Budget - 1970 * I I I I I I I I TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION Page Letter of Transmittal -------------------------- i 1969 Tax Levy for 1970 Budget ------------------ 1 Reven~e - General Operating Fund (SuIT~ary) ----- 2 Licenses{ Fees and Permits ----------- 3 Expenditures - General Operating Fund (Sumrr.ary) - 4 Tax Levy SUTI@ary for General Operating Fund ---- 5 Expendi tures - All Funds (Sunu.--nary) ----------.--- 6 GENERAL OPERATING FUND (Detail-Fund SununarY-Commentarv-Personnel Data) - . I I I I I I I I I I City COITh.~ission --~----~------------------------ 7 City Manager ----------------------------------- 9 Ci ty Clerk -------------------------------------- 12 City Attorney ---------------------------------- 15 Municipal Court -"---------------------------------- 18 City Building ---------------------------------- 21 City Engineer ---------------------------------- 24 Fire ------------------------------------------- 27 Inspection ------------------------------------- 31 .. Park -----------------------------.------------------ 34 Police ----------------------------------------- 38 Street ---------------------..--------------------- 42 ~'Jaste Disposal ----------------------.------...,---.--- 46 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Page Street Lighting --------------------------------- 49 Traffic Control . --------------------------------- 51 Swimming Pools ----------------------------------- 54 Administration and Planning --------------------- 57 Insurance and Contingencies --------------------- 60 Band -------------------------------------------- 62 Cemetery ----------------------------------------- 64 General Improvement ----------------------------- 68 Memorial H&ll ----------------------------------- 71 Public Health ----------------------------------- 74 Industrial Development -------------------------- 76 OTHER FUNDS Noxious vleeds Expenditures ------------------------------- 78 Revenue ------------------------------------- 78 Firemen's Pension Expenditures ------------------------------- 80 Revenue ------------------------------------ 80 Policemen's Pension Expenditures ------------------------------- 82 Revenue ------------------------------------ 82 Tree Maintenance Expendi tures ------------------------- ------- 84 Revenue ------------------------------------ 84 Bond and Interest Expendi tures --------------------------------- 86 Revenue ------------------------------------ 86 Flood Works and Levee Expenditures -------------------~----------- 88 Revenue -- -- - ---------- -- --- --------- ------ -- -- 89 Social Security Expenditures ------------------------------- 92 Revenue ------------------------------------ 92 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , Page Employees Retirement Expenditures ----------------------------- 94 Revenue ---------------------------------- 94 Central Garage -------------------------------- 96 Sanitation Expenditures ----------------------------- 98 Revenue ---------------------------------- 99 Parking Meters Expenditures ----------------------------- 102 Revenue ---------------------------------- 103 General and Special Improvements -------------- 106 Special Gasoline Tax Expenditures ----------------------------- 107 Revenue ---------------------------------- 107 Golf Course Expenditures ----------------------------- 109 Revenue ---------------------------------- 110 Water and Sewerage Expenditures ----------------------------- 113 Revenue ---------------------------------- 116 I I I NORRIS D. OLSON CITY MANAGER AREA CODE 913 823-2277 FIFTH AND ASH STREETS P. O. BOX 746 COMMISSIONERS DONALD D. MilLIKAN, MAYOR lEON l. ASHTON CARL R. RUNDQUIST ROBERT C_ CALDWEll WilLIAM W. YOST I dafina, .Q\an2a~ 67407 July 22, 1969 I The proposed budget for 1970, as submitted by the City Manager, was approved for publication subject to the following amendments: I I I I I (1) That the appropriations for the Cultural Arts Commission be increased by $2,050.00 and that the appropriation for Industrial Development be reduced by the same amount. (2) That personal services for all departments and funds be adjusted to provide a 2% salary increase. (3) That anticipated revenues for the General Operating Fund be increased in the following amounts: Accounts 1969 1970 I 110 310 & 383 410 440 727 Current Tangible Taxes House Moving Permits Municipal Court Fines Franchise Taxes Sale of Lots $ 4,000.00 2,000.00 $ 9,390.00 2,000.00 3,000.00 10,000.00 500.00 I (4) That 1970 Tangible Tax Revenues for the following Special Funds be adjusted in the following amounts: I Firemen's Pension Policemen's Pension Flood Works & Levee Social Security Employees Retirement decreased decreased increased increased increased 270.00 240.00 340.00 760.00 780.00 I I I I I I ATTEST: /..!. " Donald D. Millikan, Mayor (, I//, .' / /,> jJ;;Z)2tv~~ D. L. Harrison City Clerk MEMBEH KANSAS LEACLJE Uf- MUI'.J!Clf'AL.IJ - N!\-rIONAL l._EA(;UE~ OF- ell-rES I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Supplemental breakdown on Revenue to adjust Totals on Revenue Accounts included in Items 3 and 4 ham Amendr:~ent da'ted July 22, 1969. Account FUND Number 1969 1970 General Operating 110 1,069,114.56 * 310 66,870.00 56,645.00 410 112,000. 00 115,000.00 440 210,000.00 727 3,300.00 Total 1 ,906,354.90 1,968,996.78 * Licenses, Fees and Permits (Account Number 310) Firemen's Pension 383 15,700.00 5,000.00 Total 66,870.00 56,645.00 110 40,224.32 941 13,770.00 Total 54,849.10 110 17,654.68 941 12,240.00 Total 30,269.63 110 19,246.95 Total 20,745.29 110 36,604.05 941 79,560.00 Total 117,591.29 110 25,859.98 941 57,120.00 Total 84,003.73 Pol icemen's Pension Flood Works and Levee Social Security Employees' Retirement I 1 Adjust a II 1970 Personal Services and Totals as follows in order to include the 2% salary increase: I Personal Services AmounT of Adjusted Adjusted Department or Fund Increase Total Grand Total 1 City Manager 435.00 22,135.00 26,445.00 I City Clerk 1 ,01 5 . 00 51,870.00 80,115.00 City Attorney 285.00 14,445.00 17,445.00 I Municipal Court 275.00 13,900.00 15,745.00 Sui Iding 27 5 . 00 13,875.00 24,195.00 1 Engineering 1 ,250. 00 63,805.00 70,085.00 I Fire 9,665.00 493,090.00 528,825.00 Inspection 780.00 39,630.00 44,070.00 I Park 1,510.00 76,955.00 94,665.00 Pol ice 9,125.00 465,560.00 540,965.00 I- Street 3,485.00 177,955.00 232,475.00 1 Waste Disposal 360.00 18,340.00 29,670.00 Traff i c Contro I 355.00 17,985.00 39,685.00 I Swimming Pools 240.00 12,240.00 20,735.00 I Administration and Planning 965.00 49,200.00 53,300.00 Cemetery 330.00 16,705.00 19,775.00 I General Improvement 445.00 22,495.00 23,785.00 Memo ria I Ha II 95.00 4,690.00 8,385.00 I Flood Ivorks and Levee 340.00 17,265.00 21,985.00 Centra I Ga i-age 630.00 32,095.00 32,095.00 I Sanitation 2,595.00 132,345.00 178,865.00 I Parking Meters 560.00 28,460.00 101 ,900.00 , Water- and Sewerage 7,345.00 374,030.00 979,895.00 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I J u I Y 22, 1969 The fol lowing changes to the 1970 Proposed 5udget, which was submitted by the City Manager, were authorized by the City Commissioners. City Commissioners City Manager City Clerk City Attorney Municipal Court Sui Idings Engineering Fire Inspection Park I Pol ice I Street I I Waste Disposal Traff ic Contro I Swimming Pools I Admini~tration & Planning I Cemetery I EXPENDITURES - GENERAL OPERATING FUND Account Number 211 110 120 110 120 110 120 110 120 120 110 120 Revised Proposed Sudqet Revised Personal Services Total Revised Contractual Serv ices Total 14,670.00 30,170.00 16,320.00 5,815.00 22,135.00 21,780.00 30,090.00 51,870.00 8,018.00 6,427.00 14,445.00 5,510.00 8,390.00 13,900.00 J3,875.00 13,875.00 11,812.00 51,993.00 63,805.00 110 9,537.00 120 483,553.00 493,090.00 120 110 120 130 39,630.00 39,630.00 8,670.00 50,905.00 17,380.00 76,955.00 110 10,210.00 120 427,080.00 130 28,270.00 465,560.00 110 120 11,260,00 166,695.00 177,955.00 120 18,340.00 18,340.00 120 16,965.00 130 1 ,020.00 17,985.00 120 12,240.00 12,240', (,0 120 46,650.00 130 2,550.00 49,200.00 120 16,705.00 16,705.00 Revised Sundry Expenses Total Revised Grand Total 33,070.00 26,445.00 80,115.00 17,445.00 15,745.00 24,195.00 70,085.00 528,825.00 44,070.00 94,665.00 540,965.00 232,475.00 29,670.00 39,685.00 20,735.00 53,300.00 19,775.00 .1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I EXPENDITURES - GENERAL OPERATING FUND - Continued Rev i s'3d Revised Revised Revised Personal Contractual Sundry Revised Account Proposed Services Services Expenses Grand Depa rtments Number Buds:Jet Total Totai Total Total General Improvement 120 17,720.00 130 4,775.00 22,495.00 23,785.00 Memorial Ha II 120 4,690.00 4,690.00 8,385.00 Industrial Development 295 27,950.00 27,950.00 27,950.00 EXPENDITURES - SPECIAL FUNDS Flood Works & Levee 120 17,265.00 17,265.00 Social Security 426 118,320.00 Employees Retirement 428 96,900.00 Central Garage 32,095.00 32,095.00 Sanitation 120 132,345.00 132,345.00 Park i ng Meters 120 28,460.00 28,460.00 "'later & Sewage 205 20,285.00 210 40,200.00 179,455.00 305 12,235.00 310 23,215.00 55,950.00 405 7,410.00 410 44,370.00 415 11,255.00 95,135.00 510 52,815.00 515 41,695.00 121, 71 0.00 605 12,400.00 610 5,140.00 142,640.00 705 35,940.00 710 67,070.00 158,540.00 118,320.00 96,900.00 21,985.00 118,320.00 96,900.00' 178,865.00 101,900.00 979,895.00 I I NORRIS D. OLSON CITY MANAGER AREA CODE 913 823-2277 I I FIFTH AND ASH STREETS P.O_ 80X 746 d'afina, !J(an2a2 67407 COMMISSIONERS DONALD D_ MILLIKAN, MAYOR LEON L ASHTON CARL R. RUNDQUIST ROBERT C. CALDWELL WILLIAM W_ YOST July 7, 1969 I I Honorable Mayor and City COIlli11issioners City of Salina, Kansas I Gentlemen: I The proposed budget for 1970 is herewith submitted for your consideration and review in accordance with the statutes of the State of Kansas and the ordinances of the City of Salina. rrhis document provides a comparative analysis of dollars, people, material needs and objective pla21ning for the previous, present and coming year. Our intent is to maintain the past level of services and build to the future. I I I Procedures for developing a comprehensive budget docu- ment are tedious and time-consuming. Hours of detailed work and research have been spent to bring this document to its present form. Your administrative staff recognizes that budget preparation is one of our most important respon- sibilities. It is a document every department lives with twelve months out of the year. I Preliminary budget worksheets are prepared by each department cornmencing about mid--May. Departrne:Lltal requests are reviewed and analyzed s~veral times before priorities are assigned. Departmental operations are discussed in an attempt to better utilize personnel and equipment_ or improve proc(~dures. Our philosophy, as it relat_es to E.~~~onnel-, is to enCOi.lrage the employment of the highest calibre person we can obtain in local government for the money available, and to provide him with the greatest possible opportunity for development and advancernent. We a_Iso believe in good maintenance practices alonG wi th replacerilent of material items, ,d-lorl necessary and l~i thin t:Jle limi t.s of ave.i lable funds, so that_ these needs do not compound in future years. In our opinio~, the assigned line item amounts are realistic and accu~ate. I I I I I The fO.rrno.t of zen, unfami1iex to ate its contents. this budget is prepared so that the citi- municipal budgeting, may study and evalu- Pages 1 through 6 c~ntain ~ata and I I MEMBEf-~ KANSA:::; LE-:_AC;U~ ()F' MUNICI~-)^l_l--!-!F~,;:; - N/\TION/:"L_ I_EA(.;UF: OF C!TIE~; I I I I I I I I I I. I I I computations relating to the current and proposed tax levy, a description of revenue sources, a summary of expenditures (by department) for the General Operating and all special funds. Beginning with page 7, detailed expenditure items for each department or fund are printed on white pages, a summary of expenditures appears on the yellow pages, and personnel data relating to each department or activity are provided on the green pages. The yellow summary pages also contain pertinent commentary concerning the functions and budget expenditures for each department or activity. REVENUES A review of our adjusted budget revenues for the current year differ very little from those submitted to the City Commission twelve months ago. The net effect of the adjust- ments represents a gain of slightly over $65,000.00, or approximately 3~% more than the $1,835,249.83 originally projected. It appears that as our economy continues to stabilize since the closing of Schilling Air Force Base, our anticipated revenues (exclusive of Tangible Taxes) for 1970, should generally equal the adjusted figures for the current year. One new source of revenue has been made available to the cities of Kansas by the 1969 State Legislature, in the form of the new "sixth cent" gasoline tax. It has been estimated that Salina should receive approximately $36,500.00 per calendar quarter from this new tax. Additional comments concerning this account can be found on page 108. EXPENDITURES I I I I I I The proposed general operating expenditures for 1970 (listed on page 4) exceed those of the current year by $182,860.00. Approximately $80,000.00 of this increase is represented in the 5.1% cost-of-living increase (based on the Central Region, U. S. Department of Labor Index) together with the normal merit increases that will become effective throughout 1970. I remind the reader of this budget message, who might consider the above salary increase to be excessive, that salary surveys of Kansas municipalities continue to show Salina pay scales to be below those of other Kansas communities. Seven new employees are budgeted for the various depart- ments within the General Operating Fund for 1970: Three equip- ment operators for the Street Department; a foreman and a maint- enance worker for the Park Department; an Assistant Chief of Police; and an Administrative Assistant for the new Department of Administration and Planning. With the past acquisition of addition~l parks and streets, it is becoming increasingly evident that these two departments are understaffed and their requests for additional help can no longer be deferred. The request for an administrative assistant is to afford all departments with staff assistance in the area of research and ii I I I I I I I I I I. I I I I I I I I I data collection as such might relate to their specific func- tion. The interrelationship of federal, state and local governments today places an increasing demand upon cities for this type of staff member. Outside the General Operating Fund, one maintenance worker is budgeted to care for the parking lot plantings and arcades, and four employees wi thin the vlater and SeYler utility. The latter request is for one clerk-typist to reduce overtime paid within the utility office, two water maintenance workers and one sewer maintenance worker for the Schilling systems. Of significant import to the tax-paying public is the fact that the tax levy to support the General Operating portion of the proposed budget for 1970 has been established at 16.8580 mills. This represents a decrease from the 1969 levy of .7241 of a mill. The mill levy requirements to support all special funds, including Bond and Interest, as proposed for 1970 total 13.722 mills -- a reduction of .5959 of a mill. The proposed mill levy for all purposes for 1970 totals 30.58 mills as compared to the present levy of 31.90 mills; a net reduction of 1.32 mills. This reduction in mill levy is a direction that govern- mental budgets in these inflationary times do not generally take. There are reasons for this decrease, however -- rea- sons that we have briefly discussed in previous budget messages and consider worthy to mention again. The import- ance of maintaining an expanding tax base cannot be over- emphasized. Municipal growth for a city means additional responsibili ties in the form of expanded s21"vices. Area growth in land alone cannot provide the base to support these additional service requirements. The acquisition of improved lands and the development of unimproved property within the corporate limits of a city are desirable ingre- dients of a municipal budget. The assessed valuation for the City of Salina has shown a significant increase of $2,160,156.00 over the past year, from $62,717,142.00 to $~4,877,298.00. Recognition for a significant portion of this increase must be given to the endless list of concerned comlTIunity leaders who, for the past several years, have spent litany hours of effort toward bringing new business acti vi ties to this cormuuni ty. A doff of the hat goes to the "retired" and "carryover" membe:rs or past City Commis- sions, the Economic Development Committec, officers and staff of your Chamber of C;mmerce, the Airport Authorjty and many others. Above all, we express our appreciatj_on to those established Salina firms vlho have seen fit to expand their business operations. In our budget message of last year, we mentioned the critical need for federal and state legislators to provide alternate sources of revenue to cities so that relief could be given to the presently overburdened and regressive iii I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I property tax. The 1969 State Legislature did provlde a start in this direction by the enactment of the ne',v sixth cent gas tax legislation. This, howE:ver, can be viewed only as a token effort on behalf of the Legislature, and additional measures must be considered during the coming 1970 session. We submit that the property tax lid as proposed dur- ing the 1969 State legislative session is not the answer to the property tax dilemma. One legislator has been quoted as stating that, "The cities have created these tax problems -- let them find their own way out of it the best way they know hmv." I challens.re this inference that city governments have created the apparently unlimited spiral of inflation. Yet they will continue to be the property tax "bad guys" as long as it continues to be their principal source of revenue. We feel that cities are entitled to and deserving of "a piece of the federal and state economic revenues" -- the sales and income taxes. Possibly the municipal wheel has not, as yet, squeaked long or loud enough. In conclusion, I must compliment the department heads for their very fine efforts in preparing their original budget estimates. Special recognition must be given to Director of Administration Bill Harris, and City Clerk Don Harrison for the many hours they devoted to review and preparation of this document. Gentlemen, your statu~ory responsibility is to review the proposed document; determine if the programs, as pro- posed, are sound and adequate; if certain services should be expanded or reduced; if new projects should be initiated or existing ones modified or eliminated; and to then initiate its ult_imate adoption. Upon your adoption of the 1970 budget, we pledge our best efforts to its effective administration. Respectfully submitted, "/ C\ _-/oJ, /?.r;?-,-) (1,.:..-'''-.-,>..(---- NDO/IPb Norris D. Olson City Manager iv - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - REVISED 1969 TAX LEVY FOR 1970 BUDGET 1969 Levy Fund Ad Sales Net Add Total Levy Valorem Tax Ad Valorem Ad Valorem 2% Ad Valorem 1968 Sales Tax - - Limit Tax Mills Mills Levy Mills Levy Dollars Delinquent Tax Dollars Levy - - 48,862.22 General Operating 20.0000 17.7686 0.7621 17.0065 1,069,114.56 21,382.29 l,090,496.85 17.5821 215.65 NoxiOl~ Weeds 1.0000 0.0987 0.0034 0.0953 5,988.58 119.77 6,108.35 o .0873 804.78 Firemen's Pension 2.0000 0.6524 0.0125 0.6399 40,224.32 804.49 4l,028.81 0.3258 274.95 Policemen's Pension 2.0000 0.2852 0.0043 0.2809 17,65/+.68 353.09 18,007.77 0.3563 758.34 Flood Works and Levee 1.0000 0.3180 0.01l8 0.3062 19,246.95 384.94 19,631.89 0.3070 582.95 Tree ~aintenance 1.0000 0.1380 0.0091 0.1289 8 , 104 . 71 162.09 8,266.80 0.2360 1,327.24 Social Security None 0.6030 0.0207 0.5823 36,604.05 732.08 37,336.13 0.5373 973.75 Public Employees Retirement None 0.4260 0.0152 0.4113 25,859.98 517.20 26,377.18 0.3942 53.799.88 Total Sales Tax 0.8391 SUB-TOTAL 19.4513 1,222,797.83 24,455.95 1,247,253.78 Bond and Interest 11. 2987 710,314.76 14,206.30 724,521.06 9.9654 Rond and Inter~st - No Fund Warrants i. 3692 General and Special Improvements 0.7394 TOTAL 30.7500 1,933,112.59 38.662.25 1.971.774.84 31.9000 Tangible Valuation (City of Salina minus Airport Industrial Area) 64,118,643.00 Tangible Valuation for Airport Industrial Area (levy @ 12.75 mills) 758,655.00 TOTAL VALUATION 64.877.298.00 Population City 39,007 Population County 48.743 I-' I I I I I I I I I I I -I I I I I I I I REVENUE CITY OF SALIt\A, K.A..NSAS DETAr L Fu~D GENERAL OPERATING DEPARl:'lEliT --"--,--- - r Actual ~e. vious Year 1968 I ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION City Treasurer Balance January lst Less Purchase Orders Unencumbered Cash Balance January 1st 110 110A 120 130 140 210 220 230 240 260 310 410 440 511 512 52l 522 , 523 524 54l 610 701 702 703 704 705 709 711 712 712A 713 714 717 719 720 72l 723 725 727 731 810 917 952 957 Current Tangible Taxes Current Tangible Taxes -, Airport Industrial Current Intangible Taxes Delinquent Tangible Taxes Delinquent Intangible Taxes State Cigarette Tax State Gasoline Tax State Liquor Enforcement Tax State Sales Tax State Highway Maintenance Licenses, Fees & Permits Municipal Court - Fines Franchise Taxes Office Space Rental Auditorium Rentals Rent - Buildings Concessions - Oakdale Park Concessions - Swimming Pools Lakewood Park Concessions Memorial Park Stadium Interest from Investments Engineering Fees Impounding Fees Removal and Burial Fees Grave Marker Permits Title Transfer Fees Admissions - Swimming Pools Administrative Services - Other Departments Fire Protection Outside City Limits Fire Protection Outside City Limits-Schilli g Street Cut Repairs Concrete Sawing Upkeep Services Weed Cutting Services Plats and Rezoning Fees Sale of Commodities Sale of Ordinance Books Sale of. Salvage Sale of Lots Miscellaneous Sales & Services Sale of Real Estate Public Address System Reimbursement of Expenditures Transfer from Special Gasoline Tax Fund 167,892.02 989,305.49 6 , 368 . 77 47,679.53 17,986.58 50.45 49,101.02 59,784.l8 12,623.11 59,986.l3 12,046.48 57,709.l5 110,557.82 177,189.44 360.00 1,985.00 20.00 55.62 392.59 3,726.91 105.00 11,713.36 30,000.00 3,343.00 7,416.50 117 .00 25.00 11,434.60 19,042.97 22,684.93 42,920.001 5,382.42 l,037.60 8.00 5,188.87 945.00 1,747.64 339.25 144.86 2,600.00 2,503.48 2,663.991 362.00 7,937.00\ .00 Adiusted Carrent Budge t 1969 186,908.32 l,070,l11.83 8,000.00 48,000.00 15,000.00 100.00 50,000.00 60,000.00 l3,000.00 62,908.07 12,000.00 6~, 870.00 11~, 000.00 200,000.00 360.00 l,800.00 1,000.00 75.00 350.00 3,800.00 lOO.OO 10 ,000 .00 35,000.00 3,500.00 7,000.00 100.00 20.00 l7,000.00 23,000.00 l4,000.00 45,840.00 5,000.00 l,OOO.OO 20.00 4,000.00 1,500.00 1,700.00 400.00 200.00 2,800.00 2,500.00 1,000.00 300.00 5,000.00 .00 I I TOTAL 1,786,590.74 1,980,JJ4.90 -- AmmAI, BUDGET Page 2 J PropoEed I Budge t I 1970 --1 , - ;'" <.or.... l63,008.Z2 I ! j 1,059, 724.5-6 9,600.00 49,000.00 15,000.00 lOO.OO 50,000.00 60,000.00 13,500.00 48,862.22 l2,000.00 5'" 645.00 lJ$,OOO.OO 2~0,000.00 'I r 360.00 ) 1, SOO . 00 \ 2~~:~~ \ 350.00 1 3,SOO.00 I ~ 100.00 Y 10,000.00 5,000.00 3,500.00 9 ,000.00 i lOO.OO 20.00 l7,000.00 3,000.00 I (14,000.00 ! (,jS,OOO.OO' ,000.00 1,000.00 20.00 4,000.00 'I l,500.00 I 2,000.00 I 400.00 I ~~~:~~ I 2,500.00 I 1,000.00 'I 300.00 5,000.00 II 66,650.00 I l,---9ll4, 106. 78 ----' I I I I I I I I I I. I I I I I I I I I CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS DETAIl, FUND GENEfu\L OPE&\TING DE?-\RTHENT ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Actual P.revious Year 1968 LI~ENSES, FEES AND PERMITS 311 313 315 32l 323 327 333 334 335 338 339 34l 343 345 347 35l 353 355 357 359 361 .363 365 367 369 371 375 377 381 383 39l 393 395 399 Cereal Halt Beuer.age Retail Liquor Licenses Wholesale Liquor Licenses Amusement Devises - Pinball & Etc. Entertainment Licenses Dances - Public Music Machine Licenses Miniature Pool Table & Shuffleboard Pool.~all and Bowling Alley Skating Rink Licenses Theater & Opera House Auctioneer and Auction Sales Billboard Advertising Concrete Construction Electrician Licenses Gas Fitters Licenses Tree Trimming and Spraying Private Club Licenses Junk Dealers, Auto & Parts Pawnbrokers Plumbers Licenses Taxicab Licenses Taxicab Drivers Lic~nses Street Advertising Elevator Contractor Licenses Mobile Home Court Licenses Vendor, Peddler & Itinerant Refuse Haulers Licenses Building and Inspection Fees House Moving Permits Food and Milk Permits Bail Bondsman Licenses Merchant Police Licenses Dog 'Licenses TOTAL - LICENSES, FEES AND PEfu~ITS Am'UAL BUDGE'l' 6,000.00 8,700.00 2,500.00 750.00 375.00 203.00 750.00 1,050.00 840.00 100.00 325.00 880.00 252.50 288.00 742.00 763.50 245.00 750.00 600.00 300.00 l,223.50 345.00 361.00 150.00 400.00 1,131. 00 177 .50 963.00 22,312.45 85.20 3,187.50 25.00 150.00 784.00 57,709.15 Adj us ted Current Budget 1969 6,500.00 8,700.00 2,500.00 750.00 375.00 200.00 720.00 1,000.00 630.00 lOO.OO 300.00 500.00 155.00 250.00 750.00 840.00 l70.00 .00 6l5.00 300.00 1,l25.00 360.00 130 . 00 50.00 lOO.OO 1,000.00 100.00 825.00 18,000.00 l.f>, 700.00 3,100.00 25.00 200.00 800.00 I ) ) 62,870-;-(10 ---~ Page " 3 I '= I I i I Proposed Budget 1970 7,000.00 8,700.00 2,500.00 750.00 375.00 200.00 720.00 1,000.00 630.001 100.00 300.00 500.00 l55.00 250.00 750.00 840.00 l70.00 .00 6l5.00 300.00 1,125.00 360.00 130.00 50.00 100.00 1,000.00 lOO.OO 800.00 l8,000,001 02',000.00 3,100.00 25.00 200.00 800.00 ,... 54,645.00 J I I I I I I I I I I. I I I I I I I I CITY OF ACCOUNT CLo\SSIFICATION FUND_QENERAL OPERJ..TDTG . D-F?,H~'T~lENT SALIKA, KANSAS DETAIL -.----~.];"- ~---- T Adjusted Actual Current Previous Year Budget ....l2.68_ _ 1969 _ EXPENDITURES City Commission - Personal Services City Commission - Contractual Services City Manager City Clerk and Treasurer City Attorney Municipal Court City Building City Engineer Fire Department Inspection . Park Police Street Waste Disposal Street Lighting Traffic Control Swimming Pools Administration and Planning Insurance and Contingencies Band Cemetery General Improvement Hemorial Hall Public Health Industrial Development TOTAL 500.00 28,253.07 33,948.14 71,006.96 16,278.25 8,831.81 33,697.21 64,945.18 418,987.41 37,588.54 77,057.74 401,346.17 182,623.51 48,320.00 74,937.67 37,348.93 17,513.26 20,684.85 80,993.20 11,750.00 17 ,148. 071 19,459.lf9 7,838.91 35,000.00 21. 5:L6. 07 500.0J 30,270.00 34,330.00 80.215.00 17,160.00 15,350.00 27,095.00 60,610.00 466,340.00 37,475.00 77 ,510.00 485.960.00 204,690.00 30,645.00 80,300.QO 37,915.00 17,045.00 31,030.00 65,015.00 10,000.00 19,675.00 20,400.00 8,015.00 36,710.00 30.000.00 1,767,574.44 1,924,255.00 f---------------'------- ANNUAL BUDGET ---- Page ~ Proposed Budget 1970 J_ ,')00,00 ",-<2 5 ri'D. 00 2~ J./I/S,. 60 ! -~--I '{ D ,I j .s,D~ {7 . 6 G --{.. ---- 15, '-.,/S :;c; 2. I 0 0 70,t!J<:J$cO ~~2'i?, \L5.DO I ,{4 ". 0., I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I j I I I /t! ~-; ) /--~\)'5, 66 ~ :? ') kJ 7 S ' ~~.:. ..?') l) 70 ,(-..J (~,1~,:)60.6(J '>..~ ~ ( ~ ~ 6-J I> . :.: .2:J 'J 100 -'''' r / ...:. i ',J) 160 J1j I ( :::) , C (j ! ~ I t; r),~ ,DC) c-;.~ :).~~, 0':1 <" ) .~'~ \ '- \ ': ,j J .: 7 (I , 6" . ;'. i).... ~, / I ' ;;!, ;..'\,J I; Y - , -;,~t, 60 I I I I I I I I I I 1.1 II I I I I I I I FFi"D ' (,ErH:Pv-\L OPER.-\ TING D:F.:':L}{ T~rENT __._n_____.____.___,_ PERSONAL SERVICES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES MATERIALS A~D SUPPLIES SUNDRY EXPENDITURES CAPITAL OUTLAY __ ~~=====~=(~_~'~_'~~' i~L~~~~ k:: ~:\~_ -_-~==~=-~==--=~~=~~=--=~}~~-;~__~-~--;~] ~-~-- -~- - -~- -C=~S~~I~A::~-- - . .. -- ~ Le~\ :~:1 Yr. . ..-- A:~:~!r- . -. ~~:~~~dl ~~~=='o"=-'-=~""=-~'==I===-----=-"-======~~--=C I I 1,183,293.721 l, 336,335.00 355,633.451 394,6l0.00 88,278.24 129,140.00 56,271. 21 9,850.00 __ ~q~\_, 84 092.82 54,270.00 J, 575, ;; is t. '': () ~I ()O 100.- ~) :. .2q (; rj TOTAL l,767,574.44 1,924,255.00 I? ~ ',6-j TOTAL RECEIPTS l,786,590.74 /; "~_\ I TOTAL RECEIPTS AND BEGTNiHNG BALANCE l,954,482.761 c" _ " ;:7 Less Expenditures ~67 ,574.-] I, 92<1 "':~>.) I ;'i UNENCUi1BERED CASH BALANCE Dec:e~ilber 31st 186,908.32, J1.7, 22. ,M Net Tax Requirsments 992,567.871 l,070,111.83 I 1)~_L_ll'! 5:0 Delinquent Tax I J9,851.36! 21,1,02.24 2/ ~'(:21 I--.---------------~ ---------~ ------+-- Tax Do1l2rs I .L,012,/fl9.23i 1,091,514.07 I )-'j ~L;:S --Tax--Lc\L)L-lli.Lls--- __________________..L....-____16~ it} 93L_-----1L.5B.?...L! ' i 7: 0) 73 Function - Budget Com.:Tlents - Capital O'Jtlc_y \ ) I CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS DE'l'Ali, I I I I ACCOUNT Ch~SSIFICATION EXPENDITURES I General Operat~ng Noxious Weeds Firemen's Pension Policemen's Pension Flood Works and Levee Tree Maintenance Social Security Public Employees' Retirement Bond and Interest Bond and Interest - No Fund Warrants General and Special Improvement Sanitation Service Parking Meters Special Gasoline Tax Fund Golf Course Water and Sewerage I I I TOTAL I I I I I I I I I I FUND ALL FUNDS DEPARTNENT Page 6l ----------c-c===c--=-===1 Ad;usted r Ctlrrent I 1',.. (\T).O sed I Budget ~et 1969 10 1,767,574.44 6,380.53 27,203.89 29,362.3l 22,788.28 4,715.43 88,693.36 66,047.42 1,389,443.63 .00 .00 l64,606.96 72,l74.58 .00 .00 ~.3l~J.~27 . 36 4,955,918.19 1--- ANNUAL BUDGET l,924,255.00 6,500.00 38,275.00. 39,840.00 20,955.00 14,500.00 115,000.00 88,790.00 1,333,266.53 85,000.00 45,852.51 166,755.00 79,600.00 .00 .00 1,233,720.00 5 , 192 ,309 .04 2 1:-' 'I t)~$ Dc) _.._~_--L-._ '~", ..__~ ~I 5,00 . (JcJ ,SC,:S2 S' <i':' 3( ?1o . ere) 2/ (~'6'S, c:r:J --- I - /0 000,0', , JI~ 320,cjj 'Ie croo'UJ '/30,'-/bO.O) __ f ,0.:J ,'-0 i7<t 2?b~.O(')...--- '0 ( c; 00 , 6/) ).- f 1 ?z. !::, 00 , 6 ,) 0(., $b0' 6 0 I ~ /2. . 1C/S ,6 () _ j J oS t,31 ?~~ ,00 , I I ---------...-1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FUND GENERAL OP~RATI~__ DE?AF-THEliL City COjumi,?si.oIL. CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS DET..\I: ClASSIF~CA::O'~"=C~~~~:~~~~~~e:r A!}l;:~~ r 12::0.00 19::0.00 P-- oe - ~(.., 7 I ___I - ---j i Propo~ed Budget 1970 I I J ACCOUNT PERSONAL SERVICES 110 Salaries 500.00 TOTAL 500.00 500.00 500.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES TOTAL 2,883.83 5,000.00 ,.J~'OOO.OO I 11,659.50 12,620.00 '--'- 12-,-6-2&:-00 4,067.35 4,000.00 4,500.00 I .00 350.00 .00 I 5,756.11 4,000.00 4,000.00 1,527.65 .-hQOO.OO 2 , 000 . 00 I : '\ .' . 25,894.44 27,970.00 28,120.00 207 Traveling Expenses 211 Contributions 225 Legal Advertising 233 Insurance - Surety Bonds 299 Other Contractual Services 299A Revision of Ordinances SUNDRY EXPENDITURES TOTAL 2,358.63 2,358.63 2,300.00 ~oo.oo 435 Organizational Dues 2,300.00 2,400.00 GRAND TOTAL 28,753.07 30,770.00 31,020.00 ----- Am..TUA~ BUDGE! __L1~~-- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I }:'iJj,:}) _QJ;i\Jp:"RAI.:._OPER\1JEC;_________ n;,?.'\T/tl _ _ Ci ty__.<=_on~-~j,s~;:LO!l________ -----CITY-OF S:\;_Tl.:A, KP.\:~;A.3 51.;-;,;';:\ ~','~ .--_. _._.,-. -_. -. ===0-==:- -=c=-_--=-=-c=--==--=-=-=o-c:- .:-:-:;::;.cc--=-= :--:---::=-"- -:..---c ==---=:c= -=-=:;::=-=-:: --- ---,,-- _::c =.:- -- - C :C1-- ::.--=-:::::.:c=:_-=-- ----=--- - - -=-=-1-=--- --:-: --::. ~ .co: =-==---- -::: - Co:;:: -:::: 0_--::- -::.::; =-...::- -- - r AdlLlsted I Ac t.:aJ 1 (,\:l:rent I Pro;JoscC I CLASSIFICAT10:~ i'r;:V~:~: 11". B~:~:t I B~~~~t ,I =_.:..~-~-:=.=-_-:-=:.::::::;:;:-...:=-=----.=.:.....-::::=-==----:::=:~==-~~_-:.-=-=-~=-=~=--~...;:::-.:=~--_=..=~::=.:::. =- ~-":"::"-=-=--::...~--=.,-=::==...~-..--_--:::---=-...::. ~:-=--=....:::.~-::...==-:::.--:::-:-=-=..::..==----=~~-~ ------ - - -.------------ ------------- - ------------r 8 I P~~ge --------------- PERSONAL SERVICES 500.00 500.00 500.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 25,894.44 27,970.00 ~o I ') o. · j ~-d~Uf4.BB SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 2.358.63 2,300.00 2,400.00 ::3. '''J?:J y1J:) TOTAL 28,753.07 30,770.00 31,020.QO I I -- ------ ----------- Function - Budget Cornments - Capital Outlay FUNCTION A board of five City Commissioners serves as the legislative and policy-making body of the City. They are the elected representatives of the citizens of Salina and are responsible for the passage of all ordin- ances necessary to promote the welfare of the city. The Commission shall annually choose its own Mayor. Public Commission meetings are held every Monday (4:00 P.M.) at City Hall, 5th and Ash. This address will change to 8th and Ash upon completion of the new Joint City-County-Board of Education building this summer. BUDGET COMMENTS Account #211 - Includes appropriations for 1970 as follows: National Guard $500.00; AmericRnization Center $120.00; Civil Defense $7,000.00; and Cultural Arts $5,000.00. The $1,800.00 for Civil Defense Communica- tions Officer budgeted in 1969 has been deducted since matching funds are not'available. Account #299 - Provides $3,000.00 for publication of Annual Report and $1,000.00 for special studies. A"'r1\'-'AT :":I;"\.-'t:'''" I I .1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . FUND GENERAL OPERATI~G DEP.:,RTi'Ir.:~F eft)' -f.!~na~r ~__~ ---I Pa ze 9 I pro;:eJ-l I Budget I 1970 .-.----------- . ------- CITY OF SALIKA, KANSAS DETAE, -,-_.~._.- ACCOUNT C=~SSIFI CATI O~ -"~"~~~~~~~~~: ~e ar , Adjusted Current Budget 1969 PERSONAL SERVICES. 110 Salaries - Depa~tment Heads 120 Salaries - Regular Employees ',;;'),.~ _d'l 15,300.00 16,000.00 16,000.00 15,221.36 13,180.00 <- '~.2, 70~~o I 30,521.36 29,l80.00 &,-100 . -eo I -- ^C" ..J _Je' I 1,307.00 1,600.00 1,600.00 378.62 750.00 750.00 86.71 150.00 l60.00 94.67 100.00 50.00 18.00 20.00 20.00 52.48 50.00 50.00 ' 403.77 375.00 250.00 19.00 25.00 15.00 2,360.25 3,070.00 2,895.00 I TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 205 Telephone & Telegraph 207 Traveling Expenses 209 Postage 231 Insurance - Motor Vehicles 233 Insurance - Surety Bonds 252 Repair - Furniture & Office Equipment 253 Repair - Motor Vehicles 255 Repair - Motor Vehicles - Tires TOTAL ~l~TERIALS & SUPPLIES 320 Office Supplies 331 Books & Periodicals 345 Motor Vehicles - Fue~ & Lubr. 347 Motor Vehicles - License Tags 359 Other Operating Supplies 379 Motor Vehicles - Tires 250.18 250.00 250.00 254.50 200.00 200.00 295.34 300.00 200.00 27.50 30.00 5.00 I 1.05 25.00 25.00 ..l.!2:-.4.2.. 75.00 50.00 --- 899.03 880.00 730.00 TOTAL SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 435 Orgar.izationa1 Dues 167.50 200.00 185.0(2 I 167.50 200.00 185.00 I I .00 400.00 I 500.00 , .00 600.00 , .00 I I ---I .00 1,000.00 500.00 I 33,948.1lf 34,330.00 2:,D~~:~O j TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 509 Furniture & Fixtures 517 Office Mechanical Equip~ent TOTAL GRAND TOTAL ---- ANNlTA!.. B:IDGET _1 I I L_______ I 1 1 I I I 1 I I I. I 1 1 1 I I I Account #509 - Provides for office furnishings in new building in 111969 and 1970. I ! II i l.__...__... _.___ ,___ ______~__.___._._".__________.____.__.____.__.__. _..._._. ."_'-_ A ~~-\i!... T. l~i71):;.7-:'.! ______________-;::-.--..------;--~----h-------...--'------.-. j rlr,:D - CE~ERr\L O"::'<ATEC D~, c'." ';i;:~ : ; -:. __~ C}_t. ~.): 12'!~i~g:~i=-~_____ ~;~~.: '''} \ K:\ '< :):'.3 ----------------n----------------l~-g~h----~;-l . .'c~,7;7~~:~" _.0:_ r='~~~Jtf.i ;~ac--c- i~:- ;r~)~~:::~l:C:' i ?l.eV~~:;: Yr. I B~:~; t I B~l::~ t 1 =~==-===~~==__~==~_o=~==-c=c_-==-~=,~,~~=,=.,_=""=,'_=,~c,,-====~~"',"-,== ':0_ ,~_o=~~,~=,,=~ =----~=,=-=~=... =':~--~~;=5=---==--'-1-~ PERSONAL SERVICES 30,521.36 29,180.00 21i-7-eO~()-o ---------------------------------CITy OF S,\:j;,,_\, .-.-.,--------. - .-......-.----.-. -.-.- --...--.- -- ,-.- -.--.' --...--- .-- -. - -.-- ---~-, --- ----- --,--_._--~.---..--_._--------'------------ -'~-"---------~_.'-'--- CL!,SSIFI CLTIO:~ TOTAL 2,360.25 3,070.00 2,895.00 899.03 880.00 730.00 167.50 200.00 1.85.00 .00 1,000.00 -.200.00 33, 9lf8 .14 34,330.00 26,010.00 '(,." ,: t. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES MATERIALS & SUPPLIES SUNDRY EXPENDITURES CAPITAL OUTLAY Functioil - Budget Ccm:i12nts - Capital Outlay FUNCTION The City Manager is responslble for executing all administrative affairs of the City in accordance \qith established laws or policies deter- mined by the City Commission. He shall see that all laws and City Ordin-- ances are enforced; appoint and remove all heads of departments or subordinate employees; negotiate and administer agreements and contracts; represent the City at meetings, conferences, and on committees as directed. The Manager shall prepare the annual budget for the City and administer the details of same after its approval and adoption by the City Commission. BUDGET COMl.'1ENTS Account #120 - For 1970 and the last half of 1969, this account has been reduced by transferring Director of Administration and 1 secretary to Department of Administration and Planning. This is a new nomenclature by which the previous Planning Depart~ent will now be known in an attempt to provide a closer relationship between the planning function and the administrative structure. Accounts related to motor vehicle operation and rnaintenance are reduced wi th the transfer of one vehicle to i",dministration and Planning. CAPITAL OUTLIW I- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Fr~m __GEt~I~?Al,_J1PJ~_"1~,IUTG _______ ll~~i_'\I~~:<:::':' Ci t ,------------------------------ _ c:: ':: or ~_.\=-:. \ \ . . . ;~h;~ \" ~~.,~. ~~ - r'E~~ZS _J:\:\'r:",- ::C:~.t~.,:r:,.,_,~.. r:l~( 11 i j ! --- ---_.--~-_.._--- - _._.~.,---_._... -- - ..-.--....--.--. ..--.--...-,.....--... - . ;0:11~::J-~nL~ ....~o,~E~j~,~,~~~Cdl ..... Ranbc ......... .;t:.;;;;~~t l;;~~;,;t --=---========--'----=:c==-----==.~~-1c~L~fE~/--::.:iC1=--cc=--c--=---=-===cc-=-:-cc-_,==-,,==_c.;;=-I--o==~~Jc~9.__=== . _ c_,__=--=- _-_ ~_~_"/ CJ City Manager 1 1 l6,000.OO City Mana8er's Secretary 1 1 475 5,425.00 I 5,785.00 Director of Administration 1 o .00 Secretary 1 o ...1..970.OQ .00 TOTAL 29,180.00 ---2i:;--lth'). GO ~, 1:. I I I I I I -. X-;';'.-.\-[ J ;~..."; '~ ~.::-: -~ I I I i I ! I i ! i I ) I I _._ ___t_.h__.'___'_'_~_ '_"'__'~____'__ ____"_.._,._ ____. I I I 1 I 1 I 1 I I, I I I I I 1 I I I FUND GENER.L\L QPERATIXIQ____ DEPARH1Ej.\'T Ci tY--J'.lerk____ CITY OF SALlr~A, KM~SAS DE/TAli. ACCOUNT CL~SSIFICATION PERSONAL SERVICES 110 Salaries - Dep~rtment Heads 120 Salaries - Regular Employees TOTAL CON~~CTUAL SERVICES 205 Telephone and Telegraph 207 Traveling Expenses 209 Postage 221 Printing Office Forms 233 Insurance - Surety Bonds 252 Repair - Furniture and Office Equipment 274 Rent - Machinery and Equipment 291 Auditing and Accounting Services 292 Election Expenses 295 Other Professional Services 299 Other Contractual Services TOTAL MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 320 Office Supplies 331 Books and Periodicals 359 Other Operating Supplies TOTAL SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 435 Organization Dues 439 Refunds TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 509 Furniture and Fixtures 517 Office Mechanical Equipment TOTAL GRAtTD TOTAL ~ 1- -- Actual -1, P.revious Year _ 1968 ~ 15,774.06 26,283.88 42,057.94 -- Current 1 Budge t I 1969 I 19,350.00 27,685.00r- 47,035.00 Pag~__ 12J - ----1 I Proposed Budget 1970 21,354.00 29,501.00 .,:':"// '/'.0.00 :5-0-,~5-~ 1,005.56 1,300.00 1,400.00 265.05 300.00 700.00 859.92 860.00 720.00 1,452.021 1,000.00 1,500.001 271.501 290.00 300.00 718.87 1,140.00 800.001 13,870.87 15,000.00 15,000.00i 3,200.001 3,400.00 3,600.00 2,793.07 6,100.00 .00 517.61 400.00 400.001 90.24 100.00 100.00j 25,044.71 29,890.00 24,520.00 1,617.13 1,800.00 2,000.00 195.8C 200.00 200.00 3..86 65.00 100.001 1,816.79 2,065.00 2,300.00 222.50 488 .001 710.50 745.871 631_~ 1,377.02 71,006.96 ANNUA~ E:.m:::::! 225.00 I 600.00 825.00 400.00 .00 400.00 80,215.00 _L 225.001 600.001 825.00 200.00 400.00. ---I 600.001 I CL.. , ~./'. ':;~~) .,~(~ I ~ St, or 00 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I BUDGET COill1ENTS I I CAPITAL OUTLAY . I racks. I I_~n Account #517 - Provides for the replacement of one electric typewriter _L 1970. II I L FU;,D _:"'__GlmEr~J~_O_IJ.~MT_INCL____ D:':E'-,\Wj;';I~2;T_ __Cat-Y_Clerk____ ___ -------------------------- CITY OF ~~1:'~f_~:;~ .:. L\'; 3"\ 3---- ---------. --~.---------.~ ~~e ----1 ~-T =-=----'-=-==_-==----=-"-~o:=_= 7_--=---=---==- .--=---==- ---o--c..= - - .=_--=-_ - _-c:_ _ 'C- .: - -. ---- _-0::; :'=--- =.=:--:._----:0- -:--_:;--I~:__~=c.:==_=-=~=::..__=:_=I-=-::-~---==---=---=:--. -= r I Act..:d Curre;,t Pro lllSl'd ! . CLASSIFICXnON. ?re;~;;; Yr. B~:::t I B;,:~~t__ ==----=-=-~_---==--=--=~== =-=-~---=_==~~=~--=-= _-; -O~~---=--=--_-=_ -- _-o===--=c__=-=-_=, '-==~="-= ==---=-_==-==_==- ---=-- ____ r, '0 J 50,855.0B PERSONAL SERVICES 42,057.94 47,035.00 TOTAL 25,044.71 29,890.00 2<'.-,520.00 1,816.79 2,065.00 2,300.00 710.50 82).00 825.00 1,377.02 400.00 600.00 ~~1"c...~,- " 71 , 006 .96 80,2l5.00 +9-yt~ JJ"'c.: 1/ S- .ttC' I CONTP~CTUAL SERVICES ~~TERIALS AND SUPPLIES SUNDRY EXPENDITURES CAP ITAL OUTLAY ------------------- ---------- Function - Budget Cor:ar.ents - C3.pital Outlay FUNCTION The City Clerk and Treasurer are responsible for the financial admin- istration of the City in accordance with legal requirements and general policies established by t;.he City Cmnmission. 'l'he Department maintains all accounts of financial transactions, general billing operations, clerical duties associated with receipt, custody and disbursement of all City funds, and monies. It also issues authorized bonds, invests all surplus funds, i approves all payrolls and general checks, supervises the issuance of liCenSes] is custodian of all official records and the corporate seal of the City of Salina. It provides necessary supplies and equipment for administration and . maintenance of all collections, as well as the registration of all voters. The City Treasurer also serves as Director of Personnel and Purchasing Agent. Account #274 Represent_s increased usage of the xerox copy machine. Account #292 - For 1969 represents the cost of the primary and general City Elections. The~e are no elections schedLled for 1970. Account #509 - For 1969 includes the purchase of steel shelving for the vault ~n the new building. The 1970 appropriation is for map frames and coat . ",,--.. - D::h:-'--- --' F'ND r--..-------------------- C:!:j"'!O? SA~.,:: \_~, 1~..~.\_~\._' D ':"\t('_i'~ :, Ci ,:_y-Cl(~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II FEF(S:J~.:-::,~r:.~.J sc~.r'.--:~)' ~_'~'~ __.-_...,~...".,.F__.~. ~ _,,, o.~ rage 14 ~~:~:I::::~~-.~~];l~ttj~~::: Icco... .. ::~.. u-~~.......i-.-~~~i9t~+~P~1-9~-O..~~---., of Finance 1 1 757 - 1013 I 1l,016000' l2,l56.00 City Treasurer- Director of Personnel-Purchasing Agent 1 1 65!+ - 834 Secretary-(Official Record,) 1 1 330 - 41,2 Personnel Clerk 1 1 3!f6 - 4!1-2 Bookkeeping Machine Operator II 1 1 346 - 4/,2 Accountant Clerk I , 1 314 382 J.. Clerk--Typist II 1 1 300 - 36!f Clerk-Typist I 1 1 284 330 Extra Time TOTAL 1" ! -, j 8, 33!t .00 9,198.00 5,052000 5,304.00 5,052.00 5,304.00 5,052.00 5 , 30!-I' 0-06 ,~,6 :) , " -, 1,~356.00 I, 4,584.00 3,859.00 4,368.,00 I~ 3,202000 3,637~-o-o I I i _ :LJ.l?-!...Q..Q. .J--,-Q.QO ,f:!!}. I I I 47,035000 50,85.5oG-O I I i -., 8,.10 ! 1 I I _/ i v I I I I i , l i I ' ------___._____________J ____ A:\:\'f',:' b:;DC'::T I I I I I ,_____ ________J i I I I : _______._____ ..___________1.-- __.______ _______ ____.1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II FUND GENERAL OPERA..1'IN~__ DEPARTI.IENT City Attorney CITY OF SALH:A, KANSAS =_=.=-EE~A!i~_ _ ____ __ _ L Actual erevi~~: Year ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATIO~ PERSONAL SERVICES 110 120 Salaries - Department Heads Salaries - Regular Employees TOTAL CONTRACfUAL SERVICES 207 Traveling Expenses 296 Legal Services TOTAL M..<\TERIALS AND SUPPLIES 331 Books and Periodicals TOTAL SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 435 Organization Dues TOTAL GRAND TOTAL AN1illAI, BUD.3ET 6,948.00 4,920.00 11,868000 17.50 4,173.75 4,191.25 214.00 214.00 _ 5.00 5.00 16,278.25 Adjusted Current Budget 1969 7,475.00 5,685.00 1- 13,160.00 100.00 3,500.00 3,600.00 350.00 350.00 50.00 50.00 17,160.00 J ---, Page 15 I ;::p-::e-~--l Budge t I 1970 .--l , / 7,860.00 6 , 300-~ 00 )II, ~/ <". "0 1.+-, MG . iQ. 100.00 2,500.00 2,600.00 350.00 350.00 50.00 50.00 t :-/J,:: ' ~--;14V~ I ;. i'::':') ____GE'{:::rJ\]J~_Q2E]:i\;mG___ __ I);-~.';~.:_ i: '~_:~. __City_ ALtorne;t..______ -------------------------- CIT).' \}~~. S,\: l;~_\, L_\~):',.) S L'.~, !c r:_ .~ _._----- - -- ----~-_.- -'--- - ".---- -_. -- ---,-- --,----..----...- ._~-- "-'---'--'-~- -.-.,.- 11" i lJC'.gc O! ::::::::=-:--=-.::::-:__-::-.:..-:::-::::::=~_~::~.:: -=---:::-~::-::-::::..:::; : ._~-=-.:=.:::~==.=_-.:.:..::::::-:: ":"::"':::'7":"-::-~=~ ~ ~_...: =~ ~_-:.=_~:.:--:::_. ::::-:-:~__ _. _ __ - ___ _. _~. _. _._,____._ _"_" ._ _.____ - __.. .__ ,. '-0-- _ ._... _______ _ ._ _,' ..__ _'_" _. _ _ - 1,- -- ACd,.J1. ,_u.~l~.t,--Clt(r il,- - - n__ - --- - n__ OO[ Act~l;l _~ rro2osE~ I ___uu:cv~ ;~; y -. I ";;:: t J "~';1~~ t I -- -- .-------- _ _ -- -----~=~-==-- --:_=--~=~,=-'-=-- =-'""'=----="-____1' o,.~_=-_~_=__~~~c-- 11,868.00 I 13,160.00 ~4',~,~~'T~ 4,191.25 3,600.00 2,600.00 I CLASSIFI CATI C:; I ~-=:-....::..--::::;:-~_-:=-::~~-:-~-=="".=:::.=:-...:=...:::=-...:..-=.;.:::--=..;;:-..-:=.-:~,-:-~-:::...~-:.;:--.:~_.-.:.:.;::-_-:--::::-~. PERSONAL SERVICES .1 1 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 214.00 350.00 350.00 SUNDRY RXPENDITlmES 5.00 50.00 --2Q~-Q. I TOTAL 16,278.25 17,160.00 f-:;' I :) [ - ".~ J..#. ~.1 ('fi~ I 1 I Function - Budget Co:~ents - Capital Outlay FUNCTION I. 1 The City Attorney acts as legal advisor to the City Commission, City Manager and department heads on legality of all actions. In this supporting role, the City Attorney and his assistant prepare ordinances, resolutions, contracts, agreements, deeds, leases, bond indentures, legal actions and miscellaneous documents. In addition to the above, he also represents the Ci ty of Salina in all ac-tions at law. I BUDGET COMr-'iENTS I Personal and legal services performed by the- City Attorney and his assistant' constitute virtually the entire budgetary requirements of this department. 1 I , I I 1 I ~,________ ___.___.._ .______. _.__.___._.________4 A ~:::i~ ~\ i'. 11. j i11:2. r:.-:; ____________________._ _____ ___ ______ _______ .l I r---------------------- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Cj:'IY os' ~'.~iL,:\'\. K\~;:;,\.::---------------------- !-:_.:-_____~~~I~_:~!~,_l~I~_ ., --------.- i PEI((~ ::---, Sr;;--;;yj- Pa;:-;c 17 I .....~.::~~r:o: ':,,~:"='."Et~'11~'~i"...';' .... ..... Ra~g,='~~...... '.1." .~~~~~;{d=r"':~~;:ff~~:'.' .1 -~:.==_:::_-=------ [--"'::' _--'-C='I_=__' --. ::.-== I_---=- --'___,-=--"-'c::=~=-=,=:.c"_:'_'___===_"_- =--~=--:-=- =--=-~.c=::..,,'=-__="__=_-:_"'__ ,::==--:'~"=:-:--:;-=-"'----=-I City Attorney I 1 1 655 - 7,475.00 7 ,8f>~.e81 Assistant City Attorney I 1 1 525 - ~685.00,' .},,30~~O I TOTAL 13 , 160000 1-4,--1-W-.,.(JO i I FUj',:;~ __C:E71::'T!\I-L_OP 1~}:N:','.A.:! B ~';DC E-:l --- I ! I I I I I I I . I I I I I I I I I I i I I , l___________j___________ ------ -- j to I I I I I I I I I I. I I I I I I I I .1 ACCOUNT CL~SSIFICATION PERSONAL SERVICES 110 Salaries - Depurtment Heads l20 Salaries - Regular Employees TOTAL CONT~~CTUAL SERVICES 205 Telephone and Telegraph 207 Traveling Expenses 221 Printing Office Forms 233 In3urance - Surety Bonds 295 Other Professional Services TOTAL K~TERIALS & SUPPLIES 320 Office Supplies TOTAL SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 439 Refunds TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 505 Car Radio and Other Equipment 509 Furniture and Office Equipment _ TOTAL GRAi'm TOTAL I - ~---------------- ----- FUND GmERAL OPER..\TING DEPA...tzTNE~T Hunicip_ilL COLli}=: CITY OF SALINA, ~~NSAS DE.!Al1.. Page' 1;1 --, \ Pro~osed : I BUGge t I 1970 ______--_----1 c- -1 -------.-.-. ---.- -~.--_._._..----~--- ------.-.------- I Adjusted , Actual Current IFrevious Year Budget 1968 1969 . 3,507.00 3,950. 3,996.00 6,015. 7,503.00 9,965. .00 360. .00 l50. 142.05 350. 10.00 10. 9l4.00 800. 1,066.05 1,670. 72.76 125. 72.76 125. 190.00 150. 190..00 150. . .00 2,400. .00 -LQ40. .00\ 3,440. 8,831.81 15,350. 00 5,400.00 00 -8 , 275.00 !3~ ?(,;,,,,C'I~' 00 r~tS2).OO 00 00 00 00 00 360.001 150.00 250.001 10.00, 800.001 l,570.00! 00 00 l25.00 125.001 00 00 150.0Q. 00 l50.00 .00 I .00 I .00 I , ; 7 'I t , 0 0 I 1i-:t /1 -: 0 r<Q-O j I I I I I i ! i ; 00 00 00 00 - A~'1;UAL BUDG~!' . I I I I I I I I , J I ! _J --- .---.--.-- I I I I I I I I I I- I I I I I I I I I[ I' iJ ;.:1) __9J~:\EJ<l\.r"~_O .::'r:~\I:T:~~G________ D ~~: :~~ \.~'Et'l~'>~ :..~ _..___~'_~_~~~ i~~iJ~.~.l___~~~~~.t;_____ F~~~-==-::~~~-~L~:~FI~A:~D:Jl:~l . ~~;;,~~; ...... ..... ,-: t'-'\~\:'_"J --------.--- ---- --- ------------------- -----------.-, P.?~;e 19 . ....I?:e~~ ~~:;~y.r~~:t1rn';i~:~~~ ~ dl .~~_~~_~__~__~~"_~~.,__~_=_...__~~~__~____.... ....1,... ~.9~~.._...~=I~..~6.~:~-....~~2J~::~-j PERSONAL SERVICES 7,503.00 9,96.:>.00 .:.:i:3::,-6ll.t10. TOTAL 1,066.05 1,670.00 1,570.00 72.76 125.00 125.00 190.00 150.00 150.00 I .00 3,440.00 .00 I --- -;;:-7lt:: () 0 -.- f ~. . 8,831.81 15,350.00 ci-5, '17Q 00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES MATERIALS & SUPPLIES SUNDRY EXPENDITURES CAPITAL OUTLAY ________________________________J_________---___ Function - Budget Cor::rnen~ s - CapitRl Outlay FUNCTION The Municipal Court, presided over by the Municipal Judge, hears misdemeanor cases. A great majority of the cases are traffic offenses. BUDGET cm.lI'iENTS Account #120 - Provides for the full salary of a Clerk-Typist I, effective July 1, 1969. Typist will divide time between Court and Police Department. Court Bailiff will remain on Police Department payroll. Account #207 - Permits Judge to attend Court and Traffic conferences. Account #295 -- Parole Officer @ $50.00 per month, and Judge Pro rrem when necessary. CAPITAL OUTLAY Account #505 - Car, radio and accessoriEs for Bailiff, 1969. and maintenance included in Police Department Budgpt. OpEration Account #509 - Provides for office furniture in 1969 for C~urt offices. I A i\~~.7-;i 4.\ i . ;: 7 ;I;j....:.;: T ?',:'~J, GE';r:l?\T, orf'\_~cI};Y-;__m___ . [__-~-~=__~--~-~~=__=- _ .C~)c. ,.\,,;;~,'~."'C_~~_D; , 'L_,:;~niCi ,~_C0U:;,.. I r---H-----u---------------m--~--T-u----~--~y~:~:~--ul--- I i," ~l?~~:l~ POSI~IO~,i HIL':: '--;;:..,:::-.:::,,'-771,-'::~-,":,=,~-;~--=-r R,H\':;~ I !j'Jdge t B~\dgc t I ,-,u_/'r'Cj-~'~ 1969 Jtldge 1 1 450 - 3,950.00 ! I C] erk Typist II 1 1 300 .. %4 4,356.00 .I- I I 1 1 I I I 1 1 I 1 I II I, .1 1----------- r}- ~_)! '\ ~" .-, C (1 TOTAL 9,965.00 ----,~o ~----I 5,40~~ I t;, 58~ ;-(}O I _~6LfsQQ-1 I e)" "I 1.-:y" G 2 5 -. -f}() I ! I ..--- Clerk Typist I 1 1 284 - 330 1 659.00 1-: - --~---- '\ :\:~ \; '~. .~ :... I I I _ .____._,__,____t~. - , -_.-- -,.~------------ i~' ~.:; :.::::: I I I , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ CITY OF ACCOUNT CI~SSIFICATION PERSONAL SERVICES 120 Salaries - Reg'llar Employees TOTAL CONTP~CTUAL SERVICES 227 Insurance - Fire 241 Gas Service 242 Light & Power Service 243 Water Service 251 Repair - Building 284 Laundry & Towel Service 295 Other Professional Services TOTAL K~TERIALS & SUPPLIES 310 Expendable Tools 343 Janitor & Toilet Supplies 365 Cement & Cement Products 307 Electrical & Lighting Parts 371 Lumber & Lumber Products 381 Paint & Painting M~teria1s TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 509 Furniture & Fixtures TOTAL GRAND TOTAL nrND~JjERA L..J2rEBA J' HiG...-___ DEPARTNr,li"L-BuUCI ir~F~ SALINA, KP.NS~\S ----- l DE'I'~.IL Page .. '21 _______ ___ ~ I -- _.-----'==-==--==~~--""---_._---====-------====-~=-=j Adjusted I I Actual Current Proposed i Previous Year Budge t I BuegE: t I 1968 1969 1970! I 8,349.96 ].3,600.00 d 9,75, DO ~l,-~O 11,075.0Q 8,349.96 11,075.00 2,982.50 3,500.00 3,500.00 1,935.15 2,000.00 l,OOO.OO l,719.65 1,500.00 1,200.001 596.96 500.00 200.00 760.65 1,500.00 800.00. 17.83 20.00 20.00 358.52 200.00 200.00 8,371.26 9,220.00 6,920.00, 21.12 200.00 200.00 1,627.63 2,500.00 2,500,.00 1.45 100.00 100.00 277.02 300.00 300.00 6.60 600.00 200.00 70.98 100.00 lOO.OO 2,004~80 3,800.00 3,400.00 14,971.19 .00 3,000.00 14,971.19 .00 3,000.00 27,095.001 .I.J / ')~ ",\e) -2 3.' 9 2(k.--OO i _d_ ~ I 33,697.21 _____1 I I I I I ___.__.__---1 -----. A~~.JP..IJ BlJDG::T I I I I I I I I I I I I I l'i]~~D __~~~'~!3:.~~_9~~~AT1J~~________ D~: :'_\R'j': :;..::l__~.ll.i Jc(1i-I1S:?______~____ -----m---.---~---~--.-~----u~~---.--CITY O~' S\: l:\~~\. J K:~~,\:):\3 Ch-'\S Sl FI CATl 0:0; ___________ n_____________ P_<1 Z;~_l_2_ i ']""------ - Aa}li sfed -I _m ----------- ---- r I f\ct,l"l CU'Cl"';,;Gt Pl"e'lh)s,::C I o."~ ~-~""_______C-~;_~i._Y'~' _~_B~_~::r_ _ _ ~__:~_:l~ t_J --------------------~;--- 'j-~~-.~-,-I 8,349.96 11,075.00 -13y600~w 5\];':\;-\';'0" ...-.. "-_. ~- ----- -_._-_.._._~.-..__.- ----..-------...-.--...-.---------- --------..-- ---- ---------~_. -_.-. ~ ----------------._- -----.--...- ----.--------------..-----.. ._----- ------. PERSONAL SERVICES TOTAL 8,371.26 9,220.00 fJ,920.00 2, OOl} . 80 3,800.00 3,400.00 14,971.19 3,000.00 ~~oo ,J ' )'J I 33,697.21 27,095.00 2J, 92Ch{1B CONTRACTUAL SERVICES MATERIALS & SUPPLIES CAPITAL OUTLAY _____~J_______~ Function - Budget Com~ents - Capital Outlay FUNCTION This department provides for the maintenance and repair of City Hall, Police Building, and the pedestrian Arcades located in the Central Business District. BUDGET Cm1J>1ENTS Budget estimates for this department during 1969 and 1970 are extremely uncertain due to the Police Department occupying a new building March 1, 1969 and the plan to move City Hall offices the latter part of the summer. CAPI'l'AL OUTLAY Account #509 - Provides for furnishing the City Commission room in the City-County-Board of Education Building. I I I I I I -, A N~;;!j 1\ 1". Hi i"iH"':'..:"7" I I I I I I I I I I I I I J"(,-\--' \\. k_:\ :< ,~..' 1 '~: CI- ',- _',_ .I.. _ 11 E t:!~:~ y\ .': :,"~: .:\ \_, t ~ : ;r.~"_..~-: ~'.". '~::S::~:N':~T:E~'.'~."'~~I:~['i{;~~.;:IU .....:. "c' --=-=c::-===c=-',-=c:=_;:-_""-=----=-=:=:==-=~==,,-_'_:-,:___=_~:_:c,__,__'__'_-,:-_-_'_co ----'~ ".'_'-'-.-=::'=-:;C-: ,. --- I --on Custodian 3 3 350 - 3&3 TOTAL I I I I I I '. 1______----- ___ ___ ______. ___ ______-_____ _ _________ ___n___________ J-J':..: :'; ~..:':~ r .;\\,~,(..\.. . P2.~~C 231 Pr':Jll~):eci Budge.t Blldf." t =.:=.=_.0:-=_ ==:=-=,=-1QS~=-=.:c- =-=--==:~17g_==-'-='1 11, 075 . 00 - l"bi!ZEt.IJ&-i 11.075.00~~~~i-1 _,_ ____._______ ___ _______nL_._. _____ __ I I I I I I I I I I.. I I I I I I I I I Fl.i1~D-.GEREJiAL_DPERA-'IlNG DEPARl}iENT EngineerL'L~_ r CITY OF SALI~A, Kk~SAS -, I ___Pag~__]4 _J ----I ! I l DE,~.~IL AC:OUNT :~SSlFICA:I:N ~~~- .lp~:ri~r~eaTf~i}~~1 J Proposed Budget 1970 PERSONAL SERVICES- nt Heads 10,691.00 11,015.00 1l,5W.00 Employees 43,693.02 43.460.00 50.9t5.00 .~-~t-.J-lh-.b~ 54,384.02 54,475.00 -~,,-:5:5~ {3, ~ (f..'- t:'JIt) , raph 561. 43 400.00 400.00 495.18 500.00 600.00 35.49 50.00 50.00 316.69 400.00 400.00 ms .00 50.00 50.00 I ehic1es 145.72 155.00 150.00 Bonds 18.00 20.00 20.00 and Office Equipment 208.80 200.00 200.00 and Equipment 555.19 300.00 300.00 14.00 50.00 50.00 pment 100.00 100.00 Services 37.98 100.00 --1Q.Q . 00. 2,388.48 2,325.00 2,420.00 271.72 200.00 200.00 Is 92..90 50.00 50.00 ering Supplies 1,510.20 750.00 1,250.00 e1 and Lubricants 622.94 800.00 800.00 cense Tags 61.00 60.00 lO.OO roducts 73.72 200.00 200.00 es 132.08 --1:.00.00 100.00 2,764.56 2,160.00 2,610.00 I I I I I 115 .00 150.00 150 . OQ : i 115 . 00 I 150.00 150.00 ! I ~ , : I ring .00 .00 400.00 e Equipment 1,411.85 1,400.00 600 . 00 quipment 1,102.50 .00 .00 ' 1,044.00 100.00 100.00 ! 1.734.77 .00 .00 , ______~ I . - 5,293.12 1,500.00 1,100.00 , ~;f)'!J, 00 i 64,945.l8 60,610.00 ..ns if ~-ilP ' 7a, c., 9':;- l'{.\ ! ^ "'''TTT.~ T 'RJTTV'- ';;''T' ------------- 110 Salaries - Departme 120 Salaries - Regular TOTAL CONTRAGrJAL SERVICES 205 Telephone and Teleg 207 Trav~ling Expenses 209 Postage 220 Blueprints 221 Printing Office For 23l Insurauce - Motor V 233 Insurance - Surety 252 Repair - Furniture 253 Repair - Machinery 255 Repair - Tires 257 Repair - Radio Equi 295 Other Professional TOTAL MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 320 Office Supplies 331 Books and Periodica 335 Drafting and Engine 345 Motor Vehicles - Fu 347 Motor Vehicles - Li 371 Lumber and Lumber P 379 Motor Vehicle - Tir TOTAL SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 435 Organization Dues TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 503 Eq~i?ment - Enginee 509 Furniture and Offic 517 Office Mechanical E 519 Radio Equipment 525 Trucks TOTAL GRAND TOTAL F!;\D ___Gf,NERAILm::i:RA T lNG____________ I D~: 7:'_\I~'~ "1.::~:T ___E:!lg J.n_2~_r:i.rrg..-~__m___ I l----~-~~~~~~- ~~~=~~:=~- -~~=~ ~c:~~~__~):: .~~:I~~:~\~~-:.. K:\~; 3;\.3A~'.-,-.-,-_-1----~~-I.-.-:..-~.-~-.,--iag~-3;:11_- -- '_m___~-~~-.--- ------Aci2H~$g~~--- Pro?osed I ~~~~_~_~~,-- cr~SSlf:c;.TI:~,~,.~~~~_ ?~:v~;~~ Y::L,_:~~l~ t ,~~.~-:~~~:J . .......+,7, I () . )C) PERSONAL SERVICES 54,384.02 54,lf75.00 --6:l,.5;~.O_O I I I I I I I. I 'I I I I I I I I TOTAL 2,388.48 2,325.00 2,420.00 2,764.56 2,160.00 2,610.00 115 . 00 150.00 150.00 _~3.l2 1,500.00 J-.J 00. OQ. . '1,).'7(\,0) 64,945.l8 60,610.00 ~,-:S-3-:h--OO 7~ ()g :,-: t.'-fJ CONTRACTUAL SERVICES }~TERIALS AND SUPPLIES SUNDRY EXPENDITURES C'\PITAL OUTLAY --------------~-------------------- ----------- ,---- Function - Budget Co~rncnts - C~pital Outlay FUNCTION The Engineering Department is responsible for preparing plans, specifi- cations and estimates for all public improvements. This includes field surveys, sewers, water mains, streets, etc. This department maintains maps showing all utility installations in rights-of-~vay, acquires right-of-way, and supervises the installation of all municipal improvements, whether performed on a contract basis for the City or privately by sub-dividers. In addition, the Engineering Department is responsible for the maintenance of all master maps of the City which includes the City Limits and land record maps, the complete sanitary sewer system, water system and fire hydrant locations. . BUDGE'I' COMMENTS Account #120 - Reflects that this department operated one employee short of full compliment for a major portion or the current year. CAPITAL OUTLAY Acccunt #503 - Provides for replacement of Engineering Level in 1970. Account # :;;09 _. For purchase of 3 pl.an files, steel shelving for vault and additional flat files in 1969. Bookcases, filing cabinets and map racks are scheduled ~or purchase in 1970. Account #519 - For replacement of portable radio batteries in both 1969 and 1970. . ...........-.. A" ... "-V""'l '.,,-' I.)::?XK~ ::':::T _HEn~~j;;~.):jr;g_ _______ 1';~:.'(< S ):~>: =~ COT ~,' ~:- )~ ~ :. . i):".\." ~:.;":' \~'_\ ~'_ F"0i" -. C' ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I - ~ -----------.--.--.. -~---_._~-_._.__... --..----- - -- _.. _.._----_.._~_._- ~~~~~~~:~:~~1~l1~:;_~-~~~h~~j\u:;:J City Enzineer 1 1 Assistant City Engineer and Traffic Engineer 1 1 Engineering Aide III 0 1 Engineering Aide II 2 2 Engineering Aide I 2 3 Draftsman II 1 0 Draftsman I 1 0 Clerk-Typist II 0 1 Clerk-Typist I 1 0 TOTAL I I I I I ! . I II l____ t, - _______,_____ ________1__ '\ ~,~ \', ": - \, .... ':':\..-.." ~ ."'..~: :'(.~1 ~r'~.:_-. l' I ~tJ , _h______ _u__ ____ ______,_____. _-'cc-;"_____-"_.,_-__-c,__ .. .AdJ cl~; t",u i (:u~~rc11t t Pr0p23cd ____:~~:~~~~~_ _ _J______~~\~~;_t___ ______1_ __B3'~_~~ L___. ___J u_________ ------- ---- --- -- --~-------.---r-,-: -=--:-;-~-~ ~-.-~~c---I L'A .' 721 - 965 11 ,016 .00 I"' 1-l----;-5B-&:.--BD 65Lj -. 875 538 622 488 565 420 - 483 Lj65 - 565 LjOO - 488 300 - 364 28f+ - 330 ~&-; 5{}0~-OO ! , I 6,780000 II 12,62<'+.00 I I 17,016000 I I i 9,996.00 12,912.00 10,!107.00 1,572.00 5,178.00 4 ~--O-~5-.eO ~1.94.0Q. 54,475.00 ",:~ ,S /-0--""" (,2, JJ:~. 00 v---' - L~~',,:::: :- I I I I I ! _____ h__ __ __-" __ ___ _ _n___ _________L _ ___ _ ___ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FUND__G...ENERAL OPERA T Th'G___ DEP..l,.Rll'lEi'lT F ire___ ____, Pae'e 27 I . 9______J Proposed -, Budge t I 1970 I I qS'37-~ I I{3S;: h-9-; 350 . eo ! 474,07.':;.00 I .00 CITY OF SALIK-\, KANSAS DE'I'AE, ,==~-=--=-~-=-:.z:-:-~'==T - I. Actual ClASSIFICATION IPreViOus Year 1968 ACCOUNT PERSONAL SERVICES 110 Salaries - Department Heads 120 Salaries - Regular Employees 196 Salaries - Operators TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 205 Telephone and Telegraph 207 Traveling Expenses 209 Postage 221 Printing Office Forms 231 Insurance - Motor Vehicles 241 Gas Service 242 Light and Power Service 243 Water Service 251 Repair - Buildings 252 Repair - Furniture and Office Equipment 253 Repair - Machinery and Equipment 254 Repair - Motor Vehicles 255 Repair - Tires 257 Repair - Radio Equipment 284 Laundry and Towel Setvice 295 Other Professional Services 299 Other Contractual Services" TOTAL MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 310 Expendable Tools 320 Office Supplies 33l Books and Periodicals 343 Janitor and Toilet Supplies 345 Motor Vehicles - Fuel and Lubricants 351 Seeds, Plants, Trees ~nd Lawn Supplies 355 Wearing Appare11 359 Other Operating Supplies 367 Electrical and Lighting Parts 371 Lumber and Lumrer Products 373 Machinery and Equipment Parts 375 . Metal and Neta1 Prodl!cts " 377 Motor Vehicles - Parts 379 Motor Vehicles - Tires anq Tubes 381 Paint and Painting Materials 382 Photograph Supplies 393 Welding Supplies 399 Other Repairs and Maintenance 9,432.00 370,373.88 12,888.85 392,694.73 1,978.02 122.66 58.13 .00 721.11 2,727.84 1;272.52 368.70 22.45 87.56 116.84 41.06 .00 1,476.97 618.26 280.84 .00 9,892.96 231.26 205.85 386.45 566.86 3,976.47 17.l6 5,963.44 318.39 377 .19 18.15 36.25 .00 750.19 74.72 92.84 152.45 60.07 180.29 --- Adjusted Current Budget 1969 9,205.00 409,970.32 7,009.68 426,185.00 I 2,200.00 300.00 75.00 100.00 815.00 2,700.00 1,500.00 450.00 1,300.00 50.00 50.00 100.00 20.00 1,500.00 700.00 950.00 300.00 13,110.00 250.00 450.00 400.00 800.00 4,000.00 50.00 8,285.00 500.00 500.00 150.00 100.00 1,100.00 500.00 150.00 500.00 150.00 I 175.00 ---1..9.9-.00 , -tf4~~.,:,,-'}.}~. t.) 48"3-'-;--42 S..e 0 4-9 >, dJ".. .ll-) 2 ,460 . 00 I 500.00 I 150.00 I 100.00 I 900.00 I 2,700.00 I 1,950.00 I' 500.00 200.00 I 50.00 II 50.00 100.00 I 20.00 I I 1,500.00 I' 700.00 j 320.00 'I .00 12,200.00 250.00 400.00 400.00 800.00 4,000.00 50.00 7,600.00 500.00 400.00 100.00 1 00 . 00 I 500.00 450.00 lSO.DO 200.00 150.00 150.00 , I _~OOLOO i I ~- 13,408.01 18,360.00 16,500.00 ---- _..-~- -------- TOTAL A~imAI, BUDGE'!' I I I I I I I I I I. I I I I I I I I I ACCOUNT FUND___qENERAL O!,ERATING .__ DEPARTHEKL__..Eirc: _____n_______ CITY OF SALIKA, KANSAS ---I P}~'f6I~ ==i==--_~a_~_ 2~ : ClASSlFI CAT::~~~c~~c~~ Jp~e:~~~~: ~ea J~ A~~m~g P~~iii~d i .SU~DRY EXPENDITURES 435 Organization Dues 10.00 35.00 TOTAL 10.00 35.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY 505 Automobiles 507 Fire Fighting Equipment 509 Furniture & Fixtures 514 Personnel Protective Equipment- 517 Office Mechanical Equipment 519 Radio Equipment .00 lt723.l9 558.50 .00 .00 700.00 2,550.00 2,600.00 ltOOO.OO l,650.00 .00 850.00 9 2,5~.00 2,000.00 1tOOO.OO 200.00 i 400.00 : 850.00 : TOTAL 2 t 981. 69 8,650.00 I 7,000.00 : - I ~-,-J.--:1,.;..;) -j I ~. l[O~- ;r)-~ & z :>. ,T-t) I , f I I GRAND TOTAL 418,987.41 466,340.00 I i I I ! I I I I --- ANNUAL EUDGE.T I 1 I I I . ! ! -' -- ------ I . GEid:~P._,'\.L OPERA'J'IXG FU?,'D ______ ______ ________________ D~?:'L{.L!lt.N.!.._____df.tr_~_______ ___ ---^--.,-----.--<'~-.--- ---.----------------' C I T Y. GF SA L1 ?;::\.) KJ\.~ 21:\.) .-----"---.-'--------.------'O-----~-----------.--T .s.!.,jr:J_S~~~'; " ' Page: ___.2._2-.1 I -=--======_7-===_=---__===-=c.c--===------=--=---==-_c=c:_ ,,'--'c.==--__ c-=-__C"_=_c._-_ "C_: :cc=-=-:- .="'-c-:c -:;"=-==c:c=-=-c-----:=i:==X~lj ust ;-=-d-=---=---==j=---=c.:--=------ -- 'T Ac eil:t 1. 1 Curre nt I ProJ:',osed ' Cli\SSIFICATIO:N rl","'viOU3 Yr. Budget Budget I --~------------~-----------, .1.?_~~_ ".c----!J~~T------L~~1;~~o -~ I PERSONAL SERV I::S~~~---~~--- ~ --- __H 392~~9:~ 7 3T:::5 .00 0- ~C CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 9,892.96\, l3,1l0.00 12,200.00 I }L~TERIALS AND SUPPLIES 13,408.03 l8,360.00 16,500.00 I I I I I I I I SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 10.00 35.00 35.00 I --.hQ.Q.Q~Q.O '-2,:.2.87,11~:;j~ ,'}U 5-19,1[,0. 00_ b 2}i, i g z.. )-, (.N) CAPITAL OUTLAY __~.t2.~'_~ 8~650.00 TOTAL 418,987.4l 466,340.00 Function - Budget Comuents - Capital Outlay FUNCTION It is the responsibility of the Fire Department for the extinguishment of fires, protection of life and property through rescue, evacuation and sal- vage operations; provide_ first aid to public, fire prevention, demonstrations, as well as maintain an active p~ogram of fire inspection in business estab- lishments and other public buildings; insure the citizens of Salina adequate protection of life and property from fire hazard by an intensive fire train- ing program utilizing the latest techniques and updated skills. BUDGE'l' CQi.li-fr::NTS Account #110 - Reduced due to retirement of former Chief June I, 1969. I I I I I I Account #120 - 1969 adjusted budget indicates 9 additional firemen for staffing of Fire Station No.4. Reorganization of the Department includes: promotion of two officers to Assistant Fire Chief, two firemen to Fire Inspector I, and five firemen to Lieutenant. Two Training Captains will assume additional responsibilities as Station Captains. One will fill the vacancy created by a retirement in 1969. The other \vill have charge of the new station. L____ I I I I I I ~~arr~ : I lkCCSS-Ltab?c, operator. \ i I I I ______________-:---______,___-1 Account f120 - For 1970 includes one dispatcher for the Emergency Operations Center in the Police Building where all con@unications will be handled for the two departments. Account #196 - 1969 delays encountered in transferring fire receiver from Fire Station #1 to the Emergency Operations Center retention of two full time tele?hone operators and o:!e part-time I I I I I I I I I I I I I. I I I I Assistant Chief 0 2 Fire Prevention Inspecto}~ II 2 0 Fire Prevention Inspector I 4 6 Captain 9 7 Lieutenant 6 11 Firefighter 46 48 Secretary 1 1 Operators 5 0 Dispatcher 0 1 TO'l'AL ~ I I I -, I I I i I '-_ ____ _ u _. _m__ _________ __ .~ -, - .. -\ j.~ I I ______ ______mJ_ ___ R3.n;'~,~ 65!f - 875 512 - 687 538 - 65lt 465 - 565 512 622 465 - 565 LI18 .. 500 330 - 400 457 - 500 !; ":.: ; ~ ~-~- ;" :: F""" .. l',~\. L.' D~".~I:.\i\....":'f...~\L _~ Fi-r~~ ____ G::~;_,1.;~_R\IJ___O I.r::S ,~\ ~':~;~~; ~ _ _ C'J:::r C' it L I;uc1 ge t 1969 9,205.00 7,848.00 6,662.00 37,329.00 56,672.00 67,327.00 I 229,886.00 I -I 4,2/f6.00 I I 7,010.00 ----~ l' -."'.g0 30 L=~~,~~_-~~~~~~~~-~-:~~~-~~~-~~~~==~~----~~_-~c-~ ~-~~c':I:~<~ ~~~-~., ~- ~ ---;- :~ ,\ :' ~) :~-.~:~; .:..... ,: I t:'t0 ~ ::,\-.:>;> ::. POSI 110:: TI TJ,S r~;;~7~~-;jT5":~:,:-_--;: -' . - r I",;"' '- -,. (. I 8:1:-/"-c:> f ! (:7',:,::/;:) ! ---------__ ____ ______ _____________. - ---.:1------, ______ _ .-______, ___ ------------ ----------------------- ----------1"------- Chief 1 1 I I ! r :l)O~~z::d I I I l-:~-----;-~ ;-~,{~-:-~-~~I I I I 16,896 .00 I I ! .00 i I B"dg,.[ 19-iO 39,720.00 52,240000 72,02t;.OO 2':;2,827.00 4,683.00 .00 _~_&:~hOO ..~;.,/-!~~-./)i/::J .~~) 426, 185 .OOLtg3'?42~O '193 t)ftJ . ~" / I I j I _J_. _.__.__~_~__ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FUND__C&l'JEPJ\L OPERATT1~_____ DEP.tJZTI-IE:lX Ipspec:...t ism _ CITY OF SALn~A, DE~AIL K.AlJS~1..S Pacrc 30 - ~---==-=-- -- - -- lJ- - - - .. --1---9 ----l.J Adjusted I Actual Current ProDosed I i'reVi.Ous Year Budget I BU~..'g..et j _ 196~_ 1969---=!~ 19-20 _-=- ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATIO~ PERSONAL SERVICES 120 Salaries - Regt'lar Employees 24,411_091 ,33,175.00 ~~-oo.- TOTAL ,~J, ~3 /) I ,J'"J JD..8.Sil..D& 24.411. 91 33,175.00 CONTRACfUAL SERVICES 205 Telephone and Telegraph 207 Traveling Expenses 209 Postage 221 Printing Office Forms 231 Insurance - Motor Vehicles 233 Insurance - Surety Bonds 253 Repair - Machinery and Equipment 255 Repair - Tires 257 Radio Maintenance 768.06 825.00 825.00 I 54.48 l40.00 250.00 114.73 160.00 200.00 353.25 400.00 350.00 177 . 33 265.00 265.00 10.00 .00 .00 I 1,l76.76 350.00 400.00 I 3.00 10.00 lO.OO ~13.05 410.00 _325.00 3,070.66 2,560.00 2,625.00 TOTAL MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 320 Office Supplies 331 Books and Periodicals 345 Motor Vehicles - Gas and Oil 347 Motor Vehicles - License Tags 359 Other Operating Supplies 379 Motor Vehicles - Tires 197.12 400.00 400.00 350.45 200.00 400.00 558.71 700.00 550.00 50.00 70.00 10.00 50.00 100000 _l89.89 25.00 100.00 1,346.17 1,445.00 1,560.00 TOTAL SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 435 Organization Dues -. 15700121 157.00 -125.00 155.00 155.00 155.00 I TOTAL CAP ITAL OUTLAY 505 Trucks and Cars 7,595.00 .00 .00 509 Furniture, Fixture s and Office Equipment 314.80 140.00 100.00 517 Office Mechanical Equipment 468.00 .00 .00 I 519. Radio Equipment 225.001 .00 ~OQ I -TOTAL _8,602.80 140.00 100.001 4I 'r/.) , .'>l GRAND TOTAL 37,588.54 37,475.00 4-3 .;:;t9:&-~- Al',~WAL BUDGET ___________J I F i_T0~D G~:~{?;;~t\~:J_._ .O)?E?J\ 'Y,' }l>JG D:~~;.\~~r~-~<l~~< .'_. ~Cl1$P_~:_(: t.\C)T.t. _______.____ _._ _m_____________________ CrIY Oi' S,\L1;':\, KA~': ;:,5 ----------- --- ---- h -- ------ _____m_ -- -------r Sl::'~Y:\T(.: . 1-)c~/~'- 32! . cuSSmC;'ilO(. .}r:~~~~~;:,.r~lf~:~~~:I~r;i::~~:~J I F'::R::~~::::~::S. ~~~.~.....~~... ~.~......~'~=.:.~:~~:.;..:~.. ..~3:,1.7.:::~r. . 3~~~:':! I I. I I CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 3,070.66 2,560.00 2,625.00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 1,346.17 1, [, !}5. 00 1,560.00 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 157.00 155.00 l55.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY _S.-2.2Q2 . SO ---140.00 _100,OQ.! , , I TOTAL 37,588.54 37,475000 l~;;~tr~ I I I I '----------------------- Function - Budget Co~ncnts - Capital Outlay FUNCTION I I The primary responsibility of this department is protection of life, property and property values by rigid administration and enforcement of the zoning ordinances, minimum housing, building, plumbing and electrical codes. To achieve this goal, the departncent issues construcliol1 permits I reviews plans for proposed buildings, recommends revisions when not in accordance with the codes and public safety, investigates construction sites to insure that all the standards of the City are being complied "vi th, and maintains accurat_e records of all permits issued and inspections made. I I BUDGET COMNENTS Account #120 - Includes salary for one inspector previously carried under Fire Department Budget for part of 1969 and 1970. I I Account. #221 - Increased for 1969 for printing a public relations and informational brochure for minimum housing inspection activities. Account #331 - Increased for purchase of code books for resale, and to purchase reference books. A new edition of the Building and PIUI:1.bing Codes will become av?ilable in 1970. I I I II Account #359 .- l\dded to differentiate between supplies normally used within the office and expendable itelClf3 such as co.rbon monoxide test tlli~es and f lashlig-h t batteries 1 used in inspection work. CAPPfAL OUTLl-\.Y Account #509 - Provides for purchase of electrical insul3tion tester and one InstaLta_t:Lc type camera in 1969 and a 5-drauer file cD-binct in 1970. --------------- A!'-.l\\JAL BUDCET __ _______.1. I Function .. Budget COllc\T'ents - Capital Outlay ---~ 29 b I i i CAPITAL OU'rLAY I I I I Account #505 - 1969 provides for purchase of additional Station Wagon for the Fire Prevention Bureau and replaces a 1959 Chevrolet Station Wagon, which will be used by the Assistant Chiefs. 1970 station wagon for Fire Chief with trade in of 1959 Chevrolet Station Wagon. Account #507 - 1969 and 1970 provides for replacement of foam, used in fire training; and provides for some hose replacement. Account #509 - 1969 provides for replacement of water heater at Fire Station #3, $100.00; two new lawn mowers, $150.00 each; new floor scrubber- polisher, $300.00; and crn~encement of remodeling the kitchen at Fire Station #1. The 1970 request provides for replacement of some mattresses and bed spreads in fire station dormitories. I I I I I I Account #514 - 1969 provides funds for personnel protective equipment for two replacement firemen and nine ne\'1 firemen, for Station # 4. Protec- tive _equipment will remain City property. Account #517 - 1970 provic'les for two new mechanical typewriters for Chief an0 Assistant Chiefs' use. ----- ANNUAL RUDeLT --- I i I I I i j I _________ .l Account #519 - 1969 provides for a mobile radio unit for new crash truck, Fire Station #3; also, two portable radio receivers for Chief and Assistant Chiefs. The 1970 request provides for mobile radio for new Fire Chief's station vlagoni as weil as two adc1ition2cl portable radio receivers for Fire Prevention Bureau and Staff Officers' use. I I I I I I I I I I I I I (,! :" ';~ JC~ :--'.\.~..::\ ~~: .;'.;\;~~ ,;\~:'_ }';_r(:;')\\~'~. ~,c.:~. i"'.",<o_..:. D~ ~."\ lZ= ~1:':~; l __ TrLs.pC':L~r::r.l__ r2SC~ _J ) --- .------ -.---..-- ---- -. -_.__._-,_.._------~--_._-_._-------_._.- ---'------- -- -~---_._~-- ----- ,----.---. --.-..- --,--------- POSl'iIOi': 'lIILS Building Official Plumbing Inspector Electrical Inspector Building Inspector Minimum Housing Inspector SeCTe ta:cy TOTAL I I I I , I , [r~:'n~~~:~~.;;~ R'''Dc Adi:~;,';::e~\ T - - r~:,:;'.;~ d r:~i'O:'3c-Lli/,c:/7:'!! ..... 1969 I 1970 [ ---- - - -'-":';='=-'- c.. ::- ceo--,,, __=:0--=-=-'----'7__ - -=---'"-'-=-=-1- -'---=:c---'--~=-==c."--=--===-::o.r=--u=:----'- c.- -'-c- :==-7=----i 1 1 565 - 654 7,464.00 7,848.00 I 7,126.00 i 7,126.00 I 6,164.00 I 6,1+54.00 I I 4 .12?:LQ.o. : ~i,8~~~~0--! I I I I I _____J 1 1 512 - 565 6,456.00 1 1 512 - 565 6,456.00 1 1 512 - 565 5,968.00 o 1 538 - 622 3,063000 1 1 330 400 .2Jii1t~oo 33,175.00 I I I I __Ju .:\~~~:....~.... -;: . . ~ ~. r" _~ "_ L" ~ ~:' '., l. I I I I I I I I I I I I I 'I I I I I I FUND GE!TEPJ\L. OPi-':R,;TlNG DEPAR'niP~~- -fail( ----- . L..:_~,_________,-__ S.AIH~A, KANSAS :~ DETAIL Page 34 -"--c---~..~-"'~~==-;'~=--======r.---===~=-=c"--=c=' ~==_v--c--=:-,---=-- J Adjusted I Actual Curr~nt Proposed I Previous Year I Budt;c t I Budge: t =_l9-6..B _=-_~%.9-,--_=_=-J~7n____J . CITY OF 310 331 333 345 347 349 350 351 _359 365 367 371 379 381 387 ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION L I PERSONAL SERVICE$ 110 120 130 Salaries - Dep~rtment Head Salaries - Regular Employees Salaries - Part Time Employees 8,100.00 30,414.92 13,691.48 TOTAL 52,206.40 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 205 Telephone & Telegraph 207 Traveling Expenses 227 Insurance - Buildings 231 Insurance - Motor Vehicles 24l Gas Service 242 Light & Power Service 243 Water Service 251 Repair - Buildings 253 Repair - Machinery and Equipment 255 Repair - Tires & Tubes 554.48 .00 223.00 212.59 935.78 741.3l 30.47 525.52 1,769.72 22.50 TOTAL 5,015.37 - MATERIALS & SUPPLIES Expendable Tools Books & Periodicals Chemicals, Drugs & Etc. Notor Vehicles - Fuel & Lubricants Motor Vehicles - License Tags Recreational Supplies Memorial Park Stadium Seeds, Plants, Trees & 'Lawn Supplies Other Operating Supplies Cement & Cement Products Electrical & Lighting Parts Lu~ber & Lmnber Products Motor Vehicles - Tires & Tubes Paint and Painting Materials Sand, Gravel, Rock & Chat 212.84 60.00 222.28 860.84 lOl.25 2l7.87 700.24 319.50 187.43 12.66 218.84 137.18 66.34 299.32 26.76 TOTAL 3,643.35 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES .00 435 Organization Dues TOTAL .00 ~------------------ 5,000.00 36,798.00 12,822.00 54,620.00 600.00 50.00 320.00 235.00 900.00 600.00 35.00 l,OOO.OO 2,000.00 l50.00 5s890.00 200.00 35.00 100.00 l,OOO.OO 105.00 300.00 1,700.00 1,000.00 200.00 500.00 200.00 800.00 300.00 650.00 200.00 7,290.00 20.00 20.00 '6(...,~,(ft} " ..."" AA 150_Q,~ n~' JVV. V'-T 49,905.eO 17,l?dOO1-+, 040. CO "'.1 ) .~. .'- :) ii;4ltS'.-OO I I I 600.00 I 100.00 I 320.00 I 235 . 00 I 900.00 800.00 35.00 500.00 I 2 ,000.00 ! 150.00 5,640.00 250.00 35.00 lOO.OO l,OOO.OO 15.00 300.00 1 ,000.00 I l,OOO.OO 200.00 200.00 300.00 200.00 100.00 i 350.00 200.00 5,250.00 I I I 20.00 I ----I 20.00 I ANNUAL BUDCE':'.' ________________________'-___________ ___J I I I I I I I I I I. I I I I I I I I I FUND_~NERAL _~p ERAT I N~__h__ DEPAR1r!EN'l~a~~____ -- CITY OF SALINA) KANSAS -l D~IAJ).-, Page 35 i --. C-~'~:=[v~~~~:~c~;l}~i~~~~L:~~~~~~J ACCOUNT CL4SSIFICATION CAPITAL OUTLAY 502 Buildings .00 1,200.00 4,200-.00 516 Park Equipment -Mowers 753.03 400.00 400.00 521 Recreational Equipment 266.92 200.00 200.00 575 Landscape Improvements 12,555.29 4,000.00 2,000.00 Tennis & Horse Shoe Court Improvements .00 3,290.00 .00 Shuffle Board Replacement 922.68 600.00 .00 Truck Replacement 1,694.}~ .00 .00 . TOTAL 16,l92.62 9,690.00 6,800.00 ~ ~, (, -'. ')() GRAND TOTAL 77 ,057.74 77,510.00 9~1"~ f() - A '1' TI!.~ , R l!D ~~ E.'-r __________________________ _d________ -- ~i.T::'D' CF:\E_:\f\L C}?E::':\T}:'~G I IL~:< ~,i~'~;i': ~::-~': ~~' ___._____.!:~~_~ k. I I ----------------------~-------CITY OF' S,\:,li\ic\, 'f0\:':~:\.3 -- ~r:'~~~\-_~':' ----~-- ---------~~ _n -- _n__ ---p~~;~~--~;~-l ----------------- -- ---'c,',=oo::;,.-dji.f,-:::tcd-c:----: (~- _n__ - -------:--0 i ^c ~1'" 1 I C'l-"- -, -, ,- I' IT)-,_.oc.,__,_~:,r,'_, I' ~ 1.\ 4 L.... -- ... I \.. i.. ,L '-- . ~ .... ... - - - - h2V~;~~ n. I B~~-69 t- I B~l~'r~ t I ---- ____m____~_______ -- --- __ _n__. -- -------~-~------ --------,-----~.--. --.----------_____________~ __ '__~_=~=_, '''c_~_=__=:_,,~,- _~=~=~c==~~===~~_~,______.______ ~____~_~~=______,__~__ _______ _~__I :----------- ______________~_n_._______~_ ----.-----.-. --~------- --.-..----- -~-- ~----_.- "._-~--.~_. ~-_._-- .._---_._-~------ --- - .-- ----.-- --- -- -- -------- - -~--~----,-------_. ---- ------.--------- -- .--- -------. CLASSIFlC\TIO:\ 7 (~,. J !:.'>-, ,'" () TOTAL 52,206.40 54,620.00 5,015.37 5,890.00 3,643.35 7,290.00 .00 2G.00 -.!~l2..2 . 62 9,690.00 77,057.74 77,5l0.00 8,' .l,J,S .60 PERSONAL SERVICES I I CONT~~CTUAL SERVICES 5,640.00 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 5,250.00 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 20.00 I ~_, 800 . 00 } I ", 7 ~.) ~? fa: f .. ) .~ CAPITAL OUTLAY I I I F1.lnCUI'll - Bud~2t. Co:n,"i1cnts ~ C2piL.:d OGtlay FUNCTION I. I This department is charged with supervising, maintaining and repairing all park la'tms and f lower: beds, plan'Ling and maintaining shrubs and trees, repairing park buildings and equipment as well as maintaining all parkways, boulevard and median stiips in the City of Salina. The department will also be responsible for the technical supervision of the new Municipal Golf Coursel Cemetery and Swimming Pools in 1970. I I BUDGET COMMENTS Account #120 - Provides for one additional Foreman I and one additional Maintenance Worker I necessary due to increase in park acreage and develop- men t. I Account #130 - Provides for 4 more part time employees for four months for same reason as stated above. I Account #242 - Increased for 1970 for additional lighting on tennis, horseshoe and shuffleboard courts in Oakdale Park. " I I I I Account #251 -. Increased in 1969 to permit repair of storm damaged buildings. Account #365 - Increased in 1969 for concrete improvements to tennis, horseshoe and shuffleboard areas. CAP I 'I'A!J OUTLAY Account #502 - Provides for major repair and improvement to existing L_~_ __ _ .._____ ^ X7'~:T /'... l);av.',r:-: c: ..~ ';-, J':~S"~ __,_~ ::~.: ~.__\ ~< ~',,,\ ~-.:_- ------, ~'i:-L~:) }\Yf---~: S( ~~ ~'. ~r -.. : C'OoM- .~...._.^....w_...~..,_._ ........._..,__.,_. ,__> D~:~ ~I ~\ t-~,=':-r ~.,: ~ i' _J~1.T-.l;.__.___ ._.. rage I I I I I I I I I I- I I I ..'------.---.---- .--- ---.--,.--.-.........- ---.--..- ..-. - --- ; ~O'~~Op:I'l1:;' ..:1;': ~~....~-1~S:~~o~~;:~~.i.. . . .. .. R,ngO... ......~.. r..... ~~.d.~~~~t... -~~~.. ....~~~=.....~~o..~~~..b"j'-C;i.rd;:~~I.~.~o~_..._.=o~,._~........ .~.1~6 9=..o..~ . Superintendent 1 1 622. - 757 5,000000 Foreman I 2 3 442 - 538 12,288.00 Maintenance \.Jorker II 1 1 418 - 445 5,076.00 Maintenance \.Jorker I 4 5 {f07 - 430 19 ,1+3tj.. 00 Part Time 10 14 12,822000 TOTAL 54,620000 I I I I I I ~ .. ___ L___ , I '___h_ ______ ___ !__ ____< <____ ____ .:\::~ \ :~..\ :-' }':...-:.):~::' :. 31 i Tt- --F~r ~'f' :) : c (' Bud L>- ~ '-__._197_0 . ,\-~ '\ 8,500.00 18,765000 5,340000 25,800.00 1-.,..... 17,0 ',<\ <I) lG~o"{)t! I .)~r~~~ -, 1-5')*45-'-~OO-- I I I I I I , I I ! I I I I I I i ! , - I I I I I ____ _ _J_________ _____ ___ _____ Function - Budget Comrncnts - CJ.pital OULJ.8Y 36 a CAPITAL OUTLAY (Cant' d.) I I I I I I I I I I, L,___________________________________ buildings and band shell in 1969 and construction of a shelter house in 1970. Account #516 - Provides for purchase of bra small mowers in 1969. A portable, electric pov/or supply for operation of pO\'1er tools and a flail mower to be mounted on M. F. tractor is budgeted for 1970. Account # 5 75 - Provides for lniscellaneous landscape improvements throughout the park sys-tem in 1969 and 1970. Improvements for tennis, shuffleboard and horseshoe courts scheduled for 1969. \ A,\~"l!,AIl Bl7nGET I I I I I i I I i _____ _________________________________.-1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I F FUND___~~NEPJ\I~OPE~\TING DEPARTNEN~oIice CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS DETAE: - --'~~::-==:C"'--==--==-I=---=---=_===---- . --- Adjusted Actual Current Previous Year ~I B:Ud~C t . 1968 1909 =C-~ -... . ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION PERSONAL SERVICES llO Salaries - Department Head 120 Salaries - Regular Employees 130 Salaries - Part Time Employees 8,142.00 9,070.00 300,866.l0 357,355.00 27, 183.00 _~1l.~.00 Page l 38 [ Proposed Budget 1910 I I ",".. 1 11 ;;7, '1.~-e.-oo-1 <r18 ,-70 3-.-GB- Q'- .:~ U--,.nfh OOJ 4,,~7,",:L,,~:":.::" ".t" 0 336,191.10 394,140.00 456.,435.90 ~ts- ;i/;D. f.L1) . / 4,699.33 6,500.00 6,300.00 463.20 1,000.00 1,300.00 878.04 850.00 950.00 5,476.50 8,000.00 I 8,000.00 I 2,443.43 750.00 2,300.00, 743.52 805.00 . I 850.00 I .00 90.00 30.00 462.80 1,745.00 I 1,650.00 i 883.02 l,935.00 1 ,900.00 I 12.55 240.00 2l[0.00 : I 757.95 500.00 500.00 I 427.54 l,OOO.OO 1 ,000.00 I 11,494.7.6 16,000.00 l2,000'.OO I 224.20 300.00 300.00 2,299.55 2,325.00 2,600.00 I 1,667.46 2,000.00 2 ,000.00 I 370.48 350.00 350.00 467.50 600.00 600.00 , 1,202.98 l,OOO.OO 750.00 i 16.75 250.00 100.00 I i 34,991.06 46,240.00 43,720.00 I TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 205 Telephone & Telegraph 207 Traveling Expenses 209 Postage 217 Feeding Prisoners 22l Printing Office Forms 23l Insurance - Motor Vehicles 233 Insurance - Surety Bonds 241 Gas Service 242 Light & Power Service 243 Water Service 25l Repair - Buildings 252 Repair - Furniture and Office Equipment 253 Repair - Machinery & Equip~ent 255 Repair - Motor Vehicles - Tires 257 Radio Maintenance 274 Rent - Machinery & Equipment 284 .Laundry & Towel Service 290 Medical Services 295 Other Professional Services 299 Other Contractual Services TOTAL MATERIALS & SUPPLIES -- 3l0.00 I 1 ,600.00 I 275.00 175.00 13 ,500.00 175.00 6,100.00 I 350.00 I 100.00 150.~O i 2,000.00 I 25.00 !...JlOO.OO I -- --- I 25,760.00 I 1, 11 I . - I --.----.---------- -------_! 310 320 33l 339 345 347 355 359 367 371 379 381 382 200.69, 1,651.67 287.951 206.97 12,742.22 l88.00 6,172.29 210.311 32.53 32.14 2,350.26 _.l37.17 905.51 Expendable Tools Office Supplies Books & Periodicals Food for Animals Motor Vehicles - Gas & Oil Motor Vehicles - License Tags Wearing-Apparel Other Operatir.g Supplies Electrical & Lighting Parts Lumber .& Lumber Products Motor Vehicles - Tires Paint_& Painting Supplies Photography Materials TOTAL 25, 117. 71 ---- A~~JAL BeDGE! 300.00 1,600.00 275.00 175.00 13,500.00 35.00 6,100.00 350.00 100.00 100.00 2,100.00 50.00 _1,000 .-Q.Q i 25,685.00: i I I I I I 'I I I I I I.- I I I I I I I I I FUND~NE&\L OPE~~TING DEP.>\RTNEIT-POIice - _L . , , l..;,~ 1 DE'I'AE, Page 39 --- ----'-. ------ .---- -- --------- -- I Adjusted I J Ac tual Current Proposed I ACCOUNT CL.;.SSIFICATlON Previous Year Budget Budget i 1968 1969 1970 I , . I SUNDRY EXPENDITURES . 435 Organization Due~ 324.00 450.00 450.00 TOTAL 324.00 450.00 450.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY 503 Equipment 1,447.38 690.00 400.00 505 Autos & Motorcycles .00 l4,000.00 3,500.00 509 Furni~ure & Fixtures 1,Oll.30 530.00 100.00 514 Officers Service Equipment 641. 12 500.00 500.00 517 Office Mechanical Equipment 1,622.50 3,650.00 .00 519 Radio Equipment .00 .00 l,050.00 TOTAL 4,722.30 19,370.00 5,550.00 GRAND TOTAL 401,346.17 485,960.00 5;)1 ,~4,o-;OO i ~__.""~"'_" '(r: 5'1tJ, 91:-)'-t~ .' I I - _~___l I I I -------- q ,.,";.;'n-, -- --------,-- j CITY OF SrIK;' K:\"~i\S ~ Al'.TNL~.L BUDl1~~ Fi);.~!; GE~~ERi\L OP>',Iv\I'I:\G I I I I I I I I I I I I I n: ~-.\l~'" ;:~-, =' l~(\lj.c c'--__m ---------------------------CITY Ot'- S,\l 1,':\, Kr,\:i,\.:' -.- --------- --. s C~.:~< <\ 1:~_ .~" Pag(~ llO -.---_.._---~------ -.-- --, ~ -. ---..-....-.--.--.--.--- .,.---. _._------_._~ _.--...._.~_. - -. ---- --_..._~_._._------_._.._---~+--- - ---.---------------.--.-- -----.--- --_._~-----_.- -~_.- :C.-. --:~'''-----:------ :",:::::C:----<::::-j\-a3 'll-st'e-c[ -.- I iici:u:::l I Cu,'r21~t- ?l~o;I('scc1 CLASSH'1 CATl O?\ l?1:n'~ ~~; Yr. I B~l~~; t- B~!~;~__ t I ='---=O-~~~~==-O==--~~'=_-=_"=~=~=____"-=---==-- _~=,====-"''-___=_c,=-~-_-._..___~_=-L~__'=_:-=, -- =--==~o=--O::'-'=-====c-===-:-------'--=-'--'-=~~z;:ti(.yl, PERSONAL SERVICES 336,191. 10 I 394,140. oo~-i-;~;~ CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 3ll,991.06 46,240.00 4J,720.00 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 25,117.71 25,760.00 25,685.00 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 324.00 450.00 450.00 -' CAPITAL OUTLAY _~~2. 30 19,370.00 2.25Q~ :;:;r- ~ -J .:" I (') ,'j. TOTAL 401,346.17' 485,960.00 5-31,840.-0:0 ~'1()1 91:.>-- (j(,) -- -- .------- ----------- ------- Function - Budget Co~~ents - Capita! Outlay fUNCTION It is the responsibility of the Police Department to provide maximum protection of life and property to the citizeris of Salina against any activity of a criminal nature. The primary activities related to these general responsibilities are: effective apprehension of offenders, best available service control of traffic and crowds, enforcement of the laws of the State and ordinances of the City, investigation of crimes, providing effective aid in the case of disaster, maintaining records and communica- tions service and providing a juvenile program to keep delinquency at a minimum. This department also performs innumerable services in the interest of public protection, safety, comfort and convenience, and maintains a close liaison with other law enforcement agencies-. I I I I I I BUDGET COt"IMEN'rs Account #120 - Personnel adjustments in 1969 and 1970 include the appbintment of an Assistant Chief of PGlice, the assignment of a uniformed officer to the Municipal Court as bailiff and process server, and the addi- tion of two dispatchers, as the Police Department will assume chspatching of fire charms previously done by Fire Department. personnel. This is another step i1) the establishment of a total cormilunication center for the City. Its value has already been proved during several recent ~mergencies. Account #207 - Officer training is of prime importance to the depart- ment and efforts to select training programs to benefit the department are re~lected in this account. l Account #217 - Prisoner food increased in number as vlel1 as cost. f. i':X'I; Ill. K 1Irh-':'t.~ I e:'::E '5._\ _~\ \: I~I'r~.J?'-:~:- r '~.~. ~,. \ y::.: ". '2 . '., .. ~. -. On ;. _ rrYD ___ GJ_';]J'c-'\1 ,_O"."EE-\':" I!::G _____ D~r':\.~~_~: r:: ~ _"')J))~hC:t;____________ ~_____._u__._.___ .___~_._____~ _,.____~ __ ________...._._____.__.__ ___~~._._ _ _.__ _ _.------ --- -- -.- ---.-------- ..----.,--.-----."----- ._-~~-.__.._-----_. ----_.._,_..~" ~ eG I F: [1, \..))" , I Pr ~r<\..32(~ ~=ccF~::'lJcO:~'TL,~.c...~ ;{i!dhi;~~L I..~. . ':~C~.C~.~.~..J ..~~~;'~~L.=. J...~. B';~~'oc..=.c I ,,-; 687 - 920 9,070.00 " 10.;8:10-.-8-0' I I I I I I I I I I I I I Chief 1 1 Assistant Chief 0 1 Captain 3 3 Uniform Lieutenants Lf Lf Detective Lieutenants 3 3 Uniform Sergeants 5 5 Detective Sergeants 3 .., J Juvenile Officer 2 2 Patrolmen 33 33 Bailiff & Proeessor 1 1 Dispatcher 0 2 Account Clerk I 1 1 Secretary 1 1 Clerk Typist I 5 5 Humane Officer II 1 1 Humane Officer I 2 2 School Crossing Patrolmen L~4 4/+ TOTAL 721 - 757 2,744.00 565 - 687 22,392.00 512 - 622 27,901.00 512 - 622 20,976.00 488 - 593 32,892.00 488 593 19,537.00 LI33 - 593 12,912.00 457 5Lf7 175, OS/} . 00 , 2,610.00 L.57 - 5ff7 457 -- 500 3,480.00 314 .. 382 L:-, 356.00 330 - LfOO Lf , 008.00 I 18,022.001 I 4,Lf88.001 5, 95~:L 00 I -1L.LZ.L5_~Q 0 ,I 394,140.00 I 284 330 371 - 393 350 - 371 70 - II I :1 ~I I :1 , , , il I II Icw.ccccnccc. p,.:~:< l."'. ~', -~.: 1 :.:,,' t.~ .:.. :~. .:-. I nncl c Fage' 8,796.00 2!t , 732 . 00 29,812.00 22,392.00 3Lf , 9L} 7 .00 21,180.00 1Lf,/32.0n 203,905.00 5,742.00 11,%8.00 4, S8l} :00 'Lf,43LOO 19,156.00 4,716.00 8,712.00 _2:1-,J. 20 . 00 j/ / ,. I" , ~J' I ~-. - -- - , I 45 (} -;43-5; 8€- I I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I.- I I I I I I I I I FUND__r-JiliEl{t\L~rEB-b1.JNG __ DEPARTi-I"l\1' Stree t SALU;A, KA!=SAS -------- -] P~b\l;~______ _ _ Page !12, H~ ----lpr:v7~~~a~eJ, A~~~;:!t .[ ;~:~~;~:~ll J. _1968 I 1969 ___ 19Z~_, . ~ - - ---- ---1 CITY OF ACCOUNT CL~SSIFICATION PERSONAL SERVICES 110 120 Salaries - Director of Services Salaries - Regular Employees TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 205 Telephone and Telegraph 207 Trav~ling Expenses 231 Insurance - Motor Vehicles 241 Gas Service 242 Light and Power Service 243 Water Service 251 Repair - Buildings 253 Repair - Machinery and Equipment 255 Repair - Tires and Tubes 257 Radio Ma intenance 274 Rent - Machinery and Equipment 284 Laundry and Towel Service 295 Other Professional Services TOTAL MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 310 Expendable Tools 320 Office Supplies 333 Chemicals, Drugs and Etco 341 Fuel and Lubricants (except motor) 345 Motor Vehicles - Fuel and Lubricant? 347 Motor Vehicles - License Tags 359 Other Operating Supplies 361 Asphalt and Road Oil 365 Cement and Cement Products 371 Lumber and Lumber Products 373 Machinery and Equipment Parts 375 Metal and Metal Products 379 Motor Vehicles - Tires and Tubes 387 Sand, Gravel, Rock, Salt and Chat 390 Sweeper Parts TOTAL 9,906.00 114,614.84 124,520084 10,500.00 140,155.00 II,) (",1 0:) 1 " .".l:lc~ ..eo "."l~ ,436. 00 I --1-74,470.00 '+.I(' ~-r- 177 9:>~r ,l..i: I 150,655.00 321.60 I 350.00 350000 211.27 100.00 100.00 1,094.50 1,240.00 1,250.00 619.57 900000 900.001 176.98 150.00 150.001 74065 lOO.OO 100000i 000 500.00 i 200.001 18,382.04 18,500.00 19,0000001 287035 500000 500.001 652.25 810000 8100001 I 48.00 200.00 200.001 12092 20.00 20.00 600?8 - 50.00 50.00 21,941. 71 23,420.00 23,630000 839.94 61039 732.66 232.15 6,572039 444.50 107.13 1,163.60 5,795.53 35.27 326.11 64.09 599099 1,596048 2,797.501 21,368.73 A~n-IlTAl BUDGE! _. 400000 50.00 1,200000 600.00 8,000.00 450.00 300.00 2,000.00 5,000000 300.00 700000 500000 600.00 2,500000 3.000.00 ----I 25,600.00 500.00 50000i 1,200.001 600.00 8,000.00\ 25.00, 300.00i 2,000.001, 5,000.00 200.001 7000001 500.001 600.001 I 2,500.001 3.000,00: ~---I I 25,l75.00 J I I , I I I I -------- CAPITAL OUTLAY Cont'd Account #509 - Provides for the purchase of 2 chairs for the Communi- cations Room, 5 coat racks, and window drapes for offices in 1969. Pur- chase of desk lamps for radio consoles and table lamp for waiting area is reflected in 1970. Account #517 - An application has been submitted to the Governor's Committee on Criminal Administration for 50% matching funds of $3,500.00 to obtain a rotary file for local and area law enforcement information storage and one 10-key adding machine. Account li5l9 - Application will be made for 50% federal funds for two portable radio units, to increase communications with field personnel. These units are of extreme value during time of emergencies. One addi- tional mobile radio to be purchased in 1970 in order to equip staff vehicle for emergency backup. , FUND~E.ID'J:~Jd_Qr.E:T{A':LU:G _ DEPARTI'iiin.~rs:e t I I I I I I I I I I. I I I I I I I I I CITY OF SALIKA) YJ.NSAS DEJ'AIl:. -=-.=~==---~-~::"---::=,c.'""=:--,,,,.;o==-=--==-=---""-----==l~ - ~ Actual A~t~~~~~ CLASSIFICATIO~ Previous Year Budget 1968 1969 --=-------==--==---= ACCOUNT SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 435 Organization Dues 439 Refunds 447 Transfer to Street Machinery Account .00 362.47 10,000.00 TOTAL 10,362.47 CAP ITAL OUTU Y 509 Office Equipment 519 Radio Equipment 525 Trucks 527 Street Equipment .00 420.00 2,089.76 1,920.00 TOTAL 4,429.76 GRAND TOTAL 182,623.51 . A1'.TNUAl BUDGE'! ----- 15.00 .00 5,000.00 5,015.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 204,690.00 , PaO'e 113! - o~:="'=-='l Proposed I Budge t I, 1970 15.00 .00 5,000.00 5,015.00 .00 I .00 .00 _ 700 .00 700.00 ~,-9-9e- 000 I I -p",' : -f:";- - _ , I ",.1. 3 t- I 'f7<;': t,'-C I FiJ1-n __GB.0ill:~1~T~_QrJ,;n.,~.TJllG________ D EF.:\ RTi<I~~-(~T ---!<itr.E~~tc--__________ CITY. OF SALU;A, ~;:'-J:A':; --- -----------, Page L!4 I - -_==--==-="-=_cc==:=~-_:-'"_ :"====T--::. :=C:=~-':'-===-===-:-:::'=-.i-=;==-:.' -=-=-=====,c.=_--:=:-_=;=;= =::::==r" I ACtJu::: Led Actual Curr8ut Proposed Previou3 Yr. Budget Budget J__ 1968 1969 1970 s lr: ~~~ 1 /~~Z ..~~ I I I CLASSIFICATION ~------'--~---~'- -.-.---------------- ---- I I I I I I I I TOTAL 170 '7 S~!>--: (,~ 124,520.84 150,655.00 l-7-4-,-4-j10.00 -L~J:.,...- ...;, t ~ c { 21,941. 71 23,420000 2j,630000 21,368.73 25,600.00 25,175.00 10,362.47 5,015.00 5,015.00 I 4,429.76 .00 700.00 i82,623.5l 204,690000 228, 99o-~ool . ({' t- ;1.. ~ l, tl7!>-; PERSONAL SERVICES CONTP~CTUAL SERVICES I MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES SUNDRY EXPENDITURES CAP ITAL OUTLAY 1-___ Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay FUNCTION I I Responsibilities of the Street Department include: Maintenance of all traffic\vays for the transportation of vehicles and persons, consh:ting of day by day maintenance and patching of streets, sidewalks, alleys, bridges and gutters; maintain the complete storm sewer system to prevent undue dam- age to street surfaces and avoid inconvenience to vehicles and pedestrians; clear streets of dirt and other debris by machine or handsweeping; clear street.s of snow when and where necessary. This department also works with the Ci t.y-County Health Department in the control and elimination of mos- quitoes, as well as providing necessary weed cutting activities throughout the city. Other departments rely heavily on the Street Department for use of equipment and manpower. , BUDGET COMMENTS I Account #120 - Request for 1970 includes one additional Equipment I Operator II and one Equipment Operator I to operate new Street Sweeper and I Lodal Truck unit. The Lodal unit will free 2 men a!ld 1 truck for conven- tional Stree.t Depar-tment work that has increased substantially with Salina's i growth over the past few years. I \ I Accounts #241 and 242 - 1969 increase due to utiljties previously paid I by Water and Sewer Department, on Utili_ties Building r now charged to St_j:eet I Department. I I I I I Account #251 _. Current expenditure for replacement of overhead garage door. ------------ ANNUAL BUDGET --- I I I I I I J Account #387 - Increased due to excessive amount of salt used last winter c:md to provide for graveling of alleys during the summer. Lf a CAPITAL OUTL]~Y Account #527 The 1970 request provides for replaceHlent of one rotary mower and a new 2' water pump for Street Flusher truck. It is recommended that the following equipment be purchased from the Street Machinery Fund during the current year: Hydraulic Truck Mounted Loader $4,000.00 One 2-Ton truck to be used with the above loader 9,000.00 Two l~-Ton trucks (~10 1961 l~-Ton trucks to be traded in) 5,800.00 One Street Sweeper 13,500.00 One Street Line Paint Striper 5.300.00 \ I L------------------. Func t ion Budget Comments 29 a Con t I d . ) Account #205 .- 1970 Budget Request indicates additional telephone service for Fire Station No.4, and direct. lines from the Emergency operations Center to four Fire Stations. Account #207 - Increased in 1970 to permit sending more firemen to training seminars and state Fire School. Account #242 - Allows for addition of Fire station #4 which will be totally electric. Account #25] - 1969 provides for repairs to heating plant and over-' head doors, at Fire station No. 3. Account #299 - 1969 provides for air-conditioner rental units for four office and dormitory locations. Not budgeted in 1970 since coolers from city Hall will be available. Account #355 - 1969 reflects the purchase of uniform wearing apparel, for nine additional firemen - estimate @ $450.00 per man; and ~c.he replace- ment of s1}_ch apparel for all other personnel. 1970 for replacement only. Account #375 - 1969 to purchase metal for replacement of water tank on squad Truck *:l. 'llhe 1970 request is to repair viater tank on Engine #2 - \ ~ sta-tion #2. I \ \. . Account 11381 _ 1969 provides for interior and. exteri.or painting of Fire I I Stat,ons No.1, 2, and 3. pa,nt,ng to be completed ,n 1970 \ I , \ 1 \ I I I \ \. L------- ----------...--- 40 a ) d (Con t overparking del_aying printing of by 1969 BUDGET COIVw1EWrS Account #221 - Reduced for and uniform summons until 1970. new Account #241, #242 and #243 - Due to the department occupying the build ing gar ch 1, 1969, budget es tima tes for uti li tics vIi 11 be sorne"ha t uncertain until we experience a few seasonal changes and se:rvice Account #253 _ The 1969 increase is due to vehicles high mileage, is expected to decrease with their replacement in the Fall of 1969, as reflected in the 1970 budget decrease'. in communication center placed on of copying Iuachine. Revenue is deposited in the General c Account #274 - Provides for rental derived from furnishing copies to publi op~rating FunJ. Account #257 -- 'I'vlO consoles maintenance contract. \ \ i \ \ \ \ J.. continuing in-service training S. Department of Justice a Vis-a-Bar bracket for system on top of the \ OUTLAY Account #503 _ $360.00 per year is for a program of sight-sound film strips from the U. All b lack and \vhi te Cclrs \'d_ll be equipped "Ji th mounting of red lights, siren and public address vehicle. Tl-\L J CAP In orn vI and \'7hi te units to be l:eplacecl aced due to age and excessive the 19S1 model no'.v in U3e 1 replace black be rep ~;ix to to 1969, cycles soja-cycle Account #505 - In 1970, hlO three-wheel condition and one r---- ---------- ---- - ---- --- - (:~ :_ .;- _ J~:':--;\ ~.::. ~\~. , '::'_\ :: ~;_\ ~ ____ _ _n_nI)_:~t~;~~~~~_..~~_=~-~~r:~-(~-L~=~~=-:::.:.~_==~~ I I I I I I I I I I- I I I I I I I I I T-;: ~<3 )\Y:-~, .:.,I~,:L~ :r.- ._'~ I'2gc ':t) -.----- _._.~_.'-' --------,_._-----.._-- ---..- --.--...------.--, ..-- ------ -------.-- --------- __nn___ --- -------~---1 ---E"'?;~ ::~~c~;-:--l .0. -----.'o.--'.cl.-~= Adct/~~~,Ut - -- -- ----- p-~'~jP J:;O d _ ~~.~..~~SITl.O" T~1L~~c~~~~~;;~[~::,;,:;,j .. .~"~ R:";Coc ~.=J..~::::~L.. ....~...~~~~~:.~... Director of Services 1 1 687. - no 10,500.00 11,01+0.00 Foreman II 1 1 lt65 565 6 ,Lf56 .00 6,780000 Foreman I 1 1 442 - 538 5,178.00 6,000.00 Equipment Operator II 6 7 430 - 457 3l,320.00 38,lSLf.OO Equipment Operator I 17 19 4lS - 4Lf5 85,739.00 101,005.00 Laborer 1 1 393 - 418 4,710.00 5,016.00 Custodian 1 0 350 - 383 1,219.00 .00 Extra Time _5,5ll.&Q _~tZ5.0.Q TOTAL 150,655.00- H--4---;-410.00 /77, 9~>-""'~ -~~,;>~~~.'-~:., !~,:_.-;.::.~-:' ~ I I _ _____ __.l___~____~__________ ----_----- I I i I I I I I -I I I I I I ! I ... _ __ _________ __ _ _ _ _ _ L_ ___ __,__ __ 1 1 I 1 1 I I I I I I.- I I I I I I I I I FUND__GE:; ~1\AL ---.9J)El~ATlj~_ DE F ARTH Er;:J-=--.lia..s.t.eY~'l.PQSs:'ll-_ CITY OF SALn~A) ~A.NSl,.S DET.1.1i, ACCOUNT CL~SSIFICATION PE~SONAL SERVICES 120 Salaries - Regul~r Employees TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 228 Insurance - Equipment 253 Repair - Equipment 255 Repai~ Tires & TUDes TOTAL MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 345 Motor Vehicles - Fuel & Lubr. 359 Other Operating Supplies 379 Motor Vehicles - Tires & Tubes 387 Sand, Rock, Gravel, Salt & Chat TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 527 Tractor and Heavy Equipment TOTAL GRAND TOTAL I ~ : --, Pa;e 46: --r---- ------ --I-----=~=--"=--===-l- . Adjusted I I Actual Current Proposed, I iPrevious Year Budge t Budge t I I 1968 1969 1970 J --r- I I II ;,11.5'"\ 16,407.10 11..))65.00 16,407.l0 17,165.00 -1-7-,--980.00 ! :JljC1(>(J' 155.88 12,942.59 .00 180.00 10,350.00 50.00 180.00 8,000.00\ 50.001 --~ 8,230.00 13,098.47 10,580.00 l,667.96 2,000.00 2,000.00 246.14 500.00 500.00 .00 100.00 300.00 100.33 300.00 300.00 2,014.43 2,900.00 3,100.00 16,800.0 .00 _---! 00 16,800.od .00 .00 48,320.0 30,645.00 ~:uo ! , .,( --' Am."UAL BUDCZ'!' . I I I I I I I I I I. I I I }'iJ;':T) GE:J?Rl'_L OPERAn:,:G n~: ~ 1 /~ ~~.:,--: ~~:~ ~ ~ ___;~,(~~~t~~~':~ 0 S-ar--- ---- ---- --------------------------------CIT'/ OF St\~.T~':...\, K:\~,~~~-\'3 S L~:~-L\ 'Z ': -- -----------------T Pc:<~c i+ 7 I --=::::....::=:-:-....::-_~-=-=:_---=-=~-=----=--~~-_...::.::-=..:::==-- -::::.:=::_-=--=-=-:.-=~--_--:::.-::::-: _::------ - --- ClASSI:FI CAn O~'i" - - -- - - -\---;.~ ;:? ~ - - \--- Aga:~~;Z~~ - . I --;:.()~,.~:~,-~--I ?rev5ou3 y~. Bucl~2r Budget I . l 1968 I 1969 1970 I _"C~~"_.=__""~~_=~ -~::-.40 7 . J"c:.:6~."~:1~-;!;::lo .;O~ ' _._--------- ---------- - PERSONAL SERVICES TOTAL 13,098.47 10,580.00 8,230.00 2,014.43 2,900.00 3,100.00 l6,8DO.00 . .00 .00 --- 48,320.00 30,645.00 29,310.00 :)" , - I, ~ ~, . i'-. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES }~TERIALS & SUPPLIES CAPITAL OUTLAY Fur.ction - Budget Cor"ments - Capital Outlay FUNCTION Operation of the City landfill for the final disposal of all garbage, rubbish, trash and similar waste materials which may originate within the City of Salina. BUDGET COMMENTS Account #253 - Increased for 1969 to allow for undercarriage repair on the D-6 Dozer and 955 Loader, and new paddle chain and drive sprockets for the JD 760 Scraper. Rebuild diesel engine, transmission, clutch, cross shaft, steering booster and hydraulic system on D-6 Dozer in 1970. I I I I I I Account #255 - This account added for tire repair on JD 760 Scraper. Account #379 - Added for replacement of tires on Scraper. " A ",~",--j' ^... 'U~~n-.t::r;, ~ -> --.....---.--. ~..__._--_.. ---..----.---..-----.-- D~'.?\r~ -_~,~ ~~<! ___~~a5!:.~~_J)L~~;'~ ""'~_ I I I I I I I I I I- I I I I I I I I I ,------------- - -- ---- - ---,------------------ -- --- - (:'~,'~ '~-. J" ~" \ _. ,'j \ \) }:..\.'~~. ..\ ~.'. - }'f_ E( S;:;Y ~-'. ~_' :. c ~~ ~_ _~)..~.. _..- ..-.-.., ----"-'.' --- .- ... - .._. - ~'_." .-- PPC; Lt .s ----- --- -_..~------_._--_. _.-~-----,._.~-~- .---.. - -. --------,----- ---------------- __u ------------- - --- T----~~:1-,., , .'; ,_" ." : I _~__PO~'I~o:~J~; '; _J~~~;~:~~,~;-i -.----.------.------ _. '. -.~--.._..-.----"...-~-----.-~- --- ---'---"----1---"------ .---". 2 ---- -- ---,,:c=--c-:'(--'=-';\.-,l"i us t I t\T:-'1"~~:! PrJp,::~:,:~'d ]:, j" ~ t " " :,,"ng~' I l)l_~_~C~~ l"~~~;O: =~=='~L~;;~~~=~~:::-==C-CC"'=-~~=~=~~;;:~9~~~:r==="C:~..~';:'{~~~~=O Heavy Equipment Operator 2 Laborer 1 1 393 - H8 4,776.00 5,016.00 Extra Time ~lOO. 00 1,300.00 TOTAL 17,165.00 -1--7,9-S0.00 I, /;' -- . 'i.o I I I I I I I .. ..__.____._. _.____..,...- .__________.~_ ___ ___~.,__.~_. __.L .._.___.__.____._ :.\:':'~ '.'. :'1."';: 1.... ;.,.~"_ ~ I I I I I I I i --- --- --- ---_._---- ---- --.------' --------- ----- I '1 L-_ FUND GENERAL OPERATING DEPARn[c~;l~ Str~et--1[ghLiB5f,.-=-_ - CITY OF SALI~A, KANSAS ---------~------l _ -- ,-_Js~S:?l-k_="~=__=,---=,=,,,=::=,----;-- Adjc~~'~d-===,--,!.!~fiC==:,,"49-_; I Actual I Current Prouosed I ACCOUNT ClASSIFICATION _____~revi~j~ Ye_ar _ ~~~~~ t ~~~~~ t 1 -------1 - -------======----'--~==~--===. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 242 Light & Powe~ Service 74,937.67 80,300.00 85,000.00 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TOTAL 74,937.67 80,300.00 85,000.00 GRAND TOTAL 74,937.67 80,300.00 85,000.00 Ali'1WAL BUDGE'l' I ________L_____ I I I I I I I I I 1,- I I I I I I I I I FiTS!) __~~~1~RI\!~__()_~~lZt\~rI~.0 __ ___ ____ n :": :-. .\:~ri~' ~ ~,'.~<': ___~_~_~~.S!._)~~i-gl~_t t.DZ_ _~__~__ ~-~=~=-=~.-:~_~___._.._~_":I~Y~OF_3~L;~~~:'.\:A~":- -.-=~--:_~\JJ~s~~~:'='=-!-'~;--'~.~.[ Act-;'~'l I Cl'l-'-->11t- P"O")"'-'-,c1 .. I... .. -" l ... t.:: .J. ~..... ~> ,-. i CL~SSIFICATIO~ Previou3 Yr. BUGget Budget ~_~.~.___~'.._____'_~_'___~_~__'.__.~'_~~__=__~__'...",.__.~~__:."_J1'~8_ _ ==~~19j9.~_~.._-_".__.J9;'Q..~".1 CONTRAcTUAL SERVICES ~37.61 TOTAL 74,937.61 80,300.00 80,300.00 ~ooo. 00 85,000.00 ------------- ----------- Function - Budget COiCl::\ents - Capital Outlay FUNCTION This appropriation pays the cost for electricity, pole rental, lights and reflectors for all street lights within the corporate limits of the City of Salina; Kansas Power and Light Company installs and maintains all street lights which are rented to the City in accordance with a contractual agreement. BUDGET COMMENTS Monthly improvements to first four months x 12 = ~78,768.00 plus parking lots in Central month and North 9th Street @ $200.00 for three for 1969. of 1969 averages $6,564.00 Business District @ $131.60/ months, totals $80,308.00 I virtuallJ I I Based on the above costs for the entire year of 1970, there is no allowance for any significant lighting changes during the year. .. I I I I I I I I I I. I I I I I I I I I FUND GE1'-l~RALQPr;RAr:!:>:G _____ DE PARTN r:tlT Tr~U;j,s__ CQ.D.1J"01 p-::-;~I "" I .==-=cc;.. '----=-==c-~=-=-"l I Proposed i J B~~~~t J 1==-=------= _=---==--r"'-___ CITY OF SALI~A, KANSAS DE'~AIL ---.._..__.---- ACCOUNT CLASSIFI CATION~~~' ",. "~'~.~:::~~~.~~~earIAd~~~~:~t _ 19~8_ ~9~9 PERSONAL SERVICES 120 Salaries - RegL1a~ Employees 130 Salaries - Part Time Employees 15,165.27 .00 TOTAL 15,165.27 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 205 Telephone and Telegraph 207 Traveling Expenses 231 Insurance - Motor Vehicles 242 Light and Power Service 253 Repair - Machinery and Equipment 255 Repair - Tires and Tubes 257 Repair - Radio Maintenance 261 Repair - Traffic Lights, Bulbs and Etc. 274 Rent - Machinery and Equipment 295 Other Professional Services 239.00 147.12 95.55 2,726.97 398.50 5.00 108.00 1,133.98 30.00 1..:..2.09 . 2 Q. 6,793.32 TOTAL MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 310 Expendable Tools 331 Books and Periodicals 345 Motor Vehicles - Gas and Oil 347 Motor Vehicles - License Tags 353 Signs 365 Cement and Cement Products 367 Electrical Traffic Lights Parts 371 Lumber and Lumber Products 379 Motor Vehicles - Tires and Tubes 381 Paint and Painting Materials 399 Other Repairs and Maintenance 129.09 .00 324.02 30.00 4,359.39 1,766.02 300 . 4l~ 32.85 .00 - 2,861.01 .00 TOTAL 9,802.82 CAPITAL OUTLAY 529 Traffic-Control Equipment 5,587.52 TOTAL 5,587.52 GRAND TOTAL 37,348.93 .H.Th71T:i'T 'P.:mC::'T 15,815.00 -hQ.OO.OO 16,815.00 270.00 400.00 95.00 3,000.00 400.00 10.00 11 0 . 00 1,000.00 50.00 2,300.00 7,635.00 125.00 10.00 350.00 30.00 3,000.00 300.00 1,000.00 50.00 50.00 3,500.00 50.00 8,465.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 37,915.00 -- - 16,630.00 1,000.00 17 ,G30-.00 .,'/ C(r /- I I. ~ "., i 300.00 100.00 95.00 3,500.00 500.00 10.00 110,00 1,000.00 50.00 ~OO..! 00 8,165.00 150.00 10.00 350.00 5.00 3,500.001 I 300.00i 1,000.001 50.001 50.00 3,500.001 50.00 I 8,965.00! I I 4,570.00: -I i 4,570.00: I ...3--9--, J J 0 . 8-0-! . I )j 1/ I '! ,(cf .' ,. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FUND _yJ<;.Nf:RA1~_QE.1:T~J:\1'J;JSSL _ D,Sl;Al~'';:H:.:NT 11;: a f f j0ol}.l=.r_Q1______ ----CITy -OF Sc\1Il'iA, K:\N3A3 ----------------------------r 5';-\I'-J,I-:>-.' P" r'- 11 ::_;:~-=_-~l:':: c. bC: 52 ----="--=-===,=-::c=-.------.---==--===----c-==~__===-'____,,=,=__:cc:__:-=c.==_:__f=---=:c-..:::=:::c----=--=-==-::I---Ad:~;~-~----'-I----==-=-::=::.-=-==--:::c-r J Actudl Cdrrent Proposed CLASSIFICATION ?reviou3 Yr. Budget Budget I 1968 1969 1970 -~=~-==----=--===----=-~-"_:___ - - '--F=------=====-_==_. - ----.-c-=to 1'1 {/ I PERSONAL SERVICES 15,165.27 16,815000 -l--7,e-30 , 00 CON1~CTUAL SERVICES 6,793.32 7,635.00 8,165.00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 9,802082 8,465.00 8,965.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY 5,587.52 2..t...QO 0 0 0 Q 4,570000 TOTAL 37,348093 37,915.00 -3-9-,.-:no" 0 0 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay FUNCTION The primary objective of the Traffic Control Department is to maintain and to obtain the highest possible utilization of the City traffic lanes, as well as the installation of all traffic control signals and signs, painting of all lane signs, center lines, cross-walks, parking stalls and directional arrows on the City's strGets and parking lots. BUDGET COMHENTS Account # 130 -- Provides for one laborer during summer months for repair of signs and making traffic counts. I I I I I I Account #205 - Additional traffic signals installed latter part~ of 1968 require more telephone lines. I Account #295 - For contract on synchronization of 22 signalized inter- sec~ions in the Central Business District at $7.80 per month per intersec- tion. ,. CAPITAL OUTLl\.Y Account ~\529 - Provides for equipment and inst~allation for pedestaJ, type traffic signals at Santa Fe and Pacific in 1969. Pedestal type signals at South and Ninth and mast arm signals at Sou-th and Broad\'.'ay to be installed in 1970. . ...........~1 '..... D5?i\ i~ 0 >1: \! _J-'r"fXj<,'c_ ~~cj.Iltr()_L_ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I r- '-cc~. po: I~I~:~C::TI:.~'.'.'T"~~:J";"_;~_'.-_-_-_!_-~--- ._... .____f,_._Sr_l. s_.._-_,=_=' ._-_=-_-_._--_'.-_-_=-_:.-_,,_.__-_ C A~!;;~:~~r.1 1 ~ ~ ~ ~;:" ..~~~~.~~~.~~~. ~';"'~L!l',.Z"f . ..~....~...~ ......!~6L.... J ..~12]O ... .. . C '2_~_. .~~ .J":-.' ~-'. \. ~~ ,~. ?::\ : :~.\\ ~...\:::--_._-- -_.-~_. ----------------------------------------- --- --I rage }tL c{ :-; j~~ \ r-.:: Foreman I 1 1 442 - 538 5,814.00 6,125.00 Maintenance Worker I 2 2 407 L:30 9,816.00 10,320000 Extra Time 185.00 185000 Part Time 1,000000 1. 000 000 -,(,._._~--- TOTAL 16,815.00 Fi\630 .00 i :.\~':\"!.".~: . r.--j.....,.,. j -' ,- ..' -~- ,.," .. I I I I I I I I I I- I I I I I I I I I FUND GENERAL OPERATING DEPAR'lriEj:i'l' Swimming Pool_~__ CITY OF SALINA, KA~SAS D~'-1'~r .!- ~'~ _.. .l._~ ACCOUNT CL~SSIFICATION PERSONAL SERVICES l20 Salaries - Regular Employees TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 205 Telephone & Telegraph 24l Gas Service 242 Ligh~ Service 25l Repair - Buildings 253 Repair - Machinery & Equipment 295 Other Professional Services TOTAL MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 310 320 333 341 349 365 367 371 373 381. Expendable Tools Office Supplies Chamicals, Drugs, & Etc. Janitor and Toilet Supplies Recreational Supplies Cement & Cement Products Electrical Parts Lumber & Lumber Products Machinery & Equipment Parts Paint & Painting Materials TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES 503 Equipment TOTAL GRAND TOTAL A}Th!1T d T P.i1f)/, ,-'1' - -r-' Adjusted Actual Current Previous Year I Budget 1968 1969 I 10,953.34 10,953.34 8.93 25.44 525.70 104.08 1,413.58 105.50 2,l83.23 98.10 33.74 398.00 31. 75 88.6l 316.14 73.l7 .00 674.53 7.65 1,721.69 2,655.00 2,655.00 17,513.26 11 ,500.00 11 ,500.00 20.00 30.00 600.00 400.00 2,300.00 lOO.OO 3,450.00 50.00 lOO.OO 400.00 50.00 25.00 100.00 120.00 200.00 150.00 900.00 2,095.00 .00 .00 l7,045.00 Page Sfl I Proposed Budget 1970 l2,000.00 12;000.00 20.00 30.00 I 600.00 I 700.00 3,750.001 lOO.OO , I 5,200.00 I 50.00 I loo.ool 400..00 I 50.00 I 25.00 100.001 20.00 I 100.00 I l50 .00 I 800.00 I I 1,795.00 1,500.00 l,500.00 20, 495. 00 . ,. . i __~j_.~. ( I I I I I I I I I I- I I I I I I I I I FU:\D GENERAL OPERATING D 2~? ~\lrl~l'2 ~~~r.~~~~~~.~~i~i~li;l.~~z~---P-~_~-~-~.=.~_~ ---------------- CITY -OF ~(~:l~j>~ K"\:;3A3 --------~---.---------------~~~;-;~--r ~....~~.=~~..~. ~...~:SS:I.CA:~O;,..~..~........ .......~?:C~: i~:~:r~.~ ~?~~~~~r.'.;~~~:~;'.j _~_=~~~~_===_________==~-- o=-_~=--=-_~_~~=~~=-==_:,-- 1968 1969 _ _,==-~-~?O-""==_-~__' PERSONAL SERVICES 10,953.341 11,500.00 l~O;O~ CONTRr\CTUAL SERVICES 2,183.23 3,450.00 5,200.00 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES l,721.69 2,095.00 1,795.00 TOTAL 2,655.00 17,513.26 .00 .1.-..:...._- 1,500..Q.Q. 2G,495-.00 CAPITAL EXPENDITURES l7,045.00 ',', -l I I FUNCTION Function - Budget Comment.s - Capital Outlay This appropriation includes expenditures necessary to maintain and operate the two Municipal Swimming Pools located in Kenwood Park and at Carver Center. BUDGET COMHENTS Account #251 - Provides for repair of pump building at Carver Pool in 1969 and repair of the roof on Kenwood bath house in 1970. Account #253 - Provides for repiping the outside filters at Carver Pool. Needs to be a complete welded pipe system with new valves. Work will be divided between 1969 and 1970. Account #367 - Increased for 1969 to repair electrical circuits in concession stand. Account 371 - Basket shelving at Carver Pool and repair counters at pool in Kenwood. AccQunt #373 - Reduced by transferring plpe and valve repair to Contractual Services Account #253. Account #381 -. Provides for painting of floors and walls at both pools in 1969 and tanks anu outdoor piping in 1970. CAPITAL OU'rLAY The two diving bOClrds originally budgeted for 1969 in Account #503 for Kenwood Pool \'1e::c encumbered in 1968. 'The 1968 expendit.ure also inclucles two diving bee.rds purchased for the Carver Pool. Sarree of the shower stalls and ladders will req~ire replacement in 1970. . ^ '!\T1\~-, ^ T n"nr.'["".'" r'_~ \;='_q?_l::~E'.,\:~~__ 0:' r:_~'\~~E~:? _______ I r------------------------- ----------- -- I -=~" =====_~~_=_=_:;=====-~='~_==~===_7__==~:~I~;'~=:~,;::-,==.;;C:= - - _;,__CC=;c . ! ~- =f\f17i~'fE- --- - --1--1' ,~~ ',' .: 2 (1 , rOSIlI I)~; n-.::r~: ~J;~r;-;;iF~;'-;-'~;-d: [hhb" i F.ud <,c' t. I J)-.: -!~,- L ! I 18~',:/-'7_"" i!;,,-I;'I I I 1969 I 1970 I ..=c-_ . =;:-c-=:'====--==---=--='-=;=-==--::-T co; -=="-''''..--=-==-;.=;-=--= -~ =-7:.-==~=-=7-="'--I=----=--=-=-'-=-~=---=-'=.--'CO==-:c:=----=---O.-CO'"O--=i MUNICIPAL POOL: I I 1 I, Manager I I I I II I. I I I I I I I I II 1----------------------------- D.. ~',A:)_= ~<' ~.t _\ >: ~.\. .-:':___ C~'; Y :: '.\~-' >:.\ i"'lg(: S6 ~ -', 'I "1 ~ \- \ . 1,125.00 l,125.00 375 - 870.00 I 990.00 I I 1 , 350.00 II 750.00 I 2,070.00 I 600.00 \ 1, 000 ~-QQ I 8,755.00 I I I I I 900.00 I 750.00 \ 450.00 II 3/+5.00 I 300.00 I I -----29_Q~_'O'.9_ I i 3,245.00 I I 12 , 000 . 00 I I I I -I ! i i I I I I 870.00 290 - 1 Assistant Manager 990.00 165 - 2 Hale Lifeguards 1,350.00 150 - 3 Female Lifeguards 750.00 125 2 Cashier 2,070.00 115 - 6 Basket Boys 600.00 100 - 2 Basket Girls 750.00 ------1 8,505.00 Extra Time TOTAL CARVER POOL: 900.00 300 - 1 Manager 750.00 250 - 1 Assistant Hanager 450.00 150 -- 1 Female Lifeguard 345.00 115 - 1 Supervisor and Baskets 300.00 250.00 ! ---------.- I ') 99~ nr ' ,:. , :J . ,.' ,-I I 11 ,500. GO ! 100 - 2 B3.Sket Girls Extra Time I I I i I I I I I I ! i I i I I I I ____________ L___________. TOTAL GRAND TOTAL I I I I I I : I ! I I ___._______ __._.__.__.___._________ ___.____.___ .___..."__ J.._____________ ___.__ X'J:~ --:,:, ,..i,.-......l. FUND___~ ~~7-::~~:-r~ l:I~~~~,~ ~!~-S---- D;:;-P:\R.J}i;,'~,; i~C !!ILnl2tLHlOn L .~ CITY OF SA LgA. KAl<SAS -_..__:~-~':':~=-- --"jiJ:I:r;;c;'lUC: -- .~C_~"-~---~~C~UN~-=~~S~~:~:A::N-~-YJ?N;'---l~eji~~a ~e~ rrA?::~~:~r-~ _p:;~~:~:~7 ~! ____=-=,_,-=J~ 6 8._-=_L_=_1_2~J _=-~~o,l=o__~lZ-.2-----: I I tf(,,t,5J_ T) 1 26,450.00 ~,~JJ.OOI _1---,1_00.00 ,,,5'- 2-.-~00.8'Oi 27,650.00 48,235.00 I-- I I I I I I I I I. I I I I I I I I I PERSONAL SERVICES l20 Salaries - Regular Employees l30 Salaries - Part Time Employees l2,308.81 6,264.00 TOTAL l8,572.81 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 205 Telephone & Telegraph 207 Traveling Expenses 209 Pos taOge 221 Printing 231 Insurance - Motor Vehicles 252 Repair - Furniture & Office Equipment 2.53 Repair - Machinery & Equipment 255 Repair - Tires & Tubes 295 Other Professional Services 216.60 534.39 94.49 .00 46.52 37.98 114.21 .00 581.74 TOTAL l,625.93 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 320 Office Supplies 331 Books and Periodicals 345 Hotor Vehicles - Fuel & Lubricants 347 Hocor Vehicles - License Tags 359 Ot~er Operating Supplies 379 Motor Vehicles - Tires 131. 95 111. 50 128.36 14.50 .00 .00 TOTAL 386.31 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 435 Organization Dues 20.00 TOTAL 20.00 CAPITAL EXPfNuITURES 503 Camera & tenses 517 Office Equipment .00 79.80 TOTAL 79.80 GRAi-.iD TOTAL 20,68!f.85 350.00 440.00 250.00 50.00 .00 100.00 125.00 10.00 200.00 1,525.00 230.00 230.00 100.00 .00 50.00 25.00 635.00 140.00 --~---- I iL,O.OO I I I I 330.00 I 750.00 I --------- I I 1,080.00 ! 31,030.00 " 370.001 1,000.001 270.00 II 50.00 50.00, I 80.001 250.00: lO. 00 I 200.001 -----r I 2,280.00 i I 260.001 260.00, 200.001 5.00 I 50.001 50.00 -t-- 825.001 I I _J]2~.Q_Q.1 175.001 I i .00 I ___~~Q-2-QQJ. i 8LO.OOj I -~3~.OO : i ,') '- I I I I I I I I _____. ___L_______ ____ __J _ ____________------- L-- ----.:.------------------- -- --------- ..."-N!TU.:\L BUDG::! s tT>~' ~\ ::Z GENERAL OPERATING --,-_.... ~.- -.- _.- ----_.~~- .. ~~-- .-.. --- ~----~. ----- ______~~~'~:~~~'::~~;.~' ~_ __,~ '~~:l:~_~~[i;~_~tL~!l~i_n;~. "_ I 53 I 1).-, '-" c. ~.'. '_' riJ~:D I -----C11Y OF SA~_I~A, KA\~A5 I I I I I I I I ,"-"-_... -.... ..~c ........- ~ -:I'~'SSI~I~~I 0; .... ~m_.... .c. ~~~~-_ .l?:~~ ~~~;Yr'...l~'~~i~Y/~.~ ... ~~1~~~; d~i p-,,--~==-~~===~--==-"~~--_nn- ___________ __________ _;-__ I /' - , PERSONAL SERVICES 18,572.81 27,650.00 4-8,7:3-5' ;00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES l,625.93 1,525.00 2,280.00 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 386.31 635.00 825.00 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES ~O.OO 140.00 175.00 CAPITAL EXPENDITURES 79.80 ~80.00 820.00 TOTAL 20,684.85 3l,030.00 5-r;-3-35.00 / / "x (. i..~ .:... l ,--- Function - Budget CO:-:'il1ents - CapitE\l Outlay 1-- FUNCTION I I I The Planning Department provides staff support to the Planning Commis- sion and Zoning Board of Appeals in guiding the growth and development of the City in order to achieve a more orderly, convenient and attractive community. The department assists other City departments and advises engineers, developers and citizens on various planning matters such as zoning and sub-division regulations, rezoning requests, minimum require- ments for proposed sub-division plats, traffic requirements, plus a multi- tude of additional services to influence the well-being of the community. I I . Activities within this department are increasing steadily due to expanded involvement with various Federal Programs. The Department of Administration and Planning is the primary liaison with the Regional Office of Housing and Urban Development at Fort Worth, the Kansas State Park and I Resources Authority, as well as the local Urban Renewal Agency. In addi- I tion, the department works continually with planning and engineering firms on projects such as the Community Renewal Program, Neighborhood Development i Programs, park development projects and the many routine technical studies I as they develop. " I I I I BUDGET COJvlMEN'I'S ....... ~,...,. - .........~-.._,,.....,r-. I '- i I ! I i ! I I I I ! Account #120 - For 1970 and the last half of 1969, this account has been inc:reased by transferring the Director of Administration and one secretary to the Department of Administration and Planning. This is a new nomenclature by which the previous Planning Department will be known in an attempt to provide a closer relationship between t~e planning function and the administrative st_ructure. An administrati ve assistant is provided for a BUDGET CO~~lliNTS Cont'd in 1970, with the prime responsibility of assisting all departments with research and formulating project applications for Federal and State match- ing funds. Account # 130 - Provides for college students to assist \'1i th research and design work through cooperation with the Department of Cornmuni ty and Regional Planning at Kansas State University. Account #207 - For 1970 and the last half of 1969, this account ShO'dS an increase because activities of the Director of Administration and the Director of Planning have been coniliined and now function under the Depart- ment of Administration and Planning. I Account #209 - The increase for 1969 and 1970 is the result of increaseh mail volume required to support citizen participation through the Citi~er:.s' I Advisory Comrni ttee and an anticipated postal rate increase. I Account #295 - Increase in 1969 and 1970 provides for participation in the Planning Advisory Service \'lhich furnishes foonth1y planning materials I and does special re~earch upon request. I Account ~320 - Increase due to increased planning activities and t Ci ti zens I Advisory Comll1i ttee materials. I I Account #331 - Increase provides for purchase of two sets of law books;! one set in 1969 and one set in 1970. I Account n435 - Meniliership in the Areerican Institute of Planners, ! Arr.erican Society of Public OfficialE', / Urban Land Insti tute / and Aroeri can 1 Public Works Association I 58 b CAPITAL OUTLAY Account #503 In 1969 provides for purchase of camera and lenses used for planning building inspections and public information programs. Account #517 - Provides for purchase of tape recorder and calculator , I in 1969 and a drafting table. desk and chair for 1970. I I \ Ft: t,.;D C~~~.~:~T~\L O~J:-~'Q.::\.'i'I'\~:~ ---- - .----.-. --------~._-_._- .------- ..-.__.-------~ l. c~ ,::..~ '.lL ::; t 1. d l j.on ;): r'~\_r:. ~.__~~ .-:<L _. I I I I I I I I I I- I I. I I I I I I I I ! I r- .---- -~- - -.. .- - C~ ; ,- J'-'X.."" F..," ;-.\' 1- ~P~SEIOcIlITLO-~~~~~ [2/r";"~~'ji R', n,' r ;~':':;r~i~t I !';;:-~:;C ;' ',) _-=-==-=-=~=__=_=__:c=_=_-___=-__-_=_=___"__=_ ,_ =-l1;~- ,-/'l.c;_l_~c':. < - '.I._-'__=,--=-=_-=-=_c-c=.._=c====._c-__ -.-=:---,-"= _-"-_II. -'---'=_______:__~~9.:-'-_=='-=_-=__ J-:.=c:_-=,_-:.-,-,::-~,O. ------,- Director of Administration 1 1 795 - 1,065 5,785.00 12,780.00 Administrative Assistant o 1 65lf - 875 7,870.00 9,700.00 488 - 593 6,350.00 I 7,005.00 330 - 400 6,445.00 9,050.00 600 7,200.00 _.J~00.~..Q. ,~,~Q.O . 00_ 27,650.00 --4&-;~-35 . 00 I Planning Director 1 1 Planning Technician 1 1 Secretary 2 2 Extra Time TOTAL I i I I I I I I I -\.; .,'~ . .. < t;:..~ _;. ":" ~': .L rmiD__B..ENEE!ll,__Ql'.ERA__:rlNC';:. _____ I I I I I I I I I I" I I I I I I I I I 1) E P t\B. n,r El\T __~lJl.l%!..r._G1~ c ~__.__~1.1~CJ___ r----- - ---- CITY OF SAT"n,A, K..:'.NSAS _____~nt.inr:c;D_c__t~s ---i f====~-=====~==~~-~~---'---~7=_cc=,=",-=:~==~~~]E]'~.:-~----,._-~- .=--,_,='c======-~=_~c=--======~_--=~c.~.i-,=,:--.~-fc~=j L ACCGUC,T CL^SSlFWTlON ~~ Prevt~~~~~:l:~~*t~td i P~1~~~7;O:~d " CONTP~CTUAL SERVICES 22,575.00 935.00 16,505.00 239 Group Insurance 290 Medical Serviceg 294 Workmen's Compensation 19,214.29 733.80 19,6l9.00 39,567.09 40,015.00 TOTAL SUNDRY EXPENDITURES ~l ,426 .11 25,000.00 404 Contingencies 41,426.11 25,000.00 TOTAL 80,993.20 65,015.00 GRP,ND TOTAL '. "'T' 2t~,835.001 935.00 18,000.00, I 43,770.001 I 30,000.00.'1' 30,000.00 I 73,770.00 - --_.~-~--- -~-~-- --~------.~ ~--~-------~----. ,---~------, ._-~---~-- ------------. -- -.-------. -------_.--------- ------------------ ----.- ~--~---~- F i.; ;';]) __G ENnSJ\L__Ol'En Al'nIG_.___________ _ ~ ,~, ,~~ . ., _______._~~~~.- ~ ~~~~~~~=_~: ?'_ -_ _-_I_n_.le) oSJlJ.J_..'t:,~~LJ~1._-nn Co.~;;1.~1_--c2_,_,~,~-. ~.--_-_': ---. .._-..._n___ _________~__________h_____________ CI TY OF SA iL':\. ,'-~. -' :o~,.) -- ~ .L__ - I C;Ti',;\f:' ":.J ",' P ~_:':.:.:.._:..;_:~.,,: 3.ge .__~._~_t ------ --r Act--':?l Cun:2:1t Pl'opOt~c'cl ,I CLASSIFI CiTIO~.; ?L;-'iiou;; Yr. Budge t !Juclg0 t _.=,=====~=='o=~=~===_~===c==-_=,==~,=~==~==,=, ==~=!~~~___=___=_;=~~9~--~-==---===~"----=:;2~-=-,=l I I I I CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 39,567.09 40,Ol5.00 43,770.00 Sm~DRY EXPENDITURES 4l,426.ll f5,000.0Q. 30,000.00 I TOTAL 80,993.20 65,015.00 73,770000 I I I II I I Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay BUDGE'r COI1IYIENTS Appropriations in Accounts #239 and 4~294 represent employee insurance and hospitalization coverage paid by the City. Account #239 has been in- creased for 1969 to allow for additional personnel. A 10% increase in premiums is expected for 1970. Physical examinations, nrn1 a prerequisite to municipal employment, are paid out of Account ff290. I I The Contingency section is designed as a hedge against_ unforeseen emergencies or needs that cannot be determined at the time or budget preparation. Present forecasts for the 1970 budget encompass a period of 18 months. Some examples of past expenditures out of this fund include the financing of a portion of the City's share of the Westinghouse water and sewer line, the City's portion of constructing the Greeley Avenue Bridge into Kenwood Park, labor and parts for the B-47 display, purchase of the first official City flags for Salina, establishment of a revolving fund for purposes of Ambulanc(, payroll, ren'tal of equiprr.ent and labor for SnOyl removed_, professional studies re12_ting to a Comprehensive Park Plan, annexation study and CRP, reproduction of pertinent sections of the new Code relating to Police and Inspection Departments, regulatory and direc- tional SJ9nS for thE' Salina Jd.rport Industri,l Center area, partial p?ymcl:t (for Welfare office rental as an in-licu-of-payment) for the new police administration building property, vehicle and equipment for an additiona: dog catcher, and subs-tantial improvements and equipment for Lakewood Park and dock area. and repair and/or renlacement of damaoes caused by. acts of t ~. J God suoh as hail and wind. I I I I I I i I I i I I .L I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FUND-9EN.!:~Rt\~!~_RA Tll~_______ DEPAR'EiEEL_l~-,?__!2L__________ ~:-~--=-_=~=~-=~-~~__--~~_~:cT_~=_~:=g~1~~~~) KANSAS -----~ag~---~~l ACCOUNT CLASSl,r CA,r 0" ~-.~-cre:~~~:;::r~})fcdl-~1~~~j~:1. -.J CO~TRACTUAL SERVICES 210 Appropriation 11 750.00 lO,OOO.OO 10,000.00 TOTAL 11,750.00 lO,OOO.OO 10,000.001 10,000.001 GRJu-'W TOTAL 11,750.00 10,000.00 I L A ~T"'II' 1 P' 'n,;:--, I I 1 I -L I I I I I I I I I I I I FiJXn ..:.. _~~~::~~]{AL _OPJ:~_~~Al}NG __________ D~~)_\~~'j..~ ::,: ~ ';' _ __B_a_T_\cl_____ _m __ __________ r-------------------------CITy OF 0X: ll';:\, K:\'<:;,\3 ---------,-------- --------d-----_-:~----r-----l S e~.!~{~\~~,~: p Cc~, ',; o3! F===,--,~-~====:c '~.-7C~:-c=CCCc==~_~_o~.==-~==c======_.=_~~=e-c_..e_ --~-,-~:- =-- el---e-}::~-::~-'~-~=r=:AgI~l~ ;~~--- ee ---;:.-O~' l:'-::L.-,l, e eel mSSlFICATI0!: I;'re;'~~'~; Yr, I n~:~:t I B~:~~ t I =~==~~==:==_~~~co~~~~=c_~~===~-,====_==--=~=:=-_ _ -______________ _______.______.________ . - -------------- ----- ____._______1 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES . --u-----~-1-,-7~~~::I---;~~~;~:~_----- -~~~-O-~:-.~~- I TOTAL 11,750.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 __ __________ __________ ----______1. Function .. Budget C2r,@ents - Ca?H8.l Outlay FUNCTION This appropriation provides'support to the Salina Municipal Band. Annual activities of the band normally include 13 to 15 outdoor concerts, participation in the final City Recreation Commission Program, the Tri- Rivers Fair, Memorial Da~ Parade, Armed Forces Day Parade, Boy Scout Circus Programs, baseball garnes, indoor concerts, and the Independence Day cele- bration at Lakewood Park. BUDGET COMMENTS The 1969 and 1970 appropriations are less than in 1968 due to the band being able to hold practice sessions in Memorial Hall, thereby eliminating cost of rent. I I . ., I I I- I. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FliND_G.ENI~gl\1-,--.9XE2~T It~G__._ DEPAR'i.~; i:.~L__ C.P.JT'C'J:_(;~~_______~ ___ ----,--------------- CITY OF SALU;A1 KANSAS -------------------------------- f DF:.?:\Il, PZQ;e 64 ) __.===~c=_=_~~==,=.__c===~_==-='='='7_='_==-c==.==~._'_:.=_'--',,:.,-'==~---'===,o~-=="~--=-'.,--=c='-'=--="--ro-~--==- -:-' __'=--==------"7"''-==-=-=='',,,",_ -'-'=-C"-__=---",,; I Ad jthted I I . Actual C1.l"r'l"<,nt Proposed I ACCOUNT CL4.SSJFICATION . pre.ViOus Y22rl'.. Bllci3,,--.,t ..1 BUd.6..et.J e~~.e"==_~~e~=.~~c-l1~"~_. _~e-- 12.0,L~~_"_~~ WI Q~=-1 I . PERSONAL SERVICES 120 Salaries - Regular Employees 14,494.".0 TOTAL 14,494.40 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 205 Telephone and Telegraph 207 Traveling Expenses 231 Insuranc2 - Motor Vehicles 241 Gas Service 242 Light and Power Service 243 Water Service 251 Repair - Buildings 253 Repair - Hachinery and Equipment 255 Repair - Motor Vehicles - Tires 295 Other Professional Services 215.48 107.91 26.82 141.47 13.25 92.40 129.94 957.85 18000 _ 81. 7_I TOTAL 1,78"..89 l-IATF.RIALS AND SUPPLIES 15.585.00 15,585.00 200.00 100.00 85.00 150.00 20.00 100.00 100.00 1,200.00 40.00 _LQQ~90 2,095.00 310 Expendable Tools 320 Office Supplies 341 Fuel and Lubricants. (Except Motor) 345 Hotor Vehicles - Fuel 347 Motor Vehicles - Licence Tags 35l. Seeds, Plants and Trees 359 Other Operating Supp1i~s 365 Cement and Cement Products 371 Lmnbcr and Lumber Products 379 Motor Vehicles - Tires 38l Paint and Painting Materi21s 387 Sand, Gravel, Rock and Chat 54.20 50.00 90.62 50.00 81. 98 20.00 392.25 375.00 15.00 15.00 5084 50.00 62.25 75.00 .00 25.00 32.64 50.00 57.11 150.00 18035 25.00 33.54 ___,50~OO 843.78 935.00 TOTAL SUNDRY EXPEl'1DITURES 435 Organization Dues _25000, TOTAL 25000 -2.Q_oO.Q 60.00 /, 16-13'75,00 *'r-3-t-S-.oo G, r; ct.: \::,0 200.00 100.00 65.00 150.0') 20000 100.00 100.00 l,OOO.OO 40.00 __,!QQ..OO 1,875.00 I I I I I I I I I I I I 935.00 I I _~Q_~ I I 60000 I I I 50000 50.00 20.00 375.00 l5.00 50.00 75.00 25.00 50.00 150,00 25000 -~~Q I I I _____~_~._____.1__.____..__~ _.__._" .\~\?:lJA:J BUDGE'}"' ---- - . j I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FUND_GJ~t1);;Rf\.L__ OJ:'EEA,J.'Lt\L<L.____ DC PARTPi Et;'-J,'__CS.JJ~L(')S_____ ~ --. ---- CITY OF S,lLU;A, KA:;SAS ----~~--.--------. ---, ___=,======~=7==C==O=--C~_C~-==~'-"=,,--- =-=~,Rf-~.i;::~TJ~cc_=_~-,,~c_~~,-=--c _-"~~7_"___"'==c~o===----=c",,'c_,==_'.-'--_'c.-_==''';=C7~-=''~.;c~:S_~'==_7__~;.j I Adiustc.~ I I Actual CJrrent Proposed i =--~~~~~~~-~~~:~c==~_~~==--=== ~.re:~~&i=Yea~~L--=_~~l: t _~=L- ~i~t~-~=--=j CAP ITAL OUTLAY 200.00 800.00 200.00 501 Land 527 Machinery and Equipment .00 .00 TOTAL .00 1 ,000.00 I 19,675.00 200.00 GRAND TOTAL 17,l48.07 -l--9---;--44-5~O () . -j ;/ f , cO: I I I ~-- ------------.------------ .----------- ------------ !o.l;N"C.AL ELiDG:::: I ______ _ ____ _no' _____ ____ ____1__ __________ ______ I F jJj-.jD _.__.G E,_N.EJ.~..{\ I~,_D.PJ+;B._\TJ~{(~_____ ~___~_" D::::' Awn.1St';:' ___ ~~.Q)}l.c:_t.cJ.Y _ _ ______ u___ ----CITy OF S t\ Ii ~~.:\, Y ,\ 'E..'.. 3----------- ---.-..--..---- --p-- --- ----- I I I I I I I I I. I I I e:l' \"_f..\ Pa7Co 66 I I -- - -- - -- c:=-.c-=-::-:----=:==-::i;"a Xu-~; -_--cCt-O-"7-=.c=o-::=-::=-.;::-==-~ :--"-::-=- i Acc'Bl I Curr'2at Prop\Js:~d I ;'m:~~~ Yr. L;~~~t B~~~~t . -..-.- _._-----~--~_.._-_._..._.._.-~- - .-- ----------- - -----~..__.._---- -- --.--.- -- ~. - --- ------~..__._--- .-...-.- -._- ------------~----_. ~---_._- ---~. ._~.._--- -----.-'--...-.--.--...- --.- ... CLASSIFlCATIO;',; TOTAL 14,1t94.40 15,585.00 l,784.89 2,095.00 843.78' 935.00 25.00 60.00 .00 -1.~ 000.00 ----I 17,l.!j8,07i 19,675.00 1(, ') (, ',J -1= 'H'-,375 .00 = PERSONAL SERVICES CONTFACTUAL SERVICES 1,875.00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 935.00 SUNDRY EXPENDITL'RES 60.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY 200.00 --.,--.- l~h 46.5.00 ltl r t~ , t' C r--- - ---- -'--- Function - Budget Comments - Capitcil Outlay I I -----. j I FUNCTION This department is responsible for the normal routine maintenance of Gypsum Hill Cemetery. Area of the Cemetery approximates 70 acres and contains approximately 12,000 interments at the present t.irne. CAPITAL OUTLAY Account #501 - Permits repurchase of unused lots for future sale. Account #527 - Represents replacement of one 36" mower and two trirmners during the present year. I I I I I II I I I --. -------- --- ------ccc=r""""c- _, :,', POC'TTrr,v T'['I p t-....-.....-.-.-.-. __on' '-'~ 1._" "-.,-" 1:'urrC,;/!,": ' I I~O~"'~'~~~" ,- - -~~ ___~~~O~__._. "!;_-;=C,"!C' .. I Sexton I . Me.intenance \~orkC'r I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I '-_____________________________ -------_1---- J:;~-;::\;:- >: r~I~~) Ct~ ~', '{ J~,:\ '\ 1::.,\ ,;-'\_ -- --- ---- .. .---- -I 1-; ta:?-l-' t -; , t~,' ~ I ",i i .,,', I llt~ r~ ,.. -, . .-, .'. '. -----.---- ,-- ..-.....---.. ---.. ---t:~~'~;-.,i!~~ - I-~:;-Jt::,~;-,~--- I' " I ",. ~ -'~969 L I l)~~i~L I __. C-===_-'-'-- cc.=c:-== c=-==_-_=, ==-=ccc,,_=== cc.-C==-C:--"I 5 , .\ 70 .00 I 5 , 85 ' . 00 I 9,815.00 I 10,320.00 I _~Q9 000 _1000 OQ. i I l5,58S,OO 16-,375.00 I }{ :; : I I I i I I "'.--- .--..--.- -...--.-----...---.--.-.-.-..,-..--..-.-..-.... --. -_._---~-~...._-'-----_._---- -..-..-----.-- ---. --.-...-.- 1 1 tfOO .- [r88 2 2 tf07 - tf30 Extra Tims TOTAl, t'\:,"7':} ~~" l. ;.' I I I ; I I __~ _____ ____.' _ --,._ ...L I I I I I I I I I I ___ _~____n_______L___ - __________. ---: B-:)C:- =: FUND--.S-E;:rERAJ+-OYfJ!J,:L:C;~:~________ DE P :\.RI}l~:~U~__G_~~!l:~: f..'~_tJ~_)~~-;:~' ~ o.~"_qJT::~rl .. -- CITY OF SALE<A) 10.YNS,....S -------------~--------~-----l DF.:~AE, Pe "<2 68! ~,==_ -::::..:-_-=--=.-==-=~.:::..::._-_=___:_..=:::::::::::.=__=_-=-~--:-.-:--=:::::-==--~:::.":_~ .-:::--=-..::~~::_=_::_____':::,:-~_:=,~~-:::. ..~._:".:~:;:.-=7.;:;:.::.._:_~.==_~_::'.::__..;.....:.;_:::__===__=::::::;~..:.~::_-,=_=_...:::::_.=:-~;:'_;_.=:..:.._::::._:=_..=:::.::,:c:::=:..:_:_~~:...:;--=_,=-_==_._:.~2~_,:::7:==_:_::....::'_-_:'=~ I ,. Adjusted I i T ~ -,-, --.- I' ~c~l!al Current I Proposed I ACCOUt-;T CLAS~ll' reAlIGN PreV10us Ye2r I Budz;e t BUQi;"':2 t .1:. I 1968 1969 1970 ,,===-=---==---==,--====-=--==--==~~~-====_-==~==---==--,,---===,-=!==--==o_--L==~~~=,=:=cO-=-~=~--~== I I I I I I I I I I. I I I I I I I I I _______L________ -_.-- -..- ...- PERSONAL SERVICES 120 Salaries - Regular Employees 130 Salaries - Part Time Employees 14,606.54 3,750.00 TOTAL 18,356.54 CONTRP.CTUAL SERVICES 23l Insurance - Motor Vehicles 253 Repair - Machinery and Equipment 255 Repai~ - Hotor Vehicle - Tires 62.63 221. 77 _.00 TOTAL 284 .l~O MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 310 Expendable Tools 345 Motor Vehicles - Fuel 347 Motor Vehicles - License Tags 37l Lumber and Lumber Products 375 Metal and Metal Products 379 Motor Vehicles - Tires and Tubes 381 Paint and Painting Supplies 399 Other Repairs and Maintenance 292.60 155.62 30.00 5.41 117.19 20.64 9.76 187.33 TOTAL 8l8.55 GRA~ TOTAL 19,459.49 I . L---------------------------- ANNFAl, BUDGET 1l~,455.00 .4,680.00 19,135.00 75.00 200.00 10.00 285.00 175.00 200.00 30.00 50.00 50.00 25.00 50.00 400.00 980.00 20 , l~OO .00 n ").0 ,1'~ 1-:,7>) 1-7,:; 7C. C~ ~-(l~-' 4.680.00 I ~--- I n-;--mo-~-OO (:> I 75.00 I' 200.00 ---1Q.! 00 I 285.001 I I 200.00 200.00 5.00 I I 50.00 I 50,.00 I' 50.00 50.00 I 400..00 1 ,005 .00 I ~Ol ; -)( ,/ , I (~, "'.. I I I I I I I I I I fijj\;D ___GJ,::~; :g\'!\J,_Q}JI~RhJ'..:lL\;~___ _ ______ D E rJ\.~ JJ. 1 :~:'.J r:;: _G~[l_r~ T_b1J~_l~j}i?l:~o_~~Q.ill:~I.U; I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF SA!_n<\ J KP.\,':)!\..:;---------- SU}~'1AI~ .:. ----------l- Pag,:: 69 I - -- cC.~ -;:.::-:~-~"-~=--:l;~;l{~.).;,.~f~C.-.~f=~~[-=-~ ~ ~pCO:~:~=.__=-="[ ?reviOU3 Yr, Budget Budget ~"1968~~~_},?~L~_~ -~. ~70 -- II ;;.; // .( 18,356.5lf 19,135.00 -22,050.00 -.--.---.- --------.----.---.'--'.-..-.--- -_..-_...._-----~._---_.._-- CLASSIFICATION = PERSONAL SERVICES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 284.40 285.00 285.00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 818.55 980.00 -L.QQ5 000 TOTAL 19,459.L~9 20,400.00 ~~,~4~~OO I ------- --- Function - Budget COl1L1l1ents - Capital Outlay FUNCTION This fund accounts for the normal repairs, maintenance and improve- ment type activities for the various city-owned buildings and properties not provided for elsewhere in the budget, as well as non-recurring Street I Department functions and activities. BUDGET COMMENTS Account #120 - Reduced for 1969 due to being without one Maintenance Worker II until June 1. ^ 1\1'1\-:--. ^ T n'."'--''''- I I I I I !I I I I I. I I I I I I I I I I D :~' ,;:,' ~\ i'~ ~:. ~, i '. _. rCt\l) r.E1i'FP.fL 01lF~A1'Jrc. ~ ~l_' (, -."" -, -. ----- ~---.-.------,-~ C~.:~~-'. ,;~~' ~:~_~'~~":\"~": ~:_:\.~',~~~<\,:::. f....~<O:':I0~ TI'L" 'c.~r~~,,~;~t: ':.... ,." ,..: '... "1. . .: c' .C '1.. . .A~;::~:'~, i 6,095.00 Mainte~ance Worker II 2 418 7,960000 - 4lf5 2 Extra Time 400000 Part Time ~1_6.~ 0 0 OQ. TOTAL 19,135.00 I . I . I 1 r'lZ':- 7(J 1"' r ~',' c''; 'c' d }J'.J -j ~;'t.-: ~. ] 9/0 (, ,1155 c 00 10,605000 310000 ~I:-, 6?.Q. no -22-,G-.')t1"GO I I I I I I I I I I - I I I I _..__._J_______ __ __ _ ______ ___ __.__1 _ ______________ }, \::: ~."_.\ ~ }-. ~'l.~::, ~.--:H, .._ t FUND._GT~;.r;I:L\IL. O)~E:\i\'II0C______ DErART;'IE1~;~;:_Jl~~L,"QLj-,;_Ljl;:J-l__ ___ r------ .. ------- CITY OF SALINA, KA~SAS ----------------------------------1 DE?-\T!~ P2~C 7l I ===:c=~'~.-=c=_c~="~~=c='_=___==~=-=,.~'=~~"~:c,,~.'~=:=~=-,_,=_c---"_~=_.~:~.-: -'-:- -.:.c,,, -=, -~-=(-C .-.- c= =-:,-"--==---= l'~-- -f~(ij'~~~-~ ~~l'= --'I "-"'-"'.'-" "_C_ _'-7=-"_ Actual I Current I P:-OiJOSecl ACCOUNT CtAS 8m em o;;o~o~ o~o.~O~""~ p~~v il~;_~:aj_ ~~t~tu_ ot~:-~.ILJ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PERSO~AL SERVICES 120 Salaries - Regc1ar Employees ~J40 .00 TOTAL 4,140.00 CONJ~CTUAL SERVICES 205 Telephone and Telegraph 227 Insurance - Liability (3 years) 241 Gas Service 242 Light Service 243 Water Service 25l Repair - Buildings 253 Repair - Machinery and Equipm2nt 94.82 248.00 1 , 711. 00 262.27 241. 80 45.40 ~.9-2-8 9 TOTAl, 2,864.18 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 310 Expendable Tools 359 Other Operating Supplies 37l Lumber and I,umber Products 381 Paint and Painting Materials .00 I 34.73 .00 __! 00 34.73 TOTAL SUl\TI)RY EXPENDITURES 413 Public Address System ..!t90 .00 TOTAL 400.00 CAP lTAL OUTLAY 540 Curtain, Chairs and Etc. 400-e.9.Q I 400.00 I 7,838.911 I TOTAL GRAND TOTAl, 4,370_.00 4,370.00 250.00 .00 1,700.00 350000 250.00 400.00 100.00 3,050.00 20.00 200.00 25.00 -2Q.00 295.00 _.100.00 300.00 -!.QO .00 8,015.00 4~0 ~~oo 0' ", I - - , I 250.00 .00 I 1 , 700 0 00 I 350.00 i 250.~O I 400.. uO I 100.0Q. 3,050.00 I I 20000 II 200~OO 25.00 I 100.00 345.00 300000 I ------1 300.00 i ---~ Q.Q.I .00 I 8 , 290 . 00 I ( ,(": I ' ' . ( I I I I I I _________J_______~_______ _______u__ ___ l-------- ___u_________._.____ ------- .---------- --- A."I'-"lT'~" p~ rT\r~.::--'T' 1:"....:.',.1.', __~.lo..J ;...11..' .-./,_-.;..4.... D ;X\:~'j: : ;\~G y.-i,::;i) I I I I I I I I I I- I I I ;!"lL_ __ _____._____________~_________.___.~u,___'_______u____~u----- CI 1 Y 0;;--. S:\:. I ~'.~~-\, l-~:\ ': 3_-\-.~; ~_. .__n._ . - ---.--.---~----- ~ ,----~---.-.-- --.. - St7:.~>1 \~Z~: rj2~C: 72 -.-...--... ---_._--- _. _..._.-_.~.._-------'_._- -- --- - . ~--_... --~--.._-,._---- .-.--- -- -_._--,----- ._- -- -'1- - ---- - ------- !ic~i~Cil ~~~~o.c~ococ.~.~~"'=~~~c:U~S:'I:-''':O~'~~o~~ "...._.~ ~.. ~.~Ire_:~;o~;_o:' '__~o~~o~.i :f~.~o=. L. o.._h~ ;;90 t.. ..l I----Adjusfcc.] - , C'_\CCC'~-:t Pr(1?':"f;~d j (! PERSONAL SERVICES 4,140.00 4,370000 4,-595 ~OO CONTRAcrUAL SERVICES 2,86401'8 3,050.00 3,050000 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 34073 295000 345.00 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 400000 300.00 300000 CAP rTAL OUTLAY 400.00 000 .00 TOTAL 7,838091 8,015000 .s"J~B-o-oO S, ~J ,l. ~' L_~______ FJDction - Budget COnli"l12nls - Cepital O,Jtlay FUNCTION Memorial Hall serves the community and trade area as a multi-use facility accommodating meetings, entertainment, recreation, civic a.nd service projects, etc. A portion of the building is used for practice for the Municipal Band. Offices adjacent to the lobby house the Cultural Arts Commission and Veterans' Administration. A civil Defense fallout shelter occupies most of the basement. BUDGET COMMENTS Account #205 - Increased to provide the backstage telephone. I I I I I I Account #227 - Paid every three years. . ^ l\~:-":j'i ^ T l-r; ~n.--.: ~ ~ I 1_ ,--------- ____u.. ------.----------------------------- 1 I 1 1 I I I I I. I I 1 I I I I 1 I 1_ ________ ____ _ ___________________ 1m PO:1 I TI C)~< T I ~;,.I.~~ Custodian TOTAL C~.'~.';'. )"~-' ~.\.~,~_>~\~ :~.;\~-\.:' l'i~,;(::; -)YY:"~'. E;'~ ~:'-- "j".: E:ll? J :,:'c"> :, 1 1 t:.:-:(:;.; 359 - 383 .:\\ :,~ '~". \ :._ J."-.i-:~:~ ~._~ h ~.-. }TY~ __.cE't"r.'q^LOPERA.TINf~n V~ ;1,.. ::". ~ ,I I ;::! ~ i "\ , I j ,; 2>~ ~""; ') I .: i . I I I 1'r :'; <.~= (. })~: c: -:..-, ;.. !-~U(~ t 19() ') 19/C) ~}Z~_Q.Q 4,370000 !i.)_5j!';~_Q Q. -4-,5-9-5.-00 I I I I I I I I I I. I I I I I I I I I ~~ ~ 7~R~~~:~~~~~~ilfr:~;1~~,~~-t}1=-~-~ f-=::~~=o~e~=~cc~~-=.~.~_....:-~~:c~Y_~F.~~"r~lt~;;I'S~:A~_:':_~ - '.'I-.A~;,~:;~:_c.I'.'.~~~~~~__f;1 ~~"~~ A~~OlJ:_c~~n~_C!~I:~_~~~~.~__~._r"Vi~~~-" YeerL~~~1[t _. J__B;11~: ..J .1 I COBTRl\.CTUAL SERVICES 210 Appropriation - City 35,000.00 GRAND TOTAL 35,000.00 35,000.OC 36. 710...QQ 36,710.00 37,850.00 TOTAL 37,850.00 36,710.00 I 37,850.00, I I I I I _H___________________________ ANNUAL BL'K?T _ _________1___________ ._____________J I I I I I I I I I I.' I ;. ::::D __G f7;~.c; f\,\J,..()L~ERj\ 'Y'}\G n: ':'.' ':,'1 :',. _ _.J~\Jb) j c ] : _.,__._.._a__ .-.-----....-.---......- CITY 0;,'. St\r_r?~.\, K.:\ \ :_:~\3 S t';..'>.o'. L:\ ~.~. .:' 1':.: "c' 75 -_...-- .- .__.~._~._- ._-- --~-~-_._- "I' .-... -- ..-........... A c t:--,1:l1 CL\SSTFTc.:,TJ.C:~.; Irrevi01J3 y,:, 1~~l(:i.;2t r~;::Z::t n.--'--o'-~=~_-_=:~~.'__'~==:.~:_"'~:._=-~.=~~.~~=:._~==.==. ,=c~-:~=",.=.=~...=-=~!=..~,-:.~=} 2=~EL.",=~=.:,=l=~==~~~=~==: =c:cc=..l,~",. "J2Z~=_~~.= -~--- . : I I CONTRACTUAL SERVICES }5,0004 l~_j}10~9_Q. ]7,85Q=-.QQ TOTAL 35,000.0 36,710.00 37,850.00 AdjCist'(;'d' . CC1:rr2nt r 1" (\ ~) C: ;_~ :. \ : Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay FUNCTION I I This is a joint City-County function, designed in the specialty of preventive medical and public health. Its primary function is to prevent disease, prolong life and promote physical and mental efficiency for an organized community. In carrying out its charged duties, the department enforces City Ordinances for unhealthful conditions, eating, drinking and food establishments, meat inspection in establishments that slaughter, proces and package meat and meat products, milk, milk products, frozen desserts, food and beverage vending machines, as well as sewer connections, cesspools and unhealthful structures. BUDGET COMr/lENTS I I I I I II Appropriation represents City share of maintaining the department. Support provided on 50-50 basis with Saline County. .~ 6.1'\!~:ii t,. ... R'I j 1)(:' rrj' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I. I I I I FliND GENERAL OPt~:~J\lT':S r~'\' , - p,' 'i~ ^ DEFAR'.6;r:~T~'-_[~~~}i~~(t:f~ii 'i'I~Ti~=" [-.-- . . C' j 0"" S"'LT.\, Ki\,'-"C; -----..------.,-----...,-,--E-..-,.-.l ' ,J.. . ).. ... l.._.. _. L....., __ J. v.....\. DFEXL Petie 76 -===c=.=_~===_~===._""~~.====7=._~O~_=.,=.,_ ==, =-'-'=:=,::- c..,-'_"" .,'"..".,~'c"=~c~'=..,.~==~='=~-l..=.~==.~~~ = ~,,~..~=~.~~,= .~.".~=:c::. .== ==- ,:,c=J t Adjusted 'I I Ac tual I Current . L'roDos'2d : ACCOUNT CL-\SSIFICATION prcv\o~~8 Yedr I B{:l~ t I Bl~~dl; t I ==-=-==c=~=~~=."'========~.------==.,~=~~"','~-===--..f====''''- ,=-===o-=-==~~..~==== CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 295 Other Professional Services ..21,516_~ 30,000.00 ~I 21,516.07 30,000,00 30,000.00 21,516.07 30,000.00 30..00g.;{)0 TOTAL GRAND TOTAL r- n._.____'_______..__..________________ A~\lnr_\L BUD: ET -..,.--.---.-,..-.----.---- -- ,,-.--- CONTRACTUAL SERVICES TOTAL 21,516.07 30,000.00 30,OOO.OQ 11------ ----- --Fune t ~on --':--;;ud~~~ Commen t ~-: -;;a p-jt a 1 Outlay I Current commitment of $26,OqO.00 per yea.r pledged to the Economic Devel- opment Committee of the Chamber of Commerce for industria.l promotional use, if needed. Balance of th~se appropriations is earmarked for use by the I Chamber on promotional e~forts to meet labor demands of the community. Expenditures from this fund must have pri9r approval by the City I Cornrniss.ion. I I I I I I I -c. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I y..T,-,'\rTC)-Lr~ "~1'TnlC: FUND_.__,_~ \.. A~:,_ _',c~_.~~~ ~______._ bEP}I.H"i'r.~r:-:'T' _____~_________ r- '-- CITY OF S~~~~~~, KAI\SAS --_... _ ---'-1 b.o,.cc.""~~'~' ,'~~'c~"""'''''''''c~.,~..~...",...",R!V,~ 1,"'.....T...~AC ::a';~..J., --i~J;i~d- 'T"F'~~:e,: ::~~"I ACCOUNT CLA..SSIFICATIO:-; IPreViOUS Year Buege 1: I EUGge t i 1968 1969 1970 1'='='" ' _..... -"======''''''''=='''==~i-='''='~='''-=---==--~-==c'''''', .. . _. ..,J EXPENDITURES PERSONAL SERVICES 125 Salaries - Regular Employees TOTAL -4..,~75. 8L ~OO..,OO 4 000,001 _.~---..... 4,375.84 3,500.00 4 i'ilJ oel , JV . J I I 1, 311. o~ 1,000.00 1,000.00 68.89 100.00 100.00 ---- --_. I 1,100.00 1 , 379 . 97' 1,100.00 CONTRACTUAL Sr:RVICES 253 ~2pair - Machinery & Equipuent 255 Repair - Motor Vehicles - Tires & Tubes TOTAL I MATERIALS & SUPPLES 333 345 373 379 CheIilicals Motor Vehicles - Lubric8Gts & Fuel Hachinery & Equiplhent Parts Motor Vehicles - Tires & Tubes TOTAL 180.99 1,000.00 500.00, 440.13 400.00 400.001 .00 300.00 300.00 3.60 200.00 200.00 ---.-.--- - 624.72 1,900.00 1,400.00 6,380,53 6,500.00 6,500,00 I GRAND TOTAL - REVENUE CITY TREASURER BALANCE January 1st Less Unpaid Purchase Orders Unencumbered Cash Balance January lst 1,555.69 1,032.22 24,). 77 110 Current Tangible Taxes 130 Delinquent Taxes 2L10 Sales Tax 5,450.42 93.37 313.27 5,311.55 55.00 347.00 -.---.---- -,1 5,713.55! 5,982.58i 50"00: , _..J12'~?_1 6,254.23. I I I I I TOTAL 5,857.06 I I I I , ~..~ - ll.~Th'li.'1i gpnr~r;''T' I~ - -' I I I I I I I I I I. I I I I I I I I I Fi)::n _._l'io~{LQLI? .JJ.l~;D_~..____,..__....... -,----- ----,--------,---,----CITY .OF' ~;,\1.I?_;,\, }:!'.':S;\3 S LT:.;: L.... 'l -:; Pag2 79 ! -~-----_. --,.- -----------..--.- ---....,-. ~~.----- --..---. ------------.---- ------ .-- ._,---- . -- -.- ----..-.---..---.----- --- -- - -- --~---~- ~- --------~- -~- CL:'.S SIF I C},TI O~.; .. --I' - A~t~:~~-1-. ~-I-" t~dL~1:L:0\~~-- Pr(~;)~~.~(: [" r '\' 1 ", I' '\. ',' '1" Q " " r- B t', (_1 ,:', ,T. ~. ~ _ t, "v..) J _ . ,.., ~' ,. ~ I . .. .. I _._ __~_..____.___ ........: 9_~_8____, __ _ __ _ : ~~=____ L_._l_~7.~_.__J ---------..--.'---'...-;--- ----,---- -.-....-,,-.----..---- U .-- ....-...'.,.----..-.r 4,375.84 3,500.00 4,000.001 IJ379.97 1,lOO,OO 1,lOO.OO 624.72 _1..,900. Q.Q. _~.JjOQ:__Q.Q -=-:-.:==-==::-:;::-,-..:..--:.-:-...::;:::::;::;..::=::.=:::::::.-=-=:::::::.;:-:-..=;.;;:.':"...:::;:;.:-_::-.=-_--==-:;:;:::;::-::;:--=-~;,;=-:==-~ PERSONAL SERVICES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES MATERIALS & SUPPLIES TOTAL 6,380.53 6,500.00 6,500.00 5,857.06 5J7B.55 6,254.23 7,412.75 6,745.77 6,500,00, 6,380.53 ~-Q.Q.=..QQ _~2~~~00 1,032.22 245. 77 .00 5,472.49 5,311.55 5,988.58 109.45 106.23 119.77 -..-- 5,417~-T8- ----..--.---.- 5,581.94 6,108.35 0.0909 0.0873 0.0952 _._-- TOTAL RECEIPTS TOTAL RECEIPTS AND BEGINNING BALANCE Less Expenditures UNENCillmERED CASH BALANCE December 31st Net Tax Requirements DelinquGnt Tax Tax Dollars Tax Levy Hills Function - Budget COli\!;lents - C"'r-ital Outlay F'UNCTION The Function of this fund is to control ihe growth and cutting on lots and pieces of land within the City of Salina, any rank or obnoxious growths of vegetation. This is under the direction of the Director of Services. BUDGET COIt.L.1'v1ENTS Street Department equipment and personnel costs are prorated to this fund for the services rendered. Account #125 provides for one inspector and 2 mower operators during the weed season. . . Lm ^"i'-T;1'^T D1"i'T\.....rr;. FU1';D_ . FIREt1E_~J T S 1IE't.;S IO~! bE?AR~-l'Ir:':JT ~~====-===-_=. --------------,---- CITY OF SALTK:\, K.A~%S ----------.-- ---'---..--, D:~'.\T::J ""'80'- of I _~,.;:~;;.::~-~~_=__~-=____::_:;_~..::::.:..:...:_..::-::-':==~~e,;::__:_:...:__:.=.:.::;...~.:::.~:~.~~:...._::..==_.::::..-:_.=c-7::--::':7_-":':':-=_-:~:~~~~_~",:-_ -.. -- __,___._ ____n__ _. __ ____ __'~'_____ __ ,.u____ __.__________ r .:.,...:--.~,___l)_ J ___j ..~X.;EN::::.:RES~ A:~O~NT C~\S SIFl~-~rI.ON '_. ~...~... ....lr~:~{i~~e:l~~~~~~i~g ..~l~.:~iiji<.~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I l. ..._....____._.__..____,_____. ,...______,__ ____ SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 437 439 Pensions Paid Refunds Reserve 26,586.00 617.89 .00 TOTAL 27,203.89 REVENUE CITY TREASURER BALANCE January 1st Less Unpaid Purchase Orders Unencurr,bered Cash Balance January 1st 10, 8Lf 5 . 43 110 130 2~0 . 941 Current Tangible Taxes Delinquent Taxes Sales Tax Contributions by Employees 1O,526.8l 122.8L1 413.19 _J1.L~~23 TOTAL 22,482.07 I _L 36,460.00 1,000.00 .00 I 37,Lf60.00 6,123.61 19,827.72 100.00 669.57 _lJ_~l.!2~O 32,812.29 44,825.00 1,500.00 I --..!Q., OOO~Q.Q. 56,325.00 I I I I 1,475.90 - 40,~.3? '0 8~~:~~ I ::::::1 ---- .__..J I -- m,---.------.--~-cI'ry 0:' 3,\'.;,"'\' !::':\\:Jc\3 [7"_ C' '" '-:~==c-== '",::cc...= '",-,= -. I l~" C]! S S T po C !In. ,'", I ~_.~~~..~,_.._,.,~: '~_ '_'_':.'~',.~_._... I I I I I I I I I I FiT;';!) _'.,. .FUlkl!l:.l'l ~.S I'.r:N.sID~_c___'_ n ~.~ !.;.~\}~,./~.::~ '.~ ~~_ s r~'~:,\ t:. ': .---.--...--------.-..,-. _'u._._, .m__..___......... .,...._'.__'m' OUT Pi'<;c> 8] I .'-===.c::=:=,--===c.-c.'-,- -:;-:=--=-:.:ccc':-, ..... ,......... ... --. - m.. .,-..--... ':':~1\-aJ\J':-~'t'e'd:-'" ..=o.:::........,-..::::.-._ .__.. .. .--.T-fo("::~~.~. j' Cl'j,,)"i:,;'.t Prc'r'os"ci i [ere d ~~t8 L I ";;~;t ";';';; t 1 ~7=~~~_=~_' ~ j,=..~ ~.c,== ,,_,--=,.=-=-=-~,".: ~=.=-=='c."'''o'--======.,.,..====--=-===-!. SUNDRY EXPENDITURES TOTAL -12)203~~_ ---.EL460.OQ .-2E!.,}25 ~ 00 27,203.89 37,460.00 56,325.00 22,482.07 32,812.29 54,849.10 33,,327.50 38,935.90 56,325.00 ...J. 7 ~:.9}.~_ 89 _37 ,lf6(~Q_Q ~ 325 ,-0_9, I 6,123.61 1,475.90 .00 .52'( 10,564.09 19,827.72 ,40,~.32 211.28 396.55 </0'/.17 u ----- ------ 10,775.37 20,224.27 0.1754 0.3258 0.6442 TOTAL RECEIPTS TOTAL RECEIPTS AND BEGINNING BALANCE Less Expenditures UNENCUl1BERED CASH BALANCE December 31s t Net Tax Requirements D21inquent Tax Tax Dollars Tax Levy Mills 1/ /, 0 :' 8 ! , /' / -.1' C) . - !J.~ J ! Function - Budget COiLe,'.ents . C3pital Outlay Account pays regular established pensions. Refunds represent monies paid to employees who ter::minate their service with the City. These refunds represent 50% of the total paid into the fund by the employee. Employee contributions of 3% withheld from salaries. Reserve appropriation of $10,000.00 is levied each year to maintain this amount as required by State Statutes. Increase in Account #437 due to the retirement of Fire Chief, one Captain, and t~o other Captnins who have indicat~d their desire to retire the latter part of 1969. I I I I I I "" I I I I I I I I I I,. I I I I I I I I I POI J'C]",l]'" In P''''CIO'' FUI.TD ~ .~" .c,,;::' L,',,:)," . ..'1 ______.__ '_______"__'___________._.________ DEP)Sl[.iEDI'________.___ CITY OF S~\l.n:A, K~~\SAS ACCO~N: CLA~~~J~:~O"O~" c Rm~~"'IIP~c:;;~a ~e ,~'l' '~~;~~:~d;' ., ~~, ;~~~~i ~:2_: ________ ,___ ____.______________19ii_8___ __...l22.2_,__,__.l97..9__._1 ------...---.--------..----.......-:---.--- --- '---------------."1 i ," : EXP-ENDITURES SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 437 Pensions Paid 439 Refunds Reserve 27,840.00 1,522.31 .00 TOTAL 29,362.3l REVENUE CITY TRR~SURER BALANCE January 1st Less Unpaid Purchase Orders Unencumbered Cash Balance January 1st 11,603.19 110 Current Tangible Taxes 130 Delinquent Taxes 240 Sales Tax 94l Contributions by Employees 1LI,498.82 37L1.72 1,257.81 ~t1J30.66 TOTAL 24> 02.01 '. . ,,"';, I .1 T ",' ';-,(' ;;'~" 27,8LfO.00 2,000.00 .00 29,840.00 6,652.89 21,685.20 150.00 922.28 -1Q.,.,Q..OIJ . 0..2.. 32,757.Lf8 L_ I I I I I _.. --1,~ 27,840.00, 2,000.001 _!Q, 000.00 i 39.8/.0.001 I I 9,570.37 &-_1: , 17,8'.#f.681 100.00 274.95 ~L;Jl_!!~J), /2, 5.t..j 0 I d cJ 30,269.63 FiJ:m POLICP1E~\' S PE:JS 10:; I I I I I I I I I I, I I I I I I I I I D:~:?_.\}{Ti :;:~'.1 ~\_,...___________ __________.___ __,,___ CITY OF ;:),\:'1;;:\, K.'..~'::.:\3 ---- . -- - -- - . __n_. SC::'L\:~ y .---.-- --- .----. ~)" r", . . 8 3 I .....~w_._._, ~._.__. (,... :.,t... 1 -=-=---===,-==,,-:==-==-=-==--===-=-. ':-_-==:7"-=====-C'.__~==...=.:::--' ,C'-=--=-_":'-::"-':=,=_:". ~~ ~== -.::.: '-==;;"-:' ~~:t~Od:-=-=--: -=-=__~C ~~:'::'~ ,c:..,_'~=:[ Act.~~,l e~!..L''''clL. lrO;)~'~<Q I CLASSIFICATIm~ ?revioli3 Yr. Budge t Budg(' t _ ,.. .. ---,-!2~:~-==,_._ 1~?2==., =.",~--!::~9_~=~-= = SUNDRY EXPENDITURES TOTAL 29,362.31 29,840.00 39,840.00 . 29,362.31 29,840.00 39,8[.0.00 24,412.01 32,757.48 30,269.63 - - 36,015.20 I 39,410.37 39,840.00' 29',362.31 29,84~.00 39,840.00 6,652.89 9,570.37 .00 ,:, !',' 14,551.52 21,685.20 17,89tr.68 291.03 433.70 ~ 14,842.55 22,118.90 l8.,:Z!.2:A1 0.2416 0.3563 ()~ " ) rs:;' , TOTAL RECEIPTS TOTAL RECEIPTS AND BEGINNING BALANCE Less Expenditures UNENCUHBERED CASH BALANCE December 31st Net Tax Requir~ments Delinquent Tax Tax Dollars Tax Levy Mills --.~, Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay , Account pays regular established pensions. Refunds represent monies paid to employees who terminate their service with the City. These refunds represent 50% of the total paid into the fund by the employee. Employee contributions of 3% withheld from salaries. Reserve appropriation of $10,000.00 is levied each year to maintain this amount as required by State Statutes. ^l\T~"'!"-;r^ T U17l'\r,r.jl _ :;'-~"':'-::-"::~";::-'::';":.~:';"'::::::":"":";::-::-,_:.:::.."::""'-:-=":::::"===-=:::::~~':'-=~::-.= :::7~-:"'::':: ::.;::'~..:.. -:=~'::=-r::~'----::'::=-:'~:::'::":::::-'::-:::="':': ''.- ~- - ~:_:...:~ ~:., I Adiusted . Actual Current Propos~~d, Cl \ SSTFIC' en'- 0" Ip . ,. ,I ' 'c'\.' _ L _'\.d. ,', ! rev~ous !0.<'\1' BUGgc:t I Budget ! . __.___._.____.___,_______L_.___J,~~__~__._~962 I 1970 i -------------: I.---~--~ -...~~~-~f--.~-~--- I 1 I I I 1 I I 1 1 I.- I I I 1 I I I I I [-.-.--'--..---:----- CITY OF SAT;C:A, DF'~:',~,TL, ..__ _'__'_..~ ~.__v.__ _=..:::.=..=:-~.:-_==___:_~:=:::::_._"::"""_=_=::::=_;_.==_=_:::==:...-=..:;:._=.:c:;=.:=::_=.:;:;_:.;..=:::_.~..;:._-.:::~":':':"::::;'::;_"_';'.. __........ ~~ ,-::-::-_:. K);.~':S!~S ACCOUNT F==- EXPENDITURES PERSONAL SERVICES 125 Salaries - Regular Employees - Other Depts, 130 Salaries - Part Time Employees TOTAL CONTfu\CTUAL SERVICES 228 Insur~nce - Equipment 253 Repair - b.chinery & Equipment TOTAL tLATERIALS & SUPPLIES 333 Chemicals 345 Motor Vehicle '- Lubricants & Fuel TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 503 Machinery & Equipment TOTAL GRAND TOTAL .' REVEiWE CITY TREASURER BALANCE January 1st Less Unpaid Purchase Orders Unencumbered Cash Balance January 1st 110 Current T2ngibl~ Taxes 130 Delinquent Taxes 2LfO Sales Tax TOTAL l--------------- .... n________ A"""T~T BuD' _,.~ '-'~.u .- <'::':' FGl\D_ ,_])~]~..1:;,J:IA IE~~ult~:~~r~, __ ._ DE P .Atz. 'i'{\ 1 c~~J~r .______ '____~._____,____ __ ___~ I 84 , P2f:C: 301.50 .00 9,000.00 4,200.00 5,000.00 _,::,000.00 301. 50 13,200.00 10,000.00' .00 45.00 45.001 22.25 500.00 500,.00,1 ------_._-- 22.25 545.00 545.00 71. 68 100.00 I lOO.OC1 .00 655.00 __.1_00.00 I ----.-- ---~- 71. 68 755.00 200.00 ~L~~..9 . 00 .00 ----'~-l. 4,320.00 .00 .00 4~715.43 14,500.00 10,745.00 6,795.48 2,174.95 14,361.67 5.00 5.72 2,047.3L.j 8 1(/ 7-1 , J'-f..l 10.001 _u,2~_~.2_5j I I 8,697.66! 88.30 I 1. 87 4.73 ---'--'.----1 94.90 ' 1.':,372.391 I I I I __._J________J..._ ._._.1 IiT':D ____!REE HAn:n~:;L\:::C~_ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I r-----m-------.-----".---'--.-- Cl TY . OF S ,\: n-;I. , Sf;""':,' 1:",' ~,.=-==c==--=-=.c.=.c.=.c,'=.'-.--C".,.c.,,,...,==-.=--=,=.=.=.c=-=---=====.==,.:.=,.:::..~..' : ','.: K~\.\ 3:\..3 ------,-.-. . ----.--- ----~,------- --.---~---- ~-- D"~)::~'j,: ." CLASSIFICATION Ac [;: ,,1 71"e \' i ~'.i c. Y:c. ]968 '==-=--=,==~===:~=_~==========,==..=~:c~~"==.,..=~==.=_~==_-=_===-'"-=_c... PERSONAL SERVICES CONTP~CTUAL SERVICES MATERIALS & SUPPLIES CAPITAL OUTLAY 301.50 22.25 71. 68 --.!!:..,320.00 TOTAL 4.,715.43 94.90 6,890.38 _.~715.43 TOTAL RECEIPTS TOTAL RECEIPTS AND BEGINNING BALANCE Less Expenditures UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE December 31st 2,174.95 Net Tax Requirements Delinquent Tax Tax Dollars Tax Levy !,fills 87.13 1. 75 --'~~---~" 88.88 0.0015 ... Ad-justed L\ll. i" C;_:'l t Bl_tl.-~2e t' 1969 13,200.00 545.00 755.00 .00 14,500.00 14,372.39 16,547.34 .J:i..,.?,OO.OO 2,047.34 14,361.67 287.23 ------- 1Lf,648.90 0.2360 ,- -,----.-.-- ------ Function .. Budget CO~[U11ents - C=:~Jital Outlay FUNCTION -----._--, ------.- ._--,' ---._- -~---1 1'2,g",__ 851 I Pi. cpo ~~, '.=: cl I B~ld6~~ t 1970 10,000.00 545.00 200.00 .00 10,745.00 8,697.66 10,7Lf5.00 ...lQ.., 7:f 5 ~-2. .00 8,104.71 l62.09 -_._---~ 8,266.80 0.1289 Adrniniste~ed throug~ the Street Department, this fund provides for study, treatment and removal of diseased and undesirable trees loca.ted on City property. Limited services are provided for care of parking as funds are available. BUDGET COMIV.tENTS Account #125 - Increased for 1969 to provide additional funds needed for cleanup and trimming of trees damaged by the tornado. Host of this cleanup work was performed by regular employees, thus accounting for the decrease in Account #130 for 1969. Account #345 - Added to provide fuel and lubricants for stump cutter purchased in 1968. ." __ ^'7~"7";jf.7 U;in,'.r:.-;. I I I I I I I ..J :FtJi';D__n.n9im P.~I};_n~r~'~E?I, __ . DL?ART~iEliI_______n_.___._., __ --..-,.--..,---- CITY OF SALH:l" Ki\::-:S_t~s ---.-----..--------------.----1 ..=~~==~~~=- ~c...~~=====c~=~=.~~=."..~.,~,......=,"..,~:,D,E~~~~~. 7'=.."",.,.";,,,,=,: ce. =..=.='~=.~--=====o=~_=:"'c.c~=:- =.,T:"'.7C'=~.2~;:;..c.""g,..~ =_'! I A . I Ac1IU.oteG I ' t\.C tU2.!.. CtIYc,nt Prope';"2d! . __________:CCOU.~ C~~,SSIF1,~:\~'~~~h'n______ __.__ IP.reV\~~'~8 Year I B1t:gdtge t I B1Cl~d7~; t I r~:~~~D ~T~:~~_h--_--_--'-.~,-.n.-,-u.....---..~.---,.~---=:~,.._==='c"-'=.==-~-===-~co====_. .~.===-~:.,~-===,..., I I I I I I I I I I. I I I REVENUE 601 603 605 607 609 611 613 615 617 619 621 General Bond Principal General Bond Interest Curb, Gutter & Paving Principal (CS) Curb, Gutter & Paving Principal (POS) Curb, Gutter & Paving Interest (CS) Curb, Gutter & Paving Interest (POS) Sewer Bond Principal (CS) SeHer Bond Principal (POS) Se\ler.Bond Interest (CS) Sewer Bond Interest (POS) Fiscal Agency Commission & Postage Estimated Interest on Bonds to be issued No Fund Warrants and Interest TOTAL CITY TREASURER BALANCE January 1st Less Unpaid Purchase Orders Unencumbered Cash Balance January 1st I I I I I ~ 110 Current Tangible Taxes 130 Delinquent Taxes l50 Current Special Assessme~t Taxes 160 Delinquent Special Assessment Taxes 610 Interest on Investments 929 Special Assessments 957 Transfer from Parking Heter Fund 957 Transfer from Hater & Se\,mge Fund TOTAL I L--,-----~-~----- P~N-XU_t':.L BU[~GET 236,000.00 115,695.59 202,435.90 545,564.10 58,275.98 ILlS, 990.75 33,8l,2.40 43,157.60 2, 177 . 50 4,513.71 1,790.10 .00 .00 1,389,4LI3.63 208,000.00 111,486.84 208,802.40 533,197.60 62,950.73 136,674.88 23,151.90 38,848.10 1,203.43 3,294.03 2,550.0). .00 __85, O.QO. OQ 1,415,160.001 212,000,00 103,908.09 219,900.37 518,589.89 56,558.1,7, 120,2J.1.571 10,845.10, 29,154.901 593.07, 2,196.321 2,502.221 25,000.00j ___--QQ.I 1,301,460.00' 48,627.3l 11l,024.68 252.13 728,700.36 689,849.90 710,314.761 12,344.98 7,000.00 7,000.001 535,964.93 512,337.55 459,267.41 82,892.34 30,000.00 I 30,000.001 29,225.55 12,900.00 10> 000.001 12,412.84 2,000.00 2,000.001 50,300.00 50,300.00 ~9,200.001 .00 .00 _}1.,_~~.2 5 . 7 OJ ---- 1,451 , ~41. 00 1 , 304 , 387 . L~5 1,301,207.871 I . III I I I . _____.___._J._____.___._.I______________ I FiJJ\D . BOi-iD AND INTEREST I I I I I I I I Net Tax Requirements Delinquent Tax Tax Dollars I l~a)Lkl'>:-llill' I I I I ----.---------~----CITY OF SA'.li':.\., KA'!::,A3--'" D l::? .:\?~l]'l!i.N.l'______________._.__________._______ .. ,------...-,--....-----....-----.., -"'--r I ____ ____._ __.__ u .___ _,~ .._,_._.____ __ _ __o. ,_ _ __"..,qon,_.._'u,__,_._......_._.__ __y2~::.,_~Luj .~~.~- p- ._u_~n__ ~~---- n~_ . . I - f:ct:,~; ~ J'\8d~~~.:;jr- ;~ro~~s:~-I ClASSIFI C!:T~ ON"~~.,~,. ,~J::::~:~i Yl~~ ~=~:;~ . n~: ~~ t j BOND PRINCIPAL BOND INTEREST FISCAL AGENCY INTEREST ON BONDS NO FUND HARRANTS TO BE ISSUED 1,061,000.00 326,653.53 1,790.10 .00 .00 TOTAL 1,389,443.63 TOTAL RECEIPTS TOTAL RECEIPTS AND BEGINNING BALANCE Less Expenditures 1,451,841.00 1,500,468.31 1,389,4!13.63 UNENCill1BERED CASH BALANCE December 31st 111,024.68 730,837.00 l!I,887.20 745,724.20 ......l2.&83 Function - Budget CorLiInents - C:;':Jita1 Outlay 1,012,000.00 315,607.91 2,552.09 .00 85,000.00 1,415,160.00 1,304,387.45 1,415,!f12.13 111,415,160.00 ---- 252.13 990,490.26 283,467.52 l,502.22 25,000.00 -~-Q.I 1,301,460.00 1,301,207.87 1,301,460.00 I 1,301,460.00 I -------- .00 689,849.90 710,314.76 13,797.00 14,206.30 703,6L~6.90 724,521.061 .,.--l,L.116,6--'____tl~+1:::. The anticipated tax requirement to support this fund for 1970 reflects a small decrease of .0355 of a mill, when co~pared to the current year levy. The unpredictable payment or non-payment of delinquent special assessment taxes continues to plague L~e accuracy of budgeting for this fund. For example, in 1968, $599,780.57 was certified to the County Clerk as'a reasonable collectable amount. The actual amount collected was $535,964.93, or a difference of $63,815.64 (approximately 1 mill). Our experience will undoub'cedly follow this same pattern of uncertainty in 1969 and 1970. Kansas Statutes require that delinquent tax sales be held annually. We submit that such should be done. I I I I I I AN~\jAL miDCr::' I I i i _,______J I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I F U 0;1] ___E'.I:9_0,Q._~JC!l{.:~~!:..lI~'0~_JL...__, DEPi\rZTi.IE~\~".l~, '-__.L.____________ ~"~'. .o~~.~.~~..o.."~..~~~=o.=~~=~~.:~:=BI;f ~.t'~~"S~S.===:~.~A=;:;,.;.;d:n::=P~}c.... ~E'-1 ,~_" ~.c tL:2 ~ i En~rent Proposed ACCOUNT CLAS::>l.FICATIOd PrevJ.ous 'Year 'I BUGget Bud8E:t 1968 1969 1970 -=~_-=:==-o.-==". - . ,-===:-.:===,=,c.=,.7:O'==-"='~=~-=--=="'='i='==o.' EXPENDITURES PERSONAL SERVICES l20 Salaries - Regular Ewployees ~_&69.07 TOTAL 14,8.69.07 CONTPv\CTUAL SERVICES 207 231 253 255 295 299 Traveling Expenses Insurance - Hotor Vehicles Repclir - Hachinery & Equipmcn;~ Repair - Tires & Tubes Other Professional Services Other Contractual Services .00 257.16 2,005.86 51.50 .00 120.78 TOTAL 2,435 . 30 ~1A7ERIALS & SUPPLIES 310 333 345 347 359 365 319 381- 387 Expendable Tools Chemicals Motor Vehicles - Fuel & Lubricants Motor Vehicles - License Tags Other Operating Supplies Cement & Cement Products Motor Vehicles - Tires Paint & Painting Supplies Sand, Gravel, Rock and Chat 20.58 764.67 750.l0 100.00 96.26 662.63 132.20 26.97 .00 TOTAL 2,553.4l CAPITAL OUTLAY 503 Machinery & Equipment _. 2 , 9_~Q..2.Q. TOTAl, 2,930.50 GRA~m TOTAL 22,788.28 I . L----- ------------- --------- .!ii.1J) 0 . 00 16,110.00 50.00 225.00 1,500.00 200.00 100.00 300.00 2,375.00 20.00 600.00 750.00 100.00 100.00 200.00 100.00 50.00 300.00 2,220.00 250.00 250.00 20,955.00 I I I I I ~ 2:t-:f:l 0. ! ", " 'I ,.l;(,T~.fi~ 0 I I , 50.00 i 2.50.00 : 1,500.00 i I 400.00 I 100.00 i 300.00 , ------.----- i I 2,600.00 ; i I I 2<:LOO I 700.001 750.00 i I .00 I l?O.OOj 2\"0.00, 100.00 50.00 200.00 . ------, -I I 2,120.001 I I I ____ __~ 00 I i .001 , ,0 ' I ) - ' ! ,." ,("s.Ge, I I I i I I I I I I i I I l~. T,t; 7"":"""':;''\"' ____.______.__.______._.__________ .-___.__.._~___."_ I I I I I I I I I I I I I "'I r,o" !")D"S rIEl"'" FUi\D___~~.'_~~~'~_~_~~J~.r~__ DE P;~[~I}lE~~._ .."___.____"_.________ _._______._~ ---.--.-.------------------ ----...---.----------_.0-_.-"'1. I DS~A]~ Page 89 I -~-~~~-~c~--:~COUNT ~:SS:F~:':~~~J---c---' C' ,,-, - ---p:e~~~~: ~eJ--~c~~m!~-I~ ;~~~;;~d'-~-'!II --=.~-==~;=== ,~~~~o._~~~8 -=J,=-_!.9}y__,_c=!==l~_ j~==" ------- -- _. CITY OF SA:LU;;" K.<\~;SAS RECEIPTS CITY TREASURER BALANCE January 1st Less Unpaid Purchase Orders Unencumbered Cash Balance January 1st TOTAL 3,8/.0.60 1,476.28 1,239.71 ,q I ;; . 18,773.72 18,68[[.74 1-8-;'9'O6;9~ 334.98 200.00 100.00 1,127.26 1,193.69 758.34 188.00 ~~O.OQ __ 6 4_Q.~Q.Q ---" 20,423.96 20,718.43 :.2.g~29 110 Current Tangible Taxes 130 Delinquent Taxes 240 Sales Tax 731 Miscellaneous Sales & Service I I I I I 'I ~ "" _.._---~-----_._.__._._.._---_.- I I I I' BUDCe, _,_c_,~J___l___,____m_,__' A!rf\l_!/\.~. FLO:J~) l,'O?XS A\D LEVT~::: FiJ;':J) I r-~- ---..----,----~'----.-.--- --,-.. - ,---- CITY I I I I I I I I I, I I I I I I I I I D :~: ~', _\I~rJ]': ~ _ ~< '~_' _.._____~ ,_~___~. _ __ _ -OF S,\:__T:'~~.\, L\\:J;'.-:; I 90 ! s !.'y;,!,\ :;, ':' 1'2. "-.:..-=-===::--:::=.::::::---=::=::...-..:-=:.::.:::.-~..:-~=-~-:::::;..::=-~~---..::.:..:..~===-==----.:::.=.-::..~-:--==-::~:::~==~~-~~--- -- -- '- . ;.c' ~t:'~'; ," n--l\{;1~j~\c;c\?€1 ?re\,ic'J3 Yr. j BUCL,:>:::t' 1968 I 1969 CLASSlnCl,-TlO~; , 1, :.~> S", rrt, ~~~,OO /,600.00 2,120.00 .00 --.--- PERSONAL SERVICES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES MATERIALS & SUPPLIES CAPITAL OUTLAY 14,869.07 2,435.30 2,553.41 ,~, 930.50 16,110.00 2,375.00 2,220.00 ___/20.0q, 20,955.00 11 (IB:-. f) " iM/f @j ~..t€le TOTAL 22,788.28 20 r} 1-,// r. l 20. ..!ttJ 5-~-9 ," ' '2.t; .;i;~O ~5.!l:e .00 TOTAL RECEIPTS TOTAL RECEIPTS AIID BEGINNING BALANCE Less Expenditur~s 20,423.96 2/1,264.56 --1..?,tl.~-"} 8 20,718.43 22,194.71 -/ -29-,255.00_ UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE December 31st 1,476.28 1,239. 71 : I 18,684. 7 41~,=:9:06. 9S 373.69 I.. }-7~ --"--_._- -----.------- 19,058.43 19. '}Q.S';'tt it ~ 0.3070 0r3007 .____l._'''-________. 18,833,71 376.67 ---- 19,210.38 0.312/ Net Tax Requirements Delinquent Tax Tax Dollars Tax Levy Hills Function - Budget Comr'~~nts - Cc'jJital Oatlay FUNCTION The function of the Flood Works and Levee Department is one of maintain-I ing, patroling and keeping in good repair at all times the flood dikes, gates, pumps and related equipment that comprise the flood control system for the City of Salina. BUDGET COMI';IENTS Use of soil sterilants in selected areas has permitted reduction in purchase of chemicals for weed control in Account #333. CAPITAL OUTLAY Account #503 - Provides for replacement of chain saw ln 1969. Al..':"'~':"^"i T)':';T\:,",r"p n'7\D 'ntT COD mF~':>l",0 __,'~TJ.r:~':: I I I I I I I I I I -, I I I I I I I I I I I [-,.-.-..,------ .-....",.,......... -,... ...-- (L~X ~.~~;:~~ ~'L ~.:.>: :' ;1:~..\;: ~.'r.' =7=CC~::::..)~,c] "~l...'\~~r....~~"I':~l.,-.'=:c~.:.c.'~'~'I~~~l::p i;:,'~'~ ...; .../, .. '-'-- .... pc~.c,'~... ' '/1--' i\)!~~V~' ~ r \... u .... Vll 1........ ;-- I./"'C/I....r.....-: ")' _;,. '---L", ." ..\'_~r.:)__ l~Ud?,:: t. I "/'['-;-""1 ~ , I&.c-!q:'f ,/}:.<.;o/ i I 19C9 1970, =.CO=:"'.OC":=.CC",-CC"'.. c-=:==-c=c. -' ."'. '===-=;=':.'.:CC c='=-'",",,' "'l=.,:.m.: .:'". 'C.:: .~=,..c -. :.C-''OCC',',.'O'C:.C= '=c::..=cc:'. :=....,-'....=.::==, .':. .~ c. :.:::':. '"c;. ."__,,,=.,:=':'.==._ . ... =~-.c",,,.cc.= Foreman I 1 I 1 I 442 -,533 6,14',.00 6,',55.00 . , I 2 407 - 430 9,816.00 lO,320000 ! I I _l..::~..!-QQ. ! /'. L'{.S Co') *:~~~ ]l C;';\i; ~ :< :~.~ __u_..__ r :-ii..r~' 9.i }, 1 .-' f' :. " (: (: B'JC'~;:' [ Maintenance Worker I 2 Extra Tir:,8 __) 500 OQ. . TOTAL 16,110.00 .1 I I I I . I I I ! , I i ;\~-~\:~,. ~.~; L. ':'1/": - . , , - ~. /,... FU -~~D___.__~_..~~~~!f.:!:_~~=_~t~ G~_?:.-~..____.~_ DS p.\r_l~'l~~'__________. ~_~__._,__,_._ I I , I I I ~_.___ _~___.._J..____.. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SUNDRY EXrEl'mI1UI~ES 426 Deductions Remitted _88,693.~~__ 88,693.36 I TOTAL REVEl'ITJE CITY TREASURER BALA21CE Jamlary lst Less Unpaid Purchase Orders Unencumbered Cash Balance January 1st 17,320.00 110 Current TangiblR Taxes 130 Delinquent Taxes 2~0 Sales Tax 9<';1 Contributions by EE]l1loye.~s Ex E,"lployer 9,203.72 lLf1.65 474.49 ~lL882..~_L2. TOTAL 73,712.65 l--~-~-._._. -~-------~~ ANNUAl, BUDGET 1.1.Q..,.Q9 I) . 00, 110,000.00 2,339.29 32,704.21 100.00 585.21 _2~_QQQ_. 00, 108,389.42 I I I I , 116,000.00 I ________.__..___ J {~";.~ I I; I I I ,.' I )' -, 2'" ,.. 1 I . ci. .. 1. I , I ~'~ 'f,' I , . f. "'" 100.GO i 1,327.241 ~8 ~,O?_f@.l 'I, ~".., 'I 1: j :. . 27 J . 291 '., '[ f I "J I F;J~;D' SOCIAL SEClll'.ITY I D::: =')\.~~'l.'i' iEI~ ..~ ---.-----+~--.--.-~ _.+--,_.~----- - 1-----------.-.'-----' CITY OF C:,\T L',' \ J K~.\~.\:) -,...-.- ----~~~~~-=~.~.=~-=~~,',=~,=~=- T ~ C 1"""^1",' 'P \' I '.0 _ ." '.' _ c .' 3, I -----, ---.-----==-=="C.:.,c-:-=-==::.."'"=--=..-=_-c.-:_..=-"'--,. ','=-''''::::';'-- ..::c==-:.::. ,-:Co,',. .-..'.'-.:= =C=='=-,,="_'=-C-=='T=-'=:=:'~"'-'--- --,-.--".- I .t\liju2teCl I . ,.., - \., :I\~t.'al ~~ilrrL=nL I ~. CLASSHI CATtO" I' r" ~ ~'~~ Yr. B'~~~~ t TOTAL RECEIPTS 73,712.65 108,389.42 , TOTAL RECEIPTS AND BEGINNING BALANCE 91,032.65 110,728.71 I i(:,','~2~.1fi, ~I L~ss Expenditures _?-9.1G9]~36 _J}_9-,_Q9iJ_~_Q.Q. i _~16"t;tl'€~Y-O-'1 I UNENCln>lBERED CASlI BALAl:7CE December 31st 2,339.29 728.71 I .osl _:~ ._ -');')) I Net Tax Requirements 9,138.09 32,70/f.21 3~.s{rfi~051 I ~:~i~~~~:~sTax -9~H~-~-~~ 33~'~~~: ~~ I;I~~'~~-~~~~ ,--- Tax Levy NiJ.ls 0.1533 0.5373 I 8c~5702 I i :~ / /~ I I I -----. Function - Budget ~~\:m2~~.~_~I,~aF~:~:;,_~~~'l~;---,-_m---L-.---,-.- I I I I I I I I I I " ~ ~ ~. -'"" Appropriation for 1970 represents City.s share currently set at 4.8% of employee annual salary not to exceed $7,800.00. An equal amount is paid through employee payroll deductions. ... I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I " ['-'''1 nVl'F'" T,]"mT;->f\':," '"c 1< lH\D____~::[.:":'.','::.:'-)_...::.'..~_l.:L ~ .':':~.~__, DE p..:, IZ1}; Ei'1.T_ ________~__.~.,,________________ ------ CITY OF S'ALHi!\) Kl'.W-iAS ---'-----------.---..---p- ~.-~..,:~-n'9-,.,-'l D t'TAl j" <' c' L -_._-._. ---..,-.,.-, ~=c~====c~='==_=c~=,~,=~~===:c~ ,..,.. .. '__u____.,.~_,,~, --...., . - ..".c.c.~cy~~====~'::.:c==c~c .~~J;,'crj~I-~~~.c~l ::~.",=~~=.= .~~.c==_ :.= =:"1 ActuaJ Current PrOl'l'SCC1 i ACCOUi'rr CL<\SSIFICATlm~ Prcvi ous Year BUCbC't Budge t: I -=-======--,====-~=--=--=.:===~.==.~====-~._==--,-=,:..~_..:=__1J1-?1!."=-=:,==,==!_9.~2,:~=:=':o""~==_e'712Z0:::-_~"=,,,~J EXPENDITURES SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 428 439 66,016.82 30.60 88,777.50 12.50 Retirement Remitted to State Refunds TOTAL 66,0/17.42 88,790.00 REVENUE CITY TREASURER BALANCE January 1st Less Unpaid Purchase Orders Unencumbered Cash Ilalance January 1st 38,14/1.74 23,348.87 110 Current Tangible Taxes 130 Delinquent Taxes 240 Sales Tax 941 Contributions by Employees & Employer 4,631.08 101.85 3/+2.lf4 _~~,-,- 1 7,2~9. 23,993.1f 5 50.00 293.95 _2_4LOOQ,. O~~ TOTAL 51,251.55 78,337.40 95";OUU.00 .00 t ~.~ \ , C::' 95,000.00 I I I I , 12,896.2711 " " PI ,';'/ 2'5 , b~~~~8 50.00 I 973.75 I _--5~QO_~~r:Q I '~I . 7? I " I I I I I l-~- -----...----------- --- - I i ~ I I ....__,_,...L_,..... __._._____~".... _..___.___,____.....J p~NNLTA1_, nunCI"~C F iJ ~\ ~ ~_. __'~_~2_~?_~_~~: I i ~~_~_'__I~~~I?ILII?irL__ I D;~:l<\~~Jr.::iI L.. . H,_.__,__,..'_.___, r~"-' - .-,-----.-----.--.-~,-----.-.--.--~-------.----------.~-.---.-CITY O~( ~~~\:_:T!_<.\, T':-,\Y':):\.~ _____.___._.__<<.___.._____..___.__'___.__.-l.________._ .--------- ---I I S 1'2.~~~' c; s ! I l'~"CC~ ,c~cc C,~ "C~!~S ':~C:~lON cc .... c" i:~~".:.~ ~r~T;'~~:!~~~ [' C 1 ~~~ ~~:~'~I I.,...c..".~.c~.""~.~~~..~~~,.".,.~,~......~, .Lc.~~~8 ..~.J, ....~9~~,~~ 19 7.~~~ I II S\Tim R Y EX? END ITeRE S 'I ,~6, Q. 47 . 421 _ 8.8. ,]20 ..0.0, 'I' _} 2,,,9.9_9___00 TOTAL 66,047.42 88,790.00 ~S,808.60 .1 igi~t ~~g~i~i~ AND BEGINNING BALANCE ~~:;~~:;~ 1bt~~~:~~ I ~~~g~:i,~ I Less EX]1211d:L tL:}:f~S __fi~, 04 0...42 --..?_~_,]90..Q..Q.! 9s,-doo. co i II UNENCUClllERED CAS] FALANGE Dece"ber 31st 23, 31,S. 87 12,896. 27 I-~' ~".'o'o' i I Net Tax Requirements 4, 6L,0. 42 23,993. 45 2)'~:~-9B~1 I Delinquent Tax ____~2:L~~~ __A79 ~g.7 C / . ,- 501;60 I L___._._,_,._____... _______.......__.._____.._ '_'__'___' ....._____. ._'u. _,___.J.~_ Function - Budget COIl"r,2nt~, - CepHal OutJ.e.y I The 1969 appropriation represents the City's share of 5.8% of employees I annual salary after being employed one year. The employee pays 4% through payroll deduction. I to 6. 1 % . I I I I I I I I The small increase ~n 1970 for the City's share represents an increase I I I I 1 }i)?;') 1-- ------.--..-,. [."..,.cc..c,=~''''.,'c... ."~=.'_." I !)'+ '.'.\~t'i.~<~~~< ---..-------.-Cl'1'1' 0:' ~ .:\ ~ . T. ~'-~~~. 'T" 'I .... ~ - '" '"'. t"-:'. ~,:\.) }' Eo Z;C .;~:nl "'j Pro?e':o:,(' I St'.:..,,\~:.,:, CIA S S If I C\Tl CC I 1\ (,1,), ';1 :~: I d l, '-" ~ .. ": ~', ~ r'r~vjou3 y;:, I B'JC:2~::t IJ"'(~i'.C;t I . __29~~___.n_.._____,!...~.69._~__. .._,~2LO._._J .C'C2 8L~~~~9c:r~;o ~:7~ ~: . c [ . _~1=6~. o~'1 t,e L..:?.l I ----:==.-:~=.=:::::.:~~-..:-...::.;::.=:.:.~:;:.::':..=.;.:..:=~~-.;:.:.....::....;~~_~=_.;=__.:...~===____;~=_:_-:-:c;.- ,:-~'_:;":::'':-:':'::':::-:-':-_::;''::_-'':::''''7';'-,~."'::;-::'"::=~~::'.=':';7:.::::::;:- PERSO~AL SERVICES I TOTAL 28,391.94 30,070.00 .32/ 07S, 0 ,) 31,M,r,OO I I I I ---_.~._------------_._--+----------------_._--'---- --- -----..---'--------- "----------- -----_._.._.------_.~- I Function - Budf;et Co:,mlcnts . CEO.pital Outley I. The Central Garage facility was placed into service on January 1, 1964. I Personal services for this Department do not represent a budgetary item. hey are paid by the various departments using the services of the Central ~arage on a prorated basis. Appropriations are budgeted by each department _or both parts and labor under account number 253. I I I. I I I I I ".}'-:~"':-;;t.j" 'R1ii'.-~~:"j. _.____________ --------------- ------ ---- -~._- -- -- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I r--'--- (:~.:~.';,' ~r~' ~,~~~'__.,.~'.\\: ~.~.\\:.\::.' }-'r-iz.5 .}\\, t'~_. ': r\. " : E;lEp 1 :,)".::>; :" POSITIm~ II'JL~: R:~ft:::;:~ Foreman II 1 465 - 565 Auto Hechanic 3 3 457 - 486 Clerk Typist I 1 1 284 - 330 Auto S~rvicemen 2 2 $1. 15 an hour (Part Time) Extra Time TOTAL <.., },.:, ~\ ~~". \ ~.: 1. ':-~,\r .' --, _)._,11_..... \ D..;;.'_\r~.~.~.r[.~\: ~- _ ._~ Fr~ D ___. CE:'J:!:'B!J,_GA R r' p i 9_ ,_ . . .19 '/Q___ ____, i __.,..__~c_ _I"'=~ . --.. -------.-" 6,456.00 I E,udL-C> t l6,632.00 3,768.00 2,742.00 _.__ 47 !....Q.Q I I 30,070.00 I I .__.. J_ r 2 ~~(.~ F r :' ~-" ~_' :, 2 1,.1 B'Jd~~:~ t 6.78:.00 I 17 ,49_,.00 I 3,960.00 I' 2,760,00 I I 470.00 I -.-------r I 3:1,'16;5.00 j I 't'lTt,l) S!\NTTATION' , I.: . 1 __---.--__._______.__._______________._____ 1)2 p}\ t~111 E:-:T' _._-~-----------_.~---- I I I I I I I I I I, I I I I I I I I I __,_._____h____ CITY' OF' SALINA, KANSAS ______'____.___'________._mj !?I)'~\U~ Page 98 I .==_~=c=~= ~~=~=-~-_____ '.==-~--'" c_~==,~,-='=,. _-=~. ..-C .. _ .. .. - ,='. '--.' .~,=.",-====.. '0-==''='-", - =c==="'=-'C_=-=~',~=_--.--u= 1 I I Adjusted I .. _ ".. , I J:ctl.;[l~ Current Proposed . __ AC~~~J~~'__~1.4SS1F 1.:~1~.~~':_ __.__' ___h_~IPr~~_\O~~f8_1CdY ,_~!L~~9~e~____~l~dZ~e_~ __J -=---==-==_____,___ .,.,._____,_.___,___ ,___,.,_.__._,h,_'_____________. ._____'_'__..--_ ,--,.._-, - -.--/ EXPENDITURES PERSON;~ SERVICES 120,285.00 1~ 110,958.~ 120 Salaries - Regular Employees I ? 2 ;: ~':~-. y ') J?9'.750.001 450.001 100.00 200.00 550.001 6,100,00' 6,000.00 2,750.00 200.00 6,500.00 500 00 460.00 3,150.00 150.00 6,100.00 _--2,.Q.Q.O_~Q Q. 110,958.78 120,285.00 TOTAL CONTP~CTUAL SERVICES 426.87 20.00 26.50 538.48 4,732.99 2,932.38 2,233.95 168.86 5,430.29 209.23 lf35.50 2,024.80 129.20 5,885.95 2238.0Q. 30~533.00 450.00 350.00 200.00 550.00 5,700,00 5,000.00 2,500.QO 200.00 6,500.00 500.00 425.00 3,880.00 150.00 6,000.00 __.~,.2liQ. 00 36,965.00 205 Telephone & Telegraph . 207 TLave1ing Expenses 221 Printipg Office Forms 231 Insurance - Motor Vehicles 236 Insurance - Social Security 238 Employees' Retirement 239 Group Insurance 243 Hater Service 253 Repair - Machinery & Equipment 255 Repair - Tires & Tubes 257 Repair - Radio Maintenance 28~ Laundry & Towel Service 290 Hedical Services 291 Billing & Administration Charges 294 Horkmen's Compensation 38,210.00 , I I 600.00 I 140.00 I 20.00 , 6,650.00 I I 25.00 I 300.00 i 25.00 I 500.00 I 50.00 I TOTAL ~~TERIALS & SUPPLIES 600.00 140.00 20.00 7,000.00 535.00 300.00 25.00 800.00 10.00 --~lf3;0; I 415.08 130.66 58.00 6,l42.59 530.00 132.45 .00 548.48 .00 310 Expendable Tools 320 Office Supplies 331 Books & Periodicals 345 Motor Vehicles - Fuel & Lubricants 347 Motor Vehicles - License Tags 359 Other Operating Supplies 371 Lumber & Lumber Products 379 MoLor Vehicles - Tires & Tubes 381 Paint & Painting Materials 8,310.0Ct I i I I I I 520.00 .00 i --~Q.Q. I ,---,..QQ-I 520.00 .00 I' '~'il ,.(\ 167 ,200.00 ll7f';')77u~:go t I I I ______._~ ___~___.___ __ ._______________--1 7,957.26 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY .00 ~~?J~-1 519 Radio Equipucnt 529 Trilcks 15,157.92 TO'.lAL 164,606.96 GRAND TOTAL ~- _____..__~__.__.,___________u~_,______ AN i~'J..\L P. UDC :;:..~' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FUNll__ s;',-~11"~T.J2~'~__.__ DEP:\Rli.ii:irr ,---- -.-------------..---.-'-.'-- CITY OF SAI,JKA, KANSAS ------.-,-,---.-,-.---- ....., DETA1~ Page 99 ~___oc~~ _c~.~. ~::OllN~.CI::'~:-I:'~TIC~. . C...F,'i~~~~~:r["1?~~:~~'? ..~~:;::~~:~:~O-.I -==--==-~-='==~~"===~'-== ==-,==.:.---'=:-~= -=.=.:_.-.J2_~ _=c.~.l.7~~~.19J~9n. ,=_-==-_.121],." l REVENUE I CITY TREASURER BALANCE January 1st Less Unpaid Purchase Orders Unencumbered Cash Balance January 1st 28,732.l4 20,125.18 51,070.18 156,000.00 198,000.00 198,000.00 __---!.-OO ___].35.00 .00 156,000.00 198,llt5.00 198,000.00' 733 Service Fees 952 Reimbursement of Expenditures TOTAL " A~':NtJ;\I. BUf)2?:.~~ __m____.__..J,.___.,.. , i I I I i i I I i i ! i I i ,,__ ______..J _______._ .. .__ ___,__ i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FiJND 'S^NITAIIO~J D J:~~ :".:\.I"{ r1-'I- 1.::L~'~ __.__._ ,___,_ _..__._.,..____._______________ 1-----' ,.---",--.--,,--------,--.----.-.--- ---- CI T I' \) / SA L L ;.,:\. K'\\;:i.\ ,) -.------ ..---"...---,,------,- --.,..-.- -------T :p~rJ,(-' 10C! -- "C.='...,"'.==C=.C' , "==-'-rC"C"""" '. .:;..c,.:..~"...c .;-.., ,,:cr- "CO:.-==..:='='-' =::,:;.==,._~.J AOJusrea . I Actual CurrcDt Proposed j ?rC~~'~'~3 Yr. J Bl~~~~ t I B~~~~ t I ~=_~=~=~'--.=.O,="'='_==_7_==.=:'==:,~=-.c=~~=~_=_~~~-_~=~,.= --..~~====O'=:==c-=-I-=~~~======-r:;-'-J ~~,~;:=l PERSONAL SERVICJ~S 110,958.78 120,285.00 I l"b,/~O.061 CONTfZ..\CTUAL SERVICES 30,533.00 36,965.00 3[',210.00 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 7,957.26 9,430,00 8,310.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY ~J)2.__~ 520,00 -:78, q<~ ~~O)r TOTAL 164,606.96 167,200.00 1:(,379.99. TOTAL RECEIPTS 156,000.00 198,145.00 198,OOO.O~ I i~~~L E~~;~~~~~r~~D BEGINiHNG BAL\NCE l~.~ ~~l~~,~.1 l~t: ~6~: ~~ ., ij_~~~~~~ I "{ ?:,' . / I 7!~~'~~ I I I I ___________ .__......____ ___..______ _,___.__,...,J I I srl-'~~':,':\,:~_ .~~ ---_.......-- --~...- .---_.- -_.-~-._---- -~---- ---------..------.--.- ---..---.+ ---.---.-.---..., ----- .---..---,-. -. ._~---_._----_.._. ___,n._.__'_____'___ ___._____ ____.._...._ __~_ . CL_.l\SSIFICATIOL\ UNENCUHEERED CASH BALAi~CF vE'L-ember 318 t 20,125.18 51,070,l8 Function - Budget Comn1cnts - Capital Outlay FUNCTION This department is responsible for the efficient, systematic collection and disposal of all garbage, rubbish, trash and similar waste materials originating within the residential areas of the City of Salina. BUDGET C0I1~1ENTS Account #207 - Increased for 1969 due to cost of picking up 2 trucks in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Account #284 - Uniform rental has increased 30e per week per man. Part of the 1969 increase due to last quarter billing for 1968 not being received until 1969. CAPITAL OUTLAY Account #519 provides for purchase of a radio for the 6th route placed in service in 1968. REVENUE Account ~f7 53 is served. based service fees of $2.00 per month per resic.cnce I I I I I I I I I , i i I ._ ..... ..... __._ _.._.l .- ,----.,,-- n_...__..___,_____________._____"_._._ ~1.1n'i.iA.IJ B'iJDG.E:,: ----.~-----------.-----~-------.--------". I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I l POS::TI0:\ TiTI.:; rr,~':D n.~ .>;\l<"",',:,: .\ C~.~.;~ J":' S :\'="~ >: \: ~:.>:: ~\'~: }'}:,':~ ~~ ;::\-~,'.~_ ,~_,(_.~T~.~)'~'_.~_' r.:tg-> 1CJ: Forcm.an II Equipment Operator II Equipment Operator I Laborer Clerk Typist II Extra Tin:? Part TiTtle T01\\L Pr .)p~:?Jc'.d Buc:U t 1970 R~lI1i;~' B U Cl~-. ~~' ~. 1%9 __ __ _'__u._ _.______ ----- ._----~._~-_._-- 1 1 lfu5 - 565 6,456.00 6,780.00 7 7 430 - lf57 38,076,00 38,388.00 1 1 418 - 4'15 ll,906.00 5,340.00 14 1lf 3~'3 - lf18 63 , If 7 If . 00 I 70,078.00 1 1 300 36!f 4,368.00 -. 3,858.00- 3,515.00 3,836,00 .00 %0,00 .. _.."._--~---_.- ___ __'___n_ ~" 2/< (F) I -""/ ~ ,~, . 120,285.00 129, 750 .~I} .:\Y;\. .~..; }':~":.;".:':'-l.. . I -'- .-.. ..... -.. .... . i . ! FlE~))__]/ ':."'T\~!:~_1-rSJ~}-:J~.s_____.__. DEl)~\l\.T;.:: _~ "...._ .n _~ -;_~_'_______.._ _ . :_= =~--:~-= ~~--:= --=~~ITY. OF ~~;;~;;;~ 'K.~NS:'S !c:,,~-~! ..~ii,7i~~{,d=-~:==p~~~~s c:O~ ACCOUNT CLfI.SSIFICAT i.O::i !rrCViOllS Year II Bucg2 t Budge t I 1968 1969 ]970 I ==-__-=:=..=c-.:.= ==-c=-====,-==~-=~==~=-=.~ -==.--"'00-': =-.=-~-"--- ._~==-C'..-_=, ~'= =c,c=-= -=~=~c='=-~==-"'=l EXPENDITU~S I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PERSONAL SERVICES 120 Salaries - Regular Employees 19,365.15 TOTAL 19,365.15 CONTP~CTUAL SERVICES 22] Printing Office Supplies 231 Insurance - Motor Vehicles 253 Repair - Machinery & Equipcent 255 Repair - Motor Vehicles, Tires & Tubas 299 Other Contractual Services 157.12 42.30 237.13 .00 LI85.5Q TOTAL ],6?2.05 NATERIALS & SUPPLIES 310 Expendable Tools 320 Office Supplies 345 ~.lotor Vehicles - Fuel 3/+6 Hotor Vehicles - License Tags 355 Wearing Apparel 359 Other Operating Supplies 379 Motor Vehicles - Tires & Tubes 391 Parking Meter Parts .00 181. 89 119./0 12.50 488.32 .00 .00 _ 84..!ll 887.38 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 503 Equipment 505 Traffic Scooteys 513 Parking Meters Off-Street Parking - Bond & Interest .00 .00 .00 50 J) _ClChQ.Q TOTAL 50,300.00\ 72,17Lf.58 GRAND TOTAL 23.,-505.00 23,505.00 I 200.00 50.00 225.00 10.00 5 , 2_?9____QQ 5,705.00 20..00 60.00 180.00 15.00 350.00 100.00 75.00 _11.5 . OQ 1,125.00 .00 .00 ' 1,lI20.00 I 5Q.,,]Q9____00 51,720.00 82,055.00 27., 9 QO____QQ. 25 c/?'o,s') , 250.00 50.00, '225,001 10.001 .5, 2 5~:_Q,Q.1 I 5,785.001 I ~O 0,,1 L , '_1' 75.00 180.00\ .00 I 350.00 laO.on. , I .001 325.001 .---.'-1 1,050.001 I I I 375.00 I 6,000.(10 i 1l,030.0() I I ~'----I I I 66,605.00 i iD' )o(),odl Wl~AO {if}! , . '. ''1" I I I I I I I I I I _.. _.~___J_______. ___...1 ~_ ..__......~. .! .----~---~-,-~.------.--------- -----.--- }~~r!'~Ut\.~., F~U~':~~~:T I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I F UN ])-.--J-~'!\~,: r.c.;~:0(~_:';l~]:J:-,-~____~____ Dr: Pl\1~'11'lt:FJ~_____. _~___~---.-.:._____ -_._----,----------- CITY OF SAUl;:" KMJSAS ______,___.___._______._,_._.u__ -----1 .~~.....~..~~~....~ ............~. .....~...~.I"~"GE... ...r. ::.:U.~.;....l...AlI,;~~,:~rl~:~~:~s:~i ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATIO;~ IPreviOUS. Ycc:r I Budge t I Budge t I ~~==-~c=;.==--==..,~==-==-=-===~~~-=:c.~=.c~~~.=-~~=:c.--=r-..=c~ 19.j:L..2_-'-==).=~_=7.J;J22-___=".:,.==-,,=),.2.l..Q=_.1 REVENUE CITY TREASURER BALANCE January 1st Less Unpaid Purchase Orders Unencumbered Cash Balance January 1st 1l3,856.lf7 72,163.89 76,208.89 89,097.00 75,000. 00 I 75,000.001 690.00 1, 700. 00 I 1,500.00 10,695.00 9,000.00 9,000.001 .00 400.00 .00 100, lf82. 00 86,100.00 85,500.00' 450 Parking Heter Revenue 610 Interest 707 Parking Meter Permits 952 Reimburscncnt of Expenditures TOTAL I .1 j I ______.________..._._~~____n.________ -- flNl,~Ui\~JJ E~,)D.:~:~;T I _,_ ___.___1.___,______ --. ----- -. I 1 I .1 I 1 1 I 1 I, I I I 1 1 I 1 I I F;j?\D Pl\RI~Ti\;G l'lE'J'~:;RS D:~ ~:? ~\?\.r;:} ~ St'~-~' ___~__~____~~___ _.___ --'-----,----~.---.----CITY \)F' ;;.\:l?;.\. J K^..":': .c..3 ---,~ -- ,--" ------.----.---.~-~--- --.--- iYdJus f6-d"----'1------___..e -._- ---u---------r Ac teEt 1 Current' P!:oposed i L CL~S~:'~:'TIO~'=C~~="~~=_~_:~~~:':~T~~:~~;~_~~"F-~~~~:~ :J PERSO};;AL SERVICES 19,365.151 23,505.00 I 21l~0 CONTPillCTUAL SERVICES 1,622.05 5,705.00 5,785.00 HATERIALS & SUPPLIES 887.38, . 1,125.00 1, OS? O~ CAPITAL OUTLAY 2.9-,l.9-.2.!-.2.J .2l.,22.;..0. 00 -;;~ ,~.O?-!..9_lL TOTAL 72,174,58 82,055.00 y~t-;-3.'. 8. 80 _n".___..__'_____' _ _~_"__'_ .._____ __. ___._ ,_._______ _____, 1'2(';2 10/, I TOTAL RECEIPTS TOTAL RECEIPTS A~D BEGIN~ING BALANCE Less Expenditures 100,482,00 144,338.47 --.l?,-~? ~,,5_~ UNENCUtvInERED CASH BALANCE DEcmIBER 31st 72,163.89 86,100.00 158,263,89 _.-?l.... 0 5 ~,:.Q.9_1 76,208.89 I 85,500.00 I 161,708.89\ .-Hf, .!:~40~~.. I :) , ,. ", .-. ., I ::1. ':/>, ! i ~O' -3H~-~ . I Function - Budget Comm'2nts - Capital Outlay FUNCTION This department provides for the collection of monies, enforcement, service and maintenance for all parking meters located within the City. BUDGErI' CQIfi,J,lEN'I'S Account #120 - Provides for maintenance worker I to relieve park and street departments for care given to parking areas and plantings. Account 1f50 3 For 1970 is for the purchase of a nel'l coin counter. Opera t_in91 I I I I I ! Account #299 - Provides for a transfer of $5,000.00 to General Budget for administrative and legal services provided. Account #391 - Allows for a 15% increase on parking meter parts as of JUDe 1, 1969. CAPITA_L OUTLl~Y ACCOunt #505 used by the ~eter Provides for the replacem2nt cf three traffic scoo~ers I,laicJ.s. Account #513 - Includes the replacement of 19 parking meters in 1969 and 147 in 1970. These meters are becoming obsolete and replacement parts for them are almost impossible to obtain. l i j rl:~;n _,_}~l,_~~"~:.~=_~':Tr~~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I n~, - '..\./ ~.~, ~ .,' >~ i_ ____ C~ ~;, ';' J:~~ ~,_\~. '.: ~\\: ~;'~.\ \::- ..:"L }'I_..I.~S JY~'.::-~~ .:.C.:~:.'_ .in.._.~,. :bl.~df,(' t P()3J fl'J 0>: IJ.l'I.:=~ R~1I\~~C' Parlcin,g i.lctey Tech. II 1 1. Lf30 - Lf71 5,236.00 Parking {/12 ter Tech, I 1 1 418 - L;.L:.5 If, 842.00 Heter Hai,d 3 3 284 - 330 10,972.00 Haintenance Harker I 0 1 407 - L:30 _.1.l}t..:?2.:..0 0 TOTAL 23,505,00 :':..~\ \~.\i~ h .-~~ i.:' ~. ~ u.........___....lu _ vT,':rC'Pcs . ,--~ ~- --~-,--_._--,--. ....--- r ~;. ~', c ] n,~ B'-JC-:2~C ~ ! "JOu'Hi '-'----'''j I 5,650.00 I 5,340.00 I 11,750.00 I _2_,),,6_0 ,_9.9. I ..) " I ., . I 27 ,900 00 I I I I I I I I FU;\iD C}:~NERAL AND SPECI,\T, D:~ ~'_\r~~~;'>1 ~~\!'~~_ ___.+.________~_____._____ __ __,_~:~~.; -~';) r.-.-------,,--,----------,---------CI'l { O~' ~_;~\!_I~ ;,;'_~~ J K_i\ ,-, ~ . :"',,' \ :) .--------. -_.----. -..----..------~-.------..-. .... "'1 I Page 1% i CL^S 8m CAn m, I?, c ~~ ~~~; Yr~j - };~~ ;i;~~r ...I--;~~~ ~:~C;-l - C=;~:A~~' :::~.~--~~~.~~~--~~~-- .-- -- ____~j~_29~~,~:. ---~~~~:.~~-r~-~: _' :~.I 45,852.51 I .00 I I ' .00 I I - .00 I .0') I --,---,,- I I , .00 TOTAL .00 TOTAL RECEIPTS TOTAL RECEIPTS AND BEGINNING BALANCE Less Expenditures .00 852.51 .00 Lf5 ,000.00 LI5,852.51 _LQ.1..852.51 UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE December 31st 852.51 .00 Net Tax Requirements .00 45,000.00 .00 Delinquent Tax .00 900.00 .00 Tax Dollars .00 45,900.00 .00 I Tax Levy Ni11s . 0.0000 0.7394 0.0000 I I f------ .. ~---~~unc t i~~-=- ;:~~~;-.~0'",;8;';~-J~~Pi ta; O~ 1,;;---- .._J____ ---1 I I I I I I i I I I I I i L_____ -..--. h_._______._,,__._.____.__, Ai'1NJlI.I, }\'UD(:L': ------.---.------...--.--..---,-------,----,------, rr! rt? '.r.J I I I I I I I I I I. I I I F Ul; TL__,? P E f..I !\1: _ 0 !~~ 0 T~ J_\;.:~}'A; ~ _ DErARTI";E~~L____'M_'_____'__" IT,. ~ [------,----' CITY Oi:' SALIX,\) K.i-\:iSAS ______,___________,.u_______. '--I -=,~=,="=c======_~===c=.==_====== ,==.==c .g~I:~}~;~.,.=,.============r=~Ad;l~=t~~~I'-=r.""-=~~~'~:'o. . ! 07 I I Actual ! Current I Pr,1pos"d . ACCOUNT CL;sslFlcA~~,~:-_===.c==r::~~=l~~~ye.:J=_ B!~I;t -=I.---_~;_~~c~-~===J i I EXPENDITURES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 299 Other Contractual Services .00 .00 115)850.00 TOTAL .00 .00 115,850.00 SUNDRY EXPEI\,DITURES 447 Transfer to General Operating .00 .00 6~,650.0_QI --- .00 .00 66)650.00, I , .00 .00 182,500.001 TOTAL GRAND TOTAL REVENUE CITY TREASURER BALA~CE January 1st Less Unpaid Purchase Orders Unencumbered Cash Balance January 1st Special Gasoline Tax .00 36,500.00 36,500.00 I l46,OOO.OOl I I 182,500.00, ! I I I I TOTAL .00 36,500.00 I I I I I I L-~ ~.. -~------------,------- ANNUAl, BuDGE:' J~______ .... . c I ~ w ~~---- -- -- ~ --~ -- -- -- . CITY OF ,;\' P','c ",,;e.; .;~.~____u -- -.-- --~~---~ Pc go 108 I 1"'~""-='~='"CC='C'CC'"',,=,c'=''=,c..=c.''-cc.~.cc''' -. ,- -o"''='=OC ..-C...,-=.---- -- - -- - , '..,._. = ,..._n_--::-c:=. .. -'---"=-=:=p, r~,i~~~"t "~~1'=-" i=-cc- ,'=:-'::=-:::-' =,.-==] :,ctcal Cc'r{'"L I Propo,;o.' I I ~c-::::::r=:- SEPcV ~CE:~S SI}~IC_^l ::.'~.~~-~~-~-~~-._._... ?rev~~~~ ~~~- ~';~~: ~ ~: I. --1~~::5~ ~::I II SUNDRY EXPENDITURES __.00. .00 _6_62650.00 I I I I I ",,'\[\' SrrCL\L GASOLINE T.\X FU;.,) ... ~. J ~J _.. ._.' __ ~.___ ______________ ___.____.,__,._ __._.~_~._.__._ .____ _______ D l~ _?_~_}~tr?, ~Sl'~'T ___.~.__________ TOTAL .00 .00 l82,50Q,QO .00 36,500.00 1f16, 000.00 .00 36,500.00 182,500.00 I .00 .00 ..113.0_500.0Q.1 ---~--_.__._- ------- .00 36,500.00 .00 I TOTAL RECEIPTS TOTAL RECEIPTS AXD BEGINNING BALANCE Less Expenditures Ui'JENCUHBERFD CASH BALA};CE Decenber 3lst ----'----.l I Function - Budget COITll11ents - Capital Outlay I I This new fund represents the new "sixth cent" gasoline tax money pro- vided by the 1969 State Legislature (H:31142). Effective date of the bill becoming law was July 1,.1969. Estimated quarterly revenues for Salina from the tax is $36,500.00, the first payrnent to be received by the City as of Oc.tober 15, 1969. Expendi tures frorn the fund are not to be made, however, until calendar year 1970. I I The la\v furt.her stat.es that the use of this fund "shall be only for the construction, reconstruction, alteration and rep2ir of main traffic\vays and trafficway connections. . through highways . and major streets or higll\vays. " I I I I I I Since 38.2% of the lane miles of streets within Salina comply with the language of the above law, it is proposed that an amount equal to this percentage of street maintenance salaries ($66,650.00) be transferred to the General Operating Fund of the City, providing this amount of relief to the ad valorem tax requirements. I I I ,-. T'~, ----L I I I I I I I I I I, I 1 1 I 1 I I I I F U ,\n._.fQ1T~._Q.Q',D;::.~Y:. _,,______ _. DF?,\RTil --.-,--------- CITY OF S'l\~JgA , D::~P,lL ~,-.. . K:\}~ S!J..S I . _____~~f:.e__}Q.~1 c~OCC~C~"Oc~~~o~o ~~~~~~co~oo~~o ~c.. -..... -T OO~C ;.U~~oT-Ag! ;j,';'t .lpl:OSe~u · ACCOUNT CL<\SSIn CATlO~l ,PTt'vious Year Bud;;.:. t I Budge t I I 1968 I 1969 I 1970 I EXP~I~;~T~;;~=c=--==-==--===='=~=~=-=~~==='''''''~-===~===-''~'-==="'=cT~'c=~~c~==:'=='=~-=='=~~-=='1 PERSONAL SERVICES 120 Salaries - Regular Employees 130 Salaries.. Part Time Employees 28,080.00 9,360.00 TOTAL 37,4/+0<00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 205 Telephone and Telegraph 2C7 Traveling Expenses 227 lnsurance - Buildings 23l Insurance - Motor Vehicles 24l Gas Service 242 Light and Power Service 243 Water Service 253 Repair - Machinery and Equipment 255 Repair - Tir83 and Tubes 299 Other Contractual Services 2000001 50.001 200000 I 50.001 8000001 700.001 1,000000 700.001 500001 2000001 3,950.00 TOTAL MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 310 Expendable Tools 33] Books and Periodicals 333 Chemicals, Drugs and Etc. 345 Motor Vehicles - Fuel 2nd Lubricants 351 Seeds, Plants, Trees and Laml Supplies 359 Other Operating Supplies 367 Electrical and Lighting Parts 379 Motor Vehicles - Tires and Tubes 387 Sand, Gravel, Rock and Chat 500.00 50.00 1,200.00 1,200.00 2,000.OOj 500.001 I 150.001 50.COI lOO.OO, ------1 I 5,750.COi I I 50 .00 ! -----j 50.00: I I , , TOTAL SUNDRY EXP~iDI'nmES 435 Organizational Dues ~ TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 516 Park Equipment, Hm.icrs and NiscelL:neous Equipment Payment to Bond and Interest Account I I 7,OOO.OO~ Lhl,Z_'2~9.Q : I I i 19,JiO.OOi I _ i 66,360.uO: I i i T01'I,L GRAND TOTAL ______ ___~_,L_________.,_.. ------.---------,.-----------.,-., A'f'.'::;l'..~;. Ell1;2::~ I I I I I I I I I I I" I I I I I I I I Yl.'ND__mGO} ;",-..Gilli~01L_,_. n m _, , Dr: P)JZTi.; Ll.;~:__~;-_,,_,_, ____, ,-------'------------- CITY OF SA!,H~A, KA:~.:=~,,_.~.=:-=-,-_n--~-,-'-----.---.P8.---"~~~1 Adjusted Ac tUJ 1 Cun'cllt PrOi)OSPcl ACCOUNT CLASSUI CATIO~ Erev:Lous Ye:lr Budge: t Buege t ..:._=--==-~=~-=~~,===__=.=~""==___==c.=~=.=cc'~__=_==,.==~=.;.,-,-=12~J3.-----=.-=..h===-~h22.3,__=_~. ;=_~., _1.2J-Q.c=-_-="':,, RECEIPTS CITY TREASURER BALANCE January lst Unencumbered Cash Balance December 31 6,004.l0 / - / 6,004. lQ, Revenue from Green fees Revenue from Locker rental Revenue from Cart storage Revenue from Concessions 67,0000001 500.00 700.00 I I 1. 500 . 00 , ~-~'--I 69;700.001 I I I I TOTAL J--------------.---------..--------- A..N~'~lT;\:.. hUDG:::rT I I I I I I I i . I I I I I I I . I ________-1-_________--' --- ---~ I :!.'ijSD :___GnT:t',.C:!)lii~/;l~ ___. D ;~~: :A!\.T~. :,;~;7'; T ___. _______.~__._.__,__,___, ..__.____._______ CITY OF ~):\ I..I ~'.::'\. I K.~~: .)\,~. I Pnge ill CLASSIFICATION llcc,:J.1 ?re"viou3 Yr. I I 1968 1969 PrQPo:~(d Budget 1970 Budget I II I UNENCUHBERED CASH BALANCE DECEl-mER 3l I 6,004010 . 37 ,t+!fO 0 00 3,950.00 5,750000 50.00 19,170000.1 66,360.00 I 69,700.001 75,7040101 66,360.0ClI 9,344.101 PERSONAL SERVICES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES SUNDRY EXPENDITURES CAPITAL OUTLAY II I TOTAL TOTAL RECEIPl.'S TOTAL RECED?TS AND BECmNING BALA1'~Cf, Less Expenditures __.__.__________________.______.___...._.. .____.,____J.________ Furlction .' Budget Comr1l2nts ~ Capital Outlay I I Beginning balance a~ shm'Tn for this fund represents oil lease revenue derived from the property since transfer of the municipal airport opera- tions from this location. I Construction of the municipal golf course is scheduled for completion the latter part of this year and ready for play the early part of 1970. Hithout any prior experience to use as a gauge, the various budgeted line items may shm'l considerable variations a year from now. The totals for expenditures and receipts are considered to be realistic, however, as D~ey are based upon data obtained from several courses in the area. I I I II I I I I I I I I I ! i I I I I ----,-..1 I I I I I I (:2;'; y ~'\_'\\. ~:.',\:,.\.::.----. . . rp:n ___(OT To' 1l~> ;'\j: :. ;< '.0: ~ c, . ~ -- --~ -----.- - ~n= '~~ ' , --- -- .-",--. -- P03J'llO~~ TITV: Golf Professional Greenskeepcr Maintenance Work2r I 36 Nan/Hcnths TOTAL I I I I I I I I I I I I I t'r: c-~ ~~ ,~:\:: f" ":_, ~~ c:;~. :.1' - "_':~' jUE; (>,1;' Le':1 L r:llp~. :JY::"=':; E.? rl.S.~: bud[~,-.' t: :.:/ 1969 1 450 1 600 3 tf07 ., tl30 . .;\:';\~.". ~~t.~ L~:..'~-::---~~ :". ___ ,_____ __ J.,_.__ '.__,__ ____,__ _C_C_"~~S!\, . }"':? ~: ,~, l' r ;:, i' -:. c' :' d Bud~,~.~J t " 1970 5 ,tiOO .00 "/,200.00 l5,t,80.00 9 360.00 -:.,}.._---_. .. 37,1+(:0.00 rUN Tt__}I~~:_.~;_~~_:r__0_~lst _+$_t~~~:~:_T_f2~:f~_ _ ___ nF.l:';\R"j;,;::..;~~____._,,_ _.__...,_____ r-=~:=~-~:~~~~~~::-:==-~=~,=~~~_~.~=I:="'~lc. ..~~~~~~' ! -~'~\~c:.~~~"',~~~~..'==~~-==~~=-=~=.~~~,.-~i;'~.~>~i~] I Adjusted . Actez!l Curr:::at Pl-q)C'S2d ACC',OU'.',' "1" CT ~..~~',T.~~,'IC.-\~l'[O'\c'," 1'-' . Y B ' I B d ~ ~C____ _ . , lreV10US ear U0~et u get '1968 1969 1970 WAT::-:~PP-:~~:PE:~ES~--~~~''''''~''-----'~-'~~~~~~~''=-~'''--",' --'~~=""-'-==-'=''''~='''-''-~'~'--'===-I I I I I I I I I I I, I I I I I I I I I 110 Maintenance - W2ll Pumps and Equipment 120 Vle 11 Pm-ler 130 Vle1l House Signals 140 River Intake Power l50 Maintenance - Buildings and Grounds l60 Maintenance - River Basin 7,886.99 2,419.78 l,666.10 2,012.80 14.99 _L06~4Ei SOFTENING Ai'>!;) TRR.;\'LHENT EXPENSES TOTAI~ 15,063.92 , 205 210 215 220 225 230 235 240 255 260 270 9 , 891. 41, 35,765.57 3,696.00 4,658.70 256.52 90,1/1.91 3,255.27 364.99 I 2,681.60 . _~' ~~t~~.1 Supervision Salaries / Electric PaHer Gas Service Building Operating Supplies Chemicals Mainte.nance - Equipment Maintenance Buildings Electric Pm,er - Calcining Plant Gas Service - Calcium Plant Supplies - Calcium Plant TOTAL 157,657.49 PUHPING E..XPE'NSES ../ 10,688,,02 20,303.<'14 17 ,135.43 'I 397.73 . l02.30 I l,l84.37 I 861.09 I . __._...9l<J?__~. I 305 310 315 320 325 330 335 340 Supervision Salaries E1ec tr ic PO\vor Gas Service Lub:i:ica:1ts Building Operating Supplies H3.inte:18.nce - ElectricCll Equipm2nt Maintenance - Station Building and / & Pumps Grounds TOTAL 50,763.43 8,200.00 3,000.00 l,670.00 2,500.00 800.00 L 000_0 OQ 17,l70.00 15,410.00 38,565.00 4,500.00 4,500.00 350.00 80,000.00 11 ,000.00 500.00 2,750000 6,000.00 _2.l50Q.~.Q. 166,075.00 11 ,Lf65. 00 2l , 56 5 .00 17,000.00 .6.00.00 200.00 l,OOO.OO 700.00 _, ~._l.QQ."--O g 53,030000 l,500.00 3,000.00 1,670.00 2,500000 500.00 .L,oO 9.?.2Q I ! I 10,1~SJ i ,: I ~(7.- . ",I (,.I~ ~),~ 19,885.00 39,410.00 Lf,500.00 4,5GO.00 LIOO.OO 85,000.00 12,320.00 500.00 2,750.00 6,500.0') _?l. 5.Q.Q.~g !7Cf ~[X.' \ l7S!,2US";;'DO ~ i .11,995.00 ~, ,'" . f1> 1'3/! 22,760.00 17,500.00 LfOO 0 00 200.00 1,000.00 700.00 700.00 -,---~_.._~_.". , -).'\ ) 5-D,255.C.9 --- I I I I ' I I ! I I l i ____~._____...._ .........___M_________~.__._ ______..___._.___.___._ -.- ~ L~--~~--- ANXUAL '?,UDCE':' I I I I I I I I I I. I I I I I I I I I ,----;-.------,-. CITY OF SALIi<A, KANSAS F lJt, n___\~;, L~J:_e_.L_0)J~L_S.~-;_\,7 (~_IiJ ~:~;_-._---,_._ DC;PARTi-1E::;T'__ .,___,____",____ ll,570.00 l2,lS5~OO 4,865.00 ! I~' 5,Ot1-D--;OO 3,l25.00 3,500.00 500.00 I 500.00 1,000<00 I ] ,000.00 l5,660.0? I 17,600.00 4,600.0u 5,000.00 5,000.00 I 5,250.00 30,000.00 30,000.00 350.00 I 500.00 100.00 I 100.0C; 16,500.00 i 18,000.('0 lS,OOO.OO. 14,200.10 4,800.00 I !',800.CJO: 2,600.00 2,650.00j 750.00 I 800.00: 2,O?O.OO I 5,000.00: 15,000.00 I J5,OOO.OO! 700.001 1,200.00' -,--.------ I ~-,..... ..."-..- ...1 13ll,120.00'1 14~'~~~~!,! ..-----" i ____._.._.,._ ___________._"______..1.___.______.__________ _._ TOTAL 69,354.25 ~.t}.~_~~ /. .~J 1) 2 ~~~ ~'~~m~C:::~:LA:SI:I~~~I~" ~ .... ":revt~~i~ :r~A~;1i~~t '~I:~~~~i~ d I ~:S:I:~ION~ E:;ENS::~~./ ."~m"~=~m~~,.~~.m ".~~~~'. '~.T~~'~"~~'~'T ,u,~.,~~" ~I 405 Supervision 6,256.9:> 6,675.00 '",7,205.00 410 Salaries / 28,680.66 30,865.00 4J,' '43,500~OO 415 Meter Maintenance - Sqlaries --- 9,~!t6.53 lO,475.00 I"~"~ 11,035.00 420 Meter Maintenance Supplies 8,)07.76 lO,500.00; 10,000.00 425 Vehicle and Equipment Expsns0s 5,086.66 4,500.00 4,500.001 430 Tapping Supplies 4,ll3.52 5,000.00 4,800.001 435 Maintenance - Distribution Mains 4,034.22 6,000.00 6,000.001 440 Maintenance - Elevated Tanks l,04l.78 l4,655.00 4,100.00! 445 Mainten2nce - Reservoirs .00 l,OOOoOO 200.001 450 Maintenance - Hydrants 430.81 500.00 I 5000001 455 Niscellaneous M2tcrials and I,abor -L.ill-..~.~.I ~!..:.800._0Q I 2.,OO~..9, {'. }!;. (", ~,9nn&o I ~~- i I .1.iCr\ I 'lL" 6~-1 , nro~w I 1,., . 40. 8'7-"';-B(' I , J..I I 700.001 , I 2,000.001 3,000.00 5,000.OOi 3,500.00, .001 CUSTOHERS ACCOUNTlliG AND COLLECTION 510 515 520 525 530 535 540 545 Office Salaries / Servicemen and Meter R0aders SalD.Ties /" Servicenen and Meter Rec:ders Supplies Collection Stations Maintenance - Office Equipment Office Supplie s Vehicle Expenses Car and Travel Expenses Postage 42,689.59 34,917.41 602.92 l,737.30 3,353.65 3,l44087 2,300.65 1,0500591 -1..9,708.21 550 TOTAL 100,505.19 ADHilirSTRATIVE AND GENERAL EXPENSES 605 Supervision 610 Salaries 615 Telephone Expenses 620 Office Supplies 625 Special Engineering 630 Social Security 635 Insurance - Buildings 640 Sales Tax 645 Ploperty Taxes 650 Accounts ChargeJ Off 655 Long and Short Cash 660 Employees Retirement 665 Accident Insurance 670 Auditing Expenses 675 Contracting Service 680 Organizc>tior,al Dues and Hemberships 685 Joint Building Haintenance 690 Services Pel'formed - Other D2?2~~tm8nts 695 Travel Expenses 10,398000 4,503.42 2,197.94 447.66 976.81 12,513.531 4,!f79.50 1,902.531 20,000.00 399 of;;!,:, 42055 lO,678.49 15,161.971 4,800<00, 20,732.10i 978.081 .00 15,600.00 ___3g~~~h. TOTAL l26,196.53 ----------.---.----- AX;fF.;L BUDC;;::T 91,970.00 Lf5,305.00 - 37,960.00 700.00 2,000.00 3,000.00 II ,000.00 2,600.00 .00 .-12> OO.Q..2.QQ. 107,565.00 -1J-,-COO.00. 12, / r; j'. ~ , 1~;"9- ;~SS 00 ...--. . t./ C' " {\, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I F 1 j\~D_,_~{~ J;~ (~"X_~,I_!~:+__~.c T';+~:_l: ;;....7::___.__._. DS P;;\.I~ T::. ~G:'_lL___ _.__ _______ __._.__ ____m___.._____ -,,-..:.., CITY OF SAU~;A, YJ\l'-'SAS ~--'---,-------.,-----,-- ---. --_ I~ 2)' /\.l~:: , ,_,,~='-==.'. ='"C =.7:='.'__ _ ,=.". C",.~, ,"-=,=".c..,.~='."..~!'c;y ,';"c-o,1:..1=~J 1_ Actu21 I Ag2!~:~~~~~ propo,O'2d! CLASSI.FICATION r:.-evious YC<.'-;: I Budge t Bl'dg2 t ! ==-==o===~==",==--==.,,=~, ..~-=- 1. ~,?=,,==...=.==,,==-l2~~'=~"'==-c="'=7.~=J)1:t=(:L==-_~ I :::::;":-==="'::::::-::;;::=";":':'=--==::=:'::-':::'~""'::"'---=--:=:::-::~-=-"';"::='-::::::::;==,.':'"..::.='=-~-=:-::':::--';;;;;;;' ACCOUNT SEHAGE TREATNENT AND COLI"ECTION EXPENSE /' 705 Supervision 71.0 Operating Salaries 715 Electric Power 720 Gas Service 725 Plant Operating Supplies 730 Maintenance -Equipment' 735 Maintenance - Buildings and Grounds 740 Maintenance - Pumping Stations 745 Maintenance - Sanitary Sewers 750 Vehicle Expenses 30,028.03 53,360081 24,917049 1,927.2l l,309.65 tf,9950ttS 990.42 2,Jl+3.04 l,357,54 tf196LlO, TOTAL 125,990074 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSE 645,531. 55 BOND ORDINANCE RESERVE REQUIRB1ENTS 910 Bond Principal Payments 915 Bond Interest Payments 87,000.00 1}8 ] 0.900 CO TOTAL 225,000.00 GRAND TOTAL 870,531.55 33,280.00 57,565.00 26,600.00 2,800.00 1,770.00 5,900.00 l,380.00 4,360.00 l,800.00 ~-1.Q.Q_~~Q l40,Lf55000 710> 385.00 l20,OOO.00 1 OO,-"l.~ 5 . OS!. 220,l95.00 930,580.00 r I / 3,;5 >'2-3~O ,~,o't,5, 752.00 27,000.00 2,800.00 l,820.00 I 8,210.00 800.00 I 6,375.00 I 2,975.GC I 5 5.'J0. 00 I -, "",', -"-, -I IE':):- 1 , T'~7f}V I 7103. {,I) O~() I ~:-I~'r')i ~'.::r:::r"'""""1 ~/ I I I l20,OOQ~OO : ~2~_Q.Q.1 216,295.00 I . , ~':>O.~o.O C!; '1 (/' v, I /. ' . ---/ I j I I 1 I I I J I I __,_.____ _ ._______.___L.__..".____....__..~ --~--.-._,------_.,----,----- AN:rr.:AIJ BUDC~;:'l' FUND_.!}~-.tl:'r c~ r~0._S ~_"i.c r a,~ e . DE PARTi.lE;'iL_____.____.___ ~=~. ,_~-='c=~~=~~=~=.c~===~==,,-cC~~~~-~~_~~~~t ~- :~l.~:~=~--~~~.~:~1'~---- ~=--~=:=~=!<:~~==! L~ Adjvsted I . Ac tua 1. CLtrrent P:'oposed I ACCOUNT CL..\SSrFrCATIO:t\' Previous Year Budget Budget ,=_0, __. ==-=-==-===-=-_.....".., -=---=l-9.6J3 __.,~~~J,2'62-=~, 1970 . I I I I I I EXPENDITURES Water Supply Softening and Treatment Pumping Expense Distribution Expense Customer Accounting and Collection Administrative and General Expense Sewage Treabnent Expense Cash Remitted to Sanitation Department Capital Improvements Transfer to Bond Retirement and Extension Transfer to Bond and Inte-est Reserve I I I TOTAL EXPENDITURES I City Treasurer's Balance - January lst Less: Unpaid Purchase Orders Unencumbered Cash Balance January 1st I m~..Y:.f:..t'Jl!~ I \-la tel' Revenue Sewage Revenue Miscellaneous Income Tapping Service Service Charge frOl:t Sanitation Department Cash Collected fOl' Sanitation Department Capital Improvem2nt from (Bond Retirement and Extension and Construction Reserves) Net Cash Increase in CU1Tent Asse ts I I I I TOTAL RECEIP'.LS TOTAL RECEIPfS AND BEGIWNlllG BALANCE Less Expenditures UnencUlr,bered Cash Balance December 31st I I I I I l-~--~---- ANNTJ:\L BI.iD::;:::: 15,063.92 17,l70.00 l57,657.49 166,075.00 50,763.43 53,030000 I 69,354.25 9l,970.00 100,5050l9 107,565.00 l26,196.53 134,l20000 125,990.74 140,455.00 l56,000.00 198,OOOoOO 220,395.81 l28,000000 Res. 70,000000 I 220.J.' .00 225~OO.OO r~-~...?-'2Q. 1,3]0,927.36 1'256'580.00 160,906079 126,285.48 I I ~~33.Jl l7,288.23 I 133,972.88 587,536.32 3/+9,461.63 4,222.62 5,972.l0 2,942.98 156,000.00 108,997.25 590,000.00 350,000000 6,000.00 6,500.00 3,000.00 198,000.00 173,Sl7.48 110,000.00 __.~2.?!_3 . ~Q ____..2..9Q 1,291,951073 ~,263,500.00 l,425,924.6J. ,372,497.25 1, :H~-,_2.?L.J.?. S~ 256, SSO 000 108,997.25 115,917.25 .1c{J'I- ( ? O~....- 11~,'15'S.d,J - ~S '150, UOJ-- 95"~S,60~ 12- r ' ? Ie ,0) -- !"I/&1o.t>eJ-- ,L:~5g SL/O ,00.,- /92,000,0<) /35 "l j:J ,r) )~ .0D ' 21(.,,1\', ('j I --,(". I 1,3!2,~ I I I , I I 115,917.25 I ---- 595,000.00 353,OOG.00 ! 6,000000 I 7,000.00 I 3,200.00 198,OOIJoOO .. 135 ~~~o~~g I I I 1,297,200000 1,413,'17.25 1.1..~0~, '-~~._~ i -'! "'J ;. ,; ,,' ~ I . Jt~:~~:t-)l.;. I , i I i I I ....__..__,..~.___.._ ____.,...__.. _J I FijT<D. D;~:-'.AR'~\1 s:\ ~, I (':,:\ , K!~~::~:\5 ----.' -,~ ---,---,--. --m_,-CITY or s l;~:>:\_;\.'~ ,.. ... -., . I }"-c ~ i) ~~.l CL'\SSIFI CATI'Jl'~ C-:,-l..3 ~{r. I 1968 I WATER SUPPLY EXPENSi,:S SOfTEn mG AND TREATi:'lBNT EXPENSES PUNPING EXPENSES DIS:l'RlBUTION EXPENSES CUSTOHERS ACCOUNTING AND COLLECTION ADNnnSTRATIVE AND GENERAL E..:Y.PENSES SEHAGE TREATi:1E~T AND COLLECTION EXPE::\SE l5 ,06] . 92 157,657,Lt9 50,763.!-t3 69,354.25 100,505019 l26,196053 1-2,2.2.9 9-9...!1~ I I TOTAL 6Lj5,531055 I :"'; tcr B1}d~.(' t. 1969 l7,l70000 166,075.00 53,030.00 91,970000 107,565.00 134, l20 000 1 ~.Q.~, 45 5 ~g.9_ 710,385.00 PE~~;e II7 Propos:~J Budge t. 1970 J 11 \ .~':) 1 1- ) i li-7 ," , "1 r C j ~<:. ~.. J 12.11/),00 /'(2, /.oc/., ,6) 152 'l, ~ /1 ' 0 7;; "'.'J) : I----~ -----------;,-~~~on -~-- n '~dget commcn~~La ;~t~~-~~;-- -- __1______--' I The wa:!:._e~ ~ivisio_~ of the ~'later and Sewera.ge Department: is responsible I for the operation, maintenance and repair of all facilities necessary for supply, treatment, storage and distribution of water for the City of Salina; I to maintain and keep in good repair all water distribution mains, valves and fire hydrants throughout the system. I The billin'l 9-nsl accounting d:iy~~~on processes all orders for new ser-' I vices and disconnec.ts, computes charges, and is responsible for the collec" I tion of all revenues due the Water and Sewerage Department. Servicemen and meter readers install, remove, clean, check, and read monthly, all meters which record water consumption. FUNCTION I I I I I Responsibility of the operation and maintenance of all facilities necessary for proper treatment and disposal of sanitary sewage from the City of Salina is the primary function of the Sewage Treatment Plan.:L:. I The sanj,t.~x:. ~e",~~.9~_ ~?}~E!~~ci_sm di~!.s:h.?n has the responsibillty of maintaining and keeping all sanitary sewer mains, laterals and sewage PUTI,P stations in the system in good operating condition. II I II BUDGE'l' CO~JI'-lENTS A review of the totu.l ope::cating and maintenance costs for 1968 and the a.djusb':!c1 1969 btlC3get along 'dit,h the pj~oject(>d 1970 budget readily ShO";1S an increase in the total operating expense. This is primarily due to the proposed cost of living saJary increase and the a~dition of four new Cillployees tlu_-OU-:1f10ut the \';'at,e:c arid ScvicrCi;e Depart.r:1.ent.. The propuf,c;d n<:::",7 employees are included ',vitbin account l"iumbers 410, 510 and 710. I I i I I I I i I _______________~_._.-.-.--,-.-.---------L .-,--,--------.---.---------------, ANl\uAL BFDC:L':;: Outlay Line Item 110 Sho\'lS a marked decrease for 1970 when compared to 1969. is due to the compl~tion of pulling 15 well casings This work should need to be done again for 10 or 12 years tal Function Con t I d COM~1ENT S BUDGE'I' This not proposed the from 225 approximately 50% in Line Item based on past years experience 'l'he decrease of budget has been increase. This item is based directly on as well as the total voltm1e of wa.ter treated, variation, depending upon season. 1969 Item 230 reflects a slight the amount of well water used both subject to considerable is Th Item 235 has increased greatly above the actual expenses in 1968 is due partly to the cost of rebuilding the interior of the calcining furnace. $6,000.00 has been spent from this item in the first four months of this year. The remainder of anticipated expense is for regular routine equipment maint.enance. 'l'he 1970 request includes the purchase of a 2000 pound chlorine inject,or assembly ($2,000.00); water jacke't shells for the carball machines (C02) ($1,700.00); leathers for hydraulic cylinders of filters ~nd swivel casters for chlorine dollies ($1,000.00). Item 270 increased sharply when compared to 1968 expenditure. Expendi- tures for 1969 includes routine maintenance, bearings, welding, etc., t.o the calci nin9 furnace as \'1811 as replacement of some of the 8 water-cooled at the bottom of the furnace. The 1970 request includes replacement rCL'ain:i ng s cre.vs; 1 furnace .agi tator, and the possibili ty of one This also includes routine maintenance of the roto-clonc s cr e~'l bin (--; any conveyor and sUJ:g screws of ~ 117b BUDGET COMMENTS Cont'd Item 315 reflects a $500.00 increase due to added cos ts of pun~ping to our 1.6 million gallon w~ter reservoir and the request for serving the new southwest rural water district. Item 410 - Since the acquisition of the Salina Airport Industrial Center system, our water maintenance work has increased tremendously. This item reflects the addition of hlO Maintenance Workers II to our water dis- tribution maintenance crew. This involves fire hydrant and valve mainLen- ance, locating valves in the system, raising valves to grade, etc. Item 440 - 'l'h e 1969 budget reflects the cost for painting the 1 million gallon overhead storage tank. The 1970 request includes high lilicol1e cast 'iron anodes to be placed in our overhead storage tanks for cathodic protec- tion purposes, and a service contract with Brist.ol Company for all our telemeter2 to the overhead tanks including 6 transmitt.ers and 8 receivers. It.em 510 in t.he proposed 1970 budget request reflects an additional Clerk-Typist I. " Line Item 540 shmvs an increase due to our preser.t compliment of trucks (4 meter reader trucks, 3 servicemen). Meter readers were provided vehicles in Noveml,er, 1968. Item 550 is increased as a result of the proposed increase in postage rates. Item 6GO .- An increase t,o 6. 1 % of the total salarics for participating employecs In their retircment pr6gram. on BUDGE'r COlf.1i-1EN'l'S Cont'd.) Line Item 685 is a new item for the Water and Sewerage Department's share of the maintenance costs of the new Joint City-County-Board of Education building. Item 710 in the proposed 1970 request includes the addition of one Maintenance Worker II for our sewage collection system. The increasing number of sewage lift stations throughout the city require additional maintenance time, as does the system inherited by the City at the airport complex. Item 715 (Electric Power) includes the tvJO sewage treatment plants &nd 38 sewage lift stations. I tern 7 30 of the 1970 request reflects the repair of our \'later viell pump at the main sewage treatment plant. This water is necessary in the operation of our waste gctS scrubber system as well as our boiler. Item 740 includes chemicals for removing grease from wet wells and killing Gear-causing bacteria; a wall type heater to be installed at the pump station at 500 East Ash; and the replace~ent of syphon drains with automatic sump pumps in fOllr sewage lift stations. Item 750 for the 1970 budget request includes an engine overhaul for one grass mower and the replacement of the Jacobs~n mower at se\vage treatment plant #2. It should be kept in mind that most of the treatment equipn,en~: at the:; water plant is 14 years old and some of it will. have to be rcpla(;~d J_n trlc ay near future. For instance, the Dracco pnewnatic chemical unloader will only remove chemicals from a car at one-half the rate it did when it was new. Items like the Walker softening basin will amount to $30,000.00 ) Con t ' d BUDGET COMlvlENTS OUTLAY Our major capital improvements for 1970 will be the continuation Of the 12" water line down Broadway Street to Ninth and Euclid Streets. The installation, wiring and housing of booster pumps for for increasing the systems volume and pressure at the golf course site. CAPITAJ..J 00, I 001 I I 001 I 00 I I 001 I ,--_! $7,000.00 transmi tter . . . . . . include the following (16 MG/Day flow recorder ............ Proposed items for 1970 Ivater Plant Flow tube in 30" line and appurtenances). . Erecti 74S 600 750 2 map yard analysis cabinet . . . table and '. . in pipe storage bacteriological lab t~ems for plant ( camera and film) AND ACCOUNTING ing for storage build water for i Miscellaneous rack, POlaroid CUS'I'OMEP. SERVICE 1 ], ng sti r Wate 405 475 . ng machines typewri ter a.ddj One electri.c '1\'10 CAPI'rAL OUTLAY (Cant I 0. Check protector $ 100.00 Replacement furniture (two secretarial units one desk, 4 chai.rs for offi.ce) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 838.00 Safe for water office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 400.00 Replacement of Lektrakard trays with size trays required for department records. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206.00 Miscellaneous i terns (was te baskets, desk pens, e tc . ) . . 7'5.00 Procedure Manual for water office study . . . . . . . . 2,000.00 Lease of Burroughs machine for billing operation. . . . . 3,952.08 Cost of initial programming Burroughs machine . . . . . . 2,000.00 The last two items will replace our present billing wachines which were purchased in 1954. 'l'his cOinputer system will present a more efficient billing. operation as well Ct.s store numerous programs and statistics that will be of considerable value in the operation of the department I I. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I POSI110:; 'it'LL? 605 Director of Utilities 510 Office l'iar,ager 610 AccoLlnt Clerk II 510 Acc.ouni.: Clerk I 510 Clerk Typist: II 510 CIerI: Typi s t I 510 Bookkeeping Hac.hine Operator I 515 Fo r i:.e C~J'l I 515 Water Servic.erqn 515 lri~t;.er Reo\i8'.L Extra Time Part Time Total (:-.~ .~. ';' J-;' ~,_\ ~~ "~' :' ~\: ~.\ \. ~ ,-\-~ I ,..:";:: :.:'~}~',~_~,/ I.:;:'/"'~J c'! .! .:.;:~,~ 'i I l-r' I 1 1 .1 ':l -' 3 3 .1 3 3 11 1 1 1 3 !.f 3 1 3 3 'R. ;~~ fl i~ ::. 5")'; 1013 I ._ 512 593 346 420 3l!1 382. 300 364 281.; 330 31!f 382 442 538 II i:. 5 471 393 445 ) {ll (' jJ \ (j" \ I . :1 i i I ~-t i: ~. k_':j:>./'J I . .;'-..~:\ '~'-_~-;': l.':~_::':. :'_".L .--.---- ~._- -'f I. i r;/ I 'f' : " )) I I I It 7,) . , FV';:I - ..._~.~ ...--.-_ --.___.__..._ .____. ____." __ _n.______... __'___' ._ ___ "_ ----.-,.- --..-..--.- .----~- i-----..--.~~-.----;.----.-. ___...n'__j I - /1)) I 12.,:!c~7-.e,o I I I I ! ", J. .:. ~ ,- - - ^ Cl.J~~\1. t,.', r-~ t~ P, 1~; d (~; c' L 11,568.00 5,84 11.00 4,800.00 4,356.00 12 ,Oft3. 00 8,652.00 13,859.00 6,1411.00 16,128.00 11.,,41: 9.00 1,600.00 . 252.00 99,695.00 I J '1 -II) /1, i I .- ! 73/S- ) I ~I . I i I I ____._..L l.:'::::~)C J 1.3 P,.~;-.:) :1: C: l~u(lget ~"L:S6,OO (' ILl:). j " .~' \?' 9 fiC ~ . . 4,58!+.OO 13,104.06 1Lf,352.00 1.2,928.00 6,/156,00 16,956.08 I i I 15,653.00 , I 2,105.08 I I I 1 I -,~-~--:~ t;' r. =~--- I /~,"''''' , I ,.bQ.9..,f~ s. r. n 0 . I ,.. I I I . \ I I I I I;' ^; I ).~7- 7.' I, ,,' "" .}j ~.- ~ FC~<D l~;,~~.t~r D S ------,----.._---- ---.- I I I I I I I I I I. I I I I I I I I ~ c.,~- J" 1'!~.~ :.; ~).L .' ::-\: ::.:'_;\~.\.~'~- ::Cl:. ~'IT: "__:_-: l)rl,'~.~.'.- .'. '_~\,.!.. _. .___. [:~] p 1. .:; )'...~~. (;- :) rOS1'!:10~; Ti'TE R~nt/~ E1J~~Zt? ~- :";! 205/305 Hater Plan t Supt. 1 1 622 83!f 205 Asst. Hater Plan t Supt, 1 1 622 72J 205 Plant Laboratory Tech. 1 1 420 512 210/310 Hater Plant Operator; 11 11 t;45 471 305/1.05 Foremsn II 2 2 LI65 565 [:.10 Nain temmce \.70 r"l:2. r II 5 7 418 445 4 UJ l:~ain tenan ce Harker I 1 1 407 1130 If15 \'later i-feter Repairman II 1 1 1[45 471 415 Hater Neter Repain;;an II 1 1 418 1;45 Ext;ra Time Total 9 ,/f20. 00 5,600.00 5,077.00 59,719.00 12,912.00 25,296.00 4,710.00 5,3/6.00 5$085.00 1,825.00 135,020.00 i I I I I I I I I,'~';)~ ;'::' ,- ......- ._1____.., .;\ ~-~ \ .~"- \:. J: 1"" i; -l Ie: S (~ .1 ; (: l' j,. ~.~':: ..c:1 li!JdzC'.t lO,OOS.CO 8,832,00 6,048.00 62,018.00 13,560.00 36,876.00 5,160.00 5,652.00 5, YfO. 00 2,351.00 '."..9'?O,-u ll~ f:1S tL 0Ef- ) ,). I ~i . . /----:-? l'/: I I I I I I I I I I I ,I I I I I I I - POS1TIOl~ 11',],'; c-:;., ~ ~f' ~"'\'-_"~ ",: \: ::.::'-:<~_~".~' l'l.c~ ~~ E:!;p} ,:l:~..-=, ~-:: .:' 1:.""0'" ."':/ 705 Se\J2ge Plant Supt. 1 1 538 721 705 Foreman II 1. 1 465 565 .L 705 Foreman I 3 3 Lf!,2 538 710 Sevwge Plant Operator 6 6 41H - 445 710 Hain tenance Harker II 4 5 IdS - li45 710 Plan t Laboratory Tccil. 1 1 If20 512 Ext r:a Time Total I I I ,.---- ,.,..-..........,.-_........, .:U.\ '..\~, },.:.:~;:.-;: r1~ ~\~D ~_..;!i._;:.~l_.:~~___~_n_(J ._,_~~\=~':~_(_'!" D ~>l.:\ :.~. ~~.: ,~'~ J _'n r :. \,.f (, 1 ! tJ :;;.'.';i.' Ll' ....L:,l 1',. , , .. I l'r ':;r'\~).~c'~~ Buc1~;c t E.'..'C:~c t , __'__, ,...___cc.,,='. ..,.1....,.. _.... . _,. ....___,_. 8 ? ~ ~ 00 I 8' r ') r 0 ,_.L':, c', O.)t.. ,.I 6,/:56.00 " . (,780.00 Ij\ 18,1.32.00 19,368.00 30,437,00 32, O!IO. 00 20,257.00 26,I'!18.00 6,14L,.OV 1,553.00 5,844.00 ,". " 1,487.00 90, 8f,S. 00 JU,3 f ()o:3, u (}.. 100, :JJj o.{'8 /1'.' " '), L--- I I I I i I I 'J..n..._.._..__......_._. ___..._........ ...... July 22, 1969 The proposed budget for 1970, as submitted by the City Manager, was approved for publication subject to the following amendments: (1) That the appropriations for the Cultural Arts Corrmission be increased by $2,050.00 and that ~~e appropriation for Industrial Development be reduced by the same amount. (2) That personal services for all departments and funds be adjusted to provide a 2% salary increase. (3) That anticipated revenues for th~ General Operating Fund be increased in the following amounts: Accounts 1969 1970 110 310 & 383 410 440 727 Current Tangible Taxes House Moving Permits Municipal Court Fines Franchise Taxes Sale of Lots $ 4,000.00 2,000.00 $ 9,390.00 2,000.00 3,000.00 10,000.00 500.00 (4) That 1970 Tangible Tax Revenues for the following Special Funds be adjusted in the following amounts: Firemen's Pension policemen's Pension Flood Works & Levee Social Security Employees Retirement decreased decreased increased increased increased 270.00 240.00 340.00 760.00 780.00 ATTEST: /) /X.::t. t:) .~:f!-i:P,f/~, d~,~~ Donald D. Millikan, Mayor ~ D. L. Harrison City Clerk