06-10356 Affidavit of Publication
Following is a true and correct copy of Ordinance No.06-10356
together with proof of publication of the same.
(Published In The Salina (4) Manufactur: of,
Journal September 2,2006) transportation to..r sale
06-10356 authorizeu under sub-
AN ORDINANCE sections (b)(1)' t rough
AMENDING CHAPTER 25, (b)(3) of this se on to
I, Nicole Veatch ,being ARTICLE IX, SECTION 25- possess such wea•ons.
151 OF THE SALINA CODE (c) Subsection (a)(-) and
PERTAINING TO UNLAW- (a)(5) shall not apply o nor
duly sworn,declare that I am the Classified FUL USE OF WEAPONS affect the following:
AND REPEALING EXIST- (1)Watchmen,wh le ac-
ING SECTION 25-151. tually engaged i the
Coordinator of THE SAMNA JOURNAL,a daily news- BE ORDAINED by the performance of the du-
Governing Body of Salina, ties of their employ ant; .
Kansas: (2) Licensed hunt:rs or
a er published at Salina,Saline Count Kansas,and Section 1. That Chapter i fishermen, while :ngag-
h h h y 25, Article IX, Section.25- ed in hunting or fis ing;
151 of the Salina Code is (3) Private detecti es li-
of general circulation in said county, newspaper hereby amended to read as censed by the state to
g y follows: carry the firear in-
"Sec. 25-151. Unlawful volved, while actually
has been continuously and uninterruptedly published use of weapons. engaged in me t es of
y p y p (a) Criminal use of weep- their employment
ons is knowingly: (4)Detectives or s•ecial
(1) Selling, manufactur- agents regularly em-
for five consecutive years prior to first publication of at- ing, purchasing,posses- ployed by railroad com-
sion or carrying any panies or other co•ora-
bludgeon, sandclub, tions to perform ful-time
tached notice,and that the attached metal knuckles or throw- security or investi"alive'
ing star, or any knife, service, while a•ually
commonly referred to as engaged in the dut es of
a switch-blade, which
Ordinance No. 06-10356 their employment;•
has a blade that opens I (5) The state fire mar-
automatically by hanck shal, the state fire mar-
has been correctly published in said newspaper 1 pressure applied to a button, spring or other shat s deputies o any
device in the handle of member of the fi - de-
times, the first publication given in
the knife, or any knife', partment authoriz-d to
h g having a blade that'. i carry a firearm pu suant
opens or falls or is eject- to K.S.A. Supp. 1-157
the issue of September 2 2006. ed into position by the and amendments here-
p force of gravity or by an to, while engaged in an
outward, downward, or investigation in hich
`�I centrifugal thrust or such fire marshal, .epu-
', J I U0 �)e i(C.i O movement; ty or member is a thor-
0 1 (2) Carrying concealed ized to carry a fi earm
on one's person,or pos- pursuant to K.S.'. 31-
� / sessing with intent to 157 and amend ents
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 7 A use the same unlawfully thereto.
/ against another, a deg- (6) Special deputy sher-
ger,dirk,billy,blackjack, iffs in counties over
day of y�i .111 sling shot, dangerous 100,000 populatio who
y ./ i A.D.2006 knife, straight-edged ra- have satisfactorily corn-
zor stiletto or any other plated the basic ••urse
!� dangerous or deadly of instruction requi:d for
.../L.6.."'s C weapon or instrument of permanent appoi ment
C--1-- —N\ as a part-time la en-
like character, except forcemeat officer.
Notary Public that an ordinary pocket (d) Subsection (a)(1)shall
knife with no blade more not apply to any perso who
than four inches in sells,.purchases, poss-sses
length shall not be con- or carries a firearm, •evice
strued to be a danger- or attachment which has
ous knife, or a danger- been rendered unse ices-
ous or deadly weapon or ble by steel weld i the
instrument; chamber and marriage weld
(3) Carrying on one's of the barrel to the re eiver
NOTARY PUBLIC-State 01 Kansas j person or in any land, and which has been egis-
water or air vehicle,with tered in the national fir:arms
w_ WENDY CHROBAK intent to use the same registration and transf-r re-
;�-� � unlawfully, a tear gas or cord in compliance wi h 26
1 1!= My Appt.Exp. smoke bomb or projector U.S.C. 5841 et seq. i the
or any object containing name of such person .nd, if
a noxious liquid, gas or such person transfers such
substance; firearm, device or . ach-
(4) Carrying any pistol, ment to another perso ,has
revolver or other firearm been so registered i the
concealed on one's per- transferee's name b the
son except when on the transferor.
person's land or in the (e) Subsection (a)(4)shall
person's abode or fixed not apply to any perso car-
place of business; rying a concealed weapon
(5)Transporting any fire- as authorized by secti ens 1
arm in an occupied mo- through 17, and a end-
tor vehicle, unless such ments thereto as provi•ed in
firearm is unloaded and Chapter 32 of the 200;Ses-
encased in a container sion Laws of Kansas.
which completely enclo-' (f) It shall be a d.ense
ses the firearm;or that the defendant is ithin
(6)Setting a spring gun. an exemption.
(b)Subsections(a)(1),(2), Violation of this sect on is
(3),(4),and(5)shall not ap- a Class A violation."
ply to nor affect any of the Section 2.That the exist-
following: ing Section 25-151 is hereby
(1) Law enforcement of- repealed.
ficers, or any person Section 3. That this ordi-
summoned by any such i nance shall be in full force
officers to assist in mak- 1 and effect from and a er its
ing arrests or preserving adoption and publi ation
the peace while actually once in the official city ews-
engaged in assisting paper.
such officer;
(2) Wardens, superin- Introduced:Aug.28,.006
tendents, directors, se-i Passed:Aug.28,201•
curity personnel and
keepers of prisons,pens- i Alan E.Jilka,Vice-M.yor
tentiaries,jails and other
institutions for the deten- I[SEAL]
tion of persons accused
or convicted of crime, ATTEST'
while acting within the Lieu Ann Elsey
scope of their authority; CMC,City Clerk (1t)
(3) Members of the
armed services or re-
serve forces of the Unit-
ed States or the Kansas
national guard while in
the performance of their
official duty;or