07-10424 Affidavit of Publication
Following is a true and correct copy of ORD.NO.07-10424
(38) Mortuaries and fu-
together with proof of publication of the same. (Published In The Salina neral homes;,including
Journal December 7,2007) crematories, providing .
ORDINANCE NUMBER that such facilit;•is corn-
07-10424 pletely enclosed and
AN ORDINANCE AMEND that no odor or noise is
CLE discernible outside the
CLE VI,DIVISION 13,SEC- structure;
TION 42-282 OF THE SA- (39) Music stores and
LINA CODE REGARDING musical instrument
PERMITTED USES IN A sales and repair;
I, Ann Garrison ,being C-3 ZONING DISTRICT; (40)Newsstands;
AND REPEALING THE EX- (41)Optical sales;
(STING SECTION 42-282. (42)Package liquor
duly sworn,declare that I am the Majors/Nationals BE IT ORDAINED by the stores,
Governing Body of the City (43)Paint and wallpaper
of Salina,Kansas: stores;
Section 1. That Sec. (44)Pet grooming
Coordinator of THE SALINA JOURNAL,a daily news- 42-282 of the Salina Code is shops;
hereby amended to read as (45)Pet stores;
follows: (46)Pharmacies;
a er published at Salina,Saline County,Kansas,and 42-282. Permitted (47)Physical and health
p p p ty. U , services such as private
Permitted uses in the gymnasiums and reduc-
C-3 district are as folr ing salons;
of general circulation in said county,which newspaper lows: (48)Private clubs(clubs
(1)Antique shops; and organizations, and
(2)Apparel stores; fraternal and service
has been continuously and uninterruptedly published (3)Appliance stores; clubs as defined only);
y p y p (4)Auditoriums and Corn- (49)Printing plants;
munity theatres; (50) Public utility uses,
(5) Automobile sales including substations
for five consecutive years prior to first publication of at- and rental,within a corn- and ambulance serv-
pletely enclosed build- ices;
ing,except that the out- (51) Radio and televi•
tached notice,and that the attached door display and sale of Sion broadcasting sta
automobiles may be ap- lions;
proved as a temporary (52)Recording studios;
use provided that sales (53)Research laborato-
ORD.NO.07-10424 events shall be limited ries;
to a maximum of four(4) (54) Restaurants, in
consecutive days in any cluding establishments
has been correctly published in said newspaper 1 six(A month period; with drive up drive-in es-
and p (6) Automobile service service and drive-in es-
and accessory stores, tablishments, serving
food or beverages to
times, the first publication given in
provided be acondur service customers for consump-
P lion on the premises or
within a completely en- in parked motor vehi•
closed building; cies, •
the issue of December 7 2007. (7) Banks and financial (55) Restricted produc-
institutions; tion and repair limited to
(8)Barbershops; the following: Alteration
(9)Beauty shops; and custom tailoring of
_____LAndan9 (10)Bicycle shops; clothing for retail sale
^Y� (11) Blueprinting and only; jewelry from pre•
AI photostating establish- cious metal; watches;
ments; dentures;optical lenses;
(12)Bookstores; and other similar activi-
Subscribed and sworn to before me,this 1 (13) Business and pro- ties;
fessional offices; (56) Schools: Music,
(14)Camera and photo- dance or business;
day of C t" � A.D.2007 graphic supply stores; (57)Self-service laundry
y (15) Carpet and rug and dry cleaning estab-
��/`-�" stores, (58)Small(16) China and glass- (58)Small animal hospi-
ware stores; tals,providing that such
(17)Churches,chapels, facility is completely en-
/ Notary Public temples, synagogues, closed and that no odor
cathedrals and shrines; or noise is discernible
(18)Departments outside the structure;
stores; -
(19) Dog kennels, pro. k") apu,nng guuus
viding that such facilities stores;
are completely enclosed (60)Tailors;
and that no odor or (61) Telephone ex-
_ Mr PC_ noise is discernible out- changes and telephone
WENDY CRQBA( side the structure; transmission equipment
�- Exp. structures;
F Ip`.,- my E^M g-4J -i•S (20)Dry cleaning estab- (62) Theatres, indoor
(21)Drygoods stores; only;
(22)Florist shops; (63)Travel bureaus and
(23)Food stores,includ-
ing grocery stores,meat f:ces;
markets, bakeries, and (4)Variety stores;
delicatessens; (65) Any other similar
(24)Furniture stores; retail business not spe-
(25) Furrier shops, in cifically listed is permit-
cluding the incidental ted if it complies with the
storage and conditioning conditions and the re
of furs; strictions contained in
(26) Gasoline service Section 42-286 of this
stations; Chapter;
(27)Gift shops; (66)Accessory and tem-
(28)Governmental porary uses,as permit-
buildings; ted by Article IV of this
(29) Group day-care Chapter,
centers provided that (67)Signs,as permitted
such use shall be sepa- by Article X of this
rated from any commer- Chapter;
cial or industrial use in (68) Off-street parking
accordance with the re- and loading,as required
quirements of the City's by Article XI of this
adopted building code; Chapter."
(30)Hardware stores; Section 2. That the exist-
(31)Hobby shops; ing Section 42-282 is hereby
(32)Hotels and motels; repealed.
(33) Interior decorating Section 3. That this ordi-
shops, including uphol- Hance shall take effect and
storing,making of drap- in force from and atter its
dries, slipcovers and adoption and publication
other similar articles once in the official city news-
which are conducted as Paper.
a part of, or secondary Introduced:
to,a retail operation; November 26,2007
(34)Jewelry stores; Passed:
(35)Leather goods and December 3,2007
luggage stores;
(36)Mail-order houses;
Alan E.Jilka,Mayor
(37)Medical and dental
clinics, and guidance. ]SEAL]
centers: ATTEST:
Lieu Ann Elsey,
CMC,City Clerk (it)