Budget - 1966 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION Page Letter of Transmittal ------------------------------------- i Department Head Memorandum ---------------7---------------- v 1965 Tax Levy for 1966 Budget ----------------------------- 1 Revenue - General Operating Fund (Summary) ---------------- 2 Licenses, Fees and Permits --------------------------- 3 Expenditures - General Operating Fund (Summary) ----------- 4 Tax Levy Summary for General Operating Fund --------------- 5 Expenditures - All Funds (Summary) ------------------------ 6 GENERAL OPERATING FUND (Detail-Fund Summary-Commentary-Personnel Data) City Commission ------------------------------------------- 7 City Manager ---------------------------------------------- 9 City Clerk ------------------------------------------------ 12 City Attorney --------------------------------------------- 16 .~ City Court ------------------------------------------------ 19 Police Court ---------------------------------------------- 22 City Building--------------------------------------------- 25 City Engineer --------------------------------------------- 28 Fire -------~---------------------------------------------- 32 ,.'. ;:~f:.,s~}:,~~t'.~ighting ------------------------------------------- Inspection ------------------------------------------------ 36 Park ------------------------------------------------~----- 39 Police ---------------------------------------------------- 43 Street ---------------------------------------------------- 47 Waste Disposal --------------------~~-_____________________ Traffic and Parking --------------------------------------- 56 Airport --------------------------------------------------- 59 Swimming Pool --------------------------------------------- 61 City Planning --------------------------------------------- 63 Insurance and Contingencies ------------------------------- 66 Band ------------------------------------------------------ 68 Cemetery Expenditures ----------------------------------------- 70 Receipts --------------------------------------------- 73 General Improvement Expenditures ----------------------------------------- 75 Receipts --------------------------------------------- 78 Memorial Hall Expenditures ----------------------------------------- 80 Receipts --------------------------------------------- 83 Public Health Expenditures ----------------------------------------- 85 Receipts --------------------------------------------- 86 Industrial Development Expenditures ----------------------------------------- 87 Receipts --------------------------------------------- 88 OTHER FUNDS Noxious Weeds Expenditures ----------------------------------------- 89 Receipts --------------------------------------------- 91 Firemen's P~nsion ----------------------------------------- 92 Policemen's Pension -----------------------------~--------- 94 Flood Works and Levee Expenditures ----------------------------------------- 96 Receipts ----------------~---------------------------- 99 Tree Maintenance ------------------------------------------ 101 Social Security ------------------------------------------- 104 Employees Retirement -------------------------------------- 106 Bond and Interest ----------------------------------------- 108 General and Special Improvement --------------------------- 110 Parking Meters Expenditures ----------------------------------------- 112 Receipts --------------------------------------------- 114 Sanitation Expenditures ----------------------------------------- 116 Receipts --------------------------------------------- 119 Airport Revolving Expenditures ----------------------------------------- 121 Receipts --------------------------------------------- 124 Water and Sewage Expenditures ----------------------------------------- 126 Receipts --------------------------------------------- 129 Construction Resurfacing Streets ---------------------------------- 134 Central Garage -------------------------------------------- 135 NORRIS D. OLSON City Mana~r CITY HALL BUILDING GENERAL OFFICES 5 Aug. 1965 The Honorable Board of City Commissioners City of Salina Salina, Kansas Gentlemen: Because of the whirlwind of activities that have struck this community since the announced closing of Schilling Air Force Base eight short months ago, I can assure you that the recommended budget proposals here submitted have been prepared with the deepest sense of challenge your administrative staff has been able to muster. One cannot minimize the economic impact this community has experienced since last November. Neither can one ignore the immediate recovery efforts and activ- ities that will soon be bearing fruit. I cannot resist the temptation, if to list only for the record, a few of these significant achievements and future improvements for which this entire community can be justly proud. Although no order of priority can be attached, the list would in- clude the new Salina-Hilton convention facility, the new airport, educational, health and industrial complex housed .~ on the Schilling Air Base property with administrative responsibilities vested in the recently created Airport Authority, the new Joint City-County-Board of Education and Police administration buildings, the new library, the proposed entry of the newly created Urban Renewal Agency into a second project area of industrial character, and the recent announcement that a major industrial firm has selected this community as a new manufacturing site. I ! I I : ; The impact of community change can never escape a municipal budget. Our present recessive condition is re- flected in this document and will be discussed a little later in this message. There appears however, to be no reason why we can not view the future with anything but optimism,-', . The format of this budget is identical to the one presented to you last year. Page one contains data and (i) Member. . League of Kansas' Municipalities - American Municipal Association computations relating to the 1965 Tax Levy and the 1966 Budget. Pages two through six relate to Revenue and Expenditures for General Operating and for All Funds. Beginning with page seven, expenditures for each depart- ment or activity are grouped under the five major objective classifications of Personal Services, Contractual Services, Materials and Supplies, Sundry Expenditures, and Capital Outlay. Detailed expenditures for each of these major class- ifications are listed on the white pages, totals for the detail expenditures are summarized on the yellow pages, and personnel data relating to each department or activity is provided on the green pages. Again, in an attempt to present a more comprehensive, detailed and understandable budget document, the yellow summary pages relate pertinent com- mentary concerning the function and budget expenditures for each department or activity. Before commenting on budgetary revenues or expenditures, I call your attention to the total general operating expend- itures found on page three of this document. Here you will note that six funds for which we previously made individual levies are, for 1966, included as a portion of the General Operating Budget. The Revenues for these funds for 1964 and 1965 are also not reflected in the Revenue totals shown on page one. This transfer of funds was provided for in the recently adopted Charter Ordinance when the Aggregate Mill Levy for the General Operating Fund was increased from 14 to 17 mills. Because several of the processes of municipal budgeting can be inherently complex, I caution the reader not to make any 1966 revenue or expenditure comparisons with those of prior years without taking the comparable data from these funds into consideration. .~ Again this year, no new sources of revenue are antici- pated in the proposed budget. In the most general terms, a municipality can obtain revenue from only three sources: (1) Ad valorem taxes, (2) unencumbered cash balances from.the previous year, and (3) revenues from state collected taxes, locally collected fines, fees, franchises, permits, etc. as listed on page one. The first budgetary effect caused by the closing of Sch~lling is reflected in ou~~anticipated revenues. A payroll of $20,000,000.00 and over 13,000 citizens cannot be removed from the community without P~9ducing such results. Excluding budget items 110, 120,and130.on.p~~eone and in- cluding 1965 revenues from the six funds referred. to above (Band, Cemetery, General Improvements, Memorial Hall, Public Health, and Industrial Development), our anticipated revenues for 1966 are approximately $75,000.00 below those for the current year. Our unencumbered cash balance shown also on page one (including the $16,000.00 transfer) is approx- imately $52,000.00 below the amount encumbered on January I, 1965. When our current expenditure requirements for the six transferred funds are added to the requirements listed on page three, the proposed increase for 1966 amounts to $67,460.14. Our proposed budgetary increase and reduced anticipated revenues account for 85% of the increased tax requirement of $167,803.56 as shown on page four. This difference also can only be realized when the tax require- ments for the six transferred funds are taken into consider- ation. With one exception, the proposed tax requirements for funds outside of our general operating budget have been de- creased. The exception is found within the Bond and Interest Account, where a tax requirement of approximately $50,000.00 or .7611 mill will be required. This requirement is explained in greater detail on page 108 of this document. Although we cannot blame our departed Schilling friends for this increased requirement, their departure did add to an existing problem. Although we did not enjoy the increase in property valuations that we did last year ($2,105,914.00), we must certainly appreciate the $618,956.00 of assessed growth that was realized. The total city tax levy for Salina property owners in 1965 was 24.90 mills. The proposed levy for 1966 is 27.36 mills. The increase amounts to 2.46 mills. Since three of the previously discussed factors (the reduction of anticipated revenues, the Industrial Fund levy and the increased levy in the Bond and Interest account) re- quire an increase of 3.0 mills, one can conclude that in essence, our attempt has been "to hold the line". In the General Operating Fund, Personal Service.s for 1966 are increased $46,131.00 over the current year. Of this amount, $33,915.00 has been provided for salary increases within the Police and Fire Departments. The remaining $12,216.00 represents merit increases provided for in a salary schedule adopted January I, 1965. There are no changes being proposed in the total peFsonnel employed by the City. A new position as clerk of the Police Court is proposed, however the com- pliment of our Central Garage has been reduced by one. As stated in my budget message last year, the "Program of Work" herein recommended for 1966 is more th~m a mere statement of estimated revenues and expenditures expressed in dollars and cents. It represents people, material needs and objective planning. It affords direction, both in this office and to the operating departments. Direction however does not constitute an end. Requisitioning officials (de- partment heads and supervisors) must keep in mind that an appropriation is not a directive, or even a permit to spend, unless (1) a real need exists, (2) the price is reasonable, and (3) revenues are available to finance the appropriation. If actual revenues should, for any reason, decline below estimated levels, expenditures will be reduced accordingly through the application of budgetary controls. The basis upon which this budget has been prepared is substantially the same as was summarized in a memorandum directed to all department heads on June 12, 1964. The budget calendar dates do not coincide with those used this year, h0wever the text of the message, I considered worthy of re- producing another year. In conclusion, I must again pay tribute to the wonderful assistance I received from the administrative staff in the preparation of this document. The preparation of expenditure estimates, the research of general finanicial and statistical data, and the compiling and preparing of a proposed budget are difficult, tedious and time consuming. Special recognition must be given to City Clerk Harold Peterson and to my Admin- istrative Intern Charles Delgado for their generous contribution of time and effort. Also, I must again thank the secretaries who prepared the final copy. Respectfully submitted, fliJ-tJ fJ ~p Norris D. Olson City Manager .~ NDO:ea (iv) THE CITY OF SALINA OFFICE OF CITY MANAGER DATE June 12, 1964 TO All Depar~men~ Heads FROM Norris D. Olson SUBJECT 1965 Budget Attached are the necessary work sheets upon which you are asked to plan a program of services for your department for 1965, and reduce that program to a dollar budget. Also attached, are a few basic rules, instructions or comments concerning the preparation of these forms, so that all of you will follow the same format. In this, my first budgetary message to you, I will attempt to relate a few general comments or ideas that I consider most important in budget prepa- ration. First, the Budget Document is merely a "Program of Work". Reduced to its lowest common denominator, a budget represents people anq money. People to plan the work and people to do the work that has been planned. Money to compensate the employee and money to provide the material necessities to in- sure completion of pre-determined objectives. Quality of employee and avail- able money of course dictate the theoretical level of service a program of work will provide to the tax paying public. Our objective is to encourage the employment of the highest possible type of person we can in local govern- ment for the money available, and then to provide him with the greatest possible opportunity for in-service growth & development. Even with this thought in mi'nd, our budgetary problems in Salina are no different than those found in other municipalities. Budget estimates must always be prepared on a conservative basis. There is no doubt but what our needs will exceed available resources" and priori ties v,,:::'ll have to be assigned to the various requests. Although efficiency arid economy are normally used as the whipping boys in government, we can not but respect both of them. Neither can we sacrifice one for the other. It is entirely possible to be- come so economically minded that any simulance of efficiency is destroyed. It is also possible to become so efficient that operating costs become astron- omicial. The end can be resolved only by personal judgments. Second, as you relate your plans for next years program into expenditure estimates, please keep in mind that budget preparation is probably the single most important duty that you perform during the year. Good budget preparation and subsequent budget control is an absolute prerequisite to good, efficient city government. Therefore, I am hopeful that each of you have spent a con- siderable amount of time during the past month, and are prepared to spend the additional time necessary during the coming week to produce carefully thought- through estimates,.. along with clearly presented explanations and supporting data. Note the date of June 22 on. .the Budget schedule that follows. cr . " - Page 2 - 1965 Budget Budget requests should be based upon the total needs of your department. Budget preparation is your best opportunity to call the attention of this office, the City Commission and the citizens of Salina the job you should be. doing if adequate funds were made available to you. Do not attempt to esti- mate what revenues will be available to your department, for this will depend on the importance of the service programs you propose as compared to the service requirements outlined by other departments, and upon the general economic conditions of the City. After you have submitted your requests, this office and the City Commission will evaluate the relative importance of all requests and then determine the total dollars to be allocated to each depart- ment. Third, statements have been made very often to the effect that, "Progressive communities are healthy communities. Static communities are decaying communities". The same can be said of organizations. This thought should be kept in mind as you plan your proposed budgets for the coming year. Critically analyse your departmental operations to determine changes that should be initiated to make your operations more efficient, and to overcome any inadequacies that may now exist. Imporved utilization of personnel and installation of new procedures and new machines should be anticipated whenever possible, and will, in fact, be needed in order to.fit the service program for 1965 into funds that will be available. It is my opinion that employee salaries for a given job classification shall be based on 2 major considerations: (1) Supply and demand as it exists in the community, and (2) Duties and responsibilities inherent with the position under consideration. It is the opinion of the City Commission that funds will not be made available for a blanket salary increase for 1965, and that any salary increases granded (in addition to the longevity pay program initiated in 1964) shall be based on MERIT only. To this end, I shall look to each of you to make an honest evaluation of your total work force, grant the salary adjustments you consider fair and just, and be able to conscientiously defend your decisions. Such step increase must, of course, be within the prescribed salary schedule and will become effective on Jan. 1, ~965. In addition to the above mentioned considerations for determining a just salary, a merit increase encompassed many factors - training level of the employee, length of training period, public contact required by the position, willingness of employee to "carry his share of the load", ability to give or receive direction and to implement same, employee attitude, personal appearance, promptness, abuse of s.ick leave, vacation. or other privileges, plus a multitude of 6ther variables encountered through- out a normal working day. Each of you are assured that I fully appreciate the difficulty you may have in making the above evaluations and decisions. It is the same basis how- ever that I will attempt to follow and justify in determining my salary recommendations for each of you~ Every attempt calendar: June 22 .June 22-26 June 29-July.3 4;.'" July 6-17 July 20 will be made to comply with the following 1965 budget Return of WOrksheets and supporting information by Dept.Heads. Analysis of worksheets by City Manager & Director of Finance. - Conferences with Dept. Heads. Analysis and production of recommen.ded budget. Submission of recommended btidgetto City tentative approval. (yH - Page 3 - 1965 Budget July 31 Aug. 10 Publish Ordinance Date for public hearing. Introduce tax levy ordinance and publish. Second reading of tax levy ordinance for 1964 and budget 1965. Aug. 17 The cooperation and effort that each of you contribute toward putting to- gether the fundamental data requested, will bear directly with the effectiveness of the finished budget document. Please give this work the consideration it deserves. I will be available to give any assistance desired. ~f!.AA-- Norris D. Olson . City Manager , (vi!i) 1965 Tax Levy and 1966 Budget 1965 Levy Fund Ad Sales Net Net Add Total 1964 Levy Valorem Tax Ad Valorem Ad Valorem 2% Ad Valorem Levy Limit Tax Mills Mills Levy Mills Levy Dollars Delinquent Tax Dollars General Operating 17.0000 16.9731 0.8299 16.1432 959,174.94 19~183.50 978~358.44 13.4565 Noxious Weeds. 1.0000 0.0925 0.0037 0.0888 5,277 .45 105.55 5,383.00 0.0597 Firemen's Pension 2.0000 0.1027 0.0058 0.0969 5~759.42 115.19 5~874.61 0.0937 Policemen's Pension 2.0000 0.3928 0.0123 0.3805 22,608.72 452.17 23,060.89 0.2001 Flood Works &.Levee 1.0000 0.1871 0.0224 0.1647 9,562.75 418.00 9,980.75 0.3637 Tree Maintenance 1.0000 0.0725 0.0012 0.0713 4~233.60 84.67 4,318.27 0.0190 Social Security None 0.2481 0.0325 0.2156 12~810.59 256.21 13,066.80 0.5271 Public Employees Ret None 0.3043 0.0315 0.2728 16~210. 77 324.21 l6~534.98 0.5101 Total:Sa1es Tax 0.9393 Bond and Interest None 9.9262 589~469.83 12,106.25 601,576.08 9.1651 General and Special Impr 3.0000 0.5050 TOTAL 27.3600 1.625.108.07 33.045.75 1.658.153.82 24.9000 Tangible Valuation 60,604,872.00 Population - City 38,706 Population - County 45.471 i--' CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS DETAIL REVENUE ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION City Treasurer Balance January 1st Less Purchase Orders Unencumbered Cash Balance January 1st 110 Current Tangible Taxes 120 Current Intangible Taxes 130 Delinquent Tangible Taxes 210 State Cigarett Tax 220 State Gasoline Tax 230 State Liquor Enforcement Tax 240 State Sales Tax 260 State Highway Maintenance 310 Licenses, Fees & Permits 385 Removal & Burial Fees 387 Grave Marker Permits 410 Police Court - Fines 420 City Court - Fines 440 Franchise, Taxes 511 Office Rental Space 512 Auditorium Rentals 521 Rent - Oakdale Park Buildings 522 Concessions - Oakdale Park 523 Concessions - Swimming Pools 531 Rent - Street Dept. Equip. 541 Blue Jay Park Rental 610 Interest from Investments 701 Engineering Fees 702 Impounding Fees 705 Title Transfer Fees 709 Admissions - Swimming Pools 711 Administrative Service - Other Depts. 712 Fire Protection Outside City Limits 713 Street Cut Repairs 714 Concrete Sawing 717 Upkeep Services 719 Weed Cutting Services 720 Plats & Rezoning Fees 721 Sale of Commodities 723 Sale of Ordinance Books 725 Sale 0 f Salvage 727 Sale of Lots 731 Miscellaneous Sales & Service 952 Reimbursement of Expenditures Transfer Balance Other Funds **(Band, Cemetery, General Improvement, Memorial Hall, Public Health, Industrial Development) Actual Previous Yea 1964 110,126.78 26,956.01 83,998.40 657,621.69 32,374.88 8,961.60 36,692.77 53,641. 13 13,507.12 44,985.28 8,045.00 50,343.15 (6,132.50) (93.00) 90,619.46 20,856.37 163 ,432 . 84 (360.00) (2,182.00) 130.00 342.52 244.27 0.00 55.00 0,451. 23) 54,720.79 2,686.50 05.00) 11 , 155 . 65 0.00 1,771.45 2,268.66 933.85 032.00) (1,342.00) 1,015.00 782.50 180.00 96.73 (l,040.00) 410.25 2,932.36 Adjusted Budget 1965 157,273.72 63,943.04 93,330.68 699,829.80 41,000.00 6,000.00 40,000.00 60,000.00 10,500.00 44,873.92 8,045.00 36,692.30 (6,500.00) (25.00) 85,000.00 12,000.00 140,000.00 (360.00) (1,500.00) 100.00 250 .00 250.00 10.00 50.00 (650.00) 55,000.00 1,250.00 05.00) 10,000.00 15,000.00 1,750.00 1,200.00 200.00 (75.00) (950.00) 300.00 300.00 10.00 75.00 (l,250.00) 100.00 3,000.00 Pa2e 2 Budget Request 1966 i I I I I 25,269.70 959,174.94 43,750.00 7,500.00 40,000.00 60,000.00 10,500.00 50,295.76 8,045.00 35,145.00 6,000.00 50.00 85,000.00 0.00 137,000.00 360.00 1,500.00 0.00 250.00 250.00 0.00 50.00 650.00 20,000.00 1,250.00 15.00 10,000.00 15,000.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 200.00 75.00 950.00 300.00 200.00 0.00 50.00 750.00 0.00 3,003.60 16,000.00 TOTAL RECEIPTS ,260,806.82 ,272,786.02 1,516,314.30 '* Amounts shown in (00) are from these funds that were not in the General Operating for the years 1964 and 1965. FUND GENERAL OPERATING DEPARTMENT CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS DETAIL REVENUE ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION LICENSES, FEES & PERMITS 311 Cereal Malt Beverages 313 Retail Liquor Licenses 314 Wholesale Liquor Licenses 321 Amusement Devices - Pinball & Etc. 323 Enertainment Licenses 327 Dances, Public 333 Music Machine Licenses 334 Minature Pool Table & Shuffleboard 335 Pool Hall & Bowling Alley 338 Skating Rink License 339 Theatre & Opera House 341 Auctioneer & Aucting Sales 343 Billboard Advertising 345 Concrete Construction 347 Electrician Licenses 349 Fireworks 351 Gas Fitters 353 Tree Trimming & Spraying 357 Junk Dealers, Auto & Parts 359 Pawnbrokers 361 Plumbers Licenses 363 Taxicab Licenses 365 Taxicab Drivers Licenses 367 Street Advertising 371 Trailer Parks 375 Vendor, Peddler & Itinerant 377 Refuse Haulers Licenses 381 Building Permits & Inspection Fees 383 House Moving Permits 391 Food & Milk Permit s 395 Merchant Police Licenses 399 Dog Lcienses 310 TOTAL - LICENSES, FEES & PERMITS Actual Previous Yea 1964 4,950.00 10,800.00 3,750.00 1,900.00 10.00 165.00 922.50 812.50 1,110.00 150.00 300.00 150.00 175.00 285.00 602.00 1,300.00 180.00 165.00 675.00 900.00 934.00 525.00 440.00 228.00 1,582.50 245.00 230.00 12 , 9.18 , 85 961.80 1 , 647 . 00 150.00 1,179.00 50,343.15 Adjusted Budget 1965 4,875.00 8,500.00 2,500.00 1,700.00 20.00 150.00 850.00 725.00 885.00 100.00 300.00 150.00 100.00 130.00 619.00 500.00 120.00 140.00 600.00 450.00 863.00 554.00 300.00 100.00 1,387.50 75.00 150.00 7,175.00 144.80 1,754.00 100.00 675.00 36,692.30 . P aile ':\ Budget Request 1966 4,500.00 8,500.00 2,500.00 1,500.00 20.00 150.00 850.00 700.00 700.00 100.00 300.00 100.00 100.00 150.00 575.00 500.00 100.00 125. 00 450.00 300.00 750.00 200.00 250.00 50.00 1,000.00 75.00 150.00 8,000.00 150.00 1,500.00 100.00 700.00 35,145.00 FUND GENERAL OPERATING DEPARTMENT , DETAIL Pa2e 4 EXPENDITURES Actual Adjusted Proposed ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Drevious Year Budget Budget 1964 1965 1966 G-l City Commission 25,095.13 25,315.00 24,815.00 2 City Manager 26,327.24 22,986.00 25,906.00 3 City Clerk 46,648.10 63,059.00 62,253.00 4 City Attorney 12,708.71 14,700.00 13,772.00 5 City Court 32,541. 38 16,000.00 .00 6 Police Court 3,476.05 4,785.00 6,575.00 7 City Building 22,310.33 15,229.00 14,484.00 8 City Engineering 68,541.17 65,563.00 68,925.00 9 Fire Department 297,394.18 319,381.00 313,914.00 10 Inspection 19,675.51 23,379.00 23,514.00 11 Park 54,287.46 66,275.00 61,113.00 12 Police 326,676.01 346,444.00 372,586.00 13 Street 121,052.97 143,022.00 158,976.00 14 Waste Disposal 20,522.46 21,273.00 23,286.00 15 Street Lighting 62,430.70 65,000.00 66,000.00 16 Traffic and Parking 40,207.44 51,971.00 43,180.00 17 Airport 20,000.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 18 Swimming Pools 16,095.62 15,155.00 15,405.00 19 Planning Department 5,949.64 12,000.00 18,675.00 20 Insurance and Contingencies 28,706.81 29,310.00 53,112.00 21 Band 12,000.00 22 Cemetery 19,372.00 23 General Improvement 22,799.00 24 Memorial Hall 10,318.00 25 Public Health 30,000.00 26 Industrial Development 60,604.00 TOTAL ).,250,646.91 1,340,847.00 1,541,584.00 I ; I I CITY OF SALINA KANSAS FUND GENERAL OPERATING DEPARTMENT CI TY-o()F.. aALINA, KANSAS SUMMARY , . CLASSIFICATION Actual Previous Yr. 1964 TOTAL RECEIPTS TOTAL RECEIPTS AND BEGINNING BALANCE Less Expenditures Unencumbered Cash Balance December 31st 1,260,806.82 1,343,977.59 1 250 646.91 93,330.68 Net Tax Requirement Delinquent Tax Tax Dollars Tax Levy Mills 656,973.10 13,364.03 670,337.13 11.5815 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay ~Jruflrff Budget 1965 1,272,786.02 1,366,116.70 1 340 847.00 25,269.70 699,829.80 13,996.60 713,826.40 11.8999 Page 5 Proposed Budget 1 66 1,516,314.30 1,541,584.00 1 541 584.00 959,174.94 19,183.50 978,358.44 16.1432 FUND ALL FUNDS DEPARTMENT , DETAIL Pa2e 6 EXPENDITURES Actual Adjusted Proposed ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Yea Budget Budget 1964 1965 1966 General Operating 1,250,646.91 1,340,847.00 1,541,584.00 Band 11,750.00 11,750.00 .00 Cemetery 21,614.95 19,955.00 .00 General Improvement 44,779.17 47,444.00 .00 Memorial Hall 8,320.38 11,780.00 .00 Public Health 26,460.00 21,715.00 .00 Industrial Development 7,446.11 20,632.86 .00 Noxious Weeds 3,343.04 4,030.00 5,700.00 Firemen's Pension 14,632.73 15,085.00 25,085.00 Policemen's Pension 19,614.94 25,560.00 35,560.00 Tree Maintenance 5,873.92 10,000.00 10,250.00 Bond and Interest 1,156,477.76 1,273,852.74 1,346,780.00 General and Special Improvement 31,100.00 30,000.00 .00 Flood Works and Levee 22,253.29 21,258.00 22,697.00 Social Security 59,426.13 70,000.00 80,000.00 Employees Retirement 55,018.30 70,000.00 85,000.00 Refuse 129,433.94 133,401.00 189,950.00 Parking Meters 81,300.54 78,035.00 90,377.00 Airport 279,501.66 257,746.78 267,901. 00 Water and Sewage 1,363,351.98 1,265,109.05 1,226,716.00 Construction Resurfacing Streets 80,880.61 60,000.00 77,323.00 TOTAL 4,673,226.36 4,788,201.43 5,004,923.00 I I ; I CITY OF SALINA KANSAS CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS DETAIL ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION PERSONAL SERVICES 110 Salaries - Official & Dept. Heads TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 207 Traveling Expense 211 Contributions 225 Legal Advertising 233 Insurance - Surety Bonds 299 Other Contractual Services 299A Revision of Ordinances TOTAL SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 435 Organizational Dues TOTAL GRAND TOTAL Actual IPrev ious YeaI 1964 500.00 500.00 3,454.83 5,620.00 3,370.43 .00 10,099.87 .00 22,545.13 2,050.00 2,050.00 25,095.13 FUND GENERAL OPERATING DEPARTMENT City Commission Adjusted Budget 1965 500.00 3,500.00 7,000.00 3,500.00 315.00 5,500.00 3,000.00 22,815.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 25,315.00 Pa2e 7 Proposed Budget 1966 500.00 I I I I 3,500.00,1 7 ,000.00 i 3,500.00 315.00 6,000.00 2,500.00 22,815.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 24,815.00 FUND GENERAL OPERATING DEPARTMENT City Commission CI Ty-".i)F.c aAL"tNA, KANSAS SUMMARY I. CLASSIFICATION Actual Previous Yr. 1964 Page 8 Proposed Budge t 1966 PERSONAL SERVICES 500.00 500.00 500.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 22,545.13 22,815.00 22,815.00 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 2,050.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 TOTAL 25,095.13 25,315.00 24,815.00 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay FUNCTION A board of five City Commissioners serve as the legislative and policy making body of the City. They are the elected representatives of the citizens of Salina and are respon- sible for the passage of all ordinances necessary to promote the welfare of the City. The Commission shall annually choose its o~m Mayor. Public commission meetings are held every Monday (4:00 P.M.) at City Hall, 5th and Ash. BUDGET COMMENTS Account #211 includes appropriations for Civil Defense, Americanization Center, and two State Guard Units. Account #299 affords payment for preliminary surveys or feasibility studies that can not be justly credited to any given operating department. Examples of 1964 expenditures from this account include thp feasibility study relating to the Joint City-County Office Building. Traffic Study being done through joint contract with the State Highway Department and the cities consulting engineers, ceremonial keys to the City, auditors fees, plus materials and supplies to produce Stock-holders Review and the Annual Report for the City. Two proposed expenditures for conSUlting services that would be charged to this account are: (1) the creation of a formal position classification and pay plan, and (2) engineering services necessary for converting our present Municipal Airport to golf course use. j\Organ!.Zation dues represents local membership in such professional groups as the Kansas Municipal League. National League of Cities, U. S. Conference of Mayors, and the local area Flood Control and Conservation Association. CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS DETAIL ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION PERSONAL SERVICES 110 Salaries - Officials & Dept. Head 120 Salaries - Regular Employees 130 Salaries - Part-Time Employees Longevity TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 201 Automobile Use Allowance 205 Telephone & Telegraph 207 Traveling Expense 209 Postage 221 Printing Office Forms 231 Insurance - Motor Vehicles 233 Insurance - Surety Bonds 252 Repair - Furniture & Office Equip 253 Repair - Motor Veh., Mach. Equip. 255 Repairs - Motor Veh. Tires & Tube 295 Other Professional Services TOTAL MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 320 Office Supplies 331 Books & Periodicals 345 Motor Veh. - Fuel, Lubr., Etc. 347 Motor Vehicle - License Tags 379 Motor Vehicle - Tires & Tubes 399 Other Operating Supplies TOTAL SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 435 Organization Dues TOTAL CAPITAL 505 509 517 OUTLAY Automobile Furniture & Fixtures Office Mechanical Equipment TOTAL GRAND TOTAL Actual Drevious Year 1964 13,172.75 4,020.('0 .00 .00 17,192.75 250.00 714.64 535.57 43.04 156.22 .00 11.09 85.00 66.67 .00 133.65 1,995.88 166.62 298.25 42.42 16.00 41. 56 32.04 596.89 97.95 97.95 2,865.92 2,124.07 1,453.78 6,443.77 26,327.24 FUND GENERAL OPERATING DEPARTMENT City Manager Adjusted Budget 1965 12,000.00 7,525.00 300.00 .00 19,825.00 .00 879.00 700.00 75.00 75.00 60.00 17.00 50.00 150.00 40.00 150.00 2,196.00 200.00 150.00 300.00 15.00 .00 100.00 765.00 100.00 100.00 .00 50.00 50.00 100.00 22,986.00 Pa2e 9 Proposed Budget 1966 12,000.00 10,200.00 300.00 .36 22,536.00 .00 900.00 . 650.00 : 75.00 100.00 60.00 20.00 100.00 150.00 100.00 150.00 2,305.00 200.00 200.00 300.00 15.00 50.00 100.00 865.00 100.00 100.00 .00 50.00 50.00 100.00 25,906.00 FUND GENERAL OPERATING DEPARTMENT City Manager CI TY--QF-- ~ALlNA, KANSAS SUMMARY , ' Actual CLASSIFICATION Previous Yr. 1964 PERSONAL SERVICES 17,192.75 19,825.00 CONTRACTUAL SERV[CES 1,995.88 2,196.00 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 596.89 765.00 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 97.95 100.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY 6,443.77 100.00 TOTAL 26,327.24 22,986.00 Page 10 Proposed Budget 1966 22,536.00 2,305.00 865.00 100.00 100.00 25,906.00 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay FUNCTION The City Manager is responsible for executing all administrative affairs of the City in accordance with established laws or policies determined by the City Commission. He shall see that all laws and City Ordinances are enforced; appoint and remove all heads of departments or subordinate employees; negotiate and administer agreements and contracts; represents the City at meetings, conferences, and on committees as directed. The Manager shall prepare the annual budget for the City and administer the details of same after its approval and adoption by the City Commission. BUDGET COMMENTS Budgetary increase in personal services for current year and for 1966 reflects the employment of an Administrative Intern on June 1, 1965. The position does not involve any pre-determined set of duties and responsibilities. His work will involve him in various internal and inter-departmental problems that may be of budgetary, person~l or procedural nature. He is directly responsible to the Manager for his research, project analysis and reporting, problem-solving, general assistance to department heads, etc. CAPITAL OUTlAY Capital outlay expenditures for 1964 represents the purchase Of an automobile for the City Managers official use, desk, conference table, office and reception chairs. Mechanical equipment purchased included a calculator, a dictating machine and a typewriter replacement. CITY OF SALINA, KANSA PERSO~~EL SCHEDULE FUND GENERAL OPERATING DEPARTMENT City Manager Page 11 POSITION TITLE Range Current Budge t Proposed Budget City Manager 1 1 1,000 - 1,250 12,000.00 12,000.00 Secretary 1 1 300 - 350 4,200.00 4,200.00 Administrative Assistant 1 1 450 - 550 3,325.00 6,000.00 (7 months 1965) Part Time 300.00 300.00 Longevity None 36.00 19,825.00 22,536.00 FUND GENERAL OPERATING DEPARTMENT City Clerk , CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS DETAIL Pa2e 12 Actual Adjusted Proposed ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Year Budget Budget 1964 1965 1966 PERSONAL SERVICES i I I 110 Salaries - Officials & Dept. Heads 13,885.00 17,640.00 17,760.00 I 120 Salaries - Regular Employees 17,718.00 17,990.00 18,720.00 I 130 Salaries - Part Time Employees .00 500.00 1,000.00 I Longevity 984.00 1,075.00 1.238.00 ! I TOTAL 32,587.00 37,205.00 38,718.00 I I CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 203 Freight and Express 6.69 75.00 75.00 205 Telephone and Telegraph 835.19 900.00 900.00 207 Traveling Expense 109.98 300.00 300.00 209 Postage 838.73 1,000.00 1,000.00 221 Printing Office Forms 2,679.28 1,750.00 2,000.00 222 Printing Election Supplies .00 1,378.00 .00 225 Legal Advertising .00 50.00 50.00 233 Insurance - Surety Bonds 197.50 406.00 410.00 252 Repair - Furniture & Office Equipme nt 637.72 800.00 800.00 274 Rent - Machinery and Equipment 304.19 3,000.00 3,000.00 291 Auditing and Accounting Service 3,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 292 Judges and Clerks - City Election .00 7,145.00 .00 295 Other Professional Services 189.50 300.00 300.00 299 Other Contractual Services 112.00 100.00 100.00 TOTAL 8,910.78 21,204.00 12,935.00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 320 Office Supplies 1,704.31 1,500.00 1,500.00 331 Books and Periodicals 302.03 200.00 200.00 337 Election Supplies 1,657.67 2,000.00 300.00 359 Other Operating Supplies 284. 71 500.00 200.00 TOTAL 3,948.72 4,200.00 2,200.00 DETAIL Pa2e 13 Actual Adjusted Proposed ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous YeaI Budget Budget 1964 1965 1966 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 435 Organization Dues 67.50 50.00 50.00 439 Refunds 25.00 100.00 100.00 TOTAL 92.50 150.00 150.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY 509 Furniture & Fixtures 641.10 300.00 .00 517 Office Mechanical Equipment 468.00 .00 8,250.00 I TOTAL 1,109.10 300.00 8,250.00 GRAND TOTAL 46,648.10 63,059.00 62,253.00 .' CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS FUND GENERAL OPERATING DEPARTMENT City Clerk FUND GENERAL OPERATING DEPARTMENT City Clerk CITY-OF ~ALI~A, KANSAS SUMMAR Y Page 14 TOTAL Actual A<bhusted Proposed rrent Previous Yr. Budget Budget 1964 1965 1966 32,587.00 37,205.00 38,718.00 8,910.78 21,404.92 13,185.00 ;3,948. 72 4,200.00 2,700.00 92.50 150.00 150.00 1,109.10 300.00 8.250.00 46,648.10 63~259.92 63,003.00 CLASSIFICATION PERSONAL SERVICES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES SUNDRY EXPENDITURES CAPITAL OUTLAY Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay FUNCTION The City Clerk and Treasurer are responsible for the financial administration of the City in accordance with legal reauirements and general policies established by the City Commission. The department maintains all accounts of financial transactions, general .; billing operations,' clerlcar duties associated with receipt, custody and disbursement of all City funds and monies. Issues authorized bonds, invests all surplus funds, approves all payrolls and general checks, supervises the issuance of licenses, is custodian of all official records and the corporate seal of the City of Salina. Provides necessary supplies and equipment for administration and maintenance of all collections, as well as the regis- tration of all voters. BUDGET COMMENTS The increase in personal services for 1965 and for 1966 as compared to 1964 is primarily due to a change of accounting procedures for services performed by this Dept. for the Water & Sewage Department. A total monthly expenditure of $265.00 was paid as partial salaries to the City Clerk and City Treasurer during 1964. A lump-sum transfer from the Sanitation and the Water & Sewage Departments to the General Operating Fund for services performed by all General Operating Depts. was implemented on January 1, 1965. The increase in detail account #274 for 1965 and 1966 represents the rental charge for the Zerox reproduction machine. This charge is now being borne entirely by the City Clerks off~ce instead of prorating the charge to each using department. Accounts #222, #292 and #337 reflect the cost of the three city elections that were held during 1965--the Joint City-County and Library Building bond election, the City primary election and the City general election. I I I I I 1 I Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay l4a continued: CAPITAL OUTLAY Expenditures for 1964 represent the purchase of two new secretarial desks and chairs and two new file cabinets. Another desk is provided for during the current year. The proposed expenditure under account #517 represents a one years rental for a new accounting machine. Our present unit has been in service for 12 years, is limited in the scope of operations it will provide, and requires repeated service and maintenance attention by the manufacturer. ANNUAL BUDGET FUND GENERAL OPERATING DEPARTMENT. City Clerk CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS PERSO~~EL SCHEDULE Page 15 POSITION TITLE Range Current Budget Proposed Budget Director of Finance 1 1 800 - 850 9,720.00 9,720.00 City Clerk City Treasurer 1 1 600 - 675 7,920.00 8,040.00 Personnel Director Machine Operator 2 2 250 - 350 8,310.00 8,400.00 Clerk Typist I 1 1 200 - 320 3,840.00 3,840.00 Clerk Typist II 2 2 200 - 300 5,840.00 6,480.00 Part Time 500.00 1,000.00 Longevity 1,075.00 1,238.00 TOTAL 37,205.00 38,718.00 FUND GENERAL OPERATING DEPARTMENT City Attorney CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS DETAIL Pa2e 16 ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Actual Previous Yea 1964 Adjusted Budget 1965 Proposed Budget 1966 PERSONAL SERVICES 110 Salaries - Officials & Dept. Hds. 5,640.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 j 120 Salaries - Regular Employees 4,440.00 4,620.00 4,620.00 I Longevity 120.00 180.00 252.00 ! , ! TOTAL 10,200.00 10,800.00 10,872.00 I. , I CONTRACTUAL SERVICES I I I i 201 Automobile Use Allowance .00 .00 .00 ' 207 Traveling Expense 100.00 100.00 100.00 236 Insurance-Social Security .00 .00 .00 238 Employees Retirement .00 .00 .00 295 Other Professional Services 160.00 500.00 500.00 296 Legal Services 2,091.60 3,000.00 2,000.00 TOTAL 2,311.21 3,600.00 2,600.00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 320 Office Supplies .00 .00 .00 331 Books and Periodicals 197.50 300.00 300.00 TOTAL 197.50 300.00 300.00 GRAND TOTAL 12,708.71 14,700.00 13,772.00 FUND GENERAL OPERATING DEPARTMENT City Attorney CITY OF ~ALINA, KANSAS SUMMARY Page 17 TOTAL Actual Current Proposed Previous Yr. Budget Budget 1964 1965 1966 10,200.00 10s800.00 10s872.00 2s311.21 2s600.00 2s600.00 197.50 300.00 300.00 12,708.71 13s700.00 13s772.00 CLASSIFICATION PERSONAL SERVICES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES MATERIALS & SUPPLIES Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay FUNCTION City Attorney acts as legal advisor to the City Commission, City Manager, and department heads on legality of all actions. In this supporting role the City Attorney and his assistants prepare ordinances, resolutions, contracts, agreements, deeds, leases, bond indentures, legal actions and miscellaneous documents. In addition to the above he also represents the City of Salina in all actions at law. BUDGET COMMENTS Personal and legal services performed by the City Attorney and his assistants constitutes virtually the entire bUdgetary reauirements of this department. Account #296 reflects an increase during the current year due to a State Supreme Court case filed against the Fireme~s Relief Association by a former employee of the department. Although successful in their defense, the State Statutes do not provide for the Association to recover legal costs from the complaintant or otherwise stand responsible for their own legal council. ANNUAL BUDGET FUND, GENERAL OPERATTNr, DEPARTMENT: City Attorney CITY OF SALINA, Kk~SAS PERSO~~EL SCHEDULE Page 18 POSITION TITLE Range Current Budget Proposed Budget Employees City Attorney 1 1 450 - 550 6,000.00 6,000.00 Ass't City Attorney 2 2 150 - 250 4,620.00 4,620.00 Longevity 180.00 252.00 TOTAL 10,800.00 10,872.00 FUND GENERAL OPERATING DEPARTMENT City Court CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS DETAIL Pasze 19 Actual Adjusted Proposed ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION )revious Year Budget Budget 1964 1965 1966 I PERSONAL SERVICES 110 Salaries - Officials & Dept. Hds. 17,435.55 8,520.00 -- 120 Salaries - Regular Employees 6,792.90 4,200.00 -- 130 Salaries - Part-time Employees .00 981.40 -- TOTAL 24,228.45 13,701.40 -- CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 201 Automobile Use Allowance 3,675.17 496.75 -- 205 Telephone & Telegraph 968.52 339.07 -- 209 Postage 126.49 76.10 -- 221 Printing Office Forms 1,552.27 299.21 -- 233 Insurance - Surety Bonds 20.00 .00 -- 252 Repair - Furniture & Office Equip .00 85.00 -- 295 Other Professional Services 983.60 421. 75 -- TOTAL 7,326.05 1,717.88 -- MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 320 Office Supplies 765.88 531.12 -- 331 Books & Periodicals 91. 50 49.60 -- TOTAL 857.38 580.72 -- CAPITAL OUTLAY 509 Furniture & Fixtures 129.50 .00 -- 129.50 .00 -- GRAND TOTAL 32,541. 38 16,000.00 -- i FUND GE'NERAL OPERATING DEPARTMENT City Court CITY OF ~ALINA, KANSAS SUMM.I\R Y Page ?n 1964 Current Budget 1965 Proposed Budget 1966 CLASSIFICATION Actual Previous Yr. PERSONAL SERVICES 24,228.45 13,701.40 -- CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 7,326.05 1,717.88 -- HATERIALS I:, SUPPLIES 857.38 580.72 -- CAPITAL OUTLAY 129.50 .00 -- TOTAL 32,541.38 16,000.00 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay FUNCTION The functions of the City Court is the original jurisdiction of civil cases for recovery of money only, to try and determine same if the amount involved does not exceed $1,000.00, as well as jurisdiction of action for recovery of certain personal properties not to exceed $500.00. In addition, the court has the same jurisdiction in civil and criminal matters as the Justice of the Peace. BUDGETARY COMMENTS By action of the 1965 State Legislature (H.B. 665), the functions of this court were established as a newly created Magistrate Court, effective July 1, 1965. The enabling legislation also provided that effective July 1, 1965, "all fees and costs of the court are to be deposited in the general fund of the County". Since the City's source of revenue would be terminated on July 1, 1965, the Attorney General issued an opinion that the court should become a responsibility of the County on the same date. The adjusted expenditures for 1965 are therefore based only through June 30, 1965. ANNUAL BUDGET FUND GENERAL OPERATING DEPARTMENT. City Court CITY OF SALINA, KA.~SAS PERSOt-.'NEL SCHEDULE Page 21 POSITION TITLE Range Current Budget 1965 Proposed Budget 1966 Judge 1 550 - 655 Clerk 1 350 - 4Q5 Harshall 1 350 - 425 Clerk II 3 200 - 265 Part time TOTAL 3,600.00 2,460.00 2,460.00 4,100.00 981. 40 13,701.40 f FUND GENERAL OPERATING DEPARTMENT Police Court CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS DETAIL Pali!e 22 Actual Adjusted Proposed ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Yea Budget Budget 1964 1965 1966 PERSONAL SERVICES 110 Salaries - Officials & Dept. Hds. 3,117.00 3,000.00 3,300.00 120 Salaries - Regular Employees .00 1,000.00 2,640.00 130 Part time .00 250.00 200.00 Longevity 288.00 .00 .00 TOTAL 3,405.00 4,250.00 6,140.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 207 Traveling Expense .00 50.00 50.00 233 Insurance-Surety Bonds 10.00 10.00 10.00 295 Other Professional Services 15.00 200.00 200.00 TOTAL 25.00 260.00 260.00 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 320 Office Supplies 46.05 200.00 100.00 331 Books & Periodicals .00 75.00 75.00 TOTAL 46.05 275.00 . 175.00 GRAND TOTAL 3,476.05 4,785.00 6,575.00 FUND GENERAL OPERATING DEPARTMENT Police Court CITY OF ~ALINA, KANSAS SUMM.I\R Y CLASSIFICATION Actual Current Previous Yr. Budget 1964 1965 3,405.00 4,250.00 25.00 260.00 46.05 275.00 3,476.05 4,785.00 PERSONAL SERVICES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES MATERIALS & SUPPLIES TOTAL Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay FUNCTION Page 23 Proposed Budget 1966 6,140.00 260.00 175.00 6,575.00 The City Police Court is ruled over by the Police Judge who hears cases involving misdemeanors and violations of any City ordinances. A great majority of the cases that come before this court are for traffic violations. A Prime function of the Court, that has in the past been administered by personnel within the Police Department, is the maintenance of court records for all violations and the receipt of all court fines. It is proposed that the position of Clerk of the Police Court be created concurrent with the adoption of this budget and that all administrative responsibilities of the Court be transfered to this department. BUDGET COMMENTS Adjustments have been made in accounts #120, #295 and #320 to facilitate this change. ANNUAL BUDGET FUND GENERAL OPERATING DEPARTMENT i Police Court CITY OF SAUNA, KA.r.~SAS PERSO~~EL SCHEDULE Page 24 POSITION TITLE Range Current Proposed Budget Budget 3,000.00 3,300.00 1,000.00 2,640.00 250.00 200.00 4,250.00 6,140.00 Judge 1 1 250 - 290 Clerk I (5 months 1965) o 1 200 - 290 Part Time TOTAL FUND GENERAL OPERATING DEPARTMENT City Building CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS DETAIL ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION PERSONAL SERVICES 120 Salaries - Regular Employees 130 Salaries - Part Time Employees Longevity TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 205 Telephone & Telegraph 227 Insurance - Fire 236 Insurance - Social Security 238 Emplbyees Retirement 241 Gas Service 242 Light & Power Service 243 Water Service 251 Repair - Buildings 252 Repair - Furniture & Office Equip. 284 Laundry & Towel Service 295 Other Professional Services TOTAL MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 310 Expendable Tools 343 Janitor & Toilet Supplies 367 Electrical & Lighting Parts 371 Lumber & Lumber Products 381 Paint & painting Materials TOTAL GRAND TOTAL Actual Prev ious YeaI 1964 6,299.75 .00 312.00 6,611.75 .00 2,404.96 .00 .00 1,793.54 831.60 692.85 7,746.18 102.49 16.37 170.00 13,757.99 54.72 997.17 775.30 5.80 107.60 1,940.59 22,310.33 Adjusted Budget 1965 6,180.00 500.00 349.00 7,029.00 .00 2,000.00 .00 .00 2,200.00 800.00 700.00 1,000.00 .00 50.00 100.00 6,850.00 50.00 1,000.00 200.00 .00 100.00 1,350.00 15,229.00 Pa2e ?') Proposed Budget 1966 6,180.00 500.00 404.00 I 7,084.00\ i .00 1,200.00 .00 .00 2,200.00 800.00 700.00 1,000.00 .00 50.00 100.00 6,050.00 50.00 1,000.00 ; 200.00 .00 100.00 1,350.00 14,484.00 FUND GENERAL OPERATING DEPARTMENT City Building CITY OF ~ALINA, KANSAS S UMM...I\R Y Page 26 CLASSIFICATION Actual Previous Yr. 1964 Current Budget 1965 Proposed Budget 1966 PERSONAL SERVICES 6,611.75 7,029.00 7,084.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 13,757.99 6,850.00 6,050.00 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 1,940.59 1,350.00 1,350.00 TOTAL 22,310.33 15,229.00 14,484.00 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay FUNCTION This account includes fixed charges for maintenance and repair of City Hall plus the pedestrian Arcades located in the Central Business District. BUDGETARY COMMENTS Maintenance and repair costs for both the heating and electrical systems in the City Hall building were quite excessive during 1964. The primary electrical service to the building as well as the transmission system within the building continues to emit a constant flow of problems. Account #367 also reflects past electrical problems encountered. The four downtown public restrooms (located in the 100 block on No. 5th. Street and in the arcade on the west side of the 100 block of North Santa Fe) were completely repainted and all damaged items replaced during 1964. The City Manager's Office was also re-decorated during 1964. Account #227 reflects the savings incurred through a new comprehensive insurance policy that was recently placed into effect. This expenditure represents coverage for all city buildings except those located at the airport or within the Water and Sewage Department. ANNUAL BUDGET POSITION TITLE Range FUND GENERAL OPERATING DEPARTMENT City Building Page 27 Current Proposed Budget Budget 1965 1966 3,480.00 3,480.00 2,700.00 2,700.00 500.00 500.00 349.00 404.00 7,029.00 7,084.00 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS PERS01\"'NEL SCHEDULE Custodian 1 1 250 - 320 Rest Room Custodian 1 1 200 - 245 Part Time Longevity TOTAL FUND GENERAL OPERATING DEPARTMENT Engineer CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS DETAIL ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION PERSONAL SERVICES 110 Salaries - Officials & Dept. Hds. 120 Salaries - Regular Employees 130 Salaries - Part Time Employees Longevity TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 205 Telephone & Telegraph 207 Traveling Expense 209 Postage 220 Blueprints 221 Printing Office Forms 231 Insurance - Motor Vehicles 233 Insurance - Surety Bonds 236 Insurance - Social Security 252 Repair Furniture & Off. Equip. 253 Repair Machinery & Equipment 255 Repair - Motor Vehicles, Tires & Tubes 256 Repair - Motor Vehicles, Wash & Lubr. 295 Other Professional Services 299 Other Contractual Services TOTAL MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 320 Office Supplies 331 Books & Periodicals 335 Drafting & Engineering Supplies 345 Motor Vehicles - Fuel & Lubs. 347 Motor Vehicles - License Tags 371 Lumber & Lumber Products 379 Motor Vehicle - Tires & Tubes TOTAL Actual Previous Yr. 1964 7,740.00 48,225.45 .00 960.00 56,928.45 291. 50 438.54 17.00 625.66 .00 178.67 17.50 .00 205.82 1,087.22 31. 76 .00 44.64 .00 2,938.31 247.55 78.00 834.27 728.84 60.00 276.54 4.00 2,229.20 Adjusted Budget 1965 16,890.00 39,765.00 1,200.00 1,205.00 59,060.00 350.00 500.00 50.00 400.00 100.00 200.00 18.00 .00 150.00 1,000.00 100.00 20.00 500.00 90.00 3,478.00 250.00 75.00 900.00 900.00 75.00 450.00 100.00 2,750.00 Pa2e 28 Proposed Budget 1966 16,920.00 40,380.001 1,034.001 1,326.001 I , I 59,660.00 " 350.00 500.00 50.00 1,000.00 100.00 200.00 20.00 .00 150.00 1,000.00 100.00 20.00 500.00 200.00 4,140.00 300.00 75.00 900.00 900.00 75.00 300.00 300.00 2,850.00 FUND GENERAL OPERATING DEPARTMENT Engineer , DETAIL Pa2e 29 Actual Adjusted Proposed ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION revious Year Budget Budget 1964 1965 1966 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 435 Organization Dues 3.00 75.00 75.00 TOTAL 3.00 75.00 75.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY 509 Furniture & Office Equip. 1,026.35 200.00 200.00 i 525 Trucks 5,415.86 .00 2,000.00 I 200.00 ( TOTAL 6,442.21 2,200.00 I GRAND TOTAL 68,541.17 65,563.00 68,925.00 CITY OF SALINA KANSAS CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS SUMMARY FUND GENERAL OPERATING DEPARTMENT Engineer CLASSIFICATION Actual Previous Yr. 1964 PERSONAL SERVICES 56,928.45 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 2,938.31 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 2,229.20 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 3.00 CAPI TAL OUTLAY 6,442.21 GRAND TOTAL 68 , 541. 17 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay FUNCTION Page 10 Current Proposed Budget Budget 1965 1966 59,060.00 59,660.00 3,478.00 4,140.00 2,750.00 2,850.00 75.00 75.00 200.00 2,200.00 65,563.00 68,925.00 The Engineering Department is responsible for preparing plans, specifications and estimates for all public improvements. This includes field surveys, sewers, water mains, streets, etc. This department maintains maps showing all utility installations in rights-of way, acquires right-of-way, and supervises the installation of all municipal improvements; whether performed on a contract basis for the City or privately by sub- dividers. In addition the Engineering Department is responsible for the maintenance of all master maps of the City which includes the City limits and land record maps, the complete sanitary sewer system, water system and fire hydrant locations. BUDGET COMMENTS The increase in account #110 under Personal Services for 1965 and 1966 as compared to 1964 is due to a change of accounting procedures for services performed by the City Engineer for the Water and Sewage Department. A lump-sum transfer from the Sanitation and the Water and Sewage Department to the General Operating Fund for services performed by.a11 General Operating Departments was implemented on January 1, 1965. The increases in accounts #220, #295 and #299 are proposed for photostating permanent plats and maps for vault storage. CAPI TAL OUTLAY Two office desks and chairs plus a typewriter replacement were pruchased during 1964. Two station wagon replacements and a pick-up truck, used by the inspector, were also purchased during 1964. The proposed expenditures for 1966 under account #525 is for a replacement of the panel truck used by the field survey crew, if necessary. ANNiTAT. RTTnr..F.'T' FUND, GENERAL OPERATING DEPARTMENT: Engineering CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS PERSOh'NEL SCHEDULE Page 1 Current Proposed POSITION TITLE Range Budget Budget City Engineer 1 1 800 - 850 9 , 720 . 00 9,720.00 Ass't City Engineer 1 1 595 - 625 7,170.00 7,200.00 Traffic Engineer 1 1 530 - 600 6,360.00 6,360.00 Field Engineer 1 1 475 - 550 5,850.00 5,880.00 Inspector 1 1 455 - 485 5,490.00 5,520.00 Office Engineer 1 1 400 - 435 4,800.00 4,800.00 Draftsman I 1 1 395 - 420 4,800.00 4,800.00 Draftsman II 1 1 350 - 400 3,795.00 4,320.00 Instrument 0 1 390 - 420 4,710.00 4,740.00 Rodman 2 1 330 - 385 3,960.00 3,960.00 Rodman (Part Time) 1 1 1,200.00 1,034.00 Longevity 1,205.00 1,326.00 TOTAL 59,060.00 59,660.00 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS DETAIL FUND GENERAL OPERATING DEPARTMENT Fire ow ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION PERSONAL SERVICES 110 Salaries - Officials & Dept. Heads 120 Salaries - Regular Employees 196 Operators Longevity TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 201 Automobile Use Allowance 205 Telephone & Telegraph 207 Traveling Expense 209 Postage 221 Printing Office Forms 231 Insurance - Motor Vehicles 241 Gas Service 242 Light & Power Service 243 Water Service 251 Repair - Buildings 252 Repair - Furniture & Office Equip. 253 Repair - Machinery & Equip. 254 Repair - Motor Vehicles 255 Repair - Motor Vehicles Tires & Tubes 257 Repair - Radio Equipment 273 Rent - Fire Hydrants 284 Laundry & Towel Service 290 Medical Services 295 Other Professional Services TO TAL Actual Previous Yea 1964 8,280.00 257 ,717 . 65 0.00 8,520.00 274,517.65 100.00 1,329.20 239.40 46.69 7.75 729.23 1,307.15 826.78 572.10 27.97 136.50 448.50 36.78 49.45 44.50 542.50 286.76 23.00 6.80 6,761.06 Adjusted Budge t 1965 8,340.00 252,472.00 11 ,400 .00 9,504.00 281,716.00 0.00 1,500.00 400.00 45.00 100.00 865.00 1,500.00 1,100.00 600.00 200.00 100.00 200.00 150.00 50.00 125.00 0.00 350.00 40.00 200.00 7,525.00 Pa2e 32 I Proposed i Budget I 1966 I I 8,400.00 261,076.00 11,924.00 10 , 564.00 291,964.00 0.00 1,600.00 400.00 50.00 100.00 900.00 1,600.00 1,200.00 600.00 400.00 100.00 300.00 150.00 100.00 125.00 0.00 350.00 50.00 300.00 8,325.00 FUND GENERAL OPERATING DEPARTMENT Fire , DETAIL Pa2e 33 Actual Adjusted Proposed ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION >revious Year Budget Budget 1964 1965 1966 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 310 Expendable tools 280.39 275.00 300.00 320 Office Supplies 509.75 600.00 500.00 331 Books & Periodicals 169.80 90.00 100.00 333 Chemicals, Drugs, Etc. 65.65 150.00 200.00 343 Janitor & Toilet Supplies 1,112.03 650.00 700.00 345 Motor Vehicle - Fuel & Lubr. 1,523.48 1,200.00 1,300.00 351 Seeds, Plants, Trees, Lawn Supp1. 37.96 50.00 50.00 355 Wearing Appare11 4,833.17 5,700.00 5,500.00 359 Other Operating Supplies 258.23 600.00 650.00 I I 367 Electrical & Lighting Parts 394.24 250.00 250.00 : 371 Lumber & Lumber Products 30.70 50.00 100.00 373 Machinery & Equip. Parts 296.30 400.00 450.00 \ 377 Motor Vehicle Parts 1,164.01 650.00 700.00 379 Motor Vehicle Tires & Tubes 294.76 300.00 600.00 381 Paint & Painting Supplies 159.36 200.00 200.00 382 Photography Supplies 353.03 200.00 200.00 385 Radio Parts 18.56 50.00 50.00 393 Welding Supplies 140.19 250.00 250.00 399 Other Repairs & Maintenance 196.23 600.00 600.00 TOTAL 11,837.84. 12,265.00 12,700.00 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 435 Organization Dues 42.80 25.00 25.00 TOTAL 42.80 25.00 25.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY 505 Automobiles & Motorcycles 1,988.00 .00 507 Fire Fighting Equip. 1,874.98 17,000.00 .00 509 Furniture & Fixtures 371. 85 200.00 250.00 519 Radio Equipment .00 650.00 650.00 TOTAL 4,234.83 17,850.00 900.00 GRAND TOTAL 297,394.18 319,381. 00 313,914.00 CITY OF SALINA KANSAS FUND . GENERAL OPERATING DEPARTMENT Fire CITY-OF ~AUNA, KANSAS CLASSIFICATION S UMM..I\R Y Page 16. Actual Current Proposed Previous Yr. Budget Budget 1964 1965 1966 274,517.65 281,716.00 291,964.00 6,761.06 7,525.00 8,325.00 11,837.84 12,265.00 12,700.00 42.80 25.00 25.00 4,234.83 17,850.00 900.00 297,394.18 319,381.00 313,914.00 PERSONAL SERVICES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES SUNDRY EXPENDITURES CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay FUNCTION It is the responsibility of the Fire Department for the extinquishment of fires, protection of life and property thru rescue, evacuation, and salvage operations. Provide first aid to public, fire prevention demonstrations, as well as maintain an active program of fire inspection in business establishments and other public buildings. Insure the citizens of Salina adequate protection of life and property from fire hazard by an intensive fire training program utilizing the latest techniques and updated skills. BUDGETARY COMMENTS The increase in appropriations for personal services for 1965 over 1964 represents a one-step ($10.00 per month) salary increase for personnel below the rank of 1st. class firemen and increasing the compliment of commissioned personnel from 51 to 54. The proposed increase for 1966 represents a one-step ($10.00 per month) increase for all department personnel effective January 1, 1966. CAPITAL OUTLAY The current appropriation under #507 is for the purchase of a new fire truck and hose to replace a 1942 USA truck at fire station #2. The old USA truck is an Army surplus vehicle th~has no pump. Appropriation for radio equipment is for the new truck and for updating portions of existing equipment. ANNUAl. Rnnr.F.'T' FUND GENERAL OPERATING DEPARTMENT Fire CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS PERSO~~EL SCHEDULE Page 35 POSITION TITLE Range Current Budget Proposed Budget Chief 1 1 600 - 750 8,340.00 8,400.00 Ass't Chief 1 1 450 - 500 5,520.00 5,610.00 Captains 6 6 400 - 470 31,680.00 32,220.00 Inspectors & Lieutenants 12 12 400 - 445 60,480.00 61,560.00 Mechanics 2 2 400 - 440 9,600.00 9,780.00 Firemen 1st Class 25 25 390 - 425 117,000.00 119,250.00 Firemen 2nd Class ) Firemen 3rd Class ) 7 7 320 - 330 Firemen 4th Class ) 350 - 370 28,192.00 32,656.00 Recruit ) Operators 5 5 1.00 - 1.45 hr 11,400.00 11 , 924 . 00 Longevity 9,504.00 10,564.00 TOTAL 281,716.00 291,964.00 FUND GENERAL OPERATING DEPARTMENT Inspection DETAIL Pa2e 36 Actual Adjusted Proposed ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Yr. Budget Budget 1964 1965 1966 PERSONAL SERVICES 120 Salaries - Regular Employees 16,703.35 19,450.00 20,160.00 Longevity 96.00 154.00 204.00 TOTAL 16,799.35 19,604.00 20,364.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 201 Automobile Use Allowance 1,205.00 1,260.00 .00 205 Telephone & Telegraph 467.70 490.00 500.001 207 Traveling Expense 34.41 150.00 150.00: I 209 Postage 63.72 100.00 100.00 221 Printing Office Forms 550.72 200.00 200.00 231 Insurance - Motor Vehicles .00 .00 175.00 233 Insurance - Surety Bonds 10.00 10.00 10.00 236 Insurance - Social Security .00 .00 .00 252 Repair - Furniture & Office Equip. 48.75 50.00 50.00 253 Repairs - Machinery & Equip. .00 .00 750.00 295 Other Professional Services 17.24 50.00 50.00 TOTAL 2,397.54 3,060.00 1,985.00 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 320 Office Supplies 119.34 75.00 100.00 331 Books & Periodicals 72.15 75.00 75.00 367 Electrical & Lighting Parts 1.13 15.00 10.00 345 Motor Vehicles - Gas & Oil .00 200.00 750.00 347 Motor Vehicles - License Tags .00 .00 30.00 379 Motor Vehicles - Tires & Tubes .00 .00 100.00 TOTAL 192.62 365.00 1,065.00 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 435 Organization Dues 31.00 50.00 50.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY 509 Furniture, Fixtures & Off. Equip. 255.00 300.00 50.00 GRAND TOTAL 19,675.51 23,379.00 23,514.00 - CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS FUND GENERAL OPERATING DEPARTMENT Inspection CITY OF ~ALINA, KANSAS SUMM.I\R Y Page 17 1964 Adjusted Current Budget 1965 Proposed Budget 1966 CLASSIFICATION Actual Previous Yr. PERSONAL SERVICES 16t799.35 19t604.00 20,364.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 2t397.54 3,060.00 1,985.00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 192.62 365.00 1,065.00 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 31.00 50.00 50.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY 255.00 300.00 50.00 GRAND TOTAL 19,675.51 23t379.00 23,514.00 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay FUNCTION The primary responsibility of this department is protection of lifet property and property values by rigid administration and enforcement of the zoning ordinancest building plumbing and electrical codes. To arrive at this goal this department issues construction permits, revues plans for proposed buildingst recommends revisions when not in accordance with the codes and public safety, and investigates construction sites to insure that all the standards of the City are being complied with. BUDGET COMMENTS Increase in Personal Service during present year due to employment of office secretary during the later part of 1964. Duties will be divided between Inspection Department and Engineering Department. In return the Office Engineer in Engineering Department will devote necessary time to Inspection Department when duties require all inspectors to be out of the office at the same time. Proposed changes in accounts 201, 231, 253, 345t 347t and 379 reflect the intent to provide city owned vehicles for official use by each of the three inspectors. Present Police Department vehicles will become available when replaced the latter part of 1965. CAPITAL OUTLAY The 1964 expenditures for capital outlay represents the purchase of an office desk and chair. Current appropriation is for the purchase of a carbon monoxide tester and a com~ustible gas detector for use by the plumbing inspectort plus a polaroid camera to be used by all departments. ANNHAT. R1YnG.F.'r FUND GENERAL OPERATING DEPARTMENT i Inspection CITY OF SAlLINA, Kfu~SAS PERSO~~ElL SCHEDULE Page 38 POSITION TITLE Range Current Budget Proposed Budget Building Inspector 1 1 500 - 600 6,660.00 6,720.00 Plumbing Inspector 1 1 410 - 460 5,040.00 5,280.00 Electrical Inspector 1 1 410 - 460 4,980.00 5,280.00 Secretary 1 1 200 - 290 2,770.00 2,880.00 Longevity 154.00 204.00 TOTAL 19,604.00 20,364.00 FUND GENERAL OPERATING DEPARTMENT Park CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS DETAIL ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION EXPENDITURES PERSONAL SERVICES 110 Salaries - Officials & Dept Head 120 Salaries - Regular Employees 130 Salaries - Part Time Employees Longevity TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 205 Telephone and Telegraph 207 Traveling Expense 221 Printing Office Forms 227 Insurance - Buildings 231 Insurance - Motor Vehicles 241 Gas Service 242 Light and Power Service 251 Repair - Buildings 253 Repair - Machinery & Equipment 255 Repair - Motor Vehicles, Tires and Tubes 295 Other Professional Services TOTAL MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 310 Expendable Tools 331 Books and Periodicals 333 Chemicals, Drug~ and Etc. 343 Janitor and Toilet Supplies 345 Motor Vehicle - Fuel, Lubr. & Et 347 Motor Vehicles - License Tags 349 Recreational Supplies 350 Blue Jay Park 351 Seed, Plants, Trees & Lawn Supp. 359 Other Operating Supplies 365 Cement & Cement Products 367 Electrical & Lighting Parts 371 Lumber & Lumber Products 379 Motor Vehicle - Tires and Tubes 381 Paint & Painting Materials 387 Sand, Gravel, Rock & Chat TOTAL Actual Drevious Yea! 1964 7,740.00 20,313.00 11,745.15 936.00 40,734.15 371.31 .00 .00 186.00 258.89 660.23 497.98 1,188.09 2,444.05 18.75 48.16 5,673.46 106.82 38.50 52.24 96.86 547.92 75.00 409.48 917.17 497.18 393.03 457.57 61.69 397.96 57.59 590.75 9.26 4,709.02 Adjusted Budget 1965 7,740.00 20,670.00 15,780.00 1,160.00 45,350.00 400.00 50.00 10.00 200.00 260.00 650.00 600.00 500.00 2,000.00 25.00 100.00 4,795.00 200.00 25.00 30.00 150.00 750.00 75.00 200.00 2,500.00 500.00 150.00 100.00 100.00 400.00 100.00 200.00 25.00 5,505.00 Pa2e 39 Proposed Budget 1966 7,740.00 20,760.00 15,920.00 1,218.00 45,638.00 400.00 50.00 10.00 200.00 260.00 650.00 650.00 500.00 2,500.00 50.00 100.00 5,370.00 200.00 25.00 40.00 175.00 750.00 75.00 200.00 2,500.00 800.00 200.00 150.00 150.00 400.00 125.00 300.00 50.00 6,140.00 FUND GENERAL OPERATING DEPARTMENT Park , DETAIL Pa2e 40 Actual Adjusted Proposed ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Drevious Yea! Budget Budget 1964 1965 1966 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 435 Organizational Dues 15.00 15.00 15.00 TOTAL 15.00 15.00 15.00 I , , CAPITAL OUTLAY 502 Buildings 391. 95 3,000.00 1,000.00 I 509 151.89 50.00 I Furniture & Fixtures 50.00 516 Park Equipment - Mowers 1,945.00 2,560.00 800.00 521 Recreational Equipment 666.99 500.00 1,600.00 575 Landscape Improvements .00 500.00 500.00 Tennis Court Improvements .00 4,000.00 .00 TOTAL 3,155.83 10,610.00 3,950.00 GRAND TOTAL 54,287.46 66,275.00 61,113.00 CITY OF SALINA KANSAS FUND GENERAL OPERATING DEPARTMENT Park C}~Y OF SALINA, KANSAS SUMMAR Y Page 41 1964 aaJusr:ea Current Budget 1965 Proposed Budget 1966 CLASSIFICATION Actual Previous Yr. PERSONAL SERVICES 40,734.15 45,350.00 45,638.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 5,673.46 4,795.00 5,370.00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 4,709.02 5,505.00 6,140.00 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 15.00 15.00 15.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY 3,155.83 10,610.00 3,950.00 TOTAL 54,287.46 66,275.00 61,113.00 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay FUNCTION This department is charged with superv1s1ng, maintaining, and repa1r1ng all park lawns and flowerbeds, planning and maintaining shrubs and trees, repairing park buildings and equipment as well as maintain all parkways, boulevards and median strips in the City of Salina. BUDGET COMMENTS Increase in current personal services due to proposed salary adjustments plus the addition of one part time laborer for 1965. CAPITAL OUTLAY Because of constant demand for use of our present shelter houses, another is pro- posed for construction during the current year. It is recommended that this facility be located in Sunset Park. Current expenditures in account #516 represents recent purchase of a triplex mower, one side sickle mower, a thatch remover and a lawn sweeper. Proposed expenditures for 1966 for a riding rotary replacement. Expenditures in accounts #521 and #575 provided for improvements to be made to Edgemere Park area, if and when the area is made available to the City by F.R.A. Current appropriation for tennis court improvements are for the resurfacing of the three courts in Sunset Park and two of the courts in Oakdale Park. ANNUAL BUDGET FUND I GENERAL OPERATING DEPARTMENT i Park CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS PERSO~~EL SCHEDULE Page 42 POSITION TITLE Range Current Budget Proposed Budget Superintendent 1 1 600 - 710 7,740.00 7,740.00 Foreman 1 1 330 - 360 4,320.00 4,320.00 Laborer I &II 4 4 300 - 350 16,350.00 16,440.00 Laborers 8 8 300 - 340 15,780.00 15,920.00 Longevity 1,160.00 1,218.00 TOTAL 45,350.00 45,638.00 FUND GENERAL OPERATING DEPARTMENT Pol ice CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS DETAIL " ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Actual Previous Yea 1964 Adjusted Budget 1965 Pa2e 43 Proposed Budget 1966 PERSONAL SERVICES 110 Salar ie s - Officials & Dept. Heads 8,590.00 8,640.00 8,820.00 120 Sa1arie s - Regular Employees 224,035.90 240,000.00 261,630.00 130 Salaries - Part Time Employees 23,772.50 23,985.00 25,830.00 Longevi ty 3,576.00 4,584.00 4,596.00 --- ---- TOTAL 259,974.40 277,209.00 300,876.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 205 Telephone & Telegraph 4,829.28 4,500.00 4,500.00 207 Traveling Expense 701.18 1,000.00 1,250.00 209 Postage 184.90 200.00 200.00 217 Feeding Prisoners 4,325.61 4,500.00 5,000.00 220 Blueprinting & Photography 198.54 150.00 200.00 221 Printing Office Forms 2,994.59 2,000.00 2,500.00 227 Insurance - Buildings 47.30 0.00 o 00 231 Insurance - Motor Vehicles 895.33 1,200.00 1,200.00 233 Insurance - Surety Bond 14.00 15.00 15.00 241 Gas Service 43.60 0.00 0.00 242 Light Service 1,073.31 1,000.00 1,100.00 251 Repair - Building 382.36 700.00 400.00 252 Repair - Furniture & Office Equip. 569.17 200.00 200.00 253 Repair - Machinery & Equipment 14,248.38 14,000.00 12,500.00 255 Repair - Motor Vehicles - Tires & Tubes 221.38 300.00 300.00 256 Repair - Wash & Lubricants 1. 25 0.00 0.00 284 Laundry & Towel Service 23.41 50.00 50.00 274 Rent - Machinery & Equipment 0.00 900.00 1,000.00 290 Medical Services 1,035.60 800.00 1,000.00 295 Other Professional Services 102.96 100.00 200.00 299 Other Contractual Services 0.00 150.00 200.00 ---- ---- TOTAL 31,892.15 31,765.00 31,815.00 FUND GENERAL OPERATING DEPARTMENT Police CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS DETAIL ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 310 Expendable Tools 320 Office Supplies 331 Books & Periodicals 333 Chemicals, Drugs, Etc. 339 Food for Animals 343 Janitor & Toilet Supplies 345 Motor Vehicles - Gas & Oil 347 Motor Vehicles - License Tags 355 Wearing Apparell 359 Other Operating Supplies 367 Electrical & Lighting Parts 371 Lumber & Lumber Products 379 Motor Vehicles - Tires & Tubes 381 Paint & Painting Supplies 382 Photography Materials & Supplies 385 Radio Parts TOTAL SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 435 Organization Dues 439 Refunds TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 503 Equipment 505 Automobiles & Motorcycles 509 Furniture & Fixtures 519 Radio Equipment TOTAL GRAND TOTAL Actual revious Year 1964 6.14 2,218.01 343.88' 55.86 196.86 1,391.45 9,945.19 171.00 4,805.25 1,389.77 487.84 240.37 1,977 .34 142.01 1,306.60 18.77 24,696.34 161. 00 175.00 336.00 8,969.08 608.54 199.50 9,777.12 326,676.01 Adjusted Budget 1965 75.00 2,000.00 325.00 50.00 175.00 1,200.00 10,500.00 200.00 4,500.00 325.00 500.00 200.00 1,500.00 100.00 1,300.00 20.00 22,970.00 200.00 0.00 200.00 700.00 11 ,500.00 600.00 1,500.00 14,300.00 346,444.00 Pa2e 44 Proposed Budget 1966 100.00! 2,300.00' 325.00 50.00 200.00 i 1,200.00 ! 11 , 500 . 00 ' 220.00 : 5,000.00 i 300.00 : 500 .00 : 1 00 . 00 I 2,000.00 100.00 1,500.00 100.00 25,495.00 200.00 0.00 200.00 1,100.00 12,000.00 700.00 400.00 14,200.00 372,586.00 FUND GENERAL OPERATING DEPARTMENT Police CITY OF SALINA, KA..~SAS SUMMAR y Page 45 CLASSIFICATION Actual Previous Yr. 1964 Current Budget 1965 Proposed Budget 1966 PERSONAL SERVICES 259,974.40 277,209.00 300,876.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 31,892.15 31,765.00 31,815.00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 24;696.34 22,970.00 25,495.00 SUNDRY EXPENSES 336.00 200.00 200.00 CAPI TAL OUTLAY 9 ,777 .12 14,300.00 14,200.00 TOTAL 326,676.01 346,444.00 372,586.00 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay FUNCTION It is the responsibility of the Police Department to provide maximum protection of life and property to the citizens of Salina against any activity of a criminal nature. The primary activities related to these general responsibilities are, effective appre- hension of offenders, best available service control of traffic and crowds, enforcement of the laws of the State and ordinances of the City, investigation of crimes, provide effective aid in case of disaster, maintain records and communications service and provide a juvenil1e program to keep delinquency at a minimum. This department also performs innumerable services in the interest of public protection, safety, comfort and convenience and maintains a close liaison with other law enforcement agencies. BUDGET COMMENTS The compliment of commissioned officers was increased from 43 to 47 in January 1, 1965. No changes are proposed in this compliment for next year. In that police department salaries inherently rate as the number one factor in staffing and retaining competent and qualified officers, a salary increase of $5.00 per month, effective January 1, 1965 and the same on July 1, 1965 was approved in last years budget. As an additional effort to solve this problem, a salary increase of $10.00 per month, effective January 1, 1966 and a $5.00 per month increase, effective July 1, 1966, is here proposed. Budget item #274 represents annual rental on Zerox Copy Machine. This expenditure item replenished through sale of various report forms. (Continued-Next Page) ANNUAL BUDGET FUND GENERAL OPERATING DEPARTMENT Police CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS SUMMARY Page CLASSIFICATION Actual Previous Yr. Current Budget Proposed Budget ~<<'/ v~ Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay 45a (Continued-) CAPITAL OUTLAY Items of capital equipment proposed for purchase under item #503 for 1965 includes a typewriter replacement, a 16 mm sound projector (to be used for all City Departments) and a polygraph machine. Item proposed for purchase in 1966 are a tape recorder, an opaque training projector and two diving suits. The increase in account #505 reflects the additional vehicle that was added to the fleet in early 1965. Two desks and chairs are proposed for purchase during both the present and coming year. Two portable walkie-talkie transievers are proposed for purchase under account #519. ANNUAL BUDGET FUND I GENERAL OPERATING DEPARTMENT : Police CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS PERSO~~EL SCHEDULE Page 46 POSITION TITLE Range Current Budget Proposed Budget Chief 1 1 600 - 750 8,640.00 8,820.00 Major 1 1 475 - 550 2,944.00 5,790.00 Captains 3 3 400 - 470 16,110.00 16,380.00 Lieutenants 4 4 400 - 445 20,520.00 20,880.00 Detectives 6 6 400 - 445 30,780.00 31,320.00 Sergeants 5 5 400 - 435 25,050.00 25,500.00 1st Class Patrolmen 18 20 390 - 425 85,860.00 97,260.00 2nd Class Patrolmen ) 3rd Class Patrolmen ) 4th Class Patrolmen ) 8 9 320 - 330 Recruits ) 350 - 370 35,720.00 40,759.00 Clerk I 4 4 200 - 290 9,428.00 9,788.00 Secretary II 1 1 200- 290'- 2,760.00 2,855.00 ,.... "'" "<>':.~~., . - \ Janitor 1 1 200 - 290 3,388.00 3,478.00 Dog Catcher 1 1 300 - 340 3,840.00 3,930.00 Ass't Dog Catcher 1 1 250 - 325 3,600.00 3,690.00 Longevity 4,584.00 4,596.00 TOTAL 253,224.00 275,046.00 Crossing Watchmen 41 41 65.00 - 70.00 23,985.00 25,830.00 (9 months) GRAND TOTAL 277,209.00 300,876.00 FUND GENERAL OPERATING DEPARTMENT Street CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS DETAIL ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION PERSONAL SERVICES 120 Salaries - Regular Employees 130 Salaries - Part Time Employees Longevity TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 205 Telephone and Telegraph 207 Traveling Expense 221 Printing Office Forms 231 Insurance - Motor Vehicles 241 Gas Service 242 Light Service 243 Water Service 251 Repairs - Buildings 252 Repairs - Furniture & Office Eq. 253 Repairs - Machinery & Equipment 255 Repairs - Motor Vehicles, Tires and Tubes 274 Rent - Machinery & Equipment 284 Laundry and Towel Service 295 Other Professional Services TOTAL MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 310 Expendable Tools 320 Office Supplies 343 Janitor and Toilet Supplies 345 Motor Vehicles - Gas and Oil 347 Motor Vehicles - License Tags 359 Other Operating Supplies 341 Fuel and Lubricants except Motor Vehicles 361 Asphalt and Road Oil 365 Cement and Cement Products 367 Electrical and Lighting Parts 369 Hardware 371 Lumber and Lumber Products 375 Me~al and Metal Products 379 Motor Vehicles - Tires & Tuves 381 Paint and Painting Materials 387 Sand, Gravel, Rock, Salt & Chat 390 Sweeper Parts TOTAL Actual revious Year 1964 58,803.73 .00 2,976.00 61,779.73 287.56 .00 .00 1,031.65 500.75 26.47 127.61 .00 20.26 13,324.34 219.73 119.25 13.17 14.00 15,684.79 20.54 47.25 50.68 5,622.95 395.00 184.13 .00 1,921. 94 3,118.21 10.78 44.39 39.99 27.40 192.66 33.62 547.64 2,776.42 15,033.60 Adjusted Budget 1965 71,105.00 2,500.00 2,762.00 76,367.00 450.00 100.00 75.00 1,100.00 600.00 50.00 150.00 100.00 25.00 16,000.00 800.00 600.00 25.00 200.00 20,275.00 315.00 25.00 100.00 7,000.00 450.00 125.00 100.00 2,350.00 3,500.00 50.00 100.00 100.00 900.00 500.00 100.00 1,500.00 2,500.00 19,715.00 Palle 47 Proposed Budget 1966 I I I 97,770.00 i 2,500 .00 I 3,046.00 ! I I 103,316.00 ! I , I \ 450.00 I 100.00 50.00 1,150.00 600.00 75.00 150.00 100.00 25.00 14,500.00 400.00 600.00 20.00 250.00 18,470.00 100.00 25.00 100.00 7,000.00 450.00 150.00 200.00 2,500.00 3,500.00 50.00 100.00 100.00 1,200.00 500.00 '50.00 1,000.00 3,000.00 20,025.00 FUND GENERAL OPERATING DEPARTMENT Street CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS DETAIL Pa2e 48 Actual Adjusted Proposed ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Year Budget Budget 1964 1965 1966 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 435 Organization Dues 15.00 15.00 15.00 447 Transfer to Street Mach. Acct. 25,000.00 7,000.00 15,000.00 TOTAL 25,015.00 7,015.00 15,015.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY ; 509 Office Equipment .00 50.00 50.00 I 511 Garage Equipment 112.68 100.00 100.00 ' 525 Trucks 3,292.00 .00 .00 527 Street Equipment 75.57 18,000.00 500.00 I 581 Street & Sidewalk Improvements 59.60 .00 .00 519 Radio Equipment .00 1,500.00 1.500.00 TOTAL 3,539.85 19,650.00 2,150.00 GRAND TOTAL 121,052.97 143,022.00 158,976.00 FUND 'GENERAL OPERATING DEPARTMENT Street CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS SUMM.I\R Y CLASSIFICATION Actual Previous Yr. 1964 Adjusted Current Budget 1965 Page 49 Prop.~sed Budget 1966 PERSONAL SERVICES 61,779.73 76,367.00 103,316.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 15,684.79 20,275.00 18,470.00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 15,033.60 19,715.00 20,025.00 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 25,015.00 7,015.00 15,015.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY 3,539.85 19,650.00 2,150.00 TOTAL 121,052.97 143,022.00 158,976.00 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay FUNCTION It is the responsibility of the Street Department to maintain all trafficways for the transportation of vehicles and persons. This is to include day by day maintenance and patching of streets, sidewalks, alleys, bridges and gutters. Maintain the complete storm sewer system to prevent undue damage to street surfaces and avoid inconvenience to vehicles and pedestrians. Clear streets of dirt and other debris by machine or hand- sweeping. Clear streets of snow when and where necessary. This Department also works with the City-County Health Department in the control and e1imation of mosquitos, as well as providing necessary weed cutting activities throughout the City. BUDGET COMMENTS Three primary factors are reflected in the line totals for Personal Services. Consideration must be given to account #125 under the General Improvements budget if yearly comparisons are to be made. Because approximately 30% of the man-hours spent by Street Department employees are relegated to functions and activities not directly related to street work, $25,000.00 of Street Department salaries have previously been budgeted under General Improvements. It is proposed that, effective January 1, 1966, all department salaries be reflected within the Street Department budget. Three factors account for the substantial increase in Personal Services for 1965 as compared to 1964: (1) Street Department salaries under General Improvements exceeded the proposed budget. (2) The Department was below their normal compliment by two employees for a major portion of 1964. (3) An extensive amount of work was performed for the Water and Sewage Department due to an abnormal number of line breaks during 1964. State laws provide for cities to transfer funds not to exceed 25% of the total of the Street Department budget to a Street Machinery account for purposes of purchasing street equipment. The latest item of equipment purchased from this fund was a street sweeper in 1963 (Continued-Next Page) ANNUAL BUDGET FUND GENERAL OPERATING DEPARTMENT Street CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS SUMMARY Page 1964 Current Budget 1965 Proposed Budget 1966 CLASSIFICATION N\ ~~~ r}K Actual Previous Yr. Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay 49a (Continued ) BUDGET COMMENTS Budget item #375 constitutes request for metal guard railing to replace wooden railing that is in a poor state of repair. CAPI TAL OUTLAY Most urgent current need is for a new and larger motor grader. One of our present graders--a 1939 Caterpi11er--is totally inoperative. Our 1959 Allis Chalmers was completely overhauled during the current year. Reflection of this cost can be noted in account 11253. Another tractor with attached mower is included for purchase this year. An item of street equipment requested for purchase next year is a mechanical curb edger. A considerable number of man-hours are spent every season caring for the several miles of medians we now have within the City. This machine will result in a considerable savings in labor as well as add measurable to the appearance of our street curbings. The radio equipment proposed for purchase will add considerable efficiency and co- ordination to the operations of this department. The unlimited types of work assigned to the Street Department requires their equipment to be dispatched to every conceivable location throughout the entire City. Considerable time, effort and operating expenses can be saved by being able to dispatch equipment and personnel in the field instead of attempting to locate them on the job or await their return to the Street Garage. Equipment can be dispatched without delay during periods of emergency such as when sanding icy intersections, cleaning streets of tree limbs and debris, assistance in tending flood control system, caring for emergency assignments for other departments, etc. ANNUAl. 'RlmG.R'T' CITY OF SALINA, KA:.'l"SAS PERSO~~EL SCHEDULE FUND I GENERAL OPERATING DEPARTMENT I Street Page 50 POSITION TITLE Range Current Budget Proposed Budget Superintendent 1 1 600 - 710 7,800.00 7,800.00 Foreman 1 1 400 - 425 5,100.00 5,100.00 Machine Operators 7 7 360 - 390 30,435.00 30,720.00 Laborer I 13 13 340 - 350 52,770.00 54,150.00 Part Time 2,500.00 2,500.00 Longevity 2,762.00 3,046.00 TOTAL 101,367.00 103,316.00 To General Improvement Fund Balance Street 25,000.00 76,367.00 FUND GENERAL OPERATING DEPARTMENT Waste Disposal CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS DETAIL ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION PERSONAL SERVICES 120 Salaries - Regular Employees 125 Salaries - Regular Employees - Other Dept. Longevity TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 228 Insurance - Equipment 236 Insurance - Social Security 253 Repair - Equipment 231 Insurance - Motor Vehicles TOTAL MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 333 Chemicals, Drugs & Etc. 345 Motor Vehicles -Fuel, Lubr. & Etc 359 Other Operating Supplies 381 Paint & Painting Materials 387 Sand, Gravel, Rock, Salt & Chat TOTAL GRAND TOTAL Actual Previous Yea 1964 11,338.20 32.00 240.00 11,610.50 .00 .00 6,647.03 151.74 6,798.77 253.00 1,418.90 127.30 15.72 298.27 2,113.19 20,522.46 Adjusted Budget 1965 11,500.00 100.00 298.00 11,898.00 100.00 .00 7,000.00 .00 7,100.00 300.00 1,500.00 150.00 25.00 300.00 2,275.00 21,273.00 PaRe 51 Proposed Budget 1966 11,740.00 500.00 346.00 12,586.00 l' 100.00 .00 8,000.00 .00 8,100.00 300.00 1,500.00 150.00 50.00 600.00 2,600.00 23,286.00 FUND r,F.NF.R~L ~PE~6 TTNe:; DEPARTMENT as e ~sposal CITY-OF ~ALINA, KANSAS SUMM.i\R Y Page 52 CLASSIFICATION Actual Previous Yr. 1964 Current Budget 1965 Proposed Budget 1966 PERSONAL SERVICES 11,610.50 11,898.00 12,586.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 6,798.77 7,100.00 8,100.00 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 2,113.19 2,275.00 2,600.00 TOTAL 20,522.46 21,273.00 23,286.00 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay FUNCTION Supervise the operation of the City land fill for the final disposal of all garbage, rubbish, trash and similar waste materials which may originate within the City of Salina. BUDGET COMMENTS Account #125 increased to allow for help from other departments to move landfill, which will probably be necessary during 1966. Account #253 increased both for 1965 and 1966 due to rapidly increasing hours on the tractor and corresponding maintenance cost increase. Account #387 increased to allow for construction of a new road when landfill is moved. ANNUAL BUDGET FUND GENERAL OPERATING DEPARTMENT i Waste Disposal Cl TY OF SAI.I~.\, KANSAS PERSO~~EL SCHEDULE Page 53 POSITION TITLE Range Current Budge t Proposed Budget Machine Operator 2 2 340 .s'~31o" 9,100.00 9,340.00 . 's:d'tL, Traffic Attendant 1 1 300 - 350 2,400.00 2,400.00 (Laborer) Overtime 100.00 500.00 Longevity 298.00 346.00 TOTAL 11,898.00 12,586.00 FUND GENERAL OPERATING DEPARTMENT Street Lighting DETAIL Pa2e 54 Actual Adjusted Proposed ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION revious Year Budget Budget 1964 1965 1966 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 242 Light & Power Service 62,430.70 65,000.00 66,000.00 TOTAL 62,430.70 65,000.00 66,000.00 GRAND TOTAL 62,430.70 65,000.00 66,000.00 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS FUND GENERAL OPERATING DEPARTMENT Street Lighting CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS SUMMARY Page 55 TOTAL Actual AcIJ~fJrfe Proposed Previous Yr. Budget Budget 1964 1965 1966 62,430.70 65,000.00 66,000.00 62,430.70 65,000.00 66,000.00 CLASSIFICATION CONTRACTUAL SERVICES Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay FUNCTION This appropriation pays the cost for electricity, pole rental, lights, and reflectors for all street lights within the corporate limits of the City of Salina. Kansas Power and Light Company installs and maintains all street lights which are rented to the City in accordance with a contractual agreement. ANNUAL BUQGET , DETAIL Pa2e 56 Actual Adjusted Proposed ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION ~revious Yea! Budget Budget 1964 1965 1966 PERSONAL SERVICES I 120 Salaries - Regular Employees 13,874.45 17,545.00 19,080.00 l 125 Salaries - Employees, other I I Departmen s 60.00 800.00 800.00 I Longevity 48.00 82.00 140.00 J I i ; I TOTAL 13,982.45 18~427.00 20,020.00 : i CONTRACTUAL SERVICES I 205 Telephone and Telegraph 502.63 400.00 400.00 257 Repair - Radio Equipment 2,650.98 2,700.00 2,700.00 261 Repair - Traffic Lights, Bulbs,e ILC 598.29 400.00 600.00 295 Other Porfessiona1 Services 5,089.47 5,000.00 5,000.00 TOTAL 8,841. 37 8,500.00 8,700.00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 310 Expendable Tools .70 25.00 25.00 331 Books and Periodicals .00 7.00 10.00 353 Signs 945.63 300.00 400.00 365 Cement and Cement Products 3.00 250.00 300.00 367 Electrical Traffic Light Parts 2,642.61 2,000.00 2,400.00 371 Lumber and Lumber Products 42.72 50.00 75.00 381 Paint and Painting Materials 2,483.41 3,700.00 3,700.00 399 Other Repairs and Maintenance .00 50.00 50.00 TOTAL 6,118.07 6,382.00 6,960.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY 529 Traffic Control 11,265.55 18,662.00 7,500.00 TOTAL 11,265.55 18,662.00 7,500.00 GRAND TOTAL 40,207.44 51,971.00 43,180.00 CITY OF SALINA KANSAS FUND GENERAL OPERATING DEPARTMENT Traffic & Park~ng FUND GENERAL OPERATING DEPARTMENT Traffic and Parking CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS SUMMARY CLASSIFICATION Actual M~tlglifd Previous Yr. Budget 1964 1965 13,982.45 18,427.00 8,841.37 8,500.00 6,118.07 6,382.00 11,265.55 18,662.00 40,207.44 51,971.00 PERSONAL SERVICES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay FUNCTION Page 57 Proposed Budget 1966 20,020.00 8,700.00 6,960.00 7,500.00 43,180.00 The primary objective of the Traffic Control Department is to maintain and to obtain the highest possible utilization of the City traffic lanes, as well as the installation of all traffic control signals and signs, painting of all lane sighs, center lines, crosswalks parking stalls and directional arrows on the City's streets and parking lots. The task of processing overtime parking tickets is also a responsibility of this department. BUDGET COMMENTS Decrease in Personal Services for 1964 due to reduction of work compliment by one employee during first six months of the year. An additional clerk was added to the department in 1965. Account #257 under Contractual Services represents contract with General Communication! Service for monthly inspection of all fixed and mobile radio equipment. Account #295 represents contractual arrangement for synchronization of intersection lighting system. Parts for electrical traffic lights and street painting materials represent major portion of Materials and Supplies funds. CAPITAL OUTLAY Major items of capital outlay installed during 1964 were the three phase traffic control light at 9th, Broadway and Pacific, two school crossing Wink-o-Matic units, the warning lights at Ohio and Pacific and the pedestrian crosswalk light at the high school on Crawford street. Capital outlay items on order or proposed for current year include parking meter parts for converting some of our existing meters to 10 hour time limits, sixty 12 inch red light units to replace 8 inch units at fifteen of our presently lighted intersections, the purchase of equipment to suppliment the above 8 inch units for purposes of lighting two or three additional intersections and eight additional school crossing. lights. Appropriation for next year will be used to compliment 1964 inventory to provide additional intersection and/or school crossing lights. Consideration will also be given to determine the feasibility of the City purchasing their own intersection synchronization control system. ANNUAL BUDGET POSITION TITLE Foreman Laborers Laborers (Part Time) (Summer) Clerks I Salaries other Departments Longevity TOTAL FUND GENERAL OPERATING DEPARTMENT i Traffic & Parking CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS PERSO~~EL SCHEDULE Page 58 Current Proposed Budget Budget 4,440.00 4,440.00 7,915.00 7,920.00 720.00 720.00 4,470.00 6,000.00 800.00 800.00 82.00 140.00 18,427.00 20,020.00 Range 1 1 340 - 370 2 2 300 - 340 1 1 2 2 200 - 290 --'--1 FUND GENERAL OPERATING DEPARTMENT Airport DETAIL Pa2e 59 Actual Adjusted Proposed ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION revious Year Budget Budget 1964 1965 1966 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 447 Transfer to Airport Revolving Fun 20,000.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 TOTAL 20,000.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 1 i i i , GRAND TOTAL 20,000.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS FUND GENERAl. OPF.RA~TN~ DEPARTMENT Airport CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS SUMMAR Y Page 60 CLASSIFICATION Actual Previous Yr. 1964 Current Budget 1965 Proposed Budget 1966 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 20,000.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay BUDGET COMMENTS The above appropriation represents a transfer from the General Operating Fund to the Airport Revolving Fund. Past experience has proved that these transfers have equaled the amounts spent only for capital improvements, and the operating expenses of the faci1it have been derived through the Airports own revenue producing activities. This transfer is but a token of the contribution that a modern air facility provides to the commercial and industrial economy of a community. ANNUAL BUDGET FUND GENERAL OPERATING DEPARTMENT Swimming Pools CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS DETAIL Page 61 Actual Adjusted Proposed ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION revious Year Budget Budget 1964 1965 1966 PERSONAL SERVICES 120 Salaries - Regular Employees 9,007.32 10,000.00 10,000.00 125 Salaries - Other Depts. 451. 91 1,000.00 1,000.00 TOTAL 9,459.23 11,000.00 11,000.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 205 Telephone & Telegraph 7.90 25.00 25.00 221 Printing Office Forms 41. 60 50.00 50.00 241 Gas Service 15.04 30.00 30.00 242 Light Service 553.28 .00 .00 251 Repair - Buildings 380.20 .00 .00 253 Repair - Machinery & Equip. 4,475.68 .00 .00 284 Laundry & Towel Service 3.79 .00 .00 295 Other Professional Services 121.50 .00 .00 TOTAL 5,598.99 2,055.00 2,055.00 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 310 Expendable Tools 121. 51 125.00 125.00 320 Office Supplies 14.72 25.00 25.00 333 Chemicals, Drugs, Etc. 233.39 300.00 300.00 343 Janitor & Toilet Supplies 48.79 50.00 50.00 345 Motor Vehicles Fuel & Lubr. .67 .00 .00 349 Recreational Supplies .00 50.00 50.00 359 Other Operating Supplies 46.51 .00 .00 365 Cement & Cement Products 66.59 200.00 200.00 367 Electrical & Lighting Parts 36.00 100.00 100.00 373 Machinery & Equip. Parts 33.50 250.00 250.00 381 Paint & Painting Supplies 75.84 150.00 400.00 TOTAL 677 .52 1,250.00 1,500.00 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 421 Sales & Admission Taxes 278.13 350.00 350.00 TOTAL 278.13 350.00 350.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY 503 Equipment 81. 75 500.00 500.00 TOTAL 81.75 500.00 500.00 GRAND TOTAL 16,095.62 15,155.00 15,405.00 FUND GENERAl. OPERA'T'TNr. DEPARTMENT Swimming Pools CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS SUMM.l\R.Y Page 62 CLASSIFICATION Actual ABJusted Proposed rrent Previous Yr. Budget Budget 1964 1965 1966 9,459.23 11,000.00 11,000.00 5,598.99 2,055.00 2,055.00 677.52 1,250.00 1,500.00 278.13 350.00 350.00 81. 75 500.00 500.00 PERSONAL SERVICES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES SUNDRY EXPENDITURES CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL 16,095.62 15,155.00 15,405.00 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay Account 120 increased in 1965 and 1966 over 1964 to permit salary adjustments and one additional employee at Carver Center. Account 125 for repair and maintenance provided by other departments. ANNUAL BUDGET DETAIL Pa2e 63 Actual Adjusted P ropo sed I ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Yea Budget Budge t ! 1964 1965 1966 I PERSONAL SERVICES 120 Salaries - Regular Employees 5,473.55 6,600.00 6,900.00 130 Salaries - Part Time Employees 0.00 500.00 700.00 --- TOTAL 5,473.55 7,100.00 7,600.00 I CONTRACTUAL SERVICES , t I 205 Telephone & Telegraph 212.48 250.00 250.00 207 Traveling Expense 18.00 100.00 150.00 220 Blueprinting & Photography 0.00 .00 .00 221 Printing 126.32 50.00 50.00 295 Other Professional Services .00 4, 100.00 4, 150 .00 ---- TOTAL 356.80 4,500.00 4,600.00 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 310 Expendable Tools 0.00 50.00 50.00 320 Office Supplies 30.80 100.00 100.00 331 Books & Periodicals 15.00 75.00 100.00 359 Other Operating Supplies 0.00 50.00 50.00 --- TOTAL 45.80 275.00 300.00 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 435 Organization Dues 0.00 25.00 25.00 TOTAL 0.00 25.00 25.00 CAP ITAL OUTLAY 517 Office Equipment 73.45 100.00 150.00 --- TOTAL 73.45 100.00 150.00 GRAN D TOTAL 5,949.60 12,000.00 12,675.00 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS FUND GENERAL OPERATING DEPARTMENT City Planning .. FUND GENERAL OPERATING DEPARTMENT City Planning CITY OF SALINA, K~~SAS SUMMAR Y Page na CLASSIFICATION Actual Previous Yr. 1964 Current Budget 1965 Proposed Budget 1966 PERSONAL SERVICES 5,473.55 7,100.00 7,600.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 356.84 4,500.00 4,600.00 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 45.80 275.00 300.00 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES .00 25.00 25.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY 73.45 100.00 150.00 TOTAL 5,949.64 12.000.00 12,675.00 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay FUNCTION The Planning Department provides staff support to the Planning Commission and Zoning Board of Appeals in guiding the growth and development of the City in order to achieve a more orderly, convenient and attractive community. The department assists other City departments and advises engineers, developers and citizens on various planning matters such as zoning and sub-division regulations, rezoning requests, minimum requirements for proposed sub-division plats, traffic requirements, plus a multitude of additional services to influence the well being of the community. This department has provided valuable services to both the Urban Renewal Agency and the Airport Authority since their establishments. BUDGET COMMENTS Account #295 provided for professional services such as feasibility studies for Urban Renewal projects, zoning control proposals for Airport Authority, etc. ANNUAL BUDGET POSITION TITLE City Planner Part Time TOTAL FUND, GENERAL OPERATING DEPARTMENT i City Planning CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS PERSO~~EL SCHEDULE Page 65 Current Budget Proposed Budget Range 1 1 500 - 700 6,600.00 6,900.00 500.00 700.00 7,100.00 7,600.00 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ont1nQ"enC1es DETAIL Page hh Actual Current Proposed ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Year Budget Budget 1964 1965 1966 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 239 Group Insurance 8,368.90 8,500.00 14,000.00 290 Medical, Accident 243.00 2,500.00 .00 Pedestrian Overpass 20,094.91 .00 .00 Workmen's Compensation .00 .00 9,000.00 Contingencies .00 18,310.00 36,112.00 TOTAL 28,706.81 20,310.00 59,112.00 FUND GENERAL OPERATING DEPARTMENT InsuraQce an4 C ANNUAL BUDGET CITY OF ~ALINA, KANSAS SUMMARY FUND GENERAL OPERATING DEPARTMENT Insurance & Conr:1nl!:enc1es Page h 7 1964 Current Budget 1965 Proposed Budget 1966 CLASSIFICATION Actual Previous Yr. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 28,706.81 29,310.00 59,112.00 TOTAL 28,706.81 29,310.00 59,112.00 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay BUDGET COMMENT This is the first time that the expenditure item listed as "contingencies" has been used in your City Budget. Its intended use is for emergencies or for unforseen expendi- tures that cannot be determined at the present time. Examples of such expenditures might be to care for damage or effects created by snow, rain or wind storms, major storm sewer repair, equipment or building replacement or repair over and above any insurance recovery amount, etc. This appropriation will be strictly under the direction of the City Commission. Appropriation for accounts #239 and #290 represents cities contribution toward employees group hospitalization coverage. The proposal for 1966 is for the City to pay 100% of the employees coverage. This coverage will include $2,000.00 life insurance, a $2,000.00 accidental death and dismemberment benefit, and a maximum aggregate of $10,000.00 for major medical benefits in addition to the group hospitalization coverage. Another employee benefit proposed for 1966 is for workmen's compensation coverage on all municipal employees. ANNUAL BUDGET FUND Band DEPARTMENT DETAIL PaRe 68 Actual Adjusted General ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Yeal Budget Operating 1964 1965 1966 EXPENDITURES: Appropriation & Control 11,750.00 11,750.00 12,000.001 i I i ! I I ! RECEIPTS: I CITY TREASURER BALANCE January 1st. Less Unpaid Purchase Orders Unencumbered Cash Balance Jan. 1st. 147.82 285.83 110 Current Tangible Tax 10,969.48 11,029.65 130 Delinquent Taxes 152.59 50.00 240 Sales Tax 765.94 748.58 TOTAL RECEIPTS 11,888.01 11,828.23 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS CITY-OF aALINA, KANSAS SUMMAR Y CLASSIFICATION Actual Previous Yr. 1964 TOTAL RECEIPTS TOTAL RECEIPTS & BEGINNING BALANCE Less Expenditures Unencumbered Cash Balance Dec. 31st 12,035.83 11,750.00 285.83 Net Tax Requirements Delinquent Tax Tax Dollars Tax Levy Mills 10,960.79 219.22 11,180.01 0.1932 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay FUND BAND DEPARTMENT Page 69 Current Budget 1965 Proposed Budget 1966 "... General Operating 12,114.06 11,750.00 364.06 12,000.00 11,029.65 220.59 11,250.24 0.1875 This appropriation provides support to the Salina Municipal Band. Their annual activities normally include 13 to 15 outdoor concerts, participation in the final City Recreation Commission Program, the Tri-Rivers Fair, Memorial Day Parade, Armed Forces Day Parade, Boy Scout Circus Programs, baseball games, and indoor concerts. ANNUAL BUDGET CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS DETAIL FUND CEMETERY DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Actual Adjusted revious Year Budget 1964 1965 EXPENDITURES PERSONAL SERVICES 120 Salaries - Regular Employees 125 Salaries - Reg. Emp1. Oth~r Depts Longevity TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 205 Telephone & Telegraph 207 Traveling Expense 221 Printing Office Forms 225 Legal Printing 227 Insurance - Buildings 231 Insurance - Motor Vehicles 239 Group Insurance 241 Gas Service 243 Water Service 251 Repair - Building 253 Repair - Machinery & Equip. 255 Repair - Motor Veh. Tires & Tubes 274 Rent - Machinery & Equip. 295 Other Professional Services TOTAL MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 310 Expendable tools 320 Office Supplies 341 Fuel, Lubr. (except motor Fuel) 343 Janitor & Toilet Supplies 345 Motor Vehicles - Fuel 347 Motor Vehicles - License Tags 351 Seeds, Plants & Trees 359 Other Operating Supplies 365 Cement & Cement Products 367 Electrical & Lighting Parts 371 Lumber & Lumber Products 379 Motor Veh. Tires & Tubes 381 Paint & Painting Materials 387 Sand, Gravel, Rock, Chat TOTAL 12,557.80 117.67 12,675.47 231. 02 63.89 .00 24.30 .00 29.39 201.25 88.30 97.15 508.12 2,777 .09 12.00 6.13 102.58 4,141.22 63.73 54.41 8.10 14.68 429.03 15.00 .00 148.58 24.20 23.10 97.20 159.04 193.65 12.00 1,242.72 12,358.00 600.00 42.00 13,000.00 250.00 50.00 20.00 50.00 .00 50.00 220.00 125.00 150.00 800.00 2,370.00 20.00 .00 100.00 4,205.00 25.00 50.00 50.00 20.00 500.00 15.00 25.00 150.00 40.00 30.00 100.00 50.00 100.00 30.00 1,185.00 PaRe 70 Proposed Budget 1966 b e-tve,.. c:L) tP~r4.-Tt tV 1- . 13,110.00 .00 90.00 13,200.00 250.00 50.00 25.00 50.00 .00 50.00 .00 125.00 150.00 400.00 2,500.00 20.00 .00 100.00 3,720.00 75.00 60.00 75.00 20.00 500.00 20.00 25.00 150.00 40.00 30.00 100.00 75.00 100.00 50.00 1,320.00 FUND CEMETERY DEPARTMENT , DETAIL Palite 71 Actual Adjusted Proposed ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION revious Year Budget Budget 1964 1965 1966 A:/ ff'-/IIer>o.J SUNDRY EXPENDITURES tlPe. ra...1{ t'\I if . 435 Organization Dues 30.00 30.00 30.00 439 Refunds 40.00 100.00 100.00 TOTAL 70.00 130.00 130.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY 501 Land 280.00 .00 .00 527 Machinery & Equipment 2,235.00 385.00 .00 528 Rental Lease on Equipment 928.56 950.00 852.00 575 Landscape & Improvements 41. 98 100.00 150.00 TOTAL 3,485.54 1,435.00 1,002.00 GRAND TOTAL 21,614.95 19,955.00 19,372.00 CITY OF SALINA KANSAS FUND CEMETERY DEPARTMENT , DETAIL Pa2e 72 Actual Adjusted Proposed ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Year Budget Budget 1964 1965 1966 RECEIPTS: ~ CITY TREASURER BALANCE January 1st 1,729.65 4,521.52 Less Unpaid Purchase Orders 186.45 2.924.33 Unencumbered Cash Balance January 1st 1,543.20 1,597.19 110 Current Tangible Taxes 11,868.74 9,301. 40 I i 130 Delinquent Taxes 131. 27 50.00 240 Sales Tax 656.45 809.81 385 Removal and Burial Fees 6,132.50 6,500.00 387 Grave Marker Permits 93.00 25.00 610 Interest on Investments 1,451.23 650.00 705 Title Transfer Fees 15.00 15.00 717 Upkeep Services 132.00 75.00 727 Sale of Lots 1,040.00 1,250.00 729 Sale of Grave Spaces .00 .00 952 Reimbursement of Expenditures 148.75 50.00 TOTAL 21,668.94 18,726.21 CITY OF SALINA KANSAS FUND CEMETERY DEPARTMENT Page 73 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS SUMMARY CLASSIFICATION Actual ABJ us ted rrent Previous Yr. Budget 1964 1965 12,675.47 13,000.00 4,141.22 4,205.00 1,242.72 1,185.00 70.00 130.00 3,485.54 1,435.00 21,614.95 19,955.00 21,668.94 18,726.21 23,212.14 20,323.40 21,614.95 19,955.00 1,597.19 368.40 11,856.53 9,301. 40 237.13 186.03 12,093.66 9,487.43 0.2090 0.1582 PERSONAL SERVICES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES SUNDRY EXPENDITURES CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL TOTAL RECEIPTS TOTAL RECEIPTS AND BEGINNING BALANCE Less Expenditures Unencumbered Cash Balance December 31st Net Tax Requirements Delinquent Tax Tax Dollars Tax Levy Mills Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay FUNCTION Proposed Budget 1966 13,200.00 3,720.00 1,320.00 130.00 1,002.00 19,372.00 General Operating This department is responsible for the normal routine maintenance of Gypsum Hill Cemetery. Area of the Cemetery approximates 70 acres and contains approximately 11,000 interments at the present time. BUDGET COMMENTS The increase in 1965 for account number 251 was for repainting and other repairs to the residence provided for the Superintendent. Account Number 239 is being discontinued for 1966 due to this account being included within the General Operating portion of our budget. CAPITAL OUTLAY The 1964 figure in account 527 was for the replacement of a 1956 3/4 ton pickup truck. Account 528 represents lease on tractor and back-hoe used primarily for grave excavations. ANNYTAl. RlTDr.ET POSITION TITLE FUND, CEMETERY DEPARTMENT: CI TY OF SALINA, KA.'JSAS PERSOKNEL SCHEDULE Page 74 Current Proposed Range Budget Budget 1965 1966 1 1 350 - 425 4,800.00 4,800.00 2 2 300 - 350 7,558.00 8,310.00 42.00 90.00 12,400.00 13,200.00 Sexton Laborer Longevity TOTAL ~ ~': FUND GENERAL IMPROVEMENT DEPARTMENT CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS DETAIL ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION EXPENDITURES PERSONAL SERVICES 120 Salaries - Regular Employees 125 Salaries - Regular Employees Other Departments Longevity TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 239 Group Insurance 251 Repairs - Buildings 253 Repairs - Machinery & Equipment 259 Repairs - Streets, Sidewalks, and Bridges 274 Rent - Machinery & Equipment 295 Other Professional Services 299 Other Contractual Services TOTAL MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 310 Expendable Tools 333 Chemicals and Drugs 345 Motor Vehicles - Fuel and Lubr 369 Hardware 371 Lumber and Lumber Products 373 Machinery & Equipment Parts 375 Metal and Metal Products 381 Paint and Painting Supplies 387 Sand,Gravel,Rock and Chat 399 Other Repairs, Maint., Materiall TOTAL SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 439 Refunds TOTAL Actual Previous Yeal 1964 10,112.00 26,898.28 144.00 37,154.28 138.00 590.91 211. 22 172.50 .00 480.88 158.40 1,751.91 20.82 267.30 96.00 40.75 277 .10 14.57 2,761.66 7.85 468.60 1,850.48 5,805 .13 17.00 17.00 Adjusted Budget 1965 10,140.00 25,000.00 164.00 35,304.00 170.00 3,200.00 300.00 3,000.00 500.00 500.00 .00 7,670.00 50.00 1,000.00 .00 .00 400.00 20.00 400.00 50.00 800.00 1,500.00 4,220.00 50.00 50.00 75 Pa~e Proposed Budget 1966 ~ ~. 10,140.00 .00 214.00 10,354.00 : ! I I .00 I 3,500.00 300.00 2,500.00 500.00 500.00 .00 7,300.00 100.00 1,500.00 .00 .00 500.00 20.00 400.00 50.00 800.00 1,500.00 4,870.00 75.00 75.00 FUND GENERAL IMPROVEMENT DEPARTMENT , DETAIL Pa2e 76 ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Actual Adjusted Proposed revious Year Budget Budget 1964 1965 1966 -4'_ . y CAPITAL OUTLAY 'err -~ 503 Fixed Equipment 50.85 200.00 - 200.00 TOTAL 50.85 200.00 200.00 I ! I , I GRAND TOTAL 44,779.17 47,444.00 22,799.00 i I I CITY OF SALINA KANSAS FUND GENERAL IMPROVEMENT DEPARTMENT DETAIL Pa2e 77 Actual Adjusted Proposed ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION revious Year Budget Budget 1964 1965 1966 /'Y. , 0 ~ I RECEIPTS: I CITY TREASURER BALANCE January 1st 2,495.77 11,640.64 Less Unpaid Purchase Orders 501.59 1,578.21 I Unencumbered Cash Balance January 1st 1,994.18 10,062.43 110 Current Tangible Taxes 46,445.85 44,151. 66 130 Delinquent Taxes 561. 97 250.00 240 Sales Tax 2,826.84 3,169.42 719 Weed Cutting Services 1,342.00 950.00 White Avenue 1,185.26 .00 952 Reimbursement of Expenditures 485.50 127.50 TOTAL 52,847.42 48,648.58 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS FUND 'GENERAL IMPROVEMENT DEPARTMENT CITYDF ~AUNA, KANSAS SUMMARY Page 78 CLASSIFICATION Ad~usted Actual Cu rent Proposed Previous Yr. Budget Budget 1964 1965 1966 37,154.28 35,304.00 10,354.00 1,751.91 7,670.00 7,300.00 5,805.13 4,220.00 4,870.00 17.00 50.00 75.00 50.85 200.00 200.00 44) 779.17 47,444.00 22,799.00 52,847.42 48,648.58 General 54,841.60 58,711.01 Ope rat ing 44,779.17 47,444.00 10,062.43 IT,267.01 46,415.03 44,151.66 928.30 883.03 47,343.33 45,034.69 0.8180 0.7508 PERSONAL SERVICES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES MATERIALS & SUPPLIES SUNDRY EXPENDITURES CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL TOTAL RECEIPTS TOTAL RECEIPTS & BEGINNING BALANCE Less Expenditures Unencumbered Cash Balance December 1st Net Tax Requirements Delinquent Tax Tax Dollars Tax Levy Mills Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay FUNCT ION This fund accounts for the normal repairs, maintenance and improvement type activities for the various city owned buildings and properties not provided for elsewhere in the budget, as well as non-reocurring street department functions and activitie s. BUDGET COMMENTS Totals for personal services explained in Street Department commentary. Account number 259 provided to initiate program of raising sunken curbs and gutters. Increase in account number 251 provided for demolition of properties deemed by the City-County Health Department as being unfit for human habitation. Account number 274 provided for the purpose of renting snow removal equipment when same is necessary to remove excessive accumulations. CAPITAL OUTLAY Capital outlay expenditures are for tools and equipment in City owned carpentry shop. ANNEAl. RTJDQ,E'l' FUND I GENERAL IMPROVEMENT DEPARTMENT : CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS PERSO~~EL SCHEDULE Page 79 POSITION TITLE Range Current Proposed Budget Budget 1965 1966 5,940.00 5,940.00 4,200.00 4)'200.00 164.00 214.00 10,304.00 10,354.00 25,000.00 35,304.00 Maintenance Foreman 1 1 450 - 545 Laborer 1 1 300 - 350 Longevity TOTAL Balance Street Employee CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS DETAIL FtJlm MEMORIAL HALL DEPARTMENT Pa2e RO Actual Adjusted Proposed ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION revious Year Budget Budget 1964 1965 1966 PERSONAL SERVICES L't'.. ~/J ~ 120 Salaries - Regular Employees 3,780.00 3,900.00 3,960.00. 125 Salaries - Reg. Emp1. Other Depts .00 .00 .00 130 Salaries - Part-Time Employees 9.00 236.00 .00 TOTAL 3,789.00 4,150.00 3,998.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 205 221 241 242 243 251 253 295 227 118.90 .00 1,649.96 359.02 271.08 1,415.49 272.95 40.00 .00 4,127.40 Telephone & Telegraph Printing Office Forms Gas Service Light Service Water Service Repair - Buildings Repair - Machinery & Equip. Other Professional Services Insurance - Liability 3 yrs. TOTAL MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 200.00 .00 2,000.00 500.00 300.00 2,130.00 500.00 .00 250.00 6,230.00 100.00 . .00 2,000.00 500.00 300.00 2,000.00 300.00 150.00 .00 5,350.00 310 Expendable Tools 343 Janitor & Toilet Supplies 351 Seeds, Plants, Trees, Etc. 367 Electrical & Lighting Parts 369 Hardware 371 Lumber & Lumber Products 381 Paint & Painting Supplies .00 .00 20.00 100.71 100.00 100.00 .00 .00 .00 3.04 100.00 100.00 .00 50.00 25.00 .00 50.00 25.00 41. 23 550.00 300.00 144.98 900.00 570.00 TOTAL SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 413 Public Address System & Timekeepe~ 259.00 TOTAL 259.00 GRAND TOTAL 8,320.38 500.00 500.00 11,780.00 400.00 400.00 10,318.00 FUND MEMORIAL HALL DEPARTMENT , DETAIL Page 81 Actual Current Proposed ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Year Budget Budget 1964 1 Qf\t; 1 Qfifi RECEIPTS City Treasurer Balance Jan. 1st. 1,991.06 5,659.18 General Less Unpaid Purchase Orders 92.81 591.84 Operating Unencumbered Cash Balance Jan. 1st. 1,898.25 5,067.34 110 Current Tangible Taxes 8,039.36 7,382.60 130 Delinquent Tangible Taxes 5.78 240 Sales Tax 28.14 548.66 511 Office Rental Space 360.00 360.00 512 Auditorium Rentals 2,182.00 1,500.00 514 Rental Tables and Chairs 20.00 721 Sale of Commodities 613 .19 917 Public Address System 241.00 250.00 TOTAL RECEIPTS 11,489.47 10,041. 26 ANNUAL BUDGET CITY OF SALINA KANSAS FUND MEMORIAL HALL DEPARTMENT CITY OF SALINA, K.t\NSAS SUMMARY Page 82 CLASSIFICATION Actual Previous Yr. 1964 Current Budget 1965 Proposed Budget 1966 General Operating PERSONAL SERVICES 3,789.00 4,150.00 3,998.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 4,127.40 6,230.00 5,350.00 MATERIAL & SUPPLIES 144.98 900.00 570.00 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 259.00 500.00 400.00 TOTAL 8,320.38 11,780.00 10,318.00 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay FUNCTION Memorial Hall is used to house the offices of Civil Defense. It is available and used throughout the year for many civic, service and community type functions. BUDGET COMMENTS 1965 increases provided to satisfy numerous minor repairs requested by insurance carrier. Additional repairs and painting planned for 1966. ANNITAl. RTmr"F.'T' FUND MEMORIAL HALL DEPARTMENT y :..1" , " 0 SUMMARY Page 83 Actual Current Proposed CLASSIFICATION Previous Yr. Budget Budget 1964 1965 1966 General TOTAL RECEIPTS 11,489.47 10,041. 26 Operating TOTAL RECEIPTS AND BEGINNING BALANCE 13,387.72 15,108.60 Less Expenditures 8.320.38 11,780.00 Unencumbered Cash Balance Dec. 31st. 5,067.34 3,328.60 Net Tax Requirements 8,032.35 7,382.60 Delinquent Tax 160.65 147.65 Tax Dollars 8,193.00 7,530.25 Tax Levy Mills 0.1416 0.1255 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay CIT OF SAlINA KAN~AS ANNUAL BUDGET FUND MEMORIAL HALL DEPARTMENT . CITY OF SALINA, KA:.'lSAS PERSO~~EL SCHEDULE Page 84 POSITION TITLE Range Current Proposed Budget Budget 1965 1966 3,840.00 3,960.00 14.00 38.00 3,854.00 3,998.00 Custodian 1 1 300 - 345 Longevity TOTAL FUND PUBLIC HEALTH DEPARTMENT , DETAIL Pa2e 85 Actual Adjusted Proposed ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION lrevious Year Budget Budget 1964 1965 1966 ~ EXPENDITURES: ~, SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 3 0 0 0 c. "ro I 210 Appropriation - City 26,460.00 21 , 715 .00 '/ I I i I I TOTAL 26,460.00 21,715.00 '30/ (!,) 0 O. CO! ! i , , , , RECEIPTS: CITY TREASURER BALANCE January 1st Less Unpaid Purchase Orders Unencumbered Cash Balance January 1st 434.91 1,037.56 110 Current Tangible Taxes 25,002.13 19,676.27 130 Delinquent Taxes 341. 75 200.00 240 Sales Tax 1,718. 77 1,706.01 TOTAL 27,062.65 21,582.28 CITY OF SALINA KANSAS FUND PUBLIC HEALTH DEPARTMENT CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS SUMM.I\R Y Page 86 CLASSIFICATION Actual ~djusted Proposed Current Previous Yr. Budget Budget 1964 1965 1966 27,062.65 21,582.28 ~ 27,497.56 22,619.84 26.460.00 21.715.00 1,037.56 904.84 TOTAL RECEIPTS TOTAL RECEIPTS AND BEGINNING BALANCE Less Expenditures Unencumbered Cash Balance December 31st Net Tax Requirements Delinquent Tax Tax Dollars Tax Levy Mills 25,138.04 502.76 25,640.80 0.4403 19,676.27 393.53 20,069.80 0.3346 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay FUNCTION This is a joint City-County function, designed in the specialty of preventive medical and public health. Its primary function is to prevent disease, prolong life and promote physical and mental efficiency for an organized community. In carrying out its charged duties, the department enforces City Ordinances for unhealthful conditions, eating, drinking, and food establishments, meat inspection in establishments that slaughter, process and package meat and meat products, milk, milk products, frozen deserts, food and beverage vending machines, as well as sewer connections. cesspools and unhealthful structures. BUDGET COMMENTS Appropriation represents City share of maintaining the department. Support provided on 50-50 basis with Saline County. ANNUAL BUDGET FUND INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT , DETAIL Pa2e P,? Actual Adjusted Proposed ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Yea Budget Budget 1964 1965 1966 Gen. Operatin EXPENDITURES Other Professional & Special Services 7,446.11 20,632.86 60,&04.00 , RECEIPTS City Treasurer Balance Jan. 1st 39,004.57 25,987.86 Less Unpaid Purchase Orders 11,329.60 5,400.00 Unencumbered Cash Balance Jan. 1st. 27,674.97 20,587.86 110 Current Tangible Tax 130 Delinquent Tax 359.00 45.00 240 Sales Tax TOTAL RECEIPTS 359.00 45.00 CITY OF SALINA KANSAS FUND INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS SUMMARY Page 88 1964 Current Budget 1965 Proposed Budget 1966 CLASSIFICATION Actual Previous Yr. Operating Total Receipts Total Receipts & Beginning Balance Less Expenditures Unencumbered Cash Balance Dec. 31st. 359.00 28,033.97 7,446.11 20,587.86 45.00 20,632.86 20,632.86 .00 60,604.00 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay Current committment of $8,000.00 pledged to the Industrial Committee of the Chamber of Commerce for promotional use if needed. An additional $26,000.00 has been committed to the Chamber during 1966 if needed. Fund expenditures must have prior approval by the City Commission. ANNUAL BUDGET FUND NOXIOUS WEEDS DEPARTMENT CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS DETAIL ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION PERSONAL SERVICES 125 Salaries - Reg. Empl. Other Depts TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 253 Repair - Machinery & Equip. 255 Repair - Motor Veh. Tires & Tubes TOTAL MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 333 Chemicals, Drugs, Supplies 345 Motor Veh. Fuel & Lubricants 373 Machinery & Equip. Parts 379 Motor Vehicle - Tires & Tubes TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 503 Machinery & Equipment TOTAL GRAND TOTAL Actual revious Year 1964 1,419.85 1,419.85 1,582.84 97.25 1,680.09 .00 226.45 .00 16.65 243.10 .00 .00 3,343.04 Adjusted Budget 1965 2,000.00 2,000.00 600.00 50.00 650.00 580.00 400.00 300.00 100.00 1,380.00 .00 .00 4,030.00 Pa2e ~J= Proposed Budget 1966 3,000.00 3,000.00 1,000.00 200.00 1,200.00 600.00 500.00 300.00 100.00 1,500.00 .00 .00 5,700.00 FUND NOXIOUS WEEDS DEPARTMENT DETAIL Palle 90 ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Actual Adjusted PIloposed Previous Yr. Budget Budget 1964 1965 1966 RECEIPTS: RECEIPTS CITY TREASURER BALANCE January 1st. Less Unpaid Purchase Orders Unencumbered Cash Balance January 1st. 434.78 479.57 199.42 I 110 Current Tangible Taxes 3,111.97 3,512.50 5,277.45 130 Delinquent Taxes 45.58 25.00 .00 240 Sales Tax 230.28 212.35 223.13 ! I I TOTAL 3,387.83 3,749.85 5,500.58 r I I I CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS FUND NOXIOUS WEEDS DEPARTMENT CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS SUMMARY Page 91 CLASSIFICATION Actual ACtirus ted Proposed rent Previous Yr. Budget Budget 1964 1965 1966 1,419.85 2,000.00 3,000.00 1,680.09 650.00 1,200.00 243.10 1,380.00 1,500.00 ~,343.04 4,030.00 5,700.00 3,387.83 3,749.85 5,500.58 3,822.61 4,229.42 5,700.00 3,343.04 4,030.00 5,700.00 479.57 199.42 PERSONAL SERVICES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES TOTAL TOTAL RECEIPTS TOTAL RECEIPTS AND BEGINNING BALANCE Less Expenditures TOTAL Net Tax Requirements Delinquent Taxes Tax Dollars Tax Levy Mills 3,110.09 62.20 3,172.29 0.0548 3,512.50 70.25 3,582.75 0.0597 5,277.45 105.55 5,383.00 0.0888 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay FUNCTION The function of this fund is to control the growth and cutting, on lots and pieces of land within the City of Salina, any rank or obnoxious growths of vegetation. This is under the direction of the Superintendent of Streets and the lot owner is assessed charges for work done. BUDGET COMMENTS Bindweed control has been increased in 1965 and further effort is planned for 1966. ANNUAL BUDGET FUND FIREMEN'S PENSION DEPARTMENT , DETAIL Pa~e ~f Actual Adjusted Proposed ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Year Budget Budget 1964 1965 1966 EXPEND ITURE S : I SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 432 Claims and Awards 100.00 ; 1 437 Pensions Paid 14,085.00 14,085.00 14,085.00 j I 439 Refunds 447.73 1,000.00 1,000.00 ! Reserve .00 .00 10 ,000.00 I ; I TOTAL 14,632.73 15,085.00 25,085.00 I , I i RECEIPTS: CITY TREASURER BALANCE January 1st Less Unpaid Purchase Orders Unencumbered Cash Balance January 1st 9,225.15 12,354.93 11,225.37 110 Current Tangible Taxes 9,441. 31 5,511.11 5,759.42 130 Delinquent Taxes 70.18 50.00 240 Sales Tax 355.01 644.33 350.21 941 Contributions by Employees 7,896.01 7,750.00 7,750.00 TOTAL 17,762.51 13,955.44 13,859.63 CITY OF SALINA KANSAS FUND FIREMEN'S PENSION DEPARTMENT CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS SUMM.I\R Y CLASSIFICATION Actual Previous Yr. 1964 TOTAL RECEIPTS TOTAL RECEIPTS AND BEGINNING BALANCE Less Expenditures 17,762.51 26,987.66 14,632.73 Unencumbered Cash Balance December 31st 12,354.93 Net Tax Requirements Delinquent Tax Tax Dollars Tax Levy Mills 9,434.40 188.69 9,623.09 0.1663 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay t&JP~rffd Budget 1965 13,955.44 26,310.37 15,085.00 11,225.37 5,511.11 110.22 5,621.33 0.0937 Page 93 Proposed Budget 1966 13,859.63 25,085.00 25,085.00 5,759.42 115.19 5,874.61 0.0969 Account pays regular established pensions. Refunds represent monies paid to emp10yeeE who terminate their service with the City. These refunds represent 50% of the total paid into the fund by the employee. Employee contributions of 3% withheld from salaries. Reserve appropriation of $10,000.00 is levied each year to maintain this amount as required by State Statutes. ANNUAL BUDGET FUND POLICEMEN'S PENSION DEPARTMENT , DETAIL PaRe q4 Actual Adjusted Proposed ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Year Budget Budget 1964 1965 1966 EXPENDITURES: SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 437 Pensions Paid 19,416.00 24,060.00 24,060.00 439 Refunds 198.94 1,500.00 1,500.00 Reserve .00 10,000.00 ! I TOTAL 19,614.94 25,560.00 35,560.00 RECEIPTS: CITY TREASURER BALANCE January 1st Less Unpaid Purchase Orders Unencumbered Cash Balance January 1st 8,423.01 12,480.98 5,953.37 110 Current Tangible Taxes 16,297.71 11,770.39 22,608.72 130 Delinquent Taxes 178.84 150.00 .00 240 Sales Tax 899.29 1,112.00 747.91 941 Contributions by Employees 6,297.07 6,000.00 6,250.00 TOTAL 23,672.91 19,032.39 29,606.63 CITY OF SALINA KANSAS FUND POLICEMEN'S PENSION DEPARTMENT CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS SUMMARY Page 95 CLASSIFICATION Actual Previous Yr. 1964 TOTAL RECEIPTS TOTAL RECEIPTS AND BEGINNING BALANCE Less Expenditures Unencumbered Cash Balance December 31st 23,672.91 32,095.92 19,614.94 12,480.98 Net Tax Requirements Delinquent Tax Tax Dollars Tax Levy Mills 16,283.31 325.67 16,608.98 0.2870 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay Adiusted Currenr: Budget 1965 19,032.39 31,513.37 25,560.00 5,953.37 11,770.39 235.41 12,005.80 0.2001 Proposed Budget 1966 29,606.63 35,560.00 35,560.00 22,608.72 452.17 23,060.89 0.3805 Account pays regular established pensions. Refunds represent monies paid to employee who terminate their service with the City. These refunds represent 50% of the total paid into the fund by the employee. Employee contributions of 3% withheld from salaries. Reserve appropriation of $10,000.00 is levied each year to maintain this amount as required by State Statutes. ANNUAL BUDGET FUND FLOOD WORKS & DIKES DEPARTMENT CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS DETAIL Pa~e 96 ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Actual Previous Year 1964 Adjusted Budget 1965 Proposed Budget 1966 PERSONAL SERVICES 120 Salaries - Regular Employees 125 Salaries - Reg. Empl. Other Depts Longevity 13,401.50 ..00 456.00 13,530.00 330.00 498.00 13,860.00 .00 562.00 TOTAL 13,857.50 14,358.00 14,422.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 207 Traveling Expense 43.52 50.00 50.00 231 Insurance - Motor Vehicles 278.32 270.00 300.00 239 Group Insurance 138.00 165.00 175.00 242 Light & Power Service 394.40 495.00 500.00 253 Repair - Machinery & Equip. 1,600.04 1,600.00 1,800.00 255 Repair - Motor Veh. Tires & Tubes 15.33 45.00 50.00 295 Other Professional Services 425.00 800.00 1,000.00 299 Other Contractual Services 2,113.88 500.00 800.00 TOTAL 5,008.49 3,925.00 4,775.00 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 310 Expendable Tools 18.89 35.00 50.00 333 Chemicals & Drugs 1,104.15 1,300.00 1,500.00 345 Motor Veh. Fuel, Lubr., Etc. 700.32 800.00 900.00 347 Motor Vehicles - License Tags 100.00 80.00 100.00 359 Other Operating Supplies 487.85 290.00 250.00 365 Cement & Cement Products 30.92 100.00 100.00 373 Machinery & Equip. Parts .97 .00 .00 379 Motor Vehicle Tires & Tubes 73.48 150.00 150.00 381 Paint & Painting Supplies 47.82 50.00 50.00 387 Sand, Gravel, Rock, Chat 286.90 200.00 400.00 TOTAL 2,851.30 2,975.00 3,500.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY 503 Machinery & Equip. 536.00 .00 .00 TOTAL 536.00 .00 .00 GRAND TOTAL 22,253.29 21,258.00 22,697.00 FUND FLOOD WORKS & DI E DEPARTMENT CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS , DETAIL Parle 97 Actual Adjusted Proposed ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Yr. Budget Budget 1964 1965 1966 RECEIPTS: RECEIPTS CITY TREASURER BALANCE January 1st. 10,666.34 11,737.34 Less Unpaid Purchase Orders 3,325.03 1,967.53 I Unencumbered Cash Balance January 1st. 7,341.31 9,769.81 11,674.87 110 Current Tangible Taxes 22,404.89 21,389.13 9,562.75 I 130 Delinquent Taxes 369.72 175.00 100.00 240 Sales Tax 1,857.97 1,528.93 1,359.38 731 Miscellaneous Sales & Service 25.00 70.00 .00 952 . -Reimbursement of Expenditures 24.21 .00 .00 \ TOTAL RECEIPTS 24,681.79 23,163.06 11,022.13 K S FUND FLOOD WORK & DIKES DEPARTMENT iiJ. , SUMM.I\R Y Page QA Actual Current Proposed CLASSIFICATION Previous Yr. Budget Budget 1964 1965 1966 PERSONAL SERVICES 13,857.50 14,358.00 14,422.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 5,008.49 3,925.00 4,775.00 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 2,851.30 2,975.00 3,500.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY 536.00 .00 .00 TOTAL 22,253.29 21,258.00 22,697.00 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay CITY OF cALINA KANSAS ANNUAL BUDGET FUND FLOOD WORKS & DYKES DEPARTMENT CITY OF ~ALINA, KANSAS SUMMAR Y CLASSIFICATION Actual Previous Yr. 1964 TOTAL RECEIPTS TOTAL RECEIPTS & BEGINNING BALANCE Less Expenditures Unencumbered Cash Balance Dec. 31st. 24,681.79 32,023.10 22,253.29 9,769.81 Net Tax Requirements Delinquent Tax Tax Dollars Tax Levy Mills 22,390.66 447.81 22,838.47 0.3946 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay FUNCTION Current Budget 1965 23,163.06 32,932.87 21,258.00 11,674.87 21,389.13 427.78 21,816.91 0.3637 Page 99 Proposed Budget 1966 11,022.13 22,697.00 22.697.00 .00 9,562.75 418.00 9,980.75 0.1647 The function of the Flood Works and Levee Department is one of maintaining, patroling and keeping in good repair at all times the flood dikes that surround the City of Salina. The duties also include maintaining all emergency flood gates, motors and pumps in good operating condition. BUDGET COMMENTS The additional expenditure in account 299 in 1964 represents additional spillways to control soil erosion, as recommended by the Corps of Engineers. ANNUAL BUDGET POSITION TITLE Range FUND . Flood Works & Dykes DEPARTMENT. Page 100 Current Proposed Budget Budget 1965 1966 5,340.00 5,460.00 8,190.00 8,400.00 498.00 562.00 14,028.00 14,422.00 CITY OF SALINA, KA:.~SAS PERSO~~EL SCHEDULE Foremen 1 1 400 - 475 Laborer 2 2 300 - 350 Longevity FUND TREE MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENT CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS DETAIL Pa~e 101 Actual Adjusted Proposed ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION revious Year Budget Budget 1964 1965 1966 EXPENDITURES: PERSONAL SERVICES 125 Salaries - Employees Other Depts. 1,435.82 5,000.00 5,000.00 TOTAL 1,435.82 5,000.00 5,000.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 253 Repair - Machinery & Equip. 63.10 500.00 500.00 TOTAL 63.10 500.00 500.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY 503 Machinery & Equip. 4,100.00 250.00 TOTAL 4,100.00 250.00 Removal & Treatment of Trees 275.00 4,500.00 4,500.00 TOTAL 275.00 4,500.00 4,500.00 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS SUMMAR Y FUND TREE MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENT CLASSIFICATION Actual Previous Yr. 1964 PERSONAL SERVICES 1,435.82 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 63.10 CAPITAL OUTLAY 4,100.00 REMOVAL AND TREATMENT OF TREES 275.00 TOTAL 5,873.92 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay FUNCTION ~djusted Current Budget 1965 5,000.00 500.00 .00 4,500.00 10,000.00 Page 102 Proposed Budget 1966 5,000.00 500.00 250.00 4,500.00 10,250.00 Administered through the Street Department, this fund provides for study, treatment and removal of diseased and undesirable trees located on City property. Limited services are provided for care of parking as funds are available. CAPITAL OUTLAY Account 503 to provide for replacement of power saw. ANNUAL BUDGET FUND TREE MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENT CITY OF SALINA, K~NSAS SUMMAR y CLASSIFICATION TOTAL RECEIPTS TOTAL RECEIPTS AND BEGINNING BALANCE Less Expenditures Unencumbered Cash Balance December 31st Net Tax Requirements Delinquent Tax Tax Dollars Tax Levy Mills Personal Services Contractual Services Capital Outlay Removal and Treatment of Trees TOTAL Actual Previous Yr. 1964 11,946.33 19,876.64 5,873.92 14,002.72 11,000.00 220.00 11,220.00 0.1938 1,435.82 63.10 4,100.00 275.00 5,873.92 Adjusted. Current Budget 1965 1,917.69 15,920.41 10,000.00 5,920.41 1,116.79 22.34 1,139.13 0.0190 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay ANNUAL BUDGET Page 103 Proposed Budget 1966 4,329.59 10,250.00 10,250.00 4,233.60 84.67 4,318.27 0.0713 FUND SOCIAL SECURITY DEPARTMENT DETAIL Pa~e 104 Actual Adjusted Proposed ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION )revious Year Budget Budget 1964 1965 1966 EXPENDITURES: SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 426 Social Sec. Deductions Remitted 59,394.12 70,000.00 80,000.00 439 Refunds 32.01 TOTAL 59,426.13 70,000.00 80,000.00 I RECEIPTS: CITY TREASURER BALANCE January 1st Less Unpaid Purchase Orders Unencumbered Cash Balance January 1st 6,415.94 22,170.77 25,219.29 110 Current Tangible Taxes 30,017.64 31,000.00 12,810.59 240 Sales Tax .00 2,048.52 1,970.12 941 Contributions by Employees and Employer 45,163.32 40,000.00 40,000.00 TOTAL 75,180.96 73,048.52 54,780.71 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS FUND SOCIAL SECURITY DEPARTMENT CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS CLASSIFICATION S UMM..I\.R Y Page 105 Actual ed~ us ted Proposed u rent Previous Yr. Budget Budget 1964 1965 1966 75,180.96 73,048.52 54, 780. 71 81,596.90 95,219.29 80,000.00 59,426.13 70,000.00 80,000.00 22,170.77 25,219.29 TOTAL RECEIPTS TOTAL RECEIPTS AND BEGINNING BALANCE Less Expenditures Unencumbered Cash Balance December 31st Net Tax Requirements Delinquent Tax Tax Dollars Tax Levy Mills 30,000.00 600.00 30,600.00 0.5287 31,000.00 620.00 31,620.00 0.5271 12,810.59 256.21 13,066.80 0.2156 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay Appropriation for 1965 represents City's share currently set at 3 5/8% of employees annual salary not to exceed $4,800. An equal amount is paid through employee payroll deduc t ions. Proposed increase for 1966 based on new rates will be established at 4.2% and salary limits increased to $6,600. ANNUAL BUDGET FUND EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT DEPARTMENT CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS DETAIL Pa2e 106 ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Actual Previous Year 1964 Adjusted Budget 1965 Proposed Budget 1966 439 Refunds 55,005.50 12.80 70,000.00 I I j 1 I 85 ,000.00 ! I EXPENDITURES: SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 428 Employees Retirement remitted to State TOTAL 55,018.30 70,000.00 ! I I , 85 ,000.00 , RECEIPTS: CITY TREASURER BALANCE January 1st Less Unpaid Purchase Orders Unencumbered Cash Balance January 1st TOTAL 6,352.77 34,219.63 31,882.66 39,027.94 30,000.00 16,210.77 .00 2,663.03 1,906.57 43,857.22 35,000.00 35,000.00 82,885.16 67,663.03 53,117.34 110 Current Tangible Taxes 240 Sales Tax 941 Contributions by Employees and Employer FUND EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT DEPARTMENT :J- , SUMMAR y Page 107 Actual Adjusted Proposed Current CLASSIFICATION Previous Yr. Budget Budget 1964 1965 1966 TOTAL RECEIPTS 82,885.16 67,663.03 53,117.34 TOTAL RECEIPTS AND BEGINNING BALANCE 89,237.93 101,882.66 85,000.00 Less Expenditures 55,018.30 70.000.00 85.000.00 Unencumbered Cash Balance December 31st 34,219.63 31,882.66 Net Tax Requirements 39,000.00 30,000.00 16,210.77 Delinquent Tax 780.00 600.00 324.21 Tax Dollars 39,780.00 30,600.00 16,534.98 Tax Levy Mills 0.6873 0.5101 0.2728 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay Appropriation represents City's share of 4.5% of employees annual salary. The employee will pay 4% through payroll deductions. CITY OF SAlINA K~NSAS ANNUAL BUDGET FUND BOND & INTEREST DEPARTMENT CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS DETAIL Pa2e 108 ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Actual Previous Yea 1964 Adjusted Budget 1965 Proposed Budget 1966 EXPENDITURES 601 General Bond Principal 203,000.00 216,000.00 179,000.00 603 General Bond Interest 62,988.16 57,475.76 51,720.06 . 605 Curb, Gutter, Pave Principal (cs) 174,240.59 194,539.14 202,250.20 I I 607 Curb, Gutter, Pave Principal (pos) 406,442.60 493,751.91 536,749.80 I I 609 Curb, Gutter, Pave Interest (cs) 61,088.16 59,963.65 54,297.29 I 611 Curb, Gutter, Pave Interest (pos) 156,337.33 157,788.20 142,512.92 ! 613 Sewer Bond Principal (cs) 34,591. 20 34,591. 20 34,591.20 615 Sewer Bond Principal (pos) 40,408.80 44,212.01 43,408.80 ( 617 Sewer Bond Interest (cs) 6,243.75 5,184.44 4,135.20 I 619 Sewer Bond Interest (pos) 9,588.68 8,346.43 7,046.70 621 Fiscal Agency Comm. & Postage Chg. 1,548.49 2,000.00 2,000.00 Interest on Bonds to be Issued 89,067.83 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,156,477.76 1,273,852.74 1,346,780.00 RECEIPTS City Treasurer Balance January 1st Less Unpaid Purchase Orders Unencumbered Cash Balance January 1st 132,657.78 64,350.83 11,110.17 110 Current Tangible Taxes 495,184.61 539,212.08 589,469.83 130 Delinquent Taxes 6,507.67 4,000.00 4,000.00 150 Current Special Assessment Tax 538,671. 08 601,250.00 682,050.00 160 Delinquent Special Assessment Tax .00 .00 .00 630 Accrued Interest on Bonds Sold 2,227.51 .00 .00 929 Special Assessments Paid 14,429.94 45,000.00 4,000.00 957 Transfer from Parking Meter Fund 31,150.00 31,150.00 56,150.00 TOTAL RECEIPTS 1,088,170.81 1,220,612.08 1,335,669.83 FUND 'BOND & INTEREST DEPARTMENT CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS SUMMARY Page 109 CLASSIFICATION Actual Previous Yr. 1964 Current Budget 1965 Proposed Budget 1966 Net Tax Requirements Delinquent Tax Tax Dollars Tax Levy Mills 1,088,170.81 1,220,612.08 1,335,669.83 1,220;828.59 1,284,962.91 1,346,780.00 1,156,477.76 1.273.852.74 1. 346,780.00 64 , 350 . 83 11,110.17 .00 ~.4,~ ..... ", " .- 494,862.58 539,212.08 , 589,469.83 9,897.25 10,564.84 12,106.25.' 504,759.83 549,776.92 601,576.08 8.7208 9.1651 9.9262 TOTAL RECEIPTS TOTAL RECEIPTS & BEGINNING BALANCE Less Expenditures Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay The tax requirement necessary to support this fund reflects an increase of .4443 of a mill in 1965 and a proposed increase of .7621 of a mill in 1966. One major factor contributing to these levy increases is that a substantial amount of our special assess- ment taxes have for many years remained unpaid. For example, the property owners share of our 1965 Special Assessment obligation for principal and interest payable to the bond holders totals $704,098.55.0f this amount $693,574.51 was certified to the County as being the amount due and payable to the City for 1965. The difference between the amount payable to the bond holder and the amount certified as payable by registered property owners, is created because of time differen- tials between project completion dates, certification dates, and effective bond dates. Although $693,574.51 was certified as collectable, only $601,250.00 has been listed as anticipated income on the preceeding page. At this writing, it now appears that even a lesser amount may actually be received. On September 1, 1965 a total of $285,998.70 in taxes and special assessments were determined by the County Treasurer's Office as being four or more years delinquent. ANNUAL BUDGET FUND GENERAL AND SPECIAL DEPARTMENT IMPROVEMENT CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS DETAIL Pal2:e 110 Actual Adjusted Prop9sed ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION =>revious Yeal Budget Budget 1964 1965 1966 EXPENDITURES: Street Surfacing 1,100.00 .00 .00 Buildings 30,000.00 30,000.00 .00 TOTAL 31,100.00 30,000.00 .00 REVENUE: City Treasurer Balance January 1st Less Unpaid Purchase Orders Unencumbered Cash Balance January 1st 2,879.43 347.38 110 Current Tangible Taxes 28,567.95 29,696.16 130 Delinquent Taxes .00 25.00 TOTAL 28,567.95 29,721.16 \ I CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS FUND GENERAL AND SPECIAL DEPARTMENT IMPROVEMENT SUMMARY Page 111 CLASSIFICATION Actual Previous Yr. 1964 TOTAL RECEIPTS TOTAL RECEIPTS AND BEGINNING BALANCE Less Expenditures Unencumbered Cash Balance December 31st 28,567.95 31,447.38 31,100.00 347.38 Net Tax Requirements Delinquent Taxes Tax Dollars Tax Levy Mills 28,449.41 670.01 29,119.42 0.5031 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay Adiusted CUrrent Budget 1965 Proposed Budget 1966 29,721.16 30,068.54 30,000.00 68.54 29,696.16 593.93 30,290.09 0.5050 Appropriations this fund represents payments on new utilities building located on East Ash Street. The current appropriation represents the final payment for this facility. ANNUAL BUDGET CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS DETAIL ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION ~~K~UNAL ~~KVICES 120 Salaries - Regular Employees 125 Salaries - Employees Other Depts. Longevity TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 201 Automobile Use Allowance 221 Printing Office Supplies 239 Group Insurance 295 Other Professional Services 299 Other Contractual Services TOTAL MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 310 Expendable Tools 320 Office Supplies 355 Wearing Apparel1 359 Other Operating Supplies 373 Machinery & Equip. Parts 391 Meter Parts TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 501 Bond & Interest - Rev. Bond. Pay. 503 Pymt Off-Street Pkg. to B&I Acct. 513 Parking Meters Arcade TOTAL GRAND TOTAL Actual 'revious Year 1964 15,032.65 .00 .00 15,032.65 FUND PARKING METERS DEPARTMENT Pa2e 112 Adjusted Budget 1965 Proposed Budget 1966 17t900.00 100.00 360.00 19,190.00 100.00 412.00 18,360.00 19,702.00 341.00 404.00 450.00 46.80 50.00 50.00 155.25 300.00 400.00 245.00 .00 .00 109.04 .00 .00 897.09 754.00 900.00 .00 25.00 25.00 72 .14 .00 .00 177 .60 200.00 200.00 148.15 50.00 50.00 183.51 110.00 150.00 140.44 200.00 5,200.00 721. 84 585.00 5,625.00 15,920.52 31,150.00 4,608.20 12,970.24 64,648.96 81,300.54 15,450.00 31,150.00 11,736.00 .00 .00 56,150.00 8,000.00 .00 58,336.00 64,150.00 78,035.00 90,377.00 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS DETAIL ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION RECEIPTS: CITY TREASURER BALANCE January 1st Less Unpaid Purchase Orders Unencumbered Cash Balance January 1st 450 Parking Meter Revenue 707 Parking Meter Permits 952 Reimbursement of Expenditures TOTAL Actual revious Year 1964 24,426.76 274.88 - -- 24,151. 88 74,165.00 5,690.00 328.40 80,183.40 FUND PARKING METERS DEPARTMENT Adjusted Budget 1965 23,094.59 59.8~ 23,034.74 71,000.00 4,000.00 50.00 75,050.00 Pa~e 113 Proposed Budget 1966 20,049.74 71,000.00 4,000.00 I .00 . I I 75,000.00 j FUND PARKING METERS DEPARTMENT CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS SUMM.I\R Y CLASSIFICATION Actual Previous Yr. 1964 PERSONAL SERVICES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES SUNDRY EXPENDITURES CAPITAL OUTLAY 15,032.65 897.09 721. 84 ...00 64.648.96 TOTAL 81,300.54 TOTAL RECEIPTS TOTAL RECEIPTS AND BEGINNING BALANCE Less Expenditures Unencumbered Cash Balance December 31st 80,183.40 104,335.28 81. 300.54 23,034.74 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay FUNCTION Adjusted Current Budget 1965 18,360.00 754.00 585.00 .00 58.336.00 78,035.00 75,050.00 98,084.74 78,035.00 20,049.74 Page 114 Proposed Budget 1966 19,702.00 900.00 5,625.00 .00 64.150.00 90,377 .00 75,000.00 95,049.74 90.377.00 4,672.74 This department provide for the collection of monies, enforcement, service, and maintenance for all parking meters located within the City. m~.;T'\+---""'-- - r BUDGET COMMENTS One additional metermaid was employed during 1965. Present departmental personnel consists of three metermaids and two servicemen. The current Revenue Bond Payment of $15,450.00 represents the last payment for acquisition of the parking lot located on the east side of the 100 block South Fifth Stree This amount will be included in Account 506 for transfer to Bond and Interest Account in 1966. The 1964 expenditure of $12,120.00 is for purchase of requirements for the North 12 feet of the North Half of Lot 121 on South Santa Fe (commonly known as 125 S. Santa Fe) Purchase of this property was for use as a public arcade and subject to contractual agreements between the City of Salina and two private parties. The City of Salina has initiated legal action against the parties of this contract for recovery of this amount in accordance with terms of the original agreement. Account 391 increased in 1966 to provide additional conversion parts for changing meters in down town parking lots. The 1966 parking meter appropriation will complete payment for the 17 year old parking meters that were replaced in 1964. ANNUAL BUDGET POSITION TITLE Range FUND I PARKING METERS DEPARTMENT: Page 115 Current Proposed Budget Budget 1965 1966 5,400.00 5,400.00 4,320.00 4,320.00 8,180.00 9,470.00 360.00 412.00 18,260.00 19,602.00 CI TY OF SALIKA, KA.'J"SAS PERSO~~EL SCHEDULE Meter Service Forman 1 1 400 - 450 Ass't Meter Service 1 1 350 - 360 Metermaids 3 3 200 - 300 Longevity TOTAL CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS DETAIL ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION PERSONAL SERVICES 120 Salaries - Regular Employees Longevity Overtime for Holidays & Misc. TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 205 Telephone & Telegraph 207 Traveling Expense 209 Postage 221 Printing Office Forms 231 Insurance - Motor Vehicles 236 Insurance-Social Security 238 Employees Retirement 239 Group Insurance 241 Gas Service 242 Light Service 243 Water Service 253 Repair - Machinery & Equip. 255 Repair - Motor Veh. Tires & Tubes 284 Laundry & Towel Service 290 Medical Services 291 Billing & Administration Charge 295 Other Professional Services TOTAL MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 310 Expendable Tools 320 Office Supplies 331 Books & Periodicals 343 Janitor & Toilet Supplies 345 Motor Veh. Fuel & Lubr. 347 Motor Vehicle - License Tags 359 Other Operating Supplies 367 Electrical & Lighting Parts 371 Lumber & Lumber Products 379 Motor Vehicles - Tires & Tubes 381 Paint & Painting Supplies 393 Welding Supplies TOTAL Actual revious Year 1964 103,704.45 .00 103,704.45 499.11 322.50 .00 754.34 733.56 3,621.96 3,302.94 523.35 132.96 33.40 201.00 8,508.84 174.45 .00 235.66 .00 17.25 19,061.32 334.84 76.78 50.00 3.35 4,799.95 580.00 82.02 21. 42 .00 660.58 12.08 .00 6,621.02 FUND SANITATION DEPARTMENT Adjusted Budget 1965 94,882.00 1,374.00 _~36.00 98,992.00 353.00 350.00 10.00 400.00 629.00 3,544.00 3,439.00 1,183.00 0.00 0.00 182.00 8,000.00 450.00 2,800.00 250.00 6,000.00 0.00 27,590.00 250.00 100.00 25.00 10.00 4,800.00 584.00 300.00 25.00 25.00 350.00 200.00 0.00 6,669.00 Pa2e 116 Proposed Budget 1966 91,260.00 1,788.00 2,673.00 95,721.00 360.00 350 .00 10.00 450.00 630.00 3,828.00 4,186.00 5,795.00 0.00 0.00 180.00 8,000.00 300.00 2,650.00 100.00 5,700.00 0.00 32,539.00 250.00 100.00 25.00 1 0 . 00 4,500.00 600.00 300.00 25.00 25 . 00 500.00 200.00 0.00 6,535.00 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS DETAIL FUND SANITATION DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Actual Adjusted revious Year Budget 1964 1965 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 435 Organization Dues 439 Refunds TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 517 Office Mechanical Equipment 525 Trucks Two-Way Radio Equipment TOTAL GRAND TOTAL 30.00 17.15 47.15 129,433.94 .00 .00 .00 .00 50.00 50.00 100.00 .00 .00 100.00 133,401.00 PaRe 117 Proposed Budget 1966 .00 50.00 50.00 .00 50,000.00 5,105.00 55,105.00 189,950.00 FUND SANITAT ION DEPARTMENT CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS .. DETAIL Pa2e 118 Adjusted Budget ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Actual Budget Request 1964 1965 1966 REVENUE City Treasurer Balance January 1st 11,653.44 40,050.68 Less Unpaid Purchase Orders 2,750.83 4,464.88 Unencumbered Cash Balance January 1st 8,902.61 35,585.80 46,084.80 733 Service Fees 155,500.00 143,900.00 140,400.00 952 Re imbur semen t of Expenditures 617.13 Sales Trucks 18,500.00 --- TotAL 156,117.13 143,900.00 158,900.00 FUND SANITATION DEPARTMENT CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS SUMMARY CLASSIFICATION Actual AQJustea Current Previous Yr. Budget 1964 1965 156,117.13 143,900.00 165 ,019. 74 179,485.80 129,433.94 133,401.00 "35,585.80 46,084.80 103,704.45 98,992.00 19,061.32 27,590.00 6,621.02 6,669.00 47.15 50.00 0.00 100.00 --- 129,433.94 133,401.00 TarAL RECEIPTS TOTAL RECEIPTS & BEGINNING BALANCE Less Expenditures Unencumbered Cash Balance Dec. 31st PERSONAL SERVICES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES MATERIALS & SUPPLIES SUNDRY EXPENSES CAP ITAL OUTLAY TOTAL Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay FUNCTION Page 119 Proposed Budget 1966 158,900.00 204,984.80 189,950.00 1:5:"034 . 80 95,721. 00 32,539.00 6,535.00 50.00 55,105.00 --- 189,950.00 This department is responsible for the efficient, systematic collection and disposal of all garbage, rubbish, trash and similar waste materials originating within the residential areas of the City of Salina. BUDGET COMMENT Reduction in Personal ServicesJresu1t of consolidating six routes into five. Resignations of two full time laborers moving out of state and release of one temporary laborer in August, 1965, will accomplish personnel reduction. Increase in Contractual Services result of increase in Social Security from 3.58% to 4% and Employees Retirement from 4% to 4.5%. Group Medical Insurance change and Workman's Compensation coverage will result in considerable increase in Account #239. Account #253 based on present equipment...This will be reduced in 1966 appreciably if a major portion of the equipment is replaced as proposed in account #525. Accounts #284 and #291 not existing in 1964, account for $8,350.00 of the increase. CAPITAL OUTLAY Capital Outlay Account #525 includes cost of trucks and trailers for the proposed Train Transfer System, without allowance for trade-in or sale of present equipment. Two-way radios would be essential for the efficient operation of the Transfer System. If the Transfer System is not implemented replacement of the five 1960 model packer trucks is advisable in view of mounting maintenance cost. ANNUAL BUDGET I I I I I I I I I I I I I .1 II i I I I I FUND SA0fITATION DEPARTMENT. CI~'=~JY SA=-.~~.;'.- \C\~SAS i-'ERSDXXL:" SCl'r:::;:r::c.,:s Page 120 , I I I Employees Current Proposed i I POSITION Tl TLE [ Range Budget Budget /'iJrr&l?f IPIV?os,<<i[ I i= 8udq& I Bl/dq~1 [ ..""'.- I I Superintendent ~ ~ 600 - 710 3,960.00 3,960.00 I Foreman 1 1 400 - 425 5,100.00 5,100.00 I I Clerk II 1 1 200 - 300 2,880.00 3,240.00 Driver 7 7 330 - 360 29,610.00 30,240.00 I Relief Driver 1 1 320 - 350 4,040.00 4,170.00 I Carrier 13 11 300 - 340 48,386.00 44,550.00 part time 1 1 1. 50 hr 906.00 Overtime 2,736.00 2,673.00 Longevity 1,374.00 1,788.00 TOTAL 98,992.00 95,721. 00 I I i ..-.....- "'_.'--"-~~ ,'Tn", ... "';"'l"j'\ - I ANN.,..\.... buDG...... FUND AIRPORT RevolvingFund DEPARTMENT CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS DETAIL ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Actual Adjusted revious Year Budget 1964 1965 PERSONAL SERVICES 120 125 Salaries - Regular Employees Salaries - Employees Other Depts. Longevity TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 205 Telephone & Telegraph 209 Postage 221 Printing Office Forms 227 Insurance - Buildings 231 Insurance - Motor Vehicles 233 Ubsyrabce - Surety Bonds 239 Group Insurance 241 Gas Service 242 Light Service 243 Water Service 251 Repair - Buildings 252 Repair - Furn. & Office Equip. 253 Repair - Machinery & Equip. 255 Repair - Motor Veh. Tires & Tubes 274 Rent - Machinery & Equip. 284 Laundry & Towel Service 295 Other Professional Services 299 Other Contractual Services TOTAL MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 310 Expendable Tools 320 Office Supplies 343 Janitor & Toilet Supplies 344 Merchandise for Resale 345 Airplane Gasoline 346 Motor Vehicles - Gas & Oil 347 Motor Vehicles - License Tags 367 Lighting & Electrical Parts 371 Lumber & Lumber Products 379 Motor Vehicles - Tires & Tubes 381 Paint & Painting Supplies 387 Sand, Gravel, Rock, Chat 399 Other Operating Supplies TOTAL 30,473.41 .00 .00 30,473.41 226.65 28.25 38.95 3,665.26 357.01 17.50 184.00 477.19 4,455.04 537.18 1,439.54 94.17 2,075.56 15.00 1,512.00 389.94 2,235.15 291. 25 18,039.64 136.37 277 .30 273.97 1,182.30 176,685.82 877 .81 37.50 155.40 272.12 142.17 330.72 58.72 468.46 180,898.66 35,111.00 .00 .00 35,111. 00 300.00 20.00 150.00 4,860.78 375.00 17.00 175.00 800.00 4,500.00 500.00 500.00 50.00 2,000.00 50.00 1,500.00 350.00 500.00 850.00 17,497.78 50.00 50.00 500.00 1,100.00 175,000.00 1,000.00 53.00 200.00 100.00 150.00 50.00 100.00 150.00 178,503.00 PaRe 121 Proposed Budget 1966 31,456.00 .00 .00 31,456.00 300.00 30.00 200.00 5,000.00 375.00 20.00 175.00 800.00 4,500.00 500.00 1,000.00 100.00 2,000.00 50.00 1,800.00 350.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 21,200.00 50.00 100.00 500.00 1,200.00 184,000.00 1,500.00 60.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 150.00 500.00 500.00 150.00 190,710.00 FUND AIRPORT DEPARTMENT CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS DETAIL Pa2e 122 Actual Adjusted Proposed ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION revious Year Budget Budget 1964 , 1965 1966 SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 421 Sales Tax 1,655.95 1,500.00 1,500.00 435 Organization Dues 15.00 35.00 35.00 TOTAL 1,670.95 1,535.00 1,535.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY 502 Building 11,743.36 12,000.00 12,000.00 503 Equipment 445.40 10,000.00 2,000.00 575 Landscape Improvements .00 100.00 1,000.00 581 Street,Sidewa1k,Runway Improvemen 36,230.24 3,000.00 8,000.00 TOTAL 48,419.00 25,100.00 23,000.00 GRAND TOTAL 279,501. 66 257,746.78 267,901.00 FUND AIRPORT DEPARTMENT w DETAIL PaQe 123 Actual Adjusted Budget ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Yea Budget Request 1964 1965 1966 REVENUE City Treasurer Balance January 1st 57,607.22 49,344 .16 Less Unpaid Purchase Orders 2,227.96 14,312.05 Unencumbered Cash Balance January 1st 55,379.26 35,032.11 44,685.33 501 Office Rental 3,248.80 3,000.00 3,000.00 502 Hangar Ground Rental 45.00 100.00 100.00 503 Landing Fees 3,285.00 3,500.00 3,500.00 504 Hangar Rental 14,304.50 13,000.00 13,000.00 505 Sale of Gas & Oil 182,603.82 190,000.00 199,000.00 506 Percentage of Sales 819.68 500.00 500.00 507 Tax Refunds on Gas from State 32,940.70 36,000.00 37,000.00 509 Sa1 e of Conce ss io ns 743.65 300.00 300.00 952 Reimbursement of Expenditures 1,163.36 1,000.00 1,000.00 957 Transfer from Other Funds 20,000.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 -- --- ---- TOTAL 2S 9 , 154.51 267,400.00 277,400.00 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS FUND AIRPORT DEPARTMENT CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS SUMMARY CLASSIFICATION Actual AOJust:eo Current Previous Yr. Budget 1964 1965 259,154.51 267,400.00 314,533.77 302,432.11 279,501. 66 257,746.78 35,032.11 44,685.33 30,473.41 35 , III .00 18,039.64 17,497.78 180,898.66 178,503.00 1,670.95 1,535.00 48,419.00 25,100.00 --- ---- 279,501. 66 257,746.78 TOTAL RECEIPTS TOTAL RECEIPTS & BEGINNING BALANCE Less Expenditures Unencumbered Cash Balance December 31st PERSONAL SERVICES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES MATERIALS & SUPPLIES SUNDRY EXPENSES CAP ITAL OUTLAY TarAL Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay FUNCTION Page 124 Proposed Budget 1966 277 ,400.00 322,085.33 267,901.00 54,184.33 31,456.00 21 , 200.00 190,710.00 1,535.00 23,000.00 267,901.00 The Municipal Airport Fund provides for the facilities, services and items of maintenance so that Salina may be accessable by air. Plant facilities are provided for Central Airlines, FAA, Weather Bureau, Charter flight and aircraft maintenance services, storage areas for local and transient aircraft, refueling services, and restaurant facilitits. BUDGET COMMENTS Account 957 represents transfer from General Operating Budget. CAPITAL OU'I'LA Y Account 502 represents expenditures for hangar buildings under lease-rental agreements. Account 581 for 1964 was the cities protion of taxiway improvements constructed in 196~ plus limited resealing of old taxiway and runway joints. The proposed maintenance hangar was not constructed due to the announced closing of the Schilling Air Force Base. Account 503 for 1965 was proposed for the purchase of a new gasoline service truck to replace one currently being rented. Purchase of this item will now be deferred until further determinations relative to transferring the Airport to Schilling become known. The same will be true for all 1966 appropriations exeept those necessary for current operations. ANNUAL BUDGET FUND ' AIRPORT DEPARTMENT: CITY OF SALINA, KA:.'JSAS PERSO~~EL SCHEDUl.E Page 125 POSITION TITLE Range Current Budget Proposed Budget Manager 1 1 500 - 605 6,600.00 7,044.00 Ass't Manager 1 1 400 - 440 4,920.00 5,064.00 Servicemen 3 3 300 - 370 16,004.00 16,348.00 Airport Study 1 0 4,227.00 .00 Laborer - part time 3 3 300 - 340 3,000.00 2,564.00 Longevity 360.00 436.00 TOTAL 35,111. 00 31,456.00 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS DETAIL ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION WATER SUPPLY EXPENSES 110 Maint. - Well Pumps & Equipment 120 Well Power 130 Well House Signals 140 River Intake Power 150 Maint. - Bldgs. & Grounds 160 Maint. - River Basin SOFTENING & TREATMENT EXPENSES TOTAL 205 210 215 220 225 230 235 240 255 260 270 265 Supervision Salaries Electric Power Gas Service Building Operating Supplies Chemicals Maint. - Equipment Maint. - Buildings Electric Servo - Calcium Plant Gas Service - Calcium Plant Supplies - Calcium Plant Calcining Plant PUMPING EXPENSES TOTAL 305 Supervision 310 Salaries 315 Electric Power 320 Gas Service 325 Lubricants 330 Building Operating Supplies 335 Maint. - Electrical Equip., Etc. 340 Maint. - Station Bldgs. & Grds. TOTAL Actual revious Year 1964 767.63 5,084.33 810.00 5,738.40 2,026.87 2,172.99 16,600.22 9,258.00 26,356.40 5,785.00 9,314.23 396.09 92,486.97 13,692.06 128.43 .00 .00 .00 157,417.18 9,104.90 17,639.20 9,735.85 981. 56 81.96 204.72 970.65' 619.79 39,338.63 FUND WATER & SEWAGE DEPARTMENT Adjusted Budget 1965 1,850.00 4,000.00 877 .00 3,015.00 953.00 600.00 11,295.00 9,408.00 26,338.00 6,300.00 4,477 .00 800.00 99,729.00 8,444.00 500.00 3,562.00 5,273.00 498.00 4,000.00 169,329.00 9,367.30 18,048.00 10,000.00 351.00 97.00 656.00 1,200.00 2,046.00 41,765.30 Pa2e 126 Proposed Budget 1966 1,100.00 4,000.00 900.00 4,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 12, 000.00 9,564.00 26,678.00 6,500.00 4,500.00 800.00 100,000.00 10,000.00 600.00 3,500.00 6,500.00 500.00 _....!.,500.0Q 170,642.00 9,498.00 18,216.00 13,000.00 350.00 100.00 1,200.00 1,200.00 1,000.00 44,564.00 FUND WATER & SEWAGE DEPARTMENT CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS DETAIL ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION DISTRIBUTION EXPENSES 405 Supervision 410 Salaries 415 Meter Maint. Salaries 420 Meter Maint. Supplies 425 Vehicle & Equip. Expense 430 Tapping Supplies 435 Maint. - Distribution Mains 440 Maint. - Elevated Tanks 445 Maint. - Reservoirs 450 Maint. - Hydrants 455 Misc. - Materials & Labor (St.) TOTAL CUSTOMERS' ACCOUNTING & COLLECTION 510 Office Salaries 515 Servicemens & Meter Reader Salary 520 Servicemen & Meter Reader Suppliel 525 Collection Stations 530 Maint. - Office & Equip. 535 Office Supplies 540 Vehicle Expense 545 Car & Travel Expense 550 Postage TOTAL ADMINISTRATIVE & GENERAL EXPENSES 605 Supervision 610 Salaries 615 Telephone Expense 620 Office Supplies 625 Special Engineering 630 Social Security 635 Insurance 640 Sales Tax 645 Property Taxes 650 Accounts Charged Off 655 Long & Short Cash 660 Employees Retirement 665 Accident Insurance 670 Auditing Expenses 675 Contracting Service 680 Organization Dues & Memberships 690 Service Performed Other Depts. 695 Car Mileage & Travel Expenses TOTAL Actual revious Year 1964 4,805.80 9,816.95 8,295.00 7,442.70 538.20 3,322.95 2,607.18 1,512.36 .00 305.36 4,445.50 43,092.00 42,617.15 36,500.20 167.70 1,553.10 1,377 .81 4,687.47 7,423.36 2,546.88 7,842.49 104,716.16 9,738.00 4,145.00 2,146.64 1,218.88 2,700.63 8,151.45 8,685.42 892.52 10,000.00 702.81 24.20 7,964.50 2,342.45 4,800.00 189.09 617.46 .00 .00 64,319.05 Adjusted Budget 1965 4,789.80 15,734.85 8,542.00 3,477 .00 1 , 602.00 2,457.00 4,969.00 6,002.00 200.00 981.00 2,962.00 51 , 716. 65 39,388.90 35,435.85 800.00 1,530.00 1,800.00 5,000.00 3,000.00 800.00 7,500.00 95,254.75 9,762.00 5,234.00 2,100.00 1,700.00 1,000.00 8,710.00 10,000.00 1,000.00 10,000.00 700.00 100.00 9,424.00 4,000.00 4,800.00 1,000.00 800.00 10,000.00 2,100.00 82;"430:00 PS2e 127 Proposed Budget 1966 4,838.00 17,270.00 8,830.00 3,500.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 5,000.00 6,000.00 200.00 1,000.00 3,000.00 53,638.00 40,542.00 36,276.00 800.00 1,650.00 1,800.00 5,000.00 3,500.00 800.00 7,500.00 97,868.00 9,786.00 5j378.00 2,200.00 2,000.00 1,000.00 10,095.00 9,000.00 1,000.00 10,000.00 700.00 100.00 11,353.00 5,000.00 4,800.00 1,000.00 800.00 10,000.00 2,500.00 86,712.00 FUND WATER & SEWAGE DEPARTMENT CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS DETAIL Pa2e 128 ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Actual 'REvious Year 1964 Adjusted Budget 1965 Proposed Budget .1966 SEWAGE TREATMENT & COLLECTION EXPENSE 705 Supervision 16,456.00 16,646.00 16,696.00 710 Operating Salaries 42,935.45 44,504.30 48,726.00 715 Electric Power 24,523.55 17,947.00 18,500.00 720 Gas Service 1,310.42 1,691.00 1,700.00 725 Plant Operating Supplies 873.58 1,700.00 2,300.00 730 Maint. - Equipment 2,498.59 4,430.00 5,700.00 735 Maint. - Bldgs. & Grounds 757.29 2,000.00 2,000.00 740 Maint. - Pumping Stations 2,895.68 2,800.00 5,200.00 745 Maint. - Sanitary Sewers 2,008.63 8,525.00 2,200.00- 750 Vehicle Expense 28.95 4,500.00 4,700.00 TOTAL 94,288.14 104,743.30 107,722.00 BOND ORDINANCE RESERVE REQUIREMENTS 910 Bond Principal Payments 103,200.00 110,000.00 11 0,000.00 915 Bond Interest Payments 134,000.00 118,675.00 113,170.00 920 Bond Reserve Account 72,000.00 46,000.00 .00 925 Depreciation & Emergency Account 21,000.00 .00 .00 TOTAL 330,200.00 274,675.00 223,170.00 Payment to Sanitation 155,500.00 143,900.05 140,400.00 1961 Bond Monies & Misc. 263,003.45 24{) ,,000.09 240,O{).o.00 Capital Expenditures 94,877.15 50,000.00 50,000.00 Total Operating Expenses 519,771. 38 556,534.00 573,146.00 GRAND TOTAL 1,363,351.98 1.,26/>,109.05 1,226,716.00 FUND WATER & SEWAGE DEPARTMENT . , DETAIL Palle 129 Actual Adjusted ! I ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Previous Yea Budget Budget I 1964 1965 1966 I I I REVENUE I I i City Treasurer Balance January 1st 132,456.85 164,593.91 I Less Unpaid Purchase Orders 12,323 . 17 29,168.09 Unencumbered Cash Balance December 31 120,133.68 135,425.82 118,216.82 1010 Water Revenue 576,895.25 530,000.00 530,000.00 1015 Sewage Revenue 344,101.01 325,000.00 325,000.00 1020 Miscellaneous Income 6,916.90 4,000.00 4,000.00 1030 Tapping Service 13,390.93 5,000.00 2,000.00 1050 Refuse 155,500.00 143,900.05 140,400.00 1070 Interest from Investments 18,836.58 0.00 0.00 Construction Fund Bond Money 263,003.45 240,000.00 240,000.00 TOTAL RECEIPTS 1, 378 , 644. 12 1,247,900.05 1,241,400.00 TOTAL RECEIPTS & BEGINNING BALANCE 1,498,777.80 1,383,325.87 1,359,616.82 Less Expenditures 1,363,351.98 1,265,109.05 1,226,716.00 Unencumbered Cash Balance December 31st 135,425.82 118,216.82 132,900.82 CITY OF SALINA KANSAS CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS SUMMAR Y FUND ' WATER AND SEWAGE DEPARTMENT CLASSIFICATION Operating Expenses: Actual Previous Yr. 1964 WATER SUPPLY EXPENSES SOFTENING AND TREATMENT EXPENSES PUMPING EXPENSES DISTRIBUTION EXPENSES CUSTOMERS' ACCOUNTING AND COLLECTION EXPENSES ADMINISTRATIVE AND GENERAL EXPENSES SEWAGE TREATMENT AND COLLECTION EXPENSES 16,600.22 157,417.18 39,338.63 43,092 .00 104;716.16 64,319.05 94,288.14 TOTAL 519,771. 38 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay FUNCTION Current Budget 1965 11,295.00 169,329.00 41,765.30 51,716.65 95,254.75 82,430.00 104,743.30 556,534.00 Page 130 Proposed Budget 1966 12,000.00 170,642.00 44,564.00 53,638.00 97,868.00 86,712.00 107,722.00 573,146.00 The water division of the Water and Sewage Department is responsible for the operation, maintenance and repair of all facilities necessary for supply, treatment, storage and distribution of water for the City of Salina; to maintain and keep in good repair all water distribution mains, valves and fire hydrants throughout the system, install, remove, clean, check and read monthly, all meters which record water consump- tion. The billing and accounting division process all orders for new services and dis- connects, computes charges, and is responsible for the collection of all revenues due the Water and Sewage Department. Responsibility for the operation and maintenance of all facilities necessary for proper treatment and disposal of sanitary sewage from the City of Salina is the primary function of the Sewage Treatment Plant. The sanitary sewage collection division has the responsibility of maintaining and keeping all sanitary sewer mains, laterals and sewage pump stations in the system in good operating condition. ANNUAL BUDGET (Continued: Next Page) FUND ' WATER AND SEWAGE DEPARTMENT CITY OF SALINA, KlL~SAS SUMMAR Y Page CLASSIFICATION Actual Previous Yr. Current Budget Proposed Budget Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay BOa BUDGET COMMENTS Water Supply Electric oilers are being installed for all well pumps. This improvement should prove economical from the standpoint of savings in time, labor and wasted oil. River intake power has been reduced because of the failure experienced at the river desi1ting basin in 1964. The plant expansion program has contributed greatly to the Maintenance of Buildings and Grounds Account. River intake power and well power is based on using 60% surface water and 40% well water for the year. Softening and Treatment It is recommended that the calcine furnace at the water treatment plant be relined. Fire brick continually falling into the conveyor screws cause considerable damage to equipment as well as downtime for the calcining operation. A new si1icator has been purchased and installed. If estimated savings of 20% on alum consumption is realized, the equipment will pay for itself in 18 months. All calcine operating costs have been divorced from other treatment expenses, and actual costs for lime rec1aimation can now more accurately be determined. The purchase of an amperometric titrat for chlorine instrument is proposed for 1966. This instrument measures different types of chlorine in the water more accurately than the visual testing now used. This testing is essential in controlling taste and odor in water. Provisions have also been included for the repair, if possible, or the purchase of two (2) new pH meters. Present equipment is nineteen (19) years old and badly worn. Replacement parts have been budgeted for one carba11 (C02) distribution line and the installation of a small mixer in the aluminum sulfate storage tank. ANNUAL BUDGET (Continued: Next Page) FUND WATER AND SEWAGE DEPARTMENT CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS SUMM.I\R Y Page CLASSIFICATION Actual Previous Yr. Current Budget Proposed Budget Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay BUDGET COMMENTS (Continued) Pumping Gas service expenditure has been greatly reduced as the meter maintenance room and the high service pump building are the only uses now on this account. Electric power request increased as plans are to use the new high service pump more in the future as an aid to Sunset Tower and possibly the Airport. Account #330 also provides for uniform replacements for pumpers, being the first replacements made during the past three years. BOb Distribution A two man crew has been employed and a preventive maintenance program has been initiated on all water distribution valves. The program includes locating, tying in, testing and repairing all valves in the system. It is proposed that the generator and valve wrench now being used be replaced due to age and operating condition. Plans are to provide for a complete maintenance for one elevated tank during the current year and one during 1966. If the total appropriation is not needed for this project, it is recommended that any balance be used to purchase a tractor with a back hoe attachment for installing and repairing water mains and services. Customer Accounting, Collection, Administrative The detail accounting of expenditures for these services are primarily se1f- explanatory. One administrative change effected in 1965 is a payment to the General Operating Fund for staff services performed by such departments as City Manager, City Clerk and Treasurer, City Engineer, City Attorney, Planning, etc. Major reductions in accounts #540 and #545 for the current year results from several of the departmental vehicles expenses being transfered to other accounts. Account #540 now covers only the three service trucks and account #545 is meter reader's car allowance. Reductions in other accounts reflect decrease in customer accounts being serviced. ANNUAL BUDGET (Continued: Next Page) FUND WATRR ANn SEWAGE DEPARTMENT CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS S~~Y Page CLASSIFICATION Actual Previous Yr. Current Budget Proposed Budget Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay BUDGET COMMENTS (Continued) 130c Customer Accounting, Collection, Administrative (Continued) Five items of office equipment are proposed for current purchase. These items are: (1) a fire resistant cabinet for housing our meter books. (2) an electric customer accounts file for purposes of consolidating records and providing a more complete and accurate record and public reporting service. (3) an electric typewriter replacement. (4) a four-drawer legal filing cabinet. (5) a replacement for our ten-year old postage meter machine. The total expenditure for these items are slightly less than $7,000.00 and will be paid from our capital outlay account. Sewage Treatment and Collection Maintenance costs are allocated on the basis of the 30 existing pump stations and the planned addition of 2 or 3 stations in the coming year. An exhaust blower has been purchased for the e1imation of danger to life from sewer gases. A program of cleaning the two digestors at the sewage treatment plant, is presently being done. After cleaning, it is proposed to install, mixers on both units to prevent a reoccurance of this scum accumulation. Electric power expenditures have been reduced due to decrease in plant load. It is proposed three (3) new sump pumps be purchased to replace present, badly worn equipment. Also being proposed, is the purchase of an electric valve wrench to facilitate opening and closing valves at the sewage co11ectinn stations, as well as a replacement for a 1954 Chevrolet pick-up. Asphalt surfacing of roads and walks of the Sewage Treatment Plant addition is recommended. The roadways and sidewalks of the old portion of the plant are asphalt paved' at this time. ANNUAL BUDGET CITY OF SALINA, KA.'l'SAS PERSO~~EL SCHEDULE FUND WATER AND SEWAGE DEPARTMENT. Page 131 POSITION TITLE Range Current Budget Proposed Budget 205 Plant Supt. 1 1 305 Water 650 - 725 ~ '32.00 8,376.00 205 Chemist 1 1 350 - 420 :JJ':' L. (;0 5,376.00 305 Maint. Engineer 1 1 350 - 420 5,251.30 5,310.00 210 Plant Oper. I 6 6 330 - 360 26,338.00 26,678.00 310 Plant Pumper 4 4 330 - 360 18,048.00 18,216.00 405 Crew Foreman 1 1 350 - 380 4,789.80 4,838.00 ,_._~,--~ 410 Laborer 4 4 330 - 360 15,734.85 17,270.00 415 Meter Servicemen 2 2 340 - 380 8,542.00 8,830.00 ---~- ~ GRAND TOTAL 20 20 92,227.95 94,894.00 FUND WATER AND SEWAGE DEPARTMENT: CITY OF SALIN..A., KANSAS PERSO~~EL SCHEDULE Page 132 POSITION TITLE Range Current Budget Proposed Budget 510 Office Manager k ~ 600 - 750 4,092.00 4,104.00 2 510 Bookkeeper 1 1 300 - 350 4,512.00 4,536.00 510 Cashier I 1 1 300 - 350 4,292.00 4,376.00 510 Cashier II 2 2 200 - 280 6,388.00 7,004.00 510 Clerks 3 2 200 - 300 6,494.00 6,648.00 510 Biller 4 4 200 - 310 8,990.90 8,880.00 510 Secretary 1 1 200 - 310 3,120.00 3,494.00 Overtime 1,500.00 1,500.00 TOTAL 12~ 11~ 39,388.90 40,542.00 515 Meter Readers 5 5 320 - 350 16,397.85 16,662.00 515 Service Foreman 1 1 360 - 390 4,962.00 5,016.00 515 Servicemen 3 3 340 - 370 13,076.00 13,598.00 515 Service Overtime 1,000.00 1,000.00 TOTAL 9 9 35,435.85 36,276.00 GRAND TOTAL 2l~ 20~ 74,824.75 76,818.00 , A ....nTT'!l' A,. 'D~TT\"'t::.""., I FUND WATER A;''W SEWAGE DE?ARTIlEN'!' C~::''.:~ J:::' S. ;'::".T:\ :'\ ,[(X~\ SAS I ?Ef<.S J~;::L:::'" SCtED'_:.:_,:"; ?age 133 i I I l I I I I EmplcJyees i Current i Proposed I POSITION TITLE Range I Budge t I Budget I ~ur.r6"l7f IV("osEd I duc;lqe f Budqt?--! ! I I I I I 605 I I Director of Utilities 1 I 1 800 - 890 9,762.00 9,786.00 i 610 Secretary II 1 1 310 3,492.00 3,758.00 I 200 - I I I I 610 Janitor (part time) 1 1 75 900.00 900.00 I 50 - I I . I 610 Employee (part time) 842.00 720.00 I I I I I TOTAL 14,996.CO 15,164.00 I I I I I I 705 Se\oJage Plant Supt. J 1 1 500 - 570 6,852.00 6,876.00 I 705 Sewage Station Forema 1 1 350 - 395 4,980.00 5,004.00 I I 705 Sewer Maint. Foreman 1 1 360 - 390 4,814.00 4,816.00 I I TOTAL 16,646.00 16,696.00 I I I I 710 Se\oJage Plant Chemist 1 1 350 - 435 5,230.00 5,254.00 710 Sewage Plant Foreman 1 1 340 - 370 4,522.00 4,666.00 I Maint. Mechanic 710 Se'W'age Plant Operator I 5 5 320 - 350 19,751. 00 21,298.00 i I 710 Pumping Station Opr. I 2 I 2 320 - 350 7,676.20 8,422.00 I 710 Sewer Maint. Laborer I 2 2 320 - 350 7,325.10 8,286.00 I I I Laborer (part time) 800.00 I I TOTAL 44,504.30 48,726.00 I I I I I I I I I I I I I _I ANNCAL B"CDGET CITY OF ~ALINA, KANSAS SUMMAR Y FUND CONSTRUCTION DEPARTMENT CResurfa~ine ~rrppr~) Page 134 CLASSIFICATION Actual Current Proposed Previous Yr. Budget Budget 1964 1965 1966 91,498.85 53,322.40 35,322.40 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 32,704.16 32,000.00 32,000.00 134;203.01 95,322.40 77,323.00 80,880.61 60,000.00 77,323.00 53,322.40 35,322.40 CASH BALANCE January 1st. RECEIPTS STATE GASOLINE TAX: Quarterly Payments Surplus Distribution TOTAL RECEIPTS AND BALANCE Less Expenditures Cash Balance December 31,.... Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay Part of the moniies.received from the extra le;: State Gasoline Tax is put in the General Operating Fund for general Street work. The balance is put into'this account to be used for resurfacing the major streets within the City. ANNUAL BUDGET FUND 'GENERAL OPERATING DEPARTMENT Central Garage CITY OF ~ALINA, KANSAS SUMMAR y Page 135 1963 Adiusted Cu"t"ren t Budget 1964 Proposed Budget 1965 CLASSIFICATION Actual Previous Yr. PERSONAL SERVICES 29,490.00 29,432.00 TOTAL 29,490.00 29,432.00 Function - Budget Comments - Capital Outlay The Central Garage facility was placed into service on January 1, 1964. Personal Services for this Department do not represent a budgetary item. They are paid by the various departments using the services of the Central Garage on a pro- rated basis. Appropriations are budgetedby each department for both parts and labor under account number 253. ANNUAL BUDGET FUND GENERAL OPERATING DEPARTMENT I Central Garage CITY OF 8ALIRA, KA.:.~SAS PERSO~~EL SCHEDULE Page 136 POSITION TITLE Range Current Budget Proposed Budget Shop Foreman 1 1 350-425 5,100.00 5,100.00 Mechanic 3 3 300-390 13,860.00 14,040.00 Lub-Man 2 1 300-350 5,218.00 4,260.00 Clerk II 1 1 200-280 2,640.00 3,000.00 Service Station Attend. 2 2 65-85 1,800.00 2,040.00 (Part-Time) Longevity 872.00 992.00 TOTAL 9 8 29,490.00 29,432.00