Interlocal Agreement for Presbyterian Manor
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This Interlocal Cooperation Agreement pursuan't to the
Interlocal Cooperation Act, K.S.A. 12-2901, et seq., as amended
(the -Interlocal Cooperation Act-), is entered into by a.nd between
the City of Wichita, Kansas (hereinafter referred 'to as the
-Issuer-), and the City of Salina, Kansas (hereinafter referred to
as "Participant..), authorizinq the City of Wichita, Kansas to issue
certain Health Care Facilities Refunding and Improvement Revenue
Bonds in one or more series pursuant to K.S.A. 12-1740 to 12-
1749a, inclusive (the MActM) for the purposes set forth herein.
WHEREAS, it is anticipated that Issuer will now or hereafter
enter into other Interlocal Cooperation AqreemE~nts wi th
participating cities including the City of Arkansas City, Kansas,
the City of Clay Cen~er, Kan~as, the City of Emporia, Kansas, the
City of Hutchinsonl. Kansasl the city of Kansas City, Kansas, the
City of _Lawrence, Kansas, the City of Newtonl Kansas, the City of
p:arsons, Kansas, the Cf ty of .Salina,, the city of Sterling, -
Kansas and the City of Topeka, -Kansas. (hereinafter collectively
referred to as .ParticipantsM)¡ and
WHEREAS, pursuant to the Act, all cities and counties in the
Stat& of Kansas are authorized to issue revenue bonds, tb.e proceeds
of which may be ~sed for the purpose of paying all or part of the
cost of purchasing, acquiring, constructing, reconstructing,
improving, equipping ~ furnishing, repairing-, enlslrging or
remodeling facilities for . agricultural, commercial, hospital,
industri.a).., natural resources I recreational develoJpment. and
man~facturing - purp9se.s ; and . ..
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WHEREAS, pursuant to K.S.A. 12-1749a, any city or county which
has issued revenue bonds under the provisions of th,e Act are
further authorized to issue refunding revenue bonds in 'the .anner
prescribed by and subject to the provisions of K.S.A. 10-116(a)¡
WHEREAS, i-n a'ccordance with the provisions of E:. S. A. 12-
1 7418, ci ties have authori ty to issue such revenue bonds to finance
facilities" located outside the issuer's boundaries as specifically
provided therein¡ and .
WHEREAS, each of the Participants have heretofolre issued
certain' revenue bonds pursuant to the Act for the ptlrposes of
financing facilities which have been or are now leased to
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Presbyterian Manors, Inc. as more fully described ill Exhibit A
attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference; and
WHEREAS, the Interlocal Cooperation Act perIni ts local
governmental units to make the most efficient use of their powers
by enabling them to cooperate wi th other locali ties, persons,
associations and corporations on a basis of mutual ad',antage and
thereby to provide services and facilities in a manner and pursuant
to forms of governmental organization that will accorël best with
geographic, economic, population and other factors influencing the
needs and development of local communities; and
WHEREAS, each Participant is a "public agency" as such term
is defined in K.S.A. 12-2903(a); and
WHEREAS, Presbyterian Manors, Inc., a Kansas non-prof~t
corporation, currently leases and operates twelve (12) long-term
care facilities located throughout the State of Kansas, as well as
its corporatø.~ffices 1ocated ~n Wichital Kansas¡ and
WHEREAS, Presbyterian .Manors, Inc. has requested that the
Participants cooperate wi th one ano~er to facili tate the refunding
of certain outstanding bonds previous1y issued by the Participants
pursuant to the Act, and to provide funds for constructi:ng certain
new =ï.mprovements and additions to existing facili t1e~s located
within the boundaries of the respective Participants, in order to
secure to the Participants and to Presbyterian Manors, Inc. the
economic and other benefits to be derived through the oJ~derly and
efficient financing of facili ties and refunding of o11tstandinq
!ndebtedness issued for the -purposes of financing certain
facili ties lea.sed by the. respecti ve Participan.ts to PrE!.s-by~erian
Manor'l Inc. Î ana
WHEREAS, pursuant to the Interloca1 Cooperation Act, the
Participant is authorized and empowered to enter j.nto this
Interlocal Cooperation Agreement and its governing body has duly
authorized the execution and delivery on i t6 behalf of this
, Interlocal Cooperation Agreement for the purpose of est:ablishing
the relationships and respective duties and obliqatioIls of the
parties hereto in accordance with the Act.
. NOWI THEREFO~, in consideration of the promises :set forth
hereinl and of the mutual benefits to the Participants which shall
accrue by virtue of this Interlocal Cooperation Agree12~entl the
parties hereto agree as fo1lows:
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Section 1. This Agreement shall remain in full force and
effect until the principal of and interest on all reven'ue bonds and
all sums of moz:1ey wi th respect thereto have been paið. in full or
provision made for the payment thereof in accordan<:e with the
provisions of said bonds and the indentures and related agreements
authorizing and securing payment of said bonds; providE~d however I
that in no event shall the term of this Agreement extend for a
period longer than forty (40) years commencing on the day hereof
and terminating at 11:59 p.m. on December 1,2030.
Section 2.
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The Participant hereby covenants and é!Lgrees that:
(a) The City of Wichita Kansas as issuer shall
authorize and iesue its revenue bonds pursuant to t:he Act
for the purpose of refunding outsta~dinq bond~ and to
provide funds for constructing ilnprovelD.en~s and add,i tions
to exi~ting facilities located within the boundaries of
the Participant for commercial purposes to be leased to
Presbyterian Mano.;s Inc. all" in accordance .wi'th the.
(b) All bonds issued by Issuer shall recite therein
that said "bonds are issued by Issuer on behalf lof and
wi th the consent and approval of the Participant: and
. pursuant to the provisions of this Interlocal Cooperation
. '.
(c) The Issuer is authorized to execute and deliver
on behalf of the Participantl indentures of trust ,leases
and such other documents and agreements as the govlerning
b,ody. of. the ..~ssueÍ: ~aŸ _det~rmine to be neceSSêtXy' 9r
desirable to secure payment .of t:he bond"s issued by :Ìssuer
# and to evidence Issuer's security interests. ín the
facili ties financed through issuance of such boncis and
such other revenues or property which may 'from t:lme to
time be pledged to secure payment of said bonds.
(d) The Issuer is further authorized to execute and
deliver such other docwnents I agreements or certificates
as shall be necessary to implement and carry OtLt the
j.ntention of this Interlocal cooperation Aqreemenit:.
Serctlon 3. The Participant hereby authorizes thEt' Issuer to
engage in any and all acts and to exercise all of the au'tbori ty and
powers # conferred upon the Participant by the Act 2lnd by the
Interlocal Cooperation Act wi th respect to any propeJ:~ty loca ted
wi thin the Participant I s boundaries and its authori t:k" to is sue
revenue bonds pursuant to the Act.
Section 4. Issuer covenants and agrees that it will take no
action under and- pursuant to the terms of thit:: Interlocal
cooperation Agreement which would result in the abatement of ad
valorem taxes levied by Participant on or with respect to
facilities leased to Presbyterian Manors, Inc.1 without the express
prior written approval of such Participant in accordance with the
provisions of K.S.A. 12-1741a and 12-1741b.
Section 5. During the term of this Agreement the Issuer
shall maintain a written record which shall allocate t,he amount of
bonds issued by the Issuer hereunder among the respective
Participants in accordance with the amount of procEieds of such
bonds utilized to redeem outstanding bonds and to provide
additional improvements to the facilities within the jurisdiction
of each Participant. In no event may the total amO\lnt of bonds
allocated to the Participant exceed the total, amou,nt .of bonds
authori~ed by such" P~rticipant pursuant to this Agreement or a
le.tter of intent or inducement - resolution duly approved by its
governing body. Participant hereby reserves the riqht to increase
the amount of authorized bonds which may be all.o(~ated to it
hereunder by adoption of-' ei ther an addi tiònal let.ter ()f intent or
'-inducement resolution. -
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Section 6. It is expressly understood and agreed that the
Participant shall not be liable in any manner for thE~ payment of
any 1 revenue bonds hereafter issued f.or Presbyterian !-ianors I Inc.
by the Issuer I and that the authority and designation herein
contained shall not relieve Presbyterian Manors, Inc. of its
obligations to comply with any applicable ordinances of the
Participant ..
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.section 7..: It is not-' ånticipatéd - that . ~he Is~;.uer or t.he
Participant 'will incur any significan.t operating or otl.ler expenses
in connection with the implementation of this Interlocal
Cooperation Agreement. . The Participant hereby finds ancl determines
that it is not necessary to provide for the financing or budget of
any such expenditures in association herewith.
Section 8. This Interlocal Cooperation Agreement shall be in
full force and effect upon execution by the parties hereto and
shall not be dependent upon the other Participants entering into
similar agreements.
~~ction 9. If one or more prov~sions of this Ag~reement are
hereafter found void or unenforceable as provisions cont:rary to the
law I the remaining provisions shall nevertheless conti:nue in full
force and effectl and only such provisions as are specifically
found invalid shall be null and without effect.
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p-:.t Burnett
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. The above and foregoing Interlocal CO~erati~ Ag~~ent is
in proper fora and compatible with the laws of the Stat.e of Kansas
and i~_~*TFeby approv purs ant to K.S.A. 12-2904 (f), ,as amended,
~~~ ~y ~ i ,1990.
Atto~~ General Of the State
of Kansas
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$2,SOO. 000
City of ArkantU City, Kausas
Industrial Revenue Bonds
Series IR -1- 77
(Arkt'nqs aty Presbyterian Manor, In~)
Date.d March 1, 1977
$800 , 000 .
City of Arkansas City, K1tn~as
Industrial DcYClopmcDt Revenue Bonds
Series IR. m - 79
(Arka.,~ Oty Presbyterian Manor, In~)
Dated September 1, 1979
$7 ,395,000
Qty of Empoña, Kansas
IDdustriaJ RcYeDue Refunding Bonds
Series A, 1987
(EP1poria Presbyterian Manor, IDe.)
Dated September 1, 1987
aty of Kal:Jsas City, Ka11Sas
Industrial Rcvenue Bonds
Series 1987
(K.nsa~ City Presbyterian Manor, Ine.)
Dated December ~ 1987
S2, ()J() ,000
City of Lawrence, KantaS
Industria] Revcnue Bonds
Series N ovem bel ~ 1975
(Lawrence Presbyterian Manor, Ine.)
Dated Novembel" ~ 1975
53 ,soo t 000
aty of Lawrcnce, Kansas
Industrial Revenue Bonds
Series 1986
(Lawrence Presbyterian Manor, Ine.)
Dated July 1, 1986
S3,s 10,000
Oty of NcWto~ Kansas
Industrial Rcvenue Re.fuuding Bonds
Series ~ 1988
(Newton Presbyterian MaDar, In~)
Dated Match 1, 1988
$2, 000 , 000
a ty of S a.Iina, Kansas
Industrial Development Rt~VCDue Bonds
Series J une ~ 1978
(Salina Presbyterian Manalr, Ine..)
Dated J une ~ 1978
S8OO ,000
City 0 f S aIina, }ú. n ~
Industrial Rcvenue Bonds
S cries 1987
(Salina Presbyterian Mano:r, Ine.)
Dated April 1, 1987
S8,3 20 J 000
City of To pcb, IC.a n sas
Industrial Revenuc Bonds
Series 1988
(T open Presbyterian Man~)I' J Ine.)
Dated June ~ 1988
City of Wichita, K~t1(as
Industrial Revenue Re.fuucling Bonds
S cries I, 1987
(Wichita Presbyterian Manoc, Ine..)
Dated May ~ 1987
City of Wichita
Industrial Revenue Bonds
S cries In, 1990
(Wdita Presbyterian Manoc J Inc.)
Dated May 1, 1990