Budget - 1959 .. - - - - - .. - - - - - - - - - - - - Fund CITY OF SALINA Function_ Department_ BUDGET REQUEST 1S Submitted By:_ Date Page_ For the Fiscal Year..195L - "",,,,--" ,~ , I I ..-~ I MD. --- ... ... Account ~ ~ ~ :au ~ ,~ ~ ,~ ~ ~ ~~ Sales Fund Levy Ad Va~~:em Sales Tax Net Advalorell Net Advaloren Add ~ Total AdVa10r m 1958 "'-- lh""h. r._.... 'T',,~ M; M; 1 1 c T_~ Y.,,~ T_~ - . '1'"v T_...... i4".ID9 ~ General Oneratirn> 1 ~- C:;OOO 1::>,4728 1 1101 11 ' ~1'\::>7 <;48 ,C:;70 00 10-071.40 <;<;9.<;41.40 11.C:;<;~9 92C;.4~ Band n. e;nnn 0.20"1'7 n1AA n _ 1 A!l.0 8.927.02 178.<;4 9.10c;.C:;6 0.19'56 69<;.9Q Cemetel"'V " "e;n" (\.1 RC;7 "1h1 " 1.,1" R "ll."I "., 11'\C:;.h7 8_440.'14 o 14?1 3.897.2 General Im=ovelllents 2.0000 0.9240 .0192 0.8448 40.786 02 81<;. ?2 41.601.74 0.8217 9~'l.8f Memorial i'b11 " "c;nn n ,,1"1R "1 an n . 1 alJ.R n '''''' .,,, 1 AA 14 0.c:;04.80 0.1978 51,120.4<; A22re2ate 14~0000 16 ,'lO00 14 0000 1 2412 . 12.7<;88 12.9181 117.35 Noxious Weeds 1.0000 0.0292 .0024 0.0268 1.294.6'5 2'5.89 1.320.54 0.0248 553.11 Firelllen's Pension 2.0000 0.1084 .0112 0.0972 4.689.611- 9'3.79 4.783.43 0.1169 640.63 Policemen's Pension 2.0000 0.2766 .0130 0.26)6 12.724.71 2.54.49 12,979.20 0.1354 1,344.22 Public Health 0.5000 0.3:391 .0273 0.1118 15.053.75 )01.08 15,354.83 0.2841 Flood Control Works & Dikes 1.0000 0.2071 10,000.00 200.00 10,200.00 Sub-Total 13.6653 13.4793 Bond and Interest NONE 9.1881 453,250.32 9,065.01 462,315.3) 8.4394 General and Special Improvements ).0000 0.91611- 44,367.65 887.35 45,255.00 0.931) (In Lieu of Bonds '. 63,775.76 Totals 1.29'51 21.9700 22.8500 Tangible Valuation 49,243,701.00 Po lulation of Ci y 16.209 Intangible Valuation29,517,079.00 Po alation of Col nty43.218 , 1 - - 54 ..------------------ CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year-1252- ~--' ..... ~~............. Manager's Recom- mendation ~ Budget Request ~ Current Budget !2.58 Total CURRENT YEAR Estimate ~Months -12.24'5.00 20.00 6,780.00 1.290.00 + - + 19,600.00 11.070.00 42.300.00 9.'i60.00 11,84'i.00 11.050.00 11.270.00 10.565.00 47.156.50 27,872.98 7.419.94 .1.2..5a.. Actual lL-Months 1,197..02 1.125.06 Page .1252- Actual Previous Year 6.102.16 9.4~.60 Account .. n-_........__ li\.~ MayOr and Co1lllllinioners Ci t~ Mana~r Fund Function Department Submitted By: Date ". Acc't. No. 49.080.00 8.270.00 15,602.88 5.785.52 11.553.62 2.879.48 14.8'34.70 8.177.92 City Clerk and Treasurer City Attorney 425.00 220.00 215.00 280.00 9,466.00 - 900.00 - - - 7,:300.00 + 1,'500.00 + 4.96'5.00 _1 "^^^^ + + + + + :t... 3Q...QQ. + 4,780.00 + 4^ ^^^ ^^ -14.100.00 + <;.~ 12.5.00 + n 16,450.00 2.725.00 12,365.00 12,580.00 37,810.00 38,090.00 210,933.00 220,399.00 18,170.00 17,270.00 73,:300.00 66,000.00 206,19'i.00 r;;: ",n J:.~I:. ^^ 142,100.00 11 ,800.00 43,R4(),no I,,, .......'" ^^ 39,OM ,00 :::: I ::::: 67<;.00 13.~00.00 16,875.00 2.945.00 143, 'i00.00 11_'7'7n.nn 8,665.00 16,175.00 2,795.00 11,810.00 36,245.00 206,258.00 15,170.00 72,100.00 'V\n. an.c: nn Be),241.00 1 J4,5e)5.00 11.4'iO.oo 10,884.16 1.886.18 8,496.56 27,145.28 141,795.36 10,480.87 60,924.21 136,174.11 .54,882.3e) e)2,07B.23 A?h.':I <:IJ. 16,757.77 5,290.84 2 99. 906.62 11,197.61 3,313.44 27,572.87 9,099.72 174,193.82 64.462.64 15,110.24 4,689.13 41,589.58 11,175.79 .~" ",." "" lJ.2,<;16.77 ~ ')^L 1ft: 12 4:>,7RO,00 ~2.1.sa..oo. <;2,100.00 2'i,OOO.00 11.000.00 :>9,'<;99.11 ,",0 ^"'~ ftoll!l 13.0RO,B9 14,<;24.9'7 1 "2 ru~n On 38,'l4O.20 25,000.00 12..2a1.42 1'<;.<;8 9.966.16 )7,01Q 7'<; 16,41 <;.12 46,782.09 1.02'i.44 11.496.21 Engineering Department Fire Department Inspection Department Park Department Police Department Street. Alley and Seve"''' Garba~e Collection Waste Disposal SewalZe Disoosal Street Lil!:ht~ Traffic and Parki1l2 City Court Police Court City Buildings Airport SWilllDling Pools 1.259.00 *' 2 1,080,674.00 1,081,933.00 1,070,020.50 763,940.39 :306,080.11 908,304.56 TOTAL - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Fund - CITY OF SALINA Function_ - Department_ - BUDGET REQUEST' Submitted By:_ - Date Page_ For the Fiscal Year_ - 1951 195B 1959 C;0l\I.OL10...TED-."LINA Actual ~Q<;7 CURRENT YEAR ~957 , Manager's , Final Acc't. Current Budget liT: Account Previous 4 Actual Estimate Recom- Budget No. r T ~ W'r1llll'lC! Year Months 8 Months Total Budget Request mendation Allowance General OnIoratlIUl oolL ':104. '56 <06.080.11 76~.940. ~ 1.070 020.<;0 1.081.0':1':1.00 1 080.674.00 - ~ 250.00 :Band 6.~70.00 4.~50.00 5,8~0.00 9.960.00 9,960.00 9,960.00 CemeterY ll. 712. 79 ~.54~.50 9.0'U.50 12.575.00 12,575.00 13,225.00 650.00 General lmDrOYellent 42.~48.44 ~4.236.46 29,163.54 43,400.00 43,400.00 45,950.00 2,550.00 Ubrarv . 0;8,46<;.0<; c:;.808.42 <; 808.42 5.808.42 565.37 - 5.243.05 MeJDOr1aJ. Ball 12.804.45 2.1~~8.99 ll.011.0~ 13.QSO.00 ~3.950.00 14.175.00 225.00 lfox1oua Weeds ~. ~68.98 1.500.00 ~.5oo.00 ~,500.00 ~,500.00 !'ire_n's ~nslon 1O.~0<;.5':1 ':I. ,40.00 7.4':10.00 10.770.00 20.770.00 20.770.00 Policemen'. Penslon 12.675.6~ ':1.822.08 9.975.92 ~3,79B.00 22.~50.00 25.446.00 3,296.00 Public Health 18.750.00 J.O.ooo.OO <;. <98.00 ~<;. "lO8.00 1<;. <98.00 <7,500.()() 22.102.00 :rlood Contro~ WOrks aDd nile..s ~O.OOO.OO 10,000.00 llond and Interest s;'7<; 086.68 247.J.04.90 484 24':1.~O 7':11. <48.00 7'U.348.00 743.920.00 12.5'12.00 General aDd. __4.1 4<. c:;nn.nn 45.000.00 4c:;.000.00 45.000.00 45.000.00 In lieu at lloDds Tnduatr1a1 J)eftl.oument ~.OO 2. <;00.00 2.800.00 11 054.32 8.254.32 - 2,800.00 Water nt ...... , -. c:;o 100 648.64 ~8 4<;1. ':16 ':200 100.00 <QQ.1OO.00 410.000.00 10,900.00 """'AT. 2O<.Rln.<;0 7n~.Q7<.~0 ~ 67~.4<;4.82 2.,75.427.92 2 4~'l.946. 74 2.466,939.69 52,992.95 . 3. .. .. ------------------- Fund_ _ Function _ Department_ Submitted By:. Date CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year ~ GERERAL OPZRATIllO 1 0C'7 H,c:R ,oe;o Acc't. Actual 1Qc:;B CURRENT YEAR ~ Current Budget Manager's Final Account Previous Recom- Budget No. Actual Estimate Total Budget Request Year ...!i.- Months -B- Months mendation Allowance I""tv .Tan. 1..1: 66 017.68 Q1. ,'i2 70 T",,,. "........... 10_711.77 ~2.408.22 ^--'- Ta_ , ,,+ c;S_'ll)I;.91 'i8.Q44.48 42, ~46.98 2~,9lB.'i4 , ,^ ......- I,,,,., L".... e:o ~no ':::01, 1 (\ 155.96,.45 'i48,<;87.e:;e:; e;1LA e:A7 e;e; 548,570.00 1 ?(\ .....~aa "" ~Q, '::1, -:t<;,74Q.e:;h 10,738.04 46 ,487 .60 4f,,1LA7,hO 49,,19<;.1~ 1<0 '!'Ay.... e:; ~'7e: fV\ tv'l -:t 000.00 '.000.00 ';I ""^ "" 1 000.00 140 Delinauent T~+."""ble Taxes 1Q1.44 fV\ 100.00 100.00 100,00 100.00 210 "'+a+_ -~ 0'7 ~~ I." 7,M<he; ]2.966.3'5 20.000.00 "''' f'\IV'\ f'\f'\ 20 000.00 ??O a+,,+_ _... e;e; 170.~ <o.oe;7hP. 24.042.32 5<;.000.00 'i0.000.00 <;<;.000.00 . ':><0 !:l+..+"", H ,."..... -y A 6on.n? ?':le:;4.h4 , 64<;.,6 6.000.00 6 000.00 7.000.00 ?1I.o a+,,+... !:la' _a .....~ ~a 1.1, L "" h, c:hP. h, 41.'i68.41 41.'i68 41 <;4 66'i.Q2 ?hO "'+a+_ c: ,fY.) no ? ':::'0 "n 2.~7.e:;0 e:; 000.00 " "^" tv'l e:;,<;oo.oo <l() ~__a a.... 1.7 ~" .,,1. ,." ,,0, tv'l 1'5.<;~7.00 ,7.101.00 ';Ik ';IAf\ f\f\ ~8.2Q<;.00 11.10 _1".._ 1""....-+ lHna. Caa1:a.t. ..... .,..... "... ,,::: QeD "" ,6 1ll.'iO e:;, 000.00 e:~ f'\IV'\ tv'l 'i~ 000.00 420 I"itv I"n",.t Fin.... I"n..1:s A. li'orf..i1:u,...s Q.6-:to.66 ?e;hu.70 3.9~<;.21 6.<;00.00 6.e:;00.00 7.000.00 hlLo ........aa "I. nn" ,,, nn ,.,,.,,, ."" 4 '774.?A .~ ^^^.OO "" f'\IV'\ f'\f'\ Inn 000.00 4<;0 11..+..... - ^" ^^^ ^^ fV\ 40 000.00 40 000.00 hnnnn.oo 40 000.00 e:;en ~..n1: _ .. --..... .- ~n on nn 'i00.00 e;()? 'R..n+. _ u ---+ r.,.ftUn~ ~..ni:A 1 T ....10.. 1 ,':It'\ nn nn ' ntV\ nn 'iO, R..n1: _ .. --..... n..n"n~ ' -" "^ f\f\ ? nnn tv'l e;nil. 'Ran+. _ .. __..... "a___ , a.l. "^ f\f\ 1.~<;0.no c:?, 1>__+ . ...........,_ __1. ..,...,c: f\f\ 1 00 tv'l 200.00 <00.00 <OO.M ,00.00 e:= - _..1.- "., ,., nn 100.00 100.00 ,nn nn 100.00 - e;?':l . ltnn' ~ IV> l'l/'I ,00.00 ~OO.OO ';Inn fVI ~OO.OO "I. , ." __ T__ ....._... ..__+., _L"L ^^ f\f\ e:;OO.M <;tlO . M C:fVI fVI <;OO.M /"'-neral Ooera in2 4 Page 1 ------------------- Fund Function_ Department_ Submitted By: _ Date _ Acc't. No. Final Budget Allowance Manager's Recom- mendation ~ Budget Request ~ c ^^"" I'V'\ 1958 Current Budget 45,000 00 250 00 ~OO . 00 .00 ~ 500.00 15.000.00 15.000.00 00 1,500.00 1.500.00 1,500.00 1.000.00 100.00 ~OO.OO 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100 00 100.00 l,?h::> 4h 829.41 5,000 00 .00 .00 1.500.00 1.500.00 10.000.00 :::::.: t:::::::: .l95.8- Total 45,000.00 300.00 500.00 12.000.00 CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year-1959- CURRENT YEAR Estimate .....8...- Months JI c: t'\tV\ "" 1.500.00 1,000.00 ~00.00 100.00 300.00 50.00 900. OQ. <;.OOO~OO <;00.00 1 0~4.9Q4.56 ()lB.939.04 070.020.50 ~'2 ,,,A <;4 01 ,87.276 .l95a. Actual ...!!:-Months .00 254.00 .00 320.00 .00 .00 871.8~ 160.55 14,.00 .00 270.45 14.60 900.00 .00 . .00 00 540.57 .00 647.718.<;<; Page 2 Account lKi.oo 180.00 1<;.000.00 628.17 ~ 157.00 100.00 ~ ~e:;.40 <;.000.00 Q<;o.4, GDERAL OPBRAfiIG ..l951- Actual Previous Year 35,833 22 14 2 1.201.26 ' <;42.~0 .00 224 65 11::> 48 3h5 05 34 4::> 00 .00 2.2B~.98 1fta. Sale of Birth &: Death Cenificates Admissions - Swimmina Pools Protection Service - Police and Fire Protection - Fire- OUu.id~ Ci tv Limits Sale of C!!...,_ _.". C!....,_ .Bl 's Deposits '.. lif'n";"g (C)+t.e>" Cc'"t... . "- Reimbursement of ExDendii:n.....s Almon Income ~1I'_a and........& ~,~ ft'" raa".e Street Cut Repairs Concrete Savi"" ~'"""... li'... .Feu 1'ttI1 ...... 1Ql. ~ .1Q.1. .1Q!L .-1Q2.. _'LId.. ~ ~ ~. .......1J.L .-72L -W- -UL .8BJL .9l5- ~ ..22L 9<;2 A .00 $I" ,943 13 967.249.04 908. ~04.56 c:;A . Q44 . 48 'nAY""'''"''' ,,"d 'l'O'l'AL RECEIPrS .mw:. T.AG:a: 5 ~:::.~J ~::;::: 1 l' e:e:'20 5:~~~ 40 [General Opera~1Dg 427 ,62~ .2'5 8,552.47 436.175.72 o C::C::~ n.~ "::11 .....t. 111..1:: ""',.. Delinquent ......,.. <;" Tax Dollars LeVY'Mills - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Fund_ - - - Function _ - - GERERAL OPERA'fiJIG CITY OF SALINA Department_ - - LICElfSES 1 FEES AID PERMI'1'S BUDGET REQUEST Submitted By: . - - Date Page 1 For the Fiscal Year--1959- .L:;I;l1 l~")U .L 71:1 Acc't. Actual 10c:;R CURRENT YEAR ~ Current Budget Manager's Final Account Previous Actual ---8..... Estimate Recom- Budget No. Year 4 Months Months Total Budget Request mendation Allowance <11 1'........1 M..l+. e; 'Inn no 4 600.00 L c~ nn 1.. e;nn ()() e: (\(\(\ f'\f'\ ~13 Retail Y,1lmn... "'::~f'\f'\ ,., "" "" "" 4. <()(). 00 7.f'\f'\f'\ f'\f'\ 7.1'lIV\ (\(\ 7.C:;00.00 ~lc; Wholesa 1.. T:I nun.. ? e;nn nn o e: tv> IV\ o e:(\(\ IV\ ~ e;1V\ nn 2.<;00.00 321 Amus_n1: - .+.... l':;l?C:;O 7'T<;nn 7?C:;.00 ' e:f'\f'\ "" , C:f'\f'\ fVI , e:f'\f'\ IV\ 32~ Arcade Licenses .00 no .00 '<2<; Ci,."nB. ..+.... fVI .00 nn ~27 Dance PubU" - Y lL':lA no , nh. fVI ~no le;n.on 1C:;0.00 1<;0. no .. ~29 MeITY-Go-RoWld T.1 ",..nAeS .00 nn .00 ~~1 Museum ()() nn IV\ 333 Music Machine I.icenses ' ,,~c: IV\ c:Ae: (\(\ e:le: IV\ , ,(\(\ f'\f'\ 1 ~ nn 1 1(Y\ on 334 MiD8.ture 1'\:)01 'l'Rhl'" I,. 1 .<C:;O.OO 01?C;n c:;A7.C:;O ' "1'\1'\ "" llnnnn 1.C:;00.00 <<<; 'Pnnl lJ..ll "l'\iI 41'..v 7e;7~e;() h.~ IV\ ';IAn IV\ AIV\ f'\f'\ Ann 00 Ann. nn <<7 Shoo1:inll' no IV\ .00 ~38 Ska1:1na 'R1nlr - e:n nn c:n "" C:/'I.oo <;0.00 C:;O.OO ,3Q Theatre and Onera House <7e; on ':l7e: tV'I <7<;.00 '<7<;.00 ,7<;.00 <41 lh.H n", !'la 1 .." ~nn , "'e: f'\f'\ 1 "5, 00 I , fVI nn 1 nn IV\ 3~~ 'R111b<mm 4dv ,r:;n nn c:n f'\f'\ c::n IV\ , IV\ fVI 100.00 lao~M ,~<; Concrete Cons ?<o .00 '7n no ''7n f'\f'\ ,e;o.no lC:;O~OO ,~7 Ele AA<nn ~~ tV'I ~~ no 7C:;O, 00 700.00 <lLo ......-,-- ' "^^ f'\f'\ tV'I t:.nn nn ~nn nn C:;OO.OO 600.M ,<;1 Gas li'1+'+..o...'" T<___a_a "n nn ,,(\ f'\f'\ "n fVI 100.00 100.00 ,<;, khnnn 1.I.n f'\f'\ 1,1.... f'\f'\ h.lV'l nn ILnn.nn <<;c:; .Tunlr n....l..... 'R!",........... ~nn 'Inn nn ,00 !.c:n nn 450.00 hr:;... fVI la.e;o~nn 4<;0.00 ,<;7 3unlr n....l.... Au-t.n "l'\iI ""''l'''t:R Jr;pe8 ':le;o t:.f'\f'\ f'\f'\ '7e:n f'\f'\ ""e:" f'\f'\ ~fVI no 7e;n nn ~61 e;e;o nn e:';Ie: fVI .,.,.,~ e;oo. or, c:;oo.nn T.1 "..ns..s Fee_ L 1>l!!rm1 ts 6 ------------------- CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST Fund Function Do ly: !Jale Page ? .. ....... -...-... .....-...... .......- -.-- ,,,e:,,,, 1oc;R lOC;O COl<tSOLIO...TEo-....L'N... Acc't. Actual 10c;R CURRENT YEAR 1oc;P. Current Budget Manager's Final Account Previous Actual -L Estimate Recom- Budget No. Year ~Months Months Total Budget Request mendation Allowance <h"l T'~_~__. 1Lnc; I'll\ 001:: tV'I 200.00 4?c; IVI htV'l IVI 400.00 "l6c:; Taxicab Drivers Licenses ';1';1(\ IVI ?An IVI 70.00 ~<;O.OO .. "" tV'I ,<;0.00 ';Ih7 ".- "'"~tV'I OM 66.00 7<;.00 '7e: IV\ 7C:;.00 ..hO -. nn a+__+ a~" a....... M tV'I ';171 - .., "a....." ,00 .00 tV'I ""':1 ".~,,_Ir a~" hI:: nn M tV'I tV'I <n.M .,,, tV'I <7<; ,,-~.._- --.. ,Q"" nn ':1':1.00 17 nn e:n IVI I::n tV'I o e: tV'I .,R, ......,..... ..." .. "'_a_ ,I:: "".. nh 2768.4c:; .7,681,5''' ,n J.e:n tv'l ,,, I.e:" tv'l 1 1 rvv\ (\(\ .,lh U_"a_ Unvin", e:A tV'I , A tv'l ';I? nn e:" tv'l e:" "" c:n IVI ';101 TnM ""~ 11.11.- T>.._'''_ , ';IA, An , ..NT Q" <Y.>>:>n , h (\(\ tv'l , I.^^ "" 1 ). tv'l (\(\ -39" ^', "nil ,..._ Ua" ,00 "" IVI .,,,,, a_ .00 nn nn ,Q7 Ri..... 1::" tV'I .00 IVI ..nn ....._u 1. <"lR.oo h:::>C:;.?C; 174.7C:; RM.M Rnn.nn Rnt'l M -... "."."... ...... ~"" ~I:: ""I. ?1 e:~1. tV'I lc;C:;<7.00 ':17.101. 00 .,,:: .,g" tV'I ':I8.~c:;.00 - .. 1;'... and 7 GERERAI. OPERA1'IlG LICEBSES, FEES AID PERMI'l'S ------------------- CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year ....J.959- GERERAL OPmlAfillG MAYOR AlIID C<IIUSSIOllERS Fund Function Department Submitted By: Date J.~5'{ ..L'f;2Q ..1.~:::r''f Acc't. Actual lq<;g CURRENT YE~ ~ Current Budget Manager's Final Account Previous Actual ...1L- Estimate Recom- Budget No. Year LMonths Months Total Budget Request mendation Allowance 110 "'." .--,-- - ..nil Tloonoj,. lr..AiI.. <7C;.nr'I , ~c; nr'I "'7e: fV'l C:;OO,OO "l7C:;.00 e:/VI fV'l _AT. "l7C;.nr'I 1?C; nr'I ,7'5.00 e:/VI fV'l ':17'5.00 "f'\f'\ "" 20<; -lenlo...".. ...... - - IVl nr'I .00 'YY7 .:::AI. )" 'cy-!, <A , 557 .62. 7c;n /VI 7'50.00 '7"n "'" 211 t'nn 7~ IVl , l:l"", "'" , ';I?n IVl ~ ,"'" "" h?O.OO ~ ..,,,,, "" 221 Printina' ON't".. Fn_. .00 /VI IVl 22C:; T"'-l Ad.....r"'-i.i"., 741 .n~ IVl '500.00 ,,/VI /VI 1.C:;00.00 " tvV\ "^ ?<< _ Rn_oj,,. ll""il. ..,., h':l 77 "n ~~ c;n , fV'l "'" 100.00 , "^ "^ 2QQ . _ nth...... _ " "t'\h ';In , nh';l An , oe:~ " .., ~^^ ,::: tvV\ IV'I e: """ ^^ ?OOA Revilli..." I'l~ .nrl 11tA "'e: ~.<C;l 7C; I. ,,"^ . "'" 4 "nr'I nr'I , tvV\ IV'I 2QQB Traffic Survev .nr'I nr'I 1~ tvV\ "^ ,L ~ "^ Q~,,^ 2QQ C _ A_~.1 /VI /VI ' n tvV\ IV'I 299D Firemen' a Rellef Maoe. note PaT. ). '7"" "'" L ,..'^ "^ Q ,,"^ "" _AT. c; 7'77 1~ " """ "" ,.,. I.,..." "Q "''' ..^^ ^^ ", l.'7n fV'l ,O,/VIIV'I mnmRT . ~"l" nn... nr'I c:n IV\ c:n /VI .00 _AT. ~ ,tv.) ,,::: ';I ';107 tv.) I.,.,. A'7" f'\ll. ~, """''' "^ "1 CU." "^ ,,, ~"^ "^ Wa,.,.... ... inners 8 Page 1 ------------------- Fund Function_ Department_ Submitted By:_ Date GENERAL OPERA'l'IlIG em MANAGER Page 1 lQ"j7 .I.'nu .L"'~" Actual ~ CURRENT YEAR 'oe:~ , . Manager's , Final Acc't. Current Budget Account Previous Actual ~ Estimate Recom- Budget No. Year LMonths Months Total Budget Request mendation Allowance 110 - . _ nl'~i..4.1.. ..n;! n...._.. ..--..- co ,:::",,^ ^^ , On" "" ., Ocoe: ^^ e: 'The: tv\ c ,:::""" ^^ ., 0"" "" 1"'(\ ... u.._. , ""I.n "" r:;P.otv\ , ,"'^ I\t\ , '7'7^ fV\ 1 'Thtl nn , Atv\ tv\ 1'2(\ ._.. u____ ......... --- - 1~'T e:'2 (\(\ ~c;n nn ~e:(\ tv\ <htl fV\ '2fV\ fV\ 10C:; ,..."'.~ ., ':lC:;.nn .00 c;nn nn <C;() nn _AT 7 1'::'0 e:'2 o 1,'7^ fV\ '5,295:(\(\ ~ ~,::" ^^ ~ o"n fV\ o ,..,..n ^^ . ~01 n... ';Inn nn ,oc; (\(\ 1 'TC; nn ';Inn nn '2tv\ nn '2nn fV\ ~nc; ...;! _... <;7(\ 1'::, 0';10.71. co,^ ~ .."^ ^^ 7c;n nn '7e: (\ fV\ 2('(1 """,,vel1nD' 621"i <7 nn ,:::" fV\ , ^^ fV\ 100.00 , fV\ ^^ 200 'Pns+'" .... 2O.':lA tv\ ?c;.nn ?c;.nn 2'5.00 ~c;.nn 221 Printi= Office Forms 850 '''i.00 8"i.00 100 00 100.00 100.00 ~<':l _ !':n_1ov llnnd.. :::>0.00 ^^ ?c:;.oo ?c:;.oo ?C; ()() ?c:;.oo 2~6 InsuraDC" - Soc1al Po7 nn 1..1 'Tn "iB_~O lnn nn '00.00 100.00 2<;2 Rena1r - Furn1ture aIId Of'fiCIl!! 11'.....4.. ':l"i.OO nn :;>c:;o.oo :;>c:;o.oo ?c;o.oo 2C:;0.00 I_AT ' ,n'2 ,:::~ L. c:;A w.. , ,,,, co'::: , t:.e:" ^^ , ':::e:n I\t\ , 6c:;0.00 . -, (,1tv ManaD'er 9 CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year--l959- - - -- COWSOl..ID...T1EO'....L.IN... Final Budget Allowance = .lQ.. t Manager's Recom- mendation r - TOTAL SUNDRY 435- nw.t"M"""" ..+.t -yt, n.,... ------------------- Fund Function_ Department_ Submitted By: _ Date CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Y ear ~ GENERAL OPERAfiIG CI'fI CIERK 1951 .I.:;t:lQ .J.;;t:2:t Actual lQ<;8 CURRENT YEAR -,0e:P. , , I Manager's I Final Acc't. Current Budget No. Account Previous Actual -8- Estimate Budget Request Recom- Budget Year 3-Months Months Total mendation Allowance 110 Salaries - OffieiaJ.s and Dent. Heads Q.~~<;.OO ., ,,:::(\ IV'l <;.700.00 8 Q~" "" 9.480.00 c c,::" "" 120 ,,-,--,-- a..i1 \ia......" _ 14,c:;:;>c:;.00 I, QQ." (\(\ 10 060.00 14.040 00 1C:; 000.00 ,~ .......... ~ --- 1~0 Salari e" and Ws...." - 'PIon ""'...... .00 IV'l C:;OO.OO e: rY1 IV'l 1 nno 00 e: IV'l IV'l 140 Account1n1l' and Audi tina Services 1.450.00 ()() ~.OOO.OO 2.000.00 " f'\f'\f'\ ~ o rvv\ (\(\ - 170 .Tud""''' Rnd 1"1.....1<" _ I"i T.v 1.17?7C:; rY1 .00 I. IVV'> "" 17C:; Jndaes and Cl"rks - I"nnnb R. State Elec. .00 nn 10 000.00 ,,, """ "" 10 000.00 lQ<; Other Professional Services 70.~0 lA. c:;4 81.46 Inn ,tV\ 1.000.00 ' """ "" _n ~e:".,,,e: A nc;P..c:;4 28. ~41.46 <6 4nn nn .,g ~gn IV'l ." I':IV'l N'I ?O< __< -..+ .."i1 <<O.C;h IV'l <nn.nn <00 ()() 400,00 ., IV'l "" :::>oc:; ...nd ';I<;C; ~1 '~0.7h <<0 .?h C;rY1 IV'l 1Lc;0.()() e: (\(\ (\(\ 2m ""'sv..li.... hO.<O 17 ~IL fl:::>."l6 lnnnn 100.00 lnn nn ""'" hC;7 e:o , ),,., N"o <C:;7.01 e: (\(\ (\(\ c;nn ('\/'I "N"o (\(\ ??1 ,..,.~< -- 1l'n....." ? ,?n n' oe:? on , "I,,,,, g" , e:1V'l IV'l , e:(\(\ f'\f'\ , I......... "" ??? ~, .~ nn IV'l C;('\/'I.('\/'I e:n(\ f'\f'\ C:;OO,OO C;()() rY1 ooe: T__' h? C;7 IV'l lnn ('\/'I ,on on 1 nn ()() , IV'l IV'l ..--., ?<< _ l'ln.....-t:v ,,_.... a ';I<;~ oc; en e:n ':le:? <;0 he:o on 4<;0.00 1. IV'l IV'l ?';I~ _ !::nl'i..l r:.':::~ ';I' '':lr:. 7A ':::,h ?? '7e:(\ nt\ 4c;0 nn '7e:" "" ?e:~ . ,,_..ai.. _ ....i1 ,..,.~,-- 7C:; 07 ":>'7' ';I':l l?A h7 r:.nn IV'l <c:;O.OO .,e:" "" ?OQ ""'..-- 1 o() ?1 ('\/'I lnn ('\/'I 1('\('\ ('\('\ 100('\/'1 , (\(\ IV'l _n 4,<;64.47 1.18h.<O 4.11 < .70 c; . <('\/'I ()() 4.Qoo.00 e: """ ,.." , ICitv Clerk 11 Page 1 ------------------- Final Budget Allowance Manager's Recom- mendation T .l959... Budget Request .l958... Current Budget J9S8 Total CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year -1959- ~ CURRENT YEAR I. Actual c Estimate ~Months ,.J.l...,..",..Months - _ GDERAI. OPERATING _ CI'fi CIEBK Page ~ _ J951.. - Actual Account Previous Year Fund Function_ Department _ Submitted By:_ Date _ Acc't. No. - - ~rn nn ?~n~nn 1,250.00 306 . 50 ~ .5OQ....OQ. 7<;0_.00 '01 11 2,041..00 C:;18.06 , ,058.89 306.<;0 ~ 231. 94 1 ,738.60 511.5 19 448.6<; l..,~ L.R ,- , . ~- ~A1m 320 If':f'i~e SuJ : I ::::d 35,0 """..- - J:ltv\ tV\ I ~ J:ltv\ 00 ), A~ C:;O ?,750.1' ~ ^~t: "::t"::t ~ ").)t n~ mrAI.. smIDBl: - "'. l.~n no ,~" .00.. tV'l """ IY\ 'J:'n nn 00- ""\ 00 L. c; .Ofl.. IY\ "'''^T11 T\..._~ J135.. ~ - ,en no e:" tv\ "" IY\ 'c:n no ~^ nn ,C: tV\ "AT - !lCWXL ~" IY\ .J.QQ...OO ':l<;Q.OO CO-.QQ... "\~^ ~ ~ 'oc::: nn .!u.Ji5- 'c.c:: no .QQ <;:::>7.26 -. T ....atm.AI.. .... D...,IC :-t f'\#~'~. .~ ., ~" fV'I 4';Q.00 ,rn I"V\ """ 1.<: I ?L.7 C;C; C:;77.26 l.~ ")tv\ nt"\ ~o f'\J:l" 00 ~I: ?.f'V':J SUl 111-'7 1 Pi: en " rl:'~ h? .,~ J:l.,h.70 ETAL. _AT - - 12_ I ".. +-_ ,.., a..,.k I - - - ------------------- Page 1 1 0<;7 10e:H Ace't. Actual 10c:;f\ CURRENT YEAR 10c;A Current Budget Manager's Final Account Previous Actual Estimate Recom- Budget No. Year -L.Months ~Months Total Budget Request mendation Allowance . llO _.. s _ nr'fi..ial.. An"" on.n+. Heads < ann.oo ' .,1'\1'\ 1'\1'\ ~ ""e:" 1'\1'\ .. "e:" "" 'l..000.00 I. """ 1'\1'\ 120 ~larles - ., ,"" 1'\1'\ , ^l.^ ~ o ~/VI /VI ., ^I.^ ^^ <.l?n.M -:I .,,:::(\ /VI 1Bo T ......1 ' 'YV\ IV\ e:1'\I'\ "" 7/V1 /VI , ""'" f'\f'\ 1 "^^ IV\ , ~/VI /VI 1Q<; other Professional Services .00 /VI ltVl tVl h()() M """"AT O#YV>IV\ ^ al.^ ~ e: ~e:n nn o \,^" "" A.1?n.00 o ';1':::(\ nn CON 2m 'rravelinll' ~ns" .M I'\f'\ tVl 2<6 Tnsuranc" _ ~n..iAl lC;70? ,,,... I,ll. 1';1e:: e:~ 17e: m 100,00 ~IV\ nn 'I'O'T'AT. ,e::'7 a'" .,n I,ll. , -:Ie:: c:o 17C:;.M ltVl tVl 200.00 MATERIALS AIm SUPPLIES: ':I~ nf'f'i,.A .00 nn e:n nn 'I'O'T'AT. A .77.0? ^ a...^ I.a <;.7A<;c:;? A.66<;.oo o ......." I'\f'\ 0.c:;60.00 -, ., , city Attornev 1< CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year J959- GENERAL OPERA'rIBG CITY Ai"l'ORHI!:Y Fund Function Department Submitted By: Date ------------------- CONac)I..IO...Tlfo-....LIN... Final Budget Allowance Manager's Recom- mendation ~ Budget Request ~ Current Budget .l258 Total CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year-J955L 1958 CURRENT YEAR 4 Actual 1:1 Estimate _Months ~Months GENERAL OPERA'fiBG CI'1'I COUR'l' .l951- Actual Previous Year Page Account Fund Function Department Submitted By: Date _ Acc't. No. - 1::>,900 no 1 ..2OQ....OO.... e:(\(\ "" 12.600.00 1 200...00.. o;nn. tv\ '2.775.00 1 . OI'Vl I'Vl B ..515.....QlL Rh< n~ h. .200...00... ~';I':::~ I'Vl 12.600.00 1 c;A 1 ..O!L nn .BE =:=E of Offi .lLAIld. n..."t:. Jr..ads ~ ""...+ fimtL....... .l95.. ~ ,,-- .....- - 1 C!a - - - 1 h. ,::"" tv\ 25Q..OO.. ?50 00 ------..00.. 00 1,000.00 1,000 no _IJOQ..OO.. hnn 00 50 00 75 nn ,::: I . ~ : 1 IL ~tv\ tv\ . 1 < n"7e I'Vl ~c;n I'Vl 3OQ.....OO.- ~ , tY'71: nn 1~ J.nn (\(\ Q~j,~A ,,~ JIL. 70; 145.Jl:!L ~06.'7e: 223 .08 25.00 , 1.'70 "" h. e~'::: n"7 ~ 00.00 ~ 254.56 ---- ~ -00... -16-92- ---ClO.. I.ot: oA lh. ,Al nh 208 .20 .00 976.28 796 74 64.75 ?l849 1~.04 ? ~'2'1 -50..j _AT - _ Q m 201 Au Of'f1!!@ Forms - !';u.....1;)' Ron~' _ ~""A' ~.~ _ _U. - ~ 7C; t'l/'\ ~ <;o.t'l/'\ 1.sa...aa. 7C:; . I'Vl l6....ll '0 ,:::" ~ c;P. !.n 2Q7....!a ~1 An _ I1'lILSD 320 I Off1!!.. ~ppH@B 33l.. RookB ""it _...-1-.......1.. 'Y.)C; IV'I '.)(\1'\ I'Vl 'Y->e IV'I nl"l ..,1 l<?'XI - - ?~O."~ mmAI..:. aM ..of. 'l'M'A T. - - 1~ , t:. g'7~ IV\ I t'!i f:v ""''111'''- ..00.. ,,::: he:" I'Vl lh ,""., I'Vl lLoaB.7h ,?h. ~n c;;: 'X\^ At IV'I ---.- 167C;7.77 - TOTAL EXPENDITURES: ..5.C9... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Fund_ - - CITY OF SALINA Function_ - - _ GDERAL OPERA'fDG Department. - - - POLICE COOR'f BUDGET REQUEST Submitted By:_ - - Date _ - _ Page 1 For the Fiscal Year-l959- lQ"iB CONeOLlOATI:D-_LI....... 19';7 ~ - - - - - - Actual :1958 Manager's Final Acc't. Current Budget Account Previous Recom- Budget No. Year Total Budget Request mendation Allowance = - - - - 1'!BS.OJ: rYC!ES' - - .JJ.Q...- .SlYAx:1 _ atf'ieials and De'Dt~ Heads ?,5?O no 1.7~.00 2. "iBO.OO - - .lacL kPl- 'Viees 17.93 100.00 100.00 - - .l95- ~ d'essiona1 SerYie .00 - - - - - - - ~ ?,537 93 1,B1Io.00 2,680 00 - - - - - - - - - - - .mrnuI IA'[. SRRVTC!II'.:,C;. - - .2JlL .!mEJ l~e .00 L.9 W; .5~ '50.00 - - 22l. .P.dJI.tj M:fi _ lPO!'Wl8 .00 00 00.00 - - .233- ..InaJmi - !bJ....V 'RoM" 500 ~OO 5.00 - - 2~6 ...IDam:I _ ~,.i.' ...- 5hh4 ,k ,6 ~.84 60_00 - - - - - .'mW.. 61 ~ 66 ~2 46.38 115.00 - - - - - - - - _AT. 2.0:;00.1\7 anA /;,-:. , .~.'2A ?79'5.oo ?7?c;.nn -:. l'>L.c: nn - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ll,. ~J - - - 10:; ------------------- Final Budget Allowance Manager's Recom- mendation 19<;9 Budget Request wa. Cu..-rent Budget ~A Total CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year ~ CURRENT YEAR Estimate ~Months GEJERAL OPERAfiRG CI'l'I HALL BUIlDING 1958- Actual --1L-Months ~ Actual Previous Year Page 1 Account 4.~ .250..00- 1<;0.00 4.140.00 ~ 100.00 h .2QQ...QQ.. 2<;0.00 " ll8Q....QQ. ?C;O~OO , ';IAn..oo... ..00... 00 4,1l!.0 00 17C;.00 00 Rel!:Ular Ean:l1ovees PRrl '1'1 me En!p 1 oye..s Servi~es - I I I i PF.RSONAI i i Se.lar1es I~.." other F=d Fu..Y1ction Department Subrri::ted By Date _ Acc't. No. 120 l3O- lOlL ---+-.- - -4000.00.. 100.00 1 , 500 00 500 00 300 00 1,500.00 2OO..OCL 100,00 _4.780.00 00 .J5....QQ.. 2.000.00 100.00 1.500.00 500.00 300.00 1.<;00.00 200..00. 100 00 4.<;40 IL C;1() 00 2,000.00 100 00 1,500 00 500.00 300 00 , .000 00 2OO..OCL 100,00 ~ 1<000 ?ooo.oo 7672 595 8~ 356 30 ..232.-6a- .89O..3J.. ,~ 93~29 '.<f\o.OO .00.. ..00.. 2S.2B- -904-J.1- m.+a- ....61--40- 1~ l.2...25- 6.71 4.'nc:;.00 ll,5Q 1.761.51 AA 37 1.<;68.77 570.00 ?34.65 ~ 1!l9-91- ?RAP. 'l'tVl'4T. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES: 'l'elellhone and Telell:re,'DA II1suranee - Fire Tnllln,...nt'p _ ~,..i A.' Gas Service Lillht and l>nw..... ~ ~ ... nf'f"i,... ~ Re'D8.lcr -. R.nd """',., "'L .w. m.. 236- .ill. N.. .& 251 252- 28li. din~_ltL. Ci ty Hall Bui ;; ?()(). 00 6 ..n5....QQ C;.700.00 h J.7? An 1 %7.?O - c;.~J..':I.77 'I'O'I'AT. ------------------- CITY OF SALINA CO,..SOU.:::....TI!"O_S...L'...... Final == Budget Allowance Manager's Recom- mendation r .l259.. Budget Request I .l95.8.- Current Budget 1 1958 Total BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year ~ CURRENT YEAR I. Actual. 0 Estimate ..!t-Months --,-,--Months - GENERAL OPERA'l'ING CIfi HALL BUIIDING ~ Actual Previous Year Page ? Account - Fund Function Department Submitted By: Date _ Acc't. I No. - I I .$.00- 75.00 RN'l no Boo. 00 400.00 400.00 75 00 75.00 200.00 ?OO 00 1 c;e:n...oo..... 1,c;c;n fV'l - --- t +S-OO- 800.00 .m..oo.. ~ ?OO , (\(\ ~ ':\02.70 281. 64 59.20 189.17 8Q'i.')' 12.50 ~ ~ .J.5....8Q... 10 A., .lOS- 91? 39 3R5 75 ~ t K! A 11m mTPI ---3lQ.... ~ '1'001 !l 343 I .Tani tnT' 8.nd 'l'nil..t Rnp 367 I-Electt"i "'8.1 and H g'bt-l ng Pac I '\71 I Imlber and ill Products ---38l. Pa.:fTl+ A't'lt4 1)aol, Ua+.e.r.i.a'. o;c:;n -'VI 1. 654.79 .l. <;(\, ':Ie: I 11,R10 00 - " I I I c;n IV\ 1 ') e:An fV'l nn 1? <~c; fV'l - C:;O . fV'l ~ 11 'n'7-6L ~';I lLL.t~ e:'::: I 1 ~". .+=~ J.. '2n1 - li"~C! . ! i TOTAL I -t-- ~~ :ILand.. 1I'i _ 'I'lYI'AT""""" - ----".. J.:L.. Ua" It'l1iL=t~ ('-I . I T I I ---- ------------------- CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year ....l95SL- L"'" - v Acc't. Actual 1 Qc:;R CURRENT YEAR 10c;A Current Budget Manager's Final Account Previous Actual ---8- Estimate Recom- Budget No. Year LMonths Months Total Budget Request mendation Allowance 110 "'a'a..-4A~ _ ,.....,<...a'a R. lfPAn" ~ ntV'l /'V\ " f'\f'\f'\ f'\f'\ It 'e:" IV\ ~ , e:" IV\ ,::: IVV'\ f'\f'\ ,:: .,"" "^ l~ "a'a_<_8 _ "'--,----- lA 7",k "" ~ 1,0" ll.e: ,A ll.iYl ,e: oe: ".,,, f'\f'\ ",:: IVV'\ "^ ,,~ ^o^ ^^ . # 1':l0 "',,'a_'A" _ PAn 'l'im.. .00 .00 e:1V\ /'V\ e:/'V\ ,f, C;MM e:M /'V\ 1cC:; other Prof 22.00 .00 1 ntV'l IV\ , f'\f'\f'\ f'\f'\ _dT. ?4,77I1.?C:; A 1,'0)(\ Ae: ?<.4C:;01C; ." All." f'\f'\ .,., r::f'\f'\ "" ';I" '7A(\ f'\f'\ ?Ol A. n".. 180,00 7C; /'V\ , OC: /'V\ OIV\ IV\ ?M.M ?/'V\ /'V\ ':>07 c:A e:o ':10 '7'::: "" 01. , e:" IV\ 1 e:(\ IV\ , e:(\ /'V\ :::>:::>0 OM A< ?lA.ob. <;81.06 800.00 AIV\ (\(\ ElOO.()() ??1 M-f'i.." ?n_.. ~ ';I All. ? b.(\ 07.60 100.00 1 M /'V\ 1 ()() nn ::>2C:; T .."",1 nn .00 <;0.00 <;0.00 50 IV\ C:;O.OO 0." _ u_"^_ "_"'_'_a C; ~1 IV\ 2C;.M ?C; nn ?c:;.oo ?c:;.()() 2,2 _ M^+.n... - - .". a_" "'" ~ '':1 <?AIL 2.16 <c:;.oo <C; nn ,c:;.oo ':>';1';1 _ _"A+'" Un...n.. :;>c:;oo IV\ lC:;.OO lC;.OO 1 c: (\(\ lC:;OO ':>':lh _ ,,_..< a' c;':>4 C;1 141C:;0 4<;8.41 600.00 hMnn 600.00 ?c;':> ll...". i... _ .....n M1'i.... eA hO 00 100.00 lM.nn 1 nn ()() 100.00 .. ?e:';I llA..."i,.. _ AM IV\ nn 7C:;.00 7C; 00 7C; no 7C:;,.'00 ~-_. 2c:;4 llA_'_ _ .......^.. ':I~ C:, IV\ ?OO.M ?OO no ?nil IV\ ?()() ()() ?c:;c:; ll...".i,.. _ U_..__ ...._.. a_" .....~ ~ lA M 100.00 100.00 , IV\ IV\ 1 ()() ()() "'MAT. l.q60~14 C:;10.C;< , ".,n I."" 2 4<;0.00 ?4c:;o M 2 4<;0.00 EnllineerinlZ -.-l8 Fund Function Department Submitted By: Date ----------------- GEm:RAL OPERA'fiBG ERGIBEERING ::> vale , aC<'7 ,ae:A ,oe:o ~__.___.__.. ____n_..__ Acc't. Actual 1958 CURRENT YEAR loc;A Current Budget Manager's Final Account Previous Actual ~ Estimate Recom- Budget No. Year ~ Months Months Total Budget Request mendation Allowance ~ "lIm . ~20 nP4'.~_ ~ kl 11'\ <:'7 2<Q.4< ?C:;O.OO -:le:n nn ?c:;O.OO ':1':11 U^^1r.. --.. - . - , I\P. ,:::" l<;.hO ~~.ho c;n ()() c;n 00 c;n nn <"IC:; a_A - -:loh 01 ?? c;? 4?7.1i8 4c:;ooo he:n nn 4c;o 00 <4c:; Un+n... _ 11'....1 And ??I'\ 7< '7';1 '';1 126.87 200.00 17C;00 17C:;.00 ':11.'7 Un+n... .. _we 11'1 00 1<;_00 , C N'I 10.00 ,,, N'I - - ,71 I1Imber and Umlber Products all 7':1 1<;.00 ':IC; 00 c;n nn oc N'I oc nn <7< ,,~.. .......+. no .00 7<;.00 7C:;.00 7C; 00 7C:;.00 ':177 U_+n_ ....-+. ,t; ';I' 1M CIA 1? 1 00 ()() ,nn nn 1 ()() no <70 Un+,.,,.. _ ~ ..."" .n," "",,l..... t;e: 'Yt 14 64 18<;-~6 ?/Y'lOO ?no.()() ?/Y'l nn nvvnAT A<h1&R 1~ ';Ill 1,221.66 ' ..,on N'I 1.~'<;,OO 1 <<c; nn SUNDRY EXPENJ)T'I'IlRll'.S' 4~c:; "---' --.., -- no,.... IV> ,00 ?C; no ?C; nn ?c IV> -:Ie: nn n._u "T1mTAV. e:/'IO --.. -..,. .00 nn C;OO_OO "no ()() C:;OO.OO c;no nn coe: .......~1r.. nr'l . ,00 no ...""UT ^^ 00 C;OO.OO Cnr'l N'I e:1'\I'\ no c;no no . ,.."'... T . #Y7 """" Q"" o naa '70 'Yt , ),e: "A ..,,:: ...I,e: "" <7 P.ln no .,0 f'\nf'\ ^^ ~ C1TY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year ~ Fund Function Department Submitted By: - ------------------- - ... .-. - GDERAL OPERAmb FIRE CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year-l959- Fund Function Department Submitted By Date , Qt:'7 10C:;X 10C:;0 _______"_n.____.._..._ Acc't. Actual 1Q'1B CURRENT YEAR 10c;A Current Budget Manager's Final No. Account Previous Actual ..-8- Estimate Total Budget Request Recom- Budget Year --1LMonths Months mendation Allowance 110 D_.:l n.",+ W..D.:l.. ,::: tvV'\ nn '" fVV\ fV\ I. ,e:1'\ fV\ h 'e:" f'\f'\ ~ f'\fV\ f'\f'\ t:: .,"" "" - ',J 1-:>/'\ __'" tI..__D _ ,e:, ono ,c: e:e: e:l,e: "''' 122 126. <;0 177.672.00 177 c h7? ()() 188 ' (172 . 00 '0(\ "____a 1 ~n no <;.00 <;.00 .00 10C; M.n..,.. .00 no 1,000.00 1.000.00 <;.400.00 6.500.00 'l'M'AT , ' c:ll ".,,, 1 c: e:"" e:e:" e:" 127.276.<;0 18~.827 .00 , An fY70 no 200.722.00 . 201 ,,- n"p bOO.OO ?c;n no 3<;0.00 600.00 600.00 600.00 ?()c:; _.. D_.:l . oh? no ';Ie:~ ';Ih 646.66 1.000.00 1 lhn fV\ 1.040.00 ?rYT ?l'IL. no n, ne: ._. 158.02 2C:;0.00 ?<;n.no 2<;0.00 -, -:>no lh.no 00 "36.00 ,6.00 hnno <;'1.00 ??1 1'\f'4'~.... '1'"...... no ,00 ,<;.00 ,c:;.oo <"',00 "lC:;.00 227 - .... 60.I&."l .00 700.00 700.00 700.00 700.00 - -:>':11 - u..+__ 17_"''''_D ,fY7 ,n no ~4<;.00 ,4'1.00 7hc; no ,4c:;.00 ?<? u"+,,.. ...._... _, __ ".. __'" 'Dn :::>01 1~ ~20.12 40.88 <70.00 ~7C:;.00 ,70.00 -:><h _ """'D' laC; tv.) 4?,17 87.8~ 1,0.00 ?~n.no 1'10.00 -:>h, "'D" ohh 0< 644 <0 6Q<;.70 1. ,40.00 1.<nh,OO 1.400.00 ?I&.? T.i aht. D"'.:l "...,...... h?c:;AA 204.60 <OQ.40 604.00 7C:;0.00 7<;0.00 ?IL< v..-t...,. llh A"' ':::-:> 1.1'\ ,47.60 410.00 hc;o.no 412.00 -:>C;1 ll".....i,. _ 22;88 nn ~<;O.OO "lC:;0.00 <<:;() no <C:;O.OO -:>e:-:> ll".....-I.. _ D_," ~....._ 1nC:;.~7 ~e: nn 100.00 12C:;.00 12<;.00 1?C:;.()() ?C:;< ll........-I.. _ ..,.,d 1 no 1L0 17 ~ OQ.74 117.00 17<;.()() 1C:;O,OO oc:l, n__<.. _ u..+.._ hn A" on .,A aa ~-:> 1?(\ no 1?C; no 1?C:;00 ?c:;c:; ll"""a-l,.. _ M",-t."'" 'I'i....... And "",n.... 1.<;0 .00 c:;o no C; () ()() 1?C; no e:n f'\f'\ li'ire ~ Page 1 ------------------- Page 2 10C;7 10C:R 1 C1"C1 Acc't. Actual 19<;8 CURRENT YEAR I oc;p, Current Budget Manager's Final Account Previous Actual ..8..- Estimate Recom- Budget No. Year -.!LMonths Months Total Budget Request mendation Allowance "ont. : .,e:'7 1)*_~.. _ 1)_o'I~... .M 00 <;0.00 c;n~()() 1?C; nn c:;o , ()() :::>7< "*".. _ 1l'i_ ~C;, nn ?17 nn <;8~.00 AI'It'Inn Aoe: tV\ "2c; nn oAI. _"0'1 -.*, ,,:::,,, AA ~o Ae: l<O.lC:; ?nn nn lC:() nn ""e:nn _AT c; <~ b. < ? . ':11 R <7 c;,~1,.6~ 7 ,::.,... "" A ,.,.." "" A ""'" "^ nln . <In - 'l'nn'" ,c;p, 11 47.00 2<;2.01 ~()().OO ~()(),()() ';Inn nn ';I~ nl'1'~,.* 1i'..._.. ''7~ 00;:> ';11 ~n loA,b.n ~~n~oo ?tin nn . . 200.00 ~':I' "...... ". " ..nil I.';I~ ~~ nn <n.oo O~ nn on nn tV'I 1'\1'\ <':l< r"h..",~ "..1.. Th-na.. _"A .....- ,n ,n nn Lnn nn knnnn I.c:n tV\ ~~OO. ';IIL';I _,,0'1 _n.+ - . ILlh An lP.l c;< ?OR.b.7 I,An 1'\1'\ j,,,n fV\ e:fV\ 1'\1'\ <4c:; "'....+n... . . _ TI'"..l. T....._ ,...,"..~ ..,............ hN; n1 47.70 60? . ?1 ~c;n nn 7c:n nn 700.00 ';Ie:, "'*.... _ Jl1..,,+.. _"0'1 ........a_ b. c;n ';I ,n ,W; on ,e:n nn 'Y\n tv\ ""'" "" <c;<; -- h .,~ !..'7 ~ 00< c;n , ~~ e:n \, ,::"" ^^ " ""^ ...... " ^^^ "" ~"o 1'\+-1.*.. '7AI, , 0;:> ,.,p, ';Ie: b.m 6c; c;';In nn 7Tc;nn "e:" 1'\1'\ <h7 -- " ..nil 1>10_.. ':Inn rn o<.h4 1~ ,;::; "^^ ^^ ~?c;.oo ~o;:>e: nn ';17';1 _"ft ....-.. 'O!.. 'YT O<.7~ 17b.?b. .,.::ll, fV\ 'YTc;.nn 0'7,,1'\1'\ ~'7'7 v...+..... - -_.. '70n ~';I =1 ';IC; b.oA ~c; "",.".. 1'\1'\ Aoo 00 AfV\ "" <70 "'...+....... . _.... ..__ _..A ........*_ ", I.n hP. e:A c;oo I.o;:> ~hP. nn c:nn nn I. e:n "" <P.l _~,,+. .."n 'YTA ~c; hb. ?O ,aa '7' %4.00 ~IV'I fV'l ~nn tv\ ~P.c; 1)..n~'" ""..+_ .00 nn 14.4<; 14 4c:; c;nnn C:;O.on ~o~ - .. ';I~n /VI ??O 1., 1'7n AA hnn nn I....... f'\f'\ I. "" nn ,.~- .,1 CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year-1959- GENERAL OPEIAfiBG FIRE Fund Function Department Submitted By: Date ------------------- CONSOLIC...TED.S..L'.... Final Budget Allowance - -- Manager's Recom- mendation -L J.959- Budget Request ,:::(\(\ (\(\ i .l958- Current Budget 1958 Total CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year-.J.959- c= ~ CURRENT YEAR 4 Actual Q Estimate _Months ~Months GEBERAL OPERAfillG FIRE .l951- Actual Previous Year r - _ Page 3 Account ont.u: I - Acc't. No. " 1 h(\ (\(\ 1(1 ,::,,,,, he: 10,465.00 00 ,06.0e: 4.,., "~ ---- ';I (\ (\(\ -:>c; (\(\ <l.e:" ?5 00 I 4 h.C;C; 427.32 <?(\(\ ~ AIm SUP I nth..,. OnPratinll SU'Plllies 163.J5..j- -- - 3,15() ()() 3,150 00 ~ - I r - - =.,~.oo I I - l f ';I (\ nf'\ ~-~ ? (){) - .?_~ li'i, (\(\ t -:>~ ~, c::c:: ':> ..saa-oc ~ '0)(\(\ nf'\--+-- ?1 () n'" ~~nt:. I")CO "^ I 1},' '7ne: ':l~ I I ~c:; (\(\ ~ l., 734...9l 1 ne:1'\ c;p, ::>4c:;,87 2. Q('\U 13- hlL W:;" ,:::), I 174,193 R::> j E - .mnm .El --lli.- J)rga ;aj ~ - - - - - TOTAL - - - - CAPI'l'AL OU'I'IAY' -5m- 1":1,... Fi g}t1:i n g Eql' nn ..., - - - - """'4'" ". - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Fund_ - - - CITY OF SALINA Function _ - - - GENERAL OPERA'rIHG Department - - - INSPECTIOli BUDGET REQUEST Submitted By:_ - Date _Page 1 For the Fiscal Year ~ 10e;7 1958- 19<;9 cO....SOL-,O'.. T~O_S...L'N... . Acc't. Actual 1 oc;P. CURRENT YEAR 1 oc;P. Current Budget Manager's Final No. Account Previous Actual Estimate Budget Request Recom- Budget Year 4 Months 8 Months Total mendation Allowance 120 Salaries and Wa"es - Re"..l..... ~lo""es 12.~.2'; }, ""^ "^ 8 48Q~OO 12 e;oo.oo 14 610.00 1< 600.()() 10C:; Ot:h..... Pr-of'---~._-' .00 ()() <;QO.OO 600.00 mrAL 12.704 .25 4 020.00 8 480.00 12 .c:;OO.OO 15.200.00 14 200.00 . :::>01 n~_ ... , nAe: tV'\ C:;2C:;.1YI 7hil.()() , ~e: (\(\ , ~e: tV'\ , ~e: "" 'XYT IYI 2? ?? ?7 7P. e;o IYI <;0.00 e;oM ?DO 149 82 .IYI lC:;O.no lC:;O.oo 1 e:(\ tV'\ lC:;O.oo ??1 ^"~,.- ...._~ At." ,e: IYI 'l1YI IYI 'l1YI.no 7tV'\ tV'\ 700.00 ~~ Tnsuranc.. - !<b,,....i:v 'Rnnil.. c:;.no e;1V'l e;1YI C:;.IYI e;no ?':lk - Q^_,..1 'Yf? h 1 k7 Ak o~o ,h ~ tV'\ IV'l <00.00 ';I ()() IV'l ?c;? n___'_ _ ..n" art'1.c" 'F. fV\ ()() , fV\ (\(\ , tV'\ tV'\ 100,00 100,00 - - _n o 31j..38- 6.2o.....oB... 1. c:;~ o , '7(\ tV'\ 2.C:;7Q,OO 2.C:;70,OO - - - - - MA AM> SUPPLTE - - - - <:::>0 nf'.,.i ,... - 02,hl ~ -95...5.0- ~- l00,1YI .lQQ....QQ... - <<1 Rooks and . . ., IYI -----00... -1-S--OO-- --+5-00- - 7C:;.1YI --7.5.....00 - - ~67 El..ctr1e1al and T.i ~,.. llR,.. IYI ~ ~ .lOCWlO. - IYI - - - - - = - - = - - - - - - - TO'l'AL oa..6 1 - 40.1\e: 225.0<; ~c:;.oo - 17e; IV'l f-- 275 . 00 - - - - - - - f-- - - - - - - I-- - - - T~ Xl. 5- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1_ - - - CITY OF SALINA tion_ - - - GENERAL OPERATIlIG rtmenL - - - INSPECTIOfi BUDGET REQUEST litted B: - - - - - _Page 2 For the Fiscal Y ear ~ 19<;8 eO,",SOL .OATIEO-."""'''''' = r Actual 1 8 CURRENT YEAR Budget Manager's Final Current Recom- Budget Account Previous Actual Estimate Budget Request Year .lL.-Months -1L Months Total mendation Allowance - - - ~ Orll8.111 Z8. t10n Th" on :::>5 00 - - - - - - C4.PI'rAI. OOTUl - - ~ Fu1"Yl1t:ll...... 'P<. .,.,..1 nf"~"..._ 1?n'l1 00 200 . 00 - - - - - - - - - - ~'I'NI'A T ......- ,c;, "n ":)IJ J.. t:~,., 1';1 1() ~~^ Q"" ,..,.n nn ~1P. 1'7"',00 ,.,."" "" - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Park 24 - - ::: -- ------------------- CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Y ear ~ GENERAl. OPERATING PARK Final Budget Allowance Manager's Recom- mendation .l359- Budget Request .l958.. Current Budget ~ Total CURRENT YEAR Q Estimate ~Months ~ Actual --1L-Months 19<;7 Actual Previous Year Page 1 Account Fund Function Department Submitted By: Date _ Acc't. No, hJ300 00 20,000 00 500.00 14.500.00 1 rYlO. ()() 6.000.00 22.<;00.00 500.00 13. 000.00 <; ()() ()() hJ15000 ?OJ()l'l() 00 2<;0.00 13.000.00 ~,150 00 11.J39h f\o 2<;0.00 li.~4~.60 2.000.00 5, hQ3 ~ 00 1 he;h..!ill.. 00 6 , ()()() 00 17,600 00 .00 10.631.....5.. 7.C:;O l{eads Ann VAgi''' _ li'rnm nth",!" T)pnt:R ~.." Rnn V~ PR:"t: ..Time.. n~n_~ nnAl ~- Sala.I'1es - Officials aDd. Dept Rn,; t.Ja n'AG _ - liO .l2ll. ~ .l3.Q.. lQ"i 42.300.00 42. 50D.J10 39.400.00 40 ~0.140 o ?e;o ~t'\ 'l~.?4n.7<; TOTAL 60.00 ~ lQQ...QQ.. :::>c:;.oo -5Q...OO... .J..5Q....Q(L -8.00 ; OQ.. 1<;0.00 300.00 4.000.00 400.00 ~ c:;o.oo ~ ~ 100.00 ?5 00 .00 50.00 150.00 750.00 150 00 300.00 IL .QQQ....QQ... .Mlo....OO. ~ e;ooo 60.00 2QQ..QQ. lQQ...QQ... 2<;.00 ..sa..oo.. .J..5Q....Q(L 750.00 150.00 300.00 1L.000.00 ~ J.5O..OO- C:;O.()() 60.00 155 ..QQ. 1.QQ....QQ... ?C:;.oo ..sa..oo.. .ll&. .2J.8....8Q. 78.85 2~<;.7<; < ..962....10- ~ 132-08- ~7.?C; .00... ~ -----00... -----00... ............QQ. ----..00.. ~ ~ .1l....l5.... ~ 3'L.3Q.. ~ ~ 2.7C:; .5.Q..OO.. .l!IB...oL 00 00 00 10.20 99.41 730.06 l3R 01 ?20 50 1 3~9 9h ';ISO-ll. -S--29- Rm Comprehend v' PI. and m T i g)1t. Rnd 'PnWP" !,\p..-vi, !lpp,d,. _ 'RllilningR B~ru'i'" _ 'MAP..,of""7 An" 1 ~p~i~ _ Vn+'n~ --~~~~ R_nAi,.. _ u....+"',.. '" - _ Ti 1'"'f!:S And ""'''''IDa. 1.. n..", A1' ann --., Of"';". 1i't\1""IItl::. _ l'lllilding Insurance - Motor Vehicles Insurance - Motor Vehicles Social Secru1 t.Y.. Insurance - Gas ~rv1ce 2Ol. ~ 2SIl- 22L 2ZL gn, ~ ~ 241 2!l2.. .2Sl ~ ~ 2"i5. --~- 6.li.~<;.00 t PRrk <8<;.00 6 6..38.5 . 00 c ll..:::e: ';1<; <;l9..6c:; < . 1 no. <;5 'l'n'l'AT. ------------------- CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year--.l959- GD1ERAL OPERA'fiJiG PARK Fund Function Department Submitted By: Date _ Acc't. No. Final Budget Allowance Manager's Recom. mendation .1959- Budget Request ~ Current Budget .lS5.8 Total CURRENT YEAR Estimate ~ Months ~ Actual ~Months ~ Actual Previous Year 2 Page Account =t=o.oo 2 .00 100.00 100.00 ::I 0.00 600.00 600.00 100.00 200..00. 200.00 ,OO...QQ. 300.00 00 100.00 .l5.Q...OO.. ...25-.-00- J.OO.....OO.. J.OO...QQ... +20-00- --1!WlO- .l85-..OO- .6??...oo.. .6??...oo.. .2.5!LOO- .lOQ....OQ.. JOQ....OO... 450.00 150.00 ~ 250.00 50.00 ....1.6.....:m. --4JO- J.33....3L ~ .J3:Wa ~ ..26...8l.. ~ ~ .9l...55- 1 ~ 95....!rr. S. ,7 41.63 .9!L.11. -3....QQ... ---3..J!L ~ .5l2--.66- -.Ii:L5O... J.QL.59.. .28S...11.. ~ ~ .lQ9...51.. .328...50- 901....li.. ~ --J3-,..!iS- ~e; sa. 00 .AJm... 3l.Q.. LTaiL Rnd Toilet ~1' 'R _ li'npl} TJ1'h.,.. .LA"""'; _.r_.llClt.6". u^+....... - 'A _ T.i ~p-nC!:" 'I'D WCI: ':1110 ~'''I'''\," 1 .. At:! ~AC ~R7 ~~~ n~v.' Rn~~ An~ ~a~ 4.2ClO.00 2. QQ4. 44 1 ?Or:; r:;~ ':l ':lhn ';I' ~~ p,. ,." 4.620.00 25.00 ~o.oo 2C:;.OO 4 2<;.00 /'VI I 2<; .00 ,e:./'VI 'I't'\Il'U. h':lr:; -I ::: .~+i nn ~'"'' ------------------- GENERAL OPERA',rnlG PARK 19<;7 1~~l1 ~::I'::I Actual 10e;P. CURRENT YEAR 'C=;~A , , Manager's , Final Acc't. Current Budget Account Previous Actual -8....... Estimate Recom- Budget No. Year -1L-Months Months Total Budget Request mendation Allowance ..-.. f\T1l1'TA..,.. -502 .00 nn .00 r::,~ l>D~'" _ ..~_~e f\I'\ f\I'\ ? c;nn nn ~ e:nn fV\ ~ e;()() nn '" I,e:" (\(\ e;?1 AA';I0'7 1 fYl oR , Ana (\~ " """ ^^ ~ rvY\ f\I'\ , ,::",^ "" <;2C:; """'''.ke fYl .00 .. ':::f\I'\ f\I'\ , ,::: "" "" 1 600.00 , e: "" N'I C:;7C:; f'\f'\ f'\f'\ , e: f'\f'\f'\ f'\f'\ , '" ^"^ "" ,), f'\f'\f'\ "" "" """ "" I_n AA"l07 100.aR I~, Af'\n "" . ~~ ^"'" ,..,.. ~(\ lnn nn , ~ ,:::~" "" I_AT I. , .,Q" "'I " ''7e: '70 ,:::" ".,,, e:A '70 , (\(\ fV\ '7';1 ';Itv\ (\(\ ,::,::: "^^ "" I nark g:L CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year ..l959-- Page 3 Fund Function Department Submitted By: Date ------------------- Fund Function_ Department_ Submitted By:_ Date _ Acc't. No. CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Y ear ~ GEBERAL OPERATING POLICE Final Budget Allowance Manager's Recom. mendation 19'59 Budget Request ~ Current Budget J,228 Total CURRENT YEAR Estimate .....1L- Months .l958.. Actual --1L-Months ~ Actual Previous Year Page 1 Account 6. "100.00 140.000.00 12.000.00 500.00 e; ()()() M 6.000.00 137.000.00 12.000 00 '500.00 <; ()()() ()() 6.1'50.00 134.500.00 12.000.00 300.00 1 ()()() ()(\ 4.1'50.00 9;~272.OQ. <;.240.00 ~ h7C:;,7C:; 2,000.00 41,228.00 6 .1QQ...QQ. ~ ';I?IL ?e; 6,000.00 '21,022 97 '] ,050.00 6"10.84 , nhh 7< and DeJlt. Heads Hegnl..... F,m-' 'PR,.+' If'; mp - 1 Medical S~m~ 10<; n+~~r , 163.800.00 lhO e;M.M 1c;<.QC:;O.00 10::3.616.10 <;0.. ~~~ .90 1';10 7e;() c:;4 TOTAL ;1..800.00 2.000.00 1,<;00.00 '500.00 2.7C:;O.00 ~!L__ [=_ c~28- 100.00 '500.00 J2"QQ 100.00 400.00 1<;.00 600.00 ~ ~ , en nt"\ 1 1,800 00 1 , 750 00 1,700 00 500 00 ? 750.00 50 ()() 300 00 700.00 30.00 100.00 400 00 15 00 350 00 500 00 ~ 1C:;O.00 1.800.00 2.000.00 1.000.00 <;00.00 2.7<;0.00 1.0'50.00 1. "117 .86 907.8<; "172.78 2~021.1C:; .J.QQ....QQ.. 1.<;00.00 7<;.00 100.00 400.00 15.00 .2??..oo.. 5QQ...QQ ~ ,c:n rV'\ 100.00 8q3.8<; 7<;.00 100.00 29.QO 15.00 421. 08 346.98 o~ ." "'" 7'50.00 .682...l!L ~ 127.22 728.8<; 00 .00 ~ ---.QQ .00 370.70 .00 178.92 153.....Q2.... 35...&. 7fi.Q, 1.812 00 2,098 49 785 51 470 11 2 ~ l56.....o5- M 9 50 1 371 83 82 72 t02.47 331 65 00 543 25 8ll.32- ~ 4<;, .91.. .IlJl+.....olr' 1 ~ ~ anrl --,. l~in'" .BJ.ue... .and. .FI:1m Office Forms TAmol .Il~v"rtising - Motor Vehic1l _ Motor VehiclA". PI. ..,,~ l>T\ _ Surev 'Rnnd _ qn,..iA1 F.a:y1J1!11ent LilZht Service Repairs - l'lnililings Renairs - furn1 ture and Office 201 .205- .2Q1.. w.. 1Jl .2.19- .22.Q... ~ .2Z5- ~ ~ .2li ~ 242 .25l. 2'52 ------------------- Fund_ Function, Department_ Submitted By: Date CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year--1959- OPERA'l'ING GENERAL POUCE '::1;'1 ..7.J\J ."'7J7 Acc't. Actual 10c:;8 CURRENT YEAR ,0e:P. Current Budget Manager's Final No. Account Previous Actual ~ Estimate Budget Request Recom. Budget Year ~Months Months Total men dation Allowance ,,--.... ?c:;< - a~A <lAoh lC:;.2':\ ?':\IL 77 ?<;o ()() ~e;() N'l ?<;I"I ()() ~e;1L _ V"ten... "'-,,<-,-- I, "..,,, "" 11m 88 ':\ P.oP.. 1? ~ """ "" e: 1'\1"'1(\ I'V'\ c:; 000.00 ?c:;c:; _ y"...",. V,,},-I ", _ "" ,.."" a~A "".'haD ?':\R.C:;h 10Lc:;R IG8.42 . ()() 00 ':I()I"I N'l ,00.00 2<;6 Renairs - Wash and Lubrication 10<;.10 2<;0.8<; 149.1<; 400.00 I ?c:;o.()() 400.00 ~e:7 _ ~aA-I ^ I'V'\ N'l N'I I ann ",,,,,,..1 ",__.-1_" . R. 46.17 c:;o.oo I C:;O 00 284 ':\1 l~ e:(\ N'l .. .. 'l'Nl'AT . 1<;.087~74 C:;.':\<7.11 12 402.80 17.740.00 ; '7 ,Oe: (\(\ 18 240.00 A1\TT\ ':\10 "",,,1.. 1 ILP. <;~ RO.Ao 10,11 , ()() (\(\ 1 ()() ()() 100,00 <:::>1"1 M'.N_a ~ (\<;() ~(\ 710~ ' ..,o^ ^', ? . e;()() N'l ~ <; ()() ()() '" e:(\(\ (\" <<I _",." anA ':\nR.<() 274.00 76.00 ';1<;0.00 ':\C:;O.OO ,<;0.00 ':I';I':l -n-.__ __" ......_ <A A<; A ..,(\ ~ ':l(\ 7 e: (\(\ 7<;.00 7C:;.OO ':\<0 "'n^" +'^'" ^,.-I _a'" 100 a? 47 <;1"1 le;?e;() ?OO.()() ?()() m 200.00 - <1..';1 ,. .< '" ann .......,-+ - . "A 'h 4< <;0 56.50._ 100.00 i 100.00 100.00 ! -- I ! ';Ihe: Un+",.. ... , _ r..." --" "., A LI.'7 ~" , 178 88 0;.,21.12 _ _ 8,500.00 7 c:; 00 . 00 8,500.00 -t-- <IL7 Vn+n'" - ""'O''' AA 05 O?rr7 70':\ 100.()() 100.00 100.00 <e;e; \,1--"""- ^---"'"" h ?t'\O t:.(\ o oho ,1. ??<;7.P.h L e:1'V'\ (\(\ h <:; N'l IY'I 4.c:;oO.00 ';1<;0 1'1+"",.. e:L.L. ,A ?'71L ':lL. ??<; ~ e; ()() ()() <;N'l N'I C:;OO 00 ';Ih7 anti ' -~'" ""-...- w.. IL~ hI.. e:e: ';1<:; L.e: 1 ()() (\(\ 50.()() 100...QO <7< a~'" 1?? 7';1 hl"l 7<; ':l0 "''' , (\(\ I'V'\ 1 ()() ()() l00.()() - "'7'7 v_+_", "'--"'- ':l e:le: (\(\ , ,= ,Q 870.82 2.000.00 1 e; ()(\ ()() 2.000.00 n_ __ I Poli.ce ?2._ .. ----- Page 2 ion tment itted By: Vate Page 3 For the Fiscal Year--1S5$L lne:'7 , ,.,e:P. 10e:O CON$OI..'O...TEO_5......' ,..... Acc't. Actual loc:;8 CURRENT YEAR ,~ Current Budget Manager's Final Account Previous Actual Estimate Recom- Budget No. Year -.!L.. Months -B-Months Total Budget Request mendation Allowance ,...,.. ,..~-~ . "'70 U~+~,.. _ ..... ~A" Dn.:! ....'"'A. 1 e:1V\ aa ';Ih.o_4~ h'l0e;7 , fVV\ N\ , "",.. ,..,.. 1 N\(\ N\ ';lA, t>.oi n+ and e;1.82 n .,(\ 1 e; 7() ~c; IV\ 2<;.00 c:;o.oo "182 PhotOlll"anh SUnnlies and Materials C:;C:;C:;.91 ",..,., ,:::, ?O?'lO e:1V\ IV\ 500.00 C:;OO,()() <R<; 1'1Rni" op",..i-,., ?p.e; .Q1 (\(\ C:;OO.OO 'I'Nl'd T. ~~ ~';Il (l/:. o 0"" 0" 11 847.20 ?(\ 6e;(') 00 1Q .61V\ ()() ?(\ 67C:;.00 "'"""'"" IL';I<; Tb,,,,, 1 lili e:() hh C>f'\ <;';1 1 () 1 ()() ()() , (\(\ ()() 100.00 (\Tl'1'TlIV. e:nc; DnA A lh(\.7R (\(\ 7 , C:;OO , 00 7 e:1V\ IV\ 7 . e:1V\ (\(\ {., (\(\(\ (\(\ e:(\Q Dnil e:ol': 1,10 , N\ nt:. e:N\ nh '7(\(\ N\ ""e:(\ N\ 700.()() --$n 1>"il< . ,,,,, <e; "" ~e;<; ()() ~c;<; IV\ '7e:(\ IV\ "IRo,oO """"AT A '7Q'7 e;7 , no nt:. A oe:e: nh A !oe:e: N\ (\ f'\f'\f'\ N\ 7,080.00 """"AT ,A{., nn, h, '::1, ..,,,,, <:"" , ';I'::: ''710 ';1';1 200 8oc:;.00 ~ .,n" N\ 200,895.00 - ----- police 3Q...... ------------------- CITY OF SALINA EST F F D S ~ ------------------- CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year-l959- GENERAL OPERATING STREET Fund Function Department Submitted By: Date _ Acc't. No. Final Budget Allowance Manager's Recom- mendation ~ Budget Request ~ Current Budget ~ Total CURRENT YEAR o Estimate ~Months - .ma Actual L. _Months .l951- Actual Previous Year Page 1 Account e:8, 000. 00 500.00 500.00 1,000.00 55.075.00 1.500.00 600 .00 1.500.00 '58.000.00 1,500.00 h()() ()() 3B .451.65 1,500.00 ';I?p. 00 'o~ ---...00... 77? JXL ()() <;<;.4~0.QO .00 h 79...5Q.. 8.2<; Salaries and wages REgular Emp1ov~es SalA.'ri P-Fi An~ W~ap~ _ 'PR..,..+. '1'i~ .Medica 1 Other J2Q.. .l3O- .190- lQ'i lo.R:::>o.<C:; 6<; nnA 1 Services <;8 .~Q7<;. 00 I t:.n fVV\ "" l5Q....QQ. 200.00 ~3}..._ ~:tJ::eat .5QQ..,..QQ. -5OQ....OO. 1,200.00 500.00 75.00 -.2~ 100.00 50.00 1 .0??...oo.. J.25.-,..QQ.. 200.00 1 ()() O() .00 ..l5.Q..,.QQ. ~ ~ -----..00. 5QQ.00 <;00.00 900.00 4<;0.00 7<;.00 200.00 .J.OO....QQ... --5.Q....OO.. Jioo...QQ. J25....QQ.. ..2QQ.00 1 ()() 00 I." 'Y7n':::e: I hO 1 IY\ ()() 1 C:;O.OO RO,?7 500.00 5()() no 1,?OO 00 500 00 75.00 200.00 100.00 50 00 , .Dilll...OO... l2S-OO- 2QQ.....QQ.. 1 ()(\ ()() ..5QQ....QQ.. ~ ..868....lU. ~ --3B..B8.. .l39-..lO- ..lOO...OCl ~ ~ --66.~ lO!l..92... 1 ()() ()() JXL ~ -00.. -00.. -.00... -.00... 397 ()1 331 97 308 05 36 1::> hO 90 00 5 50 7..86....lo... ~ oe: .08- IY\ 118 JXL ..1+2---7-5- ---...00... ---.00.. ---.00.. 147 13 339.00 1 J ?41 79 503 9? 57 84 183 50 47 ::>A .00 ~ ~ ':llLh .2fL O() 201 ~ ~ 22L 2Zl- 23l 232- .2J6- 2kL 2k2... 21G- ~ ~ ~ .Repail = and.....Of'f'i N' ~.Repa.irs....= .B.Dd..1 ~ RF"I'"i,.." - M"t:"T' V""i"l",, ~ .Re!"'i,.." - ",,,t:nT' , -2~B.epair~.5e"'PT''' <;6 'I'C'l'1'AT. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 1 P....J1.ae A 1 AM f'tf'.p~,..D 1i'n~s.... ann - - Mnt:nT' .EL and PD _ q,.....-4 0' ~D,..l1.,..i +.'V' rp.f,..,::o~ Ann Tube: c~~ ~P'MTir-p Tign+ Ann Pnv~,.. ~. 'Ua+o.,.. ~A"'I4"tTi"'A ------------------- Fund Function_ Department _ Submitted By: _ Date CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year ~ GENERAL OPERATING STREET ~7 ~ I ~7JIoJ .7)7 Acc't. Actual 19'58 CURRENT YEAR 10e;8 Current Budget Manager's Final Account Previous Actual ~ Estimate Recom. Budget No. Year 4 Months Months Total Budget Request mendation Allowance ('not . 2<;9 Renairs - Streets Sidewalks & Brid~es hI. h(\ lili c; " '"e: e:" ..,(\(\ "" ?()() 00 ..,,,,, "" ?71. 1)"",+ _ "",A .,"" P.7 (\(\ , ';I IV\ , IV\ (\(\ e:(\ "" c;n.()() :::>7e; !lpnT. _ UnT.n,. (\(\ ()() c;.O ()() e;" ()() e; () ()() <; () ()() 'lVVl'4T . ';I e:e:o e:A 2:::>71 01 ? 77P. (\Q e; (\C;(\ QO I. ?e:(\ N'I e: "'(\(\ (\(\ nm "l10 ,1... 'T'nnl.. ,ll.n AI, 60.P.e: '.2'.20 le: 4()() ()() h/VI r", ILOO.()() .......3...2n &1'1".. . e;o ?1 ()() c;n.oo e;n ()() c;n.()n <; (\ ()() -3!f, < .- ,~ ..",.-'I ",...n,,+. oh oh lC;C; Al ILh 10 ?()() ()() ';Ie: (\(\ ?(\(\ (\(\ ,4c:; Mnt"r U"h-l~'''''' _ "0" 0",;1 n.., e: ,~{:. '7(\ .., ..".., """ ';I 7P.7 ?, ,:: """ "" h (\e:(\ /VI h ano ()O <IL7 "'nT.n,.. ~, ., . _ T < ~_~~_ "'" a.. .,"" "" ';Ic;e: IV\ 'Oe:e: N'I <()().()() lLoo ()() "l<;Q other Ahh A':I 110 07 ?p.o ()< IL()() ()() h(\() ()() 400,00 ';Ihl A"....ho'+ onA 1)..,0" r",' ), I,ne: 'O" 1 r1h(\ 7'7 030 ?'.2 2 000.00 1<;00,00 2.000.00 <h"l 'Rr1 ..In, A nil IYI "" .00 .,~" "a~"n+ anA C-_n+ , . ,-.. ""1,,' h';l? 1? 1<1 <0 268.61 400.00 400.00 400.00 ';Ih7 "" .~..... , --.. .",.,_..~ ,A aA < 0';1 46.07 <;0.00 c:;o.OO 50.00 ':IhO (1)..,,,,,h _.... 'CO< _, _'" , ''O'O oA 074 40.26 C:;O.OO <;0.00 <;0.00 "'7' T,,~"'__ 0"'.-'1 T. ..... ,,:::,, ,,::; ';1<; ';Ie: 264.6c:; '00.00 < ()() ()() ,00.00 "'7" 0"''' 'Pc,..+o ., ,:::", Q" ? lhP. P.7 1. "l<l.l< <C:;OO.OO 1 . < ()() ()(l 1. 'i00. 00 ,7'i lI!p-l'>.1 ..nn \.1,,-1'>.1 <n 4P. "l44.c:;o 1<;<;.<;0 <;00.00 100.00 500.00 ,77 Motor Vehi~+." 1 ILl<; e;1L 40c; .1? ...2Q4 .88 1 000.00 1 (\()() ()(\ 1 000.00 -----m- ~~tnr Vp}'i"l", _ ~""Q 0"'.-'1 ~'~"Q hC:;O.C:;h 1L17 ()? A.,o all. ~25!LOO , oe:(\ /VI l~25.Q..Q() -- .--- 381 Eain'Lan<:LPainti.n&-Ma:ter1.a 1 " 1 ()< 1 'I ILh 11 e:'O Ao , N'I (\(\ 100.00 , n" (\(\ -'- ---~- -- .. ..s.tr:e.e~~ , _ ____.. . ___32_ --_._~_.__._-- Page 2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Fund - - CITY OF SALINA Function_ - _ GENERAL OPERAflIiG r>epartrnent_____ - - STREE'r BUDGET REQUEST Submitted By:_ - - Date Page 3 For the Fiscal Year--.1959- '0e:7 10e:H ae:a Acc't. Actual 10c:;8 CURRENT YEAR ,ne:A Current Budget Manager's Final Account Previous Actual ~ Estimate Recorn- Budget No. Year --.!LMonths Months Total Budget Request mendation Allowance MATERIAL'3 AND SUPPT,TF.S Cent.: ':lP.7 >::"..;1 ,,___, "II",." ....;I M...+ , .,~ e;o :::> nho 77 Ol;() ?< ., f'\f'\f'\ "" 1.<;00.00 , fVVl fV\ ';IAo C!..=..,.. 'PI~" "..;I .....,.. 14.c:;o .00 e:(\ /VI e:(\ fV\ <:;0.00 e:(\ /VI <Q() ""'-+e 4 7n?86 Ole:; <e; 1 f'\P.h h" ,., fVVl N'I :::> fVVl "" " ^"" ^^ ,0< .- 106 .42 ,8.26 161. 74 200 . ()() 200.00 ?/VI IV\ 'I'Nl'AT . 0., ",,, ,.,,, ,,, ,:::"" ,::" n:184.Uo "', o,,~ "" 1 e; (\<e; IV\ '7 P.e:(\ /VI ':'TnmllV h<c:; n..__ 1';1 e:o .00 ~/VI ?e: /VI L.L.7 ...- "...---... , h .. "" "" .()() /VI _AT , I, ",., "" /VI ?e; ()() ?e; /VI "T1mT ... . e:(\Q "'.... ,.- IV> fVl ()() <;11 "',.-,... h':::7 ';I'::: lL.?h oAe: '7~ ., fV\ fV\ "rv'l (\(\ ., rv'l fV\ e;?e; """",.,.,, /VI , h.,e: ." 1 h';ll; ';11 ()() e;?7 >::+....,,+ , .,.,., " le;A.?o 11., P.o .,/VI /VI' 7(\() IV\ P'?e; ()() ",A, C!+......+ e..;I ^'.. -- ". ,,,,, .,n ';IA rv'l ?1? hO ?e:o hO ?e:(\ (\0 """"AT '" ,c:J, ll.~ 1.hLc:; 7e; ~),,, ,.,,, " "Q,:: "" 1 6c:;o.00 , "0" fV\ _~L...EXmIDIn1BEs..: ' "" ",::, QI. <h.<c:;Rhl 54.882. ~_ J.2., 241. 00 .,n h.,,, fV\ 84 600.00 ._- I ~ I Street " ------------------- Page ~ ClE.O;; J.~~'{ J..:t:lO J..:t:l:t Acc't. Actual 1958 CURRENT YEAR -~d:i Current Budget Manager's Final Account Previous Actual Estimate Recom. Budget No. Year -LMonths -B- Months Total Budget Request mendation Allowance 1~ <'-, --< -- DnA Yo "OD _ "0 ""., "'" "l7,h72.hO p.? A?? ILn 1?() <;()() ('\{'l ,oe: e:(\f\ (\(\ ,,,,, I':t:." "" 10n ' .,1, I." .00 e: (\(\ (\(\ e:(\(\ N'I e:fV\ fV\ e: f\(\ (\(\ ,oe: n+'h",.. ., - (\(\ .on e; """ "" " """ "" """"AT "0 CO.., c" ';17 h7? h(\ Q., "'0)'7 1,(\ , 0' f'\(\(\ "" 1<1 f'\(\(\ N'I ,oll. ,I':f\ (\(\ 2O'i """lenhone and Te1e=aph ';I~32 4c:;.oo 1<;<;.00 200.00 .00 200.00 221 PrintinlZ Office Forms 88.'i'i .00 'i0.00 'i0.00 .00 'i0.00 2~1 Insurance - Motor Vehicles Conmrehensiv ?"':I I.., .00 100.00 100.00 1 (VI (\(\ 100.00 0.,,,, U"...,,_ - nT "n" 'Dr\ ~'7 '7': 2h4 . 11 ~'i.80 <00.00 <00.00 ,00.00 ~ Insurance - Social Security 2 e;<1.40 h<? nh 1. ,67 . 04 2.000.00 I 2. ()()o. 00 2.'i00.00 2'i, Re=ir - Machinerv and Eauinrnent 216.0< ()() 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 2<;4 Repair - Motor Vehicles 0''7 ro::. lc:;o.6< <49.,7 'i00.00 0"" N'I ,40.00 2C:;<; RenAi,.. _ ),l"t:n,.. - . . '1'i ,..p" Ann 'I'"'h..,, ?<;7 O? 120.0C; ??O oe; 400.00 C;()().()() 'i00.00 TOTAL < P.~9.3'L .__.l~2J 2. 7C:; 24,7.2'i ,.6'i0.00 < 2()() ()() 4.OQo.00 I I MN AND I .._~~ <10 ~endable ~f\ls 47C:;hC; 1<;< h? 46.<8 200.00 1 00 . 00 100.~ ---~ ,20 OI'ficp ~un"lie" (\(\ c:;.oc:; 44...QL C;O.OO ()() 'iO.OO . - ,4'i Motor Vehicles - Fuel.IllbI'.&:.Anti-fI'eeze .: ,,::,, ", ?,4oc:;"lp' 4.OQ4.62 6.'i00.00 h ()()() ()() 6. C:;OO.OO ';Ib.7 ""+nl" Vphi,.,l"" - T,i,., ""'"D J.",o .,A ~~M 1.J,,, (\(\ e:(\(\ ('\{'l "QQ..l)Q -I 359 rther Operating SupnH"" ::o::ofl fl'7 4c:;.':IC; e:1, t:.e: , ??...oo- J-----5Q..QO ",.. "" . ---~-------=~- I I 3~_ I , ~rbM~_ I . - CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year ~ GEJIERAL OPERATING GARBAGE 1 Fund Function Department Submitted By Date -------- ----------- CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year ~ Fund Function Department Submitted By Date GENERAL OPERATING GARBAGE 1951 J.~O J.."~" Actual ,0e:P. CURRENT YEAR ,0e:P. Manager's , Final Ace't. Current Budget Account Previous Actual ....8.- Estimate Recom- Budget No. Year ~Months Months Total Budget Request mendation Allowance ._- A1\IT\ I'^n+ . <7''1 ..nn PRr'l".<: 46?P.4 204.c:;c:; lilie; he: he:(\ N'I 6e;0.00 he:(\ N'I <77 u_...__ - - p",..+" 1 <;IL< hO <':1<;.47 hh4.C:;"l '^~~~ 1 000.00 ' ,..,"" "" ':170 u~+ ",.. .. . , _ 'l'i rps ~nA """n"" C:;2'.lO ,6.10 Oh':l Q(\ , """ "" 1 000.00 , "" ~ "" """"AT oRlhe;4 .., C~, ,~ h.<l':1 e:A o ohe: (\(\ Q. ~oo.oo ~ o~~ ^^ -.--.. ...oTI'J'TAY' --52<; """"",.,, o one: "I. "" .00 -- I >1\'V1'AT. 1..,Q ':::1,,, I,,,,, 4?e;16.77 00 fY7A 0., ,?L """ (\(\ 143.500.00 , 42,lClQ.. ()() -- . I--~-~-- ----I~. -- ----- --- ~-_._._.- - --- -- e--~-- ~r1:l?Z~ . . 3.2... Page 2 ------------------- CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year-1959- GENERAL OPERATING WAS1'E DISPOSAL Final Budget Allowance Manager's Recom- mendation .l959- Budget Request J.958.. Current Budget l25..8 Total CURRENT YEAR Estimate ~ Months 1958 Actual -1L-Months ~ Actual Previous Year Page 1 Fund Function Department Submitted By Date _ Acc't. No. " .000...00.. ?f\I"\ ("If) Q B2O...OO.. <00.00 A A(\(\ fV\ e: nt'\A '7(\ ? P.0l 30- .00 A '7{:.P.~ (\(\ Account 'RnqJlrrypp" ?Tonm n+\"o_ T\.o:".....+co 1 PERSONAL S: .l2Q.. Sa 1 A.1'1..s ...nn W'~ "''''' " 1?~ Chl a....~.....,. o....A Va _ - o 1?() ()() I 0 . <no no A QfV'I fV'I <; an'\ 70 2.891.30 R.7hR.lC:; 'TVl'T'AT. 50.00 150.00 2<;0.00 .D:CL ~.Q...OO... ~ ?<;() .DeL N'I 50.00 150.00 250.00 <;0.00 101. 46 250.00 .Q!L .00... 48 ,5!L .00... ()() 00... 00... J.8S..OO- 1 e;7 ..l8.. (\(\ and..... '1"A 1 AtrrRn'h ~ _ C!, gn~ niannQa' ~A~i~A , 205- 228.. 236- ::: I ::::r "~"M,"' 450.00 he:(\ (\(\ 450.00 ----- 4Q1.46 <W; lP. T-l.A e;4 rrrY1'AT . -~-I=~~--:~. --=t=== -+~---- 5QQ...QQ.. 500 . 00 1.,,5.Q9--,j)Q~329-,QQ_ :::>no ,00 2.QQ . 00 500.00 1.<;00.00 ~QQ.OO 'n2.~0 UZI..ll. 10<.<<; 18L...'lO.. 72...ZL (:, (:,e; ~ ~ P.Q ILn ^"IT\ .Mo.:tor..... - li't1pl J T,nhr It-An+.of _li''rAA''7.1C1 Machinery and Equipment Parts Sand. RQ~Gravel and Chat 3!i5- 3D- 387 --=-3~ W?,J;.tELlli~I'()S~____ 00 00 050 --D;:a.O""OO-t-..ll.800 2 2 . 200...()() ':'l f)rv'\ rv"'\ 00 450 II 1 O':l< ';IP. 8. 243.'i4 ?(:,~ t:.? ';I ?M W; I I Ac:~ n~ o ohh ';It: '1'IYI'AT. 'm'T'AT. ------------------- CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year-1959- GENERAL OPERATING SEWAGE Final Budget Allowance Manager's Recom- mendation J.95S. Budget Request ~ Current Budget JS58- Total CURRENT YEAR Estimate ~ Months ~ Actual ~Months .l951... Actual Previous Year 1 Page Account Fund Function Department Submitted By Date _ Acc't. No. 254QQ..OO 500.00 1.000.00 ?1 .JOO-OO- ~Q. e: (\(\ ...00 ?e: .D2O.-OO. SOO.OO 7.92<;.::+,'7 ~ <;00.00 ()() ?1~ ----00.. "h 00. ~ p" and Wagf''' - ..5a..1.arj Ann Yf;:l C'PI~ 'Pl::l.,.+. 'T"i mPo -m"n 1 nvppc:: n+n,QI,... 11 "L 120 .l3O- lq<; :::>? <00 ()O I 27.000.< 00 2<;.'i20.00 17.e;0e; M 7..92<; .00 ?1 41<; 01 'i'Nl'H. I --.-L--- 600.QQ ~ 50.00 SO.OO ~Q..QQ - - - - - -- --~G235..QOj_ -~-.. - ~ ~r'- --=,cc~=~7= ~~ ~~.~ J =-~Sewljg~===___ ---=c~ -~-=J=~== 2S.00 35.,J2Q 4QQ.~ 75.0Q._ 11,.QQQ.OO ~ ..fl.,oo:=r.~~.~ ~2h 00 -.---- ~L~-- 5li,QQ..._____._~ 75.00 iillo....o.o.. ..ns~OQ -5{LOO.. .00 ~OO_ 2S.00 i5.00 JillQ....QQ 7<;.00 11.000,00 75.00 ~~.Q. --515., 00 -15LOO ..5Q..,..OO 4'20.00. Q..QQ.oO 312.00 50.00 i50.00 262.72 <;0.00 .25.....QQ... ll....85... 261..-88.... 75 .00 ..7.5...-..O!L_ 7. 8 l.1.,..9QQ-,-.OO .00 75.00_ 4 365.Jl 00 --50....QQ ,~ 450.00. ;;5 .00 .li..QQ 400.0CL- 25Q..QQ.. 112 . 28 ~ -----00... ~oo.. ~ ~ .l32..J2- -----..00... ,.~ __.LQ~L -----..00... ::>.Q9....69... J5...J5- .2..00.. <;<;.00 .2Ql. .Automo: ~ TeJep},onp Rnn ~ ~1ng ~~i"p rnrm" .2ZL ..In~d..iIl&S- _-.?_~8-t-1n.m.u:ance - Equipment ._._~L-lr..n":unmce - Motor Vehicles, Comprehensiv!.e I _. 2::\2 I Insurance - Motor Vehicles. PL and PD 236 l.-Insurance - Social Secn ~ ~ervice ~J!..~Light and Power S~.rYice __~ Water Service __~ Repair - Buildings ..600...00. ?h7Ro lL.Bn 202. 56. 106.28 2.04 ~ 479.06 .00 1l.1~ ~ 120. 77 56'5.69 177.37 ~OQ.. ,as.... OQ and Tubes! ~3-J.-B~T~achinery and Equipm~nt ~ fuul~r - Motor Vehli:jgs ---.-255... Re'Pair Motor Vehicl~s. Tires ~7 Waste - Coll~ctLon_and_Dis'Posa1 14 1 IL ?<<; ()() q.,800..2Q IL. 4<IL 71 .-1.4,041.20. ==f~AL -' ------------------- Page 2 1957 1Q51; 1Q5:L- <".v...~,-,~,..,.., ..u......'-".... Acc't. Actual 10c:;F\ CURRENT YEAR ,ne:A Current Budget Manager's Final Account Previous Actual ~ Estimate Recom. Budget No. Year 1L-Months Months Total Budget Request mendation Allowance ANn . 'UO 1crnendab1e 'l'onls 67.16 7.:::>0 h7 71 7 <; 00 7 r:. ()() 7<; (\(\ ':2';11 ". .,-- ---" .00 00 1'i.00 1'i.00 1C:;.00 1.'i.00 "l"l'l. Chemicals Tn-""" Rnd Rtc. 2<.78 .00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 ,4, Janitor and TOilet Sunn1ies 27.82 1'5.67 9.33 2'i.00 2<;.00 25.00 'l.4c:; Motnr .. In,.., T..... ..... ..i',....,,~.. 000 oP. 1 e;e; P.7 :::>04 ,1' 4c:;o.00 4e;().()() 4<;0.00 q47 Motor Vehicles.. TAcense Ta~s 10.00 lC:;.OO 1<;.00 10.00 1'i.00 'l67 Electrial and Li~htinp: Parts 6C:;.,6 <;.88 80.12 OC:;.OO 100.00 100.00 .. <7< Machinerv and EnuiTlment Parts 670.46 120.00 1 120.10 1 2<;0.00 1 2'i0.00 1 2<;0.00 ,77 Motor Vehicles .. Parts 1',.24 <<.7F\ 16.22 'iO.OO 2C:;.00 190.00 ,7Q Motor Vehicles .. Tires and Tubes .00 .00 12'i.00 12C:;.00 1<;0.00 lC:;O.OO <AI Paint and PRintin" Mab.,.ia1s 2c:;r:;.8c:; ,C:;.'l.7 164.6'l. 200.00 200.00 200.00 -387 "onA "~c,,,,' l>nnlr onA ('h,.,t /'\(\ <:::>:::>.IL:::> 177.5.8 'i09.00 ()() TOTAL 1.c:;62.6c:; 721.1R 2.278.82 < 000.00 2.'i00.00 2.'580.00 SUNDRY EXPENDT'T'rm1<'S' 4<c:; Or"anization ThIes .00 ()() 2C:;.00 2C:;.00 :::>c:;.oo 2<;.00 CAPITAL otl'l'LAY' -5.2C:; 'J'rut'ks rY'I .00 ()() TOTAL <7 mo 7h 1<,080.89 20 6.99..~' 42 780.00 ';10 rv:,,, N'I 4<840.00 -- ." .. Sewage - - _..~. 38.. CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year ~ GENERAL OPERATING SEWAGE Fund Function Department Submitted By: Date ------------------- CONSOLIOATII:O_S...L.I.. Final Budget Allowance Manager's Recom- mendation .l95.9.. Budget Request J.958- Current Budget CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Y ear ~ ~ CURRENT YEAR ~ Actual Estimate ~Months ..lL- Months Tota GENERAL OPERATING STREET LIGHTING 1957 Actual Previous Year Page 1 Account Fund Function Department Submitted By: Date _ Acc't No. - 4<;.000.00 750.00 ,'1..000.00 7<;O.()() 000.00 150.00 42 27,828.97 396.06 llL '71 (\., ';Ie:';I ch <C:; .",A " 7oh.P.l . n, C!. a TIn 'Pnv, SllliDRV El I"'n.... +1"'\ A. T< 242 44'1 - - 39__ Stl"~et J.i..g;.hc~~L 45..7'10.00 ,C:;.7e;() (\(\ 42.750.00 28,225.03 07 ,). ~I"\I <h ),1<: 1? IIVV1'AT - - ------------------- CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year-.l9.59- GENERAL OPERATING TRAFFIC Al'ID PARKING Fund Function Department Submitted By: Date _ Acc't. No. Final Budget Allowance Manager's Recom- mendation ~ Budget Request ~ Current Budget .l958 Total CURRENT YEAR o Estimate ~ Months 1958- Actual ~Months 1$51- Actual Previous Year Page 1 Account -5-.-QOO... 5 000. 00 ? ()()(\ 00 2 L 000 .00 ?1,483.<;0 I 29,5<;0.00 4.~~1.60 5.000.00 8.066.<;0 668 . 40 .00 Oe:" n.::: ?8,?111 ?5 5,17435 no 1 p.()() 11L PERSONAL SERVICES: RR1A~ip~ Ann VagP~ _ .8aJ..a.rj "e lb W'AgP'~ _ ThIp 1 , ~n",,+.s.. .8aJ..a.rj ann W'aap.B.. _ p,.~+. 'I'i m.. .....,,1, ,e Other ' J.2Q.. .l2.5- 130- ~q"i 37.000.00 <7 ()()() 00 2,000.00 36.550.00 lL049.94 26.865.04 o ~h ~ ':lC:;.?<C:;.74 'l'CYT'AT. 425.00 125.00 25.00 300.00 3.000.00 500.00 25.00 100.00 100.00 .k25...oo. .J..2S...OO- -4-00- ----OQ ----OQ -JOO...QQ oo-yOOO..OO 500 00 -.25....00- ---.00_ ~ao.....oo. 1(\0..00 425.00 125.00 25.00 270.00 2L33. 25.00 300.00 'l ..QQQ...QQ '500.00 25.00 - 247.04 , ..9Q.a...65. '500.00 25.00 100.00 190.00 100.00 68~q<; ~ ---E4-61- ----.QQ.. -----.QQ.. -----.QQ.. ~ 1 . 091-...l5- ---....QQ. -----00. -----00. ~ ,LO<; 332..50- ----.ClQ ----OQ ----OQ ---00. .3!iB..JU. ?,h78 07 1J.9-+8- ..l2....5.D- ~ ~ O? 7<; -<.com: {nl and pol ZQl J1ae.. gsJL EJCPense 22J... {)ffi",. Fnrm" ~---1rnsuran".. ~ntn~ Yeh 2~2 _ MnTn~ --~ :lJ Insurance - 80"j a 1 l';e(.,,~i tv T.i ght Ann p,.,,,,..,.. Rp1"\~i l'" _ ~ ?4? .and. Motor V..hi "les Mn+.n,.. Vpni,.l.." _ 'I'i~.." It,. ""lnp" - R.."a1l:s - RAdin .__ fJIoy.~f''''''',. T.; ah+:c: 'Rn''h~ R. ~+:,.. .2.53- 2.5.!L 255- 251- ?hl 'l'raffi.~~)j:1l.P.z.__=_c"_~ 600.00 4 'l h()() ()() hm.OO ~ ';I 10~. 17 Ito< .li':l ~ <h()c; e:, ro>T'A T, . . :;.. :~::J :1 ,..... '-:t-.i ~"'-""'. ~.. .... :-^~'J .~ .. CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year...l9S9- "" .. - .. ,- 1f1'" . "9 . r" GENERAL OPERATING TRAFFIC AND PARKING .... '^ : '" 1$", ... I t;' Fund Function Department Submitted By: Date _ Acc't. No. I Final Budget Allowance Manager's Recom- mendation ~ Budget Request .l25a Current Budeet !158 Total CURRENT YEAR Q Es~ate ~ Months ~ Actual LMonths .l951- Actual Previous Year Page ::> Account 50.00 500.00 1.200 .00 50.00 1.000.00 400.00 600 .00 100.00 .5Q....QQ.. ------.QQ.. -----..QQ... ~ 1,500 00 1.000.00 .00 1,000.00 400 . 00 ~ 1 ()() ()() ;.0.00 48.;0 .5.QQ...QQ.... 000 .00 -22.:.QQ.. 000 .00 400 .00 ..QQQ.&Q.. 100.00 1. 1 ~ 1QMQ.. .Ji1..n. ~ ~ 43l.JQ.. '59."1'5 ..8...Q!i .L..SO- ----..QQ.. ~ ----..QQ.. --00.. -,.00 ~ .1.,5Q6.Ji8.. 202...18- .L zQ!LlL 299 04 ___.00 i---.-2J3- __2..._ua...Q5__. 1B5. 49 _--2.~.a .-.---Z12..D9- 687. ._..l68.JQ.. ___J.~5_ _ _-.Mw5'i -_._- --. (except Mn~n,.. ~~h" \ Gas and Oil T.1 cense Ta2S AmL Tools ~otor Vehicles - Motor Veht~les - !,;ian.. Expendable Fu..1 and T. ~ctrical Traffic Li2ht Part.. l~otor Vehicle Parts Mat"l'"ia1s ry 399 ~int and ~dio Parts ..31Q. .ill. .ill.. 3.!!L 35l 3Q1. .31l ~ ~ '\91 3.900.00 L. he;n ()() "1.700.00 - 2.'527.02 -.-.--==-.. -r=-~--'--- _-2..91S"n+- 1.J.'Z2-<:)8. -.-.----t- - TOTAL ---- 1,000.00 1,500.00 '5.000.00 15.0??...oo.. .00 .00 -150..00... 600 00 c:; e;o() ()() - .12Q.&Q 2,000.00 L.,C:;OO,OO .15Q&Q.. 501.97 4 . c;m ()() -00... -00... .QQ. __....00,__ ,QQ.; __..836J~L~.-.-J., 40A ,.Q3.. __.121>.00 .,_ no =::L- 5Q1 ~ '509 I~rni ture and Fixtm:..s ~APITAL QI.l1:IAY, T And . 515- <;: ~~ -5 'lIaffi~lltrol -+-- -- -"- --t--.- i __-----J~.i>[fic---~J'a.rQ~~:",,--_=_"''=~ = -4.bo -- 7,500.00 53.000.00 -1'- -~--. I ___-jTill'1~.___ _____-+=-"'-'co:_262. ~u_'+_. ",__ J, """'~~-2!.:!?1.9J"_" 7 .250-0012: ,8'0.00 ]" Imt"'l!1' ~ """':,''':''1'\", ~ I' ..T.... - .... , - -~ I . . .&..,.:.J,_~.L".,.,I)I.J:@EY__ ____---l_._..."...J.C.~J.~9_i.--.....j.L5.9-'.e.~.aI-3..4Q,20 I '52.100.00 h7.1()()()() L I., i I . ~-====-~'--='=== ..~_'':'7'''-""O'----'.=--" _. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Fund - CITY OF SALINA Function_ - GENERAL OPERATING Department_ - AIRPORT BUDGET REQUEST Submitted By:_ - Date Page_l For the Fiscal Year ~ - ,oc" 10<;K 1 0 19 - Acc't. Actual 10e:P. CURRENT YEAR 10c:;8 Current Budget Manager's Final Account Previous -.L~"o~~s ~ Estimate Recom. Budget No. Year Months Total Budget Request mendation Allowance 1?() i~a~ries and Wages - Regular Employees 1?';I (\h "" 1?C; "" 1 ~.,.i ea....of' _ ",..~m l1+h",. ""~+" l1f'I ':I~(\ lQ<; ()t.her Professional Se..-vi "p<< (\(\ ,,, ,,"" "" TOTAL 12,.04 10 'l()O.OO I'()ll' " 20C:; Telephne and 'T'F"leu,.anh ()() (\(\ --~- 2:::>7 .. . l1C; ,p. I. e:(\ l1l1 - 2<.6 nsur~nce - Social Security ?77 (\(\ 241 r.a" "~-,<~,, <;IL h(\ , l1l1 (\(\ ?4? T.i ,,),+ "TIn PAy..,. - 1 170 l1l1 ll.C(\ "" -. -- --25-L- Rep.a:il::s.--=- ~ e:m '71 hC;Q...Oo.. -- 2q P"~~irs - Machinery an~~"n+ '';1'' (\Q '::c" "" -- .- ~--- 1'l'!VT'A T ' nn':' .,e: ? '700~O l<tl>. TERH 1.<:: A Tffi --=~ ..~~~ -364~~.alJ'.nd-Lighti n~ Po,..+" 0"1'1 e:'7 550 00. _.~ -----.------ -313- IMachinery and....Equ<~mpn+ Po,..+" hl1f'l 1 ()Q.()() -.-.- -----_._~-~-- <lil Pa i nt. "TIn PR1 nting...lli:l;er< D 1" ~4R _---lOO~O() ..---- --'-- 'l'/VI' dT. %" (\" '7 c: " "" -' - '- .- ~~------ -.---.. -. - ..--- ----~._._- i ^'rnor:t ..-c-=-cc-=c..J+2....- .- ------------------- CO...SO...,O...TI:D-II.......'N Final Budget Allowance Manager's Recom- mendation CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year ~ CURRENT YEAR o Estimate -T t I ~Months 0 a Actual Previous Year ------------------- Fund Function_ Department_ Submitted By:_ Date _ Acc't. No. CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year ~ GEIERAL OPERAfiNG SWIMMIIIG POOL --- Final Budget Allowance Manager's Recom. mendation ,J,9~ Budget Request ]9<;8 Current Budget .lS58 Total CURRENT YEAR Q Estimate -"'-- Months ~ Actual ~Months .J.951.. Actual Previous Year Page 1 Account 0.000.00 I ~OQO.OO 9,000.00 500 . ()() <;00 . 00 --t--------~OO . 00 Q ..0??...oo 500.00 00 00 8.Q18.n 00 .Bl nth..... TlPnts and Wages - and Wa".. s - 9,500.00 25.00 75.00 - ----- 200 .00 50.00 600 .00 400 .00 200 .00 100.00 9.500.00 2'5.00 ~ .15...,.QQ ~ ~ .2QQ...QQ.. ~ ~ ~ 3QQ.,.QQ lQQ...QQ 100.00 9,500.00 25.00 15.qo 9,500.00 25.00 59.64 200.00 50.00 600 .00 !!OO.OO 200 .00 100.00 200.00 50.00 600 .00 400 .00 200.00 100.00 ()() .00 15~ .00 ...00... ..00.. .00... .00 ...00... ..00... ..00... ..QQ.. .00 8.918.17 2Q..32.. ~ .ll2....29- -----00.. .00 200.40 41.20 5::>4 10 .00 ~ 2~ 6.60 205.. .NL ~ 225 ILegal_Advertising Insurance - Ruildi Insurance - Social ~. Gas Service l.iiht and Pawe'" ~, ~..T'Yi ,,,. Renai1's and '!'ell Travelill.E h'oens" 120 ~'=t~ ,,-, (Of'1'ice Forms) ~ Laundrv and 'I'oveL Services_ - ~ 2~6 241 ~ m 5l. 2<;~ 284 00 i Swillllll!.n&_f99~______._AL ~-------~ --- 1,650 1~,.QQ 1.650.00 1.6,4.64 l5.~6 1.C:;O::>.hl 'l'O'I'AL - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Fund - CITY OF SALINA Function _ - _ GENERAL OPERATDlG Department_ - _ SWIMMIKG POOLS BUDGET REQUEST Submitted By:_ - - Date Page 2 For the Fiscal Year--1959- ,,,,,"" 10':;0 Acc't. Actual 10e;P. CURRENT YEAR ~ Current Budget Manager's Final Account Previous Actual Estimate Recom- Budget No. Year -1L-Months -B.....- Months Total Budget Request mendation Allowance A1I'" ':nO ""'^ 1 .. .1.7 1., 1.22 2':\.78 2<;.00 ?c:;.oo 2<;.00 ':I?() M1'1.... 24.87 00 50.00 50.00 <;0.00 50.00 ,:\,,:\ . n.-n.... ann _." 84.':\<; 1\(\ 400 .00 400.00 400.00 400 .00 ':\4, ..- ... an~ ""'1 ,..+. 87.Ao fV\ 50.00 50.00 e;n.(\n 50.00 -J!a.o - co ':::1. ,..,.. <;0.00 50.00 en 1\(\ 50.00 <h7 ..~~ T< ~,,+<~~ .....-+.. 00 fV\ 50.00 50.00 e:n fV\ 50.00 ':\7':\ ..n~ '!>a_.. ~ W; fV\ 50.00 50.00 .,,\ (\(\ 50.00 "lBo fV\ fV\ (\(\ <Rl ! ""1 n+. ..~~ 7n ;;A fV\ 'lClO . 00 ~.OO ':100 00 300 .00 I """"AT ~L., .,,, ,,,,,, 973.78 Q7'i.00 C'rTe:fV\ Q7<;.00 m1lllllRT l..'.:>1 Q" 1... ..~~ ... --." ",A, ,., nn 575.00 575.00 I.e:n fV\ 575.00 nrPI'T liT. o:;m ,:::, "0 .00 ~.OO qOO.OO .,"" 1\(\ 300.00 I_aT. l' I.r..:: "., 1~ e:P. 12.78'\.42 1'\.000.00 ,,, ,::""" fV\ 13,000.00 I I I I I "'-'i 1lllI'li.t!8-F.2oJ .. ~ ------------------- Fund Functiom_ Department_ Submitted By: Date CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Y ear ~ BAIm ,....., Acc't. I Actual 10e;P. CURRENT YEAR ,ne:A Current Budget Manager's Final No. Account Previous Actual ~ Estimate Recom. Budget Year -LMonths Months Total Budget Request mendation Allowance 210 A ..nil h 17(\ fV't I. , "" "^ <;.R10.00 ~ ,,/^ ^^ o oho ()() 9.960.00 urn - I'T'I'V Tn. ,_... 14,.67 144.71 87.10 57.53 no /,>,,..,.....+ _...... C:;.c:;4L61 ,:: '::1.., "" 2.(.,4"1.2<; 0.286 60 " "Q':: ,::" 8.927.02 no Del1nauent 'I'R"..s An lA .00 50.00 50.00 e;n (\(\ 50.00 9W\ <:l..1.... _... ,,~... ,.,,, c;<6,?? 00.00 536.22. e:~ 00 925.45 Oc:? ", .."'H.. ...." nr. 00 00.00 00.00 ()(\ 00.00 _AT {:. , "7' t'\h 7,170 47 ~ L:"., "... Q-872.82 9 872.82 9.902 47 _AT. A1'ID t; "1111. . 71 1n.n17.<;"I ... ...L:" ,,^ Q.affi 00 TF.SS ~ 1 "" nn ^ ~/^ ^^ n a~" "" n n~" "" <:.., <:."1 UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE DEe '1st. 1lJlJ.. .,1 Wet 'I'a.x <;.<;14.26 n ",A'::: ,:::" 8.927.02 Delinauent 110.2Q IBC:;.7< 178.54 !ax Dollars '5.624.<;<; a 1L7:>.<< 9.105.56 I !ax Levv Mills 0.12~2 n 10C:;h 0.1849 I 1 +=--= I I I i I i~___L____4ti_ - ----~~------------ 1 Page ------------------- Fund Function_ Department _ Submitted By:_ Date _ Acc't. No. CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year-1252- CEMETERY Final Budget Allowance Manager's Recom- mendation ~ Budget Request JS58- Current Budget ~ Total CURRENT YEAR o Estimate ~Months ~ Actual -L.Months ~ Actual Previous Year Page Account 1 J20.00 500.00 680.00 10 n ,.'f8o...oo.. 5OQ..OO.. c:;()(')()() 9.960.00 SOO.OQ SOO.OO f..~ ..5QQ..QQ SOO.OO ? 01,'7..60.. .00. .00 0,730 50 ---.00.. P.h < ?() Salaries and Wa~es - Regl11",. IaJa~iA~ Rp.gPl"" F.mployp.p.R Othp.,.. ~n~s ,,-,. end \la..,.P... _ Pe.r~ 'l'im.. 120 .l25- 1<Q 11.500.00 ,n '7Q" (\f'\ 10.960.00 ';I oL.7 (:.n I 7. 712~40 In e:O';l 7n _AT .200...00- ~ ~ ...15....QQ. .lClCLOO. 100.00 '..??....oo.. 1 00.00 .5Q...OO.. 50.00 ~e: fVl 25.00 17.5000 25.00 25~00 ....QQ ....QQ ....QQ ~.OO 2Q.Q...QQ. ...'Z.5....QQ 100.00 100.00 ~ 2,5.00 118.15 25.00 25.00 ~ ~ ~ 4.42 14S.44 44.20 100.00 97.00 ~ 2,2.00 ~ -----.Oll. -----.Oll. -00.. -00.. ----ClO. ~ ~ 3Q..8a.. -----00. ':1.00. .00. 00 ~ -----..OCl -.25--20- ~ ---00.. ~ JSL.9O.. ~ ~ $l..ClO.. ~ 14&L 00 Rni! '1'0>1 P.gJ""ph Mf"-4:,..A li'n.......a and I"nnt-...nts . PT. Rnd PI) 'I'i ,..A. A1"ull 'l'tl1"ulltt:: _ Mni:n,. V ~ ~ - Mo~or Ve ~ ~_,_, "a_n_'+v 2!l3. 11.1..t-..... !'l..m.... ~ " 2ll " ..25.!L " ?e;e; _ ~-"'~<('I"\'" ..and. Mo~or Yeh' -~e~ Un+.n,. .... - . , - :1,._, 2Zl- 228.. ~';I' orAe: fVll Mn_no -- ---1------ I -=--"=-~~..c~=.___ _ ~:.~t~--..--- !_..--'-=_.=-==c-~41- BOo.OO ,':::e: 70 I f..~_?1 +- , AL.n 01 -. _&T. ------------------- CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year ~ ~ Fund Function Department Submitted By Date _ Acc't. No. Final Budget Allowance Manager's Recom- mendation .l959- Budget Request J.95B... Current Budget ~ Total CURRENT YEAR Estimate ~ Months - ~ Actual --1L-Months .J35l Actual Previous Year Page ? Account .5Q....O.Q.. ~ 1SO.QQ 1 I I I i I l 15.00 25.00 ---.QQ. 75.00 75.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 2<;.00 150.00 10.00 25...00. ~ .12..cQQ .15......QQ. 50.00 <;0.00 ~ ~ 1 SO.OO 15.00 25~00 .00 75.00 75.00 50.00 50.00 41.10 25.00 ~ .00 2~ ~ 57.02 75.00 50.00 50.00 .8.90... --.00... :uua .J5....QQ... -00.. ---....00... 17 ...98- .00; J)Q' ()() ll.JB. 3l....5.Q. ~5.64 10.00 ----00. ~ <;,.21 ~ .00 00 .AIm. ~ hi'll, Inbricants Motor Fuel) Mo.1;or Vehicl!l - Fuel, Lubr. &: Anti-1'reez Kotor Vehicles - L1cense ~s Seeds, Plant., '!Te.... Rend F.t,,,, Cement and C@1IIent Motor Vehicles - Parts Motor or, .,-- _ '!'ires and Tubes Paint and Painting !!. Sand. Gran~. Rn"'kandCbat 3lQ.. 3ll.. .ill- 3h 351- .M- 31l 319.. ~ ~87 515.00 QO C:;,lO 51:;.00 199.09 l1e: 01 ?<R.lfl 'I'O'1'AT. T I T I ---.-i. --- ------1- -------L~-u--. i I I i 1- -+------ i I I ,---- 5li~QQ~,225.00 i i I I I L I I __-L.ce~t~_ .L_____M. .00 .00 cOO.. .00 .00 .00 .00 ~oo ..00.. IV'l J)Q kn ()() Dul'!l! !'lTmnRY -ill. 4'19 I R..1'un,h, ~ 2OO..QIL --ml. 400~QO .3QQ....QQ. 2O.O.....QQ --00. c:;oo.oo ..200....00. ..1.QQ....QQ --ml. 1OQ.OO 185aBO- lnn_nn 00 285.liQ ..l!L2O.. -00.. IV'l llL?O .00. : nY l CAPITAL OUTIAY' 5Z1. Machinery and l! 5UCi Landscape ~c <;fi1 ~t andc Sidewalk TOTAL 12 12.575.00 I I ':I e;IL< <;(') I 9.011~ 1~.7q EXPENDITURES TOTAL ------------------- Fund Function_ Department_ Submitted By:_ Date CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year ~ CEME'l'ERY J,."'1")r ..L;::t:;1U J..';f.;J.';f. Acc't. Actual lQc;P. CURRENT YEAR ,n"A Current Budget Manager's Final Account Previous Actual .-8..- Estimate Recom- Budget No. Year --1L-Months Months Total Budget Request mendation Allowance AND CrrY '1'REASURER BALANCE JA1I. 1st. 2.qq2.~~ 2 200.Q8 Less Purchase Orders 7h.~ . ~, , , 0 e:'7 Unencumbered Cash Balance Jan. 1st. 2 2<;0.12 '" ,..QQ I" 1 .<7<.:::>7 07C:;.';Ih. no _."a '7 n70 <,>n ), nnC. I. , , cAe: l,~ ~ nll., Q"" f.. aP.l h7 Q "Q., ,::"" ,.,n .......aft 70.10 IV'I e;o nfl e;() (\(\ e;().nfl ~e: IV'I 240 l'l..1..... 'l'RY 1.';I}, ,1, f,Ae;nt:. hRC:;nh f,AC;:M Mle; aa <Rc:; 1.\".,,-1..1 a"'" ,,_~~, 1>AAD ?~'7f"IA "" ~';I IV'I 1 612.00 2e;7e;.00 ~ 71V'1 IV'I ~.c:;oo.oo <A7 In.......... Ua_lra_ '1:>.._< +8 A(\ IV'I , I. IV'I <6 IV'I e;n fV\ c:;o,QO c:;o.()() 610 ~ 7e: IV'I 1 e;() IV'I lC:;O.OO """ "" 7 c:; ()() 70"i 1'1'1+1. ""...s 5.00 IV'I 10.00 10.()() 10.00 1 (\ (\(\ 717 ''''irA..... l?O IV'I '7'2 IV'I c:;? IV'I 1?e;.()() 1 e:(\ IV'I 1 nfl IV'I '7::>1 !'lA.l.. n-r .00 IV'I 00 '7?<; !'lA.l. nf' !':Al.......... no IV'I IV'I 7'Z7 Sale o:f Tnts 610.00 e:oe: IV'I 170.00 67C:;.00 ,C:;O.OO 400-,-00 7::>0 C!a'a n~ /!_~A C!-na~A -:!e:e: IV'I A(\ IV'I 70 IV'I 1 e;() IV'I , e:(\ (\(\ 1 nfl IV'I 01. ., ,...,.,... 00 no IV'I oe;? n-r h. <C; e; Ae; 4-. , c:; 10,00 IV'I 1 () ()() 'l'O'I'AT. 11 e;<;1 f"IA '7 1.'70 "'''' "l.aP.0.61 11 461. 0';1 ".:::>017. 12 240.66 'l'O'I'AT. nm 1~801.20 l<e;e;0.,4 12. "i7C:;.OO 1.. 22C:;.OO I Tp.... 11.712 . 'Z7c; 1? e;7e; IV'I 1~ e:7e; IV'I '';1 o"'e: IV'I 1'4= Tl?l' ." ft+ 2 088,l~1 0'7e: "4 ---~--_._- i I i : I 4~ --Li:eme..ter,r Page ~ ------------------- CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year ~ CEME'l'ERY Fund Function Department Submitted By Date '*-7 ~ I ...I....7j\.J '7,)7 Acc't. Actual 10c:;8 CURRENT YEAR ,ne:A Current Budget Manager's Final No. Account Previous ~tr"o~~s Estimate Recom- Budget Year 8 Months Total Budget Request mendation Allowance w..i: "",,y "" "I." ", 6.981.67 8,283.67 1 40 oP. 1,Q.6, 165.67 """y Tn"".... 7 ,P.o aa 7.121.':lO 8 449.'\4 ""'" I..-vv Mi 11" 0.1<;74 0.1471 0.1716 . i ! I .. ...L.. ""-----" .~ .. .J: erne ter.)'------L... 5Q. Page 4 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Fund_ - - - CITY OF SALINA Function _ - - _GDERAL IMPROYEMEN'f Department_ - - - BUDGET REQUEST Submitted By: - Date _ _ Page L- For the Fiscal Year ....l959- 19'57 19<;8 19<;9 CONSOLI ,,'--...... - - = - - Acc't. Actual 1 8 CURRENT YEAR Current Budget Manager's Final Account Previous Actual ....8- Estimate Recom- Budget No. Year 4 Months Months Budget Request mendation Allowance - - -12lL 4 , ()()() 00 ~ ~h,OOO no ~ ~ En neer and Architectural Services ~ - - TOTAL ':\ 0.80 12.606.28 17,393 7:> 30,000 00 - - ~ Insurance 764.06 ?J IL 70 485 30 700 00 ~ 1.074 .01 3.60 l,99h 4n 2,000 00 _?53 Re and 97.<;6 .00 1 ) h()() 00 l,hOO 00 ~ Re irs - les 1<;6.4<; .00 5()() 00 500 00 -.-?22. Repairs - Motor Tehicles , 'fires and 'l'Ube 00 .00 :>00 00 :>00 00 ~ Repairs - Sewers 60.00 .00 300 00 300 00 300.00 300 00 ~ Re~irs - Streets. Sidewalks & ~~1~a.a 1,949.24 60.00 1.'540.00 1.600.00 2.000.00 1.600.00 ~ Rent - Machinery IIIl. Equitllllent. .00 .00 '500.00 500.00 '500.00 500.00 -.-m Rent - Mom.. J'ehic1es. .00 .00 .00 - - - - - - 'I'O'I'AL ~_10l. ':\2 -278.':\0 7.121.70 7.400.00 8.700.00 8.700.00 - - - - - - --..-.-- - General Jmpl'~~.~L_~lc ------------------- Final Budget Allowance Manager's Recom- mendation 1252. Budget Request 1958- Current Budget 100 . 00 .lQQ...QQ.. 3=:: 1 000.00 1 000.00 1 200.00 __ZOO.OO_ -:;:I~ 150,00 I 150.00 ] .200..00. 1. 200 . 00 ~- <;oon ~C:;O,OO 19<;8 Total 100.00 5QQ...QQ.. 700.00 200.00 500 00 .2....QQ...QQ. 1.000.00 7<;0.00 200.00 200. OQ. -liQ....QQ.. 1.200.00 250.00 CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year-.1959- ..l958- CURRENT YEAR Actual Estimate 3-Months -8-Months - - 1.40 ~ .00 500.00 00 .1QQ...QQ.. .00 200.00 00 -5.QO.....OO. 00 ~ 548 35 m& on ~ 35 00 165.00 00 _ on .2QQ....QQ. 17 57 ~ .63O...8l- ~ ---00. _ 118.69 1~1.~1 GENERAL IMFROVEMEll'f ~ Actual Previous Year 8.26 .lJ.9...ll ~ ~ ----00.. ~ 1.260.10 .00 51.28 .00 .00 15.22 1,636.67 .00 744.c:;4 Page-2 _ Account Aim ~.TF.~' , '1'0015 ..Motcu:.. "1..,, - Fn..], Tllb-,. .&An+.i -freeze Asphalt and Road Oil Bricks and Masonry C..m..nt and Cement p,.odu~ts Hardware (ROUgh and Finish) .];lImber and Imnber Products Machinery and F~pment Parts Metal and Metal Products ~ehicle Parts Motnr V..hi ~le - 'I'i r..s and Tubes Paint and Painting SIlJlpl1es.. !':A.nt'l, Grave], Rn~k and Chat ~ Pine end.nllL nt.hp~ Maint Fund Function Department Submitted By Date _ Acc't, No, 3lQ.. ~ 3U 3tl .365- 329. 3ll. 313. 3li 3TL 319- 38J.. 3B1. 389- <00 -_.+-._~- -+-------- i ,1a l!.. Part" t 6.200.QQ 'i0.00 h .-.:>.??...oo.. C:;O.OO 5 .259.QQ.. <;0.00 ~ 'iO.oo 4 1. ,C:;1.88 <O?l.R? 'I'O'I'AL ,00 k.oo SUNDRY 4,'i "A1>TmAT 0ImAY.:. 8i QI1S _5.~ ,00 L~~-- 4 ~ . 400 . QO! '15, 95O'-oo----j-- ~-- -. ----~--- I I : ~ I iGenera:L,._lm.Jl:r"9i~e~~~___ ,00 I l.~,6.46 I ~q, lh< ~ , 1.. lLoo..()() _L = 1<0.<;0 42..JAB .44 'l'QTAk..~fu_ -- 52.'\ - - - - - - _. - - - - - - - - - - - - . GENERAL IMPROVEMENT CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year ~ Fund Function Department Submitted By: Date _ Acc't. No, l\1anager's I Final~- Recom. Budget mendation I Allowallce I 1959- Budget Request 1958 Current Budget J35.8 Total CURRENT YEAR Estimate --8- Months 1958 I, Actual ~Months 1951- Actual Previous Year 3 Page Account - t I 209-21- J.f&..:li ~9.112.l6 40.786.02 ?()() 00 ::>00 00 --3...6~ .:i,B9:L23.. 250 .~Q.. ---3Q0-'-OO-t- .00 ~ I I I I I I .!a.19~..19~J.8J.'25--+ 43,400 .00 !!5..95Q~QQ 4 ~ . 400 . 00 !fee; o<;() ()() ~--------- I 40.786 : ~ _ ] ___..n. ! 41.60:1". __ . .___~n _____.__ , i __0.8lt~ I _L-____._ I I - --+---.--~--t_.----. I i - -~ i I i I I I i I i --t~-----+-- ___--1 __ I I _~ .,=----.~,.__~=.=_c= _ ..-,Q~n.e_:r:.a1~~:t:OYemell1;:=- 53.. 39...-1J2 .16 ---r ---'I8.2 . 24 i i 3..~0' O,8?~7 t i 2,48~ 37 2,303 ::>::> 1,Lnh 09 1,377 ?h 1 ,07P, ?p, 9?5 9h 11.135.91 139.112.16 2 200.00 ~.628.6~ 16.00 300.00 41,996.12 ';11 P.AA AA 11. '151. 91 43.240.79 4~ .074.40 44.166.75 42.148.44 4~.400.00 925.96 766.,7C:; ,7,330 43 746.61 - ~.077 .04 - O.P,<<7 - - I AmL BAIANCE .cm.. iSDm JAR. 1st. less Uru?aid F .Qril..1".Ii-- Unencumbered Cash AI .TRn 1..+, ~ ~l1"1"..nt 'l'Rngihl.. 'fIoy",~ llQ.. I Delinquent "",,YPS 240 Sales Tax ~ Weed Cuttin~ Servt~~~ 725 Sale of Salvaltl!! leE <1,,+. n.."" Al\lT\ Cash TOTAL RECEIPI'S '1'CYI'AT. .Le.ss Un, -~~------ +--~ ----~---~~-- ~ Delinquent ~ DollR1"s Tax levy Mill-L- ~ ~ - - -- - ~..- - --- -~--- ------------------- CONSC...'O.TF.:::>_S......,... ~-- Final Budget Allowance I ---j-- I CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year ~ .958- CURRENT YEAR I. Actual .>LO Estimate ~Months -=-Months LIBRARY 1 Page Account Acc't. No. I I -5-65-. i7 I .--- I --=---= I .- '-i- i __ !____. . _ I -- I I --+____ ----r - ~ !._ --~.---~--11-.-....-. ~~ I . ___ - -,-'- -I I__ +- -L- .- I .. -t:r-~-~ ~~_ :m,~. =-=1 ~-_.~._----- -----"- ---- ~-_._--~--_._----- ------------------- Fund Function_ Department_ Submitted By:_ Date MEMORIAL HALL Page 1 l.9<;7 l.Y"'~ .I.Y"'~ Actual , 10e:P. CURRENT YEAR 10e;P. I I I Manager's I Final Acc't. Budget Account Previous Actual ~ Estimate Current Recom- Budget No. Year 4 Months Months Total Budget Request men dation Allowance , ?() --.. "'. - - " ......" ^" 1 "c:;6.?c:; ~.02,.7<; I;._~.OO e: ., fVI (\(\ 4.700.00 - 1<0 "D 1 D_< AD aoiA TJa "AD _ ""_ ....._A .,P.7 e;() 14c:; ()() <;7<;.00 720.00 ';I fVI fVI 700.00 1q<; Other Professional Services 10.00 .00 50.00 <;0.00 100.00 100.00 'l'Nl'A T. h e:7'.) c::n 1 e;m '.)e; ., '::I.A """ " ,,,,, "" t:. 1 fVI "" e; c::nn.fVI . 20" ..n~ ,!,,,' ._a_," lC:;7 e:e: <;q40 146.60 200 .00 ~,,~ ~~ 200 .00 221 nf'i'i"A li'n,.",,, M .00 0(\ ?:::>7 - e;<; J..o .00 "" ??A - ..n~ fVI 00 "" - ---23L _ 'PT. Dn~ = .00 ()() .00 236 Insurance - Social Security 147.81 2Q.70 126.30 150.00 100.00 150.00 2h, 1'..." 1 ",::,:: ,::Q 701'\ . -=lO 551.70 1,350.00 , .,e:(\ "0 1,500.00 242 H ",h+. Dn~ 1>n...p.,. ",t:.e: e:.. lMe;1 349.1;.9 450.00 I..." "" 450.00 ?4'l w"+,,... 00' e:e: 6<;,20 ?OQ .80 275.00 O'7e: (\(\ 275.00 2C:;l - o t:.o" ),n ,..h ':::e: I;. 140.,<; 4.27<;.00 ., .,""" "" 4.000.00 2<;2 lleTlAi,.." _ ..nn nf'i'i",p L..L. 70 ?7.()() 473.00 500.00 e:()().N'l 500.00 """"AT ), '7'7n '7' , """ "",:: <;007.24 7 200.00 ,:: ".." "" 7.075.00 --~- .---------"-- I I ---~ i I I J~~m().!:laLtlaJ,b~=_=oc,.~c2~ - Page 1 CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year -1959- ------------------- Fund Function_ Department _ Submitted By: _ Date CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year ~ MEMORIAL HALL 2 -'-::0' ...l.7JU ..L.~]"'7 Acc't. Actual 10<;8 CURRENT YEAR 10<;8 Current Budget Manager's Final Account Previous Actual Estimate Recom. Budget No. Year --1L-Months ~ Months Total Budget Request rnendation Allowance 6lim 310 ExPendable Tools 77.68 1"OC:; ,6.0<; C:;O.OO C:;O.OO '50.00 ,4, Jani tor and Toilet Sunnlies lC:;O.2~ ~O.<O 16Q.70 200.00 200.00 200.00 .---12L. Seeds 'Plants Trees and Etc, .00 ()() <;0.00 '>0.00 c:;o.oo 50.00 367 Electrical and LilZhtimr Parts 3,\.07 7.c:;P. 92.42 100 . 00 100.00 100.00 ~ha (n. -... ... .", .,.... , ?:::>.17 hr'lh lfLolL ?C:;.I'I{) N'I ?C:;.()() '\81 Paint and Paintina Materials 2,'5.20 20.00 54.01 75.00 1 00 00 75.00 i'lY'l'T'AT. c::,o 'OJ. 770A 422.02 <;00 . 00 <;OO.On <;00.00 SUNDRY EXPENDTTORES' 41'>. i PI1},1i" ... "".~.._- c:;oo.oo le:7 1'1{) !..1.';It'II'\ hfv).1'I{) ?or,r, "" 600 . ()() CAPITAL OUTLAY: c:;o'>. I Tn~" -~" "<--,, 1'1{) /VI 1'1{) <;09 Furni ture and Fixtures 4,2,00 .00 <;00.00 <;00.00 e:1'I{) (\(\ 500.00 TOTAL 4~2.QO m e;mm 5()() /VI '>OQ..,OQ. f---- '1'Nl' A T 1:::>,Rn44<; ?o<Roo " (\" ", , ~ ^"'^ ^^ '';1 oc:(\ "" 14,17<;.00 .- - - ---- ~ . . ... lMem?.Eial_Rallc-'_=~=~;;.Qc Page ------------------- Page :3 1957 195~ .I.Y:J" Acc't. Actual 10<;8 CURRENT YEAR 10<;8 I I I Manager's Final Account Previous Actual .-1L- Estimate Current Budget Recom. Budget No. Year ~Months Months Total Budget Request mendation Allowance nm -...-- CI'l'Y BAIANCE JPJl 1st. 3.607.06 5 .787.60 Less Unnaid Plrrcbas.. Orders 2 6<;4.80 4,<;,6.02 Unencumbered Cash Balance Jan. 1st. OC:;?,17 1 ?c:;() . 68 llh.?O 7';1? ';10 no - .. .....~$~ P. e:e:l ';IP. h '7,7 71'. " ,::""., "" o '>01 ..1 o .,n1 <1 a hrlh '7C; no ....$, .........." "';1 ?h ()() <;o.()() c:;o . 00 <;() IY1 e:f\ N'I ?40 Sales """... p.:::>7.nh Pon . 40 827.40 A?7 4(\ o<c:;.86 <;11 Office SnRce Rentals 260.00 p,()()() , 'XI (\(\ ?1Y1 IY1 24().()() -:>IY1 (\(\ <;12 Auditnrinm - ?66c;()() , "J,,, "" 8<;<;.00 ? lM.OO ? ~~~ ~~ 2000.00 513 Concessions 180.26 1 oc:; . 40 94.60 200 .00 ?()().()() 200.00 721 Sale of Cnmmodities O.C:;O (\() ? <; ()() 017 1>"" 1 i,. Ann,....".. q".,+"", .....n 1L0h.<;O 174 IY1 426.00 600 . 00 h()() IY1 600 .00 oC:;2 1'11' ()() IY1 f\f\ C:;llL ,,__+_, _ .......1.... .....n ,..;.,.. i_a IY1 h<.()() 6,.00 C:;O.M - -.- TOTAL RECETPl'S 1< l020h 0?1? C;h 4.219.1<; 1,.4'1.71 1< P'';I< 71 1<.442.61 'lYl'1'A T. nlT\ .., AT ...,.,. 14 055.1' 14.682.39 13.950.00 14,175.00 .T..ss 12,804.45 13,950.00 13,950.00 14,175.00 I Tmencumbprpd C'>L"h 'Ralan"" n"". <1"+. 1,250.68 732 . 39 Net Tax Renuirment P. e:' 0 rv:" a ';101. ';11 9 406.75 ne1inl'lupn-l: "f'R.... 1 '7(\ 01. ,ll.'7 A., 188.14 '!'AT TIn 11",..s A ,:::no .,,, o e:'70 '4 Q.<;94.80 Tax Tsovv Mill., 0.1901 () 1 07P. 0.1048 - --_.__.~- ..- ---~---~_..- .. -' l11.e11lQr~.J.,.J!~ll_o__C.._,==.c'_ ..51c CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year--lS5.R. ME){ORIAL HALL Fund Function Department Submitted By: Date ------------------- 5..>.'.... CO"''!>O'-'(.J''Tl: Final Budget Allowance Manager's Recom- mendation Budget Request Current Budget CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Actual Previous Year WEEDS NOXIOUS _58 Account TOTAL CAPITAL OUTIAY: NOXIOUS WEEDS Final Budget Allowance Manager's Recom. mendation ~ Budget Request 1958- Current Budget 1958 Total CURRENT YEAR Estimate ---B- Months 1958- Actual ..JL.. Months 1951- Actual Previous Year Page 2 Fund Function Department Submitted By: Date _ Acc't. No, Q3....QQ.. 1.~ 25.00 117.35 .l96...96- 1,176.40 -20..00.1 106 &!L .00 .00 259.96 259...9.6 1.176.40 20.00 106.64 33!!.- 3~ 20.00 842.04 ---.00.. ] 06 ,.Q!L ~ 00 387.27 387.27 1,102.42 ~ 1s'l:. Account AHIl BALANCF. ..em.. .suRER BALANCE JAN. 15'1: Less U~aid Purchase Orders Unencumbered Cash Bala~~A 3Rn. CIU:T~I1:1; Tantib1e '!'axes I1"aVAO Sales Tax Sale of CQl!!lIlodities Reimb: nf' 110 .l3O- ~ ~ 9C;2 1 4'i7.00 , ~ 1.500.QO 1. 'i0'i .04 1,500.00 1.<;00.00 1,303 OIL 1,563.00 1 . C:;QQ..QQ 63.00 .c:;lL.'lh ohR hP. 259.96 .Al'ID :e.s.. r.ll.sh .!'QTAL. .TOTAL TpRS n..". ,1s'l:, NoxiQ.Y.$...J{eeqsL==-~_ _ 59~ 1.294.65 25.89 W2~c;4 0.0268 1.176.40 2'L 53 .1...199...9' 0.0248 I 1.096.36 i ~ Q.0?4c:; Net '!'ax Deli nQ,)1ent 'l'R.x Tax Dollars 'l'Ry Tpvv Mil'" ---- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Fund - - CITY OF SALINA Function - _ FIREMEN' S PENSION FUND Department_ - - BUDGET REQUEST Submitted By: - - Date Page 1 For the Fiscal Year-.l959. ~ L...,-'..., Acc't. I Actual 1958 CURRENT YEAR 1Q<;8 Current Budget Manager's Final Account Previous Actual Estimate Recom- Budget No. Year -1L-Months -B-Months Total Budget Request mendat;on Allowance SUNDRY EXPENDITURES' 4,2 Claims and Awards .00 .00 .00 4'l7 P",id 10 020.00 '.'lIL() ()() 6 680.00 10 020.00 10,020,00 10.020.00 lno 8<;.<;< .()() 750.00 750.00 7<;0.00 750.00 00 (\(\ 10 000.00 10 000.00 'I'f"Yl'AT. ,(\ 1(\e: e:';I <,<40,00 7.4~0.OO 10.770.00 20.770.00 20.770.00 Al.m "T_ .TA'" 1..+ 10.545.3] --.l2 .942.71 ll.065.46 ll.877 .25 lll) CuM'F'nt ""'-nai b1e ""'-yes 7,264.95 ., 0"7(\ L., 1. ,>81.::>0 <; <;<;1 h';l 5.551.63 4.680.64 ~O Delinauent Taxes 96.<;2 ()() '>0.00 <;0.00 <;0.00 <;0.00 240 Sales Tax 6<;9.69 7(y') 01 70:::>.01 702.91 <;<;,.ll 941 Contributions bv Emp10vees 4 481. 77 , ~llo.':::", 1. 7<;0. ~8 ,,400.00 3 400.00 ,.600.00 '1VV1' AT. 1? 5(\? 0';1 h ';IO? a.::: <.<81.'i8 Q.704.54 o 7(\L c;L 8 892.75 , .....,.,.n 'lOTI . 23.048.24 22 647.25 20.770.00 20,770.00 l...s5 10.10<;.<;, 10.770.00 20,770.00 20,770.00 1'",," n"... <1..+ 12.Q42.71 11.877.2'i "'..+ ......- 7.?';I(\ hh <;,<;<;1.6, 4 689.64 '1;,y 144.61 Ill. 03 Q~.7Q ""'v nr.ll",.." 7.,7<;.m <; 662.66 ~'l.4'l I1'oov TD~ Uil1" () lhlh 0.n69 0.0972 r-----~. -~---. .-- ,Firemep I SJ.e.Il~ ion --.99_ -------- ----------- " PENSION !'UND CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year -.l959- POLICEMEN I ., Final Budget Allowance Manager's Recom- mendation J95.9... Budget Request J.95B- Current Budget ~ Total CURRENT YEAR Q Estimate -loL-Months ~ Actual --1L-Months J.951.. Actual Previous Year Page. 1 FUXllldl FTJDClLjon Dep:>'ll1lll'lll:emt Su bmllittelll BJc: Date ._ Acc't. No. Account 14.696.00 750.00 1(\ fVlI'\ fI(\ .QQ... 11.400.00 750.00 1" ('\("\f') fV\ 1 < ..Q.l!B..oo 750.00 Q .2!t8...oo 727.92 ...QQ. ,.800.00 22.08 .00 ~ I 11,488831 1 1,1~ I ()() I EXPENDITORES .SUNDRY EXPENDITURES r.1Aim~ And Ava~" 'PPn~~ nne: "Pc. ~ n t)....,...........1~ b2- m 4<Q 25.446.00 1<;0.00 22 13.798.00 9.975.92 ~.822~08 1?h7C;.hl TOTAL 8.505.66 12,724.71 75.00 640.6, <.c:;oo.oo 11.416.02 fi,4:::>fi Ro 75 00 R3? lR ()Q ';I 111')('\ (\(\ 11,569.68 6,426.80 7<;.00 832.18 ':) hr\l'\ "" 1,827.75 ~ 4,599.05 .00 832.18 .00 1.<'lh lR 11.047.4 ~ 55R lfi: 00' ';I oc;P. ok BAlANCE .uw 1..+ ~"'Aa Awn .c.ITL (','''''''''A''' + rT\n...eo~ .s"lp~ ~y RRlp nf Cc "'''11 boi but,i nnJ; J.lQ. l3O- 2!ill. .12.L 01L1 16.940. '14 25.446.00 25.446.00 10.733.98 22.150.00 22.11)0.00 <,Qh6.C:;71 10,733.98 22, '10'1.66 , 3.798.00 8.505.66 6.767.41 11.197.88 24,245.~ 1.2,675.61 11.1)60.68 hv li'mT'l1 n.,,,60S BEGmNING BALANCE 'roTAL RECEIPl'S TOTAL RECEIPl'S .AND Lees Expenditures Unencumbered Caf!h...Balance 12,724.71 ::>54.49 J&9~0 0.26,~ 6,426.8Q 128.54 6,555.34 0.1<1)4 R.5fiO 45 171 ::>1 R,73] hh () 101? ,1st Dee Net Tax Requirements Delinquent Tax ~)( Doll",.." ..Ta.lLT.evy Mi 11,. -.-"----- --- -- __ :'olkem~~s...~i1J;.L(m _____~~ ------------------- Fund Function_ Department_ Submitted By:_ Date CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year ~ PUBLIC HEALTH 1957 .1;1)0 J..:t:2:t Acc't. r Actual 10<;8 CURRENT YEAR ~ Current Budget Manager's Final Account I PL_vious Ac.ual Estimate Reco'TI' Budget No, Year ~Months ...8....- Months Total Budget Request men dation Allowance , i 2'" ation and f:ontro1 City l8.7C:;O.OC ,,, (\()() (\(\ 5,398.00 15,398.00 1C:;.<o8.00 16,676.42 ! Misc. County and Others I 20 82~58 ----- I'IVY1'^T I lR .7C:;O.or , (\ (\N'\. ()(1 '>.,08.00 1'>.<08.00 lC:;.<oR.()(1 ,7.'>00.00 .- .- ^ NT'I roTfl'V .TAW.1 ,,+. 01L';I.1~ 6'l().8') <C:;2.40 278.45 110 '1'<>....."'"'1->,,, ""'-y..s 11>.000.6' o hUO (\';1 <.R'Q.71 1 <.4AA. 74 1< 488.74 1'>.0<;<.7<; nn ""'-YF"" I :::>:::><1~ "" ()( :::>4() ~"1p,, 'T'RT o '0., "I , e:e:h Ah 1 c;<;6.86 1 <;<;h A;:: 1.<44.22 7<' Countv and l1+.hers .oc ,,(\ ()( 20 82<.'>8 ........T lAIL<7 he , 1 ~(\e: Ao ';I P.';IO 71 , e: (\), e: ,:::,.. ,,, "I, ~ '::r <7.221. 5') '1VVl' n A NT'I ." H . ",..." ,n .,R" Qe: lC:; 676.4<; 1<;.,g8.00 <7,'>00.00 T 1"55 'RYnF"nd i tm'F"s ' 0 """" "" ,<; ';loP. (\(\ 1<; ';loR cO" 37, 500..QO I'",,,)' ......." .,,~+ 6,0.8c 278.45 "',,+ '1'<>v - 16 017 ';10 l' 488.74 15.05,.75 n..linqnF"nt '1;,v <?O,<c:; 260.77 ';IQJ..&/t '1'<> v ' - 16.<<7.hC:; 1'.7<;8.<;1 15.'154.8, ""v T".n. un,,, () <<;77 0.2841 "".-<U8 I' --,-- ..- ----~ .-- --- --- .._-_.~ .1l1bJ,:!,S-.c!I.ei'.-ht!1_-==c. .=-~-g. 1 Page ----------- CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year ~ .. - - .. - - - Fund - - Function_ - _ B OND AND INTEREST Department_ - - Submitted By: _ - - Date Page 1 ...7.J , I:;;'){} I~)~ Acc't. Actual 10<;P. CURRENT YEAR 10<;A Current Budget Manager's Final Account Previous Actual Estimate Recom- Budget No. Year 4 Months ~ Months Total Budget Request mendation Allowance 601 General Bond Princina1 1<4 000.00 04 ()()() (\(\ 70 000.00 164 000.00 1h4.o00.M 170,000.00 hO< r...np,..,,1 'P,nnA ,~ ""n 15 16 810.1R 2 lQ'.Ol lQ.OO'.lQ 1n ""., 10 49,424.81 60S Curb Gutter &: Pavinu Prin. (C:it.v''') ,::" 0"".<4 ." nr.n ),,, 48 468.27 80 <77 . 72 RO.<77.7? 82.582.49 607 Curb Gutter &: Pavin~ Prin, (PrOll.' S ) 140.78s.27 68,c:;62.<6 110 'B1.7, 17Q.OQ4.()Q 179 ,OQ4.OQ 183.824.81 609 Curb Gutter A, 'PRvi nu (l'ihT'" \ ,,, ,,"" ", ,:: 0.,0 ~, , oo~ 7h Q Q." """ A A';I' ~7 11.748.82 611 Curb Gutter and Paving Tnterest (Pron'S 26 <;0<; .1'< 17 247.6<; ~ <;~4.48 2<.772.1';1 ~'< .77:::>.1 '< '\0 187.0' 61< SF"wpr l<onn (I'i+u'" , 7<.<RC:;.84 00 1ll.100.QQ 111 100. QQ "1 1 (\(\ 00 102.255.18 61S Sewer Bond Princinal (Pron' 5) A' 1'" 41 ()() Q6 4'<6.46 Q6 4,6.46 Oh.IL<h.lLh 57,537.07 617 Sewer Bond Interest (Citv's) 10770.<;8 7.<<;<.'<6 ';I 7<;';I.C:;';I 11 106. P.a 11 lnh .Ao 11.967.01 , 619 Sewer Bond Interest (PrOll'S) 7,sc:;4.2l ,.000.81 2,78<.s, 6.774.<4 6.774 '<L. <;.917.19 621 Fiscal ~encv Commission ~ Postaue (:hus. 7';1e: 7L. ';I1A oll. e:.,,,, ~4 8<;0.02 Ae:(\ o~ Q7S.SQ Miscellaneous IL """ "" 74 <() ....... ""~.7() '<O.()()().OO .,,, "N'I N'I '\7.500.00 , TOTAL e:7" f'P." hP. oh'7 1(\h nt\ L.R4 ~4';1. 1(\ 7';11 ';148.00 7<1.,48.00 74'\.920.00 - - -. ----- -. Bond !!ll't II;1 t~! ~s t 63_ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Fund - - Function_ - _ BOND AND INTEREST CITY OF SALINA Department _ - - BUDGET REQUEST Submitted By:_ - - Date Page 2 For the Fiscal Year-.l9.59- , n".., 1958 19'59 00",''"0'"0.''"''' Acc't I Actual , n"ll. CURRENT YEAR '0<;8 C Budget Manager's Final N ' I Account Previous Actual Estimate urrent Recom- Budget 0, Year ~Months 8 Months Total Budget Request mendation Allowance a>m I'T'f'V 'DATA"'''''' .nN '5+. P.L.777 ';IlL 7,.771.84 70 088.7'5 2<;.lQ4.68 'l() -.., .....~o" ?'7h ,..,1': "" oAI': I':.,Q,,, "J. (\'7' 1e: I."" "'''''.?C:; 400700.2<; 4C:;,. 2<;0. ,2 l<() - '1;,vP" <C:;?, ,C}? (\(\ 1'500.00 1.500.00 ' CO"" n" 1.000.00 1'50 Current Snecial Assessment Tax 278 886 .,0 ~2' e:7(\.0:::> 56,000.00 277,570.92 2<;7 6<;0.00 263,975.00 111/1 T'\" 1':",..,,;,,1 ""'- (\(\ "" <;00.00 <c"" "" 500.00 6<0 Accrued on f>"nA" "~,,, j,!l-89.?71 M 1 676.61 1.676.61()() 7<1 Interest and l.Iiscellanenu~ .C}O N'I .(\(\ 020 !':np,.ia' , I'IrI? na Q,I. ~ 81406 f'I(\ I 'IYYl'H ,,':::J, r\A"ll. c;no 02<.08 682.770.84 ,::,::" ",<cn "r 718.725.,2 'l'I"I'l'AT ANn l,^T ^"',,'" 648.858.52 7<;6.542.68 7<1. ,48.00 74'l.920.00 Tp"" <;7<;.086.68 7U. ,48.00 7<1, <48.00 74,.920.00 llnen r:""h T'\,,~ ~,,,+ 7''1.771.84 2<;lQ4.68 I w..i- ""'v ?'74 An" '7" 400.7oq.2c; 4<;'.250.:32 .Dal1nt""n+ ""'v c:; 4Q7.82 Q (\,j"n 9,065..01 ""'v "ll." .,AQ ".., 1,r\A 70" 1.1, 462. ,1<;." -- ,-- "<n. < "0< 8.4'04 9.3883 f=-- I .----t---- I I i Bond...a.nd .rnt~e.sj;._.=:c=?~~c ------------------- GENERAL AND SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year ~ Fund Function Department Submitted By Date 1 -.L:;t,( .L;i:)o .I.~)~ _~..~~~.~_, ~U_B_"'~_ Acc't. Actual 10c;R CURRENT YEAR 10c;8 Current Budget I Manager's Final Account Previous Actual ~ Estimate Recom. Budget No, Year ~Months Months Total Budget Request mendation Allowance - of land .00 (\() (\(\ (\(\ ~=",.." ()(\ "" l'1-!-."'PP-!-. k:> e:(\() (\(\ 45.000.00 45.000.00 he: (\f'\(\ (\" 45.000.00 'l'M'A T. h ':I e: /VI (\(\ ),e: fV\f"I "" ), e: f'\N'I O() ),,, . """ ()() ILc:; OOQ,M RECEIPTS MID BEGINNTI<G BAIll.Nr'F. CT'T'Y M.6NI'", ,TaN 1 "... 1';1haP.~ 1 1 <;() . ,7 618.02 <;,2,,') 110 ". ,," ""'~Aa 1L~P.l() ILIL <1 ,:::.,,, Q., 10:> ~, ,,, 44 .23J....9R 41L :::>.1 oA 44 .61....6..5....-... 130 DelinQuent Taxes 1L7() 11 (\(\ 1<;1"l_()() 1<;0.00 1<;(\ (\() 100.00 240 Sales Tax .00 ()() (\(\ TOTAL RECEIPTS 4, 280.<;<; ';11 h';l(\ A. 12 . 751.15 44 ..~81. 98 ILIL ';IA, aP. TOTI>.L REr'F.T~ ANn 44 650.'l7 45 532.35 45,000.00 45,000.00 Less Exoenditures 4,.500.00 45.000.00 ~.OO 45.000.00 J Unencumbered Cash Balan,... nF"" .l,,-!-. llC:;O,<7 5<2. ,5 Net Tax RequireJl!~t 42 6Q8.20 hI. 0." nA 44.'l6L-65 De1inauent 8<;,.Q6 MIL hU 887.35 Tax Dollars 4,.<;<;2.16 IL<; l1h hO:> 45,255.00 Tax Levv Mills 0.Qc;,6 o . Cl<13------ 0.9164 - --_.~._- ----- 1----.------ --.l!ienl, & Spec-,-IT~~==.c"c-_-25= Page ------------------- Fund . T Function CITY Department_ Submitted By: _ Date _ ~ No. I C:D"'S::.'-'O~"f.I:)_S~LI"'A f Final Budget Allowance 1\..fanager's Recom. mendation i ~ Budget Request r ~ Current Budget 19S8 r Total OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year ~ 8 CURRENT YEAR Actual Estimate ~Months ~ Months INDUSTRIAL DEVELOEMENT ~ Actual Previous Year Page l Account - "no', ,1s,25W2j t ....00 ~,0'4 3'1 B.2". '" l ~ 8.254. '" ' ?P.N'I.oo :>.C;IV'\.OO <00.00 OQ llJ IV'\ t Services EXPENDITURES other Professional & Special Misc.e.llappn"" _195 I 2.800.00 j ,"0.001 ~OO rtv'Iltn' 11 n"lj.,32-I-- - -~- ----- ~-- _.~ ~~--- -~ I ~ ___ ! L____~ t-- unl --- -l ---- _I _--=---~~n.. =--=-_ _.LdU~::~.~~..__.3.? C 1425.lt.32- 1l.Q.S4. ~2 8 2 4~ +- '1,054.32 2.800.00 B.254. '" + I t 1] ,054 3P · f ';I' , l'Jt! T'I' n". - =t:CEIPl'S A..?ID BEGINNING BAlAN' __}-"'-""""URER .." ..-,.. ,., I u...o5.4. ~2_1 - _.TOTAL.. ANILJ3EC -t:::~.dil.ures =C:PT'F"n "0 1:>0" - t ---- t t I I I -! f -- 1--- -- - ------------------- CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year--1.959- WATER DEPARTHENT F,...nd ~'~", If'1JJ1Ct:i()1j).--==-~ B..,p,;rtmiAlilt _ SL(bmi"te~ e.i~ Pate Final Budget Allowance Manager's Recom- mendation ~ Budget Request ~ Current Budget & Total CURRENT YEAR Estimate li-.Months J,958.. Actual --LMonths ~ Actual Previous Year Page ] Account ....-=-~.,..,--,-~ Aa't, No. 1.000 .00 4,000.00 5,000.00 4.000.00 1. 700.00 15,000.00 16,000.00 '500.00 ~.OOO.QQ ~.OOO.OO 1. QOO_. 00 1 5()O 00 3,000 00 3,000 ()O 1 ()OO 00 1,000.00 4.000.00 5.000.00 3,000.00 1,700.00 1<;.000.00 16.000.00 500.00 3.000.00 3.000.00 1. QQQ....iliL 1,000.00 ~24~.28 4 ::j 1,040.50 10,806.80 13.222.08 303.31 3&-OQ.J2Q... ~ 68,.60 cOO.. ~ 644,01_ 200.10 659 50 4,193.20 2.~ .l96..M- ---.00.. ----00.. ,]6.40 2.087.02 404.74 2 .841.12 <p.? S3.. Repair We]] Pumps j:l..n"ir 'Rl.."tric Well Power ~er River Pump Well Hcm"e f':1gP"1,, PL~p Station labor Electric Power ~ ~~. Supplies Repair R11 ~1pment Rpnai~ Statinn_~liln;na Rnn -. 00 200 54 '5~ . 21>Q.00 53.200.QO 4"l.455..~6 ! 9.74lj,....s!l "l5.080.56 ,4.000.00 4,000.00 6.000.00 .QQQ.,..QQ QQQ.,QQ 000.00 QQQ.OO "l;;' ~ Q '" 2,000.00 110.000.QQ 110.900.00 .LQQQ....oo+---.J.4-000 .00 ~ .Q9.Q.ool 3,000.00 ?1,259.70 32.000.00 3.324.80 4.000.00 5.,.Q3~ ~~ ->::::t l~:OOO.OO Q.6~9 oo_~ 1,OO~ 2.22L-87 , .OO_Q. 00 10,740.30 ~ ~ 41Q.18 13.,g55.02 ~ 702.n 3?,59() hO I 1.858 58 3,444.70 2,061.21' 8<; .068 .28 w...:za 19!t..<;4 f1Y1'1'A.I. .TaEAT1.f1<'1'1'1' PLII NT., T"hC'lr Ele.c:tI: ..5erYi C'F" GaJL.aervi ce 2 llID.l~JrtinS-S'ypP.klL Checrica1s ~...1LBuildi ngs R~uaiI'.Elec..triC!lL];~~i Y:!7.. 67 1 <;8. ooo~~_~6QJ.9.00 .00 ~_.. , flueI'.. --- 1<;8.000.....00 1,1.,J,'15hl8 26~_O~22 .--128.009 .6QI -~~- ......-----~ -="-~~rQT.AL~'---- -~ ..~~...'="""~ -------- ----------- CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Y ear ~ VATER DEPAR~ Final Budget Allowance Manager's Recom- mendation 19'59 Budget Request 19<;8 Current Budget ~ Total CURRENT YEAR a Estimate ~Months ~ 4 Actual _Months .l95l Actual Previous Year .~ Page 2 Account ----- Fund Function Department Submitted By Date _ Acc't. No. 6.000.00 5,500.00 1,500.00 25,000.00 4.000.00 2.000.00 <;.000.00 4.500.00 1.500.00 23.000.00 4 J 000 00 2.000.00 5.000.00 4,500.00 1,500.00 23,000.00 4.000.00 o ('\(\(\ (\(\ 3,720.00 2,890.00 1,363.94 14,339.93 2,400.00 l,<4C:;,<;':; 1 J::>8o 00 1'11)10 on 1 31) nh 8.660.07 hQQQ.oo ..6..s!l..Ji5.. 3JB40.00 4.B30 00 660.78 2,.9,2.,7 4,Roo 00 1.74,.C:;C:; ~ l.a.rJ!- .Ia.hor.- ~nnn' i pF{ ~ R~~i~ ni~t_ ~ins !lD1clL EaH!.. .D1.s.t.. l!et.el:.. u_+.,.,.. 00 44,000 40.000.00 40,000.00 26,059.42 1< 040 .:;B ,O.8oh.70 'I'O'I'AL ~_X;L Water 8Jooo 00 9,000.00 ::>::> J 000 00 23,000 .00 ]3,000 00 14Jooo.00 ],500 00 1.'500.00 5.000.00 5.000.00 3.000.00 3.000.00 3.000.00 3.000.00 4.000.00 4,000.00 400.00 400.00 36.000.00 36.000.00 10.000.00 10.000.00 2.000.00 2.000.00 ~0.000.00 30,000 00 10,000.00 10,000.00 147 .9oo..mL 1 C:;() OM. QQ 5.590.00 8.000.00 14,879.70 22,000.00 8,275.90 13,000.00 1.025.00 1.500.00 2.558.99 5.000.00 2,262.98 3,000.00 2,6<;0.00 3.000.00 3,::>50 00 4,000 00 478 87 400.00 21,000.00 36.000.00 6,664.00 10.000.00 1,121.26 2.000.00 18,noo 00 30,000 00 10. OQQ.....Q(L 10,000 . 00 ~7'i6,70 I lIL7.0()().OO 2.410.00 7.120.,0 4.724.10 475 00 2.441.01 7,7.02 ,<;0.00 750.00 -78.87 1<;.000.00 3.,,6.00 878.74 l?OOO.OO 00 1~4 ~P.l .c:;c:; I C:;O.llL< ';1(\ 7J::>30 00 ::>OJ855 09 12J905 65 ]J57750 6.096.18 2.720.52 2.4<;0.00 3.<;90.00 200.08 ,6.000.00 10.000.00 6<;6.<;, ,0.000.00 ~llpt And F.ngr nr~ir~ ~lA~i~B- ~'A,..i"R Social Security Insurance Printinl!: andJ'Qstage Sales '!'ax Interest ExPense Protlertv El;pense Accounts CharRed Off De~reciation __ ~1sce1laneou.s - g;: 1'QTAI. "'-, t!e.tel:.. ",,",RVA' ing Of.flee Sull~11es ------------------- Page , .1.:171 ..J..."7-JU ...L"""1J~ Acc't. Actual ,,,dOl CURRENT YEAR lac;p. Current Budget Manager's Final No. Account Previous Actual .--.1L- Estimate Recom- Budget Year L..Months Months Total Budget Request mendation Allowance 'I'N1'.11 T. . 7"7 17A.<;r 100 648.64 298 451. ,6 ,99.100.00 ';loa , (\(\ I'Vl 410.000.00 . .,.. f''T't'V .T.IIW 1.,+ 375,085.28 214 201.06 112.588 .85 120.101.06 ""~.'I., T~_. ,.. ..~.'I ,,-,.. a~.'I 1 l1h P.7 7e:C l.~ 1 . h4l'l . c:;lL o fVV\. I'Vl o fVV\ I'Vl l" r;oo .00 "'6+__ - h':lA '70 lR , ,,:: Q""" """ ,n 102.21 4~.OOO.00 4,c:;.ooo.00 430.000.00 ?h IL~ ?h ,., Ql:t, ",I. 1,118.06 15,000.00 , (\ fVVl I'Vl 10,000.00 o "n ?h (\(\ 8 000.00 8.000.00 ()() ~AT urn 'CAT ^"',...., 8lt9,931.65 ,." ,.,"',,, ''''^ ^^, "'C 'i'io.'i88.8<; 0;61 601.06 T.~a - "7.1~.50 <QQ.lOO.OO 'l99 100.00 410,000.00 "'6_" - - n.... ';11..+ <;12.7<;9.,<; 270.101.96 160,488.85 151,601. 96 T ."" "a~' +a' ",,11 """". <Q 150.000.00 100,000.00 100,000.00 T..... I'!tlD IleceJl1ber Ust 214 201. 96 120,101.96 60,488.85 51 601.96 tJ..+.p.,. 69 'R CITY OF SALINA BUDGET REQUEST For the Fiscal Year ~ WATER Fund Function Department Submitted By: Date - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Fund - - CITY OF SALINA Function_ - - AIRPORT Department_ - a < r ' BUDGET REQUEST Submitted By:_ - =- l",,-o-{:-'.-yt L'I.."'--':"-. Date Page 1 For the Fiscal Year ,u"", L",",O '"'"''' Acc't. Actual ,,,,,Q CURRENT YEAR 10<;8 Current Budget Manager's Final Account Previous A:cfua! Estimate Recom. Budget No. Year ~Months .-L Months Total Budget Request mendation Allowance .. . 1'0)(\ - J. ). "" "" 1C:; lC:;O.OO 1 <; .860.00 1?<; - ""-\0.__ n..._+_ M e;1V'I IV'I e:(\(\ (\(\ 10<; n-I:hp,.. . 00.00 400 .00 1 000.00 . """"AT ), J. "" "" 16.0<;0.00 17 360.00 ?()<; __A - h' ';I'" 200.00 200.00 ??1 ,.,.....<__ 1>__~ 4< P.4 7C:;.M 7'>.00 O?'7 ? p.?? 1 e: ,,<;00.00 4200.00 ?':l':l _ C!__A+~ 't>"nA_ ?(\ IV'I 20.00 20.00 ?';Ih - ,,--<-, '7h e:R '00.00 400.00 :::>41 I'~" q",."i_" ?e;0.1V'I 700.00 700.00 oJ. 0 T< _\0.+ anA .... <" -..- h';l? IV'I 1 500.00 1,700.00 ?1L':l u..+...,. e:':l e:J. 125.00 125.00 ?e;1 - <11 1 ':l <;00.00 500.00 ?<;? - "nn ' 0"" "., 2.<;00.00 1.500.00 ?C:;< - J. 1>nn<... . , " e: (\ IV'I 100.00 100.00 I ?e;1L _ u_+__ 1T_\o.<_'_~ hlV'l 100.00 100.00 711.. ]:l"n+ _ __A on, 00 7<;0.00 1,500.00 ! """"AT. e; 7?n 7' 10.,70.00 11.120.00 7 ~ ~l-, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Fund - - CITY OF SALINA Function_ - AIRPORT Department_ - ,('-~l ;;~ BUDGET REQUEST Submitted By: _ - Date Page 2 For the Fiscal Year l.~:l( J~,n .L:1)~ Acc't. Actual 10c:;8 CURRENT YEAR ~ Current Budget Manager's Final No, Account Previous Actual Estimate Recom- Budget Year ...L.Months ....B.- Months Total Budget Request mendation Allowance Awn ':l1(\ '!'nol" 74.6':\ 150.00 1"0.00 .':l?O """<"6 - 106.CJ8 200 .00 200.00 ';IlL ';I T__< ...__ a"~ To'! 1..'1: 402.96 700.00 500.00 ':l4e; Gasoline n "'0(\ k., 30,000.00 30,000.00 .,l.k u_...__ U61o. _, ,~ "ft" __.. n-r, 10 18 100.00 100.00 ,47 Motor Vehicle - IIcense Ta.lZS 16.00 16.00 16.00 <h7 Ann T<_lo.+',," ""..." 1 IL? ?1 250.00 250.00 <71 T._....__ ft." Tn'"h...... ho 0';1 100.00 100.00 ';17';1 ...nd "",..+0 ,1.(\ ,., 300.00 300.00 <77 u_+__ .. _ l'lo"-+" 1':l.R7 100.00 100.00 .,A, ......-... "".. ., - "h kk 200 .00 250.00 ';loa _a_ a..__1....0 .,A I"~ 100.00 100.00 I """"AT 10.<<?<;g 32,216.00 36,566.00 aT""'''''' hOl a,,1...0 "",y n, 70 ':\00.00 300.00 f'\T1mT .". . . e:n., ., 00'7 .:" 1~.100.00 11,000.00 e:7e: "" 300.00 300.00 e:O';l ,,. -- - .""., e:(\ 500.00 200 .00 _AT ':l c;p,1 le; 1,.900.00 11,500.00 ,,, - --- ---- - .. .. .. -~--- "'/'VTlAT 01, 0' ~ oJ. 72.9,6.00 76,846.00 . .~ I 1/ CO>. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Fund - - CITY OF SALINA Function - - AIRPORT Department_ - - BUDGET REQUEST Submitted By: - - Date Page 3 For the Fiscal Year 19<;7 ~~:J~ , Actual , lQc:;8 CURRENT YEAR 19<;8 I I I Manager's I Final Acc't. Current Budget No. Account Previous Actual Estimate Recom- Budget Year 4 Months 8 Months Total Budget Request mendation Allowance RE~TPI'SAwn ..,AT'''''''' CITY TREASURER BAIANCE JAB. lat. Less Purchase Orders Unenctmibered cash Balance Jan. 1st 7.000.00 501 Rent - Airoort BuildiDll: 1.081.83 3.000.00 3.000.00 '502 Rent - Airnort nrnund Rental 2C:;.00 <;0.00 <;0.00 503 Rent - Eauinment - Airnort Ground IandillJ 462.'50 1.500.00 1,500.00 504 Rent - Airnort BaIulers 1.'501.00 4 000.00 4.500.00 505 Sale of Gas and Oil 6 69, ,''\4 40 000.00 40 000.00 506 Percentalte of Sales 349.49 1.<;00.00 2.<;00.00 507 Tax Refunds on Gas from State 877.,0 4 500.00 4.500.00 <;08 Carllo Service 106.<;0 ~OO.OO ,00.00 510 General Oot!ra ti= Fune 25.000.00 20.000.00 952 Reimbursement of Exoendi tures 4~.66 86.00 100.00 'l"OTAL RECEIPl'S 11 140.62 76.450.00 'l"OTAL RECEIPl'S MID BmImfING BAlANCE 79,Q,6.00 83.450.00 Less Exoendi tures 72.9,6.00 76 846.00 I UNENCUMBERED CASH BA.LA1Q'CE DEC. <1st 7.000.00 6 604.00 - I I Airport 12-