02-10-1998 Agenda
Business Improvement District No.1
established in 1983 by the City of Salina for Downtown revitalization
Board of Advisors Business Improvement District No.1
Tuesday, February 10, 1998 -3:30 pm
Salina Downtown Conference Room, 114-A 7th Street
CaIl to Order
RoIl CaIl
III. Recognition of guests
IV. Additions or changes to the agenda
Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting, January 13 , 1998 (Enclosed)
VI. New Business ., .,
There are no committee referrals or new items for board consIderatIOn at thIs tIme.
~'. The city is replacing their software program for BID accounts which cannot but help the
problems which have been so prevalent during the past three months.
VII. Old Business . . . d
Unless someone wishes an update on delinquent accounts or other mformatlOn, there IS no 01
business to discuss.
VIII. Adjournment by the President.
Jim Ravenkamp, President
I ] 4-A South Seventh
Post Office Box] 065
Salina, Kansas 67402-] 065
FAX (785)825-7216
Jim Ravenkamp - President, Louise Appleby - Vice President, Wayne DeBey - Secretary, Steve Michel - Treasurer
Andy Anderson, AI Gebhart, Jerry Hinrikus, Rodney Nitz, Dan Norman, Wally Storey, Donald Thomas,
Don Wendt, Norman Yenkey, Don Heath - ex officio, Nick Slechta - Executive Director