Budget - 1962 - - - - - - - - - CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST ~ - - - - - .- - - - Fund Function Department Submitted By Date - 1962 ..u.... .u....v y ~~l~~"" J."" ---.---"--,.------...- UCi\I I!MIIt8 CURRENT YEAR Levy MliWIO ..... ~ RIU Account HlWItIIl 11& -- ~ {#f#H .. ~ RfiiI IIffttII .... IllIltiJitflf Sales Fund Levy Ad Valorem Sales Tax Net AdValorelI Net AdValorell Add 2% "otal AdValore 1961 'T'ov ",,,nrlo Limit Tax Mills Mills Levv Mills Lev" Dollnrs ne1in"'''en~ "T'nv ,,_, 1 .__ Levv - _L350.38 General ODeratin~ 13.5000 12.5806 0.9627' 11.6179 607 596.51 12 151.93 619 748.44 11.2468 930.05 Band 0.5000 0.2177 0.0175 0.2002 10 465.84 209.32 10 675.16 0.2037 406.35 Cemetery 0.2500 0.1069 0.0077 0.0992 5 188.86 103.78 5 292.64 0.0890 : 879.55 General ImDrovement 2.0000 0.9226 0.0728 0.8498 44,431.58 888.63 45,320.21 0.8497 235.59 Memorial Hall - 0.2500 0.0060 0.0045 0.0015 765 63 22,93 788.56 0.0516 -".- 6 801. 92 A~~rel!ate 16.5000 13.8338 1.0652 12.7686 668 448.42 13 376.59 681 825.01 12.4408 ---...- 110.53 Noxious Weeds 1.0000 0.0424 0.0023 0.0401 2 096.94 41. 94 2 138.88 0.0264 356.58 Firemen's Pension 2.0000 0.0790 0.0067 0.0723 3 777.48 75.54 3 853.02 0.0781 792 64 Policemen's Pension 2.0000 o 1543 o 0149 0.1394 7 291 05 145 82 7 436 87 0_1736 L.Q1J~6 -- Public Health 0.5000 0.2996 0.0306 o 2690 14 1167 49 ?81 1~ 14 148 84 o 1570 884.84 Flood Control Work & Dikes 1.0000 0.3191 0.0166 o 3025 15 R?1117 111\42 11\ 117 49 11 1918 Industrial Fund 0.5000 26 125.00 522.50 26 647.50 r.;"ll ~ - - Vo;"p S,,~t"m 11 ?174 Sub-Total 14.0919 717 627 45 14 760 16 752 387.61 13.5017 Rnnrl R, Tntere"t 8 8909 465 H'!5l 21 9 307 02 474 658.23 9.3785 (In Lieu of Bonds) General & Snecial Imnrovements 1. 6072 84 054.34 1 681. 09 85 735.43 1.1944 iO 586 47 'T'nt" 1 0 1 1363 24 59110 1 ?", n'!'! nn ?~ 74R_27 1 '127R1 ?7 ?4.0ROO Intan"ible Valuation 6 022 110 0 Tan"ible Valuation 53 344 433 0 pnnu1 at ion Cit" 40 804 . PODu1ation Countv 47 856 . ,. J Year For the Fiscal Page 5 3 6 - - - - - - - - - CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST - - - - - - - - - Fund Function Department Submitted By Date - Final Budget Allowance Manager's Recom- mendation lQII? Budget Request 1 'M1 1961 Total ~ CURRENT YEAR Estimate ~Months For the Fiscal Year 1960 Actual Previous Year Page Acc't. No. Current Budget Actual ~Months Account A 11 H'nnn<::: -l--- B~::- ~~~~_s~~et:y I General Improvement 1----- ---------- - ------ f_Memoria1 Hall. t----i'< oxi.o~_" __We.<c!i~__ 518.00 138 00 722 108 00 722 108 1 14 487 727 234.86 381 019.270.4l Gene ra 1__0pera t ing 600.00 11 600.00 11 600.00 11 450.00 7 150.00 4 960.00 9 00 815 15 00 715 14 00 715 1.+ 72 618 10 096.28 4 06 151 14 000.00 50 50.000.00 000.00 50 50 705 37 294.50 -+---___ 12 53 887 48 -----+--- _..1-'-.279 ~-~-_-l.,2OQ~Q-t---1.-.=..5QO.-... .OOt.- ._'.305 .QO t- _~430.00 ~~._~____2_0,770.Q()+___~0229'00 _ ~l5...t..~.-.~'JlQ1' .... J5-'-~..9~',.'.QQ -~---~. 5. 6~6.00____ __ 43,32.9.00 _~..l+1~2.2,QQ_~__~~0.00 t-- 10,88!..:.Zl. __ _lQ.....8~1.7J+___19...J.Q9-'-Q"O_+--____ . 88: : ::: :t--; 3: ~:::r~:o:~~~: :~+. ------------ 63. 3Q!L.Q.0 ~300. 9~J!2....Q00. OJ ~40~QL_ 85.350.00 00 375 11..L8.?2.,..Q<Lt___lO 00 J 1,875 _~406~__ l..1-,-Q~~<L 399.00 46 ~LQQ.Q..O 0 ~83 43 -1 -5 ____+ _ ..1.!.....13 2--,-~ _+__14,067~_+ 4,632 ; 17 435'99J___'_'0. l~~:~~~ - 1.'98:: 1- J 761,848. 469.00 _~48 ____220.50 -r- 00 3 ~____l.... 34Q~Q.0_ _ ____Z~Q.!. 65 ___!.....!!:l+~ & Dikes ~--- .-..------ De vel 0 2!"~n_t Pension 's Pension -_..__. -.----- --- Works Puh1ic '-Iealth -- ------' ------ onlt'ol Industria s Pol icemer erne Flood F ___~QlJ_ 'U.6_._1!+ __J~Z'5~~ 25 terest_n__ I & Rond __~l......300. 00 00 &--,'i.p~ia l__!!nprovellle..!'t:-.._ ___-+_~~Q'O. 00+__ General t--- /,irport - Revolving Fund I I ~. ___.___;'gf~!~_e_ Co_1lect ion Fee Bas is -----.--ll-Water Department - Water - -~-~r - . "lyU_M",,~ Vv-'" 110.00 90 570.09 75 00 75 540 83.890 68 12 56 684 170 65 47 88 19 855 720 2 36 25 17 625 79.805 62 rk i'!.&.J:1'~.ter-.!:und Pa ---- ..lil.....6 00 ~.9... 580,100.00 00 __..l2.Q~_5 ~~~...QQ 483.775...QQ 112.28 100 72 49.312 188.406.26 _.lZ.~L6_0ChQ.Q 55 381.209 45 102.565 554.40 353 Sewage & -~-~.- 424,827~70 ___~~Q.Lg.Q. -t------- I 2 992 1<90 41< 11 l2.250.00 -. 2_143_1~~_971 3 n~~ ?nQ 96 12.250.00 892.0li.3.99 12.250.00 2 6~8 _ ~ 11 .99 Warn in." ~ ~ Totals ----1-- - - - - - - - - - CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST - - - - - - - - - Fund Function Department Submitted By: Date - Final Budget Allowance Manager's Recom- mendation 1962 Budget Request 19lil 1961 Total ~ CURRENT YEAR Estimate ...J!.....-Months For the Fiscal Year 1961 -Xctual ..LMonths 1960 Actual Previous Year Page -. Acc't. No. Current Budget Account Summarv General Operating Fund 350.00 21 400.00 21 100.00 22 437.98 17 662.02 4 10.725.77 City Commission 170.00 28 995.00 11 170.00 18 59 910 11 259.41 6 796.22 13 __.f.~ tJI_ Mana ge r 220.00 61 980.00 44 00 625 48 85 342 28 15 282 20 567.85 46 Clerk & Treasurer City ==r _ __p__L~it~ou-=-t 00 535 12 110.00 12 00 635 11 96 011 8 623.04 3 803.90 10 Attorney City 00 275 25 00 23_!.075 00 275 23 78 384 15 22 890 7 530.96 22 3_570.00 OQ 3....245 00 3.245 92 2,237 08 007 1 3.044.09 <:<HYJ'.9lice Court 950.00 59.61?~00 lZ 12,490.00 54.605.00 ~120.Q9 00 54,047.00 239.120.00 735 13 549.26 396.83 _8 37 74 17 185 16,650 5 190.85 173.91 10 53 258.....12..3 00 160.643.29 71 476 78 12 226.749 go 5Q5 2Q 00 18.035 00 135 18 76 12.399 735.24 5 42 16.372 -.t.. City Engineer Fire ---------t Inspection I __~___u_ -+-__P ark__ City Buildings 770.00 70 745.QO 64 00 745 64 10 49.417 90 327 15 46.350.1] 00 2.8.L815 QO 95.0. 26.7 268.800.00 18 992 l72 95.807.82 255.493.29 ____ Polic~ 11 0 0 Z2...Q.Q.. 00 106 ,00.0. 00 lQ9.065 417.74 67 26 647 41 982.97 l04 ." .____~J;.r<=.g_LL~ll.EU'~..s~_\oI"e.L~___ 072.00 28 15 827.0.0. 00 18,077 9.593.67 8.483.33 23.366.38 Dis posa 1 Waste 00 66.820.00 00 055 45 675.7 5 17 379.25 27 970.39 71 Sewage DisDosal 1i0 000_00 49.S00_00 57_000.00 36.371.54 20 ...62.8._.li6 44,~4.4~ 55 .C:::trppt T 44.250.00 00 075 ~ 143.00 60 953.94 37 189.06 22 46,386.65 & Parking _ Traffic 15.000.00 __ 20.000. OQ 20.000.00 20.000.00 00 00 Airport Swimming Pools - _14.950.00 750..00 13. 13.750.00 13.750.00 00 12.420.92 3 138.518.00 1 00 722 108 1 108.722.00 1 l4 487 727 234.86 38l 019.270.4l ----+- -.--"- ------------------- CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year ~ Fund Function Department Submitted By Date _ Acc't. No. Final Budget Allowance Manager's Recom- mendation 19Q9 Budget Request 1921 Current Budget General ODera1!ing tf 9.655.32 24.746.11 119,000 00 1 ? ~ (\oo.....ao. 27 .000.00 ~ ~00.00 50.00 100.00 200.00 ~ 500.00 75,000.00 500.00 .00. 10 000.00 100.00 200.00 -..QQ. 5QQ...QQ.. 70,000.00 400.00 .00 " rv'V\. "" l.96l. Total 42. 30Q.!l3 00 CURRENT YEAR a Estimate ~ Months @ Actual -1L.Months ~ Actual Previous Year Page Account 42 580 27,000.00 'l QQ.ll....lliL 5!L.Q.0 9,000.00 50.696003 6,000.00 40,026.00 65.000 00 11. 000.00 l')n nnn nn 309.43 395....6.5 30,000.00 55,000.00 20,000.00 50.00 .00 200.00 16.00 750.00 55,000.00 500.00 50.00 liL..QQQ . 00 405,810 oR 174,525.57 1,>,67~.17 11,326.83 ::>, ~ 1'>::> ~Ql.....3.8. 50.00 12 450.00 20 000000 .00 .00 200.00 . .00 500 . 00 _ 55.000.00 h~$ 61.50 JXl 50.00 ()() 10 , 000 . QO 76,895.31 13,318.63 63,576.68 582.533.90 25.860.68 6,251'> 5::> 53.15 26.071.47 48,532.65 9.612.25 49.~76.~,> 6,802.00 50,541.07 14,641.00 14,335.04 1::>3,13fl 1'>5 7,500.00 300.00 346.62 188.50 .00 250.00 ~8.493.93 1,007.50 '51 50 q.n?_hC; l"t 1st ..c1U- 1le.lance Jan. Less Purchase Orders Unencumbered Cash Balance Jan Curr~nt Tanll:ible Taxes Fees and Police Court- Fines. Costs & City Court- Fines. Costs & F, F"'AnphiA~ 'l'A.YFlR. Parking Meter Revenue R..nt - C1R.kilA1.. Park Run ding' ~nnC!esRinns _ """""-~-,- ~ ~nn~essions _ Pnn1a RAnt _ Stl"....t ..De: State Cill:arett Tax State Gasoline Tax State Liauor Enfo1'Cement Tax State Sal~ ~tA t.P TJi non.:.rou Taxes Taxe.s.. 'T'AYPR Pools 1'l11l'" .ray Park Rental F.ngjn..er1ng F",..s TDlPmlnd1ng Fees Sale of i1pel!i a 1 ^~""'.(aa"''''''r'Ia _ ..cJ'1"1"f!!nt. Intanll:1bl~ "'. "'" ~, Jd.Q 120 --J.3O.. _.m ~ ~ ~. ~ -260_ 310 Jilo.. 420 ....!llill.. -li5-O- $l. -522- C;~< -W- C;hl -1Ol JQ2... --1ok.. 7f\Q ------------------- CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year ~ Fund_. Function _ Department Submitted By Date .7......"" ,un, I un, -------,. Acc't. Actual 10hl CURRENT YEAR 1061 Current Budget Manager's Final Account Previous Actual -8-- Estimate Recom- Budget No. Year ~Months Months Total Budget Request mendation Allowance __1.l2....- Fire n - Outs1 de ~i tv L;lmi ts <. 2<;<.,01 ' Q..Q ~" 121.50 2 000.00 ~ I'YV1 ('\('I 1 500.00 _-Ill I Street Cut Re~irs 1. "\1'> . ,2 414.20 585.80 1 000.00 1.<;00.00 1 000.00 ~- Concrete Sawiruz <'11. 40 67.00 133.00 200.00 00 200.00 _~~l.s:_ Sewer Fees 700 . 00 "IV\ IV\ 50.00 350.00 100.00 100.00 ..J20 _ Plats and Rezoning Fees 1 150.00 47';.00 25.00 500.00 ';00.00 500,00 --12.l --- _..Bale of r.onnnod 1 ti ..'" ------------------ ----J...ll5. L. < () '71'1 ~I"I 21. 50 200.00 ?oo.oo 200.00 --125 I Sale of Salvage , Q() aA 6_00 94.00 100000 100.00 100 .00 ~---'l3l_--J Miscellaneous Sa~s and. Service 10.00 .00 50,00 50,00 500.00 50.00 =-t., mobo.. "'om" n. Dep.. it <;0.00 ?<;.m .00 25.00 - 00 .00 --952.~-- Reimbursement of ExlJendi tures _ 2 170.78 7<.()_0? 2 269.98 3 000.00 ? ('\('11"1 1"11"1 2 000.00 -----~-t -._-------- -- 1-..--- - -- - ---- -. _..__._------~---------- '---'-'-_.~._- - -_,~-_,"--'- ._--_.._--_._---_._~_.~-~--- -- -- - ------ - --- 'l'O'l'AT. , me:. O~I"I ,? 707 347 36 3R3,Sl1.32 L091 158.6R , """ r.C.t:. hA 1 113 771.89 ""'+al "nn l'l,,' an,,," 119 526.RO 1 11 6.hA 11 1 .108 722 00 l1A <;18.00 - TA.... 007 717 17 lOA 777_00 1 lOA 72200 138 518.00 r'A..n 1:lo'a"~~ TU>t' ":l1..t_ 6.7 1006.1 ?6. 76.h. 11 - -- -- -- N..t 'f'R.y RpCJ.l'i,...m..n+ ".." """7 O;() "AI"I ..()~ h" h07 <;Of> <;1 ""'-V c;ct " .c;m _ 1C; " hm a' l? 1<;1.01 ""'-v nn11a..... ~P.h ~~A h~ o;O? ('\('I<_c;6 f>10 76.A 44 .- .- T~,n' '.B"" " hhA7 " ?hhA 11 f>170 r...neral Onera t lnll .s- Page ------------------- Fund--.GE Function ---L Department _ Submitted By Date Final Budget Allowance Manager's Recom. mendation 1962- Budget Request 6 Fees 1& 4 ..QQQ....Q.Q. ,400.00 ,500.00 ,500.00 100 . 00 750.00 ,000.00 700.00 100 . 00 .1.00 . 00 100 . 00 100.00 200.00 550.00 500.00 , 7~_OO 00 ~ ~ 700.00 250.00 300 00 50 00 , 2.5O....illL ------llQ 200.00 6 2 1 1 .l961. Current Budget 00 1 200.00 hOD 00 400.00 150.00 i 600.00 00.00 20.00 00 CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year....l962.- l.961 Total 4,600.00 7,000000 100000 750.00 1,000.00 700.00 100.00 -- 300.00 .1Q0.00 100 . 00 260.00 566000 600.00 1 Z!l....QQ. 10 OQ 450.00 450.00 771. 00 300.00 350 00 9.00 1 -.lli.JlO... ------llQ 310 0 00 2,500.00 1. 750.00 1961 CURRENT YEAR Actual 1 Estimate ~Months. -8--Months 4,525.00 75.00 2,,00.00 4,700.00 1,2'>0.001 1,250.00 1.075.00 1 675,00 6 .00 31,00 .140 . 00 500.00 - 215.00 - ~ .00 - ~ 50.00 260.00 ~ 566.00 ~ .00 600000 170 00. ~ i 10.00 i ~ ~ ~ ~ l.<l.S.....illL ?O .illL 9.00 .illL 1.335.00 .illL ------..00.. .QQ ~lO.OO 00 Page Account - Acc't. No. J.9Qo... Actual Previous Year 5,900.00 7,975.00 ,00.00 237.50 100. OQ 325.001 675.001 1.025.00 =3 c;m_c;o EJ Fireworks- f"...I:lict li'i ++..,.1 a T_i "..n<ull .4.n+.n SlInrl PA..,..+.A l' And 3ll- (""'1"_' MIll t ---313- Retail Jj quor --3.l5-- Whol....e.l.. T.iquor Licen"l --32l.. Amu..e1llf!!nt Devicl'ls - Pinbe.' ~ Dances. Public J ----3.113- lH 11h""'..... 4dverti "i ng -31t5--- lS tructi cm...lJ.J --3lrl T.i "..nlil~ 3.!!2.. T of "..n ,.. -35l- ~ -m- ':l<;a _T"1"11T ....--" -J6l License.. ~ ~xice.b Tjcense -36S- 'l'A.yi ~A.h TlriverA. T.; ,...nAfilI -36:L- >ltreet Advertj -3.11- 'T'ra i l..r Call1Ps --3-7~ . Tr>,('l{ ElT'd Tre.1 ~--3"J5--l.Y e.nrl n,. . -- B' ------------------ CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST - Fund Function Department Submitted By Date _ CONSOI.-IOATJ;O_!5Al.INA Final Budget Allowance Manager's Recom- mendation J.96l. 1962- Current Budget Budget Request - - 150 00 150.00 12,000.00 I 12,000.00 1,000000 150.00 1,400.00 1, 250 .00 .00 ~ 7 C;() .tv, 7~{) An For the Fiscal Y ear ~ J.9QQ.- 1961 1961 Actual CURRENT YEAR Previous Actual I --1L.. Estimate Total Year ~Months Months - 1:::.:1= lRo 00 .00 180.00 4,63' 45 7,368.55 12,000.00 1,056.00 244.00 1,300.00 1 .878.80 1 .2Q3..JiO.. 11. 60 1, 215.00 goo. 00 -----00.. .00 000 A~c; "" c;h, 7-S- ----.2.01L 25 7~{) f\n Page ---~ Acc't. N Account o. -J++- JidL H,," 1..,... T i I'..n..e ~J~:~~~~- I -----3-99 --r--Jlog T.i"..n...... _____u__________~____ =~~-_-t=------~----- li'_AIII ---- ~~-~_._-_._--~---------~-~-_.- -r----- ----1 --- -- ---f-- ----- --- ---- -- f _. Tn - '3~ 7""~" ~93.40--r---40,026.00 - C;() o;h7 _m I ""I 37,775000 - -- ---- - - - - -.-- - ---1--___ -- i I L I , I --1 --- ----- ~ I ______u_ -1.--------. - ---3l!L n,_.TOTAL- T.TCF.NSF.S, F.EES....ANn..l'ERM.l ------rl . - ------ _._------~------- ____ _ ___H~_ -- '7 v....I ... ~. A' - -------+--- -- --. ------------------- Fund r:1l:NlP.RA Function Department _---' Submitted By: _ Date _ CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year ~ on Page Final Budget Allowance Manager's Recom- mendation ~ Budget Request J.9Ql. Current Budget 1961 Total CURRENT YEAR Q Estimate ~ Months 196i 4 Actual _Months ~ Actual Previous Year Account Acc't. No. ------ --.llQ -- 500 00 500.00 <;OO~OO <;00..00 500.00 500.00 500000 _~oo .00 .00 .00 00 Officials and Deot. ~=r -'-"" . __-1:=-500'00 Salaries - ---~ ----.. ._~ -_._--~._.- __n ______ _TOTAL.________________ -.. - --- --~._--_._--~~--_.._._--- -- . ______ _CON'IR4CTlJAT...BEB1lICES:...____ _2Q1 __I Rrn..nRlL______ _ ____ ---- ----___.L--------b10 6 ___ :t----2,500.00 __2,50_~~___ l.'>00.00 2,500.00 -- - }- 0.00 ""f-h350. 00 ---'.>-'50,Q<L -1-- 1&5-0 -:1-' - '50. oa_ ---.--t- .._~-,-42 90.20+___~09080 --hQQQ-,illLr------~5QQ..QQ.r_~o.oo-. --t..----..-Q~Q 362.24 _.JIJ.!!. -"QQ.~QQ-T---------159--'OO i ___l~QQ_+_ ---L------~'I5.57__1,500.0Q_f---~Q..Jlli---t__ 11.000.00 I__~~o.oo . I It, ___a.~300.62 ----L~- l.ooo.oot' 5.000.00 L_ ________,ll0 _____~___ .00 __~L_ -~- -- 'l hC;l A? 1_6 -------~~ .OQ _4..11 _ j _Contributlons aas-J legal Adverlli1n.g I _43.1._ t-.In~uran~__",-~~_BQnds__ 299_ L. Other Contr~uU_~rY.ic.U_____ n299-A.j _..Re.Yisi~__ Ordinanc.e.s. __ 299- D . F.irJUnen 's. ..Relief_.Au~LliQj;e Payment 00 300 19. 19~400..00 00 0.50 20 'i'lR .,l8 ,007 .08 8 ---- 'io.o.O nT-.1'Q'J:AL...------- ---- -- ----~-~--- - MA 'l'F.RT AT S AND ffiIPPLIF.: Unnwa and p.~4~~~Ala 50000 00 39. 'i0 1n .<;0 00 -33l -------+-- _ 'lVYI'A T_ 00 -1---- ---+--- 1.~00_00 1,500.00 50000 50000 500.00 ~Q 'i0 1n.<;0 .00 ____-+_.31l1IDBY. __~ ~aRni7.+'inn Dues 1 Cltv CQIIlI!I18sl0n 500.00 350000 ! 21 1,500 00 21.400_.00 1 _n 1,500.00 22.100.00 30 300 . 30 437098 300 17 1 _ 100_70 1.:1.99 70 4~662.02 L"U7 _70 1,317 79 10.. 725..77 -- ---I-:: ----.- ------------------- CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year ---.l.962- Fund Function Department Submitted By: _ Date Final Budget Allowance Manager's Recom- mendation l.962 Budget Request ~ Current Budget .J.9Ql Total CURRENT YEAR o Estimate ~Months .J.9QJ. Actual ~ Months 1960 Actual Previous Year Page Account --- --- Acc't. No. -~-~ -- ~-,-~- .- - ---r -- ----+.------ _ .._ .-f- ~=~o.o:t=~-~ ------ J.OCl...OO.. ---25....QQ... ~ 250.00 - 11,SSO ~[_ 8,250.00 500.00 970.00 -. 300 . OOt--. 300.00 . . .2QM-y--~I--...9llil.illL_. +__ lQQ...QQ.-J----1OO..ool SOO..DO...... ...2..i...QQ. _ '30; tv\ -.2..5....illL 100000 100.00 _~~ 25000 300000 300.0~ 150.00 300.00 750000 23,270_> OD 6,270.00 6,270.00 7,950.0Q-+ 1.950.00 250.00 2'>0.00 500,00 ~oo.oo A 0'7('\ tv\ 14,970.00 ?, 09()~-~_-'-U8Q...ill1 ?,6,>0.00 _...5,300.00 __ 00 __250.00 4.'>0 495.00 --_.~ __JQJU~O 175.00 ----- _._.__444.01 _____ 80.00 .00 ___n_..12...QQ .00 _.l.00.00 25.00 106.68 __ 193.32 4~.oo 105.00 _.llO_ Salaries - Officials and Deut. Heads__ l2Q._ Salaries - Regular EDlPloyees ___ l30 ... .. ~hr.t... Time Ealploy~__~______ _~_TOTAL... ___ _____ u_ ___ __U _ 11,235.10 ----~ _______u_______ ---------------------t------ 1+ -__n_l-CO~:~::-s~~rCE~ ... ~~_~-__=~=~-j' _-_-~~----.n-- __2Ql i~'taIl~ce-u_-------- --- 3QQ --.~ -205-+ 'l'ell'lphone and 'l'ell!!graph n____m______n u_____~ __455...91. ._..2m I Trnelln&...Ex.PeDs.L_u_n__ 1___ 20.00 i i ~:r:::-~f1;'=u-- ---- 7' ,^ =t :u:: - ~~ty ~. --..236.--- _ .Insurance - Social Securl ty --2-52- I Rep" i r _ Ji'I11"T1itlll"" "nd ()f'f'1 ".. ~!.oyees Retiremen'=--__ ~Q 6,270.00 4.700.00 265..10 20...00.. 213.65 L.c:; _00 ---+-.-----4-- ,77'> . 00-2_1.1Q.o .00 1 900 . 00 1 35 1.147 7~2.6'i 1. o;A? .7R lJVVTlj\ T_ ~ t!itv --- - -- ----.- ------------------- CO~50l_.0..'rl[D_...L.IN Final Budget Allowance -- -- --- --- --- -- - -- - Manager's Recom- mendation .1962- Budget Request .l961- Current Budget .l96J. Total CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year ~ i96J... CURRENT YEAR Actual Estimate _Months _Months .1960- Actual Previous Year Fund Funct IOn Department _ Submitted By: ___ Date _ _ Page - -- Acc't. N Account o. _250.00 ____ 200.00 .....l50.00 200.00 _ 400.00 __.00 ---- ___1illQ.00 L_~-+-_ 250.0~ 200.QQ 400.00 3- _____~..Q1. 48.38 +-m.:l-- m '0 ~~-::::~_ -. MA'I'EFlTAT.q ANn RTlPl _.D!!ic.e~ieL- _Bnoka....and p~ - ~ J..ca.ll _O:ther.. ~ c:t,,,,,,,,, 1 ~ 320 --.llL 399 llQO.OO I t-- I - _____+_u u----t------ I t ~+- -- 44~_= IOU 45.15 I __'50'Oj - "OI5U.Ofr 1_-= I -- -1------- ----t----- ---- .oo+-u_-~ -.....J1Q 35.Q.....QQ. 35O....illL "^ 350.00 3~0-OQ ~o;() 00 350 (l() _u <;6':l.hh --..- 700_/"\/"\ 700.. 00 <~/"\ /"\/"\ __142.59 350.0Q "coy l,~ m "l7() .l'"' - ---56.1...!lQ. QO T --.- i i I [CAPITAL _0ilTIAY: i i 509 j _FurnitJ1r~.Fi xtures --5~7 ---J- Office Mechani l'A 1 Eaui nm"nt -~-~t--- . -----t 'l'O'1'AT. . -_._._-~ j 'IDTAL I , ~------- i I f .SillID.BY EXPENDTTURES ~ ~ __.Qrgani za ti on.J2uu.__ ! t .lt35 11 nt''':: "^ r 28.170.00 T , I 170.00 18 59 910 11 2'>9.41 6 1 "l oynt:. = .- '1'lYI'AT - - 10 ...4+.... Uft -- --- ------------------- Fund~ Function_ CITY OF SALINA DepartmenL BUDGET REQUEST SubmItted By Date For the Fiscal Year--l.962.- CURRENT YEAR o Estimate -1.L- Months Acc't. No. H_lio._ Officials and Dept. Heads 7,?OO 00 -----12Q.__ Regular ~loyees ---U.,.1J.2...5Q.. __l3D__ Part Time ~loyees 413.00 ___14Q___ r.:ccounting and Audl tinll: Services _ . 1 82 .00 _...l1 Q. n !-..rud.gea_..and _Clerk.!L,,----1:i:tyr_JUe.c:tJ.OIL_____ 00 --lli---i- Judges and Clerks - County & State....El.l: --3,404.40 I .......J-25 -t..Qtl1~ft~i.Q.MJ,. Servlces _ 258.30, ~ __~__n_~___~________ --J nT!2TAL...____ _______________ --30. A1 ':l ?() ----.-.---...--- ~.1lERV.ICES~_ _ LExln'ess.. ,nn Final Budget Allowance Manager's Recom. mendation .l9Qa Budget Request .l96J.. Current Budget :&J Total .l96J. Actual ~Months .l2QQ Actual Previous Year Page Account Ii 7,200.00 19,020.00 500.00 7,000.00 --~ 8,900.00 ISO 077 ---2.,.=r' 2 ,200.00_ ----i--- ------ 37 . 385.09_ __ -J1<.33o-"" ".,,'"- 00 ~~ . -------- . n-~----_t_---- ------+------- -----~4__ -~:~: ~D-j ..= I. ______ 431. 40 750.00 ----.l5Q...J).Q. 150 . 00 442 70 700 00 h50 00 2Q5.09 794.91 1,000.00 1 250.00 .00 ~ .00 350.00 .00 100.00 100.QQ 100.00 20.00 330.00 350.00 350.00 , ___~QQ .l9Q.....!i!L 559.56 750.00 700 00 750.00 '31..7..25- 252075 500.00 400 00 500.00 m 100.00 100.00 1-m m 100.00 , '3..A ,:;A 7,200.00 17,880.00 500.00 2.'500.00 ~ r::("j("j J)(l m ':1-~~250.00- =-T--==--=-__-==--bb-Cle,.k 250.00 350.00 1. 6 200.00 970.00 500.00 ~,750.00 ~.60 ...),045.63 _ 4,550 7 18 'L .11_.2 .. o!i:S.....63--- 17.00 I __ _zen , II nN7 '7? .00.. 675.43 50.85 5h7 ?1 568.58 .00 _-----00.. 282.25 ~ 471 --55-- m .. '3..A ,,-, 203 _205n-r n_~QL-_t-'l';ravM -- -..20S- tag/'! __ -22L Printing Offi, 1'armlL --222..___ L.Su.p,pl; _~ Legllol AdvertiJ L&---- ----.231- ..Inslmml:e.._",,--SUr.etyHllmlds.. Insuranl!e -__Social._ Security ~niture & Office Eqpipment --299.._--f--O-ther Contrac.tual Sery1ces -----.-.-l. Emp10vees Ret;ire]11ent ___ I ----I--TOTA1 ._____.__ I _un' --l -- - -________._ - .____ I I --- .. -c:_lc.-cc=-,-c==c"c '",-=:c-7_':.=-~=::----:'c::-.='_====-_-=O= ------------------- Fund----'ll Function _ Department _ Submitted By Date _ Acc't. No. CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Y ear ~ Final Budget Allowance Manager's Recom. mendation ~ Budget Request ~ Current Budget 1.961- Total CURRENT YEAR o Estimate ~ Months 1961 Actual ~Months ~ Actual Previous Year Page Account 3.50.0..0.0. 40.0..0.0. t. 5iliL..QQ. 30.0..0.0. 2,000.00 ~OO.OO l~ 300..00 3.240..0.0. 40.0..0.0. 1. 60.0. . 0.0. 50.0..0.0. 1_, 71 ~ Hi 158.20. ..22.....Q.2 274.19 2,024.84 241.80 1 _ 5!I:Q..3l. 22'>.81 ~.610.7~ 805.16 4,770.&5- 624.4"! ANIL _---32Q.. Office SulwUes -331--- Rooks and Peri odi (!A 1 R -331__~.nn C!n~~' <_0 -359.- _Lather... 8 4..100.09 5,740..0.0. 1,70.6.64 4 ..Q~~. ~6 q7 9.810 "!50.00-l-___..12Q.OQ_I--~~ 10n on 10.0..0.0. 10.0..0.0. 10.0..0.0. 10.0..0.0. .QQ.. on 52.50 ~~o; m .~ j~ F.XPmOlTU8RS'u~_nn -.Jt35--- .ti on Dues ____________ _~-~lUlll.a..- -----l----~~-~-----~----~-- ______ 'lYYI'AT. ~-~------------------ 350..0.0. 250..0.0. 750.00.0. 40:;0.00 100.00 70:;0.00 20.0..0.0. 250..0.0. 50.0..0.0. 20.0..0.0. 147.62 .00 1 (y,) .38- .00 ~77.O:;O -5.Q.....32.. 2.277.40:; c~prrA I n'ITTAV' .Fw:nitl Ant! li'i..x ~4ft_ ~ -~ "17 0.0.0..0.0. 1 Ro:;().oo 750..0.0. 62 647 HY.>. ~ 2. ~27 .77 'l'NT'dT /~ .{ tv Clerk 220..0.0. 61 .." oAn nn 48.62500.0. 28~342.85 w:; 0;(:,7. Ro:; I -:>n -:>A-:> 1 c: 'l'NT'A T --~- ___~-L..____ ----,-" -- - ~------------------ CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year~ Fund Function Department Submitted By Date _ Acc't. No. Final Budget Allowance Manager's Recom- mendation ~ Budget Request 1.961- Current Budget J$6J. Total CURRENT YEAR o Estimate -!.I...- Months ~ Actual .JL..Months .J.9QQ.. Actual Previous Year Page Account I.egaL ~_..otb.er. ! f-~m ! ~AT _______~___ I -1 ------------ ------ t'---"--.--. - _ _ -+_ CON'T'RAC'I'lIA T. SRRVT~S;.______ ! ---236 t..Insll1"An"'" - 8n"i al. S""11'r1 ty ---un -t __EmpJ..o.Y~.s....B.tli1:emeI1.t__~______-+__ _1___- ____. ------ r MA'l'F.RTAT!'l ANn 81 ,20 Offi!!e 0,,-- H 88 5.100.00 3.960.00 1. 200 .00 1. 500 .00 5,100.00 3,960 00 1,?OO.00 , o;m m 5,100.00 3.960.00 1. 200.00 1.000.00 3.400.00 2.640.00 700.00 1.000.00 1,700.00 , 32Q.,...QQ. "00 -.00.. 001 5,100.00 3,9hO.00 , ~.oo....oo... 81-10 f'>P~~ ~~ 8'.lL..B.11d n..nt-_, H"M" - ~-,. llQ 12Q 'J D5 /, r!itv 11. 760.00 215....illl 500.00 00 12,535000 775 " '7~" /VI ~ 500.00 1 nCL 00 12.110.00 11 ..,~n nn 77'l_OO 100 . 00 11.635.00 7_740.00 ?Oh_Qh 65.00 26 8,011 ._o;~n m ."_00 hA _ tih ? t(1.:>>':) Nt In_ ~L.l _In :n~,l<; lon,h" ,,, An? on nnD. 1 c:!A~r-4 ,.AD =t_, ------------------- CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Y ear ~ Fund Function Department Submitted By Date _ Acc't. No. Final Budget Allowance Manager's Recom- mendation ~ Budget Request ~ Current Budget .l96J. Total CURRENT YEAR Estimate ~Moni:hs .l96J.. Actual ~Months .J.96o- Actual Previous Year Page Account 15,000.00 3,600.00 500.00 750,00 15,000.00 ~ -J5.Q....OO. 6.00...00... <;00.00 15,000000 3,600000 500.00 lQ..JlO 1. 75 2,059.00 398.05 4,99A 95 1.~ ,m :l ,,::; 00 H"ada__ ----f-- orfj~1als and D8p~ R"gn1A.,. F.mplnye... PD...+ 'I'lm.. ~plo;y~ , .5erYi C!ea ~..3alJ -"- --=_J :~::::: ~ ~ ot.h..,. - ..J2 ' 100 . 00 19,850000 ,A Ac:(\ IY'l p,458080 -j----- hhL.1?() ,A -:>A'7 '::;0; 'I'O'I'AT. 000.00 350.00 ~ ..2QQ...Jl(L ...L5.....Q.Q 500.00 2 - --- ?,noo.oo 950 00 25.00 55(), 00 ~ ~<;:()()() 2,000.00 3QOoOO 25.00 00 00 400,00 500 75 1,580.65 172 . 60 - 25.00 383.00 ~ 253033 ~~I-;1- --00. _ _ haL. h< 1Wh_h7_ ----- . CONTRACTUAL SF.RVICES' f ~-t Aut_no lie. A11~_-=_ -:~37 .91 <1935 ---205---.- Telephone and~____.____ ____":l44~ 1::>7_Jill. -2a)--~---_-_--m---- __._____ .ool_ IY'l I __22l.__ J...J>tin.tillg..ot'fice F.orms - -- -- ____on _ .233.--- Tn..n'Ml.n~.. - Rllr..ty 'Rond.. _~____ 236-- InsuranC!e - SoC!ial Se""..i t.v ___ ~ "~H I.:em=~t- TO'I'A T. 1,000.00 4,450000 ,q<;:h h7 ~_ H?_Uh 700.00 75.00 ___" -:>0;(\ tv) 7..ao..oo. 70; m 3,300.00 600000 75.00 2,443.33 235.65 47.00 <~ 28.00 1 au..35- ~'7 c:::n S ANn SIIPPLTF.S' :l 01'1'1 l!e Snppl i eA '::I:~' . 'Rookg and 'D__.f~-i_a''''' IL{ r!i t.v ~m1rt 77 5.00 '77" m 675.00 282.65 -=!Q2.-=!<; 1 _ 11(\Ao; TO'I'Al. __ -- ---~ -------- CONSO..'O...TED....I......... Final Budget Allowance ----------- CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year .....1962.- CURRENT YEAR Estimate -T tal ~Months 0 Manager's Recom- mendation Budget Request Actual Previous Year Account -5Q5l~ IJ"' I j---~ -.t----------.-- I --- urn i I --1-- i-- I ..TQTAL.. EXPENDITURES :.. I ------------------- Fund n~ Function Department_ Submitted By: __ Date_ Acc't. No. CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year-l.962- Final Budget Allowance Manager's Recom- mendation .J.9Q2. Budget Request .J.9Ql. Current Budget .J.961 Total CURRENT YEAR a Estimate ~Months 19Q1. Actual .JL..Months .J.96o. Actual Previous Year Page Account ? .9MLllO .00 250.00 2.940.00 .00 1o:;n_00 ?~ .00 150.00 960.00 .00 150.00 1 ~n .00.. .00.. .00 2.940.00 ..QQ.. ,00 Reade -----.lJ.Q.. ~Cl111s IlM TlooonT._ _.....l.8o ---t~ Cla....d ~Aa -----195- _J---.Other. 190.00 ------'I5....QO--+__!~.!L. ---5....00.. ___ 5 , 00 70:;.00 100,00 200.00 3 ~ ()Qn m 3.090.00 75000 5.00 75.00 _~.,.llO 0 00 75.00 ~ 52.92 .-- -+-- aP,n . m cOO. -5-00- ~?_OR +_'lOTAL ___ -______~,940.00 , , , "-------- -----L---------- --------__~__.____.._____. ___ t~~===~=-~-=. ..__~ . - - I .._ j=' _.___ ~ CONTRACTU~ SER'lI.CE.~_._ _ _~ __ ___ _____ , _'407. + 'lTI\velin~@se __ _____ ___ __ ____ _10..1 _ 233 -~ -Insurance._:-_BurnyBonda___ __un ___ ~ . OQ 236___ lInB.uranc.e_- Social_Security .-------t- -~. - ~2 _~lQy.5'~R"_~jx"ment_~_________ _ 155..D0 n ':Y7 oR 1n!J._()Q 'lVYI'A T 380.00 , 0;0; I'II"l 121 --+----- i I~ Palll!t!l court. - 3,245 .OQ.~---2,270, 00_ 3,245.00 2,237092 1. ()(Y? _ oR 3.04Q.oo 'lYYI'A T. n-l-= -----. ------------------- CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year ~ Fund Function Department Submitted By Date _ Acc't. No. Final Budget Allowance Manager's Recom- mendation .l96a. Budget Request ~ Current Budget ..l.96.1 Total CURRENT YEAR a Estimate ----!.L- Months ..l9U Actual ~Months ~ Actual Previous Year Page Account 6 . DO.O...llQ 500.00 500000 ., .240.00 .25Q....QQ. ~o;n ml ~ - l2lL.illl 250000 00 , ), -:>1\ ~ ' ------L.litQ...Q.Q. 250.00 00 00 ~J.05.00 :nn ..QQ. 001 Employees p,."T_ Time ~loye-ft .. C!__,,,,~,,_ct .L Salarles - c::a1A.,.i,.a. _ -~----~ -J.2Q- ---.llO -- ---.l95+_Jlther I ---=J~~~--=_--..------- 7.000.00 ~ 74o.ml 5,410000 1 J.'Y\ f\f\1_~90,OO :l. ~7c;_001 -+-- -i~------ -------- ------.-- i 1, 750 .-Q.<L+-- . 150. OQ.. 1. 700000 700000 350.00 3 ~300 .OQ. .5D.O.....QQ... .lQQ....QQ.... 400.00 750'0~[.. ~ 15000Q._L___ 100_001 000000 650.00 300.00 , 000,00 1 ~ ~ ~ 100.00 100_00 2 1 "uv 1 1? h:l. -----~ 1-~j --- --:j , 1~ ?~ ?~.nAi 1 _m_+ -~!!_'Jr'8.~Ce_~_F:l!"~ ~ Zj9 _l_~~e - Socia~Security , 241 j ...Gas... SerY:il:e._ .. u_~___________ I 2.42 i...L1gh'Landl'.awu..llerYice.._ ______________ i 2.43- ~._ Water Seryke ~5l_ Repair - Build~____ _ -252-- R..p" i,. - FlI'l"t'l i tllre.& ()f'1'i,... ---284--1 laundry and Towel Se _ ____ Employees Ret irement /7 r.itv RnilcUIlR: --. 7. ';l<;:_~l___R-~~O-OO '" ':l~() ()() 3J67~32 -:> "A-:> t:A1 <;_1'><;7.70 TOTAL --- ~--- - ------------------- CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year ~ Fund Function Department Submitted By Date _ Acc't. No. - Final Budget Allowance Manager's Recom- mendation ~ Budget Request -l961- Current Budget .l96l Total CURRENT YEAR Estimate ~ Months ~ Actual .....!L. Months .J.96.o Actual Previous Year Page Account - 100 . 00 1,250.00 300.00 100 .00 250,OQ ~ :::. ~ 'o;() /"In 75.00 1,250.00 300.00 100 . 00 ~OO 52,09 ---- 304080 164025 32.31 238.49 22...91- 945.20 _ =t_ " <;, 1?5.81 811.371 .00 144.01 7h nt:. AmL __31Q ExPendable Tools _ ----JlG- Janl tor and Toilet Su1>p1les [_ _----3QL Electrical and Lildltlnp; Parts __r_ .-3l:l. Lumber__and Lumber Product!!_~__n___ ~ ~r-"Unt .... ""'""ng ~.~"'",. ~----'--t~_===~= 000.00 -+--~-+-- 2 ] _hnn /"In 975.00 94 791 - -----+-- -~--- , _ ,A~ ,...::.1 1.1<;8_'0;1 -----t-- -T- -~ -- I -- .~----- - - If '0 , Q('\ A" I '_'A'.7'~.'M " I , 1 7<~ nn , \) L.9Q..OO. .l7 , 9 50 00 - >----'-..-..---- - --- --- + --i- - - - - ~i tv _1" --- --_--1- 'I'O'l'AT. ~r~ _:~:J~~=~ -- ------------------- CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year J962- Fund Function Department Submitted By Date_ Acc't. No. Final Budget Allowance Manager's Recom- mendation .l2Qa. Budget Request 19Q1. Current Budget l.96J. Total CURRENT YEAR Estimate ~ Months 1961. Actual ---1L.Months J.96Q.. Actual Previous Year Page Account 7,200.00 40,100.00 500.00 2,000.00 49,800.00 200.00 350,00 250.00 25.00 800.00 100 .00 ....5Q...Q.Q 225.00 15.00 250,00 150.00 100 0 00 350.00 100.00 750000 1 7.200.00 39,::lho ()() ';00.00 1.750.00 ILQ !';o(\ I'V'l 2QQ...QQ... 3QQ....QQ... 250 00 25.00 800 00 75.00 5() ()() 225 00 15 00 800.00 ..lOO...oo.. 75.00 200...00.- 11'YLm 7,200.00 39,240,00 500.00 750.00 00 350.00 250.00 24050 800.00 100,00 ...2!LQQ 225000 12.50 1. 250.00 100000 100.00 350.00 100.00 690,00 47 ~,800.00 27,007.50 500.00 705.50 33,013.00 00 217.82 131.40 24.50 653.75 68.00 ...2!LQQ 103.16 ~ 911. 41 100.00 100.00 175.63 1000.20 2.400.00 12.2~ -----..QQ I 44.'>0 lU77.ool 00 112.18 ..l..lB......6o -----00...1 ~ ~ _..00... .J2U!L ~ 338.'>9 .00 -----00... 174.31- 00 7.200.00 ~A~ 1N: ~ 00 46. ~04_00 .QQ.. 240.68 190.76 .00 ~ --16....08- ......l2.....5O 1~ "_7<; /1 r"'1+_v 2 6,715.00 1.215.90 3,712.00 2,635067 , _rrTh_ ~~ -- 2. 2lQ.. oc; I . 110 Salaries Officials and Dept. Heads --120- !'lR1Arles Ilegl,l"Y' Elllployees ----l3O- S<<' ""ies - F'Rr+ Time 1i!mr' "y~~", ~__ Other Professional Servlces -...---- -~--------~--- ______ 'I'O'I'AT. __ -----.--- ---- _____ CONTRAC' SERVTCES' ~_ Automob Tee Allowance -.2Q5- -t Telephol lli..TeJ.esr~1L-_____ - 207----t~ :peIlS.e.....------- -209----t.PDStage. ____n~ -220. -LBlt _~ l'rj 'ice Forms ------2q._ T p, _ 2~1 ,. - -.233-- "- --23-L "- --252--- .Repa:l" - 11'''=i ture & ~ --25-3-- ..Rena: Ii n..ry Rnd F.qui 1 ~~ I,. V..hi"lAG _ ---2. ..55--rRJ. Ir V"hi"J.. '1'1....... R. 'T'llh.... _ ____..______+_.&1 :irement i _.-t--- ------J--1\ -- ____J _ Motor v@ ~ "Rnntl.. Qt"\....<fa1 -------------------- CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year ~ Fund Function Department Submitted By Date _ Acc't. No. Final Budget Allowance Manager's Recom- mendation J.962.. Budget Request .l96J.. Current Budget 1961. Total CURRENT YEAR " Estiqlate ....iL- Months .J.961. Actual ..LMonths .l96O--- Actual Previous Year Page Account 250.00 100.00 750.00 500.00 50.00 300.00 75.00 100 . 00 200.00 250.00 --5Q..QQ. 750.00 400.00 50.00 300.00 75.00 100.00 200.00 250.00 100 . 00 750.00 400.00 45.00 200.00 75.00 100.00 200.00 156.10 36.55 591.01 227.93 000 117.06 69073 91.75 117 . 54 .93...9Q. ..Q3..la l58....99.. 1.R..Q'L JiS...OO.. ~ .....5....ZL ~ 82.46 ~ ~ 822.52 501. 06 3000 529...31... ~ .J.!u..1J.. 1':1?_42 s. 335- -3!i5..-- ~~---- --31.1...._ --373--- ~ -:r17--- Motor Vehicle - Pa.rts _ Motor Veh:ll'l.. - 'I'1"""~Tubes I --~..+---~ Mill... Office Suppl1es Rnnk.. and ~riod:lcals Tho..f'i-i n<Y ..nil gineerj Slwpliea - Fuel & ~$~ts ""'-a.. ..Mo:tm:.. .Mo.tor.. V..hi ,,1.... _~- Tn",hA'" .n~ TnmhA'" - _320 ".l~' 325.00 25000 2 ? -1.15....00- ~o; no 2,120.00 25.00 1.407067 25000 7J2....33.. .00 ::> . 689...20- In_m ..TO'l'AL...____ >l1lNDRY EXPF:NDITl (ftooll'G........ '7A +of nn nn..C!: - h-JS- 750000 000 0;00 ..QlL .00 500.00 000 315.49 .00 1 Rh..5l. .00 699 .66 Rao;_oo ~T. 0IlTLAY1 ~ anA OI'f'1".. ~~I:;: I ~'ft1ra yo ~lty EnIl:lneer 750000 59,615000 1\00.00 o;hMo;_oo 500000 00 54,047 315049 396.83 37 1Rk.'" ,,::: ,:::"" 17 , o;aL. hh "':1_ 17':l_01 _AT IJVVI'Il T _ _..- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - GENERAL OPERATING re CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year ---.l.962- Fund Function Department Submitted By Date Final Budget Allowance Manager's Recom- mendation .l962. Budget Request .J.9Ql Current Budget ~ Total CURRENT YEAR g Estimate ......!>L-Months ..J.96.L Actual ..LMonths ~ Actual Previous Year Page Account Acc't. No. 7,200.00 220,958,00 .00 4,000.00 7.200.00 203.500.00 .00 0; nm_m 7,200.00 207,500,,00 ~ 700000 _____~_,]Q9--' 00 140,233.40 ~ 700.00 158.00 232 ~, ~OO 215,400.00 t~o 145,733 2,400.00 67,266.60 .00 .00 hO ht:.t:. hf'l 7.200.00 200.879.35 19.50 .00 ?nA t"KlA A <; Heads ---.llQ....__ Salarles - Of1'icla1s and Dept. ~.1. Salaries - Re~'" Employees ~.2Q_u_ __Medical 5ervlces _125___ nl Othe!" Professional Servlces ._._~~~t::---~~-==--=--==-~-= --_.._-~----~-_.- r.ON'J'RAm'lTAT f':F.RVT~f':' _~______ .2Ol u_ _ Alltnmnhile.J1aa. ---205 ~ 'T''''''phon.. Ann 207- . .1.Tre.ua H M --209.- _ _221.__ -.221- -2aJ.- ---236- _....2ll ?~ -- y! 600,00 1.400.00 ----12~_ 5Q,.Qo_L 35.00 35.00 .00 ,00 715.00 700.00 240.00 240.00 1.400.00 1.450000 700.00 800.00 400.00 400 . QQ... 350.00 800.00. 125 00 .l25...illL 400.00 .M1O...illl ~.so...oo.. ?.iO..Jlll. o;n nn <;0 00 li'irl!l 600,,00 1,500,00 350.00 50.00 35.00 .00 2ll...QQ... 24Q.00 400000 700000 300.00 .J.5l1....QQ .l25..JI..O_ 1illO....lliL ?~ <;0 00 1 350.00 943.23 350.00 50000 35.00 ~ ~ 1'i7.06 571.46 366.80 212. 20 ~ .l25...illL ~ ? .5O....illL <;0 on 250.00 556.77 =3 ~ 5aR 76 ------.00... ~?o; ..!l9- ..QQ.. m 600.00 1,096.14 276 9B ~ .001 31'>7.71 3aR.55 1 , nn 'Pi .,..a. JL 'I'nn.a. . Po.. tAgi' __ft" nt" ng Off''' ".. Form.. Tnsuranee_- Building InS"'rAl"C'! - ...,n'tQ" V('hj('1 TnA,11,..A.np". _ ~n~iA.l ~l'!1]T' (".All ~'r'Vi l'!~ 1." gnt. ...nd POW-A,. &tl"Vi "It W...te,.. &t'l"Vif'P. Rltp""" - Rnilding,. 1l.epa.1r. _ J'l'1"TIi +.1'''1'1 R,. Off'i ".. .Bepa.1r - .......hi n..1")" a.nd I .Bepa.1r _ "^+n.... ~'h" ".!all!! '0___.... tr..'. -----m ----2R- ~ ~ -25-L-- --2~ ------------------- CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year -..l962- Page ... ...fIt.... ..L'<UU .un. I.......,..., ----.-..,-. Acc't. Actual 106, CURRENT YEAR lQ61 Current Budget Manager's Final Account Previous Actual .....8...- Estimate Recom- Budget No. Year ~Months Months Total Budget Request mendation Allowance (Cont. ): -~ 1l.nII h. _ 1l..'Ii n _m .00 .00 .00 0;("\ m _00 .-ZtJ- ll....+ li'~.... hO;, m 217.00 533.00 750.00 000.00 qOO_OO --284 ... "'~.._, -:>n" t:.t:. ICY!. '>6 192044 300 . 00 ?o;()_m ?~n nn -.."--.-.-. ----- ------- -----~---_._- ---..-.----..------- -.1'O'lAL- " t:.An An 7 ':lOA fit:. 4 816.94 8 115 00 A fIt:." r.ro R Rnn nn -----_.--- - ---._-- -- -_._--~~~---_._--- -.--- ^~m "l11PELIES.:_ ___.. ___ --JlO 'l'nn1,. 4h 1h 17.1Q 157061 17 5 . 00 ~oo.oo ,nn. nn -=_-t""l-- F_ A"' <"ppHAA ~17 hQ 172,'58 177 . 42 350.00 ~"o.oo ,~O_OO __ -3R-- _..Bo.ok.s. and Periodicals --~ 1--- ~.OO Q7_00 ----1~ 100.00 100 00 -333-- Chemicals,_Drugs and Etc. 42.17 4'>.00 255.00 300.00 400.00 unn.nn -m-- .. Jani tor a.nd ToilElt Su;pplie~_ o?R .1h ~~4-'>'> ~6~ u~ Qnn nn <;()iL m ~(\(\ (\(\ _-316 Motor V..hi"l..s - Fuel Lubr. and Etc 144.1'> 80.1'> 610.85 700.00 700 00 7nn.nn 351 "l"..n,. Pl..n+,. Ann '1'1"..... l()?<; ~m 7? nn 7~ n(\ ?m_m ')(\(\ (\(\ .-355-- c: 17L. -:>, -:> GAL. he:: 2,015.35 5,000.00 <; L.r.ro r.ro 5 800.00 ~<;Q nt.h.,. '>lR.o,> hB.76 451. 24 500.00 ,>oo.m 500.00 ~67 1i'1."+...~,,..1 a.nd . L Parts 00.'>8 112.~q 187.61 300.00 ~OO.OO 350.00 ~7~ and Pol. "'T_" 2'51. q4 10'5.84 294.16 400.00 47'5.00 475.00 ~77 Mnt.n,. - . _'Pal"t. ~71.72 242.67 457.33 700.00 700.00 700.00 ~7q Motor - Ti res a.nd Tubl!!S 80.00 .00 450.00 450000 4'50.00 450000 ~81 Paint and "8 lQ8.20 40.7'5 259.25 300000 ~oo.oo 500.00 -.. ~R? 44_07 1<;.77 1340 23 150.00 200.00 200.00 -- 'JAc: t)D-'l~ ^ 1>a...+.. m m 50.00 ~O-OO o;n.m 50.00 ~Q~ T.1.1-'l~..... o;Q?_?~ ,,,, t:., 248.39 400000 htlo _ no 400.00 li'i.... yV" Fund Function Department Submitted By Date ------------------- Fund nF.NF.Jl Function_ Department _ Submitted By: _ Date _ Acc't No. CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year --1962- Final Budget Allowance Manager's Recom. mendation .J.962... Budget Request .l96l. Current Budget l.96.l Total CURRENT YEAR Q Estimate ....I.L- Months .l96l Actual ~Months ~ Actual Previous Year Page Account 600.00 600.00 680.00 27 554 1::>C:;.7":l c;2.4~ lTER..TdTC> A1ITT\ orlPPTrR~ (~nnt:_ \. 'l00 I nt_h..,. ~mT\ 1 i "R 5 7 5.00 12 11.925.00 11.530000 7_017.1fi 4.L.0?RL. 8.781.01 ~ 'I'O'I'AL 60.00 3,000.00 ~O.OO .00 1.000.00 ~o_oo ~ ..QQQ...OO- 400...00. cOO.. 00 75.00 3.000.00 L..QOQ~ O.Q... .00 21.02 2.808.99 225..1.8.. .QQ.. 00 .53$. .l9Lill- 77 L. .22.. .00.. m ~ 1,100.82 386.30 ~,115.00 C:;hh_?C:; .3I.llID.RY.. -Jm-t~ -----~--+--- ---..-t---------- .. ---nn---t CA?ITAT nlI'l'TAY' ____ I ---5.01--- +.EirJL.Ei ght i ng F" I __ _509-__1....E"..ni to",... and F' ---5.05.-- ' l..R and ~ nu.... Ra.d i n 4,800000 ~L.mm ~_,itQQ..QO 3.034077 06C:;_2~ 4.168.~7 'lVYI'A T. - "Y3 rir!l 258.393.00 ?":l0_ 190_00 239.120.00 1 fiO _ fi41_ 2q '7A J.'7h. 71 ~~h '71..0 1 ~ 'l'O'I'AT. ---. ------------------- CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year ~ I!. _ Page Account Final Budget Allowance Manager's Recom- mendation ~ Budget Request ~ Current Budget .l96J Total CURRENT YEAR Q Estimate -'l- Months 1961 Actual .-!L-Months .l96O.-- Actual Previous Year Fund Function Department Submitted By Date _ Acc't. No. 15.100.00 750.00 450.00 2.50.00 850.00 OQ 1 . 300 00 550.00 1 ~O 00 100 00 "-OJl..il0_ ~ nn R~Q 15 n,9I3o.00 '500.00 480.00 1.300000 1,300.00 550.00 _!6Q...OO. ~Q....QQ-I 100....00.. _.5l1.JlO.. 100.00 400.00 400.00 ---------.5...00 5 . 00 400.00 400.00 200.00 ~ m 14 14.480.00 .00 14.480.00 9~820.00 .00 77 5 . 00 ~47085 65.45 50.00 lOO..25f- 29.!l...2.5.. ml ~ nn 295.06 200.00 9~20.00 h . hQQ...QQJ M ..JgQ..__~ries - Re~r Employees .-J.25___+0ther Professional Servlces -----t---- _ ~-TOTAL-~----------- I t-- ----- - ------ --- I --~--------------------------_. I _ +..c.O]jTBAC'1'lLAL--5ERV.ICES~__ ___ ___________ i 201 . ~..Au.tomob1le..l1B.e .Al~_._..._____.__.___ I 205 t Te.1epb.Qne.lW.dTelegrn,121L -. -- ------- I 207 !Trll'leliog Exp.ens.L____ ___ _ __ 209 + ..Postage ________ ___un _____ ____________ 221 i I'ri.nt1.Dg_OIT1.ce..1'orms.._______~_ --- 233 .; Inll.Ul"Wll:e..~~_Bonds _____ , I __~____~-""-.3Qc1al Securi ty ".la~ .:I!L ' nh ~ ---252-___~-H"'-pa i r --=- Furni tur.. & Off'i ~e F.q,J /Y'l /Y'l _____ _ _L!':mp.l~e~s Retir~ment __ __ __1_________ 660.00 4 1"l.Q80.00 'l_OO 1"l.08'l.00 4.055.00 ?OO:;O:;_OO 3.055.00 11 2.029 , (Y.)<: Aa ~ lhFLAh --....--r-TOTAL-:.---- --- l- I - .rv+ nn 100 . 00 75.00 100.00 .J.Q(hoo.... ~ '_M . 00 100 . 00 75.00 lOO.OiL 57065 68.00 100 . 00 ~ 7 cOO..l m J.7.Q...19.. 2Q.:J9... m PR...1".R ,_ MA'l'F:HTAIS.ANlLSill'PLIE.q. I -32~-1 Off'i~e ~lies -33. L~. oks and Period<^~'a -367--!-..Ell ' Ann ------------------- CON.Ol..'C...TI:O....L.IN Final Budget Allowance Manager's Recom. mendation Current Budget CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year ~ _--1. TOTAL ~- -.----. .-..I-'-- _ __ ___ _ SUlIDRY EXPENDT'l'URF.S' _~35__ Organ1zatlon~___ . 1- ...~ ------- _ _u_ + _ ._______ ---..1 CAPI'I'AI. OIl'l'UY' i .~ -~.Furn1tl1.reJ Fixt'] , I 1--- ! -- -+~------ ~=-=~t===-- -------- ----------- CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year -1962- Fund FunctIon __. Department _ Submitted By Date _ Final Budget Allowance Manager's Recom- mendation ~ Budget Request ~ Current Budget J.9QJ. Total CURRENT YEAR Q Estimate ~Months .l96J. Actual JL...Months .l96O- Actual Previous Year Page Account Acc't. No. 7,200.00 19,000.00 500.00 16,500.00 1.000.00 7.200.00 19,OOO.OO 500.00 15.500.00 1 ()()() . m 7,200.00 19,000.00 500.00 16,000.00 5Qn _ 00 800.00 695.00 500.00 202.05 481. 50 ~ 13 14 ::::: 001 1.7~ lR o;ni 7.200.00 l'i . 'iOO.....15- 00 Q5.. 00 804 -- 14 JlI!.~.!"les ...~ l'Pt. Heads ~~ - Regular m. _____ Sll.~.&._ -_ From Uti -tments ~~ri.l[!!l__:__J'll.r~~.J!1~~loyees___ Qther_Profe.ss_____ i ],10 ~O _.125 119 .195 44.200.00 60.00 325.00 100.00 25.00 200000 200.00 1 _lQQ....QQ.. 200.00 500.00 4.000.00 500.00 150.00 50 00 1 ~oo 00 4 ~ ~IVI IVI .60....00.... 200.00 ]00.00 ?5 00 .00 ?OO 00 950 00 200.00 350.00 I. .oooaoo.. lioo....OO.. 15L--OO- <;0.00 43 , 200 .00 00 300.00 100.00 ~ ~ 200 00 1.150000 200000 450.00 4..000.00 ~ .lllil..illl 100.00 33.678.55 00 169.16 ~ 25.00 ~ ----.fl....ll ~ ~ ~ 808.16 .15l....QL l.Q.Q....QJl. Q7 _ ~o 3 0_<;?1_4<;1 ~ m..6s- .J.J.S-.6!L ill..h J.9]...8!L ~ -00.. 2.<;0 .QQ... __~_[_: 298.79- -- ---~ ___ _------..00.... 199.00 141. 11 1.053.15 193 .96 .!!Q5...3Q- 245 .08 3J.3..,..9Q... -55--3l- lR c:;n --~~ "\7.<;04.80 _.~--- _'1'OT4L.. _ _ CON'lW\.CT\.IAL~ERY~S ,_AY.t.Ql!lQ.olle _ Use~Wo~.nC.fL _ i Telephone. snd'l'e1eg:raph ___ Traveling Ex;penae _ . ___ _ Print1.n&_Wicc_.firms._____ ____ 2<21 2Q5 2Q7 221 ~~ .I!lS~l1g_ ..._Jal.ildings m------t Inaurance - Motor Veh:l c1es -236 .. f-Ina~e _-'-' Social Security _..&. .. +J1a~_Sel"Y.ic.e...... _2~. _tLight..Md...l'mw'~ice 25l-----t-R~ir _-Bv.lldings . 253 _+~:___Machinery and ll'.quipoe nt I 254 __l.Repair..,,_Motor Vehic1, ~___ -25.5---..1 Repalr - Motor Vehic' 'l'i rAS & 1""hAa Rmnlnv~~q Dnr~~o~a~r 1/(; _...Ie 8,910.00 ~ t;A" nn 025000 7 6.054.07 07n O~ ? aR4 In ----+.-:roTA!. ___ Page 1960 Acc't Actual No. Account Previous Year 'nIPPT.TF.S' ____ LL__ _ ___ __ -I....l!L _ _R._~ ~____________ .00 25 ~~.c...._u_~____ ____100 ~J~t__~llU~;L____ _____ ___ -~~e1.,.l.ubr. &, Etl!. . l.icena.!L_'.l'U!L .--------t---- ...60....00. l11Pl:l.elJ_____ ________+____ 1 84 17.75 . ___J_____l....~2...46 412.06 ~gQ. ..T;r~e~-___ 220.81 _~ ~SY.Jl12l:l.e_1;! 1 ~8 .48 ___ h() . oh mt_.Produc.ts_ .l..igh:t1ng. !'art. ------------------- Fund _ ~1i:N1mJ FunctlOn __"_ Departrnent ___ Submitted By: Date __ CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Y ear ~ Final Budget Allowance Manager's Recom- mendation ~ Budget Request J.96.L Current Budget .l96.' .. Total CURRENT YEAR Q Estimate ~ Months l.96l. Actual ~Months 1 ..QQ.Q...QQ.. ~ 100_00 200.00 ..8flO....JlQ.. ~ .l..5Q....QQ.. ? ..Qilll....Q.Q.. .5O.O....illl. .5O.O....illl. 1ill.1l..illl.. .2illl...illl.. .6OO.ll.Q 700.00 150.00 150.00 000.00 100.00 8,635.00 1 100.00 100.00 00 25.00 25.00 00 100.00 100.00 80.82 100.00 100.00 .5..6.LltL _~5.0....oo... 750 00 -.Jill. __~1L.OO.. 60.00 132.25 150.00 150.00 ~ __.2QQ....Q.Q.. 700.00 134.24--1= lQQ~. 500.00.. n-~---~-]~~-llWf~- 3-~:: :~~o~~ ~:.: _ -J -----56J.3-- 12.89 87.11 100 00 150 00 -----43.8..1 _ 115.26 450 00 35() 00 ho;o;_hC; ~ 535.37 600.00 500 00 ....21....1.l- 78 . 29 _ 100.00 J 00. m ---12....l1. 13 7 . 87 129 . 00 150. 00 ".5.4l.- 284.49 400.00 400.00 c;_~~ 94.67 100.00 100.00 I, ..B35-.- m 4,835.00 24 3.221 , ;:;,.. ..,;:; ~ ~ 1.l62.J5.. oo.~o 0; b.~o_Rh -310 331 333 343 365 367 371 Lumber_Wldl.umber. 373 ~ H~~l.1iI)en'~M_Efmj 3-71- (Mo_torJTfl!hi l!] fl! - PI! I 379!_Mot.Qr._V.eh1cle--,"~_ed._Tl.lbeJ , 381_ t.~~Painting Materials 387m ~.smi.-~.4-~Dd Chat I t _n un___ - t-------------- --- =LlmAL-=== ==-=--t ,UINDRY EXPENDlTURI ~aani~a~in" nn.a 349 350 345 347 351 359 -v1 flal"k ?5_00 ~o; m ?5 00 2500 00 ()() -43-5.- ------------------- CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year~ Fund__ Function _ Department Park Submitted By: Date l.962. Budget Request ~ Current Budget ~ Actual Previous Year Page Final Budget Allowance Manager's Recom- mendation l.96.l Total CURRENT YEAR o Estimate .....I.l..- Months .l96J.. Actual ~Months Account Acc't. No. 2,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 2,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 9~0. 00 2,000.00 3,000.00 1,000.00 2.000.00 !:).(Yl()_()() 9. 660 ~+-_~. (Yl(). m 4,000.00 3,000.00 1,000.00 .00 1,660,00 2~..J:..,432'~ 3,000.00 "6 '0 583.61 00 00 '- ':L::>::>1.76l 6,438.24 422 1 .00 ~":lA m --5Q2 5.4.9 _..52;1.. _ 5?5 575 431.41 ----+--- --- Y''5' Park 770.00 70 64.74''-00 745.00 64 10 417 49 lC;_~::>7_00 46.":1'50.17 -- , -- I .. t-- f-n- - I --- -t~ EXPENDITURES .~--..-. t--------. ------------ --u_-t --- -- H_ ___u__ ..---- I .--..+ -------------- I I -=-~-1=.--=..------------ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Fund --llEI r.....oPJa 5G-- - CITY OF SALINA Function __ - - - Department __ ~ - - BUDGET REQUEST Submitted By - Date_ - _ Page. - For the Fiscal Year ~ 1960 1961 1962 1::0...5 0_ ~~--f-- ~ - - = = = A.:c't. Actual CURRENT YEAR 1961 Current Budget ~nal N Account Previous Actual ~ Estimate - Budget o. Year ~Months Months Total Budget Request Allowance ~- -~-- -------- -- ---- ---- - = - _ _ PEESONAL SERVICES: - 1lO I-.Bala.riea--," Of'fi C!i ale and Dept. Heade _ 7,200.00 2,400.00 4,800.00 7,200.00 7,200.00 -- _.J20 [""ar10' - '0",,1." "",1",,~0 =r 178,67'-"0 59,672.15 124.457.85 184.130.00 188 500.00 .130 jSala.riea. - P9.rt Tilllf!! ~loyees _ _____ _ 17,551.25 8."\20.00 15.680.00 24.000.00 26 000.00 i 19Q I ~C!30.l S!:rYi.c~_ 654.40 208.20 391. 80 600,00 1 000.00 i 195 i Other Profes.sicmalSerYices . 199 85 00 _-----.illl .00 . --- , : _TOTAL -:>f\L. '370 an ..,,.., c:.,..".., "l.<; 1 45.. 32q LQ5 215.930000 217.Rm_oo 227.700.00 'Yet ~lil!8 1.250.00 J...illl.Q...QQ. 600.00 850.00 3.000.00 100 00 950.00 75.00 50.00 700.00 15.00 1 , 200 , 00 100 00 800 00 1 ..QQQ....Q.Q 200.00 1.250.00 2,250.00 500 00 850 00 2,750.00 100 00 950.00 75 00 5000 500.00 15.00 7'0 00 100 00 w..oo. 8QQ...QQ. 150.00 1.250.00 2,500.00 500.00 850.00 2.750.00 100 00 Q50.00 65 00 50 00 600.00 1'i 00 , 1 'i0 00 100 00 700 00 JillQ....QQ 400.00 750.00 ----413L.lL 335.66 554 1Q ,.~ J..illl.....lli ..19it..O.L --1i..5.....QQ. --6...3.6... ~ ...li..illl. .8.llLllL ~ /,"~ n;, 7..ll...52 38.79 5.QQ...QQ.1 1,368.89 164.34 295.81 1 ,187.'50 00 -553--93- .00 43.64 575.84 .00 348.99 -5J,...Q9.. ..26!L.9!i.. ~ ~h' .~, ------f 1,265.77 _ __ ___ 2,945.15 __ 4~.65 832.63 2.<;mR<; .00. ~ ---------a.OO.. ---------a.OO.. 495 .66 10.00 1,136 29 62.03 826 04 1~491.04 17'>.<;<; CONTRACTUAL _SER'lICES.~ 201 AutOlllOb1le _UseAlJ.awance 205 Telephone.. and dTelegraph 2(J7 I TraveliDg Expense 209 ~ Postaga___ i , , 217 _ _j _.F'eeli1.ns..l'rieoners _____ 22Q . - t ..Blue._Pr-in+'i ng "-nil Phntngr 221 + Print1ng-.O:fi'ice....Fm'mL.______ i --~- -i-l.a.gaJ. - &trvi C!es Adverti 8i ng --221-- --t Tn8urance --"' Rui lding __.231-1 J:ns.urancs_-_.Motor. Vehil!lA8 233--.1 . Tneur&.nl!e ~et;y Rond I -236- :_Insuranl!e__- Stw!ia1 &t"ur1 ty _ ._..2.4.1-.._ _ nae Servi l!e .. TjiPt SElrviC!e _25L Repairs - Bulldlngs _~ R~~FurDiture & Oft'lce Eaul1ll1lent Page___ Acc't. r No. i Account '-=----=l----~-===---~---- - -. ---- +COliTI!AC'l'!.1l....sEl'l-'llCES~W.:.__ i _~53 : J\ltl!8.1.rL-:. Magl:!!.n~zy.a!!4 Equ~~!l"t_ n 1--- ~:r06....55 f---- .6L+o- _n ...l1.2....:KL 200.00 2>4 i.' R"p"i"s_,,-Motor V"hi"l"."- - -t_.1O.6'O.,6i-- 4,"77 " I -""::"":1 10,000,00 -~- --i-Re~J4o:tor V"h1"l..~ 'Nres & -TUbe.fLt ____200..58-_I__~-----2l . 300.00 25.6 ~.Repa1r.s".Jlallh_11dld_IA1br1~ti.Ql! - i 53.751_~_ 123.00 150.00 284 t laundry..a.nd Towel .5erYU:e - r ~I B.09r -- - _n .5.L.9l ---6Q. Illl - :. -~-- ... -C~=~.~--=-r---~-T~_~--- , 1 I T - - ;_TOTAL __ __ -2~~67Q...B.2.-L__lMlill...Q9t__.ll.~.2.....9.L ! I ' it ----------------~-- -_________ __ . I 1-- MATERIAlS A' . LIES; + ___________ ...._______ ______ _._____________ 3'" ~J ----"".2<> --:: I-~'- 320 Off'iee Supp. .}--~250~9B ---.J...3194---g0.0L 3-31 ; Books ADd.P, als_____ I ______8.5...!rQ___l64.60 i 333 jCh"mi""l...-: nd Etc. ________ 64.97 i -339.- p.ood_fOX:_An: _____ _____n_ 179.44 343 + -'ls,I!UQrl!.n4. S),l~U~ _______ _ _____?0000Q.... ---J~---l. Mni:n.. V..h1 ,,' lS...B.I ______ i - JJann_j...Mot.or--Yehie.: :enaf --------~-----...Ltz....?2.. , , -~~--1 W".....i ng API>' 2 , 192. 38 ~9-i- nt 11".. np........, if _ _ 307 . 11 i , -JCa----j-- F.l.."t..i t'a 1 n< 27.92 i --371.--- I Tllmh..,. and 97.50 -3.13-- -----3LJi,L --------00... 100.00 -371-- 138.89 ----.Oll._...5Q..J1Q ~7q l.Bc;.~Q 'lnC;_l'l 694.87 ------------------- CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year ~ Fund_ Functinn ~-- Department _ S:lbmittcd By: Date Final Budget Allowance Manager's Recom- mendation .l962- Budget Request l.96L Current Budget ~ Total CURRENT YEAR Q Estimate ~ Months 1961 Actual ~ Months l.9QQ... Actual Previous Year ~ .5O!l...llQ... 9 . QQQ....QQ... ~OO _ 00 100,QQ 900.....QQ 350.QQ+_ 50.00 Police 100 .00 'ill Illl 21.R40_00 2'50.00 300000 400.00 , 13 000.00 150.00 h 900.00 5,000.00 420.00 _400.QQ 150 00 300.00 350 00 300.00 ~ 100.00 ~ 200.00 2OO..QO 1 , 500 . 00 2 200.00 A 000.00 ~ 1'>0.00 ...6o.ao... .lOO...OO.. -:> 000 00 35.Q....OO... Rn_m 23.4~+__20,500 00 ----~------- 1 lQQ~ 2,000000 ~Q.<L.. 80000 250.00 200.00 11 ,000 .00 150.00 4,700.00 400.00 _--.1.50 . 00 ---.lQQ...QQ.. 100 . 00 50.00 1,000.00 awL Motor Vehicles - Barts Motor V.hit'l. - Tires and Tub.._ --------------_._- -- CON SOl.- 00'" TEO.....LIN Final Budget Allowance Manager's Recom- mendation Budget Request Current Budget - --~-:~:;l---- No. ----- .---- ----~_. --- I t MA'l'F.RTAT.q .:. 381 ~..Pllin.t _and Paint1n& .Ma~__ I .3B2 t_.Photograph .MIi ' - lILAI1li~lliIL_ 385 ,Ba.d.1J:1..l'arts__. I _~_116,J.~ ___ _..8!tQ..29+-__ r --- ---L-oo~t-~--_.J.8...85t ---t-------- i------- t ___.__.________._n___ ,----.-- --,-- -- --- -+ , I -I .__..2.4~----W~-'-~~_U..ll(l, -t==-~-==t=-~=-~-J-=-=-~ !n~"1- 7 .501--- --->U< r~~-~]-=~-=-~ -=- t ---- ---- ---r-- - ..-- ---- ----J.,-~ _n_ ;3,Q1Q~ 50 T.DTAL_ SUNDRY EXPENDITURES: . Or~ni ~a.t1QJl. DIlOfl CAPITAL . OUTIAY : , Automobiles _and...M.l:lt.cr.cycl.es , i -i.FJJrn1.tl!n. ID:!d. ..FJ.xtYr"--__ .. l.'l'OTAL....-- ----. , -.t- f -- i 435 505 509 -5.19-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - _. - - - - - Fund--.GEI Function_ CITY OF SALINA DepartmenL BUDGET REQUEST SubmItted By Date For the Fiscal Year ~ Final Budget Allowance Manager's Recom. mendation .l962- Budget Request .l96J. Current Budget J3Ql. Total CURRENT YEAR a Estimate ~ Months 1961 Actual ~Months .J.9QQ... Actual Previous Year Page Account Acc't. No. 69,000.00 ~ 750.00 '7/'\ .800...00.. .00 67'1.00 70,800.00 ~ 675.00 -:><: ~~~-'-003' 65 .00 "'::1. /'\/'\ 411.00 fi9,2El9 90 --...QQ.. __ill--,~o; 71 J..'70; fV'\ I 69.750.00 71. 475 .00 -. ~..!t14.65 .y:, ~/'\ ~o; -1_-~004 1<: . __120 --1' Salaries - Rell:Ular l!m'Dloyees -13Q--r~~-'" PArt 'I'i_ ~-, ~__j_~l,I,l ~- ----p- .l--- - I t TOTAL I 3Y' Rtreet 200.00 200,OQ 100000 100,00 82 000 900,00 300 . 00 2 .OOQ.,.QQ.. 500000 500,00 500.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 15(),OO 250 00 ---1OO.QCl 100.00 50 00 50.00 J,ooo.oo 1.000.00 J30.oo 300.00 200.00 _ZQ.Q...QQ... 120 00 .00 200 00 200000 ? ~ -'XlO.O!l.. ? . QQO....QQ... 5frO....QQ "'00.00. 500 . 00 50.00 .00 50.00 ~ nnn nn 2 _.__.-103064 ___19.70 _.______7.84 _-L..7 35.88 234~ 93 29.32 .lBll....3O.. -~ _4!i.......2!L ~ ~ .l1.1...QO... -----LlL .l1O....illl... ? illlO......O.O. "illl....QQ 37.97 --9W6 ---..80.30- 1117 lh. 5h4, 1~ %5 err 45 fil1 69.70 93 51 5 5() 3fi hh 69 2J '7f00 7~ -30-00-1 -----OCl.. ---,.00.. 1':3 n., - t t _.cOl _SER'lICE5.:___._________ -i- 205 ~ Tel~h-,- ~ 'l'ele~..pb_ -- -- _ ----- _j___gol:: I g~:!. . i FJ::i~t:11! If't:lc.e 1'~1'!U - - - - --- - -- - -- --- 211 j InllurNl' .,. CoowrehentiiY.e..._ _ ____ _..3~ , I ~6 j In1lYl'.lmCL-_ ..5DciaJ. Sti:uri.ty._ ____ _ 2.369.92 2~1___L-~.ILSeIT.i.c.e..-- ______ 0;00.0;:;> 20g1 :: =:: ---------- _21G.__ __ -25l.---~ Ruildini -252....-~--= Furn1 ture & Of'tice Equ1.pment :: f ::: : =::: _.t --255--i Re;pairs __ Motor Vehil!le, Tirll.L& Tubes :: t::::: :7... S1....~ ~. ~ Rent - Machinery and Equip ~_ RRnt. _ Mnt.n~ v~h1p1~R -:lSl.h I,Rnnd'7 And Tnv..J R...,."ica... Employees Retirement 62...1Q ~ ---5-,...QQ. ~. 291.98 723.Q7 185.47 22.50 167.80 1 '771.JKL OCL m ------------------- CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year -..l.962- Fund_ Funchon_ _ Department Stree Submitted By:_ Date _. :~~'- [== ______+--'X>N'll: 1L __ I + I r=-------n=-~~-. u ...... __l~....1'15~.35 i-.MA..l'ERIAI.S AND _SW.P_LIE.s; ___ un ___ _ ____ I -3.1D r F.l(pAndable Tool.&. --- 77 76 .B....69---.2.L.1l , -320 ~_01'~nSupplie.s..__ __~__+_ .00 ~ _ _ 27083 J4J Jam, tQ1"!l.1l4~tn~1!I3_ _____ ___ __ ___ 696 . 241 Ql..li ,,130 0 25 3..45 M.ot.or GilA l.\Dd.Qll --- --I 7,264.85-L--~ 5,422034 347 Motor L1.cenu:TuL----------t- 360.00 _~ ~h()O_OO ool~! __~ 359 ! Other Sup~lie.lL-~----+-----1Th..!& _ 66 _un. 186.56 36l 1 As. _011_____-1 1,838.93 . 1, 186. 71 I .365- ; ClmlllIl' Produc.ts.... ____~_- 1,228.94 I 602.99 I I 3-67.( EJ.ectJhti ng Parts_______ 150.95 45. 26 ! 369 . i-lilmlWJ 138.42 68.01 I --J1l--L .dUl!t.A 3-73.- -r..Mach1l ~ 4,259.67 1 149.02 -3li~taJ.. 1Ck__ 200.00 ---311__+_Mo.tl:lr. '--_~____-! 1,832.62 1,054.47 --319---~- and Tubes I 1,281.98 656.03 --3BJ..---t..1'sJ.nt.. tctris.ls I 44.89 101. OR ---3B7-----+~ a.l.:LA.nd r.hat. --t- 2,862.76 3B9- !':_.... -L-~ .00 , ~Q() 1.0;!.hC;1 ,'::;,,,A, Final Budget Allowance Manager's Recom- mendation ~ Budget Request ~ Current Budget .J$2.1 Total CURRENT YEAR o Estimate ....I.l..- Months 1921. Actual ....!L.. Months .l.96O- Actual Previous Year Page ~j 425.00 100. 00 50.00 200.00 .7 , 000 ~QQ..... 360.00 740.00 2 000.00 ~QL 50.00 100 . 00 200.00 - 2 000.00 300.00 1 500.00 1 250.00 - 150.00 3 500000 50.00 2,500.00_ - - ~ street 11 8.025.00 300.00 50.00 200.00 6,000.00 400.00 700.00 2,000.00 500.00_ 5000 50.00 300 00 1,850.00 500.00 1,000.00 1,250.00 --100..00... 3,500,00 5000 '" /VV\ IVI 780.00 100.00 ~OO 200.00 -- 1.....200 .00 360.00 ~O.OO 3,000000 1,500.00 50 0 00. 100 0 00 200.00 3.000.00 200.00 1,500.00 1. 250 .00 1 ~O.OQ 3, 500 . OQ.. 50000 ?_~OO_OO 8 5,768.87 ~~- 50.00 RilL,. lQ ':) "" ,? ------------------- Fund_ Function _ Department_ Submitted By Date _ Acc't. No. CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Y ear ~ Final Budget Allowance Manager's Recom- mendation ~ Budget Request ~ Current Budget ..l96.1 Total CURRENT YEAR c Estimate --IL- Months 1961 Actual ~Months 1960 Actual Previous Year Page Account 1 'i0.00 ?OO 00. 1 'io...OO 13.3.27 lh_7~ 1110.04 (Cont. ) ~ AmL W~ldlDR Materials -39< 22.700.00 -:>, fYV"l m I ,,, '71:":) t"'t'7 ~h t"\l:~ J.I. - 25,910.00 15.156.03 'lVYT'AT. ~1Nn'RV -- hh7 00 00 00 00 rYl rYl .-t.a..J>tr_.... t. ---- -- __l-::l'rAT. nIPI'T.dV. C;(')Q ~.f'.(^_ 00 LOO . 00 500.00 000.00 000_00 ~ ~ 1 .Q(l ~ 3,000,00 1 ,()()(). 00 rrl::n fV"\ _ .00 150.00 1,500.00 500.00 QQ 88008 106.25 452.91 431.00 .00- .6W2- ',393 75 47 09 ':1.10_00 J)(l ~ ---00. , ,1131'\ 59 , lh.?_o;6. . ~ GA1"AgI" c~, C+~a_+ a"~ 6.200.00 "-"00.00 2.900.00 078.24 1 1.821.76 2.872.0:< TOTAL ~t.f Street 110.075.00 106..000.00 W9.065.00 417 Jq 67 41.647..21 104.082.971 TOTAL EXPUUJITURES: ------------------- Fund I'IF.N17. III!L Function _ Department_~ ~ Submitted By: _ Date Page CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year -J.962- .J; ")!o'l;; .1. 'IO\> 101'. 1 OI'.~ Acc't. Actual lQ6l CURRENT YEAR ,n<::, Current Budget Manager's Final Account Previous Actual ~ Estimate Recom- Budget No. Year ~Months Months Total Budget Request mendation Allowance _~O Salarles - Rep;ula,r Employees 11 620.80 ), tV7'> nr:: 7,879095 11,952000 11 ao;~ nn 12 000.00 ~ _ Reg. ElI\ployees-('lH'l.... n..n+.". m '7<; hn .60 176.00 lVl 00 J95--_ nth..... Professlonsl Serv~____. c. ..,~I. "^ m .00 .00 m 'iOO _ on -_._-_._--~~--~ -.,-------- - -~.,._.,-~---~_.- ..----~--~~.. ..TOTAL 'A "C.I. I'V"l I, ,.,1.'7 I.r:: --LJlRO. 'i'i 17 17Sl ()() 11 a,," lVl 17 'iOO on ----- ---- --- --- _._._~---- . - ------ -- ---l--------~---..------- _____ +___ ______n_____________ -- I"""""ClUAL SERVICl!S, - -- ~~e._~~c~_~_ Equi~.ll~__~__ 00 60.Ah 5.16 75.00 _lVl 10000n _239. - -I Ins1g8I1C;~_:__..SQ~_~~urlty ":1":14.76 oa n~ 250.97 350.00 ..nn nn 100 00 I .253 !Repair- Equi:pment___________ ' <::<::), ~ -:> t::1, -:> nl. 2'i7 06 7,000 ()() , <;nn nn h """ "" i I Elllp19Yi?_~~ _R?_!:_iJ~I1l!'!lt_ ---- 7~() ()() ---'- ---- _._----,-_._~---- TOTAL 1 oaa 7~ ~A" A, 513.19 3.325.00 , Qnn I'V"l 7 150.00 --- ------- - nlT\ . ~ Mn+_n.. ~l. Lubr. & Etc. , 1Y74 o;~ h,A ~~ 505.64 924.00 o;lVl m 1,000.00 ":Ic;O n+.her 'Q7_nA 'hoAo; 30.15 200.00 70; _l'ln 175.00 ":17":1 Dn;l Pal"i:.. , C.N' ^, A'2O; At; 664.14 1,500.00 , "nn nn 500.00 ~87 Qan" Rn,... ,,--..-, ~,+ And r!bA.i: 1 ~ "" m 000 000 nn 750.00 New Machinerv Difference without 253 6 000.00 'lVYl'A T. .. ~D~ , It"It tV7 1 199093 2 624000 ... tV7" nn 8 425.00 oj.orrAT. . """ "c.c._~ A hA":I ":I~ 9,593.67 18 077 .00 ,0: .11.'="7 lVl 28 075.00 waste D181l..a Jd ------------------- CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Y ear ~ Fund Function Department Submitted By Date _ Acc't. No. Final Budget Allowance Manager's Recom- mendation .l962- Budget Request .l9U Current Budget fLMo... ..196J Total CURRENT YEAR Estimate .2JflL Months .192J.. Actual lL-Months 1960- Actual Previous Year Page Account ~7.000.00 ~ 70:;0.001 lq_~ ---..QQ... 7~O nn (,.~.QQ.... ~ 750.00 "'=1---" n.. j -::I j . _____120. &t. 1 a1'"i.... _ -----..130- I ..ss..l.ati.... - Part.....T1.m... --.l95- ()1:h...,. n". 1 '27 ,.,~n tV'\ 1 Q 7 ~n nn 7.715000 1~ ()~o; ml ~IL _ ~a":l ml -~ ~70:;. 11.0;0_00 QQQ..illL (f00.00 ---..QQ... ....5O...illL _~.llO... l5O.....iliL .5.OO...Q.(L 7,000 00 7.000.00 400.00 2.000.00 150000 50000 450.00 378.12 261. 55 ~ ~ ---..QQ... ~ ~ lUB..iU 2840 30 400.00 717 . 18 84.07 50.00 340.00 2 ::: ~ .00 1.282.82 11n m L.ILo; m ___-----j-_.TOTAL._ _ ~, __2Ql._ Aut_obi Ie lie. A11mnmee n_____ -.205-001 Telephonl!l.Jm1~__ ____ .-2Q1.mI--.~--------- 22L- .1Tint:lDg...Qff:l el!l Forms ________~_~_ _ -.--2ZL~.. Tnsur&nl!e -F.qJl:!pDI@nt______--=:J- -.231-- ___.Inaura - Motor ~T_,,~..1..a --.-236- .Ina.urfl - !'In..i...1 ?L., "...._A a.. """JU1 &. TubAS , __2!i2....-+- T.1 gnt and Pnw..... Sf' ~ R..~1l" - ~]ild1niS ~ R"lpA i,.. _ ...h1 n..ry ....nd .25!L RflP&ir - Motor Vahielas ~ RflP&1r - Mo~nr Vl!In1l!l.. - ~A7 W'aa'ta ft_..... ~ nn EI",A _.J 36 ~- 20. ~OO.OO 13.I50.. 00 5.648.32 A 1m t;A1 ~~ ~rY7 h~ ~AT ------------------- Fund GEBERAl Function_ CITY OF SALINA Department_ BUDGET REQUEST SubmItted By:_ Date _ For the Fiscal Year .l96.2.- Acc't. No. Final Budget Allowance Manager's Recom- mendation .l962.. Budget Request .l9.61. Current Budget .J.96l Total CURRENT YEAR o Estil!l8te -!.L.- Months .196.l. Actual ~Months J.9QQ... Actual Previous Year Page Account J.5Q...OO.. ~ -35....00.- 2,000.00 250 00 750_00 60.00 .00 100.00 150.QQ.. ".000.00 100.00 ..2l:lO.....OO. 35.Q.....OO.. 'iO_no l.5O.....O.O... 75.00 35.00 5,000.00 400.00 7<;0_00 45.0Q .lQQ....QlL 100 . 00 150.00 ?500.00 ..l.Q.Q....QQ.. ..2QQ...illL 4.QQ....QQ.. "n ()(I .BL.o.L 72.20 35000 1,721.15 ----3~ LU2-4Q 2.2......22. 1 <;Il <;Ii ll...2.l 1? 7n 00 37.31 95.20 135.08 71i?_Rl .62...5a ---2.....8Q ---..00. , ~ 62.69 4.80 14.92 1 ,737 19 30.08 -~ ~ '27 -,n 123...52- 28.24 --3.5....QQ. 7.063.15 731.03 7)11..<;7' AIm... -3lQ.. ~ ----320-. ~ ~ .---33.l.- -Books and Periodieals .--333__ Chemicals, DruQ and Etc _3-43__+_J&nitor_ and Toilet .Ruppl1es -..3!1:i--+ Motor Vehil!lea - Fuel, Lubr..~ ...39-]__ M01<Q.LYehicles - IJ.cense ~_____. 60.00 ulli_~~-.llDg SU>>>>l1es________ -----.QQ. ..39.7 _ _..E.lectriJ:!l.~L1Jmt.tM..l'!lrts___ Q5...li _..311.__ _I6ml~Mcl~_lT~L_~_____ 263.~6 -3'Z3-- Machinery and Equipun:t...l'a1:tIL_____ 3,319.86.. _31:1._ Motor Vehie1e ~..J:'e.r.ta._-----------r= 118.41 --179._ .MQ1<or Vehicle - Tires and ~ -.2J.....36... 431...QIi 387 q,.niL Rn..1c _ ~_v.. L ~ 1 t. A.nd I'!hA t. ..A 10; ,~ m<;_R!.. ---~-- _ 'I'O'I'AL 7. 'Y7n QQ 10 0<;<; on 1 Q<;I; lill t:. IV">A ..... CAPITAL. Ot11'IAY ~ Furn1..tl 'l'rul!ka 1. '5oo..QQ.. nol 400 00 1 1 nn nn ~ 'i 'i .l.5.. on M..25. , , IV\ IV\ L 2<; ~ ..9i.. no and 509- <;2<; 17 a...."_ , I:tv\ t'V\ t:.t:. Q~ I. /V'\ 1 "nn nn 45,055.00 1'i'i.7,) 75 675 17 , , 1.1. -:>1:: 71.07n ~ol ~ ~7020;1 , 1 _ ~o;~ O~ I 'T'Nl'A T. TmoA T. ------------------- CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year ~ Fund Function _ Department_ Submitted By: Date CONSOI..1C....TIID-....L.N. Final Budget Allowance 38" Manager's Recom- mendation Actual Previous Year Account ------------------- Fund-..GD I Function__ Department ___ Submitted By: Date CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Y ear ~ Final Budget Allowance Manager's Recom- mendation .l962.. Budget Request .l96.l Current Budget J.96l. Total CURRENT YEAR Q Estimate ~Months ~ Actual -A.- Months ~ Actual Previous Year Page Account --- Acc't. No. --~.~- 14,850.00 2,000.00 3,600.00 33,000.00 2,000.00 2.C:;OO_M 28,500.00 1,000.00 3,600.00 19,750.50 1,000.00 2,293.88 8,749.50 .00 , ~t1h ,? 25.260.90! .00 ":I_,hA n . _:M!Q... t Salarlea - ReltUlar l!)m)loyees ~. tSalA..i: - :::e:- ::r Df!!nta .195-.. _ .othBr Professional q",,.,,i ..... ,,, ntr:: t::f"') -:>A h-:>Q ".. Zo....i!50,QO 00 00 00 ~ 3 ,...5.QQ......Q! l()() ()() 00 ..0.0... 200.00 ----.J!Q 1. 000.00 ":17 _ o;/'V\ /'V\ ~ .J.25....QO... .....25...00- SM 00 ":l ,SM 00 100 00 .00 .00 100 00 1 O(L 00 100 . 00 _. 425,00 l25.0~ 25.00 750.00 3,350.00 ~ ~ ----ilil 100 . 00 100.00. 33 23,044.38 ~ 44.70 -----.illl 100.00 100~.oO 270.00 125.00 25.00 ~ 639.20 1 1'5,>.001 ------..QQ.. -~ 201.33 I u:; 'j .00 t i I I I_CONTBAC'l'IJAL..sERYlc;E:S:_ --- -3=-' I I 2.QJ. f Automobile Un All.owance ---_ -----37 _ I _~Q7 l 'l'rliv.U_I1gWenu___~__________ __ _ 2~J. _~ Pr1n.llng.QfUcelol'!ml____ __ ____ ____u__ _ 236 I Ins\l1"An"@". ..5al:ial.securi~ _______ IL 24.2 t.L1gllt and P.ower. .SerYica.__ _____ __ ":l. Q96. 42 2.53 "'j" __.Repa1.r_~ Ma.l!h1 m!!ry and F.qu1 pment___ 181. 07 ..254 n _~1r__""_~tor Vehlcles .00 ___~__. R..!".:I.. _ MnT-n.. Va}'i ~ 1..... 'l'1...... R. ",..h... M , R~irs - Radi 0 . ------00.1 ~._ o;c:;() ":lh ~ .Ao.O .0.0. J. Ar7~ IV'\ ~-043.0Q QOQ,QQ 2 -:> 1.... "1 h ao;A no -.251- _..26J...... .l.igM... Bulbs & Ett!. Rmp 1 nye.e.s..-.Rp't; rpmpn t ---- ---.-.- AT , --~-_. 'l'O'l'AL.. ~nT"P'1'S("'I. 'l'no1.. JCf ... l()().~ illL ()() '001 :1 100 JliL JlO. .00 .qL, 2ll. illl 00 , c:; ..82.1 Jlll. ,00 "~ l4o+""- u..hiclea _ 1"'--- AM M 1 . ~ '!'Ras 31Q. ~ -3-Il7 ------------------- Fund-----.GEtl Function _ CITY OF SALINA DepartmenL BUDGET REQUEST Submitted By Date For the Fiscal Y ear ~ Final Budget Allowance Manager's Recom- mendation ~ Budget Request ~ Current Budget J.96l Total CURRENT YEAR Q Estimate ~Months @ Actual ~Months ~ Actual Previous Year 1,000.00 6,000.00 .00 300.00 00 .00 .000000 lillO....lliL ----------illL 100_00 10 QOO_OO 3 1.500.00 9,500.00 00 .00 00 00 1 000 00 .koo.oo. ..6??..oo.. lm_m ,~ -;)m_m 1,000.00 6,000.00 .00 300.00 --5O.....QO. ~ 500000 300.00 600.00 15o.,Qo. 1 LOOO.OO 2 2 ~ 149.39 -t----..J..29-91 9,22"-.76 1 77r::. f)JI 1 1.334.22 _ 4.160.10 53.05 .00 .00 00 3,093.95 116.52 __ ",. 7'~ 0_l;?l;_70 Page Account MATERIAIS AND SUPPLIES lCont. ): --.323_._ ~__ -361- __ . F.I",,,tri 08.1 'I'1"8.f'f'i" 1.i ght Parts 00--311--_._ T"mhl!!r 80nd Tnmher Produ"ts __313 Maehlnery 8ond. EQ.l11pment Parts 377 _n; Motor Jl..hi c1 A - p..:..ts n_n ______ I -3JR- _~tor-.v..hi "II!! - _.Tires. _AIld._'nlhe.IL___ ... 38~_ j nl'aint .aod_l'aintiD.i-Ma teri80ls . I 38.5 tBadio.Pal'ta. ..~---- 391 1.1'ar.king..Me.tllr. Par.ts _n 399 j- other_Repair.s.. and. Mai ntenanl!tt I f--- ..------- i t .._n~__~_____ TOTAL.~_____________n__n__ Acc't. No. .illl. 'i,'i00 00 ? 000 ()() ..00.. ?,5oo 00 " fVV\ fV'I .illl. 10,000.00 1 _000_00 N 2,072078 702.01 .00. 7~ ~7 _ (Y7 ..00. ~ ,oR5 99 ~R7.7l; Fnl1.ipm.en 1- "<.g.1 -~----- 2 _~ ---l.ea.-._ --529 ..... Tr~ff;r --52 3 7 ~()() (1(1 70;m_m 11_000_00 2.774_Rl A ~l;_'O -3)L7~ - 71.. -- ______------+_ 'T'O'I'A T. 10 .......-r-r.. It &. "-"- ?,,(1 nn .,.,. 'An ~I 37.Q'i1.Q4 I fiO_141()(1 I j:;~ mo;_m 46.~.61) _AT_ ------------------- CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year-l.962- Final Budget Allowance Manager's Recom. mendation .l96a. Budget Request ~ Current Budget 196J. Total CURRENT YEAR o Estin;tate --'-L- Months J.m.. Actual ~Months .l.96O- Actual Previous Year Page Account Fund Function Department Submitted By Date _ --- Acc't. No. -:>n /'VV\ nr. ~ 15 ,OO.f'l nn ?11 111111 nn 20,00000 tv1 ()() _'lTa...M.:r~_to Airport RevolvlDS( Fund f I i if' 15,000.00 ~(\ I'VV'\ t'V'\ 20,000.00 --- _ 20,000.00 --- 00 ,00 -TOTAL ~T'I'lTR1i'.s' ----~--_.__._-~-"- ----------- -- -.-..-- ---~---_..~---- -_._~--- --...---- "___~___ ..u.____.__~.~__ ---- ------ -~-~- ---+------- -------------------- CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year ~ Final Budget Allowance Manager's Recom- mendation ~ Budget Request ~ Current Budget 1961 Total CURRENT YEAR Q Estimate --l.l..- Months .l96J.. Actual ~Months .l96O- Actual Previous Year Page Account Fund Function Department _ Submitted By, Date _ Acc't. No. 10 .000 .00 1 .000.00 25000 .ll..QlL .iQ.....QlL 2l.5......Q.(L -5il...illL .6llil....O.O.. _.....illL l&O....lliL MlO....ilil. 10n 00 000.00 11 c '::~: I .25.....00- ~ ..!I:OO....l:ll ..koo..oo.. 100_00 '_070; m 000.00 10. 9.500.00 ...5.00 . 00 ~.oo 75 .J)O ~Q.- .n~ -5.(l.Jl.O...... 600 00 00 lillD...illL MlO....illl.. 100_00 10.000.00 __-.Jl. 500 . 00 500.00 ------- 10.QOO.00 ___ 25000 ____75.00 1 _Q7'i_00 50.00 ll5.....lliL ----5ll..JlO.. 600.00 00 400 00 400 00 100.00 -- 120i__.S!!J.Ar1elL" _~. EDlPloyees_~_ i __ J.25- __..1 SalAries - Other Depts. i I __ ~ - _____.___H ______ ___.________ , i ___ :.'ro'!AL_ ______________ I t ! ~ _ CON'l'RA~IA T...sERYICES.;. __un I 2.Q5._ L Tele1)hone.andTelegra-llll I 207 .Tl"a1lellD.g.E:x:.penae. _ ...221__ Fr1n:t1n&- e.nd..M.ndin& ..236 InsurlmCil_- .soc1al.Seaurity__ I 24J. . 1-.Ge.a Service _ _ m____ 242 j Light Service . ___ I 243 I Water.Service___.___. _ _______ ___ --.25J. -t R~ir - - BUildinss ~ R_~1.... _ NR~h1n~ An~ _..284 __ TAUnt! ry..JUld. 'I'nv.1 L. An ---- - 'I'Nl'.!IT . 9,505.04 ___-00 9.'>0,>.04 1 a'~ ,1. tf-~' PoolS 1 Q7 ~ 00 .2.S.....O.Q. .5O....illl.. .??....oo. 'i0_00 ;j .QQ...O(l' o;n m 1 _Q7'i_00 2.5......0.0.. .5!l..Jl.Q. ..??.....oo 50.00 2.5...ilil.. ..5!Wlil.. .??...oo 50000 ..1.5---50-1 5!L...!a ,~ o;t:;_oA _ MATJl:RTATR AND ~ -- A_la, Url1g, And lilt". ..- AniI 'l'n1 1.i-. ---------- Fund GENERAL OPERATING _ Function~__ _ CITY OF SALINA Department Sw1_i1'1g l"oolA -- BUDGET REQUEST Submitted By: ~_______n____ Date.. Page__ -==-~+--c===-====-_-n-._---.-= Acc't. Account No. - -::~A J.C1 AND SUPPLTF.S (Cont.1: j_ ~~t and~ent_a-gg,ucts__~ i } _~.ecreatlOI18-1. Supplles_ _ __ _____ I t _n~t:ri~I.lJ._BD<l:u.Ah~~pg~~_ ~ ~clll,Il.eryandEqulpment:par~s : Paint and. Painting Naterial.s ! t. -- . TOTAL j --------- c, -Final Budget Allowance Manager's Recom- mendation ~ Budget Request ~ Current Budget .l96l Total For the Fiscal Year -1962-- CURRENT YEAR Q Estimate .-U- Months ~ Actual ~Months 1960 Actual Previous Year 00 50.00 2Q...QQ 50.00 ':If''l(\ no 0.00 000 5.Q..OO.. ~ "" - ----"-Q9--+-----~ 50 0 00 ~-,.QQ... _ 50 . 00 50 .00 50.00 'Inn 00 -- ---~Q __--.Jon 00 --~.3Q 19B.65L_ ------~ J~- ':::: 365 349 _367 373 38J. q7~ nn """'7~ rV"\ 97.iJill+_ -_._-- ---.--- __n _9Z5...JlQ -----+.--- -----+~ ---1 ------i- -- '^I"\ I'V\ I 1:;:"" on ~nn.oo ~nn 00 _ 2'1.~L= ---f----- SIJJIDRY EXPEND.I'l'UBES; sales an.d ft,wllhsion ~e!il 421 43 Sw1.~na: PoolJ !:'nn on 1/. nr;.n on """ml ,~ ~~^ fV\1 100 ...oD...-l_ 1'1 7~n nn 'Inn on 11_ 7~n n() ':;'_4<:; ~o.O:::1 --- 'AL Oll"l'TAY' 5Q3_EQ.UilmImt___ __ --__ ---1--------- .=i..~---=-~. -= ------ i---- ---.--.-----~--- ! ~ --- ------------------- ~-_-=_- - CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year 1962-- __ _e c-=.' =--~- --...l.96O--- Actual -- _~ CURRENT YEAR PrevIous Actual Estimate Year ~Months ~Months Fundn.-___-MllD-_. FUrh'rjrlt~ Dep8!:L~(~nt _..__^_____ SUhm!1tf>d By; .P:li.e ____u. Manager's Final Recom- Budget mendation Allowance - - -----.- -. --- 1962- Budget Request .l96J. Current Budget ~, Total .- p"gc c_'W50.00_j_ 7.450.00 ___t11.600-",,- ll.6Q9 E~ _-n_ t =-=- ------- I -l-----rn.:i------- ---- ____ __38Uli_ --- 1 S4 11 I 7,350 76- f __3,m,",-- -'MJ_'AL._ ,..,32 .81 10.. 465. .4 t------~02....8 33 ~9i----~ 71 _'?il~Q___ -----5Q.OO. + ____803.!!8 -- u 804.25+__ - -'-QQ----- ~lL.12......-t --~-"25-1--..2.N...Q.5- : i ! r - ------ .-- -.---- _n_n_ -.--- -l-- - ----- ---. __m____+____ - .-- ___n______m_ J---~.'.49.~1- --", "'" J" L-,.1ZO.1.'--~ ..lOU6 -L 11,367 'j ~ . : I BAIANCE-t_~:=~:~:~:_ -----t---- :::-~j- -~' :~: nn :: ':~~ ~~ ---l._.~9.,96-.9...QQ ount Contr.olCard CE 1st. TOTAL BECEIPrS TOTAL RECEIPrS AND BEGINNING 1l:YPIP.lmT'l"I"IRF.R: Appropr1atilmsand BECEIPrS.: BECEIPrS AND BEGINNING BALAN CITY TREASURER BAIANCE JAN. Current 'l'e.llgible Taxes Delinquent Taxes Sales Tax 2l.0 110 130 240 iff Band --+---- ln~ f09.32 675.16 0.2002 --- M 723.0( n_20~7 10 ___4 1 S4 11 -r=== ----4- -- , leas Ex:pend1 tures lINf.NCT. 1I(Rli!R1?Tl. _.~ARH llATANr!w...JlEC. "'.a+ . -----E. _............. 11<7 OS -------- --- - ---- - _u_ - --- - -- ------f ____u_ - ---1-------- -- r _Bet_ Tax .Benu<_..A l~ ' . ~ ______ _ 9 118 6 ; ------- ---- 1 . 3 _...J. n..1i nqllent _m_ ___ ! _ ______ 182.37 _____+_Tax..DOlllll"S __ ___ ______ I ~~~ - =r----91301.00 ___ Mills ___no__ ___~ - -- -~-- -- --- -- -- .. --. .-l - -- ---- --- ---.--- ------------------- Fund_ .--..J rEB.L... ___ Function_____._____~___ Department ._________.._ ~--- SubmItted By; ___~__.__ ___._____..__ Ddte _____________~~__ Page ~_________ _ 1'160 -A~gt.~ Achlal Account PrevIOus No. Year ---~-=-- ~~~-- ------------- ----- , f P~liAL_SER'iICES;____ ---- ___________n _:L2Q .~ S!l..wi.eJ> _'" ~r-&n.RloveeIL ____ m_ _ 11,845..8.Q 125 .Sa.J.E1.r1es - ~..r.,-loyeu.,Qther..Deln;. _____-"_00_ :1.39 _S!l.J,~r::!.es - Part. Time J!}np19ye~s _. ~90 TOTAL Final Budget Allowance Manager's Recom- mendation .l962- Budget Request .no.o....a.o... 5..0.0....00 750.00 11 .J.96l. Current Budget .QQO...OO... 5OOaOO.. 7<;0.00 " 1'161 Total .illlO...JlQ.. 5Jl.O.....O.O. 750.00 CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year ~ 11 CURRENT YEAR 8 Estimate _ Months __LJ18....1l.O... _....5QQ...llQ 750.00 1961 Actual ..!L- Months ~ hh'.20. ..Q(L .00 12 2'i0_00 '~_-:>"I'\ fV\ ~ hh'_?O ~ 11,857.40 LtJ 175.00 25.00 ~ lmL.Q.Q. 50_00 350.00 .lillL..illl.. l.O.O.....Q.Q.. l.O.O.....Q.Q.. ~ ~ 7~n nn 1 R'iO_OO 250.00 -' 175.00 175.00 .Q...QQ__----+- 25.00 25.00 25 00 100.00 00 2Q...QQ..._ 50 00 350.00 300.00 l.O.O.....Q.Q.. , 00 . 00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 ~ 50.00 25.00 25.00 1.10a.00 oo;n 00 12 80 __..z.5..J1Q __100.00 19.43 267.46 69.20 ~o.~o 60.70 65.41 41.47 24.00 799 -_.~- 102.05 25.00 72 8-,-.s~8 3!L59- B...53- 1-00 ~oo_~R .12....95- -~ ~_oo --.T ------.- -. ..+__..ill...97. ____...00 , ()1 L. no CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 205 Teleph~pe and Telegraph 22l Pr1ptiugOftice .Fo1'lQJl 225 Lega,l Prlnting.. 227 f Insurance - 13uildinis 231 j Insurance - Motor-Yebi.cJ.e.iL__ -239-.t ..InJJJU:!!.n~l!_,...soc1.a_l Seeurltv -2h_n~ 25).. i~~ -_~i~i~S --253--1 Repairs - Machinery and Equip _..25-4. --i Re})Illrs - Motor Vehlcles ....255--.. -l- Repa. irs-Mo. tor_.Yeh.-l ,., aa '1'11".... &. "'"n." _____ E!llP~_oye.e. ~_~.!remen t -------~ ------- _ 'I'O'I'AI.. ~ ------------------- -- CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year----3$62 Fund_~__. Function __ Departrnent __ Suhn:Ittul By D~lte Final Budget Allowance Manager's Recom- mendation ~ Budget Request ~ Current Budget .l96J Total CURRENT YEAR o Estimate --U.-.. Months 1961 Actual ~Months 196a- Actual Previous Year - __ Page__. _.----- _A~~-I ___ ~~_ ______ =__--~c~oun~ _~ ~__ urn 50. 00 ~.5.O...J1O... ~ ..2.5-.-00- 2.5...JlO... ll2..Jl.Q.. - ns..oo... .lI.5-illL 15 . 00 _ --15.....00...- ....l..5.....O. ~ _ ~ 25.00 _~~ -.!lCL ~ .!2.5.00 _ 175.00 175.00 J2~QQ.. -----15---- 75.00 75 . 00 75 . 00 200~00__1-- 200.00 ~.OO 100.00 1/"\/'\ m 100.00 ~.....hle ..Tools____ __~OQ_ 't~.....li Fuel. hlbri t!a.nts ~.Except_.Motor_fiel.). .00 __ 25.00 .Motor 1[eh:icJ.u~_Lubr~...&._~ -----....J.01.83- 146.01 Motgr __Veh1cle.s,. .L1cenee.'l'e.-M 1 '> .00 J.S-.OO- __~ .seeds, Plants. andT1'eea_ -- __~_400... ~---..oof-- _25....Q.Q_ ~andCement_1'rod.w:tB __._ .00 .00 __ _ _-.:.00 M!l-1:b1n..ory!londEJLu.1-1l!1!en.t_fiLrJ;s _ ___ _ 92.48 00 ____ 175.00 ::::'::::.:..:.::_ .. -= m-'-j- . .~ _ ::::: Paint.e.nd. Pa1nt1n& S1.wPllu_______ _ ____~-------------ClCL 200.00 .Band.,. GraYe.1.,...Rock andCbat._ __ ;:;~1 C1 I." 99.60 ~..I--' -00-. -:>A ('1('1 3J.Q 341 3.45 347 351 365 373 377 379 _381 387 __ Mo <;7 00 915 O,o;_M 'm_m 915.00 76 7r::. /"\/'\ L~25.00 862 5:) ?h '>On m ..TOTAL.._ __ RTINnRY Re:f'unds_______________ TllBES:.__ - --439---1 100.00 500.00 200.00 700.00 300 00 ~M_m o;nn m 100.00 200.00 150.00 350.00 -- 200.00 142.44 44 342 .00.. "7 0;;:; "7 ,,;:; , /"\/'\ .00. M HXL 00 ~-l:.::::::..f:-- --5'Z5----t T...n....~ and TlIIProv~ ---------t--------------- __. 'l'Nl'A T. q~ ,1. "7'O;Mll5_815.00 14 715.00 10 61R]2 ), f'V'\C. ",0 ~151.06 ToTAL ------------------- CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year~ Page ... -1::0- ............. ~").l "'7"~ Acc't. Actual ,c>>;;, CURRENT YEAR ,c>>;;, Current Budget Manager's Final Account Previous Actual ~ Estimate Recom- Budget No. Year 4 Months Months Total Budget Request mendation Allowance 4l1m "'''T''.1''Il' r!T'f'Y BALANCE ~AN. let. ~ ~ ~:. 10/. ~ ,~" ~~ T".. OWl..... ~nn nn ~nn nn ~.h ...... .TAn. 'A+' ~ n.,.. .... ~ ~.,,, ~~ 2 603.84 3 034.79 110 Cu1"1""nt 'l'R.nai ble 'l'R.xes 2.00".22 .. -:>" .,.A 1 378.69 4,590.47 I. ..nn I,.,. 5 188.86 HO ""'...... O~ ~-:> ,n "'0 39.21 50.00 0;0 m 50 00 240 ~,... 'l'AY .,.1." t:A ~n t:.n .00 260.69 ~n ~n 406.35 '\8'5 Removal and Burial Fees .. ~pn ~ . CY.Y) nn 3 078.00 5 000.00 0;."fV\ fV\ 5 000.00 .87 ~ra.V" MA:rk..... 7'_00 ,~ fV\ 38.00 50.00 o;n ()() 50.00 610 Tnt..r..st an Tnv at:.... ..n -:>-:>0;fV\ 450.00 675.00 ~70; m 675.00 70C; Title F_s 10.00 ,n fV\ .00 10.00 'n_m 10 00 717 link....n "'- ,nO. ~ nAtV\ 27 00 1?5 00 70;.00 11111 110 7?"7 ~1.. nof T^+'. " ..."" "" ,.,.n tV\ 580 00 7511-00 , IVV\ tV\ 1 01111.1111 7::>0 ~1.. Qof n......v.. 5'lnA.".. . "" tV\ I"n "" 190 on ,;no nn . tV\ tV\ 300_1111 01< ~..... .00 m 00 00 m 00 Qo;~ n'" '0 ~~ .00 nn nn fV\ nn 'T'NT'4 T. ,.. .,."" -:>" 6 ....n ~ 5 7811 911 '2 "1 16 ,~ ", ,~ 12 780 21 'T'NT'A T. AlIm 19 7R9_69 17 740 79 14 715 00 15 815 00 T.....8 14 l~l n6 14 715 00 14 715 00 15 815.00 roA= m;o,.. ~,.+ ~ ~~" ~~ 3 034 79 00 00 III..+. 'l'AY ~_oo;~.o;o; 1.. o;aI'l 1..7 5 188 86 , - "" rn 01.81 103 78 'l'a% .. ... n." 1:.,., ), t:Ao!) <>A ~ ')0') ~" ""'.... T"vv Vi". n ncna A n!:l,,^ 11.1190? I".-terv 41 Fund Function Department Submitted By Date Final Budget Allowance Manager's Recom- mendation ~ Budget Request .l96J.. Current Budget .l96.1 Total ~ Actual 3-Months ~ Actual Previous Year Page Account - --- Acc't. No. . 100000 1 ~<; fVV\ IV\ '\ ~ nnn nn nt 4,{ .!t5!WlO- 1,000 00 1,500 00 SOO 00 200 00 ~OO 00 1,750 00 500 00 7 000 00 R 700_00 -95Q..OO. 1,500 00 3,000.00 500 00 200.00 :3 ()() ()() 1 .750 00 ",00.00 A '71V\ IV\ 2 2 Q2....illL 4,000.00 -- -- ::>31'> 91 00 00 _3 000 00 ,00 5 .00' 200 00 103. ::>5 "3 R5 1 6 ~ 298 5 - - - e;"" ." a nlLLJ. Ll.Q R 700_00 5,308.801 ~7 .08.J!..1.Q 00 h-:> ~a~ o;n _H' -- ~ ~-- .--.l2Q--1 Salaril 111&1" EDw' - ~. :l::: :':..:-'::-- - -r~--'--~~--=-~~---- I -f -- ------ ----------- ______-+___~--.--- ___n______________ _u_~~ SERVICEs..:..________----+-__ i -..236 __+ Insurance_-,,-- --.Se.c.ur1ty____ -_.986...5l. I 2.5l-J- Rp.pa:!rs II.. _____ ~ 70_<;0 m ~ ~ .692.ZL 4"'1"'1.00 -2.53 _~-",,-n.Me&h1nery_Jmd Equipment --.254_-..1 Repe.lra - Motor Vehil!' __~_ ~~f Re:pe.lrs - Motor Vehi, Tinl & Tubes ::>5R R~il"A - ~era __ ---259- ..BepairA - !'It.......t.B..,-.S: &. ---.21!l-- R..nt - and _~' 1..71 1 Emp,OY',. ','1,emen' I _ 'l'O'I'AL ------------------- CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year.J.9QL Final Budget Allowance Manager's Recom- mendation .l962-- Budget Request .l96l. Current Budget 1961 Total CURRENT YEAR o Estimate -I.l.-Months ~ Actual 1L-Months .l92O- Actual Previous Year Page Account Fund Function Department Submitted By Date _ Acc't. No. 100 00 500 00 700 00 200.00 SOO 00 200 00 .1.000.00 1,000.00 200.00 200 00 1 SO 00 1 2.OO.....QQ 250.00 ~ 500.00 700.00 200 00 ;; 1,000.00 1.000.00 200.00 200 .00 150.00 1 200.00 ~o;() m 100.00 ~ 700.00 200.00 2.iO..JllL lQ.Q...QQ... 000.00 ------.QQ. 200.00 200.00 .llO....illl... 2ilil...llil.. 'iOO_OO 1 ~ 1 100.QQ 500.00 700.00 200.00 .25o..JlQ... 200.00 944.50 ------.QQ. 200.00 200.00 ~ ~ 'i47_Rfi ..Qll. ..Qll. ..Qll. ,00 .00.. ..Qll. .55.a5Q.. ~ ~ ~ ~ ..9Q9...3Q. 0<;2.14 00 17'>.20 161.86 ----ClO.. ..J.J.6.....l2. -----t..OO. ~ '5.87 .00 .00 ______..00..1 2.122.71 1.470.88 3J,Q N 3Ql.. 321. ~ ~ Hardware 371 lumber and lumber Products ~7~ Machinery and EQulpment Parts ~ Metal and Metal Products ~79 ,Motor Vehlcle - Tlres and Tubes ----3.JI'!iln:t... and Painting Sl.wlll1es --38:L. ~ Gravel. ~nrl Chat "\99 Other. Mainj; MA.j;"l"1a,l.. &. Et". .AIm.. Elcoendable Tools Motor Vehicles - FueJ. h,h.... &. li!i".''- Asphalt and Road 011 Bricks and Masonry ~~ment and Cement 1.. 1ah c:~ 200.00 6 t:. "",^ "^ I 200.00 6 4.283.06 1 J"~ oJ. 'I'O'I'AI. - Genera1_ :r.mrovl..ent 4 q 100.00 50.000.00 1oo_00 I 0;0 nnn nn 100.00 50.000.00 lOO.OO 37.705.50 00 1 ~ !Xlk 0;0 001 48.887 .'i"\ 6. ~T1N1)RY 'I'O'I'AT. 4"\'i ------------------- Fund_ Function _ Department_ Submitted By Date CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year ~ - -D- ''''''' lanl lahO:> '-'QN.O...'O....TIED-....l..IN.. Acc't. Actual 1061 CURRENT YEAR 1oh1 Current Budget Manager's Final Account Previous Actual ~ Estil!l8te Recom. Budget No. Total Budget Request . Year ~Months Months mendation Allowance ANn ...... .~- ~TTY .TAW 1 AT. 3,215.96 2,997.60 u.a8 Unna1d Pur"base Qrderll 1,000.00 .00 Unencumbered Cash Balance Jan. 1st. 2,215.96 2,997.60 2,021. 38 1,488.87 11n ""'- V,",A he; ,Wl ,~ :", ~~.. ,,, 13 186.50 43 849.65 h~ Aha ~o; 44 431. 58 1.0 ""'-v.... 464.8. 1h?hC; .00 162.65 <;0.00 50.00 240 Sales Tax . 671.06 ., n~A rY7 .00 3,928.97 .. ,,'3A "'7 3,879.55 719 Weed Cuttirur &trvlce '\8'5.16 <;.7.00 13.00 550.00 1 <;n_oo 150.00 'l'Cl'T'AT. 49,669.17 .<;.::>01.77 13 199.50 48 491.27 h7.Q7A ~~ 48 511 13 'l'm'AT. Awn 51 885.13 51 488.87 50 000 00 50 000 00 T"'88 48,887.53 50 000.00 50 000 00 50 000 00 Unencumbered Cash Balanc. Dec .1st. 2,997.60 1 488.87 .00 .00 . Net Tax lili 0;~7 nn )... AI." ,:;:" 44 431 58 801 . .4 A77 m 888 63 '!'Ily L" 1."A..4 1.1. '7~ .,;:" 45 320 21 ""'... Ta"", ..~". n_OMA n_AJ..a7 O_R4QR . lanaral nt i-O Page ------------------- CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year ~ Fund Function Department Submitted By Date - ,-.no. Acc't. Actual 1061 CURRENT YEAR ,01:;, Current Budget Manager's Final Account Previous Actual Estimate Recom- Budget No. Year ~Months -B-- Months Total Budget Request mendation Allowance . 120 Q"lA...i.... _ Emn10vees 4.10~ 40 ' ......0 o~ 1 ~~1 70 I, 0 on nn 4 P.IOI"\ rv\ 11 R~O 00 no ""-,. - Part Timt!l ........., ~._-~ .00 rv\ ~nn nn ~nn nn <;00.00 ~oo 00 lq<; Other Professional Servlces _m 11'\<;_70; 114.25 300.00 ,m 1'1I'I 100_00 --f-- -I 4 'o~ h11 , I.P.I. 10" 1 Qn~ 11~ ~ /, ~ n nn 0; ko;n m s I1sn nn SERVICES : 205 """l..nhnn.. Ant'! h 1<;6 28 7h ke: 1?~ SS ?nn nn 200.00 ?nn nn ?21 ()f1'i.... Fo,."... m rV\ .00 .00 .00 ...il0 227 Tnsurance - Ruildini m fV"l 2 000.00 2 000.00 <> fVV\ rv\ 00 2~6 _ C1""iAl 1:>0; _AI.. -:>A AI. 121.16 150.00 10;o_m 150 00 241 Ga.s Servlce 1 44~.28 , ~A, 77 618.23 1 900.00 , e:1'II'I nn 1 750 00 :>I..:> 1.i ah+' 'Y7n ah , nll. "U\ 241 10 150.00 ko;n nn 1~0 nn 24~ w...+'t!ll" ?na o;() t:.c <>" 159.80 225.00 :n<;.00 275 00 2<;1 _ U...i1~i".. e:7Q 10; I'II'\nn 500.00 500.00 7<;0.00 750.00 ~<;? - R. ()f1'1". 1<;_<;":1 nn .00 .00 _m .00 ?0;":I - An" 7":1.20 m .00 .00 _00 .00 EmD10vees Retirement 250.00 'l'tYl'AT. ~_1'\7~_74 , o;hn'ah 3 764 04 5 325 00 o;_~?o;_m 3 725.00 .. iv-orlal Hall II Page ----------------- CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year ~ Page ~o 1961 1962 CON.Ol..IO"'TIED.....L''''... . Actual ~ CURRENT YEAR ,01'::, Manager's Final Acc't. Current Budget Account Previous Actual .....B..- Estiqlate Recom- Budget No. Year -1L-Months Months Total Budget Request mendation Allowance . AIITI ~'() 'l'nn 1 .. l~_h~ . a~ 4Q.08 50.00 0;0 nn ~O.OO ~IL~ Tft~' +_ An'" "'"i'",+ ]'U:;O c;o;_Ao; 1Q l~ 7~.nn ~^~ 1nn nn 'l"1 ~M1.. Pl..n+.. .....__ft ft_" 1i'+.. m nn ?~_nn ')~ flfl o;o.m ?~_nn "t67 and T.1ahtina Parts 00 '."to 23070 25.00 100 00 100 . 00 ~hQ He. T'dWJl .... .. AI. ,.. I,.. 7 ~7 ?~ flfl -:>" nn ?~ flfl ~71 T ",.n... .....it T,,_n._ nn , n" 1\1. t., QF. ?flfl nn nn ?nn nn ~81. "PAin+ a.nd ., ft 76 28 Ao_oo; 1n n~ l()n nn 7C; m 1nn nn 'l'CYI'AT. ,no ,,, ~h()_lLa 139.51 500.00 o;nn nn 600.00 ~I INnRV . 41"t Pnhl... ~..+_ .....A ,."::,, ^^ h':lm 537.00 600000 hmm 600.00 ()[1'I'T.4v. "no "n<'l ,,,-:> ..h _m 000 000 m .00 . ""'"'AT 7.o;OO_ho; ., I.L:~ ^" ll.n€: nn 11 ll,~ nn " A..'" "" 10 17~_no . . , , I__~ .La.':;' Ball ['.,7 - - Fund_ Function _ Department. Submitted By Date ------------------- CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year--.l962- Page C ttts,1;; ..l~U ..L'1U..L -'-'Nt:. Acc't. Actual lohl CURRENT YEAR lahl Current Budget Manager's Final Account Previous Actual Estimate Recom. Budget No. Year 4 Months 1L- Months Total Budget Request mendation Allowance - RECEIPt'S AND REG INNING BALANCE CITY TREASURER BALANCE JAN. 1st. 16 951. 86 lR ,?1.77 Less Unpaid Purchase Orders - 10 252018 III nllll Illl Unencumbered Cash Balance Jan. 1st. 6 699.68 8 321.77 ~ 1(,7 qq 7 ? " 7R .-U,Q ~r@nt 'l'a.x@8 <; 1<<; 40 , ~-:> .,,::: ~07 70 ? (.,(.,(1 (I~ 2,660.05 7("~ (.,< no Delinquent Taxes 107.60 18.0;0 31.50 ~o 00 'i0.00 ,(I (1(1 240 Sales Tax 846.'i0 446 . Q6 .00 446.96 446& __ 235.5Q ----5J.l nf'f'i..... q,.",..... R..nt"l" nAc: fV\ 120.00 240000 360.00 <; ()() ()() 360 Oil -- 51? n. .,. 1 c.c." "^ 66c;.00 835.00 1.500.00 -:> fV\I"l fV\ 1 000.00 -----5-U- . nn~ lhl hn '1'1.16 ... 66. .41 100.00 -:>fV\ fV\ 100 00 --->ll 'R..nt-.Al _ "",..l..g ..nrl "'''ft'_~ ).1 7" fV\ 50.00 50.00 <;n m ,Il Illl Q17 Pu..li,. ,AA___ft "Hft+ft~ ft_" -:>nc: fV\ (,7.00 533.00 600.00 ,::"" fV\ hllO_1l1l ----. Purchase Orders Cancelled 5 000000 5.000000 'T'()'T'A T. 0_?1?_74 " ",,, QQ 7 "~I, 1, 1(1 7(.,7 III ,:: ""17 ()1 , 1 hl ?? TOTAL ANn 15,912.42 19.088.78 11 875000 10 375 00 Less 'Rxn..nditures 7,590.65 11,875000 11,875000 10 375.00 Unencumb@r..d Cl9.sh 'Ra.lance Dec '11st. 8 , 32 L 77 7,213.78 Net '!'Ax R..nuir..m..nt C;.070.'17 " ,::,::" "c: 765.63 Delinouent 'l'a.x 101.41 C;".20 22.97 Tax Dollars c; 171-78 ?_71~?0; 788.60 '!'Rx T..vv Mill. n,rv:n n_nC;lh o . 001 ~ . MRlorlal Hall J-3 Fund Function Department Submitted By Date Page .. ....et- .L40U I~.L -'.YO'" Acc't. Actual I 1061 CURRENT YEAR lahl Current Budget Manager's Final Account Previous Actual ~ Estiqtate Recom. Budget No. Year 4 Months Months Total Budget Request mendation Allowance 120 Qoo 1A~< aa _ 00 .00 .00 .00 M .00 12'i ~la..i..a - R..Ullla,. lP.mnlov...... Other nntf 808.60 .00 700000 700.00 7M_00 1,000000 'TVVl'l> T . RoR hn _00 700.00 700.00 7mm 1 000.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES: 2"l6 Tnsuranc.. - Social ~curi tv 26.06 _m 20.00 20.00 20. ()() 50.00 253 Repairs - Machinery and EQui~ent '2:7.88 _00 180.00 180.00 lRn M 200.00 I 2'i'i RenAirs - Motor Vehicles Tir'"s & Tubes .00 .00 .00 .00 M .00 Emn10vees Retirement 55.00 TOTAL 'i4 84 _00 200.00 200.00 ~m fl() 305.00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES: "'l"'l"'l ""a_< ^A 1 a n,.,""A "-nn . 107 hh ~('\"('\ 129050 350.00 ~f'\{'\ 500.00 "'l4'i Mntn.. V..hi ...les _ li'u..l TlIh,. ann RT.I' 1 ah nt; fl() 150.00 150.00 'lmm 250.00 "l7"l Mal!hin..rv and nT. PJ>...t.. lOlo;~ fl() 100.00 100 . 00 lm_m 250.00 _AT_ 40'i.o4 ??{L o;n 379.50 600.00 hOO.OO 1 000.00 a.__u nTIll1TAV. <;m And _M m .00 .00 . nn 000 """"AT m _00 nn nn IV\ _00 .m.n. 1 448.48 '3'3(,\ "1'1 1 ?7Q 'in 1 ,,(\(\ nn 1 o;nn m 2 305000 W-edl s-+ T Fund Function Department Submitted By Date ------------------- Fund--1ll: Function_ Department _ Submitted By: Date __ Acc't. No. CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year ..l96L Final Budget Allowance Manager's Recom- mendation .J.96a. Budget Request .l9.6l. Current Budget - ~ Total CURRENT YEAR Q Estimate ......Io!.- Months J86J.. Actual ~Months J.96o... Actual Previous Year Page Account _. 87.53 ') no,; 94- 00 53 120 .lQ.Q....!t.5... --------lliL 100.45 22....2Z .l._JUl....25...-+----.l,36L15- 10.00 ~ .---115. 33 lls...~< L..O 9.....33. 5.23 ~-_. ~ ~ 11_<;. ':l':l ..21...2l -----iliL 92.51 1 . 325-a-28- ....J.!L.Q8 116 . 46 BAlANCE JAN _ 1st Orders Cl8.sb 'Ra.l&nce Jan. 1st j)lx.... -..Taxa.L__ .De.: ~l... 'l'Iot.Y _ ANn .cITY... T ..." lTnnAi d - ---llO....._ ------130-- 2kn 2,217.47 2.305.00 2.305.00 w:rr..Q8 1, 500 000 _ 1 , 500 . 00 487.08 587.53 500000 87.53 1 1 1 414.56 , rY7'.::1 C:::'.::I 42 ~J .48 100045 4!t5Q 1,548 1, 448 ~ MU __L~a. F.lcpend i tures ('Allh .,,~,. Dec. .1st. JJ Weeds - 2,096.94 41 94 .z....ua.... Sl Sl o . 040 1 1,361. 75. I ~ 1. 388.a9.1 0.026i!. 1,303.55 I :; ""'... .Tax... ""'-... T..vv Mi 11s N.+. ""'-y ------------------- Fund--1'IBm!. ' Function__ Department _ Submitted By: Date Page ... ...eo.... .a...,uv .L;tO.L .L '-10~ --".---.--. .~..~..'~~ Acc't. Actual 1961 CURRENT YEAR 1961 Current Budget Manager's Final No. Account Previous Actual ....a.:.... Estimate Budget Request Recom- Budget Year 4 Months . Months Total mendation Allowance SUNDRY EXPENDT'I'lffiF.S: 4~2 mAims and Awards .00 .00 .00 4~7 Pensions Paid 10 020.00 ~ ~kn m hhRO_OO 10 O?O_OO 10.020 00 '" "..,,, "" ~ Refunds 1.112.<;'> .00 ~.OO 75000 7<;0.00 7~0 00 .()() --OCL ,.... """ "^ '" """ "" - TOTAL EXPENDITURES: 11 1~2.5'> ~ ":Ikn ()() 7 1"<1'1 1'11'1 10 771'1 nl'l 20.770.00 ?I'I 771'1 1'11'1 - RECEIPl'S: RECEIPl'S AND BEGINNING BAIANCE r.T'l'V .TAN 1st. 14.<)45.84 11 66~ <1'1 11 I'I';~ ~ll 11 I'Ill~ O~ 110 CUrrent Tan~ib1e Taxes 1 44<;.04 -:> A,A ,1. 1 210042 4 028,56 4 028 <;6 < 777 411 1":10 Delinnuent Taxes '>'>.48 <;.?l 44.79 50.00 <;O.()() ~o_oo 240 Sales Tax 422."l8 12<; .86 125.86 12<;.86 356.~R 041 ""n+..nmti "n" bv <; ".... ,. , nA<> -:>-:> ~ 1'11'11'1 1'11'1 SOil? ?? ~ ~"^ "^ ~ ~I'II'I 01'1 'I'()I!tAL RW'ETP'I'~' 7 8<;6.01 I. "." 1... 5 255 21 10 .186 h~ 0.704.42 o hll~_Oh 'lYYl'AT. REC!F.T~ ANn BEXHNNING BAIANCE 2? .1l01. R~ 21 Q~~ 0/, ?O 770_00 less RrnAndl turea 11 132 5S 1n _ 770 1'11'1 21'1 771'1 00 21'1.770.00 Unencumbered Cash' Balsnce Dec. ~lst. 11.66<). ]0 11 "o~ Q/. Net Tax Reauirements 1 417 ..~6 4 028.<;6 ., 777 I,ll Delinauent '!'ax 28.~<; 80<;7 7~ ~~ """v 1 h.L.0; _ 71 ~ ,"^ ,.., ., Q~" I'I? Tax I.evv Mills 0.0287 nmA1 1'1 1'17?< Flremen'. Pens lon Jb CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year ..J.9QL ------------------- Fund POUl '''' 1>1 Function Department_ Submitted By:_ Date Page ...~v ~...L ...../Uc.. Acc't. Actual lQ61 CURRENT YEAR 1061 Current Budget Manager's Final Account Previous Actual ....a.....- Estimate Recom. Budget No. Year -.!LMonths Months Total Budget Request mendation Allowance EXPENDITURES: SUNDRY EXPENDITURES: 432 Clalms and Awards .00 fV\ .00 ------!i3'l 1>a~ .'I ,.. O.--L ~ I. t:.,,., "^ 10 064.00 14 696.00 , L. t:..(}/:, fV\ 14 696.00 4'N , 'n fV\ fV\ 1 000.00 1.000000 , fVV\ fV\ 1 000.00 fV\ fV\ ,,, f\f\f\ f\f\ 1n nnn nn 'l'<'l'T'AT. . 14 N::.. ~ I. t:.,.... "^ 11 064000 15.696000 2" . 606 _ 00 25 696.00 -- - .u.rn -- ----- ('T'!'V 1>.T.4N~ .T4N 1..-1: 1 ~ n~~ "S 1/, 10 '>.7 , 0 " 'i7h.1R 1'>. nl>') '>.1 1,n 'l'R.y.... roo ......t: .,roo C. ...C.I. ~I. ? I>O? I>? R 0'i7 , h A"".,. ,t: 7 ?Ol n'i no ~. ",",VAa ,~L. 0;.. .... t:l. '" ~" ~n nn o;n_m 'in nn 240 ClA1... 'l'Av ' '''e: I,.,.' A, -:> I,t: nn Q1? " A, -:> I.t; 70?_1>6- 01" ...... . I. nt:e: -:>, , t:1.t: ..t: ~ oo~ ~/. Onn nn L. ~ f\f\ ()() I, 'inn nn m 1';0 .00 1. 50 'I1(V114T ,e: e:a, e:, 8 ?o;A an 5.562022 14.321.12 ,1. "n t:-:> 12 633.69 - 'i'rl"'AT. 41\1T1 ~u.__ 28 504.19 28 758.31 25 696.00 25 696.00 T...... _ft"~"'n_aa 14 067.00 15 696.00 25 696000 25 696000 ""'a}o, n..'. n..... ~1..-I:_ 14 437.19 13.062.31 N..+_ "",,-v n ,.,,,1. "'.. A.0"?1h 7 291.05 'l'AY 1 RL. nA 17Q_1~ 145.82 ...... n ..nA. .., a ,~t:.. ~n 7 ,~" Q"7 'l'AY TAVV Mil 1 i. n_ 1Ahh o. 17~h o . 1394 ollenen's Pe !alan. (1 CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year ...l962..... - - - - - - - - .- - - - - - - - - - - Fund-----E :cL.HEA - - CITY OF SALINA Function _ - - - Department_ - - - BUDGET REQUEST Submitted By - - - Date _ - -- . Page_ - For the Fiscal Year..196L 1960 co",.. 0....1...1"''' - = - -- - - - Acc't. Actual l 1 CURRENT YEAR Current Budget Manager's Final Account Previous Actual ..8...- Estimate Recom. Budget No. Year ..JL.Months ~onths Budget Request mendation Allowance - - - - :riDI.TlI . - -: .--2lO.. ~ :oprilI. 11 - City 00 - 20.438.71 16 030.21 - .J ~ on - 22.960.29 30 20 079 -- - - - -- TOTAL EXP rTURES : 00 - 43,399.00 4 00 46 240.00 --- - --- - RECEIPTS: --- - RECEIPTS AND BEGINNING BALANCE CITY TREASURER BALANCE 870.99 J.J.Q. Current Taniible .20 ...l2,OO3,1'>4 18.421. 96 .l3Q. Del1nQ}1ent Taxes 169.72 5f\, JO 75.00 2!I:Q. ~Tax -WS-W2j 1 ,40.3 . 5~ 1,403 ~2 ---- '1<1 Mis~ellAneous - County and Others _~I . on ~~ --- TOTAL RECEIPl'S: 17.651.84 14_ <4'U)h 42,860.77 42,785-77 45 907.24 'I'()'I'AT RF.I'F.TP'I'H ANn 'RlinTNNTNn 'RATAN/'!1 18.306. 98 43.731. 76 43.399000 46 240.00 I~ss ~ndjtures 17.435.99 43.399.00 43.399.00 46 240.00 TJnen~umb..red Cash _1..n".. Dec. ':lIst. 870.99 332076 --..- Net Tax ReQ}1irl 15,919.31 18,421 9h 4 067.49 - Del1nql1ent Tax 318.39 368.44 281. 35 - Tax Dollars If..~ lA~ 14.348.84 - l'J'ID.y T.avv "j"a () ~"0;1 () ~0;7n 0.26QO - - 1:>nhl1.. 'Il'_1,,".h JY - ------- - - - - - - - - ... ... - '. Fund ----F.W Function _ Department_ Submitted By Date CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Y ear ~ .. ....b~ -'-:t!olU ~.l. -'-~... -_.._-_._~. ._----,,~- Acc't. Actual 1061 CURRENT YEAR , nt:, Current Budget Manager's Final Account Previous Actual -L Estiqlate Recom- Budget No. Year .JL..Months Months Total Budget Request mendation Allowance 120 Salaries and Wages - Regular Employees 6 000_00 fi nnn nn 9 700.00 200 n+},...... - q".,",,~ .....s .00 1. ~qB.2'5 .00 1,398.25 .00 1 500.00 ~A7 q"~,,, n._v...1 ~^..lr And (!hAt. Q4<; 42 .00 1,483.46 1,483.46 AA1 _71 3 000.00 <;n~ ..nil B 000 00 .00 2,000.00 2,000.00 10 ^^^ "" 5 000.00 mnmAT A nh" 1.-:> , ..nA ~" 9,483.46 10 881.71 1f' AA, '7' 1Q 200.00 HE""''''''''''' lINll - -- f"T'l'V ~u .....~ .UN 1st 6,261.33 16,444009 T....... fhot'I.... .. 6,000000 14 000000 f"a,,}, .TAn. ,..t. 261. 33 2 444.09 2 4Q4.0Q -- ~~ - -,~, ""'......" 1n 1~1 a1 6.oo~.6~ 3 006.37 10 000.00 ,,, IVV\ "" 1 ~ R21.07 ------13.0.- 'l'a....." 06.~~ ~6.'50 13050 50.00 m 240 q"l"" 'l'av BClQ. Q4 881.71 .00 881, 71 AA1 71 884.84 mnmu 1 1 1~ 1A 7 m1AL. 3 019.87 10.Q31. 71 1f' QA, 71 1670~.Q1 'lVVl'1I T. urn 11 389.51 13 375.RO 10 RRl. 71 10 200.00 T....... 8 945.42 10 8R1 71 In RRl 71 10 200 ()n ~..h 1)00" ~lst. 2 444.09 2 49400Q ,00 000 w.t. """v , t'\ t'VV'I /VI ,,, IVV\ "" 1~ R?l ()7 """y 9n(L ()() 9()() _ ()() <11> L..? 'I1RY - 10 200.00 ,,, "''''' "" 11>117L..0 _... T..~ U~11.. t'\~ n 1a..A n ':In?" . Flood Control- ~q Works & Dike. Page ------------------- Fund nmtrn Function Department_ Submitted By:_ Date CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year-lSl62-- ~ CIS!;; - .uo. . 1f:.lf"\.':J --. . __ ____m_ Acc't. Actual 1oh1 CURRENT YEAR 1 ru:; 1 I Current Budget Manager's Final Account Previous Actual Estimate Recom- Budget No. Year ~Months --L Months Total Budget Request mendation Allowance PERSONAL SERVICES: lq<j n+n.,. -"f.sAinnal & Snltc'lal Rervices 2 1~~.47 _00 600.00 600.00 6_<j~6.77 ?(-, lL..R.?O 'I'O'T'AT. 2.n~.47 .00 (-,00.00 M'" "" t:. <;':It:.77 '''' 1/. 0 ~" . RECEIPrS : AlJT'\ ~~-, .... TnT""" TAM 1 a+ 8,156.67 6,023.20 6 536.77 23.20 110 Current Tangible Taxes 26 125.00 """"AT Alln 8 156.67 6 023.20 6 536.77 26 148.20 T..... 2,133.47 6 000.00 6 536.77 26 148.20 l"A"h n.... "n..t 6,023.20 23.20 .00 .00 Net Tax Requirement 26 12".00 Delinquent Tax "2? <;0 Tax Do1rars ?h (-'L..7 <;0 Tax Levv Mi 1 Is " """" . . .. ~o ent Page ------------------- CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year ..l96L Page -~ 1%0 1961 1962 CONSOL.lo...rI:O_...L.I..... Acc't. Actual 1961 CURRENT YEAR ---:;-~.::--:;- Current Budget Manager's Final Account Previous Actual lL- Estimate Recom- Budget No. Year 4 Months Months Total Budget Request mendation Allowance ::: I :::::::u:::: ::::.:::::'Pr1no,.., (e.s.) ,I,A ~ ^^ 7? fVV\ rv.. 7h AAA AA lL..Q 00000 , I,,, """ ,,1'\ "" """ ,,1\ ~8ohQ.44 17AA':: "1'\ 16,849.79 ':IL.. 7':1(-, ?Q ~4. 7'~6.29 7R /,M, Q/, 8~ _ 708.86 hi'> "0' O':l 69,374.46 109.966.39 109.966.39 122 323.11 _~Curb. Gutter & Pavinp; Princina1 (p.a.s. ,AA ,,~ 41 0' 1,t"\A rv7 168,926.41 260,334.48 ...,,::1'\ .,?I. I.A 298,787.63 ----.6.~b, r,lltt~r & Paving T",+.,..a+ (,.. '" , ..,,:: 770 '::1. ,,, """ I., i 58,069.88 49 020.29 ,,1, "1''::.71 30.682.44 I ;:;11 ,...",.\-, ",,++.,... 'ODuin" (p " C( , h7 ?f\') A~ ?u..7A':l m 72,718.92 97 501.99 h' Q..C c,-, 74 502.52 h'"'l ".....,. Rond Proi nt'!i pal (~ R) , , I. ,-,I.? "'" ,~ ,L? AI'\ 96,214.60 I 1tlR."l<;840 108,358.40 I 6!h264.74 ---+------- I ;:;,<; ,,_.~_ 'D~~" .'(PA"\ t:.7 7cA AU. .:: Q,,':: ""1'\ 52.287.81 59,144.01 ~ ..",1.1. 1'\' 40 735.26 h'7 ,,_u~,. .,,~~.. T~+""'Ast (~,-!';,) ,1, en" ).J, 1.. 01.., c:c: 6,689.57 I 11,631. 12 I U.631.'" I 8,653.08 --. 619 "ou._ "~~,, 'p_A.!': , a 580....00 ?7h?"l? 4,415.21 7 177053 ---.2,346 0 2it 7.177.<;"l cA, 'A 1,937.54 - (,':>, li'< 0 ^'" , ^ ----.. .. f'h" "lhA..n<; 1,569.49 ~~:etl ~~,...,.., ~on ~--- ___ Mj r::.~_' 1 Anllo nll A - ?'7h ':l~ h? hh 62.46 1110 "'l c:A ':lA 104 060 OL.. movnAT 7'::' AI. A ...,,, ...,A" 7d. ':It:. 603 116.14 RRR. R70 "0 0':17 A'" "" "<;/. A"A 00 - . Bond & Intere t ~I Fund Function Department Submitted By Date - -- CONSOL.IOA TIIO.S"L.'N Final Budget Allowance -- Manager's Recom- mendation - --t-- - -t---- v - - CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year ~ CURRENT YEAR -196.J Q Estimate 'f t I ~Months 0 a --------- Actual Previous Year Del - -----.l5O.- --t-1:urr' ~------Del1; .ent Tax ._ ----.ii19-i Accrue(LI!1.t.~.J:st .Q!L~onds Sold __ I _~__ :_~ial Assessments_~.__ --_I Trans~e.r:......!.!:.()~~rking Met~.r:......Fund_ Page .- --- Account -~--~---------------- ------------.----.--------- EXPENDITURES: Street SUrfacins- l:h."; 'A-r",nCl - ------------------- CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Y ear ~ Fund Function Department _. Submitted By Date -Manager's-i-= Final Recom- l Budget ~~dation _ .-Al!owanc.!' ____ -- ----- ~ Budget Request : . _ 19hJ CURRENT YEAR ~- Current :... -L ~!~:ri~~:[__ _~::O-7~+_=~udget_ .l96l. Actual --1L-Months ~- Actual Previous Year Acc't. No. ------- ~~- ~ ------ ~-~- -_. 4<;. t'VV'l ____~ .30~Q.., 00 _~OOO. 00 __ 30,000.00. 4S . 00Q..illL~ 00 00 L-.l.l, 300. o~l~o .Jl\Ll- 33,300. ()() t_MhQ..o.O .00 t:. "'l "'l ()(l 1V'l_l----R5..,.illlD....lliL._ 63.300.00 _ .QUOO ~:r--~ ----- ()() 1..<; _ NV\ ()t'\ -----+--- ----J-...TOTAI.----- ------ ---=1- -~-"---~ .__2, 362J.L__+-_-L.5.Bl~_.....aZD...Ji6.. --43,J0359 t--11L.53.M.9_+ (-,1..6..:1Z....2.lL 111,1137 28 RL..,O<;L.. ':\L.. __ 1114 77 _____.110. 1 (-,4. 27 7<;?1 ----15.....(1(L _....Ll~~1 ____-+-__ 45.597 .9IL __ <;m_hO _BAI.AliCE_________ nAYA~~~ ~st. -- . ..AllIL __~__ ].....cITY... ~ _~l(L_ ...current...1'lmgible Taxea __-1.3.0- Deli nquent_Taxe.I - RL.., 1?Q ':\L.. 8 S ,000 00 85,000 .Jl<L .00 111,712 4? (-, ':\, ':\00 00 63.300.00 00 --- 61,80155 ~I0.....6..6. 63.300.00 870.66 -- !l.,':l-?f..7.8h - .- ~S4 !iZ...JQ.2...ll 45,000.00 2. 369. 11 Ust. -t; -~._7 Cash Balan,... Dee. {,J II, Rn8c...l 'l'mnr lan'~ ------t---------- 84.054.34 1. 681.09 R <; Li5....il 1 (-,07? 61,1137 28 1,23~ 75 h~~ 1.19!i-4 44,962.92 899.26 h" 8112.18 0.0J.08... N",t. '!'A.y Re!lJ,!; Tax .Tax... '!'A.x tavv Mi11a ------------------- CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year.J.9QL Fund Function Department Submitted By Date Final Budget Allowance Manager's Recom- mendation ~ Budget Request 1961 Current Budget .l96J. Total CURRENT YEAR 8 Estimate _ Months 19Q1 Actual ~Months .l96o- Actual Previous Year Page - Acc't. No. 17,600.00 150.00 1,800.00 18,000.00 16,800,00 __ ...00 _ ...00 .00 __ .00 34,lLko 00 ?7,OOO 00 7 """ "" 100.00 14,000.00 --- &440,_0Q. 20.000.00 0.00- 6c;.88 _---------OO+---_ 2.790.00 -j---- :c ---+~-~QQ OQ 00 35,125.25r-- 2'L.5Q.Q..,..QQ1 ___ .00 Account . 120 Salaries - Regular Employees -~-t. ~~~ -~22li I Printing Office SUpplies 125 Salaries -. Employees Other Departments ~-~~. _2_9?__ I Parkinp; Meters _______________ t,...Bond...NlIL Tnterest ---------- -l.-~.D~ill...t.Q.Jleneral Qpera~--..---- --1!if'!~~JJ.a..!leous __________ -l.-- 30,000.00 _].,000.00 85,350.00 84,000.00 1.000.00 68'540...:..q~~ 1=-----~ --~--- ---~- , ------- --I ! --- 75,000.00 7" (YYl.m 1,000.00 m "" - -~~ ----+------ ?l_h?<;_OO c;c;c:;..oo... 00 __ 62.625.251 ;:;"~ 2 0 ,A" hh Parking Meter Revenue _____ Parki~ Meter Permits on - f.-xax.liI1&J'1e.!e.EJ)8.!:tEi _ __ TOTAL EXPENDlTURES_; --+---------- t----------- . _ J_EECEms~ --- _lt5il.._ ']QL_ -------.6J.(L_ -------+- _ TOTAL ==+ 85.000.00 '7('\ "^'" tV\: 76.000.00 ??_lAO_OO t:." t:..,I, t:.t:.1 &4 Parkiruz Meter 29.853.96 85.000.00 114.853.96 85,350.00 29,503.96 ___2~1li.c.52 70.000.00 94.314,55 68,940.00 25.374.55 -.-- ~...9Q 76.000.00 98.393.96 68,540.00 29.853.96 -- 19.394.55 65.624.66 85.019.21 62,625.25 22.393.96 AND BAlANCE .Tan_ lAt.. -. and Del!. ~lat J:nh. M..t...Y' Total cash I.(tRA F.Ypo' l'!9.Bh 1>ft'a '-- - - - -- --------- CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year -l.962.- - - Fund----AI Function _ Department _ Submitted By: Date __ Acc't. No. Final Budget Allowance Manager's Recom- mendation ~ Budget Request ~ Current Budget .l.96J Total CURRENT YEAR Q Estimate ...I.L- Months .l96J.. Actual -LMonths .l96O- Actual Previous Year Page Account 20.500.00 500.00 1.000.00 15,860.00. 500.00 1 _ ()(l() _ ()() 20,120.00 .00 1.000,00 - ~273. 25 00 00 c;~ ---..00 'i00.00 1 h 36I...8o. ~ 4'5'5.'i0 ___..l.2CL~ Salari es - -----125- Sa.la,..i~s - fup" - Other Dep+a ~ Other Professional Services - 500 300. 00 ~ .3llO...illl. 200.00 J.OO...OO.. _--.200....00. .1.5....(}Q 1,AOO 00 1~0 00 ?O 00 o .00 500.00 900.00 1,000.00 900.00 3 000.00 3,000.00 650.00 650.00 750.00 750.00 700.00 -~----200.-00- 200.00 I 100.00 100.00 00 1 5lliLllil ? ooo.ooJ ~O.OO <;0.00 - ?? 000 00 J ~ 700.00 itQQ....Q.Q.. .lQQ..JlQ... .lOO....QQ.. 2,000 00 50.00 l;, nnn nn 17. ':It:." fV'\ ?1 1?0 00 ~~?<; 181. 72 Lt.<; 7<; ..n.....o.o. 11L.._L..Q ..9.L...B..5.. ----ilil 372.53 533.00 853.22 450.20 310.20 9]8.65 ~ ....2l......1.2 ~ 5illl.....O.Q ':\" P.7 1 6_~46.7'i ~_-1l8~_ ~2.5....20. --~ -~3- .00 3,'4~ 76 2,665.51 59 41 58.15 20.00 20.00 1..73 35 1~ u7 6u~ 49 367.00 2,863 35 1,146.78 74.9 40 1.99.80 ',883 15 439.80 679 Q9 11.35 33~ 43 ~ I 199 1')0 I lO3.....2l.. l.U1 :1 ~ 1B_7~ 14.1~ ,t:. A?':I ':I" -- ~----------~_.- ----:l---~-- ------ ------ _ _ _ CON'ffiAC'l'UAI. SERVT~F.R' _ _____ ~. Telephont!l and.-.Tele~_____ __..2Q.1____~veling Ex;pense __.________ .....2.2l_ -t Pr:l nt'l ng .Dffic.e...Eonns.________ __221_ t Insuranc.e_-_Rui1dings___.__ _ u23L_ n Insurance - Motor Vehi cleQ __ urn_ - Surety J:lnnd.. ?"'lh _ "n..i,,' - Ru'lliH ng" - MAC!hin~ry and F.(, - or~ice MAC!hin.~ - Motor V~hi..' _ Motnr V.ahiJ If'i ,.... R. If',,",,,.. ..nit --2.!lJ......-t.....Ga.a.. --2!f2...-.1 Liiht and Powe,. --2..!t3. Wa. tAr .~~,;,... _2'i1 'Da~ of _e --252-- 253 25.IL 255- 2+4- 284 1 Jl4 Laundry and Towel Service EIDD1I\v~p~ Rprirement ------------------- CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year ~ Fund Function Department Submitted By Date Final Budget Allowance Manager's Recom- mendation 1%2 Budget Request .l96l. Current Budget .l96.1 Total CURRENT YEAR Estimate ~ Months .192l I. Actual ~Months .J.9QQ Actual Previous Year Page - Acc't. No. Account (~onL ), ,T. ---- 12.<;0<;.00 995.00 100 . 00 200.00 400.00 JQ~O. 00 --.290.00 ==t 3.00 . 00 .1llQ...QQ. l..5O......QQ. 2S0.00 17 J5Q....QQ 200..00 :::::: r-- ---.lQO.OO --.-100.00 __ 400 ..QQ 5QQ....QQ. 30 . 000 . 00 -3.0..-000.00 2QQ--,00--+-~___ 500.00 ~+ 15.00. ..lQ.Q.....Q.Q. 300 . 00 ~ ..J.QQ...QQ. ~ 35Q..JlQ. -1lliLiliL ..100...00. .15.Q..illL ..J.5Q.....OO. ~.o.... ..25Q..OO.. .lil.U....illL ~-----OO 300.00 '500.00 12,495.00 726.04 316.51 ;363.30 249.88 ~QJ1. ~- ~ 168.94 .lllil..JlQ. n.8.....ll 2.l5.....8..L ~ 2SS.71 <;.768.06 -- ~_.-2.1i~ 1O"i.81 , 94.19 13 6 ~ 1h,636.70 250.12 -~ -------9-..-13- ~ l3Wl6.- --00.. 2LZl- -3!Ws- 32..66- uL ?<l ____ _____ +....MA.TERIAl.SAND.SUPPLIES: _3.lQLEx-pen~ble_'l'2Qk__~__ ~ i _...32jJ ___+ Offi~_S].lJlplies.__~____ 18.45 .3.43_ +~.1l..1.t9]' ~~m_ ToUet.. Supplies 612 .14 _~__+-.Mrl!.laIlIL~I:!Qli.nEL. __ ~O.23 -----1~I5__..I_J1oto~_y.ehic].e - Gas and Oil __ 598.28 - 3"m_ _-"<>tor Vehiok~-"'=e "'g, t 23.00 3.6.1_ _ r - EleC!Y'.J.J;..Il.J..~ng_ Lirlltinll: Parts 51. 64 __31L__L.1J.unber and Lumber Products g88. 06 __Jll... J1a.chJnen and Equipment Parts ~ 145.38 ------311- Motor Vehicle - Parts _ ~ ----315L Motor Vehicle - ~ ~ Paint and 4~.60 _..393. ---.QQ -.322.. 483.74 12.467.65 Tires and Tubu Paintin1l: Materialli1 TOTAL Welding Supplies Other Ooeratinll: Supplies - b b 32,615.00 1 n"n nn ':1':1.1"<;.00 1 t'\t'\t'\ t'\t'\ 32.615.00 , . 000 _ 00 15.....208.79 (-,Ql 7L.. 17_h.nh_?1 ':InA.?h 39,217.21 , nA7 t:.t:. TOTAL ..3IlIIDRY.. Sales Tax --- 421 BU REQUEST - . age _ _ For t Year -..1962... _ 1960 -= __.l961.' 91'>2.. OONOO"O"'O_".'", Ac~al l.96L ENT . YEAR 19U Curr n Budget Manager's Final Account PrevIous Actual EstImate e t Recom- Budget _ Year -L.Months Months Total Budget Request mendation Allowance CAPITAL otI'l'IAY' __ __-S.Qg __ Buildings --5.Q3._ Equipment _ _--5.23.-_ SiiXls - Permanent ---.-515__ _ ovemerrt_____ _58.l -Btreet.-,Ridl!wa.lk and_~ TlI1provemfmt ------00 t-- ____Jul.ease on Hanpr __ -t----- --- m___u_u__ I ...-r----- -------- --.------------------- -.-- . .._ _UU +-JOT~L..._________ ___________ __ Jb5J2~ -~--------------------- __u__ -------~-- -- ----t-- .I~--- ---~~~-=-= --- --- -t-_+_ '...... -----r. -- =t~.- I --- -------------- -~- ------{ ---- -_____~TAL....E:lJ 7Q A"" 17 i 47 Ii -l -- -.-=1 -- --- -- - --- - - - ----- --------- CITY OF SALINA - QO 110 "n 7C:: 11:''7'' "^ - - Fund---A Function _ Department _ Submitted By Date _ Acc't. No. ~.890o 75_ ____ - I Airport n I ---i I - I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - Fund AIRPORT - - CITY OF SALINA Function - - Department - - BUDGET REQUEST Submitted By: - - Date . Page_ - For the Fiscal Year --1962- 1960 lq6l 1062 CONS, 0-."1..'101" - - - Manager's -p;jnal - Acc't. Actual CURRENT YEAR 191'" - Current Budget Account Previous -L Estiqtate Recom- Budget No. Year Months Total Budget Request mendation Allowance - . - - 1.293.28 Un;paid Purchase Orders .00 I Jan. 1st. 1,293.28 9,037.75 1,223.28 4 797.00 501 - A'I~ort Ruild'lni 3,400.99 697.50j ---2...J.D2......5.0... 3,000.00 1- 2,750.00 ----5.02- 4'5.00 25.00 50.00 0 ~ 0 Rent - EQui'DUlent - Airport Grd. Iandinp: 1.0'50.001 246. 1.253.25 1. 500 .00 1.000.00 i ~5Q!! Re '5::0.~j 2.'500.00 4.500.00 7.000.00 4 , '5oo...QQ. 50'5 I Sale of Gas and Oil 48 18.2 1~,46'5.49 26.534.51 40,000.00 ~O:OOO~J 47,000 00 ~6 281.13.-' 218.87 500.00 _ 1.000.00 1 0 ~~~: ~~1_- =--- ----5.Q1 ~- 2.562.78 4,437 n 7,000 00 - ~- -- - -5.Q13-- 71.00 2CJ 00 100 00 ~5Q9 122.40 i ]77 60 100 00 ----- - ~ Reimbursement of Expenditures ~89.70 21. 04 178.96 200.00 - - q<;7 ...TI:ans.: f'rom other 1i'llnn.. 20,000.00 .00 ?O,OOO 00 ?O.ooo 00 - - - - -- I -- - - - -- - ...TOTAL. ~ 87.549.64 lo.0Q':I no SCJ_F.SF._Q1 7CJ,F.SO 00 7'5.176.72 ~ - - .!lmAI. ~ AA,R4? Q? RA,6R7 7S ~fLQlLr - .Lea a dU'elL 7Q,ROS 17 R':I.R90 75 7<; 51D-OQ QO 110 00 1-- --- .~ Caah n..,. _ ~1st 9,037.75 4. I9LOO 830 . 00 8.87.00 -- - - - - - - - Airport {~ LInd llncti, ~epart.... Submitted B, Date - -.!i ! --- 1, 902..3!i. ~ ':IlL 17 tr A "..,~ 0' ----------- CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year-.l962- l.961 CURRENT YEAR I. Actual 8 Estimate ~Months _Months Page Account ANn ;:nIPPT }R!'l' .---3.1.0 ' 'roo 1 a .lO.6.....25- .l51.....!I6- 42 c2L 200 . 00 .l.O!WXl.; NQ....QQ.. --320- nffi.... !'luppli.." 1,9709u _ 266.73 483.27 750.00 1,500 001 1.000.00 , I _-33l-t=t--Books... anil P..ri cd i C!A 1" 5 00 I .00 , . 00 ~ --4 50.00 ~4'3 . .Jmd.__T.olleLSu,;wlies --r-- 74"1.18j 206.82 950.00 00 I 300.00_ _....,1Ji;i____.---Mo.tor---'ll"hi...1.." - Ell"', I"h.,.. & Rt... I -.....6....l~--.a...QiliL..QQ.. 8,000 ooj 11,000 00 -- _-J!.-7__+...Mo:tor..Jlehi.cJ.eP. - -,--Q.<L!--~,-~ 675.001 600.00_ -359.-l O","r """"",,",,S_lie, ---'li,]~.. 5 "2f--~ SOO.OO -=~j ::'::: :gh':: :r', 47.42 ~ _ --'io.oot ~5.Q.,o.o. ___ -311 ' .:-'>- l'r"'~ta_ 66,18 _1 00 i - ---..J.5lWlQ.f 150 ,Oil _=-.p.-___Rqulpmen' P>or" j . ,,:,;71 --- 134.36....? (l()1 _ 200.j 200.00 I ~J1-1-_+~.JlPhi""""=_Eart" _ _ 678.74 -1.,]21.26 2.2' 9~ 3,900.00 _______ ----.W- 1_--= """',le, .. "'m .nd MOB _ '__. ~~j-- ~=_496'OO ,00 r 3,:::_ SOD ,00 -t- --3ih.-Ll'aint..and Paln".g ""t,er,." _ .~.7l..19- 78," 1 00 ----.l5<l...OQj 150.00 ___+-_______ 4 c:..nil r......",., ~n...k ..nil (!hAt. 001 4~o.46 319.54 7 00 ___..nol 100.00 ------..- Fund-----B Function _ Department_ Submitted By Date Final Budget Allowance Manager's Recom- mendation .l2Qg Budget Request ~ Current Budget J.96.l Total 1960 Actual Previous Year Acc't. No. ---- - --- ~.~.- 14,800.00 25.0Q 100 .00 'U_M?O:; ()() 50.00 I ~ I ! ~OO+---- 0:;00_001 15,300.00 10,088.03 50.00 "00 00 <;.211.07 ..00.. 111'\ l"l_u1Q.?f\ .l6...19- ,? <;nl 'lV'I'1'ar .BllNDRY. tn..t'I'CIo"'~ f7Q+-( n,., 1"\11A'; ~ Io"'lCl 70 Refuse 125.00 ""1'\ ""! 550.00 550.00 00 ?AhOI 'l'O'l'AT. -..--... nTtrTlTAV. - --------..-------- Fund_REP'USE Function_ CITY OF SALINA Department _ Submitted By: Date _ Acc't. No. - - CONSOLICA.TI(O.....'-,""... -- Final- Budget Allowan~ --- ---- -- 0.0 600. 163 425.J!Q..~_ 150.725.00 +- 149 BUDGET REQUEST -- Page For the Fiscal Year-l962- ,1960 Actual C 1 CURRENT YEAR Account Previous r -I, Actual Estimate =--=--_ __ Year .JL-Months ~Months t'.APT'I'AT. OlI'l'TAY' ___ ~~ :::t~ .'" F!xt~. _ ~~ "'_'"-00 --"aJi ~~__ 173,E --511-- e Mechani cal Eql1ipmeni..-_ __-59-~-,-00 --14 c:c:-:> _~7. 03 --5.25- ...T.I:'ucka.________ _ ________ __JQ....!ill....-21L _ 00 ___ 00 ---t-------------------- ------J....TOTAI.-- ------ -- I _. ---+-.------------ I ~=~:1:ALEXPEmI~S: I Manager's Recom- mendation ----+ -- - ~ Budget Request oo.~ 100.00 5 ,J)OO . 00 I __ --.2..00.00 __-1..000 .00 .00 ,_____ .. 00 ____10 . 000 . 00 12 10(1 (1(1 r 1 _ 00" "" 1$& --~ Total Current =-- Budget - 1- 850.00 ~ - 8<;0 J)..Q.. -- -----+----- _ r--- __~-I L-_~ __u +- ~- -~- ---- __ ==+=-t- --- - ---t i~-- - _~ 1- .001 - ~ 132,000.00 lr;,,!::;, k.(\n An .00 1 A"""" ._00 110,696.70 I ----5Q7..J3... 77.aW:; nC I --- =t=-_\ ----+-- 1'50. 725~.6illL.illL l~" 7?<; "n lhh L..1Q 71 " 1 ,hOO 00 2.812.7,3 149 . ~oo .QQ 1 ~O ,?4L.. 71 l/,a~ 819.73 l.1..5....2.ft0 ':\ 1 I ':1:1. I';)r=n t:,.... 189.150.99 189.150 99 lRQ ftllii....2.6. 744.73 - - 'QAT II 'aT 'I'O'T'A T. RW,MO .ANlL.B~ Lean ~-~~~ureB YT_ ~CI'h 'De" 1 f - I IA1'uae 1 I I I ':11,,+ n..,,_ I - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SEWAGE FUND CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year -l.962- Fund Function Department Submitted By Date _ Acc't. No. Final Budget Allowance Manager's Recom- mendation ~ Budget Request .J.9Ql. Current Budget ~ Total CURRENT YEAR Q Estimate ~ Months J.9Ql. Actual lMonths .J.96o.. Actual Previous Year Page Account ~ .500....0.0... 'i00 . 00 ~_..5llil.JlO.. L.. 000 00 /. ""n "" ---2, 000 . 00 ----.L.lQ.Q....QQ , ,000 .00 .9-9.0 . 00 500.00 ..JQ.Q...QQ... ..6ilil..iliL 4.000 00 100 . 00 ~54 500.00 15 000.00 12 500.00 500.00 _ ...L..OOO .00 _~_______ 1000.00 ---f ~. ---1.000.00 ----r-~-- 4 1 L4 12,000.00 500.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 T- ---.L 000 . 0.9-t--_1Jl~QQ ~300.00 1.000.0Q ~,_. 41, 200 .00 4,500.00 _-----.130 . 00 1.000 . 00 .--1.., 720 . ~_J 5.000.00 ~9..l~80. 00 ]26.011 000.00 000.00 087.08 3,355.45 2,980.40 1 ! 1 113.46 ~ 1,519.60 270.00 5,280.00 2 , 720 . 00 173.92 ~~2-:1-- l..'G.QQ 670.Jlli ...8.8. 62 50 40 00 15 77 00 10 ReMir Well Puuro_ EQuipme~ Repair Electric Well Power L...lit2 4.025 Power River Pump Well Ho1.l.H Siin&ls fi77 _____;.....l'!.!!!m__~n labor 13,791 _____L.J;!~~tric Power___ 9,306 i __n _ .~i'1!~.l....___________~______ ~ i _~_in.R...tation ()Perat~M-SUpplies n 140 I -t __B.~ir Electric EQUipment________+-___ 1l..TlA.i.,. M ~"niH n.. arnL.Gr_Qunds__ 1, 270 34 42.000.00 zno . 00 It.l 265.55 30 10.934.45 28 214 ~---- -- 36,000.00 _J....iliHL.illL 5.000.00 ----L.5Q.Q.LQQ 1.500.00 1 10 .QiliL..iliL 110. OOOQQ... .500....0.0... 7 'iO 00 QOO.OO ? 000 00 2 000.00 000.00 5.000.00 1. 500 . 00 1 0.9...5Q.Q.....Q.Q_ 1 .000 . 00 2,000.00 3Q 3 24.008.80 ,340.00 .990.50 .268.69 .134.49 .2..aQ 002. 46 71 Z. 2 1. 91 991. 20 660.00 009.50 231. 31 ~ ~ 990.29 11 lR 2 354.40 691. 47 864.79 818.32 282.01 ....8.Q....Ql 907.31 32- Z. 3 92 1 PTAN'!" BuildiIUt Opere.tiIUt Supplies Chemicals _ Repair Buildi~s R~nAi.,. W.1.~tri~al nt ---+---- ~ Electric Servia~ Gas ~rv1ce 1y Vater 1 <;A ? <;0 00 l'i8.000.QO 158.000.00 171_ 732.6'i 35 267 34 004.37 137 TOTAL - - - - - - - - - CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year--1962- - - - - -- AND SEWAGE FUND - - -- .WATER Fund Function Department Submitted By Date Final Budget Allowance Manager's Recom- mendation ~ Budget Request ~ Current Budget --- .l96.1 Total CURRENT YEAR Estimate -LMonths .l96l. Actual ~Months ~ Actual Previous Year Page Account Acc't. No. 5.000.00 5,500.00 5,000.00 5 1,500.00 00 500 -r---- 500.00 2,500.00 =+ 500.0d 000.00 5,000.00 1, 25 2~QQ.00 5,000.00 00 2,500 25,000.00 _5,000~_ 2.500.00 - ~>580.~_ 5,000.00 ~40. OL ~500. 00 _l,132.5~__1,500.00 17,829.13 -- _~Q.o~ 1.666.19 _1,420.0Q 1.160.00 46 _.-h!illQ.,.QQ...... 833.81 367 7,170.87 4,260.00 5,348.40 -- 1,504.62 25,074.10 4.800.00 ~ 'ary... Jahnr.. ....._ '.J 35 3,281 ..Dia.:t., i Meter __~1cL Repair Service ~ niQ+~i~+ MAin.. Truck 44 00 __ 44, 500 , t- _~94 7 . ~ 44,2QQ....QQ.. --t-- 14 12.552 44.268.47 TOTAL 10 ------+-- 10, 500 . 00 9,500.00 bL5Q~_ 6,750.00 9,527.90 19.472.10 8,250.00 ~~---------- Su;pt. and F.ng;r. .c;" 1 a.riAs_ ____+.Qffice Salaries M..tl!1" Rl'!adl'!:t"s 29,000.00 28.000.00 29.000.00 15 281 30 15,000.00 2,000.00 7.500.00 16.000.00 1,500.00 7.000.00. 3.500.00 14,000.00 1,500.00 7 <;00_00 9,408.40 880.00 3,954. 30 2,957.16 60 620.00 545.70 042.84 4,591 3. 85 869.71 5.09.81 13,811 1 a 4 . Traveling Extlena.e .D1'.!1.c.Il... ~nl'!'1A1 4,500.00 4,000.00 1 30 017 000.00 5 4,000.00 4,500.00 3,700.00 800.00 700.00 4 500.00 500.00 00 10.000.00. 7 7,000.00 400.00 ~7,000.00 10 .000 . 00 500.00 47.000.00 '1,'142.43 400.00 7 100.00 260.10 000.00 606.43 5 6. 31 400.00 139.90 16.000.00 3.336.00 2 7.200.00 48.000.00 10.000.00 846.7~ 490.31 Rn~ - Sales Tax _--1 Tnu,rest ~nse . 'l'A... Off' 75' laT...,. 300.00 6,000.00 5.1 57 00 57 57 90.34 nn Retirement .. Employees ------------- CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year ~ Final - Budget Allowance ---- --- -- 1961 1962 19"1 r C Budget T~anager's urrent Recom- Total Budget Requ~_ mendation -+ ------. _l;;_J..QQ~OO. 148, 650....JLQ __ 33,175.00 88,900.00 240J075.00 3:3.h350.00 ----- - WATER AND SEWAGE FUND - Fund Function Department Submitted By Date CURRENT YEAR 8 Estimate _Mo~.!-~ -1961 Actual 4 Months ---- .!960 Actual Previous Year Page Account GENERAl. (r.ont ) Interest-Water and Sewer Bonds Acc't. No. 00 00 00 72,000.00 33.175.QQ.. 19..5..,.2.6..l.._M 28 Expenses - __~~~e Fund 'l'rYl'dT 900 134 51 44 , 811 138.067 580 , 1_Q9_.00 ---~- -._-~--.---------- ------ ---1---- i : AND ";"";;:~RR-:----= .=_.-_. =--=_~=~=== 'l'RF.ARtffiF.R RATANCE.....JAN.. .laL--t-u55>2E~JlJ3. ___ __y-,59~~ _0.....1rr.,~7...~~06l?L~lT___ _ --- . es..t....and. M'I sc..l1AnRQillL_ __ _ ____ __69_6 ,J~+_-Ll~_4. 51~____ l->.2illhQO _____ 100 ~Q..+___ 1, 500 .<&1- ---1---- _____ B.v~".._. -.-.----~23~"-'~'"t__'46. 62:. 75 __]2),)]6.25 _ 50D~OOO .QO ~OOO .",,~...5lliWl~_.._. -=t---- ug...BerJc~ --no -.---. --. --=::I~9"'. 3'+- -- ...Z.,l>6:>.8:> 27....334,.1.5 __~PO.OO _~OOO.OO QQQ.~___ __ Fees L ~ 15,000.00 150,000.00 .00 310,000.00t- _______T___::-t~g~n~- :~~ruc-tl9_n -:Ob.' -I lO:~:::: -,~:;~.-BO 22,;:::: =::-~ r1i,QQO.O: --__1..TOTA.I nm _ --210,109.21 _ 123,843.42~.9L..6.Lj 81..Q..36B...JJ2 --- 353,554.40 483,775~Q ~~oo.od 580,100.00 356,55~ 240,068.42 185,797.67 290,468.42 349.961.39 201,000.00 100,000.00 600.00 378, 483.775.00 55 381,209 102.565.45 353,554.40 '!'(YJOAT. J)f!c. 31st. T....8 ~pitA1 ~ndit.m .aIld... Un"',"" 'Do.... Less Bond Payment and Reserves 1~ Wau.]' 230.000.00 60.468.42 -- 85.>197.67 39,068.42 6.593.42 nF.l'. ':I1..t. - ..CAS1L ------------- CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year ~ - ..- - - - - WATER AND SEWAGE SEWAGE Fund FunctIOn Department Submitted By Date _ ----- Manager's Final Recom- Budget mendation Allowance llll. Budget Request 196L- -- Current Budget ----- -- .!L1IlQ.., nQl Total CURRENTYEAR Estimate _ Months ---. -- 5-- Actual Previous . Actual Year __ __ Months Page ~~~- -~-- Account -~,~~ PERSONAL SERVICES Acc't. No. 45,000.00 37,750.00 1~~~0 . 00 . ~ -+--- - . ~- --- - T- 600 +-~ --- - 600.QQl_____ --1--- ~ :-~-_t_- _-"'0 00 I. - - -;~;. 0 0 t . ----"", _ --~~~_j--=-- J__~150}=; . ~::::E..~=L_=~~~ - ~t-- ~. .00 __ ----- 650.00 500.00 _ 750.00 750.00 00 00 45 ----j---- 000.00 750.00 37 00 00 18,500 ------- 350 ---r Sa1aries- ~~()~- ~l:::: P<of~'i':" ::"" - - ...~ _ - ----1 -- ------------------------- ---- ----_._~-----_._------ I ----t CONTRACTUAL SERVICES: ! Automobile Use Allowance -----~ ----- '-r ----- -. .--. ._~-~--- -----..-~~--.~-~- _._____l_!..e.l<:~()ne and Te~eg~pE.....___________ ______ J....I.raveli~~){Q'OT'ses ________.__ _~-.J'-rint ~li.s..,U;...orf[ls__ _____ I __ _____+_In...s-''@n.c:':'._~ _.I'.C}\l!Qment _____ _____-+----In_Sl!r:anc~_____Motor Vehic 1es , Social Security --+- 350.00 1, -~ 12,000.00 00 000 00 1,500. OJ--2..500 . 4....Q00.00 __~,OOO. 200.00 400.00 ___-f-).Dsurance - Gas Service 500.00 --- 2.600.00 100 . 00 00 00 100 600 00 3,000.00 75.00 50 00 450.00 2.000.00 00 50.00 100.00 & Tubes Light and Power Service Repair Buildings Repair Machinery and Equipment Repair - Motor Vehicles Repair - Motor Vehicles Tires Waste Collection and Disposal F.mnlove~Lirement 1J Sewage 3,OOO.OQ Sewa~e 23,550.00 & Water 20,300.00 8,800.00 1'nt',::d - - - - - - - - - CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year ~ - - - - - - - ~ -- SEWAGE Fund Function Department Submitted By Date Final Budget Allowance Manager's Recom- mendation 1962 Budget Request 1961 Current Budget 6 mo. '~ Total CURRENT YEAR Estimate _ Months Actual Previous Year Page Acc't. No. Actual _Months Account 200.00 150.00 50.00 100 . 00 00 75 25.00 50.00 7,000.00 35.00 2.000.00 00 3.000.00 b1e Tools Office Supplies Periodicals Drugs and Etc Tr.,; 1 ot-__. Stipp 1 ies MA1'ERTAT.S ANn ~TTPPT TR~ 500.00 900.00 100 . 00 .00 150,00 200.00 150.00 Chemicals -~--1---.Jani tor a ~----t- Motor Vehic1es- Fuel. Lub & Etc --totor...Y-ehiCles - Licens~~L- _______ Other Operating ....5Yp.p~___ ____ __i~rica1 and LizD_ting Par~____ I _ +_..Lwnber and Lumbpr Pruducts _ __. L__.N" rh ; npry ___.J.ruL P"rt" llilo.ks and 250.00 750.00 60.00 --~.Q 100.00 50.00 50.00 ~~J-- 150.00 00 00 --+--- 4,000.00 150.00 3,000.00 100 .00 000.00 50.00 ________~.....Mo~llclJ.i.c.l.e_~J.'.ar..t...s......- Motor '\1" 1", _ Ti rQ~ ~nn "'nhp.c: 250.00 500.00 500.00 200.00 350.00 50.00 -.2!L. 00 150.00 400.00 V~int anrl p~intina M~tpri~l~ Sand, Rock, & Chat Salt Gravel, 600.00 14 7.270.00 5,025.00 Total CAPITAL OUTLAY 2,000.00 3,000.00 I ---t--- 5,000.00 1. 500 . 00 500.00 and Equipment Fixtures Furniture Trucks 1b Sewage 88,900.00 Water and Sew,ge 1,500.00 ---- 66.820.00 500.00 33.175.00 Expenditures Total Total