07-28-1998 Minutes SALINA TREE ADVISORY BOARD Regular Meeting Ju.Re 28, 1998 J~Ji Members Present: Susie Marietta, Dan Fiorillo, Jeanette Mikinski, Don Deatherage, Shannon Rayl, and GillY Britt. The minutes were approved as written, The foresuy report touched on topics such as dead u'ee removal and u'ee watering. The cost share program is a third spent with hopes for a good fall. Steve also reported that the u'ee nurselY is in good shape and will have a nice crop ready for this fall. The old business dealt with the landscape award reviews again. After much discussion, it was decided to look at the sites aQain and nillTOW it down to two sites. ...' The new business was to review the current expression of interest letters in search for replacements for Don and Susie. Since the closing date to receive the letters is not closed until the end of the month, we wIll have to meet 111 August to make the selectIOns. Also, we have picked October 4 tor our picnic at Indian Rock Lodge.