07-10377 Affidavit of Publication
Following is a true and correct copy of Ord. No.07-10377
together with proof of publication of the same.
(Published In The Salina Thence,N 45°40'28"E
Journal March 23,2007) fora distance of 98.31
07-10377 Thence,S 89°58'11"E
for a distance feet
e 0f 0 feet to a point 60.00 feet
I, Ann Garrison being TION OF A CERTAIN said Southeast Quarter.of
g TRACT OF LAND IN SAL- Thence,N 00°01'49"E
INE COUNTY, KANSAS IN along a line 60.00 feet
of and th
duly sworn,declare that I am the Majors/Nationals PROVISIONS OF K.S.A.12- west East line for a dis-
519 TO 12-526,INCLUSIVE. tance of 608.02 feet to a
BE IT ORDAINED by point on the South line of
Coordinator of THE SALINA JOURNAL,a daily news- the Governing Body of Tract 5 of Golden Acres
the City of Salina, Kan- in Saline, County, Kan-
sas: sas extended west.
Section 1.That the fol- Thence,N 89°50'11"E
paper published at Salina,Saline County,Kansas,and lowing described tract of along the extension of
land,to-wit: said South line for a dis-,
A tract of land located in tance of 120.00 feet to a
of general circulation in said county,which newspaper the Southeast Quarter point 60.00 feet east of I
g ty (SE 1/4 of Section One
(1) 'Township Fourteen the East line of said
South (14S) Range Southeast Quarter.
has been continuously and uninterruptedly published Three West (3W) and Thence,S 00°01'49"st
Y P Y P on a line 60.00 feet east
the Southwest Quarter of and parallel with the
(SW 1/4)of Section Six East line of said South-
for five consecutive ears rior to first ublication of at- (s) Township Fourteen east Quarter for a dis-
y h P South (14S) Range Two tance of 1349.31 feet to
West (2W) of the Sixth a point 300.00 feet North
Principal Meridian all in of and 60.00 feet east of
tached notice,and that the attached Saline, County, Kansas the Southeast corner of
more particularly descri- said Southeast Quarter.
bed as follows: Thence N 89°57'28"W
Ord.No. 07-10377 Commencing at the along a line,300.00 feet
Southeast corner of the north of the South line of
Southeast Quarter of said Southeast Quarter
Section One (1) Town- for a distance of 60.00
has been correctly published in said newspaper 1 ship Fourteen South feet to the Point of Be-1
(14S) Range Three ginning;
West (3W) of the Sixth The above described
times, the first publication given in Principal Meridian. tract contains 11.867
I� g Thence N 00°01"49" E acres more or less.
along the East line of meeting one or more of the
said Southeast Quarter classifications for annexation
the issue of March 23 2007. for a distance of 300.00 prescribed by K.S.A. 12-519
feet to the Point of Be- to 12-526,inclusive,is here-
ginning. by annexed and made a part
From the Point of Begin- of the City of Salina,Kansas.
, i ■ i iii ) \l, C ( ,, :.i C , 1 ning.Thence, N 89° 57' -
28."W on a line 300.00 Section 2. That the tract
feet North of and parallel of land described in Section
"9�/ (,�/ with the South line of 1 above shall be zoned"A-1"
said Southeast Quarter AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT
Subscribed and sworn to before me,this for a distance of 459.39 upon annexation into the
feet to a point on a line. city.
/ Thence,N 00°01'41"E Section 3. That this ordi-
da of 15` if C Ir\` A.D.2007 for a distance of 497.07 ,nance shall be in full force
} feet to the beginning of a and effect from and after its
�1 61 / non-tangent curve, adoption and publication
. 1 % Said curve turning to the ;once in the official city news-I lll✓✓✓l✓ left through an angle of 'paper.
\/ Not ublic 46°13'35",having a ra-
dius of 767.70 feet,and l Introduced:
whose long chord bears March 5,2007
S 60° 48' 56" W for a Passed:
distance of 602.72 feet. March 19,2007
Thence,S 37°15'59"W
for a distance of 254.67 1 Donnie D. Marrs,
feet to a point on a line Mayor ,
L NOTARY PUBLIC-State of Kansas 300.00 feet north of the
t South line of said South- (SEAL)
,�,-. WENDY CHROBAK east Quarter. ATTEST:
nm= My Appt.Exp. u'ZL. ' Thence,N 89°57'28"W
along said line-for a dis- Lieu Ann Elsey,
tance of 129.66 feet to CMC,City Clerk (1t)
the beginning of a non- -
tangent curve,
Said curve turning to the
left through an angle of
05° 15' 43.3", having a
radius of 770.21 feet,
and whose long chord
bears N 39°53'51"E for
a distance of 70.71 feet.
Thence,N 37°15'59"E
for a distance of 262.47
feet to the beginning of a
non-tangent curve,
Said curve turning to the
right through an angle of
52° 45' 50.3", having a
radius- of 870.21 feet,
and whose long chord
bears N 63°38'54"E for
a distance of 773.36 feet
to a point of intersection
with a non-tangential
Thence,S 89°58'11"E
for a distance of 181.97
Thence,N 00°01'49"E
for a distance of 65.00