06-10337 Affidavit of Publication
Following is a true and correct copy of Ordinance No.06-10337
together with proof of publication of the same.
(Published In The Salina (f) No .ign shall block
AFFIDAVIT Journal July 15,2006) any re• fired accessway
06-10337 1 (g) No,ign shall be at-
AN ORDINANCE tached o a tree or utility
I, Nicole Veatch being OF THE SAL NA CODE BY o public
or priva e property.
AMENDING ARTICLE X,DI- (h) e corner and
duly sworn,declare that I am the Classified VISION 1,SECTION 42-503 throug lots, each lot
PERTAINING TO SIGN line tha abuts a street or
STANDARDS. highwa shall be oonsid-
Coordinator of THE SALINA JOURNAL,a daily news- BE IT ORDAINED by the ered • separate street
Governing Body of the City frontag:.
of Salina,Kansas: (i)No etal sign shall be
published at Salina,Saline County, and Section 1. That Chapter locate• within eight (8)
paper p I� y 42 of the Salina Code is feet v rtically and four
hereby amended by amend- (4) fe:.t horizontally of
of general circulation in said county,which newspaper '"g tors in wires or conduc-
of y� Article X, Division 1,Section tors in free air carrying
42-503 which shall read as I more than forty-eight
follows: (48)volts,whether or not
has been continuously and uninterruptedly published "Sec.42-503.Sign stand- such Tres or conductors
ards. are in-ulated or other-
(a) The gross surface wise p otected.
for five consecutive years prior to first publication of at- area of a sign shall be (j)No .ign shall be main-
the sum of all surface I tained at any location
areas of all sign faces, where by reason of its
tached notice,and that the attached except that for signs de- positi• , size, shape or
signed as double faced
signs, with both faces ma y color i obstruct,im-
parallel and the distance pair, obscure, interfere
OrdlrianCe No.06 10337 between the faces does with t e view of, or be
not exceed two(2)feet, confu d with any traffic-
has been correctly published in newspaper then only one(1)face of, contro sign, signal or
y p n sa news p h er 1 the sign shall be consid- devic=, or where it may
interfe e with,mislead or
ered in determining the confu-e traffib.
times, the first publication given in gross surface area. (k) N. sign shall be lo-
When two (2) or more cated in any,vision trian-
signs are located on a gle f.med by the curb
the issue of July 15 2006. zoning lot,the gross sur- lines of any Iwo(2)inter-
face area of all signs on sectin. streets, except
the lot shall not exceed signs mounted ten (10)
WA, ,.(1` ((� a /�, the maximum allowable feet or more above the
Ci'�V J(.(,�t for the district regula- grown. whale supports
tions. For computing the do n. constitute an ob-
area of any wall sign structon. (See also sec-
S- which consists of letters, tion 4,-81).
Subscribed and sworn to before me,this .„2/ numbers and symbols (I)N. sign shall be per-
mounted or painted on a mine.to locate on public
day of t,)�L wall, the area shall be prop-rty in any district.
�. A.D.2006 deemed to be the area In the C-4 district, signs
VVV�.. of the smallest rectangu- may -xtend over public
lar figure which can en- pro.orty no farther than
compass all of the let- six a d one-half (6 1/2)
U�( )((( LL-L—s—.. tern, numbers or sym
boll. feet or to within two (2)
feet of the back of the
Notary Public (b) Sign height shall be curb,whichever distance
2 measured from ground is s alter. Any sign so
level at the base of or axle ding must be a
below the sign to the mini um of ten(10)feet
highest element of the I abov=grade.
sign. (m) 'III sighs which are
(c)'All signs must con- mor: than four (4) feet
form to the regulations
and design standards of abov-Prede shall be se-
NOTAilY PUBLIC-State of Kansas
the building code of the curet, fastened so as to
2 city and all wiring of all prey::nt movement.
WENDY CMROE3AK electrical signs must (n)A y time a sign is re-
e . conform to the electrical mov:d from its structural
IIte—r= My Appt.Exp. _--- code of the city. support, except for the
purposes 'of mainte-
(d) Illuminated signs nanc-, repair, replace-
shall be shaded wher- men repainting or
ever necessary to avoid clea ing, or due to an
direct casting of light act of God,the structural
upon property located in support shall be re-
any residential district or mov-d within twenty-four
upon any public street or (24)hours, provided fur-
park. Any ifluminated ther, that if a sign re-,
sign located on a lot ad-, mov-d for',the purposes
jacent to or across the 1 of ainterlance, repair,
street from any residen- repl.cement, repainting
tial district,which sign is or cl:aning,or due to an
visible from such resi- act of God, if not rein-
dential district, shall be stall:d within thirty (30)
illuminated only during day- of the removal,,
business hours or be- then the structural sup-
tween the hours of 7:00 port shall'be removed
a.m.and 10:00 p.m. with n twenty-four.(24)
(e) No signs with flash- hou s."
ing, pulsating or moving Section 2.That the exist-
lights or lights which cre- ing Section 42-503 of the
ate the illusion of move- Salina ode is hereby re-
; ment shall be permitted pealed.
in any residential district p Secti•n 3. that this ordi-
or in the C-1,C-2,or C-4 Hance hall be in full force
- districts.A sign whereon and eff: t frortt and after its
the current time and/or adoptio and publication
temperature is indicated once in he official city news-
by intermittent lighting is
permitted in all districts paper.
except residential dis- Intro.uced:
tricts. Computer-operat- Jun-26,2006
ed electronic message Pas-ed:
signs are permitted in all July 0,2006
districts except resider.-
tial, C-1, and C-2 dis- {SEAL}
tricts. No signs with ATTEST:
moving parts, revolving
beacons,strobe lights or Donnie I.Marrs
signs which emit an au- Mayor
dible sound shall be per-
miffed in any district. Lieu Ann Elsey
CMC,Ci Clerk (1t)