Post Memorial Day Cleanup (6-7-2017)--- ..,, .. ..,... ••V..., a>..ai1O O uTT aqui11w,ia ytctIJ.
income tax cuts enacted in short of two-thirds ma- ing a third tax income tax
2012 and 2013 as pro-growth jorities in both chambers. rate for its wealthiest filers,
policies.But voters soured But they had been confi- something cuts in 2012 elim-
lastyear on the governor's dent they could pick up mated.The top rate will be 3 1.1011 R •
policies,ousting two dozen additional votes because 5.7 percent,as opposed to 4.6 i,T �'
of his allies from the Leg- disagreements about taxes percent now. 71 ..
islature and giving more caused the Legislature's The governor endorsedSALEir.„poer to Democrats and annual session to drag out. less aggressive income tax �-moderate Republicans who Lawmakers met Tuesday for increases and proposed
then backed this year's tax the 109th day of what was raising cigarette and liquor
increase.The Legislature's supposed to be a 100-day taxes and annual filing fees %, 1
action leaves his main polit- session,making this year's for for-profit businesses. r••• •'
ical legacy in tatters. one of the longest in state But his proposals wouldn't
"He believes—still be- history have raised enough money
lieves—in this,and that's Had the effort to override to cover the spending in-
OK.I don't,"said Senate the veto failed,legislators creases for schools contem-
Majority Leader Jim Den- would have had to start plated by lawmakers. DAY
ning,a conservative Kansas over on a new tax plan, "We can and we must
City-area Republican who with prospects of working balance our budget without
supported the first round into next week.Legislative negatively harming Kansas
of tax cuts in 2012 but voted leaders were waiting to fin- families,"Brownback said
to override the veto."I've ish work on the next state in his short veto message
made many,many bad deci- budget until tax issues were Tuesday afternoon. ONLY!
sions in my business career, resolved,and Brownback's The tax increase was
Volunteers sought Recreation Advisory Board, Board,citizen. NOON PM
youth member,citizen; Expression of interest
for city boards Planning Commission,out- forms are available on
The city of Salina is ac- side representative within 3 the city's website,www.
cepting expression of inter- miles of city,youth member;,by clicking
est forms through Aug. 1 for citizen;Solid Waste Man- on"City Government"then
vacancies on the following agement Committee,Saline "Boards&Commissions";
citizen boards,commissions County citizen,citizen of by visiting the city clerk's
and committees: third class city,citizen of office,Room 206 of the
Accessibility Advisory unincorporated area,youth City-County Building;or by
Board,youth member,citi- member;Tree Advisory calling 309-5735.
zen,citizen with a disabili-
ty;Animal Control Advi-
sory and Appeals Board, S1ECI_AL
youth member,citizen;Arts
and Humanities Commis-
cion,citizen;Boarrof d of Zn-
ing Appeals,youth member,
Advisory Board,electrical
contractor;mechanical Post
master/journeyman,class f:
' B/C contractor;Business MEMORIAL DAY CLEANUP OFF
Improvement District Advi- WILL BEGIN
sory Board,business owner
within the distric;Business AT 7:00 A.M. MONDAY
Improvement District No. 1
Design Review Board,busi- JUNE 12, 2017
'less owner within the dis-
trirt,property owner within WE ASK THAT ANY MEMENTOS,FLOWERS, *Excludes special orders,loose diamonds or repairs.
the district,citizen,design DECORATIONS, PICTURES,TOYS,ETC.
professional;Community THAT YOU WANT TO SAVE
Art and Design Advisory It's the little things that matter, since 1884.
Clnmittee,citizen;Conven BE PICKED UP BEFORE THE ABOVE DATE.
1 titer and Tourism Commit-
This includes Shepherd Hooks
tee;citizen;Disciplinary not permanently set in concrete.
Alvisory Board,Salina cit-
izn;Heritage Commission, Please contact cemetery personnel for details.
attheologist,landscape ANY ITEMS LEFT WILL BE PICKED UP AND
atthitect or urban planner, DISCARDED.
real estate or legal pro-
feysional,youth member; THANK YOU FOR YOUR COOPERATION. Shop ern Ofl DowntownHjusing Authority,Salina FOR ANY QUESTIONS CONTACT VV SaCi11 a
c en;Human Relations THE CEMETERY SUPERVISOR AT THE OFFICE 123 N.Santa Fe JEWELERS fission,youth mem OR CALL 785-826-7390 785.825.0531 + '""
b4ethnic/minority repre- M-Sat 9am-5pm
setitative,citAen;Park and -