Audit Report - 1970 1r.¿~~J r~\ "\ t.t::l' r-", ,.. I [L}U":'.\.~ L;, . of'. :C\Œ T} :C-;;J: C)]: :fc> ,!:-. 1.1 Þ'" :c :c~ :p c,:) ]c{, 'T' /c S ./:, I:"" J: J':r j". j()II.'iF,\C\è,l\è, ['c"" P,\L'L S. II ,ILL G""OL'! Greetings: I... ".P ," ,'.1 I I",'. , fl".' II '0 I II' , 1\1 ," .'.. /' ./... ' '", 'i "i,- -.. 111~\!I.'\\L IIIII.IJI\(; ::-CJ 1:'.0 S\lI'\\. I-..I'\S.\\ 67~OI February 8, 19ìJ The Salina Airport Authority hcl~e\/it:l1 suur'liu; an accounting of its ste:mrd.-- ship for the calendar year 1970, as reported by A, II. Leckband and Compa~y, its independent Certified Ptililic Accountants. The ycú.r 1970 héls been '-'Ii eventful and succc~;sful year f()l' the Autlwrl ty. Our financial activities Here very satisfactory as is indicated by the follo\/illf, summary for the year 1970 of the General Operating Fund: Beginning Balance (Snrplus) January 1, 1970 $ 300,36(,.:1 Adc1-0perélt:ing Revenues Less-Operating Expenditures $ 353,3110.53 -_2...?!!.~ J:..Ll_,,§O. _L9.,2~.i3.}.3.. Excess Operating Revenues over Oparati~g Expenditures Less Capital Expenditures: Net Tornado Cost Expenditures on Buildings to Increase Rentéll Income Expenditures to Improve Existing Facilities (includ ing Magnolia Road, Crash/ Fire Truck, Sprinkler System, etc) Amount ì<Jithheld from Payroll $ 379,595.011 $ 23,230.35 71,510.60 -~Q.,J 2 5.~?~~ i.lJ_~.JJ.6J) ._5,3. $ 204,528.51 _._.~,.J..:I~f}2. Ending Balance (Surplus) Dec. 31, 1970 $ 206,758.93 In addition to our cash surplus of $206,758.93, HC are awaiting a final settlement from the U.S. Government of approximately $50,000 for tornado da;.,agc. HoHevcr, \.;e must meet Bond Principéil and JnLcj^cst require¡"ents of our GCliCTi'l Obligation BoiH1E; on the 10th of January 1971 of approxinately $/+3,000. So, \,/0 go into the ncu year \Vi t11 a surplus in cxceE;S of $200,000. Physically, the airport and Ute build improved. and facilitiec; have been S\l~jC;té'jlLiéllly The rUn\Y~lYS h~lV(' h,Jel collo;Lclnt ¡".'lintcI; nce and are holel.ín=; tip undCl' the hei:vy traffic r rk¿liJJy \..'e1]. l\nother nUl'" \,C, opened to tl~ilfLi.c--I~ull.-iay 1¡--22. T¡¡j~; lwdlH"dl Ta:,:i\'.'ilY J3, but \-lit,; orii.:jually builtin \';orlcJ \-7,!)- II 0.0: a rum'i'Y. A rl1ll1\'ay ì.'é1:3 needed fen Iigllt aircraft, so F¡\!', ¿'ppnJvcd dco-;:iZ;llaLing this Tit:\: as I~Ulj',7ny 1:-22. This help,; the IigL! aircuI[t in nòaking faster ta'¿e'-off~: and landingo"" especially ,'ihen the large jeU; ilrc uc,:ing the other rUij",r,J/S for training. 13 Opening of ì-bgnoJ ia Ro"cl ](--272 \va;::: probably the most: ÍJ1ìport:o.nt: improvcu;cnt to the S¿'ljna Airpo¡"t T11l111stri 0.1 Center. This roécù \ms built as a joint effort by Saline County, the Kanr;a,; ILl g Cm,,;;LL,; \c'n and the Salina 1\j rporl Authod ly. This reliever; the traffic on both Centc'lHlj,:,1 EuacJ and Schilling EOOlcI to accoi"¡¡lc>daLe Beech and other employees and aE:sures better control of traffic to and from the Salin,'l :'lullicipoll\irport. The toti'!.l share of the cost to tIle S¿¡]inr" Airport Authority for HagnnJia lZoad \,¡as $31,OJ3.00. The crash--stn¡clllraJ fire true1, l'urchar;cd by the Ci.ty of Sa1:in? and the> Salini1 Ajrport i\uthority for Fire StaLíon ]"°.3, give¿-; thc S,dina >fllnicjpilJ Airport and ¡\LPA (Airline;; Pilot As;30ciation) rating of "A" for 1970, 'L'his is the only airport in ](étTl¿-:ru=-; rated "A". Tlds gjVC8, a lot of prestige to Salina and 11;:'1S caur,ccl cc)lì;;icIerable complimentary COLl¡,le¡!t'~;. Tony 1 S I11C., Has purcho,;ed by ScIiìv"ll' s ~]aJ cs of i'iar:,;halJ, TIlC., NarshalJ, i'f:Lnne:;ota, tld" past year and they [¡,Tve jncrc.c",-;ccl sales beyond r,Il expectation,;. Planning is une1en'iay to cxpé1nd thÜ; pI" t and to automat'e SOIle of the operé:tions. Sch\1an's Saler; of HarshalI, Inc., di;::;lJ'ibutc,; frozen feJod products in tI,'elve state::; and are still exp¿lncIing. ScIl'"iiHì' s Snler; of >iè,'u;iJall, Inc., al:=-;o lear;eù an n !~ea on CentclIl1Íal Road for a distrjbution cclll"er fOl~ their frozen food products and at their e:\:pCl1:-.;e built a fro;~en food lackcl: and a distribution building on LId,; area. The SaljnCt Airport Authority ha.'; buiJ ( th'O addition:=-; to the Rickel, Inc. plant, manufacturers of the TI1G A fertilizer Dispenser. This plant has increased proc'uction fror,l about one unit a Hl"ck to one unit or more per day. This plant has been ,'JOrking U.-l0 shifts during the p;-,,:t YCélJ. l'lanning is undenTay to build an office addition onto this plant. Their saleé3 office is currently located in the Termin¿Ü BuD c1 ing. The Salina Auto Auction located on a two acre fenced plot on rhe east side of Centennial, is a welcome addition to t[¡e industry at tile Airport Industrial Center. An existing building \-Ias completely rcllabilitated and made into a first- class auto sales facility. This is a dealers only auction. Hasting::; DynamoJd Corporation lea;:.;ec1 the old LOX building, located in the northea:=-;1: corner of thc Industrial Center, and they hé1ve completely rellé!bili tilted it for manufacturins of their pre-~òtrcs,-;ed concrete slip-forI:ling E:1chines ì'ih:ich make:=-; concrete panels jn various vjclthr; and a]-chitectural fOU,lS. Their bl1siné'¿-;s has been expanding élnc1 they éJre selling the~;c müchincs internationally. Tn Llddition to the élbovC' mentioned bllsínc,c;,;e~,;, bllilcljn::.~s, filcilitics and equipll1cnt thi~i past yeél:C, all t)"é¡Ce~; of thc' c1i;,;é':'iterous tornéldo of June J9G9 have been erasccl a,net the' airport cncls up \7j th 20 n<::\1 T'-'112ngars in~~ ['cad of the 01 d ones 1!lovc,cl frO(;1 tho old airport; 10 reb'.1 ¡ It: T-';'nn~ilrr; salvr; fre]': the tornac1o ¿;nd a ne'" o;hop building to rc'placC' th old bu'ilcling uc,cc1 be5:01' tile' tor ,~(); aJ 1 bunc1jng:: TcpiLrrec1 éJ;::; good, "OWl' lJeLLt'l", (11;:111 the orrginnl blljJcJl¡,Z:;' In addition, this year m:¡rLvc1 t1)e ¡H,,-~jl:¡~¡l1(,; of the rL~coL;njt'¡ol1 on a l1:ltLUI1~;J level of the Salilln Ajrpo):L ~¡ ail ¡I, f.l j L training location for or airljl1e~; and ail é!',7akclling oS Ll! }'t;'i~C(, of tllC ai,J'port a,~ a refuclLl(', b~l'-;C'. Norl11',':c,;t Orient é1ncl T\,J,-\ Ajr1:in ('('retinue' to use thc SaJ :Lua '\:¡1"1'ort: f(,], SOLd>:' of their jet trair,ing. The l\1r1'o1'L Authc,,::ity HUl continuc to pur:;uc thL~ type of tré\in'ing in the future. The Un menl::LoneÔ airlines pilJ 1'I:11:e addition,:-;l equip-' ment che'n?,es in thc J]C,H future. '1\'::\ \,/ill enter into thc 1...1011 (Lockheed TrihJet) in No/c;rlej- 1971, and NortJl\.'e,c;t Oricnt ¡\ir1incci uiJl purc:lnc.c the r-[c]Ì\JI1¿:Jc1 Douglas nC-,JO durin:; early 1973. TIle ;\l1'chority :L,; hopin~; that \':c \vi.11 be Sl1CCe~;E;' fur in gettin::; SOLle of this trtdnilJg. The 7/:7 tro:ining \d,Jl continuc in the futurc, but it Hill not b(~ as extensive 35 :i 11 tLll" pH" L. As our airpurt grol-'s in iLLport¿1J1cc \':C arc being rccognj 7cc1 a,; an executive jet refueling stop. This past year such airline:; élf; ALAska and Xorth Centrell Air- l:ines ha:; used us on c11artcr stop,;. Purdue Airlines cont:inucs to use us ""'; one of their major refueling f;top::;. It is our intcntiOlI to expand in this area. Our fixed base operator has i1!'¡)}~ovC'd ,;ecv:Lccr; for general élvi'it:ion, inclIldi J]~; a resUl1lrant: facility located on the ro.;:,p adjacent to the YEO IIangClr. This eatin:', place \v:iJ J fill a need at the airport as generilJ aviation likes to have a good place to stop éinc1 eat \1hen flying cro','~-Collntry. Planning is l1nden;ay to rell¿lbil:Ltal e the tc:J"mLnal builc1:Ing ani surrounding area. This \wrk \-lill be ac jsl1c-c1 ill severi,l phn c:;, the first being to redesign the Jobby "lld entrance,,'; éJncl to reo-do tLi~ naTU¡ \7:În¿::, IJ1'cscntly VaC311t, for Ué;C' a,; a first--cIa,"; restaurant. Other pha,~C"; \'7:ilJ illclude parkin::!,]j Ling, Lmd,;enping and a general face liftin¿:: of the teruliil~l building. We believe first impressions are permanent and as more people are tJHvel by air than ever before, PC want then¡ to have éI good impres sioIJ of Salina. The Salina Municipal Airport: has excellent facilities for general aviation, including ne\'.' T-Hangars, and cd th the recently opened Rumiay L1.--22 there is a minimum of delay in takehoff and landing. He hope to continue our progress in aJ 1 p11ases of our activi ties during the coming year, and we hope to do so uithouL t1)c necessity of raising funds by \-lay of a tax levy. The Salina Airport Authority is deepJ y grateful to the \-ionclerfllJ cooperillion it has received clurÜ¡g the paf;t year from ;:111 segn:ents of the Saliw COL:li1unity, and pledges its efforts toward continued progress in its area of responsibility. Sincerely, SALINA An~PORT AUTUOJUTY H. J. Kennedy Chainnan SALINA AIRPORT AUTHORITY Salina, Kansas AUDIT REPORT Year 1970 Ao H. LECKBAND & CO. Certified Public Accountants Accounting Bldg., 719 East Crawford Salina, Kansas 67401 EXHIBIT A Schedule 1 Schedule 2 Schedule 3 EXHIBIT B EXHIBIT C EXHIBIT D EXHIBIT E SALINA AIRPORT AUTHORITY TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Auditor's Report 1 Comments 2-3 Statement of Receipts, Disbursements, and Composition of Ending Cash Balances Operating Revenues Operating Expenditures Capital Expenditures 4 5 6 7 Bonds of Indebtedness 8 Reconcilement of Fiscal Agency Account 9 Schedule of Investments 10 Insurance in Force 11 February 8, 1971 To the Directors Salina Airport Authority Salina, Kansas 67401 Gentlemen: We have examined the financial and related general records of the Salina Airport Authority for the year ended December 31, 1970. Our examination was performed in accordance with the provisions of the Minimum Standard Audit Program approved by the State Municipal Accounting Board September 28, 1963, and subsequent amendments thereto, and included such tests as we considered necessary in the circumstances. In our opinion, the accompanying schedules reflect the cash position of the Salina Airport Authority at December 31, 1970, and the results of its cash transactions for the year then ended. 4/1~~~&. CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS / ~/C/. ~J/ 0. ~ Eugen O. Harrison, Certified Public Accountant, Certificate No. 1401, in charge of and actively engaged on this audit. 1 COMMENTS 1. The Salina Airport Authority is governed by a board of five directors appointed by the City Commission of the City of Salina, Kansas. The following directors served during the period of our examination: M. J. Kennedy, Chairman C. J. Wertz, Vice-Chairman Edward H. Bell, Secretary-Treasurer C. Dale Lyon - term expired April 26, 1970 Bill Horton C. F. Heath 2. The following officials, appointed by the Salina Airport Authority Board of Directors, also served during the period of our examination: John F. Scanlan, Executive Vice-President Paul Wall, Assistant Secretary and Airport Manager 3. The Salina Airport Authority believes it is not subject to the cash basis law of K.S.A. 10-1116 as stated in the audit reports of prior years. 4. We recommend that a determination of the values of the capital assets be recorded on the books and that a realistic depreciation charge be computed and recorded annually. 5. The Salina Airport Authority has one legal financial fund called the General Operating Fund. However, for accounting purposes the receipts and expenditures have been separated into two general accounting records, the Airport Revolving Account and the Bond and Interest Account. This report presents the combined financial affairs of the two accounts of the General Operating Fund. Effective January 1, 1971, these two accounts will be combined, except that certain revenues and expenditures will be segregated for accounting purposes in accordance with the terms of a $250,000.00 Building Revenue Bond issue to be issued as of January 1, 1971. There will continue to be only one fund called the General Operating Fund, but a separate account will be maintained for all revenues pledged to the payment of principal and interest of the Building Revenue Bonds. 2 COMMENTS 6. The Office of Emergency Preparedness has approved payments totaling $170,673.69 to the Salina Airport Authority for damages resulting from the June 21, 1969 tornado. The Salina Airport Authority has received $119,714.00 and is awaiting final settlement of $50,959.69. 7. Property taxes paid during 1970 in the amount of $15,694.82 represents the last half of 1969 taxes. No taxes for 1970 have been paid as the Salina Airport Authority property was removed from the Saline County tax rolls as ordered by the Kansas Board of Tax Appeals. 3 SALINA AIRPORT AUTHORITY GENERAL OPERATING FUND EXHIBIT A STATEMENT OF RECEIPTS, DISBURSEMENTS, AND COMPOSITION OF ENDING CASH BALANCES January 1 to December 31, 1970 CASH AND INVESTMENTS - January 1, 1970 RECEIPTS Operating revenues - Insurance proceeds - Proceeds from Office Preparedness Inter-account transfer Schedule 1 storm damage of Emergency TOTAL RECEIPTS RECEIPTS AND BEGINNING BALANCE DISBURSEMENTS Operating expenditures - Schedule 2 Capital expenditures - Schedule 3 Tornado damage to buildings Inter-account transfer TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS CASH AND INVESTMENTS - December 31, 1970 AVAILABLE CASH AND INVESTMENTS - December First National Bank and Trust Co. Planters State Bank National Bank of America U. S. Treasury Bills TOTAL DEDUCT - amounts withheld from payroll TOTAL CASH AND INVESTMENTS December 31, 1970 Airport Revolving Account $198,122.12 $295,346.47 40,643.65 27,654.00 $363,644.12 $561,766.24 $214,686.36 99,265.58 91,528.00 19,700.00 $425,179.94 $136.586.30 Bond and Interest Account $102,244.19 $ 57,994.06 19,700.00 $ 77,694.06 $179,938.25 $ 59,425.44 52,570.60 $111,996.04 $ 67.942.21 General Operating Fund Totals $300,366.31 $353,340.53 40,643.65 27,654.00 19,700.00 $441,338.18 $741,704.49 $274,111.80 151,836.18 91,528.00 19,700.00 $537,175.98 $204.528.51 31, 1970 $ 3,761.72 $ $ 3,761. 72 6,860.00 6,860.00 48,208.11 48,208.11 128,195.00 19,734.10 147,929.10 $138,816.72 $ 67,942.21 $206,758.93 2,230.42 $136.586.30 $ 67,942.21 2,230.42 $204.528.51 4 SALINA AIRPORT AUTHORITY GENERAL OPERATING FUND OPERATING REVENUES January 1 to December 31, 1970 Building rents Agricultural land rents Hangar rents Storage tank rents Other rents Fixed base operator Landing fees Commissions Interest on investments Interest on sale of property Sale of property on contract Reimbursement - FAA mowing Other reimbursable charges Miscellaneous income Airport Bond and Revolving Interest Account Account $129,738.58 $ 29,845.00 4,630.00 10,502.00 7,555.00 2,178.95 50.00 40,459.05 107,809.00 990.97 10,026.25 5,284.65 666.52 691.94 217.00 208.00 1,217.62 1,270.00 $295.346.47 $ 57.994.06 TOTAL OPERATING REVENUES SCHEDULE 1 General Operating Fund Totals $159,583.58 15,132.00 7,555.00 2,178.95 50.00 40,459.05 107,809.00 990.97 15,310.90 666.52 691. 94 217.00 208.00 2,487.62 $353.340.53 5 SALINA AIRPORT AUTHORITY GENERAL OPERATING FUND OPERATING EXPENDITURES January 1 to December 31, 1970 OFFICE AND ADMINISTRATION Office salaries Office supplies Postage Car expense Travel expense Legal and auditing Insurance Property tax Engineering Social security tax Employees retirement Telephone New office equipment Reimbursable charges Other office and administration Airport Revolving Account $ 35,056.00 614.98 105.72 3,497.10 2,592.13 3,633.80 24,836.33 13,099.39 4,758.88 3,550.39 2,674.11 1,610.09 468.00 179.50 1,484 . 10 $ 98,160.52 TOTAL OFFICE AND ADMINISTRATION MAINTENANCE Building maintenance Runways, taxiways and ramps Equipment gas, oil and repairs Utilities Grounds maintenance Janitor supplies Contract labor Maintenance salaries Airfield lighting equipment Signs Other maintenance expense $ 7,485.83 24,128.59 3,814.42 10,732.96 7,307.22 403.31 846.50 54,119.96 955.97 32.28 6,698.80 $116,525.84 TOTAL MAINTENANCE BOND AND INTEREST Bond principal redeemed Bond interest expense Bond commissions and postage $ TOTAL BOND AND INTEREST $ TOTAL OPERATING EXPENDITURES $214.686.36 Bond and Interest Account $ 2,595.43 536.44 1.00 $ 3,132..87 $ $ $ 30,000.00 26,250.00 42.57 $ 56,292.57 $ 59.425.44 Schedule 2 General Operating Fund Totals $ 35,056.00 614.98 105.72 3,497.10 2,592.13 3,633.80 24,836.33 15,694.82 4,758.88 3,550.39 2,674.11 1,610.09 468.00 715.94 1,485.10 $101,293.39 $ 7,485.83 24,128.59 3,814.42 10,732.96 7,307.22 403.31 846.50 54,119.96 955.97 32.28 6,698.80 $116,525.84 $ 30,000.00 26,250.00 42.57 $ 56,292.57 $274.111. 80 6 SALINA AIRPORT AUTHORITY GENERAL OPERATING FUND CAPITAL EXPENDITURES January 1 to December 31, 1970 Building improvements Building 496 - Salina Auto Auction Building 1021 - Rickel, Inc. Building 266 - Schawn's of Marshall, Inc. Magnolia Road expenditure Beech Aircraft - sprinkler system Fire/crash truck - Airport Fire Station New vehicles Taxiway sweeper TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES Airport Revolving Account $ 18,940.00 30,652.00 14,536.00 26,961. 22 5,676.36 2,500.00 $ 99,265.58 Bond and Interest Account: $ 33,000,,00 19,570,,60 $ 52.570,,60 Schedule 3 General Operating Fund Totals $ 18,940.00 33,000.00 19,570.60 30,652.00 14,536.00 26,961.22 5,676.36 2,500.00 $151.836.18 7 SALINA AIRPORT AUTHORITY BONDS OF INDEBTEDNESS December 31, 1970 General Obligation Bonds dated February 1, 1967, issued for the purpose of acquiring surplus property from the United States TOTAL ORIGINAL ISSUE DEDUCT - Bonds paid in year 1969 Bonds paid in year 1970 TOTAL BONDS OUTSTANDING - December 31, 1970 EXHIBIT B Maturity Interest Date Rate Total 2 -1-69 4.25 $ 30,000.00 2-1-70 4.25 30,000.00 2-1-71 4.25 35,000.00 2-1-72 4.25 35,000.00 2-1-73 4.25 35,000.00 2-1-74 3.375 35,000.00 2-1-75 3.375 35,000.00 2-1-76 3.375 35,000.00 2-1-77 3.375 40,000.00 2-1-78 3.375 40,000.00 2-1-79 3.375 40,000.00 2 -1-80 3.375 40,000.00 2 -1-81 3.375 45,000.00 2 -1-82 3.375 45,000.00 2-1-83 3.375 45,000.00 2 -1-84 3.4 45,000.00 2-1-85 3.4 45,000.00 2-1-86 3.4 45,000.00 2 -1-87 3.4 45,000.00 2-1-88 3.4 45,000.00 $790,000.00 $ 30,000.00 30,000.00 60,000.00 $730.000.00 8 SALINA AIRPORT AUTHORITY RECONCILEMENT OF FISCAL AGENCY ACCOUNT December 31, 1970 BALANCE WITH FISCAL AGENCY - January 1, 1970 REMITTANCES Matured bonds Interest coupons Commission and postage TOTAL REMITTANCES AND BEGINNING BALANCE RETURNS Cancelled bonds Interest coupons paid Commission and postage retained BALANCE WITH FISCAL AGENCY - December 31, 1970 $ 30,000.00 26,250.00 42.57 $ 30,000.00 26,250.00 42.57 EXHIBIT C $ 56,292.57 $ 56,292.57 56,292.57 $ 9 SALINA AIRPORT AUTHORITY SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS December 31, 1970 EXHIBIT D Balance 1-1-70 Purchases 1970 Redemptions 1970 Balance 12-31-70 AIRPORT REVOLVING ACCOUNT U. S. Treasury Bills $191,493.05 $491,675.70 $554,973.75 $128,195.00 BOND AND INTEREST ACCOUNT U. S. Treasury Bills 82,578.65 191,870.80 254,715.35 19,734.10 TOTAL - GENERAL OPERATING FUND $274.071.70 $683.546.50 $809.689.10 $147.929.10 10 Workmen's Compensation Comprehensive General Liability Aircraft Hangar Rental Building 266 Rental Buildings - Industrial Rental Buildings - Dwellings Airport Terminal and Rental Buildings Vehicles SALINA AIRPORT AUTHORITY INSURANCE IN FORCE December 31, 1970 Type of Coverage Fire and lightning, ex- tended coverage, vandalism and malicious mischief Fire and lightning, ex- tended coverage, vandalism and malicious mischief Fire and lightning, ex- tended coverage, rental value insurance Fire and lightning extended coverage Fire, lightning, windstorm and hail, explosion, riot, vehicles and aircraft, smoke Bodily injury Property damage Bodily injury Property damage Fire, theft and combined additional coverage Amount of Coverage $ 100,000.DO 5,000,000.00 20,000.00 150,000.00 180,300.00 37,000.00 1,794,000,,00 1/1,000,000,,00 1/1,000,000..00 100/300,000.00 50,000.00 EXHIBIT E Co-Insurance Percentage 80 80 90 11