07-10412 Affidavit of Publication
1 Following is a true and correct copy of ORD. NO.07-10412
together with proof of publication of the same.
(Published In The form of business or in- occupied by the vehicle
Salina Journal dustry, as a means of being overtaken.
September 14.2007) earning one's livelihood. (c)No person shall oper-
I, Ann Garrison ,being ORDINANCE NUMBER b. Volunteer functions in ate a work-site utility ve-
07-10412 support of nonprofit ac- hide between lanes of
AN ORDINANCE tivities such as, but not traffic or between adja-
dul sworn,declare that I am the Majors/Nationals AMENDING THE SALINA limited to; Festivals, cent lines or rows of ve-
y CODE BY ADDING ARTI-' Fairs, Rodeos, Sports hides.
CLE VIII TO CHAPTER 38 Events, Educational (d) Subsections (b) and
AUTHORIZING THE OPER- Events and/or mainte- (c)shall not apply to po-i
Coordinator of THE SALINA JOURNAL,a daily news- ATION OF WORK-SITE nance of Educational, lice officers or Ire per-
UTILITY VEHICLES ON Sports, or Public Park sonnel in the perform-
THE STREETS WITHIN facilities. ance of their official du-
THE published at Salina,Saline County,Kansas,and THE CORPORATE LIMITS Sec.38-159.Operation of ties.
paper ,, a
P p `J OF THE CITY OF SALINA. Work-Site Utility Vehicles. Sec. 38-162. Same;
WHEREAS, Senate Bill (a) Work-site utility vehi- Clinging to other Vehicles
No. 8 on July 1. 2007. went des may be operated upon Prohibited.
of general circulation in said county,which newspaper into effect allowing cities to the public highways. streets, No person riding upon a
authorize the use of work- roads and alleys within the work-site utility vehicle shall
site utility vehicles,and corporate limits of the city attach himself,herself or the
has been continuously and uninterruptedly published WHEREAS, Senate Bill subject to the following re- work-site utility vehicle to
y I' }�P No. 8 specifically provided strictions. any other vehicle on a road-
that it shall be unlawful for (i) Work-site utility vehi- way.
any person to operate a 1 des shall be operated Sec. 38-163. Same; Pen-
for five consecutive years prior to first publication of at- work-site utility vehicle: (1) only in the most direct alties.
On any interstate highway, route during the course A violation of any provision
federal highway or state of work as defined in in sections 38-159 through
highway; or (2) within the Sec.38-158(b). 38-162 shall be deemed an
tached notice,and that the attached corporate limits of any city (ii) No work-site utility ordinance traffic infraction.
unless authorized by such vehicle shall be operated Upon entry of a plea of guilty
city,and on any public highway, or no contest or upon being
ORD.NO.07-10412 WHEREAS, the City of street, road or alley un- convicted of such violation.
Salina has considered the is- less such vehicle shall the penalty imposed shall be
sue or Work-Site utility vehi- comply with the equip- in accordance with Section
Iles and has determined it to ment requirements un- 201, 2007 Standard Traffic
has been correctly published in said newspaper 1 - be appropriate and in the ' der the provisions of arti- Ordinance, as amended, or
best interests of the corn-, cle 17, chapter 8 of the such other similar provision
munity to make said election, Kansas Statutes Anno- as the city may then have in
times, the first publication given in • BE IT ORDAINED by the toted. effect."
Governing Body of Salina, (iii) No operator shall Section 2.That Article VIII
Kansas carry any person. nor is hereby added to the Sali-
Section 1. That Chapter shall any person ride, in na Code.
the issue of September 14 2007. 38 of the Salina Code is a position that will inter- Section 3. That this ordi-
hereby amended by adding fere with the operation or nance shall be in full force
an article VIII. to reads as control of the work-site and effect from and after its
/- p follows. utility vehicle or the view adoption and publication
lW`iU (�- "ARTICLE VIII.WORK-SITE • of the operator. once in the official city news-
� ` UTILITY VEHICLES (iv)Every person operat- paper.
Sec.38-158.Definitions. ing a work-site utility ve-
(a) "Work-Site Utility Ve- hide on the public high- Introduced:
Subscribed and sworn to before me,this hide" means any motor ve- ways,streets,roads and August 27,2007
hide which is not less than alleys of the city shall be Passed:
48 inches in width, has an subject to all of the du-
overall length, including the ties applicable to a driver September 10,2007
day f �i /'►� r A.D.2007 bumper, of not more than of a vehicle imposed by
y 135 inches, has an unladen law. Alan E.Jilka,Mayor
61/ ." weight,including fuel and flu- se o vhall be a fed [SEAL]
ids, of more than 800 section shall be deemed
pounds and is equipped with a traffic ordinance infrac-
tion. ATTEST:
Notary Public four or more low pressure lion. Upon an entry of a
tires, a steering wheel and plea of guilty or no con- Lieu Anne Elsey
bench or bucket type seating test or upon being con- CMC,City Clerk (If)
allowing at least two people victed of such violation,
NOTARY PUBLIC-State at Kansas to sit side-by-side. and may the penalty imposed
be equipped with a bed or shall be in accordance
die 0 WENDY HRO cargo box for hauling materi-
als. Standard Traffic Ordi-
�"" My Appt.Exp.�- (b)"Work" nance,and amendments
a. Performing a particu- thereto, or such other!
lar job.task or undertak-, similar provision as the I
ing, as either an city may then have in ef-
owner/proprietor or while fect.
engaged in the employ- Sec. 38-160. Same: Valid
ment of another.in some Driver's License Required;
No person shall operate a'
work-site utility vehicle on
any public highway, street,
road or alley within the cor-
porate limits of the city un-
less such person has a valid
driver's license. Violation of
this section is punishable by
a fine of not more than
51,000 or by imprisonment
for not more than six months
or by both such fine and im-
Sec. 38-161. Same;
Roadways Laned for Traf-
(a) All work-site utility
vehicles are entitled to
full use of a lane,and no
motor vehicle shall be'
driven in such a manner
as to deprive any work-
site utility vehicle of the
full use of a lane.
(b) The operator of a
work-site utility vehicle
shall not overtake and
pass in the same lane
l •