01-18-1995 Minutes
Wednesday, January 18, 1995
469 South 5th
4:00 P.M.
The scheduled regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners
of the Housing Authorit¥ was called to order by Chairman
.paul Morse. The follow~ng were present when roll was
Paul Morse
Vernie Stillings
Larry Edwards
Richard Worth
James Lee
Cheryl Muller
Sheila Norris
Executive Director
Assistant Director
Evelyn Maxwell
City Commissioner
After Mr. Morse called the meeting to order, Mr. Worth made
the motion that the Minutes from the December 15, 1994
Regular Meeting be accepted as printed. Mr. Lee seconded
the motion. The motion passed.
There was a brief discussion on the bills. Mr. Edwards
moved that the bills be accepted as paid. Mr. Lee
seconded. All were in favor.
Ms. Muller ~ave a report on the occupancy of the programs.
Public Bous~ng vacancies are down but Section 8 is up.
People with certificates and vouchers are having a very
difficult time locating acceptable housing. .
There was a brief discussion about advertising again that
applications are being accepted. Not as many people as
expected have applied.
Ms. Muller reported that she had checked on the interest
rates of the bank accounts and the only account that would
benefit from being moved would be the Bomeownership
There was a brief discussion of the development project.
Ms. Muller reported that Don Marrs, the architect, would
like to advertise for bids early. The board disagrleed.
All agreed that inviting Mr. Marrs to the next meeting
would be a good idea.
The lead based paint abatement has been completed, Jt-1s.
Muller reported. The total cost came in under budg1et.
She also reported that the Housing Authority was going to
have to pay the unemplorment claim on Roy Gray. Af't.er
appealing the first dec~sion, the claim has been approved.
Resolution No. 268 was approved for an Operating Budget
revision. Ms. Muller reported going over budget fo:r:
materials in maintenance with onl¥ half of the year
complete, and that the liability ~nsurance for the Housing
Authority had come in higher than expected. Mr. Eœ~ards
moved to adopted the resolution and Mr. Stillings s4:!conded.
All members voted aye.
Resolution No. 269 was approved for revising the CIAP
Budget. It was discovered after a training session that
some of the funding in one account should have been placed
in another account to more accurately depict the wo:r:k done
in the project. Mr. Stillings moved and Mr. Edwards
seconded that the resolution be adopted. All members voted
Meeting adjourned.