04-16-1992 Minutes (2) ~INUTES SALINA BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS CITY COMMISSION ROOM APRIL 16, 1992 .J::OO P.M. ~EMBERS PRESENT: HaulS, Young, Heuszel Morris, Penrod, Treffer and MEMBERS ABSENT: Martinitz >3TAFF PRESENT: Peterson, Andrew and Schempp The meeting was called to order by Chairwoman Penrod. I!. Approval of Minutes of March 19, 1992, meeting. Chairwoman Penrod asked if there were any comments, additions or corrections? questions or Mrs. Penrod said she wanted to start out by getting a clarification of Mr. Haug's question in paragraph 7 on Page 17 of the minutes. 'fr. lIaug stated that he was trying to find out from !'1r. Peterson whether an open stairway would be considered part of the structure for setback purposes. Paragraph 7 on Page 17 was corrected to read: "Mr. Haug asked if this had been just an open access from one floor to another would it be counted for setback'.'" Page 8 on Page 17 was corrected to read: "Mr. Peterson said open, unenclosed stairs could be counted or not counted for setback purposes." either Staff asked Chairwoman Penrod for a clarification on the top of Page 33? Specifically whether her statement was recognizing a second to the amended motion. Mrs. Penrod stated that she believed the motion had been seconded as amended and she wanted to see if the applicant had any comments on the motion. The top of Page 33 was corrected to read: "~frs. Penrod said and I assume there is agreement wi th the wording of that condition. Now that we have a motion and amendments, is there any discussion or questions? Page 2 "~fr. Haug said I would like to second the motion as its been amended." "Mrs. Penrod said oh, I thought we had a second on the amended motion. Now we're ready for discuss.lon or quesllons. Does the applicant have a problem with anything in our motion?" ~10TION : Ms. Treffer moved that the Minutes of the March 19, meeting be approved as corrected. 1992 SECOND: Mr. Heuszel seconded the motion. VOTE: The vote was (4-0) in favor of the motion, with Mr. Young and Mr. Morris abstaining. There being no further meeting at 4:20 P.M. business Chairwoman Penrod adjourned the ~~r::/~~ ~ichae E.- eterson Assistant Secretary ./