5.1 Levying Special Assessments CITY OF SALINA REQUEST FOR CITY COMMISSION ACTION DATE 4/5/04 TIME 4:00P.M. AGENDA SECTION ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: APPROVED FOR NO: 5 Department of Pu bl ic Works AGENDA: ITEM NO. 1 BY: Brad Johnson BY: Page 1 ITEM: Conduct Public Hearing on Special Assessments. Second reading of Ordinance No. 04-10189 levying special assessments for street, drainage and water improvements for the 2003 special assessment project. BACKGROUND: On March 22, 2004 the City Commission received the final breakdown of costs for the 2003 special assessment project (Liberty Addition). Following review of the project, the City Commission scheduled a public hearing for April 5, 2004 and instructed the City Clerk to publish a notice of the public hearing to each property owner in the benefit district. This project was completed in 2003. A map of the district is attached. A summary of finances for this project is shown below: Project Property Owner Share Liberty Addition, Phase I $118,027.30 Project No. 03-1404 City Share $ Total Cost $118,047.30 Totals $118,027.30 $ - $118,047.30 The public hearing is intended to receive input from interested parties and particularly property owners within the special assessment benefit district. The primary issue at this point in the process is not whether the special assessments should be levied against the properties, but rather that the final costs have been properly calculated and distributed. A summary of key dates in the process are as follows: April 5, 2004 May 10, 2004 July 12, 2004 Public Hearing on proposed assessments City Commission adopts assessment Ordinance on second reading Publish Assessment Ordinance Mail final statements to property owners; begin pre-payment period 30-day pre-payment (without interest) period expires Scheduled date for bond closing April 8, 2004 FISCAL NOTE: There is no direct fiscal impact to the City of Salina. RECOMMENDATION: . Approve on second reading Ordinance No. 04-10189 levying special assessments for street, drainage and water improvements for the 2003 Special Assessment Project. Cc: James Hall, Applequist Properties ~ ibit . . . .