City Commission Special Meeting Agenda 06-13-2017CITY COMMISSION AGENDA GENERAL ORDER OF BUSINESS 1. CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL 6. CONSENT AGENDA 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND MOMENT OF SILENCE 7. ADMINISTRATION 3. AWARDS – PROCLAMATIONS 8. DEVELOPMENT BUSINESS 4. CITIZEN FORUM 9. OTHER BUSINESS 5. PUBLIC HEARINGS AND ITEMS SCHEDULED FOR A CERTAIN TIME 10. ADJOURNMENT ATTENDING A MEETING: When attending a City Commission meeting, please turn off your cell phone or set it on vibrate. Signs will not be allowed into the building. Citizens attending the meeting may distribute written information to the commissioners when recognized by the mayor or written information may be submitted to the city clerk prior to the meeting for distribution to the commissioners and key staff members. Individuals have different opinions and the Commission would like to collect those in the most respectful way possible. Please refrain from clapping or booing before, during or after a person speaks. In addition, we ask that talking within the audience is kept to a minimum to allow for the citizens surrounding you the opportunity to hear the discussions. Individuals that are disruptive will be asked to leave or may be removed from the meeting. ORDER OF DISCUSSION Generally, the order of discussion, after introduction of an item, includes comments and information by staff, followed by Commission questions or inquiries. The applicant and interested citizens may then speak on the item. At the close of public discussion, the item will be considered by the Commission and action taken. ADDRESSING THE COMMISSION Citizens may address the Commission on items under discussion when recognized by the Mayor. When addressing the Commission, please move to the podium and clearly state your name and address in the microphone. If you are representing a group or organization, please provide the name and address as well. In order to ensure that all persons may have an opportunity to speak, comments will be limited to three minutes. Keep your remarks brief and do not repeat what has already been said. However, feel free to simply state whether you are or are not in support of the item being discussed. Do not ask questions of the Commission; provide your comments and factual information only. CITIZEN FORUM A citizen desiring to speak on an item which is not on the agenda may do so under Citizen Forum. Discussion is limited to five minutes and the Commission does not take immediate action. However, items introduced under Citizen Forum may become agenda items for later meetings or may be referred to City staff for follow-up. CONSENT AGENDA The consent agenda is a means to assemble routine action items to be approved collectively for a more efficient meeting. Any item may be considered separately by request of a commissioner or staff member. Any citizen who would like to ask the governing body to remove any item from the consent agenda can do so by forwarding their request to staff, the mayor, or a commissioner prior to the start of the meeting. A citizen may also make a request during the citizen forum portion of the meeting but no discussion of the item can take place at that time. EXECUTIVE SESSION The Commission may, at any time, call for an executive session. Executive sessions are used to discuss, in private, any subject covered under the Kansas Open Meetings Act. Examples of such subjects include personnel action, legal matters, or purchase of property. The public and the media representatives are informed of the time and place of these meetings, as well as the general category of discussion, but are not permitted to attend. AGENDA INFORMATION Copies of the agenda are available in the Office of the City Clerk on Thursday afternoon preceding the regular meetings. Items for the agenda should be submitted to this office prior to noon the Wednesday preceding a regularly scheduled Monday meeting. Information regarding the agenda may be obtained from Room 206 in the City-County Building, located at 300 W. Ash, Salina, KS or visiting our website at www.salina-ks.gov. “CITIZEN PARTICIPATION IS THE CORNERSTONE OF DEMOCRACY” Rev. 01/16 CITY COMMISSION ROOM City Clerk Commissioners Mayor Commissioners Shandi Kaye Jon R. Wicks Trent Davis Karl Ryan Crawford Blanchard Melissa Hodges Michael Schrage, Deputy City Manager Greg Bengtson, Jim Kowach, City Attorney Director of Public Works Jason Gage, Gary Hobbie, City Manager Director of Community & Development Services CITY COMMISSION: The five City Commissioners are elected at-large, in non-partisan elections, for overlapping terms. The two candidates receiving the most votes receive four year terms, and the third receives a two year term. Each year, in April, the Commission elects one of their members to serve as Mayor for one year. As a Commissioner, the Mayor is entitled to full voting rights but has no veto power. The Commission is the legislative body of City government and determines all matters of City policy. CITY MANAGER: The City Manager is the chief executive and administrative officer of City operations and is appointed by the City Commission for an indefinite term. The City Manager is responsible to the City Commission for the administration of all activities, functions, and programs of the City in accordance with State law and policies and guidelines adopted by the City Commission. CITY ATTORNEY, CITY CLERK, These staff members are appointed by the City Manager to administer certain DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS, City Operations and to provide technical assistance to the City Manager and DEPUTY CITY MANAGER, Commission. Other department directors may attend the City Commission DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY & meetings as needed to address particular items of City business. DEVELOPMENT Rev. 04/16