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Budget - 2017
2017 Annual Budget2017 Annual Budget2017 Annual Budget2017 Annual Budget Adopted by the Governing Body Adopted by the Governing Body Adopted by the Governing Body Adopted by the Governing Body August 15, 2016August 15, 2016August 15, 2016August 15, 2016 2 Mission Statement The mission of the City of Salina is to be a leader among ansas ies by leeraging artnershis and eonomi oortunity to ensure a safe, rogressie and healt hy ommunity that resets its natural resoures, offer s exellent muniial series, and roides a high q uality of life for its iens 3 Table of Contents Mission Statement 2 Table of Contents 3 History…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………5 Statement of Management Values………………………………………………………………………………6 Statement of rganiaonal Values…………………………………………………………………………… Shared Vision Statement……………………………………………………………………………………………8 Strategi Goals…………………………………………………………………………………………………………10 rganiaonal Chart 15 xeue Summary 16 City Profile 25 Budget Proess 29 Budget Calendar/Finanial Poliies Summary 30 Comutaon of Tax ey 31 All Funds Summary: Reenue 32 ey Reenues 33 All Funds Summary: xense 34 Fund Balane Comarison 35 General Fund 3 Reenue 38 xenditures 43 City Commission 44 City Manager 46 Risk Management 48 egal Series 49 Muniial Court 50 Human Resoures 52 Community Relaons 54 Finane Administraon 56 Comuter Tehnology 58 Polie Deartment 60 Fire Deartment 62 Publi Works 6 Parks Rereaon 2 Smoky Hill Museum 88 4 Table of Contents, cont. Community Deeloment Series 92 Ageny Contrats 94 Caital utlay 95 Interfund Transfers 96 Seial Funds 9 Arts Humanies 98 Sales Tax Funds 101 Business Imroement Distrit 103 Tourism and Conenon 104 Neighborhood Park Deeloment 105 Seial Parks Seial Alohol 10 Debt Serie 10 Seial Highway 108 Bientennial Center 109 Health Insurane Workers Comensaon Fun ds 110 Central Garage 111 Sanitaon 113 Solid Waste 115 Golf 11 Prorietary Funds 121 Water Wastewater Fund 122 Water Wastewater Fund Reen ues 123 Water Customer Aounng 124 lies Administraon 125 Water eraons 126 Water Distribuon 128 Wastewater eraons 129 Wastewater Colleon 130 Water Wastewater Caital u tlay 131 Glossary 132 Aendix A: State Budget Forms 135 Aendix B: Proerty Tax Informaon 159 Aendix C: City Indebtedness 163 Aendix D City Finanial Poliies 16 5 Founded on Aril 22, 1858 under the Town and Village A t in the State of ansas, and inororated in 1859, Salina beame a it y of the third lass Noember 21, 180; seond lass, tober 11, 188 and first lass July 9, 1920 Salina has had a ommission-ity manager form of goe rnment sine 1921 The ommission, omrised of fie members eleted at la rge, selets one member eah year to sere as mayor The goerning body is resonsible for determining oliy, and the ity manager is resonsib le for the administraon of the muniiality Aointed by the goerning body, the ity manager ats as the hief exeue and rimary agent The City of Salina is omrised of 14 deartments: Ar ts and Humanies, City Manager's ffie, Finane, Comuter Tehnology, Communi ty and Deelo- ment Series, Community Relaons, Fire, Human Resour es, Muniial Court, Parks and Rereaon, Polie, Publi Works, li es The deartments work together to sere the needs of Salina's iens, a nd they aim to be the best erforming muniiality in ansas History 6 Statement of Management Values City of Salina STATEMENT OF MANAGEMENT VALUES Salina is a ity that blends the best of tradional alues from its ast with a rogressie sirit toward its future As managers for the City of Sali na, we are roud to sere all of its iens in maintaining and enhaning the high quality of life whih harateries our ity In erforming our dues toward this end, the following set of managem ent alues desribes our hilosohy and guides our aons: WE VALUE OUR COMMITMENT TO CITIZENS We beliee that our iens exet and desere the best ossible ubli series We strie to meet those exetaons with fairness, effeeness, effiieny, onfidene and ride WE VALUE COMMITMENT TO EXCELLENCE We strie for exellene in the deliery of ubli series We beliee that rogressieness, ometeny and a determinaon to do the ob right are key ingredients in ahieing exellene WE VALUE OUR RESPONSIBILITY AS LEADERS We are ommied to exerising resonsible leadershi to aain and exress the goals and alues of the ommunity Suh leaders hi requires the ability to set well-defined goals and to ommuniate the met hods by whih those goals are ahieed The exerise of leadershi also means resonding to the needs and ideas of our many onstuenies as those goals are formulated WE VALUE OUR EMPLOYEES We reognie that the most signifiant resoure aai lable to our ity goernment is its emloyees ur emloyees are ent led to a suore work enironment that enourages exellene and ro fessional and ersonal growth WE VALUE EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION We are ommied to maintaining andid, oen ommuni aon among ity staff, eleted offiials and the general ubli Suh an on-going roess is ital to a healthy, rogressie and trusng atude within our muniial organiaon and the ommunity WE VALUE PROFESSIONAL ETHICS We affirm that ersonal integrity harateried by ho nesty, omassion, fairness and onfidenality is the basis for our day -to-day ondut We require the highest ethial standards not only of o urseles but of our emloyees and olleagues -340,Ap7,19 7 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS Statnt of Oaniaonal Val W Value Professional Ethics, which includes: o Honesty o Compassion o Fairness o Conenaity o Reiabiity o Stewarship of resources o Respecuness o Non-iscriminatory behavior o Professionaism an persona courtesy We Value our oitent to iens throuh ustoer erice, which includes: o Courteous interacon with the pubic o Prie an ownership o Prorams that aress cien nees o A sense of urency an responsiveness o A service-oriente approach to patrons o Listenin as we as hearin We Value a oitent to Excellence, which includes: o An abiity to see the bi picture o A sense of prie o A commitment to empoyee knowee o Empoyee professionaism o Accountabiity o Teamwork o Protecon of heath safety an pubic wefare o A wiinness to embrace chane o A commitment to oraniaona oas o Cear communicaon It is our coitent to uphold these core alues to the hihest deree possible while represenn the it of alina in carrin out our unicipal dues as public serants s a result, these alues for the basis for our interac ons with the eneral public, with other aencies and with each other econied b the it oission in esoluon o -6384, pril 9, 2 Statement of Organizational Values 8 Shared Vision Statement SHARED VISION STATEMENT FOR OUR COMMUNITY qff qk -- ff fff k flk HR k k-/-ff -f f j k f f qff f K/OkPk f ff f q- 9 f qf f qf f f fl f :f - ff-ff / k f f ffi fk kfff f k- ff Shared Vision Statement 10 Strategic Goals STRATEGIC GOALS FOR OUR COMMUNITY -738thBarfCi irth8thafFrar20. GOAL #1: THE CITY WILL CREATE A COMMUNITY OF MIXED-USE, QUALITY DEVELOPMENT AND REDEVELOPMENT. • ’C P • Cffw PC CC CP • ww ’ • ’ • Ex- wk-x- • ff- x- • • x w • -ff • w • x- • Ex- • Cww w- • F • F“-” w • FwP Cw kCP P CC 11 GOAL #2: THE CITY WILL CREATE A UNIFORMLY MANAGED AND MASTER PLANNED KENWOOD PARK / OAKDALE PARK DESTINATION AREA FEATURING RECREATION, TOURISM, ENTERTAINMENT, HOTEL LODGING, SURROUNDING MIXED-USE DEVELOPMENT, GREEN SPACE AND A DIRECT LINKAGE TO DOWNTOWN. • O • • C-B C ’ GOAL #3: THE CITY WILL PROVIDE THE HIGHEST QUALITY OF SERVICES, CONSISTENT WITH GOVERNING BODY DIRECTION, AVAILABLE RESOURCES AND STAFF COMMITMENT TO QUALITY. • C xw • ff w“”“”w kw • FwwC E O • “k” • EwkCC • CCw w w x • • C wC • w • F Strategic Goals 12 Strategic Goals • C Cw w • E • • CP CP • w w w • “” wC • wk ff wff GOAL #4: THE CITY WILL MAINTAIN GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT POLICIES THAT ARE UPDATED TO REFLECT CURRENT CONDITIONS AND DESIRED GROWTH DIRECTION. • x ww CP • w’x • w’x • wwC w ww- -ww • ww • Ew • Pw- 13 • Cw wCP “C” • Ew w GOAL #5: THE CITY WILL MAINTAIN A COMMITMENT TO MAKING DOWNTOWN SALINA A VIBRANT ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL CENTER OF THE COMMUNITY. • EBCCC wk ww • E ww • Cww k • “kwwF”w -w GOAL #6: THE CITY WILL WORK TO MAKE SALINA A CITY THAT HAS CONNECTIVITY PHYSICALLY AND SOCIALLY. • Cwwk ’ • Pk w kw wk wF • P • F • C ffff - C’C P • k Strategic Goals 14 Strategic Goals GOAL #7: THE CITY WILL RECOGNIZE THE IMPORTANCE OF A HEALTHY COMMUNITY AND ITS NATURAL RESOURCES, AND WILL MAKE PRACTICAL EFFORTS TO PRESERVE THEM. • Cw-w • wk • Ew • kwPF w w • ffwk wF FP - kflw flw w kkw Pk • ffwx k wflw w • C w wF ff w 15 Organizational Chart POOC 3 4 5 F-E 45 43 473 P-E 4 FE 479 475 483 P 473 478 477 8 495 7 475 48 16 Executive Summary 5 CC CK CwC CExOC CC KK -4 CFP wk CC 7B Cffwk w ff w-wF C’O “”- -k “-” ww wff CCw- w- w x x 7w w3x w 8x 7xw wC xwfl Cff x F x xx w --W “”w w 17 Executive Summary BUDGET HIGHLIGHTS 7B w xwwk -8435-- 7B- 4 w3 7Bx $5 $89 $7- 7 xFF -w x Fw7 $4833 Fx $495979ff $535Fw kw- $5 Cx fl73 Cx w xx xww wx -Kw ’ O 7w$ x$37 x - xw $7k 75xw 4x wwffO BUDGET OVERVIEW P k F -w F7 w OP P xx 18 Executive Summary 7B flx CCw CC - x flx F - w x KEY FINANCIAL POINTS Px x73 3ww x w Fx $4 3$59 73 w 45 Fw F 995B Fw73 584- x x x xw w-- 5W-w w7 3 x C’x4 3 75O xw x- 9x O$35 KwC x$37 19 Executive Summary 4 Ex 7Bx x$89- x w flx 5 FB C’- 39 F x flw -- 3 Fw$5 $3x CBFP- 5 FOFO w7 w $5w O w F7Fw w w- wxw w Fwww- wxw Eww x B W WwF $35- $4 20 Executive Summary B OB– F7wx O- 7ww - C www - – 7wk w C CP- ff - O B– Cwwkw B wwff w UPDATES TO THE COMPREHENSIVE FEE SCHEDULE FOR 2017 FC w flw3 k- CC wx xO wB CBB BC C FPk w“Pk PP” CC Fw ww --w x 21 Executive Summary CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS 2017 Proposed Capital Improvement Program (CIP) – Major Projects The 2016-2020 CIP includes the following projects for 2017: WFw $4 wCCwk 8 CCw 55’ w w 9’Ow 9’OE- x 3 $w OF FEx kBk5-9C P $5wx w4“”w-7 -35P$3w x WFwW Ww w w xw wE $3wKE Other Capital Project items included in the 2017 Budget include: PxF $ wk EPC - x w- wk 7$37$ 75x F-C PCPw 7ww C- xw- wCC 22 Executive Summary Operang Capital C w- O “w” CC w w FF7F $w C w x7 $8- $5 F PkF7$94 k w x W Ww W Ww F w $5 $7- $ Reserve Funds w - - wK w “” w Fw fl99 fl ff flC x - P Fx EPEw EP - EP Ww P $3 W WwOF $ 23 Executive Summary WWwF - 5w $7B - $7 WCFw 3P 5w$ GENERAL PERSONNEL ISSUES PP– ww $7 4 3 – 7 5 37 w 3– 7-C 475w- x35 85--5- -- Fw -8 435-FE AGENCY CONTRACTS AND GRANTS CF w- C Cww OCCKOCCK w C 24 Executive Summary CONCLUSION wff W - x W xxW xff ff Wwwk w7w ffk- w w w ’ xO C’PC - PCC ff- w C’ffw wkff- -CC wkff fl E ff ffw - w O ww ff wff- 7B www C 25 City Profile Locaon and Sie CK K w5CB4777 CCw 5CB 559 w 735C KKCKWK 7595w wwC - x3 Government CC-C 9C- -E C C B wO C B C - Populaon C CBw5 CB C’35 ww C CB U.S. Census Year Bureau Populaon 5 4777 4 4787 3 4784 479 479 26 City Profile Educaonal Facilies C 35 ww C739 - ww C C - KwP Kansas State University at Salina. The University offers a variety of two- and four-year aviaon and teh- nology degree programs. Areas of emphasis inlude ivil, eletrial and mehanial engineering tehno lo- gies, aeronaual studies, and avionis. The ampu s is loated enrely within the oundaries of the a- lina Airport Industrial Center. Approximately 1,000 students are urrently enrolled in the shool. Kansas Wesleyan University. Kansas Wesleyan University was founded in 1886 and is loated within the City. Currently, Kansas Wesleyan maintains an enrollment of approximately 850 students, the majority from Kansas and surrounding states. The shool, a sed on a lieral arts foundaon, offers more than major programs, inluding graduate studies. venin g degree ompleon programs for adults are also availale. Kansas Wesleyan is a memer of the Asso iated Colleges of Central Kansas, a onsorum of s ix aademi instuons within 0 miles of the Universi ty through whih students may enroll in ourses and ulie resoures. In addion to I-0 and I-135, U-81 and U-40 also interset alina. everal freight ompanies provid e motor freight servie in alina with diret and on neng shedules to all ies in the United tates. us servie is availale at regular intervals during ea h day in all direons. Union ai gives the City rail servie in four di reons out of the City and provides daily paage-ar servie in and out of alina. There are approximat ely 8 daily freights stopping in the City. xisng termi- nals have adequate apaity to handle present and g reatly inreased future apaity. Approximately 30 miles of storage tras are availale. The City is served y the alina Regional Airport o ffering daily flights to Denver. 27 City Profile The City is served y alina Regional Health Center (“RHC”), a 394-ed (3 staffed) regional faility . RHC is an aute are faility for the diagnosis an d treatment of all types of diseases and ondions, and inludes a aner treatment enter and two medial oe uildings. The instuon is also a 50 partner in a separate surgial hospital adjaent to the As ury ampus of RHC. everal other failies providi ng mental health servies, ounseling, and alohol and drug dependeny treatment programs are loated in the City. Four ans are headquartered in the City and report ed omined deposits in exess of $518 million as o f Deemer 31, 015. A savings an has a ranh oe in the City. There are several redit unions avail a- le in the ity. (oure: Kansas an Diretory) The Issuer paripates in the Kansas uli mploye es Rerement ystem (“KR”) estalished in 196, as an instrumentality of the tate, pursuant to K..A. 4-4901 et seq., to provide rerement and relat ed enets to puli employees in Kansas. KR is go verned y a oard of trustees onsisng of nine mem - ers, inluding four memers appointed y the over nor sujet to onrmaon y the tate enate, one appointed y the resident of the enate, one a ppointed y the peaer of the House of Representa- ves, two eleted y memers and rerees of the re rement system, whih must e memers of suh system, and the tate Treasurer. Memers of the o ard of trustees serve four year terms and elet a hairperson annually. The oard of trustees appoin ts an xeuve Diretor to serve as the managing oer of KR and employs a staff of approximately 95 people. As of Deemer 31, 014, KR serves over 95,000 memers and approximately 1,500 paripang employers, inluding the tate, shool distrits, ounes, ies, puli liraries, hospitals and othe r gov- ernmental units. KR administers the following t hree statewide, dened enet rerement plans for puli employees: (a) Kansas uli mployees Rerement ystem () Kansas olie and Firemens Rerement ystem a nd () Kansas Rerement ystem for udges. These three plans are separate and disnt with diff erent memership groups, atuarial assumpons, ex- periene, ontriuon rates and enet opons. The Kansas uli mployees Rerement ystem is the largest of the three plans, aounng for more than 95 of the memers. (group of pre-196 oard and University of Kansas Hospital Authority employees nown as the “TIAA roup”), speial memers of the Loal roup. 28 City Profile CONOMCNOMAONCONCNNGCY The City of alina enets from its loaon at the junon of Interstate Highways 0 and 135. This o n- venient loaon has drawn numerous naonal and regi onal ompanies to open manufaturing or distri- uon enters in or adjaent to the City. uh om panies inlude hwans loal upply Chain, In., alina ortex, eoroe, ergamp, Kasa Industrial Controls, remier neumas, reat lains Manu- faturing, KM teel, Crestwood Cainets, Mhares, In., epsi Cola, lDorado us, xide aery, Ad- vane Auto arts Distriuon Center, and hilips Li ghng. Currently, manufaturing, retail trade, and servie industries ran as the three primary employ ers in the City. No single industry is dominant. The government setor and wholesale trade industries ma e up the seond er of alina employers. The City serves as a 4-ounty regional trade ente r for north entral Kansas. Many individuals and usi- nesses within a 0-mile radius travel to the City t o purhase onsumer goods and servies. This desig na- on as a regional trade enter is supported y the fat that the City had the third highest “trade pul l fa- tor” of all Kansas rst lass ies in 01 aordi ng to Kansas tate University. City trade pull fa tor is omputed y dividing the per apita sales tax of a ity y the statewide per apita sales tax. aline County is loated in the enter of one of th e most produve agriultural areas in the United tates. In 01, 64 farms were loated on 364,468 ares. Farm rops were valued at over $84 million harvested on 15,40 ares. Cale and mil produe d was valued at over $4 million. alina is a ity entered more on industry than agr iulture. Currently, there are approximately 100 m an- ufaturing and proessing ompanies loated in the City. The City, aline County, the Chamer of Com- mere, and the alina Airport Authority have develo ped several eonomi inenves whih an e offered as induements to opening industrial faili es. These inlude property tax aatement for asi industry, the waiving of uilding permit and inspe on fees, refunding of sales tax paid on mahinery and equipment, and providing training for employees through the alina Area Tehnial College and the Kansas tate University at alina. Addionally, a “uild-to-suit-tenant” agreement is availale on si tes in the Airport Industrial Center that an provide 100 naning for land and uilding osts. everal major ommerial projets are urrently und er onstruon in alina. Dillon Companies, In., a susidiary of Kroger Company, reently ompleted an d opened a ,000 square foot faility. Dis porng oods opened a faility formerly oupied y utherland Lumer Company. The loaon is shared with a Marshalls lothing store. In addion , several new restaurants have opened, inluding l - ive arden, Longhorn teahouse, tarus and Tao ell. Daimaru steahouse douled in sie at a new loaon. Unied hool Distrit No. 305 reent ly reeived voter approval for and issued $110,00,000 of general oligaon onds to fund a w ide variety of improvements. The ommunity has 1,00 ares of industrial sites a vailale in North alina, the outh Industrial Dist rit, and the Airport Industrial Center. ites range in sie from 1-to 40 ares, and are availale for avi aon, manufaturing, and distriuon and warehouse usine sses. 29 Budget Process ah August, the City Commission adopts an annual udget whih serves as the primary poliy doument for City operaons over the ourse of the following year. The sarity of resoures and stewardship of puli funds maes the udget proess vital to gove rnment operaons. In addion to the input of i- ens, Commission memers and staff, the annual udge t is reated in an environment governed y tate law, enerally Aepted Aounng riniples (AA) and City poliy. SS tatutes of the tate of Kansas govern the operang udget proess. Three primary statutes must e o- served in the annual udget proess: the udget Law , the Cash asis Law and the Det Limit Law. asis of the muniipal udgeng proess are outlin ed in the udget Law—KA 9-95, et seq. peially, those statutes require that ies: • repare annual, itemied udgets. • resent the udget no later than August 1. • Do not udget onngeny amounts greater than 10 pe rent of udgeted expenditures. • Do not udget fund alanes (for appliale funds) of more than 5 perent of expenditures. • rovide noe of a puli hearing no less than 10 d ays prior to the hearing. • rovide the adopted udget to the County Cler y A ugust 5th. The tates Cash asis Law is outlined in K..A. 10 -1101 et seq. whih inludes the following: • No ity an reate an indetedness greater than the funds in the itys treasury. • A ity an issue “no fund warrants” y a resoluon of the governing ody delaring an extraordinary emergeny. The Det Limit Law is ontained in K..A. 10-308 et seq. These statutes limit the total det of a ity to no more than 30 perent of the assessed valuaon of th e ity. A Kansas legally requires a modied, arual asis of aounng. In the Modied Arual asis, revenues are not reognied unl reeived and are availale to use for expenditures. xpenditures are reognie d when the a liaility is inurred. Modied Arual asis differs from a Cash asis system where transa- ons are reorded only when monies hange hands. The Modied Arual method is similar to the regist ry of a he oo, where transaons are reorded when hes are wrien, whether they are immediatel y ashed or not. Inoming revenues are only re- orded when they are reeived and availale for expe nditures. This approah prevents the City from over - spending resoures. The asis of udgeng is the sa me as the asis of aounng used in the Citys au- dited nanial statements. C udgets for loal governments are a plan for spendi ng, ut spending is legally limited to approved amounts. The City annot spend more than is udgete d for eah fund. If more is needed, a udget adjustment, or amendment, must e approved. A udget amendment must e approved through the same steps as the original ud get adopon. 30 Budget Calendar C udget preparaon is a onnuous proess. udgets are adopted in the middle of one alendar year for implementaon in the next year. Formal disussions aout the udget egin no later than Marh of eah year and onlude with the adopon of the udget in August. The City of alina has adopted nanial poliies th at estalish the guidelines for the following areas: • Aounng, Auding, Finanial Reporng • Capital Improvement rogram • Cash Management • Det Management • Fund alane • Investment of City funds • perang udget • Revenues vAxD. 01 udget Calendar Marh-April City Manager and Finane Diretor disuss udget priories outloo May Department Heads dra 016 revision and 01 udget requests May-une Finane Diretor, City Manager and Department Heads disuss udget needs for 01 uly 18th City Commission tudy ession: Review Transportaon request. uly 5th City Commission tudy ession: Review onomi Development program requests. City Commission Meeng: Approve the udget, sets the puli hearing and authories puliaon. August 1st City Commission tudy ession: Review pay plan, fees, and apital improvement. August 8th City Commission tudy ession: Review Issues and pons. City Commission meeng: First u- li Hearing held. August 15th City Commission Meeng: eond uli Hearing and Adopon of 01 udget. August 1th Ceraon forms for 01 udget are led with the aline County Cler. une 6th City Commission tudy ession: taff present 01 udget outloo uly 11th City Commission tudy ession: taff present 01 udget outloo alling for no mill levy inrease. 31 Mill Levy Comparison 2016 2017 BUDGETED FUND LEVY LEVY REVENUE 2017 General $8,232,607 $9,129,492 $9,129,492 Bond and Interest $3,037,407 $2,486,420 $2,486,420 ----------------- ------ -------------------- --- -------------------- --- Total $11,270,014 $11,615,912 $11,615,912 ========== ==== =========== === =========== === Total Mills Levied 27.311 27.311 Assessed Valuation $416,174,80 5 $425,319,904 Total Growth in Assessed Value $9,145,099 Percent Growth 2.20% Growth Rate Attributable to New Development 0.78% Growth Rate Attributable to increase in value of existing property 1.56% County Clerk Tax Delinquency Rate 0.820% Assessment Delinquency 0.660% Valuation and Tax Growth Detail Valuation Taxes Tax Growth Growth from New Improvements $3,247,311 $88,687 0.79% Growth From Added Territory $0 $0 0.00% Growth in Personal Property ($610,906) ($16,684) -0.15% Growth on Base Property $6,508,694 $177,759 1.58% Total Growth $9,145,099 $249,762 2.22% 32 Revenue Summary 33 Key Revenues 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Actual 2016 Revised 2017 Budget Property Taxes General Fund $ 8,029,981 $ 8,288,875 $ 8,256,081 $ 8,409,944 $ 9,254,492 Bond and Interest Fund $ 2,361,271 $ 2,578,095 $ 2,765,813 $ 3,092,407 $ 2,541,420 Total Property Taxes $ 10,391,252 $ 10,866,970 $ 11,021,894 $ 11,502,351 $11,795,912 Vehicle Taxes General Fund $ 918,280 $ 962,452 $ 1,002,014 $ 953,439 $ 991,987 Bond and Interest $ 279,234 $ 282,567 $ 311,602 $ 320,345 $ 365,992 Total Vehicle Tax $ 1,197,514 $ 1,245,019 $ 1,313,616 $ 1,273,784 $ 1,357,979 Sales Taxes General Fund $ 12,259,556 $ 12,688,980 $ 12,957,191 $ 12,525,000 $12,830,000 Sales Capital Improvement Fund $ 4,209,889 $ 4,461,053 $ 4,558,035 $ 4,636,536 $ 8,693,505 Total Sales Taxes $ 16,469,445 $ 17,150,033 $ 17,515,226 $ 17,161,536 $21,523,505 Franchise Fees General Fund $ 5,123,629 $ 5,611,678 $ 5,748,765 $ 6,481,392 $ 6,559,540 Total Franchise $ 5,123,629 $ 5,611,678 $ 5,748,765 $ 6,481,392 $ 6,559,540 Public Safety Revenues General Fund EMS Fees $ 1,492,237 $ 1,769,672 $ 1,860,095 $ 1,951,500 $ 1,990,000 General Fund County EMS $ 1,037,353 $ 877,163 $ 684,759 $ 995,000 $ 995,000 General Fund Municipal Court $ 1,721,071 $ 1,554,950 $ 1,421,304 $ 1,450,000 $ 1,400,000 Total Public Safety $ 4,250,661 $ 4,201,785 $ 3,966,158 $ 4,396,500 $ 4,385,000 Intergovernmental (State) Liquor Tax (All Funds) $ 478,938 $ 517,929 $ 553,665 $ 580,886 $ 596,269 Special Gas Tax Fund $ 1,341,051 $ 1,388,637 $ 1,418,249 $ 1,382,640 $ 1,370,400 Total Intergovernmental $ 1,819,989 $ 1,906,566 $ 1,971,914 $ 1,963,526 $ 1,966,669 Recreation and Cultural Revenues General Fund $ 1,034,661 $ 1,178,516 $ 1,199,363 $ 1,324,000 $ 1,335,400 Tourism Fund $ 1,407,406 $ 1,417,582 $ 1,858,992 $ 1,500,000 $ 1,608,000 Arts and Humanities Fund $ 471,569 $ 486,198 $ 433,607 $ 480,850 $ 480,850 Total Recreation and Cultural Revenue $ 2,913,636 $ 3,082,296 $ 3,491,962 $ 3,304,850 $ 3,424,250 Special Assessments Bond and Interest Fund 1,663,774 $ 1,809,992 $ 1,658,533 $ 1,600,000 $ 1,600,000 Total Special Assessments $ 1,663,774 $ 1,809,992 $ 1,658,533 $ 1,600,000 $ 1,600,000 Enterprise Fees: Sanitation Fund $ 2,472,749 $ 2,536,795 $ 2,543,119 $ 2,873,705 $ 2,931,179 Solid Waste Fund $ 3,155,785 $ 2,595,475 $ 2,642,443 $ 2,461,040 $ 2,564,789 Golf Fund $ 695,429 $ 858,823 $ 850,666 $ 866,650 $ 873,850 Water & Wastewater Fund $ 17,316,207 $ 18,083,591 $ 18,954,385 $ 19,005,000 $19,725,000 Total Enterprise Fees $ 23,640,170 $ 24,074,684 $ 24,990,613 $ 25,206,395 $26,094,818 Total, All Key Revenues $ 67,470,070 $ 69,949,023 $ 71,678,681 $ 72,890,334 $78,707,673 34 Expense Summary 35 Fund Balance Comparison FUND 2014 Actual 2015 Actual 2016 Revised 2017 Budget "Target" Balance TAX FUNDS: GENERAL $2,816,204 $3,448,702 $3,673,392 $4,044,262 $5,000,000 BOND AND INTEREST $344,671 $176,034 $419,918 $419,918 $200,000 TOTAL TAX FUNDS $3,160,875 $3,624,736 $4,093,310 $4,464,180 $5,200,000 SPECIAL REVENUE: SPECIAL SALES-CAPITAL $1,023,469 $1,558,286 $824,181 $502,337 $200,000 SPECIAL SALES - ED $675,154 $896,399 $869,281 $50,129 $50,000 ARTS and HUMANITIES $100,020 $138,081 $138,327 $104,189 $100,000 BID $436 $3,867 $3,880 $3,895 $0 TOURISM $24,395 $0 $46,361 $77,561 $0 NEIGHBORHOOD PARKS $95,382 $98,413 $84,574 $0 $0 SPECIAL PARKS $182,600 $74,420 $51,169 $51,260 $50,000 SPECIAL ALCOHOL $42,456 $5,477 $1 $1 $0 SPECIAL GAS $595,442 $298,027 $500,798 $521,040 $500,000 BICENTENNIAL CENTER $25,666 $57,222 $214,254 $184,254 $0 TOTAL SPECIAL REVENUE $2,765,020 $3,130,192 $2,732,826 $1,494,666 $900,000 INTERNAL SERVICE: WORKER'S COMP. RESERVE $749,644 $750,011 $845,962 $750,132 $750,000 HEALTH INSURANCE $896,856 $1,161,999 $1,293,999 $1,352,555 $1,500,000 CENTRAL GARAGE $61,322 $30,021 $165,078 $145,133 $100,000 TOTAL INTERNAL SERVICE $1,707,822 $1,942,031 $2,305,039 $2,247,820 $2,350,000 ENTERPRISE: SANITATION $897,013 $1,033,121 $1,041,559 $1,042,223 $500,000 SOLID WASTE $2,085,518 $2,216,403 $1,745,913 $1,329,293 $500,000 GOLF COURSE $117,157 $163,680 $239,981 $212,478 $200,000 WATER AND SEWER $9,306,498 $9,448,147 $6,956,593 $5,137,374 $4,000,000 TOTAL ENTERPRISE $12,406,186 $12,861,351 $9,984,046 $7,721,368 $5,200,000 TOTAL ALL FUNDS $20,039,903 $21,558,310 $19,115,221 $15,928,034 $13,650,000 36 age le lan intenonally 37 GENERAL FUNDGENERAL FUNDGENERAL FUNDGENERAL FUND REVENUESREVENUESREVENUESREVENUES 38 General Fund Revenue 2014 2015 2016 2017 ACTUAL ACTUAL REVISED ADOPTED Real state ersonal rop $ 8,109,046 $ 8,04,98 $ 8,3,60 $ 9,19,49 Revitaliaon Reate $ - $ - $ 100,000 $ - Delinquent roperty Tax $ 19,834 $ 13,83 $ 1,3 3 $ 15,000 ayment in Lieu of Tax $ 6,044 $ 13,935 $ 1,049 $ 0,000 ehile Tax $ 96,45 $ 1,00,014 $ 949,48 $ 991,98 Rereaonal ehile Ta $ - $ - $ 1,06 $ - 16/0 M Tax $ - $ - $ ,665 $ - ales Tax--Countywide $ ,133,39 $ ,,66 $ ,000,000 $ ,50,000 ales Tax--City $ 5,555,601 $ 5,658,545 $ 5,500,000 $ 5,555,000 Franhise Tax - as $ 1,138,118 $ 98,46 $ 900,000 $ 900,000 Franhise Tax - letri $ 3,04,61 $ ,996,0 $ 3,606,39 $ 3,689,540 Franhise Tax - Telephone $ 13,84 $ 116,39 $ 115 ,000 $ 110,000 Wireless Com. Franhise $ - $ - $ 40,000 $ 40,000 Franhise Tax - Cale $ 5,080 $ 55,90 $ 540,000 $ 540,000 Franhise - Water/Waste $ 1,050,000 $ 1,000,000 $ 1,00,000 $ 1,00,000 Host Fee - olid Waste $ 114,5 $ 100,000 $ 10,00 0 $ 10,000 ideo ervie Franhise $ 1,8 $ 14,860 $ 15,000 $ 15,000 Liquor Tax $ 1,643 $ 184,555 $ 184,555 $ 190,09 Federal rants $ 11,58 $ 9,96 $ 150,000 $ 150,000 tate rants $ - $ 1,93 $ - $ - tate rants $ 50 $ 10,54 $ - $ - ms - County $ 8,163 $ 684,59 $ 995,000 $ 995,000 Administrave ervies $ 34,90 $ 30,869 $ 40,000 $ 40,000 Fair Housing $ 150,53 $ 30,300 $ 30,000 $ 30,000 Museum - Rental $ 00 $ 400 $ - $ 400 Rent Neighorhood Center $ 4,0 4 $ 4,00 $ ,500 $ 5,000 Rent ar helters $ 15,045 $ 15,3 $ 16,0 00 $ 16,000 ther Rental $ 11,430 $ 5,45 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 urial And Removal $ 30,369 $ 33,515 $ 34,000 $ 35,000 rave Marer $ 1,848 $ 1,64 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 Title Transfer $ 46 $ 4 $ - $ - Rereaon Fees $ 1,01 $ 11,86 $ 10,000 $ 10,000 Natural Resoure Fees $ 14,030 $ 15,51 $ 14 ,000 $ 15,000 ale of ie Helmets $ 860 $ 1,140 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 peial opulaons Fee $ 0,048 $ 0,50 $ 3,000 $ ,000 enior rogram Fees $ 15,05 $ 14,08 $ 15,0 00 $ 16,000 aseall Tournaments $ ,89 $ 9,665 $ 9,000 $ 9,000 enior ames Donaons $ 10 $ - $ - $ ,500 aseall - Youth League $ 9,05 $ 36,6 $ 30,000 $ 3,000 oall - Youth League $ 1,158 $ ,430 $ 1 8,000 $ 1,000 oall Tournaments $ 8,415 $ 11,009 $ 10,000 $ 11,000 oer rogram Fees $ 1,68 $ 13,631 $ 19,000 $ 15,000 39 General Fund Revenue 2014 2015 2016 2017 ACTUAL ACTUAL REVISED ADOPTED asetall Fees $ 16,633 $ 15,34 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 olleyall Fees $ 16,33 $ 18,35 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 aseall Fee Adult $ 14,850 $ 9,530 $ 13,000 $ 13,000 oall Fee Adult $ 34,1 $ 40,893 $ 38,000 $ 38,000 Footall Fees $ - $ - $ 1,000 $ 500 ther Use Fees $ 1,415 $ 8,830 $ 13,000 $ 10,000 asetall Tournaments: Fieldhouse $ - $ - $ - $ 5,000 olleyall Tournaments: Fieldhouse $ - $ - $ - $ 10,000 ther Tournaments: Fieldhouse $ - $ - $ - $ 5,000 Court Rental: Fieldhouse $ - $ - $ - $ 0,000 Turf Rental: Fieldhouse $ - $ - $ - $ 0,000 ther Rental: Fieldhouse $ - $ - $ - $ 5,000 rogram Rental: Fieldhouse $ - $ - $ - $ 10,000 Food ev. Fieldhouse $ - $ - $ - $ 5,000 Avity eniors $ 6, $ ,58 $ 60,000 $ 35,000 Avity Tiet Money $ 3,134 $ ,53 $ ,000 $ 1,500 Avity Laewood $ 9,011 $ 4,605 $ 60,000 $ 60,000 Avity peial ops $ 1,09 $ 11,64 $ 1,000 $ 15,000 Registraon Fees $ ,95 $ 40 $ 10,000 $ ,000 Fire rot. utside City $ 165,55 $ 09,94 $ 160,000 $ 160,000 Resue ervies $ 1,350 $ 14 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 Hamat Fees $ 1,908 $ 3,059 $ ,000 $ ,000 lats And Reoning $ 13,996 $ 9,941 $ 10,000 $ 10,000 Weed Cung $ 36,635 $ 51,04 $ 65,000 $ 65,000 aaon Fees $ 65 $ 1,00 $ 500 $ 500 Wireless ermit $ 5,000 $ - $ - $ - Animal helter Fees $ 15,56 $ 19,51 $ 0,000 $ 1,000 Animal Impound Fees $ 15,983 $ 11,835 $ 15,000 $ 1,000 Animal oarding Fees $ 8,385 $ 6,45 $ 6,000 $ ,000 Animal Liense Fees $ 351 $ 45,118 $ 45,000 $ 45,000 Animal Mis. Fees $ 108,903 $ 149,064 $ 180,000 $ 10,000 Animal helter/County Fee $ ,500 $ 15,000 $ 30,000 $ 30,000 Alarm Monitoring $ 43,500 $ 34,05 $ 0,000 $ 0,000 ngineering $ 53,469 $ 5,186 $ 5,000 $ 5,000 treet Cut $ 01,315 $ 18 ,36 $ 190,000 $ 190,00 0 wimming ool $ 446,0 $ 439,451 $ 455,000 $ 450,000 Food/everage $ ,508 $ ,00 $ 5,000 $ 0,000 Tax xempon Fees $ 00 $ 5 $ - $ - ermits Lienses - Co $ 1,36 $ 634 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 letriian Lienses $ ,415 $ ,33 $ 5,000 $ ,54 40 General Fund Revenue 2014 2015 2016 2017 ACTUAL ACTUAL REVISED ADOPTED Mehanial Contrator $ 5,0 $ 3,38 $ 3,00 $ 3,00 lumers $ 3,59 $ 5,41 $ 3,000 $ 3,000 Conrete Const. ermit $ 1,513 $ ,363 $ ,000 $ ,000 Housemoving ermits $ - $ 103 $ 300 $ 300 uilding Inspeon $ 0,589 $ 449,46 $ 450,000 $ 450,000 Registered Crasman $ ,9 $ 4,46 $ 4,000 $ 4,000 Liensed Contrator $ 0,696 $ 11,81 $ 60,000 $ 0,000 olid Fuel App Contrat $ 45 $ - $ - $ - W-LD Commerial $ 656 $ 651 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 RW xavaon ermit $ 945 $ 4,189 $ 4,000 $ 4,00 Land Distur Re-Inspeon $ - $ 164 $ 100 $ 100 Land Distur ermit-Res $ 406 $ 34 $ 500 $ 500 Levee ermit $ 800 $ 1,133 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 RW Dumpster ermit $ 140 $ 19 $ 100 $ 100 Ulity RW ermit $ 1,365 $ ,6 $ - $ - urety Deposits $ 8,61 $ 4,0 $ - $ - ther Lienses ermit $ ,80 $ 4,95 $ 5,000 $ 5,000 rivate Clu $ 11,45 $ 13,95 $ 11,000 $ 11,000 Cereal Malt everage $ 3,50 $ 3,15 $ 4,000 $ 4,000 Cereal Malt ev. tamps $ 5 $ 5 $ 600 600 Retail Liquor $ 3,000 $ 6,000 $ 4,000 $ 4,000 Cirus, Carnival $ 10 $ 38 55 $ 55 Liquidaon ale $ - $ - $ 10 $ 10 Tree Trimming $ 1,445 $ 411 $ 55 $ 55 un Dealers $ 80 $ 916 $ 1,59 $ 1,59 awnroers $ 5 $ 5 $ 10 $ 10 Taxias $ 1,01 $ 65 $ 40 $ 40 Taxia Drivers $ 8 $ 950 $ 40 $ 40 Loudspeaer ermit $ 6 $ 385 $ 51 $ 51 Moile Home Court $ 1 $ - $ - $ - endor, eddler $ ,830 $ 3,445 $ 6,000 6,000 Refuse Haulers $ 4,43 $ 4,595 $ - $ - ail ondsman $ 65 $ 5 $ 34 $ 34 Merhant olie $ 13,86 $ 14,146 $ 15,000 $ 15,000 ther Reimursements $ ,364 $ 1,68 $ ,500 $ ,500 ther Reimurse-D $ 1,646 $ 146,33 $ 150,000 $ 150,000 Animal $ 609 $ 0 $ - $ - ther Reimursements $ - $ ,000 $ - $ - treet arade ermit $ 185 $ 95 $ 35 $ 35 Returned Che Charges $ 3 90 $ 180 $ - $ - rap Metal Register Re $ 50 $ 100 $ - $ - ther Reimursements $ 66,69 $ 59,318 $ 53,138 $ 53,138 41 General Fund Revenue 2014 2015 2016 2017 ACTUAL ACTUAL REVISED ADOPTED ther Reimurse-Fire $ 6,416 $ 6,31 $ 5,000 $ 5,000 Muniipal Court $ 1,554,950 $ 1,41,304 $ 1,450,000 $ 1,400,000 ms-C/ $ 305,106 $ 34 4,006 $ 386,50 $ 35,0 00 ms-Mediare $ 848,010 $ 860,449 $ 901,50 $ 9 5,000 ms-Mediaid/Welfare $ 10,355 $ 106,08 $ 113,300 $ 10,000 ms-ther Insurane $ 306,86 $ 3,064 $ 36,50 $ 35,000 ms-Individual $ 14,393 $ 106,81 $ 118,450 $ 15,000 ms - Colleon Ageny $ 60,0 $ 0,68 $ 0,000 $ 0,000 Interfund Fees $ 1,063,6 $ - $ - $ - Interfund erv. rov. $ ,645,844 $ 3,544,350 $ 4,951,500 $ 4,635,089 Transfers Interfund $ 1,01 $ - $ - $ - il Well Lease $ 6,118 $ 3,008 $ 6,550 $ 6,550 Investment Inome $ 11,16 $ 8,06 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 Donaons $ 3,6 $ 9,10 $ 5,000 $ 5,000 Donaons olie Dept. $ 1,000 $ 3,000 $ - $ - Donaons Fire Dept. $ - $ 100 $ - $ - Tree Donaons $ 500 $ 354 $ 300 $ 300 ale f Lots $ ,80 $ 1,660 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 ale of Assets $ - $ 1,00 $ - $ - ale of Assets $ ,31 $ 8 $ 10,000 $ 10,000 ale f Commodies $ 13,9 $ 15,404 $ ,889 $ ,889 ale f alvage $ 53,1 $ 1,43 $ 40,000 $ 40,000 ther Misellaneous $ 30,443 $ 61,919 $ 55,000 $ 55,000 ther Misellaneous $ 510 $ 1,13 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 ther Misellaneous $ - $ 9,8 $ 5,00 0 $ 5,000 ther Misellaneous $ 15,30 $ 3,48 $ 5,000 $ 5,000 ther Misellaneous $ - $ 5,000 $ - $ - ey Cash-Cash Long $ 4 $ 16 $ - $ - NRAL FUND TTAL $ 39,36,5 $ 38,565,515 $ 41,095,31 $ 41,905,66 42 age le lan intenonally 43 GENERAL FUNDGENERAL FUNDGENERAL FUNDGENERAL FUND EXPENDITURESEXPENDITURESEXPENDITURESEXPENDITURES 44 General Fund: City Commission The Commission is omprised of ve memers eleted at-large. Candidates reeiving the largest and se- ond largest numer of votes respevely shall e e leted for a four-year term, and the andidate ree iv- ing the third largest numer of votes respevely s hall e eleted for a two-year term. ah year, th e Commission will hoose one memer to at as Mayor. The City Manager is appointed y the overning ody and ats as its primary agent, hief exeuve and hief administrave oer in aordane with state statute. ther ity oers and employees are appointed y the City Manager. CC Kaye Crawford , Mayor Karl Ryan, ie-Mayor on lanhard, Commissioner Trent Davis, Commissioner Randall Hardy, Commissioner To ontat any of the ommissioners, email ityomm ission@salina.org V-M K C D. Dv C J CM K Cw 45 General Fund: City Commission CITY COMMISSION 2014 2015 2016 2017 EXPENDITURES ACTUAL ACTUAL REVISED ADOPTED FT- Regular $ 18,000 $ 16,500 $ 18,000 $ 18,000 SONALSVCSOAL$18,000 $1 6,500 $18,000 $18,000 Unemployment $ 6 $ 6 $ 35 $ 35 oial eurity $ 1,116 $ 1,03 $ 1,133 $ 1,133 Mediare $ 61 $ 39 $ 65 $ 65 MLOYNSOAL$403 $1,289 $1,433 $1,433 e upplies $ - $ 4 3 $ 50 $ 50 oos eriodials $ 33 $ 430 $ 00 $ 00 uli duaon upplies $ 10 $ 4 $ 8,000 $ 8,000 ther perang. upplies $ ,060 $ ,56 $ ,500 $ ,500 SULSOAL$2,603 $3,712 $10,950 $10,950 Rent/Lease - uildings $ 33,413 $ 38,1 98 $ 400,000 $ 400,000 ostage $ - $ - $ - $ - mployee Development $ 5,599 $ 6 ,51 $ ,000 $ ,000 Dues $ 5,1 $ 1,30 $ 3,000 $ 3,000 Legal Noes $ 1,505 $ 30,3 $ 15,000 $ 15,000 ther Contratual $ 5,56 $ ,61 8 $ 4,000 $ 4,000 CONACUALOAL $427,490 $449,034 $449,000 $449,000 CYCOMMSSONOAL $448,496 $470,535 $479,383 $479,383 46 General Fund: City Manager The oe of the City Manager is the oe of the hi ef exeuve of ity government. City Manager ason age is appointed y the City Commiss ion for an indenite term and serves as the Citys Chief xeuve and Administrave er. As provided y state statute and ity ordinane, the City Managers e supervises and d irets the administraon of all City departments to ensure that the laws, ordinanes and resoluons of the City are enfored. The City Managers e is responsile for reommen ding measures for adopon y the City Commission, whih are deemed neessary for the welf are of the iens and the eient administraon of muniipal government. Furthermore, the City Managers e prepares a proposed udget for the City Commission and is resp onsile for the appointment and removal of all City employees. CM JA.G, CMA-CM 47 General Fund: City Manager CITY MANAGER 2014 2015 2016 2017 EXPENDITURES ACTUAL ACTUAL REVISED ADOPTED FT-alaries udget $ 491,53 $ 496,18 $ 53,510 $ 596,450 T- alaries $ - $ - $ 500 $ 500 T- Regular $ - $ 6 $ 500 $ 500 Longevity ay $ 1,9 $ ,31 $ ,419 $ ,419 SONALSVCSOAL$493,674 $498,601 $576,929 $599,869 Unemployment $ 665 $ $ 1,500 $ 00 oial eurity $ ,918 $ ,830 $ 3,000 $ 33,80 Mediare $ ,381 $ ,51 $ 5,650 $ 5,650 Life Insurane $ 1,08 $ 960 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 KR $ 5,41 $ 54,9 $ 58 ,500 $ 50,500 ther enets $ 13,858 $ 13,506 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 Transportaon Allowane $ 14,98 $ 1 4,306 $ 15,000 $ 15,000 MLOYNSOAL$118,519 $119,748 $130,650 $123,130 e upplies $ 51 $ 688 $ 6,500 $ 1,500 oos eriodials $ 464 $ 515 $ 500 $ 500 SULSOAL $981 $1,203 $7,000 $2,000 Telephone $ 460 $ 559 $ 600 $ 600 Cell hone Allowane $ 1,00 $ 1 ,150 $ 1,500 $ 1,500 ostage $ 14 $ ,41 $ 50 $ 50 mployee Development $ 8,3 $ 16,518 $ 10,000 $ 10,000 Dues $ 3,480 $ 4,043 $ 4,50 $ 4,50 mployee Reruitment $ - $ - $ - $ - ther Contratual $ 5,610 $ 1,4 9 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 CI xpenses $ - $ - $ 10,000 $ 10,000 CONACUALSVCSOAL$19,687 $30,940 $28,100 $28,100 e quipment $ - $ - $ 1,000 $ 1,000 Health Insurane $ 56,410 $ 64,50 $ 1,808 $ 5,398 Wormens Compensaon $ 8,000 $ 5,1 $ 8,000 $ 5,040 CAALOULAY$64,410 $69,841 $79,808 $80,438 CYMANAGOAL $697,271 $720,334 $823,487 $834,537 48 General Fund: Risk Management The Ris Management udget unit operates under the auspies of the City Managers oe. The department manages the City insurane program for roperty and Casualty overage, eneral Liaility, uli oials Liaility and assoiated avies. tang osts are overed in the udget for the City Managers oe. RISK MANAGEMENT 2014 2015 2016 2017 EXPENDITURES ACTUAL ACTUAL REVISED ADOPTED e upplies $ - $ 191 $ 500 $ 500 oos eriodials $ - $ - $ 50 $ 50 SULSOAL$- $1 91 $750 $750 Insurane $ 45,31 $ 436,439 $ 48 ,10 $ 48,10 Claims aid $ 104,34 $ 100,45 $ 65,000 $ 65,000 ther rofessional ervies $ ,55 $ 3,000 $ 5,000 $ 5,000 Telephone $ 10 $ 105 $ 600 $ 600 ostage $ $ $ 00 $ 00 mployee Development $ 385 $ - $ 1,000 $ 1,000 Dues $- $ 40 $ 500 $ 500 CONACUALSVCSOAL$533,117 $5 40,438 $555,010 $555,010 e quipment $ - $ - $ 1,000 $ 1,000 CAALOULAYOAL $ - $ - $ 1,000 $ 1,000 SKMANAGMNOAL $533,117 $540,629 $556,760 $556,760 49 General Fund: Legal Services eneral legal servies are provided y ontrated l egal ounsel to the City Commission, City Manager, administrave staff and advisory ommissions on a va riety of muniipal maers. These servies in- lude legal opinions, preparaon of ordinanes, res oluons, ontrats and agreements. The Citys legal ounsel represents the City in most ligaon. Legal servies are provided under ontrat with a l oal law rm, Clar, Mie Linville Chartered for normal legal wor onneted with City usiness. th er spei legal servies are rendered at an hourly rate under ontrat. LEGAL SERVICES 2014 2015 2016 2017 EXPENDITURES ACTUAL ACTUAL REVISED ADOPTED e upplies $ 46 $ - $ 3,000 $ 3,000 oos eriodials $ 83 $ 1 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 SULSOAL$829 $122 $4,000 $4,000 Legal ervies $ 66,1 $ 54,86 $ 550,000 $ 550,000 mployee Development $ 68 $ - $ 500 $ 500 Dues $ 30 $ 30 $ 50 $ 50 CONACUALSVCSOAL $ 668,19 $ 55,556 $ 551,50 $ 551,50 LGALSVCSOAL $669,048 $575,678 $555,250 $555,250 50 General Fund: Municipal Court The purpose of the alina Muniipal Court is to ass ure equal aess, fair treatment, and just and e- ient adjudiaon of alleged violaons of ity ode s for all people. The Muniipal Court hears misdemeanor, riminal and tra ases. Types of ases inlude domes violene, pey the, disorderly ondut, DUI, pari ng and animal ontrol. Under Kansas law, a person an e rought to trial aer a omplaint or tra itaon has een led. The omplaint or itaon is a doument that outline s what the person is harged with and states that the aons is unlawful. When nes are owed to the ourt, the defendant may do ommunity servie wor towards payment of a ne. Credit is given at the rate of $5 per hou r for ommunity servie wor towards the ne and must e done at a non-prot organiaon, exluding hurhes. 51 General Fund: Municipal Court MUNICIPAL COURT 2014 2015 2016 2017 EXPENDITURES ACTUAL ACTUAL REVISED ADOPTED FT-alaries udget $ 565,858 $ 544,10 $ 540,000 $ 65,000 T- alaries $ 5,05 $ 6,668 $ 8,000 $ 8,000 T- Regular $ ,05 $ ,41 $ ,500 $ ,500 Longevity ay $ 5,89 $ 5,66 $ 5,485 $ 5,485 SONALSVCSOAL$578,297 $559,466 $555,985 $640,985 Unemployment $ $ 4 $ 1,35 $ 1,000 oial eurity $ 33,4 $ 3,109 $ 30,000 $ 3,000 Mediare $ ,89 $ ,509 $ 9,000 $ 9,000 Life Insurane $ 1,389 $ 1,84 $ 1,400 $ 1,400 KR $ 58,630 $ 5,89 $ 5,31 $ 53,000 Transportaon Allowane $ 3,144 $ ,51 $ ,880 $ ,880 MLOYNSOAL$105,524 $102,319 $101,976 $99,280 e upplies $ ,18 $ 3,9 $ 4,000 $ 4,000 oos eriodials $ 383 $ 644 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 Maintenane upplies $ 4,165 $ 1 ,554 $ 3,500 $ 3,500 Crime vims fund $ 3,533 $ 3,11 $ 4,000 $ 4,000 ther perang upplies $ 50 $ 50 $ 600 $ 500 SULSOAL$10,829 $9,734 $13,100 $13,000 Medial ervies $ 1,80 $ 8,309 $ 4,000 $ 4,000 Housing risoners $ 445,44 $ 453,649 $ 400,000 $ 45,000 risoner Transport $ 8,056 $ 6,10 $ 30,000 $ 30,000 ther rofessional ervies $ 95,549 $ 88,06 $ 95,000 $ 95,000 Telephone $ 1,980 $ 3,19 $ 3,00 $ 3,00 Cell hone Allowane $ 900 $ 838 $ 900 $ 900 mployee Development $ 05 $ 84 $ 5,00 $ 1,00 Dues $ 1,130 $ 45 $ 1,1 30 $ 1,130 rinng $ 838 $ 1,183 $ 1,500 $ 1,500 Repair-uildings $ 1,0 $ 8 3 $ ,000 $ 1,500 Credit Card Fees/xpense $ 8,05 $ ,04 $ 100 $ - tate Fees $ 161,83 $ 15,90 $ 1 80,000 $ 180,000 Refunds $ 3,314 $ 1,800 $ 3,000 $ 3,000 ther Contratual $ 68,840 $ 60,34 $ 65,000 $ 65,000 CONACUALSVCSOAL$819,643 $8 28,338 $791,030 $861,430 e quipment $ 1,456 $ 19,81 $ 5,000 $ 5,000 CAITAL UTLAY TTAL $1,456 $19,281 $5,000 $5,000 Health Insurane $ 11,80 $ 19,140 $ 19,54 $ 135,1 Wormens Compensaon $ 9,300 $ 6,18 $ 9,300 $ 5,859 NUNDNSOAL$122,120 $135 ,268 $138,554 $141,576 MUNCALCOUOAL $1,638,656 $1,654,406 $1,605,645 $1,761,271 52 General Fund: Human Resources The mission of the Human Resoures department is to reruit, retain and develop employees to provide servies to the iens of our ommunity while upho lding the City of alina rganiaonal alues. The Human Resoures Department is responsile for p ersonnel poliy development and oversight, em- ployee enet program administraon, health insuran e, worers ompensaon, wellness iniaves, payroll proessing, pay plan administraon, reruit ment and seleon, disipline and grievane proe- dures, performane evaluaons and personnel reord maintenane and retenon for over 430 full-me equivalent employees. The City of alina onsiders appliants for all jo s without regard to rae, religion, sex, age, nao nal origin, anestry, or disaility. 53 General Fund: Human Resources HUMAN RESOURCES 2014 2015 2016 2017 EXPENDITURES ACTUAL ACTUAL REVISED ADOPTED FT-alaries udget $ 01,69 $ 05,83 $ 0,000 $ 30,000 T- alaries $ - $ 915 $ 500 $ 500 T- Regular $ 153 $ 1,063 $ 3,000 $ 3,000 Longevity ay $ 1,533 $ 1,01 $ 1,50 $ 1,918 arned Leave $ 354,861 $ 34,49 $ 350,000 $ 350,000 SONALSVCSOAL$558,244 $551,990 $575,250 $585,418 Unemployment $ 45 $ 8 $ 56 $ 450 oial eurity $ 11,459 $ 11,94 $ 11,64 $ 13,543 Mediare $ ,680 $ ,89 $ 3,053 $ 3,14 Life Insurane $ 450 $ 418 $ 455 $ 455 KR $ 0,649 $ 1,44 $ 3 ,835 $ 0,000 Wellness rograms $ 3,61 $ 15,31 $ 10,000 $ 35,000 Transportaon Allowane $ - $ - $ 500 $ 500 MLOYNSOAL$68,095 $5 2,479 $50,052 $73,090 e upplies $ ,884 $ ,191 $ 4,000 $ 4,000 oos eriodials $ 9 $ 38 $ 1,400 $ 1,400 Wearing Apparel $ - $ - $ - $ - SULSOAL$3,181 $2,569 $5,400 $5,400 mployee Reognion $ 5,9 $ 8,004 $ ,600 $ ,600 ther rofessional $ - $ - $ - $ - Telephone $ 53 $ 301 $ 494 $ 494 Cell hone Allowane $ 300 $ 88 $ 300 $ 300 ostage $ 1,394 $ 1,61 $ ,600 $ ,600 mployee Development $ 1,18 $ 965 $ 3,500 $ 4,500 Dues $ 55 $ 805 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 mployee Reruitment $ 43,39 $ 46,5 $ 35,000 $ 35,000 rinng $ 3 $ 335 $ 1,00 $ 1,00 ther Contratual $ 0,443 $ 6,458 $ 6,000 $ 6,000 CONACUALSVCSOAL$74,522 $85,305 $77,694 $78,694 e quipment $ - $ - $ 3,000 $ 3,150 CAALOULAYOAL$- $- $3,000 $3,150 Health Insurane $ 38,056 $ 3,649 $ 30,439 $ 31,961 Wormens Compensaon $ 3,500 $ ,306 $ 3,500 $ ,05 NUNDNSOAL$34,955 $34,955 $33,939 $34,166 HUMAN RESOURCES TOTAL $ 727,298 $ 727,298 $ 745,335 $ 779,918 54 General Fund: Community Relations The mission of the City of alina Community Relaon s Division and the Human Relaons Commission is to eliminate disriminaon and to estalish equalit y and juse for people in alina through ivil rig hts enforement, advoay and eduaon. The division invesgates omplaints alleging disri minaon in employment, puli aommodaons and housing. Together the ommission and division w or as a ivil rights enforement ageny. No Cost ervies rovided y the Division: • Civil rights onsultaons for individuals, employer s, employees, eduaonal instuons, muniipal- ies, puli aommodaon, ivi groups, tenants, l andlords and organiaons • Assistane ling disriminaon omplaints • Assistane with landlord/tenant onerns • ample forms and informaon pertaining to ivil rig hts issues • Diversity/ultural awareness training • Disaility sensivity training • Training ourses that provide up-to-date informaon on the Fair Housing At, the Amerians with Disailies At (ADA), the Civil Rights At of 1964 , eon 504 of the Rehailitaon At, and ADA aess In mid-016, the Community Relaons Department was omined with the Development ervies De- partment to form the Community Development ervi es Department. More informaon for this de- partment an e found on page 88. 55 General Fund: Community Relations COMMUNITY RELATIONS 2014 2015 2016 2017 EXPENDITURES ACTUAL ACTUAL REVISED ADOPTED FT-alaries udget $ 195,9 $ 3,40 $ 86,000 $ - Longevity ay $ 1,3 $ 1,358 $ 1,600 $ - SONALSVCSOAL $ 196,961 $ 4,60 $ 8,600 $ - Unemployment $ 54 $ 35 $ 400 $ - oial eurity $ 11,900 $ 13,5 5 $ 1,000 $ - Mediare $ ,83 $ 3,169 $ ,800 $ - Life Insurane $ 411 $ 443 $ 500 $ - KR $ 0,361 $ 3,8 $ 10,000 $ - Transportaon Allowane $ 3,144 $ 3,013 $ 1,500 $ - MLOYNSOAL $ 38,853 $ 44,31 $ ,00 $ - e upplies $ 595 $ 3 ,009 $ 1,000 $ - oos eriodials $ - $ 60 $ - $ - uli duaon upplies $ 3,190 $ 1,40 $ 3,000 $ - SULSOAL $ 3,85 $ 4,809 $ 4,000 $ - ther rofessional ervies $ ,310 $ 1,90 $ ,000 $ - Telephone $ 460 $ 91 $ 500 $ - Cell hone Allowane $ 300 $ 408 $ 00 $ - ostage $ 3 $ 39 $ 400 $ - mployee Development $ 1,116 $ 4,35 $ 3,000 $ - Dues $ - $ - $ 500 $ - rinng $ 15 $ 1,55 $ 1,000 $ - ther Contratual $ 6,518 $ 6,005 $ 6,000 $ - xhiits $ - $ - $ 500 $ - CONACUALSVCSOAL $ 11,95 $ 14,811 $ 14,100 $ - e quipment $ - $ 3 $ 500 $ - CAALOULAYOAL $ - $ 3 $ 500 $ - Health Insurane $ 30,911 $ ,964 $ 5,000 $ - Wormens Compensaon $ 5,000 $ 3,95 $ 3,000 $ - NUNDNSOAL $ 35,911 $ 31,59 $ 8,000 $ - Interfund erv. rov. $ 66,000 $ - $ - $ - ANSSOAL $ 66,000 $ - $ - $ - COMMUNYLAONSOAL $353,304 $320,142 $161,400 $- 56 General Fund: Finance and Administration The mission of the Finane and Administraon Depart ment is to provide exellent servie to our ustom- ers, oth from within and outside of the organiao n, onsistent with the City of alina tatement of r- ganiaonal alues, and for the enet of the ommu nity at large. The Department of Finane and Administraon inlude s three divisions: the City Clers e, A- ounng, udgeng and Finanial Reporng and Water Customer Aounng (Water illing). City Clers e The City Clers e maintains, protets, and pres erves the oial reords of the City of alina. A ess to or opies of puli reords may generally e otain ed y ling a request with the City Cler. The City ler prepares and assemles the weely City Commission a genda and informaon paet, as well as preparing the oial reord (minutes) of eah City Commission meeng. The oe is also responsile for maintain- ing and updang the City Code, reording and erfy ing speial assessments, reeipng most general rev - enues of the City, oordinang the id proess, ta ing expressions of interest for City oards and Com mis- sions and oordinang appointments, and issuing mos t trades and oupaon lienses. Aounng, udgeng Finanial Reporng This division provides for planning, ontrol, reor ding, and reporng of all nanial maers. This in ludes aounts reeivale (exept for Ulies), aounts payale, treasury management, inluding aning and investments, payroll entries, purhasing, and tempo rary and long term det management. The Division oordinates the operang and apital udget proess and prepares all udgeng douments. Finally, this oe oordinates the annual independent audit, and prepares the Comprehensive Annual Finanial Re- port. 57 General Fund: Finance & Administration FINANCE 2014 2015 2016 2017 EXPENDITURES ACTUAL ACTUAL REVISED ADOPTED FT-alaries udget $ 385,855 $ 431,600 $ 445,000 $ 46,800 T- alaries $ 1,54 $ 1,806 $ - $ - T- Regular $ 3,41 $ 6,111 $ 4,000 $ 4,000 Longevity ay $ 4,09 $ 5,110 $ 5,36 $ 5,36 SONALSVCSOAL$395,442 $444,626 $454,367 $472,167 Unemployment $ 503 $ 636 $ 1,00 $ 50 oial eurity $ 3,584 $ 6,49 $ 6,000 $ 6,000 Mediare $ 5,516 $ 6,196 $ 5,500 $ 5,500 Life Insurane $ 838 $ 838 $ 850 $ 850 KR $ 40,898 $ 46,61 $ 46 ,000 $ 40,000 Transportaon Allowane $ 3,144 $ 3,013 $ 3,144 $ 3,144 MLOYNSOAL$74,483 $8 3,845 $82,694 $76,244 ey Cash-hort $ 6 $ 1 $ - $ - e upplies $ 5,944 $ 3,6 $ 4,000 $ 4,000 oos eriodials $ 65 $ 41 $ 900 $ 900 Wearing Apparel $ - $ - $ - $ - ther perang. upplies $ - $ - $ - $ - SULSOAL$6,574 $4,147 $4,900 $4,900 Auding ervies $ 19,58 $ - $ 31,000 $ 31,000 Refund urety Deposits $ 9,56 $ 59 ,415 $ - $ - Telephone $ 1,530 $ (91) $ 1,000 $ 1,000 ostage $ 9,0 $ 9,5 $ ,000 $ ,000 mployee Development $ 4,881 $ 4 ,016 $ 4,000 $ 4,000 Dues $ 1,104 $ 480 $ 1,500 $ 1,500 rinng $ 1,0 $ 1,0 $ ,000 $ ,000 Credit Card Fees/xpense $ ,113 $ ,338 $ 1,500 $ 1,500 Refunds $ - $ 1,465 $ - $ - ther Contratual $ 80,361 $ 66,11 $ 5,000 $ 5,000 M Contratual $ 6,98 $ 6,49 $ 10,000 $ 10,000 CONACUALSVCSOAL$206,355 $1 51,238 $133,000 $133,000 e quipment $ 616 $ 11,943 $ 4,000 $ 4,000 CAALOULAYOAL$616 $11 ,943 $4,000 $4,000 Health Insurane $ 55,313 $ 61,339 $ 60,00 $ 63,01 Wormens Compensaon $ 5,500 $ 3,64 $ 5,500 $ 3,465 NUNDNSOAL$60,813 $64,963 $65,520 $66,486 NANCOAL $744,283 $760,762 $744,481 $756,797 58 General Fund: Computer Technology The mission of the Computer Tehnology department i s to enhane our organiaons aility to provide puli servies through the use of tehnology. The Computer Tehnology Department is an internal s ervie department that provides tehnial servies for the City of alina, and i5 server support for oth the City of alina and aline County. upport p rovided inludes system management, user support, programmi ng, C installaon and repair, training servies, management of the ity networ and infrastruture, proteng ity data from outside threats, disaster reovery, aup and storage of ity data, developi ng and maintaining the itys intranet and internet we sites, and planning for future tehnology needs. 59 General Fund: Computer Technology COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY 2014 2015 2016 2017 EXPENDITURES ACTUAL ACTUAL REVISED ADOPTED FT-alaries udget $ 38,818 $ 398,59 $ 419,000 $ 436,000 T- Regular $ - $ 60 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 Longevity ay $ 5,009 $ 5,61 $ 5,300 $ 4,000 arned Leave $ ,60 $ - $ 3,000 $ 3,000 SONALSVCSOAL$390,587 $403,850 $428,300 $444,000 Unemployment $ 490 $ 566 $ 1,100 $ 00 oial eurity $ ,936 $ 3,630 $ 3,000 $ 5,500 Mediare $ 5,364 $ 5,56 $ 5,400 $ 6,000 Life Insurane $ 90 $ 835 $ 1,000 $ 900 KR $ 39,898 $ 4,460 $ 43 ,000 $ 3,000 Wellness rograms $ - $ - $ - $ - Transportaon Allowane $ ,040 $ 1,955 $ ,040 $ ,040 MLOYNSOAL$71,630 $7 4,972 $75,540 $72,140 e upplies $ 13,095 $ ,9 $ 1,500 $ ,000 rinter upplies $ - $ 3,034 $ 18,000 $ 18,000 Computer Tapes $ - $ 65 $ - $ - oos eriodials $ - $ 19 $ 1,500 $ 1,500 as il $ 33 $ 156 $ 40 $ 360 Maintenane. upplies-ehile quip $ 4 $ 1,051 $ 500 $ 1,000 Wearing Apparel $ - $ - $ - $ - ther perang. upplies $ ,465 $ ,81 $ 3,000 $ 3,000 SULSOAL$16,567 $14,508 $24,740 $25,860 Telephone $ 1,340 $ 1,149 $ 5,000 $ ,500 Cell hone Allowane $ 1,550 $ 1 ,5 $ 1,800 $ 1,800 ostage $ 15 $ 34 $ 400 $ 00 mployee Development $ ,58 $ 556 $ 5,000 $ 5,000 Dues $ 00 $ 00 $ 300 $ 300 ther Contratual $ 4,533 $ 49,349 $ 30,000 $ 30,000 A/400 Hardware Maintenane $ 8,661 $ 9,41 $ 9,000 $ 10,000 A/400 oware Costs $ 3,180 $ ,986 $ 4,000 $ 4,000 NW (Tyler ) oware Cost $ 101,446 $ 5,05 $ 84,000 $ 84,000 CONACUALSVCSOAL$366,325 $3 17,292 $429,500 $427,800 e quipment $ - $ - $ 1,000 $ 1,000 ther quipment $ 4,88 $ ,069 $ 300,000 $ 300,000 Computers/Tehnology $ - $ - $ - $ - CAALOULAYOAL$224,878 $222,069 $301,000 $301,000 Health Insurane $ 1,90 $ 9,55 $ 9,84 $ 83,839 Wormens Compensaon $ 6,600 $ 4,349 $ 6,600 $ 4,158 NUNDNSOAL$88,502 $83,924 $86,447 $87,997 COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY TOTAL $ 1,158,489 $ 1,116,615 $ 1,345,527 $ 1,358,797 60 General Fund: Police Department The mission of the olie Department is to deliver polie servies equitaly, effevely, and within th e ontext of demora values, in order to resolve o mmunity issues and prolems and provide for the safety and seurity of our iens. The alina olie Department is a full-servie, mun iipal polie organiaon, onsisng of 114 full m e employees inluding 84 ommissioned oers and 30 ivilian staff. ur ageny has een a naonally aredited law enforement ageny (CALA) sine 199 6. ur organiaon inludes four operang divisions: A dministraon, atrol, Deteves and upport. We are responsile for a ity of over 48,000 residents whih enompasses 5 square miles. The alina olie Department maintains overage 4 hours a day and houses the mergeny Communi- aons Center, whih also dispathes for the alina Fire Department, aline County heriffs e and the six volunteer re distrits whih provide re p roteon for rural aline County. The alina olie Department responds to approximat ely 45,564 alls for servie eah year, inlud- ing responding to over 1,00 aidents. POLICE DEPARTMENT 2014 2015 2016 2017 EXPENDITURES ACTUAL ACTUAL REVISED ADOPTED FT-alaries udget $ 5,038,15 $ 5,180,905 $ 5,300,000 $ 5,550,000 T- alaries $ - $ 0,90 $ 0,33 $ 1,000 T- Regular $ 408,55 $ 455,341 $ 500,000 $ 500,000 Longevity ay $ 4,634 $ 44,809 $ 58,000 $ 58,000 SONALSVCSOAL$5,494,316 $5,701,84 5 $5,878,233 $6,129,000 Unemployment $ ,081 $ 8,85 $ 13,500 $ 10,000 oial eurity $ ,45 $ 69,99 $ 0,000 $ 8,000 Mediare $ 3,44 $ 6,00 $ 6,000 $ 85,000 Life Insurane $ 10,888 $ 9,8 $ 1,000 $ 11,000 KF $ 1,08,93 $ 1,113,301 $ 1,05,850 $ 900,000 KR $ 14,640 $ 16,951 $ 119,83 0 $ 115,000 Transportaon Allowane $ 1,391 $ 1 3,66 $ 14,56 $ 14,500 MLOYNSOAL$1,532,675 $1,417,97 6 $1,331,436 $1,213,500 61 General Fund: Police Department POLICE DEPARTMENT 2014 2015 2016 2017 EXPENDITURES ACTUAL ACTUAL REVISED ADOPTED e upplies $ 14,590 $ 13,346 $ 14,000 $ 14,000 oos eriodials $ 6,36 $ 8,68 $ ,000 $ 8,000 letrial Lighng $ 6,446 $ 10,1 $ 4,500 $ 10,000 anitorial $ 3,59 $ 3,404 $ 4,000 $ 4,000 as il $ 165,6 $ 10,615 $ 64,000 $ 105,000 Maintenane. upplies-ehile quip $ 106,336 $ 94,35 $ 85,000 $ 9 0,000 Wearing Apparel $ 55,93 $ 50,884 $ 60,000 $ 60,000 ers ervie quip. $ 3,1 $ 44,644 $ 40,380 $ 45,000 Tools $ 1,668 $ 1,511 $ 1,500 $ 1,500 Training $ 90,8 $ 0,85 $ 65,000 $ 6,500 uli duaon upplies $ 1,93 $ 1,4 $ 1,500 $ 1,500 hotography upplies $ 3,3 $ ,01 $ ,500 $ ,500 ther perang. upplies $ 9,841 $ 11,694 $ 9,000 $ 10,500 K9 upplies $ 6,03 $ 5,594 $ 6,000 $ 4,000 SULSOAL$497,292 $426,546 $364,380 $432,500 Medial ervies $ 30 $ 14 $ ,000 $ ,000 ther rofessional ervies $ 4,48 $ 3,90 $ 5,000 $ 4,500 Telephone $ 14,31 $ 13,4 $ 16,000 $ 16,000 Cell hone Allowane $ ,65 $ ,500 $ 3,400 $ 4,000 as ervie $ 0 $ 81 $ 600 $ 600 ostage $ 1,498 $ 11,83 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 mployee Development $ 1,530 $ 3 ,618 $ 1,500 $ ,000 Dues $ 5,668 $ 4,634 $ 4,800 $ 5,00 mployee Reruitment $ 3,05 $ ,9 8 $ 10,000 $ 10,000 rinng $ 3,889 $ 4,114 $ 4,000 $ 4,000 Repair-Radio $ 39,504 $ 3,333 $ 45,000 $ 4,000 Repair-uildings $ 19,16 $ 19,931 $ 5,000 $ 0,000 Repair-ff. quip. $ 14,86 $ 18,496 $ 0,000 $ 0,000 ther Contratual $ 59,435 $ 66,330 $ 3,311 $ 85,000 Dept. Areditaon $ 4,065 $ 4,5 4 $ 5,065 $ 9,500 CONACUALSVCSOAL$207,353 $2 14,413 $227,676 $236,800 e quipment $ 6,665 $ 3,63 $ 4,000 $ 4,000 Radios $ 1,164 $ 3,664 $ 8,056 $ 8,000 ther quipment $ 19,84 $ 3,646 $ 5,640 $ 38,500 CAALOULAYOAL$47,653 $65,0 72 $84,696 $70,500 Health Insurane $ 869,139 $ 949,806 $ 1,09,000 $ 1,146,600 Wormens Compensaon $ 110,000 $ 9,0 68 $ 10,000 $ 55,51 NUNDNSOAL$979,139 $1,028,874 $1,212,000 $1,202,117 OLCDAMNOAL $8,758,428 $8,854,725 $9,098,421 $9,284,417 62 General Fund: Fire Department Mission: Respond quily, erform professionally , ave lives and property, e aring and ompassion ate to all, Mae sure “everyone goes home” The alina Fire Department provides re proteon, emergeny medial servies (M), resue, and haar d- ous materials servies to the iens of alina. Re sue and emergeny medial servies are extended in to a- line County y governmental agreement. roteng the ommunity is aomplished through rap id deployment of emergeny resoures, ode enfore- ment, and puli eduaon for oth re and medial emergenies. The alina Fire Department is omprised of ve divi sions: Administraon, Fire revenon, mergeny Med i- al ervie (M), Training and afety, and Fire p eraons. The alina Fire Department is omprised of 91 emplo yees 80 of the employees are spread aross three 4- hour shis that hange daily at 0800. The remaining 11 posions provide administrave, support, and r e prevenon servies. The alina Fire Department oper ates from four strategially loated and staffed sta ons. ah year the alina Fire Department responds to mo re than 3,100 re related emergenies and 6,800 M or medial related emergenies. In a 4 hour period , the department responds to an average of 0 emerg en- y alls a day. The alina Fire Department provides speialied ser vies for haardous material responses, tehnial r esue, vehile extriaon, swi water resue, trenh resu e, uilding ollapse, and disaster management. Addi on- ally, the alina Fire Department serves the tate o f Kansas regionally for Haardous Materials and Te hnial Resue Responses. FIRE ADMINISTRATION 2014 2015 2016 2017 EXPENDITURES ACTUAL ACTUAL REVISED ADOPTED FT-alaries udget $ 339,995 $ 354,51 $ 335,000 $ 350,000 T- alaries $ 34,495 $ 46,413 $ 55,000 $ 55,000 T- Regular $ 4,055 $ 3,643 $ 1,500 $ 1,500 Longevity ay $ ,508 $ 4,44 $ ,44 $ ,44 SONALSVCSOAL$381,053 $408,551 $393,924 $408,924 Unemployment $ 486 $ 68 $ 1,000 $ 600 oial eurity $ ,813 $ 8,016 $ 9,500 $ 9,500 Mediare $ 4,103 $ 4,13 $ 4,000 $ 4,000 Life Insurane $ 61 $ 14 $ 800 $ 800 KF $ 63, $ 65,143 $ 58,500 $ 51,000 KR $ 11,08 $ 11,99 $ 16 ,151 $ 15,000 Transportaon Allowane $ 4,800 $ 4,600 $ 1,50 $ 1,50 MLOYNSOAL$92,392 $9 5,254 $102,201 $93,150 63 General Fund: Fire Administration FIRE ADMINISTRATION 2014 2015 2016 2017 EXPENDITURES ACTUAL ACTUAL REVISED ADOPTED e upplies $ 1,498 $ 1,85 $ 1,960 $ 1,960 oos eriodials $ 1,911 $ 1,58 $ ,000 $ ,000 hop Mehani upplies $ 60 $ 1,409 $ 5,000 $ 5,000 aints $ 58 $ 45 $ 1,16 $ 1,16 letrial Lighng $ 335 $ 50 $ 1,40 $ 1,40 anitorial $ 9,945 $ 10,686 $ 9,000 $ 9,000 as il $ 50,581 $ 41,64 $ 36,000 $ 54,000 Maintenane. upplies-ehile quip $ 48,3 4 $ 4,058 $ 5,000 $ 5,000 Wearing Apparel $ 35,995 $ ,44 $ 38,000 $ 38,000 CAs $ 0,99 $ 18,41 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 Haardous Materials quipment $ 3,091 $ 9,466 $ ,500 $ ,5 00 Tools $ ,39 $ 4,341 $ 10,500 $ 10,500 Training upplies $ 1,63 $ 8,90 $ ,500 $ ,500 eeds, lants, Trees $ 463 $ 50 $ 980 $ 980 ther perang. upplies $ 1,08 $ ,13 $ ,500 $ ,500 SULSOAL$200,098 $190,744 $216,586 $234,586 Medial ervies $ 13,46 $ 11,848 $ 15,000 $ 15,000 ther rofessional ervies $ ,105 $ ,046 $ 10,000 $ 10,000 Telephone $ 5,313 $ 53,6 $ 36,500 $ 36,500 Cell hone Allowane $ 600 $ 55 $ 600 $ 600 Uniform Cleaning $ 6 $ 80 $ 1,64 $ 1,64 ostage $ 611 $ 1,09 $ 500 $ 500 mployee Development $ 16,045 $ 18,0 3 $ 15,000 $ 15,000 Dues $ ,00 $ ,81 $ 980 $ 980 rinng $ 455 $ 586 $ 490 $ 490 Repairs $ 39 $ 119 $ ,450 $ ,450 Repair-Radio $ ,146 $ 8,4 $ 4,000 $ 4,000 Repair-uildings $ 49,3 $ 58,5 $ 39,000 $ 39,000 Laundry Towel ervie $ 1,303 $ 1,09 $ 1,40 $ 1,40 Colleon Fees $ ,145 $ ,366 $ 3,000 $ 3,000 Fire Conferene $ 3,49 $ 4 $ 3,90 $ 3,90 ther Contratual $ 4,439 $ 4,43 1 $ 1,450 $ 1,450 ther oware Maintenane $ 50 $ 49 $ ,4 $ ,4 CONACUALSVCSOAL$161,087 $1 71,546 $154,848 $154,848 e quipment $ 1,5 $ 94 $ 1,960 $ 1,960 Radios $ 8,86 $ 9,49 $ 9,500 $ 9,500 Fire taon quipment $ 30,048 $ 4,55 $ 3,000 $ 4,000 ther quipment $ 1,409 $ 9,08 $ 18,540 $ 1,40 ersonnel roteve quipment $ ,6 $ 61,599 $ ,000 $ ,000 CAITAL UTLAY TTAL $ 9,819 $ 13,9 $ 89,000 $ 103,00 Health Insurane $ 59,141 $ 5,65 $ 66,90 $ 69,605 Wormens Compensaon $ 6,600 $ 4,349 $ 6,600 $ 4,158 NUNDNSOAL$65,741 $62,114 $72,890 $73,763 ADMNSAONOAL $980,191 $1,052,006 $1,029,449 $1,068,471 64 General Fund: Fire Department EMS EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES 2014 2015 2016 2017 EXPENDITURES ACTUAL ACTUAL REVISED ADOPTED FT-alaries udget $ 1,14,90 $ 1,146,3 $ 1,350,000 $ 1,400,000 T- alaries $ 3,48 $ - $ 5,000 $ 5,000 T- Regular $ 4,88 $ 49,833 $ 5,000 $ 55,000 Longevity ay $ ,81 $ ,80 $ 1,01 $ 1,01 SONALSVCSOAL$1,206,939 $1,204,00 7 $1,419,012 $1,472,012 Unemployment $ 1,493 $ 1,60 $ 3,500 $ ,500 oial eurity $ - $ - $ 80 $ 80 Mediare $ 16,01 $ 16,44 $ ,880 $ ,880 Life Insurane $ 1,943 $ 1,80 $ 4,160 $ 4,160 KF $ 300,98 $ 84,809 $ 84,186 $ 80,000 Transportaon Allowane $ 13 $ - $ 1,500 $ 1,500 MLOYNSOAL$321,187 $304,733 $317,006 $311,820 e upplies $ 1,131 $ 934 $ 1,16 $ 1,16 oos eriodials $ 53 $ 4 $ 50 $ 50 as il $ 60,000 $ 30,908 $ 3,000 $ 48,000 Maintenane. upplies-ehile quip $ 38,5 6 $ 0,39 $ 35,000 $ 35,000 Wearing Apparel $ 9,85 $ 6,840 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 Training upplies $ 1,954 $ 18,841 $ 18,000 $ 18,000 uli duaon upplies $ 1,681 $ ,410 $ ,500 $ ,500 ther perang. upplies $ 64,955 $ 61,115 $ 53,000 $ 53,000 resripon Drugs and Meds $ 1,690 $ ,11 $ 18,500 $ ,000 Disposale upplies $ 8,810 $ 31,64 1 $ 35,000 $ 35,000 SULSOAL$240,605 $195,323 $207,926 $227,426 Medial ervies $ 5,403 $ 4,351 $ 10,000 $ 10,000 ther rofessional ervies $ 31,31 $ 30,840 $ 33,000 $ 33,000 Telephone $ 3,198 $ ,888 $ 18,500 $ 35,500 Cell hone Allowane $ 300 $ 88 $ 600 $ 600 Uniform Cleaning $ - $ 5 $ 500 $ 500 ostage $ 3,963 $ 3,04 $ ,940 $ ,940 mployee Development $ 33,00 $ 4,5 51 $ 30,000 $ 40,000 Dues $ 83 $ 1 $ ,000 $ ,000 rinng $ 5 $ 8 $ 980 $ 980 Repairs $ 1,443 $ 1,8 $ ,500 $ ,500 Repair-Radio $ 3,408 $ 3,14 $ 3,500 $ 3,500 Refunds $ 1,64 $ 15,638 $ 13,0 $ 13,0 ther Contratual $ 9,044 $ 9,5 5 $ ,840 $ ,840 CONACUALSVCSOAL$129,985 $1 16,871 $141,080 $168,080 ms quipment $ 9,00 $ 60,815 $ 1,000 $ 65,000 ersonnel roteve quipment $ 15,84 $ 14,96 $ 4,500 $ 4,500 CAITAL UTLAY TTAL $ 44,894 $ 5, $ 95,500 $ 89,500 Health Insurane $ 194,19 $ 33,585 $ 331,35 $ 45,59 Wormens Compensaon $ 5,000 $ 16,43 $ 5,000 $ 15,50 NUNDNSOAL$219,219 $250 ,058 $356,325 $468,009 MGNCYMDCALSVCSOAL $2,162,830 $2,146,769 $2,536,849 $2,736,847 65 General Fund: Fire Department EMS Transfers EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES 2014 2015 2016 2017 TRANSFERS EXPENDITURES ACTUAL ACTUAL REVISED ADOPTED T- alaries $ - $ - $ 5,000 $ 5,000 SONALSVCSOAL$- $- $5,000 $5,000 Unemployment $ 6 $ - $ 5 $ 5 oial eurity $ 48 $ - $ 1,00 $ 1,00 Mediare $ 58 $ - $ 00 $ 00 MLOYNSOAL$- $- $1,245 $1,245 Wearing Apparel $ 81 $ - $ 1,800 $ 1,800 Training supplies $ - $ - $ ,500 $ ,500 ther perang. upplies $ - $ - $ ,450 $ ,450 SULSOAL$81 $- $6,750 $6,750 ther quipment $ - $ - $ 3,000 $ 3,000 CAALOULAYOAL$- $- $3,000 $3,000 Wormens Compensaon $ - $ - $ 100 $ 63 NUNDNSOAL$- $- $100 $63 MSANSSOAL $393 $-$16,095 $16,058 General Fund: Fire Department Suppression FIRE SUPPRESSION 2014 2015 2016 2017 EXPENDITURES ACTUAL ACTUAL REVISED ADOPTED FT-alaries udget $ 3,0,0 $ 3,96,14 $ 3,560,000 $ 3,00,000 T- Regular $ 169,06 $ 191,58 $ 190,000 $ 190,000 Longevity ay $ 31,155 $ 31,36 $ 34,090 $ 6,3 SONALSVCSOAL$3,920,442 $4,019,11 8 $3,784,090 $3,916,223 Unemployment $ 4,908 $ 5,66 $ 9,000 $ 6,000 Mediare $ 50,66 $ 51,68 $ 39,31 $ 31,385 Life Insurane $ 6,14 $ 5,651 $ 5,385 $ 5,385 KF $ 981,506 $ 946,81 $ 900,000 $ 00,000 MLOYNSOAL$1,038,342 $1,003,61 4 $953,615 $742,769 Telephone $ - $ - $ - $ - Cell hone Allowane $ 900 $ 50 $ - $ - mployee Reruitment $ - $ - $ 1,40 $ 1,40 CONACUALSVCSOAL$900 $750 $1,470 $1,47 0 Health Insurane $ 659,163 $ 4,838 $ 50,465 $ 85,000 Wormens Compensaon $ 5,000 $ 3,55 $ 43,846 $ 1,49 NUNDNSOAL$716,163 $780 ,395 $794,311 $806,249 SUSSONOAL $5,680,755 $5,809,504 $5,533,487 $5,466,711 66 General Fund: Fire Prevention FIRE PREVENTION 2014 2015 2016 2017 EXPENDITURES ACTUAL ACTUAL REVISED ADOPTED FT-alaries udget $ 19,85 $ 1,914 $ 31,000 $ 40,000 T- alaries $ 13,440 $ 14,400 $ 15,000 $ 15,000 T- Regular $ 6,889 $ 4,8 $ 3,500 $ 3,500 Longevity ay $ ,314 $ ,440 $ ,96 $ ,96 SONALSVCSOAL$242,499 $243,532 $251,796 $260,796 Unemployment $ 306 $ 346 $ 600 $ 400 oial eurity $ 930 $ 89 3 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 Mediare $ 3,38 $ 3,380 $ 3,500 $ 3,500 Life Insurane $ 45 $ 44 $ 50 $ 50 KF $ 56,408 $ 54,13 $ 51,509 $ 46,000 KR $ - $ - $ - $ - MLOYNSOAL$61,506 $5 9,197 $57,359 $51,650 oos eriodials $ 94 $ 1 ,61 $ 4,500 $ 4,500 Wearing Apparel $ 884 $ 1,84 $ 1,00 $ 1,00 uli duaon upplies $ ,915 $ 5,185 $ 5,000 $ 5,000 Fire Invesgaon upplies $ 3,96 $ ,891 $ 3,000 $ 3,000 SULSOAL$8,055 $11,160 $14,200 $14,200 Medial ervies $ - $ - $ 600 $ 600 Cell hone Allowane $ - $ - $ - $ - mployee Development $ ,13 $ 1 ,846 $ 4,000 $ 4,000 Dues $ ,350 $ 1,664 $ 3,500 $ 3,500 CONACUALSVCSOAL$4,486 $3,510 $8,100 $8,100 ther quipment $ 8,38 $ 9,393 $ 10,100 $ 10,100 CAALOULAYOAL$8,738 $9 ,393 $10,100 $10,100 Health Insurane $ 33,846 $ 38,4 $ 43,085 $ 45,39 Wormens Compensaon $ 4,500 $ ,965 $ 4,500 $ ,835 NUNDNS$38,346 $41,707 $47,585 $48,074 FIRE PREVENTION TOTAL $ 363,631 $ 368,500 $ 389,140 $ 392,920 67 General Fund: Public Works The mission of the uli Wors Department: • Design, onstrut and maintain puli infrastrutur e • ffer solid and haardous waste servies to resident s • Maintain the itys fleet • rovide support to other ity departments The uli Wors Department is dediated to providi ng a wide variety of servies to enhane the qualit y of life for all iens in our ommunity. The departme nt is divided into two divisions: ngineering and eneral ervies. The ngineering Wor roup is part of the Departmen t of uli Wors, whih serves the puli interest y ensuring that all muniipal puli wors improvemen ts and failies are designed and onstruted in a ord- ane with estalished standards. The ngineering Wor roup oordinates all engineer ing servies related to private development projet s during oth planning and onstruon stages. Diret supervision and review of wor performed y onsul ng engineers is also performed y the Department staff. In essene, the ngineering Wor roup manages, de - signs and onstruts the majority of the projets i nluded in the Citys annual Capital Improvement r ogram. roper engineering data are formulated to meet the requirements of projet feasiility reports, design on- sideraons, nal plans, speiaons, and other pla nning and engineering proedures. ngineering super vi- sion is given to muniipal puli wors improvement projets in surveying, analying ids, supervising on- struon, erfying progress of onstruon and re ommending aeptane of wor done y ontra- tors. Depending upon the sie and sope of an impro vement projet, the engineering servies may e per - formed in-house, rendered y engineering onsultant s, or y a ominaon of the two. The ngineering Wor roup also performs all tra safety and shool servies for the City. All mappin g ser- vies, inluding omputeried geographial informa on systems (.I..), are provided y the ngineerin g Wor roup. Finally, the Wor roup also performs t he ulity loang and oordinaon servies for the wa- ter, wastewater, stormwater and tra signal system s in the City. Flood Control inspets, maintains and repairs the itys flood ontrol levee. Addionally, the wor gro up oversees emergeny response for high water events. taff onsists of one foreman, two maintenane wor- ers and one seasonal employee. taff maintains 1 mi les of levee, inluding two pumping plants, 5 stru - tures, nine sandag gaps and numerous inlet and out let hannels. They regularly inspet the levee inl uding its slopes, driving surfae, gates, pumps and relat ed equipment. They also inspet seven storm-water d eten- on ponds throughout alina within various residen al areas. Five of these ponds are mowed and main- tained y Flood Control personnel and two ponds y others. 68 General Fund: Public Works Engineering PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING 2014 2015 2016 2017 EXPENDITURES ACTUAL ACTUAL REVISED ADOPTED FT-alaries udget $ 45,66 $ 08,401 $ 805,000 $ 855,000 T- alaries $ 4,60 $ ,554 $ 5,50 $ 3,40 T- Regular $ 4,109 $ 1,56 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 Longevity ay $ 4,554 $ 4,99 $ 5,641 $ 6,35 SONALSVCSOAL$759,099 $717,203 $836,891 $895,115 Unemployment $ 983 $ 1,15 $ ,150 $ 1,500 oial eurity $ 45,944 $ 45,911 $ 48,500 $ 48,500 Mediare $ 10,45 $ 10,910 $ 11,500 $ 11,500 Life Insurane $ 1,610 $ 1,49 $ 1,600 $ 1,600 KR $ ,445 $ 86,364 $ 8 ,000 $ 4,000 Transportaon Allowane $ 6,840 $ 3,83 $ 6,840 $ 6,840 MLOYNSOAL$143,567 $149,522 $152,590 $143,940 e upplies $ 1,898 $ 1,8 $ ,500 $ ,00 oos eriodials $ 34 $ 304 $ 50 $ 50 Draing upplies $ ,519 $ 69 1 $ 1,500 $ 1,500 as il $ 8,1 $ 5,440 $ 5,600 $ 8,400 Maintenane. upplies-ehile quip $ 4,6 9 $ 6,343 $ 10,500 $ 8,000 Wearing Apparel $ 4 $ 6 8 $ 50 $ 600 ther perang. upplies $ 1,49 $ 1,5 $ 1,300 $ 1,300 ULI TTAL $ 19,666 $ 16,549 $ ,900 $ ,50 Telephone $ 3,340 $ 3,381 $ 3,480 $ 3,480 Cell hone Allowane $ ,45 $ ,388 $ ,400 $ ,400 ostage $ 30 $ 1,416 $ 960 $ 960 mployee Development $ 11,99 $ 6,61 $ 13,45 $ 13,45 Dues $ ,50 $ 1,463 $ ,950 $ 3,050 mployee Reruitment $ - $ - $ - $ - Repair-ff. quip. $ - $ - $ 1,000 $ 1,50 Repair-ther $ 16 $ - $ 1,000 $ 1,000 ther Contratual $ 35,048 $ 6,359 $ 16,000 $ 19,50 ther Contratual $ - $ - $ - $ - CONACUALSVCSOAL$56,307 $21,267 $41,035 $46,135 e quipment $ 1,059 $ 3,11 $ - $ 600 ther quipment $ 3,8 $ 94 $ 500 $ 500 CAITAL UTLAY TTAL $ 4,8 $ 3 ,505 $ 500 $ 1,100 Health Insurane $ 100,90 $ 11,5 $ 130,90 $ 145,000 Wormens Compensaon $ 16,000 $ 10,54 $ 16,000 $ 10,080 NUNDNSOAL$116,970 $132 ,119 $146,970 $155,080 ULCWOKSNGNNGOAL $1,099,895 $1,040,165 $1,200,887 $1,264,120 69 General Fund: Public Works Streets ULCWOKSSS 2014 2015 2016 2017 XNDUS ACUAL ACUAL VSD ADOD FT-alaries udget $ 996,45 $ 96,99 $ 1,063,000 $ 1,105,000 T- Regular $ 14,904 $ 3,99 $ 8,000 $ 8,000 Longevity ay $ 14,639 $ 13,049 $ 15,000 $ 15,50 SONALSVCSOAL$1,026,118$994 ,025 $1,086,000 $1,128,750 Unemployment $ 1,319 $ 1,439 $ ,900 $ ,000 oial eurity $ 61,96 $ 59,85 $ 66,510 $ 69,850 Mediare $ 14,45 $ 13,999 $ 15,636 $ 15,636 Life Insurane $ ,38 $ ,10 $ ,65 $ ,5 KR $ 106,48 $ 106,010 $ 114,6 0 $ 100,000 Transportaon Allowane $ 3,696 $ 3,54 $ 3,00 $ 3,00 MLOYNSOAL$190,078 $186 ,952 $205,991 $193,961 e upplies $ 854 $ 59 $ 1,50 $ 1,50 Metal roduts $ 1,16 $ 8 $ 1,00 $ 1,00 Lumer $ ,4 $ 1,50 $ 3,50 $ 3,50 Welding upplies $ 99 $ 1,01 1 $ 900 $ 900 as il $ 10,149 $ 53,16 $ 90,000 $ 15,000 Maintenane. upplies-ehile quip $ 0,53 $ 193,498 $ 1,00 $ 1,00 arts-Mahinery quip $ 4,309 $ ,405 $ 9,500 $ 9,500 Chemials $ 160 $ 1,50 $ ,00 $ ,00 Wearing Apparel $ ,150 $ ,659 $ ,635 $ ,635 Tools $ ,4 $ ,348 $ 3,000 $ 3,000 ther perang. upplies $ 4,516 $ 4,19 $ 4,850 $ 4,850 uildings rounds upplies $ ,16 $ 89 $ 1,150 $ 1,1 50 SULSOAL$354,759 $274,215 $298,405 $333,405 Telephone $ 1,35 $ 3,055 $ ,880 $ ,880 Cell hone Allowane $ 1,00 $ 1 ,150 $ 1,00 $ 1,00 ostage $ 105 $ 15 $ 100 $ 100 mployee Development $ 3,033 $ $ 4,355 $ 4,355 Dues $ 305 $ - $ 85 $ 85 Repair-Radio $ - $ 39 $ 150 $ 0 Repair-uildings $ 1,303 $ ,650 $ 4,550 $ 4,550 ther Contratual $ 6,06 $ 54,639 $ 6,810 $ 1,040 olid Waste Fees $ 60 $ 3 08 $ 4,000 $ 4,000 CONACUALSVCSOAL$7,746 $62,993 $94,330 $88,630 e quipment $ 3,394 $ 5,686 $ 545 $ 545 ther quipment $ 4,353 $ 10,61 $ ,300 $ 8,000 CAITAL UTLAY TTAL $ 16,448 $ ,845 $ 8,545 Health Insurane $ 04,981 $ 14,1 $ 36,650 $ 48,48 Wormens Compensaon $ 0,000 $ 13,18 $ 0,000 $ 1,600 NUNDNSOAL$224,981 $227 ,399 $256,650 $261,082 ULCWOKSSSOAL $1,878,585 $1,762,032 $1,964,221 $2,034,373 70 General Fund: Public Works Traffic PUBLIC WORKS TRAFFIC 2014 2015 2016 2017 EXPENDITURES ACTUAL ACTUAL REVISED ADOPTED FT-alaries udget $ 133,3 $ 13,59 $ 145,000 $ 151,000 T- alaries $ ,904 $ 5,808 $ 6,000 $ 6,000 T- Regular $ 3,10 $ 1,03 $ 6,000 $ 6,000 Longevity ay $ 1,638 $ 1,806 $ ,000 $ ,100 SONALSVCSOAL$141,394 $146,176 $159,000 $165,100 Unemployment $ 18 $ 06 $ 380 $ 50 oial eurity $ 8,64 $ 8,534 $ 8,95 $ 9,450 Mediare $ 1,933 $ 1,996 $ ,100 $ ,00 Life Insurane $ 369 $ 345 $ 55 $ 55 KR $ 14,090 $ 14,639 $ 14 ,63 $ 13,000 MLOYNSOAL$24,834 $2 5,719 $26,667 $25,475 e upplies $ 01 $ 1 $ 00 $ 00 Welding upplies $ 40 $ 43 $ 300 $ 300 as il $ 10,989 $ 6,94 $ 9,600 $ 14,400 Maintenane. upplies-ehile quip $ 1,8 4 $ ,51 $ 10,600 $ 10,600 Tra Lights arts $ 1,588 $ 1,486 $ 0,960 $ 0,960 treet Lights $ 1,14 $ 1,683 $ 4,650 $ 4,650 Wearing Apparel $ 1,0 $ 1,069 $ 1,330 $ 1,330 Tools $ 536 $ 595 $ 1,300 $ 1,300 ther perang. upplies $ 901 $ 41 $ 00 $ 0 0 uildings rounds upplies $ 1,18 $ 54 $ 45 $ 45 SULSOAL$53,373 $36,286 $50,065 $54,865 K L Hooup $ - $ - $ 1,000 $ 1,000 Telephone $ 8 $ 139 $ 580 $ 580 Cell hone Allowane $ 1,00 $ 1 ,150 $ 1,00 $ 1,00 treet Lighng $ 58,9 $ 504,008 $ 53,550 $ 53,550 Tra Control ervies $ 50,15 $ 4 ,31 $ 4,800 $ 4,800 mployee Development $ 6,604 $ 3 ,365 $ ,90 $ ,90 Dues $ 40 $ - $ 400 $ 400 Repair-Radio $ - $ - $ 100 $ 100 Repair-uildings $ 539 $ 3 $ 350 $ ,00 Repair-Tra Lights $ - $ - $ ,000 $ ,000 ther Contratual $ 186 $ 1,4 1 $ ,05 $ ,495 CONACUALSVCSOAL$641,703 $5 57,714 $595,345 $602,615 e quipment $ 150 $ 5,05 $ 50 $ 50 Radios $ - $ - $ - $ - ther quipment $ 9,66 $ 8,55 $ 9,15 $ 1,855 CAITAL UTLAY TTAL $ 9,6 $ 13,58 $ 9,35 $ ,105 Health Insurane $ 38,056 $ 36,059 $ 39,44 $ 41,414 Wormens Compensaon $ ,600 $ 1,13 $ ,600 $ 1,638 NUNDNS$40,656 $37,772 $42,042 $43,052 ULCWOKSACOAL $911,735 $817,249 $882,494 $893,212 71 General Fund: Public Works Flood Control PUBLIC WORKS FLOOD CONTROL 2014 2015 2016 2017 EXPENDITURES ACTUAL ACTUAL REVISED ADOPTED FT-alaries udget $ 11,04 $ 11,191 $ 1,500 $ 133,000 T- alaries $ 1,8 $ ,838 $ 3,000 $ 3,000 T- Regular $ ,466 $ 1,330 $ ,000 $ ,000 Longevity ay $ 1,663 $ 1,89 $ 1,950 $ 1,950 SONALSVCSOAL$123,615 $127,148 $134,450 $139,950 Unemployment $ 150 $ 16 $ 300 $ 00 oial eurity $ ,019 $ ,31 $ ,650 $ 8,050 Mediare $ 1,64 $ 1,10 $ 1 ,800 $ 1,900 Life Insurane $ 30 $ 84 $ 550 $ 550 KR $ 1,403 $ 1,9 $ 13,05 $ 1,000 MLOYNSOAL$21,521 $22,454 $23,325 $22,700 e upplies $ 01 $ 1 $ 350 $ 350 and, Ro, ravel a $ ,034 $ 1,3 91 $ 4,000 $ 4,000 as il $ 14,088 $ 8,406 $ 1,0 00 $ 18,000 Maintenane. upplies-ehile quip $ ,81 $ 19,51 $ 18,100 $ 18,100 Chemials $ 4,4 $ 4,8 $ 5,0 $ 5,0 Wearing Apparel $ $ 801 $ 1,150 $ 1,150 Tools $ 93 $ 14 $ 00 $ 00 ther perang. upplies $ ,08 $ 5 ,06 $ 5,110 $ 5,110 uildings rounds upplies $ 100 $ 409 $ 140 $ 140 SULSOAL$52,118 $56,736 $66,270 $72,270 ther rofessional ervies $ - $ - $ - $ - Telephone $ 6 $ 368 $ 580 $ 580 Cell hone Allowane $ 300 $ 88 $ 300 $ 300 mployee Development $ ,3 $ 99 $ 45 $ 45 Legal Noes $ - $ - $ - $ - Repair-Radio $ - $ - $ 100 $ 100 Repair-uildings $ 35 $ 0 $ 600 $ 600 ther Contratual $ 4, $ 6,49 $ 38,815 $ 38,815 CONACUALSVCSOAL$27,551 $27,424 $40,820 $40,820 e quipment $ 16 $ 5,35 $ 150 $ 150 ther quipment $ 4 $ 10,051 $ ,5 $ ,5 CAALOULAYOAL$850 $15,286 $2,425 $2,425 Health Insurane $ 33,846 $ 38,4 $ 43,085 $ 45,39 Wormens Compensaon $ ,000 $ 1,31 8 $ ,000 $ 1,60 NUNDNSOAL$35,846 $40,06 0 $45,085 $46,499 ULCWOKSLOODCONOLOAL $261,501 $289,109 $312,375 $324,664 72 General Fund: Parks & Recreation The alina ars Rereaon Department is dediate d to providing a wide variety of leisure-me opportunies and avies to enhane the quality of life for all iens in our ommunity. You and your family are invited to visit our 6 City pars featuring over 1000 ares of par land and a wide range of amenies. pend an aernoon at the Muniip al olf Course, or paripate in the numerous rereaon programs offered for all ages and interest s. The ars and Rereaon Department is responsile f or managing and maintaining our nine divisions, the City par system, rereaonal progra ms and other puli failies inluding the no-ill alina Animal helter and the donaon-funded arle y ar. The Rereaon Division is responsile for providing a year-round diversied rereaon pro gram for all iens of alina, inluding pari- paon programs, ommunity servies and speial even ts. A wide variety of programming is provided for all ages and interests, with spei program areas offered for 50 lus and Therapeu Rereaon. ther program areas inlude: aquas, ath- les, instruonal, natural resoures, performing and visual arts, and summer day amps. Cli here to ulie our online registraon feature. The ars, Forestry and Downtown Divisions are resp onsile for maintaining par grounds and land- saping, as well as maintenane responsiilies in downtown alina and on other puli grounds, whih inlude parways and landsaped median strips . ver 60,000 flowers are planted annually in the pars system. A City tree nursery and ost shar e tree planng program for the ommunity have also een developed. The ars Rereaon Department has several satell ite oe loaons. The administrave oes are loated in the City-County uilding. 73 General Fund: Parks PARKS 2014 2015 2016 2017 EXPENDITURES ACTUAL ACTUAL REVISED ADOPTED FT-alaries udget $ 55,84 $ 51,4 $ 59,000 $ 614,000 T- alaries $ 154,168 $ 15,04 $ 10,00 0 $ 190,000 T- Regular $ 1,05 $ 855 $ 1,500 $ 1,500 Longevity ay $ 13,48 $ 13,811 $ 1 4,000 $ 1,800 SONALSVCSOAL$744,544 $738,168 $764,500 $818,300 Unemployment $ 985 $ 1,064 $ 1,850 $ 1,000 oial eurity $ 45,810 $ 43,3 $ 40,000 $ 44,000 Mediare $ 10,14 $ 10,6 $ 11,000 $ 11,000 Life Insurane $ 1,404 $ 1,81 $ ,850 $ ,850 KR $ 9,8 $ 61,33 $ 0,59 $ 55,000 MLOYNSOAL$138,140 $118,02 7 $126,459 $113,850 e upplies $ 98 $ 589 $ 1,100 $ 1,100 luming upplies $ 9,8 $ ,09 $ 10,000 $ 9,000 hop Mehani upplies $ 8,193 $ 8,6 5 $ 8,500 $ 9,000 Cement roduts $ 43 $ ,484 $ 15,000 $ 15,000 and, Ro, ravel a $ 1,950 $ 569 $ ,000 $ 1,500 aints $ 1,588 $ 61 $ 1,5 00 $ 1,500 Lumer $ 1,548 $ ,18 $ 1,5 00 $ ,000 letrial Lighng $ 1,63 $ 1,869 $ ,000 $ ,000 anitorial $ 3,814 $ 6, $ 4,500 $ 4,500 as il $ 44,33 $ 8,36 $ 0,00 0 $ 30,000 Maintenane. upplies-ehile quip $ 5,380 $ 5,81 $ 5,500 $ 60,000 Chemials $ 16,63 $ 16,536 $ 18,00 0 $ 18,000 Wearing Apparel $ ,999 $ 3,88 $ 3,500 $ 4,000 afety quip upplies $ 1,349 $ 1,15 $ - $ 1,000 Tools $ ,08 $ ,69 $ 3,00 0 $ 3,000 Rereaon upplies $ 16,683 $ 15,09 $ 18,000 $ 16,000 eeds, lants, Trees $ 1,889 $ 3,661 $ ,000 $ ,000 ther perang. upplies $ 1,06 $ 6 ,1 $ ,500 $ ,000 SULSOAL$193,934 $118,027 $19 5,600 $206,600 Telephone $ 4,1 $ 4,50 $ 5,000 $ 5,000 Cell hone Allowane $ 300 $ 88 $ 300 $ 300 olid Waste Disposal $ 10,006 $ 11,61 $ 10,000 $ 1,000 mployee Development $ ,00 $ ,05 $ ,500 $ ,500 Repair-uildings $ 18,846 $ 1,300 $ ,000 $ 18,000 ther Contratual $ 6,089 $ 8,46 $ 6,000 $ 6,000 CONACUALSVCSOAL$41,438 $45,158 $45,800 $43,800 ther quipment $ 8 364 $ 5,04 $ 35,500 $ 10,000 CAALOULAYOAL$8,364 $5,20 4 $35,500 $10,000 Health Insurane $ 18,18 $ 143,59 $ 15 9,694 $ 16,68 Wormens Compensaon $ 11,000 $ ,48 $ 11,000 $ 6,930 NUNDNSOAL$139,218 $150,8 45 $170,694 $174,608 AKSOAL $1,265,638 $1,244,678 $1,338,553 $1,367,158 74 General Fund: Downtown DOWNTOWN 2014 2015 2016 2017 EXPENDITURES ACTUAL ACTUAL REVISED ADOPTED FT-alaries udget $ 9,1 $ 1,33 $ 30,500 $ 3,000 T- alaries $ 3,353 $ 3,131 $ 6,000 $ 6,000 T- Regular $ 41 $ 14 $ - $ 50 Longevity ay $ - $ 19 $ - $ - SONALSVCSOAL$32,995$24,639$36,500 $38,250 Unemployment $ 40 $ 36 $ 100 $ 100 oial eurity $ 1,81 $ 1,45 $ ,00 $ ,00 Mediare $ 43 $ 345 $ 500 $ 500 Life Insurane $ 86 $ $ 110 $ 110 KR $ ,94 $ ,156 $ 3,100 $ ,50 MLOYNSOAL$5,408$4,038$6,010 $5,660 anitorial $ 614 $ 15 $ 800 $ 800 as il $ 1,340 $ 445 $ 960 $ 1,440 Maintenane. upplies-ehile quip $ ,13 $ 680 $ 1 ,000 $ 1,000 Wearing Apparel $ 181 $ 60 $ 60 $ 60 Tools $ - $ 5 $ 100 $ 100 eeds, lants, Trees $ ,813 $ 648 $ ,500 $ ,500 ther perang. upplies $ 56 $ 1,01 $ 600 $ 1,000 SULSOAL$7,417$4,136$6,220 $7,100 Repairs $ ,85 $ 3,69 1 $ 6,000 $ 6,000 ther Contratual $ 6,50 $ ,0 $ ,300 $ ,300 CONACUALSVCSOAL$9,305 $10,769$13,300 $13,300 ther quipment $ - $ 1,465 $ 500 $ - CAALOULAYOAL$-$1,465$500 $- Health Insurane $ 11,8 $ 3,1 $ - $ - Wormens Compensaon $ 55 $ 36 $ 550 $ 34 NUNDNSOAL$11,834$3,484$550 $347 DOWNTOWN TOTAL $66,959 $48,532 $63,080 $64,657 75 General Fund: Forestry FORESTRY 2014 2015 2016 2017 EXPENDITURES ACTUAL ACTUAL REVISED ADOPTED FT-alaries udget $ 93,11 $ 108,63 3 $ 14,500 $ 130,000 T- alaries $ ,868 $ ,88 $ 4,000 $ 4,000 T- Regular $ 105 $ 40 1 $ 300 $ 300 Longevity ay $ 1,159 $ 1,6 6 $ 1,500 $ 1,500 SONALSVCSOAL$97,244$1 13,597 $130,300 $135,800 Unemployment $ 16 $ 1 6 $ 300 $ 00 oial eurity $ 5,88 $ 6,885 $ ,140 $ ,140 Mediare $ 1,35 $ 1,610 $ 1,660 $ 1,660 Life Insurane $ 181 $ 6 $ 500 $ 500 KR $ 9,18 $ 11,38 $ 1,500 $ 11,000 MLOYNSOAL$17,278$20,266 $22,100 $20,500 e upplies $ 149 $ $ 00 $ 00 Lumer $ 16 $ - $ 100 $ 100 as il $ 3,354 $ ,530 $ ,400 $ 3,600 Maintenane. upplies-ehile quip $ 5,506 $ 3,939 $ ,000 $ ,000 Tree laques $ 65 $ - $ - $ - Wearing Apparel $ 580 $ 836 $ 600 $ 600 afety quip upplies $ 1 $ 149 $ 150 $ 150 Tools $ 6 $ 66 $ 00 $ 50 eeds, lants, Trees $ 5,18 $ 966 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 Tree Cost hare rogram $ - $ - $ - $ 3,500 ther perang. upplies $ 430 $ 53 $ 50 $ 50 SULSOAL$15,706$8,816 $11,900 $16,650 Cell hone Allowane $ 300 $ 88 $ 300 $ 300 mployee Development $ 800 $ 615 $ 1,500 $ 1,500 Dues $ 6 $ 5 $ 00 $ 100 ther Contratual $ 14,65 $ 13,43 5 $ 15,000 $ 15,000 CONACUALSVCSOAL$15,941$14,413 $17,000 $16,900 ther quipment $ ,50 $ 50 $ 500 $ 500 CAALOULAYOAL$2,520$250 $500 $500 Health Insurane $ 16,904 $ 4,16 $ 5,080 $ 6,334 Wormens Compensaon $ ,00 $ 1,450 $ ,00 $ 1,38 6 NUNDNSOAL$19,104$25,616 $27,280 $27,720 FORESTRY TOTAL $ 167,793 $ 182,958 $ 209,080 $ 218,070 76 General Fund: Neighborhood Centers NEIGHBORHOOD CENTERS 2014 2015 2016 2017 EXPENDITURES ACTUAL ACTUAL REVISED ADOPTED FT-alaries udget $ - $ 10,454 $ - $ - T- alaries $ 16,85 $ 1,043 $ - $ - SONALSVCSOAL$16,825$11,498 $- $- Unemployment $ 0 $ 16 $ - $ - oial eurity $ 98 $ 69 $ - $ - Mediare $ 1 $ 159 $ - $ - Life Insurane $ 16 $ 14 $ - $ - KR $ 1,11 $ 1,193 $ - $ - MLOYNSOAL$2,892$2,061 $- $- luming upplies $ 46 $ 1,955 $ 500 $ 500 aints $ - $ 95 $ 400 $ 400 anitorial $ - $ 1,46 $ - $ ,600 anitorial-aper rod. $ 88 $ - $ ,600 ther perang. upplies $ 614 $ 409 $ ,000 $ ,000 SULSOAL$1,868$4,4 04 $5,500 $5,500 ther rofessional ervies $ ,699 $ ,043 $ 3,00 $ 3,00 Telephone $ ,103 $ ,19 $ ,100 $ 3,000 olid Waste Disposal $ 1,94 $ ,006 $ ,40 $ ,40 Repair-Heang Cool $ 1,83 $ ,441 $ 5,150 $ 5,000 Repair-uildings $ ,45 $ ,4 81 $ 5,150 $ 5,000 Repair-quipment $ 15 $ 41 $ - $ - Refunds $ 86 $ 459 $ - $ - CONACUALSVCSOAL$31,871$12,062 $18,020 $18,620 ther quipment $ 0 $ - $ 1,000 $ 1,000 CAALOULAYOAL$720$- $1,000 $1,000 Health Insurane $ ,00 $ ,30 $ - $ - NUNDNSOAL$2,020$2,230 $- $- NEIGHBORHOOD CENTERS TOTAL $ 56,196 $ 32,255 $ 24,520 $ 25,120 77 General Fund: Field Maintenance FIELD MAINTENANCE 2014 2015 2016 2017 EXPENDITURES ACTUAL ACTUAL REVISED ADOPTED FT-alaries udget $ 88,5 $ 9,0 8 $ 95,000 $ 99,000 T- alaries $ 49,44 $ 41,683 $ 54,000 $ 56,00 T- Regular $ ,335 $ ,36 $ ,500 $ 3,000 Longevity ay $ 1,36 $ 1,44 6 $ 1,500 $ 1,50 SONALSVCSOAL$141,363$13 7,451 $153,000 $159,950 Unemployment $ 19 $ 1 89 $ 350 $ 50 oial eurity $ 8,31 $ ,953 $ 8,18 $ 8,300 Mediare $ 1,944 $ 1,860 $ 1,900 $ 1,900 Life Insurane $ 0 $ 05 $ 5 $ 5 KR $ 9, $ 9,10 $ 9,35 $ 8,500 MLOYNSOAL$19,877$19,916 $19,960 $19,175 Cement roduts $ - $ 190 $ - $ - and, Ro, ravel a $ 5,083 $ ,01 $ ,000 $ 6,000 aints $ 4,3 $ ,680 $ 4,500 $ 4,500 Lumer $ 1,81 $ 908 $ ,000 $ ,000 letrial Lighng $ 5,904 $ 11,40 $ 3,000 $ 3,500 anitorial $ ,350 $ ,901 $ ,500 $ 3,000 as il $ 5,09 $ 4,054 $ 4,000 $ 6,000 Maintenane. upplies-ehile quip $ 4,33 $ 4,568 $ 6,000 $ 6,000 Wearing Apparel $ 414 $ 535 $ 400 $ 550 afety quip upplies $ 10 $ 11 $ 150 $ 150 Tools $ 154 $ 140 $ 500 $ 500 Mah. quip. (<$50) $ - $ - $ - $ - Rereaon upplies $ ,646 $ ,533 $ ,500 $ ,500 ther perang. upplies $ ,816 $ ,6 $ 3,500 $ 3 ,500 SULSOAL$34,875$34,792 $36,050 $38,200 Cell hone Allowane $ 300 $ 88 $ 300 $ 300 mployee Development $ 11 $ 10 $ 850 $ 500 Repair-uildings $ - $ 11,58 $ - $ 3 ,000 ther Contratual $ 1,490 $ 5,904 $ 1,800 $ 5,000 CONACUALSVCSOAL$1,962$17,959 $13,950 $8,800 ther quipment $ 5,159 $ 539 $ 8,000 $ 5,000 CAALOULAYOAL$5,159$539 $8,000 $5,00 0 Health Insurane $ ,564 $ 5,88 $ 8,3 $ 30,159 Wormens Compensaon $ 1,500 $ 1,186 $ 1,800 $ 1,134 NUNDNSOAL$24,064$27,014 $30,523 $31,293 FIELD MAINTENANCE TOTAL $ 227,299 $ 237,671 $ 261,483 $ 262,418 78 General Fund: Cemetery CEMETERY 2014 2015 2016 2017 EXPENDITURES ACTUAL ACTUAL REVISED ADOPTED FT-alaries udget $ 1,51 $ 6,4 38 $ 8,000 $ 85,500 T- alaries $ 6,64 $ 6,890 $ 8,000 $ 10,000 T- Regular $ 1,006 $ 88 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 Longevity ay $ 1,383 $ 1,46 $ 1,500 $ 1,600 SONALSVCSOAL$80,634$85,622 $92,500 $98,100 Unemployment $ 104 $ 11 $ 10 $ 150 oial eurity $ 4,8 $ 4,91 $ 5,150 $ 5,150 Mediare $ 1,19 $ 1,16 $ 1,50 $ 1,50 Life Insurane $ 191 $ 184 $ 300 $ 300 KR $ , $ 8,56 $ 8,500 $ ,500 MLOYNSOAL$14,028$14,694 $15,410 $14,350 and, Ro, ravel a $ 1,43 $ 3,00 $ 1,500 $ 1,50 0 anitorial-aper rod. $ 49 $ 18 $ 50 $ 50 as il $ 5,419 $ 3,839 $ 4,400 $ 6,600 Maintenane. upplies-ehile quip $ 1,659 $ 13,454 $ 10,000 $ 10,000 Wearing Apparel $ 31 $ 454 $ 400 $ 400 Tools $ 10 $ 55 $ 600 $ 800 ther perang. upplies $ ,55 $ ,05 $ 4,600 $ 4 ,600 SULSOAL$22,503$43,539 $21,750 $24,150 Ageny Contrats peraonal $ - $ - $ - $ - Ageny Cont. Animal helter $ - $ - $ - $ - Telephone $ ,05 $ ,043 $ ,300 $ ,300 Cell hone Allowane $ 300 $ 88 $ - $ 300 mployee Development $ - $ - $ 150 $ 100 Repair-uildings $ ,453 $ 1 ,8 $ 3,000 $ 3,000 Refunds $ 968 $ 5,955 $ ,300 $ 1,000 CONACUALSVCSOAL$5,772$10,112 $7,750 $6 ,700 ther quipment $ - $ 890 $ 3,800 $ 4,500 CAALOULAYOAL$-$890 $3,800 $4,500 Health Insurane $ 1,688 $ 5,88 $ 8,3 $ 30,159 Wormens Compensaon $ 1,55 $ 1,01 $ 1,550 $ 9 NUNDNSOAL$23,240$26,849 $30,273 $31,136 CEMETERY TOTAL $ 146,178 $ 181,707 $ 171,483 $ 178,936 79 General Fund: Parks Facility Maintenance PARKS FACILITY MAINTENANCE 2014 2015 2016 2017 EXPENDITURES ACTUAL ACTUAL REVISED ADOPTED FT-alaries udget $ 8,814 $ ,996 $ 310,000 $ 35,000 T- alaries $ 15,943 $ 15,58 $ 30,000 $ 3,000 T- Regular $ 3,345 $ ,851 $ 3,500 $ 3,500 Longevity ay $ 3,436 $ ,64 5 $ 3,000 $ 3,000 SONALSVCSOAL$310,538$24 4,079 $346,500 $363,500 Unemployment $ 406 $ 34 $ 500 $ 500 oial eurity $ 18,955 $ 14,150 $ 1,500 $ 0,000 Mediare $ 4,439 $ 3,309 $ 4,500 $ 4,500 Life Insurane $ 35 $ 54 $ 800 $ 800 KR $ 30,508 $ 4,86 $ 3,660 $ 30,000 MLOYNSOAL$55,044$42,661 $59,960 $55,800 luming upplies $ 661 $ ,308 $ 1,86 $ 1,400 aints $ 13 $ 6 $ 50 $ 500 Lumer $ 843 $ 695 $ 855 $ 500 letrial Lighng $ ,016 $ 15,13 $ 6,500 $ 5,000 anitorial $ 10,4 $ 9,166 $ 1,060 $ 1,000 as il $ 4,04 $ ,10 $ ,800 $ 4,00 Maintenane. upplies-ehile quip $ 1,94 $ ,64 $ 5,198 $ 4,000 Wearing Apparel $ 1,49 $ ,9 $ 1,680 $ ,000 Tools $ ,191 $ 3,330 $ 3,000 $ 3,000 ther perang. upplies $ 5,453 $ 5,153 $ 4,000 $ 4,000 SULSOAL$28,359$44,309 $37,949 $36,600 ther rofessional ervies $ 5,130 $ 3,959 $ 3,500 $ 4,000 ther rof.-levator $ 14,010 $ 14 ,10 $ 1,500 $ 13,000 Telephone $ 894 $ 1,59 $ 850 $ 1,000 Cell hone Allowane $ 488 $ 163 $ 1,000 $ 600 as ervie $ 95,04 $ 63,08 $ 40,000 $ 95,000 Light ower $ 415,168 $ 399,56 $ 40,000 $ 400,000 L-Rereaon $ 9,0 $ 6,166 $ 84,000 $ 80,000 mployee Development $ 3,094 $ 88 $ 1,00 $ 1,90 0 Repair-Heang Cool $ ,45 $ ,60 $ 3,00 $ 3,00 Repair-uildings $ 4,109 $ ,100 $ 4,000 $ ,000 Repair-quipment $ 6,4 $ (439) $ 1,500 $ 1,50 ther Contratual $ 10,05 $ 11,15 6 $ 10,000 $ 1,000 CONACUALSVCSOAL$636,496$580,626 $587,750 $619,450 Construon Contrats $ 6,48 $ 6,691 $ 100,000 $ 108,000 CAALOULAYOAL$26,478$26 ,691 $100,000 $108,000 Health Insurane $ 1,38 $ 6,3 $ 8,56 $ 86,653 Wormens Compensaon $ 6,000 $ 3,953 $ 6,000 $ 3,8 0 NUNDNSOAL$77,382$71,280 $88,526 $90,433 FACILITY MAINTENANCE TOTAL $ 1,134,298 $ 1,009,647 $ 1,220,685 $ 1,273,783 80 General Fund: Animal Services ANIMAL SERVICES 2014 2015 2016 2017 EXPENDITURES ACTUAL ACTUAL REVISED ADOPTED FT-alaries udget $ 15,5 $ 15,38 $ 35,000 $ 45,000 T- alaries $ - $ - $ 15,000 $ 15,000 T- Regular $ 9,8 $ 15,4 $ 10,000 $ 10,000 Longevity ay $ 1,948 $ 1,4 3 $ ,100 $ ,100 SONALSVCSOAL$226,483$23 2,872 $262,100 $272,100 Unemployment $ 88 $ 3 36 $ 650 $ 400 oial eurity $ 13,463 $ 13,888 $ 0,300 $ 16,500 Mediare $ 3,149 $ 3,48 $ 3,500 $ 3,500 Life Insurane $ 80 $ 31 $ 300 $ 30 KR $ 3,060 $ 4,19 $ 4,000 $ 1,000 MLOYNSOAL$40,238$42,040 $48,750 $41,770 e upplies $ 5,51 $ 6,18 3 $ 6,000 $ 6,500 luming upplies $ 336 $ 33 $ ,500 $ ,500 letrial Lighng $ 18 $ 3,389 $ ,000 $ ,00 0 anitorial $ 6,565 $ ,0 $ 8,000 $ 8,000 as il $ 8,164 $ 6,65 $ 5,00 $ ,800 Maintenane. upplies-ehile quip $ 6, $ 4,69 $ 10,500 $ 6,000 Wearing Apparel $ ,51 $ ,631 $ 3,000 $ 3,000 ther perang. upplies $ ,156 $ 40,608 $ 8,000 $ 10,000 ther perang. Animal upplies $ 3,914 $ 48,55 $ 40,000 $ 35 ,000 SULSOAL$69,799$120,756 $85,200 $80,800 ther rofessional ervies $ 43 $ 315 $ 500 $ 500 Telephone $ 4,504 $ 3,993 $ 4,800 $ 4,800 Cell hone Allowane $ - $ 5 $ - $ 1,500 as ervie $ 10,19 $ 10,03 $ 8,000 $ 10,000 olid Waste Disposal $ ,093 $ 1,01 $ ,500 $ ,500 Light ower $ 19,3 $ 0,95 $ 0,000 $ 1,000 ostage $ 3,835 $ 4,099 $ 4,000 $ 4,000 mployee Development $ 3,6 $ 10,13 $ 6,000 $ 6,000 Dues $ 15 $ 468 $ 450 $ 450 Repair-Heang Cool $ 86 $ 669 $ 4,000 $ 4,000 Repair-uildings $ 4,68 $ 10,5 19 $ 16,000 $ 16,000 Repair-quipment $ 1,801 $ 16,3 9 $ 9,000 $ 9,000 Credit Card Fees/xpense $ 5,06 $ 3,859 $ 5,500 $ 5,500 Refunds $ 1,640 $ 1,908 $ ,500 $ ,500 ther Contratual $ 61,06 $ 55,83 5 $ 60,000 $ 60,000 CONACUALSVCSOAL$118,649$140,440 $143,250 $147,750 e quipment $ 1,005 $ ,8 0 $ ,000 $ 3,000 ther quipment $ 4,05 $ 150 $ 3,500 $ 3,500 CAALOULAYOAL$5,057$3,020 $5,500 $6,500 Health Insurane $ 40,506 $ 33,469 $ 45,500 $ 4,500 Wormens Compensaon $ 4,500 $ 3,953 $ 5,000 $ 3,150 NUNDNSOAL$45,006$37,422 $50,500 $50,650 ANMALSVCSOAL $505,233 $576,551 $595,300 $599,570 81 General Fund: Recreation Administration RECREATION ADMINISTRATION 2014 2015 2016 2017 EXPENDITURES ACTUAL ACTUAL REVISED ADOPTED FT-alaries udget $ 18,14 $ 3,583 $ 6,000 $ 336,000 T- alaries $ 94 $ 1,01 9 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 T- Regular $ 3,881 $ 4,50 $ ,500 $ ,500 Longevity ay $ 18 $ 1,1 13 $ 450 $ 1,00 SONALSVCSOAL$223,134$24 4,465 $270,950 $340,700 Unemployment $ 9 $ 3 54 $ 450 $ 300 oial eurity $ 13,3 $ 14,699 $ 16,000 $ 1,000 Mediare $ 3,09 $ 3,438 $ 3,900 $ 4,00 Life Insurane $ 48 $ 46 $ 595 $ 595 KR $ ,906 $ 5,943 $ ,400 $ 8,500 Transportaon Allowane $ 5,14 $ 5,45 $ 6,060 $ 6,060 MLOYNSOAL$45,791$50,155 $54,405 $56,655 e upplies $ 4,89 $ 5,0 5 $ 6,000 $ 6,000 as il $ 6,603 $ 4,38 $ 3,600 $ 5,400 Maintenane. upplies-ehile quip $ 3,36 $ 5,566 $ 5,000 $ 6,000 Rereaon upplies $ 64 $ 1,5 $ 4,500 $ 4,500 ther perang. upplies $ 539 $ 686 $ - $ - ie Helmets $ 46 $ 1,11 0 $ 1,500 $ 1,500 SULSOAL$16,519$18,121 $20,600 $23,400 Rent/Lease $ - $ - $ - $ - ales Tax $ 6 $ 9 $ 60 $ 6 0 ther rofessional ervies $ 666 $ 1,588 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 Telephone $ 5,965 $ 4,3 $ 6,000 $ 6,000 Cell hone Allowane $ 563 $ 413 $ 850 $ 850 ostage $ ,31 $ 3,868 $ 9,000 $ ,500 mployee Development $ ,6 $ 3,51 $ ,500 $ 6,500 Dues $ 91 $ 1,903 $ 1,500 $ ,000 Adversing romoon $ 30,35 $ 1 8,394 $ 30,000 $ 30,000 Repair-quipment $ - $ 18 $ - $ - Credit Card Fees/xpense $ 3,683 $ 5,988 $ 35,000 $ 30,000 Refunds $ 0 $ 4 $ 300 $ 100 ther Contratual $ 3,90 $ 3,390 $ 3,00 $ 3,500 CONACUALSVCSOAL$88,605$63,960 $94,410 $87,510 Health Insurane $ 44,10 $ 51,436 $ 39,96 $ 41,961 Wormens Compensaon $ 1,000 $ 659 $ 1,000 $ 630 NUNDNSOAL$45,107$52,095 $40,962 $42,591 CAONADMNSAONOAL $419,155 $428,795 $481,327 $550,856 82 General Fund: Field House FIELD HOUSE 2014 2015 2016 2017 EXPENDITURES ACTUAL ACTUAL REVISED ADOPTED FT-alaries udget $ - $ - $ - $ ,000 T- alaries $ - $ - $ - $ 30,000 T- Regular $ - $ - $ - $ 1,500 SONALSVCSOAL$-$- $- $53,500 Unemployment $ - $ - $ - $ 100 oial eurity $ - $ - $ - $ 1,500 Mediare $ - $ - $ - $ 50 Life Insurane $ - $ - $ - $ 100 KR $ - $ - $ - $ ,000 MLOYNSOAL$-$- $- $4,450 e upplies $ - $ - $ - $ 1,000 letrial Lighng $ - $ - $ - $ 1,000 Ulity expense $ - $ - $ - $ 33,000 anitorial $ - $ - $ - $ ,500 Wearing Apparel $ - $ - $ - $ 1,000 afety quip upplies $ - $ - $ - $ 500 Tools $ - $ - $ - $ 500 Mah. quip. (<$50) $ - $ - $ - $ 1,000 Rereaon upplies $ - $ - $ - $ 5,000 ther perang. upplies $ - $ - $ - $ ,000 Food and everage $ - $ - $ - $ 3,000 Food and everage paper goods $ - $ - $ - $ 1,500 SULSOAL$-$- $- $52,000 Rent/Lease quipment $ - $ - $ - $ 1,500 ales Tax $ - $ - $ - $ 3,000 ther rofessional $ - $ - $ - $ ,000 Telephone $ - $ - $ - $ 3,000 Cell hone Allowane $ - $ - $ - $ 300 olid Waste Disposal $ - $ - $ - $ 1,500 ostage $ - $ - $ - $ 1,000 mployee Development $ - $ - $ - $ 1,000 Dues $ - $ - $ - $ 500 Adversing romoons $ - $ - $ - $ 10,000 uilding maintenane repairs $ - $ - $ - $ 3,000 Repair-uildings $ - $ - $ - $ 1,000 Repair-quipment $ - $ - $ - $ 1,000 Credit Card Fees/xpense $ - $ - $ - $ 5,000 ther Contratual $ - $ - $ - $ ,500 CONACUALSVCSOAL$-$- $-$36,300 Health Insurane $ - $ - $ - $ 1,000 Wormens Compensaon $ - $ - $ - $ 100 NUNDNSOAL$-$- $- $12,100 FIELD HOUSE TOTAL $ - $ - $ - $ 158,350 83 General Fund: Aquatic Center AQUATIC CENTER 2014 2015 2016 2017 EXPENDITURES ACTUAL ACTUAL REVISED ADOPTED FT-alaries udget $ 4,5 $ 4,4 $ - $ - T- alaries $ 61,913 $ 3,858 $ 98,000 $ 305,000 T- Regular $ 1,643 $ ,030 $ 500 $ 500 SONALSVCSOAL$268,133$24 4,359 $298,500 $305,500 Unemployment $ 354 $ 34 $ 640 $ 640 oial eurity $ 16,590 $ 15,13 $ ,000 $ ,000 Mediare $ 3,880 $ 3,540 $ 5,00 $ 5,00 Life Insurane $ 5 $ 8 $ - $ - KR $ 466 $ 40 $ 500 $ 500 MLOYNSOAL$21,294$19,480 $28,340 $28,340 e upplies $ 841 $ 1,44 $ 3,000 $ ,000 luming upplies $ 1,80 $ 505 $ 50 $ 0 0 aints $ 34 $ 384 $ 500 $ 500 letrial Lighng $ ,538 $ 1,458 $ 1,000 $ 1,500 anitorial $ ,385 $ 4,555 $ 3,500 $ 4,00 anitorial-aper rod. $ ,004 $ - $ - $ - arts-Mahinery quip $ 338 $ 54 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 Chemials $ 3,434 $ 33,188 $ 38,000 $ 38,000 Wearing Apparel $ 4,594 $ 4,806 $ 5,000 $ 5,500 Rereaon upplies $ 9,19 $ 8,151 $ ,500 $ 8,000 ther perang. upplies $ 4,5 $ ,950 $ 4,500 $ 4 ,500 SULSOAL$65,732$57,764 $64,750 $66,400 ales Tax $ 19 $ 95 $ 400 $ 400 ther rofessional ervies $ ,851 $ ,484 $ 5,000 $ 5,000 Telephone $ 1,546 $ 1,690 $ ,000 $ 1,00 olid Waste Disposal $ 1,595 $ - $ 1,500 $ 1,500 Adversing romoon $ 4,6 $ ,139 $ 9,000 $ 9,00 0 Repair-uildings $ ,153 $ ,05 $ 4,000 $ 3,500 Repair-quipment $ 5,83 $ 1 ,45 $ 4,00 $ 3,850 Refunds $ 3,899 $ ,65 $ 4,000 $ 4,000 ther Contratual $ 5,80 $ 3,955 $ 5,000 $ 5,000 CONACUALSVCSOAL$27,642$21,342 $35,100 $33,950 uildings $ - $ - $ ,000 $ 0,000 CAALOULAYOAL$-$- $27,000 $20,000 Health Insurane $ 388 $ 508 $ - $ - NUNDNSOAL$388$508 $- $- AQUATICS TOTAL $ 383,190 $ 343,453 $ 453,690 $ 454,190 84 General Fund: Athletics ATHLETICS 2014 2015 2016 2017 EXPENDITURES ACTUAL ACTUAL REVISED ADOPTED FT-alaries udget $ 49,083 $ 50,51 $ 53,000 $ 55,000 T- alaries $ 101,41 $ 113,01 $ 118,000 $ 11,000 T- Regular $ 18 $ - $ - $ - Longevity ay $ 354 $ 396 $ 380 $ 380 SONALSVCSOAL$150,867$16 4,167 $171,380 $176,380 Unemployment $ 00 $ 4 $ 300 $ 300 oial eurity $ 9,140 $ 9,86 $ 9,500 $ 9,500 Mediare $ ,138 $ ,310 $ ,300 $ ,300 Life Insurane $ 15 $ 11 $ 15 $ 15 KR $ 6,46 $ 6,56 $ ,000 $ 6,500 MLOYNSOAL$18,349$19,071 $19,225 $18,725 oos eriodials $ 0 $ - $ - $ - letrial Lighng $ ,399 $ 05 $ - $ - Rereaon upplies $ 14,036 $ 14,09 $ 15,000 $ 15,000 ther perang. upplies $ 39 $ 196 $ - $ - SULSOAL$17,194$15,110 $15,000 $15,000 Rent/Lease $ 8,350 $ 16,65 $ 14,000 $ 14,000 ther rofessional ervies $ ,611 $ 6,891 $ 9,000 $ 9,000 Cell hone Allowane $ 300 $ 88 $ 300 $ 300 Refunds $ 1,950 $ 85 $ ,000 $ 1,500 ther Contratual $ 601 $ 3,996 $ 4,000 $ 4,000 CONACUALSVCSOAL$18,812$28,675 $29,300 $28,800 ther quipment $ - $ - $ 3,000 $ 3,000 CAALOULAYOAL$-$- $3,000 $3,000 Health Insurane $ 11,96 $ 1,984 $ 14,36 $ 15,080 Wormens Compensaon $ 1,500 $ 988 $ 1,500 $ 945 NUNDNSOAL$13,467$13,972 $15,862 $16,025 ATHLETICS TOTAL $ 218,689 $ 240,996 $ 253,767 $ 257,930 v 85 General Fund: Natural Resources NATURAL RESOURCES 2014 2015 2016 2017 EXPENDITURES ACTUAL ACTUAL REVISED ADOPTED FT-alaries udget $ 83,569 $ 5,3 68 $ 49,500 $ 51,500 T- alaries $ 18,46 $ 0,440 $ ,000 $ 30,000 T- Regular $ 108 $ 1 8 $ - $ - Longevity ay $ 1,4 $ 14 $ 00 $ 50 SONALSVCSOAL$103,197$78,740 $77,200 $82,250 Unemployment $ 13 $ 1 13 $ 00 $ 150 oial eurity $ 6,108 $ 4,60 $ 5,000 $ 5,000 Mediare $ 1,48 $ 1,080 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 Life Insurane $ 14 $ 130 $ 00 $ 00 KR $ 8,644 $ 6,066 $ 5,000 $ 4,500 MLOYNSOAL$16,526$12,010 $11,400 $10,850 oos eriodials $ - $ 86 $ - $ - Lumer $ - $ 615 $ - $ - letrial Lighng $ - $ 109 $ - $ - Maintenane. upplies-ehile quip $ 10 $ 806 $ - $ - Wearing Apparel $ 3 $ 340 $ - $ - afety quip upplies $ - $ - $ - $ - Tools $ 6 $ 4 $ - $ - Mah. quip. (<$50) $ 168 $ $ - $ - Rereaon upplies $ 3,6 $ 8,85 $ 13,050 $ 15,000 ther perang. upplies $ 1,958 $ ,16 $ - $ - SULSOAL$6,379$13,728 $13,050 $15,000 ther rofessional ervies $ - $ 1,398 $ - $ - mployee Development $ - $ 355 $ - $ - Adversing romoons $ 1,043 $ - $ - $ - Refunds $ 1,90 $ 181 $ - $ - Avity Fund $ 0,3 $ 55,194 $ 80,000 $ 60,000 ther Contratual $ 5,38 $ 9,111 $ ,500 $ 5,500 CONACUALSVCSOAL$78,920$66,240 $87,500 $65,500 Health Insurane $ ,564 $ 16,536 $ 14,36 $ 15,080 Wormens Compensaon $ 1,000 $ 659 $ 1,000 $ 630 NUNDNSOAL$23,564$17,195 $15,362 $15,710 NATURAL RESOURCES TOTAL $ 228,586 $ 187,913 $ 204,512 $ 189,310 86 General Fund: Recreation Programs RECREATION PROGRAMS 2014 2015 2016 2017 EXPENDITURES ACTUAL ACTUAL REVISED ADOPTED FT-alaries udget $ 51,9 $ 50,5 34 $ 53,000 $ 55,000 T- alaries $ 64,1 $ 64,648 $ ,300 $ ,300 Longevity ay $ 1,598 $ 1,66 1 $ 1,640 $ 1,65 SONALSVCSOAL$117,697 $11 6,843 $131,940 $133,975 Unemployment $ 146 $ 16 $ 300 $ 150 oial eurity $ 6,696 $ 6,41 $ ,000 $ ,000 Mediare $ 1,566 $ 1,505 $ 1,600 $ 1,600 Life Insurane $ 169 $ 156 $ 00 $ 00 KR $ ,16 $ ,403 $ ,00 $ 6,000 MLOYNSOAL$15,744 $15,697 $16,300 $14,950 Wearing Apparel $ 301 $ - $ - $ - Mah. quip. (<$50) $ 301 $ 143 $ - $ - Rereaon upplies $ 6,33 $ 5,14 $ 18,500 $ 18,500 ther perang. upplies $ 35 $ 1,000 $ - $ - SULSOAL$7,661 $6,3 17 $18,500 $18,500 Rent/Lease $ 35 $ - $ 1,100 $ 1,100 ther rofessional ervies $ 1,804 $ 0,6 $ 1,500 $ 1,500 Cell hone Allowane $ 300 $ 88 $ 300 $ 300 Refunds $ 185 $ 5 $ 300 $ 300 ther Contratual $ 1,803 $ 3,10 $ 4,000 $ 4,000 CONACUALSVCSOAL$24,327 $23,931 $23,200 $23,200 Health Insurane $ 18,616 $ 1,306 $ 0,0 $ 1,809 Wormens Compensaon $ 1,500 $ 988 $ 1,500 $ 945 NUNDNSOAL$20,116 $22,294 $22,270 $22,754 RECREATION PROGRAMS TOTAL $ 185,545 $ 185,082 $ 212,210 $ 213,379 87 General Fund: Therapeutic Recreation THERAPEUTIC RECREATION 2014 2015 2016 2017 EXPENDITURES ACTUAL ACTUAL REVISED ADOPTED FT-alaries udget $ 30 $ - $ - $ - T- alaries $ 36,4 $ 39,14 $ 3,000 $ 38,500 T- Regular $ 5 $ 49 0 $ 1,500 $ 1,000 Longevity ay $ 44 $ 445 $ 450 $ 45 SONALSVCSOAL$36,952$40,076 $38,950 $39,975 Unemployment $ 4 $ 5 $ 0 $ 0 oial eurity $ ,1 $ ,88 $ ,100 $ ,400 Mediare $ 498 $ 535 $ 500 $ 600 Life Insurane $ 5 $ 48 $ 50 $ 50 KR $ ,518 $ ,69 $ ,500 $ ,400 MLOYNSOAL$5,242$5,556 $5,220 $5,520 Maintenane. upplies-ehile quip $ 8 $ - $ - $ - Wearing Apparel $ 34 $ - $ - $ - Rereaon upplies $ 1,88 $ ,460 $ 3,00 $ ,00 ther perang. upplies $ 114 $ - $ - $ - SULSOAL$2,108$2,4 60 $3,200 $2,200 ther rofessional $ - $ 605 $ - $ - mployee Development $ - $ 81 $ - $ - Refunds $ 4 $ 8 $ 0 $ 0 Avity Fund $ 10,583 $ 11,684 $ 15,000 $ 14,000 ther Contratual $ ,555 $ ,941 $ 4,000 $ 4,000 CONACUALSVCSOAL$13,559$15,593 $19,220 $18,220 Health Insurane $ ,656 $ 3 ,133 $ 3,485 $ 3,659 Wormens Compensaon $ 00 $ 13 $ 00 $ 16 NUNDNSOAL$2,856$3,265 $3,685 $3 ,785 THERPEUTIC RECREATION TOTAL $ 60,717 $ 66,950 $ 70,275 $ 69,700 88 General Fund: Camp Salina & Special Events CAMP SALINA 2014 2015 2016 2017 EXPENDITURES ACTUAL ACTUAL REVISED ADOPTED T- alaries $ 31,95 $ 6,691 $ 33,000 $ 33,000 SONALSVCSOAL$31,925$26,691 $33,000 $33,000 Unemployment $ 45 $ 43 $ 65 $ 65 oial eurity $ 1,99 $ 1,655 $ ,100 $ ,100 Mediare $ 463 $ 38 $ 500 $ 500 MLOYNSOAL$2,487$2,085 $2,665 $2,665 Rereaon upplies $ ,388 $ ,313 $ 5,00 $ 5,00 ther perang. upplies $ ,40 $ ,005 $ - $ - SULSOAL$4,628$4,3 18 $5,700 $5,700 Rent/Lease $ ,536 $ ,351 $ ,500 $ ,500 ther rofessional ervies $ 1 $ 1 $ - $ - CONACUALSVCSOAL$2,606$2,372 $2,500 $2,500 Wormens Compensaon $ 1,3 $ 15 $ 1,50 $ 1,1 03 NUNDNSOAL$1,732$152 $1,750 $1,103 CAMP SALINA TOTAL $ 43,377 $ 35,617 $ 45,615 $ 44,968 SPECIAL EVENTS 2014 2015 2016 2017 EXPENDITURES ACTUAL ACTUAL REVISED ADOPTED T- alaries $ 658 $ 4 98 $ 1,00 $ 1,00 T- Regular $ 18 $ - $ - $ - SONALSVCSOAL$675$498 $1,200 $1,200 Unemployment $ 1 $ 1 $ - $ - oial eurity $ 40 $ 5 $ 40 $ 40 Mediare $ 9 $ 6 $ 10 $ 10 KR $ $ 4 $ - $ - MLOYNSOAL$52$35 $50 $50 Rereaon upplies $ 9,996 $ 13 ,89 $ 15,15 $ 15,15 ther perang. upplies $ 100 $ 19 $ - $ - SULSOAL$10,096$14,026 $15,175 $15,175 Rent/Lease $ 860 $ 969 $ 4,000 $ 4,000 ther rofessional ervies $ 15,50 $ 9,668 $ 8,000 $ ,000 CONACUALSVCSOAL$16,610$10,638 $12,000 $6,00 0 SPECIAL EVENTS TOTAL $ 27,433 $ 25,196 $ 28,425 $ 22,425 89 General Fund: Senior Programs SENIOR PROGRAMS 2014 2015 2016 2017 EXPENDITURES ACTUAL ACTUAL REVISED ADOPTED T- alaries $ 8,433 $ 8,568 $ 9,000 $ 9,000 SONALSVCSOAL$8,433$8,568 $9,000 $9,000 Unemployment $ 1 $ 14 $ 0 $ 0 oial eurity $ 50 $ 531 $ 500 $ 550 Mediare $ 1 $ 14 $ 100 $ 15 KR $ 41 $ 1 $ - $ - MLOYNSOAL$695$686 $620 $695 Rereaon upplies $ 588 $ 91 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 ther perang. upplies $ 100 $ - $ - $ - SULSOAL$688$921 $1,000 $1,000 Rent/Lease $ 1,38 $ 1,81 $ 1,500 $ ,000 ther rofessional ervies $ 5 $ 400 $ - $ - Adversing romoon $ 3,65 $ ,485 $ - $ - Refunds $ 9,4 $ 36 $ - $ - Avity Fund $ 68,561 $ 3,16 $ 40,000 $ 40,000 ther Contratual $ 36 $ - $ ,000 $ ,000 CONACUALSVCSOAL$83,302$37,109 $43,500 $44,000 Health Insurane $ 9 $ - $ - $ - Wormens Compensaon $ - $ 48 $ 650 $ 410 NUNDNSOAL$97$428 $650 $410 SENIOR PROGRAMS TOTAL $ 93,215 $ 47,712 $ 54,770 $ 55,105 90 General Fund: Smoky Hill Museum The moy Hill Museum inspires a roader understand ing of the regions rih history y engaging resi- dents and visitors of all ages through diverse learning experienes. The Museum reflets the struggles and vision of the people of the moy Hills region and alina sine the itys founding in 1858. The Museums olleon s egan in 189 as part of the aline County Histor - ial oiety, iniated y town founders William A. hillips and Alexander M. Campell. ust over a en - tury later, the Museum opened to the puli in its urrent loaon in 1986 at the histori post oe a t 8th treet and Iron Avenue downtown, reeiving nao nal areditaon in 199. Today, it onnues to operate as a division of ali na Arts Humanies, with professionally trained st aff who serve more than 35,000 visitors eah year. The moy Hill Museum offers a wide variety of edua- onal programs and a Kansas-foused Museum tore. 91 General Fund: Smoky Hill Museum SMOKY HILL MUSEUM 2014 2015 2016 2017 EXPENDITURES ACTUAL ACTUAL REVISED ADOPTED FT-alaries udget $ 6,413 $ 5,16 $ 90,000 $ 300,000 T- alaries $ 18,40 $ 5,16 $ ,000 $ 3,000 T- Regular $ 15 $ 1,88 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 Longevity ay $ ,534 $ ,8 6 $ 1,089 $ 3,000 SONALSVCSOAL$289,082$28 5,005 $314,089 $327,000 Unemployment $ 36 $ 3 9 $ 00 $ 500 oial eurity $ 16,96 $ 16,445 $ 16,88 $ 16,88 Mediare $ 3,98 $ 3,846 $ 4,000 $ 4,000 Life Insurane $ 594 $ 558 $ 1,100 $ 1,100 KR $ ,538 $ 9,6 $ 9,500 $ 6,000 MLOYNSOAL$49,218$50,472 $52,182 $48,482 e upplies $ ,10 $ ,83 8 $ ,000 $ ,000 oos eriodials $ 5 $ 441 $ 500 $ 500 aints $ 436 $ 316 $ 400 $ 400 letrial Lighng $ 531 $ 1,998 $ 50 $ 50 anitorial $ 1,0 $ 1,419 $ 85 $ 1,00 Colleons $ ,801 $ 3,49 $ 3,000 $ 3,000 as il $ 53 $ 09 $ 40 $ 360 Maintenane. upplies-ehile quip $ 1,041 $ 1,166 $ 800 $ 800 Tools $ 1,86 $ - $ 00 $ 00 uli duaon upplies $ 8,58 $ (16,310) $ 8,500 $ 8,500 ther perang. upplies $ 5,915 $ 1,3 $ ,000 $ ,000 SULSOAL$24,536$(2,690)$24,215 $24,710 Rent/Lease $ 1,860 $ 4,61 $ 1,900 $ 1,900 ther rofessional ervies $ 3,330 $ ,885 $ 3,500 $ 1 8,500 Telephone $ 1,53 $ 1,699 $ 1,800 $ 1,800 ostage $ ,03 $ ,09 $ ,000 $ ,000 mployee Development $ 1,094 $ ,59 $ ,000 $ ,000 Dues $ 1,88 $ 1,605 $ 1,900 $ 1,900 rinng $ ,414 $ 3,465 $ ,000 $ 3,000 Adversing romoon $ ,99 $ 6,669 $ 18,500 $ 18,500 Repair-uildings $ 3,564 $ 8,4 08 $ 40,000 $ 0,000 ther Contratual $ 4,559 $ 34,555 $ 6,500 $ 6,500 xhiits $ 1,949 $ 1,340 $ 13,000 $ 14,500 CONACUALSVCSOAL$78,403$100,655 $93,100 $90,600 e quipment $ 1,36 $ 1,8 89 $ 800 $ 800 CAALOULAYOAL$1,326$1,889 $800 $800 Health Insurane $ 46,46 $ 49,545 $ 53,803 $ 56,493 Wormens Compensaon $ 5,000 $ 3,95 $ 5,000 $ 3,15 0 NUNDNSOAL$51,476$52,840 $58,803 $59,643 SMOKY HILL MUSEUM TOTAL $ 494,041 $ 488,170 $ 543,189 $ 551,235 vv 92 General Fund: Community & Development Services uilding ervies Division Mission is to enourage and promote safe, quality development and onstru- on in the City of alina. uilding ervies is a division of the Development ervies Department and along with the lanning Div i- sion is regularly involved in the Development Review Team proess. uilding ervies is responsile fo r the administraon and enforement of the adopted u ilding, eletrial, mehanial, pluming, property maintenane, and other related adopted odes. The D ivision issues permits for uildings, pluming, ele - trial and mehanial wor, demolion, moile homes , hanges of oupany, signs, home oupaon erates and swimming pools. The Division reviews plans for proposed uildings, addions and uild- ing alteraons to verify oning ompliane, uildin g and re ode ompliane and ompliane with the Amerians with Disailies At. taff also inspets onstruon projets, inluding private water and s ew- er servies, as well as pluming, mehanial and el etrial limited servie and repair wor to onrm ode ompliane. The staff is also responsile for enfor ing the itys property maintenane ode as it rela tes to the ondion of the uildings on a property, in luding idenfying and aang dilapidated or danger- ous uildings. In mid-016, The Community Relaons Department was omined with the Development ervies De- partment to form the Community and Development erv ies Department. NbSvDv The Neighorhood ervies Division of the Developme nt ervies Department provides servies to en- hane the quality of life in alinas neighorhoods and help mae alina an arave plae to visit, wor, live and invest. • Code enforement of City ordinanes regarding nuisa nes, oning and uilding ode issues related to outdoor property use and maintenane. Cien rep orts are ondenal. • Neighorhood outreah for prolem-solving whih req uires oordinaon with other ity depart- ments, ommunity agenies and neighorhood groups t o develop goals, strategies and aon plans for neighorhood lean up and revitaliaon. • rant administraon for state and loal programs su h as Community Development lo rants (CD), HM (HUD pass-through funds for home owner assistane), and the mergeny oluons rant () to address homelessness. • Neighorhood revitaliaon tax reate general progr am administrave support inluding pre- appliaon onferenes, appliaon proessing, pre-eraon le preparaon and owner om- muniaon liaison. • Housing rehailitaon through loal, state and Fede ral grant programs. Most grants are open to home-owner oupied residenes meeng various other qualiaons aording to grant soure. 93 General Fund: Community & Development Services COMMUNITY & DEVELOPMENT 2014 2015 2016 2017 SERVICES EXPENDITURES ACTUAL ACTUAL REVISED ADOPTED FT-alaries udget $ 4,69 $ 3,00 $ 90,000 $ 1,065,000 T- alaries $ - $ - $ 0,000 $ 0,000 T- Regular $ 956 $ 3,9 1 $ 1,500 $ 1,500 Longevity ay $ 6,906 $ 6,949 $ 8,000 $ 8,500 SONALSVCSOAL$732,555$783,928 $949,500$1,095,000 Unemployment $ 93 $ 1,13 $ ,500 $ 1,50 0 oial eurity $ 43,880 $ 46,60 $ 50,000 $ 5,000 Mediare $ 10,6 $ 10,936 $ 1,000 $ 15,000 Life Insurane $ 1,636 $ 1 ,546 $ ,900 $ ,9 00 KR $ 5,68 $ 80,3 $ 94,000 $ 90,000 Transportaon Allowane $ 8,150 $ 9,568 $ 13,000 $ 13,000 MLOYNSOAL$140,493$150,665 $174,400$179,400 e upplies $ ,696 $ 3,89 $ 5,500 $ 6,50 0 oos eriodials $ 1,894 $ 6,60 $ 6,500 $ 6,500 as il $ 6,80 $ 3,919 $ 4,000 $ 6,000 Maintenane. upplies-ehile quip $ ,86 $ 3,03 $ 5,0 00 $ 3,000 Wearing Apparel $ 665 $ 03 $ ,500 $ ,500 Mah. quip. (<$50) $ 46 $ 466 $ 500 $ 500 ther perang. upplies $ 1,6 $ 3,381 $ 3,000 $ 3,000 SULSOAL$16,066$22,05 4 $27,000$28,000 Demolion $ - $ 108,1 96 $ 100,000 $ 100,000 Housing rants $ 5,433 $ 19,90 $ 15,000 $ 15,000 mergeny oluons rant $ 8,689 $ 100,41 $ 150,000 $ 150,0 00 Revitaliaon Tax Rea $ 1,48 $ 180,14 $ 180,000 $ 180,000 nterprise Zone Reate $ 16,195 $ - $ 4,000 $ 4,000 ther rofessional ervies $ 00 $ 48 $ 8,500 $ 11,500 Telephone $ ,536 $ ,44 $ 6,500 $ 6,500 Cell hone Allowane $ 1,38 $ 1,813 $ ,000 $ ,500 ostage $ 13,98 $ 1,38 $ 16,500 $ 1,500 mployee Development $ 4,54 $ 5,654 $ 1,000 $ 1 ,000 Dues $ 805 $ ,53 $ 3,000 $ 3,500 Legal Noes $ 8 $ 369 $ ,000 $ ,000 rinng $ 1,03 $ 3,40 $ 3,000 $ 3,500 Credit Card Fees/xpense $ 1,841 $ ,301 $ ,000 $ ,000 ther Contratual $ 53,45 $ 8,83 $ 100,500 $ 3,000 Minimum Housing Costs $ 1,96 $ 16,3 $ 50,000 $ 5 ,000 Nuisane Aate: Mowing $ 41,99 $ 5,11 $ 60,000 $ 60,000 CONACUALSVCSOAL$299,173$528,269 $715,000$668,000 CAALOULAYOAL$3,091$6,788 $5,500$7,000 Health Insurane $ 11,4 $ 136,1 6 $ 00,000 $ 5,000 Wormens Compensaon $ 18,000 $ 11,860 $ 18,000 $ 11,340 NUNDNSOAL$130,742$148,076 $218,000$236,34 0 COMMUNITY & DEVEL. SERV. TOTAL $ 1,322,120 $ 1,639,780 $ 2,089,400 $ 2,213,740 94 General Fund: Agency Contracts The City of alina provides support to various omm unity agenies and organiaons at the direon of the voters and City Commission. The 01 udget inludes the following amounts to f und other agenies: $1,55 to fund the alina Muniipal and. ased on a vote of the iens held in the early 1900s. $5,000 to fund puli aess television ased on a ontratual agreement $653,000 to partner with CCK to provide transporta on servies throughout the ommunity $15,100 to fund the alina Community onomi Deve lopment rganiaon, In. (CD) AGENCY CONTRACTS 2014 2015 2016 2017 EXPENDITURES ACTUAL ACTUAL REVISED ADOPTED Ageny Contrats peraonal $ 19,950 $ - $ 1,55 $ 1,55 CONACUALSVCSOAL $ 19,950 $ - $ 1,55 $ 1,55 AGNCYSUOOAL$19,950$- $17,575$17,575 Ageny Contrats peraonal $ 8,83 $ 41,138 $ 5,000 $ 5 ,000 CONACUALSVCSOAL $ 8,83 $ 41,138 $ 5,000 $ 5,000 GACCSSVOAL $228,832$241 ,138 $225,000$225,000 Ageny Cont. Transportaon $ 560,835 $ 556,30 $ 653,000 $ 653,000 CONACUALSVCSOAL $ 560,835 $ 556,30 $ 653,000 $ 653,000 ULCANSOAONOAL $560,835$556,320 $653,000$653 ,000 Ageny Contrat . Development $ 4,519 $ - $ 15,100 $ 15,100 CONACUALSVCSOAL$47,519$- $175,100$175,100 AGENCY CONTRACTS TOTAL $ 857,136 $ 797,458 $ 1,070,675 $ 1,070,675 95 General Fund: Capital Outlay The Capital utlay udget for the eneral Fund inl udes $00,000 to purhase an amulane for the mergeny Medial ervies division of the Fire Dep artment and $15,000 as a reserve for any needed apital improvements for ADA ompliane. ther apital purhases are udgeted for in the al es Tax: Capital Fund or various speial/proprietary funds. CAPITAL OUTLAY 2014 2015 2016 2017 EXPENDITURES ACTUAL ACTUAL REVISED ADOPTED ther quipment $ 194,61 $ 13,55 $ 00,000 $ 00,000 ehiles $ 359,58 $ 30,11 $ 310,000 $ - CAALOULAYOAL$554,199$32 0,669 $510,000$200,000 VCLSANDQUMNOAL $554,199$320,669 $510,000$20 0,000 Construon Contrats $ 46,060 $ 19,995 $ 50,000 $ - CAALOULAYOAL$46,060$19,995 $50,000$- Ada Compliane Reserve $ 1,50 $ 14,555 $ 15,000 $ 15,000 SVSOAL$17,520$14,55 5 $15,000$15,000 CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL $ 617,779 $ 355,219 $ 575,000 $ 215,000 96 General Fund: Interfund Transfers The Interfund Transfers udget is omprised of amou nts that will e transferred out to other funds to support operaons: $500,000 to the Arts Humanies Fund $60,000 to the ientennial Center Fund $50,000 to the Central arage Fund INTERFUND TRANSFERS 2014 2015 2016 2017 EXPENDITURES ACTUAL ACTUAL REVISED ADOPTED Data roessing Charges $ 160,6 $ - $ - $ - CONACUALSVCSOAL$160,627$- $-$- Interfund erv. rov. $ 00,000 $ - Transfers-Interfund $ 561,585 $ 68 ,000 $ 835,000 $ 810,000 ANSSOAL$761,585$682,000 $835,000$810,000 INTERFUND TRANSFERS TOTAL $ 922,212 $ 682,000 $ 835,000 $ 810,000 97 SPECIAL FUNDSSPECIAL FUNDSSPECIAL FUNDSSPECIAL FUNDS 98 Arts and Humanities Fund The mission of alina Arts and Humanies is the u lvaon of this plae through the power of the arts and humanies to hange lives and uild ommunity. As a department of the City of alina, alina Arts and Humanies (AH) has served a unique role in ar ts advoay sine 1966. AH is noted naonally for th e servies it provides as a valued omponent of al - aned loal governane and for the nanial and oth er support it provides many area arts organiaons. Among the longme programs AH diretly produes a re the moy Hill River Fesval, moy Hill Mu- seum, Arts Infusion rogram, Horions rants rogra m, Community Art Design, the Art a la Carte on- ert series and Cultural Conneons. Key to the long-range fous of alina Arts Humani es are four goals that omprise the itys ig Ide as Community Cultural lan, adopted in 008: • Mae arts, ulture and heritage offerings weloming, affordale, and aessile to all alinans. • Mae our ommunity a more eauful plae in whih t o live, wor, and visit. • Use the arts as an engine to drive eonomi develop ment and downtown ommunity revitaliaon. • Mae alina a model ommunity for ultural-setor oordinaon, unity, and support. ARTS AND HUMANITIES FUND 2014 2015 2016 2017 REVENUES ACTUAL ACTUAL REVISED ADOPTED AH rogram ervies $ ,006 $ 4,951 $ 3,650 $ 3,650 uon ales-re Fesval $ 139,30 $ 19,856 $ 134,000 $ 134 ,000 uon ales-mployee $ 3,930 $ 6,935 $ 3,000 $ 3,000 uon ales-ate $ 49,4 $ 40,90 $ 61,000 $ 61 ,000 Four Rivers Maret Fees $ 1,85 $ 18,850 $ 1,5 $ 1,5 ury Fees $ 10,60 $ 8,66 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 Arst Fees-Fine Arts $ 5,55 $ ,00 $ 5,55 $ 5,55 1st Treasures Tent Fees $ ,195 $ ,16 $ ,00 $ ,00 ame Fees $ 1,3 $ 894 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 Food Fees $ 55,048 $ 51,011 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 Cra Demonstraon Fee $ ,06 $ 1,51 $ 1,00 $ 1,00 letrial Fees $ 6,655 $ 6,015 $ 6,500 $ 6,500 T-hirts ales $ 5,551 $ ,131 $ 8,000 $ 8,000 o Drin ales $ 1,99 $ 815 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 i Cerates $ 5,80 $ 5,180 $ 4,000 $ 4,000 Transfers perang $ 366,016 $ 5 00,000 $ 55,000 $ 500,000 Misellaneous Inome $ - $ - $ 500 $ 500 Investment Inome $ 445 $ 4 $ ,000 $ ,000 AH Foundaon upport $ 13,634 $ 106,981 $ 110,000 $ 110,000 ARTS AND HUMANITIES TOTAL $ 852,706 $ 933,611 $ 1,007,850 $ 982,850 99 Arts and Humanities Fund ARTS AND HUMANITIES 2014 2015 2016 2017 EXPENDITURES ACTUAL ACTUAL REVISED ADOPTED FT-alaries udget $ 89,56 $ 63,84 $ 8,000 $ 90,000 T- alaries $ 4,1 $ 5,88 $ 0,500 $ 1,500 T- Regular $ 5,69 $ ,659 $ 3,500 $ 3,500 Longevity ay $ 1,95 $ 5 83 $ ,18 $ ,18 arned Leave $ ,91 $ ,913 $ - $ - SONALSVCSOAL$324,503$30 0,866 $304,128 $317,128 Unemployment $ 395 $ 405 $ 50 $ 500 oial eurity $ 18,61 $ 16,845 $ 19,4 $ 19,4 Mediare $ 4,353 $ 3,940 $ 4,386 $ 4,386 Life Insurane $ 695 $ 560 $ 1,100 $ 1,100 KR $ 33,34 $ 30,05 $ 30,000 $ 5,000 Transportaon Allowane $ 3,144 $ 3,013 $ ,880 $ ,880 MLOYNSOAL$60,545$54,969 $58,363 $53,113 e upplies $ 3,1 $ 3,06 4 $ 3,000 $ 3,000 oos eriodials $ 901 $ 35 $ 500 $ 500 as il $ 84 $ 51 $ 480 $ 0 Maintenane. upplies-ehile quip $ 660 $ 990 $ 50 $ 50 ther perang. upplies $ 636 $ 89 $ ,000 $ ,000 Food/everage upplies $ 1,69 $ 1,319 $ 1,400 $ 1,400 SULSOAL$7,962$7,1 25 $8,130 $8,370 ther rofessional ervies $ 15,601 $ 0,88 $ 18,500 $ 18,500 ther rofession-Arst $ 10,15 $ 8 3,586 $ 134,000 $ 134,000 Telephone $ 1,065 $ 1,15 $ ,00 $ ,00 Cell hone Allowane $ 600 $ 55 $ 300 $ 300 ostage $ 1,3 $ 1,869 $ 3,000 $ 3,000 mployee Development $ 1,49 $ ,91 $ 4,000 $ 4,000 Mileage/Travel $ ,06 $ 1,6 80 $ ,800 $ ,800 Dues $ 1,45 $ 1,160 $ 1,00 $ 1,00 rinng $ 6,10 $ 8,38 $ 9,500 $ 9,500 Adversing romoon $ 6,184 $ 5,55 $ ,350 $ ,35 0 ther Contratual $ 8,98 $ 8,04 $ 10,000 $ 10,000 ther Contratual teh servie $ 3,100 $ 1,45 $ ,600 $ ,600 CONACUALSVCSOAL$168,166$138,012 $195,450 $195,450 e quipment $ 1,955 $ 964 $ ,500 $ ,500 Community Art $ - $ - $ 15,000 $ 15,000 CAALOULAYOAL$1,955$964 $17,500 $17,500 Health Insurane $ 53,45 $ 54,845 $ 68,495 $ 1,90 Wormens Compensaon $ 3,300 $ ,14 $ 5,488 $ 3,45 NUNDNSOAL$56,757$57,019 $73,983 $75,377 ARTS AND HUMANITIES TOTAL $ 619,887 $ 558,956 $ 657,554 $ 666,938 100 Smoky Hill River Festival SMOKY HILL RIVER FESTIVAL 2014 2015 2016 2017 EXPENDITURES ACTUAL ACTUAL REVISED ADOPTED T- alaries $ 15,911 $ 15,49 $ 13,165 $ 13,165 T- Regular $ 683 $ 3 $ - $ - SONALSVCSOAL$16,594$16,252 $13,165 $13,165 Unemployment $ 0 $ $ 30 $ 30 oial eurity $ 88 $ 841 $ 650 $ 650 Mediare $ 06 $ 19 $ 155 $ 155 MLOYNSOAL$1,108$1,060 $835 $835 e upplies $ 3,11 $ ,68 9 $ 4,500 $ 4,500 Maintenane. upplies-ehile quip $ 45 $ 1,093 $ 50 $ 50 igns $ 3,39 $ 4,046 $ 3,000 $ 3,000 Wearing Apparel $ 4,80 $ 5,095 $ 6,000 $ 6,000 Rereaon upplies $ 5,964 $ 8,938 $ 1,900 $ 1,900 ther perang. upplies $ ,666 $ ,50 $ ,50 $ ,50 Food/everage upplies $ 14,44 $ 14,119 $ 10,550 $ 10,550 SULSOAL$40,200$43,730 $33,950 $33,950 mployee Reognion $ 11,00 $ 11,00 $ 11,500 $ 11,500 Ageny Contrats peraonal $ 65,000 $ - $ 65,000 $ 65,000 ales Tax $ 51 $ 593 $ 5 $ 5 ther rofessional ervies $ 8,450 $ 68,046 $ 8,65 $ 8,65 ther rofession-Arst $ 46,340 $ 36,0 $ 44,000 $ 44,000 ther rofessional-tag $ 3,350 $ 30,416 $ 3,50 $ 3,50 Telephone $ 196 $ 115 $ 00 $ 00 ostage $ 634 $ 3,0 $ 8,500 $ 8,500 Mileage/Travel $ 4,986 $ 4,89 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 rinng $ 15,388 $ 16,495 $ 18,000 $ 18,000 Adversing romoon $ 41,40 $ 4 ,3 $ 44,000 $ 44,000 ther Contratual $ 1,14 $ 1,14 $ 1,00 $ 1,00 ther Contratual teh servie $ 44,866 $ 4,008 $ 43,100 $ 43,100 CONACUALSVCSOAL$272,452$262,538 $289,100 $289,100 ther quipment $ 4,494 $ 13,014 $ 13,000 $ 13,000 CAALOULAYOAL$24,494$13 ,014 $13,000 $13,000 SMOKY HILL RIVER FESTIVAL TOTAL $ 354,848 $ 336,594 $ 350,050 $ 350,050 v 101 Sales Tax Capital & Economic Development Funds Sx ales tax olleons are the responsiility of the Kansas Department of Revenue. The Department of Reve- nue distriutes the loal opon ountywide and ity wide sales taxes on a monthly asis. Countywide sa les taxes are distriuted etween the levying ounty an d the ies loated within the ounty ased on popu la- on and relave tax levies. Citywide loal opon s ales taxes are distriuted solely to the levying i ty. tatewide sales taxes are retained enrely y the s tate. In 198 the voters of aline County, in aordane with Kansas statutes, approved a 1 ountywide loa l opon sales tax. In 199 voters of the City approv ed a loal opon .50 itywide sales tax for purpos es of helping fund general operaons expenditures of the City. oth of these taxes were approved in perpetu ity. In Novemer 008, voters in the City of alina appr oved an addional .40 itywide retailers dediated sales tax to pay the osts of various City apital improvements inluding onstrung, operang and ma in- taining a $1.5 million aqua par. In May of 016, voters approved a .5 itywide ret ailers sales tax that will replae the 008 sales t ax on toer 1, 016 and will e used for apital improv ements and eonomi development. The total sales tax for goods and servies in the C ity will e 8.5 on toer 1, 016, whih onsist s of 6.5 imposed y the tate, 1 ountywide loal opo n sales tax, and 1.5 itywide loal opon sales t ax. 102 Sales Tax Economic Development & Capital Funds SALES TAX CAPITAL IMP. 2014 2015 2016 2017 EXPENDITURES ACTUAL ACTUAL REVISED ADOPTED ehiles $ 31,61 $ 348,145 $- $ - CAALOULAYOAL$312,612$348,1 45 $- $- Interfund erv. rov. $ 360,000 $ 466,50 $ 1,058,555 $ ,400,000 ANSSOAL$360,000$466,750 $1,058,555 $2,400,000 NUNDANSSOAL$672,612$814,895 $1,058,555 $2,400,000 Transfers-Interfund $ 1,400,000 $ 1,350,000 $ 1,350,000 $ 1,350,000 ANSSOAL$1,400,000 $1,350,000 $1,350,000 $1,350,000 ther rofessional ervies $ 38,400 $ 150,99 $ - $ - CONACUALSVCSOAL$238,400$150,299 $- $- uildings Failies $ - $ - $- $ 10,500 ehiles $ - $ - $ 180,000 $ 800,000 VCLSANDQUMNOAL$-$- $180,000 $920,500 Construon Contrats $ ,680,963 $ 1,396,3 $ ,440,500 $ 3,00,000 CAALOULAYOAL$2,680,963 $1,396,377 $2,440,500 $3,700,000 SALES TAX CAPITAL FUND TOTAL $ 4,991,975 $ 3,711,571 $ 5,029,055 $ 8,370,500 SALES TAX ECO DEVO 2014 2015 2016 2017 REVENUES ACTUAL ACTUAL REVISED ADOPTED ales Tax-peial urpose $ 34,5 $ 353,659 $ 346,586 $ 649,849 Investment Inome $ 1,48 $ 9 $ 5,000 $ 5,000 SALES TAX ECO DEVO TOTAL $ 348,974 $ 354,636 $ 351,586 $ 654,849 SALES TAX ECO DEVO 2014 2015 2016 2017 EXPENDITURES ACTUAL ACTUAL REVISED ADOPTED ther rofessional ervies $ 81,08 $ 133,391 $ 38,04 $ 1,44,000 SALES TAX ECO DEVO TOTAL $ 281,708 $ 133,391 $ 378,704 $ 1,474,000 SALES TAX CAPITAL IMP. 2014 2015 2016 2017 REVENUES ACTUAL ACTUAL REVISED ADOPTED ales Tax-peial urpose $ 4,113,88 $ 4,04,36 $ 4,89,950 $ 8,043,65 6 Investment Inome $ 5,86 $ 3,135 $ 5,000 $ 5,000 SALES TAX CAPITAL IMP. TOTAL $ 4,119,654 $ 4,207,511 $ 4,294,950 $ 8,048,656 103 Business Improvement District Fund rdinane numer 83-891, adopted August 5, 1983, estalished usiness Improvement Distrit #! (ID) whih enompasses sustanally all of the City down town entral usiness distrit. The annual program of wor is implemented y alina Downtown, In. a p rivate non-prot organiaon. The City reviews and approves the udget and program of wor as part of the annual udget proess. The ID assessment level reflets the olleon of all ID mandatory fees. In addion to the ID assessment fees, the City provi des an annual operang supplement to the group. stalished as a nonprot merhants assoiaon in 195, alina Downtown, In. was one of the rst us i- ness improvement distrits in Kansas. DI is govern ed y a oard of Diretors. DI supports small usi ness through several development inenves. The entrepre neurial spirit upon whih alina was founded is th e hearteat of our independently owned usinesses. In addion, downtown alina is home to: City and County government oes The City of alina provides addional operang fund s to the alina Downtown, In. and annually funds our faade renovaon program. Medial servies alina Regional Health Center provides world-lass servies to people throughout north entral Kansas. isual and performing arts alina Art Center alina Art Center Cinema alina Arts and Humanies Commission alina Community Theatre ulpture Tour alina The moy Hill Museum The efel Theatre rofessional servies Most legal and nanial oes are headquartered dow ntown. Uran living Development of residenal lo spaes has made downt own a great hoie for people who want to live lose to where they wor and play BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT 2014 2015 2016 2017 EXPENDITURES ACTUAL ACTUAL REVISED ADOPTED Ageny Contrats peraonal $ 81,45 $ ,185 $ 8,000 $ 89,15 Colleon Fees $ 1,50 $ 1,6 51 $ - $ - CONACUALSVCSOAL$82,945$78,837 $87,000 $89,175 BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DIST. TOTAL $ 82,945 $ 78,837 $ 87,000 $ 89,175 BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT 2014 2015 2016 2017 REVENUES ACTUAL ACTUAL REVISED ADOPTED usiness Improvement Distrit Fees $ 8,6 9 $ 83,18 $ 8,000 $ 89,15 Investment Inome $ 14 $ 13 $ 13 $ 15 BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DIST. TOTAL $ 82,643 $ 83,141 $ 87,013 $ 89,190 104 Tourism and Convention Fund VS/SACbC The alina Area Chamer of Commere reeives suppor t for Convenon and Tourism romoon y agreement with the City of alina, and has done so sine 19. The ontrat renews annually. The Cit y urrently levies a 6. Transient uest or “ed” ta x. The revenue esmate for 016 is $1,500,000. The 01 udget is esmated at $1,608,000. This is a high- end esmate designed to avoid end of the year udge t amendments if reeipts ome in over-udget. The tax is distriuted as follows: Purpose/Organization Rate Visit Salina (CoC) 3 cents Cultural Arts Regional Marketing (CARM) (CoC) .5 cents BiCentennial and Oakdale/Kenwood Marketing (CoC) .2 cents Bicentennial Center Ops. (City) 2 cents Bicentennial Center Capital (City)* 1 cent TOURISM AND CONVENTION FUND 2014 2015 2016 2017 EXPENDITURES ACTUAL ACTUAL REVISED ADOPTED Ageny Contrats peraonal $ 819,633 $ 1,000,549 $ 88,810 $ 893,000 CONACUALSVCSOAL$819,633$1,0 00,549 $788,810 $893,000 Interfund erv. rov. $ 660,05 $ 88,839 $ 665,000 $ 683,800 ANSSOAL$660,057$882,839 $665,000 $683,800 TOURISM AND CONVENTION TOTAL $ 1,479,690 $ 1,883,388 $ 1,453,810 $ 1,576,800 TOURISM AND CONVENTION FUND 2014 2015 2016 2017 REVENUES ACTUAL ACTUAL REVISED ADOPTED Transient uest Tax $ 1,41,58 $ 1,858,99 $ 1,500,000 $ 1,608,000 Investment Inome $ 06 $ 1 1 $ 11 $ - TOURISM AND CONVENTION TOTAL $ 1,417,788 $ 1,859,163 $ 1,500,171 $ 1,608,000 105 This fund was reated in 1999 to aount for the fe es olleted from new residenal uilding projets in alina. y City rdinane, these funds are further segregated y separate par servie area. As a larg er amount of revenues are aggregated to this fund, they will e made availale for aquision and/or de- velopment of neighorhood pars in the growing area s of the ommunity. Fees olleted ($00.00 eah) from new home uilding onstruon will e spent in he area of town from whih it was olleted. Neighborhood Park Development NEIGHBORHOOD PARK DEVEL. 2014 2015 2016 2017 REVENUES ACTUAL ACTUAL REVISED ADOPTED Construon Contrats $ ,948 $ 6,631 $ 4,000 $ 95,03 CAALOULAYOAL$22,948$6,631 $24,000$95,0 73 NEIGHBORHOOD PARKS TOTAL $ 22,948 $ 6,631 $ 24,000 $ 95,073 NEIGHBORHOOD PARK DEVEL. 2014 2015 2016 2017 EXPENDITURES ACTUAL ACTUAL REVISED ADOPTED Neighorhood ar Fees $ ,300 $ 9,500 $ 10,000 $ 10,000 Investment Inome $ 34 $ 161 $ 161 $ 500 NEIGHBORHOOD PARKS TOTAL $ 7,642 $ 9,661 $ 10,161 $ 10,500 106 Special Parks & Recreation / Special Alcohol Funds Under state law, ies and ounes reeive a share of the state 10 tax on the gross reeipts from the sale of liquor and ereal malt everages y the dri n. The 10 tax applies to the gross reeipts from the sale of drins ontaining aloholi liquor and ereal malt everages sold y private lus and y aterers and drining estalishments in “wet” oun es. The loal share depends on the amount of tax olleted within eah ity. The revenue is distriu ted on Mar 15, une 15, eptemer 15 and Deem- er 15 of eah year. As of anuary 1, 1993, ies with populaons over 6 ,000 reeive 10 of the amount olleted within their jurisdion and must alloate the revenue as follows: ne-third to the eneral Fund, one-third to a pei al Alohol Fund and one-third to a peial ars an d Rereaon Fund SPECIAL PARKS & REC FUND 2014 2015 2016 2017 EXPENDITURES ACTUAL ACTUAL REVISED ADOPTED Transfers-Interfund $ - $ 30,000 $ - $ - ANSSOAL$-$30,000 $- $- Construon Contrats $ 100,98 $ 169,06 $ 08,000 $ 194,000 Construon Contrats $ - $ 93,3 $ - CAALOULAYOAL$100,982$262,9 29 $208,000 $194,000 SPECIAL PARKS TOTAL $ 100,982 $ 292,929 $ 208,000 $ 194,000 SPECIAL ALCOHOL FUND 2014 2015 2016 2017 EXPENDITURES ACTUAL ACTUAL REVISED ADOPTED Ageny Contrats peraonal $ 130,433 $ 1,585 $ 1,5 $ 16,086 SPECIAL ALCOHOL TOTAL $ 130,433 $ 221,585 $ 217,252 $ 216,086 SPECIAL PARKS & REC FUND 2014 2015 2016 2017 REVENUES ACTUAL ACTUAL REVISED ADOPTED Liquor Tax $ 1,643 $ 184,555 $ 184,555 $ 190,09 Investment Inome $ 36 $ 194 $ 194 $ 4,000 SPECIAL PARKS TOTAL $ 173,005 $ 184,749 $ 184,749 $ 194,092 SPECIAL ALCOHOL FUND 2014 2015 2016 2017 REVENUES ACTUAL ACTUAL REVISED ADOPTED Liquor Tax $ 1,643 $ 184,555 $ 11,6 $ 16,086 Investment Inome $ 41 $ 50 $ - $ - SPECIAL ALCOHOL TOTAL $ 172,684 $ 184,605 $ 211,776 $ 216,086 107 Debt Service Fund The Det ervie Fund is used to pay the det servi e requirements of the City. nly eneral ligaon det and Revenue ond det are paid throu gh the ond and Interest Fund. DEBT SERVICE FUND 2014 2015 2016 2017 REVENUE ACTUAL ACTUAL REVISED ADOPTED Real state ersonal rop $ ,5,111 $,00,3 6 $ 3,03,40 $ ,486,40 Delinquent roperty Tax $ 55,984 $ 65,4 8 $ 55,000 $ 55,000 ehile Tax $ 8,56 $ 311,60 $ 30,345 $ 365,99 peial Assessments $ 1,6,50 $1,658,533 $ 1,600,000 $ 1,600,000 Delinquent p. Assessment $ 4,4 $ 0 ,48 $ 0,000 $ 35,000 Transfers perang $1,356,14 $1,380,000 $ 1,550 ,000 $,000,000 Investment Inome $ 44 $ 3,64 $ ,500 $ ,500 ther Misellaneous $ 9,060 $ 95,808 $ 90,000 $ 5,000 onds $ 19,3 $ 4,400 $ 5,000 $ 5,000 DEBT SERVICES TOTAL $ 6,255,946 $ 6,460,285 $ 6,900,252 $ 6,844,912 DEBT SERVICE FUND 2014 2015 2016 2017 EXPENDITURES ACTUAL ACTUAL REVISED ADOPTED rinipal-wner hare $ 1,48,45 $ 1,98,33 $ 1,153,51 $ 1,031,13 rinipal - City hare $ 3,51,965 $ 3,9,04 $ 3,855,101 $ 4,16,83 Interest - wner hare $ 41,84 $ 31 ,055 $ 31,999 $ 536,845 Interest - City hare $ 1,18,0 $ 1,30,49 $ 1,334,56 $ 1,549,84 DEBT SERVICES TOTAL $ 6,609,420 $ 6,628,922 $ 6,656,368 $ 7,244,607 108 SPECIAL HIGHWAY FUND 2014 2015 2016 2017 EXPENDITURES ACTUAL ACTUAL REVISED ADOPTED Asphalt $ 144,158 $ 101,3 $ 136,635 $ 166,635 Cement roduts $ 40,0 $ 60,50 $ 65,830 $ 65,830 and, Ro, ravel a $ 83,5 $ 66,190 $ 103,900 $ 103,900 aints $ 8,34 $ 5,50 $ 1,450 $ 1,450 igns $ 1,198 $ 0,36 $ 1,100 $ 1,100 SULSOAL$493,527$453,740$539,915$569,915 Construon Contrats $ 1,600,310 $ 1,64,131 $ 801,43 $ 946,43 CAALOULAYOAL$1,600,310 $1,264,161 $801,243$946,243 SPECIAL HIGHWAY TOTAL $ 2,093,837 $ 1,717,871 $ 1,341,158 $ 1,516,158 Special Highway Fund treets rews repair and maintain the itys street s, gravel roads and alleys in a variety of ways in lud- ing: asphalt and onrete replaement, pothole repa ir, right-of-way mowing, road and ridge mainte- nane, snow plowing and street sweeping. taff onsi sts of one superintendent, two foremen, 4 full- me and two seasonal employees. The City of alina has approximately: 33 lane miles of streets 1 vehile ridges ix pedestrian ridges Aout 413 lane miles (56 perent) of alinas stree ts are asphalt, 83 lane miles (39 perent) are on - rete, 3 lane miles (three perent) are ri and 14 lane miles (two perent) are unimproved. There are seven miles of roadway in our pars and aout 1 1 miles of private roads. otholes treet Repair otholes are a major prolem in all Midwestern ie s, inluding alina. The freee-thaw yles, whih usually our in late winter, an ause extreme str ess to pavement. now and ie melts during the day and seles into ras and holes in the pavement, t hen refreees with the onset of older nighme temperatures. The ie exerts tremendous fore great enough to frature onrete and asphalt, ausing potholes to form. Most potholes form in late winter and early spring when rain or snowmelt freees overnight however, ity rews repair potholes year -round. treets rews regularly replae adly damaged seo ns of asphalt and onrete. SPECIAL HIGHWAY FUND 2014 2015 2016 2017 REVENUES ACTUAL ACTUAL REVISED ADOPTED as Tax $ 1,388,63 $ 1,418,49 $1,38,640 $1,3 0,400 Transfers Interfund $ 10,000 $ 10,000 $ 160,000 $ 160,000 Investment Inome $ 3,090 $ 1,89 $ 1,89 $ 6,000 SPECIAL HIGHWAY TOTAL $1,561,727 $ 1,589,538 $1,543,929 $ 1,536,400 109 Bicentennial Center Fund peraon of the ientennial Center was transferred to loal petrum as of marh 1, 01. As a re- sult, revenues generated y the Center no longer flow to the City of alina. The only revenues into the fund are operang supplements from the eneral Fund . The expenditure udget aounts for the ontrat pa yments to loal petrum. BICENTENNIAL CENTER FUND 2014 2015 2016 2017 EXPENDITURES ACTUAL ACTUAL REVISED ADOPTED ther Contratual $ 619,53 $ 3,8 5 $ 54,968 $ 50,000 CONACUALSVCSOAL$619,253$723,852 $542,968$750,000 ther quipment $ 1,148 $ - $ - CAALOULAYOAL $ - $ 1,148 $ - $ - BICENTENNIAL CENTER TOTAL $ 619,253 $ 725,000 $ 542,968 $ 750,000 BICENTENNIAL CENTER FUND 2014 2015 2016 2017 REVENUES ACTUAL ACTUAL REVISED ADOPTED ientennial Center Rent $ 34 $ - $ - Transfers perang $ 635,853 $ 56,55 6 $ 00,000 $ 0,000 BICENTENNIAL CENTER TOTAL $ 636,226 $ 756,556 $ 700,000 $ 720,000 110 Health Insurance & Workers Compensation Funds The Health Insurane Fund aumulates resoures to pay laims, premiums, and other osts assoiated wi th the Citys parally self-funded health insurane e net for employees. ther agenies urrently pari pang in the program inlude the alina uli Lirary, t he alina Housing Authority and the alina Airport Authori- ty. Revenues to the fund onsist of transfers from City operang funds, withholdings from employee payhes, and payments from the other agenies inv olved in the program. The Worers Compensaon Reserve Fund provides for payment of Worers Compensaon Claims led as a result of employee on-the-jo injuries as well as t he osts of worplae safety assessments and progra ms. WORKERS COMPENSATION 2014 2015 2016 2017 EXPENDITURES ACTUAL ACTUAL REVISED ADOPTED Medial ervies $ 13,089 $ 15,095 $ 10,000 $ 18,63 Insurane - Worers Co $ 8,56 $ 84,19 $ 30,000 $ 30 ,000 Claims aid $ 35,000 $ 19,58 $ 341,030 $ 341,030 ther rofessional ervies $ 19,30 $ 6,015 $ 0,000 $ 0,000 WORKERS COMP TOTAL $ 350,035 $ 304,889 $ 401,030 $ 409,667 HEALTH INSURANCE 2014 2015 2016 2017 EXPENDITURES ACTUAL ACTUAL REVISED ADOPTED Admin. Fee-Dental Ins. $ 3,116 $ 1,940 $ 3,03 $ 8,000 Admin. Fee-C resripon $ 4,58 $ 4,168 $ 4,36 $ 13,000 Wellness rograms $ - $ - $ 5,000 $ 35,000 Claims aid $ 5,330,580 $ 4,355,31 $ 4,5,99 $ 4,801,64 Claims aid-C $ 905,65 $ 1,114,98 $ 1,10,013 $ 1,8,514 ther rofessional ervies $ 1,00 $ 94,0 $ 34,843 $ 103,863 Health Insurane $ 413,99 $ 531,1 9 $ 55,38 $ 585,65 Conngeny $ - $ - $ 00,000 $ 00,0 00 HEALTH INSURANCE FUND TOTAL $ 6,678,718 $ 6,121,023 $ 6,588,000 $ 6,995,644 WORKERS COMPENSATION 2014 2015 2016 2017 REVENUES ACTUAL ACTUAL REVISED ADOPTED ther Reimursements $ 4,03 $ 1,883 $ - $ - Interfund erv. rov. $ 39,336 $ 301 ,59 $ 494,481 $ 311,33 Investment Inome $ 1,941 $ 808 $ ,500 $ ,500 WORKERS COMP TOTAL $ 335,980 $ 304,270 $ 496,981 $ 313,837 HEALTH INSURANCE 2014 2015 2016 2017 REVENUES ACTUAL ACTUAL REVISED ADOPTED Ins. remiums $5,968,460 $ 6,368,984 $ 6,684,000 $ ,018,00 ther Reimursements $ 13,130 $ 1 1,186 $ 6,000 $ 6,000 Investment Inome $ ,981 $ 1 ,061 $ 5,000 $ 5,000 ther Misellaneous $ 6,13 $ 4,936 $ 5,000 $ 5,000 HEALTH INSURANCE FUND TOTAL $ 5,990,784 $ 6,386,168 $ 6,720,000 $ 7,054,200 111 Central Garage Fund Central arage inspets, diagnoses, servies and re pairs the itys fleet. taff onsists of one superin tendent and three A-ered master tehniians. Central arage maintains over 00 individual piees of equip - ment in a faility that onsists of six repair ays , two wash ays and a lue pit. Central arage has implemented a numer of proedur es to inrease our eieny and save money. Areas of savings inlude: • tainless steel vs. painted steel for longer life redued ost • White vs. yellow vehiles redue osts/inreases trade-in value • ehile/equipment auons vs. trade-ins to lower osts Fuel ite Central arage maintains the itys fuel site at 31 5 . lm t. It is loated on the same site as the Household Haardous Waste Faility. This site provides fuel f or all ity and ounty vehiles and is equipped to dispense fuel during power outages for emergeny response ve hiles. CENTRAL GARAGE FUND 2014 2015 2016 2017 EXPENDITURES ACTUAL ACTUAL REVISED ADOPTED FT-alaries udget $ 14,951 $ 180,05 $ 190,000 $ 198,000 T- Regular $ 6 $ - $ 1,500 $ 1,500 Longevity ay $ 1,43 $ 1,558 $ 1,00 $ 1,0 0 arned Leave $ 1,43 $ - $ 1,000 $ 1,000 SONALSVCSOAL$177,872$182,262 $194,200$202,200 Unemployment $ 13 $ 53 $ 500 $ 350 oial eurity $ 10,39 $ 10,5 35 $ 11,15 $ 11,00 Mediare $ ,416 $ ,464 $ ,600 $ ,30 Life Insurane $ 441 $ 410 $ 880 $ 880 KR $ 18,103 $ 18,86 $ 19,500 $ 16,50 MLOYNSOAL$31,501$32,488 $34,605$32 ,410 CENTRAL GARAGE FUND 2014 2015 2016 2017 REVENUES ACTUAL ACTUAL REVISED ADOPTED ther Reimursements $ 4,550 $ - $ 5,000 $ 5,000 Central arage $ 59,40 $ 193,545 $ 5,000 $ 5,000 arage: ale of arts $ 404,301 $ 35 ,496 $ 35,000 $ 35,000 arage: Laor Charges $ 361,33 $ 39 ,6 $ 300,000 $ 300,000 arage: ale of Fuel $ 643,03 $ 381 ,616 $ 45,000 $ 650,000 Transfers perang $ - $ 100,000 $ 100,000 $ 130,000 Investment Inome $ 19 $ $ 40 $ 40 ther Misellaneous $ 1,5 $ 9 $ 1,500 $ 1,500 CENTRAL GARAGE TOTAL $ 1,674,097 $ 1,358,284 $ 1,531,540 $ 1,747,540 112 Central Garage Fund CENTRAL GARAGE FUND 2014 2015 2016 2017 EXPENDITURES, cont. ACTUAL ACTUAL REVISED ADOPTED e upplies $ 465 $ 44 $ 1,000 $ 1 ,000 oos eriodials $ ,58 $ ,661 $ 3,50 $ 3,50 Metal roduts $ 436 $ 499 $ 50 $ 50 anitorial $ 50 $ 1,9 5 $ ,000 $ ,000 Welding upplies $ 110 $ 1,048 $ 1,50 $ 1,50 -arage ehiles $ 1,01 $ 85 $ 900 $ 1,630 -asoline to $ 516,568 $ 335,841 $ 350,000 $ 55,000 -ropane to $ 163 $ 0 $ 930 $ 930 -Diesel to $ 93,664 $ 1,0 $ 15,000 $ 6,500 -il to $ 38,503 $ 34,11 $ 40,000 $ 60,650 -An-Freee to $ 3,849 $ 1,453 $ 3,350 $ 3,350 -Diesel exhaust Fluid $ 6 $ 1,363 $ 1,500 $ 1,500 Maintenane. upplies-ehile quip $ 101,4 65 $ 113,63 $ 10,380 $ 105,500 arts-ehile to $ 31,069 $ 4,550 $ 39,00 $ 4,550 xpendale arts to $ 1,591 $ ,81 $ 6,000 $ 6,000 Heavy q. arts - to $ 354,496 $ 309,408 $ 300,000 $ 310,000 Wearing Apparel $ 99 $ 806 $ 1,50 $ 1,50 Tools-hop $ ,49 $ 5,8 $ 10,000 $ 10,000 ther perang. upplies $ 864 $ 538 $ 1,500 $ 1,300 SULSOAL$1,351,835 $1,031,442 $1,040,580$1,340,730 Telephone $ 1,416 $ 1,53 $ 1,500 $ 1,50 Cell hone Allowane $ 300 $ 88 $ 300 $ 300 as ervie $ 3,138 $ ,10 9 $ ,000 $ 3,360 Light ower $ 11,49 $ 11,41 $ 11,600 $ 11,950 mployee Development $ 1,34 $ ,43 $ 4,100 $ 4,100 Dues $ 65 $ 639 $ 960 $ 960 Repairs $ 3 $ 405 $ 500 $ 500 Repair-uildings $ 19 $ 6,5 $ 10,000 $ 5,500 Repair-Fuel taon $ 13,646 $ - $ ,500 $ ,500 ther Contratual $ ,04 $ ,345 $ 4,500 $ 4,50 0 CONACUALSVCSOAL$54,981$28,027 $37,960$55,420 ther quipment $ ,69 $ 1 ,18 $ 18,300 $ 66,000 ehiles $ - $ 38,6 4 $ - $ - CAALOULAYOAL$7,629$50,811 $18,300$66,000 Health Insurane $ 45,18 $ 51,656 $ 53,35 $ 55,991 Wormens Compensaon $ 4,400 $ ,899 $ ,513 $ 4,33 NUNDNSOAL$49,528$54,555 $60,838$6 0,724 Interfund erv. rov. $ 8,844 $ 10,000 $ 10,000 $ 10,000 ANSSOAL$8,844$10 ,000 $10,000$10,000 CENTRAL GARAGE TOTAL $ 1,682,191 $ 1,389,585 $ 1,396,483 $ 1,767,484 113 Sanitation Fund anitaon Reyling anitaon provides residenal refuse and yard waste olleon for over 15,000 households weely, ol- leng aout 1,000 tons of waste annually. Addion ally they provide susripon urside reyling to over 850 households, olleng aout 13 tons of re ylale material annually. taff onsists of one sup er- intendent, one supervisor, 19 full-me employees an d mulple temporary seasonal employees as needed throughout the year. SANITATION FUND 2014 2015 2016 2017 REVENUES ACTUAL ACTUAL REVISED ADOPTED anitaon $ ,536,95 $ ,543,119 $ ,83,05 $ ,931,19 Investment Inome $ ,549 $ 1,5 $ - $ - SANITATION FUND REVENUES $ 2,539,344 $ 2,544,646 $ 2,873,705 $ 2,931,179 114 Sanitation Fund SANITATION FUND 2014 2015 2016 2017 EXPENDITURES ACTUAL ACTUAL REVISED ADOPTED FT-alaries udget $ 61,83 $ 58,898 $ 660,000 $ 690,000 T- Regular $ 10,93 $ 9,486 $ 10,400 $ 11,400 Longevity ay $ 6,899 $ 5,95 $ 6,550 $ ,0 0 arned Leave $ 3,549 $ 16,4 $ ,400 $ ,400 SONALSVCSOAL$639,162$614,583 $684,350$716,000 Unemployment $ 805 $ 8 $ 1,00 $ 1,100 oial eurity $ 3,588 $ 36,0 94 $ 39,55 $ 43,300 Mediare $ 8,91 $ 8,441 $ 9,450 $ 10,350 Life Insurane $ 1,363 $ 1 ,153 $ ,00 $ ,00 KR $ 64,630 $ 63,484 $ 6,000 $ 60,000 MLOYNSOAL$113,176$110,044 $119,875$116,950 e upplies $ 580 $ 464 $ 65 $ 65 as il $ 13,168 $ 3,39 $ 95,000 $ 135,000 Maintenane. upplies-ehile quip $ 18,8 5 $ 186,16 $ 186,150 $ 186,150 arts-Mahinery quip $ 13,401 $ ,09 $ 14,500 $ 1 4,500 Wearing Apparel $ ,83 $ 10 ,841 $ 15,450 $ 15,450 Tools $ $ 643 $ 5 $ 5 ther perang. upplies $ ,060 $ 1,95 $ 3,15 $ 3,15 uildings rounds upplies $ 1,388 $ 189 $ 100 $ 00 SULSOAL$346,017$275,659 $315,825$355,925 Administraon illing $ 8,654 $ 8,41 $ 3,00 $ 3 ,00 Data roessing Charges $ ,000 $ ,000 $ 80,000 $ 80 ,000 Telephone $ 63 $ 4 41 $ 1,500 $ 1,500 Cell hone Allowane $ 600 $ 68 $ 600 $ 600 Water ervie $ ,96 $ ,03 $ ,400 $ ,40 0 ostage $ $ $ 40 $ 40 mployee Development $ 34 $ 154 $ 3,540 $ 3,045 Dues $ 400 $ - $ 400 $ 400 Repair-Radio $ 40 $ 158 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 Repair-uildings $ 56 $ 96 $ ,000 $ ,000 ther Contratual $ 58,438 $ 65 ,3 $ 4,000 $ 4,5 CONACUALSVCSOAL$163,998$170,805 $197,880$198,110 ther quipment $ 58, $ 6,9 14 $ 66,95 $ 69,65 ehiles $ 14,563 $ 11,368 $ 35,000 $ 305,000 CAALOULAYOAL$182,835$17 5,282 $423,925$374,625 Health Insurane $ 134,9 $ 1,91 5 $ 149,6 $ 15,103 Wormens Compensaon $ 13,00 $ 8,69 $ 4,90 $ 15,303 NUNDNSOAL$147,992$136,612 $173,912$172,40 6 olid Waste Disposal $ 495,966 $ 54 9,03 $ 568,000 $ 585,000 Interfund erv. rov. $ 310,000 $ 3 6,350 $ 381,500 $ 411,500 ANSSOAL$805,966$925,553 $949,500$996,500 SANITATION TOTAL $ 2,399,146 $ 2,408,537 $ 2,865,267 $ 2,930,516 115 Solid Waste Fund The alina Muniipal olid Waste Landll provides w aste disposal in aordane with the Kansas Departm ent of Health and nvironment (KDH). taff onsists of one superintendent, one supervisor, seven full-me and two part-me employees. The landll oupies 656 a res, 89.69 of whih are permied y the KDH for waste disposal. The landll reeives approximately 85,000 tons of refuse per year and has a life expe tany of aout 10-140 years. Disposal fees are ased on the type and weight of m aterials rought to the landll. The minimum dispos al fee at the landll is $10 per vehile for loads up to 660 ls. Loads of 660 ls. or more will e $3.3 4 per ton. There are separate fees for other materials suh as res, dirt, ro, onrete, asestos, ontaminated soil, et. SOLID WASTE FUND 2014 2015 2016 2017 REVENUES ACTUAL ACTUAL REVISED ADOPTED olid Waste $ ,56,45 $ ,109,551 $ 1 ,968,30 $ ,04,49 olid Waste-Internal $ 430,834 $ 4,1 $ 450,000 $ 468,000 Investment Inome $ 5,991 $ 3,11 $ 4,000 $ 4,000 Reyled Material $ 19,018 $ 9 ,894 $ - $ ,00 0 ther Misellaneous $ 3,540 $ 4 5,80 $ 4,310 $ 4,310 SOLID WASTE TOTAL $ 3,069,841 $ 2,646,154 $ 2,465,040 $ 2,568,789 SOLID WASTE FUND 2014 2015 2016 2017 EXPENDITURES ACTUAL ACTUAL REVISED ADOPTED FT-alaries udget $ 348,901 $ 349,018 $ 363,000 $ 38,000 T- alaries $ 41,91 $ 40,989 $ 43,100 $ 45,5 T- Regular $ 1,48 $ 1,30 3 $ ,500 $ ,500 Longevity ay $ 6,61 $ 6,01 $ 6,500 $ 6,50 0 arned Leave $ ,94 $ ,9 89 $ 3,100 $ 3,00 SONALSVCSOAL$401,738$400,370 $418,200$435,475 Unemployment $ 499 $ 559 $ 85 $ 500 oial eurity $ 3,53 $ 3,03 $ 4,35 $ 5,600 Mediare $ 5,438 $ 5,4 $ 6,000 $ 6,000 Life Insurane $ 90 $ 98 $ 1,500 $ 1,500 KR $ 40,00 $ 41,569 $ 4,345 $ 35,000 MLOYNSOAL$70,292$71,555 $75,045$68 ,600 116 Solid Waste Fund SOLID WASTE FUND 2014 2015 2016 2017 EXPENDITURES, cont. ACTUAL ACTUAL REVISED ADOPTED e upplies $ 1,51 $ 1,34 $ ,50 $ ,5 0 and, Ro, ravel a $ 16,9 $ 18,451 $ 1,000 $ 1 ,000 Maintenane. upplies-ehile quip $ 135,4 6 $ 106,9 $ 130,400 $ 1,900 Wearing Apparel $ 1,996 $ 1,996 $ ,50 $ ,50 roteve Clothing $ - $ 64 $ 880 $ 880 Tools $ - $ 11 $ 500 $ 5 00 uli duaon upplies $ - $ - $ 500 $ 500 ther perang. upplies $ 9,0 $ ,69 $ 1,800 $ 1,800 SULSOAL$164,982$136,860 $175,580$173,080 ngineering ervies $ 10,153 $ 8,46 $ 8,050 $ 58,500 Medial ervies $ - $ - $ 50 $ 50 Data roessing Charges $ 61,000 $ 61,000 $ 65,000 $ 65,000 Tire Disposal $ 3,054 $ 5,669 $ 6,000 $ 6,000 Waste Management $ 1,90 $ 4,50 $ 80,000 $ 80,000 Telephone $ 1,89 $ 1,863 $ ,40 $ ,660 as ervie $ 6,91 $ 3,08 0 $ 4,000 $ 9,065 Water ervie $ 1,691 $ 1,859 $ 1,00 $ 1,90 0 Light ower $ 10,41 $ 10,5 $ 10,50 $ 10,50 mployee Development $ 5,148 $ 864 $ ,10 $ 4,10 Dues $ 546 $ 54 $ 65 $ 65 Repair-Radio $ - $ - $ 50 $ 50 Repair-uildings $ , $ 1,4 $ ,000 $ 19,5 80 Credit Card Fees/xpense $ ,39 $ ,594 $ ,400 $ ,600 ther Contratual $ 9,6 $ 36 ,91 $ 3,10 $ 3,10 olid Waste Fees $ 99,83 $ 83,305 $ 86,500 $ 86,500 CONACUALSVCSOAL$436,605$296,972 $383,945$384,860 rinipal - City hare $ 411,959 $ - $ - $ - Interest - City hare $ 8,40 $ - $ - $ - DSVCSOAL $ 40,199 $ - $ - $ - ther quipment $ - $ 3,550 $ 36,00 $ 300,3 50 ehiles $ - $ - $ 90,000 $ - CAALOULAYOAL$-$3,550 $326,200$300,350 Health Insurane $ 80,31 $ 91,666 $ 10,44 $ 11,848 Wormens Compensaon $ ,00 $ 4,349 $ 16,694 $ 10,51 NUNDNSOAL$87,931$96,015 $124,168$123,365 Interfund erv. rov. $ 544,5 $ 5 65,000 $ 55,000 $ 55,000 Transfers-Interfund $ - $ 600,000 $ 600,000 $ 600,000 ANSSOAL$544,752$1,165,000 $1,175,000$1,175,000 SOLID WASTE TOTAL $ 2,126,500 $ 2,170,322 $ 2,678,138 $ 2,660,730 117 Solid Waste Fund: Hazardous Waste Household Haardous Waste Faility The Household Haardous Waste (HHW) faility inspe ts, paages and proesses residenal waste for dis - posal or reuse. HHW staff also provides eduaonal m aterials to the puli at shools and other loal e vents. The faility relies on voluntary paripaon of i ens. taff onsists of one ered HHW oordinator and oasional assistane from sanitaon employees. Many produts used in our homes ontain the same in gredients as industrial waste, yet are exempt from dis- posal regulaon. Leover produts or those unused f or over a year are unliely ever to e used, yet th e ris of spills or aidental poisoning of hildren or pe ts inreases the longer the produt remains in the home. The HHW faility provides a means for iens to drop o ff these haardous produts at no harge. HAZARDOUS WASTE 2014 2015 2016 2017 EXPENDITURES ACTUAL ACTUAL REVISED ADOPTED FT-alaries udget $ 3,045 $ 3 9,664 $ 41,500 $ 43,500 T- Regular $ 10 $ 14 $ 500 $ 500 Longevity ay $ 1,309 $ 1,351 $ 1,400 $ 1,400 SONALSVCSOAL$38,474$41,028 $43,400$45 ,400 Unemployment $ 4 $ 55 $ 90 $ 50 oial eurity $ ,16 $ ,80 $ ,450 $ ,55 Mediare $ 518 $ 53 3 $ 55 $ 60 0 Life Insurane $ 99 $ 93 $ 0 $ 0 KR $ 4,049 $ 4, $ 4,50 $ 3,50 MLOYNSOAL$6,929$7,233 $7,585$7,195 e upplies $ 146 $ 84 $ 150 $ 150 Wearing Apparel $ 50 $ 400 $ 850 $ 80 Tools $ 5 $ $ 135 $ 85 uli duaon upplies $ 16,609 $ 1,9 $ ,150 $ ,450 ther perang. upplies $ 6,9 $ ,08 $ 9,110 $ 9,5 uildings rounds upplies $ 1,009 $ 96 $ 300 $ 00 SULSOAL$25,250$29,44 4 $32,695$33,640 Telephone $ 88 $ 9 $ 300 $ 3 00 mployee Development $ 98 $ 1,91 $ ,350 $ ,930 Dues $ 50 $ 50 $ 50 $ 300 Repair-uildings $ 489 $ 85 $ 1,050 $ 1,050 ther Contratual $ ,631 $ 49 ,14 $ 6,150 $ 4,55 CONACUALSVCSOAL$23,956$51,730 $30,100$29,155 Health Insurane $ 11,8 $ 1,914 $ 14,36 $ 15,080 Wormens Compensaon $ - $ 600 $ 650 $ 410 NUNDNSOAL$11,282$13,514 $15,012$1 5,489 HAZARDOUS WASTE TOTAL $ 105,891 $ 142,949 $ 128,792 $ 130,879 118 Golf Fund The rst 4-hole golf faility in the state of Kans as, The alina Muniipal olf Course features an 18 -hole reg- ulaon golf ourse and a new six-hole short ourse. There is a spaious driving range, pung green, an d a state-of-the-art short game area whih enhane the ourses. reen fees onsistently ran among the low est in the state, and turf is maniured to ountry lu quality. In addion to the golf holes on our short ourse, we now have Foot olf holes on the ourse as well. The Muni is home to many group oungs, leagues, tou rnaments and other speial events. A mulpurpose room is availale for meengs and funons aer pla y. Tee mes are taen seven days a wee on the 18- hole ourse. GOLF FUND 2014 2015 2016 2017 EXPENDITURES ACTUAL ACTUAL REVISED ADOPTED FT-alaries udget $ 13,36 $ 18,183 $ 190,000 $ 199,643 T- alaries $ 95,506 $ 10,563 $ 108,000 $ 111,000 T- Regular $ 5,91 $ 4,3 $ 6,000 $ 6,000 Longevity ay $ 3,154 $ ,450 $ 3,500 $ ,50 0 arned Leave $ ,36 $ ,4 6 $ 6,000 $ 5,000 SONALSVCSOAL$325,048$299,029 $313,500$324,143 Unemployment $ 419 $ 433 $ 600 $ 400 oial eurity $ 19,31 $ 1,6 53 $ 19,900 $ 19,900 Mediare $ 4,49 $ 4,18 $ 4,900 $ 4,900 Life Insurane $ 505 $ 396 $ 55 $ 55 KR $ ,83 $ 19,443 $ 0,000 $ 1,000 MLOYNSOAL$47,484$42,054 $45,925$42 ,725 GOLF FUND 2014 2015 2016 2017 REVENUES ACTUAL ACTUAL REVISED ADOPTED ales Tax--Countywide $ 5,43 $ 6,39 $ 5,000 $ 5,000 letri Carts $ 130,14 $ 139,6 $ 140,000 $ 140,000 ull Carts $ 148 $ 135 $ 150 $ 150 Cart torage $ 8,913 $ ,65 $ 8,000 $ 8,000 ther Rental $ 1,013 $ 1,5 $ 1,000 $ 1,00 Memership Fees $ 15,815 $ 185,063 $ 185,000 $ 18,000 reen Fees $ 84,95 $ 66,9 $ 0,000 $ 0,000 Trail Fees $ ,15 $ ,441 $ ,500 $ ,500 Driving Range $ 31,486 $ ,565 $ 8,000 $ 3,000 First Tee Registraon $ 9,106 $ ,4 $ 10,000 $ 10,000 Food/everage $ 46,346 $ 39,5 $ 45,000 $ 45,000 Food/everage--eer al $ 4,09 $ 6,104 $ ,000 $ 8,000 ro hop $ 66,469 $ 69,9 $ 0,000 $ 0,000 ther Reimursements $ 5 $ ,85 $ 500 $ - Investment Inome $ 58 $ 64 $ 65 $ - Donaons $ 656 $ 8,911 $ - $ - ther Misellaneous $ 4,65 $ 30,6 85 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 GOLF COURSE TOTAL $ 860,012 $ 862,425 $ 867,215 $ 873,850 119 Golf Fund GOLF FUND 2014 2015 2016 2017 EXPENDITURES, cont. ACTUAL ACTUAL REVISED ADOPTED e upplies $ 861 $ 416 $ 50 $ 50 Irrigaon upplies $ 1,0 $ 4,43 $ 1,000 $ 15,000 as il $ 0,903 $ 5,119 $ 18,400 $ ,600 Maintenane. upplies-ehile quip $ 18,0 $ 5,63 $ ,000 $ 5,000 arts-Mahinery quip $ 1,16 $ ,69 $ ,000 $ ,000 Chemials $ 60,988 $ 58,63 $ 60,000 $ 60,000 Wearing Apparel $ 53 $ 85 $ 500 $ 500 afety quip upplies $ 03 $ 498 $ 500 $ 500 Tools $ 1,08 $ 948 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 Mah. quip. (<$50) $ 00 $ 398 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 Rereaon upplies $ 19,654 $ 3 6,310 $ 30,000 $ 35,000 eeds, lants, Trees $ 8,433 $ 1,38 $ 8,000 $ 8,000 ther perang. upplies $ 5,59 $ , $ ,000 $ ,000 ro hop $ 1,35 $ ,408 $ ,000 $ ,000 ro hop Merhandise $ 58,1 $ 0,595 $ 65,000 $ 60,00 0 na ar $ 48,69 $ 46,61 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 Driving Range $ 1,068 $ 10,10 $ 3,000 $ 3,000 SULSOAL$264,827$309,040 $277,650$292,850 Rent/Lease $ 4,36 $ - $ - $ - Rental Cart Repair $ ,383 $ 1,695 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 ales Tax $ 3,889 $ 4,159 $ ,000 $ 5,000 Telephone $ 6,8 $ 6,955 $ ,000 $ ,000 Cell hone Allowane $ 300 $ 88 $ 300 $ 300 as ervie $ 6,99 $ 5,3 $ 6,000 $ ,000 olid Waste Disposal $ 1,461 $ 1,615 $ 1,500 $ 1,500 Water ervie $ 3,55 $ 4,09 $ 3,500 $ 3,50 0 Light ower $ 45,18 $ 41,915 $ 38,000 $ 4,000 ostage $ 396 $ 364 $ 50 $ 400 mployee Development $ 1,55 $ 1,40 $ ,000 $ ,000 Dues $ ,03 $ 1,69 $ ,000 $ 1,00 rinng $ 18 $ ,10 $ 50 $ ,000 Adversing romoon $ 1,895 $ 1,186 $ ,000 $ 1,500 Repair-uildings $ ,65 $ 3,609 $ ,000 $ ,000 Credit Card Fees/xpense $ 0, $ 1,81 $ 0,000 $ 0,000 ther Contratual $ 1,163 $ 58 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 CONACUALSVCSOAL$125,369$114,810 $113,800$117,900 CAALOULAYOAL$-$11,000 $ - $ - Health Insurane $ 38,056 $ 35,945 $ 36,41 $ 38,053 Wormens Compensaon $ 6,000 $ 4,06 $ 3,98 $ ,393 NUNDNSOAL$44,056$39,971 $40,039$4 0,446 Interfund erv. rov. $ - $ - $ - $ 83,89 ANSSOAL$-$- $-$83,289 GOLF FUND TOTAL $ 806,783 $ 815,903 $ 790,914 $ 901,353 120 age le lan intenonally 121 PROPRIETARY PROPRIETARY PROPRIETARY PROPRIETARY FUNDSFUNDSFUNDSFUNDS 122 Water and Wastewater Fund The Muniipal Ulies Department is omposed of the water and wastewater failies operated y the Cit y of alina. The Ulies Department has 5 employees and is separated into two major divisions, lant p era- ons Division (Water Treatment lant and Wastewater Treatment lant) and Ulity Division (Water Distri u- on and Wastewater Colleon). The Ulies Departme nt is self-supporng from user harges olleted fr om its ustomers. Administraon provides ustomer serv ie, management and support to the lant peraons and Ulity Divisions. The City of alina is ommied to providing quality ustomer servie to all ustomers. The Water Custo mer Aounng e is responsile for the Aounts Ree ivale system for all City of alina ulies (water , wastewater, and refuse olleon). The division il ls nearly 0,000 ustomers per month on a yle as is (1,000 per day), and ollets nearly $1.1 million per year to support the water, wastewater and refuse ol- leon systems in the City. The meter staff also wor out of this division, reading all the meters with in alina as well as woring servie orders (new aounts, n al aounts, et.). The Water Treatment lant (WT) staff provides usto mer servie and maintains the WT. Treatment in- ludes seling, soening, ltraon and disinfeon. The WT has the apaility to treat 0 million gal lons per day (mgd) of raw water, ten mgd from the moy Hill River and ten mgd from the downtown well eld (15 wells). The WT urrently treats approximately ve mgd in the winter and up to ten mgd in the summer. To- tal water treated in 015 was 1.98 illion gallons, whih inluded 0.98 illion gallons from the moy Hill Riv- er and 1.00 illion gallons from the Downtown Well Field. The water is hemially treated to meet or e xeed standards of the Kansas tate Department of Health and nvironment (KDH) and the U.. nvironmental roteon Ageny (A). Compliane with those stand ards is assured y extensive tesng in oth the pla nt and throughout the omplete water distriuon syste m. The Water Distriuon staff provides ustomer servi e and maintains the Water Distriuon ystem, whih onsists of eight elevated water storage tans on ve separate pressure ones, ve pressure ooster pu mp staons, 33 miles of water main, 4,31 valves, ,4 4 re hydrants and 0,16 water servies and meter s. The Wastewater Treatment lant (WWT) staff provides ustomer servie and maintains the WWT. Treat- ment inludes preliminary sreening with grit remov al, primary lariaon, triling lters, avated sludge and ultraviolet disinfeon. The WWT has the apa ility to treat .5 mgd of raw wastewater and urre ntly treats approximately 3.6 mgd. Total wastewater treated in 015 was 1.1 illion gallons. A total of 1,13 tons of io-solids (eneial yprodut of wastewater tr eatment) were produed and applied to area farmland for eneial use. The wastewater generated y the City is treated to standards speied y the KDH and d is- harged to the moy Hill River. A total of 13 indu strial users are permied and monitored to ensure d is- harge water meets the Citys Industrial retreatme nt requirements. The Wastewater Colleon staff provides ustomer ser vie and maintains the Wastewater Colleon ystem, whih onsists of 30 miles of sanitary sewer mains , 4,803 manholes and 59 wastewater pump staons. 123 Water and Wastewater Fund Revenues WATER AND WASTEWATER FUND 2014 2015 2016 2017 REVENUES ACTUAL ACTUAL REVISED ADOPTED Water Charges $ 9,56,350 $ 9,890,049 $ 10,000,000 $ 10,400,000 Front Footage Tapping $ 68,369 $ 1,990 $ 0,000 $ 50,000 Meter Deposits $ 139,915 $ 143,30 $ 140,000 $ 140,000 Meter it Installaon $ 15,600 $ 16,800 $ 15,000 $ 15,000 retreatment ermit $ 1,00 $ 1,100 $ - $ - ewer Charges $ 8,3,41 $ 8,466,48 $ 8,500,000 $ 8,840,000 ther Reimursements $ 19,900 $ 100 $ - $ - anitaon ill Charge $ 8,654 $ 8,41 $ 3,00 $ 3,00 Internal Water Charges $ 44,40 $ 4,585 $ 45,000 $ 45,000 Internal ewer Charges $ 44,40 $ 4,585 $ 45,000 $ 45,000 Interfund erv. rov. $ - $ 60,30 $ - $ - Transfer Construon $ ,00,48 $ - $ - $ - ales Tax Colleted $ 18,850 $ 19,0 30 $ 180,000 $ 180,000 Investment Inome $ 9,0 $ 18,1 90 $ 0,000 $ 5,000 ale f Commodies $ 9,110 $ 39,89 $ 10,000 $ 10,000 ther Misellaneous $ - $ 8 $ - $ - WATER AND WASTEWATER FUND TOTAL $ 20,834,922 $ 19,001,416 $ 19,057,200 $ 19,782,200 124 Water Customer Accounting WATER CUSTOMER ACCOUNTING 2014 2015 2016 2017 EXPENDITURES ACTUAL ACTUAL REVISED ADOPTED FT-alaries udget $ 84,868 $ 166,8 $ 00,000 $ 5,000 T- alaries $ - $ - $ 1,000 $ 1,000 T- Regular $ ,19 $ 1,93 6 $ 3,000 $ 3,000 Longevity ay $ 4,451 $ ,895 $ 5,36 $ 5,36 SONALSVCSOAL$291,516$171,702 $209,367$234,367 Unemployment $ 30 $ 51 $ 660 $ 500 oial eurity $ 1,6 $ 10,3 95 $ 1,000 $ 1,480 Mediare $ 4,040 $ ,431 $ 5,65 $ 5,65 Life Insurane $ 38 $ 40 $ 1,400 $ 1,400 KR $ 9,46 $ 1,98 $ 5,000 $ ,000 MLOYNSOAL$51,892$31,467 $44,685$42 ,005 ey Cash-hort $ 363 $ 15 $ - $ - e upplies $ ,6 $ ,34 $ 4,000 $ 4,00 0 as il $ 603 $ - $ - $ - Maintenane. upplies-ehile quip $ 1,304 $ - $ - $ - Tools $ - $ - $ 500 $ 500 uli duaon upplies $ 565 $ - $ 4,000 $ 4,000 SULSOAL$5,561$2 ,539 $8,500$8,5 00 Legal ervies $ 9,080 $ 15,984 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 Ks Water roteon Fee $ 59,31 $ 3,989 $ 0,000 $ 0,000 Clean Water Fees $ 55,608 $ ,490 $ 65,000 $ 65,000 ales Tax $ 16,99 $ 10,186 $ 10,000 $ 10,000 Int. n Meter Deposits $ 15 $ 9 $ 3,000 $ 3,000 Refunded Meter Deposits $ 138,16 $ 135,436 $ 140,000 $ 140,000 Telephone $ 1,363 $ 1,384 $ ,600 $ ,600 ostage $ 105,91 $ 113,639 $ 11,000 $ 11,000 mployee Development $ - $ - $ 1,000 $ 1,000 Dues $ 1,5 $ 1,160 $ ,000 $ ,000 rinng $ 13,03 $ 16,43 $ ,000 $ ,000 Repair-ff. quip. $ 1,09 $ 1,16 $ ,000 $ ,000 Credit Card Fees/xpense $ 69,49 $ 3,040 $ ,000 $ ,000 ther Contratual $ 4,395 $ 83 ,35 $ 0,000 $ 0,000 Low Inome Assistane $ 6,91 $ 5,8 $ 6,000 $ 6,000 CONACUALSVCSOAL$677,116$600,523 $827,600$827,600 e quipment $ 980 $ - $ 5,000 $ 5 ,000 Computers/Tehnology $ - $ 1,600 $ 44,948 $ 5,000 CAALOULAYOAL$980$17,600 $269,948$50,000 Health Insurane $ 4,069 $ 40,01 $ 45,000 $ 60,000 Wormens Compensaon $ ,00 $ 4,44 $ 14,000 $ 8,80 NUNDNSOAL$49,269$44,765 $59,000$6 8,820 Data roessing Charges $ 0,000 $ 0,000 $ 800,000 $ 800,000 ANSSOAL$770,000$770,000 $800,000$800,000 WATER CUSTOMER ACCTING TOTAL $ 1,846,334 $ 1,638,595 $ 2,219,100 $ 2,031,292 125 Utilities Administration UTILITIES ADMINISTRATION 2014 2015 2016 2017 EXPENDITURES ACTUAL ACTUAL REVISED ADOPTED FT-alaries udget $ 41,083 $ 443, $ 694,000 $ ,000 T- alaries $ 1,56 $ ,8 31 $ 4,500 $ 4,500 T- Regular $ 60 $ 934 $ ,000 $ ,000 Longevity ay $ 3,006 $ ,31 $ 3,00 $ 3,0 0 arned Leave $ 3,109 $ 6,498 $ 30,000 $ 30,000 SONALSVCSOAL$507,819$476,310 $733,700$761,700 Unemployment $ 6 $ 641 $ 1,800 $ 1,00 oial eurity $ 9,300 $ 6,4 6 $ 30,84 $ 30,84 Mediare $ 6,85 $ 6,9 $ ,08 $ ,08 Life Insurane $ 93 $ 836 $ 00 $ 00 KR $ 46,899 $ 45,95 $ 0,000 $ 65,000 Admin. Fee-C resripon $ - $ - $ 4,400 $ 4,400 Transportaon Allowane $ 3,696 $ 3,54 $ 3,696 $ 3,696 MLOYNSOAL$88,311$83,700 $117,962$112,3 62 e upplies $ 1,46 $ 91 $ 1,00 $ 1,00 oos eriodials $ - $ - $ 00 $ 00 as il $ ,95 $ 68 5 $ 800 $ 1,00 Maintenane. upplies-ehile quip $ 89 $ 93 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 Maintenane upplies $ - $ 15 $ - $ - SULSOAL$4,658$1 ,584 $3,200$3,6 00 ngineering ervies $ 10,900 $ - $ 5,000 $ 5,000 Auding ervies $ 34,38 $ 19,188 $ 35,000 $ 35,000 Rent/Lease - uildings $ 4,683 $ ,440 $ 100,000 $ 100,00 0 Telephone $ 19 $ 1,54 $ 500 $ ,000 Cell hone Allowane $ 1,450 $ 1,439 $ 1,500 $ 1,500 ostage $ 90 $ 81 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 mployee Development $ ,0 $ ,8 $ 3,500 $ 3,500 Dues $ 431 $ 454 $ 600 $ 600 Legal Noes $ 39 $ 410 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 rinng $ - $ 581 $ 1,500 $ 1,500 ther Contratual $ (15,161) $ 1,496 $ 30,000 $ 30,000 Automated Meter Reading $ 900 $ 490 $ - $ - CONACUALSVCSOAL$110,868$117,349 $199,600$201,100 Health Insurane $ 5,696 $ 60,360 $ 100,531 $ 105,558 Wormens Compensaon $ 18,000 $ 11,860 $ 33,000 $ 0,90 NUNDNSOAL$70,696$72,220 $133,531$126,348 Franhise Fees $ 950,000 $ 1,000,000 $ 1,00,000 $ 1,00,000 Interfund erv. rov. $ 1,480,000 $ 1,600,0 00 $ 1,650,000 $ 1,650,000 Transfers-Interfund $ - $ 100,000 $ - $ - ANSSOAL$2,430,000 $2,700,000 $2,850,000$2,850,000 UTILITIES ADMINISTRATION TOTAL $ 3,212,353 $ 3,451,163 $ 4,037,993 $ 4,055,110 126 Water Operations WATER OPERATIONS 2014 2015 2016 2017 EXPENDITURES ACTUAL ACTUAL REVISED ADOPTED FT-alaries udget $ 49,633 $ 510,38 $ 535,000 $ 556,000 T- Regular $ 34,90 $ 34,99 $ 35,000 $ 35,000 Longevity ay $ ,866 $ ,1 $ 8,50 $ 8,5 0 SONALSVCSOAL$540,289$552,448 $578,750$599,750 Unemployment $ 68 $ 1,00 $ 1,800 $ 1,0 0 oial eurity $ 3,035 $ 3,6 $ 9,000 $ 9,000 Mediare $ ,49 $ ,665 $ 8,160 $ 8,160 Life Insurane $ 1,00 $ 1 ,086 $ ,50 $ ,50 KR $ 55,86 $ 5,4 $ 59,186 $ 48,000 MLOYNSOAL$96,700$100,005 $100,896$89,1 10 e upplies $ 1,00 $ 654 $ ,000 $ ,000 as il $ ,53 $ ,48 $ ,400 $ 3,600 Diesel $ 664 $ 459 $ 1,000 $ ,500 Maintenane. upplies-ehile quip $ ,86 $ ,56 $ 4,0 00 $ 3,000 Chemials $ 88,483 $ 89,06 $ 1,06,000 $ 1,096,000 Wearing Apparel $ 349 $ ,658 $ ,50 $ ,50 roteve Clothing $ - $ 300 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 Laoratory upplies $ 6,06 $ 60,09 $ 0,000 $ 3,500 Tools $ 1,931 $ 1,806 $ ,000 $ ,000 Maintenane upply-torage Tans $ 4,10 $ ,654 $ 5,000 $ 15,000 Maintenane upply-umping taons $ 4,061 $ 16,051 $ 50,000 $ 55,000 Maintenane upply-ludge Lines $ 14,839 $ ,039 $ 15,000 $ 0,000 Maintenane upply-Wells $ 14,368 $ 1,691 $ 100,000 $ 1,000 Maintenane upply-roess quip. $ 15,580 $ 64,5 $ 118,000 $ 10,000 Maintenane upply-Monitors Tele. $ 8,953 $ 5,58 $ 30,500 $ 35,500 Maintenane upply-River umps $ 14,549 $ 96 $ 5,000 $ 5,000 ther perang. upplies $ 4,11 $ 14,14 $ 0,000 $ 0,000 uildings rounds upplies $ 44,331 $ 5,986 $ 9,000 $ 30,000 SULSOAL$1,367,714 $1,101,603 $1,524,650$1,678,850 127 Water Operations WATER OPERATIONS 2014 2015 2016 2017 EXPENDITURES, cont. ACTUAL ACTUAL ADOPTED ADOPTED Telephone $ 6,434 $ 8,55 $ ,500 $ 9,000 Cell hone Allowane $ 600 $ 513 $ 600 $ 600 as ervie $ 19,809 $ 14,5 $ 15,000 $ 0,000 Water ervie $ 4,35 $ 3,98 $ 4,500 $ 4,50 0 L-Wells $ 63,19 $ 43,554 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 L-River Intae $ 4,634 $ 8,008 $ ,000 $ 30,000 L-Filter ldg. $ 44,11 $ 44,006 $ 48,000 $ 48,000 L-Towers alves $ 5,315 $ 5,0 $ 6,000 $ 6,000 L-Hs ps $ 31,90 $ 31,053 $ 55,000 $ 46,000 L-Chemial $ 98,095 $ 101,00 $ 106,500 $ 108,000 L Fire ump taon $ 1,530 $ 8,363 $ 13,000 $ 13,500 mployee Development $ ,86 $ 1,619 $ 4,150 $ 4,900 Dues $ 80 $ - $ - $ - ther Contratual $ 15,5 $ 9,599 $ 1,800 $ 19,000 CONACUALSVCSOAL$529,632$499,016 $576,050$580,500 ther quipment $ ,533 $ 6,69 $ 3,000 $ 31,900 CAALOULAYOAL$2,533$6,679 $23,000$31 ,900 Health Insurane $ 94,15 $ 101,1 1 $ 11,968 $ 18,066 Wormens Compensaon $ 14,000 $ 9,5 $ ,030 $ 1,09 NUNDNSOAL$108,215$110,337 $148,998$145,09 5 WATER OPERATIONS TOTAL $ 2,645,084 $ 2,370,087 $ 2,952,344 $ 3,125,205 128 Water Distribution WATER DISTRIBUTION 2014 2015 2016 2017 EXPENDITURES ACTUAL ACTUAL REVISED ADOPTED FT-alaries udget $ 443,194 $ 445,06 $ 540,000 $ 56,000 T- alaries $ - $ - $ ,500 $ ,500 T- Regular $ 31,949 $ ,19 $ 45,000 $ 35,000 Longevity ay $ 6,041 $ 6,11 $ 6,050 $ 6,05 0 SONALSVCSOAL$481,183$478,322 $598,550$610,550 Unemployment $ 588 $ 6 $ 1,000 $ 50 oial eurity $ ,5 $ ,8 9 $ 3,400 $ 3,400 Mediare $ 6,438 $ 6,53 $ ,500 $ ,500 Life Insurane $ 1,151 $ 1 ,011 $ 1,00 $ 1,00 KR $ 48,864 $ 49,096 $ 54,184 $ 48,500 MLOYNSOAL$84,567$85,194 $96,284$90 ,350 e upplies $ 1,0 $ 1,059 $ 1,50 $ 1,5 0 and, Ro, ravel a $ 1,568 $ 1,891 $ 5,00 $ 5,00 as il $ 35,406 $ ,539 $ 0,000 $ 30,000 Maintenane. upplies-ehile quip $ 4,33 $ 8,611 $ 35,000 $ 35,000 igns $ - $ ,39 $ 3,000 $ 3,000 Wearing Apparel $ 1,805 $ ,388 $ 3,500 $ 3,500 roteve Clothing $ 1,905 $ ,63 $ 3,500 $ 3,500 Tools $ 3,415 $ ,401 $ 4,50 $ 4,50 Meter Maintenane. upply $ 9,868 $ ,6 $ 1,400 $ 1,400 Tapping upplies $ - $ 14 $ - $ - Maintenane upply-Mains $ 58,550 $ 63,440 $ 80,000 $ 80,000 Maintenane upply-ervie Lines $ 15,01 $ 66,6 $ 184,50 $ 184,50 Maintenane upply-Hydrants $ 5,45 $ 1,019 $ 5,000 $ 5,000 Maintenane upply-quipment $ 8,358 $ 5,090 $ 5,500 $ 5,500 Maintenane upply-treet Cut Repair $ 164,98 0 $ 11,19 $ 195,000 $ 195,000 ther perang. upplies $ 8,984 $ 9,699 $ 8,000 $ 8,000 uildings rounds upplies $ 6,81 $ ,306 $ 11,500 $ 4,500 SULSOAL$489,592$385,907 $577,350$600,350 Telephone $ 1,193 $ 1,044 $ ,50 $ ,50 Cell hone Allowane $ 900 $ 1,3 $ 3,000 $ 3,000 as ervie $ 4,01 $ 3,83 $ 5,000 $ ,000 Water ervie $ 30,08 $ 1,46 $ 35,000 $ 35,000 Light ower $ 4,313 $ 3,6 $ 5,000 $ 5,00 0 mployee Development $ 3,309 $ 1,613 $ 5,000 $ ,850 ther Contratual $ 1,34 $ 9,036 $ 40,500 $ 39,500 CONACUALSVCSOAL$61,869$33,099 $96,250$1 00,100 ther quipment $ 18,44 $ 3,984 $ 0,800 $ ,800 CAALOULAYOAL$18,447$3,984 $20,800$27,8 00 Health Insurane $ 136,686 $ 134,90 5 $ 134,614 $ 141,344 Wormens Compensaon $ 10,000 $ 6,589 $ 19,000 $ 11,90 NUNDNSOAL$146,686$141,494 $153,614$153,31 4 WATER DISTRIBUTION TOTAL $ 1,282,344 $ 1,128,001 $ 1,542,848 $ 1,582,464 129 Wastewater Operations WASTEWATER OPERATIONS 2014 2015 2016 2017 EXPENDITURES ACTUAL ACTUAL REVISED ADOPTED FT-alaries udget $ 409,4 $ 40,95 $ 466,000 $ 48,000 T- Regular $ 8,018 $ 6,848 $ 30,000 $ 30,000 Longevity ay $ 5,51 $ 6,146 $ 8,300 $ 8,300 SONALSVCSOAL$443,191$435,946 $504,300$525,300 Unemployment $ 564 $ 619 $ 1,340 $ 1,000 oial eurity $ 6,316 $ 5,6 8 $ 3,100 $ 3,100 Mediare $ 6,155 $ 6,00 $ 8,160 $ 8,160 Life Insurane $ 88 $ 805 $ ,500 $ ,500 KR $ 44,881 $ 45,58 $ 50,000 $ 45,000 MLOYNSOAL$78,794$78,376 $94,100$88 ,760 e upplies $ 985 $ 88 $ 1,110 $ 1 ,110 oos eriodials $ - $ - $ 300 $ 300 and, Ro, ravel a $ - $ - $ 500 $ 500 as il $ 4,145 $ ,3 $ 3,000 $ 4,500 Maintenane. upplies-ehile quip $ 10,063 $ 4,11 $ 10,000 $ 10,000 Chemials $ 4,95 $ 6,303 $ 50,000 $ 55,000 Wearing Apparel $ 640 $ 93 $ ,000 $ ,000 roteve Clothing $ 1,19 $ 90 $ 1,090 $ 1,00 Laoratory upplies $ 38,19 $ 33,04 $ 38,800 $ 50,800 afety quip upplies $ 1,508 $ 1,36 $ 1,5 $ 1,00 Tools $ 1,38 $ 60 $ ,65 $ ,600 Meter Maintenane. upply $ 1,3 $ 0,40 $ 30,000 $ 30,000 Maintenane upply-quipment $ 14,00 $ 84,34 $ 135,000 $ 1 35,000 ther perang. upplies $ ,85 $ 3,439 $ 5,000 $ 5,000 uildings rounds upplies $ 1,6 $ 11,63 $ 18,000 $ 18,000 SULSOAL$290,987$190,492 $299,150$317,710 Telephone $ 5,658 $ 5,619 $ 6,000 $ 6,000 Cell hone Allowane $ 300 $ 409 $ 300 $ 500 as ervie $ 34,956 $ 13,318 $ 1,000 $ 38,000 Water ervie $ 46,88 $ 61,314 $ 50,000 $ 6,000 Light ower $ 183,955 $ 16,450 $ 05,000 $ 05,000 mployee Development $ 3,604 $ 1,3 $ 4,050 $ 4,050 Dues $ 56 $ 9 $ 450 $ 450 Repair-Radio $ - $ - $ 300 $ 300 ther Contratual $ 30,356 $ 30,6 88 $ 68,650 $ 68,650 CONACUALSVCSOAL$505,973$489,217 $546,750$584,950 ther quipment $ 15,863 $ 6,388 $ 3,600 $ 3,600 CAALOULAYOAL$15,863$6,388 $3,600$3,600 Health Insurane $ 80,19 $ 86,168 $ 10,4 $ 10,360 Wormens Compensaon $ 13,00 $ 8,69 $ 13,00 $ 8,316 NUNDNSOAL$93,329$94,865 $115,447$115,676 WASTEWATER OPERATIONS TOTAL $ 1,428,137 $ 1,295,284 $ 1,563,347 $ 1,635,996 130 Wastewater Collection WASTEWATER COLLECTION 2014 2015 2016 2017 EXPENDITURES ACTUAL ACTUAL REVISED ADOPTED FT-alaries udget $ 81,53 $ 69,808 $ 36,000 $ 36,000 T- Regular $ 16,160 $ 1,543 $ 0,000 $ ,000 Longevity ay $ 3,94 $ 3,966 $ 4,650 $ 4,650 SONALSVCSOAL$301,630$295,317 $386,650$402,650 Unemployment $ 33 $ 413 $ 10 $ 10 oial eurity $ 1,41 $ 1,08 $ 19,645 $ 19,645 Mediare $ 4,0 $ 4,04 $ 4,300 $ 4,300 Life Insurane $ 36 $ 64 $ 1,100 $ 1,100 KR $ 30,488 $ 30,843 $ 36,661 $ 35,195 MLOYNSOAL$53,082$53,112 $62,416$60 ,950 e upplies $ 840 $ 983 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 oos eriodials $ 845 $ 6 $ 400 $ 400 and, Ro, ravel a $ 1,306 $ 9,341 $ 6,500 $ 6,500 as il $ 4,83 $ 14,3 $ 16,000 $ 4,000 Maintenane. upplies-ehile quip $ 33,588 $ 31,45 $ 40,000 $ 40,000 Chemials $ 16,396 $ 1,38 $ 19,100 $ 181,100 Wearing Apparel $ 1,666 $ 3,811 $ 3,000 $ 3,000 roteve Clothing $ 1,3 $ 1,59 $ 4,860 $ 4,860 afety quip upplies $ 646 $ 61 $ ,550 $ 1,800 Tools $ 3,106 $ 3,684 $ 3,900 $ 3,900 Meter Maintenane. upply $ 1,30 $ ,53 $ 3,000 $ 3,000 Maintenane upply-umping taons $ 16,5 $ 166,00 $ 15,500 $ 195,500 Maintenane upply-ewer Lines $ 8,134 $ 5,45 $ 51,000 $ 51,000 T Unit upplies $ 10, $ 1,365 $ 18,000 $ 18,000 ther perang. upplies $ 1,36 $ ,095 $ 4,00 $ 4,00 uildings rounds upplies $ 1,95 $ 10,0 $ 10,000 $ 4,500 SULSOAL$456,461$447,603 $559,010$542,760 Telephone $ 31 $ 8 54 $ 500 $ 1,000 Cell hone Allowane $ 450 $ 60 $ ,500 $ ,500 as ervie $ ,90 $ ,38 $ ,000 $ 3,000 Light ower $ 18,468 $ 180,554 $ 184,000 $ 184,000 mployee Development $ 4,065 $ 3,5 $ 4,800 $ ,850 Dues $ 16 $ 14 $ 500 $ 500 rinng $ - $ - $ 400 $ 400 Repair-Radio $ 311 $ 1,669 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 ther Contratual $ 10,01 $ 16 ,30 $ 15,000 $ 5,000 CONACUALSVCSOAL$196,602$205,786 $210,700$205,250 ther quipment $ 10,168 $ 50 $ 15,000 $ 8,0 0 CAALOULAYOAL$10,168$520 $15,000$8,700 Health Insurane $ 63,491 $ 6,38 $ 5,346 $ 9,113 Wormens Compensaon $ 11,000 $ ,48 $ 11,000 $ 6,930 NUNDNSOAL$74,491$69,630 $86,346$8 6,043 WASTEWATER COLLECTION TOTAL $ 1,092,434 $ 1,071,968 $ 1,320,122 $ 1,306,352 131 Capital Outlay WATER AND WASTEWATER 2014 2015 2016 2017 CAPITAL OUTLAY ACTUAL ACTUAL REVISED ADOPTED Capital Reserve Transfer $ - $ ,60,30 $ ,500,000 $ ,500,000 ANSSOAL$-$2,2 60,302 $2,500,000$2,500,000 NUNDANSSOAL $-$2,260,302 $2,500,000$2,500 ,000 Transfers-Interfund $ ,54,000 $ ,616,000 $ ,60,000 $ ,60,000 DSVCSOAL$2,574,000 $2,616,000 $2,620,000$2,620,000 DSVCSOAL $2,574,000 $2,616,000 $2,620,000$2,620,000 ther quipment $ - $ 60 $ 150,000 $ 150 ,000 ehiles $ 43,16 $ 61,43 $ 558,000 $ 500,000 Computers/Tehnology $ 86 $ ,680 $ 5,000 $ 5,000 CAALOULAYOAL$243,253$26 4,714 $733,000$675,000 VCLSANDQUMNOAL $243,253$264,714 $733,000$67 5,000 uildings $ - $ - $ 60,000 $ 0,000 CAALOULAYOAL$-$- $60,000$70,000 ULDNGSANDACLSOAL $-$- $60,000$70,000 ystem nhanements $ ,04,516 $ 334,39 $ ,000,000 $ ,000,000 ystem nhanements $ - $ ,96 $ - $ - ystem nhanements $ - $ 39,31 $ - $ - ystem nhanements $ - $ 51,8 $ - $ - ystem nhanements $ - $ 3,00 $ - $ - ystem nhanements $ - $ 468,656 $ - $ - ystem nhanements $ - $ 838,685 $ - $ - CAALOULAYOAL$2,042,516 $1,974,21 5 $2,000,000$2,000,000 CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL $ 2,042,516 $ 1,974,215 $ 2,000,000 $ 2,000,000 132 Glossary 16/20 Vehicle Tax: The State of Kansas collects tax on larger vehicles and distributes a portion to cities. Ad Valorem Tax: A tax levied on the assessed value of real and personal property (also referred to as property tax). Assessed Valuation: The official value placed on real estate, personal property, and utilities as a basis for levying tax- es. The value is determined by applying a mathematical factor to the appraised value. The value is also determined by the property classification; residential real estate is assessed at 11.5%, land devoted to agricultural use is assessed at 30%, land for Commercial and Industrial uses is assessed at 25%. Audit: An examination of the financial activities of an agency and the report based on such examination. Basis of Accounting: Method used to determine when revenues and expenditures are recognized for budget purposes. Balanced Budget: When a government's total revenues equal total expenditures. Budget: A plan of financial operation including an estimate of proposed expenditures for a given period and proposed means of financing them. Budget Adoption: A formal process by which the budget is approved by the governing body. Budget Amendment: The legal means by which an adopted budget may be increased. The budget may not be in- creased with ad valorem taxes. The amendment process follows similar steps as the budget adoption. Budget Calendar: Schedule of events followed by the City in the preparation, review and administration of the budget. Capital Expenditures: Funds used to acquire or improve long-term assets. Capital Improvement Plan (CIP): A long-term plan for capital expenditures. City Manager: The chief administrator of a municipality under the Commission-manager form of government. City of the First Class: Kansas statute provides for three classifications of cities based on population size. Commission: Elected officials of a city who set the general policies under which the city operates. Commodities: Tangible goods and supplies. Contractual Services: Costs of services. Debt Service: The annual payments required to support debt issuances including interest and principal. Department: A functionally similar group of city employees. The City’s Departments are headed by a single Department Director who reports directly to the City Manager. Expenditure: An outlay of cash for the purpose of acquiring an asset or providing a service. Fees: General term used for any charge levied by local government in connection with providing a service, permitting an activity, or imposing a fine or penalty. Major types of fees include building permits, fines and fees. Fiscal Year: The City of Salina’s Fiscal Year is a calendar year. FTE (Full Time Equivalents): Staffing levels are measured in FTE’s to give a consistent comparison from year to year. Franchise: A special privilege granted by a government, permitting the use of public property. 133 Glossary Fund: An independent fiscal and accounting entity for recording expenditures and revenues. Funds are established for specific activities and are subject to special limitations. Fund Balance: The difference between assets and liabilities. General Fund: The fund that accounts for all revenues and expenditures which are not accounted for in specific purpose funds. It finances the ordinary operations of the City. General Obligation Bond: A debt instrument which gives borrowing power to a municipality based upon taxing authority to repay the debt and interest. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP): Uniform minimum standards and guidelines for financial account- ing and reporting. They govern the form and content of the financial statements of an entity. Governing Body: The elected officials of the City including the mayor plus commission members. Grant: A monetary contribution by an outside organization to financially support a particular function or purpose. Interest: Fee charged by the lender to a borrower for use of borrowed money. Levy: The total amount of taxes imposed by a government to support governmental activities. Line Item: The most detailed unit of budgetary expenditures listed in the City of Salina budget. Mayor: Elected leader of the Governing Body. Mill: A monetary unit used to express the property tax rate. Modified Accrual: An accounting method which reports revenues when they are measurable and available. Motor Vehicle Tax: The County Appraiser determines the value of motor vehicles and the County Treasurer collects and distributes the tax. Operating Budget: A one-year budget approved by the City Commission that includes appropriations for direct services to the public including wages and benefits, materials and services, and equipment. Excluded from the operating budget are capital improvement projects, debt service requirements, transfers, and reserves. Ordinance: An enforceable law or statute enacted by a city, town or county. Principal: The amount of borrowed funds which remain unpaid. Proprietary Fund: Governmental activities that can be operated most like a commercial business. Public Hearing: A meeting or portion of a meeting set up to give members of the public a chance to speak on a particu- lar subject such as the proposed annual budget. Resolution: An act that is typically less formal than an ordinance, expressing the opinion or mind of the governing body, and generally dealing with matters of a special or temporary character or setting policy. Revenue: A source of income which finances governmental operations. Special Assessments: Charges assessed against property in a special district formed to pay for specific improvements. Special Revenue Funds: Funds used to account for proceeds of specific revenue sources that are legally restricted to expenditures for specified purposes. 134 135 APPENDIX A:APPENDIX A:APPENDIX A:APPENDIX A: State Budget FormsState Budget FormsState Budget FormsState Budget Forms 136 Appendix A: State Budget Forms: Certificate Page 137 Appendix A: State Budget Forms: Vehicle Tax 138 Appendix A: State Budget Forms: Transfers 139 Appendix A: State Budget Forms: Indebtedness 140 Appendix A: State Budget Forms: Lease Purchase 141 Appendix A: State Budget Forms: Tax Levy Funds 142 Appendix A: State Budget Forms: Tax Levy Funds 143 Appendix A: State Budget Forms: Tax Levy Funds 144 Appendix A: State Budget Forms: No Tax Levy Funds 145 Appendix A: State Budget Forms: No Tax Levy Funds 146 Appendix A: State Budget Forms: No Tax Levy Funds 147 Appendix A: State Budget Forms: No Tax Levy Funds 148 Appendix A: State Budget Forms: No Tax Levy Funds 149 Appendix A: State Budget Forms: No Tax Levy Funds 150 Appendix A: State Budget Forms: No Tax Levy Funds 151 Appendix A: State Budget Forms: No Tax Levy Funds 152 Appendix A: State Budget Forms: No Tax Levy Funds 153 Appendix A: State Budget Forms: No Tax Levy Funds 154 Appendix A:State Budget Forms: Non-Budgeted Funds 155 Appendix A:State Budget Forms: Non-Budgeted Funds 156 Appendix A:State Budget Forms: Non-Budgeted Funds 157 Appendix A:State Budget Forms: Non-Budgeted Funds 158 Appendix A: State Budget Forms: Notice of Hearing 159 APPENDIX B:APPENDIX B:APPENDIX B:APPENDIX B: Property Tax Property Tax Property Tax Property Tax InformationInformationInformationInformation 160 D 0 0 0 0 z Current Current and Delinquent Levy Tax Taxes Tax Cllens Tax Cllens Year Rate Levied Amunt % Amunt % 5 7.3 $,3,5 $ 8,8,39 7.8 $ 8,9,38 7.8 4 7.8 ,98,3 ,,4 9.7 ,79,494 98.8 3 .97 ,88,94 9,78,9 9. ,87,943 99.4 .9 ,53,47 9,433,59 89.7 ,48,88 99.7 .7 ,355,38 9,43,75 9.4 ,39,35 99.5 . ,45, 9,83,578 94. ,8,85 97. 9 5.855 ,89,7 9,83,89 95.5 ,,8 98.4 8 5.88 ,39,87 9,85, 94.8 ,9,87 97. Appendix B: Property Tax Information 161 Assessed aluan , State Ttal Real Persnal Assessed Mtr Assessed Year Estate Prperty * lies ehile aluan q x . Esmated Atual aluan , q , . Residenal Rea l Estate Esmated Year Equalian Ra Atual alue 5 / $,957,53,74 4 / ,97,7,74 3 .55% ,889,385,94 .95 ,884,88,98 .4 ,89,4,447 .89 ,888,59,4 9 .7 ,893,359,54 8 . ,94,775,73 7 .8 ,833,79,39 5 $38,87,4 $,7,85 $8,984,453 $5,35,5 $43,3, 4 37,3,34 3,5,885 7,7,47 48,85,9 45,3,78 3 37,39,9 7,79, ,948,4 48,88,4 453,989,887 39,4,4 8,54,394 5,779,4 47,553,744 45,44, 37,75,83 9,98,88 4,85,585 47,4, 449,7,38 34,544,77 ,488,933 4,4,579 48,84,33 448,43,4 9 358,979, 4,7,8 3,73,9 5,33,5 447,8,878 8 35,78,7 8,373,98 4,99,45 5,35,5 45,333,84 Appendix B: Property Tax Information 162 163 APPENDIX C:APPENDIX C:APPENDIX C:APPENDIX C: City IndebtednessCity IndebtednessCity IndebtednessCity Indebtedness 164 Appendix C: City Indebtedness Current Indebtedness , x . , x . FL FMT . TmpyNt Prjet Series Issued Date Outstanding 87 $,89, F H 7 99 $4,5, Legal Debt Limits x 3% . , q, , x , x . Issued Series Purpose Amount Maturity Amt. Outstanding* 7/5/ $885, // $7, /5/7 7 ,545, //7 7, 7/5/8 8 3,7, //8 75, /5/8 8 3,55, 7 // 2,025,000 7/5/9 9 3,95, // 9,, 5// & ,875, // ,89, /5/ 7,8, //3 3,7 35, 7/5/ ,55, // ,, 7/5/ ,35, //7 ,95, 7/5/ 3,785, // ,83 5, /5/3 3 Tx ,3, //8 ,4, 7/5/3 3 4,33, //33 3 ,89, 7/3/4 4 7,57, //34 7 ,45, 7/9/5 5 . ,85, //35 ,85, 7/7/ ,57, //3 ,57, 7/7/ 3,75, //3 3,75, Ttal $63,465,000 165 Appendix C: City Indebtedness T . T 3 M Rvu . x . Date Amunt Final Amunt Issued Purpse f Issue Maturity Outstanding 45 $,, 3 $3,89 , m State Lans T H E HE T T . HE . T , , x, , x. , x. T , 7. Item Year Issued Original Amunt Final Year Amunt Outstanding E 4 $ 45,37 8 $ 347,594 4 4,35 8 ,4 T F M 4 3, 7 ,34 HV ,, 7 ,8,577 $,497,943 Prjet Number Purpse Year Originated Final Payment Date Original Amunt Amunt Outstanding HE 9 W 4 834 $9,33, $ 8,758,48 HE 84 W 835 $4,5, $ 4,5, $3,8,48 166 Appendix C: City Indebtedness istrial Debt Infrman T . Future Indebtedness T . T . x T / x $4 . . T . T . T 94 9 F . T , , U . 35, U E U . T E U.. U.. M , 3. T % . T x . , . , F . , . T x , , . , . Bnds Debt t Debt t .S. Debt Outstanding Assessed Esmated Atual Census Per Year 31-De aluan aluan Ppulan Capita 5 $57,535, .47% .95% 47,87 $,.98 4 3,85, 3.98 .9 47,77 ,337.43 3 4,55, 4. .3 48,45 ,34.8 57,355, .7 .99 47,9 ,97.37 ,45, 3.57 . 47,9 ,74. ,8, 3.44 .9 47,77 ,3.55 9 5,9, .8 .83 4,8 ,45.5 8 3,45, 7. .9 45,998 87.9 167 APPENDIX D:APPENDIX D:APPENDIX D:APPENDIX D: Financial PoliciesFinancial PoliciesFinancial PoliciesFinancial Policies 168 Appendix D: Financial Policies Aunng, Auding, Finanial Reprng Pliy . T q. . T x , x . , , . . T . T F , q, F . . T q F F . E. T q . F. T F . Eff . . T M 9 . . Capital Imprvement Prgram . T ... x. T ... . . . T ... , . , ... . . T . M , x, . . T q . T ... , q . E. T . 169 Appendix D: Financial Policies Capital Imprvement Prgram, nt. F. ff, ... , . . x . . . 3. , , . 4, , . 5. . . . 7. , , , , , . . , , . , , . , ... q . , ff . H. , . . . $75, , . q . , . T . , . . T ... , . , , x . . q , .. , , , , . ... T F F . 3. q x , , , . , q . T U. 4. F, F , U . 170 Appendix D: Financial Policies Cash Management Pliy . T . q , E W W . F . . . . . . T . T , q, , , , , . Debt Management Pliy . T x . . T , , . . T . . , . E. x . T x , x 5 , , , , . T x 5 . , , x . F. x . x . . T M , ff . 171 Appendix D: Financial Policies Fund Balane . T q , x . . T q, , . F – 5% % . . E F – % % . 3. F – % 5% , , x . 4. F – F , x , x . . , , M , . U , , x . . F , ff . E. T M . T , ff x . , M . x , , x 172 Appendix D: Financial Policies Fund Balane , nt. . F – U x . , . , . x , x x x . . F F x , / x x . 3. F x , M . T , , . Investment Pliy . T , . . . . T . . T x –89 , 3 , . T , 3 , , . T , . 173 Appendix D: Financial Policies Investment Pliy, nt. 3. L. 4. T . T . T , , , x . . M F , , , M. x , , . x F . T F . . T x . x , x . E. T F . . T . T , , , , . . 174 Appendix D: Financial Policies Investment Pliy, nt. F. T F L . T , ff , . ..W. , , . . T 3. , , U , , . 4. U T 5. M . 7. Ex 77 x , , U U x . T F . M x , 77 , x 4 . . 175 Appendix D: Financial Policies Investment Pliy, nt. H. T x , , . T , . Lq, , x , U.. T , M , . q . , q . , q q . W , , . T , q. . , F , , , q . . , , . q . q, F , F H L T, . T . T F , . T x F . % , . , . 176 Appendix D: Financial Policies Investment Pliy, nt. , . F . . T , . , . q . T . , M x . T M . . E T F . . T , , q. . , , / L , , . T q . T . , , , . , , . T F M 3. F 4. Broker-eerorereereoeer ereeoeooeer- eeoreerer o-2 ereororoee oororeree eeeeeroreeeoe’veeofi - orokereeroveeefie oroveerveoeo 177 Appendix D: Financial Policies Investment Policy, cont. L Bkerve eroeeeeereo veroorofioo - eeoreroeorov oreevekerveek oerkeoekeeeoer erveeeeeeerer- oeeveroere eeereororo eoooerrve M eorvo eeoeerrerereoro erorere oeMerreoroerer veevreoro - eorooeveeeroreoe veerorverveeo- veeoreevee oreveeroere en et oreeLeMer ereoeorererooe erooeeoreoofi ereree or ooreveoooreore eeroerore oerorovoee rereeL Beeeeoree oereveeeoroo ereerveeeoeee ereorore - ereeoeeee re Beeeeoo: Geer eevee: ee eeooeveoe oore re ro BeroveerNo oroveo Neoroorkerve erkereo eoo eG Beeeer Boere ererve: orkeroeoeerve ere erGre erre: o oe Goore ereer 178 Appendix D: Financial Policies en et, cont. eeoorreoveroee rereeeeero- oerooeeoeor roeeNo-eere eorororoeorero eeoeorreve orveeeeerGr reoooreore roereerveeoererove oreoeereroe roereerveoeeeer ereooerreoreveoo eerekoreoreroe roereerveerereee- reeroeeroee eeoeo ofieoeeereorefie r: eererreo;reo eeveeereoee eereeveeeroro eoreoerero roroeer-eeeor eererororerreor- roeefierreervoo e Geeeoeeeve ereoeeeee orovroeooe roreeeorere- eorefleeeeeeerro reeoo ereeoeefier eeeMer- orererooroeeeere eerero- oroeeeeeere eeoeeer eeeeoroeeo r- oreeeoereereeooe oeeoore2oeoer- e eeroveoreee eoeeeorer orerreeeooeoe -erroveeror eeroro eoooroeee Lerreee-ore rerveee-oroe reeeereoevereo oorererrooer eeeeerorererveoero Meooeoore ereeo-voreroeree - oerve 179 Appendix D: Financial Policies Revene Policy eooreveooo ereveeroeroeoeove r- e Bereveereere eMerkereoeo oreoeoreve eroverfie ereveeeoeerroor-r fl- ooereveeoreerevee ooeeereveeore oeeeeoeooor eeeeerreore erreeveor eo- rereooeve erreoeroe:er eer;oeLfi;or oeo;Goore eoeooeeer erveeoeeeeo voeeerreorer o-eerreerveroree eveoroverereeo vo 180 SalinaSalinaSalinaSalina----KS.govKS.govKS.govKS.gov