Audit - 1943 THE FREE P"OBUC UBRARY OF THE CITY OF SALINA. KANSAS Salina. JCan8aa FDlANCIAL REPORT Covering 'the Period !'rom January 1. to Deoember 31. 1943. Inolusive 1DmŒDY A.HD OŒ Certified Public .&.oOOttDtant. 8al1Da - Iauu -'-'~-" -,,~~.~-~--.'~ THE FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY OF THE CITY OF SAUNA., KANSAS Salina, Kansas OFFICERS c. F. Pr8soott . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . President Mrs. B. B. Kos.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Vióe-president Henry H. Eberhardt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Treasurer Fred Stevenson. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Secretary BOARD OF DIRECTORa Mrs. J. R. Gel. Ed lIorgenatern Fra111c Bag 8f1D. IIrs. B. N. )(OS8S Car 1 Presoott fred. Swvenaon lire. Jtuth 1poh Ear 1 a. . oochnu'4 EXHIBl'l' f/ A." Schedule 1 EXHIBIT -." THE FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY OF '1"BE CITY OF SAUNA, XUlSAS Salina, Ianeu Df.DEX C~S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . STA'rEME:rr.t' OF RECEIPl'S, DISBURSEMENTS AND BAlANOES OF CASH - GEJŒRAL FTJ'lID. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cash in Custody or Treasurer. . . . . . . . . . . . . STAfEJa'IT OF RECEmS. DISB1JR.SEJŒft8 AID BAIA}f('ES OF CASE AJID IJIVIS TJŒITS - BART IErT P't11m . . . . . . . . Page" No. 1 to 4 6 6 '1 KENNEDY AND CaE Certified Publíc Accountants +- SALINA, KANSAS Septeaber 1. 19" To the Board of Directors, The Free Public Library ot the Clty ot Salina, Salina, Xanaas. Gentlemen. In accord.anoe wi'tb your instructiO118, an audit has been made ot the f1.na.ncial 'books and r..oris of !he Fr.. Public Li'braJ'7 otthe Oi't1 of ,SaliDa, ian8aa cover- 1Dg the period trom January 1, 'to December 11, 1943, ir1olulive. !he report of IUGh audit i. h~th nbrdtted. Copies of thi8 report have been eubm.ittedto the govenrl.Dg body or the City ot SaliDa. SCOPE Ol' A tJD .rr The audit.... performed in accordance with the general and 8;peoit'1o required pro- rtaiana of the Jlhlimura Standard Audit Program approval br the State Municipal Account1.ug Board as of November 21, 1915, and ..s revised Ootober 25, 1940. RECEIPTS. DISBURSEMENtS AND BAIANCES OF CASH AND UlVEStMEI'.I.'S 6TATEME1fT OJ' RECEIPTS, DISBURSEJÆftS AID BAIANCES OF CASH - GEIQAL FmID,E.xh1bit -A" . the operating reoeipt. and d!a'bun_crts ot the Pr.. Publio Library are cleared through it. £eneral tund. Exh1bi't -Aft retlects th4! l"8Ce1pi;. and dis- bursements duriDg the audit period and the b&1.e.noea a8 at the begirm~ug and 0lo8ing date. of that ,erlo4. !he Clty of 1a1tDa appropriated and. patel 100 the l1bra~r beaN a to.l of 814,0&.00 cluz-lDc the )'e&r 1M$ out ot 1the proo"cIa ot a 'tax JAv of .¡I"ail,JJ8 . 011 City or Sal!.llA taDcible pl"Opel't7. Dur1Dg the period ua4er auÜ:t;f:ll\tU1ijoar1-: rei"'" 'to the 11bra.r7 ~ t1Du. a8ber8b1p tee, 11.114 ~1a' 1si th. UIOUD:t of '",.81. ' , CASH II' CUSTODY OF TItEABV1ŒR, lohechaM 1. Vader thi, .oh.eèhl1e the aeural '-d,' Mnk ba1aDa." .. ooat1raed 'b7 'the _pottery, 18 NOouilect - 'the 'tnatUrV', ; ba1aue .. at D«teaber 11, 1MI. I Cuh reo01TH dvS.Dc the audit period troa the Cit,. of ¡au... '"~~.~. :";:~ ......ioatioaw1th the .i. ,.left. ~ reoe1Y4t4 ' troa- 'thel1~'<"'",~:'< o8llf.M'ft4 with hti.. 88O1'8D4Ia. . ,- -, . - . ,-.,-" 1JarraJat oheoka 1.su84 4ur1Jag the audit perloc1 'nre ~.~d12ed a. W II.\'81ter, papè, p8.78e .œor....-t, 81gDawz.e., and 'bank oanoellatiOd 8J1d were o0mpat"e4 with 'the 8Ø"ta1')"f. reoo'" 'ot warru.t oheob 18811e4. Wl1m. three except1-... -.lT8:Iit oheob bore the s1patv.. of the preài4b.'t. seoretary aad treuuruo. It .. DOtH tMt tiT. W1"I'aJ1ta e18ared 'tkrcnt&h. the baak without 814ors....-t. a~.",;;' , , ,'- ù vouchers were checked for 81gna'tures, jurat and approval. laght of 'th. olaim vouchen checked did not beer the signature ot the claimant. The statute. 10-802 G. S. 1916 require that olam vouchers be verlt1ed by attid.a,rlt of the claimant hcnrever, it was noted that several vouchers were incomplete in this respect and that the approval ot the librarlan. did not appear on several 1rouohers. Claim Touchers paid during the perlod were tes't checked with the e:raOU11t of the invoice attached thereto, and all olaim vouchers were comp&red with the amoun:ts of the warran't oheck. 18sued in payment thereof. The treasurer maintained BO record of disbursements as is requlred. under 12-12l! G. S. 1935. Compliance with Budget e.nd Cash Baais lawa. The following sta1i8flent showa e. com- parlaon of actual receipts, disbursements, and balances wlth J:'eoeipta, disburse- ment- N1d 'balance. &. .høwD.by the budget. Aotual Amo1.1111; Over or Under Per Budget Budget Be. lanoe - January l. 1943 Reo~;axatlon Other Reoeipta . l65.82 t . 16£ .82 'fotal 14,665.00 14,10«).00 555.00 961.61 665.00 412 .67 115, '788.49 t14.665.oo tl, l33.49 12,296.80 14.65~ 2,359.20 . 3,492.69 . 13,492.19 ea.sh Disburs81ØA'ta Caah Balanoe - 1'>eo_ber 31. 1943 Iad.btedJ1e.. created but DOt paid prior to »eo8l'ber 11,1943 49.'1$ - - 49.73 U:aenoua.'berid .ruat "1a.aoe - ~_'ber"l~ . "." j 1."J.96 "'~' T- ~.,..' " . --;" ".' "'"",,"""<~¡'ri':. Va4.r the ',rri1a1..:.t'~e'J;....h '.Il.ta.. (1O-11O1'bo,.tU2G.a~ '19.rc:¡l~{".,: _]awful toJlak.'pa)li_'ot".'.riî. .~ an < 1n4ebt"~ltåp.iDlt '&Ç'~'.tií',;.~} ...IOr--81 e.otu.lqOnhâa4 b.'tbe'tr_nl7 U im.orØ11; orth..t\i4ð..~;,;.: abov..ta.t--'t_- that .tÞ ~...h øu18 la.... JUJt"'ri.o~_4..;,:~;,::'",' Ua4er the pr0'ri.8l.ou of 'the 'b~et 1&. (19-1916 'to 1917 0.8. 19U) it 1. unla,r.. tal w -.It. pa~ .,fiftIt .tor ~o .reaw 8.'4 1J1d.btØu.lacaiDIt &DJ ha4A..,~~:,i ..'1 .r.... ~.,;'~~,¡.t....:tha1; t\m4'b;y 'the .~l~ft.fh..)t~l~'ii;' 8\&1;8MId; 811.... '--"act ~tv.. were _Þ 111...... or the 81IÒ'åatprcm.ül;j<: 1'or by the ""'.""'d.. '.. . .' ,,' " 80"'" '; l' lIxp~it... ~pa1;ed 1ft bu4get '14,666.00 x... --aã'ah 1'J1ebun_nts - Year 1M1 JAI. ... Ia4ebt.cID.e.. oreate4 ~ yeazo -"'2 ø.d paiel 4111'181; JMr J.Ha IJu'b-tobla . carrl... rO1"ftl'4 , . "'¡";;' 11.,816.\10 . '12,895.80 96.10 tU,IØI.IO ¡ r Sub..-totals Brought Forward Add - Indebtedne8. created year 194! - and unpaid... at Deoember 31, 1943 $12.199.10 114,655.00 49.1! Expendlture. - Year 1943 Excess of Budget over kpendl ture. 12,249.03 ~ ne amount ot the indebtedness created during the year 1943 'whloh was unpe.ld &8 at December 11. 1943."'" determined by examina't1on ot c laiJa Touohers pa,ld during January and February. 194-4. STATEWIT OF RECEIPTS, DISBURSEMENTS AJlD BAlANCES OF CASH AND INVESTMENTS, BART- IETT JI'UIfD,Ea:h1bit -8". 'fhe Bartlett Fund cone1s'll. ot the unexpended balanoe of 'the prooeecl8of' the £eta'" of' Jomde V. Bartàtt plus intereat received. on 'the 1nve8~t8 ot'the fund. !he receipts of'the Bartlett Fund durhsg the year lKl oons1øted ot 1nterøt on United State. Treuury Bonde in the pr1noipal amount of '2.000.00. .0 disbars__t. were me.4e trom thi8 f\md durlDg the par 1943. The balance of' the Bartlett Fund as at December 3l, 1943, cona1.teð. ot both ca8h and inTestmenta. Under the above øxh1bit the Bartlett Fund 'bank balance $.I con- firmed. by' the d.epoaltory 18 reconclled to 'the secretary' a 'balance 01 $1,226,10. A. written ocntimø.tion was o'bta1D.ecl trom the National Bank: clAm.rica. SaUna, lanaa., as to ita ous'tod,. ot United Sut.. !reaaury Bond. in the amount ot .2,000.00 represented by safekeeping receipt ':f4444 i.sued 'by the bank to Earl C. Woodward. Seoret&ry-Treaaurer, Publl0 Library. Mr. Woodward 1. no loD.ter an officer of' the library board. As at Decemher 11, 1943, the Bartlett Fund baDk aoco\U1t -- beiDg carried. \U\der the ne:m.e ot Fred SteTeneon, 'free,surer, Free Pub- lio Library, how'ft'er, Mr.lJ.tevenacm is secretary rather tluLn treuureZ' ot the 'board . RECEIPTS OF LIBRARIAI'. Piu8 are .-.eaaed by the library tor tailure to return 'boob within the time lWt, aeaberlhip tee. are oollened 1'rora rual 8ub.crib- Gr. 884 r_t..18 are ..11ec'tc4 tor the WI. of oertain book. o1A.s1.t184 ... pay ..11 boob. Aoo~wh... aonthlT reporta.1õh.e libtarianJ'e1tWd"U SUO)! .', reoeipt- 'to ishe Ubr&17~~ euh JaOIlth.. !he 0011801;1.- ~i.tth. ,11";.::.:: brUT &1"e -r41Dar!l7b, T.".~11..._t.. . aeoeipta ~e Met 1..üecltor~,'¡::~;: ,..11enl-."",.......rctU_1.J1ta.1t&e4 .r total ð.a1q .oUêot10D8.!h.U1lrtï.ri.la!;~~~~1 , acmthq.--.rie.'.t"'i~repôZ'ti811W.DOt in apMIL-twith ... ....t8'rid.\-:¡'.r~¡ t.4 to the llbr'U'1 trea8U1"er. ~e total radttueeø4ur1Dg the par..... .10.1.' '; in ex.e.. or 'the' aounta eol1ecrbed. .. .hOlm b;y'iJhe Ubrariata."e "pone. D8UJWICE AJJD PIŒLI'fY BOID8 . . . . . 8'f*17 .t~uc1t1..UV .... ""race u..t. J)ea~... .J..'~I.'~\,;~~~ .. tol1owai" ".' ..; .; ""', "è('\'¡:/ COT~ .~ " AmI. t.l Pr.ì- ~ Ioob ..... . r1xturea ....coat_. hi,." , ¡, . , . å1l~r'CaniM ',,--.rI. . n.re and Svppl.cw.l- Fi" &D4 8uppla._w.l* nzo. aU Suppl___l _11er Jxp1o81cra .21,500.00 11.000.00 1.000.00 8.00.00 . $9.00 'r1.11 18." i6.. '110"- Coverage Â1D.oun~ Annual Prem.ium Sub-tota 1 Brought Forward t170.29 Fide 11 t:( Bond B8J1J7 H. EDerhardt. Treasurer - ",000..00 20.00 Total ~ . 80:( Co-insurance A bond for the treasurer in an amount specified 'by the library board 18 required under the prQviaione of 12...1211 G.S. 1985, such 'bond 'to be approved by the Board or 01tyCOll8Ûas1oaera. The minutesot the l1'brary board date4 June 30, 1942.1 D.uthorlaed a bond in the UIOunt of k,ooo.oo 1IIhich 1. the UtOun't of the bcm.c1 previouaq posted by the 'treasurer. The treasurer' s bcmd 'WØ.8 approved 1?7/the Board of C1ty Oommissioners on JUne 28, lM$. '. ".. The fidelity bond of the treasurer -.s renewed. upon 1ta expiration by a co11'tinu- ..t1O11 oertifioate issued. by the surety oompeny. The ettect ot the continuation cert1t1oa.te i. to extend the period to which the amount of' the bond 18 app11- cable ancl doe. not provide the amount of oOTerage required by atatut. for eaob 'ter:m..  bond. ls required by statute and it 18 apparently intended 1¡hat a separate coverage of the full amount be provided tor eao11 term and we are of 'th. opinion that th1ø requirement cannot be aa.tlst1.d by a continuation certificate. G&mmAL the auditors were adv1øeâ that ao tormal .eetings were he1.d by the board of cl1reotor8 during the )'ear 1943. The board. of directors did not Jll8.ba annual report to the governing body of the 01107 of Salba ... "'\tired '\inder the pr0vi81cma o~ the etatute 12-1206 G. 8. 19$6. . CEJrr ¡PlCAD I ..nit)' that, ia - .pWon, aubjeot to the tOrttgo1a¡oCll1áent8. th.. 'no"'" 1ztg exhibit, aD4 re1at4td 8.4u18 retlect the t1Danoial OODd.1t1on-Ot .~.".. Public Library ot the Cl1:y of Salina. ~ua., u at ÐeoClÌber 11.1943, áBct ~ Nault ot its ~ration. tor the period troaa J8.nua17 1, to Deoe8ber al, lMI. ""pM1;tuU~' 11I'bad.ttÑ, ~~~~ C.P.A. Uoeue4 llwaiò1pal Publio Accountant, in ohars-or .u.ct&o'tinll ~ed thi. 8.u41't. . . . ".,' . . "---'0. ,--~~ THE FRFÆ PUBLIC LIBRARY OF THE CITY OF SAUNA, KAllSAS SaUna., Kansas Exhibit "Aft STATEMENT OF RECEIPTS ~ DIsBURsF.JfEnS MID - BAlANCF.s OF CASH - GENF.R.AL FUltD - From January 1, tc Deoezuber 31, 19"43 Treasurer'a Balanoe - January l. 1943 Reoelpts Appropriation boom City or Salina Fines, Memberships, Rentals and Sales or Books Total Reoeipts Diabursaents Salaries and Wages Henry H. Eberhardt - Treasurer ,. \If. Pe1;ty - Bookkeeper laVera Swedenburg - BooJckeeper Delia E. Brown - Librarian Alioe Miller - Assistant Librarlan 1Iartha Turtle - AS8istant Librarian Mr.. E" E. Porter - A.,81øtant Ubrar1an Anna Wakenhut - Ass18tant Librarian Alioe 018on - Chl1dren'a Librarian Ettie Campbe 11 - Museum Curator )Irs. L. B. Schuel'Jllan - Repair Depa.rtntent Alice Dow - 1'e.ñ-t1me help Jlildred Dole - Part-time help Mary Frances Dreese - Part-t1ae help Xirsten Grothau - Part-t1me help L. H. Buehre - Janitor Boob PerIod1oa18 11n4bc O,ttioe 8qppl1.. IU2.4 »ateJ"1a18 l\1el aa4 Jfeathag Light Water lIa1D.teJ1åD.Oe of BuildiDg and EquiplaeJlt U'b1"aJ"y Jfateru'l and Supplle8 ÃJ11tor ...ter1a1a 8.D4 Supplies ~e and Bond Pnatua APPl'Oprta'tIO11 to St. raith., Li'bZ"8U7 Au41tlDc Christmas GUt. )flsoellaneou8 'otal Disbur8__'t8 'reasurer's Jalaaoe - December 31. 1943 . 50.00 12 .50 12 .50 1,800.00 1,200.00 900.00 250.00 300.00 600.00 900.00 350.00 21.00 4.00 178.36 4.00 1.200.00 $ l65.( *14,655.00 961.67 15,622.6 115,788.4: t '.'18Z.1e 2.1B1.11 41'1.a 18I~"' .40iD 8'4.10 .8a.1I 11.'0 " .M 151..' 81.U a"'.71 a4.oo 86.00 90.00 14.00 . , - 12.296.80, ~¡i'j¡; , . ., ",...)5)* '.::¡ -',--~~", ~~'~, THE FREE PtJBUC UlmARY OF THE CITY OF SALIBA, KANSAS Salina, lan8aa CASH III CUSTODY OF TREASURER A8 8:t Deoember Il, 1941 Reooncll1ation of Bank Balance - General Fund - The latlOD8.1 Bank of Amenoa. Salina, lane... Balanoe per Bank Statement December 11, 1942 lAta. - Interest on Bond. ot Bartàtt Pund depoaite4 - to oredit of General Fund on Deoeaber 18, 1948, in error Add - Outstanding Dep08it ~brarlanf. December, 194Z, receipts deposited JanU8.17 ", lH4 Les. - Out8tanding Checks - Check Jio. Amøuu't Cheek Ro. AmOttDt T 2116 . 8.86 2868 . 26.00 2188 a.M 2860 2.00 2198 2.00 2861 4.25 lell "'.60 2862 4.1' 2810 1.18 2868 119.52 1812 I.eo IBM 6.86 ISK &.01 281& 1." 1811 .88 1..8 1.18 IIU I 10.00 188' a 1.71 aMI 10.00 1888 1.1& 1819 10.00 2869 '.50 1888 15."0 18'0 88.8' '-' .0.<&0 1811 1'.80 2886 82.90 28T1 98.60 I.~ ,IS.OO IITI 1.16 t8l7 11.1' 28'. 'l.ts ISTa 10.19 fotal Cheob. Ot1t8'tanctiJIg 1&1auoep.,. Book. - oeo_ber 81, 190 Schedule 1 '.,095.96 31.24 84,064.12 112.00 M.176.12 68&.08 ~ THE FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY OF THE CITY OF SAUNA, KANSAS Salina, Kan8u STATEY.ElfT OF RECEIPtS, DISBtJBSWElfTS ANtI BAIANCES OF CASH AID DlVESTMEN'rS .. BARTlETT .FUND From January I, to December !l, 1948 - Balance Janua.ry I, 1943 Recelpta Inter.at .. United State. Treasury Bondi Ba lance Deoember 8 l, 1948 Cash in Bank Investments $l,25? .34 _2,000.00 CASH AND I1fVEsnmNTS IN CUSTODY OF TREASURER - BAR'TI.E!'T Ft1!lD AI at Dee_bel" 31, iNs Cash in Bank Chectdng Account .. National Bank ot America, Salina, la.n8aa Balance per Bank Statement Deoember 81, 1941 Add .. Interest thdted State. treasury Bonds deposited --:¡-o credit ot General Fund - Døcember 18, 1941, in error. (trautemd 'to Bartlett Fund by bank in June. uu.. ) Lea. - awtltø.<Jhac Cà..., - , Ba1ano. per fr..urer' s aeoor4a Iaveø't1Ha'ts UniW 'stat.s t'rea81117 Bcmd8, dated Juzte 15, 1911, DwÞ June 16. 1M'. Interest rate I 1/8% per &m1-" IDtere.'t p&1a\ 1e 4ÑU, 16 . -.ad DeMa'ber 16 '01;&1 CUb and IJ:mÞs1øuzt't. in Cu8tod.y of Treasurer Exh1blt "B" .3,194.86 62."8 '3.~57 .M tl,226.10 81.14 ¡1,aS1 .M ... .1,251." 1,000.00 J!..!!1t.!! ., THE SALINA PUBLIC HEALTH NURSING ASSOCIATION Salina. Kansas I ~ FINANC IAL REPORT Covering the Period fr~ January 1, to December 31. 1943, Inolusive DNNEDY AND CŒ Certified Publio Aooountants Salina, Kansas THE SALINA PUBLIC HEALTH NURSING ASSOCIATION Sa Una. Kansas ~ OFFICERS Mrs. Ed Morgenstern. . . . . . . . . . . . . .P:r:-esident Mrs. L. 1. ShOemaker. . . . . . . . . . Vioe-PJresident Earl c. Woodward. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Treasurer lirs. Albert Frehse . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Se!oretary BOARD OF DIRECTORS Mrs. Charles Schwartz Mrs. L. L. Sh4)emaker Mrs. Lester Mudge Dr. E. G. Uanoung Mrs. Ralph Clark Mr.. Marion S:tanley Alex Miller Mrs. Albert Frehae Jfrs. E. M. Brown H. V. Party :Earl C. WoodW'Ard. Jfra. Ed Jlorge:o.stern Jfre. R. G. Sabin EXHIBIT -A" Schedule 1 THE SAUNA PUBUc HEAL:I'H NURSING ASSOCIATION Salina, Kansas IIIDEX C(Jß,{ENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . STATEMENT OF RECEIPTS. DISBURSEMENTS AND BAlANCES OF CASH. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cash ln Custody of Treasurer. . . . . . . . . . . . .. Page No. 1 to 2 3 4: ';¡; .,. "'. ~ KENNEDY AND CaE Certified Public Accountants ~-'--- SAUNA, KANSAS Augus-t 51, 1944 "' ~o -the Board of Direo-tors, The Salina Publio Heal-th Nursing As8ooia-tion, Saline., Kansas. Gen-t lemen 8 In ..ooordanoe with your 1""~ruoUon.. en .ud1~ has been ""de or i;he books and reoorda of 'rho Salina Publio Hee.lth ]fursiDg ABBooiation. Salina. 1!:ans". oover- ing 1:I>.e p.riod rr... Jan""ry 1. 1;0 Deo...ber 51. 1945. no1u.ivoo !he reporl; of such ."d11; 10 hor."i1;h o"bDI11;1;ed. Copiao of 1;1110 report hove been ."bmi1;1;ed 1;. -the governing body of -the ci-ty of Salina. The audit _s perrormed in a..ardeneewith the gene....1 and speeifi. ,required pra- vioi- of tho JI1n- Standard Audit Progl'8J8. apprond by the State lIunioipal Acoounting Board ..s of Jiov_bsr 21, 1935, and ..s revissd October 25, 1940. SCOPE OF AUDIT RECEIPtS, DISBURSw.Œ11TS AND BA.J.ANCES OF CASH S!A'fEIIØf OF RECEIPTS, DISBURSEIŒII!S AND BAIMICES OF CASH, Exh1 b 1 ~ . A. . Und. r 1;his .xhibi1; is presen1;ed a s1;O.1;_01; showing receip1;s and disburs-o1;s or 1;hs a..ooia1;ion dur1Dg 1;I1e audi1; period and 1;he ¡,a_e. of oash as 81; 1;I1e beginnin¡!; end 0 losing dates thereofe The Ci~ or 8eliD& approprated and paid a _lor $2.200.00 to the a88ooiation dur1Dg i;he year 1»4<$ in _1'" ..."..t;h~ 1n8~a1lm...~.. !he 8I8O\Dl~ recei...d by ~he assooia-tion ..... Terified by oommunice.-tion w1:th -the city olerk. Receipt- during the year 1943 £rea the Me1;ropol11;an Lite I...urence C_UY are .h..... in 1;1>0 _t or .1$1.25. which _t wa. oonfinaod by th. auditorS through corresp(¡)11dence 'Wi-th the inSurance coape.ny- I Di.bur.-nt;. of t;ho .....oclat;ion ch1rJ.ng t;h. year 1943 ar- clanLfied under 1;he ..boYe exhibit. the c1.ia¡,,¡ra-nta or the ..a..io.tion are _ðe by .hooks ara- by 1;h. public hoe.l1;h nur.. u4 .1gDe4 by i:h. i:reaeurer or 1;h. ....ooi..".... Can- oo11od oh OOD ... r 0 ....,.!.nod ... to po. yoo . po. 7"" oø4oro _t. bonk 0 """0110. tiOll and dgøaure. !he _0-1;. _re ._ered wi1öh 1;he 1;r....urer'. reo.rds of d1o1JurjSê;., " __a UJd wi1;l1 1;110 rooorcl8 of diabur....OI11;. ....in1;ainod by 1;110 pubUo hoa11;l1 ",,1"80. J:lcpenoU. wre' appl'OYOa in 1:110 m1J1u1;0. of .....-tinge of 1;11. board of air.." tor. _re ._red with ...""ta .f cheoka i..ued in po.""....t thereof; however ,..11 oxpond1i:ur" were no1; appr_d by the board 1n ~h1a _or. D1abur'-~' we"" ...1>iafa.1>orily .ub.1>O.a\;ia1>ed 1>7 inToi... and .1>0.1>,,-. .ubm11;ted 1>o1;heaudi1>or.. CASH IN CUSTODY OF TREASURER.. Sohedule 1. Under this sohedule bank balanoes.. as confirmed by the depository, are reoonoi1ed to the treasurer" s balance. INSURANCE AND FIDELITY BOlmS As at Deoember 3l, 1943.. the assoolation oarried publio liabiUty insuranoe 011 its automobile in the e:m.ount of $lO/20,OOO.OO.. property damage :Lnsurance in the e:m.ount of .5,000.00 and oomprehensive coverage. This insurance 'WaS carried with the Alliance Mutual Casualty Company, McPherson. Kansas, und~'r their policy .0. 46208, the annual premium on which amounted to t:n.7l. The polioy -was issued to the Public Health Nursing Association and/or Jünnette Peterscm. The auditors found no record of fidelity bonds in force on the public health nurse or on the treasurer of the as8ooiation. A bond on the treasurer was au't:horlzed by the minutes of the board of directors dated September 19, J,.938.' The auditors were advised that the bond has not been posted. AcC0UBT8 RECEIVABLE AND ACCOUN'l'S PAYABLE As at Deoember 31, 1943,therewas an item of 124.25 due to your as80oiation from the Metropolitan Life Insuranoe Company tor nursing services reIlldered during the month of Deoember.. 1943. The reoords of the assooiation indicate that expenses applioable to the year 1943 in the amount of 115.65 were unpaid as at Deoember 31, 1943. This amount was pald during the month of January.. 1944. GENERAL The appropriation from. the City of Salina. was made out of the prooeeds of a tax levy ln the amount of .0829 mills for the Publio Health Nursing Fund. CERTIFICATE I oertlfy that. in my opinion.. øubjeot to the toregoing comments, the accompany>- ing exhlbit and related schedule reflect the financial oonditlo:n ot The Publio Health Bursing Association. Salina, Kansas, a8 at Deoem.ber 31, 1943, andthe result of ita operatlons ~or theper10c1trœa January 1. 'to 'December .$1, 1943.' . , . ~¿~J C.P.A. Relpeotf'ul17 . u'bm1 t1; e4.. UOeJ1sedllw11oipal Public Aeoountan't. 1rco~rge Of . and actlveqengagedOr.t thb audit. . , r :1 I 1 I Ii .1 TEE SAUNA PUBLIC HEAIEH NURSING ASSOCIATION Sa Una, Kansas STATEMENT OF RECEIPTS, DISBURSEMENTS AND BALANCE~ OF CASH From January I, to December 31, 19~3 Treasurer's Balanoe - January 1, 1943 Receipts Appropriation tram City of Salina Nursing Service Fees Metropolitan Lite Insurance Company Saline County Tuberculosis Association Donations Interest on Savings Acoount Balance Chalr Rental Total Receipts Total Disbursements Salaries and Wages Minette Peterson, Public Health Nurse Melba Boyce, Otfice Assistant Mrs. Virgie Hargrave, Ottice Assistant Marion McCleary, Offioe Assistant Mary Marley, Oftice Assistant 1lab M. Wilson, Otfice Assistant Automobile Expense Gasoline, Oil and Repairs Insurance and License Garage Rent Ottloe Supplies and Expense Telephone Iaundr7 Drug8 and )(edloal Supplies .ational Publio Health Burslng A8sooia- tion Dues Annual Audlt IIi 1k for Children Sat. Deposlt Box Rental Misoellaneou8 I $1,740.00 212 .50 202.00 125.00 25.00 24.00 $ 152.05 27.71 36.00 total DisbUrsement. Treasurer's Balanoe - Deoember 3l, 1943 Cash ln Banks Cheoking Aooount Savings 4ooount $2,200.00 131.25 100.00 lO.oo :5.33 10.00 $2,328.50 2115 .76 '7.46 6().4:8 1:~ .63 :~ . '10 15.00 2().OO !~.15 :5.00 13.95 $ 501.19 508Æ Exhibit "A" $1,221.64 2,454.56 $3,682.22 2,612.23 $1.009.99 -'. ~"_.,- ..~~~.. THE SAUNA PUBLIC HEALTH NURSING ASSOCIATION Salina, Kansas CASH IN CUSTODY OF TREAsURER As at December ~1, 1943 Reconoiliation of Bank Balanoes Cheoking Account - Farmers National Bank, Salina, Kansas Balance per Bank &tatement - December 31, 1943 Less - Outstanding Checks - Number ~ount $50.00 5.04 879 881 Balanoe per Treasurer's Reoord - December 31, 1943 Savings Aocount - Farmers National Bank, Salina, Kansas Balanoe per Pass Book - January 1, 1943 Add - Interest Reoeived Year 1943 -- Balance ¡erfreasurert. Records - December 31, 19 3 Total Cash in Custody of Treasurer $5:56.83 55.04 -- $504.81 :¡.35 -- Schedule 1 # 501.79 508.20 *1.009.99 "'1,,11;"':; .r,itJ .'.', tt, ":1f~