02-13-1992 Minutes I , ACCESSIBILITY ADVISORY BOARD MEETING 2-13-92 Members Present: Robert Hunt, Ernest Cole, Nell Hanchl~tt, Howard Allen, Phyllis Anderson, Michelle Campbell, Mary Ellen Rudick Others Present: Michael Morgan, Asst. City Manager, Janice Pankratz, Peter Brown, Kathy Farres, Kansas Speciality Dogs. December Minutes: Ernest questioned the letter that was to be sent to City requesting higher level of fining for parking violations involving disabled parking. Peter will invE~stigate whether or not at this point the City has reliable means to determine the actual number of violators. This will be discussed further at next meeting. Minutes were approved. New Business: A. Kansas Special tv Doqs: Kathy Farres, a "foster mot:her" for yellow lab. puppy, Dolly Madison, attended meeting to explain the Kansas Specialty Dog program out of Washington, Ks. Phamplets were distributed. This is a program that raises large breed dogs to beco~e "assistive" to persons with various disabilities. As pups they learn basic commands from their "foster parent" who has them "on loan" free of charge for 12-16 months. They then are brought back to training center in Washington for more extensive training. The public and local businesses have been receptive to "trained assistive dogs", but the pups still in training are often not admitted into grocery stores and restaurants to practice their commands. B. Hearinq Grievances/Providinq Recommendations: Michael Morgan, Assistant City Manager, distributed background information A.D.A. He commended the Accessibility Advisory Board for its efforts in providing a forum for accessibility issues in Salina. He stressed that the Board would hear grievances within a process, first step being that grievances for public buildings would first be heard by M. Morgan and referred to us secondly to assist in a solution. Mr. Morgan agreed to provide Board with as much pertinent information as possible prior to the meeting in which the grievance would be heard. Mr. Morgan views the A.D.A. as a means for the City and its citizens to "negotiate and communicate" toward a solution rather than the city play the roll of adversary with threats of litigation, although this would still be an option. . , The process would be kept informal. Education of the public is an important issue. As the public becomes more aware, more situations with necessary interpretation would increase. Phyllis Anderson added that the A.D.A. offers so many solutions/options which can be adapted depending on the circumstances. Mr. Morgan added: "A.D.A. is an opportunity to make things better, not all right." Michelle distributed sample Accessibility Complaint forms from the state of Illinois. C. The election of officers will be held at the March meeting. Peter will have a roster of Board members and their term of service at that meeting. D. Possible change of meetinq dav: Ernest asked if Thursday at 4:00 p.m. was a convenient time for other members as hE~ had another commitment immediately following this Board's meeting. General consensus was to maintain our meeting time. Subcommittee Reports: A. Bi-center Sub-Committee - Nell Hanchett reported that she and Susan Duerksen met with Bi-center staff. They both felt it was a profitable meeting and that it opened the door for feedback between their staff and this Board. Changes completed and proposed were submitted to the Board in a report by Ken Kary. Discussion between sub-committee and their staff included: installation of removable chairs in front row for wheelchairs (could stay if no persons using chairs bought tickets), available companion seating, not having disabled persons stand in line for purchasing tickets, installation of full-length mirrors in bathrooms and lowered towel dispenser. Regarding early purchasing of tickets by persons with disabilities, this Board felt that advertisement in newspaper with universal logos for disabled persons displayed in the ad would alert those persons that accommodations have been made. Also educating the public through P.S.A. and radio talk shows such as Kansas Live on KSAL were mentioned to "get the word out. II B. strip Mall Sub-Comittee - Phyllis Anderson reported that her committee viewed the Galaxy Center parking area on their own time. A handicap parking sign is posted at each end of the strip in front of stores. One third of the way in from each end there is a parking space plus ramp space, but this is apparently not wide enough. Phyllis said she questioned the actual number of spaces available for handicap parking. Peter will ask Mike Peterson to take a look at the parking situation at Galaxy Center. I, , Some establishments were mentioned as still not having appropriate parking signage or sizing i.e. K-Mart and Asbury Hospital. Meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Mary Ellen Rudick Recorder