Budget - 196911. 11 u u u u u u 2(IliEz�/1�oz�lz ar_rlJtrcctlz PLEt6aSt crr_cl ME t COMMISSIONERS /l WILLIAM W. YOST, MAYOR NORRIS D. OLSON C E T Y M A N A G E R CHAS. W. CASEBEER ROBERT M. STARK AREA CODE 913 TA 32277 FIFTH AND ASH STREETS CARL R. RUNDQUIST G. N. WADDELL P. O. BOX 746 - afincz, fKanicaj. 67go7 July 22, 1968 Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners City of Salina, Kansas Gentlemen: The proposed budget for 1969 is herewith submitted for your consideration and review in accordance with the statutes of the State of Kansas and the ordinances of the City of Salina. This document is a "program of work ", prepared to represent in financial terms the achievements of the previous year, the efforts of the present year, and the proposed accomplishments for the coming year. Your statutory respon- sibility is to review the proposed document; determine if the programs, as proposed, are reasonable or adequate; if certain services should be expanded or reduced; if new proj- ects should be initiated or existing ones eliminated; and to then initiate its ultimate adoption. During the entire preliminary budget period, members of your administrative staff have attempted to insure that every proposed expenditure item had a valid reason for its inclusion, that every item of revenue was estimated as accurately as possible, and that both were commensurate with the assumed needs and expectations of the community. The format of this budget is again identical to those presented to you in previous years. Page 1 contains data and computations relating to the 1968 Tax Levy and the 1969 Budget. Pages 2 through 5 provide a break -down of revenue sources, a summary of expenditures by department, and a summary of each as they relate to the net tax requirements_ for the General Operating Fund. Page 6 provides a listing of expenditure requirement totals for All Funds. Sources of revenue for those funds other than the General Operating Fund are found on the pages as listed in the Table of Contents. Beginning with Page 7, expenditures for each department or activity are grouped under five major objective classifications: Personal Services, Contractual Services, Materials and Supplies, Sundry Expenditures, and Capital MEN'EILP KANI AS il;E - NATION; _ LEAC JE GE CITIF.' Outlay. Detailed expenditures for each of these major classi- fications are listed on the white pages, totals for the detail expenditures are summarized on the yellow pages, and personnel data relating to each department or activity are provided on the green pages. The yellow summary pages contain pertinent commentary concerning the function and budget expenditures for each department or activity. REVENUES: No additional sources of revenue ate anticipated for 1969 that are not included in our current budget (see page 2). The adjusted 1968 revenue reflects an increase of $29,611.20 when compared to estimates established a year ago. This increase, however, is more than offset by the anticipated cash carryover for January 1, 1969, when compared to the previous year. State - collected locally- shared tax revenues appear at the present to provide reimbursements comparable to the present year. The recently initiated cipal court cases indicates over the present year. assessment of court costs to muni- a possible revenue of $10,000.00 Account #440 reflects an in- lieu -of -tax increase for the Water and Sewer Utility from $20,000.00 in 1968 to $30,000.00 in 1969. Engineering fees and administrative services to other. departments have been increased on the assumption that addi- tional areas will be platted for residential use, especially in the vicinity of the new municipal golf course. Fire protection services to the Schilling Manor housing area should be increased upon delivery of the new fire truck to Station #3. This will enable us to release an Army fire truck to Fort Riley that we have been using and for which we have been allowing a monetary credit. Revenue for street cut repairs now appear to be paying for the time and materials they rea.uire. A recommended schedule for increasing charges and service fees for Gypsum Hill Cemetery will be submitted to you in the near future. EXPENDITURES: . The proposed general operating expenditures for 1969 (listed on page 4) exceed those of the current year by $126,650.00. Slightly over $70,000.00 of this increase is represented in the one -step salary schedule increase recently ii approved by the City Commission (effective July 1, 1968) together with the normal step increases that will become effective throughout 1969. Salary surveys conducted periodically by various Kansas municipalities`repeatedly show Salina pay scales to be below those of other Kansas communities. Three major factors con- tributed to this situation: (1) The Salina salary study conducted by the Kansas League of Municipalities during 1966 was based on 1965 salaries; (2) The plan did not become effective until January 1, 1967; and (3). Salina was one of the few Kansas communities that did not grant an across -the- board salary increase during 1967. These 1967 salary in- creases given by other Kansas.cities ranged from 5% to 12 %. The fact that the city experienced a 25% turnover of munici- pal employees during 1967 and a 10% turnover during the first five months of 1968 was conclusive evidence that municipal salaries had to receive immediate attention. Twelve new employees are budgeted for 1969: Nine fire- men to staff a new fire cottage, expected to be completed April 30, 1969; a bailiff and process server for the Municipal Court; a clerk - typist whose work assignments will be divided between the Municipal Court and the Police Department; and a receptionist for the new municipal building. An increase is proposed in the Street Lighting fund to accomodate the increased lighting in the Central Business area, access lighting along West Crawford from Broadway to I -35, and along U.S. 81 from Thomas Park to I -70. It is again revealing to note that our assessed valuation (exclusive of the Airport Industrial Area) has increased $643,734.00. The assessed valuation of the Airport Industrial Area is now $637,770.00, with a total valuation for the entire city at $62,717,142.00. The tax levy to support the General Operating portion of the proposed budget for 1969 is estab- lished at 17.5821 mills. This represents an increase over 1968 of 1.1028 mills. . The mill levy requirements to support the special funds of Noxious Weeds, Fire and Police Pensions, Flood Works, Tree Maintenance, Social Security and Employees Retirement.for 1969 total 2.2439 mills. This levy exceeds the comparable 'requirements for the current year by 1.1915 mills. The-Bond and Interest levy requirement has been reduced .8037 of a mill. Construction of the new fire cottage, proposed for Marymount Road and East Crawford, will require a levy of .7394 of a mill. Commentary relating to each of these respective funds can be found on the various pages as indicated in the Table of Contents. A NOTE ABOUT TAXES: We appreciate citizen- concern for rising tax levies;, iii . however, we can only continue to emphasize that increased cost factors for goods and labor have made property tax increases mandatory in order to provide police, fire, street and other essential services. The alternative to increased taxes is to decrease the level of, or eliminate entirely, certain services now provided, or to provide an alternate method of financial assistance. We submit that both the federal and state legislative bodies should "face up" to the critical area of municipal finance and provide relief to the present overburdened and regressive property tax. New sources of revenues must be provided to the cities, regardless of whether they are in the form of direct revenue sharing (federal income or state sales tax revenue), specific use areas such as reimbursement of additional gasoline sales tax for street maintenance, direct grants for law enforcement, or enabling legislation that would permit cities to provide their own alternate revenue sources. Unless alternate sources of revenue are found and pro- vided for the city, the property tax rates will continue to increase annually. The experience in Salina is no different than in other municipalities. We appreciate the continual increase in the property tax base of Salina; however, an increase of 1% in this area does not come close to offsett- ing an annual increase in operating costs that approximates 5% or 6 %. Thus, the positive approach to doing something about reducing property taxes becomes a responsibility of all citizens who want them reduced. The burden on property owners will be reduced only when a substantial portion of our citizenry becomes willing to expend the necessary effort to study the problem, establish alternate ways of relating the cost of a public service to those who use the service, and to then insist upon the program's implementation. The process becomes one of "we in government" and not "they in government." CONCLUSION: In conclusion, we can only again submit that the fiscal planning within this document is believed to be realistic and sound. Upon adoption, we pledge our best efforts to its effective administration. NDO /mb iv Respectfully submitted, Norris D. Olson City Manager TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION Letter of Transmittal ---------------------------- 1968 Tax Levy for 1969 Budget --------------- - - - -- Revenue - General Operating Fund (Summary) - - - - - -- Licenses, Fees and Permits ------- - - - - -- Expenditures - General Operating Fund (Summary) -- Tax Levy Summary for General Operating Fund - - - - -- Expenditures - All Funds (Summary) --------- - - - - -- Page. i 1 2 3 4 5 6 GENERAL OPERATING FUND (Detail -Fund Summary - Commentary - Personnel Data) City Commission ---------------------------- - - - - -- 7 City Manager ------------------------------- - - - - -- 9 CityClerk --------------------------------- - - - - -- 12 City Attorney ------------------------------ - - - - -- 15 Municipal Court ---------------------------- - - - - -- 18 City Building ------------------------------ - - - - -- 21 City Engineer ------------------------------ - - - - -- 24 Fire--------------------------------------- - - - - -- 27 Inspection -------------------=---------- =-- - - - - -- -31 Park--------------------------------------- - - - - -- 34 Police------------------------------------- - - - - -- 38 Street------------------------------------- - - - - -- 42 r Page Waste Disposal ------------------------------- - - - - -- 46 Street Lighting ---------------------------- - - - - -- 49 Traffic and Safety ------------------------- - - - - -- 51 Swimming Pools ----------------------------- - - - - -- 54 Planning ----------------------- - - - - -- 56 Insurance and Contingencies ---------------- - - - - -- 59 Band---------------------------------------- - - - - -- 61 Cemetery ------------------ - - - - -- 63 --------------- -- General Improvement ------------------------ - - - - -- 67 Memorial Hall ------------------------------ - - - - -- 70 Public Health ------------------------------- - - - - -- 73 Industrial Development ---------------------- - - - - -- 75 OTHER FUNDS Noxious Weeds Expenditures -------------------------- - - - - -- 77 Receipts ------------------------------ - - - - -- 77 Firemen's Pension Expenditures -------------------------- - - - - -- 79 Receipts------------------------------- - - - - -- 79 Policemen's Pension Expenditures -------------------------- - - - - -- 81 Receipts ------------------------------ - - - - -- 81 Tree Maintenance Expenditures -------------------------- - - - - -- 83 Receipts ------------------------------ - - - - -- 83 Bond and Interest Expenditures -------------------------- - - - - -- 85 Receipts------------------------------ - - - - -- 85 Flood Works and Levee Expenditures -------------------------- - - - - -- 87 Receipts ------------------------------ - - - - -- 88 Page Social Security Expenditures -------------------------- - - - - -- 91 Receipts ------------------------------ - - - - -- 91 Employees Retsrement Expenditures -------------------------- - - - - -- 93 Receipts ------------------------------ - - - - -- 93 Central Garage ----------------------------- - - - - -- 95 Sanitation Expenditures -------------------------- - - - - -- 97 Receipts------------------------------ - - - - -- 98 Parking Meters Expenditures -------------------------- - - - - -- 101 Receipts ------------------------------ - - - - -- 102 General and Special Improvements Expenditures -------------------------- - - - - -- 105 Revenue ------------------------------- - - - - -- 105 Construction Resurfacing Streets ------------------- - - - - -- 107 Water and Sewage Expenditures -------------------------- - - - - -- 108 Receipts ------------------------------ - - - - -- 111 M M M M i M M M M A M MM MM M M M 1968 TAX LEVY FOR 1969. BUDGET Sale's Tax 19.8260 Fund Levy Limit Ad Valorem Tax Mills Sales Tax Mills 1968 Levy Net Ad Valorem Levy Mills Ad Valorem Levy Dollars Add 2% Delinquent Total Ad Valorem Tax Dollars 1967 Levy 62,908.07 General Operating 20.0000 18..5954 1.0133 17.5821 1,070,111.83 21,402.24 1,091,514.07 16.4793 347.00 Noxious Weeds 1.0000 0.0931 0.0058 0.0873 5,311.55 106:23 5,417.78 0.0909 669.57 Firemen's Pension 2.0000 0.3366 0.0108 0.3258 19,827.72 396.55 20,224.27 0.1754 922.28 Policemen's Pension 2.0000 0.3711 0.0148 0.3563 21,685.20 433.70 22,118.90 0.2416 1,153.6) Flood Works and Levee 1.0000 0.:262 0.0192 0.3070 18,684.74 373.69 19,058.43 0.3127 5.7"2 Tree Maintenance 1.0000 0.2351 0.0001 0.2360 14,361.67 287.23 14,648.90 0.0015 585.21 Social Security None 0.5467 0.0094 0.5373 32,704.21 654.08 33,358.29 0.1533 293.95 Public Employees Retirement None 0.3989 0.0047 .0.3942 23,993.45 479.87 24,473.32 0.0770 66,925.49 Total Sales Tax 1.0781 ° SUB -TOTAL 19.8260 Bond and Interest 9.9654 604,849.90 12,097.00 Bond and Interest - No Fund Warrants 1.3692 85,000.00 1,700.00 General and Special Improvement 0.7394 45,000.00 900.00 TOTAL 1.0781 31.9000 1,941,530.27 38,830.59 Tangible Valuation (City of Salina minus Airport Industrial Area) 62,079,372.00 Tangible Valuation for Airport Industrial Area (levy @ 12.75 mills) 637,770.00 TOTAL VALUATION 62,717,142.00 Population - City 38,110 Population - County 47,735 616,946.90 12,1383 86,700.00 45,900.00 None 1,980,360.86 29.6700 F, if u if u II i FUND GENERAL OPERATING DEPARTMENT i DETAT Page 2 Adjusted Actual Current Proposed ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Year Budget Budget 1968 1969 REVENUE CITY TREASURER BALANCE January 1st 225,585.69 254,580.92 Less Purchase Orders 85._3Q1.28 87,030.95 Unencumbered Cash Balance January 1st 140,284.41 167,549.97 89,005.17 110 Current Tangible Taxes 975,516.03 992,567.87 1,070,111.83 110A Current Tangible Taxes - Airport Industrial Area .00 7,000.00 8,000.00 120 Current Intangible Taxes '48,956.37 53,700.00 48,000.00 130 Delinquent Tangible Taxes 21,025.92 15,000.00 15,000.00 140 Delinquent Intangible Taxes 22.00 61.20 50.00 210 State Cigarette Tax 44,792.70 45,000.00 47,500.00 220 State Gasoline Tax 58,815.00 60,000.00 60,000.00 230 State Liquor Enforcement Tax 9,913.07 10,500.00 11,500.00 240 State Sales Tax 62,593.77 59,986.13 62,908.00 260 State Highway Maintenance 9,044.20 12,000.00 12,000.00 310 Licenses, Fees and Permits 57,774.67 45,200.00 44,135.00 410 Municipal Court - Fines and Costs 91,009.20 90,000.00 100,000.00 440 Franchise Taxes 216,108.01+ 165,000.00 175,000.00 511 Office Space Rental 360.00 360.00 360.00 512 Auditorium Rentals 1,583.00 1,800.00 1,800.00 521 Rent - Buildings 200.00 100.00 100.00 522 Concessions - Oakdale Park 94.09 75.00 75.00 523 Concessions - Swimming Pools 257.00 250.00 250.00 524 Lakewood Park Concessions 3,703.95 4,000.00 4,000.00 541 Memorial Park Stadium 89.65 100.00 100.00 610 Interest from Investments 11,840.74 10,000.00 12,000.00 701 Engineering Fees 40,000.00 30,000.00 35,000.00 702 Impounding Fees 2,965.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 703 Removal and Burial Fees 5,709.00 8,000.00 91000.00 704 Grave Marker Permits 173.50 200.00 200.00 705 Title Transfer Fees 40.00 30.00 40.00 709 Admissions - Swimming Pools 8,868.25 10,000.00 10,000.00 711 Administrative Services - Other Depts. 18,398.67 18,000.00 23,000.00 712 Fire Protection Outside City Limits 4,136.03 11,000.00 11,000.00. 712A Fire Protection Outside City Limits - Schilling Manor 35,520.00 41,460.00 47,000.00 713 Street Cut Repairs 2,404.22 6,000:00 6,000.00 714 Concrete Sawing 975.25 1,200.00 1,200.00 717 Upkeep Services 18.00 20.00 20.00 719 Weed Cutting Services 2,706.83 4,100.00 4,000.00 720 Plats and Rezoning Fees 910.00 800.00 1,500.00 721 Sale of Commodities 1,201.45 1,000.00 1,000.00 723 Sale of Ordinance Books 620.00 150.00 100.00 725 Sale of Salvage 284.55 500.00 500.00 727 Sale of Lots 1,160.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 731 Miscellaneous Sales and Services 2,426.75 2,500.00 2,500.00 810 Sale of Real Estate 1,000.00 2,100.00 1,000.00 917 Public Address System & Timekeeper 245.00 300.00 300-00 952 Reimbursement of Expenditures 10,066.32 4,000.00 4,000.00 1,753,528.22 1,719,060,20 TOTAL 1,835,249.,; I F, FUND GENERAL OPERATING DEPARTMENT 1 r r yr ota,l. ivt� ,:v �cia DETAIL Page 3 Actual Adjusted Current r Proposed ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Year Budget Budget LICENSES, FEES AND PERMITS 311 Cereal Malt Beverages 4,925.00 5,800.00 5,800.00 313 Retail Liquor Licenses 8,400.00 8,700-00 8,700.00 315 Wholesale Liquor Licenses 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 321 Amusement Devices - Pinball & Etc. 1,525.00 750.00 750.00 323 Entertainment Licenses 370.00 375.00 375.00 327 Dances - Public 201.00 150.00 150.00 333 Music Machine Licenses 885.00 750.00 750.00 334 Miniature Pool Table & Shuffleboard 1,012.50 1,050.00 1,000.00 335 Pool Hall and Bowling Alley 800.00 840.00 600.00 338 Skating Rink Licenses 100.00 100.00 100.00 339 Theater and Opera House 275.00 325.00 325.00 341 Auctioneer and Auction Sales 375.00 830.00 300.00 343 Billboard Advertising 250.00 127.50 125.00 345 Concrete Construction 210.00 223.00 200.00 347 Electrician Licenses 955.50 677.00 700.00 351 Gas Fitters Licenses 1,131.70 701.50 700.00 353 Tree Trimming and Spraying 155.00 155.00 150.00 355 Private Club Licenses 1,250.00 500.00 500.00 357 Junk Dealers, Auto and Parts 450.00 600.00 600.00 359 Pawnbrokers 450.00 300.00 300.00 361 Plumbers Licenses 1,166.50 998.50 1,000.00 363 Taxicab Licenses 285.00 330.00 400.00 365 Taxicab Drivers Licenses 510.00 250.00 100.00 367 Street Advertising 69.00 60.00 60.00 371 Mobile Home Court Licenses 1,297.50 1,250.00 1,250.00 369 Elevator Contractor Licenses .00 400.00 300.00 375 Vendor, Peddler - Itinerant 70.00 102.50 50.00 377 Private Refuse Haulers Licenses 80i.00 605.00 600.00 381 Building and Inspection Fees 22,688.48 12,000.00 12,000.00 383 House Moving Permits 350.00 100.00 100.00 391 Food and Milk Permits 2,920.74 3,000.00, 3,000.00 395 Merchant Police Licenses 125.00 100.00 100.00 399 Dog Licenses 1,270.75 550.00 550.00 TOTAL 57,774.67 45,200.00 44,135.00 i F, 11 -, FUN]! —GENERAL GENERAL OPERATING DL PAP Ti%1 — P T =- P ace. -- -- - - - ___ Adjusted Actual Current Proposed ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previ.o_3s Year Budget Bucket _- EXPENDITURES City Commission - Personal. Services 500.00 500.00 500.00 City Commission - Contractual Services 28,015.26 32,120.00 32,585.00 City Manager 31,474.32 35,030.00 42,215.00 City Clerk and Treasurer 71,342.12 71,717.00 79,950.00 City Attorney 13,654.00 14,870.00 16,475.00 Municipal Court 7,723.81 10,805.00 17,065.00 City Building, 18,147.40 24,466.00 19,395.00 City Engineer` 61,881.53 63,563.00 65,320.00 Fire Department 42.3,392.48 422,280.00 466,795.00 Inspection 25,898.07 30,130.00 34,585.00 Park 69,531.71 92,185.00 69,325.00 Police 408,923.54 435,269.00 481,405.00 Street 179,712.59 198,538.00 205,470.00 Waste Disposal 23,328.71 24,358.00 27,125.00 Street Lighting 69,066.33 76,000.00 83,000.00 Traffic Control 54,242.87 36,980.00 41,665.00 Swimming Pools 13,50y -05 15,400.00 18,700.00 Planning 16,177.54 22,928.00 22,510.00 Insurance and Contingencies 95,443.47 64,119.00 72,870.00 Band 11,750.00 11,750.00 10,000.00 Cemetery 17,442.68 18,425.00 19,985.00 General Improvement 16,287.15 21,340.00 22,755.00 Memorial Hall 11,871.22 7,835.00 7,750.00 Public Health 33,812.00 35,000.00 36,710.00 Industrial Development. 23,087.81 30,000.00 _32,000.00 TOTAL 1,726,262.66 1,797,605.00 1,924,255.00 FUND GENERAL OPERATING D'-1 OF Pn ge 5 Ac C'I a I Previous Yr. CLCLASSIFICATION LIS tC AV I Budget Propor, c: 0, Budget 1967 1968 1969 PERSONAL SERVICES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES SUNDRY EXPENDITURES CAPITAL OUTLAY 1,111,602.39 332,667.66 84,676.73 70,252-33 127,063.55, 1,221,515-00 368,044.00 93,845-00 39,695.00 74,5M,no 1,367,100-00 386,195-00 100,970-00 39,46o.00 30oq10.00 TOTAL. 1,726,262-66 1,797,605-00 1,924,255.00 TOTAL RECEIPTS TOTAL RECEIPTS AND BEGINNING BALANCE Less Expenditures 1,753,528.22 1,893,812.63 1,726,262.66 1,719,060.20 1,886,610.17 1,797,605.00 1,835,249.83 1,924,255-00 1,924,255-00 UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE DECEMBER 31 167,549.97 89,005.17 .00 Net Tax Requirements Delinquent Tax Total Tax Dollars -E99 -Tot L.Ta-x--ev-y-------------9 979,044.66 ?0,550.07 594-73 1-6-4482 992,567.87 19,851-36 1,012,419.23 1,070,111.83 21,402.24 1,091,514-07 Function - Bud0 Budget Cormiients - Capital Outlay 1 F, jFUND ALL FUNDS DEPARTMENT V J_ 1 L Vi ✓r1.1J. L' +L1 , rQ- 11\ 'NI.J -- - -- -- DE_' A i, Page 6 Actual A Cu�rentd Proposed ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Year Budget Budget 1 1� EXPENDITURES General Operating 1,726,262.66 1,797,605.00 1,924,255.00 Noxious Weeds 4,637.18 6,500.00 6,500.00 Firemen's Pension 17,698.72 26,998.00 38,275.00 Policemen's Pension 28,176.02 29,840.00 39,840.00 Flood Works & Levee 19,292.14 23,045.00 20,955.00 Tree Maintenance 8,273.35 6,775.00 14,500.00 Social Security 82,744.23 95,000.00 115,000.00 Public Employees Retirement 58,871.33 70,875.00 88,790.00 Bond & Interest 151'353,610.92 1,389,653.30 1,333,266.53 Bond & Interest No Fund Warrants 38,000.00 0.00 85,000.00 Sanitation 133,683.62 165,220.00 166,755.00 Parking Meters 70,588.88 78,475.00 79,600.00 General & Special Improvement 0.00 0.00 45,852.51 Construction - Street Resurfacing 29,362.89 119,449.69 34,042.66 Water & Sewage Operating 790,714.12 864,985.00 918,120.00 TOTAL 4,361,916.06 4,674,420.99 4,910,751.70 FUND GENERAL OPERATING DEPARTMENT City Commi asior� V111 VL D[iLliV:l I 1�t1iV �ilJ DETAIL Page 7 I Actual Adiusted Wrrent Proposed ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Year Budget Budget 1967 1968 1969 PERSONAL SERVICES 110 Salaries 500.00 500.00 500.00 Total 500.00 500.00 500.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 207 Traveling Expenses 4,628.94 5,000.00 5,000.00 211 Contributions 12,167.98 11,620.00 14,420.00 225 Legal Advertising 3,902.08 4,500.00 4,500.00 233 Insurance - Surety Bonds 313.00 .00 315.00 299 Other Contractual Services 3,050.68 6,700.00 4,050.00 299A Revision of Ordinances 1,776.29 2,000.00 2,000.00 Total 25,838.97 29,820.00 30,285.00 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 435 Organizational Dues 2,176.29 2,300.00 2,300.00 Total 2,176.29 2,300.00 2,300.00 GRAND TOTAL • 28,515.26 32,620.00 33,085.00 I KIND GENERAL, OPERAT1N(� _ DEP- ARTMENT_C i ty_Commission CITY OR ST �: ,L,T:' - page o - - -- �_ - -- - -- - Actual Current Proposed CLASSIFICATION Previous Yr. Budget Budget 1967 1968 1969 PERSONAL SERVICES 500.00 500.00 500.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 25,838.97 29,820.00 30,285.00 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 2,176.29 2,300.00 2,300.00 TOTAL 28,515.26 32,620.00 33,085.00 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay FUNCTION A board of five City Commissioners serves as the legislative and policy- making body of the City. They are the elected representatives of the citizens of Salina and are responsible for the passage of all ordinances necessary to promote the welfare of the City. The Commission shall annually choose its own Mayor. Public commission meetings are held every Monday (4:00 P.M.) at City Hall, 5th and Ash. BUDGET COMMENTS Account #211 - Includes appropriations for 1969 as follows: National Guard $500.00; Americanization Center $120.00; Civil Defense $8,8.00.00 including $1,800.00 for City share of Civil Defense Communications Officer; and Cultural Arts $5,000.00. Account #225 - Increased for both 1968 and 1969 since 1968 State legislation permitted increase in rates for legal advertisement. Account #233 - Provides for surety bonds for three Commissioners to be elected in 1969. Account #299 - Major items included for 1968 are the Annual Report $2,200.00; production of a colored slide public information program $1,500.00; Fire and Police Pension actuary study $1,000.00; Incineration Study $1,450.00. For 1969, the account provides $3,000.00 for the Annual Report and $1=,000.00 for special studies. F, FUND.- GENERAL OPERATING DLP,0,Tt,i i�T City Mangier D, a?-_ -; Page 9 - -- - - -- - -- - - - - - -- Actual. Adjusted Current Proposed ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Year Budget Budget 1967 1968 1969 PERSONAL SERVICES 110 Salaries - Department Head 13,999.92 15,300.00 16,000.00 120 Salaries - Regular Employees 14,070.00 15,500.00 19,865.00 Total 28,069.92 30,800.00 35,865.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 205 Telephone & Telegraph 1,285.1 -5 1,500.00 1,600.00 207 Traveling Expenses 403.25 750.00 750.00 209 Postage 55.68 85.00 85.00' 231 Insurance - Motor Vehicles 113.32 95.00 115.00 233 Insurance - Surety Bonds 18.00 I 20.00 20.00 252 Repair - Furniture & Office Equip. 42.48 50.00 50.00 253 Repair - Motor Vehicles 319.55 500.00 500.00 255 Repair - Motor Vehicles - Tires 1.50 50.00 50.00 Total 2,239.93 3,050.00 3,170.00 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 320 Office Supplies 188.74 200.00 200.00 331 Books & Periodicals 277.60 200.00 200.00 345 Motor Vehicles, Fuel, Lubr. 372.46 400.00 400.00 347 Motor Vehicles, License Tags 27.50 30.00 30.00 359 Other Operating Supplies .00 50.00 50.00 379 Motor Vehicles, Tires 85.27 100.00 100.00 Total 951.57 980.00 980.00 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 435 Organizational Dues 127.90 200.00 200.00 Total 127.90 200.00 200.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY 509 Furniture & Fixtures 85.00 .00 1,000.00 517 Office Mechanical Equipment .00 .00 1,000.00 Total 85.00 .00 2,000.00 GRAND TOTAL 31,474.32 35_,030.00 42,215.00 r CENTRAL OPE_RATINC T'1'T City Manager Actual Current CLASSIFICATION Previo::s 1967 1968 PERSONAL SERVICES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES MATERIALS & SUPPLIES SUNDRY EXPENDITURES .CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL FUNCTION 28,0 rJJ•�2 i 2,239..3 951.57 127.1'0 85 .4?0 31, ^7 =^_.2 3 +0,-000.00 3,050.00 980.00 200.00 .00 35,030.00 Function - Budget Comments - Capital O,�tlay Page 10 Proposed Budget 1969 35,865.00 3,170.00 980.00 200.00 2,000.00 42,215.00 The City Manager is responsible for executing all administrative affairs of the City in accordance with established laws or policies determined by the City Commission. He shall see that all laws and City Ordinances are enforced; appoint and remove all h;ads of departments or subordinate employees; negotiate and administer agreements and contracts; represent the City at meetings, conferences, and on committees as directed. The Manager shall prepare the annual budget for the City and administer the details of same after its approval and adoption by the City Commission. BUDGET COMMENTS The increases in Account #205 includes telephone for Director of Administration and additional instruments for new building. Account #252 is for maintenance contract on typewriter. CAPITAL OUTLAY Account #509 includes the purchase of office furniture for the new building. An electric typewriter and calculator are included in Account #517. POSITION T171.'LE City Manager _11 L 1__ Proposed Director of Budget 1.968 Administration 1 1 756 1.0 Secretary 1 1 435 Clerk-Typist 11 0 1. 270 TOTAL 1 PTING 300.00 10,3991.00 5,101.00 .00 -)"800.00 16,000.00 11,568.00 5,424.00 35,865.00 _11 L Proposed - L Budget 1.968 1969 300.00 10,3991.00 5,101.00 .00 -)"800.00 16,000.00 11,568.00 5,424.00 35,865.00 ' FUND GENERAL OPERATING DEPARTP-SENT City _Clerk -.. ultx yr .mot ;:��uh L�t1467ti�a - - - D:TAI Paae 12 Adjusted Actual Current Proposed ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Year Budget Budget 1967 1968 1969 PERSONAL SERVICES 110 Salaries - Department Heads 18,546.56 15,835.00 19,350.00 120 Salaries - Regular Employees 21,491.63 25,277.00 26,940.00 130 Salaries - Extra Time Employees .00 1,000.00 1,000.00 Total 40,038.19 42,112.00 47,290.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 205 Telephone & Telegraph 1,005.13 1,300.00 1,400.00 207 Traveling Expenses 695.22 400.00 700.00• 209 Postage 951.35 1,000.00 1,100.00 221 Printing Office Forms 757.10 1,400.00 1,500.00 233 Insurance - Surety Bonds 284.00 360,00 360.00 252 Repair - Furniture & Office Equip. 609.60 700.00 800.00 274 Rent - Machinery & Equipment 11,375.28 13,600.00 13,800.00 291 Auditing and Accounting Services 3,245.00 4,000.00 4,200.00 292 Election Expenses 7,458.24 2,600.00 5,000.00 295 Other Professional Services 317.87 400.00 400.00 299 Other Contractual Services .00 100.00 100.00 Total 26,698.79 25,860.00 .29,360.00 MATERIALS &. SUPPLIES 320 Office Supplies 2,453.11 1,670.00 1,800.00 331 Books and Periodicals 212.95 150.00 175.00 359 Other Operating Supplies 149.45 100.00 100.00 Total 2,815.51 1,920.00 2,075.00 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 435 Organizational Dues 205.00 225.00 225.00 439 Refunds 647.33 .400.00 400.00 Total 852.33 625.00 625.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY 509 Furniture & Fixtures 294.30 600.00 200.00 517 Office Mechanical Equipment 643.00 600.00 400.00 Total 937.30 1,200.00 600.00 GRAND TOTAL 71,342.12 71,717.00 79,950.00 CITY -OF. SATIN: \, ItiANSAS CLASSIFICATION PERSONAL SERVICES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES SUNDRY EXPENDITURES CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL FUND GENERAL OPERA-TING DLPAItTM -E,NT City Clerk A uste Actual rrent vious Yr. Budget 1967 1968 40,038.19 42,112.00 26,698.79 25,860.00 2,815.51 852.33 937.30 71,342.12 1,920.00 625.00 1,200.00 71,717.00 Page 13 Proposed Budget 1969 47,290.00 29,360.00 2,075.00 625.00 79,950.00 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay ' FUNCTION The City Clerk and Treasurer are responsible for the financial admin- istration of the City in accordance with legal requirements and general policies established by the City Commission. The Department maintains all accounts of financial transactions, general billing operations, ' clerical duties associated with receipt, custody and disbursement of all City funds and monies. It also issues authorized bonds, invests all sur- plus funds, approves all payrolls and general checks, supervises the ' issuance of licenses, is custodian of all official records and the corpor- ate seal of the City of Salina. It provides necessary supplies and equip- ment for administration and maintenance of all collections, as well as the registration of all voters. The City Treasurer also serves as Director of Personnel and Purchasing Agent. BUDGET COMMENTS The 1968 expenditure in Account #292 represented the cost of the special election held May 21, 1968, for the Multi - Purpose Building. The amount budgeted for 1969 is to cover next year's City Election. CAPITAL OUTLAY .Accounts #509 and #517 include the purchase of a 20 -book roller shelf for the vault in the new building, and the replacement of one electric typewriter, in.1969. These accounts in 1968 reflect the purchase of a 50 -book roller shelf and a calculator. F' CF'NrPTr Em-np ,s 1 UCi C Front. I`7 Dp l-ect POSITION TITLE I IRari e Budge t Bud, c:t ��r ���� >iv 1968 1969 City Clerk - Director, of Finance 1 1 720 - 964 9,948.00 11,016.00 City Treasurer- Directo of Personnel- PurchasLng Agent 1 1 622 - 794 5,889.00 8,334.00 Clerk - Typist II 0 1 285 - 346 4,050.00 Bookkeeping Machine Operator II 1 1 329 - 421 4,716.00 5,052.00 Secretary (Official Records) 1 1 314 - 421 4,680.00 5,052.00 Account Clerk I 1 1 299 - 363 3,810.00 4,356.00 Clerk- Typist I 2 1 270 - 314 6,544.00 3,378.00 Personnel Clerk 1 1 329 - 421 4,716.00 5,052.00 Extra Time 1,809.00 1,000.00 Total 42,112.00 47,290.00 I r FUND GENERAL OPERATING DEP.ARDIENT 1 y Attorney %Ilii ur Ori111INy N�ix�:vo -- DETAI- Page 15 Actual Agirrentd Proposed ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Year 1967 Budget 1968 Budget 1969 PERSONAL SERVICES 110 Salaries - Department Head 6,300.00 6,950.00 7,475.00 120 Salaries - Regular Employees 4,920.00 4,920.00 6,000.00 Total 11,220.00 11,870.00 13,475.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 207 Traveling Expenses .00 100.00 100.00 296 Legal Services 2,157.50 2,500.00 2,500.00 Total 2,157.50 2,600.00 2,600.00 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 331 Books & Periodicals 271.50 350.00 350.00 Total 271.50 350.00 350.00 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 435 Organizational Dues 5.00 50.00 50.00 Total 5.00 50.00 50.00 GRAND TOTAL 13,654.00 14,870.00 16,475.00 r; GENERAL OPERA`T'ING ,. Attorne Page 16 u �eci Act--:al Current Proposed CLASSIFICATIOii? Previous '.. ! Budget Budget 1967 1 1968 1969 PERSONAL SERVICES 11,220.601 i' 11,870.00 13,475.0 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 2,157,50 2,600.00 2,600.0 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 271.501 350.00 350.0 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 5.001 50.00 50.0 TOTAL F 13,654.001 14',870.00 16,475.0 Function - Budget Comments - Capital G�:tla.y FUNCTION The City Attorney acts as legal advisor to the City Commission, City Manager, and department heads on legality of all actions. In this sup- porting roll, the City Attorney and his assistants prepare ordinances, resolutions, contracts, agreements, deeds, leases, bond indentures, legal actions and miscellaneous documents. In addition to the above, he also represents the City of Salina in all actions at law. BUDGET COMMENTS Personal and legal services performed by the City Attorney and his assistants constitutes virtually the entire bugetary requirements of this department. Request for 1969 is to consolidate all duties of the present two assistant city attorneys into one position. GENIE"' L OPERPTj,`(- D 1 �',-�Ill-7.Nl C-ity Att-arnr.v r; T Empl Dyee urrent Propo-sed I D POSITION TITLE Flange Budget Budge uri 1968 19,09 City Attorney 1 1 623 - 6,950.00 7,475.00 Ass't City Attorney 2 1 500 - 4,920.00 6,000.00 TOTAL 11,870-00 1.3,475-00 FUND ____GENERAL OPERATING DEPART,,!L'LT Municipal Court D,7 T A I Page 18 APA�r,s t e d Actual ent Proposed ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Year Budget Budget 1967 1968 1969 PERSONAL SERVICES 110 Salaries - Department Heads 3,165.00 3,505.00 3,950.00 120 Salaries - Regular Employees 3,444.00 6,255.00 11,920.00 Total 0,609.00 9,760.00 15,870.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 207 Traveling Expenses .00 .00 150.00 221 Printing Office Forms 297.60 200.00 200.00 233 Insurance - Surety Bonds 10.00 10.00 10.00 295 Other Professional Services 603.00 610.00 610.00 Total 910.60 820.00 970.00 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 320 Office Supplies 184.21 125.00 125.00 Total 184.21 125.00 125.00 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 439 Refunds 20.00 100.00 100.00 Total 20.00 100.00 100.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY 509 Furniture & Office Equipment .00 .00 .00 Total .00 .00 .00 GRAND TOTAL 7,723.81 10,805.00 17,065.00 CITY Oi' ;)AT -1?.1 CLASSIFICATION PERSONAL SERVICES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES MATERIALS & SUPPLIES SUNDRY EXPENDITURES CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL FiTND GENERAL OPERATING Dri'ARTriENT_ Municipal Court Page 19 _T=-- - - - - -- -- _ A usted Actualt�rrent Proposed vious Yr. Budget Budget 1967 1968 1969 6,609.00 9,760.00 15,870.00 910.60 820.00 970.00 184.21 125.00 125.00 20.00 100.00 100.00 .00 .00 .00 7,723.81 10,805.00 17,065.00 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay FUNCTION The Municipal Court is ruled over by the Municipal Judge who hears cases involving misdeameanors and violations of any City Ordinances. A great majority of the cases that come before this court are for traffic violations. Maintenance of all court records for violations and receipt of court fines are handled by the Municipal Court Clerk. BUDGET COMMENTS Police Court was renamed Municipal Court during 1968. Account #120 has been increased to permit hiring a combination Bailiff and Warrant Processor. These duties are presently performed by Police Officers. Also reflected in this account is the hiring of a Clerk - Typist I whose time and salary will be shared on a 50 -50 basis with the Police Department. F, POSITION TITLE Fin. I y 329 Judge .1 1 Clerk-Typist II 1 1 285 Clerk-Typist 1 0 1/2 520.00 1,602.00 7 r, -) _j 00 Bailiff & Processor I 0 1 7 TOTAL L OPL i,,.TING t*1.',:m,_iCiL),al col �-Lrfl Ll,J L, C1 r n r PrDposed Budget 1969 3,507.00 3,948.00 3,900.00 4,356.00 520.00 1,602.00 7 r, -) _j 00 5,964.00 �-,7GO.00 15,870.00 CITY OF SAUNA, KANSAS DE 'A T7 ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION PERSONAL SERVICES 120 Salaries - Regular Employees Total CONTRACTUAL.SERVICES 227 Insurance - Fire 241 Gas Service 242 Light & Power Service 243 Water Service 251 Repair - Buildings 284 Laundry & Towel Service 295 Other Professional Services Total MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 310 Expendable Tools 343 Janitor & Toilet Supplies 365 Cement & Cement Products 367 Electrical & Lighting Parts 371 Lumber & Lumber Products 381 Paint & Painting Supplies Total CAPITAL OUTLAY 509 Furniture & Fixtures Total GRAND TOTAL FUND__ GENERAL OPERATING DEPART. IE T Cit_y Bu ilding_ Page 21 - - -- Adjusted -- - - - -- - Actual Current Proposed evious Year Budget Budget 1967 1968 1969 10,251.25 9,000.00 10,545.00 10,251.25 9,000.00 10,545.00 1,459.80 1,500.00 2,000.00 1,659.89 2,000.00 1,800.00 925.96 1,000.00. 900.00 .553.91 700.00 - 100.00 820.66 700.00 700.00 4.20 20.00 50.00 142.93 150.00 200.00 5,567.35 1 6,070.001 5,750.00 17.16 50.00 200.00 1,696.78 2,000.00 2,500.00 .00 100.00. 100.00 471.52 350.00 100.00 70.80 100.00 100.00 72.54 100.00 100.00 2,328.80 2,700.00 3,100.00 m No, 18,147.40 6,696.00 .00 6,696.00 .00 24,466.00, 19,395.00 GENERAL OPERATING — Bui-ldinc Page 22 j fi rrent Act Proposed ual l C CLASSIFICATION Previoua Y--. I Bud -et Budget 1967 1968 1969 PERSONAL SERVICES 10,251.25 9,000.00 10-,545.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 5,56 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 2,329.201 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES CAPITAL OUTLAY .Qn TOTAL I i Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay "G' FUNCTION 7.35 � i 6,070.00 2,700.00 .00 . Q Q 6,696.00 5,750.00 3,100.00 .00 19,395.00 .00 This department provides for the maintenance and repair of City Hall, Police Building, and the pedestrial Arcades located in the Central Business District. BUDGET COMMENTS The increases and decreases in this department are due to moving the Police Department to the new Police Building and City Hall moving to the new Joint City- County -Board of Education Building in 1969. CAPITAL OUTLAY Account #509 provides for some of the additional furniture and fixtures which will be needed in the new office building. POSITION TITLE Custodians 3 3 333 Total Puildi-ng 19 CU, C) 0 0 0 0 -0,000.00 Propised Budc,0 c.t 10,545.00 10,545.00 Fi FUND GENERAL OPERATING DEPARTMENT Engineer CITY OF SALIYA I AV.QAC DETAIL Page 24 Actual Ad'usted Current Proposed ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Year 1967 Budget 1968 Budget 1969 PERSONAL SERVICES 110 Salaries - Department Heads 120 Salaries - Regular Employees 130 Salaries - Part Time 10,080.00 43,618.99 .00 10,290.00 45,875.00 .00 11,015.00 47,210.00 .00 Total 53,698.99 56,165.00 58,225.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 205 Telephone & Telegraph 320.55 400.00 400.00 207 Traveling Expenses 562.27 500.00 500.00 209 Postage 220 Blueprints 23.05 424.92 50.00 400.00 50.00 400.00 221 Printing Office Forms 19.75 50.00 50.00 231 Insurance - Motor Vehicles 197.07 150.00 150.00 233 Insurance - Surety Bonds 18.00 20.00 20.00 252 Repair - Furniture & Office Equip. 241.98 100.00 100.00 253 Repair - Machinery & Equipment 558.64 600.00 400.00 255 Repair - Tires & Tubes 48.12 60.00 50.00 295 Other Professional Services 56.00 100.00 100.00 299 Other Contractual Services .00 150.00 150.00 Total 2,470.35 2,580.00 2,370.00 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 320 Office Supplies 143.11 200.00 200.00 331 Books & Periodicals 84.25 75.00 50.00 335 Drafting & Engineering Supplies 673.44 1,000.00 600.00 345 Motor Vehicle - Fuel & Lubr. 581.51 800.00 800.00 347 Motor Vehicle - License Tags 60.00 60.00 75.00 371 Lumber & Lumber Products 127.88 150.00 450.00 379 Motor Vehicle - Tires & Tubes .00 100.00 100.00 Total 1,670.19 2,385.00 2,275.00 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 435 Organizational Dues 15.00 150.00 150.00 Total 15.00 150.00 150.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY 509 Furniture & Office Equipment 525 Trucks 4,027.00 .00 285.00 2,000..00 1,400.00 .00 519 Two -way Radios .00 .00 900.00 Total 4,027.00 2,285.00 2,300.00 GRAND TOTAL 61,881.53 63,565.00 65,320.00 i i F, CITY -OF. SA' -I`A, KMIZSAS Sli:•t =1R i FUND _GENERAL OPERATING DEP:�RT TrNT - - -_- Engineer Aajuste Actual Current ' CLASSIFICATION Previous Yr. Budget 1967 1968 PERSONAL SERVICES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES MATERIALS & SUPPLIES SUNDRY.EXPENDITURES CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL FUNCTION 53,698.99 2,470.35 1,670.19 15.00 4,027.00 61,881.53 56,165.00 2,580.00 2,385.00 150.00 2,2.85.00 63,565.00 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay Page Proposed Budget 1969 58,225.00 2,370.00 2,275.00 150.00 2,300.00 65,320.00 The Engineering Department is responsible for preparing plans, specifi cations and estimates for all public improvements. This includes field .surveys, sewers, water mains, streets, etc. This department maintains maps showing all utility installations in rights -of -way, acquires right -of -way, and supervises the installation of all municipal improvements, whether performed on a contract basis for the City or privately by sub - dividers. In addition, the Engineering Department is responsible for the maintenance of all master maps of the City which includes the City Limits and land record maps, the complete sanitary sewer syst-em, water system and fire hydrant locations. BUDGET COMMENTS There should be no significant change in this department. CA13ITAL OUTLAY The 1968 appropriation in Account #509 represents the purchase of a -desk and chair. The amount requested for 1969 includes replacement of a calculator, an additional typewriter, and a flat file for plans and original drawings. Account #,519 is for the purchase of two -way radios for the Inspector - Survey trucks in 1969. - Account #525 represents the replacement of 'a pickup used by the department's inspector. I NG Dr C FT" F, 1 Y C Clj -LIS cc a Uu,: r e r. t POSITION TITLE - -- Range Budc,et Budget 1968 1969 City Engineer 1 1 686 - 918 10,290.00 11,016.00 Ass't City Engineer 1 9,060.00 and 1 622 - 833 9,456.00 Traffic Engineer 1 146.00 Engineering Aide 11 3 2 487 - 538 17,580.00 12,912.00 Engineering Aide 1 2 2 423 - 448 7,542.00 10,524.00 Draftsman 11 0 1 442 - 538 5,238.00 5,844.00 Draftsman 1 1 1 381 - 46-1 4,41.0.00 5,178.00 Clerk• -Typist 1 0 1 270 - 314 1,770.00 3,295.00 Part Time Help 1.50 per hr. 129.00 .00 TOTAL 56,165.00 58,225.00 r -- CITY OF SALT \A, KAN'.1, , S D: 1,T 1 ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION PERSONAL SERVICES 110 Salaries - Department Head 120 Salaries - Regular Employees 196 Salaries - Operators Total CONTRACTUAL SERVICES FUND GENERAL OPERATING_ DEP:1Ri1iE�1T Fire -. Page 27 Adjusted Actual Current Proposed eviou� Year Budget Budget 1967 1968 1969 9,000.00 9,430.00 9,995.00 340,339.22 370,180.00 429,375.00 6(56.80 14,690.00 .00 362,006.02 394,300.00 439,370.00 205 Telephone & Telegraph 1,972.35 1,890.00 2,000.00 207 Traveling Expenses 119.12 200.00 300.00 209 Postage 1 45.52 95.00 100.00 221 Printing Office Forms 117.1.5 100.00 100.00 231 Insurance - Motor Vehicles 951.71 1,120.00 1,200.00 241 .Gas Service 2,633.26 2;400.00 2,500.00 242 Light & Power Service 1,367.24 1,300.00 1,350.00 243 Water Service 401,51. 470.00 500.00 251 Repair - Buildings* 385.06 170.00 200.00 252 Repair - Furniture & Office Equip. 47.00 50.00 50.00 253 Repair - Machinery & Equipment 14.57 50.00 50.00 254 Repair - Motor Vehicles .00 100.00 100.00 255 Repair - Tires & Tubes 6.00 30.00 30.00 257 Repair - Radio Equipment 1,386.37 1,315.00 1,450.00 284 Laundry & Towel Service 424.48 350.00 360.00 295 Other Professional Services 378.20 840.00 500.00 Total 1 10,392.54 1 10,480.001 10,790.00 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 310 Expendable Tools 114.40 245.00 250.00 320 Office Supplies 351.27 385.00 400.00 331 Books & Periodicals 275.59 95.00 100.00 333 Chemicals, Drugs,Etc. 21.56 50.00 50.00 343 Janitor & Toilet Supplies 710.43 895.00 900.00 345 Motor Vehicles - Fuel & Lubr. 2,635.01 2,625.00 2,625.00 351 Seeds, Plants, Trees & Lawn Supp. .00 35.00 35.00 355 Wearing Apparel 6,066.68 6,800.00 6,800.00 359 Other Operating Supplies 839.50 900.00 1,000.00 367 Electrical & Lighting Parts 237.42 390.00 400.00. 371 Lumber & Lumber Products 30.11 50.00 75.00 373 Machinery & Equipment Parts 86.97 200.00 200.00 377 Motor Vehicles - Parts 619.18 450.00 450.00 379 Motor Vehicles - Tires & Tubes 71.34 200.00 250.00 381 Paint & Painting Supplies 176.44 160.00 200.00 382 Photograph Supplies 116.87. 140.00 150.00 393 Welding Supplies 45.24 100.00 125.00 399 Other Repairs & Maintenance 248.70 400.00 500.00 Total 1 12,646.71 1 14,120.001 14,510.00 FUND GENERAL OPERATING _ DEPARTMENT Fire CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS DETAIL Page 28 ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 435 Organizational Dues Total CAPITAL OUTLAY 507 Fire Fighting Equipment 509 Furniture & Fixtures 519 Radio Equipment Total GRAND TOTAL - - - - -_ _ Adjusted Actual Current Proposed revious Year Budget Budget 1967 1968 1969 17.00 17.00 25.00 25.00 25.00, 25.00 30,268.08 2,020.00 2,000.00 382.50 585.00 100.00 7,679.63 750.00 .00 38,330.21 3,355.00 2;100.00 423,392.48 422,280.00 466,795.00 I ANNUAL BUDGET i n CITY OF S:1Li2NA k',`t A CLASSIFICATION FU';D' GENERAL OPERATING DE?A_nTYIENT Fire . Aajuste Actual Current revious Yr. Budget 1967 1968 Page 29 Proposed Budget 1969 PERSONAL SERVICES 362,006.02 394,300.00 439,370.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 10,392.54 10,480.00 10,790.00 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 12,646.71 14,120.00 14,510.00 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 17.00 25.00 25.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY 38.,330.21 3,355.00 2,100.00 TOTAL 423,392.48 422,280.00 466,795.00 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay FUNCTION It is the responsibility of the Fire Department for the extinguish -, ment of fires, protection of life and property through rescue, evacuation and salvage operations; provide first aid to public, fire prevention demonstrations, as well as maintain an active program of fire inspection in-business establishments and other public buildings; insure the citizens of Salina adequate protection of life and property from fire hazard by an intensive fire training program utilizing the latest techniques and updated skills. BUDGET COMMENTS Account #120 - 1969 expenditure request provide of nine additional firemen to staff Fire Station No. plans are for this station to be ready for occupancy Account #196 has been eliminated for 1969 since will be handled by the Central Communications Center the new police building. CAPITAL OUTLAY s for the employment 4. The present about-May 1, 1969. all radio dispatching being installed at Account #507 provides for hose and foam replacement. 3,1 Erap 1 3yee 3 I C'a -f: i e'n t POSITION TITLE R-q RS-3 Budge L Budget r-- 1968 1969 Chief 1 C22 — 833 9,430.00 9,995.00 Assistant Chief 1 0 487 - 654 1,716.00 .00 Fire Prevention Inspector II 2 2 512 - 622 13,318.00 14,598.00 Fire Prevention Inspector 1 4 4 442 - 538 23,362.00 25,772.00 Captain 8 9 487 - 592 61,166.00 63,628. 00 Lieutenant 6 5 442 - 538 32,088.00 32,150.00 Mechanic 2 0 448 - 489 .00 .00 Firefighter 44 56 398 - 476 234,819.00 289,075.00 Fire Dispatcher 5 0 14,690.00 .00 Secretary 1 1 314 - 381 3,711.00 4,152.00 Total 394,300.00 439,370.00 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS DETAIL ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION PERSONAL SERVICES 12.0 Salaries - Regular Employees Total CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 205 Telephone & Telegraph 207 Traveling Expenses 209 Postage 221 Printing Office Forms 231 Insurance - Motor Vehicles 233 Insurance - Surety Bonds 253 Repair - Machinery & Equipment 255 Repair - Tires & Tubes 257 Radio Maintenance Contract 295 Other Professional Services Total MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 800.00 320 Office Supplies 89.66 331 Books & Periodicals 440.00 345 Motor Vehicles - Gas & Oil 347 Motor Vehicles - License Tags 379 Motor Vehicles - Tires & Tubes 10.00 281.00 290.00 Total SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 435 Organizational Dues Total CAPITAL OUTLAY 509 Furniture & Fixtures & Office Equi 519 Radio Equipment Total GRAND TOTAL FUND GENERAL OPERATING_ DEPART11EN.T Ins ecf ion Page 31 A usted Actual Gurrrent Proposed vious Year Budget Budget 1967 1968 1969 21,481.61 25,280.00 21,481.61 25,280.00 29,855.00 891.65 780.00 800.00 28.25 100.00 100.00 89.66 140.00 200.00 263.28 440.00 200.00 258.57 225.00 225.00 10.00 .00 .00 1,150.68 1,000.00 1,000.00 4.50 10.00 10.00 281.00 290.00 365.00 30.00 45.00 50.00 3,007.59 1 3,030.00 1 2,950.00 222.96 150.00 200.00 227.50 100.00 100.00 505.01 600.00 675.00 50.00 65.00 65.00 123.36 150.00 125.00 1,128.83 1,065.00 1,165.00 120.00 145.00 145.00 120.00 145.00 145.00 160.04 135.00 470.00 .00 475.00 .00 160.04 610.00 470.00 25,898.07 30,130.00 34,585.00 F, CITY OF ` A.T IN K_� -S 5 S 1j 111;1 A'1i y' FUND GENERAL OPERATING - -- -- - - - - -- DuPA11,T11EENT _Inspection Page 32 CLASSIFICATION Actual Previous Yr. 1967 Current Budget 1968 Proposed Budget 1969 PERSONAL SERVICES 21,481.61 25,280.00 29,855.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 3,007.59 3,030.00 2,950.00 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 1,128.83 1,065.00 1,165.00 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 120.00 145.00 145.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY 160.04 610.00 470.00 TOTAL 25,898.07 30,130.00 34,585.00 Function - Budget Comments.- Capital Outlay FUNCTION The primary responsibility of this department is protection of life, property and property values by rigid administration and enforcement of the zoning ordinances, building, plumbing and electrical codes. To arrive at this goal, this department issues construction permits, reviews plans for proposed buildings, recommends revisions when not in accordance with the codes and public safety, and investigates construction sites to insure that all the standards of the City are being complied with. BUDGET COMMENTS Account #120 includes one additional Building Inspector to fulfill committment in Workable Program. Account #221 was increased for 1968 to permit ordering 25,000 McBee System cards, used to maintain statistical data required to adequately - maintain Workable Program records. CAPITAL OUTLAY Account #509 includes the purchase of a five - drawer file cabinet, one secretary desk, and four "Instamatic" cameras.- POSIT10NI TITLE. Building Official -a,i 1 Plumbing Inspector 1 1 Electrical Inspector 1 1 Secretary Additional Inspector 1 1 TOTAL 538 - 622 487 - 538 487 - 538 314 - 381 487 - 538 D_7 n s n_____ 7,026.00 6,078.00 5/778.08 3,584.00 2/8l4.O0 25,280.00 7,464.00 6,456.00 6,144.00 �,947,00 5,844.00 29,855.00 FU. D__ G _.'LJEP,AL OPERATING . UEPARI`Tl�:�� Pa rl- - CITY OF SAI,71\A , K,AN, ,;AS - - -- - Dr Page 34 CU�lEtilt Proposed ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Year Budget Budget -- - 1967 I 1968 1969 .PERSONAL SERVICES 110 Salaries - Department Heads 120 Salaries - Regular Employees 130 Salaries - Part Time Employees 8,100.00 25,495.50 14,138.97 8,100.00 32,255.00 13,560.00 8,100.00 36,800.00 13,870.00 Total 47,734.47 53,915.00 58,770.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 205 Telephone & Telegraph 207 Traveling Expenses 227 Insurance - Buildings 507.60 4.93 316.00 600.00 25.00 225.00 600.00 50.00 225.00 231 Insurance - Motor Vehicles 241 Gas Service 242 Light & Power Service 223.61 849.22 611.96 215.00 800.00 600.00 '225.00 900.00 600.00 251 Repair - Buildings 253 Repair - Machinery & Equipment 255 Repair - Tires'& Tubes 385.95 2,2.66.23 138.34 500.00 1,600.00 150.00 500.00 1,600.00 150.00 5,303.84 4,715.00 4,850.00 Total MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 310 Expendable Tools .137.54 100.00 100.00 331 Books & Periodicals 35.00 35.00 35.00 333 Chemicals, Drugs, Etc. 107.01 100.00 100.00 345 Motor Vehicles - Fuel & Lubr. 347 Motor Vehicles - Licence Tags 1,041.31 75.00 900.00 100.00 1,000.00 100.00 349 Recreational Supplies 109.58 300.00 300.00 350 Memorial Park Stadium 351 Seeds, Plants, Trees & Lawn Supp. 359 Other Operating Supplies 483.20 635.90 125.14 1,200.00 800.00 175.00 1,200.00 1,000.00 200.00 365 Cement & Cement Products 312.29 25.00 200.00 367 Electrical & Lighting Parts 241.99 200.00 200.00 371 Lumber & Lumber Products 155.20 200.00 200.00 379 Motor Vehicles - Tires & Tubes 39.81 100.00 100.00 381 Paint & Painting Supplies 434.53 300.00 350.00 387 Sand, Gravel, Rock & Chat 174.27 150.00 200.00 Total 4,107.77 4,685.00 ..5,285.00• SUNDRY EXPENDITURES ' 435 Organizational Dues 20.00 20.00 20.00 Total 20.00 20.00 20.00 - AYNUAL BUOG ''T FUND GENERAL OPERATING - DEEART Ems_ park CITY OF -,ALINA, KANSAS — ' DL' 1Ii� Page 35 Actual Current Proposed ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION — Previous Year Budget Budget 1967 1968 1969 ' CAPITAL OUTLAY 502 Buildings 5,194.60 .00 .00 516 Park Equipment - Mowers 479.40 500.00 400.00 521 Recreational Equipment 1,426.26 1,000.00 .00 575 Landscape Improvements .00 25,000.00 .00 Tennis Court Improvements 2,415.37 .00 .00 Shuffle Board Replacement .00 850.00 .00 Truck Replacement 2,850.00 1,500.00 .00 Total 12,365.63 28,850.00 400.00 ' GRAND TOTAL 69,531.71 92,185.00 69,325.00 ANNUAL BUDGE;T -- - - -�-- - - - -1 ---- - - - -__ 4;_ •'" _GEN L_OPFiR�`pING —Park' — „n _.. u3us cea Actual ` Current CLASSIFICAi'IC,; Bud-et 1967 ! 1968 PERSONAL SERVICES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES MATERIALS & SUPPLIES SUNDRY EXPENDITURES CAPITAL OUTLAY . TOTAL FUNCTION 47,73 =?7 53,915.00 5,303).84 4,71.5.00 4,107.77 4,685.00 r' 0.00 12_,305.'3 !28,850.00 69, 531.. c"2,185.00 � I Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay Page 36 Proposod Budget 1969 58,770.00 4,850.00 5,285.00 20.00 400.00 69,325.00 This department is charged with supervising, maintaining and repairing all park lawns and flower beds, planning and maintaining shrubs and trees, repairing park buildings and equipment as well as maintaining all parkways, boulevard and median strips in the City of Salina. BUDGET COMMENTS Increases in Account #350 for 1968 and 1969 are included to provide a general clean -up and repainting of the stadium and the outfield fence. CAPITAL OUTLAY Account #516 provides for a 14- year -old gang type, reel mower to be replaced in 1968. Two additional push type mowers are requested for 1969. A portion of Account #575 will be used for payment of the Lakewood Park Study and The Indian Rock North Development Plan now under contract. A 1954 Ford pickup will be replaced during the current year. POSITION TITLE -- - r Superintendent .1 1 564 - 65-= Foreman I 2 2 421 - 5_:' Maintenance Porker II 1 1 3 °9 Maintenance Porker I 4 4 Laborers (Part Time) 10 10 TOTAL i I OPER7 `'PING - -- _ rll�r }`� rPrDp�7ed Budget. >,3 -00.00 T 1 , 03.6 .00 t 80e.00 .00 i. 0.00 44;1j.00 8,100.00 12,7.90.00 5,076.00 19,434.00 13,8'; I.00 58,770.00 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS DETAIi, ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION PERSONAL SERVICES 110 Salaries.- Department Heads 120 Salaries - Regular Employees 130 Salaries - Part Time Employees Total CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 205 Telephone & Telegraph 207 Traveling Expenses 209 Postage 217 Feeding Prisoners 221 Printing Office Forms 231 Insurance - Motor Vehicles 233 Insurance Surety Bond 241 Gas Service 242 Light & Power Service 243 Water Service 251 Repair - Buildings 252 Repair - Furniture & Office Equip. 253 Repair - Machinery & Equipment 255 Repair - Motor Vehicles, Tires 257 Radio Equipment Repair 274 Rent - Machinery & Equipment 284 Laundry & Towel Service 290 Medical Services 295 Other Professional Services 299 Other Contractual Services Total MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 310 Expendable Tools 320 Office Supplies 331 Books & Periodicals 333 Chemicals, Drugs, Etc. 339 Food for Animals 345 Motor Vehicles - Gas & Oil 347 Motor Vehicles - License Tags .355 Wearing Apparel 359 Other Operating Supplies 367 Electrical & Lighting Parts 371 Lumber & Lumber Products 379 Motor Vehicles - Tires 381 Paint & Painting Supplies 382 Photography Supplies Total A TNT \T TT 1 FUND_ GENERAL OPERATING DEP:1R1`�IF:�T Police . - - -_ Actual evious Year 1967 7,190.80 282,459.87 26,466.00 316,116.67 4,576.02 698.58 609.45 5,765.50 987.39 982.98 50.00 .00 1,108.86 .00 274.35 807.47 13,826.64 283.65 2,046.30 1,623.40 258.15 _517.00 994.45 'AR _Rn 35,448.99 463.00 1,374.36 300.18 3.75 145.60 11,199.23 160..00 7,284.76 356.43 81.22 132.10 2,140.64 29.42 1,098.34 24,769.03 Adjusted Current Budget 1968 8,140.00 316,350.00 27,090.00 351,580.00 5,500.00 700.00 935.00 4,800.00 2,500.00 1,200.00 .00 1,100.00 1,500.00 180.00 1,425.00 900.00 14,000.00 250.00 2,200.00 1,500.00 300.00 500.00 600.00 100.00 40,190.00 250.00 1,400.00 300.00 .00 150.00 14,000.00 190.00 6,340.00 350.00 100.00 55.00 1,000.00 50.00 800.00 24,985.00 _ Page 38 _1 Proposed Budget 1969 9,070.. 00 359,200.00 27,090.00 395.360.00 6,500.00 1,700.00 950.00 5,400.00 1,500.00 1,200.00 25.00 1,300.00 3,000.00 360.00 100.00 900.00 14,000.00 300.00 2,325.00 1,600.00 350.00 600.00 700.00 100.00 42,910.00 300.00 1,600.00 275.00 .00 175.00 15,000.00 200.00 6,100.00 350.00 200.00 300.00 2,000.00 25.00 3.,000.00 27,525.00 GENE,,,-),Al, OPIEFATINd DEPARITIEHI Pol i cc, DETAIT, Page 39 Adjusted Actual Current Proposed ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Year Budaet Budget 0 19 6 7 968 1969 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 435 Organizational 'Dbes 328.50 450.00 450.00 Total 328.50 450.00 450.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY 503 Equipment 1,228.45 1,230.00 360.00 505 Automobiles & Motorcycles 13,588.00 14,000.00 14,000.00 509 Furniture & Fixtures .5,179.14 555.00 300.00 514 Officers Service Equipment 1,924.01 650.00 500.00 517 Office Mechanical Equipment 675.00 2,200.00 .00 519 Radio Equipment 9,665.75 475.00 .00 Total 32,260.35 1.9,110.00 15,160.00 GRAND TOTAL 408,923.54 436,315.00 481,405.00 A 'KTI.,TTT A I 'D 7 T "r- V91 CITY OF S.1'_I.;.A, KANSAS CLASSIFICATION PERSONAL SERVICES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES MATERIALS & SUPPLIES SUNDRY EXPENDITURES CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL FUNCTION FUND GENERAL OPERATING DERART1 *.N r__Pol ice Actual Previous-Yr. 1967 316,116.67 351,580.00 39.5,360.00 35,448.99 40,190.00 42,910.00 24,769.03 24,985.00 27,525.00 328.50 450.00 450.00 32,260.35 19,110.00 15,160.00 408,923.54 436,315.00 481,405.00 Function - Budget Continents - Capital Outlay It is the responsibility of the Police Department to provide maximum protection of life and property to the citizens of Salina against any activity of a criminal nature. The primary activities related to these general responsibilities are: effective apprehension of offenders, best available service.control of traffic and crowds, enforcement of the laws of the State and ordinances of the City, investigation of crimes, provid- ing effective aid in the case of disaster, maintaining records and com- munications service and providing a juvenile program to keep delinquency at a minimum. This department also performs innumerable services in the interest of public protection, safety, comfort and convenience, and maintains a close liaison with other law enforcement agencies. BUDGET. COMMENTS Account #120 - Position of Major discontinued. One Clerk - Typist I to be shared with Municipal Court on 50 -50 basis. Account #205 - On a cooperative arrangement with Saline County Sheriff each agency will pay $34.00 per month for the difference in cost of an automatic teletype over a manual type which the County Commissioners will provide in the EOC. Estimate $85.00 per month additional telephone expense in the new building. .Account #207 - Increase, in 1969, will.permit additional staff personnel to attend professional police science seminars. The increase will also permit the Chief of Police to attend the F.B.I. Police Academy. Accounts #241, #242 and #243 — Increases for 1968 and 1969 are based on estimate for operation of new building. Page 40 Current Proposed Budget Budget 1968 1969 316,116.67 351,580.00 39.5,360.00 35,448.99 40,190.00 42,910.00 24,769.03 24,985.00 27,525.00 328.50 450.00 450.00 32,260.35 19,110.00 15,160.00 408,923.54 436,315.00 481,405.00 Function - Budget Continents - Capital Outlay It is the responsibility of the Police Department to provide maximum protection of life and property to the citizens of Salina against any activity of a criminal nature. The primary activities related to these general responsibilities are: effective apprehension of offenders, best available service.control of traffic and crowds, enforcement of the laws of the State and ordinances of the City, investigation of crimes, provid- ing effective aid in the case of disaster, maintaining records and com- munications service and providing a juvenile program to keep delinquency at a minimum. This department also performs innumerable services in the interest of public protection, safety, comfort and convenience, and maintains a close liaison with other law enforcement agencies. BUDGET. COMMENTS Account #120 - Position of Major discontinued. One Clerk - Typist I to be shared with Municipal Court on 50 -50 basis. Account #205 - On a cooperative arrangement with Saline County Sheriff each agency will pay $34.00 per month for the difference in cost of an automatic teletype over a manual type which the County Commissioners will provide in the EOC. Estimate $85.00 per month additional telephone expense in the new building. .Account #207 - Increase, in 1969, will.permit additional staff personnel to attend professional police science seminars. The increase will also permit the Chief of Police to attend the F.B.I. Police Academy. Accounts #241, #242 and #243 — Increases for 1968 and 1969 are based on estimate for operation of new building. j CITY OF r ::I.._t Kt:N15Ai CLASSIFICATION F-UND _ DEPART T14ENT Actual I Current viou3 Yr. Budget `1 i Pa"e Proposed Budget Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay 40 a ' BUDGET COMMENTS - Cont'd. Account #345 - Increased patrol mileage to date over comparable 1967 ' period necessitates increase in this account. CAPITAL OUTLAY Account 4503 - 1968 includes 7 electronic sirens, sight -sound film strip training program and one legal size filing cabinet. The request for 1969 provides for additional film strips. Account #509 - Provides for the purchase of tables and chairs for the Squad Room at the new police building in 1968 and construction of storage cabinets and work area for the Squad Room in 1969. Account #517 - For 1968 includes one electric and two manual type - ' writers. Also a recording system which will permit patrolmen to submit reports by telephone to be recorded and later typed by a clerk: Many man hours are now being spent by the patrolmen in typing their own reports. Account #519 - Provides for the purchase of one additional mobile radio in 1968. i Pa"e Proposed Budget Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay 40 a ' BUDGET COMMENTS - Cont'd. Account #345 - Increased patrol mileage to date over comparable 1967 ' period necessitates increase in this account. CAPITAL OUTLAY Account 4503 - 1968 includes 7 electronic sirens, sight -sound film strip training program and one legal size filing cabinet. The request for 1969 provides for additional film strips. Account #509 - Provides for the purchase of tables and chairs for the Squad Room at the new police building in 1968 and construction of storage cabinets and work area for the Squad Room in 1969. Account #517 - For 1968 includes one electric and two manual type - ' writers. Also a recording system which will permit patrolmen to submit reports by telephone to be recorded and later typed by a clerk: Many man hours are now being spent by the patrolmen in typing their own reports. Account #519 - Provides for the purchase of one additional mobile radio in 1968. ---'- POSITION TITLE � � � Budge. t ' | ' � �a]or Captains Uniform Lieutenants 'Detective Lieutenants Detective Sergeants Uniform Sergeants Juvenile Officer .Patrolmen . Account Clerk I Secretarl! Clerk-Typist I Humane Officer II Humane Officer I School Crosoiug Patrolmen TOTAL l 0 538 - 720 | � .00 3 3 538 - 6�� 20/052.00 4 4 487 2 ?',752.00 3 3 487 - 5 2 ! l�15I0.00 i 3 3 4r 4 ' ��� I?,�28.00 5 5 464 - 564 | 38,836.00 l 2 464 - 56 � 11 ,448.00 i " ^ 33 33 435 3j��67,00 I l 299 - 363 � ' 4/092.00 l l 314 - 381 3,540.00 6 61-2 270 - 33-4 18,619.00 l l 353 - 374 41,260.00 2 | 2 | 333 - 353 ' 8,000.00 43 43 65 - 70 27,090-00 350,534.00 .00 22,392.00 27,593.00 20,64U.00 l9,368.00 32/O66.D0 I2/696.00 l80/595.00 4/356.O0 3,948.00 21,786.00 4,488.00 8,472.00 27,090.00 395/360.O0 FU'C\D--G NERAL n FRATING Ll--IPARi�il-NT S - _tr_e_e_t_ . ......... Page 42 Actual Ad-lusted Ciul:rent Proposed ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Year Budget Budget 1967 1968 1969 PERSONAL SERVICES 110 Salaries - Director of Services 9,000.00 9,950.00 10,500.00 120 Salaries - Regular Employees 116,512.71 127,742.00 143,095.00 Total 125,512.71 137,692.00 153,595.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 205 Telephone & Telegraph 322.09 350.00 350.00 207 Traveling Expenses 52.63 100.00 100.00 221 Printing Office Forms .00 25.00 20.00 231 Insurance - Motor Vehicles 1,253.17 1,100.00 1,100.00 241 Gas Service 357-14 400.00 450.00 242 Light Service 29.79 40.00 40.00 243 Water Service 76.37 100.00 100.00 251 Repair - Buildings 2,4611.84 .00 500.00 253 Repair - Machinery & Equipment 14,897.30 18,000.00 18,500.00 252 Repair - Furniture & Office Equip. 2.07 .00 .00 255 Repair - Tires & Tubes 1,055.68 300.00 500.00 257 Radio Maintenance Contract 538.50 600.00 600.00 274 Rent - Machinery & Equipment .00 200.00 200.00 284 Laundry & Towel Service 19.56 20.00 20.00 295 Other Professional Services 6.00 50.00 50.00 Total 21,075.14 21,285.00 22,530.00 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 310 Expendable Tools 456.17 400.00 400.00 320 Office Supplies 55.00 50.00 50.00 333 Chemicals, Drugs, Etc. 1,109.90 1,500.00 1,200.00 341 Fuel & Lubr. (Except Motor) 565.54 600.00 600.00 345 Motor Vehicles - Gas & Oil 6,944.42 8,000.00 8,000.00 347 Motor Vehicles - License Tags 459.90 445.00 450.00 359 Other Operating Supplies 163.31 250.00 300.00 361 Asphalt & Road Oil 937.05 2,000.00 2,000.00 365 Cement & Cement Products 2,793.40 5,000.00 5,000.00 371 Lumber & Lumber Products 9.53 50.00 300.00 373 Machinery &,Equipment Parts 379.00 700.00 700-00 375 Metal & Metal Products 24.97 500.00 500.00 379 Motor Vehicles - Tires & Tubes 598.44 700.00 600.00 318 Paint & Painting Supplies .00 50.00 30.00 387 Sand, Gravel, Rock, Salt & Chat 1,118.47 1,500.00 1,700-00 390 Sweeper Parts 2,482.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 Total 18,097.10 24,245.00 24,330.00 FUND GENERAL OPERATING DI]PAl"T'LiE�111T, -SALr-ae_t__. Page 43 Actual A usted eirrent Proposed ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Year Budget Budget 1967 1968 1969 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 435 Organizational Dues .00 15.00 15.00 439 Refunds 697.49 300.00 .00 447 Transfer to Street Machinery Acct. 5,000.00 10,000.00 5,000.00 Total 5,697.49 10,315.00 5,015.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY 509 Office Equipment 24.00 .00 .00 519 Radio Equipment 761.61 .00 .00 525 Trucks 1,577.43 3,500.00 .00 527 Street Equipment 6,967.11 1,500.00 .00 Total 9,330.15 5,000.00 .00 GRAND TOTAL 179,712.59 198,537.00 205,470.00 Ful�;D GENERAL OPERATING D.- ?_,RT,iENT_ Street CITY Or li�'A , KAti�^� Actual revious Yr. 1967 CLASSIFICATION PERSONAL SERVICES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES MATERIALS & SUPPLIES SUNDRY EXPENDITURES CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL FUNCTION Page 44 Ad ' usted — ----- - - - - -- Ourrent Proposed Budget Budget 1968 1969 ^1 125,512.71 137,692.00 153,595.00 21,075.14 21,285.00 22,530.00 18,097.10 24,245.00 24,330.00 5,697.49 10,315.00 5,015.00 9,330.15 5,000.00 .00 179,712.59 198,537.00205,470.00 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay It is the responsibility of the Street Department to maintain all trafficways for the transportation of vehicles and persons. This is to include day by day maintenance and patching of streets, sidewalks, alleys, bridges and gutters. Maintain the complete storm seder system to prevent undue damage to street surfaces and avoid inconvenience to vehicles and pedestrians. Clear streets of dirt and other debris by machine or hand - sweeping. Clear streets of snow when and where necessary. This depart- ment also works with the City- County Health Department in the control and elimination of mosquitoes, as well as providing necessary weed cutting activities throughout the City. Other departments rely heavily on the Street Department for use of equipment and manpower. BUDGET C014MENTS Account #251 - provides for the replacement of an overhead door in the Street Department building in 1969. .Account #253 - Increase for 1969 reflects anticipated rise in.cost for parts and labor. Account #371 - Increase for 1969 is for purchase of guard rail posts. Account #387 - Plans to regravel alleys in 1969 necessitate the increase over 1968. Account #439 - Had previously been used for gasoline refund to City Bus Service. CAPITAL OUTLAY - Account #527 provides for a pickup - mounted salt spreader and the replacement of a 1948 Dodge 1, ton truck in 1968. POSITION TITLE J 4 /7 00 1-42.00 Director of Services 1 1.37,65'0 Foreman IT 1 Foreman 1 0 Equipment Operator IT 7 Maintenance Worker IT 1 Equipment Operator 1 18 Extra Time Total 1. 6 0 9 ",TING RZAL OPERI. Street P Budge L 1968 1969 654 37 x",930.00 10,5()0-00 442 :3<, 421 51.? 398 .123 39") 6,078.00 6,455.00 5,220.00 31,320.00 94,840.00 5,260.00 153,595.00 00 1-42.00 A,560.00 00 1.37,65'0 :00 6,455.00 5,220.00 31,320.00 94,840.00 5,260.00 153,595.00 kUi,P GENERAL. OPERATING D PA KLtv'L.__ Baste D _spog Page 46 Adjusted Actu°- Current Proposed ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Year Budget Budget 1967 1968 1969 PERSONAL SERVICES 120 Salaries - Regular Employees 1.6,914.07 15,498.00 16,565.00 Total 16,914.07 15,498.00 16,565.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 228 Insurance - Equipment 173.62 ! 160.00 160.00 253 Repair - Equipment 3,884.22 6,000.00 7,600.00 t� Total 4,051.Sj 6,160.00 7,760.00 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 345 Motor Vehicles, Fuel & Lubr. 1,805 1.3 2,000.00 2,000.00 359 Other Operating Supplies 417.74 400.00 500.00 387 Sand, Rock, Gravel, Salt & Chat 183.93 300.00 300.00 Total 2,406.80 ( 2,700.00 2,800.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY ' 527 Tractor & Heavy Equipment .00 I .00 .00 Total .00 .00 .00 GRAND TOTAL 23,378.71 24,358.00 27,125.00 I FiTND GENERAL OPERATING___ DEPART14ENT Sdaste D- SP�ISAil_ - CITY OF SALINA , KANSAS — -- — � 1 Slii`L1R'i' Page E7 Act-.,;al rrent Proposed ` CLASSIFICATION Previous Yr. Budget Budget 1967 1968 1 1969 PERSONAL SERVICES 16,914.07 15,498.00 16,565.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 4,057.84 6,160.00 7,760.00 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 2,406.80 2,700.00 2,800.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY .00 .00 .00 TOTAL 23,378.71 24,358.00 27,125.00 Function - Budget Comments.- Capital Outlay FUNCTION Supervise the operation of the City landfill for the final disposal of all garbage, rubbish, trash and similar waste materials which may originate within the City of Salina. BUDGET COMMENTS Account #120 - Total reduced since Gate Attendant is no longer required Account #253 - Increased for 1969 to allow for track repair on both the D -6 Dozer and 955 Loader and possible transmission work on the Loader. WING 7i ACiJ u ..m .'..�ti _.. ; , t ..rent Pr ,p red POSITION TITLE � .�c- �f' -_.� j R.is ge Budoet B .'�,ct 1968 - -- - — = 1969 — - -- Heavy Equipment. Op. '2 2 Laborer 1 1 Extra Time Total 435 - 462 374 - 398 10,446.00 4,392.00 660.00 15,498.00 11,089.00 4,776.00 700.00 16,565.00 FUND GENERAL OPERATING DEPARTMENT StreetLight a 43 Page dd AWrrentd Actual Proposed ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Year Budget Budget 1967 1968 1969 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 242 Light & Power Service 69,066.33 76,000.00 83,000.00 Grand Total 69,066.33 76,000.00 83,000.00 CITY OF 'A7 N:1 , Kam_" S LI 24PIR'i CLASSIFICATION CONTRACTUAL SERVICES Total FUNCTION FUND GENERAL OPERATING I�EPARi•i E; T �_t._Le�t��g hti�c; __ I Page 50 Actual , A�irrentd Proposed Previous Yr. Budget Budget 1967 1968 1 1969 69,066.33 76,000.00 83,000.00 69,066.33 76,000.00 83,000.00 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay This appropriation pays the cost for electricity, pole rental, lights and reflectors for all street lights within the corporate limits of the City of Salina; Kansas Power and Light Company installs and maintains all street lights which are rented to the City in accordance with a contrac- tual agreement. BUDGET COMMENTS Monthly charge first four months of 1968 averaged $6,000.00,. Monthly charge for Civic Center, Iron Avenue and Ash Street, in Central Business District ($354.51); parking lots ($306.25); West Crawford ($90.55); North Ninth Street ($161.00) will total an additional $11,000.00 for 1969. The West Crawford and North Ninth Street projects are currently being programmed for installation during September, 1968. i FUI�D GENERAL OPERATING DEPAR7.IEL-� Traffic Control CITY OF S LINA, KANSAS DE'iAI L Actual ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Year PERSONAL SERVICES 120 Salaries - Regular Employees 130 Salaries - Part Time Employees Total CONTRACTUAL SERVICES ' 205 Telephone & Telegraph 207 Traveling Expenses 231 Insurance - Motor Vehicles 242 Light & Power Service 253 Repair - Machinery & Equipment 255 Repair - Tires & Tubes 257 Repair - Radio Equipment 261 Repair - Traffic Lights 274 Rent - Machinery & Equipment 295 Other Professional Services 504.25 Total 12.TERIALS & SUPPLIES 310 Expendable Tools 331 Books & Periodicals 345 Motor Vehicles - Gas & Oil 347 Motor Vehicles - License Tags 353 Signs 365 Cement & Cement Products 367 Electrical Traffic Light Parts 371 Lumber & Lumber Products 379 Motor Vehicles - Tires & Tubes 381 Paint & Painting Supplies 399 Other Repairs & Maintenance Total CAPITAL OUTLAY 519 Radio Equipment 529 Traffic Control Equipment Total GRAND TOTAL ANNUAL BUDGE' Adjusted Curreiit Budget Page 51 Propos,:a Budget 1969 13,762.04 14,755.00 16,145.00 .00 .00 1,950.00 13,762.04 14,755.00 18,095.00 174.07 175.00 175.00 .00 85.00 100.00 135.66 140.00 140.00 3,320.09 4,000.00 4,500.00 617.45 500.00 500.00 .00 10.00 10.00 110.00 100.00 110.00 504.25 800.00 1,000.00 .00 50.00 50.00 1,860.82 2,200.00 2,300.00 6,722.34 1 8,060.001 8,885.00 121.11 125.00 125.00 3.30 10.00 10.00 305.98 350.00 350.00 62.60 30.00 50.00 3,565.15 3,000.00 3,000.00 17.09 500.00 500.00 1,434.39 2,000.00 2,000..00 18.52 50.00 50.00 .00 50.00 50.00 2,925.84 3,000.00 3,500.00 57.54 50.00 50.00 8,511.52 1 9,165.001 9,685.00 426.00 .00 .00 24,820.97 5,000.00 5,000.00 25,246.97 5,000.00 5,000.00 54,242.87 1 36,980.001 41,665.00 F-(J;1D GENERAL OPERATING DFPAR I.IEi11T_ Traffic Control CITY . 07 Adjuste Actual Current revious Yr. Budget 1967 1968 CLASSIFICATION PERSONAL SERVICES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES MATERIALS & SUPPLIES CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL 13,762.04 14,755.00 6,722.34 8,060.00 8,511.52 9,165.00 25,246.97 5,000.00 54,242.87 36,980.00 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay Page 52. Proposed Budget 1969 18,095.00 8,885.00 9,685.00 5,000.00 41,665.00 FUNCTION The primary objective of the Traffic Control Department is to.main- tain and to obtain the highest possible utilization of the City traffic lanes, as well as the installation of all traffic control signals and signs, painting of all lane signs, center lines, cross - walks, parking stalls and directional arrows on the City's streets and parking lots. BUDGET COMMENTS Increases in Contractual Services and Materials and Supplies reflect an attempt to comply with the Uniform Traffic Code in updating all signs and traffic signalization systems, as well as to provide improved signing in recently annexed areas. CAPITAL OUTLAY Account #529 - Provides for equipment and installation for pedestal type signals at -Santa Fe and Pacific, and mast arms at Crawford and Broadway. 6,-, OPERAT�NG UO2 rant Proposed i a L Budget POSITION TI :t VIA- A 1, 1.908 _1969 - Foreman I Maintenance Worker 1 2 2 Extra Time Part Time Total 421 - 517 5,510,00 6,144.00 367 - • 09 9,060.00 9,816.00 185.00 185.00 .00 1,950.00 3-4,7S5.00 18,095.00 AMM-17 L-0�77 i I FUN DSzF-,NERAL OPERATING DEPARIMENTTaim.L Page 54 Actual Ad�ursrentt Proposed ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Year 1967 Budget 1968 Budget 1969 PERSONAL SERVICES 120 Salaries - Regular Employees 10,805.20 11,000.00 12,000.00 Total 10,805.20 11,000.00 12,000.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 205 Telephone & Telegraph 40.97 75.00 75.00 241 Gas Service 39.33 25.00 30.00 242 Light Service I 368.40 600.00 600.00 251 Repair - Buildings 169.11 400.00 400.00 253 Repair - Machinery & Equipment 559.73 400.00 400.00 295 Other Professional Services 88.00 100.00 100.00 Total 1,265.54 1,600.00 1,605.00 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 310 Expendable Tools 54.59 50.00 50.00 320 Office Supplies 62.65 100.00 100.00 333 Chemicals, Drugs, Etc. 453.25 300.00 300.00 343 Janitor & Toilet Supplies 38.54 50.00 50.00 349 Recreational Supplies 8.86 25.00 25.00 365 Cement & Cement Products 36.85 100.00 100.00 367 Electrical & Lighting Parts 2.59 20.00 20.00 373 Machinery & Equipment Parts 192.46 455.00 2,150.00 381 Paint & Painting Supplies 247.85 200.00 800.00 Total 1,097.64 1,300.00 3,595.00 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 421 Sales & Admission Taxes 340.67 .00 .00 Total 340.67 .00 .00 CAPITAL OUTLAY 503 Equipment .00 1,500.00 1,500.00 Total .00 1,500.00 1,500.00 GRAND TOTAL 13,509.05 15,400.00 18,700..00 i j-, G,, ,, RAL OPERATING i'TSwi_mming Pools - - -- - - - page 55 1_ i uS "ced Act,.ai i Cu rent Proposed CLASSIFICATiOi' Previcua ?, Budget Budget 1967 1 1968 1969 PERSONAL SERVICES 11,000.00 12,000.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 1,2,5.541 1,600.00 1,605.00 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 1,097.64 1,300.00 3,595.00 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 3 ^ 0 9 ` 7 .00 .00 CAPITAL OUTLAY .00�; 1,500.00 1,500.00 TOTAL 13,50. =5,i 15,400.00 18,700.00 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Ol,,tlay FUNCTION This appropriation includes expenditures necessary to maintain and operate the two Municipal Swimming Pools located in Kenwood Park and at Carver Center. BUDGET COMMENTS Account #365 - Increased for 1968 for installation of chain link fence and concrete to connect pool and concession stand at main pool. Account #373 - 1968 and 1969 increases for repair of piping and valves' for Carver Center. Account #381 - Provides for painting of floors and walls of both pools in 1969. Account #421 - Sales tax no longer required. CAPITAL OUTLAY Account #503 - Provides for replacement of two diving boards at main pool in 1969. The current expenditure in this account is for the replace- ment of diving boards destroyed in the Carver Center fire. 205 Telephone & Telegraph 207 Traveling Expenses 1 209 Postage 221 Printing 231 Insurance - Motor Vehicles 252 Repair - Furniture & Office Equip. 253 Repair = Machinery & Equipment 255 Repair - Tires 295 Other Professional Services Total MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 310 Expendable Tools 320 Office Supplies 331 Books & Periodicals' 345 Motor Vehicle - Fuel & Lubr. 347 Motor Vehicle - License Tags 359 Other Operating Supplies 379 Motor Vehicle - Tires Total SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 435 Organizational Dues ' Total CAPITAL OUTLAY 517 Office Equipment Total GRAND TOTAL 294.13 300.00 FUN ll GENERAL OPERATING 400.00 400.00'' DEPART14ENT Pi -- 125.00'. CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS - .00 50.00 50.00 DETAIL 40.00 Pa,e 56 ' 150.00 200.00 .00 10.00 Adjusted 85.48 1,365.00 100.0 I 508.81 2,465.00 Actual Current Proposed 50.00 ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION 100.00 Previous Year Budget Budget .00 150.00 150.00 .00 15.00 19.6$1 50.00 50.00 .00 50.00 50.00 PERSONAL SERVICES 120 Salaries - Regular Employees 14,060.00 15,063.00 18,880.00 130 Salaries - Part Time Employees .00 4,770.00 1,600.00 ' Total 14,060.00 19,833.00 20,480.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES , 205 Telephone & Telegraph 207 Traveling Expenses 1 209 Postage 221 Printing 231 Insurance - Motor Vehicles 252 Repair - Furniture & Office Equip. 253 Repair = Machinery & Equipment 255 Repair - Tires 295 Other Professional Services Total MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 310 Expendable Tools 320 Office Supplies 331 Books & Periodicals' 345 Motor Vehicle - Fuel & Lubr. 347 Motor Vehicle - License Tags 359 Other Operating Supplies 379 Motor Vehicle - Tires Total SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 435 Organizational Dues ' Total CAPITAL OUTLAY 517 Office Equipment Total GRAND TOTAL 294.13 300.00 350.00 23.29 400.00 400.00'' 63.41 100.00 125.00'. 42.50 50.00 50.00 .00 50.00 50.00 .00 40.00 100.00 .00 150.00 200.00 .00 10.00 10.00 85.48 1,365.00 100.0 I 508.81 2,465.00 1,385.00 .00 50.00 50.00 108.48 100.00 100.00 113.25 80.00 80.00 .00 150.00 150.00 .00 15.00 15.00 .00 50.00 50.00 .00 50.00 50.00 221.73 495.00 495.00 20:00 35.00 50.00 20.00 35.00 50.00 1,367.00 100.00 100.00 1,367.00 100.00 100.00 16,177.54 22,928.00 22,510.00 i FitiiD GENERAL _OPERATING DEPARTriENTP_l a nniag - -- CITY OF Actual revious Yr. 1967 CLASSIFICATION PERSONAL SERVICES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES MATERIALS & SUPPLIES SUNDRY EXPENDITURES CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL A US i=E'( �uri ent Budget 1968 14.,060.00 19,833.00 508.81 2,465.00 221.73 495.00 20.00 35.00 1,367.00 100.00 16,177.54 22,928.00 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay FUNCTION Pa e 57 Proposed Budget 1969 20,480.00 1,385.00 495.00 50.00 100.00 22,510.00 The Planning Department provides staff support to the Planning Commission and Zoning Board of Appeals in guiding the growth and-develop- ment of the City in order to achieve a more orderly, convenient and attractive community. The department assists other City departments and advises engineers, developers and citizens on various planning matters such as zoning and sub - division regulations, rezoning requests,minimum requirements for proposed sub - division plats, traffic requirements, plus a multitude of additional services to influence the well -being of the community. Activities within this department have been increasing steadily because of an increased involvement with various Federal Programs. The department is our primary liaison with the Regional Office of Housing and Urban Development at Fort Worth, the Kansas State Park & Resources Authority, as well as the local Urban Renewal Agency. In- addition, the Planning Department works with consulting, planning and engineering firms on projects such as the Comprehensive Park Study, Community Renewal Program, and the Community Shelter Plan. BUDGET COMMENTS Account #120 - Reduced for 1968 due to not having a Planning Direc- tor a good share of the year. Account #130 -- Increased for 1968 to allow for 9 part -time employees for 2 months needed to collect data for the Community Renewal Program. 196 -9 allows for 2 part -time employees to work on special projects during the - summer . CITY-OF _ SNi.INA, KANSAIS CLASSIFICATION FUND _ DE *'rAT T?•IENT Actual Current evious Yr.T Budget Function - Budget Comments.- Capital Outlay BUDGET C011MENTS (Cont'd) Page Proposed Budget Account #252 - Maintenance contracts on one typewriter and one calculator. 57 a Account #253 - Provides for maintenance of a vehicle assigned to Planning Department after the 1968 budget was approved. This vehicle will be transferred to the Inspection Department with the employment of the additional inspector. Account #295 - Increase in 1968 accounts for contract with CRP contractor for approximately two months' work on the CRP, in the absence of our Planning Director. CAPITAL OUTLAY Account #517 - Provides for purchase of a filing cabinet in 1968 and one -in 1969. Account reduced for 1968 since calculator originally budgeted was purchased -in 1967. - ------ --- Function - Budget Comments.- Capital Outlay BUDGET C011MENTS (Cont'd) Page Proposed Budget Account #252 - Maintenance contracts on one typewriter and one calculator. 57 a Account #253 - Provides for maintenance of a vehicle assigned to Planning Department after the 1968 budget was approved. This vehicle will be transferred to the Inspection Department with the employment of the additional inspector. Account #295 - Increase in 1968 accounts for contract with CRP contractor for approximately two months' work on the CRP, in the absence of our Planning Director. CAPITAL OUTLAY Account #517 - Provides for purchase of a filing cabinet in 1968 and one -in 1969. Account reduced for 1968 since calculator originally budgeted was purchased -in 1967. E -, P'r'1.[:.1� ' .-- P1a,Tlr1i.nc-f _ - -- .. r.. -I )';.' i. 1 - �. ♦' 1 it � 1 :,; .. I POSITION TI 1 ,S i T� , , - ; Range t C� ilS t:EC: Budget 1968 P r -- Z) C Budge t 1969 Planning Director .1 1 622 - 833 5,478.00 7,860,00 Planning Technician 1 1 464 - 564 5,685.00 6,664.00 Secretary 1 1 314 - 381 3,900.00 4,356.00 Part Time Employee 1.50 per hr 4,770.00 1,600.00 TOTAL 19,833.00 20,480.00 FUND D� ---- -- -'--- -'--'- ' ''' ' ''-'' '- '-- Page 59 ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previou3 Year Budget Budget 11967 1968 1969 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 239 Group Insurance 290 Medical Services 294 Workmen's Compensation 17,2156.33 922.80 16,798.19 18,900.00 600.00 19,619.00 20,790-00 600.00 21,580.00. Total 35,177.32 39,119.00 42,970-00 -SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 404 Contingencies 60,2c-.31.15 25,000-00 30,000-00 Urban Renewal .00 .00 .00 Total 60,26--1.15 25,000.00 30,000.00 GRAND TOTAL 95,440.,i7 64,119.00 72,970.00 ' r CENTRAL OPERATING Tjsurance and Page 60 t�C,3 u3s C1 _. Act. 1 Current Proposed CLASSIFIC__ <1TIOYi P r e v i o u _'_ . i Eud�et Budget CONTRACTUAL SERVICES SUNDRY EXPENDITURES TOTAL 35,177.32 139,119.00 60,263.15 125,000.00 95,440.47 164,119.00 Function - Budget Comments - Capital. Outlay BUDGET COMMENTS 42,970.00 30,000.00 72,970.00 Appropriations in Accounts #239 and #294 represent employee insur- ance and hospitalization coverage paid by the City. The budgetary requests for 1969 are based on anticipated rate increase of 10% over 1968. Physical examinations, now a prerequisite to municipal employment, are paid for out of Account #290. The Contingency section is designed as a hedge against unforeseen emergencies or needs that cannot be determined at the time of budget preparation. Present forecasts for the 1969 budget encompass a period of 18 months. Some examples of past expenditures out of this fund include the financing of a portion of the City's share of the Westing- house water and sewer line, the City's portion of constructing the Greel Avenue Bridge into Kenwood Park, labor and parts for the B -47 display, purchase of the first official City flags for Salina, establishment of a revolving fund for purposes of Ambulance payroll, rental of equipment and labor for snow removal, professional studies relating to a Compre- hensive Park Plan, annexation study and CRP, reproduction of pertinent sections of the new Code relating to Police and Inspection Departments, regulatory and directional signs for the Salina Airport Industrial Center area, partial payment (for Welfare, office rental as an in -lieu- of- payment) for the new police administration building property, vehicle and equipment for an additional dog catcher, and substantial improvement and equipment for Lakewood Park and dock area. 0 RAT LAG FUND GE V E RAL DEPARIi41-- N-P a CITY OF SALINA) KANSAS D Page DE-TAI- 61 ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION CONTRACTUAL SERVICES GRAND TOTAL Adjusted Actual Current Proposed -1 o revious Year Budget Budget 1967 1968 1969 ANNUAL B'LTD'G'TF'.p 11,750.00 11,750.00 10,00-0-00 11,750.00 11,750.00 10,000-00 CITY O' KAY;_ .S FUND GENERAL OPERATING DEP_ r,T14F,NT— _Bend _ —__ - -- Pa,e 62 = Ad u s t e- - -- - - - -_l Actual ' C'urrent Proposed CLASSIFICATION Previous Yr. Budget Budget 1967 1968 1969 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 11,750.00 11,750.00 10,000.00 TOTAL 11,750.001 11,750.00 10,000.00 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay FUNCTION This appropriation provides support to the Salina Municipal Band. Their annual activities normally include 13 to 15 outdoor concerts, participation in the final City Recreation Commission Program, the Tri- Rivers Fair, Memorial Day Parade, Armed Forces Day Parade, Boy Scout Circus Programs, baseball games, indoor concerts, and the Independence Day celebration at Lakewood Park. BUDGET COMMENTS The decrease in the 1969 appropriation is based on the band being able to hold all practice sessions in Memorial Hall, thus eliminating the rental of such facility. 1'U \D GENERAL OPERATING _ DBPARTi',EN'r Cemetery - - -- CITY OF 5-^.!,Ii':i, - 1 li. P2ae 63_ Adjusted - Actuai �urrent Proposed ' ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Year Budget Budget 1967 1968 199 PERSONAL SERVICES 120 Salaries - Regular Employees Total CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 205 Telephone & Telegraph 207 Traveling Expenses 225 Legal Printing 231 Insurance - Motor Vehicles 241 Gas Service 242 Light & Power Service 243 Water Service 251 Repair - Buildings 253 Repair - Machinery & Equipment 255 Repair - Motor Vehicles, Tires 284 Laundry and Towel Service 295 Other Professional Services Total MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 310 Expendable Tools 320 Office Supplies 341 Fuel, Lubr. (Except Motor) 345 Motor Vehicles - Fuel 347 Motor Vehicles - License Tags 351 Seeds, Plants & Trees 359 Other Operating Supplies 365 Cement & Cement Products 371 Lumber & Lumber Products 379 Motor Vehicles - Tires 381 Paint &'Painting Supplies 387 Sand, Gravel, Rock & Chat SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 435 Organizational Dues 439 Refunds Total Total 13,728.93 14,495.00 15,585.00 13,728.93 14,495.00 15,585.00 219.47 200.00 49.11 90.00 10.80 .00 31.20 30.00 134.52 150.00 .00 75..00 ,2.40 100.00 110,98 150.00 1,23 -3 -41 1,500.00 24.00 30.00 .00 .00 103.65 100.00 2,010.14 1 2,425.00 59.55 50.00 62.98 80.00 56.50 60.00 366.10 375.00 15.00 15.00 9..34 50.00 140.67 150.00 36.03 25.00 49.70 50.00 71.55 150.00 6:19 20.00 .00 50.00 873.61 1 1,075.00 35.00 30.00 .00 .00 35.00 30.00 200.001 100.00 .00 30.00 150.00 .75.00 100.00 100.00 1,500.00 40.00 25.00 100.00 2,420.00 5.0.00 50.00 60.00 375.00 15.00 50.00 150.00 25.00 50.00 150.00 25.00 50.00 1,050.00 30.00 30.00 FUND GENERAL OPERATING DEPARTMEN'� T'em CITY OF SALIVA, YANSAS Page 64 A6!Psted Actual rent Proposed ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION pr evious Year Budget Budget —1 1967 -11r 1968 1969 CAPITAL OUTLAY 527 Machinery & Equipment 575 Landscape Improvements 501 Land Total 695.00 .00 700.00 .00 200.00 .00 100.00 200.00 200.00 795.00 400.00 900.00 GRAND TOTAL 17,442.68 1 18,425.001 19,985.001 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Cutlay FUNCTION This department is responsible for the normal routine maintenance of Gypsum Hill Cemetery. Area of the Cemetery approximates 70 acres and contains approximately 11,00 interments at the present time. CAPITAL OUTLAY Account #527 provides for the replacement of a 36" mower and two trimmers in 1969. Account #501 permits repurchase of lots for future sale. This was previously budgeted under Account #439. GEN!; ` L OPERATING Cemetery . - , ' -L x i �, :��.L t'_'. -, -_ rte:, .`.�J __..-- _- ____. -.. _---. ..---- - --- -- -�-- -' Page 6`?- Actual Current Proposed CLASSIFICATION Previ.ou., "::_ . Budget Budget 1967 ! 1968 1969 PERSONAL SERVICES 13,72&.93 1- 4,495.00 15,585.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 2,01.0-141 2,425.00 2,420.00 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 873.61 1,075.00 1,050.00 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 35-001 i 30 .00 30.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY _795.00; i 400.00 900.00 TOTAL 17,,' <12.�r3 1;,425.00 19,985.00 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Cutlay FUNCTION This department is responsible for the normal routine maintenance of Gypsum Hill Cemetery. Area of the Cemetery approximates 70 acres and contains approximately 11,00 interments at the present time. CAPITAL OUTLAY Account #527 provides for the replacement of a 36" mower and two trimmers in 1969. Account #501 permits repurchase of lots for future sale. This was previously budgeted under Account #439. OPERATTNCY En, C 1'� nt Ir�� used - POS11ION TITLE A Bud-cL 1.968 1969 Sexton Maintenance Worker I Extra Time Total 1 2 1 2 3 P) 1 4 S 'l �, - 387 1 V " ,2n0.00 9,060.00 00 5,568.00 9,817.00 200.00 15,585.00 FUND GENERAL OPENING DEPAR'111EN'�'--- Ge_nera7_ - -- CITY OF SALINA , KANSAS -- TmgrD-ve- e-nj -� D l�'?'AI i Pa ,,e Adjusted � Actual Current Proposed ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Year BudSet Budeet 1967 1968 199 PERSONAL SERVICES 120 Salaries - Regular Employees 130 Salaries - Part Time Total CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 231 Insurance - motor Vehicle 253 Repair - Machinery & Equipment Total MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 15,190.00 310 Expendable Tools 4,680.00 345 Motor Vehicle - Fuel 347 Motor Vehicle - License Tags 371 Lumber & Lumber Products 375 Metal & Metal Products 80.05 379 Motor Vehicle - Tires 381 Paint & Painting Supplies 399 Other Repairs & Maintenance Total 12,383.85 15,190.00 16,605.00 2,695.47 4,680.00 4,680.00 15,085.32 19,870.00 21,285.00 50.61 65.00 65.00 614.17 200.00 200.00 664.78 265.00 265.00 180.22 200.00 175.00 155.19 300.00 300.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 32.95 150.00 175.00 1.09 50:00 50.00 45.37 25.00 25.00 12.18 50.00 50.00 80.05 400.00 400.00 537.05 1 1,205.001 1,205.00 GRAND TOTAL , 1 16,287.15 1 21,340.00.22,755.00 Ui 11 GEINLPAL OPE RATING — -- - -- - - - -- - n r r,� General — �r_"3:r_&VemE?i t Page 68 ed Actual rr'ent Proposed CLASSIFICATION Previous Yr. Budget Budget 1967 1968 1969 PERSONAL SERVICES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES MATERIALS & SUPPLIES TOTAL 15,0135.32 66-4.78 537.05 16,287.15 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay FUNCTION 19,870.00 265.00 1,2.05.00 `'1,3n0.00 21,285.00 265.00 1,205.00 22,755.00 This fund accounts for the normal repairs, maintenance and improvement type activities for the various city -owned buildings and properties not provided for elsewhere in the budget, as well as non- recurring Street Department functions and activities. POSKION TITLE Foreman I Maintenance Worker II Extra Time Part Time Total V "V,c S51; 2 1 1 421 - 512 1 1 2 I 398 - 423 G Ei\i EP /A T,_ 0111 RATT (3 Gen-,- ra I Adjust ed U-Jrrent FrDposed Budget Budgo' , 0 1968 1969 5,295.00 6,095-00 9,240.00 10,110.00 655.00 400.00 4,680.00 4,.680.00 19,870.00 21,285.00 CITY OF SAUNA, KANSAS - m - ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION FU \D_ GEN_ERA_L OPERA'T'ING DEPARTrIFM Memoria Fall Pa �e 70 Ac'just�.d Actual Current Proposed vious Year Budget Budget 1967 1968 1969 PERSONAL SERVICES 120 Salaries - Regul°ar Employees 4,008.00 4,140.00 4,370.00 Total 41"008.00 4,140.00 4,370.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 205 Telephone & Telegraph 51.35 75.00 60.00 227 Insurance - Liability .00 250.00 .00 241 Gas Service .1,494.01 1,500.00 1,500,00 242 Light Service 348.97 350.00 35.0.00 243 Water Service 238.20 250.00 250.00 251 Repair - Buildings 2,100.82 200.00 400.00 253 Repair - Machinery & Equipment 195.52 75.00 100.00 Total 4,428.87 2,700.00 2,660.00 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 310 Expendable Tools 40.96 20.00 20.00 359 Other Operating Supplies 376.78 200.00 200.00 371 Lumber & Lumber Products 51.64 25.00 50.00 781 Paint & Painting Supplies 592.07 100.00 1.50.00 Total 1,061.45 345.00 420.00 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 413 Public Address System & Timekeeper 214.00 250.00 300.00 Total 214.00 250.00 300.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY 540 Folding Chairs, Stage Curtains, Et 2,158:90 400.00 .00 Total 2,158.90 400.00 .00 GRAND TOTAL i 11,871.22 7,835.00 7,750.00 GENERAL OPERATING DEPkv!TrIFNT_Memorial Hall CITY O17 SIAI,J!N A , Kt,�:S S — -- --I Page 71 Ad' sted Actual Cu :rent Proposed CLASSIFICATION Previous Yr. Budget Budget 1967 1968 1969 PERSONAL SERVICES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES MATERIALS & SUPPLIES SUNDRY EXPENDITURES CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL 4,008.00 4,428.87 1,061.45 214.00 2,158.90 11,871.22 Function - Budget Comments.- Capital Outlay FUNCTION 4,140.00 2,700.00 345.00 250.00 4,370.00 2,660.00 420.00 300.00 7,835.00 1 7,750.00 Memorial Hall serves the community and trade area as a multi -use facility accomodating meetings, entertainment, recreation, civic and service projects, etc. A portion of the building is used for the offices of Civil Defense and Veterans' Administration. A fallout shelter and Emergency Operating Center occupies most of the basement. BUDGET COMMENTS Account #227 - 1968 Budget provides liability coverage for three years ' Account #251 - Porch ceiling to be repaired in 1969. ' CAPITAL OUTLAY Account #540 - Provides for the replacement of 100 folding chairs' in 1968. A%TA T A 7 n7:T1n L"r�- F lL rent lr �p s, +d POSITT.ON TI.i:LE -- ;- — i Barge Budget Budget 1968 1969 Custodian 11 TOTAL l 1 ( 333 - 364 4,140.00 4,140.00 4,370.00 FUND— GENERAL OPERP�TING DEPARTTIENT-P-u-Uric—T�'-c-a-l—th--- CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS D E 'T A T 1, Pa go 73 ACCOUNT CTASSIFICATION CONTRACTUAL SERVICES. 210 Appropriation City Actual —Year --rBudget usted arrent Proposed evi-o—us Budget 1967 1968 1969 33 812.00 35,000-00 1 36,710 .00 GRAND TOTAL 1 33,812.00 1 35,000.001 36,710.00 1 GE14ERAL OPERATMG - -PtJBt l`C- ��EAI:l'Ff -- Page 74 Act_lal Current Proposed CLASSIFICATION Previrn_ _ `__'_ . t;udtret Budget 1967 1968 1969 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 1 1 1 1 FUNCTION TOTAL — 33, -81 . G0 33,812.00 Function - Budget Comments - Capital G_Ltlay 35,000.001 36,710.00 35,000.001 36,710.00 This is a joint City- County function, designed in the specialty of preventive medical and public health. Its primary function is to prevent disease, prolong life and promote physical and r,�ntal efficiency for an organized community. In carrying out its charged duties, the department enforces City Ordinances for unhealthful conditions, eating, drinking and food establishments, meat inspection in establishments that slaughter process and package meat and meat products, milk, milk products, frozen desserts, food and beverage vending machines, as well as sewer connec- tions, cesspools and unhealthful structures. BUDGET COMMENTS Appropriation represents City share of maintaining the department. Support provided on 50 -50 basis with Saline County. CITY OF. SAMNA, KANSAS DE'TAI i.: ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION CONTRACTUAL. SERVICES 295 Other Professional Services TOTAL FUND GENERAL OPERATIN _ MPARMENT Tnriii.tri al . __ Adjusted Actual Current revious Year Budget 1967 1968 Pane 7e Proposed i Bud 196o91 23,087.81 32,000.00 30,000:00 23,087.81 32,000.00 30,000.00 GRAND TOTAL 1 23,087.81 1 32,000.001 30,000.001 I 0 FiJtiD__GsGRAL OPERATING _ DEPIAPTMENIT Industrial - -- -- — CITY OF �?A A� 1 ustcc3 Actual Culrent Proposed CLASSIFICATION Previous Yr. Budget Budget 1967 1968 1969 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES - 23,087.81 32,000.00 30,000.00 TOTAL 23,087.81 32,000.00 30,000.00 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay Current committment of $26,000.00 per year pledged to the Economic Development Committee of the Chamber of Commerce for industrial promo- tional use, if needed. Balance of these appropriations are earmarked for use by the Chamber on promotional efforts to meet labor demands of the community. Expenditures from this fund must have prior approval by the City Commission. CITY OF SAT,INA, KANSAS D11 � "? Al1 -, ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION EXPENDITURES PERSONAL SERVICES 125 Salaries - Regular Employees TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 253 Repair - Machinery and Equipment 255 Repair - Motor Vehicles, Tires & Tubes TOTAL MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 333 Chemicals, Druge & Etc. 345 Motor Vehicles - Fuel & Lubricants 373 Machinery and Equipment Parts 379 Motor Vehicles - Tires TOTAL GRAND TOTAL REVENUE CITY TREASURER BALANCE January 1st Less Unpaid Purchase Orders Unencumbered Cash Balance January 1st 110 Current Tangible Taxes 130 Delinquent Taxes 240 Sales Tax TOTAL FUND---- NOXIOUS WEEDS —- - - - -- - -- DEPAR'PiiF- - = - - -- -- - - -- - -- _Adjusted -- ___- _ -:_ -- - Actual Current Proposed vious Year. Budget Budget I 2,578 -71 3,500.00 3,500.00 2,578.71 3,500.00 3,500.00 851.83 1,000.00 1,000.00 74.46 100.00 100.00 926.29 1,100.00 1,100.00 825.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 288.56 400.00 400.00 .00 300.00 300.00 18.62 200.00 1,900.00 I 200.00 1,132.18 1,900.00 4,637.18 1 6,500.00 1 6,500.00 638.67 None X677 5,094.48 115.39 344.33 5,554.20 2,380.69, 825.00 1,555.69 1 841.45 5,472.49 5,311.55 .00 .00 313.27 3.47.00 5,785.76 5,658.55 -i i, -- .- . - - - -- NOXIOUS WEEDS 0" r - - -- - — _ Pa oc =_ 7 Act a_ Current Proposed ' CLASSIFICATIONZ Previous Budget Budget 1967 1968 1969 PERSONAL SERVICES 3,500.00 3,500.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 920.29 1,100.00 1,100.00 ' MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 11132.18 1,900.00 1,900.00 TOTAL 4,637.18 I 6,500.00 6,500.00 TOTAL RECEIPTS ' 5,785.76 .5,658.55 TOTAL RECEIPTS AND BEGINNING BALANCE 6,1!2.1;7 7,341.45 6,500.00 Less Expenditures 1,637.13 6,500.00 6,500.00 UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE DECEMBER 31 841.45 .00 Net Tax Requirements 5,116.j1 5,472.49 5,311.55 Delinquent Tax 102.!2 109.45 106.23 Tax Dollars i21$.; 5,5II1.g4 5 41278 Tax Levy Mills 0.0811 0.0909 0.0873 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay ' FUNCTION The Function of this fund is to control the growth and cutting on lots and pieces of ' land within the City of Salina, any rank or obnoxious growths of vegetation. This is under the direction of the Director of Services. BUDGET COMMENTS ' Street Department equipment and personnel costs are prorated to this fund for the services rendered. Account Number 125 includes one full time employee from March through September. A'M .SAT T177TTPrT FUND—=-- - - FIREMEN'S PENSION - - -- - -_ -- DE PAR'I'S t - -- CITY OF SAT,M"., K2AN.S AS -- D A f Pare 7`+ -- -- — --- - - - - -- - -- Adjusted - - - - - -- - - - - - -- Actual Current Proposed ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Year Budget Bud,,et _ 1967 _ 1968 1969 EXPENDITURES -__ -_ -- - -- -� —_ - - - - -- '- - - - --� SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 437 Pensions Paid 439 Refunds Reserve TOTAL REVENUE CITY TREASURER BALANCE January 1st Less Unpaid Purchase Orders Unencumbered Cash Balance January Ist 110 Current Tangible Taxes 130 Delinquent Taxes 240 Sales Tax 941 Contributions by Employees TOTAL 16,610.00 25,498.00 I 26,775.00 1,088.72 1,500.00 1,500.00 .00 .00 10,000.00 17,698.72 26,998.00 38,275.00 10,818.64 1 10,845.43 1 5,824.71 6,719.82 10,564.09 19,827.72 127.10 .00 50.00 375.73 413.19 669.57 10,502.86 11,000.00 11,903.00 17,725.51 21,977.28 32,450.29 i FUND'. FIREMEN'S PENSION ----CITY OF ----- - - - - -- 5i Page SO Actual Current Proposed CLASSIFICATION Previ0113 Yr. Budget Budget 1967 1968 1969 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 17,698.72 26,998.00 38,275.00 TOTAL 17,698.72 26,998.00 38,275.00 TOTAL RECEIPTS 17,725.51 21,977.28 32,450.29 TOTAL RECEIPTS AND BEGINNING BALANCE 28,544.15 32,822.71 38,275.00 Less Expenditures 17,698.72 26,998.00 38,275.00 UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE DECEMBER 31 10,845.43 5,824.71 .00 Net Tax Requirements 6,752.35 10,564.09 19,827.72 Delinquent Tax 35.0 211.28 396.55 Tax Dollars 6,887.40 10,775.37 20,224.27 Tax Levy Mills 0.1133 0.1754 0.3258 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay Account Pays regular established pensions. Refunds represent monies paid to employe who terminate their service with the City. These refunds represent 50% of the total paid into the fund by the employee. Employee contributions of 3% withheld from salaries. Reserve appropriation of $10,000.00 is levied each year to maintain this amount as required by State Statutes. r FUND_ POLICEMEN'S PENSION DEPARn,Eti1 CITE' OF SAI TFA, KANSiiS - -- — -� DE:TA7li Page- 81 -- —_- - -- Adjusted � Actual Current Proposed ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Year Budget Budget 1967 1 1968 1969 1 EXPENDITURES SUNDRY,EXPENDITURES. 437 Pensions Paid 439 Refunds Reserve TOTAL RECEIPTS CITY TREASURER BALANCE January 1st Less Unpaid Purchase Orders Unencumbered Cash Balance January lst 110 Current Tangible Taxes 130 Delinquent Taxes 240 Sales Tax 941 Contributions by Employees TOTAL 25,965.00 27,840.00 27,840.00 2,211.02 2,000.00 2,000.00 .00 .00 10,000.00 28,176.02 29,840.00 39,840.00 9,763.97 ` 11,603:19 I 5,672.52 20,482.75 14,551.52. 21,685.20 465.52 100.00 100.00 1,475.37 1,257.81 922.28 7,591.60 8,000.00 11,460.00 30,015.24 23,909.33 34,167.48 FUND POLICEMEN'S PENSION DEP_ ::1T1ENT —CITY OF Si I!A , K ?S ?,,> - - -1. S�JT i aR' Page 0 20,551.33 Actual ^ACtirrend Proposed CLASSIFICATION Previous Yr. Budget Budget 20,962.36 1967 1968 1969 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 28,176.02 29,840.00 .39,840.00 TOTAL 28,176.02 29,840.00 39,840.00 TOTAL RECEIPTS 30,015.24 23,909.33 34,167.48 TOTAL RECEIPTS AND BEGINNING BALANCE 39,779.21 35,512.52 39,840.00 Less Expenditures 28,176.02 29,840.00 39,840.00 UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE DECEMBER 31 11,603.19 5,672.52 .00 Net Tax Requirements 20,551.33 14,551.52 21,685.20 Delinquent Tax 411.03 291.03 433.70 Tax Dollars 20,962.36 14,842.55 22,118.90 Tax Levy Mills . 0.3449 0.2416 0.3563 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay Account pays regular established pensions. Refunds represent monies paid to employees who terminate their service with the City. These refunds represent 50% of the total paid into the fund by the employee. Employee contributions of 3% withheld from salaries. Reserve appropriation of $10,000.00 is levied each year to maintain this amount as required by State Statutes. FUND TREE MAINTENANCE D PAFZ'l'i,1 }3NT 11111 �_ _,.__. . _ l` - -4 :.+•._.... ��?'?.' -.• Page 83 -- - - - --_ __- qd u s t el Actun-1 Culrrent Proposed ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Year B19dget Bu9d9t EXPENDITURES PERSONAL SERVICES 125 Salaries - Regular Employees, Other Dept 7,411.65 3,000.00 4,000.00 130 Salaries - Part Time Employees .00 .00 10,000.00 TOTAL 7,411.65 3,000.00 14,000.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 253 Repair - Machinery & Equipment 436.70_ 100.00 300.00 _ TOTAL 436.70 100.00 300.00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 333 Chemicals .00 100.00 200.00 TOTAL .00 100.00 200.00.1 CAPITAL OUTLAY 503 Machinery & Equipment .00 3,575.00 .00 TOTAL .00 3,575.00 .00 Removal and Treatment of Trees 425.00 .00 .00 TOTAL 425.00 .00 .00 GRAND TOTAL 8,273.35 6,775.00 14,500.00 RECEIPTS CITY TREASURER BALANCE January 1st Less Unpaid Purchase Orders Unencumbered Cash Balance January lst 14,626.41 6,795.48 107.61 110 Current Tangible Taxes 77.40 82.40 14,361.67 130 Delinquent Taxes 88.56 .00 25.00 240 Sales Tax 276.46 4.73 5.72 TOTAL 442.42 87.13 14,392.39 FUND TREE MAINTENANCE -- -- -CITY OF -. SA?_IN A, KANSAS -- — Sli: Page M, Austed Actual Cirrent Proposed CLASSIFICATION Previous Yr. Budget Budget 1967 1968 1969 PERSONAL SERVICES 7,411.65 3,000.00 14,000.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 436.70 100.00 300.00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES .00 100.00 200.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY .00 3,575.00 .00 REMOVAL AND TREATMENT OF TREES 425.00 .00 .00 TOTAL 8,273.35 6,775.00 14,500.00 TOTAL RECEIPTS 442.42 87.13 14,392.39 TOTAL RECEIPTS AND BEGINNING BALANCE 15,068.83 6,882.61 14,500.00 Less Expenditures 8,273.35 6,775.00 14,500.00 UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE DECEMBER 31 6,795.48 107.61 .00 Net Tax Requirements 785.08 87.13 14,361.67 Delinquent Tax 15.70 1.75 287.23_ Tax Dollars 800.78 88.88 _ 14,648.90 Tax Levy Mills 0.0013 0.0015 0.2360 Function - Budget Comments.- Capital Outlay FUNCTION - Administered through the Street Department, this fund provides for study, treatment and removal of diseased and undesirable trees located on City property. Limited services are provided for care of parking as funds are available. BUDGET COMMENTS Account Number 130 provides for part time employees in 1969. In view of the increasin concern about Dutch Elm Disease, it appears quite likely the City will be called upon for additional forestry type services. CAPITAL OUTLAY Account Number 503 provides for purchase of a stump remover in 1968. FUND BOND AND INTEREST DEP.RTI,IENT -- 4.L1 z yr Sri rivr., c�tsr,• o D Iil _ Page 85 Adjusted Actual Current Proposed ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Year Budget Budget 1967 1968 1999 EXPENDITURES DEBT AND INTEREST 601 General Bond Principal 202,000.00 236,000.00 207,000.00 603 General Bond Interest 118,344.47 115,695-59 108,364.34 605 Curb, Gutter & Paving Principal (cs) 210,643.20 204,185.90 208,802.40 607 Curb, Gutter & Paving Principal (pos) 550,356.80 543,814.10 533,197.60 609 Curb, Gutter & Paving Interest, (cs) 56,794.20 58,502.04 52,692.65 611 Curb, Gutter & Paving Interest (pos) 151,548.58 145,764.69 129,712.08 613 Sewer Bond Principal (cs) 33,842.40 33,842.40 23,151.90 615 Sewer Bond Principal (pos) 43,157.60 43,157.60 38,848.10 617 Sewer Bond Interest (cs) 3,134.30 2,140.62 1,203.43 619 Sewer Bond Interest (pos) 5,795.10 4,550.36 3,294.03 621 Fiscal Agency Commission and Postage 1,775.15 2,000.00 2,000.00 Estimated Interest on Bonds to be Issued .00 .00 25,000.00 No Fund Warrants and Interest .00 .00 85,000.00 '1,377,351.80 1,389,653.30 1,418,266.53 TOTAL SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 439 Refunds 14,259.12 .00 .00 TOTAL 14,259.12 .00 .00 GRAND TOTAL 1,391,610.92 1,389,65 3 30 1,418,266-53 RECEIPTS CITY TREASURER BALANCE January 1st Less Unpaid Purchase Orders Unencumbered Cash Balance January 1st 5,126.28 48,627.31• 89,131.17 110 Current Tangible Taxes 642,636.40 730,837.00 689,849.90 130 Delinquent Taxes 12,972.18 7,126.24 7,000.00 150 Current Special Assessment Taxes 515,892.66 535,250.00 53 ?,337.55 160 Delinquent Special Assessment Taxes 58,895.06 81,581.52 34,647.91 610 Inte.rest on Investments 67,280.24 19,533.86 10,000.00 630 Accrued Interest on Bonds Sold 1,712..51 .00 .00 901 Sale of Emergency Warrants 80,000.00 .Ob .00 929 Special Assessments 4,579.21 5,528.54 5,000.00 957 Transfer from Parking Meter Fund 51,143.69 50,300.00 50,300.00 1,435,111.95 1,430,157.16 1,329,135.36 TOTAL RECEIPTS CITY OP S -.' . _�_1 , VAS; Z , .. pJ7 11 f I �. CLASSIFICATION BOND PRINCIPAL BOND INTEREST FISCAL AGENCY " INTEREST ON BONDS TO BE ISSUED NO -FUND WARRANTS TOTAL TOTAL RECEIPTS TOTAL RECEIPTS AND BEGINNING.BALANCE Less Expenditures UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE DECEMBER 31 Net Tax Requirements Delinquent Tax Total Tax Dollars Total Levy Mills BOND AND INTEREST Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay The anticipated tax requirement to support this fund for 1969 reflects a decrease of .8037 of a mill when compared to the current year levy, even though it includes an $85,000.00 payment for No -Fund Warrants issued to support the fund in 1967. The unpredictable payment or non - payment of delinquent special assessment taxes continues to plague the accuracy of budgeting for this fund.- Principal and interest payments for the Library, Police Building, and Joint City - County Building Bonds are included in the 1968 and 1969 payment schedules. Due to an increase in assessed valuation since the time these bonds were issued, the net effect of these payments is 1.539 mills. i -- -- - - -- _-- adjusted - - -- Actual Current Proposed reviou, Tr. Budget Budget 1967 1968 1969 l,oll,000.00 1,o4o,000.00 1,o61,000.00 349,835.77 326,653.30 295,266.53 1,775.15 2,000.00 2,000.00 .00 .00 25,0oo.00 .00 .00 85,000.00 1,418,266.53 1,391,610.92 1,389,653.30 1,435,111.95 1,430,157.16 1,329,135.36 1,440,238.23 1,478,784.47 1,418,266.53 1,391,610.92 1,389,653.30 1,418,266.53 48,627.31 89,131.17 .00 645,429.08 730,837.00 689,849.90 13,069.04 14,887.20 745,724.267 — 13,797.00 703,646.90- 03 , 646.90 658,498.12 10.8355 12.1383 11.3346 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay The anticipated tax requirement to support this fund for 1969 reflects a decrease of .8037 of a mill when compared to the current year levy, even though it includes an $85,000.00 payment for No -Fund Warrants issued to support the fund in 1967. The unpredictable payment or non - payment of delinquent special assessment taxes continues to plague the accuracy of budgeting for this fund.- Principal and interest payments for the Library, Police Building, and Joint City - County Building Bonds are included in the 1968 and 1969 payment schedules. Due to an increase in assessed valuation since the time these bonds were issued, the net effect of these payments is 1.539 mills. i FUND FLOOD WORKS AND LEVEE DEPARTtiIENT V11t yr OiL11vi1? lu ti:J >-iv - D .TAI- Page 87 - - - - -- - - - -- -- -- - -- -- - Adjusted - -- Actual Current Proposed ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Year Bud et Budget 1967 1 68 1569 EXPENDITURES PERSONAL SERVICES 120 Salaries - Regular Employees 14,756.16 14,775.00 15,960.00 TOTAL 14,756.16 14,775.00 15,960.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 207 Traveling Expenses .00 50.00 50.00 231 Insurance - Motor Vehicles 286.84 260.00 275.00 253 Repair - Machinery & Equipment 977.81 1,650.00 1,500.00 255 Repair - Tires 39.00 130.00 200.00 295 Other Professional Services 6.00 100.00 100.00 299 Other Contractual Services 120.00 300.00 300.00 TOTAL 1,429.65 2,49o.00 2,425.00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 310 Expendable Tools 13.17 30.00 20.00 333 Chemicals and Drugs 1,320.50 1,000.00 1,000.00 345 Motor Vehicles - Fuel and Lubricants 727.97 750.00 750.00 347 Motor Vehicles - License Tags 80.00 100.00 100.00 359 Other Operating Supplies 78.69 100.00 150.00 365 Cement and Cement Products .00 400.00 100.00 379 Motor Vehicles - Tires 81.90 100.00 100.00 381 Paint and Painting Supplies 27.45 50.00 50.00 387 Sand, Gravel, Rock and Chat 216.60 250.00 300.00 TOTAL 2,546.28 2,780.00 2,570.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY 503 Machinery and Equipment 560.05 3,000.00 .00 TOTAL 560.05 3,Q00.00 .00 GRAND TOTAL 19,292.14 23,045.00 20,955.00 FUND FLOOD WORKS AND LEVEE DEPARTMENT _ ' — -- CITY OF SALINA ; KANSAS - ----- — DS AIu Page 88 -- -- -= - - Adjusted 1 ' Actual Current Proposed ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Year Budget Budget 1967 1968 1969 RECEIPTS ' CITY TREASURER BALANCE January lst 5,413.18 5,445.19 Less Unpaid Purchase Orders 1 500.00 1 604.59 3 $�0. -60— 92 57 Unencumbered Balance January 1st 3,93.1$- 110 Current Tangible Taxes 18,332.88 18,833.71 18,684.7Lf 130 Delinquent Taxes 223.08 .100.00 100.00 240 Sales Tax 638.60 1,127.26 1,193.69 731 Miscellaneous Sales & Service 25.00 70.00 50.00 TOTAL 19,219.56 20,130.97 20,028.43 1 D FLOOD UIORKS AND LEVEE T Paget' Act,._? t Cu rent{ I Proposed CLASSIFICATION? Previou_ V -. Budget Budget 69 Net Tax Requirements 1968 19 PERSONAL SERVICES _1T9.67 14,756.`_ 114,775.00 _ 15,960.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 1,429.6 -5 2,490.00 2,425.00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 2.,546.28 2,780.00 2,570.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY 5rS0.0 -5, 3,000.00 .00 19,292.14 123,045.00 20,955.00 TOTAL TOTAL RECEIPTS TOTAL RECEIPTS AND BEGINNING BALANCE 19,21_9.55 2j, x_32. ; 120,130.97 ;;:;, :7.1_.57 20,028.43 20,955.00 Less Expenditures 1.9,292.1.4 i23,045.00 20,955.00 - - ------_---- - - -- -- UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE DECEMBER 31 3,G - ±�.0 926.57 .00 69 Net Tax Requirements 18, 11. >. 1.8,833.71 18,684.74 Delinquent Tax 368.-% 376.67 373.69 Tax Dollars 18,781.152 19,210.38 19,058.43 Tax Levy Mills 0.30: ; 0.3127 0.3070 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay FUNCTION The function of the Flood Works and Levee Department is one of maintaining, patroling and keeping in good repair_ at all times the flood dikes, gates, pumps and related equipment that comprise the flood control system for the City of Salina. CAPITAL OUTLAY The current expenditure was for replacement of an old Topeka Highway mower with a new tractor and flail -type mower. FLOOD 1%'CRKS AND LEVEE -_t 1 POSITION II.LE �C.i�.�� ' ., `_.!. r ,i:: <<t 196? BadCet 196E 1 Foreman 1 .1 1 IL21 _ ?2 5,700.00 6,144.00 1 Maintenance Worker 1 2 2 387 _ 9,072.00 9,816.00 � ^_ 1 TOTAL I ! 14,772.00 15,960.00 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 i FUND SOC'AL.SECURITY BE VAP,11I ENT Page 91 Adjusted Actual Current Proposed ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previ� zar Budget Bud et 9 6 EXPENDITURES SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 426 Social Security Deductions Remitted 82,744.23 95,000.00 115,000.00 TOTAL 82,744.23 95,000.00 115,000.00 RECEIPTS CITY TREASURER BALANCE January 1st Less Unpaid Purchase Orders Unencumbered Cash Balance January 1st 321642.88 17,320.00 3,010.58 110 Current Tangible Taxes 7,715.67 9,138.09 32,764.21 130 Delinquent Tangible Taxes 240 Sales Tax 275.40 835.98 200.00 474.49 200.00 585.21 941 Employees Contributions and Others 58, L, x,8]8.00 —38 00_,_OQ TOTAL 67,421.35 80,690.58 111,989.42 - - -- CITY 0 S AI`_ _,' 1 , K1N S ' z CLASSIFICATION SUNDRY EXPENDITURES TOTAL TOTAL RECEIPTS TOTAL RECEIPTS AND BEGINNING BALANCE Less Expenditures UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE DECEMBER 31 FUND' SOCIAL SECURITY Actual s Vdrurte' n et revious Yr. Budget 1967 1968 82,744.23 82,744.23 67,421.35 100,064.23 82,744.23 17,320.00 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay 95,000.00 95,000.00 80,690.58 98,010.58 95,000.00 3,010.58 Pazz v" , 02 Proposed Budget 1969 115,000.00 115,000.00 111,989.42 115,000.00 115,000.00 .00 Appropriation for 1968 represents City's share currently set at 4.40 of employees annual salary not to exceed $7,800.00. An equal amount is paid through employee payroll deducations. - The increase in 1969 for the City's share represents an increase to 4.8%. t-- — - - - - - -- CITY OF SALIN A, KAtiilAS -- D`­AT. ' ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION ' EXPENDITURES SUNDRY EXPENDITURES ' 428 Employee's Retirement - Remitted to State 439 Refunds ' TOTAL RECEIPTS CITY TREASURER BALANCE January 1st Less Unpaid Purchase Orders Unencumbered Cash Balance January 1st 110 Current Tangible Taxes 130 Delinquent Tangible Taxes ' 240 Sales Tax 941 Contributions by Employees & Employer ■ TOTAL FUND EMPLOYEE'S RETIREMENT DEP ARIME Actual v 196 Year 7 58,771.53 99.80 58,871.33 Adjusted Current Budget 158 70,875.00 .00 70,875.00 Page 93 Proposed B 19�9t 88,790.00 50,014.94 1 38,144.74 1 14,402.60 5,569.17 4,640.42 344.14 150.00 1,057.76 342.44 40,030.06 42,000.00 47,001.13 47,132.86 23,993.45 100.00 293.95 50,000.00 74,387.40 kui;'D EMPLOYEE'S RETIREMENT Pa ^c. 94 Adjusted Actual Current Propoced CIASSIFICATIOti Previous Yr. Bud,-et Bud -et SUNDRY EXPENDITURES TOTAL TOTAL RECEIPTS TOTAL RECEIPTS AND BEGINNING BALANCE Less Expenditures UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE DECEMBER 31 Net Tax Requirements U p 1967 1968 1969 92.80 479.87 Tax Dollars 58,871.33 _ 70,875.00 88,790.00 58,871.33 70.875.00 88,790.00 47,001.13 47,132.86 74,387.40 97.,016.07 85,277.60 88,790.00 58,871.33 70,875;00 88,790.00 38,144.74 14,402.60 .00 Net Tax Requirements 5,594.44 4,640.42 23,993.45 Delinquent Tax 111.89 92.80 479.87 Tax Dollars 5,706.33 ,7-4— 33.22 24,473.32 Tax Levy Mills 0.0939 0.0770 0.3942 Function - Budget Comments -- Capital Outlay The 1968 appropriation represents the City's share of 4.5% of employees annual salary. The employee will pay 4% through payroll deducations. The increase in 1969 for the City's share represents an increase to 5.80. FU \D CENTRAL GARAGE DEPA- RIRMETiT . CITY OF Sr:_1, KA''N'S.-kS — -- -- I SLi` i1�` Page oc, CLASSIFICATION PERSONAL SERVICES Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay FUNCTION The Central Garage facility was placed into service on January 1, 1964 Personal services for this Department do not represent a budgetary item. They are paid by the various departments using the services of the Central Garage on a prorated basis. Appropriations are budgeted by each department for both parts and labor under account number 253. BUD-2.Ea' Actual Previou3 Yr. 1967 Aci ustea current Budget 1968 Proposed Budget 1969 26,562.33 28,345.00 29,945.00 TOTAL 26,562.33 28,345.00 29,945.00 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay FUNCTION The Central Garage facility was placed into service on January 1, 1964 Personal services for this Department do not represent a budgetary item. They are paid by the various departments using the services of the Central Garage on a prorated basis. Appropriations are budgeted by each department for both parts and labor under account number 253. BUD-2.Ea' GA RACE j L, 4 U c a ",lit Frz)p,)se POSITION TITLE, 'F, Bucher 1.968 1969 1 Foreman II 442 T.uto Mechanic 6,072.00 Clerk-Typist I 3 Auto Servicemen (Part Time) 1 Extra Time 270 Total f";, .00 2 2 I 184 1 1 442 53',' 6,072.00 3 3 435 15,768,00 1 1 I 270 f";, .00 2 2 I 184 1_> -. 2,562.00 373.00 6,456.00 16,631.00 3,768.00 2,620.00 470.00 29,945.00 PDND- ___ -__ SANITATION___ I Dr PA1:_1'ME�;jI -- kJ- 1 1, VI: Ot 1 L 3 -1 i ci , S 1`r J:1 J -- --. ------------ - - - - -' - -- - -- - 1s P`--TAT P<� �' 97 pp���{ Actual. "C.M.s.ii d Proposed ACCOUNT CIASSIFICATION Previous Year Budget Budget 1967 1968 1969 PERSONAL SERVICES 120 Salaries Regular Employees 96,002..90 110,300.00 121,940.00 TOTAL 96,002.90 110,300.00 121,940.00 CONTRACTUAL.SERVICES 205 Telephone & Telegraph 447.29 430.00 450.00 207 Traveling Expenses 530.00 100.00 100.00 209 Postage .00 10.00 10.00 221 Printing Office Forms 681.55 150.00 200.00 231 Insurance - Motor Vehicles 626.48 540.00 550.00 236 Insurance - Social Security 4,001.43 5,530.00 5,530.00 238 Employees Retirement 2,693.88 4,100.00 6,690.00 239 Group Insurance 1,855.66 2,200.00 2,200.00 243 Water 171.42 200.00 200.00 253 Repair - Machinery & Equip. 4,724.83 4,500.00 5,000.00 255 Repair - Tires & Tubes 123.25 200.00 300.00 257 Repair - Radio Equip. 290.00 405.00 405.00 284 Laundry & Towel Service 2,578.75 2,600.00 2,800.00 290 Medical Services 185.00 100.00 150.00 291 Billing & Administration Charges 5,705.28 5,800.00 6,000.00 294 Workmen's Compensation 5,177.38 5,340.00 5,875.00 TOTAL 29,792.20 32,205.00 36,46o.00 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 310 Expendable Tools 455.10 300.00 400.00 320 Office Supplies 198.18 125.00 140.00 331 Books & Periodicals 63.00 20.00 20.00 345 Motor Vehicles - Fuel & Lubrs. 5,984.15 6,000.00 6,500 :DO 347 Motor Vehicles - License "fags 550.00 530.00 550.00 359 Other Operating Supplies 406.80 300.00 300.00 367 Electrical & Lighting Parts. .00 20.00 10.00 371 Lumber & Lumber Products 9.72 .00 25.00 375 Motor Vehicles - Tires 214.99 400.00 400.00 381 Paint & Painting Supplies 6.58 20.00 10.00 TOTAL 7,888.52 7,715.00 8,355.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY 525 Trucks .00 15,600.00 .00 TOTAL- .00 15,000.00 .00 GRAND TOTAL 133,683.62 165,220.00 166,755.00 POND-___ SAN I TAT I ON T -- -- - -- - -- CITY 011, - - - - - -- -- - - - -- - 1!' i ; . P< g8 Fd �� d AC tI"-,, I irli e_et Proposed ACCOUNT CLASSIFICAI`ION Previ_oL,_c Ye�:r Bit dcret Bucket 1968 -- - - - - -- X969 — =- REVENUE City Treasurer Balance January 1st Less Unpaid Purchase Orders Unencumbered Cash Balance January 1st 733 Service Fees TOTAL 58,310.06 29,056.34 39,0H.43 324.20 ig,2g�i:73 2 8 , 7 3 2 —.PT 1 8,312,14 143,117.13 144,800.00 180,000.00 143,117.13 144,800.00 180,000.00 SANI TAT loil C 1- T 1. " C i' <;A 1 )- 1 � K. c X1:.1 Page 99 ^ Piopo d CI�hSSiFIC ^�TION Irrev crti_ Yr. Budt,0t BudCet j PERSONAL SERVICES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES MATERIALS & SUPPLIES CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL TOTAL RECEIPTS TOTAL RECEIPTS & BEGINNING BALANCE LESS EXPENDITURES UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE DECEMBER 31st FUNCTION 25,732.20 7,8 8, Zr. 52 .00 1 J�ViJi .�L i 143,117.131 162,41=' / 133 -66' 2 28'�z�'.14 i Function - Budget Cominents -- Cartit .l 110,300.00 121,940.00 32,205.00 .36,460.00' 7,715.00 8,355.00 15,000,00 .00 165,220.00 1 166,755.00 144,880.00 173,532.14 165,220.00 8,312.14 180,000.00 183,312.14 166,755.00 21 ,557.11E This department is responsible for the efficient, systematic collection and disposal of all garbage, rubbish, trash and similar waste materials originating within the residential areas of the City of Salina. BUDGET COMMETS Account #238 has been increased for 1969 to allow for the employers share being raised from 4.5% to 5.8%. Account #239 reflects an estimated loo increase for 1968 over the original budget. The first four months of 1968 indicate truck maintenance to be running considerably higher than had been anticipated a year ago. For this reason, account #253 has been increased $1,500.00 for 1968 and another $500.00 for 1969. Account #291 provides for billing-and amdinistrative charges paid to other departments on the basis of 6� per customer per month. The most significant aspect of the recommendation involving the Sanitation budget is to increase the monthly service fee from $1.5-O to $2.00. The service was first placed on a fee basis in April, 1960, at $1.25 per month. It was increased to $1,50 per month in June, 1961, where is has since remained. The Department is entirely self- supporting and has been since it was first placed on a fee basis. Despite rising costs for equipment, personnel, etc., the operation has remained in the black until this year. Periodic adjustments have been made to keep the number of vehicles being operated and the number of personnel on the payroll in line with the number of subscribers. As an example, the routes and trucks were-reduced from 7 to 5 in 1966. Due to an increase in subscribers' and the work load it was necessary to add 1 truck in 1967. Each truck is operated by a 3 -man crew. CITY 0:' '.' L;' :1 '''___ - - - -- -- - -____ _. - - - -- ---- - - - - -- - -- S" Page Prot o�cd CLASSIFICATION Previou_ Yr. (� Budciet Budget f I Function - Budoet Corracents -° CapiLa'L 3:«1 y I-BUDGET COMMENTS CONT.'D. Page 99a Expenses for the first four months of 1968 exceeded the revenue by approximately $6,000.00. Without a fee increase the unencumbered cash balance is expected to decrease from $28,732.00 as of January 1, 1968, to $8,312.00 by Dec&7.`_)er 31, 1968. The monthly -fee provides for once per week collection service for one, two and three unit dwellings, with no limitation on the number of containers. Special pickups are made on call for such items as tree limbs. Account #535 recommends the replacement of two old packer units during the current year. It has become a problem to keep one of these old units in daily service due to the maintenance and care they demand. Five of our present fleet will become two years old in January of 1969. A reserve for replacement of these units, as well as the limb and.winch truck should also be initiated. Due to their constant use, the optimum life expectancy of this type unit its usually considered to be not to exceed five years. It is believed that an increase in service fee to $2.00 per month would provide a sufficient replacement reserve in the.future as well.as a hopefully sufficient hedge against continuing inflationary costs. This increase would also place the municipal service a step closer to the rates several of our private carriers are forced to - charge in order for them to remain in business. . . A quick reference to page 99 which indicates our anticipated unencumbered balance for December 31, 1968, will provide the reason for our recommendation that the proposed increase be initiated immediately. POSITION TITLE Foreman II Clerk Typist 1 Equipment Operator II ' Equipment Operator 1 Laborer Extra Time TOTAL 1ATION n jj us tud P-roposcd ^cri �i i ✓l p Budget i 1 1 7 0 15 1 1 7 1 14 442 - 533 270 - 314 „ _ iVJ +Jl 374 - 3 , ' 6,073.00 i 3,312.00 i 33,239.00 y,ilt.0v 6, (158.00 0 00 110,300,00 6,456.00 3,948.00 36,540.00 4,842.00 66,856.00 3,298.00 121,940.00 FUND PARKING METERS DEPARDIENT n -r ri V T 0 1. -- T T A T/ A T- f n D; A Ij Page 101 y Actual Adjusted Current Proposed ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Year Budget Budget 196 ___1368 196 EXPENDITURES PERSONAL SERVICES 120 Salaries - Regular Employees 16,440.21 19,890.00 21,105.00 TOTAL 16,440.21 19,89o.00 21,105.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 221 Printing Office Supplies 88.00 130.00 130.00 231 Insurance - Motor Vehicles 45.30 45.00 45.00 253 Repair - Machinery and Equipment 112.20 225.00 225.00 255 Repair - Motor Vehicles - Tires .00 10.00 10.00 299 Other Contractual Services 212.00 5,660.00 5,220.00 TOTAL 457.50 6,070.00 5,630.00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 310 Expendable Tools 13.30 20.00 20.00 320 Office Supplies 64.08 60.00 60.00 345 Motor Vehicle - Gas and Oil 116.16 120.00 120.00 347 Motor Vehicle - License Tag 12.50 15.00 15.00 355 Wearing Apparel 540.05 350.00 350.00 359 Other Operating Supplies 91.57 100.00 100.00 379 Motor Vehicle - Tires 40.03 50.00 50.00 391 Parking Meter Parts 254.81 300.00 300.00 TOTAL 1,132.50 1,015.00 1,015.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY 503 Equipment 325.00 .00 350.00 513 Parking Meters 1,089.98 1,200.00 1,200.00 Payment -Off Street Parking to Bond and Interest Account 51,1113.69 50,300.00 50,300.00 TOTAL 52,558.67 51,500 -.00 51,850.00 GRAND TOTAL 70,588.88 78,475.00 79,600.00 FUND PARKING METERS Di �? 1nTME; T L'- `'..'... Page 102 - � Hdj u s fea - -- - Actua' Current Proposed ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous sear Budget Budget 1967 1968 1969 RECEIPTS CITY TREASURER BALANCE January 1st 26,518.46 43,856.47 Less Unpaid Purchase Orders 154.60 None Unencumbered Cash Balance January 1st _ 25,763.86 43,856.47 50,006.47 450 Parking Meter Revenue 79,0414.57 75,000.00 75,000.00 610 Interest on Investments 671.92 625.00 625.00 707. Parking Meter Permits 7199 5.00 9,000.00 9,000.00 ^ TOTAL 87,6'1.1e; 84,625.00 84,625.00 PARKING METERS ..-�. r.._. _. 6j LA L o ci Actua -1 Current CLASSIFICATION Previ o•_u 'x'r. , f Budget 1967 j 1968__ PERSONAL SERVICES 16,44.0.21, 19,890.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 457.501 6,070.00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 1132.50 1,015.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY 52,558_671 51,500.00 TOTAL 70,588.881 78,475.00 ,c� TOTAL RECEIPTS u i , :: � � . - � � 84,625-00 TOTAL RECEIPTS AND BEGINNING BALANCE I 114,415.37 128,481.47 Less Expenditures 70,5 8.83;i 78,475.00 UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE DECEMBER 31 43,8x.':; 50,006.47 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay Page 103 Proposed Budget 1969 21,105.00 5,630.00 1,015.00 51,850.00 79,600.00 84,625.00 134,631.47 79,600.00 55,031.47 FUNCTION This department provides for the collection of monies, enforcement, service and maintenance for all parking meters located within the City. BUDGET COMMENTS Account Number 221 includes printing of parking permits. Account Number 299 for 1968 and 1969 provides for a transfer of $5,000.00 to General Operating Account Number 711 for administrative and legal services. PA R K I C NETERS POSITION TITLE Employee--'' evc-"o Range Current i Budget 1968 Voposed Budget 1969 Parking Meter Tech. 11 1 409 — 448 3,948.00 5,248.00 Maintenance Worker 1 1 1 387 — 409 4,394.00 4,875.00 Meter Maid 3 3 270 — 314 11,548.00 10,982.00 Parking Meter Tech. 1 0 0 398 — 423 .00 .00 19,890.00 21,105-00 TOTAL FbNO GENERAL & SPECIAL D, E a i, I E N T I MPRO=. L FIFF S Page 105 Adjusted Actual Current Proposed ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Year Budget Budget 1967 1968 1969 EXPENDITURES CAPITAL OUTLAY 502 Buildings .00 .00 45,852.51 TOTAL 00, .00 45,852.51 REVENUE CITY TREASURER BALANCE January 1st Less Unpaid Purchase Orders Unencumbered Cash Balance January 1st 1A $;2.51 852 . 51 852.51 110 Current Tangible Taxes .00, .00 I 45,000.00 TOTAL .001 .00 45,000--00 - - -I t1PR-JVEMEI1TS- - -- - - -- — - -CITY OF ?. LI ': `y -- - - - -- - - — - - - -- — - - - -- -- -- -- -- SL ?`' Page, I06 - Provos, d CL, %SS- .G).CATIO : nevi ou,, nudUC, t Budget q 1068 1969 Net Tax Requirements 0 ^l .00'i Delinquent Tax ?^ .00 Tax Dollars .Go! .00 Tax Levy M i l l s 3�- ; .0000 Function - Budget Comments - Capital 1-1 -,t!_ay 45,000.00 900.00 45,900.00 0.7394 The appropriation for this account represents the esti:'-.ated construction costs for a new fire cottage to be located near the intersection of Crawford Avenue and Marymount Road. The Kansas Inspection Bureau has, for many years, bZen requesting the City to construct such a facility in this area. With the additionEl construction that is being planned for this area, it is necessary to construct the building at this time so as not to jeopardize our present fire insurance rating. l CAPITAL OUTLAY �.00 00 45,852.51 ..TOTAL .60: .00 45,852-51 TOTAL RECEIPTS .00! .00 45,000.00 TOTAL RECEIPTS AND BEGINNING BALANCE 852.5 1 852.51 45,852.51 Less Expenditures .00 45,852.51 UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE DECEMBER 31 8;x.51; 852.51 .00 Net Tax Requirements 0 ^l .00'i Delinquent Tax ?^ .00 Tax Dollars .Go! .00 Tax Levy M i l l s 3�- ; .0000 Function - Budget Comments - Capital 1-1 -,t!_ay 45,000.00 900.00 45,900.00 0.7394 The appropriation for this account represents the esti:'-.ated construction costs for a new fire cottage to be located near the intersection of Crawford Avenue and Marymount Road. The Kansas Inspection Bureau has, for many years, bZen requesting the City to construct such a facility in this area. With the additionEl construction that is being planned for this area, it is necessary to construct the building at this time so as not to jeopardize our present fire insurance rating. FUND _CONSTRUCTION D 'r'V M-Nf RESUrf_Ecina Streets) CITY OF SAT NA K 7',-iy? - - - - -- — - - - -- - -- S - - - - -- - -- - - -- Pale 107 Adlu god ticuual G u runt Proposed CLASSIFICATION Previ-ou; Yr. Budget Budget 1967 1968 1969 CASH BALANCE January 1st RECEIPTS STATE GASOLINE _TAX` - 73,701.47 87,492.35 2,042.66• Surplus Distribution Interest on Investments 40,557.97 2,595.80 32,000.00 2,000.00 32,000.00 .00 TOTAL RECEIPTS AND BEGINNING BALANCE Less Expenditures 116,855.24 29,.362.89 121,492.35 119,449.69 34,042.66 34,042.66 2,042.66 .00 Cash Balance December 31st 87,492.35 Function - Budget Commnts - Capital Outlay Part of the monies received from the extra 4 State Gasoline Tax is put in the General Operating Fund for general street work. The balance is put into this account.to be used for resurfacing the major streets within the City. - CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION WATER SUPPLY EXPENSES 110 Maintenance -Well Pumps and Equipment 120 Well Power 130 Well House Signals 140 River Intake Power 150 Maintenance -- Bldg. 6 Grds. 160 Maintenance-- River Basin 6 River Intake IILi]I Will SOFTENING AND TREAT14ENT EXPENSES 205 Supervision 210 Salaries 215 Electric Power 220 Gas Service 225 Building Operating Supplies 230 Chemicals 235 Maintenance-- Equipment 240 Maintenance-- Buildings 255 Electric Power -- Calcining Plant 260 Gas Service -- Calcium Plant 265- Supplies -- Calcium Plant TOTAL PUMPING EXPENSES 305 Supervision 310 Salaries 315 Electric Power 320 Gas Service 325 Lubricants 330 Building Operating Supplies 335 Maintenance-- Electrical Equipment 6 Pumps 340 Maintenance -- Station Building and Grounds FUNDEater an_d_ Sewe_raf,e DEPARTMENT Actual Current vious Year Budget 1967 1968 PLC'e 103 Proposed Budget 1969 19117.94 85855.00 65600.00 29516.110 29700.00 31)000.00 1,437.96 12670.00 1,670.00 1,690.14 29500.00 2,500.00 87.49 15500.00 800.00 10090.54 500.00 - 1300000 49923.89 91000.00 99000.00 17,240.47 175725.00 159570.00 99,596.32 139335.00 179810.00 31,535.95 359610.00 371-765.00 39507.31 45500.00 4,500.00 63,082.55 6,500.00 61500.00 232.41 19000.00 19000.00 719816.22 729000.00. 729000.00 49923.89 91000.00 99000.00 926.49 900.00 11000.00 39139.74 39355. -00 39500.00 39493.05 45500.00 45500.00 19105.51 29480.00 . 2$00.00 1361359.44 1 1539180.00 1 1601075.00 99928.92 109745.00 11,380.00 189918.00 .20,255.00 21,620;00 169198.16 16,500.00 175000.00 500.24 350.00 350.00 119.30 200.00 200.00 735.73 985.00 1,000.00 800.77 465.00 700.00 417.32 .695.00 700.00 TOTAL 1 47,618.44 1 50,195.00 1 52,950.00 ri FUND_V4ter and Sewerage _ DE P_4RTM E�LfT -- CITYn t •,7 0 A n T lusted Actual I Current Proposed ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Year Budget I Budget 19107 1 1968 , 1969 Pa DISTRIBUTION EXPENSES 405 Supervision 55116.2: 69065.00 69615.00 410 Salaries 25,054.06 28,560.00 305725.00 415 Meter Maintenance Salaries 9,256.66 95930.00 109490.00 420 Meter Maintenance Supplies 10,653.11,, 10,410.0 0 105500.00 425 Vehicle & Equipment Expenses 3,139.33 49435.00 49500.00 430 Tapping Supplies 3,775,9' 1:5970.00 5,000.00 435 Maintenance -- Distribution Mains 6,025.5,0 55810.00 65000.00 440 Maintenance -- Elevated Tanks 1,214.1. 1,505.00 19000.00 445 Maintenance -- Reservoirs .00 200.00 1$00.00 450 Maintenance -- Hydrants 29962.93 1,105.00 15500.00 455 Miscellaneous Materials & Labor 2,516;54 , 2.980.00 3.000.00 TOTAL 695704.47 75,970.00 80,830.00 CUSTOMERS ACCOUNTING AND COLLECTION 510 Office Salaries 42,184.73 435510.00 479260.00 515 Servicemen & Meter Readers Salaries 319848.40 345760.00 37,700.00 520 Servicemen & Meter Readers Supplies 439.44 600.00 700.00 525 Collection Stations 1,561.40 19800.00 1,800.00 530 Maintenance -- Office & Equipment 1,930.00 29600.00 23,700.00 535 Office Supplies 39641.17 It 9500.00 59000.00 540 Vehicle Expenses 2,138.82 21600.00 29600.00 545 Car & Travel Expenses 1,153.87 15130.00 ..00 550 Postage 79572.70 121 +00 +00.00 12000.00 650 Accounts Charged Off 608.87 400.00 TOTAL 92,470.53 1039900.00 1105160.00 ADMINISTRATIVE AND GENERAL EXPENSES 605 Supervision 99924.00 10,400.00 119570.00 610 Salaries 311968.44 413465.00 49855.00 615 Telephone Expenses 29438.68 29800.00 3,135.00 620 Office Supplies 357.27 480.00 500.00 625 Special Engineering .00 15000.00 12000.00 630 Social Security 119522.40 149700.00 15,200.00 635 Insurance -- Buildings 31647.20 4,000.00 42000.00 640 Sales Tax 39204.45 55260.00 65000.00 645 Property.Taxes 105000.00 .209000.00 30,000.00 650 Accounts Charged Off 608.87 400.00 500.00 655 Long & Short Cash 103.92 100.00 100.00 660 Employees Retirement 95135.97 131800.00 16,900.00 665 Accident Insurance 115319.73 15,000.00 169500.00 670 Auditing Expenses 49800.00 45800.00 43,800.00 675 Contracting Service 19945.39 2,2.00.00 25650.00 680 Organizational Dues & Membershins 324.08 750.00 750.00 690 Services Performed -- Other Departments 155312.00 155600.00 155000.00 695 Travel Expenses 731.23 15200.00 19200.00 TOTAL 899343.63 1161955.00 134,660.00 CITY OF SALINA, I:ANSAS DZzTAI::, ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION SEWAGE TREAT14ENT AND COLLECTION EXPENSES 705 Supervision 710 Operating Salaries 715 Electric Power 720 Gas Service 725 Plant Operating Supplies 730 Maintenance -- Equipment 735 Maintenance -- Building and Grounds 740 Maintenance -- Pumping Stations 745 Maintenance -- Sanitary Sewers 750 Vehicle Expenses TOTAL TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSE BOND ORDINANCE RESERVE REQUIREMENTS 910 Bond Principal Payments 915 Bond Interest Payments TOTAL GRAND TOTAL FUND Pater and Sewerage DEPARITIENT Parma no � Adjusted - -- ---- - - - - -I . Actual Current Proposed evious Year Budaet Budaet 1967 168 1 1969 129172.00 309120.00 32,990.00 645495.31 539580.00 59,870.00 249780.80 249000.00 24,000.00 29113.45 25820.00 29800.00 111017.64 1,600.00 29270.00 45595.56 51445.00 51,900.00 325.78 750.00 800.00 39167.65 3,400.00 39700.00 2,359.28 2,250.00 1,800.00 30889.67 41)160;00 35550.00 1189917.14 1 128,125.00 1 137,680.00 5711714.12 1 646,050.00 691,925.00 1369000.00 839000.00 115,000.00 1039935.00 1201000.00 100,195.00 2195000.00 218,935.00 2209195.00 7905714.12 1 8649985.00 1 912,120.00 FUND Water & Sewage DEPARTMENT DETAIL page 111 Actual MustV u ren proposed ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Year Budget Budget 1967 1968 1969 EXPENDITURES Water Supply 171240.47 179725.00 15,570.00 Softening & Treatment 136,359.44 153,180.00 160 Pumping Expenses 47,618.44 50,195.00 :171.00I 52,950.00 Distribution Expenses 69,764.47 75,970.00 80,830.00 Customer Accounting & Collections 925,470.53 103,900.00 110,160.00 Administrative & General Expenses 89,343.63 116,955.00 134,660.00 Sewage Treatment Expenses 118,917.14 128,125.00 1375680.00 Cash Remitted to Sanitation Dept. 143,000.00 144,800.00 180,000.00 Capital Improvements 91,012.10 200,000.00 90,000.00 Transfer to Bond Retirement & Extension Resery 150,000.00 70,000.00 50,000.00 Transfer to Bond & Interest Reserve 219,000.00 218,935.00 220,195.00 Net Cash Transfered to Other Current Assets 1,598.11 1,600.00 1,600.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1, 176,324.33 1,281.385.00 1,233,720.00 City Treasurer Balance January lst 230,884.97 160,906.79 Less: Unpaid Purchase Orders 15,065.43 27,070.88 Unencumbered Cash Balance January 1st 215,819.54 133,835.91 128,450.91 REVENUE Water Revenue 546,850.71 565,000.00 590,000.00 Sewage Revenue 338,730.96 348,000.00 .360,000.00 Miscellaneous Income 7,374.94 8,000.00 8,000.00 Tapping Service 5,688.09 7,000.00 7,000.00 Service Charge from Sanitation Dept. 3,086.67 3,200.00 3,200.00 Cash Collected from Sanitation Dept. 143,000.00 144,800.00 180,000.00 Capital Improvement from Bond Retirement & Extension & Construction Reserve 49 609.33 200,000.00 90,000.00 TOTAL RECEIPTS 1,094,340.70 1,276,000.00 1,238,200.00 TOTAL RECEIPTS & BEGINNING BALANCE 1,310,160.24 1,409,835.91 1,366,650.91 Less Expenditures 1,763,324.33 1,281,385.00 1,233,720.00 Unencumbered Cash Balance December 31st 133,835.41 1281450.91 132,930.91 i CLASSIFICATION WATER SUPPLY EXPENSES SOFTENING AND TREATMENT EXPENSES PUMPING EXPENSES DISTRIBUTION EXPENSES CUSTOMERS ACCOUNTING AND COLLECTIONi ADMINISTRATIVE AND GENERAL EXPENSES SEWAGE TREAT14EITT AND COLLECTION EXPENSES TOTAL Tt; .;:ter and Sewerage h_'.\ `t; - - - - -- - - -- Actual. evious _.. 1967 Page 112 Current Proposed Budget Budget 1968 1969 17,2x;11". < -7 275725.00 159570.00 153,180.00 160,075.00 69,764,1.7 9 ?_ y''70.r3 89 9 3',,3. 3 503195.00 521950.00 75,970.00 809830.00 103,900.00 1109160.00 116;955.00 1341,660.00 ?'5.00 137!680.00 _i.. -. i 571,7'- :. ? 6 "s 6,050.00 691,925.00 Function - Budget Comments - Capital CA::t-lay ' FUNCTION The water division of the Water and Sewerage Department is responsible for the opera -- ' tion, maintenance and repair of all facilities necessary for supply, treatment, storage and distribution of water for the City of Salina; to maintain and keep in good repair all water distribution mains, valves and fire hydrants throughout the system. ' The billing and accounting division processes all orders for new services and dis- connects, computes charges, and is responsible for the collection of all revenues due the Water and Sewerage Department. Servicemen and meter readers install, remove, clean, ' check and read monthly, all meters which record water consumption. Responsibility for the operation and maintenance of all facilities necessary for proper treatment and disposal of sanitary sewage from the City of Salina is the primary ' function of the Sewage Treatment Plant. ' The sanitary sewage collection division has the responsibility of maintaining and keeping all sanitary sewer mains, laterals and sewage pump stations in the system in good operating condition. ' BUDGET COMMENTS In reviewing the operations and maintenance costs of 1967 and 1968, and the pro- ' jection for 1969, an increase in the grand total can be readily seen. Primarily, the most substantial variance is reflected in salaries, and with the addition of one new position. Line Item #205 provides for an assistant water plat superintendent for ' the remainder of 1968 and 1969 at an annual salary of $7,200.00. 71. Fi; D D Eli I A'),T ,-i?'ioT'. CITY OF SAT,TNA, V_-',NSA31 — - -- S Act'1a1 CLASSIFICATION Previoua Yr. 1 Pac e Current I Propo o Budc,et Bud,-et Function - Budcet Comments - Capital Outlay 112 a BUDGET COMMENTS - Cont'd. During the first part of 1968 three water well casings were "pulled" for inspection and maintenance. The majority of our wells have been in operation approximately 15 years and from observations received of the three wells, it is recommended to "pull" six more this year and the remaining six in 1969. Line Item 110 reflects approximately $6,600.00 for the current year and $6,600.00 for 1969 for this project. Item #235 shows approximately $4,000.00 increase for 1968 and $5,000.00 for 1969. Our equipment at the water plant is going on 13 years old, and maintenance expense can be expected to increase. The projected life of this equipment varies from 15 to 20 years and provision for maintenance and repair of a few large items have been made in this account. item #545 is being discontinued in 1969 to comply with State statutes. Employees, such as meter readers, using their own vehicles on the job will be re- imbursed by a one step increase in their salary schedule. Item #550 (Postage) shows approximately $5,600.00 increase in 1968 as compared to 1967, and estimated to remain the same for 1969. This is a direct result of the recent postal rate increase. Some items under Administrative and Ceneral expense show a' marked increase. Line Item #630 (Social Security) City share is based-on 4.8% 'of employees annual salary not .to exceed $7,800.00. The 1968 percentage was 4.4. Item #645 (Property tax) represents an in- lieu -of tax based on an assessed valuation of approximately $1,000,000.00 and our present advalorem tax. rate. - Item #660 (Employees Retirement) City. share is based on 5.80 of employees' annual salary for 1969 as compared to 4.5% for 1968. -Line Item 9665 covers Washington National Insurance and Workmens Compensation. Both coverages based on an estimated increase of 100 over 1968. FUND 13EPAR5- _ E'NT -- - -CITY OF SAII.T NA , KANSAS) — Slii Acc al CLASSIFICATION Previou3 Yr. Current Budget Page Proposed Budget Function - Budget Comments Capital Outlay 112 b BUDGET COMMENTS - Cont'd. Item #675 includes payment for rights -of -way rental along railroad lines for water mains, sewer lines, etc. Line Item #705 reflects an increase of approximately $18,000 for 1968 and Line Item #710 a decrease of $11,000 when compared to 1967. This change represents a re- allocation of department personnel to comply with the water and sewerage ordinance. In effect, this reorganization and allocation of salaries is as follows: Item No. Title 1967 1968 1969 705 Superintendents 1 1 1 705 Foreman II 0 1 705 Foreman I 1 3 3 710 Plant Operator 7 6 6 710 Maintenance Worker II 4 4 4. 710 Plant Lab Tech. 1 1 1 14 16 16 The two additional employees in 1968 reflect help required at sewage plant #2 which was inherited by the closing of the Schilling Air Base. Two major Capital Improvement project$ being planned for the current year are: (1) the NW water main extension project from Walnut to Euclid as recommended in the 1967 Water. Distribution Study, and (2) the Wayne Street sanitary seq. *er project-from Quincy to the 24" trunk line east of Ohio Street. FUN!) - -- - -CITY OF S:V_,I_t\iA, KANSAS, - -- -- STi'.icjA,.� d Act ..al CLASSIFICATION Previous Yr. Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay CAPITAL OUTLAY Proposed items for 1969 include the following: Currant Budget Paint Gun for Hydrants......., ........... 0* ........ 4.......................$ Exhaust Fan for #7 High Service Pump House ............... 0................. Swivel Caster for Chlorine Dollies........... 8" Shell Bit and Adapter for Tapping Machine ............................... 1 Pick Up Truck with Utility Body (To replace old Airforce Econoline) ...... 1 Vari -Speed Motor for River Pump........... 1 Backhoe and Front End Loader...... ........ One 1/2 ton pickup with utility body less trade -in of (1963 Studebaker) .... One 3" Trash Pump for emergency, pump station downtime, and cleaning wet wells. .Includes 40 feet of hose with fittings .................... Two -way radio for truck with Myers sewer cleaner... * ............ * ...... One 1/2 ton pickup for use at Sewage Plant #2.'.... ................. Remington Records Retrieval Cabinet for housing tap applications and records... Estimated cost of moving and erecting Lektriever II & Remington Rand Electro Mechanical Unit to new location ......................... 6....... -Cram Storage Unit -- for meter book less trade in ...... 0 ..................: Three desk chairs to match existing chairs,in office ....................... One desk, 60 X 30 table with Texolite top (Service Foreman) ................ Conference table 96" X 112 " .............. 0.... Eight Side Chairs for use at desks in office ...... :.................. ...... Three section unit with table for customer room Stand up table in customers room for check writing ............... Validating machine -- Burroughs to be used at drive -in windo................. One electric typewriter with trade in of standard ................ 0......... Page Proposed Budget 112 c 100.00 300.00 400,00 300.00 2,350.00 10,000.00 7,000.00 1,900.00 730.00 400.00 1,500.00 1,030.00 380.00 205.00 210.00 160.00 225.00 320.00 500.00 150.00 900.00 450.00 - - -- CI T Y OTC A': I NA K ^.`7 =.`.> -------- - - - - -- - -- -- -- CLASSIFICATION; I ?revious Y- r. Budget Function - Budget Comments - C pi _l C.tlay CAPITAL OUTLAY -- Cont'd. Items needed for new building are as follows: One stool for drive in window, two institutional electr_c clocks and Sand Urns ........................... .........................:....5 Painting of 1 million gallon overhead reservoir ............................ Parts and maintenance costs for fire hydrants at Schilling ................. Replacement of illuminating lights for waterspheriod Pa Se Proposed Budget 112 d 230.00 9,000.00 3500 00 2,500.00 TI : _ C. r e n Pr >p,, U POSIU10N TITLE j "_. F �r ,e : _td t b_id�et 605 Director of. Utilities 1 1 72 - i : ,- UO.00 119570.00. 610 Secretary 0 0 314 - 610 Account Clerk II (Sec._,i Cashier) 510 Office Nanager 510 Cashier 510 Clerk- Typist II 510 Account Clerk I 510 Bookkeeping Machine Operator I 510 Clerk Typist I 510 Clerk- Typist I (Temp.) 515 Foreman I 515 Servicemen 515 Meter Readers Extra Time Total 1 1 0 2 1 3 4 1 1 3 4 1 1 0 3 1 285 2s0 - z�v0.00 7750.00 >,O�J.00 3 299 _ 3::2 3 270 - 314 12,900.00 2 270 - 31i, 23,025.00 1 421 - 512 55500.00 3 423 - 448 16,160.00 3 374 - 423 1?5100.00 93,130.00 41800.00 6,]_45.00 12,160.00 4,355.00 12,760.00 10,795.00 525.00 6,145.00 16,130.00 1Ls , 320.00 1,675.00 101,380.00 aud Cexera e �2 POSITION, TITLE F, Bu, el e t l l I ll 2 5 l O l l 692 550 4O0 398 - /'23 387 - x�? 333 - 3�o 423 - /: U " 308 - 423 , ' OO ' 3»3n0.O0 5,545,O0 | 0,r 00 i ' l2`320 ,08 i | 24_600,80 /|,00O,O0 / 5�lI5.00 � 4,8lS,UO 124,540.00 99530.00 79200.00 5,O45^OO 6O,l35.00 121,910.00 38O,O0 4*7l0.00 55375.00 S,U76,O8 1,225.0O I36»3O5.0O 205/305 Water Plant SoDt. l 205 Asst. Water Plant CuDt. l 205 Plant Laboratory Tech. l 210/310 Water Plant Operator II � 305/406 Foreman II 2 410 Maintenance Worker II 5 ~~ 410 Maintenance Worker I 0 410 Custodian l 415 Water Meter Repairman 415 Rater Meter Repairman I I m� Extra Time Total l l I ll 2 5 l O l l 692 550 4O0 398 - /'23 387 - x�? 333 - 3�o 423 - /: U " 308 - 423 , ' OO ' 3»3n0.O0 5,545,O0 | 0,r 00 i ' l2`320 ,08 i | 24_600,80 /|,00O,O0 / 5�lI5.00 � 4,8lS,UO 124,540.00 99530.00 79200.00 5,O45^OO 6O,l35.00 121,910.00 38O,O0 4*7l0.00 55375.00 S,U76,O8 1,225.0O I36»3O5.0O DFIT'AR" Pi::�p;scd POSITIONT TITLE R�olse Budget Budget ?Ij, 705 Sewage Plant Supt. 1 512 - 606 1 7$760.00 8$230.00 705 Foreman 1! 1 1 442 - 538 55950.00 61455.00 705 Foreman 1 3 3 421 - 512 I 165410.00 179830.00 710 Sewage Plant.Op�=tor 8 6 398 - 423 295395.00 305455.00 710 Maintenance Worker 71 5 4 398 - 423 195065.00 22$580.00 710 Plant Laboratory Tech. 1 1 400 487 5,120.00 59845.00 Extra Time 19455.00 Total 783.700.00 921,850.00