16-7365 Authorizing Improvements River Trail 2nd Addition (Published In the Salina The .installation of i Agreementdescnoeain Journal June 30,2016) approximately 345 Section 4 of this Resolu- - lineal feet of storm lion), all in accordance NUMBER 16-7365 sewer pipe, inlets, I with K.S.A. 12-6a01 el- A RESOLUTION SET- and all uppurte- seq. TING FORTH FIND- nances thereto (the ' Section 3. The City INGS AND DETERMI- 'Drainage Improve- expecsitur make capital NATIONS OF THE ment ). after the date of this GOVERNING BODY OF The installation of Resolution in connection THE CITY OF SAUNA, approximately 2,090 with the Improvements KANSAS ON THE A0. lineal feet of six-inch '.,described herein,and in- Publisher sAffidavit VISABILITY OF AND water main, fire hy- tends to reimburse itself AUTHORIZING THE drants, valves, fit- 'for such expenditures •CONSTRUCTION OF tings; service con- Iiivith the proceeds of one CERTAIN IMPROVE- nections for water I or more series of gen- MENTS PURSUANT TO lines and all appurte-'feral obligation bonds •I, Christy Fink , being riot}' sss'Orn K.S.A.I2ba01 et seq. _ nances thereto (the (land temporary notes of WHEREAS, a petition Water System Im- lithe City in the maximum was filed with the City ,_ provements'). principal amount of declare that I am a I Pal ('nordinatnr Clerk for the City of Sa- 15956,072.25: lino,Kansas(the'City') The installation of l •Section 4. That cer- of THE SALINA JOURNAL, a daily newspaper on June 13, 2016, pro- approximately 2,171 ,tam Improvement Dis- posing certain improve- lineal feet of .trio Development ments pursuant to published at Salina, Saline County, Kansas, and of K.S.A. 12-6a01 at seq. eight-inch sanitary 'Agreement between KC main, service ;(Development, LW and (the'Petition");and connections for the City (the 'Develop- sewer the Pee- . sewer lines, man- 'Iment Agreement) is general circulation in said county, which newspaper lion sets forth: (a) nit holes,and all appur- ''hereby approved in sub- general nature of the • tenances thereto ,�stantially the form pre- has been admitted to the mails as second class matter in propo improvements; p (the'Sanitary Sewer rsented to the governing sed(b) the estimated or Improvements'). body on this date. The probable cost of the pro- Mayor is authorized to said county, and continuously and uninterruptedly posed improvements;(c) (collectively,the'Im- 'execute the Develop- the extent of the pro- . provements)- Iment Ag eement on be- published for five consecutive years prior to first posed improvement dis- • half of the City,and the P ) P tact to be assessed for i 2b) The estimated cost r Mayor, Clerk and other —the cost of the proposed of the Improvements ,City staff are authorized publication of attached notice,and that the improvements; (d) the - is:� �-- to take such-further ac-• proposed method of as- lions as necessary to sesed apportionment orti the pro- Nine Hundred,�?carry out the transac- Resolution 16 7365 NotlCe ties posed appoNonment of Fifty-Six Thousand Ikons contemplated the cost between the im- Seventy-Two Dollars thereby. provement district and and Twenty-Five Section 5. The Ciryr been correct. published in the entire issue of said Cents Clerk shall file a certified Y P the City t large;and(f) a request that such im- ($956,072.25). copy of this Resolution newspaper one time, publication being given in the issue provements be made with the Register of without notice and hear- (c) The boundaries of Deeds of Saline County, Of tine 30, 2016 ing as required by the improvement ,,Kansas.sioction 6. This Reso- J K.SA.t2-6a04(a);and district to be as- -1- WHEREAS, the own- ! sassed are: lotion shall take effect /� ( tits of record of 100% '.aftecits passage and 1 ` \n : `x��` C the property liable to be I Lots 5 through 26, publication once in the \\ �+\A- l assessed under the Pe- - Block 1; Lots 2 official city newspaper Ution have signed the through 20, Block 2, and receipt by the City all in the River Trail of.d fully executed De- ,l I WHEREAS,and 2nd Addition,City of y Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 3U h WHEREAS, a signs- vela f ully Agreement; tares have been with- Salina, Saline provided, if a fully exe- drawn Kansas. befor from the petition County, cured Development before the Governing (collectively,the'Im- eyed Agreement is not tlnl30 Body began considers- "Im- provement District"). tired to the City within 30 da}'of A.D. 20 / lion of the Petition;and — p days of the date hereof, WHEREAS, K.S.A. the City may terminate 12-6a04 provides that ;(d) The apportionment the Improvement Dis- of cost between the the Govemng Body may Improvement District Inez' / •guthorize and order pub- antl the city at large ` L /f / 1',^ _' A tic improvements without — Is; ;ADOPTED AND PASSED // _'L pv�.nr��„�'‘ GU(/s't�j(.� notice and hearing after 'this 27th day of June a sufficient petition has Seventy-five percent 2016. Notary Public been filed;and (75%) of the total WHEREAS, the gov- cast of Improve- Kaye J.Crawford, erning body has re- ments shall he as- Mayor Printer's Fee S517.50 viewed and considered sessea'to a the Im- the'Preliminary Engi- sessement_De Ira (SEAL) - neering Estimate and pt percent Feasibility Report pre- (25%) shall be paid Shandi L.Wicks, pared by the City Engi- ,the developer(s) Ciry Clerk shall be paid - - - - - ------ 'neer and agrees with the and no portion of 1 _ (1t)1• conclusions set�torth t therein. by the City-at Large.- NOW THEREFORE, _ - MELISSA BE IT RESOLVED BY (e) The method•of as- �tPp� WINDH SHE GOVERNING sessment_a-yains- i 'Ge BODY OF THE CITY property within Uie 3—0 OF SAUNA, KANSAS, Improvement District CO My AppL Ex0.77--- - AS FOLLOWS: shall be equally per USW• lot against all lots 'Section 1. The Gov- within the Improve- inning Body hereby ment District. finds that the Petition is Sufficient, and further Section 2. The Coy- finds and determines erning Body hereby de- that it is necessary and 'dares that the-Improve- advisable to make the 'ments described in this following improvements: Resolution are neces- (a)The nature of the im- 'sary, and authorizes r provements are as them to be made in ac- follows: cordance with the Peti- L- The curb, gutter, tion and the findings set E” pavement and grad- forth in this Resolution, lLLL ng for approximately and further authorizes 2,297 lineal feet of the levying of assess- Saddlebroak Drive, ments and the issuance of bonds gterefere(upon i Murray Lane, River the satisfaction of cer- Circl Road, Michael fain conditions set forth ' Circle,and Meredith inr_ihe—Development Circle (the 'Street Improvements'). .