6.1 04-04-2016 minutesCITY OF SALINA, KANSAS REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS April 4, 2016 4:00 p.m. The City Commission convened at 2:30 for Building Code Updates and at 3:45 p.m. for Citizens Forum. The Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners was called to order at 4:00 p.m. in Room 107, City -County Building. Roll call was taken. Commissioner Davis stated there were a few days in our country's history that represented sadness and horror: December 7th, November 22nd, September 11th and April 4th. While we do celebrate Dr. Martin Luther King's birthday with a lot of fanfare and a lot of buttons and we celebrate it as a national day of community service and volunteerism, April the 4th is the day that actually has the greater significance not just for black America but for the cause of social justice and civil rights worldwide. As we say the Pledge of Allegiance and a moment of silence focus on those things we can do as individuals to keep from having to add any more days like this to our national list of days we would like to forget. Those present and comprising a quorum: Mayor Jon R. Blanchard (presiding), Commissioners Kaye Crawford, Trent Davis, Randall Hardy, and Karl Ryan. Also present: Jason Gage, City Manager; Michael Schrage, Deputy City Manager; Greg Bengtson, City Attorney; and Shandi Wicks, City Clerk: AWARDS AND PROCLAMATIONS . (3.1) The month of April 2016 as "Fair Housing Month" in the city of Salina. The proclamation was read by the following poets: Isaiah Marcotte, Morgan Allred and Erin Jeffries. Morgan Allred provided information on the annual Fair Housing Seminar. -T (3.2) The day of April 5, 2016 as 1 vice Recognition Day" in the city of Salina. Brittany Stiffler Crabtree read the<' `'"clamation. Susan Harrington, Director, North Central Flint Hills Foster Grandparent Program provided information on events associated with the proclamation. Mayor Blanchard recognized Nancy Klostermeyer for her service to the community over the years. CITIZENS FORUM Mayor Blanchard apologized and thanked Annette Cook for being in attendance at the last meeting. PUBLIC HEARINGS AND ITEMS SCHEDULED FOR A CERTAIN TIME None. CONSENT AGENDA (6.1) Approve the minutes of March 28, 2016. Page 1 Mayor Blanchard requested changes to the minutes on page 10 pertaining to Agenda Item 8.5 and asked for the time Commissioner Ryan left the meeting to be included on page 12. 16-0136 Moved by Commissioner Crawford, seconded by Commissioner Davis, to approve the consent agenda as amended. Aye: (5). Nay: (0). Motion carried. ADMINISTRATION (7.1) Second reading Ordinance No. 16-10828 requesting a review and possible amendment of the Bicycle Route Map (Figure 2.10) of the Salina, Kansas Comprehensive Plan to show additional hike and bike trail route segments on the Bicycle Route Map. Mayor Blanchard noted that Ordinance No. 16-10828 was passed on first reading on March 28, 2016 and since that time no comments have been received. 16-0137 Moved by Commissioner Hardy, seconded by Commissioner Davis, to adopt Ordinance No. 16- 10828 amending the Bicycle Route Map (Figure 2.10) of the Salina, Kansas Comprehensive Plan to show additional hike and bike trail route segments on the Bicycle Route Map on second reading. A roll call vote was taken. Aye: (5) Crawford, Davis, Hardy, Ryan, Blanchard. Nay: (0). Motion carried. (7.2) Consideration of yield signs on Eaglecrest Avenue at the intersection of River Trail Road. Dan Stack, City Engineer, explained the request, traffic studies performed and threshold to warrant need for traffic control devices. Anobb�_. Commissioner Hardy asked if there were past situations w en neighborhood groups had requested signs to be installed. Mr. Stack stated the most recent request was in 2012 for stop signs at Oakdale and Johnstown upon the completion of the Donna Vanier Children's Center. Jason Gage, ity Manager, stated ation he remembered was installation of signs at Schilling Road and Riffel Drive. Commissioner Hardy provided information regarding a possible need for traffic control in different areas of town. A conversation ensued between Mr. Stack, Mr. Gage and the Commission regarding traffic control in various areas of town and the traffic study. Commissioner Davis stated he drove the intersection in all 4 directions this morning and provided his thoughts regarding traffic control at the intersection. Mr. Gage stated there was no technical information that warranted the need for traffic control at the intersection. Mayor Blanchard asked for information on the difference in installation of a yield sign versus a stop sign. Mr. Stack stated the installation of a yield sign should be the first step prior to installation of a stop sign. Mayor Blanchard asked if the installation of the signs prior to the new housing development and a potential problem would be beneficial. He also asked if the signs should be installed on River Trail instead of Eaglecrest. Mr. Stack stated staff thought the signs should be located on Eaglecrest due to a drainage channel on that road. Page 2 Commissioner Crawford stated she drove the neighborhood and thought there was enough clearance for visibility. Kevin Einhaus, 1620 Eaglecrest, stated the studies were good but it did not tell the true information that those that live in the neighborhood know. Mayor Blanchard asked Mr. Einhaus if he was in favor of a yield sign. Mr. Einhaus stated the yield sign was only going to keep the honest, honest and those in the association preferred a stop sign. Cindy Munk, 1610 Tanglewood Lane, stated it was a frightening intersection and stated there were a lot of pedestrians and bicyclists in the area. She felt a yield sign would deter those from speeding. Commissioner Davis asked if the homeowners association had sent out a letter to the homeowners regarding this situation. Mr. Einhaus stated the association had discussed the situation multiple times and the quarterly association minutes were available to the members. AW A conversation ensued between the Commission, Mr. Einhaus and Ms. Munk regarding the traffic, shortcuts in the neighborhood and traffic control. Annette Cook, 1814 Ben Court, stated it was her opinion that a majority of the traffic through the neighborhood involved teenage drivers. Commissioner Ryan asked if the homeowners association had any ideas to reduce the visibility to detour the speeding. Commissioner Hardy appreciated the regulations but thought neighborhood concerns should be considered as well when determining if traffic control should be installed. Commissioner Davis asked if a sign was installed, would there be a routine check by staff. Mr. Stack stated with an active homeowners association, staff would be notified of any new information regarding the intersection. Mr. Gage also stated how staff can obtain accident information. Commissioner Davis asked what would need to happen to replace the yield sign with a stop sign. Mr. Stack stated an increase in accidents would warrant the installation of stop signs in place of yield signs. Commissioner Crawford asked if there had been police presence in the neighborhood. Mr. Gage stated he would have to check with the Police Department. Mayor Blanchard was appreciative of the manual for traffic control safety devices but the manual was designed for automobile traffic and was not designed for neighborhoods with pedestrian and bicycle use and continued to provide his thoughts regarding the manual and traffic control. Mr. Gage stated staff's decision was based on the regulations in place today and the Commission could request the installation of signs and ask staff to monitor the intersection. 16-0138 Moved by Commissioner Crawford, seconded by Commissioner Davis, to adopt Resolution No. 16-7335 authorizing staff to install yield signs on Eaglecrest Avenue at the intersection of River Trail Road and ask staff to monitor the intersection. Aye: (5). Nay: (0). Motion carried. DEVELOPMENT BUSINESS Page 3 None. OTHER BUSINESS Mayor Blanchard asked upon recusing from an item if the proper time was upon the clerk reading the agenda item. Greg Bengtson, City Attorney, stated the recusing would need to take place prior to discussion of the item and immediately after the agenda item was read. Mayor Blanchard stated he hoped future chairs would poll the audience prior to moving items on the agenda. Mayor Blanchard mentioned that in the study session last week regarding the election and Mayor terms, Commissioner Hardy previously made a statement to make the additional nine (9) months available to a 2 -year term. Mayor Blanchard stated he would be completely supportive of Commissioner Hardy serving the nine (9) months as Mayor and asked that everyone think about it and a consensus would need to be reached. A conversation ensued between the Commissioners and Jason Gage, City Manager, regarding the term of the Mayor. Commissioner Ryan stated he felt we needed to stick with the decision previously made to allow Commissioner Crawford to serve as Mayor for one (1) year and nine (9) months. Mayor Blanchard stated he received no added benefit for serving as Mayor and it was a unique situation that we have not had before. He continued to state that he was out in the community as much or more than Commissioner Hardy and stated he felt it was well deserved for Commissioner Hardy. , Commissioner Ryan stated he felt if the decision was changed, the Commission may get some criticism. 16-0139 Moved by Commissioner Ryan, seconded by Commissioner Hardy, to recess into executive session for 20 minutes to discuss with legal counsel matters subject to the attorney-client privilege for the reason that public discussion of those matters would waive the privilege and adversely affect the City's interest in the matters and reconvene at 5:30 p.m. The City Commission recessed into executive session at 5:10 p.m. and reconvened at 5:30 p.m. 16-0140 Moved by Commissioner Ryan, seconded by Commissioner Hardy, to add Item 7.3 to the agenda to authorize the Mayor to execute an agreement with Dakotas Americas LLC and accept and agree to a letter for New Markets Tax Credit Financing for the Salina Fieldhouse with JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A.. Aye: (5). Nay: (0). Motion carried. Michael Schrage, Deputy City Manager, explained the agreement, acceptance and financial obligations. Commissioner Davis asked if the group that will replace Salina 2020 would be able to enter into an agreement. Mr. Schrage stated that would be worked out during the process. Mayor Blanchard asked if there were implications in the timeline and if the funding would be in place when the project went out to bid. Mr. Schrage stated the details would need to be synchronized and the money would need to be in hand prior to awarding the bid. Jason Gage, City Manager, stated the intention of the requested increase for the charter Page 4 ordinance was not to use it but to have the money available and stated it was intended to utilize the New Market Tax Credits and Star Bonds for the project and not need to use the additional funding available. 16-0140 Moved by Commissioner Ryan, seconded by Commissioner Crawford, to adopt Resolution No. 16- 7336 authorizing the Mayor to execute an agreement with Dakotas Americas, LLC and accept and agree to a Letter for New Markets Tax Credit Financing for the Salina Fieldhouse with JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A., with conditions stated in the amendments by staff. Aye: (5). Nay: (0). Motion carried. (9.1) Request for executive session (legal/ real estate). 16-0141 Moved by Commissioner Ryan, seconded by Commissioner Hardy, to recess into executive session for 30 minutes to discuss with legal counsel matters subject to the attorney-client privilege for the reason that public discussion of those matters would waive the privilege and adversely affect the City's interest in the matters and to discuss matters pertaining to the acquisition of real estate for the reason that public discussion of the matter would adversely affect the City's position in relation to acquisition of the real estate and reconvene at 6:20 p.m. 16-0142 The City Commission recessed into executive session at 5:50 p.m. and reconvened at 6:20 p.m. No action was taken. ADJOURNMENT Moved by Commissioner Ryan, seconded by Commissioner Crawford, that the regular meeting of the Board of City Commissi ers be adjourned. Aye: (5). Nay: (0). Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 6:20 p.m. [SEAL] Jon R. Blanchard, Mayor ATTEST Shandi IM Page 5