06-10335 (2) Affidavit of Publication
Following is a true and correct copy of Ordinance No. 06-10335
Revenue Code of 1986, as I Secti•n 5. Tax Cove-
together with proof of publication of the same. amended,and the applicable nants. he City covenants
regulations proposed or pro- and ag-es that it will not
. mulgated thereunder of the take an action, or fail to
United States Department of take an action, if any such
AFFIDAVIT the ury. action •r failure to take ac-
"ImproImpro vements"means the tion wo Id adversely affect
improvements referred to in the exc Sion of the interest
the preamble to this Ordi- on the ;ondslrom gross in-
1, Nicole Veatch bein Hance. 'come f•r federal income tax
g "Mayor"means the elected purposes. The City cove-
and acting Mayor of the City nants a d agrees that it will
duly declare that I am the Classified or, in the Mayor's absence, use th- proceeds of the
y sworn the appointed and/or elected Bonds :s soon as practica-
Vice or Acting Mayor of the ble an. with all reasonable
City- dispatc for the purpose for
Coordinator of THE SALINA JOURNAL,a daily news- "Ordinance" means this which t e Bonds are issued
'Ordinance authorizing the is- as pre iously set forth, and
suance of the Bonds. that it ill not directly or indi-
paper published at Salina,Saline County,Kansas,and "State"means the state of rectly se or permit the use
Kansas. of an proceeds of the
"Treasurer"means the ap-1 Bonds •r any other funds of
of general circulation in said county,which newspaper pointed and acting Treasurer the Cit,, or take or omit to
of the City or,in the Treasur- take a y action that would
er's absence, the appointed cause he Bonds to be"arbi-
has been continuously and uninterruptedly published and/or`elected Deputy or trage bonds" within the
Acting Treasurer of the City. meani g of Section 148(a)of
Section 2. Authorization 1 the C•de. To that end, the
City f
w comply with all re-
for five consecutive years prior to first publication of at- of and Security for the
Bonds. These Bonds shall quire ants of Section 148 o
be issued for the purpose of the C••e to the extent appli-
tached notice,and that the attached providing funds to pay the cable t.the Bonds.
Authorized Costs of the Im- The City covenants and
provements. I agree-that it will not use any
Ordinance No.06-10335 The Bonds shall be gener- Portio of the proceeds of
al obligations of the City pay- I the Bends, including any fin-
able as to both principal and vestm nt income earned on
interest in part from special such .roceeds,directly or in-
has been correctly published in said newspaper 1 assessments levied upon the directl , in a manner that
property benefited by the would cause any Bond to be
construction of certain im- a"pri ate activity bond"with-
times, the first publication given in provements, and, if not so in the meaning of Section
said, from ad valorem taxes 141(a of the Code.
which may be levied without Se•i•n• Further Au-
the issue of July 27 2006. limitation as to rate or other City Mayor, City
Clerk and
amount upon all the taxable are a thorized and directed
property, real and personal
7 (��� U6a1VIAwithin the The balance of the an ex-cute ake such actions as
I ///`t v the City.The balance of the they ay deem necessary or
principal of and interest on advisable in order to carry
�-,,�,h the Bonds is payable from out t e purposes of this Ordi-
Subscribed ad valorem taxes which may
Subscribed and sworn to before me, this be levied without limitation nanction 7 G•vernim
as to rate or amount upon all Law.The Ordinance and the
the taxable tangible property, Bond. shall be governed the day of t- A.I .2006 real and personal,within the and• shaped in accordance
territorial limits of the City.! with the applicable laws of
The full faith, credit and re- the^fate.
I / sources of the City are here- Se lion 8. ft ti
- v by irrevocably pledged for Date This Ordinance shall l■— the prompt payment of the
Notary Public principal of and interest on take effect and be in full
the Bonds as the same be- force from and after its pas-
come due. sag.by the governing body
Section 3. Terms. De- of th- City and publication in
tails and Conditions of the I the•fficial City newspaper.
Bonds. The Bonds shall be P'SSED by the governing
NOTARY PUBLIC•State 01 Kansas dated and bear interest,shall I bod of the City on.July 10,
*. mature and be payable at 200..
a times, shall be in such
>�= My Appt.EXP.1: forms,shall be subject to re- I(SE.L)
demption and payment prior
to the maturity thereof, and Ma or
shall be issued and delivered
in the manner prescribed A EST:
and subject to the provi- I Cit Clerk (1t)
sions,covenants and agree-
' 'Act'means the Constitu- ments set forth in a resolu-
(Published In The Salina a. South Ohio Street tidff''Srid all applicable lion hereinafter adopted by
"Journal July 27,2006) Project ufes.>Af the State ble lint the governing body of the
ORDINANCE NO.06-10335 b. St. Elizabeth Ann including City.
.AN-.-ORDINANCE AU- Seaton Roman Catholic but-not limited to K.S.A. 10-
THORIZING THE ISSU- Church Sanitary Sewer 161 etseq.,K.S.A.12-685 et Section 4. Levy and Col-
ANCE AND DELIVERY OF Improvements/Twin seq.,,_and K.S.A. 12-6a01 et lection of Annual Tax and
$88000 PRINCIPAL Oaks II Subdivision seq.•.,.all as amended and Assessments. The govern-
ing body of the City shall an-,
AMOUNT OF GENERAL c. Pioneer Presidents supplem ented. nually make provision for the
OBLIGATION INTERNAL Place and St.John's Lu-! • rathorized Cost" means
IMPROVEMENT BONDS, theran Church Improve- thrphount of expenditure payment of principal of, pre-
SERIES 2006-B, OF THE ments f4[..an Improvement which mium,if any,and interest on
hacbeen authorized to be the Bonds as the same be-
CITY. OF SALINA, KAN- d. South Marymount come due, taking into ac-
SAS, FOR THE PURPOSE Road Improvements paid-by the City by a resolu- g
flan Sr ordinance of the City, count any scheduled manda-
tory redemptions, by levying
A POR OF THE COST quirements pertaining to the leis„(1.) the amount of any and collecting the necessary
OF CERTAIN IMPROVE- Improvements have been notes-or bonds of the City taxes and/or,assessments
MENTS; PROVIDING FOR complied with, and the gov- which'are currently outstand- upon all of the taxable tangi-
THE-LEVY AND COLLEC- erning body of the City now ing"and available to pay the ble property within the City in
TION OF'AN ANNUAL TAX finds and determines that the Agiprized Cost,and(2)any the manner provided by law.
FOR THE PURPOSE OF total cost of the Improve- Authorized Costs which have The taxes and/or assess-
PAYING THE PRINCIPAL ments is at least $885,000, been previously paid by the ments referred to above
OF AND INTEREST ON to be paid by the issuance of City orby any eligible source shall be spread upon the tax
THE BONDS AS THEY BE- general obligation bonds; of 'funds unless such rolls and shall be levied and
COME DUE;AND MAKING and amounts are entitled to be collected at the same time
CERTAIN COVENANTS WHEREAS,the overnin reimbursed under State and
9 9 and in the same manner as
WITH RESPECT THERETO. body-of the City is authorized federal law. the general ad valorem taxes
WHEREAS, the City of by raW to issue general obli- 'LBOnd and Interest Fund" of the City are levied and col-
Salina,Kansas(the"City")is getiop,bonds of the City to meanthe Bond and Interest
a City of the first class,creat- pay the costs of the Improve- Fuad.ef the City for its gener- lected,and the proceeds de-
ed, organized and existing menu;and
al ebfigation bonds. rived•from the taxes and/or
under the laws of the State; 'WHEREAS,the governing 1B6fitls"means the Gener- assessments shall be depos-
ited body of the City hereby finds ail:Obligation Internal Im-I in the Bond and Interest
WHEREAS, pursuant to and-determines it is neces- Preeement Bonds, Series 1 Fund.
29068 authorized by this If at any time the taxes
se et seq.,K.S.A. sapy far the City to authorize y and/or assessments are not
12-685 et seq., and K.S.A. the-Issuance and delivery of I Ordhtance in the aggregate
ry collected in time to pay the
12-6a01 et seq., as amend- its,general obligation bonds' Pf!ncifal amount of$885,000 1 principal of or interest on the
ed and supplemented, and in..,.the principal amount of and,dated July 15,2006. 1 Bonds when due, the City
all other applicable provi- $886;000 to pay the costs of means the City of Treasurer is hereby author- -
sions of the laws of the state the-Improvements; Satins;Kansas.
P Cit Clerk"means the ap- I ized and directed to pay the
of Kansas, the governing -NOW, THEREFORE, BE y p-
body of the City has caused IL,..IiHDAINED BY THE pointed and acting City Clerk 1 Principal or interest out of the
or, in.the City Clerk's ab- general funds of the City and
the following improvements GOVGRNING BODY OF ty to reimburse the general
to be undertaken in the City THE"•'CITY OF SALINA,I Santa, the appointed and/or funds for money so expend-
(such improvements to be l/r 'S,AS FOLLOWS: elected Deputy or Acting City
t ed when the taxes and/or referred to as the "Improve- on 1. Definitions of Clerk of the City. as-
sessments are collected.
m.o�r��. •e...W_.....a r__..... "Code"means the Internal