Arbitrage Rebate Analysis as of 10.1.2015Arbitrage Rebate Analysis Computed as of October 1, 2015 City of Salina, Kansas General Obligation Internal Improvement Bonds Series 2011-A Exhibit B 8/23/2016- 1 -Gilmore & Bell, P.C. Results as of October 1, 2015 Summary of Issue Par$ 6,565,000 Issue DateJuly 28, 2011 Bond Year DateOctober 1 Bond Yield Computation DateOctober 1, 2015 Summary of Rebate Computation Computation Results  Total Rebate Amount Less FV of Prior Payment Net Rebate Amount    City of Salina, Kansas General Obligation Internal Improvement Bonds Series 2011-A ARBITRAGE REBATE ANALYSIS 3.40000% No arbitrage rebate payment is due at this time. The net rebate amount as of October 1, 2015 is ($79,239.01). ($ 79,239.01) ($ 79,239.01) 0.00 (79,239.01) (6,830.88) (88.91) (956.79) (74.84) (71,287.59) ($125,000)$0 Total Rebate Amount Credits & Adjustments Riffel #2 SBD Grand Prairie SBD Bergkamp SBD Salina Airport Improvements Rebate Liability by Source Improvement Fund 98.2% Debt Service Account 0.5% U/W Discount 1.4% Allocation of Proceeds 8/23/2016- 2 -Gilmore & Bell, P.C. City of Salina, Kansas General Obligation Internal Improvement Bonds Series 2011-A ARBITRAGE REBATE ANALYSIS Comments and Yield Comparison Comments   We understand that the Debt Service Accounts qualified as a bona fide debt service fund for all bond years during this computation period. 0.30% 0.31% 0.31% 0.30% 0.00% 2.00% 4.00% 6.00% Riffel #2 SBDGrand Prairie SBDBergkamp SBDSalina Airport Improvements Yield Comparison Bond Yield = 3.40% As of 10/1/2015 8/23/2016- 3 -Gilmore & Bell, P.C. City of Salina, Kansas General Obligation Internal Improvement Bonds Series 2011-A ACCOUNT NO. 1: Riffel #2 SBD Total RelevantDays Cash and InvestmentInvestedImputed DateCash InCash OutBalancePurchaseReceiptEarningsBalanceInvestmentsRate(Actual)Earnings 7/28/2011970,000.00 32,687.58 937,312.42 - 937,312.42 0.301%- - 7/28/201133,026.74 - 904,285.68 904,285.68 904,285.68 0.301%- - 7/29/2011904,285.68 - 904,285.68 - - 0.301%1.0 7.45 7/29/20117.45 - 7.45 - - 0.301%- - Totals970,000.00 970,007.45 904,285.68 904,285.68 7.45 7.45 Cash Out Less Cash In:7.45 Investment Receipts minus Purchases:- Cash and Investment Activity Cash TransactionsInvestments Imputed Interest Calculation 8/23/2016- 4 -Gilmore & Bell, P.C. City of Salina, Kansas General Obligation Internal Improvement Bonds Series 2011-A ACCOUNT NO. 1: Riffel #2 SBD Arbitrage Rebate ComputationInvestment Yield FuturePresent NetValueFutureValuePresent InvestmentFactor @Value toNumberFactor @Value to DateActivity3.399996%10/1/2015of Days0.296819%7/28/2011 7/28/2011- 1.1511446 - 1,503 1.0000000 - 7/28/2011(904,285.68) 1.1511446 (1,040,963.60) 1,503 1.0000000 (904,285.68) 7/29/2011904,285.68 1.1510368 1,040,866.12 1,502 0.9999918 904,278.23 7/29/20117.45 1.1510368 8.58 1,502 0.9999918 7.45 7.45 (88.91) (0.00) Summary of : Riffel #2 SBD Arbitrage Rebate Amount:(88.91)$ Total Investment Earnings:7.45 Investment Yield:0.2968% Average Amount Invested:903,581$ Total Time Invested:0.00 years 8/23/2016- 5 -Gilmore & Bell, P.C. City of Salina, Kansas General Obligation Internal Improvement Bonds Series 2011-A ACCOUNT NO. 2: Grand Prairie SBD TotalRelevantDays Cash andInvestmentInvestedImputed DateCash InCash OutBalancePurchaseReceiptEarningsBalanceInvestmentsRate(Actual)Earnings 7/28/20111,511,300.00 1,511,300.00 - 1,511,300.00 0.301%- - 7/28/201116,866.74 - 1,494,433.26 1,494,433.26 1,494,433.26 0.301%- - 7/29/20111,439,857.09 - 1,439,857.09 54,576.17 54,576.17 0.301%1.0 12.31 7/31/201113.21 - 13.21 54,576.17 54,576.17 0.301%2.0 0.90 8/11/201137,992.50 - 37,992.50 16,583.67 16,583.67 0.289%11.0 4.94 8/31/20117.57 - 7.57 16,583.67 16,583.67 0.289%20.0 2.63 9/1/2011950.00 - 950.00 15,633.67 15,633.67 0.295%1.0 0.13 9/30/20113.79 - 3.79 15,633.67 15,633.67 0.295%29.0 3.66 10/31/20113.92 - 3.92 15,633.67 15,633.67 0.245%31.0 3.92 11/30/20113.15 - 3.15 15,633.67 15,633.67 0.365%30.0 3.15 12/31/20114.85 - 4.85 15,633.67 15,633.67 0.359%31.0 4.85 1/31/20124.77 - 4.77 15,633.67 15,633.67 0.287%31.0 4.77 2/29/20123.56 - 3.56 15,633.67 15,633.67 0.297%29.0 3.56 3/31/20123.94 - 3.94 15,633.67 15,633.67 0.296%31.0 3.94 4/30/20123.80 - 3.80 15,633.67 15,633.67 0.325%30.0 3.80 5/31/20124.32 - 4.32 15,633.67 15,633.67 0.325%31.0 4.32 6/30/20124.18 - 4.18 15,633.67 15,633.67 0.305%30.0 4.18 7/31/20124.05 - 4.05 15,633.67 15,633.67 0.305%31.0 4.05 8/31/20124.05 - 4.05 15,633.67 15,633.67 0.282%31.0 4.05 9/30/20123.62 - 3.62 15,633.67 15,633.67 0.327%30.0 3.62 10/31/20124.34 - 4.34 15,633.67 15,633.67 0.350%31.0 4.34 11/30/20124.50 - 4.50 15,633.67 15,633.67 0.372%30.0 4.50 12/31/201215,633.67 - 15,633.67 - - 0.358%31.0 4.94 12/31/20124.94 - 4.94 - - 0.358%- - Totals1,511,300.00 1,511,386.56 1,494,433.26 1,494,433.26 86.56 86.56 Cash Out Less Cash In:86.56 Investment Receipts minus Purchases:- Cash TransactionsInvestments Cash and Investment Activity Imputed Interest Calculation 8/23/2016- 6 -Gilmore & Bell, P.C. City of Salina, Kansas General Obligation Internal Improvement Bonds Series 2011-A ACCOUNT NO. 2: Grand Prairie SBD Arbitrage Rebate ComputationInvestment Yield FuturePresent NetValueFutureValuePresent InvestmentFactor @Value toNumberFactor @Value to DateActivity3.399996%10/1/2015of Days0.312268%7/28/2011 7/28/2011- 1.1511446 - 1,503 1.0000000 - 7/28/2011(1,494,433.26) 1.1511446 (1,720,308.82) 1,503 1.0000000 (1,494,433.26) 7/29/20111,439,857.09 1.1510368 1,657,328.54 1,502 0.9999913 1,439,844.61 7/31/201113.21 1.1509290 15.20 1,501 0.9999740 13.21 8/11/201137,992.50 1.1497440 43,681.65 1,490 0.9998873 37,988.22 8/31/20117.57 1.1477000 8.69 1,471 0.9997140 7.57 9/1/2011950.00 1.1475925 1,090.21 1,470 0.9997140 949.73 9/30/20113.79 1.1444801 4.34 1,441 0.9994628 3.79 10/31/20113.92 1.1412691 4.47 1,411 0.9991943 3.92 11/30/20113.15 1.1380672 3.58 1,381 0.9989431 3.15 12/31/20114.85 1.1348743 5.50 1,351 0.9986748 4.84 1/31/20124.77 1.1316903 5.40 1,321 0.9984151 4.76 2/29/20123.56 1.1285153 4.02 1,291 0.9981729 3.55 3/31/20123.94 1.1253491 4.43 1,261 0.9978960 3.93 4/30/20123.80 1.1221919 4.26 1,231 0.9976453 3.79 5/31/20124.32 1.1190435 4.83 1,201 0.9973772 4.31 6/30/20124.18 1.1159039 4.66 1,171 0.9971266 4.17 7/31/20124.05 1.1127732 4.51 1,141 0.9968587 4.04 8/31/20124.05 1.1096512 4.49 1,111 0.9965995 4.04 9/30/20123.62 1.1065380 4.01 1,081 0.9963491 3.61 10/31/20124.34 1.1034335 4.79 1,051 0.9960814 4.32 11/30/20124.50 1.1003378 4.95 1,021 0.9958310 4.48 12/31/201215,633.67 1.0972507 17,154.06 991 0.9955635 15,564.31 12/31/20124.94 1.0972507 5.42 991 0.9955635 4.92 86.56 (956.79) (0.00) 8/23/2016- 7 -Gilmore & Bell, P.C. City of Salina, Kansas General Obligation Internal Improvement Bonds Series 2011-A ACCOUNT NO. 2: Grand Prairie SBD Arbitrage Rebate ComputationInvestment Yield FuturePresent NetValueFutureValuePresent InvestmentFactor @Value toNumberFactor @Value to DateActivity3.399996%10/1/2015of Days0.312268%7/28/2011 Summary of : Grand Prairie SBD Arbitrage Rebate Amount:(956.79)$ Total Investment Earnings:86.56 Investment Yield:0.3123% Average Amount Invested:19,452$ Total Time Invested:1.43 years 8/23/2016- 8 -Gilmore & Bell, P.C. City of Salina, Kansas General Obligation Internal Improvement Bonds Series 2011-A ACCOUNT NO. 3: Bergkamp SBD TotalRelevantDays Cash andInvestmentInvestedImputed DateCash InCash OutBalancePurchaseReceiptEarningsBalanceInvestmentsRate(Actual)Earnings 7/28/2011150,000.00 465.45 149,534.55 - 149,534.55 0.301%- - 7/28/201134,212.01 115,322.54 - 115,322.54 0.301%- - 7/28/201154,380.30 60,942.24 - 60,942.24 0.301%- - 7/28/2011373.00 60,569.24 - 60,569.24 0.301%- - 7/28/201112,106.86 48,462.38 - 48,462.38 0.301%- - 7/28/201115.00 48,447.38 - 48,447.38 0.301%- - 7/28/2011114.00 48,333.38 - 48,333.38 0.301%- - 7/28/201139,734.95 8,598.43 - 8,598.43 0.301%- - 7/28/201145.00 8,553.43 - 8,553.43 0.301%- - 7/28/20117,021.71 - 1,531.72 1,531.72 1,531.72 0.301%- - 7/31/20110.04 - 0.04 1,531.72 1,531.72 0.301%3.0 0.04 8/31/20110.39 - 0.39 1,531.72 1,531.72 0.289%31.0 0.39 9/30/20110.36 - 0.36 1,531.72 1,531.72 0.295%30.0 0.36 10/31/20110.38 - 0.38 1,531.72 1,531.72 0.245%31.0 0.38 11/30/20110.31 - 0.31 1,531.72 1,531.72 0.365%30.0 0.31 12/31/20110.47 - 0.47 1,531.72 1,531.72 0.359%31.0 0.47 1/31/20120.47 - 0.47 1,531.72 1,531.72 0.287%31.0 0.47 2/29/20120.35 - 0.35 1,531.72 1,531.72 0.297%29.0 0.35 3/31/20120.39 - 0.39 1,531.72 1,531.72 0.296%31.0 0.39 4/30/20120.37 - 0.37 1,531.72 1,531.72 0.325%30.0 0.37 5/31/20120.42 - 0.42 1,531.72 1,531.72 0.325%31.0 0.42 6/30/20120.41 - 0.41 1,531.72 1,531.72 0.305%30.0 0.41 7/31/20120.40 - 0.40 1,531.72 1,531.72 0.305%31.0 0.40 8/31/20120.40 - 0.40 1,531.72 1,531.72 0.282%31.0 0.40 9/30/20120.36 - 0.36 1,531.72 1,531.72 0.327%30.0 0.36 10/31/20120.43 - 0.43 1,531.72 1,531.72 0.350%31.0 0.43 11/30/20120.44 - 0.44 1,531.72 1,531.72 0.372%30.0 0.44 12/31/20121,531.72 - 1,531.72 - - 0.358%31.0 0.48 12/31/20120.48 - 0.48 - - 0.358%- - Totals150,000.00 150,006.87 1,531.72 1,531.72 6.87 6.87 Cash TransactionsInvestments Cash and Investment Activity Imputed Interest Calculation 8/23/2016- 9 -Gilmore & Bell, P.C. City of Salina, Kansas General Obligation Internal Improvement Bonds Series 2011-A ACCOUNT NO. 3: Bergkamp SBD TotalRelevantDays Cash andInvestmentInvestedImputed DateCash InCash OutBalancePurchaseReceiptEarningsBalanceInvestmentsRate(Actual)Earnings Cash TransactionsInvestments Cash and Investment Activity Imputed Interest Calculation Cash Out Less Cash In:6.87 Investment Receipts minus Purchases:- 8/23/2016- 10 -Gilmore & Bell, P.C. City of Salina, Kansas General Obligation Internal Improvement Bonds Series 2011-A ACCOUNT NO. 3: Bergkamp SBD Arbitrage Rebate ComputationInvestment Yield FuturePresent NetValueFutureValuePresent InvestmentFactor @Value toNumberFactor @Value to DateActivity3.399996%10/1/2015of Days0.314924%7/28/2011 7/28/2011- 1.1511446 - 1,503 1.0000000 - 7/28/2011- 1.1511446 - 1,503 1.0000000 - 7/28/2011- 1.1511446 - 1,503 1.0000000 - 7/28/2011- 1.1511446 - 1,503 1.0000000 - 7/28/2011- 1.1511446 - 1,503 1.0000000 - 7/28/2011- 1.1511446 - 1,503 1.0000000 - 7/28/2011- 1.1511446 - 1,503 1.0000000 - 7/28/2011- 1.1511446 - 1,503 1.0000000 - 7/28/2011- 1.1511446 - 1,503 1.0000000 - 7/28/2011(1,531.72) 1.1511446 (1,763.23) 1,503 1.0000000 (1,531.72) 7/31/20110.04 1.1509290 0.05 1,501 0.9999738 0.04 8/31/20110.39 1.1477000 0.45 1,471 0.9997116 0.39 9/30/20110.36 1.1444801 0.41 1,441 0.9994582 0.36 10/31/20110.38 1.1412691 0.43 1,411 0.9991874 0.38 11/30/20110.31 1.1380672 0.35 1,381 0.9989342 0.31 12/31/20110.47 1.1348743 0.53 1,351 0.9986635 0.47 1/31/20120.47 1.1316903 0.53 1,321 0.9984017 0.47 2/29/20120.35 1.1285153 0.39 1,291 0.9981573 0.35 3/31/20120.39 1.1253491 0.44 1,261 0.9978782 0.39 4/30/20120.37 1.1221919 0.42 1,231 0.9976253 0.37 5/31/20120.42 1.1190435 0.47 1,201 0.9973550 0.42 6/30/20120.41 1.1159039 0.46 1,171 0.9971022 0.41 7/31/20120.40 1.1127732 0.45 1,141 0.9968320 0.40 8/31/20120.40 1.1096512 0.44 1,111 0.9965707 0.40 9/30/20120.36 1.1065380 0.40 1,081 0.9963181 0.36 10/31/20120.43 1.1034335 0.47 1,051 0.9960482 0.43 11/30/20120.44 1.1003378 0.48 1,021 0.9957957 0.44 12/31/20121,531.72 1.0972507 1,680.68 991 0.9955259 1,524.87 12/31/20120.48 1.0972507 0.53 991 0.9955259 0.48 6.87 (74.84) 0.00 8/23/2016- 11 -Gilmore & Bell, P.C. City of Salina, Kansas General Obligation Internal Improvement Bonds Series 2011-A ACCOUNT NO. 3: Bergkamp SBD Arbitrage Rebate ComputationInvestment Yield FuturePresent NetValueFutureValuePresent InvestmentFactor @Value toNumberFactor @Value to DateActivity3.399996%10/1/2015of Days0.314924%7/28/2011 Summary of : Bergkamp SBD Arbitrage Rebate Amount:(74.84)$ Total Investment Earnings:6.87 Investment Yield:0.3149% Average Amount Invested:1,531$ Total Time Invested:1.43 years 8/23/2016- 12 -Gilmore & Bell, P.C. City of Salina, Kansas General Obligation Internal Improvement Bonds Series 2011-A ACCOUNT NO. 4: Salina Airport Improvements TotalRelevantDays Cash andInvestmentInvestedImputed DateCash InCash OutBalancePurchaseReceiptEarningsBalanceInvestmentsRate(Actual)Earnings 7/28/20113,933,700.00 405.00 3,933,295.00 - 3,933,295.00 0.301%- - 7/28/20111,254.20 3,932,040.80 - 3,932,040.80 0.301%- - 7/28/201114,592.50 3,917,448.30 - 3,917,448.30 0.301%- - 7/28/20117,747.50 3,909,700.80 - 3,909,700.80 0.301%- - 7/28/2011530,375.36 - 3,379,325.44 3,379,325.44 3,379,325.44 0.301%- - 7/31/201183.50 - 83.50 3,379,325.44 3,379,325.44 0.301%3.0 83.50 8/4/20119,266.06 - 9,266.06 3,370,059.38 3,370,059.38 0.289%4.0 111.33 8/31/2011831.78 - 831.78 3,370,059.38 3,370,059.38 0.289%27.0 720.45 9/1/2011244,491.05 - 244,491.05 3,125,568.33 3,125,568.33 0.295%1.0 26.68 9/15/201122,396.09 - 22,396.09 3,103,172.24 3,103,172.24 0.295%14.0 353.66 9/30/2011756.55 - 756.55 3,103,172.24 3,103,172.24 0.295%15.0 376.21 10/6/2011225,815.51 - 225,815.51 2,877,356.73 2,877,356.73 0.245%6.0 150.48 10/27/201118,751.02 - 18,751.02 2,858,605.71 2,858,605.71 0.245%21.0 405.59 10/31/2011632.82 - 632.82 2,858,605.71 2,858,605.71 0.245%4.0 76.75 11/10/2011554,453.63 - 554,453.63 2,304,152.08 2,304,152.08 0.365%10.0 191.88 11/30/2011652.71 - 652.71 2,304,152.08 2,304,152.08 0.365%20.0 460.83 12/1/20117,723.26 - 7,723.26 2,296,428.82 2,296,428.82 0.359%1.0 23.04 12/8/2011421,460.74 - 421,460.74 1,874,968.08 1,874,968.08 0.359%7.0 158.11 12/29/20117,258.24 - 7,258.24 1,867,709.84 1,867,709.84 0.359%21.0 387.27 12/31/2011605.16 - 605.16 1,867,709.84 1,867,709.84 0.359%2.0 36.74 1/12/2012172,291.93 - 172,291.93 1,695,417.91 1,695,417.91 0.287%12.0 220.44 1/31/2012473.73 - 473.73 1,695,417.91 1,695,417.91 0.287%19.0 253.29 2/2/20125,847.73 - 5,847.73 1,689,570.18 1,689,570.18 0.297%2.0 26.66 2/9/2012593,785.88 - 593,785.88 1,095,784.30 1,095,784.30 0.297%7.0 96.24 2/23/201210,526.15 - 10,526.15 1,085,258.15 1,085,258.15 0.297%14.0 124.83 2/29/2012300.71 - 300.71 1,085,258.15 1,085,258.15 0.297%6.0 52.98 3/8/201263,573.04 - 63,573.04 1,021,685.11 1,021,685.11 0.296%8.0 70.65 3/22/20125,494.10 - 5,494.10 1,016,191.01 1,016,191.01 0.296%14.0 116.00 3/31/2012260.82 - 260.82 1,016,191.01 1,016,191.01 0.296%9.0 74.17 4/12/2012334,686.47 - 334,686.47 681,504.54 681,504.54 0.325%12.0 98.89 4/30/2012208.12 - 208.12 681,504.54 681,504.54 0.325%18.0 109.23 5/10/201222,418.19 - 22,418.19 659,086.35 659,086.35 0.325%10.0 60.68 Cash and Investment Activity Cash TransactionsInvestments Imputed Interest Calculation 8/23/2016- 13 -Gilmore & Bell, P.C. City of Salina, Kansas General Obligation Internal Improvement Bonds Series 2011-A ACCOUNT NO. 4: Salina Airport Improvements TotalRelevantDays Cash andInvestmentInvestedImputed DateCash InCash OutBalancePurchaseReceiptEarningsBalanceInvestmentsRate(Actual)Earnings Cash and Investment Activity Cash TransactionsInvestments Imputed Interest Calculation 5/31/2012183.92 - 183.92 659,086.35 659,086.35 0.325%21.0 123.24 6/14/20122,964.58 - 2,964.58 656,121.77 656,121.77 0.305%14.0 82.16 6/30/2012169.88 - 169.88 656,121.77 656,121.77 0.305%16.0 87.72 7/12/2012164,913.08 - 164,913.08 491,208.69 491,208.69 0.305%12.0 65.79 7/31/2012143.78 - 143.78 491,208.69 491,208.69 0.305%19.0 77.99 8/2/2012622.63 - 622.63 490,586.06 490,586.06 0.282%2.0 8.21 8/13/201269,213.83 - 69,213.83 559,799.89 559,799.89 0.282%11.0 41.69 8/13/201275,495.55 - 75,495.55 635,295.44 635,295.44 0.282%- - 8/13/201211,115.00 - 11,115.00 646,410.44 646,410.44 0.282%- - 8/31/201269,213.83 - 69,213.83 577,196.61 577,196.61 0.282%18.0 89.90 8/31/201275,495.55 - 75,495.55 501,701.06 501,701.06 0.282%- - 8/31/201211,115.00 - 11,115.00 490,586.06 490,586.06 0.282%- - 8/31/2012139.80 - 139.80 490,586.06 490,586.06 0.282%- - 9/13/20121,016.25 - 1,016.25 489,569.81 489,569.81 0.327%13.0 49.27 9/27/20121,236.00 - 1,236.00 488,333.81 488,333.81 0.327%14.0 61.40 9/30/2012123.79 - 123.79 488,333.81 488,333.81 0.327%3.0 13.12 10/31/2012135.62 - 135.62 488,333.81 488,333.81 0.350%31.0 135.62 11/1/20122,262.25 - 2,262.25 486,071.56 486,071.56 0.372%1.0 4.68 11/29/20121,048.75 - 1,048.75 485,022.81 485,022.81 0.372%28.0 138.71 11/30/2012148.33 - 148.33 485,022.81 485,022.81 0.372%1.0 4.94 12/20/2012371,433.68 - 371,433.68 113,589.13 113,589.13 0.358%20.0 98.86 12/31/2012111.12 - 111.12 113,589.13 113,589.13 0.358%11.0 12.26 1/10/2013737.25 - 737.25 112,851.88 112,851.88 0.313%10.0 11.14 1/17/20131,643.75 - 1,643.75 111,208.13 111,208.13 0.313%7.0 6.77 1/31/201331.26 - 31.26 111,208.13 111,208.13 0.313%14.0 13.35 2/28/201326.70 - 26.70 111,208.13 111,208.13 0.283%28.0 26.70 3/31/201326.73 - 26.73 111,208.13 111,208.13 0.312%31.0 26.73 4/30/201328.52 - 28.52 111,208.13 111,208.13 0.219%30.0 28.52 5/31/201320.68 - 20.68 111,208.13 111,208.13 0.181%31.0 20.68 6/30/201316.54 - 16.54 111,208.13 111,208.13 0.148%30.0 16.54 7/31/201313.98 - 13.98 111,208.13 111,208.13 0.135%31.0 13.98 8/31/201312.75 - 12.75 111,208.13 111,208.13 0.147%31.0 12.75 8/23/2016- 14 -Gilmore & Bell, P.C. City of Salina, Kansas General Obligation Internal Improvement Bonds Series 2011-A ACCOUNT NO. 4: Salina Airport Improvements TotalRelevantDays Cash andInvestmentInvestedImputed DateCash InCash OutBalancePurchaseReceiptEarningsBalanceInvestmentsRate(Actual)Earnings Cash and Investment Activity Cash TransactionsInvestments Imputed Interest Calculation 9/30/201313.44 - 13.44 111,208.13 111,208.13 0.183%30.0 13.44 10/31/201317.28 - 17.28 111,208.13 111,208.13 0.183%31.0 17.28 11/30/201316.73 - 16.73 111,208.13 111,208.13 0.195%30.0 16.73 12/31/2013111,208.13 - 111,208.13 - - 0.191%31.0 18.42 12/31/201318.42 - 18.42 - - 0.191%- - Totals4,089,524.38 4,095,729.55 3,535,149.82 3,535,149.82 6,205.17 6,205.17 Cash Out Less Cash In:6,205.17 Investment Receipts minus Purchases:- 8/23/2016- 15 -Gilmore & Bell, P.C. City of Salina, Kansas General Obligation Internal Improvement Bonds Series 2011-A ACCOUNT NO. 4: Salina Airport Improvements Arbitrage Rebate ComputationInvestment Yield FuturePresent NetValueFutureValuePresent InvestmentFactor @Value toNumberFactor @Value to DateActivity3.399996%10/1/2015of Days0.302461%7/28/2011 7/28/2011- 1.1511446 - 1,503 1.0000000 - 7/28/2011- 1.1511446 - 1,503 1.0000000 - 7/28/2011- 1.1511446 - 1,503 1.0000000 - 7/28/2011- 1.1511446 - 1,503 1.0000000 - 7/28/2011(3,379,325.44) 1.1511446 (3,890,092.32) 1,503 1.0000000 (3,379,325.44) 7/31/201183.50 1.1509290 96.10 1,501 0.9999748 83.50 8/4/20119,266.06 1.1504980 10,660.58 1,497 0.9999496 9,265.59 8/31/2011831.78 1.1477000 954.63 1,471 0.9997230 831.55 9/1/2011244,491.05 1.1475925 280,576.11 1,470 0.9997230 244,423.32 9/15/201122,396.09 1.1460889 25,667.91 1,456 0.9996055 22,387.25 9/30/2011756.55 1.1444801 865.86 1,441 0.9994796 756.16 10/6/2011225,815.51 1.1438372 258,296.17 1,435 0.9994293 225,686.63 10/27/201118,751.02 1.1415898 21,405.97 1,414 0.9992531 18,737.01 10/31/2011632.82 1.1412691 722.22 1,411 0.9992195 632.33 11/10/2011554,453.63 1.1402008 632,188.49 1,401 0.9991440 553,979.04 11/30/2011652.71 1.1380672 742.83 1,381 0.9989763 652.04 12/1/20117,723.26 1.1379607 8,788.77 1,380 0.9989679 7,715.29 12/8/2011421,460.74 1.1372149 479,291.43 1,373 0.9989092 421,001.01 12/29/20117,258.24 1.1349806 8,237.96 1,352 0.9987331 7,249.04 12/31/2011605.16 1.1348743 686.78 1,351 0.9987163 604.38 1/12/2012172,291.93 1.1335996 195,310.07 1,339 0.9986241 172,054.88 1/31/2012473.73 1.1316903 536.12 1,321 0.9984648 473.00 2/2/20125,847.73 1.1314784 6,616.58 1,319 0.9984565 5,838.70 2/9/2012593,785.88 1.1307369 671,415.59 1,312 0.9983978 592,834.50 2/23/201210,526.15 1.1292553 11,886.71 1,298 0.9982804 10,508.05 2/29/2012300.71 1.1285153 339.36 1,291 0.9982302 300.18 3/8/201263,573.04 1.1276701 71,689.42 1,283 0.9981547 63,455.73 3/22/20125,494.10 1.1261926 6,187.41 1,269 0.9980374 5,483.32 3/31/2012260.82 1.1253491 293.51 1,261 0.9979620 260.29 4/12/2012334,686.47 1.1240852 376,216.10 1,249 0.9978699 333,973.54 4/30/2012208.12 1.1221919 233.55 1,231 0.9977191 207.65 5/10/201222,418.19 1.1211415 25,133.96 1,221 0.9976353 22,365.18 8/23/2016- 16 -Gilmore & Bell, P.C. City of Salina, Kansas General Obligation Internal Improvement Bonds Series 2011-A ACCOUNT NO. 4: Salina Airport Improvements Arbitrage Rebate ComputationInvestment Yield FuturePresent NetValueFutureValuePresent InvestmentFactor @Value toNumberFactor @Value to DateActivity3.399996%10/1/2015of Days0.302461%7/28/2011 5/31/2012183.92 1.1190435 205.81 1,201 0.9974594 183.45 6/14/20122,964.58 1.1175773 3,313.15 1,187 0.9973506 2,956.73 6/30/2012169.88 1.1159039 189.57 1,171 0.9972166 169.41 7/12/2012164,913.08 1.1146506 183,820.46 1,159 0.9971162 164,437.50 7/31/2012143.78 1.1127732 159.99 1,141 0.9969571 143.34 8/2/2012622.63 1.1125648 692.72 1,139 0.9969488 620.73 8/13/2012(69,213.83) 1.1114193 (76,925.58) 1,128 0.9968567 (68,996.27) 8/13/2012(75,495.55) 1.1114193 (83,907.21) 1,128 0.9968567 (75,258.24) 8/13/2012(11,115.00) 1.1114193 (12,353.43) 1,128 0.9968567 (11,080.06) 8/31/201269,213.83 1.1096512 76,803.21 1,111 0.9967061 68,985.84 8/31/201275,495.55 1.1096512 83,773.73 1,111 0.9967061 75,246.87 8/31/201211,115.00 1.1096512 12,333.77 1,111 0.9967061 11,078.39 8/31/2012139.80 1.1096512 155.13 1,111 0.9967061 139.34 9/13/20121,016.25 1.1083011 1,126.31 1,098 0.9966057 1,012.80 9/27/20121,236.00 1.1068490 1,368.07 1,084 0.9964885 1,231.66 9/30/2012123.79 1.1065380 136.98 1,081 0.9964634 123.35 10/31/2012135.62 1.1034335 149.65 1,051 0.9962041 135.11 11/1/20122,262.25 1.1033302 2,496.01 1,050 0.9962041 2,253.66 11/29/20121,048.75 1.1004408 1,154.09 1,022 0.9959700 1,044.52 11/30/2012148.33 1.1003378 163.21 1,021 0.9959616 147.73 12/20/2012371,433.68 1.0982788 407,937.73 1,001 0.9957944 369,871.58 12/31/2012111.12 1.0972507 121.93 991 0.9957025 110.64 1/10/2013737.25 1.0962236 808.19 981 0.9956272 734.03 1/17/20131,643.75 1.0955052 1,800.74 974 0.9955687 1,636.47 1/31/201331.26 1.0941723 34.20 961 0.9954517 31.12 2/28/201326.70 1.0911025 29.13 931 0.9952261 26.57 3/31/201326.73 1.0880413 29.08 901 0.9949504 26.60 4/30/201328.52 1.0849888 30.94 871 0.9947082 28.37 5/31/201320.68 1.0819447 22.37 841 0.9944494 20.57 6/30/201316.54 1.0789093 17.85 811 0.9942073 16.44 7/31/201313.98 1.0758823 15.04 781 0.9939486 13.90 8/31/201312.75 1.0728638 13.68 751 0.9936983 12.67 8/23/2016- 17 -Gilmore & Bell, P.C. City of Salina, Kansas General Obligation Internal Improvement Bonds Series 2011-A ACCOUNT NO. 4: Salina Airport Improvements Arbitrage Rebate ComputationInvestment Yield FuturePresent NetValueFutureValuePresent InvestmentFactor @Value toNumberFactor @Value to DateActivity3.399996%10/1/2015of Days0.302461%7/28/2011 9/30/201313.44 1.0698538 14.38 721 0.9934564 13.35 10/31/201317.28 1.0668523 18.44 691 0.9931978 17.16 11/30/201316.73 1.0638592 17.80 661 0.9929561 16.61 12/31/2013111,208.13 1.0608744 117,977.86 631 0.9926977 110,396.05 12/31/201318.42 1.0608744 19.54 631 0.9926977 18.29 6,205.17 (71,287.59) (0.00) Summary of : Salina Airport Improvements Arbitrage Rebate Amount:(71,287.59)$ Total Investment Earnings:6,205.17 Investment Yield:0.3025% Average Amount Invested:846,005$ Total Time Invested:2.43 years 8/23/2016- 18 -Gilmore & Bell, P.C. MonthYield July-110.301% August-110.289% September-110.295% October-110.245% November-110.365% December-110.359% January-120.287% February-120.297% March-120.296% April-120.325% May-120.325% June-120.305% July-120.305% August-120.282% September-120.327% October-120.350% November-120.372% December-120.358% January-130.313% February-130.283% March-130.312% April-130.219% May-130.181% June-130.148% July-130.135% August-130.147% September-130.183% October-130.183% November-130.195% December-130.191% City of Salina, Kansas General Obligation Internal Improvement Bonds Series 2011-A Weighted Average Yields as Provided by Issuer 8/23/2016- 19 -Gilmore & Bell, P.C. City of Salina, Kansas General Obligation Internal Improvement Bonds Series 2011-A COMPUTATION CREDITS AND ADJUSTMENTS Arbitrage Rebate Computation Future ValueFuture Factor @Value toNumber DateDescriptionAmount3.399996%10/1/2015of Days 10/1/2011Computation Credit(1,520.00) 1.1443729 (1,739.45) 1,440 10/1/2012Computation Credit(1,550.00) 1.1064344 (1,714.97) 1,080 10/1/2013Computation Credit(1,590.00) 1.0697537 (1,700.91) 720 10/1/2014Computation Credit(1,620.00) 1.0342890 (1,675.55) 360 (6,280.00) Total Adjustments:(6,830.88)$