07-10397 Affidavit of Publication Following is a true and correct copy of Ord. No.07-10397 deemed to continue until (5)Complete or partial two hundred dollars together with proof of publication of the same. it is declared by the city bans on the waste of ($200.00) for the sec- manager to have ended. water;and and violation and three The city manager's de- (6)Any combination of hundred dollars termination that a water the foregoing meal- ($300.00)for any addi- emergency exists and ures tional reconnections. AFFIDAVIT the restrictions imposed de The city determination manager's si Violations of this municipal be subject to re- determination that a sion shall be a municipal view by the governing water emergency ex- offense and may be body at its next regular ists and the restric- prosecuted in municipal or special meeting. lions imposed shall be court. Any person so 1, Ann Garrison ,being Sec. 41-63. Voluntary subject to review by 1 charged and found guilty conservation measures. the governing body at in municipal court of viq- Upon the declaration of a its next regular or spa- lating the provisions of duly sworn, declare that I am the Majors/Nationals water watch as provided in con 2. That thisdivisionshalibsguil- section 41-62(a), the city Section 2. That Sections I ty of a municipatoffense. manager is authorized to call 41-66 and 41-67 of Chapter Each nsy's a on all water consumers to 41, Article II, Division 3 of shall constitute a saaa- Coordinator of THE SALINA JOURNAL,a daily news- employ voluntary water con- the Salina Code is hereby rate offense.The p6aalty servation measures to limit y for an initial violation or eliminate nonessential wa- amended 1-41-66.Regulations.g follows: shall one a mandatory ter uses, included, but not "Sec.the effective Ree periono. fins ($of one hundred). - published at Sahna,Saline County, and During the supply period y lays for a second The pen- paper l� �'�Kansas, limited to, limitations on the any water supply emergency al for a second or sub- 'following uses: as provided for in section 41- (1)Sprinkling of water begaem conviction fine of of general circulation in said county, newspaper on lawns, shrubs or empo the city manager is twbe o a hundred fine rs g �'� empowered to promulgate two hundred dollars trees (including golf such regulations as may be courses). necessary to carry out the ($200.00)."t on 3. (2) Washing of motor ry ry Section 3.That the exist- (2)been continuously and uninterruptedly published any woes of this division,gcy ing Sections 41-62 through y p } p vehicles. any water supply emergency 41g--64,41-66,and 41-67 are (3) Use of water in resolution,or emergency wa- hereby repealed. swimming pools,foun- ter rate resolution.Such reg-rains and evaporative Section p ion 4. That this ordi- for five consecutive years prior to first publication of at- air conditioning ulations shall be subject to sys- the approval of the govern- nance shall be in full force tems. , ing body at its next regular or and effect from and after its (4)Waste of water. special meeting. adoption and publication tached notice, and that the attached Sec. 41-64. Mandatory Sec. 41-67. Violations, once in the official city news- conservation measures. disconnections and penal- paper. A. Upon the declaration ties. Ord. No.07-10397 of a water supply warn- (a) If the city`manager, Introduced:July 9,2007 ing as provided by sec- director of utilities, or Passed:July 16,2007 tions 41-62(b), the gov- other city official or offi- erning body is author- cials charged with imple- Alan E.Jilka,Mayor has been correctly published in said newspaper 1 ized to implement cer- mentation and enforce- tain mandatory water ment of this division or a [SEAL] conservation measures, water supply emergency ATTEST: . times, the first publication given in including, but not limited resolution learn of any to,the following: violation of any water' Lieu Ann Elsey (1)Suspension of new use restrictions imposed ,CMC,City Clerk (1t) connections to the pursuant to sections 41- ' the issue of July 20 2007. city's water distribution 62, 41-64 or 41-66 of system, except con- this division,the custom- nections of fire hy- er of record and the ,, drants and those owner,lessee,tenant,or _,.A..-ICU 1, � C�l,, l "�1 made pursuant to occupant known to the agreements entered city to be responsible for into by the city prior to I the violation shall be '3�,.i. the effective date of provided with either ac- Subscribed and sworn to before me,this 3 s` eh ency merrgration of the t or mailed notice of g the violation. (2) Restrictions on the (b) Prior to disconnec- ts uses of water in one Lion of water service,the day of - A.D. 2007 (1)or more classes of customer of record and water uses, wholly or the owner, lessee, ten- / in part; ant, or occupant known NO x. 0f , ,' / ,L v (3) Restrictions on the to the city to be respon- .: sales of water at coin- . WE DYCH OBAK a* operated facilities or Bible for the violation or Notary Public its correction shall be EXP. sites; "�' have ended. The ci provided with either ac- have tY (4) The imposition of tual or mailed notice of manager's determination water rationing based the violation.Said notice that a water watch exists on any reasonable for- shall describe the viola- shall be subject to re- mula, including, but tion and order that it be (Published In The Salina view by the governing not limited to,the per- corrected,cured or abat- body at its next regular cents a of normal use Journal July 20,2007) g ed immediately or within or special meeting. and per capita or per such specified time as ORDINANCE NUMBER (b) Declaration of water p p p ( ) consumer restrictions; 07-10397 warning. Whenever the the city under he rea- AN ORDINANCE g' (5)Complete or partial sonable under the cir- city manager finds that bans on the waste of AMENDING CHAPTER 41, is not If the order drought conditions or • water;and ARTICLE II, DIVISION 3, is not complied with,the some other condition (6)Any combination of SECTIONS 41-62 causing a major water O y city may terminate water THROUGH 41-64, 41-66, g major the foregoing mess- service to the customer AND 41-67 PERTAINING supply shortage are ures. subject to the following TO WATER CONSERVA- present and supplies are! B. Upon the declaration procedures: starting to decline, the of a water supply emer- (1)The city shall give TION AND REPEALING EX- ov y city manager shall be gency as provided by the customer notice by (STING SECTIONS 41-62 empowered to declare s y p e 'THROUGH 41-64, 41-66 that sections 41-62(c), the mail or actual notice that a water warning ex- cif mana er is author- AND 41-67. y g that water service will fists and will recommend, ized to implement cer-IT ORDAINED by the p be discontinued within to the governing body, fain mandatory water governing body of the city of a specified time due to restrictions on Hones- conservation measures, Salina,Kansas: I the violation and that sential uses during the including, but not limited Section 1. That Sections o, the customer will have period of warning. Such to,the following:through 41-64 of 9 peal opportunity to sp- a warning shall be (1)Suspension of new Chapter 41, Article II, Divi- O p peal the termination by deemed to continue until connections to the sion 3 of the Salina Code are requesting a hearing it is declared by the city city's water distribution hereby amended to read as �' scheduled before a follows: manager to have ended. system, except con- city official designated The city manager's de- nections of fire h "Sec. 41-62. Declaration termination that a water drants and those a as a hearing officer by of a water watch, water warning exists and the the city manager; warning, or water emer- g made pursuant to g° recommended restric- agreements entered (2) If such hearing is genoy' lions shall be subject to g requested by the cus- (a) Declaration of water subject the by the city prior to tomer charged with review by the governing the effective date of watch. Whenever the body at its next regular the violation,he or she Y 9 the declaration of the city manager finds that shall be given a full or special meeting. emergency; opportunity to be conditions Indicate that (c) Declaration of water (2) Restrictions on the the probability of a emer enc . Whenever O heard before termina- 9 y uses of water in one drought or some other the city manager finds tion is ordered;and condition causing a ma- ty g (1)or more classes of g that an emergency ex- water uses, wholly or (3)The hearing officer jar water supply short- fists by reason of a short- in part; y shall make findings of age is rising, the city age of water supply p fact and order whether manager shall be em- g pp y (3) Restrictions on the service should ted. - needed for essential sales of water at coin- powered to declare,that uses, the city manager operated facilities or ue or be terminated. a water watch exists and shall be empowered to sites; (4)A fee of fifty dollars shall take steps to inform declare that a water sup- (4) The imposition of for the shall be paid the public and ask for ( ) p for the reconnection of voluntary reductions in ply emergency exists water rationing based any water service ter- water use.Such a watch and will impose manes- on any reasonable for- minated pursuant to tory restrictions on water mula, including, but shall be deemed to con- use during the period of g' subsection (a). In the tinue until it is declared g p not limited to,the per- event of subsequent the emergency.Such an cent age of normal use by the city manager to emergency shall be and per capita or per violations, the recon- consumer restrictions; nection fee shall be