02-10-1998 Agenda Salina Business Improvement District No.1 established in 1983 by the City of Salina for Downtown revitalization NOTICE OF MEETING Board of Advisors Business Improvement District No.1 Tuesday, February 10, 1998 -3:30 pm Salina Downtown Conference Room, 114-A 7th Street AGENDA 1. CaIl to Order II. RoIl CaIl III. Recognition of guests IV. Additions or changes to the agenda Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting, January 13 , 1998 (Enclosed) v. VI. New Business ., ., There are no committee referrals or new items for board consIderatIOn at thIs tIme. ~'. The city is replacing their software program for BID accounts which cannot but help the problems which have been so prevalent during the past three months. VII. Old Business . . . d Unless someone wishes an update on delinquent accounts or other mformatlOn, there IS no 01 business to discuss. VIII. Adjournment by the President. Jim Ravenkamp, President I ] 4-A South Seventh Post Office Box] 065 Salina, Kansas 67402-] 065 (785)825-0535 FAX (785)825-7216 Jim Ravenkamp - President, Louise Appleby - Vice President, Wayne DeBey - Secretary, Steve Michel - Treasurer Andy Anderson, AI Gebhart, Jerry Hinrikus, Rodney Nitz, Dan Norman, Wally Storey, Donald Thomas, Don Wendt, Norman Yenkey, Don Heath - ex officio, Nick Slechta - Executive Director