11-17-1994 Minutes ARTS AND HUMANITIES COMMISSION November 17, 1994 The monthly meeting of the Salina Arts and Humanities Commission was held at the Salina Smoky Hill Museum on Thursday, November 17, 1994. In attendance were Jack Henry, Pete Brungardt, Jane Alsop, Connie Burket, Mike Cloutier, Randy Graham, Trey Mowery, Paula Wright, Lou Ann Dunn, Martha Rhea, Lana .Jordan and Darlene Stottmann. Henry called the meeting to order. introduced. Darlene Stottmann, new SA&HC secmtary, was MINUTES: Cloutier moved that the minutes of the September 19 meeting¡ be approved as presented. The motion was seconded and approved. RETREAT DEBRIEFING: Rhea spoke about the Bill Keens Grant Retreat and presented a summary taken directly from Saturday's session. She said that notes are available from each session; contact her if interested in reviewing those. nhea passed on that Bill was very impressed with the time he spent here because of the input and vision--it was "our" material, he simply helped facilitate and organize. She congratulated the SA&HC for that. Specifically, with regard to the $30,000 allocation from the city, Rhea stated that because of the limited amount it was important to craft a grants category that is specific in its vision and identifies focused advancement/change in organizations. Henry said that the process of gathering informtion was important, but recognized that even when doing well, we must check ourselves occasionally. Henry said he was impressed with Bill, and the discussions and notes from the whole process will help as we work in the next year. 5T AFF REPORTS. Rhea noted that this item was omitted from the agenda because of the absence of staff members. Benson is working with Eth-Noh-Tec and Pfannenstiel is attending the Kansas Museum Association meeting. Rhea commented on the nice article on Eth-Noh-Tec in the Salina Journal, but said they've been contacted because SA&HC was not mentioned. HORIZONS: a. Sudden Opportunity Grants: Jordan said final reports from "Ruckus Rodeo" and Barbara JaNis' "Exploring Surfaces" (completion date was extended) are in packets and to contact her with any questions. Literature Writing Workshop - Jordan presented the application from Salina Central HS Language Arts Dept. for April 4-5, 1995. Chris Crutcher will conduct workshops with young and adults, working with up to 30 students (15 from each high school) on writing skills, with the intent being to improve basic skills and motivate studemts, allowing them to work with an award-winning expert. The program was dHveloped by the substance abuse counselor and the librarian. Actual work will be dom~ in the schools, but with community outreach occuring via a reception in the public library. $500 is being requested from Horizons. Mowery moved for approval of the grant application, Cloutier seconded. Discussion: Burket questioned the reason for substance abuse counselor's involvement. Jordan responded that the counselor and the librarian attended the workshop and were part of the KC Conference and are extremely enthusiastic about it. Cloutier asked if this type of classroom activity falls in the parameters of Horizons as sudden opportunity and expressed concern that this might open up Horizons to many school projects. Comparisons were macle to previous grants of this nature. Cloutier: Point is that the Commission should have a clear picture of the types of activities to be funded and assure quality be maintained and criteria requirements are met so as to avoid a shift to supporting school activities. Dunn was of the opinion it does fit in--the project will directly affect students, and by holding the reception at library, will get the community involved; however, they didn't answer the question as to how that will occur? Jordan said she would pass on commentary. The motion passed unanimously. "Arts Master Calendar" - Community Access Television - December 1994 to September 1995. The need for a community master calendar has been identified. The arts master calendar will be a small component of a pilot project SALNET and will create an on-line calendar which will promote awareness of the local arts scene. Each local organization would have access through their computer and modem in the workplace or use public access terminals located at several locations. $!500 is being sought from Horizons for training and promotion of system in its design phase. Henry asked for motion to facilitate discussion; Alsop moved. Graham expressed concern that no corporate sponsorship names were given. Burket noted that the focus is on organizations putting information in, but there has not been contact for support. Rhea agreed that the need is being assumed. Alsop: We realize importance but it's critical to know if we have cooperation of groups; they haven't started to seek that yet. Cloutier: To be effective it must be far-reaching to small organizations. After further discussion, it was determined there is a great interest and potential for the Arts Calendar, but more groundwork with local arts organizations must be completed concerning need, use, equipment, etc. Henry called for a vote; the motion was not approved. Rhea said this commentary will be relayed to the applicant and that once this is done we would be interested in seeing the application again. "Martin Luther King Celebration" - January 14, 1995-January 18, 1995. Quayle United Methodist Church is working as fiscal agent. Jordan said the MLK memorial community annually celebrates the impact of MLK on society and the world. The event involves 2 days of activities: Saturday's children's birthday party offers an educational opportunity with Dr. James Boyer, KSU professor and multicultural consultant, presenting African-American music and stories. Fundraising will be from individuals and businesses. They are requesting $400 from Horizons to underwrite Dr. Boyer's - fees, travel and support materials for the children's activity. It was moved by Burket and seconded that the application be approved. Discussion: Rhea stated that Dr. Boyer was involved with the Musuem exhibit on black churches. Burket said she highly recommends Dr. Boyer. However, the MLK celebration format has been the same for years, and she would like to see the event branch out. Henry felt they are doing that to some extent this year by having a children's speaker. The motion was passed unanimously. Wright made the obseNation that some of the applications being received for small programs should not necessarily be considered sudden opportunity. Henry concurred that they should be encouraged to go the normal grant avenue. Jordan said she would encourage applicants to plan earlier. b. Draft of new category guidelines Rhea told the Commission that these guidelines incorporate use of the $30,000 from the City and are the first step in utilizing retreat information. She stressed the need for input from commissioners, arts organizations and individual artists to finalize the guidelines as well as the application form, evaluator's form and final report form. SA&HC staff will continue to work with Keens, consolidating all ideas, to prepare a second draft and start on the other forms. Plans are to have the final drafts to the commission by its January meeting. It was noted that on page 5, "When to Apply," the deadline should be December 1. SMOKY HILL RIVER FESTIVAL a. Rationale: Festival year round/office reoroanization. Rhea noted that although the Festival has always operated in the black, these last few years have been 'financially successful. The Festival has the potential to become far-reaching in the community throughout the entire year, using the community development fund that has increased with the Festival's success. Rhea said that concept is one that commissioners will need to make time to discuss in the near future. With regard to office reorganization, it comes before the commission now because the budget is currently being discussed and recommended on to the Foundation. Rhea outlined changes taking place in the office, namely Jordan devoting more time to the new grant initiative and more in the role of chief operations officer, allowing Rhea to deal more with the City, public and financial areas. Karla Prickett has taken a much more active role in developing visual arts, and Sharon Benson has festival experience in performing arts. Specifically, Prickett would move from a part-time position to full time Arts SeNices Coordinator working with Festival visual arts, calendar and other seNice oriented aspects. Rhea has spoken with the city manager and has the approval for the new position, but the City would remain budget neutral. A proposed OPS line item of $20,350 is based on other staff within the office, plus the new position requirements. Rhea gave a profile on Prickett's experience, then opened the floor to discussion. Concerns were voiced that Festival money would be supporting SA&HC staff to provide seNice in other areas. Rhea responded that the position is 2/3 Festival, and the City has already allocated $6,500 plus benefits. Regarding Benson, Cloutier asked if assigning additional Festival responsibilities would decrease effectiveness of Arts Infusion in the schools. Rhea said strengths come from the participation, educaton and depth of arts and education, which integrates easily and well with festival activities. Jordan said that position has always had a part in artists in action. b. 1995 budQet. Graham moved that the 1995 Festival budget be passed on to the Foundation for approval, noting the recommendation to move to a full time position, Arts SeNice Coordinator, with the $20,350 figure adjustable depending on City grade/level. Wright seconded. Motion passed unanimously. OAKDALE STAGE. Brungardt reported that an active building climate produced a project in which the low bid was higher than the architect's bid. State law requires that if this happens the project must be rebid. A revised plan by the architects deleted approximately $17,000, and the City is likely to provide an additional $10,000. Bid letting will be November 22. Frank Construction was low bidder, and they indicated they will honor that bid. They are anxious to do the project. The deficit may be addressed through community development funding. Rhea suggested utiilizing funding and core committee people to facilitate additional basic needs; thE~re are many alternatives for raising the additional amount. COMMUNITY IMPACT STUDY agenda item was postponed to next ml3eting. OTHER: Burket distributed schedules for the visit by Joseph Holmes Dance Theatre artistic director, Kevin Jeff, and his sister Laverne who will be visiting Salina November 30-December 2. She noted that it is very significant that they are participating in the planning of the Salina Residency this year, whereas in the past the committee has handled the planning. She strongly encouraged all commissioners to come to the Town Meeting December 1. Burket also reported that the Joseph Holmes committees have been discussing activities that will take place prior to the Salina Residency as well as a possible extension of the summer program. They are focusing closely on things that can be accomplished with the community as a whole. Rhea stated that funding is a very important aspect of Joseph Holmes; the current need is $25,000. More discussion on this will take place in December aftel' the corporate fundraising meetings have taken place. Rhea reiterated the importance of attending the breakfast or town meeting. Alsop added that Kevin Jeff is new with the company and is very impressive and has experience working with communities. Rhea mentioned that Jane Alexander, Chairperson of the National Endowment for the Arts, is in Wamego today. Rhea said that although it is not normal practice to have a December meeting, because of the amount of items to accomplish the SA&HC Commission will meet December 15 at 3:30 p.m. There being no further business and upon proper motion, the meeting was adjourned.