for six extra men at nine hours per day working 22 days per mon'ch anJ three mon'ths at $1.60 per hour during the summer v7hen the work is heavy. Also substitute for the secretary during vacation and sick leave estimated at 120 hours at $1.60 per hour. Account #236 - Based on 5.65% of salaries for 1973. Account #238 - Based on 6.4% of base salaries fer 1973. Account, #239 - Present premium for the employee paid by the city is $11.34 per month. A 10% increase is anticipated for 1973. I F U tJ D ':"'_.fi NJ~';L-:t'J' ;c.2!'i,~ " DEP;;RT,"i[lil I I I I I I CITY OF S/\LINf\, K/\NS/\S ANN U 1\ L B U [' GET ------'.---'------- .-.., ~ --~~~':."l-~~.-l ~.,___,_,__'.__.. _.__,_, _.==i=~\:~~~!~____ " ."'__''''''''._'__ "'''~_''__'''_.__. ,.._____._.__. I ,~.---._-~..>.~.--,---.---..--,-.'.~-..- ._,._..-....__..~---~----_..~._,,------_.--, -- .._._.~_.., -_._---,-.- ,,-,---- ..-- "'~'~-~-".-,-_._---- -------..---..- _._--- _h' ..1 Function - SudDe.t Cornme:nts - Capitul Outlay BUDGET COH[1CN'rS (Con.tinued) Account #204 - Provides for uniform rental for 23 employees at $J40.00 per year per man plus cost of niJme patches and other laundry service. Account #291 - Is based on an average of 8,700 customers at 6~ each per mont,hi onc.,half going 'to the VJo.'ter and Sel,/7erage Department. for billing and collection services and oIle-half to the General Operating Pund for administrative services. Account #310 - Provides for the replacement of 30 carrying barrels at $20.00 each, 20 cart wheels at $8.00 each; and other small hand tools. I I CAPI'l'AL OUTLAY Account. 4i~525 -- Provider; for the replacement of two 19G7 Chevrolet. Trucks wi th Hcil Collccto-rnaLLc Mcu:.k III Packer Bodies and est,iTil(1Jced travel expense to deliver tho trucks to Saljna from the factory. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I' I I I I I I I I F U t: D ,'_.__ __..__. J3N~Lj~\}':~ 9::;. ,___ D t P PI r.': Tf'l E i'~T CITY OF Si^\Lli:t\, f.J\,':S/i.S MH!U/\L [jUDGET PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Page 121 ----,.. ---- --', '..,. '-'-'---~-"'" "'_>'_".-.-.._...,,~....-_._. "--'--".~"-'" _..-.,_."._.._..._-~.~_._.__.,_.__._-_.__._--.. -.' -,,-'-'-.-'-.-._.,__ ___."n...____. ".. .,..'.... ,..__..._..__..._.____...,......>_.. _.__._ ..__ .__~___ __,_'~"._^'._.m..,~_. ,_.,_~... .__..~.._._. ~ __._ . ro~, I T~~':~ IT-L; -- .... [Ci~~itF>i:~'B,dll. ..._-~;;;~~-- .. - -1~;:~;r-~-i;~~~;~_.. --- --- .. - - ~---" ___,_ _____._t.E:c::-J;-!'2:& I ,P.'.~.ki::~!:: _ _..____.__..__..__..__.".____ 12.7.?:.____",. .,__,,__J9.Z}.._..,,_'''' Foreman JJ I 1 526 - 627 Clerk Typist II 1 1 %0 Lfl? 8,06,1,.00 8)06/:.00 4Lf, 688, aD L,L:) 688.00 6,20!+.OO 6,204.00 80,L:29.00 81;J75.00 Ll,94LloOO 4, 9!fL:. 00 5,331. 00 5,3?5.00 5)900.00 5,900.00 Eql.liplllent Opc;l'ator II 7 7 L:86 .. 532 Equipment Ope:L'ator I 1 1 L}73 .. 517 l,abore:c 14 l!j L}t:.5 - L,8G Extl:a Time. Part Time Reserve for 1973 Salary AC'J'l10t'"nTl~0 (~% of .t ~~:> Lt.._.. ..,,;,) ....' Q . Dec. 31, ]972 Laue) _.!2~!..51.5..Q.Cl. TOTAL 155)6JO.00 160,815,,0 Cl ----_.'_._-----------~--,---------,._-,-,-----_.__._..----.- -~--_...~._-_..---._-~----"'-------_..__.__.~----~~_._-_.- -.--- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .1 I, I I I FUND DEPARTMENT PARKING NETERS CITY OF SJ\L I NA, KANSAS' ANNUAL BUDGET DETA I L Page 128 - Actual Adjusted Previous Current Year Budget _:~---___.: =..--::--U-ZL-____ ~::': .-1.2J..L'" ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION EXPENDITURES PERSONAL SERVICES 120 Salarie.s - Regular Employees Reserve for 1973 Salary Adjustments (3% of December 31, 1972 Base) TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 221 Printing Office Forms 231 Insurance - Hotor Vehicles 236 Socia]. Security 238 Employees Retirement 253 Repair - Machinery and Equipment 255 Repair - l1otor Vehicles - Tires & Tubes 299 Other Contractual Services TOTAL MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 310 Expendable Tools 345 Motor Vehicle - Fuel and Lubrs. 347 Motor Vehicles - License Tags 355 Wearing Apparel 359 Other Operating Supplies 379 Motor Vehicle - Tires and Tubes 391 Parking Meter Parts TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 513 Parking Meters Off-Street Parking - Bond and Interest TOTAL GRAND TOTAL Proposed Budget 1973 25,446.06 32,485.00 32,485.00 975.00 25, /f46. 06 32, /.85 .00 33,460.00 249.50 1,840.00 1,920.00 6/1.00 75.00 85.00 0.00 1,510.00 1,665.00 0.00 1,510.00 1,705.00 145.3/f 215.00 225.00 l!f.15 10.00 10.00 7,404.17 l.L]~0 .00 12,765.00 7,877.16 16,500.00 18,375.00 0.00 25.00 25.00 181. 80 215.00 225.00 0.00 15.00 15.00 408.33 315.00 850.00 131. 36 150.00 125.00 44.2/+ 0.00 100 .00 199.95 300.00 300.00 965.68 1,020.00 1,640.00 6,374.80 47,600.00 0.00 47,2_00.00 0.00 46,000.00 53,974.80 47,200.00 46,000.00 88,263.70 97,205.00 99,475.00 I I I I I I I I I I I' I I I I I I I I FUND DEPARH1ENT PARKING METERS C I TV OF SAL I NA, Vv'\NSAS ANNUAL BUDGET DETA I L -~----"._-_._-_.,_. ".-.'-~ .-. .,-----~_. ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION REVENUE CITY TREASURER BALANCE January 1st 450 Parking Meter Revenue 610 Interest from Investments 707 Parking Heter Permits 952 Reimbursement of Expenditures TOTAL REVENUE TOTAL REVENUE AND CASH BALANCE Page 129 ....,..--.-.'- - Actual Previous Year 1971 -- -- Adjusted Current Budget 1972 J P~;~7~pd 89,326.99 89,521.9 3 76,lI41.93 78,065.00 75,000.0 0 75,000.00 613.64 625.0 0 625.00 9,710.00 8,500.0 0 8,500.00 70.00 0.0 0 0.00 88,458.64 84,125.0 0 84,125.00 177 , 785.63 173,646.9 3 160,566.93 I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF S/ILlW\, IJ\!1Sr,S J\WW!\L EUDGET SU,'.lI.:M\\' F U rW DEF'/'J'THF;:r PI\.HJUNC METE!;;; '___'__ ___,_...~ __ _n____._ .~_ P292 130 CLAS::; I F J CAT ION Actu':ll Previous Year . i,~!.~~~;;~_n-r-~:~;)~~; e~N -.-- Budget Budg~t . .,-,,:~::--=L9Z '} :::-.:..=:..:::~::=:::::J ~)7~5,:=,=::=.... .' ::'::::::,:=::-:-.:::,::"':==:':-"::::,,,: ..: "=:":::::-::::':-':"_'::"::-::: .::.:.- ,-..,,::-..:~9] ,,:,1:=:::::. PEj(Sm~AL SERVICES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES HATERIALS AND SUPPLIES CAPITAL OUTLAY 25,l,I,6.06 7,877.lG 90,';.68 5 ~,.Jj.z.~,~__8.Q TOTAL. 88,263.70 TOTAL ICECEIPTS TOTAL RECElPTS AND m~GINNING BAUJ1CE Less Expenditures 88,LfS8.64 177,785.63 _.9_fj_,2,(.\..~_,-7_0_ UNENCW1DERED CASH BALANCE Dccc~ilier 31st 89,521.93 _. .-...--------.---.~,...._.-.__~_"'_._.~_____._ ___~_~~'M "'___._ ~ .____~_._.._ _,_.__._,._....__...._.~___. 32, lf85 . 00 16,500.00 1,0/0.00 !!J_~2Q_Q..,gg_ 97,205.00 8l,,125.00 173,6MJ.93 3_Z.!J.Q~i_.9_Q. 76,l,/+l.93 FUNcrrION Funct ion - Budget Co:nm::':lits - C2p i tal Out 1 a)' 33,460.00 18,375,00 1,61: 0 .00 ~r..0..,..Q9 S2~ _0-,'1, 99,05.0CJ 8ll,125.00 160,566.93 _..2_2..! !rZ;>, ._9.:,1_ 61,091.93 This department provides for the collection of monies, enforcement, service and maintenance for all parking meters located within the City. I I I I I I BUDGE'l' COi'JldENTS Account #221 - Provides for the printing of overp0rking tickets which, prior to 1972, had been budgeted in the Police Department. Account #236 - Provides for payment of Social Security at the rate of 5.2% in 1972 and 5.65% in 1973. This has previously been included in the General Operating Social Security Fund. Account #238 - Provides for payment of the employer's share of KPERS at 6% for 1972 and 6.4% for 1973. This has previously been included in the General Operating Employee's Retirement l\ccount. I I I I I I I I I FU !~D _.1;'}\T\!;It{G_Jj,r~~iil:I\~_ DE f' i\f( 'fh t iiT CITY OF ~,:\Llt:)\, i(f\fJS/\S ANNUi\l. BU [;,~ ET SUilt''uI'.RY F'aSjC 131 Function - Budget Co;;:rik',nts - Capi tal Outlay BUDGET COlvlHEN'I'S (Con t~inued) Account t299 - Includes armored car service ut $20.00 per month and a transfer of $5,000.00 to the Gneral Operating Fund for admiIlistrative ser- vices. Both t.he 1972 c;,nd 1973 rcqLJcsts pnwic1e for repair of \^lalls ad- jacent to parking lots and painting of arcades \^lith epoxy paint. The wall on the s uth side of the North 5th Street Lot to be done in 1972 and the other three walls in ].973. Account #355 - 'llhe increase in 1973 will permit changing the style of the uniforms for the three meter maids. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FUND DEF'!\RDIE:: I CITY OF S:\L I ii.'\, 1</',115(',5 I-\NNU/\L pn;SOi!ilU bUr) c'f sell! [!~JLE Pase 132 ---_._----,.,.~----~.-~~-~-.._--, .,'-',". _,_"--~--"',..q,'_"'_'_._... ~._---._-~ ,",,- .._~-_..- .-.--.. '.---...- "-'.. ~.._~_..- ... .---"_..~._- -,.,.. -, --.--...... ,"--'- .-. .._...._.-...__.__...~ '-'-'---"-'-~ .-.- .. ._----~..._._-_."._.._-~_.~- . -..-- -" ....._-_._._~. ---~- .._.~ ~ ....- - _ ~".'_'____'h_' ._.._,'....... ...._ _ .,..,-.- --..---.-.------.--- -, ..--.,--- --r----'--" -........ --. ."... POSITION TlnF Et\"LOYEFS CfU};l~;~~t.-fI~-'(:~cJ_' . BUc'r{cr I Eur;rrc t ---- .------. - " " ----- - -... -- j.. --1- '., ,,-- ., P 1. "I '1'.'(.,.,,1 . '.1('.1. a. n '.r',l" 1 1 ar ':lng l',etcx " _ Adjustc ell r-rct'it Buc1gct R!\NC F Proposed Budget ''''_'h ],2 7.2____.._._,.... _ _,..12.7],.__,_.,. If86 550 6,600.00 6,600.00 Parking Meter Technician I 1 1 !~73 n 517 322 ~ 3~/r L,CO '.-1 503 6,20/[.00 6, 20L,. 00 }feter Maid 3 3 13,/:,57.00 13,827.00 Maintenance Worker I 1 1 5,7SL! .00 5,7SLI..OO Exl:ra Timcc; LfIG.OO 100.00 Reserve [or 1973 Salary Ad ., ,,'.. ''-'' "C' (')'/" .<: . J,1."l.ll"_.lll.,, .J 0 OJ.: Dec. 31, 1972 Base) 915.00 TOTAL 32 ,!~85. 00 33,L:60.00 I I I I I I I I I I I :1 I I I I I I I I I I I I ;_1 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ANNUAL BUDGET DETA I L ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION EXPENDITURES PERSONAL SERVICES 120 Salaries - Regular Employees 130 Salaries - Part Time Employees Reserve for 1973 Salary Adjustment (3% of December 31, 1972 Base) TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 299 Other Contractual Services TOTAL MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 353 Signs 361 Asphalt and Road Oil 365 Cement and Cement Products 375 Metal and Metal Products 381 Paint and Painting Materials 387 Sand, Gravel, Rock and Chat TOTAL SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 447 Transfer to General Operating 447 Transfer to Special Reserve Fund TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 529 Traffic Control Equipment TOTAL GRAND TOTAL FUND SPECIAL GASOLINE TAX DEPARTMENT Page 133 Actual Previous Year 1971 Adjusted Current Budget 1972 Proposed Budget 1973 13,471. 28 0.00 13,610.00 3,000.00 14,170.00 3,000.00 13,471. 28 425.00 17,595.00 16, 610 .00 103,058.31 101,040.00 100,000.00 103,058.31 101,040.00 100,000.00 3,887.52 3,000.00 5,300.00 2,090.60 3,200.00 4,000.00 4,916.55 4,300.00 8,000.00 0.00 700.00 725.00 2,752.12 3,800.00 4,200.00 0.00 0.00 2,000.00 13,646.79 15,000.00 24,225.00 130,460.00 17,000.00 141,023.88 0.00 153,180.00 0.00 147,460.00 141,023.88 153,180.00 2,641.52 9,000.00 9,000.00 2,641.52 9,000.00 9,000.00 280,277.90 282,673.88 304,000.00 I I I I I '1 'I :1 ;1 I '1 ,I il I I I I I I FUND SPECIAL GASOLINE TAX DEPARTMENT ANNUAL BUDG ET Page 134 DETA I L Actual Adjusted ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Current Proposed Year Budget Budget 1971 1972 1973 REVENUE CITY TREASURER BALANCE January 1st 3,024.38 13,600.67 16,926.79 220 State Gasoline Tax 290,854.19 286,000.00 288,000.00 TOTAL REVENUE 290,854.19 286,000.00 288,000.00 TOTAL REVENUE AND CASH BALANCE 293,878.57 299,600.67 304,926.79 . CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS I I I I I I I I I I I I I FU :: D ~ ~ 1~~ c J)\,:~_0JI.~Qr._:~TY~ __'1'1', ): Dl',f'ARTIiEN I F'LEID CITY OF Sr\LI~!/\, f:;\N~J\S ANNUAL CUDGl:T PeJge: 135 SUIH\!\i\Y -- ....--------~~~~SI~~:T~1;-- ...... - ......n - --.-.;~mfs--r-A~~~~~-i!.---;~~~~:- ... ,==--=-:::.':=::::==:=-::=::='=~:::::"-==:=::-=::::'::::='.-':::":'--.-._-_. ,--,.-------.--.. PERSONAL SERVICES 13,471.28 16,610.00 17,595.00 CONTIZ1\.CTlJAL SERVICES 103,058.31 101,Ol:0.00 100,000.00 HATERIAU; AND SUPPLIES 13,6!r6.79 15,000.00 2!+,225.00 SUNDRY E~<PEN1)ITURES llf7,/160.00 1/+1,023.88 153,180.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY _~1,Si.~~ _2_1.Q.~2...gQ, _2.LO_O.Q...QO_ TOTAL 280,277.90 282,673.88 30!., 000.00 TOTAL RECEIl'TS TOTAL RECEIPTS AND BEGINNING BALANCE Less Expenditures 290,851+.19. 293,878.57 J~ Q..L??__~~J_9. 286,000.00 299,600.67 }r~,.?.?}~_~~ 288,000.00 304,926.79 l.Q!:'LO_Q.9...:0 0 UNENCUHBERED CASH BALANCE December 31st 13,600.67 16,926.79 926. 79 1---,-.--.-------.-,---.----..-,-.---.--.--,_____,____ _.____.,___ ..______. ____...'_._.._,____._____, __,__, Funct ion - Budget Comn1;~f1ts - Cap i tell Out 1 ay FUNCTION The 1970 State Legislature (HB 1747 and SB 612) provided a single formula (single, but not simple) to replo.ce all the existing several formulas providing for the distribution of fuel tax collections to counties, townships and cities. Basically, the funds are now distributed on a per capita basis. I I I I I I ~reviously a portion of the revenue returned to cities had to be used for the construction, reconstruction, alteration and repair of main traffic- ways and trafficway connections, through highways and major street or highvlays. Under the new law, effective July I, 1970, all of the revenue from the state (except for connecting link payments) must be credited to a separate ,fund. The revenue must be used for the "construction, reconstruction, alteration and repair of streets and highways.'! The net effect being a relaxation of the rules for the use of the money. It still must go for the same purposes but can be used on all streets and highways within the City. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FUNDSFECIAL GASOLINR T^X D E~) /\f; 'fl'; ::!!'l CITY OF S/\Llt!/I, f0\i.;SI\S ANNUM: BUDGET SUr'H\/If), y Page 13 G ---_.-.._---'.._-.._-_._.__._-~.~.,-~..,,,_.- --., ..._~_._-_.,---. .._--_..-- _.__..~_. ,-_.~_. .-- ....- -"~','-"--, --.---...----.".- ". ..- ._. -,---- ---. -' Function -. Budget COi1;i:'.c:nts - Capital Outlay BUDGET COMI-lENTS Account #299 - Provides for reHurf~cing and resealing of streets. Account #353 - Has been increased for 1973 to permit purchase of signs which are required to be installed by the end of 1974 in order to comply with the Uniform Traffic Code. That portion of the increase amounts to $1,800.00. The additional $500.00 increase is a result of price increases in signs and signing material. Account #361 - The 1973 increase reflects added streets to be main- tained as a result of annexation and E;cvera 1 lane--mi les pj~e,=;elltly mail'lt-. taincd by the State and Count,y t:o be turned over to the city in 1973. '1'here was an increase of 749 acreE, and over 8 miles of stTec:~ts during 1971. Account, #365 - Incre~scd in 1973 primarily for tJle replac(~mc:nt .of sunken and or broken curbs and gut'terE~. ,}'his account has been Lcansfc:crcd from Street Department. Account #381 - The Uniform Traffic Code has changed the center-line striping from white to yellow. Yellow traffic pai.nt is 30~ a gallon higher than v.'hi te and does not helve the wearing qual i tics of \-lhi to p,d.n't. WE; have also added t.o the number of streets requiring center striping. Account #387 - This account. vhlS previously included in the StTeet Department budget. Account #447 - The transfer to tIle General Operating Fund indicated in this account provides this amount. of relief to the ado-valorem tax requirements. It has not been feasible for us to make a transfer to the reserve fund in either 1972 or 1973 as we did in 1971. CAPITAL OUTLAY Account #529 - The major portion of the $9,000.00 for 1972 is proposed to be used for school crossing protection signs. Actual appropriatiolls however will depend upon final policy decisions on the school crossing program. The 1973 request will permit installation of traffic signals at the intersection of Cloud and Broadway if it should be determined that they are warranted. _._~_._--~--------_._, I I I I I I I I I I I I I pas IT I Ot~ TITLE Foremrrll' I Equip~nc~nt Op(~ratoI' I Ext r a T:Lm(~ Pert Tims Reserve for 1913 Salary AdJ'lJ~l ~"0 (~o/ o~ . -..:-> .~_W,_LLI> .J/;J _L Dec. 31, 1972 Base) 1'0'1'1',1, I I I .1 I I FU:iD.,._ .S')E(~rf,T,_ (;~\SO.I,:(r:~ ',' X DEP!-\fnl'\~Ti '. CITY OF srl!,! tit" f~i\!.!S/'"S ANi~U,r\l_ BL'DGET- P E f{ S C j;: ; .; F~ L S C ~ ! ~:, !_) U :~ [: Page 137 ntPLOYEES Adjusted Curt'cnt BudSj(ct P rorc'~d Bud::i .: 1. Rl\IJG E _,.__191?_...______._____J9.7J.._.,. 1 1 501 .0 639 7,128.00 '1,668.00 1 1 473 ~. 517 6,202.00 6,202.00 280.00 300.00 3,000.00 3,000. C~) LiZ').OO 16,610.00 17 ,595.00 .._.. ., I I I I ;1 I I I I 11 I I :1 I I I I I I FUND ' DEPARTHENT GOLF COURSE ANNUAL BUDGET Page 138 DETA I L Actual Adjusted ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Current Proposed Year Budget Budget 1971 1972 197i EXPENDITURES PERSONAL SERVICES 120 Salaries - Regular Employees 17 ,043.39 20,065.00 22,250.00 130 Salaries - Part Time Employees 5,742.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 Reserve for Salary Adjustment (3% of December 31, 1972 base) 0.00 0.00 605.00 TOTAL 22,785.39 24,065.00 26,855.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 205 Telephone and Telegraph 209.78 220.00 t 220.00 207 Traveling Expenses 20.70 30.00 30.00 221 Printing Office Forms 358.78 450.00 450.00 231 Insurance - Motor Vehicles 305.00 325.00 325.00 241 Gas Service 709.75 800.00 800.00 242 Light and Power Service 1,890.84 900000 1,000.00 243 Water Service 8,737.86 3,500.00 4,000.00 253 Repair - Machinery and Equipment '2,920.12 1,000.00 1,000.00 255 Repair - Motor Vehicles - Tires & Tubes 58.97 50.00 50.00 284 Laundry and Towel Service 6.03 20.00 20.00 299 Other Contractual Services 1,418.09 1,000.00 1,000.00 TOTAL 16,635.92 8,295.00 8,895.00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 310 Expendable Tools 69.48 80.00 75.00 331 Books and Periodicals 6.00 0.00 0.00 345 Motor Vehicles - Fuel and Lubricants 941.53 1,000.00 1,000.00 351 Seeds, Plants, Trees and Lawn Supplies 961.46 1,200.00 1,500.00 359 Other Operating Supplies 499.90 500.00 500.00 367 Electrical and Lighting Parts 179.19 325.00 350.00 379 Motor Vehicles - Tires and Tubes 26.80 150.00 100.00 TOTAL 2,684.36 3,255.00 3,525.00 . I CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS I I I I 'I I I I I I I I I II I I I I I FUND DEPARTMENT GOLF COURSE .. ANNUAL BUDGET Page 139 DETAIL - Actual Adj us ted ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Current Proposed Year Budget Budget 1971 1972 1973 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 421 Sales Tax Remitted 1,211.62 1,610.00 1,765.00 TOTAL 1,211.62 1,610.00 1,765.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY 516 Park Equipment, Mowers and Miscellaneous Equipment 0.00 3,500.00 500.00 Payment to Bond and Interest 12,000.00 11,800.00 11 ,480.00 TOTAL 12,000.00 15,300.00 11,980.00 . GRAND TOTAL 55,317.29 52,525.00 53,020.00 REVENUE CITY TREASURER BALANCE January 1st 4,131.98 4,147.71 3,772.71 550 Memberships and Green Fees 33,425.99 45,000.00 48,000.00 560 Cart Rental 3,890.48 5,000.00 6,000.00 565 Golf Cart Storage 203.94 400.00 500.00 570 Golf Club Storage 46.37 50.00 100.00 575 Golf Cart Users Fee 221.00 200.00 300.00 599 Oil Well Lease 1,475.93 1,500.00 1,500.00 957 Transfer from other Funds 16,069.31 0.00 0.00 TOTAL REVENUE 55,333.02 52,150.00 56,400.00 TOTAL REVENUE AND CASH BALANCE 59,465.00 56,297.71 60, 172 . 71 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS I I I I I I I I I I I I I FUt1D COLF' COm{~;E DEP/\f( fhUU _'~'~W_~'__W~"'___'_"'_~ '--..---___.....,.~_...'_w _. w~._.__,. CITY Oi~ S;\L I t!/\, 1(!\t:S/\S M~rW/\L CUDGET SUi,WARY Pas': 110 _"~_"_ _..._ __._____r~ ~_._._____'.._ .___"_'_"W ___ __._ ._.__.~ __.._~,_".______._____ . ,_._ ..~_____..~___ ,__..__.__~_, ___,_, ...~._,.__..-.._._._.._. CLASS I FI U\T I Ot'l Actu3 Previous Year 19 ::.:::":::':-:=~.=,=- -=:,-:'.~~::::':~-=-~::=C:=.:'.:.._::....:':':___.._...___._,..,"__ {\dj us tcd Current Proposed Budget Budget "'_..::,:...::::}::~z.?:=....:'....:.:=::c_:.:=.:.::~~:~..:.:::" :,-_::,:.: ::: PERSONAL SERVICES TOTAL 22,785.39 24,065.00 26,855.00 16,635.92 8,295.00 8,895.00 2,684.36 3,255.00 3,525.00 1,211.62 1,610.00 1,765.00 1. ~?_Q.QQ_._Q.Q_ 15 ,-,}QC~ :..9Q ll_.JJ~W _.g_o_ 55,317.29 52,525.00 53,020.00 55,333.02 52,150.00 56,/100.00 59, !f65 .00 56,297.71 tlO,172.71 l~ .}JL._22_ .sJ_,-~z.~Q.Q 5 3_,_QJO_~Q.o_ !f,lO.71 3,7J2.n 7,152.71 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES HATERIALS AND SUPPLIES SUNDRY EXPENDITUl;ES CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL RECEIPTS TOTAL RECEIPTS AND BEGINNING BALANCE Less Expenditures UNENCUHBERED C!\.SII BALANCE Decemher 31st _._'_"___._"~__.___"r"~_. -.-._____~_...__~._,___._______".____.___... .~__.__~_.___.__ ~__~..._ ___.__..... _O<._._...._~_..__c._..__,. __.__,_~.~__",_..._".__ '__~____"'___~__~....,__,~..._.., .__",^ Function - Budget Co~mcnts - Capital Outl~y FUNCTION Golfing is a form of recreation viliich is rapidly increasing in popularity for both men and women of nearly every age. The Municipal Golf Course provides the opportunity for everyone to participate in this wholesome, healthy and challenging activity. The novice or occasional golfer who canIlot afford or doesn't care to belong to a Country Club can participate siInply by paying green fees. I I I ;1 I I Play has steadily increased since t,he course was opened in Augu~;t, 1970. A number of tournaments have been held on the course this year. Several of our local schools utilized the course for their organized golf programs during the past season. We continually hear praise for the layout, condition and quality of the course. BUDGET COHt-1ENTS Account #130 - Provides for additional help during the summer. Account #221 - Includes printing of score cards, register tickets, etc. I FUND GOLF COJRSE D EP Arz-T~l-CN'~r:---'--_.,--,m_._---_... ''--. .. I CITY OF S/\L I ;'[" Kl\NS/\S _._~.,...'. -.-.- -.--.----.-.., -'-'---'---'--,-,--- .__... ---~-'--'._--------~-'_.~"'---'" I ANiiU/\I_ bUDGET S LJ.'.j!.\/\ t( Y Page 141 ____...._____,_..4._~.....______,_.~__~.__._'__M .._.____~___.___ _...... _'_~_.._e._._ ~__~"_____'__'~'_______'____'_"_____'_'._ ..______.._.___...____.__...~__. I I Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay BUDGE']' CmU,1EN'rS (Continued) Accounts #242 and #243 - Utilities are not expected to be as high now that the course is fairly well established as ~ilien the greens and fairways "'!ere being "brought in" in 1971. I Account #299 - Is primarily for electrical work on clocks and related electrical circuits on the automatic watering system. I CAPI'l'AL OUTLAY I Account, ~f 516 - Provides for the purchase of a 7 Gang Fain'Jay 1'10\'70r, one Flail I--lower, a InClchinc t_o sharpen Eeel 110~lers and a 3 Gang Rotary MO~ler . I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FUND DEPARTMENT GOLF COlje,SE ANNUAL BUDGET Page 142 PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Adjusted POSITION TITLE EMPLOYEES RANGE Current Proposed Current Proposed Budget Budget Budget Budcret 1972 1973 Golf Professional 1 1 Unclassified 4,560.00 4,560.00 Foreman II 1 1 526 - 672 6,048.00 8 ,06L~. 00 Maintenance Worker I 2 2 460 - 503 8,857.00 9,026.00 Extra Time 600.00 600.00 Part Time 4,000.00 4,000.00 Reserve for Salary Adjustments (3% of Dec. 31, 1972 Base) 605.00 ----.- . TOTAL 24,065.00 26,855.00 . . CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FUND WATER AND SEWERAGE DEPARTMENT ANNUAL BUDGET Page 143 DETA I L Actual Adjusted ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Current Proposed Year Budget Budget 1971 1972 1973 WATER SUPPLY EXPENSES 110 Maintenance - Well Pumps and Equipment 234.35 3,000.00 2,000.00 120 Well Power 4,597.21 5,500.00 6,000.00 130 Well House Signals 1,840.32 1,850.00 1,850.00 140 River Intake Power 1,917 .60 2,100.00 2,500.00 150 Maintenance - Buildings and Grounds 101.08 250.00 500.00 160 Maintenance - River Basin 1,012.24 400.00 500.00 TOTAL 9,702.80 13,100.00 13,350.00 SOFTENING A1~ TREATMENT EXPENSES 205 Supervision 21,527.76 22,410.00 22,410.00 210 Salaries 43,137.22 46,505.00 46,895.00 215 Electric Power 14,016.00 14,500.00 14,500.00 220 Gas Service 3,797.68 4,500.00 4,500.00 225 Building Operating Supplies 141. 63 200.00 200.00 230 Chemicals 99,515.66 110,000.00 110,000.00 235 Maintenance - Equipment 6,550.72 10,000.00 10,000.00 240 Maintenance - Buildings 302.88 500.00 500.00 255 Electric Power - Calcining Plant 3,128.00 3,300.00 3,500.00 260 Gas Service - Calcining Plant 7,127.22 6,500.00 7,000.00 270 Supplies - Calcining Plant 2,259.75 2,500.00 2,500.00 TOTAL 201,504.52 220,915.00 222,005.00 PUMPING EXPENSES - 305 Supervision 13 ,339.71 14,365.00 14,365.00 310 Salaries 25,909.61 29,880.00 32,810.00 315 Electric Power 9,245.85 11,000.00 11,000.00 320 Gas Service 396.20 400.00 400.00 325 Lubricants 108.21 150.00 150.00 330 Building Operating Supplies 1,130.60 1,200.00 1,200.00 335 Maintenance - Electrical Equipment and Pumps 564.02 500.00 500.00 340 Maintenance - Station Buildings and Grounds 99.90 200.00 200.00 , TOTAL 50,794.10 57,695.00 60,625.00 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS I I ,I I :1 I I I 'I :1 I ;1 ,I I I 1 I I -I FUND WATER AND SEHERAGE DEPARTNENT ANNUAL BUDGET Page 144 DETA I L ::.=-- Actual Adj us ted ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Current Proposed Year Budget Budget 1971 1972 1973 _.. - DISTRIBUTION EXPENSES 405 Supervision 7,829.L16 8,435.00 8,435.00 410 Salaries 43,869.94 45,280.00 50,675.00 415 Meter Maintenance - Salaries 12,265.74 12,825.00 12,825.00 420 Meter Maintenance - Supplies 1,375.27 3,500.00 3,500.00 425' Vehicle - Equipment Expenses 7,520.77 7,000.00 7,000.00 430 Tapping Supplies 2,399.82 3,500.00 3,500.00 435 Maintenance - Distribution Mains 5, 672 . 44 6,000.00 6,000.00 440 Maintenance - Elevated Tanks 258.94 3,500.00 15,000.00 445 Maintenance - Reservoirs 455.00 200.00 200.00 450 Maintenance - Hydrants 434.65 500.00 500.00 455 Miscellaneous Materials and Labor 2,089.54 2,000.00 2,000.00 >- TOTAL 84,171. 57 92,740.00 109,635.00 CUSTOMERS' ACCOUNTING AND COLLECTION EXPENSES 510 Office Salaries 47,052.82 49,910.00 52,050.00 515 Servicemen and Meter Readers Salaries 44 ,920. 75 48,000.00 48,030.00 520 Servicemen and Meter Readers Supplies 390.87 700.00 700.00 525 Collection Stations 1,814.55 1,850.00 1,900.00 530 Maintenance - Office and Equipment 2,324.37 3,000.00 3,500.00 535 Office Supplies 3,474.53 4,000.00 4,000.00 540 Vehicle Expenses 2,727.17 3,000.00 3,300.00 550 Postage 12,096.55 14,500.00 14,500.00 TOTAL 114,801. 61 124,960.00 127,980.00 , . CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS I I .1 I I I I I I I I I I I I :1 I I I FUND WATER AND SEWERAGE DEPARTMENT ANNUAL BUDGET Page 145 DETAIL .- ...-- Actual Adjusted ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Current Proposed Year Budget Budget 1971 . 1972 1973 ADMINISTRATIVE AND GENERAL EXPENSES 605 Supervision 13,152.00 13,755.00 13,755.00 610 Salaries 5,208.00 5,380.00 5,635.00 615 Telephone Expenses 3,512.85 4,000.00 4,000.00 620 Office Supplies 586.88 600.00 600.00 625 Special Engineering 675.00 5,500.00 500.00 630 Social Security 19,264.89 22,000.00 24,000.00 635 Insurance - Buildings 7,298.80 7,300.00 7,500.00 640 Sales Tax 1,165.58 1,600.00 1,600.00 645 Property Taxes 30,000.00 35,000.00 35,000.00 650 Accounts Charged Off 636.63 800.00 800.00 655 Long and Short Cash 63.62 100.00 100.00 660 Employees Retirement 18,549.48 22,000.00 23,000.00 665 Accident Insurance 16,127.99 16,000.00 17 ,600.00 670 Auditing Expenses 4,000.00 3,600.00 4,000.00 675 Contracting Service 2,933.04 3,000.00 1,700.00 680 Organizational Dues and Membership 718.53 700.00 700.00 685 Maintenance - Government Center 6,900.00 6,900.00 6,900.00 690 Services Performed - Other Departments 15,519.00 16,650.00 16,650.00 695 Car Mileage and Travel Expenses 938.45 900.00 900.00 TOTAL 147,250.74 165,785.00 164,940.00 SEWAGE TREATMENT AND COLLECTION EXPENSES 705 Supervision 39,860.31 35,735.00 32,920.00 710 Operating Salaries 70,859.21 79,140.00 94,195.00 715 Electric Power 27,566.79 28,500.00 28,500.00 720 Gas Service 3,503.66 3,500.00 3,500.00 725 Plant Operating Supplies 194.68 1,000.00 1,500.00 730 Maintenance - Equipment 5,429.01 7,000.00 13,500.00 735 Maintenance - Buildings and Grounds 593.99 450.00 1,100.00 740 Maintenance - Pumping Stations 6,583.72 7,000.00 7,000.00 745 Maintenance - Sanitary Sewers 2,455.49 2,500.00 2,500.00 750 Vehicle Expenses 6,732.40 7,000.00 7,700.00 TOTAL 163,779.26 171,825.00 192,415.00 I .- CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I FUND WATER AND SEvffiRAGE DEPARTMENT ANNUAL BUDGET Page 146 DETA 11 . - . - - ._-"'..;.""'::~~-=.";:: Actual Adj us ted ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Current Proposed Year Budget Budget 1971 1972 1973 BOND ORDINANCE RESERVE REQUIREMENTS 910 Bond Principal Payments 120,000.00 125,000.00 125,000.00 915 Bond Interest Payments 92,668.98 88,495.00 84,435.00 TOTAL 212,668.98 213,L+95.00 209,435.00 TOTAL 98/f,673.58 1,060,515.00 1,IOO,385.00 Reserve for 1973 Salary Adjustments (3% of December 31, 19 7 2 Base) 12,765.00 GRAND TOTAL 984,673.58 1,060,515.00 1,1l3,150.00 , . CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF SALINA, Kl'ltJSAS FUND WATER AND SEWERAGE OEPARTMENT ANNUAL BUDGET DETA I L ,- - - ~. ..~ ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION EXPENDITURES W~ter Supply Softening and Treatment Pumping Expenses Distribution Customers' Accounting and Collection Administrative and General Sewerage Treatment and Collection Transfer Bond Ordinance Reserve Reserve for 1973 Salary Adjustments (3% of December 31, 1972 Base) SUB-TOTAL EXPENDITURES Cash Remitted to Sanitation Department Capital Improvements Net Cash Transferred to Other Current Assets Capital Improvement from New Bond Issue TOTAL EXPENDITURES City Treasurer's Balance - January 1st Less: Unpaid Purchase Orders UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE - January 1st REVENUE Water Revenue Sewerage Revenue Miscellaneous Income Tapping Service Cash Collected for Sanitation Department Service Charge from Sanitation Department Capital Improvement from Bond Retirement and Extension and Construction Reserves Proceeds from New Capital Improvement Bond Issue I I I I" I I TOTAL RECEIPTS TOTAL RECEIPTS AND BEGINNING BALANCE Less Expenditures UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE - December 31 _. Actual Previous Year 1971 9,702.80 201,504.52 50,794.10 84,171.57 114,801. 61 147,250.74 163,779.26 212,668.98 984,673.58 209,000.00 199,554.27 749.18 1,393,977.03 113 , 77 5 . IS 40,761. 71 73 ,013 . 44 651,739.39 372, 516. 99 13,684.33 11,607.85 209,000.00 3,124.26 72,336.39 1,334,009.21 1,407,022.65 1,393,977 .03 13,045.62 - Adj us ted Current Budget 1972 13,100.00 220,915.00 57,695.00 92,740.00 124,960.00 165,785.00 171,825.00 213, L+95. 00 1,060,515.00 202,000.00 95,000.00 0.00 1,357,515.00 34,141. 93 21,996.31 13,045.62 685,000.00 372,000.00 12,000.00 10,000.00 202,000.00 3,100.00 95,000.00 1,379,100.00 1,392,145.62 1,357,515.00 34,630.62 Page 147 Proposed Budget 1973 13,350.00 222,005.00 60,625.00 109,635.00 127,980.00 16/f, 9!fO. 00 192,415.00 209,435.00 12,765.00 1,113,150.00 208,000.00 20,000.00 0.00 500,000.00. 1,8/fl, 150. 00 34,630.62 760,000.00 372,000.00 12,000.00 10,000.00 208,000.00 3,100.00 20,000.00 500,000.00 1,885,100.00 1,919,730.62 1,841,150.00 78,580.62 I FU~!O HA1EE N'~D Sr:HE1~;\Cr: o [: PJ'j~fi~TiTf------ ___'____H__.~ ""- I I I I I CITY OF SMU:/\, f<I,~;S/\S AiHW/'.L GUDGET SUrL'\/\R Y Page 148 j\-c't-u.J--l-"~"--'-- ---------..A-dJL~-StC~( ... -.----.- -- .._u_~_.__. Previous Current Proposed Year Budget Budget 1971 1972 1973 .:=.-::::===::...._=.:=-=-::::::._::::::-::::-.:.:.-:-.:::'=::::::::::=_:::::.:::::.,::.=::-:'=::-'::::-::-:::.::::::::,: ... ....._._.:.C'::::-:-_' -:::. ',' '::"-:::,-'::::'':':::=:-: ..::::.-::;::::':.:::::::-:::::..::.::::::=1'.::::::::.:...==......--.:::-.:.:.:.:::';:::::: 9,702.80 13,100.00 13,350.0D EXPENSE 20J,50Lf.52 220,915.00 222,005.00 50,794.10 57,695.00 60,625.00 84,171.57 92,740.00 109,635.00 IlLf,801.61 12/J,960.00 127,980.00 147,250.74 165,785.00 164,940.00 163,779.26 171.825.00 192,415.00 212,668.98 213,495.00 209,435.00 C l.f\S S I F J CAT I 0 tJ HATER SUPPLY EXPENSE SOFTENING AND TREA'l'HENT PUf.-1PING EXl'El~SE DISTRIBUTION EXPENSE CUSTmmH.S' ACCOUNTING AND COLLECTION :E:XPENSE AnNLNIS'J'PJ~TIVE AND GENERAL EXl'ENSE SElhJzAGE TREAT';f~;l\!T AnD COLLECTION EYJJEt~SE I I I TRANSFER BOND mmINl\J:ICE H.J>;SERVE EXPE:NSE RESERVE FOR 1973 SALlJ,n ADJUSTilENTS (3;; of December 31, 1972 Base) ___} 2 ,-X0_~~Q. TOTAL OPERA.TING EXPENSES 98lf, 673.58 I,060,515.00 1,113,150.00 Cash Remitted to Sanitation Department Capital Improvements Net Cash Transferred to Other Current Assets Capital Improvements from NeH Bond Issue 209,000.00 199, .551+.27 7/+9.18 0.00 202,000.00 95,000.00 0.00 0.00 208,000.00 20,000.00 0.00 ,_,_~QQ ,.2.9_9.:Q(l, I I I I GRAND TOTAL 1,393,977 .03 1,357,515.00 1,841,150.00 Function - Budget Comments - Capiti31 OutlGY FUNCTION The water division of the Water and Sewerage Department is responsible for the ol';eration ~"-nliIl:1tenance and repuir of all facilities necessary fOl: supply, treatment, storage and distribution of water for the City of Salina. I I I I I I The billing and accounting division processes all orders for new ser- vices and--dlsc;ormects, compute's-charge-:s--; and is responsible for the collection of all revenues due the Water and Sewerage Department. Service- men and Meter Readers install, remove, clean, check, and read monthly, all meters which record water consumption. Responsibility for the operation and maintenance of all facilities necessary for proper treatment and disposal of sewage from the City of Salina is the primary function of the ,Sewag_c _...?-':'~~,"'!:_-t:.~'nent ...E..1ant..:'_. The sanitary sewage co]lection division is charged with the respon- sibility of muintaining and keeping all sanitary sewer mains, laterals and sewage pump stations in the system. in good operating condition. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I' I CITY OF Si\L1 N!\, rJ'\NSf\S FUiiD ~.;,;\'J'm~ nm SEHER.he;; -,._~-, ,-.- "-"--'-^*'-'-~-----~---~---""-"'- -_._--_.-.-~ DEPt,\RTht:i:T -----_._~ .,-~-_.- . J\NNU/l.L. BUDGET Pc,gc ]49 SUt,~>t}\f~,-( ~ ,:=:.~':""':.=.:::V:~~_-:-:l Function .. Budget Con:mc.:nts - Capital Outlay BUDGE'l' COI\j[/IT'::WL'S Account #110 - This provides for an inspection in 1973 of one well along wi th routine maintenc~nce for th(,; 15 wells. Account #120 - An increase in power cost is expected due to supplying the new rural water district south and west of Salina. Account #140 - Increase reflects approximately 65% river water being used along with m:i.ppJyin;; the neVi ru:r~al wc::.ter distric't. Account #215 - The 1972 adjustment shows some increase due to re- vamping of electric meter locatio~s and changes in pump operation - using #5 hi-service pump in basernent, of pUmplJ01.lc3C in lieu of #'j hi.-se:cvice and t:aking advantage of positive head displacement of #5. Accounts #255, #260, and #270 - These items are related directly to t:he calcining operation (reclaiming of used lirne). As \'7ate:c p:L'oducLion increa~;es t.l'lE::'re. is a corresponding incr(~ase in calc:i,um sludge requiring more electric and gas power and supplies for t~e operation. If it wcre noL for this operat.ion, we would be faced wi th hauling or dif3chc;xging into the river several thousand additiona 1 tons of sodium ca,lcium carbonatc. Account #430 - This itcm includes the water tapping machine parts, tapping bits, sleeves, valves and corporation stops for vla.t.er service. Account #4~O - Includes painting outside only of overhead water towers in Sunset pr')rk last painted in 19 G 6 and Key 1\cro. Spherioc1 pain tcd in 19 G 2, maintenance of telemeters, water level indicators, and cathodic prot.ection. Account #530 - Includes maintenance contracts for customer history mechanical files and bookkeeping machines - maintenance costs are incl~easingi. Account #630 - Social security (City's share) presently is based on 5.2% of employees annual salary and this will increase to 5.65% in 1973. Account #645 - Franchise tax paid by the Wat.er and Sewerage Department to the City of Salina. Account # 6 60 - Employees retirement: - the adjustExl 1972 amount: is based on 6% of annual salary of those employees participating in program and wi~l increase t.o 6.4% in 1973. Account #665 - Includes workmens compensation, Washington National (employees health insurance), employee physicals, tetanus and flu shots. I I .1 I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I rU:il) WNJ'EJ\ hND ~;E1.'n~W\CE D= P/\[~ ["il'; [I': '1" _..~_.__...__.__.__.._.' ---~.._.- ,-",-"-,~,-~~-,,,--,------,,~'--_y~ C I TV. OF SM.Iti!\, KJ\US(\S --"-'-""-'--"~-""---- ~- .-. .~... --'..._-~. _._""~._...__. -,---------. - .-.-- . .----_._~_.._.. MHW(\L BUDGET Pd~j(' 150 sunJ1t/'.RY . ".~.. ''::::''-''='-::''::- ._-_._--::~:-: ':"~ ~,:.::..:~'~:-:..-::::.;~~..~.~..:. .: ..:_~ :~~:::_~.:.:~-: _ ,__~_.___':.::. =_::~.:-:.:'.-._:_ -..-~. 'f Function - Budget COiiif"conLs - Cc;pitdl Outlay BUDGE'l' COE'.!':N'l'S (Continued) Account #675 - Includes right-of-way r~ntal payment on water mains, sewer lines, etc. along railroad property (South 4th Street). Biannual report of dcpartJuE.;nt op2rc:d:ions (rc;qui:r,'c:d by ordinCtnce), annorc:d ca:c servicE~ for water office, maintcDdnce of rc:,dio (;quipm~~nt. Account #680 - Provides for renewal of memberships in professional organizations such as American ldater viorks A~3sociati.on, Water Pollution Control Federation and National Engineerillg Society. Account #695 - Includes car mileage and travel expense for professiol al meetings (State and National) of associated connected organizations -. American vlaJccr \'~orks P,s;3ocio.tion, Nationi'll F:nginc-ccrinSf Society and \'later Pollution Control Federation. Account tl 7 0:'> -, Reflects superintendent I~) salary of combiniwJ opcJ.'ci.tion of sewerage collection systern \/it:11 treatment plant. opE~ration. Account, if710 -- Pro\.?ides for two addi'Lional SC\':cuj'c TreiltnL~rd.: P lcl.nt 9perators in 1973 due to increased maintenance at both sewage treabaent plants. Account: #72~> -, The 1973 increase involves primad.ly cu;:;t:odia,l type supplies. Account #730 - 1972 adjusted - additional repairs for operation of grit chamber collection chain, wiper arms on clarifier. 1973 - replacement of several major items of operation at both plants, such as sludge pump cylinders, pump shafts, bearings and packings, digestor propellers for agitation of sludge, sump pumps, tools and valves. Account #735 - Replacement and general repairs of doors, screens, windows at both plants in addi tiolJ to removal and replacen:cJl't of sand media on drying beds at Plant No.2. Account #750 - Vehicle expense, maintenance, tags and insurance for all rolling stock of both sewerage plcmts and sel'ler2'ge maintenance dc:part- men't (6 - !;; ton pickup trucks, 4 - I!;; to 3 ton b~ucks, sewer rodding Cll ,c1 drag machines, trash pumps - 2, ventilating blowers) plus 10% increase from past expenditures. .----_._----------- ._._---_..__.....,.._--_.__._---_._~-_.._--~-_._.,----.---, .> ---.-.-.---..------ I I I I I I FUiW \7A'l'EE l\l\fD SE\<:'EJU',C CITY Of SALINA, KANSAS 4_____.,.,~_.__._.___~."..._._.._._...__._ .__. _~_ DEPPKr;;r:ilT ----.-...-.-- --""~'.' --. - . .-,--.-..-.....-- .....,- __~ _. ,~._..__>________._ _'_'.h_'_,__ ,'"_._ _'_.....m_.___ ___ ..___,......_._._...... _ ...,__._~.___~ _ _'._~_' f',i~~;U/'\L BUDCi::'f Page IS1 SU;.t1i\/\;_~ Y "..-_..--.'-_.._..-..... _.__~.__.._.._._,m.___~..~,. _._.._____.._.~,_~_..,'__.___....__..~.._. _._r_..', "_'~' ..,__. ."..__.~___. ,__._. ..~_....__.____ ___.,...~__...__._,~._..,..~_. _ __".."._ ._._.._~____ . ......_...._____._....... - .-.- --.--.--..'''-------' ._-~-,_.. -..---- '_____"_____n__._.____.___.,"__..._._._. "... ._______,._'_~"._..~."__,___,_o..____._,..._, e" ._.____ _.'_"'___'e,__ ___~__...__. _..._..____.~___ .__ _.._ FUllct i on - Budget Com;n:::nts _. CZip i tal Out I ay CAPITAL OUTLhY 1972 liat.DI-,-TrecltJjlc:~nt.__E,Jc]J1L -- One:: new transrnit~ter for 1.6 million gallon reservoir. The present one is 25 years old. We D.re unable, to purclwse parts for it - $500.00. One new motor and gear unit for gang feeders - Calcining Plant. One unit has been replaced - $250.00. I I I Three overhead heaters. Two for chemical feed room and one for chlorine 1.'00,,1. Chlcn:ine room he1S h'lO that cU~C rU~3ted out. Fecd roorn huB novel.' hC1c3 any. Fu:cnD,ce:; in fil tel.' buildirl.~r L; not big enOLFjh to take care of the chemica], building - $900.00. Three:; replacE:ment \veight frame~) for Bodel a.sh and alum fccclcrs _. $600.00. '1'\\70 suction fanr; for .thil:d and fourth floors of the chc;;'[:i,cal buildin~J, to remove dust and chlorine - $350.00. I I T\.lO V1CJtC:C collecting tToughs foe furnace scrc\,}s -. $200.00. Three new sludge pumps - parts $350.00/each - $1,050.00. 'l~wo" ~ ton pickup trucks, long beel, no utility })oc1y. 'I'raclc in l,l616 (mileage - 63,522) and ii627 (mileage G6/4G8). 'rhese trucks vlill be ~;even years old in 1972 - $~,OOO.OO. I I Customer Service and Accounting - One electric IBM Selectric Typewriterl t.rade -lil'''vloi::-11-'I'Zo-yar--i:;ul:c}12lsccfJ:n'--I96-2 - $ 4 9 0 . 0 O. One calculator, trading in a full keyboard adding machine purchased in 1954 - $600.00. I I I I I I 'rrade in 1965 Ford 4-door custom (mileage 93,000) .- $2,800.00. Billing machines are 11 years old and should be replaced. RecrnMlcnd lease of electronic data processing equipment or off-premise service in conjunction with City Clerk's Office - $6,500.00. CAPITAL OU'I'LAY 1973 Water 'l'j"eatment Plant~ - Replace generector 615 used for opcming and cIa S i n g~v-aTv-e-;:;-'=--$'35 0 -:0"0-:--'" One 400# chlorine feeder to replace one that is 17 years old in filter I building. One was replaced last year -$1,300.00. --.-----------~--.-.-.-.~_.-.__.~_._-_.._.-.+~------~-----.-..--~-..--_._-~_.-._..,,'--~~ ._- _.- ._.- ______._._,_~_~___..____~___ ------------.._-_-0._.'._--- I I I I I I I I I FlHW ~'!l\'J'EI<. }\ND SI:\';!Er?J~CE DE P II i\ TI'iTi\ll'''- "" - .., '..-.-,-.---. . --..,.,-.. CITY OF SflLlt!i\, KJ\i::;/\S MH1UflL BUDGET SUtliVdZ Y Page 152 Function" 8udget CO:L'l1ents" Capital Outlay CAPITAL OU'l'LAY 1973 (Continued) Radio unit: for truck 610 ("finch truck) ... $425.00. One -- !-;; ton pickup, long bed, nu utility body. Trade in 1969 Dodge #640 -- $2,500.00. Purchased Decembe]~, 1968 (mileC1.g'e 30,524). Have ha.d continual clutch trouble with it. Replace one alum pump, 30 gpm, 25 feet total dynamic head - $375.00. Replace new fluoride pump, stain]ess steel - $200.00. Water distribution System - Twelve new hydrants and vaJves - $4,800.00. Customer Service and Accounting - Olle electric typewriter to replac~ a manuaT':Ei1at'--fs-r[:(;J:-e-tha-i1--IT-~~-~;'~l':t:"s'''old - $ 4 50.00. Forty - 4 x 6 Lektrakard trays. Tr2ding in 48 - 5 x 3 trays received \'1i th Lek,trclkard in trade v'?:L th Police Depclrtment Vlhich have no application for Water Department records - $250.00. I I One desk -. secretarial unit "d.t:h t:yp('vrci tel.' return for cus to~rer serVl co' clerk. Desk t,op to overhang in front for cus tomer convenience _. $ 3 SO. 00. Three LeFdJJ:.'uc Ie worn beyond repair an0 ~r stands to replace stands now ln use that are ")t working r)ropcrl.~7 - $300.00. I I If new bi lling eqn:pment is 1eaf3ccl in 1972, a "500" Account should be set up to cover the lease expenditure in 1973 - $12,000.00. II 20 C 'Tone" (bl:anc1 ncHllc) for use with pipe 10ca.t.:or ... gives st,ronger signal for picking up pipe location - $75.00. I I I I I I Se-"~~~SJ~-5011ec:t:io.!'_ anc1_,J~E_s:~~t:lT\cn_!:....~y.~~t.:.<:c!~ .. On(~ tractor to bE~ used at: both plants for mowing - $3,200.00. One - 1 ton truck with dump bed to be used by sewage collection crew. Trade in 1955 - l~ ton truck - $4,700.00. One cutting torch with hose and cylinder - $150.00. One push type mow('~r for Plant. No.1 - $70.00. --------_.:_._-----_..._--~------_._------~_._----"._--_._"-'~~"----- I I I I I I I I I I I :1 I II ~I I I I I FUND WATER AND SEWERAGE I DEPARTMENT ANNUAL BUDGET Page 153 PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Adjusted POS IT I ON TITLE EMPLOYEES RANGE Current Proposed Current Proposed Budget Budget Budcret Budcret 1q72 ,q73 605 Director of Utilities 1 1 857 - 1146 13,755.00 13,755.00 610 Accountant Clerk II 1 1 392 - 477 5,322.00 5, 586.00 510 Office Manager 1 1 579 - 672 7,128.00 7,488.00 510 Clerk Typist II 3 3 340 - 412 14,152.00 14,636.00 510 Accountant Clerk I 1 1 356 - 433 5,196.00 5,196.00 510 Bookkeeping Machine Operator I 3 3 356 - 433 14,004.00 14,961. 00 510 Clerk Typist I 2 2 322 - 374 8,369.00 .8,353.00 515 Foreman I 1 1 501 - 639 7,668.00 7,668.00 515 Water Serviceman 3 3 503 - 550 19,800.00 19,800.00 515 Water Meter Reader 3 3 445 - 517 18,584.00 18,612.00 Extra Time 2,365.00 2,390.00 Part Time 702.00 1,025.00 TOTAL 117,045.00 119,470.00 . . CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS I I I I I I I I I 1 I I 1 I I I I I _I FUND WATER AND SEWERAGE II DEPARTMENT ANNUAL BUDGET Page 154 PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Adjusted POSITION TITLE EMPLOYEES RANGE Current Proposed Current Proposed Budge't Budget Budqet Budqet 1972 1973 205/305 Water Plant Supt. 1 1 706 - 945 11,340.00 11 , 340 . 00 205 Assistant Water Plant Superintendent 1 1 672 - 816 9,792.00 9,792.00 205 Plant Laboratory Technician 1 1 477 - 579 6,948.00 6,948.00 210/310 Water Plant Operator 12 12 503 - 550 75,536.00 78,855.00 305/405 Foreman II 2 2 526 - 672 16,128.00 16,128.00 410 Maintenance Worker II 7 7 473 - 517 37,556.00 42,952.00 410 Maintenance Worker I 1 1 460 - 503 6,036.00 6,036.00 415 Water Meter Repairman II 1 1 503 - 550 6,600.00 6,600.00 415 Water Meter Repairman I 1 1 473 - 517 6,204.00 6,204.00 Extra Time 3,560.00 3,560.00 TOTAL 179,700.00 188,415.00 . CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FUND WATER AND SEWERAGE III DEPARTMENT ANNUAL BUDGET Page 155 PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Adj us ted POS IT I ON TITLE EMPLOYEES RANGE Current Proposed Current Proposed Budget Budget Budget Budget 1972 1973 705 Sewerage Plant Superintendent 1 1 609 - 816 9,319.00 9,188.00 705 Foreman II 1 0 526 - 672 2,688.00 - 705 Foreman I 3 3 501 - 639 23,004.00 23,004.00 710 Sewerage Plant Operator 6 8 473 - 517 34,049.00 48,258.00 710 Maintenance Worker II 6 6 473 - 517 36,432.00 37,182.00 710 Plant Laboratory Technician 1 1 477 - 579 6,948.00 .6,948.00 Extra Time 2,435.00 2,535.00 TOTAL 114,875.00 127,115.00 . - CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS I I I I I I I I I I I I I FUr::) (~J:'; 1\1 ry I~j\IJ (~l'~~-,~)\ c;r~~ D[P!~~(I}\r- tj r CITY Oi S/,U;;" Vf,!,;~;,'\S f\Nii lit". U.! [1(, f T 5Uli,'I/\f<Y PiJD(; 156 f\ ':: t lIei YCC1r 1971 1\ c' j u~; t (' CUi' n: n t Bud7F't 1977 Pruposcd f3udCiC L 19/3 CL/\SS I r'l C!\T I ON Previous '. -~". _....,~.- ,,_. __._,_,.._.__ ~.>_ _~,:. ~-'(:-:.:.."._.._.__.~_^_ _, _n co. PERSONAL SERVICES }_!~L2Q},.lL l.~,t 1 S.Q_:.QQ. l~. ~]iLQ.~~(~Q. TOTA L 3/!, 501.27 36,150.00 36,100.00 Function. Buc!;ct Co:r,i[,::.'nL~,'- Ulpit,Jl GuLle!, Pe:c:::;ollccl services for tJdf; DepcJ.)- twcnt do not rcp:cc;.-;ent a btld~etary it.em. 'I'hcy are paid by the vclriou;.-; clepc:n:tmc:rlU: using the service,,; of t,hc Central Garage on a prorated basis. Appropriations are budgeted by each departwent fOl~ bot-,ll parts a.nd labor undc): Acco1..nt, f253. I I I I I I --- -- ------ ---- ------~-~~ ---~-~----- -----_---._---~ -- --~- --------- ._---~---- -~--- - ----- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -I FUND DEPARTMENT CENTRAL GARAGE ANNUAL BUDGET Pase 157 PERSONNEL SCHEDULE . Adjusted POSITION TITLE EMPLOYEES . RANGE Current Proposed Current Proposed Budget Budget Budget Budqet 1972 1973 Foreman II 1 1 526 - 672 8,064.00 8,064.00 Automotive Mechanic 3 3 517 - 566 20,378.00 20,378.00 Clerk Typist I 1 1 322 - 374 4,488.00 4,488.00 Auto Serviceman (Part Time) 2 2 2,795.00 2,820.00 Extra Time 425.00 350000 TOTAL 36,150.00 36,100.00 . . CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS