06-10357 Affidavit of Publication
Following is a true and correct copy of Ordinance No.06-10357
together with proof of publication of the same.
(Published In The Salina any school district may a-- (e) No person shall stand
Journal September 2,2006) tablish by board policy low:r or park a vehicle in areas
ORDINANCE NUMBER maximum speed limits f.r designated as fire lanes
AFFIDAVIT 06-10357 • the operation of such di-- upon public or private prop-
AN ORDINANCE PRO- trict's school buses.The pr.- erty,"
VIDING FOR THE AMEND- vision of this subsection r:- Section 2.That the exist-
MENT OF CHAPTER 38, lating to school buses sh II ing Section 38-1 of the Sat-
1, Nicole Veatch ,being SECTION 38-1 OF THE apply to buses used for t e na Code is hereby repealed.
g SALINA CODE BY ADOPT- transportation of studen s Section 3.That this ordi-
ING THE 2006 STANDARD enrolled in community colle.- nance shall be in full force
duly sworn,declare that I am the Classified TRAFFIC ORDINANCE es or area vocation:I and effect from and after its
y AND LOCAL AMENDMENT: schools, when such busts adoption and publication
S AND REPEALING THE are transporting students o once in the official city news-
Coordinator of THE SALINA ail E or from school, or functio s paper.
JOURNAL, y news- BE•IT ORDAINED by the or activities."
Governing Body of the City (c) Amendment. Se - Introduced:Aug.28,2006
a er published at Salina,Saline County, and of Salina,Kansas: tion 85 of the Standa•d Passed:Aug.28,2006
p p p y Section 1. That Section Traffic Ordinance s
38-1 of Chapter 38 of the hereby amended to read Alan E.Jilka,Vice-Mayor
Salina Code is hereby as follows:
of general circulation in said county,which newspaper amended to read as follows: "Section 85. Stoppin (SEAL)
Standing or Parkl
"Section 38-1.Incorporat- Prohibited in Specifi-. ATTEST:
ing Standard Traffic Ordi-
has been continuously and uninterruptedly published nance. Places. Except wn:n Lieu Ann E Clerk to avoid co - CMC,City Clerk (tt)
(a) Incorporation by flict with other traffic, it
for five consecutive ears rior to first ublication Of at reference. There is in compliance with la
y p p hereby incorporated by or the directions of a pi-
reference for the pur- lice officer or official tra-'
pose of regulating traffic fic-control device,
tached notice,and that the attached within the corporate lim- person shall: ,
its of the City of Salina, (a)Stop,stand or park
Kansas, that certain vehicle:
Ordinance No. 06-10357 standard traffic ordi- (1)On the roadway si.
nance known as the of any vehicle stop.:.
'Standard Traffic Ordi- or parked at the edge it
has been correctly published in said newspaper 1 nance for Kansas Cities,' curb of a street;
34th Edition(2006),pre- (2)On a sidewalk;
pared and published in (3) Within an interse.-
times, the first publication given in book form by the League tion;
of Kansas Municipalities, (4)On a crosswalk;
Topeka, Kansas, except (5) Between a safe y
the issue of September 2 2006. as Sections 33 and 85 zone and the adjace t
contained therein are curb or within 30 feet if
modified as set forth in • points on the curb imm:-
‘—/ .J li j %j paragraphs (b) and (c) diately opposite the end.
/ l 1 below. No fewer than of a safety zone,unles.
three (3) copies of the a different length is'Ind-
/ Standard Traffic Ordi- Gated by signs or ma
54 6 nance shall be marked 'ngs:
Subscribed and sworn to before me, this or stamped'Office Copy (6) Alongside or opp.-
�, as Adopted by Ordi- site any street excay.-
nance Number 06- tion or obstruction whe
day of !� h-% + / A.D.2006 10357, with all sections stopping, standing .r
Y� or portions thereof in- parking would obstru.t
I tended to be omitted or traffic;
a(zt-t_____- changed clea rly marked (7) Upon any bridge .r
r� " to show any such orris- other elevated structpr=
Sion or change and to upon a highway or withi
Notary Public which shall be attached a highway tunnel;
a copy of this ordinance, (8) On any railroa.
and filed with the City (racks;
Clerk to be open to in- any controlled-a•-
oPe cess highway;
spection and available to (10)In the area betwe
the public at all reasona- roadways of a divid:.
ble hours. highway, includin
(b) Amendment. Sec- crossovers;
Lion 33 of the Standard (11)At any place wher:
Traffic Ordinance is official signs prohib
S NOTARY PUBLIC-State of Kansas hereby amended to read stopping;or
7. as follows: (12) Alongside the cu i
� WENDY CHROBAK "Section 33. Maximum
..: of a street where th
=-11 t'":11 My Appt.Exp.,$-22 b speed limits. curb is painted yellow.
(a) Except when a special (b) Stand or park a vehi
hazard exists that requires cle,whether occupied or n•
lower speed for compliance except momentarily to pic
with Section 32, the limits up or discharge a passeng-
specified in this section or or passengers:
established as hereinafter (1)In front of a public.
authorized shall be maxi- private driveway;
mum lawful speeds, and no (2) Within 15 feet of .:
person shall drive a vehicle fire hydrant;
at a speed in excess of such (3) Within 20 feet of .:
maximum limits: crosswalk at an intersec
(1) In any city park, fif- tion;
teen(15)miles per hour, (4) Within 30 feet upo
unless posted differently, the approach to an
in which case the maxi- flashing signal,stop sig
mum speed limit shall be or traffic-control sign.I
the posted speed limit; located at the side of th
(2) In any school zone,! roadway;
twenty.(20) miles per (5)Within 20 feet of the
hour; driveway entrance ti
(3) In any non-arterial 1 any fire station and o•
residential district, thirty the side of a street oppo
(30)miles per hour; site the entrance to an
(4)In any alley,ten(10) fire station within 75 fee
miles per hour; of said entrance, whe
(5)In all other locations, properly sign-posted;
fifty-five (55) miles per (6) At any place whe
hour, unless posted dif- official signs prohibi
ferently, in which case standing.
the maximum speed limit (c)Park a vehicle,whethe
shall be the posted occupied or not,except tem
speed limit. porarily for the purpose of
The maximum speed and while actually engage.
limits established by or in,loading or unloading prop
pursuant to this para- erty or passengers:
graph shall be of force 1 (1)Within 50 feet of the
and effect regardless of I nearest rail of a railroa.
whether signs are post- crossing;
ed giving notice thereof. I (2) At any place wher:
(b)No person shall drive a official signs prohibi
school bus to or from school,: parking.
or interschool or intraschool (d) No person shall mov
functions or activities, at a a vehicle not lawfully unde
speed in excess of the maxi- his cone}oPirFlb any'such pr.-
mum speed limits provided
in subsection(a),except that hibited area or away from :
the board of education of curb such a distance as