11-18-2015 MinutesSALINA ARTS & HUMANITIES COMMISSION November 18, 2015 The monthly meeting of the Salina Arts and Humanities Commission was held at the Smoky Hill Museum Community Room at 4:00 p.m. on Wednesday, November 18, 2015. In attendance: Jim Cates, Trent Davis, Melissa Hodges, Tammy Jarvis, Neil Ward, Brian Weigel, Student Liaison Sarah Star. Others Present: Carmen Wilson, League of Women Voters. Absent: Craig Hinca, Steve Hoekstra, Leslie Mangrum, Jacob Palmateer. SAH Staff. Brad Anderson, Stacy Ash, Amanda Morris, Grace Peterson and Kay Quinn. Museum Staff. Susan Hawksworth and Lisa Upshaw. Hoekstra called meeting to order at 4:00 pm. Minutes Minutes of October 21, 2015 meeting stand approved by consensus. Community Engagement Guest — Amanda Michaelis of United Way United Way is the first organization to share with us ways we can assist in meeting their mission. United Way going though evolution from raising funds to give money to other organizations to being an organization that facilitates community change. Balcony View — looking down at community and figuring out what needs the community has and who can join together to meet those needs. Each branch of unite way is local and runs the way their community needs them to run, based on the community's needs. Dollars raised by local org. stay local, 1% goes to united way global so they can use the United Way brand. Went from giving funds to 18 organizations to touching 70 different organizations by turning system outward. Community conversations were started in 2014 with Brenda Gutierrez, did 34 conversations and 500 community members were involved. These were small groups, conversing face-to-face. Focused on engaging lots of different groups, unusual voices that aren't normally heard. Added converstaions with local CEO's. Trying to learn hopes & aspirations of community. Final goal is to generate a bank of public knowledge to share with the community. 6 common themes came from community conversations — 1. Safe community (want to live in safe place but feel this place is safe) 2. Local leadership 3. Community Connection (I don't know what's happening!) 4. Lack of vision for Salina (slow growth) 5. Employers value families Jarvis — how can our organizations work together? Michaelis — supporting each other and in meeting their missions, being facilitators and connectors. Hoekstra — we've been trying to get arts to underserved populations and trying to get a one-stop calendar. Business model has changed as well, not business to business anymore, its more relationships and business to individual. Anderson — do we have a leader vacuum in Salina? Michaelis — millennials are concerned with a cause not an organization and leadership is changing and we have to grow leaders based on millennials views and not based on old views. There is a lot of millennials who are interested but they don't want to be part of the old guard. Things have to change. Old Business • Website Updates — Commissioners asked to send Artist link for new artist database to local artists to build database for new website. New Business Staff Reports • Laurie Moravec introduced to Commissioners as new Program Assistant. • Curiosity Shop bids open this week, things are moving forward. Great response to press conference in local media. Major fundraising gifts are secured but there is still a need for final 20% of budget. • Two meetings planned at 128 S. Santa Fe (old simply baby building) on Santa Fe with musicians and visual artists on November 23 at 5:30 pm & December 1 at 7:OOpm to discuss needs for development of artist spaces. Commissioners Sharing - What's working & what's no working with our relationship to the Arts • River Festival positive feedback • Work towards a one-stop shop for arts in Salina (community calendar) o Chamber of Commerce has the most comprehensive calendar but not able to pare down info for arts events o Lawrence.com is a good model website o March 8th Expo at bi-center to connect people in community (new) to organizations and what's happening in Salina, and ways they can connect. Annual Report Feedback • What should be included on final report to the city about our commission? o Be ready to have some of those ready for next meeting in January Other Business • Next meeting Wednesday, Jan. 20, 2016 at 4:00 p.m. • Next Executive Committee meeting at KWU on Nov. 6, 2015 at 10:00 a.m • Saint Francis or Circles of the Heartland will be January organization Adjourn Weigel motioned to adjourn. Motion Passed. Cates adjourned the meeting at 5:27 p.m. /arm