Audit - 1946 ::"'¡.c ;JAL:H¡~ /[JDLIC lD^~LTlI l:u::.sIUG .lo.S:5OCIJi.¡'¡On Salim, Kansn.s Ì"Iw~nCI1¡.J.. HHPffiT . .~" p ....-.. CQVoritb tho 0:'" 0:1 L'l'Ol1 Januo.r'J 1. to DoCO1ïfuer 31. 1940. Inolusive œmEDY Am> COR Certif.'1.od PUblio Accountants . '; ~;J"LIr4J\ I'UBUC lL,,\1..1'H HtEßING J";';;:;UCIATIOn Salim,. Y.ilnBaS ŒTIC1:;:¡;.S L~s. Ed MorßGnBtarn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l~~osidorr~ Bra. Rose i'ro:-.f . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ViOO-lTosidont !,~rs. D. ? Sclr,:/nrtz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SOorOto.r:l IJr. :~;arl .lood,..r:;rd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7I'ool:ruror BOAHD OF DIlŒC 70RS ,. 1 . ... Earle. 'ú'ood'fArd UrGe l1\Z'old^ Datos E. V. Pn~' M'rs. Art BUHOho Mrs. R. G. Sabin Mrs. Ttalph Pr0\1ott !Ira . Mar 1 an s t.anley Mrs. ialph Cwk Hrs. D. Fe, Schwartz Ura. Rose Frey IIrs. Ed Yorgena'bcrn Urs. M. A. lIonsley lira. Cht\r Ifj)s Sohwartz ~ll'" \ , q,^'" :;;;';';-DIT fiAt: Schedule 1 }"IL t;ALI!U~ i'tmLIC llL!.Ll^'11 mn~gIJW i.. [)OCL!;.TIO!I CŒJlrma's .. . . . .. (;Jill H . S £h l l~"i'l' OJ? lillCEIPW. . . . . . . Sa.lina,. llì..::::ßaa ..,..,~".",^" ';"'\1,.J4." r , . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . DIsnill :UL;].!];Ul'& AliD 11ALlI.1IC1:1: 0:' . . . . .. . . . . I; . . . . . . . . Cash in Cuato~ of 1'roaauror . . . . . . . . . . . . . . meo m1':'i~ :ÇQ,' "..."", ' 1 to 2 3 <4 .n__-~ -- - - n - -- -'- -, < ;: " " , ~:: ': !\ " -', .,- ," .. ,- -' , I!L\y 7. 1%7 Io tho Dou.rd of' JiJ~octor3. ':110 Salim Public 1I0ülth HUl.sinfi ASGo<ÜatiOll. ;;c.llM.. ÑÅn:z1l.S . C-cntlomeu1 In accordance with your i..'1Structionn. an e.udit liaS boon 11JP.de of tho bookn and l~eoords of Tho Salina Public Hœl1ïh llurnin{; Assooiation. SaliM. l~naas. oover- in¿; the period frœ'\'l January 1.. i:¡o December ::)1. l~G.. inclusive. Tho report of :mcll audit is horovrith sulxr:rl.twd. Copios of this report have boon submitted to tho g;ovorlÙ.I1.G hoJ,j' of the City of Salina. ¡jcopt or AUDIT Tho u.udit ,1t\.ß porforZ"lod in accor<la.nce with tho gon~l and specific required provisions oi'tho MiniD1UIìl standard Audit Pror;rÐ..:":1... t\pprovod bj' tho state .Munioipal Accountine; DOÐ.rd o.s of' !IovClfj,oor 21. 1935. and (\0 revised October 25. 1940. m:;C¡;IPTS # DISBU"nSL:W2:fTS AliD Bhl).}¡OES OF CJ1.SIi , 1 , S 1'A'f12}LEJ: ¡' CÆ' ¡ruCEIP!S. DISBUnSB1ÆI1TS A1m J3AliJ!i'CES Œ'i CAUll. ZXhit.it tfA". Under this ox.'úbit 13 presented Q, statŒtent uhov.':Î.ng recelpt.s a,nd diab1..ì!'tlG::10nts of' tho assoo1ø.tion durinG the $.udit period and tho balt\.nceo of cash as £;1;;. tho òoGinr..inz and olœ1n(; da tea 1;heroof'. me Cl'ty or sa.J.1.IJ\ a.pproprlAted and pø.1d .. ^total of $2,100.00 to tho e.s8ooj,a.tion during tho Yf!Ar 1946 in twelve monthly in$tallmmIf;.a. 'l'he ø.moünt received by 'tho 8.asoo1t.tion .. writ1e4 by OQJØI.woation nth -the city clerk. Rocolpts during 'the yvar 194.6 from tho 1!otropo1iÙUl Lifo ~o C~ arc shown !nth. ~()UX1'b of t510.01, vñdch 8.1'AQU1l't v~ oonfirmed byth$ &uditol"'G through corroapondonoo w1th the 1nau.rø.noe ~. I D1øbu.raemønt8 of the assoc1&.tion dur1n& the yee.r 1946 are o3Aasified under the &.bOV'Ø exh1b11ï. D1sburaement8 are _de by oheoka drti\wn by 'the puùUo hOQ.ltb. =r" and signed by the treasurer of 'the uaoos.&\tion. OanoeUed oheoka 'II'Ør$ ~'I'»'fA u 'to payee. payee endorsem.ont. bank oa.noelJA1áon and a1gnø.tw"o. rhe amounts ~ oom:ca.rGd w1'th the treasurer' & reoords of disbursœonts and the reoorda 01: diøbur8~S øûntainod by iõhe public heø.1th nurse. Expend1tU1"Ð8 a.pproved in' 'tho m1nu:tea of meetings of ime board or dirøotœ"8 were compared, vd. th ~s of: oheokø issued in pa~ent thereof, however. 8.11 expenditures were' not approved by 'tIDe bOQ.rd in i:¡his mannor. Disbursements 'Wore æ.UQtaotor1ly substAntiated by involae8 and atätamenœ 8u1rl.1tœd 1#0 the 8.udit;ora. CASH IN CUSTODY OF TREASURER, So1wd1.û.ct 1. Under "bb.1saohodule bank b&.JAno~. $.S I'\t'm-f'i~d bv the do'POS1tory. are reconciled i;o tho treG.8urer1a ba.1Anoo. rusUJ\.i\l;C;¡; AND I'¡.c.G;:r.ITY lJO1IDS ,. lJ.£ at Deoember :u. 19U3. tho as¡¡ocintiO:l CG.l'riod public liabilit:r :!..."Wul~..:mcû on itú t:lutar:lobilo in tho n.ra()tm.t of ~ 10j.?O.O(X).OO. PI'OPO¡""';;:¡ ;Ja...':1,Q..[;O inGw'û.!leo in "{;tiO t\!'1,.:n.\:n.~,; 0:: :~'S.OOO.OO. anÚ c..c-t;u¡.\l Q{Ásh vuluo collprolwm3ivc co','crc\.ce. :':'Lic 2.:u:;ur- tu:.wo \JU.s Ct1.¡~l.iod vr1th tho 1.1110.1100 !-:U--,,1J:;1.:' CusuLi.l".;:! C~o::]pa:u:/. ;¡cl'h.c;rni,Jn. Ii-m.Di¡'s. un'o1" PO1~"'\.7 t""¡7{)".2 t"lO """""".1.'" .)"C":l'~ur~" ""'1 "rhle'¡' ~'~"^"'~'~'O '1 "0 /90 r.n n'H^,. r"""c'r .~ -"""'..'" -.. ....~...."""" ~.. ~. - ,.... '4 .....:. ,-,.~............. '"" v "'., . ""'"'. .,'<'-' 1"'...- , v¡¡¡:;"a i::U¡U()Q to 1'210 ?ublio Eoo.lth NursinG l..:.Hjocic.t.:.on ('\'llc:jor :J.nG~~jo ;'c°..;:),::nnn: l'l.is polio:." e;::'jÜl'os If,¡tl-oh 20. 1;M7. TI',¡o tluditorG ooni'l1"l.'1Od tho lia.bility 0::: the surct¿- CŒlpD.1J\/ on the f'ollu.rinc ,lCG- crib oJ auroty bond cQVcrin.g the troo.suror of t.ho auaooiD.tions Lk¡j.1d'aQ'123Gl~ lus'Ucd October 50. 1;)(4. b:' the þo.\..:lQriC4:l1 ~.'UrciJ:'l Co,;pa:rlY of llev; York. 1'hit; bOlld io ir¡ 1:;110 O.l:1Ount of (2.000.00 and is conbinuous in Lana. l'híJ i"ldelity band. of tho treasurer ViaS ~/od upon its expiX'Q;i;,1.Oll by n continu- ,cd;;ion cortifico.t.o iösuod by the surot-.r oampo,ny. Tho cf'i'oct of tho continuation ocrtií'ioato isto oÀ-tend tho porlod to whioh tho amount of tho bond 10 a.pplioo.blo and doos not provide tho amount of coverage required bJ-' stamrbe :Cor 00011 torn. A bond is required b~r stutuJço a:nd it ia applrontly intended that¡ Q, 8C~ra.tO cov- era¡ß of' tho full ~lount be prv,r1èlod for ~..ch tern and VIO ß.ro of tho opinion tint this roquiran¡ant oo,nnot be aatisi'iod by Q, conti.nuf;¡.t:Lon cortii'ioo:'ro. )..CCOD1C:S. [œCL~=VJŒ!;:; AlIi) ACC"¡L'1Llj PAYI..l3U: 1 ,.., ,r,.", ..., . M o.t Docor:íbe1" 31. lOO6.thorevlas a.n item or ~;41.10 due to your n.sooci{ò.tiœl í"roD. tho Hctropolitan Lil'o Insuranco Ç0111p1iU4y i'or 'luu'oi'r'..g oPI"\"iooa. The r't.<OQr'c::' or tl¥3 s.a¡;¡oo.;Lt;.'!;ion indi(X,,~~o that œ~(;Jnaotl lì.¡)þliCt~blc -tic thel ~"œ.¡, 194{) in tho amount of ~i.a2.54 Vforo unpaid £us c.t Dccoribor :U, ID4G. All oi' thin a¡noUl'lt Vll\S pe.1d dur1:n& tho month of J~ry. 1941. wit.'1. tho ~:caption of tn.eo \'lhioh 1iot\S paid in *1"011. 1~7. O£:1reIW.. I I i:j Ð.~J::::/~fœ.=Ð ::r. ~;Ð.~ ~~~ï: ~~~l~ of a tc.x CE~:rCATE 1 ~ ~ I :1 II I .1 '! ;1 ! ~c:n~1:-~ ~~~~i;~œ.:ðH~Ò~~~ = í'=~1 o~:=~ t:; =~ lroa.lth Jlurairlg Aa~iAt1on, Salim. BÞ.nsas. u at Deoanbor :'11, J~946. and the 1"0- a\Ù1/. of ita opera'b1ons £or tho poriod. £ro.m Ja.:nuary 1, 'to Dooœ1bflI" 31, 1946. Røø~ 8ubcû. ~ C.P.A. . o~ 0 o~ in ohargo ôf e.niAC't1:vøly ong£\&'Od . an thtø audit. Sn1iM, I~:nGl\.ø 7:r:: SALr:IA I}U13LIC L:~"LTli lfuT:BIUc; A;:;~jQCIJ<i.'IO!¡ STAI'_<_:':';~'I:i' or' lL_,C;~:::¡':"';.;; JI:;:JU]t;~':"[1¡-:-::'; ,/,:,.2) :;I,j,,',,::C::S (;:' CAS:¡ 1<'roo .1£'.nuar:l 1. to 'Do'oonbor 31', lxd :'¡-íJú,su...-or t 6 Thllflrlcc - JQll1.~(,¡,r'y 1.. 1:J4 6 :-Loooipta A;:Y'JropriG. 'Cion ,frCt.ì Ci tv of' Salina -~ ~ ¡¡ursin,,; Service l"cos Mot:ropolital'l Lii'c Insuranoe C~ Saline Count:! Tuberculosis Asoooia;è1an Total Heocipts D1 s burG at1O11 ts SQ.l~ea and ,'ic.¡;OS ],fino't;t;e HQ¿;a.n, Pu1)lic Eoalth nurse I:ír's. Virgie Ihr~;ravo, 01'£100 Assiata,nt J;1JA Jane Wylie, Special !Iursing ~.,2.110;OO 700.00 5.00 r , , " Leaa - Fodorä1 Inoaoo Tax Viithhold and Unpa.id at Docombor :51.. 1946 Automobilo l~xpanae 'ÀS, Oil and Ropairs lneuranoo fUld Lioenso Gun.go Rental o.ttioe Supplies and E:;,..-pœ:lfJØ ~olephoœ lAundry Drugs and ModioaJ. SuppUea llaú1OtJ).l Publio 1iÐa.lth Association Duoa .:\nnua.l Audit and 1'u: Questionnaire Sate Døpos1t Box Rental Misoellaneous :;:2.ù::m.oo 63.40 , f. \' 102.30 26.50 50.o,q %o.x D1a:bur~ . . 1 1 1'rea.aurer's 13aJAnoe - Deoe1nbor 31. 1946 Õe.8h In 1Íank:a CMøJd.ng Aoooun:t; Savings Acoount (2.7'00.00 EIO.Ol 130.00 - <!2 <1~" £'0 Y I'J..I-ev 244.80 7.21 63.24 4.15 15.82 5.00 26.00 3.00 -1Þ75 L 1 , $ 46".7.51 500.20 .. . r;X¡dbit tIN' T .' H37.ß7 .,. '1' é\ O~ ..J","}<.::v.~ J.~ ~4.,1'!7 .8(3 15.2œ.~'l t; 975.71 --- ¡¡:.~ SALlI:!!. Pl¡:JUG lr:~d~TH InJFJ,nW J..8~)OCrATIOII Salim II l':a.nca.n CAS1! In CìßTODY or Tf~;"'¡ß'Œ1J.:R .t\JJ at Deoœwt.Ar 3í" l~ü' ..... ;tuoonciliution or Da..nL ~~lu.noe GIlGcJdn.:; Acoount ... .F'a.."'n.ol"'ß ~tåtiornl lJe.l1l:. Sa1.1rn. 10:ÅlliJ.Q,G ilili.ttioo par l3v.nI{ Stato.mont - oocenbw SI. 19:06 t>~72.18 Loas ... OutstaJ:1din.¡~ Chcclœ --m¡ack No. 1140 Ba.~mœ- 1'roa.auror's RooordG - DOCOtlhrOf St:t,vin{;s Account - l"a.rL1ßra NatioU41 .ßQ.n1:. Salim, ItI.noa.s 3a.la.nce par PÐ.ss Book ... J'arnnry 1. 194-6 fj.27 --", Add. IntareGt Uoooi ved Year 19116 - t 500.20 BalAnoosl{ Tr'OOS\U"ørts Records - Doo~ 31. ì J . - '-'" CaSh in Custody of !rrœauror - Decembar :51. 194,.6 Schedule 1 - Iv . 4;;461.51 uoa~'2R $ 975.71 .....--_.