Special Assessments Commencement Study Session Executive SummaryCITY COMMISSION STUDY SESSION SUMMARY May 8, 2017 Commencement of Special Assessment Process for Residential Subdivisions Over the last year, the City Commission has contemplated special assessments for the following residential subdivisions in our community: Ryan Addition, River Trail 2 Addition, Grand Prairie 2 Addition and Cedar Ridge 2 Addition. Prior to and since that time, staff has facilitated multiple study session discussions with the governing body regarding the application of special assessments. The commissioner input from these discussions in the basis of information for drafting a revised special assessment policy for future consideration. Please know we continue to work on the policy update. City Commission guidance from one of the prior study sessions was targeted to the commencement process for the residential developer in making their request for residential special assessments. The basic concern of the developer was spending significant funds on detailed lot design layout and infrastructure before knowing if the City Commission would approve special assessments for all or a portion of the infrastructure costs. This step is not codified by resolution or ordinance at this time. Since that time, staff has attempted to be consistent with the topic discussion, provision of related information and the proper request for action associated with a residential special assessment request. However, in reviewing the commencement processes applied to those subdivisions just listed, we realized that we do need some additional guidance from the governing body. For special assessment to be formally considered by the City Commission, an engineering feasibility report and resolution of advisability must be approved. As you may recall, the engineering feasibility report includes significant scope and cost detail of improvements to be constructed. A development agreement is now a typical part of the approval process as well, particularly if special assessments are not approved at 100% of the infrastructure cost. Additional information that needs to be considered includes: the 2010 Comprehensive Plan, the 2015 Live Salina Strategic Housing Plan and the Residential Subdivision Amenities Checklist staff document. As you know, some of this information is essential when discussing the percentage of special assessments applied to a particular residential project. Staff’s objective for the Monday study session is to review the order of distribution of this key information and the question(s) to be asked in order to assist the residential developer with their planning, while also ensuring the governing body has the information you need to address the initial special assessment request.