7.3 Rplt Golden Acres Add CITY OF SALINA REQUEST FOR CITY COMMISSION ACTION DATE TIME 11/23/98 4:00 P.M. AGENDA SECTION: ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: APPROVED FOR NO. AGENDA: 7 PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT ITEM ROY DUDARK NO. 3 BY: /f~ BY:~r"I,'~L ~ Item Application #P98-7A, filed by Frieda Mai, requesting final approval of a replat of a portion of the Golden Acres Addition. The subject property contains 110 acres and is located at the northeast comer of Ohio & Pacific in Saline County. Information A plat of the Golden Acres Addition was approved by Saline County in 1916. The Golden Acres Addition covers 1/2 mile north to south and 1/2 mile east to west and is bordered by Ohio Street on the west, the Golden Belt Highway (Old Highway 40) on the south and the City's flood protection levee on the north. This subdivision currently consists of 29 tracts or lots and an internal public street (Golden Street) that has never been built. Only scattered development has occurred on this 132 acre addition primarily on Tracts 1-5 in the NW comer adjacent to Ohio. The applicant has purchased 110 acres of this addition for the purpose of constructing a 170,500 sq. ft. steel galvanizing plant. The facility would consist of a 1200 ft. long building designed to allow the hot dip galvanizing of large pieces of structural steel and a 7,500 sq. ft. accessory office building. The proposed use is permitted in the County's IH (Heavy Industrial) zoning district which is generally equivalent to the City's I-3 district. The applicant is now requesting final approval of a replat of Tracts 6-13 and 15-29 of the original Golden Acres Addition. The applicant has submitted this proposed replat in order to eliminate interior lot lines and easements, vacate Golden Street and put together a large, single building site. Annexation of this property has also been requested in order to allow the site to receive full municipal utilities and services. Utility line extensions, drainage and street access to the site were addressed during the preliminary plat stage. Staff Comments · The applicant is proposing to consolidate 23 existing platted tracts into a single lot for their facility. The resulting lot is "L" shaped with 1575 ft. of frontage on Ohio. The plant facility would be located in the central portion of the site and the southwest portion of the lot near the Ohio-Pacific intersection would be left open for facility expansion or future development. The location of the proposed detention basin has moved from north of the plant site to east of the plant site. CITY OF SALINA REQUEST FOR CITY COMMISSION ACTION DATE TIME 11/23/98 4:00 P.M. AGENDA SECTION: ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: APPROVED FOR NO. AGENDA: PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT ITEM ROY DUDARK NO. Page 2 BY: BY: · The final plat shows 60 fi. of right-of-way being dedicated for the east half of Ohio Street and 60 fi. of right-of-way for the north half of Pacific Avenue/Old Highway 40. Restricted access markings are shown along the entire plat frontage except for 60 ft. driveway opening on Ohio leading to a truck loading and unloading area. The road right-of-way for Ohio Street and Old Highway 40 is not being annexed into the city as part of this request. Annexation of these roadways will be considered separately in the future in consultation with Saline County. · The applicant is proposing to construct a stormwater detention pond east of the galvanizing plant. Discharge from the pond would be pumped off-site via a force main storm sewer pipe to an existing 24" storm sewer at the corner of Ohio & Pacific. · The applicant is requesting a waiver of the Subdivision Regulation requirement that final plats be drawn at a scale no smaller than 1" = 100'. The final plat submitted by the applicant's surveyor is drawn at a scale of 1" -- 200'. Because the platted area covers over 100 acres and there is only one lot and very few internal lines (lot lines, easements, etc.), staff is supportive of this request which allows the plat to be placed on a single 24" x 36" sheet. Planning Commission Action The Planning Commission initially considered this final plat at its October 20, 1998 meeting. Consideration of the plat was tabled to November 3rd to allow additional time for the final dimensions and detention pond easement to be established. The Planning Commission reviewed and considered this plat on November 3, 1998. Following presentation of the staff report and comments from the applicant, the Planning Commission voted to approve this proposed replat of the Golden Acres Addition subject to the following conditions: 1. The City Engineer shall approve the final pond design plans for the stormwater detention pond prior to issuance of a building permit. 2. The applicant shall obtain a letter from the Fire Chief approving the fire protection plan for this proposed development prior to issuance of a building permit for this site. 3. The applicant shall obtain a letter from the County Engineer approving the location and design of the proposed rail spur crossing on Old Highway 40 prior to issuance of a building permit for this site. 4. The applicant shall submit a revised final plat drawing containing all notes and technical corrections prior to City Commission consideration of the plat. CITY OF SALINA REQUEST FOR CITY COMMISSION ACTION DATE TIME 11/23/98 4:00 P.M. AGENDA SECTION: ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: APPROVED FOR NO. AGENDA: PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT ITEM ROY DUDARK NO. Page 3 BY: BY: City Commission Action The needed corrections and additions have been made to the final plat drawing and this plat is ready for City Commission consideration. If the City Commission concurs with the action of the Planning Commission a motion should be made to authorize the Mayor to sign the plat and accept the proposed easement and right-of-way dedications. The City would not be accepting maintenance responsibility of Ohio Street or Old Highway 40 by virtue of those plat dedications. Encl: Application Vicinity Map Final Plat Excerpt of 11/3/98 PC Minutes cc: Ken Wasserman Herb Monroe Application No. #P98-7A DateFiled September 25, 1998 InitialDeposit $]1~.C~C) PreI. Plat Approval Date g~pl-~mher 1; 1998 ReceiptNo. qf_.(:>O~ 2(::)C)4::) Ownership List Attached Yes Accepted by DA APPLICATION FOR FINAL SUBDIVISION APPROVAL 1. Subdivision Name Golden Acres Replat of Tracts 6-13 and 15-29 2. Subdivision Location(general) Northeast corner of Ohio and Pacific streets 3. Land Area(sq. ft. and/oracres) 110 acres 4. Number of Lots Proposed One 5. Present Zoning Heavy Industrial Use Heavy Industrial 6. Pending Zoning (if any) Proposed Use. 7. Please explain any provisions of conditional preliminary plat approval and your compliance with those provisions (attach additional sheets if necessary) Drain'a~e study has been revised. See attached. 8. If any changes have occurred between the approved preliminary and this final plat, other than those required by the Planning Commission, please explain the nature of these changes N/A 9. Explain any waivers of the subdivision regulations granted with the preliminary plat or requested with this application N/A 10. Applicant Frieda Mai Address 3308 s. Holmes Rd., Salina, Kansas Phone_ (785) 827-3638 11. PropertY Owner Frieda Mai Address 3308 S. Holmes Rd., Salina; Kansas Phone (785) 827=3638 Central Plains Engineering & E, nvironmental Consultants; and 12. Engineer or Surveyor Landmark Surveyinq & Mappinq 2035 E. Iron, Suite 224, Salina, KanSas; and (785) 823-0097 Address 301 N. Broadway St., Abilene, Kansas Phone (785) 263-2625 13. Authorized Representative Kenneth W. Wasserman Address 215 s. Santa Fe, Salina, Kansas Phone (785) 827-3646 I hereby agree to comply with the Subdivision Regulations of the City of Salina, Kansas, and all other pertinent ordinances of the City of Salina and statutes of the State of Kansas. In addition, it is agreed that all costs of recording the plat and su~ntal documents thereto with the Register of Deeds shall be assumed and paid by the owner ¢¢~al~licant.~ _ Applicant's Signature Date. WHITE -- PLANNING CANARY -- CITY CLERK PINK -- APPLICANT (REV. 12181)  APPLICATION #P98-7/7A FILED BY FRIEDA MAI AG AG AG REQUE ST AREA AG IH IL ~~ i 1 Inch = 700 Feet A-PLUS GALVANIZING LLC MINUTES SALINA CITY PLANNING COMMISSION -. CITY COMMISSION ROOM NOVEMBER 3, 1998 4:00 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: Davidson, McDowell, Pemey, Thompson, Umphrey and Weiner MEMBERS ABSENT: Hass, Hedges and Morse DEPARTMENT STAFF: Andrew, Dudark, O'Leary and Fisher Acting Chairman Thompson called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. #1. The minutes of October 20, 1998 were approved as presented. #2. Application #P98-7A, filed by Frieda Mai, requesting final approval of a replat of a portion of the Golden Acres Addition. The subject property contains 110 acres and " is located at the northeast comer of Ohio & Pacific in Saline County. Tabled on ,, October 20, 1998. Mr. Dudark gave their staff report and stated this item was on your last agenda and was postponed so that the engineers could work with the City Engineer and get more information on their drainage report and their pond design and the resultant drainage easement for that detention pond. That has now been done. The City : Engineer has reviewed their information, their data and computations, and is in agreement with that. On the screen is the final plat. Over to the far east side of the property is where that drainage detention pond would be. There would be a pump in that pond and it would discharge the water with a private force main down to a manhole near Ohio and Pacific. The other parts of the final plat are similar to what : you saw on the preliminary plat. We have the one entrance road coming off of Ohio Street into the property. If there are any additional entrances needed in the future, they would then propose those and they would be reviewed by the City Engineer. We have additional dedication of right-of-way on Ohio and Old Highway 40 in case there was any future need to widen those roadways. There are utility easements for KPL to serve this with their gas and electricity and so forth. They have asked for one exception to our subdivision regulations the plat they turned in is at a scale of one inch to two hundred feet rather than one to one hundred. And this is because of the land area involved. There are over 100 acres here, we are in agreement with that request so it can be on one drawing. It is not a complicated drawing so it is not as though we have several lots to try to sort through and see the detail on. So our recommendation is to approve the replat of this property and there are four conditions there and those are pretty standard but I would be happy to elaborate if you have questions. Mr. Thompson asked are there any questions of staff?. Hearing none we will open it up to a representative of Frieda Mai, please state your name and address for the record. Ken Wasserman, 215 S. Santa Fe. I represent the applicant. We have been working on this for some time now and have worked with staff and been back and forth on numerous occasions and I think we have reached the point where all the I's are dotted and the T's are crossed and we simply ask that you consider staff's recommendation to favorably approve this. Mr. Mai could not be here today but if you have any questions I will attempt to answer them. Mr. Thompson asked are there any questions of applicant's representative? Hearing none are there any comments from member~ of the public? Hearing none I will bring it back to the Commission. Salina Planning Commission November 3, 1998 Page 2 MOTION: Mr. Umphrey moved to approve Application #P98-7A including the four conditions recommended by staff on page two. SECOND: Mrs. Weiner seconded the motion. Mr. Perney asked do we have to do something to specifically mention the waiver of the subdivision regulation? Mr. Dudark stated it will be in the minutes and I don't think it will be necessary really, we have mentioned it. VOTE: Motion carried 6-0. #3. Application #P98-3A, filed by David Tillberg, Michael Murray and Cheryl Tillberg Murray and Dan Meinhardt and Tim Howison dba Golden Eagle Estates, Inc. requesting approval of a final plat of the River Trail Addition a 138 lot subdivision of a 55.52 acre tract located in the SE 1/4 of Sec. 30, T14S, R2W of the 6th P.M. in Saline County, Kansas (North side of Magnolia Road west of the flood control levee). Continued from October 20, 1998. Mr. Dudark stated rather than going into the staff report if you would want to hear from the applicant at this time. '%'"'-~.~ John Heline, 239 N. Santa Fe. Just a Couple of comments as you look items ~-. that staff has listed, you will find that those have basically all been care of '~-... with the exception of submitting one item. However, on of this past '% week we received information from the City Staff indicating had changed '?he~r criteria for the layout of the drainage pond that had been approved. CC.,sequently we have not had time to make those ustments. What it boilS" ~own to, the engineer that was working as I understand it, I wasn't a~t-.'.~he meeting, was given the go ahead to with the freeboard area or the servme ¢.a ~n the back lots. And this apparently was satisfactory unu%last Wednesday. report from the City Staff saying that wouldn't be s~factory and ht foot area on each side of the ponding area would be requii&'..~to be put detention area. We simply have not had time to redraft those area~, so we are going to ask that this be tabled until the next meeting. Mr. Thompson asked e there anyh..,estions of the applicant's representative? Mr. McDo hat ~s worked out;.,s everything else ~n your op~mon ready Mr stated it is in our opinion, if we don't g%~ a change in rules again next wl~(k we will be ok, because the ~tems that are hsted hay all been taken care of and is would have been taken if had time~?nd the rules not been care we adequate ~ changed. It was my understanding ~n reading the m~nutes of h,a prewous meeting ~ that that particular drainage area was not a consideration because.~os~ things had ~ already been met, but due to that change that City Staff had recomm,~ ded we had no choice but to go back and do some reconfigurat~on. Mr' Perney aske~ what_ lime frame were Y°U willing t° g° with? Mr. He inl e stated I believe the next meeting didn't you say Mr. Dudark is the first