Budget - 1968 I II I I I II NORRIS O. OLSON CITY """N"OER I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FIFTH "NO ASH STREETS SALINA, KANSAS 117401 "RE" CODE 913 T" 3-2217 BOX 7411 July 7, 1967 The Honorable Board of City Commissioners City of Salina Salina, Kansas Gentlemen: In accordance with the statutes of the State of Kansas and the ordinances of the City of Salina, the proposed budget for 1968 is herewith submitted for your consideration and review. It is a comprehensive plan, expressed in financial terms, designed to accomplish municipal objectives. Our effort, throughout the preparation of this document, has been to "hold the line" on those expenditures over which we have some control and at the same time, maintain the high level of services the residents of Salina do presently enjoy. It will be your col- lective decision, however, that dictates if this is to be the desired end or if some services should be expanded or reduced. Each year, as we prepare this report to you, we experience an additional degree of enthusiasm, satisfaction and pride in knowing that the Salina resident enjoys as high a level of municipal services as any city within the State of Kansas. Her municipal services exceed those provided by many cities, yet her total ad valorem tax levy for all purposes continually ranks among the lowest in the state. (Only Lawrence, among the 15 first-class cities of the state, has a lower total tax levy than does Salina for the current year.) Progress cannot always be measured on an annual basis or in monetary terms. Many times we take progress for granted, not paying proper tribute to the innumerable man hours neces- sary for its achievement. What are some of these achievements? ..... Salina now enjoys one of the finest municipal airports in existence. The facility is rapidly gaining recognition beyond regional status. i MEMBER . . KANSAS LEAGUE OF MUNICIPALITIES - NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES I I ..... The community is gaining continual recognition through- out the country for her intergovernmental cooperation activities since the initiation of the Civic Center, Library and joint City-County law enforcement projects. I ..... The community's success in industrial acquisition has been the envy of many communities. I ..... The long awaited downtown convention center project is finally underway. I I ..... Salina is known for her beautiful parks. The addition of Lakewood Park provides a tremendously popular water recre- ation area. A program for systematic park development should soon be finalized. I ..... The possibilities for developing a municipal golf course appear brighter than ever before. I ..... Our flood control system and maintenance program is the finest in the Kansas City Corps of Engineers District. I ..... Our people can appreciate owning one of the finest and most modern water treatment and sewage treatment plants available. I ..... Our Police Department is recognized as one of the finest in the state, and has contributed substantially in reducing eriminal activities throughout the area. I ..... Our Fire Department continually ranks among the top cities in the state for her inspection services and "low loss" fires. I ..... Old Memorial Hall has undergone a substantial face-lifting during the year with added improvements scheduled. I ..... Considerable improvements have been made in our traffic control and school crosswalk equipment. Total compliance with state standards should be realized by year's end 1968. I I Our street surfacing and maintenance program is equal to any in the state. The multitude of street activities and extra- curricular work accomplished by the Street Department is done with pride, but with so little fanfare that their services are almost always taken for granted. I am sure the street miles per department employee will rank favorably with those through- out the state. I I Our Sanitation Department continues to receive many compli- ments from the public for the dependable service it provides. The list could go on and on. I Our statement "to hold the line" does not infer that we recom- mend the "status quo" or that the time has arrived for Salina I 11 I I I I I to rest upon her past accomplishments. At this writing, it. would appear to be a gross understatement to say that her citizens, individually or through her various appointive committees, are satisfied with things as they are. We do sub- mit, however, that in order to maintain the high level of services and to keep pace wlth the rapid developments that continue to occur in Saline. does constitute an AMBITIOUS PROGRAM OF WORK FOR 1968. I REVENUES: I A review of our adjusted budget revenues for 1967 and our proposed revenues for 1968 (see Page 2) presents a very inter- esting analysis. The same is true when we compare our adjusted 1967 revenues with the $1,645,296.59 that was submitted as anticipated revenues 12 months ago. The discrepancy within the TOTAL RECEIPTS column is reflected primarily in Account #440. The past practice was that th~ electrical franchise payment was received annually each ^pri1. Commencing in April, 1967, these payments are now being received on a monthly basis, the net result being that 1967 receipts will represent a 2l-month period (approximately $69,000.00 over the average l2-month period.) I I If it were not for this increase in Account #440, it now appears that our total revenue for 1967 will be approximately $9,000.00 less than proposed one year ago. I I Two new sources of revenue are identified in this budget: Lakewood Park Concessions beginning with the current year, and the Salina Airport Industrial Center property taxes beginning in 1968. I The State Highway Department maintenance account (#260) has been increased for 1968 because of recent state legisla- tion that increases the per lane mile maintenance payment from $500.00 to $750.00 per year. I It is proposed that our unit costs for making street cut repairs for plumbers patches (#713) be adjusted so that the city will be reimbursed at least actual costs for this work. I I We also strongly recommend that all charges and service work in Gypsum Hill Cemetery be evaluated and adjusted upward to meet present costs and conditions. These recommendations are reflected in Accounts #703, #704 and #727. I I I . More specific recommendations on these two items will be forwarded to you later. EXPENDITURES: By comparing the General. Operating expenditures listed on Page 4, those presented for 1968 exceed the current budget total by $59,453.00. This amount represents an increase of 3.42% over the present year's budget. I With the increased demolition activity that has taken Hi I I place throughout the past year, it is interesting to note that our assessed valuation (exclusive of the Airport Industrial Area) has increased $652,756.00. The assessed valuation of the Airport Industrial Area is $489,665.00 with a total valu- ation for the entire city now equaling $61,925,303.00. Because of this increase in assessed valuation the tax levy to support the proposed budget (excluding Bond and Interest) for 1968 is 17.5317 mills. The comparable levy for 1967 was 17.5267 mills. The increase amounts to .005 of a mill. I I I The total mill levy requirements for the proposed 1968 budget exceeds that levied for the present year by .67 of a mill. Again, the "whipping boy" for this increase must be the Bond and Interest Account, where special assessment obligations are not being paid as they become due. It appears that more stringent State Legislation is this area is long overdue. Our total 1968 expenditures for this account exceeds last year's expenditures by only $10,783.00, yet, the levy requirement exceeds the 1967 levy by .665 of a mill. The 1967 requirement also includes the no-fund warrant levy of .6378 of a mill. Additional comments concerning this account can be found on Page 88. I I I I A comparison of expenditures proposed for Personal Services for 1968 over the comparable figures for 1967 amounts to $71,116.00. Of this amount, $29,094.00 is allocated for five new full-time employees and four new part-time employees. The proposed full-time employees are: an additional inspector to assist in all facets of the Building Inspection Department, an equipment operator for the Street Department, one laborer for the Waste Disposal operations, one fireman to replace our present Minimum Housing Inspector who was formerly our Chief Fire Inspector, and a clerk-typist for the Police Department. Part-time help includes two additional school crossing guards, help for Lakewood Park and assistance for compiling the CRP data for the Planning Department. The balance of $42,022.00 represents the normal salary schedule increases along with a 2.7% cost of living increase. This cost of living increase (or decrease) was authorized to be incorporated into the 1968 salary schedule to replace the longevity program that was in effect through 1966. I I I I I SUMMARY: I I This proposed budget is a document of goals and objectives for the entire municipal operation of the City of Salina for 1968. We believe our fiscal planning is realistic and sound, and that our detail expenditures are fully explained. Revenue estimates and departmental expenditures were reviewed in detail, both as to last year's experience and as to proposed program changes, before the final document was prepared. Cer- tain provisions have been included for emergency situations that cannot be anticipated at this time. I I I Upon adoption of this budget document, we again pledge our best efforts to its effective administration and that iv I I I economies will continually be initiated wherever possible by more efficient use of personnel or equipment. I I I I I I It is with considerable pride that I acknowledge the many men and women who so faithfully serve as dedicated municipal servants for this fine city. I must compliment all department heads for their fine work in preparing the. original departmental budget estimates and give special recognition to City Clerk,. Harold Peterson, and Director of Administration, Bill Harris, for the many hours of "overtime" they devoted to the preparation of this document. I also thank the secretaries who prepared the final copy. Respectfully submitted, ~~ NDO/mb Norris D. Olson City Manager I I I I I I I I I I v I I I I I I I I I I' I I I I I I I I I TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION Letter of Transmittal ---------------------------------- 1967 Tax Levy for 1968 Budget -------------------------- Revenue - General Operating Fund (Summary) ------------- Licenses, Fees and Permits ------------------- Expenditures - General Operating Fund (Summary) -------- Tax Levy Summary for General Operating Fund ------------ Expenditures - All Funds (Summary) --------------------- GENERAL OPERATING FUND (Detail-Fund Summary-Commentary-Personnel Data) City Commission ---------------------------------------- City Manager ------------------------------------------- City Clerk --------------------------------------------- City Attorney ------------------------------------------ Police Court ------------------------------------------- City Building ------------------------------------------ City Engineer ------------------------------------------ Fire --------------------------------------------------- Inspection --------------------------------------------- Park --------------------------------------------------- Police ------------------------------------------------- Street ------------------------------------------------- Waste Disposal --------------------------~-------------- Page i , 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 31 34 38 42 46 I I Page Street Lighting ---------------------------------------- 49 Traffic and Safety ------------------------------------- 51 I I I I Airport 54 Swimming Pools ----------------------------------------- 55 Planning ----------------------------------------------- 57 Insurance and Contingencies ---------------------------- 60 Band --------------------------------------------------- 62 Cemetery ----------------------------------------------- 64 General Improvement ------------------------------------ 68 I I I Memorial Hall ------------------------------------------ 71 Public Health ------------------------------------------ 74 Industrial Development --------------------------------- 76 OTHER FUNDS I Noxious Weeds Expenditures -------------------------------------- 78 Receipts ------------------------------------------ 79 I I I Firemen's Pension Expenditures -------------------------------------- 81 Receipts ------------------------------------------ 81 Policemen's Pension Expenditures -------------------------------------- 83 Receipts --------------------~--------------------- 83 I I I I I I Tree Maintenance Expenditures -------------------------------------- 85 Receipts ------------------------------------------ 85 Bond and Interest Expenditures -------------------------------------- 87 Receipts ------------------------------------------ 87 Flood Works and Levee Expenditures -------------------------------------- 89 Receipts ------------------------------------------ 90 Social Security Expenditures -------------------------------------- 93 Receipts ------------------------------------------ 93 I I I I. Page Employees Retirement Expenditures -------------------------------------- 95 Receipts ------------~----------------------------- 95 Central Garage (Summary and Budget Comments) --------------------- 97 I I I I . Sanitation Expenditures -------------------------------------- 99 Receipts ------------------------------------------ 100 Parking Meters Expenditures -------------------------------------- 103 Receipts ------------------------------------------ 104 Water and Sewage Expenditures -------------------------------------- 107 Receipts ------------------------------------------ 110 Construction Resurfacing Streets ------------------------------- 115 I I I I I I I I I I I - - ~ - ... - .. - - - .. - - - - - - - - 1967 Tax Levy and 1968 Budget 1967 Levy Fund Ad Sales Net Add Total Sales Levy Valorem Tax Ad Valorem Ad Valorem 2% Ad Valorem 1966 Tax Limit Tax Mills Mills Levy Mills Levy Dollars Delinquent Tax Dollars Levy - - - - 59,986.13 General Operating 20.0000 17.4557 0.9764 16.4793 992,567.87 19,851. 36 1,012,419.23 16.4482 313.27 Noxious Weeds 1.0000 0.0960 0.0051 0.0909 5,472.49 109.45 5,581.94 0.0859 413.19 Firemen's Pension 2.0000 0.1821 0.0067 0.1754 10,564.09 211. 28 10,775.37 0.1133 1,257.81 Policemen's Pension 2.0000 0.2621 0.0205 0.2416 14,551.52 291. 03 14,842.55 0.3449 1,127.26 Flood Works and Levee 1.0000 0.3310 0.0183 0.3127 18,833.71 376.67 19,210.38 0.3091 4.73 Tree Maintenance 1.0000 0.0016 0.0001 0.0015 87.13 1. 75 88.88 0.0013 474.49 Social Security None 0.1610 0.0077 0.1533 9,138.09 182.76 9,420.85 O. 1301 342.44 Public Employees Retirement None 0.0826 0.0056 0.0770 4,640.02 92.80 4,733.22 0.0939 63.919.32 Total Sales Tax 1.0404 SUB-TOTAL 17.5317 17.5267 Bond and Interest 12.1383 730,837.00 14,887.20 745,724.20 10.8355 Bond and Interest No Fund Warrants ,6378 TOTAL 1.0404 29.6700 1,786,691.92 36,004.30 1,822,796.62 29.0000 Tangible Valuation (City of Salina minus Airport Area) 61,435,638.00 Tangible Valuation (Salina Airport Industrial Area) 489,665.00 (Levy @ 12.75 mills) TOTAL VALUATION 61,925.303.00 Population City 38,024 Population County 48,228 ~ . I FUND GENERAL OPERATING DEPARTMENT CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS I DETAIL Page 2 A<1Just::eo Actual Current Proposed I ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Year Budget Budget 1966 1967 1968 REVENUE I City Treasurer Balance Jan. 1st l60,513.65 225,585.69 Less Purchase Orders 66,442.34 84,966.65 Unencumbered Cash Balance Jan. 1st 94,071. 31 140,589.04 108,156.00 I 110 Current Tangible Taxes 955,129.49 979,044.66 992,567.87 l20 Current Intangible Taxes 44,948.96 53,700.00 53,700.00 I 130 Delinquent Tangible Taxes 14,109.82 15,000.00 15,000.00 210 State Cigarette Tax 44,040.27 40,000.00 40,000.00 220 State Gasoline Tax 59,754.93 60,000.00 60,000.00 230 State Liquor Enforcement Tax 9,779.88 10,000.00 11,000.00 I 240 State Sales Tax 5l,963.42 62,593.77 59,986.13 260 State Highway Maintenance 8,045.00 8,045.00 12,000.00 310 Licenses, Fees and Permits 40,070.15 40,165.00 39,475.00 I 410 Police Court - Fines 76,834.76 75,000.00 80,000.00 440 Franchise Taxes 142,730.64 2l0,000.00 165,000.00 511 Office Space Rental 360.00 360.00 360.00 512 Auditorium Rentals 2,395.50 1,800.00 1,800.00 I 521 Rent - Buildings 175.00 200.00 200.00 523 Concessions - Swimming Poo 1s 242.00 200.00 200.00 541 Memorial Park Stadium 95.00 300.00 300.00 I 610 Interest from Investments 9,989.11 11,200.00 15,000.00 701 Engineering-Fees 30,000.00 40,000.00 25,000.00 702 Impounding Fees 2,267.50 3,000.00 3,000.00 I 703 Removal and Burial Fees 7 ,051. 50 6,000.00 9,000.00 704 Grave Marker Permits 155.00 250.00 500.00 705 Title Transfer Fees 20.00 10 .00 10.00 709 Admissions - Swimming Pools 10,085.35 10,000.00 10,000.00 I 711 Administrative. Services - Other Department l5,870.48 l6,000.00 l6,000.00 712 Fire Protection Outside City Limits 2,031.32 4,000.00 5,000.00 713 Street Cut Repairs 2,133.32 2,000.00 4,000.00 I 714 Concrete Sawing 1, 104. 13 1,250.00 1,500.00 717 Upkeep Services 147.50 50.00 50.00 I 719 Weed Cutting Services .4,767.50 2,500.00 2,500.00 I 720 Plats and Rezoning Fees 1,268.00 700.00 700.00 721 Sale of Commodities 1, 360. 39 600.00 600.00 723 Sale of Ordinance Books 207.50 500.00 100.00 725 Sale of Salvage 291. 67 900.00 2,000.00 I 727 Sale of Lots 1,219.50 1,750.00 2,250.00 731 Miscellaneous Sales and Services 2,898.24 2,700.00 2,500.00 810 Sale of Real Estate .00 3,000.00 3,000.00 I 917 Public Address System and Timekeeper 324.00 200.00 200.00 952 Reimbursement of Expenditures 4,806.93 3, 500 . 53 3,500.00 712A Fire Protection Outside City Limits-Schilling I Manor 15,500.00 37,200.00 41,450.00 524 Lakewood Park Concessions .00 2,000.00 3,000.00 i Property Taxes - Salina 7 ,0,00. O!~ Airport Industrial I Area I TOTAL RECEIFrS $1,564,173.76 ~1,705,718.96 1,689,449.00 I ANNUAL BUDGET I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FUND GENERAL, OPERATING DEPARTMENT , S DETAIL Page 3 - AdJusteo Actual Current Proposed ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Year Budge t Budget 1966 1967 1968 LICENSES, FEES AND PERMITS 311 Cereal Malt Beverages 5,050.00 4,700.00 4,500.00 313 Retail Liquor Licenses 9,000.00 8,500.00 8,500.00 315 Wholesale Liquor Licenses 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 321 Amusement Devices - Pinball and Etc. 1,575.00 1,300.00 1,300.00 323 Entertainment Licenses 30.00 360.00 350.00 327 Dances - Public 162,00 100.00 100.0C 333 Music Machine Licenses 877.50 850.00 850.00 334 Miniature Pool Table and Shuffleboard 725.00 700.00 700.00 335 Pool Hall and Bowling Alley 750.00 650.00 650.00 338 Skating Rink Licenses 100.00 100.00 100.00 i 339 Theater and Opra House 300.00 275.00 275.00 341 Auctioneer and Auction Sales 250.00 200.00 200.00 343 Billboard Advertising 225.00 75.00 75.00 345 Concrete Construction 205.00 210.00 150.00 347 Electrician Licenses 650.00 750.00 700.00 351 Gas Fitters Licenses 205.00 600.00 600.00 353 ' Tree Trinuning and Spraying 110.00 125.00 125.00 , 355 Private Club Licenses 500.00 500.00 500.00 357 Junk Dealers, Auto and Parts 460.00 450.00 450.00 359 Pawnbrokers 450.00 300 .00 300.00 361 Plumbers Licenses 853.00 900.00 900.00 3b3 Taxicab Licenses 209.00 300.00 250.00 365 Taxicab Drivers Licenses 410 . 00 400.00 400.00 367 Street Advertising 78.00 50.00 50.00 , 371 Trailer Parks 1,097.50 1,300.00 1,300.00 375 Vendor, Peddler and Itinerant 240.00 20.00 .00 377 Refuse Haulers Licenses 207.50 700.00 700.00 38l Building and Inspection Fees 9,667.65 9,000.00 9,000.00 383 House Moving Permits 486 . 00 400.00 200.0C 391 Food and Milk Permits 1,693.00 3,000.00 3,00O.OC 395 Merchant Police Licenses 125.00 50.00 50.0C i 399 Dog Licenses 879.00 800.00 700.0C i 349 Fireworks .00 .00 0" . u TOTAL g LICENSES, FEES AND PERMITS 40,070.15 40,165.00 39,475.00 I CITY OF SALINA KANSA ANNUAL BUDGET I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FUND GENERAL OPERATING DEPARTMENT CITY OF SAL ~ ~A , KANSAS I DETAIL Page 4 -....-- Adjusted Actual Current Proposed ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Year Budge t Budget 1966 1967 1968 City Commission 23,376.44 29,115.00 37,300.00 City Manager 24,657.64 31,795.00 33,125.00 City Clerk and Treasurer 55,221.10 76,160.00 70,595.00 City Attorney l4,037.43 14,220.00 14,835.00 Police Court 7 ,910. 77 7,755.00 8,340.00 Buildings 13,829.67 18,700.00 19,310.00 Engineering 63,453.51 63,105.00 67,165.00 Fire 333,882.66 397,550.00 418,470.00 i Inspection 25,771.87 26,730.00 33,450.00 Park '67,107.27 72,230.00 70,305.00 Police 349,715.46 406,345.00 446,620.00 Street 17 3,084.52 194,390.00 198,155.00 Waste Disposal 44,194.38 23, 130 . 00 27,525.00 Street Lighting 64,670.81 70,000.00 76,000.00 Traffic Control 40,678.94 38,890.00 35 , 350.00 Swimming Pool 13,836.01 14,080.00 15,480.00 Planning 10,762.74 16,690.00 19,990.00 Insurance and Contingencies 66,053.84 l02,800.00 68,300.00 Band 12,000.00 11,750.00 11,750.00 Cemetery 17,333.92 18,485.00 18,060.00 General Improvements 12,946.18 20,840.00 21 , 930 . 00 Memorial Hall- 16,817.75 17,580.00 7,550.00 Public Health 30,000.00 33,812.00 39,000.00 Industrial Development 16,313.12 32,000.00 39,000.00 Airport 20.000.00 .00 .00 TOTAL ~ l,5l7 ,656.03 jl,738,152.00 $ 1 , 7 97 , 605 . 00 : ANNUAL BUDGET I r I I I/===- I I L= I II I I I I Ii I' I I I I I I I I I CI TY OF f,A;I?\A, K..6..:'EA3 S U;v;}l,\;{ ''!- FUND _ GENE~1~()rER/\TIT\'G DE?AR'.;:'HENT CLASSIFICATION Ac t,lal l?reViOu3 Yr. ~~9~6 TOTAL RECEIPTS TOTAL RECEIPTS AND BEGINNING BALANCE Less Expenditures 11,564,173.76 11,658,245.07 ,1,517,656.03 146,589.04 Unencumbered Cash Balance December 31st N~t Tax Requirements Delinquent Taxes Tax Dollars Tax Levy Mills 959 ,174.94 19,183.50 .978,358.44 16.1432 Ad -j us.ted Corrent Budget 1967 I I 11,705,718,96 I 1,846,308.00 1,738,152.00 108,156.00 979,044.66 20,550.07 999,594.73 16.4482 Page 5 Proposed 'Ii Budge t 1968 ,=-~===- ] ,6R9,1,4<1.00 1 , 7 Y j , I, (J) . (! 0 j, 7'Jl ,(lOS,OO .00 I 992,567.87 19,851. 36 1,012,419.23 16.4793 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay ANN"lJAL BUDGET I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FUND ALL FUNDS DEPARTMENT , DETAIL Page 6 Actual Adjusted Proposed Current ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Year Budee t Bud~e t 1966 19 7 19 8 General Operating 1,517,656.03 1,738,152.00 1,797,605.00 Noxious Weeds 5,145.81 5,450.00 6,500.00 Firemen's Pension 15,233.80 18,000.00 28,500.00 Policemen's Pension 25,270.64 25,soo.no 36,000.00 Tree MaintpnRnce 3,717.90 6,650.00 8,475.00 Bond and Interest 1,300,096.23 1,392,837.00 1,403,620.00 Flood Works and Levee 18,431. 40 20,329.00 22,922.00 Social Security 69,810.40 76,000.00 80,000.00 Employees' Retirement 62,633.30 71,000.00 75,000.00 Sanitation 165,017.05 132,025.00 147,715.00 Parking Meters 83,362.15 74,153.00 72,575.00 Water and Sewage 740,100.70 827,900.00 879,875.00 I Construction (Resurfacing Streets) 35.126.23 60.000.00 79.950.00 4,041,601. 64 4,447,996.00 4,638,737.00 I TOTAL . I I I I , i CITY OF SALINA KANSAS ANNUAL BUDGET CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS DETAIL ~-'!'::-..:.:...::. ...4.- I I I I I I I :1 I I I I I I I I I I I ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION PERSONAL SERVICES 110 Salaries-Officials and Dept. Heads Total CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 207 Traveling Expenses 211 Contributions 225 Legal Advertising 233 Insurance-Surety Bonds 299 Other Contractual Services 299A Revision of Ordinances Total SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 435 Organizational Dues Total GRAND TOTAL ANNUAL BUDGET FUND GENERAL OPERATING DEPARTMENT City Commission Actual Previous Year 1966 Ad.justed Current Budget 1967 Page 7 1 I t Proposed Budget 1968 500.00 i I sao . a'~ 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 4,931.21 5,000,00 5,000.00 6,620.00 11,000,00 18,000.00 3,009 . 30 4,000.00 3,500.00 .00 315.00 .00 1,601.92 4,000,00 6,000,00 4,500.00 2.000.00 2,000.00 20,662.43 26,315.00 34,500.00 2.214.01 2,300.00 2.300,00 2,2l4.0l 2,300.00 2,300.00 23,376.44 29,115.00 37,300.00 I FiJ;-';D GEXi':J~M, OPI~FATTi'~(; DEP.'\~ J:'i'lENT ~JJ-y__C()J;]m j>~~; Co 11_____ CITY OF :-; ,'I ; ~. '\, K.'\ \)::'A.3 r-- I ~~~oo,- I : I i'i:R:;o'AL SERVICES i CONTR/\.CTUAL SERVICES SUi'!>lAli':' PClge 8 500.00 Adjusted Current , Budget I I 1967 ! i~n_-----I 500.00 I 26,315.00 I Proposed Budget 1968 CLASSIFICATION Ac t,:al i?reviou3 Yr. I I 1966 500.00 20,662.43 3/1,500.00 I ; ,j):<Y EXPENDITURES TOTAL 2,214.01 2,300,00 2,300.00 I 23,376.44 29,115.00 37,300.00 I I I Function - Budget Co:nmcnts - Capital Outlay FUNCTION I A board of five City Commissioners serve as the legislative and policy-making body of the City. They are the elected representatives of the citizens of Salina and are responsible for the passage of all ordinances necessary to promote the welfare of the City. The Commission shall annually choose its own Mayor. Public commission meetings are held every Monday (4:00 P.M.) at City Hall, 5th and Ash. I I BUDGET CmlMENTS I Account #211 includes appropriations for Civil Defense, Americanization Center and two State Guard units. The Cultural Arts Commission (established in December, 1966) h2s made request for an appropriation of $10,000.00 to create, staff and finance a downtown office in addition to bringing out-of-town programs to Salina. This request is included for 1968. The 1967 appropriation reflects the purchase of two additional voice warning units for the Civil Defense Department. I II II I II II .1 l Contractual service appropriations include such items as ceremonial keys for the city, past ~layor pictures, printing of the annual report, detailed park treatment, projection equipment and art work for development of a visual presentation of municipal operations, or any additional studies that cannot be properly identified or credited to any specific department. For 1967 it includes an Actuary Study on the Fire and Police pension plan, and detail plans for development of Indian Rock Lake. A study on Refuse Incineration should be made in 1968. Account 11435 represents local membershipLn such professional groups as the Kansas League of Municipalities, National League .of Cities, U. S. Conference of Mayors, and the local area Flood Control and Conservation Association. ANNUAL BUDGET I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FUND GENERAL OPERATING DEPARTMENT City Manager r-- CITY OF SALI~A, KANSAS DETAIL "':'.. =;..:. = ------ ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION PERSONAL SERVICES 110 Salaries-Officials and Dept. Heads 120 Salaries-Regular Employees Total CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 205 Telephone and Telegraph 207 Traveling Expenses 209 Postage 231 Insurance-Motor Vehicles 233 Insurance-Surety Bonds 253 Repair-Motor Vehicle, Mach. and Equip. 255 Repair-Motor Vehicles, Tires and Tubes Total MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 320 Office Supplies 331 Books and Periodicals 345 Motor Vehicles-Fuel, Lubrs. and Etc, 347 Motor Vehicles-License Tags 379 Motor Vehicles-Tires and Tubes 399 Other Operating Supplies Total SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 435 Organizational Dues Total CAPITAL OUTLAY 509 Furniture and Fixtures 517 Office Mechanical Equipment Total GRAND TOTAL ANNUAL BUDGET Actual Previous Year 1966 13,012.00 8,184.00 21,196.00 783.72 528.46 108.63 59.78 18,00 403.89 58.16 1,960.64 205.24 260.83 220.81 31. 00 85.22 19.90 823.00 198.00 198,00 480.00 ,00 480.00 24,657.64 Adjusted Current Budget 1967 14,000.00 14,105,00 28,105.00 l,100,OO 700.00 75.00 115,00 20.00 450.00 25.00 2,485,00 150,00 225.00 450.00 30.00 100.00 50.00 1,005.00 200.00 200.00 .00 ,00 ,00 31,795.00 Page 9 1 Proposed Budget 1968 14,OOO.OC; 15,125.0(1 29,125.00 1,250,00 750,00 85.00 115.00 20.00 500,00 50.00 2,770.00 150,00 200,00 500.00 30,00 100,00 50.00 1,030.00 200.00 200.00 ,00 .00 .00 33,125,00 I FiJND _ GENI~!~^L OP~'~J~:i\'C[XC _ DEPAi\'l"'}lENT _~~ lL~~2-12-~g~_ I 11---. . ..-'.,. 1- - .---- CITY OF I~ ~\, K~~SA5 S LL\'! :"J\:~, ~'!. . --..----. J966 Page 10 1-&~~~~gJ! Proposed I B~;:~ l~;:::--f I I 28,105,00 29,125.00 i II I ! PE1,SU:\AL SERVICES I CO\TRi\.CTLJRAL SERVICES i I ! '!1,'l:lALS AND SUPPLIES CLASSIFICATION , ! Ac (,;.:11 -'reviOU3 Yr. 21,196.00 1,960.64 823,00 2,485,00 2,770.00 1,005.00 1,030.00 200.00 200.00 , .00 ,00 31,795.00 33,125.00 : l' \j)l,y EXPENDITURES 198.00 I CAPITAL OUTLAY 480.00 I TOTAL 24,657.64 I , I I i~--- Function - Budget COlnrnents - Capital Outlay I FUNCTION I The City Manager is responsible for executing all administrative affairs of the City ; in accordance with established laws or policies determined by the City Commission. He shall see that all laws and City Ordinances are enforced; appoint and remove all heads of departments or subordinate employees; negotiate and administer agreements and contracts; ,represent the City at meetings, conferences, and on committees as directed. The Manager I Is11all prepare the annual budget for the City and administer the details of same after its approval and adoption by the City Commission. BUDGET C01>fMENTS Ii The increase in account #120 reflects the appointment of a Director of Administration neLessitated by increased demands for research, programming and administrative detail II being experienced by this office. I Other increases include the telephone in the Director of Administration's Office (Account #205) and operation of an additional vehicle. I I I II I ANIv'1TAT. mmr.F.'T' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ft:ND _f0!i~ML ()PER^,n~Q__ D~,?ARTME!'Jl _.C i L M,llwgl:E__ ......J.. ... . --'.~. ~ ~ '..." r_ --.. PERSDK~T:" .setE;:r .'...s Page 11 .--.---- ----- --z\.aJUstCCl ----._- ,Emp loyee oj Current pr.:>posed POSITION TI TLE (;rr~nf Prvj70suI Range Budge t Budget b'udqlf'f Bt./dgt!'t 1967 1968 City Manager 1 1 14,000.00 14,0:0.0.00 l I Director of Administration 0 1 633 - 849 9,455.00 10,195.00 Secretary 1 1 350 - 4,650.00 4,930.00 GRAND TOTAL 28,105.00 29,.125,00 I i I I I I - I I I I i ! I , ""'1'!'1 T .-- .~.,.., , i ".,.."",,,.,,..- ~"', ...........c._..... CF\' 01:' '--\'.1'\-\ I\\\l~~~ A~.",.\.... 1I.,DOp.., I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FUND GENERAL OlERJ.'.lJNG DEPARTMENT Ci ty Clf'rk Page 12 ~ CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS DETAIi. ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION PERSONAL SERVICES 110 Salaries-Officials and Dept. Heads 120 Salaries-Regular Employees 130 Salaries-part Time Employees Total CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 203 Freight and Express 205 Telephone and Telegraph 207 Traveling Expense 209 Postage 221 Printing Office Forms 233 Insurance-Surety Bonds 252 Repair-Furniture and Office Equip, 274 Rent-Machinery and Equipment 291 Auditing and Accounting Services 292 Judges and Clerks-City Election 295 Other Professional Services 299 Other Contractual Services Total MATERIAL AND SUPPLIES 320 Office Supplies 331 Books and Periodicals 359 Other Operating Supplies Total SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 435 Organization Dues 439 Refunds Total CAPITAL OUTLAY 509 Furniture and Fixtures 517 Office Mechanical Equipment Total GRAND TOTAL = I - ,.. - I Adjusted I Ac tual Current Proposed Previous Year Budget Budget 1966 1967 1968 ., 18,516,00 19,415,00 19,945.00 19,094,32 22,000.00 1 23,215.00 I ,00 1,000.00 1,000.00 I 37,610,32 42,415.00 44,160.00 23,71 20.00 20,00 935,88 1,200.00 1,200,00 605.75 700.00 700.00 848,91 1,000.00 1,000.00 2,731.20 1,600.00 1,500.00 .00 1,035.00 .00 227.00 360.00 360.00 791,93 700.00 700,00 3,373.25 13,000.00 13,000,00 3,000.00 4,000,00 4,000.00 .00 5,430.00 .00 191. 85 200.00 200,00 ,00 100,00 100,00 12,729.48 29,345.00 22,780.00 - 1,799,21 2,000.00 1,700.00 123.41 100.00 100.00 1,470.03 1,000,00 580,00 391.65 100,00 100.00 3,784,30 3,200,00 2,480.00 278.00 225.00 225,00 210.00 150.00 150.00 488,00 375.00 375.00 I 468.00 125.00 100.00 I 141. 00 700.00 700.00 I I I 609 . 00 825.00 800.00 ! 55,221.10 76,160.00 I 70, 595.00 I I I l~iJND DEPART1-1Er~T-=-" C tv C l('ri:~-=== GENERAL OPER^TTN~ CITY OF :~t\: i ~i\ K '> 'EA.3 SUi'r'l1\i~ . -.....-..... I "--:"=---,--=\=,-'~-=-= l Pane 13 b CLASSIFICATION - --- -1" - I Ac[\;al l?reViOUS Yr. 1966 -I I I A(li us ted C-urrent Budget 1967 -: IL I I ! PERSONAL SERVICES ! Proposed Budget 1968 37,610.32 42,415.00 44, 1 (10.00 :(~:I'!\Ar.TUAL SERVICES 12,729.48 29,345.0n I 22,7HO.OO I · [/ i::{i ALS AND SUPPLIES 3,784.30 3,200.00 2,480.00 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES I CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL 488..00 375.00 375.00 ' 609.00 825.00 800.00 I 55,221.10 76,160.00 70,595.00 II i II II Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay FUNCTION I The City Clerk and Treasurer are responsible for the financial administration of the City in accordance with legal requirements and general policies established by the City Commission. The Department maintains all accounts of financial transactions, general billing operations, clerical duties associated with receipt, custody and disbursement of all City funds and monies. It also issues authorized bonds, invests all surplus funds, approves all payrolls and general checks, supervises the issuance of licenses, is custodian of all official records and the corporate seal of the City of Salina. It provides necessary supplies and equipment for administration and maintenance of all collections, as well as the registration of all voters. I I The City Treasurer also serves as Director of Personnel and Purchasing Agent. I BUDGET COMMENTS I Reduction in the 1968 proposal is primarily attributable to accounts #222, #292, and ff337, Since there will be no City Election, the only election cost will be for setting up booths for the General Election. II I CAPITAL OUTLAY I I Accounts #509 and #517 include purchase of additional chairs, one adding machine and II replacement of the mimeograph which is 13 years old and very undependable. I I ANN"lIAL BUDGET I I~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I. C:l:;:':-,}I:' ~..-\::',l.:\-\ ~ K.\\;5A8--- prt{SO:t\~.L'.., ~,CH~D".'_,= FEND ~NEI3~~_OI~~~A:rING__ DEt'ART}lE~"! ~t:Y,__Cl_c~k Page 14 Employees ~C1J u's t'c~(I Current Proposed POSITION TITLE I/>ur,c>nf PIVj70sHf Range Budget Budget b't.lc;'qe I Bt.ldqt>1 1967 19.68 City Clerk - Director of Finance 1 1 664 - 891 10,416.00 10,700,00 City Treasurer - Director of Personnel and Purchasi ng 1 1 572 - 770 9,000.00 9,245.00 Account Clerk II 1 1 302 - 368 4,415.00 4,415.00 Bookkeeping Machine Operatcr II 1 1 302 - 368 4,790.00 4,415,00 Secretary 2 1 288 - .350 4,092,00 4,205.00 Account Clerk I 1 1 274 - 333 3,280.00 3,715.00 Clerk-Typist I 1 2 253 - 293 5,417.00 6,465.00 Part Time 1,000,00 1,000.00 TOTAL 42,410,00 44,160,00 .. I I I i i I , I L i . . r.\ :~,...., , i ANN~.\"L It) J.,;, . . I I I I I I, I I I I I I I I I I I I I FUND GENERAL OPEHATING DEPARTMEN'F--__CTty AtLoiill:L-= , DETAIL Page 1 C; Adjusted Actual Current Proposed ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Year Budget Budget 1966 1967 1968 PERSONAL SERVICES I 110 Salaries and Dept, Heads 6,168.00 6,300.00 6,780.00 120 Salaries-Regular Employees 4,704.00 4,920.00 5,055.00 I Total 10,872.00 11,220,00 11,835.00 CONTRACTUAL SE.RVICES 207 Traveling Expenses 380,48 100 ,00 100 .00 296 Legal Services 2,392 . 10 2 500.00 2,500.00 Total 2,772,58 2,600,00 2 , 600 , 00 I MATERIAL AND SUPPLIES 331 Books and Periodicals 312,85 350,00 350.00 Total 312,85 350.00 350.00 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 80,00 50.00 50,00 - Total 80.00 50.00 50,00 GRAND TOTAL 14,037.43 14,220.00 14,835.00 I ,I"'"" CITY OF SALINA KANSAS ANNUAL BUDGET I I<'iJND ~~~E_]~\]:_()PI':1{0~I'I N~;___ DEPARTMENT~.::.~X~_t_to r_I1l'Y II. CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS SUMMARY CLASSIFICATION f Ac tual l?reViOu3 Yr. I 1966 0' ,,_, " I~ III PERSONAL SERVICES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES I ill MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 10,872.00 2,772.58 312.85 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 80.00 I TOTAL 14,037.43 I I I I Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay FUNCTION I I The City Attorney acts as legal advisor to the City Commission, City Manager, and department heads on legality of all actions. In this supporting roll, the City Attorney and his assistants prepare ordinances, resolutions, contracts, agreements, deeds, leases, bond indentures, legal actions and miscellaneous documents. In addition to the above, he also represents the City of Salina in all actions at law. BUDGET COMMENTS I Personal and legal services performed by the City Attorney and his assistants constitutes virtually the. entire budgetary requirements of this department. I I I I I ill AN~l1"T. mmr:T.T I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , '. - ..;.......... t' ..: .' ;;:".~ '. !......L ... ~ I .t~~S0K~21. ~9.H:::~r:--E Fage 17 I Employees l ASJ usted propm] . rrent POSITION TI TLE ""drre>nf IPmj70sHl Range Budget Budget Budq& f Budq6't 1967 1968 I City Attorney 1 1 500 - 600 6,300,00 6,780.00 P-s s ' t City At torney 2 2 200 -225 4,920.00 5,055.00 TOTAL 11,220,00 11,835.00 I I - I I I ! I I I I I i I I I i i I 1_. :fl- ;'M ("-.- J"L' ,,:\-7~:\ "\\i-\~ Fl~ND . GENE!~AL_QXE-'0J'ING D::i'A[C~lE~! ___CHLAttoxn~y__ ANNuAL BuDGt:.l I I I I. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS r I ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION PERSONAL SERVICES 110 Salaries-Officials and Dept, Heads 120 Salaries-Regular Employees Total CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 207 Traveling Expenses 221 Printing Office Forms 233 Insurance-Surety Bonds 295 Other Professional Services Total MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 320 Office Supplies Total SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 439 Refunds Total CAPITAL OUTLAY 509 Furniture and Office Equipment Total GRAND TOTAL DETAIL FUND_~~~_~~L~~E~'EING DEPARTMENT PCLLice Cou.It Actual Previous Year 1966 ANNUAL BUDGET 3,300.00 3,000,00 6,300.00 239.55 36.20 10.00 609.00 894.75 242.22 242,22 110.00 110.00 363.80 363,80 7 ,910 , 77 Adjusted Current Budget 1967 3,165.00 3,445,00 6 , 610 . 00 150.00 200.00 10.00 610,00 970.00 125,00 l25.00 50,00 50,00 ,00 ,00 7,755.00 Page 18 - Proposed Budget 1968 3,390.00 3,805,00 7,195.00 150.00 200.00 10.00 610.00 970.00 125,00 125.00 50.00 50.00 .00 .00 8,340,00 I FUND Gr~~ER^X~OPER^TT,~~ DEP.:\R7MENT-1~~JL~e Court I , ~. t ., I.~ f ' ~ .::> r - . ~ I p'..;rJ:tA.IE Page 19 t .----- ,-, ---.--..- I AdJusted i Actual Current Proposed CLASSIFICATION Previous Yr. Budget Budget I ____._ J 1966 1967 1968 I - I PERSONAL SERVICES 6,300.00 6,610.00 7,195.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES ,894.75 970.00 970.00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 242.22 125.00 125.00 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 110.00 50.00 50.00 I I CAPITAL OUTLAY 363.80 .00 .00 I I TOTAL .7,910.77 7.755.00 8,340.00 I I I Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay FUNCTION CITY OF s\rT~\ K~N~A~ I II I I !I I I ,I The Clty Pollce Court lS ruled over by the Pollce Judge who hears cases lnvolvlng misdemeanors and violations of any City Ordinances. A great majority of the cases that come before this court are for traffic violations. I Maintenance of all court records for violations and receipt of court fines are handled by the Police Court Clerk. 'I I BUDGET COMMENTS There has been no appreciable change in the budget since 1966 when all court records a':d handling of court fines was separated from the Police Department. I I I .1 II I ANN"uAL BUDGET I I I I I I I I I I' I I I r '.. ..l.. .. , ........... , . ._ ".._',. r. - --- I PEt{S:)"t\~'G=-, SctED)':'.2 ?age 20 ,--.----- .------ - AGJ liStea ,= I Emp lvyees Current Proposed POSITION TI TLE '--'ur,<!"n! IPIV'poSe'd Range Budget Budge t l_u b'udqe f Bl/dgt>f 1967 1968 I- I Judge 1 1 250 - 280 3,165.00 3,390.00 I Clerk-Typist II 1 l' 261 317 3,445.00 3,805.00 i - I ! i TOTAL 6,610,00 7,195.00 i I I I - I I I r I :T ..,..,. ~m I I C'- \- .)"1:' ,,~;. 1\ \. i< \.~::;A~ Ft:0:D GENE~~L._~P_I~_~~~~~__ DE.t'~\;{T}1El"! ~}!_'=-~ Co":l~~___ I I I I I I ANNl.;,",j~ BI"DG~.L I I I I I I I I. I I I I I I I I I I I FUND GENERAL OPERATING DEPARTMENT-MC~TLy -Eu ilding t ~ DETAIL ~ag~ 21 I p.dJusced I - Actual Current Proposed I ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Year Budget Budget I 1966 1967 1968 i PERSONAL SERVICES 120 Salaries-Regular Employees 6.337.50 10.200,00 10,660,00 Total 6,337.50 10,200.00 10,660,00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES I 227 Insurance-Fire 1,291.19 1,300.00 1,300.00 I 241 Gas Service 1,740.61 1,800,00 1,800.00 I 242 Light and Power Service 856.79 900.00 900.00 I 243 Water Service 586,04 700.00 700.00 251 Repair-Buildings 1,589.51 1,000.00 1,000.00 284 Laundry and Towel Service 7,01 50.00 50.00 295 Other Professional Services 117.59 200.00 150,00 Total 6,188.74 5,950,00 5,900,00 MA TERIALS AND SUPPLIES 310 Expendable Tools 60.00 50.00 50.00 343 Janitor and Toilet Supplies 885.21 2,000.00 2,000,00 365 Cement and Cement Products ,00 .00 200.00 367 Electrical and Lighting Parts 64.36 300.00 300,00 371 Lumber and Lumber Products 135.57 100.00 100.00 381 Paint and Painting Materials 158.29 100 .00 100.00 Total 1 , 303. 43 2,550.00 2,750.00 GRAND TOTAL 13,829.67 18,700.00 19,310,00 CITY OF SALINA KANSAS ANNUAL BUDGET I 1---- II" i I I L r "~=;~- II I PERSONAL SERVICES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES I I I II, Ii I III FUNCTION This account includes fixed charges for maintenance and repair of City Hall plus the pedestrian arcades located in the Central Business District. I I I I I II III III II I FiJND G EN~RA~_O~~~^ :tI~.Q....__ DEPARTMENT City lluil~JL}?R.____ CITY-OF ~ALiNA. K.-\~SAS SVMXl\RX 1966 AC!Justecl Current: Budget 1967 - I P~~e 72:=:::: CLASSIFICATION Actual Previous Yr. Proposed Budge:: 1968 ~ 6,337.50 10,200.00 10,660.00 6t188.74 5,950.00 5,900.00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 1,303.43 2,550.00 2,750.00 TOTAL 13,829.67 18,700.00 19t310.00 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay BUDGET COMMENTS: There has been no significant change in this operation since the consolidation of janitorial services for the City Hall and Police Headquarters, in 1967. This accounts for the increase over 1966. ANNUAL BUDGET I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FCND GENEHAL 0!~~0~I'!~~_ DE'.?Alr:;?1E~I ~_~_t:y_~uild j!1g__ ......1. .. ,'. 1..:....,...\ .. . ,.,..,. f~ I :rTRSI)};~:L-:"" SC~E.D"'-,3 Page 23 ,----..-- '-'-'- Ad] usted ..-.---.- 1 Employees Proposed Cu~:rent I POSITION TI TLE l/'urr&l7f 1Pmf'osHl Range Budge t Budget b'udqe f B(/dq~1 1967 1968 1 Custodians 3 3 311 - 340 10,200.00 10,660.00 I TOTAL 10,200,00 10,660.00 I I I I i I - I I I I i i I i I I I I , ! I , , . . - ANNlJ,\:;.. BUDGET C1-" ur (:\ -. ~, .. \~~ ~~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FUND~_E~~~1_9~~~!~NG DEPARTME~_Ca_tY_-E!1g in.cIT-_ , DETAIL Page 24 Adjusted -- Actual Current Proposed ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Year Budget Budge t 1966 1967 1968 I PERSONAL SERVICES 1 110 Salaries-Officials and Dept. Heads 10,056,00 10,080.00 10 ,080.00 120 Salaries-Regular Employees 46.454.50 44,420.00 49,575.00 Total 56,510.50 54,500.00 59,655.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 205 Telephone and Telegraph 361.05 370.00 I t,on . on I 207 Traveling Expense ,332,54 490.00 SUU.oo 209 Postage 37.35 40.00 50,00 220 Blueprints 161. 14 600.00 600.00 221 Printing Office Forms ,00 50.00 100.00 231 Insurance-Motor Vehicles 207,68 200,00 200,00 233 Insurance-Surety Bonds 18.00 20,00 20.00 252 Repair-Furniture and Office Equipment 91.98 100,00 100.00 253 Repair-Machinery and Equipment 558 , 75 700.00 600.00 255 Repair-Tires and Tubes 7.25 60.00 60.00 295 Other Professional Services ,00 100.00 100,00 299 Other Contractual Services 186,74 150.00 150.00 i -Total 1,962,48 2,880.00 2,880.00 I MATERIAL AND SUPPLIES 320 Office Supplies 124.93 200.00 200.00 331 Books and Periodicals 57.33 60.00 75.00 335 Drafting and Engineering Supplies 1,606.16 830.00 900.00 345 Motor Vehicles-Fuel and Lubricants. 720. 54 800.00 900,00 347 Motor Vehicles-License Tags 60.00 60.00 75.00 371 Lumber and Lumber Products 8,00 200.00 200.00 379 Motor Vehicle-Tires and Tubes 133,73 100.00 100.00 Total 2,710.69 2,250.00 2,450.00 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 435 Organization Dues 29.00 75.00 180.00 Total 29.00 75.00 180.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY 509 Furniture and Office Equipment 2,240,84 1,400.00 .00 525 Trucks .00 2,000.00 2 000,00 , I To ta 1 . 2,240,84 3,400.00 2,000.00 GRAND TOTAL 63,453.51 63,105.00 67,165.00 CITY OF SALINA KANSAS ANNUAL BUDGET I II FUND GEB~I\/\L__Qr!~}~^I.ING DEPARTMENT~...i!L_~llg i..!:!C'C'r CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS SUMMA.R Y Page 25 CLASSIFICATION Actual Previous Yr. 1966 Ad;usted Current Budget 1967 Proposed Budget 1968 I I PERSONAL SERVICES I TOTAL 56,510.50 54,500.00 59,655,00 1,962.48 2,880.00 2,880.00 2,710.69 2,250.00 2,450.00 29.00 75.00 180.00 2,240.84 3,400.00 2,000.00 63,453.51 63,105.00 67,165.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES I MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES SUNDRY EXPENDITURES I CAPITAL OUTLAY I II I Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay FUNCTION I The Engineering Department is responsible for preparing plans, specifications and estimates for all public improvements. This includes field surveys, sewers, water mains, streets, etc. This department maintains maps showing all utility installations in rights-of-way, acquires right-of-way, and supervises the installation of all municipal improvements; whether performed on a contract basis for the City or privately by sub- dividers. In addition, the Engineering Department is responsible for the maintenance of all master maps of the City which includes the City Limits and land record maps, the complete san1tary sewer system, water system and f1re hydrant locat1ons. I I BUDGET COMMENTS I No replacement has been provided for the Draftsman II following his transfer to the Planning Department. Present plans are to utilize student help through the summer of 1968 in addition to our present Draftsman I, Traffic Engineer and other office staff. II II I in I.j I II Account #435 reflects increased membership in the Kansas Engineering Society. '';l\.PITAL OUTLAY Account #509 is for the replacement of two drafting tables with counterbalanced tables 1967. Account #525 is for replacement of the t\om vejIicles used by the field parties; the weapons carrier in 1967 and the pickup in 196~ I ANNUAL BUDGET I I [ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I. I I u..... _\.... .',..... , " ''''~ r~ ITi{S\Ii\~r::~-, ."l:r')'" ~ P.1ge ,:) ~ ,':_'i '.' ._."::':" 26 .-..-.-..--- "..---..- ~ ~.-...._.- - - -= . I - I-I 'usted Employees 1?J1"rel1c Pr.Jposed POSITION TITLE ~ur,el?f IPIV?oSHi Range Budget Budget Buclqe I Bt/dgJ!>l, 1967 I 1968 City Engineer 1 1 1103 - 809 10,080,00 10,080.00 Ass't City Engineer 1 1 S L9 - 664 7,765.00 7,970.00 Traffic Engineer 1 1 448 - 519 6,410.00 6,410.00 Engineering Aide II 3 3 426 - 470 16,490.00 17 , 305.00 : Engineering Aide I 2 2 394 - 419 9,575.00 10,060.00 Draftsman II 1 0 186 - 470 1,660.00 .00 Draftsman I 1 1 350 - 426 2,385.00 4,310.00 I I Part Time Help $1.50 per hour 3,520.00 l 54,365.00 59,655.00 I - i i i I ! , I ! i .,._'.,......" ..'...' ...., .......'.,",r.'_--.."..~.~_ 17' .,. r' I .-.-. "'";'m C,1- \- JT.' '-, -\;; ~ -\ K \ '\ q :\ c FeND GENERAL__~_~~~~~!ING DS?AlC':1E;-';T __CjtLEngi.l1C'ex__ ANN,,,u.. B,IDGt,J. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FUND GE~!iML OPERATING DEPARTMENT --rTR~ , DETAIL Page 27 - A'hi us ted Actual urrent Proposed ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Year Budget Budget 1966 1967 1968 := PERSONAL SERVICES I 110 Salaries - Officials and Department Heads 8,736.00 9,000.00 9,240.00 120 Salaries - Regular Employees 286,926.39 339,000.00 366,9SS.00 196 Operators 11 ,873.00 13,lOS.00 13,10S.00 Total 307,535.39 361, lOS .00 389,300.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 205 Telephone and Telegraph 1,751.30 2,000.00 2,000.00 207 Traveling Expense 165.07 325.00 325.00 209 Postage 47.16 80.00 80.00 221 Printing Office Forms 13.45 140.00 100.00 I 231 Insurance - Motor Vehicles 930.6S 995.00 1,12S.00! 241 Gas Service 1,569.01 2,37S.00 2, .~()I), 0:) 242 Light and Power Service 1,008.80 1 ,27 S .00 1 , 300 . (J:) 243 Water Service 424.07 435.00 5S0.00 251 Repair - Buildings 86.81 150.00 200.00 252 Repair - Furniture and Office Equipment 169.00 50.00 SO.OO 253 Repair - Machinery and Equipment .00 115.00 lS0.00 254 Repair - Motor Vehicles 55.50 100.00 100.00 255 Repair - Tires and Tubes 6.50 25.00 30.00 257 Repair - Radio Equipment .00 1,285.00 1,350.00 284 Laundry and Towel Service 325.01 340.00 360.00 295 Other Professional Services 857 . 11 765.00 850.00 Total 7,409.44 10,455.00 10,970.00 · MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES I I 310 Expendable Tools 145.07 130.00 250.00 320 Office Supplies 456.10 445.00 500.00 331 Books and Periodicals 108.60 100.00 100.00 333 Chemicals, Drugs, and Etc. 9.93 80.00 100.00 343 Janitor and Toilet Supplies 630.78 880.00 900.00 345 Motor Vehicles - Fuel and Lubricants 1,524.37 1,370.00 1,500.00 351 Seeds, Plants, Trees and Lawn Supplies .00 25.00 35.00 355 Wearing Apparel 7,528.07 7,345.00 7,500.00 359 Other Operating Supplies 1,419.54 975.00 1,000.00 I 367 Electrical and Lighting Parts 219.81 300.00 325.00 I I 371 Lumber and Lumber Products 105.21 75.00 75.00 373 Machinery and Equipment Parts 495.60 410.00 450.00 377 Motor Vehicles - Parts 668.05 445.00 I SOO .O() 379 Motor Vehicles - Tires and Tubes 317.86 240.00 2S0.0il 381 Paint and Painting Materials 270.55 190.00 ;!OO.OI) , 382 Photograph Supplies 176.29 16S.00 16'j,OU 393 Welding Supplies 98.76 160.00 200.00 399 Other Repairs and Maintenance 402.86 690.00 800.00 Total 14,577.45 14,025.00 14,850.00 I T CITY OF SALINA KANSAS ANNUAL BUDGET I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FUND DEPARTMENT GENERAL OPERATING 'FTRIr'--- , DETAIL Page 28 Actual 1fJ,us ted Proposed rent ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Year Budget Budge t 1966 1967 1968 I SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 435 Organization Dues 82.00 25.00 25.00 Total 82.00 25.00 25.00 I I I CAPITAL OUTLAY i I 507 Fi re Figh ting Equipment . 993.42 3,150.00 2 ,000.0(1 : 509 Furniture and Fixtures 1,439.00 355.00 500.GO 519 Radio Equipment 1. 845.96 8,435.00 825.00 Total 4,278.38 11 ,940.00 3,325.00 I I GRAND TOTAL 333,882.66 397,550.00 418,470.00 I I I I - I , I I I I I I . i CITY OF SALINA KANSAS ANNUAL BUDGET I CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS SlJMM.J\RY FUND GENERAL OPERATING DEPARTMENT ---VIrc- Page 29 J I I 1966 Ad;usted Ctrrrent Budget 1967 Proposed Budget CLASSIFICATION Actual Previous Yr. 1968 II PERSONAL SERVICES 307,535.39 7,409.44 361,105.00 389,300.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 10,455.00 10,970.00 I MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 14,577.45 14,025.00 14,850.00 I SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 82.00 25.00 25.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY 4,278.38 11.940.00 3,325.00 I TOTAL 333,882.66 397,550.00 418,470.00 I I Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay FUNCTION I I It is the responsibility of the Fire Department for the extinguishment of fires, protection of life and property thru rescue, evacuation, and salvage operations; provide first aid to public, fire prevention demonstrations, as well as maintain and active program of fire inspection in business establishments and other public buildings; insure the citizens of Salina adequate protection of life and property from fire hazard by an intensive fire training program utilizing the latest techniques and updated skills. I BUDGET COMMENTS I Increases in Personal Services for 19611d 1968 over 1966 are due primarily to staffing of Fire Station #3. One additional firefighter is requested for 1967. Replacement of the Chief Fire Inspector so that he could assume responsibilities of Minimum Housing Inspector has left the department short one man. Scheduled salary increases and I I the cost of living adjustment account for the balance of the increase. Account #257 appeared for the first time in the 1967 budget. This is not a new service, but a separation of these costs to the using department as a better accounting procedure. I I CAPITAL OUTLAY I Account #507 for 1967 includes a squad wagon pump, fire hose and foam replacement. The same for 1968, excluding the pump. Account #519 provided I in homes of firemen. This I for major fires, which now loss of time. I for purchase of sixty-eight radio receivers in 1967 to be placed equipment would expedite calling off-duty firemen when needed must be done individually by telephone, resulting in critical ANNUAL BUDGET I .i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I. I I F,~ND D I l'AI{ ~:-1l::;-';'I GENEJ{M, OPERATING ---~-_.- FIRE rage 30 -I ~ CI::" ,J1:' SA:::',~;\\, l<.\'l:,Af FEkSJ~:':L:u ~;(~:::D"'_,:':: .--.---, ...._4_____' Adjurrca=' I I Employees C'J~rcnt Pr:>pJ3cd POSITION TITLE iCurrenfjJ:lVf'oSM Range Bud%e t Budget ~ 19 7 1968 I b'uclqe f I Bt./dqt>1 I Chief 1 1 572 - 770 9,000.00 9,240.00 Assistant Chief 1 1 .V~8 - 603 6,360.00 6,865.00 Fire Prevention Inspector II 1 2 470 - 572 6,260.00 13,155.00 Fire Prevention Inspector I I I 5 4 406 - 494 27,365.00 22,810.00 Captains 8 8 448 - 544 48,170.00 51,940.00 Lieutenants 8 6 406 - 494 34,630.00 35,580.00 Mechanics 2 2 419 - 458 10,690.00 11 ,000.00 Firefighters 41 44 372 - 445 202,165.00 221,975.00 I Fire Dispatchers 5 5 1. 28/ 1. 34/1. 39 13,105.00 13,110.00 Secretary 1 1 288 - 350 3,360.00 3,625.00 I Total - 361 , 105.00 389,300.00 I I I i I i I I I I I i I I I I 1- :'I'T", '" .. ;:"'m ANNuAL. B...DG......l. I I I I I i J I I I I I I. I I I I I I I I I I I I I FUNn__Q.Jl:~E~RAL OPERATl:\~____ DEPARTMENL--1n:;;!l_~~L LQ!l__ -----1 P:~:~~~"1 Budget 1968 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS DETAIL ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION PERSONAL SERVICES 120 Salaries-Regular Employees Total CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 205 Telephone and Telegraph 207 Traveling Expense 209 Postage 221 Printing Office Forms 231 Insurance-Motor Vehicles 233 Insurance-Surety Bonds 252 Repair-Furniture and Office Equipment 253 Repair-Machinery and Equipment 255 Repair-Tires and Tubes 257 Radio Maintenance Contract 295 Other Professional Services Total MATERIAL AND SUPPLIES 320 Office Supplies 331 Books and Periodicals 345 Motor Vehicles-Gas and Oil 347 Motor Vehicles-License Tags 367 Electrical and Lighting Parts 379 Motor Vehicles-Tires and Tubes Total SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 435 Organization Dues Total CAPITAL OUTLAY 509 Furniture, Fixtures and Office Equipment 519 Radio Equipment Total GRAND TOTAL ANNUAL BUDGET Actual Previous Year 1966 20,316.33 20,316.33 513.17 52.35 81. 93 231. 30 171. 54 10,00 ,00 2,191.95 6.25 66.00 70.00 3,394.49 172.73 88.95 521.34 37.50 .00 54.08 874,60 33.50 33.50 726.95 426.00 1,152.95 25,771.87 Adjusted Current Budget 1967 21 ,510.00 21,510.00 800,00 200.00 100.00 300.00 260.00 .00 .00 1,800.00 10.00 235.00 50.00 3,755.00 200.00 150.00 600.00 50.00 .00 125,00 1,125.00 140,00 140.00 200,00 ,00 200.00 26,730.00 27,365,00 27,365,00 800,00 200.00 ! 100,00 300,00 325.00 .00 ,00 2,000,00 10,00 295,00 50.00 4,080.00 I 200.00 100,00 700.00 65.00 .00 125.00 1,190,00 140,00 140.00 200.00 475.00 675.00 33,450.00 I I I I I I FUND ,GENERAL OPERATING DEPARTMENT Inspection CI TY - OF SAUNA I K.t\NSAS SUMM.!\R X SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 33.50 Page 12 1?Jrusted Proposed rent Budget Budget 1967 1968 21 ,510 . 00 27,365.00 3,755.00 4,080.00 1,165.00 1,190.00 140.00 140.00 200.00 675.00 26,730.00 33,450.00 CLASSIFICATION Actual ?revious Yr. 1966 ==, PERSONAL SERVICES 20,316.33 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 3,394.49 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 874.60 CAPITAL OUTLAY 1,152.95 TOTAL 25,771.87 II I I I I I I I II I I I II I Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay FUNCTION The primary responsibility of this department is protection of life, property and property values by rigid administration and enforcement of the zoning ordinances, building, plumbing and electrical codes. To arrive at this goal, this department issues construction permits, revues plans for proposed buildings, recommends revisions when not in accordance with the codes and public safety, and investigates construction sites to insure that all the standards of the City are being complied with. BUDGET COMMENTS Account #120 reflects the requirement for an additional inspector in 1968 to handle the increased demands placed on the department relative to our Minimum Housing Code Cl'~pliance Program as well as additional inspections being required by our recently adopted Building Code. Other increases in the catagories of Contractual Services, Materials and Supplies, and Capital Outlay are chiefly attributable to equipment for the additional inspector. Account 11435 has been increased to includ,~ an active membership in the International conference of Building Officials. ANNUAL BUDGET I I I [---~~ II ~-___~~SITION TITLE II I Building Inspector I !'!liiObing Inspector Iii Electrical Inspector I I. I II I I I I~ III I I I I I 1\ III I Secretary Additional Inspector TOTAL C}::: ':- JL' (" -\:.~ ~ -\: !(\\i.:::.AS--- }TRSJi\\'"L:" ~,c.:r:0"'_.= '_"_'_.~_R__ .______._.___ "-I~--- EmplcJyee.s Jrr6'nf IVjJ05H:1" b'v~ <!? I Bvdgt>1 1 1 1 1 1 .L 1 1 1 o 1 494 448 448 288 44R ANN17AL BD"DGE'l' I hgc 33 i -----.---..-..--.--- J I~~~~~:~~--:-- p~:~=g~:~~--=-I C> , 1967 1968 I I I Range -, 572 494 494 350 494 ITND. GENERAL OPETU,Tr;,:( D!:"?;-\iC:E';\'~ __ _ Inspect j I)~_____ 6,830,00 6,865.00 5,495,00 5,930.00 5,230,00 5,640.00 3,950.00 3,555.00 .00 5,375.00 21,505.00 27,365.00 I _.-4 I I I I I I. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I. 120 130 205 207 227 231 1241 1242 251 253 255 I I I I FUND_g~_N_E~AL 01' EI:X~ r iJi~_ DEPARTME~T -EArll< CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS DETAIL ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION SERVICES .1U Salaries - Officials and Department He~ds Salaries - Regular Employees Salaries - Part Time Employees r [PERSONAL I I Total CONTRACTUAL SERVICES Telephone and Telegraph Traveling Expenses Insurance - Buildings Insurance - Motor Vehicles Gas Service Light and Power Service Repair - Buildings Repair - Machinery and Equipment Repair - Tires and Tubes Total MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 310 :331 333 345 347 349 350 351 359 1365 1367 1371 379 381 387 Expendable Tools Books and Periodicals Chemicals, Drugs and Etc. Motor Vehicles - Fuel and Lubricants Motor Vehicles - License Tags Recreational Supplies Memorial Park Stadium Seeds, Plants, Trees and Lawn Supplies Other Operating Supplies Cement and Cement Products Electrical and Lighting Parts Lumber and Lumber Products Motor Vehicles - Tires and Tubes Paint and Painting Materials Sand, Gravel, Rock and Chat Total SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 435 Organizational Dues Total ANNUAL BUDGET Page 34 ......,.~== Actual Previous Year 1966 Adjusted i Current I Budge t 1967 Proposed Budget 1968 8,076.00 20,013.00 12,598.09 8,100.00 26,590.00 15,770.00 8,100.00 33,135.00 16,000.00 40,687.09 50,460.00 57,235.00 370.33 400.00 400.00 .00 50.00 50.00 93.00 225.00 225.()(} 229.29 225.00 225.00 584.03 700.00 700.00 429.27 600.00 600.00 524.86 500.00 500.00 1,358.70 1,600.00 1,400.00 24.85 150.00 100.00 3,614.33 4,450.00 4,200.00 42.56 100.00 100.00 35.00 25.00 25.00 116.58 100.00 100.00 545.55 750.00 700.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 165.76 200.00 300.00 1,036.70 1,200.00 1,200.00 618.99 1,500.00 1,250.00 155.57 200.00 200.00 13.04 25.00 25.00 191. 74 200.00 200.00 147.46 200.00 200.00 12.40 125.00 125.00 171. 36 400.00 400.00 11.91 200.00 200.00 3,339.62 5,300.00 ! 5,100.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FUND GENERAL OP~~TlNG DEPARTMENT PARK I ~ ! . \'. N. . r 1> \1 i.. Page 35 -.-. . . Adjusted Actual Current Proposed ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Year Budge t Budget 1966 1967 1968 CAPITAL OUTLAY 502 Buildings 1,442.02 2,500.00 .00 516 Park Equipment - Mowers 649.79 800.00 400.00 521 Recreational Equipment 3,000.00 1,500.00 1,000.00 575 Landscape Improvements 7,835.00 3,000.00 .00 Tennis Court Improvement 6,519.42 .00 .00 Shuffle Board Replacement .00 .00 850.00 Truck Replacement .00 4.200.00 1.500.00 Total 19,446.23 12,000.00 3,750.00 GRAND TOTAL 67,107.27 72,230.00 70,305.00 - I ! 1 I -...--- CITY OF c.,. [TA KANSAS ANNUAL BUDGET J I FUND GENER^1-9J~~~TTNG DEPARTMENT Park CITY OF ::lALINA, KANSAS CLASSIFICATION SUMM1\.R Y Page 36 , ~djusted , Actual Current Proposed Previous Yr. Budget Budget 1966 1967 1968 40,687.09 50,460.00 57,235.00 3,614.33 4,450.00 4,200.00 3,339.62 5,300.00 5,100.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 19,446.23 12,000.00 3.750.00 67,107.27 72,230.00 70,305.00 I I PERSONAL SERVICES I I II II I CONTRACTUAL SERVICES MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES SUNDRY EXPENDITURES CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL I I I Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay FUNCTION This department is charged with supervlslng, maintaining, and repairing all park lawns and flower beds, planning and maintaining shrubs and trees, repairing park buildings and equipment as well as maintain all parkways, boulevards, and median strips in the City of Salina. I BUDGET COMMENTS I I Increases in Personal Services for 196R i~clude one additional foreman for supervlslon of Lakewood Park. This is a transfer of th' 'Hme r Assistant Manager of the Airport. Also, two additional part-time laborers an~ required for maintenance of Lakewood and Centennial Parks. I! I I I I I Account #227 has been increased for liability on Lakewood Lodge and the Kenwood Park grandstand. Account #351 increased for 1967 and 1968 for development of new park areas and fertilizing of blue grass in Oakdale Park. Account #387 increase reflects chat for walks, sand for playgrounds and roads in development and maintenance of parks. CAPITAL OUTLAY Increases for 1967 include additional landscape and shelter house improvements for development of new park areas. Also replacement of a 1951 1~ ton truck. A 1954 Ford pickup is proposed for replacement in 1968. ANNUAL BUDGET I I I I .1 I I I I I I I I F::1'\D D~?:'l.IC;.1::~"!: GENERAL OPERATING ---'--.---.. - _.~ PARK Cl:::': J1:':"\=.:~.\, T;.:i.~SA8 PER S.)?\~L.:::" ~,(}{::Ir"'.,:; I .-------- ------,..- I Employees ~!A(i \.. POSITION TITLE Range I Bu ~rr6'l?f PIV?05W I b'udq<? f Bvd9t>-1 1 Superintendent 1 1 519 - 603 8, Foreman 1 2 368 - 448 4, Maintenance Worker II 1 1 372 - 394 4, l'1aintenance Worker I 4 4 350 - 372 17, Laborers (Part Time) 8 10 15 , Total 50, I I I I I - I I ! i I I I I I I I ! I I I I I I I I I I II i..___..___ ,__ _.._._. ANNL\L BtJDG::T ~'tMR.d dget 967 100.00 860.00 540.00 190.00 920.00 610.00 GENERAL OPERATING F:""ND DEP_~':'MEN'.:' POLlCE CITY OF S~~I~~, ~'SAS m:I,.;'J .;., . '... ACCOUNT CLASSIFI~;'TION 110 120 130 Salaries-Officials and Department Heads Salaries - Regular Employees Salaries - Part Time Employees Total CONTRACTUAL SERVICES Telephone and Telegraph Traveling Expense Postage Feeding Prisoners Printing Office Forms Insurance - Motor Vehicles Light Services Repairs - Buildings Repair - Furniture and Office Equipment Repair - Machinery and Equipment Repair - Motor-Vehicles, Tires & Tubes Radio Equipment Service Rent - Machinery and Equipment Laundry and Towel Service Medical Services Other Professional Services Other Contractual Services Total MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 310 320 331 339 345 Expendable Tools Office Supplies Books and Periodicals Food for Animals Motor Vehicles - Gas and Oil Motor Vehicles - License Tags Hearing Apparel Other Operating Supplies Electrical and Lighting Parts Lumber and Lumber Products Motor Vehicles - Tires and Tubes Paint and Painting Supplies Photography Materials ~47 Total A...~1.:'AI. BrDGET Ac::ual f'r.::vi C'-:;.8 Yaar 1966 8,923.00 239,4'63.48 25,830.00 274,216.48 4,677.75 703.34 517.16 4,259.96 3,377 . 00 1,252.33 916.81 503.10 874.92 12,944.42 176.65 .00 1,121.98 81. 87 444.00 390.13 238.83 32,480.25 268.28 1,498.08 156.35 163.80 11,061.78 200.75 6,898.10 367.40 59.28 13.67 1,960.08 .00 476.00 23,123.57 Adjusted C.;.::rrent Eudget 1967 9,000.00 291,145,00 25,900.00 326,045.00 4,800.00 700.00 500.00 6,000.00 1,600.00 980.00 1,050.00 300.00 900.00 14,000.00 225.00 2,100.00 1,200.00 225.00 520.00 700.00 200.00 36,000.00 300.00 1,600.00 360.00 110.00 12,000.00 180.00 6,900.00 450.00 150.00 150.00 1,800.00 80.00 700.00 24,780.00 Page 38 Proposed B..;dget 1968 9,2/10.O() 330,665.001 27 ,090 .OC~. 366,995.00 5,000.00 700.00 525.00 6,000.00 1,500.00 1,200.00 1,100.00 300.00 900.00 14,000.00 250.00 2,100.00 1,200.00 380.00 600.00 700.00 200.00 36,655.00 300.00 1,800.00 350.00 200.00 14,000.00 230.00 6,340.00 450.00 100.00 100 .00 2,000.00 50.00' 800.00 26,720.00 I I I I I I I I' I I I I I I I I I I I l ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 435 Organization dues Total CAPITAL OUTLAY 503 Equipment 505 Automobiles and Motorcycles 509 Furniture and Fixtures 514 Officers' Service Equipment 517 Office Mechanical Equipment 519 Radio Equipment Total GRAND TOTAL FUND GENERAL O~J~~^TING_ DEPARTMENT P~ll~_ CITY OF SALINA KANSAS DETA , -- 1L Page 39 .---- .- ..co.--..". ='=.C.-'''''''' Actual Adjusted Current Proposed Previous Year Budget Budget 1966 1967 1968 276.00 350.00 450.00 276.00 350.00 450.00 445.61 1,040.00 350.00 13 ,240.20 14,400.00 14,500.00 3,777.35 180.00 450.00 .00 1,600.00 500.00 .00 1,000.00 .00 2,156.00 950.00 .00 I 19,619.16 19,170.00 15,800.00 349,715.46 406,345.00 446,620.00 I I I I J ANNUAL BUDGET FUND GENERAJ~Q~r:~{\TIB.G DEPARTMENT Police I I~ I ! Ik== I. PERSONAL SERVICESC S CONTRACTUAL SERVI E I MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES I CAPITAL OUTLAY I CITY OF SAUNA SlJM}IAR '{ KAf\lSAS CLASSIFICATION Actual Previous Yr. Agjusted Current Budget 1967 1966 274,216.48 326,045.00 32,480.25 36,000.00 23,123.57 24,780.00 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 276.00 350.00 19,619.16 19,170.00 349,715.46 406,345.00 TOTAL I I Function - Budget CO,.lli 11:;5 . Capital Outlay I I I I I FUNCTION Page 40 Proposed Budget 1968 366,995.00 36,655.00 I I 26,720.00 \ I 450.00 I 15,800.00 I 446,620.00 It is the responsibility of the Police Department to provide maximum protection of life and property to the citizens of Salina against any activity of a criminal nature. The primary activities related to these general responsibilities are: effective appre- hension of offenders, best available service control of traffic and crowds, enforcement of the laws of the State and ordinances of the City, investigation of crimes, providing effective aid in case of disaster, maintaining records and communications service and providing a juvenile program to keep delinquency at a minimum. This department also performs innumerable services in the interest of public protection, safety, comfort and convenience, and maintains a close liaison with other law enforcement agencies. BUDGET COMMENTS Overall increases in operation costs for the department for both 1967 and 1968 as compared to 1966 are primarily attributable to providing necessary services to the Schilling Industrial Park area. I The only proposed increases in personnel are for one additional Clerk Typist I for 1968 reflected in Account #120 and for 2 additional school crossing guards in 1968 included in Account #130. I I Increased efforts are being made to secure and retain the officers necessary for maintaining the Schilling area as one patrol beat in itself. The present and proposed authorized strength will permit this in addition to five other patrol beats within the city. We consider this to be a minimum p~actical security provision for the community. I I Account #205 has been increased to allow for 100% of the cost of a teletype for the remainder of 1967 and 1968. The hookup would provide contact with 46 states and the Kansas Motor Vehicle Department. ANNUAL BUDGET 'r Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay BUDGET COMMENTS - Cont'd. 40 a ~-~~T- ~ I I I I , Account #284 has been increased for 1967 and 1968 to provide for rental of uniforms for the dog catchers. Rental charge of $2.25 per man per week would provide 7 changes. The purpose being to make the dog catchers easily identifiable since they are frequently on private property, as well as to enhance their appearance. Account #295 reflects increased efforts for rabies observation practices on impounded animals. Account #331 increased to provide training program and related materials for all levels of personnel. Increases in vehicle operation and maintenance accounts are attributable to longer operation of the vehicles than has been the practice previously, plus one additional vehicle. Account #382 has previously been supplemented by supplies made available to the department by Schilling Air Force Base. CAPITAL OUTLAY Account #503 includes replacement of the movie projector, purchase of 6 gas masks and one fire extinguisher in 1967 and purchase of an opaque projector for training and public presentations in 1968. Account #509 is for replacement of 8'vehicles in 1967 and 8 in 1968. Account #514 provides for issuance of firearms, badges, leather goods, handcuffs, ei~C. These items are checked out to the officers but remain department property. ANNUA'L HliDGET t Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay CAPITAL OUTLAY - Cont'd. Account #517 allows for purchase of two electric typewriters in 1967. Account #519 provides for replacement of a 15 year old radio in order to equip the additional vehicle. ANNUAL BUDGET 40 b I I I I ! I If I I I I I I I I I I I ,I I I I I I Fl~}:n GE:JERM, OPE1U'..TING ----------.- POLICE D~.?,\ R~:1I:~~ c'!: ::- ':~ ,J:r.:.. \:':"'~ ~ .\, :;. \ \" ~.\ !;--- ?[[{S"Y!'.."\.t:"~c~,C!:-1-:: ~..._:~ I i:"Jge 41 J .- ~\(rjUstecl I ! Employees C'l:.Tcnt PrJpo"ed I , POSITION TITLE ""ur/(?/J! lP/Vj7ose-d Range Budget Budget b'vclqe f Bvdgt>/ -L 19~7 1968 - Chief 1 1 572 - 770 I 9,000.00 9,240.00 Najor 1 1 470 - 633 6,360.00 6,865.00 Captains 3 I 3 470 - 572 18,180.00 19,590.00 Lieuten3.nts 5 5 426 - 519 28,230.00 30,495.00 Detectives 5 5 406 - 494 27,490.00 29,360.00 Sergeants 5 5 406 - 494 27,070.00 28,855.00 I Patrolmen 34 34 394 - 471 147,650.00 176,005.00 ~ I, ' ; i I I,ccountant Clerk I 1 1 274 - 333 3,800.00 3,995.00 I ~,ecretary 1 1 I 288 - 350 3,620.00 3,805.00 ( !c:rk Typist I 5 6 253 293 18,145.00 19,635.00 .- j I Humane Off leer II 1 1 320 - 350 4,035.00 4,200.00 I Humane Officer I - 2 2 311 - 330 6,565.00 7,860.00 School Crossing Patrolmen 41 43 65 - 70 25,900.00 27,090.09__ . I I TOTAL 326,045.00 366,995.00 I I j I I I' I I I I I I i , I i i.~". _._...._..._._ _.._. ANN~.';.\.L B"C"DCST I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF SA-INA KANSAS 3..0 333 341 345 347 359 361 365 371 373 375 379 381 387 390 Ortlce Supplles Chemicals, Drugs. and Etc. Fuel and Lubricants (except motor) Motor Vehicles - Gas and Oil Motor Vehicles - License Tags Other Operating Supplies Asphalt and Road Oil Cement and Cement Products Lumber and Lumber Products Machinery and Equipment Parts Metal and Metal Products Motor Vehicles - Tires and Tubes Paint and Painting Materials Sand, Gravel, Rock, Salt and Chat Sweeper Parts L , I DETAIL Page 42 I I Adjusted I Actual Current Proposed ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Year Budget Budget : 1966 19 7 19 8 PERSONAL SERVICES 110 Director of Services .00 9.000.00 9,710.00 I 120 Salaries - Regular Employees 101,135.16 121,550.00 128,235.00 I Total 101,135.16 130,550.00 137,945.00 I CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 205 Telephone and Telegraph 307.52 350.00 350.00 I 207 Traveling Expense .00 75.00 100.00 221 Printing Office Forms .00 50.00 25.00 231 Insurance - Motor Vehicles 1,127.09 1.255.00 1,275.00 241 Gas Service 385.82 485.00 500.00 242 Light Service 7.24 40.00 i 40.00 243 Water Service 65.80 100,00 I 100.00 251 Repair - Buildings 107.38 2.500.00 .00 253 Repair - Machinery and Equipment 12,798.96 17,500.00 18,000.00 255 Repair - Tires and Tubes 106.20 1,465.00 300.00 257 Radio Equipment Service Contract 322.00 600.00 660.00 274 Rent - Machinery and Equipment 143.00 200.00 200.00 284 Laundry and Towel Service 12.98 20.00 20.00 295 Other Professional Services 78.00 50.00 50.00 Total 15,461.99 24.690.00 21,620.00 ! MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 310 Expendable Tools 187.77 400.00 400.00 ') ~ - . Total ANNUAL BUDGET 47.43 ' 132.91 568.47 5,334.15 427.50 511. 42 2,053.75 4,685.38 23.97 342.80 1,568.75 , 423.90 8.90 851. 64 2,032.61 19,201.35 FUND_~~N I':R^_~, _O~]~RA!ING DEPARTMENT STREET 50.00 1,200.00 700.00 7,600.00 460.00 250.00 2.000.00 4,500.00 25.00 600.00 1,000.00 600.00 50.00 1,500.00 2,500.00 50.00 1,500.00 600.00 8,000.00 475.00 250.00 2,000.00 5,000.00 50.00 700.00 5UO.00 700.00 50.0C; 1.500.0U 2,500.00 23,435.00 24,275.00 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I. r.ENERAL OPERATING ~> ~- ~. -~---- STREET FUND DEPARTME!:'IT CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS DEl.'AIL Page 43 Actual Previous Year 1966 Proposed Budget 1968 ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION 1 I 15.00 I 750.001 10,000.00 I SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 435 Organization Dues 439 Refunds 447 Transfer to Street Machinery Account .00 700.60 I .00 I 15.00 750.00 10,000.00 Total 700.60 10,765.00 10,765.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY 509 Office Equipment 519 Radio Equipment 525 Trucks 527 Street Equipment .00 50.00 50.00 1,459.50 1,000.00 .00 3,469.20 .00 3,500.00 31,656.72 3,900.00 ,00 36,585.42 4,950.00 3,550.00 Total GRAND TOTAL 173,084.52 194,390.00 198,155.00 ANNUA~ l\1lJGET I I ~=-- ! I FUND GENERAL OPERATING DEPARTMENT Street CITY OF SA ~olNA, KANSAS SUMMAR',' ----- Page If If it is the responsibility of the Street Department to maintain all trafficways for :: ,'0 l:ransportation of vehicles and persons. This is to include day by day maintenance and. patching of streets, sidewalks, alleys, bl'Ldges and gutters. Maintain the complete storm sewer system to prevent undue damage to street surfaces and avoid inconvenience to vehicles and pedestrians. Clear streets of dirt and other debris by machine or hand- sweeping. Clear streets of snow when and where necessary. This department also works with the City-County Health Department in the control and elimination of mosquitoes, as well as providing necessary weed cutting activities throughout the City. Other depart- iuents rely heavily on the Street Department for use of equipment and manpower. CLASSIFICATION Actclal Aajusted urrent Previous Yr. Budget 1966 1967 101,135.16 130,550.00 15,461.99 24,690.00 19,201.35 23,435.00 700.60 10,765.00 36,585.42 4,950.00 173,084.52 194,390.00 I 21.l\.SONAL SERVICES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES I MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES Sll;i[DRY EXPENDITURES I Cl,PITAL OUTLAY I TOTAL II I I I~ I Ii Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay Fii;Cl'ION I I I I BUDGET CmiMENTS Proposed Budget 1968 i37 ,945.00 ! i 21,620.00: 24,275.00 : 10,765.00 I ! 3,550,00 I 198,155.00 ; I Account #110 provides for the salary of the Director of Services, appointed during the current year. In addition to the Street Department, he directs the operation of seven other departments which includes virtually all of the labor force. I Account #120 provides for one additional Equipment Operator II. I Account #251 is primarily for roof repair on the Street Department building in 1967. It has been in need of such repair for several years. I I I Accou~t #253 increase allows for maintenance of additional equipment transferred from the airport. The increase for 1967 to Account #255 provides for recapping of truck and motor gracier tires. Account il333 is for chemicals used in weed and mosquito control. The expenditure ANNuAL BUDGET Function. Budget Comments . Capital Outlay 44 a JUDGET COHMENTS - Cont'd. was low in 1966 due to extremely dry weather. i:,' PITAL OUTLAY For 1967: Radios for two trucks, a strel1 curb dresser (for trimming grass along :1 -r, ), one mower and one air compressor. 'rrade of a 1!;a T truck for a 2 T truck is llroposed for 1968. It is recomnended that the following equipment be purchased from the Street Machinery Fund during the current year: Truck mounted snow plow Salt spreader . . . . . Tractor & loader replacement . . . $1,800.00 1,200.00 4,000.00 ANNUAL BUDGET I r-- c~.~..,::: :)1:' '\._..~\\.,'(\\:.\S I ! ,-"i::< s!~\;q:, ~<q- J--';' i J::;e 45 i I I=,,=c=~-c-'_- -----'-'----..------'-----,...-'-.~:~n:-~~=~~-=-~..;~-~:~===:=--------i-~~c9~~S;~~e~d----!~--;~.~-J',)~ :'.~'-=t ":);)c"';"lu"" 01','.1."';''-' ':C " R::tn'c'c 'budne t I' Bud,':' t I J.. \ u......... i\ ~...o....I~ 'i./rrC::"'/7f:Prt,;ro::'-(-~d 0 - 0 _ ..,/jcfqc f : BL/dg") ),96]. .__i_____L9hiL,=='-'1 i I I I I I I 1 I I I I 1 .~~~,:'?\J C]~N!~i~^L 021~RATI~G DE~?~\[t~'y, ~_.~\r~' __ STR;~E'1' I I I I Ii I,' I I "led ntenaIlce Worker II 1 1 633 849 9,000.00 9,710.00 406 - 494 5,835.00 5,930.00 372 - 384 32,200.00 33,200.00 372 - 394 4,825.00 4,800.00 350 - 372 76,185.00 80,305.00 2,505.00 4,000.00 130,550.00 137,945.00 D5.. 'cector of Services 1 , r- o r(: tll~il 1 1 Squlpmcnt Operator II 6 7 . :~ipmcnt Operator I 18 18 Extra Time Total A~Nr.\l.. n:'DC2T I i I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I I I I II I I I I I. I I I I I I I I I I I FUND~~~~AL OPERATING DEPARTME~J~C1:.il '.' iJi::;pQli.QL L , P a ~~!tj~J DETAIL I Adjusted I I Actual Current Propo",pd ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION IPrevious Year Budget Budget I 1966 1967 ! 1968 PERSONAL SERVICES 120 Salaries-Regular Employees 12,575.80 16,555.00 19,000.00 I Total 12,575.80 16,555.00 19,000.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 228 Insurance-Equipment 91. 63 175.00 175.00 253 Repair-Equipment 5 ,431. 70 3,500.00 5,500.00 Total 5,523.33 3,675.00 5,675.00 MATERIAL AND SUPPLIES I 345 Motor Vehicles-Fuel, Lubr. 1,426.52 2,000.00 2,000.00 I 359 Other Operating Supplies 364.55 600.00 550.00 I 387 Sand, Rock, Gravel, Salt and Chat 804.18 300.00 300.00 I Total 2,595.25 2,900.00 2,850.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY 527 Tractor and Heavy Equipment 23,500.00 .00 .00 I Total 23,500.00 .00 .00 i I I I GRAND TOTAL 44,194.38 23,130.00 27,525.00 I I I I I i I . CITY OF SA-INA KANSAS ANNUAL BUDGET I ! 11==' ==--- I I I I II I FUND GENERAL OPERATING DEPARTMENT Haste Disposal CITY OF flALTNA, KANSAS S mll'jAR Y Ac t,lal ASjusted Proposed urrent Previous Yr. Budget Budget 1966 1967 1968 12,575.80 16,555.00 i9,00O.00 5,523.33 3,675.00 5,675.00 2,595.25 2,900.00 2,850.00 23,500.00 .00 .00 44,194.38 23,130.00 27,525.00 -- I Page 47 CLASSIFICATION I I I I I " r i I I ?'RSUNAL SERVICES C,lNTRACTUAL SERVICES I I ':. ' ,:nAL AND SUPPLIES C.\['ITAL UUTLAY TOTAL I II I Function - Budget Comments . Capital Outlay I I FUNCTION Supervise the operation of the City landfill for the final disposal of all garbage, rubbish, trash and similar waste materials which may originate within the City of Salina. BUDGET COHHENTS I I Account #120 has been increased both for 1967 and 1968 in order to provide a laborer for clean-up of the landfill area and access road. This has become necessary to counter- act blowing paper, spilled loads, etc. The increase in Account #253 for 1968 is for major overhaul of the track-type equip- ment which will be due at that time. I I I I I I , I I ,--_.._~ -_.--_._------- ,--.-- ---.-.---.-------.- Il.-" 1--" ?OSE'lON 1 'II ~'LE ;:i..~c'\iY Ec;uipmcnt Opcr<ltor , '\.-:,rer 1 CaLc: ALrCndo.nt Extra Tin12 I, . I I I 1 1 1 1 I I 1 I I I I ;-:::,~ !\'\:- c,~ - ',:'"Jc" '~-\. ~...~ ~ ;. ~ \:'_-~" '<, ~ .\.S: I ...':,y(::t2 '~) . k',-/rr-el?f:P;~Fo5"d 'i ~ b~./.:/'7c.~ f l <5:,-,d;;;:c-/j 2 2 o 1 , 1. , 1. . ,- ,,-- .......,.. .', :'i._.:-1, _,l . R,:ln;e 407 431 340 360 200 .\:~ T\~~" \ ,- h.;--D,~::'-':T ;:-'-,-~~<D G E~'~EI<Pll.l 0 l)i~ i~"\'j' r . ,\ f D~-',?:\(\ ~\ >L~.~._ _,._~~i~_~__~~~__~J?_i~-~l~?~~)._~_~~._ 1:'1; t'o If 8 =--'-~\Cl\,7~;~S~(;J=--:=---~-~- . ~~~~~=, \...,~J..~ 1_:...:;....L. : Pl.'-lP:Jocd I Budget budget 1967 1963 9,720.00 10,280.00 3,370.00 4,320.00 2,400.00 2,400.00 1,065.00 2,000.00 16,555.00 19,000.00 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II FUND GENERAL OPERATING DEPARTHENT SC'~I"'J=Ti"~ht ing CITY OF SAL:NA, K\~SAS DE'::.'..\Ii.. -...-.---- P,,:ge 49 ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Actual P:::evious Year 1966 T ~JUStcc1 Current Budge t 1967 Proposed Budget 1968 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 242 Light and Power Service 64,670.81 70,000.00 76,000.00 GRAND TOTAL 64,670.811 70,000.00 76,000.00 . ..~..... ANNUAL BUDGET I FUND GENERAL OPERATING DEPARTMENT Street Lighting I ==== I I I CITY -OF SALINA, KA,NSAS SlJM}1AR 1 1966 Page 50 - ~c1JusteC1 Proposed I Current Budget Budget I I 1967 1968 : 70,000.00 76,000.00 70,000.00 76,000.00 I \ CLASSIFICATION Actual Previous Yr. .,~_.,: == '" Cl)NTRACTUAL SERVICES 64,670.81 TOTAL 64,670.81 I I I I I I I I Function . Budget Comments . Capital Outlay FUNCTION This appropriation pays the cost for electricity, pole rental, lights and re- flectors for all street lights within the corporate limits of the City of Salina, Kansas Power and Light Company installs and maintains all street lights which are rented to the City in accordance with a contractual agreement. BUDGET COMMENTS The majority of the increase for both 1967 and 1968 as compared to 1966 is for street lighting within the Salina Airport Industrial Park Area. A recently approved lighting program for the area will increase our monthly obligation by approximately $250.00. I I II II I Ii I II , Am."UAL BUDGET JUS e I Actual Current Proposed I I ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Year Budget I Budget 1966 1967 1968 - ' , I PERSONAL SERVICES Employees I 13,780.00 i 120 Salaries - Regular 15,754.03 ~(,O'j ~ill i I Total 15,754.03 13,780.00 I 14,605.00 I I CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 205 Telephone and Telegraph 379.64 170.00 175.00 207 Traveling Expense 25.75 50.00 50.0:') I 231 Insurance - Hotor Vehicles .00 140.00 140.()) ')':ll: Repair - Tires and Tubes .00 10.00 10.(),J: ..JJ I 242 Light and Power Service 3,176.40 3,600.00 4,000.00 ! I 253 Repair - Machinery and Equipment 50.00 500.00 500.00 257 Repair - Radio Equipment .00 120.00 135 .00 I 261 Repair - Traffic Lights, Bulbs and Etc. 25.43 500.00 500.00 , 274 Rent - Machinery and Equipment .00 50.00 50.00 I i I 295 Other Professional Services 5.147.61 1,890.00 2,000.00 Total 8,804.83 7,030.00 7,560.00 I I - I MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES I I 310 Expendable Tools 79.66 100.00 125.00 I 331 Books and Periodicals 2.60 10.00 10.00 I 345 Motor Vehicles - Gas and Oil .00 325.00 350.00 347 Motor Vehicles - License Tags .00 65.00 50.00 353 Signs 1,837.53 1,800.00 2,000.00 365 Cement and Cement Products 98.06 400.00 500.00 I 367 Electrical Traffic Lights Parts 952.42 1,800.00 2,000.001 371 Lumber and Lumber Products 17.08 50.00 50.00 379 Hotor Vehicles - Tires and Tubes .00 50.00 50.00 ')n 1 Paint and Painting Haterials 3,488.50 3,000.00 3,000.00 I '?:"J 399 Other Repairs and Maintenance 29.43' 50.00 50.00 I I I Total 6,505.28 7,650.00 8,185.00 I CAPITAL OUTLAY I 519 Radio Equipment .00 430.00 .00 529 Traffic Control Equipment 9,614.80 10,000.00 5,000.00 I , Total 9,614.80 10,430.00 5,000.00. i I I GRAND TOTAL 40,678.94 38,890.00 35,350.00 I I t..l\T1\1iT L" I I r CITY OF SA1',lNA. KANSAS D:':.'i'.\Ii, FuND GENERM. OPER^TTNG DEPARTi'mNI._JI{^FF lC...&_SAEEIL: Page 51 J I Ad' t d FUND GENERAL OPERATING DEPARTHENT Traffic ContJ:..oL- CITY - OF :ilALINA, K.<\NSAS SUMMARX ---- "--~".'~ -., -_. .~._--~- Actual A~!j us ted Current Previous Yr. Budget 1966 1967 --~"==="" 15,754.03 13,780.00 8,804.83 7,030.00 6,505.28 7,650.00 9,614.80 10,430.00 40,678.94 38,890.00 CLASSIFICAT10N 1):~RSONAL SERVICES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL Function - Budget Comments . Capital Outlay FUNCTION Page 52 Proposed Budget 1968 14,605.00 7,560.00 8,185.00 5,000.OC 35, 35C .00 The primary objective of the Traffic Control Department is to maintain and to obtain the highest possible utilization of the City traffic lanes, as well as the installation of all traffic control signals and signs, painting of all lane signs, center lines, cross-walks, parking stalls and directional arrows on the City's ,streets and parking lots. BUDGET COHHENTS Major expense items appearing in Materials and Supplies and Capital Outlay accounts are primarily for updating our signs and traffic lighting in compliance with the Uniform Traffic Code which requires us to meet all specified standards by the end of 1968. Account #295 is for professional services in synchronization of traffic lights in the CBD. The reduction in this account is realized because of the ladder truck that was purchased in 1966. II I I I I I , L A.ml"UAL BUDGET I -,", ' \\ ~'\:-: ,=~ ~ ';'y," I ~- ~-.!\.::. -r<\: . ~~- .--. ---..-, .-- .....--.-----.. .- ~.,:n p ~. ~J )' C: \~ ;j I\JSI~'ION Tlr~,~~= :Z.~J)-I"~/)f)";;t..?05C~-d~ .\ _~l-L~~~e I ')L.'d(~c? f ,I !!~E~7.!:.{_: ~__.___________ ._ _._._________~__~_~ I I Fl.,} :"'('111:111 I 1 1 368 - 448 1 2 2 ~..i_~ten~ncc Worker ~ 350 372 I ~ ~ ~':l Time I, Total I I. I I I I I I I I I I I F,.:~.DC:.?;~ :::,-\:J ~:" ~ :\~\_'~_'>L~.=\"_ -Auius ;,: i': [conc CE;\l.~~Zl\L O?I~R.L\TI~C TRAFFIC & SAFETY --....-.-..----------,.. -.'.--.--- LlgC: S3 PY' ~.- _ .1 Budget Lw. 1967 19()L -....----....-- ____u.__. .._._ .._ . .__ -._---._,-_ --1 -------, 5,140.00 8,340.00 300.00 13 , 780.00 5,375.00 8,930.00 300.00 14,605.00 I I I I I I I I Ir I I I I I I I I I I FUND GENElZAL OPERATING DEPARTHENT Airport I CITY- F, ~ L. . o:l SUMKARY Page 54 === AdJusted Actual Current Proposed CLASSIFICATION Previous Yr. Budget Budget 1966 1967 1968 S,iNDRY EXPENDITURES 20.000.00 .00 .00. TOTAL 20,000.00 .00 .00 i , I , 1 I I i I I _.- o A lNA KAN~AS Function. Budget Comm.ents . Capital Outlay BUDGET COMHENTS The 1966 appropriation represents a transfer from the General Operating Fund to the Airport Revolving Fund. With the moving of the Municipal Airport operations from East Crawford to the former Schilling Air Force Base, this appropriation became a responsibility of the Airport Authority in 1967. ANNUAL BUDGET I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . i I I I ~~. FUND GEl'\ERAL Or,ERAT1NG DE PAR TM ENT_~1."illlmiili ;..-1'001 s CITY OF SAUNA, KANSAS D:,'j'.UL Page 55 ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION - -1 Actual Adjusted Current Proposed Previous Year Budget Budget 1966 1967 I 1968 I I 10 , 645 . 86 11 ,000.00 11 ,000.00 10,645.86 11 ,000.00 11,000.00 I 19.75 75.00 75.00 21. 24 30.00 30.00 477 . 60 600.00 600.00 I 634.32 400.00 400.0C I 32.91 400.00 400.00 I 237 . 30 100.00 100.00 , 1)423.12 1,605.00 1,605.00 51.74 50.00 50.00 12.07 100.00 100.00 270.81 300.00 3LO.OC 32.05 50.00 50.0C 10.27 25.00 25.0C 15.73 100.00 100.00 i 128.26 100.00 100.00 I 21. 69 150.00 150.00 818.28 300.00 200.00 1,360.90 1)175.00 1,075.00 I 295.53 300.00 300.00 295.53 300.00 300.00 PERSONAL SERVICES 120 Salaries-Regular Employees CONTRACTUAL SERVICES Total MATERIAL AND SUPPLIES 205 241 242 251 253 295 Telephone and Telegraph Gas Service Light Service Repair-Buildings Repair-Hachinery and Equipment Other Professional Services Total 310 320 333 343 349 365 367 373 381 Expendable Tools Office Supplies Chemicals, Drugs and Etc. Janitor and Toilet Supplies Recreational Supplies Cement and Cement Products Electrical and Lighting Parts Machinery and Equipment Parts Paint and Painting Materials ~ Total SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 421 Sales and Admission Taxes Total CAPITAL OUTLAY 503 llO. 60 1,500.00 .00 Equipment Total llO . 60 1 ,500 . 00 I .00 GRAND TOTAL 13 ,836.01 14)080.00 15,480.00 ANNUA;.J BUDGET I .1 I I' I I I I I I I I I I I I I .1 .1 FUND ~NERAL OPERATING DEPARTMENT Swimming Pools CITY OF ~ALINA, KANSAS S UMM.. t\R Y Page 56 CLASSIFICATION Actual Previous Yr. Ad;usted Current Budget 1967 Proposed Budget 1968 1966 PERSONAL SERVICES 10,645.86 11,000.00 11 ,000.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 1,423.12 1,605.00 1,605.00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 1 , 360 . 90 1,175.00 1,075.00 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 295.53 300 . 00 300.00 CAPTIAL OUTLAY 110.60 .00 1,500.00 TOTAL 13,836.01 14,080.00 15,480.00 Function . Budget Comments . Capital Outlay FUNCTION This approporiation includes expenditures necessary to maintain and operate the two Municipal Swimming Pools located in Kenwood Park and at Carver Center. CAPITAL OUTLAY Account #503 is increased in 1968 to provide for the replacement of a chlorinator at ~ach pool. Am"UAL II { DGr~~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~.. .... I I CITY OF SAi~LNA, KANSAS DE'l'AIL ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION l'I':KS(lNAL SERVICES 120 Salaries-Regular Employees 130 Salaries-Part Time Employees Total CONTRACTUAL SERVICES :~o 5 Telephone and Te legr a ph 207 Traveling Expenses .209 Postage 221 Printing 295 Other Professional Services Total MATERIAL AND SUPPLIES 310 Expendable Tools 320 Office Supplies 331 Books and Periodicals 359 Other Operating Supplies Total SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 435 Organization Dues Total CAPITAL OUTLAY 517 Office Equipment Total GRAND TOTAL FUND__C,-~~ERAL_ OPERATTJ'..;~__ DEPARTMEl'II__P I :lnn i 11.L.-. --r--Actual IPrevious Year I 1966 O~C~ ~.~r I 9,247.70 .00 9,247.70 239.99 444.05 2.24 .00 21.00 707.28 20.11 93.64 34.25 95.06 243.06 15.00 15.00 549.70 549.70 I I 10,762.74 ,- Adjusted Current Budget 1967 14,060.00 I 600.00 I r I 14,660.00 400.00 250.00 70.00 50.00 100.00 870.00 I I 50.00 100.00 70.00 50.00 270.00 30.00 30.00 860.00 860.00 16,690.00 ,., _L.._ ---I p Cl.g~___5L_' Proposed Budget 1968 -, I I I i 1 I 17 ,040 .OC 800.0C: 17 ,8/+0. or I,I)C.O; 30G.OC SO.UL 50.00 200.00 1,030.00 80.00 130.00 80.00 80.00 370.00 50.00 50.00 700.00 700.00 19,990.00 I I I r- - , I I I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I FUND GENERAL OPERATING DEPARTMENT Planning CITY-DF, SALINA, KANSAS SUMMARY CLASSIFICATION Actual Previous Yr. 1966 Page 58 A8justed Proposed urrent Budget Budget 1967 1968 14,660.00 17,840.00 870.00 1 ,0 30 . 00 270.00 370.00 30.00 50.00 860.00 700.00 16,690.00 19,990.00 The Planning Department provides staff ,:upport to the Planning Commission and Zoning Board of Appeals in guiding the growt] nod development of the City in order to achieve a more orderly, convenient and atl.ractive community. The department assists other City departments and advises engineers, developers and citizens on various planning matters such as zoning and sub-division regulations, rezoning requests, minimum requirements for proposed sub-division plats, traffic requirements, plus a multitude of additional services to influence the well being of the community. PERSONAL SERVICES 9,247.70 Activities within this department have been increasing steadily because of'an increased involvement with various Federal Programs. The department is our primary liaison with the Regional Office of Housing and Urban Development at Ft. Worth, the Kansas State Park & Resources Authority, as well as the local Urban Renewal Agency. In addition , the Planning Department works with consulting, planning and engineering firms on projects such as the Comprehensive Park Study, Community Renewal Program, and the Community Shelter Plan. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 707.28 Account #120 increases reflect the addition of a Planning Technician during 1967. Account #130 provides for part-time help that will be necessary for the collection of CRP field data. MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 243.06 Account #517 provides for the purchase of a desk chair, drafting table and calculator. SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 15.00 CAPITAL ourLAY 549.70 TOTAL 10,762.74 Function . Budget Comments . Capital Outlay FUNCTION BUDGET COMMENTS CAPITAL ourLA Y ANNUAL BUDGET I I ?JS=~'ION' 71':'L2 I I 1)1~Dni~1g Director 1):~11nin~ Techniciail I ~~Cl~ct.:1ry I Purt Time Employee I I I I I I I I I I I, I I i__ I('~/r/el, , I Ibucf1c t I ?~~\:l GE~\~Ei<~-~L OPElu\TI1<:G J .:.-. ?:....-;\.,.~, 1 ~~:~-~. Pl~nnil\; (:,~ ~".:~ ..)>~.. '-.., \~"'~' Y' -\._ ,:.:.:\ '\,~ ,:'\. ~~- 1 1 -'- 1 ~:: ,\:' ;\:--:;:-, ~ -,\fe'e..', " z.)':?QseJ b"L/'7.;lB I 1 1 -'- 1 !.~ - -Y' . ..'._______0__ 'l~;C 59 Range - - - -, .'-- -----.-.--.--,.-----.-- ....- -i\?;;q~~~f2-~--~~'~_,~-~-~:'dn=~ . D~dgct Budget 1967 1968 519 698 7,040.00 7,595.00 336 519 3,490.00 5,640.00 288 350 3,530.00 3,805.00 600.00 800.00 14,660.00 17,840.00 ~'~f\.j" \ '; F-:: ;':;'(.'.;_"""l ~'TND GENEHAL OPEJ~I\TT:;G i:lv . . DE P"\RTl'lENL...Ii1-:<;Ul' d ,It'( ',IIHI _.-~~ GUill Li1"'I>n'c~ , -'m'__~ Page 60 I -------.-.,-- I I I CITY OF SA::.;::KA, KA;.j3AS DE:::'.,\::::'" -...,.-- ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION lAc ::ua 1 IP::-evious Year I 1966 I Justed Current Budget 1967 Proposed Budget 1968 I CONTRACTUAL SERVICES i I ! 239 Group Insurance 15,562.59 17 ,000.00 17 , 500 ,00 I I 290 Medical Services 862.40 800.00 I 800.00 I 294 Workmen's Compensation 9,144.74 17,000.00 20 ,000 . 00 I I Total 25,569.73 34,800.00 38,300.00 ! I SUNDRY EXPENDITURES I I 404 Contingencies I 40,484.11 30,000.00 30,000.00 . 20 Urban Renewal I .00 I 38,000.00 .00 · I I To ta 1 I 40 ,484. 11 I 68,000.00 30,000.00 i I I I I I GRAND TOTAL I 66,053.84 102,800.00 68,300.00 i I , I i I I I I i : I 1'1 I i I II I: I I I I I II Ii I , , II ANNUAL BUDGET i I I CITY.OF SALINA, KANSAS ~~t- . ~~~ I SUMMARY Page 61 - Actual Adjusted Proposed Current CLASSIFICATION Previous Yr. Budget Budget , qf)f) , qf)7 , qf)R CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 25,569.73 34,800.00 38,300.00 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 40,484.11 68,000.00 30,000.00 TOTAL 66,053.84 102,800.00 68,300.00 I I r I FUND ~F.NF.RAT. OPF.RATTNf; DEPARTMENT Insurance and I I I I I I II II I I I I Function . Budget Comments . Cap~tal Outlay BUDGET COMMENTS Appropriations in Accounts #239 and #290 represent employee insurance and hospitaliza- tion coverage paid by the city. Physical examinations, now a prerequisite to municipal employment, are paid for out of Account #290. I The "more than substantial" increase in Workmen's Compensation payments (1/294) for 1967 is the result of the final audit for 1966 that included the unfortunate accident that occurred at the water desilting basin during late suu@er of 1965. The experience factor of .88 increased to 1.25 for the water and sewer coverage as a result of the accident and the same debits were applied to the governmental functions coverage. A vigorous protest was made to the Workmen's Compensation Director because of their ruling to combine the governmental and proprietory coverage into a single rating. The Director refused to change his ruling. 1 I The Contingency section is designed as a hedge against unforeseen emergencies or needs that connot be determined at the time of budget preparation. Present forecasts for the 1968 budget encompass a period of 18 months. Some examples of past expendi- tures out of this fund include the financing of a portion of the City's share of the Wcstinghous water and sewer line, the City's portion of constructing the Greeley Avenue B-id~~e into Kenwood Park, labor and parts for the B-47 display, purchase of the first ) licial City flags for Salina, establishment of a revolving fund for purposes of ~rrbulance payroll, rental of equipment and labo~ for snow removal, professional studies relaLing to a Comprehensive Park Plan, annexation study and CRP, reproduction of pertinent sections of the new Code relating to Police and Inspection Departments, regulatory and directional signs for the Salina Airport InduBtrial Center area, partial payment (for Welfare office rental as an in-lieu-of-paymenl:) for the new police administration build- ing property, vehicle and equipment for a~ adtlLtional dog catcher, and substantial improvements and equipment for Lakewood Park it Hi dock area. I i II I, I The Urban Renewal appropriation (320) was required as a cash contribution on behalf I ANNUAL BUDGET I I · I I I I I I I I 1 I Ii FUND~!<:]'-;'~I~TJ.O rERA T! KG DEP.\RTMEN:L.Jt~~~1d CITY OF ~^11NA, KANSAS DEj:.\IL ____~_~.e 62 I Mjustcd 1- Current II' Proposed I Budget Budget 1967 I 1968 ! i., I Actual ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Year 1966 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 210 Appropriation 12,000.00 11,750.00 11 , 750.00 I GRAND TOTAL 12,000.00 11 ,750.00 11,750.00 I _~L ,I Function .. Budget Comments . Capital Outlay 61 a I3UDGET commNTS - Cont' d. 'Jj' the City to provide the required 25% of the Civic Center development costs. A i,'Ccnnination cannot be obtained at this time dS to the validity of this entry. I I I II I I I I .1 I ANNUAL BUDGET I I I I I I. I I I I I Ii I FUND GENERAL OPERATING DEPARTMENT Band CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS SUMMAR Y Page 63 i ~. Actual ABjusted Proposed rrent I CLASSIFICATION Previous Yr. Budget Budget 1966 1967 1968 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 12,000.00 11,750.00 11,750.00 I TOTAL 12,000.00 11,750.00 11 ,750.00 I Function. Budget Comments .. Capital Outlay FUNCTION This appropriation provides support to the Salina Municipal Band. Their annual activities normally include 13 to 15 outd 10' concerts, participation in the final City Recreation Commission Program, tbe T i.. ]U.vets Fair, Memorial Day Parade, Armed Forces Day Parade, Boy Scout Circus Progl'ams, baseball games, and indoor concerts. Beginning this year, the band will participate in the Fourth of ~uly celebration at Lakewood Park. I I I I I I ANNUAL BUDGET I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF :' \~ \ D::.\ LL ~ ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION PERSONAL SERVICES 120 Salaries-Regular Employees Total CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 205 Telephone and Telegraph 207 Traveling Expenses 225 Legal Printing 231 Insurance-Hotor Vehicles 241 Gas Service 242 Light and Power Service 243 Water Service 251 Repair-Buildings 253 Repair-Machinery and Equipment 255 Repair-Hotor Vehicles, Tires and Tubes 295 Other Professional Services Total MATERIAL AND SUPPLIES 310 Expendable Tools 320 Office Supplies 341 Fuel, Lubricants (Except Hotor Fuel) 345 Motor Vehicles-Fuel 347 Hotor Vehicles-License Tags 351 Seeds, Plants, and Trees 359 Other Operating Supplies 365 Cement and Cement Products 371 Lumber and Lumber Products 379 Motor Vehicles-Tires and Tubes 381 Paint and Paint Materials 387 Sand, Gravel, Rock and Chat Total SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 435 Organization Dues 439 Refunds Total CAPITAL OUTLAY 527 Machinery and Equipment 528 Rental Lease on Equipment AN1\:]'\ ~ BtrDG=~ FuND GENERMJ OPEI<./ITTKG DEPARTM-E1'-IT-~l'll\l'~l~EY -- 1'V\NSAS I 64~ I I Page Adjusted Current Budget 1967 Proposed Budget 1968 I Actual II IPrevious Year i 1966 ! I =j i I .CO! I .001 I I f i 13,281. 70 13,655.00 ' 14, L~~ I I I I 13,281.70 13,655.00 14, L40 ! , I I i 216.52 200.00 200 i 2.71 75.00 75 , .00 25.00 25 I I 42.00 35.00 35 I I 145.92 150.00 150 ! 100.00 100 92.40 100.00 100 76.07 100.00 100 1,294.17 1,500.00 1,500 11.00 20.00 20 52.46 100.00 100 1,933.25 2,405.00 2,405 52.65 50.00 50 177 . 32 60.00 50 93.10 60.00 6 315.42 350.00 350 15.00 15.00 15 87.09 100.00 10 302.24 150.00 150 23.31 40.00 40 39.38 50.00 5 31. 10 150.00 150 26.18 50.00 50 .00 25.00 2 1,162.79 1,100.001 1,09 I 25.00 30.00 2 .00 200.00 20 i 25.00 230.00: 22 I I , I .00 I 1,095.001 851.18 I I I HT .00 .00 0.00 .00 .00 0.00 .00 .00 0.00 .00 .001 5.00 I I 0.001 i 5.001 o .OO! -! 5 00 I . I .00 i I I , I J I FUND-GENER.AI.-D.rE11 TING DEPARTMENL___'CCUlCLcLY-__ CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS I DETAIL X~-g~~:2..J '.- , -. Adjusted -..---~_..~._---- -I Actual Current Proposed I ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Year Budge t Budge t ., 1966 1967 1968 I CA PITAL OmLA Y (Continued) , 575 Landscape and Improvements 200.00 I I 501 Land 80.00 ! 1,095.00 200.00 Total 931. 18 I GRAND TOTAL 17,333.92 18,485.00 18,060.00 I I I I I - I I I I I , I I I I , ; I , I I I I I ' --... , - , I I I I I I I I I I I I I . .. . , ::J r SUMMARY Page 66 Actual Aejusteg Proposed I rren I CLASSIFICATION Previous Yr. Budget Budget 1966 1967 1968 = I , I PERSONAL SERVICES 13,281. 70 13,655.00 14,140.00 , I CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 1,933.25 2,405.00 2,405.00 ~\TERIALS AND SUPPLIES 1,162.79 1,100.00 1,090.00 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 25.00 230.00 225.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY 931.18 1.095.00 __~gO. 00 TOTAL 17,333.92 18,485.00 18,060.00 Function . Budget Comments - Capital Outlay HNCTION - This department is responsible for the normal routine maintenance of Gypsum Hill Cemetery. Area of the Cemetery approximates 70 acres and contains approximately 11,000 CITY OF SAlINA KAN~AS FUND GENERAL OPERATING DEPARTMENT Cprnptery ~nterments at the present t~me. BUDGET COMMENTS Account #242 provides for separate meter__lg of the shops, which is presently on the caretaker's house service. Account #439 permits repurchase of lots for future sales. I I I I I I CAPITAL OUTLAY Account #527 provides for replacement of a riding mower and spraying equipment. ANh"UAL BUDGET I I I , , , I I I, I I I I I I I ,I I I I I I j?OS::~'IOl;; TI':::I.L,:' S':":<Lon :_ j'ltl:.i.lc.nc.c. hTorkcr ~ ~XC::J Tir.:e i=:,-~_ -= '~,' ~}~,~.. \._,',~.\"\ ~ _:,';.:l."\ ~.t\.S---~- ~ i" 1.\.:) ,,-~ ~-:~. ~_',~_, ~; \~.~ ~ ~. J' ~ '. '-, .~__.._._. ___.,"_,___ '_~..m.____._. .~_ :=-,:np :'':Jyc:e :') ~~'Jr'-c.:..> /7/ 'F>~r05{'-d 'P:Yc<~i~>' /' ~~'~'-!_1'2{J.1 -'- 1 2 2 350 350 n.3.n2;e 426 372 D:~' i1 ~\ lZ'-.":~l ~~:S GE?\fE~'~\I. OJ\-~;~:'i . '- ~;'_: :\ -' C(_~nl'-: L('~-V :; '':',,~ () 7 B'C.c.~_;c t A8,1~~j}~~f='O'-=:'--;~:: J;~~~d -= 1%7 4,980.00 I 8,625.00 50.00 13,655.00 I 3ud~;e c 1%8 5, EO. 00 8,930.00 100.00 14,140.00 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FUND GENERAL OPERATl Nt: DEPARTMENT Gene rdrl;ll.ET()vym(~n l: F SALI NA , KANSAS DETAIL Page 68 Adjusted Actual Current Proposed ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Year Budge t Budget 1966 1967 196 PERSONAL SERVICES 120 Salaries. Regular Employees 11,341. 83 13,640.00 15,715.00 I 130 Salaries. Part Time Employees .00 5.000.00 4,680.00 Total 11 , 341. 83 18,640.00 20,395.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES ! , 231 Insurance.Motor Vehicle .00 55.00 55.00 253 Repair.Machinery and Equipment 75.65 755.00 150.00 - Total 75.65 810.00 205.00 MATERIAL AND SUPPLIES 310 Expendable Tools 157.69 200.00 175.00 345 Motor Vehicle-Fuel .00 250.00 250.00 347 Motor Vehicle-License Tags .00 30.00 30.00 371 Lumber and Lumber Products 136.23 200.00 200.00 375 Metal and Metal Products 47.99 50.00 50.00 379 Motor Vehicle-Tires and Tubes .00 100.00 50.00 381 Paint an& Paint Supplies 31. 37 60.00 75.00 399 Other Repairs, Maintenance and Etc. 1.125.42 400.00 400.00 Total ! 1,498.70 1,290.00 1,230.00 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 439 Refunds 30.00 100.00 100.00 Total 30.00 100.00 100.00 GRAND TOTAL 12,946.18 20,840.00 21,930.00 CITY 0 -,..~,.. ANNUAL BUDGET CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS SUMM..I\R Y FUND GENERAL OPERATING DEPARTMENT General Improve~ I I I I I I I I I !I I I I CLASSIFICATION Actilal Previous Yr. PERSONAL SERVICES 11,341. 83 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 75.65 MATERIAL AND SUPPLIES 1,498.70 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 30.00 TOTAL 12,946.18 Function. Budget COffiffiE:nts . Capital Outlay FUNCTION , Page 69 l Agjusted Proposed Current I Budget Budget 1967 1 Qf,8 h i I 2"0,395.00 I 18,640.00 810.00 205.00 1,290.00 1,230.00 100.00 100.00 20,840.00 21,930.00 This fund accounts for the normal repairs, maintenance and improvement type activities for the various city-owned buildings and properties not provided for elsewhere in the budget, as well as non-recurring Street Department functions and activities. BUDGET COHHENTS The increase in Account 11120 for 1967 and 19\)8 above 1966 reflects the hiring of a skilled carpenter classified as a Foreman I. tccount #130 provides for part-time employees used primarily during the summer in special projects, such as construction of shelter houses and other public facilities. I I I I I I Account #253 1S 1ncreased for 1967 due to maJor overhaul of an add1t1onal truck assigned to the department. The obvious decrease in Account #399 results from certain expenditures now being charged to other departments when work is performed specifically for those departments. ANNUAL BUDGET I ?l;ND GENEE1\L OPEL~}\rrl>:c; D~"?t\ 1{rj,':.1L~t __~; C~l__~:_E_~~_~__l~_~l j) ~~_~~_;-.~~n C~, ';' J" "\~,.!~. \ ,;X~::':\'::-- I . ...~"=occ-------~-------- .~_~~~l~~~~~, ,,~-~~~~~-:g:~:c~---------'~=K(nust'c(f=~- ==~co:~.~'~=~:.~=~=c.! POSITION TITLE r'W~:",~;;'::'S<d Ronce I ~~~~~~t P~~~~~~d: I ;==--- ---------~----,-rD:'/?g~! 'b'udgc:Ju _____"__'M___'_ ,___"_.____i,______1-9~7_,__ ____ ____ 1%3 .: i I ForemaIl I 1 - 2 2 MaintcnaIlce Worker II 1 1 368 448 8,760. CO 10,685.00 372 394 4,580.00 4,730.00 300.00 300.00 5,000.00 4,680.00 18,640.00 20,395.00 I Extra Timc I Port Time Employee I I I I I I I I I I I I I i\ ;\.n,:~" 4., T. n:.nr'-~;- "_"__u_J I FUND_ G F;,N_F:M.LO'p-EJY\T [ l'l~;_ _ DEPARTMENI_ MemoEia 1,_U.Q1L-_ CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ,- I DETAIL Page 71 Adjusted Actual Current Proposed I ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Year Budget Budget 1966 1967 1968 I PERSONAL SERVICES ! 120 Salaries-Regular Employees 3,998.00 4 ,010 . 00 4,080.00 I I I Total 3,998.00 4,010.00 4,080.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES I. 205 Telephone and Telegraph 82.07 75.00 75.00 241 Gas Service 1,414.59 1,500.00 1,500.00 I 242 Light Service 309 . 40 350.00 350.00 243 Water Service 232.20 250.00 250.00 251 Repair-Buildings 9,869.47 7,000.00 .00 253 Repair-Machinery and Equipment 79.86 75.00 75.00 I 227 Insurance.Liability 3 years .00 .00 250.00 Total 11,987.59 9,250.00 2,500.00 I MATERIAL AND SUPPLIES I 310 Expendable Tools 22.05 20.00 20.00 359 Other Operating Supplies 65.03 350.00 300.00 371 Lumber arid Lumber Products 12.80 50.00 50.00 381 Paint and Painting Materials 398.28 600.00 300.00 I Tot a 1 498.16 1,020.00 670.00 I SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 413 Public Address System and Timekeeper 334.00 300.00 300.00 I Total 334.00 300.00 300.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY I 540 Stage Curtains .00 3,000.00 .00 I Total .00 3,000.00 .00 GRAND TOTAL 16,817.75 17,580.00 7,550.00 I I I I '. I I I -.-. '---'-' ._.._---. FUND GENERAL OPERATING DEPARTMENT MemoriRl HRll CITY OF SALINA, K.t...NSAS SUMJ'1.I\R Y . Page 72 CLASSIFICATION Actual ASjusted Proposed urrent Previous Yr. Budget Budget 1966 1967 1968 =- 3,998.00 4,010.00 4,080.00 11,987.59 9,250.00 2,500.00 498.16 1,020.00 670.00 334.00 300.00 300.00 .00 3,000.00 .00 16,817.75 17,580.00 7,550.00 ~ - I I I I I II I I i-- PER:30NAL SERVICES Cl )NTRACTUAL SERVICES 1 !~:\IAL AND SUPPLIES :3, l\DRY EXPENDITURES CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL Function . Budget Comments - Capital Outlay FUNCTION I I I II I I Memorial Hall serves the community and trade area as a multi-use facility accomodat- ing meetings, entertainment, recreation, civic and service projects, etc. A portion of the building is used for the offices of Civil Defense and Veterans' Administration. A fallout shelter and Emergency Operating Center occupies most of the basement. BUDGET COHHENTS Extensive repairs and redecorating have been accomplished during 1966 and 1967, with some additional work planned for the remainder of 1967. This is reflected in Accounts #251 and #381. Hajor work having been accomplished includes almost total painting of auditorium, lobby and dressing room areas, repair and replacement of plumbing facilities. Work yet to be completed includes repair of stage equipment, badly needed electrical repairs and painting exterior woodwork. CAPITAL OUTLAY I I I I Account #540 is for replacement of badly deteriorated stage curtains during 1967. ANNUAL BUD ET I r---- Ir I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I C1:'Y G-r:' S..U"I!\ ~, I-"'_\:;JSA~- PERSOf~~ CI, SCH::-,;)~"(,3 ._-----_. ,----- -,--- .. --., ---- ----.- b Employee", ABJ us ted Proposed i rrent i POSITION TI TLE ~(./rl<Pl7f Prv?osHi Range Budget Budget b"uoqe I Budgt!>1 1967 1968 Custodian 1 1 311 - 340 4,010.00 4,080.00 , TOTAL 4,010.00 4,080.00 I I I I - I I I I I , I i i I I I I ! I , I 1 , I I I , j , - . - -.-."" ..~" .. .-.'..,.... .~- -"-"--.--' A' ".,. TI"- .""":""!"t I. . -'-~'.:-S'.c~~___ ~~,..,.,:'.-'- lINt. \ I. ~ I n~, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I. FUND GENERAL OPERATING DEPARTMENT Publ[[C Health , S S DETAIL Page 74 Adjusted Actual Current Proposed ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Year Budget Budget lQ66 1 Qfl7 lQflR . CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 210 Appropriation . City 30,000.00 33,812.00 39,000.00 GRAND TOTAL 30,000.00 33,812.00 39,000.00 - I , I 1 "'r CITY OF SALINA KAN A ANNUA~ BlDGET I I f CITY OF SALINA, K.A.N5AS SUMMAR'~' FUND GENERAL OPERATING DEPARTHENT Public Health Page 75 I' I .- Actual AC!Jus tec1 Proposed I I Current CLASSIFICATION Previous Yr. Budget Budget 1966 1967 1968 I CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 30,000.00 33,812.00 39,000.00 I TOTAL 30,000.00 33,812.00 39,000.00 I I I ~ I I I I I I Function. Budget Comments . Capital Outlay I L~kiCT ION I This is a joint City-County function, deslgned in the specialty of preventive h'~I:al and public health. Its primary functil;u is to prevent disease, prolong life 1; ,; ~):!:omote physical and mental efficiency for an organized community. In carrying JL. its charged duties, the department enfo-c8li City Ordinances for unhealthful conclitioIlS, eating, drinking and food estab, il:.l:ments, meat inspection in establish- ments that slaughter, process and package meat and meat products, milk, milk products, frozen desserts, food and beverage vending machines, as well as sewer connections, cesspools and unhealthful structures. I I BUDGET COMMENTS I Appropriation represents City share of maintaining the department. Support provided )j~)1J-50 basis with Saline County. I I I II I II .1 I B D I I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I FUND GENERAL OPERATING DEPARTMENT Industrial Deve10p- CI TY OF SALl DETA ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION NA, KANSAS rr'Io....."""t- IL Page 76 ",.." Adjusted Actual Current Proposed Previous Year Budget Budget 1966 1967 1968 16,313.12 32,000.00 39,000.00 16,313.12 32,000.00 39,000.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 295 Other Professional Services GRAND TOTAL ANNUAL BUDGET I FUND GENERAL OPERATING DEPARTMENT Industrial Develo~nt r CITY.OF. SALINA J KANSAS SUMMlili. Y I I I I II I I Ii i 1 I I II I I Page 77 1966 Adjusted Current Budget 1967 Proposed Budget 1968 .- i I ! ~ CLASSIFICATION Actual Previous Yr. EXPENDITURES 16.313.12 32,000.00 32,QOO.00 39,000.00 39,000.00 TOTAL 16,313.12 Function . Budget Comments . Capital Outlay Current committment of $26,000.00 per year pledged to the Economic Development Committee of the.Chamber of Commerce for industrial promotional use, if needed. Balance of these appropriations are earmarked for use by the Chamber on promotional efforts to meet labor demands of the community. Expenditures from this fund must have prior approval by the City Commission I II I I I II Il ANh'UAL BUDGET I I I I I I I I I I I I' I I I I I I I FUND DEPARTMENT NOXIOUS WEEDS , DETAIL Page 78 .--- --.. - , Actual Adjusted Proposed Current ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Year Budget Budget 1966 1967 1968 EXPENDITURES PERSONAL SERVICES 125 Salaries - Regular Employees, Other Depts. 4 . 277 . 30 3.000.00 3.500.00 TOTAL 4,277.30 3,000.00 3,500.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 253 Repair - Machinery and Equipment 542.89 1,000.00 1,000.00 1 255 Repair - Motor Vehicles, Tires and Tubes 34.70 100.00 100.00 i I TOTAL 577.59 1,100.00 1,100.00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 333 Chemicals, Drugs, and Supplies 127.50 500.00 1,000.00 345 Motor Vehicles - Fuel and Lubricants 160.42 400.00 400.00 373 Machinery and Equipment Parts .00 300.00 300.00 379 Motor Vehicles - Tires and Tubes 3.00 150.00 200.00 TOTAL - 290.92 1,350.00 1,900.00 I GRAND TOTAL 5,145.81 5,450.00 6,500.00 I I CITY OF SALINA KANSAS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FUND NOXI~US WEEDS DEPARTMENT CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS DETAIL ANNUAL B D E Page 79 Actual Adj us ted Proposed Current Previous Year Budget Budget 1966 1967 1968 238.85 638.67 714.24 5,254.60 5,116.24 5,472.49 60.51 65.00 .00 230.52 344.33 313.27 5,545.63 5,525.57 5,785.76 nHf!' ~'T' ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION REVENUE CITY TREASURER BALANCE January 1st Less Unpaid Purchase Orders Unencumbered Cash Balance January 1st 110 Current Tangible Taxes 130 Delinquent Taxes 240 Sales Tax TOTAL I I II I CITY OF ~ALINA, KA''JSAS SUMM..I\R Y FUND DEPARTMENT NOXIOUS WEEDS CLASSIFICATION Act\lal Previ.ous Yr. 1966 PERSONAL SERVICES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES HATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 4,277 .30 577 . 59 290.92 I I I I I I TOTAL 5,145.81 TOTAL RECEIPTS TOTAL RECEIPTS AND BEGINNING BALANCE Less Expenditures 5,545.63 5,784.48 5,145.81 638.67 UNENCUHBERED CASH BALANCE December 31st Net Tax Requirements Delinquent Tax Tax Dollars Tax Levy Mills 5,277.45 105.55 5,383.00 0.0888 Function . Budget Comments - Capital Outlay FUNCTION A~Justec1 Current Budget 1967 3,000.00 1 , 100.00 1,350.00 5,450.00 5,525.57 6,164.24 5,450.00 714.24 5,116.24 102.32 5,218.56 0.0859 Page 80 Proposed Budget 1968 I r 3,500.00 1,100.00 1,900.00 6,500.00 5,785.76 6,500.00 6,500.00 .00 5,472.49 109.45 5,581.94 0.0909 The function of this fund is to control the growth and cutting on lots and pieces of land within the City of Salinal any rank or obnoxious growths of vegetation. This is under the direction of the Director of Services and the lot owner is assessed charges for work done. I I I dUDGET COMMENTS Increase indicated for 1968 in Account #125 will provide one employee working full time on Noxlous Weed control, March through September. Increase in Account #333 for 1968 reflect:; use of soil sterilant in hard-to-mow areas on City property, such as around fences, undel gu~rd rails, close to walls, etc. I I I I I .1 L.'_'__ AN1"UAJ:.. BUD ET I I I I. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FIREMEN'S PENSION FUND DEPARTMENT ~. C TY F S L , KANS DET,UL Page 81 - Actual A~ us ted I urrent Proposed ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Year Budget Budget I 1966 1967 1968 EXPENDITURES SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 437 Pensions Paid (12 pensioners) 14,085.00 16,500.00 17,000.00 439 Refunds 1,148.80 1,500.00 1,500.00 Reserve .00 .00 10,000.00 TOTAL 15,233.80 18,000.00 28,500.00 RECEIPTS CITY TREASURER BALANCE January 1st Less Unpaid Purchase Orders Unencumbered Cash Balance January 1st 11,182.29 10,818.64 8,522.72 , 1110 Current Tangible Taxes 5,733.74 6,753.35 10 ,564.09 130 Delinquent Taxes 96.03 75.00 .00 240 Sales Tax 361. 84 375.73 413.19 731 Miscellaneous Income .00 .00 .00 941 Contributions by Employees 8,678.54 8,500.00 9,000.00 TOTAL 14,870.15 15,704.08 19,977.28 ! I o A INA AS ANNUAL BUDGET I I II I II I II I I I I I I Ii I I I Ii , .1 I I II FUND DEPARTHENT FIREHEN'S PENSION CITY OF :1A.LINA, KANSAS Sill1..M..J\R Y Page 82 CLASSIFICATION Actual Adjusted Proposed Current Previous Yr. Budget Budget 1966 1967 1968 15.233.80 18,000.00 .28,500.00 r. 15,233.80 18,000.00 I 28,500.00 14,870.15 15,704.08 19,977.28 26,052.44 26,522.72 28,500.00 15.233.80 18,000.00 28 500.00 10,818.64 8,522.72 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES TOTAL TOTAL RECEIPTS TOTAL RECEIPTS AND BEGINNING BALANCE Less Expenditures UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE December 31st Net Tax Requirements Delinquent Tax Tax Dollars Tax Levy Mills 5,759.42 115. 19 5,874.61 0.0969 6,752.35 135.05 6,887.40 O. 1133 10,564.09 211. 28 10,775.37 0.1754 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay Account pays regular established pensions. Refunds represent monies paid to employee~ who terminate their service with the City. These refunds represent 50% of the total paid into the fund by the employee. Employee contributions of 3% withheld from salaries. Reserve appropriation of $10,000.00 is levied each year to maintain this amount as required by State Statutes. ANNUAL BUDGET I I I I I I I I. I I I I I I I I I I I I FUND POLICEMEN'S PENSION DEPARTMENT , P~~~~3,~ DETAIL I Adjusted Actual Current Proposed I ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Year Budget Bueli;'> I 1-966 1967 IlJ68 I - -- '=1 EXPENDITURES SUNDRY EXPENDITURES ! .'13 7 Pensions Paid (12 pensioners) 23,720.00 24,000.00 24,000.00 439 Refunds 1,550.64 1,500.00 2,000.00 Reserve .00 .00 10 ,000.00 TOTAL 25,270.64 25,500.00 36,000.00 I I RECEIPTS I CITY TREASURER BALANCE January 1st Less Unpaid Purchase Orders Unencumbered Cash Balance January 1st 4,736.67 9,763.97 13 ,090. 67 1110 Current Tangible Taxes 22,512.44 20,551.33 14,551.52 130 Delinquent Taxes 205.14 300.00 100.00 240 Sales Tax 772.70 1,475.37 1,257.81 941 Contributions by Employees 6,807.66 6.500.00 7,000.00 TOTAL 30,297.94 28,826.70 22,909.33 CITY OF SALINA KANSAS ANNUAL BUDGET I .1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1,1 I I FUND POLICEHEN'S PENSION DEPARTMENT L _ .. I ,- I Actual Ad 'j us ted Proposed i Current CLASSIFICATION Previous Yr. Budget Budget 1966 1967 1968 I SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 25,270.64 25,500.00 36,000.00 TOTAL 25,270.64 25,500.00 36,000.00 TOTAL RECEIPTS 30,297.94 28,826.70 22,909.33 TOTAL RECEIPTS AND BEGINNING BALANCE 35,034.61 38,590.67 36,000.00 Less Expenditures 25,270.64 25,500.00 36,000.00 UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE December 31st 9,763.97 13 , 090.67 i I I Net Tax Requirements 22,608.72 20,551.33 14,551.52 I Delinquent Tax 452.17 411.03 291.03 I Tax Dollars 23,060.89 20,962.36 14,842.55 Tax Levy Mills 0.3805 0.3449 0.2416 I I ! , Function . Budget Comments . Capital Outlay i Account pays regular established pensions. Refunds represent monies paid to employees who terminate their service with the City. These refunds represent 50% of the total paid into the fund by the employee. Employee contributions of 3% withheld from salaries. Reserve appropriation of $10,000.00 is levied each year to maintain this amount as required by State Statutes. CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS SUMMi\.R'l Page 84 ANNUAL BUDGET I I I I I I I I I I [503 I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS DETAIL ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION EXPENDITURES PERSONAL SERVICES 125 Salaries - Employees, Other Departments TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 253 Repair - Machinery and Equipment TOTAL I~~TERIALS AND SUPPLIES 1333 Chemicals TOTAL ,CAPITAL OUTLAY iRLCEIPTS Machinery and. Equipment TOTAL Removal and Treatment of Trees TOTAL GRAND TOTAL CITY TREASURER BALANCE January 1st Less Unpaid Purchase Orders Unencumbered Cash Balance January 1st 110 130 240 Current Tangible Taxes Delinquent Taxes Sales Tax TOTAL ANNUAL BUDGET FUND TREE MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENT Actual Previous Year 1966 .00 .00 .00 .00 310.80 310.80 3,407.10 3,407.10 .00 .00 3,717.90 14,032.87 4,218.55 19.51 73.38 4,311.44 Adjusted Current Budget 1967 4,000.00 4,000.00 400.00 400.00 750.00 750.00 .00 .00 1,500.00 1,500.00 6,650.00 14,626.41 80.00 55.00 276.46 411. 46 Page 85 Proposed Budget 1968 4,000.00 4,000.00 600.00 600.00 750.00 750.00 3,125.00 3,125.00 .00 .00 8,4 7 ~j . 00 8,387.87 82.40 .00 4.73 87.13 I i II ,I I I I I Ii I I CITY OF SALINt>" KANSAS - SUF"j.AF'{ FuND ~'I'RElLl1AINTI::lllW::E_ '___ DEPARTMENT_ CLASSIFICATION Actc.al Previous Yr. 1966 PERSONAL SERVICES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES fu\TERIALS AND SUPPLIES CAPITAL OUTLAY REHOVAL AND TREATMENT OF TREES .00 .00 310.80 3,407.10 .00 TOTAL '3,717.90 TOTAL RECEIPTS 70TAL RECEIPTS AND BEGINNING BALANCE Less Expenditures 4,311. 44 18,344.31 3,717.90 UNENCUMBERJ'.D CASH BALANCE December 31st , 14,626.41 Net Tax Requirements Delinquent Tax Tax Dollars Tax Levy Mills 4,233.60 84.67 4,318.27' 0.0713 Function - Budget Comments . Capital Outlay I I I I FUNCTION Page 86 I Adjusted Proposed Current Budget Budget 1967 1968 4,000.00 4,000.00 400.00 600.00 750.00 750.00 .00 3,125.00 1,500.00 .00 6,650.00 8,475.00 411. 46 87.131 15,037.87 8,475.00 6,650.00 8,475.00 8,387.87 .00 80.00 87.13 1.60 1. 75 81.60 88.88 0.0013 0.0015 Administered through the Street Department, this fund provides for study, treatment I and removal of diseased and undesirable trees located on City property. Limited services are provided for care of parking as funds are available. I BUDGET COHMENTS Increased work is intended for both 1967 and 1968 in tree maintenance, including removal of trees and stumps along the river and elsewhere on City property. Previously, much of this work has been done by Street and Park Department personnel without the labor being charged against this fund. CAPITAL OUTLAY II I Purchase of a stump removal machine is proposed for 1968. 1\ .1 I .i ! III Ii i L__ ANNlJAL BUDGET I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FUND_BQND AND INTEREST DEPARTMENT 0':'':-.\11., _._--- --- -----"- CITY OF SALINA. KANSAS ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION EXPENDITURES 601 General Bond Principal 603 General Bond Interest 605 Curb, Gutter, & Pave-Principal (cs) 607 Curb, Gutter and Pave-Principal (pos) 609 Curb, Gutter and Pave-Interest (cs) 611 Curb, Gutter and Pave-Interest (pos) 613 Sewer Bond.Principa1 (cs) 615 Sewer Bond-Principal (pos) 617 Sewer Bond.Interest (cs) 619 Sewer Bond.Interest 621 Fiscal Agency Commission & Postage Principal & Interest on Bonds to be Issued 439 Refunds TOTAL EXPENDITURES RECEIPTS CITY TREASURER BALANCE January 1st Less Unpaid Purchase Orders Unencumbered Cash Balance January 1st 610 Interest on Investments 110 Current Tangible Tax 130 Delinquent Tax 150 Current Special Assessment Tax 160 Delinquent Special Assessment Tax 630 Accrued Interest on Bonds Sold 901 Sale of Emergency Warrants 929 Special Assessments 957 Transfer from Parking Meter Fund TOTAL RECEIPTS I ,-- Page 87 1 1 ' -, 1f1J.us ted I Actual rent Proposed IPreviOus Year Budget Budge t 1966 1967 1968 179,000.00 202,000.00 236,000.00 .73,927.56 118,305.09 112,573.09 200,500.20 212,393.20 204,185.90 538,499.80 548,606.80 543,814.10 I 62,367.13 56,999.81 50,850.24 ! 154,633.08 152,342.97 134,996.49 i 34,591. 20 33,842.40 33,842.40 43,408.80 43,157.60 4 3, 15 7 . 60 4,135.20 3, 134 . 30 2, 140. 62 i 7,046.70 5,795.10 4,550.36 1,986.56 2,000.61 2,500.20 .00 .00 35,009.00 .00 14,259.12 .00 1,300,096.23 1,392,837.00 1,403,620.00 i 1 11',179.95 5,126.28 3,233.00 30,852.65 60,000.00 13,000.00 587,294.84 645,429.00 730,837.00 9,384.83 7 , 300 . 72 5,000.00 576,792.97 601,050.00 600,250.00 .00 24,420.00 .00 19,583.29 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 9 ,001. 09 1,600.00 1,000.00 61,132.89 51,144.00 50 , 300.00 1,294,042.56 1,390,943.72 1,400,387.00 I I I ANNUAL BUDGET .J I FUND BOND A1~ INTEREST DEPARTHENT CITY OF SALTN!\., K.o\NSAS S Dr-lI"lAR Y -- Page 88 1- 11~~'=o CLASSIFICATION I L\Yl'AL RECEIPTS AND BEGINNING BALANCE I Less Ex~enditures I I l,?ncumbered Cash Balance December 31st I Net Tax Requirements Delinquent Tax Tax Dollars Tax Levy Hills I I Actual i}C1Justed Proposed i Current I Previous Yr. Budget Budget I 1966 1967 1968 , -- ,. i ! i 1,294,042.56 1,390,943.72 1,400 , 387 . 00 1,305,222.51 1,396,070.00 1,403,620.00 ! 1,300,096.23 1,392,837.00 1,403.620.00 : I 5,126.28 3,233.00 I I 589,469.8_ 645,429.08 730,837.00. 12,106.25 13,069.04 14,887.20 601,576.08 658,498.12 745,724.20 9.1651 10.8355 12 . l3e 3 -_. Function - Budget Conuncllts - Capital Outlay II I' The tax requirement necessary to support this fund for 1968 reflects an increase of 1.3028 mills over the current year levy. The net increase to the taxpayer, however, is only .6650 of a mill due to the no-fund warrant levy of .6378 of a mill. These warrants were issued in 1965 for special assessment taxes that for many years had remained unpaid. Our problems in this area continue to plague this fund. For example, the property owners share of our 1967 Special Assessment obligation for principal and interest payable to the bond holders totals $682,060.00. Of this amount $601,050.00 was certified to the County as being the amount due and payable to the City for 1967. The difference between the amount payable to the bond holders and the amount certified as payable by registered property owners, is created because of time differ- entials between project Lumpletion dates, certification dates, and effective bond dates. I II I I Although $682,060.00 was certified as collectable, only $601,050.00 has been listed as anticipated income on the preceding page. At this writing, it now appears that even a lesser amount will actually be received. I In 1967, interest was received from investing Library-City-County Building Bond money, which contributed toward paying the interest on these issues for 1967. Both principal and interest are payable on these issues in 1968 and since this money is now being used for construction, we will not be able to realize the same investment returns as we have during the current year. Ii I i II 1 I! II l ANN"llAL BUDGET I I I I 1 I, I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I FUND FLOOD WO~~~ J:r:v~.~__ DE PARTHENT CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ,- DETAIL Page 89: Actual Adjusted Proposed Current ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Year Budget Budget 1966 1967 1968 EXPENDITURES: PERSONAL SERVICES 120 Salaries . Regular Employees 14,386.95 14,574.00 14,772.00 TOTAL 14,386.95 14,574.00 14,772.00 CONTRACUTAL SERVICES 207 Traveling Expenses .00 50.00 50.00 231 Insurance - Motor Vehicles 262.76 290.00 290.00 253 Repair - Machinery and Equipment 1,375.82 1,500.00 1,500.00 255 Repair - Tires and Tubes 20.50 30.00 30.00 295 Other Professional Services .00 100 . 00 100.00 299 Other Contractual Services 209.50 300.00 400.00 TOTAL 1,868.58 2,270.00 2,370.00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 310 Expendable Tools 10.40 30.00 30.00 333 Chemicals and Durgs 1,049.80 1,200.00 1,200.00 345 Motor Vehicles.Fue1 & Lubricants 614.28 675.00 700.00 347 Motor Vehicles - License Tags 100.00 80.00 100.00 359 Other Operating Supplies 162.51 200.00 200.00 365 Cement and Cement Products 10.98 100.00 100.00 379 Motor Vehicle - Tires and Tubes .00 100.00 100.00 381 Paint and Painting Supplies 17.55 50.00 50.00 387 Sand, Gravel, Rock and Chat 210.35 250.00 300 . 00 : TOTAL 2,175.87 2,685.00 2,780.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY 503 Machinery and Equipment .00 800.00 3,000.00 TOTAL .00 800.00 3,000.00 GRAND TOTAL 18,431.40 20,329.00 22,922.00 I I I I I ANNUAL BUDGET I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS DETAIL FUND_t1QQP WQB,K$_&_ T.EYI.':E DEPARTMENT T I page~ .-~.~l Proposed Budget 1968 ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION RECEIPTS CITY TREASURER BALANCE January 1st Less Unpaid Purchase Orders Unencumbered Cash Balance January 1st 110 Current Tangible Taxes 130 Delinquent Taxes 240 Sales Tax 731 Miscellaneous Sales and Service TOTAL ANNUAL BUDGET i Actual !Previous Year i 1966 ~r I I 12,257.02 1 , 530 . 00 10,727.02 9,745.06 373.02 1,404.48 95.00 11,617.56 Adjusted Current Budget 1967 5,413.18 1,500.00 3,913.18 18,413.25 225.00 638 . 60 .00 19,276.85 1 2,861.03 18,833.71 100.00 1 , 127 . 2 () .00 20,060.97 I i I II I I I I~ II I I I I I Ir- I I' I I I I I II I I I ~'-'IJ[i;D FLOOD WORKS & LEVEE DE?AR7HENT CITY OF SM.li';'A, KAN3A3 S l.:;vJMI\.~{ '~ CLASSIFICATION Ac [,Jal ?revlou3 Yr. 1966 PERSONAL SERVICES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES CAPITAL OUTU Y 14 , 38 6. 95 1,868.58 2,175.87 .00 TOTAL 18,431. 40 TOTAL RECEIPTS TOTAL RECEIPTS AND BEGINNING BALANCE Lnss Expenditures Unencumbered Cash Balance December 31st 11,617.56, 22,344.58 18,Lf31.40 5,913.18 Net TDX Requirements Delinquent Tax Tax Dollars Tax Levy Hills 9,562.75 418.00 9,980.75 0.1647 I _____'_--.-L Function - Budget COii1ments - Capital Outlay FUNCTION Adjusted Current Budget 1967 14,574.00 2,270.00 2,685.00 800.00 20 , 329.00 19,276.85 23,190.03 20 , 329.00 2,861.03 I I 18,413.25 368.27 18,781.52 o . 3091 ''1' Page 91 I Proposed I Budge t I 1968 ----' I 14,772.00 I 2,370.00 2,780.00 3,000.00 22,922.00 20,060.97 22,922.00 22,922.00 18,833.71 376.67 19,210.38 0.3127 The function of the Flood Works and Levee Department is one of maintaining, patroling and keeping in good repair at all times the flood dikes that surround the City of Salina. The duties also include maintaining all emergency flood gates, motors and pumps in good operating condition. :3UDGET CO!'lHENTS Account {n07 will permit us to send [he foreman to Kansas City, Hissouri for dehaol on Flood Control Maintenance, condw~ted by the Corps of Engineers. ACCOUIlt #333 has been increased slif It to De used in weed control. to provide for additional chemicals CAPITAL OUTLAY Account #503 for 1967 provides for replacement of a sickle-type mower with a flail type. Replacement of an old Topeka Highway Mower with a new tractor and flail type mower is recommended for 1968. ANNuAL BuDGET I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I HIND FLOOD WORKS & LEVEE DI'?AIZ'::'}1ENT l--- .......L.I. ., I" ..~ ,.....,~.. ~ . ~:. - '.., ,. ,y--- PERSn1~EL SC[ED"":_,E Page 92 ------ I ACl]usted I Employees Cu'r-ren t Proposed POSITION TI TLE k'ilr,&>nf 1P/V{"osHl Range Budge t Budget b'voqe I B(/dq~f 1967 1963 Foreman I 1 1 368 . 448 5,700.00 5,700.00 Haintenance Worker I 2 2 350 . 372 8,874.00 8,952.00 Extra Time 120.00 ! I TOTAL 14,574.00 14,772.00 I I I - I I I ! i I- I I I ! I I , 1 ; i I , I I I I I I ! i I , - .~-. ~\l'i'f; t:,.A?.; 0:-'" ~, I J GT'~'V 01;' S\"'T1\;<\ K\:-iQ:\~ . Hu DGeT I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FUND SOCI~~~~~~ITY DEPARTHENT CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS DETAIL ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION EXPENDITURES SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 426 Social Security Deductions Remitte TOTAL RECEIPTS CITY TREASURER BALANCE January 1st Less Unpaid Purchase Orders Unencumbered Cash Balance January 1st 110 Current Tangible Taxes 130 Delinquent Tangible Taxes 240 Sales Tax 941 Contributions - Employees & Employ TOTAL pagE~~ - - . --_._--- ..--,---- -------- Actual Adjusted Current Proposed Previous Year Budget Budget 1966 1967 1968 I d 69,810.40 76,000.00 80,000.00 69,810.40 76,000.00 80,000.00 36,634.75 32,642.88 15,387.42 12,756.02 7,748.76 9 , 138 . 09 539.24 160.00 .00 2 ,035 . 44 835.78 474.49 er 50,487.83 50,000.00 55,000.00 65,818.53 58,744.54 64,612.58 I I I i ! --' ANNUAL BUDGET I .1 i i I ~ - I I I I Ii .1 I I I I I I I I I I FuND SOCIAL SECURITY DEPARTHENT CITY OF ;;AL:i\ I< d ~AS SDr-!},A!,' I ClASSIFICATION Act~al Previous Yr. 1966 TOTAL RECEIPTS TOTAL RECEIPrS AND BEGII\TNING BALANCE Less Expenditures 65,818.53 102,453.28 69,810.40 Unencumbered Cash Balance December 31st 32,642.88 Net Tax Requirements Delinquent Tax Tax Dollars Tax Levy Hills 12,810.59 256.21 13,066.80 0.2156 Function - Budget Comments . Capital Outlay Adiusted -Current Budget 1967 58,744.54' 91,387.42 76,000.00 15,387.42 7,748.76 154.98 7,903.74 o . 1301 Page 94 Proposed Budget 1968 I . 6Lj. , 612. 58 I 80,000.00 ' 80 ,000.00 ' i 9 , 138 . 09 I 182.76 ' 9,420.85 O. 1533 -'- Appropriati9n for 1968 represents City's share currently set at 4.4% of employees annual salary not to exceed $6,600. An equal amount is paid through employee payroll deductions. ANNUA:~, m'DGET J, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FUND EHPLOYEE'S RETIREMENT DEPARTHENT CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS DETAIL ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION r Page 95 I Adjusted I I Ac tual Current Proposed Previous Year Budge t Budget 1966 1967 1968 ., e 62,633.30 71,000.00 75,000.00 I I I 62,633.30 71,000.00 75,000.00 I I I 51,230.46 50,014.94 27,867.14 16,139.28 5,594.44 4,640.42 522.18 200.00 150.00 1,969.78 1,057.76 342.44 42,786.54 42,000.00 42,000.00 61,417.78 48,852.20 47,132.86 I EXPENDITURES S~~RY EXPENDITURES 428 Employee's Retirement.Remitted to Stat TOTAL RECEIPTS CITY TREASURER BALANCE January 1st Less Unpaid Purchase Orders Unencumbered Cash Balance January 1st 110 Current Tangible Taxes 130 Delinquent Tangible Taxes 240 Sales Tax 941 Contributions.Emp10yees & Employer TOTAL - ANNUAL BUDGET I r- I I k= , I I I ! I I I I I i I I I I I , ! I I I I, I I I I I I 1 I I I I CITY OF SALINA, K.l\NSAS SurlMARY CLASSIFICATION TOTAL RECEIPTS TOTAL RECEIPTS AND BEGINNING BALANCE Less Expenditures Unencumbered Cash Balance December 31st ~2t Tax Requirements Delinquent Taxes Tax Dollars Tax Levy Mills FDND EMPLOYEE'S RETIREHENT DEPARTMENT Ac t,lal ?revious Yr. i 1966. 61,417078 112,648.24 62,633.30 50,014.941 16,210.77 324. 21 16,534.98 0.5101 Function. Budget COlT'.lUellts . Capital Outlay Acl4usted Current Budget 1967 48,852.20 98,867.14 71,000.00 27,867.14 5,594.44 111. 89 5,706.33 0.0939 Page 96 Proposed Buclgot 196H 47,132.86 75,000.00 75,000.00 4,640.42 92.80 4,733.22 0.0770 Appropriation represents City's share of 4.5% of employees annual salary. The employee will pay 4% through payroll deductions. - - _''.d__'dd' '--....._ ANNUAL nUDGET I I I II r I II II I II I I I I I I I I I I I I II I FUND CENTRAL GARAGE DEPA.J.'{THENT CITY,OF SALINA, K.t\.NSAS - S lJM1.-l t\R Y Page 97 CLASSIFICATION ~AdjUsted Actual Current ?revious Yr. Budget 1966 1967 Proposed Budget 1968 PERSONAL SERVICZS 26,791. 05 26,791.05 26,295.00 27,205.00 TOTAL 26,295.00 27,205.00 Function - Budget COmmE-Lts -. Capital Outlay The Central Garage facility was placed into service on January 1, 1964. Personal services for this Department do not represent a budgetary item. They are paid by the various departments using the services of the Central Garage on a prorated basis. Appropriations are budgeted by each department for both parts and labor under a~ "ilier 253. ANNUAL BUDGET I I ---'--. POSITION TITLE I ,,'-,---.-.---- r... .______._._ I I I I I II I I' I I I I I I I I I Foreman II Auto Mechanic Clerk-Typist I Service Attendant (Part Time) Total : : ~ ~ ~ V.\,~S.AS- Cl c;: Y O~ .;. PEH.SO(;~L ----....-... ~dr~:'~O;:,,; (u:q&f B~ 3 3 1 1 2 2 . ::~ " ",'~..E Range 406 494 DL?ARTMEN'I ___ FlIND CENTRAL (:ARN;'l~ -1~~]r~~~~~1 Budget 1967 5,770.00 14,995.00 3,280.00 2,250.00 Page 98 I prop-~sed-l Budget 1963 ~ I 5,930.00 I 15,510.00 3,515.00 2,250.00 27,205.00 26,295.00 - ,.- .._-~'.. "~-..-..... ANNl;A 1. JJHDG~'1'''"''~''_''H' "-', 407 431 253 293 _ .J I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FUND SANITATION DEPARTHENT L , I DETAIL Page 99 .'C-= Actual Adjusted Current Proposed , ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Year Budget Budget 1966 1967 1%8 PERSONAL SERVICES 120 Salaries-Regular Employees 91,622.74 95,570.00 110,915.00 TOTAL 91,622.74 95,570.00 110,915.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 205 Telephone and Telegraph 404.65 420.00 420.00 207 Traveling Expenses 350 . 75 545.00 100 . 00 209 Postage 12.30 10.00 10.00 221 Printing Office Forms 142.25 200.00 150.00 231 Insurance-Motor Vehicles 564. 13 630.00 630.00 236 Insurance-Social Security 2,907.44 3,700.00 3,820.00 238 Employees Retirement 2,623.51 4,100.00 4,100.00 239 Group Insurance 1,633.47 1,980.00 2,000.00 243 Water Service 183.85 180.00 200.00 253 Repair-Hachinery and Equipment 7,499.97 3,050.00 3,000.00 255 Repair-Tires and Tubes 174.87 200.00 200.00 257 Radio Equipment Service Contract .00 360.00 530.00 284 Laundry and Towel Service 2,340.60 2,450.00 2,500.00 290 Medical Services 147.08 100.00 100.00 291 Billing & Administration Charges 5,460.96 5,500.00 5,800.00 294 Workmen's Compensation 4,088.74 5,180.00 5,400.00 TOTAL 28,534.57 28,605.00 28,960.00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 310 Expendable Tools 260.14 400.00 300.00 I 320 Office Supplies 124.49 125.00 125.00 331 Books and Periodicals 27.23 25.00 20.00 345 Motor Vehicles-Fuel & Lubricants 4,650.56 6,000.00 6,000.00 347 Hotor Vehicles-License Tags 530.00 550.00 600.00 359 Other Operating Supplies 206.81 350.00 300 .00 367 Electrical and Lighting Parts 17.23 25.00 20.00 I 371 Lumber and Lumber Products 36.78 25.00 25.00 379 Motor Vehicles.Tires and Tubes 489.70 300.00 400.00 381 Paint and Painting Materials 3.65 50.00 50.00 TOTAL 6,346.59 7,850.00 7,8~0.OO SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 439 Refunds .00 .00 , .oe TOTAL .00 .00 .00 .- CITY OF SA-INA KANSAS ANNUAL BUDGET I FUND SANITATION DEPARTHENT I SALI NA , KANSAS DETAIL Page 100 Adj us ted Actual Current Proposed I ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Year Budget Budget lQ(,(, 1967 1968 I CAPITAL OUTLAY 525 Trucks 38,513.15 .00 .00 I 517 Office Mechanical Equipment .00 .00 .00 Two-way Radio Equipment .00 .OO[ .00 I TOTAL 38,513.15 .00 .00 I I GRAND TOTAL 165,017.05 132,025.00 147,715.00 I I i I I I ! I I REVENUE City Treasurer Balance January 1st 49,303.79 53,310.06 .( 0 I Less Unpaid Purchase Orders 1,554.30 38,524.54 . (iQ U,1(~ncumbered Cash Balance January 1st 47,749.49 19,785.52 25,86(\.r,2 733 Service Fees 13 7 ,000. 00 138,000.00 140,000. nOi I 952 Reimbursement of Expenditures 53.08 100.00 .og Sale of Trucks .00 .00 .OJ I TOTAL 137,053.08 138,100.00 140,000.OC I I I I I I I , , I I . .--. . . CITY OF I r I I != - - I IL, , I I I I I I Ii I II FUl~CTION 'I i CITY OF St\ioINA, K.I\N3AS S li1'lMAR Y CLASSIFICATION Accc.:.al Previou.s Yr. 1966 PERSONAL SERVICES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES CAPITAL OUTLAY 91,622.74 28,534.57 6,346.59 38,513.15 TOTAL 165,017.05 TOTAL RECEIPTS TOTAL RECEIPTS AND BEGINNING BALANCE Less Expenditures 137,053.08 184,802.57 165,017.05 UNENCUHBERED CASH BALfu~CE December 31st 1.9,785.52 Function . Budget Comments - Capital Outlay FuND SANITATION DEPARTMENT II~ t~rUrSe[;tcl Budget I 1967 I I I I I I ! 132,025.00 95,570.00 28,605.00 7,850.00 .00 138,100.00 157,885.52 132,025.00 25,860.52 This department is responsible for the (~:ficient, systematic collection and disposal of all garbage, rubbish, trash and similar wa;te ffiaterials originating within the residential areas of the City of Salina. Ii i I II j i II I I Ii I II I BUDGET COl-'J1ENTS Personal Services have been increased for both 1967 and 1968 to man a sixth collec- tion crew. The crews had been reduced from six to five in 1965. Increased volume resulting from the "No Burning Ordinance" and an increase in the number of customers has necessitated the additional crew. Increases in other catagories are related to operation of the additional vehicle along with the increase in Workmen's Compensation. I I I II l '''''''T''T ^ - RTin(:'.~'r I I -_. -. - I I I I I I II I II I I I I I I I II I 1\ II E':.:;\ D SANITATION Dl?:\iL'.:1r.~::. ' C:: :: YJE'':''';G,::' ~ \ ~ KX'\3A~- PLRS i1T\'~.L:, ~~(P'E;Y;~"J .---------- .-....--..-.- ~'-_.,--'--_. - ----~ Employees -"(./rr~l7flPm?05<<1 Ra nge b'uoqe I Bt/dqt?1 F -1 ~~;-~L 0; ,-- 'I KilJucsr"'ccr='=-'=---==c:=='== -= ~ ,0 'I Cu';'rent Pr :D.),; ::d Budget Budget PGSITION TITLE Extra Time Extra Summer Help 1967 1'1.6 8.=====-=-_ 5,855.00 5,930.00 3,005.00 3,265.00 31,060.00 33,040.00 51,650.00 64,480.00 3,000.00 3,200.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 95,570.00 110,915.00 Foreman II 1 1 406 - 494 Clerk Typist I 1 1 253 - 293 Equipment Operator II 7 7 372 - 394 Laborer 12 15 340 - 360 TOTAL "\.~,~\',. \u h'~,~),~';:-: l".' _J I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FUND PARKING HETERS DEPARTHENT I I b CITY OF 2Xi,INA, KANSAS P;:'i'AIL Page 103] h' --- ,.= Adjusted Actual Current Proposed ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Year Budget Budget 1966 1967 1968 , I'ERSONAL SERVICES I 120 Salaries - Regular Employees I 18,024.01 18,725.00 19,910.00 i TOTAL 18,024.01 18,725.00 19,910.00 C!)NTPACTUAL SERVICES 207 Traveling Expenses .00 .00 .00 221 Printing Office Supplies 134.09 75.00 75.00 231 Insurance - Hotor Vehicles .00 45.00 55.00 253 Repair - Hachinery & Equipment 132.10 150.00 175.00 299 Other Contractual Services 255.30 210.00 210.00 TOTAL 521. 49 480.00 51'5.00 :i..YCEIUALS AND SUPPLIES 310 Expendable Tools ' .00 25.00 25.00 320 Office Supplies .00 60.00 60.00 345 Motor Vehicle - Gas & Oil 137.90 150.00 150.00 347 Hotor Vehicle - License Tags 12.00 13.00 15.00 355 Wearing Apparel 140.51 350.00 400.00 359 Other Operating Supplies 269.61 200.00 200.00 379 Motor Vehicle - Tires & Tubes 18.00 .00 50.00 I 391 Parking Heter Parts 135.99 300.00 300.00 I TOTAL 714.01 1,098.00 1,200.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY I 503 Equipment .00 350.00 350.00 513 Parking Heters 7,952.64 2,350.00 300.00 60 Payment Off-Street Parking to Bond & Interest Account 56,150.00 51,150.00 50,300.00 TOTAL 64,102.64 53,850.00 50,950.00 GRAND TOTAL 83,362.15 74,153.00 72,575.00 I ANNUAL BUDGET I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FUND PARKING METERS DEPARTHENT L , DETAIL Page 104 Actual Adjusted Proposed Current ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Year Budget Budget 1966 1967 1 QF.A REVENUE City Treasurer Balance January 1st 26,918.46 26,918.46 Less Unpaid Purchase Orders 1,455.61 154.60 Unencumbered Cash Balance January 1st 24,462.85 26,763.86 30,060.86 450 Parking Heter Revenue 78,365.92 70,000.00 70,000.00 707 Parking Heter Permits 6,680.00 7,000.00 7,000.00 952 Reimbursement of Expenditures .00 .00 .00 610 Interest Investments 617.24 650.00 600.00 TOTAL RECEIPTS 8.5,663.16 77,650.00 77,600.00 I I - , I i I I I I I I I I CITY OF SA'.INA KANSAS ANNUAL BUDGET I I i I I I , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I,: CITY OF SALINA, K4N3A3 SillTI-Li\RY CLASSIFICATION Actclal Previous Yr. 1966 PERSONAL SERVICES CO~T~\CTUAL SERVICES ~\TERIALS AND SUPPLIES CAPITAL OUTLAY 18,024.01 521. 49 714.01 64,102.64 83,'362.15 TOTAL TOTAL RECEIPTS RECEIPTS AND BEGINNING BALN~CE LESS EXPENDITURES 85,663.16 110,126.01 83,362.15 u~ENCu}lBERED CASH BALANCE DECEMBER 31st 26,763.86 Function . Budget Comments - Capital Outlay FUNCTION ~UND PARKING METERS DE?ARl'MENT_ Page 105 Adjusted Proposed Current Budget Budget 1967 1968 I- I 18,725.00 19,910.00 480.00 515.00 1,098.00 1,200.00 53,850.00 50,950.00 74,153.00 72 , 575. 00 77 , 650 . 00 104,413.86 74,153.00 77,600.00 107,660.86 72,575.00 30,260.86 35,085.86 This department provides for the collection of monies, enforcement, service and maintenance for all parking meters located within the City. ;)UJGET COHMENTS Account 11221 reflects printing cost for parking meter permits. Account 11299 provides for armored car service for making bank deposits. Account 11320 provides for coin wrappers ACCOUIlt 11355 provides for furnishing uniforms for meter maids and parking meter technicians. CAPITAL OUTLAY The major portion of Account 11513 for 1967 is for the purchase of twenty 6-hour m. t~cs for parking lot Ill, 100 Block North 5th Street. L~___ A~"NUAI, ~Il Ii,:.,..' i I I .J I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Cl:'Y ;0::' S,\I..P:\., K~\~SA~-,,- PERSO~~'L: :, {:H::::D"~_,E ::: - - _'0 - Employees POSITION TITLE "'urrC"l7f !P1Vj7osNi Range b'udq(!> f Budgt>1 Parking Heter Tech II 1 1 372 - 407 Naintenance Worker I 1 1 350 - 372 Meter Maids 3 3 253 - 293 I Parking Heter Tech I 1 0 372 - 394 I TOTAL - I I I I __~_._.L_____~~P_-, A Nl\(!;, \ t, r;irnn.~l' I - - "'~.,..,-----" FUND PMZrJc~Q-1UiJJ!:~;___,__ _ DEPARTMENT _____ ",__ -r-KcIJusYc I Current Budge t 1967 4,680.00 3,280.00 9,950.00 815.00 , 18,725.00 Page 106 Proposed Budget 1968 4,885.00 4,465.00 10,560.00 .00 19,910.00 -- j I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I FUND W^TER ^ND SEWAGE DEPARTHENT CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS DETAIi. ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION WATER SUPPLY EXPENSES 110 Maintenance-Well Pumps and Equipment 120 \.Jell Power 130 Well House Signals 140 River Intake Power 150 Haintenance - Buildings and Grounds 160 Maintenance - River Basin & River Intake Pu TOTAL SOFTENING AND TREATMENT EXPENSES 205 Supervision 210 Salaries 215 Electric Power 220 Gas Service 225 Building Operating Supplies 230 Chemicals 235 Haintenance - Equipment 240 Haintenance - Buildings 255 Electric Power - Calcining Plant 260 Gas Service.- Calcining Plant 265 Haintenance - Calcining Plant 270 Supplies - Calcining Plant TOTAL PUHPING EXPENSES 305 Supervision 310 Salaries 315 Electric Power 320 Gas Service 325 Lubricants 330 Building Operating Supplies 335 Haintenance - Electrical Equipment & Etc. 340 Haintenance - Station Building and Grounds TOTAL ANNUAL BUDGET Page 107 I I Adjusted Actual Current Proposed I Previous Year Budget Budget 1966 19 7 I 1968 I 1,075.70 1,100.00 1,100.00 I 2,107.98 2,500.00 2,700.00 1,173.51 1,250.00 1,400.00 I , 1,984.00 2,500.00 3,000.00 , , I i 980.99 1,300.00 1,500.00 ! I mn .00 500.00 500.00 , , I I 7,322.18 9,150.00 10,200.00 I i I I i 9,576.70 9,695.00 9,860.00 I 28,680.75 31,775.00 35,135.00 3,488.00 4,500.00 4,500.00 3,223.39 5,740.00 6,500.00 645.14 1,000.00 1,000.00 68,370.90 80,000.00 80,000.00 6,189.02 8,500.00 9,000.00 434.28 600.00 900.00 3,096.70 3,500.00 3,500.00 4,709.30 6,250.00 6,500.00 4,Y23.75 2,000.00 1,000.00 1,367.37 985.00 1,500.00 134,705.30 154,545.00 159,395.00 9,544.30 10,010.00 10,330.00 18,186.00 20,415.00 20,120.00 I 14,079.86 16,605.00 17,000.00 384. 19 315.00 350.00 39.90 170.00 200.00 748.83 800.00 1,000.00 22.20 300.00 500.00 506.67 700.00 700.00 43,511.95 49,315.00 50,200.00 I I FUND W^TER ^ND SEW^GE DEPARTHENT CITY OF 5,\i [ \1\ KANSAS 108 J I D::.'I,\Ii, Page -- t Adjusted Actual Current Proposed I ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Year I Budget Budget 1966 1967 I 1968 -l i DISTRIBUTION EXPENSES I I I i i 405 Supervision 4,851. 25 5,015.00 5,510.00 410 Salaries 17,429.26 25,930.00 32,29Cl.OO I 415 Heter Haintenance Salaries 9,632.75 9,255.00 9,550.00 420 Heter Haintenance Supplies 11 ,926.61 9,065.00 12,500.00 425 Vehicle and Equipment Expenses 2,034.28 4,495.00 4,500.00 I 430 Tapping Supplies 5,458.53 4,965.00 5,000.00 435 HaintcIlance - Distribution Mains 5,016.38 5,820.00 6,000.00 440 Haintenance - Elevated Tanks 1,112.14 8,840.00 9,000.00 445 Maintenance - Reservoirs .00 200.00 200.00 I 450 Maintenance - Hydrants 337.83 4,960.00 5,000.00 /+55 Miscellaneous Haterials and Labor 1,429.46 4,570.00 4,000.00 I TOTAL 59,228.49 83, 115 .00 93,550.00 I CUSTOHERS ACCOUNTING AND COLLECTION I 510 Office Salaries 42,617.20 43,255.00 46,335.00 , 515 ServicemeIl and Heter Readers Salaries 32,928.40 32,785.00 37,915.00 I 520 Servicemen and Meter Readers Supp lies 520.34 1,000.00 1,000.00 I 525 Collection Stations 1,563.20 1,680.00 1,800.00 530 Haintenance- Office and Equipment 1,915.30 2,000.00 3,800.00 535 Office Supplies 5,271.37 5,500.00 5,500.00 I 540 Vehicle Expense 2,334.26 3,400.00 2,400.00 545 Car and Travel Expense 812.60 650.00 .00 550 Postage 7,810.35 8,500.00 9,000.00 I I TOTAL 95,773.02 98,770.00 107,750.00 I ADHINISTRATIVE AND GENERAL EXPENSES I 605 Supervision 9,786.00 9,925.00 10,190.00 610 Salaries 5,120.75 3,920.00 4,200.00 615 Telephone Expenses 2,427.77 2,850.00 2,800.00 I I 620 Office Supplies 542.64 120.00 .00 625 Special Engineering 2,003.25 1,000.00 I 1,000.00 630 Social Security 7,899.55 11,700.00 12,300.00 I 635 Insurance 3 , 130 . 72 3,500.00 4,000.00 640 Sales Tax 1,415.20 1,200.00 1,400.00 645 Property Taxes 10,000.00 10,000.00 20,000.00 I I 650 Accounts Charged Off 591.37 610.00 700.00 655 Long and Short Cash 1.07 C . 100.00 100.00 , 660 Employees Retirement 7,598.65 12,500.00 13,000.00 I I 66:; Accident Insurance 11,473.39 12,000.00 13,000.00 670 AUditing Expenses 4,800.00 4,800.00 4,800.00 675 Contracting Service 2,156.90 1,600.00 1,650.00 680 Organizational ,Dues and Hemberships 698.86 500.00 850.00 I 690 Service Performed - Other Departments 13,140.00 10,700.00 10,900.00 695 Car Ivlileage and Travel Expenses 1,573.52 1,000.00 1,500.00 I I TOTAL 84,357.50 88,025.00 102,390.00 I ..._- ANNUA:~ BUDGET FUND W^TER ^ND SEWM;E DEPARTMENT I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF ' 'fNA, KANSAS ~ , r ' . L L.: ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Actual Previous Year 1966 AdJusted Current Budget 1967 Page 109 Proposed Budget 1968 r I SEWAGE TREATHENT AND COLLECTION EXPENSES I 705 ' Supervision 16,339.00 12,150.00 12,970.00 710 Operating Salaries 49,206.75 67,455.00 71 ,360.00 715 Electric Power 22,844.97 22,350.001 23,000.00 720 Gas Service 1,989.29 2,600.00 2,800.00 725 Plant Operating Supplies 1,995.88 2,540.00 2,430.00 730 Haintenance - Equipment 2,877.48 5,695.00 5,445.00 735 Haintenance - Buildings and Grounds 172 . 00 , 1,225.00 1,250.00 740 Haintenance - Pumping Stations 3,123.11 2,580.00 4,400.00 745 Haintenance - Sanitary Sewers 2,294.06 2,150.00 3,500.00 750 Vehicle Expense 4,059.72 3,565.00 3,800.00 TOTAL 104,902.26 122,310.00 130,955.00 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSE 529,800.70 BOND ORDINANCE RESERVE REQUIREHENTS 910 Bond Principal Payments 915 Bond Interest Payments 138,300.00 72,000.00 TOTAL 210,300.00 GRAND TOTAL 740,100.70 Total Operating Expense Reserve Deductions Payment to Sanitation Construction Fund Bond Money Capital Expenditures 529,800.70 210,300.00 137,000.00 75,000.00 72,488.92 TOTAL 1,024,589.62 ANNUAL BUDGET 605,230.00 115,000.00 107,670.00 222,670.00 827,900.00 654,440.00 115,000.00 103,935.00, 218,935.00 873,375.00 605,230.00 222,670.00 135,000.00 123,426.81 I 50,000.00 I I 1,136,326.8111,148,375.00 654,440.00 218,935.00 135,000.00 90,000.00 50,000.00 .J I I I I I I I I I I I I I FUND WATER AND SEWAGE DEPARTMENT I I I I I I DE.~~'~~, l~ Page 110 - Adjusted --I Actual Current Proposed ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Year Budget Budget 1966 1967 1968 1 I REVENUE I City Treasurer Balance January 1st 186,108.77 230,884.97 Less Unpaid Purchase Orders 21,450.53 9 , 734 . 81 Unencumbered Cash Balance January 1st 164,658.24 221,150.16 220,750.16 Water Revenue 546,233.65 550,000.00 565,000.00 Sewage Revenue 309,866.78 315,000.00 330,000.00 Miscellaneous Income 4,392.35 5,000.00 5,000.00 Tapping Service 5,858.28 5,000.00 5,000.00 Service Charge - Sanitation Department 2,730.48 2,500.00 2,500.00 Sanitation Fees 13 7 , 000 . 00 135,000.00 135,000.00 Construction Fund - Bond Honey 75,000.00 123,426.81 90,000.00 TOTAL RECEIPTS 1,081,081.54 1,135,926.81 1,132,500.00 TOTAL RECEIPTS AND BEGINNING BALANCE 1,245,739.78 1,357,076.97 1,353,250.16 Less Expenditures 1,024,589.62 1, 136,326.81 1,148,375.00 UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE December 31st 221,150.16 220,750.16 204,875.16 I i , I I ~ CITY OF S\! j \1\, KANSAS AN1UAL BUDGET I If I I~ I \\WL'ER MID SEHAGE FiJND DE?lu\.lMENT CITY OF St\:INA l K:'HSAS SU~J1AR'-: Pagc 111 '-'1 Ac [,;al ?reviou3 Yr. ----.-----. -------. ^d]Ust~> Current Budo-ct 19~7 I I i I I I I Proposed Budget 1968 CLASSIFICATION 1966 10,200.00 159,395.00 50,200.00 93,550.00 107,750.00 102,390.00 130,955.00 7,322.18 134,705.30 43,511.95 59,228.49 95,773.02 84,357.50 104,902.26 9,150.00 154,545.00 49,315.00 83,115.00 98,770.00 88,025.00 122,310.00 I HATER SUPPLY EXPENSES SOFTENING AND TREATHENT EXPENSES PT"ll)Il\G EXPENSES DISTRIBUTION EXPENSES CUSTOl-:ERS ACCOUNTING AND COLLECTION ADMINIST~~TIVE AND GENERAL EXPENSES SE\vAGE TREATlvIENT AND COLLECTION EXPENSES I I 529,800.70 605,230.00 654,440.00 TOTAL 1 I I Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay FUNCTION I , The water division of the Water and Sewage Department is responsible for the operation,! maintenaIlce aIld repair of all facilities necessary for supply, treatment, storage and dis- . tribution o~ water for the City of Salina; to maintain and keep in good repair all water distribution mains, valves and fire hydrants throughout the system. I The billing and accounting division processes all orders for new services and dis- connects, computes charges, and is responsible for the collection of all revenues due the Water and Sewage Department. Servicemen aIld meter readers install, remove, clean, check aIld read monthly, all meters which record water consumption. I I Responsibility for the operation and maintenance of all facilities necessary for proper treatment and disposal of sanitary sewage from the City of Salina is the primary function of the Se'l'lage Treatment Plant. I The sanitary sewage collection division has the responsibility of maintaining and ki~eping all sanitary sewer mains, laterals and sewage pump stations in the system in 5"('<1 operating condition. .1 :aGDGET Cm";:NENTS I In comparing various line items for the three years covereo In this budget, the more substantial monetary increases can be related to the personnel requirements along with the adj.."cl distribution and treatmeIlt costs made necessary when the water system for the Air- ) . Industrial Area was incorporated with our system. Six new employees were placed on :.,: :)ayroll at the time this new responsibili:,' was assumed during the latter part of L'i;)). Tnree additional eillployees are nO\v ,n~C:ll],unended for 1968; one Water Plant Operator, <,~w:lge Plant Operator aIld one Maintenance 1,forker II for the sanitary sewer maintenance Of the $23,391.00 increase for Water and Sewer salaries, $13,992.00 is for the ~ ne~ positions and $9,399.00 is for salal~: schedule increases and the cost of living I I ,~.: ':J.;::) t:TIl(:~rit. I AKN1JAi, FliDGET ~- \- Function - Dudget Comments - Capital Outlay 111 a BUDGET CO~~ENTS - COIlt'd. ACCOUIlt #440 reflects t~e cost for sandblasting and painting the Gyp~um Hill taIlk in 1967 and the 1,000,000 gal. tank in 1968. Account #450 provides for repair parts and inventory replacements. There were 226 wdter hydrants acquired in the Airport system, but no inventory of replacement parts was Lllcluded. These hydrants are also of different manufacture than those of our original sys ceal. An additional $1,800.00 is budgeted in Account #530 for 1968. This represents a one j;2dr lease of an embossing machine for preparing mailing plates. Repair parts are no longer available for our present machine, which was purchased in 1947, and we cannot obtain a service contract. ACCOUIlt #620 will be absorbed by Account #535 in 1968. Account #625 reflects hiring of consulting engineers ~or equitable sewer use fees studies, etc. Account #645 has been increased for 1968 based on an assessed valuation for the ::d:::Llities of slightly over $1,000,000.00, and our present ad valorem tax excluding that l~vieQ for Bond aIld Interest. Account #675 includes payment of right-of-way rental for water mains. J.\~D:i.Jl~!~, p ~ r~~ h,r~ , I I I I l_,_ ~ I' :?unction - Budget Comm:2rts - Capital Outlay 111 b CAPITAL OUTLAY Proposed items for 1968 include the followiIlg: 1 Electric Typewriter to replace reIltal uIlit now iIl use in Water Office Hot mix strip (100' x 501) iIl pipe yard on South 4th. . 2 four-wheel dollies for hand1iIlg ton cylinders of chlorine Fire extiIlguishers for 4 trucks Portable Power Plant Arc Welder & Cable Pm.,rer Hower - 30" . . . . . . . . Tractor ~ith flail mower attachment Portable Air Compressor Replacemen1 4 new !;aL trucks with utility body - trade in 3/4T trucks. 1 Pipe Locator. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Blacktopping sidewalks and road at Sewage Treatmenc Plant . Fence for Schilling Plant - 1450' @ $3.50/ft. plus $100 for gates FroIlt eIla loader attachment for cleaning sludge beds Bio-chcmical Oxygen Demand testing equipment for faster testing and saving of materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gas Scrubber for sewage gas. Help prevent replacing boiler tubes every two years at an approximate cost of $1,000 per year $ 500.00 1,670.00 600.00 183.00 400.00 800.00 3,500.00 4,800.00 9,200.00 150.00 3,000.00 5,200.00. 750.00 200.00 3,500.00 A NX'"n,~ T. n!Tl1(:'F:'r I I I I I I I I I. -I I I I I I II I II -I _I FEND WATER AND SEWAGE III DEPARTMENT CI ':;' .~~ ,O~ ~":\ I.I ~:;. , l<.:\.'lSA&-- Page 112 ~~ PERSnC\~i';l. 3{~=D'.;I,S ..--._-<~-- -'.-..---,,- 'F'=' ~aIustea- Employees i I Cur-rent Proposed i POSITION TI TLE Ptv?05~<I Range Budget Budget I '(--'i/rrt9l7f I I b'vdqe f Bvdq6>1 1967 1968 I 605 Director of Utilities 1 1 633 849 9,925.00 10,190.00 l I 610 Secretary 1 1 288 350 3,920.00 4,200.00 ! 510 Office Manager 1 1 IV.. 8 519 5,230.00 5,640.00 510 Cashier 1 1 320 360 4,495.00 4,390.00 510 Clerk-Typist II 2 2 : 61 317 7,305.00 7,610.00 . ) Account Clerk I 1 1 :~74 333 3,840.00 3,995.00 ;, 11) P.(1okkeeping Hachine Operator I 3 3 )74 333 10,305.00 11,795.00 510 Clerk-Typist I 4 4 )53 293 12,075.00 12,905.00 515 Foreman I 1 1 368 448 5,305.00 5,375.00 515 Servicemen 3 3 394 419 14,505.00 15,090.00 :: 15 l'leter Readers 4 4 330 372 12,975.00 1 i' ,450.00 Extra Time 1,000.00 Total 89,880.00 99,640.00 A~NU'\ T. F;. mro ;"r I ,-'---- I u_'U_ I ~ I I I I I I /. C Water Meter Repairman I II I Extra Time I I I II I I II I I I FeND WATER AND SEWAGE 112 Dr. PAR ':'M[;-;T C-:~~';}(" S.\LJ~;-\, K\'iSA~- pE:RSin:sc SC!:-l?:,D'''_,~ .--..-----.. -.---.- POSITION TITLE ::=-~.:. Emp 1;::'Y'2e ti ---,- /'vrr<!?/7f }7mj7o.'Sc'-d b'vdqe f BL/dcHd ~'O:i/305 Water Plant Supt. =0:' Plant Laboratory Tech. "" no Water Plant Opera- tor JO 5 / LtO 5 Foreman II 410 Maintenance Worker II 410 Custodian 415 Water Meter Repairman II Total 1 1 1 1 10 11 2 2 6 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 Page 113 -I 5 . ,.= . ABLusted Proposed ' y-rcnt Range Budget Budget 1967 1968 - 44 - 733 8,370.00 8,800.00 I,a - 448 5,460.00 5,460.00 ~14 - 419 50,600.00 55,255.00 (16 .- 494 10,620.00 11,440.00 ~ 2 - 394 22,285.00 28,350.00 11 - 340 2,500.00 3,940.00 94 - 419 4,695.00 5,030,1)0 72 - 394 4,555.00 4, 7 30 . 00 I 1,900.00 I 109,085.00 124,905.00 , . ...'" J - :~ J ,~: J 3 3 3 ANNFAL BuDGl:>l I 111_ - _.- .1 ~ II I I II I I I I .1 I II I I I I I I I Cl::'~~ OE ~',\L:L~ \~;.,:\SAS--- PEi~Sm::\'r-. ~;( ::1:::.)',::'",3 -. ,..... ---.-....- POSITION TITLE . -~...- ._----- - -,.. --_._-- .'__""~ ._...h_ __ .... ..----- --,~_.._..~ Emp10y<::es /'(./rrrPl7f P/tJf'o~d- b'udqe f Bud;.?/ Range 705 Sewage Plant Supt. 7 ()~; Foreman I Sewage PlaIlt Operator 710 Maintenance Worker II Extra Time Extra Help (Summer) 710 Plant Laboratory Tech. Total 1 470 1 633 1 1 368 448 7 8 372 394 4 5 372 394 1 o L\;)Nr;'-\L PtiDG:..::r "., FEND HATER AND SEWAGJLiL:L___ DEPARTHENT Page 114 -I ."=\ I i I I 1\CT, us ted Cuf'rent Budge t 1967 7,045.00 5,106.00 34,610.00 21,785.00 1,575.00 70,121. 00 Proposed Budget 1968 7,59:, .(J(l 5,37~..ci(l 37,805.00 23,545.00 200.00 1,050.00 .00 75,570.00 I i ; 1 ~';Jj\D D~PAL1J:'I1ENT CONSTRUCTION I""-~-----"-"-' ~Resurf<lcins St!;~~:,t,~) I, ,~,==-- -, CITY OF :;'\;,10;P., KAT3A.3 S mll',AR'~ Paf;e LIS CLASSIFICATION Ac t ,; a 1 I ?reviouG Yr. . I J 1966 ~ , I AZr~.J-'us t-cfcr=-=:--! ~:-::===-;==~-=:=: I .. Current I Proposed Bud n-e t : Dud -"e .- b I . 0 - 1967 t 1968 I I CI\Sll DALA1~ C E J .J.111.1~~ry 1st 61,901.04 69,941.80 44,950.00 I RECEIPTS STATE GASOLINE TAX Qu;uterly Payment 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 I Surplus Distribution 39,119.36 32,008.20 32,000.00 Interest Investments 2,,047.63 1,000.00 1,000.00 I TOTAL RECEIPTS }u\lD BALANCE 105,068.03 104,950.00 79,950.00 Less Expenditures 35,126.23 60,000.00 79,950.00 Cash Balance December 31st 69,941.80 44,950.00 I I I I _I Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay I Part of the monies received from the extra 1C State Gasoline Tax is put in the General OperatiIlg Fund for general Street work. The balance is put into this account to be used for resurfacing the major streets within the City. I I I I I I I J '-- ~~lJ..\.L BUD~ET