1. CIM CITY COMMISSION INFORMATION MEMORANDUM November 6, 2017 ADMINISTRATIVE BRIEF FROM Jim Kowach Department of Public Works Ultrathin Bonded Asphalt Surface (UBAS) is a type of roadway preventative maintenance surface treatment that is new to Salina and has recently been placed on many streets around the City (including E. Crawford and S. Broadway). It consists of a thin, coarse aggregate hot mix over a special asphalt membrane similar to a chip seal. It is placed in one pass with a spray paver at approxi and then rolled and compacted to a (about twice the thickness of a normal micro-surfacing treatment). The high grade asphaltic membrane prevents water intrusion and provides a superior bond to the old asphalt disperses water quickly off the surface. This reduces roadway spray from vehicles and provides greater visibility and traction in wet weather. UBAS has performed well for other cities and has been used to help extend the life of many roads around the State of Kansas. APAC, Kansas was the contractor and recently completed approximately 15.2 lane miles of UBAS placement on City arterial, collector and local streets, including both asphalt and concrete. UBAS can be placed directly on the existing surface or the pavement can be milled prior to placing the UBAS to smooth the pavement and to minimize the build-up of addi tional material on the roadway. It can be immediately walked on and driven across after it is rolled with a steel drum roller. The UBAS process includes: o Streets are swept or blown off and cleared of debris. o Material is hauled from the plant by semi or dump truck and then dumped into the shuttle buggy which is connected to the paver. o The shuttle buggy continuously mixes the material keeping it heated. o The paving machine follows and sprays tack oil onto the road surface as the material works its way through the shuttle buggy to the paver. o The UBAS is then placed over the surface at appro ximately 300 degrees Fahrenheit, adhering to the tack oil. o A steel drum roller follows behind the paver compacting and smoothing the roadway. Enclosed are other items on the agenda. If any Commissioner has questions or cannot attend the meeting, please contact me. Jason A. Gage, City Manager