10-18-1990 Minutes 3iiLINA ARTS 'J; I:IUMANITIES C'JMMISSICN CCTOBEP 1?, 1990 ~te meetlng was lleld In the C'ommlsslcn F.oom ç,t the Smoky Hlll l1useum. l1embers present were Betsy Poer, Joe 'darner, Pal~,lä Wr~gn~, Jane Weathers, Dan Diederlch and Randy Graham. Staff ~resent were Martha Rhea, Lana Jordan, CanDle Burket, Tom Pfannenstlel, Marlene Stlne and Linda Ochs Also present was :'::a.rmen Wi Ison of t: he League of ~"lomen ","at er s :. Minutes Weathers moved and Wright seconded the mlnutes be approved as wrltten. Motlon passed. 2. Cultural Plannlng' The mlnutes from the last Steerlng ::::ommlttee meetlng ""'ere .included In the packets, Phea reported Marc Goldrlng wlll have the draft of the Cultural Plan :a Sallna November 1 Caples wlll be avallable:)n November ~ The final ~e(reat Wlll be ~overnDer ~Jth, ',"lth CCffiilllsslofler8 ;~artl::lca.tlLo - - - ) Horl=ons. a. Grant meetlng - The seSSlon will be October ':;0, 22-3 326,500 has been requested and $21,500 .is avallable, The rating ~nd allocatlon system was discussed. Diederlch wlll meet with Jordan and Rhea to make some recommendatlon. b. Stan Herd ProJect - Rhea passed around the postcards descrlbing the proJect -1 .:fuseum a. A copy of the staff report was included In the packets. ;Tovember 14-16 the Museum wlll host the r-:ansas Museum Assoclatlon's Annual Meetlng. The Museum Store Chrlstmas prevlew wlll be November 11-12, ~ Sliokv Hill River Festlval Jordan recorted planLlng l~ underway for the 91 Festlval Staff recommended taklng the buttons out or ::he old process ònei -mrklDg Wl1:'::1 CCCK cm ò contractual basls. eicher cn a year cr 3everal year contractual basls. Last year Randy Duncan provlded the buttons at cost as a donatlon ~O the Festlval. Graham moved and Weathers seconded the Festlval work on c;. c:cntractual basis with OCCK to pro'Iide the buttons. Hoticn passed Jordan also reported she has been working wlth (he Becreatlon COillilllsslon on the possiblilty of a Jolnt proJe~t dealing with Capit:)l Improvements. ~~ ~~phitheater lS being c:onslderea. is. _i"rts Educatlon: A copy of the 1990-91 Connectlon Cc,lleçtlon was lncluded in the packets. According to Burket the Curriculum Development project is movlng along. Carol Fineburg wlll be In Salina November 3 to contlnue the workshops _?90-91 Artls~ Serles ~50 Deople attended a wonderful ~venlLC ~l~h Llonel Hampton ::.~ L::.ndsborg. The part~er3hlp wlth Eethany ::'3 ~orklng well EIDoraao Bus Company provldea ~ buses i=cm ~allna ":0 L::..ndsborg Amerlcan .3on9 "Illl De pre:::;ented ~Tovember ~'5 at ;.:'entral High Auåltcrlum. =t::'3 based C'D '¡(cody Guthr::.e ::: scn;fs and >.¡rltlfig. It wlll be a good famlly snow - chlldren 4th grade ~na ::;,lder ::..s recommended. The company '¡llil present lour ',.¡orkshoDs ::..n Sal::..na rhe arternaon of the 16th :,>:.her. a. Arts &. the Local Economy - Included In the pacKers "HaS lnformation about a. NALAA Natlonal Economic Impact Studv.Sal1I1a has been lnvlteå to partlcipate The cost would be $3,5CO per year Tor ~ years. The study would show the economlC lmpact ::~ll~~..:r", has on t;-..e::::oITillJuDlt"/"nd comparee en a natlonal basl3, After some dlscusslan Warner ~:.oved and Weathers seconded the -':::. '~"l::l:::: ::..c L d. e c llé..e ~~; :::ar t ::. :.: l :::.::¡ t;'; ~1ctl:::él ::-:a.ë:.ë:ed, ~.-:;overnors [:.r: ."òwarc. - ~'he Cltv or Sallna l3 nomlnatllla ::-.e -~rt:: aflJ. Humanltles Commlsslcn r-=:r thls award agen._:'- ¡¡¿is never '",on theawa.rci .-4. local 3TLë: ~rlant movea and Warner 3econaed the meetlng be adJournea ~otlon paSSf:o. The next meetlDa ,nIl be Wednesday, November 14, 3:30 Ih!!h