06-20-1996 Minutes SALINA ARTS AND HUMANITIES COMMISSION June 20, 1996 The monthly meeting of the Salina Arts and Humanities Commission was held at the Smoky Hill Museum on Thursday, June 20, 1996. In attendance were Jane Alsop, Mike Cloutier, Debora Cox, Lou Ann Dunn, Randy Graham, Jack Henry, Jamie LoVullo, Trey Mowery, Abner Perney, Ann Rollins and Clay Thompson. Staff members present were Martha Rhea, Lana Jordan, Sharon Benson, Karla Prickett, Tom Pfannenstiel and Darlene Stottmann. Also in attendance was Carmen Wilson. Henry called the meeting to order. MINUTES Mowery moved to approve the minutes of the May 16, 1996, meeting; Thompson seconded. Motion carried unanimously. Rhea introduced Jamie LoVullo, Central High senior, who was selected by the Mayor to serve as student liaison to SAHC for one year as a result of participating in the Salina junior leadership program. Commissioners and staff introduced themselves. STAFF REPORTS Jordan: Staff will be doing a Festival evaluation on Monday morning; from there will start to look ahead to next year. Food area as a whole did quite well. Expect to be seeing new things in entertainment for '97. Rhea distributed a final draft of the plaques for new Oakdale Stage and asked Commissioners to take a minute to proof. Perney said that not many realize that there are plaques on the footbridges at Oakdale Park, listing those who built them. Rhea called attention to an invitation to the interactive exhibit opening at the Salina Art Center on June 29th. This exhibit is the first project to come from Organizational Advancement and Change grant. Deeply Rooted: Rhea and Williams made a presentation about the statewide residency at the Kansas Arts Commission meeting today in Concordia. Rhea shared the written presentation with Commissioners, saying KAC sends gratitude to SAHC for its part in making the residency happen. Benson said that during Eth Noh Tec's final performance on the Children's Stage they made wonderful comments about Salina's commitment to community development through the arts. Also, glassblowing reached a large and diverse group of people. Benson shared copies of AlE annual report to USD 305 and a short report on Arts Infusion. This year the Infusion program had increased student contacts by 1,000 students, which Benson attributed to Pam Jones getting into classrooms more frequently. Benson is now working on the summer dance residency and Connections Collection preparation. Pfannenstiel: Three candidates for the SHM curator of exhibits position will be in Salina next Tuesday for personal interviews. A reception is planned Tuesday, 7:30 p.m., at Boo Hodges' home- opportunity to meet the three individuals, let them know about Salina (boards, commissions, individuals they will be working with). Interviews will take place Wednesday, rotaÜng between interviewing, touring Salina, and talking with SHM staff. Pfannenstiel said the candidates, from Oregon, Philadelphia and Oklahoma City, have good experience and references and all come highly recommended. Pfannenstiel thanked Graham and Alsop, as well as Debbie Treadway from the Friends board, for their participation in the phone interview process. SHM has received the Joint Resolution document from City Commission and Arts and Humanities Commission regarding permanent status of the Museum; will be faxed to Washington. Pfannenstiel will call the first week of July to see if SHM has received interim approval; if so, visiting committee will be on site this fall. Henry: This process demonstrates a real commitment by city and community for SHM/the arts. Prickett gave preliminary figures on sales as compared to Festival '95. '96 numbers were higher in each area. She said this speaks to community support and the quality of the show itself. Purchase Award pieces (selected by jurors) that will be part of the public art collection throughout the community were displayed. Benches will be placed at the Fire Station on South Santa Fe, Shooters, Post Office, Salvation Army, Medical Plaza, YWCA, Museum and the Bicentennial Center. There were about 25 new art patrons; breakfast successful; program put energy in arts area on Saturday mornmg. SM 0 KY HILL RIVER FESTIVAL Jordan gave some of the very preliminary figures comparing 1995 and 1996, both in dollars and button sales. Rhea said the gate count was significant; close to 90,000. Irony is thaI: people perceive Festival as making a lot of money, yet the Festival is not built to make money. Rather, takes into consideration what's fair to artist, fair to people buying buttons-to have good, healthy participation. Doesn't make a lot of money even in good years. Dollars accumulated have been over a 20 year period. Graham thanked the staff for all the work they do and congratulated them on an excellent Festival. Henry: Amazed at how it all comes together so well, really impressive. Rhea: The reason what we do works is because of "all of you" -willingness to take on responsibility-no way it would work without all of the support. Rhea then asked for Commissioners' thoughts on what worked/didn't work with Festival '96. Thompson: Felt it was one of the most impressive. Sunday service is something to build on, neat to see all denominations together-planning needs to begin earlier, get ministerial alliance support. Artists were so complimentary this year, i.e. support they get in Salina, volunteers, set-up/tear down procedures. Heard the comment several times, "One show where I don't care if I make money-just want to be here!" Thompson suggested changing the run on Saturday morning to 7:00 a.m.; thinks would be preferred by most, and would not conflict with Art Patron Breakfast. Need more food booths; lines are too long. Also Thompson heard criticism about slope on Oakdale Stage; crowds large, those sitting in back couldn't see. Suggested solution would be to take out slab from Gazebo and slope back further. Mowery: Regarding starting run earlier, coordinators of that start preparing at 4:30 a.m. now. Maybe adjust start of run 1/2 hour earlier and breakfast 1/2 hour later. Need to be aware of traffic situation also. Jordan will discuss with Bill Beckmeyer. Rollins brought up the concern of fights between young teens. Rhea said several arrests were made on Thursday night. Cloutier: Some concern expressed to gate workers; he suggested to police that they stand by the groups, which then broke up. Rhea: This is first year a sense of discomfort has occurred. Something staff has talked about; feels concern; issue worth exploring, realizing it's an issue that's important to be "ahead" of. Have talked about involving artists to develop projects for teens; also, possibly Know-It-All's (men) who would be available to wander around. A lengthy discussion ensued, with the suggestion to invite Jim Hill to the July meeting to help the Commission talk about and understand the issues. It was agreed that Festival is a perfect place to start getting with some of the people, talking about teen issues. Cloutier: Have always been crowds; different feeling in several situations, occasionally. Doesn't see need to overreact. Simply having police aware, not making major issue. Critical that we keep an open attitude. Mowery also remarked that the crosswalk from the Bi-Center to park needs something to identify it more clearly; people walk in front of cars without realizing. Alsop: Could it be closed for those three days? Rhea: That is an idea to bring up to Chief Hill. SMOKY HILL RIVER FESTIVAL 25TH ANNIVERSARY Dunn said there have been two meetings for the 25th anniversary of SHRF. Ideas: Some kind of public art for park for year-round use. Should be a group effort, not elitist. Dunn spoke about the N ALAA conference which she attended recently. Regarding public art, officials are looking at new ways of putting art in their communities; realize art brings interest, personality, pride to the community, gives it character. City of Salina is a great art community, but on the surface we don't look like it. Committee wants 25th project to be the start of something great. Rhea said committee members, Dunn, Graham, Alsop, John Divine, and Paula Wright, suggest bringing in Bill Keens, who knows Salina and communities nationwide, to work with this group and then move into a retreat for the Commission in September. Would be his third year here. Rhea asked for thoughts on that. Dunn: Have been exposed to wonderful "art"; group realized how limited we are, need someone to bring more perspective. Cloutier: Is he the right person? What about resources from other communities? Rhea: He would be just a beginning, then research communities. Cloutier: Concept of "big" not just one big piece of art, but smaller and spread out through the community. Alsop: Committee realized that we need someone to stretch us in our thinking. Rhea shared a comment from John Divine: SHRF has changed the community; let's look at doing something five years from now that will create a shift, be remembered in another 25 years as changing the community. Thompson: Don't change Festival itself, just use it as an avenue. Graham invited any others to join in the meetings to give input. NALAA CONVENTION The National Assembly of Local Arts Agencies annual meeting was held in St. Louis in May. Dunn, Henry, Morgan, Burket, and Rhea attended. Henry commented on the importance of art as well as technology in today's culture. Rhea said it was an interesting time to be gathered, because of changes occurring nationally. Those attending also met John Villani, author of 100 Best Small Arts Tmvl1S in America, who will be in Salina June 22nd. She encouraged Commissioners to try to attend the book signing at the Bluestem or the reception at Harold Milner's loft. l'ŒW COMMISSIONERS Dunn reported that Jack Henry and Ellen Morgan are eligible for reappointment and will accept another term. There are two vacancies on the Board: Thompson has served two terms, and Clark declined to serve another. Rhea said with two spots available, it is wise to develop a list of four to five names. That list is submitted to the Mayor; appointments are made in August. When submitting names, Rhea said to keep in mind that when someone is appointed to A & H Commission, they become trustees of the Foundation-great deal of responsibility, working with fundraising, volunteers, within City structure, etc. She suggested looking beyond the usual, think in terms of leaders in areas not usually connected with the arts. Thompson: From the demographics of the current board, under 35 and over 65 age categories are needed, in areas other than east Salina. A number of suggestions were made and discussed. If other names come to mind, let Rhea know. (Dunn left the meeting at this point.) CITY BUDGET Rhea reported that city budget goes to the City Commission on Monday. A & H requested $10,000 to increase contractual services, with commitment to raise $20,000, as way to make up KAC loss. Will be presented at the July 8 study session. Museum is requesting educator and curator of collections positions, full time on city dollars (currently funded % city, 1A IMS grant). IMS has begun a policy of only two 2-year cycles. SHM won't receive notification until September 6. Recommendation made by City Manager: If IMS dollars are forthcoming, will continue to pick up that 1A. Policy statement will be that if dollars are not there, City will fund the additional 1:4. Very important policy decision for us. At this point things look good; if anything gets off track, Commissioners will be informed. SUMlVIER PROJECTS Deeply Rooted will be in residency July 19 through August 2. Salvation Army summer camp runs two weeks in mornings for two age levels. Also involved with the Salina Art Center, Salina Community Theatre (improvisational workshop) and other activities, YMCA Camp Swat, YWCA yoga class, Friendship Center, as well as master classes. Will send schedule when available. OTHER Alsop invited Commissioners to the next Horizons 50 gathering, Saturday, July 13, .5:45 (light dinner \virh medieval theme), at Oakdale Park formal gardens. Two Horizons projects. Lovewell Institute and Shakespeare in the Park, are happening that evening. The next SAHC meeting is scheduled for July 18. There being no further business to discuss and upon proper motion, the meeting \vas adjourned. /dms