04-24-1997 Minutes HOUSING AUTHORITY OF SALINA REGULAR BOARD MEETING Thursday, April 24, 1997 469 South 5th 4:00 P.M. The Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners 01: the Housing Authority was called to order by Past-ChairDlan Paul Morse. The following were present when roll was called: MEMBERS Rita Cooper Lavina Worth Paul Morse Andy stierwalt Darcie M. Rose OTHERS Executive Director Bookkeeper Past-Chairman Morse called the meeting to order, he asked for approval of the minutes from the March 20, 1997 Regular Board Meeting. Ms. Cooper so moved; Ms. Worth seconded; motion passed. After discussion, Mr. Morse asked for approval of the monthly bills. Ms. Cooper so moved; Ms. Worth seconded; motion passed. Mr. Stierwalt reported that we are still having a poor response from people who have come to the top of OUJ~ waiting lists. However, there were 14 lease-ups last in Public Housin9. In the new development, there are some unresolved 1ssues being handled. We did howevE~r release $65,000.00 to the Contractors, but have still withheld $20,000.00 until all issues are handled appropriately. month still New trees are being planted at the new sites. Grass is being planted also. A new maintenance man is starting the first of next week, the growth of the landscapin9 ~1ill be that individual's primary focus. Mr. Stierwalt w1ll be meeting with Chip Miller at the Huehl site to discuss more landscaping oJ¡>tions. Mr. Miller is with the Kansas State Extension Off1ce. Mr. Stierwalt will also be meeting with Mike Peterson of Permits and InsJ¡>ections. This is because the contractors had "moved a bu1lding" on hazel Court. However, thE~ architect did reJ¡>ort that he had submitted new plans with the "moved build1ng" to the City. The determination will be reported to the Board. Kansas NAHRO proved to be very informative for all staff members who attended. Andy had the opportunity to be a Facilitator for one of the PHMAP speakers. She alsc::> happens to be the person who grading our PHMAP which has not yet been completed. The CIAP application has not been completed yet either as HUD has not yet released the:! new format and regulations for the applications. This ,,¡ill be completed as soon as it is handed down to us. Amon9 roofs and siding on the application, was also a request f4::>r an addition for our Osage Court garage. wi ththe larg4~r garage it would clear out the 9arage at 469 S. 5th, thus leav1ng room for office expans10n. This proved to be the most cost effective way to do so. This concluded the Secretary's Report. with vice-Chair Robb Walker's resignation, a new Vice-Chair needed to be elected. Ms. Worth nominated Rita Cooper. Mr. Morse seconded. All were in favor. It was also announced that Monte Shadwick had been appointed to the Board by the mayor. He was unable to attend this ml~eting. Mr. Stierwalt reported that the estimated write-offs this Fiscal Year would be around $15,000.00. This is dule to the large number of move-outs that left extreme damage 'to the properties. Some tenants also had legal fees for evictions. It was mentioned that in 1988, $30,000.00 had been written off. Also, since there are more units, the idea of more write-offs is likely. Mr. Stierwalt then reported to the Board that next year the employer's share of KPERS would increase form 2.63% to 2.78%. It was also officially announced that the 1998 Fall Kansas NAHRO convention would be held here in Salina. Mr. Stierwalt would like to see our agency host a Kansas NAHRO convention every 2 years. Mr. Stierwalt also had the opportunity to assist with passing of a law that eliminated our agencr from having to pay interest on Security Deposits. Th1S w111 be effective July 1, 1997. Old contracts will be phased out over the next year and half. Currently, we are the only "landlords" required to pay interest. ~. ~~th no other business, the meeting "";.;/ G7W~ Q £-- r Rita Cooper, Vice Chair Andy was adjourned. ~ Stierwalt, Secretary