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Budget - 1960
#.J. p. of City 3 8~.lO.2. "n 'l"4.nM.M 59..382.24 ..'rnI'AI.S.. 1.1793 24.1800 1.1~L46.19 ~.S7-4.93 1.217.621.72 23 9700 General & Special (In Lieu of Bonds) Bond. lit .1kme. 3.0000 JW1ll8. M., 91l~ 9,238.44- 899.26 471,160.01 18 45.862. 0.9164 9.3883 9.3570 461,922.37 13 665~ ~7 1~ 899, 94 92 Ci.vil Defem>e h Public Health J'..lQQd - Vol 2.3...Q00. Q!L &: IIl,t 2.0000 ..2....OOQQ. ~ 1. nono 0.2205 0.0371 ~ 0.3494 ~ ~ 0.0179 ~ ~ .Jh2Q2.6 0.2451 10,000.00 12.250.00 15.919.31 245 ~ ..2OO..Ql1 00 12 10.200.00 16.237.7Q 495.00 0.2071 0......3118 .s 9.204.23 28.35 184.08 1, <} 445.71 3'8.31 0.2636 42Z... 38 Piremen.s Pension 0.QQ84 0.0289 1.417..36 0.0972 116.46 Noxious Weeds 1.0000 0..0298 0.0023 0.0265 1.303.55 26.07 1,329.62 0.0268 55 443.07 ~te 14.0000 16.5000 14.0000 ~11 12.8989 636.767.05 12-,-735.34 64'h502.39 12.7588 846.~ Cemetery General I~vement Iiall M~a1 o. Z,500 O.1.l95 0..0168 0...1027 5.070.37 101..41 5.171.78 0.1948 3-,-671.06 2.0000 0.9757 0.0729 0.9028 44.567.00 891.34 45,458.34 0.8448 745.68 0.2500 0.0747 0.0],048 0.0599 2.953.55 59.07 3.012 .62 0.1716 803.48 Band 0.5000 12.6293 0.2008 0.9806 0.0160 11.6487 0.1848 575.057.50 9-,-118.63 182.37 9.301.00 0.1849 49.376.35 General Operating 13 . 5000 11.501.15 586,558.65 11.3627 Sales ...'I.ax. Acc't. No. Funds ~ ~ ~ Fund Levy Limit ~ -~ Ad Valorem Tax Mil.J.s CURRENT YEAR ~ ~@ S ales Tax Mills kIT. 1960 ~ Net Ad Va1eren Levv Mills ~ ~ Net AdValeren ~ Dollars ~ ~ Add 2% P.elin.,quenll (Mii@~ ~ ~ fetal AdVa1erejm Tax Dollar ~ ~ 1959 L~ Fund Function Department Submitted By Date - - - Account Page - - - - - CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST Year 1960 - For the Fiscal - - - - - - - - - - TOfALS 1.081,467.36 346.132.75 732.749.25 1J.078J.882.00 ~080 ~674.oo 1~097,500. 00 ~~ Swimming Pools 10.782.41 1 S05.37 12 844.63 14.350.00 20.000.00 13,000.00 13,600.00 Airport 23.000 .00 .00 25.000 .00 25J.000 .00 20,000.00 Traffic & Park~ 55,104.62 14.145.85 37.329.15 51.475.00 53 000.00 52,025.00 ___. ! Ci~t~rney i ! City Court I I I Police Court I City Buildings I I Eingineering Department I' _~___..l F ire Department I I Inspection Department I I Park Department --------t Police Department _~.. I Street, Alley & Sewers ._.__1 Refuse Collection i W&ste Disposal Sewage Disposal Street Li~ 43 181.74 15,.L428..08 31.321.92 46.750.00 45.750.00 46.750.00 4Z~438.6Q 16.019..34 28.975.66 44 995.00 43.840.00 43.945.00 17J.181-. 60 3.678.55 8.446.45 12.125.00 11 800.00 12 150.00 134.755 S6 46 211 05 93.438..95 139-,-650.00 142.100.00 140.000.00 107.042.47 31 409.45 54...615.55 86...025.00 84 600.00 215,515.00 86...f..675.00 203.442.19 16,020.20 75.731.41 ~9.874.80 135,003.59 :010,735.00 209.895.00 62.876.40 55.895. 00 66,t000. 00 55.895.00 14~ 124.58 5,238.65 11,131.35 16,370.00 17,270. 00 16,670.00 208.313.77 75.037.88 147,957. 12 ~3,470.00 222.995.00 220,399.00 228,905.00 31,972.02 12 398.03 31.071.97 38,090. 00 45,170.00 11.181.64 3,t422.86 9.097.14 12 520.00 12.580.00 12.570.00 2.692.54 944.28 2,072.72 3,017.00 2,945.00 3,065.00 16,723.82 5,492.07 11.282.93 16,775.00 16.875. 00 17.225.00 8,877.88 3.250 .70 6,049.30 9,300.00 9,560.00 9,800.00 City Commissioners City Manager Ci~C1erk & Treasurer 45.301.65 12 949.25 24.355.75 37,305.00 42.300.00 47,010.00 9.372.46 3.358.70 7.621.30 10.980.00 11,070. 00 10,930.00 Acc't. No. ummar,y Account General O~rating Fund 33,t095.41 .l2.5.8. Actual Previous Year 3,891.03 1959 --;6.ctual -A..-Months 15.258.97 CURRENT YEAR Estimate ~ Months 19,150. 00 19, 600 .00 19,600.00 1959 Total ..1!l59.. Current Budget ..l2flO. Budget Request Manager's Recom- mendation Final Budget Allowance Fund Function Department Submitted By Date - - - Page - - - - - CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST 1960 - For the Fiscal - Year - - - - - - - - - c C1~t;; 1958 ..1.'I.:l'l;' .&.,?UU Actual , CURRENT YEAR 1959 I I I Manager's I Acc't. Current Budget Final Account Previous Actual Estimate Recom- Budget No. d TT P1TNnS Year .4...-. Months --8..- Months Total Budget Request mendation Allowance General Onerating 1.081.467.36 346,132.75 732,749.25 1.078,882.00 ,080,674.00 1,097,500.00 Band 9,960,00 4,500.00 5,350.00 9,850.00 9,960.00 9,960.00 CemeterY 12,514.91 4,021,38 9,203.62 13,225.00 13 ,225.00 14,165.00 General Improvement 43,158.88 17,609.85 28,340.15 45,950.00 45,950.00 49,000.00 Memoria.1 Ha.ll 12 424.14 31.473.00 9,702.00 13,175.00 14,175.00 13,175.00 Noxious Weeds 1,484.59 1,400.00 1,400.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 Piremen's Pension ,n nl-.o .,.., 3~~ 7.346 62 10 870 00 20 770.00 20 770.00 Policemen's Pension ,.., ALn on " 170 14 HI "?,, Sll'. '5 6QI'. ()() 25 446.00 25 696 00 Public Health ' ~ .,no ^^ o L..,':' .... ?8 823.58 37 500 00 37 500 00 37.521.50 Flood Control Works & Dikes 10.000.00 10 000 00 10.000.00 10 899.94 Civil Defense - Voice Warning 12-...250.00 Bend & Interest ~.,., .^^ .... 287.007.91 456.912.09 743.920.00 743.920.00 757,570.52 General & Special Improvement 45.000.00 45.000.00 45.000.00 45.000.00 45,000.00 Industrial Development 1 25901 1 240 99 1.240 99 8 254,32 8.554.32 Water DePartment 355 302 67 115 660.77 288 939,23 404.600.00 410 000.00 414.600.00 Airport - Revolving Pund 67 845 00 27 374 63 48 545.37 75_920.00 76 846.00 82.895.00 TOI'AIS 2.402.763.39 823 150.23 1.684,078.76 2 507,228.99 2,543,220.32 2,601,057.28 ~l Fund Function Department Submitted By Date - - - Page - - - - - CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year ~ - - - - - - - - - - - ------------------- Fund Function_ Department_ Submitted By: .. Dat,,_ Acc't. No, CITY OF SALINA GENERAL OPERATING BUDGET REQUEST Page For the Fiscal Year--19.6o. = =-=-=--CC-C'- ~==-..C"135.8 -====. -- _.....J.91i~ A [ Actual CURRENT. YEAR Current - Budget L'- Ma Final ccou PrevIous Actual EstImate R, I Budget __ ~,.__. ._~_':..~ M:onths Months Total Budget Requ~st mel 1 Allo'.;'ance - -----r-.----- . -T-~~=ru~~- ! P='':= : -~J ::~:::o :::::::: L----=t:: . _ J=='- '_'~=: I I I llmnp,..pn <>"n 191 _lsL-_._ ~...2~' 19 459.75 23 918.54 I 9,878.21 I I .! r-- ----- nt ""'n~nlp TRYP ----~r---5.~ '5..8.Q 160 204.20 548 570.00 + 575.057.50 I -.- _no_ .nt Man,"]' Ta___... "",363.- ".9'I+ 13:730.16 __49,195.13 i- 27 ,057.32 I __ . . ~ _ _. __'_.' _.c... nsib>' -'I- ----5.B<<lJ 00 I 1,000. QD 1.QO...00 j 3 ,000.00 I -- .1...._n ,,,,~t Tnta='bl.__. _ .--J.. 90.' . ~ 100 .00. -- - .19,.Jl<L 100.00 - 100.00 r' 0_ -~--._--- f':i gl'rpttp '1;,Y ___~~ll,~.' cIl..16 12 .245~_L_.~..oJ9..QO_'.9~__2QTCOO~~OOO.00 i .. _-t--~-m- r...."ol-lnp ~x ~--~J6~ t~-2L 78 I 52.,00Q~.9.Q..t-->>,.ooo..OCL ! 55,000.00 I I T:lqllnr Enf'o,..('pm r -~--9-,J26--" '5.24! 4.624. 76~.7-.&OQ..QQ...+-.---1-,_OQQ...-'XL1-_.....2JOOO.00_L_.u. -.--- --~-~- _I i '-1---. I I I I Sales Tax ___ 41,568..- 2...9U_~Ul2'-9.6._~. 54_,-6~ .~i _5.4...665~.g<;2__L. __~-'-~?~_'1~~.'_'__._'__ : I I I ! I i Highway MainteIl ---5-.225..' 2..5U__2.....8Ji7..;;0 J____UOO_,1tQ--L-5-.-5'O'O~00_~2.,2Q'O_.00 :------ I ! ! ii' lses, Fees and_l'e _. : 44,048. ''l..25_ri--..l~'l.1~75j~..JJ3~,QOni-n3B..295~QQ-l 39,045.00 I -----. . ,. I :e Court Fines, C FOri'."':" I~~:: >.m 11......J.2~6.,2LQO .___..2:L_ClQ<:l,-O._L.I--53.000.oo! ",00.0,0'.. .i.. ------L-- I I Ii' Court Fines. em; Q:r:fcitlJr_ I ::).72 I 3.850..2~L..._....-L..QOO..QQ~----1...OO0...QOu-i__~~o..~O_L__ I I 'I i i . 'his~ Tax"" ~________.iKL..-,-_ l05,349...il4_.lO~OOQ.OO_+__H6.,QQP--,QO_~_._ __L .------- .ng...Mej;er R~venne 38..'7-5-0.. ==1=- -"..0'0.0"- 1__" ,mD. QO I. ""..00<'-00_ L_'Q, 000.00 !- i Ii! i - AiI1>ort BtU.l9..i-~-~ -..QQ- --~::-t:~---~<liW~--~~ -----9..U____ I . Iii i - AiI1>Ort....GrouruL. LLeaaL__...J______~ ~QQ.~_u___._, ____,()Q_-l-_.__.__~oo_L____n__.()(j_t_---m.um-~--- I I I : t I I ~n<.QI"L.Gr.O\.Uld_ 11&------- ----~ LQQ I .00 I ._~!&J__ __..00 i---- -...9.SJT---.. --.- ~~r_ I --~ ..oo.L----.01Lr .o~__--.OO I .00,________ __1..__.__ I ' ~ ' I ' ..::......Oakda1e....Fark.J31.1 SS----~~---.215. ..2ill)~QCL ~Q ;}OO~~ ~~OQ ,-0..0 -t-- 'ssions - Oakda.le... ~~_ 58 ...l~O__ ___lQQ...QQ.J _lOO....+...1Q.Q..04--- -+ --- ~-=-.Bw~ .lL ____ 208 ,.3llil.J)fL ..NQ..OO I 30~_..1Q..0-,-0..9 i ----r--------- -,-k R"""" _ ___ _ . _ ."0 'X>'<loj 500.00r. . ~~reet De nt_EQ.ID..PJIlent 00 . O~ i -- 1- _~~_LaeneI:$ ~1;1!,it..iI!g._ 4 ~/LQ!! ,.8Q 1 . .l9L1D. ..6nt- 00. I~---- i! I .~21 JXLI .OCLt--~_ffi....;._-_--..B J ..ll.Q2-+--- .00 ,00. ~._...illL.-l OQ ! (: _....ilil I Iii '. ' , _----00 oc ! .o.o.....-1-_~~_----DO+--_-----".Q.o......i.--.__ 00 ro-1-----~-9-~-----'-QQ-t--.ool----- .00 L-------_+ 1,449 lill ~1-l___~1.03 750.00..l.._ _~,SOQ~OQL__~~Q.Cl..~____ -L j , I I , I Ii' , I -L .OQ ...DCLl .00 L . 00 ~_ ____ _____00~~.....QQ _.:....-._ ____ _ _ -- I .' : j i : ' 0Iu.,98<U53 __6.Sj~17 .1~...1l1._D,Q2..9J3Q.o_.46_'nl.056~755.46Ll&8T~6~.z.9_;_ ___ ________ ~'O.927.11 , ' 11.Q88..B>9-,-?LL.J.~Jl.Q.674.00i 1,097,500.00 : Ii; i --------~-------- -~------.-- ~ 1.081'467'''1 ~-~ ' i 1.07<.>".0 0 !_.1.J..Q.~0J.614...()Qjb097.L50o..00_.l______,_______ I I r ' , ! :L.~12.,. 459.75 I ~1&.21 I ' I I Ii! i I n__~ I -t +------ - ! 548,587.551 I --l-----+-5Y8~O"'OO !.n51.5LO~7A() ---- --- - ----- i i ! i ' I ' I -ilO,97::L.lit---- ---1- r--1.Q~'Ll.!!T-lJ...~QLJ.2, -- - - - --- . L-+--------+-- .552,5.41..ltQr__5_86_.558A.5__+ - ---- - - -~.__._- --- _--.---L ~~__l_E_'~~__ .L~~.:.a1 ~ra~i~e; _=--2= !['ax Dollars II!vy Mills 2 Plumber!! , -- irs Q2 11 12 1 Street n .0: .B. Admissions Cut Re ~ooo.oo i 400.00 .00 500.00 11,000.00 Actual ...k.- Months CURRENT YEAR Estimate _ Months Manager's Final I Recom- B"dget mendation Allo.....anc~ Acc't. No. Fund Function Department Submitted By Date ------------------- Account Page 2 Actual Previous Year GENERAL OPERATING CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year-1.96O- !! 4 4 Billboard Advertisin Concrete Construction Electrician Licenses Junk Dealers Junk It;e.1ers 5 neeli and Collectors Auto and Parts ~.- License~ n Licenses oo..oot 600.00 -'- I 500.0~___ J- . Ucens~s, Fees 6!"Mi~!l 6_ __ 225.00 __ .800.00 500.00 ~O.OO_ 500.00 ~37.50 1.500.00 OO--L----_._._O~L _u_,OO ~- I 87 .00 +___..M"'OO_--r--___l1~,QO____ _~Q.i l2Q..Oi.L__+----___~ ,I I I ______~OO+m-__--~OQ-J------..-.Q.!L~---~ .00 i I 001 .Q--+ ~OLj---~OO _.OLr- I __H -555~QO_L_..5_45.00__ ~_ J.WO~(tQ-L---.l,lOO~QQ ,.JDQ~QQ ~ I I " ----7lill.JXL ~(hQ(L,...L..~DQ~illL I lJ500 00 I 1,500.00 I I I I : --, I ___ _....6'>7_"" i 362.50 : 1.000.00--L- Q"" "" 1_800.00 i I H_1 I ! ~ -~-----r- -- -~--- -- _,00 --i. -- -- - .00 -t ------ - __oo_~_ -- --.-Q!l--t I --....lQQ..OCL}---.--'-OO---f.-~-!QQ..-..L--~.. .1.100.00 I.'. -+- H I I I 3 5 ' I :::I_---315-.~-'QQ...-- -----.1J~~ri----3+5---00l 7 .00 : .--~: --15J -~.+- .00 I 175.00 I J.QO...Q~100~- fm- -----+--- 100.00 50....00.J. 50.00 I 100.00 I 100.001~00.g.Q__---L_____L- 210.00 I ::e3Q..QQ..1 20.00 i __250.00___~--.l59~9..Q 200.22___L____J__ It- T! I .. I --- 646.00 -----6.65...QCL.t - _~__i__--~65.00-+ -....1QO.OQ ._6oo.0.2.._J ----+---- ---'?..QQ....QQ--f-' -~-600-00 ~00.00 _.._ ~_____~ 00 -.1-~-.lQQ...QQ 100.00 -f-----. _____ ~Q...QQ lillQ..QQ 400.00 I . . - ___un, 00 _...ClL_J I i 450.00 ~ _450.00 ---P.oo....oo .~Llz...illL It 500.QQ 500.00 500.00 Acc't, No.. Actual Previous Year For the Fiscal 122.2.. Actual ...JLMol1ths CURRENT YEAR Estimate ~Months Manager's Recom- mendation Final Budget Allowance Account Fund Function Department Submitted By Date ------------------- Page GENERAL OPERATING LICENSES, FEES AND PERMITS CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST Year -l96O 10e;A ,oe:o ,.....:" -_._--_._~. --.-_.~~ Acc't. Actual lOC:;O CURRENT YEAR ;C;:;O Current Budget Manager's Final Account Previous Actual Estimate Recom- Budget No. Year -LMonths -B-- Months Total Budget Request mendation Allowance I 7h';l ""'y~ ~..'h T~ ~an"a" he:n ()() , ne: fV\ 205.00 400.00 I. "" "" 400 - 00 <6" .....y~~..;.. 4,n /VI ';I?() ()() 30,00 350.00 ';Ie:n (\(\ 350.00 7.h7 l'l+,.aa+. ' Oh fV\ ';1(\ fV\ 45.00 75.00 7e; ()(l 75.00 <hO C!+,.aa+ ..nA !'\tAnds ()(l ()() .00 .00 /VI .00 ~71 Trailer ""'''''''6 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 ~7~ ",,",.~1r anA - /VI N'I .00 .00 ~(\ ()() 20.00 <7C:; Vpnn",. -. .. an" oe: lV'1 P.IL <;n 15.50 100.00 ?c:; ()() 25.00 Fees ~81 Buildin" '" v end ,~ """" ,,, C:;,07h.OC:; 6.023.05 12,000.00 l' f'\f'\f'\ "" 12,000.00 7.R< '11'...",... .......... n ~ h~ /VI ?? ()() 28,00 50.00 e: (\ (\(\ 50.00 ,01 V,..M a-nn U~ 1.. - 1 .<h< Rn 1 ?O~ p.() 107.20 1.400.00 ' "N'I (\(\ 1 400.00 <0< Oil ann ,.~.. l.1_1' 'I>a_~+" lV'1 .00 ('\() .00 N'I nn 7.0e; l'lPtJ..,. lV'1 ()() n" ('\() fV\ (\(\ ':\07 C!~~ ()(l ()() ('\() nn fV\ ('\() 7.00 nna ' (\':l~ 7e; e:1,'7 fV\ ?"'3 N\ sum (\" s:lN'l nn .,"'" fV\ _u li'VG'C! ANT) 1.1, "J.Q "" ~h 1':17 ~e: 15 844.75 39 982 00 ':ls:l ooe: (\(\ 39 045.00 I I v...., .t. 7 Fund Function Department Submitted By Date ------------------- Page 2 GENERAL OPERATING LICENSES, FEES AND PERMITS CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Y ear ~ ~:;I;lO '::t;;l;:;! .L;:&1V Acc't. I Actual 10C:;O CURRENT YEAR ",..n Current Budget Manager's Final No Account Previous Actual Estimate Budget Request Recom- Budget Year ~Months .ll- Months Total. mendation Allowance - -.. I I . 11 () - a~A n.".,.,+ 'II'..aila "f'\f'\ f'\f'\ 00 500 00 500.00 0;00.00 500.00 ,. _AT ~ "" "" rY'I 5nn an 500 00 e;on.on 500.00 ?()<; ",nil """..~.,.,l. L nn on .00 .00 ()() .00 '207 ~Ae: L, 'l<2.7O 4'7 '11'\ 750 00 7C:;(), 00 750.00 ?11 ." '0" f'\f'\ , Q"" "" , AC" "" 'I "C" "" ., 0"" (\(\ ~L250 .00 '221 nf'1'i "',. '1i'"....... (\(\ 00 nn .00 .00 .00 ??c:; T........J <7<.'l() 601.06 1l01l Od 1 ""n N\ o IVV'I (\(\ ., /\1'\/\ nn ?<'l _ .....__...r "'n~il a 'l7 e;n 147. C:;() ., ,,1'\ l'iO nn 1 (\(\ ()() 1'i000 ::>00 n+l...,. ., PI..""", "'.... , AI,., An .()() ., "N\ "" 3 000 00 < e;()(). 00 3.200.00 ?00_/1 , ,,1' r:; 0L.~ ';IP. 4]0.77 58/\ "3 1 000 00 ' fVV\ "" 750.00 '200_ ~ _......." 1 4 """" "" .00 .00 .00 ()() .00 ?CO_" . "" fV\ .00 .00 fV\ .00 ~oo_n' I.. 1'1..1-1..1' A......", v_+_ e: t"\h'7 e:(\ nn 8,500.00 8,500.00 p. e;on.oo 8,500.00 'l'M'AT . 'l' 7hO aP. ., .,0' "., 14,758.97 18,150.00 1 0 1 fV\ rY'I 18,600.00 c:mIIIT1TlY a<e; nn_.. Q.,,, I.." e:(\(\ fV\ .00 500.00 fV\ 500.00 _6T. ."." nn" I., ., An' n., 15 258 97 19 150 00 ' 0 ~rY'I /VI 19 600.00 :MA.......... .. . 8 ------------------- Fund Function_ Department_ Submitted By:_ Date Page 1 GENERAL OPERAfiNG MAYOR AND COMMISSIONERS CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year-.l96O- l~tv .9.. --_.-+-~- --- 110 ~!S-..---Of.: ,,,, ",,<1 Dep:Lllea~____5~1~__l.S;lQ..OO. 1..2.80.00 5.970.00 --2J220.OQ 120 ~ '~,mil W"g"" _ 'RpgJll"rFmployeCELI_._l.l.1Q..1 _ . _..620~DQ~ 1~40.00 ._~60.00 1,800.00 130 ~ '5 ~"n IJ"gP" _..1'ar.tTjmp ""ploy.ees -- --~......oo--t--.. . _ __.l50.00 350.00 100.00 ~ n+"'pr l>rnf'''RRin""l S"r:d..cea.____ ._____. ..00___.__ _~Q _u. .00_ .00 350.00 =" - :_~-+2,JiliL.00- -'-c570.00__8,l8O.00 8.270.00 -. --_._~~- --------------- f"!ON'l'RAI'!1'fTAT Rl<'RVICES.;___._. ---- .- ----.- Antnmnbilp TTRP Al1nw""ce______ _____300~~___ ..l25-~OO--r _ 175.1~~~Q~ --3QQ.00 ..!J:e1pt;)bo"", eDn T€'J€'graph-.----.---- _ _-591.32.I__~.25L_36__l-n-42h.Q.:L.._-.- -..150..00 i .-.15Q..Q.Q. ~ " ,_MO _ __ ~51.75 _ __ _'9.,,-1___"'.67 __ --,-oo""'--j":.<><L _ ----.22.. 09 _______~ .__.2.5....fl~ __.2.5.~OO__ 2 . OQ-- -<l!ficU'=ms _ __ ___ t __--"Q.9 - - -3.>0- ~- 9",-5<l_t-LOO' 0-'>- --- n "'0.""--. -'illl.OO Snrety Bor>ns____ + - ___2 ---- -.-""OO-1~OD.........-- ..2.5..illl..-+-~.25.-.QI:J==o.......- So('i"J RP"nrity _____ __ 82.Jill....T - _-'8.: ~_ 51.04 l--""l.OO J.OQ,J). LOO.OO -- Ire ""n Of'f'iN' F.quipment ,00 _____ __ ~Q..QlL_ 22Q.L~_ __2<;0.QQ.._ 250 00___ ---- -- --- - --- --- ~- ~--- -- - -----1----.-- -~- --=-_-=- _ C~. 4a2~~=-T-:-J&7~85-~.~-~:65D~~~L--l>-~Q'-<XL ~~~~.oo- .2Ol ~ -2!rl- -209- -22l. ~ ~ ..2S2. 'I'IVI' AT. -II "D, -~ 8 ~ 1 300.00 ~ 1.Q..Q..flQ....... 25.00 130.00 970.00 860.00 300.00 .00 - ----t--- Page 1 ------------------- Fund Function Department Submitted By Date ~ Acc't. No. Account ------ --- ---------- -J958------ --Act;;'~1 ~-.- 19'59 fURRENT YEAR Previous --A-ctual Estimate Yearn__4__M"Dtl1"-. jl__~nths -------------- Manager's Recom- mendation ~ Total' ~ Current Budget ~ Budget Request Final Budget Allowance GENERAL OPERATING CITY MANAGER CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year ~ ~ TUREL-.. ----I i 9~+___3...3S8 _ 70 1.fr..980,OO 1l...Q1Q., QQ 10.930.00 City Manall:er 10 .!!QTAL 162 . 48 4.QC:; 595,05 -==----F.=-- 600.00 __QQQ...QQ 600 00 C4PITAj OTITL/IY' :i::i::e and :. S 1 :rice Mec~ic~l Eauipment ~ ~4..S5 245.il2.__ 1<;<;. 5~_-_~00-i'-- 350.00 _~~O.O<L . __25Q....QQ+--~50.00 350.00 I "1'50.00 350.00 :=1 :::: 1+1 nn T)nlClJ:[ ..86-Bs. 53...35. ------.2.6~6_~ _ _150_.00 lC:;O.()O 150.00 '-J-=- - 2118 '25.1 191.75 . _ 1_ __400.00 T- 320 .33.1 TOTAL ..AIm. Office SUpplies ~oke and Perio(iica1s 268.67 108~ ~ 139.75 ._~Q.,2Q+-___ 141'\ . ()() I 52.00 200.00 200.00 .l@..QQ 200.00 200.00 400.00 200.00 200.00 Page ------------------- Fund Function Department Submitted By Date _ Acc't. No. _._____l258_ -- Actual 1959 Previous I, Actual ~ear __ ~MonQ1s CURRENT YEAR -Estimate ~ Montg,- 1252. Current Budget 1960 Budget Request Manager's Recom- mendation Final Budget Allowance Account ..l95.q Total 2 GENERAl. OPERATING CITY MANAGER CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year ..1.96.0-- t:1tv C1~rk 11 .203. ..205- .2SrL ..2OR 221 222 225 m.. 236 252 m. .mrAL "" Printin~ Office Forms Printin~ Election Supplies Le~1 Advertisin~ Insurance - Surety Bonds Insurance - Social Security Re-pair - Furniture and Office Equip, other Contractual ServJces ,1 i, and. ,nil ,.8C:;C:;.,1 ~1:=+=O~ .00 --00 _~__~~_OO. ~. 150.00--L___~1.?.o--,-( ...00. ~0.00 413.90 339 70 550.( 550.00 55.70 100.( ..oo..-r~ 100.00 i- ~....~oo.o .00+--500.00 ~~_9A...~~---r--~1.,AQQ_&~1 .... .001 1.400.00 L-- .00 ~ 30.3.~_~<L...~T-5-Q9.00 I 50~~__ ~-'.OO '.....lQQ.....QG_lillLOO ._:!-OO.OO '-___~.100.00 I _ 230.00 250.00 400.00 250.00 I t Jt.~+--~ 406 24 550"&Q O.OQ 650.00~_ _._._ ~ ~ 197.80_ 350.00 350.00 8Q...84 ...6o....J.2.. ...J.'t~~..a.+_,1.00.00 I 100..00. 100.00 2.282.06 lnn nn C:;.OOO.OO 4. 65Q...Q0 .llQ .l2Q. J3Q.. 140 ..l1Q.. ill... ~ ...1'QTAL Accountin~ and Auditin~ Services Judges and C1erks - Cit~ Rlp~tin Judges and Clerks - County & State F.lec ~he1" Prof' " Services "lh,l C:;h ,20 l.,...600.00E -------00 . 404 30 1 .~~ 10.078 56 --..00.. 119.4~ <;.00 .:: t..,' and Wllges Sll.lAries and Wa~es -- ~e.e.ds... R"glllllr F,mn' Part Time 8) 500.OQ. .l5 ,405 00 49.00 ? ,200 00 ._4~.o.. c:; C:;?O 00 ..1Q 860 00 ,00 250.00 000.00 901.47 ~ 195.00 2 1 250.00 2,000.00 ~OOO.OO ~ 200.00 ",..QQ.OOO ~~I \(\ ..8,860.00 15,240.00 500.00 2.000.00 4 J 000 00 00 1 N'I(\ /V\ 830.00 6,600.00 .ll~ 350.00 2,000.00 .00 11.000.00 500.00 36 Page 1 ------------------- Fund Function Department Submitted By Date ~ Acc't. No, Qa'l ,T. .J.95B. Actual Previous Year -----~--- 1252... CURRENT YEAR ...l959 Actual Estimate ~Months ~Months Total -_._---" ~ Current Budget ~ Budget Request Manager's I Recom- J menda~~~ -I I I 1 -t I Final Budget AlIo',vance Account GENERAL OPERATING CITY CLERK CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year ....196.0- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Fund_ - - - CITY OF SALINA Function _ - - - GENERAL OPERATING Department - - - CITY CLERK BUDGET REQUEST Submitted By - - - Date _ - - _ Page ? For the Fiscal Year ~ 1959 19hO CO"lSOL ....L'...... - = - - - - Acc't. Actual 1 CURRENT YEAR Current Budget Manager's Final Account Previous Actual Estimate Total Budget Request Recom- Budget No. Year -1L-Months ~ Months mendation Allowance - = - - J l'F.RTAT.<l ANn RITPPT.TRS' - ~ Office Suppl~s 1 250 00 2.000.00 -33L- 1=\nnlo:l. ann 'P.-r; nn of ,...1 ~ ~__ 0 300.00 ~O.oo -----331- R1.."ti nn RnpI'l; .." 2,500.0Q 2,000.00 --359- other Operating Supplies ._~--- 750.00 330.00 - - - - TarAT. - 4,800.00 .A.~ - - - SUNDRY F.XPF.NDTTUR' -lli- Organization Dues 4'1 32..36__ ._~.o 450.00 ~~ - ~ Refunds 25.00 .00 .00 - __-ll<l..OO__ - -~ --- - - TOTAL 175 00 _~6.L ~__432...3.b ::j 450 00 -45!l...Q{L - - - CAPITAL OUTIAY: I - - --5-09.- Furnitur.. and Fix 47 45 100 00 100.00 r 100 00 _100.00 I --- - -511- _~ Mechanical 155 00 350.00 350.00 350 "" I 350.00 - - - ~ ..l':OTAL 202.45 _'l~Q.~ __450.00 _~~~O.OO ---------.-- - ~-L~ - ---- - ..TQTAL 45. ~OL.6s. 12.Q4q 2<; ZU~ 37.305.00 Ji.Z.3QQ...QQ 47.010.00 - - - City Clerk 12 .l,lQ. .JlUa - Officials and Dent. Heads ..120-1 Salaries - R..gnla1" Emp1Qyee 2 - cia1 q, 'I'O'I'A L ??5 00 I I --t I I I lLAn.88. ' n..5Q. -163..88 4 200.00 .'ldOO..QQ 3,600.00 r I 1 .00 600.00 300.00 8.477 200 _ 00 .QOO.OO 9...100 9..6.00.00 ~7'i..3.8 ...00 00 ~~_ -zoo..oo. .2QJ4QQ. - - ~- - - 50 7~"'~ 200.00 i 200....1200.00 i I i --1_ - J · , I' I I ' ,I .00 I 00 .00 I 00 I .00 I I 1 I ! i 1 I ! : ! :. t I - ~ ' ~- =T --i i ! .{- i i! I I _ I -----+~----__t.-----~____ .L : ' I ! ' ! 3..250rO' 6 049 1-~9.300.00 -+-9,.56o.~QQ i 9,800.00 . --;- I t=' : I I I,! I .. , ---i---! ~T ", L-----+---1' -I I i I I , r I I l i I I ' , --r----- -I ' T . i I I I I ---r-~-- . T I , I - -t --+--~-----I- -.l __bi-tLA-t.tond ....QQ. ..200.00 13 ~ Actual Previous Year ~ CURRENT YEAR ..1959- .JL. Actual Estimate r Total Months -8-- Months _ - .l95.9. Current Budget 1960 Budget Request Manager's Recom. mendation Final Budget Allowance Page 1 Account ------- GENERAL OPERA'l'ING CITY A'l"rORNEY Fund Function Department Submitted By: Date _ Acc't. No CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year ~ ------------ CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST Page ~ For the Fiscal Year ~ _ ___ --------1958-- ____ ~____~Sl5.9.~m__J..96Q~______m -- =fActual~ 1959 CURRENT YEAR~-__1959 --~--~u~'r:;t -----r--B-;:,dget -T~nage"'s I Account PrevIOus Actual 1 EstlmEtt,~ 1 !.! Rpcom- ;et . - - y '"C. ~ .. 1_"~~cMOO'h' L lLoMOOO,,-! ~ T."'''. c. I ~B~'~ .r~ ~ ~ R~",,:,,-.~ I.~m..o.'",wo ~ ',eo - =____u_ I :---r--- 1- i-~----- fi c:! als and....D~;pj;-'- H5ill.<LSuj__:l2+775.' 99-1.-- .4_,3QQ~ ()r,L~J..~OO_t-__12...9_0.Q..Q.O_+. ._.l?->.9QQ. 00 -j,---n...9.QQ.illLt-_- _ __._. . .__ I I I' I Salaries - Part Time Employees _______ ____1,36L62.+-.. -273-,W-t.--927~OO---t--l,2..QO 00 I . -.L.200-,-OQ+.__1.,500.00 : m_.____._~ --- I I - I - I Other Professiona:LServices ____ ___ .00+--___~~__2.Q(t.J1Q__J.___._.2illJ.QQ.._+ 500,.129____ 500.00 ! ____ I i I ! I I I ------- - - - -===---==-~==t=--==--=--=--==-~-l-~ -~ = -= =---1-- -~ - - .. - ~t___:=--===----===--~--- ---------==i:::.:::=:--~=_+-- ----- TOTAL I ...l4,139~62 r' - -h...5-7-3-.QQ-t-_9.727~OO__~_H.3-QQ..oo.+__lb...6QQ.ooL..u.~_____ - -+ i I I t I r I -r .---- i I I - CONTRACTUAL SERVICES: 1 - - - - ~- _ -.--,-- - . - i --'1--- - -+------ I I -, I AutQ\l!Qbile Use Allowa.nce.___ ....Th..4.Jrr.~__235....25_L---26A.75--.~- n1....000.00__+_ _._QQ.~---4QQ.Q~OQ. , _ ! i I ! ; i an~elegraRh___ 21 . 40t-----7~.91 -. _ ._ ..J.75~D3_1250.00_-L _____f;5Q~QU. _..25i)~oo_1.. ---- _ ~, I 6 I ! , - -pense ~.OO I _._~QO_-+--_____.nQ__I_ _ .QO_i. ____J....QQQ,QQ~ _._~OQn~_ ___n____ -_ Ii; _____=+ ____26..67.1___ __ _ ,OO_L ____2.5.00 .+__ ____25..00.___ 25~OQ+_____.25~QQ.__ __ ____n__ I ': : I ~O.I:llls__________ ----398..lir' - 337..95 262..JlL. i 600.00. ._ __ .__4QQ.OO~_____4.511~Q<L.--'-_ _______ !, ;., Surety Bomis ' __~QQ-j'_ ltti.25.i--- __28~7.5........ '___ _n __75.0.0. _ . .n__75-~O~_..__.15..Q.O__:__m'_d_~ _ Iii I . i. ! I I I ' Social secur..i.tY__=~' 277 ..6.1.+--___J35...79_+.-___2.l1~ll.._.L, __.-.3.QQ..Q.O._____ _._3.0.0.00.;... mn____u300J<)Q_.~-~~_ I, , --~- -- --==-.- J -- ==:::.~=:.L__==--_==: .. _=;.::=.:::.::..:::.-.::::_=-==.=_.::_m~- -.-.-----1---.-.=-.=_=._ __:.::...::c,;::'.- cc.=:c:c.=.:=.c___ - - ; I - ---T- 1,749. I --780-2l1.469.~9]:~'Q~O .~2.050.00 ~_a.lOo,oo-- ------ li'i I ,! ._ _ . ! _ _ _ _ _ I _ _ ___ _ ,_ 1__ __ _ ' I 1-..-----.-------:----m- --;-- -. ------r--- ---.. n --. --- I Ii! ; - 3()() 00 , f1() "6 I -, -, ; 5 ~i~ ;c,;w~--1-------"""y.;2"'" _l. ---.. _4Q.1lA.__'-.. _._...;;o.~--+. - - 150...0.0+__......1;_0..00 i Ii: : --L_J3.6...B.Q11---2.9..s0.; __4.5.50.. l_nnu_I5....QD_-+--__._ --15..00.; _.7.~.oQ_. l.______ .____ I I I' ~+~-~6rl~;6.1-~~~T~-'~~:T-=~~:~~~:=!-~-= -= ~= r-: ! ---------+- _._____~J.--- ..- -r-- ---. --1-------T---- T ! I I .-- -- ---- - ----_._- -~--------- ...t--------~- -- ~----.r--.---...---..._- _._.._n..____--+-__.________~_ - I ! ==-.__=~.=====Lc=-_=_'=_-=-c==._l==,=_~~==-'=c==-=~=_=~=__L.c:b~~o=-L 201 Acc't. No. 4 Fund Function Department Submitted By Date ------ GENERAL OPERATrnG CITY COURT ------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Fund_ - - - CITY OF SALINA Function _ - - _ GENERAL OPERATING Department _ - - - CITY COURT BUDGET REQUEST Submitted By - - - For the Fiscal Year ~ Date _ - _ Page ~ 1958 1959 1960 CO"SOLll 'L'.... = - - :: - - - - Manager's Actual 1959 CURRENT YEAR 1 Current Budget Final Acc't. Account Previous - Actual Estimate - Recom. Budget No. Year ....!!:_Months ~ Months Total Budget Request mendation Allowance - = - - - :: - - T'I'A T OTITU v' - - .5Q9. Furni ture and Fi xt --JJQ-40- 00 - - -~~-- - TOTAL EXPENDITURES ..l6.. 72~R? <;.492.07 1h R7C; - - - 1= - - - f ---r- =t-+ - --1-- -+= - l=t - I , - I I - ==1 - - - - - I I I - I -- - - (~cc( City ~~. 15 ,~~Q 100; 10hn Acc't. Actual lq<;q CURRENT YEAR lO<;O Current Budget Manager's Final No. Account Previous Actual Estimate Budget Request Recom. Budget Year -1L-Months ~Mon1:hs Total. mendation Allowance 110 Qft'e_<_~ _ "".N_<..l~ ..nn n.._-+- tr_e"~ ., ~o~ ~~ 920.00 1 840 00 2 760.00 ., hI,,, "" ~.760 00 lAn T_~' "" 2.00 on ? on "'" on 10<; n+n..... . , "" .00 100.00 100 _ 00 , "n "" 15n on u -- "'<1'I'.I1T. ., "An "" O?? nn , n At, "" ? 51"'? on ... '7~~ "'" ... n,,, n" ?m 1.0 Lh .00 75.00 75 00 '7 " "" 75 00 ??1 ""-P< __ ",_. nn .00 .00 nn nn on .,,,,, _ <>".....+~ .,,~n.. a " ~~ <;.00 .m 5 00 """ "on ?::rh _ Q^^<e' o;A ()F\ 17 ?A "7 7? 7" nn '7" "'" 7" nn ""'">AT " ? o;lJ. ?? ?A 132.72 155 00 1 "0; fV'\ 155.00 'I'OII'A T, EXPENDT'T'lfRF.S 2 602.<;4 044 28 2 072.72 3.017.00 ? 040; 00 3 065.00 l>nl",... Court 16 Fund Function Department Submitted By Date ------------------- Page GENERAL OPERATING POLICE COURT CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year -l96O- Fund Function Department Submitted By Date _ - - = Acc't. No. - = - .J 120 , -' .l3Q. ..Bal 195.. ~ - ....m.rAL .2Q2 ~ .236- ~ 2!i2. .2ll ~ ~ ~ 'l'OTAL ~ _ ~n~iA.l ~I Gas Servi ce T1 ght Ann pnv..,. S'!!I"V 1a1:.fI!'r ~,..-vi ('fa R~ir - Building R.enair - Furniture & Office and Towel Service CONTRACTUAL SERVICES TeleDhone and Tele2ranh Ruildinll ~"'"'" "'"W." ... .j. 4~~4- '". .5.!:ll. 4.0.~~..Q.80._Q9___.. .---.1..6_~Q...9.L-:t-.-----43BO-OO. 1..~20.00 - Po Ti, ."" ~__ 179 h? I~_ _ ___~OQ..L-~_25Q.QQ__ ____~_,s:Q...Q.~ _ ?50 OQ ~..9..!.Q\L ___~.oo _._. ____..lL.55...1 _32.~ 50 00 150 00 100.00 _..._~.. ----.-- .",..=~t:,c,.... ~ ,~~ ~,. .---.l..557....55 'fm_:i...:lit4..L4~ _-1~22i)~Q.Q_ ___.....!t.J.8o. 4 970 00 I ____.___ .._.m___ .I. _.m.______ : I -- - ----t---- -- - --- ------- -~;_t-I .~~.. ----'------ -----r--- ---- I _____...00 t------ .0_0 1--- - ,,90____ 00 I .00 .----- --.l,..566..35-j _m ~QQ~_...h.OOO.OO I 2.000.00 -~o.oo.l- 2.00Q.O.Q___+--_ ---.-- _____~O.BO-~n ___2B..92+-__1LQ8_~--.lllO~ .-1.--100-.00 t - _100 .oo.J--J ___.l,.h~"'05.1.953J2_t---u5A6.2L ..L1.5.00~QL I 1,500.00 I 1, 5.0Q...QG...-t 1_. .----.--1' I i I i :\.40.53. I 359 . 41-L-_~.oG....._J___5_00..oj__::...oo i---- __73....95.~ 226 .05-il----3ilil--.LlliL-L---3.QQ, OO-r~QQ,~ __m~_l i I I ' ! u_ __62..99 I 1, B7_D.L._..l.2OQ_QO I :L,SQP,QO_! ---1~5QO 00 I --l 'L t I I E(tui."Q!!I~nt ___~.QQ___ ___ __ 239...2lt._~ 260.7L S.OO.illL + ....EOO.OQ ~__2.Q9_~___ ____~ + ~ ' , I I ......1.LQ5 ___88...9 I 100.00 I lOO-'-QO-L--lQQ..QQ--l----------t -! ... . .~:-_nnt___~ J -:--r-. ~+---- .__~.D3... L5J.~~oJ-WJ~9..6iL+_~O-O.0:r=~~2QQ.OQr -- 6-'4~~~0~ ~~~-' -~t-= ------+---L I R. ill 17 Page Account ------------------- .1 GENERAL OPERATING CITY HALL BUILDING ~- Actual Previous Year ~ CURRENT YEAR ~ Actual ~ Estimate _~ Mo~~_ ~_ M,Qnths. ___~_.2otal . ~-- ~-----_._,-----~- ~ Current Budget 1960 Budget Request Manager's Recom. mendation Final Budget Allow&nce -- CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year-l96.O- Manager's Recom. mendation l8 Account GENERAL OPERATING CITY HALL BUILDnm Page 2 ------------------- Actual Previous Year CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year -l96O- CO"$Ol..lD...TIED-S",I..',,'" - Final Budget Allowance JI'.cm6.I. ..1 774 <;1 ...965..m. 1.549..93 2.515 00 2 J!5Q 00 2.515.00 I City lq ,2Ql ~ ~ ...232- ..233- ..236- .252- ~ .2Sk- ..2S.S. .Bepa.1r. ~ 1lenrd 1'1. "" ., - .. ~ _ 110+:'10'" 1}ttj. ..lI.Il.e.. ~ ..XA Ma+...... Y. ~.1Il ~lrl.Ll F, Ann Of'1'i,.. Ann F.Q111pml Ti "'"I>>1=:: An~ l1't"lu:a'A ldJ ., 'PT Ann l'Il. .00.. 1lO. ~ -DO. ~ -BlL.oo. ---3--ClO- .ll8$ ..l...OO. .180...00.. ~ ~ 7~ ?ho 00 ...9...9Q .63.JQ. 12.50 202.86 68.42 ~ QLJ3 .5.....15. -+5--00 ~ ~QQ 386..J~ 28.60 64 50 ~ ~ ~oo.. ll8...8'L ~ 413.83 46.40 50.00 ..ilJQ. 125.00 ~ .2.LOO 3..Q 2 .200 . 00 ~....oo. ~ ~ 75.00 50.00 -.2..-h.OO.. 100.00 ~ _..900 .00 ...J.OO....QQ. ~ .2O.<hOO. .l.OO....OO. ..J.OO..OO ~ -200.-00 ..J1:lCLOO. ~ .1.O<l..QQ. 25.00 !OO.OO 15.00 600 .00 100.00 75.00 75.00 50.00 200.00 ~ ~ 800.00 ..'l.'O'UL 28.3.02......TI. n,OO'1 he; 27. 99.Q..55 ~O~QO <<.780.00 4il.700 . 00 .J..lQ. .J..2/l. .130. ..l95. _ Of'~; ,,-I al" Rnn TlPnt Hpads.. _ RPgll1 Rr RJ ~lR~1~s.~~ ..othe.t:. ' 1 ~ Sa.1 ., h,150 00 ?>','5>' 37 00 00 2,200 00 A.7~5.. 6~ 00 4,400.00 23.150.55 440.00 00 6.600.00 31.900.00 500.00 00 6,300 0 25,980 00 500.00 , . 000 _ ()() 6,600.00 33,600.00 500.00 Page 1 ------------------- Fund Function Department Submitted By Date _ Acc't. No. ~ Actual Previous Year Account GENERAL OPERATING CITY ENGINEER CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year ~ 1222... CURRENT YEAR 1. Actual Estimate ~Months _Months ..l25.2. Total ..l959- Current Budget .J.96o. Budget Request Manager's Recom. mendation Final Budget Allowance lies lU:1 >LJl =1 Motor Vehicles Motor Vehicle 1 1 Imnber and W and ---3IL Motor Motor Vehicle ------------------- Fund Function_ Department _ Submitted By' Date _ Acc't. No. CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year -19.fuL. .1 _________~____. ______.1 1960 Actual 1359 fUR-@FT.Y:E.4.R----~1959~curren.;--.-I--BUdget Manager'~ Final PrevIous Actual Estllnate Recom- Budget Y ear ~JL MOf!tl1~,~ ~L Months _ Total . Budget .' Request .:::'~rl.cl".:~.:m._ Allo'1;ance 168.021 765 _ _~_ 173.41-~ ,SO o~ 250 00 _ ____ I _.--.84.891 .28 ~ 50.00 j :0.00 50 00 d.n&...s1JllI1l.Le~_ 259.991 57 hh I 2'2 ..---.3..5..a....oo... 4 0.00 _ ..nse Ta.~--T _2L -JO-OO -~~ .00 I 10'~1 ': ~- 30.00 ..u,"'-____,IJ!l~., __ _ _ _ BLw j----.l,.-"'-~OO.OO ._~QO.J loo.~ ent Parts _ -----~l:.~~ n _1.50.1 __ _...-.1.1...20 I 75.00 I -'I5-,QQ~ 75.QQ..._' _52.111_~ 1J' I -~,...661'oo.oo--.L--~4- ).641 _ ----l7~lt6 L___ _ 182.5..L... __2_00.l!!.L. I 200.00 , 200.00 I ~J- 4';" ~.I-=~~ "rf=4~~~~b~L "4;0~~-+_=i- I I I i ! I! j--: - l=--===--.I . l_~_ --- -.=I I L I I I I 2 ! _......iliW--_~4QCL.. _-2.5...iliL-i_~5...QQ.. -.2.5~O.Q_1 ' I Iii I -r t------ I ----+- 1 T-----. I~- ~ _t_ I __..00.. I -----5QQ..O~'OQ.illL-j'----5lliL QQ ....5.QQL~r- m------r .-----oo.t----~Q{Ll----~O(Lt_--~oo ._~iL!_____. ,._1.... ------i-----.-=--ul-----.--1--_n--.--- ==--== -, --=----~- ~QQ...l, .~00.Q9_____._2Q.Q.~_500"OC 500.00 ~ : I I - -i --------, ,I I I -I I : === ==C-Cl------------- ---- -- -=1= --l . I 31.071.97 43.470.00 ~~~ 170.00 I I I ---,CHx..J;l:l.&!neer Dues Tires 'quip and Tubes 20 Page Account 2 GENERAL OPERATING CITY ENGINEER I _L__l,13aJt5_L__..152.90_ 647.10 i i . _~-599~~_m_ 202,20_____ -497,89 I ! · __-f-.__.___26.4.Jt5_t---J9.,45-_, _~_._ 3.20 ~2 L~_u ! i . i oo_.-6~25-+_ ___34 ;j.7~L ! : & Office Equipment _69~24 i-- ___--1Q.3Q-L.___~4.79 .;___.._ J_?5_.Q,Q._1--_ .l25~OO..L___ i I I .-lQQ..2L__~QO_t--_--150.QO l____15Q~QQ_L___. 15o~QOl I : " i ! : i ! __------JQ.J8.+-_______00 -1'-- -. .H5~OO --, u 125.00._~_ ----l25 ..00'. i ( 1 I ' If! , -----..oo-t--5U.OO ._L~_..._50.QO ..1__. ------50..00;--- i I I I ----======::----=.::....---==~--=====---=::::..:::::..-_._---'--~---~------ s, 'I':l res..&-Tuhes. ,5Q.O~LJ. __~ LE'i~~__ _21_ t udoet I Manage;'s i Final b I Reom- . Budget t equest t' mend8.tion i. Allo';..'ance ____~_ ____________._____--4.--------~___.~ ---------------------...--~ I i- _ _ .___ ...n..~-~~~ 4.400.00 6.600. OL Xl.JX ~OQ....()Q-L------. ~_~~_ , I I ; tplo.y.ee~ l'1:J~~- .....6~+989-.4 .....l3~il...?_~ ...J..2.L.ooO.OO :2....Q{ .QQQ&O_I ! .r 3M -- I --5..00 i -~-- -- _........J.<h.QL no I .00 ! 1- " m_m "" ~~~~l-...~oo_,oo. ~~ I i _-----1 184,086.60 I ~6:ws'L",J 13',.,....."~: .'~OMW...OO n ~.OO, 209,600.00 r~ ! I I I I '. --+----+------l -I! - . .--+-- , I I I!' I I " .600. QQ I _250..00. c~so. ",,1- -~:OO. 0"- "'.00 I 600.00 i Iii : I ~_ 1.049.15 i363_,28_L___9_7.Q.n_L-.....!......0~0.!()Q..- 'O.OO! 1,100.00 I i i Ii: _2l.8..56...J......._~_85.61tl191-'~L:____~59_..9_Q._ LO~ t 250.00' I I I I i I: I i I _~.lQl_. .. .__.~___..5.Q...9.Q_L__~QO_ 15..J)Ql.__u_~oo _L_~~_ =.j L' ! i ! i ____ _.___........QQ ,.__~OO_:_---35.QQuL _:l5..iliL_ l5~.o.<4--.__~~'OO +-__ , I ' .00 ! .______LQQ_L_____.QQ...[ __--'-QQ__ )Q,O_O 1.0.9_.. , ' I! " Ipreh:-nsiV; __..00+_ m_ul.}O.J7_- 21.4 LO.J_ . .l4,5.Q(L.-t_____~_3!t5-..0QL_.}15.00____ ..1'L. and PD I ~32CL.l2L_--297.30 72. 30..__, ~.7Q ._00 -;- -3.10_.DO~_3 70.g0__ _J98.23L--59~6_6._~_ _11QL~1_~_ ]Q9...9.9 0_ ~OQ_,Q<L 1,400.0.0 709,9.0 l,ltOO -750 400.00_ _ _ 412 00 , __~~......Q~______350..DQL 00 1,409..o()_,. 700..00 TOTAL - CON'rRACTUAL SERVICES 201 Automobile Use Allowance 20 and Telel1:ranh ;pense 2 22l ice Fo:I'1 lJl,surance Bttild1n 6 00 -----~_._-- ---~-----_._---- I --- ->---------- CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year-1.96O- 19'59 CURRENT YEAR Actual 8 Estimate 4 A1onth~. __ Months Acc't. No. .l Actual Previous Year ..192 Total Account Fund Function Department Submitted By Date - - - rage 1 - - GENERAL OPERATING FIRE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - For the Fiscal Year---1..96.a ...J:~ --.----~-- Actual 1 CURRENT YEAR Account Prevlous Actual Estimate - ,. Year ..LMonths .-.13....... Months [otal ::""'~~~.~'~___.. ==~~J ~~~~ _'9.9:~= 59~OO _ 9.00 :an:t-'Luu__... ----._fua5J..____2.J7.00. &Q.8.0Q._ 825.00 82'5.00 :mrel....s.eryi~_u__m.._ mL_m_246.5B.1_.u-----.a9~ll :t3~1'..1__- -:~.OO -- m...oo 225.00 ..-.-.~_---tl ....-...--.1-. uum.. ..---- --"--. _. I -.-----rl~u= ,.-~~~i~- ~,,,:~~4.c":::2 -f"m...oo ~~ L359.09 MATERIALS AND SUP~~_______._._....-~ ---~~-~--t:::m-=--=--I___.._____ ~_u~~= __ __~ Expendable TOOIS.~___t g9L32]___ _ 96.10J__2.Ql.90u _ [_)QO.0<2... ._ _, ____30Q...QQ 300.00 Iii I I I Office~pplies__._._____. . -ZQz.Dli- _._:t.l;B..J.lJ _ 151_.ZSl j__......l...OQ....OO --.J.---2QQLQ01--.25Q.9.9__--L_~_u-L._ I I I [ , I Books and Pe:r1-.oo.;lcal1>___ _ u - -- - j_ ___ __1l5..2c..t-_u__ -.2.l...LOOL1 6~.O 0 _ ....__9..Q.~Q.O '.' : .. .--90~oo...L__.1,Q..o-,.0. ~TI u___..__+__ I 'I I . , . I 1 I I I -:i ::::~::::n:::~~~s-==~~=__I__~_l~:~:I_ l~;::I_:::::~=L:~:~. -L :::";t ::~:: ~i __ .. ..i___ 1 I ' I i 4 Motor Vehicles - Fuel & lllbr. Etc. -3.03 J;o _. _ -..-39.61f--9.6Q...~__ __ 70.9.. OQ.__L_--100...0o_~CL.9~~, ___ ___ : I I I I I . . :':::::.: Trm--== ---==~=.... . ,,:::J ~_=::J::::~:~=~+5,::::_1_;.:.:t~:::- _i=n~-=:t-- - other Operating Stll>.2-U~s.___.___ _ __765...10.1. __..J25-.1G ~__371~~1. -l--~QO-,Q9u--t--55'O...Qo-1-_500.~Q..._-+ _'_u_ ._.__~_____ Electri~LLi.gbtiugYar:t.s._.___.~+_ - 3~lOl u_ -90, 68-t _~Q9,~?~_J_..10Q..00 _+__325-_~_]QO.o.o -r'- __~-.-~-_ ""'..n'-'7_'""_....'_n'. 1'<>r',,__ _~+_~.--392.20 I- .__77.41 I -. "'A3 -+.-'75 ,Q9 -I - ..215.. 00 I 475. OQ._ _.~_H _H ._~~. ~__ Motor Vehicles.~.tls___u__._. d '-'T - -u755L05-tn---~78.28.~---.5;2J.J.2u---tu .IOQ,90__-+~_8QQ...OQLu 700 -'.QQ--l--_ _. ..~_____._ ".'n'-~<hid."_~ Tim'od--'L~_ :_--"2a.sBJn--">:"<1! "'""" . _ 4>9~OO _I-m 'SO.: I = 450.00_: - - ~- - - ~ i:r.e Acc't. No. .2 2 'l'QTAL --.-00 8 40 50.00 . 825.00 22 .--.-....------ I i ----+-- .~ I I [. ._- 1 - ! Manag'er's ~~ Recom. Budget mendation Allowance -=r=..-.-= I i I i ,----.-. Fund Function _ Department _ Submitted By Date - - - Page----2._ - - GENERAL OPERATING FIRE - - - CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST - - - - - - - - - - - For the Fiscal Year -.-l96cL -.----------------..J95 Q Acc't. Actu, CURRENT YEAR 12: ld unt PrevlO EstImate No. i Yem 8.. Ivlonths Total 'qu ~ --_._--,,-,----_._~ -- . --~~-1 l':!lIAliLAllD~UPPLIES COnL~_ "5~ ;,t ~ --~+ .323 i Welding Supplies_._ _ _ __..______._ .__~ __ ------1l35.. . 2 __. H1~ 48.__L_ _ 4oo.00_L 400.00 I I t- I I 3'9 f~TOrrating ,"pp~~ ~ .~ __l~44\. _~~21~u-jg6,'J~~~6~.OO-i~~ 6~.OO I TOTAL ___-t--ll.787.27I .4,~r -6'1411.-.T6" __1!.,06,s.o:=i=t_ 1 11,925.00_.,.. I I I I ' I strnDRY ==uEESc____ -r~ _1 t~= ~ ~-- I _ ~ -: - ~ ~ ~~ Ii, I I 415 Or~ization DueL_ I 6.51 um-5-'.Q9-j--_--25.00__t-___ 30.00 i ~_Q..OO : - -I I ---.--+------.1- I I I -- ---- '1 lit-- I i --,--- --------_---.m--r-H- : I CAPITAL OUTlAY.:._ j- -----t- ! I -------L I I I I .,,,1, ~, I I : 507 i Fire Fig}1ting..Equ4: ,..);t"L.5o-L m.J.93...39.l__2Q.6..61_~_4.QQ.ilQ I ________ ___:_ I J. ! : I , I ! ' __~ture and Fix:tll _-381...85-'--___212.1.5.-'____ 6.0Q~{lO__:____~ ____ I I I I! I -.-89SL3Qr' .00 I .OLL- .OO_~ n ~_ ! i I I , 2 0 .00 I .00 I .00_ ___ i I I I --r---- i .----- ---------- I i I - n-l =-==------~--==~-==.c=f-.n- -----t-, ~- I _ 6,985 10 ~ 581 ?4 ! 418.76 L__Y.<Xt&O: -300~001.--____" _-1 --r- I 1 I' 1------ ~I ~ . 1---=-+-- T ~__j -- - ~ ~-~--~ - , ----r- --f- I I .-:-------.-~-- j -.-.-. _n t- --.:::~-:-:::.+~~- ---+- ~_. ---- -cc =r--~--=:c- -c":' -.=-.=- .u_= I ?oA "11"1 037 '1147 '~.1....lLl-222....292...00 i 220 228...'!Q~~--._ .-------- -- --1---.---+- -----.-- I I , -- =i:----~ ~ --~+--=-- · ~-~ ~ - I ----1 +---- - I I I ~tir_~____~1. .'l'OTAL ~.__._-- co dnager'~---r Final ecom- ! Budget ndation I Allowance =~~c~~ = I .----!..--~- "- i Fund Function Department Submitted By Date ------------------- GENERAL OPERATING FIRE CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST J;I:;>O U,",' .ahn -~-....'...~..........~,.... Acc't. Actual lQ'iq CURRENT YEAR 10<:;0 Current Budget Manager's Final Account Previous Actual Estimate Recom. Budget No. Year ~Months 8 Months Total' Budget Request mendation Allowance 1?n and WalZes - RelZlllar ElIrolovees 12, ~~O.OO ll. <!'\()(')() 9 220.00 13 600.00 l"l 600.00 13 600.00 " 100; t\+"'''~ ., q...,."-I.....,, .00 .00 .00 .00 600.00 300.00 TarA T, 12. 'no.oo 4,80.00 9.220.00 13,600.00 l4 200.00 13,900.00 ?Ol n".. A" .-.no....... 1 281.00 0;2<;.00 740.00 1,265.00 1 26'i.00 1,265.00 ':1fY7 ???? 4A .10 51. 90 100.00 <:;O_(')() 100.00 ~ao lO 44 ,00 100.00 100 .00 l'iO.OO 100.00 ':1':11 nN'-I..... ....n,."," l:>A."l<; 1<;4.~<; 245.75 400.00 700.00 400.00 ':1~7 _ "h,.,...+v 'Iln...t'I.. <:;(')() <:;.00 00 5.00 <:;(')() 5.00 ?'lh _ "'^...-I D 1 O::>hn r::.7 Ao::> nr::. 217 95 300 .00 <(')() (')() 300.00 ~r::.~ "._-1.,. _ R.. nf"i"-I..... .00 .00 100, 00 100 00 10000 100.00 - _AT , '7fY7 c:A A,ll. ho 14<;5 60 ?',no 00 ~ <:;7n (')() 2.270.00 ,urn . 'Il':1n /Y'f'-I..... <<.4<; "l4.:><; 65.75 100.00 , ()() ()() 100.00 ':I'll ......^..a <on;! 00 (')() 75 00 75 00 7<:; t'\I'l 75.00 'Ilh7 <ont'l T< _",..<~_ ""_.... !d, "" nn 100,00 100 .00 , ()() (')() 100.00 . .- 1:.n1:Al 7A ()() 'Ill. o::>r::. ?40.75 ?75.00 27<;.00 275.00 :n... ?h ------------------- Fund Function_ Department _ Submitted By:_ Date - Page 1 GENERAL OPERATING INSPECTION CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year ~ --~- 2 16.670.00 ------------------- Acc't. No. Account GENERAL OPERATING INSPECTION CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year-196O- CURRENT YEAR Estimate -1L.. Months Budget Request Manager's Recom' mendation CO...'OL.IO...TR:C-S...L.,..... Final Budget Allowance -----1.95d 1959 19Ao CO...$O\.IO...TI;O-S......,.." Acc't. Actual lq<:;o CURRENT YEAR 10<:;0 Current Budget Manager's Final Account Previous Actual Estimate Budget Request Recom. Budget No. Year ~Months 8 Months Total mendation Allowance 110 Salaries - Officials and Dent. Heads 6 l'l7.<:;0 2 200.00 4 400.00 6 600.00 t:. ., fV\ "" 6 600.00 120 Salaries and Wall:es - Rell:Ular Emnlovees 10 070.60 6.01'1.20 13.484.80 19 500 00 ,.,,, """ fV\ 20 000.00 12'1 Salaries and Walles - From Other Dents. .00 .00 300 00 300.00 <:;00.00 500 00 no Salaries and Wall:es - Part Time Emplvs. " lol,!': 'l() 2 282.80 10.717.20 13 000.00 ,I """fV\ 12.500.00 10<:; Othpr ., 70 ()() .00 200.00 200.. N\ 1 . ()()() O() _00 _m_~ t--- 'I'O'T'.H ,6.742.40 10 4qB.00 29 102.00 39 600.00 42. ,00.00 39 600.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES: 20l dn+......obile Use Allowance 20.00 .00 60.....il.Q___ _..9~._00 60.00 60,00 ?Ot; Ann 1<:;4.0' L.t; 00 155~_ ~--2fiO...Qo ?()().()() ~oo.oo 2m .00 <<.h<:; 66.35 100.00 --. 1 ()() ()() 100.00 22l Of'f'if'P li'n,..",,, .00 00 25.00 25.00 ?C; ()() 25.00 227 Insurance - Buildinll .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 ~ ?<1 _ Mn+.n,. ()() 10.?O 39.80__ ~.OO " " fV\ 50.0~ 2':1.2 - Motor ~-~.., PI. and Pn or; 01.. at; 01.. 54.06 150.00 1t;() ,,() 150.00 ?'l6 _ ~n/'ial 7A1 40 11';1.Po? 638.18 800.00 Po()() ()O 800.00 24] I ('.as ~()'l A'l ---.63.40 136.60 200.00_ __ ,,,() ('1('1 200.00 I 242 I T:I ah+' ..nn 'Prn.rp,. qp1'"\rl /'P t;a4.L.R 4<:;.?5- 254.75 300.00 ,()O ()() 300.00 ?C;1 I RpTl<d r _ 1 1 A~ 'lh 701 01 3 20~_ _4:,QOO.OO 1 ()()('\ ()() 4 000.00 ~C;< ~P'nA-I.,. _ ..nn 11';1...':1.0 4c;.c;c; 354.45 400.00 L.m ()() 400.00 ?c;1a. ~pnA.i.,. _ Mn+.nr .. . 17 a~ ()() 150.00 150 00 ,,,,, ('1('1 150.00 2'i'i ~"'nA-I... _ Mn+.n..- ~-~.., Tires & '1'"np" 10.Ac; 1 . ()() 49.00 SO 00 c; () ()() 50.00 'l'1'YI'4T. ., ......c fV\ 1 'Y\" "'') ~ 101 ?Sl '" ;lR~OO t:. L:'l " ()() 6 485 00 !p,.,.\r 26 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Fund CITY OF SALINA Function_ GENERAL OPERATING Department _ PARK BUDGET REQUEST Submitted By:_ Date Page_ l For the .Fiscal Year 25.00 I I I ~r-- t~ - ~ 435 on Dues .lS....OO.. JXl 2S ..00 25.00 2<;.00 .5I1NDBY. TOTAL 4.04'i.l8 1 4.04'i.18 ':l?R.4R 3.051L..52 ~....J~O 4 . h?Q~oo. 4.385.00 - "181 .38l Motor Vehicles Mntnr Vphic1..~ Paint and] !'-i.A.nd. nraVf: 'T'i 'rP~ R.nn 'T'nhp.l=i. 19 Materials Rnck and Mlat 31l 313. JTL .319.. .El.eJ:..ttl~t;ll~'ld..J..1gbt~r:t.s. ...LYI!1~~ber Products "",,,hi np1"V .~ Equipmen:LParts Parts 1la.m. ~ Jt23..98. ~ .ll6.....6l 2a5....l.!l .B..31. lLS MID SUPPLIES' 310 Expendable Tools ~ Books and Periodicals 333. .J:hemicals. Drugs a~ ~ Janitor and Toilet Supplies ~~.Motor Vehicles - Fuel, Lubr. and.EtJ::.. "147 Motor Vehicles - License .Ta~~ Recreational Supplies ~ay Park Seeds. Plants and Trees Other Q1)erating Supnlies 3.1!2. ~ ..35.1. 352. 367 60.00 84.16 -183.Jl! 260.6~ ~26.88 00 ~ ~ 77 ill.. ,00 12.50 ~ ---00. -35-.2!i. ~ 60.00 ~ -----..QQ. 268 .42 23!Ln- ---00. ~ ~ -2.LB2. --00 ~ M..xL 87.50 16.25 100 . 00 64.76 ~7.95 .00 125.00 600.00 231.58 119.63 J.Q.Q...Q(L -3.21..2..4.... 250.00 128.18 2llo...illL 1.fl.....4Q 57.23 ..3..~Q...~ 35-Q...QQ.. ~Q.()" I ~ J50.00 ..l5.Q.,QO_ 2QQ...QQ ::>00 00 JOO...QQ 300 OQ lO.Q.OO 100.00. 350.00 500.OQ ).50.00 2..0Q._QQ 300.00 lO.O.OO i --j--- 100.00 ~5.00 100.00 100 . 00 ---- lQQ. 00 60.00 150.00 600.00 ___509.00 350.00 l.QQ~O 150.00 ~ 100.00 100.00 ...15.Q....OO. ---7Q...QQ. ~ 600.00 600 . 00 3QQ...QQ 1<;0.00 100 .00 ZOO. 0"<:> 60.00 150 .00 600.00 500.00 350.00 100.00 100.00 25.00 100.00 ~ Actual Previous Year For the Fiscal 1222- Actual -LMonths CURRENT YEAR Estimate -8..- Months Manager's Recom. mendation Final Budget Allowance Fund Function Department Submitted By Date _ Acc't. No. ------------------- Account Page ? GENERAL OPERATING PARK CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST Year~ .J.959. Total ~ Current Budget 1960 Budget Request CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST Page 3 For the Fiscal Year _1960. _______ _.__.__________________ 1959...-_n_4-9.QQ___ __ --- -~~-OO--CURRENT YEAR- ---1959' -C -~- Budget Manager's I Final Account Actua-0~Estimate~ - urrent I ~ Recom- I Budge"" . _ ~~n~~~~_~ ~ 1 ~ ~~ . I "~" M oO"i~cc~c~MJ"''''' J _~_To,", BOO,d ~-+~.~ ,,"'...." ~~.~ m,o,''''O'._ :~ ft1~':"..cc- ,- '~.031 -~ T---~o- - .00 0 i 500.';'-+--- - r---- ~-=-n---=r -,+--~t=-c~~ ~~:oo~oo~ 1-~.:5~::eo::=r_-:-~ -!~ ~ ~- 'l"iI""E'nt .--.-+.-- ;,.$8-1-- __ .OQ--tl ____500.l'Q J .__2.0.0.00 __ '-~_l"'p.o.o_.QO .. I I " I ,- ---- - - .. ------.-----.----.--.. ___11__ .,QOL_ -- ___.00 or! .-.~5Q(j~-QO----t....lL.s:9.o..QQ _f__4-~5~Q.,.QQ_I-~oQ.oO-L---------.l..- I ' ,--' - 'I I' I I I I o=ment-.--l 00.1 _u -500..llQ_-;.__...5.QQ.OO___ - ~.ooO.QO__ -. ~___'7 C{)o...C{) -L-...z...oo.o.~\ill.._L____ --1'~ i !: I +7 i I ------ _ .~ _~~~~=~~}.- ~531 ~~-~~~oo~O--f,~Q:OO= f. :.-~~:!~~~-j.:-=-i-~.-..~-~ I I I I I I I I -.------.---+-.-.-- --f-- ------.- --r -.- --- - --4----00-.-- ~---_+-------L----- 00_ : I I I i I I I I L Ii' i , -----------T.-.- --roo--.... .--- ..-! .------. -----.- '-j -----.--.. -. -- ----.-.-1----00--.::- .--. -.r.---.-,----c1cc--.-----.-.---~--- I ! ' Ii; . . ~JR~,:s. . -------- -j-' ,.401 16,Q2Q20+.~9,87<l.80 -~~.2,895.00uT-66.~DOQ.C'OT55.8.2~O(L --. i-----. .---.1---- ----------i--.. .=r------_..--i---.u ._-.--+---------+-I ---------:-----1' ___m_l_ I ! i I I I I I I , -----------;----- ________+_n_. ------l-.-.----.--"'-. ____.__...__c.______p__ '--'-f __.n -- . ---..).---.--- I lit- i i : : =t --tun-=~-T~~~~=_l~~~=-~ l-~--t-=~~-~T~i ~=_;__=_=_~__= -L j- Ii,: . u_ m_~~_=__1~_ .-=+=u~-=-t-----j -=~=i--=-t~ ~ --1=_== I . ~ I Ii : I I i I -- .---_.~.u-----.----T- ---j--------r.---- .--u-.-t---~- ...f---.-n----L-- .. -+-~-.T------- I ! : I I : =_.____---1 -.--. -nr-----uT ._______ :-...-~~u.----~=r-----=~:::+-.~--~---==r=--- n n_ _n__~n::-_ ::---- I I ' I I T--u+-~-=J-----=1 --=1-=--i U~_~=__~ ---- -- -~----+---T . .1., I ~ . , -- ~ -=J~=-r _~--=f=~ U]_-~=-+~k ~=E~:~ GENERAL OPERATmG PARK -- ---- ------------ -~ ~ -525.--- -~+ Acc't. No, Fund Function _ Department __ Submitted By Date ~=-===-'::':f--===-=- '- ------- .23l .232- ..233. .236. .2!ll. 242 - Social t"..A.f:j; ~Pl"'Vi PIA Lillht Servic -Motor Vehicles - Motor Vehic1 - Sure1;y Bond 00 ~:E._---Q.JQ'T 50.OQ .GQmprehensiYe.-+_~__~.Q+--__--9.L99.. _----.2...QL+-----.lOO~- lOO. 00 '_ ...I'L....and. PD 37.fr..'N. -35.6~22_-43..-7.!L. 400. ~L 400.00 .OO_..QQ ~ __15~O.o.. Ji2liJl.. .222.JU. A22..ll ..6.5O-..QQ 00 .....61Ll4. 35 . 86 100 .Q2 h40.20 238.42 361.58 600.00 ___500.0() PQ.:U,i:e .1oo....lliL ---1.5.....ilJ:E ---.6.50... ~QO...oo._ _ 600.00 .201 ~ .2f1L -W. ..and. Office Forms Advertisinll ~ _'Ruild .lit .ID.ue- "Pr"'::I"\'t'\P"'!C:: ,1 .2D.8....2.Q. ? ,?53 34 ~ 1. 970....li ~ ~:~ f . .00 _m__OO-} .00 --~-QQ.J----..-loo...o..O._- 474: 4 _297~t~-::::_ 1 No....illl.. ~ 75.00. l..5QQ.....QQ ~ 00 _~OQ ~_-.l.00. OQ .JIs.e....Al .and _1 nl- _____291.04 ~ _6.6IiL.6s.. ..92 . 65.. 5.oo....illL_ ~ 500..00 1 ,ADD no. ~ --~O-OO -500--00 2 7e:;0 00 1,800 .00 MOO.oo 1,500.00 500.00 _~50.oo --------Q!L 100.00 500.00 __~.oo 50.00 100.00 22. - 'I'OTAL l'i0.Q70.q21____~6r~-0e:; 107.930.95 164,320.00.-+_. lh':l Roo 00 166.850.00 ]J,Q ..J.2O. ..130- .l9Q 10e:; .Medical 01 L1 .Sa1 =- ~nd D,pt. Heads. SR.1Arip" and WAgP~ - Rp~llA~ F.rnr1oyeesJ SR.1ari.." and WR"P" _ P>.r+. 'l'imp F.rnn1ny..el" _..~~ -UQ,Q.i2Q. 1?R,?h1~4~___46~~ 1 ~o...oo. 7, 5ll. 40 222 65 ':lllh Ae; _.9.433.6L l51...3Qr ~~. 70 ??R .4e:; .____~ :1.'- 400. OL .~~83.10 _...6_,600.00 _).39,955.()0 _1lh.965.00 300.00 ..soo...oo. 6,300 00 140,000 00 l?,OOO 00 500.00 'i 000 00 6,600.00 142.75.0....QO 17.000.00 500.00 00 ..l958. Actual Previous Year l'D2. Actual .JL.Mon!.Qs CURRENT YEAR Estimate -3-- Months ..l95.q Total l2QQ Budget Request Manager's Recom. mendation Final Budget Allowance ------------------- Fund Function Department_ Submitted By: Date _ Acc't. No. Account Page 1 GENERAL POLICE OPERATING CiTY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST F or the Fiscal Year -.l96O.... ,J.959. Current Budget ..9.Q~T.---!6.8...JQ 250.00 ......l3L...25.__-t--tlb.I5_-t-- 200.00 __3JTILJ.!f.. +-~,~~6. 86-r 9,000.00 l-9-J.o __nJ..<h.~L+_-'!QQ. 00 1..n.6-'2J____t-_4,500.00 . 3.2.~&.~+__-500~ 45.82 l_l.9Q..QQ_ 1 200.00 .~L500 .00.. O<l...OO.-l~O .00 4,500.00 ~O.OQ _--..-J.QQ . 00 Po;Lic~ ~~ 317 .Q.L_-t-~50.00 __.__~t>.~ _-.---1~ ~OO. 00 2,..i~QCL.._ ..DeL..- .100 .QQ..... ::::T - --- ---- 250, .92..__1 284 ~-- 011- ann 'Iilhe 20.60 _[ ----..QQ.- - .68 1..567.21 -.-- --- __~~~__'_9~ ._279..~Q_ 00 32 49 7.000.00 300 ..QQ 300.00 .00 50.00 MQ.to1"._Vehicles Q32~25- .DCL&L.l__'N.18 83.27 ~Q 6 167.05 --..1!2._8_L 251 Fund Function Department Submitted By Date _ Ace't. No. ------------------- Account 'n Page 2 ~ Actual Previous Year GENERAL OPERATING POLICE For the Fiscal 1959- Actual _._~ MontES CURRENT YEAR Estimate ~ Months CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST Year~ Total' Manager's Recom. mendation Final Budget Allowance ...1-"":;10 ....L."1",)"'1 J..'1UV .......~~...............""-...... Acc't. Actual 1959 CURRENT YEAR 10<;0 Current Budget Manager's Final Account Previous Actual Estimate Recom. Budget No. Year -L Months ...8.- Months Total Budget Request mendation Allowance nrn "'nn+ . "171 Tnmh...,. and Tnmh...r .00 ?h<;.n? 34.98 300.00 .00 .00 ':17. Ann 200.Q7 IV'l 100 .00 100.00 lOa. 00 100.00 "In Mntnr _ Part" 2.027.22 ""_04 244.06 300.00 2fVl(\flI"I 300.00 'l7q Motor Vehieles - Tires and Tubes 1. 'l6'l.22 'l2q.48 670.52 1.000.00 1 000.00 1,200.00 "lBl Paint ..nn I.. 161.h2 '07 70 52.21 250.00 <;n IV'l 200.00 ':IR? ..nn ,10 ?C17 . 40 ':I7M.A':I 223.17 600.00 "00 00 600.00 'lB'i Radio Parts .00 66.08 33.92 100.00 .00 100.00 'I'O'rA T. 22nA4.':I7 1n ,An oA 10,144.02 20.325.00 ~n {:,7r:. (Vl 20,725.00 !mlmRY . h.<; ......_n< ~..+< ^n '1),]..." h10n ,h~ r:.n 57.50 200.00 100.00 200.00 nflll'T .l1 v . <;0<; "-nil o tvV'l tV\ flI"I 5 .000.00 5 000.00 {:, fVV\ (Vl 6 000.00 'iOq ..nn " """ .."... 1 . ':I1.7Rh 652.16 2 000.00 7fl1"1 IV'l 1.500.00 r:;10 IRR.d-i n 00 IV'l 00 .00 .Ro.oo 300.00 I T<YI'A I. l' """ .."... 1'l1.7 Ah 5,652.16 ILOQ9.!00 7 !'An IV'l I 7,800.00 , I 'I'O'I'A T. . ...,,,., 1.1...., 10 7<; 7'l1 1.1 135.003.59 210 735.00 2OQ.8q'i.00 215.515.00 Police 'lJ Fund Function Department Submitted By: Date ------------------- Page 'l GENERAL OPERATING POLICE "CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year ~ 2Q1 ..2Q5. ~ .2.2l .2ZL ..23l. .232- .236- ..2h ...2k2. .2ll 25l .25.2- .2.53- -25.!L ~ ..25B. I:::: ~ _VAl- _ ~jCtVj:l"'~ =-Mach - ...Mo:t.ar.. - R1lilning stre~t. __1...Q1&5 ---31.947-- _.~.a..,0. ------1.8-'5Q.-r--.lOO'..D.Q lOO.OO _1.Q.Q~_QQ ..&..Clffi.ce...:Equipmen:t Q__--50..O<L ._ ___5Q,.QQ 59.0.0 nn Rqni pmen:L-==r=~965-l 'i 74. 96__J., QO.Q.QQ -----..l,.OO 1 OOQ .9Q.-t---.- ___. .2lill...8s. ~..J52..1Xl- 62.93 _ _---1 ..1.2.5-'OO""'---.!~ 'lir..es....and- '" ~l---~-21.QQ ----4..}...DO.f -2()(W){L ~QQ..J&. ..Q(l .OQ. l_OO....iliL _----.J._aa.aa ~o.oo 100.00 ., .3L I naB s.,,..,,1 ce : T.i g)1t ann Pave'!'" g. Jla:I:.eJ::. q, - -~ -=- ~ ~ PT. ann Pl1 _ Sn<, ; al Seeuri ty __ ~-~9-..53-+----3}...;}8----r . rz6..55. ___~~. Ill', Use All~~.______ and 'l'elegrapL-_.___ ,'i7.atinn ______ Of-ri~e FnMn~ - 'Ruildinu and Cnnt~ -~-- 00_ -~ 4?2 53 1 418 8? 468.'ia 00 ...DO. .lXL...DO.E-- 123.0.0._ _-3.QQ...Q\L ..soo....oo. _30a.OQ 397 0..0 2a}o.oa_ -. --_fJoo..J*--_5-Q(Lt _600....00. lillL..1.-J- ____-9B5-.2.'Z__~"ltoo - ?41.GO 258..lCL _..__50.0.& --5 .0.0.0..0 __4.l.62_n_______li,Jla+_____75.iXL. __~5.0a_ '_ ___.__l5.Q,P.Q 200~OO_____:J,~a. .00. - 00 _~.illL. 167:: -+-_ 79::t___~Q.!,7 I _____--.OO--+.__~OO.oo _J.o..Q.oo _____lSQ.LlliL ____--------0.0. 150.00 00 .-200 . 00 _--.lQQ...QQ lio..o.O 22 -509---5-0-. _ _ 38. 59.0. 5~~J_ ~~6~,~iliJ~~~~L~~~.Q. 6.1 OOQ.__OO .J.2Q. .13Q. .l9O- .l95. lTOTAL Medical Services other Professicmal .Serv..l~_e_s__._._ and Wages - ReguJ.!l,~loY.e~_s__ __ ~.~j; _Tim...Emp.loy_e.e.s._ - _&3..358,B5__ -- -22..2lt.5~-3Lli~-Q:I-QQ.000.QO-08..OO.P~~ -~ -~~:I~::J~ 336.QO ~ """"'~= __ru___~_ Loo. .__ _2pO!.Oa_. ___ __200..00 1.000.00 _._----~-- 64 .1Bo. a5.Q 60 ,.QQQ...QQ 50..0..00 5QQ...OO ~l Fund Function Department Submitted By Date _ Acc't. No. ------------------- Account Page , GENERAL OPERATING STREET CITY O? SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year ~ --.--J.958- Actual CURRENT YEAR Previous 'i Estimate Year ::: Months.. .J.95.9. Total .J.95.9. Current Budget J.9QQ. Budget Request Manager's Recom. mendation Final Budget Allowance .353.. -35S- -36l. ..365. 36:L d Fini sh ) (Rou&h an -1..1 .,.. In '!'IJl; La ..FaI::ta :: I::: u. ..s....AIiIL <:UTPPT .T1i'.c::. :: I:::-:~ .T. LIlli Toilet Stw.Plie: rlcles - Gas and Oil rlcles - License Tags Bricks and MaSOnry Other Operating Rupplies Asphalt and Road Oil except Sewer ~nt and Cement Products ( Tile) .1 and LilZhtinll: Parts Tools ,1 ~ ----DO. ~ 7.12~.6l --35.4QQ. .00 789.:1.9 i.l,a.Oi 66~.0~ 67.77 82.90 ~06.85 3,426.30 374.50 1. 759.54 1 ,1 h5 Ro 11 h .:> ~ ---00. .M..Ba 1,h4A hA 3A5 no 00 425 76 no 11.18 9A ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ..l32..J9. _ 465.75 ---31lt..5l ..l ~ ? ..0??...oo -.l3l.~ 23.26 4{) . 69 132.l5 ..96.!t..l2. 244.85 ...5Q...QQ. l35.12 4, 3'i1. 32 ..l5~oo. l12 .50 ~ 50.00 50.00 200.00 1.'iOO.OO 500.00 l,OOO.OO_ l.150.00 200.00 600.00 2,000.00 'i'i~.00 iOO.OO 50.00 200.00 ~ 40.Q.00 lioo..oo. ~ 200.00 6.000.00 400.00 .00 400.00 2.000.00 400.00 50.00 50.00 ~OO.OO ..l.5-Q(hQQ 500.00 1.000.00 l,250.00 100.00 ~ 2.000.00 500.00 50.00 50.00 300.00 l,500.00 500.00 1,000.00 l.250.00 .J.QQ..QQ. Street 33. iOO.OO 50.00 .2OO...QQ 6.000.00 ~Q.oo .'.lmAL. -~ 5.766.77 2 .?1 'in i.078.50 2.. 400.00 <: ?mm 5.5QO.00 ~ ..2ll. 215.. ~ Rena1rs - Streets. Sidewalks and Brid,g,es Rent - Machinery and Equinment Rent - Motor ~~bi~les ~ 87.00 00 J.2l1Jill. 252.....00.. Lao. ~ 48.00 50.00 200.00 3QQ...QQ 'iO.OQ 200.00 50.00 'iO.OO .2OO...QQ. 3QQ..QQ. .5Q...QQ. 1225 Actual -1L-Months CURRENT YEAR L Estimate _ Months Manager's Recom. mendation Final Budget Allowance ------------------- Fund Function_ Department_ Submitted By:_ Date _ Acc't. No. Account Page ? ~ Actual Previous Year GENERAL OPERATING STREET CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year ~ 122 Total ..l952. Current Budget .l96Q. Budget Request CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST -Final Budget Allowance Manager's Recom. mendation ]060 Budget Request 1959-- Current Budget OPERATING For the Fiscal Year _~~ ~---_. . .--.---- ----~.- Actual----,---.:)S)~ CURRENT.Y-EAR __]'3~ Previous Actual V EstImate! Total Ye~__ ~__Mo"ths ~Mo,!~~-==.=~-,----__ GENERAL STREET Page 3 Fund Function Department Submitted By Date _ Acc't. No. 1,500 00 50.00 <> 0ilil.00 200_._ 00 1,0011 00 50 00 ",??o...o0- 0(v) (V) -- - ~ ~~>.O!lL7 ',0"'-"3 :69~Q5_ - -4=""- 8_4.0...... ___-00-_ _512&'1.__ ___ 50.00 --k.,.1.2D..2L -~3-CL- 7_4~1Q...... .l~QOO...OO __-----l3.h30_ _.-22..2 ___J31___13._ __~oo ------J--- Account i&nL Chat and ~t ___ AillL Sand. Gravel, Rock S~"'~... ?l r~ "nn TJ 1 .. ""~~~~~... po. 1'+ ~ Mt:l+t:I,...-(t:l11: 3e:L ~ ~ ":!o":! 18.6'i0~OO ----- __...__ - ___ __ _.. - ___-'-.,..________.____~___.._._ .----1 -Z7_,..!.~-1---~1~l0.P.23,;2sL-.---:JbQQO .00 178.,," M """"AT "" ,00- m.L_ -' ----.~OO-l-----.-~OQ.- ^~Munt.---+-_5.,.QQ(LQQn- ___ ._~oo_I-~.:=--- .DI.'~e.;.... +.... c+, .+ ':mtml<\l' 1135- 1.1,., .c--:-:=:C-=-=1===-' 700.00 82.5.00 ~. JXL ~ .00 J3~ ---.00..... -- -.-.-..-- 5~ ---~QO--~=-==[~-~== -:- ____~--u-~ in-~-- ----Q - --- - -- - _.~ - - ----- 14.24 239...5.2...-t-----irOO..Ji:(2f- I __.1QQ...iliL ..J..,.!Gi...l _--,_'1.0__ -------- - ---- ~ 3:::~t_33~~:f~\92'~ _~~.e",OO nrI'T'T.Av. ~ Garall:e Eauinment Trucks Street Eqpipement _' q+.......+ Rnn ~in..",~lk Imnrovement 'I'O'T'AL .5Q9... .5.ll.. c;2c; .%L C;Bl --- 1 . 'i22.-QO , c:?c: (1{)_ __-1..,..225_.00 --- n_._.___.______ 63l..ll---t---691.2.1-- ____L_~__. _+-.__JI.,.1289.Jt.o- 'l'lYT'AT. ~4_ str~~ ---3h\M~:L f---S4~'Ci5 i~",::5.&O j--""'60:f:~~~' ";, .00 .----- 101-,..01(2...1'-7- "'IYl'AT . CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year ...J.96O- GENERAL OPERATING REFUSE Final Budget Allowance Manager's Recom. mendation 1960 Budget Request ~ Current Budget .l95.Q Total CURRENT YEAR 8 Estimate _ Months 1959 Actual ...JL. Months ~ Actual Previous Year Page , Fund Funct.1on Department Submitted By Date _ Acc't. No. 125.200.00 500.00 ''''?,hhO 00 5nO nn r tVV\ "" 125,200.00 ,00.00 84.~ 286.82 40. q99.J& , , J5.. .00 118.836.20 '..L.OO- h nn Account Re~ Employees 120 Salaries and ....ap;es .l9O- 1..Med.D:a 1 """..... ~ -. _ 1a~ n+nA~ ' 00 125.700 lo:>A lhn nn - l25.500.00 84.487.05 ill nlO:> or llA Arl o:>n - 'NY!' t>.T . ,C; !U..OO.. 155.00 200.00 200..00- ~ 50.00 .-20.00 5n 00 233.4~ ~l g50.00 lon no 277 .90. ~.J,O _ ,00.00 300 00 -'L6~ 1.8,5.05 2 600.00 2,500 00 _ .00 1_ 100.00 100.00 100 00 ---3 _ _ 263..2 OO.OO.-J-\>O-OO- ~ _ ~"&Q.-L_.iQo.OO \ 500 00 ~- - ---I ~ _.__...= :--u~-===f-=-=-=" - ----1-- __._ _.n I ,~ ~_.l.,.1!, ~Jm-&Ll 4. ,00.00 I L., 090 00 -- , -----t---~I I - I lA3" I = ~ ,:;r- 100.00 :t - 100 I _~ - ~r=-u 0.00 '. -2Q t h 63' OS 21 ~T 6"OO'~'1 h.'oo.oo1 6,2QQ T ~OO- L.J -------5.5~QQ-+- 'iOO.Q~ 500.00- '100 1. O:>'ln <::h 28~~OO c;nJV\ 50.00 I I I 1 A I 200.00 50.00 250.00 ,00.00 .750.00 100.00 300.00 500.00 -" .-.--------- --- 4.450.00 2 1 ,c; _..QQ. ..QQ. 00 26lw.l ?,h70 Elh l~ ~ ?O":l: ....,,., PT. s>nti PI) _ SOl'i..l S.."ur1 ty ~~pair _ Mal'hinery And F.quil Re~ir - Motor Vehicles 'RA~-t:,. _ Vn,+n.,. \TA'hof,.1ACl r'f"i'.,..A!:: ann 'T'n'hao 'NY!' t>.T . .a.nd. Off'ic.. Forms _ Motor Ven';"1,,,c: _ v",.,..,_ ... MID.. """n.1e ~ Motor Vehicles - FueJ, Tubr. snti ~+~ ~\TAn~~'A~ _-1~paneA ~~~ other ~. - II .2QS.. .2al. ..rn.. .232- 236- 2ll. ~ ?<::<:: .3J.Q.. .32Q.. * 3!a.. ":l'iq L:t;JU L.::D'1 .L'1OV ........~IlHl.T~."'-IN" Acc't. Actual 1959 CURRENT YEAR lq'iq Current Budget Manager's Final Account Previous Actual .-y.... Estimate Recom. Budget No. Year 4 Months Months Total Budget Request mendation Allowance ... AlIrn . ('nn~~ ~7~ Ms,f!hinerv and ECluinment Parts 662.gl, -~~- 581.64 650.00 650.00 650.00 ----~-- ~77 Mn't.nr _ PA.r't." 1 2B<; .!B_ --- B16.1Q IB3.81 l,OOO.OO 1 000.00 l,OOO.OO ~7q Motor Vehicles - Tires and TuR.eS I 1 4'i4.q8 l64.62 835.38 l,OOO.OO 1 000.00 l,OOO.OO -- .. !'OTAL 11 10'i.l~ ..3.770.77 6,079.23 9,850.00 9,850.00 9,850.00 CAPITAL OUTIAY ~ r;2'i Trucks .00 .00 .- ~. .00 .- -- -- -- -~ 'l'OTAL EXPENDITURES: 134.755.56 46.2l1.05 93,438.95 l39,650.00 142 100.00 l40 000.00 -- -- --.----- f- .-. ------ -- -- --. .~- - -_..-,_.- - - 1l",1"""e. L 36 ------------------- ;:~ion GENERAL OPERATING ,..CITY OF SALINA Department_ REFUSE BUDGET REQUEST Submitted By: _ Date Page 2 For the Fiscal Year-.l$6D- EmP19~~~T- .2 ==--- -- ~~~~==(---~,~QO~ --..--- 35.8~55--1 '1.1~2.')'5 Ji0Ei'I-,-~_ -_.-2.t29,Q..0Q.-t---' -~._--- -+- - -I~-~~7:t =--.~J ~- ---+--~-. -- .00 _5Q.OO I ---5Q...Q4---.5-Q j .---.-.l8;L - --5.8.31 f -U6.~Q3J-__J..75,.QQi-.-l5-Q. ._2 00 I ---.---.--- -. --1t~9LL---~Q~.t_-n- 250.QQ-t ____250,00 +__...2~{1. _220.....00.+-__~ I I : I . ^^ I ^" L i , eJ'."Y.J.Ce -----'AL-r-----------'-"'-- . u _..------I----m n --r------ !~- , I , I ~ ' " , ~--ulu___r-- .,l----T__- ., 'I ---1 u~4,3~:-'" t - ,~~_-. 416~6~1-:;,.oJ ,4'0. _500.00! _u ~J ___ d 't, I 7?1~:~~~~-L~~r-~;o~.t,~ . --5QQ.00 i=~! ~ '- ---- ! ~J.ll9_.I-----457-.25d-TI-n-.-~.J5.--!----435D~Qol-lr-3-)O~.( . ___l..32.Q.QQ.~.__..______---,-_____ ~ I I ' . I I I' : ----- I --.llL2;;l--t.-. --------.o.ilO-T.-_2QQ. OO-r--200~---200. __200. OO-t-- -------.;........-- ___._L____ _____ L-----__-+-__ 1______.--1.____ _~_ ~ ~ ~ . i~ 3.9~~h3 ~J.562.3I ~ ~~050.i _ 2~:O. . , ~- 2'D2~;l--- . _ _ ______1.._ 87..1iO__~.-3,6.78~55-- 8,446.45.... _ l2~l25~()Q L.ll,BOO_OO-rl _l?.l~~o..oQ..1 I r - - -. I I ----t.----.--- -----.-- ---- - , r 1 ' -~ ., .- -- -- ---------- ----- - - -- - ------ _ __1_ _______ __ ____-1Haste .DiSposJ__ -~--~------~~-- -- - ----_._~-.-~----~---._--- - I __J -~-- -.236- -253- 3.7=~, - _ 6.46] 4 ------------------- Fund Function_ Department_ Submitted By' Date _ Acc't. No. GENERAL OPERATING WASTE DISPOSAL _ Page 1 Account CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year---l96o. -----=~-~--- Actual 1 CURRENT YEAR Previous Actual \: Estimate Year ...JL. MontE~ --'L.. Months Manager's Recom. mendation Final Budget Allowance ..25l .253- ~ - tor vehicles. '!'ires and Tubes Co 11 , ..a.nd. i 'l'Nl'&T 'c; ?C;h 'l() 'i 7qR 75 .2lll .2QS. .22l. .2ZL ..228. .231- ..232. ..2J6- .2h ..2!i2. 24~ 1la.s. 1.1 ibf: And Pnw..r Vlrlt..r SPrvi r.e IR~ir 'Bni Jdinj I:::: ~ =' Office Forms _ 'Rnl1ding" - F.cpJi pm _ Motor - Motor _ qn,.i...1 .lIae. md'l'l ll1owa.nce. .and. PL and PD ~ 2B9..38. --39..-00- ~ ~ ~ --U..l.5.. ~ 900 ::>4 11 ,75h err .00 00 730.32 ~ -51-26-- 1?C;.00 J25....OO. 112...15.. ~ ------00.. ----OQ. -3...51. ..39.JQ. ~ 1,015 70 'l,552 73 ~oo. 185.57 484.39 ~ ----OQ 11'i.00 a h7h~C; 284.30 _7, ~41._2.7 475.00 262.25 50.00 21.43 10 -30 '1'15.66 ..1'i..QQ 5Q,.OQ '1'1'5..00 2l4.43 11..5...6l 25.00 50.00 500.00 l,300.oo 11.000.00 400.00 600.00 ~ ~ 450.00 l5,475.00 Sewage 38 ~4 :m... 00 14,4::>5.00 600.00 375.00 50.00 .6??.oo 375.00 50.00 00 00 ?5.00 35 00 400 00 ---1~-OO. 11,000.00 ~ ~ ~ -~ -SQ..OQ 4<;0.00 400.00 650.00 75.00 50.00 450.00 25.00 50.00 600.00 lOO.OO 11.000.00 600.00 375.00 50.00 Tm'AL ::>4.74<;.00 A .7hO ()() 18,040 .00 8oo.ooT~ 000 00 :f: SIIJ. ., and Wages - Emplovees and Wa",.." _ Part Ti me Services 24~ ..00. .00 8.760.00 .00. .00 17,740 on 3.00.00 26 26.500.00 I 25.500.00 '100.00 500.00 J .000.00 26 26,5QQ..QQ ..3QQ...QQ 800.00 ------------------- Fund Function_ Department_ Submitted By:_ pate _ Acc't. No. GENERAL OPERATING SEWAGE Page 1 - --.l958-- - Actual Account Previous Year 1m. Actual -LMonths CURRENT YEAR Estimate ---8.. Months Manager's Recom. mendation Final Budget Allowance CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year-1$6O- ~ Total' ..l959.. Current Budget 1960 Budget Request 1.~:20 ...l.."1:;2"'1 .L'7UV -- -~_...- Acc't. Actual lQ'iq CURRENT YEAR lQ~ Current Budget Manager's Final Account Previous Actual \' Estimate Recom. Budget No. Year ~Months Months Total' Budget Request mendation Allowance Hm ':\lO F.xn..ndab 1,. '1'nn 1 " 40.82 ql.hO 'i8.<l l'iO.oo 7".00 l'iO.OO 'l'l1 linn.." ...nn .00 ()() l5.00 l'i.OO l<;.OO l'i.OO <<< (""'",m; "l .. e n..." O'e and Etc. l'i1. <" IY\ 200.00 200.00 200 . 00 200.00 <4< .Tani tnr and '1'0-1 let RUT'lT'llies 27.76 4.81 20.19 25.00 25.00 25.00 <hr:; Mntn,. .._~. ., _ li'"",l T....._ n~" "'+n r:;()r:; 7,0, 0:>11 rI<: 2<8.0<; 4<;0.00 4<;o.()() 4'i0.00 i .47 Mnt.nr "-" ., - """,,e 1<;.00 <() IY\ ;<0.00 l'i.OO '10.00 ,67 Electricial and UfWtinO' Parts ,2.41 ::>ohA 70.<2 lOO.OO 100.00 lOO.OO ':\7':\ ..nn -p",.t" 1 012.<7 O<h <0 <l<.6l 1 2'i0.00 1 2')0.00 1 250.00 ':\77 Motor Vehicles - Parts 40.06 18.84 81.16 lOO.OO lOO.OO lOO.OO ':\7q I Mntn,. V""';" 1"" - 'l'i "es and 'Pnbes .00 ~__.12() 0< 7q.07 200.00 150.00 200.00 <81 i -p"int ..nn .1_ 1"2.8< ()() l50.00 __ 150.00 200 00 150.00 e--. <,0,7 R<>.nn R""k "'_n~" 1 R<>.1 t. ..nn ron...t. hr:;,o, ()2 lA 1.... I <1.00 <;0.00 .00 'i0.00 -- 'r--' ..-. .. -.- -- - . -- --- - - -... --- u _ =I I '!\'YI'A T. 2 4,7..0 1 L.h.... <:" 1 2'iq.4l 2.720.00 2.580.00 2 720.00 I I qITNTlRY h<r:; T)".." .00 IY\ 2".00 f'IT""T1\V. r:;?r:; rp,., ,,."" ()() ('\f'\ ()() ... -.- -. -- I """"AT . L.o:> L.<A hrl 1h ""'" <L. ?,o,.07<;.hh 44.00" 00 I,., QI,rI rIrI 4,.945.00 Sevaae .q - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Fund_ - - CITY OF SALINA Function _ - _ GENERAL OPERATING Department _ - __ SEWAGE BUDGET REQUEST Submitted By -- For the Fiscal Y ear ~ Date Page 2 Actual Previous Year OPERATING LIGHTING ------------------- Manager's Recom. mendation C~'D..TEc....u.IN... Final Budget Allowance CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year ~ GENERAL OPERATING TRAFFIC AND PARKING eC"~""O"'Tlc..."...,.... Final Budget AlIo",'ance Manager's Recom. mendation - .- J.9Q!:l Budget Reques .l959- Current Budget ..l959. Total CURRENT YEAR L Estimate _ ~onths - ill2.. Actual ~Months ~ Actual Previous Year Page 1 Account Fund Function Department Submitted By Date _ Acc't. No. :>0,13150 28 00.00 3,542.52_ _~ 000.00 5 000.00 1,296.50 2 000.00 2 00 2,500.00 --~--- -- -.-----. _.. --.-- ... -.. ---.----- - --. 24, 970~22.. 35.500.00 ":l.7 . (\N'I N'I ~6.000.00 .Eml1lo.Y~~;r-23,.11Q .l4-.--a J 368 50 .EmIWe.s......Othex:. s~_6_,.521~J.Q. ,!l5+-4~ P"...+ '1'>;"". El::l1l.1nve.e.B _~ .____-00. ~~ 703 50 " 223.30+~-'~ J.. ;E ,~d ....' - ," ann T,,'Rges - ~ lia.ge.s. - lqC; .Othe1:.. ~ - nnA. 1 --.-.--- 'lY'l'T'AT. ------r- I -.~QQ+_...l25-'--QQ...t----2-1Q...Q.Q -t--~25 .00 ~ llB_&z~I_u -~ _ -' 00-r----.J,9~Q-t---- }25 .00 ~ : ::~:::::-:~~~t~~:t-~~ r~~"~~l ~~ ~ ::: _ 1 y __-35..WLL_-1Q.l,~ ..L__ ___?!:9..!.~L__ __ 3.~O.OO I 300..00.. 400.00 I ' I I I ::::: ""' ::: :::" ~'Bj_ 1,J27.33--'-_1,872J67 L 3.C<lQ.OQ + ~ ~~ 1.000,00 L_~ . ...L R..pair _ Mat'hin"ry and Rg,u:lpment __..ooL_ _ .~__~__-'0.Q.!..o9 .1._ _._2Qo-,QQ_L_ _5QQ..OO I 500.001___-.-L I I 'I I I I I I I 1 I Repair!! - Motor Veh:l~les I ~I----,QQ---~---.--.----;--_. I 25~oo.t----r---- ~ I I I i I ll..nA.~"''' _ Motor V..h:lcles _ Tires and....:rubes....___ ..0.0____ _ _.00 ____ _.___. .,.______00_ umn --.-+- .J2<Lj.----------.-t--- -- '- I ! : '11 ; : i ! I I, I I' 1 I ~ilio F.quipment -------r----<OO-l-------..QQ-i-. _.._.lQQ.OO_~-. _ lOO.Q9_f.-. .~~____.l:00.0~----.:- --- t I i I I ' ~ I ! _ ~ -, - T.i aM" ,....EulbS...&....Rtc..~_I_____5D..l9 +__.-5l.1L__~-----~Q!.83 ..\[.__ _ _1.00.00 +--lOCLDO-f-_100. 0'41 - ---- . -----1-.; ----- , " I I . - -t -I-.------I----.---ml---. i I 1----. i - = I --~----.-------r_--m_-~r------~-~c: .... I .... . . . I~-i -=--== I ':l 7')7 1h I 1 4~() -:>4 I ~ 18='.-10 I 4 62~.OO I I. 6"'-' '-"Q I 4 675.00 ; . .1.L1-.....1il-r-'->--U.~.,.--r.---L.J--~ .--r----L~--l---". ~ T---21----T--T i------t--.-.---.- 1'-------1 -------,-----1- I ' L I I I 1- ---r:----u~l~--- t 1:-A.Ui~ .. i. 1,1 425.00 l25.00 25.00 ..2Ql. ~I Traveling ~ense ~~".... ~... ?-. :-t 'l'O'T'A T. .2.53- 2.5!L .2.55- .251- ?hl tot'ill ETA!. ,J.2.~ I3.:ll ~ ~. .55..l04.62 ,- .- --.- --,- .,,- .~_.- ._.._8_2?_5_Li_. 6f~~.c ~~OO.OO All,> '<31.]29.15 __,,;;; .00 .:L","'i.CfJ . 09--=+ 53... 000 . OQ 7,500.00 ..-22.O_2.2._QQ _ =_~!U'll~.&..I'arJtinL.___~ ~ ~ ~ ..5.2Q. 501, -505- 310 341 345 347 353 367 377 ::J I ~ Ip..rking Meic":r ?>>'t'h I I -399. 10th..... .lie_ i""..and MA. -I,.., .Sij ""--1 I" ~, ~v. lIan'" Bui1 "''' , ~ ~.. i '... .3'raff: T.i ght Part", Part:L- V, _ 'I'- ~ -Tools. Ann Tnn,.. _ (PYI"P!l+ Mntor. Vp'hi ~1 p~ l------ _ r..." "-nil ()-! 1 .1!lc:t.m::. VAM ^,. - ..LU:.e~______ .t; , .1 ..Eq; Rnn 'FiT+n"~A ILTur " ____ J__ _ ___ - . 1,Th>.86 -. ~:.:r -;~:l ~~~: 1':: I,:: ~a.7l. __ ____...Q(L______ --5.C2..00. _.___ ____..00 ~____l~..13_. ___-.--32.187 50.00 ~ 50.00 _~.Ji2.._ _.u_Ba.JfL.. 317. 51_1_ . .40(>.:}_ J.oo., "00.00 . 3$).0.40. _21+~_1..J82.7() hr-- ___600..00 _6QC400_ 600.00 ~~. .8<Jl3 . -- 1l.99~~ . - _flML ~- ___100.00 : - ~100.00 -t-. 100.00 .-.--.-~-.-----.-L,.-...--,,__-___L . .. I b422:J2 r. ..--3,.82Q'OQ.~ ]'850'00} --- --.----.- I I - +-~- ------i----------~...- r---J-- 00 -.00 T -1 ..O<l J--~ _OO+______.u_~__._~Oil ------L-- =::t------1--. 00 I : - I I ----00_ _J-....QOO.OQ. ___.1, 000.00 -1.,.oOQ.1 1,OOO.0tl-___ I __ ~ --822...;'5- ~TI.li __.1.,500.00 OJUlQ ~o.oo I ~~ "OQ_-.5.....ooo.o ~g._oo ~QQ(LOQ 5,00~ s..52 .00 I _..OQ ------00 -9s6....:zB. ..00_ .----.DL ..QQ 5Q...QQ. ...00. ...00. + --j 2 ------------------- Fund Function Department Submitted By: Date _ Acc't. No. Page Account For the Fiscal Year ...l.96O- -~~58 Actual lO CURRENT YEAR Previous 4 Actual (I Estimate ~r ~Month~ _~*=l-1onth~ .J.25.2. Total .J.959, Current Budget 1.960 Budget Request Manager's Recom. mendation Final Budget Allowance GENERAL OPERATING TRAFFIC AND PARKING CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST Page 1 ------------------- Fund Function _ Department _ Submitted By Date _ Acc't. No. . TOTAL For the Fiscal Year ~ ~-------- -1.9;58....___ _~______ _______._____.~__ ~ Actual' 1 CURl\ENT YEAR- --19S9~=~ Budget PrevlOus Actual' Estimate =_ Year JL...Months ~.M.o.!l!:.h~_..~ota~____ Request -~-+- --r- -~--- to Airn.orLRe.y.olYin&.-E1md - -t- --r- ---------O.Q-t---?5J.9QQ.0Q..... 1--- ~~Q..QQ.. oo......t-- 20,000.00 _ 1- _ _-0 ~- -I =c-=- r - ! - - +---==rn - ul_~-= =1~u ..~ _u I-~-- =-~=~===-=l~~~--~ --~~1r~-~~-~-=-T~~-=~T~==~~= =r =i--=- . I I ~--------=r=------+-- I I __~._n_+____ !. I i ! ~- . --~=-~JI.==--=---=II: -~~~=--=----J==~-=--~, ! i-------LI~ - - -- I I I I l I I I' cd ---- -----~--------- ----------.~------t---.-~~-:::--::--r.--'--:-.--:---.- , " ; - -... ----.-----.--~ ----- -.... -- --- --- . I " I I ~_23.,D.QO.OO I .00 i 2..2,.QQO-,.QQ_~___ 23.,OQQ.OO_ ill.,'OOO""'<XL..~__2~OQQ.QQ_L_____~+_. I ,I. : I I -+------------.-i-.----- .---.-- --------t--------- ---:.----.--- .-- I ! I i I ....----=~~~l~-~~l=-=-~ ~.. ~! --r--T--- -----+---------l- ________1___. _____.1____._____ .-~---- -- '-------------l--------i------- I I r I 1:_ , I. -----+---------t---.-------- -~J--- ---.----1------- -- L______ I I I' , I I ~_ I i _____: .__~ i I , I! i .- , ------r.- --- --------t---~---- I I I ,I, -------i------.-----T----T---- ------ -----;----- L __+_________ I I I -----. - -----jl~-+------ ..1------.----- _________.__+_.___m.______, - .-- : I I I! I ---- ---r~----I - .. ___________u - - ---- -r---'--- - ---------- - I I -.- -- -- -----------.- ---.------L-------...l.____.___ . ____ I . _____ __.______~____==_------ 'r..t~---.J--------~~= Account Manager's Recom- mendation Final Budget Allowance GENERAL OPERATING AIRPORT CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST 2Q5. .2SrL .22J. ..225- .2ZL 236- .2!!l. ..2!i2. 2h .25.l. .253- .2.8!l Mmm1n..&-1'l2.oJJ -------.-~.--~-+=.=-~QQ--l..-.--- QQ'-r--" __~2..2. 00 - ____25. :J----.2.5...-00- . ~--.-_J.5..,36..L----~-.oo.... _______75.QL ___~12..00 75.00 ..and.. J'01'fice....E.=L~_ -l-- _,OQ.~_..__..~_24..2D...+__._ ..2.5.~ ~__~_5o...QQ __~___~oo. .1 Adv..rti..il __________~_~ --~QQJ-n -- __O:L~----n---~~ __~n______n______~O!L I_ I I I I ::::: ~ :~::al ~ritY 1~~ 199.:-1-=~~~~-4- -:~'.Q~--f'~~ ~='+ ?:': 2;o.CO--~ OU Serel" I . ,2:475 I _~()(L I, ,'9,CO, ~ ,Q,<)O -----5<UXL:t- 50.00 I "g;' on' _" ,."'" ... ., _~: ::~ ~ m I~Jioo.J)'- . Wf).OO 600, ~ - "",,-O<>.t--- "",or Se~~::dtn<'_l---, ~oo_ --~ I'OOOO~ .. 400'00~~::. ..~ ~chinery and E(lllipn.ent.._______--- _M)~1;, II--.-m ,- 2oM9_. _290,00 -J~__2O:l'00 aM -,umi<ll~-=, --t~~_==6'02_~___.00 ~I _-,-<&,,00100,00 100 00 1(>0,00 -~--~! ---_..-------:c:---j-~~- - -.--- _.n_____ - ____~---.J~~L24?-0 ~~..~. ~, 700.00 ~.OO- ~- - 'I'OTAL T. ma1aT\'h .r.. ..a.nd. 1._129.00 25.00 .1.2...QQ 50.00 4li - GENERAL OPERATING _ SWIMMING POOLS Page ] ------------------- .J.2Q .l.2.5. Fund Function Department Submitted By Date _ Acc't. No. TOTAL ~, -.-- --.l958.....-- ---__ I Actual-----l CURliCENT YEAR--.--~ \#- Account .. "i..prevIOUS ..Actual \ Estimate . s~ -----: ~_- . .... y,,, ~ f~Mmrt: ^ Moo,", T".I ~;:;'~lar...E:nplo. yee3.- 1__. ..B+!i8.2~62. ---1- .--- -~QQ ,500.QQ~ 00.00 OM Y. 0" _ ~o".ro.p'" ,~ ._._ _~ ,~: ~~~. _ 46lL6o "40.~2.0IJ.' 00 1___~882 .62t_ ----"6MJ--1 9,53" 40 lO.OOO.oo 9.000.00 500.00 ----- ~-- 9.500.00 ~ Current Budget 9.500.00 500.00 .------- 10,000.00 ~ Budget Request Manager's Recom. mendation Final Bud get Allowance CITY OF SAUNA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year -19..6.Q. ..TOTAl. 10 7B::> 41 1. '50'5 . ~7 ,? RhLh< -~--~;~~l----~'- -.- ~, l":\.DrlO.OO l3,600.00 bolJ In. --. ~-- -503- 46.66 00 3~- 3-QQ..QQ 3QQ...QQ.. 3.00.00 ID ..oIl'I'LAY' .stmD.RY. ~,,.~ A.nd ,~lIIi '1'0 27::>.":\8 .00 'i7,"00 '57'i,00 .5'Z5..OO. 315....QQ+- .TOTAL la9...5l 1..QJ2...51. ..:M.. 43. 1,775.00 q7'i.OO 975~ ., ~lIpp1i ::=1:::'; ~:~:= .380 I .38l Paint and 31.Q. 320- .333- 3h -3!<9. ATR A1>.'TJ able Tools Off'i <,e ~lIW1 i es als, nrugs and Rtc and Toilet Sunnlies .Te ~ -------00. 92.3Q 49.04 ...J2..J5. ~ 6q~ .ro ..QQ. ..00 ..ro ..ro ..ro ~ .00 .00 .00 1.012.57 ~.QQ 50.00 400.00 50.00 .5Q...QQ. 50.00 50.00 87.4'l 25.00 50.00 400.00 ~ --5Q..QQ ~QQ ~ l,lOO..OO ...25...QQ. ..5Q....QQ. ~ ~ ~ --5Q...OQ. ---5Q...QQ.. -----.00.. 3QQ...QQ.. 300.00 50.00 20.00 25.00 50.00 400.00 50.00 .5Q...QQ. .J.958. Actual Previous Year ~ Actual ~Months CURRENT YEAR V Estimate _ Months Manager's Recom. mendation Final Budgel Allowance Fund Function Department Submitted By Date _ Acc't. No. ------------ Account - _ GENERAL OPERATING _ SWIMMING POOLS Page 2 CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year.l.96O-- J.959.. Total' .l959.- Current Budget --.- - ------- .1960. Budget Request .- - 1 Net Tax R"" ! n..lingp",n1: ..Ta.x.J)o' , B.I:l 'f'R.v T", Mills I 9,286.60 ____ --r- ~- t= - 1 8,927 02- I 178 54 ~,,{:. o.lAul 1 .JlMLd -+- ..9...J-l8 . 6 j l82.j7 .2...301.00-j 0.1848 - j - 46 - I RECEIPrS AND BEGINNING BAIJ\NCE CITY TREASURY BALANCE JAN. lst. I g''1~l'<~[(~;j$r>:l~ 110 i ~,..,....nt TR.ngi b 1 e 'I'B.xf ! l30 i Delingpent Tay, i 240 i Sales Tax 957 I Claflin Ha11 i CA.crn to ^' ~Nl) 'P.=T DEC ....3lst 4. 1 -9- 5....Q9 I 5j6.22 .00 It ~22.J.J. N(LMLAN~ 9,995 h0 9,887.89- 9,9hO.OO _-9'~60~--=m I 9.800.00 9.960.00 9.960.00 32 ~I_ l- J I - ~ 9,118 h3 At\., llA - ~ -I I I I I r------+ CO"SOI.'D"'t.-::>_",~1. ... Manager's Final Recom. Budget mendation Allowance u.._ - - - -- - --2J.0 -EJ I +AT I I ES.: 'Lon~ an'; r.nnt q.q60.00 ~. <;00 lYl 5. <'50&0 q ~8<;() I q.q6_Q.00 Q.QhrLlYl Acc't No _ Page 1 Account I 1 .J.958. Actual Previous Year ------------------- BAND CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year -.l$l6.CL F 19'59 CURRENT YEAR 4 Actual I G Estimate _Months ~Months 1959 Total" lqC;9 Current Budget .l9QQ Budget Request ------------------- Fund-:-- - - - CEMETERY CITY OF SALINA FunctlOn_ _ _ _ Department_ - - - BUDGET REQUEST Submitted By: _ _ __ Date _ _ _ Page_ ~ For the Fiscal Year-l96.O- _ ~ _ L-- ~ _ ,,""co.... Acc't. - - - Actual ~ CURRENT YEAR ...l959.. Budge1 Manag~ Final Account PrevIOus Actual C Estimate Recom- Budget ~. = _ Year -.lL.Months ~Months Total' Reque, mendation t Allowance l! !DI'l'!lE _ - - I _ PERSONAL SERVICES: . 120 Sa,laries and Wall:es - Re~ar EmplOYee! 11 161.20 ll~(.lJ...,.OO ) __.___. Othl nil WAg"" - Jl"gl,1ar li':mpljDepj ________.00 -5ill-50 nil \lag..s - Part Tim~loY! 275.JJ:o.. .00 2l0.00 ~l( 680.00 600.00 ---~ - __.-3,6~9-6iL __8-1D6Q.1!:CL _ 1l,..11D.--OQ --1l,5OQ..OO .l2~. . T "RVT"" __ .. ..__ ___ $-=~~I and 'Il>leg:rA.ph ___5Q..2Q._ __12),f~80 ___-.l15...QQ 7 _ _-.--l' __ ! If'f'i"" F01"lllS-'-r _.___00 __ u___.00_.._______2~LOQ+---u u_25-..ooL___--25.~QO". -.---25..00[--------+----- ,t 1 ng -----2D..:J-Q---- __..00_ . n_______;25.QQ_+__ ._ _25.Q9L_. _-_25---00-J-- .__~ ?2.- 001 ____.n. ..- I I I I I ! ! : ~,',","g AM "~'Anh ==:L. --:t=~t~- =l~::r-=--=-- r H =-1 . - d.cles, Comprehena1: _...Q0+___...6..38._! n_ __.l8.~~2 L_____25.00L__.....oo _L____.??_.OO!___ __. __1..- : 1 I':'. ")", .. AM l'lLJ-.._.20~$+ ..~ 19.8, i.. -- -',1' - -.2.2.&<1f -- 2'.00 j -~~. . 2':"()()t--- . . .T---- =ty ---::L~~r=~~::~~:::! ..~2:.:: i ~_:::~~_=-~ .I__~oo. -- _ -- .00 -t- -- _ _10Q.90_~ _ _ lQQ..Q9L --- _..J.OO~Q1U__. _lOO..()()!__!.._____H___ I I ii, nd F.Qll1 pmenl;_ ___~__.1L 5 -----.21.15--+-------7fl-,?2.tln----..JJl0 .QQ .lQQ..OO -f------).QO. O~t------- -to -- -- ---- -- --I ____.DfL_+_____2<hQQ --- 50.00(1.00 50.J----- - --t----- .Tuhe.s..t---- ____42,00 --~-&Q __?.5.0Q. - i - ----- ~--- I I 'C-===-C:.=== ==.. 1_ ~101.9B__-9QO_,,-Q9 950.00 TQ'I'AL EXPENDITURES 12illMl Jw12L3B- 9.201.62 -ll. 225 .~I-.u.m..OQ l4.lQ5..00 UA - "AT ..QIJTLAY.. t..and.....: ~ m !,;ii!, elk Tl - 39 20 --,- ~ 'n.ts._ --- ----..QQ ..ll.!h2Q .DCL .QQ .QQ .00 2OO..QQ 2ClO....OO.- --.00 Jillo..m 500.00 300.00 200.00 ..!l3S- 4~Q ..00.. .l25.....OO. _-DD-~ 50 00 +-- 50.00 ____-00 .00 .Dues. SImDBY. :=1 :::t ::v: 3J.Q. 3!U- ~ 3ll. ~ ~6'i 'lVYT'AT . ~~ ~v..n1"" _l6.80 _..Llti:L 48.60 .5Q....QQ. 50.00 .Enel __._J_OO__ 00 2.2...QQ. 25...00.. 25....QQ.. Mntnr v, :.1< ------....l202_<51. ----3!L9y- 144.04 .l15....QQ. .lS.Q..QQ... Motor V, :.1<__ __.Jj.00 __~QQ..1_.___ ~ ~ ~"iI", Planh anil Tr""".E'tc... _~ _.___"OO__~--.-25..DD- __--2.S""'OO'" ~ Cement anil ~"m"nt __~ .00 _~___.. ~ and _ ~ 3!L3'> n~ ~ _54'29~~~ _~: :" ~_~-".oo ---""- --2>-00 ----..2'L.83 ....00 - O:CL 00 -15..iliLr--75-.00 -_.QlJ~ -----""~~T-~~ ~2.~ - _~.oo . "'-OOl~- 75.00 ~QQ ___ ____-.20.0.2. _50.00 _5-0....00_____.-50.00 00 00 -~i- ~...~,Q.OO ,0001_ '0.00 ~~;~ ~,~ ~;:24 .~.~ _ ;6;::T 000 00 L~-~~;.o; Rn..k ..nil Chat..- ~ -...Tire" A.nd 'I'l1bes Parts (except Mntnr-Euel) -....E:ue.l..- T"br ani! RI _T: ~ 5Q..OO.. 2hOO. .'Z5.aOO- -l2...QQ. 25....00. .AHll. .'l'l:l.ols.. .J.95a Actual Previous Year ---.- ..l959... CURRENT YEAR 4 Actual G Estimate _Months .d1-- Months ...l959- Current Budget ~ Budget Request Manager's Recom. mendation Final Budget Allowance Fund Function Department Submitted By: Date _ Acc't. No. ------------------- Page Account 2 CEMETERY CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year..lS6O- ..l.95. Q Total ~ h86LJ6- g1422.31 ____ 00 ___ -- ~---3'Ki<QQ _347.2OLr- 99 ~....,. J.,.1QQ..~~o~ 4aoo.oO ___--..fu____-3.lt....oo.... I 16.00 I 50~2Q ~.9 .00 I _75.0~_m__.-I2..2Q .~~,~:: I _= I ==:~~:J _~ ,::: I i I I ___22..5Q+. 00 --'-___mum_not. ..__ _ . ! ...D -- j i Ii! , .00 ,-----------~Q(L+--.-~-----t-.~-~--------t- ~QQ -~ ~ i i I I i Q"5.00 L___ _615LOO__!_ n__.1~!.Q9_L___6g0....()9...:.____ltQQ~.QQ _&!O.OOl______.J I ! ' I!! i _.!-__........JQQ~.. nL__-7D.O::L c_.__ 30~CQL lCQ..Ci1L___.lOO...QQJ_______10Q....C.d__n____ I ' I ! t. '. I: !, --+--~..QQ--t__------OO--,-------.. ;+_u____QQ.L____uLu___ ___om . _t--___-1DJ20--+_____.00 L------.-. t-- ____L_.____lO~_QO_u~---u----+ -- n~! ------.- t i i _ j -i------t-------.-u.:------ --{-- --;---- nt:~-, -===- 1........l2+22l..6LJ---a...'Z~.36-..l.---6-&l.q. 3Q +__),4J1)35_. 661_.J.2.,249...6.6_i-___lQ...o2.- 23 i__ ~_I_~ ------ __mt____n_____+____l.Q._63Q..:II~--13.1-2-25.'JQ+--:Ll,J],95.QOl-. -- ------- . I ! I I ----l' 12,511t L-- ---- ----ri __13+225..00.1--13..1_225.00 i_:!Jh~Q9~____ ---------- I I I ! i ~___L-J.1.95 --------- --1---.--------+----3;l;-.Q5..17L----------J.---- ---L ----- I 'I'" I j! I , '! I ~ -------------r------+ -----------,--.---.-. ---.-- I I ' l --------' ____no ________! ...___ - !.______._ ____ - __ ; 1- . . 1 .. r 1_____'___________ ---,--.------.- . =_~:==t---~~-~~~-=~L~_~~-~c=---~_=i~=c~ .-_ =t~~.~-_~~lce:et~----r- -~_ 49 t 110 Acc't. No. Fund Function Department Submitted By Date ------------------- Account Page 3 ,xes CEMETERY CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year ~ Actual 1.2.2L CURRENT YEAR Previous Actual Estimate Year -.!L Months _Mogths - 2.088.41 Manager's Recom. mendation Final Budget Allowance --- Q... ------------------- CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year lmw. ----! -- ----._-- -----~ <;.2'l.<;_9.Q ~-- ..---.-----...- 320.2~+-- 8,~79.78 8.7QQ.()O R 7 ()() ()() ...2.JOO . 00 ~e.ra1...lln.l'!"QYement 5l ~ ~ ~ i 25-k j I 255 IE, ::: I:::::: : s ~ ~pnt _ M~~nin~rv Ann 27<; Rent - . Mntnr V ..and .MoUlr..--Yehi~ -1rll !,;, _S l1 !,;, -T:! ..and.. t.___ ld.'l'l .DO. ~ I -i 743 7BL--3Q2.~~ ~94J!Lr----.....1QQ..QQ+------+OO...Q(L! h1R 80 --.lQ.--QQ...r' 2 4 0.00 2.500.00 .:>,500 00 ---2.,.1.62....00....... 00 2 . 000.00 2.....9.90.QQ .00 _.200.00 200.00 ---------.00. .20.0 .00 _---DO.. ~.OO l..lQS...l!l -------~t--- 2,000.00 00 _--.500.00 00 _20.0.00.. _----.300.00 2.000.00 200.00 :>,000 00 500 00 -----200....00. 300 00 ~OOO--OQ 500.00. ...00. 2.000.00 500.00 700.00 2,500.00 3...000.00 500.00 200.00 300.00 'l.'l. 762 .26 ~_-.l6.,.l5.5.... <;<; lJ2 __3hQ.00 .00 ..ll. 000.00 .TOTAL ES..: PERSONAL SE?:',l:CES: i 120 i Salaries and W8.jl;es ~ ~lA~;p~ Ann W~e~~ ..130- llaJ.aI:ieELB.nd..Jl7aRes ~ .Engi :-and 1 00 M..,,' C;, - - ------- Regular Employees 4,830.23 Other Be gp 1 "... 1<\np 1 n..pt" I ...28..,B5.6...5-5- Fa"' "'me ""p,,,,,_.1_ _ .."""- 'aL RpMrj ,..'C~ --_L--.+o..llB. -5...QQ. 14.844. :J- .DO. --.l,.6JtO...l5- 4.<;1".40 ~~ 11,484.60 1.000.00 'I' nnn ()() ---OQ. --r--~OO 4.000.00 26.000.00 1.000.00 4,000.00 ?6,ooo.00 .L..QOQ~OO 4.000.00 28.000.00 l,OOO.OO I I ------------------- Fund Function Department Submitted By Date _ Acc't. No. ~ Actual Previous Year ~ Actual LMonths CURRENT YEAR \? Estimate ~Months Manager's Recom. mendation Final Budget Allowance - .l953. Total' ~ Current Budget 1960 Budget Request Account Page 1 GENERAL lMPROVEMENT CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year ...l96.O.- _ Page~ =---.J.S58. Acc't. Actual N Account Previous ~ Y~ AND SUPPLIES: .__ ~ ~Q(L~ 100.00 100.00 100.00 J.Q\hQQ .00 --..Oll 500.00 00. 00 ~ .5QQ...OO .~ .Q3l+. 4 .+oo..m...1QQ...QQ .00 Q... __ 200.00 -~-~~ -~,,~ 400.00 -5??.oo ..9!L... _. 3 1 +--_ .J-.2..6. 8 200 .00 _2QQ...QQ. ucts 1.._6 ____31.2Q8 1.000.00 1.000.00 BL ---.2....$4- 1---.9.21..06 . hOOO.oO ~ 1.000.00 14 ::n .00 ~g~~ =.: ~ 200.00 360....95- ---3J~ -..-.UJS...aLt---J.2Q, 00 1 50 OCL ___J.5Q...Q} _ 1~.l8a.1lli. J-1 00l+..D5...~__~200..00L_~~ QQ.O.0--r----_ _ +- I I _~oo. -- f- (X) t T- ~~ -Ha'n.~tetlah~t 97B l2~:OO J9~OQt:.00~~u-?~:.oot_ _250"1_ .._.-r~ . ~ __ - ~ _,'3363. L}Jl.ca --,,068.92 ~_ 6,= 00~.2oo~ nn_6.250'1~=l , I i I - - - ---- ---- .--------- ---------1--- -...2'L..OO .3..00 __.._Jrr...oO-+______-5.Q 0.. ____.2.0_.00 ----- ___ ---t---- - _00. - - SUNDRY EXPENDITURES: ~_.- y. Si TO'!' AT""""" h':l It:A AA ~.A<:; ----2B~.....l.2 I ~n~;Q'O\ 4',9'0~T:9,00Q.J --- lGener.~m.llJ:J.e.ment ..?~ -- .00 M - - - - BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year-.l96.O- CURRENT YEAR y; Estif(late ----L- Months ~ Total ..lS5$l Current Budget .lS6o Budget Request Manager's Recom. mendation CD"SOLID"TI:~.5"L'"'' Final Budget Allowance ------------------- CITY OF SALINA Fund Function Department Submitted By Date GENERAL IMPROVEl-!ENT --- -.--t------- _~~~~~p~xal r~~rovement 53 CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST Page -----3-- For the Fiscal Year ~ ______ ____._.------1' _________._______._____ Acc't. c '" ~-.A,Zt'~a~--r---_=l9'5i-CW~~.-'~YEAR- 1 No AC,Q~"t ' Pre'IOuS r--- Actual --r-, .,_"mate I _ . ~ _ . .. L Yw 1:4cM,m,~+~=.,.<o"""."- To' : I I - ~TY~::::::"':t~-- ~ 2.303.22 i-~=~-=- -LI-=-~-= ___~~".7~ , I I ss Unooid Pttrc~~.e_~s___ __--L311....26 ______ ____ _3....Q]g,311 ~- 628.6,.t . -',9~.&1~1 -1~.62t~" 671.06 ......-. 719 I Weed Cutting Services 46? 50 ~__ 408....12 I 4011.Ji--JO<l- 250.00 7?5 I R,;1" of' ~lv"g" OO-f--------'--QQ-T----- i -r- 00 I - -====t= ~ ~. ~.; - I 'l'fY'l'AT. RRC'RT?T'S 3,50::> 8('; 1_31-J~n"_llL~_ BJ928&~_j' ----45~2..poi---4~2.5_+-u 48.1238.061 _+_ I TOTAL RECEIP'I'S---ANIW>EGINNING-EAIANCE-- 1 44,lt2B....82 - - - --- 1 ----- -- _~Q,,4U.94: -- ~~oo i~~o.ooi-------- 1 -+ """""""m I .),15il.illl j____I___m~~--"5""""~OO: ~ 4',920.00, 42'OCO,c'l-.". ... I t .cash l'."1""",, Th --l.269..9!t- ----r------L----"'.91.94t------ ~ i-- I _ I I I ! i 1---+--1__- ~-~~:6.J-~ 82 I---f~-------I 1-.O..84.~t_Q..3Q2L-t-u--.- I ~ 1-'- ------t-----.--r------n ---r-m I . 1----1-.----.----1--- -.--.-- ~-t__---J------- ------ Jiet Tax Req,uiremenYL__ DelingJl~ Tax Do"R,..S Tax ~vv Mills ..3.ls1:. Manage~'s Final Recom. Budget Inendat. ion AlJo';~.a!1ce .---- ------ -_._~- Fund Function Department Submitted By Date ------------------- GENERAL mPROVEHENT I ---1 I _~l'_nLSI>~~m:P!___2.L - ~ -lJO- -2!ill. - - - w..t. Tax R, n..l i nqu"n' 'l'lLx no l1ar. 'I'lL... T,.vv Mill.. ..!mTAL ~ ~1n n. MID. ..B. ~ ~TJRrol 'RATAN~F. .TAN T.Ol'!' ..cum 'l'angi h 1.. "'" y.." ~, in'll1.-n+ ry'gv.\Cl/: _.5a.1.e.s 'l'a y ,4 ' ~"h Balan~" Dec. ~laL U'& T .AlJfT' urn .l.,l5.O.-J+. ~l3l.3DLli- .__~ _----00..- 00 nn ~--------- --~----------- 44,519 oh < 1...3ill . < c; _ 45,hh9n43 - 45,000.00 - 669.43 ~~- I 44,231 9a -- I _88!L.tik h5,l1h h? o ..93l ~ l"o~~i_44'::~l ".;;::1: 4 ::1 ~ -T -----~-l-----cQ.rl . I I ---- ....... l -L---L . __ ____ n_ _.___~~ __"_. __ _____ . _L __ _____ __ _______ __~._..__________ l3.QQ6.30 44 6 .221 44,hh7 65 i 44,962.9&= ---T- , I I ___ __662-.431 45....QQ9..90 i _10J.000.00[ +' ---- 4 QJ.I..Qr8! 45,000.00. 45,000.00! 45,000.00 I .= _37"_~\'J~;.~;I-~:] -~-i- l~aaL35+-___ 899. 26J___--.J_ l .k2.,25~-45,~2.~-_ j n.q16lt__J-~l L--- j i i ! ' - =- TOTAL .Belt .stre.e.:t. !';nrf'. .. .ll5_' nnn "" .illl .ilO. ..00 _45..000 ()('\ -----.-00- -~ -----..OQ... ---..O.Q. ~::fOO'.DQ --ltS...ooo...oo .!!5....oo0~0~ =---===-_ _n___ _________.+.____.______m.n 00 ~~ --~~u.oO JIs.. 000..00 ..00. ..00 ..00 ..QQ. ~ ..00 - - ----..--- .45,000.00 1 I I - 'Du_-1... Fund Function Department Submitted By: Date _ Acc't. No. - -- ------------------- .of_ T ann _ Page 1 Account GENERAL M'T> .J.95B. Actual Previous Year SPECIAL IMPROVEMENTCITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year--l96o- 1959 CURRENT YEAR ~ Actual L Estimate . ~Months Months Total ..l95.9- Current Budget .l9.6.CL-_= ., r- --- Managers Budget Recom. 1 Request mendation__ . -- J I Cc,..'O...'O...TlEO"'.....'...... Final Budget Allowance -- -- C.O..SO..'c..l"IJO-........ - ~ Budget Allowance T Manager's Recom. mendation ~ Budget Request ~ Current Budget CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year ~ ~ CURRENT YEAR 19.5-~ 1; Actual 8 Estimate Total ~Months _ Month~ INDUSTRIAL DEVELOFMENT ~ Actua I Previous Year _ Page 1 Fund_ Function Department Submitted By Date _ Acc't. No. - - Account :s. ....J.Q' -1-' P,,,f,,"o~1 and "","., S~''''E Miscellaneous .00 ______ ___ _n________._ ___ __ _____ TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1.259.0l 11.054.'\2 ---~ I __________1 '-1 .ll., oc; 4. '<2+--_____t_------9"'-79S.L31_L___~3l. 8,554. '<2 Ii! 1,2'59,01 I ! 1.24Q..2+-~,240.99.l~254. 8.554.3:;' L i i I I I I 0..195....'<1 i i 3.,~-~ '<~ i p. -~w, I! . ~I-'----I- ---').=~~-T----~.,..;J.-'- ---- I I i ! [' I i I 1------1 -1 I I i I . . t------t---- -I --1 -t-~- +----t--L J-~~---~- --+ ---r-~------t--- - 1- --+- ! I I ill I +==T-----T----- ~------ - -----I----------i -t- H-L~- --t--~~- ~! -T----t----+---- !! - ---=:-' _~_ =L=i 1,1 ! ' = _--------1IDQ..1JE.trial DeVelopment 55 .00.. 1,240.99 8.554.'\2 .00 1,24Q. 8.554.32 -- o 7:::t '1.70<;. '<1 8.254.'\2 8.<;<;4.'\2 -1~ -~ -T-- L I G BAIANCE Th>c. ~1 e+ RECEIPTS AND BEXlINNING BAIANCE CITY 'mEASURER BAWC.1L.TAN. 1st ~ ~ Less F.rnend1 tures A "n Q." - - CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year -19.6.0.- MlliORIAL HALL Fund Function Department Submitted By Date Final Budget Allowance Manager's Recom. mendation ~ Budget Request ~ Current Budget 1959- Total .l95B--- ---- Actual--------19~9CURRENT YEAR Previous Actual r 0 Estimate Ye~. =..JL..Months ~ _" Months Page 1 Acc't. No. Account 4.700.00 500.00 100.00 h.700.00 7 (''It, ()() 5.~00.00 100.00 <;.<:;()().()() 4,700.00 200.00 100.00 ----.-.-.-. - 5,000.00 00 200 150.00 1. 500,00 450.00 275.00 j.200.oo 500.00 :'CX100 00 ()n nn n() 15n no 1,500 00 h50 O() ::>75 ()n h .0??...oo.. r:.fV1 f'\f"'I gQ2, 221 m.. =- ~ =- a =- ~ Insurance- _ lh,,",'nina ?<;::> R.."" i r" _ 200.00 400.00 148.00 59.62 52.00 ---3!lQJa ~QQ ~ ~ 26.1"\ Telephone and TelelO'Rph Printin~ Office Forms 150.00 5QQ..00.i 450.00 ~ ,.100.00 500.00 150.00 hhR O'l ~l 209.80 ,.100.00 489.86 'i6 Memorial Ball 6.275.00 7.07<; .00 ---~--- -,-.-. 6.575~00 --- .._--~---- It..Q'lh.42 , .13lill 200.00 100.00 ~6.2 _1,)68.4<;_ 148.00 nO _27.00 Re~lar Employees Part. '!'imp moloye."o. R"" PERSONAL SERVICES Salaries and Wa~es Salaries and Wages Other Professional Services ,.4,1.<;~ 00 1,568.45 .00.. Q~- 00 1 ,051 07 1.l9....19... Q5...2Q. _-----00 1().14 1h<R <;R 7 hhC: 17 'T'lYf'AT. 120 l3Q. 195 121.2<; 4 'I'O'l'AJ, ._~D .00 q2.28 1 )'57 05 ::>7:' 7(1 195.60 <:; J$LQL ?h<; q4 .and. Motor Vehicles p~nn Pn Social S.ec\U'1 tv ~nn errf"'" ('t~ ..00..., 2 0 ___._._______u_ __ 2"'" fVl 500 ^^ -~ '-"-"---1---- ._-~-- ~-- ~~----- ~--~~--. . - i~--' ~~ --3~~~~--~3,175..'OO' 1k, 1750()" 13.LU .00 I __~_-+-_n n I---~J=_n n ___n ---r--~ ---~-~~+--t-I~-=----~- ~-~ =~=f-~=---.=---------t-~--=t~~==-=1'=--=r=J -+ ~~~--TI =cc=_L_ .---- ===-~_l---== ... I -----c=.-==-====--=-:==-J--:.cc=--=--=o=-l-==--=c-==-..----J=c=====cc-=---=___J~~~!.!~1J!!!J-l.L--==-=;i1o_ CAPITAL OUTIAY ~ ..5Q3.. rAnd, Buildings and Fixed .5Q9. Furni ture and Fixtures - - - - ~ - - t- - - -, I TOTAL ,nt. - .illL ~'. r--.2QQ.QQJ----~QQ+--- _ ---~r _----5QO.OO, ~ ~~=~ ~~ ~;-- 5M.OO OQ..!...QQ --- -- ----- - ~.~.- - - -_.~- - ------+-- - - - - ----- CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year-196o- J.9.5L Actual 1'- l252 CURRENT YEAR Account Previous Actual y. Estimate Year 4 Months . I Months = --- ----r lLAlJll = -- _-,'c,g<; t-~_]o ;- '9.4B 1 t SU lies l'l4.87 r_~k2. ~~ Trees and Etc.._______, -~-_.--'-QQ-~~------OQ _-----..2Q..QQ. 367 I Electr1.cal and Lighting Parts ____.. 42.52.~___..Jt..5-9- 95.41 --3Q9... I Hardware (Rough and FiniSh)3.!t~~t- ____ _ 25.00 38l 1'aint and_Pain...:tinl< Ma.t~.ri_~..l8 ----'29....29_ ___ 1.44 7~.56 _~m________ _3Q2,,'I? ~__ ___414:9.....93_ ----r---- I -- 2.81. 00_1__....2.06..00_ __~~oo ------------------- 4U Acc't. No. Fund Function Department._ Submitted By:_ Date _ ~ ~ 'l'OTAL u ~-- S:v~and Timekeep~ .-- Page ? MEMORIAL HALL 500.00 2QO.00 t ~= - --- -~~ . -::c~~ -i~ . 600.00 - - - !.S5,9. -.196Q. ~-1- Current Budget Manager's Recom. Request mendation Total .. B~dget - -- - --50.~ 0.00 -5fl... 200.00 __;200. QO 200.00 50.00 o 00 0.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 ----- ____ 25.00 25.00 22o:l-=:: 75.00 ----15.......00 75.00__ - '- CON$OLlc..nc.-......,.... Final Budget Allowance ---- - CO..SOl..ID.TEO'.....'.. Final Budget Allowance 8 Manager's Recom. mendation Acc't. No. liO Page 3 For the Fiscal Year--l96o- --------~-~9.~8---------.-.----------- Actllal-u"r- ~-- _125.2~----CURRE~i';rTYEAR-- 19c;g'- Account PrevlOus '. A.ctual.. V Estimate Year _ ..' ~=-":'lont_hs _L_..l\'lonths Total' EGn~J]'JG 'RATANCE_________ ____.___00__ ____~__ __._~ __.00_______ _:B'UNCE_JliN~.~tL_ ___. n ...2,]-8~-'--6Q.lu _. _____ ___.__ 11 Oo! !:cllase.....0rd=L________L__ -~--'23~2.Z_t_n_ ______ ________ ._00_ __ _~L~:!_2.!.: _,: ::"~~~"~'t~~l-~::::t~6~~t n2,~~.B~~~:~::~:_L:::::l....~.~~ ___ e ",,'" .-~-._.--~~-i --llILz.>r- m. ~.oo~ ___'Q.OQ_I~. ... 5Q.Q9~ _,o~ooJ '0.00 I ~~ .+-....._ ----- '--+---. j32J. _Jill.+_ __uA.Q7..~9.3- ! -_. _..467,93 I.'. __93.5.861__ --9-3~6.-' _._ _ 846.50j____j I Q" 8 I I i - J =t. ~en.tals-r-~-.u:;tQ~3 -t--. 300..00 too ___2.Q0,-00 j- -- 2Q().00 I ____200..00.. 500.0~_____ , ..""'".-_.~~~~.~~ -t -",fo,.oo~ i - -c"ao.oo-J- 420~j)Q -~ - 2,QOQ.O~ ' I 2 ,000.00 ..---C= 1L-----t-----~lJill~---12.6 .98 )______48!.02_ L .._ __ n2.-OQL----200....ffirl 200.00___ I I " , "OJ"' """ CboW" ~- --- -. . _~1<Loo I~- -- ~OO-j _--50 .~O J. __00__00--.20. Q~____~O'OO+______52!.Q9.1_. . ___I )Vllll"";; to( p"----------------t---------...DDT-- ----~Q..+--.--.-----+ ------ .-..---J.---- ... -~~-~n--r---~--_i ".... ""'~ ""'-""'eke,!',,, J _~>;m..oo [1- --232,~0--i -- _36','.50_1.! ---Qo-Q.90~.,.-----6D~:t-----...EgQ..00.!..----------~----- ,pnt n1' R1(ppnrHt',rp" _----OQ_ _____~OO +_ ___ --L __ ---~--~----.--_._OO__I L_-----J j I I , ' I I! , , I ' ----.-- --- --.---- _ -- ---=--=-~-..:.-~ -- - .------ ku---- ----+----c-.------:----i'-:------------.+---------:------ __.____----1-_ I I I u, liT ~---l!J.)lB6~9A! 9,$LJ+---.J;..,.35.6...2St ---J.3;711.6-1r-4,k42_6Lj_____9.dJ_t2..E31t.. ._~____J_u_____.~ ~ i I I I I ! :~ B'RG~'YDJr. p,ATANClC7'O.7 .66 . ... -t.-----------.-..... :-. _mU~.O...31,-1. j+_~_JA}.1.Th....Q.0.-+~-:I,,3L17.'.5-. 0_.00.+ .--' _~.. _____1 . ____..-~ r 4'4.11> -- mt~.~~ -- - -+~13,m..QQi-~,4,m,QO-.L l3~('.OO~_. .. I ..~ . ------------+--..J.87..8;} __~__u_+-.. --- -TI __ __ _______+~_~88-l4_j_____ .J:Ql.41i --__~_ J----- I" I' I -r ' -9,$l-9-l41-u.------luoo---- . - 1 --- ----- -t-~~9-t--- 5.Ll]1.7?l__ I -..0.J.9+8--L -f- uu------l - -- -- n }u__"O"'l9MJ_~-~1Q.2L ~-- - ----J~--- ~ t-~l~==-l. ~_=t=~=1~~j~-=~-5&. ~ J9Q..~ Budget Request Manager's Recom. mendation Final Budget Allowance Fund Function Department Submitted By Date - - - - - MEl-IORIAL HALL - - - CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST - - - - - - - - - - - TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1 484.59. .00 -Llilln. ()( ~.l1m.nl c;n'l "'.".......L OUTIAy. ...,..". Rnd ~n .oo...J._-OO.._ - ------00. 1 c:; on...oo .-- lJ 500 ~Q_<2lN.oxio.u.s..J.le.eds. .59.. ! TOTAL .Am1 ..333. Chemicals. Ih1gs and ~IMotor Vehicles - Fue~br. and Etc ~ Mac~ery and~1U.PJn.e~r.t.li ..QQ- Jkl...D6. J25..3Q. - .21.l...36. _~..___..2OD...oo... ~QO-+__..2QChOO.... :J 100.00 ..00 30.9_.00 - :'ooF-:~~..~'oo - -~-2QQ::I-300-coJ- . -=,QQ ___.J.Q.Q -lOO..+_l-Q9.00 ~ m .n!!: X15. 28<; TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES Social Security Repairs - Machinery and EIDlll2!!!ent Rent - Mach1ner:L.!Y!.d_EIDIj.JlD!ent I Rent - Motor .. ^, Eradic.ll;tinn .3QL88 . ()(2. .00 _27 .88 ~-,-Q<L ~OO .00 .2Q..OO._. ____~_'2Q..OO _--~T---.lBo.. '1.0. -Q. --- ___J.fu2..QQ --~Q9 ---------. -.------ ~-----------DQ- ------- .__---00 I --~ t------------ ______j_____~OO .00 - -c ~m.o: ~_oJn~~_~Q~--2Q9.00 .2O.....Q{L 20.00 JSO.OO-+- 180.00 .00 .l.2..4a.35.J J2Q. 125 ..'.I'QTAl U ~lRries and Wages ~l.~iP.s and Wa~es - ~~~t~~OO --------..QQ- Other R..,,- .EamlYs.....D.e,p.ta.... 1.242.35 ..QQ --.- ...]QQ..QQ. .--- CXLt---1QQ..OO 1QQ...QQ ..:zoo.oo ..00. 700 00 - 700 .00. JOO..oo. - --------- 700.00 -.--. Fund Function Department Submitted By Date _ Acc't. No. ------------------- Page 1 Account NOXIOUS WEEDS 1958 Actual Previous Year CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year--19-6o- ~ CURRENT YEAR I. Actual ('> Estimate ~Months ~Months ..l959 Total ~ Current Budget 1960 Budget Request Manager's Recom. mendation Final Budget Allowance .L~"")O J.;!;l;! l~hn .....................,,'...........'... Acc't. Actual 19J9 . CURRENT YEAR lQ<;Q Current Budget Manager's Final Account Previous Recom. Budget No. Actual l Estimate Total Budget Request Year 4 Months Months mendation Allowance AlIm ~n "T~ CI'J:').'TREASURER BAlANCE JAN. 1st 2"iQ.q6 67.qq Less Un-1d PurchRse {),.<'le-"s lIn..nf'umh<>rpn r.a"h .Tan. 1,,-1: ?"i0.06 h7 00 ":'-:> N'l 70 00 no Current Tanllible Taxes 1 l71.ll q15. 'n 379.28 l.?04.6r; l.?04.6r; l.'10'l.r;r; , "0 De'innn..n+ 'l'R....." lL..A7 .00 ~<; N'l 240 Sale s Tax 1 n6 64 'i8 67 'i8 68 117_'1"i 117 _ '1r; ",,:, ),,,:, 721 Sale of Commodities .00 00 N'l 0<;2 Reimburse-n+. n~ _n"H..._~ -()() -()() N'l I 1.292.62 974.04 4~7.96 1 412.00 1 4'<7.00 1 420.0l TOTAL RECEIPI'S TOTAL RECEIPl'S AND BEGINNING BAIANCE 1. 552. 58 1 470.00 l."iOO.OO 1.500.00 Less Ex-oenditures 1.484.59 1.400.00 1.'iOO.OO l.'iOO.OO Unencumbered Cash Balance Dec. '<1st. 67.qq 7Q.OQ Net Tax Requirements 1.176.40 1.2q4.65 l. ,0'.55 . Delinauent Tax 2,.5, 25.89 26.07 Tax Dollars l.l99.93 1.320.54 l.329.62 Tax Levv Mills 0.0248 0.0268 0.0265 I Nox1ow; Weeds 60 Fund Function Department Submitted By Date ------------------- Page 2 NOXIOUS WEEDS CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year ~ -=-==-=_-=-__~___ .E.iI:ell'.en'-LP'~mh9P'___6J._ ..llO. .J.3Q ~ qlj,l .Tax- 'I'R:r Tln 11 a..." 'I'R...- T..~ Mills NF.'T' 'l'ax._ ..Ta.UL. .TOTAL T"'~R Jll Sales Tax CT'l"i "" n~'94=1" 3';<Q'X=~69&4,=~::~t::~1.~ ':~::~ -=_ . ..--NZ.9 276:: r-2~~~j==--=;::t=~:1- ---:'::r=n-= I 'I:r I I on, by """""'"' , .. ,." ~~1 ' ,26' .:~ 1,922,22 I 3" Dll-]8 I ,_,_2,000.00" ' 600.00. I , ,000 .001 --r T --'+ :+:--.-- ~ -- -- -----i " -, ~F~,.53.~ ~ "JE.]~t~3~8 j .. ~o,292'4- 8';;;7"- 6"se;.~4t- == -~t " '''' """"',,"0 '''ANOK 12,~",z.,2'Ll--.~----+--.--------l. __......~..2. 4 ..]~_O-,_~I__ 20 1]70.00 L__?.21no.o.Q~__nu___mm_ I ::alance~~~L.-C::: ____-1__=:~":_: _ro~:j -ro'770'I=-==~_t--=- ~_I-.__- ~Tn_._ 1 ! . 1 -, ---- ---- , n ---. "::: : -~'<:79_-_"~::~-~ l-~ -=~ " 5,hh? hh ~445.7~ -..-- ._----,- - n ,,'<Q 0,.Q2~ __.Q.!.Q?87 .1lAIAIiCE.. RATANCF. JANL.J.sL______. Ie.. 'I'R -'l'a.xea. .-- ---.- AND .lQ..Q6..9....ll __-Sr523-..JH-j---__7Ll14.6. 6~+_..l:92~0. 00 I -== + I 20'770~00~_ JB2. lm.- Ij,~g ~ No. .TOTAL. .stmIlRY. ..c.J ai m" anci....A:l<ard" P,: 'PAin "'.s.. 20JlO Page 1 [_--,",'8 , ,~~~' _,~ __.~_~_'~. L259. Actual l-""'---CtiRRENT --/E-AR- - Account p . LJ-"-r---~-' . 1959.. Current revlOUS Actual V EstDlC:te '__~, Yo"'. ~+ 4.~:'n~', ~J.d..~,M,.""J~, T,'."' .. Boo", ~ . .__ ,.., _~_j-_ , ".n.'I---~F -- ~n_ __----.OO_____------.JXL ' n fV){) fY\ 101000.00 QO J&Q.Q Budget Request ._~-~- -.--- Manager's Recom. mendation Final Budget Allowance Fund Function Department Submitted By Date . ------------------- FIREMEN'S PENSION FUND CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year -..l950- .- Page -- ===-=:-~-- --- ~-~==------ = .QID!!!~_a.ml. ,rAIL ----~----- ----- I --__ _ .S>Q ~__ _ _-----9_CL_ _______ _ ______ __ ::' ~ --. .-=~~~ . j12'~~:r'~:~: j ~_'O:::~: i ~':::~:_~ R...m~~__~~~ ~ -~--~I- ^""r~.,ffi-+- ~ '., --~l-lO'OO<L.'OO~ .10,COO..00~ ~-~ =-c::-:= --:c-------- ._u_ -- -}- - --j-- - -- -- 1- - -.~, - ----.__~~,-cc~-~---~--cl,-=-'c'cc'c,~c_~l~~.~-~c..~c~--c=~~ TOTAL EXPE: :'URES: 13 1.69.8'1... I "'70" L. I ..10 r 2)- 86 I 15 6"6 00 I 2" 446.00 1 2" 696.00 I I ~- ------- ----- - - _j_U' 1 --.'-r'+ ~-l- ~:J 'j .. -JJ-L]-----~-.----L--4- oo-1----..---J---- RECEIPrS ~ IroINlI~~_"^U~C~ ~- =-- n -l-:~-~ r - 1.- -r =-~-=~------:t-::-i Cl'l'LTREASIJ!l>R-"^",,,"'JNt..."'. --I~n.569.QJ i - ~+ ~ --I~ - 9+016.96j-~ .6,5Q,.6<q__>.l,4,.o.391 --~.-~ .. CUrrent TangiJ:l.leu.Taxes-.-.-.----.--i---.6-J39.6...3.6i--9'7003.+0-J-- 3. 72LOl. 1 _ 12.7ZlJ..7lL .l2.12L71J _-------9-..2Qll.23l I I' Iii I -- ~llI!JlYeJI:t.~-ep------ .------------.--. loS..6"-t-------00-+----- i - - -~r-----15..'OO t - -~ - ----l------- Sales Tax ---j-----B32.l8------32CLJ2_ r-----J20.Rr--- - __640.63 i - ~40..63-+ -..J....1~-4-1r Sol. of C_oditi,,_.~__~. --- . ~O+"_'''OO_I__'' -I -r- .. _00.1.. --~ I~-~- '- Contr'b:i~D" b':="___- u_ In ~~~69t~, m~51 ~~4:.0'l- 3,900.00 I ~-3.500.00 1-. M~.Ol~ _ ~._ =~=-_ TOTAL RECEU'T.S __ =t..J.l.,'ZTI.J.7ll-1Q,757,97 _ j ---6,50'?3Lr.---..J.7,265.3!L__ 16_~940--3-4~---14,2!j,9.IOrr _ .____ _+______ : ! i I I I 'l'Q'l'A:LEE(;E-L~~UJJ1LBEGTh'1UNG...EAUiliCE ...1 -23~,3lt6.B5...1 _ -Li_27;142.30~__25,l:.lt9.00L__u~.2J696..oo! . I ! ; ! i : I --- - ------ less ExPenditures.__.._m m~________L n. ~3.,1j.69..B9JJ. I ..15..6.516.QQL._25-1_4~6.0Q_l._ _25JtS9_Q...'OQ~_ UnencumbeIeCL~pb~l<'J)C~_DeCL31St._-+___-9,B2Q.9-6.J . J - ---~. _lL,ltJ"6.JCj --~--u--~----~~--'-l--~~-~--~-~= ul-- -~ --- !----+-- .-----+-- -----..--Lnn----t-----m--- - T -U2G .60_j -1--+12,72~~1lt--2,:;::::r- ~~+ .-- --------.-- -- -------- ~--~;~~~~:. _9'~~~;~-=-, - t~..---- - o.2f)J ~-.il.J.80~~---------~+--~------ ~__ --_=--_-.iEoli~~llI.ep~~=J'~~j,on _.....:=-62_ 41 2l 240 ~ 4 Acc't. No. 130 DO q. _J.lt.~696-,-, _ 196_0..---:::--- Budget Request Manager's Recom. me"dation Final Budget Allowance Fund Function Department Submitted By Date - - - - POLICEMEN'S PENSION - - - FUND - CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - 110 ..lJQ 240 731 Tax Doll Tax U!vv_Mills. Net Tax Delinquent Tax J:a.sh TOTAL RECEIPl'S TOTAL RECEIPl'S AND .le.s.s. ~ Current Tan~ible Taxes Delinquent Taxes Sales Tax Miscellaneous (Cnuntv and Othpr,,) RECEIPl'S AND BK: CITY TREASURER -- ..BAL ::E. .JAN. lst. n..c '<l"t Public Health 630.85 278.45 161.76 13,419 83 4.403 15,053 75 15.919.31 ----23o....6L ___.~_ -----.O~ 00 00 _---....QQ 1,556.8h I ~_n..._1L_ -L.344.....4L.....t-_.~~_ 1.354.92__--+ OOi~u u .O<l f~"---- _~20"'U' t~~2<Wl23-sB, 20.08$.51 ~ -+- _CC- - ,---:-c-.----.t.=-=--=-cc==c:-:-~ . . '. . . .... '----Cl . .. . .. . ---,----- --+--lli~-----1W.~l'h5--'~2.2...~- _lZ...~4h55 r 37,221 ;5 i 37.35-9:74-r- "" 15'838'21ll_ , 37,66t,~ 37,500.00 .L37,52.!~_1 I I . I 15.398.00 . __ 37,500.00 -L 37.500.00 I 37.521.50 i 440.''- T- 161. 'j-_ I ~ u . ..~ I I I~--- . 15,053 ~ 15,919.31+_ *~18'39 I - I ~~~ !.~,237.70 n ~"A 0.3225 l})lBa...'ti> ::>h977 ~~ n ?Ahl 10~J _ 440.~ 56 15.053.75 63 8.676.42 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 15 . ~ 98.....QQ_ 28.823.58 37.500.00 '<7.<;00.00 37.521.50 .AImrO'Priation Mi ~ - County ..aM.J1th~ l'i. ,<qa .00. .00 8.676.42 00 8.000.00 20.823.58 16.676.42 20.823...58 lh,h7h 4::> ~(\ A~':l c;A 17,435.99 20,085.51 - Fund Function Department Submitted By Date _ Acc't. No. ------------------- Account Page PUBLIC HEALTH 1958 Actual Previous Year CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Y ear ~ 12.2L CURRENT YEAR l. Actual Estimate ...:t-Months _Months -l359- Total .J.959. Current Budget 1.960. Budget Request Manager's Recom. mendation Final Budget Allowance Delinauent Tax Tax Dollars ..1'a.x..Levv M i 11" liet T.., 10,000.00 200.00 10.200.00 0.2071 10.200 0.2026 200.00 10.000.00 00 ~4 Less EXDendit~~s 10.000 10.OOO.QO 00 10.000..00 ooO.OQ 10.899.94 10....899.94 Io.:t.al. 8< 10 Delinauent Sales Tax Miscellaneous ..Iax.e.s. Tanldble Ta.x~ M.2...94 .c.i ~ Bal Jan 1st Orders ~ C~qh Bal Tan. l~t 10.000 00 10 000.00 10.000.00 Final Budget Allowance Acc't. No. ~8 Actual Previous Year Actual -A--Months CURRENT YEAR Estimate ...1l.- Months l2.5.2. Total .llft Current Budget 1960 Budget Request Manager's Recom. mendation Fund Function Department Submitted By: Date - - - Account Page - PLOOD CONI'ROL WORKS 8< DIKES - - CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year ~ -------- ----- TOTAL ..133J!:OQ.21 T 287.0Cf7 .01 456.912.09 -F= 743.902.00 _---~J-.:..c.:=__Il<>~d-~d Interest __~.' =+ -r-- 74'l.q2Q . --==t===-- 4757.570.52 ' - 1--- ,... 6,-!:> $. ill ill ill lli 62~ Sewer Bond-Interest (C.S.) Sewer Bond-Interest (P.O.S.) Fiscal Agency Commission & M1scellan~oue. Chll, 96.4~6.46 l4,706.9l 7 .9B2....o.lt. ~ ..lJ.:Lll 4.369..85- <hO .xi- ..00. Sewer Bond-Principal (C.S.) Sewer Bond-Pr1~.J!~P~O..s. ) =1 ::::~ ::: :J ::: ::: Gutter and Pavin~-Interest (~ Gutter and Pavin~-Interest~.S 609 611 CUrb CUrb ..6Ql hO< --3D-.-99~ and Pavin~-Princ1m.-~.Jf ~ma .~ 'p, '_ ., (P.o.sL, 170 004.00 lh4'::J-:QQQ~ 263.36 ~9 .221.12 85,18618 8.056.60 IB.940.4~ 6.'iB'1.64 2. 208 ~6.J._ 7.B08.<'i n.510.1~ ~4.147.53 ~ll.lOO...99.. -~~ ..!h246.60 .2.4~ 55. 34.!t..46 170,000.00 49.424.81 82,582.49 183,824.81 ----.1..1,743.82 30.187.03 --.lQW..s.5~lJi 57.537.07 4,158.66 I~. lL-9JiI.Ol 1, 547 . 34 _.....5....2.J.'l...li 605.82- .__~ 37.500.00 .n.. 500.00 ~....ooo .OQ 21.161.45 43.Jil.!.37 OSi A..~~ ~"':l 170,000 00 49,U?4 A1 82,582.49 l83,B24.Bl 1l.748.B2 ~0.lB7.0~ l02,255.lB 57.5'37.07 U,967.0l 5,917.19 975 59- <7.'i00.00 67.798.84 _~~.7.24.04 --LJ..Q.3~ 1.500.00 j8~3W6 ~bl09.19 114.943.29 148 ~ ~8~ ..l.8.6 13 ~-u 530.00 000 . 00 969.44 798.86 Acc't. No. ~ Actual Previous Year For the Fiscal .l9.59- Actual ~Months CURRENT YEAR Y. Estimate --'-- Months Manager's Recom. mendation Final Budget Allowance Account L959 Total 1259.. Current Budget 1960 Budget Request - Fund Function Department Submitted By Date Page 1 ------------------ BOND AND INTEREST CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST Year .l96O- Actual Previous Year BOND AND INTEREST ------------------- CURRENT YEAR ( Estimate _.::...... Months CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year ~ Manager's Recom. mendation CO..SOl...lO..TI[D-S......,..... ~ Budget Allowance ,l" a~'C - .l.~;lO ..L.7J? ..7....," Acc't. I Actual 1q'iq CURRENT YEAR ,0"0 Current Budget Manager's Final Account Previous Actual .i Estimate Recom. Budget No. Year 4 Months . Months Total Budget Request mendation Allowance 1?0 - ,., h'7n I., 4.q14 ..~o '" OL.".7" ,,, Qt::" "" ,0:: At::" I"lrI 10:: Qt:" "" :5 j:;arl: 0: :'7: -:~ otb<r T>:i ()() .M """ ('\('\ "OO.M 0:: fV\ fV\ 0::fV\ ('\('\ 0".00 .00 """.00 ""0_"" , f\fV'I ^f'I , ^^^ ^^ 195 her of s nal Services .' i -i~AT ... - -.- - ,., '7'7L. 1.., 4.q14.,0 " 01,,, '71'0 '" A"I'o ('\rI 17."lhO_00 17 .,t:.r. 1'01'0 20Ci l'l'Pl"nhon.. c",il ,"0 1..7 7q.8q ''71'0 " """ fV\ ?M.M ?,,"-()() , ()!"f'i,..,. ",,,,..,,,,, h"lAh 4"l.7, "l1.27 75.00 7<;.00 22l '7 <: IV'l ':>';Y7 I - .. _. ., n.,., '7n ?h'l<;_"1 'l64.4q ---3... 000.00 I. "'1"lrI I"lrI 4 000.00 - ?'l1 - "'^+^~ , ('\('\ 1.'i, ?"l.47 2<;.00 ()() 2'i.00 - 2'l2 _ M,,+."'" _ PT. It. pn I"lrI 'lh.'lO 1 'l.61 c--~OO IV'l 'i0.00 2.. Insuranc" - I'lnret:v 'Flnnr'l" ?I'o ('\('\ 20.00 20.00 ?" ()() 20.00 'ioo.ool I ?"l" _ "'^ftin' 'Y)I< "I, 1 <:" "t:. ="l.74 4<;0.00 L ('\('\ IV'l i I ?41 ('...." .,d. IV\ 'loR_Ao <;01 20 000.00 '7 fV\ I"lrI 1 000.00 ?L.? Ti an+ ..nil Pnv"... - " ,'Y) '" 1 . oSq . <;0 1 410.<;0 2 <;00.00 1 '7 fV'l fV'l ,.000.00 I - ':>4'l "'c+a~ <17 '~6920- _gJQJO 400.00 500.001 I 1::>5 00 -----~r-.---- ----,- 2<;1 - _i'..i",_. , "'71< nl 28.'l'l l71. 67 800.00 0:: fV'l fV'l 1.000.00 I !Repairs _ Ma"hiIlJ!17 c",il l.<;oo~1 I 1 '7rY7 1..7 ?h':>_Ah <<716 600.00 I 252 ' O::('\rI fV\ I 0:: , fV'l ()() ~ 'iO.OO ,N\ N\ 100.00 ._~ :: [::~: ~:~:::::::::~t ,~. , I ?t:. ()() 'l? 00 ~ lOO.OO , I"lrI I"lrI lOa. 00 -f-- n,,1< J,,, h86 . 00 WJ.hQ.Q. +--_ 1.800.00 1 0::fV'l N\ 2.000.00 I ,.- ':>rY7 1___14",- he; e;o 1.. "0 'iO.OO .00 lOO.OO 67 ------------------- CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Y ear ~ Fund Function Department Submitted By Date Page 1 AIRPORT '"'''' ,,,..,... '''t,,'' Acc't. I Actual 1959 CURRENT YEAR lq<;Q Current Budget Manager's Final No. I Account Previous Actual ~ Estimate Budget Request Recom. Budget Year -L Months Months Total mendation Allowance 21'\4 I """". ""''' """" Cll' . 00 2.7< ?? 27 ?c: N' .00 '''' "" ..nrl "'''WoOl . I 1- ..u_ _ __ T- oo i 'l'm'AT. lO 280.'i6 6.289.70 4 Bo<;.<o l.L.Q92.. 00 " . 1?n 00 ,,. "~,, ^" I i A1ITT\ QlO F.rnlondabl.. '1'nn1" 00. oR ?R ":In 71 7" 1 "" "" lr:;O.OO 1c:;n.1V'l I ??" rtf"~i~oO 1AA ":In 1h c:;n A., "" 1 "" "" ?nn.1V'l ~ /V'l ":Ill":l an" ",^i1..+ h?f. 11 171 AA .,,,A '" c:"" "" c:;nn IV'l """ "" 345 I Airp1an" r..."nlin.. ":In <?4. r:;h 11 1nA 0" 1 R, R01 71 ~1V'l_1V'l ? n NY'\ /V'l .,,, """ "" 34h I 1oI["t:n... VoOhi,..l"" _ 1'...." --.. '''' ":Iro 01 17t: ,I, ----1.2" At: .,"" ,.,,, 11V'l nn .,c:" "0- I I -:>L7 i "'"+,,,. . . - ""'-- 1h (\f'\ '" /V'l ,,, "" 1h ,," '" "" I <h7 i l>1..~_i_e1 ..nrl T-IoihHTl<7 n.._..._ ":I1C:; hO "h ,A l7"'- 82 200.00 ?c:;n nn ?nn.1V'l I I <Rr:;.A4 1h ],,, 8~.60 <171 I Tn",,,..... .mil T""""",,. 100.00 1 (\f'\ /V'l lOO.OO I ?7? --.. n.. _... _ ?h? "" ':>7 ':>0 ':>7'::> 71 .,/V'l /V'l ., "" /V'l ",-r:;n.oo <1TI u_..._~ "_;,i _1.. _ Pc,.+~ 17 71 <.'\0 q6.1Q lOO.OO 1 nn nn 100.00 -:>70 I u"+,,,. u_..... _1 _ _ "" __~ en" "',...._~ ?1 hh .00 M "O.~~ ":IRl I """n+ nn" :-::t .00 _.159....Pj)__ ,--_l5Q..OO ~.oo_i____,g5Q..OO I I ?nr'l ,,+;,-~ 60.77 I 2 4'\0.2"'- 2.500.00 }, h"" "" 4.000.00 I .n ~ - f---. .... l-- 'l'n'l'A T I -:>-:> 10h C:9- 11 71.0 ,," 22,&1 r:; oc:; <4?65.00 <h "hh nn I '\6 46<;.00 b? Fund Function Department Submitted By Date ------------------- Page 2 AIRPORT CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year ~ TOTAL EXPENDITURES lmrAL CAPITAL OUTIAY: ~Bui1dingS ~ Equipment -~''''-1 "'~ - Pe~._ ---515 Iandscane T. .~ --- --..--- --- -- _._~ -- --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - , =- -J I I --+ ll.,.3-9L-66-P5-00- _-8.J5...00 t---5..DQO~QQ.. J45OO..QQ 4'::~: r- . --<xLM~MO~ I.~ _1S00~ ll,OOJ,oo ',000,00 . 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Actual \: Estimate -"'- Mon..!,hs _L Months ...J.S5$l Total l259.. Current Budget 1960 Budget Request Manager's Recom- mendation Final Budget AllO'.'..ance - CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST .AND- ~ ,STTRiCR BAT A ___ 7) 702.78 lin 'Pl.1T""''''H=I~~ ()rOE'r~ -----~ ....,,!l r,q,,'h B..l"""e J"" l"L--.--r~ __ 7,702.78 7,000000 13,43::>.78 .5.Q.J ~ rport Rlli 1ding ._ ~__1..J~ _J,,882..2Q 3J..QQQ.00 ~ -----3..,QQo.OO ~ ~~ : :~~~:~~O~I':" ::[--, ~:~:: ="~:~ ~- =+ ~~-:;: ---' : ~.~. - --- ""i--"LOL ..3-..9.2.f :3- ___lj-,5-00...Oi .....L45----- ~ f ...JrLL.lQ.,3Q:hl2.. _29...9.90.81L _~0_J!9--,-Q.00. ~ JtQ~QQ. '>06 i Percentage of Sales --t--- '~1~26P-"",-_"'24<>'+-">5OQ'OO 2,,00.0, . -.2,5O<l,,,,,- 5'" : ""' H"""'" ,"-""'-from ''''t, -----l~ '.70.. ...1'''''2..3<l...__-3,.o.o1'7Q-I_.!l:''5Q9-'-''-~0 --~'OQ.t--WQQ..Q(:t=O' ---- 508 I rArgn R..rvic~ c..5Q----~.5Q. 181.5{Lt------3OO. ~00..QQj____3DQ...Q__-- I 'I I 5DO I ,,"1, .o1'..fuDm,] 0", C 72~l---n>-35- ,-. 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No. ~ Actual Previous Year ------ 195~ CURr~ENT YEAR 4 Actual l Ii Estimate = MO.!!lbs ~Months Manager's Recom. mendation Page Account - -- 4 AIRPORT CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year...J$60- ~o Total' ..1959- Current Budget .J.96Jl Budget Request Final Budget Allowance 249~ J4llilO..., --r .158...0QQ...QQt' ----L-._--1L _-==_.=,,,,==--=-=,,,,!:l,atel:==-=.=c.= J..9.o~O.J)Q - ___----l-.~. I ---1 ----- , i -..1 I Electric l' ~ 45.20 1.000.00f~00.00_ _1".QOO.OQ t-~--- """'- _ ~~.. _"u. ,. 00 4.000.00 3,000:1 . ~---=-t:::::::-6::~: ~ f=-~~::-r ::::: :,::::1 :::~:I ~ .~- - r- - - . -~ .I~- -'''JJl_ .->Ja.21.-r ~ >.m.,,+ - W<JMO r ->.~1 ~'.1'JO.O<l I ... -1--- ~ - 1M-----u----r-Z.....92Z.~. - ~J.9~. 7Q__j_ ..2... 70 t..;LQ.-1u-~'l.QQ.Q .0Q-t--li.s..QQQ.L.0Q I 14,000. 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No. Fund Function Department Submitted By Date ------------------- Account Page 1 ]9' Actual Previous Year WATER DEPAR'lMENT !..QQ9 CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year-J.960- .00 Total Managers Recom. mendation Final Budget Allowance Manager's Final Recom- I Budget _ mend~tion Allowar;( I - i ~....2..oo.00 1.360.00 3,640.00 6,000.00 __ 5,000.0.0 ________~-- ~Q...Q!L 1 415 00 4-,.Q~~ ~09-..QQ.j.-~.l~Q.o......O<L-t---.----+---_._.-- .BuJ:lplies -1>1:576.34 ~1Q..69 __689.31 1..000..00 h?_QQ.~_~_l'OOQ..oo -t-- ! I I I _ ~ 27 "'4.57 8.754.4~ f--,"'245'56 _~~OOO.OO ",000.00 !. .._2~~Q2.o...oo +-.-----i.-~- J-A.-BOo...QO- --r-~- - _3..400..illLL~__5,J)QQ...00 I 4....OQQ..~---w5'-QQ9-L0.Q-t---------r- .:::::::: t.,::: ~~.~:::::.~-;f::;~r;;~I--~-i ~-- -~- I I' I I ~f I+-' --------- I -----+--~---- -.. ! Ii. ~-:5 0 2 52Q 00 I 5-:1~-~0! -~~o:'oo-I 9 oo~~~~-t-.~oo;~~~T-- --------. 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I i ---- I --+---~---T_--- --- j ---T----- ---- __ _--r--9~f2:i6~2.Q_r_-.5.ll..601. 96 36.90,--_ I : ! ' 1 I' _----L_~..6Q~-4.lO..,.OOO.00 i 413 ,.QOi1..Oo.+--- ------ ~_ -T ~_L m,036." i__lll.601.% I 162,436.90! u.____ ..- I ' ' , I , I , _ I ! J..50,Ooo.00 .~..lQQ.J)illL..QO ~<h-OQQ,Q~L+_ -------- .- , i I Ii' = -+ =~-t-------+_ i ------ ~==~.-~--~=~=---= I I I : ' _ --I ~~-f-.-.lo-=s..Q36...91 5l..Cllll..2.~Qz.....41..6..9.9-~-- .. --------- I ---. ---- -----------t-.----..--+.-.-....---------. --.~ ~I- -~----- --------- . -- I i =t I t~ =~----~-=:=~----- I I ' ! I i ~ I I -+-----+.---- -1- I~ ~- ---+---~ I -=1==~w~~-l.-==- 1J ~ Actual Previous Year CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year ~ CURRENT YEAR 0- Estimate ...JL.... M on ths 105.036.90 c :...~~_,~...~o:::. Fmal I Budget I All 0'....' ance =r--- 1 i