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Environmental Site Assessment Volume I, Phase I
PHASE I ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT VOLUME I SUPER WASH & DETAIL AND VANIER PROPERTIES 200 block of East Ash St. Salina, Kansas prepared for Dion Louthan, director Salina Parks and Recreation 300 West Ash St. Salina, Kansas prepared by • Robert T. Hopkins GeoCore Inc. 2775 Arnold Road Salina, Kansas November, 2015 = 9 2,01 ......... N' OL 6 f""011110 W PHASE I - ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT 40 SUPER WASH & DETAIL AND VANIER PROPERTIES, Salina, Kansas TABLE OF CONTENTS Item Page No. SECTION I - Executive Summary and Introduction 1 • 0 SECTION II - Site Location Plate II -1: Site Location Map Plate II -2: Properties Aerial Photograph SECTION III - Investigation Methodology SECTION IV — On and Off -Site History and Environmental Concerns SECTION V - Site Inspection SECTION VI - Conclusions and Recommendations SECTION VII — All Appropriate Inquires SECTION VIII — Recognized Environmental Conditions ATTACHMENTS Attachment A: Properties Deeds 3 follows page 3 follows page 3 4 6 22 23 24 26 Attachment B: Site Photographs Attachment C: EDR Database Search Report Attachment D: Historical Maps and Aerial Photographs Attachment E: Regulatory Agency Records Search, Contaminants in Monitoring Wells on and near Subject property, and UST Removal Report Attachment F: Interview Record Attachment G: KDHE Water Well Records Attachment H: Site Inspector Professional Qualifications Attachment I: Certification and Statement of Limiting Conditions ' SECTION I - EXECUTIVE SUMMARY AND INTRODUCTION Two adjoining real estate parcels, the Super Wash & Detail property, and the Vanier property, were investigated by GeoCore, Inc. (GeoCore), in November 2015. The Super Wash & Detail and Vanier properties are located on the southeast corner of North 5`h and Ash Sts., in downtown Salina, Kansas. A car wash and detailing service is operated on the Super Wash & Detail property. The Vanier property is a vacant grass lot. Nearby properties are: vacant, commercial/retail, or industrial. The Super Wash & Detail and Vanier properties are denoted as: "the Super Wash & Detail and Vanier properties, the "properties", "the subject properties", or "the site" in this report. This Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) was performed under contract to the Salina Parks and Recreation Department, Salina, Kansas. This non -intrusive investigation was conducted in order to assess the potential for environmental contamination at the site from current and historical activities on the subject and surrounding properties. An on-site inspection was performed, records were reviewed, and persons familiar with environmental aspects of the subject and/or surrounding properties were interviewed. The Super Wash and Detail property is owned by Charles Arnold. The Vanier property is owned by John Vanier. The only structure currently at the site is the Super Wash & Detail building. A gasoline station, a wholesale grocery facility, blacksmith shops, a carriage works, a hotel, dwellings, and other small structures, have been present on the subject properties in the past. The Super Wash & Detail . property has been occupied off and on from the late 1800s until present. The Vanier property was occupied off and on since the late 1800s, until the last structure on the property was razed in the 1980s. The results of this Phase I ESA revealed that although hazardous chemicals (fuel and oil) have been stored and used on the subject properties in the past, no known releases of hazardous chemicals have been documented. There have been significant environmental issues in the area around the subject properties from releases of hazardous chemicals, including fuels, solvents, and lubricants. If released, hazardous chemicals can contaminate soil and/or groundwater. Such issues are designated Recognized Environmental Conditions (RECs) in this report, per the revised ASTM standards governing ESAs. Gasoline and possibly diesel fuel were dispensed from at least two underground storage tanks (USTs) and kerosene fuel was dispensed from one above -ground storage tank (AST) during gas station operations on the Super Wash & Detail property a number of years ago. This property became the Star A Insurance Storage Tank Trust Fund Site which was investigated and then closed by the Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE). Although no public record of any fuel releases was found for the gas station operation, the past presence of USTs on-site constitutes an REC for this ESA. There are other LUST sites located near the properties which also constitute RECs for this ESA. Fuel and chlorinated volatile organic compound (VOC) groundwater contamination has been detected in the area around the properties during an investigation of the former Bus Depot LUST site for KDHE. The former Bus Depot site, which was closed following the investigation, is located northwest of the properties. The investigation of this site indicated that VOC contamination migrated in the prevailing groundwater direction (southeast) toward the Super Wash & Detail property. . There is a potential for hazard chemical releases from other industrial and commercial facilities, which typically used cleaning solvents in their operation. Blacksmith shops were located on the properties in the late 1800s. This is an REC. Other facilities which likely used VOC-containing • solvents, are located in the area around the subject properties. At least one of these facilities has contributed to groundwater VOC contamination very near the subject properties. This is an REC for this ESA. L There were several dry cleaner facilities in the area, at least one of which was located upgradient (northwest) of the properties. Such facilities are potential sources of dry cleaning solvent groundwater contamination, and are an REC for this ESA. There are numerous facilities listed in United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) - Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) hazardous waste records as current or past generators of hazardous waste in the area around the properties. Several sites in the downtown Salina area are listed in KDHE and/or USEPA records for environmental concerns. These sites consist of the aforementioned KDHE LUST Trust Fund sites, USEPA pre-Cerclis investigation sites, and KDHE State Hazardous Waste (SHW) investigation sites. A number of chlorinated VOCs have been detected in groundwater around the subject properties, through periodic sampling of City of Salina Public Water Supply (PWS) wells, environmental investigations, and long-term groundwater monitoring projects in the area. The presence of groundwater contamination in the area around and possibly under the subject properties remains a concern to this ESA. The fact that several KDHE investigations (Attachments C and E) on and near (upgradient) the subject properties have been closed, indicates that risk to any owners and/or developers of the subject properties due to nearby and on-site issues is only moderate. At least slight concern remains for the known chlorinated and fuel VOC groundwater plumes further upgradient of the subject properties. The KDHE North -central District Office (NCDO) geologist was unaware of any current searches for potential sources of fuel or chlorinated VOCs in the immediate vicinity of the subject properties. GeoCore followed the "all appropriate inquires" (AAI) as outlined by the USEPA CERCLA requirements. Limitations applied to this ESA Report are indicated in Attachment 1. P "02m -N am 50' 4298 X297 8R 1226 ai IT mas Parc S' -M KYX; /HIT L ._Y' y, ,220•••• St Johns r.itary sch ��_" I • . w -. `• Eft •l 1215 - _ - • io Tower CDA; 121, W Ja ''` -- _�� �-•.ts-�, z j4" _ -:-__ - l .. Oil Wello -- i /A�I•s. 00 f Dan ` - Fes' Oil Wellszv -- x 1L= Sandpit S_ ITE97 � i., - - c tu I - ICO _dt it aa'sda:e 3ch = �L /L�r` _J .)( An --- - - --- - 2 - - - :.q. --- -- -- ''I Ix ' N.JL IL r -- _- - - - _ _ _ ��=-;- � _ '• Mt Calvary Giem I _ -_ _- f_. _: _ _ :.:_ --=- _- __ _. __. + _ _ _ JC.^. j_� • = -------- ,--- -- . Whittier Sch ' inron • - I t1 • Mt sCi1 ■ �- -- o `�� ,I — _ __ = Gypsum Hill s+�--a --_ '` ,� - __ - / /, • Q��� - Cemetery �.. sc.-r 'A a - - -- - SAUNA ---; • ' - mouth Par's 5cis .. � - `1 n:vv: ;_kPt1h;e " H ' h SC'h 'Memorial Park I ` � _. teas �1,. - -- --- II - Cemetery ------------ `N �I rr, _ --- — - _ 1226 U Hagan PLATE II -1: SITE LOCATION MAP Super Wash & Detail and Vanier Property, East Ash St. Salina, Ks Scale 1"=2000' 1978 photo -revised U.S.G.S. 7.5" Quadrangle Map GeoCore, Inc. November, 2015 z a C7 o� m C) r- cz 1�1 � � o av, R W aco 0 aA � L � 0 ' SECTION II - SITE LOCATION This Phase I ESA report was prepared by GeoCore Inc., Salina, Kansas. The ESA was conducted to examine any real and/or potential contamination on the Super Wash & Detail and Vanier Properties, located at the southeast corner of the intersection of North 5`h and East Ash Sts., Salina, Kansas. The subject properties are located in the Southeast Quarter (SE'/4) of the Southwest Quarter (SW'/4) of Section 12, Township 14 South, Range 3 West, Saline County, Kansas. A site location map is presented as Plate II -1. This map is taken from a 7.5 -minute Quadrangle (topographic) map, photo -revised 1978, produced by the USGS, Denver, Colo. A 2014 aerial photograph of the area around the subject properties is presented as Plate II -2. Properties deeds are included as Attachment A. The subject properties are described as follows: • Super Wash & Detail Property: Lot 79 on Fifth St. in the original town of Salina, Saline County, Kansas Vanier Property: Lots 80 and 82 on Fourth St. in the original town of Salina, Saline County, Kansas • 0 • SECTION III - INVESTIGATION METHODOLOGY Tasks performed in conducting this ESA included: 1. Personnel Interviews. The following individuals were contacted either in person or by telephone, by Robert Hopkins, site inspector. These individuals provided a substantial portion of the information contained in this ESA Report: Charles Arnold — one current property owner, Salina, Ks. Scott Lang — geologist, KDHE North-Central District Office (NCDO), Salina, Ks. Jim VanEmburgh — long-time area resident and bank employee, Salina, Ks. Wayne Widhalm — hazardous waste inspection department, KDHE-NCDO, Salina, Ks. To summarize the interviews completed for this ESA, information provided by Wayne Widhalm did not provide any new information not already documented in this ESA Report. Scott Lang was not aware of any current KDHE investigative work in the area, specifically, any "search" for additional PRPs for any of the downtown Salina VOC contamination investigations. Mr. Lang did provide a copy of past environmental work done on and around the subject properties. Jim VanEmburgh remembered the Phoenix Hotel and old gas station, but was unaware of any environmental issues associated therewith. 2. Records Review. Public records pertaining to the site were examined. Sources of information included: City of Salina Water Treatment Plant, 401 S. 5`h, Salina, Ks. Saline County Appraiser, City -County Building, 300 W. Ash, Salina, Ks. Saline County Register of Deeds, City -County Building, 300 W. Ash, Salina, Ks. U.S. ASCS Department, 760 South Broadway, Salina, Ks. KDHE Division of Environment, 1000 SW Jackson St., Topeka, Ks. U.S.E.P.A.-Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response, Office of Information Resources Management, and Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics; Washington, D.C. Some of the records were obtained by Environmental Data Resources, Inc., Milford, Connecticut. 3. Site Inspection. Site inspections were conducted on November 19 and 20, 2015 by Robert Hopkins, L.G., C.P.G., project investigator. Mr. Hopkins meets the standards of qualification and an . environmental professional for conducting a phase I ESA and preparing an ESA Report under the 4 ASTM standards. Mr. Hopkins is a Kansas -licensed Geologist, and has practiced under this license ' for more than three years, as required by the USEPA CERCLA AAI standards. 4. Environmental Professional Declaration. I declare that, to the best of my professional knowledge and belief, I meet the definition of Environmental Professional as defined in § 312.10 of this part. I have the specific qualifications based on education, training, and experience to assess a properties of the nature, history, and setting of the subject properties. I have developed and performed the all appropriate inquiries in conformance with the standards and practices set forth in 40 CFR Part 312. Environmental Professional Signature Robert T. Hopkins • • SECTION IV — ON AND OFF-SITE HISTORY AND ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERNS 1. Information Sources and Property Ownership. The current ASTM Standard (ASTM E 1527-05) for Phase I site assessments requires a review of the history of the subject properties from the present back to when the properties first contained structures, and/or was used for commercial, agricultural, residential, or other purposes. One of the primary methods of determining past usage of properties is an examination of the well-known Sanborn fire insurance maps. Sanborn maps, where available, are valuable for determining properties usage prior to the mid -1900s. The Sanborn maps are more accurate and it is easier to obtain the necessary information from Sanborn maps than the other popular historical information source, old city directories. Sanborn maps from 1884, 1887, 1892, 1899, 1905, 1911, 1917, 1926, 1931, 1947, and 1967 were reviewed for this ESA. The Sanborn maps are included in Attachment D. Historical aerial photographs of the area from 1954, 1973, 1982, 1985, 1991, 1997, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, and 2014, were also examined for this ESA. The 2014 aerial photograph is Plate II -2 of this ESA Report. The aerial photographs are included in Attachment D. Most of the aerial photographs are too small scale to depict the subject properties in any detail. Topographic maps of Salina from 1892 and 1955 were examined for this ESA. A topographic map, revised in 1978 (Plate II -1 of this ESA Report), was also examined for this ESA. The topographic . maps are too small scale to depict the subject properties in any detail. Other historical data sources were utilized as information sources. These include: • property deeds (Attachment A) • the Environmental Data Resources database search report (Attachment C) • interviews with public agency employees, and a long-time area resident, familiar with the site (Attachment F) Information from these sources is included throughout this report A cursory title review of deeds for the subject properties, recorded in the Saline County Register of Deeds office, was made by the ESA Report author for this Report. Copies of three deeds are included in Attachment A. A title history review is required by the ASTM Standard. However, a legally - defensible chain -of -title is not required by the ASTM Standard, and is not included in this ESA report. Potential property purchasers or lenders should obtain title insurance, an abstract update, and/or a title opinion for this information. Charles Arnold has owned the Super Wash & Detail property since 2008. From 2002 to 2008, this property was owned by Karen Arnold, et.al. Prior to that, this property was owned by Star A, Inc. The Vanier property is owned by John Vanier. C Co • 2. Historical Usage of Subject and Surrounding Properties and Environmental Concerns. Properties History. The Super Wash & Detail and Vanier properties, located southeast of the North 5th and East Ash Sts. intersection, Salina, Kansas, and surrounding tracts of land, have been used as indicated below, starting with the earliest available record (an 1884 Sanborn fire insurance map). One or more of the historical uses indicated below are RECs discussed in Section VIII of this ESA Report. The 1884 Sanborn map shows two small dwellings on the subject properties. Several small warehouses and two grain elevators are located to the south of the properties. The block to the west (across 5`h St.) includes a machine shop, a blacksmith operation, and small commercial buildings; to the east (across the railroad tracks) is the "C.R. Underwood" grain elevator and mill; to the north (across Ash St.) are the Taylor, Miller and Co. elevator and mill, the Kansas Lumber Co. and small commercial buildings. The 1887 Sanborn map shows a coal shed and two dwellings on the subject properties. A lumber yard, two grain elevators, a carpenter shop, a blacksmith, and small buildings are located to the south of the properties. The area to the west, east, and north are substantially similar to 1884. A blacksmith shop and carriage works (an REQ is present in the east part of the subject properties in the 1892 Sanborn map. Dwellings are present in the west part of the properties. The area to the west contains small commercial businesses; the remainder of the area is substantially similar to 1887. On the 1899 Sanborn map, the blacksmith shop and carriage works remain in the east part of the subject properties. The west part of the properties now also contains a blacksmith shop (an REQ. A grain elevator, an implement warehouse, a lumber yard and coal sheds are present to the south. To the north is the "Lehigh -Havens Lumber Co."; to the west are two machine shops, a carriage works, a hotel, and other small buildings; the remainder of the area is substantially similar to 1892. On the 1905 Sanborn map, the subject properties contain undescribed warehouse -type buildings. To the south are a "Bus Barn", two grain elevators, a lumber yard, a wagon shop, coal storage, and small retail businesses. To the west are numerous small commercial businesses, including machine shops and implement works; to the north is a mattress factory and the "Pease Grain Elevator"; the Western Star grain elevator and mill is to the east across the railroad tracks. On the 1911 Sanborn map, a chicken coop facility is located in the west part of the properties, and a wholesale produce facility is located in the east part of the properties. To the south are a plumber, a wagon shop, a machine shop, a hardware store, and a feed store. To the west is an auto dealership, wagon works, numerous commercial businesses, and City Hall (northeast corner of the block). The remainder of the area is substantially similar to 1905. On the 1917 Sanborn map, the west part of the properties appears vacant. There is the "Commission Ho." (hotel ?) on the east part of the properties. To the south are the Stephenson Transfer Co., a lumber yard, small buildings, and a mill. The area to the west and east are substantially similar to 1911. On the 1926 Sanborn map, there is a gasoline station on the present day Super Wash & Detail property (an REQ. To the east of the station is the Salina wholesale grocery warehouse. To the west 7 and northwest are: city hall, the fire department, machine shops, a garage and feed yard, and other . small businesses; the remainder of the area is substantially similar to 1917. On the 1931 Sanborn map, the subject properties are similar to 1926. The area to the west includes numerous unidentified small commercial businesses. To the north are gasoline stations on both sides of 5`h St.; the rest of the area is substantially the similar to 1926. On the 1947 Sanborn map, the subject properties are similar to 1931. South of the properties is the "Salina Seed Co." ag facility. The "Union Bus Depot" is present to the northwest of the properties across Ash St. This later became the KD1 E former Bus Depot Trust Fund site. The remainder of the area is substantially similar to 1931, except the gasoline station on the northeast corner of Ash and 5th is now absent. On the 1967 Sanborn map, the subject properties are similar to 1947. The property to the south is mostly vacant. There is also a large vacant area directly west of the properties. To the north, the gasoline station west of 5`h St. is absent now. The remainder of the area is substantially the same as 1947. The series of aerial photographs of the site area (including Plate Il -2), the site area inspection (Section V), and the recollection of people familiar with the area (including the ESA author), were compared to the 1967 Sanborn map to determine what potential environmental concerns have developed in the time period from 1967 to present. At some time presumably in the 1980s, the wholesale grocery warehouse on the Vanier property was removed. The Vanier property was then vacant to present day. The gasoline station on the Super Wash & Detail property became a small commercial office in the . 1990- 2000s, and later the present Super Wash & Detail business. The Salina Motel first appears to the south of the subject properties on the 1982 aerial photograph. The surrounding area contains small commercial buildings. The area is substantially similar in the 1985, 1991, 1997, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2008, 2010, and 2012 aerial photographs. • The only structure on the subject properties at the present time is the Super Wash & Detail building on the Charles Arnold property. The present day use of property immediately surrounding the subject properties is as follows: • to the south of the properties is a vacant lot (formerly the Phoenix Hotel) and a city restroom building • to the west of the properties (across 5`h St.), is the Sunflower Bank facility • to the north of the properties (across Ash St.) is the downtown USPS facility • to the east of the properties (across railroad tracks) is the ADM elevator and flour mill There are no Federal or State environmental liens or environmental use controls (EUCs) listed in the EDR database report for the subject properties. 8 • • 0 Hazardous Chemicals Usage on and around the subject properties. The following hazardous chompounds have been detected in soil and/or groundwater in the area around the subject properties, and are discussed in the following sections of this report, using their common acronyms. The proper chemical names for these acronyms are: fuel -related toxic hydrocarbons.- BTEX ydrocarbons:BTEX benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes TPH total petroleum hydrocarbons chlorinated VOCs.- PCE OCs: PCE perc or tetrachloroethylene 1,2 -DCA 1,2-dichloroethane 1,2-DCE 1,2-dichloroethylene 1,1,1 -TCA 1,1,1 -trichloroethane CCL4 carbon tetrachloride TCE trichloroethylene 1,1 -DCA 1, 1 -dichloroethane 1,1-DCE 1,1-dichloroethylene 1,1,2 -TCA 1,1,1 -trichloroethane EDB ethylene dibromide Past usage of the subject and immediate surrounding properties could potentially present environmental concerns due to storage and usage of hazardous chemicals. As indicated in Attachments C and E, a gasoline station operated on the Super Wash & Detail property for many years. One of the USTs was removed in 2008, with no evidence of any fuel releases. However, the presence of fuel on-site for many years remains a REC for this ESA. BTEX and TPH would be the primary groundwater contaminants of concern if fuel was released under the gasoline station. In addition, the presence of blacksmiths on-site years ago, also constitutes a REC for this ESA. BTEX and other VOCs have been detected in groundwater around and downgradient of a LUST site immediately upgradient of the subject properties (former Bus Depot site). This is an REC for this ESA. In addition, chlorinated VOCs in groundwater have been detected on all sides of the subject properties (primarily north and northwest), and could have impacted groundwater under the properties. This also constitutes an REC for this ESA. 3. Environmental Concerns for Area Properties Listed in Available Re ug latoa Agency Records. A discussion of environmental records and investigations in the vicinity of the subject properties follows. This information was obtained from KDHE and USEPA records and persons familiar with the area (see Attachments C, E, and F). Note that the following factors determine the relative threat of surrounding facilities, with emphasis on groundwater contamination which can more readily impact adjacent properties: • the groundwater flow direction • proximity to the subject properties • the depth to the aquifer • the type of soil above the aquifer, in the unsaturated zone Groundwater flow in the vicinity of the subject properties has been determined to be to the southeast 10 (see the groundwater flow map in Attachment E). This groundwater flow direction indicates that contaminant sources to the northwest of the subject properties would typically provide the most significant environmental threat. As documented in Attachment E, VOC groundwater contamination has been detected around the subject properties from the former Bus Depot site and at least one site further northwest (upgradient), the Brown Welding Supply site. According to Kansas Geological Survey (KGS) water well records (Attachment G) and investigations conducted in the area, groundwater in the area is approximately 35 to 45 ft., below ground surface (bgs). This groundwater is a single -source aquifer, and is a primary source of drinking water for the city of Salina, obtained via a battery of public water supply (PWS) wells throughout central Salina. VOC groundwater contamination detected in the PWS wells is the reason for the intensive investigative and remedial efforts in the downtown Salina area. The subject properties are located within this area, and the potential and known contaminant sources in downtown Salina are, therefore, of concern to this ESA. The relatively shallow depth to groundwater under the subject properties indicates that there is a high potential for any surface contaminant releases to impact groundwater. The unsaturated (vadose) zone soil in the site area is primarily clay and clayey sand. This soil profile, which would be relied upon to slow the migration of contaminants to groundwater, is somewhat permeable, and would therefore, not prevent surface releases impacting groundwater. Environmental Concerns in the Area Around the Subject Properties: itFollowing is a discussion of environmental concerns at sites in the area of the subject properties which are listed in regulatory agency records. Some of the sites/facilities discussed below are currently involved in active investigation and/or remediation. The sites discussed below, along with sites located further from the subject properties, are listed in Attachments C and/or E of this ESA Report. Most of the State Hazardous Waste (SHW) sites and LUST sites listed below have VOC groundwater contamination. The groundwater contamination is primarily migrating toward the large groundwater sink located immediately east of downtown Salina, caused by large-scale groundwater withdrawal from the PWS wells. It is unknown whether any of these separate or combined migration paths are currently located under the subject properties. CERCLIS Sites (within 1 mile of the subject properties) There are two potential USEPA National Priority List (NPL) Cerclis sites located within I mile of the subject properties, discussed below. Neither of these sites appear to be active. • Comcare of Salina, 617 E. Elm St. There was an emergency response for the removal of a mercury release at this facility in 2008. No further action was required. This site, located approximately %s mile northeast of the subject properties, is not of concern to this ESA. • part of Salina PWS Well 911 Site, Ash and Penn Sts. This site, centered around the Ash and Penn Sts. intersection, '/2 mile east of the subject properties has been investigated for VOC 10 contamination detected in routine sampling of City PWS #I 1 well. This site appears to be currently inactive. This site does not qualify for the NPL. This site does not appear to be of concern to this ESA. State Hazardous Waste or BTA Sites (within 1 mile of the subject properties) The SHW sites below are being investigated and/or remediated under direction of KDHE Bureau of Environmental Remediation (BER). KDHE attempts to keep these sites off the Cerclis list, and/or resolve them as SHW sites, if they are put on the pre-Cerclis list. The priority sites in this group are investigated and remediated with State funds unless and until one or more PRPs can be identified and coerced to fund further investigation and remediation. These sites are referred to the State Cooperative Program (if drinking water supplies appear to be threatened) or the Voluntary Cleanup and Property Redevelopment Program (VCPRP). The sites listed below may be of concern to this ESA due either (or both): proximity to, or direction from, the subject properties. a. former Phoenix Hotel, 100 N. 5`h St. In preparation for redevelopment and partial property sale, KDHE conducted a Phase II Brownsfields Targeted Assessment (BTA) on this property, which adjoins the subject properties to the south. No RECs were identified during the BTA, although it was recommended to survey the buildings for the possible presence of asbestos -containing materials. The lack of any documented RECs on the subject properties lessens the risk of environmental liability. b. former Wardrobe/Diaz Cleaners, 245 N. Santa Fe. REC This former dry cleaning facility is located approximately 1/8 mile northwest of the subject properties. KDHE investigated former and current dry cleaning facilities as potential sources of known PCE groundwater contamination in downtown Salina beginning in the 1990s. Chlorinated VOCs, including PCE, were detected during LUST investigations in the area around this site. The former Wardrobe/Diaz Cleaners was suspected to be a potential PCE, TCE, and 1,2-DCE (degradation product of PCE) source by the KDHE Dry Cleaner Trust Fund program. Monitoring wells on and near this site were sampled in 2003-2004, revealing mostly below risk-based limit contaminant concentrations of PCE, TCE, and 1,2-DCE. Continuing annual sampling of area wells reveals most VOC concentrations are below the limits. Long-term monitoring of this active SHW site continues. This site is located upgradient of the subject properties, and is, therefore, of concern to this ESA. c. former Brown Welding Supply, 300 N. 7`h St. REC This State Cooperative Program site is located less than '/< mile northwest of the subject properties. Determination of sources of VOCs for the Salina PWS Well #11 site investigation in the 1990s identified the Brown Welding Supply facility (now Airgas, Inc.) as a source of two VOCs. Groundwater downgradient of this site is contaminated by 1,1,1 -TCA and 1,1-DCE, components of products used in cleaning gas cylinders. These two VOCs have been detected in monitoring wells very near the subject properties. A Comprehensive Investigation (CI) has been completed at this site through the State Cooperative Program. Recently, 1,4 -dioxane has been detected in groundwater at this site, and contaminated soil has been excavated from the site. An Environmental Use Control (EUC), restricting future property usage, has been attached to the property deed. A Corrective Action (CA) is presently being implemented at the site, under KDHE's direction. Semi-annual groundwater sampling for monitored natural attenuation is the CA. This site is upgradient from the subject properties, and is, therefore, of • concern to this ESA. d. former Wood Fashion Cleaners, 157 N. 7rh St. REC This historical dry cleaner facility, located approximately''/4 mile west of the subject properties, is of slight concern to this ESA due to the fact that it has been determined that groundwater VOC contamination has been sourced from several dry cleaner facilities in downtown Salina. There is no public record of this facility as a definite contaminant source. It is of slight concern to the subject properties due to its location somewhat cross -gradient of the subject properties and lack of contamination currently attributed to this facility. e. Salina Hair Academy, 115 S. 5`h Site. A BTA was done at this site, located approximately'/4 mile south of the subject properties in 2011. Low levels of selenium were detected in groundwater samples collected for the investigation. KDHE did not consider these detections to be significant, and the site was resolved. This status indicates there is no threat to the subject properties. f. former Salina North Site, downtown Salina. This large site, with a non-specific address, has mostly been replaced by smaller sites where individual sources of specific VOCs have been identified. Most of the chlorinated VOC groundwater contamination was originally detected in a sampling event of City PWS #11. "Spin-off' sites include: Long -MacArthur LUST site, former Research Products site, and the former Brown Welding Supply site. it g. ONEOK FMGP site, centered around 301 N. 3�d St. This site is located approximately '/4 mile northeast of the subject properties. Former Manufactured Gas Plants (FMGPs) converted coal to hydrocarbon gas, typically contaminating soil and groundwater with hydrocarbons, heavy metals, cyanide and tar compounds, due to historical on-site disposal practices. This facility operated from approximately 1881 to 1928. KDHE has conducted extensive research and investigation of this site. ONEOK has signed a Consent Order for further investigation under the State Cooperative Program. In addition, ONEOK has completed an Interim Remedial Action (IRM) at this site and submitted a Completion Report to KDHE in 2007. Investigation of this site continues. KDHE is encouraging ONEOK to apply for a EUC for this property. This site is downgradient of the subject properties, and is, therefore, of lesser concern to this ESA. h. 335 N. 5 1 St. A Phase II ESA was conducted at this site, located approximately'/4 mile north of the subject properties, in 2005. Low levels of PCE and TCE were detected in groundwater samples collected around this address. KDHE determined that the groundwater contamination appeared to be migrating under this site from other known SWH sites further upgradient (Missouri -Pacific Railroad Freight House Site and former Research Products Site). The status of this particular site was then "resolved". This site is no threat to the subject properties. i. Elm and Front Streets Site. This site, centered around and east of the Elm and Front Sts. intersection, greater than '/4 mile northeast of the subject properties. This site was originally investigated as part of the Salina North Site Investigation, due to VOCs (primarily CC14, chloroform, 1,2 -DCA and TCE) detected in a groundwater sample collected at the Elm and Front Sts. intersection. This VOC contamination is migrating toward PWS well # 15. The "Salina North Site" has since been divided into smaller, compound -specific investigation sites. KDHE lists the Elm and Front Sts. site 12 as a NFRAP (no further remedial action planned) project. This designation lessens the concern for 16this site. The primary source area identified for the Elm and Front St. contamination, 501 N. Santa Fe, is an active SHWS, discussed below. L%- j. Missouri -Pacific Railroad Freight House, 353 N. 7th St. This State Cooperative Program site is located approximately 1/3 mile northwest of the subject properties. Chlorinated solvent (primarily PCE) contaminated groundwater was detected at several LUST sites in the area around this site. The highest levels of chlorinated VOCs were detected adjacent to the freight house. Union Pacific Railroad has completed a Cl in the State Cooperative Program. A Corrective Action Study (CAS) has been completed, and a Corrective Action Decision (CAD) was rendered. Corrective Action was implemented at the site in 2011. A EUC, restricting future properties usage, has been attached to the property deed. Semi-annual groundwater sampling is currently being conducted at this site. This site is cross -gradient of the subject properties, and is, therefore, of lesser concern to this ESA. k. Salina PWS Well #11 Site, Ash and Oakdale Sts. This site, centered around and north of the Ash and Oakdale Sts. intersection, is located approximately'/3 mile east of the subject properties. Low to moderate concentrations of 1,2 -DCA in PWS well #11 is the primary concern. Since 1,2 -DCA was formerly a fuel component, a NFRAP determination was made, due to the Cerclis petroleum site exclusion. However, persistent trace concentrations of TCE, PCE, and Freon, have caused KDHE to continue groundwater sampling to identify source(s) of these compounds. Two sites with historical use of chlorinated VOC-containing products, former Brown Welding Supply and former Research Products, have been identified, and PRPs have executed Consent Orders for investigation and remediation at these sites (discussed above). In addition, two other potential source areas have been identified as former dry cleaners, and referred to the Dry Cleaner Trust Fund program for further investigation. Further investigation to identify source(s) of PCE and 1,2 -DCA and PRPs are in progress, particularly at 403 N. 3`d St., where groundwater sampling indicates a potential source area. This site and potential "spin-off sites are cross- and downgradient of the subject properties, and are, therefore, of lesser concern to this ESA. 1. Salina DCA Site, 3"d and North Sts. This site is located approximately '/3 mile northeast of the subject properties. This site was a spin-off from the PWS #1 l site to determine potential source area(s) for 1,2 -DCA VOC contamination detected in that well. The 501 N. Santa Fe site (discussed below) was determined to be the probable source for the 1,2 -DCA contamination, therefore, this site was resolved. This site is not of concern to this ESA. m. former Research Products, 411 N. 7`h St. This State Cooperative Program site is located approximately %2 mile northwest of the subject properties. Research Products formerly stored grain fumigation products at this site. Sampling of LUST monitoring wells and city PWS wells to the southeast of this site (some work was for the Salina PWS Well #I I site investigation) indicated the presence of chlorinated VOCs (primarily CC14 and chloroform), which were traced to the Research Products site through further investigation. McShares, Inc., the site PRP, has completed a CI under a Consent Order. KDHE-directed monitoring of this site reportedly continues with semi-annual groundwater sampling. A CAP was approved by KDHE, and the CA was initiated in 2012. This site is cross -gradient of the subject properties, and is, therefore, of lesser concern to this ESA. 13 13 n. Salina Regional Health Center (SRHC) Penn Campus, 139 N. Penn St. This site is located • approximately 1/2mile east of the subject properties. KDHE conducted a BTA on this property in order to prepare for structure removal and redevelopment. USTs were removed from the property with minor contamination detected. The resulting LUST project was closed. Asbestos, lead-based paint, and mold were observed in buildings on the property. VOCs detected in groundwater on and around this site have been traced back upgradient to the 501 N. Santa Fe Cooperative Program site. The SRHC Penn Campus site is downgradient to the subject properties, and is not of concern to this ESA. o. 501 N. Santa Fe Site. The 501 N. Santa Fe site is located approximately ''/z mile north of the subject properties. Groundwater contaminated with several chlorinated VOCs, primarily CC14, chloroform, 1,2 -DCA, and EDB, has been detected during a series of State Cooperative Program and LUST investigations in the area downgradient of this site, one of which was for the Elm and Front Street SHW site. The Elm and Front Street site became the 501 N. Santa Fe Site. Some of the VOC contamination has been traced to a release from a large above -ground storage tank of grain fumigant in 1969-70. A UST containing fuel oil was removed from this former city of Salina power plant. KDHE has entered into an agreement with Koch Agriculture Co. to conduct further investigation and maintain remediation equipment installed at the site. Some soil excavation was done, and an air sparge / soil vapor extraction (AS/SVE) system was formerly operated at the site. An IRM, consisting of groundwater treatment via electrical resistivity heating, has been conducted at the site in conjunction with periodic sampling of area monitoring wells. The 501 N. Santa Fe site has a EUC attached to the properties deed restricting future properties usage. This site is far cross -gradient of the subject properties, and is, therefore, of lesser concern to this ESA. p. Salina PCE Site, 161 E North St. This SHWS site is located approximately % mile north of the subject properties. This "project" appears to be an on-going search for sources of PCE groundwater contamination in the area. This site is far cross -gradient of the subject properties, and is, therefore, of no concern to this ESA. q. B. J. Koetting, 521 Bishop St. This State Cooperative Program site is located approximately mile northwest of the subject properties. In the 1960s and 1970s, Paris Corporation manufactured electronic components at this facility and generated hazardous waste containing chlorinated and petroleum -type VOCs. This property is now occupied by a construction contractor. KDHE identified this site as a source of VOC groundwater contamination in the area. KDHE targeted Diehl Construction as PRP for this site. Monitoring of contaminants detected in the three KDHE on-site monitoring wells is being conducted under the Long -Term Monitoring (LTM) project of the State Water Plan. Recent yearly groundwater sampling has indicated the primary site contaminant, 1,1- DCE, persists in site monitoring wells. This site is far upgradient of the subject properties, and is, therefore, of lesser concern to this ESA. r. 616 E. North St. Site. This SHWS site is located approximately ''/z mile northeast of the subject properties. A phase II ESA was conducted in the vicinity of this property in 2014, revealing above risk-based limit concentrations of PCE at two locations on the 616 E. North St. property. KDHE attempted to coerce the property owner (MCLE) to enter the VCPRP and address the contamination. This effort was unsuccessful, as MCLE denied ever using any PCE -containing products at the site. Further investigation by KDHE revealed additional PCE detections around the property. This project 14 remains active. This site is far cross -gradient of the subject properties and is of no concern to this • ESA. s. former Stewart's Laundry, 211 S. Santa Fe. This facility, also formerly also known as Model Laundry and Dry Cleaners, is located approximately ''/z mile southwest of the subject properties. KDHE investigated former and current dry cleaning facilities as potential sources of known PCE groundwater contamination in downtown Salina beginning in the 1990s. Investigation and remediation of this site was funded through the Dry Cleaner Trust Fund Program. A remedial system was operated at the site from 1998 through 2001. Concentrations of the primary contaminant, PCE, are typically below the risk-based limit in periodic groundwater sampling events of area monitoring wells. Long-term monitoring of groundwater at this site continues. This site is far cross -gradient of the subject properties, and is, therefore, of no concern to this ESA. t. Continental Analytical Services (CAS) Laboratory, 525 N. 8`h St. This site, located approximately % mile northwest of the subject properties, was previously a State Cooperative Program site, now in the VCPRP. KDHE identified the CAS facility as a source of chlorinated solvent groundwater contamination in the area, with TCE and 1,2 DCE detected at concentrations above the action levels. Fuel -type VOCs (BTEX and 1,2 -DCA) detected in monitoring wells on and around the CAS property are believed to be sourced from the Pepsi Cola Bottling Co. LUST site to the north. A Voluntary Cleanup Plan (VCP) submitted by the PRP was approved by KDHE in 2009. The site is in long-term monitoring, consisting of semi-annual groundwater sampling. Above risk-based limit concentrations of PCE and Vinyl Chloride remain at the site, but their levels are decreasing. This site is far cross - 0 gradient of the subject properties, and is, therefore, of little concern to this ESA. u. Salina Water Treatment Plant, 401 S. 51h St. This facility is located approximately Z/3 mile south of the subject properties. Air strippers operate at this facility to remove VOCs from groundwater obtained from the battery of city PWS wells. The air stripper system began operation in 2002. This operation was funded in part by the KDHE UST Trust Fund and the KDHE Dry Cleaner Trust Fund. The air stripping operation treats groundwater recovered from the active PWS wells, some of which are contaminated by a variety of VOCs. Contaminants include VOCs sourced from: fuel, lubricants, metal -degreasing solvents, grain fumigants, dry cleaning solvents, and other industrial chemicals. A separate part of this "project" is an on-going search for sources of VOC contamination in the area. This site is far cross -gradient of the subject properties, and is, therefore, of no concern to this ESA. The EDR Report (Attachment C) has numerous pages of detail about the many toxic chemicals stored and used at the Salina Water Treatment Plant. v. West South St. Site, W. South and 81h St. This site is located approximately 3/4 mile southwest of the subject properties. CC14 was detected in a PWS well, prompting KD14E to conduct a Preliminary Assessment/ Screening Site Investigation of the area. A potential source area for the CC14 —impacted groundwater was discovered on undeveloped property. In 1998, this site was assigned to the State Water Plan to perform a Cl. This Cl verified the suspected source area, but did not confirm a release. The site was assigned long-term monitoring during which grain fumigant and degradation VOCs were detected in several monitoring wells in the area. Long-term monitoring of this site will continue until contaminant levels drop to where reclassification criteria are met. A Supplemental Source Investigation (SSI) was conducted in 2014 to further delineate the source of the CCL4 contamination. Pesticide contamination was also detected during the SSI. KDHE has been unable to convince a PRP 15 • • to join the VC program. This site is far cross -gradient of the subject properties, and is, therefore, of no concern to this ESA. w. former Express Cleaners, 540 S. Santa Fe. This former dry cleaning facility is located approximately'/4 mile south of the subject properties. KDHE investigated former and current dry cleaning facilities as potential sources of known PCE groundwater contamination in downtown Salina beginning in the 1990s. This facility was identified as the primary source of PCE detected in nearby PWS wells during a 1998 ESA. A SVE system was started in 2001-02 at this site. The SVE system has been shut -down since the VOC levels remained low. KDHE is considering alternative remedial actions to address contamination along a sanitary sewer line that has been determined to be a secondary VOC source at the site. This site is far cross -gradient from the subject properties, and is, therefore, of no concern to this ESA. x. former Tommy's Radiator, 725 N. II" St. This State Cooperative Program site is located just under one mile northwest of the subject properties. This facility is currently a storage building surrounded by a chain-link fence. Significant concentrations of TCLP lead were detected in soil samples collected at this site. Significant TCLP concentrations indicate the potential for vertical migration of lead to groundwater. Contaminated soil was removed and the site was capped and graded. A EUC deed restriction has been placed on this property, so that water wells cannot be drilled and soil cannot be excavated. KDHE periodically inspects this property to determine if the facility is in compliance. This site is far cross -gradient from the subject properties, and is, therefore, of no concern to this ESA. The only SHW sites in the above list of significant concern to this ESA are the former Wardrobe/Diaz Cleaners site (245 N. Santa Fe) and the Brown Welding Supply site (300 N. 7`h St.). Both of these sites are located fairly close to the subject properties, directly upgradient. There are no State of Kansas environmental liens listed in the EDR database report for properties within the database search radius (I mile) of the subject properties. There are four (4) State of Kansas EUCs listed in the EDR database report for properties within the database search radius (1 mile) of the subject properties. These properties, discussed in above are: former Brown Welding Supply (300 N. 7`h St.), Missouri -Pacific Railroad Freight House (353 N. 7t' St.), 501 N. Santa Fe Site (501 N. Santa Fe), and Tommy's Radiator Shop (725 N. I Vh St.). Solid Waste Facilities or Landfills (within '/2 mile of the subject properties) The following facility stores solid waste on-site: Site Name Address Salina HHW facility 315 E. Elm St (a/k/a the Salina Fueling Facility) Position Relative to Subject Properties '/4 mi. northeast IV Type of Facility household hazardous waste 17 LUST Sites (within % mile of the subject properties USTs (or ASTs) were removed from the following sites and fuel contamination was typically detected in the excavation and/or surrounding soil and/or groundwater. The current status of these LUST sites is shown. Position Relative to Investigation Site Name Address Subject Properties Status former Star A 156 N. 5" on-site closed (REC) Insurance (note the UST removal report in Attachment E) former Bus Depot 202 N. 5'b across Ash St. NW closed (REC) (note the LUST site monitoring report maps and tables in Attachment E) Images, Inc. 100 N. 5" <'/a mi. south active (REC) (formerly designated 5'b & Iron - NEc) ADM Milling Co. 3`d & Ash <'% mi. east closed Perney's Used Cars SWc 4`h& Iron '/e mi. south pending/active (REC) USPS Mail Facility 211 E. Ash '/e mi. north closed Central Garage 418 E. Ash > '/s mi. east monitor former Brown 253 N. Santa Fe >'/e mi. northwest closed Industries Iron Pump 418 E. Iron <'/. mi. southeast closed former Rainbo Bread 301 W. Ash <'/. mi. west closed Store Salina City Building 300 W. Ash <'/, mi. west closed former Midland 313 W. Ash <'/. mi. west closed Muffler Food Services of 409 E. Elm <'/, mi. northeast closed America former Brown 300 N. 7" %4 mi. northwest closed Welding Supply Fire Station #1 222 W. Elm '/4 mi. northwest monitor former Long- 340 N. Santa Fe '/4 mi. northwest closed Macarthur Ford 17 former Carol Lee 218 W. Iron '/4 mi. southwest closed Donut Shop Southwestern Bell 137 S. 7`h > '/4 mi. southwest closed Telephone Co. former This & That 307 E. Walnut > '/4 mi. southeast monitor Lampshades former Firestone 200 S. 5`h > 'Ami. south closed (2 sites) Service Center Pennington 204 W. Walnut <'/2 mi. southwest closed Chiropractic Center former USD 305 256 S. 5" <'/2 mi. south closed Service Center UPRR Facility 2nd & Pine <'/z mi. northeast closed Police Department 255 N. IOd' <'/z mi. northwest closed Buds Plumbing 336 N. 9"' <'/2 mi. northwest closed Taco Johns 303 S. Santa Fe <'/z mi. south monitor Saline Valley Terminal 511 N. Santa Fe < %z mile north closed SRHC Main Campus 400 S. Santa Fe '/2 mi. south closed (2 sites) former SRHC Penn 139 N. Penn '/2 mi. east closed Campus "Active" designation above indicates investigation or remediation are in progress or planned. There are two active LUST site near the subject properties, Images, Inc. (100 N. 5`h St.) and Perney's Used Cars (SWc 4`h & Iron St.). The extent of groundwater contamination at these sites is not currently known to the ESA author. Due to their proximity, these sites are considered RECs for the subject properties. Note that both of these sites are cross -gradient to the subject properties, and are, therefore, of lesser concern to this ESA. "Monitoring" designation above indicates contamination at the site is present, at below risk-based levels. There are four "monitoring" sites in the above list. Only one of these sites is directly upgradient of the subject properties, Fire Station # 1 (222 W. Elm). This site is located some distance from the subject properties, and is, therefore, of lesser concern. The other three sites are not of concern to this ESA. All other sites listed above, including the on-site Star A Insurance site, and the nearby, upgradient former Bus Depot site, have "closed" designations, indicating sites that are no longer considered a 18 • • �i threat to off-site groundwater contamination. However, the proximity of these two sites makes them RECs. Registered UST or AST Facilities (within '/. mile of the subject properties The following facilities have active or removed USTs or ASTs listed in KDHE records: Facility Name Address Star A Insurance 156 N. 5" former Bus Depot 202 N. 5`h ADM Milling Co. 3`d & Ash USPS Mail Facility 211 E. Ash former Salina Auto 223 N. Santa Fe Parts former Burr's 151 S. 5" Auto Body Salina Fueling Facility 315 E. Elm Central Garage 418 E. Ash former Brown 253 N. Santa Fe Industries Iron Pump 418 E. Iron Salina City Building 300 W. Ash Midland Muffler 313 W. Ash Food Services of 409 E. Elm America Carol Lee Donut Shop 218 W. Iron Pats Body Shop 220 N. 7'' Salina Fueling Facility 315 E. Elm and HHW Facility former Downtown 119 S. 8'b Auto Service Position Relative to Subject Properties on-site across Ash St. NW <'/s mi. east % mi. north '/s mi. northwest '/s mi. south > '/s mi. east > '/s mi. northwest <'/. mi. southeast <'/4 mi. west <'/4 mi. west <'/4 mi. northeast '/+ mi. southwest '/, mi. northwest '/. mi. northeast '/. mi. southwest 19 Status of Revorted USTs/ASTs 2 removed historical historical 1 removed historical historical 3 abandoned USTs 1 active AST historical 3 in -use, 2 abandoned historical 8 abandoned 1 abandoned 1 abandoned historical 3 active USTs 1 active AST 4 abandoned former Brown 300 N. 7" '/4 mi. northwest 3 abandoned Welding Supply former Long- 340 N. Santa Fe '/4 mi. northwest 3 abandoned Macarthur Ford Salina Meter Shop 400 N 3`d '/4 mi. northeast ] abandoned Fire Station #1 222 W. Elm '/4 mi. northwest 2 abandoned Bell Motor Co. 325 N. Santa Fe I/4 mi. northwest ] abandoned former Carol Lee 218 W. Iron '/4 mi. southwest historical Donut Shop *-"historical" designation above indicates a property where tanks are/were present, with no public information given as to current status Hazardous Waste Generators (within '/4 mile of the subject properties) The following facilities are registered with the USEPA RCRA program as either SQGs of hazardous waste (100-1000 kg/mo), conditionally -exempt generators CESQGs (< 100 kg/mo), or Non - Generators (Non -Gen), which have generated hazardous waste in the past, but do not currently. Due AP to current or past storage of hazardous waste at these facilities, the potential exists for soil and/or groundwater contamination from waste releases. Position Relative to Generator Type Facility Name Address Subject Properties (type waste) USPS Mail Facility 211 E. Ash <'/8 mi. north Non -Gen [type hazardous waste — D001 ignitable, D035 MEK, F003 non -halogenated solvents, F005 non - halogenated solvents] KDOT Materials Lab 112 N. 3`d <'/8 mi. east CESQG [type hazardous waste — F001 halogenated solvents, U002 acetone, U226 1,1,1-TCE] former Burrs 137, 151 S. 5''' % mi. south Non -Gen Body Shop [type hazardous waste — D001 ignitable, D018 benzene, D039 TCE, F003 non -halogenated solvents, F005 non -halogenated solvents] Central Garage 418 E. Ash > '% mi. east Non -Gen [type hazardous waste — D008 lead, F002 halogenated solvents, F004 non -halogenated solvents] Roland Bird 127 S. 4" <'/4 mi. south CESQG [type hazardous waste — D00 ] ignitable, D008 lead, F002 halogenated solvents, F004 non - halogenated solvents] Salina Iron & Metal 312 N. 5" <'/4 mi, north Non -Gen 20 • [primarily air violations] IKON Office Sol. 130 S. 5`h <'/4 mi. south Non -Gen [type hazardous waste - D001 ignitable, D006 cadmium, D008 lead, D018 benzene, D027 1,4 dcb, D039 PCE, D040 TCE] Pats Body Shop 220 N. 7`h <'/4 mi. northwest CESQG [type hazardous waste — D001 ignitable, F003 non -halogenated solvents, F005 non -halogenated solvents] Central Office 154 S. 7'h '/4 mi. southwest CESQG Products [type hazardous waste — D001 ignitable, D008 lead] Salina Household 315 E. Elm '/4 mi. northeast LQG Haz Waste Facility [type hazardous waste — too numerous to list] Western Resources 400 N. 3`d '/4 mi. northeast CESQG and Westar Energy [ type hazardous waste — D001 ignitable] Airgas Welding 300 N. 7`h '/4 mi. northwest Non -Gen Supply (BWS, LLC) 2 facilities [type hazardous waste - D001 ignitable, F003 non -halogenated solvents, F005 non -halogenated solvents, D029 1,1-DCE, F001 halogenated solvents] Truck & Auto 325 N. Santa Fe '/4 mi. northwest Non -Gen Specialties, Inc. [type hazardous waste - D008 lead, D018 benzene, D039 PCE, D040 TCE] There are other KDHE-listed sites (regulatory agency -supervised environmental investigation and/or remediation sites, and tank storage facilities) and USEPA SQG facilities located more than the required search radii (above) from the subject properties. These sites are a sufficient distance to be of lesser concern to this ESA. The ASTM Standard (ASTM E 1527-05) for Phase I site assessments requires identification of sources consulted to fill in any data gaps, and a statement as to the significance of any such gaps. For this ESA, written, verifiable data was supplied by the above -indicated regulatory agencies, contacted either by a database search firm (Environmental Data Resources) and/or direct contact (KDHE). No significant data gaps were noted. 4. Summary of Site Area Geology and H drogeology. The city of Salina lies on the eastern edge of the Smoky Hills physiographic province of Kansas. Specifically, the site area lies in the central part of the alluvial plain, underlain by recent age alluvium of the Smoky Hill River. 21 As discussed in Section fV.3 above, the site is underlain by approximately 35 to 45 ft of unsaturated . clay and sand, in turn underlain by 35 to 45 ft of saturated silt, sand, and gravel. Below 75 to 80 ft (bgs) is Permian age Wellington formation bedrock. This formation typically consists of shale with thin beds of gypsum, anhydrite, salt, and limestone. This formation has lost circulation zones that supply brine to overlying sediment in a few places in the Smoky Hill alluvial valley. These zones can also act as a sink for overlying groundwater. There is a single -source drinking water aquifer in the area, which extends to a depth of approximately 75 to 80 ft bgs, locally. The shallow depth to groundwater (35 to 45 ft) under the subject properties indicates that there is a real potential for any surface contaminant releases to impact groundwater. This potential is verified by the numerous VOCs detected throughout downtown Salina. The vadose zone soil in the area has slight to moderate permeability, and provides a ready conduit to the aquifer for contaminants migrating downward with percolating rainwater. The vadose zone is relied upon to slow the migration of contaminants to groundwater. KDHE-directed investigative activities in the area have determined that groundwater flow in the vicinity of the subject properties is to the southeast, with a moderate hydraulic gradient. This groundwater flow direction indicates that groundwater contaminant sources to the northwest of the subject properties would typically provide the most significant environmental threat. Numerous water wells are present within '/� mile of the subject properties. Wells listed in the Kansas Geological Survey water well database are included in Attachment J. There are approximately: 289 environmental monitoring or remediation wells, 21 lawn and garden watering wells, 4 Public Water Supply wells, and 6 industrial water supply wells, listed in the database. Damaged or improperly constructed water wells, or direct disposal of hazardous chemicals to a water well, have the potential to impact site groundwater. 22 0 SECTION V - SITE INSPECTION As indicated in Section III, a site inspection was conducted on November 19 and 20, 2015 by Robert Hopkins, L.G., C.P.G. Attachment B depicts photographs of the subject and surrounding properties. The first four photographs of Attachment B show views of the Super Wash & Detail property. Most the Super Wash & Detail property is concrete pavement in various stages of wear. A patch of distinctive concrete marking the former location of the gasoline station pump island is shown in photograph #4. An area of partially sunken concrete is visible immediately in front of the building (background of photograph #4), which may (?) be the location of a removed UST, explaining the sunken pavement. The area of the UST removed from the property in 2008 was also observed. No significant quantities of hazardous chemicals are stored or used in the present day Super Wash & Detail operation, as observed from an inspection of the inside of the building. The location of a former kerosene fuel AST was observed behind (south of) the building. No evidence of any surface soil contamination was observed in this location. A floor drain inside the shop part of the building drains to the city of Salina sanitary sewer system, along with the bathroom drains. No evidence was observed of any septic tanks under the properties. The Vanier property is a vacant lot, covered with grass (photograph #5). The east side of this property is bounded by a railroad right-of-way. There are no impoundments or significant drainage ways on the properties, all of which, if present, could serve as conduits for contaminants to impact soil and/or groundwater. No stained soil or distressed vegetation was observed on the properties. Stained soil and distressed vegetation can indicate spillage of toxic chemicals to ground surface. One environmental monitoring well was observed south of the southwest corner of the Super Wash & Detail property. This well is associated with one or more of the investigation project(s) documented in Section IV of this ESA Report. Photographs depicting the current appearance of properties in the area around the site are also included in Attachment B. The area surrounding the subject properties is commercial/retail, industrial, or vacant. To the south is vacant pavement, the former location of the Phoenix Hotel. A closed city of Salina restroom is present in this area. Further south are two active LUST sites (See Section IV). To the west (across 5h St.) is the Sunflower Bank downtown facility. To the northwest (across the 5"' and Ash intersection) is a vacant grass lot, which is the location of the former Bus Depot closed LUST site. To the north (across Ash St.) is the Salina U.S.P.S. mail facility, the location of the USPS Mail Facility closed LUST site. East across the railroad right-of-way is the large ADM grain elevator and mill, the location of the ADM Milling Co. closed LUST site. As required by the current ASTM Standards, the site inspector attempted to contact neighbors of the subject properties during the site inspection for their knowledge of any environmental problems on the subject properties. Jim VanEmburgh, former employee of Sunflower Bank, was not aware of any environmental problems associated with the subject properties. 23 0 SECTION VI - CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The Super Wash & Detail and Vanier properties were investigated in order to assess the potential for environmental contamination at the site from current and historical activities on the subject and surrounding properties. The Super Wash & Detail property is owned by Charles Arnold. The Vanier property is owned by John Vanier. A gasoline station, a wholesale grocery facility, blacksmith shops, a carriage works, a hotel, dwellings, and other small structures, have been present on the subject properties in the past. The Super Wash & Detail property has been occupied off and on from the late 1800s until present, and the Vanier property was occupied off and on since the late 1800s until the last structure on the property was razed in the 1980s. A UST was removed from the Super Wash & Detail property, without any significant fuel soil contamination observed during the tank removal. Hazardous chemicals such as fuel and oil, stored on the property during the gasoline station operation is a significant environmental issue. If released, hazardous chemicals can contaminate soil and/or groundwater. Fuel and lubricants have been stored and released from several UST facilities in the area around the properties in the past. Of greatest concern is the former Bus Depot LUST site, located immediately upgradient (northwest) of the subject properties. As indicated in Attachment E, significant VOC groundwater contamination has been observed in area monitoring wells in the past. This LUST Is project has been closed, lessening the threat to the subject properties. Dry cleaner facilities, machine shops, a garage and an auto dealership have been documented in the blocks west and north (upgradient) of the subject properties. These facilities are potential source of VOC groundwater contamination. Several sites located further from the subject properties are listed in KDHE and/or USEPA records for environmental concerns. These sites consist of. KDHE LUST Trust Fund sites, USEPA pre-Cerclis investigation sites, and KDHE SHW sites. A number of VOCs have been detected in groundwater in downtown Salina, through periodic sampling of City of Salina PWS wells, environmental investigations, and long-term monitoring projects in the area. The fact that a gasoline station operated on the Super Wash & Detail property in the past, with the potential for VOC groundwater contamination (from released fuel), indicates that there is at least a slight environmental issue for this ESA. 24 0 SECTION VII — ALL APPROPRIATE INQUIRES The "2002 Brownsfield Amendments" to the CERCLA ESA requirements established specific requirements for "All appropriate inquires" (AAI) that are necessary to establish landowner defenses under CERCLA. Parties to a properties transfer or mortgage must demonstrate that they have conducted AAI into the past use and ownership history of the properties before acquiring title. The AAI Criteria of concern to the Super Wash & Detail and Vanier properties are discussed as follows. GeoCore has adhered to the AAI requirements: • The inquiry must be done by a qualified environmental professional. This was done, as indicated in Section III of this ESA Report. Interviews with past and present owners, operators, and occupants of the properties for the purpose of gathering information regarding the potential for contamination at the properties. The present owner of one of the properties, Charles Arnold, was interviewed to gather information regarding any potential contamination on the properties. Also, a long-time area resident was interviewed about their recollection of any environmental issues regarding the properties (see Attachment F). • Review of historical sources such as chain of title documents, aerial photographs, building department records, and land use records, to determine historical usage and occupancy of the properties, since initial development. These inquiries were conducted, as indicated in Attachments A, C, D, and E. • Searches for recorded environmental cleanup liens against the properties filed under federal, state, or local law. EDR conducted a search for environmental liens (Attachment Q. • Review of federal, state, and local government records, waste disposal records, UST records, and hazardous waste handling, generation, treatment, disposal, and spill records concerning contamination at or near the properties. This is discussed in Section IV of this Report, with reference to the record searches of Attachments C and E. • Visual inspection of the properties and adjoining properties. This inspection was done, and is discussed in Section V of this ESA Report. • Specialized knowledge or experience on the part of the defendant (properties owner). This is the responsibility of the present and any future properties owners to verify their lack of knowledge of any relevant historical environmental concerns. • The relationship of the properties purchase price to the actual value of the properties, if the properties were not contaminated. The present properties owner must determine that they have adhered to this requirement. Determination of the fair market value of the properties is not within the scope of services of this assessment by the environmental professional performing this site assessment. GeoCore does not conduct this determination. The environmental professional performing this assessment is not qualified to consider the • relationship of the purchase price to the value of the properties. 25 . • Commonly known or reasonably ascertainable information about the properties. The site inspection (Section V) and relevant persons interviews (Attachment F) were done to determine this information. • The degree of obviousness of the presence or likely presence of contamination at the properties, and the ability to detect the contamination by appropriate (intrusive) investigation. RECs for the subject properties are discussed in Section VIII. • • . SECTION VIII — RECOGNIZED ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS • The CERCLA AAI requirement, as defined by the ASTM E1527 standard, is that, to properly conduct an ESA, the investigator must determine the existence of any Recognized Environmental Conditions (RECs) at the properties. RECs are defined as conditions that indicate an existing release, a past release, or a material threat of release of a hazardous substance or petroleum into structures on the properties or the environment. The term "recognized environmental concern" is not intended to include "de minimus" conditions, defined as circumstances that generally do not present a threat to human health or the environment and would generally not be the subject of an enforcement action if brought to the attention of appropriate government agencies. As indicated in the above ESA Report, past usage of the properties indicates several businesses that constitute potential RECs. The most significant potential contaminant source on the properties was a gasoline station, with two USTs and associated piping. In addition, several blacksmith shops were located on the properties years ago. Past chemical usage, storage, and common disposal practices at such sites have historically been known to sometimes result in contamination from releases to the environment. Therefore, such sites are considered to be RECs for this ESA as indicated in Section IV and designated by "(REC)". There are two closed LUST sites on and near the subject properties, which have been investigated for KDHE. The Star A Insurance closed LUST site was located on the Super Wash & Detail property. Another nearby site was the former Bus Depot closed LUST site, located immediately upgradient (northwest) of the subject properties. VOC groundwater contamination, presumably sourced from former Bus Depot leaking USTs, was observed in monitoring wells near and on the subject properties in the past. Both of these closed LUST sites are RECs for this ESA. There are two active LUST investigation sites located approximately % mile south of the subject properties, Images, Inc., and Perney's Used Cars. Nearby active sites are a REC, due to the fact that the extent of off-site groundwater contamination (if any) has not yet publically reported. However, the threat from these sites is lessened since they are both located cross -gradient (south) of the subject properties. There were at least two dry cleaner facilities in the nearby area, one located west of the properties (Wood Fashion Cleaners), and one northwest of the properties (Wardrobe/Diaz Cleaners SHW site). The Wardrobe/ Diaz Cleaners is located directly upgradient of the properties. Due to the fact that dry cleaners typically used cleaning chemicals containing chlorinated solvents, these facilities are potential sources of hazardous chemical groundwater contamination (an REC for this ESA). Another potential REC is the Brown Welding Supply SHW site, located directly upgradient (northwest) of the subject properties. The author of this ESA Report is familiar with this site, and notes that a VOC groundwater contaminant plume has migrated downgradient of the Brown Welding Supply property, near the subject properties. 27 Fieldhouse Project Phase I ESA Photos view of the Super Wash & Detail property looking southeast view of the Super Wash & Detail property looking northeast Fieldhouse Project Phase I ESA Photos view of the inside shop of the Super Wash & Detail building view of the former location of USTs and the pump island in the north part of the Super Wash & Detail property rs t, IN k' V -.L�o A kr4l 0 Air 30 Jd* " I AAOAe, 'Y 04, 'T, lei AF Fieldhouse Project Phase I ESA Photos view looking south at public parking and restrooms adjoining the Super Wash & Detail property to the south view looking southeast at the vacant Fieldhouse property located adjacent to the south side of the subject properties Fieldhouse Project Phase I ESA Photos view looking northwest at the closed former Bus Depot LUST site located northwest of the subject properties across Ash and 51 Sts. view looking north at the USPS Mail Facility (which contains a closed LUST site) located across Ash St. north of the subject properties Fieldhouse Project Phase I ESA Photos view looking northwest at Sunflower Bank, located across 5`h St. west of the Super Wash & Detail property view looking east at the ADM facility, located east of the Vanier property across railroad tracks; there is a closed LUST site at the ADM facility Fieldhouse Project Phase I ESA Photos view looking south along the railroad tracks adjacent to the east side of the Vanier property view of open water supply well located on the Fieldhouse property, south of the subject properties • ATTACHMENT C EDR DATABASE SEARCH REPORT • • Super Wash & Detail and Vanier Property 156 N. 5th St. Salina, KS 67401 Inquiry Number: 4471374.2s November 19, 2015 . 6 Armstrong Road. 4th floor Shelton. CT 06434 CEDW Environmental Data Resources Inc Toll Free.300.352CC50 w-"v.-3drnet.3om FORM-LHD-CHZ 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION PAGE Executive Summary -_____________________ ___- ES1 ----------------------------- OverviewMap----------------------------------------------------------- 2 DetailMap-------------------------------------------------------------- 3 Map Findings Summary -_______________________________ ___- 4 -------------- MapFindings------------------------------------------------------------ 7 OrphanSummary-------------------------------------------------------- 576 Government Records Searched/Data Currency Tracking- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - GR -1 GEOCHECK ADDENDUM Physical Setting Source Addendum ------------------------------------------ A-1 Physical Setting Source Summary------------------------------------------- A-2 Physical Setting SSURGOSoil Map ------------------------------------------- A-5 Physical Setting Source Map------------------------------------------------ A-22 Physical Setting Source Map Findings---------------------------------------- A-24 Physical Setting Source Records Searched -------------------------- -------- PSGR-1 Thank you for your business. Please contact EDR at 1-800-352-0050 with any questions or comments. Disclaimer - Copyright and Trademark Notice This Report contains certain information obtained from a variety of public and other sources reasonably available to Environmental Data Resources, Inc. It cannot be concluded from this Report that coverage information for the target and surrounding properties does not exist from other sources. NO WARRANTY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, IS MADE WHATSOEVER IN CONNECTION WITH THIS REPORT. ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS THE MAKING OF ANY SUCH WARRANTIES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR USE OR PURPOSE. ALL RISK IS ASSUMED BY THE USER. IN NO EVENT SHALL ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. BE LIABLE TO ANYONE, WHETHER ARISING OUT OF ERRORS OR OMISSIONS, NEGLIGENCE, ACCIDENT OR ANY OTHER CAUSE, FOR ANY LOSS OF DAMAGE, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, OR EXEMPLARY DAMAGES. ANY LIABILITY ON THE PART OF ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. IS STRICTLY LIMITED TO A REFUND OF THE AMOUNT PAID FOR THIS REPORT. Purchaser accepts this Report "AS IS". Any analyses, estimates, ratings, environmental risk levels or risk codes provided in this Report are provided for illustrative purposes only, and are not intended to provide, nor should they be interpreted as providing any facts regarding, or prediction or forecast of, any environmental risk for any property. Only a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment performed by an environmental professional can provide information regarding the environmental risk for any property. Additionally, the information provided in this Report is not to be construed as legal advice. Copyright 2015 by Environmental Data Resources, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in any media or format, in whole or in part, of any report or map of Environmental Data Resources, Inc., or its affiliates, is prohibited without prior written permission. EDR and its logos (including Sanborn and Sanborn Map) are trademarks of Environmental Data Resources, Inc. or its affiliates. All other trademarks used herein are the property of their respective owners. TC4471374.2s Page 1 • EXECUTIVE SUMMARY A search of available environmental records was conducted by Environmental Data Resources, Inc (EDR). The report was designed to assist parties seeking to meet the search requirements of EPA's Standards and Practices for All Appropriate Inquiries (40 CFR Part 312), the ASTM Standard Practice for Environmental Site Assessments (E 1527-13) or custom requirements developed for the evaluation of environmental risk associated with a parcel of real estate. TARGET PROPERTY INFORMATION 09191c4*1.1 156 N. 5TH ST. SALINA, KS 67401 COORDINATES Latitude (North): Longitude (West): Universal Tranverse Mercator: UTM X (Meters): UTM Y (Meters): Elevation: 38.8426000 - 38° 50'33.36" 97.6073000 - 97° 36' 26.28" Zone 14 620868.8 4300024.0 1223 ft. above sea level USGS TOPOGRAPHIC MAP ASSOCIATED WITH TARGET PROPERTY Target Property Map: 5691501 SALINA, KS Version Date: 2012 Southwest Map: 5691529 SALINA SW, KS Version Date: 2012 AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY IN THIS REPORT Portions of Photo from: 20120619 Source: USDA TC4471374.2s EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1 MAPPED SITES SUMMARY Target Property Address: 156 N. 5TH ST. SALINA, KS 67401 Click on Map ID to see full detail. MAP RELATIVE DIST (ft. & mi.) ID SITE NAME ADDRESS DATABASE ACRONYMS ELEVATION DIRECTION Al SUPER WASH & DETAIL 156 N 5TH ST FINDS TP A2 STAR A INSURANCE 156 N 5TH LUST, UST TP A3 SUPER WASH & DETAIL 156 N. 5TH RGA LUST TP A4 STAR A INSURANCE 156 N 5TH ST FINDS TP A5 USPS 211 E ASH ST RCRA NonGen / NLR Higher 67, 0.013. WNW A6 US POSTAL SERVICE, S 21 E ASH LUST Higher 67, 0.013, WNW A7 GENERAL MAIL FACILIT 211 E ASH LUST, UST Higher 67, 0.013, WNW 8 BUS DEPOT, FORMER (V 202 N 5TH LUST Higher 144, 0.027, WNW 9 A D M MILLING CO. ASH & 3RD STREET LUST Lower 290, 0.055, ENE B10 223 N SANTA FE AVE EDR US Hist Auto Stat Higher 541, 0.102, WNW B11 WARDROBE CLEANERS 245 N SANTA FE AVE SHWS, FINDS Higher 637, 0.121, NW B12 BROWN INDUSTRIES, IN 253 N SANTA FE LUST Higher 677, 0.128, NW C13 CENTRAL GARAGE 418 E ASH LUST, UST, AST Higher 694, 0.131, East C14 CENTRAL GARAGE 418 E ASH RCRA NonGen / NLR, FINDS Higher 694, 0.131, East D15 FORMER PHOENIX HOTEL 100 N 5TH SHWS, BROWNFIELDS Lower 761, 0.144, SSW E 66 KDOT DIST 2 MAT LAB 112 N 3RD RCRA-CESQG, FINDS Lower 769, 0.146, SSE IMAGES INC 201 E IRON LUST Lower 781, 0.148, SSW 1 PATS BODY SHOP 220 N 7TH RCRA-CESQG, FINDS Higher 839, 0.159, WNW E19 IRON PUMP 418 E IRON LUST, UST, Financial Assurance Lower 840, 0.159, SE F20 HOUSEHOLD HAZ WASTES 315 E ELM AST Higher 874, 0.166, North F21 CITY OF SALINA HOUSE 315 E ELM RCRA-LQG Higher 874, 0.166, North F22 SALINA HHW 315 E ELM RCRA NonGen / NLR, FINDS Higher 874, 0.166, North F23 CITY OF SALINA FUELI 315 EAST ELM SWF/LF, UST, Financial Assurance Higher 874, 0.166, North D24 SALINA ACADEMY OF HA 115 S. 5TH STREET US BROWNFIELDS, FINDS Lower 922, 0.175, SSW D25 SALINA HAIR ACADEMY 115 S. 5TH STREET SHWS, BROWNFIELDS Lower 922, 0.175, SSW G26 WESTAR ENERGY INC SA 400 N 3RD (A) RCRA NonGen / NLR Higher 926, 0.175, NNE G27 SALINA METER SHOP 400 N 3RD STREET UST Higher 934, 0.177, NNE H28 ROLAND BIRD 127 S 4TH RCRA-CESQG, FINDS Lower 969, 0.184, South 29 GREAT PLAINS MANUFAC 108 NORTH 2ND STREET RCRA-CESQG, FINDS Lower 977, 0.185, SE G30 FOOD SERVICES OF AME 409 EAST ELM LUST, UST Higher 983, 0.186, NNE F31 SALINA IRON & METAL 312 N 5TH RCRA NonGen / NLR, US AIRS Higher 1052, 0.199, NNN H32 IKON OFFICE SOLUTION 130 S 5TH RCRA NonGen / NLR, FINDS Lower 1052, 0.199, SS" H33 BURRS AUTO BODY 137 S 5TH RCRA NonGen / NLR, FINDS Lower 1098, 0.208, SSA 134 RAINBO BREAD STORE 301 W ASH LUST Higher 1158, 0.219, Wes - 135 SALINA, CITY OF 300 W ASH LUST Higher 1158, 0.219, Wes 36 CAROL LEE DONUT SHOP 218 WEST IRON ST. LUST, UST Higher 1176, 0.223, SW SALINA NORTH SHWS, FINDS Higher 1182, 0.224, NN1A MIDLAND MUFFLER 313 W. ASH LUST, UST Higher 1194, 0.226, Wes' K39 AIRGAS MID SOUTH - S 300 N 7TH RCRA NonGen / NLR, FINDS Higher 1200, 0.227, NW 4471374.2s Page 2 MAPPED SITES SUMMARY Target Property Address: 46 156 N. 5TH ST. SALINA, KS 67401 Click on Map ID to see full detail. MAP RELATIVE DIST (ft. & mi.) ID SITE NAME ADDRESS DATABASE ACRONYMS ELEVATION DIRECTION K40 BWS LLC 300 N 7TH (B) RCRA NonGen / NLR Higher 1200, 0.227, NW K41 BROWN WELDING SUPPLY 300 N 7TH SHWS, LUST, UST, INST CONTROL Higher 1200, 0.227, NW 42 BURRS BODY SHOP 151 S 5TH RCRA NonGen / NLR, FINDS Lower 1210, 0.229, SSV K43 FIRE STATION #1 222 WEST ELM UST Higher 1247, 0.236, NW K44 SALINA, FIRE STATION 222 W ELM LUST Higher 1247, 0.236, NW J45 BELL MOTOR INC 325 N SANTA FE UST Higher 1254, 0.237, NNV J46 TRUCK & AUTO SPECIAL 325 N SANTA FE RCRA NonGen / NLR, FINDS Higher 1254, 0.237, NNV J47 335 NORTH FIFTH STRE 335 N. 5TH STREET SHWS Lower 1338, 0.253, Nortl 48 ELM AND FRONT STREET ELM & FRONT ST. CERCLIS Lower 1361, 0.258, NE 49 SOUTHWESTERN BELL TE 137 S 7TH LUST, UST, AST, Financial Assurance, TIER 2 Higher 1369, 0.259, SW 50 LONG MCARTHUR FORD 1 340 N SANTA FE LUST, UST Lower 1401, 0.265, NNV 51 THIS & THAT LAMPS & 307 E WALNUT LUST, UST Lower 1565, 0.296, Sout 52 FIRESTONE SERVICE CE 200 S 5TH ST LUST Higher 1645, 0.312, Sout 53 MERCURY-COMCARE OF S 617 EAST ELM CERCLIS Lower 1687, 0.320, ENE 54 MISSOURI PACIFIC RAI 353 N 7TH SHWS, INST CONTROL Lower 1757, 0.333, NNN 55 STEWART'S LAUNDRY (F 211 S SANTA FE SHWS Higher 1775, 0.336, SSW SALINA PWS WELL #11 ASH STREET & OAKDALE SHWS Higher 1776, 0.336, East 5 PENNINGTON CHIROPRAC 204 W WALNUT LUST Higher 1835, 0.348, SSW 58 BUD'S PLUMBING 336 N 9TH ST LUST Higher 1843, 0.349, NW 59 POLICE DEPT 255 N 10TH LUST, UST, Financial Assurance Higher 1873, 0.355, WNV 60 UNION PACIFIC RR, SA 2ND & PINE LUST Lower 1874, 0.355, NNE 61 USD #305 256 S 5TH ST LUST, UST Higher 2077, 0.393, Soutl 62 SALINA DCA NEAR INTERSECTION OF SHWS Lower 2130, 0.403, North 63 RESEARCH PRODUCTS (F 411 N 7TH STREET SHWS Lower 2145, 0.406, NNW 64 SALINA PWS WELL #11 PENN AVE & ASH ST CERCLIS Higher 2175, 0.412, East L65 SALINA REGIONAL HLTH 139 N PENN SHWS, LUST, UST, BROWNFIELDS, Financial Assurance,... Higher 2185, 0.414, East L66 ST JOHNS HOSPITAL 139 N PENN CERC-NFRAP, RCRA-CESQG, US AIRS, FINDS Higher 2185, 0.414, East 67 SALINA PCE 161 E NORTH ST SHWS Lower 2287, 0.433, Nortt 68 KOETTING, B J 521 BISHOP STREET SHWS, LUST Higher 2393, 0.453, NW M69 ONEOK FMGP - SALINA 301 N 3RD STREET EDR MGP Lower 2422, 0.459, Soutl M70 SALINA FMGP 301 N 3RD ST CERC-NFRAP Lower 2422, 0.459, Souti M71 ONEOK FMGP - SALINA 301 N 3RD STREET SHWS Lower 2422, 0.459, Sout N72 501 NORTH SANTA FE S 501 N. SANTA FE SHWS, INST CONTROL, SPILLS Lower 2474, 0.469, NNW 73 616 E. NORTH STREET 616 E. NORTH STREET SHWS Lower 2496, 0.473, NNE N74 SALINE VALLEY TERMIN 511 N SANTA FE LUST, UST Lower 2496, 0.473, NNW 75 TACO JOHN'S 303 SOUTH SANTA FE LUST Higher 2517, 0.477, SSW CONTINENTAL ANALYTIC LINCOLN AVE & 8TH ST SHWS, VCP Lower 3017, 0.571, NNW SALINA, CITY OF-WATE 401 S 5TH SHWS, TIER 2 Higher 3030, 0.574, Soutt 78 WEST SOUTH STREET W SOUTH ST & 8TH AVE CERC-NFRAP, SHWS Higher 3183, 0.603, SSW 4471374.2s Page 3 MAPPED SITES SUMMARY Target Property Address: 46 156 N. 5TH ST. SALINA, KS 67401 Click on Map ID to see full detail. MAP RELATIVE DIST (ft. & mi.) ID SITE NAME ADDRESS DATABASE ACRONYMS ELEVATION DIRECTION 79 EXPRESS CLEANERS 540 S SANTA FE SHWS Higher 4085, 0.774, Sou 80 TOMMY'S RADIATOR 725 N 11TH SHWS, INST CONTROL Lower 4256, 0.806, NNb 81 GRAND STREET DRUM CO 904 WEST GRANT ST SHWS Lower 4847,0-918, NW 4471374.2s Page 4 • 00 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TARGET PROPERTY SEARCH RESULTS The target property was identified in the following records. For more information on this property see page 7 of the attached EDR Radius Map report: Site Database(s) EPA ID SUPER WASH & DETAIL FINDS N/A 156 N 5TH ST Registry ID:: 110030560701 SALINA, KS 67401 STAR A INSURANCE LUST N/A 156 N 5TH Facility Id: 82631 SALINA, KS 67401 Facility Status: Closed UST Tank Status: Permanently Out Of Use Facility Id: 00015 SUPER WASH & DETAIL RGA LUST N/A 156 N. 5TH Facility ID: 82631 SALINA, KS STAR A INSURANCE FINDS N/A 156 N 5TH ST Registry ID:: 110017610959 SALINA, KS 67401 DATABASES WITH NO MAPPED SITES No mapped sites were found in EDR's search of available ("reasonably ascertainable ") government records either on the target property or within the search radius around the target property for the following databases: STANDARD ENVIRONMENTAL RECORDS Federal NPL site list NPL_________________________ National Priority List Proposed NPL --------------- Proposed National Priority List Sites NPL LIENS___________________ Federal Superfund Liens Federal Delisted NPL site list Delisted NPL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ National Priority List Deletions Federal CERCLIS list FEDERAL FACILITY_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Federal Facility Site Information listing TC4471374.2s EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 5 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY �:i Federal RCRA CORRACTS facilities list CORRACTS----------------- Corrective Action Report Federal RCRA non-CORRACTS TSD facilities list RCRA-TSDF----------------- RCRA-Treatment, Storage and Disposal Federal RCRA generators list RCRA-SQG------------------ RCRA - Small Quantity Generators Federal institutional controls /engineering controls registries LUCIS----------------------- Land Use Control Information System US ENG CONTROLS -------- Engineering Controls Sites List US INST CONTROL --------- Sites with Institutional Controls Federal ERNS list ERNS________________________ Emergency Response Notification System State and tribal leaking storage tank lists LAST------------------------ Leaking Aboveground Storage Tanks INDIAN LUST---------------- Leaking Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land State and tribal registered storage tank lists FEMA UST------------------. Underground Storage Tank Listing INDIAN UST----------------- Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land State and tribal voluntary cleanup sites INDIAN VCP----------------- Voluntary Cleanup Priority Listing VCP------------------------- Identified Sites List ADDITIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL RECORDS Local Lists of Landfill/ Solid Waste Disposal Sites INDIAN ODI__________________ Report on the Status of Open Dumps on Indian Lands ODI-------------------------- Open Dump Inventory DEBRIS REGION 9---------- Torres Martinez Reservation Illegal Dump Site Locations Local Lists of Hazardous waste / Contaminated Sites US HIST CDL--------------- National Clandestine Laboratory Register AOCONCERN--------------- Area of Concern CDL ------------------------ Clandestine Laboratory Data US CDL--------------------- Clandestine Drug Labs Local Land Records LIENS 2 ------- - ---- - - - - - ---. CERCLA Lien Information 00 TC4471374.2s EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 6 C EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Records of Emergency Release Reports HMIRS_______________________ Hazardous Materials Information Reporting System SPILLS______________________ Kansas Spills Database Other Ascertainable Records FUDS________________________ Formerly Used Defense Sites DOD_________________________ Department of Defense Sites SCRD DRYCLEANERS------ State Coalition for Remediation of Drycleaners Listing US FIN ASSUR-------------- Financial Assurance Information EPA WATCH LIST ----------- EPA WATCH LIST 2020 COR ACTION ---------- 2020 Corrective Action Program List TSCA------------------------ Toxic Substances Control Act TRIS------------------------- Toxic Chemical Release Inventory System SSTS------------------------ Section 7 Tracking Systems ROD------------------------- Records Of Decision RMP------------------------- Risk Management Plans RAATS---------------------- RCRA Administrative Action Tracking System PRP------------------------- Potentially Responsible Parties PADS------------------------ PCB Activity Database System ]CIS-------------------------. Integrated Compliance Information System FTTS------------------------ FIFRA/ TSCA Tracking System - FIFRA (Federal Insecticide Act)/TSCA (Toxic Substances Control Act) MLTS________________________ Material Licensing Tracking System COAL ASH DOE__--__-_____ Steam -Electric Plant Operation Data COAL ASH EPA -------------- Coal Combustion Residues Surface Impoundments List PCB TRANSFORMER-_-__--. PCB Transformer Registration Database RADINFO-------------------- Radiation Information Database HIST FTTS------------------- FIFRA/TSCA Tracking System Administrative Case Listing DOT OPS____________________ Incident and Accident Data CONSENT------------------- Superfund (CERCLA) Consent Decrees INDIAN RESERV_____________ Indian Reservations UMTRA______________________ Uranium Mill Tailings Sites LEAD SMELTERS ------------ Lead Smelter Sites US AIRS--------------------- Aerometric Information Retrieval System Facility Subsystem US MINES------------------- Mines Master Index File AIRS------------------------. Title V Source Information COAL ASH------------------- Coal Ash Disposal Site Listing DRYCLEANERS------------- Registered Drycleaning Facilities Financial Assurance ---------- Financial Assurance Information Listing TIER 2_______________________ Tier 2 Information Listing UIC__________________________ Underground Injection Wells Database Listing EDR HIGH RISK HISTORICAL RECORDS EDR Exclusive Records EDR US Hist Cleaners_ _ _ _ _ _ _ . EDR Exclusive Historic Dry Cleaners EDR RECOVERED GOVERNMENT ARCHIVES Fungicide, & Rodenticide Exclusive Recovered Govt. Archives RGA HWS-------------_--- Recovered Government Archive State Hazardous Waste Facilities List TC4471374.2s EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 7 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY • RGA LF---------------------- Recovered Government Archive Solid Waste Facilities List SURROUNDING SITES: SEARCH RESULTS Surrounding sites were identified in the following databases. Elevations have been determined from the USGS Digital Elevation Model and should be evaluated on a relative (not an absolute) basis. Relative elevation information between sites of close proximity should be field verified. Sites with an elevation equal to or higher than the target property have been differentiated below from sites with an elevation lower than the target property. Page numbers and map identification numbers refer to the EDR Radius Map report where detailed data on individual sites can be reviewed. Sites listed in bold italics are in multiple databases. Unmappable (orphan) sites are not considered in the foregoing analysis. STANDARD ENVIRONMENTAL RECORDS Federal CERCLIS list CERCLIS: The Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Information System contains data on potentially hazardous waste sites that have been reported to the USEPA by states, municipalities, private companies and private persons, pursuant to Section 103 of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA). CERCLIS contains sites which are either proposed to or on the National Priorities List (NPL) and sites which are in the screening and assessment phase for possible inclusion on the NPL. A review of the CERCLIS list, as provided by EDR, and dated 10/25/2013 has revealed that there are 3 CERCLIS sites within approximately 0.5 miles of the target property. Equal/Higher Elevation Address Direction / Distance Map ID Page SALINA PWS WELL #11 PENN AVE & ASH ST E 1/4 - 1/2 (0.412 mi.) 64 274 Lower Elevation Address Direction / Distance Map ID Page ELM AND FRONT STREET ELM & FRONT ST. NE 1/4 - 1/2 (0.258 mi.) 48 138 MERCURY-COMCARE OF S 617 EAST ELM ENE 1/4 - 1/2 (0.320 mi.) 53 216 • Federal CERCLIS NFRAP site List CERC-NFRAP: Archived sites are sites that have been removed and archived from the inventory of CERCLIS sites. Archived status indicates that, to the best of EPA's knowledge, assessment at a site has been completed and that EPA has determined no further steps will be taken to list this site on the National Priorities List (NPL), unless information indicates this decision was not appropriate or other considerations require a recommendation for listing at a later time. This decision does not necessarily mean that there is no hazard associated with a given site; it only means that, based upon available information, the location is not judged to be a potential NPL site. A review of the CERC-NFRAP list, as provided by EDR, and dated 10/25/2013 has revealed that there are 2 CERC-NFRAP sites within approximately 0.5 miles of the target property. TC4471374.2s EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 8 • Eaual/Hiaher Elevation ST JOHNS HOSPITAL Lower Elevation SALINA FMGP Federal RCRA generators list EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Address Direction / Distance Map ID Page 139 N PENN E 114 - 112 (0.414 mi.) Address 301 N 3RD ST L66 290 Direction / Distance Map ID Page S 114 - 1/2 (0.459 mi.) M70 307 RCRA-LQG: RCRAInfo is EPA's comprehensive information system, providing access to data supporting the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) of 1976 and the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments (HSWA) of 1984. The database includes selective information on sites which generate, transport, store, treat and/or dispose of hazardous waste as defined by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). Large quantity generators (LQGs) generate over 1,000 kilograms (kg) of hazardous waste, or over 1 kg of acutely hazardous waste per month. A review of the RCRA-LQG list, as provided by EDR, and dated 06/09/2015 has revealed that there is 1 RCRA-LQG site within approximately 0.25 miles of the target property. Equal/Higher Elevation Address Direction / Distance Map ID Page CITY OF SALINA HOUSE 315 E ELM N 1/8 - 1/4 (0.166 mi.) F21 42 RCRA-CESQG: RCRAInfo is EPA's comprehensive information system, providing access to data supporting the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) of 1976 and the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments (HSWA) • of 1984. The database includes selective information on sites which generate, transport, store, treat and/or dispose of hazardous waste as defined by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). Conditionally exempt small quantity generators (CESQGs) generate less than 100 kg of hazardous waste, or less than 1 kg of acutely hazardous waste per month. A review of the RCRA-CESQG list, as provided by EDR, and dated 06/09/2015 has revealed that there are 4 RCRA-CESQG sites within approximately 0.25 miles of the target property. Equal/Higher Elevation Address Direction 1 Distance Map ID Page PATS BODY SHOP 220 N 7TH WNW 118 - 114 (0.159 mi.) 18 34 Lower Elevation Address Direction / Distance Map ID Page KDOT DIST 2 MAT LAB 112 N 3RD SSE 118 - 1/4 (0.146 mi.) E16 29 ROLAND BIRD 127 S 4TH S 1/8 - 114 (0.184 mi.) H28 79 GREAT PLAINS MANUFAC 108 NORTH 2ND STREET SE 118 - 114 (0.185 mi.) 29 81 • State- and tribal - equivalent CERCUS SHWS: The State Hazardous Waste Sites records are the states' equivalent to CERCLIS. These sites may or may not already be listed on the federal CERCLIS list. Priority sites planned for cleanup using state funds (state equivalent of Superfund) are identified along with sites where cleanup will be paid for by potentially responsible parties. The data come from the Department of Health & Environment's list: Summary of Bureau of Environmental Remediation Sites in Kansas. A review of the SHWS list, as provided by EDR, and dated 07/28/2015 has revealed that there are 23 TC4471374.2s EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 9 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY • SHWS sites within approximately 1 mile of the target property. Equal/Higher Elevation Address WARDROBE CLEANERS 245 N SANTA FE AVE Facility Status: Active Project code: C508571701 Activity Status: C Activity Status: U SALINA NORTH Facility Status: Resolved Project code: C508503010 Activity Status: C BROWN WELDING SUPPLY 300 N 7TH Facility Status: Active Project code: C508570724 Activity Status: C Activity Status: U STEWART'S LAUNDRY (F 211 S SANTA FE Facility Status: Active Project code: C508570365 Activity Status: C Activity Status: U Direction / Distance Map ID Page NW 0 - 118 (0.121 mi.) B11 17 NNW 118 - 114 (0.224 mi.) J37 NW 118 - 114 (0.227 mi.) K41 SSW 1/4 - 1/2 (0.336 mi.) 55 SALINA PWS WELL #11 ASH STREET & OAKDALE E 1/4 - 1/2 (0.336 mi.) 56 Facility Status: Active Project code: C508503004 Activity Status: C Activity Status: U SALINA REGIONAL HLTH Is 139 N PENN E 114 - 112 (0.414 mi.) L65 Facility Status: Resolved Project code: C508573210 Activity Status: C KOETTING, B J 521 BISHOP STREET NW 114 - 112 (0.453 mi.) 68 Facility Status: Active Project code: C508571972 Activity Status: C Activity Status: U SALINA, CITY OF-WATE 401 S 5TH S 112 - 1 (0.574 mi.) 77 Facility Status: Active Project code: C508500037 Activity Status: C Activity Status: U WEST SOUTH STREET W SOUTH ST & 8TH AVE SSW 112 - 1 (0.603 mi.) 78 Facility Status: Active Project code: 0508570204 Activity Status: C Activity Status: U EXPRESS CLEANERS 540 S SANTA FE S 1/2 - 1 (0.774 mi.) 79 Facility Status: Active Project code: 0508570354 Activity Status: U Activity Status: C FORMER PHOENIX HOTEL 100 N 5TH 0 97 107 240 245 276 294 362 547 553 Direction / Distance Map ID Page SSW 1/8 - 1/4 (0.144 mi.) D15 26 TC4471374.2s EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 10 • 0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Facility Status: Resolved Project code: C508573007 Activity Status: C SALINA HAIR ACADEMY 115 S. 5TH STREET Facility Status: Resolved Project code: C508572867 Activity Status: C 335 NORTH FIFTH STRE 335 N. 5TH STREET Facility Status: Resolved Project code: C508572320 Activity Status: C MISSOURI PACIFIC RAI 353 N 7TH Facility Status: Active Project code: C508571962 Activity Status: C Activity Status: U SSW 118 - 114 (0.175 mi.) D25 N 1/4 - 1/2 (0.253 mi.) J47 NNW 114 - 112 (0.333 mi.) 54 SALINA DCA NEAR INTERSECTION OF N 1/4 - 1/2 (0.403 mi.) 62 Facility Status: Resolved Project code: C508572487 Activity Status: C RESEARCH PRODUCTS (F 411 N 7TH STREET Facility Status: Active Project code: C508571572 Activity Status: C Activity Status: U SALINA PCE 161 E NORTH ST Facility Status: Active Project code: 0508573129 ONEOK FMGP - SALINA 301 N 3RD STREET Facility Status: Active Project code: 0508570037 Activity Status: C Activity Status: U 501 NORTH SANTA FE S 501 N. SANTA FE Facility Status: Active Project code: C508570919 Activity Status: C Activity Status: U NNW 1/4 - 1/2 (0.406 mi.) 63 73 136 217 260 262 N 1/4 - 1/2 (0.433 mi.) 67 293 S 1/4 - 1/2 (0.459 mi.) M71 308 NNW 114 - 112 (0.469 mi.) N72 317 616 E. NORTH STREET 616 E. NORTH STREET NNE 1/4 - 1/2 (0.473 mi.) 73 Facility Status: Active Project code: 0508573170 Activity Status: C CONTINENTAL ANALYTIC LINCOLN AVE 8 8TH ST NNW 112 - 1 (0.571 mi.) 76 Facility Status: Active Project code: 0508571100 Activity Status: C Activity Status: U TOMMY'S RADIATOR 725 N 11TH Facility Status: Resolved with restrictions Project code: C508570231 Activity Status: C NNW 112 - 1 (0.806 mi.) 80 350 355 564 TC4471374.2s EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 11 Activity Status: U GRAND STREET DRUM CO Facility Status: Resolved Project code: C508571917 Activity Status: C EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 904 WEST GRANT ST NW 1/2 - 1 (0.918 mi.) 81 570 State and tribal landfill and/or solid waste disposal site lists SWF/LF: The Solid Waste Facilities/Landfill Sites records typically contain an inventory of solid waste disposal facilities or landfills in a particular state. The data come from the Department of Health & Environment's Directory of Sanitary Landfills, Solid Waste Transfer Stations and Collectors in Kansas. A review of the SWF/LF list, as provided by EDR, and dated 07/23/2015 has revealed that there is 1 SWF/LF site within approximately 0.5 miles of the target property. Equal/Higher Elevation Address Direction / Distance Map ID Page CITY OF SALINA FUELI 315 EAST ELM N 1/8 - 1/4 (0.166 mi.) F23 67 Facility Status: Active State and tribal leaking storage tank lists LUST: The Leaking Underground Storage Tank Incident Reports contain an inventory of reported leaking underground storage tank incidents. The data come from the Kansas Department of Environmental Protection's LUST Incident Report. • A review of the LUST list, as provided by EDR, and dated 08/11/2015 has revealed that there are 28 LUST sites within approximately 0.5 miles of the target property. Equal/Higher Elevation Address Direction / Distance Map ID Page US POSTAL SERVICE, S 21 E ASH WNW 0 - 1/8 (0.013 mi.) A6 12 Facility Id: 00156 Facility Status: Closed GENERAL MAIL FACILIT 211 E ASH WNW 0 - 1/8 (0.013 mi.) A7 13 Facility Id: 00156 Facility Status: Closed BUS DEPOT, FORMER (V 202 N 5TH WNW 0 - 118 (0.027 mi.) 8 15 Facility Id: 81618 Facility Status: Closed BROWN INDUSTRIES, IN 253 N SANTA FE NW 1/8 - 1/4 (0.128 mi.) B12 20 Facility Id: 80336 Facility Status: Closed CENTRAL GARAGE 418 E ASH E 1/8 - 1/4 (0.131 mi.) C13 22 Facility Id: 09067 Facility Status: Monitor FOOD SERVICES OF AME 409 EAST ELM NNE 1/8 - 1/4 (0.186 mi.) G30 85 Facility Id: 18477 Facility Status: Closed RAINBO BREAD STORE 301 WASH W 1/8 - 1/4 (0.219 mi.) 134 92 0 TC4471374.2s EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 12 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ' Facility Id: 29016 Facility Status: Closed SALINA, CITY OF 300 W ASH W 1/8 - 1/4 (0.219 mi.) 135 93 Facility Id: 07897 Facility Id: 80339 Facility Status: Closed CAROL LEE DONUT SHOP 218 WEST IRON ST. SW 1/8 - 1/4 (0.223 mi.) 36 95 Facility Id: 28352 Facility Status: Closed MIDLAND MUFFLER 313 W. ASH W 1/8 - 1/4 (0.226 mi.) 138 99 Facility Id: 20951 Facility Status: Closed BROWN WELDING SUPPLY 300 N 7TH NW 118 - 114 (0.227 mi.) K41 107 Facility Id: 26021 Facility Status: Closed SALINA, FIRE STATION 222 W ELM NW 1/8 - 1/4 (0.236 mi.) K44 131 Facility Id: 09068 Facility Status: Monitor SOUTHWESTERN BELL TE 137 S 7TH SW 1/4 - 1/2 (0.259 mi.) 49 140 Facility Id: 08829 Facility Status: Closed FIRESTONE SERVICE CE 200 S 5TH ST S 1/4 - 1/2 (0.312 mi.) 52 212 Facility Id: 80342 Facility Status: Closed PENNINGTON CHIROPRAC 204 W WALNUT SSW 1/4 - 1/2 (0.348 mi.) 57 251 Facility Id: Facility Status:tus: Closed BUD'S PLUMBING 336 N 9TH ST NW 1/4 - 1/2 (0.349 mi.) 58 252 Facility Id: 80337 Facility Status: Closed POLICE DEPT 255 N 10TH WNW 1/4 - 1/2 (0.355 mi.) 59 253 Facility Id: 09070 Facility Status: Closed USD #305 256 S 5TH ST S 1/4 - 1/2 (0.393 mi.) 61 257 Facility Id: 05878 Facility Status: Closed SALINA REGIONAL HLTH 139 N PENN E 1/4 - 1/2 (0.414 mi.) L65 276 Facility Id: 06264 Facility Status: Closed KOETTING, B J 521 BISHOP STREET NW 1/4 - 1/2 (0.453 mi.) 68 294 Facility Id: 80335 Facility Status: Closed TACO JOHN'S 303 SOUTH SANTA FE SSW 1/4 - 1/2 (0.477 mi.) 75 353 Facility Id: 82839 Facility Status: Monitor Lower Elevation Address Direction / Distance Map ID Page A D M MILLING CO. ASH & 3RD STREET ENE 0 - 1/8 (0.055 mi.) 9 16 Facility Id: 80334 TC4471374.2s EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 13 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ' Facility Status: Closed IMAGES INC 201 E IRON SSW 1/8 - 1/4 (0.148 mi.) D17 32 Facility Id: 82922 Facility Id: 81389 Facility Status: Active Facility Status: Closed IRON PUMP 418 E IRON SE 118 - 114 (0.159 mi.) E19 39 Facility Id: 25445 Facility Status: Closed LONG MCARTHUR FORD 1 340 N SANTA FE NNW 114 - 1/2 (0.265 mi.) 50 208 Facility Id: 17230 Facility Status: Closed THIS & THAT LAMPS 6 307 E WALNUT S 1/4 - 112 (0.296 mi.) 51 210 Facility Id: 00037 Facility Status: Monitor UNION PACIFIC RR, SA 2ND & PINE NNE 1/4 - 1/2 (0.355 mi.) 60 256 Facility Id: 29766 Facility Status: Closed SALINE VALLEY TERMIN 511 N SANTA FE NNW 114 - 112 (0.473 mi.) N74 352 Facility Id: 27088 Facility Status: Closed State and tribal registered storage tank lists • UST: The Underground Storage Tank database contains registered USTs. LISTS are regulated under Subtitle I of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). The data come from the Department of Health & Environment's UST (Report) Listing Including Names. A review of the UST list, as provided by EDR, and dated 07/24/2015 has revealed that there are 11 UST sites within approximately 0.25 miles of the target property. Equal/Higher Elevation Address Direction / Distance Map ID Page GENERAL MAIL FACILIT 211 E ASH WNW 0 - 118 (0.013 mi.) A7 13 Tank Status: Permanently Out Of Use Facility Id: 00156 CENTRAL GARAGE 418 E ASH E 118 - 114 (0.131 mi.) C13 22 Tank Status: Permanently Out Of Use Facility Id: 09067 CITY OF SALINA FUELI 315 EAST ELM N 118 - 1/4 (0.166 mi.) F23 67 Tank Status: Current In Use Facility Id: 29603 SALINA METER SHOP 400 N 3RD STREET NNE 1/8 - 1/4 (0.177 mi.) G27 79 Tank Status: Permanently Out Of Use Facility Id: 24026 FOOD SERVICES OF AME 409 EAST ELM NNE 118 - 114 (0.186 mi.) G30 85 Tank Status: Permanently Out Of Use Facility Id: 18477 CAROL LEE DONUT SHOP 218 WEST IRON ST. SW 118 - 114 (0.223 mi.) 36 95 TC4471374.2s EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 14 • EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Tank Status: Permanently Out Of Use Facility Id: 28352 MIDLAND MUFFLER 313 W. ASH W 1/8 - 1/4 (0.226 mi.) 138 99 Tank Status: Permanently Out Of Use Facility Id: 20951 Facility Id: 25956 BROWN WELDING SUPPLY 300 N 7TH NW 1/8 - 1/4 (0.227 mi.) K41 107 Tank Status: Permanently Out Of Use Facility Id: 26021 FIRE STATION #1 222 WEST ELM NW 1/8 - 1/4 (0.236 mi.) K43 130 Tank Status: Permanently Out Of Use Facility Id: 09068 BELL MOTOR INC 325 N SANTA FE NNW 1/8 - 1/4 (0.237 mi.) J45 132 Tank Status: Permanently Out Of Use Facility Id: 11815 Lower Elevation Address Direction / Distance Map ID Page IRON PUMP 418 E IRON SE 1/8 - 1/4 (0.159 mi.) E19 39 Tank Status: Current In Use Tank Status: Permanently Out Of Use Facility Id: 25445 AST: The Aboveground Storage Tank database contains registered ASTs. The data come from the Department of Health & Environment's AST (Report) Listing Including Names. • A review of the AST list, as provided by EDR, and dated 07/24/2015 has revealed that there are 2 AST sites within approximately 0.25 miles of the target property. Equal/Higher Elevation Address Direction / Distance Map ID Page • CENTRAL GARAGE 418 E ASH Facility Id: 42690 Tank Status: Current In Use HOUSEHOLD HAZ WASTES 315 E ELM Facility Id: 42001 Tank Status: Current In Use E 1/8 - 1/4 (0.131 mi.) C13 22 N 1/8 - 1/4 (0.166 mi.) F20 42 State and tribal institutional control / engineering control registries INST CONTROL: Sites that have institutional control information entered into the Identified Sites List database. A review of the INST CONTROL list, as provided by EDR, and dated 07/27/2015 has revealed that there are 3 INST CONTROL sites within approximately 0.5 miles of the target property. Equal/Higher Elevation Address Direction / Distance Map ID Page BROWN WELDING SUPPLY 300 N 7TH NW 1/8 - 1/4 (0.227 mi.) K41 107 Project Code: C508570724 TC4471374.2s EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 15 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 16 Site ID: 1611 Lower Elevation Address Direction / Distance Map ID Page MISSOURI PACIFIC RAI 353 N 7TH NNW 1/4 - 1/2 (0.333 mi.) 54 217 Project Code: C508571962 Site ID: 1895 501 NORTH SANTA FE S 501 N. SANTA FE NNW 1/4 - 1/2 (0.469 mi.) N72 317 Project Code: 0508570919 Site ID: 1615 State and tribal Brownfields sites Sites included in the Identified Sites List that are identified as Brownfields sites. A review of the BROWNFIELDS list, as provided by EDR, and dated 07/28/2015 has revealed that there are 3 BROWNFIELDS sites within approximately 0.5 miles of the target property. Equal/Higher Elevation Address Direction / Distance Map ID Page SALINA REGIONAL HLTH 139 N PENN E 1/4 - 1/2 (0.414 mi.) L65 276 Site Status: R Site ID: 3161 Lower Elevation Address Direction / Distance Map ID Page • FORMER PHOENIX HOTEL 100 N 5TH SSW 1/8 - 1/4 (0.144 mi.) D15 26 Site Status: R Site ID: 2958 SALINA HAIR ACADEMY 115 S. 5TH STREET SSW 1/8 - 1/4 (0.175 mi.) D25 73 Site Status: R Site ID: 2818 ADDITIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL RECORDS Local Brownfield lists US BROWNFIELDS: The EPA's listing of Brownfields properties from the Cleanups in My Community program, which provides information on Brownfields properties for which information is reported back to EPA, as well as areas served by Brownfields grant programs. A review of the US BROWNFIELDS list, as provided by EDR, and dated 06/22/2015 has revealed that there is 1 US BROWNFIELDS site within approximately 0.5 miles of the target property. Lower Elevation Address Direction / Distance Map ID Page SALINA ACADEMY OF HA 115 S. 5TH STREET SSW 1/8 - 1/4 (0.175 mi.) D24 68 TC4471374.2s EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 16 L� EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Other Ascertainable Records RCRA NonGen / NLR: RCRAInfo is EPA's comprehensive information system, providing access to data supporting the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) of 1976 and the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments (HSWA) of 1984. The database includes selective information on sites which generate, transport, store, treat and/or dispose of hazardous waste as defined by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). Non -Generators do not presently generate hazardous waste. A review of the RCRA NonGen I NLR list, as provided by EDR, and dated 06/09/2015 has revealed that there are 11 RCRA NonGen / NLR sites within approximately 0.25 miles of the target property. Equal/Higher Elevation Address Direction / Distance Map ID Page USPS 211 E ASH ST WNW 0 - 1/8 (0.013 mi.) A5 10 CENTRAL GARAGE 418 E ASH E 118. 114 (0.131 mi.) C14 25 SALINA HHW 315 E ELM N 118 - 114 (0.166 mi.) F22 65 WESTAR ENERGY INC SA 400 N 3RD (A) NNE 1/8 - 1/4 (0.175 mi.) G26 77 SALINA IRON 8 METAL 312 N 5TH NNW 118 - 114 (0.199 mi.) F31 87 AIRGAS MID SOUTH - S 300 N 7TH NW 118 - 114 (0.227 mi.) K39 103 BWS LLC 300 N 7TH (B) NW 1/8 - 1/4 (0.227 mi.) K40 105 TRUCK & AUTO SPECIAL 325 N SANTA FE NNW 118 - 114 (0.237 mi.) J46 133 Lower Elevation Address Direction / Distance Map ID Page IKON OFFICE SOLUTION 130 S 5TH SSW 118 - 114 (0.199 mi.) H32 88 BURRS AUTO BODY 137 S 5TH SSW 118 - 114 (0.208 mi.) H33 90 BURRS BODY SHOP 151 S 5TH SSW 118 - 114 (0.229 mi.) 42 125 • EDR HIGH RISK HISTORICAL RECORDS EDR Exclusive Records EDR MGP: The EDR Proprietary Manufactured Gas Plant Database includes records of coal gas plants (manufactured gas plants) compiled by EDR's researchers. Manufactured gas sites were used in the United States from the 1800's to 1950's to produce a gas that could be distributed and used as fuel. These plants used whale oil, rosin, coal, or a mixture of coal, oil, and water that also produced a significant amount of waste. Many of the byproducts of the gas production, such as coal tar (oily waste containing volatile and non-volatile chemicals), sludges, oils and other compounds are potentially hazardous to human health and the environment. The byproduct from this process was frequently disposed of directly at the plant site and can remain or spread slowly, serving as a continuous source of soil and groundwater contamination. A review of the EDR MGP list, as provided by EDR, has revealed that there is 1 EDR MGP site within approximately 1 mile of the target property. Lower Elevation Address Direction / Distance Map ID Page ONEOK FMGP - SALINA 301 N 3RD STREET S 1/4 - 1/2 (0.459 mi.) M69 307 TC4471374.2s EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 17 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY • EDR US Hist Auto Stat: EDR has searched selected national collections of business directories and has collected listings of potential gas station/filling station/service station sites that were available to EDR researchers. EDR's review was limited to those categories of sources that might, in EDR's opinion, include gas station/filling station/service station establishments. The categories reviewed included, but were not limited to gas, gas station, gasoline station, filling station, auto, automobile repair, auto service station, service station, etc. This database falls within a category of information EDR classifies as "High Risk Historical Records", or HRHR. EDR's HRHR effort presents unique and sometimes proprietary data about past sites and operations that typically create environmental concerns, but may not show up in current government records searches. • ,r u A review of the EDR US Hist Auto Stat list, as provided by EDR, has revealed that there is 1 EDR US Hist Auto Stat site within approximately 0. 125 miles of the target property. Equal/Higher Elevation Address Direction / Distance Map ID Page Not reported 223 N SANTA FE AVE WNW 0 - 1/8 (0.102 mi.) B10 17 TC4471374.2s EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 18 • • EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Due to poor or inadequate address information, the following sites were not mapped. Count: 5 records. Site Name TOTAL PETROLEUM - SALINA PRODUCT T SULLIVAN LIQUOR SMOKEY'S AUTO BODY SHOP MULBERRY AND SANTA FE PACIFIC AND SANTA FE Database(s) CERC-NFRAP, RCRA-CESQG LUST LUST LUST LUST TC4471374.2s EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 19 OVERVIEW MAP - 4471374.2S N Target Property Sites at elevations higher than or equal to the target property • Sites at elevations lower than the target property 1 Manufactured Gas Plants National Priority List Sites Dept. Defense Sites 0 0 1/4 112 r no" Indian Reservations BIA Areas of Concern Power transmission lines Pipelines 1 100 -year flood zone U 500 -year flood zone This report includes Interactive Map Layers to display and/or hide map information. The legend includes only those icons for the default map view. SITE NAME: Super Wash & Detail and Varier Property CLIENT: GeoCore, Inc. ADDRESS: 156 N. 5th St. CONTACT: Robert Hopkins Saina KS 67401 INQUIRY #: 4471374.2s LAT/LONG: 38.8426197.6073 DATE: November 19, 2015 7:42 am Coovnant : 2015 E08 Inc. 2010 Tele Atles Rd. 07/2009. I i sE P ; c Av, cf U, N Target Property Sites at elevations higher than or equal to the target property • Sites at elevations lower than the target property 1 Manufactured Gas Plants National Priority List Sites Dept. Defense Sites 0 0 1/4 112 r no" Indian Reservations BIA Areas of Concern Power transmission lines Pipelines 1 100 -year flood zone U 500 -year flood zone This report includes Interactive Map Layers to display and/or hide map information. The legend includes only those icons for the default map view. SITE NAME: Super Wash & Detail and Varier Property CLIENT: GeoCore, Inc. ADDRESS: 156 N. 5th St. CONTACT: Robert Hopkins Saina KS 67401 INQUIRY #: 4471374.2s LAT/LONG: 38.8426197.6073 DATE: November 19, 2015 7:42 am Coovnant : 2015 E08 Inc. 2010 Tele Atles Rd. 07/2009. DETAIL MAP - 4471374.2S I ++ — n F31 z � �ny.:A iIaE OEcxar MriPF S r = T -K i is/ / X -rw Ash St w asp( t E 1 � ' I eillo. WPM PATHOIUtiYU DRV, L'HARTf aFb � r c I t m St � St r n V JE_ JE.I m1 3 I �i cW / - n m , a / i A r m _ r 1 t N o r I y Target Property o ills1A 1/4 Miles • Sites at elevations higher than or equal to the target property Indian Reservations BIA Areas of Concern j Sites at elevations lower than 100 -year flood zone the target property L Manufactured Gas Plants 500 -year flood zone ti Sensitive Receptors National Priority List Sites Dept. Defense Sites This report includes Interactive Map Layers to display and/or hide map information. The legend includes only those icons for the default map view. SITE NAME: Super Wash & Detail and Vanier Property CLIENT: GeoCore, Inc. ADDRESS: 156 N. 5th St. CONTACT: Robert Hopkins Saina KS 67401 INQUIRY #: 4471374.2s LAT/LONG: 38.8426 / 97.6073 DATE: November 19, 2015 7:43 am Copynght ^ 2015 EDA Inc � 2010 Tele Atlas Rel 0712pog. MAP FINDINGS SUMMARY 46Search Distance Target Total Database (Miles) Property < 1/8 1/8-1/4 1/4-1/2 1/2 - 1 > 1 Plotted STANDARD ENVIRONMENTAL RECORDS Federal NPL site list NPL 1.000 0 0 0 0 NR 0 Proposed NPL 1.000 0 0 0 0 NR 0 NPL LIENS TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 Federal Delisted NPL site list Delisted NPL 1.000 0 0 0 0 NR 0 Federal CERCLIS list FEDERAL FACILITY 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 CERCLIS 0.500 0 0 3 NR NR 3 Federal CERCLIS NFRAP site List CERC-NFRAP 0.500 0 0 2 NR NR 2 Federal RCRA CORRACTS facilities list CORRACTS 1.000 0 0 0 0 NR 0 Federal RCRA non-CORRACTS TSD facilities list RCRA-TSDF 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 Federal RCRA generators list RCRA-LQG 0.250 0 1 NR NR NR 1 RCRA-SQG 0.250 0 0 NR NR NR 0 RCRA-CESQG 0.250 0 4 NR NR NR 4 Federal institutional controls / engineering controls registries LUCIS 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 US ENG CONTROLS 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 US INST CONTROL 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 Federal ERNS list ERNS TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 State- and tribal - equivalent CERCLIS SHWS 1.000 1 4 12 6 NR 23 State and tribal landfill and/or solid waste disposal site lists SWF/LF 0 500 0 1 0 NR NR 1 State and tribal leaking storage tank lists LUST 0.500 1 4 11 13 NR NR 29 LAST 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 INDIAN LUST 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 State and tribal registered storage tank lists FEMA UST 0.250 0 0 NR NR NR 0 TC4471374.2s Page 4 MAP FINDINGS SUMMARY ' Search 1 US BROWNFIELDS 0.500 Local Lists of Landfill / Solid Waste Disposal Sites 0 Distance Target 0.500 ODI 0.500 DEBRIS REGION 9 0.500 Total Database (Miles) Property < 1/8 1/8-1/4 1/4-1/2 1/2 - 1 > 1 Plotted UST 0.250 1 1 10 NR NR NR 12 AST 0.250 0 2 NR NR NR 2 INDIAN UST 0.250 0 0 NR NR NR 0 State and tribal institutional TP EPA WATCH LIST TP 2020 COR ACTION 0.250 TSCA control / engineering control registries TRIS TP NR NR NR 0 1 INST CONTROL 0.500 0 1 2 NR NR 3 State and tribal voluntary cleanup sites NR 0 0 0 0 0 NR 0 INDIAN VCP 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 VCP 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 State and tribal Brownfields sites 0 0 NR NR NR 0 NR BROWNFIELDS 0.500 0 2 1 NR NR 3 ADDITIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL RECORDS NR 0 r7 L Local Brownfield lists 1 US BROWNFIELDS 0.500 Local Lists of Landfill / Solid Waste Disposal Sites 0 INDIAN ODI 0.500 ODI 0.500 DEBRIS REGION 9 0.500 Local Lists of Hazardous waste / Contaminated Sites 0 US HIST CDL TP AOCONCERN 1.000 CDL TP US CDL TP Local Land Records 0 LIENS 2 TP Records of Emergency Release Reports HMIRS TP SPILLS TP Other Ascertainable Records RCRA NonGen / NLR 0.250 FUDS 1.000 DOD 1.000 SCRD DRYCLEANERS 0.500 US FIN ASSUR TP EPA WATCH LIST TP 2020 COR ACTION 0.250 TSCA TP TRIS TP 0 1 0 NR NR 1 0 0 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0 NR NR 0 NR NR NR NR NR 0 0 0 0 0 NR 0 NR NR NR NR NR 0 NR NR NR NR NR 0 NR NR NR NR NR 0 NR NR NR NR NR 0 NR NR NR NR NR 0 1 10 NR NR NR 11 0 0 0 0 NR 0 0 0 0 0 NR 0 0 0 0 NR NR 0 NR NR NR NR NR 0 NR NR NR NR NR 0 0 0 NR NR NR 0 NR NR NR NR NR 0 NR NR NR NR NR 0 TC4471374.2s Page 5 MAP FINDINGS SUMMARY • Search Distance Target Total Database (Miles) Property < 1/8 1/8-1/4 1/4-1/2 1/2 - 1 > 1 Plotted SSTS TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 ROD 1.000 0 0 0 0 NR 0 RMP TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 RAATS TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 PRP TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 PADS TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 ICIS TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 FTTS TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 MLTS TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 COAL ASH DOE TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 COAL ASH EPA 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 PCB TRANSFORMER TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 RADINFO TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 HIST FTTS TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 DOT OPS TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 CONSENT 1.000 0 0 0 0 NR 0 INDIAN RESERV 1.000 0 0 0 0 NR 0 UMTRA 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 LEAD SMELTERS TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 US AIRS TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 US MINES 0.250 0 0 NR NR NR 0 FINDS TP 2 NR NR NR NR NR 2 AIRS TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 COAL ASH 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 DRYCLEANERS 0.250 0 0 NR NR NR 0 • Financial Assurance TIER 2 TP TP NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR 0 UIC TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 0 EDR HIGH RISK HISTORICAL RECORDS EDR Exclusive Records EDR MGP 1.000 0 0 1 0 NR 1 EDR US Hist Auto Stat 0.125 1 NR NR NR NR 1 EDR US Hist Cleaners 0.125 0 NR NR NR NR 0 EDR RECOVERED GOVERNMENT ARCHIVES Exclusive Recovered Govt. Archives RGA HWS TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 RGA LF TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 RGA LUST TP 1 NR NR NR NR NR 1 - Totals -- 5 8 47 34 6 0 100 NOTES: TP = Target Property NR = Not Requested at this Search Distance Sites may be listed in more than one database • TC4471374.2s Page 6 0 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance Elevation Site Al SUPER WASH & DETAIL Target 156 N 5TH ST Property SALINA, KS 67401 Site 1 of 7 in cluster A Actual: FINDS: 1223 ft. Registry ID: 110030560701 Environmental Interest/Information System KS -FP (Kansas - Facility Profiler) is a geographically -based data warehouse site that presents information about facilities and locations of interest to the KDHE. This site has in excess of twenty environmental interest which contains information on closed facilities, completed cleanups, and past operations as well as data on current operations and activities. A2 STAR A INSURANCE Target 156 N 5TH Property SALINA, KS 67401 Actual: 1223 ft. Site 2 of 7 in cluster A LUST: Facility ID: Site Status: Release Date: Initial Report Date: Project Number: Project Name: Legal Desc Section: Legal Desc Township: Legal Desc Range: Discover Date: substrels: Initial Ranking: Current Ranking: Facility Contact: Facility Phone Number: Facility Owner Identification number: Facility Owner: Owner Contact Person: Owner Address: Owner City: Owner State: Owner Zip Code: Owner Phone number: Contractor license number: Contractor phone number: Leak duration (if known): Quantity released (if known): Quantity recorded: Leak Type: Reported By: Reported by persons phone number: Reported by person address: Ground water Impacted (yes/no): Static groundwater level: 82631 Closed Not reported 10/06/2006 U5-085-13849 Super Wash & Detail 12 14S 03W Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Chuck Arnold 785-825-6541 82631 Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported The area consists of grayish brown silty clays. 35 EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number FINDS 1010151214 N/A LUST 0000870308 UST NIA TC4471374.2s Page 7 C� 0 J Map ID Direction Distance Elevation Site F_ MAP FINDINGS STAR A INSURANCE (Continued) Groundwater flow direction: District staff names: Assessment of release: Contaimination assessement: Extent of contamination impact: Updated information: Invoice initiated: Invoice on going: Invoice completetd: Release confirmed: Emergencty contact: Enforcement action: Cost recovery: Cost recovery initiated: Cost recovery initiated by: Cost recovery completed: Cost recovery completed by: Appplication to trust fund: UST: Facility ID: Facility 911 Address: Facility 911 City, State, Zip: Facility Phone: Phone 24 Hours: Facility District: Facility Location Method: Facility Feature: Facility Datum: Facility Lat/Long: Owner ID: Owner: Owner Type: Owner/Rep Name: Owner/Rep Title: Owner Address: Owner City, State, Zip: Owner County: Contact: Contact Title: Tank ID: Tank Type: Tank Status: Total Capacity (Gals): Hazards: Petroleum Substance: NonPetroleum Substance Estimated Yr In Service: Date Removed: Last Permit Printed: Current Permit Printed: QTY Remaining in Tank: Filled/Removed: EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number 0000870308 Not reported Howard Debauche Not reported Not reported Not reported An abandoned tank was discovered while drilling a monitor well during investigation of a nearby site (Former Bus Depot-KDHE Project number U5-085-11995). The soil had odor present. The tank is about 4' in diameter and the top is about 3' below ground S 20071 Not reported 20071 20071 Not reported Not reported Not reported 20084 State W. Fed. Trust Fund 20084 State W. Fed. Trust Fund Not reported 00015 156 N 5TH SALINA, KS 67401 Not reported Not reported NC Mapblast Facility Center WGS84 38.84178/-97.608069999999998 00015 STAR A. INC. Private Or Corp. Not reported Not reported 6401 WEST 92ND STREET SHAWNEE MISSION, KS 66212 Not reported Joyce Hale Not reported 001 Underground Permanently Out Of Use 110 Not reported Not reported Not reported 1900 7/7/1998 Not reported Not reported 0 Removed TC4471374.2s Page 8 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance Elevation Site • • A3 Target Property Actual: 1223 ft. A4 Target Property Actual: 1223 ft. • STAR A INSURANCE (Continued) Tank Empty: Not reported Out of Service Mo/Yr: Not reported Material of Construction: Not reported Piping: Not reported Tank Intemal Protection: Not reported Tank Extemal Protection: Not reported Tank ID: Tank Type: Tank Status: Total Capacity (Gals): Hazards: Petroleum Substance: NonPetroleum Substance: Estimated Yr In Service: Date Removed: Last Permit Printed: Current Permit Printed: QTY Remaining in Tank- Filled/Removed: Tank Empty: Out of Service Mo/Yr- Material of Construction: Piping: Tank Intemal Protection: Tank Extemal Protection: SUPER WASH & DETAIL 156 N. 5TH SALINA, KS Site 3 of 7 in cluster A RGA LUST: 2012 2011 2009 2008 2007 STAR A INSURANCE 156 N 5TH ST SALINA, KS 67401 Site 4 of 7 in cluster A FINDS: Registry ID 002 Underground Permanently Out Of Use 110 Not reported Not reported Not reported 1900 7/7/1998 Not reported Not reported 0 Removed Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported SUPER WASH & DETAIL 156 N. 5TH SUPER WASH & DETAIL 156 N. 5TH SUPER WASH & DETAIL 156 N. 5TH SUPER WASH & DETAIL 156 N. 5TH SUPER WASH & DETAIL 156 N. 5TH 110017610959 Environmental Interest/Information System KS -FP (Kansas - Facility Profiler) is a geographically -based data warehouse site that presents information about facilities and locations of interest to the KDHE. This site has in excess of twenty environmental interest which contains information on closed facilities, completed cleanups, and past operations as well as data on EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number 0000870308 RGA LUST S115559099 N/A FINDS 1007483253 N/A TC4471374.2s Page 9 r� Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance Elevation Site STAR A INSURANCE (Continued) current operations and activities. A5 USPS WNW 211 E ASH ST < 1/8 SALINA, KS 67401 0.013 mi. 67 ft. Site 5 of 7 in cluster A EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number 1007483253 RCRA NonGen / NLR 1008373047 KSP000002170 Relative: RCRA NonGen / NLR: Owner/operator address: Higher Date form received by agency: 09/30/2005 Not reported Facility name: USPS Actual: Facility address: 211 E ASH ST 1223 ft. Owner/Operator Type: SALINA, KS 67401 Owner/Op start date: EPA ID: KSP000002170 Not reported Mailing address: E ASH ST SALINA, KS 67401 Contact: CLINT LAUBER Contact address: E ASH ST SALINA, KS 67401 Contact country: US Contact telephone: (785) 827-3695 Contact email: Not reported EPA Region: 07 Classification: Non -Generator . Description: Handler: Non -Generators do not presently generate hazardous waste Owner/Operator Summary Owner/operator name: USPS Owner/operator address: Not reported Mixed waste (haz. and radioactive): Not reported Owner/operator country: US Owner/operator telephone: Not reported Legal status: Federal Owner/Operator Type: Operator Owner/Op start date: 01/01/2005 Owner/Op end date: Not reported Owner/operator name: USPS Owner/operator address: Not reported Mixed waste (haz. and radioactive): Not reported Owner/operator country: US Owner/operator telephone: Not reported Legal status: Federal Owner/Operator Type: Owner Owner/Op start date: 01/01/2005 Owner/Op end date: Not reported Handler Activities Summary: U.S. importer of hazardous waste: No Mixed waste (haz. and radioactive): No Recycler of hazardous waste: No Transporter of hazardous waste: No Treater, storer or disposer of HW: No Underground injection activity: On-site bumer exemption: No No Fumace exemption: No TC4471374.2s Page 10 TC4471374.2s Page 11 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number • USPS (Continued) 1008373047 Used oil fuel burner: No Used oil processor: No User oil refiner: No Used oil fuel marketer to burner: No Used oil Specification marketer: No Used oil transfer facility: No Used oil transporter: No Waste code: D001 Waste name: IGNITABLE WASTE Waste code: D035 Waste name: METHYL ETHYL KETONE Waste code: F003 Waste name: THE FOLLOWING SPENT NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS: XYLENE, ACETONE, ETHYL ACETATE, ETHYL BENZENE, ETHYL ETHER, METHYL ISOBUTYL KETONE, N -BUTYL ALCOHOL, CYCLOHEXANONE, AND METHANOL; ALL SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES/BLENDS CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, ONLY THE ABOVE SPENT NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS, AND ALL SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES/BLENDS CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, ONE OR MORE OF THE ABOVE NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS, AND A TOTAL OF TEN PERCENT OR MORE (BY VOLUME) OF ONE OR MORE OF THOSE SOLVENTS LISTED IN F001, F002, F004, AND F005; AND STILL BOTTOMS FROM THE RECOVERY OF THESE SPENT SOLVENTS AND SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES. Waste code: F005 • Waste name: THE FOLLOWING SPENT NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS: TOLUENE, METHYL ETHYL KETONE, CARBON DISULFIDE, ISOBUTANOL, PYRIDINE, BENZENE, 2-ETHOXYETHANOL, AND 2-NITROPROPANE; ALL SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES/BLENDS CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, A TOTAL OF TEN PERCENT OR MORE (BY VOLUME) OF ONE OR MORE OF THE ABOVE NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS OR THOSE SOLVENTS LISTED IN F001, F002, OR F004; AND STILL BOTTOMS FROM THE RECOVERY OF THESE SPENT SOLVENTS AND SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES. Historical Generators: Date form received by agency: 06/24/2005 Site name: USPS Classification: Small Quantity Generator Waste code: D001 Waste name: IGNITABLE WASTE Waste code: D035 Waste name: METHYL ETHYL KETONE Waste code: F003 Waste name: THE FOLLOWING SPENT NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS: XYLENE, ACETONE, ETHYL ACETATE, ETHYL BENZENE, ETHYL ETHER, METHYL ISOBUTYL KETONE, N -BUTYL ALCOHOL, CYCLOHEXANONE, AND METHANOL; ALL SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES/BLENDS CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, ONLY THE ABOVE SPENT NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS; AND ALL SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES/BLENDS CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, ONE OR MORE OF THE ABOVE NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS, AND A TOTAL OF TEN PERCENT OR MORE (BY VOLUME) OF ONE OR MORE OF THOSE SOLVENTS LISTED IN F001, F002, F004, AND F005; AND STILL BOTTOMS FROM THE RECOVERY OF THESE SPENT SOLVENTS AND SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES. TC4471374.2s Page 11 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number USPS (Continued) 1008373047 Waste code: F005 Waste name: THE FOLLOWING SPENT NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS: TOLUENE, METHYL ETHYL KETONE, CARBON DISULFIDE, ISOBUTANOL, PYRIDINE, BENZENE, 2-ETHOXYETHANOL, AND 2-NITROPROPANE; ALL SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES/BLENDS CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, A TOTAL OF TEN PERCENT OR MORE (BY VOLUME) OF ONE OR MORE OF THE ABOVE NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS OR THOSE SOLVENTS LISTED IN F001, F002, OR F004, AND STILL BOTTOMS FROM THE RECOVERY OF THESE SPENT SOLVENTS AND SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES. Violation Status: No violations found A6 US POSTAL SERVICE, SALINA LUST S101836927 WNW 21 E ASH N/A < 118 SALINA, KS 67401 0.013 mi. 67 ft. Site 6 of 7 in cluster A Relative: LUST: Higher Facility ID: 00156 Site Status: Closed Actual: Release Date: Not reported 1223 ft. Initial Report Date: 12/08/1998 Project Number: 1.15-085-12219 Project Name: Us Postal Serv, Salina Legal Desc Section: 12 Legal Desc Township: 14S • Legal Desc Range: 03W Discover Date: Not reported substrels: n/a Initial Ranking: Not reported Current Ranking: Not reported Facility Contact: Robert L Delaney Facility Phone Number: 785-827-3695 Facility Owner Identification number: 00156 Facility Owner: Not reported Owner Contact Person: Not reported Owner Address: Not reported Owner City: Not reported Owner State: Not reported Owner Zip Code: Not reported Owner Phone number: Not reported Contractor license number: Not reported Contractor phone number: Not reported Leak duration (if known): Not reported Quantity released (if known): Not reported Quantity recorded: Not reported Leak Type: Not reported Reported By: Not reported Reported by persons phone number: Not reported Reported by person address: Not reported Ground water Impacted (yes/no): grey brown lean silty clay grading to silty sand & sand w/ depth. Static groundwater level: 029 Groundwater flow direction: SE District staff names: Scott Lang Assessment of release: 1-12,000 gas ust removed. minor contam. well below action levels. Contaimination assessement: Not reported • Extent of contamination impact: Updated information: Not reported Not reported Invoice initiated: 19991 TC4471374.2s Page 12 J • Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance Elevation Site US POSTAL SERVICE, SALINA (Continued) Invoice on going: Not reported Invoice completetd: 19991 Release confirmed: Not reported Emergencty contact: Not reported Enforcement action: Not reported Cost recovery: Not reported Cost recovery initiated: Not reported Cost recovery initiated by: Not reported Cost recovery completed: Not reported Cost recovery completed by: Not reported Appplication to trust fund: Not reported A7 GENERAL MAIL FACILITY WNW 211 E ASH < 1/8 SALINA, KS 67401 0.013 mi. 67 ft. Site 7 of 7 in cluster A Relative: LUST: Higher Facility ID: Site Status: Actual: Release Date: 1223 ft. Initial Report Date: Project Number: Project Name: Legal Desc Section: Legal Desc Township: Legal Desc Range: Discover Date: substrels: Initial Ranking: Current Ranking: Facility Contact: Facility Phone Number: Facility Owner Identification number: Facility Owner: Owner Contact Person: Owner Address: Owner City: Owner State: Owner Zip Code: Owner Phone number: Contractor license number: Contractor phone number: Leak duration (if known): Quantity released (if known): Quantity recorded: Leak Type: Reported By: Reported by persons phone number: Reported by person address: Ground water Impacted (yes/no): Static groundwater level: Groundwater flow direction: District staff names: Assessment of release: EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number S101836927 LUST 0000195222 UST NIA 00156 Closed Not reported 03/04/1992 U5-085-00651 Us Postal Serv, Salina 12 14S 03W Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Ken Snowball 785-827-3695 00156 Us Postal Service Not reported 6800 W 64th, B 8, S 100 Op Not reported KS 66202 913-831-1855 Not reported 816-921-5032 Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Howard Debauche, Kdhe Not reported Ncdo the area consists primarily of brown silty clays. groundwater was not encountered. Not reported Not reported Howard Debauche existing supply line removed/replaced, along w/leak detection equip.facility being upgraded in order to be in compliance w/current TC4471374.2s Page 13 0 • • Map ID Direction Distance Elevation Site GENERAL MAIL FACILITY (Continued) Contaimination assessement: Extent of contamination impact: Updated information: Invoice initiated: Invoice on going: Invoice completetd: Release confirmed: Emergencty contact: Enforcement action: Cost recovery: Cost recovery initiated: Cost recovery initiated by: Cost recovery completed: Cost recovery completed by: Appplication to trust fund: UST: Facility ID: Facility 911 Address: Facility 911 City, State, Zip: Facility Phone: Phone 24 Hours: Facility District: Facility Location Method: Facility Feature: Facility Datum: Facility Lat/Long: Owner ID: Owner: Owner Type: Owner/Rep Name: Owner/Rep Title: Owner Address: Owner City, State, Zip: Owner County: Contact: Contact Title: Tank ID Tank Type: Tank Status: Total Capacity (Gals): Hazards: Petroleum Substance: NonPetroleum Substance: Estimated Yr In Service: Date Removed: Last Permit Printed: Current Permit Printed: QTY Remaining in Tank: Filled/Removed: Tank Empty: Out of Service Mo/Yr: Material of Construction: Piping: MAP FINDINGS EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number regs.no evidence existing system had failed.ran field tests/lab samples.line area -no meas contam.no further action. yes. none suspected. Not reported 19922 Not reported 19922 Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported 00156 21 E ASH SALINA, KS 67401 785-827-3695 785-827-3695 NC Garmin GPS III Plus Facility Center WGS84 38.844520000000003/-97.607399999999998 00156 POSTAL SERVICE, U S Current B K Westerman Postmaster 211 EAST ASH STREET SALINA, KS 67401 085 General Mail Facilit Not reported 001 Underground Permanently Out Of Use 12000 Fire,Chronic,Acute Gas (Incl Alcohol) Not reported 1984 10/12/1998 1998-07-15 00:00:00 Not reported 0 Removed Not reported 081998 Fbr Ref Plastic Not reported 0000195222 TC4471374.2s Page 14 lr u Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance Elevation Site GENERAL MAIL FACILITY (Continued) Tank Internal Protection: Not reported Tank External Protection: Not reported 8 BUS DEPOT, FORMER (VANIER) WNW 202 N 5TH < 1/8 SALINA, KS 67401 0.027 mi. 144 ft. Relative: LUST: Higher Facility ID: Site Status: Actual: Release Date: 1223 ft. Initial Report Date: Project Number: Project Name: Legal Desc Section: Legal Desc Township: Legal Desc Range: Discover Date: substrels: Initial Ranking: Current Ranking: Facility Contact: Facility Phone Number: • Facility Owner Identification number: Facility Owner: Owner Contact Person: Owner Address: Owner City: Owner State: Owner Zip Code: Owner Phone number: Contractor license number: Contractor phone number: Leak duration (if known): Quantity released (if known): Quantity recorded: Leak Type: Reported By: Reported by persons phone number: Reported by person address: Ground water Impacted (yes/no): Static groundwater level: Groundwater flow direction: District staff names: Assessment of release: Contaimination assessement: Extent of contamination impact: Updated information: Invoice initiated: Invoice on going: . Invoicetetd: confirmed: Release confirmed: Emergencty contact: EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number 0000195222 LUST S103236961 N/A 81618 Closed Not reported 06/04/1998 U5-085-11995 Bus Depot, Former (Vanier) 12 14S 03W Not reported gas & diesel 68 67.50000 Frank Norton 785-827-3646 Not reported Vanier Inc Frank Norton 215 S Santa Fe Salina KS 67401 785-827-3646 Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported gray -brown lean silty clay grading to silty sand & sand. 026 SE Scott Lang contamination in soils & gw discovered during 3/97 phase ii investigation. contam. is highly degraded & expected to continue. extent of plume expected to diminish. 4 mw's to be installed downgradient to be monitored over 2yr period. then data will be e Not reported (small plume) site being monitored. Site closed under KRBCA Tier 3A. 19983 Not reported 19983 19983 Not reported TC4471374.2s Page 15 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation Site MAP FINDINGS —7 EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number • BUS DEPOT, FORMER (VANIER) (Continued) S103236961 Enforcement action: Not reported Cost recovery: Not reported Cost recovery initiated: 19984 Cost recovery initiated by: State W. Fed. Trust Fund Cost recovery completed: 20093 Cost recovery completed by: State W. Fed. Trust Fund Appplication to trust fund: Not reported 9 A D M MILLING CO. LUST S109412511 ENE ASH & 3RD STREET N/A < 1/8 SALINA, KS 67401 0.055 mi. 290 ft. Relative: LUST: Lower Facility ID: 80334 Site Status: Closed Actual: Release Date: Not reported 1222 ft. Initial Report Date: 05/05/1990 Project Number: U5-085-00336 Project Name: A D M Milling Co Legal Desc Section: 12 Legal Desc Township: 14S Legal Desc Range: 03W • Discover Date: substrels: Not reported none Initial Ranking: Not reported Current Ranking: Not reported Facility Contact: Richard Nelson Facility Phone Number: 785-825-1541 Facility Owner Identification number: Not reported Facility Owner: A.d.m. Milling Co. Owner Contact Person: Not reported Owner Address: 316 N Sante Fe Owner City: Salina Owner State: KS Owner Zip Code: 67402 Owner Phone number: 785-825-1541 Contractor license number: Not reported Contractor phone number: 785-825-6721 Leak duration (if known): 0 Quantity released (if known): Not reported Quantity recorded: Not reported Leak Type: Not reported Reported By: Erik Peterson Reported by persons phone number: 785-827-9639 Reported by person address: 2501-d Market PI., Salina Ground water Impacted (yes/no): 0-3' assorted backfill, -10' brown silty clay, -14' biege silty clay. Static groundwater level: Not reported Groundwater flow direction: Not reported District staff names: Erik Peterson Assessment of release: no leak occurred at this ust facility Contaimination assessement: as the ust facility was totally dismantled. Extent of contamination impact: none Updated information: Not reported Invoice initiated: Invoice on going: Not Not reported Invoice completetd: 19903 TC4471374.2s Page 16 • Map ID Direction Distance Elevation MAP FINDINGS Site A D M MILLING CO. (Continued) Release confirmed. Not reported Emergencty contact: Not reported Enforcement action: Not reported Cost recovery: Not reported Cost recovery initiated: Not reported Cost recovery initiated by: Not reported Cost recovery completed: Not reported Cost recovery completed by: Not reported Appplication to trust fund: Not reported EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number S109412511 B10 EDR US Hist Auto Stat 1015337739 WNW 223 N SANTA FE AVE N/A < 1/8 SALINA, KS 67401 0.102 mi. 541 ft. Site 1 of 3 in cluster B Relative: EDR Historical Auto Stations: Higher Name: SALINA AUTO PARTS Year: 1999 Actual: Address: 223 N SANTA FE AVE 1224 ft. Name: SALINA AUTO PARTS Year: 2000 Address: 223 N SANTA FE AVE • Name: SALINA AUTO PARTS Year: 2007 Address: 223 N SANTA FE AVE B11 WARDROBE CLEANERS SHWS 1007483012 NW 245 N SANTA FE AVE FINDS N/A < 1/8 SALINA, KS 67401 0.121 mi. 637 ft. Site 2 of 3 in cluster B Relative: SHWS: Higher Site ID: 1628 Has Env Use Control: No Actual: Project code: 0508571701 1224 ft. PM Name: DOM, J. Site Status: Active District Office: NCDO Lat/Long: 38.844551/-97.609442 River Basin: Smoky Hills - Saline Aquifer Yield: Alluvial Other Aquifers: Not reported Parent PC: Not reported Parent Name: Not reported CERCLIS ID: Not reported Discovery Date: Not reported Depth To GW: 21-30 feet Depth To Bedrock: 51-100 feet Aquifer Yield: Not reported GW Flow Direction: S-SE Acres Affected: <5 acres . Waste Present: No TC4471374.2s Page 17 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance Elevation Site • WARDROBE CLEANERS (Continued) Product Present: Program: Lead Agency: Contaminants: Media Act: Media Pot: Source: Land Use: Private well: Waste Present: Product: Receptor Act: Receptor Pot: Remed Air: Remed Soil: Remed Water: Remedir: Alias: Eucan Number: Date: Activity Type: Activity Status: Activity Start Date: Activity End Date: Narrative: Site ID: Has Env Use Control Project code: PM Name: Site Status: District Office: Lat/Long: River Basin: Aquifer Yield: Other Aquifers: Parent PC: Parent Name: CERCLIS ID: Discovery Date: Depth To GW: Depth To Bedrock: Aquifer Yield: GW Flow Direction: Acres Affected: Waste Present: Product Present: • EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number No Drycleaning BER - Assessment and Restoration VOC Ground Water Not reported Drycleaner Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Monitored Natural Attenuation Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Expanded Site Inspection Completed Not reported 12/31/2001 Site accepted into Drycleaning Facility Release Trust Fund, the site was discovered from an underground storage tank monitoring well with a detection of PCE. An Expanded Site Assessment was conducted in May of 2004. PCE was not detected above MCLs off-site. Long term groundwater monitoring will continue at the site. KDHE long-term groundwater monitoring is performed annually at thi s site. The last groundwater monitoring event took place in April 2013. The next monitoring event is scheduled for April 2014. 1628 No C508571701 DOM, J. Active NCDO 38.844551/-97.609442 Smoky Hills - Saline Alluvial Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported 21-30 feet 51-100 feet Not reported S -SE <5 acres No No 1007483012 TC4471374.2s Page 18 • Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance Elevation Site WARDROBE CLEANERS (Continued) Program: Lead Agency: Contaminants: Media Act: Media Pot: Source: Land Use: Private well: Waste Present: Product: Receptor Act: Receptor Pot: Remed Air: Remed Soil: Remed Water: Remedir: Alias: Eucan Number: Date: Activity Type: Activity Status: Activity Start Date Activity End Date: Narrative: Site ID: Has Env Use Control Project code: PM Name: Site Status: District Office: Lat/Long: River Basin: Aquifer Yield: Other Aquifers: Parent PC: Parent Name: CERCLIS ID: Discovery Date: Depth To GW: Depth To Bedrock: Aquifer Yield: GW Flow Direction: Acres Affected: Waste Present: Product Present: Program: EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number Drycleaning BER - Assessment and Restoration VOC Ground Water Not reported Drycleaner Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Monitored Natural Attenuation Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Long Term Monitoring Underway 11/01/2004 Not reported Site accepted into Drycleaning Facility Release Trust Fund, the site was discovered from an underground storage tank monitoring well with a detection of PCE. An Expanded Site Assessment was conducted in May of 2004. PCE was not detected above MCLS off-site. Long term groundwater monitoring will continue at the site. KDHE long-term groundwater monitoring is performed annually at thi s site. The last groundwater monitoring event took place in April 2013. The next monitoring event is scheduled for April 2014. 1628 No 0508571701 DOM, J. Active NCDO 38.844551/-97.609442 Smoky Hills - Saline Alluvial Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported 21-30 feet 51-100 feet Not reported S -SE <5 acres No No Drycleaning 1007483012 TC4471374.2s Page 19 0 • Map ID Direction Distance Elevation MAP FINDINGS Site EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number WARDROBE CLEANERS (Continued) Lead Agency: BER - Assessment and Restoration Contaminants: VOC Media Act: Ground Water Media Pot: Not reported Source: Drycleaner Land Use: Not reported Private well: Not reported Waste Present: Not reported Product: Not reported Receptor Act: Not reported Receptor Pot: Not reported Remed Air: Not reported Remed Soil: Not reported Remed Water: Monitored Natural Attenuation Remedir: Not reported Alias: Not reported Eucan Number: Not reported Date: Not reported Activity Type: Expanded Site Assessment Activity Status: Underway Activity Start Date: 05/27/2004 Activity End Date: Not reported Narrative: Site accepted into Drycleaning Facility Release Trust Fund, the site was discovered from an underground storage tank monitoring well with a detection of PCE. An Expanded Site Assessment was conducted in May of 2004. PCE was not detected above MCLs off-site. Long term groundwater monitoring will continue at the site. KDHE long-term groundwater monitoring is performed annually at thi s site. The last groundwater monitoring event took place in April 2013. The next monitoring event is scheduled for April 2014. FINDS: Registry ID: 110017608329 Environmental Interest/Information System KS -FP (Kansas - Facility Profiler) is a geographically -based data warehouse site that presents information about facilities and locations of interest to the KDHE. This site has in excess of twenty environmental interest which contains information on closed facilities, completed cleanups, and past operations as well as data on current operations and activities. B12 BROWN INDUSTRIES, INC. NW 253 N SANTA FE 118-1/4 SALINA, KS 67402 0.128 mi. 677 ft. Site 3 of 3 in cluster B Relative: LUST: Higher Facility ID: Site Status: Actual: Release Date: 1224 ft. 80336 Closed Not reported 1007483012 LUST S101836910 NIA TC4471374.2s Page 20 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation Site MAP FINDINGS EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number • BROWN INDUSTRIES, INC. (Continued) S101836910 Initial Report Date: 07/19/1991 Project Number: U5-085-00546 Project Name: Brown Industries Legal Desc Section: 12 Legal Desc Township: 14S Legal Desc Range: 03W Discover Date: 02/20/1991 substrels: gasoline or diesel Initial Ranking: Not reported Current Ranking: Not reported Facility Contact: Dick Kelly Facility Phone Number: 785-827-9646 Facility Owner Identification number: Not reported Facility Owner: Not reported Owner Contact Person: Not reported Owner Address: Not reported Owner City: Not reported Owner State: Not reported Owner Zip Code: Not reported Owner Phone number: Not reported Contractor license number: Not reported Contractor phone number: Not reported Leak duration (if known): Ukwn Quantity released (if known): Not reported Quantity recorded: Not reported Leak Type: Not reported • Reported By: Dick Kelly, Brown Industries Reported by persons phone number: 785-827-9646 Reported by person address: 253 N Santa Fe, Po Box 45, Sal Ground water Impacted (yes/no): Not reported Static groundwater level: Not reported Groundwater flow direction: Not reported District staff names: Erik Peterson Assessment of release: 3/21/91: dick kelly informed me 2 soil samples near their usts contained 149 & 110 ppm tph. informed him these levels were slightly above kdhe cleanup levels, and he would have to test his tank system. they passed tests 7/1/91. probably spills. hold. Contaimination assessement: yes, as these are the only known usts on site. Extent of contamination impact: none known at tis time. Updated information: Not reported Invoice initiated: 19914 Invoice on going: Not reported Invoice completetd: 19914 Release confirmed: 19914 Emergencty contact: Not reported Enforcement action: Not reported Cost recovery: Not reported Cost recovery initiated: 20084 Cost recovery initiated by: Responsible Party Cost recovery completed: 20084 Cost recovery completed by: Responsible Party Appplication to trust fund: Not reported TC4471374.2s Page 21 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation Site r -J L -J C13 East 1/8-1/4 0.131 mi 694 ft. Relative: Higher Actual: 1223 ft. 40 Li CENTRAL GARAGE 418 E ASH SALINA, KS 67401 Site 1 of 2 in cluster C LUST: Facility ID: Site Status: Release Date: Initial Report Date: Project Number: Project Name: Legal Desc Section: Legal Desc Township: Legal Desc Range: Discover Date: substrels: Initial Ranking: Current Ranking: Facility Contact: Facility Phone Number: Facility Owner Identification number: Facility Owner: Owner Contact Person: Owner Address: Owner City: Owner State: Owner Zip Code: Owner Phone number: Contractor license number: Contractor phone number: Leak duration (if known): Quantity released (if known): Quantity recorded: Leak Type: Reported By: Reported by persons phone number: Reported by person address: Ground water Impacted (yes/no): Static groundwater level: Groundwater flow direction: District staff names: Assessment of release: Contaimination assessement: Extent of contamination impact Updated information: Invoice initiated: Invoice on going: Invoice completetd: Release confirmed: Emergencty contact: Enforcement action: Cost recovery: Cost recovery initiated MAP FINDINGS EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number LUST 0003193963 UST N/A AST 09067 Monitor Not reported 11/12/1992 U5-085-00740 Salina, Central Garage 13 14S 03W Not reported gasoline 129 135.00000 Frank Weinhold 785-823-6621 08507 City Of Salina Not reported 300 W Ash Salina KS 67401 Not reported Not reported 785-827-3804 Unkn Not reported Not reported Not reported Frank Weinhold, City Of Salina 785-823-6621 418 E Ash suspect -gray brown silty clay (alluvial) to -20-25' soils should be sandier with gravel lenses beyond 25'. 31 E Scott Lang 1 of 2 usts failed tightness testing. tank immediately taken out of service. kdhe performed soil gas probe confirming gw contamination. no. contamination confirmed by soil gas water sample in the general location of the tanks. lateral extent of gw contamination is undetermined. Not reported 19931 Not reported 19931 19931 Not reported 19931 Not reported 19932 TC4471374.2s Page 22 • • Map ID Direction Distance Elevation Site CENTRAL GARAGE (Continued) Cost recovery initiated by: Cost recovery completed: Cost recovery completed by: Appplication to trust fund: UST: Facility ID: Facility 911 Address: Facility 911 City, State, Zip: Facility Phone: Phone 24 Hours: Facility District: Facility Location Method: Facility Feature: Facility Datum: Facility Lat/Long: Owner ID: Owner: Owner Type: Owner/Rep Name: Owner/Rep Title: Owner Address: Owner City, State, Zip: Owner County: Contact: Contact Title: Tank ID: Tank Type: Tank Status: Total Capacity (Gals): Hazards: Petroleum Substance: NonPetroleum Substance: Estimated Yr In Service: Date Removed: Last Permit Printed: Current Permit Printed: CITY Remaining in Tank: Filled/Removed: Tank Empty: Out of Service Mo/Yr: Material of Construction: Piping: Tank Internal Protection: Tank External Protection: Tank ID: Tank Type: Tank Status: Total Capacity (Gals): Hazards: Petroleum Substance: NonPetroleum Substance: Estimated Yr In Service: Date Removed: MAP FINDINGS Responsible Party Not reported Not reported 19931 09067 418 E ASH SALINA, KS 67401 785-823-6621 785-823-6621 NC Garmin GPS III Plus Facility Center WGS84 38.842669999999998/-97.605000000000004 08507 CITY OF SALINA %ROBERT PECK Current ROBERT PECK CONTACT PERSON P.O. BOX 736 SALINA, KS 67401 SALINE Frank R Weinhold Dir Of General Servi 001 Underground Permanently Out Of Use 3000 Fire,Chronic,Acute Gas (Incl Alcohol) Not reported 1977 11/15/1992 Not reported Not reported 0 Removed Not reported 111992 Steel Not reported Not reported Not reported 002 Underground Permanently Out Of Use 3000 Fire,Chronic,Acute Gas (Incl Alcohol) Not reported 1977 11/15/1992 EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number 0003193963 TC4471374.2s Page 23 • TC4471374.2s Page 24 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number CENTRAL GARAGE (Continued) 0003193963 Last Permit Printed: Not reported Current Permit Printed: Not reported QTY Remaining in Tank: 0 Filled/Removed: Removed Tank Empty: Not reported Out of Service Mo/Yr: 111992 Material of Construction: Steel Piping: Not reported Tank Internal Protection: Not reported Tank Extemal Protection: Not reported AST: Facility ID: 42690 Facility 911 Address: 418 E ASH Facility 911 City,St,Zip: SALINA, KS 67401 Facility Phone: 785-309-5752 24 Hour Phone Num: 785-309-5752 Facility District: NC Facility Location Method: Garmin GPS III Plus Facility Feature: Facility Center Facility Datum: WGS84 Facility Lat/Long: 38.842660000000002-97.605130000000003 Owner ID: 08507 Owner Type: Current Owner Name: CITY OF SALINA %ROBERT PECK Owner Address: Owner City,St Zip: P.O. BOX 736 SALINA, KS 67401 Owner County: SALINE Owner Phone: 785-829-7915 Owner Replacement Name: ROBERT PECK Owner Replacement Title: CONTACT PERSON Contact: Robert Peck Contact Title: Not reported Tank ID: 001 Tank Type: Aboveground Tank Status: Current In Use Tank Empty: Not reported Installation Year: 1900 Date Removed: Not reported Last Permit Printed: Not reported Current Permit Printed: Not reported QTY remaining in Tank: 0 Out of service Mo/Yr: Not reported Material of Construction: Not reported Petroleum Substance: Used Oil Non Petroleum Substance: Not reported Piping: Not reported Hazards: Fire,Chronic Tank Internal Protection: Not reported Tank External Protection: Not reported Principal CERCLA Substance/Chem Abstract Service Num: Not reported • TC4471374.2s Page 24 • Map ID Direction Distance Elevation Site C14 CENTRAL GARAGE East 418 E ASH 1/8-1/4 SALINA, KS 67401 0.131 mi. EPA ID: 694 ft. Site 2 of 2 in cluster C Relative: RCRA NonGen / NLR MAP FINDINGS 7 EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number RCRA NonGen / NLR 1000440487 FINDS KSD981711450 Higher Date form received by agency: 02/11/2003 Facility name: CITY OF SALINA CENTRAL GARAGE Actual: Facility address: 418 E ASH 1223 ft. SALINA, KS 67401 EPA ID: KSD981711450 Mailing address: PO BOX 736 State SALINA, KS 67401 Contact: JAMES HILL Contact address: PO BOX 736 Not reported SALINA, KS 67401 Contact country: US Contact telephone: (785) 826-7370 Contact email: Not reported EPA Region: 07 Classification: Non -Generator Description: Handler: Non -Generators do not presently generate hazardous waste Owner/Operator Summary Owner/operator name: CITY OF SALINA Owner/operator address: PO BOX 736 SALINA, KS 67401 Owner/operator country: Not reported Owner/operator telephone: (785) 826-7375 Legal status: State Owner/Operator Type: Owner Owner/Op start date: Not reported Owner/Op end date: Not reported Handler Activities Summary: U.S. importer of hazardous waste: No Mixed waste (haz. and radioactive): No Recycler of hazardous waste: No Transporter of hazardous waste: No Treater, storer or disposer of HW: No Underground injection activity: No On-site burner exemption: No Furnace exemption: No Used oil fuel burner: No Used oil processor: No User oil refiner: No Used oil fuel marketer to burner: No Used oil Specification marketer: No Used oil transfer facility: No Used oil transporter: No Historical Generators: Date form received by agency: 04/07/1993 Site name: CITY OF SALINA CENTRAL GARAGE Classification: Small Quantity Generator Waste code: D008 TC4471374.2s Page 25 • �J r Map ID FORMER PHOENIX HOTEL BTA MAP FINDINGS 100 N 5TH Direction 118-114 SALINA, KS 67401 Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number Site 1 of 4 in cluster D CENTRAL GARAGE (Continued) 1000440487 Waste name: LEAD Waste code: F002 Waste name: THE FOLLOWING SPENT HALOGENATED SOLVENTS: TETRACHLOROETHYLENE, Has Env Use Control: METHYLENE CHLORIDE, TRICHLOROETHYLENE, 1,1,1 -TRICHLOROETHANE, Actual: CHLOROBENZENE, 1,1,2-TRICHLORO-1,2,2-TRIFLUOROETHANE, 0508573007 ORTHO-DICHLOROBENZENE, TRICHLOROFLUOROMETHANE, AND 1,1,2, PM Name: TRICHLOROETHANE; ALL SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES/BLENDS CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, A TOTAL OF TEN PERCENT OR MORE (BY VOLUME) OF ONE OR MORE OF THE Resolved ABOVE HALOGENATED SOLVENTS OR THOSE SOLVENTS LISTED IN F001, F004, AND District Office: F005: AND STILL BOTTOMS FROM THE RECOVERY OF THESE SPENT SOLVENTS AND SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES. Waste code: F004 Waste name: THE FOLLOWING SPENT NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS: CRESOLS, CRESYLIC ACID, AND NITROBENZENE; AND THE STILL BOTTOMS FROM THE RECOVERY OF THESE SOLVENTS, ALL SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES/BLENDS CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, A TOTAL OF TEN PERCENT OR MORE (BY VOLUME) OF ONE OR MORE OF THE ABOVE NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS OR THOSE SOLVENTS LISTED IN F001, F002, AND F005; AND STILL BOTTOMS FROM THE RECOVERY OF THESE SPENT SOLVENTS AND SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES. Violation Status FINDS: Registry ID: No violations found 110003178061 Environmental Interest/Information System KS -FP (Kansas - Facility Profiler) is a geographically -based data warehouse site that presents information about facilities and locations of interest to the KDHE. This site has in excess of twenty environmental interest which contains information on closed facilities, completed cleanups, and past operations as well as data on current operations and activities. RCRAInfo is a national information system that supports the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) program through the tracking of events and activities related to facilities that generate, transport, and treat, store, or dispose of hazardous waste. RCRAInfo allows RCRA program staff to track the notification, permit, compliance, and corrective action activities required under RCRA. D15 FORMER PHOENIX HOTEL BTA SSW 100 N 5TH 118-114 SALINA, KS 67401 0.144 mi. 761 ft. Site 1 of 4 in cluster D Relative: SHWS: Lower Site ID: 2958 Has Env Use Control: No Actual: Project code: 0508573007 1222 ft. PM Name: WEISER, M. Site Status: Resolved District Office: NCDO Lat/Long: 38.8414 / -97.60741 SHWS S1 1 3441 244 BROWNFIELDS NIA TC4471374.2s Page 26 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation • r7 L r MAP FINDINGS Site EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number FORMER PHOENIX HOTEL BTA (Continued) River Basin: Smoky Hills - Saline Aquifer Yield: Not reported Other Aquifers: Not reported Parent PC: Not reported Parent Name: Not reported CERCLIS ID: Not reported Discovery Date: Not reported Depth To GW: Not reported Depth To Bedrock: Not reported Aquifer Yield: Not reported GW Flow Direction: Not reported Acres Affected: <5 acres Waste Present: No Product Present: No Program: Brownfields Lead Agency: BER - Assessment and Restoration Contaminants: Not reported Media Act: Not reported Media Pot: Not reported Source: Not reported Land Use: Not reported Private well: Not reported Waste Present: Not reported Product: Not reported Receptor Act: Not reported Receptor Pot: Not reported Remed Air: Not reported Remed Soil: Not reported Remed Water: Not reported Remedir: Not reported Alias: Not reported Eucan Number: Not reported Date: Not reported Activity Type: Resolved Activity Status: Completed Activity Start Date: Not reported Activity End Date: 05/30/2013 Narrative: The Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) conducted a Phase I Brownfields Targeted Assessment (BTA) at 100 North 5th Street in Salina, Kansas. The BTA was conducted for a local developer (with City support) who plans to redevelop the property with an indoor multi -use recreational facility and a corporate office complex for another local business. In addition, the Phase I assessment was necessary to fulfill the due diligence requirements for a pending property transaction. Based on the Phase I report, no ?Recognized Environmental Conditions? (RECs) were identified in connection with the BTA property and the property is cleared for redevelopment. An Asbestos Building Survey was also conducted on the former resta urant/convention center building located on the property as an additional scope outside of the ASTM -1527-05 Phase I assessment. Asbestos containing material (ACM) was identified in the building and abatement will likely be required prior to renovation and/or demolition. The applicant has been advised to work with the KDHE Asbestos Control Section to comply with all Federal and State regulations with respect to the asbestos. Site ID: 2958 5113441244 TC4471374.2s Page 27 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation t �7 r MAP FINDINGS Site EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number FORMER PHOENIX HOTEL BTA (Continued) Has Env Use Control: No Project code: C508573007 PM Name: WEISER, M. Site Status: Resolved District Office: NCDO Lat/Long: 38.84141-97.60741 River Basin: Smoky Hills - Saline Aquifer Yield: Not reported Other Aquifers: Not reported Parent PC: Not reported Parent Name: Not reported CERCLIS ID: Not reported Discovery Date: Not reported Depth To GW: Not reported Depth To Bedrock: Not reported Aquifer Yield: Not reported GW Flow Direction: Not reported Acres Affected: <5 acres Waste Present: No Product Present: No Program: Brownfields Lead Agency: BER - Assessment and Restoration Contaminants: Not reported Media Act: Not reported Media Pot: Not reported Source: Not reported Land Use: Not reported Private well: Not reported Waste Present: Not reported Product: Not reported Receptor Act: Not reported Receptor Pot: Not reported Remed Air: Not reported Remed Soil: Not reported Remed Water: Not reported Remedir: Not reported Alias: Not reported Eucan Number: Not reported Date: Not reported Activity Type: Brownfields Targeted Assessment Activity Status: Completed Activity Start Date: 04/11/2013 Activity End Date: 05/30/2013 Narrative: The Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) conducted a Phase I Brownfields Targeted Assessment (BTA) at 100 North 5th Street in Salina, Kansas. The BTA was conducted for a local developer (with City support) who plans to redevelop the property with an indoor multi -use recreational facility and a corporate office complex for another local business. In addition, the Phase I assessment was necessary to fulfill the due diligence requirements for a pending property transaction. Based on the Phase I report, no ?Recognized Environmental Conditions? (RECs) were identified in connection with the BTA property and the property is cleared for redevelopment. An Asbestos Building Survey was also conducted on the former resta urant/convention center building located on the property as an additional scope outside of the ASTM -1527-05 Phase I assessment. Asbestos containing material (ACM) was identified in the building and S113441244 TC4471374.2s Page 28 �1 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation Site FORMER PHOENIX HOTEL BTA (Continued) BROWNFIELDS: Site ID: Project code: PM Name: Site Status: Lat/Long: Program: E16 KDOT DIST 2 MAT LAB SSE 112 N 3RD 118-1/4 SALINA, KS 67402 0.146 mi. 112 N 3RD 769 ft. Site 1 of 2 in cluster E MAP FINDINGS EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number abatement will likely be required prior to renovation and/or demolition. The applicant has been advised to work with the KDHE Asbestos Control Section to comply with all Federal and State regulations with respect to the asbestos. 2958 C508573007 WEISER, M. Resolved 38.8414/-97.60741 Brownfields S113441244 RCRA-CESQG 1000187599 FINDS KSD981714181 Relative: RCRA-CESQG: Lower Date form received by agency: 05/08/1987 Facility name: KDOT DIST 2 MAT LAB Actual: Facility address: 112 N 3RD 1221 ft. SALINA, KS 67402 EPA ID: KSD981714181 Mailing address: PO BOX 857 SALINA, KS 67402 Contact: CHARLES LUEDDERS Contact address: PO BOX 857 SALINA, KS 67402 Contact country: US Contact telephone: (785) 823-3754 Contact email: Not reported EPA Region: 07 Land type: Facility is not located on Indian land. Additional information is not known. Classification: Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generator Description: Handler: generates 100 kg or less of hazardous waste per calendar month, and accumulates 1000 kg or less of hazardous waste at any time; or generates 1 kg or less of acutely hazardous waste per calendar month, and accumulates at any time: 1 kg or less of acutely hazardous waste; or 100 kg or less of any residue or contaminated soil, waste or other debris resulting from the cleanup of a spill, into or on any land or water, of acutely hazardous waste; or generates 100 kg or less of any residue or contaminated soil, waste or other debris resulting from the cleanup of a spill, into or on any land or water, of acutely hazardous waste during any calendar month, and accumulates at any time: 1 kg or less of acutely hazardous waste; or 100 kg or less of any residue or contaminated soil, waste or other debris resulting from the cleanup of a spill, into or on any land or water, of acutely hazardous waste Owner/Operator Summary: Owner/operator name: STATE OF KANSAS Owner/operator address: Not reported Not reported Owner/operator country: Not reported Owner/operator telephone: Not reported TC4471374.2s Page 29 • r� u Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance Elevation Site KDOT DIST 2 MAT LAB (Continued) Legal status: State Owner/Operator Type: Owner Owner/Op start date: Not reported Owner/Op end date: Not reported EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number 1000187599 Handler Activities Summary: U.S. importer of hazardous waste: No Mixed waste (haz. and radioactive): No Recycler of hazardous waste: No Transporter of hazardous waste: No Treater, storer or disposer of HW: No Underground injection activity: No On-site burner exemption: No Furnace exemption: No Used oil fuel burner: No Used oil processor: No User oil refiner: No Used oil fuel marketer to burner: No Used oil Specification marketer: No Used oil transfer facility: No Used oil transporter: No Waste code: F001 Waste name: THE FOLLOWING SPENT HALOGENATED SOLVENTS USED IN DEGREASING: TETRACHLOROETHYLENE,TRICHLORETHYLENE, METHYLENE CHLORIDE, 1,1,1 -TRICHLOROETHANE, CARBON TETRACHLORIDE AND CHLORINATED FLUOROCARBONS; ALL SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES/BLENDS USED IN DEGREASING CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, A TOTAL OF TEN PERCENT OR MORE (BY VOLUME) OF ONE OR MORE OF THE ABOVE HALOGENATED SOLVENTS OR THOSE SOLVENTS LISTED IN F002, F004, AND F005; AND STILL BOTTOMS FROM THE RECOVERY OF THESE SPENT SOLVENTS AND SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES. Waste code: 0002 Waste name: 2-PROPANONE (1) (OR) ACETONE (1) Waste code: U226 Waste name: ETHANE, 1,1,1-TRICHLORO- (OR) METHYL CHLOROFORM Facility Has Received Notices of Violations: Regulation violated: SR - KAR 28 314 B Area of violation: Generators - General Date violation determined: 01/23/1996 Date achieved compliance: 02/20/1996 Violation lead agency: State Enforcement action: WRITTEN INFORMAL Enforcement action date: 01/23/1996 Enf. disposition status: Not reported Enf. disp, status date: Not reported Enforcement lead agency: State Proposed penalty amount: Not reported Final penalty amount: Not reported Paid penalty amount: Not reported Regulation violated: SR - KAR 28 31 4 J Area of violation: Generators - Pre -transport Date violation determined: 01/23/1996 TC4471374.2s Page 30 • • r Map ID Direction Distance Elevation Site F_ MAP FINDINGS KDOT DIST 2 MAT LAB (Continued) Date achieved compliance: Violation lead agency: Enforcement action: Enforcement action date: Enf. disposition status: Enf. disp. status date: Enforcement lead agency: Proposed penalty amount: Final penalty amount: Paid penalty amount: Regulation violated: Area of violation: Date violation determined: Date achieved compliance: Violation lead agency: Enforcement action: Enforcement action date: Enf. disposition status: Enf. disp. status date: Enforcement lead agency: Proposed penalty amount: Final penalty amount: Paid penalty amount: Regulation violated: Area of violation: Date violation determined: Date achieved compliance: Violation lead agency: Enforcement action: Enforcement action date: Enf. disposition status: Enf. disp. status date: Enforcement lead agency: Proposed penalty amount: Final penalty amount: Paid penalty amount: Evaluation Action Summary: Evaluation date: Evaluation: Area of violation: Date achieved compliance Evaluation lead agency: 02/20/1996 State WRITTEN INFORMAL 01123/1996 Not reported Not reported State Not reported Not reported Not reported SR - KAR 28 31 4 H 1 B&C Generators - Pre -transport 01/23/1996 02/20/1996 State WRITTEN INFORMAL 01/23/1996 Not reported Not reported State Not reported Not reported Not reported SIR -KAR28314J Generators - Pre -transport 01/23/1995 02/20/1996 State WRITTEN INFORMAL 01/23/1996 Not reported Not reported State Not reported Not reported Not reported 02/29/1996 COMPLIANCE SCHEDULE EVALUATION Not reported Not reported State Evaluation date: 01/23/1996 Evaluation: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON-SITE Area of violation: Generators - Pre -transport Date achieved compliance: 02/20/1996 Evaluation lead agency: State Evaluation date: Evaluation: Area of violation: Date achieved compliance Evaluation lead agency: 01/23/1996 COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON-SITE Generators - General 02/20/1996 State EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number 1000187599 TC4471374.2s Page 31 KDOT DIST 2 MAT LAB (Continued) FINDS: MAP FINDINGS Registry ID: 110003179079 Environmental Interest/Information System RCRAInfo is a national information system that supports the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) program through the tracking of events and activities related to facilities that generate, transport, and treat, store, or dispose of hazardous waste. RCRAInfo allows RCRA program staff to track the notification, permit, compliance, and corrective action activities required under RCRA. Map ID IMAGES INC Direction SSW Distance Elevation Site SALINA, KS 67401 KDOT DIST 2 MAT LAB (Continued) FINDS: MAP FINDINGS Registry ID: 110003179079 Environmental Interest/Information System RCRAInfo is a national information system that supports the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) program through the tracking of events and activities related to facilities that generate, transport, and treat, store, or dispose of hazardous waste. RCRAInfo allows RCRA program staff to track the notification, permit, compliance, and corrective action activities required under RCRA. EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number 1000187599 LUST S102689175 N/A 82922 Active Not reported 09/18/2014 U5-085-14745 5th & Iron (NE comer) 13 14S 03W 09/17/2014 Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported 82922 Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Unknown Not reported Not reported Not reported Brown silty clays becoming sandier with depth, < sand at approx. 25'. 35 SE Scott Lang Undetermined as we were only able to inspect the soils beneath the TC4471374.2s Page 32 D17 IMAGES INC SSW 201 E IRON 1/8-1/4 SALINA, KS 67401 0.148 mi. 781 ft. Site 2 of 4 in cluster D Relative: LUST: Lower Facility ID: Site Status: Actual: Release Date: 1222 ft. Initial Report Date: Project Number: Project Name: Legal Desc Section: Legal Desc Township: Legal Desc Range: Discover Date: substrels: Initial Ranking: Current Ranking: Facility Contact: Facility Phone Number: Facility Owner Identification number: Facility Owner: Owner Contact Person: Owner Address: Owner City: Owner State: Owner Zip Code: Owner Phone number: Contractor license number: Contractor phone number: Leak duration (if known): Quantity released (if known): Quantity recorded: Leak Type: Reported By: Reported by persons phone number: Reported by person address: Ground water Impacted (yes/no): Static groundwater level: Groundwater flow direction: District staff names: Assessment of release: EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number 1000187599 LUST S102689175 N/A 82922 Active Not reported 09/18/2014 U5-085-14745 5th & Iron (NE comer) 13 14S 03W 09/17/2014 Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported 82922 Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Unknown Not reported Not reported Not reported Brown silty clays becoming sandier with depth, < sand at approx. 25'. 35 SE Scott Lang Undetermined as we were only able to inspect the soils beneath the TC4471374.2s Page 32 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation • M MAP FINDINGS Site IMAGES INC (Continued) EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number S102689175 Facility ID: Site Status: Release Date: Initial Report Date: Project Number: Project Name: Legal Desc Section: Legal Desc Township: Legal Desc Range: Discover Date: substrels: Initial Ranking: Current Ranking: Facility Contact: Facility Phone Number: Facility Owner Identification number: Facility Owner: Owner Contact Person: Owner Address: Owner City: Owner State: Owner Zip Code: Owner Phone number: Contractor license number: Contractor phone number: Leak duration (if known): Quantity released (if known): Quantity recorded: Leak Type: Reported By: Reported by persons phone number: Reported by person address: Ground water Impacted (yes/no): Static groundwater level: Groundwater flow direction: District staff names: 81389 Closed Not reported 12/19/1995 U5-085-10736 Images Inc 13 14S 03W 11/08/1995 gasoline 135 135.00000 Ken Reitz 785-827-0824 99999 Images Inc Ken Reitz 132 S. 4th, Po Box 773 Salina KS 67401 785-827-0824 Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Other Howard Debauche Not reported Ncdo the area consists of grayish brown silty clays Not reported Not reported Howard Debauche TC4471374.2s Page 33 south end of the tanks. Contaimination assessement: No groundwater testing of this location has been performed. Extent of contamination impact: Undetermined, soils at the south end of tanks were free of odor. KDHE has no record of any gr.water testing at that location. Updated information: This site is directly up -gradient from the Images (Perney Auto) Site U5-085-10736, which was cleaned up by a remedial system and closed as a contaminated LUST site in 2005 by KDHE. Gr.water in the vicinity flows SE and approx. 35' deep. There are 3 UST Invoice initiated: 20144 Invoice on going: Not reported Invoice completetd: 20144 Release confirmed: 20144 Emergencty contact: Not reported Enforcement action: Not reported Cost recovery: Not reported Cost recovery initiated: Not reported Cost recovery initiated by: Not reported Cost recovery completed: Not reported Cost recovery completed by: Not reported Appplication to trust fund: Not reported Facility ID: Site Status: Release Date: Initial Report Date: Project Number: Project Name: Legal Desc Section: Legal Desc Township: Legal Desc Range: Discover Date: substrels: Initial Ranking: Current Ranking: Facility Contact: Facility Phone Number: Facility Owner Identification number: Facility Owner: Owner Contact Person: Owner Address: Owner City: Owner State: Owner Zip Code: Owner Phone number: Contractor license number: Contractor phone number: Leak duration (if known): Quantity released (if known): Quantity recorded: Leak Type: Reported By: Reported by persons phone number: Reported by person address: Ground water Impacted (yes/no): Static groundwater level: Groundwater flow direction: District staff names: 81389 Closed Not reported 12/19/1995 U5-085-10736 Images Inc 13 14S 03W 11/08/1995 gasoline 135 135.00000 Ken Reitz 785-827-0824 99999 Images Inc Ken Reitz 132 S. 4th, Po Box 773 Salina KS 67401 785-827-0824 Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Other Howard Debauche Not reported Ncdo the area consists of grayish brown silty clays Not reported Not reported Howard Debauche TC4471374.2s Page 33 • Map ID Direction Distance Elevation Site IMAGES INC (Continued) Assessment of release Contaimination assessement: Extent of contamination impact: Updated information: Invoice initiated: Invoice on going: Invoice completetd: Release confirmed: Emergencty contact: Enforcement action: Cost recovery: Cost recovery initiated: Cost recovery initiated by: Cost recovery completed: Cost recovery completed by Appplication to trust fund: MAP FINDINGS EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number S102689175 there was soil & water contam confirmed by lab testing in conjunction with a phase ii invest of the site. kdhe recommends that this site be placed on active status pending further invest. a trust fund app was given to the property owner. yes undetermined. three 1000 gallon gasoline and three 55 gallon with unknown former contents tanks removed in november 2001. Site closed under KRBCA Tier 2 in May, 2005. 19961 Not reported 19961 19961 Not reported Not reported Not reported 19984 State W. Fed. Trust Fund 20053 State W. Fed. Trust Fund Not reported 18 PATS BODY SHOP RCRA-CESQG 1004704827 WNW 220 N 7TH FINDS KSD984999821 1/8-1/4 SALINA, KS 67401 0.159 mi. 839 ft. Relative: RCRA-CESQG: Higher Date form received by agency: 12/06/2000 Facility name: PATS BODY SHOP Actual: Facility address: 220 N 7TH 1224 ft. SALINA, KS 67401 EPA ID: KSD984999821 Mailing address: N 7TH SALINA, KS 67401 Contact: HAROLD BUTTERMORE JR Contact address: 220 N 7TH SALINA, KS 67401 Contact country: US Contact telephone: (785) 825-5902 Contact email: Not reported EPA Region: 07 Land type: Private Classification: Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generator Description: Handler: generates 100 kg or less of hazardous waste per calendar month, and accumulates 1000 kg or less of hazardous waste at any time, or generates 1 kg or less of acutely hazardous waste per calendar month, and accumulates at any time: 1 kg or less of acutely hazardous waste; or 100 kg or less of any residue or contaminated soil, waste or other debris resulting from the cleanup of a spill, into or on any land or water, of acutely hazardous waste; or generates 100 kg or less of any residue or contaminated soil, waste or other debris resulting from the cleanup of a spill, into or on any land or water, of acutely hazardous waste during any calendar month, and accumulates at any time: 1 kg or less of acutely hazardous waste; or 100 kg or less of any residue or contaminated soil, waste or other debris resulting from the cleanup of a spill, into or on any land or water, of acutely TC4471374.2s Page 34 • F--1 LJ Map ID Direction Distance Elevation Site PATS BODY SHOP (Continued) Owner/Operator Summary: Owner/operator name: Owner/operator address Owner/operator country: Owner/operator telephone: Legal status: Owner/Operator Type: Owner/Op start date: Owner/Op end date: MAP FINDINGS hazardous waste HAROLD BUTTERMORE 220 N 7TH SALINA, KS 67401 Not reported (785)825-5902 Private Owner Not reported Not reported Handler Activities Summary: U.S. importer of hazardous waste: No Mixed waste (haz. and radioactive): No Recycler of hazardous waste: No Transporter of hazardous waste: No Treater, storer or disposer of HW: No Underground injection activity: No On-site burner exemption: No Furnace exemption: No Used oil fuel burner: No Used oil processor: No User oil refiner: No Used oil fuel marketer to burner: No Used oil Specification marketer: No Used oil transfer facility: No Used oil transporter: No Waste code: D001 Waste name: IGNITABLE WASTE EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number 1004704827 Waste code: F003 Waste name: THE FOLLOWING SPENT NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS: XYLENE, ACETONE, ETHYL ACETATE, ETHYL BENZENE, ETHYL ETHER, METHYL ISOBUTYL KETONE, N -BUTYL ALCOHOL, CYCLOHEXANONE, AND METHANOL; ALL SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES/BLENDS CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, ONLY THE ABOVE SPENT NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS; AND ALL SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES/BLENDS CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, ONE OR MORE OF THE ABOVE NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS, AND A TOTAL OF TEN PERCENT OR MORE (BY VOLUME) OF ONE OR MORE OF THOSE SOLVENTS LISTED IN F001, F002, F004, AND F005; AND STILL BOTTOMS FROM THE RECOVERY OF THESE SPENT SOLVENTS AND SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES. Waste code: F005 Waste name: THE FOLLOWING SPENT NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS: TOLUENE, METHYL ETHYL KETONE, CARBON DISULFIDE, ISOBUTANOL, PYRIDINE, BENZENE, 2-ETHOXYETHANOL, AND 2-NITROPROPANE; ALL SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES/BLENDS CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, A TOTAL OF TEN PERCENT OR MORE (BY VOLUME) OF ONE OR MORE OF THE ABOVE NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS OR THOSE SOLVENTS LISTED IN F001, F002, OR F004; AND STILL BOTTOMS FROM THE RECOVERY OF THESE SPENT SOLVENTS AND SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES. Historical Generators: Date form received by agency: 02/11/1992 TC4471374.2s Page 35 • L� l� u Map ID Direction Distance Elevation Site PATS BODY SHOP (Continued) MAP FINDINGS Site name: PATS BODY SHOP Classification: Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generator Facility Has Received Notices of Violations: Regulation violated: Not reported Area of violation: Used Oil - Generators Date violation determined: 02/06/2013 Date achieved compliance: 03/13/2013 Violation lead agency: State Enforcement action: WRITTEN INFORMAL Enforcement action date: 03/13/2013 Enf. disposition status: Not reported Enf. disp. status date: Not reported Enforcement lead agency: State Proposed penalty amount: Not reported Final penalty amount: Not reported Paid penalty amount: Not reported Regulation violated: Area of violation: Date violation determined: Date achieved compliance: Violation lead agency: Enforcement action: Enforcement action date: Enf. disposition status: Enf. disp. status date: Enforcement lead agency: Proposed penalty amount: Final penalty amount: Paid penalty amount: Regulation violated: Area of violation: Date violation determined: Date achieved compliance: Violation lead agency: Enforcement action: Enforcement action date: Enf. disposition status: Enf. disp. status date: Enforcement lead agency: Proposed penalty amount: Final penalty amount: Paid penalty amount: Regulation violated: Area of violation: Date violation determined: Date achieved compliance: Violation lead agency: Enforcement action: Enforcement action date: Enf. disposition status: Enf. disp. status date: Enforcement lead agency: Proposed penalty amount: Not reported Generators - Pre -transport 02/06/2013 03/13/2013 State WRITTEN INFORMAL 03/13/2013 Not reported Not reported State Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported TSD IS -Container Use and Management 02/06/2013 03/13/2013 State WRITTEN INFORMAL 02/06/2013 Not reported Not reported State Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Used Oil - Generators 02/06/2013 03/13/2013 State WRITTEN INFORMAL 02/06/2013 Not reported Not reported State Not reported EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number 1004704827 TC4471374.2s Page 36 • Map ID Direction Distance Elevation Site PATS BODY SHOP (Continued) Final penalty amount: Paid penalty amount: Regulation violated: Area of violation: Date violation determined: Date achieved compliance: Violation lead agency: Enforcement action: Enforcement action date: Enf. disposition status: Enf. disp. status date: Enforcement lead agency: Proposed penalty amount: Final penalty amount: Paid penalty amount: Regulation violated: Area of violation: Date violation determined: Date achieved compliance: Violation lead agency: Enforcement action: Enforcement action date: Enf. disposition status: Enf. disp. status date: Enforcement lead agency: Proposed penalty amount: Final penalty amount: Paid penalty amount: Regulation violated: Area of violation: Date violation determined: Date achieved compliance: Violation lead agency: Enforcement action: Enforcement action date: Enf. disposition status: Enf. disp. status date: Enforcement lead agency: Proposed penalty amount: Final penalty amount: Paid penalty amount: Regulation violated: Area of violation: Date violation determined: Date achieved compliance: Violation lead agency: Enforcement action: Enforcement action date: Enf. disposition status: Enf. disp. status date: Enforcement lead agency: Proposed penalty amount: Final penalty amount: MAP FINDINGS Not reported Not reported Not reported TSD IS -Container Use and Management 02/06/2013 03/13/2013 State WRITTEN INFORMAL 03/13/2013 Not reported Not reported State Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Generators - Pre -transport 02/06/2013 03/13/2013 State WRITTEN INFORMAL 02/06/2013 Not reported Not reported State Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported TSD IS -General Facility Standards 02/06/2013 04/17/2013 State WRITTEN INFORMAL 02/06/2013 Not reported Not reported State Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Generators - General 02/06/2013 03/13/2013 State WRITTEN INFORMAL 03/13/2013 Not reported Not reported State Not reported Not reported EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number 1004704827 TC4471374.2s Page 37 Pi Map ID Direction Distance Elevation Site PATS BODY SHOP (Continued) Paid penalty amount: Regulation violated: Area of violation: Date violation determined: Date achieved compliance: Violation lead agency: Enforcement action: Enforcement action date: Enf. disposition status: Enf. disp. status date: Enforcement lead agency: Proposed penalty amount: Final penalty amount: Paid penalty amount: Evaluation Action Summary: Evaluation date: Evaluation: Area of violation: Date achieved compliance: Evaluation lead agency: MAP FINDINGS Not reported Not reported Generators - General 02/06/2013 03/13/2013 State WRITTEN INFORMAL 02/06/2013 Not reported Not reported State Not reported Not reported Not reported 03/13/2013 NON-FINANCIAL RECORD REVIEW Not reported Not reported State Evaluation date: 02/06/2013 Evaluation: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON-SITE . Area of violation: Used Oil - Generators Date achieved compliance: 03/13/2013 Evaluation lead agency: State Evaluation date: Evaluation: Area of violation: Date achieved compliance: Evaluation lead agency: Evaluation date: Evaluation: Area of violation: Date achieved compliance: Evaluation lead agency: Evaluation date: Evaluation: Area of violation: Date achieved compliance Evaluation lead agency: Evaluation date: Evaluation: Area of violation: Date achieved compliance Evaluation lead agency: FINDS: Registry ID: E�] 02/06/2013 COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON-SITE TSD IS -Container Use and Management 03/13/2013 State 02/06/2013 COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON-SITE Generators - General 03/13/2013 State 02/06/2013 COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON-SITE Generators - Pre -transport 03/13/2013 State 02/06/2013 COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON-SITE TSD IS -General Facility Standards 04/17/2013 State 110003195104 EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number 1004704827 TC4471374.2s Page 38 F- MAP FINDINGS Site EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number PATS BODY SHOP (Continued) Environmental Interest/Information System RCRAInfo is a national information system that supports the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) program through the tracking of events and activities related to facilities that generate, transport, and treat, store, or dispose of hazardous waste. RCRAInfo allows RCRA program staff to track the notification, permit, compliance, and corrective action activities required under RCRA. Map ID IRON PUMP Direction SE Distance Elevation • F- MAP FINDINGS Site EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number PATS BODY SHOP (Continued) Environmental Interest/Information System RCRAInfo is a national information system that supports the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) program through the tracking of events and activities related to facilities that generate, transport, and treat, store, or dispose of hazardous waste. RCRAInfo allows RCRA program staff to track the notification, permit, compliance, and corrective action activities required under RCRA. 1004704827 LUST 0003041985 UST N/A Financial Assurance 25445 Closed Not reported 12/31/1991 U5-085-00615 Pit Stop 66 13 14S 03W Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported John Rasdall 785-825-9601 18426 Ott Oil Co., Inc. Not reported Po Box 707, Salina Not reported KS 67401 785-823-2331 Not reported 785-479-2106 Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Scott Lang/howard Debauche Not reported Ncdo 0-8', grayish brown silt. groundwater was not encountered. thought to be -20'. Not reported Not reported Howard Debauche 3-1000 gal steel gas usts & lines removed from north side of building. ther was no visible staining nor odor detected in or around the excavation. a sample showed no contam present per drager. kdhe considers this site to be an a dosed status. yes. (two remaining usts meet current standards) TC4471374.2s Page 39 E19 IRON PUMP SE 418 E IRON 1/8-114 SALINA, KS 67401 0.159 mi. 840 ft. Site 2 of 2 in cluster E Relative: LUST: Lower Facility ID: Site Status: Actual: Release Date: 1221 ft. Initial Report Date: Project Number: Project Name: Legal Desc Section: Legal Desc Township: Legal Desc Range: Discover Date: substrels: Initial Ranking: Current Ranking: Facility Contact: Facility Phone Number: Facility Owner Identification number: Facility Owner: Owner Contact Person: Owner Address: Owner City: Owner State: Owner Zip Code: Owner Phone number: Contractor license number: Contractor phone number: Leak duration (if known): Quantity released (if known): Quantity recorded: Leak Type: Reported By: Reported by persons phone number: Reported by person address: Ground water Impacted (yes/no): Static groundwater level: Groundwater flow direction: District staff names: Assessment of release: Contaimination assessement: 1004704827 LUST 0003041985 UST N/A Financial Assurance 25445 Closed Not reported 12/31/1991 U5-085-00615 Pit Stop 66 13 14S 03W Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported John Rasdall 785-825-9601 18426 Ott Oil Co., Inc. Not reported Po Box 707, Salina Not reported KS 67401 785-823-2331 Not reported 785-479-2106 Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Scott Lang/howard Debauche Not reported Ncdo 0-8', grayish brown silt. groundwater was not encountered. thought to be -20'. Not reported Not reported Howard Debauche 3-1000 gal steel gas usts & lines removed from north side of building. ther was no visible staining nor odor detected in or around the excavation. a sample showed no contam present per drager. kdhe considers this site to be an a dosed status. yes. (two remaining usts meet current standards) TC4471374.2s Page 39 • Map ID Direction Distance Elevation Site IRON PUMP (Continued) MAP FINDINGS Extent of contamination impact: none suspected. Updated information: Not reported Invoice initiated: 19921 Invoice on going: Not reported Invoice completetd: 19921 Release confirmed: Not reported Emergencty contact: Not reported Enforcement action: Not reported Cost recovery: Not reported Cost recovery initiated: Not reported Cost recovery initiated by: Not reported Cost recovery completed: Not reported Cost recovery completed by: Not reported Appplication to trust fund: Not reported UST: Facility ID: Facility 911 Address: Facility 911 City, State, Zip Facility Phone: Phone 24 Hours: Facility District: Facility Location Method: Facility Feature: Facility Datum: Facility Lat/Long: Owner ID: Owner: Owner Type: Owner/Rep Name: Owner/Rep Title: Owner Address: Owner City, State, Zip: Owner County: Contact: Contact Title: Tank ID: Tank Type: Tank Status: Total Capacity (Gals): Hazards: Petroleum Substance: NonPetroleum Substance: Estimated Yr In Service: Date Removed: Last Permit Printed: Current Permit Printed: QTY Remaining in Tank: Filled/Removed: Tank Empty: Out of Service Mo/Yr: Material of Construction: Piping: Tank Internal Protection: Tank External Protection: 25445 418 E IRON SALINA, KS 67401 785-827-7303 785-827-7303 NC Garmin GPS III Plus Facility Center WGS84 38.840249999999997/-97.604680000000002 25445 PALAK,LLC Current,Private Or Corp. KIRIT PATEL OWNER 418 E. IRON AVE SALINA, KS 67401 SALINE KIRIT PATEL OWNER 001 Underground Current In Use 12000 Fire,Chronic,Acute Gas Unleaded Regular Not reported 1976 Not reported 2014-07-16 00:00:00 2015-06-09 00:00:00 Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Steel Not reported Not reported Not reported EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number 0003041985 TC4471374.2s Page 40 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation • • Site IRON PUMP (Continued) Tank ID: Tank Type: Tank Status: Total Capacity (Gals): Hazards: Petroleum Substance: NonPetroleum Substance: Estimated Yr In Service: Date Removed: Last Permit Printed: Current Permit Printed: QTY Remaining in Tank: Filled/Removed: Tank Empty: Out of Service Mo/Yr: Material of Construction: Piping: Tank Internal Protection: Tank External Protection: Tank ID: Tank Type: Tank Status: Total Capacity (Gals): Hazards: Petroleum Substance: NonPetroleum Substance: Estimated Yr In Service: Date Removed: Last Permit Printed: Current Permit Printed: QTY Remaining in Tank: Filled/Removed: Tank Empty: Out of Service Mo/Yr: Material of Construction: Piping: Tank Internal Protection: Tank External Protection: KS Financial Assurance: Facility ID: Financial Responsibility: Facility ID: Financial Responsibility: MAP FINDINGS 002 Underground Current In Use 12000 Fire,Chronic,Acute Gas Unleaded Premium Not reported 1976 Not reported 2014-07-16 00:00:00 2015-06-09 00:00:00 Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Steel Not reported Not reported Not reported 003 Underground Permanently Out Of Use 1000 Fire, C h ron ic,Acute Gas (Incl Alcohol) Not reported 1976 12/15/1991 Not reported Not reported 0 Removed Not reported 121991 Steel Not reported Not reported Not reported 25445 3rd Party Liability Insurance 25445 3rd Party Liability Insurance EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number 0003041985 TC4471374.2s Page 41 C7 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation Site MAP FINDINGS EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number F20 HOUSEHOLD HAZ WASTES AST A100248565 North 315 E ELM N/A 1/8-1/4 SALINA, KS 67401 0.166 mi. 874 ft. Site 1 of 5 in cluster F Relative: AST: Higher Facility ID: 42001 Facility 911 Address: 315 E ELM Actual: Facility 911 City,St,Zip: SALINA, KS 67401 1223 ft. Facility Phone: 785-826-6638 24 Hour Phone Num: 785-822-7421 Facility District: NC Facility Location Method: Garmin GPS III Plus Facility Feature: Facility Center Facility Datum: WGS84 Facility Lat/Long: 38.845489999999998-97.606020000000001 Owner ID: 42001 Owner Type: State Or Local Govt. Owner Name: CITY OF SALINA, ENG AND GENERA Owner Address: 412 E ASH Owner City,St Zip: SALINA, KS 67402 Owner County: saline Owner Phone: 785 826-7380 Owner Replacement Name: CHRIS SLUBOWSKI Owner Replacement Title: Environmental Tech Contact: SHAWN DUNSTAN Contact Title: Environmental Techinician Tank ID: 001 Tank Type: Aboveground Tank Status: Current In Use Tank Empty: Not reported Installation Year: 1993 Date Removed: Not reported Last Permit Printed: 2014-06-09 00:00:00 Current Permit Printed: 2015-06-09 00:00:00 QTY remaining in Tank: 0 Out of service Mo/Yr: Not reported Material of Construction: Not reported Petroleum Substance: Used Oil NonPetroleum Substance: Not reported Piping: Not reported Hazards: Fire,Chronic Tank Internal Protection: Not reported Tank External Protection: Not reported Principal CERCLA Substance/Chem Abstract Service Num: 68334-30-5 F21 CITY OF SALINA HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE FACILITY North 315 E ELM 1/8-1/4 SALINA, KS 67401 0.166 mi. 874 ft. Site 2 of 5 in cluster F RCRA-LQG 1000863356 KS0000065938 Relative: RCRA-LOG: Higher Date form received by agency: 12/15/2014 Facility name: CITY OF SALINA HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE FACILITY Actual: Facility address: 315 E ELM 1223 ft. SALINA, KS 67401 EPA ID: KS0000065938 TC4471374.2s Page 42 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation • • • F_ MAP FINDINGS Site EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number CITY OF SALINA HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE FACILITY (Continued) Mailing address: PO BOX 736 Not reported SALINA, KS 67402 Contact: CHRIS E SLUBOWSKI Contact address: PO BOX 736 Not reported SALINA, KS 67402 Contact country: US Contact telephone: (785) 826-6638 Contact email: CHRIS.SLUBOWSKI@SALINA.ORG EPA Region: 07 Land type: Municipal Classification: Large Quantity Generator Description: Handler: generates 1,000 kg or more of hazardous waste during any calendar month; or generates more than 1 kg of acutely hazardous waste during any calendar month; or generates more than 100 kg of any residue or contaminated soil, waste or other debris resulting from the cleanup of a spill, into or on any land or water, of acutely hazardous waste during any calendar month; or generates 1 kg or less of acutely hazardous waste during any calendar month, and accumulates more than 1 kg of acutely hazardous waste at any time; or generates 100 kg or less of any residue or contaminated soil, waste or other debris resulting from the cleanup of a spill, into or on any land or water, of acutely hazardous waste during any calendar month, and accumulates more than 100 kg of that material at any time Owner/Operator Summary Owner/operator name: CITY OF SALINA PUBLIC WORKS DEPT Owner/operator address: Not reported Mixed waste (haz. and radioactive): Not reported Owner/operator country: Not reported Owner/operator telephone: Not reported Legal status: Municipal Owner/Operator Type: Owner Owner/Op start date: 01/29/2003 Owner/Op end date: Not reported Owner/operator name: CITY OF SALINA PUBLIC WORKS DEPT Owner/operator address: Not reported Mixed waste (haz. and radioactive): Not reported Owner/operator country: Not reported Owner/operator telephone: Not reported Legal status: Municipal Owner/Operator Type: Operator Owner/Op start date: 01/29/2003 Owner/Op end date: Not reported Handler Activities Summary: U.S. importer of hazardous waste: No Mixed waste (haz. and radioactive): No Recycler of hazardous waste: No Transporter of hazardous waste: No Treater, storer or disposer of HW: No Underground injection activity: No On-site burner exemption: No Furnace exemption: No Used oil fuel burner: No Used oil processor: No 1000863356 TC4471374.2s Page 43 • • • Map ID Direction Distance Elevation Site MAP FINDINGS EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number CITY OF SALINA HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE FACILITY (Continued) 1000863356 User oil refiner: No Used oil fuel marketer to bumer: No Used oil Specification marketer: No Used oil transfer facility: No Used oil transporter: No Waste code: D001 Waste name: IGNITABLE WASTE Waste code: D002 Waste name: CORROSIVE WASTE Waste code: D003 Waste name: REACTIVE WASTE Waste code: D004 Waste name: ARSENIC Waste code: D005 Waste name: BARIUM Waste code: D006 Waste name: CADMIUM Waste code: 0007 Waste name: CHROMIUM Waste code: D008 Waste name: LEAD Waste code: D009 Waste name: MERCURY Waste code: D010 Waste name: SELENIUM Waste code: D013 Waste name: LINDANE (1,2,3,4,5,6-HEXA-CHLOROCYCLOHEXANE, GAMMA ISOMER) Waste code: D014 Waste name: METHOXYCHLOR (1,1,1-TRICHLORO-2,2-BIS [P-METHOXYPHENYL] ETHANE) Waste code: D015 Waste name: TOXAPHENE (C10 H10 CL8, TECHNICAL CHLORINATED CAMPHENE, 67-69 PERCENT CHLORINE) Waste code: D016 Waste name: 2,4-D (2,4-DICHLOROPHENOXYACETIC ACID) Waste code: D017 Waste name: 2,4,5 -TP SILVEX (2,4,5-TRICHLOROPHENOXYPROPIONIC ACID) Waste code: D018 Waste name: BENZENE Waste code: D019 Waste name: CARBON TETRACHLORIDE TC4471374.2s Page 44 • 71 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation Site MAP FINDINGS CITY OF SALINA HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE FACILITY (Continued) Waste code: D020 Waste name: CHLORDANE Waste code: D022 Waste name: CHLOROFORM Waste code: D031 Waste name: HEPTACHLOR (AND ITS EPDXIDE) Waste code: D035 Waste name: METHYL ETHYL KETONE EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number 1000863356 Waste code: D036 Waste name: NITROBENZENE Waste code: D037 Waste name: PENTACHLOROPHENOL Waste code: D039 Waste name: TETRACHLOROETHYLENE Waste code: F001 Waste name: THE FOLLOWING SPENT HALOGENATED SOLVENTS USED IN DEGREASING: TETRACHLOROETHYLENE, TRICHLORETHYLENE, METHYLENE CHLORIDE, 1,1,1 -TRICHLOROETHANE, CARBON TETRACHLORIDE AND CHLORINATED FLUOROCARBONS; ALL SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES/BLENDS USED IN DEGREASING CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, A TOTAL OF TEN PERCENT OR MORE (BY VOLUME) OF ONE OR MORE OF THE ABOVE HALOGENATED SOLVENTS OR THOSE SOLVENTS LISTED IN F002, F004, AND F005; AND STILL BOTTOMS FROM THE RECOVERY OF THESE SPENT SOLVENTS AND SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES. Waste code: F002 Waste name: THE FOLLOWING SPENT HALOGENATED SOLVENTS: TETRACHLOROETHYLENE, METHYLENE CHLORIDE, TRICHLOROETHYLENE, 1,1,1 -TRICHLOROETHANE, CHLOROBENZENE, 1,1,2-TRICHLORO-1,2,2-TRIFLUOROETHANE, ORTHO-DICHLOROBENZENE, TRICHLOROFLUOROMETHANE, AND 1,1,2, TRICHLOROETHANE; ALL SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES/BLENDS CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, A TOTAL OF TEN PERCENT OR MORE (BY VOLUME) OF ONE OR MORE OF THE ABOVE HALOGENATED SOLVENTS OR THOSE SOLVENTS LISTED IN F001, F004, AND F005; AND STILL BOTTOMS FROM THE RECOVERY OF THESE SPENT SOLVENTS AND SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES. Waste code: F003 Waste name: THE FOLLOWING SPENT NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS: XYLENE, ACETONE, ETHYL ACETATE, ETHYL BENZENE, ETHYL ETHER, METHYL ISOBUTYL KETONE, N -BUTYL ALCOHOL, CYCLOHEXANONE, AND METHANOL; ALL SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES/BLENDS CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, ONLY THE ABOVE SPENT NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS; AND ALL SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES/BLENDS CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, ONE OR MORE OF THE ABOVE NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS, AND A TOTAL OF TEN PERCENT OR MORE (BY VOLUME) OF ONE OR MORE OF THOSE SOLVENTS LISTED IN F001, F002, F004, AND F005; AND STILL BOTTOMS FROM THE RECOVERY OF THESE SPENT SOLVENTS AND SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES. Waste code: F004 Waste name: THE FOLLOWING SPENT NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS: CRESOLS, CRESYLIC ACID, AND NITROBENZENE; AND THE STILL BOTTOMS FROM THE RECOVERY OF THESE TC4471374.2s Page 45 C-] Map ID Direction Distance Elevation Site MAP FINDINGS CITY OF SALINA HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE FACILITY (Continued) EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number 1000863356 SOLVENTS; ALL SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES/BLENDS CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, A TOTAL OF TEN PERCENT OR MORE (BY VOLUME) OF ONE OR MORE OF THE ABOVE NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS OR THOSE SOLVENTS LISTED IN F001, F002, AND F005; AND STILL BOTTOMS FROM THE RECOVERY OF THESE SPENT SOLVENTS AND SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES. Waste code: F005 Waste name: THE FOLLOWING SPENT NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS: TOLUENE, METHYL ETHYL KETONE, CARBON DISULFIDE, ISOBUTANOL, PYRIDINE, BENZENE, 2-ETHOXYETHANOL, AND 2-NITROPROPANE; ALL SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES/BLENDS CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, A TOTAL OF TEN PERCENT OR MORE (BY VOLUME) OF ONE OR MORE OF THE ABOVE NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS OR THOSE SOLVENTS LISTED IN F001, F002, OR F004: AND STILL BOTTOMS FROM THE RECOVERY OF THESE SPENT SOLVENTS AND SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES. Waste code: F027 Waste name: DISCARDED UNUSED FORMULATIONS CONTAINING TRI-, TETRA-, OR PENTACHLOROPHENOL OR DISCARDED UNUSED FORMULATIONS CONTAINING COMPOUNDS DERIVED FROM THESE CHLOROPHENOLS. (THIS LISTING DOES NOT INCLUDE FORMULATIONS CONTAINING HEXACHLOROPHENE SYNTHESIZED FROM PREPURIFIED 2,4,5 -TRICHLOROPHENOL AS THE SOLE COMPONENT.) Waste code: P004 Waste name: 1,4,5,8-DIMETHANONAPHTHALENE, 1,2,3,4,10,10-HEXA-CHLORO-1,4,4A,5,8,8A,-HEXAHYDRO-, (1ALPHA, 4ALPHA, • 4ABETA, 5ALPHA, 8ALPHA, 8ABETA)- (OR) ALDRIN Waste code: P021 Waste name: CALCIUM CYANIDE (OR) CALCIUM CYANIDE CA(CN)2 Waste code: P030 Waste name: CYANIDES (SOLUBLE CYANIDE SALTS), NOT OTHERWISE SPECIFIED Waste code: P037 Waste name: 2,7:3,6 -DIM ETHANONAPHTH[2,3-B]OXIRENE, 3,4,5,6,9,9-HEXACHLORO-1A,2,2A,3,6,6A,7,7A-OCTAHYDRO-, (1AALPHA, 2BETA, 2AALPHA, 3BETA, 6BETA, 6AALPHA, 7BETA, 7AALPHA)- (OR) DIELDRIN Waste code: P039 Waste name: DISULFOTON (OR) PHOSPHORODITHIOIC ACID, 0,0 -DIETHYL S-[2-(ETHYLTHIO)ETHYL] ESTER Waste code: P040 Waste name: O,O-DIETHYL O-PYRAZINYL PHOSPHOROTHIOATE (OR) PHOSPHOROTHIOIC ACID, O,O-DIETHYL O-PYRAZINYL ESTER Waste code: P041 Waste name: DIETHYL-P-NITROPHENYL PHOSPHATE (OR) PHOSPHORIC ACID, DIETHYL 4-NITROPHENYL ESTER Waste code: P058 Waste name: ACETIC ACID, FLUORO-, SODIUM SALT (OR) FLUOROACETIC ACID, SODIUM SALT Waste code: P075 Waste name: NICOTINE, & SALTS (OR) PYRIDINE, 3-(1-METHYL-2-PYRROLIDINYL)-,(S)-, & SALTS C TC4471374.2s Page 46 • 1� u • Map ID Direction Distance Elevation Site MAP FINDINGS EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number CITY OF SALINA HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE FACILITY (Continued) 1000863356 Waste code: P106 Waste name: SODIUM CYANIDE (OR) SODIUM CYANIDE NA(CN) Waste code: P108 Waste name: STRYCHNIDIN-10-ONE, & SALTS (OR) STRYCHNINE, & SALTS Waste code: P115 Waste name: SULFURIC ACID, DITHALLIUM (1+) SALT (OR) THALLIUM(I) SULFATE Waste code: 0002 Waste name: 2-PROPANONE (1) (OR) ACETONE (1) Waste code: U052 Waste name: CRESOL (CRESYLIC ACID) (OR) PHENOL, METHYL - Waste code: U061 Waste name: BENZENE, 1,1'-(2,2,2-TRICHLOROETHYLIDENE)BIS[4-CHLORO- (OR) DDT Waste code: U080 Waste name: METHANE, DICHLORO- (OR) METHYLENE CHLORIDE Waste code: U103 Waste name: DIMETHYL SULFATE (OR) SULFURIC ACID, DIMETHYL ESTER Waste code: U122 Waste name: FORMALDEHYDE Waste code: U136 Waste name: ARSINIC ACID, DIMETHYL- (OR) CACODYLIC ACID Waste code: U154 Waste name: METHANOL (1) (OR) METHYL ALCOHOL (1) Waste code: U169 Waste name: BENZENE, NITRO- (OR) NITROBENZENE (I,T) Waste code: U220 Waste name: BENZENE, METHYL- (OR) TOLUENE Waste code: U239 Waste name: BENZENE, DIMETHYL- (I,T) (OR) XYLENE (1) Waste code: U248 Waste name: 2H-1-BENZOPYRAN-2-ONE, 4 -HYDROXY -3 -(3 -OXO -1 -PHENYL -BUTYL)-, & SALTS, WHEN PRESENT AT CONCENTRATIONS OF 0.3% OR LESS (OR) WARFARIN, & SALTS, WHEN PRESENT AT CONCENTRATIONS OF 0.3% OR LESS Historical Generators: Date form received by agency: 04/15/2013 Site name: CITY OF SALINA HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE FACILITY Classification: Large Quantity Generator Waste code: D001 Waste name: IGNITABLE WASTE Waste code: D002 Waste name: CORROSIVE WASTE TC4471374.2s Page 47 �J L] • Map ID Direction Distance Elevation Site MAP FINDINGS CITY OF SALINA HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE FACILITY (Continued) Waste code: D003 Waste name: REACTIVE WASTE Waste code: D004 Waste name: ARSENIC Waste code: D005 Waste name: BARIUM Waste code: D006 Waste name: CADMIUM Waste code: D007 Waste name: CHROMIUM Waste code: D008 Waste name: LEAD Waste code: D009 Waste name: MERCURY EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number 1111IrLI.1*14 .1 Waste code: D010 Waste name: SELENIUM Waste code: D013 Waste name: LINDANE (1,2,3,4,5,6-HEXA-CHLOROCYCLOHEXANE, GAMMA ISOMER) Waste code: D014 Waste name: METHOXYCHLOR (1,1,1-TRICHLORO-2,2-BIS [P-METHOXYPHENYL] ETHANE) Waste code: D015 Waste name: TOXAPHENE (C10 H10 CL8, TECHNICAL CHLORINATED CAMPHENE, 67-69 PERCENT CHLORINE) Waste code: D016 Waste name: 2,4-D (2,4-DICHLOROPHENOXYACETIC ACID) Waste code: D017 Waste name: 2,4,5 -TP SILVEX (2,4,5-TRICHLOROPHENOXYPROPIONIC ACID) Waste code: D018 Waste name: BENZENE Waste code: D019 Waste name: CARBON TETRACHLORIDE Waste code: D020 Waste name: CHLORDANE Waste code: D022 Waste name: CHLOROFORM Waste code: D031 Waste name: HEPTACHLOR (AND ITS EPDXIDE) Waste code: D035 Waste name: METHYL ETHYL KETONE TC4471374.2s Page 48 • • • Map ID Direction Distance Elevation MAP FINDINGS Site EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number CITY OF SALINA HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE FACILITY (Continued) 1000863356 Waste code: D036 Waste name: NITROBENZENE Waste code: D037 Waste name: PENTACHLOROPHENOL Waste code: D039 Waste name: TETRACHLOROETHYLENE Waste code: F001 Waste name: THE FOLLOWING SPENT HALOGENATED SOLVENTS USED IN DEGREASING: TETRACHLOROETHYLENE, TRICHLORETHYLENE, METHYLENE CHLORIDE, 1,1,1 -TRICHLOROETHANE, CARBON TETRACHLORIDE AND CHLORINATED FLUOROCARBONS; ALL SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES/BLENDS USED IN DEGREASING CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, A TOTAL OF TEN PERCENT OR MORE (BY VOLUME) OF ONE OR MORE OF THE ABOVE HALOGENATED SOLVENTS OR THOSE SOLVENTS LISTED IN F002, F004, AND 17005; AND STILL BOTTOMS FROM THE RECOVERY OF THESE SPENT SOLVENTS AND SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES. Waste code: F002 Waste name: THE FOLLOWING SPENT HALOGENATED SOLVENTS: TETRACHLOROETHYLENE, METHYLENE CHLORIDE, TRICHLOROETHYLENE, 1,1,1 -TRICHLOROETHANE, CHLOROBENZENE, 1,1,2-TRICHLORO-1,2,2-TRIFLUOROETHANE, ORTHO-DICHLOROBENZENE, TRICHLOROFLUOROMETHANE, AND 1,1,2, TRICHLOROETHANE; ALL SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES/BLENDS CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, A TOTAL OF TEN PERCENT OR MORE (BY VOLUME) OF ONE OR MORE OF THE ABOVE HALOGENATED SOLVENTS OR THOSE SOLVENTS LISTED IN F001, F004, AND F005; AND STILL BOTTOMS FROM THE RECOVERY OF THESE SPENT SOLVENTS AND SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES. Waste code: F003 Waste name: THE FOLLOWING SPENT NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS: XYLENE, ACETONE, ETHYL ACETATE, ETHYL BENZENE, ETHYL ETHER, METHYL ISOBUTYL KETONE, N -BUTYL ALCOHOL, CYCLOHEXANONE, AND METHANOL; ALL SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES/BLENDS CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, ONLY THE ABOVE SPENT NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS; AND ALL SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES/BLENDS CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, ONE OR MORE OF THE ABOVE NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS, AND A TOTAL OF TEN PERCENT OR MORE (BY VOLUME) OF ONE OR MORE OF THOSE SOLVENTS LISTED IN F001, F002, F004, AND F005; AND STILL BOTTOMS FROM THE RECOVERY OF THESE SPENT SOLVENTS AND SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES. Waste code: F004 Waste name: THE FOLLOWING SPENT NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS: CRESOLS, CRESYLIC ACID, AND NITROBENZENE; AND THE STILL BOTTOMS FROM THE RECOVERY OF THESE SOLVENTS; ALL SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES/BLENDS CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, A TOTAL OF TEN PERCENT OR MORE (BY VOLUME) OF ONE OR MORE OF THE ABOVE NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS OR THOSE SOLVENTS LISTED IN F001, F002, AND F005; AND STILL BOTTOMS FROM THE RECOVERY OF THESE SPENT SOLVENTS AND SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES. Waste code: F005 Waste name: THE FOLLOWING SPENT NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS: TOLUENE, METHYL ETHYL KETONE, CARBON DISULFIDE, ISOBUTANOL, PYRIDINE, BENZENE, 2-ETHOXYETHANOL, AND 2-NITROPROPANE; ALL SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES/BLENDS CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, A TOTAL OF TEN PERCENT OR MORE (BY VOLUME) OF ONE OR MORE OF THE ABOVE NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS OR THOSE SOLVENTS TC4471374.2s Page 49 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number CITY OF SALINA HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE FACILITY (Continued) 1000863356 LISTED IN F001, F002, OR F004; AND STILL BOTTOMS FROM THE RECOVERY OF THESE SPENT SOLVENTS AND SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES. Waste code: F027 Waste name: DISCARDED UNUSED FORMULATIONS CONTAINING TRI-, TETRA-, OR PENTACHLOROPHENOL OR DISCARDED UNUSED FORMULATIONS CONTAINING COMPOUNDS DERIVED FROM THESE CHLOROPHENOLS. (THIS LISTING DOES NOT INCLUDE FORMULATIONS CONTAINING HEXACHLOROPHENE SYNTHESIZED FROM PREPURIFIED 2,4,5 -TRICHLOROPHENOL AS THE SOLE COMPONENT.) Waste code: P004 Waste name: 1,4,5,8-DIMETHANONAPHTHALENE, 1,2,3,4,10, 1 0-HEXA-CHLORO-1,4,4A,5,8,8A,-HEXAHYDRO-, (1 ALPHA, 4ALPHA, 4ABETA,5ALPHA,8ALPHA,8ABETA}(OR)ALDRIN Waste code: P021 Waste name: CALCIUM CYANIDE (OR) CALCIUM CYANIDE CA(CN)2 Waste code: P037 Waste name: 2,7:3,6-DIMETHANONAPHTH[2,3-B]OXIRENE, 3,4,5,6,9,9-HEXACHLORO-1A,2,2A,3,6,6A,7,7A-OCTAHYDRO-, (1AALPHA, 2BETA, 2AALPHA, 3BETA, 6BETA, 6AALPHA, 7BETA, 7AALPHAY (OR) DIELDRIN Waste code: P039 Waste name: DISULFOTON (OR) PHOSPHORODITHIOIC ACID, O,O-DIETHYL • S-[2-(ETHYLTHIO)ETHYL] ESTER Waste code: P040 Waste name: 0,0 -DIETHYL O-PYRAZINYL PHOSPHOROTHIOATE (OR) PHOSPHOROTHIOIC ACID, O,O-DIETHYL O-PYRAZINYL ESTER Waste code: P041 Waste name: DIETHYL-P-NITROPHENYL PHOSPHATE (OR) PHOSPHORIC ACID, DIETHYL 4-NITROPHENYL ESTER Waste code: P058 Waste name: ACETIC ACID, FLUORO-, SODIUM SALT (OR) FLUOROACETIC ACID, SODIUM SALT Waste code: P075 Waste name: NICOTINE, & SALTS (OR) PYRIDINE, 3-(1-METHYL-2-PYRROLIDINYL�,(S}, & SALTS Waste code: P108 Waste name: STRYCHNIDIN-10-ONE, & SALTS (OR) STRYCHNINE, & SALTS Waste code: P115 Waste name: SULFURIC ACID, DITHALLIUM (1+) SALT (OR) THALLIUM(I) SULFATE Waste code: 0002 Waste name: 2-PROPANONE (1) (OR) ACETONE (1) Waste code: U052 Waste name: CRESOL (CRESYLIC ACID) (OR) PHENOL, METHYL - Waste code: U061 Waste name: BENZENE, 1,1'-(2,2,2-TRICHLOROETHYLIDENE)BIS[4-CHLORO- (OR) DDT C TC4471374.2s Page 50 TC4471374.2s Page 51 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number • Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number CITY OF SALINA HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE FACILITY (Continued) 1000863356 Waste code: U080 Waste name: METHANE, DICHLORO- (OR) METHYLENE CHLORIDE Waste code: U103 Waste name: DIMETHYL SULFATE (OR) SULFURIC ACID, DIMETHYL ESTER Waste code: U122 Waste name: FORMALDEHYDE Waste code: U136 Waste name: ARSINIC ACID, DIMETHYL- (OR) CACODYLIC ACID Waste code: U154 Waste name: METHANOL (1) (OR) METHYL ALCOHOL (1) Waste code: U169 Waste name: BENZENE, NITRO- (OR) NITROBENZENE (I,T) Waste code: U220 Waste name: BENZENE, METHYL- (OR) TOLUENE Waste code: U239 Waste name: BENZENE, DIMETHYL- (I,T) (OR) XYLENE (1) Waste code: U248 Waste name: 2H-1-BENZOPYRAN-2-ONE, 4-HYDROXY-3-(3-OXO-I-PHENYL-BUTYLY, & SALTS, WHEN PRESENT AT CONCENTRATIONS OF 0.3% OR LESS (OR) WARFARIN, & SALTS, WHEN PRESENT AT CONCENTRATIONS OF 0.3% OR LESS Date form received by agency: 04/04/2012 Site name: CITY OF SALINA HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE FACILITY Classification: Small Quantity Generator Waste code: D001 Waste name: IGNITABLE WASTE Waste code: D002 Waste name: CORROSIVE WASTE Waste code: D003 Waste name: REACTIVE WASTE Waste code: D004 Waste name: ARSENIC Waste code: D005 Waste name: BARIUM Waste code: D006 Waste name: CADMIUM Waste code: D007 Waste name: CHROMIUM Waste code: D008 Waste name: LEAD TC4471374.2s Page 51 L] • Map ID Direction Distance Elevation Site MAP FINDINGS EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number CITY OF SALINA HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE FACILITY (Continued) 1000863356 Waste code: D009 Waste name: MERCURY Waste code: D010 Waste name: SELENIUM Waste code: D013 Waste name: LINDANE (1,2,3,4,5,6-HEXA-CHLOROCYCLOHEXANE, GAMMA ISOMER) Waste code: D014 Waste name: METHOXYCHLOR (1,1,1-TRICHLORO-2,2-BIS [P-METHOXYPHENYL] ETHANE) Waste code: D015 Waste name: TOXAPHENE (C10 H10 CL8, TECHNICAL CHLORINATED CAMPHENE, 67-69 PERCENT CHLORINE) Waste code: D016 Waste name: 2,4-D (2,4-DICHLOROPHENOXYACETIC ACID) Waste code: D017 Waste name: 2,4,5 -TP SILVEX (2,4,5-TRICHLOROPHENOXYPROPIONIC ACID) Waste code: D018 Waste name: BENZENE Waste code: D019 Waste name: CARBON TETRACHLORIDE Waste code: D020 Waste name: CHLORDANE Waste code: D022 Waste name: CHLOROFORM Waste code: D031 Waste name: HEPTACHLOR (AND ITS EPDXIDE) Waste code: D035 Waste name: METHYL ETHYL KETONE Waste code: D036 Waste name: NITROBENZENE Waste code: D037 Waste name: PENTACHLOROPHENOL Waste code: D039 Waste name: TETRACHLOROETHYLENE Waste code: F001 Waste name: THE FOLLOWING SPENT HALOGENATED SOLVENTS USED IN DEGREASING: TETRACHLOROETHYLENE, TRICHLORETHYLENE, METHYLENE CHLORIDE, 1,1,1 -TRICHLOROETHANE, CARBON TETRACHLORIDE AND CHLORINATED FLUOROCARBONS; ALL SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES/BLENDS USED IN DEGREASING CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, A TOTAL OF TEN PERCENT OR MORE (BY VOLUME) OF ONE OR MORE OF THE ABOVE HALOGENATED SOLVENTS OR THOSE SOLVENTS LISTED IN F002, F004, AND F005; AND STILL BOTTOMS FROM THE RECOVERY OF THESE TC4471374.2s Page 52 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number CITY OF SALINA HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE FACILITY (Continued) 1000863356 SPENT SOLVENTS AND SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES. Waste code: F002 Waste name: THE FOLLOWING SPENT HALOGENATED SOLVENTS: TETRACHLOROETHYLENE, METHYLENE CHLORIDE, TRICHLOROETHYLENE, 1,1,1 -TRICHLOROETHANE, CHLOROBENZENE, 1,1,2-TRICHLORO-1,2,2-TRIFLUOROETHANE, ORTHO-DICHLOROBENZENE, TRICHLOROFLUOROMETHANE, AND 1,1,2, TRICHLOROETHANE; ALL SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES/BLENDS CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, A TOTAL OF TEN PERCENT OR MORE (BY VOLUME) OF ONE OR MORE OF THE ABOVE HALOGENATED SOLVENTS OR THOSE SOLVENTS LISTED IN F001, F004, AND F005; AND STILL BOTTOMS FROM THE RECOVERY OF THESE SPENT SOLVENTS AND SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES. Waste code: F003 Waste name: THE FOLLOWING SPENT NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS: XYLENE, ACETONE, ETHYL ACETATE, ETHYL BENZENE, ETHYL ETHER, METHYL ISOBUTYL KETONE, N -BUTYL ALCOHOL, CYCLOHEXANONE, AND METHANOL; ALL SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES/BLENDS CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, ONLY THE ABOVE SPENT NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS; AND ALL SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES/BLENDS CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, ONE OR MORE OF THE ABOVE NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS, AND A TOTAL OF TEN PERCENT OR MORE (BY VOLUME) OF ONE OR MORE OF THOSE SOLVENTS LISTED IN F001, F002, F004, AND F005: AND STILL BOTTOMS FROM THE RECOVERY OF THESE SPENT SOLVENTS AND SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES. • Waste code: F004 Waste name: THE FOLLOWING SPENT NONHALOGENATED 5OLVENTS: CRESOLS, CRESYLIC ACID, AND NITROBENZENE; AND THE STILL BOTTOMS FROM THE RECOVERY OF THESE SOLVENTS; ALL SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES/BLENDS CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, A TOTAL OF TEN PERCENT OR MORE (BY VOLUME) OF ONE OR MORE OF THE ABOVE NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS OR THOSE SOLVENTS LISTED IN F001, F002, AND F005, AND STILL BOTTOMS FROM THE RECOVERY OF THESE SPENT SOLVENTS AND SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES. Waste code: F005 Waste name: THE FOLLOWING SPENT NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS: TOLUENE, METHYL ETHYL KETONE, CARBON DISULFIDE, ISOBUTANOL, PYRIDINE, BENZENE, 2-ETHOXYETHANOL, AND 2-NITROPROPANE; ALL SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES/BLENDS CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, A TOTAL OF TEN PERCENT OR MORE (BY VOLUME) OF ONE OR MORE OF THE ABOVE NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS OR THOSE SOLVENTS LISTED IN F001, F002, OR F004; AND STILL BOTTOMS FROM THE RECOVERY OF THESE SPENT SOLVENTS AND SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES. TC4471374.2s Page 53 Waste code: F027 Waste name: DISCARDED UNUSED FORMULATIONS CONTAINING TRI-, TETRA-, OR PENTACHLOROPHENOL OR DISCARDED UNUSED FORMULATIONS CONTAINING COMPOUNDS DERIVED FROM THESE CHLOROPHENOLS. (THIS LISTING DOES NOT INCLUDE FORMULATIONS CONTAINING HEXACHLOROPHENE SYNTHESIZED FROM PREPURIFIED 2,4,5 -TRICHLOROPHENOL AS THE SOLE COMPONENT.) Waste code: P004 Waste name: 1,4,5,8-DIMETHANONAPHTHALENE, 1,2,3,4,10,10-HEXA-CHLORO-1,4,4A,5,8,8A,-HEXAHYDRO-, (1ALPHA, 4ALPHA, 4ABETA,5ALPHA,8ALPHA,8ABETA}(OR)ALDRIN Waste code: P021 Waste name: CALCIUM CYANIDE (OR) CALCIUM CYANIDE CA(CN)2 TC4471374.2s Page 53 Pi r Map ID Direction Distance Elevation Site MAP FINDINGS EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number CITY OF SALINA HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE FACILITY (Continued) 1000863356 Waste code: P037 Waste name: 2,7:3,6-DIMETHANONAPHTH[2,3-B]OXIRENE, 3,4,5,6,9,9-HEXACHLORO-1A,2,2A,3,6,6A,7,7A-OCTAHYDRO-, (1AALPHA, 2BETA, 2AALPHA, 3BETA, 6BETA, 6AALPHA, 7BETA, 7AALPHA)- (OR) DIELDRIN Waste code: P039 Waste name: DISULFOTON (OR) PHOSPHORODITHIOIC ACID, O,O-DIETHYL S-[2-(ETHYLTHIO)ETHYL] ESTER Waste code: P040 Waste name: O,O-DIETHYL O-PYRAZINYL PHOSPHOROTHIOATE (OR) PHOSPHOROTHIOIC ACID, O,O-DIETHYL O-PYRAZINYL ESTER Waste code: P041 Waste name: DIETHYL-P-NITROPHENYL PHOSPHATE (OR) PHOSPHORIC ACID, DIETHYL 4-NITROPHENYL ESTER Waste code: P058 Waste name: ACETIC ACID, FLUORO-, SODIUM SALT (OR) FLUOROACETIC ACID, SODIUM SALT Waste code: P075 Waste name: NICOTINE, & SALTS (OR) PYRIDINE, 3-(1-METHYL-2-PYRROLIDINYL)-,(S}, & SALTS Waste code: P108 Waste name: STRYCHNIDIN-10-ONE, & SALTS (OR) STRYCHNINE, & SALTS Waste code: P115 Waste name: SULFURIC ACID, DITHALLIUM (1+) SALT (OR) THALLIUM(I) SULFATE Waste code: 0002 Waste name: 2-PROPANONE (1) (OR) ACETONE (1) Waste code: U052 Waste name: CRESOL (CRESYLIC ACID) (OR) PHENOL, METHYL - Waste code: U061 Waste name: BENZENE, 1,1'-(2,2,2-TRICHLOROETHYLIDENE)BIS(4-CHLORO- (OR) DDT Waste code: U080 Waste name: METHANE, DICHLORO- (OR) METHYLENE CHLORIDE Waste code: U103 Waste name: DIMETHYL SULFATE (OR) SULFURIC ACID, DIMETHYL ESTER Waste code: U122 Waste name: FORMALDEHYDE Waste code: U136 Waste name: ARSINIC ACID, DIMETHYL- (OR) CACODYLIC ACID Waste code: U154 Waste name: METHANOL (I) (OR) METHYL ALCOHOL (I) Waste code: U169 Waste name: BENZENE, NITRO- (OR) NITROBENZENE (I,T) TC4471374.2s Page 54 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number ie Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number TC4471374.2s Page 55 CITY OF SALINA HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE FACILITY (Continued) 1000863356 Waste code: U220 Waste name: BENZENE, METHYL- (OR) TOLUENE Waste code: U239 Waste name: BENZENE, DIMETHYL- (I,T) (OR) XYLENE (1) Waste code: U248 Waste name: 2H-1-BENZOPYRAN-2-ONE, 4-HYDROXY-3-(3-OXO-I-PHENYL-BUTYLY, & SALTS, WHEN PRESENT AT CONCENTRATIONS OF 0.3% OR LESS (OR) WARFARIN, & SALTS, WHEN PRESENT AT CONCENTRATIONS OF 0.3% OR LESS Date form received by agency: 11/21/2011 Site name: CITY OF SALINA HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE FACILITY Classification: Small Quantity Generator Waste code: D001 Waste name: IGNITABLE WASTE Waste code: D002 Waste name: CORROSIVE WASTE Waste code: D003 Waste name: REACTIVE WASTE Waste code: D004 Waste name: ARSENIC Waste code: D005 Waste name: BARIUM Waste code: D006 Waste name: CADMIUM Waste code: D007 Waste name: CHROMIUM Waste code: D008 Waste name: LEAD Waste code: D009 Waste name: MERCURY Waste code: D010 Waste name: SELENIUM Waste code: D013 Waste name: LINDANE (1,2,3,4,5,6-HEXA-CHLOROCYCLOHEXANE, GAMMA ISOMER) Waste code: D014 Waste name: METHOXYCHLOR (1,1,1-TRICHLORO-2,2-BIS [P-METHOXYPHENYL] ETHANE) Waste code: D015 Waste name: TOXAPHENE (C10 H10 CL8, TECHNICAL CHLORINATED CAMPHENE, 67-69 PERCENT CHLORINE) Waste code: D016 Waste name: 2,4-D (2,4-DICHLOROPHENOXYACETIC ACID) TC4471374.2s Page 55 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number CITY OF SALINA HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE FACILITY (Continued) 1000863356 Waste code: D017 Waste name: 2,4,5 -TP SILVEX (2,4,5-TRICHLOROPHENOXYPROPIONIC ACID) Waste code: D018 Waste name: BENZENE Waste code: D019 Waste name: CARBON TETRACHLORIDE Waste code: D020 Waste name: CHLORDANE Waste code: D022 Waste name: CHLOROFORM Waste code: D031 Waste name: HEPTACHLOR (AND ITS EPDXIDE) Waste code: D035 Waste name: METHYL ETHYL KETONE Waste code: D036 Waste name: NITROBENZENE Waste code: D037 • Waste name: PENTACHLOROPHENOL Waste code: F001 Waste name: THE FOLLOWING SPENT HALOGENATED SOLVENTS USED IN DEGREASING: TETRACHLOROETHYLENE,TRICHLORETHYLENE, METHYLENE CHLORIDE, 1,1,1 -TRICHLOROETHANE, CARBON TETRACHLORIDE AND CHLORINATED FLUOROCARBONS; ALL SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES/BLENDS USED IN DEGREASING CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, A TOTAL OF TEN PERCENT OR MORE (BY VOLUME) OF ONE OR MORE OF THE ABOVE HALOGENATED SOLVENTS OR THOSE SOLVENTS LISTED IN F002, F004, AND F005; AND STILL BOTTOMS FROM THE RECOVERY OF THESE SPENT SOLVENTS AND SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES. Waste code: F002 Waste name: THE FOLLOWING SPENT HALOGENATED SOLVENTS: TETRACHLOROETHYLENE, METHYLENE CHLORIDE, TRICHLOROETHYLENE, 1,1,1 -TRICHLOROETHANE, CHLOROBENZENE, 1,1,2-TRICHLORO-1,2,2-TRI FLU OROETHANE, ORTHO-DICHLOROBENZENE, TRICHLOROFLUOROMETHANE, AND 1,1,2, TRICHLOROETHANE; ALL SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES/BLENDS CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, A TOTAL OF TEN PERCENT OR MORE (BY VOLUME) OF ONE OR MORE OF THE ABOVE HALOGENATED SOLVENTS OR THOSE SOLVENTS LISTED IN F001, F004, AND F005; AND STILL BOTTOMS FROM THE RECOVERY OF THESE SPENT SOLVENTS AND SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES. Waste code: F003 Waste name: THE FOLLOWING SPENT NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS: XYLENE, ACETONE, ETHYL ACETATE, ETHYL BENZENE, ETHYL ETHER, METHYL ISOBUTYL KETONE, N -BUTYL ALCOHOL, CYCLOHEXANONE, AND METHANOL; ALL SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES/BLENDS CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, ONLY THE ABOVE SPENT NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS; AND ALL SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES/BLENDS CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, ONE OR MORE OF THE ABOVE NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS, AND A TOTAL OF TEN PERCENT OR MORE (BY VOLUME) OF ONE OR . MORE OF THOSE SOLVENTS LISTED IN F001, F002, F004, AND F005; AND STILL TC4471374.2s Page 56 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number • Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number CITY OF SALINA HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE FACILITY (Continued) 1000863356 BOTTOMS FROM THE RECOVERY OF THESE SPENT SOLVENTS AND SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES. Waste code: F004 Waste name: THE FOLLOWING SPENT NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS: CRESOLS, CRESYLIC ACID, AND NITROBENZENE; AND THE STILL BOTTOMS FROM THE RECOVERY OF THESE SOLVENTS; ALL SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES/BLENDS CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, A TOTAL OF TEN PERCENT OR MORE (BY VOLUME) OF ONE OR MORE OF THE ABOVE NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS OR THOSE SOLVENTS LISTED IN F001, F002, AND F005; AND STILL BOTTOMS FROM THE RECOVERY OF THESE SPENT SOLVENTS AND SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES. Waste code: F005 Waste name: THE FOLLOWING SPENT NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS: TOLUENE, METHYL ETHYL KETONE, CARBON DISULFIDE, ISOBUTANOL, PYRIDINE, BENZENE, 2-ETHOXYETHANOL, AND 2-NITROPROPANE; ALL SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES/BLENDS CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, A TOTAL OF TEN PERCENT OR MORE (BY VOLUME) OF ONE OR MORE OF THE ABOVE NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS OR THOSE SOLVENTS LISTED IN F001, F002, OR F004; AND STILL BOTTOMS FROM THE RECOVERY OF THESE SPENT SOLVENTS AND SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES. TC4471374.2s Page 57 Waste code: F027 Waste name: DISCARDED UNUSED FORMULATIONS CONTAINING TRI-, TETRA-, OR PENTACHLOROPHENOL OR DISCARDED UNUSED FORMULATIONS CONTAINING COMPOUNDS DERIVED FROM THESE CHLOROPHENOLS. (THIS LISTING DOES NOT INCLUDE FORMULATIONS CONTAINING HEXACHLOROPHENE SYNTHESIZED FROM PREPURIFIED 2,4,5 -TRICHLOROPHENOL AS THE SOLE COMPONENT.) Waste code: P004 Waste name: 1,4,5,8-DIMETHANONAPHTHALENE, 1,2,3,4,10,10-HEXA-CHLORO-1,4,4A,5,8,8A,-HEXAHYDRO-, (1ALPHA, 4ALPHA, 4ABETA, 5ALPHA, 8ALPHA, 8ABETA} (OR) ALDRIN Waste code: P021 Waste name: CALCIUM CYANIDE (OR) CALCIUM CYANIDE CA(CN)2 Waste code: P037 Waste name: 2,7:3,6-DIMETHANONAPHTH[2,3-B]OXIRENE, 3,4,5,6,9,9-HEXACHLORO-1A,2,2A,3,6,6A,7,7A-OCTAHYDRO-, (1AALPHA, 2BETA, 2AALPHA, 3BETA, 6BETA, 6AALPHA, 7BETA, 7AALPHA)- (OR) DIELDRIN Waste code: P039 Waste name: DISULFOTON (OR) PHOSPHORODITHIOIC ACID, O.O-DIETHYL S-[2-(ETHYLTHIO)ETHYL) ESTER Waste code: P040 Waste name: O,O-DIETHYL O-PYRAZINYL PHOSPHOROTHIOATE (OR) PHOSPHOROTHIOIC ACID, O,O-DIETHYL O-PYRAZINYL ESTER Waste code: P041 Waste name: DIETHYL-P-NITROPHENYL PHOSPHATE (OR) PHOSPHORIC ACID, DIETHYL 4-NITROPHENYL ESTER Waste code: P058 Waste name: ACETIC ACID, FLUORO-, SODIUM SALT (OR) FLUOROACETIC ACID, SODIUM SALT Waste code: P075 TC4471374.2s Page 57 • 0 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation Site MAP FINDINGS EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number CITY OF SALINA HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE FACILITY (Continued) 1000863356 Waste name: NICOTINE, & SALTS (OR) PYRIDINE, 3-(1-METHYL-2-PYRROL IDINYL}-,(S}, & SALTS Waste code: P108 Waste name: STRYCHNIDIN-10-ONE, & SALTS (OR) STRYCHNINE, & SALTS Waste code: P115 Waste name: SULFURIC ACID, DITHALLIUM (1+) SALT (OR) THALLIUM(I) SULFATE Waste code: 0002 Waste name: 2-PROPANONE (1) (OR) ACETONE (1) Waste code: U052 Waste name: CRESOL (CRESYLIC ACID) (OR) PHENOL, METHYL - Waste code: U061 Waste name: BENZENE, 1,1'-(2,2,2-TRICHLOROETHYLIDENE)BIS(4-CHLORO- (OR) DDT Waste code: U080 Waste name: METHANE, DICHLORO- (OR) METHYLENE CHLORIDE Waste code: U103 Waste name: DIMETHYL SULFATE (OR) SULFURIC ACID, DIMETHYL ESTER Waste code: U136 Waste name: ARSINIC ACID, DIMETHYL- (OR) CACODYLIC ACID Waste code: U154 Waste name: METHANOL (1) (OR) METHYL ALCOHOL (1) Waste code: U169 Waste name: BENZENE, NITRO- (OR) NITROBENZENE (I,T) Waste code: U220 Waste name: BENZENE, METHYL- (OR) TOLUENE Waste code: U239 Waste name: BENZENE, DIMETHYL- (I,T) (OR) XYLENE (1) Waste code: U248 Waste name: 2H-1-BENZOPYRAN-2-ONE, 4 -HYDROXY -3 -(3 -OXO -I -PHENYL -BUTYL)-, & SALTS, WHEN PRESENT AT CONCENTRATIONS OF 0.3% OR LESS (OR) WARFARIN, & SALTS, WHEN PRESENT AT CONCENTRATIONS OF 0.3% OR LESS Date form received by agency: 01/29/2003 Site name: SALINA HHW TRANSFER STA CITY OF Classification: Small Quantity Generator Waste code: D001 Waste name: IGNITABLE WASTE Waste code: D002 Waste name: CORROSIVE WASTE Waste code: D003 Waste name: REACTIVE WASTE TC4471374.2s Page 58 TC4471374.2s Page 59 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number . CITY OF SALINA HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE FACILITY (Continued) 1000863356 Waste code: D004 Waste name: ARSENIC Waste code: D008 Waste name: LEAD Waste code: D009 Waste name: MERCURY Waste code: D013 Waste name: LINDANE (1,2,3,4,5,6-HEXA-CHLOROCYCLOHEXANE, GAMMA ISOMER) Waste code: D014 Waste name: METHOXYCHLOR (1,1,1-TRICHLORO-2,2-BIS [P-METHOXYPHENYL] ETHANE) Waste code: D015 Waste name: TOXAPHENE (C10 H10 CL8, TECHNICAL CHLORINATED CAMPHENE, 67-69 PERCENT CHLORINE) Waste code: D016 Waste name: 2,4-D (2,4-DICHLOROPHENOXYACETIC ACID) Waste code: D017 Waste name: 2,4,5-TP SILVEX (2,4,5-TRICHLOROPHENOXYPROPIONIC ACID) Waste code: • Waste name: BENZENE Waste code: D019 Waste name: CARBON TETRACHLORIDE Waste code: D020 Waste name: CHLORDANE Waste code: D031 Waste name: HEPTACHLOR (AND ITS EPDXIDE) Waste code: D035 Waste name: METHYL ETHYL KETONE Waste code: D037 Waste name: PENTACHLOROPHENOL Waste code: F001 Waste name: THE FOLLOWING SPENT HALOGENATED SOLVENTS USED IN DEGREASING: TETRACHLOROETHYLENE, TRICHLORETHYLENE, METHYLENE CHLORIDE, 1,1,1-TRICHLOROETHANE, CARBON TETRACHLORIDE AND CHLORINATED FLUOROCARBONS; ALL SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES/BLENDS USED IN DEGREASING CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, A TOTAL OF TEN PERCENT OR MORE (BY VOLUME) OF ONE OR MORE OF THE ABOVE HALOGENATED SOLVENTS OR THOSE SOLVENTS LISTED IN F002, F004, AND F005; AND STILL BOTTOMS FROM THE RECOVERY OF THESE SPENT SOLVENTS AND SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES. Waste code: F002 Waste name: THE FOLLOWING SPENT HALOGENATED SOLVENTS: TETRACHLOROETHYLENE, METHYLENE CHLORIDE, TRICHLOROETHYLENE, 1,1,1-TRICHLOROETHANE, . CHLOROBENZENE, 1,1,2-TRICHLORO-1,2,2-TRIFLUOROETHANE, TC4471374.2s Page 59 0 • • Map ID Direction Distance Elevation Site MAP FINDINGS CITY OF SALINA HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE FACILITY (Continued) EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number 1000863356 ORTHO-DICHLOROBENZENE, TRICHLOROFLUOROMETHANE, AND 1,1,2, TRICHLOROETHANE; ALL SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES/BLENDS CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, A TOTAL OF TEN PERCENT OR MORE (BY VOLUME) OF ONE OR MORE OF THE ABOVE HALOGENATED SOLVENTS OR THOSE SOLVENTS LISTED IN F001, F004, AND F005; AND STILL BOTTOMS FROM THE RECOVERY OF THESE SPENT SOLVENTS AND SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES. Waste code: F003 Waste name: THE FOLLOWING SPENT NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS: XYLENE, ACETONE, ETHYL ACETATE, ETHYL BENZENE, ETHYL ETHER, METHYL ISOBUTYL KETONE, N -BUTYL ALCOHOL, CYCLOHEXANONE, AND METHANOL; ALL SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES/BLENDS CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, ONLY THE ABOVE SPENT NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS; AND ALL SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES/BLENDS CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, ONE OR MORE OF THE ABOVE NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS, AND A TOTAL OF TEN PERCENT OR MORE (BY VOLUME) OF ONE OR MORE OF THOSE SOLVENTS LISTED IN F001, F002, F004, AND F005; AND STILL BOTTOMS FROM THE RECOVERY OF THESE SPENT SOLVENTS AND SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES. Waste code: F004 Waste name: THE FOLLOWING SPENT NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS: CRESOLS, CRESYLIC ACID, AND NITROBENZENE; AND THE STILL BOTTOMS FROM THE RECOVERY OF THESE SOLVENTS; ALL SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES/BLENDS CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, A TOTAL OF TEN PERCENT OR MORE (BY VOLUME) OF ONE OR MORE OF THE ABOVE NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS OR THOSE SOLVENTS LISTED IN F001, F002, AND F005; AND STILL BOTTOMS FROM THE RECOVERY OF THESE SPENT SOLVENTS AND SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES. Waste code: F005 Waste name: THE FOLLOWING SPENT NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS: TOLUENE, METHYL ETHYL KETONE, CARBON DISULFIDE, ISOBUTANOL, PYRIDINE, BENZENE, 2-ETHOXYETHANOL, AND 2-NITROPROPANE; ALL SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES/BLENDS CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, A TOTAL OF TEN PERCENT OR MORE (BY VOLUME) OF ONE OR MORE OF THE ABOVE NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS OR THOSE SOLVENTS LISTED IN F001, F002, OR F004, AND STILL BOTTOMS FROM THE RECOVERY OF THESE SPENT SOLVENTS AND SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES. Waste code: F027 Waste name: DISCARDED UNUSED FORMULATIONS CONTAINING TRI-, TETRA-, OR PENTACHLOROPHENOL OR DISCARDED UNUSED FORMULATIONS CONTAINING COMPOUNDS DERIVED FROM THESE CHLOROPHENOLS. (THIS LISTING DOES NOT INCLUDE FORMULATIONS CONTAINING HEXACHLOROPHENE SYNTHESIZED FROM PREPURIFIED 2,4,5 -TRICHLOROPHENOL AS THE SOLE COMPONENT.) Waste code: P004 Waste name: 1,4,5,8-DIMETHANONAPHTHALENE, 1,2,3,4,10,10-HEXA-CHLORO-1,4,4A,5,8,8A,-HEXAHYDRO-, (1ALPHA, 4ALPHA, 4ABETA, 5ALPHA, 8ALPHA, 8ABETA)- (OR) ALDRIN Waste code: P021 Waste name: CALCIUM CYANIDE (OR) CALCIUM CYANIDE CA(CN)2 Waste code: P037 Waste name: 2,7:3,6-DIMETHANONAPHTH[2,3-B)OXIRE NE. 3,4,5,6,9,9-HEXACHLORO-1A,2,2A,3,6,6A,7,7A-OCTAHYDRO-, (1AALPHA, 2BETA, 2AALPHA, 3BETA, 6BETA, 6AALPHA, 7BETA, 7AALPHA)- (OR) DIELDRIN TC4471374.2s Page 60 0 • 0 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation Site MAP FINDINGS EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number CITY OF SALINA HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE FACILITY (Continued) 1000863356 Waste code: P039 Waste name: DISULFOTON (OR) PHOSPHORODITHIOIC ACID, O,O-DIETHYL S-[2-(ETHYLTHIO)ETHYL] ESTER Waste code: P040 Waste name: O,O-DIETHYL O-PYRAZINYL PHOSPHOROTHIOATE (OR) PHOSPHOROTHIOIC ACID, O,O-DIETHYL O-PYRAZINYL ESTER Waste code: P041 Waste name: DIETHYL-P-NITROPHENYL PHOSPHATE (OR) PHOSPHORIC ACID, DIETHYL 4-NITROPHENYL ESTER Waste code: P058 Waste name: ACETIC ACID, FLUORO-, SODIUM SALT (OR) FLUOROACETIC ACID, SODIUM SALT Waste code: P075 Waste name: NICOTINE. & SALTS (OR) PYRIDINE, 3-(1-METHYL-2-PYRROLIDINYL)-,(S}-, & SALTS Waste code: P108 Waste name: STRYCHNIDIN-10-ONE, & SALTS (OR) STRYCHNINE, & SALTS Waste code: P115 Waste name: SULFURIC ACID, DITHALLIUM (1+) SALT (OR) THALLIUM(1) SULFATE Waste code: 0002 Waste name: 2-PROPANONE (1) (OR) ACETONE (1) Waste code: U052 Waste name: CRESOL (CRESYLIC ACID) (OR) PHENOL, METHYL - Waste code: U061 Waste name: BENZENE, 1,1'-(2,2,2-TRICHLOROETHYLIDENE)BIS[4-CHLORO- (OR) DDT Waste code: U080 Waste name: METHANE, DICHLORO- (OR) METHYLENE CHLORIDE Waste code: U103 Waste name: DIMETHYL SULFATE (OR) SULFURIC ACID, DIMETHYL ESTER Waste code: U134 Waste name: HYDROFLUORIC ACID (C,T) (OR) HYDROGEN FLUORIDE (C,T) Waste code: U136 Waste name: ARSINIC ACID, DIMETHYL- (OR) CACODYLIC ACID Waste code: U154 Waste name: METHANOL (1) (OR) METHYL ALCOHOL (1) Waste code: U169 Waste name: BENZENE, NITRO- (OR) NITROBENZENE (I,T) Waste code: U220 Waste name: BENZENE, METHYL- (OR) TOLUENE Waste code: U239 Waste name: BENZENE, DIMETHYL- (I,T) (OR) XYLENE (1) TC4471374.2s Page 61 • 11 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation Site MAP FINDINGS EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number CITY OF SALINA HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE FACILITY (Continued) 1000863356 Waste code: U248 Waste name: 2H-1-BENZOPYRAN-2-ONE, 4 -HYDROXY -3 -(3 -OXO -1 -PHENYL -BUTYL}-, & SALTS, WHEN PRESENT AT CONCENTRATIONS OF 0.3% OR LESS (OR) WARFARIN, & SALTS, WHEN PRESENT AT CONCENTRATIONS OF 0.3% OR LESS Date form received by agency: 09/05/1997 Site name: SALINA HHW TRANSFER STA CITY OF Classification: Small Quantity Generator Waste code: D001 Waste name: IGNITABLE WASTE Waste code: D002 Waste name: CORROSIVE WASTE Waste code: D003 Waste name: REACTIVE WASTE Waste code: D004 Waste name: ARSENIC Waste code: D008 Waste name: LEAD Waste code: D009 Waste name: MERCURY Waste code: D013 Waste name: LINDANE (1,2,3,4,5,6-HEXA-CHLOROCYCLOHE)(ANE, GAMMA ISOMER) Waste code: D014 Waste name: METHOXYCHLOR (1,1,1-TRICHLORO-2,2-BIS [P-METHOXYPHENYL] ETHANE) Waste code: D015 Waste name: TOXAPHENE (C10 H10 CL8, TECHNICAL CHLORINATED CAMPHENE, 67-69 PERCENT CHLORINE) Waste code: D016 Waste name: 2,4-D (2,4-DICHLOROPHENOXYACETIC ACID) Waste code: D017 Waste name: 2,4,5 -TP SILVEX (2,4,5-TRICHLOROPHENOXYPROPIONIC ACID) Waste code: D018 Waste name: BENZENE Waste code: D019 Waste name: CARBON TETRACHLORIDE Waste code: D020 Waste name: CHLORDANE Waste code: D031 Waste name: HEPTACHLOR (AND ITS EPDXIDE) Waste code: D035 Waste name: METHYL ETHYL KETONE TC4471374.2s Page 62 • • Map ID Direction Distance Elevation Site MAP FINDINGS CITY OF SALINA HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE FACILITY (Continued) Waste code: D037 Waste name: PENTACHLOROPHENOL EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number 1000863356 Waste code: F001 Waste name: THE FOLLOWING SPENT HALOGENATED SOLVENTS USED IN DEGREASING: TETRACHLOROETHYLENE, TRICHLORETHYLENE, METHYLENE CHLORIDE, 1,1,1 -TRICHLOROETHANE, CARBON TETRACHLORIDE AND CHLORINATED FLUOROCARBONS; ALL SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES/BLENDS USED IN DEGREASING CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, A TOTAL OF TEN PERCENT OR MORE (BY VOLUME) OF ONE OR MORE OF THE ABOVE HALOGENATED SOLVENTS OR THOSE SOLVENTS LISTED IN F002, F004, AND F005; AND STILL BOTTOMS FROM THE RECOVERY OF THESE SPENT SOLVENTS AND SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES. Waste code: F002 Waste name: THE FOLLOWING SPENT HALOGENATED SOLVENTS: TETRACHLOROETHYLENE, METHYLENE CHLORIDE, TRICHLOROETHYLENE, 1,1,1 -TRICHLOROETHANE, CHLOROBENZENE, 1,1,2-TRICHLORO-1,2,2-TRIFLUOROETHANE, ORTHO-DICHLOROBENZENE, TRICHLOROFLUOROMETHANE, AND 1,1,2, TRICHLOROETHANE; ALL SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES/BLENDS CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, A TOTAL OF TEN PERCENT OR MORE (BY VOLUME) OF ONE OR MORE OF THE ABOVE HALOGENATED SOLVENTS OR THOSE SOLVENTS LISTED IN F001, F004, AND F005, AND STILL BOTTOMS FROM THE RECOVERY OF THESE SPENT SOLVENTS AND SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES. Waste code: F003 Waste name: THE FOLLOWING SPENT NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS: XYLENE, ACETONE, ETHYL ACETATE, ETHYL BENZENE, ETHYL ETHER, METHYL ISOBUTYL KETONE, N -BUTYL ALCOHOL, CYCLOHEXANONE, AND METHANOL; ALL SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES/BLENDS CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, ONLY THE ABOVE SPENT NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS; AND ALL SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES/BLENDS CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, ONE OR MORE OF THE ABOVE NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS, AND A TOTAL OF TEN PERCENT OR MORE (BY VOLUME) OF ONE OR MORE OF THOSE SOLVENTS LISTED IN F001, F002, F004, AND F005; AND STILL BOTTOMS FROM THE RECOVERY OF THESE SPENT SOLVENTS AND SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES. Waste code: F004 Waste name: THE FOLLOWING SPENT NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS: CRESOLS, CRESYLIC ACID, AND NITROBENZENE; AND THE STILL BOTTOMS FROM THE RECOVERY OF THESE SOLVENTS; ALL SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES/BLENDS CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, A TOTAL OF TEN PERCENT OR MORE (BY VOLUME) OF ONE OR MORE OF THE ABOVE NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS OR THOSE SOLVENTS LISTED IN F001, F002, AND F005; AND STILL BOTTOMS FROM THE RECOVERY OF THESE SPENT SOLVENTS AND SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES. Waste code: F005 Waste name: THE FOLLOWING SPENT NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS: TOLUENE, METHYL ETHYL KETONE, CARBON DISULFIDE, ISOBUTANOL, PYRIDINE, BENZENE, 2-ETHOXYETHANOL, AND 2-NITROPROPANE; ALL SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES/BLENDS CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, A TOTAL OF TEN PERCENT OR MORE (BY VOLUME) OF ONE OR MORE OF THE ABOVE NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS OR THOSE SOLVENTS LISTED IN F001, F002, OR F004; AND STILL BOTTOMS FROM THE RECOVERY OF THESE SPENT SOLVENTS AND SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES. Waste code: F027 Waste name: DISCARDED UNUSED FORMULATIONS CONTAINING TRI-, TETRA-, OR PENTACHLOROPHENOL OR DISCARDED UNUSED FORMULATIONS CONTAINING TC4471374.2s Page 63 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number • CITY OF SALINA HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE FACILITY (Continued) 1000863356 COMPOUNDS DERIVED FROM THESE CHLOROPHENOLS. (THIS LISTING DOES NOT INCLUDE FORMULATIONS CONTAINING HEXACHLOROPHENE SYNTHESIZED FROM PREPURIFIED 2,4,5 -TRICHLOROPHENOL AS THE SOLE COMPONENT.) Waste code: P004 Waste name: 1,4,5,8-DIMETHANONAPHTHALENE, Waste code: 1,2,3,4,10,10-HEXA-CHLORO-1,4,4A,5,8,8A,-HEXAHYDRO-, (1ALPHA, 4ALPHA, Waste name: 4ABETA, 5ALPHA, 8ALPHA, 8ABETA)- (OR) ALDRIN Waste code: P021 Waste name: CALCIUM CYANIDE (OR) CALCIUM CYANIDE CA(CN)2 Waste code: P037 Waste name: 2,7:3,6-DIMETHANONAPHTH[2,3-B]OXIRENE, Waste code: 3,4,5,6,9,9-HEXACHLORO-1A,2,2A,3,6,6A,7,7A-OCTAHYDRO-, (1AALPHA, Waste name: 2BETA, 2AALPHA, 3BETA, 6BETA, 6AALPHA, 7BETA, 7AALPHAY (OR) DIELDRIN Waste code: P039 Waste name: DISULFOTON (OR) PHOSPHORODITHIOIC ACID, O,O-DIETHYL Waste code: S-[2-(ETHYLTHIO)ETHYL] ESTER Waste code: P040 Waste name: O,O-DIETHYL O-PYRAZINYL PHOSPHOROTHIOATE (OR) PHOSPHOROTHIOIC ACID, O,O-DIETHYL O-PYRAZINYL ESTER • Waste code: P041 Waste name: DIETHYL-P-NITROPHENYL PHOSPHATE (OR) PHOSPHORIC ACID, DIETHYL 4-NITROPHENYL ESTER 0 Waste code: P058 Waste name: ACETIC ACID, FLUORO-, SODIUM SALT (OR) FLUOROACETIC ACID, SODIUM SALT Waste code: P075 Waste name: NICOTINE, & SALTS (OR) PYRIDINE, 3-(1-METHYL-2-PYRROLIDINYL�,(SY, & Waste code: SALTS Waste code: P108 Waste name: STRYCHNIDIN-10-ONE, & SALTS (OR) STRYCHNINE, & SALTS Waste code: P115 Waste name: SULFURIC ACID, DITHALLIUM (1+) SALT (OR) THALLIUM(I) SULFATE Waste code: 0002 Waste name: 2-PROPANONE (1) (OR) ACETONE (1) Waste code: U052 Waste name: CRESOL (CRESYLIC ACID) (OR) PHENOL, METHYL - Waste code: U061 Waste name: BENZENE, 1,1'-(2,2,2-TRICHLOROETHYLIDENE)BIS[4-CHLORO- (OR) DDT Waste code: U080 Waste name: METHANE, DICHLORO- (OR) METHYLENE CHLORIDE Waste code: U103 Waste name: DIMETHYL SULFATE (OR) SULFURIC ACID, DIMETHYL ESTER TC4471374.2s Page 64 • Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance Elevation Site EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number CITY OF SALINA HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE FACILITY (Continued) Waste code: U134 Waste name: HYDROFLUORIC ACID (C,T) (OR) HYDROGEN FLUORIDE (C,T) Waste code: U136 Waste name: ARSINIC ACID, DIMETHYL- (OR) CACODYLIC ACID Waste code: U154 Waste name: METHANOL (1) (OR) METHYL ALCOHOL (1) Waste code: U169 Waste name: BENZENE, NITRO- (OR) NITROBENZENE (I,T) Waste code: U220 Waste name: BENZENE, METHYL- (OR) TOLUENE Waste code: U239 Waste name: BENZENE, DIMETHYL- (I,T) (OR) XYLENE (1) 1000863356 Waste code: U248 Waste name: 2H-1-BENZOPYRAN-2-ONE, 4 -HYDROXY -3 -(3 -OXO -1 -PHENYL -BUTYL}-, & SALTS, WHEN PRESENT AT CONCENTRATIONS OF 0.3% OR LESS (OR) WARFARIN, & SALTS, WHEN PRESENT AT CONCENTRATIONS OF 0.3% OR LESS Violation Status: Evaluation Action Summary: 0 Evaluation date: Evaluation: Area of violation: Date achieved compliance: Evaluation lead agency: No violations found 03/28/2013 COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON-SITE Not reported Not reported State Evaluation date: 11/10/2011 Evaluation: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON-SITE Area of violation: Not reported Date achieved compliance: Not reported Evaluation lead agency: State F22 SALINA HHW North 315 E ELM 1/8-1/4 SALINA, KS 67401 0.166 mi. 874 ft. Site 3 of 5 in cluster F Relative: RCRA NonGen / NLR: Higher Date form received by agency: 08/04/1997 Facility name: SALINA HHW Actual: Facility address: 315 E ELM 1223 ft. SALINA, KS 67401 EPA ID: KSS20000658H Mailing address: E ASH SALINA, 67 401 Contact: Not reported Contact address: Not reported Not reported Contact country: Not reported Contact telephone: Not reported Contact email: Not reported RCRA NonGen / NLR 1004705943 FINDS KSS20000658H TC4471374.2s Page 65 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation L-1 • r MAP FINDINGS Site EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number SALINA HHW (Continued) EPA Region: 07 Classification: Non -Generator Description: Handler: Non -Generators do not presently generate hazardous waste Owner/Operator Summary Owner/operator name: SALINA HHW Owner/operator address: 315 E ELM Mixed waste (haz. and radioactive): SALINA, KS 67401 Owner/operator country: Not reported Owner/operator telephone: (913) 826-6638 Legal status: Private Owner/Operator Type: Owner Owner/Op start date: Not reported Owner/Op end date: Not reported Handler Activities Summary: U.S. importer of hazardous waste: No Mixed waste (haz. and radioactive): No Recycler of hazardous waste: No Transporter of hazardous waste: No Treater, storer or disposer of HW: No Underground injection activity: No On-site burner exemption: No Furnace exemption: No Used oil fuel burner: No Used oil processor: No User oil refiner: No Used oil fuel marketer to burner: No Used oil Specification marketer: No Used oil transfer facility: No Used oil transporter: No Waste code: Waste name Violation Status FINDS: Registry ID: NONE None No violations found 110003141047 Environmental Interest/Information System KS -FP (Kansas - Facility Profiler) is a geographically -based data warehouse site that presents information about facilities and locations of interest to the KDHE. This site has in excess of twenty environmental interest which contains information on closed facilities, completed cleanups, and past operations as well as data on current operations and activities. RCRAInfo is a national information system that supports the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) program through the tracking of events and activities related to facilities that generate, transport, and treat, store, or dispose of hazardous waste. RCRAInfo allows RCRA program staff to track the notification, permit, compliance, and corrective action activities required under RCRA. 1004705943 TC4471374.2s Page 66 L-1 C, • Map ID Direction Distance Elevation Site MAP FINDINGS EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number F23 CITY OF SALINA FUELING FACILIT SWF/LF 0000874571 North 315 EAST ELM UST NIA 1/8-1/4 SALINA, KS 67401 Financial Assurance 0.166 mi. 874 ft. Site 4 of 5 in cluster F Relative: SWF/LF Higher Facility Status: Permit Number: Actual: Owner Type: 1223 ft. Owner Name: Facility Phone: Permit Type: Permit Code: Solid Waste Key: Permittee Name: BWM Permit Manager: Past Permit Types: BWM Hydrology Manager: BER Oversight: BER Project Manager: Special Facility/Waste Types: Industrial Waste Types: District: Hours of Operation: Comments: Directions: UST: Facility ID: Facility 911 Address. Facility 911 City, State, Zip: Facility Phone: Phone 24 Hours: Facility District: Facility Location Method: Facility Feature: Facility Datum: Facility Lat/Long: Owner ID: Owner: Owner Type: Owner/Rep Name: Owner/Rep Title: Owner Address: Owner City, State, Zip: Owner County: Contact: Contact Title: Active 0658 City Not reported 785-826-6638 Household Hazardous Waste S -solid waste Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported SQG - limited to schools and local governments, Meth lab waste Not reported Not reported Thurs 7:30am - 7pm; 1st Sat of each month 8am-noon Not reported 315 E. Elm Street 29603 315 EAST ELM SALINA, KS 67401 785-309-5752 785-827-8595 NC Garmin GPS III Plus Facility Center WGS84 38.845489999999998/-97.606020000000001 08507 CITY OF SALINA %ROBERT PECK Current,Local Govt. ROBERT PECK CONTACT PERSON P.O. BOX 736 SALINA, KS 67401 SALINE ROBERT PECK CONTACT PERSON Tank ID: 001 Tank Type: Underground Tank Status: Current In Use Total Capacity (Gals): 6000 Hazards: Fire,Chronic,Acute Petroleum Substance: Diesel Clear NonPetroleum Substance: Not reported Estimated Yr In Service: 1992 Date Removed: Not reported TC4471374.2s Page 67 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation • D24 SSW 118-1/4 0.175 mi. 922 ft. Relative: Lower Actual 1222 ft C MAP FINDINGS EDR ID Number Site Database(s) EPA ID Number CITY OF SALINA FUELING FACILIT (Continued) 0000874571 Last Permit Printed: Current Permit Printed: QTY Remaining in Tank: Filled/Removed: Tank Empty: Out of Service Mo/Yr: Material of Construction: Piping: Tank Internal Protection: Tank External Protection: Tank ID: Tank Type: Tank Status: Total Capacity (Gals): Hazards: Petroleum Substance: NonPetroleum Substance Estimated Yr In Service: Date Removed: Last Permit Printed: Current Permit Printed: QTY Remaining in Tank: Filled/Removed: Tank Empty: Out of Service Mo/Yr: Material of Construction: Piping: Tank Internal Protection: Tank External Protection: KS Financial Assurance: Facility ID: Financial Responsibility: Facility ID: Financial Responsibility: 2014-11-06 00:00:00 2015-06-09 00:00:00 Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Steel Not reported Not reported Not reported 002 Underground Current In Use 10000 Fire,Chronic,Acute Gas Unleaded Regular Not reported 1992 Not reported 2014-11-06 00:00:00 2015-06-09 00:00:00 Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Steel Not reported Not reported Not reported 29603 3rd Party Liability Insurance 29603 3rd Party Liability Insurance SALINA ACADEMY OF HAIR DESIGN BTA 115 S. 5TH STREET SALINA. KS 67401 Site 3 of 4 in cluster D US BROWNFIELDS: Recipient name: Grant type: Property name: Property #: Parcel size: Property Description Latitude: Longitude: HCM label: Map scale: US BROWNFIELDS 1015867664 FINDS N/A Kansas Department of Health and Environment Section 128(a) State/Tribal SALINA ACADEMY OF HAIR DESIGN BTA Not reported .21 Ag warehouse 1905 commercial retail, tin and printing, rug cleaning, tractor supply 38.839801 -97.60755799999998 Address Matching -House Number Not reported TC4471374.2s Page 68 TC4471374.2s Page 69 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number • SALINA ACADEMY OF HAIR DESIGN BTA (Continued) 1015867664 Point of reference: Entrance Point of a Facility or Station Datum: North American Datum of 1983 ACRES property ID: 137162 Start date: Not reported Completed date: Not reported Acres cleaned up: Not reported Cleanup funding: Not reported Cleanup funding source: Not reported Assessment funding: 6597 Assessment funding source: US EPA - State & Tribal Section 128(a) Funding Redevelopment funding: Not reported Redev. funding source: Not reported Redev. funding entity name: Not reported Redevelopment start date: Not reported Assessment funding entity: EPA Cleanup funding entity: Not reported Grant type: N/A Accomplishment type: Phase II Environmental Assessment Accomplishment count: 0 Cooperative agreement #: 98726204 Ownership entity: Private Current owner: Janet S. Reynolds Did owner change: N Cleanup required: No Video available: No . Photo available: Institutional controls required: Yes N IC Category proprietary controls: Not reported IC cat. info. devices: Not reported IC cat. gov. controls: Not reported IC cat. enforcement permit tools: Not reported IC in place date: Not reported IC in place: No State/tribal program date: Not reported State/tribal program ID: Not reported State/tribal NFA date: Not reported Air contaminated: Not reported Air cleaned: Not reported Asbestos found: Not reported Asbestos cleaned: Not reported Controled substance found: Not reported Controled substance cleaned: Not reported Drinking water affected: Not reported Drinking water cleaned: Not reported Groundwater affected: Not reported Groundwater cleaned: Not reported Lead contaminant found: Not reported Lead cleaned up: Not reported No media affected: Y Unknown media affected: Not reported Other cleaned up: Not reported Other metals found: Not reported Other metals cleaned: Not reported Other contaminants found: Not reported Other contams found description: Not reported PAI -Is found: Not reported .PAI -Is cleaned up: Not reported TC4471374.2s Page 69 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number SALINA ACADEMY OF HAIR DESIGN BTA (Continued) 1015867664 PCBs found: Not reported PCBs cleaned up: Not reported Petro products found: Not reported Petro products cleaned: Not reported Sediments found: Not reported Sediments cleaned: Not reported Soil affected: Not reported Soil cleaned up: Not reported Surface water cleaned: Not reported VOCs found: Not reported VOCs cleaned: Not reported Cleanup other description: Not reported Num. of cleanup and re-dev. jobs: Not reported Past use greenspace acreage: Not reported Past use residential acreage: Not reported Past use commercial acreage: .21 Past use industrial acreage: Not reported Future use greenspace acreage: Not reported Future use residential acreage: Not reported Future use commercial acreage: .21 Future use industrial acreage: Not reported Greenspace acreage and type: Not reported Superfund Fed. landowner flag: Not reported Arsenic cleaned up: Not reported Cadmium cleaned up: Not reported TC4471374.2s Page 70 Chromium cleaned up: Not reported Copper cleaned up: Not reported Iron cleaned up: Not reported mercury cleaned up: Not reported nickel cleaned up: Not reported No clean up: Not reported Pesticides cleaned up: Not reported Selenium cleaned up: Not reported SVOCs cleaned up: Not reported Unknown clean up: Not reported Arsenic contaminant found: Not reported Cadmium contaminant found: Not reported Chromium contaminant found: Not reported Copper contaminant found: Not reported Iron contaminant found: Not reported Mercury contaminant found: Not reported Nickel contaminant found: Not reported No contaminant found: Not reported Pesticides contaminant found: Not reported Selenium contaminant found: Not reported SVOCs contaminant found: Not reported Unknown contaminant found: Not reported Future Use: Multistory Not reported Media affected Bluiding Material: Not reported Media affected indoor air: Not reported Building material media cleaned up: Not reported Indoor air media cleaned up: Not reported Unknown media cleaned up: Not reported Past Use: Multistory Not reported Recipient name: Kansas Department of Health and Environment . Grant type. Section 128(a) State/Thbal TC4471374.2s Page 70 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation • r� 1-1 MAP FINDINGS Site EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number SALINA ACADEMY OF HAIR DESIGN BTA (Continued) Property name: SALINA ACADEMY OF HAIR DESIGN BTA Property #: Not reported Parcel size: .21 Property Description: Ag warehouse 1905 commercial retail, tin and printing, rug cleaning, tractor supply Latitude: 38.839801 Longitude: -97.60755799999998 HCM label: Address Matching -House Number Map scale: Not reported Point of reference: Entrance Point of a Facility or Station Datum: North American Datum of 1983 ACRES property ID: 137162 Start date: Not reported Completed date: Not reported Acres cleaned up: Not reported Cleanup funding: Not reported Cleanup funding source: Not reported Assessment funding: 2425 Assessment funding source: US EPA - State & Tribal Section 128(a) Funding Redevelopment funding: Not reported Redev. funding source: Not reported Redev. funding entity name: Not reported Redevelopment start date: Not reported Assessment funding entity: EPA Cleanup funding entity: Not reported Grant type: N/A Accomplishment type: Phase I Environmental Assessment Accomplishment count: 1 Cooperative agreement #: 98726204 Ownership entity: Private Current owner: Janet S. Reynolds Did owner change: N Cleanup required: No Video available: No Photo available: Yes Institutional controls required: N IC Category proprietary controls: Not reported IC cat. info. devices: Not reported IC cat. gov. controls: Not reported IC cat. enforcement permit tools: Not reported IC in place date: Not reported IC in place: No State/tribal program date: Not reported State/tribal program ID: Not reported State/tribal NFA date: Not reported Air contaminated: Not reported Air cleaned: Not reported Asbestos found: Not reported Asbestos cleaned: Not reported Controled substance found: Not reported Controled substance leaned: Not reported Drinking water affected: Not reported Drinking water cleaned: Not reported Groundwater affected: Not reported Groundwater cleaned: Not reported Lead contaminant found: Not reported Lead cleaned up: Not reported 1015867664 TC4471374.2s Page 71 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number SALINA ACADEMY OF HAIR DESIGN BTA (Continued) 1015867664 TC4471374.2s Page 72 No media affected: Y Unknown media affected: Not reported Other cleaned up: Not reported Other metals found: Not reported Other metals cleaned: Not reported Other contaminants found: Not reported Other contams found description: Not reported PAHs found: Not reported PAHs cleaned up: Not reported PCBs found: Not reported PCBs cleaned up: Not reported Petro products found: Not reported Petro products leaned: Not reported Sediments found: Not reported Sediments cleaned: Not reported Soil affected: Not reported Soil cleaned up: Not reported Surface water cleaned: Not reported VOCs found: Not reported VOCs cleaned: Not reported Cleanup other description: Not reported Num. of cleanup and re-dev. jobs: Not reported Past use greenspace acreage: Not reported Past use residential acreage: Not reported Past use commercial acreage: .21 Past use industrial acreage: Not reported • Future use greenspace acreage: Not reported Future use residential acreage: Not reported Future use commercial acreage: .21 Future use industrial acreage: Not reported Greenspace acreage and type: Not reported Superfund Fed. landowner flag: Not reported Arsenic cleaned up: Not reported Cadmium cleaned up: Not reported Chromium cleaned up: Not reported Copper cleaned up: Not reported Iron cleaned up: Not reported mercury cleaned up: Not reported nickel cleaned up: Not reported No clean up: Not reported Pesticides cleaned up: Not reported Selenium cleaned up: Not reported SVOCs cleaned up: Not reported Unknown clean up: Not reported Arsenic contaminant found: Not reported Cadmium contaminant found: Not reported Chromium contaminant found: Not reported Copper contaminant found: Not reported Iron contaminant found: Not reported Mercury contaminant found: Not reported Nickel contaminant found: Not reported No contaminant found: Not reported Pesticides contaminant found: Not reported Selenium contaminant found: Not reported SVOCs contaminant found: Not reported Unknown contaminant found: Not reported Future Use: Multistory Not reported TC4471374.2s Page 72 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number SALINA ACADEMY OF HAIR DESIGN BTA (Continued) 1015867664 Media affected Bluiding Material: Not reported Media affected indoor air: Not reported Building material media cleaned up: Not reported Indoor air media cleaned up: Not reported Unknown media cleaned up: Not reported Past Use: Multistory Not reported FINDS: Registry ID: 110046425365 Environmental Interest/Information System US EPA Assessment, Cleanup and Redevelopment Exchange System (ACRES) is an federal online database for Brownfields Grantees to electronically submit data directly to EPA. TC4471374.2s Page 73 D25 SALINA HAIR ACADEMY SHWS S111289992 SSW 115 S. 5TH STREET BROWNFIELDS NIA 1/8-114 SALINA, KS 0.175 mi. 922 ft. Site 4 of 4 in cluster D • Relative: Lower SHWS: SiteID: 2818 Has Env Use Control: No Actual: Project code: 0508572867 1222 ft. PM Name: BER - A&R Site Status: Resolved District Office: NCDO Lat/Long: 38.8398/-97.6076 River Basin: Not reported Aquifer Yield: Not reported Other Aquifers: Not reported Parent PC: Not reported Parent Name: Not reported CERCLIS ID: Not reported Discovery Date: Not reported Depth To GW: 31-50 feet Depth To Bedrock: Not reported Aquifer Yield: Not reported GW Flow Direction: E -NE Acres Affected: <5 acres Waste Present: No Product Present: No Program: Brownfields Lead Agency: BER - Assessment and Restoration Contaminants: Not reported Media Act: Not reported Media Pot: Not reported Source: Not reported Land Use: Commercial Private well: Not reported Waste Present: Not reported Product: Receptor Act: Not reported Not reported Receptor Pot: Not reported TC4471374.2s Page 73 C-] • • Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance Elevation Site EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number SALINA HAIR ACADEMY (Continued) Remed Air: Not reported Remed Soil: Not reported Remed Water: Not reported Remedir: Not reported Alias: Not reported Eucan Number: Not reported Date: Not reported Activity Type: Brownfields Targeted Assessment Activity Status: Completed Activity Start Date: 10/18/2011 Activity End Date: 12/12/2011 Narrative: The Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) conducted a Not reported Phase II Brownfields Targeted Assessment (BTA) at the former Salina Not reported Academy of Hair Design in Salina, Saline County, Kansas. The BTA was 31-50 feet conducted for the prospective purchaser (with City support) for a Not reported property with environmental uncertainties. The Hays Academy of Hair Not reported Design has proposed to purchase the property to be redeveloped as a E -NE cosmetology school. The lending institution is requiring the due diligence due to speculation of former dry cleaning operations and SBA funding for the transaction. The Phase I report identified the following ?Recognized Environmen tal Conditions? (RECs): potential petroleum and hazardous substances associated with several historic uses on the property and adjacent to the property including, but not limited to the follow: printing shop, rug cleaning, and a tractor supply company. Due to the identified RECs, a Phase II assessment was conducted. The Phase II consisted of collecting groundwater samples from four (4) locations surrounding the property. Based on the results, VOCs and GRO were not detected in any of the groundwater samples. Dissolved selenium was detected in GW -2 at 51.8 ?gA, which exceeded the KDHE residential Risk -Based Standard (RSK) of 50 ?g/L; however, the remaining groundwater samples (including presumed upgradient) detected selenium concentrations between 25 ?g/L and 33 ?g/L. Per EPA CERCLA guidance (OSWER Directive 9345.1-07) the detected concentration in GW -2 did not exceed three times background levels, and thus does not constitute a release. The property is cleared for redevelopment as a commercial cosmetology school. Site ID: 2818 Has Env Use Control: No Project code: C508572867 PM Name: BER - A&R Site Status: Resolved District Office: NCDO Lat/Long: 38.8398/-97.6076 River Basin: Not reported Aquifer Yield: Not reported Other Aquifers: Not reported Parent PC: Not reported Parent Name: Not reported CERCLIS ID: Not reported Discovery Date: Not reported Depth To GW: 31-50 feet Depth To Bedrock: Not reported Aquifer Yield: Not reported GW Flow Direction: E -NE S111289992 TC4471374.2s Page 74 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation L� • • MAP FINDINGS Site EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number SALINA HAIR ACADEMY (Continued) Acres Affected: <5 acres Waste Present: No Product Present: No Program: Brownfields Lead Agency: BER - Assessment and Restoration Contaminants: Not reported Media Act: Not reported Media Pot: Not reported Source: Not reported Land Use: Commercial Private well: Not reported Waste Present: Not reported Product: Not reported Receptor Act: Not reported Receptor Pot: Not reported Remed Air: Not reported Remed Soil: Not reported Remed Water: Not reported Remedir: Not reported Alias: Not reported Eucan Number: Not reported Date: Not reported Activity Type: Resolved Activity Status: Completed Activity Start Date: Not reported Activity End Date: 01/05/2012 Narrative: The Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) conducted a Phase II Brownfields Targeted Assessment (BTA) at the former Salina Academy of Hair Design in Salina, Saline County, Kansas. The BTA was conducted for the prospective purchaser (with City support) for a property with environmental uncertainties. The Hays Academy of Hair Design has proposed to purchase the property to be redeveloped as a cosmetology school. The lending institution is requiring the due diligence due to speculation of former dry cleaning operations and SBA funding for the transaction. The Phase I report identified the following ?Recognized Environmen tal Conditions? (RECs): potential petroleum and hazardous substances associated with several historic uses on the property and adjacent to the property including, but not limited to the follow: printing shop, rug cleaning, and a tractor supply company. Due to the identified RECs, a Phase II assessment was conducted. The Phase II consisted of collecting groundwater samples from four (4) locations surrounding the property. Based on the results, VOCs and GRO were not detected in any of the groundwater samples. Dissolved selenium was detected in GW -2 at 51.8 ?g/I, which exceeded the KDHE residential Risk -Based Standard (RSK) of 50 ?g/L; however, the remaining groundwater samples (including presumed upgradient) detected selenium concentrations between 25 ?g/L and 33 ?g/L. Per EPA CERCLA guidance (OSWER Directive 9345.1-07) the detected concentration in GW -2 did not exceed three times background levels, and thus does not constitute a release. The property is cleared for redevelopment as a commercial cosmetology school. Site ID: 2818 Has Env Use Control: No Project code: C508572867 S111289992 TC4471374.2s Page 75 J L • Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance Elevation Site EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number SALINA HAIR ACADEMY (Continued) PM Name: BER - A&R Site Status: Resolved District Office: NCDO Lat/Long: 38.8398 / -97.6076 River Basin: Not reported Aquifer Yield: Not reported Other Aquifers: Not reported Parent PC: Not reported Parent Name: Not reported CERCLIS ID: Not reported Discovery Date: Not reported Depth To GW: 31-50 feet Depth To Bedrock: Not reported Aquifer Yield: Not reported GW Flow Direction: E -NE Acres Affected: <5 acres Waste Present: No Product Present: No Program: Brownfields Lead Agency: BER - Assessment and Restoration Contaminants: Not reported Media Act: Not reported Media Pot: Not reported Source: Not reported Land Use: Commercial Private well: Not reported Waste Present: Not reported Product: Not reported Receptor Act: Not reported Receptor Pot: Not reported Remed Air: Not reported Remed Soil: Not reported Remed Water: Not reported Remedir: Not reported Alias: Not reported Eucan Number: Not reported Date: Not reported Activity Type: Brownfields Targeted Assessment Activity Status: Completed Activity Start Date: 11/29/2011 Activity End Date: 01/05/2012 Narrative: The Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) conducted a Phase II Brownfields Targeted Assessment (BTA) at the former Salina Academy of Hair Design in Salina, Saline County, Kansas. The BTA was conducted for the prospective purchaser (with City support) for a property with environmental uncertainties. The Hays Academy of Hair Design has proposed to purchase the property to be redeveloped as a cosmetology school. The lending institution is requiring the due diligence due to speculation of former dry cleaning operations and SBA funding for the transaction. The Phase I report identified the following ?Recognized Environmen tal Conditions? (RECs): potential petroleum and hazardous substances associated with several historic uses on the property and adjacent to the property including, but not limited to the follow: printing shop, rug cleaning, and a tractor supply company. Due to the identified RECs, a Phase II assessment was conducted. S111289992 TC4471374.2s Page 76 PJ • • Map ID Direction Distance Elevation Site SALINA HAIR ACADEMY (Continued) BROWNFIELD& Site ID: Project code: PM Name: Site Status: Lat/Long: Program: MAP FINDINGS EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number The Phase II consisted of collecting groundwater samples from four (4) locations surrounding the property. Based on the results, VOCs and GRO were not detected in any of the groundwater samples. Dissolved selenium was detected in GW -2 at 51.8 ?g/I, which exceeded the KDHE residential Risk -Based Standard (RSK) of 50 ?g/L; however, the remaining groundwater samples (including presumed upgradient) detected selenium concentrations between 25 ?g/L and 33 ?g/L. Per EPA CERCLA guidance (OSWER Directive 9345.1-07) the detected concentration in GW -2 did not exceed three times background levels, and thus does not constitute a release. The property is cleared for redevelopment as a commercial cosmetology school. 2818 0508572867 BER - A&R Resolved 38.8398 / -97.6076 Brownfields G26 WESTAR ENERGY INC SALINA WHSE NNE 400 N 3RD (A) 1/8-1/4 SALINA, KS 67402 0.175 mi. EPA ID: 926 ft. Site 1 of 3 in cluster G Relative: RCRA NonGen / NLR S111289992 RCRA NonGen /NLR 1000115123 KS D981699986 Higher Date form received by agency: 04/30/2014 Facility name: WESTAR ENERGY INC SALINA WHSE Actual: Facility address: 400 N 3RD (A) 1224 ft. SALINA, KS 67402 EPA ID: KSD981699986 Mailing address: PO BOX 21049 Private TULSA, OK 74102 Contact: RON CARVER Contact address: 818 KANSAS AVE Not reported TOPEKA, KS 66612 Contact country: US Contact telephone: (918) 798-9973 Contact email: RCARVER@ONEGAS.COM EPA Region: 07 Land type: Private Classification: Non -Generator Description: Handler: Non -Generators do not presently generate hazardous waste Owner/Operator Summary Owner/operator name: WESTERN RESOURCES Owner/operator address: Not reported Not reported Owner/operator country: Not reported Owner/operator telephone: Not reported Legal status: Private Owner/Operator Type: Owner Owner/Op start date: 10/04/1976 Owner/Op end date: Not reported Owner/operator name: WESTERN RESOURCES TC4471374.2s Page 77 • C� Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance Elevation Site WESTAR ENERGY INC SALINA WHSE (Continued) Owner/operator address: Not reported U.S. importer of hazardous waste: Not reported Owner/operator country: Not reported Owner/operator telephone: Not reported Legal status: Private Owner/Operator Type: Operator Owner/Op start date: 10/04/1976 Owner/Op end date: Not reported Handler Activities Summary: U.S. importer of hazardous waste: No Mixed waste (haz. and radioactive): No Recycler of hazardous waste: No Transporter of hazardous waste: No Treater, storer or disposer of HW: No Underground injection activity: No On-site burner exemption: No Furnace exemption: No Used oil fuel burner: No Used oil processor: No User oil refiner: No Used oil fuel marketer to burner: No Used oil Specification marketer: No Used oil transfer facility: No Used oil transporter: No Historical Generators: Date form received by agency: 06/02/2011 Site name: WESTAR ENERGY INC SALINA WHSE Classification: Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generator Waste code: D001 Waste name: IGNITABLE WASTE Date form received by agency: 01/14/1998 Site name: WESTAR ENERGY INC SALINA WHSE Classification: Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generator Waste code: Waste name Violation Status Evaluation Action Summary: Evaluation date: Evaluation: Area of violation: Date achieved compliance Evaluation lead agency: D001 IGNITABLE WASTE No violations found 09/15/1987 COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON-SITE Not reported Not reported State EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number 1000115123 TC4471374.2s Page 78 • C] Map ID Direction Distance Elevation Site G27 NNE 1/8-114 0.177 mi 934 ft. Relative: Higher Actual: 1224 ft. SALINA METER SHOP 400 N 3RD STREET SALINA, KS 67402 Site 2 of 3 in cluster G UST: Facility ID: Facility 911 Address: Facility 911 City, State, Zip: Facility Phone: Phone 24 Hours. Facility District: Facility Location Method: Facility Feature: Facility Datum: Facility Lat/Long: Owner ID: Owner: Owner Type: Owner/Rep Name: Owner/Rep Title: Owner Address: Owner City, State, Zip: Owner County: Contact: Contact Title: Tank ID: Tank Type: Tank Status: Total Capacity (Gals): Hazards: Petroleum Substance: NonPetroleum Substance Estimated Yr In Service: Date Removed: Last Permit Printed: Current Permit Printed: QTY Remaining in Tank: Filled/Removed: Tank Empty: Out of Service Mo/Yr: Material of Construction: Piping: Tank Internal Protection: Tank External Protection: MAP FINDINGS 24026 400 N 3RD STREET SALINA, KS 67401 785-823-6316 785-823-6316 NC Mapblast Facility Center WGS84 38.845239999999997/-97.605720000000005 05556 WESTAR ENERGY %JARED MORRISON Private Or Corp. JARED MORRISON Not reported P.O. BOX 889 TOPEKA, KS 66612 SHAWNEE Dave Arnold Division Superintend 001 Underground Permanently Out Of Use 1000 Not reported Diesel Not reported 1966 8/15/1988 Not reported Not reported Not reported Removed Not reported 081988 Steel Not reported Not reported Not reported H28 ROLAND BIRD South 127 S 4TH 1/8-114 SALINA, KS 67401 0.184 mi. 969 ft. Site 1 of 3 in cluster H Relative: RCRA-CESQG: Lower Date form received by agency: 04/17/1987 Facility name: ROLAND BIRD Actual: Facility address: 127 S 4TH 1221 ft. SALINA, KS 67401 EPA ID: KSD981713852 EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number UST 0000872538 N/A RCRA-CESQG 1004703930 FINDS KSD981713852 TC4471374.2s Page 79 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation • • MAP FINDINGS Site EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number ROLAND BIRD (Continued) ROLAND BIRD Mailing address: S 4TH Mixed waste (haz. and radioactive): SALINA, KS 67401 Contact: ROLAND BIRD Contact address: 127 S 4TH Legal status: SALINA, KS 67401 Contact country: US Contact telephone: (316) 825-2104 Contact email: Not reported EPA Region: 07 Classification: Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generator Description: Handler: generates 100 kg or less of hazardous waste per calendar Used oil fuel marketer to burner: month, and accumulates 1000 kg or less of hazardous waste at any time; Used oil Specification marketer: or generates 1 kg or less of acutely hazardous waste per calendar Used oil transfer facility: month, and accumulates at any time: 1 kg or less of acutely hazardous Used oil transporter: waste; or 100 kg or less of any residue or contaminated soil, waste or other debris resulting from the cleanup of a spill, into or on any land or water, of acutely hazardous waste; or generates 100 kg or less of any residue or contaminated soil, waste or other debris resulting from the cleanup of a spill, into or on any land or water, of acutely hazardous waste during any calendar month, and accumulates at any time: 1 kg or less of acutely hazardous waste; or 100 kg or less of any residue or contaminated soil, waste or other debris resulting from the cleanup of a spill, into or on any land or water, of acutely hazardous waste Owner/Operator Summary Owner/operator name: ROLAND BIRD Owner/operator address: Not reported Mixed waste (haz. and radioactive): Not reported Owner/operator country: Not reported Owner/operator telephone: Not reported Legal status: Private Owner/Operator Type: Owner Owner/Op start date: Not reported Owner/Op end date: Not reported Handler Activities Summary: U.S. importer of hazardous waste: No Mixed waste (haz. and radioactive): No Recycler of hazardous waste: No Transporter of hazardous waste: No Treater, storer or disposer of HW: No Underground injection activity: No On-site bumer exemption: No Furnace exemption: No Used oil fuel burner: No Used oil processor: No User oil refiner: No Used oil fuel marketer to burner: No Used oil Specification marketer: No Used oil transfer facility: No Used oil transporter: No Waste code: D001 Waste name: IGNITABLE WASTE 1004703930 TC4471374.2s Page 80 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation Site F— MAP FINDINGS ROLAND BIRD (Continued) Waste code: D008 Waste name: LEAD EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number 1004703930 Waste code: F002 Waste name: THE FOLLOWING SPENT HALOGENATED SOLVENTS: TETRACHLOROETHYLENE, METHYLENE CHLORIDE, TRICHLOROETHYLENE, 1,1,1 -TRICHLOROETHANE, CHLOROBENZENE, 1,1,2-TRICHLORO-1,2,2-TRIFLUOROETHANE, ORTHO-DICHLOROBENZENE, TRICHLOROFLUOROMETHANE, AND 1,1,2, TRICHLOROETHANE; ALL SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES/BLENDS CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, A TOTAL OF TEN PERCENT OR MORE (BY VOLUME) OF ONE OR MORE OF THE ABOVE HALOGENATED SOLVENTS OR THOSE SOLVENTS LISTED IN F001, F004, AND F005; AND STILL BOTTOMS FROM THE RECOVERY OF THESE SPENT SOLVENTS AND SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES. Waste code: F004 Waste name: THE FOLLOWING SPENT NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS: CRESOLS, CRESYLIC ACID, AND NITROBENZENE; AND THE STILL BOTTOMS FROM THE RECOVERY OF THESE SOLVENTS; ALL SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES/BLENDS CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, A TOTAL OF TEN PERCENT OR MORE (BY VOLUME) OF ONE OR MORE OF THE ABOVE NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS OR THOSE SOLVENTS LISTED IN F001, F002, AND F005; AND STILL BOTTOMS FROM THE RECOVERY OF THESE SPENT SOLVENTS AND SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES. Violation Status: FINDS: Registry ID: No violations found 110003178926 Environmental Interest/Information System RCRAInfo is a national information system that supports the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) program through the tracking of events and activities related to facilities that generate, transport, and treat, store, or dispose of hazardous waste. RCRAInfo allows RCRA program staff to track the notification, permit, compliance, and corrective action activities required under RCRA. 29 GREAT PLAINS MANUFACTURING CO. IN S 108 NORTH 2ND STREET 1/ 1/4 ASSARIA, KS 67416 0.18 L 977 ft. Relative: RCRA-CES Lower Date form received by agency: 09/05/2007 Facility name: GREAT PLAINS MFG INC ASI Actual: Facility address: 108 NW 2ND ST 1221 ft. ASSARIA, KS 67416 EPA ID: KSD984990929 Mailing address: DEWEY ST SALINA, KS 67401 Contact: WARREN S SHERMAN Contact address: DEWEY ST SALINA, KS 67401 Contact country: US Contact telephone: (785) 823-9556 Telephone ext.: 2223 RCRA-CESQG 1004503265 FINDS KSD984990929 TC4471374.2s Page 81 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation • MAP FINDINGS Site EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number GREAT PLAINS MANUFACTURING CO. INC. (Continued) Contact email: SCOTTSHERMAN@GREATPLAINSMFG.COM EPA Region: 07 Classification: Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generator Description: Handler: generates 100 kg or less of hazardous waste per calendar (785) 823-3276 month, and accumulates 1000 kg or less of hazardous waste at any time; Private or generates 1 kg or less of acutely hazardous waste per calendar Owner month, and accumulates at any time: 1 kg or less of acutely hazardous 06/01/1980 waste, or 100 kg or less of any residue or contaminated soil, waste or Not reported other debris resulting from the cleanup of a spill, into or on any ROY APPLEQUIST land or water, of acutely hazardous waste; or generates 100 kg or less Not reported of any residue or contaminated soil, waste or other debris resulting Not reported from the cleanup of a spill, into or on any land or water, of acutely US hazardous waste during any calendar month, and accumulates at any Not reported time: 1 kg or less of acutely hazardous waste; or 100 kg or less of Private any residue or contaminated soil, waste or other debris resulting from Operator the cleanup of a spill, into or on any land or water, of acutely 06/01/1980 hazardous waste Owner/Operator Summary Owner/operator name: ROY APPLEQUIST Owner/operator address: E NORTH ST SALINA, KS 67402 Owner/operator country: US Owner/operator telephone: (785) 823-3276 Legal status: Private Owner/Operator Type: Owner Owner/Op start date: • 06/01/1980 Owner/Op end date: Not reported Owner/operator name: ROY APPLEQUIST Owner/operator address: Not reported Not reported Owner/operator country: US Owner/operator telephone: Not reported Legal status: Private Owner/Operator Type: Operator Owner/Op start date: 06/01/1980 Owner/Op end date: Not reported Handler Activities Summary: U.S. importer of hazardous waste: No Mixed waste (haz. and radioactive): No Recycler of hazardous waste: No Transporter of hazardous waste: No Treater, storer or disposer of HW: No Underground injection activity: No On-site burner exemption: No Furnace exemption: No Used oil fuel burner: No Used oil processor: No User oil refiner: No Used oil fuel marketer to burner: No Used oil Specification marketer: No Used oil transfer facility: No Used oil transporter: No • 1004503265 TC4471374.2s Page 82 • Map ID Direction Distance Elevation Site MAP FINDINGS GREAT PLAINS MANUFACTURING CO. INC. (Continued) Waste code: D001 Waste name: IGNITABLE WASTE EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number 1004503265 Waste code: F003 Waste name: THE FOLLOWING SPENT NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS: XYLENE, ACETONE, ETHYL ACETATE, ETHYL BENZENE, ETHYL ETHER, METHYL ISOBUTYL KETONE, N -BUTYL ALCOHOL, CYCLOHEXANONE, AND METHANOL; ALL SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES/BLENDS CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, ONLY THE ABOVE SPENT NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS; AND ALL SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES/BLENDS CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, ONE OR MORE OF THE ABOVE NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS, AND A TOTAL OF TEN PERCENT OR MORE (BY VOLUME) OF ONE OR MORE OF THOSE SOLVENTS LISTED IN F001, F002, F004, AND F005: AND STILL BOTTOMS FROM THE RECOVERY OF THESE SPENT SOLVENTS AND SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES. Waste code: F005 Waste name: THE FOLLOWING SPENT NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS: TOLUENE, METHYL ETHYL KETONE, CARBON DISULFIDE, ISOBUTANOL, PYRIDINE, BENZENE, 2-ETHOXYETHANOL, AND 2-NITROPROPANE; ALL SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES/BLENDS CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, A TOTAL OF TEN PERCENT OR MORE (BY VOLUME) OF ONE OR MORE OF THE ABOVE NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS OR THOSE SOLVENTS LISTED IN F001, F002, OR F004; AND STILL BOTTOMS FROM THE RECOVERY OF THESE SPENT SOLVENTS AND SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES. Historical Generators: • Date form received by agency: 03/22/2006 Site name: GREAT PLAINS MFG INC ASI Classification: Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generator Waste code: D001 Waste name: IGNITABLE WASTE Waste code: F003 Waste name: THE FOLLOWING SPENT NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS: XYLENE, ACETONE, ETHYL ACETATE, ETHYL BENZENE, ETHYL ETHER, METHYL ISOBUTYL KETONE, N -BUTYL ALCOHOL, CYCLOHEXANONE, AND METHANOL; ALL SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES/BLENDS CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, ONLY THE ABOVE SPENT NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS; AND ALL SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES/BLENDS CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, ONE OR MORE OF THE ABOVE NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS, AND A TOTAL OF TEN PERCENT OR MORE (BY VOLUME) OF ONE OR MORE OF THOSE SOLVENTS LISTED IN F001, F002, F004, AND F005: AND STILL BOTTOMS FROM THE RECOVERY OF THESE SPENT SOLVENTS AND SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES. Waste code: F005 Waste name: THE FOLLOWING SPENT NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS: TOLUENE, METHYL ETHYL KETONE, CARBON DISULFIDE, ISOBUTANOL, PYRIDINE, BENZENE, 2-ETHOXYETHANOL, AND 2-NITROPROPANE; ALL SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES/BLENDS CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, A TOTAL OF TEN PERCENT OR MORE (BY VOLUME) OF ONE OR MORE OF THE ABOVE NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS OR THOSE SOLVENTS LISTED IN F001, F002, OR F004; AND STILL BOTTOMS FROM THE RECOVERY OF THESE SPENT SOLVENTS AND SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES. Date form received by agency: 02/23/2005 Site name: GREAT PLAINS MFG INC ASI Classification: Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generator TC4471374.2s Page 83 • Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance Elevation Site GREAT PLAINS MANUFACTURING CO. INC. (Continued) Waste code: D001 Waste name: IGNITABLE WASTE EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number 1004503265 Waste code: F003 Waste name: THE FOLLOWING SPENT NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS: XYLENE, ACETONE, ETHYL ACETATE, ETHYL BENZENE, ETHYL ETHER, METHYL ISOBUTYL KETONE, N -BUTYL ALCOHOL, CYCLOHEXANONE, AND METHANOL; ALL SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES/BLENDS CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, ONLY THE ABOVE SPENT NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS; AND ALL SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES/BLENDS CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, ONE OR MORE OF THE ABOVE NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS, AND A TOTAL OF TEN PERCENT OR MORE (BY VOLUME) OF ONE OR MORE OF THOSE SOLVENTS LISTED IN F001, F002, F004, AND F005; AND STILL BOTTOMS FROM THE RECOVERY OF THESE SPENT SOLVENTS AND SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES. Waste code: F005 Waste name: THE FOLLOWING SPENT NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS: TOLUENE, METHYL ETHYL KETONE, CARBON DISULFIDE, ISOBUTANOL, PYRIDINE, BENZENE, 2-ETHOXYETHANOL, AND 2-NITROPROPANE; ALL SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES/BLENDS CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, A TOTAL OF TEN PERCENT OR MORE (BY VOLUME) OF ONE OR MORE OF THE ABOVE NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS OR THOSE SOLVENTS LISTED IN F001, F002, OR F004; AND STILL BOTTOMS FROM THE RECOVERY OF THESE SPENT SOLVENTS AND SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES. Date form received by agency: 01/29/2003 Site name: GREAT PLAINS MFG INC ASI Classification: Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generator Waste code: D001 Waste name: IGNITABLE WASTE Waste code: F003 Waste name: THE FOLLOWING SPENT NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS: XYLENE, ACETONE, ETHYL ACETATE, ETHYL BENZENE, ETHYL ETHER, METHYL ISOBUTYL KETONE, N -BUTYL ALCOHOL, CYCLOHEXANONE, AND METHANOL; ALL SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES/BLENDS CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, ONLY THE ABOVE SPENT NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS; AND ALL SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES/BLENDS CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, ONE OR MORE OF THE ABOVE NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS, AND A TOTAL OF TEN PERCENT OR MORE (BY VOLUME) OF ONE OR MORE OF THOSE SOLVENTS LISTED IN F001, F002, F004, AND F005; AND STILL BOTTOMS FROM THE RECOVERY OF THESE SPENT SOLVENTS AND SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES. Waste code: F005 Waste name: THE FOLLOWING SPENT NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS: TOLUENE, METHYL ETHYL KETONE, CARBON DISULFIDE, ISOBUTANOL, PYRIDINE, BENZENE, 2-ETHOXYETHANOL, AND 2-NITROPROPANE; ALL SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES/BLENDS CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, A TOTAL OF TEN PERCENT OR MORE (BY VOLUME) OF ONE OR MORE OF THE ABOVE NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS OR THOSE SOLVENTS LISTED IN F001, F002, OR F004; AND STILL BOTTOMS FROM THE RECOVERY OF THESE SPENT SOLVENTS AND SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES. Date form received by agency: 01/08/2002 Site name: GREAT PLAINS MFG INC ASI Classification: Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generator Waste code: D001 TC4471374.2s Page 84 • • • Map ID Direction Distance Elevation G30 NNE 1/8-1/4 0.186 mi. 983 ft. MAP FINDINGS EDR ID Number Site Database(s) EPA ID Number GREAT PLAINS MANUFACTURING CO. INC. (Continued) 1004503265 Waste name: IGNITABLE WASTE Waste code: F003 Waste name: THE FOLLOWING SPENT NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS: XYLENE, ACETONE, ETHYL ACETATE, ETHYL BENZENE, ETHYL ETHER, METHYL ISOBUTYL KETONE, N -BUTYL ALCOHOL, CYCLOHEXANONE, AND METHANOL; ALL SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES/BLENDS CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, ONLY THE ABOVE SPENT NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS; AND ALL SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES/BLENDS CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, ONE OR MORE OF THE ABOVE NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS, AND A TOTAL OF TEN PERCENT OR MORE (BY VOLUME) OF ONE OR MORE OF THOSE SOLVENTS LISTED IN F001, F002, F004, AND F005; AND STILL BOTTOMS FROM THE RECOVERY OF THESE SPENT SOLVENTS AND SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES. Waste code: F005 Waste name: THE FOLLOWING SPENT NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS: TOLUENE, METHYL ETHYL KETONE, CARBON DISULFIDE, ISOBUTANOL, PYRIDINE, BENZENE, 2-ETHOXYETHANOL, AND 2-NITROPROPANE; ALL SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES/BLENDS CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, A TOTAL OF TEN PERCENT OR MORE (BY VOLUME) OF ONE OR MORE OF THE ABOVE NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS OR THOSE SOLVENTS LISTED IN F001, F002, OR F004; AND STILL BOTTOMS FROM THE RECOVERY OF THESE SPENT SOLVENTS AND SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES. Date form received by agency: 02/23/1993 Site name: GREAT PLAINS MFG INC ASI Classification: Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generator Violation Status: FINDS: Registry ID No violations found 110002456725 Environmental Interest/information System US EPA TRIS (Toxics Release Inventory System) contains information from facilities on the amounts of over 300 listed toxic chemicals that these facilities release directly to air, water, land, or that are transported off-site. RCRAInfo is a national information system that supports the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) program through the tracking of events and activities related to facilities that generate, transport, and treat, store, or dispose of hazardous waste. RCRAInfo allows RCRA program staff to track the notification, permit, compliance, and corrective action activities required under RCRA. FOOD SERVICES OF AMERICA 409 EAST ELM SALINA, KS 67401 Site 3 of 3 in cluster G Relative: LUST: Higher Facility ID: Site Status: Actual: Release Date: 1224 ft. Initial Report Date: 18477 Closed Not reported 03/20/1989 LUST 0003877397 UST N/A TC4471374.2s Page 85 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number J TC4471374.2s Page 86 FOOD SERVICES OF AMERICA (Continued) 0003877397 Project Number: U5-085-00080 Project Name: Food Services Of America Legal Desc Section: 12 Legal Desc Township: 14S Legal Desc Range: 03W Discover Date: 03/20/1989 substrels: Not reported Initial Ranking: Not reported Current Ranking: Not reported Facility Contact: Byron Johnston Facility Phone Number: 785-823-2231 Facility Owner Identification number: 18476 Facility Owner: Food Services Of America Owner Contact Person: Not reported Owner Address: 409 E Elm Owner City: Not reported Owner State: KS Owner Zip Code: 67401 Owner Phone number: 785-823-2231 Contractor license number: Not reported Contractor phone number: 785-825-7297 Leak duration (if known): 0 Quantity released (if known): Not reported Quantity recorded: Not reported Leak Type: Other Reported By: Not reported Reported by persons phone number: Not reported • Reported by person address: Not reported Ground water Impacted (yes/no): Not reported Static groundwater level: Not reported Groundwater flow direction: Not reported District staff names: Erik Peterson Assessment of release: witnessed removal of 10,000 gal diesel tank. tank in good condition with no cracks or holes found. backfill sand had no aroma present. drager tests for total hydrocarbons and benzene proved negative. no leak occurred to our knowledge in past. Contaimination assessement: Not reported Extent of contamination impact: none Updated information: Not reported Invoice initiated: 19892 Invoice on going: Not reported Invoice completetd: 19892 Release confirmed: Not reported Emergencty contact: Not reported Enforcement action: Not reported Cost recovery: Not reported Cost recovery initiated: Not reported Cost recovery initiated by: Not reported Cost recovery completed: Not reported Cost recovery completed by: Not reported Appplication to trust fund: Not reported UST: Facility ID: 18477 Facility 911 Address: 409 E ELM Facility 911 City, State, Zip: SALINA, KS 67401 Facility Phone: 785-823-2231 TC4471374.2s Page 86 • 0 0 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance Elevation Site FOOD SERVICES OF AMERICA (Continued) Phone 24 Hours: Facility District: Facility Location Method Facility Feature: Facility Datum: Facility Lat/Long: Owner ID: Owner: Owner Type: Owner/Rep Name: Owner/Rep Title: Owner Address: Owner City, State, Zip: Owner County: Contact: Contact Title: Tank ID: Tank Type: Tank Status: Total Capacity (Gals): Hazards: Petroleum Substance: NonPetroleum Substance Estimated Yr In Service: Date Removed: Last Permit Printed: Current Permit Printed: QTY Remaining in Tank: Filled/Removed: Tank Empty: Out of Service Mo/Yr: Material of Construction: Piping: Tank Internal Protection: Tank External Protection: 785-823-2231 NC Garmin GPS III Plus Facility Center WGS84 38.845359999999999/-97.604900000000001 18476 FOOD SERVICE OF AMERICA Private Or Corp. William Poppe Systems & Proce PO BOX 3547 SEATTLE, WA 98124 Not reported Allen Lindholm Manager 001 Underground Permanently Out Of Use 10000 Fire, Chronic,Acute Gas (Incl Alcohol) Not reported 1978 3/15/1989 Not reported Not reported Not reported Removed Not reported 031989 Steel Not reported Not reported Not reported F31 SALINA IRON & METAL CO INC NNW 312 N 5TH 1/8-1/4 SALINA, KS 67401 0.199 mi. 1052 ft. Site 5 of 5 in cluster F Relative: RCRA NonGen / NLR: Higher Date form received by agency: 01/01/1980 Facility name: SALINA IRON & METAL CO INC Actual: Facility address: 312 N 5TH 1223 ft. SALINA, KS 67401 EPA ID: KSD031386121 Mailing address: PO BOX 375 SALINA, KS 67401 Contact: UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Contact address: PO BOX 375 SALINA, KS 67401 Contact country: US Contact telephone: Not reported Contact email: Not reported EPA Region: 07 EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number 0003877397 RCRA NonGen / NLR 1004701978 US AIRS KSD031386121 TC4471374.2s Page 87 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number • SALINA IRON & METAL CO INC (Continued) 1004701978 Classification: Non -Generator Description: Handler: Non -Generators do not presently generate hazardous waste Owner/Operator Summary Owner/operator name: SALINA IRON & METAL CO INC Owner/operator address: 312 N 5TH Mixed waste (haz. and radioactive): SALINA, KS 67401 Owner/operator country: Not reported Owner/operator telephone: Not reported Legal status: Private Owner/Operator Type: Owner Owner/Op start date: Not reported Owner/Op end date: Not reported Handler Activities Summary: No U.S. importer of hazardous waste: No Mixed waste (haz. and radioactive): No Recycler of hazardous waste: No Transporter of hazardous waste: No Treater, storer or disposer of HW: No Underground injection activity: No On-site bumer exemption: No Furnace exemption: No Used oil fuel burner: No Used oil processor: No User oil refiner: No Used oil fuel marketer to burner: . No Used oil Specification marketer: No Used oil transfer facility: No Used oil transporter: No Violation Status: No violations found H32 IKON OFFICE SOLUTIONS SSW 130 S 5TH 118-1/4 SALINA, KS 67401 0.199 mi. IKON OFFICE SOLUTIONS 1052 ft. Site 2 of 3 in cluster H RCRA NonGen /NLR 1001196222 FINDS KSR000007609 Relative: RCRA NonGen / NLR: Lower Date form received by agency: 04/12/2001 Facility name: IKON OFFICE SOLUTIONS Actual: Facility address: 130 S 5TH 1222 ft. SALINA, KS 67401 EPA ID: KSR000007609 Mailing address: S 7TH SALINA, KS 67401 Contact: Not reported Contact address: Not reported Not reported Contact country: Not reported Contact telephone: Not reported Contact email: Not reported EPA Region: 07 Land type: Private Classification: Non -Generator Description: Handler: Non -Generators do not presently generate hazardous waste TC4471374.2s Page 88 Map ID Direction Distance GI.-fi- c;fo r, J MAP FINDINGS EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number Violation Status: No violations found Evaluation Action Summary Evaluation date: 02/28/2001 Evaluation: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON-SITE Area of violation: Not reported Date achieved compliance: Not reported Evaluation lead agency: State 0 TC44713742s Page 89 IKON OFFICE SOLUTIONS (Continued) 1001196222 Handler Activities Summary: U.S. importer of hazardous waste: No Mixed waste (haz. and radioactive): No Recycler of hazardous waste: No Transporter of hazardous waste: No Treater, storer or disposer of HW: No Underground injection activity: No On-site burner exemption: No Furnace exemption: No Used oil fuel burner: No Used oil processor: No User oil refiner: No Used oil fuel marketer to burner: No Used oil Specification marketer: No Used oil transfer facility: No Used oil transporter: No Historical Generators: Date form received by agency: 03/05/2001 Site name: IKON OFFICE SOLUTIONS Classification: Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generator Date form received by agency: 05/27/1997 Site name: IKON OFFICE SOLUTIONS Classification: Small Quantity Generator . Waste code: D001 Waste name: IGNITABLE WASTE Waste code: D006 Waste name: CADMIUM Waste code: D008 Waste name: LEAD Waste code: D018 Waste name: BENZENE Waste code: D027 Waste name: 1,4 -DICHLOROBENZENE Waste code: D039 Waste name: TETRACHLOROETHYLENE Waste code: D040 Waste name: TRICHLORETHYLENE Violation Status: No violations found Evaluation Action Summary Evaluation date: 02/28/2001 Evaluation: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON-SITE Area of violation: Not reported Date achieved compliance: Not reported Evaluation lead agency: State 0 TC44713742s Page 89 C, Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance Elevation Site IKON OFFICE SOLUTIONS (Continued) FINDS: Registry ID: 110003208706 Environmental Interest/Information System H33 BURRS AUTO BODY SSW 137 S 5TH 118-114 SALINA, KS 67401 0.208 mi. BURRS AUTO BODY 1098 ft. Site 3 of 3 in cluster H EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number RCRAInfo is a national information system that supports the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) program through the tracking of events and activities related to facilities that generate, transport, and treat, store, or dispose of hazardous waste. RCRAInfo allows RCRA program staff to track the notification, permit, compliance, and corrective action activities required under RCRA. 1001196222 RCRA NonGen / NLR 1000689617 FINDS KSD985001411 Relative: RCRA NonGen / NLR: Owner/operator address: Lower Date form received by agency: 10/26/2004 Not reported Facility name: BURRS AUTO BODY Actual: Facility address: 137 S 5TH 1222 ft. Owner/Operator Type: SALINA, KS 67401 Owner/Op start date: EPA ID: KSD985001411 . Mailing address: S 5TH Owner/operator address: 137 S 5TH SALINA, KS 67401 SALINA, KS 67401 Contact: WILLIAM SAYLOR Owner/operator telephone: Contact address: S 5TH Private Owner/Operator Type: SALINA, KS 67401 Owner/Op start date: Contact country: US Contact telephone: (785) 826-9765 Contact email: Not reported EPA Region: 07 Land type: Private Classification: Non -Generator Description: Handler: Non -Generators do not presently generate hazardous waste Owner/Operator Summary Owner/operator name: B & R AUTO RPR Owner/operator address: Not reported Not reported Owner/operator country: US Owner/operator telephone: Not reported Legal status: Private Owner/Operator Type: Operator Owner/Op start date: 10/26/2004 Owner/Op end date: Not reported Owner/operator name: B & R AUTO RPR Owner/operator address: 137 S 5TH SALINA, KS 67401 Owner/operator country: US Owner/operator telephone: (785) 826-9765 Legal status: Private Owner/Operator Type: Owner Owner/Op start date: 10/26/2004 TC4471374.2s Page 90 Map ID f7 MAP FINDINGS B & R AUTO PARTS & RPR Direction Not a generator, verified Waste code: D001 Waste name: Distance Waste code: EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number • Waste name: TETRACHLOROETHYLENE Date form received by agency: 04/10/1992 BURRS AUTO BODY (Continued) 1000689617 Classification: Owner/Op end date: Not reported Waste code: Handler Activities Summary: Waste name: IGNITABLE WASTE U.S. importer of hazardous waste: No Waste name: Mixed waste (haz. and radioactive): No D039 Recycler of hazardous waste: No Violation Status: Transporter of hazardous waste: No Treater, storer or disposer of HW: No Underground injection activity: No On-site burner exemption: No Furnace exemption: No Used oil fuel burner: No Used oil processor: No User oil refiner: No Used oil fuel marketer to burner: No Used oil Specification marketer: No Used oil transfer facility: No Used oil transporter: No Waste code: D001 Waste name: IGNITABLE WASTE Waste code: D018 Waste name: BENZENE Waste code: D039 Waste name: TETRACHLOROETHYLENE Historical Generators: Date form received by agency: 01/26/2004 Site name: B & R AUTO PARTS & RPR Classification: Not a generator, verified Waste code: D001 Waste name: IGNITABLE WASTE Waste code: D018 Waste name: BENZENE Waste code: D039 Waste name: TETRACHLOROETHYLENE Date form received by agency: 04/10/1992 Site name: B & R AUTO PARTS & RPR Classification: Small Quantity Generator Waste code: D001 Waste name: IGNITABLE WASTE Waste code: D018 Waste name: BENZENE Waste code: D039 Waste name: TETRACHLOROETHYLENE Violation Status: No violations found 0 TC4471374.2s Page 91 • 0 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation Site MAP FINDINGS EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number BURRS AUTO BODY (Continued) Evaluation Action Summary: Evaluation date: Evaluation: Area of violation: Date achieved compliance Evaluation lead agency: FINDS: Registry ID: 09/30/2004 COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON-SITE Not reported Not reported State 110003195845 Environmental Interest/Information System RCRAInfo is a national information system that supports the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) program through the tracking of events and activities related to facilities that generate, transport, and treat, store, or dispose of hazardous waste. RCRAInfo allows RCRA program staff to track the notification, permit, compliance, and corrective action activities required under RCRA. 134 RAINBO BREAD STORE West 301 WASH 1/8-1/4 SALINA, KS 67401 0.219 mi. 1158 ft. Site 1 of 3 in cluster I Relative: LUST: Higher Facility ID: Site Status: Actual: Release Date: 1224 ft. Initial Report Date: Project Number: Project Name: Legal Desc Section: Legal Desc Township: Legal Desc Range: Discover Date: substrels: Initial Ranking: Current Ranking: Facility Contact: Facility Phone Number: Facility Owner Identification number: Facility Owner: Owner Contact Person: Owner Address: Owner City: Owner State: Owner Zip Code: Owner Phone number: Contractor license number: Contractor phone number: Leak duration (if known): Quantity released (if known): Quantity recorded: Leak Type: Reported By: Reported by persons phone number: 29016 Closed Not reported 01/20/1995 U5-085-10097 Rainbo Bread Store 12 14S 03W 07/21/1994 gasoline 63 57.00000 Bill Reimold 785-823-7267 28049 Reimold Properties Bill Reimold 1012 York Salina KS 67401 785-823-7267 Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Other Howard Debauche 785-827-9639 1000689617 LUST 5101836980 N/A TC4471374.2s Page 92 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation Site • 135 West 118-114 0.219 mi 1158 ft. Relative: Higher Actual: 1224 ft. • RAINBO BREAD STORE (Continued) Reported by person address: Ground water Impacted (yes/no): Static groundwater level: Groundwater flow direction: District staff names: Assessment of release: Contaimination assessement: Extent of contamination impact: Updated information: Invoice initiated: Invoice on going: Invoice completetd: Release confirmed: Emergency contact: Enforcement action: Cost recovery: Cost recovery initiated: Cost recovery initiated by: Cost recovery completed: Cost recovery completed by: Appplication to trust fund: SALINA, CITY OF 300 W ASH SALINA, KS 67401 Site 2 of 3 in cluster I LUST: Facility ID: Site Status: Release Date: Initial Report Date: Project Number: Project Name: Legal Desc Section: Legal Desc Township: Legal Desc Range: Discover Date: substrels: Initial Ranking: Current Ranking: Facility Contact: Facility Phone Number: Facility Owner Identification number: Facility Owner: Owner Contact Person: Owner Address: Owner City: Owner State: Owner Zip Code: Owner Phone number: Contractor license number: Contractor phone number: Leak duration (if known): Quantity released (if known): Quantity recorded: MAP FINDINGS EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number Ncdo the area consists of grayish brown silty clays. Not reported Not reported Howard Debauche contamination confirmed during field investigation. site active pending further investigation. If application provided. Not reported Not reported Site closed under KRBCA Tier 3A in July 2008. 19952 Not reported 19952 19952 Not reported 19952 Not reported 19962 Responsible Party 20084 Responsible Party 19952 07897 Closed Not reported 08/09/1994 U5-085-10199 Saline Co/city Bldg Auth 12 14S 03W Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Jim Schroeder 785-826-6537 07897 Saline County/city Bldg Authorit Jim Schroeder 300 W Ash Salina KS 67401 785-826-6537 C0143 785-825-7297 Not reported Not reported Not reported S101836980 LUST S106422514 N/A TC4471374.2s Page 93 TC4471374.2s Page 94 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number • SALINA, CITY OF (Continued) S106422514 Leak Type: Not reported Reported By: Howard Debauche Reported by persons phone number: Not reported Reported by person address: Ncdo Ground water Impacted (yes/no): the area consists primarily of dark grayish brown silty clays. groundwater was not encountered. Static groundwater level: Not reported Groundwater flow direction: Not reported District staff names: Howard Debauche Assessment of release: 1 diesel fuel ust removed. there was no staining or odor in or around the excay. soil samples taken from the bottom of the excav showed no evidence of contam. no further action required. site closed. Contaimination assessement: no leaks. Extent of contamination impact: none suspected. Updated information: Not reported Invoice initiated: 19944 Invoice on going: Not reported Invoice completetd: 19944 Release confirmed: Not reported Emergencty contact: Not reported Enforcement action: Not reported Cost recovery: Not reported Cost recovery initiated: Not reported Cost recovery initiated by: Not reported Cost recovery completed: Not reported Cost recovery completed by: Not reported Appplication to trust fund: Not reported Facility ID: 80339 Site Status: Closed Release Date: Not reported Initial Report Date: 10/24/1989 Project Number: U5-085-00170 Project Name: Salina, Water Plant Legal Desc Section: 07 Legal Desc Township: 15S Legal Desc Range: 02W Discover Date: 10/24/1989 substrels: fuel oil/gasoline Initial Ranking: Not reported Current Ranking: Not reported Facility Contact: Jim Wendell Facility Phone Number: 785-825-4319 Facility Owner Identification number: 08507 Facility Owner: City Of Salina Owner Contact Person: Not reported Owner Address: 300 W Ash Owner City: Salina Owner State: KS Owner Zip Code: 67401 Owner Phone number: 785-825-4319 Contractor license number: Not reported Contractor phone number: 785-823-3171 Leak duration (if known): 0 Quantity released (if known): Not reported Quantity recorded: Not reported Leak Type: Not reported TC4471374.2s Page 94 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation • Site SALINA, CITY OF (Continued) Reported By: Reported by persons phone number: Reported by person address: Ground water Impacted (yes/no): Static groundwater level: Groundwater flow direction: District staff names: Assessment of release: Contamination assessement: Extent of contamination impact Updated information: Invoice initiated: Invoice on going: Invoice completetd: Release confirmed: Emergencty contact: Enforcement action: Cost recovery: Cost recovery initiated: Cost recovery initiated by: Cost recovery completed: Cost recovery completed by: Appplication to trust fund: MAP FINDINGS Database(s) Erik Peterson 785-827-9639 2501-d Market Place,salina 04' silty light brown clay. Not reported Not reported Erik Peterson it was undecemible as to how the contamination present on the concrete slab used as a tank anchor originated. tank removed. none Not reported 19902 Not reported 19902 Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported EDR ID Number EPA ID Number S106422514 • 36 CAROL LEE DONUT SHOP LUST 0000874023 SW 218 WEST IRON ST. UST N/A 118-114 SALINA, KS 67401 0.223 mi. 1176 ft. Relative: LUST: Higher Facility ID: 28352 Site Status: Closed Actual: Release Date: Not reported 1224 ft. Initial Report Date: 02/16/1990 Project Number: U5-085-00372 Project Name: Carol Lee Donuts Legal Desc Section: 14 Legal Desc Township: 14S Legal Desc Range: 03W Discover Date: 02/16/1990 substrels: gasoline Initial Ranking: Not reported Current Ranking: Not reported Facility Contact: Tom Rupp Facility Phone Number: Not reported Facility Owner Identification number: 28352 Facility Owner: Tom Rupp Assoc. Owner Contact Person: Not reported Owner Address: Box 708 Owner City: Salina Owner State: KS Owner Zip Code: 67401 Owner Phone number: 785-825-6568 Contractor license number: Contractor phone number: Not reported 785-827-3804 Leak duration (if known): 0 TC4471374.2s Page 95 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation Site CAROL LEE DONUT SHOP (Continued) Quantity released (if known): Quantity recorded: Leak Type: Reported By: Reported by persons phone number: Reported by person address: Ground water Impacted (yes/no): Static groundwater level: Groundwater flow direction: District staff names: Assessment of release: Contaimination assessement: Extent of contamination impact: Updated information: Invoice initiated: Invoice on going: Invoice completetd: Release confirmed: Emergencty contact: Enforcement action: Cost recovery: Cost recovery initiated: Cost recovery initiated by: . Cost recovery completed: Cost recovery completed by: Appplication to trust fund: MAP FINDINGS EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number 0000874023 Not reported Not reported Piping Erik Peterson 785-827-9639 2501-d Market PI, Salina 0-.5' concrete, -2' loamy clay, -18' silt Not reported Not reported Erik Peterson sometime during their use, pipes and or fittings under the dispenser island leaked fuel.the ust excavation was not contam. as the entire ust facility was dismantled voc analysis from monitor placed downgradient of ust hole and dispenser island showed no petroleum hydrocarbon present at present detection limits. Not reported 19904 Not reported 19904 19904 Not reported Not reported Not reported 19904 Responsible Party 19904 Responsible Party Not reported UST: Facility ID: 28352 Facility 911 Address: 218 W IRON Facility 911 City, State, Zip: SALINA, KS 67401 Facility Phone: 785-825-6268 Phone 24 Hours: 785-825-6268 Facility District: NC Facility Location Method: Garmin GPS III Plus Facility Feature: Facility Center Facility Datum: WGS84 Facility Lat/Long: 38.840789999999998/-97.611099999999993 Owner ID: 28352 Owner: RUPP, THOMAS A. Owner Type: Private Or Corp. Owner/Rep Name: Thomas A. Rupp Owner/Rep Title: Owner Owner Address: 333 SOUTH SANTA FE Owner City, State, Zip: SALINA, KS 67401 Owner County: Not reported Contact: Rupp, Thomas A. Contact Title: Owner Tank ID: 001 Tank Type: Underground Tank Status: Permanently Out Of Use Total Capacity (Gals): 110 Hazards: Not reported TC44713742s Page 96 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number • CAROL LEE DONUT SHOP (Continued) 0000874023 Petroleum Substance: Empty NonPetroleum Substance: Not reported Estimated Yr In Service: 1967 Date Removed: 1/15/1984 Last Permit Printed: Not reported Current Permit Printed: Not reported QTY Remaining in Tank: 0 Filled/Removed: Filled Tank Empty: Not reported Out of Service Mo/Yr: 011984 Material of Construction: Steel Piping: Not reported Tank Internal Protection: Not reported Tank External Protection: Not reported TC4471374.2s Page 97 J37 SALINA NORTH SHWS 1007482649 NNW FINDS N/A 1/8-1/4 SALINA, KS 66401 0.224 mi. 1182 ft. Site 1 of 4 in cluster J Relative: SHWS: Higher Site ID: 1598 Has Env Use Control: No Actual: Project code: 0508503010 01223 ft. PM Name: BER - Remedial Site Status: Resolved District Office: NCDO Lat/Long: 38.84592/-97.6086 River Basin: Smoky Hills - Saline Aquifer Yield: Alluvial Other Aquifers: Not reported Parent PC: Not reported Parent Name: Not reported CERCLIS ID: Not reported Discovery Date: 03/30/1992 Depth To GW: 21-30 feet Depth To Bedrock: 51-100 feet Aquifer Yield: 501-1000 gpm GW Flow Direction: E -SE Acres Affected: 26-500 acres Waste Present: No Product Present: No Program: State Cooperative Lead Agency: BER - Remedial Contaminants: Refined Petroleum, VOC Media Act: Ground Water, Soil Media Pot: Not reported Source: Abandoned Facility, Aboveground Tank, Agricultural Facility, Drycleaner, Facility Operations, Underground Tank/Piping, Other (see Site Narrative) Land Use: Commercial, Industrial, Residential Private well: Monitoring, PWS Waste Present: Not reported Product: Not reported Receptor Act: Receptor Pot: Not reported Not reported Remed Air: Not reported TC4471374.2s Page 97 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance Elevation Site �J EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number SALINA NORTH (Continued) Remed Soil: Not reported Remed Water: Not reported Remedir: Not reported Alias: Not reported Eucan Number: Not reported Date: Not reported Activity Type: Resolved Activity Status: Completed Activity Start Date: 11/26/2012 Activity End Date: 11/26/2012 Narrative: During a KDHE preliminary assessment/site investigation of the Salina PWS Well #11 Site in 1993, chlorinated VOCs not normally associated with petroleum hydrocarbon sites were discovered in groundwater monitoring data for the Long -McArthur LUST site. Separate site investigation was recommended and a site assessment was initiated in 10/93 by KDHE under the State Water Plan program. A comprehensive investigation of the Site was completed in 1/97 and concluded that while several potential source areas existed in the Salina North Site, two distinct groundwater contamination plumes and other areas of groundwater contamination could be identified. Additional site investigation and characterization were recommended for the two identified source areas and the Site was transferred to the State Cooperative Program in 9/98. The Former Research Products Site represents a predominantly carbon tetrachloride contamination plume sourcing from the former facility location at 411 N. 7th Street. KDHE is negotiating with McShares, Inc. (formerly Research Products) for additional investigation activites and remediation. The Former • Brown Welding Supply Site represents a predominantly 1,1,1 -TCA contamination plume apparently sourcing from their former facility at 300 N. 7th Street. A consent order was executed on 12/02/02 for a CI/CAS at this site. Results of additional investigation at the Elm & Front Site (March 2001) and Salina PWS Well #11 Site (early 2002) by KDHE/BER/Remedial Section's Site Assessment Unit confirmed groundwater contamination plumes at the Former Research Products and Former Brown Welding Supply sites and identified several additional groundwater contaminant plumes within the former Salina North Site boundaries. KDHE has since entered into Consent Orders with potential responsible parties for those sites, which are being handled as separate sites. Please refer to those specific sites for more information. FINDS: Registry ID: 110017604369 Environmental Interest/Information System KS -FP (Kansas - Facility Profiler) is a geographically -based data warehouse site that presents information about facilities and locations of interest to the KDHE. This site has in excess of twenty environmental interest which contains information on closed facilities, completed cleanups, and past operations as well as data on current operations and activities. • 1007482649 TC4471374.2s Page 98 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation Site F_ MAP FINDINGS 138 MIDLAND MUFFLER West 313 W. ASH 118-114 SALINA, KS 67401 0.226 mi. 1194 ft. Site 3 of 3 in cluster I Relative: LUST: Higher Facility ID: Site Status: Actual: Release Date: 1224 ft. Initial Report Date: Project Number: Project Name: Legal Desc Section: Legal Desc Township: Legal Desc Range: Discover Date: substrels: Initial Ranking: Current Ranking: Facility Contact: Facility Phone Number: Facility Owner Identification number: Facility Owner: Owner Contact Person: Owner Address: Owner City: Owner State: Owner Zip Code: • Owner Phone number: Contractor license number: Contractor phone number: Leak duration (if known): Quantity released (if known): Quantity recorded: Leak Type: Reported By: Reported by persons phone number: Reported by person address: Ground water Impacted (yes/no): Static groundwater level: Groundwater flow direction: District staff names: Assessment of release: Contaimination assessement: Extent of contamination impact: Updated information Invoice initiated: Invoice on going: Invoice completetd: Release confirmed: Emergencty contact: Enforcement action: r� EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number LUST 0000715864 UST N/A 20951 Closed Not reported 12/27/2010 U5-085-14331 Midland Muffler (Former) 12 14S 03W Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Jim Schroeder 785-309-5805 20951 Saline County Building Authority Jim Schroeder 300 W. Ash St., Rm. B-3 Salina KS 67401 785-309-5805 Not reported 785-827-3804 Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Silty clays becoming siltier and sandier with depth. 28 Eas Scott Lang No leak. Former gas stations were west of and east of this site. None suspected -see attached-BTEX in gr. water map from the investigation of the Rainbow Bakery Site which is the adjacent property to the east (301 W. Ash). KDHE Project # U5-085-10097 which has been "Closed", requiring no further action. This was an old abandoned used oil tank Saline County is having removed as part of razing the building to make a parking lot. One, approx. 300 gal. used oil tank was removed from the east side of the building on 12-23-10. A test hole excavated beneath 20111 Not reported 20111 Not reported Not reported Not reported TC4471374.2s Page 99 • 171 rJ Map ID Direction Distance Elevation Site MIDLAND MUFFLER (Continued) Cost recovery: Cost recovery initiated: Cost recovery initiated by: Cost recovery completed: Cost recovery completed by: Appplication to trust fund: UST: Facility ID: Facility 911 Address: Facility 911 City, State, Zip Facility Phone: Phone 24 Hours: Facility District: Facility Location Method: Facility Feature: Facility Datum: Facility Lat/Long: Owner ID: Owner: Owner Type: Owner/Rep Name: Owner/Rep Title.- Owner itle:Owner Address: Owner City, State, Zip: Owner County: Contact: Contact Title: Tank ID: Tank Type: Tank Status: Total Capacity (Gals): Hazards: Petroleum Substance: NonPetroleum Substance: Estimated Yr In Service: Date Removed: Last Permit Printed: Current Permit Printed: QTY Remaining in Tank: Filled/Removed: Tank Empty: Out of Service Mo/Yr: Material of Construction: Piping: Tank Intemal Protection: Tank External Protection: Tank ID: Tank Type: Tank Status: Total Capacity (Gals): Hazards: Petroleum Substance: NonPetroleum Substance MAP FINDINGS Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported 20951 313 W. ASH SALINA, KS 67401 785-827-6724 785-827-6724 NC Garmin GPS III Plus Facility Center WGS84 38.84252/-97.612170000000006 20949 WALTHERS, INC. Current DAVE WALTHERS OWNER 2599 US HWY 36 CUBA, KS 66940-8083 SALINE Jack Elmore Not reported 001 Underground Permanently Out Of Use 4000 Fire,Chronic,Acute Gas (Incl Alcohol) Not reported 1900 Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Removed Not reported Not reported Steel Not reported Not reported Not reported 001 Underground Permanently Out Of Use 2000 Not reported Not reported Not reported EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number 0000715864 TC4471374.2s Page 100 C`. • 0 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation Site MIDLAND MUFFLER (Continued) Estimated Yr In Service: Date Removed: Last Permit Printed: Current Permit Printed: QTY Remaining in Tank: Filled/Removed: Tank Empty: Out of Service Mo/Yr: Material of Construction: Piping: Tank Intemal Protection: Tank External Protection: Tank ID: Tank Type: Tank Status: Total Capacity (Gals): Hazards: Petroleum Substance: NonPetroleum Substance: Estimated Yr In Service: Date Removed: Last Permit Printed: Current Permit Printed: QTY Remaining in Tank: Filled/Removed: Tank Empty: Out of Service Mo/Yr: Material of Construction: Piping: Tank Intemal Protection: Tank Extemal Protection: Tank ID: Tank Type: Tank Status: Total Capacity (Gals): Hazards: Petroleum Substance: NonPetroleum Substance Estimated Yr In Service: Date Removed: Last Permit Printed: Current Permit Printed: QTY Remaining in Tank: Filled/Removed: Tank Empty: Out of Service Mo/Yr: Material of Construction: Piping: Tank Intemal Protection: Tank External Protection: Tank ID: MAP FINDINGS 1900 Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Removed Not reported Not reported Steel Not reported Not reported Not reported 002 Underground Permanently Out Of Use 3000 Fire,Chronic,Acute Gas (Incl Alcohol) Not reported 1900 Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Removed Not reported Not reported Steel Not reported Not reported Not reported 002 Underground Permanently Out Of Use 2000 Not reported Not reported Not reported 1900 Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Removed Not reported Not reported Steel Not reported Not reported Not reported 003 EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number 0000715864 TC4471374.2s Page 101 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance Elevation Site • MIDLAND MUFFLER (Continued) Tank Type: Tank Status: Total Capacity (Gals): Hazards: Petroleum Substance: NonPetroleum Substance: Estimated Yr In Service: Date Removed: Last Permit Printed: Current Permit Printed: QTY Remaining in Tank: Filled/Removed: Tank Empty: Out of Service Mo/Yr: Material of Construction: Piping: Tank Internal Protection: Tank External Protection: Tank ID: Tank Type: Tank Status: Total Capacity (Gals): Hazards: Petroleum Substance: NonPetroleum Substance Estimated Yr In Service: Date Removed: Last Permit Printed: Current Permit Printed: QTY Remaining in Tank: Filled/Removed: Tank Empty: Out of Service Mo/Yr: Material of Construction: Piping: Tank Internal Protection: Tank External Protection: Tank ID: Tank Type: Tank Status: Total Capacity (Gals): Hazards: Petroleum Substance: NonPetroleum Substance Estimated Yr In Service: Date Removed: Last Permit Printed: Current Permit Printed: QTY Remaining in Tank: Filled/Removed: Tank Empty: Out of Service Mo/Yr: Material of Construction: L Underground Permanently Out Of Use 2000 Not reported Not reported Not reported 1900 Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Removed Not reported Not reported Steel Not reported Not reported Not reported 003 Underground Permanently Out Of Use 3000 Fire,Chronic,Acute Gas (Incl Alcohol) Not reported 1900 Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Removed Not reported Not reported Steel Not reported Not reported Not reported 004 Underground Permanently Out Of Use 4000 Not reported Not reported Not reported 1979 Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Removed Not reported Not reported Steel EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number 0000715864 TC4471374.2s Page 102 46 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance Elevation Site MIDLAND MUFFLER (Continued) Piping: Not reported Tank Internal Protection: Not reported Tank External Protection: Not reported Tank ID: Tank Type: Tank Status: Total Capacity (Gals): Hazards: Petroleum Substance: Non Petroleum Substance Estimated Yr In Service: Date Removed: Last Permit Printed: Current Permit Printed: QTY Remaining in Tank: Filled/Removed: Tank Empty: Out of Service Mo/Yr: Material of Construction: Piping: Tank Internal Protection: Tank External Protection: 004 Underground Permanently Out Of Use 3000 Fire,Chronic,Acute Gas (Incl Alcohol) Not reported 1900 Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Removed Not reported Not reported Steel Not reported Not reported Not reported K39 AIRGAS MID SOUTH - SALINA - 58/1 NW 300 N 7TH 118-114 SALINA, KS 67401 0.227 mi. EPA ID: 1200 ft. Site 1 of 5 in cluster K u Relative: RCRA NonGen / NLR EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number 0000715864 RCRA NonGen /NLR 1001196221 FINDS KSR000007591 Higher Date form received by agency: 09/20/2000 Facility name: AIRGAS Actual: Facility address: 300 N 7TH 1223 ft. SALINA, KS 67401 EPA ID: KSR000007591 Mailing address: N SANTA FE SALINA, KS 67401 Contact: TIM HARNER Contact address: 253 N SANTA FE SALINA, KS 67401 Contact country: US Contact telephone: (785) 827-9646 Contact email: Not reported EPA Region: 07 Land type: Private Classification: Non -Generator Description: Handler: Non -Generators do not presently generate hazardous waste Owner/Operator Summary: Owner/operator name: Owner/operator address: Owner/operator country: Ownerloperator telephone Legal status: BROWN WELDING SUPPLY LLC PO BOX 45 SALINA, KS 67402 Not reported (785)827-9646 Private TC4471374.2s Page 103 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation • lil • MAP FINDINGS Site AIRGAS MID SOUTH - SALINA - 58/1 (Continued) Owner/Operator Type: Owner Owner/Op start date: 07/01/1999 Owner/Op end date: Not reported Owner/operator name: BROWN AIRGAS Owner/operator address: 253 N SANTA FE Mixed waste (haz. and radioactive): SALINA, KS 67401 Owner/operator country: Not reported Owner/operator telephone: (785) 827-9646 Legal status: Private Owner/Operator Type: Owner Owner/Op start date: Not reported Owner/Op end date: Not reported Handler Activities Summary: U.S. importer of hazardous waste: No Mixed waste (haz. and radioactive): No Recycler of hazardous waste: No Transporter of hazardous waste: No Treater, storer or disposer of HW: No Underground injection activity: No On-site burner exemption: No Furnace exemption: No Used oil fuel burner: No Used oil processor: No User oil refiner: No Used oil fuel marketer to burner: No Used oil Specification marketer: No Used oil transfer facility: No Used oil transporter: No Waste code: D001 Waste name: IGNITABLE WASTE EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number 1001196221 Waste code: F003 Waste name: THE FOLLOWING SPENT NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS: XYLENE, ACETONE, ETHYL ACETATE, ETHYL BENZENE, ETHYL ETHER, METHYL ISOBUTYL KETONE, N -BUTYL ALCOHOL, CYCLOHEXANONE, AND METHANOL; ALL SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES/BLENDS CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, ONLY THE ABOVE SPENT NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS; AND ALL SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES/BLENDS CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, ONE OR MORE OF THE ABOVE NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS, AND A TOTAL OF TEN PERCENT OR MORE (BY VOLUME) OF ONE OR MORE OF THOSE SOLVENTS LISTED IN F001, F002, F004, AND F005; AND STILL BOTTOMS FROM THE RECOVERY OF THESE SPENT SOLVENTS AND SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES. Waste code: F005 Waste name: THE FOLLOWING SPENT NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS: TOLUENE, METHYL ETHYL KETONE, CARBON DISULFIDE, ISOBUTANOL, PYRIDINE, BENZENE, 2-ETHOXYETHANOL, AND 2-NITROPROPANE; ALL SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES/BLENDS CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, A TOTAL OF TEN PERCENT OR MORE (BY VOLUME) OF ONE OR MORE OF THE ABOVE NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS OR THOSE SOLVENTS LISTED IN F001, F002, OR F004; AND STILL BOTTOMS FROM THE RECOVERY OF THESE SPENT SOLVENTS AND SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES. Historical Generators: TC4471374.2s Page 104 C` Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance Elevation Site AIRGAS MID SOUTH - SALINA - 58/1 (Continued) Date form received by agency: 08/31/1999 Site name: AIRGAS Classification: Small Quantity Generator Violation Status: Evaluation Action Summary: Evaluation date: Evaluation: Area of violation: Date achieved compliance Evaluation lead agency: FINDS: Registry ID: No violations found 09/18/2000 COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON-SITE Not reported Not reported State 110003208699 Environmental Interest/ Information System KS -FP (Kansas - Facility Profiler) is a geographically -based data warehouse site that presents information about facilities and locations of interest to the KDHE. This site has in excess of twenty environmental interest which contains information on closed facilities, completed cleanups, and past operations as well as data on current operations and activities. EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number RCRAInfo is a national information system that supports the Resource • Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) program through the tracking of events and activities related to facilities that generate, transport, and treat, store, or dispose of hazardous waste. RCRAInfo allows RCRA program staff to track the notification, permit, compliance, and corrective action activities required under RCRA. K40 BWS LLC NW 300 N 7TH (B) 1/8-1/4 SALINA, KS 67401 0.227 mi. BWS LLC 1200 ft. Site 2 of 5 in cluster K 1001196221 RCRA NonGen /NLR 1010317891 KSP000002230 Relative: RCRA NonGen / NLR: Higher Date form received by agency: 06/08/2006 Facility name: BWS LLC Actual: Facility address: 300 N 7TH (B) 1223 ft. SALINA, KS 67401 EPA ID: KSP000002230 Mailing address: S SANTA FE, STE 4 SALINA, KS 67401 Contact: LAURA RHODENBAUGH Contact address: S SANTA FE, STE 4 SALINA, KS 67401 Contact country: US Contact telephone: (785) 827-0910 Contact email: Not reported EPA Region: 07 Classification: Non -Generator Description: Handler: Non -Generators do not presently generate hazardous waste TC4471374.2s Page 105 • • Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance Elevation Site BWS LLC (Continued) Owner/Operator Summary Owner/operator name: BWS LLC Owner/operator address: Not reported Mixed waste (haz. and radioactive): Not reported Owner/operator country: US Owner/operator telephone: Not reported Legal status: Private Owner/Operator Type: Owner Owner/Op start date: 01/01/1921 Owner/Op end date: Not reported Owner/operator name: AIRGAS INC Owner/operator address: Not reported Mixed waste (haz. and radioactive): Not reported Owner/operator country: US Owner/operator telephone: Not reported Legal status: Private Owner/Operator Type: Operator Owner/Op start date: 07/01/1999 Owner/Op end date: Not reported Handler Activities Summary: U.S. importer of hazardous waste: No Mixed waste (haz. and radioactive): No Recycler of hazardous waste: No Transporter of hazardous waste: No Treater, storer or disposer of HW: No Underground injection activity: No On-site burner exemption: No Furnace exemption: No Used oil fuel burner: No Used oil processor: No User oil refiner: No Used oil fuel marketer to burner: No Used oil Specification marketer: No Used oil transfer facility: No Used oil transporter: No Waste code: D029 Waste name: 1,1-DICHLOROETHYLENE EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number 1010317891 Waste code: F001 Waste name: THE FOLLOWING SPENT HALOGENATED SOLVENTS USED IN DEGREASING: TETRACHLOROETHYLENE, TRICHLORETHYLENE, METHYLENE CHLORIDE, 1,1,1 -TRICHLOROETHANE, CARBON TETRACHLORIDE AND CHLORINATED FLUOROCARBONS; ALL SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES/BLENDS USED IN DEGREASING CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, A TOTAL OF TEN PERCENT OR MORE (BY VOLUME) OF ONE OR MORE OF THE ABOVE HALOGENATED SOLVENTS OR THOSE SOLVENTS LISTED IN F002, F004, AND F005; AND STILL BOTTOMS FROM THE RECOVERY OF THESE SPENT SOLVENTS AND SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES. Historical Generators: Date form received by agency: 04/28/2006 Site name: BWS LLC Classification: Small Quantity Generator TC4471374.2s Page 106 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance Elevation Site • CJ BWS LLC (Continued) Waste code: D029 Waste name: 1,1-DICHLOROETHYLENE EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number 1010317891 Waste code: F001 Waste name: THE FOLLOWING SPENT HALOGENATED SOLVENTS USED IN DEGREASING: TETRACHLOROETHYLENE, TRICHLORETHYLENE, METHYLENE CHLORIDE, 1,1,1 -TRICHLOROETHANE, CARBON TETRACHLORIDE AND CHLORINATED FLUOROCARBONS; ALL SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES/BLENDS USED IN DEGREASING CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, A TOTAL OF TEN PERCENT OR MORE (BY VOLUME) OF ONE OR MORE OF THE ABOVE HALOGENATED SOLVENTS OR THOSE SOLVENTS LISTED IN F002, F004, AND F005; AND STILL BOTTOMS FROM THE RECOVERY OF THESE SPENT SOLVENTS AND SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES. Violation Status: No violations found BROWN WELDING SUPPLY L.L.C. 300 N 7TH SALINA, KS 67401 Site 3 of 5 in cluster K SHWS: Site ID: Has Env Use Control Project code: PM Name: Site Status: District Office: Lat/Long: River Basin: Aquifer Yield: Other Aquifers: Parent PC: Parent Name: CERCLIS ID: Discovery Date: Depth To GW: Depth To Bedrock: Aquifer Yield: GW Flow Direction: Acres Affected: Waste Present: Product Present: Program: Lead Agency: Contaminants: Media Act: Media Pot: Source: Land Use: Private well: Waste Present: Product: Receptor Act: Receptor Pot: Remed Air: Remed Soil: Remed Water: Remedir: 1611 Yes 0508570724 BURKE, H. Active NCDO 38.84545/-97.61008 Smoky Hills - Saline Alluvial Not reported C508503010 SALINA NORTH Not reported 01/13/1995 21-30 feet 51-100 feet 501-1000 gpm SE 5-25 acres No No State Cooperative BER - Remedial VOC Ground Water, Soil Not reported Facility Operations Commercial, Industrial Monitoring, PWS Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Off -Site Disposal, Capping Monitored Natural Attenuation Not reported SHWS 0000197650 LUST N/A UST INST CONTROL TC4471374.2s Page 107 K41 NW 1/8-1/4 0.227 mi. 1200 ft. Relative: Higher Actual: 1223 ft. CJ BWS LLC (Continued) Waste code: D029 Waste name: 1,1-DICHLOROETHYLENE EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number 1010317891 Waste code: F001 Waste name: THE FOLLOWING SPENT HALOGENATED SOLVENTS USED IN DEGREASING: TETRACHLOROETHYLENE, TRICHLORETHYLENE, METHYLENE CHLORIDE, 1,1,1 -TRICHLOROETHANE, CARBON TETRACHLORIDE AND CHLORINATED FLUOROCARBONS; ALL SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES/BLENDS USED IN DEGREASING CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, A TOTAL OF TEN PERCENT OR MORE (BY VOLUME) OF ONE OR MORE OF THE ABOVE HALOGENATED SOLVENTS OR THOSE SOLVENTS LISTED IN F002, F004, AND F005; AND STILL BOTTOMS FROM THE RECOVERY OF THESE SPENT SOLVENTS AND SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES. Violation Status: No violations found BROWN WELDING SUPPLY L.L.C. 300 N 7TH SALINA, KS 67401 Site 3 of 5 in cluster K SHWS: Site ID: Has Env Use Control Project code: PM Name: Site Status: District Office: Lat/Long: River Basin: Aquifer Yield: Other Aquifers: Parent PC: Parent Name: CERCLIS ID: Discovery Date: Depth To GW: Depth To Bedrock: Aquifer Yield: GW Flow Direction: Acres Affected: Waste Present: Product Present: Program: Lead Agency: Contaminants: Media Act: Media Pot: Source: Land Use: Private well: Waste Present: Product: Receptor Act: Receptor Pot: Remed Air: Remed Soil: Remed Water: Remedir: 1611 Yes 0508570724 BURKE, H. Active NCDO 38.84545/-97.61008 Smoky Hills - Saline Alluvial Not reported C508503010 SALINA NORTH Not reported 01/13/1995 21-30 feet 51-100 feet 501-1000 gpm SE 5-25 acres No No State Cooperative BER - Remedial VOC Ground Water, Soil Not reported Facility Operations Commercial, Industrial Monitoring, PWS Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Off -Site Disposal, Capping Monitored Natural Attenuation Not reported SHWS 0000197650 LUST N/A UST INST CONTROL TC4471374.2s Page 107 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance Elevation Site EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number BROWN WELDING SUPPLY L.L.C. (Continued) Alias: SALINA - ELM & 7TH STS Eucan Number: 12-EUC-0008 Date: 08/14/2012 Activity Type: Corrective Action Plan Activity Status: Completed Activity Start Date: 09/19/2011 Activity End Date: 12/29/2011 Narrative: The Former Brown Welding Supply (BWS) Site represents a predominantly 1,1,1 -trichloroethane (1,1,1 -TCA) and 1,1-dichloroethene (1,1-DCE) contamination plume sourcing from the former facility located at 300 N. 7th Street. During a KDHE preliminary assessment/site investigation of the Salina PWS Well #11 Site (Project Code C5-085-03004) in 1993, chlorinated volatile organic compounds (VOCs), not typically associated with petroleum hydrocarbon sites, were detected in groundwater samples collected from the monitoring wells at the Long -McArthur underground storage tank (UST) Site. Additional investigation was recommended and a Site Assessment (SA) of the Salina North Site (Project Code C5-085-03010) was initiated in October 1993 by KDHE under the State Water Plan program. A Comprehensive Investigation (CI) for the Salina North Site was c ompleted in January 1997 and concluded that while several potential source areas existed in the area, a 1,1,1 -TCA/ 1,1-DCE groundwater contamination plume was emanating from the former BWS facility. Additional investigations conducted in the area by the KDHE/BER's Site Assessment Unit confirmed the VOC contaminant plume associated with the former BWS facility, and the Site was transferred to KDHE's State Cooperative Program. A Consent Order (CO) was executed between a potential responsible party (PRP) and KDHE on December 2, 2002, to conduct a CI/Corrective Action Study (CAS) to evaluate the nature and extent of contamination and evaluate remedial alternatives for the Site. CI activities were conducted December 2004 through July 2007. In February 2006, 1,4 -dioxane was detected in three groundwater samples collected from Site monitoring wells. In November 2006, contaminated sediment, identified during Cl activities, from a storm water collection pit located outside the building was excavated, containerized, and disposed of off-site. The Cl Report was approved by KDHE on February 25, 2008. The CAS Report was approved by KDHE on June 18, 2009. On June 9, 2010, KDHE issued the final Corrective Action Decision (CAD) for the Site, which presents the selected remedy for the Site. The selected remedy for soil and groundwater is establishment of Environmental Use Controls (EUC), long-term monitoring, and monitored natural attenuation (MINA), with a contingency remedy of pump and treatment of groundwater with air stripping and advanced chemical oxidation. An amended CO was executed on December 29, 2011 for preparation of a Corrective Action Plan (CAP) and implementation of the Corrective Action (CA). The CAP was approved by KDHE on December 29, 2011, and implementation of the CA is underway. An EUC was recorded for the Site to restrict land use on August 14, 2012. Groundwater monitoring is currently being conducted semi-annually, and contaminant location and concentration trends are being evaluated to ensure that MNA remains an effective remedy at the Site. Site ID: 1611 Has Env Use Control: Yes Project code: C508570724 • 0000197650 TC4471374.2s Page 108 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation Site MAP FINDINGS EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number TC4471374.2s Page 109 BROWN WELDING SUPPLY L.L.C. (Continued) 0000197650 PM Name: BURKE, H. Site Status: Active District Office: NCDO Lat/Long: 38.84545 / -97.61008 River Basin: Smoky Hills - Saline Aquifer Yield: Alluvial Other Aquifers: Not reported Parent PC: C508503010 Parent Name: SALINA NORTH CERCLIS ID: Not reported Discovery Date: 01/13/1995 Depth To GW: 21-30 feet Depth To Bedrock: 51-100 feet Aquifer Yield: 501-1000 gpm GW Flow Direction: SE Acres Affected: 5-25 acres Waste Present: No Product Present: No Program: State Cooperative Lead Agency: BER - Remedial Contaminants: VOC Media Act: Ground Water, Soil Media Pot: Not reported Source: Facility Operations Land Use: Commercial, Industrial Private well: Monitoring, PWS Waste Present: Not reported Product: Not reported Receptor Act: Not reported Receptor Pot: Not reported Remed Air: Not reported Remed Soil: Off -Site Disposal, Capping Remed Water: Monitored Natural Attenuation Remedir: Not reported Alias: SALINA - ELM & 7TH STS Eucan Number: 12-EUC-0008 Date: 08/14/2012 Activity Type: Consent Order Activity Status: Completed Activity Start Date: 10/27/2010 Activity End Date: 12/29/2011 Narrative: The Former Brown Welding Supply (BWS) Site represents a predominantly 1,1,1 -trichloroethane (1,1,1 -TCA) and 1,1-dichloroethene (1,1-DCE) contamination plume sourcing from the former facility located at 300 N. 7th Street. During a KDHE preliminary assessment/site investigation of the Salina PWS Well #11 Site (Project Code C5-085-03004) in 1993, chlorinated volatile organic compounds (VOCs), not typically associated with petroleum hydrocarbon sites, were detected in groundwater samples collected from the monitoring wells at the Long -McArthur underground storage tank (UST) Site. Additional investigation was recommended and a Site Assessment (SA) of the Salina North Site (Project Code C5-085-03010) was initiated in October 1993 by KDHE under the State Water Plan program. A Comprehensive Investigation (CI) for the Salina North Site was c ompleted in January 1997 and concluded that while several potential source areas existed in the area, a 1,1,1 -TCA/ 1,1-DCE groundwater contamination plume was emanating from the former BWS facility. TC4471374.2s Page 109 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation • L71 MAP FINDINGS EDR ID Number Site Database(s) EPA ID Number BROWN WELDING SUPPLY L.L.C. (Continued) 0000197650 Site ID: Has Env Use Control Project code: PM Name: Site Status: District Office: Lat/Long: River Basin: Aquifer Yield: Other Aquifers: Parent PC: Parent Name: CERCLIS ID: Discovery Date: Depth To GW: Depth To Bedrock: Aquifer Yield: GW Flow Direction: Acres Affected: Waste Present: Product Present: Program: Lead Agency: Contaminants: Media Act: Media Pot: Additional investigations conducted in the area by the KDHE/BER's Site Assessment Unit confirmed the VOC contaminant plume associated with the former BWS facility, and the Site was transferred to KDHE's State Cooperative Program. A Consent Order (CO) was executed between a potential responsible party (PRP) and KDHE on December 2, 2002, to conduct a CI/Corrective Action Study (CAS) to evaluate the nature and extent of contamination and evaluate remedial alternatives for the Site. Cl activities were conducted December 2004 through July 2007. In February 2006, 1,4 -dioxane was detected in three groundwater samples collected from Site monitoring wells. In November 2006, contaminated sediment, identified during Cl activities, from a storm water collection pit located outside the building was excavated, containerized, and disposed of off-site. The Cl Report was approved by KDHE on February 25, 2008. The CAS Report was approved by KDHE on June 18, 2009. On June 9, 2010, KDHE issued the final Corrective Action Decision (CAD) for the Site, which presents the selected remedy for the Site. The selected remedy for soil and groundwater is establishment of Environmental Use Controls (EUC), long-term monitoring, and monitored natural attenuation (MNA), with a contingency remedy of pump and treatment of groundwater with air stripping and advanced chemical oxidation. An amended CO was executed on December 29, 2011 for preparation of a Corrective Action Plan (CAP) and implementation of the Corrective Action (CA). The CAP was approved by KDHE on December 29, 2011, and implementation of the CA is underway. An EUC was recorded for the Site to restrict land use on August 14, 2012. Groundwater monitoring is currently being conducted semi-annually, and contaminant location and concentration trends are being evaluated to ensure that MNA remains an effective remedy at the Site. 1611 Yes C508570724 BURKE, H. Active NCDO 38.84545 / -97.61008 Smoky Hills - Saline Alluvial Not reported C508503010 SALINA NORTH Not reported 01/13/1995 21-30 feet 51-100 feet 501-1000 gpm SE 5-25 acres No No State Cooperative BER - Remedial VOC Ground Water, Soil Not reported TC4471374.2s Page 110 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number �i TC4471374.2s Page 111 BROWN WELDING SUPPLY L.L.C. (Continued) 0000197650 Source: Facility Operations Land Use: Commercial, Industrial Private well: Monitoring, PWS Waste Present: Not reported Product: Not reported Receptor Act: Not reported Receptor Pot: Not reported Remed Air: Not reported Remed Soil: Off -Site Disposal, Capping Remed Water: Monitored Natural Attenuation Remedir: Not reported Alias: SALINA - ELM & 7TH STS Eucan Number: 12-EUC-0008 Date: 08/14/2012 Activity Type: Comprehensive Investigation Activity Status: Completed Activity Start Date: 12/02/2002 Activity End Date: 02/25/2008 Narrative: The Former Brown Welding Supply (BWS) Site represents a predominantly 1,1,1 -trichloroethane (1,1,1 -TCA) and 1,1-dichloroethene (1,1-DCE) contamination plume sourcing from the former facility located at 300 N. 7th Street. During a KDHE preliminary assessment/site investigation of the Salina PWS Well #11 Site (Project Code C5-085-03004) in 1993, chlorinated volatile organic compounds (VOCs), not typically associated with petroleum hydrocarbon sites, were detected in groundwater samples collected from the monitoring wells at the Long -McArthur underground storage tank (UST) Site. Additional investigation was recommended and a Site Assessment (SA) of the Salina North Site (Project Code C5-085-03010) was initiated in October 1993 by KDHE under the State Water Plan program. A Comprehensive Investigation (CI) for the Salina North Site was c ompleted in January 1997 and concluded that while several potential source areas existed in the area, a 1,1,1 -TCA/ 1,1-DCE groundwater contamination plume was emanating from the former BWS facility. Additional investigations conducted in the area by the KDHE/BER's Site Assessment Unit confirmed the VOC contaminant plume associated with the former BWS facility, and the Site was transferred to KDHE's State Cooperative Program. A Consent Order (CO) was executed between a potential responsible party (PRP) and KDHE on December 2, 2002, to conduct a CI/Corrective Action Study (CAS) to evaluate the nature and extent of contamination and evaluate remedial altematives for the Site. Cl activities were conducted December 2004 through July 2007. In February 2006, 1,4 -dioxane was detected in three groundwater samples collected from Site monitoring wells. In November 2006, contaminated sediment, identified during Cl activities, from a storm water collection pit located outside the building was excavated, containerized, and disposed of off-site. The Cl Report was approved by KDHE on February 25, 2008. The CAS Report was approved by KDHE on June 18, 2009. On June 9, 2010, KDHE issued the final Corrective Action Decision (CAD) for the Site, which presents the selected remedy for the Site. The selected remedy for soil and groundwater is establishment of Environmental Use Controls (EUC), long-term monitoring, and monitored natural attenuation (MINA), with a contingency remedy of pump and treatment of groundwater with air stripping and advanced chemical oxidation. An amended CO was executed on December 29, 2011 for preparation of TC4471374.2s Page 111 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation • MAP FINDINGS Site BROWN WELDING SUPPLY L.L.C. (Continued) EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number a Corrective Action Plan (CAP) and implementation of the Corrective Action (CA). The CAP was approved by KDHE on December 29, 2011, and implementation of the CA is underway. An EUC was recorded for the Site to restrict land use on August 14, 2012. Groundwater monitoring is currently being conducted semi-annually, and contaminant location and concentration trends are being evaluated to ensure that MNA remains an effective remedy at the Site. Site ID: 1611 Has Env Use Control: Yes Project code: C508570724 PM Name: BURKE, H. Site Status: Active District Office: NCDO Lat/Long: 38.84545 / -97.61008 River Basin: Smoky Hills - Saline Aquifer Yield: Alluvial Other Aquifers: Not reported Parent PC: 0508503010 Parent Name: SALINA NORTH CERCLIS ID: Not reported Discovery Date: 01/13/1995 Depth To GW: 21-30 feet Depth To Bedrock: 51-100 feet Aquifer Yield: 501-1000 gpm GW Flow Direction: SE Acres Affected: 5-25 acres Waste Present: No Product Present: No Program: State Cooperative Lead Agency: BER - Remedial Contaminants: VOC Media Act: Ground Water, Soil Media Pot: Not reported Source: Facility Operations Land Use: Commercial, Industrial Private well: Monitoring, PWS Waste Present: Not reported Product: Not reported Receptor Act: Not reported Receptor Pot: Not reported Remed Air: Not reported Remed Soil: Off -Site Disposal, Capping Remed Water: Monitored Natural Attenuation Remedir: Not reported Alias: SALINA - ELM & 7TH STS Eucan Number: 12-EUC-0008 Date: 08/14/2012 Activity Type: Corrective Action Study Activity Status: Completed Activity Start Date: 02/25/2008 Activity End Date: 06/18/2009 Narrative: The Former Brown Welding Supply (BWS) Site represents a predominantly 1,1,1 -trichloroethane (1,1,1 -TCA) and 1,1-dichloroethene (1,1-DCE) contamination plume sourcing from the former facility located at 300 N. 7th Street. During a KDHE preliminary assessment/site investigation of the Salina PWS Well #11 Site (Project Code 0000197650 TC4471374.2s Page 112 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation • • MAP FINDINGS Site BROWN WELDING SUPPLY L.L.C. (Continued) Site ID: Has Env Use Control: Project code: PM Name: Site Status: District Office: Lat/Long: River Basin: Aquifer Yield: Other Aquifers: Parent PC: Parent Name: CERCLIS ID: Discovery Date: Depth To GW: EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number C5-085-03004) in 1993, chlorinated volatile organic compounds (VOCs), not typically associated with petroleum hydrocarbon sites, were detected in groundwater samples collected from the monitoring wells at the Long -McArthur underground storage tank (UST) Site. Additional investigation was recommended and a Site Assessment (SA) of the Salina North Site (Project Code C5-085-03010) was initiated in October 1993 by KDHE under the State Water Plan program. A Comprehensive Investigation (Cl) for the Salina North Site was c ompleted in January 1997 and concluded that while several potential source areas existed in the area, a 1,1,1 -TCA/ 1,1-DCE groundwater contamination plume was emanating from the former BWS facility. Additional investigations conducted in the area by the KDHE/BER's Site Assessment Unit confirmed the VOC contaminant plume associated with the former BWS facility, and the Site was transferred to KDHE's State Cooperative Program. A Consent Order (CO) was executed between a potential responsible party (PRP) and KDHE on December 2, 2002, to conduct a CI/Corrective Action Study (CAS) to evaluate the nature and extent of contamination and evaluate remedial alternatives for the Site. Cl activities were conducted December 2004 through July 2007. In February 2006, 1,4 -dioxane was detected in three groundwater samples collected from Site monitoring wells. In November 2006, contaminated sediment, identified during CI activities, from a storm water collection pit located outside the building was excavated, containerized, and disposed of off-site. The Cl Report was approved by KDHE on February 25, 2008. The CAS Report was approved by KDHE on June 18, 2009. On June 9, 2010, KDHE issued the final Corrective Action Decision (CAD) for the Site, which presents the selected remedy for the Site. The selected remedy for soil and groundwater is establishment of Environmental Use Controls (EUC), long-term monitoring, and monitored natural attenuation (MNA), with a contingency remedy of pump and treatment of groundwater with air stripping and advanced chemical oxidation. An amended CO was executed on December 29, 2011 for preparation of a Corrective Action Plan (CAP) and implementation of the Corrective Action (CA). The CAP was approved by KDHE on December 29, 2011, and implementation of the CA is underway. An EUC was recorded for the Site to restrict land use on August 14, 2012. Groundwater monitoring is currently being conducted semi-annually, and contaminant location and concentration trends are being evaluated to ensure that MNA remains an effective remedy at the Site. 1611 Yes C508570724 BURKE, H. Active NCDO 38.84545 / -97.61008 Smoky Hills - Saline Alluvial Not reported C508503010 SALINA NORTH Not reported 01/13/1995 21-30 feet 0000197650 TC4471374.2s Page 113 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation 179 J Site F_ MAP FINDINGS —7 EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number TC4471374.2s Page 114 BROWN WELDING SUPPLY L.L.C. (Continued) 0000197650 Depth To Bedrock: 51-100 feet Aquifer Yield: 501-1000 gpm GW Flow Direction: SE Acres Affected: 5-25 acres Waste Present: No Product Present: No Program: State Cooperative Lead Agency: BER - Remedial Contaminants: VOC Media Act: Ground Water, Soil Media Pot: Not reported Source: Facility Operations Land Use: Commercial, Industrial Private well: Monitoring, PWS Waste Present: Not reported Product: Not reported Receptor Act: Not reported Receptor Pot: Not reported Remed Air: Not reported Remed Soil: Off -Site Disposal, Capping Remed Water: Monitored Natural Attenuation Remedir: Not reported Alias: SALINA - ELM & 7TH STS Eucan Number: 12-EUC-0008 Date: 08/14/2012 Activity Type: Corrective Action Decision Activity Status: Completed Activity Start Date: 03/01/2010 Activity End Date: 06/09/2010 Narrative: The Former Brown Welding Supply (BWS) Site represents a predominantly 1,1,1 -trichloroethane (1,1,1 -TCA) and 1,1-dichloroethene (1,1-DCE) contamination plume sourcing from the former facility located at 300 N. 7th Street. During a KDHE preliminary assessment/site investigation of the Salina PWS Well #11 Site (Project Code C5-085-03004) in 1993. chlorinated volatile organic compounds (VOCs), not typically associated with petroleum hydrocarbon sites, were detected in groundwater samples collected from the monitoring wells at the Long -McArthur underground storage tank (UST) Site. Additional investigation was recommended and a Site Assessment (SA) of the Salina North Site (Project Code C5-085-03010) was initiated in October 1993 by KDHE under the State Water Plan program. A Comprehensive Investigation (CI) for the Salina North Site was c ompleted in January 1997 and concluded that while several potential source areas existed in the area, a 1,1,1 -TCA/ 1,1-DCE groundwater contamination plume was emanating from the former BWS facility. Additional investigations conducted in the area by the KDHE/BER's Site Assessment Unit confirmed the VOC contaminant plume associated with the former BWS facility, and the Site was transferred to KDHE's State Cooperative Program. A Consent Order (CO) was executed between a potential responsible party (PRP) and KDHE on December 2, 2002, to conduct a CI/Corrective Action Study (CAS) to evaluate the nature and extent of contamination and evaluate remedial alternatives for the Site. Cl activities were conducted December 2004 through July 2007. In February 2006, 1,4 -dioxane was detected in three groundwater samples collected from Site monitoring wells. In November 2006, contaminated sediment, identified during Cl activities, from a storm water collection pit TC4471374.2s Page 114 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation • • • MAP FINDINGS Site BROWN WELDING SUPPLY L.L.C. (Continued) Site ID: Has Env Use Control: Project code: PM Name: Site Status: District Office: Lat/Long: River Basin: Aquifer Yield: Other Aquifers: Parent PC: Parent Name: CERCLIS ID: Discovery Date: Depth To GW: Depth To Bedrock: Aquifer Yield: GW Flow Direction: Acres Affected: Waste Present: Product Present: Program: Lead Agency: Contaminants: Media Act: Media Pot: Source: Land Use: Private well: Waste Present: Product: Receptor Act: Receptor Pot: Remed Air: Remed Soil: Remed Water: Remedir: Alias: EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number located outside the building was excavated, containerized, and disposed of off-site. The Cl Report was approved by KDHE on February 25, 2008. The CAS Report was approved by KDHE on June 18, 2009. On June 9, 2010, KDHE issued the final Corrective Action Decision (CAD) for the Site, which presents the selected remedy for the Site. The selected remedy for soil and groundwater is establishment of Environmental Use Controls (EUC), long-term monitoring, and monitored natural attenuation (MNA), with a contingency remedy of pump and treatment of groundwater with air stripping and advanced chemical oxidation. An amended CO was executed on December 29, 2011 for preparation of a Corrective Action Plan (CAP) and implementation of the Corrective Action (CA). The CAP was approved by KDHE on December 29, 2011, and implementation of the CA is underway. An EUC was recorded for the Site to restrict land use on August 14, 2012. Groundwater monitoring is currently being conducted semi-annually, and contaminant location and concentration trends are being evaluated to ensure that MNA remains an effective remedy at the Site. 1611 Yes 0508570724 BURKE, H. Active NCDO 38.84545/-97.61008 Smoky Hills - Saline Alluvial Not reported 0508503010 SALINA NORTH Not reported 01/13/1995 21-30 feet 51-100 feet 501-1000 gpm SE 5-25 acres No No State Cooperative BER - Remedial VOC Ground Water, Soil Not reported Facility Operations Commercial, Industrial Monitoring, PWS Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Off -Site Disposal, Capping Monitored Natural Attenuation Not reported SALINA - ELM & 7TH STS 0000197650 TC4471374.2s Page 115 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation Site MAP FINDINGS EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number BROWN WELDING SUPPLY L.L.C. (Continued) 0000197650 Eucan Number: 12-EUC-0008 Date: 08/14/2012 Activity Type: Comment Period Activity Status: Completed Activity Start Date: 03/01/2010 Activity End Date: 03/31/2010 Narrative: The Former Brown Welding Supply (BWS) Site represents a predominantly 1,1,1 -trichloroethane (1,1,1 -TCA) and 1,1-dichloroethene (1,1-DCE) contamination plume sourcing from the former facility located at 300 N. 7th Street. During a KDHE preliminary assessment/site investigation of the Salina PWS Well #11 Site (Project Code C5-085-03004) in 1993, chlorinated volatile organic compounds (VOCs), not typically associated with petroleum hydrocarbon sites, were detected in groundwater samples collected from the monitoring wells at the Long -McArthur underground storage tank (UST) Site. Additional investigation was recommended and a Site Assessment (SA) of the Salina North Site (Project Code C5-085-03010) was initiated in October 1993 by KDHE under the State Water Plan program. A Comprehensive Investigation (CI) for the Salina North Site was c ompleted in January 1997 and concluded that while several potential source areas existed in the area, a 1,1,1 -TCA/ 1,1-DCE groundwater contamination plume was emanating from the former BWS facility. Additional investigations conducted in the area by the KDHE/BER's Site Assessment Unit confirmed the VOC contaminant plume associated with the former BWS facility, and the Site was transferred to KDHE's State Cooperative Program. A Consent Order (CO) was executed between a potential responsible • party (PRP) and KDHE on December 2, 2002, to conduct a CI/Corrective Action Study (CAS) to evaluate the nature and extent of contamination and evaluate remedial alternatives for the Site. Cl activities were conducted December 2004 through July 2007. In February 2006, 1,4 -dioxane was detected in three groundwater samples collected from Site monitoring wells. In November 2006, contaminated sediment, identified during Cl activities, from a storm water collection pit located outside the building was excavated, containerized, and disposed of off-site. The Cl Report was approved by KDHE on February 25, 2008. The CAS Report was approved by KDHE on June 18, 2009. On June 9, 2010, KDHE issued the final Corrective Action Decision (CAD) for the Site, which presents the selected remedy for the Site. The selected remedy for soil and groundwater is establishment of Environmental Use Controls (EUC), long-term monitoring, and monitored natural attenuation (MNA), with a contingency remedy of pump and treatment of groundwater with air stripping and advanced chemical oxidation. An amended CO was executed on December 29, 2011 for preparation of a Corrective Action Plan (CAP) and implementation of the Corrective Action (CA). The CAP was approved by KDHE on December 29, 2011, and implementation of the CA is underway. An EUC was recorded for the Site to restrict land use on August 14, 2012. Groundwater monitoring is currently being conducted semi-annually, and contaminant location and concentration trends are being evaluated to ensure that MNA remains an effective remedy at the Site. Site ID: 1611 Has Env Use Control: Yes Project code: C508570724 PM Name: BURKE, H. TC4471374.2s Page 116 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation Site F_ MAP FINDINGS EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number TC4471374.2s Page 117 BROWN WELDING SUPPLY L.L.C. (Continued) 0000197650 Site Status: Active District Office: NCDO Lat/Long: 38.84545 / -97.61008 River Basin: Smoky Hills - Saline Aquifer Yield: Alluvial Other Aquifers: Not reported Parent PC: 0508503010 Parent Name: SALINA NORTH CERCLIS ID: Not reported Discovery Date: 01/13/1995 Depth To GW: 21-30 feet Depth To Bedrock: 51-100 feet Aquifer Yield: 501-1000 gpm GW Flow Direction: SE Acres Affected: 5-25 acres Waste Present: No Product Present: No Program: State Cooperative Lead Agency: BER - Remedial Contaminants: VOC Media Act: Ground Water, Soil Media Pot: Not reported Source: Facility Operations Land Use: Commercial, Industrial Private well: Monitoring, PWS Waste Present: Not reported 0 Product: Receptor Act: Not reported Not reported Receptor Pot: Not reported Remed Air: Not reported Remed Soil: Off -Site Disposal, Capping Remed Water: Monitored Natural Attenuation Remedir: Not reported Alias: SALINA - ELM & 7TH STS Eucan Number: 12-EUC-0008 Date: 08/14/2012 Activity Type: Consent Order Activity Status: Completed Activity Start Date: Not reported Activity End Date: 12/02/2002 Narrative: The Former Brown Welding Supply (BWS) Site represents a predominantly 1,1,1 -trichloroethane (1,1,1 -TCA) and 1,1-dichloroethene (1,1-DCE) contamination plume sourcing from the former facility located at 300 N. 7th Street. During a KDHE preliminary assessment/site investigation of the Salina PWS Well #11 Site (Project Code C5-085-03004) in 1993, chlorinated volatile organic compounds (VOCs), not typically associated with petroleum hydrocarbon sites, were detected in groundwater samples collected from the monitoring wells at the Long -McArthur underground storage tank (UST) Site. Additional investigation was recommended and a Site Assessment (SA) of the Salina North Site (Project Code C5-085-03010) was initiated in October 1993 by KDHE under the State Water Plan program. A Comprehensive Investigation (CI) for the Salina North Site was c ompleted in January 1997 and concluded that while several potential source areas existed in the area, a 1,1,1 -TCA/ 1,1-DCE groundwater contamination plume was emanating from the former BWS facility. Additional investigations conducted in the area by the KDHE/BER's TC4471374.2s Page 117 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation • • 0 MAP FINDINGS Site BROWN WELDING SUPPLY L.L.C. (Continued) Site ID: Has Env Use Control Project code: PM Name: Site Status: District Office: Lat/Long: River Basin: Aquifer Yield: Other Aquifers: Parent PC: Parent Name: CERCLIS ID: Discovery Date: Depth To GW: Depth To Bedrock: Aquifer Yield: GW Flow Direction: Acres Affected: Waste Present: Product Present: Program: Lead Agency: Contaminants: Media Act: Media Pot: Source: EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number Site Assessment Unit confirmed the VOC contaminant plume associated with the former BWS facility, and the Site was transferred to KDHE's State Cooperative Program. A Consent Order (CO) was executed between a potential responsible parry (PRP) and KDHE on December 2, 2002, to conduct a CI/Corrective Action Study (CAS) to evaluate the nature and extent of contamination and evaluate remedial altematives for the Site. CI activities were conducted December 2004 through July 2007. In February 2006, 1,4 -dioxane was detected in three groundwater samples collected from Site monitoring wells. In November 2006, contaminated sediment, identified during Cl activities, from a storm water collection pit located outside the building was excavated, containerized, and disposed of off-site. The Cl Report was approved by KDHE on February 25, 2008. The CAS Report was approved by KDHE on June 18, 2009. On June 9, 2010, KDHE issued the final Corrective Action Decision (CAD) for the Site, which presents the selected remedy for the Site. The selected remedy for soil and groundwater is establishment of Environmental Use Controls (EUC), long-term monitoring, and monitored natural attenuation (MNA), with a contingency remedy of pump and treatment of groundwater with air stripping and advanced chemical oxidation. An amended CO was executed on December 29, 2011 for preparation of a Corrective Action Plan (CAP) and implementation of the Corrective Action (CA). The CAP was approved by KDHE on December 29, 2011, and implementation of the CA is underway. An EUC was recorded for the Site to restrict land use on August 14, 2012. Groundwater monitoring is currently being conducted semi-annually, and contaminant location and concentration trends are being evaluated to ensure that MNA remains an effective remedy at the Site. 1611 Yes 0508570724 BURKE,H. Active NCDO 38.84545/-97.61008 Smoky Hills - Saline Alluvial Not reported C508503010 SALINA NORTH Not reported 01/13/1995 21-30 feet 51-100 feet 501-1000 gpm SE 5-25 acres No No State Cooperative BER - Remedial VOC Ground Water, Soil Not reported Facility Operations 0000197650 TC4471374.2s Page 118 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number • TC4471374.2s Page 119 BROWN WELDING SUPPLY L.L.C. (Continued) 0000197650 Land Use: Commercial, Industrial Private well: Monitoring, PWS Waste Present: Not reported Product: Not reported Receptor Act: Not reported Receptor Pot: Not reported Remed Air: Not reported Remed Soil: Off -Site Disposal, Capping Remed Water: Monitored Natural Attenuation Remedir: Not reported Alias: SALINA - ELM & 7TH STS Eucan Number: 12-EUC-0008 Date: 08/14/2012 Activity Type: Environmental Use Control(s) Activity Status: Underway Activity Start Date: 08/14/2012 Activity End Date: Not reported Narrative: The Former Brown Welding Supply (BWS) Site represents a predominantly 1,1,1 -trichloroethane (1,1,1 -TCA) and 1,1-dichloroethene (1,1-DCE) contamination plume sourcing from the former facility located at 300 N. 7th Street. During a KDHE preliminary assessment/site investigation of the Salina PWS Well #11 Site (Project Code C5-085-03004) in 1993, chlorinated volatile organic compounds (VOCs), not typically associated with petroleum hydrocarbon sites, were detected in groundwater samples collected from the monitoring wells at the Long -McArthur underground storage tank (UST) Site. Additional investigation was recommended and a Site Assessment (SA) of the • Salina North Site (Project Code C5-085-03010) was initiated in October 1993 by KDHE under the State Water Plan program. A Comprehensive Investigation (CI) for the Salina North Site was c ompleted in January 1997 and concluded that while several potential source areas existed in the area, a 1,1,1 -TCA/ 1,1-DCE groundwater contamination plume was emanating from the former BWS facility. Additional investigations conducted in the area by the KDHE/BER's Site Assessment Unit confirmed the VOC contaminant plume associated with the former BWS facility, and the Site was transferred to KDHE's State Cooperative Program. A Consent Order (CO) was executed between a potential responsible party (PRP) and KDHE on December 2, 2002, to conduct a CI/Corrective Action Study (CAS) to evaluate the nature and extent of contamination and evaluate remedial alternatives for the Site. CI activities were conducted December 2004 through July 2007. In February 2006, 1,4 -dioxane was detected in three groundwater samples collected from Site monitoring wells. In November 2006, contaminated sediment, identified during Cl activities, from a storm water collection pit located outside the building was excavated, containerized, and disposed of off-site. The Cl Report was approved by KDHE on February 25, 2008. The CAS Report was approved by KDHE on June 18, 2009. On June 9, 2010, KDHE issued the final Corrective Action Decision (CAD) for the Site, which presents the selected remedy for the Site. The selected remedy for soil and groundwater is establishment of Environmental Use Controls (EUC), long-term monitoring, and monitored natural attenuation (MNA), with a contingency remedy of pump and treatment of groundwater with air stripping and advanced chemical oxidation. An amended CO was executed on December 29, 2011 for preparation of a Corrective Action Plan (CAP) and implementation of the Corrective M TC4471374.2s Page 119 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation Site MAP FINDINGS EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number TC4471374.2s Page 120 BROWN WELDING SUPPLY L.L.C. (Continued) 0000197650 Action (CA). The CAP was approved by KDHE on December 29, 2011, and implementation of the CA is underway. An EUC was recorded for the Site to restrict land use on August 14, 2012. Groundwater monitoring is currently being conducted semi-annually, and contaminant location and concentration trends are being evaluated to ensure that MNA remains an effective remedy at the Site. Site ID: 1611 Has Env Use Control: Yes Project code: 0508570724 PM Name: BURKE, H. Site Status: Active District Office: NCDO Lat/Long: 38.84545/-97.61008 River Basin: Smoky Hills - Saline Aquifer Yield: Alluvial Other Aquifers: Not reported Parent PC: C508503010 Parent Name: SALINA NORTH CERCLIS ID: Not reported Discovery Date: 01/13/1995 Depth To GW: 21-30 feet Depth To Bedrock: 51-100 feet Aquifer Yield: 501-1000 gpm GW Flow Direction: SE Acres Affected: 5-25 acres Waste Present: No • Product Present: No Program: State Cooperative Lead Agency: BER - Remedial Contaminants: VOC Media Act: Ground Water, Soil Media Pot: Not reported Source: Facility Operations Land Use: Commercial, Industrial Private well: Monitoring, PWS Waste Present: Not reported Product: Not reported Receptor Act: Not reported Receptor Pot: Not reported Remed Air: Not reported Remed Soil: Off -Site Disposal, Capping Remed Water: Monitored Natural Attenuation Remedir: Not reported Alias: SALINA - ELM & 7TH STS Eucan Number: 12-EUC-0008 Date: 08/14/2012 Activity Type: Corrective Action Activity Status: Underway Activity Start Date: 12/29/2011 Activity End Date: Not reported Narrative: The Former Brown Welding Supply (BWS) Site represents a predominantly 1,1,1 -trichloroethane (1,1,1 -TCA) and 1, 1 -dichloroethene (1,1-DCE) contamination plume sourcing from the former facility located at 300 N. 7th Street. During a KDHE preliminary assessment/site investigation of the Salina PWS Well #11 Site (Project Code C5-085-03004) in 1993, chlorinated volatile organic compounds (VOCs), TC4471374.2s Page 120 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation Site MAP FINDINGS is BROWN WELDING SUPPLY L.L.C. (Continued) EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number 0000197650 TC4471374.2s Page 121 not typically associated with petroleum hydrocarbon sites, were detected in groundwater samples collected from the monitoring wells at the Long -McArthur underground storage tank (UST) Site. Additional investigation was recommended and a Site Assessment (SA) of the Salina North Site (Project Code C5-085-03010) was initiated in October 1993 by KDHE under the State Water Plan program. A Comprehensive Investigation (CI) for the Salina North Site was c ompleted in January 1997 and concluded that while several potential source areas existed in the area, a 1.1,1 -TCA/ 1,1-DCE groundwater contamination plume was emanating from the former BWS facility. Additional investigations conducted in the area by the KDHE/BER's Site Assessment Unit confirmed the VOC contaminant plume associated with the former BWS facility, and the Site was transferred to KDHE's State Cooperative Program. A Consent Order (CO) was executed between a potential responsible party (PRP) and KDHE on December 2, 2002, to conduct a CI/Corrective Action Study (CAS) to evaluate the nature and extent of contamination and evaluate remedial altematives for the Site. Cl activities were conducted December 2004 through July 2007. In February 2006, 1,4 -dioxane was detected in three groundwater samples collected from Site monitoring wells. In November 2006, contaminated sediment, identified during Cl activities, from a storm water collection pit located outside the building was excavated, containerized, and disposed of off-site. The CI Report was approved by KDHE on February 25, 2008. The CAS Report was approved by KDHE on June 18, 2009. On June 9, 2010, KDHE issued the final Corrective Action Decision (CAD) for the Site, which presents the selected remedy for the Site. • The selected remedy for soil and groundwater is establishment of Environmental Use Controls (EUC), long-term monitoring, and monitored natural attenuation (MNA), with a contingency remedy of pump and treatment of groundwater with air stripping and advanced chemical oxidation. An amended CO was executed on December 29, 2011 for preparation of a Corrective Action Plan (CAP) and implementation of the Corrective Action (CA). The CAP was approved by KDHE on December 29, 2011, and implementation of the CA is underway. An EUC was recorded for the Site to restnct land use on August 14, 2012. Groundwater monitoring is currently being conducted semi-annually, and contaminant location and concentration trends are being evaluated to ensure that MNA remains an effective remedy at the Site. LUST: Facility ID: 26021 Site Status: Closed Release Date: Not reported Initial Report Date: 10/30/1998 Project Number: U5-085-12175 Project Name: Brown Welding Supply Legal Desc Section: 12 Legal Desc Township: 14S Legal Desc Range: 03W Discover Date: Not reported substrels: n/a Initial Ranking: Not reported Current Ranking: Not reported Facility Contact: Mike Gibbs Facility Phone Number: 785-827-9646 0000197650 TC4471374.2s Page 121 • Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance Elevation Site BROWN WELDING SUPPLY L.L.C. (Continued) Facility Owner Identification number: Facility Owner: Owner Contact Person: Owner Address: Owner City: Owner State: Owner Zip Code: Owner Phone number: Contractor license number: Contractor phone number: Leak duration (if known): Quantity released (if known): Quantity recorded: Leak Type: Reported By: Reported by persons phone number: Reported by person address: Ground water Impacted (yes/no): Static groundwater level: Groundwater flow direction: District staff names: Assessment of release: Contaimination assessement: Extent of contamination impact: Updated information: • Invoice initiated: Invoice on going: Invoice completetd: Release confirmed: Emergencty contact: Enforcement action: Cost recovery: Cost recovery initiated: Cost recovery initiated by: Cost recovery completed: Cost recovery completed by: Appplication to trust fund: • 23438 Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported grayish brown silty clays Not reported Not reported Howard Debauche 1-20,000 diesel & 1-3500 gas usts removed contamination. closed Not reported Not reported Not reported 19991 Not reported 19991 Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported UST: Facility ID: 26021 Facility 911 Address: 300 N 7TH Facility 911 City, State, Zip: SALINA, KS 67401 Facility Phone: 785-827-9646 Phone 24 Hours: 785-827-9646 Facility District: NC Facility Location Method: Garmin GPS III Plus Facility Feature: Facility Center Facility Datum: WGS84 Facility Lat/Long: 38.84572/-97.609700000000004 Owner ID: 23438 Owner: BROWN WELDING SUPPLY L.L.C. Owner Type: Private Or Corp. Owner/Rep Name: James L Mcfall Owner/Rep Title: Treasurer Owner Address: 300 N 7TH PO BOX 45 Owner City, State, Zip: SALINA, KS 67402-0045 EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number 0000197650 no measurable TC4471374.2s Page 122 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation MAP FINDINGS Site BROWN WELDING SUPPLY L.L.C. (Continued) Owner County: Contact: Contact Title: Tank ID: Tank Type: Tank Status: Total Capacity (Gals): Hazards: Petroleum Substance: NonPetroleum Substance: Estimated Yr In Service: Date Removed: Last Permit Printed: Current Permit Printed: QTY Remaining in Tank: Filled/Removed: Tank Empty: Out of Service Mo/Yr: Material of Construction: Piping: Tank Internal Protection: Tank External Protection: Tank ID: Tank Type: Tank Status: Total Capacity (Gals): Hazards: Petroleum Substance: NonPetroleum Substance: Estimated Yr In Service: Date Removed: Last Permit Printed: Current Permit Printed: QTY Remaining in Tank: Filled/Removed: Tank Empty: Out of Service Mo/Yr: Material of Construction: Piping: Tank Intemal Protection: Tank Extemal Protection: SALINE Dick Kelley Contact 001 Underground Permanently Out Of Use 12000 Not reported Diesel Not reported 1971 11/9/1998 1998-07-22 00:00:00 Not reported 0 Removed Not reported 101998 Steel Not reported Not reported Not reported 002 Underground Permanently Out Of Use 4000 Fire,Chronic,Acute Gas (Incl Alcohol) Not reported 1971 11/9/1998 1998-07-22 00:00:00 Not reported 0 Removed Not reported 101998 Steel Not reported Not reported Not reported INST CONTROL: Site ID: 1611 Project Code: C508570724 Date Signed: 08/14/2012 Restriction Text: Not reported EUCA Number: 187 EUC Group: Specific Restrictions EUC Type: Land Use Restrictions EUC Restriction: Protective Structure Maintenance EUCA Number Date: 12-EUC-0008 EUCA Signed: Not reported EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number 0000197650 TC4471374.2s Page 123 • • Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance Elevation Site BROWN WELDING SUPPLY L.L.C. (Continued) Site ID: Project Code: Date Signed: Restriction Text: EUCA Number: EUC Group: EUC Type: EUC Restriction: EUCA Number Date: EUCA Signed: Site ID: Project Code: Date Signed: Restriction Text: EUCA Number: EUC Group: EUC Type: EUC Restriction: EUCA Number Date: EUCA Signed: Site ID: Project Code: Date Signed: Restriction Text: EUCA Number: EUC Group: EUC Type: EUC Restriction: EUCA Number Date: EUCA Signed: Site ID: Project Code: Date Signed: Restriction Text: EUCA Number: EUC Group: EUC Type: EUC Restriction: EUCA Number Date EUCA Signed: Site ID: Project Code: Date Signed: Restriction Text: EUCA Number: EUC Group: EUC Type: EUC Restriction: EUCA Number Date EUCA Signed: Site ID: Project Code 1611 C508570724 08/14/2012 Not reported 187 Specific Restrictions Land Use Restrictions Preserve survey markers and/or monitoring stations 12-EUC-0008 Not reported 1611 0508570724 08/14/2012 Not reported 187 Specific Restrictions Land Use Restrictions no residential uses 12-EUC-0008 Not reported 1611 C508570724 08/14/2012 Not reported 187 Specific Restrictions Water Use Restrictions no wells for any purpose 12-EUC-0008 Not reported 1611 0508570724 08/14/2012 Not reported 187 Specific Restrictions Notification to the Agency Prior to the Following Activities Notification prior to petition for rezoning 12-EUC-0008 Not reported 1611 C508570724 08/14/2012 Not reported 187 Specific Restrictions Notification to the Agency Prior to the Following Activities Notification to workers prior to excavation 12-EUC-0008 Not reported 1611 C508570724 EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number 0000197650 TC4471374.2s Page 124 Map ID BURRS BODY SHOP MAP FINDINGS Direction 151 S 5TH FINDS KSR000007245 Distance SALINA, KS 67401 EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number 1210 ft. Operator Owner/Op start date: Relative: BROWN WELDING SUPPLY L.L.C. (Continued) 0000197650 Lower Date Signed: 08/14/2012 Facility name: Restriction Text: Not reported Facility address: EUCA Number: 187 EUC Group: Specific Restrictions EPA ID: EUC Type: Notification to the Agency Prior to the Following Activities Mailing address: EUC Restriction: excavation EUCA Number Date: 12-EUC-0008 Contact: EUCA Signed: Not reported Contact address: Site ID: 1611 Project Code: 0508570724 Contact country: Date Signed: 08/14/2012 Contact telephone: Restriction Text: C-6 Contact email: EUCA Number: 187 EPA Region: EUC Group: Local Ordinances and Zoning Land type: EUC Type: Zoned Property Classification: EUC Restriction: Commercial Description: EUCA Number Date: 12-EUC-0008 EUCA Signed: Not reported 42 BURRS BODY SHOP RCRA NonGen /NLR 1001196192 SSW 151 S 5TH FINDS KSR000007245 1/8-1/4 SALINA, KS 67401 Owner/operator telephone: 0.229 mi. Legal status: Private 1210 ft. Operator Owner/Op start date: Relative: RCRA NonGen / NLR: Not reported Lower Date form received by agency: 01/14/2004 Facility name: BURRS BODY SHOP Actual: Facility address: 151 S 5TH 1222 ft. SALINA, KS 67401 EPA ID: KSR000007245 Mailing address: S 5TH SALINA, KS 67401 Contact: ALLEN BURR Contact address: 151 S 5TH SALINA, KS 67401 Contact country: US Contact telephone: (785) 823-3248 Contact email: Not reported EPA Region: 07 Land type: Private Classification: Non -Generator Description: Handler: Non -Generators do not presently generate hazardous waste Owner/Operator Summary Owner/operator name: BURRS BODY SHOP Owner/operator address: Not reported Not reported Owner/operator country: Not reported Owner/operator telephone: Not reported Legal status: Private Owner/Operator Type: Operator Owner/Op start date: 01/21/2003 Owner/Op end date: Not reported Owner/operator name: BURRS BODY SHOP TC4471374.2s Page 125 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation Ll Site MAP FINDINGS EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number BURRS BODY SHOP (Continued) 1001196192 Owner/operator address: 151 S 5TH SALINA, KS 67401 Owner/operator country: Not reported Owner/operator telephone: (785) 823-3248 Legal status: Private Owner/Operator Type: Owner Owner/Op start date: 01/21/2003 Owner/Op end date: Not reported Handler Activities Summary: U.S. importer of hazardous waste: No Mixed waste (haz. and radioactive): No Recycler of hazardous waste: No Transporter of hazardous waste: No Treater, storer or disposer of HW: No Underground injection activity: No On-site bumer exemption: No Furnace exemption: No Used oil fuel burner: No Used oil processor: No User oil refiner: No Used oil fuel marketer to burner: No Used oil Specification marketer: No Used oil transfer facility: No Used oil transporter: No Waste code: D001 Waste name: IGNITABLE WASTE Waste code: F003 Waste name: THE FOLLOWING SPENT NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS: XYLENE, ACETONE, ETHYL ACETATE, ETHYL BENZENE, ETHYL ETHER, METHYL ISOBUTYL KETONE, N -BUTYL ALCOHOL, CYCLOHEXANONE, AND METHANOL; ALL SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES/BLENDS CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, ONLY THE ABOVE SPENT NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS; AND ALL SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES/BLENDS CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, ONE OR MORE OF THE ABOVE NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS, AND A TOTAL OF TEN PERCENT OR MORE (BY VOLUME) OF ONE OR MORE OF THOSE SOLVENTS LISTED IN F001, F002, F004, AND F005; AND STILL BOTTOMS FROM THE RECOVERY OF THESE SPENT SOLVENTS AND SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES. Waste code: F005 Waste name: THE FOLLOWING SPENT NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS: TOLUENE, METHYL ETHYL KETONE, CARBON DISULFIDE, ISOBUTANOL, PYRIDINE, BENZENE, 2-ETHOXYETHANOL, AND 2-NITROPROPANE; ALL SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES/BLENDS CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, A TOTAL OF TEN PERCENT OR MORE (BY VOLUME) OF ONE OR MORE OF THE ABOVE NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS OR THOSE SOLVENTS LISTED IN F001, F002, OR F004: AND STILL BOTTOMS FROM THE RECOVERY OF THESE SPENT SOLVENTS AND SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES. Historical Generators: Date form received by agency: 01/13/2004 Site name: BURRS BODY SHOP Classification: Not a generator, verified Waste code: D001 0 TC4471374.2s Page 126 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number BURRS BODY SHOP (Continued) 1001196192 Waste name: IGNITABLE WASTE Waste code: F003 Waste name: THE FOLLOWING SPENT NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS: XYLENE, ACETONE, ETHYL ACETATE, ETHYL BENZENE, ETHYL ETHER, METHYL ISOBUTYL KETONE, N -BUTYL ALCOHOL, CYCLOHEXANONE, AND METHANOL; ALL SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES/BLENDS CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, ONLY THE ABOVE SPENT NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS; AND ALL SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES/BLENDS CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, ONE OR MORE OF THE ABOVE NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS, AND A TOTAL OF TEN PERCENT OR MORE (BY VOLUME) OF ONE OR MORE OF THOSE SOLVENTS LISTED IN F001, F002, F004, AND F005: AND STILL BOTTOMS FROM THE RECOVERY OF THESE SPENT SOLVENTS AND SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES. Waste code: F005 Waste name: THE FOLLOWING SPENT NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS: TOLUENE, METHYL ETHYL KETONE. CARBON DISULFIDE, ISOBUTANOL, PYRIDINE, BENZENE, 2-ETHOXYETHANOL, AND 2-NITROPROPANE, ALL SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES/BLENDS CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, A TOTAL OF TEN PERCENT OR MORE (BY VOLUME) OF ONE OR MORE OF THE ABOVE NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS OR THOSE SOLVENTS LISTED IN F001, F002, OR F004; AND STILL BOTTOMS FROM THE RECOVERY OF THESE SPENT SOLVENTS AND SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES. Date form received by agency: 01/21/2003 Site name: BURRS BODY SHOP Classification: Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generator • Waste code: D001 Waste name: IGNITABLE WASTE Waste code: F003 Waste name: THE FOLLOWING SPENT NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS: XYLENE, ACETONE, ETHYL ACETATE, ETHYL BENZENE, ETHYL ETHER, METHYL ISOBUTYL KETONE, N -BUTYL ALCOHOL, CYCLOHEXANONE, AND METHANOL, ALL SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES/BLENDS CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, ONLY THE ABOVE SPENT NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS; AND ALL SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES/BLENDS CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, ONE OR MORE OF THE ABOVE NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS, AND A TOTAL OF TEN PERCENT OR MORE (BY VOLUME) OF ONE OR MORE OF THOSE SOLVENTS LISTED IN F001, F002, F004, AND F005; AND STILL BOTTOMS FROM THE RECOVERY OF THESE SPENT SOLVENTS AND SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES. Waste code: F005 Waste name: THE FOLLOWING SPENT NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS: TOLUENE, METHYL ETHYL KETONE, CARBON DISULFIDE, ISOBUTANOL, PYRIDINE, BENZENE, 2-ETHOXYETHANOL, AND 2-NITROPROPANE, ALL SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES/BLENDS CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, A TOTAL OF TEN PERCENT OR MORE (BY VOLUME) OF ONE OR MORE OF THE ABOVE NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS OR THOSE SOLVENTS LISTED IN F001, F002, OR F004; AND STILL BOTTOMS FROM THE RECOVERY OF THESE SPENT SOLVENTS AND SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES. Date form received by agency: 04/17/1997 Site name: BURRS BODY SHOP Classification: Small Quantity Generator Waste code: D001 Waste name: IGNITABLE WASTE • TC4471374.2s Page 127 0 • • Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number BURRS BODY SHOP (Continued) 1001196192 Waste code: F003 Waste name: THE FOLLOWING SPENT NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS: XYLENE, ACETONE, ETHYL ACETATE, ETHYL BENZENE, ETHYL ETHER, METHYL ISOBUTYL KETONE, N -BUTYL ALCOHOL, CYCLOHEXANONE, AND METHANOL; ALL SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES/BLENDS CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, ONLY THE ABOVE SPENT NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS; AND ALL SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES/BLENDS CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, ONE OR MORE OF THE ABOVE NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS, AND A TOTAL OF TEN PERCENT OR MORE (BY VOLUME) OF ONE OR MORE OF THOSE SOLVENTS LISTED IN F001, F002, F004, AND F005; AND STILL BOTTOMS FROM THE RECOVERY OF THESE SPENT SOLVENTS AND SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES. Waste code: F005 Waste name: THE FOLLOWING SPENT NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS: TOLUENE, METHYL ETHYL KETONE, CARBON DISULFIDE, ISOBUTANOL, PYRIDINE, BENZENE, 2-ETHOXYETHANOL, AND 2-NITROPROPANE; ALL SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES/BLENDS CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, A TOTAL OF TEN PERCENT OR MORE (BY VOLUME) OF ONE OR MORE OF THE ABOVE NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS OR THOSE SOLVENTS LISTED IN F001, F002, OR F004; AND STILL BOTTOMS FROM THE RECOVERY OF THESE SPENT SOLVENTS AND SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES. Facility Has Received Notices of Violations: Regulation violated: SR - kar 28 b31 4 h 1 b Area of violation: Generators - Pre -transport Date violation determined: 07/19/2000 Date achieved compliance: 07/19/2000 Violation lead agency: State Enforcement action: WRITTEN INFORMAL Enforcement action date: 07/19/2000 Enf. disposition status: Not reported Enf. disp. status date: Not reported Enforcement lead agency: State Proposed penalty amount: Not reported Final penalty amount: Not reported Paid penalty amount: Not reported Regulation violated: Area of violation: Date violation determined: Date achieved compliance: Violation lead agency: Enforcement action: Enforcement action date: Enf. disposition status: Enf. disp. status date: Enforcement lead agency: Proposed penalty amount: Final penalty amount: Paid penalty amount: Regulation violated: Area of violation: Date violation determined: Date achieved compliance: Violation lead agency: Enforcement action: Enforcement action date: SIR -kar28314h1f Generators - Pre -transport 07/19/2000 07/19/2000 State WRITTEN INFORMAL 07/19/2000 Not reported Not reported State Not reported Not reported Not reported SIR -kar28314h1c Generators - Pre -transport 07/19/2000 07/19/2000 State WRITTEN INFORMAL 07/19/2000 TC4471374.2s Page 128 • Map ID Direction Distance Elevation Site BURRS BODY SHOP (Continued) Enf. disposition status: Enf. disp. status date: Enforcement lead agency: Proposed penalty amount: Final penalty amount: Paid penalty amount: Regulation violated: Area of violation: Date violation determined: Date achieved compliance: Violation lead agency: Enforcement action: Enforcement action date: Enf. disposition status: Enf. disp. status date: Enforcement lead agency: Proposed penalty amount: Final penalty amount: Paid penalty amount: Regulation violated: Area of violation: Date violation determined: Date achieved compliance: Violation lead agency: Enforcement action: Enforcement action date: Enf_ disposition status: Enf. disp. status date: Enforcement lead agency: Proposed penalty amount Final penalty amount: Paid penalty amount: Regulation violated: Area of violation: Date violation determined: Date achieved compliance: Violation lead agency: Enforcement action: Enforcement action date: Enf. disposition status: Enf. disp. status date: Enforcement lead agency: Proposed penalty amount: Final penalty amount: Paid penalty amount: Evaluation Action Summary: Evaluation date: Evaluation: Area of violation: Date achieved compliance: Evaluation lead agency: FINDS: MAP FINDINGS Not reported Not reported State Not reported Not reported Not reported SIR -kar28314h1 d Generators - Pre -transport 07/19/2000 07/19/2000 State WRITTEN INFORMAL 07/19/2000 Not reported Not reported State Not reported Not reported Not reported SR-kar28314j Generators - Pre -transport 07/19/2000 07/19/2000 State WRITTEN INFORMAL 07/19/2000 Not reported Not reported State Not reported Not reported Not reported SR-kar28314h2 Generators - Pre -transport 07/19/2000 07/19/2000 State WRITTEN INFORMAL 07/19/2000 Not reported Not reported State Not reported Not reported Not reported 07/19/2000 COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON-SITE Generators - Pre -transport 07/19/2000 State EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number 1001196192 TC4471374.2s Page 129 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation • MAP FINDINGS Site BURRS BODY SHOP (Continued) Registry ID: 110003208403 Environmental Interest/Information System K43 FIRE STATION #1 NW 222 WEST ELM 1/8-1/4 SALINA, KS 67401 0.236 mi. 1247 ft. Site 4 of 5 in cluster K Relative: Higher Actual: 1223 ft. I] • EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number RCRAInfo is a national information system that supports the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) program through the tracking of events and activities related to facilities that generate, transport, and treat, store, or dispose of hazardous waste. RCRAInfo allows RCRA program staff to track the notification, permit, compliance, and corrective action activities required under RCRA. UST: Facility ID: Facility 911 Address: Facility 911 City, State, Zip Facility Phone: Phone 24 Hours: Facility District: Facility Location Method: Facility Feature: Facility Datum: Facility Lat/Long: Owner ID: Owner: Owner Type: Owner/Rep Name: Owner/Rep Title: Owner Address: Owner City, State, Zip: Owner County: Contact: Contact Title: Tank ID: Tank Type: Tank Status: Total Capacity (Gals): Hazards: Petroleum Substance: NonPetroleum Substance: Estimated Yr In Service: Date Removed: Last Permit Printed: Current Permit Printed: QTY Remaining in Tank: Filled/Removed: Tank Empty: Out of Service Mo/Yr: Material of Construction: Piping: Tank Internal Protection: Tank External Protection: 09068 222 W ELM SALINA, KS 67401 Not reported Not reported NC Garmin GPS III Plus Facility Center WGS84 38.84563/-97.610799999999998 08507 CITY OF SALINA %ROBERT PECK Current ROBERT PECK CONTACT PERSON P.O. BOX 736 SALINA, KS 67401 SALINE City Of Salina Fire Not reported 001 Underground Permanently Out Of Use 550 Not reported Diesel Not reported 1980 1/15/1992 Not reported Not reported 0 Removed Not reported 011992 Steel Not reported Not reported Not reported 1001196192 UST 0000717298 N/A TC4471374.2s Page 130 • Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance Elevation Site FIRE STATION #1 (Continued) EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number 0000717298 LUST S103370479 N/A TC4471374.2s Page 131 TanklD: 002 Tank Type: Underground Tank Status: Permanently Out Of Use Total Capacity (Gals): 1000 Hazards: Fire, Chronic,Acute Petroleum Substance: Gas (Incl Alcohol) NonPetroleum Substance: Not reported Estimated Yr In Service: 1971 Date Removed: 12/15/1991 Last Permit Printed: Not reported Current Permit Printed: Not reported QTY Remaining in Tank: 0 Filled/Removed: Removed Tank Empty: Not reported Out of Service Mo/Yr: 121991 Material of Construction: Steel Piping: Not reported Tank Internal Protection: Not reported Tank Extemal Protection: Not reported K44 SALINA, FIRE STATION #1 NW 222 W ELM 1/8-1/4 SALINA, KS 67401 0.236 mi. 1247 ft. Site 5 of 5 in cluster K Relative: LUST: Higher Facility ID: 09068 Site Status: Monitor Actual: Release Date: Not reported 1223 ft. Initial Report Date: 12/31/1991 Project Number: U5-085-00614 Project Name: Salina, Fire Station 1 Legal Desc Section: 12 Legal Desc Township: 14S Legal Desc Range: 03W Discover Date: 12/31/1991 substrels: gasoline Initial Ranking: 104 Current Ranking: 100.00000 Facility Contact: Frank Weinhold Facility Phone Number: 785-826-7376 Facility Owner Identification number: 08507 Facility Owner: City Of Salina Owner Contact Person: Not reported Owner Address: 300 W Ash Owner City: Not reported Owner State: KS Owner Zip Code: 67401 Owner Phone number: 785-826-7376 Contractor license number: Not reported Contractor phone number: 785-825-7297 Leak duration (if known): Ukwn Quantity released (if known): Not reported Quantity recorded: Not reported Leak Type: Reported By: Not reported Scott Lang Reported by persons phone number: Not reported EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number 0000717298 LUST S103370479 N/A TC4471374.2s Page 131 L] • Map ID Direction Distance Elevation Site SALINA, FIRE STATION #1 (Continued) Reported by person address: Ground water Impacted (yes/no): Static groundwater level: Groundwater flow direction: District staff names: Assessment of release: Contaimination assessement: Extent of contamination impact: Updated information: Invoice initiated: Invoice on going: Invoice completetd: Release confirmed: Emergencty contact: Enforcement action: Cost recovery: Cost recovery initiated: Cost recovery initiated by: Cost recovery completed: Cost recovery completed by: Appplication to trust fund: J45 BELL MOTOR INC NNW 325 N SANTA FE 1/8-114 SALINA, KS 67401 0.237 mi. 1254 ft. Site 2 of 4 in cluster J Relative: UST Higher Facility ID: Facility 911 Address: Actual: Facility 911 City, State, Zip 1223 ft. Facility Phone: Phone 24 Hours: Facility District: Facility Location Method: Facility Feature: Facility Datum: Facility Lat/Long: Owner ID: Owner: Owner Type: Owner/Rep Name: Owner/Rep Title: Owner Address: Owner City, State, Zip: Owner County: Contact: Contact Title: Tank ID: Tank Type: Tank Status: Total Capacity (Gals) MAP FINDINGS EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number S103370479 Ncdo alluvial deposits of the smokey hill river system. 0-10', brown silty clay; 10-15' brown clayey silt w/ very fine sands 25 NE Scott Lang 1-1000 gal gas ust & lines removed. soil tank highly contam. @14.5' tph= >3000 ppm, worse w/depth. not possible to dig out without damaging structure. contam soils retumed to excv. 1/24/92:1-550 gal diesel ust & lines removed Not reported undetermined. 07125/97: site assigned monitor status 19921 Not reported 19921 19921 Not reported 19922 Not reported 19921 Responsible Party Not reported Not reported 19922 11815 325 N SANTA FE SALINA, KS 67401 785-827-4463 785-827-4463 NC Garmin GPS III Plus Facility Center WGS84 38.8459/-97.609579999999994 11815 SECURITY SAVINGS & LOAN Private Or Corp. Jim Bell Not reported SOUTH SANTA FE SALINA, KS 67401 Not reported Jim Bell Pres 001 Underground Permanently Out Of Use 1000 UST 0000196885 N/A TC4471374.2s Page 132 L7J • Map ID Direction Distance Elevation Site BELL MOTOR INC (Continued) Hazards: Petroleum Substance: NonPetroleum Substance Estimated Yr In Service: Date Removed: Last Permit Printed: Current Permit Printed: QTY Remaining in Tank: Filled/Removed: Tank Empty: Out of Service Mo/Yr: Material of Construction: Piping: Tank Internal Protection: Tank External Protection: MAP FINDINGS Fire,Chronic,Acute Gas (Incl Alcohol) Not reported 1981 7/15/1990 Not reported Not reported 0 Removed Not reported 071990 Steel Not reported Not reported Not reported J46 TRUCK & AUTO SPECIALTIES INC NNW 325 N SANTA FE 118-1/4 SALINA, KS 67401 0.237 mi. EPA ID: 1254 ft. Site 3 of 4 in cluster J Relative: RCRA NonGen / NLR EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number 0000196885 RCRA NonGen / NLR 1000618821 FINDS KSD984999433 Higher Date form received by agency: 10/13/2005 Facility name: TRUCK & AUTO SPECIALTIES INC Actual: Facility address: 325 N SANTA FE 1223 ft. SALINA, KS 67401 EPA ID: KSD984999433 Mailing address: N SANTA FE Private SALINA, KS 67401 Contact: RONALD WILLIAMS Contact address: N SANTA FE Not reported SALINA, KS 67401 Contact country: US Contact telephone: (785) 826-1800 Contact email: Not reported EPA Region: 07 Land type: Private Classification: Non -Generator Description: Handler: Non -Generators do not presently generate hazardous waste Owner/Operator Summary Owner/operator name: RONALD WILLIAMS Owner/operator address: 325 N SANTA FE SALINA, KS 67401 Owner/operator country: Not reported Owner/operator telephone: (785) 826-1800 Legal status: Private Owner/Operator Type: Owner Owner/Op start date: Not reported Owner/Op end date: Not reported Handler Activities Summary: U.S. importer of hazardous waste: No . Mixed waste (haz. and radioactive): No Recycler of hazardous waste: No Transporter of hazardous waste: No TC4471374.2s Page 133 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number • TRUCK & AUTO SPECIALTIES INC (Continued) 1000618821 Treater, storer or disposer of HW: No TC4471374.2s Page 134 Underground injection activity: No On-site burner exemption: No Furnace exemption: No Used oil fuel burner: No Used oil processor: No User oil refiner: No Used oil fuel marketer to burner: No Used oil Specification marketer: No Used oil transfer facility: No Used oil transporter: No Waste code: D008 Waste name: LEAD Waste code: D018 Waste name: BENZENE Waste code: D039 Waste name: TETRACHLOROETHYLENE Waste code: D040 Waste name: TRICHLORETHYLENE Historical Generators: Date form received by agency: 02/04/2004 Site name: TRUCK & AUTO SPECIALTIES INC Classification: Not a generator, verified Waste code: D008 Waste name: LEAD Waste code: D018 Waste name: BENZENE Waste code: D039 Waste name: TETRACHLOROETHYLENE Waste code: D040 Waste name: TRICHLORETHYLENE Date form received by agency: 09/26/1996 Site name: TRUCK & AUTO SPECIALTIES INC Classification: Small Quantity Generator Waste code: D008 Waste name: LEAD Waste code: D018 Waste name: BENZENE Waste code: D039 Waste name: TETRACHLOROETHYLENE Waste code: D040 Waste name: TRICHLORETHYLENE TC4471374.2s Page 134 • Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance Elevation Site TRUCK & AUTO SPECIALTIES INC (Continued) Facility Has Received Notices of Violations: Regulation violated: SR - KAR 28 31 4 C 1 Area of violation: Generators - General Date violation determined: 09/25/1996 Date achieved compliance: 09/25/1996 Violation lead agency: State Enforcement action: WRITTEN INFORMAL Enforcement action date: 09/25/1996 Enf. disposition status: Not reported Enf. disp. status date: Not reported Enforcement lead agency: State Proposed penalty amount: Not reported Final penalty amount: Not reported Paid penalty amount: Not reported Regulation violated: Area of violation: Date violation determined: Date achieved compliance: Violation lead agency: Enforcement action: Enforcement action date: Enf. disposition status: Enf. disp. status date: Enforcement lead agency: Proposed penalty amount: Final penalty amount: Paid penalty amount: Regulation violated: Area of violation: Date violation determined: Date achieved compliance: Violation lead agency: Enforcement action: Enforcement action date: Enf. disposition status: Enf. disp. status date: Enforcement lead agency: Proposed penalty amount: Final penalty amount: Paid penalty amount: Evaluation Action Summary: Evaluation date: Evaluation: Area of violation: Date achieved compliance Evaluation lead agency: SIR -KAR28314H 1 F Generators - Pre -transport 09/25/1996 09/25/1996 State WRITTEN INFORMAL 09/25/1996 Not reported Not reported State Not reported Not reported Not reported SIR -KAR28314H2 Generators - Pre -transport 09/25/1996 09/25/1996 State WRITTEN INFORMAL 09/25/1996 Not reported Not reported State Not reported Not reported Not reported 09/25/1996 COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON-SITE Generators - Pre -transport 09/25/1996 State Evaluation date: 09/25/1996 Evaluation: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON-SITE Area of violation: Generators - General Date achieved compliance: 09/25/1996 Evaluation lead agency: State EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number 1000618821 TC4471374.2s Page 135 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation Site MAP FINDINGS EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number 16 TRUCK & AUTO SPECIALTIES INC (Continued) 1000618821 FINDS: Registry ID: 110003194864 Environmental Interest/information System RCRAInfo is a national information system that supports the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) program through the tracking of events and activities related to facilities that generate, transport, and treat, store, or dispose of hazardous waste. RCRAInfo allows RCRA program staff to track the notification, permit, compliance, and corrective action activities required under RCRA. J47 335 NORTH FIFTH STREET SHWS S108793551 North 335 N. 5TH STREET N/A 1/4-1/2 SALINA, KS 67401 0.253 mi. 1338 ft. Site 4 of 4 in cluster J Relative: SHWS: Lower Site ID: 2265 Has Env Use Control: No Actual: Project code: C508572320 1222 ft. PM Name: O'HALLORAN, M. Site Status: Resolved District Office: NCDO Lat/Long: 38.84638/-97.60806 River Basin: Smoky Hills - Saline Aquifer Yield: Alluvial Other Aquifers: Not reported Parent PC: Not reported Parent Name: Not reported CERCLIS ID: Not reported Discovery Date: 07/30/2005 Depth To GW: 31-50 feet Depth To Bedrock: Not reported Aquifer Yield: Not reported GW Flow Direction: SE Acres Affected: <5 acres Waste Present: No Product Present: No Program: Site Assessment Lead Agency: BER - Assessment and Restoration Contaminants: VOC Media Act: Ground Water Media Pot: Not reported Source: Not reported Land Use: Not reported Private well: Not reported Waste Present: Not reported Product: Not reported Receptor Act: Not reported Receptor Pot: Not reported Remed Air: Not reported Remed Soil: Not reported Remed Water: Not reported . Remedir: Not reported TC4471374.2s Page 136 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation J Site MAP FINDINGS EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number 335 NORTH FIFTH STREET (Continued) Alias: Not reported Eucan Number: Not reported Date: Not reported Activity Type: Resolved Activity Status: Completed Activity Start Date: Not reported Activity End Date: 12/20/2007 Narrative: A limited Phase II (property transfer) report conducted in 2005 indicated the presence of low levels of tetrachloroethylene (PCE) and trichloroethylene (TCE) in ground water at the site. The site was assigned to the Site Assessment unit in July 2007 and a Site Reconnaissance and Evaluation (SRE) conducted in fall 2007. It was determined that VOCs detected in ground water appear to be migrating onto the site from contamination associated with contaminant plumes attributed to the Missouri Pacific Railroad Freight House (Former) and Research Products (Former) sites, which are being addressed by other state programs. No Further Action was recommended at the site. Site ID: 2265 Has Env Use Control: No Project code: C508572320 PM Name: O'HALLORAN, M. Site Status: Resolved District Office: NCDO Lat/Long: 38.84638 / -97.60806 River Basin: Smoky Hills - Saline Aquifer Yield: Alluvial Other Aquifers: • Not reported Parent PC: Not reported Parent Name: Not reported CERCLIS ID: Not reported Discovery Date: 07/30/2005 Depth To GW: 31-50 feet Depth To Bedrock: Not reported Aquifer Yield: Not reported GW Flow Direction: SE Acres Affected: <5 acres Waste Present: No Product Present: No Program: Site Assessment Lead Agency: BER - Assessment and Restoration Contaminants: VOC Media Act: Ground Water Media Pot: Not reported Source: Not reported Land Use: Not reported Private well: Not reported Waste Present: Not reported Product: Not reported Receptor Act: Not reported Receptor Pot: Not reported Remed Air: Not reported Remed Soil: Not reported Remed Water: Not reported Remedir: Not reported Alias: Not reported Eucan Number: Not reported S108793551 TC4471374.2s Page 137 • • • Map ID Direction Distance Elevation MAP FINDINGS Site 335 NORTH FIFTH STREET (Continued) EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number Date: Not reported Activity Type: Site Reconnaissance and Evaluation Activity Status: Completed Activity Start Date: 08/06/2007 Activity End Date: 12/20/2007 Narrative: A limited Phase II (property transfer) report conducted in 2005 Lower indicated the presence of low levels of tetrachloroethylene (PCE) and trichloroethylene (TCE) in ground water at the site. The site was Actual: assigned to the Site Assessment unit in July 2007 and a Site 1222 ft. Reconnaissance and Evaluation (SRE) conducted in fall 2007. It was determined that VOCs detected in ground water appear to be migrating onto the site from contamination associated with contaminant plumes attributed to the Missouri Pacific Railroad Freight House (Former) and Research Products (Former) sites, which are being addressed by other state programs. No Further Action was recommended at the site. 48 ELM AND FRONT STREETS NE ELM & FRONT ST. 1/4-1/2 SALINA, KS 67402 0.258 mi. 1361 ft. Relative: CERCLIS: Lower Site ID: EPA ID: Actual: Facility County: 1222 ft. Short Name: Congressional District: IFMS ID: SMSA Number: USGC Hydro Unit: Federal Facility: DMNSN Number: Site Orphan Flag: RCRA ID: USGS Quadrangle: Site Init By Prog: NFRAP Flag: ParentlD: RST Code: EPA Region: Classification: Site Settings Code: NPL Status: DMNSN Unit Code: RBRAC Code: RResp Fed Agency Code: Non NPL Status: Non NPL Status Date: Site Fips Code: CC Concurrence Date: CC Concurrence FY: Alias EPA ID: Site FUDS Flag: S108793551 CERCLIS 1003109017 KSN000703977 0703977 KSNO00703977 SALINE ELM AND FRONT STREETS 01 Not reported Not reported Not reported Not a Federal Facility 11.00000 Not reported Not reported Not reported S Not reported Not reported Not reported 07 Not reported Not reported Not on the NPL ACRE Not reported Not reported NFRAP-Site does not qualify for the NPL based on existing information 04/07/05 20169 11 Not reported Not reported Not reported CERCLIS Site Contact Name(s): Contact ID: 7271674.00000 TC4471374.2s Page 138 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation �J F_ MAP FINDINGS Site EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number ELM AND FRONT STREETS (Continued) 1003109017 Contact Name: PAUL ROEMERMAN Contact Tel: (913) 551-7694 Contact Title: Site Assessment Manager (SAM) Contact Email: Not reported Alias Comments: Not reported Site Description: THE SITE IS A TCE PLUME IN GROUNDWATER IN THE VICINITY OF ELM STREET AND FRONT STREET WITH NO IDENTIFIED SOURCE AREA. THE SITE WAS DISCOVERED WHEN II UG/I TCE WAS DETECTED IN A GROUND WATER SAMPLE THAT WAS COLLECTED WITH A GROUNDWATER PROBE AT THE INTERSECTION DURING THE SALINA NORTH SITE INVESTIGATION CONDUCTED BY KDHE'S STATE WATER PLAN PROGRAM. THE TCE DOES NOT APPEAR TO BE ASSOCIATED WITH OTHER GROUNDWATER CONTAMINATION ASSOCIATED WITH THE SALINA NORTH SITE. CERCLIS Assessment History: Action Code: Action: Date Started: Date Completed: Priority Level: Operable Unit: Primary Responsibility Planning Status: Urgency Indicator: Action Anomaly: . Action Code: Action: Date Started: Date Completed: Priority Level: Operable Unit: Primary Responsibility: Planning Status: Urgency Indicator: Action Anomaly: Action Code: Action: Date Started: Date Completed: Priority Level: Operable Unit: Primary Responsibility: Planning Status: Urgency Indicator: Action Anomaly: 001 DISCOVERY 03/01/01 Not reported SITEWIDE EPA Fund -Financed Not reported Not reported Not reported 001 PRE-CERCLIS SCREENING 11 03/01/01 Not reported SITEWIDE State, Fund Financed Not reported Not reported Not reported 001 COMBINED PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT/SITE INSPECTION 02/07/01 04/26/01 NFRAP-Site does not qualify for the NPL based on existing information SITEWIDE State, Fund Financed Not reported Not reported Not reported TC4471374.2s Page 139 Action Code: 001 Action: OTHER CLEANUP ACTIVITY Date Started: 04/26/01 Date Completed: 04/07/05 Priority Level: NFRAP-Site does not qualify for the NPL based on existing information Operable Unit: SITEWIDE 0 Primary Responsibility: State Enforcement TC4471374.2s Page 139 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance Elevation Site ELM AND FRONT STREETS (Continued) Planning Status: Not reported Urgency Indicator: Not reported Action Anomaly: Not reported 49 SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE CO SW 137 S 7TH 114-1/2 SALINA, KS 67401 0.259 mi. 1369 ft. Relative: LUST: Higher Facility ID: Site Status: Actual: Release Date: 1224 ft. Initial Report Date: Project Number: Project Name: Legal Desc Section: Legal Desc Township: Legal Desc Range: Discover Date: substrels: Initial Ranking: Current Ranking: • Facility Contact: Facility Phone Number: Facility Owner Identification number: Facility Owner: Owner Contact Person: Owner Address: Owner City: Owner State: Owner Zip Code: Owner Phone number: Contractor license number: Contractor phone number: Leak duration (if known): Quantity released (if known): Quantity recorded: Leak Type: Reported By: Reported by persons phone number: Reported by person address: Ground water Impacted (yes/no): Static groundwater level: Groundwater flow direction: District staff names: Assessment of release: Contaimination assessement: Extent of contamination impact: Updated information: Invoice initiated: Invoice on going: Invoicetetd: confirmed: Release confirmed: Emergencty contact: EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number 1003109017 LUST 0000716812 UST N/A AST Financial Assurance TIER 2 08829 Closed Not reported 03/09/2004 U5-085-13516 Southwestem Bell Telephone 13 14S 03W Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Gene Freeman 214-464-7165 06325 Southwestern Bell Telephone Co. Harry C. Hixson 308 S. Akard St., Rm. 900 Dallas TX 75202 214-464-7165 C0536 785-776-7755 Nol Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Silty Gays becoming sandier with depth. 34 Eas Scott Lang No leaks were detected. Yes. No contamination detected. Site is given a CLOSED status requiring no further actions. (See attached pictures.) 20042 Not reported 20042 Not reported Not reported TC4471374.2s Page 140 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation Site MAP FINDINGS EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number • SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE CO (Continued) 0000716812 Enforcement action: Not reported Cost recovery: Not reported Cost recovery initiated: Not reported Cost recovery initiated by: Not reported Cost recovery completed: Not reported Cost recovery completed by: Not reported Appplication to trust fund: Not reported Facility ID: 08829 Site Status: Closed Release Date: Not reported Initial Report Date: 12/20/1991 Project Number: U5-085-00645 Project Name: Sw Bell Telephone, Salina Legal Desc Section: 13 Legal Desc Township: 14S Legal Desc Range: 03W Discover Date: 12/20/1991 substrels: diesel Initial Ranking: Not reported Current Ranking: Not reported Facility Contact: Ronald Lee Erickson Facility Phone Number: Not reported Facility Owner Identification number: 06325 Facility Owner: Southwestern Bell Owner Contact Person: Not reported Owner Address: 220 E 6th, Suite 700y Owner City: Not reported Owner State: KS Owner Zip Code: 66603 Owner Phone number: 785-276-5950 Contractor license number: Not reported Contractor phone number: 785 Leak duration (if known): Unkn Quantity released (if known): Not reported Quantity recorded: Not reported Leak Type: Spill/Overfill Reported By: Scott Lang, Kdhe Reported by persons phone number: Not reported Reported by person address: Ncdo Ground water Impacted (yes/no): site sits upon alluvial deposits of smokey hill and saline river systems, gw flow = e-ne. gw depth = -30'. Static groundwater level: Not reported Groundwater flow direction: Not reported District staff names: Scott Lang Assessment of release: 1-1000 gal diesel ust & lines removed. minor soil contamination detected in soils beneath tank. soils removed/landfarmed. soil samples from sidewalls/bottom of exc confirmed contam soils adequately removed. site in closed status. no further action. Contaimination assessement: Not reported Extent of contamination impact: no groundwater impacts are expected. Updated information: Not reported Invoice initiated: 19921 Invoice on going: Not reported Invoice completetd: 19921 Release confirmed: 19921 Emergencty contact: Not reported TC4471374.2s Page 141 EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number 0000716812 TC4471374.2s Page 142 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance Elevation Site SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE CO (Continued) Enforcement action: Not reported Cost recovery: Not reported Cost recovery initiated: 19921 Cost recovery initiated by: Responsible Party Cost recovery completed: 19921 Cost recovery completed by: Responsible Party Appplication to trust fund: Not reported UST: Facility ID: 08829 Facility 911 Address: 137 S 7TH Facility 911 City, State, Zip: SALINA, KS 67401 Facility Phone: 785-826-1102 Phone 24 Hours: 800-566-9347 Facility District: NC Facility Location Method: Garmin GPS III Plus Facility Feature: Facility Center Facility Datum: WGS84 Facility Lat/Long: 38.838810000000002/-97.609880000000004 Owner ID: 06325 Owner: AT&T SERV. INC. EH&S % T.JACK Owner Type: Current Owner/Rep Name: TAMEKA JACKSON Owner/Rep Title: CONTACT PERSON Owner Address: 308 S. AKARD, FLOOR 1700 Owner City, State, Zip: Owner County: DALLAS, TX 75202 Not reported Contact: EH&S 24HR HOTLINE Contact Title: Not reported Tank ID: 001 Tank Type: Underground Tank Status: Permanently Out Of Use Total Capacity (Gals): 1000 Hazards: Not reported Petroleum Substance: Diesel NonPetroleum Substance: Not reported Estimated Yr In Service: 1956 Date Removed: 12/15/1991 Last Permit Printed: Not reported Current Permit Printed: Not reported QTY Remaining in Tank: 0 Filled/Removed: Removed Tank Empty: Not reported Out of Service Mo/Yr: 121991 Material of Construction: Steel Piping: Not reported Tank Internal Protection: Not reported Tank External Protection: Not reported TanklD: 002 Tank Type: Underground Tank Status: Permanently Out Of Use Total Capacity (Gals): 4000 Hazards: Not reported Petroleum Substance: Diesel EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number 0000716812 TC4471374.2s Page 142 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number • SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE CO (Continued) 0000716812 NonPetroleum Substance: Not reported Estimated Yr In Service: 1991 Date Removed: 3/3/2004 Last Permit Printed: 2003-06-20 00:00:00 Current Permit Printed: Not reported QTY Remaining in Tank: Not reported Filled/Removed: Removed Tank Empty: Not reported Out of Service Mo/Yr: 03/03/ Material of Construction: Fbr Ref Plastic Piping: Not reported Tank Internal Protection: Not reported Tank External Protection: Not reported AST: Facility ID: 08829 Facility 911 Address: 137 S 7TH Facility 911 City,St,Zip: SALINA, KS 67401 Facility Phone: 785-826-1102 24 Hour Phone Num: 800-566-9347 Facility District: NC Facility Location Method: Garmin GPS III Plus Facility Feature: Facility Center Facility Datum: WGS84 Facility LaULong: 38.838810000000002-97.609880000000004 Owner ID: 06325 • Owner Type: Current Owner Name: AT&T SERV. INC. EH&S % T.JACK Owner Address: 308 S. AKARD, FLOOR 1700 Owner City,St Zip: DALLAS, TX 75202 Owner County: Not reported Owner Phone: 214-464-7046 Owner Replacement Name: TAMEKA JACKSON Owner Replacement Title: CONTACT PERSON Contact: EH&S 24HR HOTLINE Contact Title: Not reported Tank ID: 001 Tank Type: Aboveground Tank Status: Current In Use Tank Empty: Not reported Installation Year: 2004 Date Removed: Not reported Last Permit Printed: 2014-06-09 00:00:00 Current Permit Printed: 2015-06-09 00:00:00 QTY remaining in Tank: Not reported Out of service Mo/Yr: Not reported Material of Construction: Double Wall Petroleum Substance: Diesel Clear no. 2 NonPetroleum Substance: Not reported Piping: Not reported Hazards: Fire,Chronic,Acute Tank Internal Protection: Not reported Tank External Protection: Not reported Principal CERCLA Substance/Chem Abstract Service Num: 68476-34-6 TC4471374.2s Page 143 TC4471374.2s Page 144 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE CO (Continued) 0000716812 KS Financial Assurance: Facility ID: 08829 Financial Responsibility: Self Insured TIER 2: edr_zip: Not reported Facility Id: 372628 Facility Phone: 908-234-6265 FID Num: SA00441 PID Num: CA00256 NAICS: 517210 Report Year: 2014 New Facility: Not reported Nearest Cross Street: Not reported SIC Code: 4812 Section Code: 312 Emergency Namel: ANGELA BASDEN Emergency Titlel: PROPERTY MGR Emergency Phonel: 316-268-3006 Emergency 24phonel: 3162683006 Emergency Name2: EH&S HOTLINE Emergency Title2: ALT CONTACT Emergency Phone2: 800-566-9347 Emergency 24phone2: 800-566-9347 Submitter: Not reported Created: 2011-12-12 12:29:41 • Updated: 2015-01-07 11:03:40 Rep Name: Michael Perry Rep Title: Area Manager EH&S Environmental Services Zip Field: Not reported Facility Latitude: 38.8400000 Facility Longitude: -97.6100000 Emergency Email 1: af9307@us.att.com Emergency Email2: knowehs@ems.att.com Tier2 Contact Name: Michael Perry Tier2 Title: Area Manager EH&S Environmental Services Tier2 Phone: 2144642626 Tier2 Phone24: 8005669347 Tier2 EMail: mp0873@att.com Annual Revision: annual Max Occupants: 6 Manned/Unmanned: manned Section: Not reported Township: Not reported RangeO: Not reported Trifids: Not reported RMP Facid: Not reported Subject 302: Y Subject 112: N Chemical: FID Num: SA00441 Chemical Id: 888357 Chemical Name: SULFURIC ACID CAS: 7664-93-9 Trade Secret: No MEHS Yes TC4471374.2s Page 144 Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: SULFURIC ACID TC4471374.2s Page 145 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE CO (Continued) 0000716812 Solid: Not reported Liquid: Yes Gas: Not reported Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Yes Delayed: Yes Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 6349 Avg Daily Amt: 6349 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: Not reported Storage: Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: SULFURIC ACID Storage Id: 1243203 Container: Other Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: ON SITE Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: SULFURIC ACID Storage Id: 1243203 • Container: Other Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: POWER ROOM Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: SULFURIC ACID Storage Id: 1250449 Container: Other Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: W/ ENGINE Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: SULFURIC ACID Storage Id: 1243203 Container: Tote Bin Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: POWER ROOM Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: SULFURIC ACID Storage Id: 1250449 Container: Tote Bin Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: W/ ENGINE Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: SULFURIC ACID TC4471374.2s Page 145 TC4471374.2s Page 146 Map ID MAP FINDINGS f7 Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE CO (Continued) 0000716812 Storage Id: 1243203 Container: Other Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: ON SITE Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: SULFURIC ACID Storage Id: 1243203 Container: Tote Bin Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: POWER ROOM Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: SULFURIC ACID Storage Id: 1250449 Container: Tote Bin Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: W/ ENGINE FID Num: SA00441 Chemical Id: 888358 Chemical Name: LEAD CAS: 7439-92-1 • Trade Secret: No EHS: Not reported Solid: Yes Liquid: Not reported Gas: Not reported Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Not reported Delayed: Yes Immediate: Not reported Max Daily Amt: 61935 Avg Daily Amt: 61935 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: Not reported Storage: Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: LEAD Storage Id: 1243204 Container: Other Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: ON SITE Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: LEAD Storage Id: 1243204 Container: Other MPressure: Ambient pressure TC4471374.2s Page 146 • TC4471374.2s Page 147 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number • SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE CO (Continued) 0000716812 Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: POWER ROOM Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: LEAD Storage Id: 1250569 Container: Other Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: W/ ENGINE Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: LEAD Storage Id: 1243204 Container: Tote Bin Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: POWER ROOM Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: LEAD Storage Id: 1250569 Container: Tote Bin Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: W/ ENGINE • Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: LEAD Storage Id: 1243204 Container: Other Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: ON SITE Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: LEAD Storage Id: 1243204 Container: Tote Bin Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: POWER ROOM Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: LEAD Storage Id: 1250569 Container: Tote Bin Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: W/ ENGINE FID Num: SA00441 Chemical Id: 888359 Chemical Name: DIESEL FUEL #2 CAS: 68476-34-6 Trade Secret: No • TC4471374.2s Page 147 TC4471374.2s Page 148 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number • SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE CO (Continued) 0000716812 EHS: Not reported Solid: Not reported Liquid: Yes Gas: Not reported Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Yes Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Not reported Delayed: Yes Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 20076 Avg Daily Amt: 20076 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: Not reported Storage: Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: DIESEL FUEL #2 Storage Id: 1243205 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: ON SITE Fid Num: SA00441 • Chemical Name: Storage Id: DIESEL FUEL #2 1243205 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: ABOVE GROUND Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: DIESEL FUEL #2 Storage Id: 1243205 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: ABOVE GROUND Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: DIESEL FUEL #2 Storage Id: 1243205 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: ON SITE Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: DIESEL FUEL #2 Storage Id: 1243205 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: ABOVE GROUND TC4471374.2s Page 148 TC4471374.2s Page 149 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number • SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE CO (Continued) 0000716812 FID Num: SA00441 Chemical Id: 888357 Chemical Name: SULFURIC ACID CAS: 7664-93-9 Trade Secret: No E H S: Yes Solid: Not reported Liquid: Yes Gas: Not reported Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Yes Delayed: Yes Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 6349 Avg Daily Amt: 6349 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: Not reported Storage: Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: SULFURIC ACID Storage Id: 1243203 Container: Other • Pressure: Temperature: Ambient pressure Ambient temperature Storage Location: ON SITE Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: SULFURIC ACID Storage Id: 1243203 Container: Other Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: POWER ROOM Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: SULFURIC ACID Storage Id: 1250449 Container: Other Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: W/ ENGINE Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: SULFURIC ACID Storage Id: 1243203 Container: Tote Bin Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: POWER ROOM Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: SULFURIC ACID Storage Id: 1250449 Container: Tote Bin TC4471374.2s Page 149 TC4471374.2s Page 150 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE CO (Continued) 0000716812 Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: W/ ENGINE Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: SULFURIC ACID Storage Id: 1243203 Container: Other Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: ON SITE Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: SULFURIC ACID Storage Id: 1243203 Container: Tote Bin Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: POWER ROOM Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: SULFURIC ACID Storage Id: 1250449 Container: Tote Bin Pressure: A Temperature: A . Storage Location: W/ ENGINE FID Num: SA00441 Chemical Id: 888358 Chemical Name: LEAD CAS: 7439-92-1 Trade Secret: No EHS: Not reported Solid: Yes Liquid: Not reported Gas: Not reported Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Yes Delayed: Yes Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 61936 Avg Daily Amt: 61936 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: Not reported Storage: Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: LEAD Storage Id: 1243204 Container: Other Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: ON SITE TC4471374.2s Page 150 TC4471374.2s Page 151 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number • SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE CO (Continued) 0000716812 Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: LEAD Storage Id: 1243204 Container: Other Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: POWER ROOM Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: LEAD Storage Id: 1250569 Container: Other Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: W/ ENGINE Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: LEAD Storage Id: 1243204 Container: Tote Bin Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: POWER ROOM Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: LEAD Storage Id: 1250569 • Container: Tote Bin Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: W/ ENGINE Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: LEAD Storage Id: 1243204 Container: Other Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: ON SITE Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: LEAD Storage Id: 1243204 Container: Tote Bin Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: POWER ROOM Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: LEAD Storage Id: 1250569 Container: Tote Bin Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: W/ ENGINE TC4471374.2s Page 151 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation MAP FINDINGS Site EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE CO (Continued) 0000716812 TC4471374.2s Page 152 FID Num: SA00441 Chemical Id: 888359 Chemical Name: DIESEL FUEL #2 CAS: 68476-34-6 Trade Secret: No EHS: Not reported Solid: Not reported Liquid: Yes Gas: Not reported Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Yes Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Not reported Delayed: Yes Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 20076 Avg Daily Amt: 20076 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: Not reported Storage: Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: DIESEL FUEL #2 Storage Id: 1243205 Container: Above Ground Tank . Pressure: Temperature: Ambient pressure Ambient temperature Storage Location: ON SITE Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: DIESEL FUEL #2 Storage Id: 1243205 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: ABOVE GROUND Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: DIESEL FUEL #2 Storage Id: 1243205 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: ABOVE GROUND Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: DIESEL FUEL #2 Storage Id: 1243205 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: ON SITE Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: DIESEL FUEL #2 Storage Id: 1243205 . Container: Above Ground Tank TC4471374.2s Page 152 TC4471374.2s Page 153 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE CO (Continued) 0000716812 Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: ABOVE GROUND FID Num: SA00441 Chemical Id: 888357 Chemical Name: SULFURIC ACID CAS: 7664-93-9 Trade Secret: No EHS: Yes Solid: Not reported Liquid: Yes Gas: Not reported Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Yes Delayed: Yes Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 6342 Avg Daily Amt: 6342 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: Not reported • Storage: Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: SULFURIC ACID Storage Id: 1243203 Container: Other Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: ON SITE Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: SULFURIC ACID Storage Id: 1243203 Container: Other Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: POWER ROOM Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: SULFURIC ACID Storage Id: 1250449 Container: Other Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: W/ ENGINE Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: SULFURIC ACID Storage Id: 1243203 Container: Tote Bin Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: POWER ROOM TC4471374.2s Page 153 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE CO (Continued) 0000716812 TC4471374.2s Page 154 Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: SULFURIC ACID Storage Id: 1250449 Container: Tote Bin Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: W/ ENGINE Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: SULFURIC ACID Storage Id: 1243203 Container: Other Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: ON SITE Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: SULFURIC ACID Storage Id: 1243203 Container: Tote Bin Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: POWER ROOM Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: SULFURIC ACID Storage Id: 1250449 • Container: Tote Bin Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: W/ ENGINE FID Num: SA00441 Chemical Id: 888358 Chemical Name: LEAD CAS: 7439-92-1 Trade Secret: No EHS: Not reported Solid: Yes Liquid: Not reported Gas: Not reported Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Yes Delayed: Yes Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 61943 Avg Daily Amt: 61943 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: Not reported Storage: Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: LEAD . Storage Id: 1243204 TC4471374.2s Page 154 • TC4471374.2s Page 155 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE CO (Continued) 0000716812 Container: Other Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: ON SITE Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: LEAD Storage Id: 1243204 Container: Other Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: POWER ROOM Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: LEAD Storage Id: 1250569 Container: Other Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: W/ ENGINE Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: LEAD Storage Id: 1243204 Container: Tote Bin Pressure: A Temperature: A • Storage Location: POWER ROOM Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: LEAD Storage Id: 1250569 Container: Tote Bin Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: W/ ENGINE Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: LEAD Storage Id: 1243204 Container: Other Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: ON SITE Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: LEAD Storage Id: 1243204 Container: Tote Bin Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: POWER ROOM Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: LEAD Storage Id: 1250569 Container: Tote Bin • TC4471374.2s Page 155 is Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE CO (Continued) 0000716812 Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: W/ ENGINE TC4471374.2s Page 156 FID Num: SA00441 Chemical Id: 888359 Chemical Name: DIESEL FUEL #2 CAS: 68476-34-6 Trade Secret: No EHS: Not reported Solid: Not reported Liquid: Yes Gas: Not reported Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Yes Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Not reported Delayed: Yes Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 19992 Avg Daily Amt: 19992 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: Not reported Storage: Fid Num: 5A00441 Chemical Name: DIESEL FUEL #2 Storage Id: 1243205 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: ON SITE Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: DIESEL FUEL #2 Storage Id: 1243205 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: ABOVE GROUND Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: DIESEL FUEL #2 Storage Id: 1243205 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: ABOVE GROUND Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: DIESEL FUEL #2 Storage Id: 1243205 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: ON SITE TC4471374.2s Page 156 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number is SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE CO (Continued) 0000716812 TC4471374.2s Page 157 Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: DIESEL FUEL #2 Storage Id: 1243205 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: ABOVE GROUND FID Num: SA00441 Chemical Id: 888357 Chemical Name: SULFURIC ACID CAS: 7664-93-9 Trade Secret: No EHS: Yes Solid: Not reported Liquid: Yes Gas: Not reported Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Yes Delayed: Yes Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 6342 Avg Daily Amt: 6342 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: Not reported Storage: Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: SULFURIC ACID Storage Id: 1243203 Container: Other Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: ON SITE Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: SULFURIC ACID Storage Id: 1243203 Container: Other Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: POWER ROOM Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: SULFURIC ACID Storage Id: 1250449 Container: Other Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: W/ ENGINE Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: SULFURIC ACID Storage Id: 1243203 TC4471374.2s Page 157 F— ` I1 LJ TC4471374.2s Page 158 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number • SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE CO (Continued) 0000716812 Container: Tote Bin Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: POWER ROOM Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: SULFURIC ACID Storage Id: 1250449 Container: Tote Bin Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: W/ ENGINE Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: SULFURIC ACID Storage Id: 1243203 Container: Other Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: ON SITE Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: SULFURIC ACID Storage Id: 1243203 Container: Tote Bin Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: POWER ROOM Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: SULFURIC ACID Storage Id: 1250449 Container: Tote Bin Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: W/ ENGINE FID Num: SA00441 Chemical Id: 888358 Chemical Name: LEAD CAS: 7439-92-1 Trade Secret: No EHS: Not reported Solid: Yes Liquid: Not reported Gas: Not reported Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Yes Delayed: Yes Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 61943 Avg Daily Amt: 61943 Days On Site: 365 F— ` I1 LJ TC4471374.2s Page 158 TC4471374.2s Page 159 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number • SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE CO (Continued) 0000716812 Opt Report: Not reported Storage: Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: LEAD Storage Id: 1243204 Container: Other Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: ON SITE Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: LEAD Storage Id: 1243204 Container: Other Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: POWER ROOM Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: LEAD Storage Id: 1250569 Container: Other Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: W/ ENGINE Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: LEAD Storage Id: 1243204 Container: Tote Bin Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: POWER ROOM Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: LEAD Storage Id: 1250569 Container: Tote Bin Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: W/ ENGINE Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: LEAD Storage Id: 1243204 Container: Other Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: ON SITE Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: LEAD Storage Id: 1243204 Container: Tote Bin Pressure: A Temperature: A MStorage Location: POWER ROOM TC4471374.2s Page 159 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number • SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE CO (Continued) 0000716812 TC4471374.2s Page 160 Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: LEAD Storage Id: 1250569 Container: Tote Bin Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: W/ ENGINE FID Num: SA00441 Chemical Id: 888359 Chemical Name: DIESEL FUEL #2 CAS: 68476-34-6 Trade Secret: No EHS: Not reported Solid: Not reported Liquid: Yes Gas: Not reported Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Yes Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Not reported Delayed: Yes Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 19992 Avg Daily Amt: 19992 • Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: Not reported Storage: Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: DIESEL FUEL #2 Storage Id: 1243205 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: ON SITE Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: DIESEL FUEL #2 Storage Id: 1243205 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: ABOVE GROUND Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: DIESEL FUEL #2 Storage Id: 1243205 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: ABOVE GROUND Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: DIESEL FUEL #2 Storage Id: 1243205 TC4471374.2s Page 160 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number • SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE CO (Continued) 0000716812 TC4471374.2s Page 161 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: ON SITE Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: DIESEL FUEL #2 Storage Id: 1243205 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: ABOVE GROUND FID Num: SA00441 Chemical Id: 888357 Chemical Name: SULFURIC ACID CAS: 7664-93-9 Trade Secret: No EHS: Yes Solid: Not reported Liquid: Yes Gas: Not reported Pu re: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Yes Delayed: Yes Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 6342 Avg Daily Amt: 6342 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: Not reported Storage: Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: SULFURIC ACID Storage Id: 1243203 Container: Other Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: ON SITE Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: SULFURIC ACID Storage Id: 1243203 Container: Other Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: POWER ROOM Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: SULFURIC ACID Storage Id: 1250449 Container: Other Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature TC4471374.2s Page 161 TC4471374.2s Page 162 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number • SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE CO (Continued) 0000716812 Storage Location: W/ ENGINE Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: SULFURIC ACID Storage Id: 1243203 Container: Tote Bin Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: POWER ROOM Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: SULFURIC ACID Storage Id: 1250449 Container: Tote Bin Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: W/ ENGINE Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: SULFURIC ACID Storage Id: 1243203 Container: Other Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: ON SITE Fid Num: SA00441 • Chemical Name: SULFURIC ACID Storage Id: 1243203 Container: Tote Bin Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: POWER ROOM Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: SULFURIC ACID Storage Id: 1250449 Container: Tote Bin Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: W/ ENGINE FID Num: SA00441 Chemical Id: 888358 Chemical Name: LEAD CAS: 7439-92-1 Trade Secret: No EHS: Not reported Solid: Yes Liquid: Not reported Gas: Not reported Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Yes TC4471374.2s Page 162 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation 0 MAP FINDINGS Site SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE CO (Continued) Delayed: Yes Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 61943 Avg Daily Amt: 61943 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: Not reported Storage: Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: LEAD Storageld: 1243204 Container: Other Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: ON SITE Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: LEAD Storage Id: 1243204 Container: Other Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: POWER ROOM Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: LEAD Storage Id: 9 Container: • Other Other Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: W/ ENGINE Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: LEAD Storage Id: 1243204 Container: Tote Bin Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: POWER ROOM Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: LEAD Storage Id: 1250569 Container: Tote Bin Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: W/ ENGINE Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: LEAD Storage Id: 1243204 Container: Other Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: ON SITE Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: LEAD EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number 0000716812 TC4471374.2s Page 163 TC4471374.2s Page 164 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE CO (Continued) 0000716812 Storage Id: 1243204 Container: Tote Bin Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: POWER ROOM Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: LEAD Storage Id: 1250569 Container Tote Bin Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: W/ ENGINE FID Num: SA00441 Chemical Id: 888359 Chemical Name: DIESEL FUEL #2 CAS: 68476-34-6 Trade Secret: No EHS: Not reported Solid: Not reported Liquid: Yes Gas: Not reported Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Yes 0 Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Not reported Delayed: Yes Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 19992 Avg Daily Amt: 19992 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: Not reported Storage: Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: DIESEL FUEL #2 Storage Id: 1243205 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: ON SITE Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: DIESEL FUEL #2 Storage Id: 1243205 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: ABOVE GROUND Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: DIESEL FUEL #2 Storage Id: 1243205 Container: Above Ground Tank MPressure: A TC4471374.2s Page 164 • • Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance Elevation Site SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE CO (Continued) Temperature: Storage Location Fid Num: Chemical Name: Storage Id: Container: Pressure: Temperature: Storage Location: Fid Num: Chemical Name: Storage Id: Container: Pressure: Temperature: Storage Location: edr_zip: Facility Id: Facility Phone: FID Num: PID Num: NAICS: Report Year: New Facility: Nearest Cross Street: SIC Code: Section Code: Emergency Namel: Emergency Ttlel: Emergency Phonel: Emergency 24phonel: Emergency Name2: Emergency Title2: Emergency Phone2: Emergency 24phone2: Submitter: Created: Updated: Rep Name: Rep Title: Zip Field: Facility Latitude: Facility Longitude: Emergency Emaill: Emergency Email2: Tier2 Contact Name: Tier2 Title: Tier2 Phone: Tier2 Phone24: Tier2 EMail: Annual Revision: Max Occupants: A ABOVEGROUND SA00441 DIESEL FUEL #2 1243205 Above Ground Tank Ambient pressure Ambient temperature ON SITE SA00441 DIESEL FUEL #2 1243205 Above Ground Tank A A ABOVE GROUND Not reported 372628 770-922-6035 SA00441 CA00256 51331 2011 Not reported Not reported 4813 312 GORDONBOND PROPERTY MGR 785-462-2488 785-492-9476 EHBS HOTLINE ALT CONTACT 800-566-9347 800-566-9347 Not reported 12/12/2011 12:29:41 PM 1/11/2012 10:34:05 AM LYNN RAGSDALE EHS MANAGER Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number 0000716812 TC4471374.2s Page 165 TC4471374.2s Page 166 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number • SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE CO (Continued) 0000716812 Manned/Unmanned: Not reported Section: Not reported Township: Not reported RangeO: Not reported Trifids: Not reported RMP Facid: Not reported Subject 302: Not reported Subject 112: Not reported Chemical: FID Num: SA00441 Chemical Id: 888357 Chemical Name: SULFURIC ACID CAS: 7664-93-9 Trade Secret: No EHS: Yes Solid: Not reported Liquid: Yes Gas: Not reported Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Yes Delayed: Yes Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 6349 Avg Daily Amt: 6349 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: Not reported Storage: Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: SULFURIC ACID Storage Id: 1243203 Container: Other Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: ON SITE Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: SULFURIC ACID Storage Id: 1243203 Container: Other Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: POWER ROOM Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: SULFURIC ACID Storage Id: 1250449 Container: Other Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: W/ ENGINE Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: SULFURIC ACID TC4471374.2s Page 166 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number • SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE CO (Continued) 0000716812 TC4471374.2s Page 167 Storage Id: 1243203 Container: Tote Bin Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: POWER ROOM Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: SULFURIC ACID Storage Id: 1250449 Container: Tote Bin Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: W/ ENGINE Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: SULFURIC ACID Storage Id: 1243203 Container: Other Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: ON SITE Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: SULFURIC ACID Storage Id: 1243203 Container: Tote Bin Pressure: A • Temperature: A Storage Location: POWER ROOM Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: SULFURIC ACID Storage Id: 1250449 Container: Tote Bin Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: W/ ENGINE FID Num: SA00441 Chemical Id: 888358 Chemical Name: LEAD CAS: 7439-92-1 Trade Secret: No EHS: Not reported Solid: Yes Liquid: Not reported Gas: Not reported Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Not reported Delayed: Yes Immediate: Not reported Max Daily Amt: 61935 Avg Daily Amt: 61935 . TC4471374.2s Page 167 TC4471374.2s Page 168 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number • SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE CO (Continued) 0000716812 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: Not reported Storage: Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: LEAD Storage Id: 1243204 Container: Other Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: ON SITE Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: LEAD Storage Id: 1243204 Container: Other Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: POWER ROOM Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: LEAD Storage Id: 1250569 Container: Other Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature • Storage Location: W/ ENGINE Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: LEAD Storage Id: 1243204 Container: Tote Bin Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: POWER ROOM Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: LEAD Storage Id: 1250569 Container: Tote Bin Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: W/ ENGINE Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: LEAD Storage Id: 1243204 Container: Other Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: ON SITE Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: LEAD Storage Id: 1243204 Container: Tote Bin Pressure: A Temperature: A TC4471374.2s Page 168 TC4471374.2s Page 169 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE CO (Continued) 0000716812 Storage Location: POWER ROOM Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: LEAD Storage Id: 1250569 Container: Tote Bin Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: W/ ENGINE FID Num: SA00441 Chemical Id: 888359 Chemical Name: DIESEL FUEL #2 CAS: 68476-34-6 Trade Secret: No EHS: Not reported Solid: Not reported Liquid: Yes Gas: Not reported Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Yes Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Not reported Delayed: Yes Immediate: Yes • Max Daily Amt: 20076 Avg Daily Amt: 20076 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: Not reported Storage: Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: DIESEL FUEL #2 Storage Id: 1243205 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: ON SITE Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: DIESEL FUEL #2 Storage Id: 1243205 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: ABOVE GROUND Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: DIESEL FUEL #2 Storage Id: 1243205 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: ABOVE GROUND Fid Num: SA00441 TC4471374.2s Page 169 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number 0 SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE CO (Continued) 0000716812 TC4471374.2s Page 170 Chemical Name: DIESEL FUEL #2 Storage Id: 1243205 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: ON SITE Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: DIESEL FUEL #2 Storage Id: 1243205 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: ABOVE GROUND FID Num: SA00441 Chemical Id: 888357 Chemical Name: SULFURIC ACID CAS: 7664-93-9 Trade Secret: No EHS: Yes Solid: Not reported Liquid: Yes Gas: Not reported Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported • Fire: Not reported Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Yes Delayed: Yes Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 6349 Avg Daily Amt: 6349 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: Not reported Storage: Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: SULFURIC ACID Storage Id: 1243203 Container: Other Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: ON SITE Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: SULFURIC ACID Storage Id: 1243203 Container: Other Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: POWER ROOM Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: SULFURIC ACID Storage Id: 1250449 Container: Other TC4471374.2s Page 170 I -IJ L- TC4471374.2s Page 171 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number • SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE CO (Continued) 0000716812 Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: W/ ENGINE Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: SULFURIC ACID Storage Id: 1243203 Container: Tote Bin Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: POWER ROOM Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: SULFURIC ACID Storage Id: 1250449 Container: Tote Bin Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: W/ ENGINE Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: SULFURIC ACID Storage Id: 1243203 Container: Other Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature • Storage Location: ON SITE Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: SULFURIC ACID Storage Id: 1243203 Container: Tote Bin Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: POWER ROOM Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: SULFURIC ACID Storage Id: 1250449 Container: Tote Bin Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: W/ ENGINE FID Num: SA00441 Chemical Id: 888358 Chemical Name: LEAD CAS: 7439-92-1 Trade Secret: No EHS: Not reported Solid: Yes Liquid: Not reported Gas: Not reported Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported I -IJ L- TC4471374.2s Page 171 TC4471374.2s Page 172 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE CO (Continued) 0000716812 Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Yes Delayed: Yes Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 61936 Avg Daily Amt: 61936 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: Not reported Storage: Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: LEAD Storage Id: 1243204 Container: Other Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: ON SITE Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: LEAD Storage Id: 1243204 Container: Other Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: POWER ROOM Fid Num: • Chemical Name: LEAD LEAD Storage Id: 1250569 Container: Other Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: W/ ENGINE Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: LEAD Storage Id: 1243204 Container: Tote Bin Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: POWER ROOM Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: LEAD Storage Id: 1250569 Container: Tote Bin Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: W/ ENGINE Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: LEAD Storage Id: 1243204 Container: Other Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: ON SITE TC4471374.2s Page 172 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number • SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE CO (Continued) 0000716812 TC4471374.2s Page 173 Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: LEAD Storage Id: 1243204 Container: Tote Bin Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: POWER ROOM Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: LEAD Storage Id: 1250569 Container: Tote Bin Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: W/ ENGINE FID Num: SA00441 Chemical Id: 888359 Chemical Name: DIESEL FUEL #2 CAS: 68476-34-6 Trade Secret: No EHS: Not reported Solid: Not reported Liquid: Yes Gas: Not reported • Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Yes Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Not reported Delayed: Yes Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 20076 Avg Daily Amt: 20076 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: Not reported Storage: Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: DIESEL FUEL #2 Storage Id: 1243205 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: ON SITE Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: DIESEL FUEL #2 Storage Id: 1243205 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: ABOVE GROUND Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: DIESEL FUEL #2 Storage Id: 1243205 TC4471374.2s Page 173 TC4471374.2s Page 174 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE CO (Continued) 0000716812 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: ABOVE GROUND Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: DIESEL FUEL #2 Storage Id: 1243205 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: ON SITE Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: DIESEL FUEL #2 Storage Id: 1243205 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: ABOVE GROUND FID Num: SA00441 Chemical Id: 888357 Chemical Name: SULFURIC ACID CAS: 7664-93-9 Trade Secret: No EHS: Yes Solid: Not reported Liquid: Yes Gas: Not reported Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Yes Delayed: Yes Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 6342 Avg Daily Amt: 6342 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: Not reported Storage: Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: SULFURIC ACID Storage Id: 1243203 Container: Other Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: ON SITE Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: SULFURIC ACID Storage Id: 1243203 Container: Other Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature TC4471374.2s Page 174 TC4471374.2s Page 175 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number • SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE CO (Continued) 0000716812 Storage Location: POWER ROOM Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: SULFURIC ACID Storage Id: 1250449 Container: Other Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: W/ ENGINE Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: SULFURIC ACID Storage Id: 1243203 Container: Tote Bin Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: POWER ROOM Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: SULFURIC ACID Storage Id: 1250449 Container: Tote Bin Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: W/ ENGINE Fid Num: SA00441 • Chemical Name: SULFURIC ACID Storage Id: 1243203 Container: Other Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: ON SITE Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: SULFURIC ACID Storage Id: 1243203 Container: Tote Bin Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: POWER ROOM Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: SULFURIC ACID Storage Id: 1250449 Container: Tote Bin Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: W/ ENGINE FID Num: SA00441 Chemical Id: 888358 Chemical Name: LEAD CAS: 7439-92-1 Trade Secret: No EHS: Not reported . TC4471374.2s Page 175 TC4471374.2s Page 176 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number • SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE CO (Continued) 0000716812 Solid: Yes Liquid: Not reported Gas: Not reported Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Yes Delayed: Yes Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 61943 Avg Daily Amt: 61943 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: Not reported Storage: Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: LEAD Storage Id: 1243204 Container: Other Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: ON SITE Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: LEAD Storage Id: 4 • Container: Other Other Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: POWER ROOM Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: LEAD Storage Id: 1250569 Container: Other Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: W/ ENGINE Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: LEAD Storage Id: 1243204 Container: Tote Bin Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: POWER ROOM Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: LEAD Storageld: 1250569 Container: Tote Bin Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: W/ ENGINE Fid Num: SA00441 . Chemical Name: LEAD TC4471374.2s Page 176 TC4471374.2s Page 177 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number • SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE CO (Continued) 0000716812 Storage Id: 1243204 Container: Other Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: ON SITE Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: LEAD Storage Id: 1243204 Container: Tote Bin Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: POWER ROOM Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: LEAD Storage Id: 1250569 Container: Tote Bin Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: W/ ENGINE FID Num: SA00441 Chemical Id: 888359 Chemical Name: DIESEL FUEL #2 CAS: 68476-34-6 • Trade Secret: No EHS: Not reported Solid: Not reported Liquid: Yes Gas: Not reported Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Yes Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Not reported Delayed: Yes Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 19992 Avg Daily Amt: 19992 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: Not reported Storage: Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: DIESEL FUEL #2 Storage Id: 1243205 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: ON SITE Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: DIESEL FUEL #2 Storage Id: 1243205 Container: Above Ground Tank . Pressure: Ambient pressure TC4471374.2s Page 177 TC4471374.2s Page 178 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EOR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number • SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE CO (Continued) 0000716812 Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: ABOVE GROUND Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: DIESEL FUEL #2 Storage Id: 1243205 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: ABOVE GROUND Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: DIESEL FUEL #2 Storage Id: 1243205 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: ON SITE Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: DIESEL FUEL #2 Storage Id: 1243205 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: ABOVE GROUND • FID Num: SA00441 Chemical Id: 888357 Chemical Name: SULFURIC ACID CAS: 7664-93-9 Trade Secret: No EHS: Yes Solid: Not reported Liquid: Yes Gas: Not reported Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Yes Delayed: Yes Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 6342 Avg Daily Amt: 6342 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: Not reported Storage: Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: SULFURIC ACID Storage Id: 1243203 Container: Other Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: ON SITE TC4471374.2s Page 178 TC4471374.2s Page 179 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE CO (Continued) 0000716812 Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: SULFURIC ACID Storage Id: 1243203 Container: Other Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: POWER ROOM Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: SULFURIC ACID Storage Id: 1250449 Container: Other Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: W/ ENGINE Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: SULFURIC ACID Storage Id: 1243203 Container: Tote Bin Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: POWER ROOM Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: SULFURIC ACID • Storage Id: 1250449 Container: Tote Bin Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: W/ ENGINE Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: SULFURIC ACID Storage Id: 1243203 Container: Other Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: ON SITE Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: SULFURIC ACID Storage Id: 1243203 Container: Tote Bin Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: POWER ROOM Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: SULFURIC ACID Storage Id: 1250449 Container: Tote Bin Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: W/ ENGINE TC4471374.2s Page 179 EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number 0000716812 TC4471374.2s Page 180 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance Elevation Site SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE CO (Continued) FID Num: SA00441 Chemical Id: 888358 Chemical Name: LEAD CAS: 7439-92-1 Trade Secret: No EHS: Not reported Solid: Yes Liquid: Not reported Gas: Not reported Pure: Yes Mix. Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Yes Delayed: Yes Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 61943 Avg Daily Amt: 61943 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: Not reported Storage: Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: LEAD Storage Id: 1243204 Container: Other Pressure: Ambient pressure • Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: ON SITE Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: LEAD Storage Id: 1243204 Container: Other Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: POWER ROOM Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: LEAD Storage Id: 1250569 Container: Other Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: W/ ENGINE Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: LEAD Storage Id: 1243204 Container: Tote Bin Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: POWER ROOM Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: LEAD Storage Id: 1250569 . Container: Tote Bin EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number 0000716812 TC4471374.2s Page 180 TC4471374.2s Page 181 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR 10 Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE CO (Continued) 0000716812 Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: W/ ENGINE Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: LEAD Storage Id: 1243204 Container: Other Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: ON SITE Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: LEAD Storage Id: 1243204 Container: Tote Bin Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: POWER ROOM Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: LEAD Storage Id: 1250569 Container: Tote Bin Pressure: A Temperature: A • Storage Location: W/ ENGINE FID Num: SA00441 Chemical Id: 888359 Chemical Name: DIESEL FUEL #2 CAS: 68476-34-6 Trade Secret: No EHS: Not reported Solid: Not reported Liquid: Yes Gas: Not reported Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Yes Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Not reported Delayed: Yes Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 19992 Avg Daily Amt: 19992 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: Not reported Storage: Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: DIESEL FUEL #2 Storage Id: 1243205 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature . Storage Location: ON SITE TC4471374.2s Page 181 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE CO (Continued) 0000716812 TC4471374.2s Page 182 Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: DIESEL FUEL #2 Storage Id: 1243205 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: ABOVE GROUND Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: DIESEL FUEL #2 Storage Id: 1243205 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: ABOVE GROUND Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: DIESEL FUEL #2 Storage Id: 1243205 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: ON SITE Fid Num: SA00441 . Chemical Name: Storage Id: DIESEL FUEL #2 1243205 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: ABOVE GROUND FID Num: SA00441 Chemical Id: 888357 Chemical Name: SULFURIC ACID CAS: 7664-93-9 Trade Secret: No EHS: Yes Solid: Not reported Liquid: Yes Gas: Not reported Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Yes Delayed: Yes Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 6342 Avg Daily Amt: 6342 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: Not reported Storage: Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: SULFURIC ACID Storage Id: 1243203 TC4471374.2s Page 182 TC4471374.2s Page 183 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number • SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE CO (Continued) 0000716812 Container: Other Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: ON SITE Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: SULFURIC ACID Storage Id: 1243203 Container: Other Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: POWER ROOM Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: SULFURIC ACID Storage Id: 1250449 Container: Other Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: W/ ENGINE Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: SULFURIC ACID Storage Id: 1243203 Container: Tote Bin Pressure: Temperature: A A Storage Location: POWER ROOM Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: SULFURIC ACID Storage Id: 1250449 Container: Tote Bin Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: W/ ENGINE Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: SULFURIC ACID Storage Id: 1243203 Container: Other Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: ON SITE Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: SULFURIC ACID Storage Id: 1243203 Container: Tote Bin Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: POWER ROOM Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: SULFURIC ACID Storage Id: 1250449 Container: Tote Bin TC4471374.2s Page 183 TC4471374.2s Page 184 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number • SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE CO (Continued) 0000716812 Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: W/ ENGINE FID Num: SA00441 Chemical Id: 888358 Chemical Name: LEAD CAS: 7439-92-1 Trade Secret: No EHS: Not reported Solid: Yes Liquid: Not reported Gas: Not reported Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Yes Delayed: Yes Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 61943 Avg Daily Amt: 61943 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: Not reported Storage: • Fid Num: N SA00441 Chemical Name: LEAD Storage Id: 1243204 Container: Other Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: ON SITE Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: LEAD Storage Id: 1243204 Container: Other Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: POWER ROOM Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: LEAD Storage Id: 1250569 Container: Other Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: W/ ENGINE Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: LEAD Storage Id: 1243204 Container: Tote Bin Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: POWER ROOM TC4471374.2s Page 184 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE CO (Continued) 0000716812 TC"71374.2s Page 185 Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: LEAD Storage Id: 1250569 Container: Tote Bin Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: W/ ENGINE Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: LEAD Storage Id: 1243204 Container: Other Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: ON SITE Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: LEAD Storage Id: 1243204 Container: Tote Bin Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: POWER ROOM Fid Num: SA00441 • Chemical Name: Storage Id: LEAD 1250569 Container: Tote Bin Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: W/ ENGINE FID Num: SA00441 Chemical Id: 888359 Chemical Name: DIESEL FUEL #2 CAS: 68476-34-6 Trade Secret: No EHS: Not reported Solid: Not reported Liquid: Yes Gas: Not reported Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Yes Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Not reported Delayed: Yes Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 19992 Avg Daily Amt: 19992 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: Not reported Storage: Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: DIESEL FUEL #2 • Storage Id. 1243205 TC"71374.2s Page 185 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number is SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE CO (Continued) 0000716812 TC4471374.2s Page 186 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: ON SITE Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: DIESEL FUEL #2 Storage Id: 1243205 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: ABOVE GROUND Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: DIESEL FUEL #2 Storage Id: 1243205 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: ABOVE GROUND Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: DIESEL FUEL #2 Storage Id: 1243205 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: ON SITE Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: DIESEL FUEL #2 Storage Id: 1243205 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: ABOVE GROUND edr_zip: Not reported Facility Id: 372628 Facility Phone: 908-234-6265 FID Num: SA00441 PID Num: CA00256 NAICS: 51331 Report Year: 2012 New Facility: Not reported Nearest Cross Street: Not reported SIC Code: 4813 Section Code: 312 Emergency Namel : GORDON BOND Emergency Titlel : PROPERTY MGR Emergency Phonel: 785-462-2488 Emergency 24phonel: 785-492-9476 Emergency Name2: EH&S HOTLINE Emergency Title2: ALT CONTACT . Emergency Phone2: 800-566-9347 TC4471374.2s Page 186 1] • 0 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation Site MAP FINDINGS SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE CO (Continued) Emergency 24phone2 Submitter: Created: Updated: Rep Name: Rep Title: Zip Field: Facility Latitude: Facility Longitude: Emergency Emaill: Emergency Email2: Tier2 Contact Name: Tier2 Title: Tier2 Phone: Tier2 Phone24: Tier2 EMail: Annual Revision: Max Occupants: Manned/Unmanned: Section: Township: RangeO: THfids: RMP Facid: Subject 302: Subject 112: Chemical: FID Num: Chemical Id: Chemical Name: CAS: Trade Secret: EHS: Solid: Liquid: Gas: Pure: Mix: Fire: Pressure: Reactive: Delayed: Immediate: Max Daily Amt: Avg Daily Amt: Days On Site: Opt Report: Storage: Fid Num: Chemical Name: Storage Id: Container: Pressure: Temperature: Storage Location 800-566-9347 Not reported 12/12/2011 12:29:41 PM 1/22/2013 12:16:03 PM LYNN RAGSDALE EHS MANAGER Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported SA00441 888357 SULFURIC ACID 7664-93-9 No Yes Not reported Yes Not reported Yes Not reported Not reported Not reported Yes Yes Yes 6349 6349 365 Not reported SA00441 SULFURIC ACID 1243203 Other Ambient pressure Ambient temperature ON SITE EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number 0000716812 TC4471374.2s Page 187 TC4471374.2s Page 188 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE CO (Continued) 0000716812 Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: SULFURIC ACID Storage Id: 1243203 Container: Other Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: POWER ROOM Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: SULFURIC ACID Storage Id: 1250449 Container: Other Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: W/ ENGINE Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: SULFURIC ACID Storage Id: 1243203 Container: Tote Bin Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: POWER ROOM Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: SULFURIC ACID 0 Storage Id: 1250449 Container: Tote Bin Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: W/ ENGINE Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: SULFURIC ACID Storage Id: 1243203 Container: Other Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: ON SITE Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: SULFURIC ACID Storage Id: 1243203 Container: Tote Bin Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: POWER ROOM Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: SULFURIC ACID Storage Id: 1250449 Container: Tote Bin Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: W/ ENGINE TC4471374.2s Page 188 TC4471374.2s Page 189 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE CO (Continued) 0000716812 FID Num: SA00441 Chemical Id: 888358 Chemical Name: LEAD CAS: 7439-92-1 Trade Secret: No EHS: Not reported Solid: Yes Liquid: Not reported Gas: Not reported Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Not reported Delayed: Yes Immediate: Not reported Max Daily Amt: 61935 Avg Daily Amt: 61935 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: Not reported Storage: Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: LEAD Storage Id: 1243204 Container: Other Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: ON SITE Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: LEAD Storage Id: 1243204 Container: Other Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: POWER ROOM Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: LEAD Storage Id: 1250569 Container: Other Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: W/ ENGINE Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: LEAD Storage Id: 1243204 Container: Tote Bin Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: POWER ROOM Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: LEAD Storage Id: 1250569 Container: Tote Bin TC4471374.2s Page 189 TC4471374.2s Page 190 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE CO (Continued) 0000716812 Pressure: A Temperature. A Storage Location: W/ ENGINE Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: LEAD Storage Id: 1243204 Container: Other Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: ON SITE Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: LEAD Storage Id: 1243204 Container: Tote Bin Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: POWER ROOM Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: LEAD Storage Id: 1250569 Container: Tote Bin Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: W/ ENGINE FID Num: SA00441 Chemical Id: 888359 Chemical Name: DIESEL FUEL #2 CAS: 68476-34-6 Trade Secret: No EHS: Not reported Solid: Not reported Liquid: Yes Gas: Not reported Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Yes Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Not reported Delayed: Yes Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 20076 Avg Daily Amt: 20076 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: Not reported Storage: Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: DIESEL FUEL #2 Storage Id: 1243205 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: ON SITE TC4471374.2s Page 190 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE CO (Continued) 0000716812 TC4471374.2s Page 191 Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: DIESEL FUEL #2 Storage Id: 1243205 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: ABOVE GROUND Fid Num: SAOO441 Chemical Name: DIESEL FUEL #2 Storage Id: 1243205 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: ABOVE GROUND Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: DIESEL FUEL #2 Storage Id: 1243205 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: ON SITE Fid Num: SA00441 0 Chemical Name: Storage Id: DIESEL FUEL #2 1243205 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: ABOVE GROUND FID Num: SA00441 Chemical Id: 888357 Chemical Name: SULFURIC ACID CAS: 7664-93-9 Trade Secret: No EHS: Yes Solid: Not reported Liquid: Yes Gas: Not reported Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Yes Delayed: Yes Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 6349 Avg Daily Amt: 6349 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: Not reported Storage: Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: SULFURIC ACID Storage Id: 1243203 TC4471374.2s Page 191 TC4471374.2s Page 192 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number • SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE CO (Continued) 0000716812 Container: Other Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: ON SITE Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: SULFURIC ACID Storage Id: 1243203 Container: Other Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: POWER ROOM Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: SULFURIC ACID Storage Id: 1250449 Container: Other Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: W/ ENGINE Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: SULFURIC ACID Storage Id: 1243203 Container: Tote Bin Pressure: A • Temperature: A Storage Location: POWER ROOM Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: SULFURIC ACID Storage Id: 1250449 Container: Tote Bin Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: W/ ENGINE Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: SULFURIC ACID Storage Id: 1243203 Container: Other Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: ON SITE Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: SULFURIC ACID Storage Id: 1243203 Container: Tote Bin Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: POWER ROOM Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: SULFURIC ACID Storage Id: 1250449 40 Container: Tote Bin TC4471374.2s Page 192 TC4471374.2s Page 193 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number • SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE CO (Continued) 0000716812 Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: W/ ENGINE FID Num: SA00441 Chemical Id: 888358 Chemical Name: LEAD CAS: 7439-92-1 Trade Secret: No EHS: Not reported Solid: Yes Liquid: Not reported Gas: Not reported Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Yes Delayed: Yes Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 61936 Avg Daily Amt: 61936 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: Not reported Storage: • Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: LEAD Storage Id: 1243204 Container: Other Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: ON SITE Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: LEAD Storage Id: 1243204 Container: Other Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: POWER ROOM Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: LEAD Storage Id: 1250569 Container: Other Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: W/ ENGINE Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: LEAD Storage Id: 1243204 Container: Tote Bin Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: POWER ROOM TC4471374.2s Page 193 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number • Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE CO (Continued) 0000716812 TC4471374.2s Page 194 Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: LEAD Storage Id: 1250569 Container: Tote Bin Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: W/ ENGINE Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: LEAD Storage Id: 1243204 Container: Other Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: ON SITE Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: LEAD Storage Id: 1243204 Container: Tote Bin Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: POWER ROOM Fid Num: SA00441 • Chemical Name: Storage Id: LEAD 1250569 Container: Tote Bin Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: W/ ENGINE FID Num: SA00441 Chemical Id: 888359 Chemical Name: DIESEL FUEL #2 CAS: 68476-34-6 Trade Secret: No EHS: Not reported Solid: Not reported Liquid: Yes Gas: Not reported Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Yes Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Not reported Delayed: Yes Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 20076 Avg Daily Amt: 20076 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: Not reported Storage: Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: DIESEL FUEL #2 .Storage Id: 1243205 TC4471374.2s Page 194 TC4471374.2s Page 195 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number • SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE CO (Continued) 0000716812 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: ON SITE Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: DIESEL FUEL #2 Storage Id: 1243205 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: ABOVE GROUND Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: DIESEL FUEL #2 Storage Id: 1243205 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: ABOVE GROUND Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: DIESEL FUEL #2 Storage Id: 1243205 Container: Above Ground Tank • Pressure: Temperature: Ambient pressure Ambient temperature Storage Location: ON SITE Fid Num: SAD0441 Chemical Name: DIESEL FUEL #2 Storage Id: 1243205 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: ABOVE GROUND FID Num: SA00441 Chemical Id: 888357 Chemical Name: SULFURIC ACID CAS: 7664-93-9 Trade Secret: No EHS: Yes Solid: Not reported Liquid: Yes Gas: Not reported Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Yes Delayed: Yes Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 6342 Avg Daily Amt: 6342 . Days On Site: 365 TC4471374.2s Page 195 TC4471374.2s Page 196 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number • SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE CO (Continued) 0000716812 Opt Report: Not reported Storage: Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: SULFURIC ACID Storage Id: 1243203 Container: Other Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: ON SITE Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: SULFURIC ACID Storage Id: 1243203 Container: Other Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: POWER ROOM Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: SULFURIC ACID Storage Id: 1250449 Container: Other Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: W/ ENGINE • Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: SULFURIC ACID Storage Id: 1243203 Container: Tote Bin Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: POWER ROOM Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: SULFURIC ACID Storage Id: 1250449 Container: Tote Bin Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: W/ ENGINE Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: SULFURIC ACID Storage Id: 1243203 Container: Other Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: ON SITE Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: SULFURIC ACID Storage Id: 1243203 Container: Tote Bin Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: POWER ROOM TC4471374.2s Page 196 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number • Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE CO (Continued) 0000716812 TC4471374.2s Page 197 Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: SULFURIC ACID Storage Id: 1250449 Container: Tote Bin Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: W/ ENGINE FID Num: SA00441 Chemical Id: 888358 Chemical Name: LEAD CAS: 7439-92-1 Trade Secret: No EHS: Not reported Solid: Yes Liquid: Not reported Gas: Not reported Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Yes Delayed: Yes Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 61943 Avg Daily Amt: 61943 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: Not reported Storage: Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: LEAD Storage Id: 1243204 Container: Other Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: ON SITE Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: LEAD Storage Id: 1243204 Container: Other Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: POWER ROOM Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: LEAD Storage Id: 1250569 Container: Other Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: W/ ENGINE Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: LEAD • Storage Id: 1243204 TC4471374.2s Page 197 TC4471374.2s Page 198 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE CO (Continued) 0000716812 Container: Tote Bin Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: POWER ROOM Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: LEAD Storage Id: 1250569 Container: Tote Bin Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: W/ ENGINE Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: LEAD Storage Id: 1243204 Container: Other Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: ON SITE Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: LEAD Storage Id: 1243204 Container: Tote Bin Pressure: Temperature: A A Storage Location: POWER ROOM Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: LEAD Storage Id: 1250569 Container: Tote Bin Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: W/ ENGINE FID Num: SA00441 Chemical Id: 888359 Chemical Name: DIESEL FUEL #2 CAS: 68476-34-6 Trade Secret: No EHS: Not reported Solid: Not reported Liquid: Yes Gas: Not reported Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Yes Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Not reported Delayed: Yes Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 19992 Avg Daily Amt: 19992 Days On Site: 365 TC4471374.2s Page 198 TC4471374.2s Page 199 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE CO (Continued) 0000716812 Opt Report: Not reported Storage: Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: DIESEL FUEL #2 Storage Id: 1243205 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: ON SITE Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: DIESEL FUEL #2 Storage Id: 1243205 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: ABOVE GROUND Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: DIESEL FUEL #2 Storage Id: 1243205 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: ABOVE GROUND Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: DIESEL FUEL #2 Storage Id: 1243205 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: ON SITE Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: DIESEL FUEL #2 Storage Id: 1243205 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: ABOVE GROUND FID Num: SA00441 Chemical Id: 888357 Chemical Name: SULFURIC ACID CAS: 7664-93-9 Trade Secret: No EHS: Yes Solid: Not reported Liquid: Yes Gas: Not reported Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Not reported • Reactive: Yes TC4471374.2s Page 199 TC4471374.2s Page 200 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE CO (Continued) 0000716812 Delayed: Yes Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 6342 Avg Daily Amt: 6342 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: Not reported Storage: Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: SULFURIC ACID Storage Id: 1243203 Container: Other Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: ON SITE Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: SULFURIC ACID Storage Id: 1243203 Container: Other Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: POWER ROOM Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: SULFURIC ACID Storage Id: 1250449 Container: Other Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: W/ ENGINE Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: SULFURIC ACID Storage Id: 1243203 Container: Tote Bin Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: POWER ROOM Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: SULFURIC ACID Storage Id: 1250449 Container: Tote Bin Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: W/ ENGINE Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: SULFURIC ACID Storage Id: 1243203 Container: Other Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: ON SITE Fid Num: SA00441 • Chemical Name: SULFURIC ACID TC4471374.2s Page 200 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number 0 - SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE CO (Continued) 0000716812 TC4471374.2s Page 201 Storage Id: 1243203 Container: Tote Bin Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: POWER ROOM Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: SULFURIC ACID Storage Id: 1250449 Container: Tote Bin Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: W/ ENGINE FID Num: SA00441 Chemical Id: 888358 Chemical Name: LEAD CAS: 7439-92-1 Trade Secret: No EHS: Not reported Solid: Yes Liquid: Not reported Gas: Not reported Pure: Yes Mix: Fire: Not reported Not reported Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Yes Delayed: Yes Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 61943 Avg Daily Amt: 61943 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: Not reported Storage: Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: LEAD Storage Id: 1243204 Container: Other Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: ON SITE Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: LEAD Storage Id: 1243204 Container: Other Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: POWER ROOM Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: LEAD Storage Id: 1250569 Container: Other • Pressure: Ambient pressure TC4471374.2s Page 201 TC4471374.2s Page 202 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE CO (Continued) 0000716812 Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: W/ ENGINE Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: LEAD Storage Id: 1243204 Container: Tote Bin Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: POWER ROOM Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: LEAD Storage Id: 1250569 Container: Tote Bin Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: W/ ENGINE Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: LEAD Storage Id: 1243204 Container: Other Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: ON SITE Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: LEAD Storage Id: 1243204 Container: Tote Bin Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: POWER ROOM Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: LEAD Storage Id: 1250569 Container: Tote Bin Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: W/ ENGINE FID Num: SA00441 Chemical Id: 888359 Chemical Name: DIESEL FUEL #2 CAS: 68476-34-6 Trade Secret: No EHS: Not reported Solid: Not reported Liquid: Yes Gas: Not reported Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Yes Pressure: Not reported TC4471374.2s Page 202 TC4471374.2s Page 203 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE CO (Continued) 0000716812 Reactive: Not reported Delayed: Yes Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 19992 Avg Daily Amt: 19992 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: Not reported Storage: Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: DIESEL FUEL #2 Storage Id: 1243205 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: ON SITE Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: DIESEL FUEL #2 Storage Id: 1243205 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: ABOVE GROUND Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: DIESEL FUEL #2 • Storage Id: 1243205 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: ABOVE GROUND Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: DIESEL FUEL #2 Storage Id: 1243205 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: ON SITE Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: DIESEL FUEL #2 Storage Id: 1243205 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: ABOVE GROUND FID Num: SA00441 Chemical Id: 888357 Chemical Name: SULFURIC ACID CAS: 7664-93-9 Trade Secret: No EHS: Yes Solid: Not reported Liquid: Yes TC4471374.2s Page 203 TC4471374.2s Page 204 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE CO (Continued) 0000716812 Gas: Not reported Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Yes Delayed: Yes Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 6342 Avg Daily Amt: 6342 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: Not reported Storage: Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: SULFURIC ACID Storage Id: 1243203 Container: Other Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: ON SITE Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: SULFURIC ACID Storage Id: 1243203 Container: Other Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: POWER ROOM Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: SULFURIC ACID Storage Id: 1250449 Container: Other Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: W/ ENGINE Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: SULFURIC ACID Storage Id: 1243203 Container: Tote Bin Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: POWER ROOM Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: SULFURIC ACID Storage Id: 1250449 Container: Tote Bin Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: W/ ENGINE Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: SULFURIC ACID Storage Id: 1243203 0 Container: Other TC4471374.2s Page 204 TC4471374.2s Page 205 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE CO (Continued) 0000716812 Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: ON SITE Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: SULFURIC ACID Storage Id: 1243203 Container: Tote Bin Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: POWER ROOM Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: SULFURIC ACID Storage Id: 1250449 Container: Tote Bin Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: W/ ENGINE FID Num: SA00441 Chemical Id: 888358 Chemical Name: LEAD CAS: 7439-92-1 Trade Secret: No EHS: Not reported Solid: Yes Liquid: Not reported Gas: Not reported Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Yes Delayed: Yes Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 61943 Avg Daily Amt: 61943 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: Not reported Storage: Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: LEAD Storage Id: 1243204 Container: Other Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: ON SITE Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: LEAD Storage Id: 1243204 Container: Other Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature • Storage Location: POWER ROOM TC4471374.2s Page 205 TC4471374.2s Page 206 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number i SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE CO (Continued) 0000716812 Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: LEAD Storage Id: 1250569 Container: Other Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: W/ ENGINE Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: LEAD Storage Id: 1243204 Container: Tote Bin Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: POWER ROOM Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: LEAD Storage Id: 1250569 Container: Tote Bin Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: W/ ENGINE Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: Storage Id: LEAD 1243204 Container: Other Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: ON SITE Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: LEAD Storage Id: 1243204 Container: Tote Bin Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: POWER ROOM Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: LEAD Storage Id: 1250569 Container: Tote Bin Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: W/ ENGINE FID Num: SA00441 Chemical Id: 888359 Chemical Name: DIESEL FUEL #2 CAS: 68476-34-6 Trade Secret: No EHS: Not reported Solid: Not reported Liquid: Yes TC4471374.2s Page 206 CJ TC4471374.2s Page 207 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE CO (Continued) 0000716812 Gas: Not reported Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Yes Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Not reported Delayed: Yes Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 19992 Avg Daily Amt: 19992 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: Not reported Storage: Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: DIESEL FUEL #2 Storage Id: 1243205 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: ON SITE Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: DIESEL FUEL #2 Storage Id: 1243205 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: ABOVE GROUND Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: DIESEL FUEL #2 Storage Id: 1243205 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: ABOVE GROUND Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: DIESEL FUEL #2 Storage Id: 1243205 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: ON SITE Fid Num: SA00441 Chemical Name: DIESEL FUEL #2 Storage Id: 1243205 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: ABOVE GROUND CJ TC4471374.2s Page 207 • Map ID Direction Distance Elevation Site 50 LONG MCARTHUR FORD INC NNW 340 N SANTA FE 1/4-1/2 SALINA, KS 67401 0.265 mi. 1401 ft. Relative: LUST: Lower Facility ID: Site Status: Actual: Release Date: 1222 ft. Initial Report Date: Project Number: Project Name: Legal Desc Section: Legal Desc Township: Legal Desc Range: Discover Date: substrels: Initial Ranking: Current Ranking: Facility Contact: Facility Phone Number: Facility Owner Identification number: Facility Owner: Owner Contact Person: Owner Address: Owner City: Owner State: Owner Zip Code: Owner Phone number: Contractor license number: Contractor phone number: Leak duration (if known): Quantity released (if known): Quantity recorded: Leak Type: Reported By: Reported by persons phone number: Reported by person address: Ground water Impacted (yes/no): Static groundwater level: Groundwater flow direction: District staff names: Assessment of release: Contaimination assessement: Extent of contamination impact: Updated information: Invoice initiated: Invoice on going: Invoice completetd: Release confirmed: Emergencty contact: Enforcement action: Cost recovery: Cost recovery initiated: Cost recovery initiated by: Cost recovery completed: MAP FINDINGS EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number LUST 0002233393 UST N/A 17230 Closed Not reported 11/17/1989 U5-085-00209 Long Mcarthur Ford 12 14S 03W 11/17/1989 gasoline 51 45.00000 Not reported 785-823-2237 17230 Long Mcarthur Not reported South Of Body Shop Salina KS 67401 785-823-2237 Not reported 785-825-4214 0 Not reported Not reported Tank Erik Peterson 785-827-9639 2501-d Market, Salina 0-.5 concrete, -18' silty day, -20' clayey silt Not reported Not reported Erik Peterson 2 usts removed from s of body shop. contam in backfill & surrounding soil, excav to 21 ft, soil taken to saline cc landfill. soil >2500ppm tph. letter sent concerning placement of mw. tanks removed. unknown Site closed under KRBCA Tier 3A in June 2009. 19901 Not reported 19901 19901 Not reported 19911 Not reported 19954 Responsible Party 20093 TC4471374.2s Page 208 L, • • Map ID Direction Distance Elevation Site LONG MCARTHUR FORD INC (Continued) MAP FINDINGS Cost recovery completed by: Responsible Party Appplication to trust fund: 19911 UST: Facility ID: Facility 911 Address: Facility 911 City, State, Zip Facility Phone: Phone 24 Hours: Facility District: Facility Location Method: Facility Feature: Facility Datum: Facility Lat/Long: Owner ID: Owner: Owner Type: Owner/Rep Name: Owner/Rep Title: Owner Address: Owner City, State, Zip: Owner County: Contact: Contact Title: Tank ID: Tank Type: Tank Status: Total Capacity (Gals): Hazards: Petroleum Substance: NonPetroleum Substance Estimated Yr In Service: Date Removed: Last Permit Printed: Current Permit Printed: QTY Remaining in Tank: Filled/Removed: Tank Empty: Out of Service Mo/Yr: Material of Construction: Piping: Tank Internal Protection: Tank External Protection: Tank ID: Tank Type: Tank Status: Total Capacity (Gals): Hazards: Petroleum Substance: NonPetroleum Substance: Estimated Yr In Service: Date Removed: Last Permit Printed: Current Permit Printed: 17230 340 N SANTA FE SALINA, KS 67401 785-823-2237 785-823-2237 NC Garmin GPS III Plus Facility Center W GS84 38.846069999999997/-97.607600000000005 17230 LONG-MCARTHUR FORD INC Current Illegible Treas 340 N SANTA FE SALINA, KS 67401 SALINE John Irwin Jr General Mgr 001 Underground Permanently Out Of Use 2000 Fire,Chronic,Acute Gas (Incl Alcohol) Not reported 1941 12/15/1989 Not reported Not reported Not reported Removed Not reported 121989 Steel Not reported Not reported Not reported 002 Underground Permanently Out Of Use 2000 Fire,Chronic,Acute Gas (Incl Alcohol) Not reported 1941 12/15/1989 Not reported Not reported EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number 0002233393 TC4471374.2s Page 209 • • Map ID Direction Distance Elevation Site LONG MCARTHUR FORD INC (Continued) QTY Remaining in Tank: Filled/Removed: Tank Empty: Out of Service Mo/Yr: Material of Construction: Piping: Tank Internal Protection: Tank External Protection Tank ID: Tank Type: Tank Status: Total Capacity (Gals): Hazards: Petroleum Substance: NonPetroleum Substance Estimated Yr In Service: Date Removed: Last Permit Printed: Current Permit Printed: QTY Remaining in Tank: Filled/Removed: Tank Empty: Out of Service Mo/Yr: Material of Construction: Piping: Tank Internal Protection: Tank External Protection: MAP FINDINGS Not reported Removed Not reported 121989 Steel Not reported Not reported Not reported 003 Underground Permanently Out Of Use 250 Fire,Chronic Used Oil Not reported 1946 12/15/1989 Not reported Not reported Not reported Removed Not reported 121989 Steel Not reported Not reported Not reported EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number 0002233393 51 THIS & THAT LAMPS & SHADES LUST 0000870315 South 307 E WALNUT UST N/A 1/4-1/2 SALINA, KS 67401 0.296 mi. 1565 ft. Relative: LUST: Lower Facility ID: 00037 Site Status: Monitor Actual: Release Date: Not reported 1221 ft. Initial Report Date: 01/25/1994 Project Number: U5-085-00854 Project Name: This & That Lamps & Shades Legal Desc Section: 13 Legal Desc Township: 14S Legal Desc Range: 03W Discover Date: 01/25/1994 substrels: gasoline Initial Ranking: 114 Current Ranking: 150.00000 Facility Contact: Delmer Sherbert Facility Phone Number: 785-825-7714 Facility Owner Identification number: 00037 Facility Owner: Delmer Sherbert Owner Contact Person: Delmer Sherbert Owner Address: 618 E Republic Owner City: Salina Owner State: KS TC4471374.2s Page 210 • 0 • Map ID Direction Distance Elevation Site F- MAP FINDINGS THIS & THAT LAMPS & SHADES (Continued) Owner Zip Code: Owner Phone number: Contractor license number: Contractor phone number: Leak duration (if known): Quantity released (if known): Quantity recorded: Leak Type: Reported By: Reported by persons phone number: Reported by person address: Ground water Impacted (yes/no): Static groundwater level: Groundwater flow direction: District staff names: Assessment of release: Contaimination assessement: Extent of contamination impact: Updated information: Invoice initiated: Invoice on going: Invoice completetd: Release confirmed: Emergencty contact: Enforcement action: Cost recovery: Cost recovery initiated: Cost recovery initiated by: Cost recovery completed: Cost recovery completed by: Appplication to trust fund: UST: Facility ID: Facility 911 Address: Facility 911 City, State, Zip: Facility Phone: Phone 24 Hours: Facility District: Facility Location Method: Facility Feature: Facility Datum: Facility Lat/Long: Owner ID: Owner: Owner Type: Owner/Rep Name: Owner/Rep Title. Owner Address: Owner City, State, Zip: Owner County: Contact: Contact Title: Tank ID: EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number 67401 785-825-7714 Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Delmer Sherbert 785-825-7714 Not reported alluvial clays and silts associated with the smoky hill river. generally becoming sandier with depth. 038 E Scott Lang no clean up activities have been initiated to date. ownerplans to apply to the prtf. line from firestone runs from 5th and walnut to iron street. undetermined. Not reported 19942 Not reported 19942 19942 Not reported 19943 Not reported 19982 State W. State Funding Not reported Not reported 19943 00037 159 S 4TH SALINA, KS 67401 785-825-7714 785-825-7714 NC Garmin GPS III Plus Facility Center WGS84 38.838430000000002/-97.6066 00037 SHERBERT, DELMAR Private Or Corp. Trust Fund Applicati Not reported 307 EAST WALNUT SALINA, KS 67401 SALINE Delmar Sherbert Owner M 0000870315 TC4471374.2s Page 211 • Ll Map ID Direction Distance Elevation Site 52 South 114-1/2 0.312 mi. 1645 ft. Relative: Higher Actual: 1223 ft. F77 MAP FINDINGS THIS & THAT LAMPS & SHADES (Continued) Tank Type: Tank Status: Total Capacity (Gals): Hazards: Petroleum Substance: NonPetroleum Substance Estimated Yr In Service: Date Removed: Last Permit Printed: Current Permit Printed: QTY Remaining in Tank: Filled/Removed: Tank Empty: Out of Service Mo/Yr: Material of Construction: Piping: Tank Internal Protection: Tank External Protection: Tank ID: Tank Type: Tank Status: Total Capacity (Gals): Hazards: Petroleum Substance: NonPetroleum Substance Estimated Yr In Service: Date Removed: Last Permit Printed: Current Permit Printed: QTY Remaining in Tank: Filled/Removed: Tank Empty: Out of Service Mo/Yr: Material of Construction: Piping: Tank Internal Protection: Tank External Protection: FIRESTONE SERVICE CENTER 200 S 5TH ST SALINA, KS 67401 LUST: Facility ID: Site Status: Release Date: Initial Report Date: Project Number: Project Name: Legal Desc Section: Legal Desc Township: Legal Desc Range: Discover Date: substrels: Underground Permanently Out Of Use 500 Fire,Chronic,Acute Gas (Incl Alcohol) Not reported 1900 7/15/1986 Not reported Not reported 0 Filled Not reported 071986 Steel Not reported Not reported Not reported 002 Underground Permanently Out Of Use 500 Fire,Chronic,Acute Gas (Incl Alcohol) Not reported 1900 7/15/1986 Not reported Not reported 0 Filled Not reported 071986 Steel Not reported Not reported Not reported 80342 Closed Not reported 02/17/1992 U5-085-00673 Firestone Service 13 14S 03W 02/17/1992 used oil EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number 0000870315 LUST S101836932 N/A TC4471374.2s Page 212 • Map ID Direction Distance Elevation Site FIRESTONE SERVICE CENTER (Continued) Initial Ranking: Current Ranking: Facility Contact: Facility Phone Number: Facility Owner Identification number: Facility Owner: Owner Contact Person: Owner Address: Owner City: Owner State: Owner Zip Code: Owner Phone number: Contractor license number: Contractor phone number: Leak duration (if known): Quantity released (if known): Quantity recorded: Leak Type: Reported By: Reported by persons phone number: Reported by person address: Ground water Impacted (yes/no): Static groundwater level: Groundwater flow direction: District staff names: Assessment of release: Contaimination assessement: Extent of contamination impact: Updated information: Invoice initiated: Invoice on going: Invoice completetd: Release confirmed: Emergencty contact: Enforcement action: Cost recovery: Cost recovery initiated: Cost recovery initiated by: Cost recovery completed: Cost recovery completed by Appplication to trust fund: Facility ID: Site Status: Release Date: Initial Report Date: Project Number: Project Name: Legal Desc Section: . Legal Desc Township: MAP FINDINGS EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number S101836932 Not reported Not reported Kathleen Scheutzow 216-379-3737 Not reported Bridgestone Firestone Not reported 1200 Firestone Parkway Akron OH 44317 216-379-3737 Not reported 303-293-3835 Not reported Not reported Not reported Tank Howard Debauche, Ncdo 785-827-9639 2501-d Market PI, Salina 0-12' greyish brown silty clays, @12' greyish brown Gay. Groundwater believed to be at -30'. Not reported Not reported Howard Debauche 1-1000 gallon waste oil underground storage tank was removed. Tank was corroded. Visible staining. Excavated to 15 ft. Contamination below action levels. Total petroleum hydrocarbons tested 30-60 ppm at all depths. Plastic liner placed in excavation Not reported Not reported 01/04/93: reports indicate contam. in waste oil excay. to be velow ks action levels. status updated to closed for this waste oil ust removal. (tanks & lines previously filled in place will require an assessment before closure. 19922 Not reported 19922 19922 Not reported Not reported Not reported 19922 Responsible Party 19931 Responsible Party Not reported 80342 Closed Not reported 11/01/1993 U5-085-00673 Firestone Service 13 14S TC4471374.2s Page 213 • Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number FIRESTONE SERVICE CENTER (Continued) S101836932 Legal Desc Range: Discover Date: substrels: Initial Ranking: Current Ranking: Facility Contact: Facility Phone Number: Facility Owner Identification number: Facility Owner: Owner Contact Person: Owner Address: Owner City: Owner State: Owner Zip Code: Owner Phone number: Contractor license number: Contractor phone number: Leak duration (if known): Quantity released (if known): Quantity recorded: Leak Type: Reported By: Reported by persons phone number: Reported by person address: Ground water Impacted (yes/no): . Static groundwater level: Groundwater flow direction District staff names: Assessment of release: Contaimination assessement: Extent of contamination impact Updated information: Invoice initiated: Invoice on going: Invoice completetd: Release confirmed: Emergencty contact: Enforcement action: Cost recovery: Cost recovery initiated: Cost recovery initiated by: Cost recovery completed: Cost recovery completed by: Appplication to trust fund: Facility ID: Site Status: Release Date: Initial Report Date: . Project Number: 03W Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Kathleen Scheutzow 216-379-3737 Not reported Bridgestone Firestone Not reported 1200 Firestone Parkway Akron OH 44317 216-379-3737 Not reported 303-293-3835 Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported 0-12' greyish brown silty clays, >12' greyish brown clay. groundwater believed to be at -30'. Not reported Not reported Scott Lang prior to 12/88 several usts were improperly abandonded in place without remaining product & sludge being removed. there is also extensive piping which extends for several blocks to railroad offloading area. firestone property has had seperate Not reported unknown at present 7/97: site given closed status. no contamination detected in line trenches or beneath lines. kdhe reserves right to reevaluate status if n end of line is ever located. (this btla for line portion of firestone.)) 19934 Not reported 19934 Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported 80342 Closed Not reported 12/15/1995 U5-085-10735 TC4471374.2s Page 214 0 �il Map ID Direction Distance Elevation Site FIRESTONE SERVICE CENTER (Continued) MAP FINDINGS EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number S101836932 Project Name: Firestone Service Legal Desc Section: 13 Legal Desc Township: 14S Legal Desc Range: 03W Discover Date: 08/01/1995 substrels: gasoline Initial Ranking: Not reported Current Ranking: Not reported Facility Contact: Kathleen Scheutzow Facility Phone Number: Not reported Facility Owner Identification number: Not reported Facility Owner: Firestone Service Center Owner Contact Person: Kathleen Scheutzow Owner Address: 1200 Firestone Parkway Owner City: Akron Owner State: OH Owner Zip Code: 44317 Owner Phone number: 216-379-3737 Contractor license number: Not reported Contractor phone number: Not reported Leak duration (if known): Not reported Quantity released (if known): Not reported Quantity recorded: Not reported Leak Type: Other Reported By: Kathleen Scheutzow Reported by persons phone number: 216-379-3737 Reported by person address: 1200 Firestone Pkwy Ground water Impacted (yes/no): Brown lean silty clay grading to silty sand and sand with depth. Static groundwater level: 032 Groundwater flow direction: E District staff names: Scott Lang Assessment of release: Leak discovered during Ryan -Murphy investigation. Contamination above Kansas Action Level's in soils. No clean-up has been initiated, Owner has been provided an application to the petroleum trust fund. Site may/may not be a problem. Further investig Contaimination assessement: No Extent of contamination impact: Undetermined. Updated information: 08/19/96: no cleanup necessary/from g8m report contam levels not threat to health/environ. contents of tanks should be eval as a future contamination source. closed. the railroad fueling line considered separate site.!! Invoice initiated: 19961 Invoice on going: Not reported Invoice completetd: 19961 Release confirmed: 19961 Emergencty contact: Not reported Enforcement action: 19961 Cost recovery: Not reported Cost recovery initiated: 19964 Cost recovery initiated by: Responsible Party Cost recovery completed: 19964 Cost recovery completed by: Responsible Party Appplication to trust fund: Not reported TC4471374.2s Page 215 Ll • ril Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance Elevation Site 53 MERCURY-COMCARE OF SALINA, KS ENE 617 EAST ELM 1/4-1/2 SALINA, KS 67401 0.320 mi. 1687 ft. Relative: CERCLIS: Lower Site ID: Contact Tel: EPA ID: Actual: Facility County: 1221 ft. Short Name: Congressional District: IFMS ID: SMSA Number: USGC Hydro Unit: Federal Facility: DMNSN Number: Site Orphan Flag: RCRA ID: USGS Quadrangle: Site Init By Prog: NFRAP Flag: Parent ID: RST Code: EPA Region: Classification: Site Settings Code: NPL Status: DMNSN Unit Code: RBRAC Code: RResp Fed Agency Code: Non NPL Status. Non NPL Status Date: Site Fips Code: CC Concurrence Date: CC Concurrence FY: Alias EPA ID: Site FUDS Flag: CERCLIS Site Contact Name(s) 0705882 KSN000705882 SALINE MERCURY-COMCARE OF SALINA 01 Not reported Not reported Not reported Not a Federal Facility 0.00000 Not reported Not reported Not reported R Not reported Not reported Not reported 07 Not reported Not reported Not on the NPL Not reported Not reported Not reported Removal Only Site (No Site Assessment Work Needed) 04/07/08 20169 11 Not reported Not reported Not reported Contact ID: 7000225.00000 Contact Name: JANICE KROONE Contact Tel: (913) 551-7005 Contact Title: On -Scene Coordinator (OSC) Contact Email: Not reported Contact ID: 13000611.00000 Contact Name: RON KING Contact Tel: (951) 551-7568 Contact Title: Site Assessment Manager (SAM) Contact Email: Not reported Alias Comments: Not reported Site Description: Not reported CERCLIS Assessment History: EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number CERCLIS 1011487933 KSN000705882 Action Code: 001 Action: POTENTIALLY RESPONSIBLE PARTY EMERGENCY REMOVAL TC4471374.2s Page 216 0 1:1 • Map ID Direction Distance Elevation Site MAP FINDINGS MERCURY-COMCARE OF SALINA, KS (Continued) Date Started: 04/07/08 Date Completed: 04/10/08 Priority Level: Cleaned up Operable Unit: SITEWIDE Primary Responsibility: Responsible Party Planning Status: Approved Urgency Indicator: Emergency Action Anomaly: Not reported 54 MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILROAD FREIGHT HOUSE (FMR) NNW 353 N 7TH 1/4-1/2 SALINA, KS 67401 0.333 mi. 1757 ft. Relative: SHWS: Lower Site ID: Has Env Use Control: Actual: Project code: 1222 ft. PM Name: Site Status: District Office: Lat/Long: River Basin: Aquifer Yield: Other Aquifers: Parent PC: Parent Name: CERCLIS ID: Discovery Date: Depth To GW: Depth To Bedrock: Aquifer Yield: GW Flow Direction: Acres Affected: Waste Present: Product Present: Program: Lead Agency: Contaminants: Media Act: Media Pot: Source: Land Use: Private well: Waste Present: Product: Receptor Act: Receptor Pot: Remed Air: Remed Soil: Remed Water: Remedir: Alias: Eucan Number: Date: Activity Type: 1895 Yes 0508571962 BURKE, H. Active NCDO 38.84724/-97.610814 Smoky Hills - Saline Alluvial Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported 31-50 feet 51-100 feet Not reported SE <5 acres No No State Cooperative BER - Remedial VOC Ground Water, Soil Air, Indoor Dumping/Drums, Facility Operations, Spill Industrial Monitoring Not reported Not reported Public Water Supply Private Well Not reported Not reported Monitored Natural Attenuation, Bioremediation Not reported SEE SALINA PWS #11 12-EUC-0011 08/30/2012 Consent Order EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number 1011487933 SHWS S106891195 INST CONTROL NIA TC4471374.2s Page 217 0 El Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance Elevation Site EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILROAD FREIGHT HOUSE (FMR) (Continued) Activity Status: Completed Activity Start Date: Not reported Activity End Date: 07/17/2006 Narrative: The Missouri Pacific Railroad Freight House (MOPAC) Site is located in north -central Salina, Kansas, at 353 N Seventh Street. Between 1992 and 1994, volatile organic compounds (VOCs) were discovered in several Leaking Underground Storage Tank (LUST) sites in the north Salina area. As a result, a Comprehensive Investigation (CI) of the Salina North Site was completed in 1997. The results indicated that several potential source areas existed in the area. Additional groundwater monitoring and investigation within the Salina North Site boundaries was conducted by the KDHE Site Assessment Unit to further characterize the identified source areas. Results of an Expanded Site Investigation of the Salina PWS Well #11 Site, completed in early 2002 indicated that the highest tetrachloroethene (PCE) concentrations were detected in properties adjacent to the former MOPAC facility. In January 2005, a Preliminary Investigation (PI) was conducted by a potentially responsible party (PRP). Results of the PI indicated a potential source area beneath the building which is believed to be a surface spill of PCE that occurred at the site impacting soil and groundwater; however, the exact source, time frame, or incident is unknown. A Consent Order (CO) between KDHE and the identified PRP was execu ted in July 2006, for a Cl and Corrective Action Study (CAS) to further delineate the impact of PCE and trichloroethylene (TCE) in the groundwater within the study area. Cl activities began in November 2006 and continued through October 2007 including two rounds of quarterly groundwater sampling. A Cl Report was submitted and subsequently approved by KDHE in January 2008 and June 2008, respectively. A CAS was completed for the Site including a pilot study using the compound EHC. EHC is a patented combination of controlled -release carbon and zero -valent iron particles used for stimulating in-situ chemical reduction of persistent organic compounds in groundwater. The pilot study began with injections occurring in September 2008 with performance monitoring continuing through December 2009- Due to an increase of PCE and TCE detected in MW -FG -10S during the performance monitoring period, a supplemental membrane interface probe/electro-conductivity study was conducted in January 2010 to delineate the additional area of impact. A final CAS report was approved by KDHE in November 2010. On June 23, 2011, KDHE issued the final Corrective Action Decision (CAD) for the Site. The selected remedy alternative for groundwater is Source Area Enhanced Reductive Dechlorination coupled with Monitored Natural Attenuation and the establishment of Environmental Use Controls (EUCs). An amended CO was executed on November 1, 2011 for preparation of a Corrective Action Plan (CAP) followed by implementation of the selected Corrective Action (CA) in accordance with a KDHE-approved design. The CAP for the Site was submitted to KDHE and subsequently approved on November 17, 2011. Implementation of the CA began in December 2011. An EUC was recorded for the Site on August 30, 2012. Currently, semi-annual groundwater monitoring is being conducted at the Site to monitor site conditions. Site ID: 1895 Has Env Use Control: Yes Project code: C508571962 PM Name: BURKE, H. S106891195 TC4471374.2s Page 218 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation Site MAP FINDINGS EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number • MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILROAD FREIGHT HOUSE (FMR) (Continued) Site Status: Active District Office: NCDO LaULong: 38.84724 / -97.610814 River Basin: Smoky Hills - Saline Aquifer Yield: Alluvial Other Aquifers: Not reported Parent PC: Not reported Parent Name: Not reported CERCLIS ID: Not reported Discovery Date: Not reported Depth To GW: 31-50 feet Depth To Bedrock: 51-100 feet Aquifer Yield: Not reported GW Flow Direction: SE Acres Affected: <5 acres Waste Present: No Product Present: No Program: State Cooperative Lead Agency: BER - Remedial Contaminants: VOC Media Act: Ground Water, Soil Media Pot: Air, Indoor Source: Dumping/Drums, Facility Operations, Spill Land Use: Industrial Private well: Monitoring Waste Present: Not reported Product: Not reported Receptor Act: Public Water Supply Receptor Pot: Private Well Remed Air: Not reported Remed Soil: Not reported Remed Water: Monitored Natural Attenuation, Bioremediation Remedir: Not reported Alias: SEE SALINA PWS #11 Eucan Number: 12-EUC-0011 Date: 08/30/2012 Activity Type: Agreement Activity Status: Completed Activity Start Date: 01/26/2005 Activity End Date: 07/17/2006 Narrative: The Missouri Pacific Railroad Freight House (MOPAC) Site is located in north -central Salina, Kansas, at 353 N Seventh Street, Between 1992 and 1994, volatile organic compounds (VOCs) were discovered in several Leaking Underground Storage Tank (LUST) sites in the north Salina area. As a result, a Comprehensive Investigation (CI) of the Salina North Site was completed in 1997. The results indicated that several potential source areas existed in the area. Additional groundwater monitoring and investigation within the Salina North Site boundaries was conducted by the KDHE Site Assessment Unit to further characterize the identified source areas. Results of an Expanded Site Investigation of the Salina PWS Well #11 Site, completed in early 2002 indicated that the highest tetrachloroethene (PCE) concentrations were detected in properties adjacent to the former MOPAC facility. In January 2005, a Preliminary Investigation (PI) was conducted by a potentially responsible party (PRP). Results of the PI indicated a potential source area beneath the building which is believed to be a surface spill of PCE that occurred at the site S106891195 TC4471374.2s Page 219 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance Elevation Site 0 MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILROAD FREIGHT HOUSE (FMR) (Continued) • Site ID: Has Env Use Control Project code: PM Name: Site Status: District Office: Lat/Long: River Basin: Aquifer Yield: Other Aquifers: Parent PC: Parent Name: CERCLIS ID: Discovery Date: Depth To GW: Depth To Bedrock: Aquifer Yield: GW Flow Direction: Acres Affected: Waste Present: Product Present: Program: Lead Agency: Contaminants: • EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number impacting soil and groundwater; however, the exact source, time frame, or incident is unknown. A Consent Order (CO) between KDHE and the identified PRP was execu ted in July 2006, for a Cl and Corrective Action Study (CAS) to further delineate the impact of PCE and trichloroethylene (TCE) in the groundwater within the study area. Cl activities began in November 2006 and continued through October 2007 including two rounds of quarterly groundwater sampling. A Cl Report was submitted and subsequently approved by KDHE in January 2008 and June 2008, respectively. A CAS was completed for the Site including a pilot study using the compound EHC. EHC is a patented combination of controlled -release carbon and zero -valent iron particles used for stimulating in-situ chemical reduction of persistent organic compounds in groundwater. The pilot study began with injections occurring in September 2008 with performance monitoring continuing through December 2009. Due to an increase of PCE and TCE detected in MW -FG -10S during the performance monitoring period, a supplemental membrane interface probe/electro-conductivity study was conducted in January 2010 to delineate the additional area of impact. A final CAS report was approved by KDHE in November 2010. On June 23, 2011, KDHE issued the final Corrective Action Decision (CAD) for the Site. The selected remedy alternative for groundwater is Source Area Enhanced Reductive Dechlorination coupled with Monitored Natural Attenuation and the establishment of Environmental Use Controls (EUCs). An amended CO was executed on November 1, 2011 for preparation of a Corrective Action Plan (CAP) followed by implementation of the selected Corrective Action (CA) in accordance with a KDHE-approved design. The CAP for the Site was submitted to KDHE and subsequently approved on November 17, 2011. Implementation of the CA began in December 2011. An EUC was recorded for the Site on August 30, 2012. Currently, semi-annual groundwater monitoring is being conducted at the Site to monitor site conditions. 1895 Yes 0508571962 BURKE, H. Active NCDO 38.84724/-97.610814 Smoky Hills - Saline Alluvial Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported 31-50 feet 51-100 feet Not reported SE <5 acres No No State Cooperative BER - Remedial VOC S106891195 TC4471374.2s Page 220 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number 0 MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILROAD FREIGHT HOUSE (FMR) (Continued) S106891195 TC4471374.2s Page 221 Media Act: Ground Water, Soil Media Pot: Air, Indoor Source: Dumping/Drums, Facility Operations, Spill Land Use: Industrial Private well: Monitoring Waste Present: Not reported Product: Not reported Receptor Act: Public Water Supply Receptor Pot: Private Well Remed Air: Not reported Remed Soil: Not reported Remed Water: Monitored Natural Attenuation, Bioremediation Remedir: Not reported Alias: SEE SALINA PWS #11 Eucan Number: 12-EUC-0011 Date: 08/30/2012 Activity Type: Long Term Monitoring Activity Status: Underway Activity Start Date: 11/17/2011 Activity End Date: Not reported Narrative: The Missouri Pacific Railroad Freight House (MOPAC) Site is located in north -central Salina, Kansas, at 353 N Seventh Street. Between 1992 and 1994, volatile organic compounds (VOCs) were discovered in several Leaking Underground Storage Tank (LUST) sites in the north Salina area. As a result, a Comprehensive Investigation (CI) of the Salina North Site was completed in 1997. The results indicated that several potential source areas existed in the area. Additional groundwater monitoring and investigation within the Salina North Site boundaries was conducted by the KDHE Site Assessment Unit to further characterize the identified source areas. Results of an Expanded Site Investigation of the Salina PWS Well #11 Site, completed in early 2002 indicated that the highest tetrachloroethene (PCE) concentrations were detected in properties adjacent to the former MOPAC facility. In January 2005, a Preliminary Investigation (PI) was conducted by a potentially responsible party (PRP). Results of the PI indicated a potential source area beneath the building which is believed to be a surface spill of PCE that occurred at the site impacting soil and groundwater; however, the exact source, time frame, or incident is unknown. A Consent Order (CO) between KDHE and the identified PRP was execu ted in July 2006, for a Cl and Corrective Action Study (CAS) to further delineate the impact of PCE and trichloroethylene (TCE) in the groundwater within the study area. Cl activities began in November 2006 and continued through October 2007 including two rounds of quarterly groundwater sampling. A Cl Report was submitted and subsequently approved by KDHE in January 2008 and June 2008, respectively. A CAS was completed for the Site including a pilot study using the compound EHC. EHC is a patented combination of controlled -release carbon and zero -valent iron particles used for stimulating in-situ chemical reduction of persistent organic compounds in groundwater. The pilot study began with injections occurring in September 2008 with performance monitoring continuing through December 2009. Due to an increase of PCE and TCE detected in MW -FG -10S during the performance monitoring period, a supplemental membrane interface probe/electro-conductivity study was conducted in January 2010 to delineate the additional area of impact. A final CAS report was approved by KDHE in November 2010. On June 23, 2011, KDHE TC4471374.2s Page 221 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number • MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILROAD FREIGHT HOUSE (FMR) (Continued) S106891195 issued the final Corrective Action Decision (CAD) for the Site. The selected remedy alternative for groundwater is Source Area Enhanced Reductive Dechlorination coupled with Monitored Natural Attenuation and the establishment of Environmental Use Controls (EUCs). An amended CO was executed on November 1, 2011 for preparation of a Corrective Action Plan (CAP) followed by implementation of the selected Corrective Action (CA) in accordance with a KDHE-approved design. The CAP for the Site was submitted to KDHE and subsequently approved on November 17, 2011. Implementation of the CA began in December 2011. An EUC was recorded for the Site on August 30, 2012. Currently, semi-annual groundwater monitoring is being conducted at the Site to monitor site conditions. TC4471374.2s Page 222 Site ID: 1895 Has Env Use Control: Yes Project code: C508571962 PM Name: BURKE. H. Site Status: Active District Office: NCDO Lat/Long: 38.84724/-97.610814 River Basin: Smoky Hills - Saline Aquifer Yield: Alluvial Other Aquifers: Not reported Parent PC: Not reported Parent Name: Not reported CERCLIS ID: Not reported Discovery Date: Not reported Depth To GW: 31-50 feet Depth To Bedrock: 51-100 feet Aquifer Yield: Not reported GW Flow Direction: SE Acres Affected: <5 acres Waste Present: No Product Present: No Program: State Cooperative Lead Agency: BER - Remedial Contaminants: VOC Media Act: Ground Water, Soil Media Pot: Air, Indoor Source: Dumping/Drums, Facility Operations, Spill Land Use: Industrial Private well: Monitoring Waste Present: Not reported Product: Not reported Receptor Act: Public Water Supply Receptor Pot: Private Well Remed Air: Not reported Remed Soil: Not reported Remed Water: Monitored Natural Attenuation, Bioremediation Remedir: Not reported Alias: SEE SALINA PWS #11 Eucan Number: 12-EUC-0011 Date: 08/30/2012 Activity Type: Corrective Action Activity Status: Underway Activity Start Date: 11/17/2011 Activity End Date: Not reported TC4471374.2s Page 222 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance Elevation Site • MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILROAD FREIGHT HOUSE (FMR) (Continued) EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number Narrative: The Missouri Pacific Railroad Freight House (MOPAC) Site is located in north -central Salina, Kansas, at 353 N Seventh Street, Between 1992 and 1994, volatile organic compounds (VOCs) were discovered in several Leaking Underground Storage Tank (LUST) sites in the north Salina area. As a result, a Comprehensive investigation (CI) of the Salina North Site was completed in 1997. The results indicated that several potential source areas existed in the area. Additional groundwater monitoring and investigation within the Salina North Site boundaries was conducted by the KDHE Site Assessment Unit to further characterize the identified source areas. Results of an Expanded Site Investigation of the Salina PWS Well #11 Site, completed in early 2002 indicated that the highest tetra chloroethene (PCE) concentrations were detected in properties adjacent to the former MOPAC facility. In January 2005, a Preliminary Investigation (PI) was conducted by a potentially responsible party (PRP). Results of the PI indicated a potential source area beneath the building which is believed to be a surface spill of PCE that occurred at the site impacting soil and groundwater; however, the exact source, time frame, or incident is unknown. A Consent Order (CO) between KDHE and the identified PRP was execu ted in July 2006, for a Cl and Corrective Action Study (CAS) to further delineate the impact of PCE and trichloroethylene (TCE) in the groundwater within the study area. Cl activities began in November 2006 and continued through October 2007 including two rounds of quarterly groundwater sampling. A Cl Report was submitted and subsequently approved by KDHE in January 2008 and June 2008, Site ID: Has Env Use Control Project code: PM Name: Site Status: District Office: Lat/Long: respectively. A CAS was completed for the Site including a pilot study using the compound EHC. EHC is a patented combination of controlled -release carbon and zero -valent iron particles used for stimulating in-situ chemical reduction of persistent organic compounds in groundwater. The pilot study began with injections occurring in September 2008 with performance monitoring continuing through December 2009. Due to an increase of PCE and TCE detected in MW -FG -10S during the performance monitoring period, a supplemental membrane interface probe/electro-conductivity study was conducted in January 2010 to delineate the additional area of impact. A final CAS report was approved by KDHE in November 2010. On June 23, 2011, KDHE issued the final Corrective Action Decision (CAD) for the Site. The selected remedy alternative for groundwater is Source Area Enhanced Reductive Dechlorination coupled with Monitored Natural Attenuation and the establishment of Environmental Use Controls (EUCs). An amended CO was executed on November 1, 2011 for preparation of a Corrective Action Plan (CAP) followed by implementation of the selected Corrective Action (CA) in accordance with a KDHE-approved design. The CAP for the Site was submitted to KDHE and subsequently approved on November 17, 2011. Implementation of the CA began in December 2011. An EUC was recorded for the Site on August 30, 2012. Currently, semi-annual groundwater monitoring is being conducted at the Site to monitor site conditions. 1895 Yes 0508571962 BURKE, H. Active NCDO 38.84724/-97.610814 S106891195 TC4471374.2s Page 223 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number • TC4471374.2s Page 224 MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILROAD FREIGHT HOUSE (FMR) (Continued) S106891195 River Basin: Smoky Hills - Saline Aquifer Yield: Alluvial Other Aquifers: Not reported Parent PC: Not reported Parent Name: Not reported CERCLIS ID: Not reported Discovery Date: Not reported Depth To GW: 31-50 feet Depth To Bedrock: 51-100 feet Aquifer Yield: Not reported GW Flow Direction: SE Acres Affected: <5 acres Waste Present: No Product Present: No Program: State Cooperative Lead Agency: BER - Remedial Contaminants: VOC Media Act: Ground Water, Soil Media Pot: Air, Indoor Source: Dumping/Drums, Facility Operations, Spill Land Use: Industrial Private well: Monitoring Waste Present: Not reported Product: Not reported Receptor Act: Public Water Supply Receptor Pot: Private Well Remed Air: Not reported • Remed Soil: Not reported Remed Water: Monitored Natural Attenuation, Bioremediation Remedir: Not reported Alias: SEE SALINA PWS #11 Eucan Number: 12-EUC-0011 Date: 08/30/2012 Activity Type: Environmental Use Control(s) Activity Status: Completed Activity Start Date: 06/04/2012 Activity End Date: 08/30/2012 Narrative: The Missouri Pacific Railroad Freight House (MOPAC) Site is located in north -central Salina, Kansas, at 353 N Seventh Street. Between 1992 and 1994, volatile organic compounds (VOCs) were discovered in several Leaking Underground Storage Tank (LUST) sites in the north Salina area. As a result, a Comprehensive Investigation (CI) of the Salina North Site was completed in 1997. The results indicated that several potential source areas existed in the area. Additional groundwater monitoring and investigation within the Salina North Site boundaries was conducted by the KDHE Site Assessment Unit to further characterize the identified source areas. Results of an Expanded Site Investigation of the Salina PWS Well #11 Site, completed in early 2002 indicated that the highest tetrachloroethene (PCE) concentrations were detected in properties adjacent to the former MOPAC facility. In January 2005, a Preliminary Investigation (PI) was conducted by a potentially responsible party (PRP). Results of the PI indicated a potential source area beneath the building which is believed to be a surface spill of PCE that occurred at the site impacting soil and groundwater; however, the exact source, time frame, or incident is unknown. A Consent Order (CO) between KDHE and the identified PRP was execu TC4471374.2s Page 224 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance Elevation Site EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number TC4471374.2s Page 225 MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILROAD FREIGHT HOUSE (FMR) (Continued) S106891195 ted in July 2006, for a Cl and Corrective Action Study (CAS) to further delineate the impact of PCE and trichloroethylene (TCE) in the groundwater within the study area. Cl activities began in November 2006 and continued through October 2007 including two rounds of quarterly groundwater sampling. A CI Report was submitted and subsequently approved by KDHE in January 2008 and June 2008. respectively. A CAS was completed for the Site including a pilot study using the compound EHC. EHC is a patented combination of controlled -release carbon and zero -valent iron particles used for stimulating in-situ chemical reduction of persistent organic compounds in groundwater. The pilot study began with injections occurring in September 2008 with performance monitoring continuing through December 2009. Due to an increase of PCE and TCE detected in MW -FG -10S during the performance monitoring period, a supplemental membrane interface probe/electro-conductivity study was conducted in January 2010 to delineate the additional area of impact. A final CAS report was approved by KDHE in November 2010. On June 23, 2011, KDHE issued the final Corrective Action Decision (CAD) for the Site. The selected remedy alternative for groundwater is Source Area Enhanced Reductive Dechlorination coupled with Monitored Natural Attenuation and the establishment of Environmental Use Controls (EUCs). An amended CO was executed on November 1, 2011 for preparation of a Corrective Action Plan (CAP) followed by implementation of the selected Corrective Action (CA) in accordance with a KDHE-approved design. The CAP for the Site was submitted to KDHE and subsequently approved on November 17, 2011. Implementation of the CA began in December 2011. An EUC was recorded for the Site on August 30, 2012. • Currently, semi-annual groundwater monitoring is being conducted at the Site to monitor site conditions. Site ID: 1895 Has Env Use Control: Yes Project code: C508571962 PM Name: BURKE, H. Site Status: Active District Office: NCDO Lat/Long: 38.847241-97.610814 River Basin: Smoky Hills - Saline Aquifer Yield: Alluvial Other Aquifers: Not reported Parent PC: Not reported Parent Name: Not reported CERCLIS ID: Not reported Discovery Date: Not reported Depth To GW: 31-50 feet Depth To Bedrock: 51-100 feet Aquifer Yield: Not reported GW Flow Direction: SE Acres Affected: <5 acres Waste Present: No Product Present: No Program: State Cooperative Lead Agency: BER - Remedial Contaminants: VOC Media Act: Ground Water, Soil Media Pot: Air, Indoor Source: Dumping/Drums, Facility Operations, Spill . TC4471374.2s Page 225 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number • MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILROAD FREIGHT HOUSE (FMR) (Continued) S106891195 Land Use: Industrial Private well: Monitoring Waste Present: Not reported Product: Not reported Receptor Act: Public Water Supply Receptor Pot: Private Well Remed Air: Not reported Remed Soil: Not reported Remed Water: Monitored Natural Attenuation, Bioremediation Remedir: Not reported Alias: SEE SALINA PWS #11 Eucan Number: 12-EUC-0011 Date: 08/30/2012 Activity Type: Corrective Action Study Activity Status: Completed Activity Start Date: 06/27/2008 Activity End Date: 06/23/2011 Narrative: The Missouri Pacific Railroad Freight House (MOPAC) Site is located in north -central Salina, Kansas, at 353 N Seventh Street. Between 1992 and 1994, volatile organic compounds (VOCs) were discovered in several Leaking Underground Storage Tank (LUST) sites in the north Salina area. As a result, a Comprehensive Investigation (CI) of the Salina North Site was completed in 1997. The results indicated that several potential source areas existed in the area. Additional groundwater monitoring and investigation within the Salina North Site boundaries was conducted by the KDHE Site Assessment Unit to further characterize the identified source areas. Results of an Expanded • Site Investigation of the Salina PWS Well #11 Site, completed in early 2002 indicated that the highest tetrachloroethene (PCE) concentrations were detected in properties adjacent to the former MOPAC facility. In January 2005, a Preliminary Investigation (PI) was conducted by a potentially responsible party (PRP). Results of the PI indicated a potential source area beneath the building which is believed to be a surface spill of PCE that occurred at the site impacting soil and groundwater: however, the exact source, time frame, or incident is unknown. A Consent Order (CO) between KDHE and the identified PRP was execu ted in July 2006, for a Cl and Corrective Action Study (CAS) to further delineate the impact of PCE and trichloroethylene (TCE) in the groundwater within the study area. Cl activities began in November 2006 and continued through October 2007 including two rounds of quarterly groundwater sampling. A Cl Report was submitted and subsequently approved by KDHE in January 2008 and June 2008, respectively. A CAS was completed for the Site including a pilot study using the compound EHC. EHC is a patented combination of controlled -release carbon and zero -valent iron particles used for stimulating in-situ chemical reduction of persistent organic compounds in groundwater. The pilot study began with injections occurring in September 2008 with performance monitoring continuing through December 2009. Due to an increase of PCE and TCE detected in MW -FG -10S during the performance monitoring period, a supplemental membrane interface probe/electro-conductivity study was conducted in January 2010 to delineate the additional area of impact. A final CAS report was approved by KDHE in November 2010. On June 23, 2011, KDHE issued the final Corrective Action Decision (CAD) for the Site. The selected remedy alternative for groundwater is Source Area Enhanced Reductive Dechlorination coupled with Monitored Natural Attenuation TC4471374.2s Page 226 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation • MAP FINDINGS Site MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILROAD FREIGHT HOUSE (FMR) (Continued) EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number and the establishment of Environmental Use Controls (EUCs). An amended CO was executed on November 1, 2011 for preparation of a Corrective Action Plan (CAP) followed by implementation of the selected Corrective Action (CA) in accordance with a KDHE-approved design. The CAP for the Site was submitted to KDHE and subsequently approved on November 17, 2011. Implementation of the CA began in December 2011. An EUC was recorded for the Site on August 30, 2012. Currently, semi-annual groundwater monitoring is being conducted at the Site to monitor site conditions. S106891195 TC4471374.2s Page 227 Site ID: 1895 Has Env Use Control: Yes Project code: C508571962 PM Name: BURKE, H. Site Status: Active District Office: NCDO Lat/Long: 38.84724/-97.610814 River Basin: Smoky Hills - Saline Aquifer Yield: Alluvial Other Aquifers: Not reported Parent PC: Not reported Parent Name: Not reported CERCLIS ID: Not reported Discovery Date: Not reported Depth To GW: 31-50 feet Depth To Bedrock: 51-100 feet Aquifer Yield: Not reported • GW Flow Direction: SE Acres Affected: <5 acres Waste Present: No Product Present: No Program: State Cooperative Lead Agency: BER - Remedial Contaminants: VOC Media Act: Ground Water, Soil Media Pot: Air, Indoor Source: Dumping/Drums, Facility Operations, Spill Land Use: Industrial Private well: Monitoring Waste Present: Not reported Product: Not reported Receptor Act: Public Water Supply Receptor Pot: Private Well Remed Air: Not reported Remed Soil: Not reported Remed Water: Monitored Natural Attenuation, Bioremediation Remedir: Not reported Alias: SEE SALINA PWS #11 Eucan Number: 12-EUC-0011 Date: 08/30/2012 Activity Type: Public Information Plan Activity Status: Completed Activity Start Date: Not reported Activity End Date: 11/02/2009 Narrative: The Missouri Pacific Railroad Freight House (MOPAC) Site is located in north -central Salina, Kansas, at 353 N Seventh Street. Between 1992 and 1994, volatile organic compounds (VOCs) were discovered in S106891195 TC4471374.2s Page 227 l� u • Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance Elevation Site MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILROAD FREIGHT HOUSE (FMR) (Continued) EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number several Leaking Underground Storage Tank (LUST) sites in the north Salina area. As a result, a Comprehensive Investigation (CI) of the Salina North Site was completed in 1997. The results indicated that several potential source areas existed in the area. Additional groundwater monitoring and investigation within the Salina North Site boundaries was conducted by the KDHE Site Assessment Unit to further characterize the identified source areas. Results of an Expanded Site Investigation of the Salina PWS Well #11 Site, completed in early 2002 indicated that the highest tetrachloroethene (PCE) concentrations were detected in properties adjacent to the former MOPAC facility. In January 2005, a Preliminary Investigation (PI) was conducted by a potentially responsible party (PRP). Results of the PI indicated a potential source area beneath the building which is believed to be a surface spill of PCE that occurred at the site impacting soil and groundwater: however, the exact source, time frame, or incident is unknown. A Consent Order (CO) between KDHE and the identified PRP was execu ted in July 2006, for a Cl and Corrective Action Study (CAS) to further delineate the impact of PCE and trichloroethylene (TCE) in the groundwater within the study area. Cl activities began in November 2006 and continued through October 2007 including two rounds of quarterly groundwater sampling. A Cl Report was submitted and subsequently approved by KDHE in January 2008 and June 2008, respectively. A CAS was completed for the Site including a pilot study using the compound EHC. EHC is a patented combination of controlled -release carbon and zero -valent iron particles used for stimulating in-situ chemical reduction of persistent organic compounds in groundwater. The pilot study began with injections occurring in September 2008 with performance monitoring continuing through December 2009. Due to an increase of PCE and TCE detected in MW -FG -10S during the performance monitoring period, a supplemental membrane interface probe/electro-conductivity study was conducted in January 2010 to delineate the additional area of impact. A final CAS report was approved by KDHE in November 2010- On June 23, 2011, KDHE issued the final Corrective Action Decision (CAD) for the Site. The selected remedy alternative for groundwater is Source Area Enhanced Reductive Dechlorination coupled with Monitored Natural Attenuation and the establishment of Environmental Use Controls (EUCs). An amended CO was executed on November 1, 2011 for preparation of a Corrective Action Plan (CAP) followed by implementation of the selected Corrective Action (CA) in accordance with a KDHE-approved design. The CAP for the Site was submitted to KDHE and subsequently approved on November 17, 2011. Implementation of the CA began in December 2011. An EUC was recorded for the Site on August 30, 2012. Currently, semi-annual groundwater monitoring is being conducted at the Site to monitor site conditions. Site ID: 1895 Has Env Use Control: Yes Project code: 0508571962 PM Name: BURKE, H. Site Status: Active District Office: NCDO Lat/Long: 38.84724/-97.610814 River Basin: Smoky Hills - Saline Aquifer Yield: Alluvial Other Aquifers: Not reported S106891195 TC"71374.2s Page 228 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance Elevation Site EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number TC4471374.2s Page 229 MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILROAD FREIGHT HOUSE (FMR) (Continued) S106891195 Parent PC: Not reported Parent Name: Not reported CERCLIS ID: Not reported Discovery Date: Not reported Depth To GW: 31-50 feet Depth To Bedrock: 51-100 feet Aquifer Yield: Not reported GW Flow Direction: SE Acres Affected: <5 acres Waste Present: No Product Present: No Program: State Cooperative Lead Agency: BER - Remedial Contaminants: VOC Media Act: Ground Water, Soil Media Pot: Air, Indoor Source: Dumping/Drums, Facility Operations, Spill Land Use: Industrial Private well: Monitoring Waste Present: Not reported Product: Not reported Receptor Act: Public Water Supply Receptor Pot: Private Well Remed Air: Not reported Remed Soil: Not reported Remed Water: Monitored Natural Attenuation, Bioremediation Remedir: Not reported Alias: SEE SALINA PWS #11 Eucan Number: 12-EUC-0011 Date: 08/30/2012 Activity Type: Amendment Activity Status: Completed Activity Start Date: 09/21/2011 Activity End Date: 11/01/2011 Narrative: The Missouri Pacific Railroad Freight House (MOPAC) Site is located in north -central Salina, Kansas, at 353 N Seventh Street. Between 1992 and 1994, volatile organic compounds (VOCs) were discovered in several Leaking Underground Storage Tank (LUST) sites in the north Salina area. As a result, a Comprehensive Investigation (CI) of the Salina North Site was completed in 1997. The results indicated that several potential source areas existed in the area. Additional groundwater monitoring and investigation within the Salina North Site boundaries was conducted by the KDHE Site Assessment Unit to further characterize the identified source areas. Results of an Expanded Site Investigation of the Salina PWS Well #11 Site, completed in early 2002 indicated that the highest tetrachloroethene (PCE) concentrations were detected in properties adjacent to the former MOPAC facility. In January 2005, a Preliminary Investigation (PI) was conducted by a potentially responsible party (PRP). Results of the PI indicated a potential source area beneath the building which is believed to be a surface spill of PCE that occurred at the site impacting soil and groundwater; however, the exact source, time frame, or incident is unknown. A Consent Order (CO) between KDHE and the identified PRP was execu ted in July 2006, for a CI and Corrective Action Study (CAS) to further delineate the impact of PCE and trichloroethylene (TCE) in the groundwater within the study area. Cl activities began in . TC4471374.2s Page 229 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number 10 MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILROAD FREIGHT HOUSE (FMR) (Continued) S106891195 November 2006 and continued through October 2007 including two rounds of quarterly groundwater sampling. A Cl Report was submitted and subsequently approved by KDHE in January 2008 and June 2008. respectively. A CAS was completed for the Site including a pilot study using the compound EHC. EHC is a patented combination of controlled -release carbon and zero -valent iron particles used for stimulating in-situ chemical reduction of persistent organic compounds in groundwater. The pilot study began with injections occurring in September 2008 with performance monitoring continuing through December 2009. Due to an increase of PCE and TCE detected in MW -FG -10S during the performance monitoring period, a supplemental membrane interface probe/electro-conductivity study was conducted in January 2010 to delineate the additional area of impact. A final CAS report was approved by KDHE in November 2010. On June 23, 2011, KDHE issued the final Corrective Action Decision (CAD) for the Site. The selected remedy alternative for groundwater is Source Area Enhanced Reductive Dechlorination coupled with Monitored Natural Attenuation and the establishment of Environmental Use Controls (EUCs). An amended CO was executed on November 1, 2011 for preparation of a Corrective Action Plan (CAP) followed by implementation of the selected Corrective Action (CA) in accordance with a KDHE-approved design. The CAP for the Site was submitted to KDHE and subsequently approved on November 17, 2011. Implementation of the CA began in December 2011. An EUC was recorded for the Site on August 30, 2012. Currently, semi-annual groundwater monitoring is being conducted at the Site to monitor site conditions. TC4471374.2s Page 230 Site ID: 1895 Has Env Use Control: Yes Project code: C508571962 PM Name: BURKE, H. Site Status: Active District Office: NCDO Lat/Long: 38.84724/-97.610814 River Basin: Smoky Hills - Saline Aquifer Yield: Alluvial Other Aquifers: Not reported Parent PC: Not reported Parent Name: Not reported CERCLIS ID: Not reported Discovery Date: Not reported Depth To GW: 31-50 feet Depth To Bedrock: 51-100 feet Aquifer Yield: Not reported GW Flow Direction: SE Acres Affected: <5 acres Waste Present: No Product Present: No Program: State Cooperative Lead Agency: BER - Remedial Contaminants: VOC Media Act: Ground Water, Soil Media Pot: Air, Indoor Source: Dumping/Drums, Facility Operations, Spill Land Use: Industrial Private well: Monitoring Waste Present: Not reported . TC4471374.2s Page 230 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number 0 MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILROAD FREIGHT HOUSE (FMR) (Continued) S106891195 Product: Not reported Receptor Act: Public Water Supply Receptor Pot: Private Well Remed Air: Not reported Remed Soil: Not reported Remed Water: Monitored Natural Attenuation, Bioremediation Remedir: Not reported Alias: SEE SALINA PWS #11 Eucan Number: 12-EUC-0011 Date: 08/30/2012 Activity Type: Comment Period Activity Status: Completed Activity Start Date: 04/19/2011 Activity End Date: 05/19/2011 Narrative: The Missouri Pacific Railroad Freight House (MOPAC) Site is located in north -central Salina, Kansas, at 353 N Seventh Street. Between 1992 and 1994, volatile organic compounds (VOCs) were discovered in several Leaking Underground Storage Tank (LUST) sites in the north Salina area. As a result, a Comprehensive Investigation (CI) of the Salina North Site was completed in 1997- The results indicated that several potential source areas existed in the area. Additional groundwater monitoring and investigation within the Salina North Site boundaries was conducted by the KDHE Site Assessment Unit to further characterize the identified source areas. Results of an Expanded Site Investigation of the Salina PWS Well #11 Site, completed in early 2002 indicated that the highest tetrachloroethene (PCE) concentrations were detected in properties adjacent to the former MOPAC facility. In January 2005, a Preliminary Investigation (PI) was conducted by a potentially responsible party (PRP). Results of the PI indicated a potential source area beneath the building which is believed to be a surface spill of PCE that occurred at the site impacting soil and groundwater; however, the exact source, time frame, or incident is unknown. A Consent Order (CO) between KDHE and the identified PRP was execu ted in July 2006, for a Cl and Corrective Action Study (CAS) to further delineate the impact of PCE and trichloroethylene (TCE) in the groundwater within the study area. Cl activities began in November 2006 and continued through October 2007 including two rounds of quarterly groundwater sampling. A Cl Report was submitted and subsequently approved by KDHE in January 2008 and June 2008, respectively. A CAS was completed for the Site including a pilot study using the compound EHC. EHC is a patented combination of controlled -release carbon and zero -valent iron particles used for stimulating in-situ chemical reduction of persistent organic compounds in groundwater. The pilot study began with injections occurring in September 2008 with performance monitoring continuing through December 2009. Due to an increase of PCE and TCE detected in MW -FG -10S during the performance monitoring period, a supplemental membrane interface probe/electro-conductivity study was conducted in January 2010 to delineate the additional area of impact. A final CAS report was approved by KDHE in November 2010. On June 23, 2011, KDHE issued the final Corrective Action Decision (CAD) for the Site. The selected remedy alternative for groundwater is Source Area Enhanced Reductive Dechlorination coupled with Monitored Natural Attenuation and the establishment of Environmental Use Controls (EUCs). An amended CO was executed on November 1, 2011 for preparation of a Corrective Action Plan (CAP) followed by implementation of the TC4471374.2s Page 231 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation • • • F_ MAP FINDINGS Site MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILROAD FREIGHT HOUSE (FMR) (Continued) EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number S106891195 TC44713742s Page 232 selected Corrective Action (CA) in accordance with a KDHE-approved design. The CAP for the Site was submitted to KDHE and subsequently approved on November 17, 2011. Implementation of the CA began in December 2011. An EUC was recorded for the Site on August 30, 2012. Currently, semi-annual groundwater monitoring is being conducted at the Site to monitor site conditions. Site ID: 1895 Has Env Use Control: Yes Project code: C508571962 PM Name: BURKE, H. Site Status: Active District Office: NCDO Lat/Long: 38.84724 / -97.610814 River Basin: Smoky Hills - Saline Aquifer Yield: Alluvial Other Aquifers: Not reported Parent PC: Not reported Parent Name: Not reported CERCLIS ID: Not reported Discovery Date: Not reported Depth To GW: 31-50 feet Depth To Bedrock: 51-100 feet Aquifer Yield: Not reported GW Flow Direction: SE Acres Affected: <5 acres Waste Present: No Product Present: No Program: State Cooperative Lead Agency: BER - Remedial Contaminants: VOC Media Act: Ground Water, Soil Media Pot: Air, Indoor Source: Dumping/Drums, Facility Operations, Spill Land Use: Industrial Private well: Monitoring Waste Present: Not reported Product: Not reported Receptor Act: Public Water Supply Receptor Pot: Private Well Remed Air: Not reported Remed Soil: Not reported Remed Water: Monitored Natural Attenuation, Bioremediation Remedir: Not reported Alias: SEE SALINA PWS #11 Eucan Number: 12-EUC-0011 Date: 08/30/2012 Activity Type: Comprehensive Investigation Activity Status: Completed Activity Start Date: 01/26/2005 Activity End Date: 06/27/2008 Narrative: The Missouri Pacific Railroad Freight House (MOPAC) Site is located in north -central Salina, Kansas, at 353 N Seventh Street. Between 1992 and 1994, volatile organic compounds (VOCs) were discovered in several Leaking Underground Storage Tank (LUST) sites in the north Salina area. As a result, a Comprehensive Investigation (CI) of the Salina North Site was completed in 1997. The results indicated that S106891195 TC44713742s Page 232 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation F7 MAP FINDINGS Site MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILROAD FREIGHT HOUSE (FMR) (Continued) Site ID: Has Env Use Control: Project code: PM Name: Site Status: District Office: Lat/Long: River Basin: Aquifer Yield: Other Aquifers: Parent PC: Parent Name: CERCLIS ID: EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number several potential source areas existed in the area. Additional groundwater monitoring and investigation within the Salina North Site boundaries was conducted by the KDHE Site Assessment Unit to further characterize the identified source areas. Results of an Expanded Site Investigation of the Salina PWS Well #11 Site, completed in early 2002 indicated that the highest tetrachloroethene (PCE) concentrations were detected in properties adjacent to the former MOPAC facility. In January 2005, a Preliminary Investigation (PI) was conducted by a potentially responsible party (PRP). Results of the PI indicated a potential source area beneath the building which is believed to be a surface spill of PCE that occurred at the site impacting soil and groundwater; however, the exact source, time frame, or incident is unknown. A Consent Order (CO) between KDHE and the identified PRP was execu ted in July 2006, for a Cl and Corrective Action Study (CAS) to further delineate the impact of PCE and trichloroethylene (TCE) in the groundwater within the study area. Cl activities began in November 2006 and continued through October 2007 including two rounds of quarterly groundwater sampling. A Cl Report was submitted and subsequently approved by KDHE in January 2008 and June 2008, respectively. A CAS was completed for the Site including a pilot study using the compound EHC. EHC is a patented combination of controlled -release carbon and zero -valent iron particles used for stimulating in-situ chemical reduction of persistent organic compounds in groundwater. The pilot study began with injections occurring in September 2008 with performance monitoring continuing through December 2009. Due to an increase of PCE and TCE detected in MW -FG -10S during the performance monitoring period, a supplemental membrane interface probe/electro-conductivity study was conducted in January 2010 to delineate the additional area of impact. A final CAS report was approved by KDHE in November 2010- On June 23, 2011, KDHE issued the final Corrective Action Decision (CAD) for the Site. The selected remedy alternative for groundwater is Source Area Enhanced Reductive Dechlorination coupled with Monitored Natural Attenuation and the establishment of Environmental Use Controls (EUCs). An amended CO was executed on November 1, 2011 for preparation of a Corrective Action Plan (CAP) followed by implementation of the selected Corrective Action (CA) in accordance with a KDHE-approved design. The CAP for the Site was submitted to KDHE and subsequently approved on November 17, 2011. Implementation of the CA began in December 2011. An EUC was recorded for the Site on August 30, 2012. Currently, semi-annual groundwater monitoring is being conducted at the Site to monitor site conditions. 1895 Yes C508571962 BURKE, H. Active NCDO 38.84724 / -97.610814 Smoky Hills - Saline Alluvial Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported S106891195 TC4471374.2s Page 233 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation Site MAP FINDINGS EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number TC4471374.2s Page 234 MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILROAD FREIGHT HOUSE (FMR) (Continued) S106891195 Discovery Date: Not reported Depth To GW: 31-50 feet Depth To Bedrock: 51-100 feet Aquifer Yield: Not reported GW Flow Direction: SE Acres Affected: <5 acres Waste Present: No Product Present: No Program: State Cooperative Lead Agency: BER - Remedial Contaminants: VOC Media Act: Ground Water, Soil Media Pot: Air, Indoor Source: Dumping/Drums, Facility Operations, Spill Land Use: Industrial Private well: Monitoring Waste Present: Not reported Product: Not reported Receptor Act: Public Water Supply Receptor Pot: Private Well Remed Air: Not reported Remed Soil: Not reported Remed Water: Monitored Natural Attenuation, Bioremediation Remedir: Not reported Alias: SEE SALINA PWS #11 Eucan Number: 12-EUC-0011 Date: 08/30/2012 Activity Type: Corrective Action Decision Activity Status: Completed Activity Start Date: 04/19/2011 Activity End Date: 06/23/2011 Narrative: The Missouri Pacific Railroad Freight House (MOPAC) Site is located in north -central Salina, Kansas, at 353 N Seventh Street. Between 1992 and 1994, volatile organic compounds (VOCs) were discovered in several Leaking Underground Storage Tank (LUST) sites in the north Salina area. As a result, a Comprehensive Investigation (CI) of the Salina North Site was completed in 1997. The results indicated that several potential source areas existed in the area. Additional groundwater monitoring and investigation within the Salina North Site boundaries was conducted by the KDHE Site Assessment Unit to further characterize the identified source areas. Results of an Expanded Site Investigation of the Salina PWS Well #11 Site, completed in early 2002 indicated that the highest tetrachloroethene (PCE) concentrations were detected in properties adjacent to the former MOPAC facility. In January 2005, a Preliminary Investigation (PI) was conducted by a potentially responsible party (PRP). Results of the PI indicated a potential source area beneath the building which is believed to be a surface spill of PCE that occurred at the site impacting soil and groundwater: however, the exact source, time frame, or incident is unknown. A Consent Order (CO) between KDHE and the identified PRP was execu ted in July 2006, for a Cl and Corrective Action Study (CAS) to further delineate the impact of PCE and trichloroethylene (TCE) in the groundwater within the study area. Cl activities began in November 2006 and continued through October 2007 including two rounds of quarterly groundwater sampling. A Cl Report was submitted and subsequently approved by KDHE in January 2008 and June 2008, TC4471374.2s Page 234 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation C • � ur MAP FINDINGS Site MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILROAD FREIGHT HOUSE (FMR) (Continued) EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number respectively. A CAS was completed for the Site including a pilot study using the compound EHC. EHC is a patented combination of controlled -release carbon and zero -valent iron particles used for stimulating in-situ chemical reduction of persistent organic compounds in groundwater. The pilot study began with injections occurring in September 2008 with performance monitoring continuing through December 2009. Due to an increase of PCE and TCE detected in MW -FG -10S during the performance monitoring period, a supplemental membrane interface probe/electro-conductivity study was conducted in January 2010 to delineate the additional area of impact. A final CAS report was approved by KDHE in November 2010. On June 23, 2011, KDHE issued the final Corrective Action Decision (CAD) for the Site. The selected remedy alternative for groundwater is Source Area Enhanced Reductive Dechlorination coupled with Monitored Natural Attenuation and the establishment of Environmental Use Controls (EUCs). An amended CO was executed on November 1, 2011 for preparation of a Corrective Action Plan (CAP) followed by implementation of the selected Corrective Action (CA) in accordance with a KDHE-approved design. The CAP for the Site was submitted to KDHE and subsequently approved on November 17, 2011. Implementation of the CA began in December 2011. An EUC was recorded for the Site on August 30, 2012. Currently, semi-annual groundwater monitoring is being conducted at the Site to monitor site conditions. Site ID: 1895 Has Env Use Control: Yes Project code: 0508571962 PM Name: BURKE, H. Site Status: Active District Office: NCDO Lat/Long: 38.84724/-97.610814 River Basin: Smoky Hills - Saline Aquifer Yield: Alluvial Other Aquifers: Not reported Parent PC: Not reported Parent Name: Not reported CERCLIS ID: Not reported Discovery Date: Not reported Depth To GW: 31-50 feet Depth To Bedrock: 51-100 feet Aquifer Yield: Not reported GW Flow Direction: SE Acres Affected: <5 acres Waste Present: No Product Present: No Program: State Cooperative Lead Agency: BER - Remedial Contaminants: VOC Media Act: Ground Water, Soil Media Pot: Air, Indoor Source: Dumping/Drums, Facility Operations, Spill Land Use: Industrial Private well: Monitoring Waste Present: Not reported Product: Not reported Receptor Act: Public Water Supply Receptor Pot: Private Well S106891195 TC4471374.2s Page 235 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance Elevation Site EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILROAD FREIGHT HOUSE (FMR) (Continued) S106891195 Remed Air: Not reported Remed Soil: Not reported Remed Water: Monitored Natural Attenuation, Bioremediation Remedir: Not reported Alias: SEE SALINA PWS #11 Eucan Number: 12-EUC-0011 Date: 08/30/2012 Activity Type: Preliminary Investigation Activity Status: Completed Activity Start Date: Not reported Activity End Date: 10/17/2005 Narrative: The Missouri Pacific Railroad Freight House (MOPAC) Site is located in north -central Salina, Kansas, at 353 N Seventh Street. Between 1992 and 1994, volatile organic compounds (VOCs) were discovered in several Leaking Underground Storage Tank (LUST) sites in the north Salina area. As a result, a Comprehensive Investigation (CI) of the Salina North Site was completed in 1997. The results indicated that several potential source areas existed in the area. Additional groundwater monitoring and investigation within the Salina North Site boundaries was conducted by the KDHE Site Assessment Unit to further characterize the identified source areas. Results of an Expanded Site Investigation of the Salina PWS Well #11 Site, completed in early 2002 indicated that the highest tetrachloroethene (PCE) concentrations were detected in properties adjacent to the former MOPAC facility. In January 2005, a Preliminary Investigation (PI) was conducted by a potentially responsible party (PRP). Results of • the PI indicated a potential source area beneath the building which is believed to be a surface spill of PCE that occurred at the site impacting soil and groundwater; however, the exact source, time frame, or incident is unknown. A Consent Order (CO) between KDHE and the identified PRP was execu ted in July 2006, for a Cl and Corrective Action Study (CAS) to further delineate the impact of PCE and trichloroethylene (TCE) in the groundwater within the study area. Cl activities began in November 2006 and continued through October 2007 including two rounds of quarterly groundwater sampling. A Cl Report was submitted and subsequently approved by KDHE in January 2008 and June 2008, respectively. A CAS was completed for the Site including a pilot study using the compound EHC. EHC is a patented combination of controlled -release carbon and zero -valent iron particles used for stimulating in-situ chemical reduction of persistent organic compounds in groundwater. The pilot study began with injections occurring in September 2008 with performance monitoring continuing through December 2009. Due to an increase of PCE and TCE detected in MW -FG -10S during the performance monitoring period, a supplemental membrane interface probe/electro-conductivity study was conducted in January 2010 to delineate the additional area of impact. A final CAS report was approved by KDHE in November 2010. On June 23, 2011, KDHE issued the final Corrective Action Decision (CAD) for the Site. The selected remedy alternative for groundwater is Source Area Enhanced Reductive Dechlorination coupled with Monitored Natural Attenuation and the establishment of Environmental Use Controls (EUCs). An amended CO was executed on November 1, 2011 for preparation of a Corrective Action Plan (CAP) followed by implementation of the selected Corrective Action (CA) in accordance with a KDHE-approved design. The CAP for the Site was submitted to KDHE and subsequently approved on November 17, 2011. Implementation of the CA began in TC4471374.2s Page 236 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation 0 MAP FINDINGS Site MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILROAD FREIGHT HOUSE (FMR) (Continued) EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number December 2011. An EUC was recorded for the Site on August 30, 2012. Currently, semi-annual groundwater monitoring is being conducted at the Site to monitor site conditions. Site ID: 1895 Has Env Use Control: Yes Project code: C508571962 PM Name: BURKE, H. Site Status: Active District Office: NCDO Lat/Long: 38.84724/-97.610814 River Basin: Smoky Hills - Saline Aquifer Yield: Alluvial Other Aquifers: Not reported Parent PC: Not reported Parent Name: Not reported CERCLIS ID: Not reported Discovery Date: Not reported Depth To GW: 31-50 feet Depth To Bedrock: 51-100 feet Aquifer Yield: Not reported GW Flow Direction: SE Acres Affected: <5 acres Waste Present: No Product Present: No Program: State Cooperative Lead Agency: BER - Remedial Contaminants: VOC Media Act: Ground Water, Soil Media Pot: Air, Indoor Source: Dumping/Drums, Facility Operations, Spill Land Use: Industrial Private well: Monitoring Waste Present: Not reported Product: Not reported Receptor Act: Public Water Supply Receptor Pot: Private Well Remed Air: Not reported Remed Soil: Not reported Remed Water: Monitored Natural Attenuation, Bioremediation Remedir: Not reported Alias: SEE SALINA PWS #11 Eucan Number: 12-EUC-0011 Date: 08/30/2012 Activity Type: Corrective Action Plan Activity Status: Completed Activity Start Date: 11/07/2011 Activity End Date: 11/17/2011 Narrative: The Missouri Pacific Railroad Freight House (MOPAC) Site is located in north -central Salina, Kansas, at 353 N Seventh Street. Between 1992 and 1994, volatile organic compounds (VOCs) were discovered in several Leaking Underground Storage Tank (LUST) sites in the north Salina area. As a result, a Comprehensive Investigation (CI) of the Salina North Site was completed in 1997. The results indicated that several potential source areas existed in the area. Additional groundwater monitoring and investigation within the Salina North Site boundaries was conducted by the KDHE Site Assessment Unit to further S106891195 TC4471374.2s Page 237 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILROAD FREIGHT HOUSE (FMR) (Continued) S106891195 characterize the identified source areas. Results of an Expanded Site Investigation of the Salina PWS Well #11 Site, completed in early 2002 indicated that the highest tetrachloroethene (PCE) concentrations were detected in properties adjacent to the former MOPAC facility. In January 2005, a Preliminary Investigation (PI) was conducted by a potentially responsible party (PRP). Results of the PI indicated a potential source area beneath the building which is believed to be a surface spill of PCE that occurred at the site impacting soil and groundwater; however, the exact source, time frame, or incident is unknown. A Consent Order (CO) between KDHE and the identified PRP was execu ted in July 2006, for a Cl and Corrective Action Study (CAS) to further delineate the impact of PCE and trichloroethylene (TCE) in the groundwater within the study area. Cl activities began in November 2006 and continued through October 2007 including two rounds of quarterly groundwater sampling. A Cl Report was submitted and subsequently approved by KDHE in January 2008 and June 2008, respectively. A CAS was completed for the Site including a pilot study using the compound EHC. EHC is a patented combination of controlled -release carbon and zero -valent iron particles used for stimulating in-situ chemical reduction of persistent organic compounds in groundwater. The pilot study began with injections occurring in September 2008 with performance monitoring continuing through December 2009. Due to an increase of PCE and TCE detected in MW -FG -10S during the performance monitoring period, a supplemental membrane interface probe/electro-conductivity study was conducted in January 2010 to delineate the additional area of impact. A final CAS report was approved by KDHE in November 2010. On June 23, 2011, KDHE issued the final Corrective Action Decision (CAD) for the Site. The selected remedy alternative for groundwater is Source Area Enhanced Reductive Dechlorination coupled with Monitored Natural Attenuation and the establishment of Environmental Use Controls (EUCs). An amended CO was executed on November 1, 2011 for preparation of a Corrective Action Plan (CAP) followed by implementation of the selected Corrective Action (CA) in accordance with a KDHE-approved design. The CAP for the Site was submitted to KDHE and subsequently approved on November 17, 2011. Implementation of the CA began in December 2011. An EUC was recorded for the Site on August 30, 2012. Currently, semi-annual groundwater monitoring is being conducted at the Site to monitor site conditions. INST CONTROL: Site ID: 1895 Project Code: C508571962 Date Signed: 08/30/2012 Restriction Text: unless written authorization granted by KDHE. EUCA Number: 186 EUC Group: Specific Restrictions EUC Type: Land Use Restrictions EUC Restriction: no residential uses EUCA Number Date: 12-EUC-0011 EUCA Signed: Not reported Site ID: 1895 Project Code: 0508571962 Date Signed: 08/30/2012 Restriction Text: Not reported TC4471374.2s Page 238 1F- -I W TC4471374.2s Page 239 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILROAD FREIGHT HOUSE (FMR) (Continued) S106891195 EUCA Number: 186 EUC Group: Specific Restrictions EUC Type: Land Use Restrictions EUC Restriction: Preserve survey markers and/or monitoring stations EUCA Number Date: 12-EUC-0011 EUCA Signed: Not reported Site ID: 1895 Project Code: C508571962 Date Signed: 08/30/2012 Restriction Text: except wells for remediation activities as approved in writing by KDHE. EUCA Number: 186 EUC Group: Specific Restrictions EUC Type: Water Use Restrictions EUC Restriction: no wells for any purpose EUCA Number Date: 12-EUC-0011 EUCA Signed: Not reported Site ID: 1895 Project Code: C508571962 Date Signed: 08/30/2012 Restriction Text: Not reported EUCA Number: 186 EUC Group: Specific Restrictions EUC Type: Notification to the Agency Prior to the Following Activities EUC Restriction: Notification prior to petition for rezoning EUCA Number Date: 12-EUC-0011 EUCA Signed: Not reported Site ID: 1895 Project Code: 0508571962 Date Signed: 08/30/2012 Restriction Text: Not reported EUCA Number: 186 EUC Group: Specific Restrictions EUC Type: Notification to the Agency Prior to the Following Activities EUC Restriction: Notification prior to land use changes EUCA Number Date: 12-EUC-0011 EUCA Signed: Not reported Site ID: 1895 Project Code: 0508571962 Date Signed: 08/30/2012 Restriction Text: Not reported EUCA Number: 186 EUC Group: Specific Restrictions EUC Type: Notification to the Agency Prior to the Following Activities EUC Restriction: Notification prior to property transfer EUCA Number Date: 12-EUC-0011 EUCA Signed: Not reported Site ID: 1895 Project Code: C508571962 Date Signed: 08/30/2012 Restriction Text: 12 EUCA Number: 186 1F- -I W TC4471374.2s Page 239 TC4471374.2s Page 240 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation MAP FINDINGS Site Database(s) MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILROAD FREIGHT HOUSE (FMR) (Continued) EUC Group: Local Ordinances and Zoning EUC Type: Zoned Property EUC Restriction: Light Industrial EUCA Number Date: 12-EUC-0011 EUCA Signed: Not reported EDR ID Number EPA ID Number S106891195 55 STEWART'S LAUNDRY (FORMER) SHWS S103177568 SSW 211 S SANTA FE N/A 1/4-1/2 SALINA, KS 0.336 mi. 1775 ft. Relative: SHWS: Higher Site ID: 1608 Has Env Use Control: No Actual: Project code: C508570365 1224 ft. PM Name: DOM, J. Site Status: Active District Office: NCDO Lat/Long: 38.837582 / -97.608754 River Basin: Smoky Hills - Saline Aquifer Yield: Not reported Other Aquifers: Not reported Parent PC: 0508500037 • Parent Name: CERCLIS ID: SALINA WATER TREATMENT PLANT Not reported Discovery Date: 11/01/1991 Depth To GW: 21-30 feet Depth To Bedrock: 51-100 feet Aquifer Yield: 0-10 gpm GW Flow Direction: E-NE Acres Affected: Not reported Waste Present: No Product Present: No Program: Drycleaning Lead Agency: BER - Assessment and Restoration Contaminants: VOC Media Act: Ground Water. Soil Media Pot: Not reported Source: Drycleaner, Facility Operations Land Use: Residential Private well: Not reported Waste Present: Not reported Product: Not reported Receptor Act: Not reported Receptor Pot: Not reported Remed Air: Not reported Remed Soil: Vacuum Extraction Remed Water: Not reported Remedir: Not reported Alias: MODEL LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANERS Eucan Number: Not reported Date: Not reported Activity Type: Corrective Action Report Activity Status: Completed Activity Start Date: Not reported Activity End Date: 04/15/1999 Narrative: Remediation system was installed in June 1998. The system was shut TC4471374.2s Page 240 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation C7 F-1 L --.A M F- MAP FINDINGS Site EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number STEWART'S LAUNDRY (FORMER) (Continued) down in March 2001. Since 2003, groundwater sampling shows levels consistently below the MCL. Site is currently under annual groundwater monitoring. Most recen I groundwater monitoring event occurred April 2013. Site ID: 1608 Has Env Use Control: No Project code: C508570365 PM Name: DOM, J. Site Status: Active District Office: NCDO Lat/Long: 38.837582 / -97.608754 River Basin: Smoky Hills - Saline Aquifer Yield: Not reported Other Aquifers: Not reported Parent PC: C508500037 Parent Name: SALINA WATER TREATMENT PLANT CERCLIS ID: Not reported Discovery Date: 11/01/1991 Depth To GW: 21-30 feet Depth To Bedrock: 51-100 feet Aquifer Yield: 0-10 gpm GW Flow Direction: E -NE Acres Affected: Not reported Waste Present: No Product Present: No Program: Drycleaning Lead Agency: BER - Assessment and Restoration Contaminants: VOC Media Act: Ground Water, Soil Media Pot: Not reported Source: Drycleaner, Facility Operations Land Use: Residential Private well: Not reported Waste Present: Not reported Product: Not reported Receptor Act: Not reported Receptor Pot: Not reported Remed Air: Not reported Remed Soil: Vacuum Extraction Remed Water: Not reported Remedir: Not reported Alias: MODEL LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANERS Eucan Number: Not reported Date: Not reported Activity Type: Remedial Investigation Activity Status: Completed Activity Start Date: 12/31/1994 Activity End Date: 06/30/1996 Narrative: Remediation system was installed in June 1998. The system was shut down in March 2001. Since 2003, groundwater sampling shows levels consistently below the MCL. Site is currently under annual groundwater monitoring. Most recen t groundwater monitoring event occurred April 2013. S103177568 TC4471374.2s Page 241 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation Site MAP FINDINGS EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number • STEWART'S LAUNDRY (FORMER) (Continued) Site ID: 1608 Has Env Use Control: No Project code: 0508570365 PM Name: DOM, J. Site Status: Active District Office: NCDO Lat/Long: 38.837582/-97.608754 River Basin: Smoky Hills - Saline Aquifer Yield: Not reported Other Aquifers: Not reported Parent PC: 0508500037 Parent Name: SALINA WATER TREATMENT PLANT CERCLIS ID: Not reported Discovery Date: 11/01/1991 Depth To GW: 21-30 feet Depth To Bedrock: 51-100 feet Aquifer Yield: 0-10 gpm GW Flow Direction: E -NE Acres Affected: Not reported Waste Present: No Product Present: No Program: Drycleaning Lead Agency: BER - Assessment and Restoration Contaminants: VOC Media Act: Ground Water, Soil Media Pot: Not reported Source: Drycleaner, Facility Operations • Land Use: Residential Private well: Not reported Waste Present: Not reported Product: Not reported Receptor Act: Not reported Receptor Pot: Not reported Remed Air: Not reported Remed Soil: Vacuum Extraction Remed Water: Not reported Remedir: Not reported Alias: MODEL LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANERS Eucan Number: Not reported Date: Not reported Activity Type: Corrective Action Activity Status: Completed Activity Start Date: 06/10/1998 Activity End Date: 05/31/2001 Narrative: Remediation system was installed in June 1998. The system was shut down in March 2001. Since 2003, groundwater sampling shows levels consistently below the MCL. Site is currently under annual groundwater monitoring. Most recen t groundwater monitoring event occurred April 2011 Site ID: 1608 Has Env Use Control: No Project code: C508570365 PM Name: DOM, J. Site Status: Active District Office: NCDO S103177568 TC44713742s Page 242 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation 0 �71 M MAP FINDINGS Site EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number STEWART'S LAUNDRY (FORMER) (Continued) LaULong: 38.837582/-97.608754 River Basin: Smoky Hills - Saline Aquifer Yield: Not reported Other Aquifers: Not reported Parent PC: C508500037 Parent Name: SALINA WATER TREATMENT PLANT CERCLIS ID: Not reported Discovery Date: 11/01/1991 Depth To GW: 21-30 feet Depth To Bedrock: 51-100 feet Aquifer Yield: 0-10 gpm GW Flow Direction: E -NE Acres Affected: Not reported Waste Present: No Product Present: No Program: Drycleaning Lead Agency: BER - Assessment and Restoration Contaminants: VOC Media Act: Ground Water, Soil Media Pot: Not reported Source: Drycleaner, Facility Operations Land Use: Residential Private well: Not reported Waste Present: Not reported Product: Not reported Receptor Act: Not reported Receptor Pot: Not reported Remed Air: Not reported Remed Soil: Vacuum Extraction Remed Water: Not reported Remedir: Not reported Alias: MODEL LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANERS Eucan Number: Not reported Date: Not reported Activity Type: Corrective Action Plan Activity Status: Completed Activity Start Date: Not reported Activity End Date: 06/01/1998 Narrative: Remediation system was installed in June 1998. The system was shut down in March 2001. Since 2003, groundwater sampling shows levels consistently below the MCL. Site is currently under annual groundwater monitoring. Most recen t groundwater monitoring event occurred April 2013. Site ID: 1608 Has Env Use Control: No Project code: C508570365 PM Name: DOM, J. Site Status: Active District Office: NCDO LaULong: 38.837582/-97.608754 River Basin: Smoky Hills - Saline Aquifer Yield: Not reported Other Aquifers: Not reported Parent PC: C508500037 Parent Name: SALINA WATER TREATMENT PLANT S103177568 TC4471374.2s Page 243 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation Site F— MAP FINDINGS EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number STEWART'S LAUNDRY (FORMER) (Continued) CERCLIS ID: Not reported Discovery Date: 11/01/1991 Depth To GW: 21-30 feet Depth To Bedrock: 51-100 feet Aquifer Yield: 0-10 gpm GW Flow Direction: E -NE Acres Affected: Not reported Waste Present: No Product Present: No Program: Drycleaning Lead Agency: BER - Assessment and Restoration Contaminants: VOC Media Act: Ground Water, Soil Media Pot: Not reported Source: Drycleaner, Facility Operations Land Use: Residential Private well: Not reported Waste Present: Not reported Product: Not reported Receptor Act: Not reported Receptor Pot: Not reported Remed Air: Not reported Remed Soil: Vacuum Extraction Remed Water: Not reported Remedir: Not reported Alias: MODEL LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANERS Eucan Number: Not reported Date: Not reported Activity Type: Expanded Site Assessment Activity Status: Completed Activity Start Date: Not reported Activity End Date: 05/06/1998 Narrative: Remediation system was installed in June 1998. The system was shut down in March 2001. Since 2003, groundwater sampling shows levels consistently below the MCL. Site is currently under annual groundwater monitoring. Most recen t groundwater monitoring event occurred April 2013. Site ID: 1608 Has Env Use Control: No Project code: 0508570365 PM Name: DOM, J. Site Status: Active District Office: NCDO Lat/Long: 38.837582/-97.608754 River Basin: Smoky Hills - Saline Aquifer Yield: Not reported Other Aquifers: Not reported Parent PC: C508500037 Parent Name: SALINA WATER TREATMENT PLANT CERCLIS ID: Not reported Discovery Date: 11/01/1991 Depth To GW: 21-30 feet Depth To Bedrock: 51-100 feet Aquifer Yield: 0-10 gpm GW Flow Direction: E -NE r" L 5103177568 TC4471374.2s Page 244 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation • • F- MAP FINDINGS Site STEWART'S LAUNDRY (FORMER) (Continued) Acres Affected: Waste Present: Product Present: Program: Lead Agency: Contaminants: Media Act: Media Pot: Source: Land Use: Private well: Waste Present: Product: Receptor Act: Receptor Pot: Remed Air: Remed Soil: Remed Water: Remedir: Alias: Eucan Number: Date: Activity Type: Activity Status: Activity Start Date: Activity End Date: Narrative: EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number Not reported No No Drycleaning BER - Assessment and Restoration VOC Ground Water, Soil Not reported Drycleaner, Facility Operations Residential Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Vacuum Extraction Not reported Not reported MODEL LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANERS Not reported Not reported Long Term Monitoring Underway 10/05/2000 Not reported Remediation system was installed in June 1998. The system was shut down in March 2001. Since 2003, groundwater sampling shows levels consistently below the MCL. Site is currently under annual groundwater monitoring. Most recen t groundwater monitoring event occurred April 2013. 56 SALINA PWS WELL #11 East ASH STREET & OAKDALE AVENUE 1/4-112 SALINA, KS 67401 0.336 mi. 1776 ft. Relative Higher Actual: 1223 ft. M SHWS: Site ID: Has Env Use Control: Project code: PM Name: Site Status: District Office: Lat/Long: River Basin: Aquifer Yield: Other Aquifers: Parent PC: Parent Name: CERCLIS ID: Discovery Date. Depth To GW: Depth To Bedrock: Aquifer Yield: GW Flow Direction: 1596 No 0508503004 BURKE,H. Active NCDO 38.84217 / -97.60236 Smoky Hills - Saline Alluvial Not reported C508570919 501 NORTH SANTA FE STREET KSD985014026 12/11/1992 31-50 feet 51-100 feet 501-1000 gpm E -SE S103177568 SHWS S107032755 N/A TC4471374.2s Page 245 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation 1� J Site MAP FINDINGS EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number TC4471374.2s Page 246 SALINA PWS WELL #11 (Continued) S107032755 Acres Affected: Unknown Waste Present: No Product Present: No Program: State Cooperative Lead Agency: BER - Remedial Contaminants: VOC Media Act: Ground Water Media Pot: Ground Water, Soil Source: Abandoned Facility, Aboveground Tank, Drycleaner, Facility Operations, Underground Tank/Piping Land Use: Commercial, Industrial, Residential Private well: Monitoring, PWS Waste Present: Not reported Product: Not reported Receptor Act: Not reported Receptor Pot: Not reported Remed Air: Not reported Remed Soil: Not reported Remed Water: Not reported Remedir: Not reported Alias: Not reported Eucan Number: Not reported Date: Not reported Activity Type: Transfer Within Bureau Activity Status: Completed Activity Start Date: Not reported Activity End Date: 12/13/2011 • Narrative: Since 1986 the Salina PWS Well #11 has contained low concentrations of 1,2 -DCA, and intermittent low concentrations of TCE. A Site Assessment Unit investigation in the area in 2003 identified and attributed 1,2 -DCA contamination to gasoline releases at upgradient UST sites, however, the source of TCE was not identified. Additional investigation and remediation was conducted at two UST sites immediately upgradient. In February 2001, KDHE sampling of PWS Well #11 during an investig ation at the Elm and Front Streets Site found in addition to 1,2 -DCA, the PWS Well #11 was still contaminated with low levels of TCE. As a result, the Salina PWS Well #11 Site was investigated in 2001-2002. Although at least six groundwater contaminant source areas were identified upgradient of the well, a source area for 1,2 -DCA was not identified. Concurrently in 2001, results of the Elm and Front Streets Site investigation identified 1,2 -DCA, carbon tetrachloride, chloroform, EDB, and petroleum products at a nearby former grain fumigant handling facility located at 501 N. Santa Fe Ave. Additional investigations conducted from 2004-2005 confirmed the 501 N. Santa Fe Ave. facility was a source area of a grain fumigant contaminant plume migrating toward Salina PWS Well #15, but could not be confirmed as a source area of contamination to Salina PWS Well #11. Source removal and remedial system installation were completed at the 501 N. Santa Fe Ave. Site by early 2006, a PRP was identified, and the 501 N. Santa Fe Ave. Site was transferred to the State Cooperative Program in April 2007 (See Project Code C5-085-70919 for additional information). KDHE conducted additional investigations at the Salina PWS #11 Sit e in 2006 and 2007. Groundwater samples were collected from direct -push probes, PWS Well #11, and existing monitoring and lawn watering wells in an effort to identify a source of the 1,2 -DCA TC4471374.2s Page 246 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation 0 MAP FINDINGS Site SALINA PWS WELL #11 (Continued) EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number contamination. KDHE met regularly with the City of Salina to discuss potential long-term impacts to PWS Well #11 and the remedial system in operation at the City Water Treatment Plant (See Salina Water Treatment Plant Site; Project Code C5-085-00037 for additional information). In November 2007 a KDHE contractor was selected to conduct groundwater modeling and solute transport modeling to assist KDHE and the City in determining future impacts of the known contaminant plume in PWS wells in north Salina. The report was completed in June 2008 and concluded that 1,2 -DCA in PWS Well #11 was migrating from the north-northwest in the intermediate and deep portions of the alluvial aquifer. The known 1,2 -DCA plume originating from the 501 N. Santa Fe Ave. Site, and elevated 1,2 -DCA concentrations identified in monitoring wells at the Salina FMGP Site (See Project Code C5-085-70037 for additional information), were identified as potential source areas. A Groundwater and Solute Transport Modeling Report was completed i n October 2008. Five scenarios were modeled to predict contaminant plume migration based on different pumping strategies. The report concluded that a capture well upgradient of the PWS wells in north Salina would be most protective of the PWS well field. In May 2009 KDHE conducted an SSI to identify potential sources of groundwater contamination at 403 N. Third Street. In July 2009 four new monitoring wells were installed and sampled as an addendum to the SSI. Results indicate 1,2 -DCA contamination is likely emanating from an upgradient source and TPH DRO and motor oil impacts are likely from historical and/or current operations at 403 N. Third Street. In September 2009 monitoring wells were sampled and analyzed for naphthalene and VOCs. Naphthalene and 1,2 -DCA impacts were identified in several well samples. Currently, PWS Well #11 is routinely sampled under the Salina Water Treatment Plant Site and the 501 North Santa Fe Street Site to continue monitoring well conditions. Site ID: 1596 Has Env Use Control: No Project code: C508503004 PM Name: BURKE, H. Site Status: Active District Office: NCDO Lat/Long: 38.84217 / -97.60236 River Basin: Smoky Hills - Saline Aquifer Yield: Alluvial Other Aquifers: Not reported Parent PC: C508570919 Parent Name: 501 NORTH SANTA FE STREET CERCLIS ID: KSD985014026 Discovery Date: 12/11/1992 Depth To GW: 31-50 feet Depth To Bedrock: 51-100 feet Aquifer Yield: 501-1000 gpm GW Flow Direction: E -SE Acres Affected: Unknown Waste Present: No Product Present: No Program: State Cooperative Lead Agency: BER - Remedial S107032755 TC4471374.2s Page 247 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation Site MAP FINDINGS EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number TC4471374.2s Page 248 SALINA PWS WELL #11 (Continued) 5107032755 Contaminants: VOC Media Act: Ground Water Media Pot: Ground Water, Soil Source: Abandoned Facility, Aboveground Tank, Drycleaner, Facility Operations, Underground Tank/Piping Land Use: Commercial, Industrial, Residential Private well: Monitoring, PWS Waste Present: Not reported Product: Not reported Receptor Act: Not reported Receptor Pot: Not reported Remed Air: Not reported Remed Soil: Not reported Remed Water: Not reported Remedir: Not reported Alias: Not reported Eucan Number: Not reported Date: Not reported Activity Type: Transfer Within Bureau Activity Status: Completed Activity Start Date: 03/29/2006 Activity End Date: 03/29/2006 Narrative: Since 1986 the Salina PWS Well #11 has contained low concentrations of 1,2 -DCA, and intermittent low concentrations of TCE. A Site Assessment Unit investigation in the area in 2003 identified and attributed 1,2 -DCA contamination to gasoline releases at upgradient • UST sites; however, the source of TCE was not identified. Additional investigation and remediation was conducted at two UST sites immediately upgradient. In February 2001, KDHE sampling of PWS Well #11 during an investig ation at the Elm and Front Streets Site found in addition to 1,2 -DCA, the PWS Well #11 was still contaminated with low levels of TCE. As a result, the Salina PWS Well #11 Site was investigated in 2001-2002. Although at least six groundwater contaminant source areas were identified upgradient of the well, a source area for 1,2 -DCA was not identified. Concurrently in 2001, results of the Elm and Front Streets Site investigation identified 1,2 -DCA, carbon tetrachloride, chloroform, EDB, and petroleum products at a nearby former grain fumigant handling facility located at 501 N. Santa Fe Ave. Additional investigations conducted from 2004-2005 confirmed the 501 N. Santa Fe Ave. facility was a source area of a grain fumigant contaminant plume migrating toward Salina PWS Well #15, but could not be confirmed as a source area of contamination to Salina PWS Well #11. Source removal and remedial system installation were completed at the 501 N. Santa Fe Ave. Site by early 2006, a PRP was identified, and the 501 N. Santa Fe Ave. Site was transferred to the State Cooperative Program in April 2007 (See Project Code C5-085-70919 for additional information). KDHE conducted additional investigations at the Salina PWS #11 Sit e in 2006 and 2007. Groundwater samples were collected from direct -push probes, PWS Well #11, and existing monitoring and lawn watering wells in an effort to identify a source of the 1,2 -DCA contamination. KDHE met regularly with the City of Salina to discuss potential long-term impacts to PWS Well #11 and the remedial system in operation at the City Water Treatment Plant (See Salina Water Treatment Plant Site; Project Code C5-085-00037 for additional information). In November 2007 a KDHE contractor was selected to TC4471374.2s Page 248 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation • �il 0 F_ MAP FINDINGS Site SALINA PWS WELL #11 (Continued) EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number conduct groundwater modeling and solute transport modeling to assist KDHE and the City in determining future impacts of the known contaminant plume in PWS wells in north Salina. The report was completed in June 2008 and concluded that 1,2 -DCA in PWS Well #11 was migrating from the north-northwest in the intermediate and deep portions of the alluvial aquifer. The known 1,2 -DCA plume originating from the 501 N. Santa Fe Ave. Site, and elevated 1,2 -DCA concentrations identified in monitoring wells at the Salina FMGP Site (See Project Code C5-085-70037 for additional information), were identified as potential source areas. A Groundwater and Solute Transport Modeling Report was completed i n October 2008. Five scenarios were modeled to predict contaminant plume migration based on different pumping strategies. The report concluded that a capture well upgradient of the PWS wells in north Salina would be most protective of the PWS well field. In May 2009 KDHE conducted an SSI to identify potential sources of groundwater contamination at 403 N. Third Street. In July 2009 four naw mnnitrinnn wank vara inctalled and sampled as an addendum to the SSI. Results indicate 1,2 -DCA contamination is likely emanating from an upgradient source and TPH DRO and motor oil impacts are likely from historical and/or current operations at 403 N. Third Street. In September 2009 monitoring wells were sampled and analyzed for naphthalene and VOCs. Naphthalene and 1,2 -DCA impacts were identified in several well samples. Currently, PWS Well #11 is routinely sampled under the Salina Water Treatment Plant Site and the 501 North Santa Fe Street Site to continue monitoring well conditions. Site ID: 1596 Has Env Use Control: No Project code: C508503004 PM Name: BURKE, H. Site Status: Active District Office: NCDO Lat/Long: 38.84217/-97.60236 River Basin: Smoky Hills - Saline Aquifer Yield: Alluvial Other Aquifers: Not reported Parent PC: C508570919 Parent Name: 501 NORTH SANTA FE STREET CERCLIS ID: KSD985014026 Discovery Date: 12/11/1992 Depth To GW: 31-50 feet Depth To Bedrock: 51-100 feet Aquifer Yield: 501-1000 gpm GW Flow Direction: E -SE Acres Affected: Unknown Waste Present: No Product Present: No Program: State Cooperative Lead Agency: BER - Remedial Contaminants: VOC Media Act: Ground Water Media Pot: Ground Water, Soil Source: Abandoned Facility, Aboveground Tank, Drycleaner, Facility Operations, Underground Tank/Piping S107032755 TC4471374.2s Page 249 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation 0 iJ L J MAP FINDINGS Site SALINA PWS WELL #11 (Continued) EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number Land Use: Commercial, Industrial, Residential Private well: Monitoring, PWS Waste Present: Not reported Product: Not reported Receptor Act: Not reported Receptor Pot: Not reported Remed Air: Not reported Remed Soil: Not reported Remed Water: Not reported Remedir: Not reported Alias: Not reported Eucan Number: Not reported Date: Not reported Activity Type: Contamination Assessment Activity Status: Underway Activity Start Date: 03/29/2006 Activity End Date: Not reported Narrative: Since 1986 the Salina PWS Well #11 has contained low concentrations of 1,2 -DCA, and intermittent low concentrations of TCE. A Site Assessment Unit investigation in the area in 2003 identified and attributed 1,2 -DCA contamination to gasoline releases at upgradient UST sites; however, the source of TCE was not identified. Additional investigation and remediation was conducted at two UST sites immediately upgradient. In February 2001, KDHE sampling of PWS Well #11 during an investig ation at the Elm and Front Streets Site found in addition to 1,2 -DCA, the PWS Well #11 was still contaminated with low levels of TCE. As a result, the Salina PWS Well #11 Site was investigated in 2001-2002. Although at least six groundwater contaminant source areas were identified upgradient of the well, a source area for 1,2 -DCA was not identified. Concurrently in 2001, results of the Elm and Front Streets Site investigation identified 1,2 -DCA, carbon tetrachloride, chloroform, EDB, and petroleum products at a nearby former grain fumigant handling facility located at 501 N. Santa Fe Ave. Additional investigations conducted from 2004-2005 confirmed the 501 N. Santa Fe Ave. facility was a source area of a grain fumigant contaminant plume migrating toward Salina PWS Well #15, but could not be confirmed as a source area of contamination to Salina PWS Well #11. Source removal and remedial system installation were completed at the 501 N. Santa Fe Ave. Site by early 2006, a PRP was identified, and the 501 N. Santa Fe Ave. Site was transferred to the State Cooperative Program in April 2007 (See Project Code C5-085-70919 for additional information). KDHE conducted additional investigations at the Salina PWS #11 Sit e in 2006 and 2007. Groundwater samples were collected from direct -push probes, PWS Well #11, and existing monitoring and lawn watering wells in an effort to identify a source of the 1,2 -DCA contamination. KDHE met regularly with the City of Salina to discuss potential long-term impacts to PWS Well #11 and the remedial system in operation at the City Water Treatment Plant (See Salina Water Treatment Plant Site; Project Code C5-085-00037 for additional information). In November 2007 a KDHE contractor was selected to conduct groundwater modeling and solute transport modeling to assist KDHE and the City in determining future impacts of the known contaminant plume in PWS wells in north Salina. The report was completed in June 2008 and concluded that 1,2 -DCA in PWS Well #11 was migrating from the north-northwest in the intermediate and deep S107032755 TC4471374.2s Page 250 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation Site F- MAP FINDINGS EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number 0 SALINA PWS WELL #11 (Continued) S107032755 portions of the alluvial aquifer. The known 1,2 -DCA plume originating from the 501 N. Santa Fe Ave. Site, and elevated 1,2 -DCA concentrations identified in monitoring wells at the Salina FMGP Site (See Project Code C5-085-70037 for additional information), were identified as potential source areas. A Groundwater and Solute Transport Modeling Report was completed i n October 2008. Five scenarios were modeled to predict contaminant plume migration based on different pumping strategies. The report concluded that a capture well upgradient of the PWS wells in north Salina would be most protective of the PWS well field. In May 2009 KDHE conducted an SSI to identify potential sources of groundwater contamination at 403 N. Third Street. In July 2009 four new monitoring wells were installed and sampled as an addendum to the SSI. Results indicate 1,2 -DCA contamination is likely emanating from an upgradient source and TPH DRO and motor oil impacts are likely from historical and/or current operations at 403 N. Third Street. In September 2009 monitoring wells were sampled and analyzed for naphthalene and VOCs. Naphthalene and 1,2 -DCA impacts were identified in several well samples. Currently, PWS Well #11 is routinely sampled under the Salina Water Treatment Plant Site and the 501 North Santa Fe Street Site to continue monitoring well conditions. 57 PENNINGTON CHIROPRACTIC CENTER LUST S101836943 • SSW 204 W WALNUT N/A 114-112 SALINA, KS 67401 0.348 mi. 1835 ft. Relative: LUST: Higher Facility ID: 80296 Site Status: Closed Actual: Release Date: Not reported 1225 ft. Initial Report Date: 08/13/1992 Project Number: 1.15-085-00722 Project Name: Pennington Chiropractic Center, Salina Legal Desc Section: 13 Legal Desc Township: 14S Legal Desc Range: 03W Discover Date: 08/28/1992 substrels: gasoline Initial Ranking: Not reported Current Ranking: Not reported Facility Contact: Rd Pennington Facility Phone Number: 785-827-8727 Facility Owner Identification number: Not reported Facility Owner: C/o Farm Bureau Insurance Owner Contact Person: Not reported Owner Address: Cottonwood Falls Owner City: Not reported Owner State: KS Owner Zip Code: 66845 Owner Phone number: Not reported Contractor license number: Not reported Contractor phone number: 785-827-3804 . Leak duration (if known): Unkn Quantity released (if known): Not reported TC4471374.2s Page 251 Ll Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance Elevation Site PENNINGTON CHIROPRACTIC CENTER (Continued) Quantity recorded: Leak Type: Reported By: Reported by persons phone number: Reported by person address: Ground water Impacted (yes/no): Static groundwater level: Groundwater flow direction: District staff names: Assessment of release: Contaimination assessement: Extent of contamination impact Updated information: Invoice initiated: Invoice on going: Invoice completetd: Release confirmed: Emergencty contact: Enforcement action: Cost recovery: Cost recovery initiated: Cost recovery initiated by: Cost recovery completed: Cost recovery completed by Appplication to trust fund: EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number S101836943 Not reported Tank Howard Debauche, Kdhe Not reported Ncdo 0-3' grayish brown silty clay. 3-13' fine to medium grained brown sand >13' gray to brown shale. gw depth = 12'. gw flow = north. Not reported Not reported Howard Debauche 1-550 gal gas, 1-1250 gal gas, 1-300 gal gas usts & lines removed. tanks were corroded, evidence -seepage of fuel, some small holes. contam in excavation beneath tanks. yes. groundwater contamination appears to be minimal. water which was flowing into exc from all directions appeared to be clean. contaminated area was clearly visible (stained). Not reported 19924 Not reported 19924 19924 Not reported Not reported Not reported 19924 Responsible Party 19924 Responsible Party Not reported 58 BUD'S PLUMBING LUST S101836899 NW 336 N 9TH ST NIA 1/4-1/2 SALINA, KS 67401 0.349 mi. 1843 ft. Relative: LUST: Higher Facility ID: 80337 Site Status: Closed Actual: Release Date: Not reported 1225 ft. Initial Report Date: 02/22/1991 Project Number: U5-085-00483 Project Name: Bud's Plumbing Legal Desc Section: 12 Legal Desc Township: 14S Legal Desc Range: 03W Discover Date: Not reported substrels: Not reported Initial Ranking: Not reported Current Ranking: Not reported Facility Contact: Charles Lee Facility Phone Number: 785-825-6528 Facility Owner Identification number: Not reported Facility Owner: Not reported Owner Contact Person: Not reported . Owner Address: Not reported Owner City: Not reported TC4471374.2s Page 252 0 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation Site F- MAP FINDINGS BUD'S PLUMBING (Continued) Owner State: Owner Zip Code: Owner Phone number: Contractor license number: Contractor phone number: Leak duration (if known): Quantity released (if known): Quantity recorded: Leak Type: Reported By: Reported by persons phone number: Reported by person address: Ground water Impacted (yes/no): Static groundwater level: Groundwater flow direction: District staff names: Assessment of release: Contaimination assessement: Extent of contamination impact: Updated information: Invoice initiated: Invoice on going: Invoice completetd: Release confirmed: Emergencty contact: Enforcement action: Cost recovery: Cost recovery initiated: Cost recovery initiated by: Cost recovery completed: Cost recovery completed by: Appplication to trust fund: 59 POLICE DEPT WNW 255 N 10TH 1/4-1/2 SALINA, KS 67401 0.355 mi. 1873 ft. Relative: LUST: Higher Facility ID: Site Status: Actual: Release Date: 1226 ft. Initial Report Date: Project Number: Project Name: Legal Desc Section: Legal Desc Township: Legal Desc Range: Discover Date: substrels: Initial Ranking: Current Ranking: Facility Contact: Facility Phone Number: EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number S101836899 Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported 785-825-6528 Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported E Peterson Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported on 2-21-91, two 5000 gallon steel usts were removed from a location west, directly in fron of buds plumbing. upon removal the usts appeared to be in sound condition, with no holes or heavy corrosion evident. no contamination was encountered in soil s yes, as both usts were removed along with their associated piping. none Not reported 19912 Not reported 19912 Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported 09070 Closed Not reported 12/07/1993 U5-085-00848 Saline Co Jail 11 14S 03W 11/24/1993 diesel fuel Not reported Not reported Gail Aills 785-826-6511 LUST 0000871830 UST N/A Financial Assurance TC4471374.2s Page 253 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation • F— MAP FINDINGS Site POLICE DEPT (Continued) Facility Owner Identification number: Facility Owner: Owner Contact Person: Owner Address: Owner City: Owner State: Owner Zip Code: Owner Phone number: Contractor license number: Contractor phone number: Leak duration (if known): Quantity released (if known): Quantity recorded: Leak Type: Reported By: Reported by persons phone number: Reported by person address: Ground water Impacted (yes/no): Static groundwater level: Groundwater flow direction: District staff names: Assessment of release: Contaimination assessement: Extent of contamination impact: 0 Updated information: Invoice initiated: Invoice on going: Invoice completetd: Release confirmed: Emergencty contact: Enforcement action: Cost recovery: Cost recovery initiated: Cost recovery initiated by: Cost recovery completed: Cost recovery completed by: Appplication to trust fund: UST: Facility ID: Facility 911 Address: Facility 911 City, State, Zip Facility Phone: Phone 24 Hours: Facility District: Facility Location Method: Facility Feature: Facility Datum: Facility Lat/Long: Owner ID: Owner: Owner Type: Owner/Rep Name: . Owner/Rep Title EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number 0000871830 08507 Saline Co Emergency Management Gail Aills 255 N 10th St Salina KS 67401 785-826-6511 C0085 785-823-7800 Not reported Not reported Not reported Tank Howard Debauche Not reported 2501-d Market Place the area consists primarily of very dark grayish brown silty clay. Not reported Not reported Howard Debauche 1-ust removed. there was a small area of contam beneath the tank. the tank had been placed on a concrete pad, and this helped to limit the loss of fuel, and also helped to confine the contam. the pad was at a depth of about 8 feet. excava was continu yes none suspected Not reported 19941 Not reported 19941 19941 Not reported Not reported Not reported 19941 Responsible Party 19941 Responsible Party Not reported 29745 255 N. 10TH STREET SALINA, KS 67401 785-826-6511 785-826-7210 NC Garmin GPS III Plus Facility Center WGS84 38.845100000000002/-97.614559999999997 29745 SALINE CO EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT Private Or Corp. SALINE CO EMER MGMT - HANNAH S OWNER/CONTACT PERSON TC4471374.2s Page 254 1� u Map ID Direction Distance Elevation Site POLICE DEPT (Continued) Owner Address: Owner City, State, Zip: Owner County: Contact: Contact Title: Tank ID: Tank Type: Tank Status: Total Capacity (Gals): Hazards: Petroleum Substance: NonPetroleum Substance: Estimated Yr In Service: Date Removed: Last Permit Printed: Current Permit Printed: QTY Remaining in Tank: Filled/Removed: Tank Empty: Out of Service Mo/Yr: Material of Construction: Piping: Tank Intemal Protection: Tank Extemal Protection: Tank ID: Tank Type: Tank Status: Total Capacity (Gals): Hazards: Petroleum Substance: NonPetroleum Substance Estimated Yr In Service: Date Removed: Last Permit Printed: Current Permit Printed: QTY Remaining in Tank: Filled/Removed: Tank Empty: Out of Service Mo/Yr: Material of Construction: Piping: Tank Intemal Protection: Tank Extemal Protection: Tank ID: Tank Type: Tank Status: Total Capacity (Gals): Hazards: Petroleum Substance: NonPetroleum Substance: Estimated Yr In Service: Date Removed: MAP FINDINGS 255 N. 10TH STREET SALINA, KS 67401 SALINE DISPATCH CONTACT PERSON 001 Underground Current In Use 4000 Fire,Chronic,Acute Dyed Diesel Not reported 1993 Not reported 2014-06-09 00:00:00 2015-06-09 00:00:00 Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Steel,Fbr Ref Plastic Not reported Not reported Not reported 001 Underground Permanently Out Of Use 700 Not reported Diesel Not reported 1970 11/15/1993 Not reported Not reported 0 Removed Not reported 111993 Steel Not reported Not reported Not reported 002 Underground Current In Use 3000 Fire Propane Not reported 1970 Not reported EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number 0000871830 TC4471374.2s Page 255 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation Site POLICE DEPT (Continued) Last Permit Printed: Current Permit Printed: QTY Remaining in Tank: Filled/Removed: Tank Empty: Out of Service Mo/Yr: Material of Construction: Piping: Tank Internal Protection: Tank External Protection: KS Financial Assurance: Facility ID: Financial Responsibility: Facility ID: Financial Responsibility: F- MAP FINDINGS Not reported Not reported 0 Not reported Not reported 001900 Steel Not reported Not reported Not reported 09070 Self Insured 29745 3rd Party Liability Insurance EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number 0000871830 TC4471374.2s Page 256 60 UNION PACIFIC RR, SALINA LUST S105432483 NNE 2ND & PINE N/A 1/4-1/2 SALINA, KS 67401 0.355 mi. 1874 ft. Relative: LUST: Lower Facility ID: 29766 Site Status: Closed Actual: Release Date: Not reported 1222 ft. Initial Report Date: 08/20/1990 Project Number: U5-085-10364 Project Name: Uprr, Salina Legal Desc Section: 12 Legal Desc Township: 14S Legal Desc Range: 03W Discover Date: Not reported substrels: petro hydrocarbons Initial Ranking: 35 Current Ranking: 60.00000 Facility Contact: Glenn Thomas Facility Phone Number: 402-271-2234 Facility Owner Identification number: 27063 Facility Owner: Union Pacific Rr Owner Contact Person: Glen Thomas Owner Address: 1416 Dodge Owner City: Not reported Owner State: NE Owner Zip Code: 68179 Owner Phone number: 402-271-2234 Contractor license number: Not reported Contractor phone number: 303-7994142 Leak duration (if known): Not reported Quantity released (if known): Not reported Quantity recorded: Not reported Leak Type: Not reported . Reported By: Reported by persons phone number: Not reported Not reported Reported by person address: Not reported TC4471374.2s Page 256 • Map ID Direction Distance Elevation Site UNION PACIFIC RR, SALINA (Continued) MAP FINDINGS EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number S105432483 Ground water Impacted (yes/no): lean clays and high weather shales to bottom of excavation. no South groundwater encountered. Static groundwater level: Not reported Groundwater flow direction: Not reported District staff names: Scott Lang Assessment of release: 3-120 gal vertical metal tanks removed. some staining and odors Higher observed just below tanks. drager analysis indicated 150ppm. overexcavated and retested. 2nd sample well below kals. coils aeriated Actual: and basin backfilled. site closed. Contaimination assessement: no leak. Extent of contamination impact: 6-28-95 update in trust fund file. status remains closed. Updated information: Not reported Invoice initiated: 19904 Invoice on going: Not reported Invoice completetd: 19904 Release confirmed: 19904 Emergencty contact: Not reported Enforcement action: 19954 Cost recovery: Not reported Cost recovery initiated: 19954 Cost recovery initiated by: Responsible Party Cost recovery completed: 19954 Cost recovery completed by: Responsible Party Appplication to trust fund: 19954 61 USD #305 South 256 S 5TH ST 114-112 SALINA, KS 67401 0.393 mi. 2077 ft. Relative: LUST: Higher Facility ID: Site Status: Actual: Release Date: 1223 ft. Initial Report Date: Project Number: Project Name: Legal Desc Section: Legal Desc Township: Legal Desc Range: Discover Date: substrels: Initial Ranking: Current Ranking: Facility Contact: Facility Phone Number: Facility Owner Identification number Facility Owner: Owner Contact Person: Owner Address: Owner City: Owner State: Owner Zip Code: Owner Phone number: Contractor license number: Contractor phone number: Leak duration (if known): 05878 Closed Not reported 08/16/1989 U5-085-00141 Usd 305, Salina, Maintenance 13 14S 02W 08/16/1989 Not reported Not reported Not reported Gerald Eck Not reported 05878 Usd #305 Not reported Box 797,salina Not reported KS 67401 785-825-0281 Not reported Not reported 0 LUST 0000871038 UST N/A TC4471374.2s Page 257 Ll IJ 0 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation Site USD #305 (Continued) f- MAP FINDINGS Quantity released (if known): Quantity recorded: Leak Type: Reported By: Reported by persons phone number: Reported by person address: Ground water Impacted (yes/no): Static groundwater level: Groundwater flow direction: District staff names: Assessment of release: Contaimination assessement: Extent of contamination impact: Updated information: Invoice initiated: Invoice on going. Invoice completetd: Release confirmed: Emergencty contact: Enforcement action: Cost recovery: Cost recovery initiated: Cost recovery initiated by: Cost recovery completed: Cost recovery completed by: Appplication to trust fund: Not reported Not reported Not reported Erik Peterson 785-827-9639 2501-d Market PI.,salina 0-.5 gravel, -12' red gravel Not reported Not reported Erik Peterson no leakage. tanks removed. none Not reported 19894 Not reported 19894 Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported UST: 001 Facility ID: 05878 Facility 911 Address: 256 S 5TH Facility 911 City, State, Zip: SALINA, KS 67401 Facility Phone: 785-825-0281 Phone 24 Hours. 785-825-0281 Facility District: NC Facility Location Method: Garmin GPS III Plus Facility Feature: Facility Center Facility Datum: WGS84 Facility Lat/Long: 38.836570000000002/-97.608199999999997 Owner ID: 05878 Owner: USD #305 Owner Type: State Or Local Govt. Owner/Rep Name: Terry Terril Owner/Rep Title: Superintendent Owner Address: 300 WEST ASH Owner City, State, Zip: SALINA, KS 67401 Owner County: SALINE Contact: Gerald Eck Contact Title: Dir Manint Operation Tank ID: 001 Tank Type: Underground Tank Status: Permanently Out Of Use Total Capacity (Gals): 6000 Hazards: Fire,Chronic,Acute Petroleum Substance: Gas (Incl Alcohol) NonPetroleum Substance: Not reported Estimated Yr In Service: 1966 EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number 0000871038 TC4471374.2s Page 258 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation Ll Site USD #305 (Continued) Date Removed: Last Permit Printed: Current Permit Printed: QTY Remaining in Tank: Filled/Removed: Tank Empty: Out of Service Mo/Yr: Material of Construction: Piping: Tank Internal Protection: Tank External Protection Tank ID: Tank Type: Tank Status: Total Capacity (Gals): Hazards: Petroleum Substance: NonPetroleum Substance Estimated Yr In Service: Date Removed: Last Permit Printed: Current Permit Printed: QTY Remaining in Tank: Filled/Removed: Tank Empty: Out of Service Mo/Yr: Material of Construction: Piping: Tank Internal Protection: Tank External Protection: Tank ID: Tank Type: Tank Status: Total Capacity (Gals): Hazards: Petroleum Substance: NonPetroleum Substance: Estimated Yr In Service: Date Removed: Last Permit Printed: Current Permit Printed: QTY Remaining in Tank: Filled/Removed: Tank Empty: Out of Service Mo/Yr: Material of Construction: Piping: Tank Internal Protection: Tank External Protection: MAP FINDINGS 8/15/1989 Not reported Not reported Not reported Removed Not reported 081989 Steel Not reported Not reported Not reported 002 Underground Permanently Out Of Use 560 Not reported Diesel Not reported 1978 8/15/1989 Not reported Not reported Not reported Removed Not reported 081989 Steel Not reported Not reported Not reported 003 Underground Permanently Out Of Use 285 Not reported Not reported Not reported 1978 8/15/1989 Not reported Not reported Not reported Removed Not reported 081989 Steel Not reported Not reported Not reported EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number 0000871038 TC4471374.2s Page 259 • • Map ID Direction Distance Elevation Site MAP FINDINGS 62 SALINA DCA North NEAR INTERSECTION OF N 3RD ST & E NORTH ST 1/4-112 SALINA, KS 67072 0.403 mi. 2130 ft. Relative: SHWS EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number SHWS S109697895 NIA Lower Site ID: 2433 Has Env Use Control: No Actual: Project code: C508572487 1221 ft. PM Name: BER - Assessment and Restoration Site Status: Resolved District Office: NCDO Lat/Long: 38.84859 / -97.60753 River Basin: Smoky Hills - Saline Aquifer Yield: Alluvial Other Aquifers: Not reported Parent PC: Not reported Parent Name: Not reported CERCLIS ID: Not reported Discovery Date: 06/09/2009 Depth To GW: 31-50 feet Depth To Bedrock: 51-100 feet Aquifer Yield: Not reported GW Flow Direction: E -SE Acres Affected: Not reported Waste Present: No Product Present: No Program: Site Assessment Lead Agency: BER - Assessment and Restoration Contaminants: Not reported Media Act: Not reported Media Pot: Not reported Source: Not reported Land Use: Commercial, Industrial Private well: Not reported Waste Present: Not reported Product: Not reported Receptor Act: Not reported Receptor Pot: Not reported Remed Air: Not reported Remed Soil: Not reported Remed Water: Not reported Remedir: Not reported Alias: Not reported Eucan Number: Not reported Date: Not reported Activity Type: Resolved Activity Status: Completed Activity Start Date: Not reported Activity End Date: 08/21/2009 Narrative: The site was referred to the Kansas Department of Health and Environmental (KDHE) Site Assessment Unit in June 2009 from the KDHE/Bureau of Environmental Remediation (BER) Site Remediation Unit. Not reported In May 2009, KDHE/BER conducted a Supplemental Site Investigation for the Salina Public Water Supply Well #11 site. The objective of the investigation was to access if groundwater contamination at and near the property located at 403 North Third Street is the result of TC4471374.2s Page 260 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number is SALINA DCA (Continued) S109697895 current and/or past operations at the subject property or emanating from other releases in the area. The data from the investigation were inconclusive, and a request was made for the KDHE Site Assessment Unit to determine if a source of 1,2-dichloroethane (DCA) exists upgradient of the property at 403 North Third Street. On July 1, 2009, KDHE received a Draft Comprehensive Investigatio n Report for the 501 North Santa Fe site in Salina, Kansas from ARCADIS for Koch Agricultural Company. The report indicated that a release of 1,2 -DCA from 501 North Santa Fe is likely impacting ground water at 403 North Third Street. No other releases upgradient of the site are suspected. TC4471374.2s Page 261 Site ID: 2433 Has Env Use Control: No Project code: C508572487 PM Name: BER - Assessment and Restoration Site Status: Resolved District Office: NCDO Lat/Long: 38.84859 / -97.60753 River Basin: Smoky Hills - Saline Aquifer Yield: Alluvial Other Aquifers: Not reported Parent PC: Not reported Parent Name: Not reported CERCLIS ID: Not reported Discovery Date: 06/09/2009 Depth To GW: 31-50 feet Depth To Bedrock: 51-100 feet Aquifer Yield: Not reported GW Flow Direction: E -SE Acres Affected: Not reported Waste Present: No Product Present: No Program: Site Assessment Lead Agency: BER - Assessment and Restoration Contaminants: Not reported Media Act: Not reported Media Pot: Not reported Source: Not reported Land Use: Commercial, Industrial Private well: Not reported Waste Present: Not reported Product: Not reported Receptor Act: Not reported Receptor Pot: Not reported Remed Air: Not reported Remed Soil: Not reported Remed Water: Not reported Remedir: Not reported Alias: Not reported Eucan Number: Not reported Date: Not reported Activity Type: Initial Site Screening Activity Status: Completed Activity Start Date: 07/08/2009 Activity End Date: 08/11/2009 . Narrative: The site was referred to the Kansas Department of Health and TC4471374.2s Page 261 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number is SALINA DCA (Continued) S109697895 Environmental (KDHE) Site Assessment Unit in June 2009 from the KDHE/Bureau of Environmental Remediation (BER) Site Remediation Unit. Not reported In May 2009, KDHE/BER conducted a Supplemental Site Investigation for the Salina Public Water Supply Well #11 site. The objective of the investigation was to access if groundwater contamination at and near the property located at 403 North Third Street is the result of current and/or past operations at the subject property or emanating from other releases in the area. The data from the investigation were inconclusive, and a request was made for the KDHE Site Assessment Unit to determine if a source of 1,2-dichloroethane (DCA) exists upgradient of the property at 403 North Third Street. On July 1, 2009, KDHE received a Draft Comprehensive Investigatio n Report for the 501 North Santa Fe site in Salina, Kansas from ARCADIS for Koch Agricultural Company. The report indicated that a release of 1,2 -DCA from 501 North Santa Fe is likely impacting ground water at 403 North Third Street. No other releases upgradient of the site are suspected. TC4471374.2s Page 262 63 RESEARCH PRODUCTS (FMR) SHWS S105624508 NNW 411 N 7TH STREET N/A 1/4-1/2 SALINA, KS 67401 0.406 mi. 2145 ft. Relative: SHWS: Lower Site ID: 1627 Has Env Use Control: No Actual: Project code: C508571572 1222 ft. PM Name: BURKE, H. Site Status: Active District Office: NCDO Lat/Long: 38.84786/-97.61081 River Basin: Smoky Hills - Saline Aquifer Yield: Alluvial Other Aquifers: Not reported Parent PC: C508503010 Parent Name: SALINA NORTH CERCLIS ID: Not reported Discovery Date: 12/07/1994 Depth To GW: 21-30 feet Depth To Bedrock: 51-100 feet Aquifer Yield: 501-1000 gpm GW Flow Direction: E -SE Acres Affected: 5-25 acres Waste Present: No Product Present: No Program: State Cooperative Lead Agency: BER - Remedial Contaminants: VOC Media Act: Ground Water, Soil Media Pot: Not reported Source: Abandoned Facility, Aboveground Tank Land Use: Commercial, Industrial Private well: Monitoring, PWS Waste Present: Not reported . Product: Not reported Receptor Act: Not reported TC4471374.2s Page 262 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation 0 �il MAP FINDINGS Site EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number RESEARCH PRODUCTS (FMR) (Continued) Receptor Pot: Not reported Remed Air: Not reported Remed Soil: Not reported Remed Water: Long Term Monitoring Remedir: Not reported Alias: PINE & 7TH, SALINA Eucan Number: Not reported Date: Not reported Activity Type: Consent Order Activity Status: Completed Activity Start Date: 04/28/2011 Activity End Date: 11/07/2011 Narrative: The former Research Products Site is located in north -central Salina, KS at 411 N. 7th Street. Between 1992 and 1994, chlorinated volatile organic compounds (VOCs) were discovered in several Leaking Underground Storage Tank (LUST) sites in northern Salina. As a result, an investigation of the Salina North Site (Project Code C5-085-03010) was completed in January 1997, which results indicated that several potential source areas existed in the area. Additional groundwater monitoring and investigation within the Salina North Site boundaries was conducted by the KDHE/BER Site Assessment Unit to further characterize the identified source areas. Results of an Expanded Site Investigation (ESI) of the Salina PWS Well #11 Site (Project Code C5-085-03004) completed in early 2002, confirmed the former Research Products facility as the source for the carbon tetrachloride and chloroform contaminant plume in the Salina North area. Operations at the former Research Products facility included the formulation, storage, and distribution of grain fumigants. A Consent Order between KDHE and the identified responsible party for the former Research Products Site was executed on May 30, 2003 for comprehensive investigation/corrective action study (CI/CAS) tasks. The CI/CAS work plan was approved by KDHE in July 2004 and implementation of Cl activities began in September of 2004. Quarterly groundwater monitoring was conducted from January 2006 and continued through February 2008. A draft Cl Report was submitted to KDHE on April 11, 2008, and aft er reviewing the document it was determined additional investigation activities were necessary along the southern boundary of the property and in an area just south of the building. A Cl Work Plan Addendum was approved by KDHE in July 2008 with field activities conducted in August 2008 and results provided in the October 2008 revised Cl Report, which was approved by KDHE in November 2008. A Final CAS Report was submitted and approved by KDHE in July 2010. On April 5, 2011, KDHE issued the final Corrective Action Decision (CAD) for the Site. A second Consent Agreement and Final Order (CAFO) was executed on November 7, 2011 for preparation of a corrective action plan (CAP) followed by implementation of the selected corrective action (CA) in accordance with a KDHE-approved design. The CAP was approved by KDHE in June 2012. The CA for plume stability monitoring was initiated in July 2012- Currently, semi-annual groundwater monitoring is being conducted at the Site. Site ID: 1627 Has Env Use Control: No Project code: C508571572 PM Name: BURKE, H. S105624508 TC4471374.2s Page 263 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation • r__1 L__J MAP FINDINGS Site EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number RESEARCH PRODUCTS (FMR) (Continued) Site Status: Active District Office: NCDO Lat/Long: 38.84786 / -97.61081 River Basin: Smoky Hills - Saline Aquifer Yield: Alluvial Other Aquifers: Not reported Parent PC: C508503010 Parent Name: SALINA NORTH CERCLIS ID: Not reported Discovery Date: 12/07/1994 Depth To GW: 21-30 feet Depth To Bedrock: 51-100 feet Aquifer Yield: 501-1000 gpm GW Flow Direction: E -SE Acres Affected: 5-25 acres Waste Present: No Product Present: No Program: State Cooperative Lead Agency: BER - Remedial Contaminants: VOC Media Act: Ground Water, Soil Media Pot: Not reported Source: Abandoned Facility, Aboveground Tank Land Use: Commercial, Industrial Private well: Monitoring, PWS Waste Present: Not reported Product: Not reported Receptor Act: Not reported Receptor Pot: Not reported Remed Air: Not reported Remed Soil: Not reported Remed Water: Long Term Monitoring Remedir: Not reported Alias: PINE & 7TH, SALINA Eucan Number: Not reported Date: Not reported Activity Type: Phased Investigation Activity Status: Completed Activity Start Date: 05/30/2003 Activity End Date: 11/21/2008 Narrative: The former Research Products Site is located in north -central Salina, KS at 411 N. 7th Street. Between 1992 and 1994, chlorinated volatile organic compounds (VOCs) were discovered in several Leaking Underground Storage Tank (LUST) sites in northern Salina. As a result, an investigation of the Salina North Site (Project Code C5-085-03010) was completed in January 1997, which results indicated that several potential source areas existed in the area. Additional groundwater monitoring and investigation within the Salina North Site boundaries was conducted by the KDHE/BER Site Assessment Unit to further characterize the identified source areas. Results of an Expanded Site Investigation (ESI) of the Salina PWS Well #11 Site (Project Code C5-085-03004) completed in early 2002, confirmed the former Research Products facility as the source for the carbon tetrachloride and chloroform contaminant plume in the Salina North area. Operations at the former Research Products facility included the formulation, storage, and distribution of grain fumigants. A Consent Order between KDHE and the identified responsible party S105624508 TC4471374.2s Page 264 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation C, f- MAP FINDINGS Site RESEARCH PRODUCTS (FMR) (Continued) EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number for the former Research Products Site was executed on May 30, 2003 for comprehensive investigation/corrective action study (CI/CAS) tasks. The CI/CAS work plan was approved by KDHE in July 2004 and implementation of Cl activities began in September of 2004. Quarterly groundwater monitoring was conducted from January 2006 and continued through February 2008. A draft Cl Report was submitted to KDHE on April 11, 2008, and aft er reviewing the document it was determined additional investigation activities were necessary along the southern boundary of the property and in an area just south of the building. A Cl Work Plan Addendum was approved by KDHE in July 2008 with field activities conducted in August 2008 and results provided in the October 2008 revised Cl Report, which was approved by KDHE in November 2008. A Final CAS Report was submitted and approved by KDHE in July 2010. On April 5, 2011, KDHE issued the final Corrective Action Decision (CAD) for the Site. A second Consent Agreement and Final Order (CAFO) was executed on November 7, 2011 for preparation of a corrective action plan (CAP) followed by implementation of the selected corrective action (CA) in accordance with a KDHE-approved design. The CAP was approved by KDHE in June 2012. The CA for plume stability monitoring was initiated in July 2012. Currently, semi-annual groundwater monitoring is being conducted at the Site. Site ID: 1627 Has Env Use Control: No Project code: C508571572 PM Name: BURKE, H. Site Status: Active District Office: NCDO Lat/Long: 38.847861-97.61081 River Basin: Smoky Hills - Saline Aquifer Yield: Alluvial Other Aquifers: Not reported Parent PC: C508503010 Parent Name: SALINA NORTH CERCLIS ID: Not reported Discovery Date: 12/07/1994 Depth To GW: 21-30 feet Depth To Bedrock: 51-100 feet Aquifer Yield: 501-1000 gpm GW Flow Direction: E -SE Acres Affected: 5-25 acres Waste Present: No Product Present: No Program: State Cooperative Lead Agency: BER - Remedial Contaminants: VOC Media Act: Ground Water, Soil Media Pot: Not reported Source: Abandoned Facility, Aboveground Tank Land Use: Commercial, Industrial Private well: Monitoring, PWS Waste Present: Not reported Product: Not reported Receptor Act: Not reported Receptor Pot: Not reported S105624508 TC4471374.2s Page 265 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance Elevation Site r �J EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number RESEARCH PRODUCTS (FMR) (Continued) Remed Air: Not reported Remed Soil: Not reported Remed Water: Long Term Monitoring Remedir: Not reported Alias: PINE & 7TH, SALINA Eucan Number: Not reported Date: Not reported Activity Type: Corrective Action Decision Activity Status: Completed Activity Start Date: 01/24/2011 Activity End Date: 04/05/2011 Narrative: The former Research Products Site is located in north -central Salina, KS at 411 N. 7th Street. Between 1992 and 1994, chlorinated volatile organic compounds (VOCs) were discovered in several Leaking Underground Storage Tank (LUST) sites in northern Salina. As a result, an investigation of the Salina North Site (Project Code C5-085-03010) was completed in January 1997, which results indicated that several potential source areas existed in the area. Additional groundwater monitoring and investigation within the Salina North Site boundaries was conducted by the KDHE/BER Site Assessment Unit to further characterize the identified source areas. Results of an Expanded Site Investigation (ESI) of the Salina PWS Well #11 Site (Project Code C5-085-03004) completed in early 2002, confirmed the former Research Products facility as the source for the carbon tetrachloride and chloroform contaminant plume in the Salina North area. Operations at the former Research Products facility included the formulation, storage, and distribution of grain fumigants. A Consent Order between KDHE and the identified responsible party for the former Research Products Site was executed on May 30, 2003 for comprehensive investigation/corrective action study (CI/CAS) tasks. The Cl/CAS work plan was approved by KDHE in July 2004 and implementation of CI activities began in September of 2004. Quarterly groundwater monitoring was conducted from January 2006 and continued through February 2008. A draft CI Report was submitted to KDHE on April 11, 2008, and aft er reviewing the document it was determined additional investigation activities were necessary along the southern boundary of the property and in an area just south of the building. A Cl Work Plan Addendum was approved by KDHE in July 2008 with field activities conducted in August 2008 and results provided in the October 2008 revised CI Report, which was approved by KDHE in November 2008. A Final CAS Report was submitted and approved by KDHE in July 2010. On April 5, 2011, KDHE issued the final Corrective Action Decision (CAD) for the Site. A second Consent Agreement and Final Order (CAFO) was executed on November 7, 2011 for preparation of a corrective action plan (CAP) followed by implementation of the selected corrective action (CA) in accordance with a KDHE-approved design. The CAP was approved by KDHE in June 2012. The CA for plume stability monitoring was initiated in July 2012. Currently, semi-annual groundwater monitoring is being conducted at the Site. Site ID: 1627 Has Env Use Control: No Project code: 0508571572 PM Name: BURKE, H. Site Status: Active . S105624508 TC4471374.2s Page 266 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation Site MAP FINDINGS EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number TC4471374.2s Page 267 RESEARCH PRODUCTS (FMR) (Continued) S105624508 District Office: NCDO Lat/Long: 38.84786 / -97.61081 River Basin: Smoky Hills - Saline Aquifer Yield: Alluvial Other Aquifers: Not reported Parent PC: 0508503010 Parent Name: SALINA NORTH CERCLIS ID: Not reported Discovery Date: 12/07/1994 Depth To GW: 21-30 feet Depth To Bedrock: 51-100 feet Aquifer Yield: 501-1000 gpm GW Flow Direction: E -SE Acres Affected: 5-25 acres Waste Present: No Product Present: No Program: State Cooperative Lead Agency: BER - Remedial Contaminants: VOC Media Act: Ground Water, Soil Media Pot: Not reported Source: Abandoned Facility, Aboveground Tank Land Use: Commercial, Industrial Private well: Monitoring, PWS Waste Present: Not reported Product: Not reported • Receptor Act: Not reported Receptor Pot: Not reported Remed Air: Not reported Remed Soil: Not reported Remed Water: Long Term Monitoring Remedir: Not reported Alias: PINE & 7TH, SALINA Eucan Number: Not reported Date: Not reported Activity Type: Corrective Action Study Activity Status: Completed Activity Start Date: 11/21/2008 Activity End Date: 04/05/2011 Narrative: The former Research Products Site is located in north -central Salina, KS at 411 N. 7th Street. Between 1992 and 1994, chlorinated volatile organic compounds (VOCs) were discovered in several Leaking Underground Storage Tank (LUST) sites in northern Salina. As a result, an investigation of the Salina North Site (Project Code C5-085-03010) was completed in January 1997, which results indicated that several potential source areas existed in the area. Additional groundwater monitoring and investigation within the Salina North Site boundaries was conducted by the KDHE/BER Site Assessment Unit to further characterize the identified source areas. Results of an Expanded Site Investigation (ESI) of the Salina PWS Well #11 Site (Project Code C5-085-03004) completed in early 2002, confirmed the former Research Products facility as the source for the carbon tetrachloride and chloroform contaminant plume in the Salina North area. Operations at the former Research Products facility included the formulation, storage, and distribution of grain fumigants. A Consent Order between KDHE and the identified responsible party . for the former Research Products Site was executed on May 30, 2003 TC4471374.2s Page 267 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number 0 - RESEARCH PRODUCTS (FMR) (Continued) S105624508 for comprehensive investigation/corrective action study (CI/CAS) tasks. The CI/CAS work plan was approved by KDHE in July 2004 and implementation of Cl activities began in September of 2004. Quarterly groundwater monitoring was conducted from January 2006 and continued through February 2008. A draft Cl Report was submitted to KDHE on April 11, 2008, and aft er reviewing the document it was determined additional investigation activities were necessary along the southem boundary of the property and in an area just south of the building. A Cl Work Plan Addendum was approved by KDHE in July 2008 with field activities conducted in August 2008 and results provided in the October 2008 revised Cl Report, which was approved by KDHE in November 2008. A Final CAS Report was submitted and approved by KDHE in July 2010. On April 5, 2011, KDHE issued the final Corrective Action Decision (CAD) for the Site. A second Consent Agreement and Final Order (CAFO) was executed on November 7, 2011 for preparation of a corrective action plan (CAP) followed by implementation of the selected corrective action (CA) in accordance with a KDHE-approved design. The CAP was approved by KDHE in June 2012. The CA for plume stability monitoring was initiated in July 2012. Currently, semi-annual groundwater monitoring is being conducted at the Site. TC4471374.2s Page 268 Site ID: 1627 Has Env Use Control: No Project code: C508571572 • PM Name: BURKE, H. Site Status: Active District Office: NCDO Lat/Long: 38.84786 / -97.61081 River Basin: Smoky Hills - Saline Aquifer Yield: Alluvial Other Aquifers: Not reported Parent PC: C508503010 Parent Name: SALINA NORTH CERCLIS ID: Not reported Discovery Date: 12/07/1994 Depth To GW: 21-30 feet Depth To Bedrock: 51-100 feet Aquifer Yield: 501-1000 gpm GW Flow Direction: E -SE Acres Affected: 5-25 acres Waste Present: No Product Present: No Program: State Cooperative Lead Agency: BER - Remedial Contaminants: VOC Media Act: Ground Water, Soil Media Pot: Not reported Source: Abandoned Facility, Aboveground Tank Land Use: Commercial, Industrial Private well: Monitoring, PWS Waste Present: Not reported Product: Not reported Receptor Act: Not reported Receptor Pot: Not reported Remed Air: Not reported . TC4471374.2s Page 268 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation • • MAP FINDINGS Site EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number RESEARCH PRODUCTS (FMR) (Continued) Remed Soil: Not reported Remed Water: Long Term Monitoring Remedir: Not reported Alias: PINE & 7TH, SALINA Eucan Number: Not reported Date: Not reported Activity Type: Comment Period Activity Status: Completed Activity Start Date: 01/24/2011 Activity End Date: 02/23/2011 Narrative: The former Research Products Site is located in north -central Salina, KS at 411 N. 7th Street. Between 1992 and 1994, chlorinated volatile organic compounds (VOCs) were discovered in several Leaking Underground Storage Tank (LUST) sites in northern Salina. As a result, an investigation of the Salina North Site (Project Code C5-085-03010) was completed in January 1997, which results indicated that several potential source areas existed in the area. Additional groundwater monitoring and investigation within the Salina North Site boundaries was conducted by the KDHE/BER Site Assessment Unit to further characterize the identified source areas. Results of an Expanded Site Investigation (ESI) of the Salina PWS Well #11 Site (Project Code C5-085-03004) completed in early 2002, confirmed the former Research Products facility as the source for the carbon tetrachloride and chloroform contaminant plume in the Salina North area. Operations at the former Research Products facility included the formulation, storage, and distribution of grain fumigants. A Consent Order between KDHE and the identified responsible party for the former Research Products Site was executed on May 30, 2003 for comprehensive investigation/corrective action study (CI/CAS) tasks. The CI/CAS work plan was approved by KDHE in July 2004 and implementation of Cl activities began in September of 2004. Quarterly groundwater monitoring was conducted from January 2006 and continued through February 2008. A draft Cl Report was submitted to KDHE on April 11, 2008, and aft er reviewing the document it was determined additional investigation activities were necessary along the southern boundary of the property and in an area just south of the building. A Cl Work Plan Addendum was approved by KDHE in July 2008 with field activities conducted in August 2008 and results provided in the October 2008 revised Cl Report, which was approved by KDHE in November 2008. A Final CAS Report was submitted and approved by KDHE in July 2010. On April 5, 2011, KDHE issued the final Corrective Action Decision (CAD) for the Site. A second Consent Agreement and Final Order (CAFO) was executed on November 7, 2011 for preparation of a corrective action plan (CAP) followed by implementation of the selected corrective action (CA) in accordance with a KDHE-approved design. The CAP was approved by KDHE in June 2012. The CA for plume stability monitoring was initiated in July 2012. Currently, semi-annual groundwater monitoring is being conducted at the Site. Site ID: 1627 Has Env Use Control: No Project code: C508571572 PM Name: BURKE, H. Site Status: Active District Office: NCDO 5105624508 TC4471374.2s Page 269 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation E, • • F_ MAP FINDINGS Site EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number RESEARCH PRODUCTS (FMR) (Continued) Lat/Long: 38.84786 / -97.61081 River Basin: Smoky Hills - Saline Aquifer Yield: Alluvial Other Aquifers: Not reported Parent PC: 0508503010 Parent Name: SALINA NORTH CERCLIS ID: Not reported Discovery Date: 12/07/1994 Depth To GW: 21-30 feet Depth To Bedrock: 51-100 feet Aquifer Yield: 501-1000 gpm GW Flow Direction: E -SE Acres Affected: 5-25 acres Waste Present: No Product Present: No Program: State Cooperative Lead Agency: BER - Remedial Contaminants: VOC Media Act: Ground Water, Soil Media Pot: Not reported Source: Abandoned Facility, Aboveground Tank Land Use: Commercial, Industrial Private well: Monitoring, PWS Waste Present: Not reported Product: Not reported Receptor Act: Not reported Receptor Pot: Not reported Remed Air: Not reported Remed Soil: Not reported Remed Water: Long Term Monitoring Remedir: Not reported Alias: PINE 8 7TH, SALINA Eucan Number: Not reported Date: Not reported Activity Type: Consent Order Activity Status: Completed Activity Start Date: Not reported Activity End Date: 05/30/2003 Narrative: The former Research Products Site is located in north -central Salina, KS at 411 N. 7th Street. Between 1992 and 1994, chlorinated volatile organic compounds (VOCs) were discovered in several Leaking Underground Storage Tank (LUST) sites in northern Salina. As a result, an investigation of the Salina North Site (Project Code C5-085-03010) was completed in January 1997, which results indicated that several potential source areas existed in the area. Additional groundwater monitoring and investigation within the Salina North Site boundaries was conducted by the KDHE/BER Site Assessment Unit to further characterize the identified source areas. Results of an Expanded Site Investigation (ESI) of the Salina PWS Well #11 Site (Project Code C5-085-03004) completed in early 2002, confirmed the former Research Products facility as the source for the carbon tetrachloride and chloroform contaminant plume in the Salina North area. Operations at the former Research Products facility included the formulation, storage, and distribution of grain fumigants. A Consent Order between KDHE and the identified responsible party for the former Research Products Site was executed on May 30, 2003 for comprehensive investigation/corrective action study (CI/CAS) S105624508 TC4471374.2s Page 270 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation • • • MAP FINDINGS Site RESEARCH PRODUCTS (FMR) (Continued) EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number tasks. The COCAS work plan was approved by KDHE in July 2004 and implementation of Cl activities began in September of 2004. Quarterly groundwater monitoring was conducted from January 2006 and continued through February 2008. A draft Cl Report was submitted to KDHE on April 11, 2008, and aft er reviewing the document it was determined additional investigation activities were necessary along the southern boundary of the property and in an area just south of the building. A Cl Work Plan Addendum was approved by KDHE in July 2008 with field activities conducted in August 2008 and results provided in the October 2008 revised CI Report, which was approved by KDHE in November 2008. A Final CAS Report was submitted and approved by KDHE in July 2010. On April 5, 2011, KDHE issued the final Corrective Action Decision (CAD) for the Site. A second Consent Agreement and Final Order (CAFO) was executed on November 7, 2011 for preparation of a corrective action plan (CAP) followed by implementation of the selected corrective action (CA) in accordance with a KDHE-approved design. The CAP was approved by KDHE in June 2012, The CA for plume stability monitoring was initiated in July 2012. Currently, semi-annual groundwater monitoring is being conducted at the Site. Site ID: 1627 Has Env Use Control: No Project code: C508571572 PM Name: BURKE, H. Site Status: Active District Office: NCDO Lat/Long: 38.84786/-97.61081 River Basin: Smoky Hills - Saline Aquifer Yield: Alluvial Other Aquifers: Not reported Parent PC: 0508503010 Parent Name: SALINA NORTH CERCLIS ID: Not reported Discovery Date: 12/07/1994 Depth To GW: 21-30 feet Depth To Bedrock: 51-100 feet Aquifer Yield: 501-1000 gpm GW Flow Direction: E -SE Acres Affected: 5-25 acres Waste Present: No Product Present: No Program: State Cooperative Lead Agency: BER - Remedial Contaminants: VOC Media Act: Ground Water, Soil Media Pot: Not reported Source: Abandoned Facility, Aboveground Tank Land Use: Commercial, Industrial Private well: Monitoring, PWS Waste Present: Not reported Product: Not reported Receptor Act: Not reported Receptor Pot: Not reported Remed Air: Not reported Remed Soil: Not reported S105624508 TC4471374.2s Page 271 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation • • MAP FINDINGS Site EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number RESEARCH PRODUCTS (FMR) (Continued) Remed Water: Long Term Monitoring Remedir: Not reported Alias: PINE & 7TH, SALINA Eucan Number: Not reported Date: Not reported Activity Type: Corrective Action Activity Status: Underway Activity Start Date: 06/14/2012 Activity End Date: Not reported Narrative: The former Research Products Site is located in north -central Salina, KS at 411 N. 7th Street, Between 1992 and 1994, chlorinated volatile organic compounds (VOCs) were discovered in several Leaking Underground Storage Tank (LUST) sites in northern Salina. As a result, an investigation of the Salina North Site (Project Code C5-085-03010) was completed in January 1997, which results indicated that several potential source areas existed in the area. Additional groundwater monitoring and investigation within the Salina North Site boundaries was conducted by the KDHE/BER Site Assessment Unit to further characterize the identified source areas. Results of an Expanded Site Investigation (ESI) of the Salina PWS Well #11 Site (Project Code C5-085-03004) completed in early 2002, confirmed the former Research Products facility as the source for the carbon tetrachloride and chloroform contaminant plume in the Salina North area. Operations at the former Research Products facility included the formulation, storage, and distribution of grain fumigants. A Consent Order between KDHE and the identified responsible party for the former Research Products Site was executed on May 30, 2003 for comprehensive investigation/corrective action study (CI/CAS) tasks. The CI/CAS work plan was approved by KDHE in July 2004 and implementation of Cl activities began in September of 2004. Quarterly groundwater monitoring was conducted from January 2006 and continued through February 2008. A draft Cl Report was submitted to KDHE on April 11, 2008, and aft er reviewing the document it was determined additional investigation activities were necessary along the southern boundary of the property and in an area just south of the building. A Cl Work Plan Addendum was approved by KDHE in July 2008 with field activities conducted in August 2008 and results provided in the October 2008 revised Cl Report, which was approved by KDHE in November 2008. A Final CAS Report was submitted and approved by KDHE in July 2010. On April 5, 2011, KDHE issued the final Corrective Action Decision (CAD) for the Site. A second Consent Agreement and Final Order (CAFO) was executed on November 7, 2011 for preparation of a corrective action plan (CAP) followed by implementation of the selected corrective action (CA) in accordance with a KDHE-approved design. The CAP was approved by KDHE in June 2012. The CA for plume stability monitoring was initiated in July 2012. Currently, semi-annual groundwater monitoring is being conducted at the Site. Site ID: Has Env Use Control Project code: PM Name: Site Status: District Office: Lat/Long: 1627 No C508571572 BURKE, H. Active NCDO 38.84786/-97.61081 5105624508 TC4471374.2s Page 272 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation • • r- MAP FINDINGS Site EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number RESEARCH PRODUCTS (FMR) (Continued) River Basin: Smoky Hills - Saline Aquifer Yield: Alluvial Other Aquifers: Not reported Parent PC: C508503010 Parent Name: SALINA NORTH CERCLIS ID: Not reported Discovery Date: 12/07/1994 Depth To GW: 21-30 feet Depth To Bedrock: 51-100 feet Aquifer Yield: 501-1000 gpm GW Flow Direction: E -SE Acres Affected: 5-25 acres Waste Present: No Product Present: No Program: State Cooperative Lead Agency: BER - Remedial Contaminants: VOC Media Act: Ground Water, Soil Media Pot: Not reported Source: Abandoned Facility, Aboveground Tank Land Use: Commercial, Industrial Private well: Monitoring, PWS Waste Present: Not reported Product: Not reported Receptor Act: Not reported Receptor Pot: Not reported Remed Air: Not reported Remed Soil: Not reported Remed Water: Long Term Monitoring Remedir: Not reported Alias: PINE & 7TH, SALINA Eucan Number: Not reported Date: Not reported Activity Type: Corrective Action Plan Activity Status: Completed Activity Start Date: 06/01/2012 Activity End Date: 06/14/2012 Narrative: The former Research Products Site is located in north -central Salina, KS at 411 N. 7th Street. Between 1992 and 1994, chlorinated volatile organic compounds (VOCs) were discovered in several Leaking Underground Storage Tank (LUST) sites in northern Salina. As a result, an investigation of the Salina North Site (Project Code C5-085-03010) was completed in January 1997, which results indicated that several potential source areas existed in the area. Additional groundwater monitoring and investigation within the Salina North Site boundaries was conducted by the KDHE/BER Site Assessment Unit to further characterize the identified source areas. Results of an Expanded Site Investigation (ESI) of the Salina PWS Well #11 Site (Project Code C5-085-03004) completed in early 2002, confirmed the former Research Products facility as the source for the carbon tetrachloride and chloroform contaminant plume in the Salina North area. Operations at the former Research Products facility included the formulation, storage, and distribution of grain fumigants. A Consent Order between KDHE and the identified responsible party for the former Research Products Site was executed on May 30, 2003 for comprehensive investigation/corrective action study (CI/CAS) tasks. The CI/CAS work plan was approved by KDHE in July 2004 and S105624508 TC4471374.2s Page 273 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation • MAP FINDINGS Site RESEARCH PRODUCTS (FMR) (Continued) EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number implementation of Cl activities began in September of 2004. Quarterly groundwater monitoring was conducted from January 2006 and continued through February 2008. A draft Cl Report was submitted to KDHE on April 11, 2008, and aft er reviewing the document it was determined additional investigation activities were necessary along the southern boundary of the property and in an area just south of the building. A Cl Work Plan Addendum was approved by KDHE in July 2008 with field activities conducted in August 2008 and results provided in the October 2008 revised CI Report, which was approved by KDHE in November 2008. A Final CAS Report was submitted and approved by KDHE in July 2010. On April 5, 2011, KDHE issued the final Corrective Action Decision (CAD) for the Site. A second Consent Agreement and Final Order (CAFO) was executed on November 7, 2011 for preparation of a corrective action plan (CAP) followed by implementation of the selected corrective action (CA) in accordance with a KDHE-approved design. The CAP was approved by KDHE in June 2012. The CA for plume stability monitoring was initiated in July 2012. Currently, semi-annual groundwater monitoring is being conducted at the Site. 64 SALINA PWS WELL #11 East PENN AVE & ASH ST 1/4-1/2 SALINA, KS 67402 2175 ft . 2175 . Relative: CERCLIS: Higher Site ID: EPA ID: Actual: Facility County: 1223 ft. Short Name: Congressional District: IFMS ID: SMSA Number: USGC Hydro Unit: Federal Facility: DMNSN Number: Site Orphan Flag: RCRA ID: USGS Quadrangle: Site Init By Prog: NFRAP Flag: Parent ID: RST Code: EPA Region: Classification: Site Settings Code: NPL Status: DMNSN Unit Code: RBRAC Code: RResp Fed Agency Code Non NPL Status: Non NPL Status Date: Site Fips Code: CC Concurrence Date: . CC Concurrence FY: Alias EPA ID: S105624508 CERCLIS 1000709145 KSD985014026 0702747 KSD985014026 SALINE SALINA PWS WELL #11 01 Not reported Not reported 10260010 Not a Federal Facility 1.00000 N Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported 07 Groundwater Not reported Not on the NPL ACRE Not reported Not reported NFRAP-Site does not qualify for the NPL based on existing information 04/14/08 20169 Not reported Not reported TC4471374.2s Page 274 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation Pi 171 l� u MAP FINDINGS Site EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number SALINA PWS WELL #11 (Continued) 1000709145 Site FUDS Flag: Not reported CERCLIS Site Contact Name(s) Contact ID: 7271674.00000 Contact Name: PAUL ROEMERMAN Contact Tel: (913) 551-7694 Contact Title: Site Assessment Manager (SAM) Contact Email: Not reported Alias Comments: Not reported Site Description: SALINA PWS WELL #11 (PREVIOUSLY SAMPLED AS PART OF SALINA PWS WELLS SITE) HAS SHOWN CONTAMINATION BY VOC'S. (SEE SITE COMMENTS) CERCLIS Assessment History Action Code: 001 Action: DISCOVERY Date Started: I I Date Completed: 12/23/92 Priority Level: Not reported Operable Unit: SITE EVALUATION/DISPOSITION Primary Responsibility: State, Fund Financed Planning Status: Not reported Urgency Indicator: Not reported Action Anomaly: Not reported Action Code: 001 Action: SITE INSPECTION Date Started: 09/03/93 Date Completed. 02/03/94 Priority Level: NFRAP-Site does not qualify for the NPL based on existing information Operable Unit: SITE EVALUATION/DISPOSITION Primary Responsibility: State, Fund Financed Planning Status: Not reported Urgency Indicator: Not reported Action Anomaly: Not reported Action Code: 001 Action: PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT Date Started: 09/03/93 Date Completed: 02/03/94 Priority Level: Low priority for further assessment Operable Unit: SITE EVALUATION/DISPOSITION Primary Responsibility: State, Fund Financed Planning Status: Not reported Urgency Indicator: Not reported Action Anomaly: Not reported Action Code: 001 Action: PRE-CERCLIS SCREENING Date Started: Date Completed: 04/25/01 Priority Level: Not reported Operable Unit: SITE EVALUATION/DISPOSITION TC4471374.2s Page 275 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance Elevation Site • L65 East 1/4-1/2 0.414 mi. 2185 ft. Relative: Higher Actual: 1223 ft. 0 SALINA PWS WELL #11 (Continued) Primary Responsibility Planning Status: Urgency Indicator: Action Anomaly: Action Code: Action: Date Started: Date Completed: Priority Level: Operable Unit: Primary Responsibility Planning Status: Urgency Indicator: Action Anomaly: Action Code: Action: Date Started: Date Completed: Priority Level: Operable Unit: Primary Responsibility: Planning Status: Urgency Indicator: Action Anomaly: State, Fund Financed Not reported Not reported Not reported EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number 001 EXPANDED SITE INSPECTION 04/25/01 11/14/02 NFRAP-Site does not qualify for the NPL based on existing information SITE EVALUATION/DISPOSITION State, Fund Financed Not reported Not reported Not reported 001 OTHER CLEANUP ACTIVITY 11/14/02 04/14/08 NFRAP-Site does not qualify for the NPL based on existing information SITE EVALUATION/DISPOSITION State Enforcement Not reported Not reported Not reported SALINA REGIONAL HLTH-PENN CAMP 139 N PENN SALINA, KS 67401 Site 1 of 2 in cluster L SHWS: Site ID: Has Env Use Control Project code: PM Name: Site Status: District Office: Lat/Long: River Basin: Aquifer Yield: Other Aquifers: Parent PC: Parent Name: CERCLIS ID: Discovery Date: Depth To GW: Depth To Bedrock: Aquifer Yield: GW Flow Direction: Acres Affected: Waste Present: 3161 No C508573210 SALLEY, K. Resolved NCDO 38.84204 / -97.6 Smoky Hills - Saline Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported No SHWS LUST UST BROWNFIELDS Financial Assurance TIER 2 1000709145 0002266677 N/A TC4471374.2s Page 276 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation • MAP FINDINGS Site EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number SALINA REGIONAL HLTH-PENN CAMP (Continued) Product Present: No Program: Brownfields Lead Agency: BER - Assessment and Restoration Contaminants: Not reported Media Act: Not reported Media Pot: Not reported Source: Not reported Land Use: Not reported Private well: Not reported Waste Present: Not reported Product: Not reported Receptor Act: Not reported Receptor Pot: Not reported Remed Air: Not reported Remed Soil: Not reported Remed Water: Not reported Remedir: Not reported Alias: Not reported Eucan Number: Not reported Date: Not reported Activity Type: Resolved Activity Status: Completed Activity Start Date: Not reported Activity End Date: 03/26/2015 Narrative: The Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) conducted a Phase I Brownfields Targeted Assessment (BTA) on a 2.9 acre property located at 139 N Penn Street in Salina, KS. The BTA was conducted for a private developer, with support from the City, who intends to redevelop the former hospital building into low-income senior housing. Based on the Phase I, ?Recognized Environmental Conditions? (RECs) were identified as potential releases of hazardous substances and/ or petroleum products due to the former Leaking Underground Storage Tank (LUST) status at the property; and the 1,2-dichloroethane (1,2 -DCA) contaminant plume migrating from the northwest and originating from the 501 North Santa Fe Street site (C5-085-70919), which is currently enrolled in the KDHE State Cooperative Program. Underground Storage Tanks (USTs) were removed from the BTA propert y through the KDHE Storage Tanks Program in 1990, 1992, 1996, and 2013. The Buried Tank Leak Assessment (BTLA) from the 1990 tank removal indicated that a ?small amount? of contamination was created through the tank removal process. Approximately five cubic yards of impacted -soil was removed and the site was given a closed status. Based on the BTLAs from the 1992, 1996, and 2013 tank removals, no residual contamination exists in the tank basins and the sites were given a closed status. The 501 N Santa Fe site is located approximately a half mile north west and upgradient of the BTA site. This property has known contaminant plumes of carbon tetrachloride, chloroform, and 1,2 -DCA in groundwater, and the site is currently being monitored through the KDHE State Cooperative Program and has an Environmental Use Control. The 1,2 -DCA plume extends the farthest southeast and has impacted PWS #11, which is located adjacent -west to the BTA site; however, based on the most recent groundwater monitoring data from January 2015, the plume appears to be reducing in size and concentration, and does not appear to be impacting groundwater at the BTA property. Based on the closed status of the former LUSTs at the BTA property 0002266677 TC4471374.2s Page 277 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation C` • 0 MAP FINDINGS Site SALINA REGIONAL HLTH-PENN CAMP (Continued) EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number . it is unlikely that the use of underground storage tanks at the property has impacted soil and/ or groundwater. Additionally, the 501 N Santa Fe 1,2 -DCA contaminant plume is being monitored and remediated through the KDHE State Cooperative Program, and does not appear to be impacting the site based on the most recent monitoring data. The BTA property is hereby cleared for redevelopment. Notwithstanding, best management practices should be implemented if contamination is encountered during excavation and/ or redevelopment activities. As additional scopes outside of the ASTM 1527-13 Phase I standard, limited asbestos sampling, Lead -Based Paint (LBP) sampling, and mold sampling were also conducted at the two on-site buildings. The first building is the former St Johns Hospital with the address of 139 N Penn, and the second building is named the Abbey Building with an address of 148 N Oakdale. Asbestos -containing materials (AGMs) were identified in both buildings and will likely need abated prior to renovation activities. The applicant will be advised to work with the KDHE Asbestos Control Section with regards to the asbestos. Additionally. LBP was identified in both on-site buildings and mold was identified in the St Johns Hospital building. Recommendations provided in the reports will provide the applicant with information on how to handle the identified LBP and mold. Site ID: 3161 Has Env Use Control: No Project code: 0508573210 PM Name: SALLEY, K. Site Status: Resolved District Office: NCDO Lat/Long: 38.84204/-97.6 River Basin: Smoky Hills - Saline Aquifer Yield: Not reported Other Aquifers: Not reported Parent PC: Not reported Parent Name: Not reported CERCLIS ID: Not reported Discovery Date: Not reported Depth To GW: Not reported Depth To Bedrock: Not reported Aquifer Yield: Not reported GW Flow Direction: Not reported Acres Affected: Not reported Waste Present: No Product Present: No Program: Brownfields Lead Agency: BER - Assessment and Restoration Contaminants: Not reported Media Act: Not reported Media Pot: Not reported Source: Not reported Land Use: Not reported Private well: Not reported Waste Present: Not reported Product: Not reported Receptor Act: Not reported Receptor Pot: Not reported Remed Air: Not reported 0002266677 TC4471374.2s Page 278 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation 0 0 MAP FINDINGS Site EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number SALINA REGIONAL HLTH-PENN CAMP (Continued) Remed Soil: Not reported Remed Water: Not reported Remedir: Not reported Alias: Not reported Eucan Number: Not reported Date: Not reported Activity Type: Brownfields Targeted Assessment Activity Status: Completed Activity Start Date: 02/2512015 Activity End Date: 03/26/2015 Narrative: The Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) conducted a Phase I Brownfields Targeted Assessment (BTA) on a 2.9 acre property located at 139 N Penn Street in Salina, KS. The BTA was conducted for a private developer, with support from the City, who intends to redevelop the former hospital building into low-income senior housing. Based on the Phase I, ?Recognized Environmental Conditions? (RECs) were identified as potential releases of hazardous substances and/ or petroleum products due to the former Leaking Underground Storage Tank (LUST) status at the property; and the 1,2-dichloroethane (1,2 -DCA) contaminant plume migrating from the northwest and originating from the 501 North Santa Fe Street site (C5-085-70919), which is currently enrolled in the KDHE State Cooperative Program. Underground Storage Tanks (USTs) were removed from the BTA propert y through the KDHE Storage Tanks Program in 1990, 1992, 1996, and 2013. The Buried Tank Leak Assessment (BTLA) from the 1990 tank removal indicated that a ?small amount? of contamination was created through the tank removal process. Approximately five cubic yards of impacted -soil was removed and the site was given a closed status. Based on the BTLAs from the 1992, 1996, and 2013 tank removals, no residual contamination exists in the tank basins and the sites were given a closed status. The 501 N Santa Fe site is located approximately a half mile north west and upgradient of the BTA site. This property has known contaminant plumes of carbon tetrachloride, chloroform, and 1,2 -DCA in groundwater, and the site is currently being monitored through the KDHE State Cooperative Program and has an Environmental Use Control. The 1,2 -DCA plume extends the farthest southeast and has impacted PWS #11, which is located adjacent -west to the BTA site; however, based on the most recent groundwater monitoring data from January 2015, the plume appears to be reducing in size and concentration, and does not appear to be impacting groundwater at the BTA property. Based on the closed status of the former LUSTS at the BTA property it is unlikely that the use of underground storage tanks at the property has impacted soil and/ or groundwater. Additionally, the 501 N Santa Fe 1,2 -DCA contaminant plume is being monitored and remediated through the KDHE State Cooperative Program, and does not appear to be impacting the site based on the most recent monitoring data. The BTA property is hereby cleared for redevelopment. Notwithstanding, best management practices should be implemented if contamination is encountered during excavation and/ or redevelopment activities. As additional scopes outside of the ASTM 1527-13 Phase I standard, limited asbestos sampling, Lead -Based Paint (LBP) sampling, and mold sampling were also conducted at the two on-site buildings. The first building is the former St Johns Hospital with the address of 139 N Penn, and the second building is named the Abbey Building with an 0002266677 TC4471374.2s Page 279 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation Site F_ MAP FINDINGS EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number is SALINA REGIONAL HLTH-PENN CAMP (Continued) 0002266677 address of 148 N Oakdale. Asbestos -containing materials (ACMs) were identified in both buildings and will likely need abated prior to renovation activities. The applicant will be advised to work with the KDHE Asbestos Control Section with regards to the asbestos. Additionally, LBP was identified in both on-site buildings and mold was identified in the St Johns Hospital building. Recommendations provided in the reports will provide the applicant with information on how to handle the identified LBP and mold. TC4471374.2s Page 280 LUST: Facility ID: 06264 Site Status: Closed Release Date: Not reported Initial Report Date: 05/03/1996 Project Number: U5-085-10940 Project Name: Salina Reg Hlth Ctr Legal Desc Section: 12 Legal Desc Township: 14S Legal Desc Range: 03W Discover Date: Not reported substrels: Not reported Initial Ranking: Not reported Current Ranking: Not reported Facility Contact: Jack Hinnenkamp Facility Phone Number: 785-452-7000 Facility Owner Identification number: 06264 . Facility Owner: Salina Reg Health Center Owner Contact Person: Jack Hinnekamp Owner Address: Not reported Owner City: Not reported Owner State: Not reported Owner Zip Code: Not reported Owner Phone number: 785-452-7000 Contractor license number: C0018 Contractor phone number: 785-823-7800 Leak duration (if known): Not reported Quantity released (if known): Not reported Quantity recorded: Not reported Leak Type: Not reported Reported By: Howard Debauche Reported by persons phone number: 785-827-9639 Reported by person address: Not reported Ground water Impacted (yes/no): area consist of grayish brown silty clays. no gw encountered. Static groundwater level: Not reported Groundwater flow direction: Not reported District staff names: Howard Debauche Assessment of release: 1 diesel ust removed. no leaks detected. no staiing or odor in/around excavation. tank replaced with double wall fiberglass tank in same excavation. new product line has double containment. kdhe considers this site closed in ref to this removal. no fu Contaimination assessement: Not reported Extent of contamination impact: none suspected Updated information: Not reported Invoice initiated: 19963 Invoice on going: Not reported Invoice completetd: 19963 . Release confirmed: Not reported TC4471374.2s Page 280 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation • 0 F- MAP FINDINGS -7 Site EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number SALINA REGIONAL HLTH-PENN CAMP (Continued) 0002266677 Emergencty contact: Not reported Enforcement action: Not reported Cost recovery: Not reported Cost recovery initiated: Not reported Cost recovery initiated by: Not reported Cost recovery completed: Not reported Cost recovery completed by: Not reported Appplication to trust fund: Not reported Facility ID: 06264 Site Status: Closed Release Date: Not reported Initial Report Date: 08/18/1992 Project Number: 1-15-085-00717 Project Name: St Johns Hospital, Salina Legal Desc Section: 12 Legal Desc Township: 14S Legal Desc Range: 03W Discover Date: Not reported substrels: diesel Initial Ranking: Not reported Current Ranking: Not reported Facility Contact: Jack Hinnenkamp Facility Phone Number: 785-823-4155 Facility Owner Identification number: 06134 Facility Owner: Not reported Owner Contact Person: Not reported Owner Address: Not reported Owner City: Not reported Owner State: Not reported Owner Zip Code: Not reported Owner Phone number: Not reported Contractor license number: Not reported Contractor phone number: 785-825-4213 Leak duration (if known): Not reported Quantity released (if known): 9 Quantity recorded: Not reported Leak Type: Not reported Reported By: Scott Lang, Ncdo Reported by persons phone number: 785-827-9639 Reported by person address: Nr -do Ground water Impacted (yes/no): alluvial silty clays. 0-40' brown silty clays, 40-100' silty clays &gravels, wellington shale at 100'. depth to groundwater is 38', flowis to the ne. Static groundwater level: Not reported Groundwater flow direction: Not reported District staff names: Scott Lang Assessment of release: removed 1-10000 gal diesel ust system. no contamination detected during removal. Contaimination assessement: another ust on site recently tested tight. Extent of contamination impact: none suspected Updated information: Not reported Invoice initiated: 19924 Invoice on going: Not reported Invoice completetd: 19924 Release confirmed: Not reported Emergencty contact. Not reported TC4471374.2s Page 281 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation • r� F- MAP FINDINGS Site SALINA REGIONAL HLTH-PENN CAMP (Continued) Enforcement action: Not reported Cost recovery: Not reported Cost recovery initiated: Not reported Cost recovery initiated by: Not reported Cost recovery completed: Not reported Cost recovery completed by: Not reported Appplication to trust fund: Not reported EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number 0002266677 Facility ID: 06264 Site Status: Closed Release Date: 07/02/1990 Initial Report Date: 07/02/1990 Project Number: U5-085-00352 Project Name: St Johns Hospital, Salina Legal Desc Section: 12 Legal Desc Township: 14S Legal Desc Range: 03W Discover Date: 07/02/1990 substrels: diesel fuel Initial Ranking: Not reported Current Ranking: Not reported Facility Contact: Jack Hinnenkamp Facility Phone Number: 785-827-5591 Facility Owner Identification number: 06134 Facility Owner: St. John's Hospital Owner Contact Person: Not reported Owner Address: 139 N. Penn, P.o. Box 5201 Owner City: Not reported Owner State: KS Owner Zip Code: 67401 Owner Phone number: 785-827-5591 Contractor license number: Not reported Contractor phone number: 785-8244664 Leak duration (if known): 1-2 Quantity released (if known): Not reported Quantity recorded: Not reported Leak Type: Piping Reported By: Jack Hinnenkamp Reported by persons phone number: 785-827-5591 Reported by person address: 139 N. Penn, Salina Ground water Impacted (yes/no): Not reported Static groundwater level: Not reported Groundwater flow direction: Not reported District staff names: Erik Peterson Assessment of release: epipe was disconnected from ust.fuel drained from pipe and bung hole as ust was removed. Contaimination assessement: as entire ust facility was dismantled Extent of contamination impact: none Updated information: Not reported Invoice initiated: 19904 Invoice on going: Not reported Invoice completetd: 19904 Release confirmed: 19904 Emergencty contact: Not reported Enforcement action: Not reported Cost recovery: Not reported Cost recovery initiated: 19904 TC4471374.2s Page 282 0 • 0 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation Site MAP FINDINGS SALINA REGIONAL HLTH-PENN CAMP (Continued) EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number 0002266677 Cost recovery initiated by: Responsible Party Cost recovery completed: 19904 Cost recovery completed by: Responsibie Party Appplication to trust fund: Not reported Facility ID: 06264 Site Status: Closed Release Date: Not reported Initial Report Date: 09/09/2013 Project Number: U5-085-14642 Project Name: Salina Regional Health -Penn Campus Legal Desc Section: Not reported Legal Desc Township: Not reported Legal Desc Range: Not reported Discover Date: Not reported substrels: Not reported Initial Ranking: Not reported Current Ranking: Not reported Facility Contact: Francis Dreiling Facility Phone Number: 785-452-6160 Facility Owner Identification number: 06134 Facility Owner: Salina Regional Health Center Owner Contact Person: Francis Dreiling Owner Address: 400 S. Santa Fe Owner City: Salina Owner State: KS Owner Zip Code: 67401 Owner Phone number: 785-452-6160 Contractor license number: C0016 Contractor phone number: 785-493-1012 Leak duration (if known): Not reported Quantity released (if known): Not reported Quantity recorded: Not reported Leak Type: Not reported Reported By: Not reported Reported by persons phone number: Not reported Reported by person address: Not reported Ground water Impacted (yes/no): The area consists of grayish brown silty clays. Groundwater was not encountered. Static groundwater level: Not reported Groundwater Flow direction: Not reported District staff names: Howard Debauche Assessment of release: No leaks were detected. Contaimination assessement: Yes. Extent of contamination impact: None suspected from this system. Updated information: There was no staining nor odor in or around the UST excavation. A sample taken from the bottom showed no measurable contamination present. KDHE considers this site to be in a closed status. No further action is required. Invoice initiated: 20134 Invoice on going: Not reported Invoice completetd: 20134 Release confirmed: Not reported Emergencty contact: Not reported Enforcement action: Not reported Cost recovery: Not reported Cost recovery initiated: Not reported TC4471374.2s Page 283 C7 0 0 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation Site MAP FINDINGS SALINA REGIONAL HLTH-PENN CAMP (Continued) Cost recovery initiated by: Cost recovery completed: Cost recovery completed by: Appplication to trust fund: UST: Facility ID: Facility 911 Address: Facility 911 City, State, Zip: Facility Phone: Phone 24 Hours: Facility District: Facility Location Method: Facility Feature: Facility Datum: Facility Lat/Long: Owner ID: Owner: Owner Type: Owner/Rep Name: Owner/Rep Title: Owner Address: Owner City, State, Zip: Owner County: Contact: Contact Title: Tank ID: Tank Type: Tank Status: Total Capacity (Gals): Hazards: Petroleum Substance: NonPetroleum Substance Estimated Yr In Service: Date Removed: Last Permit Printed: Current Permit Printed: QTY Remaining in Tank: Filled/Removed: Tank Empty: Out of Service Mo/Yr: Material of Construction: Piping: Tank Internal Protection: Tank External Protection: Tank ID: Tank Type: Tank Status: Total Capacity (Gals): Hazards: Petroleum Substance: NonPetroleum Substance Estimated Yr In Service: Date Removed: Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported 06264 139 N PENN SALINA, KS 67401 785-452-7146 785-452-7117 NC Garmin GPS III Plus Facility Center WGS84 38.842219999999998/-97.600589999999997 06134 SALINA REGIONAL HEALTH CENTER Private Or Corp. SALINA REGINAL HEALTH CENTER Not reported 400 S. SANTA FE SALINA, KS 67401 SALINE GENE SANBORN Director Of Maint. 001 Underground Permanently Out Of Use 10000 Not reported Diesel Not reported 1971 8/15/1992 Not reported Not reported 0 Removed Not reported 081992 Steel Not reported Not reported Not reported 002 Underground Permanently Out Of Use 10000 Not reported Diesel Not reported 1979 4/15/1996 EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number 0002266677 TC4471374.2s Page 284 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number • Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number SALINA REGIONAL HLTH-PENN CAMP (Continued) 0002266677 TC4471374.2s Page 285 Last Permit Printed: 1995-07-18 00:00:00 Current Permit Printed: Not reported QTY Remaining in Tank: 0 Filled/Removed: Removed Tank Empty: Not reported Out of Service Mo/Yr: 041996 Material of Construction: Steel Piping: Not reported Tank Internal Protection: Not reported Tank External Protection: Not reported TanklD: 003 Tank Type: Underground Tank Status: Permanently Out Of Use Total Capacity (Gals): 6000 Hazards: Fire,Chronic,Acute Petroleum Substance: Dyed Diesel NonPetroleum Substance: Not reported Estimated Yr In Service: 1996 Date Removed: 9/6/2013 Last Permit Printed: 2013-06-18 00:00:00 Current Permit Printed: Not reported QTY Remaining in Tank: Not reported Filled/Removed: Removed Tank Empty: Not reported Out of Service Mo/Yr: 09/06/ Material of Construction: Fbr Ref Plastic, Other, DOUBLE WAL Piping: Not reported Tank Internal Protection: Not reported Tank External Protection: Not reported BROWNFIELDS: Site ID: 3161 Project code: C508573210 PM Name: SALLEY, K. Site Status: Resolved Lat/Long: 38.84204/-97.6 Program: Brownfields KS Financial Assurance: Facility ID: 06264 Financial Responsibility: 3rd Party Liability Insurance TIER 2: edr_zip: Not reported Facility Id: 365078 Facility Phone: 785-452-7000 FID Num: SA00419 PID Num: KS02119 NAICS: 62211 Report Year: 2011 New Facility: Not reported Nearest Cross Street: Not reported . SIC Code: Section Code: 8062 312 TC4471374.2s Page 285 Pi • • Map ID Direction Distance Elevation Site MAP FINDINGS SALINA REGIONAL HLTH-PENN CAMP (Continued) Emergency Namel: Emergency Titlel: Emergency Phonel: Emergency 24phonel: Emergency Name2: Emergency Title2: Emergency Phone2: Emergency 24phone2: Submitter: Created: Updated: Rep Name: Rep Title: Zip Field: Facility Latitude: Facility Longitude: Emergency Emaill: Emergency Email2: Tier2 Contact Name: Tier2 Title: Tier2 Phone: Tier2 Phone24: Tier2 EMail: Annual Revision: Max Occupants: Manned/Unmanned: Section: Township: RangeO: Trifids: RMP Facid: Subject 302: Subject 112: Chemical: FID Num: Chemical Id: Chemical Name: CAS: Trade Secret: EHS: Solid: Liquid: Gas: Pure: Mix: Fire: Pressure: Reactive: Delayed: Immediate: Max Daily Amt: Avg Daily Amt: Days On Site: Opt Report: Storage: Fid Num: SHERYE ELLIOTT SAFETY OFFICER 785452-7121 785452-7000 JACK HINNENKAMP VP FACILITIES MGMT 785452-7124 785-452-7000 Not reported Not reported 12/18/2012 10:06:47 AM none none Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported SA00419 860519 FUEL OIL #2 68476346 No Not reported Not reported Yes Not reported Yes Not reported Yes Not reported Not reported Not reported Yes 24000 21600 365 1 SA00419 EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number 0002266677 TC4471374.2s Page 286 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number SALINA REGIONAL HLTH-PENN CAMP (Continued) 0002266677 TC4471374.2s Page 287 Chemical Name: FUEL OIL #2 Storage Id: 1213909 Container: Below Ground Tank Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: OFF OAKDALE WEST OF BOILER RM Fid Num: SA00419 Chemical Name: FUEL OIL #2 Storage Id: 1213909 Container: Below Ground Tank Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: OFF OAKDALE WEST OF BOILER RM FID Num: SA00419 Chemical Id: 860519 Chemical Name: FUEL OIL #2 CAS: 68476346 Trade Secret: No EHS: Not reported Solid: Not reported Liquid: Yes Gas: Not reported Pure: Yes • Mix: Not reported Fire: Yes Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Not reported Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 24000 Avg Daily Amt: 21600 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: Fid Num: SA00419 Chemical Name: FUEL OIL #2 Storage Id: 1213909 Container: Below Ground Tank Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: OFF OAKDALE WEST OF BOILER RM Fid Num: SA00419 Chemical Name: FUEL OIL #2 Storage Id: 1213909 Container: Below Ground Tank Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: OFF OAKDALE WEST OF BOILER RM edr_zip: Not reported • Facility Id: 365078 TC4471374.2s Page 287 r� J Map ID Direction Distance Elevation Site MAP FINDINGS SALINA REGIONAL HLTH-PENN CAMP (Continued) Facility Phone: FID Num: PID Num: NAICS: Report Year: New Facility: Nearest Cross Street: SIC Code: Section Code: Emergency Namel: Emergency Titlel: Emergency Phonel: Emergency 24phonel Emergency Name2: Emergency Title2: Emergency Phone2: Emergency 24phone2 Submitter: Created: Updated: Rep Name: Rep Title: Zip Field: Facility Latitude: Facility Longitude: Emergency Email 1: Emergency Email2: Tier2 Contact Name: Tier2 Title: Tier2 Phone: Tier2 Phone24: Tier2 EMail: Annual Revision: Max Occupants: Manned/Unmanned: Section: Township: RangeO: Trifids: RMP Facid: Subject 302: Subject 112: Chemical: FID Num: Chemical Id: Chemical Name: CAS: Trade Secret: EHS: Solid: Liquid: Gas: Pure: Mix: Fire: Pressure: Reactive: 785-452-7000 SA00419 KS02119 62211 2009 Not reported Not reported 8062 312 RICHARD DUREE SAFETY OFFICER 785-452-7121 785-452-7000 JACK HINNENKAMP VP FACILITIES MGMT 785-452-7146 785-452-7000 Not reported Not reported 1/8/2009 1:51:17 PM none none Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported SA00419 860519 FUEL OIL #2 68476346 No Not reported Not reported Yes Not reported Yes Not reported Yes Not reported Not reported EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number 0002266677 TC4471374.2s Page 288 TC4471374.2s Page 289 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number SALINA REGIONAL HLTH-PENN CAMP (Continued) 0002266677 Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 24000 Avg Daily Amt: 21600 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: Fid Num: SA00419 Chemical Name: FUEL OIL #2 Storage Id: 1213909 Container: Below Ground Tank Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: OFF OAKDALE WEST OF BOILER RM Fid Num: SA00419 Chemical Name: FUEL OIL #2 Storage Id: 1213909 Container: Below Ground Tank Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: OFF OAKDALE WEST OF BOILER RM FID Num: SA00419 Chemical Id: 860519 Chemical Name: FUEL OIL #2 CAS: 68476346 Trade Secret: No EHS: Not reported Solid: Not reported Liquid: Yes Gas: Not reported Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Yes Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Not reported Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 24000 Avg Daily Amt: 21600 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: Fid Num: SA00419 Chemical Name: FUEL OIL #2 Storage Id: 1213909 Container: Below Ground Tank Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: OFF OAKDALE WEST OF BOILER RM Fid Num: SA00419 Chemical Name: FUEL OIL #2 Storage Id: 1213909 TC4471374.2s Page 289 • Map ID Direction Distance Elevation Site MAP FINDINGS SALINA REGIONAL HLTH-PENN CAMP (Continued) Container: Below Ground Tank Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature. Ambient temperature Storage Location: OFF OAKDALE WEST OF BOILER RM EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number 0002266677 L66 ST JOHNS HOSPITAL CERC-NFRAP 1000265599 East 139 N PENN RCRA-CESQG KSD073303976 1/4-1/2 SALINA, KS 67401 US AIRS 0.414 mi. 08/01/80 FINDS 2185 ft. Site 2 of 2 in cluster L Relative: CERC-NFRAP: Higher Site ID: 0700538 Date Completed: Federal Facility: Not a Federal Facility Actual: NPL Status: Not on the NPL 1223 ft. Non NPL Status: NFRAP-Site does not qualify for the NPL based on existing information CERCLIS-NFRAP Site Contact Details: Contact Sequence ID: 13001264.00000 Person ID: 7271674.00000 TC4471374.2s Page 290 CERCLIS-NFRAP Assessment History: Action: DISCOVERY Date Started: / / Date Completed: 08/01/80 Priority Level: Not reported Action: ARCHIVE SITE Date Started: Date Completed: 06/14/85 Priority Level: Not reported Action: PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT Date Started: Date Completed: 06/14/85 Priority Level: NFRAP-Site does not qualify for the NPL based on existing information RCRA-CESQG: Date form received by agency: 02/03/2003 Facility name: SALINA REGIONAL HLTH CTR Facility address: 139 N PENN SALINA, KS 67401 EPA ID: KSD073303976 Mailing address: S SANTA FE SALINA, KS 67401 Contact: ROBIN MCCALL Contact address: 400 S SANTA FE SALINA, KS 67401 Contact country: us Contact telephone: (785) 452-6154 Contact email: Not reported EPA Region: Classification: 07 Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generator Description: Handler: generates 100 kg or less of hazardous waste per calendar TC4471374.2s Page 290 C7 1:1 c: Map ID Direction Distance Elevation Site ST JOHNS HOSPITAL (Continued) Owner/Operator Summary: Owner/operator name: Owner/operator address: Owner/operator country: Owner/operator telephone: Legal status: Owner/Operator Type: Owner/Op start date: Owner/Op end date: Owner/operator name: Owner/operator address Owner/operator country: Owner/operator telephone Legal status: Owner/Operator Type: Owner/Op start date: Owner/Op end date: MAP FINDINGS EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number month, and accumulates 1000 kg or less of hazardous waste at any time; or generates 1 kg or less of acutely hazardous waste per calendar month, and accumulates at any time: 1 kg or less of acutely hazardous waste; or 100 kg or less of any residue or contaminated soil, waste or other debris resulting from the cleanup of a spill, into or on any land or water, of acutely hazardous waste; or generates 100 kg or less of any residue or contaminated soil, waste or other debris resulting from the cleanup of a spill, into or on any land or water, of acutely hazardous waste during any calendar month, and accumulates at any time: 1 kg or less of acutely hazardous waste; or 100 kg or less of any residue or contaminated soil, waste or other debris resulting from the cleanup of a spill, into or on any land or water, of acutely hazardous waste SALINA REGIONAL HLTH CTR 400 S SANTA FE SALINA, KS 67401 Not reported (785)452-7000 Pdvate Owner Not reported Not reported SALINA REGIONAL HLTH CTR Not reported Not reported US Not reported Private Operator 02/03/2003 Not reported Handler Activities Summary: U.S. importer of hazardous waste: No Mixed waste (haz. and radioactive): No Recycler of hazardous waste: No Transporter of hazardous waste: No Treater, Storer or disposer of HW: No Underground injection activity: No On-site burner exemption: No Furnace exemption: No Used oil fuel burner: No Used oil processor: No User oil refiner: No Used oil fuel marketer to burner: No Used oil Specification marketer: No Used oil transfer facility: No Used oil transporter: No Waste code: D001 Waste name: IGNITABLE WASTE Waste code: F001 1000265599 TC4471374.2s Page 291 • C Map ID Direction Distance Elevation MAP FINDINGS Site ST JOHNS HOSPITAL (Continued) EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number 1000265599 Waste name: THE FOLLOWING SPENT HALOGENATED SOLVENTS USED IN DEGREASING: TETRACHLOROETHYLENE, TRICHLORETHYLENE, METHYLENE CHLORIDE, 1,1,1 -TRICHLOROETHANE, CARBON TETRACHLORIDE AND CHLORINATED FLUOROCARBONS; ALL SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES/BLENDS USED IN DEGREASING CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, A TOTAL OF TEN PERCENT OR MORE (BY VOLUME) OF ONE OR MORE OF THE ABOVE HALOGENATED SOLVENTS OR THOSE SOLVENTS LISTED IN F002, F004, AND F005; AND STILL BOTTOMS FROM THE RECOVERY OF THESE SPENT SOLVENTS AND SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES. Waste code: F003 Waste name: THE FOLLOWING SPENT NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS: XYLENE, ACETONE, ETHYL ACETATE, ETHYL BENZENE, ETHYL ETHER, METHYL ISOBUTYL KETONE, N -BUTYL ALCOHOL, CYCLOHEXANONE, AND METHANOL; ALL SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES/BLENDS CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, ONLY THE ABOVE SPENT NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS; AND ALL SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES/BLENDS CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, ONE OR MORE OF THE ABOVE NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS, AND A TOTAL OF TEN PERCENT OR MORE (BY VOLUME) OF ONE OR MORE OF THOSE SOLVENTS LISTED IN F001, F002, F004, AND F005: AND STILL BOTTOMS FROM THE RECOVERY OF THESE SPENT SOLVENTS AND SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES. Waste code: U239 Waste name: BENZENE, DIMETHYL- (I,T) (OR) XYLENE (1) Historical Generators: Date form received by agency: 09/26/1995 Site name: SALINA REGIONAL HLTH CTR Classification: Small Quantity Generator Waste code: D001 Waste name: IGNITABLE WASTE Waste code: F001 Waste name: THE FOLLOWING SPENT HALOGENATED SOLVENTS USED IN DEGREASING: TETRACHLOROETHYLENE, TRICHLORETHYLENE, METHYLENE CHLORIDE, 1,1,1 -TRICHLOROETHANE, CARBON TETRACHLORIDE AND CHLORINATED FLUOROCARBONS; ALL SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES/BLENDS USED IN DEGREASING CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, A TOTAL OF TEN PERCENT OR MORE (BY VOLUME) OF ONE OR MORE OF THE ABOVE HALOGENATED SOLVENTS OR THOSE SOLVENTS LISTED IN F002, F004, AND F005; AND STILL BOTTOMS FROM THE RECOVERY OF THESE SPENT SOLVENTS AND SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES. Waste code: F003 Waste name: THE FOLLOWING SPENT NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS: XYLENE, ACETONE, ETHYL ACETATE, ETHYL BENZENE, ETHYL ETHER, METHYL ISOBUTYL KETONE, N -BUTYL ALCOHOL, CYCLOHEXANONE, AND METHANOL; ALL SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES/BLENDS CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, ONLY THE ABOVE SPENT NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS; AND ALL SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES/BLENDS CONTAINING, BEFORE USE, ONE OR MORE OF THE ABOVE NONHALOGENATED SOLVENTS, AND A TOTAL OF TEN PERCENT OR MORE (BY VOLUME) OF ONE OR MORE OF THOSE SOLVENTS LISTED IN F001, F002, F004, AND F005; AND STILL BOTTOMS FROM THE RECOVERY OF THESE SPENT SOLVENTS AND SPENT SOLVENT MIXTURES. Waste code: U239 Waste name: BENZENE, DIMETHYL- (I,T) (OR) XYLENE (1) TC4471374.2s Page 292 • �J Map ID Direction Distance Elevation Site MAP FINDINGS EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number ST JOHNS HOSPITAL (Continued) Violation Status FINDS: Registry ID No violations found 110003160294 Environmental Interest/Information System KS -FP (Kansas - Facility Profiler) is a geographically -based data warehouse site that presents information about facilities and locations of interest to the KDHE. This site has in excess of twenty environmental interest which contains information on closed facilities, completed cleanups, and past operations as well as data on current operations and activities. AFS (Aerometric Information Retrieval System (AIRS) Facility Subsystem) replaces the former Compliance Data System (CDS), the National Emission Data System (NEDS), and the Storage and Retrieval of Aerometric Data (SAROAD). AIRS is the national repository for information concerning airborne pollution in the United States. AFS is used to track emissions and compliance data from industrial plants. AFS data are utilized by states to prepare State Implementation Plans to comply with regulatory programs and by EPA as an input for the estimation of total national emissions. AFS is undergoing a major redesign to support facility operating permits required under Title V of the Clean Air Act. RCRAInfo is a national information system that supports the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) program through the tracking of events and activities related to facilities that generate, transport, and treat, store, or dispose of hazardous waste. RCRAInfo allows RCRA program staff to track the notification, permit, compliance, and corrective action activities required under RCRA. AIR MINOR 67 SALINA PCE North 161 E NORTH ST 114-112 SALINA, KS 0.433 mi. 2287 ft. Relative: SHWS: Lower Site ID: Has Env Use Control Actual: Project code: 1221 ft. PM Name: Site Status: District Office: Lat/Long: River Basin: Aquifer Yield: Other Aquifers: Parent PC: Parent Name: CERCLIS ID: Discovery Date: Depth To GW: 3080 No 0508573129 WEISER, R. Active NCDO 38.848878 / -97.60227 Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported 1000265599 SHWS S117342458 NIA TC4471374.2s Page 293 0 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation Site SALINA PCE (Continued) Depth To Bedrock: Aquifer Yield: GW Flow Direction: Acres Affected: Waste Present: Product Present: Program: Lead Agency: Contaminants: Media Act: Media Pot: Source: Land Use: Private well: Waste Present: Product: Receptor Act: Receptor Pot: Remed Air: Remed Soil: Remed Water: Remedir: Alias: Eucan Number: Date: Activity Type: Activity Status: Activity Start Date: Activity End Date: Narrative: 68 KOETTING, B J NW 521 BISHOP STREET 1/4-112 SALINA, KS 67401 0.453 mi. 2393 ft. Relative: SHWS: Higher Site ID: Has Env Use Control: Actual: Project code: 1225 ft. PM Name: Site Status: District Office: Lat/Long: River Basin: Aquifer Yield: Other Aquifers: Parent PC: Parent Name: CERCLIS ID: Discovery Date: Depth To GW: Depth To Bedrock: Aquifer Yield: GW Flow Direction: Acres Affected: Waste Present: MAP FINDINGS Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported No No State Cooperative BER - Remedial Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported 1905 No 0508571972 FARVE, S. Active NCDO 38.846768 / -97.613671 Smoky Hills - Saline Alluvial Not reported 0508503004 SALINA PWS WELL #11 Not reported 08/15/2001 21-30 feet 51-100 feet 101-500 gpm E -SE 5-25 acres No EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number S117342458 SHWS S106781852 LUST N/A TC4471374.2s Page 294 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation F_ MAP FINDINGS Site EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number KOETTING, B J (Continued) Product Present: No Program: State Water Plan Lead Agency: BER - Assessment and Restoration Contaminants: VOC Media Act: Ground Water Media Pot: Air, Indoor, Soil Source: Abandoned Facility Land Use: Commercial, Industrial, Residential Private well: Not reported Waste Present: Not reported Product: Not reported Receptor Act: Not reported Receptor Pot: Public Water Supply, Human Remed Air: Not reported Remed Soil: Not reported Remed Water: Long Term Monitoring Remedir: Not reported Alias: Not reported Eucan Number: Not reported Date: Not reported Activity Type: Source Investigation Activity Status: Completed Activity Start Date: 12/01/2008 Activity End Date: 03/18/2009 Narrative: Various bread, flour, and grain -type businesses operated at the property from 1944 to 1975. KDHE?s Bureau of Waste Management (BWM) Hazardous Waste Generator files indicate that the former Paris Corporation (Corp) operated from 1978 to 1985 and generated waste solvents, solvent mix (xylene and trichloroethylene (TCE)), paint sludge, and air filters from paint booths. Facility operations included assembly and manufacturing of electronic consumer products. In 1992, the property was purchased by Jerry Diehl. Correspondence between KDHE and Mr. Diehl indicated that the property was being used for construction company storage for light equipment, with no generation, use, storage, disposal, or handling of volatile organic compounds (VOCs). A Buried Tank Leak Assessment in January 1992 indicated that a 1000 -gallon underground storage tank (UST) formerly containing gasoline was removed from near the northwest corner of the facility. No leaks or detectable contamination were observed. In 2001, KDHE?s Bureau of Environmental Remediation?s (BER) Site A ssessment unit conducted an Environmental Site Investigation (ESI) at the Salina PWS Well #11 site (C5-085-03004). Groundwater samples collected immediately downgradient of the former Paris Corp facility had detections of VOCs including 1,1-dichloroethylene (1,1-DCE) and 1,1,1 -trichloroethane (1,1,1 -TCA). Concentrations of 1,1-DCE exceeded its Risk-based Standards for Kansas (RSK) value of 7 micrograms per liter (ug/L). The VOC plume appeared to have originated at the southwest corner of Bishop and 10th Streets. From 2002 to 2004, KDHE identified past property owners and operat ors; and also attempted to identify any potentially responsible parties, but none were identified. The corporate status of the Pans Corporation was listed as dissolved with no apparent successors. Site reconnaissance of the former Paris Corp site occurred in Dece mber 2008. A large grated floor drain was observed in the northeast portion of the facility. Removal of collected material within the S106781852 TC4471374.2s Page 295 0 • 0 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation MAP FINDINGS Site KOETTING, B J (Continued) EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number drain revealed an open subsurface cavity that ran north, but it is unknown which direction the drain exited the building. In January 2009, a Site Investigation (SI) was conducted which inc luded the collection of soil and groundwater samples from 18 locations in the vicinity of the site. The SI report concluded that 1,1-DCE and 1,1,2 -TCA were detected in groundwater samples above their respective residential RSK value located east of the former Paris Corp facility. Groundwater appeared to be impacted to the shallow portion of the aquifer from 3842 feet below ground surface (bgs). Only 1,1-DCE was identified in two soil samples ranging from 34-36 feet bgs. An exact source area was not identified, but the deep soil and shallow groundwater analytical results indicated a likely source area originating from the southwest comer of Bishop and 10th Streets. The groundwater plume has migrated eastward. It was recommended in install monitoring wells in order to monitor the 1,1-DCE concentrations in the groundwater. In June 2009, KDHE installed and sampled three monitoring wells (S WP -1, SWP-2, and SWP-3) at the site as part of the first Long -Term Monitoring (LTM) sampling event. Analytical results indicated 1,1-DCE concentrations exceeded RSK value in monitoring wells SWP-1 and SWP-3. Since April 2010, monitoring well MW -18 from the Salina, Fire Station UST site (U5-085-00614) has been included in the annual LTM sampling events. Annual LTM sampling events have found concentrations of 1,1-DCE over residential RSK in monitoring wells SWP-1 and SWP-3. 1,1,2 -TCA was last detected in SWP-1 over residential RSK in 2011, and has since fallen below RSK. Site ID: 1905 Has Env Use Control: No Project code: C508571972 PM Name: FARVE, S. Site Status: Active District Office: NCDO Lat/Long: 38.846768 / -97.613671 River Basin: Smoky Hills - Saline Aquifer Yield: Alluvial Other Aquifers: Not reported Parent PC: C508503004 Parent Name: SALINA PWS WELL #11 CERCLIS ID: Not reported Discovery Date: 08/15/2001 Depth To GW: 21-30 feet Depth To Bedrock: 51-100 feet Aquifer Yield: 101-500 gpm GW Flow Direction: E -SE Acres Affected: 5-25 acres Waste Present: No Product Present: No Program: State Water Plan Lead Agency: BER - Assessment and Restoration Contaminants: VOC Media Act: Ground Water Media Pot: Air, Indoor, Soil Source: Abandoned Facility Land Use: Commercial, Industrial, Residential t•'1i[11*1 1.1.10A TC4471374.2s Page 296 �J C� Map ID Direction Distance Elevation Site F_ MAP FINDINGS EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number KOETTING, B J (Continued) Private well: Not reported Waste Present: Not reported Product: Not reported Receptor Act: Not reported Receptor Pot: Public Water Supply, Human Remed Air: Not reported Remed Soil: Not reported Remed Water: Long Term Monitoring Remedir: Not reported Alias: Not reported Eucan Number: Not reported Date: Not reported Activity Type: Information Request Letter Activity Status: Completed Activity Start Date: 01/07/2003 Activity End Date: 02/14/2003 Narrative: Various bread, flour, and grain -type businesses operated at the property from 1944 to 1975. KDHE?s Bureau of Waste Management (BWM) Hazardous Waste Generator files indicate that the former Paris Corporation (Corp) operated from 1978 to 1985 and generated waste solvents, solvent mix (xylene and trichloroethylene (TCE)), paint sludge, and air filters from paint booths. Facility operations included assembly and manufacturing of electronic consumer products. In 1992, the property was purchased by Jerry Diehl. Correspondence between KDHE and Mr. Diehl indicated that the property was being used for construction company storage for light equipment, with no generation, use, storage, disposal, or handling of volatile organic compounds (VOCs). A Buried Tank Leak Assessment in January 1992 indicated that a 1000 -gallon underground storage tank (UST) formerly containing gasoline was removed from near the northwest corner of the facility. No leaks or detectable contamination were observed. In 2001, KDHE?s Bureau of Environmental Remediation?s (BER) Site A ssessment unit conducted an Environmental Site Investigation (ESI) at the Salina PWS Well #11 site (C5-085-03004). Groundwater samples collected immediately downgradient of the former Paris Corp facility had detections of VOCs including 1,1-dichloroethylene (1,1-DCE) and 1,1,1 -trichloroethane (1,1,1 -TCA). Concentrations of 1,1-DCE exceeded its Risk-based Standards for Kansas (RSK) value of 7 micrograms per liter (ug/L). The VOC plume appeared to have originated at the southwest corner of Bishop and 10th Streets. From 2002 to 2004, KDHE identified past property owners and operat ors; and also attempted to identify any potentially responsible parties, but none were identified. The corporate status of the Paris Corporation was listed as dissolved with no apparent successors. Site reconnaissance of the former Paris Corp site occurred in Dece mber 2008. A large grated floor drain was observed in the northeast portion of the facility. Removal of collected material within the drain revealed an open subsurface cavity that ran north, but it is unknown which direction the drain exited the building. In January 2009, a Site Investigation (SI) was conducted which inc luded the collection of soil and groundwater samples from 18 locations in the vicinity of the site. The SI report concluded that 1,1-DCE and 1,1,2 -TCA were detected in groundwater samples above their respective residential RSK value located east of the former TC4471374.2s Page 297 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation • C MAP FINDINGS Site KOETTING, B J (Continued) EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number Paris Corp facility. Groundwater appeared to be impacted to the shallow portion of the aquifer from 3842 feet below ground surface (bgs). Only 1,1-DCE was identified in two soil samples ranging from 34-36 feet bgs. An exact source area was not identified, but the deep soil and shallow groundwater analytical results indicated a likely source area originating from the southwest comer of Bishop and 10th Streets. The groundwater plume has migrated eastward. It was recommended in install monitoring wells in order to monitor the 1,1-DCE concentrations in the groundwater. In June 2009, KDHE installed and sampled three monitoring wells (S WP -1, SWP-2, and SWP-3) at the site as part of the first Long -Term Monitoring (LTM) sampling event. Analytical results indicated 1,1-DCE concentrations exceeded RSK value in monitoring wells SWP-1 and SWP-3. Since April 2010, monitoring well MW -18 from the Salina, Fire Station UST site (U5-085-00614) has been included in the annual LTM sampling events. Annual LTM sampling events have found concentrations of 1,1-DCE over residential RSK in monitoring wells SWP-1 and SWP-3. 1,1,2 -TCA was last detected in SWP-1 over residential RSK in 2011, and has since fallen below RSK. Site ID: 1905 Has Env Use Control: No Project code: C508571972 PM Name: FARVE, S. Site Status: Active District Office: NCDO Lat/Long: 38.846768 / -97.613671 River Basin: Smoky Hills - Saline Aquifer Yield: Alluvial Other Aquifers: Not reported Parent PC: 0508503004 Parent Name: SALINA PWS WELL #11 CERCLIS ID: Not reported Discovery Date: 08/15/2001 Depth To GW: 21-30 feet Depth To Bedrock: 51-100 feet Aquifer Yield: 101-500 gpm GW Flow Direction: E -SE Acres Affected: 5-25 acres Waste Present: No Product Present: No Program: State Water Plan Lead Agency: BER - Assessment and Restoration Contaminants: VOC Media Act: Ground Water Media Pot: Air, Indoor, Soil Source: Abandoned Facility Land Use: Commercial, Industrial, Residential Private well: Not reported Waste Present: Not reported Product: Not reported Receptor Act: Not reported Receptor Pot: Public Water Supply, Human Remed Air: Not reported Remed Soil: Not reported Remed Water: Long Term Monitoring S106781852 TC4471374.2s Page 298 0 • Map ID Direction Distance Elevation MAP FINDINGS Site KOETTING, B J (Continued) EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number Remedir: Not reported Alias: Not reported Eucan Number: Not reported Date: Not reported Activity Type: PRP Search Activity Status: Completed Activity Start Date: 04/25/2002 Activity End Date: 02/14/2003 Narrative: Various bread, flour, and grain -type businesses operated at the property from 1944 to 1975. KDHE?s Bureau of Waste Management (BWM) Hazardous Waste Generator files indicate that the former Paris Corporation (Corp) operated from 1978 to 1985 and generated waste solvents, solvent mix (xylene and trichloroethylene (TCE)), paint sludge, and air filters from paint booths. Facility operations included assembly and manufacturing of electronic consumer products. In 1992, the property was purchased by Jerry Diehl. Correspondence between KDHE and Mr. Diehl indicated that the property was being used for construction company storage for light equipment, with no generation, use, storage, disposal, or handling of volatile organic compounds (VOCs). A Buried Tank Leak Assessment in January 1992 indicated that a 1000 -gallon underground storage tank (UST) formerly containing gasoline was removed from near the northwest corner of the facility. No leaks or detectable contamination were observed. In 2001, KDHE?s Bureau of Environmental Remediation?s (BER) Site A ssessment unit conducted an Environmental Site Investigation (ESI) at the Salina PWS Well #11 site (C5-085-03004). Groundwater samples collected immediately downgradient of the former Paris Corp facility had detections of VOCs including 1,1-dichloroethylene (1,1-DCE) and 1,1,1 -trichloroethane (1,1,1 -TCA). Concentrations of 1,1-DCE exceeded its Risk-based Standards for Kansas (RSK) value of 7 micrograms per liter (ug/L). The VOC plume appeared to have originated at the southwest corner of Bishop and 10th Streets. From 2002 to 2004, KDHE identified past property owners and operat ors; and also attempted to identify any potentially responsible parties, but none were identified. The corporate status of the Paris Corporation was listed as dissolved with no apparent successors. Site reconnaissance of the former Paris Corp site occurred in Dece mber 2008. A large grated floor drain was observed in the northeast portion of the facility. Removal of collected material within the drain revealed an open subsurface cavity that ran north, but it is unknown which direction the drain exited the building. In January 2009, a Site Investigation (SI) was conducted which inc luded the collection of soil and groundwater samples from 18 locations in the vicinity of the site. The SI report concluded that 1,1-DCE and 1,1,2 -TCA were detected in groundwater samples above their respective residential RSK value located east of the former Paris Corp facility. Groundwater appeared to be impacted to the shallow portion of the aquifer from 38-42 feet below ground surface (bgs). Only 1,1-DCE was identified in two soil samples ranging from 34-36 feet bgs. An exact source area was not identified, but the deep soil and shallow groundwater analytical results indicated a likely source area originating from the southwest comer of Bishop and 10th Streets. The groundwater plume has migrated eastward. It was recommended in install monitoring wells in order to monitor the S106781852 TC4471374.2s Page 299 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation 0 F_ MAP FINDINGS Site KOETTING, B J (Continued) EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number 1,1-DCE concentrations in the groundwater. In June 2009, KDHE installed and sampled three monitoring wells (S WP -1, SWP-2, and SWP-3) at the site as part of the first Long -Term Monitoring (LTM) sampling event. Analytical results indicated 1,1-DCE concentrations exceeded RSK value in monitoring wells SWP-1 and SWP-3. Since April 2010, monitoring well MW -18 from the Salina, Fire Station UST site (U5-085-00614) has been included in the annual LTM sampling events. Annual LTM sampling events have found concentrations of 1,1-DCE over residential RSK in monitoring wells SWP-1 and SWP-3. 1,1,2 -TCA was last detected in SWP-1 over residential RSK in 2011, and has since fallen below RSK. Site ID: 1905 Has Env Use Control: No Project code: C508571972 PM Name: FARVE, S. Site Status: Active District Office: NCDO Lat/Long: 38.846768 / -97.613671 River Basin: Smoky Hills - Saline Aquifer Yield: Alluvial Other Aquifers: Not reported Parent PC: C508503004 Parent Name: SALINA PWS WELL #11 CERCLIS ID: Not reported Discovery Date: 08/15/2001 Depth To GW: 21-30 feet Depth To Bedrock: 51-100 feet Aquifer Yield: 10 1 -500 gpm GW Flow Direction: E -SE Acres Affected: 5-25 acres Waste Present: No Product Present: No Program: State Water Plan Lead Agency: BER - Assessment and Restoration Contaminants: VOC Media Act: Ground Water Media Pot: Air, Indoor, Soil Source: Abandoned Facility Land Use: Commercial, Industrial, Residential Private well: Not reported Waste Present: Not reported Product: Not reported Receptor Act: Not reported Receptor Pot: Public Water Supply. Human Remed Air: Not reported Remed Soil: Not reported Remed Water: Long Term Monitoring Remedir: Not reported Alias: Not reported Eucan Number: Not reported Date: Not reported Activity Type: Transfer Within Bureau Activity Status: Completed Activity Start Date: 05/13/2004 Activity End Date: 05/13/2004 S106781852 TC4471374.2s Page 300 • • C� Map ID Direction Distance Elevation MAP FINDINGS Site EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number KOETTING, B J (Continued) Narrative: Various bread, flour, and grain -type businesses operated at the property from 1944 to 1975. KDHE?s Bureau of Waste Management (BWM) Hazardous Waste Generator files indicate that the former Paris Corporation (Corp) operated from 1978 to 1985 and generated waste solvents, solvent mix (xylene and trichloroethylene (TCE)), paint sludge, and air filters from paint booths. Facility operations included assembly and manufacturing of electronic consumer products. In 1992, the property was purchased by Jerry Diehl. Correspondence between KDHE and Mr. Diehl indicated that the property was being used for construction company storage for light equipment, with no generation, use, storage, disposal, or handling of volatile organic compounds (VOCs). A Buried Tank Leak Assessment in January 1992 indicated that a 1000 -gallon underground storage tank (UST) formerly containing gasoline was removed from near the northwest corner of the facility. No leaks or detectable contamination were observed. In 2001, KDHE?s Bureau of Environmental Remediation?s (BER) Site A ssessment unit conducted an Environmental Site Investigation (ESI) at the Salina PWS Well #11 site (C5-085-03004). Groundwater samples collected immediately downgradient of the former Paris Corp facility had detections of VOCs including 1,1-dichloroethylene (1,1-DCE) and 1,1,1 -trichloroethane (1,1,1 -TCA). Concentrations of 1,1-DCE exceeded its Risk-based Standards for Kansas (RSK) value of 7 micrograms per liter (ug/L). The VOC plume appeared to have originated at the southwest corner of Bishop and 10th Streets. From 2002 to 2004, KDHE identified past property owners and operat ors; and also attempted to identify any potentially responsible parties, but none were identified. The corporate status of the Paris Corporation was listed as dissolved with no apparent successors. Site reconnaissance of the former Paris Corp site occurred in Dece mber 2008. A large grated floor drain was observed in the northeast portion of the facility. Removal of collected material within the drain revealed an open subsurface cavity that ran north, but it is unknown which direction the drain exited the building. In January 2009, a Site Investigation (SI) was conducted which inc luded the collection of soil and groundwater samples from 18 locations in the vicinity of the site. The SI report concluded that 1,1-DCE and 1,1,2 -TCA were detected in groundwater samples above their respective residential RSK value located east of the former Pads Corp facility. Groundwater appeared to be impacted to the shallow portion of the aquifer from 38-42 feet below ground surface (bgs). Only 1,1-DCE was identified in two soil samples ranging from 34-36 feet bgs. An exact source area was not identified, but the deep soil and shallow groundwater analytical results indicated a likely source area originating from the southwest comer of Bishop and 10th Streets. The groundwater plume has migrated eastward. It was recommended in install monitoring wells in order to monitor the 1,1 -DC E concentrations in the groundwater. In June 2009, KDHE installed and sampled three monitoring wells (S WP -1, SWP-2, and SWP-3) at the site as part of the first Long -Term Monitoring (LTM) sampling event. Analytical results indicated 1,1-DCE concentrations exceeded RSK value in monitoring wells SWP-1 and SWP-3. Since April 2010, monitoring well MW -18 from the Salina, Fire Station UST site (U5-085-00614) has been included in the annual LTM S106781852 TC4471374.2s Page 301 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation 0 0 MAP FINDINGS Site KOETTING, B J (Continued) EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number sampling events. Annual LTM sampling events have found concentrations of 1,1-DCE over residential RSK in monitoring wells SWP-1 and SWP-3. 1,1,2 -TCA was last detected in SWP-1 over residential RSK in 2011, and has since fallen below RSK. Site ID: 1905 Has Env Use Control: No Project code: C508571972 PM Name: FARVE. S. Site Status: Active District Office: NCDO Lat/Long: 38.846768/-97.613671 River Basin: Smoky Hills - Saline Aquifer Yield: Alluvial Other Aquifers: Not reported Parent PC: 0508503004 Parent Name: SALINA PWS WELL #11 CERCLIS ID: Not reported Discovery Date: 08/15/2001 Depth To GW: 21-30 feet Depth To Bedrock: 51-100 feet Aquifer Yield: 101-500 gpm GW Flow Direction: E -SE Acres Affected: 5-25 acres Waste Present: No Product Present: No Program: State Water Plan Lead Agency: BER - Assessment and Restoration Contaminants: VOC Media Act: Ground Water Media Pot: Air, Indoor, Soil Source: Abandoned Facility Land Use: Commercial, Industrial, Residential Private well: Not reported Waste Present: Not reported Product: Not reported Receptor Act: Not reported Receptor Pot: Public Water Supply, Human Remed Air: Not reported Remed Soil: Not reported Remed Water: Long Term Monitoring Remedir: Not reported Alias: Not reported Eucan Number: Not reported Date: Not reported Activity Type: Expanded Site Inspection Activity Status: Completed Activity Start Date: 03/31/2001 Activity End Date: 03/28/2002 Narrative: Various bread, flour, and grain -type businesses operated at the property from 1944 to 1975. KDHE?s Bureau of Waste Management (BWM) Hazardous Waste Generator files indicate that the former Paris Corporation (Corp) operated from 1978 to 1985 and generated waste solvents, solvent mix (xylene and trichloroethylene (TCE)), paint sludge, and air filters from paint booths. Facility operations included assembly and manufacturing of electronic consumer products. In 1992, the property was purchased by Jerry Diehl. Correspondence S106781852 TC4471374.2s Page 302 • CJ Map ID Direction Distance Elevation MAP FINDINGS Site KOETTING, B J (Continued) EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number between KDHE and Mr. Diehl indicated that the property was being used for construction company storage for light equipment, with no generation, use, storage, disposal, or handling of volatile organic compounds (VOCs). A Buried Tank Leak Assessment in January 1992 indicated that a 1000 -gallon underground storage tank (UST) formerly containing gasoline was removed from near the northwest corner of the facility. No leaks or detectable contamination were observed. In 2001, KDHE?s Bureau of Environmental Remediation?s (BER) Site A ssessment unit conducted an Environmental Site Investigation (ESI) at the Salina PWS Well #11 site (C5-085-03004). Groundwater samples collected immediately downgradient of the former Paris Corp facility had detections of VOCs including 1,1-dichloroethylene (1,1-DCE) and 1,1,1 -trichloroethane (1,1,1 -TCA). Concentrations of 1,1-DCE exceeded its Risk-based Standards for Kansas (RSK) value of 7 micrograms per liter (ug/L). The VOC plume appeared to have originated at the southwest corner of Bishop and 10th Streets. From 2002 to 2004, KDHE identified past property owners and operat ors; and also attempted to identify any potentially responsible parties, but none were identified. The corporate status of the Paris Corporation was listed as dissolved with no apparent successors. Site reconnaissance of the former Paris Corp site occurred in Dece mber 2008. A large grated Floor drain was observed in the northeast portion of the facility. Removal of collected material within the drain revealed an open subsurface cavity that ran north, but it is unknown which direction the drain exited the building. In January 2009, a Site Investigation (SI) was conducted which inc luded the collection of soil and groundwater samples from 18 locations in the vicinity of the site. The SI report concluded that 1,1-DCE and 1,1,2 -TCA were detected in groundwater samples above their respective residential RSK value located east of the former Paris Corp facility. Groundwater appeared to be impacted to the shallow portion of the aquifer from 38-42 feet below ground surface (bgs). Only 1,1-DCE was identified in two soil samples ranging from 34-36 feet bgs. An exact source area was not identified, but the deep soil and shallow groundwater analytical results indicated a likely source area originating from the southwest corner of Bishop and 10th Streets. The groundwater plume has migrated eastward. It was recommended in install monitoring wells in order to monitor the 1,1-DCE concentrations in the groundwater. In June 2009, KDHE installed and sampled three monitoring wells (S WP -1, SWP-2, and SWP-3) at the site as part of the first Long -Term Monitoring (LTM) sampling event. Analytical results indicated 1,1-DCE concentrations exceeded RSK value in monitoring wells SWP-1 and SWP-3. Since April 2010, monitoring well MW -18 from the Salina, Fire Station UST site (U5-085-00614) has been included in the annual LTM sampling events. Annual LTM sampling events have found concentrations of 1,1-DCE over residential RSK in monitoring wells SWP-1 and SWP-3. 1,1,2 -TCA was last detected in SWP-1 over residential RSK in 2011, and has since fallen below RSK. Site ID: 1905 Has Env Use Control: No Project code: 0508571972 S106781852 TC4471374.2s Page 303 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation • r �i 0 MAP FINDINGS Site KOETTING, B J (Continued) EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number PM Name: FARVE, S. Site Status: Active District Office: NCDO Lat/Long: 38.846768/-97.613671 River Basin: Smoky Hills - Saline Aquifer Yield: Alluvial Other Aquifers: Not reported Parent PC: 0508503004 Parent Name: SALINA PWS WELL #11 CERCLIS ID: Not reported Discovery Date: 08/15/2001 Depth To GW: 21-30 feet Depth To Bedrock: 51-100 feet Aquifer Yield: 101-500 gpm GW Flow Direction: E -SE Acres Affected: 5-25 acres Waste Present: No Product Present: No Program: State Water Plan Lead Agency: BER - Assessment and Restoration Contaminants: VOC Media Act: Ground Water Media Pot: Air, Indoor, Soil Source: Abandoned Facility Land Use: Commercial, Industrial, Residential Private well: Not reported Waste Present: Not reported Product: Not reported Receptor Act: Not reported Receptor Pot: Public Water Supply, Human Remed Air: Not reported Remed Soil: Not reported Remed Water: Long Term Monitoring Remedir: Not reported Alias: Not reported Eucan Number: Not reported Date: Not reported Activity Type: Long Term Monitoring Activity Status: Underway Activity Start Date: 07/01/2009 Activity End Date: Not reported Narrative: Various bread, flour, and grain -type businesses operated at the property from 1944 to 1975. KDHE?s Bureau of Waste Management (BWM) Hazardous Waste Generator files indicate that the former Paris Corporation (Corp) operated from 1978 to 1985 and generated waste solvents, solvent mix (xylene and trichloroethylene (TCE)), paint sludge, and air filters from paint booths. Facility operations included assembly and manufacturing of electronic consumer products. In 1992, the property was purchased by Jerry Diehl. Correspondence between KDHE and Mr. Diehl indicated that the property was being used for construction company storage for light equipment, with no generation, use, storage, disposal, or handling of volatile organic compounds (VOCs). A Buried Tank Leak Assessment in January 1992 indicated that a 1000 -gallon underground storage tank (UST) formerly containing gasoline was removed from near the northwest corner of the facility. No leaks or detectable contamination were observed. In 2001, KDHE?s Bureau of Environmental Remediation?s (BER) Site A S106781852 TC4471374.2s Page 304 • • r] Map ID Direction Distance Elevation MAP FINDINGS Site KOETTING, B J (Continued) EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number ssessment unit conducted an Environmental Site Investigation (ESI) at the Salina PWS Well #11 site (C5-085-03004). Groundwater samples collected immediately downgradient of the former Paris Corp facility had detections of VOCs including 1,1-dichloroethylene (1,1-DCE) and 1,1,1 -trichloroethane (1,1,1 -TCA). Concentrations of 1,1-DCE exceeded its Risk-based Standards for Kansas (RSK) value of 7 micrograms per liter (ug/L). The VOC plume appeared to have originated at the southwest corner of Bishop and 10th Streets. From 2002 to 2004, KDHE identified past property owners and operat ors, and also attempted to identify any potentially responsible parties, but none were identified. The corporate status of the Paris Corporation was listed as dissolved with no apparent successors. Site reconnaissance of the former Paris Corp site occurred in Dece mber 2008. A large grated floor drain was observed in the northeast portion of the facility. Removal of collected material within the drain revealed an open subsurface cavity that ran north, but it is unknown which direction the drain exited the building. In January 2009, a Site Investigation (SI) was conducted which inc luded the collection of soil and groundwater samples from 18 locations in the vicinity of the site. The SI report concluded that 1,1-DCE and 1,1,2 -TCA were detected in groundwater samples above their respective residential RSK value located east of the former Paris Corp facility. Groundwater appeared to be impacted to the shallow portion of the aquifer from 38-42 feet below ground surface (bgs). Only 1,1-DCE was identified in two soil samples ranging from 34-36 feet bgs. An exact source area was not identified, but the deep soil and shallow groundwater analytical results indicated a likely source area originating from the southwest comer of Bishop and 10th Streets. The groundwater plume has migrated eastward. It was recommended in install monitoring wells in order to monitor the 1,1-DCE concentrations in the groundwater. In June 2009, KDHE installed and sampled three monitoring wells (S WP -1, SWP-2, and SWP-3) at the site as part of the first Long -Term Monitoring (LTM) sampling event. Analytical results indicated 1,1-DCE concentrations exceeded RSK value in monitoring wells SWP-1 and SWP-3. Since April 2010, monitoring well MW -18 from the Salina, Fire Station UST site (U5-085-00614) has been included in the annual LTM sampling events. Annual LTM sampling events have found concentrations of 1,1-DCE over residential RSK in monitoring wells SWP-1 and SWP-3. 1,1,2 -TCA was last detected in SWP-1 over residential RSK in 2011, and has since fallen below RSK. LUST: Facility ID: 80335 Site Status: Closed Release Date: Not reported Initial Report Date: 01/16/1992 Project Number: U5-085-00634 Project Name: Koetting, B J Legal Desc Section: 11 Legal Desc Township: 14S Legal Desc Range: 03W Discover Date: 01/16/1992 S106781852 TC4471374.2s Page 305 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation • Site KOETTING, B J (Continued) substrels: Initial Ranking: Current Ranking: Facility Contact: Facility Phone Number: Facility Owner Identification number: Facility Owner: Owner Contact Person: Owner Address: Owner City: Owner State: Owner Zip Code: Owner Phone number: Contractor license number: Contractor phone number: Leak duration (if known): Quantity released (if known): Quantity recorded: Leak Type: Reported By: Reported by persons phone number: Reported by person address: Ground water Impacted (yes/no): • Static groundwater level: Groundwater flow direction District staff names: Assessment of release: Contaimination assessement: Extent of contamination impact: Updated information: Invoice initiated: Invoice on going: Invoice completetd: Release confirmed: Emergencty contact: Enforcement action: Cost recovery: Cost recovery initiated: Cost recovery initiated by: Cost recovery completed: Cost recovery completed by: Appplication to trust fund: 0 MAP FINDINGS EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number S106781852 Not reported Not reported Not reported B J Koetting 785-827-7947 Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported 785-827-3804 Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported site sits upon silty clays of the smoky hill alluvial plane. 0-6' It brown silty clay. 6'=bottom of excavation. gw depth = -28'. gw flow = northeast. Not reported Not reported Not reported 1-1000 gal gas ust & lines removed. no contamination detectable in soils beneath tank or lines. tank contained -20 gal water, no odors were detectable from the water. kdhe consider site closed and will require no further actions. yes. none suspected. Not reported 19922 Not reported 19922 Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported TC4471374.2s Page 306 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number ' M69 ONEOK FMGP - SALINA EDR MGP 1008407207 South 301 N 3RD STREET N/A 1/4-1/2 SALINA, KS 67401 0.459 mi. 2422 ft. Site 1 of 3 in cluster M Relative: Manufactured Gas Plants: Lower Alternate Name:FMGP - SALINA. Before natural gas became available through pipelines, manufactured gas plants (MGPs) were used to produce gas from coal or Actual: petroleum. Typical residuals generated by the facilities included: coal tar 1222 ft. and ash, clinkers, and purifier wastes.The Salinaa MGP operated from 1881 - 1928. The MGP had a gas holder; lime, coal, and retort house; and tar, oil, and fuel oil tanks. The site is located on northwest comer of East Pine and N. 3rd Street; approximately 1000 from Oxbow Lake of Smoky Hill Rivver. The site covers slightly greater than 1/4 acre.The site is situated in a light industrial area. Its subsurface consists of unconsolidated deposits of the Smoky Hill River valley, alluvium over Cretaceous bedrock and moderate to high permeabilitty at the site for infiltration. Early maps also indicate a water well on-site for operations but its exact location is unknown.ln 1931, the coal storage shed portion of the gas works building was used for storage. In 1947, the entire gas works buiilding was used for miscellaneous storage, with an oil tank and gas regulator house occupying the western portion of the site. In 1967, the only remaining structure was the gas work portion of the site. In 1973, The site was vacant with only a traiiler in the southwest portion of property. At present, the site is fenced and being used for parking and storage/debris areas. Contaminants normally associated with a MGP site are coal tars and consist mainly of poylnuclear aromatic hydrocarbons; puurifier residuals of oxides and lime containing sulfur, cyanide, and metals; ash and clinkers with oxides of various metals (including arsenic and lead). Coal tars, ash, clinkers, and other residues are expected near their point of manufacture and aas fill in low areas of the MGP. The potential for off-site problems exist due to buried contamination within the gas holder and in fill areas of the site. (1/95). While contaminants associated with MGP sites are significantly hazardous (when compaared to other waste types), these wastes are not typically as mobile in the subsurface. Therefore, from a risk assessment perspective, if exposure to contaminants is limited and/or controlled, the overall risk to human health and the environment ismore easily managed. Additional investigation is needed and has been programmed. ONEOK, is preparing to investigate this site under Consent Order 94-E-1072. After receipt and evaluation of the investigation report, decisions regarding extent and mmethod of remediation will be jointly be made. (1/95). The EPA conducted a Preliminary Assessment (PA) in June 1991. The PA identified potential pathways and targets. Final recommendation was for a detailed Site Investigation. (6/91). WRI conductted a Preliminary Assessment in 1993 as part of Consent Order 92-E-493 at this site and other MGP sites in Kansas. The Pa identified potential targets and pathways and risks associated with this MGP site. (2/93) WRI/ONEOK entered into a Consent Ordeer 94-E-1072 to investigate this site and other MGP sites within Kansas. The Consent Order was amended to include the Salina FMGP site and singed by the secretary 5 May 2003. M70 SALINA FMGP CERC-NFRAP 1000482676 South 301 N 3RD ST KSD984988667 1/4-1/2 SALINA, KS 67401 0.459 mi. 2422 ft. Site 2 of 3 in cluster M Relative: CERC-NFRAP: Lower Site0 . Federal Not a Fl Facility: Not a Federal Facility Actual: NPL Status: Not on the NPL 1222 ft. Non NPL Status: NFRAP-Site does not qualify for the NPL based on existing information TC4471374.2s Page 307 r� L • • Map ID Direction Distance Elevation Site SALINA FMGP (Continued) MAP FINDINGS CERCLIS-NFRAP Site Contact Details: Contact Sequence ID: 13001230.00000 Person ID: 7271674.00000 CERCLIS-NFRAP Site Alias Name(s): Alias Name: SALINA COAL GAS PLANT Alias Address: Not reported KS CERCLIS-NFRAP Assessment History EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number Action: PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT Date Started: 01/23/91 Date Completed: 08/07/91 Priority Level: NFRAP-Site does not qualify for the NPL based on existing information Action: DISCOVERY Date Started: I I Date Completed: 03/08/91 Priority Level: Not reported Action: ARCHIVE SITE Date Started: Date Completed: 07/12/06 Priority Level: Not reported M71 ONEOK FMGP - SALINA South 301 N 3RD STREET 1/4-1/2 SALINA, KS 67401 0.459 mi. 2422 ft. Site 3 of 3 in cluster M Relative: SHWS: Lower Site ID: Has Env Use Control: Actual: Project code: 1222 ft. PM Name: Site Status: District Office: LaULong: River Basin: Aquifer Yield: Other Aquifers: Parent PC: Parent Name: CERCLIS ID: Discovery Date: Depth To GW: Depth To Bedrock: Aquifer Yield: GW Flow Direction: Acres Affected: Waste Present: Product Present: Program: Lead Agency: Contaminants: 1601 No C508570037 COOK, J. Active NCDO 38.847651-97.60626 Smoky Hills - Saline Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported KSD984988667 01/25/1995 31-50 feet >200 feet >1000 gpm E <5 acres No No State Cooperative BER - Remedial Crude Oil, Heavy Metal, Refined Petroleum, SVOC, VOC 1000482676 SHWS S107032757 N/A TC4471374.2s Page 308 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation 0 • MAP FINDINGS Site EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number ONEOK FMGP - SALINA (Continued) Media Act: Ground Water, Soil Media Pot: Ground Water, Soil, Surface Water Source: Abandoned Facility, Aboveground Tank, Facility Operations, Spill, Underground Tank/Piping, Other (see Site Narrative) Land Use: Commercial, Industrial, Residential Private well: Not reported Waste Present: Not reported Product: Not reported Receptor Act: Not reported Receptor Pot: Not reported Remed Air: Not reported Remed Soil: Off -Site Disposal Remed Water: Not reported Remedir: Not reported Alias: FMGP - SALINA Eucan Number: Not reported Date: Not reported Activity Type: Removal Action Activity Status: Completed Activity Start Date: 11/01/2006 Activity End Date: 03/01/2007 Narrative: The Salina MGP operated from 1881 - 1928. The MGP had one gas holder; a lime, coal, and retort houses; and tar, oil, and above -ground fuel oil tanks. The site is located on northwest comer of East Pine and N. 3rd Street; approximately 1000' from Oxbow Lake of Smoky Hill River. The site covers slightly greater than 1/4 acre. Not reported The site is situated in a light industrial area. Its subsurface cc nsists of unconsolidated deposits of the Smoky Hill River valley, alluvium over Cretaceous bedrock and moderate to high permeability at the site for infiltration. Early maps also indicate a water well on-site for operations but its exact location is unknown. In 1931, the coal storage shed portion of the gas works building was used for storage. In 1947, the entire gas works building was used for miscellaneous storage, with an oil tank and gas regulator house occupying the western portion of the site. In 1967, the only remaining structure was the gas work portion of the site. In 1973, The site was vacant with only a trailer in the southwest portion of property. At present, the site is fenced and being used for parking, storage/debris areas and as a automotive repair facility. Contaminants normally associated with a FMGP site are coal tars an d consist mainly of polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons; purifier residuals of oxides and lime containing sulfur, cyanide, and metals, ash and clinkers with oxides of various metals (including arsenic and lead). Coal tars, ash, clinkers, and other residues are expected near their point of manufacture and as fill in low areas of the MGP. Not reported Investigation/response activity requirements are noted in project documentation and in part were initiated in October 2003, Interim Removal Action Investigation activities include exploratory trenching, direct -push soil sample collection and laboratory analysis, and installation of ground water measuring points also known as piezometers. A topographic survey establishing topography control points was also performed. The PA identified potential pathways and targets. Final recommendation was for a detailed Site Invesfigation. (6/91). WRI conducted a Preliminary Assessment in 1993 as part of Consent Order 92-E-493 at this site and other MGP S107032757 TC4471374.2s Page 309 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation �71 C MAP FINDINGS Site ONEOK FMGP - SALINA (Continued) EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number sites in Kansas. The PA identified potential targets and pathways and risks associated with this MGP site. (2/93) ONEOK is planning, having prepared a scope of work and various plan documents, to perform an interim removal action as soon as access and implementation issues are resolved. Analytical data show that the site has been impacted with contamin ants typical of former manufactured gas plant sites and petroleum sources. In response ONEOK performed an Interim Removal Action (IRA) between November 2006 and March 2007. ONEOK submitted a draft IRA Completion report which KDHE approved. KDHE and ONEOK met to discuss the path forward for all ONEOK FMGP sites. ONEOK is developing a response to meeting discussions including the need to develop a programmatic approach to all ONEOK FMGP sites including but not limited to completion of characterization requirements (as needed), completion of an Environmental Use Control application (and eventual recording of said EUC), and completion of the Corrective Action Study. This approach will include development of CAS, decision documents (Agency Decision Statement) and Corrective Action Plans. ONEOK has restructured the company and is now known as ONE Gas. Inc. Site ID: 1601 Has Env Use Control: No Project code: C508570037 PM Name: COOK, J. Site Status: Active District Office: NCDO Lat/Long: 38.84765/-97.60626 River Basin: Smoky Hills - Saline Aquifer Yield: Not reported Other Aquifers: Not reported Parent PC: Not reported Parent Name: Not reported CERCLIS ID: KSD984988667 Discovery Date: 01/25/1995 Depth To GW: 31-50 feet Depth To Bedrock: >200 feet Aquifer Yield: >1000 gpm GW Flow Direction: E Acres Affected: <5 acres Waste Present: No Product Present: No Program: State Cooperative Lead Agency: BER - Remedial Contaminants: Crude Oil, Heavy Metal, Refined Petroleum, SVOC, VOC Media Act: Ground Water, Soil Media Pot: Ground Water, Soil, Surface Water Source: Abandoned Facility, Aboveground Tank, Facility Operations, Spill, Underground Tank/Piping, Other (see Site Narrative) Land Use: Commercial, Industrial, Residential Private well: Not reported Waste Present: Not reported Product: Not reported Receptor Act: Not reported Receptor Pot: Not reported Remed Air: Not reported Remed Soil: Off -Site Disposal S107032757 TC4471374.2s Page 310 t • Map ID Direction Distance Elevation F_ MAP FINDINGS Site EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number ONEOK FMGP - SALINA (Continued) Remed Water: Not reported Remedir: Not reported Alias: FMGP - SALINA Eucan Number: Not reported Date: Not reported Activity Type: Consent Order Activity Status: Completed Activity Start Date: Not reported Activity End Date: 05/05/2003 Narrative: The Salina MGP operated from 1881 - 1928. The MGP had one gas holder; a lime, coal, and retort houses; and tar, oil, and above -ground fuel oil tanks. The site is located on northwest comer of East Pine and N. 3rd Street; approximately 1000' from Oxbow Lake of Smoky Hill River. The site covers slightly greater than 1/4 acre. Not reported The site is situated in a light industrial area. Its subsurface co nsists of unconsolidated deposits of the Smoky Hill River valley, alluvium over Cretaceous bedrock and moderate to high permeability at the site for infiltration. Early maps also indicate a water well on-site for operations but its exact location is unknown. In 1931, the coal storage shed portion of the gas works building was used for storage. In 1947, the entire gas works building was used for miscellaneous storage, with an oil tank and gas regulator house occupying the western portion of the site. In 1967, the only remaining structure was the gas work portion of the site. In 1973, The site was vacant with only a trailer in the southwest portion of property. At present, the site is fenced and being used for parking, storage/debris areas and as a automotive repair facility. Contaminants normally associated with a FMGP site are coal tars an d consist mainly of polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons; purifier residuals of oxides and lime containing sulfur, cyanide, and metals; ash and clinkers with oxides of various metals (including arsenic and lead). Coal tars, ash, clinkers, and other residues are expected near their point of manufacture and as fill in low areas of the MGP. Not reported Investigation/response activity requirements are noted in project documentation and in part were initiated in October 2003. Interim Removal Action Investigation activities include exploratory trenching, direct -push soil sample collection and laboratory analysis, and installation of ground water measuring points also known as piezometers. A topographic survey establishing topography control points was also performed. The PA identified potential pathways and targets. Final recommendation was for a detailed Site Investigation. (6/91). WRI conducted a Preliminary Assessment in 1993 as part of Consent Order 92-E-493 at this site and other MGP sites in Kansas. The PA identified potential targets and pathways and risks associated with this MGP site. (2/93) ONEOK is planning, having prepared a scope of work and various plan documents, to perform an interim removal action as soon as access and implementation issues are resolved. Analytical data show that the site has been impacted with contamin ants typical of former manufactured gas plant sites and petroleum sources. In response ONEOK performed an Interim Removal Action (IRA) between November 2006 and March 2007. ONEOK submitted a draft IRA Completion report which KDHE approved. KDHE and ONEOK met to discuss the path forward for all ONEOK FMGP sites. ONEOK is developing a S107032757 TC4471374.2s Page 311 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation 0 C • MAP FINDINGS Site ONEOK FMGP - SALINA (Continued) EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number response to meeting discussions including the need to develop a programmatic approach to all ONEOK FMGP sites including but not limited to completion of characterization requirements (as needed), completion of an Environmental Use Control application (and eventual recording of said EUC), and completion of the Corrective Action Study. This approach will include development of CAS, decision documents (Agency Decision Statement) and Corrective Action Plans. ONEOK has restructured the company and is now known as ONE Gas, Inc. Site ID: 1601 Has Env Use Control: No Project code: C508570037 PM Name: COOK, J. Site Status: Active District Office: NCDO Lat/Long: 38.84765/-97.60626 River Basin: Smoky Hills - Saline Aquifer Yield: Not reported Other Aquifers: Not reported Parent PC: Not reported Parent Name: Not reported CERCLIS ID: KSD984988667 Discovery Date: 01/25/1995 Depth To GW: 31-50 feet Depth To Bedrock: >200 feet Aquifer Yield: >1000 gpm GW Flow Direction: E Acres Affected: <5 acres Waste Present: No Product Present: No Program: State Cooperative Lead Agency: BER - Remedial Contaminants: Crude Oil, Heavy Metal, Refined Petroleum, SVOC, VOC Media Act: Ground Water, Soil Media Pot: Ground Water, Soil, Surface Water Source: Abandoned Facility, Aboveground Tank, Facility Operations, Spill, Underground Tank/Piping, Other (see Site Narrative) Land Use: Commercial, Industrial, Residential Private well: Not reported Waste Present: Not reported Product: Not reported Receptor Act: Not reported Receptor Pot: Not reported Remed Air: Not reported Remed Soil: Off -Site Disposal Remed Water: Not reported Remedir: Not reported Alias: FMGP - SALINA Eucan Number: Not reported Date: Not reported Activity Type: Interim Remedial Measure - source Activity Status: Completed Activity Start Date: Not reported Activity End Date: 10/01/2003 Narrative: The Salina MGP operated from 1881 - 1928. The MGP had one gas holder; a lime, coal, and retort houses; and tar, oil, and above -ground fuel oil tanks. The site is located on northwest comer 5107032757 TC4471374.2s Page 312 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation • • MAP FINDINGS Site ONEOK FMGP - SALINA (Continued) EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number of East Pine and N. 3rd Street, approximately 1000' from Oxbow Lake of Smoky Hill River. The site covers slightly greater than 1/4 acre. Not reported The site is situated in a light industrial area. Its subsurface co nsists of unconsolidated deposits of the Smoky Hill River valley, alluvium over Cretaceous bedrock and moderate to high permeability at the site for infiltration. Early maps also indicate a water well on-site for operations but its exact location is unknown. In 1931, the coal storage shed portion of the gas works building was used for storage. In 1947, the entire gas works building was used for miscellaneous storage, with an oil tank and gas regulator house occupying the western portion of the site. In 1967, the only remaining structure was the gas work portion of the site. In 1973, The site was vacant with only a trailer in the southwest portion of property. At present, the site is fenced and being used for parking, storage/debris areas and as a automotive repair facility. Contaminants normally associated with a FMGP site are coal tars an d consist mainly of polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons: purifier residuals of oxides and lime containing sulfur, cyanide, and metals: ash and clinkers with oxides of various metals (including arsenic and lead). Coal tars, ash, clinkers, and other residues are expected near their point of manufacture and as fill in low areas of the MGP. Not reported Investigation/response activity requirements are noted in project documentation and in part were initiated in October 2003. Interim Removal Action Investigation activities include exploratory trenching, direct -push soil sample collection and laboratory analysis, and installation of ground water measuring points also known as piezometers. A topographic survey establishing topography control points was also performed. The PA identified potential pathways and targets. Final recommendation was for a detailed Site Investigation. (6/91). WRI conducted a Preliminary Assessment in 1993 as part of Consent Order 92-E-493 at this site and other MGP sites in Kansas. The PA identified potential targets and pathways and risks associated with this MGP site. (2/93) ONEOK is planning, having prepared a scope of work and various plan documents, to perform an interim removal action as soon as access and implementation issues are resolved. Analytical data show that the site has been impacted with contamin ants typical of former manufactured gas plant sites and petroleum sources. In response ONEOK performed an Interim Removal Action (IRA) between November 2006 and March 2007. ONEOK submitted a draft IRA Completion report which KDHE approved. KDHE and ONEOK met to discuss the path forward for all ONEOK FMGP sites. ONEOK is developing a response to meeting discussions including the need to develop a programmatic approach to all ONEOK FMGP sites including but not limited to completion of characterization requirements (as needed), completion of an Environmental Use Control application (and eventual recording of said EUC), and completion of the Corrective Action Study. This approach will include development of CAS, decision documents (Agency Decision Statement) and Corrective Action Plans. ONEOK has restructured the company and is now known as ONE Gas, Inc. Site ID: 1601 Has Env Use Control: No Project code: C508570037 S107032757 TC4471374.2s Page 313 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation MAP FINDINGS Site EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number ONEOK FMGP - SALINA (Continued) PM Name: COOK, J. Site Status: Active District Office: NCDO Lat/Long: 38.84765/-97.60626 River Basin: Smoky Hills - Saline Aquifer Yield: Not reported Other Aquifers: Not reported Parent PC: Not reported Parent Name: Not reported CERCLIS ID: KSD984988667 Discovery Date: 01/25/1995 Depth To GW: 31-50 feet Depth To Bedrock: >200 feet Aquifer Yield: >1000 gpm GW Flow Direction: E Acres Affected: <5 acres Waste Present: No Product Present: No Program: State Cooperative Lead Agency: BER - Remedial Contaminants: Crude Oil, Heavy Metal, Refined Petroleum, SVOC, VOC Media Act: Ground Water, Soil Media Pot: Ground Water, Soil, Surface Water Source: Abandoned Facility, Aboveground Tank, Facility Operations, Spill, Underground Tank/Piping, Other (see Site Narrative) Land Use: Commercial, Industrial, Residential Private well: Not reported Waste Present: Not reported Product: Not reported Receptor Act: Not reported Receptor Pot: Not reported Remed Air: Not reported Remed Soil: Off -Site Disposal Remed Water: Not reported Remedir: Not reported Alias: FMGP - SALINA Eucan Number: Not reported Date: Not reported Activity Type: Preliminary Assessment (PA) Activity Status: Completed Activity Start Date: Not reported Activity End Date: 02/01/1993 Narrative: The Salina MGP operated from 1881 - 1928. The MGP had one gas holder; a lime, coal, and retort houses; and tar, oil, and above -ground fuel oil tanks. The site is located on northwest comer of East Pine and N. 3rd Street; approximately 1000' from Oxbow Lake of Smoky Hill River. The site covers slightly greater than 1/4 acre. Not reported The site is situated in a light industrial area. Its subsurface co nsists of unconsolidated deposits of the Smoky Hill River valley, alluvium over Cretaceous bedrock and moderate to high permeability at the site for infiltration. Early maps also indicate a water well on-site for operations but its exact location is unknown. In 1931, the coal storage shed portion of the gas works building was used for storage. In 1947, the entire gas works building was used for miscellaneous storage, with an oil tank and gas regulator house occupying the western portion of the site. In 1967, the only S107032757 TC4471374.2s Page 314 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation L] • Site ONEOK FMGP - SALINA (Continued) Site ID: Has Env Use Control Project code: PM Name: Site Status: District Office: Lat/Long: River Basin: Aquifer Yield: Other Aquifers: Parent PC: Parent Name: CERCLIS ID: Discovery Date: Depth To GW: MAP FINDINGS EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number remaining structure was the gas work portion of the site. In 1973, The site was vacant with only a trailer in the southwest portion of property. At present, the site is fenced and being used for parking, storage/debris areas and as a automotive repair facility. Contaminants normally associated with a FMGP site are coal tars an d consist mainly of polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons; purifier residuals of oxides and lime containing sulfur, cyanide, and metals; ash and clinkers with oxides of various metals (including arsenic and lead). Coal tars, ash, clinkers, and other residues are expected near their point of manufacture and as fill in low areas of the MGP. Not reported Investigation/response activity requirements are noted in project documentation and in part were initiated in October 2003. Interim Removal Action Investigation activities include exploratory trenching, direct -push soil sample collection and laboratory analysis, and installation of ground water measuring points also known as piezometers. A topographic survey establishing topography control points was also performed. The PA identified potential pathways and targets. Final recommendation was for a detailed Site Investigation. (6/91). WRI conducted a Preliminary Assessment in 1993 as part of Consent Order 92-E493 at this site and other MGP sites in Kansas. The PA identified potential targets and pathways and risks associated with this MGP site. (2/93) ONEOK is planning, having prepared a scope of work and various plan documents, to perform an interim removal action as soon as access and implementation issues are resolved. Analytical data show that the site has been impacted with contamin ants typical of former manufactured gas plant sites and petroleum sources. In response ONEOK performed an Interim Removal Action (IRA) between November 2006 and March 2007. ONEOK submitted a draft IRA Completion report which KDHE approved. KDHE and ONEOK met to discuss the path forward for all ONEOK FMGP sites. ONEOK is developing a response to meeting discussions including the need to develop a programmatic approach to all ONEOK FMGP sites including but not limited to completion of characterization requirements (as needed), completion of an Environmental Use Control application (and eventual recording of said EUC), and completion of the Corrective Action Study. This approach will include development of CAS, decision documents (Agency Decision Statement) and Corrective Action Plans. ONEOK has restructured the company and is now known as ONE Gas, Inc. 1601 No 0508570037 COOK, J. Active NCDO 38.847651-97.60626 Smoky Hills - Saline Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported KSD984988667 01/2511995 31-50 feet S107032757 TC4471374.2s Page 315 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation • J Site MAP FINDINGS ONEOK FMGP - SALINA (Continued) Depth To Bedrock: >200 feet EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number Aquifer Yield: >1000 gpm GW Flow Direction: E Acres Affected: <5 acres Waste Present: No Product Present: No Program: State Cooperative Lead Agency: BER - Remedial Contaminants: Crude Oil, Heavy Metal, Refined Petroleum, SVOC, VOC Media Act: Ground Water, Soil Media Pot: Ground Water, Soil, Surface Water Source: Abandoned Facility, Aboveground Tank, Facility Operations, Spill, Underground Tank/Piping, Other (see Site Narrative) Land Use: Commercial, Industrial, Residential Private well: Not reported Waste Present: Not reported Product: Not reported Receptor Act: Not reported Receptor Pot: Not reported Remed Air: Not reported Remed Soil: Off -Site Disposal Remed Water: Not reported Remedir: Not reported Alias: FMGP - SALINA Eucan Number: Not reported Date: Not reported Activity Type: Comprehensive Investigation Activity Status: Underway Activity Start Date: 05/05/2003 Activity End Date: Not reported Narrative: The Salina MGP operated from 1881 - 1928. The MGP had one gas holder; a lime, coal, and retort houses; and tar, oil, and above -ground fuel oil tanks. The site is located on northwest comer of East Pine and N. 3rd Street, approximately 1000' from Oxbow Lake of Smoky Hill River. The site covers slightly greater than 1/4 acre. Not reported The site is situated in a light industrial area. Its subsurface co nsists of unconsolidated deposits of the Smoky Hill River valley, alluvium over Cretaceous bedrock and moderate to high permeability at the site for infiltration. Early maps also indicate a water well on-site for operations but its exact location is unknown. In 1931, the coal storage shed portion of the gas works building was used for storage. In 1947, the entire gas works building was used for miscellaneous storage, with an oil tank and gas regulator house occupying the western portion of the site. In 1967, the only remaining structure was the gas work portion of the site. In 1973, The site was vacant with only a trailer in the southwest portion of property. At present, the site is fenced and being used for parking, storage/debris areas and as a automotive repair facility. Contaminants normally associated with a FMGP site are coal tars an d consist mainly of polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons; purifier residuals of oxides and lime containing sulfur, cyanide, and metals; ash and clinkers with oxides of various metals (including arsenic and lead). Coal tars, ash, clinkers, and other residues are expected near their point of manufacture and as fill in low areas of the MGP. Not reported Investigation/response activity requirements are noted in project S107032757 TC4471374.2s Page 316 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation r_1 L_J N72 NNW 114-1/2 0.469 mi 2474 ft. Relative Lower Actual: 1221 ft. r� MAP FINDINGS Site ONEOK FMGP - SALINA (Continued) EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number documentation and in part were initiated in October 2003. Interim Removal Action Investigation activities include exploratory trenching, direct -push soil sample collection and laboratory analysis, and installation of ground water measuring points also known as piezometers. A topographic survey establishing topography control points was also performed. The PA identified potential pathways and targets. Final recommendation was for a detailed Site Investigation. (6/91). WRI conducted a Preliminary Assessment in 1993 as part of Consent Order 92-E-493 at this site and other MGP sites in Kansas. The PA identified potential targets and pathways and risks associated with this MGP site. (2/93) ONEOK is planning, having prepared a scope of work and various plan documents, to perform an interim removal action as soon as access and implementation issues are resolved. Analytical data show that the site has been impacted with contamin ants typical of former manufactured gas plant sites and petroleum sources. In response ONEOK performed an Interim Removal Action (IRA) between November 2006 and March 2007. ONEOK submitted a draft IRA Completion report which KDHE approved. KDHE and ONEOK met to discuss the path forward for all ONEOK FMGP sites. ONEOK is developing a response to meeting discussions including the need to develop a programmatic approach to all ONEOK FMGP sites including but not limited to completion of characterization requirements (as needed), completion of an Environmental Use Control application (and eventual recording of said EUC), and completion of the Corrective Action Study. This approach will include development of CAS, decision documents (Agency Decision Statement) and Corrective Action Plans. ONEOK has restructured the company and is now known as ONE Gas, Inc. 501 NORTH SANTA FE STREET 501 N. SANTA FE SALINA, KS 67401 Site 1 of 2 in cluster N SHWS: Site ID: Has Env Use Control Project code: PM Name: Site Status: District Office: Lat/Long: River Basin: Aquifer Yield: Other Aquifers: Parent PC: Parent Name: CERCLIS ID: Discovery Date: Depth To GW: Depth To Bedrock: Aquifer Yield: GW Flow Direction: Acres Affected: Waste Present: Product Present: 1615 Yes C508570919 BURKE, H. Active NCDO 38.8490781-97.609716 Smoky Hills - Saline Alluvial Not reported Not reported Not reported KSN000703977 03/01/2001 31-50 feet 51-100 feet 10 1 -500 gpm SE 5-25 acres No Yes S107032757 SHWS S106891173 INST CONTROL N/A SPILLS TC4471374.2s Page 317 J �7 • Map ID Direction Distance Elevation F_ MAP FINDINGS Site EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number 501 NORTH SANTA FE STREET (Continued) Program: State Cooperative Lead Agency: BER - Remedial Contaminants: VOC Media Act: Ground Water, Soil Media Pot: Not reported Source: Abandoned Facility, Aboveground Tank, Agricultural Facility, Spill Land Use: Commercial, Industrial Private well: Monitoring, PWS Waste Present: Not reported Product: Chlorinated DNAPL Receptor Act: Not reported Receptor Pot: Public Water Supply Remed Air: Not reported Remed Soil: Contaminated Soil Removed/Offsite, Dual/Multiphase Extraction Remed Water: Not reported Remedir: Not reported Alias: ELM AND FRONT STREET SITE Eucan Number: 06-EUC-0002 Date: 03/01/2006 Activity Type: Transfer Within Bureau Activity Status: Completed Activity Start Date: Not reported Activity End Date: 05/20/2005 Narrative: Carbon tetrachloride (CT), chloroform, 1,2 -DCA, and several other chlorinated hydrocarbons and petroleum compounds were detected in groundwater during the Elm & Front Street Site Preliminary Assessment/Screening Site Inspection (PA/SSI) conducted by KDHE in March 2001. The distribution of contaminants in groundwater suggested that a grain handling facility located on the northwest comer of Santa Fe Ave. and North St. was a source area for CT, 1,2 -DCA. EDB, and several of their degradation products. A release of grain fumigants, composed primarily of CT, from a leaking above -ground storage tank (AST) formerly located at the NE comer of a brick building building at 501 N. Santa Fe occurred at the facility in late 1969 or early 1970's and is believed to have contributed to the groundwater contamination. A search for a potentially responsible party (PRP) produced no active, viable RP for the grain fumigant release and the Site was transferred to the Orphan Sites Unit in 2005. KDHE conducted a series of investigations under the State Water Plan to delineate and characterize the source area and to evaluate possible source removal options. Results of the 2005 investigation identified elevated concentrations of CT, 1,2 DCA and other constituents in soil at the former location of the AST confirming the source area for CT, and groundwater sampling identified a long narrow plume of CT and 1,2 DCA originating from the source area towards the City of Salina's downtown public water supply well field. Interim measure (IM) activities were subsequently initiated by KOH E in 2005 in the source area which included the installation of five large diameter borings (LDB) to depths of 40 feet below ground surface. Over 220 tons of contaminated soil was removed from the source area and properly disposed. The LDBs were completed with air sparge (AS) and soil -vapor extraction (SVE) wells to address remaining soil and source area groundwater issues. On March 1, 2006, an Environmental Use Control Agreement (EUCA) No. 06-EUC-0002 was recorded to document land use controls associated with the remaining impacts. S106891173 TC4471374.2s Page 318 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation • i F_ MAP FINDINGS Site 501 NORTH SANTA FE STREET (Continued) EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number On April 4, 2007, Koch Agriculture Company (KAC) entered into an A greement/Consent Order with KDHE under the State Cooperative Program to conduct a Comprehensive Investigation (CI) and Corrective Action Study (CAS) at the Site and continue operation of the AS/SVE system. The Cl was conducted in 2007-2009 in accordance with KDHE-approved work plans (WPs) dated September 2007 and October 2009. CI activities included direct push borings to collect soil and groundwater samples, installation and sampling of monitoring wells, installation of membrane interface probes, and hydraulic testing. A CI Report and Addendum were approved by KDHE in August 2009 and April 2010, respectively. In addition to source remediation activities, a Groundwater IM WPI Design Package was submitted to KDHE in March 2010, and implemented following KDHE's approval to address migration of the groundwater contaminant plume associated with the Site. The IM consisted of construction of a groundwater treatment system (GWTS) GWTS No. 1 and GWTS No. 2, which began operating in January 2011 and December 2010, respectively. In 2012, an IM pilot study for Electrical Resistivity Heating (ERH thermal treatment in the source area was implemented with a IM Report and WP for full-scale ERH implementation dated November 4, 2013, approved by KDHE on January 3, 2014. Subsequently, the AS/SVE system was decommissioned on April 30, 2014 to allow for construction of the full-scale ERH treatment system, which treatment system became operational on November 20, 2014. The ERH system has been operating efficiently since that time. Groundwater monitoring continues concurrent with ERH and GWTS IM activities at the Site. Site ID: 1615 Has Env Use Control: Yes Project code: 0508570919 PM Name: BURKE. H. Site Status: Active District Office: NCDO Lat/Long: 38.849078 / -97.609716 River Basin: Smoky Hills - Saline Aquifer Yield: Alluvial Other Aquifers: Not reported Parent PC: Not reported Parent Name: Not reported CERCLIS ID: KSN000703977 Discovery Date: 03/01/2001 Depth To GW: 31-50 feet Depth To Bedrock: 51-100 feet Aquifer Yield: 101-500 gpm GW Flow Direction: SE Acres Affected: 5-25 acres Waste Present: No Product Present: Yes Program: State Cooperative Lead Agency: BER - Remedial Contaminants: VOC Media Act: Ground Water, Soil Media Pot: Not reported Source: Abandoned Facility, Aboveground Tank, Agricultural Facility, Spill Land Use: Commercial, Industrial Private well: Monitoring. PWS S106891173 TC4471374.2s Page 319 • r_7 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation Site MAP FINDINGS EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number 501 NORTH SANTA FE STREET (Continued) Waste Present: Not reported Product: Chlorinated DNAPL Receptor Act: Not reported Receptor Pot: Public Water Supply Remed Air: Not reported Remed Soil: Contaminated Soil Removed/Offsite, Dual/Multiphase Extraction Remed Water: Not reported Remedir: Not reported Alias: ELM AND FRONT STREET SITE Eucan Number: 06-EUC-0002 Date: 03/01/2006 Activity Type: Transfer Within Bureau Activity Status: Completed Activity Start Date: Not reported Activity End Date: 05/01/2007 Narrative: Carbon tetrachloride (CT), chloroform, 1,2 -DCA, and several other chlorinated hydrocarbons and petroleum compounds were detected in groundwater during the Elm & Front Street Site Preliminary Assessment/Screening Site Inspection (PA/SSI) conducted by KDHE in March 2001. The distribution of contaminants in groundwater suggested that a grain handling facility located on the northwest comer of Santa Fe Ave. and North St. was a source area for CT, 1,2 -DCA, EDB, and several of their degradation products. A release of grain fumigants, composed primarily of CT, from a leaking above -ground storage tank (AST) formerly located at the NE comer of a brick building building at 501 N. Santa Fe occurred at the facility in late 1969 or early 1970's and is believed to have contributed to the groundwater contamination. A search for a potentially responsible party (PRP) produced no active, viable RP for the grain fumigant release and the Site was transferred to the Orphan Sites Unit in 2005. KDHE conducted a series of investigations under the State Water Plan to delineate and characterize the source area and to evaluate possible source removal options. Results of the 2005 investigation identified elevated concentrations of CT, 1,2 DCA and other constituents in soil at the former location of the AST confirming the source area for CT, and groundwater sampling identified a long narrow plume of CT and 1,2 DCA originating from the source area towards the City of Salina's downtown public water supply well field. Interim measure (IM) activities were subsequently initiated by KDH E in 2005 in the source area which included the installation of five large diameter borings (LDB) to depths of 40 feet below ground surface. Over 220 tons of contaminated soil was removed from the source area and properly disposed. The LDBs were completed with air sparge (AS) and soil -vapor extraction (SVE) wells to address remaining soil and source area groundwater issues. On March 1, 2006, an Environmental Use Control Agreement (EUCA) No. 06-EUC-0002 was recorded to document land use controls associated with the remaining impacts. On April 4, 2007, Koch Agriculture Company (KAC) entered into an A greement/Consent Order with KDHE under the State Cooperative Program to conduct a Comprehensive Investigation (CI) and Corrective Action Study (CAS) at the Site and continue operation of the AS/SVE system. The Cl was conducted in 2007-2009 in accordance with KDHE-approved work plans (WPs) dated September 2007 and October 2009. Cl activities included direct push borings to collect soil and groundwater samples, installation and sampling of monitoring wells, installation of S106891173 TC4471374.2s Page 320 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number • Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number 501 NORTH SANTA FE STREET (Continued) S106891173 membrane interface probes, and hydraulic testing. A Cl Report and Addendum were approved by KDHE in August 2009 and April 2010, respectively. In addition to source remediation activities, a Groundwater IM WP/ Design Package was submitted to KDHE in March 2010, and implemented following KDHE's approval to address migration of the groundwater contaminant plume associated with the Site. The IM consisted of construction of a groundwater treatment system (GWTS) GWTS No. 1 and GWTS No. 2, which began operating in January 2011 and December 2010, respectively. In 2012, an IM pilot study for Electrical Resistivity Heating (ERH thermal treatment in the source area was implemented with a IM Report and WP for full-scale ERH implementation dated November 4, 2013, approved by KDHE on January 3, 2014. Subsequently, the AS/SVE system was decommissioned on April 30, 2014 to allow for construction of the full-scale ERH treatment system, which treatment system became operational on November 20, 2014. The ERH system has been operating efficiently since that time. Groundwater monitoring continues concurrent with ERH and GWTS IM activities at the Site. TC4471374.2s Page 321 Site ID: 1615 Has Env Use Control: Yes Project code: 0508570919 PM Name: BURKE, H. Site Status: Active District Office: LaVLong: NCDO 38.849078/-97.609716 River Basin: Smoky Hills - Saline Aquifer Yield: Alluvial Other Aquifers: Not reported Parent PC: Not reported Parent Name: Not reported CERCLIS ID: KSN000703977 Discovery Date: 03/01/2001 Depth To GW: 31-50 feet Depth To Bedrock: 51-100 feet Aquifer Yield: 10 1 -500 gpm GW Flow Direction: SE Acres Affected: 5-25 acres Waste Present: No Product Present: Yes Program: State Cooperative Lead Agency: BER - Remedial Contaminants: VOC Media Act: Ground Water, Soil Media Pot: Not reported Source: Abandoned Facility, Aboveground Tank, Agricultural Facility, Spill Land Use: Commercial, Industrial Private well. Monitoring, PWS Waste Present: Not reported Product: Chlorinated DNAPL Receptor Act: Not reported Receptor Pot: Public Water Supply Remed Air: Not reported Remed Soil: Contaminated Soil Removed/Offsite, Dual/Multiphase Extraction Remed Water: Not reported Remedir: Not reported TC4471374.2s Page 321 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation • MAP FINDINGS Site EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number 501 NORTH SANTA FE STREET (Continued) Alias: ELM AND FRONT STREET SITE Eucan Number: 06-EUC-0002 Date: 03/01/2006 Activity Type: Environmental Use Control(s) Activity Status: Completed Activity Start Date: Not reported Activity End Date: 03/01/2006 Narrative: Carbon tetrachloride (CT), chloroform, 1,2 -DCA, and several other chlorinated hydrocarbons and petroleum compounds were detected in groundwater during the Elm & Front Street Site Preliminary Assessment/Screening Site Inspection (PA/SSI) conducted by KDHE in March 2001. The distribution of contaminants in groundwater suggested that a grain handling facility located on the northwest comer of Santa Fe Ave. and North St. was a source area for CT, 1,2 -DCA, EDB, and several of their degradation products. A release of grain fumigants, composed primarily of CT, from a leaking above -ground storage tank (AST) formerly located at the NE comer of a brick building building at 501 N. Santa Fe occurred at the facility in late 1969 or early 1970's and is believed to have contributed to the groundwater contamination. A search for a potentially responsible party (PRP) produced no active, viable RP for the grain fumigant release and the Site was transferred to the Orphan Sites Unit in 2005. KDHE conducted a series of investigations under the State Water Plan to delineate and characterize the source area and to evaluate possible source removal options. Results of the 2005 investigation identified elevated concentrations of CT, 1,2 DCA and other constituents in soil at the former location of the AST confirming the source area for CT, and groundwater sampling identified a long narrow plume of CT and 1,2 DCA originating from the source area towards the City of Salina's downtown public water supply well field. Interim measure (IM) activities were subsequently initiated by KDH E in 2005 in the source area which included the installation of five large diameter borings (LDB) to depths of 40 feet below ground surface. Over 220 tons of contaminated soil was removed from the source area and properly disposed. The LDBs were completed with air sparge (AS) and soil -vapor extraction (SVE) wells to address remaining soil and source area groundwater issues. On March 1. 2006, an Environmental Use Control Agreement (EUCA) No. 06-EUC-0002 was recorded to document land use controls associated with the remaining impacts. On April 4, 2007, Koch Agriculture Company (KAC) entered into an A gree ment/Consent Order with KDHE under the State Cooperative Program to conduct a Comprehensive Investigation (CI) and Corrective Action Study (CAS) at the Site and continue operation of the AS/SVE system. The Cl was conducted in 2007-2009 in accordance with KDHE-approved work plans (WPs) dated September 2007 and October 2009. Cl activities included direct push borings to collect soil and groundwater samples, installation and sampling of monitoring wells, installation of membrane interface probes, and hydraulic testing. A Cl Report and Addendum were approved by KDHE in August 2009 and April 2010. respectively. In addition to source remediation activities, a Groundwater IM WP/ Design Package was submitted to KDHE in March 2010, and implemented following KDHE's approval to address migration of the groundwater contaminant plume associated with the Site. The IM consisted of construction of a groundwater treatment system (GWTS) GWTS No. 1 and S106891173 TC4471374.2s Page 322 0 • • Map ID Direction Distance Elevation MAP FINDINGS Site 501 NORTH SANTA FE STREET (Continued) EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number GWTS No. 2, which began operating in January 2011 and December 2010, respectively. In 2012, an IM pilot study for Electrical Resistivity Heating (ERH thermal treatment in the source area was implemented with a IM Report and WP for full-scale ERH implementation dated November 4, 2013, approved by KDHE on January 3, 2014. Subsequently, the AS/SVE system was decommissioned on April 30, 2014 to allow for construction of the full-scale ERH treatment system, which treatment system became operational on November 20, 2014. The ERH system has been operating efficiently since that time. Groundwater monitoring continues concurrent with ERH and GWTS IM activities at the Site. Site ID: 1615 Has Env Use Control: Yes Project code: C508570919 PM Name: BURKE, H. Site Status: Active District Office: NCDO Lat/Long: 38.849078 / -97.609716 River Basin: Smoky Hills - Saline Aquifer Yield: Alluvial Other Aquifers: Not reported Parent PC: Not reported Parent Name: Not reported CERCLIS ID: KSN000703977 Discovery Date: 03/01/2001 Depth To GW: 31-50 feet Depth To Bedrock: 51-100 feet Aquifer Yield: 101-500 gpm GW Flow Direction: SE Acres Affected: 5-25 acres Waste Present: No Product Present: Yes Program: State Cooperative Lead Agency: BER - Remedial Contaminants: VOC Media Act: Ground Water, Soil Media Pot: Not reported Source: Abandoned Facility, Aboveground Tank, Agricultural Facility, Spill Land Use: Commercial, Industrial Private well: Monitoring, PWS Waste Present: Not reported Product: Chlorinated DNAPL Receptor Act: Not reported Receptor Pot: Public Water Supply Remed Air: Not reported Remed Soil: Contaminated Soil Removed/Offsite, Dual/Multiphase Extraction Remed Water: Not reported Remedir: Not reported Alias: ELM AND FRONT STREET SITE Eucan Number: 06-EUC-0002 Date: 03/01/2006 Activity Type: Site Inspection Activity Status: Completed Activity Start Date: Not reported Activity End Date: 03/11/2001 Narrative: Carbon tetrachloride (CT), chloroform, 1,2 -DCA, and several other 5106891173 TC4471374.2s Page 323 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation MAP FINDINGS Site 501 NORTH SANTA FE STREET (Continued) EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number chlorinated hydrocarbons and petroleum compounds were detected in groundwater during the Elm & Front Street Site Preliminary Assessment/Screening Site Inspection (PA/SSI) conducted by KDHE in March 2001. The distribution of contaminants in groundwater suggested that a grain handling facility located on the northwest comer of Santa Fe Ave. and North St. was a source area for CT, 1,2 -DCA, EDB, and several of their degradation products. A release of grain fumigants, composed primarily of CT, from a leaking above -ground storage tank (AST) formerly located at the NE comer of a brick building building at 501 N. Santa Fe occurred at the facility in late 1969 or early 1970's and is believed to have contributed to the groundwater contamination. A search for a potentially responsible party (PRP) produced no active, viable RP for the grain fumigant release and the Site was transferred to the Orphan Sites Unit in 2005. KDHE conducted a series of investigations under the State Water Plan to delineate and characterize the source area and to evaluate possible source removal options. Results of the 2005 investigation identified elevated concentrations of CT, 1,2 DCA and other constituents in soil at the former location of the AST confirming the source area for CT, and groundwater sampling identified a long narrow plume of CT and 1,2 DCA originating from the source area towards the City of Salina's downtown public water supply well field. Interim measure (IM) activities were subsequently initiated by KDH E in 2005 in the source area which included the installation of five large diameter borings (LDB) to depths of 40 feet below ground surface. Over 220 tons of contaminated soil was removed from the source area and properly disposed. The LDBs were completed with air sparge (AS) and soil -vapor extraction (SVE) wells to address remaining soil and source area groundwater issues. On March 1, 2006, an Environmental Use Control Agreement (EUCA) No. 06-EUC-0002 was recorded to document land use controls associated with the remaining impacts. On April 4, 2007, Koch Agriculture Company (KAC) entered into an A greement/Consent Order with KDHE under the State Cooperative Program to conduct a Comprehensive Investigation (CI) and Corrective Action Study (CAS) at the Site and continue operation of the AS/SVE system. The Cl was conducted in 2007-2009 in accordance with KDHE-approved work plans (WPs) dated September 2007 and October 2009. Cl activities included direct push borings to collect soil and groundwater samples, installation and sampling of monitoring wells, installation of membrane interface probes, and hydraulic testing. A Cl Report and Addendum were approved by KDHE in August 2009 and April 2010, respectively. In addition to source remediation activities. a Groundwater IM WP/ Design Package was submitted to KDHE in March 2010, and implemented following KDHE's approval to address migration of the groundwater contaminant plume associated with the Site. The IM consisted of construction of a groundwater treatment system (GWTS) GWTS No. 1 and GWTS No. 2, which began operating in January 2011 and December 2010, respectively. In 2012, an IM pilot study for Electrical Resistivity Heating (ERH thermal treatment in the source area was implemented with a IM Report and WP for full-scale ERH implementation dated November 4, 2013, approved by KDHE on January 3, 2014. Subsequently, the AS/SVE system was decommissioned on April 30, 2014 to allow for construction of the full-scale ERH treatment system, which treatment system became S106891173 TC4471374.2s Page 324 ri L71 as Map ID Direction Distance Elevation MAP FINDINGS Site 501 NORTH SANTA FE STREET (Continued) EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number operational on November 20, 2014. The ERH system has been operating efficiently since that time. Groundwater monitoring continues concurrent with ERH and GWTS IM activities at the Site. Site ID: 1615 Has Env Use Control: Yes Project code: C508570919 PM Name: BURKE, H. Site Status: Active District Office: NCDO Lat/Long: 38.849078 / -97.609716 River Basin: Smoky Hills - Saline Aquifer Yield: Alluvial Other Aquifers: Not reported Parent PC: Not reported Parent Name: Not reported CERCLIS ID: KSN000703977 Discovery Date: 03/01/2001 Depth To GW: 31-50 feet Depth To Bedrock: 51-100 feet Aquifer Yield: 10 1 -500 gpm GW Flow Direction: SE Acres Affected: 5-25 acres Waste Present: No Product Present: Yes Program: State Cooperative Lead Agency: BER - Remedial Contaminants: VOC Media Act: Ground Water, Soil Media Pot: Not reported Source: Abandoned Facility, Aboveground Tank, Agricultural Facility, Spill Land Use: Commercial, Industrial Private well: Monitoring, PWS Waste Present: Not reported Product: Chlorinated DNAPL Receptor Act: Not reported Receptor Pot: Public Water Supply Remed Air: Not reported Remed Soil: Contaminated Soil Removed/Offsite, Dual/Multiphase Extraction Remed Water: Not reported Remedir: Not reported Alias: ELM AND FRONT STREET SITE Eucan Number: 06-EUC-0002 Date: 03/01/2006 Activity Type: Interim Remedial Measure - source Activity Status: Underway Activity Start Date: 08/14/2012 Activity End Date: Not reported Narrative: Carbon tetrachloride (CT), chloroform, 1,2 -DCA, and several other chlorinated hydrocarbons and petroleum compounds were detected in groundwater during the Elm & Front Street Site Preliminary Assessment/Screening Site Inspection (PA/SSI) conducted by KDHE in March 2001. The distribution of contaminants in groundwater suggested that a grain handling facility located on the northwest comer of Santa Fe Ave. and North St. was a source area for CT, 1,2 -DCA, EDB, and several of their degradation products. A release of grain fumigants, composed primarily of CT, from a leaking above -ground S106891173 TC4471374.2s Page 325 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation C� • r�] MAP FINDINGS Site 501 NORTH SANTA FE STREET (Continued) EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number storage tank (AST) formerly located at the NE corner of a brick building building at 501 N. Santa Fe occurred at the facility in late 1969 or early 1970's and is believed to have contributed to the groundwater contamination. A search for a potentially responsible party (PRP) produced no active, viable RP for the grain fumigant release and the Site was transferred to the Orphan Sites Unit in 2005. KDHE conducted a series of investigations under the State Water Plan to delineate and characterize the source area and to evaluate possible source removal options. Results of the 2005 investigation identified elevated concentrations of CT, 1,2 DCA and other constituents in soil at the former location of the AST confirming the source area for CT, and groundwater sampling identified a long narrow plume of CT and 1,2 DCA originating from the source area towards the City of Salina's downtown public water supply well field. Interim measure (IM) activities were subsequently initiated by KDH E in 2005 in the source area which included the installation of five large diameter borings (LDB) to depths of 40 feet below ground surface. Over 220 tons of contaminated soil was removed from the source area and properly disposed. The LDBs were completed with air sparge (AS) and soil -vapor extraction (SVE) wells to address remaining soil and source area groundwater issues. On March 1, 2006, an Environmental Use Control Agreement (EUCA) No. 06-EUC-0002 was recorded to document land use controls associated with the remaining impacts. On April 4, 2007, Koch Agriculture Company (KAC) entered into an A greement/Consent Order with KDHE under the State Cooperative Program to conduct a Comprehensive Investigation (CI) and Corrective Action Study (CAS) at the Site and continue operation of the AS/SVE system. The Cl was conducted in 2007-2009 in accordance with KDHE-approved work plans (WPs) dated September 2007 and October 2009. Cl activities included direct push borings to collect soil and groundwater samples, installation and sampling of monitoring wells, installation of membrane interface probes, and hydraulic testing. A CI Report and Addendum were approved by KDHE in August 2009 and April 2010, respectively. In addition to source remediation activities, a Groundwater IM WP/ Design Package was submitted to KDHE in March 2010, and implemented following KDHE's approval to address migration of the groundwater contaminant plume associated with the Site. The IM consisted of construction of a groundwater treatment system (GWTS) GWTS No. 1 and GWTS No. 2, which began operating in January 2011 and December 2010, respectively. In 2012, an IM pilot study for Electrical Resistivity Heating (ERH thermal treatment in the source area was implemented with a IM Report and WP for full-scale ERH implementation dated November 4, 2013, approved by KDHE on January 3, 2014. Subsequently, the AS/SVE system was decommissioned on April 30, 2014 to allow for construction of the full-scale ERH treatment system, which treatment system became operational on November 20, 2014. The ERH system has been operating efficiently since that time. Groundwater monitoring continues concurrent with ERH and GWTS IM activities at the Site. Site ID: 1615 Has Env Use Control: Yes Project code: 0508570919 PM Name: BURKE, H. S106891173 TC4471374.2s Page 326 • • • Map ID Direction Distance Elevation MAP FINDINGS Site EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number 501 NORTH SANTA FE STREET (Continued) Site Status: Active District Office: NCDO Lat/Long: 38.849078/-97.609716 River Basin: Smoky Hills - Saline Aquifer Yield: Alluvial Other Aquifers: Not reported Parent PC: Not reported Parent Name: Not reported CERCLIS ID: KSN000703977 Discovery Date: 03/01/2001 Depth To GW: 31-50 feet Depth To Bedrock: 51-100 feet Aquifer Yield: 101-500 gpm GW Flow Direction: SE Acres Affected: 5-25 acres Waste Present: No Product Present: Yes Program: State Cooperative Lead Agency: BER - Remedial Contaminants: VOC Media Act: Ground Water, Soil Media Pot: Not reported Source: Abandoned Facility, Aboveground Tank, Agricultural Facility, Spill Land Use: Commercial, Industrial Private well: Monitoring, PWS Waste Present: Not reported Product: Chlorinated DNAPL Receptor Act: Not reported Receptor Pot: Public Water Supply Remed Air: Not reported Remed Soil: Contaminated Soil Removed/Offsite, Dual/Multiphase Extraction Remed Water: Not reported Remedir: Not reported Alias: ELM AND FRONT STREET SITE Eucan Number: 06-EUC-0002 Date: 03/01/2006 Activity Type: Interim Remedial Measure - source Activity Status: Underway Activity Start Date: 10/08/2005 Activity End Date: Not reported Narrative: Carbon tetrachloride (CT), chloroform, 1,2 -DCA, and several other chlorinated hydrocarbons and petroleum compounds were detected in groundwater during the Elm & Front Street Site Preliminary Assessment/Screening Site Inspection (PA/SSI) conducted by KDHE in March 2001. The distribution of contaminants in groundwater suggested that a grain handling facility located on the northwest comer of Santa Fe Ave. and North St. was a source area for CT, 1,2 -DCA, EDB, and several of their degradation products. A release of grain fumigants, composed primarily of CT, from a leaking above -ground storage tank (AST) formerly located at the NE corner of a brick building building at 501 N. Santa Fe occurred at the facility in late 1969 or early 1970's and is believed to have contributed to the groundwater contamination. A search for a potentially responsible party (PRP) produced no active, viable RP for the grain fumigant release and the Site was transferred to the Orphan Sites Unit in 2005. KDHE conducted a series of investigations under the State Water Plan to delineate and characterize the source area and to evaluate S106891173 TC4471374.2s Page 327 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation • C MAP FINDINGS Site 501 NORTH SANTA FE STREET (Continued) EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number possible source removal options. Results of the 2005 investigation identified elevated concentrations of CT, 1,2 DCA and other constituents in soil at the former location of the AST confirming the source area for CT, and groundwater sampling identified a long narrow plume of CT and 1,2 DCA originating from the source area towards the City of Salina's downtown public water supply well field. Interim measure (IM) activities were subsequently initiated by KDH E in 2005 in the source area which included the installation of five large diameter borings (LDB) to depths of 40 feet below ground surface. Over 220 tons of contaminated soil was removed from the source area and properly disposed. The LDBs were completed with air sparge (AS) and soil -vapor extraction (SVE) wells to address remaining soil and source area groundwater issues. On March 1, 2006, an Environmental Use Control Agreement (EUCA) No. 06-EUC-0002 was recorded to document land use controls associated with the remaining impacts. On April 4, 2007, Koch Agriculture Company (KAC) entered into an A greement/Consent Order with KDHE under the State Cooperative Program to conduct a Comprehensive Investigation (CI) and Corrective Action Study (CAS) at the Site and continue operation of the AS/SVE system. The Cl was conducted in 2007-2009 in accordance with KDHE-approved work plans (WPs) dated September 2007 and October 2009. CI activities included direct push borings to collect soil and groundwater samples, installation and sampling of monitoring wells, installation of membrane interface probes, and hydraulic testing. A Cl Report and Addendum were approved by KDHE in August 2009 and April 2010, respectively. In addition to source remediation activities, a Groundwater IM WP/ Design Package was submitted to KDHE in March 2010, and implemented following KDHE's approval to address migration of the groundwater contaminant plume associated with the Site. The IM consisted of construction of a groundwater treatment system (GWTS) GWTS No. 1 and GWTS No. 2, which began operating in January 2011 and December 2010, respectively. In 2012, an IM pilot study for Electrical Resistivity Heating (ERH thermal treatment in the source area was implemented with a IM Report and WP for full-scale ERH implementation dated November 4, 2013, approved by KDHE on January 3, 2014. Subsequently, the AS/SVE system was decommissioned on April 30, 2014 to allow for construction of the full-scale ERH treatment system, which treatment system became operational on November 20, 2014. The ERH system has been operating efficiently since that time. Groundwater monitoring continues concurrent with ERH and GWTS IM activities at the Site. Site ID: 1615 Has Env Use Control: Yes Project code: C508570919 PM Name: BURKE, H. Site Status: Active District Office: NCDO Lat/Long: 38.849078/-97.609716 River Basin: Smoky Hills - Saline Aquifer Yield: Alluvial Other Aquifers: Not reported Parent PC: Not reported Parent Name: Not reported S106891173 TC4471374.2s Page 328 • • M Map ID Direction Distance Elevation MAP FINDINGS Site EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number 501 NORTH SANTA FE STREET (Continued) CERCLIS ID: KSN000703977 Discovery Date: 03/01/2001 Depth To GW: 31-50 feet Depth To Bedrock: 51-100 feet Aquifer Yield: 101-500 gpm GW Flow Direction: SE Acres Affected: 5-25 acres Waste Present: No Product Present: Yes Program: State Cooperative Lead Agency: BER - Remedial Contaminants: VOC Media Act: Ground Water, Soil Media Pot: Not reported Source: Abandoned Facility, Aboveground Tank, Agricultural Facility, Spill Land Use: Commercial, Industrial Private well: Monitoring, PWS Waste Present: Not reported Product: Chlorinated DNAPL Receptor Act: Not reported Receptor Pot: Public Water Supply Remed Air: Not reported Remed Soil: Contaminated Soil Removed/Offsite, Dual/Multiphase Extraction Remed Water: Not reported Remedir: Not reported Alias: ELM AND FRONT STREET SITE Eucan Number: 06-EUC-0002 Date: 03/0112006 Activity Type: Interim Remedial Measure - downgradient Activity Status: Underway Activity Start Date: 03/30/2010 Activity End Date: Not reported Narrative: Carbon tetrachloride (CT), chloroform, 1,2 -DCA, and several other chlorinated hydrocarbons and petroleum compounds were detected in groundwater during the Elm & Front Street Site Preliminary Assessment/Screening Site Inspection (PA/SSI) conducted by KDHE in March 2001. The distribution of contaminants in groundwater suggested that a grain handling facility located on the northwest comer of Santa Fe Ave. and North St. was a source area for CT, 1,2 -DCA, EDB, and several of their degradation products. A release of grain fumigants, composed primarily of CT, from a leaking above -ground storage tank (AST) formerly located at the NE corner of a brick building building at 501 N. Santa Fe occurred at the facility in late 1969 or early 1970's and is believed to have contributed to the groundwater contamination. A search for a potentially responsible party (PRP) produced no active, viable RP for the grain fumigant release and the Site was transferred to the Orphan Sites Unit in 2005. KDHE conducted a series of investigations under the State Water Plan to delineate and characterize the source area and to evaluate possible source removal options. Results of the 2005 investigation identified elevated concentrations of CT, 1,2 DCA and other constituents in soil at the former location of the AST confirming the source area for CT, and groundwater sampling identified a long narrow plume of CT and 1,2 DCA originating from the source area towards the City of Salina's downtown public water supply well field. Interim measure (IM) activities were subsequently initiated by KDH S106891173 TC4471374.2s Page 329 • • Map ID Direction Distance Elevation Site 501 NORTH SANTA FE STREET (Continued) Site ID: Has Env Use Control Project code: PM Name: Site Status: District Office: Lat/Long: River Basin: Aquifer Yield: Other Aquifers: Parent PC: Parent Name: CERCLIS ID: Discovery Date: Depth To GW: Depth To Bedrock: Aquifer Yield: GW Flow Direction: Acres Affected: Waste Present: MAP FINDINGS EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number E in 2005 in the source area which included the installation of five large diameter borings (LDB) to depths of 40 feet below ground surface. Over 220 tons of contaminated soil was removed from the source area and properly disposed. The LDBs were completed with air sparge (AS) and soil -vapor extraction (SVE) wells to address remaining soil and source area groundwater issues. On March 1, 2006, an Environmental Use Control Agreement (EUCA) No. 06-EUC-0002 was recorded to document land use controls associated with the remaining impacts. On April 4, 2007, Koch Agriculture Company (KAC) entered into an A greement/Consent Order with KDHE under the State Cooperative Program to conduct a Comprehensive Investigation (CI) and Corrective Action Study (CAS) at the Site and continue operation of the AS/SVE system. The Cl was conducted in 2007-2009 in accordance with KDHE-approved work plans (WPs) dated September 2007 and October 2009. Cl activities included direct push borings to collect soil and groundwater samples, installation and sampling of monitoring wells, installation of membrane interface probes, and hydraulic testing. A Cl Report and Addendum were approved by KDHE in August 2009 and April 2010, respectively. In addition to source remediation activities, a Groundwater IM WP/ Design Package was submitted to KDHE in March 2010, and implemented following KDHE's approval to address migration of the groundwater contaminant plume associated with the Site. The IM consisted of construction of a groundwater treatment system (GWTS) GWTS No. 1 and GWTS No. 2, which began operating in January 2011 and December 2010, respectively. In 2012, an IM pilot study for Electrical Resistivity Heating (ERH thermal treatment in the source area was implemented with a IM Report and WP for full-scale ERH implementation dated November 4, 2013, approved by KDHE on January 3, 2014. Subsequently, the AS/SVE system was decommissioned on April 30, 2014 to allow for construction of the full-scale ERH treatment system, which treatment system became operational on November 20, 2014. The ERH system has been operating efficiently since that time. Groundwater monitoring continues concurrent with ERH and GWTS IM activities at the Site. 1615 Yes 0508570919 BURKE, H. Active NCDO 38.849078/-97.609716 Smoky Hills - Saline Alluvial Not reported Not reported Not reported KSN000703977 03/01/2001 31-50 feet 51-100 feet 101-500 gpm SE 5-25 acres No S106891173 TC4471374.2s Page 330 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation L] • �il MAP FINDINGS Site EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number 501 NORTH SANTA FE STREET (Continued) Product Present: Yes Program: State Cooperative Lead Agency: BER - Remedial Contaminants: VOC Media Act: Ground Water, Soil Media Pot: Not reported Source: Abandoned Facility, Aboveground Tank, Agricultural Facility, Spill Land Use: Commercial, Industrial Private well: Monitoring, PWS Waste Present: Not reported Product: Chlorinated DNAPL Receptor Act: Not reported Receptor Pot: Public Water Supply Remed Air: Not reported Remed Soil: Contaminated Soil Removed/Offsite, Dual/Multiphase Extraction Remed Water: Not reported Remedir: Not reported Alias: ELM AND FRONT STREET SITE Eucan Number: 06-EUC-0002 Date: 03/01/2006 Activity Type: Agreement Activity Status: Completed Activity Start Date: Not reported Activity End Date: 11/10/2009 Narrative: Carbon tetrachloride (CT), chloroform, 1,2 -DCA, and several other chlorinated hydrocarbons and petroleum compounds were detected in groundwater during the Elm & Front Street Site Preliminary Assessment/Screening Site Inspection (PA/SSI) conducted by KDHE in March 2001. The distribution of contaminants in groundwater suggested that a grain handling facility located on the northwest comer of Santa Fe Ave. and North St. was a source area for CT, 1,2 -DCA, EDB, and several of their degradation products. A release of grain fumigants, composed primarily of CT, from a leaking above -ground storage tank (AST) formerly located at the NE comer of a brick building building at 501 N. Santa Fe occurred at the facility in late 1969 or early 1970's and is believed to have contributed to the groundwater contamination. A search for a potentially responsible party (PRP) produced no active, viable RP for the grain fumigant release and the Site was transferred to the Orphan Sites Unit in 2005- KDHE conducted a series of investigations under the State Water Plan to delineate and characterize the source area and to evaluate possible source removal options. Results of the 2005 investigation identified elevated concentrations of CT, 1,2 DCA and other constituents in soil at the former location of the AST confirming the source area for CT, and groundwater sampling identified a long narrow plume of CT and 1,2 DCA originating from the source area towards the City of Salina's downtown public water supply well field. Interim measure (IM) activities were subsequently initiated by KDH E in 2005 in the source area which included the installation of five large diameter borings (LDB) to depths of 40 feet below ground surface. Over 220 tons of contaminated soil was removed from the source area and properly disposed. The LDBs were completed with air sparge (AS) and soil -vapor extraction (SVE) wells to address remaining soil and source area groundwater issues. On March 1, 2006. an Environmental Use Control Agreement (EUCA) No. 06-EUC-0002 was recorded to document land use controls associated with the remaining S106891173 TC4471374.2s Page 331 0 M Map ID Direction Distance Elevation MAP FINDINGS Site 501 NORTH SANTA FE STREET (Continued) EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number impacts. On April 4, 2007, Koch Agriculture Company (KAC) entered into an A greement/Consent Order with KDHE under the State Cooperative Program to conduct a Comprehensive Investigation (CI) and Corrective Action Study (CAS) at the Site and continue operation of the AS/SVE system. The Cl was conducted in 2007-2009 in accordance with KDHE-approved work plans (WPs) dated September 2007 and October 2009- Cl activities included direct push borings to collect soil and groundwater samples, installation and sampling of monitoring wells, installation of membrane interface probes, and hydraulic testing. A Cl Report and Addendum were approved by KDHE in August 2009 and April 2010, respectively. In addition to source remediation activities, a Groundwater IM WP/ Design Package was submitted to KDHE in March 2010, and implemented following KDHE's approval to address migration of the groundwater contaminant plume associated with the Site. The IM consisted of construction of a groundwater treatment system (GWTS) GWTS No. 1 and GWTS No. 2, which began operating in January 2011 and December 2010, respectively. In 2012, an IM pilot study for Electrical Resistivity Heating (ERH thermal treatment in the source area was implemented with a IM Report and WP for full-scale ERH implementation dated November 4, 2013, approved by KDHE on January 3, 2014. Subsequently, the AS/SVE system was decommissioned on April 30, 2014 to allow for construction of the full-scale ERH treatment system, which treatment system became operational on November 20, 2014. The ERH system has been operating efficiently since that time. Groundwater monitoring continues concurrent with ERH and GWTS IM activities at the Site. Site ID: 1615 Has Env Use Control: Yes Project code: 0508570919 PM Name: BURKE, H. Site Status: Active District Office: NCDO Lat/Long: 38.849078 / -97.609716 River Basin: Smoky Hills - Saline Aquifer Yield: Alluvial Other Aquifers: Not reported Parent PC: Not reported Parent Name: Not reported CERCLIS ID: KSN000703977 Discovery Date: 03/01/2001 Depth To GW: 31-50 feet Depth To Bedrock: 51-100 feet Aquifer Yield: 101-500 gpm GW Flow Direction: SE Acres Affected: 5-25 acres Waste Present: No Product Present: Yes Program: State Cooperative Lead Agency: BER - Remedial Contaminants: VOC Media Act: Ground Water, Soil Media Pot: Not reported Source: Abandoned Facility, Aboveground Tank, Agricultural Facility, Spill Land Use: Commercial. Industrial S106891173 TC4471374.2s Page 332 0 L�] • Map ID Direction Distance Elevation Site MAP FINDINGS EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number 501 NORTH SANTA FE STREET (Continued) Private well: Monitoring, PWS Waste Present: Not reported Product: Chlorinated DNAPL Receptor Act: Not reported Receptor Pot: Public Water Supply Remed Air: Not reported Remed Soil: Contaminated Soil Removed/Offsite, Dual/Multiphase Extraction Remed Water: Not reported Remedir: Not reported Alias: ELM AND FRONT STREET SITE Eucan Number: 06-EUC-0002 Date: 03/01/2006 Activity Type: Comprehensive Investigation Activity Status: Completed Activity Start Date: 07/01/2007 Activity End Date: 04/22/2010 Narrative: Carbon tetrachloride (CT), chloroform, 1,2 -DCA, and several other chlorinated hydrocarbons and petroleum compounds were detected in groundwater during the Elm & Front Street Site Preliminary Assessment/Screening Site Inspection (PA/SSI) conducted by KDHE in March 2001. The distribution of contaminants in groundwater suggested that a grain handling facility located on the northwest comer of Santa Fe Ave. and North St. was a source area for CT, 1,2 -DCA, EDB, and several of their degradation products. A release of grain fumigants, composed primarily of CT, from a leaking above -ground storage tank (AST) formerly located at the NE comer of a brick building building at 501 N. Santa Fe occurred at the facility in late 1969 or early 1970's and is believed to have contributed to the groundwater contamination. A search for a potentially responsible party (PRP) produced no active, viable RP for the grain fumigant release and the Site was transferred to the Orphan Sites Unit in 2005. KDHE conducted a series of investigations under the State Water Plan to delineate and characterize the source area and to evaluate possible source removal options. Results of the 2005 investigation identified elevated concentrations of CT, 1,2 DCA and other constituents in soil at the former location of the AST confirming the source area for CT, and groundwater sampling identified a long narrow plume of CT and 1,2 DCA originating from the source area towards the City of Salina's downtown public water supply well field. Interim measure (IM) activities were subsequently initiated by KDH E in 2005 in the source area which included the installation of five large diameter borings (LDB) to depths of 40 feet below ground surface. Over 220 tons of contaminated soil was removed from the source area and properly disposed. The LDBs were completed with air sparge (AS) and soil -vapor extraction (SVE) wells to address remaining soil and source area groundwater issues. On March 1, 2006, an Environmental Use Control Agreement (EUCA) No. 06-EUC-0002 was recorded to document land use controls associated with the remaining impacts. On April 4, 2007, Koch Agriculture Company (KAC) entered into an A greement/Consent Order with KDHE under the State Cooperative Program to conduct a Comprehensive Investigation (CI) and Corrective Action Study (CAS) at the Site and continue operation of the AS/SVE system. The CI was conducted in 2007-2009 in accordance with KDHE-approved work plans (WPs) dated September 2007 and October 2009- Cl activities included direct push borings to collect soil and groundwater samples, S106891173 TC4471374.2s Page 333 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation 0 • MAP FINDINGS Site 501 NORTH SANTA FE STREET (Continued) EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number installation and sampling of monitoring wells, installation of membrane interface probes, and hydraulic testing. A CI Report and Addendum were approved by KDHE in August 2009 and April 2010, respectively. In addition to source remediation activities, a Groundwater IM WP/ Design Package was submitted to KDHE in March 2010, and implemented following KDHE's approval to address migration of the groundwater contaminant plume associated with the Site. The IM consisted of construction of a groundwater treatment system (GWTS) GWTS No. 1 and GWTS No. 2, which began operating in January 2011 and December 2010, respectively. In 2012, an IM pilot study for Electrical Resistivity Heating (ERH thermal treatment in the source area was implemented with a IM Report and WP for full-scale ERH implementation dated November 4, 2013, approved by KDHE on January 3, 2014. Subsequently, the AS/SVE system was decommissioned on April 30, 2014 to allow for construction of the full-scale ERH treatment system, which treatment system became operational on November 20, 2014. The ERH system has been operating efficiently since that time. Groundwater monitoring continues concurrent with ERH and GWTS IM activities at the Site. Site ID: 1615 Has Env Use Control: Yes Project code: C508570919 PM Name: BURKE, H. Site Status: Active District Office: NCDO Lat/Long: 38.849078/-97.609716 River Basin: Smoky Hills - Saline Aquifer Yield: Alluvial Other Aquifers: Not reported Parent PC: Not reported Parent Name: Not reported CERCLIS ID: KSN000703977 Discovery Date: 03/01/2001 Depth To GW: 31-50 feet Depth To Bedrock: 51-100 feet Aquifer Yield: 10 1 -500 gpm GW Flow Direction: SE Acres Affected: 5-25 acres Waste Present: No Product Present: Yes Program: State Cooperative Lead Agency: BER - Remedial Contaminants: VOC Media Act: Ground Water, Soil Media Pot: Not reported Source: Abandoned Facility, Aboveground Tank, Agricultural Facility, Spill Land Use: Commercial, Industrial Private well: Monitoring, PWS Waste Present: Not reported Product: Chlorinated DNAPL Receptor Act: Not reported Receptor Pot: Public Water Supply Remed Air: Not reported Remed Soil: Contaminated Soil Removed/Offsite, Dual/Multiphase Extraction Remed Water: Not reported S106891173 TC4471374.2s Page 334 • Ll Map ID Direction Distance Elevation MAP FINDINGS Site EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number 501 NORTH SANTA FE STREET (Continued) Remedir: Not reported Alias: ELM AND FRONT STREET SITE Eucan Number: 06-EUC-0002 Date: 03/01/2006 Activity Type: Agreement Activity Status: Completed Activity Start Date: Not reported Activity End Date: 04/20/2010 Narrative: Carbon tetrachloride (CT), chloroform, 1,2 -DCA, and several other chlorinated hydrocarbons and petroleum compounds were detected in groundwater during the Elm & Front Street Site Preliminary Assessment/Screening Site Inspection (PA/SSI) conducted by KDHE in March 2001. The distribution of contaminants in groundwater suggested that a grain handling facility located on the northwest comer of Santa Fe Ave. and North St. was a source area for CT, 1,2 -DCA, EDB, and several of their degradation products. A release of grain fumigants, composed primarily of CT, from a leaking above -ground storage tank (AST) formerly located at the NE comer of a brick building building at 501 N. Santa Fe occurred at the facility in late 1969 or early 1970's and is believed to have contributed to the groundwater contamination. A search for a potentially responsible party (PRP) produced no active, viable RP for the grain fumigant release and the Site was transferred to the Orphan Sites Unit in 2005. KDHE conducted a series of investigations under the State Water Plan to delineate and characterize the source area and to evaluate possible source removal options. Results of the 2005 investigation identified elevated concentrations of CT, 1,2 DCA and other constituents in soil at the former location of the AST confirming the source area for CT, and groundwater sampling identified a long narrow plume of CT and 1,2 DCA originating from the source area towards the City of Salina's downtown public water supply well field. Interim measure (IM) activities were subsequently initiated by KDH E in 2005 in the source area which included the installation of five large diameter borings (LDB) to depths of 40 feet below ground surface. Over 220 tons of contaminated soil was removed from the source area and properly disposed. The LDBs were completed with air sparge (AS) and soil -vapor extraction (SVE) wells to address remaining soil and source area groundwater issues. On March 1, 2006, an Environmental Use Control Agreement (EUCA) No. 06-EUC-0002 was recorded to document land use controls associated with the remaining impacts. On April 4, 2007, Koch Agriculture Company (KAC) entered into an A greement/Consent Order with KDHE under the State Cooperative Program to conduct a Comprehensive Investigation (CI) and Corrective Action Study (CAS) at the Site and continue operation of the AS/SVE system. The Cl was conducted in 2007-2009 in accordance with KDHE-approved work plans (WPs) dated September 2007 and October 2009. Cl activities included direct push borings to collect soil and groundwater samples, installation and sampling of monitoring wells, installation of membrane interface probes, and hydraulic testing. A Cl Report and Addendum were approved by KDHE in August 2009 and April 2010, respectively. In addition to source remediation activities, a Groundwater IM WP/ Design Package was submitted to KDHE in March 2010, and implemented following KDHE's approval to address migration of the groundwater contaminant plume associated with the Site. The IM consisted of S106891173 TC4471374.2s Page 335 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation • • MAP FINDINGS Site 501 NORTH SANTA FE STREET (Continued) EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number construction of a groundwater treatment system (GWTS) GWTS No. 1 and GWTS No. 2, which began operating in January 2011 and December 2010, respectively. In 2012, an IM pilot study for Electrical Resistivity Heating (ERH thermal treatment in the source area was implemented with a IM Report and WP for full-scale ERH implementation dated November 4, 2013, approved by KDHE on January 3, 2014. Subsequently, the AS/SVE system was decommissioned on April 30, 2014 to allow for construction of the full-scale ERH treatment system, which treatment system became operational on November 20, 2014. The ERH system has been operating efficiently since that time. Groundwater monitoring continues concurrent with ERH and GWTS IM activities at the Site. Site ID: 1615 Has Env Use Control: Yes Project code: C508570919 PM Name: BURKE, H. Site Status: Active District Office: NCDO Lat/Long: 38.849078 / -97.609716 River Basin: Smoky Hills - Saline Aquifer Yield: Alluvial Other Aquifers: Not reported Parent PC: Not reported Parent Name: Not reported CERCLIS ID: KSN000703977 Discovery Date: 03/01/2001 Depth To GW: 31-50 feet Depth To Bedrock: 51-100 feet Aquifer Yield: 101-500 gpm GW Flow Direction: SE Acres Affected: 5-25 acres Waste Present: No Product Present: Yes Program: State Cooperative Lead Agency: BER - Remedial Contaminants: VOC Media Act: Ground Water, Soil Media Pot: Not reported Source: Abandoned Facility, Aboveground Tank, Agricultural Facility, Spill Land Use: Commercial, Industrial Private well: Monitoring, PWS Waste Present: Not reported Product: Chlorinated DNAPL Receptor Act: Not reported Receptor Pot: Public Water Supply Remed Air: Not reported Remed Soil: Contaminated Soil Removed/Offsite, Dual/Multiphase Extraction Remed Water: Not reported Remedir: Not reported Alias: ELM AND FRONT STREET SITE Eucan Number- 06-EUC-0002 Date: 03/01/2006 Activity Type: Supplemental Sampling Assessment Activity Status: Completed Activity Start Date: Not reported Activity End Date: 08/01/2007 S106891173 TC4471374.2s Page 336 • • Map ID Direction Distance Elevation MAP FINDINGS Site EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number 501 NORTH SANTA FE STREET (Continued) Narrative: Carbon tetrachloride (CT), chloroform, 1,2 -DCA, and several other chlorinated hydrocarbons and petroleum compounds were detected in groundwater during the Elm & Front Street Site Preliminary Assessment/Screening Site Inspection (PA/SSI) conducted by KDHE in March 2001. The distribution of contaminants in groundwater suggested that a grain handling facility located on the northwest comer of Santa Fe Ave. and North St. was a source area for CT, 1,2 -DCA, EDB. and several of their degradation products. A release of grain fumigants, composed primarily of CT, from a leaking above -ground storage tank (AST) formerly located at the NE comer of a brick building building at 501 N. Santa Fe occurred at the facility in late 1969 or early 1970's and is believed to have contributed to the groundwater contamination. A search for a potentially responsible party (PRP) produced no active, viable RP for the grain fumigant release and the Site was transferred to the Orphan Sites Unit in 2005. KDHE conducted a series of investigations under the State Water Plan to delineate and characterize the source area and to evaluate possible source removal options. Results of the 2005 investigation identified elevated concentrations of CT, 1,2 DCA and other constituents in soil at the former location of the AST confirming the source area for CT, and groundwater sampling identified a long narrow plume of CT and 1,2 DCA originating from the source area towards the City of Salina's downtown public water supply well field. Interim measure (IM) activities were subsequently initiated by KDH E in 2005 in the source area which included the installation of five large diameter borings (LDB) to depths of 40 feet below ground surface. Over 220 tons of contaminated soil was removed from the source area and properly disposed. The LDBs were completed with air sparge (AS) and soil -vapor extraction (SVE) wells to address remaining soil and source area groundwater issues. On March 1, 2006, an Environmental Use Control Agreement (EUCA) No. 06-EUC-0002 was recorded to document land use controls associated with the remaining impacts. On April 4, 2007, Koch Agriculture Company (KAC) entered into an A greement/Consent Order with KDHE under the State Cooperative Program to conduct a Comprehensive Investigation (CI) and Corrective Action Study (CAS) at the Site and continue operation of the AS/SVE system. The Cl was conducted in 2007-2009 in accordance with KDHE-approved work plans (WPs) dated September 2007 and October 2009. CI activities included direct push borings to collect soil and groundwater samples, installation and sampling of monitoring wells, installation of membrane interface probes, and hydraulic testing. A Cl Report and Addendum were approved by KDHE in August 2009 and April 2010, respectively. In addition to source remediation activities, a Groundwater IM WPI Design Package was submitted to KDHE in March 2010, and implemented following KDHE's approval to address migration of the groundwater contaminant plume associated with the Site. The IM consisted of construction of a groundwater treatment system (GWTS) GWTS No. 1 and GWTS No. 2, which began operating in January 2011 and December 2010, respectively. In 2012, an IM pilot study for Electrical Resistivity Heating (ERH thermal treatment in the source area was implemented with a IM Report and WP for full-scale ERH implementation dated November 4, 2013, approved by KDHE on January 3, 2014. Subsequently, the AS/SVE system was decommissioned on April 30, 2014 to allow for construction S106891173 TC4471374.2s Page 337 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation MAP FINDINGS Site 501 NORTH SANTA FE STREET (Continued) EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number of the full-scale ERH treatment system, which treatment system became operational on November 20, 2014. The ERH system has been operating efficiently since that time. Groundwater monitoring continues concurrent with ERH and GWTS IM activities at the Site. Site ID: 1615 Has Env Use Control: Yes Project code: 0508570919 PM Name: BURKE, H. Site Status: Active District Office: NCDO Lat/Long: 38.849078/-97.609716 River Basin: Smoky Hills - Saline Aquifer Yield: Alluvial Other Aquifers: Not reported Parent PC: Not reported Parent Name: Not reported CERCLIS ID: KSN000703977 Discovery Date: 03/01/2001 Depth To GW: 31-50 feet Depth To Bedrock: 51-100 feet Aquifer Yield: 101-500 gpm GW Flow Direction: SE Acres Affected: 5-25 acres Waste Present: No Product Present: Yes Program: State Cooperative Lead Agency: BER - Remedial Contaminants: VOC Media Act: Ground Water, Soil Media Pot: Not reported Source: Abandoned Facility, Aboveground Tank, Agricultural Facility, Spill Land Use: Commercial, Industrial Private well: Monitoring, PWS Waste Present: Not reported Product: Chlorinated DNAPL Receptor Act: Not reported Receptor Pot: Public Water Supply Remed Air: Not reported Remed Soil: Contaminated Soil Removed/Offsite, Dual/Multiphase Extraction Remed Water: Not reported Remedir: Not reported Alias: ELM AND FRONT STREET SITE Eucan Number: 06-EUC-0002 Date: 03/01/2006 Activity Type: Consent Order Activity Status: Completed Activity Start Date: Not reported Activity End Date: 04/06/2007 Narrative: Carbon tetrachloride (CT), chloroform, 1,2 -DCA, and several other chlorinated hydrocarbons and petroleum compounds were detected in groundwater during the Elm & Front Street Site Preliminary Assessment/Screening Site Inspection (PA/SSI) conducted by KDHE in March 2001. The distribution of contaminants in groundwater suggested that a grain handling facility located on the northwest comer of Santa Fe Ave. and North St. was a source area for CT, 1,2 -DCA, EDB, and several of their degradation products. A release of grain 5106891173 TC4471374.2s Page 338 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance • Elevation Site 501 NORTH SANTA FE STREET (Continued) EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number fumigants, composed primarily of CT, from a leaking above -ground storage tank (AST) formerly located at the NE comer of a brick building building at 501 N. Santa Fe occurred at the facility in late 1969 or early 1970's and is believed to have contributed to the groundwater contamination. A search for a potentially responsible party (PRP) produced no active, viable RP for the grain fumigant release and the Site was transferred to the Orphan Sites Unit in 2005. KDHE conducted a series of investigations under the State Water Plan to delineate and characterize the source area and to evaluate possible source removal options. Results of the 2005 investigation identified elevated concentrations of CT, 1,2 DCA and other constituents in soil at the former location of the AST confirming the source area for CT, and groundwater sampling identified a long narrow plume of CT and 1,2 DCA originating from the source area towards the City of Salina's downtown public water supply well field. Interim measure (IM) activities were subsequently initiated by KDH E in 2005 in the source area which included the installation of five large diameter borings (LDB) to depths of 40 feet below ground surface. Over 220 tons of contaminated soil was removed from the source area and properly disposed. The LDBs were completed with air sparge (AS) and soil -vapor extraction (SVE) wells to address remaining soil and source area groundwater issues. On March 1, 2006, an Environmental Use Control Agreement (EUCA) No. 06-EUC-0002 was recorded to document land use controls associated with the remaining • impacts. On April 4, 2007, Koch Agriculture Company (KAC) entered into an A greement/Consent Order with KDHE under the State Cooperative Program to conduct a Comprehensive Investigation (CI) and Corrective Action Study (CAS) at the Site and continue operation of the AS/SVE system. The CI was conducted in 2007-2009 in accordance with KDHE-approved work plans (WPs) dated September 2007 and October 2009. Cl activities included direct push borings to collect soil and groundwater samples, installation and sampling of monitoring wells, installation of membrane interface probes, and hydraulic testing. A Cl Report and Addendum were approved by KDHE in August 2009 and April 2010, respectively. In addition to source remediation activities, a Groundwater IM WP/ Design Package was submitted to KDHE in March 2010, and implemented following KDHE's approval to address migration of the groundwater contaminant plume associated with the Site. The IM consisted of construction of a groundwater treatment system (GWTS) GWTS No. 1 and GWTS No. 2, which began operating in January 2011 and December 2010. respectively. In 2012, an IM pilot study for Electrical Resistivity Heating (ERH thermal treatment in the source area was implemented with a IM Report and WP for full-scale ERH implementation dated November 4, 2013, approved by KDHE on January 3, 2014. Subsequently, the AS/SVE system was decommissioned on April 30, 2014 to allow for construction of the full-scale ERH treatment system, which treatment system became operational on November 20, 2014. The ERH system has been operating efficiently since that time. Groundwater monitoring continues concurrent with ERH and GWTS IM activities at the Site. Site ID: 1615 Has Env Use Control: Yes . Project code: 0508570919 S106891173 TC4471374.2s Page 339 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation • • �i MAP FINDINGS Site EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number 501 NORTH SANTA FE STREET (Continued) PM Name: BURKE, H. Site Status: Active District Office: NCDO Lat/Long: 38.849078 / -97.609716 River Basin: Smoky Hills - Saline Aquifer Yield: Alluvial Other Aquifers: Not reported Parent PC: Not reported Parent Name: Not reported CERCLIS ID: KSN000703977 Discovery Date: 03/01/2001 Depth To GW: 31-50 feet Depth To Bedrock: 51-100 feet Aquifer Yield: 101-500 gpm GW Flow Direction: SE Acres Affected: 5-25 acres Waste Present: No Product Present: Yes Program: State Cooperative Lead Agency: BER - Remedial Contaminants: VOC Media Act: Ground Water, Soil Media Pot: Not reported Source: Abandoned Facility, Aboveground Tank, Agricultural Facility, Spill Land Use: Commercial, Industrial Private well: Monitoring, PWS Waste Present: Not reported Product: Chlorinated DNAPL Receptor Act: Not reported Receptor Pot: Public Water Supply Remed Air: Not reported Remed Soil: Contaminated Soil Removed/Offsite, Dual/Multiphase Extraction Remed Water: Not reported Remedir: Not reported Alias: ELM AND FRONT STREET SITE Eucan Number: 06-EUC-0002 Date: 03/01/2006 Activity Type: Source Investigation Activity Status: Completed Activity Start Date: 09/16/2004 Activity End Date: 10/08/2005 Narrative: Carbon tetrachloride (CT), chloroform, 1,2 -DCA, and several other chlorinated hydrocarbons and petroleum compounds were detected in groundwater during the Elm & Front Street Site Preliminary Assessment/Screening Site Inspection (PA/SSI) conducted by KDHE in March 2001. The distribution of contaminants in groundwater suggested that a grain handling facility located on the northwest comer of Santa Fe Ave. and North St. was a source area for CT, 1,2 -DCA, EDB, and several of their degradation products. A release of grain fumigants, composed primarily of CT, from a leaking above -ground storage tank (AST) formerly located at the NE comer of a brick building building at 501 N. Santa Fe occurred at the facility in late 1969 or early 1970's and is believed to have contributed to the groundwater contamination. A search for a potentially responsible party (PRP) produced no active, viable RP for the grain fumigant release and the Site was transferred to the Orphan Sites Unit in 2005. KDHE conducted a series of investigations under the State Water S106891173 TC4471374.2s Page 340 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number • Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number 501 NORTH SANTA FE STREET (Continued) S106891173 TC4471374.2s Page 341 Plan to delineate and characterize the source area and to evaluate possible source removal options. Results of the 2005 investigation identified elevated concentrations of CT, 1,2 DCA and other constituents in soil at the former location of the AST confirming the source area for CT, and groundwater sampling identified a long narrow plume of CT and 1,2 DCA originating from the source area towards the City of Salina's downtown public water supply well field. Interim measure (IM) activities were subsequently initiated by KDH E in 2005 in the source area which included the installation of five large diameter borings (LDB) to depths of 40 feet below ground surface. Over 220 tons of contaminated soil was removed from the source area and property disposed. The LDBs were completed with air sparge (AS) and soil -vapor extraction (SVE) wells to address remaining soil and source area groundwater issues. On March 1, 2006, an Environmental Use Control Agreement (EUCA) No. 06-EUC-0002 was recorded to document land use controls associated with the remaining impacts. On April 4, 2007, Koch Agriculture Company (KAC) entered into an A greement/Consent Order with KDHE under the State Cooperative Program to conduct a Comprehensive Investigation (CI) and Corrective Action Study (CAS) at the Site and continue operation of the AS/SVE system. The Cl was conducted in 2007-2009 in accordance with KDHE-approved work plans (WPs) dated September 2007 and October 2009. CI activities included direct push borings to collect soil and groundwater samples, • installation and sampling of monitoring wells, installation of membrane interface probes, and hydraulic testing. A Cl Report and Addendum were approved by KDHE in August 2009 and April 2010, respectively. In addition to source remediation activities, a Groundwater IM WP/ Design Package was submitted to KDHE in March 2010, and implemented following KDHE's approval to address migration of the groundwater contaminant plume associated with the Site. The IM consisted of construction of a groundwater treatment system (GWTS) GWTS No. 1 and GWTS No. 2, which began operating in January 2011 and December 2010, respectively. In 2012, an IM pilot study for Electrical Resistivity Heating (ERH thermal treatment in the source area was implemented with a IM Report and WP for full-scale ERH implementation dated November 4, 2013, approved by KDHE on January 3, 2014. Subsequently, the AS/SVE system was decommissioned on April 30, 2014 to allow for construction of the full-scale ERH treatment system, which treatment system became operational on November 20, 2014. The ERH system has been operating efficiently since that time. Groundwater monitoring continues concurrent with ERH and GWTS IM activities at the Site. Site ID: 1615 Has Env Use Control: Yes Project code: C508570919 PM Name: BURKE, H. Site Status: Active District Office: NCDO Lat/Long: 38.849078 / -97.609716 River Basin: Smoky Hills - Saline Aquifer Yield: Alluvial Other Aquifers: Not reported Parent PC: Not reported TC4471374.2s Page 341 • �71 • Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance Elevation Site EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number 501 NORTH SANTA FE STREET (Continued) Parent Name: Not reported CERCLIS ID: KSN000703977 Discovery Date: 03/01/2001 Depth To GW: 31-50 feet Depth To Bedrock: 51-100 feet Aquifer Yield: 101-500 gpm GW Flow Direction: SE Acres Affected: 5-25 acres Waste Present: No Product Present: Yes Program: State Cooperative Lead Agency: BER - Remedial Contaminants: VOC Media Act: Ground Water, Soil Media Pot: Not reported Source: Abandoned Facility, Aboveground Tank, Agricultural Facility, Spill Land Use: Commercial, Industrial Private well: Monitoring, PWS Waste Present: Not reported Product: Chlorinated DNAPL Receptor Act: Not reported Receptor Pot: Public Water Supply Remed Air: Not reported Remed Soil: Contaminated Soil Removed/Offsite, Dual/Multiphase Extraction Remed Water: Not reported Remedir: Not reported Alias: ELM AND FRONT STREET SITE Eur -an Number: 06-EUC-0002 Date: 03/01/2006 Activity Type: Information Request Letter Activity Status: Completed Activity Start Date: Not reported Activity End Date: 08/01/2004 Narrative: Carbon tetrachloride (CT), chloroform, 1,2 -DCA, and several other chlorinated hydrocarbons and petroleum compounds were detected in groundwater during the Elm & Front Street Site Preliminary Assessment/Screening Site Inspection (PA/SSI) conducted by KDHE in March 2001. The distribution of contaminants in groundwater suggested that a grain handling facility located on the northwest comer of Santa Fe Ave. and North St. was a source area for CT, 1,2 -DCA, EDB, and several of their degradation products. A release of grain fumigants, composed primarily of CT, from a leaking above -ground storage tank (AST) formerly located at the NE comer of a brick building building at 501 N. Santa Fe occurred at the facility in late 1969 or early 1970's and is believed to have contributed to the groundwater contamination. A search for a potentially responsible party (PRP) produced no active, viable RP for the grain fumigant release and the Site was transferred to the Orphan Sites Unit in 2005. KDHE conducted a series of investigations under the State Water Plan to delineate and characterize the source area and to evaluate possible source removal options. Results of the 2005 investigation identified elevated concentrations of CT, 1,2 DCA and other constituents in soil at the former location of the AST confirming the source area for CT, and groundwater sampling identified a long narrow plume of CT and 1,2 DCA originating from the source area towards the City of Salina's downtown public water supply well field. S106891173 TC4471374.2s Page 342 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation • F_ MAP FINDINGS Site 501 NORTH SANTA FE STREET (Continued) Site ID: Has Env Use Control: Project code: PM Name: Site Status: District Office: Lat/Long: River Basin: Aquifer Yield: Other Aquifers: Parent PC: Parent Name: CERCLIS ID: Discovery Date: Depth To GW: Depth To Bedrock: Aquifer Yield: GW Flow Direction: Acres Affected: EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number Interim measure (IM) activities were subsequently initiated by KDH E in 2005 in the source area which included the installation of five large diameter borings (LDB) to depths of 40 feet below ground surface. Over 220 tons of contaminated soil was removed from the source area and property disposed. The LDBs were completed with air sparge (AS) and soil -vapor extraction (SVE) wells to address remaining soil and source area groundwater issues. On March 1, 2006, an Environmental Use Control Agreement (EUCA) No. 06-EUC-0002 was recorded to document land use controls associated with the remaining impacts. On April 4, 2007, Koch Agriculture Company (KAC) entered into an A greement/Consent Order with KDHE under the State Cooperative Program to conduct a Comprehensive Investigation (CI) and Corrective Action Study (CAS) at the Site and continue operation of the AS/SVE system. The Cl was conducted in 2007-2009 in accordance with KDHE-approved work plans (WPs) dated September 2007 and October 2009. Cl activities included direct push borings to collect soil and groundwater samples, installation and sampling of monitoring wells, installation of membrane interface probes, and hydraulic testing. A Cl Report and Addendum were approved by KDHE in August 2009 and April 2010, respectively. In addition to source remediation activities, a Groundwater IM WP/ Design Package was submitted to KDHE in March 2010, and implemented following KDHE's approval to address migration of the groundwater contaminant plume associated with the Site. The IM consisted of construction of a groundwater treatment system (GWTS) GWTS No. 1 and GWTS No. 2, which began operating in January 2011 and December 2010, respectively. In 2012, an IM pilot study for Electrical Resistivity Heating (ERH thermal treatment in the source area was implemented with a IM Report and WP for full-scale ERH implementation dated November 4, 2013, approved by KDHE on January 3, 2014. Subsequently, the AS/SVE system was decommissioned on April 30, 2014 to allow for construction of the full-scale ERH treatment system, which treatment system became operational on November 20, 2014. The ERH system has been operating efficiently since that time. Groundwater monitoring continues concurrent with ERH and GWTS IM activities at the Site. 1615 Yes C508570919 BURKE, H. Active NCDO 38.849078 / -97.609716 Smoky Hills - Saline Alluvial Not reported Not reported Not reported KSN000703977 03/01/2001 31-50 feet 51-100 feet 101-500 gpm SE 5-25 acres S106891173 TC4471374.2s Page 343 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation 0 • 0 MAP FINDINGS Site EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number 501 NORTH SANTA FE STREET (Continued) Waste Present: No Product Present: Yes Program: State Cooperative Lead Agency: BER - Remedial Contaminants: VOC Media Act: Ground Water, Soil Media Pot: Not reported Source: Abandoned Facility, Aboveground Tank, Agricultural Facility, Spill Land Use: Commercial, Industrial Private well: Monitoring, PWS Waste Present: Not reported Product: Chlorinated DNAPL Receptor Act: Not reported Receptor Pot: Public Water Supply Remed Air: Not reported Remed Soil: Contaminated Soil Removed/Offsite, Dual/Multiphase Extraction Remed Water: Not reported Remedir: Not reported Alias: ELM AND FRONT STREET SITE Eucan Number: 06-EUC-0002 Date: 03/01/2006 Activity Type: PRP Search Activity Status: Completed Activity Start Date: Not reported Activity End Date: 05/20/2005 Narrative: Carbon tetrachloride (CT), chloroform, 1,2 -DCA, and several other chlorinated hydrocarbons and petroleum compounds were detected in groundwater during the Elm & Front Street Site Preliminary Assessment/Screening Site Inspection (PA/SSI) conducted by KDHE in March 2001. The distribution of contaminants in groundwater suggested that a grain handling facility located on the northwest comer of Santa Fe Ave. and North St. was a source area for CT, 1.2 -DCA, EDB, and several of their degradation products. A release of grain fumigants, composed primarily of CT, from a leaking above -ground storage tank (AST) formerly located at the NE comer of a brick building building at 501 N. Santa Fe occurred at the facility in late 1969 or early 1970 s and is believed to have contributed to the groundwater contamination. A search for a potentially responsible party (PRP) produced no active, viable RP for the grain fumigant release and the Site was transferred to the Orphan Sites Unit in 2005. KDHE conducted a series of investigations under the State Water Plan to delineate and characterize the source area and to evaluate possible source removal options. Results of the 2005 investigation identified elevated concentrations of CT, 1,2 DCA and other constituents in soil at the former location of the AST confirming the source area for CT, and groundwater sampling identified a long narrow plume of CT and 1,2 DCA originating from the source area towards the City of Salina's downtown public water supply well field. Interim measure (IM) activities were subsequently initiated by KDH E in 2005 in the source area which included the installation of five large diameter borings (LDB) to depths of 40 feet below ground surface. Over 220 tons of contaminated soil was removed from the source area and properly disposed. The LDBs were completed with air sparge (AS) and soil -vapor extraction (SVE) wells to address remaining soil and source area groundwater issues. On March 1, 2006, an Environmental Use Control Agreement (EUCA) No. 06-EUC-0002 was S106891173 TC4471374.2s Page 344 • Map ID Direction Distance Elevation MAP FINDINGS Site 501 NORTH SANTA FE STREET (Continued) EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number recorded to document land use controls associated with the remaining impacts. On April 4, 2007, Koch Agriculture Company (KAC) entered into an A greement/Consent Order with KDHE under the State Cooperative Program to conduct a Comprehensive Investigation (CI) and Corrective Action Study (CAS) at the Site and continue operation of the AS/SVE system. The Cl was conducted in 2007-2009 in accordance with KDHE-approved work plans (WPs) dated September 2007 and October 2009. Cl activities included direct push borings to collect soil and groundwater samples, installation and sampling of monitoring wells, installation of membrane interface probes, and hydraulic testing. A Cl Report and Addendum were approved by KDHE in August 2009 and April 2010, respectively. In addition to source remediation activities, a Groundwater IM WP/ Design Package was submitted to KDHE in March 2010, and implemented following KDHE's approval to address migration of the groundwater contaminant plume associated with the Site. The IM consisted of construction of a groundwater treatment system (GWTS) GWTS No. 1 and GWTS No. 2, which began operating in January 2011 and December 2010, respectively. In 2012, an IM pilot study for Electrical Resistivity Heating (ERH thermal treatment in the source area was implemented with a IM Report and WP for full-scale ERH implementation dated November 4, 2013, approved by KDHE on January 3, 2014. Subsequently, the AS/SVE system was decommissioned on April 30, 2014 to allow for construction of the full-scale ERH treatment system, which treatment system became operational on November 20, 2014. The ERH system has been operating efficiently since that time. Groundwater monitoring continues concurrent with ERH and GWTS IM activities at the Site. INST CONTROL: 1615 Site ID: 1615 Project Code: C508570919 Date Signed: 03/01/2006 Restriction Text: Not reported EUCA Number: 54 EUC Group: Specific Restrictions EUC Type: Land Use Restrictions EUC Restriction: Restrict the Construction of Buildings or Other Physical Structures EUCA Number Date: 06-EUC-0002 EUCA Signed: Not reported Site ID: 1615 Project Code: 0508570919 Date Signed: 03/01/2006 Restriction Text: Not reported EUCA Number: 54 EUC Group: Specific Restrictions EUC Type: Land Use Restrictions EUC Restriction: no residential uses EUCA Number Date: 06-EUC-0002 EUCA Signed: Not reported Site ID: 1615 Project Code: C508570919 Date Signed: 03/01/2006 Restriction Text: Not reported S106891173 TC4471374.2s Page 345 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation • C� MAP FINDINGS Site EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number 501 NORTH SANTA FE STREET (Continued) S106891173 EUCA Number: 54 EUC Group: Specific Restrictions EUC Type: Land Use Restrictions EUC Restriction: no agricultural uses EUCA Number Date: 06-EUC-0002 EUCA Signed: Not reported Site ID: 1615 Project Code: C508570919 Date Signed: 03/01/2006 Restriction Text: Not reported EUCA Number: 54 EUC Group: Specific Restrictions EUC Type: Land Use Restrictions EUC Restriction: Restriction of Activities on the Protective Structure EUCA Number Date: 06-EUC-0002 EUCA Signed: Not reported Site ID: 1615 Project Code: C508570919 Date Signed: 03/01/2006 Restriction Text: Not reported EUCA Number: 54 EUC Group: Specific Restrictions EUC Type: Land Use Restrictions EUC Restriction: Protective Structure Maintenance EUCA Number Date: 06-EUC-0002 EUCA Signed: Not reported Site ID: 1615 Project Code: 0508570919 Date Signed: 03/01/2006 Restriction Text: Not reported EUCA Number: 54 EUC Group: Specific Restrictions EUC Type: Water Use Restrictions EUC Restriction: no drinking water wells EUCA Number Date: 06-EUC-0002 EUCA Signed: Not reported Site ID: 1615 Project Code: 0508570919 Date Signed: 03/01/2006 Restriction Text: Not reported EUCA Number: 54 EUC Group: Specific Restrictions EUC Type: Water Use Restrictions EUC Restriction: no irrigation wells EUCA Number Date: 06-EUC-0002 EUCA Signed: Not reported Site ID: 1615 Project Code: C508570919 Date Signed: 03/01/2006 Restriction Text: Not reported EUCA Number: 54 EUC Group: Specific Restrictions TC4471374.2s Page 346 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number • 501 NORTH SANTA FE STREET (Continued) 5106891173 TC4471374.2s Page 347 EUC Type: Water Use Restrictions EUC Restriction: no lawn and garden wells EUCA Number Date: 06-EUC-0002 EUCA Signed: Not reported Site ID: 1615 Project Code: C508570919 Date Signed: 03/01/2006 Restriction Text: Not reported EUCA Number: 54 EUC Group: Specific Restrictions EUC Type: Water Use Restrictions EUC Restriction: restriction on water well construction EUCA Number Date: 06-EUC-0002 EUCA Signed: Not reported Site ID: 1615 Project Code: C508570919 Date Signed: 03/01/2006 Restriction Text: Not reported EUCA Number: 54 EUC Group: Specific Restrictions EUC Type: Water Use Restrictions EUC Restriction: no livestock wells EUCA Number Date: 06-EUC-0002 EUCA Signed: Not reported . Site ID: 1615 Project Code: C508570919 Date Signed: 03/01/2006 Restriction Text: petion to rezone property EUCA Number: 54 EUC Group: Specific Restrictions EUC Type: Notification to the Agency Prior to the Following Activities EUC Restriction: Other activity requiring notification: EUCA Number Date: 06-EUC-0002 EUCA Signed: Not reported Site ID: 1615 Project Code: 0508570919 Date Signed: 03/01/2006 Restriction Text: Not reported EUCA Number: 54 EUC Group: Specific Restrictions EUC Type: Notification to the Agency Prior to the Following Activities EUC Restriction: topography modification EUCA Number Date: 06-EUC-0002 EUCA Signed: Not reported Site ID: 1615 Project Code: C508570919 Date Signed: 03/01/2006 Restriction Text: Not reported EUCA Number: 54 EUC Group: Specific Restrictions EUC Type: Notification to the Agency Prior to the Following Activities . EUC Restriction: excavation TC4471374.2s Page 347 0 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation Site 501 NORTH SANTA FE STREET (Continued) EUCA Number Date: 06-EUC-0002 EUCA Signed: Not reported MAP FINDINGS Site ID: 1615 Project Code: C508570919 Date Signed: 03/01/2006 Restriction Text: Not reported EUCA Number: 54 EUC Group: Specific Restrictions EUC Type: Notification to the Agency Prior to the Following Activities EUC Restriction: growing food crops EUCA Number Date: 06-EUC-0002 EUCA Signed: Not reported Site ID: 1615 Project Code: 0508570919 Date Signed: 03/01/2006 Restriction Text: Not reported EUCA Number: 54 EUC Group: Specific Restrictions EUC Type: Notification to the Agency Prior to the Following Activities EUC Restriction: construction EUCA Number Date: 06-EUC-0002 EUCA Signed: Not reported SPILLS: • Evacuation: Responders: Reported Cause: Cause Description: Cleanup Description: Comments: Damage Description: Damage Number Of Deaths: Damage Number If Injuries: Property Damage > $50,000: Discovery Date: Discovery Time: Spill Date: Spill Time: Discharger Name: Discharger Facility Id: Discharger Org Id: Discharger Organization Type: Discharger Phone 1: Discharger Ext. 1: Discharger Phone 2: Discharger Ext. 2: Discharger Address: Discharger City,State, Zip: Discharger Contact: District: gps source: Highway Designation: Highway Type: KCC District: EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number Not reported discharger equipment failure Not reported soil excavated, spill can be closed once official Iat/long has been asssigned(sl)physical removal Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Undetermined 11/21/2012 1200 Not reported Not reported Koch Remediation (Remediation Water) Not reported Not reported Environmental Con sultant/Contractor 316-828-7587 Not reported 316-305-4496 Not reported 4111 E 37th N Wichita, KS 67220 Rod Kremer NC Not reported Not reported Not reported Wichita S106891173 TC4471374.2s Page 348 • • 0 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation Site 501 NORTH SANTA FE STREET (Continued) Latitude: Latitude min: Latitude sec: Lease Number: Longitude: Longitude min: Longitude sec: Mile Post: Incident Qtr1: Incident Qtr2: Incident Qtr3: Incident Qtr4: Incident Range: Incident Section: Incident Township: Did EPA Respond?: EPA Spill Number. Initial Entry By: Initial Entry Completed: KCC Spill Number: Method Receive Initial Call: Multiple Report: nrcno: Old Spill Number: Reported Date: Reported Time: Incident Recorded By: SSI Report: Spill Number: Spill Or Complaint: Spill Stage: Through NRC: Updated By: Investigating Agency: Hours Worked 1: Hours Worked 2: Hours Worked 3: State Visited By KDHE?: Investigated By 1: Investigated By 2: Investigated By 3: Quantity Spilled 1: Qty Spilled Comment 1: Quantity Spilled 2: Qty Spilled Comment 2: Quantity Spilled 3: Qty Spilled Comment 3: Case Number 1: Case Number 2: Case Number 3: Class 1: Class 2: Class 3: Qty Spilled In Water 1: Qty Spilled In Water Comment 1 Qty Spilled In Water 2: Qty Spilled In Water Comment 2 MAP FINDINGS Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Unknown Not reported John T Jones Yes Not reported Spiller Not reported Not reported Not reported 11/21/2012 1540 Ryan Weiser Not reported 34271 Spill closed Unknown Scott Lang KDHE 0.2 0.2 Not reported No Scott Lang John Jones Not reported 50 Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported contaminated/waste water Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number S106891173 TC4471374.2s Page 349 Ll 0 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance Elevation Site 501 NORTH SANTA FE STREET (Continued) Qty Spilled In Water 3: Not reported Qty Spilled In Water Comment 3: Not reported Material Name 1: contaminated/waste water Material Name 2: Not reported Material Name 3: Not reported Qty Recovered 1: 23 Qty Recovered Comment 1: Not reported Qty Recovered 2: Not reported Qty Recovered Comment 2: Not reported Qty Recovered 3: Not reported Qty Recovered Comment 2: Not reported Material UNDOT Number 1: Not reported Material UNDOT Number 2: Not reported Material UNDOT Number 3: Not reported Unit 1: gallons Unit 2: Not reported Unit 3: Not reported Media Affected: soil Media Waterway: Not reported Media Waterway Type: none Who Notified: BEFS;NCDO Notified: KDHE Spill Report: Yes Description: Not reported Number Of Tanks: Not reported Source Of Spill: AST Tank Capacity: Not reported Tank Unit: Not reported Vehicle ID: Not reported "Follow-up Required: Not reported Response Required By: Not reported Close Date: 04/25/2013 Status: Closed 73 616 E. NORTH STREET NNE 616 E. NORTH STREET 1/4-1/2 SALINA, KS 67401 0.473 mi. 2496 ft. Relative: SHWS: Lower Site ID: Has Env Use Control Actual: Project code: 1221 ft. PM Name: Site Status: District Office: Lat/Long: River Basin: Aquifer Yield: Other Aquifers: Parent PC: Parent Name: CERCLIS ID: Discovery Date: Depth To GW: Depth To Bedrock: Aquifer Yield: 3121 No 0508573170 SCHNEIDER, N. Active NCDO 38.848367/-97.602042 Smoky Hills - Saline Alluvial Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported 31-50 feet 51-100 feet Not reported EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number S106891173 SHWS S117541294 N/A TC4471374.2s Page 350 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation • �il 0 MAP FINDINGS Site EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number 616 E. NORTH STREET (Continued) GW Flow Direction: E -NE Acres Affected: <5 acres Waste Present: No Product Present: No Program: Site Assessment Lead Agency: BER - Assessment and Restoration Contaminants: VOC Media Act: Ground Water Media Pot: Not reported Source: Not reported Land Use: Not reported Private well: Not reported Waste Present: Not reported Product: Not reported Receptor Act: Not reported Receptor Pot: Not reported Remed Air: Not reported Remed Soil: Not reported Remed Water: Not reported Remedir: Not reported Alias: Not reported Eucan Number: Not reported Date: Not reported Activity Type: Site Evaluation Activity Status: Completed Activity Start Date: 01/01/2015 Activity End Date: 03/26/2015 Narrative: A Phase II assessment was conducted on the property in 2014. Tetrachloroethylene (PCE) was detected at 17.8 micrograms per liter (?g/L) in a groundwater sample collected from the east side of the building and 2.8 ?g/L in a groundwater sample from the gravel lot south of the building. The EPA's Maximum Contaminant Level for PCE is 5 ?g/L. A potentially responsible party (PRP) search was conducted by KDHE and the facility at 616 E. North Street was identified as the PRP. KDHE's Voluntary Cleanup and Property Redevelopment Program (VCPRP) sent an encouragement letter to the property owner and the owner of the company using the facility, Midwest Commercial Laundry Equipment, Inc. (MCLE). MCLE is a distributor and repair shop for laundry appliances. However, MCLE and the property owner denied using PCE at the facility and did not enver the VCPRP. The site was subsequently referred to KDHE's Site Assessment Program. A Site Evaluation was conducted in 2015. Groundwater samples were collected from a line along North Street north and west of the property, a line along Front Street west of the facility, from areas around the building on the subject property, and on the property south of the subject property. PCE was not detected by the laboratory in the samples collected from Front and North Streets. PCE was detected at 21 ?g/L and 19 ?g/L just south of the fence along the southern boundary of the subject property. PCE was also detected in groundwater samples adjacent to the northwest corner and west side of the subject building and east of the building at 410 N. Front Street. However, a recovery well for the 501 N. Sante Fe site is located 0.2 mile southwest of the subject site and appears to be reversing the natural groundwater flow direction and pulling groundwater toward the southwest. S117541294 TC4471374.2s Page 351 Relative: Lower Actual: 1221 ft. • L F- MAP FINDINGS Site SALINE VALLEY TERMINAL 511 N SANTA FE SALINA, KS 67401 Site 2 of 2 in cluster N LUST: Facility ID: Site Status: Release Date: Initial Report Date: Project Number: Project Name: Legal Desc Section: Legal Desc Township: Legal Desc Range: Discover Date: substrels: Initial Ranking: Current Ranking: Facility Contact: Facility Phone Number: Facility Owner Identification number: Facility Owner: Owner Contact Person: Owner Address: Owner City: Owner State: Owner Zip Code: Owner Phone number: Contractor license number: Contractor phone number: Leak duration (if known): Quantity released (if known): Quantity recorded: Leak Type: Reported By: Reported by persons phone number: Reported by person address: Ground water Impacted (yes/no): Static groundwater level: Groundwater flow direction: District staff names: Assessment of release: Contaimination assessement: Extent of contamination impact: Updated information: Invoice initiated: Invoice on going: Invoice completetd: Release confirmed: Emergencty contact: Enforcement action: Cost recovery: Cost recovery initiated: Cost recovery initiated by: Cost recovery completed: Cost recovery completed by: Appplication to trust fund: 27088 Closed Not reported 05/07/1990 U5-085-00345 Saline Valley Terminal 12 14S 03W Not reported none Not reported Not reported Troy Bower Not reported 27088 Saline Valley Terminal, Inc. Not reported 1700 E. Iron Not reported KS 67401 Not reported Not reported 785-825-7297 0 Not reported Not reported Not reported Erik Peterson 785-827-9639 2501-d Market Place Not reported Not reported Not reported Erik Peterson no leak occurred at this ust facility. the tank system was totally dismantled none Not reported 19903 Not reported 19903 Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number LUST 0000873542 UST NIA TC4471374.2s Page 352 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation • N74 NNW 114-112 0.473 mi. 2496 ft. Relative: Lower Actual: 1221 ft. • L F- MAP FINDINGS Site SALINE VALLEY TERMINAL 511 N SANTA FE SALINA, KS 67401 Site 2 of 2 in cluster N LUST: Facility ID: Site Status: Release Date: Initial Report Date: Project Number: Project Name: Legal Desc Section: Legal Desc Township: Legal Desc Range: Discover Date: substrels: Initial Ranking: Current Ranking: Facility Contact: Facility Phone Number: Facility Owner Identification number: Facility Owner: Owner Contact Person: Owner Address: Owner City: Owner State: Owner Zip Code: Owner Phone number: Contractor license number: Contractor phone number: Leak duration (if known): Quantity released (if known): Quantity recorded: Leak Type: Reported By: Reported by persons phone number: Reported by person address: Ground water Impacted (yes/no): Static groundwater level: Groundwater flow direction: District staff names: Assessment of release: Contaimination assessement: Extent of contamination impact: Updated information: Invoice initiated: Invoice on going: Invoice completetd: Release confirmed: Emergencty contact: Enforcement action: Cost recovery: Cost recovery initiated: Cost recovery initiated by: Cost recovery completed: Cost recovery completed by: Appplication to trust fund: 27088 Closed Not reported 05/07/1990 U5-085-00345 Saline Valley Terminal 12 14S 03W Not reported none Not reported Not reported Troy Bower Not reported 27088 Saline Valley Terminal, Inc. Not reported 1700 E. Iron Not reported KS 67401 Not reported Not reported 785-825-7297 0 Not reported Not reported Not reported Erik Peterson 785-827-9639 2501-d Market Place Not reported Not reported Not reported Erik Peterson no leak occurred at this ust facility. the tank system was totally dismantled none Not reported 19903 Not reported 19903 Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number LUST 0000873542 UST NIA TC4471374.2s Page 352 0 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation Site SALINE VALLEY TERMINAL (Continued) UST: Facility ID: Facility 911 Address: Facility 911 City, State, Zip: Facility Phone: Phone 24 Hours: Facility District: Facility Location Method: Facility Feature: Facility Datum: Facility Lat/Long: Owner ID: Owner: Owner Type: Owner/Rep Name: Owner/Rep Title: Owner Address: Owner City, State, Zip: Owner County: Contact: Contact Title: Tank ID: Tank Type: Tank Status: Total Capacity (Gals): Hazards: Petroleum Substance: NonPetroleum Substance: Estimated Yr In Service: Date Removed: Last Permit Printed: Current Permit Printed: CITY Remaining in Tank: Filled/Removed: Tank Empty: Out of Service Mo/Yr: Material of Construction: Piping: Tank Internal Protection: Tank External Protection: 75 TACO JOHN'S SSW 303 SOUTH SANTA FE 1/4-1/2 SALINA, KS 67401 0.477 mi. 2517 ft. Relative: LUST: Higher Facility ID: Site Status: Actual: Release Date: 1224 ft. Initial Report Date: Project Number: Project Name: Legal Desc Section: Legal Desc Township: MAP FINDINGS 27088 511 N SANTE FE SALINA, KS 67401 785-827-4034 785-827-4034 NC Garmin GPS III Plus Facility Center WGS84 38.849409999999999/-97.609399999999994 27088 SALINE VALLEY TERMINAL INC Private Or Corp. Jan Denney Equip Dept 1700 EAST IRON SALINA, KS 67401 SALINE Bill Pekarek Mgr 001 Underground Permanently Out Of Use 5000 Not reported Empty,Diesel Not reported 1966 5/15/1990 Not reported Not reported 0 Removed Not reported 051990 Unknown Not reported Not reported Not reported 82839 Monitor Not reported 07/12/2012 U5-085-14485 Taco John's 13 14S EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number 0000873542 LUST S112231611 N/A TC4471374.2s Page 353 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation • Site TACO JOHN'S (Continued) Legal Desc Range: Discover Date: substrels: Initial Ranking: Current Ranking. Facility Contact: Facility Phone Number: Facility Owner Identification number: Facility Owner: Owner Contact Person: Owner Address: Owner City: Owner State: Owner Zip Code: Owner Phone number: Contractor license number: Contractor phone number: Leak duration (if known): Quantity released (if known): Quantity recorded: Leak Type: Reported By: Reported by persons phone number: Reported by person address: Ground water Impacted (yes/no): • Static groundwater level: Groundwater flow direction: District staff names: Assessment of release: Contaimination assessement: Extent of contamination impact: Updated information: Invoice initiated: Invoice on going: Invoice completetd: Release confirmed: Emergencty contact: Enforcement action: Cost recovery: Cost recovery initiated: Cost recovery initiated by: Cost recovery completed: Cost recovery completed by Appplication to trust fund: 0 MAP FINDINGS EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number S112231611 03W Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Doug Day 785-825-6382 82839 Day Lee LLC Doug Day 25 Via Roma Wichita KS 67230 316-641-5806 Not reported 785-342-3894 Not reported Not reported Not reported Unknown Not reported Not reported Not reported Silty clay grading to silty sands then to sands and gravel with depth. Plains reported it at 42' generally around 33'. 42 SE Scott Lang No leakage from the on-site fuel system was found. There is an up -gradient former gas station located across Santa Fe (256 S. Santa Fe) and is currently a Law Office. Possible source. Groundwater on the western side of the site had total petroleum hydrocarbon levels of 1600 ug/I, the eastern side contained 57 ug/l. No soil contamination was detected on-site beneath fuel lines or tanks. The July 5, 2012 Plains Environ. Invest. showed that gr. water petr. contam. was present on the western (up -gradient) side of the property. To better determine if the source of the contamination was from this location or an off-site source. I requested 20124 Not reported 20124 20132 Not reported Not reported Not reported 20134 State W. State Funding Not reported Not reported Not reported TC4471374.2s Page 354 0 • Map ID Direction Distance Elevation Site MAP FINDINGS 76 CONTINENTAL ANALYTICAL SERVICES NNW LINCOLN AVE & 8TH STREET (525 N. 8TH STREET) 1/2-1 SALINA, KS 0.571 mi. 3017 ft. Relative: SHWS EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number SHWS 5105429850 VCP N/A Lower Site ID: 1616 Has Env Use Control: No Actual: Project code: C508571100 1221 ft. PM Name: BENNE, R. Site Status: Active District Office: NCDO LaULong: 38.850266/-97.611891 River Basin: Smoky Hills - Saline Aquifer Yield: Alluvial Other Aquifers: Not reported Parent PC: Not reported Parent Name: Not reported CERCLIS ID: Not reported Discovery Date: 04/25/2001 Depth To GW: 21-30 feet Depth To Bedrock: 51-100 feet Aquifer Yield: Not reported GW Flow Direction: SE Acres Affected: <5 acres Waste Present: No Product Present: No Program: Voluntary Cleanup Lead Agency: BER - Assessment and Restoration Contaminants: VOC Media Act: Ground Water Media Pot: Soil Source: Spill Land Use: Commercial Private well: Monitoring Waste Present: Not reported Product: Not reported Receptor Act: Not reported Receptor Pot: Not reported Remed Air: Not reported Remed Soil: Not reported Remed Water: Long Term Monitoring Remedir: Not reported Alias: LINCOLN AVE & 8TH STREET_ Eucan Number: Not reported Date: Not reported Activity Type: Voluntary Cleanup Proposal Activity Status: Completed Activity Start Date: 10/26/2004 Activity End Date: 01/04/2006 Narrative: The Continental Analytical Services (CAS) site is located in the northern portion of Salina at 525 North Eight Street. On 11/3/2000, KDHE sampled 9 monitoring wells (MWs) associated with the Pepsi Cola Bottling Co., petroleum release site (U5-085-00073) located north and northwest adjacent to the subject site. Analytical results from MW 5A (screened 20 to 35 feet below the ground surface (BGS)) identified tetra chi oroethene (PCE) at 5.3 micrograms per liter (ug/L), exceeding the groundwater (GW) pathway PCE Risk-based for Kansas Standard (RSK) TC4471374.2s Page 355 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation L, L-1 • MAP FINDINGS Site CONTINENTAL ANALYTICAL SERVICES (Continued) EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number level of 5.0 ug/L. KDHE's Site Assessment unit conducted a Preliminary Assessment/Screening Site Inspection (PA/SSI) on 3/7/2001 and identified cis 1, 2 - dichloroethene (DCE) at 92.9 ug/I from CAS MW #1 (screened from 38 to 58.5 feet bgs), exceeding its GW pathway RSK of 70 ug/L. The PA/SSI confirmed the site has been impacted with chlorinated solvents (unknown soil source) and petroleum hydrocarbons (Pepsi site). The property was accepted into the Voluntary Cleanup and Property Redevelopment Program (VCPRP) on 2/8/2002 for PCE and it's degradation products. Various Voluntary Cleanup Investigation (VCI) phases have not identified a soil source for PCE and its degradation products. However, PCE, cis 1, 2-DCE, and vinyl chloride have been found at levels exceeding respective GW pathway RSKs in the shallow portion of the aquifer. The vinyl chloride GW pathway RSK is 2.0 ug/L. Maximums levels are 102 ug/L for cis 1, 2-DCE, 27 ug/L for PCE, and 17 ug/L for vinyl chloride. A VC Proposal was approved on 1/4/2006 with the preferred alternative being long-term GW monitoring (LTM). Four MWs were added to the existing CAS MW network by 10/19/2008 m aking a total of eight MWs that are being semi-annually sampled. The VC Plan for LTM was accepted and then eventually approved on 9/8/2009. The most recent exceedence for PCE occurred on 2/28/2014 and for vinyl chloride on 6/27/13. Contaminant levels are decreasing as GW monitoring continues. Site ID: 1616 Has Env Use Control: No Project code: 0508571100 PM Name: BENNE, R. Site Status: Active District Office: NCDO Lat/Long: 38.850266 / -97.611891 River Basin: Smoky Hills - Saline Aquifer Yield: Alluvial Other Aquifers: Not reported Parent PC: Not reported Parent Name: Not reported CERCLIS ID: Not reported Discovery Date: 04/25/2001 Depth To GW: 21-30 feet Depth To Bedrock: 51-100 feet Aquifer Yield: Not reported GW Flow Direction: SE Acres Affected: <5 acres Waste Present: No Product Present: No Program: Voluntary Cleanup Lead Agency: BER - Assessment and Restoration Contaminants: VOC Media Act: Ground Water Media Pot: Soil Source: Spill Land Use: Commercial Private well: Monitoring Waste Present: Not reported Product: Not reported Receptor Act: Not reported S105429850 TC4471374.2s Page 356 • • Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number CONTINENTAL ANALYTICAL SERVICES (Continued) S105429850 Receptor Pot: Not reported Remed Air: Not reported Remed Soil: Not reported Remed Water: Long Term Monitoring Remedir: Not reported Alias: LINCOLN AVE & 8TH STREET_ Eucan Number: Not reported Date: Not reported Activity Type: Voluntary Cleanup Investigation (VCI) Activity Status: Completed Activity Start Date: 06/21/2002 Activity End Date: 07/19/2004 Narrative: The Continental Analytical Services (CAS) site is located in the northern portion of Salina at 525 North Eight Street. On 11/3/2000, KDHE sampled 9 monitoring wells (MWs) associated with the Pepsi Cola Bottling Co., petroleum release site (U5-085-00073) located north and northwest adjacent to the subject site. Analytical results from MW 5A (screened 20 to 35 feet below the ground surface (BGS)) identified tetra chi oroethene (PCE) at 5.3 micrograms per liter (ug/L), exceeding the groundwater (GW) pathway PCE Risk-based for Kansas Standard (RSK) level of 5.0 ug/L. KDHE's Site Assessment unit conducted a Preliminary Assessment/Screening Site Inspection (PA/SSI) on 3/7/2001 and identified cis 1, 2 - dichloroethene (DCE) at 92.9 ug/I from CAS MW #1 (screened from 38 to 58.5 feet bgs), exceeding its GW pathway RSK of 70 ug/L. The PA/SSI confirmed the site has been impacted with chlorinated solvents (unknown soil source) and petroleum hydrocarbons (Pepsi site). The property was accepted into the Voluntary Cleanup and Property Redevelopment Program (VCPRP) on 2/8/2002 for PCE and it's degradation products. Various Voluntary Cleanup Investigation (VCI) phases have not identified a soil source for PCE and its degradation products. However, PCE, cis 1, 2-DCE, and vinyl chloride have been found at levels exceeding respective GW pathway RSKs in the shallow portion of the aquifer. The vinyl chloride GW pathway RSK is 2.0 ug/L. Maximums levels are 102 ug/L for cis 1, 2-DCE, 27 ug/L for PCE, and 17 ug/L for vinyl chloride. A VC Proposal was approved on 1/4/2006 with the preferred alternative being long-term GW monitoring (LTM). Four MWs were added to the existing CAS MW network by 10/19/2008 m aking a total of eight MWs that are being semi-annually sampled. The VC Plan for LTM was accepted and then eventually approved on 9/8/2009. The most recent exceedence for PCE occurred on 2/28/2014 and for vinyl chloride on 6/27/13. Contaminant levels are decreasing as GW monitoring continues. Site ID: Has Env Use Control: Project code: PM Name: Site Status: District Office: Lat/Long: River Basin: Aquifer Yield: Other Aquifers: Parent PC: Parent Name: 1616 No 0508571100 BENNE, R. Active NCDO 38.850266 / -97.611891 Smoky Hills - Saline Alluvial Not reported Not reported Not reported TC4471374.2s Page 357 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation Ll 171 F- MAP FINDINGS Site EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number CONTINENTAL ANALYTICAL SERVICES (Continued) CERCLIS ID: Not reported Discovery Date: 04/25/2001 Depth To GW: 21-30 feet Depth To Bedrock: 51-100 feet Aquifer Yield: Not reported GW Flow Direction: SE Acres Affected: <5 acres Waste Present: No Product Present: No Program: Voluntary Cleanup Lead Agency: BER - Assessment and Restoration Contaminants: VOC Media Act: Ground Water Media Pot: Soil Source: Spill Land Use: Commercial Private well: Monitoring Waste Present: Not reported Product: Not reported Receptor Act: Not reported Receptor Pot: Not reported Remed Air: Not reported Remed Soil: Not reported Remed Water: Long Term Monitoring Remedir: Not reported Alias: LINCOLN AVE & 8TH STREET_ Eucan Number: Not reported Date: Not reported Activity Type: Voluntary Agreement Activity Status: Completed Activity Start Date: Not reported Activity End Date: 02/08/2002 Narrative: The Continental Analytical Services (CAS) site is located in the northern portion of Salina at 525 North Eight Street. On 11/3/2000, KDHE sampled 9 monitoring wells (MWs) associated with the Pepsi Cola Bottling Co., petroleum release site (U5-085-00073) located north and northwest adjacent to the subject site. Analytical results from MW 5A (screened 20 to 35 feet below the ground surface (BGS)) identified tetrachloroethene (PCE) at 5.3 micrograms per liter (ug/L), exceeding the groundwater (GW) pathway PCE Risk-based for Kansas Standard (RSK) level of 5.0 ug/L. KDHE's Site Assessment unit conducted a Preliminary Assessment/Screening Site Inspection (PA/SSI) on 3/7/2001 and identified cis 1, 2 - dichloroethene (DCE) at 92.9 ug/I from CAS MW #1 (screened from 38 to 58.5 feet bgs), exceeding its GW pathway RSK of 70 ug/L. The PA/SSI confirmed the site has been impacted with chlorinated solvents (unknown soil source) and petroleum hydrocarbons (Pepsi site). The property was accepted into the Voluntary Cleanup and Property Redevelopment Program (VCPRP) on 2/8/2002 for PCE and it's degradation products. Various Voluntary Cleanup Investigation (VCI) phases have not identified a soil source for PCE and its degradation products. However, PCE, cis 1, 2-DCE, and vinyl chloride have been found at levels exceeding respective GW pathway RSKs in the shallow portion of the aquifer. The vinyl chloride GW pathway RSK is 2.0 ug/L. Maximums levels are 102 ug/L for cis 1, 2-DCE, 27 ug/L for PCE, and 17 ug/L for vinyl chloride. A VC Proposal was approved on 1/4/2006 with the preferred alternative being long-term GW monitoring S105429850 TC4471374.2s Page 358 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation 1-1 MAP FINDINGS Site CONTINENTAL ANALYTICAL SERVICES (Continued) EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number (LTM). Four MWs were added to the existing CAS MW network by 10/19/2008 m aking a total of eight MWs that are being semi-annually sampled. The VC Plan for LTM was accepted and then eventually approved on 9/8/2009. The most recent exceedence for PCE occurred on 2/28/2014 and for vinyl chloride on 6/27/13. Contaminant levels are decreasing as GW monitoring continues. Site ID: 1616 Has Env Use Control: No Project code: 0508571100 PM Name: BENNE, R. Site Status: Active District Office: NCDO Lat/Long: 38.850266 / -97.611891 River Basin: Smoky Hills - Saline Aquifer Yield: Alluvial Other Aquifers: Not reported Parent PC: Not reported Parent Name: Not reported CERCLIS ID: Not reported Discovery Date: 04/25/2001 Depth To GW: 21-30 feet Depth To Bedrock: 51-100 feet Aquifer Yield: Not reported GW Flow Direction: SE Acres Affected: <5 acres Waste Present: No Product Present: No Program: Voluntary Cleanup Lead Agency: BER - Assessment and Restoration Contaminants: VOC Media Act: Ground Water Media Pot: Soil Source: Spill Land Use: Commercial Private well: Monitoring Waste Present: Not reported Product: Not reported Receptor Act: Not reported Receptor Pot: Not reported Remed Air: Not reported Remed Soil: Not reported Remed Water: Long Term Monitoring Remedir: Not reported Alias: LINCOLN AVE & 8TH STREET_ Eucan Number: Not reported Date: Not reported Activity Type: VCP Plan Implementation Activity Status: Underway Activity Start Date: 09/08/2009 Activity End Date: Not reported Narrative: The Continental Analytical Services (CAS) site is located in the northern portion of Salina at 525 North Eight Street. On 11/3/2000, KDHE sampled 9 monitoring wells (MWs) associated with the Pepsi Cola Bottling Co., petroleum release site (U5-085-00073) located north and northwest adjacent to the subject site. Analytical results from MW S105429850 TC4471374.2s Page 359 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation • 1r u • MAP FINDINGS Site CONTINENTAL ANALYTICAL SERVICES (Continued) EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number 5A (screened 20 to 35 feet below the ground surface (BGS)) identified tetrachloroethene (PCE) at 5.3 micrograms per liter (ug/L), exceeding the groundwater (GW) pathway PCE Risk-based for Kansas Standard (RSK) level of 5.0 ug/L. KDHE's Site Assessment unit conducted a Preliminary Assessment/Screening Site Inspection (PA/SSI) on 3/7/2001 and identified cis 1, 2 - dichloroethene (DCE) at 92.9 ug/I from CAS MW #1 (screened from 38 to 58.5 feet bgs), exceeding its GW pathway RSK of 70 ug/L. The PA/SSI confirmed the site has been impacted with chlorinated solvents (unknown soil source) and petroleum hydrocarbons (Pepsi site). The property was accepted into the Voluntary Cleanup and Property Redevelopment Program (VCPRP) on 2/8/2002 for PCE and it's degradation products. Various Voluntary Cleanup Investigation (VCI) phases have not identified a soil source for PCE and its degradation products. However, PCE, cis 1, 2-DCE, and vinyl chloride have been found at levels exceeding respective GW pathway RSKs in the shallow portion of the aquifer. The vinyl chloride GW pathway RSK is 2.0 ug/L. Maximums levels are 102 ug/L for cis 1, 2-DCE, 27 ug/L for PCE, and 17 ug/L for vinyl chloride. A VC Proposal was approved on 1/4/2006 with the preferred alternative being long-term GW monitoring (LTM). Four MWs were added to the existing CAS MW network by 10/19/2008 m aking a total of eight MWs that are being semi-annually sampled. The VC Plan for LTM was accepted and then eventually approved on 9/8/2009. The most recent exceedence for PCE occurred on 2/28/2014 and for vinyl chloride on 6/27/13. Contaminant levels are decreasing as GW monitoring continues. Site ID: 1616 Has Env Use Control: No Project code: 0508571100 PM Name: BENNE, R. Site Status: Active District Office: NCDO Lat/Long: 38.850266 / -97.611891 River Basin: Smoky Hills - Saline Aquifer Yield: Alluvial Other Aquifers: Not reported Parent PC: Not reported Parent Name: Not reported CERCLIS ID: Not reported Discovery Date: 04/25/2001 Depth To GW: 21-30 feet Depth To Bedrock: 51-100 feet Aquifer Yield: Not reported GW Flow Direction: SE Acres Affected: <5 acres Waste Present: No Product Present: No Program: Voluntary Cleanup Lead Agency: BER - Assessment and Restoration Contaminants: VOC Media Act: Ground Water Media Pot: Soil Source: Spill Land Use: Commercial Private well: Monitoring S105429850 TC4471374.2s Page 360 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation • 1� u F- MAP FINDINGS Site CONTINENTAL ANALYTICAL SERVICES (Continued) EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number Waste Present: Not reported Product: Not reported Receptor Act: Not reported Receptor Pot: Not reported Remed Air: Not reported Remed Soil: Not reported Remed Water: Long Term Monitoring Remedir: Not reported Alias: LINCOLN AVE & 8TH STREET_ Eucan Number: Not reported Date: Not reported Activity Type: Voluntary Cleanup Plan Activity Status: Underway Activity Start Date: 07/31/2007 Activity End Date: Not reported Narrative: The Continental Analytical Services (CAS) site is located in the northern portion of Salina at 525 North Eight Street. On 11/3/2000, KDHE sampled 9 monitoring wells (MWs) associated with the Pepsi Cola Bottling Co., petroleum release site (U5-085-00073) located north and northwest adjacent to the subject site. Analytical results from MW 5A (screened 20 to 35 feet below the ground surface (BGS)) identified tetrachloroethene (PCE) at 5.3 micrograms per liter (ug/L), exceeding the groundwater (GW) pathway PCE Risk-based for Kansas Standard (RSK) level of 5.0 ug/L. KDHE's Site Assessment unit conducted a Preliminary Assessment/Screening Site Inspection (PA/SSI) on 3/7/2001 and identified cis 1, 2 - dichloroethene (DCE) at 92.9 ug/I from CAS MW #1 (screened from 38 to 58.5 feet bgs), exceeding its GW pathway RSK of 70 ug/L. The PA/SSI confirmed the site has been impacted with chlorinated solvents (unknown soil source) and petroleum hydrocarbons (Pepsi site). The property was accepted into the Voluntary Cleanup and Property Redevelopment Program (VCPRP) on 2/8/2002 for PCE and it's degradation products. Various Voluntary Cleanup Investigation (VCI) phases have not identified a soil source for PCE and its degradation products. However, PCE, cis 1, 2-DCE, and vinyl chloride have been found at levels exceeding respective GW pathway RSKs in the shallow portion of the aquifer. The vinyl chloride GW pathway RSK is 2.0 ug/L. Maximums levels are 102 ug/L for cis 1, 2-DCE, 27 ug/L for PCE, and 17 ug/L for vinyl chloride. A VC Proposal was approved on 1/4/2006 with the preferred alternative being long-term GW monitoring (LTM). Four MWs were added to the existing CAS MW network by 10/19/2008 m aking a total of eight MWs that are being semi-annually sampled. The VC Plan for LTM was accepted and then eventually approved on 9/8/2009. The most recent exceedence for PCE occurred on 2/28/2014 and for vinyl chloride on 6/27/13. Contaminant levels are decreasing as GW monitoring continues. VCP: Site ID: 1616 Project code: 0508571100 PM Name: BENNE, R. Site Status: Active Lat/Long: 38.8502661-97.611891 Program: Voluntary Cleanup S105429850 TC4471374.2s Page 361 • • • Map ID Direction Distance Elevation Site MAP FINDINGS EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number 77 SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT SHWS S105536912 South 401 S 5TH TIER 2 N/A 1/2-1 SALINA, KS 67401 0.574 mi. 3030 ft. Relative: SHWS: Higher Site ID: 1592 Has Env Use Control: No Actual: Project code: C508500037 1223 ft. PM Name: DOM, J. Site Status: Active District Office: NCDO Lat/Long: 38.83433 / -97.60273 River Basin: Smoky Hills - Saline Aquifer Yield: Not reported Other Aquifers: Not reported Parent PC: Not reported Parent Name: Not reported CERCLIS ID: KSD984966770 Discovery Date: 10/17/1988 Depth To GW: 31-50 feet Depth To Bedrock: 51-100 feet Aquifer Yield: 501-1000 gpm GW Flow Direction: NE Acres Affected: Not reported Waste Present: No Product Present: No Program: Drycleaning Lead Agency: BER - Assessment and Restoration Contaminants: VOC Media Act: Ground Water Media Pot: Not reported Source: Abandoned Facility, Underground Tank/Piping, Other (see Site Narrative) Land Use: Commercial, Industrial, Residential Private well: Not reported Waste Present: Not reported Product: Not reported Receptor Act: Not reported Receptor Pot: Not reported Remed Air: Not reported Remed Soil: Not reported Remed Water: Pump and Treat Remedir: Not reported Alias: QUINELY PROPERTY; SALINA PWS WELLS SITE Eucan Number: Not reported Date: Not reported Activity Type: Screening Site Inspection (SSI) Activity Status: Completed Activity Start Date: Not reported Activity End Date: 09/30/1990 Narrative: In July 2002 a packed tower -air stripper began operation at the water trreatment plant in Salina with funding from both the UST and Drycleaner programs. The system treats all the PWS wells located throughout the city. The packed towers have a design capacity of 5000 gpm per tower. The packing media is approximately 3.5 inches in diameter and placed in 2, 19 foot beds per tower. There are two towers with three blowers producing 25,560 cfm of airflow. TC4471374.2s Page 362 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation • 0 • MAP FINDINGS __71 Site EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) Site ID: 1592 Has Env Use Control: No Project code: C508500037 PM Name: DOM, J. Site Status: Active District Office: NCDO Lat/Long: 38.83433 / -97.60273 River Basin: Smoky Hills - Saline Aquifer Yield: Not reported Other Aquifers: Not reported Parent PC: Not reported Parent Name: Not reported CERCLIS ID: KSD984966770 Discovery Date: 10/17/1988 Depth To GW: 31-50 feet Depth To Bedrock: 51-100 feet Aquifer Yield: 501-1000 gpm GW Flow Direction: NE Acres Affected: Not reported Waste Present: No Product Present: No Program: Drycleaning Lead Agency: BER - Assessment and Restoration Contaminants: VOC Media Act: Ground Water Media Pot: Not reported Source: Abandoned Facility, Underground Tank/Piping, Other (see Site Narrative) Land Use: Commercial, Industrial, Residential Private well: Not reported Waste Present: Not reported Product: Not reported Receptor Act: Not reported Receptor Pot: Not reported Remed Air: Not reported Remed Soil: Not reported Remed Water: Pump and Treat Remedir: Not reported Alias: QUINELY PROPERTY; SALINA PWS WELLS SITE Eucan Number: Not reported Date: Not reported Activity Type: Preliminary Assessment (PA) Activity Status: Completed Activity Start Date: Not reported Activity End Date: 12/31/1988 Narrative: In July 2002 a packed tower -air stripper began operation at the water trreatment plant in Salina with funding from both the UST and Drycleaner programs. The system treats all the PWS wells located throughout the city. The packed towers have a design capacity of 5000 gpm per tower. The packing media is approximately 3.5 inches in diameter and placed in 2, 19 foot beds per tower. There are two towers with three blowers producing 25,560 cfm of airflow. Site ID: 1592 Has Env Use Control: No Project code: C508500037 PM Name: DOM, J. S105536912 TC4471374.2s Page 363 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation • • • MAP FINDINGS Site EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) Site Status: Active District Office: NCDO Lat/Long: 38.83433 / -97.60273 River Basin: Smoky Hills - Saline Aquifer Yield: Not reported Other Aquifers: Not reported Parent PC: Not reported Parent Name: Not reported CERCLIS ID: KSD984966770 Discovery Date: 10/17/1988 Depth To GW: 31-50 feet Depth To Bedrock: 51-100 feet Aquifer Yield: 501-1000 gpm GW Flow Direction: NE Acres Affected: Not reported Waste Present: No Product Present: No Program: Drycleaning Lead Agency: BER - Assessment and Restoration Contaminants: VOC Media Act: Ground Water Media Pot: Not reported Source: Abandoned Facility, Underground Tank/Piping, Other (see Site Narrative) Land Use: Commercial, Industrial, Residential Private well: Not reported Waste Present: Not reported Product: Not reported Receptor Act: Not reported Receptor Pot: Not reported Remed Air: Not reported Remed Soil: Not reported Remed Water: Pump and Treat Remedir: Not reported Alias: QUINELY PROPERTY; SALINA PWS WELLS SITE Eucan Number: Not reported Date: Not reported Activity Type: Phase I Assessment Activity Status: Completed Activity Start Date: Not reported Activity End Date: 06/16/1994 Narrative: In July 2002 a packed tower -air stripper began operation at the water trreatment plant in Salina with funding from both the UST and Drycleaner programs. The system treats all the PWS wells located throughout the city. The packed towers have a design capacity of 5000 gpm per tower. The packing media is approximately 3.5 inches in diameter and placed in 2, 19 foot beds per tower. There are two towers with three blowers producing 25,560 cfm of airflow. Site ID: 1592 Has Env Use Control: No Project code: C508500037 PM Name: DOM, J. Site Status: Active District Office: NCDO Lat/Long: 38.83433/-97.60273 River Basin: Smoky Hills - Saline S105536912 TC4471374.2s Page 364 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation • • MAP FINDINGS Site EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) Aquifer Yield: Not reported Other Aquifers: Not reported Parent PC: Not reported Parent Name: Not reported CERCLIS ID: KSD984966770 Discovery Date: 10/17/1988 Depth To GW: 31-50 feet Depth To Bedrock: 51-100 feet Aquifer Yield: 501-1000 gpm GW Flow Direction: NE Acres Affected: Not reported Waste Present: No Product Present: No Program: Drycleaning Lead Agency: BER - Assessment and Restoration Contaminants: VOC Media Act: Ground Water Media Pot: Not reported Source: Abandoned Facility, Underground Tank/Piping, Other (see Site Narrative) Land Use: Commercial, Industrial, Residential Private well: Not reported Waste Present: Not reported Product: Not reported Receptor Act: Not reported Receptor Pot: Not reported Remed Air: Not reported Remed Soil: Not reported Remed Water: Pump and Treat Remedir: Not reported Alias: QUINELY PROPERTY; SALINA PWS WELLS SITE Eucan Number: Not reported Date: Not reported Activity Type: Phase II Assessment Activity Status: Completed Activity Start Date: Not reported Activity End Date: 06/16/1994 Narrative: In July 2002 a packed tower -air stripper began operation at the water trreatment plant in Salina with funding from both the UST and Drycleaner programs. The system treats all the PWS wells located throughout the city. The packed towers have a design capacity of 5000 gpm per tower. The packing media is approximately 3.5 inches in diameter and placed in 2, 19 foot beds per tower. There are two towers with three blowers producing 25,560 cfm of airflow. Site ID: 1592 Has Env Use Control: No Project code: C508500037 PM Name: DOM, J. Site Status: Active District Office: NCDO Lat/Long: 38.83433 / -97.60273 River Basin: Smoky Hills - Saline Aquifer Yield: Not reported Other Aquifers: Not reported Parent PC: Not reported Parent Name: Not reported S105536912 TC4471374.2s Page 365 Pi • • Map ID Direction Distance Elevation Site F_ MAP FINDINGS SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) CERCLIS ID: Discovery Date: Depth To GW: Depth To Bedrock: Aquifer Yield: GW Flow Direction: Acres Affected: Waste Present: Product Present: Program: Lead Agency: Contaminants: Media Act: Media Pot: Source: Land Use: Private well: Waste Present: Product: Receptor Act: Receptor Pot: Remed Air: Remed Soil: Remed Water: Remedir: Alias: Eucan Number: Date: Activity Type: Activity Status: Activity Start Date Activity End Date: Narrative: Site ID: Has Env Use Control: Project code: PM Name: Site Status: District Office: Lat/Long: River Basin: Aquifer Yield: Other Aquifers: Parent PC: Parent Name: CERCLIS ID: Discovery Date: Depth To GW: Depth To Bedrock: EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number KSD984966770 10/17/1988 31-50 feet 51-100 feet 501-1000 gpm NE Not reported No No Drycleaning BER - Assessment and Restoration VOC Ground Water Not reported Abandoned Facility, Underground Tank/Piping, Other (see Site Narrative) Commercial, Industrial, Residential Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Pump and Treat Not reported QUINELY PROPERTY; SALINA PWS WELLS SITE Not reported Not reported Long Term Monitoring Underway 07131/2000 Not reported In July 2002 a packed tower -air stripper began operation at the water trreatment plant in Salina with funding from both the UST and Drycleaner programs. The system treats all the PWS wells located throughout the city. The packed towers have a design capacity of 5000 gpm per tower. The packing media is approximately 3.5 inches in diameter and placed in 2, 19 foot beds per tower. There are two towers with three blowers producing 25,560 cfm of airflow. 1592 No C508500037 DOM, J. Active NCDO 38.83433 / -97.60273 Smoky Hills - Saline Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported KSD984966770 10/17/1988 31-50 feet 51-100 feet 5105536912 TC4471374.2s Page 366 t_J • Map ID Direction Distance Elevation Site MAP FINDINGS SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) Aquifer Yield: GW Flow Direction Acres Affected: Waste Present: Product Present: Program: Lead Agency: Contaminants: Media Act: Media Pot: Source: Land Use: Private well: Waste Present: Product: Receptor Act: Receptor Pot: Remed Air: Remed Soil: Remed Water: Remedir: Alias: Eucan Number: Date: Activity Type: Activity Status: Activity Start Date Activity End Date: Narrative: Site ID: Has Env Use Control: Project code: PM Name: Site Status: District Office: Lat/Long: River Basin: Aquifer Yield: Other Aquifers: Parent PC: Parent Name: CERCLIS ID: Discovery Date: Depth To GW: Depth To Bedrock: Aquifer Yield: GW Flow Direction: Acres Affected: Waste Present: EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number 501-1000 gpm NE Not reported No No Drycleaning BER - Assessment and Restoration VOC Ground Water Not reported Abandoned Facility, Underground Tank/Piping, Other (see Site Narrative) Commercial, Industrial, Residential Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Pump and Treat Not reported QUINELY PROPERTY: SALINA PWS WELLS SITE Not reported Not reported Corrective Action Underway 07/31/2000 Not reported In July 2002 a packed tower -air stripper began operation at the water trreatment plant in Salina with funding from both the UST and Drycleaner programs. The system treats all the PWS wells located throughout the city. The packed towers have a design capacity of 5000 gpm per tower. The packing media is approximately 3.5 inches in diameter and placed in 2, 19 foot beds per tower. There are two towers with three blowers producing 25,560 cfm of airflow. 1592 No C508500037 DOM, J. Active NCDO 38.83433 / -97.60273 Smoky Hills - Saline Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported KSD984966770 10/17/1988 31-50 feet 51-100 feet 501-1000 gpm NE Not reported No 5105536912 TC4471374.2s Page 367 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation L� • MAP FINDINGS Site EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) Product Present: No Program: Drycleaning Lead Agency: BER - Assessment and Restoration Contaminants: VOC Media Act: Ground Water Media Pot: Not reported Source: Abandoned Facility, Underground Tank/Piping, Other (see Site Not reported Narrative) Land Use: Commercial, Industrial, Residential Private well: Not reported Waste Present: Not reported Product: Not reported Receptor Act: Not reported Receptor Pot: Not reported Remed Air: Not reported Remed Soil: Not reported Remed Water: Pump and Treat Remedir: Not reported Alias: QUINELY PROPERTY; SALINA PWS WELLS SITE Eucan Number: Not reported Date: Not reported Activity Type: Expanded Site Inspection Activity Status: Completed Activity Start Date: Not reported Activity End Date: 06/30/1993 Narrative: In July 2002 a packed tower -air stripper began operation at the water trreatment plant in Salina with funding from both the UST and Drycleaner programs. The system treats all the PWS wells located throughout the city. The packed towers have a design capacity of 5000 gpm per tower. The packing media is approximately 3.5 inches in diameter and placed in 2, 19 foot beds per tower. There are two towers with three blowers producing 25,560 cfm of airflow. Site ID: 1592 Has Env Use Control: No Project code: C508500037 PM Name: DOM, J. Site Status: Active District Office: NCDO LaULong: 38.83433/-97.60273 River Basin: Smoky Hills - Saline Aquifer Yield: Not reported Other Aquifers: Not reported Parent PC: Not reported Parent Name: Not reported CERCLIS ID: KSD984966770 Discovery Date: 10/17/1988 Depth To GW: 31-50 feet Depth To Bedrock: 51-100 feet Aquifer Yield: 501-1000 gpm GW Flow Direction: NE Acres Affected: Not reported Waste Present: No Product Present: No Program: Drydeaning Lead Agency: BER - Assessment and Restoration Contaminants: VOC S105536912 TC4471374.2s Page 368 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation • MAP FINDINGS Site EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) Media Act: Ground Water Media Pot: Not reported Source: Abandoned Facility, Underground Tank/Piping, Other (see Site DOM, J. Narrative) Land Use: Commercial, Industrial, Residential Private well: Not reported Waste Present: Not reported Product: Not reported Receptor Act: Not reported Receptor Pot: Not reported Remed Air: Not reported Remed Soil: Not reported Remed Water: Pump and Treat Remedir: Not reported Alias: QUINELY PROPERTY; SALINA PWS WELLS SITE Eucan Number: Not reported Date: Not reported Activity Type: Remedial Investigation Activity Status: Completed Activity Start Date: Not reported Activity End Date: 07/05/1996 Narrative: In July 2002 a packed tower -air stripper began operation at the water BER - Assessment and Restoration trreatment plant in Salina with funding from both the UST and VOC Drycleaner programs. The system treats all the PWS wells located Ground Water throughout the city. The packed towers have a design capacity of Not reported 5000 gpm per tower. The packing media is approximately 3.5 inches in Abandoned Facility, Underground Tank/Piping, Other (see Site diameter and placed in 2, 19 foot beds per tower. There are two Narrative) towers with three blowers producing 25,560 cfm of airflow. Site ID: 1592 Has Env Use Control: No Project code: 0508500037 PM Name: DOM, J. Site Status: Active District Office: NCDO Lat/Long: 38.83433/-97.60273 River Basin: Smoky Hills - Saline Aquifer Yield: Not reported Other Aquifers: Not reported Parent PC: Not reported Parent Name: Not reported CERCLIS ID: KSD984966770 Discovery Date: 10/17/1988 Depth To GW: 31-50 feet Depth To Bedrock: 51-100 feet Aquifer Yield: 501-1000 gpm GW Flow Direction: NE Acres Affected: Not reported Waste Present: No Product Present: No Program: Drycleaning Lead Agency: BER - Assessment and Restoration Contaminants: VOC Media Act: Ground Water Media Pot: Not reported Source: Abandoned Facility, Underground Tank/Piping, Other (see Site Narrative) S105536912 TC4471374.2s Page 369 r � U • Map ID Direction Distance Elevation Site MAP FINDINGS SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) Land Use: Private well: Waste Present: Product: Receptor Act: Receptor Pot: Remed Air: Remed Soil: Remed Water: Remedir: Alias: Eucan Number: Date: Activity Type: Activity Status: Activity Start Date Activity End Date: Narrative: TIER 2: edr zip: Facility Id: Facility Phone: FID Num: PID Num: NAICS: Report Year: New Facility: Nearest Cross Street: SIC Code: Section Code: Emergency Namel: Emergency Titlel: Emergency Phonel: Emergency 24phonel: Emergency Name2: Emergency Title2: Emergency Phonel: Emergency 24phone2: Submitter: Created: Updated: Rep Name: Rep Title: Zip Field: Facility Latitude: Facility Longitude: Emergency Emaill: Emergency Email2: Tier2 Contact Name: Tier2 Title: EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number Commercial, Industrial, Residential Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Pump and Treat Not reported QUINELY PROPERTY; SALINA PWS WELLS SITE Not reported Not reported Corrective Action Study Completed Not reported 05/24/1996 In July 2002 a packed tower -air stripper began operation at the water trreatment plant in Salina with funding from both the UST and Drycleaner programs. The system treats all the PWS wells located throughout the city. The packed towers have a design capacity of 5000 gpm per tower. The packing media is approximately 3.5 inches in diameter and placed in 2, 19 foot beds per tower. There are two towers with three blowers producing 25,560 cfm of airflow. Not reported 364949 (785)309-5725 SA00048 KS01056 221310 2014 Not reported SOUTH ST 4941 312 MARTHA TASKER DIR OF UTILITIES (785)309-5725 (785)392-7574 RAY STARNES WTP OPERATIONS FOREMAN (785)826-7305 (785)488-5151 Not reported Not reported 2015-02-12 09:36:35 Martha A. Tasker Director of Utilities Not reported 38.8340000 -97.6078000 martha.tasker@salina.org ray.stames@salina.org MARTHA TASKER DIR OF UTILITIES S105536912 TC4471374.2s Page 370 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance Elevation Site 0 SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number S105536912 TC4471374.2s Page 371 Tier2 Phone: (785)309-5725 Tier2 Phone24: (785)392-7574 Tier2 EMail: martha.tasker@salina.org Annual Revision: annual Max Occupants: 20 Manned/Unmanned: manned Section: 13 Township: 14 RangeO: 3 Trifids: n/a RMP Facid: 1000-0004-3972 Subject 302: N Subject 112: Y Chemical: FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 896602 Chemical Name: CARUS 8100, BLENDED POLYPHOSPHATE CAS: NONE Trade Secret: No EHS: Not reported Solid: Not reported Liquid: Yes Gas: Not reported Pure: Not reported Mix: Yes Fire: Not reported • Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 50000 Avg Daily Amt: 25000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CARUS 8100, BLENDED POLYPHOSPHATE Storage Id: 1213608 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: NORTH END OF BLOWER BLDG Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CARUS 8100. BLENDED POLYPHOSPHATE Storage Id: 1213608 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: NORTH END OF BLOWER BLDG Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CARUS 8100, BLENDED POLYPHOSPHATE Storage Id: 1213608 Container: Above Ground Tank • Pressure: Ambient pressure EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number S105536912 TC4471374.2s Page 371 0 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance Elevation Site SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: NORTH END OF BLOWER BLDG FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860287 Chemical Name: ALUMINUM SULFATE CAS: 10043013 Trade Secret: No EHS: Not reported Solid: Yes Liquid: Not reported Gas: Not reported Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 160000 Avg Daily Amt: 80000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: ALUMINUM SULFATE Storage Id: 1213613 Container: S Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG ONE SILO Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: ALUMINUM SULFATE Storage Id: 1213613 Container: Silo Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG ONE SILO Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: ALUMINUM SULFATE Storage Id: 1213613 Container: S Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG ONE SILO Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: ALUMINUM SULFATE Storage Id: 1213613 Container: Silo Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG ONE SILO EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number S105536912 TC4471374.2s Page 372 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) S105536912 TC4471374.2s Page 373 Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: ALUMINUM SULFATE Storage Id: 1213613 Container: Silo Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG ONE SILO FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860288 Chemical Name: AMMONIA CAS: 7664417 Trade Secret: No EHS: Yes Solid: Not reported Liquid: Yes Gas: Yes Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Yes Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 4000 Avg Daily Amt: 2000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: AMMONIA Storage Id: 1213612 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: G Temperature: A Storage Location: N OF CHEMICAL BLDG IN HORIZONAL TANK Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: AMMONIA Storage Id: 1213612 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: Greater than ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: N OF CHEMICAL BLDG IN HORIZONAL TANK Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: AMMONIA Storage Id: 1213612 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: G Temperature: A Storage Location: N OF CHEMICAL BLDG IN HORIZONAL TANK Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: AMMONIA .Storage Id: 1213612 TC4471374.2s Page 373 EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number S105536912 TC4471374.2s Page 374 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance Elevation Site SALINA, CITY OF-WATER TREATMENT (Continued) Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: Greater than ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: N OF CHEMICAL BLDG IN HORIZONAL TANK Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: AMMONIA Storage Id: 1213612 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: Greater than ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: N OF CHEMICAL BLDG IN HORIZONAL TANK FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860289 Chemical Name: CALCIUM OXIDE CAS: 1305788 Trade Secret: No EHS: Not reported Solid: Yes Liquid: Not reported Gas: Not reported Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 1000000 Avg Daily Amt: 700000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CALCIUM OXIDE Storage Id: 1213611 Container: S Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG THREE SILOS Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CALCIUM OXIDE Storage Id: 1213611 Container: Silo Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG THREE SILOS Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CALCIUM OXIDE Storage Id: 1213611 Container: S Pressure: A . Temperature: A EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number S105536912 TC4471374.2s Page 374 TC4471374.2s Page 375 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) S105536912 Storage Location: INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG THREE SILOS Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CALCIUM OXIDE Storage Id: 1213611 Container: Silo Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG THREE SILOS Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CALCIUM OXIDE Storage Id: 1213611 Container: Silo Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG THREE SILOS FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860290 Chemical Name: CARBON DIOXIDE CAS: 124389 Trade Secret: No EHS: Not reported • Solid: Liquid: Not reported Yes Gas: Yes Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Yes Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 120000 Avg Daily Amt: 100000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CARBON DIOXIDE Storage Id: 1213610 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: G Temperature: A Storage Location: TANKS SOUTH OF FILTER BLDG. Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CARBON DIOXIDE Storage Id: 1213610 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: Greater than ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: TANKS SOUTH OF FILTER BLDG. • Fid Num: SA00048 TC4471374.2s Page 375 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number 0 — SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) S105536912 TC4471374.2s Page 376 Chemical Name: CARBON DIOXIDE Storage Id: 1213610 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: G Temperature: A Storage Location: TANKS SOUTH OF FILTER BLDG. Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CARBON DIOXIDE Storage Id: 1213610 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: Greater than ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: TANKS SOUTH OF FILTER BLDG. Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CARBON DIOXIDE Storage Id: 1213610 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: Greater than ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: TANKS SOUTH OF FILTER BLDG. FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860291 • Chemical Name: CHLORINE CAS: 7782505 Trade Secret: No EHS: Yes Solid: Not reported Liquid: Yes Gas: Yes Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Yes Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 36000 Avg Daily Amt: 18000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CHLORINE Storage Id: 1213609 Container: Tank Inside Building Pressure: G Temperature: A Storage Location: CHLORINE BLDG S OF CHEMICAL BLDG Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CHLORINE Storage Id: 1213609 • Container: Cylinder TC4471374.2s Page 376 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation 0 • MAP FINDINGS Site EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) S105536912 Pressure: Greater than ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: CHLORINE BLDG S OF CHEMICAL BLDG Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CHLORINE Storage Id: 1213609 Container: Tank Inside Building Pressure: G Temperature: A Storage Location: CHLORINE BLDG S OF CHEMICAL BLDG Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CHLORINE Storage Id: 1213609 Container: Cylinder Pressure: Greater than ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: CHLORINE BLDG S OF CHEMICAL BLDG Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CHLORINE Storage Id: 1213609 Container: Cylinder Pressure: Greater than ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: CHLORINE BLDG S OF CHEMICAL BLDG FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860293 Chemical Name: SODIUM CARBONATE CAS: 497198 Trade Secret: No EHS: Not reported Solid: Yes Liquid: Not reported Gas: Not reported Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 270000 Avg Daily Amt: 135000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM CARBONATE Storage Id: 1213607 Container: S Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: IN CHEMICAL BLDG TWO SILOS TC4471374.2s Page 377 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction F7 Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) 5105536912 TC4471374.2s Page 378 Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM CARBONATE Storage Id: 1213607 Container: Silo Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: IN CHEMICAL BLDG TWO SILOS Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM CARBONATE Storage Id: 1213607 Container: S Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: IN CHEMICAL BLDG TWO SILOS Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM CARBONATE Storage Id: 1213607 Container: Silo Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: IN CHEMICAL BLDG TWO SILOS Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM CARBONATE • Storage Id: 1213607 Container: Silo Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: IN CHEMICAL BLDG TWO SILOS FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860294 Chemical Name: SODIUM CHLORIDE CAS: 7647145 Trade Secret: No EHS: Not reported Solid: Yes Liquid: Not reported Gas: Not reported Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 16000 Avg Daily Amt: 8000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM CHLORIDE • Storage Id: 1213606 TC4471374.2s Page 378 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation Pi u F_ MAP FINDINGS Site EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) Container: Below Ground Tank Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: STORAGE RM IN N END OF AIR STRIPPER BLOWER RM Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM CHLORIDE Storage Id: 1213606 Container: Bag Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: STORAGE RM IN N END OF AIR STRIPPER BLOWER RM Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM CHLORIDE Storage Id: 1213606 Container: Below Ground Tank Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: STORAGE RM IN N END OF AIR STRIPPER BLOWER RM Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM CHLORIDE Storage Id: 1213606 Container: Bag Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: STORAGE RM IN N END OF AIR STRIPPER BLOWER RM Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM CHLORIDE Storage Id: 1213606 Container: Bag Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: STORAGE RM IN N END OF AIR STRIPPER BLOWER RM FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860295 Chemical Name: SODIUM H EXAM ETAPHOSPHATE CAS: 62533931 Trade Secret: No EHS: Not reported Solid: Yes Liquid: Not reported Gas: Not reported Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 14000 Avg Daily Amt: 5000 Days On Site: 365 S105536912 TC4471374.2s Page 379 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number • SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) S105536912 Opt Report TC4471374.2s Page 380 Storage: Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM HEXAMETAPHOSPHATE Storage Id: 1213605 Container: Below Ground Tank Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: BAGS NE AREA OF FILTER BLDG 2ND FLOOR Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM HEXAMETAPHOSPHATE Storage Id: 1213605 Container: Bag Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: BAGS NE AREA OF FILTER BLDG 2ND FLOOR Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM HEXAMETAPHOSPHATE Storage Id: 1213605 Container: Below Ground Tank Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: BAGS NE AREA OF FILTER BLDG 2ND FLOOR • Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM HEXAMETAPHOSPHATE Storage Id: 1213605 Container: Bag Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: BAGS NE AREA OF FILTER BLDG 2ND FLOOR Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM HEXAMETAPHOSPHATE Storage Id: 1213605 Container: Bag Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: BAGS NE AREA OF FILTER BLDG 2ND FLOOR FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860296 Chemical Name: SODIUM HYDROXIDE CAS: 1310-73-2 Trade Secret: No EHS: Yes Solid: Not reported Liquid: Yes Gas: Not reported Pure: Not reported Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Not reported • Reactive: Yes TC4471374.2s Page 380 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number s SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) S105536912 TC4471374.2s Page 381 Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 21000 Avg Daily Amt: 21000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM HYDROXIDE Storage Id: 1213604 Container: T Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: CHLORINE BLDG SCRUBBER ROOM Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM HYDROXIDE Storage Id: 1213604 Container: Tank Inside Building Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: CHLORINE BLDG SCRUBBER ROOM Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM HYDROXIDE Storage Id: 1213604 • Container: T Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: CHLORINE BLDG SCRUBBER ROOM Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM HYDROXIDE Storage Id: 1213604 Container: Tank Inside Building Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: CHLORINE BLDG SCRUBBER ROOM Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM HYDROXIDE Storage Id: 1213604 Container: Tank Inside Building Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: CHLORINE BLDG SCRUBBER ROOM FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860297 Chemical Name: SODIUM SILICOFLUORIDE CAS: 16893359 Trade Secret: No EHS: Not reported Solid: Yes Liquid: Not reported • Gas: Not reported TC4471374.2s Page 381 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation • • f- MAP FINDINGS Site EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) S105536912 Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 14000 Avg Daily Amt: 5000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: SA00048 Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM SILICOFLUORIDE Storage Id: 1213603 Container: Below Ground Tank Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: NE AREA OF FILTER BLDG 2ND FL & CHEMICAL FL Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM SILICOFLUORIDE Storage Id: 1213603 Container: Bag Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: NE AREA OF FILTER BLDG 2ND FL & CHEMICAL FL Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM SILICOFLUORIDE Storage Id: 1213603 Container: Below Ground Tank Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: NE AREA OF FILTER BLDG 2ND FL & CHEMICAL FL Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM SILICOFLUORIDE Storage Id: 1213603 Container: Bag Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: NE AREA OF FILTER BLDG 2ND FL & CHEMICAL FL Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM SILICOFLUORIDE Storage Id: 1213603 Container: Bag Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: NE AREA OF FILTER BLDG 2ND FL & CHEMICAL FL FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 896602 Chemical Name: CARUS 8100, BLENDED POLYPHOSPHATE CAS: NONE TC4471374.2s Page 382 TC4471374.2s Page 383 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number • SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) S105536912 Trade Secret: No EHS: Not reported Solid: Not reported Liquid: Yes Gas: Not reported Pure: Not reported Mix: Yes Fire: Not reported Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 50000 Avg Daily Amt: 25000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CARUS 8100, BLENDED POLYPHOSPHATE Storage Id: 1213608 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: NORTH END OF BLOWER BLDG Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CARUS 8100, BLENDED POLYPHOSPHATE Storage Id: 1213608 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: NORTH END OF BLOWER BLDG Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CARUS 8100, BLENDED POLYPHOSPHATE Storage Id: 1213608 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: NORTH END OF BLOWER BLDG FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860287 Chemical Name: ALUMINUM SULFATE CAS: 10043013 Trade Secret: No EHS: Not reported Solid: Yes Liquid: Not reported Gas: Not reported Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported TC4471374.2s Page 383 TC4471374.2s Page 384 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number • Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number SALINA, CITY OF-WATER TREATMENT (Continued) 5105536912 Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 160000 Avg Daily Amt: 80000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: ALUMINUM SULFATE Storage Id: 1213613 Container: S Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG ONE SILO Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: ALUMINUM SULFATE Storage Id: 1213613 Container: Silo Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG ONE SILO Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: ALUMINUM SULFATE Storage Id: 1213613 Container: S Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG ONE SILO Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: ALUMINUM SULFATE Storage Id: 1213613 Container: Silo Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG ONE SILO Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: ALUMINUM SULFATE Storage Id: 1213613 Container: Silo Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG ONE SILO FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860288 Chemical Name: AMMONIA CAS: 7664417 Trade Secret: No EHS: Yes Solid: Not reported Liquid: Yes Gas: Yes • Pure: Yes TC4471374.2s Page 384 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation .7 C F_ MAP FINDINGS Site EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) S105536912 Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Yes Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 4000 Avg Daily Amt: 2000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: SA00048 Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: AMMONIA Storage Id: 1213612 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: G Temperature: A Storage Location: N OF CHEMICAL BLDG IN HORIZONAL TANK Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: AMMONIA Storage Id: 1213612 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: Greater than ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: N OF CHEMICAL BLDG IN HORIZONAL TANK Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: AMMONIA Storage Id: 1213612 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: G Temperature: A Storage Location: N OF CHEMICAL BLDG IN HORIZONAL TANK Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: AMMONIA Storage Id: 1213612 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: Greater than ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: N OF CHEMICAL BLDG IN HORIZONAL TANK Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: AMMONIA Storage Id: 1213612 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: Greater than ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: N OF CHEMICAL BLDG IN HORIZONAL TANK FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860289 Chemical Name: CALCIUM OXIDE CAS: 1305788 Trade Secret: No TC4471374.2s Page 385 0 • • Map ID Direction Distance Elevation f- MAP FINDINGS Site EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) S105536912 EHS: Not reported Solid: Yes Liquid: Not reported Gas: Not reported Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 1000000 Avg Daily Amt: 700000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CALCIUM OXIDE Storage Id: 1213611 Container: S Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG THREE SILOS Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CALCIUM OXIDE Storage Id: 1213611 Container: Silo Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG THREE SILOS Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CALCIUM OXIDE Storageld: 1213611 Container: S Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG THREE SILOS Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CALCIUM OXIDE Storage Id: 1213611 Container: Silo Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG THREE SILOS Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CALCIUM OXIDE Storage Id: 1213611 Container: Silo Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG THREE SILOS TC4471374.2s Page 386 0 • • Map ID Direction Distance Elevation MAP FINDINGS Site EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) S105536912 FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860290 Chemical Name: CARBON DIOXIDE CAS: 124389 Trade Secret: No EHS: Not reported Solid: Not reported Liquid: Yes Gas: Yes Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Yes Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 120000 Avg Daily Amt: 100000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CARBON DIOXIDE Storage Id: 1213610 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: G Temperature: A Storage Location: TANKS SOUTH OF FILTER BLDG. Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CARBON DIOXIDE Storage Id: 1213610 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: Greater than ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: TANKS SOUTH OF FILTER BLDG. Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CARBON DIOXIDE Storage Id: 1213610 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: G Temperature: A Storage Location: TANKS SOUTH OF FILTER BLDG. Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CARBON DIOXIDE Storage Id: 1213610 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: Greater than ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: TANKS SOUTH OF FILTER BLDG. Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CARBON DIOXIDE Storage Id: 1213610 Container: Above Ground Tank TC4471374.2s Page 387 TC4471374.2s Page 388 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) S105536912 Pressure: Greater than ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: TANKS SOUTH OF FILTER BLDG. FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860291 Chemical Name: CHLORINE CAS: 7782505 Trade Secret: No EHS: Yes Solid: Not reported Liquid: Yes Gas: Yes Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Yes Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 36000 Avg Daily Amt: 18000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CHLORINE Storage Id: 1213609 Container: Tank Inside Building Pressure: G Temperature: A Storage Location: CHLORINE BLDG S OF CHEMICAL BLDG Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CHLORINE Storage Id: 1213609 Container: Cylinder Pressure: Greater than ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: CHLORINE BLDG S OF CHEMICAL BLDG Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CHLORINE Storage Id: 1213609 Container: Tank Inside Building Pressure: G Temperature: A Storage Location: CHLORINE BLDG S OF CHEMICAL BLDG Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CHLORINE Storage Id: 1213609 Container: Cylinder Pressure: Greater than ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature • Storage Location: CHLORINE BLDG S OF CHEMICAL BLDG TC4471374.2s Page 388 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation C� • MAP FINDINGS Site EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) S105536912 Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CHLORINE Storage Id: 1213609 Container: Cylinder Pressure: Greater than ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: CHLORINE BLDG S OF CHEMICAL BLDG FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860292 Chemical Name: KING PHOS III CAS: NONE Trade Secret: Yes EHS: Not reported Solid: Not reported Liquid: Yes Gas: Not reported Pure: Not reported Mix: Yes Fire: Not reported Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 50000 Avg Daily Amt: 25000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: KING PHOS III Storage Id: 1213608 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: NORTH END OF BLOWER BLDG Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: KING PHOS III Storage Id: 1213608 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: NORTH END OF BLOWER BLDG FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860293 Chemical Name: SODIUM CARBONATE CAS: 497198 Trade Secret: No EHS: Not reported Solid: Yes Liquid: Not reported Gas: Not reported Pure: Yes TC4471374.2s Page 389 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation 0 C� �__ F_ MAP FINDINGS Site EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) S105536912 Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 270000 Avg Daily Amt: 135000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: Pressure: Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM CARBONATE Storage Id: 1213607 Container: S Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: IN CHEMICAL BLDG TWO SILOS Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM CARBONATE Storage Id: 1213607 Container: Silo Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: IN CHEMICAL BLDG TWO SILOS Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM CARBONATE Storage Id: 1213607 Container: S Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: IN CHEMICAL BLDG TWO SILOS Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM CARBONATE Storage Id: 1213607 Container: Silo Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: IN CHEMICAL BLDG TWO SILOS Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM CARBONATE Storage Id: 1213607 Container: Silo Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: IN CHEMICAL BLDG TWO SILOS FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860294 Chemical Name: SODIUM CHLORIDE CAS: 7647145 Trade Secret: No TC4471374.2s Page 390 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation 0 • • F_ MAP FINDINGS Site EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) EHS: Not reported Solid: Yes Liquid: Not reported Gas: Not reported Pure: Yes Mix. Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 16000 Avg Daily Amt: 8000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM CHLORIDE Storage Id: 1213606 Container: Below Ground Tank Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: STORAGE RM IN N END OF AIR STRIPPER BLOWER RM Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM CHLORIDE Storage Id: 1213606 Container: Bag Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: STORAGE RM IN N END OF AIR STRIPPER BLOWER RM Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM CHLORIDE Storage Id: 1213606 Container: Below Ground Tank Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: STORAGE RM IN N END OF AIR STRIPPER BLOWER RM Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM CHLORIDE Storage Id: 1213606 Container: Bag Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: STORAGE RM IN N END OF AIR STRIPPER BLOWER RM Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM CHLORIDE Storage Id: 1213606 Container: Bag Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: STORAGE RM IN N END OF AIR STRIPPER BLOWER RM S105536912 TC4471374.2s Page 391 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) S105536912 TC4471374.2s Page 392 FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860295 Chemical Name: SODIUM HEXAMETAPHOSPHATE CAS: 62533931 Trade Secret: No EHS: Not reported Solid: Yes Liquid: Not reported Gas: Not reported Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 14000 Avg Daily Amt: 5000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM HEXAMETAPHOSPHATE Storage Id: 1213605 Container: Below Ground Tank Pressure: A • Temperature: A Storage Location: BAGS NE AREA OF FILTER BLDG 2ND FLOOR Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM HEXAMETAPHOSPHATE Storage Id: 1213605 Container: Bag Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: BAGS NE AREA OF FILTER BLDG 2ND FLOOR Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM HEXAMETAPHOSPHATE Storage Id: 1213605 Container: Below Ground Tank Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: BAGS NE AREA OF FILTER BLDG 2ND FLOOR Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM HEXAMETAPHOSPHATE Storage Id: 1213605 Container: Bag Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: BAGS NE AREA OF FILTER BLDG 2ND FLOOR Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM HEXAMETAPHOSPHATE Storage Id: 1213605 Container: Bag TC4471374.2s Page 392 EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number S105536912 TC4471374.2s Page 393 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance Elevation Site • SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: BAGS NE AREA OF FILTER BLDG 2ND FLOOR FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860296 Chemical Name: SODIUM HYDROXIDE CAS: 1310732 Trade Secret: No EHS: Yes Solid: Not reported Liquid: Yes Gas: Not reported Pure: Not reported Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 21000 Avg Daily Amt: 21000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM HYDROXIDE Storage Id: 1213604 Container: T Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: CHLORINE BLDG SCRUBBER ROOM Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM HYDROXIDE Storage Id: 1213604 Container: Tank Inside Building Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: CHLORINE BLDG SCRUBBER ROOM Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM HYDROXIDE Storage Id: 1213604 Container: T Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: CHLORINE BLDG SCRUBBER ROOM Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM HYDROXIDE Storage Id: 1213604 Container: Tank Inside Building Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: CHLORINE BLDG SCRUBBER ROOM EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number S105536912 TC4471374.2s Page 393 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation F_ MAP FINDINGS Site EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) 5105536912 Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM HYDROXIDE Storage Id: 1213604 Container: Tank Inside Building Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: CHLORINE BLDG SCRUBBER ROOM FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860297 Chemical Name: SODIUM SILICOFLUORIDE CAS: 16893359 Trade Secret: No EHS: Not reported Solid: Yes Liquid: Not reported Gas: Not reported Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 14000 Avg Daily Amt: 5000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM SILICOFLUORIDE Storage Id: 1213603 Container: Below Ground Tank Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: NE AREA OF FILTER BLDG 2ND FL & CHEMICAL FL Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM SILICOFLUORIDE Storage Id: 1213603 Container: Bag Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: NE AREA OF FILTER BLDG 2ND FL & CHEMICAL FL Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM SILICOFLUORIDE Storage Id: 1213603 Container: Below Ground Tank Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: NE AREA OF FILTER BLDG 2ND FL & CHEMICAL FL Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM SILICOFLUORIDE Storage Id: 1213603 TC4471374.2s Page 394 EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number S105536912 TC4471374.2s Page 395 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance Elevation Site SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) Container: Bag Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: NE AREA OF FILTER BLDG 2ND FL & CHEMICAL FL Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM SILICOFLUORIDE Storage Id: 1213603 Container: Bag Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: NE AREA OF FILTER BLDG 2ND FL & CHEMICAL FL FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860287 Chemical Name: ALUMINUM SULFATE CAS: 10043013 Trade Secret: No EHS: Not reported Solid: Yes Liquid: Not reported Gas: Not reported Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported ' Fire: Pressure: Not reported Not reported Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 160000 Avg Daily Amt: 80000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: ALUMINUM SULFATE Storage Id: 1213613 Container: S Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG ONE SILO Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: ALUMINUM SULFATE Storage Id: 1213613 Container: Silo Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG ONE SILO Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: ALUMINUM SULFATE Storage Id: 1213613 Container: S Pressure: A Temperature: A EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number S105536912 TC4471374.2s Page 395 TC4471374.2s Page 396 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number • Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) S105536912 Storage Location: INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG ONE SILO Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: ALUMINUM SULFATE Storage Id: 1213613 Container: Silo Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG ONE SILO Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: ALUMINUM SULFATE Storage Id: 1213613 Container: Silo Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG ONE SILO FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860288 Chemical Name: AMMONIA CAS: 7664417 Trade Secret: No EHS: Yes Solid: Not reported Liquid: Yes Gas: Yes Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Yes Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 4000 Avg Daily Amt: 2000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: AMMONIA Storage Id: 1213612 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: G Temperature: A Storage Location: N OF CHEMICAL BLDG IN HORIZONAL TANK Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: AMMONIA Storage Id: 1213612 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: Greater than ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: N OF CHEMICAL BLDG IN HORIZONAL TANK Fid Num: SA00048 TC4471374.2s Page 396 EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number S105536912 TC4471374.2s Page 397 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance Elevation Site SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) Chemical Name: AMMONIA Storage Id: 1213612 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: G Temperature: A Storage Location: N OF CHEMICAL BLDG IN HORIZONAL TANK Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: AMMONIA Storage Id: 1213612 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: Greater than ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: N OF CHEMICAL BLDG IN HORIZONAL TANK Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: AMMONIA Storage Id: 1213612 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: Greater than ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: N OF CHEMICAL BLDG IN HORIZONAL TANK FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860289 . Chemical Name: CALCIUM OXIDE CAS: 1305788 Trade Secret: No EHS: Not reported Solid: Yes Liquid: Not reported Gas: Not reported Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 1000000 Avg Daily Amt: 700000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CALCIUM OXIDE Storage Id: 1213611 Container: S Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG THREE SILOS Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CALCIUM OXIDE Storage Id: 1213611 Container: Silo EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number S105536912 TC4471374.2s Page 397 C: • i Map ID Direction Distance Elevation MAP FINDINGS Site EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) S105536912 Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG THREE SILOS Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CALCIUM OXIDE Storage Id: 1213611 Container: S Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG THREE SILOS Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CALCIUM OXIDE Storage Id: 1213611 Container: Silo Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG THREE SILOS Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CALCIUM OXIDE Storage Id: 1213611 Container: Silo Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG THREE SILOS FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860290 Chemical Name: CARBON DIOXIDE CAS: 124389 Trade Secret: No EHS: Not reported Solid: Not reported Liquid: Yes Gas: Yes Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Yes Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 120000 Avg Daily Amt: 100000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CARBON DIOXIDE Storage Id: 1213610 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: G Temperature: A Storage Location: TANKS SOUTH OF FILTER BLDG. TC4471374.2s Page 398 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) S105536912 TC4471374.2s Page 399 Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CARBON DIOXIDE Storage Id: 1213610 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: Greater than ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: TANKS SOUTH OF FILTER BLDG. Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CARBON DIOXIDE Storage Id: 1213610 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: G Temperature: A Storage Location: TANKS SOUTH OF FILTER BLDG. Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CARBON DIOXIDE Storage Id: 1213610 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: Greater than ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: TANKS SOUTH OF FILTER BLDG. Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CARBON DIOXIDE • Storage Id: 1213610 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: Greater than ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: TANKS SOUTH OF FILTER BLDG. FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860291 Chemical Name: CHLORINE CAS: 7782505 Trade Secret: No EHS: Yes Solid: Not reported Liquid: Yes Gas: Yes Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Yes Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 36000 Avg Daily Amt: 18000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CHLORINE Storage Id: 1213609 TC4471374.2s Page 399 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) S105536912 TC4471374.2s Page 400 Container: Tank Inside Building Pressure: G Temperature: A Storage Location: CHLORINE BLDG S OF CHEMICAL BLDG Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CHLORINE Storage Id: 1213609 Container: Cylinder Pressure: Greater than ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: CHLORINE BLDG S OF CHEMICAL BLDG Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CHLORINE Storage Id: 1213609 Container: Tank Inside Building Pressure: G Temperature: A Storage Location: CHLORINE BLDG S OF CHEMICAL BLDG Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CHLORINE Storageld: 1213609 Container: Cylinder Pressure: Greater than ambient pressure • Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: CHLORINE BLDG S OF CHEMICAL BLDG Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CHLORINE Storage Id: 1213609 Container: Cylinder Pressure: Greater than ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: CHLORINE BLDG S OF CHEMICAL BLDG FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860292 Chemical Name: KING PHOS III CAS: NONE Trade Secret: Yes EHS: Not reported Solid: Not reported Liquid: Yes Gas: Not reported Pure: Not reported Mix: Yes Fire: Not reported Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 50000 Avg Daily Amt: 25000 Days On Site: 365 TC4471374.2s Page 400 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation • • i f- MAP FINDINGS Site EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) S105536912 Opt Report: 1 Storage: Storage Id: Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: KING PHOS III Storage Id: 1213608 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: NORTH END OF BLOWER BLDG Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: KING PHOS III Storage Id: 1213608 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: NORTH END OF BLOWER BLDG FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860293 Chemical Name: SODIUM CARBONATE CAS: 497198 Trade Secret: No EHS: Not reported Solid: Yes Liquid: Not reported Gas: Not reported Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 270000 Avg Daily Amt: 135000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM CARBONATE Storage Id: 1213607 Container: S Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: IN CHEMICAL BLDG TWO SILOS Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM CARBONATE Storage Id: 1213607 Container: Silo Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: IN CHEMICAL BLDG TWO SILOS TC4471374.2s Page 401 L-1 4 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation MAP FINDINGS Site EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) S105536912 Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM CARBONATE Storage Id: 1213607 Container: S Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: IN CHEMICAL BLDG TWO SILOS Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM CARBONATE Storage Id: 1213607 Container: Silo Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: IN CHEMICAL BLDG TWO SILOS Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM CARBONATE Storage Id: 1213607 Container: Silo Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: IN CHEMICAL BLDG TWO SILOS FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860294 Chemical Name: SODIUM CHLORIDE CAS: 7647145 Trade Secret: No EHS: Not reported Solid: Yes Liquid: Not reported Gas: Not reported Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 16000 Avg Daily Amt: 8000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM CHLORIDE Storage Id: 1213606 Container: Below Ground Tank Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: STORAGE RM IN N END OF AIR STRIPPER BLOWER RM Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM CHLORIDE Storage Id: 1213606 TC4471374.2s Page 402 Ll • 4 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation MAP FINDINGS Site EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) Container: Bag Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: STORAGE RM IN N END OF AIR STRIPPER BLOWER RM Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM CHLORIDE Storage Id: 1213606 Container: Below Ground Tank Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: STORAGE RM IN N END OF AIR STRIPPER BLOWER RM Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM CHLORIDE Storage Id: 1213606 Container: Bag Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: STORAGE RM IN N END OF AIR STRIPPER BLOWER RM Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM CHLORIDE Storage Id: 1213606 Container: Bag Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: STORAGE RM IN N END OF AIR STRIPPER BLOWER RM FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860295 Chemical Name: SODIUM HEXAM ETAPHOSPHATE CAS: 62533931 Trade Secret: No EHS: Not reported Solid: Yes Liquid: Not reported Gas: Not reported Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 14000 Avg Daily Amt: 5000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM HEXAMETAPHOSPHATE Storage Id: 1213605 Container: Below Ground Tank Pressure: A Temperature: A S105536912 TC4471374.2s Page 403 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) S105536912 Storage Location: BAGS NE AREA OF FILTER BLDG 2ND FLOOR Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM HEXAMETAPHOSPHATE Storage Id: 1213605 Container: Bag Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: BAGS NE AREA OF FILTER BLDG 2ND FLOOR Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM HEXAM ETAPHOSPHATE Storage Id: 1213605 Container: Below Ground Tank Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: BAGS NE AREA OF FILTER BLDG 2ND FLOOR Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM H EXAM ETAPHOS PHATE Storage Id: 1213605 Container: Bag Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: BAGS NE AREA OF FILTER BLDG 2ND FLOOR Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM H EXAM ETAPHOSPHATE Storage Id: 1213605 Container: Bag Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: BAGS NE AREA OF FILTER BLDG 2ND FLOOR FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860296 Chemical Name: SODIUM HYDROXIDE CAS: 1310732 Trade Secret: No EHS: Yes Solid: Not reported Liquid: Yes Gas: Not reported Pure: Not reported Mix. Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 21000 Avg Daily Amt: 21000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: Fid Num: SA00048 TC4471374.2s Page 404 Pi • i Map ID Direction Distance Elevation MAP FINDINGS Site EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) S105536912 Chemical Name: SODIUM HYDROXIDE Storageld: 1213604 Container: T Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: CHLORINE BLDG SCRUBBER ROOM Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM HYDROXIDE Storage Id: 1213604 Container: Tank Inside Building Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: CHLORINE BLDG SCRUBBER ROOM Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM HYDROXIDE Storage Id: 1213604 Container: T Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: CHLORINE BLDG SCRUBBER ROOM Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM HYDROXIDE Storageld: 1213604 Container: Tank Inside Building Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: CHLORINE BLDG SCRUBBER ROOM Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM HYDROXIDE Storageld: 1213604 Container: Tank Inside Building Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: CHLORINE BLDG SCRUBBER ROOM FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860297 Chemical Name: SODIUM SILICOFLUORIDE CAS: 16893359 Trade Secret: No EHS: Not reported Solid: Yes Liquid: Not reported Gas: Not reported Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 14000 TC4471374.2s Page 405 EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number S105536912 TC4471374.2s Page 406 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance Elevation Site ' SALINA, CITY OF-WATER TREATMENT (Continued) Avg Daily Amt: 5000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM SILICOFLUORIDE Storage Id: 1213603 Container: Below Ground Tank Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: NE AREA OF FILTER BLDG 2ND FL & CHEMICAL FL Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM SILICOFLUORIDE Storage Id: 1213603 Container: Bag Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: NE AREA OF FILTER BLDG 2ND FL & CHEMICAL FL Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM SILICOFLUORIDE Storage Id: 1213603 Container: Below Ground Tank Pressure: A Temperature: A • Storage Location: NE AREA OF FILTER BLDG 2ND FL & CHEMICAL FL Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM SILICOFLUORIDE Storage Id: 1213603 Container: Bag Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: NE AREA OF FILTER BLDG 2ND FL & CHEMICAL FL Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM SILICOFLUORIDE Storage Id: 1213603 Container: Bag Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: NE AREA OF FILTER BLDG 2ND FL & CHEMICAL FL FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860287 Chemical Name: ALUMINUM SULFATE CAS: 10043013 Trade Secret: No EHS: Not reported Solid: Yes Liquid: Not reported Gas: Not reported Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number S105536912 TC4471374.2s Page 406 0 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation F_ MAP FINDINGS Site EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) S105536912 Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 160000 Avg Daily Amt: 80000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: Storage Id: Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: ALUMINUM SULFATE Storage Id: 1213613 Container: S Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG ONE SILO Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: ALUMINUM SULFATE Storage Id: 1213613 Container: Silo Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG ONE SILO Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: ALUMINUM SULFATE Storage Id: 1213613 Container: S Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG ONE SILO Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: ALUMINUM SULFATE Storage Id: 1213613 Container: Silo Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG ONE SILO Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: ALUMINUM SULFATE Storage Id: 1213613 Container: Silo Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG ONE SILO FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860288 Chemical Name: AMMONIA CAS: 7664417 Trade Secret: No EHS: Yes Solid: Not reported TC4471374.2s Page 407 • C] s Map ID Direction Distance Elevation Site MAP FINDINGS AMMONIA SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) 1213612 Liquid: Yes Pressure: Gas: Yes Ambient temperature Pure: Yes Fid Num: Mix: Not reported AMMONIA Fire: Not reported Container: Pressure: Yes G Reactive: Yes Storage Location: Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 4000 Avg Daily Amt: 2000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: AMMONIA Storage Id: 1213612 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: G Temperature: A Storage Location: N OF CHEMICAL BLDG IN HORIZONAL TANK Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: AMMONIA Storage Id: 1213612 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: Greater than ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: N OF CHEMICAL BLDG IN HORIZONAL TANK Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: AMMONIA Storage Id: 1213612 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: G Temperature: A Storage Location: N OF CHEMICAL BLDG IN HORIZONAL TANK Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: AMMONIA Storage Id: 1213612 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: Greater than ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: N OF CHEMICAL BLDG IN HORIZONAL TANK Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: AMMONIA Storage Id: 1213612 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: Greater than ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: N OF CHEMICAL BLDG IN HORIZONAL TANK FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860289 EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number S105536912 TC4471374.2s Page 408 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation 0 • s MAP FINDINGS Site EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) S105536912 Chemical Name: CALCIUM OXIDE CAS: 1305788 Trade Secret: No EHS: Not reported Solid: Yes Liquid: Not reported Gas: Not reported Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 1000000 Avg Daily Amt: 700000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: SA00048 Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CALCIUM OXIDE Storage Id: 1213611 Container: S Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG THREE SILOS Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CALCIUM OXIDE Storage Id: 1213611 Container: Silo Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG THREE SILOS Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CALCIUM OXIDE Storage Id: 1213611 Container: S Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG THREE SILOS Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CALCIUM OXIDE Storage Id: 1213611 Container: Silo Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG THREE SILOS Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CALCIUM OXIDE Storage Id: 1213611 Container: Silo Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature TC4471374.2s Page 409 TC4471374.2s Page 410 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number • Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number SALINA, CITY OF-WATER TREATMENT (Continued) S105536912 Storage Location: INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG THREE SILOS FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860290 Chemical Name: CARBON DIOXIDE CAS: 124389 Trade Secret: No EHS: Not reported Solid: Not reported Liquid: Yes Gas: Yes Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Yes Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 120000 Avg Daily Amt: 100000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CARBON DIOXIDE • Storage Id: 1213610 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: G Temperature: A Storage Location: TANKS SOUTH OF FILTER BLDG. Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CARBON DIOXIDE Storage Id: 1213610 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: Greater than ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: TANKS SOUTH OF FILTER BLDG. Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CARBON DIOXIDE Storage Id: 1213610 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: G Temperature: A Storage Location: TANKS SOUTH OF FILTER BLDG. Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CARBON DIOXIDE Storage Id: 1213610 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: Greater than ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: TANKS SOUTH OF FILTER BLDG. Fid Num: SA00048 TC4471374.2s Page 410 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number • SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) S105536912 TC4471374.2s Page 411 Chemical Name: CARBON DIOXIDE Storage Id: 1213610 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: Greater than ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: TANKS SOUTH OF FILTER BLDG. FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860291 Chemical Name: CHLORINE CAS: 7782505 Trade Secret: No EHS: Yes Solid: Not reported Liquid: Yes Gas: Yes Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Yes Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 36000 Avg Daily Amt: 18000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CHLORINE Storage Id: 1213609 Container: Tank Inside Building Pressure: G Temperature: A Storage Location: CHLORINE BLDG S OF CHEMICAL BLDG Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CHLORINE Storage Id: 1213609 Container: Cylinder Pressure: Greater than ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location. CHLORINE BLDG S OF CHEMICAL BLDG Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CHLORINE Storage Id: 1213609 Container: Tank Inside Building Pressure: G Temperature: A Storage Location: CHLORINE BLDG S OF CHEMICAL BLDG Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CHLORINE Storage Id: 1213609 Container: Cylinder TC4471374.2s Page 411 • Ll Map ID Direction Distance Elevation MAP FINDINGS Site EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) S105536912 Pressure: Greater than ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: CHLORINE BLDG S OF CHEMICAL BLDG Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CHLORINE Storage Id: 1213609 Container: Cylinder Pressure: Greater than ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: CHLORINE BLDG S OF CHEMICAL BLDG FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860293 Chemical Name: SODIUM CARBONATE CAS: 497198 Trade Secret: No EHS: Not reported Solid: Yes Liquid: Not reported Gas: Not reported Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 270000 Avg Daily Amt: 135000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM CARBONATE Storage Id: 1213607 Container: S Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: IN CHEMICAL BLDG TWO SILOS Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM CARBONATE Storage Id: 1213607 Container: Silo Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: IN CHEMICAL BLDG TWO SILOS Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM CARBONATE Storage Id: 1213607 Container: S Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: IN CHEMICAL BLDG TWO SILOS TC4471374.2s Page 412 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number • Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) S105536912 TC4471374.2s Page 413 Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM CARBONATE Storage Id: 1213607 Container: Silo Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: IN CHEMICAL BLDG TWO SILOS Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM CARBONATE Storage Id: 1213607 Container: Silo Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: IN CHEMICAL BLDG TWO SILOS FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860294 Chemical Name: SODIUM CHLORIDE CAS: 7647145 Trade Secret: No EHS: Not reported Solid: Yes Liquid: Not reported • Gas: Pure: Not reported Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 16000 Avg Daily Amt: 8000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM CHLORIDE Storage Id: 1213606 Container: Below Ground Tank Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: STORAGE RM IN N END OF AIR STRIPPER BLOWER RM Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM CHLORIDE Storage Id: 1213606 Container: Bag Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: STORAGE RM IN N END OF AIR STRIPPER BLOWER RM Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM CHLORIDE Storage Id: 1213606 TC4471374.2s Page 413 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number • Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) S105536912 TC4471374.2s Page 414 Container: Below Ground Tank Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: STORAGE RM IN N END OF AIR STRIPPER BLOWER RM Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM CHLORIDE Storage Id: 1213606 Container: Bag Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: STORAGE RM IN N END OF AIR STRIPPER BLOWER RM Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM CHLORIDE Storage Id: 1213606 Container: Bag Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: STORAGE RM IN N END OF AIR STRIPPER BLOWER RM FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860295 Chemical Name: SODIUM HEXAMETAPHOSPHATE CAS: Trade Secret: 62533931 No EHS: Not reported Solid: Yes Liquid: Not reported Gas: Not reported Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 14000 Avg Daily Amt: 5000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM HEXAMETAPHOSPHATE Storage Id: 1213605 Container: Below Ground Tank Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: BAGS NE AREA OF FILTER BLDG 2ND FLOOR Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM HEXAMETAPHOSPHATE Storage Id: 1213605 Container: Bag Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature TC4471374.2s Page 414 EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number S105536912 TC4471374.2s Page 415 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance Elevation Site SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) Storage Location: BAGS NE AREA OF FILTER BLDG 2ND FLOOR Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM H EXAM ETAPHOS PHATE Storage Id: 1213605 Container: Below Ground Tank Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: BAGS NE AREA OF FILTER BLDG 2ND FLOOR Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM H EXAM ETAPHOS PHATE Storage Id: 1213605 Container: Bag Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: BAGS NE AREA OF FILTER BLDG 2ND FLOOR Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM H EXAM ETAPHOS PHATE Storage Id: 1213605 Container: Bag Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: BAGS NE AREA OF FILTER BLDG 2ND FLOOR FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860296 Chemical Name: SODIUM HYDROXIDE CAS: 1310-73-2 Trade Secret: No EHS: Yes Solid: Not reported Liquid: Yes Gas: Not reported Pure: Not reported Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 21000 Avg Daily Amt: 21000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM HYDROXIDE Storage Id: 1213604 Container: T Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: CHLORINE BLDG SCRUBBER ROOM Fid Num: SA00048 EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number S105536912 TC4471374.2s Page 415 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) 5105536912 TC4471374.2s Page 416 Chemical Name: SODIUM HYDROXIDE Storage Id: 1213604 Container: Tank Inside Building Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: CHLORINE BLDG SCRUBBER ROOM Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM HYDROXIDE Storage Id: 1213604 Container: T Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: CHLORINE BLDG SCRUBBER ROOM Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM HYDROXIDE Storage Id: 1213604 Container: Tank Inside Building Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: CHLORINE BLDG SCRUBBER ROOM Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM HYDROXIDE Storage Id: 1213604 • Container: Tank Inside Building Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: CHLORINE BLDG SCRUBBER ROOM FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860297 Chemical Name: SODIUM SILICOFLUORIDE CAS: 16893359 Trade Secret: No EHS: Not reported Solid: Yes Liquid: Not reported Gas: Not reported Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 14000 Avg Daily Amt: 5000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM SILICOFLUORIDE Storage Id: 1213603 Container: Below Ground Tank TC4471374.2s Page 416 EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number S105536912 TC4471374.2s Page 417 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance Elevation Site SALINA, CITY OF-WATER TREATMENT (Continued) Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: NE AREA OF FILTER BLDG 2ND FL & CHEMICAL FL Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM SILICOFLUORIDE Storage Id: 1213603 Container: Bag Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: NE AREA OF FILTER BLDG 2ND FL & CHEMICAL FL Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM SILICOFLUORIDE Storage Id: 1213603 Container: Below Ground Tank Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: NE AREA OF FILTER BLDG 2ND FL & CHEMICAL FL Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM SILICOFLUORIDE Storage Id: 1213603 Container: Bag Pressure: Ambient pressure • Temperature: Storage Location: Ambient temperature NE AREA OF FILTER BLDG 2ND FL & CHEMICAL FL Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM SILICOFLUORIDE Storage Id: 1213603 Container: Bag Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: NE AREA OF FILTER BLDG 2ND FL & CHEMICAL FL FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 896602 Chemical Name: CARUS 8100, BLENDED POLYPHOSPHATE CAS: NONE Trade Secret: No EHS: Not reported Solid: Not reported Liquid: Yes Gas: Not reported Pure: Not reported Mix: Yes Fire: Not reported Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 50000 Avg Daily Amt: 25000 Days On Site: 365 • Opt Report: 1 EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number S105536912 TC4471374.2s Page 417 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) S105536912 TC4471374.2s Page 418 Storage: Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CARUS 8100, BLENDED POLYPHOSPHATE Storage Id: 1213608 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: NORTH END OF BLOWER BLDG Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CARUS 8100, BLENDED POLYPHOSPHATE Storage Id: 1213608 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: NORTH END OF BLOWER BLDG Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CARUS 8100, BLENDED POLYPHOSPHATE Storage Id: 1213608 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: NORTH END OF BLOWER BLDG ' FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860287 Chemical Name: ALUMINUM SULFATE CAS: 10043013 Trade Secret: No EHS: Not reported Solid: Yes Liquid: Not reported Gas: Not reported Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 160000 Avg Daily Amt: 80000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: ALUMINUM SULFATE Storage Id: 1213613 Container: S Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG ONE SILO is Fid Num: SA00048 TC4471374.2s Page 418 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Databases) EPA ID Number • SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) S105536912 TC4471374.2s Page 419 Chemical Name: ALUMINUM SULFATE Storage Id: 1213613 Container: Silo Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG ONE SILO Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: ALUMINUM SULFATE Storage Id: 1213613 Container: S Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG ONE SILO Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: ALUMINUM SULFATE Storage Id: 1213613 Container: Silo Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG ONE SILO Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: ALUMINUM SULFATE ' Storage Id: Container: 3 Silo Silo Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG ONE SILO FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860288 Chemical Name: AMMONIA CAS: 7664417 Trade Secret: No EHS: Yes Solid: Not reported Liquid: Yes Gas: Yes Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Yes Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 4000 Avg Daily Amt: 2000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: AMMONIA Storage Id: 1213612 • Container: Above Ground Tank TC4471374.2s Page 419 L I • �J Map ID Direction Distance Elevation MAP FINDINGS Site EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) S105536912 Pressure: G Temperature: A Storage Location: N OF CHEMICAL BLDG IN HORIZONAL TANK Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: AMMONIA Storage Id: 1213612 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: Greater than ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: N OF CHEMICAL BLDG IN HORIZONAL TANK Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: AMMONIA Storage Id: 1213612 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: G Temperature: A Storage Location: N OF CHEMICAL BLDG IN HORIZONAL TANK Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: AMMONIA Storage Id: 1213612 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: Greater than ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: N OF CHEMICAL BLDG IN HORIZONAL TANK Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: AMMONIA Storage Id: 1213612 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: Greater than ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: N OF CHEMICAL BLDG IN HORIZONAL TANK FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860289 Chemical Name: CALCIUM OXIDE CAS: 1305788 Trade Secret: No EHS: Not reported Solid: Yes Liquid: Not reported Gas: Not reported Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 1000000 Avg Daily Amt: 700000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 TC4471374.2s Page 420 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number It Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) S105536912 TC4471374.2s Page 421 Storage: Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CALCIUM OXIDE Storage Id: 1213611 Container: S Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG THREE SILOS Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CALCIUM OXIDE Storage Id: 1213611 Container: Silo Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG THREE SILOS Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CALCIUM OXIDE Storage Id: 1213611 Container: S Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG THREE SILOS Fid Num: SA00048 • Chemical Name: CALCIUM OXIDE Storage Id: 1213611 Container: Silo Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG THREE SILOS Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CALCIUM OXIDE Storage Id: 1213611 Container: Silo Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG THREE SILOS FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860290 Chemical Name: CARBON DIOXIDE CAS: 124389 Trade Secret: No EHS: Not reported Solid: Not reported Liquid: Yes Gas: Yes Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Yes Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported TC4471374.2s Page 421 • • s Map ID Direction Distance Elevation MAP FINDINGS Site EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) S105536912 Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 120000 Avg Daily Amt: 100000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: Storage Location: Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CARBON DIOXIDE Storage Id: 1213610 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: G Temperature: A Storage Location: TANKS SOUTH OF FILTER BLDG. Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CARBON DIOXIDE Storage Id: 1213610 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: Greater than ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: TANKS SOUTH OF FILTER BLDG. Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CARBON DIOXIDE Storage Id: 1213610 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: G Temperature: A Storage Location: TANKS SOUTH OF FILTER BLDG, Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CARBON DIOXIDE Storage Id: 1213610 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: Greater than ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: TANKS SOUTH OF FILTER BLDG. Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CARBON DIOXIDE Storage Id: 1213610 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: Greater than ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: TANKS SOUTH OF FILTER BLDG. FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860291 Chemical Name: CHLORINE CAS: 7782505 Trade Secret: No EHS: Yes Solid: Not reported Liquid: Yes Gas: Yes Pure: Yes TC4471374.2s Page 422 • • Map ID Direction Distance Elevation MAP FINDINGS Site EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) S105536912 Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Yes Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 36000 Avg Daily Amt: 18000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: Pressure: Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CHLORINE Storage Id: 1213609 Container: Tank Inside Building Pressure: G Temperature: A Storage Location: CHLORINE BLDG S OF CHEMICAL BLDG Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CHLORINE Storage Id: 1213609 Container: Cylinder Pressure: Greater than ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: CHLORINE BLDG S OF CHEMICAL BLDG Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CHLORINE Storage Id: 1213609 Container: Tank Inside Building Pressure: G Temperature: A Storage Location: CHLORINE BLDG S OF CHEMICAL BLDG Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CHLORINE Storage Id: 1213609 Container: Cylinder Pressure: Greater than ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: CHLORINE BLDG S OF CHEMICAL BLDG Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CHLORINE Storage Id: 1213609 Container: Cylinder Pressure: Greater than ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: CHLORINE BLDG S OF CHEMICAL BLDG FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860293 Chemical Name: SODIUM CARBONATE CAS: 497198 Trade Secret: No TC4471374.2s Page 423 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation w MAP FINDINGS Site EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) S105536912 EHS: Not reported Solid: Yes Liquid: Not reported Gas: Not reported Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 270000 Avg Daily Amt: 135000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM CARBONATE Storage Id: 1213607 Container: S Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: IN CHEMICAL BLDG TWO SILOS Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM CARBONATE Storage Id: 1213607 Container: Silo Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: IN CHEMICAL BLDG TWO SILOS Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM CARBONATE Storage Id: 1213607 Container: S Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: IN CHEMICAL BLDG TWO SILOS Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM CARBONATE Storage Id: 1213607 Container: Silo Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: IN CHEMICAL BLDG TWO SILOS Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM CARBONATE Storage Id: 1213607 Container: Silo Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: IN CHEMICAL BLDG TWO SILOS TC4471374.2s Page 424 • • s Map ID Direction Distance Elevation F7_ MAP FINDINGS Site EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860294 Chemical Name: SODIUM CHLORIDE CAS: 7647145 Trade Secret: No EHS: Not reported Solid: Yes Liquid: Not reported Gas: Not reported Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 16000 Avg Daily Amt: 8000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM CHLORIDE Storage Id: 1213606 Container: Below Ground Tank Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: STORAGE RM IN N END OF AIR STRIPPER BLOWER RM Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM CHLORIDE Storage Id: 1213606 Container: Bag Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: STORAGE RM IN N END OF AIR STRIPPER BLOWER RM Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM CHLORIDE Storage Id: 1213606 Container: Below Ground Tank Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: STORAGE RM IN N END OF AIR STRIPPER BLOWER RM Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM CHLORIDE Storage Id: 1213606 Container: Bag Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: STORAGE RM IN N END OF AIR STRIPPER BLOWER RM Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM CHLORIDE Storage Id: 1213606 Container: Bag S105536912 TC4471374.2s Page 425 0 s Map ID Direction Distance Elevation MAP FINDINGS Site EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: STORAGE RM IN N END OF AIR STRIPPER BLOWER RM FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860295 Chemical Name: SODIUM HEXAMETAPHOSPHATE CAS: 62533931 Trade Secret: No EHS: Not reported Solid: Yes Liquid: Not reported Gas: Not reported Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 14000 Avg Daily Amt: 5000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM HEXAMETAPHOSPHATE Storage Id: 1213605 Container: Below Ground Tank Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: BAGS NE AREA OF FILTER BLDG 2ND FLOOR Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM HEXAMETAPHOSPHATE Storage Id: 1213605 Container: Bag Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: BAGS NE AREA OF FILTER BLDG 2ND FLOOR Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM HEXAMETAPHOSPHATE Storage Id: 1213605 Container: Below Ground Tank Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: BAGS NE AREA OF FILTER BLDG 2ND FLOOR Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM HEXAMETAPHOSPHATE Storage Id: 1213605 Container: Bag Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: BAGS NE AREA OF FILTER BLDG 2ND FLOOR S105536912 TC4471374.2s Page 426 EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number S105536912 TC4471374.2s Page 427 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance ' Elevation Site SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM HEXAMETAPHOSPHATE Storage Id: 1213605 Container: Bag Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: BAGS NE AREA OF FILTER BLDG 2ND FLOOR FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860296 Chemical Name: SODIUM HYDROXIDE CAS: 1310732 Trade Secret: No EHS: Yes Solid: Not reported Liquid: Yes Gas: Not reported Pure: Not reported Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes • Max Daily Amt: Avg Daily Amt: 21000 21000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM HYDROXIDE Storage Id: 1213604 Container: T Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: CHLORINE BLDG SCRUBBER ROOM Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM HYDROXIDE Storage Id: 1213604 Container: Tank Inside Building Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: CHLORINE BLDG SCRUBBER ROOM Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM HYDROXIDE Storage Id: 1213604 Container: T Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: CHLORINE BLDG SCRUBBER ROOM Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM HYDROXIDE Storage Id: 1213604 EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number S105536912 TC4471374.2s Page 427 • CJ V_.� Map ID Direction Distance Elevation MAP FINDINGS Site EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) S105536912 Container: Tank Inside Building Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: CHLORINE BLDG SCRUBBER ROOM Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM HYDROXIDE Storage Id: 1213604 Container: Tank Inside Building Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: CHLORINE BLDG SCRUBBER ROOM FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860297 Chemical Name: SODIUM SILICOFLUORIDE CAS: 16893359 Trade Secret: No EHS: Not reported Solid: Yes Liquid: Not reported Gas: Not reported Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 14000 Avg Daily Amt: 5000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM SILICOFLUORIDE Storage Id: 1213603 Container: Below Ground Tank Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: NE AREA OF FILTER BLDG 2ND FL & CHEMICAL FL Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM SILICOFLUORIDE Storage Id: 1213603 Container: Bag Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: NE AREA OF FILTER BLDG 2ND FL & CHEMICAL FL Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM SILICOFLUORIDE Storage Id: 1213603 Container: Below Ground Tank Pressure: A Temperature: A TC4471374.2s Page 428 Ll • s Map ID Direction Distance Elevation MAP FINDINGS Site SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) Storage Location: NE AREA OF FILTER BLDG 2ND FL & CHEMICAL FL Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM SILICOFLUORIDE Storage Id: 1213603 Container: Bag Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: NE AREA OF FILTER BLDG 2ND FL & CHEMICAL FL Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM SILICOFLUORIDE Storage Id: 1213603 Container: Bag Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: NE AREA OF FILTER BLDG 2ND FL & CHEMICAL FL edr_zip: Facility Id: Facility Phone: FID Num: PID Num: NAICS: Report Year: New Facility: Nearest Cross Street: SIC Code: Section Code: Emergency Namel: Emergency Titlel: Emergency Phonel: Emergency 24phonel Emergency Name2: Emergency Title2: Emergency Phonel: Emergency 24phone2 Submitter: Created: Updated: Rep Name: Rep Title: Zip Field: Facility Latitude: Facility Longitude: Emergency Emaill: Emergency Email2: Tier2 Contact Name: Tier2 Title: Tier2 Phone: Tier2 Phone24: Tier2 EMail: Annual Revision: Max Occupants: Manned/Unmanned: Not reported 364949 (785)309-5725 SA00048 KS01056 22131 2012 Not reported SOUTH ST 4941 312 MARTHA TASKER DIR OF UTILITIES (785)309-5725 (785)392-7574 KURT WILLIAMS PLANT OPS MGR (785)826-7305 (785)819-0463 Not reported Not reported 1/31/2013 6:38:34 AM MARTHA A TASKER DIRECTOR OF UTILITIES Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number S105536912 TC4471374.2s Page 429 • • • Map ID Direction Distance Elevation MAP FINDINGS Site EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) S105536912 Section: Not reported Township: Not reported RangeO: Not reported Trifids: Not reported RMP Facid: Not reported Subject 302: Not reported Subject 112: Not reported Chemical: Chemical Name: FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 896602 Chemical Name: CARUS 8100, BLENDED POLYPHOSPHATE CAS: NONE Trade Secret: No EHS: Not reported Solid: Not reported Liquid: Yes Gas: Not reported Pure: Not reported Mix. Yes Fire: Not reported Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 50000 Avg Daily Amt: 25000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: SA00048 Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CARUS 8100, BLENDED POLYPHOSPHATE Storage Id: 1213608 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: NORTH END OF BLOWER BLDG Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CARUS 8100, BLENDED POLYPHOSPHATE Storage Id: 1213608 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: NORTH END OF BLOWER BLDG Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CARUS 8100, BLENDED POLYPHOSPHATE Storage Id: 1213608 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: NORTH END OF BLOWER BLDG FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860287 TC4471374.2s Page 430 TC4471374.2s Page 431 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number SALINA, CITY OF-WATER TREATMENT (Continued) S105536912 Chemical Name: ALUMINUM SULFATE CAS: 10043013 Trade Secret: No EHS: Not reported Solid: Yes Liquid: Not reported Gas: Not reported Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 160000 Avg Daily Amt: 80000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: ALUMINUM SULFATE Storage Id: 1213613 Container: S Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG ONE SILO Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: ALUMINUM SULFATE Storage Id: 1213613 Container: Silo Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG ONE SILO Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: ALUMINUM SULFATE Storage Id: 1213613 Container: S Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG ONE SILO Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: ALUMINUM SULFATE Storage Id: 1213613 Container: Silo Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG ONE SILO Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: ALUMINUM SULFATE Storage Id: 1213613 Container: Silo Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature TC4471374.2s Page 431 TC4471374.2s Page 432 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number ' Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number SALINA, CITY OF-WATER TREATMENT (Continued) S105536912 Storage Location: INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG ONE SILO FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860288 Chemical Name: AMMONIA CAS: 7664417 Trade Secret: No EHS: Yes Solid: Not reported Liquid: Yes Gas: Yes Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Yes Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 4000 Avg Daily Amt: 2000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: AMMONIA Storage Id: 1213612 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: G Temperature: A Storage Location: N OF CHEMICAL BLDG IN HORIZONAL TANK Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: AMMONIA Storage Id: 1213612 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: Greater than ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: N OF CHEMICAL BLDG IN HORIZONAL TANK Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: AMMONIA Storage Id: 1213612 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: G Temperature: A Storage Location: N OF CHEMICAL BLDG IN HORIZONAL TANK Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: AMMONIA Storage Id: 1213612 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: Greater than ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: N OF CHEMICAL BLDG IN HORIZONAL TANK Fid Num: SA00048 TC4471374.2s Page 432 EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number TC4471374.2s Page 433 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance • Elevation Site SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) Chemical Name: AMMONIA Storage Id: 1213612 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: Greater than ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: N OF CHEMICAL BLDG IN HORIZONAL TANK FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860289 Chemical Name: CALCIUM OXIDE CAS: 1305788 Trade Secret: No EHS: Not reported Solid: Yes Liquid: Not reported Gas: Not reported Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 1000000 Avg Daily Amt: 700000 • Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CALCIUM OXIDE Storage Id: 1213611 Container: S Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG THREE SILOS Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CALCIUM OXIDE Storage Id: 1213611 Container: Silo Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG THREE SILOS Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CALCIUM OXIDE Storage Id: 1213611 Container: S Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG THREE SILOS Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CALCIUM OXIDE Storage Id: 1213611 . Container: Silo EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number TC4471374.2s Page 433 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number • Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) S105536912 TC4471374.2s Page 434 Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG THREE SILOS Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CALCIUM OXIDE Storage Id: 1213611 Container: Silo Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG THREE SILOS FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860290 Chemical Name: CARBON DIOXIDE CAS: 124389 Trade Secret: No EHS: Not reported Solid: Not reported Liquid: Yes Gas: Yes Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Reactive: Yes Yes Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 120000 Avg Daily Amt: 100000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CARBON DIOXIDE Storage Id: 1213610 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: G Temperature: A Storage Location: TANKS SOUTH OF FILTER BLDG. Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CARBON DIOXIDE Storage Id: 1213610 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: Greater than ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: TANKS SOUTH OF FILTER BLDG. Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CARBON DIOXIDE Storage Id: 1213610 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: G Temperature: A Storage Location: TANKS SOUTH OF FILTER BLDG. TC4471374.2s Page 434 r] L • Map ID Direction Distance Elevation MAP FINDINGS Site EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) S105536912 Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CARBON DIOXIDE Storage Id: 1213610 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: Greater than ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: TANKS SOUTH OF FILTER BLDG. Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CARBON DIOXIDE Storage Id: 1213610 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: Greater than ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: TANKS SOUTH OF FILTER BLDG. FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860291 Chemical Name: CHLORINE CAS: 7782505 Trade Secret: No EHS: Yes Solid: Not reported Liquid: Yes Gas: Yes Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Yes Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 36000 Avg Daily Amt: 18000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CHLORINE Storage Id: 1213609 Container: Tank Inside Building Pressure: G Temperature: A Storage Location: CHLORINE BLDG S OF CHEMICAL BLDG Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CHLORINE Storage Id: 1213609 Container: Cylinder Pressure: Greater than ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: CHLORINE BLDG S OF CHEMICAL BLDG Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CHLORINE Storage Id: 1213609 TC4471374.2s Page 435 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number • Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) S105536912 TC4471374.2s Page 436 Container: Tank Inside Building Pressure: G Temperature: A Storage Location: CHLORINE BLDG S OF CHEMICAL BLDG Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CHLORINE Storage Id: 1213609 Container: Cylinder Pressure: Greater than ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: CHLORINE BLDG S OF CHEMICAL BLDG Fid Num: SAD0048 Chemical Name: CHLORINE Storage Id: 1213609 Container: Cylinder Pressure: Greater than ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: CHLORINE BLDG S OF CHEMICAL BLDG FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860293 Chemical Name: SODIUM CARBONATE CAS: Trade Secret: 497198 No EHS: Not reported Solid: Yes Liquid: Not reported Gas: Not reported Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 270000 Avg Daily Amt: 135000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM CARBONATE Storage Id: 1213607 Container: S Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: IN CHEMICAL BLDG TWO SILOS Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM CARBONATE Storage Id: 1213607 Container: Silo Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature TC4471374.2s Page 436 TC4471374.2s Page 437 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number • Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) S105536912 Storage Location: IN CHEMICAL BLDG TWO SILOS Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM CARBONATE Storage Id: 1213607 Container: S Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: IN CHEMICAL BLDG TWO SILOS Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM CARBONATE Storage Id: 1213607 Container: Silo Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: IN CHEMICAL BLDG TWO SILOS Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM CARBONATE Storage Id: 1213607 Container: Silo Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: IN CHEMICAL BLDG TWO SILOS FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860294 Chemical Name: SODIUM CHLORIDE CAS: 7647145 Trade Secret: No EHS: Not reported Solid: Yes Liquid: Not reported Gas: Not reported Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 16000 Avg Daily Amt: 8000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM CHLORIDE Storage Id: 1213606 Container: Below Ground Tank Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: STORAGE RM IN N END OF AIR STRIPPER BLOWER RM Fid Num: SA00048 TC4471374.2s Page 437 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) 5105536912 TC4471374.2s Page 438 Chemical Name: SODIUM CHLORIDE Storage Id: 1213606 Container: Bag Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: STORAGE RM IN N END OF AIR STRIPPER BLOWER RM Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM CHLORIDE Storage Id: 1213606 Container: Below Ground Tank Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: STORAGE RM IN N END OF AIR STRIPPER BLOWER RM Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM CHLORIDE Storage Id: 1213606 Container: Bag Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: STORAGE RM IN N END OF AIR STRIPPER BLOWER RM Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM CHLORIDE Storage Id: Container: 1213606 Bag Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: STORAGE RM IN N END OF AIR STRIPPER BLOWER RM FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860295 Chemical Name: SODIUM H EXAM ETAPHOSPHATE CAS: 62533931 Trade Secret: No EHS: Not reported Solid: Yes Liquid: Not reported Gas: Not reported Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 14000 Avg Daily Amt: 5000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM HEXAM ETAPHOSPHATE Storage Id: 1213605 Container: Below Ground Tank TC4471374.2s Page 438 • Li Map ID Direction Distance Elevation MAP FINDINGS Site EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) S105536912 Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: BAGS NE AREA OF FILTER BLDG 2ND FLOOR Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM HEXAMETAPHOSPHATE Storage Id: 1213605 Container: Bag Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: BAGS NE AREA OF FILTER BLDG 2ND FLOOR Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM HEXAMETAPHOSPHATE Storage Id: 1213605 Container: Below Ground Tank Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: BAGS NE AREA OF FILTER BLDG 2ND FLOOR Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM HEXAMETAPHOSPHATE Storage Id: 1213605 Container: Bag Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: BAGS NE AREA OF FILTER BLDG 2ND FLOOR Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM HEXAMETAPHOSPHATE Storage Id: 1213605 Container: Bag Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: BAGS NE AREA OF FILTER BLDG 2ND FLOOR FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860296 Chemical Name: SODIUM HYDROXIDE CAS: 1310-73-2 Trade Secret: No EHS: Yes Solid: Not reported Liquid: Yes Gas: Not reported Pure: Not reported Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 21000 Avg Daily Amt: 21000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 TC4471374.2s Page 439 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction F_ Distance EDR ID Number • Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) S105536912 Storage: Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM HYDROXIDE Storage Id: 1213604 Container: T Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: CHLORINE BLDG SCRUBBER ROOM Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM HYDROXIDE Storage Id: 1213604 Container: Tank Inside Building Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: CHLORINE BLDG SCRUBBER ROOM Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM HYDROXIDE Storage Id: 1213604 Container: T Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: CHLORINE BLDG SCRUBBER ROOM Fid Num: SA00048 • Chemical Name: SODIUM HYDROXIDE Storage Id: 1213604 Container: Tank Inside Building Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: CHLORINE BLDG SCRUBBER ROOM Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM HYDROXIDE Storage Id: 1213604 Container: Tank Inside Building Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: CHLORINE BLDG SCRUBBER ROOM FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860297 Chemical Name: SODIUM SILICOFLUORIDE CAS: 16893359 Trade Secret: No EHS: Not reported Solid: Yes Liquid: Not reported Gas: Not reported Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported TC4471374.2s Page 440 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number • Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) S105536912 Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 14000 Avg Daily Amt: 5000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM SILICOFLUORIDE Storage Id: 1213603 Container: Below Ground Tank Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: NE AREA OF FILTER BLDG 2ND FL & CHEMICAL FL Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM SILICOFLUORIDE Storage Id: 1213603 Container: Bag Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: NE AREA OF FILTER BLDG 2ND FL & CHEMICAL FL Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM SILICOFLUORIDE Storage Id: 1213603 Container: Below Ground Tank • Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: NE AREA OF FILTER BLDG 2ND FL & CHEMICAL FL Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM SILICOFLUORIDE Storage Id: 1213603 Container: Bag Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: NE AREA OF FILTER BLDG 2ND FL & CHEMICAL FL Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM SILICOFLUORIDE Storage Id: 1213603 Container: Bag Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: NE AREA OF FILTER BLDG 2ND FL & CHEMICAL FL FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 896602 Chemical Name: CARUS 8100, BLENDED POLYPHOSPHATE CAS: NONE Trade Secret: No EHS: Not reported Solid: Not reported Liquid: Yes Gas: Not reported Pure: Not reported TC4471374.2s Page 441 0 C: E7 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation MAP FINDINGS Site EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) S105536912 Mix: Yes Fire: Not reported Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 50000 Avg Daily Amt: 25000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: Pressure: Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CARUS 8100, BLENDED POLYPHOSPHATE Storage Id: 1213608 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: NORTH END OF BLOWER BLDG Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CARUS 8100, BLENDED POLYPHOSPHATE Storage Id: 1213608 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: NORTH END OF BLOWER BLDG Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CARUS 8100, BLENDED POLYPHOSPHATE Storage Id: 1213608 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: NORTH END OF BLOWER BLDG FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860287 Chemical Name: ALUMINUM SULFATE CAS: 10043013 Trade Secret: No EHS: Not reported Solid: Yes Liquid: Not reported Gas: Not reported Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 160000 Avg Daily Amt: 80000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 TC4471374.2s Page 442 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number • SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) S105536912 TC4471374.2s Page 443 Storage: Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: ALUMINUM SULFATE Storage Id: 1213613 Container: S Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG ONE SILO Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: ALUMINUM SULFATE Storage Id: 1213613 Container: Silo Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG ONE SILO Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: ALUMINUM SULFATE Storage Id: 1213613 Container: S Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG ONE SILO Fid Num: SA00048 • Chemical Name: ALUMINUM SULFATE Storage Id: 1213613 Container: Silo Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG ONE SILO Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: ALUMINUM SULFATE Storage Id: 1213613 Container: Silo Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG ONE SILO FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860288 Chemical Name: AMMONIA CAS: 7664417 Trade Secret: No EHS: Yes Solid: Not reported Liquid: Yes Gas: Yes Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Yes Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported TC4471374.2s Page 443 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number • SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) S105536912 Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 4000 Avg Daily Amt: 2000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: AMMONIA Storage Id: 1213612 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: G Temperature: A Storage Location: N OF CHEMICAL BLDG IN HORIZONAL TANK Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: AMMONIA Storage Id: 1213612 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: Greater than ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: N OF CHEMICAL BLDG IN HORIZONAL TANK Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: AMMONIA Storage Id: 1213612 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: G Temperature: A Storage Location: N OF CHEMICAL BLDG IN HORIZONAL TANK Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: AMMONIA Storage Id: 1213612 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: Greater than ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: N OF CHEMICAL BLDG IN HORIZONAL TANK Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: AMMONIA Storage Id: 1213612 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: Greater than ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: N OF CHEMICAL BLDG IN HORIZONAL TANK FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860289 Chemical Name: CALCIUM OXIDE CAS: 1305788 Trade Secret: No EHS: Not reported Solid: Yes Liquid: Not reported Gas: Not reported Pure: Yes TC4471374.2s Page 444 TC4471374.2s Page 445 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number ' Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) S105536912 Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 1000000 Avg Daily Amt: 700000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CALCIUM OXIDE Storage Id: 1213611 Container: S Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG THREE SILOS Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CALCIUM OXIDE Storage Id: 1213611 Container: Silo Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature • Storage Location: INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG THREE SILOS Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CALCIUM OXIDE Storage Id: 1213611 Container: S Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG THREE SILOS Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CALCIUM OXIDE Storage Id: 1213611 Container: Silo Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG THREE SILOS Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CALCIUM OXIDE Storage Id: 1213611 Container: Silo Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG THREE SILOS FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860290 Chemical Name: CARBON DIOXIDE CAS: 124389 \� Trade Secret: No TC4471374.2s Page 445 • • Is Map ID Direction Distance Elevation f- MAP FINDINGS Site EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) S105536912 EHS: Not reported Solid: Not reported Liquid: Yes Gas: Yes Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Yes Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 120000 Avg Daily Amt: 100000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CARBON DIOXIDE Storage Id: 1213610 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: G Temperature: A Storage Location: TANKS SOUTH OF FILTER BLDG, Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CARBON DIOXIDE Storage Id: 1213610 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: Greater than ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: TANKS SOUTH OF FILTER BLDG. Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CARBON DIOXIDE Storage Id: 1213610 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: G Temperature: A Storage Location: TANKS SOUTH OF FILTER BLDG. Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CARBON DIOXIDE Storage Id: 1213610 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: Greater than ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: TANKS SOUTH OF FILTER BLDG. Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CARBON DIOXIDE Storage Id: 1213610 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: Greater than ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: TANKS SOUTH OF FILTER BLDG. TC4471374.2s Page 446 • 0 • Map ID Direction Distance Elevation F_ MAP FINDINGS Site EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) S105536912 FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860291 Chemical Name: CHLORINE CAS: 7782505 Trade Secret: No EHS: Yes Solid: Not reported Liquid: Yes Gas: Yes Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Yes Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 36000 Avg Daily Amt: 18000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CHLORINE Storage Id: 1213609 Container: Tank Inside Building Pressure: G Temperature: A Storage Location: CHLORINE BLDG S OF CHEMICAL BLDG Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CHLORINE Storage Id: 1213609 Container: Cylinder Pressure: Greater than ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: CHLORINE BLDG S OF CHEMICAL BLDG Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CHLORINE Storage Id: 1213609 Container: Tank Inside Building Pressure: G Temperature: A Storage Location: CHLORINE BLDG S OF CHEMICAL BLDG Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CHLORINE Storage Id: 1213609 Container: Cylinder Pressure: Greater than ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: CHLORINE BLDG S OF CHEMICAL BLDG Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CHLORINE Storage Id: 1213609 Container: Cylinder TC4471374.2s Page 447 TC4471374.2s Page 448 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) S105536912 Pressure: Greater than ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: CHLORINE BLDG S OF CHEMICAL BLDG FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860292 Chemical Name: KING PHOS III CAS: NONE Trade Secret: Yes EHS: Not reported Solid: Not reported Liquid: Yes Gas: Not reported Pure: Not reported Mix: Yes Fire: Not reported Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 50000 Avg Daily Amt: 25000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: KING PHOS III Storage Id: 1213608 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: NORTH END OF BLOWER BLDG Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: KING PHOS III Storage Id: 1213608 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: NORTH END OF BLOWER BLDG FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860293 Chemical Name: SODIUM CARBONATE CAS: 497198 Trade Secret: No EHS: Not reported Solid: Yes Liquid: Not reported Gas: Not reported Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Yes TC4471374.2s Page 448 TC4471374.2s Page 449 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) 5105536912 Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 270000 Avg Daily Amt: 135000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: Fid Num: SAD0048 Chemical Name: SODIUM CARBONATE Storage Id: 1213607 Container: S Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: IN CHEMICAL BLDG TWO SILOS Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM CARBONATE Storage Id: 1213607 Container: Silo Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: IN CHEMICAL BLDG TWO SILOS Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM CARBONATE Storage Id: 1213607 Container: S Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: IN CHEMICAL BLDG TWO SILOS Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM CARBONATE Storage Id: 1213607 Container: Silo Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: IN CHEMICAL BLDG TWO SILOS Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM CARBONATE Storage Id: 1213607 Container: Silo Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: IN CHEMICAL BLDG TWO SILOS FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860294 Chemical Name: SODIUM CHLORIDE CAS: 7647145 Trade Secret: No EHS: Not reported Solid: Yes Liquid: Not reported Gas: Not reported TC4471374.2s Page 449 EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number S105536912 TC4471374.2s Page 450 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance Elevation Site SALINA, CITY OF-WATER TREATMENT (Continued) Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 16000 Avg Daily Amt: 8000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM CHLORIDE Storage Id: 1213606 Container: Below Ground Tank Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: STORAGE RM IN N END OF AIR STRIPPER BLOWER RM Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM CHLORIDE Storage Id: 1213606 Container: Bag Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature • Storage Location: STORAGE RM IN N END OF AIR STRIPPER BLOWER RM Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM CHLORIDE Storage Id: 1213606 Container: Below Ground Tank Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: STORAGE RM IN N END OF AIR STRIPPER BLOWER RM Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM CHLORIDE Storage Id: 1213606 Container: Bag Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: STORAGE RM IN N END OF AIR STRIPPER BLOWER RM Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM CHLORIDE Storage Id: 1213606 Container: Bag Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: STORAGE RM IN N END OF AIR STRIPPER BLOWER RM FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860295 Chemical Name: SODIUM H EXAM ETAPHOSPHATE • CAS: 62533931 EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number S105536912 TC4471374.2s Page 450 EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number S105536912 TC4471374.2s Page 451 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance Elevation Site SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) Trade Secret: No EHS: Not reported Solid: Yes Liquid: Not reported Gas: Not reported Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 14000 Avg Daily Amt: 5000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM HEXAMETAPHOSPHATE Storage Id: 1213605 Container: Below Ground Tank Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: BAGS NE AREA OF FILTER BLDG 2ND FLOOR Fid Num: SA00048 ' Chemical Name: SODIUM HEXAM ETAPHOSPHATE Storage Id: 1213605 Container: Bag Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: BAGS NE AREA OF FILTER BLDG 2ND FLOOR Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM H EXAM ETAPH OSPHATE Storage Id: 1213605 Container: Below Ground Tank Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: BAGS NE AREA OF FILTER BLDG 2ND FLOOR Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM HEXAM ETAPHOSPHATE Storage Id: 1213605 Container: Bag Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: BAGS NE AREA OF FILTER BLDG 2ND FLOOR Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM HEXAM ETAPHOSPHATE Storage Id: 1213605 Container: Bag Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: BAGS NE AREA OF FILTER BLDG 2ND FLOOR EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number S105536912 TC4471374.2s Page 451 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction E_ Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) S105536912 TC4471374.2s Page 452 FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860296 Chemical Name: SODIUM HYDROXIDE CAS: 1310732 Trade Secret: No EHS: Yes Solid: Not reported Liquid: Yes Gas: Not reported Pure: Not reported Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 21000 Avg Daily Amt: 21000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM HYDROXIDE Storage Id: 1213604 Container: T Pressure: A ' Temperature: A Storage Location: CHLORINE BLDG SCRUBBER ROOM Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM HYDROXIDE Storage Id: 1213604 Container: Tank Inside Building Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: CHLORINE BLDG SCRUBBER ROOM Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM HYDROXIDE Storage Id: 1213604 Container: T Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: CHLORINE BLDG SCRUBBER ROOM Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM HYDROXIDE Storage Id: 1213604 Container: Tank Inside Building Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: CHLORINE BLDG SCRUBBER ROOM Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM HYDROXIDE Storage Id: 1213604 • Container: Tank Inside Building TC4471374.2s Page 452 E • Map ID Direction Distance Elevation MAP FINDINGS Site EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) S105536912 Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: CHLORINE BLDG SCRUBBER ROOM FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860297 Chemical Name: SODIUM SILICOFLUORIDE CAS: 16893359 Trade Secret: No EHS: Not reported Solid: Yes Liquid: Not reported Gas: Not reported Pu re: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 14000 Avg Daily Amt: 5000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM SILICOFLUORIDE Storage Id: 1213603 Container: Below Ground Tank Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: NE AREA OF FILTER BLDG 2ND FL & CHEMICAL FL Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM SILICOFLUORIDE Storage Id: 1213603 Container: Bag Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: NE AREA OF FILTER BLDG 2ND FL & CHEMICAL FL Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM SILICOFLUORIDE Storage Id: 1213603 Container: Below Ground Tank Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: NE AREA OF FILTER BLDG 2ND FL & CHEMICAL FL Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM SILICOFLUORIDE Storage Id: 1213603 Container: Bag Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: NE AREA OF FILTER BLDG 2ND FL & CHEMICAL FL TC4471374.2s Page 453 EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number 5105536912 TC4471374.2s Page 454 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance Elevation Site SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM SILICOFLUORIDE Storage Id: 1213603 Container: Bag Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: NE AREA OF FILTER BLDG 2ND FL & CHEMICAL FL FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860287 Chemical Name: ALUMINUM SULFATE CAS: 10043013 Trade Secret: No EHS: Not reported Solid: Yes Liquid: Not reported Gas: Not reported Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 160000 Avg Daily Amt: 80000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: ALUMINUM SULFATE Storage Id: 1213613 Container: S Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG ONE SILO Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: ALUMINUM SULFATE Storage Id: 1213613 Container: Silo Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG ONE SILO Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: ALUMINUM SULFATE Storage Id: 1213613 Container: S Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG ONE SILO Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: ALUMINUM SULFATE • Storage Id: 1213613 EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number 5105536912 TC4471374.2s Page 454 • �71 J Map ID Direction Distance Elevation MAP FINDINGS Site EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) S105536912 Container: Silo Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG ONE SILO Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: ALUMINUM SULFATE Storage Id: 1213613 Container: Silo Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG ONE SILO FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860288 Chemical Name: AMMONIA CAS: 7664417 Trade Secret: No EHS: Yes Solid: Not reported Liquid: Yes Gas: Yes Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Yes Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 4000 Avg Daily Amt: 2000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: AMMONIA Storage Id: 1213612 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: G Temperature: A Storage Location: N OF CHEMICAL BLDG IN HORIZONAL TANK Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: AMMONIA Storage Id: 1213612 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: Greater than ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: N OF CHEMICAL BLDG IN HORIZONAL TANK Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: AMMONIA Storage Id: 1213612 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: G Temperature: A TC4471374.2s Page 455 EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number S105536912 TC4471374.2s Page 456 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance ' Elevation Site SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) Storage Location: N OF CHEMICAL BLDG IN HORIZONAL TANK Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: AMMONIA Storage Id: 1213612 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: Greater than ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: N OF CHEMICAL BLDG IN HORIZONAL TANK Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: AMMONIA Storage Id: 1213612 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: Greater than ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: N OF CHEMICAL BLDG IN HORIZONAL TANK FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860289 Chemical Name: CALCIUM OXIDE CAS: 1305788 Trade Secret: No EHS: Not reported Solid: Liquid: Yes Not reported Gas: Not reported Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 1000000 Avg Daily Amt: 700000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CALCIUM OXIDE Storage Id: 1213611 Container: S Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG THREE SILOS Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CALCIUM OXIDE Storage Id: 1213611 Container: Silo Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG THREE SILOS • Fid Num: SA00048 EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number S105536912 TC4471374.2s Page 456 Pi • Map ID Direction Distance Elevation MAP FINDINGS Site EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) S105536912 Chemical Name: CALCIUM OXIDE Storage Id: 1213611 Container: S Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG THREE SILOS Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CALCIUM OXIDE Storage Id: 1213611 Container: Silo Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG THREE SILOS Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CALCIUM OXIDE Storage Id: 1213611 Container: Silo Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG THREE SILOS FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860290 Chemical Name: CARBON DIOXIDE CAS: 124389 Trade Secret: No EHS: Not reported Solid: Not reported Liquid: Yes Gas: Yes Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Yes Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 120000 Avg Daily Amt: 100000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CARBON DIOXIDE Storage Id: 1213610 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: G Temperature: A Storage Location: TANKS SOUTH OF FILTER BLDG. Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CARBON DIOXIDE Storage Id: 1213610 Container: Above Ground Tank TC4471374.2s Page 457 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number • Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) S105536912 TC4471374.2s Page 458 Pressure: Greater than ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: TANKS SOUTH OF FILTER BLDG. Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CARBON DIOXIDE Storage Id: 1213610 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: G Temperature: A Storage Location: TANKS SOUTH OF FILTER BLDG. Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CARBON DIOXIDE Storage Id: 1213610 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: Greater than ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: TANKS SOUTH OF FILTER BLDG. Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CARBON DIOXIDE Storage Id: 1213610 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: Greater than ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature • Storage Location: TANKS SOUTH OF FILTER BLDG. FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860291 Chemical Name: CHLORINE CAS: 7782505 Trade Secret: No EHS: Yes Solid: Not reported Liquid: Yes Gas: Yes Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Yes Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 36000 Avg Daily Amt: 18000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CHLORINE Storage Id: 1213609 Container: Tank Inside Building Pressure: G Temperature: A • Storage Location: CHLORINE BLDG S OF CHEMICAL BLDG TC4471374.2s Page 458 • • • Map ID Direction Distance Elevation F_ MAP FINDINGS Site EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) S105536912 Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CHLORINE Storage Id: 1213609 Container: Cylinder Pressure: Greater than ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: CHLORINE BLDG S OF CHEMICAL BLDG Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CHLORINE Storage Id: 1213609 Container: Tank Inside Building Pressure: G Temperature: A Storage Location: CHLORINE BLDG S OF CHEMICAL BLDG Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CHLORINE Storage Id: 1213609 Container: Cylinder Pressure: Greater than ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: CHLORINE BLDG S OF CHEMICAL BLDG Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CHLORINE Storage Id: 1213609 Container: Cylinder Pressure: Greater than ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: CHLORINE BLDG S OF CHEMICAL BLDG FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860292 Chemical Name: KING PHOS III CAS: NONE Trade Secret: Yes EHS: Not reported Solid: Not reported Liquid: Yes Gas: Not reported Pure: Not reported Mix: Yes Fire: Not reported Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 50000 Avg Daily Amt: 25000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: KING PHOS III Storage Id: 1213608 TC4471374.2s Page 459 L] • Map ID Direction Distance Elevation F_ MAP FINDINGS Site EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) S105536912 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: NORTH END OF BLOWER BLDG Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: KING PHOS III Storage Id: 1213608 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: NORTH END OF BLOWER BLDG FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860293 Chemical Name: SODIUM CARBONATE CAS: 497198 Trade Secret: No EHS: Not reported Solid: Yes Liquid: Not reported Gas: Not reported Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 270000 Avg Daily Amt: 135000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM CARBONATE Storage Id: 1213607 Container: S Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: IN CHEMICAL BLDG TWO SILOS Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM CARBONATE Storage Id: 1213607 Container: Silo Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: IN CHEMICAL BLDG TWO SILOS Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM CARBONATE Storage Id: 1213607 Container: S Pressure: A Temperature: A TC4471374.2s Page 460 TC4471374.2s Page 461 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) S105536912 Storage Location. IN CHEMICAL BLDG TWO SILOS Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM CARBONATE Storage Id: 1213607 Container: Silo Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: IN CHEMICAL BLDG TWO SILOS Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM CARBONATE Storage Id: 1213607 Container: Silo Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: IN CHEMICAL BLDG TWO SILOS FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860294 Chemical Name: SODIUM CHLORIDE CAS: 7647145 Trade Secret: No EHS: Not reported Solid: Liquid: Yes Not reported Gas: Not reported Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 16000 Avg Daily Amt: 8000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM CHLORIDE Storage Id: 1213606 Container: Below Ground Tank Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: STORAGE RM IN N END OF AIR STRIPPER BLOWER RM Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM CHLORIDE Storage Id: 1213606 Container: Bag Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: STORAGE RM IN N END OF AIR STRIPPER BLOWER RM Fid Num: SA00048 TC4471374.2s Page 461 • • • Map ID Direction Distance Elevation MAP FINDINGS Site EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) Chemical Name: SODIUM CHLORIDE Storage Id: 1213606 Container: Below Ground Tank Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: STORAGE RM IN N END OF AIR STRIPPER BLOWER RM Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM CHLORIDE Storage Id: 1213606 Container: Bag Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: STORAGE RM IN N END OF AIR STRIPPER BLOWER RM Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM CHLORIDE Storage Id: 1213606 Container: Bag Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: STORAGE RM IN N END OF AIR STRIPPER BLOWER RM FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860295 Chemical Name: SODIUM HEXAMETAPHOSPHATE CAS: 62533931 Trade Secret: No EHS: Not reported Solid: Yes Liquid: Not reported Gas: Not reported Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 14000 Avg Daily Amt: 5000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM HEXAMETAPHOSPHATE Storage Id: 1213605 Container: Below Ground Tank Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: BAGS NE AREA OF FILTER BLDG 2ND FLOOR Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM HEXAMETAPHOSPHATE Storage Id: 1213605 Container: Bag S105536912 TC4471374.2s Page 462 EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number S105536912 TC4471374.2s Page 463 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance • Elevation Site SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: BAGS NE AREA OF FILTER BLDG 2ND FLOOR Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM HEXAMETAPHOSPHATE Storage Id: 1213605 Container: Below Ground Tank Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: BAGS NE AREA OF FILTER BLDG 2ND FLOOR Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM H EXAM ETAPHOS PHATE Storage Id: 1213605 Container: Bag Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: BAGS NE AREA OF FILTER BLDG 2ND FLOOR Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM H EXAM ETAPHOS PHATE Storage Id: 1213605 Container: Bag Pressure: Ambient pressure • Temperature: Storage Location: Ambient temperature BAGS NE AREA OF FILTER BLDG 2ND FLOOR FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860296 Chemical Name: SODIUM HYDROXIDE CAS: 1310732 Trade Secret: No EHS: Yes Solid: Not reported Liquid: Yes Gas: Not reported Pure: Not reported Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 21000 Avg Daily Amt: 21000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM HYDROXIDE Storage Id: 1213604 Container: T Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: CHLORINE BLDG SCRUBBER ROOM EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number S105536912 TC4471374.2s Page 463 • • • Map ID Direction Distance Elevation MAP FINDINGS Site EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) S105536912 Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM HYDROXIDE Storage Id: 1213604 Container: Tank Inside Building Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: CHLORINE BLDG SCRUBBER ROOM Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM HYDROXIDE Storage Id: 1213604 Container: T Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: CHLORINE BLDG SCRUBBER ROOM Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM HYDROXIDE Storage Id: 1213604 Container: Tank Inside Building Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: CHLORINE BLDG SCRUBBER ROOM Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM HYDROXIDE Storage Id: 1213604 Container: Tank Inside Building Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: CHLORINE BLDG SCRUBBER ROOM FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860297 Chemical Name: SODIUM SILICOFLUORIDE CAS: 16893359 Trade Secret: No EHS: Not reported Solid: Yes Liquid: Not reported Gas: Not reported Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 14000 Avg Daily Amt: 5000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM SILICOFLUORIDE Storage Id: 1213603 TC4471374.2s Page 464 EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number S105536912 TC4471374.2s Page 465 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance • Elevation Site SALINA, CITY OF-WATER TREATMENT (Continued) Container: Below Ground Tank Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: NE AREA OF FILTER BLDG 2ND FL & CHEMICAL FL Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM SILICOFLUORIDE Storage Id: 1213603 Container: Bag Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: NE AREA OF FILTER BLDG 2ND FL & CHEMICAL FL Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM SILICOFLUORIDE Storage Id: 1213603 Container: Below Ground Tank Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: NE AREA OF FILTER BLDG 2ND FL & CHEMICAL FL Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM SILICOFLUORIDE Storage Id: 1213603 Container: Bag Pressure: Temperature: Ambient pressure Ambient temperature Storage Location: NE AREA OF FILTER BLDG 2ND FL & CHEMICAL FL Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM SILICOFLUORIDE Storage Id: 1213603 Container: Bag Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: NE AREA OF FILTER BLDG 2ND FL & CHEMICAL FL FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860287 Chemical Name: ALUMINUM SULFATE CAS: 10043013 Trade Secret: No EHS: Not reported Solid: Yes Liquid: Not reported Gas: Not reported Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 160000 Avg Daily Amt: 80000 Days On Site: 365 EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number S105536912 TC4471374.2s Page 465 TC4471374.2s Page 466 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) S105536912 Opt Report: 1 Storage: Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: ALUMINUM SULFATE Storage Id: 1213613 Container: S Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG ONE SILO Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: ALUMINUM SULFATE Storage Id: 1213613 Container: Silo Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG ONE SILO Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: ALUMINUM SULFATE Storage Id: 1213613 Container: S Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG ONE SILO Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: ALUMINUM SULFATE Storage Id: 1213613 Container: Silo Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG ONE SILO Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: ALUMINUM SULFATE Storage Id: 1213613 Container: Silo Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG ONE SILO FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860288 Chemical Name: AMMONIA CAS: 7664417 Trade Secret: No EHS: Yes Solid: Not reported Liquid: Yes Gas: Yes Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Yes Reactive: Yes TC4471374.2s Page 466 EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number S105536912 TC4471374.2s Page 467 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance Elevation Site SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 4000 Avg Daily Amt: 2000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: AMMONIA Storage Id: 1213612 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: G Temperature: A Storage Location: N OF CHEMICAL BLDG IN HORIZONAL TANK Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: AMMONIA Storage Id: 1213612 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: Greater than ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: N OF CHEMICAL BLDG IN HORIZONAL TANK Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: AMMONIA Storage Id: 1213612 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: G Temperature: A Storage Location: N OF CHEMICAL BLDG IN HORIZONAL TANK Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: AMMONIA Storage Id: 1213612 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: Greater than ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: N OF CHEMICAL BLDG IN HORIZONAL TANK Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: AMMONIA Storage Id: 1213612 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: Greater than ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: N OF CHEMICAL BLDG IN HORIZONAL TANK FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860289 Chemical Name: CALCIUM OXIDE CAS: 1305788 Trade Secret: No EHS: Not reported Solid: Yes Liquid: Not reported Gas: Not reported EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number S105536912 TC4471374.2s Page 467 • J • Map ID Direction Distance Elevation MAP FINDINGS Site EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) S105536912 Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 1000000 Avg Daily Amt: 700000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: Temperature: Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CALCIUM OXIDE Storage Id: 1213611 Container: S Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG THREE SILOS Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CALCIUM OXIDE Storage Id: 1213611 Container: Silo Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG THREE SILOS Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CALCIUM OXIDE Storage Id: 1213611 Container: S Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG THREE SILOS Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CALCIUM OXIDE Storage Id: 1213611 Container: Silo Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG THREE SILOS Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CALCIUM OXIDE Storage Id: 1213611 Container: Silo Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG THREE SILOS FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860290 Chemical Name: CARBON DIOXIDE CAS: 124389 TC4471374.2s Page 468 TC4471374.2s Page 469 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number s Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) S105536912 Trade Secret: No EHS: Not reported Solid: Not reported Liquid: Yes Gas: Yes Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Yes Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 120000 Avg Daily Amt: 100000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CARBON DIOXIDE Storage Id: 1213610 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: G Temperature: A Storage Location: TANKS SOUTH OF FILTER BLDG. Fid Num: SA00048 • Chemical Name: CARBON DIOXIDE Storage Id: 1213610 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: Greater than ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: TANKS SOUTH OF FILTER BLDG. Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CARBON DIOXIDE Storage Id: 1213610 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: G Temperature: A Storage Location: TANKS SOUTH OF FILTER BLDG. Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CARBON DIOXIDE Storage Id: 1213610 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: Greater than ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: TANKS SOUTH OF FILTER BLDG. Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CARBON DIOXIDE Storage Id: 1213610 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: Greater than ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: TANKS SOUTH OF FILTER BLDG. TC4471374.2s Page 469 C1 • r� L Map ID Direction Distance Elevation MAP FINDINGS Site EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) S105536912 FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860291 Chemical Name: CHLORINE CAS: 7782505 Trade Secret: No EHS: Yes Solid: Not reported Liquid: Yes Gas: Yes Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Yes Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 36000 Avg Daily Amt: 18000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CHLORINE Storage Id: 1213609 Container: Tank Inside Building Pressure: G Temperature: A Storage Location: CHLORINE BLDG S OF CHEMICAL BLDG Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CHLORINE Storage Id: 1213609 Container: Cylinder Pressure: Greater than ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: CHLORINE BLDG S OF CHEMICAL BLDG Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CHLORINE Storage Id: 1213609 Container: Tank Inside Building Pressure: G Temperature: A Storage Location: CHLORINE BLDG S OF CHEMICAL BLDG Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CHLORINE Storage Id: 1213609 Container: Cylinder Pressure: Greater than ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: CHLORINE BLDG S OF CHEMICAL BLDG Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CHLORINE Storage Id: 1213609 Container: Cylinder TC4471374.2s Page 470 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation • • F_ MAP FINDINGS -7 Site EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) S105536912 Pressure: Greater than ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: CHLORINE BLDG S OF CHEMICAL BLDG FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860293 Chemical Name: SODIUM CARBONATE CAS: 497198 Trade Secret: No EHS: Not reported Solid: Yes Liquid: Not reported Gas: Not reported Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 270000 Avg Daily Amt: 135000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM CARBONATE Storage Id: 1213607 Container: S Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: IN CHEMICAL BLDG TWO SILOS Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM CARBONATE Storage Id: 1213607 Container: Silo Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: IN CHEMICAL BLDG TWO SILOS Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM CARBONATE Storage Id: 1213607 Container: S Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: IN CHEMICAL BLDG TWO SILOS Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM CARBONATE Storage Id: 1213607 Container: Silo Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: IN CHEMICAL BLDG TWO SILOS TC4471374.2s Page 471 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number • SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) S105536912 TC4471374.2s Page 472 Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM CARBONATE Storage Id: 1213607 Container: Silo Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: IN CHEMICAL BLDG TWO SILOS FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860294 Chemical Name: SODIUM CHLORIDE CAS: 7647145 Trade Secret: No EHS: Not reported Solid: Yes Liquid: Not reported Gas: Not reported Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes • Max Daily Amt: Avg Daily Amt: 16000 8000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM CHLORIDE Storage Id: 1213606 Container: Below Ground Tank Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: STORAGE RM IN N END OF AIR STRIPPER BLOWER RM Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM CHLORIDE Storage Id: 1213606 Container: Bag Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: STORAGE RM IN N END OF AIR STRIPPER BLOWER RM Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM CHLORIDE Storage Id: 1213606 Container: Below Ground Tank Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: STORAGE RM IN N END OF AIR STRIPPER BLOWER RM Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM CHLORIDE • Storage Id: 1213606 TC4471374.2s Page 472 ,r u • • Map ID Direction Distance Elevation MAP FINDINGS Site EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) Container: Bag Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: STORAGE RM IN N END OF AIR STRIPPER BLOWER RM Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM CHLORIDE Storage Id: 1213606 Container: Bag Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: STORAGE RM IN N END OF AIR STRIPPER BLOWER RM FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860295 Chemical Name: SODIUM HEXAMETAPHOSPHATE CAS: 62533931 Trade Secret: No EHS: Not reported Solid: Yes Liquid: Not reported Gas: Not reported Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 14000 Avg Daily Amt: 5000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM HEXAMETAPHOSPHATE Storage Id: 1213605 Container: Below Ground Tank Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: BAGS NE AREA OF FILTER BLDG 2ND FLOOR Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM HEXAMETAPHOSPHATE Storage Id: 1213605 Container: Bag Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: BAGS NE AREA OF FILTER BLDG 2ND FLOOR Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM HEXAMETAPHOSPHATE Storage Id: 1213605 Container: Below Ground Tank Pressure: A Temperature: A S105536912 TC4471374.2s Page 473 EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number S105536912 TC4471374.2s Page 474 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance Elevation Site SALINA, CITY OF-WATER TREATMENT (Continued) Storage Location: BAGS NE AREA OF FILTER BLDG 2ND FLOOR Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM HEXAM ETAPHOSPHATE Storage Id: 1213605 Container: Bag Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: BAGS NE AREA OF FILTER BLDG 2ND FLOOR Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM H EXAM ETAPHOSPHATE Storage Id: 1213605 Container: Bag Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: BAGS NE AREA OF FILTER BLDG 2ND FLOOR FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860296 Chemical Name: SODIUM HYDROXIDE CAS: 1310-73-2 Trade Secret: No EHS: Yes . Solid: Liquid: Not reported Yes Gas: Not reported Pure: Not reported Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 21000 Avg Daily Amt: 21000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM HYDROXIDE Storage Id: 1213604 Container: T Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: CHLORINE BLDG SCRUBBER ROOM Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM HYDROXIDE Storage Id: 1213604 Container: Tank Inside Building Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: CHLORINE BLDG SCRUBBER ROOM • Fid Num: SA00048 EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number S105536912 TC4471374.2s Page 474 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation MAP FINDINGS Site EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) S105536912 Chemical Name: SODIUM HYDROXIDE Storage Id: 1213604 Container: T Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: CHLORINE BLDG SCRUBBER ROOM Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM HYDROXIDE Storage Id: 1213604 Container: Tank Inside Building Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: CHLORINE BLDG SCRUBBER ROOM Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM HYDROXIDE Storage Id: 1213604 Container: Tank Inside Building Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: CHLORINE BLDG SCRUBBER ROOM FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860297 Chemical Name: SODIUM SILICOFLUORIDE CAS: 16893359 Trade Secret: No EHS: Not reported Solid: Yes Liquid: Not reported Gas: Not reported Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 14000 Avg Daily Amt: 5000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM SILICOFLUORIDE Storage Id: 1213603 Container: Below Ground Tank Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: NE AREA OF FILTER BLDG 2ND FL & CHEMICAL FL Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM SILICOFLUORIDE Storage Id: 1213603 Container: Bag TC4471374.2s Page 475 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation E] F_ MAP FINDINGS Site EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) S105536912 Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: NE AREA OF FILTER BLDG 2ND FL & CHEMICAL FL Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM SILICOFLUORIDE Storage Id: 1213603 Container: Below Ground Tank Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: NE AREA OF FILTER BLDG 2ND FL & CHEMICAL FL Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM SILICOFLUORIDE Storage Id: 1213603 Container: Bag Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: NE AREA OF FILTER BLDG 2ND FL & CHEMICAL FL Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM SILICOFLUORIDE Storage Id: 1213603 Container: Bag Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: NE AREA OF FILTER BLDG 2ND FL & CHEMICAL FL FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 896602 Chemical Name: CARUS 8100, BLENDED POLYPHOSPHATE CAS: NONE Trade Secret: No EHS: Not reported Solid: Not reported Liquid: Yes Gas: Not reported Pure: Not reported Mix: Yes Fire: Not reported Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 50000 Avg Daily Amt: 25000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CARUS 8100, BLENDED POLYPHOSPHATE Storage Id: 1213608 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: NORTH END OF BLOWER BLDG TC44713742s Page 476 • • Map ID Direction Distance Elevation MAP FINDINGS Site EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) S105536912 Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CARUS 8100, BLENDED POLYPHOSPHATE Storage Id: 1213608 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: NORTH END OF BLOWER BLDG Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CARUS 8100, BLENDED POLYPHOSPHATE Storage Id: 1213608 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: NORTH END OF BLOWER BLDG FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860287 Chemical Name: ALUMINUM SULFATE CAS: 10043013 Trade Secret: No EHS: Not reported Solid: Yes Liquid: Not reported Gas: Not reported Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 160000 Avg Daily Amt: 80000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: SA00048 Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: ALUMINUM SULFATE Storage Id: 1213613 Container: S Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG ONE SILO Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: ALUMINUM SULFATE Storage Id: 1213613 Container: Silo Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG ONE SILO Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: ALUMINUM SULFATE Storage Id: 1213613 TC4471374.2s Page 477 Pi • Map ID Direction Distance Elevation MAP FINDINGS Site EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) 5105536912 Container: S Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG ONE SILO Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: ALUMINUM SULFATE Storage Id: 1213613 Container: Silo Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG ONE SILO Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: ALUMINUM SULFATE Storage Id: 1213613 Container: Silo Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG ONE SILO FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860288 Chemical Name: AMMONIA CAS: 7664417 Trade Secret: No EHS: Yes Solid: Not reported Liquid: Yes Gas: Yes Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Yes Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 4000 Avg Daily Amt: 2000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: AMMONIA Storage Id: 1213612 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: G Temperature: A Storage Location: N OF CHEMICAL BLDG IN HORIZONAL TANK Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: AMMONIA Storage Id: 1213612 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: Greater than ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature TC4471374.2s Page 478 Pi • M Map ID Direction Distance Elevation F_ MAP FINDINGS Site EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) S105536912 Storage Location: N OF CHEMICAL BLDG IN HORIZONAL TANK Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: AMMONIA Storage Id: 1213612 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: G Temperature: A Storage Location: N OF CHEMICAL BLDG IN HORIZONAL TANK Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: AMMONIA Storage Id: 1213612 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: Greater than ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: N OF CHEMICAL BLDG IN HORIZONAL TANK Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: AMMONIA Storage Id: 1213612 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: Greater than ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: N OF CHEMICAL BLDG IN HORIZONAL TANK FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860289 Chemical Name: CALCIUM OXIDE CAS: 1305788 Trade Secret: No EHS: Not reported Solid: Yes Liquid: Not reported Gas: Not reported Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 1000000 Avg Daily Amt: 700000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CALCIUM OXIDE Storage Id: 1213611 Container: S Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG THREE SILOS Fid Num: SA00048 TC4471374.2s Page 479 TC4471374.2s Page 480 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number • Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) S105536912 Chemical Name: CALCIUM OXIDE Storage Id: 1213611 Container: Silo Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG THREE SILOS Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CALCIUM OXIDE Storage Id: 1213611 Container: S Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG THREE SILOS Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CALCIUM OXIDE Storage Id: 1213611 Container: Silo Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG THREE SILOS Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CALCIUM OXIDE • Storage Id: Container: 1 Silo Silo Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG THREE SILOS FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860290 Chemical Name: CARBON DIOXIDE CAS: 124389 Trade Secret: No EHS: Not reported Solid: Not reported Liquid: Yes Gas: Yes Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Yes Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 120000 Avg Daily Amt: 100000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CARBON DIOXIDE Storage Id: 1213610 Container: Above Ground Tank TC4471374.2s Page 480 EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number S105536912 TC4471374.2s Page 481 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance Elevation Site SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) Pressure: G Temperature: A Storage Location: TANKS SOUTH OF FILTER BLDG. Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CARBON DIOXIDE Storage Id: 1213610 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: Greater than ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: TANKS SOUTH OF FILTER BLDG. Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CARBON DIOXIDE Storage Id: 1213610 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: G Temperature: A Storage Location: TANKS SOUTH OF FILTER BLDG. Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CARBON DIOXIDE Storage Id: 1213610 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: Greater than ambient pressure • Temperature: Storage Location: Ambient temperature TANKS SOUTH OF FILTER BLDG. Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CARBON DIOXIDE Storage Id: 1213610 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: Greater than ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: TANKS SOUTH OF FILTER BLDG. FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860291 Chemical Name: CHLORINE CAS: 7782505 Trade Secret: No EHS: Yes Solid: Not reported Liquid: Yes Gas: Yes Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Yes Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 36000 Avg Daily Amt: 18000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number S105536912 TC4471374.2s Page 481 TC4471374.2s Page 482 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) S105536912 Storage: Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CHLORINE Storage Id: 1213609 Container: Tank Inside Building Pressure: G Temperature: A Storage Location: CHLORINE BLDG S OF CHEMICAL BLDG Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CHLORINE Storage Id: 1213609 Container: Cylinder Pressure: Greater than ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: CHLORINE BLDG S OF CHEMICAL BLDG Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CHLORINE Storage Id: 1213609 Container: Tank Inside Building Pressure: G Temperature: A Storage Location: CHLORINE BLDG S OF CHEMICAL BLDG Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CHLORINE Storage Id: 1213609 Container: Cylinder Pressure: Greater than ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: CHLORINE BLDG S OF CHEMICAL BLDG Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CHLORINE Storage Id: 1213609 Container: Cylinder Pressure: Greater than ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: CHLORINE BLDG S OF CHEMICAL BLDG FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860293 Chemical Name: SODIUM CARBONATE CAS: 497198 Trade Secret: No EHS: Not reported Solid: Yes Liquid: Not reported Gas: Not reported Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Yes • Delayed: Not reported TC4471374.2s Page 482 TC4471374.2s Page 483 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) S105536912 Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 270000 Avg Daily Amt: 135000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM CARBONATE Storage Id: 1213607 Container: S Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: IN CHEMICAL BLDG TWO SILOS Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM CARBONATE Storage Id: 1213607 Container: Silo Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: IN CHEMICAL BLDG TWO SILOS Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM CARBONATE Storage Id: 1213607 Container: S • Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: IN CHEMICAL BLDG TWO SILOS Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM CARBONATE Storage Id: 1213607 Container: Silo Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: IN CHEMICAL BLDG TWO SILOS Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM CARBONATE Storage Id: 1213607 Container: Silo Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: IN CHEMICAL BLDG TWO SILOS FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860294 Chemical Name: SODIUM CHLORIDE CAS: 7647145 Trade Secret: No EHS: Not reported Solid: Yes Liquid: Not reported Gas: Not reported . Pure: Yes TC4471374.2s Page 483 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation • MAP FINDINGS Site EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 16000 Avg Daily Amt: 8000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: Pressure: Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM CHLORIDE Storage Id: 1213606 Container: Below Ground Tank Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: STORAGE RM IN N END OF AIR STRIPPER BLOWER RM Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM CHLORIDE Storage Id: 1213606 Container: Bag Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: STORAGE RM IN N END OF AIR STRIPPER BLOWER RM Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM CHLORIDE Storage Id: 1213606 Container: Below Ground Tank Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: STORAGE RM IN N END OF AIR STRIPPER BLOWER RM Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM CHLORIDE Storage Id: 1213606 Container: Bag Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: STORAGE RM IN N END OF AIR STRIPPER BLOWER RM Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM CHLORIDE Storage Id: 1213606 Container: Bag Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: STORAGE RM IN N END OF AIR STRIPPER BLOWER RM FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860295 Chemical Name: SODIUM HEXAMETAPHOSPHATE CAS: 62533931 Trade Secret: No S105536912 TC4471374.2s Page 484 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation • • MAP FINDINGS Site EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) 5105536912 EHS: Not reported Solid: Yes Liquid: Not reported Gas: Not reported Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 14000 Avg Daily Amt: 5000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: SA00048 Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM HEXAMETAPHOSPHATE Storage Id: 1213605 Container: Below Ground Tank Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: BAGS NE AREA OF FILTER BLDG 2ND FLOOR Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM HEXAMETAPHOSPHATE Storage Id: 1213605 Container: Bag Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: BAGS NE AREA OF FILTER BLDG 2ND FLOOR Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM HEXAMETAPHOSPHATE Storage Id: 1213605 Container: Below Ground Tank Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: BAGS NE AREA OF FILTER BLDG 2ND FLOOR Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM HEXAMETAPHOSPHATE Storage Id: 1213605 Container: Bag Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: BAGS NE AREA OF FILTER BLDG 2ND FLOOR Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM HEXAMETAPHOSPHATE Storage Id: 1213605 Container: Bag Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: BAGS NE AREA OF FILTER BLDG 2ND FLOOR TC4471374.2s Page 485 EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number S105536912 TC4471374.2s Page 486 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance Elevation Site SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860296 Chemical Name: SODIUM HYDROXIDE CAS: 1310732 Trade Secret: No EHS: Yes Solid: Not reported Liquid: Yes Gas: Not reported Pure: Not reported Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 21000 Avg Daily Amt: 21000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM HYDROXIDE Storage Id: 1213604 Container: T Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: CHLORINE BLDG SCRUBBER ROOM Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM HYDROXIDE Storage Id: 1213604 Container: Tank Inside Building Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: CHLORINE BLDG SCRUBBER ROOM Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM HYDROXIDE Storage Id: 1213604 Container: T Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: CHLORINE BLDG SCRUBBER ROOM Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM HYDROXIDE Storage Id: 1213604 Container: Tank Inside Building Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: CHLORINE BLDG SCRUBBER ROOM Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM HYDROXIDE Storage Id: 1213604 • Container: Tank Inside Building EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number S105536912 TC4471374.2s Page 486 P� • 0 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation MAP FINDINGS Site EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) S105536912 Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: CHLORINE BLDG SCRUBBER ROOM FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860297 Chemical Name: SODIUM SILICOFLUORIDE CAS: 16893359 Trade Secret: No EHS: Not reported Solid: Yes Liquid: Not reported Gas: Not reported Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 14000 Avg Daily Amt: 5000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM SILICOFLUORIDE Storage Id: 1213603 Container: Below Ground Tank Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: NE AREA OF FILTER BLDG 2ND FL & CHEMICAL FL Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM SILICOFLUORIDE Storage Id: 1213603 Container: Bag Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: NE AREA OF FILTER BLDG 2ND FL & CHEMICAL FL Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM SILICOFLUORIDE Storage Id: 1213603 Container: Below Ground Tank Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: NE AREA OF FILTER BLDG 2ND FL & CHEMICAL FL Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM SILICOFLUORIDE Storage Id: 1213603 Container: Bag Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: NE AREA OF FILTER BLDG 2ND FL & CHEMICAL FL TC4471374.2s Page 487 • • Map ID Direction Distance Elevation Site MAP FINDINGS SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) Fid Num: Chemical Name: Storage Id: Container: Pressure: Temperature: Storage Location edr_zip: Facility Id: Facility Phone: FID Num: PID Num: NAICS: Report Year: New Facility: Nearest Cross Street: SIC Code: Section Code: Emergency Namel: Emergency Titlel: Emergency Phonel: Emergency 24phonel Emergency Name2: Emergency Title2: Emergency Phone2: Emergency 24phone2 Submitter: Created: Updated: Rep Name: Rep Title: Zip Field: Facility Latitude: Facility Longitude: Emergency Emaill: Emergency Email2: Tier2 Contact Name: Tier2 Title: Tier2 Phone: Tier2 Phone24: Tier2 EMail: Annual Revision: Max Occupants: Manned/Unmanned: Section: Township: RangeO: Trifids: RMP Facid: Subject 302: Subject 112: Chemical: FID Num: Chemical Id SA00048 SODIUM SILICOFLUORIDE 1213603 Bag Ambient pressure Ambient temperature NE AREA OF FILTER BLDG 2ND FL & CHEMICAL FL Not reported 364949 (785)309-5725 SA00048 KS01056 22131 2011 Not reported SOUTH ST 4941 312 MARTHA TASKER DIR OF UTILITIES (785)309-5725 (785)392-7574 KURT WILLIAMS PLANT OPS MGR (785)826-7305 (785) 819-0463 Not reported Not reported 2/9/2012 9:44:11 AM Martha A. Tasker Director of Utilities Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported SA00048 896602 EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number S105536912 TC4471374.2s Page 488 • Map ID Direction Distance Elevation MAP FINDINGS Site EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) S105536912 Chemical Name: CARUS 8100, BLENDED POLYPHOSPHATE CAS: NONE Trade Secret: No EHS: Not reported Solid: Not reported Liquid: Yes Gas: Not reported Pure: Not reported Mix: Yes Fire: Not reported Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 50000 Avg Daily Amt: 25000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CARUS 8100, BLENDED POLYPHOSPHATE Storage Id: 1213608 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: NORTH END OF BLOWER BLDG Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CARUS 8100, BLENDED POLYPHOSPHATE Storage Id: 1213608 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: NORTH END OF BLOWER BLDG Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CARUS 8100, BLENDED POLYPHOSPHATE Storage Id: 1213608 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: NORTH END OF BLOWER BLDG FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860287 Chemical Name: ALUMINUM SULFATE CAS: 10043013 Trade Secret: No EHS: Not reported Solid: Yes Liquid: Not reported Gas: Not reported Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Not reported TC4471374.2s Page 489 Fid Num: SA00048 Map ID ALUMINUM SULFATE MAP FINDINGS Storage Id: Direction Container: S Distance Pressure: EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number Storage Location: INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG ONE SILO SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) S105536912 Fid Num: SA00048 Reactive: Yes ALUMINUM SULFATE Delayed: Not reported Container: Immediate: Yes Pressure: Ambient pressure Max Daily Amt: 160000 Ambient temperature Avg Daily Amt: 80000 Fid Num: Days On Site: 365 Chemical Name: ALUMINUM SULFATE Opt Report: 1 1213613 Storage: Silo Pressure: Fid Num: SA00048 Temperature: Ambient temperature Chemical Name: ALUMINUM SULFATE INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG ONE SILO Storage Id: 1213613 Chemical Id: Container: S Chemical Name: AMMONIA Pressure: A 7664417 Temperature: A EHS: Storage Location: INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG ONE SILO Solid: Not reported Fid Num: SA00048 Yes Chemical Name: ALUMINUM SULFATE Storage Id: 1213613 Container: Silo Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG ONE SILO Fid Num: SA00048 TC4471374.2s Page 490 Chemical Name: ALUMINUM SULFATE is Storage Id: 1213613 Container: S Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG ONE SILO Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: ALUMINUM SULFATE Storage Id: 1213613 Container: Silo Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG ONE SILO Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: ALUMINUM SULFATE Storage Id: 1213613 Container: Silo Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG ONE SILO FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860288 Chemical Name: AMMONIA CAS: 7664417 Trade Secret: No EHS: Yes Solid: Not reported • Liquid: Yes TC4471374.2s Page 490 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation • MAP FINDINGS Site EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) 5105536912 Gas: Yes Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Yes Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 4000 Avg Daily Amt: 2000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: SA00048 Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: AMMONIA Storage Id: 1213612 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: G Temperature: A Storage Location: N OF CHEMICAL BLDG IN HORIZONAL TANK Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: AMMONIA Storage Id: 1213612 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: Greater than ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: N OF CHEMICAL BLDG IN HORIZONAL TANK Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: AMMONIA Storage Id: 1213612 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: G Temperature: A Storage Location: N OF CHEMICAL BLDG IN HORIZONAL TANK Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: AMMONIA Storage Id: 1213612 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: Greater than ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: N OF CHEMICAL BLDG IN HORIZONAL TANK Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: AMMONIA Storage Id: 1213612 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: Greater than ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: N OF CHEMICAL BLDG IN HORIZONAL TANK FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860289 Chemical Name: CALCIUM OXIDE TC4471374.2s Page 491 TC4471374.2s Page 492 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) S105536912 CAS: 1305788 Trade Secret: No EHS: Not reported Solid: Yes Liquid: Not reported Gas: Not reported Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 1000000 Avg Daily Amt: 700000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CALCIUM OXIDE Storage Id: 1213611 Container: S Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG THREE SILOS • Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CALCIUM OXIDE Storage Id: 1213611 Container: Silo Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG THREE SILOS Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CALCIUM OXIDE Storage Id: 1213611 Container: S Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG THREE SILOS Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CALCIUM OXIDE Storage Id: 1213611 Container: Silo Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG THREE SILOS Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CALCIUM OXIDE Storage Id: 1213611 Container: Silo Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature • Storage Location: INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG THREE SILOS TC4471374.2s Page 492 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) S105536912 TC4471374.2s Page 493 FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860290 Chemical Name: CARBON DIOXIDE CAS: 124389 Trade Secret: No EHS: Not reported Solid: Not reported Liquid: Yes Gas: Yes Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Yes Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 120000 Avg Daily Amt: 100000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CARBON DIOXIDE Storage Id: 1213610 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: G • Temperature: A Storage Location: TANKS SOUTH OF FILTER BLDG. Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CARBON DIOXIDE Storage Id: 1213610 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: Greater than ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: TANKS SOUTH OF FILTER BLDG. Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CARBON DIOXIDE Storage Id: 1213610 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: G Temperature: A Storage Location: TANKS SOUTH OF FILTER BLDG. Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CARBON DIOXIDE Storage Id: 1213610 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: Greater than ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: TANKS SOUTH OF FILTER BLDG. Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CARBON DIOXIDE Storage Id: 1213610 . Container: Above Ground Tank TC4471374.2s Page 493 TC4471374.2s Page 494 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number SALINA, CITY OF-WATER TREATMENT (Continued) S105536912 Pressure: Greater than ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: TANKS SOUTH OF FILTER BLDG. FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860291 Chemical Name: CHLORINE CAS: 7782505 Trade Secret: No EHS: Yes Solid: Not reported Liquid: Yes Gas: Yes Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Yes Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 36000 Avg Daily Amt: 18000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CHLORINE Storage Id: 1213609 Container: Tank Inside Building Pressure: G Temperature: A Storage Location: CHLORINE BLDG S OF CHEMICAL BLDG Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CHLORINE Storage Id: 1213609 Container: Cylinder Pressure: Greater than ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: CHLORINE BLDG S OF CHEMICAL BLDG Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CHLORINE Storage Id: 1213609 Container: Tank Inside Building Pressure: G Temperature: A Storage Location: CHLORINE BLDG S OF CHEMICAL BLDG Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CHLORINE Storage Id: 1213609 Container: Cylinder Pressure: Greater than ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature • Storage Location: CHLORINE BLDG S OF CHEMICAL BLDG TC4471374.2s Page 494 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) S105536912 TC4471374.2s Page 495 Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CHLORINE Storage Id: 1213609 Container: Cylinder Pressure: Greater than ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: CHLORINE BLDG S OF CHEMICAL BLDG FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860293 Chemical Name: SODIUM CARBONATE CAS: 497198 Trade Secret: No EHS: Not reported Solid: Yes Liquid: Not reported Gas: Not reported Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 270000 ' Avg Daily Amt: 135000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM CARBONATE Storage Id: 1213607 Container: S Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: IN CHEMICAL BLDG TWO SILOS Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM CARBONATE Storage Id: 1213607 Container: Silo Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: IN CHEMICAL BLDG TWO SILOS Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM CARBONATE Storage Id: 1213607 Container: S Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: IN CHEMICAL BLDG TWO SILOS Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM CARBONATE • Storage Id: 1213607 TC4471374.2s Page 495 TC4471374.2s Page 496 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number • SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) S105536912 Container: Silo Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: IN CHEMICAL BLDG TWO SILOS Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM CARBONATE Storage Id: 1213607 Container: Silo Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: IN CHEMICAL BLDG TWO SILOS FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860294 Chemical Name: SODIUM CHLORIDE CAS: 7647145 Trade Secret: No EHS: Not reported Solid: Yes Liquid: Not reported Gas: Not reported Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported ' Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 16000 Avg Daily Amt: 8000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM CHLORIDE Storage Id: 1213606 Container: Below Ground Tank Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: STORAGE RM IN N END OF AIR STRIPPER BLOWER RM Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM CHLORIDE Storage Id: 1213606 Container: Bag Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: STORAGE RM IN N END OF AIR STRIPPER BLOWER RM Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM CHLORIDE Storage Id: 1213606 Container: Below Ground Tank Pressure: A • Temperature: A TC4471374.2s Page 496 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) S105536912 Storage Location: STORAGE RM IN N END OF AIR STRIPPER BLOWER RM TC4471374.2s Page 497 Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM CHLORIDE Storage Id: 1213606 Container: Bag Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: STORAGE RM IN N END OF AIR STRIPPER BLOWER RM Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM CHLORIDE Storage Id: 1213606 Container: Bag Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: STORAGE RM IN N END OF AIR STRIPPER BLOWER RM FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860295 Chemical Name: SODIUM HEXAMETAPHOSPHATE CAS: 62533931 Trade Secret: No EHS: Not reported Solid: Yes • Liquid: Not reported Gas: Not reported Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 14000 Avg Daily Amt: 5000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM HEXAMETAPHOSPHATE Storage Id: 1213605 Container: Below Ground Tank Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: BAGS NE AREA OF FILTER BLDG 2ND FLOOR Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM HEXAMETAPHOSPHATE Storage Id: 1213605 Container: Bag Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: BAGS NE AREA OF FILTER BLDG 2ND FLOOR • Fid Num: SA00048 TC4471374.2s Page 497 EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number S105536912 TC4471374.2s Page 498 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance Elevation Site • SALINA, CITY OF-WATER TREATMENT (Continued) Chemical Name: SODIUM HEXAMETAPHOSPHATE Storage Id: 1213605 Container: Below Ground Tank Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: BAGS NE AREA OF FILTER BLDG 2ND FLOOR Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM H EXAM ETAPHOS PHATE Storage Id: 1213605 Container: Bag Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: BAGS NE AREA OF FILTER BLDG 2ND FLOOR Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM H EXAM ETAPHOS PHATE Storage Id: 1213605 Container: Bag Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: BAGS NE AREA OF FILTER BLDG 2ND FLOOR FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860296 Chemical Name: SODIUM HYDROXIDE • CAS: 1310-73-2 Trade Secret: No EHS: Yes Solid: Not reported Liquid: Yes Gas: Not reported Pure: Not reported Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 21000 Avg Daily Amt: 21000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM HYDROXIDE Storage Id: 1213604 Container: T Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: CHLORINE BLDG SCRUBBER ROOM Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM HYDROXIDE Storage Id: 1213604 • Container: Tank Inside Building EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number S105536912 TC4471374.2s Page 498 TC4471374.2s Page 499 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number • Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number SALINA, CITY OF-WATER TREATMENT (Continued) 5105536912 Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: CHLORINE BLDG SCRUBBER ROOM Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM HYDROXIDE Storage Id: 1213604 Container: T Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: CHLORINE BLDG SCRUBBER ROOM Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM HYDROXIDE Storage Id: 1213604 Container: Tank Inside Building Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: CHLORINE BLDG SCRUBBER ROOM Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM HYDROXIDE Storage Id: 1213604 Container: Tank Inside Building Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: CHLORINE BLDG SCRUBBER ROOM FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860297 Chemical Name: SODIUM SILICOFLUORIDE CAS: 16893359 Trade Secret: No EHS: Not reported Solid: Yes Liquid: Not reported Gas: Not reported Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 14000 Avg Daily Amt: 5000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM SILICOFLUORIDE Storage Id: 1213603 Container: Below Ground Tank Pressure: A Temperature: A • Storage Location: NE AREA OF FILTER BLDG 2ND FL & CHEMICAL FL TC4471374.2s Page 499 EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number S105536912 TC4471374.2s Page 500 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance Elevation Site SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM SILICOFLUORIDE Storage Id: 1213603 Container: Bag Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: NE AREA OF FILTER BLDG 2ND FL & CHEMICAL FL Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM SILICOFLUORIDE Storage Id: 1213603 Container: Below Ground Tank Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: NE AREA OF FILTER BLDG 2ND FL & CHEMICAL FL Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM SILICOFLUORIDE Storage Id: 1213603 Container: Bag Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: NE AREA OF FILTER BLDG 2ND FL & CHEMICAL FL Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM SILICOFLUORIDE Storage Id: 1213603 Container: Bag Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: NE AREA OF FILTER BLDG 2ND FL & CHEMICAL FL FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 896602 Chemical Name: CARUS 8100, BLENDED POLYPHOSPHATE CAS: NONE Trade Secret: No EHS: Not reported Solid: Not reported Liquid: Yes Gas: Not reported Pure: Not reported Mix: Yes Fire: Not reported Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 50000 Avg Daily Amt: 25000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CARUS 8100, BLENDED POLYPHOSPHATE •Storage Id: 1213608 EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number S105536912 TC4471374.2s Page 500 P� • Map ID Direction Distance Elevation MAP FINDINGS Site EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) S105536912 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: NORTH END OF BLOWER BLDG Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CARUS 8100, BLENDED POLYPHOSPHATE Storage Id: 1213608 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: NORTH END OF BLOWER BLDG Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CARUS 8100, BLENDED POLYPHOSPHATE Storage Id: 1213608 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: NORTH END OF BLOWER BLDG FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860287 Chemical Name: ALUMINUM SULFATE CAS: 10043013 Trade Secret: No EHS: Not reported Solid: Yes Liquid: Not reported Gas: Not reported Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 160000 Avg Daily Amt: 80000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: ALUMINUM SULFATE Storage Id: 1213613 Container: S Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG ONE SILO Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: ALUMINUM SULFATE Storage Id: 1213613 Container: Silo Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature TC4471374.2s Page 501 TC4471374.2s Page 502 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number • SALINA, CITY OF-WATER TREATMENT (Continued) S105536912 Storage Location: INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG ONE SILO Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: ALUMINUM SULFATE Storage Id: 1213613 Container: S Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG ONE SILO Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: ALUMINUM SULFATE Storage Id: 1213613 Container: Silo Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG ONE SILO Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: ALUMINUM SULFATE Storage Id: 1213613 Container: Silo Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG ONE SILO • FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860288 Chemical Name: AMMONIA CAS: 7664417 Trade Secret: No EHS: Yes Solid: Not reported Liquid: Yes Gas: Yes Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Yes Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 4000 Avg Daily Amt: 2000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: AMMONIA Storage Id: 1213612 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: G Temperature: A Storage Location: N OF CHEMICAL BLDG IN HORIZONAL TANK • Fid Num: SA00048 TC4471374.2s Page 502 EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number 5105536912 TC4471374.2s Page 503 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance Elevation Site SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) Chemical Name: AMMONIA Storage Id: 1213612 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: Greater than ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: N OF CHEMICAL BLDG IN HORIZONAL TANK Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: AMMONIA Storage Id: 1213612 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: G Temperature: A Storage Location: N OF CHEMICAL BLDG IN HORIZONAL TANK Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: AMMONIA Storage Id: 1213612 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: Greater than ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: N OF CHEMICAL BLDG IN HORIZONAL TANK Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: AMMONIA Storage Id. 1213612 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: Greater than ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: N OF CHEMICAL BLDG IN HORIZONAL TANK FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860289 Chemical Name: CALCIUM OXIDE CAS: 1305788 Trade Secret: No EHS: Not reported Solid: Yes Liquid: Not reported Gas: Not reported Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 1000000 Avg Daily Amt: 700000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CALCIUM OXIDE Storage Id: 1213611 • Container: S EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number 5105536912 TC4471374.2s Page 503 TC4471374.2s Page 504 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number SALINA, CITY OF-WATER TREATMENT (Continued) S105536912 Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG THREE SILOS Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CALCIUM OXIDE Storage Id: 1213611 Container: Silo Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG THREE SILOS Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CALCIUM OXIDE Storage Id: 1213611 Container: S Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG THREE SILOS Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CALCIUM OXIDE Storage Id: 1213611 Container: Silo Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG THREE SILOS Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CALCIUM OXIDE Storage Id: 1213611 Container: Silo Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG THREE SILOS FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860290 Chemical Name: CARBON DIOXIDE CAS: 124389 Trade Secret: No EHS: Not reported Solid: Not reported Liquid: Yes Gas: Yes Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Yes Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 120000 Avg Daily Amt: 100000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 TC4471374.2s Page 504 TC4471374.2s Page 505 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number • Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) S105536912 Storage: Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CARBON DIOXIDE Storage Id: 1213610 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: G Temperature: A Storage Location: TANKS SOUTH OF FILTER BLDG. Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CARBON DIOXIDE Storage Id: 1213610 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: Greater than ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: TANKS SOUTH OF FILTER BLDG. Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CARBON DIOXIDE Storage Id: 1213610 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: G Temperature: A Storage Location: TANKS SOUTH OF FILTER BLDG. Fid Num: SA00048 • Chemical Name: CARBON DIOXIDE Storage Id: 1213610 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: Greater than ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: TANKS SOUTH OF FILTER BLDG. Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CARBON DIOXIDE Storage Id: 1213610 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: Greater than ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: TANKS SOUTH OF FILTER BLDG. FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860291 Chemical Name: CHLORINE CAS: 7782505 Trade Secret: No EHS: Yes Solid: Not reported Liquid: Yes Gas: Yes Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Yes Reactive: Yes . Delayed: Not reported TC4471374.2s Page 505 TC4471374.2s Page 506 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) S105536912 Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 36000 Avg Daily Amt: 18000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CHLORINE Storage Id: 1213609 Container: Tank Inside Building Pressure: G Temperature: A Storage Location: CHLORINE BLDG S OF CHEMICAL BLDG Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CHLORINE Storage Id: 1213609 Container: Cylinder Pressure: Greater than ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: CHLORINE BLDG S OF CHEMICAL BLDG Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CHLORINE Storage Id: 1213609 Container: Tank Inside Building • Pressure: G Temperature: A Storage Location: CHLORINE BLDG S OF CHEMICAL BLDG Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CHLORINE Storage Id: 1213609 Container: Cylinder Pressure: Greater than ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: CHLORINE BLDG S OF CHEMICAL BLDG Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CHLORINE Storage Id: 1213609 Container: Cylinder Pressure: Greater than ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: CHLORINE BLDG S OF CHEMICAL BLDG FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860292 Chemical Name: KING PHOS III CAS: NONE Trade Secret: Yes EHS: Not reported Solid: Not reported Liquid: Yes Gas: Not reported . Pure: Not reported TC4471374.2s Page 506 TC4471374.2s Page 507 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number • Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) 5105536912 Mix: Yes Fire: Not reported Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 50000 Avg Daily Amt: 25000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: KING PHOS III Storage Id: 1213608 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: NORTH END OF BLOWER BLDG Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: KING PHOS III Storage Id: 1213608 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature . Storage Location: NORTH END OF BLOWER BLDG FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860293 Chemical Name: SODIUM CARBONATE CAS: 497198 Trade Secret: No EHS: Not reported Solid: Yes Liquid: Not reported Gas: Not reported Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 270000 Avg Daily Amt: 135000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM CARBONATE Storage Id: 1213607 Container: S Pressure: A Temperature: A . Storage Location: IN CHEMICAL BLDG TWO SILOS TC4471374.2s Page 507 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number • SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) S105536912 TC4471374.2s Page 508 Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM CARBONATE Storage Id: 1213607 Container: Silo Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: IN CHEMICAL BLDG TWO SILOS Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM CARBONATE Storage Id: 1213607 Container: S Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: IN CHEMICAL BLDG TWO SILOS Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM CARBONATE Storage Id: 1213607 Container: Silo Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: IN CHEMICAL BLDG TWO SILOS Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM CARBONATE • Storage Id: 1213607 Container: Silo Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: IN CHEMICAL BLDG TWO SILOS FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860294 Chemical Name: SODIUM CHLORIDE CAS: 7647145 Trade Secret: No EHS: Not reported Solid: Yes Liquid: Not reported Gas: Not reported Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 16000 Avg Daily Amt: 8000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM CHLORIDE . Storage Id: 1213606 TC4471374.2s Page 508 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation • • f- MAP FINDINGS Site SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number Container: Below Ground Tank Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: STORAGE RM IN N END OF AIR STRIPPER BLOWER RM Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM CHLORIDE Storage Id: 1213606 Container: Bag Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: STORAGE RM IN N END OF AIR STRIPPER BLOWER RM Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM CHLORIDE Storage Id: 1213606 Container: Below Ground Tank Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: STORAGE RM IN N END OF AIR STRIPPER BLOWER RM Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM CHLORIDE Storage Id: 1213606 Container: Bag Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: STORAGE RM IN N END OF AIR STRIPPER BLOWER RM Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM CHLORIDE Storage Id: 1213606 Container: Bag Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: STORAGE RM IN N END OF AIR STRIPPER BLOWER RM FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860295 Chemical Name: SODIUM HEXAM ETAPHOSPHATE CAS: 62533931 Trade Secret: No EHS: Not reported Solid: Yes Liquid: Not reported Gas: Not reported Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 14000 Avg Daily Amt: 5000 Days On Site: 365 S105536912 TC4471374.2s Page 509 EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number S105536912 TC4471374.2s Page 510 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance Elevation Site SALINA, CITY OF-WATER TREATMENT (Continued) Opt Report: 1 Storage: Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM HEXAMETAPHOSPHATE Storage Id: 1213605 Container: Below Ground Tank Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: BAGS NE AREA OF FILTER BLDG 2ND FLOOR Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM HEXAMETAPHOSPHATE Storage Id: 1213605 Container: Bag Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: BAGS NE AREA OF FILTER BLDG 2ND FLOOR Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM HEXAMETAPHOSPHATE Storage Id: 1213605 Container: Below Ground Tank Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: BAGS NE AREA OF FILTER BLDG 2ND FLOOR Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM HEXAMETAPHOSPHATE Storage Id: 1213605 Container: Bag Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: BAGS NE AREA OF FILTER BLDG 2ND FLOOR Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM HEXAMETAPHOSPHATE Storage Id: 1213605 Container: Bag Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: BAGS NE AREA OF FILTER BLDG 2ND FLOOR FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860296 Chemical Name: SODIUM HYDROXIDE CAS: 1310732 Trade Secret: No EHS: Yes Solid: Not reported Liquid: Yes Gas: Not reported Pure: Not reported Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Yes EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number S105536912 TC4471374.2s Page 510 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation • • MAP FINDINGS Site EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) S105536912 Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 21000 Avg Daily Amt: 21000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: Fid Num: Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM HYDROXIDE Storage Id: 1213604 Container: T Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: CHLORINE BLDG SCRUBBER ROOM Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM HYDROXIDE Storage Id: 1213604 Container: Tank Inside Building Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: CHLORINE BLDG SCRUBBER ROOM Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM HYDROXIDE Storage Id: 1213604 Container: T Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: CHLORINE BLDG SCRUBBER ROOM Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM HYDROXIDE Storage Id: 1213604 Container: Tank Inside Building Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: CHLORINE BLDG SCRUBBER ROOM Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM HYDROXIDE Storage Id: 1213604 Container: Tank Inside Building Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: CHLORINE BLDG SCRUBBER ROOM FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860297 Chemical Name: SODIUM SILICOFLUORIDE CAS: 16893359 Trade Secret: No EHS: Not reported Solid: Yes Liquid: Not reported Gas: Not reported TC4471374.2s Page 511 EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number S105536912 TC4471374.2s Page 512 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance Elevation Site • SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 14000 Avg Daily Amt: 5000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM SILICOFLUORIDE Storage Id: 1213603 Container: Below Ground Tank Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: NE AREA OF FILTER BLDG 2ND FL & CHEMICAL FL Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM SILICOFLUORIDE Storage Id: 1213603 Container: Bag Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature . Storage Location: NE AREA OF FILTER BLDG 2ND FL & CHEMICAL FL Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM SILICOFLUORIDE Storage Id: 1213603 Container: Below Ground Tank Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: NE AREA OF FILTER BLDG 2ND FL & CHEMICAL FL Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM SILICOFLUORIDE Storage Id: 1213603 Container: Bag Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: NE AREA OF FILTER BLDG 2ND FL & CHEMICAL FL Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM SILICOFLUORIDE Storage Id: 1213603 Container: Bag Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: NE AREA OF FILTER BLDG 2ND FL & CHEMICAL FL FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860287 Chemical Name: ALUMINUM SULFATE . CAS: 10043013 EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number S105536912 TC4471374.2s Page 512 EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number S105536912 TC4471374.2s Page 513 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance Elevation Site • SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) Trade Secret: No EHS: Not reported Solid: Yes Liquid: Not reported Gas: Not reported Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 160000 Avg Daily Amt: 80000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: ALUMINUM SULFATE Storage Id: 1213613 Container: S Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG ONE SILO Fid Num: SA00048 • Chemical Name: ALUMINUM SULFATE Storage Id: 1213613 Container: Silo Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG ONE SILO Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: ALUMINUM SULFATE Storage Id: 1213613 Container: S Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG ONE SILO Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: ALUMINUM SULFATE Storage Id: 1213613 Container: Silo Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG ONE SILO Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: ALUMINUM SULFATE Storage Id: 1213613 Container: Silo Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG ONE SILO EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number S105536912 TC4471374.2s Page 513 EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number S105536912 TC4471374.2s Page 514 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance Elevation Site • SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860288 Chemical Name: AMMONIA CAS: 7664417 Trade Secret: No EHS: Yes Solid: Not reported Liquid: Yes Gas: Yes Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Yes Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 4000 Avg Daily Amt: 2000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: AMMONIA Storage Id: 1213612 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: G . Temperature: A Storage Location: N OF CHEMICAL BLDG IN HORIZONAL TANK Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: AMMONIA Storage Id: 1213612 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: Greater than ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: N OF CHEMICAL BLDG IN HORIZONAL TANK Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: AMMONIA Storage Id: 1213612 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: G Temperature: A Storage Location: N OF CHEMICAL BLDG IN HORIZONAL TANK Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: AMMONIA Storage Id: 1213612 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: Greater than ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: N OF CHEMICAL BLDG IN HORIZONAL TANK Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: AMMONIA Storage Id: 1213612 . Container: Above Ground Tank EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number S105536912 TC4471374.2s Page 514 EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number S105536912 TC4471374.2s Page 515 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance Elevation Site • SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) Pressure: Greater than ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: N OF CHEMICAL BLDG IN HORIZONAL TANK FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860289 Chemical Name: CALCIUM OXIDE CAS: 1305788 Trade Secret: No EHS: Not reported Solid: Yes Liquid: Not reported Gas: Not reported Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 1000000 Avg Daily Amt: 700000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: • Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CALCIUM OXIDE Storage Id: 1213611 Container: S Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG THREE SILOS Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CALCIUM OXIDE Storage Id: 1213611 Container: Silo Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG THREE SILOS Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CALCIUM OXIDE Storage Id: 1213611 Container: S Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG THREE SILOS Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CALCIUM OXIDE Storage Id: 1213611 Container: Silo Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature • Storage Location: INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG THREE SILOS EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number S105536912 TC4471374.2s Page 515 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) S105536912 TC4471374.2s Page 516 Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CALCIUM OXIDE Storage Id: 1213611 Container: Silo Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG THREE SILOS FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860290 Chemical Name: CARBON DIOXIDE CAS: 124389 Trade Secret: No EHS: Not reported Solid: Not reported Liquid: Yes Gas: Yes Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Yes Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 120000 • Avg Daily Amt: 100000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CARBON DIOXIDE Storage Id: 1213610 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: G Temperature: A Storage Location: TANKS SOUTH OF FILTER BLDG. Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CARBON DIOXIDE Storage Id: 1213610 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: Greater than ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: TANKS SOUTH OF FILTER BLDG. Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CARBON DIOXIDE Storage Id: 1213610 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: G Temperature: A Storage Location: TANKS SOUTH OF FILTER BLDG. Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CARBON DIOXIDE • Storage Id: 1213610 TC4471374.2s Page 516 TC4471374.2s Page 517 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number • Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) S105536912 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: Greater than ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: TANKS SOUTH OF FILTER BLDG. Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CARBON DIOXIDE Storage Id: 1213610 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: Greater than ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: TANKS SOUTH OF FILTER BLDG. FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860291 Chemical Name: CHLORINE CAS: 7782505 Trade Secret: No EHS: Yes Solid: Not reported Liquid: Yes Gas: Yes Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported • Pressure: Yes Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 36000 Avg Daily Amt: 18000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CHLORINE Storage Id: 1213609 Container: Tank Inside Building Pressure: G Temperature: A Storage Location: CHLORINE BLDG S OF CHEMICAL BLDG Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CHLORINE Storage Id: 1213609 Container: Cylinder Pressure: Greater than ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: CHLORINE BLDG S OF CHEMICAL BLDG Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CHLORINE Storage Id: 1213609 Container: Tank Inside Building Pressure: G • Temperature: A TC4471374.2s Page 517 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation • • MAP FINDINGS Site EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) S105536912 Storage Location: CHLORINE BLDG S OF CHEMICAL BLDG Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CHLORINE Storage Id: 1213609 Container: Cylinder Pressure: Greater than ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: CHLORINE BLDG S OF CHEMICAL BLDG Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CHLORINE Storage Id: 1213609 Container: Cylinder Pressure: Greater than ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: CHLORINE BLDG S OF CHEMICAL BLDG FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860292 Chemical Name: KING PHOS III CAS: NONE Trade Secret: Yes EHS: Not reported Solid: Not reported Liquid: Yes Gas: Not reported Pure: Not reported Mix: Yes Fire: Not reported Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 50000 Avg Daily Amt: 25000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: KING PHOS III Storage Id: 1213608 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: NORTH END OF BLOWER BLDG Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: KING PHOS III Storage Id: 1213608 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: NORTH END OF BLOWER BLDG TC4471374.2s Page 518 • J • Map ID Direction Distance Elevation F_ MAP FINDINGS Site EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) S105536912 FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860293 Chemical Name: SODIUM CARBONATE CAS: 497198 Trade Secret: No EHS: Not reported Solid: Yes Liquid: Not reported Gas: Not reported Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 270000 Avg Daily Amt: 135000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM CARBONATE Storage Id: 1213607 Container: S Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: IN CHEMICAL BLDG TWO SILOS Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM CARBONATE Storage Id: 1213607 Container: Silo Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: IN CHEMICAL BLDG TWO SILOS Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM CARBONATE Storage Id: 1213607 Container: S Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: IN CHEMICAL BLDG TWO SILOS Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM CARBONATE Storage Id: 1213607 Container: Silo Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: IN CHEMICAL BLDG TWO SILOS Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM CARBONATE Storage Id: 1213607 Container: Silo TC4471374.2s Page 519 TC4471374.2s Page 520 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number • SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) S105536912 Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: IN CHEMICAL BLDG TWO SILOS FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860294 Chemical Name: SODIUM CHLORIDE CAS: 7647145 Trade Secret: No EHS: Not reported Solid: Yes Liquid: Not reported Gas: Not reported Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 16000 Avg Daily Amt: 8000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM CHLORIDE Storage Id: 1213606 Container: Below Ground Tank Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: STORAGE RM IN N END OF AIR STRIPPER BLOWER RM Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM CHLORIDE Storage Id: 1213606 Container: Bag Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: STORAGE RM IN N END OF AIR STRIPPER BLOWER RM Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM CHLORIDE Storage Id: 1213606 Container: Below Ground Tank Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: STORAGE RM IN N END OF AIR STRIPPER BLOWER RM Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM CHLORIDE Storage Id: 1213606 Container: Bag Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: STORAGE RM IN N END OF AIR STRIPPER BLOWER RM TC4471374.2s Page 520 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation U • MAP FINDINGS Site EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM CHLORIDE Storage Id: 1213606 Container: Bag Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: STORAGE RM IN N END OF AIR STRIPPER BLOWER RM FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860295 Chemical Name: SODIUM HEXAMETAPHOSPHATE CAS: 62533931 Trade Secret: No EHS: Not reported Solid: Yes Liquid: Not reported Gas: Not reported Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 14000 Avg Daily Amt: 5000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: SA00048 Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM HEXAMETAPHOSPHATE Storage Id: 1213605 Container: Below Ground Tank Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: BAGS NE AREA OF FILTER BLDG 2ND FLOOR Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM HEXAMETAPHOSPHATE Storage Id: 1213605 Container: Bag Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: BAGS NE AREA OF FILTER BLDG 2ND FLOOR Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM HEXAMETAPHOSPHATE Storage Id: 1213605 Container: Below Ground Tank Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: BAGS NE AREA OF FILTER BLDG 2ND FLOOR Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM HEXAMETAPHOSPHATE Storage Id: 1213605 S105536912 TC4471374.2s Page 521 EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number S105536912 TC4471374.2s Page 522 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance Elevation Site • SALINA, CITY OF-WATER TREATMENT (Continued) Container: Bag Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: BAGS NE AREA OF FILTER BLDG 2ND FLOOR Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM HEXAM ETAPHOSPHATE Storage Id: 1213605 Container: Bag Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: BAGS NE AREA OF FILTER BLDG 2ND FLOOR FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860296 Chemical Name: SODIUM HYDROXIDE CAS: 1310732 Trade Secret: No EHS: Yes Solid: Not reported Liquid: Yes Gas: Not reported Pure: Not reported Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported • Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 21000 Avg Daily Amt: 21000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM HYDROXIDE Storage Id: 1213604 Container: T Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: CHLORINE BLDG SCRUBBER ROOM Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM HYDROXIDE Storage Id: 1213604 Container: Tank Inside Building Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: CHLORINE BLDG SCRUBBER ROOM Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM HYDROXIDE Storage Id: 1213604 Container: T Pressure: A • Temperature: A EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number S105536912 TC4471374.2s Page 522 • ,r u Ll Map ID Direction Distance Elevation 7— MAP FINDINGS Site EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) S105536912 Storage Location: CHLORINE BLDG SCRUBBER ROOM Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM HYDROXIDE Storage Id: 1213604 Container: Tank Inside Building Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: CHLORINE BLDG SCRUBBER ROOM Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM HYDROXIDE Storage Id: 1213604 Container: Tank Inside Building Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: CHLORINE BLDG SCRUBBER ROOM FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860297 Chemical Name: SODIUM SILICOFLUORIDE CAS: 16893359 Trade Secret: No EHS: Not reported Solid: Yes Liquid: Not reported Gas: Not reported Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 14000 Avg Daily Amt: 5000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM SILICOFLUORIDE Storage Id: 1213603 Container: Below Ground Tank Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: NE AREA OF FILTER BLDG 2ND FL & CHEMICAL FL Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM SILICOFLUORIDE Storage Id: 1213603 Container: Bag Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: NE AREA OF FILTER BLDG 2ND FL & CHEMICAL FL Fid Num: SA00048 TC4471374.2s Page 523 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) S105536912 TC4471374.2s Page 524 Chemical Name: SODIUM SILICOFLUORIDE Storage Id: 1213603 Container: Below Ground Tank Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: NE AREA OF FILTER BLDG 2ND FL & CHEMICAL FL Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM SILICOFLUORIDE Storage Id: 1213603 Container: Bag Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: NE AREA OF FILTER BLDG 2ND FL & CHEMICAL FL Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM SILICOFLUORIDE Storage Id: 1213603 Container: Bag Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: NE AREA OF FILTER BLDG 2ND FL & CHEMICAL FL FID Num: SA00048 Chemical 860287 Chemical Name: N ALUMINUM ALUMINUM SULFATE CAS: 10043013 Trade Secret: No EHS: Not reported Solid: Yes Liquid: Not reported Gas: Not reported Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 160000 Avg Daily Amt: 80000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: ALUMINUM SULFATE Storage Id: 1213613 Container: S Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG ONE SILO Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: ALUMINUM SULFATE Storage Id: 1213613 Container: Silo TC4471374.2s Page 524 TC4471374.2s Page 525 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) S105536912 Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG ONE SILO Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: ALUMINUM SULFATE Storage Id: 1213613 Container: S Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG ONE SILO Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: ALUMINUM SULFATE Storage Id: 1213613 Container: Silo Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG ONE SILO Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: ALUMINUM SULFATE Storage Id: 1213613 Container: Silo Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Storage Location: Ambient temperature INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG ONE SILO FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860288 Chemical Name: AMMONIA CAS: 7664417 Trade Secret: No EHS: Yes Solid: Not reported Liquid: Yes Gas: Yes Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Yes Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 4000 Avg Daily Amt: 2000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: AMMONIA Storage Id: 1213612 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: G Temperature: A is Storage Location: N OF CHEMICAL BLDG IN HORIZONAL TANK TC4471374.2s Page 525 EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number 5105536912 TC4471374.2s Page 526 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance Elevation Site SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: AMMONIA Storage Id: 1213612 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: Greater than ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: N OF CHEMICAL BLDG IN HORIZONAL TANK Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: AMMONIA Storage Id: 1213612 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: G Temperature: A Storage Location: N OF CHEMICAL BLDG IN HORIZONAL TANK Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: AMMONIA Storage Id: 1213612 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: Greater than ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: N OF CHEMICAL BLDG IN HORIZONAL TANK Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: AMMONIA ' Storage Id: 1213612 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: Greater than ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: N OF CHEMICAL BLDG IN HORIZONAL TANK FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860289 Chemical Name: CALCIUM OXIDE CAS: 1305788 Trade Secret: No EHS: Not reported Solid: Yes Liquid: Not reported Gas: Not reported Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 1000000 Avg Daily Amt: 700000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CALCIUM OXIDE • Storage Id: 1213611 EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number 5105536912 TC4471374.2s Page 526 TC4471374.2s Page 527 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number s Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) S105536912 Container: S Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG THREE SILOS Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CALCIUM OXIDE Storage Id: 1213611 Container: Silo Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG THREE SILOS Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CALCIUM OXIDE Storage Id: 1213611 Container: S Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG THREE SILOS Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CALCIUM OXIDE Storage Id: 1213611 Container: Silo ' Pressure: Temperature: Ambient pressure Ambient temperature Storage Location: INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG THREE SILOS Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CALCIUM OXIDE Storage Id: 1213611 Container: Silo Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG THREE SILOS FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860290 Chemical Name: CARBON DIOXIDE CAS: 124389 Trade Secret: No EHS: Not reported Solid: Not reported Liquid: Yes Gas: Yes Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Yes Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 120000 Avg Daily Amt: 100000 • Days On Site: 365 TC4471374.2s Page 527 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) S105536912 Opt Report: 1 TC4471374.2s Page 528 Storage: Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CARBON DIOXIDE Storage Id: 1213610 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: G Temperature: A Storage Location: TANKS SOUTH OF FILTER BLDG. Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CARBON DIOXIDE Storage Id: 1213610 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: Greater than ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: TANKS SOUTH OF FILTER BLDG. Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CARBON DIOXIDE Storage Id: 1213610 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: G Temperature: A Storage Location: TANKS SOUTH OF FILTER BLDG. • Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CARBON DIOXIDE Storage Id: 1213610 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: Greater than ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: TANKS SOUTH OF FILTER BLDG. Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CARBON DIOXIDE Storage Id: 1213610 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: Greater than ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: TANKS SOUTH OF FILTER BLDG. FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860291 Chemical Name: CHLORINE CAS: 7782505 Trade Secret: No EHS: Yes Solid: Not reported Liquid: Yes Gas: Yes Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Yes • Reactive: Yes TC4471374.2s Page 528 • • Ll Map ID Direction Distance Elevation F_ MAP FINDINGS Site EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) S105536912 Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 36000 Avg Daily Amt: 18000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: Fid Num: Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CHLORINE Storage Id: 1213609 Container: Tank Inside Building Pressure: G Temperature: A Storage Location: CHLORINE BLDG S OF CHEMICAL BLDG Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CHLORINE Storage Id: 1213609 Container: Cylinder Pressure: Greater than ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: CHLORINE BLDG S OF CHEMICAL BLDG Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CHLORINE Storage Id: 1213609 Container: Tank Inside Building Pressure: G Temperature: A Storage Location: CHLORINE BLDG S OF CHEMICAL BLDG Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CHLORINE Storage Id: 1213609 Container: Cylinder Pressure: Greater than ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: CHLORINE BLDG S OF CHEMICAL BLDG Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CHLORINE Storage Id: 1213609 Container: Cylinder Pressure: Greater than ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: CHLORINE BLDG S OF CHEMICAL BLDG FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860293 Chemical Name. SODIUM CARBONATE CAS: 497198 Trade Secret: No EHS: Not reported Solid: Yes Liquid: Not reported Gas: Not reported TC4471374.2s Page 529 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number is — SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) S105536912 TC4471374.2s Page 530 Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 270000 Avg Daily Amt: 135000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM CARBONATE Storage Id: 1213607 Container: S Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: IN CHEMICAL BLDG TWO SILOS Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM CARBONATE Storage Id: 1213607 Container: Silo Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature • Storage Location: IN CHEMICAL BLDG TWO SILOS Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM CARBONATE Storage Id: 1213607 Container: S Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: IN CHEMICAL BLDG TWO SILOS Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM CARBONATE Storage Id: 1213607 Container: Silo Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: IN CHEMICAL BLDG TWO SILOS Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM CARBONATE Storage Id: 1213607 Container: Silo Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: IN CHEMICAL BLDG TWO SILOS FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860294 Chemical Name: SODIUM CHLORIDE CAS: 7647145 TC4471374.2s Page 530 • Map ID Direction Distance Elevation MAP FINDINGS Site EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) S105536912 Trade Secret: No EHS: Not reported Solid: Yes Liquid: Not reported Gas: Not reported Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 16000 Avg Daily Amt: 8000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM CHLORIDE Storage Id: 1213606 Container: Below Ground Tank Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: STORAGE RM IN N END OF AIR STRIPPER BLOWER RM Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: • SODIUM CHLORIDE Storage Id: 1213606 Container: Bag Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: STORAGE RM IN N END OF AIR STRIPPER BLOWER RM Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM CHLORIDE Storage Id: 1213606 Container: Below Ground Tank Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: STORAGE RM IN N END OF AIR STRIPPER BLOWER RM Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM CHLORIDE Storage Id: 1213606 Container: Bag Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: STORAGE RM IN N END OF AIR STRIPPER BLOWER RM Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM CHLORIDE Storage Id: 1213606 Container: Bag Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: STORAGE RM IN N END OF AIR STRIPPER BLOWER RM • TC4471374.2s Page 531 EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number S105536912 TC4471374.2s Page 532 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance Elevation Site SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860295 Chemical Name: SODIUM HEXAMETAPHOSPHATE CAS: 62533931 Trade Secret: No EHS: Not reported Solid: Yes Liquid: Not reported Gas: Not reported Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 14000 Avg Daily Amt: 5000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM HEXAMETAPHOSPHATE Storage Id: 1213605 Container: Below Ground Tank Pressure: A Is Temperature: A Storage Location: BAGS NE AREA OF FILTER BLDG 2ND FLOOR Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM HEXAMETAPHOSPHATE Storage Id: 1213605 Container: Bag Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: BAGS NE AREA OF FILTER BLDG 2ND FLOOR Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM HEXAMETAPHOSPHATE Storage Id: 1213605 Container: Below Ground Tank Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: BAGS NE AREA OF FILTER BLDG 2ND FLOOR Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM HEXAMETAPHOSPHATE Storage Id: 1213605 Container: Bag Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: BAGS NE AREA OF FILTER BLDG 2ND FLOOR Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM HEXAMETAPHOSPHATE Storage Id: 1213605 Container: Bag EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number S105536912 TC4471374.2s Page 532 EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number S105536912 TC4471374.2s Page 533 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance Elevation Site SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: BAGS NE AREA OF FILTER BLDG 2ND FLOOR FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860296 Chemical Name: SODIUM HYDROXIDE CAS: 1310-73-2 Trade Secret: No EHS: Yes Solid: Not reported Liquid: Yes Gas: Not reported Pure: Not reported Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 21000 Avg Daily Amt: 21000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: • Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM HYDROXIDE Storage Id: 1213604 Container: T Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: CHLORINE BLDG SCRUBBER ROOM Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM HYDROXIDE Storage Id: 1213604 Container: Tank Inside Building Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: CHLORINE BLDG SCRUBBER ROOM Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM HYDROXIDE Storage Id: 1213604 Container: T Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: CHLORINE BLDG SCRUBBER ROOM Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM HYDROXIDE Storage Id: 1213604 Container: Tank Inside Building Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: CHLORINE BLDG SCRUBBER ROOM EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number S105536912 TC4471374.2s Page 533 EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number 5105536912 TC4471374.2s Page 534 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance Elevation Site • SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM HYDROXIDE Storage Id: 1213604 Container: Tank Inside Building Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: CHLORINE BLDG SCRUBBER ROOM FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860297 Chemical Name: SODIUM SILICOFLUORIDE CAS: 16893359 Trade Secret: No EHS: Not reported Solid: Yes Liquid: Not reported Gas: Not reported Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 14000 Avg Daily Amt: 5000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM SILICOFLUORIDE Storage Id: 1213603 Container: Below Ground Tank Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: NE AREA OF FILTER BLDG 2ND FL & CHEMICAL FL Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM SILICOFLUORIDE Storage Id: 1213603 Container: Bag Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: NE AREA OF FILTER BLDG 2ND FL & CHEMICAL FL Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM SILICOFLUORIDE Storage Id: 1213603 Container: Below Ground Tank Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: NE AREA OF FILTER BLDG 2ND FL & CHEMICAL FL Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM SILICOFLUORIDE Storage Id: 1213603 EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number 5105536912 TC4471374.2s Page 534 EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number S105536912 TC4471374.2s Page 535 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance Site 4bElevation SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) Container: Bag Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: NE AREA OF FILTER BLDG 2ND FL & CHEMICAL FL Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM SILICOFLUORIDE Storage Id: 1213603 Container: Bag Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: NE AREA OF FILTER BLDG 2ND FL & CHEMICAL FL FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 896602 Chemical Name: CARUS 8100, BLENDED POLYPHOSPHATE CAS: NONE Trade Secret: No EHS: Not reported Solid: Not reported Liquid: Yes Gas: Not reported Pure: Not reported Mix: Yes Fire: Pressure: Not reported Not reported Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 50000 Avg Daily Amt: 25000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CARUS 8100, BLENDED POLYPHOSPHATE Storage Id: 1213608 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: NORTH END OF BLOWER BLDG Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CARUS 8100, BLENDED POLYPHOSPHATE Storage Id: 1213608 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: NORTH END OF BLOWER BLDG Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CARUS 8100, BLENDED POLYPHOSPHATE Storage Id: 1213608 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: Ambient pressure • Temperature: Ambient temperature EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number S105536912 TC4471374.2s Page 535 TC4471374.2s Page 536 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number • SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) S105536912 Storage Location: NORTH END OF BLOWER BLDG FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860287 Chemical Name: ALUMINUM SULFATE CAS: 10043013 Trade Secret: No EHS: Not reported Solid: Yes Liquid: Not reported Gas: Not reported Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 160000 Avg Daily Amt: 80000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: ALUMINUM SULFATE • Storage Id: 1213613 Container: S Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG ONE SILO Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: ALUMINUM SULFATE Storage Id: 1213613 Container: Silo Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG ONE SILO Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: ALUMINUM SULFATE Storage Id: 1213613 Container: S Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG ONE SILO Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: ALUMINUM SULFATE Storage Id: 1213613 Container: Silo Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG ONE SILO • Fid Num: SA00048 TC4471374.2s Page 536 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) 5105536912 TC4471374.2s Page 537 Chemical Name: ALUMINUM SULFATE Storage Id: 1213613 Container: Silo Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG ONE SILO FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860288 Chemical Name: AMMONIA CAS: 7664417 Trade Secret: No EHS: Yes Solid: Not reported Liquid: Yes Gas: Yes Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Yes Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 4000 • Avg Daily Amt: Days On Site: 2000 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: AMMONIA Storage Id: 1213612 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: G Temperature: A Storage Location: N OF CHEMICAL BLDG IN HORIZONAL TANK Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: AMMONIA Storage Id: 1213612 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: Greater than ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: N OF CHEMICAL BLDG IN HORIZONAL TANK Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: AMMONIA Storage Id: 1213612 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: G Temperature: A Storage Location: N OF CHEMICAL BLDG IN HORIZONAL TANK Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: AMMONIA Storage Id: 1213612 • Container: Above Ground Tank TC4471374.2s Page 537 EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number S105536912 TC4471374.2s Page 538 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance Elevation Site SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) Pressure: Greater than ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: N OF CHEMICAL BLDG IN HORIZONAL TANK Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: AMMONIA Storage Id: 1213612 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: Greater than ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: N OF CHEMICAL BLDG IN HORIZONAL TANK FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860289 Chemical Name: CALCIUM OXIDE CAS: 1305788 Trade Secret: No EHS: Not reported Solid: Yes Liquid: Not reported Gas: Not reported Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 1000000 Avg Daily Amt: 700000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CALCIUM OXIDE Storage Id: 1213611 Container: S Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG THREE SILOS Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CALCIUM OXIDE Storage Id: 1213611 Container: Silo Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG THREE SILOS Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CALCIUM OXIDE Storage Id: 1213611 Container: S Pressure: A Temperature: A • Storage Location: INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG THREE SILOS EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number S105536912 TC4471374.2s Page 538 • Map ID Direction Distance Elevation MAP FINDINGS Site EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) S105536912 Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CALCIUM OXIDE Storage Id: 1213611 Container: Silo Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG THREE SILOS Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CALCIUM OXIDE Storage Id: 1213611 Container: Silo Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: INSIDE CHEMICAL BLDG THREE SILOS FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860290 Chemical Name: CARBON DIOXIDE CAS: 124389 Trade Secret: No EHS: Not reported Solid: Not reported Liquid: Yes Gas: Yes Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Yes Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 120000 Avg Daily Amt: 100000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CARBON DIOXIDE Storage Id: 1213610 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: G Temperature: A Storage Location: TANKS SOUTH OF FILTER BLDG. Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CARBON DIOXIDE Storage Id: 1213610 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: Greater than ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: TANKS SOUTH OF FILTER BLDG. Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CARBON DIOXIDE Storage Id: 1213610 TC4471374.2s Page 539 TC4471374.2s Page 540 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) S105536912 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: G Temperature: A Storage Location: TANKS SOUTH OF FILTER BLDG, Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CARBON DIOXIDE Storage Id: 1213610 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: Greater than ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: TANKS SOUTH OF FILTER BLDG. Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CARBON DIOXIDE Storage Id: 1213610 Container: Above Ground Tank Pressure: Greater than ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: TANKS SOUTH OF FILTER BLDG. FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860291 Chemical Name: CHLORINE CAS: 7782505 Trade Secret: No EHS: Yes Solid: Not reported Liquid: Yes Gas: Yes Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Yes Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 36000 Avg Daily Amt: 18000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CHLORINE Storage Id: 1213609 Container: Tank Inside Building Pressure: G Temperature: A Storage Location: CHLORINE BLDG S OF CHEMICAL BLDG Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CHLORINE Storage Id: 1213609 Container: Cylinder Pressure: Greater than ambient pressure is Temperature: Ambient temperature TC4471374.2s Page 540 TC4471374.2s Page 541 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) S105536912 Storage Location: CHLORINE BLDG S OF CHEMICAL BLDG Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CHLORINE Storage Id: 1213609 Container: Tank Inside Building Pressure: G Temperature: A Storage Location: CHLORINE BLDG S OF CHEMICAL BLDG Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CHLORINE Storage Id: 1213609 Container: Cylinder Pressure: Greater than ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: CHLORINE BLDG S OF CHEMICAL BLDG Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: CHLORINE Storage Id: 1213609 Container: Cylinder Pressure: Greater than ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: CHLORINE BLDG S OF CHEMICAL BLDG FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860293 Chemical Name: SODIUM CARBONATE CAS: 497198 Trade Secret: No EHS: Not reported Solid: Yes Liquid: Not reported Gas: Not reported Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 270000 Avg Daily Amt: 135000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM CARBONATE Storage Id: 1213607 Container: S Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: IN CHEMICAL BLDG TWO SILOS is Fid Num: SA00048 TC4471374.2s Page 541 EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number S105536912 TC4471374.2s Page 542 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance Elevation Site SALINA, CITY OF-WATER TREATMENT (Continued) Chemical Name: SODIUM CARBONATE Storage Id: 1213607 Container: Silo Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: IN CHEMICAL BLDG TWO SILOS Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM CARBONATE Storage Id: 1213607 Container: S Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: IN CHEMICAL BLDG TWO SILOS Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM CARBONATE Storage Id: 1213607 Container: Silo Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: IN CHEMICAL BLDG TWO SILOS Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM CARBONATE Storage Id: 1213607 Container: Silo Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: IN CHEMICAL BLDG TWO SILOS FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860294 Chemical Name: SODIUM CHLORIDE CAS: 7647145 Trade Secret: No EHS: Not reported Solid: Yes Liquid: Not reported Gas: Not reported Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 16000 Avg Daily Amt: 8000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM CHLORIDE Storage Id: 1213606 • Container: Below Ground Tank EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number S105536912 TC4471374.2s Page 542 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation 0 f L --.A MAP FINDINGS Site EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: STORAGE RM IN N END OF AIR STRIPPER BLOWER RM Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM CHLORIDE Storage Id: 1213606 Container: Bag Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: STORAGE RM IN N END OF AIR STRIPPER BLOWER RM Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM CHLORIDE Storage Id: 1213606 Container: Below Ground Tank Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: STORAGE RM IN N END OF AIR STRIPPER BLOWER RM Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM CHLORIDE Storage Id: 1213606 Container: Bag Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: STORAGE RM IN N END OF AIR STRIPPER BLOWER RM Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM CHLORIDE Storage Id: 1213606 Container: Bag Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: STORAGE RM IN N END OF AIR STRIPPER BLOWER RM FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860295 Chemical Name: SODIUM H EXAM ETAPH OSPHATE CAS: 62533931 Trade Secret: No EHS: Not reported Solid: Yes Liquid: Not reported Gas: Not reported Pure: Yes Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 14000 Avg Daily Amt: 5000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 S105536912 TC4471374.2s Page 543 EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number S105536912 TC4471374.2s Page 544 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance Elevation Site SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) Storage: Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM HEXAMETAPHOSPHATE Storage Id: 1213605 Container: Below Ground Tank Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: BAGS NE AREA OF FILTER BLDG 2ND FLOOR Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM HEXAMETAPHOSPHATE Storage Id: 1213605 Container: Bag Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: BAGS NE AREA OF FILTER BLDG 2ND FLOOR Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM HEXAMETAPHOSPHATE Storage Id: 1213605 Container: Below Ground Tank Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: BAGS NE AREA OF FILTER BLDG 2ND FLOOR Fid Num: Chemical Name: SA00048 SODIUM HEXAMETAPHOSPHATE Storage Id: 1213605 Container: Bag Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: BAGS NE AREA OF FILTER BLDG 2ND FLOOR Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM HEXAMETAPHOSPHATE Storage Id: 1213605 Container: Bag Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: BAGS NE AREA OF FILTER BLDG 2ND FLOOR FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860296 Chemical Name: SODIUM HYDROXIDE CAS: 1310732 Trade Secret: No EHS: Yes Solid: Not reported Liquid: Yes Gas: Not reported Pure: Not reported Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Yes • Delayed: Not reported EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number S105536912 TC4471374.2s Page 544 TC4471374.2s Page 545 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) S105536912 Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 21000 Avg Daily Amt: 21000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM HYDROXIDE Storage Id: 1213604 Container: T Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: CHLORINE BLDG SCRUBBER ROOM Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM HYDROXIDE Storage Id: 1213604 Container: Tank Inside Building Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: CHLORINE BLDG SCRUBBER ROOM Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM HYDROXIDE Storage Id: 1213604 Container: T • Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: CHLORINE BLDG SCRUBBER ROOM Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM HYDROXIDE Storage Id: 1213604 Container: Tank Inside Building Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: CHLORINE BLDG SCRUBBER ROOM Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM HYDROXIDE Storage Id: 1213604 Container: Tank Inside Building Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: CHLORINE BLDG SCRUBBER ROOM FID Num: SA00048 Chemical Id: 860297 Chemical Name: SODIUM SILICOFLUORIDE CAS: 16893359 Trade Secret: No EHS: Not reported Solid: Yes Liquid: Not reported Gas: Not reported • Pure: Yes TC4471374.2s Page 545 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation C7 Ll • MAP FINDINGS Site EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number SALINA, CITY OF -WATER TREATMENT (Continued) 5105536912 Mix: Not reported Fire: Not reported Pressure: Not reported Reactive: Yes Delayed: Not reported Immediate: Yes Max Daily Amt: 14000 Avg Daily Amt: 5000 Days On Site: 365 Opt Report: 1 Storage: SA00048 Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM SILICOFLUORIDE Storage Id: 1213603 Container: Below Ground Tank Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: NE AREA OF FILTER BLDG 2ND FL & CHEMICAL FL Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM SILICOFLUORIDE Storage Id: 1213603 Container: Bag Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: NE AREA OF FILTER BLDG 2ND FL & CHEMICAL FL Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM SILICOFLUORIDE Storage Id: 1213603 Container: Below Ground Tank Pressure: A Temperature: A Storage Location: NE AREA OF FILTER BLDG 2ND FL & CHEMICAL FL Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM SILICOFLUORIDE Storage Id: 1213603 Container: Bag Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: NE AREA OF FILTER BLDG 2ND FL & CHEMICAL FL Fid Num: SA00048 Chemical Name: SODIUM SILICOFLUORIDE Storage Id: 1213603 Container: Bag Pressure: Ambient pressure Temperature: Ambient temperature Storage Location: NE AREA OF FILTER BLDG 2ND FL & CHEMICAL FL TC4471374.2s Page 546 • • Map ID Direction Distance Elevation Site 78 SSW 1/2-1 0.603 mi 3183 ft. Relative: Higher Actual: 1226 fL F— MAP FINDINGS EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number WEST SOUTH STREET CERC-NFRAP 1003877292 W SOUTH ST & 8TH AVE SHWS KS0001912468 SALINA, KS 67401 CERC-NFRAP: DISCOVERY Site ID: 0703081 Federal Facility: Not a Federal Facility NPL Status: Not on the NPL Non NPL Status: NFRAP-Site does not qualify for the NPL based on existing information CERCLIS-NFRAP Site Contact Details: Contact Sequence ID: 7371724.00000 Person ID: 7271674.00000 CERCLIS-NFRAP Assessment History Action: DISCOVERY Date Started: / I Date Completed: 05/08/97 Priority Level: Not reported Action: Date Started: Date Completed: Priority Level: Action: Date Started: Date Completed Priority Level: Action: Date Started: Date Completed Priority Level: SHWS: Site ID: Has Env Use Control Project code: PM Name: Site Status: District Office: Lat/Long: River Basin: Aquifer Yield: Other Aquifers: Parent PC: Parent Name: CERCLIS ID: Discovery Date: Depth To GW: Depth To Bedrock: Aquifer Yield: GW Flow Direction: Acres Affected: Waste Present: ARCHIVE SITE 03/13/00 Not reported SITE INSPECTION 11/03/97 02/28/98 NFRAP-Site does not qualify for the NPL based on existing information PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT 11/03/97 02/28/98 Low priority for further assessment 1604 No C508570204 WELLS, T. Active NCDO 38.83290307/-97.62346417 Smoky Hills - Saline Alluvial Not reported Not reported Not reported KS0001912468 01/01/1996 31-50 feet 51-100 feet 0-10 gpm E -SE 5-25 acres No TC4471374.2s Page 547 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation • C7 • MAP FINDINGS Site EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number WEST SOUTH STREET (Continued) Product Present: No Program: State Water Plan Lead Agency: BER - Assessment and Restoration Contaminants: VOC Media Act: Ground Water, Soil Media Pot: Soil Source: Other (see Site Narrative) Land Use: Commercial, Industrial, Residential Private well: Not reported Waste Present: Not reported Product: Not reported Receptor Act: Not reported Receptor Pot: Not reported Remed Air: Not reported Remed Soil: Not reported Remed Water: Not reported Remedir: Not reported Alias: Not reported Eucan Number: Not reported Date: Not reported Activity Type: Site Reconnaissance and Evaluation Activity Status: Completed Activity Start Date: 01/09/1997 Activity End Date: 02/0611997 Narrative: Carbon tetrachloride was discovered in Salina's PWS #3 between 1990 and 1996: and finally exceeded RSK in 1996. In 1996, KDHE conducted a Site Reconnaissance and Evaluation (SRE) where groundwater samples collected upgradient from PWS #3 confirmed carbon tetrachloride over RSK. In 1997, KDHE conducted a Preliminary Assessment/Screening Site In vestigation (PA/SSI). Carbon tetrachloride was identified in groundwater approximately 1.5 miles upgradient of PWS #3. A source area of an undeveloped property was tentatively identified. Immediately adjacent to the property is the Village Inn Motel. In 1998, the site was transferred to KDHE's Orphan Sites Program OSP). The OSP conducted a Comprehensive Investigation. Several soil and groundwater samples were collected using direct push sampling techniques and monitoring wells were also installed. Analytical data indicated a carbon tetrachloride source located in the parking lot of the Village Inn Motel. However, the Motel has no history of using chlorinated solvents in their operations. The site was placed in the OSP's Long -Term Monitoring (LTM) progra m in 2000. All monitoring wells have been sampled annually, with the exception of monitoring well MW -7 that has not been located since 2003. Annual LTM from 2009-2013 continued to indicate carbon tetrachloride exceeds RSK in four monitoring wells. The primary impacted monitoring well, MW -2A, was plugged and replaced after it was discovered destroyed in 2010. A Supplemental Source Investigation was conducted in March 2014. R esults indicated a carbon tetrachloride source on the undeveloped property located north of the motel. Pesticides were also detected over RSK in the groundwater in the same area. A PRP search identified 1003877292 TC4471374.2s Page 548 0 • 0 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation MAP FINDINGS Site EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number WEST SOUTH STREET (Continued) a PRP in June 2014. KDHE encouraged the PRP to enter the site into the VCPRP. The PRP conducted their own investigation in October and November 2014 and could not replicate the data. The PRP has declined joining the VCPRP. The OSP will need to conduct additional investigations in the potential source area. Site ID: 1604 Has Env Use Control: No Project code: 0508570204 PM Name: WELLS, T. Site Status: Active District Office: NCDO Lat/Long: 38.83290307/-97.62346417 River Basin: Smoky Hills - Saline Aquifer Yield: Alluvial Other Aquifers: Not reported Parent PC: Not reported Parent Name: Not reported CERCLIS ID: KS0001912468 Discovery Date: 01/01/1996 Depth To GW: 31-50 feet Depth To Bedrock: 51-100 feet Aquifer Yield: 0-10 gpm GW Flow Direction: E -SE Acres Affected: 5-25 acres Waste Present: No Product Present: No Program: State Water Plan Lead Agency: BER - Assessment and Restoration Contaminants: VOC Media Act: Ground Water, Soil Media Pot: Soil Source: Other (see Site Narrative) Land Use: Commercial, Industrial, Residential Private well: Not reported Waste Present: Not reported Product: Not reported Receptor Act: Not reported Receptor Pot: Not reported Remed Air: Not reported Remed Soil: Not reported Remed Water: Not reported Remedir: Not reported Alias: Not reported Eucan Number: Not reported Date: Not reported Activity Type: Comprehensive Investigation Activity Status: Completed Activity Start Date: 11/01/1998 Activity End Date: 06/15/1999 Narrative: Carbon tetrachloride was discovered in Salina's PWS #3 between 1990 and 1996, and finally exceeded RSK in 1996. In 1996, KDHE conducted a Site Reconnaissance and Evaluation (SRE) where groundwater samples collected upgradient from PWS #3 confirmed carbon tetrachloride over RSK. 1003877292 TC4471374.2s Page 549 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation 0 Ll MAP FINDINGS Site WEST SOUTH STREET (Continued) EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number In 1997, KDHE conducted a Preliminary Assessment/Screening Site In vestigation (PA/SSI). Carbon tetrachloride was identified in groundwater approximately 1.5 miles upgradient of PWS #3. A source area of an undeveloped property was tentatively identified. Immediately adjacent to the property is the Village Inn Motel. In 1998, the site was transferred to KDHE's Orphan Sites Program OSP). The OSP conducted a Comprehensive Investigation. Several soil and groundwater samples were collected using direct push sampling techniques and monitoring wells were also installed. Analytical data indicated a carbon tetrachloride source located in the parking lot of the Village Inn Motel. However, the Motel has no history of using chlorinated solvents in their operations. The site was placed in the OSP's Long -Term Monitoring (LTM) progra m in 2000. All monitoring wells have been sampled annually, with the exception of monitoring well MW -7 that has not been located since 2003. Annual LTM from 2009-2013 continued to indicate carbon tetrachloride exceeds RSK in four monitoring wells. The primary impacted monitoring well, MW -2A, was plugged and replaced after it was discovered destroyed in 2010. A Supplemental Source Investigation was conducted in March 2014. R esults indicated a carbon tetrachloride source on the undeveloped property located north of the motel. Pesticides were also detected over RSK in the groundwater in the same area. A PRP search identified a PRP in June 2014. KDHE encouraged the PRP to enter the site into the VCPRP. The PRP conducted their own investigation in October and November 2014 and could not replicate the data. The PRP has declined joining the VCPRP. The OSP will need to conduct additional investigations in the potential source area. Site ID: 1604 Has Env Use Control: No Project code: C508570204 PM Name: WELLS, T. Site Status: Active District Office: NCDO Lat/Long: 38.83290307/-97.62346417 River Basin: Smoky Hills - Saline Aquifer Yield: Alluvial Other Aquifers: Not reported Parent PC: Not reported Parent Name: Not reported CERCLIS ID: KS0001912468 Discovery Date: 01/01/1996 Depth To GW: 31-50 feet Depth To Bedrock: 51-100 feet Aquifer Yield: 0-10 gpm GW Flow Direction: E -SE Acres Affected: 5-25 acres Waste Present: No Product Present: No Program: State Water Plan Lead Agency: BER - Assessment and Restoration Contaminants: VOC Media Act: Ground Water, Soil 1003877292 TC4471374.2s Page 550 • • Map ID Direction Distance Elevation Site F_ MAP FINDINGS EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number WEST SOUTH STREET (Continued) Media Pot: Soil Source: Other (see Site Narrative) Land Use: Commercial, Industrial, Residential Private well: Not reported Waste Present: Not reported Product: Not reported Receptor Act: Not reported Receptor Pot: Not reported Remed Air: Not reported Remed Soil: Not reported Remed Water: Not reported Remedir: Not reported Alias: Not reported Eucan Number: Not reported Date: Not reported Activity Type: Source Investigation Activity Status: Completed Activity Start Date: 02/10/2014 Activity End Date: 05/27/2014 Narrative: Carbon tetrachloride was discovered in Salina's PWS #3 between 1990 and 1996; and finally exceeded RSK in 1996. In 1996, KDHE conducted a Site Reconnaissance and Evaluation (SRE) where groundwater samples collected upgradient from PWS #3 confirmed carbon tetrachloride over RSK. In 1997, KDHE conducted a Preliminary Assessment/Screening Site In vestigation (PA/SSI). Carbon tetrachloride was identified in groundwater approximately 1.5 miles upgradient of PWS #3. A source area of an undeveloped property was tentatively identified. Immediately adjacent to the property is the Village Inn Motel. In 1998, the site was transferred to KDHE's Orphan Sites Program OSP). The OSP conducted a Comprehensive Investigation. Several soil and groundwater samples were collected using direct push sampling techniques and monitoring wells were also installed. Analytical data indicated a carbon tetrachloride source located in the parking lot of the Village Inn Motel. However, the Motel has no history of using chlorinated solvents in their operations. The site was placed in the OSP's Long -Term Monitoring (LTM) progra m in 2000. All monitoring wells have been sampled annually, with the exception of monitoring well MW -7 that has not been located since 2003. Annual LTM from 2009-2013 continued to indicate carbon tetrachloride exceeds RSK in four monitoring wells. The primary impacted monitoring well, MW -2A, was plugged and replaced after it was discovered destroyed in 2010. A Supplemental Source Investigation was conducted in March 2014. R esults indicated a carbon tetrachloride source on the undeveloped property located north of the motel. Pesticides were also detected over RSK in the groundwater in the same area. A PRP search identified a PRP in June 2014. KDHE encouraged the PRP to enter the site into the VCPRP. The PRP conducted their own investigation in October and November 2014 and could not replicate the data. The PRP has declined joining the VCPRP. The OSP will need to conduct additional investigations in the potential source area. 1003877292 TC4471374.2s Page 551 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation • • • MAP FINDINGS Site EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number WEST SOUTH STREET (Continued) Site ID: 1604 Has Env Use Control: No Project code: C508570204 PM Name: WELLS, T. Site Status: Active District Office: NCDO Lat/Long: 38.83290307/-97.62346417 River Basin: Smoky Hills - Saline Aquifer Yield: Alluvial Other Aquifers: Not reported Parent PC: Not reported Parent Name: Not reported CERCLIS ID: KS0001912468 Discovery Date: 01/01/1996 Depth To GW: 31-50 feet Depth To Bedrock: 51-100 feet Aquifer Yield: 0-10 gpm GW Flow Direction: E -SE Acres Affected: 5-25 acres Waste Present: No Product Present: No Program: State Water Plan Lead Agency: BER - Assessment and Restoration Contaminants: VOC Media Act: Ground Water, Soil Media Pot: Soil Source: Other (see Site Narrative) Land Use: Commercial, Industrial, Residential Private well: Not reported Waste Present: Not reported Product: Not reported Receptor Act: Not reported Receptor Pot: Not reported Remed Air: Not reported Remed Soil: Not reported Remed Water: Not reported Remedir: Not reported Alias: Not reported Eucan Number: Not reported Date: Not reported Activity Type: Long Term Monitoring Activity Status: Underway Activity Start Date: 07/01/1999 Activity End Date: Not reported Narrative: Carbon tetrachloride was discovered in Salina's PWS #3 between 1990 and 1996; and finally exceeded RSK in 1996. In 1996, KDHE conducted a Site Reconnaissance and Evaluation (SRE) where groundwater samples collected upgradient from PWS #3 confirmed carbon tetrachloride over RSK. In 1997, KDHE conducted a Preliminary Assessment/Screening Site In vestigation (PA/SSI). Carbon tetrachloride was identified in groundwater approximately 1.5 miles upgradient of PWS #3. A source area of an undeveloped property was tentatively identified. Immediately adjacent to the property is the Village Inn Motel. 1003877292 TC4471374.2s Page 552 C` C� • Map ID Direction Distance Elevation F_ MAP FINDINGS Site WEST SOUTH STREET (Continued) 79 EXPRESS CLEANERS South 540 S SANTA FE 112-1 SALINA, KS 0.774 mi. 4085 ft. Relative: SHWS: Higher Site ID: Has Env Use Control Actual: Project code: 1225 ft. PM Name: Site Status: District Office: Lat/Long: River Basin: Aquifer Yield: Other Aquifers: Parent PC: Parent Name: CERCLIS ID: Discovery Date: Depth To GW: Depth To Bedrock: Aquifer Yield: GW Flow Direction: Acres Affected: Waste Present: Product Present: Program: Lead Agency: Contaminants: Media Act: EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number In 1998, the site was transferred to KDHE's Orphan Sites Program ( OSP). The OSP conducted a Comprehensive Investigation. Several soil and groundwater samples were collected using direct push sampling techniques and monitoring wells were also installed. Analytical data indicated a carbon tetrachloride source located in the parking lot of the Village Inn Motel. However, the Motel has no history of using chlorinated solvents in their operations. The site was placed in the OSP's Long -Term Monitoring (LTM) progra m in 2000. All monitoring wells have been sampled annually, with the exception of monitoring well MW -7 that has not been located since 2003. Annual LTM from 2009-2013 continued to indicate carbon tetrachloride exceeds RSK in four monitoring wells. The primary impacted monitoring well, MW -2A, was plugged and replaced after it was discovered destroyed in 2010. A Supplemental Source Investigation was conducted in March 2014. R esults indicated a carbon tetrachloride source on the undeveloped property located north of the motel. Pesticides were also detected over RSK in the groundwater in the same area. A PRP search identified a PRP in June 2014- KDHE encouraged the PRP to enter the site into the VCPRP. The PRP conducted their own investigation in October and November 2014 and could not replicate the data. The PRP has declined joining the VCPRP. The OSP will need to conduct additional investigations in the potential source area. 1607 No C508570354 DOM, J. Active NCDO 38.830901/-97.610647 Smoky Hills - Saline Not reported Not reported C508500037 SALINA WATER TREATMENT PLANT Not reported 08/20/1997 31-50 feet 51-100 feet 501-1000 gpm W Not reported No No Drycleaning BER - Assessment and Restoration VOC Ground Water, Soil 1003877292 SHWS S102570845 N/A TC4471374.2s Page 553 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation 0 • Ll F- MAP FINDINGS Site EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number EXPRESS CLEANERS (Continued) Media Pot: Surface Water Source: Facility Operations, Other (see Site Narrative Land Use: Commercial, Industrial Private well: Monitoring, PWS Waste Present: Not reported Product: Not reported Receptor Act: Not reported Receptor Pot: Not reported Remed Air: Not reported Remed Soil: Vacuum Extraction Remed Water: Not reported Remedir: Not reported Alias: Not reported Eucan Number: Not reported Date: Not reported Activity Type: Long Term Monitoring Activity Status: Underway Activity Start Date: 06/01/2006 Activity End Date: Not reported Narrative: The result of an ESA during 1997 and 1998, Express Cleaners was identified as the primary surce for PCE in three nearby PWS wells. The site is currently owned by the Salina Regional Medical Center. An ESA was completed on January 12, 1999. A SVE system was installed. It was started up on November 27, 2001. It was shut down in April 2002 moved in May 2002 and restarted in July 2002. A source investigation was conducted in May of 2004. Review of field data collected during O&M visits indicates that VO C concentrations being removed by SVE system have begun to reach an asymptotic level. To check, KDHE conducted a rebound study during December 2005, January and February 2006. The system was shut down with the exception of the horizontal lines beneath the Salina Regional Health Center Building. During the O&M visits, the system was restarted temporarily to take readings and determine if bui;dup of VOC occurred. Results of the rebound study showed there was little rebound of VOC concentrations while the system was down. KDHE removed the remediation trailer and abandoned the lines in pl ace. Groundwater monitoring indicates that a secondary souce exists along the sanitary sewer beneath Santa Fe. KDHE is discussing alternative remedial actions to address contamination from the sanitary sewer line. Site ID: 1607 Has Env Use Control: No Project code: C508570354 PM Name: DOM, J. Site Status: Active District Office: NCDO Lat/Long: 38.830901 / -97.610647 River Basin: Smoky Hills - Saline Aquifer Yield: Not reported Other Aquifers: Not reported Parent PC: 0508500037 Parent Name: SALINA WATER TREATMENT PLANT CERCLIS ID: Not reported Discovery Date: 08/20/1997 Depth To GW: 31-50 feet S102570845 TC4471374.2s Page 554 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation Ll MAP FINDINGS Site EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number EXPRESS CLEANERS (Continued) Depth To Bedrock: 51-100 feet Aquifer Yield: 501-1000 gpm GW Flow Direction: W Acres Affected: Not reported Waste Present: No Product Present: No Program: Drycleaning Lead Agency: BER - Assessment and Restoration Contaminants: VOC Media Act: Ground Water, Soil Media Pot: Surface Water Source: Facility Operations, Other (see Site Narrative) Land Use: Commercial, Industrial Private well: Monitoring, PWS Waste Present: Not reported Product: Not reported Receptor Act: Not reported Receptor Pot: Not reported Remed Air: Not reported Remed Soil: Vacuum Extraction Remed Water: Not reported Remedir: Not reported Alias: Not reported Eucan Number: Not reported Date: Not reported Activity Type: Source Investigation Activity Status: Underway Activity Start Date: 03/22/2004 Activity End Date: Not reported Narrative: The result of an ESA during 1997 and 1998, Express Cleaners was identified as the primary surce for PCE in three nearby PWS wells. The site is currently owned by the Salina Regional Medical Center. An ESA was completed on January 12, 1999. A SVE system was installed. It was started up on November 27, 2001. It was shut down in April 2002 moved in May 2002 and restarted in July 2002. A source investigation was conducted in May of 2004. Review of field data collected during O&M visits indicates that VO C concentrations being removed by SVE system have begun to reach an asymptotic level. To check, KDHE conducted a rebound study during December 2005, January and February 2006. The system was shut down with the exception of the horizontal lines beneath the Salina Regional Health Center Building. During the O&M visits, the system was restarted temporarily to take readings and determine if bui:dup of VOC occurred. Results of the rebound study showed there was little rebound of VOC concentrations while the system was down. KDHE removed the remediation trailer and abandoned the lines in pi ace. Groundwater monitoring indicates that a secondary souce exists along the sanitary sewer beneath Santa Fe. KDHE is discussing alternative remedial actions to address contamination from the sanitary sewer line. Site ID: 1607 Has Env Use Control: No Project code: 0508570354 PM Name: DOM, J. Site Status: Active S102570845 TC4471374.2s Page 555 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation 0 E7� 0 MAP FINDINGS Site EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number EXPRESS CLEANERS (Continued) District Office: NCDO Lat/Long: 38.830901/-97.610647 River Basin: Smoky Hills - Saline Aquifer Yield: Not reported Other Aquifers: Not reported Parent PC: 0508500037 Parent Name: SALINA WATER TREATMENT PLANT CERCLIS ID: Not reported Discovery Date: 08/20/1997 Depth To GW: 31-50 feet Depth To Bedrock: 51-100 feet Aquifer Yield: 501-1000 gpm GW Flow Direction: W Acres Affected: Not reported Waste Present: No Product Present: No Program: Drycleaning Lead Agency: BER - Assessment and Restoration Contaminants: VOC Media Act: Ground Water, Soil Media Pot: Surface Water Source: Facility Operations, Other (see Site Narrative) Land Use: Commercial, Industrial Private well: Monitoring, PWS Waste Present: Not reported Product: Not reported Receptor Act: Not reported Receptor Pot: Not reported Remed Air: Not reported Remed Soil: Vacuum Extraction Remed Water: Not reported Remedir: Not reported Alias: Not reported Eucan Number: Not reported Date: Not reported Activity Type: Corrective Action Activity Status: Underway Activity Start Date: 12/21/2001 Activity End Date: Not reported Narrative: The result of an ESA during 1997 and 1998, Express Cleaners was identified as the primary surce for PCE in three nearby PWS wells. The site is currently owned by the Salina Regional Medical Center. An ESA was completed on January 12, 1999. A SVE system was installed. It was started up on November 27, 2001. It was shut down in April 2002 moved in May 2002 and restarted in July 2002. A source investigation was conducted in May of 2004. Review of field data collected during O&M visits indicates that VO C concentrations being removed by SVE system have begun to reach an asymptotic level. To check, KDHE conducted a rebound study during December 2005, January and February 2006. The system was shut down with the exception of the horizontal lines beneath the Salina Regional Health Center Building. During the O&M visits, the system was restarted temporarily to take readings and determine if bui;dup of VOC occurred. Results of the rebound study showed there was little rebound of VOC concentrations while the system was down. KDHE removed the remediation trailer and abandoned the lines in pl S102570845 TC4471374.2s Page 556 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number EXPRESS CLEANERS (Continued) S102570845 ace. Groundwater monitoring indicates that a secondary souce exists TC4471374.2s Page 557 along the sanitary sewer beneath Santa Fe. KDHE is discussing alternative remedial actions to address contamination from the sanitary sewer line. Site ID: 1607 Has Env Use Control: No Project code: C508570354 PM Name: DOM, J. Site Status: Active District Office: NCDO Lat/Long: 38.830901 / -97.610647 River Basin: Smoky Hills - Saline Aquifer Yield: Not reported Other Aquifers: Not reported Parent PC: C508500037 Parent Name: SALINA WATER TREATMENT PLANT CERCLIS ID: Not reported Discovery Date: 08/20/1997 Depth To GW: 31-50 feet Depth To Bedrock: 51-100 feet Aquifer Yield: 501-1000 gpm GW Flow Direction: W Acres Affected: Not reported Waste Present: No Product Present: Program: DNo r Drycleaning Lead Agency: BER - Assessment and Restoration Contaminants: VOC Media Act: Ground Water, Soil Media Pot: Surface Water Source: Facility Operations, Other (see Site Narrative) Land Use: Commercial, Industrial Private well: Monitoring, PWS Waste Present: Not reported Product: Not reported Receptor Act: Not reported Receptor Pot: Not reported Remed Air: Not reported Remed Soil: Vacuum Extraction Remed Water: Not reported Remedir: Not reported Alias: Not reported Eucan Number: Not reported Date: Not reported Activity Type: Long Term Monitoring Activity Status: Underway Activity Start Date: 11/27/2001 Activity End Date: Not reported Narrative: The result of an ESA during 1997 and 1998, Express Cleaners was identified as the primary surce for PCE in three nearby PWS wells. The site is currently owned by the Salina Regional Medical Center. An ESA was completed on January 12, 1999. A SVE system was installed. It was started up on November 27, 2001. It was shut down in April 2002 moved in May 2002 and restarted in July 2002. A source investigation was conducted in May of • 2004. TC4471374.2s Page 557 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation 0 • �J MAP FINDINGS Site EXPRESS CLEANERS (Continued) EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number Review of field data collected during O&M visits indicates that VO C concentrations being removed by SVE system have begun to reach an asymptotic level. To check, KDHE conducted a rebound study during December 2005, January and February 2006. The system was shut down with the exception of the horizontal lines beneath the Salina Regional Health Center Building. During the O&M visits, the system was restarted temporarily to take readings and determine if bui;dup of VOC occurred. Results of the rebound study showed there was little rebound of VOC concentrations while the system was down. KDHE removed the remediation trailer and abandoned the lines in pl ace. Groundwater monitoring indicates that a secondary souce exists along the sanitary sewer beneath Santa Fe. KDHE is discussing alternative remedial actions to address contamination from the sanitary sewer line. Site ID: 1607 Has Env Use Control: No Project code: 0508570354 PM Name: DOM, J. Site Status: Active District Office: NCDO Lat/Long: 38.830901 / -97.610647 River Basin: Smoky Hills - Saline Aquifer Yield: Not reported Other Aquifers: Not reported Parent PC: C508500037 Parent Name: SALINA WATER TREATMENT PLANT CERCLIS ID: Not reported Discovery Date: 08/20/1997 Depth To GW: 31-50 feet Depth To Bedrock: 51-100 feet Aquifer Yield: 501-1000 gpm GW Flow Direction: W Acres Affected: Not reported Waste Present: No Product Present: No Program: Drycleaning Lead Agency: BER - Assessment and Restoration Contaminants: VOC Media Act: Ground Water, Soil Media Pot: Surface Water Source: Facility Operations, Other (see Site Narrative) Land Use: Commercial, Industrial Private well: Monitoring, PWS Waste Present: Not reported Product: Not reported Receptor Act: Not reported Receptor Pot: Not reported Remed Air: Not reported Remed Soil: Vacuum Extraction Remed Water: Not reported Remedir: Not reported Alias: Not reported Eucan Number: Not reported Date: Not reported Activity Type: Corrective Action Report Activity Status: Completed S102570845 TC4471374.2s Page 558 • Ll Map ID Direction Distance Elevation MAP FINDINGS Site EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number EXPRESS CLEANERS (Continued) Activity Start Date: Not reported Activity End Date: 09/12/2002 Narrative: The result of an ESA during 1997 and 1998, Express Cleaners was identified as the primary surce for PCE in three nearby PWS wells. The site is currently owned by the Salina Regional Medical Center. An ESA was completed on January 12, 1999. A SVE system was installed. It was started up on November 27, 2001. It was shut down in April 2002 moved in May 2002 and restarted in July 2002. A source investigation was conducted in May of 2004. Review of field data collected during O&M visits indicates that VO C concentrations being removed by SVE system have begun to reach an asymptotic level. To check, KDHE conducted a rebound study during December 2005, January and February 2006. The system was shut down with the exception of the horizontal lines beneath the Salina Regional Health Center Building. During the O&M visits, the system was restarted temporarily to take readings and determine if bui:dup of VOC occurred. Results of the rebound study showed there was little rebound of VOC concentrations while the system was down. KDHE removed the remediation trailer and abandoned the lines in pl ace. Groundwater monitoring indicates that a secondary souce exists along the sanitary sewer beneath Santa Fe. KDHE is discussing alternative remedial actions to address contamination from the sanitary sewer line. Site ID: 1607 Has Env Use Control: No Project code: 0508570354 PM Name: DOM, J. Site Status: Active District Office: NCDO Lat/Long: 38.830901/-97.610647 River Basin: Smoky Hills - Saline Aquifer Yield: Not reported Other Aquifers: Not reported Parent PC: 0508500037 Parent Name: SALINA WATER TREATMENT PLANT CERCLIS ID: Not reported Discovery Date: 08/20/1997 Depth To GW: 31-50 feet Depth To Bedrock: 51-100 feet Aquifer Yield: 501-1000 gpm GW Flow Direction: W Acres Affected: Not reported Waste Present: No Product Present: No Program: Drycleaning Lead Agency: BER - Assessment and Restoration Contaminants: VOC Media Act: Ground Water, Soil Media Pot: Surface Water Source: Facility Operations, Other (see Site Narrative) Land Use: Commercial, Industrial Private well: Monitoring, PWS Waste Present: Not reported Product: Not reported Receptor Act: Not reported S102570845 TC4471374.2s Page 559 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation 0 • r� MAP FINDINGS Site EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number EXPRESS CLEANERS (Continued) Receptor Pot: Not reported Remed Air: Not reported Remed Soil: Vacuum Extraction Remed Water: Not reported Remedir: Not reported Alias: Not reported Eucan Number: Not reported Date: Not reported Activity Type: Quarterly Report Activity Status: Completed Activity Start Date: Not reported Activity End Date: 01/19/2004 Narrative: The result of an ESA during 1997 and 1998, Express Cleaners was 08/20/1997 identified as the primary surce for PCE in three nearby PWS wells. 31-50 feet The site is currently owned by the Salina Regional Medical Center. 51-100 feet An ESA was completed on January 12, 1999. A SVE system was 501-1000 gpm installed. It was started up on November 27, 2001. It was shut down W in April 2002 moved in May 2002 and restarted in July 2002. A source Not reported investigation was conducted in May of No 2004. No Review of field data collected during O&M visits indicates that VO Drycleaning C concentrations being removed by SVE system have begun to reach an asymptotic level. To check, KDHE conducted a rebound study during December 2005, January and February 2006. The system was shut down with the exception of the horizontal lines beneath the Salina Regional Health Center Building. During the O&M visits, the system was restarted temporarily to take readings and determine if bui;dup of VOC occurred. Results of the rebound study showed there was little rebound of VOC concentrations while the system was down. KDHE removed the remediation trailer and abandoned the lines in pl ace. Groundwater monitoring indicates that a secondary souce exists along the sanitary sewer beneath Santa Fe. KDHE is discussing alternative remedial actions to address contamination from the sanitary sewer line. Site ID: 1607 Has Env Use Control: No Project code: C508570354 PM Name: DOM, J. Site Status: Active District Office: NCDO Lat/Long: 38.830901 / -97.610647 River Basin: Smoky Hills - Saline Aquifer Yield: Not reported Other Aquifers: Not reported Parent PC: C508500037 Parent Name: SALINA WATER TREATMENT PLANT CERCLIS ID: Not reported Discovery Date: 08/20/1997 Depth To GW: 31-50 feet Depth To Bedrock: 51-100 feet Aquifer Yield: 501-1000 gpm GW Flow Direction: W Acres Affected: Not reported Waste Present: No Product Present: No Program: Drycleaning S102570845 TC4471374.2s Page 560 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation • • F— MAP FINDINGS Site EXPRESS CLEANERS (Continued) EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number Lead Agency: BER - Assessment and Restoration Contaminants: VOC Media Act: Ground Water, Soil Media Pot: Surface Water Source: Facility Operations, Other (see Site Narrative) Land Use: Commercial, Industrial Private well: Monitoring, PWS Waste Present: Not reported Product: Not reported Receptor Act: Not reported Receptor Pot: Not reported Remed Air: Not reported Remed Soil: Vacuum Extraction Remed Water: Not reported Remedir: Not reported Alias: Not reported Eucan Number: Not reported Date: Not reported Activity Type: Expanded Site Assessment Activity Status: Completed Activity Start Date: Not reported Activity End Date: 01/12/1999 Narrative: The result of an ESA during 1997 and 1998, Express Cleaners was identified as the primary surce for PCE in three nearby PWS wells. The site is currently owned by the Salina Regional Medical Center. An ESA was completed on January 12, 1999. A SVE system was installed. It was started up on November 27, 2001. It was shut down in April 2002 moved in May 2002 and restarted in July 2002. A source investigation was conducted in May of 2004. Review of field data collected during O&M visits indicates that VO C concentrations being removed by SVE system have begun to reach an asymptotic level. To check, KDHE conducted a rebound study during December 2005, January and February 2006. The system was shut down with the exception of the horizontal lines beneath the Salina Regional Health Center Building. During the O&M visits, the system was restarted temporarily to take readings and determine if bui;dup of VOC occurred. Results of the rebound study showed there was little rebound of VOC concentrations while the system was down. KDHE removed the remediation trailer and abandoned the lines in pl ace. Groundwater monitoring indicates that a secondary souce exists along the sanitary sewer beneath Santa Fe. KDHE is discussing alternative remedial actions to address contamination from the sanitary sewer line. Site ID: 1607 Has Env Use Control: No Project code: C508570354 PM Name: DOM, J. Site Status: Active District Office: NCDO Lat/Long: 38.830901 / -97.610647 River Basin: Smoky Hills - Saline Aquifer Yield: Not reported Other Aquifers: Not reported Parent PC: 0508500037 Parent Name: SALINA WATER TREATMENT PLANT S102570845 TC44713742s Page 561 • • C7 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation MAP FINDINGS Site EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number EXPRESS CLEANERS (Continued) CERCLIS ID: Not reported Discovery Date: 08/20/1997 Depth To GW: 31-50 feet Depth To Bedrock: 51-100 feet Aquifer Yield: 501-1000 gpm GW Flow Direction: W Acres Affected: Not reported Waste Present: No Product Present: No Program: Drycleaning Lead Agency: BER - Assessment and Restoration Contaminants: VOC Media Act: Ground Water, Soil Media Pot: Surface Water Source: Facility Operations, Other (see Site Narrative) Land Use: Commercial, Industrial Private well: Monitoring, PWS Waste Present: Not reported Product: Not reported Receptor Act: Not reported Receptor Pot: Not reported Remed Air: Not reported Remed Soil: Vacuum Extraction Remed Water: Not reported Remedir: Not reported Alias: Not reported Eucan Number: Not reported Date: Not reported Activity Type: Corrective Action Study Activity Status: Completed Activity Start Date: Not reported Activity End Date: 09/23/1998 Narrative: The result of an ESA during 1997 and 1998, Express Cleaners was identified as the primary surce for PCE in three nearby PWS wells. The site is currently owned by the Salina Regional Medical Center. An ESA was completed on January 12, 1999. A SVE system was installed. It was started up on November 27, 2001. It was shut down in April 2002 moved in May 2002 and restarted in July 2002. A source investigation was conducted in May of 2004. Review of field data collected during O&M visits indicates that VO C concentrations being removed by SVE system have begun to reach an asymptotic level. To check, KDHE conducted a rebound study during December 2005, January and February 2006. The system was shut down with the exception of the horizontal lines beneath the Salina Regional Health Center Building. During the 0&M visits, the system was restarted temporarily to take readings and determine if bui;dup of VOC occurred. Results of the rebound study showed there was little rebound of VOC concentrations while the system was down. KDHE removed the remediation trailer and abandoned the lines in pl ace. Groundwater monitoring indicates that a secondary souce exists along the sanitary sewer beneath Santa Fe. KDHE is discussing alternative remedial actions to address contamination from the sanitary sewer line. Site ID: 1607 Has Env Use Control: No 5102570845 TC4471374.2s Page 562 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation • C7 MAP FINDINGS Site EXPRESS CLEANERS (Continued) EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number Project code: 0508570354 PM Name: DOM, J. Site Status: Active District Office: NCDO Lat/Long: 38.830901 / -97.610647 River Basin: Smoky Hills - Saline Aquifer Yield: Not reported Other Aquifers: Not reported Parent PC: C508500037 Parent Name: SALINA WATER TREATMENT PLANT CERCLIS ID: Not reported Discovery Date: 08/20/1997 Depth To GW: 31-50 feet Depth To Bedrock: 51-100 feet Aquifer Yield: 501-1000 gpm GW Flow Direction: W Acres Affected: Not reported Waste Present: No Product Present: No Program: Drycleaning Lead Agency: BER - Assessment and Restoration Contaminants: VOC Media Act: Ground Water, Soil Media Pot: Surface Water Source: Facility Operations, Other (see Site Narrative) Land Use: Commercial, Industrial Private well: Monitoring, PWS Waste Present: Not reported Product: Not reported Receptor Act: Not reported Receptor Pot: Not reported Remed Air: Not reported Remed Soil: Vacuum Extraction Remed Water: Not reported Remedir: Not reported Alias: Not reported Eucan Number: Not reported Date: Not reported Activity Type: Corrective Action Plan Activity Status: Completed Activity Start Date: Not reported Activity End Date: 08/14/2000 Narrative: The result of an ESA during 1997 and 1998, Express Cleaners was identified as the primary surce for PCE in three nearby PWS wells. The site is currently owned by the Salina Regional Medical Center. An ESA was completed on January 12, 1999. A SVE system was installed. It was started up on November 27, 2001. It was shut down in April 2002 moved in May 2002 and restarted in July 2002. A source investigation was conducted in May of 2004. Review of field data collected during O&M visits indicates that VO C concentrations being removed by SVE system have begun to reach an asymptotic level. To check, KDHE conducted a rebound study during December 2005, January and February 2006. The system was shut down with the exception of the horizontal lines beneath the Salina Regional Health Center Building. During the O&M visits, the system was restarted temporarily to take readings and determine if bui;dup S102570845 TC4471374.2s Page 563 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation • MAP FINDINGS Site EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number EXPRESS CLEANERS (Continued) S102570845 of VOC occurred. Results of the rebound study showed there was little rebound of VOC concentrations while the system was down. KDHE removed the remediation trailer and abandoned the lines in pl ace. Groundwater monitoring indicates that a secondary souce exists along the sanitary sewer beneath Santa Fe. KDHE is discussing alternative remedial actions to address contamination from the sanitary sewer line. 80 TOMMY'S RADIATOR SHWS S102570846 NNW 725 N 11TH INST CONTROL N/A 1/2-1 SALINA, KS 0.806 mi. 4256 ft. Relative: SHWS: Lower Site ID: 1605 Has Env Use Control: Yes Actual: Project code: C508570231 1222 ft. PM Name: NIGHTINGALE. S. Site Status: Resolved with restrictions District Office: NCDO Lat/Long: 38.853181 / -97.614771 River Basin: Smoky Hills - Saline Aquifer Yield: Alluvial Other Aquifers: Not reported • Parent PC: Not reported Parent Name: Not reported CERCLIS ID: Not reported Discovery Date: 01/01/1995 Depth To GW: 21-30 feet Depth To Bedrock: 31-50 feet Aquifer Yield: 101-500 gpm GW Flow Direction: Not reported Acres Affected: <5 acres Waste Present: No Product Present: No Program: State General Fund - Remedial Lead Agency: BER - Remedial Contaminants: Heavy Metal Media Act: Soil Media Pot: Not reported Source: Dumping/Drums Land Use: Commercial, Industrial, Residential Private well: Lawn and Garden, PWS Waste Present: Not reported Product: Not reported Receptor Act: Not reported Receptor Pot: Not reported Remed Air: Not reported Remed Soil: Contaminated Soil Removed/Offsite, Capping Remed Water: Not reported Remedir: Not reported Alias: Not reported Eucan Number: Not reported Date: 08/07/1996 Activity Type: Resolved with Restrictions • Activity Status: Completed Activity Start Date: Not reported TC4471374.2s Page 564 Ll • Map ID Direction Distance Elevation MAP FINDINGS Site EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number TOMMY'S RADIATOR (Continued) Activity End Date: 08/07/1996 Narrative: Initial sampling conducted by the Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) in January 1995 indicated 68,341 milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg) lead in soil at the facility. Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP) results for lead from that sample were 103.303 milligrams per liter. The area was regraded and graveled by the landowner prior to KDHE guidance. Additional sampling by KDHE in November 1995 indicated lead as high as 865 mg/kg which is below the 1,000 mg/kg non-residential use standard. Institutional Controls (Ics) were placed on the property at the local county deed office. KDHE periodically inspects the property to determine if in compliance with the Ics. The latest inspection conducted in June 2009 noted compliance with the Ics. Site ID: 1605 Has Env Use Control: Yes Project code: 0508570231 PM Name: NIGHTINGALE, S. Site Status: Resolved with restrictions District Office: NCDO Lat/Long: 38.853181 / -97.614771 River Basin: Smoky Hills - Saline Aquifer Yield: Alluvial Other Aquifers: Not reported Parent PC: Not reported Parent Name: Not reported CERCLIS ID: Not reported Discovery Date: 01/01/1995 Depth To GW: 21-30 feet Depth To Bedrock: 31-50 feet Aquifer Yield: 101-500 gpm GW Flow Direction: Not reported Acres Affected: <5 acres Waste Present: No Product Present: No Program: State General Fund - Remedial Lead Agency: BER - Remedial Contaminants: Heavy Metal Media Act: Soil Media Pot: Not reported Source: Dumping/Drums Land Use: Commercial, Industrial, Residential Private well: Lawn and Garden, PWS Waste Present: Not reported Product: Not reported Receptor Act: Not reported Receptor Pot: Not reported Remed Air: Not reported Remed Soil: Contaminated Soil Removed/Offsite, Capping Remed Water: Not reported Remedir: Not reported Alias: Not reported Eucan Number: Not reported Date: 08/07/1996 Activity Type: Remedial Action Activity Status: Completed Activity Start Date: Not reported S102570846 TC4471374.2s Page 565 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation • • r__1 L_J MAP FINDINGS Site EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number TOMMY'S RADIATOR (Continued) Activity End Date: 03/01/1996 Narrative: Initial sampling conducted by the Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) in January 1995 indicated 68,341 milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg) lead in soil at the facility. Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP) results for lead from that sample were 103.303 milligrams per liter. The area was regraded and graveled by the landowner prior to KDHE guidance. Additional sampling by KDHE in November 1995 indicated lead as high as 865 mg/kg which is below the 1,000 mg/kg non-residential use standard. Institutional Controls (Ics) were placed on the property at the local county deed office. KDHE periodically inspects the property to determine if in compliance with the Ics. The latest inspection conducted in June 2009 noted compliance with the Ics. Site ID: 1605 Has Env Use Control: Yes Project code: C508570231 PM Name: NIGHTINGALE, S. Site Status: Resolved with restrictions District Office: NCDO Lat/Long: 38.853181/-97.614771 River Basin: Smoky Hills - Saline Aquifer Yield: Alluvial Other Aquifers: Not reported Parent PC: Not reported Parent Name: Not reported CERCLIS ID: Not reported Discovery Date: 01/01/1995 Depth To GW: 21-30 feet Depth To Bedrock: 31-50 feet Aquifer Yield: 101-500 gpm GW Flow Direction: Not reported Acres Affected: <5 acres Waste Present: No Product Present: No Program: State General Fund - Remedial Lead Agency: BER - Remedial Contaminants: Heavy Metal Media Act: Soil Media Pot: Not reported Source: Dumping/Drums Land Use: Commercial, Industrial, Residential Private well: Lawn and Garden, PWS Waste Present: Not reported Product: Not reported Receptor Act: Not reported Receptor Pot: Not reported Remed Air: Not reported Remed Soil: Contaminated Soil Removed/Offsite, Capping Remed Water: Not reported Remedir: Not reported Alias: Not reported Eucan Number: Not reported Date: 08/07/1996 Activity Type: Contamination Assessment Activity Status: Completed Activity Start Date: 01/01/1995 S102570846 TC4471374.2s Page 566 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation • �J • Site MAP FINDINGS TOMMY'S RADIATOR (Continued) Activity End Date: 11/06/1995 EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number Narrative: Initial sampling conducted by the Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) in January 1995 indicated 68,341 milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg) lead in soil at the facility. Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP) results for lead from that sample were 103.303 milligrams per liter. The area was regraded and graveled by the landowner prior to KDHE guidance. Additional sampling by KDHE in November 1995 indicated lead as high as 865 mg/kg which is below the 1,000 mg/kg non-residential use standard. Institutional Controls (Ics) were placed on the property at the local county deed office. KDHE periodically inspects the property to determine if in compliance with the Ics. The latest inspection conducted in June 2009 noted compliance with the Ics. Site ID: 1605 Has Env Use Control: Yes Project code: C508570231 PM Name: NIGHTINGALE, S. Site Status: Resolved with restrictions District Office: NCDO Lat/Long: 38.8531811-97.614771 River Basin: Smoky Hills - Saline Aquifer Yield: Alluvial Other Aquifers: Not reported Parent PC: Not reported Parent Name: Not reported CERCLIS ID: Not reported Discovery Date: 01/01/1995 Depth To GW: 21-30 feet Depth To Bedrock: 31-50 feet Aquifer Yield: 101-500 gpm GW Flow Direction: Not reported Acres Affected: <5 acres Waste Present: No Product Present: No Program: State General Fund - Remedial Lead Agency: BER - Remedial Contaminants: Heavy Metal Media Act: Soil Media Pot: Not reported Source: Dumping/Drums Land Use: Commercial, Industrial, Residential Private well: Lawn and Garden, PWS Waste Present: Not reported Product: Not reported Receptor Act: Not reported Receptor Pot: Not reported Remed Air: Not reported Remed Soil: Contaminated Soil Removed/Offsite, Capping Remed Water: Not reported Remedir: Not reported Alias: Not reported Eucan Number: Not reported Date: 08/07/1996 Activity Type: Compliance Monitoring Activity Status: Underway Activity Start Date: 08/07/1996 5102570846 TC4471374.2s Page 567 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation 0 • • MAP FINDINGS Site EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number TOMMY'S RADIATOR (Continued) Activity End Date: Not reported Narrative: Initial sampling conducted by the Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) in January 1995 indicated 68,341 milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg) lead in soil at the facility. Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP) results for lead from that sample were 103.303 milligrams per liter. The area was regraded and graveled by the landowner prior to KDHE guidance. Additional sampling by KDHE in November 1995 indicated lead as high as 865 mg/kg which is below the 1,000 mg/kg non-residential use standard. Institutional Controls (Ics) were placed on the property at the local county deed office. KDHE periodically inspects the property to determine if in compliance with the Ics. The latest inspection conducted in June 2009 noted compliance with the Ics. INST CONTROL: Site ID: Project Code: Date Signed: Restriction Text: EUCA Number: EUC Group: EUC Type: EUC Restriction: EUCA Number Date EUCA Signed: Site ID: Project Code: Date Signed: Restriction Text: EUCA Number: EUC Group: EUC Type: EUC Restriction: EUCA Number Date EUCA Signed: 1605 C508570231 08/07/1996 Not reported 8 Specific Restrictions Land Use Restrictions no residential uses Not reported Not reported 1605 C508570231 08/07/1996 Not reported 8 Specific Restrictions Water Use Restrictions no drinking water wells Not reported Not reported Site ID: 1605 Project Code: C508570231 Date Signed: 08/07/1996 Restriction Text: no drilling of water wells that will allow possible human contact Site ID: uses. EUCA Number: 8 EUC Group: Specific Restrictions EUC Type: Water Use Restrictions EUC Restriction: Other water use restriction: EUCA Number Date: Not reported EUCA Signed: Not reported Site ID: 1605 Project Code: 0508570231 Date Signed: 08/07/1996 Restriction Text: Not reported EUCA Number: 8 EUC Group: Specific Restrictions EUC Type: Water Use Restrictions EUC Restriction: no lawn and garden wells S102570846 TC4471374.2s Page 568 TC4471374.2s Page 569 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number • Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number TOMMY'S RADIATOR (Continued) S102570846 EUCA Number Date: Not reported EUCA Signed: Not reported Site ID: 1605 Project Code: C508570231 Date Signed: 08/07/1996 Restriction Text: Seven (7) calendar days prior notification to KDHE as well. EUCA Number: 8 EUC Group: Specific Restrictions EUC Type: Notification to the Agency Prior to the Following Activities EUC Restriction: Notification to workers prior to excavation EUCA Number Date: Not reported EUCA Signed: Not reported Site ID: 1605 Project Code: 0508570231 Date Signed: 08/07/1996 Restriction Text: prior written approval from KDHE Secretary for residential uses. EUCA Number: 8 EUC Group: Specific Restrictions EUC Type: Notification to the Agency Prior to the Following Activities EUC Restriction: Other activity requiring notification: EUCA Number Date: Not reported EUCA Signed: Not reported Site ID: 1605 Project Code: C508570231 Date Signed: 08/07/1996 Restriction Text: approved KDHE testing program to characterize and determine final disposal. EUCA Number: 8 EUC Group: Specific Restrictions EUC Type: Notification to the Agency Prior to the Following Activities EUC Restriction: excavation EUCA Number Date: Not reported EUCA Signed: Not reported Site ID: 1605 Project Code: 0508570231 Date Signed: 08/07/1996 Restriction Text: full and complete disclosure of Restricitive Covenant in offer or contract related to the Property. EUCA Number: 8 EUC Group: Specific Restrictions EUC Type: Notification to the Agency Prior to the Following Activities EUC Restriction: Notification prior to property transfer EUCA Number Date: Not reported EUCA Signed: Not reported Site ID: 1605 Project Code: C508570231 Date Signed: 08/07/1996 Restriction Text: C-5 EUCA Number: 8 EUC Group: Local Ordinances and Zoning EUC Type: Zoned Property EUC Restriction: Commercial TC4471374.2s Page 569 Ll • Map ID Direction Distance Elevation Site TOMMY'S RADIATOR (Continued) EUCA Number Date: Not reported EUCA Signed: Not reported 81 GRAND STREET DRUM COMPLAINT NW 904 WEST GRANT ST 112-1 SALINA. KS 0.918 mi. 4847 ft. Relative: SHWS: Lower Site ID: Has Env Use Control Actual: Project code: 1221 ft. PM Name: Site Status: District Office: Lat/Long: River Basin: Aquifer Yield: Other Aquifers: Parent PC: Parent Name: CERCLIS ID: Discovery Date: Depth To GW: Depth To Bedrock: Aquifer Yield: GW Flow Direction: Acres Affected: Waste Present: Product Present: Program: Lead Agency: Contaminants: Media Act: Media Pot: Source: Land Use: Private well: Waste Present: Product: Receptor Act: Receptor Pot: Remed Air: Remed Soil: Remed Water: Remedir: Alias: Eucan Number: Date: Activity Type: Activity Status: Activity Start Date: Activity End Date: Narrative: MAP FINDINGS 1 rp 1850 No C508571917 BER - Assessment and Restoration Resolved NCDO 38.85291/-97.61874 Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported 31-50 feet 51-100 feet Not reported E <5 acres No No Site Assessment BER - Assessment and Restoration Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Resolved Completed Not reported 08/20/2004 In November 2003, KDHE received a complaint from a Salina citizen regarding improper disposal of drums in a drainage way in the 900 block of Grand Street in Salina, Kansas. The complainant alleged that in 1987 or 1988 he was hired to move concrete debris and tree EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number S102570846 SHWS S106517599 NIA TC4471374.2s Page 570 • • Map ID Direction Distance Elevation MAP FINDINGS Site GRAND STREET DRUM COMPLAINT (Continued) EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number branches into the drainage way at the site with a front end loader. When he arrived at the location, he witnessed a white Beech Aircraft Company pickup truck unload 3 to 5 drums into the drainage way. He suspects that the drums contained waste solvents. The drainage way has since been completely filled and leveled. It is located in the northwest quarter of Section 11, Township 14 south, Range 3 west of the Public Lands Survey System at longitude -97.61874? and latitude 38.85291?. The incident was brought to light in November 2003 because the com plainant felt that the Grand Street site was related to another site that KDHE was investigating at that time called the ?Sunflower Lane site? (ID C5-085-71841). During that investigation, former Beech Aircraft Company (currently Raytheon Aircraft) employees were interviewed by KDHE regarding Beech?s hazardous waste disposal practices in the 1980s. No information regarding the improper disposal of drums was discovered. Beech Aircraft Company was regulated as a hazardous waste generator under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) at the time of the alleged improper disposal. A review of KDHE files found no evidence of improper disposal, missing drums, etc. The site is situated in a light industrial area with one residenti al property nearby. The subsurface consists of alluvial deposits of clay silt, sand and gravel associated with the Smoky Hill River. The alluvial deposits are approximately 70 feet thick in the vicinity of the site and are underlain by the Wellington Shale Formation of Permian age, which typically acts as the lower confining unit in the area. Substantiating the allegation that 3 to 5 drums of waste are burie d in the drainage way with demolition debris at the site is difficult without physically excavating the area. The KDHE project manager determined that evaluation of the site using KDHE?s geophysical instrumentation would not be suitable due to the presence of widespread demolition waste buried in the drainage way. As a more practical approach to assessing the threat posed to human health and the environment, ground water below the site was sampled for volatile organic compounds as a screening method. On July 20, 2004, KDHE collected ground water samples at the site using direct -push sampling equipment. A nearby lawn and garden well was also sampled at 1010 West Grand Street. The well is located about 250 feet northwest of complaint area. The water samples were submitted to KDHE?s Division of Health and En vironmental Laboratories and analyzed for volatile organic compounds with a gas chromatograph/mass spectrometer by EPA Method 8260. No volatile organic compounds were detected in the samples with a detection limit of 0.50 micrograms per liter or parts per billion. The allegation that drums of waste are buried in the drainage way could not be substantiated. Ground water samples collected during the assessment contained no volatile organic compounds and no evidence supporting improper disposal of drums was found through file searches. Based upon available information, the site does not warrant further CERCLA response consistent with ? 300.420 of the NCP. Site ID: 1850 Has Env Use Control: No S106517599 TC4471374.2s Page 571 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number GRAND STREET DRUM COMPLAINT (Continued) S106517599 TC4471374.2s Page 572 Project code: C508571917 PM Name: BER - Assessment and Restoration Site Status: Resolved District Office: NCDO Lat/Long: 38.85291/-97.61874 River Basin: Not reported Aquifer Yield: Not reported Other Aquifers: Not reported Parent PC: Not reported Parent Name: Not reported CERCLIS ID: Not reported Discovery Date: Not reported Depth To GW: 31-50 feet Depth To Bedrock: 51-100 feet Aquifer Yield: Not reported GW Flow Direction: E Acres Affected: <5 acres Waste Present: No Product Present: No Program: Site Assessment Lead Agency: BER - Assessment and Restoration Contaminants: Not reported Media Act: Not reported Media Pot: Not reported Source: Not reported • Land Use: Private well: Not reported Not reported Waste Present: Not reported Product: Not reported Receptor Act: Not reported Receptor Pot: Not reported Remed Air: Not reported Remed Soil: Not reported Remed Water: Not reported Remedir: Not reported Alias: Not reported Eucan Number: Not reported Date: Not reported Activity Type: Site Reconnaissance and Evaluation Activity Status: Completed Activity Start Date: 07/20/2004 Activity End Date: 08/17/2004 Narrative: In November 2003, KDHE received a complaint from a Salina citizen regarding improper disposal of drums in a drainage way in the 900 block of Grand Street in Salina, Kansas. The complainant alleged that in 1987 or 1988 he was hired to move concrete debris and tree branches into the drainage way at the site with a front end loader. When he arrived at the location, he witnessed a white Beech Aircraft Company pickup truck unload 3 to 5 drums into the drainage way. He suspects that the drums contained waste solvents. The drainage way has since been completely filled and leveled. It is located in the northwest quarter of Section 11, Township 14 south, Range 3 west of the Public Lands Survey System at longitude -97.61874? and latitude 38.85291?. The incident was brought to light in November 2003 because the com plainant felt that the Grand Street site was related to another site • that KDHE was investigating at that time called the ?Sunflower Lane TC4471374.2s Page 572 • • • Map ID Direction Distance Elevation MAP FINDINGS Site GRAND STREET DRUM COMPLAINT (Continued) EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA ID Number site? (ID C5-085-71841). During that investigation, former Beech Aircraft Company (currently Raytheon Aircraft) employees were interviewed by KDHE regarding Beech?s hazardous waste disposal practices in the 1980s. No information regarding the improper disposal of drums was discovered. Beech Aircraft Company was regulated as a hazardous waste generator under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) at the time of the alleged improper disposal. A review of KDHE files found no evidence of improper disposal, missing drums, etc. The site is situated in a light industrial area with one residenti al property nearby. The subsurface consists of alluvial deposits of clay silt, sand and gravel associated with the Smoky Hill River. The alluvial deposits are approximately 70 feet thick in the vicinity of the site and are underlain by the Wellington Shale Formation of Permian age, which typically acts as the lower confining unit in the area. Substantiating the allegation that 3 to 5 drums of waste are burie d in the drainage way with demolition debris at the site is difficult without physically excavating the area. The KDHE project manager determined that evaluation of the site using KDHE?s geophysical instrumentation would not be suitable due to the presence of widespread demolition waste buried in the drainage way. As a more practical approach to assessing the threat posed to human health and the environment, ground water below the site was sampled for volatile organic compounds as a screening method. On July 20, 2004, KDHE collected ground water samples at the site using direct -push sampling equipment. A nearby lawn and garden well was also sampled at 1010 West Grand Street. The well is located about 250 feet northwest of complaint area. The water samples were submitted to KDHE?s Division of Health and En vironmental Laboratories and analyzed for volatile organic compounds with a gas chromatograph/mass spectrometer by EPA Method 8260. No volatile organic compounds were detected in the samples with a detection limit of 0.50 micrograms per liter or parts per billion. The allegation that drums of waste are buried in the drainage way could not be substantiated. Ground water samples collected during the assessment contained no volatile organic compounds and no evidence supporting improper disposal of drums was found through file searches. Based upon available information, the site does not warrant further CERCLA response consistent with ? 300.420 of the NCP. Site ID: 1850 Has Env Use Control: No Project code: C508571917 PM Name: BER - Assessment and Restoration Site Status: Resolved District Office: NCDO Lat/Long: 38.85291/-97.61874 River Basin: Not reported Aquifer Yield: Not reported Other Aquifers: Not reported Parent PC: Not reported Parent Name: Not reported CERCLIS ID: Not reported S106517599 TC4471374.2s Page 573 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number ISElevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number GRAND STREET DRUM COMPLAINT (Continued) S106517599 TC4471374.2s Page 574 Discovery Date: Not reported Depth To GW: 31-50 feet Depth To Bedrock: 51-100 feet Aquifer Yield: Not reported GW Flow Direction: E Acres Affected: <5 acres Waste Present: No Product Present: No Program: Site Assessment Lead Agency: BER - Assessment and Restoration Contaminants: Not reported Media Act: Not reported Media Pot: Not reported Source: Not reported Land Use: Not reported Private well: Not reported Waste Present: Not reported Product: Not reported Receptor Act: Not reported Receptor Pot: Not reported Remed Air: Not reported Remed Soil: Not reported Remed Water: Not reported Remedir: Not reported Alias: Not reported • Eucan Number: Date: Not reported Not reported Activity Type: Initial Site Screening Activity Status: Completed Activity Start Date: 07/15/2004 Activity End Date: 07/15/2004 Narrative: In November 2003, KDHE received a complaint from a Salina citizen regarding improper disposal of drums in a drainage way in the 900 block of Grand Street in Salina, Kansas. The complainant alleged that in 1987 or 1988 he was hired to move concrete debris and tree branches into the drainage way at the site with a front end loader. When he arrived at the location, he witnessed a white Beech Aircraft Company pickup truck unload 3 to 5 drums into the drainage way. He suspects that the drums contained waste solvents. The drainage way has since been completely filled and leveled. It is located in the northwest quarter of Section 11, Township 14 south, Range 3 west of the Public Lands Survey System at longitude -97.61874? and latitude 38.85291 ?. The incident was brought to light in November 2003 because the com plainant felt that the Grand Street site was related to another site that KDHE was investigating at that time called the ?Sunflower Lane site? (ID C5-085-71841). During that investigation, former Beech Aircraft Company (currently Raytheon Aircraft) employees were interviewed by KDHE regarding Beech?s hazardous waste disposal practices in the 1980s. No information regarding the improper disposal of drums was discovered. Beech Aircraft Company was regulated as a hazardous waste generator under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) at the time of the alleged improper disposal. A review of KDHE files found no evidence of improper disposal, missing drums, etc. • The site is situated in a light industrial area with one residenti TC4471374.2s Page 574 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number • GRAND STREET DRUM COMPLAINT (Continued) S106517599 al property nearby. The subsurface consists of alluvial deposits of clay silt, sand and gravel associated with the Smoky Hill River. The alluvial deposits are approximately 70 feet thick in the vicinity of the site and are underlain by the Wellington Shale Formation of Permian age, which typically acts as the lower confining unit in the area. Substantiating the allegation that 3 to 5 drums of waste are burie d in the drainage way with demolition debris at the site is difficult without physically excavating the area. The KDHE project manager determined that evaluation of the site using KDHE?s geophysical instrumentation would not be suitable due to the presence of widespread demolition waste buried in the drainage way. As a more practical approach to assessing the threat posed to human health and the environment, ground water below the site was sampled for volatile organic compounds as a screening method. On July 20, 2004, KDHE collected ground water samples at the site using direct -push sampling equipment. A nearby lawn and garden well was also sampled at 1010 West Grand Street. The well is located about 250 feet northwest of complaint area. The water samples were submitted to KDHE?s Division of Health and En vironmental Laboratories and analyzed for volatile organic compounds with a gas chromatograph/mass spectrometer by EPA Method 8260. No volatile organic compounds were detected in the samples with a detection limit of 0.50 micrograms per liter or parts per • billion. The allegation that drums of waste are buried in the drainage way could not be substantiated. Ground water samples collected during the assessment contained no volatile organic compounds and no evidence supporting improper disposal of drums was found through file searches. Based upon available information, the site does not warrant further CERCLA response consistent with ? 300.420 of the NCP. • TC4471374.2s Page 575 C7 < D cn Z a O 0 0 0 0 n c a v o e N c0 f0 c0 �O co, m E ccZ rn L d' W a W r LL m r O Z U 0 LL LL ¢ r LL U U Z ¢ o v IL LL U < 3 O d z V x a LLJ Z W f ¢ W � Z � U H O O w a U U m U N wLLJ Z d r F- U D O O a (L a O W Z V) LL uja r LL O O p ¢J O D ZO ¢ a 0 Er ¢ w ¢ a J 0m LL a J U r 0 0 i a Or N �O 10 cO h p CN I7 M M N N N O n N N N V � (7 (7 U; ; O? a ¢ a a a Z Z Z Z Z J J J J J a a a ¢ a 0 a LU LU U Q U X a N Q' d LL N Z 9 v v�cnmm� w 0 J J J J U C7 < D cn Z a O 0 0 0 0 n c a v o e N c0 f0 c0 �O co, m E ccZ rn L d' W a W r LL m r O Z U 0 LL LL ¢ r LL U U Z ¢ o v IL LL U < 3 O d z V x a LLJ Z W f ¢ W � Z � U H O O w a U U m U N wLLJ Z d r F- U D O O a (L a O W Z V) LL uja r LL O O p ¢J O D ZO ¢ a 0 Er ¢ w ¢ a J 0m LL a J U r 0 0 i a Or N �O 10 cO h p CN I7 M M N N N O n N N N V � (7 (7 U; ; O? a ¢ a a a Z Z Z Z Z J J J J J a a a ¢ a • 0 • GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED /DATA CURRENCY TRACKING To maintain currency of the following federal and state databases, EDR contacts the appropriate governmental agency on a monthly or quarterly basis, as required. Number of Days to Update: Provides confirmation that EDR is reporting records that have been updated within 90 days from the date the government agency made the information available to the public. STANDARD ENVIRONMENTAL RECORDS Federal NPL site list NPL: National Priority List National Priorities List (Superfund). The NPL is a subset of CERCLIS and identifies over 1,200 sites for priority cleanup under the Superfund Program. NPL sites may encompass relatively large areas. As such, EDR provides polygon coverage for over 1,000 NPL site boundaries produced by EPA's Environmental Photographic Interpretation Center (EPIC) and regional EPA offices. Date of Government Version: 03/26/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 04/08/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 06/22/2015 Number of Days to Update: 75 NPL Site Boundaries Source: EPA Telephone: N/A Last EDR Contact: 11/07/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 01/18/2016 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly Sources: EPA's Environmental Photographic Interpretation Center (EPIC) Telephone: 202-564-7333 EPA Region 1 Telephone 617-918-1143 EPA Region 3 Telephone 215-814-5418 EPA Region 4 Telephone 404-562-8033 EPA Region 5 Telephone 312-886-6686 EPA Region 10 Telephone 206-553-8665 EPA Region 6 Telephone: 214-655-6659 EPA Region 7 Telephone: 913-551-7247 EPA Region 8 Telephone: 303-312-6774 EPA Region 9 Telephone: 415-947-4246 Proposed NPL: Proposed National Priority List Sites A site that has been proposed for listing on the National Priorities List through the issuance of a proposed rule in the Federal Register. EPA then accepts public comments on the site, responds to the comments, and places on the NPL those sites that continue to meet the requirements for listing. Date of Government Version: 03/26/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 04/08/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 06/22/2015 Number of Days to Update: 75 Source: EPA Telephone: N/A Last EDR Contact: 11/07/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 01/18/2016 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly NPL LIENS: Federal Superfund Liens Federal Superfund Liens. Under the authority granted the USEPA by CERCLA of 1980, the USEPA has the authority to file liens against real property in order to recover remedial action expenditures or when the property owner received notification of potential liability. USEPA compiles a listing of filed notices of Superfund Liens. Date of Government Version: 10/15/1991 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 02/02/1994 Date Made Active in Reports: 03/30/1994 Number of Days to Update: 56 Source: EPA Telephone: 202-564-4267 Last EDR Contact: 08/15/2011 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/28/2011 Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned TC4471374.2s Page GR -1 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED /DATA CURRENCY TRACKING Federal Delisted NPL site list Delisted NPL: National Priority List Deletions The National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan (NCP) establishes the criteria that the EPA uses to delete sites from the NPL. In accordance with 40 CFR 300.425.(e), sites may be deleted from the NPL where no further response is appropriate. Date of Government Version: 03/26/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 04/08/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 06/22/2015 Number of Days to Update: 75 Federal CERCLIS list Source: EPA Telephone: N/A Last EDR Contact: 11/07/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 01/18/2016 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly FEDERAL FACILITY: Federal Facility Site Information listing A listing of National Priority List (NPL) and Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) sites found in the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Information System (CERCLIS) Database where EPA Federal Facilities Restoration and Reuse Office is involved in cleanup activities. Date of Government Version: 03/26/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 04/08/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 06/11/2015 Number of Days to Update: 64 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 703-603-8704 Last EDR Contact: 10/09/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 01/18/2016 Data Release Frequency: Varies CERCLIS: Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Information System CERCLIS contains data on potentially hazardous waste sites that have been reported to the USEPA by states, municipalities, private companies and private persons, pursuant to Section 103 of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA). CERCLIS contains sites which are either proposed to or on the National Priorities List (NPL) and sites which are in the screening and assessment phase for possible inclusion on the NPL. Date of Government Version: 10/25/2013 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 11/11/2013 Date Made Active in Reports: 02/13/2014 Number of Days to Update: 94 Federal CERCLIS NFRAP site List Source: EPA Telephone: 703-412-9810 Last EDR Contact: 08/28/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 12/07/2015 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly CERCLIS-NFRAP: CERCLIS No Further Remedial Action Planned Archived sites are sites that have been removed and archived from the inventory of CERCLIS sites. Archived status indicates that, to the best of EPA's knowledge, assessment at a site has been completed and that EPA has determined no further steps will be taken to list this site on the National Priorities List (NPL), unless information indicates this decision was not appropriate or other considerations require a recommendation for listing at a later time. This decision does not necessarily mean that there is no hazard associated with a given site; it only means that, based upon available information, the location is not judged to be a potential NPL site. Date of Government Version: 10/25/2013 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 11/11/2013 Date Made Active in Reports: 02/13/2014 Number of Days to Update: 94 Federal RCRA CORRACTS facilities list Source: EPA Telephone: 703-412-9810 Last EDR Contact: 08/28/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 12/07/2015 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly CORRACTS: Corrective Action Report CORRACTS identifies hazardous waste handlers with RCRA corrective action activity. • TC4471374.2s Page GR -2 • • • GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED /DATA CURRENCY TRACKING Date of Government Version: 06/09/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 06/26/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 09/16/2015 Number of Days to Update: 82 Federal RCRA non-CORRA CTS TSD facilities list Source: EPA Telephone: 800-424-9346 Last EDR Contact: 09/29/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 01/11/2016 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly RCRA-TSDF: RCRA - Treatment, Storage and Disposal RCRAInfo is EPA's comprehensive information system, providing access to data supporting the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) of 1976 and the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments (HSWA) of 1984. The database includes selective information on sites which generate, transport, store, treat and/or dispose of hazardous waste as defined by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). Transporters are individuals or entities that move hazardous waste from the generator offsite to a facility that can recycle, treat, store, or dispose of the waste. TSDFs treat, store, or dispose of the waste. Date of Government Version: 06/09/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 06/26/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 09/16/2015 Number of Days to Update: 82 Federal RCRA generators list Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 913-551-7003 Last EDR Contact: 09/29/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 01/11/2016 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly RCRA-LQG: RCRA - Large Quantity Generators RCRAInfo is EPA s comprehensive information system, providing access to data supporting the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) of 1976 and the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments (HSWA) of 1984- The database includes selective information on sites which generate, transport, store, treat and/or dispose of hazardous waste as defined by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). Large quantity generators (LQGs) generate over 1,000 kilograms (kg) of hazardous waste, or over 1 kg of acutely hazardous waste per month. Date of Government Version: 06/09/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 06/26/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 09/16/2015 Number of Days to Update: 82 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 913-551-7003 Last EDR Contact: 09/29/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 01/11/2016 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly RCRA-SQG: RCRA - Small Quantity Generators RCRAlnfo is EPA's comprehensive information system, providing access to data supporting the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) of 1976 and the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments (HSWA) of 1984. The database includes selective information on sites which generate, transport, store, treat and/or dispose of hazardous waste as defined by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). Small quantity generators (SQGs) generate between 100 kg and 1,000 kg of hazardous waste per month. Date of Government Version: 06/09/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 06/26/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 09/16/2015 Number of Days to Update: 82 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 913-551-7003 Last EDR Contact: 09/29/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 01/11/2016 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly RCRA-CESQG: RCRA - Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generators RCRAInfo is EPA's comprehensive information system, providing access to data supporting the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) of 1976 and the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments (HSWA) of 1984. The database includes selective information on sites which generate, transport, store, treat and/or dispose of hazardous waste as defined by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). Conditionally exempt small quantity generators (CESQGs) generate less than 100 kg of hazardous waste, or less than 1 kg of acutely hazardous waste per month. Date of Government Version: 06/09/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 06/26/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 09/16/2015 Number of Days to Update: 82 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 913-551-7003 Last EDR Contact: 09/29/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 01/11/2016 Data Release Frequency: Varies TC4471374.2s Page GR -3 • • • GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED I DATA CURRENCY TRACKING Federal institutional controls /engineering controls registries LUCIS: Land Use Control Information System LUCIS contains records of land use control information pertaining to the former Navy Base Realignment and Closure properties. Date of Govemment Version: 05/28/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 05/2912015 Date Made Active in Reports: 06/11/2015 Number of Days to Update: 13 Source: Department of the Navy Telephone: 843-820-7326 Last EDR Contact: 11/13/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 02/29/2016 Data Release Frequency: Varies US ENG CONTROLS: Engineering Controls Sites List A listing of sites with engineering controls in place. Engineering controls include various forms of caps, building foundations, liners, and treatment methods to create pathway elimination for regulated substances to enter environmental media or effect human health. Date of Government Version: 09/10/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 09/11/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 11/03/2015 Number of Days to Update: 53 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 703-603-0695 Last EDR Contact: 08/31/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 12/14/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies US INST CONTROL: Sites with Institutional Controls A listing of sites with institutional controls in place. Institutional controls include administrative measures, such as groundwater use restrictions, construction restrictions, property use restrictions, and post remediation care requirements intended to prevent exposure to contaminants remaining on site. Deed restrictions are generally required as part of the institutional controls. Date of Govemment Version: 09/10/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 09/11/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 11/03/2015 Number of Days to Update: 53 Federal ERNS list Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 703-603-0695 Last EDR Contact: 08/31/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 12/14/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies ERNS: Emergency Response Notification System Emergency Response Notification System. ERNS records and stores information on reported releases of oil and hazardous substances. Date of Government Version: 06/22/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 06/26/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 09/16/2015 Number of Days to Update: 82 State- and tribal - equivalent CERCUS Source: National Response Center, United States Coast Guard Telephone: 202-267-2180 Last EDR Contact: 09/29/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 01/11/2016 Data Release Frequency: Annually SHWS: Identified Sites List State Hazardous Waste Sites. State hazardous waste site records are the states' equivalent to CERCLIS. These sites may or may not already be listed on the federal CERCLIS list. Priority sites planned for cleanup using state funds (state equivalent of Super -fund) are identified along with sites where cleanup will be paid for by potentially responsible parties. Available information varies by state. Date of Government Version: 07/28/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 08/03/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 09/10/2015 Number of Days to Update: 38 Source: Department of Health and Environment Telephone: 785-296-1660 Last EDR Contact: 10/16/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 01/25/2016 Data Release Frequency: Semi -Annually TC4471374.2s Page GR4 Ll L] is GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED /DATA CURRENCY TRACKING State and tribal landrrll and/or solid waste disposal site lists SWF/LF: Directory of Sanitary Landfills, Solid Waste Transfer Stations and Collector in Kansas Solid Waste Facilities/Landfill Sites. SWF/LF type records typically contain an inventory of solid waste disposal facilities or landfills in a particular state. Depending on the state, these may be active or inactive facilities or open dumps that failed to meet RCRA Subtitle D Section 4004 criteria for solid waste landfills or disposal sites. Date of Government Version: 07/23/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 07/24/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 08/10/2015 Number of Days to Update: 17 State and tribal leaking storage tank lists Source: Department of Health and Environment Telephone: 785-296-1590 Last EDR Contact: 10/19/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 02/01/2016 Data Release Frequency: Annually LAST: Leaking Aboveground Storage Tanks Leaking aboveground storage tank site locations. Date of Government Version: 08/11/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 08/17/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 09/10/2015 Number of Days to Update: 24 Source: Department of Health & Environment Telephone: 785-296-1685 Last EDR Contact: 10/05/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 01/18/2016 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly LUST: Leaking Underground Storage Tank Data Leaking Underground Storage Tank Incident Reports. LUST records contain an inventory of reported leaking underground storage tank incidents. Not all states maintain these records, and the information stored varies by state. Date of Government Version: 08/11/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 08/17/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 09/10/2015 Number of Days to Update: 24 Source: Department of Health and Environment Telephone: 785-296-1685 Last EDR Contact: 10/05/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 01/18/2016 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly INDIAN LUST R5: Leaking Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land Leaking underground storage tanks located on Indian Land in Michigan, Minnesota and Wisconsin. Date of Govemment Version: 07/28/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 08/07/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/13/2015 Number of Days to Update: 67 Source: EPA, Region 5 Telephone: 312-886-7439 Last EDR Contact: 10/26/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 02/08/2016 Data Release Frequency: Varies INDIAN LUST R9: Leaking Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land LUSTs on Indian land in Arizona, California, New Mexico and Nevada Date of Government Version: 01/08/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 01/08/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 02/09/2015 Number of Days to Update: 32 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 415-972-3372 Last EDR Contact: 10/30/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 02/08/2016 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly INDIAN LUST R1: Leaking Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land A listing of leaking underground storage tank locations on Indian Land. Date of Government Version: 02/03/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 04/30/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 06/22/2015 Number of Days to Update: 53 Source: EPA Region 1 Telephone: 617-918-1313 Last EDR Contact: 10/27/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 02/08/2016 Data Release Frequency: Varies TC4471374.2s Page GR -5 L] GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED /DATA CURRENCY TRACKING INDIAN LUST R7: Leaking Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land LUSTS on Indian land in Iowa, Kansas, and Nebraska Date of Government Version: 03/30/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 04/28/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 06/22/2015 Number of Days to Update: 55 Source: EPA Region 7 Telephone: 913-551-7003 Last EDR Contact: 10/08/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 02/08/2016 Data Release Frequency: Varies INDIAN LUST R6: Leaking Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land LUSTs on Indian land in New Mexico and Oklahoma. Date of Government Version: 05/13/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 08/03/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/13/2015 Number of Days to Update: 71 Source: EPA Region 6 Telephone: 214-665-6597 Last EDR Contact: 10/26/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 02/08/2016 Data Release Frequency: Varies INDIAN LUST R8: Leaking Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land LUSTs on Indian land in Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah and Wyoming. Date of Government Version: 04/30/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 05/05/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 06/22/2015 Number of Days to Update: 48 Source: EPA Region 8 Telephone: 303-312-6271 Last EDR Contact: 10/08/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 02/08/2016 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly INDIAN LUST R10: Leaking Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land LUSTs on Indian land in Alaska, Idaho, Oregon and Washington. Date of Government Version: 07/21/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 07/29/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/13/2015 Number of Days to Update: 76 Source: EPA Region 10 Telephone: 206-553-2857 Last EDR Contact: 10/26/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 02/08/2016 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly INDIAN LUST R4: Leaking Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land LUSTS on Indian land in Florida, Mississippi and North Carolina. Date of Government Version: 07/30/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 08/07/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/13/2015 Number of Days to Update: 67 State and tribal registered storage tank lists Source: EPA Region 4 Telephone: 404-562-8677 Last EDR Contact: 10/26/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 02/08/2016 Data Release Frequency: Semi -Annually FEMA UST: Underground Storage Tank Listing A listing of all FEMA owned underground storage tanks. Date of Government Version: 01/01/2010 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 02/16/2010 Date Made Active in Reports: 04/12/2010 Number of Days to Update: 55 Source: FEMA Telephone: 202-646-5797 Last EDR Contact: 10/08/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 01/25/2016 Data Release Frequency: Varies UST: Underground Storage Tank Data Registered Underground Storage Tanks. UST's are regulated under Subtitle I of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) and must be registered with the state department responsible for administering the UST program. Available information varies by state program. TC4471374.2s Page GR -6 0 • • GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED /DATA CURRENCY TRACKING Date of Govemment Version: 07/24/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 07/31/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 09/10/2015 Number of Days to Update: 41 AST: Aboveground Storage Tank Data Registered Aboveground Storage Tanks. Date of Government Version: 07/24/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 07/31/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 09/10/2015 Number of Days to Update: 41 Source: Department of Health and Environment Telephone: 785-296-1685 Last EDR Contact: 10/05/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 01/18/2016 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly Source: Department of Health and Environment Telephone: 785-296-1685 Last EDR Contact: 10/05/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 01/18/2016 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly INDIAN UST R4: Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land The Indian Underground Storage Tank (UST) database provides information about underground storage tanks on Indian land in EPA Region 4 (Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee and Tribal Nations) Date of Government Version: 07/30/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 08/07/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/13/2015 Number of Days to Update: 67 Source: EPA Region 4 Telephone: 404-562-9424 Last EDR Contact: 10/26/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 02/08/2016 Data Release Frequency: Semi -Annually INDIAN UST R10: Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land The Indian Underground Storage Tank (UST) database provides information about underground storage tanks on Indian land in EPA Region 10 (Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, Washington, and Tribal Nations). Date of Government Version: 07/21/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 07/29/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/13/2015 Number of Days to Update: 76 Source: EPA Region 10 Telephone: 206-553-2857 Last EDR Contact: 10/26/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 02/08/2016 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly INDIAN UST R9: Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land The Indian Underground Storage Tank (UST) database provides information about underground storage tanks on Indian land in EPA Region 9 (Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada, the Pacific Islands, and Tribal Nations). Date of Government Version: 12/14/2014 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 02/13/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 03/13/2015 Number of Days to Update: 28 Source: EPA Region 9 Telephone: 415-972-3368 Last EDR Contact: 10/30/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 02/09/2016 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly INDIAN UST R7: Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land The Indian Underground Storage Tank (UST) database provides information about underground storage tanks on Indian land in EPA Region 7 (Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, and 9 Tribal Nations). Date of Government Version: 09/23/2014 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 11/25/2014 Date Made Active in Reports: 01/29/2015 Number of Days to Update: 65 Source: EPA Region 7 Telephone: 913-551-7003 Last EDR Contact: 10/26/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 02/08/2016 Data Release Frequency: Varies INDIAN UST R1: Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land The Indian Underground Storage Tank (UST) database provides information about underground storage tanks on Indian land in EPA Region 1 (Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont and ten Tribal Nations). TC4471374.2s Page GR -7 0 • GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED /DATA CURRENCY TRACKING Date of Government Version: 02/03/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 04/30/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 06/22/2015 Number of Days to Update: 53 Source: EPA, Region 1 Telephone: 617-918-1313 Last EDR Contact: 10/27/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 02/08/2016 Data Release Frequency: Varies INDIAN UST R5: Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land The Indian Underground Storage Tank (UST) database provides information about underground storage tanks on Indian land in EPA Region 5 (Michigan, Minnesota and Wisconsin and Tribal Nations). Date of Government Version: 07/28/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 08/07/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/13/2015 Number of Days to Update: 67 Source: EPA Region 5 Telephone: 312-886-6136 Last EDR Contact: 10/26/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 02/08/2016 Data Release Frequency: Varies INDIAN UST R6: Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land The Indian Underground Storage Tank (UST) database provides information about underground storage tanks on Indian land in EPA Region 6 (Louisiana, Arkansas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Texas and 65 Tribes). Date of Government Version: 05/13/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 08/03/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/13/2015 Number of Days to Update: 71 Source: EPA Region 6 Telephone: 214-665-7591 Last EDR Contact: 10/26/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 02/08/2016 Data Release Frequency: Semi -Annually INDIAN UST R8: Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land The Indian Underground Storage Tank (UST) database provides information about underground storage tanks on Indian land in EPA Region 8 (Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, Wyoming and 27 Tribal Nations). Date of Government Version: 07/28/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 08/14/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/13/2015 Number of Days to Update: 60 Source: EPA Region 8 Telephone: 303-312-6137 Last EDR Contact: 07/22/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 02/08/2016 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly State and tribal institutional control/ engineering control registries INST CONTROL: Institutional Controls Information Sites that have institutional control information entered into the Identified Sites List database. Date of Government Version: 07/27/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 07/31/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 09/10/2015 Number of Days to Update: 41 State and tribal voluntary cleanup sites Source: Department of Health & Environment Telephone: 785-296-8049 Last EDR Contact: 10/16/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 01/25/2016 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly INDIAN VCP R1: Voluntary Cleanup Priority Listing A listing of voluntary cleanup priority sites located on Indian Land located in Region 1. Date of Government Version: 09/29/2014 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 10/01/2014 Date Made Active in Reports: 11/06/2014 Number of Days to Update: 36 Source: EPA, Region 1 Telephone: 617-918-1102 Last EDR Contact: 09/29/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 01/11/2016 Data Release Frequency: Varies VCP: Identified Sites List Sites included in the Identified Sites List that are identified as Voluntary Cleanup sites. TC4471374.2s Page GR -8 • GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED /DATA CURRENCY TRACKING Date of Government Version: 07/28/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 08/03/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 09/10/2015 Number of Days to Update: 38 Source: Department of Health & Environment Telephone: 785-296-8049 Last EDR Contact: 10/16/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 01/25/2016 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly INDIAN VCP R7: Voluntary Cleanup Priority Lisitng A listing of voluntary cleanup priority sites located on Indian Land located in Region 7. Date of Govemment Version: 03/20/2008 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 04/22/2008 Date Made Active in Reports: 05/19/2008 Number of Days to Update: 27 State and tribal Brownfields sites Source: EPA, Region 7 Telephone: 913-551-7365 Last EDR Contact: 04/20/2009 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 07/20/2009 Data Release Frequency: Vanes BROWNFIELDS: Identified Sites List Sites included in the Identified Sites List that are identified as Brownfields sites. Date of Government Version: 07/28/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 08/03/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 09/10/2015 Number of Days to Update: 38 ADDITIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL RECORDS Local Brownfield lists Source: Department of Health & Environment Telephone: 785-296-8049 Last EDR Contact: 10/16/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 01/25/2016 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly US BROWNFIELDS: A Listing of Brownfields Sites Brownfields are real property, the expansion, redevelopment, or reuse of which may be complicated by the presence or potential presence of a hazardous substance, pollutant, or contaminant. Cleaning up and reinvesting in these properties takes development pressures off of undeveloped, open land, and both improves and protects the environment. Assessment, Cleanup and Redevelopment Exchange System (ACRES) stores information reported by EPA Brownfields grant recipients on brownfields properties assessed or cleaned up with grant funding as well as information on Targeted Brownfields Assessments performed by EPA Regions. A listing of ACRES Brownfield sites is obtained from Cleanups in My Community. Cleanups in My Community provides information on Brownfields properties for which information is reported back to EPA, as well as areas served by Brownfields grant programs. Date of Government Version: 06/22/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 06/24/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 09/02/2015 Number of Days to Update: 70 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 202-566-2777 Last EDR Contact: 09/23/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 01/04/2016 Data Release Frequency: Semi -Annually Local Lists of Landfill / Solid Waste Disposal Sites INDIAN ODI: Report on the Status of Open Dumps on Indian Lands Location of open dumps on Indian land. Date of Government Version: 12/31/1998 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 12/03/2007 Date Made Active in Reports: 01/24/2008 Number of Days to Update: 52 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 703-308-8245 Last EDR Contact: 11/06/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 02/15/2016 Data Release Frequency: Varies DEBRIS REGION 9: Torres Martinez Reservation Illegal Dump Site Locations A listing of illegal dump sites location on the Torres Martinez Indian Reservation located in eastern Riverside County and northern Imperial County, California. TC4471374.2s Page GR -9 • • 171 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED /DATA CURRENCY TRACKING Date of Government Version: 01/12/2009 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 05/07/2009 Date Made Active in Reports: 09/21/2009 Number of Days to Update: 137 Source: EPA, Region 9 Telephone: 415-947-4219 Last EDR Contact: 10/26/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 02/08/2016 Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned ODI: Open Dump Inventory An open dump is defined as a disposal facility that does not comply with one or more of the Part 257 or Part 258 Subtitle D Criteria. Date of Government Version: 06/30/1985 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 08/09/2004 Date Made Active in Reports: 09/17/2004 Number of Days to Update: 39 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 800-424-9346 Last EDR Contact: 06/09/2004 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: N/A Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned Local Lists of Hazardous waste / Contaminated Sites US HIST CDL: National Clandestine Laboratory Register A listing of clandestine drug lab locations. The U.S. Department of Justice ("the Department") provides this web site as a public service. It contains addresses of some locations where law enforcement agencies reported they found chemicals or other items that indicated the presence of either clandestine drug laboratories or dumpsites. In most cases, the source of the entries is not the Department, and the Department has not verified the entry and does not guarantee its accuracy. Members of the public must verify the accuracy of all entries by, for example, contacting local law enforcement and local health departments. Date of Government Version: 08/12/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 09/04/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 11/03/2015 Number of Days to Update: 60 Source: Drug Enforcement Administration Telephone: 202-307-1000 Last EDR Contact: 08/31/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 12/14/2015 Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned AOCONCERN: Area of Concern The City of Wichita has taken the lead for the investigation and remediation efforts with the Kansas Department of Health & Environment, Bureau of Remediation. The primary contaminates of concern are chlorinated solvents and their degradation products. Date of Government Version: N/A Date Data Arrived at EDR: 04/25/2002 Date Made Active in Reports: 06/28/2002 Number of Days to Update: 64 CDL: Clandestine Laboratory Data Clandestine meth lab location Date of Government Version: 09/29/2009 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 10/02/2009 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/20/2009 Number of Days to Update: 18 Source: Department of Environmental Health Telephone: 315-268-8351 Last EDR Contact: 03/13/2007 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: N/A Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned Source: Department of Health and Environment Telephone: 785-368-7301 Last EDR Contact: 11/13/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 02/29/2016 Data Release Frequency: Varies US CDL: Clandestine Drug Labs A listing of clandestine drug lab locations. The U.S. Department of Justice ("the Department") provides this web site as a public service. It contains addresses of some locations where law enforcement agencies reported they found chemicals or other items that indicated the presence of either clandestine drug laboratories or dumpsites. In most cases, the source of the entries is not the Department, and the Department has not verified the entry and does not guarantee its accuracy. Members of the public must verify the accuracy of all entries by, for example, contacting local law enforcement and local health departments. TC4471374.2s Page GR -10 • • GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED /DATA CURRENCY TRACKING Date of Government Version: 08112/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 09/04/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 11/03/2015 Number of Days to Update: 60 Local Land Records Source: Drug Enforcement Administration Telephone: 202-307-1000 Last EDR Contact: 08/31/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 12/14/2015 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly LIENS 2: CERCLA Lien Information A Federal CERCLA ('Superfund') lien can exist by operation of law at any site or property at which EPA has spent Superfund monies. These monies are spent to investigate and address releases and threatened releases of contamination. CERCLIS provides information as to the identity of these sites and properties. Date of Government Version: 02/18/2014 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 03/18/2014 Date Made Active in Reports: 04/24/2014 Number of Days to Update: 37 Records of Emergency Release Reports Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 202-564-6023 Last EDR Contact: 10/30/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 02/08/2016 Data Release Frequency: Varies HMIRS: Hazardous Materials Information Reporting System Hazardous Materials Incident Report System. HMIRS contains hazardous material spill incidents reported to DOT. Date of Government Version: 06/24/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 06/26/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 09/02/2015 Number of Days to Update: 68 Source: U.S. Department of Transportation Telephone: 202-366-4555 Last EDR Contact: 09/29/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 01/11/2016 Data Release Frequency: Annually SPILLS: Kansas Spills Database All spills reported under the regulatory authority of the Department of Health & Environment and the Kansas Corporation Commission. Date of Government Version: 07/27/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 07/31/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 09/10/2015 Number of Days to Update: 41 Source: Department of Health and Environment Telephone: 785-296-1660 Last EDR Contact: 10/09/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/28/2015 Data Release Frequency: Semi -Annually SPILLS 2: Spills Database All spills reported under the regulatory authority of the Kansas Corporation Commission. Date of Government Version: 07/13/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 07/13/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 07/17/2015 Number of Days to Update: 4 Other Ascertainable Records Source: Kansas Corporation Commission Telephone: 316-337-6626 Last EDR Contact: 10/09/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 01/25/2016 Data Release Frequency: Varies RCRA NonGen / NLR: RCRA - Non Generators / No Longer Regulated RCRAInfo is EPA's comprehensive information system, providing access to data supporting the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) of 1976 and the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments (HSWA) of 1984. The database includes selective information on sites which generate, transport, store, treat and/or dispose of hazardous waste as defined by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). Non -Generators do not presently generate hazardous waste. Date of Government Version: 06/09/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 06/26/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 09/16/2015 Number of Days to Update: 82 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 913-551-7003 Last EDR Contact: 09/29/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 01/11/2016 Data Release Frequency: Varies TC4471374.2s Page GR -11 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED /DATA CURRENCY TRACKING ' FUDS: Formerly Used Defense Sites The listing includes locations of Formerly Used Defense Sites properties where the US Army Corps of Engineers is actively working or will take necessary cleanup actions. Date of Govemment Version: 01/31/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 07/08/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/13/2015 Number of Days to Update: 97 Source: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Telephone: 202-528-4285 Last EDR Contact: 09/11/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 12/21/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies DOD: Department of Defense Sites This data set consists of federally owned or administered lands, administered by the Department of Defense, that have any area equal to or greater than 640 acres of the United States, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Date of Government Version: 12/31/2005 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 11/10/2006 Date Made Active in Reports: 01/11/2007 Number of Days to Update: 62 Source: USGS Telephone: 888-275-8747 Last EDR Contact: 10/16/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 01/25/2016 Data Release Frequency: Semi -Annually FEDLAND: Federal and Indian Lands Federally and Indian administrated lands of the United States. Lands included are administrated by: Army Corps of Engineers, Bureau of Reclamation, National Wild and Scenic River, National Wildlife Refuge, Public Domain Land, Wilderness, Wilderness Study Area, Wildlife Management Area, Bureau of Indian Affairs, Bureau of Land Management, Department of Justice, Forest Service, Fish and Wildlife Service, National Park Service. Date of Govemment Version: 12/31/2005 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 02/06/2006 Date Made Active in Reports: 01/11/2007 Number of Days to Update: 339 Source: U.S. Geological Survey Telephone: 888-275-8747 Last EDR Contact: 10/16/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 01/25/2016 Data Release Frequency: N/A is SCRD DRYCLEANERS: State Coalition for Remediation of Drycleaners Listing The State Coalition for Remediation of Drycleaners was established in 1998, with support from the U.S. EPA Office of Superfund Remediation and Technology Innovation. It is comprised of representatives of states with established drycleaner remediation programs. Currently the member states are Alabama, Connecticut, Florida, Illinois, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, North Carolina, Oregon, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, and Wisconsin. Ll Date of Govemment Version: 03/07/2011 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 03/09/2011 Date Made Active in Reports: 05/02/2011 Number of Days to Update: 54 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 615-532-8599 Last EDR Contact: 08/21/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/30/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies US FIN ASSUR: Financial Assurance Information All owners and operators of facilities that treat, store, or dispose of hazardous waste are required to provide proof that they will have sufficient funds to pay for the clean up, closure, and post -closure care of their facilities. Date of Government Version: 09/01/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 09/03/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 11/03/2015 Number of Days to Update: 61 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 202-566-1917 Last EDR Contact: 11/13/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 02/29/2016 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly EPA WATCH LIST: EPA WATCH LIST EPA maintains a "Watch List" to facilitate dialogue between EPA, state and local environmental agencies on enforcement matters relating to facilities with alleged violations identified as either significant or high priority. Being on the Watch List does not mean that the facility has actually violated the law only that an investigation by EPA or a state or local environmental agency has led those organizations to allege that an unproven violation has in fact occurred. Being on the Watch List does not represent a higher level of concern regarding the alleged violations that were detected, but instead indicates cases requiring additional dialogue between EPA, state and local agencies - pnmanly because of the length of time the alleged violation has gone unaddressed or unresolved. TC4471374.2s Page GR -12 • • GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED /DATA CURRENCY TRACKING Date of Government Version: 08/30/2013 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 03/21/2014 Date Made Active in Reports: 06/17/2014 Number of Days to Update: 88 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 617-520-3000 Last EDR Contact: 11/10/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 02/22/2016 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly 2020 COR ACTION: 2020 Corrective Action Program List The EPA has set ambitious goals for the RCRA Corrective Action program by creating the 2020 Corrective Action Universe. This RCRA cleanup baseline includes facilities expected to need corrective action. The 2020 universe contains a wide variety of sites. Some properties are heavily contaminated while others were contaminated but have since been cleaned up. Still others have not been fully investigated yet, and may require little or no remediation. Inclusion in the 2020 Universe does not necessarily imply failure on the part of a facility to meet its RCRA obligations. Date of Government Version: 04/22/2013 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 03/03/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 03/09/2015 Number of Days to Update: 6 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 703-308-4044 Last EDR Contact: 11/13/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 02/22/2016 Data Release Frequency: Varies TSCA: Toxic Substances Control Act Toxic Substances Control Act. TSCA identifies manufacturers and importers of chemical substances included on the TSCA Chemical Substance Inventory list. It includes data on the production volume of these substances by plant site. Date of Government Version: 12/31/2012 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 01/15/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 01/29/2015 Number of Days to Update: 14 Source: EPA Telephone: 202-260-5521 Last EDR Contact: 09/25/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 01/04/2016 Data Release Frequency: Every 4 Years TRIS: Toxic Chemical Release Inventory System Toxic Release Inventory System. TRIS identifies facilities which release toxic chemicals to the air, water and land in reportable quantities under SARA Title III Section 313. Date of Government Version: 12/31/2013 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 02/12/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 06/02/2015 Number of Days to Update: 110 Source: EPA Telephone: 202-566-0250 Last EDR Contact: 08/28/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 12/07/2015 Data Release Frequency: Annually SSTS: Section 7 Tracking Systems Section 7 of the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act, as amended (92 Stat. 829) requires all registered pesticide -producing establishments to submit a report to the Environmental Protection Agency by March 1st each year. Each establishment must report the types and amounts of pesticides, active ingredients and devices being produced, and those having been produced and sold or distributed in the past year. Date of Government Version: 12/31/2009 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 12/10/2010 Date Made Active in Reports: 02/25/2011 Number of Days to Update: 77 Source: EPA Telephone: 202-5644203 Last EDR Contact: 10/26/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 02/08/2016 Data Release Frequency: Annually ROD: Records Of Decision Record of Decision. ROD documents mandate a permanent remedy at an NPL (Superfund) site containing technical and health information to aid in the cleanup. Date of Govemment Version: 11/25/2013 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 12/12/2013 Date Made Active in Reports: 02/24/2014 Number of Days to Update: 74 Source: EPA Telephone: 703-416-0223 Last EDR Contact: 09/11/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 12/21/2015 Data Release Frequency: Annually TC4471374.2s Page GR -13 is • GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED /DATA CURRENCY TRACKING RMP: Risk Management Plans When Congress passed the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990, it required EPA to publish regulations and guidance for chemical accident prevention at facilities using extremely hazardous substances. The Risk Management Program Rule (RMP Rule) was written to implement Section 112(r) of these amendments. The rule, which built upon existing industry codes and standards, requires companies of all sizes that use certain flammable and toxic substances to develop a Risk Management Program, which includes a(n): Hazard assessment that details the potential effects of an accidental release, an accident history of the last five years, and an evaluation of worst-case and alternative accidental releases; Prevention program that includes safety precautions and maintenance, monitoring, and employee training measures; and Emergency response program that spells out emergency health care, employee training measures and procedures for informing the public and response agencies (e.g the fire department) should an accident occur. Date of Government Version: 08/01/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 08/26/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 11/03/2015 Number of Days to Update: 69 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 202-564-8600 Last EDR Contact: 10/26/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 02/08/2016 Data Release Frequency: Varies RAATS: RCRA Administrative Action Tracking System RCRA Administration Action Tracking System. RAATS contains records based on enforcement actions issued under RCRA pertaining to major violators and includes administrative and civil actions brought by the EPA. For administration actions after September 30, 1995, data entry in the RAATS database was discontinued. EPA will retain a copy of the database for historical records. It was necessary to terminate RAATS because a decrease in agency resources made it impossible to continue to update the information contained in the database. Date of Government Version: 04/17/1995 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 07/03/1995 Date Made Active in Reports: 08/07/1995 Number of Days to Update: 35 Source: EPA Telephone: 202-564-4104 Last EDR Contact: 06/02/2008 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 09/01/2008 Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned PRP: Potentially Responsible Parties A listing of verified Potentially Responsible Parties Date of Government Version: 10/25/2013 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 10/17/2014 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/20/2014 Number of Days to Update: 3 Source: EPA Telephone: 202-564-6023 Last EDR Contact: 11/13/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 02/22/2016 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly PADS: PCB Activity Database System PCB Activity Database. PADS Identifies generators, transporters, commercial storers and/or brokers and disposers of PCB's who are required to notify the EPA of such activities. Date of Government Version: 07/01/2014 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 10/15/2014 Date Made Active in Reports: 11/17/2014 Number of Days to Update: 33 Source: EPA Telephone: 202-566-0500 Last EDR Contact: 10/29/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 01/25/2016 Data Release Frequency: Annually ICIS: Integrated Compliance Information System The Integrated Compliance Information System (ICIS) supports the information needs of the national enforcement and compliance program as well as the unique needs of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) program. Date of Government Version: 01/23/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 02/06/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 03/09/2015 Number of Days to Update: 31 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 202-564-5088 Last EDR Contact: 10/08/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 01/25/2016 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly TC4471374.2s Page GR -14 • GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED /DATA CURRENCY TRACKING FITS: FIFRA/ TSCA Tracking System - FIFRA (Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, & Rodenticide Act)1TSCA (Toxic Substances Control Act) FTTS tracks administrative cases and pesticide enforcement actions and compliance activities related to FIFRA, TSCA and EPCRA (Emergency Planning and Community Right -to -Know Act). To maintain currency, EDR contacts the Agency on a quarterly basis. Date of Government Version: 04/09/2009 Source: EPA/Office of Prevention, Pesticides and Toxic Substances Date Data Arrived at EDR: 04/16/2009 Telephone: 202-566-1667 Date Made Active in Reports: 05/11/2009 Last EDR Contact: 11/18/2015 Number of Days to Update: 25 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 03/07/2016 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly FTTS INSP: FIFRA/ TSCA Tracking System - FIFRA (Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, & Rodenticide Act)/TSCA (Toxic Substances Control Act) A listing of FIFRA/TSCA Tracking System (FTTS) inspections and enforcements. Date of Government Version: 04/09/2009 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 04/16/2009 Date Made Active in Reports: 05/11/2009 Number of Days to Update: 25 Source: EPA Telephone: 202-566-1667 Last EDR Contact: 11/18/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 03/07/2016 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly MLTS: Material Licensing Tracking System MLTS is maintained by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and contains a list of approximately 8,100 sites which possess or use radioactive materials and which are subject to NRC licensing requirements. To maintain currency, EDR contacts the Agency on a quarterly basis. Date of Government Version: 06/26/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 07/10/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/13/2015 Number of Days to Update: 95 Source: Nuclear Regulatory Commission Telephone: 301-415-7169 Last EDR Contact: 09/03/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 12/21/2015 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly COAL ASH DOE: Steam -Electric Plant Operation Data A listing of power plants that store ash in surface ponds. Date of Government Version: 12/31/2005 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 08/07/2009 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/22/2009 Number of Days to Update: 76 Source: Department of Energy Telephone: 202-586-8719 Last EDR Contact: 07/13/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/28/2015 Data Release Frequency: Vanes COAL ASH EPA: Coal Combustion Residues Surface Impoundments List A listing of coal combustion residues surface impoundments with high hazard potential ratings. Date of Government Version: 07/01/2014 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 09/10/2014 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/20/2014 Number of Days to Update: 40 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: N/A Last EDR Contact: 09/11/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 12/21/2015 Data Release Frequency: Vanes PCB TRANSFORMER: PCB Transformer Registration Database The database of PCB transformer registrations that includes all PCB registration submittals. Date of Government Version: 02/01/2011 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 10/19/2011 Date Made Active in Reports: 01/10/2012 Number of Days to Update: 83 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 202-566-0517 Last EDR Contact: 10/29/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 02/08/2016 Data Release Frequency: Vanes RADINFO: Radiation Information Database The Radiation Information Database (RADINFO) contains information about facilities that are regulated by U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulations for radiation and radioactivity. TC4471374.2s Page GR -15 • • 401 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED /DATA CURRENCY TRACKING Date of Government Version: 07/07/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 07/09/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 09/16/2015 Number of Days to Update: 69 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 202-343-9775 Last EDR Contact: 10/07/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 01/18/2016 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly HIST FTTS: FIFRA/TSCA Tracking System Administrative Case Listing A complete administrative case listing from the FIFRAITSCA Tracking System (FITS) for all ten EPA regions. The information was obtained from the National Compliance Database (NCDB). NCDB supports the implementation of FIFRA (Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act) and TSCA (Toxic Substances Control Act). Some EPA regions are now closing out records. Because of that, and the fact that some EPA regions are not providing EPA Headquarters with updated records, it was decided to create a HIST FTTS database. It included records that may not be included in the newer FTTS database updates. This database is no longer updated. Date of Government Version: 10/19/2006 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 03/01/2007 Date Made Active in Reports: 04/10/2007 Number of Days to Update: 40 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 202-564-2501 Last EDR Contact: 12/17/2007 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 03/17/2008 Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned HIST FTTS INSP: FIFRA/TSCA Tracking System Inspection & Enforcement Case Listing A complete inspection and enforcement case listing from the FIFRA/TSCA Tracking System (FTTS) for all ten EPA regions. The information was obtained from the National Compliance Database (NCDB). NCDB supports the implementation of FIFRA (Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act) and TSCA (Toxic Substances Control Act). Some EPA regions are now closing out records. Because of that, and the fact that some EPA regions are not providing EPA Headquarters with updated records, it was decided to create a HIST FTTS database. It included records that may not be included in the newer FTTS database updates. This database is no longer updated. Date of Government Version: 10/19/2006 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 03/01/2007 Date Made Active in Reports: 04/10/2007 Number of Days to Update: 40 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 202-564-2501 Last EDR Contact: 12/17/2008 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 03/17/2008 Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned DOT OPS: Incident and Accident Data Department of Transporation, Office of Pipeline Safety Incident and Accident data. Date of Government Version: 07/31/2012 Source: Department of Transporation, Office of Pipeline Safety Date Data Arrived at EDR: 08/07/2012 Telephone: 202-366-4595 Date Made Active in Reports: 09/18/2012 Last EDR Contact: 11/07/2015 Number of Days to Update: 42 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 02/15/2016 Data Release Frequency: Varies CONSENT: Superfund (CERCLA) Consent Decrees Major legal settlements that establish responsibility and standards for cleanup at NPL (Superfund) sites. Released periodically by United States District Courts after settlement by parties to litigation matters. Date of Government Version: 12/31/2014 Source: Department of Justice, Consent Decree Library Date Data Arrived at EDR: 04/17/2015 Telephone: Varies Date Made Active in Reports: 06/02/2015 Last EDR Contact: 09/28/2015 Number of Days to Update: 46 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 01/11/2016 Data Release Frequency: Varies BRS: Biennial Reporting System The Biennial Reporting System is a national system administered by the EPA that collects data on the generation and management of hazardous waste. BRS captures detailed data from two groups: Large Quantity Generators (LQG) and Treatment, Storage, and Disposal Facilities. Date of Government Version: 12/31/2013 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 02/24/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 09/30/2015 Number of Days to Update: 218 Source: EPA/NTIS Telephone: 800-424-9346 Last EDR Contact: 08/28/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 12/07/2015 Data Release Frequency: Biennially TC4471374.2s Page GR -16 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED /DATA CURRENCY TRACKING INDIAN RESERV: Indian Reservations This map layer portrays Indian administered lands of the United States that have any area equal to or greater than 640 acres. Date of Government Version: 12/31/2005 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 12/08/2006 Date Made Active in Reports: 01/11/2007 Number of Days to Update: 34 Source: USGS Telephone: 202-208-3710 Last EDR Contact: 10/16/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 01/25/2016 Data Release Frequency: Semi -Annually UMTRA: Uranium Mill Tailings Sites Uranium ore was mined by private companies for federal government use in national defense programs. When the mills shut down, large piles of the sand -like material (mill tailings) remain after uranium has been extracted from the ore. Levels of human exposure to radioactive materials from the piles are low; however, in some cases tailings were used as construction materials before the potential health hazards of the tailings were recognized. Date of Government Version: 09/14/2010 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 10/07/2011 Date Made Active in Reports: 03/01/2012 Number of Days to Update: 146 LEAD SMELTER 1: Lead Smelter Sites A listing of former lead smelter site locations. Date of Government Version: 11/25/2014 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 11/26/2014 Date Made Active in Reports: 01/29/2015 Number of Days to Update: 64 Source: Department of Energy Telephone: 505-845-0011 Last EDR Contact: 08/25/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 12/07/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies Source: Environmental Protection Agency Telephone: 703-603-8787 Last EDR Contact: 10/05/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 01/18/2016 Data Release Frequency: Varies LEAD SMELTER 2: Lead Smelter Sites A list of several hundred sites in the U.S. where secondary lead smelting was done from 1931and 1964. These sites may pose a threat to public health through ingestion or inhalation of contaminated soil or dust Date of Government Version: 04/05/2001 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 10/27/2010 Date Made Active in Reports: 12/02/2010 Number of Days to Update: 36 Source: American Journal of Public Health Telephone: 703-305-6451 Last EDR Contact: 12/02/2009 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: N/A Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned US AIRS (AFS): Aerometric Information Retrieval System Facility Subsystem (AFS) The database is a sub -system of Aerometric Information Retrieval System (AIRS). AFS contains compliance data on air pollution point sources regulated by the U.S. EPA and/or state and local air regulatory agencies. This information comes from source reports by various stationary sources of air pollution, such as electric power plants, steel mills, factories, and universities, and provides information about the air pollutants they produce. Action, air program, air program pollutant, and general level plant data. It is used to track emissions and compliance data from industrial plants. Date of Government Version: 07122/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 07/24/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 09/02/2015 Number of Days to Update: 40 US AIRS MINOR: Air Facility System Data A listing of minor source facilities. Date of Government Version: 07/22/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 07/24/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 09/02/2015 Number of Days to Update: 40 • Source: EPA Telephone: 202-564-2496 Last EDR Contact: 09/28/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 01/11/2016 Data Release Frequency: Annually Source: EPA Telephone: 202-564-2496 Last EDR Contact: 09/28/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 01/11/2016 Data Release Frequency: Annually TC4471374.2s Page GR -17 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED /DATA CURRENCY TRACKING • US MINES: Mines Master Index File Contains all mine identification numbers issued for mines active or opened since 1971. The data also includes violation information. Date of Govemment Version: 05/14/2015 Source: Department of Labor, Mine Safety and Health Administration Date Data Arrived at EDR: 06/03/2015 Telephone: 303-231-5959 Date Made Active in Reports: 09/02/2015 Last EDR Contact: 09/01/2015 Number of Days to Update: 91 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 12/14/2015 Data Release Frequency: Semi -Annually US MINES 2: Ferrous and Nonferrous Metal Mines Database Listing This map layer includes ferrous (ferrous metal mines are facilities that extract ferrous metals, such as iron ore or molybdenum) and nonferrous (Nonferrous metal mines are facilities that extract nonferrous metals, such as gold, silver, copper, zinc, and lead) metal mines in the United States. Date of Govemment Version: 12/05/2005 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 02/29/2008 Date Made Active in Reports: 04/18/2008 Number of Days to Update: 49 Source: USGS Telephone: 703-648-7709 Last EDR Contact: 09/04/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 12/14/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies US MINES 3: Active Mines & Mineral Plants Database Listing Active Mines and Mineral Processing Plant operations for commodities monitored by the Minerals Information Team of the USGS. Date of Govemment Version: 04/14/2011 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 06/08/2011 Date Made Active in Reports: 09/13/2011 Number of Days to Update: 97 Source: USGS Telephone: 703-648-7709 Last EDR Contact: 09/04/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 12/14/2015 Data Release Frequency: Varies FINDS: Facility Index System/Facility Registry System • Facility Index System. FINDS contains both facility information and 'pointers' to other sources that contain more detail. EDR includes the following FINDS databases in this report: PCS (Permit Compliance System), AIRS (Aerometric Information Retrieval System), DOCKET (Enforcement Docket used to manage and track information on civil judicial enforcement cases for all environmental statutes), FURS (Federal Underground Injection Control), C -DOCKET (Criminal Docket System used to track criminal enforcement actions for all environmental statutes), FFIS (Federal Facilities Information System), STATE (State Environmental Laws and Statutes), and PADS (PCB Activity Data System). Date of Govemment Version: 07/20/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 09/09/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 11/03/2015 Number of Days to Update: 55 Source: EPA Telephone: (913) 551-7003 Last EDR Contact: 09/09/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 12/21/2015 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly AIRS: Title V Source Information A listing of title V sources, including emissions information. Date of Govemment Version: 12/31/2013 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 10/21/2014 Date Made Active in Reports: 12/16/2014 Number of Days to Update: 56 COAL ASH: Coal Ash Disposal Site Listing A listing of coal combustion waste landfills. Date of Govemment Version: 05/04/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 05/07/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 05/11/2015 Number of Days to Update: 4 �1 Source: Department of Health & Environment Telephone: 785-296-6427 Last EDR Contact: 11/09/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 01/11/2016 Data Release Frequency: Annually Source: Department of Health & Environment Telephone: 785-296-1600 Last EDR Contact: 10/19/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 02/01/2016 Data Release Frequency: Varies TC4471374.2s Page GR -18 C-1 J • GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED /DATA CURRENCY TRACKING DRYCLEANERS: Registered Drycleaning Facilities A listing of registered drycleaners. Date of Government Version: 09/02/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 09/03/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 09/22/2015 Number of Days to Update: 19 Source: Department of Health & Environment Telephone: 785-291-3250 Last EDR Contact: 08/31/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 12/14/2015 Data Release Frequency: Vanes Financial Assurance: Financial Assurance Information Listing A listing of financial assurance information for underground storage tank facilities. Financial assurance is intended to ensure that resources are available to pay for the cost of closure, post -closure care, and corrective measures if the owner or operator of a regulated facility is unable or unwilling to pay. Date of Government Version: 07/24/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 07/31/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 09/10/2015 Number of Days to Update: 41 Source: Department of Health & Environment Telephone: 785-296-1685 Last EDR Contact: 10/05/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 01/18/2016 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly TIER 2: Tier 2 Information Listing A listing of facilities which store or manufacture hazardous materials and submit a chemical inventory report. Date of Government Version: 12/31/2014 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 07/10/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 07/17/2015 Number of Days to Update: 7 UIC: Underground Injection Wells Database Listing A listing of underground injection wells. Date of Government Version: 08/06/2015 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 08/10/2015 Date Made Active in Reports: 09/10/2015 Number of Days to Update: 31 EDR HIGH RISK HISTORICAL RECORDS EDR Exclusive Records Source: Department of Health & Environment Telephone: 785-296-1688 Last EDR Contact: 09/21/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 01/04/2016 Data Release Frequency: Annually Source: Department of Health & Environment Telephone: 785-296-1367 Last EDR Contact: 11/09/2015 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 02/08/2016 Data Release Frequency: Vanes EDR MGP: EDR Propnetary Manufactured Gas Plants The EDR Proprietary Manufactured Gas Plant Database includes records of coal gas plants (manufactured gas plants) compiled by EDR's researchers. Manufactured gas sites were used in the United States from the 1800's to 1950's to produce a gas that could be distributed and used as fuel. These plants used whale oil, rosin, coal, or a mixture of coal, oil, and water that also produced a significant amount of waste. Many of the byproducts of the gas production, such as coal tar (oily waste containing volatile and non-volatile chemicals), sludges, oils and other compounds are potentially hazardous to human health and the environment. The byproduct from this process was frequently disposed of directly at the plant site and can remain or spread slowly, serving as a continuous source of soil and groundwater contamination. Date of Government Version: N/A Source: EDR, Inc. Date Data Arrived at EDR: N/A Telephone: N/A Date Made Active in Reports: N/A Last EDR Contact: N/A Number of Days to Update: N/A Next Scheduled EDR Contact: N/A Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned EDR US Hist Auto Stat: EDR Exclusive Historic Gas Stations EDR has searched selected national collections of business directories and has collected listings of potential gas station/filling station/service station sites that were available to EDR researchers. EDR's review was limited to those categories of sources that might, in EDR's opinion, include gas station/filling station/service station establishments. The categories reviewed included, but were not limited to gas, gas station, gasoline station, filling station, auto, automobile repair, auto service station, service station, etc. This database falls within a category of information EDR classifies as "High Risk Historical Records", or HRHR. EDR's HRHR effort presents unique and sometimes proprietary data about past sites and operations that typically create environmental concerns, but may not show up in current government records searches. TC4471374.2s Page GR -19 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED /DATA CURRENCY TRACKING • Date of Government Version: N/A Source: EDR, Inc. Date Data Arrived at EDR: N/A Telephone: N/A Date Made Active in Reports: N/A Last EDR Contact: N/A Number of Days to Update: N/A Next Scheduled EDR Contact: N/A Data Release Frequency: Varies EDR US Hist Cleaners: EDR Exclusive Historic Dry Cleaners EDR has searched selected national collections of business directories and has collected listings of potential dry cleaner sites that were available to EDR researchers. EDR's review was limited to those categories of sources that might, in EDR's opinion, include dry cleaning establishments. The categories reviewed included, but were not limited to dry cleaners, cleaners, laundry, laundromat, cleaning/laundry, wash & dry etc. This database falls within a category of information EDR classifies as "High Risk Historical Records", or HRHR. EDR's HRHR effort presents unique and sometimes proprietary data about past sites and operations that typically create environmental concerns, but may not show up in current government records searches. Date of Government Version: N/A Source: EDR, Inc. Date Data Arrived at EDR: N/A Telephone: N/A Date Made Active in Reports: N/A Last EDR Contact: N/A Number of Days to Update: N/A Next Scheduled EDR Contact: N/A Data Release Frequency: Varies EDR RECOVERED GOVERNMENT ARCHIVES Exclusive Recovered Govt. Archives RGA HWS: Recovered Government Archive State Hazardous Waste Facilities List The EDR Recovered Government Archive State Hazardous Waste database provides a list of SHWS incidents derived from historical databases and includes many records that no longer appear in current government lists. Compiled from Records formerly available from the Department of Health and Environment in Kansas. Date of Government Version: N/A Source: Department of Health and Environment Date Data Arrived at EDR: 07/01/2013 Telephone: N/A Date Made Active in Reports: 01/03/2014 Last EDR Contact: 06/01/2012 Number of Days to Update: 186 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: N/A Data Release Frequency: Varies RGA LF: Recovered Government Archive Solid Waste Facilities List The EDR Recovered Government Archive Landfill database provides a list of landfills derived from historical databases and includes many records that no longer appear in current government lists. Compiled from Records formerly available from the Department of Health and Environment in Kansas. Date of Government Version: N/A Source: Department of Health and Environment Date Data Arrived at EDR: 07/01/2013 Telephone: N/A Date Made Active in Reports: 01/20/2014 Last EDR Contact: 06/01/2012 Number of Days to Update: 203 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: N/A Data Release Frequency: Varies RGA LUST: Recovered Government Archive Leaking Underground Storage Tank The EDR Recovered Government Archive Leaking Underground Storage Tank database provides a list of LUST incidents derived from historical databases and includes many records that no longer appear in current government lists. Compiled from Records formerly available from the Department of Health and Environment in Kansas. Date of Government Version: N/A Source: Department of Health and Environment Date Data Arrived at EDR: 07/01/2013 Telephone: N/A Date Made Active in Reports: 01/03/2014 Last EDR Contact: 06/01/2012 Number of Days to Update: 186 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: N/A Data Release Frequency: Varies • TC4471374.2s Page GR -20 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED /DATA CURRENCY TRACKING • OTHER DATABASE(S) Depending on the geographic area covered by this report, the data provided in these specialty databases may or may not be complete. For example, the existence of wetlands information data in a specific report does not mean that all wetlands in the area covered by the report are included. Moreover, the absence of any reported wetlands information does not necessarily mean that wetlands do not exist in the area covered by the report. CT MANIFEST: Hazardous Waste Manifest Data Facility and manifest data. Manifest is a document that lists and tracks hazardous waste from the generator through transporters to a tsd facility. Date of Government Version: 07/30/2013 Source: Department of Energy & Environmental Protection Date Data Arrived at EDR: 08/19/2013 Telephone: 860424-3375 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/03/2013 Last EDR Contact: 11/16/2015 Number of Days to Update: 45 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 02/29/2016 Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned NY MANIFEST: Facility and Manifest Data Manifest is a document that lists and tracks hazardous waste from the generator through transporters to a TSD facility. Date of Government Version: 08/01/2015 Source: Department of Environmental Conservation Date Data Arrived at EDR: 08/06/2015 Telephone: 518-402-8651 Date Made Active in Reports: 08/24/2015 Last EDR Contact: 11/08/2015 Number of Days to Update: 18 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 02/15/2016 Data Release Frequency: Annually RI MANIFEST: Manifest information Hazardous waste manifest information Date of Government Version: 12/31/2013 Source: Department of Environmental Management Date Data Arrived at EDR: 06/19/2015 Telephone: 401-222-2797 Date Made Active in Reports: 07/15/2015 Last EDR Contact: 08/24/2015 Number of Days to Update: 26 • Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 12/07/2015 Data Release Frequency: Annually WI MANIFEST: Manifest Information Hazardous waste manifest information. Date of Government Version: 12/31/2014 Source: Department of Natural Resources Date Data Arrived at EDR: 03/19/2015 Telephone: N/A Date Made Active in Reports: 04/07/2015 Last EDR Contact: 09/10/2015 Number of Days to Update: 19 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 12/28/2015 Data Release Frequency: Annually Oil/Gas Pipelines Source: PennWell Corporation Petroleum Bundle (Crude Oil, Refined Products, Petrochemicals, Gas Liquids (LPG/NGL), and Specialty Gases (Miscellaneous)) N = Natural Gas Bundle (Natural Gas, Gas Liquids (LPG/NGL), and Specialty Gases (Miscellaneous)). This map includes information copyrighted by PennWell Corporation. This information is provided on a best effort basis and PennWell Corporation does not guarantee its accuracy nor warrant its fitness for any particular purpose. Such information has been reprinted with the permission of PennWell. Electric Power Transmission Line Data Source: PennWell Corporation This map includes information copyrighted by PennWell Corporation. This information is provided on a best effort basis and PennWell Corporation does not guarantee its accuracy nor warrant its fitness for any particular purpose. Such information has been reprinted with the permission of PennWell. Sensitive Receptors: There are individuals deemed sensitive receptors due to their fragile immune systems and special sensitivity to environmental discharges. These sensitive receptors typically include the elderly, the sick, and children. While the location of all sensitive receptors cannot be determined, EDR indicates those buildings and facilities - schools, daycares, hospitals, medical centers, and nursing homes - where individuals who are sensitive receptors are likely to be located. • AHA Hospitals: Source: American Hospital Association, Inc. Telephone: 312-280-5991 The database includes a listing of hospitals based on the American Hospital Association's annual survey of hospitals. TC4471374.2s Page GR -21 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED I DATA CURRENCY TRACKING ' Medical Centers: Provider of Services Listing Source: Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Telephone: 410-786-3000 A listing of hospitals with Medicare provider number, produced by Centers of Medicare & Medicaid Services, a federal agency within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Nursing Homes Source: National Institutes of Health Telephone: 301-594-6248 Information on Medicare and Medicaid certified nursing homes in the United States. Public Schools Source: National Center for Education Statistics Telephone: 202-502-7300 The National Center for Education Statistics' primary database on elementary and secondary public education in the United States. It is a comprehensive, annual, national statistical database of all public elementary and secondary schools and school districts, which contains data that are comparable across all states. Private Schools Source: National Center for Education Statistics Telephone: 202-502-7300 The National Center for Education Statistics' primary database on private school locations in the United States. Flood Zone Data: This data, available in select counties across the country, was obtained by EDR in 2003 & 2011 from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Data depicts 100 -year and 500 -year flood zones as defined by FEMA. NWI: National Wetlands Inventory. This data, available in select counties across the country, was obtained by EDR in 2002, 2005 and 2010 from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. State Wetlands Data: Wetland Inventory Source: US Fish & Wildlife Service •Telephone: 703-358-2171 L7 Current USGS 7.5 Minute Topographic Map Source: U.S. Geological Survey STREET AND ADDRESS INFORMATION © 2010 Tele Atlas North America, Inc. All rights reserved. This material is proprietary and the subject of copyright protection and other intellectual property rights owned by or licensed to Tele Atlas North America, Inc. The use of this material is subject to the terms of a license agreement. You will be held liable for any unauthorized copying or disclosure of this material. TC4471374.2s Page GR -22 L, GEOCHECK C- PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE ADDENDUM TARGET PROPERTY ADDRESS SUPER WASH & DETAIL AND VANIER PROPERTY 156 N. 5TH ST. SALINA, KS 67401 TARGET PROPERTY COORDINATES Latitude (North): 38.8426 - 38° 50' 33.36" Longitude (West): 97.6073 - 97° 36'26.28" Universal Tranverse Mercator: Zone 14 UTM X (Meters): 620868.8 UTM Y (Meters): 4300024.0 Elevation: 1223 ft. above sea level USGS TOPOGRAPHIC MAP Target Property Map: 5691501 SALINA, KS Version Date: 2012 Southwest Map: 5691529 SALINA SW, KS Version Date: 2012 EDR's GeoCheck Physical Setting Source Addendum is provided to assist the environmental professional in IIQ forming an opinion about the impact of potential contaminant migration. Assessment of the impact of contaminant migration generally has two principal investigative components: 1. Groundwater flow direction, and 2. Groundwater flow velocity. Groundwater flow direction may be impacted by surface topography, hydrology, hydrogeology, characteristics of the soil, and nearby wells. Groundwater flow velocity is generally impacted by the nature of the geologic strata. • TC4471374.2s Page A-1 GEOCHECK* - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE SUMMARY iGROUNDWATER FLOW DIRECTION INFORMATION Groundwater flow direction for a particular site is best determined by a qualified environmental professional using site-specific well data. If such data is not reasonably ascertainable, it may be necessary to rely on other sources of information, such as surface topographic information, hydrologic information, hydrogeologic data collected on nearby properties, and regional groundwater flow information (from deep aquifers). TOPOGRAPHIC INFORMATION Surface topography may be indicative of the direction of surficial groundwater flow. This information can be used to assist the environmental professional in forming an opinion about the impact of nearby contaminated properties or, should contamination exist on the target property, what downgradient sites might be impacted. TARGET PROPERTY TOPOGRAPHY General Topographic Gradient: General NNE SURROUNDING TOPOGRAPHY: ELEVATION PROFILES c 0 N N N N N N N N N j N N N N N V W OD �p O W ♦ W N W N N A North I South TP C O W West East TP 0 1/2 1 Miles Target Property Elevation: 1223 ft. Tm Source: Topography has been determined from the USGS 7.5' Digital Elevation Model and should be evaluated on a relative (not an absolute) basis. Relative elevation information between sites of close proximity should be field verified. TC4471374.2s Page A-2 GEOCHECKf' - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE SUMMARY 0 HYDROLOGIC INFORMATION Surface water can act as a hydrologic barrier to groundwater flow. Such hydrologic information can be used to assist the environmental professional in forming an opinion about the impact of nearby contaminated properties or, should contamination exist on the target property, what downgradient sites might be impacted. Refer to the Physical Setting Source Map following this summary for hydrologic information (major waterways and bodies of water). FEMA FLOOD ZONE Target Property County SALINE, KS Flood Plain Panel at Target Property: Additional Panels in search area NATIONAL WETLAND INVENTORY NWI Quad at Target Property NOT AVAILABLE FEMA Flood Electronic Data YES - refer to the Overview Map and Detail Map 2003190005B - FEMA 03 Flood data 2003160070B - FEMA Q3 Flood data 2003190015B - FEMA Q3 Flood data NWI Electronic Data Coverage YES - refer to the Overview Map and Detail Map HYDROGEOLOGIC INFORMATION Hydrogeologic information obtained by installation of wells on a specific site can often be an indicator of groundwater flow direction in the immediate area. Such hydrogeologic information can be used to assist the ' environmental professional in forming an opinion about the impact of nearby contaminated properties or, should contamination exist on the target property, what downgradient sites might be impacted. AQUIFLOWg Search Radius: 1.000 Mile. EDR has developed the AQUIFLOW Information System to provide data on the general direction of groundwater flow at specific points. EDR has reviewed reports submitted by environmental professionals to regulatory authorities at select sites and has extracted the date of the report, groundwater flow direction as determined hydrogeologically, and the depth to water table. LOCATION GENERAL DIRECTION MAP ID FROM TP GROUNDWATER FLOW Not Reported TC4471374.2s Page A-3 GEOCHECK-_R - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE SUMMARY • GROUNDWATER FLOW VELOCITY INFORMATION Groundwater flow velocity information for a particular site is best determined by a qualified environmental professional using site specific geologic and soil strata data. If such data are not reasonably ascertainable, it may be necessary to rely on other sources of information, including geologic age identification, rock stratigraphic unit and soil characteristics data collected on nearby properties and regional soil information. In general, contaminant plumes move more quickly through sandy -gravelly types of soils than silty -clayey types of soils. GEOLOGIC INFORMATION IN GENERAL AREA OF TARGET PROPERTY Geologic information can be used by the environmental professional in forming an opinion about the relative speed at which contaminant migration may be occurring. ROCK STRATIGRAPHIC UNIT GEOLOGIC AGE IDENTIFICATION Era: Paleozoic Category: Stratifed Sequence System: Permian Series: Lower part of Leonardian Series Code: P2a (decoded above as Era, System & Series) Geologic Age and Rock Stratigraphic Unit Source: P.G. Schruben, R.E. Arndt and W.J. Bawiec, Geology of the Conterminous U.S. at 1:2,500,000 Scale - a digital representation of the 1974 P.B. King and H.M. Beikman Map, USGS Digital Data Series DDS - 11 (1994). TC4471374.2s Page A-4 SSURGO SOIL MAP - 4471374.2s * Target Property SSURGO Soil Water • I'M 17 IJP SITE NAME: Super Wash & Detail and Vanier Property CLIENT: GeoCore, Inc. ADDRESS: 156 N. 5th St. CONTACT: Robert Hopkins Salina KS 67401 INQUIRY ff: 4471374.2s LAT/LONG: 38.8426197.6073 DATE: November 19, 2015 7:43 am Copyright 4 2015 EOR. Inc "v 2010 Tek Atlas Rel. 072009. • 0 Ll GEOCHECW - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE SUMMARY DOMINANT SOIL COMPOSITION IN GENERAL AREA OF TARGET PROPERTY The U.S. Department of Agriculture's (USDA) Soil Conservation Service (SCS) leads the National Cooperative Soil Survey (NCSS) and is responsible for collecting, storing, maintaining and distributing soil survey information for privately owned lands in the United States. A soil map in a soil survey is a representation of soil patterns in a landscape. The following information is based on Soil Conservation Service SSURGO data. Soil Map ID: 1 Soil Component Name: Roxbury Soil Surface Texture: silt loam Hydrologic Group: Class B - Moderate infiltration rates. Deep and moderately deep, moderately well and well drained soils with moderately coarse textures. Soil Drainage Class: Well drained Hydric Status: Partially hydric Corrosion Potential - Uncoated Steel: Low Depth to Bedrock Min: > 0 inches Depth to Watertable Min: > 0 inches Soil Layer Information Boundary Classification Saturated hydraulic conductivity Soil Reaction Layer Upper Lower Soil Texture Class AASHTO Group Unified Soil micro misec (pH) 1 0 inches 25 inches silt loam Not reported Not reported Max: 14.11 Max: 8.4 Min: 4.233 Min: 7.4 2 25 inches 59 inches silt loam Not reported Not reported Max: 14.11 Max: 8.4 Min: 4.233 Min: 7.4 Soil Map ID: 2 Soil Component Name: Soil Surface Texture: Hydrologic Group: Soil Drainage Class: Hord silt loam Class B - Moderate infiltration rates. Deep and moderately deep, moderately well and well drained soils with moderately coarse textures. Well drained TC4471374.2s Page A-6 is • u GEOCHECK) - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE SUMMARY Hydric Status: Not hydric Corrosion Potential - Uncoated Steel: High Depth to Bedrock Min: > 0 inches Depth to Watertable Min: > 0 inches Soil Layer Information Boundary McCook Classification Saturated Hydrologic Group: Class B - Moderate infiltration rates. Deep and moderately deep, moderately well and well drained soils with moderately coarse hydraulic conductivity Soil Reaction Layer Upper Lower Soil Texture Class AASHTO Group Unified Soil micro misec (pH) 1 0 inches 18 inches silt loam Silt -Clay FINE-GRAINED Max: 14.11 Max: 7.3 Materials (more SOILS, Silts and Min: 4.233 Min: 5.6 than 35 pct. Clays (liquid passing No. limit less than 200), Clayey 50%), Lean Clay Soils. 2 18 inches 42 inches silty clay loam Silt -Clay FINE-GRAINED Max: 14.11 Max: 7.8 Materials (more SOILS, Silts and Min: 4.233 Min: 6.1 than 35 pct. Clays (liquid passing No. limit less than 200), Clayey 50%). Lean Clay Soils. 3 42 inches 59 inches silt loam Silt -Clay FINE-GRAINED Max: 14.11 Max: 8.4 Materials (more SOILS, Silts and Min: 4.233 Min: 7.4 than 35 pct. Clays (liquid passing No. limit less than 200), Clayey 50%), Lean Clay Soils. Soil Map ID: 3 Soil Component Name: McCook Soil Surface Texture: silt loam Hydrologic Group: Class B - Moderate infiltration rates. Deep and moderately deep, moderately well and well drained soils with moderately coarse textures. Soil Drainage Class: Well drained Hydric Status: Not hydric Corrosion Potential - Uncoated Steel: Low Depth to Bedrock Min: > 0 inches Depth to Watertable Min: > 0 inches TC4471374.2s Page A-7 0 • GEOCHECK" - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE SUMMARY Soil Layer Information SEARCH DISTANCE (miles Boundary 1.000 Classification Saturated State Database 1.000 AG329 USGS40000360292 112 - 1 Mile SSE hydraulic conductivity Soil Reaction Layer Upper Lower Soil Texture Class AASHTO Group Unified Soil 1/2 - 1 Mile NE 490 USGS40000360267 1/2 - 1 Mile SSE 551 USGS40000360258 micro m/sec (pH) 1 0 inches 11 inches silt loam Silt -Clay FINE-GRAINED Max: 14.11 Max: 8.4 MAP ID WELL ID FROM TP Materials (more SOILS, Silts and Min: 4.233 Min: 7.4 than 35 pct. Clays (liquid passing No. limit less than 200). Clayey 50%), Lean Clay Soils. 2 11 inches 59 inches silt loam Silt -Clay FINE-GRAINED Max: 14.11 Max: 8.4 Materials (more SOILS, Silts and Min: 4.233 Min: 7.4 than 35 pct. Clays (liquid passing No. limit less than 200), Silty 50%), Lean Clay Soils. LOCAL / REGIONAL WATER AGENCY RECORDS EDR Local/Regional Water Agency records provide water well information to assist the environmental professional in assessing sources that may impact ground water flow direction, and in forming an opinion about the impact of contaminant migration on nearby drinking water wells. WELL SEARCH DISTANCE INFORMATION DATABASE SEARCH DISTANCE (miles Federal USGS 1.000 Federal FRDS PWS Nearest PWS within 1 mile State Database 1.000 FEDERAL USGS WELL INFORMATION LOCATION MAP ID WELL ID FROM TP AG329 USGS40000360292 112 - 1 Mile SSE 387 USGS40000360268 1/2 - 1 Mile South A0390 USGS40000360304 1/2 - 1 Mile SE 391 USGS40000360425 1/2 - 1 Mile NE 490 USGS40000360267 1/2 - 1 Mile SSE 551 USGS40000360258 1/2 - 1 Mile SSE 587 USGS40000360236 1/2 - 1 Mile South FEDERAL FRDS PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM INFORMATION LOCATION MAP ID WELL ID FROM TP TC4471374.2s Page A-8 GEOCHECK'k - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE MAP FINDINGS RADON 0 AREA RADON INFORMATION 0 r, State Database: KS Radon Radon Test Results Zipcode Avg Radon Max Radon Num Tests 67401 5.9 58.0 1131 Federal EPA Radon Zone for SALINE County: 1 Note: Zone 1 indoor average level > 4 pCi/L. Zone 2 indoor average level — 2 pCi/L and — 4 pCi/L. Zone 3 indoor average level < 2 pCi/L. Federal Area Radon Information for Zip Code: 67401 Number of sites tested: 24 Area Average Activity % <4 pCi/L Living Area - 1st Floor 2.567 pCi/L 100% Living Area - 2nd Floor Not Reported Not Reported Basement 5.804 pCVL 50% % 4-20 pCi/L % >20 pCi/L 0% 0% Not Reported Not Reported 46% 4% TC4471374.2s Page A-330 PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE RECORDS SEARCHED TOPOGRAPHIC INFORMATION is USGS 7.5' Digital Elevation Model (DEM) Source: United States Geologic Survey EDR acquired the USGS 7.5' Digital Elevation Model in 2002 and updated it in 2006. The 7.5 minute DEM corresponds to the USGS 1:24,000- and 1:25,000 -scale topographic quadrangle maps. The DEM provides elevation data with consistent elevation units and projection. Current USGS 7.5 Minute Topographic Map Source: U.S. Geological Survey HYDROLOGIC INFORMATION Flood Zone Data: This data, available in select counties across the country, was obtained by EDR in 2003 & 2011 from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Data depicts 100 -year and 500 -year flood zones as defined by FEMA. NWI: National Wetlands Inventory. This data, available in select counties across the country, was obtained by EDR in 2002, 2005 and 2010 from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. State Wetlands Data: Wetland Inventory Source: US Fish & Wildlife Service Telephone: 703-358-2171 HYDROGEOLOGIC INFORMATION AQUIFLOWR Information System Source: EDR proprietary database of groundwater flow information EDR has developed the AQUIFLOW Information System (AIS) to provide data on the general direction of groundwater flow at specific points. EDR has reviewed reports submitted to regulatory authorities at select sites and has • extracted the date of the report, hydrogeologically determined groundwater flow direction and depth to water table information. L GEOLOGIC INFORMATION Geologic Age and Rock Stratigraphic Unit Source: P.G. Schruben, R.E. Arndt and W.J. Bawiec, Geology of the Conterminous U.S. at 1:2,500,000 Scale - A digital representation of the 1974 P.B. King and H.M. Beikman Map, USGS Digital Data Series DDS - 11 (1994). STATSGO: State Soil Geographic Database Source: Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Services The U.S. Department of Agriculture's (USDA) Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) leads the national Conservation Soil Survey (NCSS) and is responsible for collecting, storing, maintaining and distributing soil survey information for privately owned lands in the United States. A soil map in a soil survey is a representation of soil patterns in a landscape. Soil maps for STATSGO are compiled by generalizing more detailed (SSURGO) soil survey maps. SSURGO: Soil Survey Geographic Database Source: Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Services (NRCS) Telephone: 800-672-5559 SSURGO is the most detailed level of mapping done by the Natural Resources Conservation Services, mapping scales generally range from 1:12,000 to 1:63,360. Field mapping methods using national standards are used to construct the soil maps in the Soil Survey Geographic (SSURGO) database. SSURGO digitizing duplicates the original soil survey maps. This level of mapping is designed for use by landowners, townships and county natural resource planning and management. TC4471374.2s Page PSGR-1 PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE RECORDS SEARCHED LOCAL / REGIONAL WATER AGENCY RECORDS FEDERAL WATER WELLS PWS: Public Water Systems Source: EPA/Office of Drinking Water Telephone: 202-564-3750 Public Water System data from the Federal Reporting Data System. A PWS is any water system which provides water to at least 25 people for at least 60 days annually. PWSs provide water from wells, rivers and other sources. PWS ENF: Public Water Systems Violation and Enforcement Data Source: EPA/Office of Drinking Water Telephone: 202-564-3750 Violation and Enforcement data for Public Water Systems from the Safe Drinking Water Information System (SDWIS) after August 1995. Prior to August 1995, the data came from the Federal Reporting Data System (FRDS). USGS Water Wells: USGS National Water Inventory System (NWIS) This database contains descriptive information on sites where the USGS collects or has collected data on surface water and/or groundwater. The groundwater data includes information on wells, springs, and other sources of groundwater. STATE RECORDS Kansas Water Well Completion Records Database Source: Kansas Geological Survey Telephone: 913-864-3965 OTHER STATE DATABASE INFORMATION Oil and Gas Well Location Database Listing Source: Kansas Geological Survey Telephone: 785-864-3965 • RADON State Database: KS Radon Source: Department of Health & Environment Telephone: 785-296-1500 Kansas Indoor Radon Measurements Area Radon Information Source: USGS Telephone: 703-356-4020 The National Radon Database has been developed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) and is a compilation of the EPA/State Residential Radon Survey and the National Residential Radon Survey. The study covers the years 1986 - 1992. Where necessary data has been supplemented by information collected at private sources such as universities and research institutions. EPA Radon Zones Source: EPA Telephone: 703-356-4020 Sections 307 & 309 of IRAA directed EPA to list and identify areas of U.S. with the potential for elevated indoor radon levels. OTHER Airport Landing Facilities: Private and public use landing facilities Source: Federal Aviation Administration, 800-457-6656 Epicenters: World earthquake epicenters, Richter 5 or greater Source: Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Earthquake Fault Lines: The fault lines displayed on EDR's Topographic map are digitized quaternary faultlines, prepared in 1975 by the United State Geological Survey TC4471374.2s Page PSGR-2 PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE RECORDS SEARCHED ' STREET AND ADDRESS INFORMATION © 2010 Tele Atlas North America, Inc. All rights reserved. This material is proprietary and the subject of copyright protection and other intellectual property rights owned by or licensed to Tele Atlas North America, Inc. The use of this material is subject to the terms of a license agreement. You will be held liable for any unauthorized copying or disclosure of this material. C • TC4471374.2s Page PSGR-3