3120 Inspection Code Amendments Sed 'j 11 :':c; ¡),ilC 1'::::,('(1 June 15, 1970 .' ....- -, .. -- .., l'::tii..;"'; ¡-",~:,1 3120 ']'(\ 'J'E!: LJ) I'~ ]'.(\.?D (il' C ':";:I;:::;ì.U' L ::; CT'JY OF ~;j',LI , Ki,;L,}\~: G:~ì;TU~r¡ CI~ : D"ÍC,l- (,c,r'c""" a 'I-oC','}'c]"'!" '-!n,l '>"'):"'ì-l"" f)-To""';' ]'1-¡ ~.11n Cí'-'\, (Jf' -,.,c-- ,'cJ"c,"" c C,,'oO,..L CoO'.' ¡,,--.¡'t...) ~'.."c" - l,,'. ...,-L,. J. Sé:l:i.n.:-:, 1:::'118':-':-3 docs h:~}:chy pctiti,Oll you:,:' b,:mC1:[bJc bc)c1y to r""l(c tbe foJ.lc)\Úng .9111cnc1¡;-,cnU; to the On1i.ncliccs of: tIle City of :-;¿,,1;n¿-t, Kn n s n;:; : I~Ltijð 9-1(;5, 9-1G7, 9..1U~ Dl1cl 9.170, by inserting at the bcg~,nr¡irl:~ "Except: ;1[; provided jn 9,.173:!. 9-173 -- In[;pcction and é1pprovs1 ind:i.cr.tcd by ét [3tm.,p OJ: other ccrtificaLJon by th(~ F'cdc2J:a,l lI:'¡tlé:jlì[; ALC'!1CY, its é:~,JC;t()ลก':L:~cc1 i\.l~3pCC lc))'~:" 0:;:: s'Llch ':;lgcncy D~; ha:=: been alYjJ1:ovcd by the:' building :¡..nEp(ct~):':, of n:1Y p1~cf3bl'ic~¡tC'd OJ: l1\uduLn" stJ't1ctu:r:riJ. u;-d.t ,ihiell h,?s Lcc"¡ built t1p 0:( éiS:=~cíil~)lcd P I':i,o 1: to inccn:po:i'Dt:i.on in thc~ bl'ilc1ing OJ: to being cTC'ctc;c1 as ét building unit, shall constjtuLe i.TI:;pc~cL:L(J'.l Dricl apFi'oval Ç',i, 1.'(1(!1lÍXl;J in 9-1.6(;j 9-.16/, 9..,163 [\:1cJ 9--170 Df this Coele. ÞmC;¡LÌ 9" ;;>01 to include: 9-201 (1) Inspection, t cst i I i g D n çj ~1 Ii ['J:(;) 'J r 1 in d j c:, led 1) Y [l stn,nl) or other ccrti[:i.c[:t:i.un ~iS l:(:c¡uire:c1 in the Un Lf:..J1:r.¡ Ph i 1.1 g C r~ Ô '" of 196í' of all pluin:dnf, é1nd dr2:i.nr':~',c: SYE;tc~l:'S and g[!S pipirJg \/;;J,C(1 a r<? COLe crJ led anç} incol.'por D tcd in c: ') nny pre f:.:! f) 1. 5c a tcc1 0 r nE,d 12 L~ 1: structu¡-al unit ,,¡hLch h<:E': bee;.! bt1:i.lt up or ass lÐd prior to iocor- poratiOi) in the builc1:;ng OJ' tC) beinz. c~'cct:é:d 2fj [\ hu::.lding 1JCJ:~t ¡r;~y be lTiDc'e by the ]Cc1Cl'~!l ]L)l~s3n,:; Agc""cy, in; ¿HlU-LJ}':i.7/;d ins~'(;ctCJl:s, or SL'.(~l,. [;~;C'ncy 2;', b.c8 l)c!cn ,- ro'Jc:d by the btdld 5;.;¿; i¡IE<'CC to!.") f¡;'; (n' to obtainin¿r, [' per, it" Dnc1- ~:l.,cb S, 1: CC);.::;t5':l~l:c ill.'::~)[':..~t;_C)'I, tec' t':; n¿ <Jnc: é¡P¡'i.C,-,/,:1,J. [,,~: ::l'qU{'C{ ,J I)}' t1-1 U'l:;'::Cì':, 'ìl';;:;:J~; C:c;(~e Pi':I,':i("d ¡. fin;, J t c., ,c; ¡. ~ r e 'J 11 j ¡' ¡: Ô }, \' the lh if ( n f' J t', . ~~ Cur'c" E:h"ll hC'2 cJ,'CJ:L:tc' 2[:(( j' t:¡(;, vccL1.;:ic,-t"."J :)1 ))i':d.¿:;e E't"\IC'¡ . , 1 " r';:'< [,,:c:n C'CC'c';t',ç1 on ];:;"::.' j¡1 ;:"rl:n,", K;-u':c:::; l;",_'"...:.', \::',J.1,-, r.ì-" ri" \~, cr,:' Ii:-": :'- r,." " ",.,:' .,,_0. :- 1 .,.', f:¡ 'i. ., t c. ¡' -,<~:-, i; '- '. 1'" ('! C'crÇ'(;t. i.e: ('"...:,... !:1 (,i'c'i:: j ;.;: :,,' J. Coo, . I ¡';"; Tn.1;;l.i"i. t1¡{',L thr' ¡n'ycj'~; of lLc l'cLitiu;'\=r V.:J.l bc' i;J'¿'\liceJ, 1(::'[1:':(,' i fully, // F II,}:';) })' ,._',~.", Dj,ck C(,.)},"'(' . u -..,-......... .-,---_......,..---....".. ? p