Outdoor Warning Siren System Completion Letter EMERGENCY
255 N. 10U1 STREET
SALINA. KS 67401-2149
PHONE 785-826-651 1 FAX 785-826-6516
Date: August 23rd, 2017
To: Jason Gage Salina City Manager
From: Bernard Botson, Deputy Director Saline County Emergency Management
RE: Outdoor Warning Siren Project
Mr. Gage, I am pleased to announce that the Salina Outdoor Warning Siren Replacement
Project is complete. I have personally inspected all new and old sites and found them to
be within the specifications of our project. We have had two monthly siren tests that
identified several minor deficiencies that were quickly rectified. The training on the
computer system that controls the system has been administered and I am confident that
all parties concerned can operate the system.
Bernard Botson
Deputy Director Saline County Emergency Management