Audit - 1942 --- ,- ~c- '--c- - - m____-. rIlE FREE PUBLI C LX BRARY OF THB GIn or SALINA. KANS1~ Salina, Kansas FINAN C Ii..L itEPO RT Covering the Period FrOQ January 1. to December 31.1942. Inclusive KEflmmy JJID OOB Oertified. ~11c Aocountants Sal1ne.-llU1s... ---,~-~~- .,- '"-'---~ THE FREE PUBLIC LIBIWtY OF THJ~ Cny OF SALINA, LUISAS Salina, Kansas ij ! I: I II Ii I I OFFICERS c. F. Prescott. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .President Mr.. H. B. ~8e8. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vice-President Hen~ H. Eberhardt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Treasurer Fred Stevenson. . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . .Sf>.l'"!r~ta.ry BOARD OF' DIRF'£TOHS Mrs. J. R. Oeis Ed }l( rßÐnstern Frank &.gem.an Mrs. H., }I. },{osee Car 1 Prescott Fred stevenson Jlrs. ..Ruth Lynoh Earl c. Woodwarc1 1Ir.. J. Bar 1 Wyatt ,,""'1' ;~;! ------ EXHIBIT "A" Schedule 1 EXHIBIT "nit \ \ '1'l1! FRF'.E PUBLIC LIBRARY OF THE CITY OF SALn:A. KAnSAS Salina. Kansas INDEX COMMENTS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . STATE!WlT 01<' RECEIPTS II DISBURSEMENTS Al'I1) Biù..iJHmS OF CASH. ... GENERAIJ FT.:lND. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cash in Custody of Treasurer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . STATE14Im'l' or RECEIPts. DISBURSEMENTS AND BALJ~WES OF CASH ARD IBVESTMEITTS ... BAal'LE1'T FUND . . . . . . . . . Page No. 1 to 5 6 1 e KENNEDY AND CaE Certified Public Accountants .. '----.. SALINA, KANSAS August 24. 1943 To the Board of Directors, The Free Public Library of the City of Salina, Salina. Kansas. Qentlemel In aooordanoe with Jour instruotiona, an audit has been made, of the finanoial books and records of The Free Publ1o Library of the Oity of Salina, Kan8as, covering the period trom January 1. to December 31, 1942, inclusive. the report of such audit is herewith subm.1tted. Copies of this report have been submitted to the governing body of the City of Salina. SCOPE OF AUDIT The audit was perforaed in accordance with the general and speoU'io required pro- visions of the M1niaum Standard Audit Prop-... approved by the state Munioipal Aooounting Board a8 ot ~ovember 21.1935, and as revised October 25,1940. RECEIPTS. DtSBURSEKDTS AND B.ALANOES OF CASH AND DlV8S~IŒn'S STATEMENT OF REO1~IPTS, DISlP.JRSEMEllTS AND BALANCES OF CASH - GENERAL FUlfD.Bxh1bit eA". The operating reoe1pt. end disbursements 01' th. Fre. P1i.tblio Library are cleared through its general fund. Exhibit ",A" refleota the 1reoeipts and 41s- burs_uta during the..ud1~.~ p~i()d and the balance. al ..t~;:I:).~1'IYI~~'rll.11d olos1.ng dates otthatperiod..;' " " ' ' '">. ,'.: the Oity ot 8al1Ì1.. ~pr~~teÌtm4:Pu4~to the librÅry bô~.' '~':~øt'Î\1.j:[:~t '11,600.00 4uringtheYeaI" 1142 out ot the proceed. of .. tax 1"y.ot~8ges 8111. on Oity otSal1D.a tan¡1bl. property. During the period under audit the librarian rend tted to the library trea.urtr rin.., -.berah1p r..1 and I"tlDt&1., in the lœOunt of '680.8'. . :::':1:::~'~ij!r .:~i~r';ô!i to#:d~. t~:o::;::l:o ~~:~~~!' balance aa at DeOember Sl,.~2~. - " ca8h received during the ai1c1it period troll the City 01' Salinll .... verU'ied by collUllWÚ.oation with the oiv.'~òlerk. ÂJROunt. røoeived from the librarian .ere ' ", ,.. . .. . . cOl1pared with her Jl8l11Oranda. I I -~,,-~-~ -'--~o~~~ .", ,~ fl .'.__..._o~-- ~-- 1'farrent oheoks 1 s8ued during the aud1 t period were examined aa 1;0 number, payee. payee endorsuumt. 81gna:tures, and bank cancellation and were compared with the seoretary'. record of warrant ohecks iuued. With .ix exoeption.., warrant oheaks bore the signatures of the president. secretary and treasurer. Cla.1.m vouchers were test checked for 8ignatures, jurat and approV"al. Three oJ: the 0 laim Touohers checked did not bear the signature of the olaimant Qfld pr1or to July 1, 1942, only a few cÜa.1m Touohers bore the affidavit of the claimant. Subsequent to July 11,1942. all claim Touohers bore the atfidavlt of the ola1-..nt. The statutos 10-802 O. S. 1935, require that olaim vouchers be v'arified by attl- davit of the olatBant. Claim Touoherl paid during the period. were test checked wi 1ïh the u.ount of the 1n.,oioe attached thereto. and all olabl vouohers were compared with the UIOunts of the warrant checks iuued in p&fJD8nt thereof. the trea.surer mainta.1ned no record. of disburs8lUlnt. as is required under 12-121& G. s. 1935. CoJÇlianoe with Buclget and Cash Bada La... rhe following ata.t...nt shows a oem- parlson at aotua1 reoe1.pte, ell.burs_cta, and balanoe. 1it'1th reeeipti. diabur.e- MDt. amd Daleoe. a. sham 'tJy the budget. Total ~UI1t 1()Yer or Ua4.,. Actual Per Budget. Budget . 119.56 . 1,005.29 .885.1& 11,500.00 11."64.11 45.29 6ðO.86 500.00 130.86 '12,260."1 t12,960.oo "09.69 12,084.89 12..960.00 875..'1 . 166.82 . 8165.82 Balance - January 1,1942 Reoe1ptø FrOJll Taxatlon Other Reo.1pt. Cash DlsDur8-.t. Oalh Balanoe .. Dee_er $1, 194.2 IndebteclD.els Oreatecl but not pa14 prior to I)-ember 31, 1NI 96.60 98..60 , 69.a2 J .' 69 .32 J ... A UnenoU8berecl hnd .1anoe - December 31, 1941 under the proT1.ion. or the oash ba.ia law (10-1101 to 1122 G.8. 19a5) lt i8 un- 1awtul to -.ke pa)"IØIlt of' QI" to oreate an 1nc1ebtednen against an)" tund in 8X.O..' of IfOney actually on hand in the trea.ury to the credit of the fund. the above statement show. that the cash basi. law was not violated. Under the provision. of the budget law (19-2956 to 2931 G. S. 1935) it is unlaw- ful to make payDlen't out of or to create an ind.ebtednoaa against any fmd in ex- oe.. of the amount pro.,ided for that fund by the annual budget. The following .tatement shows tha't no expenditures ""ere made in excess of' the amount provided for by the budget. ,c._''" - 2. ~ ".~.~..C"~~._.~~---~ ".-.~,.~_._--~~---_.,~-. ._.._.~"~"~-< -~ . ,,--,<~--<~'"~¡ - -~.~"~- ~ ~~,~ -- 0 -..~~"'-~~~o -~-o~~-~~ - -_.._-- ---- ----- - ---- n ----..--- Expendi~ur.a anticipated in bud~et $12,960.00 .....n] ! Leu -cash Dhbur8enumt. - Yoar 1942 Lou - Indebtedneu created during --year 1941 and paid during year 1942 $12.084.59 17.10 $12.066.89 Add - Indebtedaeu created Year 1942 --¡nd unpaid ... at Deo_ber 31, 1942 96.60 Expenditures - Year 1942 Ix.e.. ot Bud,et Over Bxpend11:ur.e 12,183.38 . 196.61 The amount of the indebtedne.. created during the year 1942 wbJ.oh was UDpa1d .. at Deoøber 31,1942, wa. detend.ne4 by exudnatlon oJ: olaim youohers paid d:wring January and february, 1943. SfA!na! OF REOIXP!8, DISBUR8mŒ.11!S AID JJA.LAtlCIS OF CASH AND DfVI81'IIBftS, BARf- LI1'1' FUID, Elthibit -BII. !he Jart1nt hw1 consiats of the unexpøde4 balanoe of the proceeds of the ..t..1:o ot Jeanie V. Bartlett plus inter.at received. on the in...e.tunts of the 1'\m4. the reoelpt. of the Bartlett Fund' during the year 194a oon81n84 ot úttere.t on United state. 'rrea8W7 Bon4, in the Pr1.n.olpål .....t -Or - .a,ooo.oo. Jio cU.awra8Unt. were _de trom tib.!. 1\u14 during -th. yMr 1942. The ba.lanoe of the Bartlett Fund .. at Deoeaber $1, 1942, conai':ste4 or both .... 8U14 avesta_te. Under the above exhib1t the Bartlett Fund bankbalanoe .e oon... t1ru4 by the depos1 tory ls rooono11e4 to the .80retaryt. ba1a,oe ot tl,lt'.le. A written ocmt1J....tion was obta.1D.ed trœa the .At1O1UÙ Bank ot -..10... 8&l1Da. lane..e A' to U;8 cUltody of Un1ted stat.s 1'rM.8Ury Bond, 118 th',aoat or '1,000.00 repre..te4 by eatek.epine 1"8..ipt ftt" i88\led b7 the bank to Barl o. W..4warcl, 8eoretary-fre&81U'er, Public L1brary. )fr. Woodward. 11 no J.oa.¡er IIJL o1'tio.. ot the Ubnry boarc1. A8 at ])eo-or 31, 194.2, the Barble1:t hIu1 BalIk Aooount .... bein& oarrle4 un4.. the nuw ot Fred st....enaon, r....aurer, l~ ~bUo U1mLry. how..... 1Ir. S1urt'8D.8On 18 leoretary rather thantreuver of the board . Jœ1BIPt8 OF LIB1WUAIf. Pine. ere ......,ed by the library tor ta11W'e to retvn boob w1th1n the t1.. lUdt, mea'ber8hlp te.. are collected tro. rural .ub.or1b- ... 8.D.d. rctale are oolleotecJ. tor tM use of oertain books o:l....1tle4... Pill' 8helt book.. Aooord.1aC to her ..thl)" reports, the librarian :r.s.tted aU auoh reoe1ptl to the library trea.v.. euh IIOnth. the oolleotlona mad. at the Ub- rary are ordinar117 in very -.11 UO1mts. aeoe1pt8 are not i88UO4 tor euh oo1180'tlcm,but . r80ord. 1. aa1ntdne4.t total da117 colleotiOl1a. The librar1a' a mo.nthl7 8V8ar1ea ot daily reporta were not in agreement with the amount8 røa1:t.- ted to the library trea.8\U"8r. '!'he total remittance. during the Jrear were .10.21 in exOOI. ot tho Ulounts collected. AI ,hown by the librarian' 8 reports. DlSURAJlOE AJlD FIDELI1'Y BO1lDS A IUJIIm8..ry of insurance and t'1del1ty bond coverage a8 at December 31. 1942. is a. tollows. -_C~--~-~,~~-~~"~~ ~ c_.~~,---~~~~~-~ 3. ---~""~. _.,"~,... -- _._~,.~~,,~-~,~,~~=- -~ ,-",~-".- .,~~,,~~. Annual IT 8IÛ \tJII. Ooveras¡e .AJDount pr~O~In8ured il ¡ Books and Fixtures *S8WIt Ocmtcts Boiler Fire and Supplemental. Fire and Suppleaen:tal. Fire md Bupp1_ental Boiler Expl081on $22.500.00 11,000.00 2,000.00 5,000.00 . 58.15 16.11 18.50 15.5B Fidelity Bond Henry H. SOerhardt Treaaurer 4,OOO.OJ 20.00 Total 8189.64 *6~ Co-1I11Nr8U10. Å bond tor the trea.urer 111 an aœount 8p801t'l.d 'by the library board 18 required under the provisions of 12-1211 G.e. 19as, 8uch boncl to be approTK by the Board ot clty ao.û.sion.rs. 'lhe a1nut.. ot the Ubru)" board dateci J\me 30, 1942, author1.'" a bœL4 in the UIOWlt ot M. 000.00 whioh 18 the ...-1> ot the boM previou.ly posted by the treaeurer, 1'he treaeur8r' I boncl was epproved. by the Board ot O1.ty co18d.aø1ozU!trl on June 28, 1943. " 1'he t1deUty bond. or the tre&eurer' wu r._e4 upon 1t. expf.n.t1cm by a. oont1nu- at~on o~1oat. 1"\led by the 8\U'e1Jy ooapu.y. the ett..t or the ocmt1l1uat1on o.rtltl.ate 1. to extcd the perlod to Wh1.oh the a8O\Ult et thebaa.d i. applicabl. and. doe. not provlcle the a.ount of oovera¡e requlreð. by statute tor eaoh tena. A. 'bond 18 requ1red 'b7 atatute und it i. appa,rently aten4- that a 8eparate coven,. ot the full UIOunt b. prOTid" tor eaoh tara anct we are ot 'bhø .0p1n1on that thi. req,ulreRClt cannot b. aà.tlltte4 by a continuation <lert1rloate. 081UtAL The lÛaute. at 1ahe board ot dtreotore tor the perlod. UQ.der IL\Id1~ were hulpeote4 tor 8&1rter. per't&1n1ng to the audit -.4 the a1.aute. appflat"ed to oontain IQ1 a4equate rMor4 or the prooeecU.a,. ot 1me board. uað.el' the provi8ion. ot the statute 12-1206 G~S. 1916. the board. of directors ot the 11broary are required to lI&ke an e.mmal report to the ¡oYern1ng body of,;bhe' oit)r on or before the l81:h dq of January or eaoh year, nat1D¡ the condition or their trust on the Iln ~ of Dec8ll1bc- of the year next preoed1ng, the various .URa or JlØDey reo ei Ted. frena the "Library Pua4", and rro. othei" source., and how IlU.ch aon81. have be. expended and tor what purpo8e.,ud oertain other .tatllt1o1 and 1ntonaat1on. .A. repol"b tor the year lUa was prepared but the au41tora nre a4rt.eð. that 1t ha4 not been 8uba1.tte4 to the Boud ot 01ty Oommi..lonera a. re- qulred ~ 8t&tut... CBR'l"IFICA1'R I oertU'y that, in ~ opinion, .ubject to the foregoing OOllBØ.ent8¡, the aoooçany- ing exhibit. and related 8ohedule reflect the financial oond11,lon of the Free .~. 4. --~~-~.-~~~ - '._"-'---~..'". ,..,~'~~~.,~---~,_.~-~,-.~".,'~-~ ~- --~~~~.-" _o~"- ---- Publio Library of the City of Salina, Kansas. as at December 31. 1942. and the re8ult of its operations for the period from January 1, to December 31, 1942. - II II I Respeotfully submitted, ~ <. ~// a.p.A. Liceneed MUnicipal ~~b11o Aocountant. in charge of and aotlvely engaged on thi8 aud1 t. o_-~-~.- _._-_.~.~.~,~---~~. .~" ~._>-~~"-"_...~-~~~ . 5. I ---~-,-_J ~.."-~~~.._- ",..~-..,~,-...~,..-------...~-..-- -- --- --~ ~----. .......-- ..~--- 'tH1 F1mE PUBLIC LIBRARY OF THE CITY OF 8ALDlA. ro¡SAS Salina. ltanla, STA'l'EJŒ1l1' OF REOEIPTS, DISBURSBIŒ!lTS AND BAÌ.ANCES or OASH - GBRiRAL PUlD From January I, to December 31, 1942 ì ~ ~ ! rreaaurer' I ~ I' Balanoe - Januarr 1,1942 Reoe1pts 0ityof Sali.na F1D.e.. Memberlhips, Rentals and Sales or Book. Total R8Ø.1pt. D18bru.888i1t. Salari.. and Wace. Bery H. Jlberhardt ... Trea8\U"er P. 1f." Petty -Bookkeeper Delia I. Brown ... Librarim .All.. tiller ... Assl11t8l1t Librarian Urllt- Grothau. ... A.d..tant L1brar1- Ifartha turtle ... "'sslatant Librarlan Mra. I. I. Porter ... Aaú.tant Librar1.en .AøDa Wak81hut ... A.,istat Librarian Loui,e rolit ... Ch1ldr...' a Librarian K1l4red Ahlnedt ... Cb11dr8l1'. Librarlm Bt'tie OaJIpbell ... ..eua Curator Marjorle I.IIOn ... Repair Depa.rta8l1t Vlol& Banker - Parl-tiu help L. JI. Du.ehFe ... "8I11t¡or Boob Perio41oal. B1Dct1zi¡ om.e Supplies aad. JIxp... Water Ileotricity Fuel - Ueat1n¡ Jrdnt--oe or Bu11cUng and Equipm_t Library .1IerWs and. Suppl1es Janitor Jla1:;..la1s an4 8uppl1.. Approprlatlons to St. Faith'. Library Audi tine Insurance and Bon4 Prndua. JI110 ellueou 8 . &0.00 26.00 1,808.00 1,208.00 120.00 680.00 92.60 66.00 110.00 26.00 905.00 aea .89 82.80 986.00 Total Diebursementa Trea.urer's Balanoe ... December 31,1942 ,...~,_..., "'....~...~. -~"'- $11,500.00 ~j.86 . 1,748.19 1,948.52 110.19 41.12 109." 62.15 2'Te:.4' 591.86 698.92 la1.QS 10.42 24.00 14.10 178.89 14.10 Exhibit "A" . 119.56 12,130.85 812,260.41 12.O84~.69 . 166.82 1 - ..-. "'" ~.,--~~~~C~=." ~~~-.. - ""c_<~. ~.. 6. ~~~~'C~'c-'.c-. ,~~~ ~-..----""- ---- ....-...._----....._--~_.--.._..--... . --..--- -.-. -. .. "" - .- fiIE FRTm PUBLIC LIBRARY OF nIB aITY OF SALINA. ItANSAS Salina, Kan.at 8checlule 1 OASH IN CUSTODY OF tmwroRn A8 at Deo.wer al, 1942 Reoonoil1ation of Bank Bal..e - a.zusz.a1 Fua4 !be lational"" of America, Salina, lAnaaa Balance per Bank stateaent December 31, 10.2 11,108.20 JA4 - Outstanding Depoaita --n.bzeariu." Deo8ber. 1942, receipt. c1epo81tec1 January 5, 1941 19.Ø Il,lB5.n tea. - Outetan41ng Oheoka - Oheck .0. .åIo\lllt Oheok 10. Auu:a.t 21N 2118 IQ8 gel 2ua aea Ilse aserl 2188 aael 2810 2111 al1a . a.60 '.40 1.00 '4.80 2..,a 60.00 80.00 68.00 '2.60 .a.60 10.00 11.00 4..60 21" 0'" 2811 life aa1' 2318 aa11 2UO 2181 2882 2381 1184 2886 . 2.00 10.81 18.86 168." 188.00 1.1a &T.A 80... 11.'4 a.18 8.8' '.n 9.06 fatal Oheob O\ata1lan41n15 1,Ole.el Balance per Book. Deoeaber 11, 1942 . 186.82 w "'~-----u_~,_.~~-~-~ ,..~,-~-~--~~..,- 1. ~--~~~~ ~.~..,..,~ - .-_o_~, ~ 0 "--_o.~ ~ ~-~,C>C~~~-~-' - '-~-~~' - -~~~~-----~~c- -~-'-- - THE FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY OF THE CITY OF SALINA. XA1rSAS Salina. Kansas 8'l'AfR)ŒHT OF ROOBIn~ DISBURSIDIXWt'SAlD JALAIe. OF OASH AID Df ftOØTS - BARtLEn' rmm Fro. January 1, to Deoaber 31, 1942 Balance January 1, 1942 Receipt. Inter..t - Unitecl hat.. 'fre.8U1')" Bomb .1811Oe Deo88bar 81, 1H2 Oaah in Bulk Inve8taent. 11,104.S, -!t.-~ CASH AID IBVU'l'.lŒB1'S IJj OUSTODY OF fRBAaUR1Œ - BARfLm J'tJIJ) A8 at Deo_ber al, 1942 Oaah in Bank Cb8ok1u¡ Acoount - Batlonal B8U1k of Aller1ca, Sal1u., Ña1..8 klUGe per Iuk Sta~t Deo88ber 81, 1942 Le.. - outatand1nC Oheok. - Balanoe per !rea8\lr"'. Reoont. Ia.....ta Un1ted Stat.. 1'rMaury 1Ðn48, Date4 .luna 18, 1931 Due June US, 1N9. %niJar..t rate a 1/8" per 8.DJ1UI1. intereat p8¥ab1e thane 18 and DeoeRber 16 !otal Oalh:and %ATe8'bact. 111 Cu.tody or rreanre:r '~-~'--~~ -~-~~ Exhibit "BIf t8,lS2.36 62.60 la,lt4.88 11.194.86 - 11,1""6 2,000.00 tI.1H.., ~. ':-~---' --, ---,. TIlE SJ¡.LINA PUBLIC HEALTH }.'URSING ASSOCIA1'IOlJ Salina, Kansas FINANCIAL R~~RT Covering the Period from Januury 1, to Deoember 31,1942, Inolusive KErO1EDY AJlD 001 Oert1fledPublioAccountcnta a..,-c.... - V'......... ,,- c_~~ - -- -,~-~ THE SALINA PUBLIC HEALTH NURsn;a ~~SOCIATION Salina, Kansas Ii ,I II II :1 01<'FICIRS Mr.. Lester ),fudge. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Pr8stdent Mrs. Ed Morgenstorn . . . . . . . . . . . Vioe-Pres:J.dent Earl C. Woodward. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Trea,IJurer Mrs. Albert Frehse. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Seorutb.rY BOARD OF DIRECTORS )(rs. Lester Mudge Mrs. L. L. Shoemaker Mrs. Ralph Clark Dr. E. G. GflJ:lO11Ilg Barl O. Woodward lira. Marion S~l.y Alex X111er lira. Albert Fr'e~tI )(ru. E. )I. Brown Uiu Otiroline Utowich IIrs. R. G. Sabin H. V. Party )Irs. Bd IIorgenstel'l'1 --=--~<---- , ZXHIBIl' "Aft Schedule 1 THE SALINA PUBLIC HF~.LTll JroRSING A~;SOCIATIOJ; Salina, KanSAS INDEX: CO10lENTS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . STAl'EW::JiT OF RECEIPTS. DISBtTRSmn.:liTS AIW fu4.l.J.~ CBS OF CASH AND Ih~T~S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cash and Investments in Custody of Treasurer. . . . . . P~ge :WOe 1 to 2 3 4 KENNEDY AND .. Certified Public Accountònts CaE SALINA, KANSAS August 24, 1943 to the Board of Direotors. The Salina Public Health Bureing Association, Se.lina, Kmeas. Gentlemen s In accordance with your in8truotiona, an audit he.s been made of the books and records of' The Salin. Public Health Bursing A88ooiation, Salina, Kansas, Cover- ing the period from January 1, to Dec8lßber 31. 1942. inolusbe. The report of such a.udit is herewith subDdtted. Copies of this report M:V-O been submitted to the governing body of the City of Sa.l1na.. SCOPE OF AUDIl' The audit was perforD1ed in 8.OoordlU1ce with the general and spoci:fio required pro- visiou& of the KinimUill standard Audit Program,. approved by the state Uunioipal Aooounting Board as of Bov_ber 21. 1935, and as revised Ootclber 25, 1940. RECEIPTS. DISBURSEMENTS .AND .BALANCES OF CASH AND Im"ES'l'ilmrl'S STATEMENT OF REOEIPTS. DISBURSBNEJrTS, AND BALANCES OF CASH IJW INVESl'lŒJlTS. Ex- hibit "Alt. Under this exhibit ls presented a statement showing receipts and die- burs8IIlent. or the association during the audit period and the balanoee of ca.sh and investments as at the beginning and olo8ing dates' thereof. The City of Salina appropriated and paid a total of .2,200.00 to T.he &&8ooiation during the year 1942 in twelve JIIOnthly installments. The amo1mt received by the a.sociation was verifiect by coDlD1W1icatlon with the ci-tr o~erk,. Receipts during the )'ear 19.2 1'roa the Jletropol1 tan L1feIneuranoe 001lpaD1' are 8hown in the UIO\tI.1t of' tlU.50, which 8.1IIOuntwa. oontlraec!lby:the auditor,8 through oorre8pon4enoe w1th the in.uranoe /oO.lllp8Z1y. ~ D1sbur.eDteD.ts ot the .a8oo1a.tion dur1n¡ the ;year 1942 are olas81fied under the ahoy. exhibit. 1'he cUabur.eaents of the as.ooiation are made by oheoks drawn by the public heal~ nW-8e and ø191ed by the treaeurer of the &uoole.tion. Csn- oelled oheoka were exe.m1ned aa to payee, payee endor...ent,ban:tc oanoellation and: .i¡uature.1'he amounts were oompared With the treasurer' a record.ot disburae- 88r.lts IU1d with the reeord. of .'. di.bura..ta Jàå1nta1ned by 'thepÙblio Ji.lth . aurae. 1xp81d.1tures epprove4 in the miJ;l.ut.. ot ..etin,. of the board ot cUr.c- tore were oompared with UtOunt8 of oheoka 1..ued in p&)'Jltènt thereo~lhów.Yer, aIr expenditure. were not approvect by the board in this BWmer. ])labuna81l1enta wtt"ê satiataetoril;y aubatutiatect by invoices ad atateaents submitted to the auditor'.. CASH ØD IJ1VES'J.'1ŒIlTS III CUSTODY OF fUASUlŒR. Schedule 1, Underth1.s. aqhedule bank balance., IUI confirmed by the depo81tor;y, are reconciled to the treaeurèr'a ."-~O~'O,~~ "~"- -, balance. The bãlanoe of $41.21 due the asÐoci_tion on Segregated Assets Certifi- oate #816 issued by the Homestead Building and Loan Association, Salina, Kansas, wall oolleoted and deposited on October 9, 1942. INSURANCE AND FIDELITY BONDS As at Deoember 31,1942. the as8ociation carried public liability insurance on ita automobile in the anl0unt of $10/20,000.00, property dø.mage insurance in the amount of $5,000.00 a.n.d comprehensive coverage. '!'his insurance was carried with the AlUanoe Mutual Casualty Company. MoPherson, Kansas, under their policy No. 41640, the e.nnual premiwn on which amounted to $24.93. The policy was iuued to the Public Health Nursing Assooiation and/or Minnette Peterson. ~le auditors found no record of fidelity bonds in force on the public health nurse or on the treasurer 01: the 8.88oo1ation. A bond on the treasurer Wf\.S authorized by the minutes of the board of directors dated September 19, 1938. The ...uditora were advised that the bond has not been posted. AOCOUNTS RECEIVABLE AND ACCOUNTS PAYABLE As at December 51, 1942. there ~a8 an item of $5.00 due to your association from the Metropolitan Life Insuranoe Company for nursu¡g services rendered during the month of Deoember, 1942. The records of the association indicate that expenses applicable to the year 1942 in the &.mOunt of $3.76 were unpaid as at December 31, 1942. This amount was paid during the month of' January, 1943. GENERAL The appropriation f'rom the City of' Salina was nmde out of the p,roceeds of a tax levy in the amount of .0695 mills for the ~bl1c Health Nursing; Fund. CERTIFICATE I oertlty th...t. in my opinion. subject to the toregoing comment;s, the accompany. ing exh1blt and related. 8ohec1ul. reflect the f1.nanc1al condition of The Publio Health Jur.ing A88oo1at1on, SaUna. Jeen.as, as at December 31, 1942, and the result of lte operatlOJla tor the p.e:t1o(\ tl'tm Jmuaq 1, to Dee_ber 31, 1942. Respeotfully submi tt~ed. ~/~, C.P.A. Lioensed. Munioipal t'ubl1c Acoountant, in charge of and actively engaged on this audit. ~'~-<~,~,< -, THE SilLINA PUBLIC HEALTH NURSING ASSOCL'LTIO]g Salina. Kansas Exhibit "An STA'fEAlENT OF RECEIPTS. DISBURSEMENTS AND BALANCES OF CASH AND INVESTMEN1'S Fro~ January 1. to Deoember ~l. 1942 Trea.$urer'e Balanoe - January 1.1942 Reoeipts Appropriation trom City ot Salina Jursing Sèrvioe Fees Ketropolit¡w Lite InsurtåD.oe Company Donations Interest .on Savings Aooount Balanoe MIsoellaneous Reoeipts $2..4100.00 134.50 25.00 4.98 21.00 -- Total Reoeipts rotal Disbursements Salaries and \'V'ages M1nnette Peterson, Publio Health Nurse Automobile Expense Ga80line,_~~¡ end Repairs Insuranoe and Lioense Garage Rent Office Supplies and EXpense relephone Laundry Drugs and Medic..l Supplies a..t1onal Publio Health aursing A.s'n. Dues ADnual Aud1 t JI11k tor Cbilctren Sat. Depo.;lt Box Rental Jl18oell8D~ous $1.6S:0.00 #105.13 30.93 36.00 112.66 :B.7l 5;8 . 68 1:5 .16 14.92 15.00 20.00 8.00 æí.OO 2$1.96 Total Disburs"8I1ts rrea8UJ"'" 8 1a1anoe - DecAber 31, 1942 ee.lh in Bank. Cheek1n& Acoount Sanng. Acoount . 122.77 504.81 # 856.25 2.385.48 $3,241.13 /: ",- 2,014.09 '-} .1,221.64 THE SALINA PUBLIC HEALTH taTRSING ASSOCIATION Salina, Kansas CASH .AND INVESTMENTS IN CUSTODY OF TREASUReR As at Deoember ~l. 1942 Cash in Bank Reoonoiliation of Bank Balanoes Cheoking Aooount - Farmers National Bank. Salina, lean 8as Balmoe per Bank statement - December 31. 1942 Leu - Outstanding Checks - Number 193 794 Balmoe per Treasurer's Reoord - Deoember :n, 1942 Savings Aooount - Farmers 5ationa.l Bank. Salina, Kansas Balanoe per Pass Book - January 1. 1942 Add - Interest Reoeived Year 1942 Balanoe ~er Treasurer's Reoords - Deoember 31, 19 ~ . Total Cash in Bank Investments rota1 each and Investments in Custody of t"easurer Amount $ 5.04 1.63 lansas ~j735.44 12.61 ~49D"fj9 4.98 . 41.21 41.21 Sohedu Ie 1 . 722.17 504.87 .1,221.64 , , 11.227.64 .~/.