8.5a Awd Subdiv Improve CITY OF SALINA REQUEST FOR COMMISSION ACTION DA_T_E TIME 6/].5/98 4:OO P.M. AGENDA' SECTION: ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: APPROVED FOR NO, AGENDA: 8 Engineering & General Serv'ces ITEM NO. 5 BY: Shawn O' Lea r~-- BY~~ ITEM: ~ Award of contract for the 1998 Subdivision Improvements, Project No. 98-1137. BACKGROUND: The City Commission recently approved five(5) petitions for street, water, sanitary sewer, and storm drainage improvements in the following subdivisions: 1. Leavenworth/Grove Addition(water) 2. Brock Addition(streets, drainage, water, and sanitary sewer) 3. Westport Addition(sanitary sewer) 4. Mariposa Addition(streets, drainage, water, and sanitary sewer) 5. Country Oak Estates Addition(streets and drainage) In addition to the improvements for these subdivisions, construction of a City-owned parking lot for the Oxbow Park will be included in this project. A sketch of project locations is attached. Bids were received on June 9, 1998 as follows: PAVING & SANITARY SEWER SANITARY SEWER DRAINAGE & WATER & WATER BIDDER BID AMOUNT BID AMOUNT *BID ALTERNATE SHEARS $ 391,027.75 NO BID NO BID CONSTRUCTION STEVENS NO BID $ 316,658.50 $ 25,395.00 CONTRACTORS SMOKY HILL, $ 403,365.50 $ 403,671.00 $ 27,392.00 L.L.C. ENGINEERS $ 446,667.50 $ 398,924.00 $ 26,020.00 ESTIMATE *Bid Alternate #1 includes the extension of the proposed water line on West State Street (Leavenworth/Grove Addition) pursuant to petition under consideration by the City Commission on June 15, 1998. Construction is scheduled to begin on June 29, 1998 with completion in 120 days for paving and drainage and 60 days for sanitary sewer and water. CITY OF SALINA REQUEST FOR COMMISSION ACTION DATI~ 33ME 6/15/98 4:00 P.M. AGENDA' SECTION: ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: APPROVED FOR NO, AGENDA: Engineering & Genera] 5ervi :es ITEM BY: Shawn 0' Leafy BY: page 2 The developers of Brock Addition and Mariposa Addition have submitted letters of credit in the amount of 35 percent of the bid amount pursuant to city policy. When the properties in'the benefit district have been 35 percent developed, the letter of credit will be released. This project will provide 12 additional developable commercial lots and 20 additional developable residential lots. In addition, significant street, drainage, and water improvements will be made to serve over 90 lots. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Commission award the contracts'for the 1998 Subdivision Improvements, Project No. 98-1137, to Shears Construction for paving and drainage, in the amount of $391,027.75, to Stevens Contractors for sanit .ary sewer and water, in the amount of $316,658.50 and to Stevens Contractors for sanitary sewer and water, Bid Alternate #1, in the amount of $25,395.00. The total contract award will be $733,081.25. 1. Oxbow Pork Porking//McAdoms Rd. 2. Brock Addition G ,~. Westport Addition/'KINI $onitory Sewer · 4. LeovenworthJGrove Additions 5. Country Ook £stotes Addition 6. Moriposo ,4ddition